z196 and z/Manager (URM)

2011-04-04 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)

We are planning for a z196 Enterprise Processor. I was wondering specifical=
ly about z/Manager. I know this is being touted as the Hub of this new Ente=
rprise Processor.  I also know that a lot of work on behalf of z/VM and z/L=
inux was done in this area. I understand that z/Manager contains ensembles =
that allow for z/VM and z/Linux workload management. It is suppose to have =
the look and feel like WLM for z/OS.  This is something I have hoping for. =
Hopefully there is meat with the potatoes!

What have been some of the experiences with z/Manager to date. Is it truly =
a Workload Manager in the way of WLM on z/OS? What have been the experience=
s with working with the HMC to control z/Manager? Is the HMC accessible via=
 the network, VPN etc.?


At a high level, view the presentation at this URL:


Watch the line split in copy/paste.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

RSCS CTCA between a first and second level system...

2011-02-07 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I need to transfer some files between a first and second level system, and
tried to define an RSCS CTCA connection, but when I try to start the
connection, the see each other, but immediately shut down the link. The
second level connection gets the following messages:

DMTCMY700I Activating link POLAR NJE line=AA20 class=* queueing=priority
DMTNET141I Line AA20 ready for connection to link POLAR
DMTNET142I Link POLAR line AA20 dataset ready
DMTNET951I Sign-off record received -- link POLAR being deactivated
DMTNET143I Link POLAR line AA20 disabled
DMTMAN002I Link POLAR deactivated
DMTCMY700I Activating link POLAR NJE line=AA20 class=* queueing=priority
DMTNET141I Line AA20 ready for connection to link POLAR

And the first level system gets the following:

DMTCMY700I Activating link NPOLAR NJE line=AA20 class=* queueing=priority
DMTNET141I Line AA20 ready for connection to link NPOLAR
DMTNET142I Link NPOLAR line AA20 dataset ready
DMTNCR916E Invalid NJE signon connection record received -- link NPOLAR is
being deactivated
DMTNET143I Link NPOLAR line AA20 disabled
DMTMAN002I Link NPOLAR deactivated

Definition for Second level in the first level is defined as:

Definition for the first level in the second is:

The CTCAs are cross connected.
for rscs cmd q v aa20
RSCS : HCPFOR069I Command Complete.  CP return code = .
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 10:13:05

There has to be something simple I'm missing here, but (obviously) I'm
missing it. Any help appreciated.

As others have alluded to, you need to make sure the linkdefine name
on one side, matches the RSCS node name as defined in the LOCAL statement
of the RSCS configuration file on the other side.

This appears to be a node name mismatch

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: DDR multivolume tape as output

2010-12-02 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Oops, my mistake. File corrupted during file transfer when uploading.
Now, testing

1. Att d1f * 181
2. DFSMSRM mount cat scratch0 (redev d1f

3. DDTEST1 DR A looks like this:





4. pipe ddr ddrtest1 ddr a ! tape tap1 wtm



DUMPING DATA  12/02/10 AT 09.49.54  GMT FROM 610RES



FPLTAP291E End of tape on TAP1

FPLMSG003I ... Issued from stage 2 of pipeline 1

FPLMSG001I ... Running tape tap1 wtm

HCPDDR226E Unexpected EOF while reading/writing to PIPE


So I'm back in the original problem, how to get the following output tapes
mounted ?

I do not think this will solve the problem, however, the original
attach command should be:

Att d1f * 181 multi

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: DDR multivolume tape as output

2010-11-30 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
If you are issuing the DDR command from MAINT, first select
a free device and attach it to maint using the MULTIuser attach

Then from another ID that is authorized to issue the DFSMSRM
command, issue:


where  is the device you already attached to MAINT.

When the first tape is full, go to the second ID and issue the
mount command again.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Unfortunatelly this did not help.

I made the mount as Kris suggested, then started my DDR session.

Got HCP704E   DEVICE rdev!vdev NOT OPERATIONAL  (because rdev is not atta=
ched to my DDR-user, I think)

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On Beh=
alf Of Kris Buelens
Sent: 30. marraskuuta 2010 10:53
Subject: Re: DDR multivolume tape as output

I've got no experience with DFSMRM
But, what about:
executed from another userid, and  is the real devioce number of the ta=
pe MAINT has gotten as 181
(info gotten via HELP DFSMS)

2010/11/30 Janne Jarvinen janne.jarvi...@logica.commailto:janne.jarvi...@=

I'm a z/OS person and have some diffuculties to uderstand how to use VTS
tapes in z/VM environment, hopefully get some help from this forum.

How to mount the second DDR dump-tape under VM?

Want to DUMP my SYSRES to tape:


DGTUIR2026I DFSMS request 84 accepted for
Ready; T=3D0.01/0.01
 10:24:24  * MSG FROM RMSMASTR:FSMBCR2120I Request 84 complete; volume
 02, category SCRATCH0, mounted on device 0D3F in library
 10:24:24  * MSG FROM RMSMASTR:FSMBEC2125I Request 84: device 0D3F
 to MAINT as 0D3F; access mode =3D


3. After writing the first tape full, DDR want's the second one.
How to mount it? The rdev d3f is attached to MAINT, so can't mount from
another machine/user. MAINT is in DDR session so can't mount from there

4. The tapesystem is VTS using 3584 library.
Any ideas how to get the following output tapes mounted?
(I tested DDR output parm altape to write two tapes but then third tape was=

required and there I was again ... )

z/VM 5.1 on z196

2010-11-24 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
The question came up today as to whether z/VM 5.1 will run on a z196. I know
there are no 5.1 PTF's available for z196 support.
How about z/VM 5.4, will it run WITHOUT the z196 PTF's?...
Any guesses? or experiences?

As z/VM 5.1 was never tested on a z196 we cannot provide an outlook of
how it will behave.  However, given the nature of changes made to
z/VM 5.4 and 6.1 to support z196, you may encounter unexpected,
undesirable side effects.

Given upgrading to z/VM 5.4, or better yet 6.1, is straight forward,
why not pursue this avenue rather than rely on knowns?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: APARs and PTFs for the z196

2010-11-05 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I thought VM64798, VM64879, and VM64881 were the only APARs needed for
z196 compatibility for z/VM 5.4.

You are 6.1 so maybe it is different.

But if not, I better find out fast.

The above lists the minimum CP APARs (for 5.4 and 6.1) required to apply
prior to IPLing on a z196.  Mike is listing CMS, PerfKit, and
pre-requisite APARs.

Since the above list was generated, CP APAR VM64891 should also be
applied.  Also, to add to Mike's pre-requisite list below, VM64818.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Hello list,

I'm trying to verify that I've got all the latest service for the z196. I
start with a z/VM 6.1 system that is up to the latest RSU, service level

== q cplevel
z/VM Version 6 Release 1.0, service level 1002 (64-bit)
Generated at 11/05/10 13:53:17 EDT
IPL at 11/05/10 14:50:40 EDT

Then, disregarding HCD and HCM, I believe the list of APARs to apply is
VM64774 VM64798 VM64879 VM64881 VM64793 VM64820 VM64814 VM64807 VM64799.

I order them from ShopZseries and SERVICE ALL/PUT2PROD them. I SHUTDOWN
REIPL then write and run a short EXEC to verify:

== type check910 exec

/* EXEC to check for z196 PTFs */
'service cp status VM64774'
'service cp status VM64798'
'service cp status VM64879'
'service cp status VM64881'
'service cp status VM64793'
'service perftk status VM64820'
'service cp status VM64814'
'service cms status VM64799'

== check910
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started
VMFSRV1226I CP (6VMCPR10%CP) APAR VM64774 (PTF UM33169) status:
VMFSRV1226IRECEIVED  11/05/10 13:52:51
VMFSRV1226IAPPLIED   11/05/10 13:52:52
VMFSRV1226IBUILT 11/05/10 13:53:57
VMFSRV1226IPUT2PROD  11/05/10 13:55:55
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started
VMFSRV1226I CP (6VMCPR10%CP) APAR VM64798 (PTF UM33153) status:
VMFSRV1226IRECEIVED  11/05/10 13:13:20
VMFSRV1226IAPPLIED   11/05/10 13:13:22
VMFSRV1226IBUILT 11/05/10 13:15:43
VMFSRV1226IPUT2PROD  11/05/10 13:19:25
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started
VMFSRV1226I CP (6VMCPR10%CP) APAR VM64879 (PTF UM33172) status:
VMFSRV1226IRECEIVED  11/05/10 13:52:51
VMFSRV1226IAPPLIED   11/05/10 13:52:52
VMFSRV1226IBUILT 11/05/10 13:53:57
VMFSRV1226IPUT2PROD  11/05/10 13:55:55
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started
VMFSRV1226I CP (6VMCPR10%CP) APAR VM64881 (PTF UM33184) status:
VMFSRV1226IRECEIVED  11/05/10 13:52:51
VMFSRV1226IAPPLIED   11/05/10 13:52:52
VMFSRV1226IBUILT 11/05/10 13:53:57
VMFSRV1226IPUT2PROD  11/05/10 13:55:55
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started
VMFSRV1226I CP (6VMCPR10%CP) APAR VM64793 (PTF UM33093) status:
VMFSRV1226IRECEIVED  11/05/10 13:13:20
VMFSRV1226IAPPLIED   11/05/10 13:13:22
VMFSRV1226IBUILT 11/05/10 13:15:43
VMFSRV1226IPUT2PROD  11/05/10 13:19:25
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started
VMFSRV1226I PERFTK (6VMPTK10%PERFTK) APAR VM64820 (PTF UM33158) status:
VMFSRV1226IRECEIVED  11/05/10 13:53:24
VMFSRV1226IAPPLIED   11/05/10 13:53:25
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started
VMFSRV1226I CP (6VMCPR10%CP) APAR VM64814 (PTF UM33148) status:
VMFSRV1226IRECEIVED  11/05/10 13:13:20
VMFSRV1226IAPPLIED   11/05/10 13:13:22
VMFSRV1226IBUILT 11/05/10 13:15:43
VMFSRV1226IPUT2PROD  11/05/10 13:19:25
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing started
VMFSRV1226I CMS (6VMCMS10%CMS) APAR VM64799 (PTF UM33141) status:
VMFSRV1226IRECEIVED  11/05/10 13:52:36
VMFSRV1226IAPPLIED   11/05/10 13:52:37
VMFSRV1226IBUILT 11/05/10 13:53:57
VMFSRV1226IPUT2PROD  11/05/10 13:55:55
VMFSRV2760I SERVICE processing completed successfully

Does this sound right?

Re: z/VM 5.4 RSU Level For z/196 support

2010-09-28 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I thought VM64879 was only for z/VM 6.1 and the other 2 were for z/VM5.4.

All three APARs, VM64798, VN64879, and VM64881 are applicable to both
z/VM 5.4 and 6.1.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: What is the z/VM 5.4 Compatibility PTF for z196?

2010-09-22 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Also you want to check PSP on IBMLink and look for 2817DEVICE and see what =
recent stuff is needed for that system type (or whatever one you are instal=

Please ensure, before bringing up z/VM 5.4 or 6.1 on a z196, that
the following APARs have been applied:  VM64798, VM64879  (not a typo),
and VM64881

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

RSCS in the base VM

2010-06-24 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
We are running z/VM Version 4.3.  What functionality of RSCS was
included in the base at that point?  Where can I go to find this?

That would have been RSCS 3.2.  You can find more details of what is
available as part of the 'base', i.e. does not require a license,
at url:


Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: DFSMS install

2010-05-27 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I'm confused.
The DFSMS program directory has a note
Critical Information
The 500  5FF minidisk must be 3380 dasd.  Emphasis IBM's.
mdisk 0500 3380 001 001 $$ MR
mdisk 0500 3380 001 001 $$ MR

Yet the sample directory entries provided in VSM221B  PLANINFO have 3390
as the devtype.
mdisk 0500 3390 001 001 $$ MR
mdisk 0500 3390 001 001 $$ MR

Is the program directory incorrect or is the provided sample incorrect?
 Does it really matter?

The program directory is correct, these parking disk definitions need
to be 3380 for minidisk management.

In addition, we are looking at updating the PRODPART file (which creates
the PLANINFO) in a future SDO refresh for DFSMS.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS: Printing to Ricoh Copier with LPR

2010-04-15 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
/* Sample DIAGD4 EXEC */
Use DIAG D4 to change spool ownerid to original owner.

/*  Do a QUERY RDR to find OWNERID  */

ownerid = Left(ownerid,8)  /* Who sent us spool file */
target  = Left(Userid(),8) /* Machine name this EXEC is running in */
Address Command 'DIAGD4' target ownerid
If Rc /= 0 Then Say 'DIAGD4 had a return code =' Rc

Are you able to change the origin user ID within the spool file
updated with Diag D4?

Has the use of DIAGD4 resolved the situation?  Is the correct origin
user ID passed on the P control file record?  Does the daemon find
this and authenticate properly?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS: Printing to Ricoh Copier with LPR

2010-04-15 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
 Do you have a sample of an LPRZONE exit or configuration file?

The LPRXONE ASSEMBLE source is on the install ID's 2B3 minidisk.
The sample LPRXONE configuration file is LPREXITS CONFSAMP on the
install ID's 406 minidisk.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS: Printing to Ricoh Copier with LPR

2010-04-14 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
  The problem that we have is that some of the prints come from a CMS
users rdr. The originid is what actually gets passed. If the report came
from the vse system to the CMS user, then the origin id is the name of
the VSE guest, and that can't be changed that I can see. We would need
to somehow alter the origin id in order to be able to have a valid user
id. We need to have each print job tied to a specific person and not a
vm guest name.

As others have suggested, you can use Diagnose x'F8' to change a CMS
users spool file origin information.  From VSE, do you have an NJE
link defined to RSCS?  If so, I believe you can specify origin
information when you submit the job to VSE.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS: Printing to Ricoh Copier with LPR

2010-04-14 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Are you able to change the origin user ID within the spool file
updated with Diag D4?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

I checked my code and I'm using DIAG D4.

  The problem that we have is that some of the prints come from a CMS
users rdr. The originid is what actually gets passed. If the report came
from the vse system to the CMS user, then the origin id is the name of
the VSE guest, and that can't be changed that I can see. We would need
to somehow alter the origin id in order to be able to have a valid user
id. We need to have each print job tied to a specific person and not a
vm guest name.

As others have suggested, you can use Diagnose x'F8' to change a CMS
users spool file origin information.  From VSE, do you have an NJE
link defined to RSCS?  If so, I believe you can specify origin
information when you submit the job to VSE.

Re: RSCS: Printing to Ricoh Copier with LPR

2010-04-13 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
LPRXONE passes the user ID of the print job origin in the p control
file record.  Is this being used by the Ricoh?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

We have pretty much the same setup. However, we have a need to pass a
person's userid to the Ricoh. Our printers are setup with the badge
swipecard reader and we need to be able to pass a userid. We are currently
the LPRXONE. If there is another that supports an actual userid, i would
be willing to switch to test. We also are using RSCS to TCPIP/LPR to the

On Wed, 7 Apr 2010 10:47:28 -0400, Fran Hensler f...@zvm.sru.edu wrote:

On Tue, 06 Apr 2010 15:30:27 EDT Fran Hensler f...@zvm.sru.edu said:
We have various models of Ricoh copiers around campus to which we have

been sending print from RSCS Networking Version 3, Release 2.0-0201.

Recently authorization codes were installed on some of them.  Without
the use of this code the print just goes into the bit bucket.
So from RSCS everything looks normal but nothing prints.

On the Ricoh Customer Help page http://tinyurl.com/yf2mtku
there is a question:
   How do I add a user code when printing from a Unix command line?
and the answer is:
   You may add a user code to a Unix print job by adding -o usercode=
command line.

   For example:

   lp -d restricted_printer -o usercode=3D12345 /etc/hosts

My question:
   Is there any way to get RSCS to send the usercode?  What PARM
statement would I use?

On Tue, 6 Apr 2010 20:42:49 -0400 Les Geer (607-429-3580) said:
Which RSCS LPR exit are you using?  LPRXONE does not currently include
the -o record in the control file sent to the printer.  You would need
to modify the exit to add it.  Unsure if the printer would accept
a usercode via a PCL or postscript command.  If so, then you could add
it via the prefix eparm.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Les -

I tried
*usercode=3D34043404 in ASCII
   EPARM=3D'S=3DN PREFIX=3D75736572636F653D3334303433343034'
and Exit LPRXONE took it but it didn't work.

I found a solution at: http://tinyurl.com/yk5vveh

The Ricoh configuration can specify unrestricted users by IP
address.  I entered the IP address of the mainframe and I'm now
able to print with RSCS LPR.

Thanks to Les Geer and David Boyes for offering possible

mailto:f...@zvm.sru.edu  http://zvm.sru.edu/~fjh  +1.724.738.2153
  Yes, Virginia, there is a Slippery Rock

RSCS: Printing to Ricoh Copier with LPR

2010-04-06 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
We have various models of Ricoh copiers around campus to which we have
been sending print from RSCS Networking Version 3, Release 2.0-0201.

Recently authorization codes were installed on some of them.  Without
the use of this code the print just goes into the bit bucket.
So from RSCS everything looks normal but nothing prints.

On the Ricoh Customer Help page http://tinyurl.com/yf2mtku
there is a question:
   How do I add a user code when printing from a Unix command line?
and the answer is:
   You may add a user code to a Unix print job by adding -o usercode= to the 
 command line.

   For example:

   lp -d restricted_printer -o usercode=12345 /etc/hosts

My question:
   Is there any way to get RSCS to send the usercode?  What PARM
statement would I use?

Which RSCS LPR exit are you using?  LPRXONE does not currently include
the -o record in the control file sent to the printer.  You would need
to modify the exit to add it.  Unsure if the printer would accept
a usercode via a PCL or postscript command.  If so, then you could add
it via the prefix eparm.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Crypro Express on z/VM 5.3

2009-11-23 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Our TPF developers have developed a sudden urge for their virtual machines
to use Crypto Express. Since this is a new topic to me, where can I find a
tutorial on the care and feeding of the Crypto Express2 features that will
be installed on the machine? In addition, I see that both 5.3 and 5.4
are specific in stating that Crypto Express 2 is only supported by zLinux
and z/OS guests. Is there anything that would preclude its being used
by zTPF guests?

We are currently running z/VM 5.3 on a z9. In early Jan, we will be on
a shiny new z10 but will still be running 5.3 for whatever time it takes
to install and test 6.1.

z/VM 5.3 and higher supports Crypto Express2 (and as of Friday Crypto
Express3) for any guest exploitation.  Not just Linux and z/OS.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: SFS and CP Question

2009-11-12 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
No, I mean that when sending a command to a different node, the RSCS CRI
acts exactly like the FOR command. Instead of capturing the response and
returning it with the CRI headings, it gives the user an immediate rc=0
and allows the responses to be returned as asynchronous messages from
the other node. In other words, using CRI to send a command to another
node is a useless exercise.

Try using CRI to send a very simple command to another node, something
like CP QUERY TIME if the other node is VM or $DA if z/OS. Then try doing
the equivalent command on the local node and you will see the difference.
On the local node, the responses are returned dressed in their full CRI
regalia, instead of being asynchronous messages.=20

RSCS does not use underlying CP facilities when sending a command from
one node to another.  Instead, NJE protocols are used for the command
and response.  The command complete from RSCS is for the MSG/CMD command,
not whatever is bundled within MSG or CMD.  The only time RSCS would
issue CP FOR (or CP FORWARD) is if a user actually issued this via the
RSCS CP command.
The RSCS CRI behavior should not have changed with z/VM 5.3, it should
be behaving the same way on older levels of z/VM.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development


2009-10-15 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
We have an exec that retrieves responses from RSCS using the CRI. In the
past, it could issue JES commands (e.g. $DA or $DN,ALL) to an MVS system and
return the response from MVS to a stem. One of our users has run into a
problem - it gets an immediate End of command response message without
including any of the response. The response from MVS is then directed to
the console instead of the CRI. Is this due to changes to RSCS or is it
something being done differently in MVS, and what will it take to fix it?

which has gotten no reply. Further testing shows that the same is true
for CP, CMS and GCS commands sent to other VM systems. This narrows down
the question of which has changed to one possibility, RSCS. The question
of whether it is a new feature or an unintended consequence remains. If
the latter, I  will open a PMR. If the former, I will have to SET
CPCONIO IUCV  to trap the responses. And it will create the problem of
determining when the response is complete. So which is it?

It probably would be best to open a PMR and work with use away from the

Some questions for you in the interim.

1) What is the CRI prefix that you are using?
2) I believe a year or so ago I worked on something that sounds vaguely
   like this.  Although that was with a spool file.  The problem had to
   do with hopping between two RSCS networks.  Can you provide an
   example of the command and what the RSCS network looks like please.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development


2009-09-10 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Make sure you have followed all the RACF steps in the DFSMS/VM planning
guide under section 'Using RACF/VM'
That would include the RACF/VM requirements, Setting up RACF/VM,
permitting RMSMASTR UPDATE authority to the ICHCONN profile in the
FACILITY class, and all the RMS user RACF profiles.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Did you do the SETROPS (or whatever the RACF refresh command is)?

Yesterday I attempted to configure RACF to control access to DFSMS/RM
because of some errors that were being generated in RMSMASTR. Up until
this point, things worked, but I was getting a strange error code that
I've contacted IBM about. But my question to the list is this:

After working through the instructions on page 42 of the DFSMS/RM
Planning Guide, I am now unable to get VMTAPE to talk to RMS. When
VMTAPE starts, it displays the following errors:

10:24:50 VMTAPE   000 VMTRMS000I Sending to RMS master: FSMRMQLB DEV
10:24:50 VMTAPE   000 VMTRMS998I CSL Call Info: Returncode= 8
Reasoncode= 0
10:24:50 VMTAPE   000 VMTRMS998I RMS Cmd Reply: Returncode= 8
Reasoncode= 12
10:24:50 VMTAPE   000 VMTRMS931E RMS error: Request=FSMRMQLB RC=8
10:24:50 VMTAPE   000 VMTRMS931E RMS error: Request=FSMRMQLB RC=8

I have defined a RACF generic profile called STGADMIN.RM.* which I
thought would allow VMTAPE (who is a member of the group STGADMIN) to
access tape drives controlled by RMSMASTR.  Being new to RACF, I am not
sure if I've missed a step or not.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks in advance,
Dave Keeton

Multiple VTS libraries - RMSMASTR VGLIBSRV

2009-09-04 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
We are trying to add an additional VTS library to one of our z/VM systems
running VSE guests.  I have made the updates to the RMCONFIG DATA (Add the
new drives) and DGTVCNTL DATA (Add additional RM_AUTO_LIBRARY)in
include the new library name and updated FSMRMVGC EXEC to add the
additional drives to the DRIVE_LIST_3490 variable.  This seems to be the
only required updates, yet when the VSE guest submits their jobs, the
VGLIBSRV console shows the following -

10:49:32.232091 New request type: QS CID= RID=VSE3SBX
10:49:32.267682 QS request complete. ID=0  RC=8 Reason=5026
10:49:32.325331 New request type: MV CID=0001 RID=VSE3SBX
10:49:32.326188 MV request complete. ID=0  RC=8 Reason=5026

That reason code says

5026Library not known   The library name specified in a request is
not found in the VGS library configuration file LIBCONFG LIST A. Update or
correct this file and retry the request.
With the one library defined, we have no issues at all with the drives
being attached to the VSE guest.  Only when trying to define the new VTS.

Once all the data is migrated, we will delete the old addresses.

What am I missing ??

Jeff Forte

If you have recycled RMS and VGS after making the configuration
changes, then it appears VGS is not able to determine the library
the drive being queried is in.  Set the VGS trace_level = 9 and
see which drive the QS request fails for and see if it is in the
correct drive_list configuration statement.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Help with LIBRCMS...

2009-08-20 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
...anyone been down this road lately?

I'm attempting to install the LIBRCMS package (from the z/VM Downloads

1)  Everything has been cataloged
2)  Server is running
3)  Directory entry for CMS user has been modified (IUCV stuff)
4)  Issue LIBREDIT and receive:

STN009E APPC/IUCV Error. Reason code =2
   Abstract of reason codes:

  01Interrupt handler error
  02Connection to *IDENT error
  03Server in use. Try again in a few seconds
  04Resource ownership lost
  05Cannot be terminated normally
  06Receive Data error
  07Send data error
  For more details, please refer to the documentation
Ready(2); T=0.01/0.01 11:50:27


Does the CMS user ID have the following directory entries?


Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development


2009-08-06 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I have VTS running on VM 5.2.0 . If I have DFSMS ,VGLIBSRV,RMSMASTR defined
on a USER pack  (E21w01) should i not be able to install VM 5.3 and take
a copy of e21W01 and get it to work with 2nd level VM 5.3 ?  I have not
been involved in this for some time  but it seems I missed something ?=

Yes that should work, however remember you will need to add the
directory statement to the user ID first level that will IPL your second
level guest.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: z/VM 6.1 and Hercules on Z9

2009-07-28 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
 We are licensed to run z/VM 5.x on our z9. I do not believe there is a
 restriction that it must be the host system in a lpar thus running lpar
 - vm - linux - hercules - vm is quite legal. I am trying to asertain
 should I bother going to our procurment people to ask them to talk to IBM
 about licensing z/VM 6.1 for the z9.

I would not make the assumption that it is legal, I would have your =
purchasing department check with IBM.  The Terms and Condition that =
accompany any software need to be examined very carefully before doing =
something like this.

Neither would I make the assumption z/VM 6.1 will run on a z9

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: Postscript printing with RSCS and TCPIP

2009-06-30 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I notice you are trying to connect to port 9100 instead of 515 at the
printer (or print server).  Is there an LPR deamon running at this
port.  Try changing the definition to 515 and see if the problem
still persists.

The trace I am referring to is an RSCS link trace rather than a
TCP/IP trace

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Hello Les,

I was looking through the handover from Dick. I have tried the EOT=N but no
luck either.

The parms now look like:


Also I have created a similar link using LRPXONE but this also gives the
same result. In both cases the attempt results in:

DMTLPR083E Socket error on link P002NT request=Recv

DMTLPR083E return code=- 1 error number=1009 (Call cancelled)

DMTLPR193I Link P002NT disconnecting from host port

I have traced TCPIP to see if I can find some obvious error but I don't know
quite what to look for in the output of TRACE MOST.

Regards, Berry.

Re: Postscript printing with RSCS and TCPIP

2009-06-26 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Hello Les,
It did not work.
Perhaps I miss something in the TCPIP environment.
May be you have an example what parameters I need for the TCPIP.

Next try adding EPARM 'EOT=No'
This will cause the exit to stop sending an end of transmission character
after the separator page and data file.
If that doesn't work, trace the link to see how much is actually sent to
the printer.

For plain text files, the LPRXPSE exit wraps a postscript program
around it.  There could be something in this program the printer does
not like.  Do you know what level of postscript the printer supports?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Postscript printing with RSCS and TCPIP

2009-06-25 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Try adding EH=N to the link EPARM.  This will stop the error handler from
being sent to the printer.  Perhaps this is causing problems within the
Are you trying to print plain text or a postscript file?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

We have a department printer to which I want to print CMS members.
The LPR TCPIP commands like LPRSET, LPR, LPQ and LPRM works fine.
It is also possible to use RSCS as a printserver but the combination of
RSCS printing over TCP/IP is not a lucky one till now.
When I send a print the defined printer has in RSCS a connect status and
the printer file has the status of sending.
When I send a file to the printer (a HP laserjet 9040mfp) the lights
receiving data/finish are turning on and off repetively and no one when
can reach that printer untill the printer attempt is canceled by RSCS.
15:51:04 DMTLPR193I Link P002NT connecting to host xxx.yyy.zzz 9100
printer NLEFFP2BBR

15:51:24 DMTLPR083E Socket error on link P002NT request=Recv
15:51:24 DMTLPR083E return code=- 1 error number=1009 (Call cancelled)
15:51:24 DMTLPR193I Link P002NT disconnecting from host xxx.yyy.zzz port
9100 printer NLEFFP2BBR .
I have the port defined with the obey command . The follwing RSCS
definitions are made in the RSCS CONFIG file:

I have tried a lot of combinations but nothing works.
Who has the missing link?.


2009-06-07 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I suddenly started getting the following messages when RSCS sends output to a
certain network printer.


Thinking that perhaps the IP was changed (network gurus don't always inform
MF about everything...) , I tried pinging
the printer and turning it off. The ping started to timeout, so I guess the
IP is correct.
Then I restarted the printer in RSCS (but the actual machine remained turned
off) - and
I *still* get Permission Denied!! So, obviously it can't be coming from the
printer, right?

Can anyone explain what does this message mean?

RSCS is not authorized to bind to ports 721-731 within the VM TCP/IP
stack.  You either need to add RSCS to the PORT statement for ports
721-731 in the TCPIP configuration, or change the RSCS link parm
to use SECURE=NO so RSCS will not use a restricted port (note some
printer deamons force the use of 721-731).

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

DFSMS and PPF overrides.

2009-05-31 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I've installed VM 5.4.  I am trying to install DFSMS.  I want to install
the whole product DFSMSVM.  If I do this, I have to create a PPF
override, which deletes the BASE5 file (LE).

My first attempt was to name my override file the same as the PPF file
shipped by IBM.  That name would be VSM221B .  My override file would
reside on my A disk, IBM's file will reside on MAINT's  51D disk.   I
issue the VMFPPF command and it goes down in flames.  Obviously, I am
not supposed to use the same name that IBM uses.  So, I rename my $PPF
file to SRG221B $PPF, run VMFPPF again, and it completes with a return
code of 0 (zero).  I now have a SRG221B  PPF file on my A disk.  The
changes are in it, i.e. BASE5 has been deleted, but the number of
records fall way short of the IBM VSM221B  PPF, 195 vs. 591.  What am I
supposed to do with this SRG221B  PPF file I created?  Do I use it
during the VMFINS INSTALL process instead of IBM's default?  Does VMFINS
or something auto-magically munge the two files together?  Do I trust
the force  that everything will work ok?

I thought that the VMFPPF would update IBM's  VSM221B, but it doesn't.
Reading the VMSES/E Intro and Ref. manual doesn't shed much light on
what to do.

Then I found out about the Make Override Panel(s), thinking that I could
make my changes with it.  However, I can't figure out how to start up
the panels.

The VSM221B $PPF contains four compnames.  When you compiled your
override, it was for only one of the four compnames, which is all
VMPPF will compile.  Hence the smaller size of your PPF.
You should be good to use that PPF for installing DFSMS.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

VTS issues

2009-05-10 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I am having severe performance degradation issues with a VTS running in a
3494 B10 and I am not able to find resources to help determine the cause.
The hardware looks solid and the zVM software seems running smooth. Virtual
volume mounting time is excessive to say the least.
This is under zVM 5.3 and zVSE 4.1.
Any leads or clues will be greatly appreciated.

Is fast ready defined on the VTS?  Have you had a CE investigate?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: I need to assemble RSCS exits

2009-05-06 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
If is very probably the local RSCS exits were written long enough ago
that an older assembler will work just fine.  Since you were able to
assemble cleanly this is most likely the case.  And yes, you do need to
reassemble the older exits with RSCS FL530 or FL540 otherwise they will

I hope you are still licensed for RSCS 3.2 and have obtained an RSCS
FL540 license as well.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Yes, we are fully licensed for RSCS.  I realize that the timing could have
been better, but I didn't order the new release.  That was done by my
predecessor, who quit suddenly.  For legal reasons I can't contact that

Regardless, I am now in the situation I'm in.  In looking back on our old
system, I don't think the exits were re-assembled; rather they were re-
linkedited.  The TEXT files have a pretty old date, but the EXITLIB LOADLIB
is much more recent.

The option to use the new FL540 of RSCS came from IBM from an ETR I
opened.  Not their first piece of advice.

This morning I compared my newly-created TEXT files from my assemble and
except for the date they are the same, so the assembler seemed to work.

I'm fairly certain these exits are in use.  I used a tool called Track to
look at RSCS virt storage on our 5.2 system, because I was also curious

about that.  It shows:

Base=  Real address=0001B2F99400

Vaddr Offset Hex   Ebcdic
4400 +004400  1000 C5E7C9E3 D3C9C240 *

4410 +004410 D3D6C1C4 D3C9C240   *LOADLIB *

The EXITLIB LOADLIB is the customized library.

Dave, thanks for pointing me to the Exit manual.  I did manage to find the
correct PROFILE GCS on the 5.2 system and it does indeed point to EXITLIB.
I'm new enough that I still have trouble locating proper files.

The Exit manual also mentions the HLASM several times.  Alan, I understand
the reasoning behind using modern assemblers, but I spent more time than I
needed to trying to figure out why I couldn't use the one specified in the

Thanks again for your responses.  I'll let you know if I have any sort of

Re: What WWPN do we use

2009-05-06 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
 Then we have to add the WWPN to to device
 We are not sure what WWPN to use
 On the switch or on the SAN itself
 And how do we get to the WWPN to display (In other words where do we
 find it)
 It seems there are different WWPN all over the place

FYI, new announcement this week that z10 will be updated to include WWPN
prediction tool (guessing on ResourceLink) so that SAN switches can be
configured prior, even, to delivery of the box.

Yes the WWPN prediction tool will be available via ResourceLink.
There will also be an HCD update (z/OS and z/VM) provided which will
allow I/O device information to be extracted from the IODF as input
into the WWPN prediction tool.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS Connections

2009-04-26 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Hmm. If it truly doesn't matter which node things run on, this might be
worth trying:

Define a link to MVS1 with 7 streams. Define links to each node of the plex
with 1 stream each. Put all the links into a group called MVSPLEX.  ROUTE

What I think should happen is that the file will be queued onto the first
link in the group that has an open stream, which will normally be MVS1, and
you get the behavior you originally described. If all streams on MVS1 are
busy, RSCS should select one of the other links and queue it directly to on
of the execution nodes that has a open stream for transmission.

This should get you the behavior you want most of the time, and also remove
the MVS1 front-end system as both a bottleneck and a single point of failur
in the configuration -- if link MVS1 fails, there are no streams available,
and the jobs will (more slowly) get distributed to the execution systems

Admittedly, I haven't tried it, but it seems like it should work. Les, am I
totally misunderstanding how link groups work?

I haven't looked through the code which handles how files are queued
and transmitted in any great detail.  However, what you describe
sounds reasonable.  In your MVSPLEX example, MVS1 must be first
in the group list so it will always be picked.  Keep in mind the file
is queued on each link.  The first link to be free and dispatched
will process the file.  This may not always work as intended based
on how busy the MVS1 link is.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS Connections

2009-04-23 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Following David Boyes' example= set up something like:






I don't believe that will meet Richard's requirement.  This defines
MVS1 as a group of two nodes, MVS1A and MVS1B.  All files for
MVS1 will flow over these two links.
Looking at the documentation, I don't see a good automated way to
achieve Richard's goal.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

ts1120 e05 encryption z/VM transparent guest support for z/VSE

2009-03-07 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Looking for validation of required maintenance to support TS1120 E05
encryption in IBM 3584 library for z/VSE 4.1.x.
In customer environment, the encryption will be done from z/VSE.
In the disaster recovery environment, z/VSE 4.1.x  will be recovered as a
guest under z/VM 5.3.0.

IBM Systems Storage tape encryption solutions redbook states that
PTF for APAR VM64062 is required for DFSMS/VM support for z/VSE guests.

Please confirm if this apar is required for DR environment. The production

environment is z/VSE native, no z/VM.

The TS1120 does not provide full librarian functionality therefore
the Removable Media Services (RMS) component of DFSMS/VM does not
support this device.
If you were using a tape librarian product, then APAR VM64062 would
indeed be required in order for z/VSE guests to exploit drives
that are encrypt capable.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS question.

2009-01-31 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I use the RSCS transmitters for UFT but the UFTD server supplied with
TCPIP. When I first tried setting this up I had problems with the UFT
receiver in RSCS so I gave up on that. I can help test/debug things
since this process is internal to my systems and just used by systems
support staff.

Let me know what you want.

/Tom Kern
/301-903-2211 (Office)

Rick Troth wrote:
 The UFT protocol and implementation needs to be revisitted.
 To be specific, I hear that there have been interoperability problems
 with RSCS and some of the clients.  As the maintainer of one of those
 clients, I'd like to see it work.   :-)

 If anyone is available to lend a hand, lemme know!  Thanks.

 -- R;   

If you think there are problems with the RSCS UFT or UFTD support
than please open a problem record with the support center and we will
take a look.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

DFSMS/VM removable media services question

2009-01-14 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I'm using DFSMS to access our virtual ATL(a TS7700).  I'm trying to dump
minidisks to tape, some of which are larger than the virtual tapes.
DFSMS seems to require detaching the tape drive from the user which is
doing the dump to mount a new tape.  But the user has it.  Is there
something I'm missing?  I've gone over the documentation and can't seem
to find anything.

Any help would be appreciated.

Try attaching the drives to the user ID doing the dump using the
MULTIUSER opion before issuing the first mount request to RMS.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: PTF providing CMS based SSL support

2008-12-09 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
From the announcement, you need to watch for the PTF for APAR PK65850.
When it is available, it will drag along five additional PTFs, two for
TCP/IP and three for CMS.  You will need all six to make it go.

The actual APAR/PTFs to watch for are:

PK65850 / UK40952
PK73085 / UK40952

Yes, one PTF will get you the fix for both APARs.  The PTF is not yet
available in RETAIN however you can place an order for it now.  Once
the PTF becomes available the order will be fulfilled.

For CMS:

VM64540 / UM32541
VM64569 / UM32592
VM64570 / UM32594

UM32541 is not yet available in RETAIN, UM32592 and UM32694 are.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: PTF providing CMS based SSL support

2008-12-09 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Les, you are missing PK75268 / UK41626.  See

PTF UK41626 is already a pre-req of UK40952.  Therefore all that
is needed to order is UK40952 which will obtain the support for the
two new APARs plus drag the existing APAR PK75268

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

DFSMS/VM Migration to ML2

2008-12-02 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I just installed DFSMS/VM. During the study of the planning guide I saw that
all ML2 TSM Versions are withdrawn from market and there is no service
available. What would be the appropriate TSM software that is supported?

Unfortunately there is no longer a supported TSM server for z/VM.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: DFSMS/VM Migration to ML2

2008-12-02 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
OK! Does that mean there is no official ML2 support for DFSMS/VM or are
there alternative tools?=20

That is correct, there is no supported product that would satisfy
the DFSMS/VM ML2 requirement.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

I just installed DFSMS/VM. During the study of the planning guide I saw=

all ML2 TSM Versions are withdrawn from market and there is no service
available. What would be the appropriate TSM software that is supported=


Unfortunately there is no longer a supported TSM server for z/VM.

Re: DFSMS/VM Migration to ML2

2008-12-02 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Since the TSM/VM version was the only one which ever supported IUCV, is
there any chance of bundling it with the DFSMS code?

Little to no chance.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: Z/Vm 4.3 EOS ?

2008-11-18 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
 I am not sure I read correctly, but I thought support for z/VM 4.3 had
 ended a while ago
 someone  is trying to tell me it ends April 2009
 won't be 1st time I am wrong

 EOS 5/31/2005 from this link ?


You are correct.  April 2009 is the EoS date for z/VM *5*.3.

Actually April 2009 is the EoS date for z/VM 5.2.
z/VM 5.3 EoS is September 2010.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Connection reset by peer 'loop'

2008-10-28 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I have an RSCS link to an IBM 6400 dot matrix printer -



 PORT=9100 HOST=xxx.xx.xx.xx

We chose to use a TCPASCII type link because that seemed to be the most
suitable, and we couldn't get an LPR type link to work at all. The
TCPASCII link works fine, until the users switch the printer off and go
home -

09:01:16 DMTCMY700I Activating link SPSKH16 TCPASCII line= =
09:01:16 DMTTAP012I Link SPSKH16 exit routine ASCXONE loaded at 00BBF770

09:01:16 DMTTAP181I Link SPSKH16 ready for session initiation

09:01:16 DMTAXM109I File queue reordered

09:01:16 DMTTAP182I Link SPSKH16 session established

09:01:16 DMTTAP146I Sending file 0184 (0184) on link SPSKH16 from
AESNEVM(SPCENTR), records 9594
09:01:17 DMTTAP083E Socket error on link SPSKH16 request=Recv

09:01:17 DMTTAP083E return code=- 1 error number=54 (Connection =
reset by
09:01:17 DMTTAP183I Link SPSKH16 session terminated

09:01:17 DMTMAN002I Link SPSKH16 deactivated

09:01:17 DMTAXM109I File queue reordered

09:01:17 DMTAXM500I 1 file(s) closed on link SPSKH16

09:01:17 DMTCMY700I Activating link SPSKH16 TCPASCII line= =
09:01:17 DMTTAP012I Link SPSKH16 exit routine ASCXONE loaded at 00BBF770

09:01:17 DMTTAP181I Link SPSKH16 ready for session initiation

09:01:17 DMTAXM109I File queue reordered

09:01:17 DMTTAP182I Link SPSKH16 session established

09:01:17 DMTTAP146I Sending file 0184 (0184) on link SPSKH16 from
AESNEVM(SPCENTR), records 9594
09:01:17 DMTTAP083E Socket error on link SPSKH16 request=Recv

09:01:17 DMTTAP083E return code=- 1 error number=54 (Connection =
reset by
09:01:17 DMTTAP183I Link SPSKH16 session terminated

09:01:17 DMTMAN002I Link SPSKH16 deactivated

09:01:17 DMTAXM109I File queue reordered

09:01:17 DMTAXM500I 1 file(s) closed on link SPSKH16

RSCS is restarting the link every second or so, until the users switch
their printer back on again. RSCS is probably trying to restart the link
because there is a file sitting on the queue, but I would prefer it not
to loop all night. I can't find a timeout value or retry interval that
looks relevant to this problem.

I was going to recommend to define the link with ITO=0 and AST, but
you already have.  In addition, a file has been queued to the link,
RSCS is trying to deliver the file.  There isn't other tuning
parameters to modify this behavior.
You could choose to remove the AST parameter and the autostart GCS
exec which is restarting the link automatically.  Instead provide the
user the authority to start this link they turn the printer back on.

Alternatively, LPR is a better alternative.  However, RSCS will continue
to try to deliver the file in a similar fashion under the same error

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Z/VM 5.4 and RSCS

2008-10-24 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I am getting confused about the licensing options of RSCS.

Is the SNA part free and TCP/IP chargeable? Or Vice Versa?

Is LPD/LPR free or optional?  Just what are my options?

Use of any SNA driver in RSCS requires a license.  Use of any NJE
driver in RSCS requires a license (including TCPNJE)
Some of the TCP/IP drivers do not require a license:  LPR, LPD, UFT,
and TN3270E.  The rest do require a license.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: z/vm 5.4 DVD installation

2008-10-13 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
 one DVD and do it in that manner.  Or another method, borrowing from the PC
 world and in the mainframe world, CA, and give the customer an activation
 fee.  If the fee is not entered, the product doesn't work.  I get an
 activation code (or whatever it's called), once a year from CA for vmBackup.

Dealing with product keys is a pain and I recall spending my days off
between X-mas and new years eve to request and install new keys for CA
products. It would be most unattractive if IBM would modify all
licensed products to require product keys.

Burning a DVD is no rocket science anymore. IBM has enough operating
systems that are less affected by virus threats, so they could avoid
per-order DVD with a virus. But if you order the products, you get a
unique id to download the envelopes from IBM, don't you? What's the
problem with that? I can understand that downloading a full DVD of
z/VM is less attractive, but downloading the HLASM envelope is far
less than the average PC freebie.

How this will finally be delivered is still TBD.  As I indicated,
this is a known requirement that we continue to work to deliver a
solution.  Even though it sounds simple to burn DVDs, there are
other complications here.

As an alternative, VM licensed products thru the SDO and Shopz are
available for electronic delivery.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: z/vm 5.4 DVD installation

2008-10-12 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
--- Referenced Note ---

It would be a Good Thing to have all needed program materials
available on the DVDs, including the associated VM products.  And/or
available for download.

Motivation: Tape drives are the least reliable part of our
operation.  (Admittedly we have some pretty old 3494s and pretty old
3590 drives.  We're experiencing a 3494 failure as I type this.)  We
would like to move to a virtual tape environment with no real tape
drives.  This isn't quite feasible here yet for reasons besides IBM
software distribution, but we hope it will be feasible soon.

Having all the products available on DVD build to order is a known
requirement that we continue to work towards realizing.  I have no
timeframe when we might actually see this happen.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

z/vm 5.4 DVD installation

2008-10-10 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I've done the initial install of 5.4 using the DVD and I've installed
the RSU.  If I were installing from tape at this point, I would mount
the program product tape(s) and continue the installation as per the
program directories of the other programs for which we are licensed but
don't come as part of the SDO.  There were only 2 DVD's shipped, the
product DVD and the RSU  DVD.

Specifically, I need to install HLASM in order to install RACF/VM.  I've
got HLASM 1.5 that I put on the 5.4 system, but there should be a HLASM
1.6.  It's listed on the ship list, as is VTAM and DFSMS.  Directory
entries were not created for them.  Nothing was loaded.  Where do I find
them.  I have the tapes, but I'm working remotely.  I can have someone
throw the product tape onto a drive, but it seems as if it ought to be
on the DVD.

One the base z/VM product and RSU1 are available on DVD.  When you order
other products like VTAM, DFSMS, and HLASM, they will come as part of
the SDO but on 3590 or 3592 tapes only.
So if you ordered them, but no tapes showed up, I would open a PMR
with the support center and have them investigate why.  Have your
bill of material sheet ready to fax into IBM.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

NJE TCP resets

2008-09-09 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Every so often (once a day to once a month), we have NJE disconnects and
reconnects. We have done packet traces and don't see any reason it
should be disconnecting.

 From the RSCS console:
20:57:50 Socket error on link BSIVSE27 request=Recv
20:57:50 return code=- 1 error number=53 (Software caused connection abort)
20:57:50 Link BSIVSE27 session terminated
20:57:50 Link BSIVSE27 deactivated

About a minute before the reset, we see a keep-alive and a valid response.

The link auto-reconnects right away.

What happens on the other side of the link when this failure occurs?
I have seen this one other time, not remembering exactly the problem.
We had to trace within the stack to see what was happening.  I believe
it was MTU packet size related.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: evaluation version of z/VM 5.3

2008-07-20 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Never get that far.

Get to my profile.  Change a line or two.  Continue.  End up back at
the I need more stuff from your profile page page.hmm

Here's the part you don't want to hear: it works OK in Firefox, but
Safari gives me the above.

Also: do you really mean to restrict it to z10 EC customers only?  Why
no love for BC, or indeed other z processors?

At the bottom of the page (if you can get to it via Safari), there
is a contacts link.  On the next page there is an e-mail link
to provide feedback.  I suggest doing a feedback with your

Why z10 only, it takes advantage of new support between the HMC
and LPAR which allows the load to be ~10 minutes as opposed to

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: evaluation version of z/VM 5.3

2008-07-18 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
 One can now order an 'evaluation version' of z/VM 5.3 from IBM at
 no charge.

 Does it expire? :-)

I can't seem to (of course, I already HAVE z/VM 5.3, but you know,
this seemed interesting).

I log in, and it tells me I need to answer more things in my profile,
but then everything marked with a red star already DOES have an answer
next to it.  So I have no idea what it's angry about :-(

Per the license agreement it is a 90 day trial period.

Did you review the license agreement and check that you accept it?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RMSMASTR FSMKIN1100E Error from communication function 24, return

2008-06-13 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Did you give the stgadmin RACF auths to your 2d lvl ?

Alain Benveniste

 Hi Les, The IUCV statements in the profiles for RMSMASTR and VMTEST are
 present and I've added RMSMASTR to the DGTVAUTH DATA file, still no
 luck. My ESM is RACF, but this issue does not happen in the first level.

Since RACF is being used for RMS authorization, updating the DGTVAUTH
DATA file would have no affect. As Alain indicated you need to
create stgadmin RACF profiles as described in the DFSMS/VM
customization guide, then permit user IDs to the profiles.
In addition, the error message indicates an IUCV CONNECT failure
to *IDENT.  Not sure if that is RMSMASTR encountering this failure
(I suspect so), or the user ID you are issuing the DFSMSRM command
from.   You may have to authorize user IDs to *IDENT in RACF (I
don't know this for sure).   Basically, you will need to duplicate
the authorizations you did first level to the second level, assuming
you are using RACF first level for RMS authorization.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

RMSMASTR FSMKIN1100E Error from communication function 24, return

2008-06-12 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Has anyone run into the following running a DFSMSRM command from a second

level z/vm? and what corrected it?
FSMKIN1100E Error from communication function 24, return code = 15

First level z/VM 5.2.0 runs VM:Tape and RMSMASTR connected to a VTS.
2nd level z/VM 5.2.0 just RMSMASTR connected to same VTS.
No problems with first level. 2nd level (VMTEST) in cms mode can run
commands okay. RMSMASTR appears to initialize (attach then detach tape
drive without errors) in 2nd level. Is there some sort of virtual ctc
needed between the 1st and 2nd level?

This is an IUCV error, the 15 indicates an authorization failure.
Do you have IUCV ALLOW in the RMSMASTR directory on the second level
system?   RMSMASTR second level and first level are not aware of each
other nor do they communicate with each other.

In addition, the RMSMASTR directory should probably have:

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: IP printing from VM

2008-06-10 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
OK, I'll bite.  I was hoping someone else would ask.

How do you code a continuation on a TAG stmt and is it only for the RSCS
use of TAG.  I looked in RSCS HELP as well as CP HELP and see no mention
of continuation.

Statements in the RSCS config can be continued on multiple lines.
The default continuation character is #.
However, TAG is not a configuration file statement.

By the way, the other threads in this append chain.   You still need
to tell RSCS what link to process the file on.   The LPR exec uses
link name LPR by default.  Per chance, did you group LPR1, LPR2, etc
together as ndoe LPR?
Finally. RSCS supplies a similar exec called PPS that you may want to
try out.  HELP PPS or PPS ? will provide additional details.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

FW: IP printing from VM

2008-06-10 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
No, I haven't looked at grouping printers yet.=20

I tried to specify a printer name and host IP address as the target, and
got the same error -

lpr profile exec a (asynchronous printer qeeple22

You need to either use the RSCS parameter, or define a GROUP LPR route
Help for the RSCS parameter:

RSCS linkid,nodeid
RSCS linkid AT nodeid
Identifies the RSCS link that provides a connection to a target print
daemon or device, where:

  o linkid is the one- to eight-character link identifier of the RSCS link
that provides the connection to the chosen print daemon or device.

  o nodeid is the one- to eight-character node name of the remote VM
system that provides the connection to a target chosen print daemon or

When specific link and node values are not defined, LPR is used as the
default link identifier (linkid) for non-PostScript files, while LPRP is
used for PostScript files; the local node (as returned by the CMS IDENTIFY
command) is used for nodeid.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: Getting Console Logs Files to z/OS from z/VM

2008-05-27 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)

 Does z/OS speak TCPNJE?  I thought it had to be SNANJE (at least that
 was the deal back in 2002 when I last looked into this).  Have the
 z/OS guys finally seen the light and provided a TCPNJE protocol?

 When a client was getting rid of SNA on VM, we still needed to be able
 to spool files between VM (using RSCS) and z/OS.  Since z/OS did not
 (at that time, at least) support TCPNJE protocol I had to roll my
 own method which basically used LPD protocol for spooling between the
 two systems.  It worked, but not as seamlessly as just having a
 TCPNJE-driven link would have worked.


JES2 at the zOS 1.7 with the apar listed below(and above) supports TCPIP NJE

  APAR Identifier .. OA12364
  Last Changed

In addition, you should ensure:
JES2 APARs OA19964 and OA22718 have been applied.
JES common code APAR OA19875 is applied
RSCS APAR VM64170 is applied

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: VM TCP/IP Secure Telnet

2008-05-09 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I have used it and it works fine, as with a lot of IBM's stuff the setup
is a little complicated, but maybe no worse than anyone elses.

What I don't know is if it works with SSL..

I have heard of the VM pass-through facility, but not familiar with how
it works. I will investigate further. Is anyone using pass-through as a
session manager?

I don't know one way or the other, but what about IBM's PVM?

PVM (AKA VM/Pass-Through Facility) is a session manager product
supporting multiple sessions on one terminal.  However, it does not
support creation of telnet sessions so does not support SSL.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

z/VM 5.2 EOS?

2008-05-09 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Is the End of Service date for z/VM 5.2 still
30 April 2009?  If so, are they plans to extend the date?

That is the correct EoS date for z/VM 5.2.  You always have the option
of requesting a special service extension.  Of course, if you are
paying Service  Subscription support the upgrade to z/VM 5.3 is at
no cost.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: z/VM 5.2 EOS?

2008-05-09 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
How does this feature affect the licensing topography for IBM and other
vendor products?

 z10 allowing you to have BOTH general purpose and specialty=20
 processors (e.g. IFL) defined in a single LPAR.

ah.you guys are discussing possibilities for the next release
of z/VM yet to be announced.  What, when, and if's will be made
available when the time is right, which isn't now.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development


2008-05-08 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I have a report that has some simple carraige control in it  SKIP to
CH 1 (line 2) and CH 12 (line 44).

I want to print this report on a LPR printer via RSCS.

How do I get the printer detect the CH 12 and skip to CH 1.

RSCS LPR exit LPRXONE does handle a skip to channel 1 opcode, converting
to the appropriate CR/FF.  However, it will ignore a skip to channel 12.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development


2008-05-06 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Now, the DFSMS situation is a little different since I don't think you can
choose the filepool name at install, or easily change it later.  The
fully-qualified name of the config file should be specifiable in some way.

The DFSMS control file must reside in VMSYS:DFSMS.
unless you use the trick Dave mentioned to point this directory to
a different name.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS question

2008-04-28 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) V3.2.0 (5684-096) has been
repackaged and is now available for licensing under International Program
License Agreement (IPLA) terms and conditions. RSCS Function Level 530
(FL530) is available as a priced, optional, preinstalled feature of z/VM

So, what is it? Based on this entry I'd say nothing has changed and we can
still have RSCS functionality. Perhaps a different function level but as
long as it provides the same functions I don't care about a version
number. But, as Ron pointed out, if RSCS is no longer available on zVM
then I'd have to order zVM asap.

RSCS is and will continue to be available for all supported z/VM
releases.  If you are on z/VM 5.2, RSCS 3.2 is available.  Note,
z/VM 5.2 end of service is now one year away (April 30, 2009).
If you are on z/VM 5.3, RSCS Function Level 5.3.0 is available.
Same product, different pricing / licensing agreement.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: Question about virtual tape in a zVM environment

2008-04-04 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
A word of caution here, I realize it appears the problem is resolved
going from z/VM 4.4 and 5.3.  However, I can not tell you any change
that has been made to Diag X'254' nor RMS that would have magically
allowed a target category of VOLSPECIFIC to be honored by the ATL on a
mount command.
I can tell you, hardware has identified situations where VOLSPECIFIC is
not honored as a target category on a mount command.  And I am not aware
the fix has been released.
Make sure you consider this carefully before going into production.

JR, didn't you make a change at one time where the set category was done
separate from the mount?  Could it be in one of the environments this
code was being executed?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Hi Alain,

Actually, in this case, I really don't really feel like going back in
time :-)

In reality, it would need to be a real crisis for me to get
authorization to use a LPAR to IPL z/VM 4.4.0.

I'm just happy for you that you should finally have this problem
resolved when you are up and running z/VM 5.3 in production!


JR (Steven) Imler
Senior Software Engineer
Tel:  +1 703 708 3479
Fax:  +1 703 708 3267

 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alain Benveniste
 Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 12:12 PM
 Subject: Re: Question about virtual tape in a zVM environment


 If you are interested in, I can send you a copy of our z/VM440.


 Le 4/04/08 3:26, =AB=A0Imler, Steven J=A0=BB [EMAIL PROTECTED] a

  Hmmm ... Les, Alain did say z/VM FOUR.FOUR ... it's for
 sure there are
  likely CP changes (DIAG 254 things come to mind) that might effect
  this behavior in some way ... again keeping in mind his
 HOST is running
  z/VM 4.4.0 (except for the test when everything WORKED! [when he had
  z/VM 5.3 running 1st level in addition to his test guest system]).
  In any case, I have no way to go back to prove this ... all
 our hosts
  are z/VM 5.3 and we generally are running the GA release of
 z/VM at GA
  for all our hosts.  So it's been a LONG time since we've had z/VM
  4.anything as top dog.
  JR (Steven) Imler
  Senior Software Engineer
  Tel:  +1 703 708 3479
  Fax:  +1 703 708 3267
  -Original Message-
  From: The IBM z/VM Operating System
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Les Geer
  Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 08:42 PM
  Subject: Re: Question about virtual tape in a zVM environment
  Les and JR,
  Firstly :
  Thanks to gave me the info 'PMH 84921,004,000'. I asked our
  hardware to l
  at this. I don't have a feedback yet.
  Secondly :
  I was able to IPL our z/VM530 today and ...
  - from z/VM440, I ipled z/VM530 2nd lvl and did a test about
  the target :
  nothing changed. Problem still alive :(
  - I ipled z/VM530 1st lvl and did a test, then did it again
  and again to
  absolutely sure. I washed my glasses and yes our problem
  disappeared. NO
  So it was not a hardware problem. Glad to see this has been
  corrected in
  z/VM version.
  There isn't anything in a newer release of z/VM that would
 change the
  behavior of this problem.  It really is a hardware problem.
  This problem only occurs when you use VOLSPECIFIC as a target
  category on a mount request.
  Best Regards,
  Les Geer
  IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: Question about virtual tape in a zVM environment

2008-04-03 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Les and JR,

Firstly :
Thanks to gave me the info 'PMH 84921,004,000'. I asked our hardware to l

at this. I don't have a feedback yet.

Secondly :
I was able to IPL our z/VM530 today and ...
- from z/VM440, I ipled z/VM530 2nd lvl and did a test about the target :

nothing changed. Problem still alive :(

- I ipled z/VM530 1st lvl and did a test, then did it again and again to

absolutely sure. I washed my glasses and yes our problem disappeared. NO

So it was not a hardware problem. Glad to see this has been corrected in

z/VM version.

There isn't anything in a newer release of z/VM that would change the
behavior of this problem.  It really is a hardware problem.
This problem only occurs when you use VOLSPECIFIC as a target
category on a mount request.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: DR refresh of active SFS

2008-03-28 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Is there not an installation option to change the filepool name? If not,
there should be.

If you are referring to the filepool and directory the RMS control and
configuration files must reside on, yes you can move them by
creating a UCOMDIR NAMES file on the RMSMASTR 191 minidisk, for example:


Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: DR refresh of active SFS

2008-03-28 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Can you do the same for the filepool that RMSMASTR wants his work and log=

directories in? Like this:


:nick.VMSYS   :tpn.IBMSFS
:nick.VMSYSU  :tpn.IBMSFS

You can change the location of the work directories by updating the
RMSMASTR configuration file.  No need for this UCOMDIR NAMES trick.
Only the configuration files are forced to the VMSYS:DFSMS.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: Question about virtual tape in a zVM environment

2008-03-25 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I suppose you would be aware of our peer-to-peer problem.

When we got a 2nd 3494 in 2004, we decided to make them talk each other
as P2P mode.  This situation revealed a major problem related to the target
category. In basic mode, asking to mount a scratch through vmtape, rmsmastr
changed the category from scratch to volspecific. No more true in P2P (for us).
We have upgraded our 3494, we have opened PMR, we have asked the IBM
hardware their advice with no result. We even asked the dfsms doc to be
changed related the p2p part to make it clearer.

We had to developp something to change the categories according to what
has been mounted during the day. I would really like to know if someone is
in the same situation

I was under the impression with more recent PtP microcode levels the
restriction on a mount that a target category could not be specified
was removed.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: DFSMS/RMS question

2008-02-26 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
There are several reasons why a 3140 could be returned.

1) The device is not 'free' when RMS queries it.  You already have
shown this is not the case.

2) There is a code problem in RMS.  As JR indicated, apply the latest
RMS service starting with UM32029

3) 'Device not available' was returned from the ATL.  Don't assume
that using if from another system would mean it is available as it
could be locked.  Does RMS actually attach the device to itself?

Apply the service.  If the problem persists call it in  (take a trsource
trace and RMS dump first).

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

 A 3140 reason code does mean 'device is not available'.  Typically
 though this is not an RMS problem.  The quickest way to find out would
 be query the drive, and if 'FREE', then try attaching the drive outside
 of RMS to see if that is successful.  Generally there is a reason why
 RMS could not attach the drive.  If the drive was not available during
 RMS initialization, RMS will later try to initialize and use the
 device.  You should not have to restart RMS.
 This all assumes you are current with RMS service.  Latest RMS
 service does not require the drive to be free to query it (with
 corresponding CP service).


One of the first things I tried was to query the drive (it was FREE) then
ATTACH to myself and DETACH.

As I said in my reply to JR, I can perform RMS queries (and mounts)
successfully on this drive on  another system (not at the same time ;-) ).

For CP we are at V5R3.0 at RSU0702 so that should not be the problem. I
thought we were reasonably up to date on DFSMS service but I will check.
Is there a particular APAR that needs to be present to indicate the
required service level?

Re: IBM Launches New System z10 Mainframe - Congrats

2008-02-26 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
 I like this part:

 Virtualization Security with the U.S. government's highest level of
 security, Evaluation Assurance Level 5 (EAL5), via z/VM. The IBM System
 is the only server on the planet that has achieved this level of
 certification for security...

(sigh) That's wrong.  EAL 5 applies to the PR/SM firmware (LPAR).  z/VM
5.3 is in evaluation for EAL 4+.

Were did you see this statement?  I just scanned the announce letter
and find no claim.  Was this in marketing material or press releases?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

3592-E05 SCRATCHx values for DFSMSRM

2008-02-26 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
 I have been able to get access to our new 3592-E05 tape drives and want to
begin functional testing. I will not be testing them as ENCRYPTING tape
drives due to non-technical issues. But we want to try mounting a tape and
running DDR to see if we can at least write and read the tapes. I have
RMSMASTR configured to know about this new library and can get RMSMASTR to
give me an inventory of the complete library. We have several tapes inserted
but all are in 'INSERT' category. My z/OS co-worker has not been able to
find an appropriate category value for these new tapes. I do not remember
what the  hex value was for our other 3590 (20GB) tapes, but I have a nice
'SCRATCH4' category for them. I would like a similar 'SCRATCHx' category
for these 3592 tapes. We are at z/VM 5.3 service level 0701.

There are several VM SCRATCHx categories to choose from, or are you
looking for a different z/OS scratch category?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: 3592-E05 SCRATCHx values for DFSMSRM

2008-02-26 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I am looking for the appropriate entry for the 300G tapes that we have
in the ATL. Or is it simply arbitrary?

I would quite say arbitrary, rather I would say this is an installation
specific choice on what category to place these tapes into.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: DFSMS/RMS question

2008-02-25 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
A 3140 reason code does mean 'device is not available'.  Typically
though this is not an RMS problem.  The quickest way to find out would
be query the drive, and if 'FREE', then try attaching the drive outside
of RMS to see if that is successful.  Generally there is a reason why
RMS could not attach the drive.  If the drive was not available during
RMS initialization, RMS will later try to initialize and use the
device.  You should not have to restart RMS.
This all assumes you are current with RMS service.  Latest RMS
service does not require the drive to be free to query it (with
corresponding CP service).

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Yes, I have tried a native mount with DFSMSRM and got the same problem. It

gives me a RC=8(3140) which suggests a drive problem but I also get a
message saying NO SCRATCH80 - although, now I think about it, this was in
the VMTAPE console.

If I do a DRSMSRM Q LIB DEV EE6 (LIBNAM VTSTPFC2 then I get a message back

saying drive not available.

While VMTAPE may be misunderstanding the reason for the problem - it is
clear that the problem lies in DFSMSRM and not VMTAPE.

Incidentally, I can successfully query that drive from another system -
giving further credence to my idea that this is caused by this drive being

in use when RMSMASTR was initialised on the system where I am see the
problem (I think we had a problem with RACF the weekend before last where
some service machines needed to be restarted).

What is the RC and REASON returned by RMS when the mount request is issued

to the bad drive?

I assume you've tried the mount outside of VM:Tape using the native
DFSMSRM command and that's why you are suspicious of DFSMS in this case?

We have been using DFSMS/RMS on VM for a long time. At the weekend we had
an issue which, I suspect, has happened before but not been identified.

We have 16 drives per VTS shared between 6 VM systems (VMTAPE STAM)
handles the sharing of the drives.

Yesterday, on only one of these drives, I was getting a message that there

were no scratch volumes available. An identical mount request (for the
same scratch pool) in an adjacent drive in the same  VTS was satisfied
without problems.

I think I know what happened - but I am not sure if this is a bug (or how
to handle it). What I think happened is this:-

When RMSMASTR was started on this system, it went through it's
initialisation process but this particular drive was in use at the time.
As a result, RMS is confused.

If I am right then a restart of RMSMASTR would solve the problem for this
drive but create other potential problems with the other drives in use.
Because we have drives in use for long periods of time (by TPF test guest
systems) it would almost take a system outage to have no VTS drives in

Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of this situation? If so then

a) Does my theory sound correct?
b) Is this a reportable bug (should I open a PMR)?
c) Is there a way to get round this problem (for example: can I get
RMSMASTR to reinitialise a specific drive)?


2008-02-14 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I've been researching the use of the DFSMS/VM feature, mainly for tape
library support.  I'm having difficulty determining if it's already
installed on my system or if it's a separately licensed feature that I
have to order.  I'm currently running z/VM 5.3.

Check for the existence of the DFSMS user ID.  If it exists, a good bet
you have DFSMS/VM installed.  However, chances are you don't.  DFSMS/VM
is a free, optional feature, of z/VM 5.3 which you have to specifically
indicate you want when placing your z/VM order.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: FTP - how can I preserve date time?

2008-02-08 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Well, does not SENDFILE need RSCS?  If one of the VMs is on IFL then you
need a Special Bid License for RSCS.

No special bid required on z/VM 5.3 using RSCS FL530.

As for RSCS UFTD support, if there are problems encountered using this
please report them via the IBM support center.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: FTP - how can I preserve date time?

2008-02-08 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I have a DR exercise the first week of March. After that I will revisit
the RSCS UFTD configuration. Any hints about encryption capabilities
using RSCS? If you tie it to the full function RSCS product, I might be
able to get my client to pay for that on our IFL.

Sorry, RSCS does not have support for encryption via SSL.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS LPR won't autostart

2008-01-25 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Looks like that's the problem. AST is not enabled. I have to look into it

closer because that config source that's supposedly in place has AST
defined. Unfortunately it's on a remote VM which I don't administer and I

don't have access to the RSCS config disk.

If available, check the RSCS console to find the event which caused
AST to be turned off.  RSCS displays a message indicating AST was
disabled for the link.  Conditions that can cause this to occur
include someone draining the link, or an unrecoverable error was

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

RSCS LPR won't autostart

2008-01-24 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
 I have 2 different RSCS links defined to the same physical LPR (HP 8150).

One link is for landscape, one is for portrait (see definitions below). W
I send a printout to the portrait queue, the link autostarts fine and the

document is printed successfully. When I send the same printout to the
landscape queue, I get DMTAXM101I File 7431 (7431) enqueued on link
ROC815WL and the link never starts. I can stop/restart the link and the
document will then print. I have other LPR's defined exactly the same way

and they all autostart correctly on both landscape and portrait queues.

When you mention you can stop/restart the link and the document
prints fine, that implies the link state is not drained.  What state
is the link in?  Can you trace this?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS LPR won't autostart

2008-01-24 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Yes inactive is the link state, which indicates RSCS never tried to
start the link when a file was queue to it.
Next, check if autostart is still defined on for the link

sm rscstst1 q links node roc815wl show ast

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Here's the info:

ROC815W is the portrait queue, ROC815WL is the landscape queue.

sm rscs q sys link name roc815w


 Link Line

 Name Status Type Addr LU Name  Logmode  Queueing

 ROC815W  inactive   LPR   ...  ...  priority

 1 link found

sm rscs q sys link name roc815wl


 Link Line

 Name Status Type Addr LU Name  Logmode  Queueing

 ROC815WL inactive   LPR   ...  ...  priority

 1 link found

sm rscs q roc815wl q


 Link ROC815WL inactive sending=0 receiving=0 queued=1 looping=0
 Pos   Loc  Origin   Destination

 in Q   IDID Node Userid   Node Userid   Status

1 7435  7435 MVM1 BHENRROC815WL SYSTEM   waiting

 1 file found

Is that what you mean by link STATE?

Re: how to wait for dfsmsrm command

2008-01-23 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
 } The only problem with using a tool like this is that while
 } mounting the tape for you, the tape drive is attached to
 } virtual machine, not the requestor's virtual machine.  The
 tape drive is
 } not attached to the requestor until the requested tape is
 loaded and the
 } drive is ready ...

Or first attach the drive to the requester's machine using the
multiuser option before issuing the mount request.

Best Regards,
Les Geer

Re: how to wait for dfsmsrm command

2008-01-23 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
But isn't that a bit dangerous ... for the requestor to be issuing tape
commands and/or CCWs to the attached tape drive while RMSMASTR is doing
its thing mounting the tape for the requestor?

I would expect if a mount command has been requested to RMS, the
requestor would not be doing anything to the drive until a DE has
occurred indicating a tape was mounted.
At that point, RMS should have detached the drive

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: how to wait for dfsmsrm command

2008-01-22 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I suggest looking at using the CSL routine and performing regular
checkback to check on mount status.
wait only waits for the initial I/O to complete, not the mount
completion notification.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

here is the DFSMSRM command:

but, the EXEC just plows on and i get

i think because RMSMASTR has not finished mounting the tape.

the RC would be sufficient.

 Have you tried the WAIT option on DFSMSRM MOUNT?  Do you need to trap
 the response from DFSMSRM, or will the return code be sufficient?


2007-12-12 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
That would be scratch0 I believe. I've been trying some stuff this
morning after reading your note. I disassociated the drive from the
scratch pool and when I re-started the RMSMASTR machine, there were no
sense errors. I was able to manually mount a tape which was volspecific.
After re-associating the drive to the scratch0 pool, I once again got
the errors on initialization of RMSMASTR.

Which APAR(s) should I be applying to bring DFSMS/VM current?

The APARs which allow RMS to issue a query device without attaching
the device are VM64062 and VM64206 for RMS, and VM64157 for CP.

However, none of this service in my belief will help solve the
I/O errors you are receiving.  If you associate a device with a
particular scratch pool, and there are volumes in this pool, the
I/O error seems strange.  You should ask the CE about this.  Of course
they will point to the software.  So if you obtain a trsource trace of
the I/O error we can tell you exactly what I/O is failing and what the
error is.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development


2007-12-11 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Well, you queried the drive, and the response was no tape mounted.
Next you issued a demount to the drive which received the I/O error,
probably because there was nothing to demount.

Try mounting a tape then see if the demount is successful.

BTW, if you order latest DFSMS service, which removes the need by
RMS to attach the drive to issue the query drive command, there is
corresponding CP service required.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Yesterday I was getting pretty excited because I actually got VM talking
to our tape library. I was able to see the volumes that were assigned to
me and assign them to a scratch category. I even mounted a tape, invoked
DDR and dumped a MOD3 and a MOD9 to the tape. Then, later that day, I
started having problems. Now when I start up the RMSMASTR machine, I get
errors about not being able to talk to the drive. I've tried varying off
and on the chpid, path and device address, but that didn't seem to help.
The IBM technician said that the drive looks fine.
This morning I tried going through the DFSMS/VM Customization manual and
testing the RMSMASTR. Here's what I'm getting:

dfsmsrm q lib dev 4116
user DFSM
S, request identifier = 15
DGTUIR2026I DFSMS request 15 accepted for processing
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:17:18
 12:17:18  * MSG FROM RMSMASTR:FSMBCI2200I Device 4116: Device Type
= 3592,
  Library Name = TLLIB01, VLABEL = N/A, Mounted Category = NONE,
Assigned Category = SCRATCH0
dfsmsrm demount rdev 4116
DFSMS, request identifier = 18
DGTUIR2026I DFSMS request 18 accepted for processing
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:17:47
RMSMASTR: FSMBAC2006E Library I/O error; reason code = 3800, request
identifier= 18, device = 4116, library = TLLIB01
RMSMASTR: FSMBAC2019E Sense Data =
 12:17:47  * MSG FROM RMSMASTR:FSMBAD2006E Library I/O error; reason
code = 3800, request identifier = 18, device = 4116, library = TLLIB01

Has anyone seen this before or have any insight as to what might be
going on?


2007-12-11 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
During initialization, RMS does a demount to each drive it can access.
However now that I think about this, there is a different error that
comes back which RMS intercepts indicating there is no volume
mounted.  An error that is not reflected like this sense is.
I recently worked on a similar problem, which turned out to be the
drive somehow had been assigned as an autoloader for a particular
scratch tape.  Did the query you previously showed indicate the
device was assigned category SCRATCH0?  Do you have any tapes in
this category?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Yeah, I suppose doing a demount before mounting the tape probably
doesn't make any sense.

First, I restarted the RMSMASTR machine. Here's what it said after the

FSMBBV3053I All DFSMS local APPC/VM resources initialized
FSMRMBLC== Diag 254 is available
FSMBAC2006E Library I/O error; reason code = 3800, request identifier =
0, devic
e = 4116, library =
FSMBAC2019E Sense Data =
FSMBBD2241W Device 4116 could not be initialized

Then I tried to mount a tape from the DFSMS machine:

dfsmsrm mount vol vm
DGTUIR2026I DFSMS request 12 accepted for processing
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 15:26:16
 15:26:17  * MSG FROM RMSMASTR:FSMBAD2006E Library I/O error; reason
code =
  3800, request identifier = 12, device = 4116, library = TLLIB01

The line about Sense Data make no sense to me...


2007-12-11 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
What was the category the device was assigned to in the previous

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

I have 4 tapes assigned to the category scratch0 and 2 assigned to

3592   300GB
3592   300GB
3592   300GB
3592   300GB
3592   300GB
3592   300GB

Re: dirm needpass no

2007-11-16 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Thanks Colleen.  Could you please pass this response back to DirMaint Support?

I agree with what Alan recommended a week ago now, please open a problem
with the IBM support center and work directly with level 2.   Thanks

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: VM TSM server support

2007-10-27 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Well, actually the DFSMS/VM SMS component did provide CMS file support.
So, does this effectively mean that DFSMS file migration is no longer
supported? I haven't seen a EOL announcement for that, and TSM/VM is the
critical migration engine component of that tool.

DFSMS/VM continues to be a fully marketed and support product.
Unfortunately though it continues to rely on a TSM server for ML2
backup capabilities.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: z/VM 5.3 installing DFSMS/VM PPF OVERRIDE question.

2007-10-25 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
This is what I did.
copy vsm221b $ppf d = = a
add the override statements to the end of the $ppf file.
compile using VMFPPF VSM221B DFSMSVM
try to install ...  vmfins install ppf vsm221b dfsmsvm (nomemo nolink

Is that the correct procedure?

I know you already resolved this by defining a 192 minidisk.  However,
when you compiled the PPF did you copy the compiled result to the
SES (MAINT) 51D minidisk?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development


2007-10-25 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Yes!!! Thank you all, the secondary user was the problem. I agree with
Bob, it isn't good that it is broken when installed as documented.

It does sound like the RSCSAUTH ID should not have been defined with
a SECUSER in the directory.  Will probably need to take a doc or
info APAR on this.
Thanks for bringing it to out attention.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development


2007-10-24 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
The console log from RSCSAUTH is a bit long to post here, but it shows
the response being received from RSCS, with no error messages. First and
last few lines follow:



DMTATH3036I Q LINKS requested by 5VMRSC30 AT TTCVM03

RSCS 0677 0001 TTCVM03  04 H1  Link Line

RSCS 0677 0001 TTCVM03  04 H2L Name Status Type Addr LU
Name  Logmode  Queueing

RSCS 0677 0002 TTCVM03  04 B1L VSE2000  inactive   SNANJE   
VSE2000  RS
CSNJE0 priority

RSCS 0677 0003 TTCVM03  04 B1L VSEDAVIS inactive   SNANJE   
CSNJE0 priority

RSCS 0677 1179 TTCVM03  04 B1L *UNKNOWN inactive   NOTIFY    ...

RSCS 0677 1180 TTCVM03  04 B1L *NOTHERE inactive   NOTIFY    ...

RSCS 0677 1181 TTCVM03  04 B1L RETURN   inactive   LISTPROC  ...

RSCS 0620 1182 TTCVM03  04 M1L 1180 links found

RSCS 0001 1183 TTCVM03  04 M1L End of command response

z/VM Version 5 Release 3.0, Service Level 0701 (64-bit),

built on IBM Virtualization Technology

There is no logmsg data



So RSCSAUTH is running after the DISC, handling commands from 5VMRSC30,
sending the command and receiving the response from RSCS, but the
response is not forwarded to the 5VMRSC30 ID?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: DFSMSRM 3495

2007-10-16 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I issued the command and according to the output, the tapes are NOT
listed in the inventory (at least what I am able to view). I went with
the 3495 admin to the Library Manager workstation and we verified that
they ARE in the library, so now I'm really confused.=20

Is there more than one library defined?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: DFSMSRM 3495

2007-10-16 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Yes, I believe so. The 3495 is accessed by several platforms; MVS, Open
Systems, used by Windows backup apps; and now VM. It looks like the
library I was put in is called vm. I tried using that as the library
name for RM_AUTO_LIBRARY, but it didn't seem to make any difference.

It really is the library serial number that is the most important
item to configure to RMS.  The library name in the RMS config is
really for DFSMS purposes only.  Do you have the correct serial number
configured to RMS?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

CSE: It's the little things that'll get ya...

2007-10-07 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I'm in the process of building our z/VM 5.3 systems, and I think I'm down to
the last hurdle I can't get CSE to fire up across PVM. The message I'm
getting in PVM is:

DVMISG864E CSE is not authorized

The description of the message says that CSE is not available or not set up,
but, to the best that I can tell, it should be. My test systems are VMTESTP

Is the PVM machine defined as class b?

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: CPFMTXA: Automation of?

2007-09-09 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Anybody out there using DS6800 with z/VM 5.2 or 5.3 . We are having problems
that anytime we update the software on DS6800, it takes out z/VM. There are
4 FICON channels. DS6800 disables  2 at a time as it does upgrade. VM can't
seem to cope with this ?

You should open a z/VM problem ticket with the IBM support center.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development


2007-08-07 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
I certainly am. It is time to ask the big question, WHY ME, GOD?

The files are anything from jobs being submitted to files being sent via
SENDFILE. There are no error messages, neither before nor after, on
either side of the link. As for recreation, all I have to do is to stop
the link and then start it. It has been so long since I have taken
an RSCS dump, are there any special parameters I should include? IIRC,
it is something like VMDUMP 0-END NSS FORMAT DCSS TO userid. Have I
missed anything?

Dump format should be RSCSV2

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development


2007-08-07 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
BTW, I have just opened an incident. We reproduce the problem by
starting the link. I cannot start the trace before the link is up;
hence, no trace.
Since I cannot get a FLUSH to work without stopping the link, I no of no
way to start the trace before a file is hung on the link.

You can specify trace all on the RSCS start command.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development


2007-08-07 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
You don't need DirMaint or ISPF for the RMS component of DFSMS.  You do
need to put the control files in SFS, unless you're willing to modify
the code to use a minidisk.  Some of the code is in REXX, but some
isn't, so I don't know if it's even possible to change it to use a

RMS requires the control file to be in a specific SFS, and the work
directory to also be SFS however you can control where that one is.
It is not possible to change the source to point to minidisks, it is
engulfed in the RMS code.

To use just RMS (and VGS) of DFSMS, you do not need any other product.
DirMaint, ISPF, and C are not required.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development


2007-08-06 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
Gee Rich you certainly are encountering quite a few problems running
TCPNJE.  So is this a file local to the VM system where RSCS is not
sending to the z/OS partner? in otherwords a locally originated file?
Or is it a file from another node passing through this one?
Are there any error messages for the link prior to the file hang?
It sounds like this is recreatable for the one link so how about
turning on link tracing, when you have a trace of the failure please
open a ticket with the RSCS support center and we will have a look.
At the same time, also obtain a dump of the RSCS machine.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

I forgot to mention in my earlier post, repeated below, FLUSH does not
actually do anything to the Sending status of the file supposedly being
sent. It does not terminate the processing, if one can call hanging
around doing nothing processing, of the file. A subsequent Stop does
cause the Flushed file to be purged.

Text of previous message

We have several TCPNJE links between VM and z/OS systems. All are
working except 1. Even it worked for 6 days. Then it began to not send
jobs to its partner z/OS system. It receives files, sends commands and
receives responses, and receives output of jobs tagged for the VM
system, but simply refuses to send a job. Repeated QUERY FILES ON MVSSYS
commands show the same small (73 records) file being sent with an ever
increasing queue of jobs to be sent.

VM is z/VM 5.2.0 at RSU 0701 plus reach-ahead. The entries in RSCS

  PARM MVSSYS HOST=xx.xxx.x.xx STREAMS=2 BUFF=8192 =

There are 6 other links to z/OS systems having the same definitions,
varying only in node name and IP Address. Two of them, very busy ones at
that, have been running for over a month with no problems. Even another
started at the same time as this one continues to work. The MVS folks
have rechecked their maintenance and have confirmed that this system has
all the same maintenance as the others, including fixes for TCPNJE

II have looked at the RSCS console log and see no errors on the link.
Here are the console entries for the last jog successfully sent - the
date is today, the times GMT .

10:56:12 DMTAXM101I File 8290 (8290) enqueued on link MVSSYS

10:56:13 DMTNTR146I Sending file 8290 (8290) on link MVSSYS from
VMSYS(LOGPRINT), records 198
10:56:13 DMTNTR147I Sent file 8290 (8290) on link MVSSYS to MVSSYS(JOB)

10:56:13 DMTAXM105I File 8290 purged

Following that, jobs began to queue up. We continue to receive files and
job output, but cannot send a file or submit a job. Commands to the MVS
system are executed normally. There are no error messages in the logs of
either system. We have taken the link down and restarted it several
times, to no avail. I have purged several of the files that all appeared
similar to the one that was originally hung, also to no avail.

Does anyone have any idea about what is going on?

I would love to send a dump to someone, but I fear a dump of a system
that is doing nothing would not be very helpful :-).
Richard Schuh

Re: SHOW still available ?

2007-07-08 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
 I've been searching for a tool to read the vm spool and ran across some
 references to a SHOW tool but I've not been able to find a download site
 for it.

If you have RSCS, you can use the spoolaid package to view spool files.
This package can be found on the install ID's 406 minidisk.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Re: RSCS 3.2 and z/VM 5.2

2007-06-25 Thread Les Geer (607-429-3580)
That is the postscript error handler RSCS sends by default prior to
the print job.  Perhaps the printer doesn't like something about this
postscript program.  This really is for handling of plain text files.
You can turn off this feature by using:
in the link parm statement.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

Here is the output we are seeing:  it is just a small portion of the
output, but I was hoping someone would be able to tell me what is
generating this output:

    % serverloop password
  /brkpage where not } dup serdict begin
statisdict begin checkpassword
 print flush exitserver  } { pop { bad password on loading error handler
Print flush stop } ifelse}{pop pop (error handler in place - not loaded
again\n) =20
Print flush stop } ifelse /$brkpage 64 dict def /=3Dstring where not {
/=3Dstring 128 string def } {pop}
Ifelse $brkpage begin /=3D=3D { /cp 0 def typeprint n1 } def /printpage =
/prnt { dup type /stringtype ne { =3Dstring cvs
} if dup length 6 mul /tx exch def /ty 10 def currentpoint /toy exch def
/tox exch def 1 setgray newpath
Tox toy 2 sub moveto 0 ty rlineto tx 0 rlineto 0 ty neg...etc

  1   2   >