[IceHorses] Re: Melnir's Sensation breast collar

2008-07-23 Thread Kaaren Jordan
sending BP measurments

I've sold about 100 Icelandic sized breast plates to Icelandics over the
years I've been a dealer  95% fit just fine because of the adjustability of
all the straps/hardware.  All that being said, I do like to speak by phone
to anyone placing orders so I can
get a better understanding of sizing requirements.  Some of the more refined
Iceys do need to have custom sized ones made  this has been no extra charge
so far.   Usually if the Icey takes an 18  or 20Sensation girth, we need
to investigate further. My 14.3h/(since we dieted) 1000lb. Lalli uses the
same Icey sized breast plate as Selur my 800lb guy, but the strap adjustment
needs to be changed for each.  This is why I'm ordering a second one...too
much hassle to change e/o day. Some of the young, not yet fully grown Ices
may also need a custom sized one as well or ones with narrow chests.


[IceHorses] Re: breast collar

2008-07-23 Thread Kaaren Jordan
WandaI believe it's impotant to have a breast collar for atability in

Being a dealer for Sensation  a saddle fit consultant for many years, I
hear a lot of horrendous stories from around the country  happening with all
different breeds of horses.  Maybe this is what colors me to be particularly
cautious in my recommendations to others as well as how I choose to handle
my horses.  Many of the accidents I hear of could have been easily
prevented by using safety stirrups, of course a helmut  a well fitting
english hunt style breast plate in either treed or treeless.  Even though
my guys have been with me for almost 14 years  are quite calm family
horses, things can go awry  if that does happen, I prefer that the lateral
slip of the saddle is limited by a breast plate..and that my foot will come
out of the stirrups if I do fall ..and my skull is protected.Even if 99%
of the time your horse behaves in s safe manner, for the sake of that 1% I
believe it's worth using a breast plate, safety stirrups,  most importantly
a helmut any time you get on your horse.  It certainly itsn't going to hurt
either horse or rider.

Just last week a woman called me for a Sensation demo  (for her other horse)
whose normally calm horse had gotten a foot caught in the stirrup of a
saddle that had completely gone under when she came off in a spook around
her yard.  She was just bruised, but the horse has a very long layup ahead
due to back/neck trauma from  being flipped forward.  This was with a
treeless saddle  with closed stirrup hangers  metal safety stirrups.


[IceHorses] Re: Trausti was a big star! (in Zilco tack)

2008-07-22 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Break strength  snaps

Yes, I  thought they would break too, but that has not been my experience.
Used Dana's snaps on the ends of my sidepull reins  Lalli stepped on one
rein.  Neither the snap nor the synthetic rein broke..big chiropractic
bill..sore horse.  This is when I switched to all leather with fuses.


[IceHorses] Re: Trausti was a big star! (in Zilco tack)

2008-07-22 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Sensation makes a breast plate specifically sized for Icelandics.


[IceHorses] Re: breast collar

2008-07-22 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Dana  will make any sizing you need on breast plates   if the leather color
is still available can match the liners which velcro on  off (or can be
permanently sewn on) to your saddle.  She also has many different colors of
both beta biothane  granite biothane so you can have contratsing or
matching colors.  I personally like the velcro on liner idea.  That way you
have versatility  to match your mood.


[IceHorses] Re: Trausti was a big star! (in Zilco tack)

2008-07-21 Thread Kaaren Jordan
breast collars can be trickier than fitting a bridle

I agree with Karen T. on this one.  Since I have two Iceys, I'm getting
tired of adjusting the one I have for each horse  may just have to suck it
up  buy a second one.. the decision is, try another brand or go with a
second Sensation??? I really like everything about the Sensation Icelandic
breast plate with the exception that the whither piece is heavy because of
all the hardware. I haven't found a way around that issue yet.  Is the Zilco
breast plate as heavy in the whithers piece???Pros  cons on the Zilco
anyone???  Input on any other favorite brands ???  What size???

What kind of fit guidelines do you guys use for the center between the legs
piece, the two side arms  the whither piece???

I have been making sure that when the horse puts their head down into the
eat position that I can fit a fist's width under each piece, but surely
there are better ways???  Maybe that's too much in certain areas??/


[IceHorses] Re: Skito pads

2008-07-21 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Having trouble with Skito

I have been an agent with Skito for over 10 years   (over 500 pads ordered)
 have never experienced any difficulty in my customers receiving their
orders within the 3-4 week custom manufacture period.  Maybe I can be of
help to either of you.  I haven't followed this thread, so please contact me
OFF LIST (805)688-2503 to bring me up to speed.


[IceHorses] Re: Trausti was a big star! (in Zilco tack)

2008-07-20 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Zilco breast plat

What size Zilco breast plate did you order for Trausti???  How is the fit
different from the Sensation Icey size..pros/cons??


[IceHorses] Re: Hot Weather Idea

2008-07-18 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Janice...I just love this idea...reicpe for the fruitcicles!!???


PS.Thanks for all the great hot weather comfort ideas!!! 

[IceHorses] Re:LittleJoe saddle pad

2008-07-16 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Little Joe Pad

When I ordered mine, I ordered it 3 shorter than standard  provided my own
Sensation billets.  I too did not care for their
free under pad  either  instead put my Skito Sensation Pad underneath.  If
the stirrup hangers bother you, just take the pad to a local saddler  have
him stitch a  5 x5 suede square which has a velcro strip down each side
onto the LJ Pad.  It covers the rings nicely. A saddler can also cut the
rear of the Little Joe down a few inches  re-attach the binding.  Both of
my horses liked the Little Joe Pad a lot, but it was too wide for my narrow
hips.  Elizabeth at Little Joe refunded my money in full even though it was
a special order.  Several of my saddle fit clients whose hips are not as
narrow as mine love the Little Joe as an alternate to their treeless.


[IceHorses] Re: Completely OT - Cure for a bad day

2008-07-15 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Re: Matt Hardings You Tube

Very, very amazing!!!  I wish more humans would express their spirit like
Matt.  What a different place our planet could be!!!

Thanks to whoever found this.  It's getting filed under my Having A Bad Day


[IceHorses] Re:Hay Prices

2008-07-09 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Skyrocketing hay prices

Tell me about it...our went up from $19.99 a compressed bale for timothy to
$24.99 a bale and rising in one year.  My friends in Bend Oregon say that
theirs has gone from $6.00 per bale for orchard grass to $7.00 per bale in
one year.  Up there, the hay is grown locally  you pick up, so the gas
prices have'nt effected tothe prices that much.  They also irrigate from
state irrigation canals/private wells,  water hasn't gone up .


[IceHorses] Re: What is it with grain?!

2008-07-08 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Kaaren  Robyn use ABC Products

Yes, I still (mostly my horses) like the ABC free choice Icelandic Mineral
Mix, with Redmond salts, Himalaylan salts  ABC MOP all out free choice.
Also always have the liquid Pro-Bi on hand for any emergencies that may
arise, but mostly use it before  after worming  to help re-balance the
intestinal flora.

 They hardly touch the Icey Mineral mix now except at the change of coat 
during really hot weather. I'm going to be adding ABC Plus a vite  mineral
pelletted mix that has ABC's wonderful Pro -bio blend in it  though.  Both
my boys are 21 yo  we will (hopefully soon) be taking a very long trip to
Bend, Oregon when our house down here sells.  Thought I would start boosting
them now rather than right before the move.  It's also been over the top hot
this summer   they have been gobbling the salt/mins.. the ABC Plus may be
just what they need about now.  You only give about 2 tbls. a day per Icey,
so it's really economical.

Last week I tallyed up my ABC 2007 costs  it was only  $86.00 for all three
horses and one is my 26yo 15.2h Quarter Horse mare.

The ACV added to the top dress products sounds like a great idea..that I
forgot about.  This is what I love about the list...thanks for the reminder.


[IceHorses] Re: Gypsy Vanner

2008-07-08 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Feathers  farrier work with Vanners

Brian , my client's Vanner had to have his feathers pulled up  away from
his feet  secured by a band of Velcro One Step so the farrier could see
angles etc.  It was realy hard to keep  his feathers clean in the mud though
 free of foxtails, ticks etc.


[IceHorses] Re: What is it with grain?!

2008-07-08 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Link to ABC

They have a web-site: a-b-c-plus.com  or just Google Advanced Biological
Concepts.  The Canadian toll free is: (800)779-3959.  The products are only
available for purchase from ABC direct or through dealers.  They will give
you a list of dealers near you or sell direct to you.  No membership or
multi-level stuff.. you can  buy direct. Shipping can be pricey on the
heavier items like the 50 lb bags though.  They may still have free shipping
with larger purchases..ask.


[IceHorses] Re:Gypsy Vanner

2008-07-05 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Silver dapple, Gypsy Vanner

Celeste Huston's ranch is  near me  I have seen this horse out in pasture.
He sure is a head turner!!   Apparently his color is quite rare  sought
after according to one of my clients who has a Vanner. He looked as wide as
a table top  15h+ to boot.  I'll bet there aren't too many saddles besides
the Sensation  maybe the Freeform that would let a rider be comfy on that
back with a such a wide barrel.  When I have gone by her place, I see a lot
of the horses being longed  driven, but haven't I seen one under saddle

Oe of my clients here in the Valley has a pinto Gypsy Vanner she imported
sight unseen from Ireland.   Even though Brian was 14.2h, he was s
verrry wide that  her 6'2,  young, very fit male horse trainer had
difficulty riding him for any length of time even in the Sensation.  I tried
to just sit on him once to see what they were experiencing and believe me, I
wouldn't be trying that again soon.   He was so wide  flat from side to
side that you could actually set a dinner for two on his back with room to
spare...proably the widest horse I've ever fit for a saddle.  I do have a
friend who is a late 30ish yoga instructor who finds her Gypsy Vanner
comfortable in a Torsion though, so maybe not many of the breed are as wide
as the silver dapple or Brian.


[IceHorses] Re:fell off the pony

2008-06-30 Thread Kaaren Jordan

Regarding some thoughts on the Sensation demo ...  The English Trail model
has the flaps set a smidge further forward   the pommel is not so deep
allowing the stirrups to be placed forward as well which eases the strain on
the hips for some.  You can special order the Hybrid with an English Trail
flap at no extra charge, but be aware that some people find that the Hybrid
feels slightly wider in the twist than the English models.   Because of your
special needs, you may feel the width more acutely  need to try a few ideas
to make it comfy.  If your dealer does not have a Hybrid with english trail
flap available to try,  I have one in my stable of demos.  A good percentage
of my customers are princess  the pea types  or people with special
needs, so I  special order  a Skito pad I designed with narrower foam
inserts  cut up under the leg with custom tapered edges for those sensitive
rider's who need  more hip relief comfort.   It is the same price as any
Skito pad, just my proprietary design.   Also try shortening your stirrups a
bit  as this also provides some twist relief.  Sensation also has a
special bolster called a twist narrowing bolster that works for some.

Remember to use an english hunt style breast plate for safety's sake 
better lateral stability.  You may never need it, but it never hurts to take
the extra prcaution.

Feel frre to call me (805)688-2503 if you have any questions unique to your


[IceHorses] Re: bitless video

2008-06-28 Thread Kaaren Jordan
SAID or SAYS SHE DOES!!...It's simply a sharing of what I've observed some
of my horses doing over the years.

sometimes has wild days

When a cold weather front comes in with high winds, my normally pleasantly
forward Selur becomes a character from Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.  He's taken
off with me on the long flat ridge  we frequent several times over the years
at a dead gallop dropping into flying pace if  I try a half halt.   Mind
you, I'm not a big fan of flying pace.  It always feels on the edge of being
out of control  I'm no adrenaline junkie.   I've found over the years, it's
best to just go with it because the footing is safe  he always stops before
the steep descent at the end of the 1/2 mile plateau, but none-the -less a
bit more speed than I'd like.  My usually, dead calm/seniors walk faster
than us guy, Lalli becomes his version of wild...cantering for about 40 feet
before drooping into a tolt where I don't have to keep the foot on the gas.
Neither of my horses are ridden abusively nor can the equine chiro who comes
every 4-6 weeks find anything but normal wear  tear..and we ride in the
TTEAM sidepull in a Sensation.   It's just higher spirits, I think.   When I
had Tb's, I wouldn't even consider getting on them when it was windy/cold
because more than once, I found my butt planted on the ground from simply
high spirits.

I've seen that weather changes can contribute to wilder days  in the
breeds of horses I've been around  Iceland certainly does have more wind 
cold than we do...maybe the weather contibutes to the wildness there

The woman riding  in the You Tube video wasn't what I'd consider a centered
riding advertisment, but at least she's trying something new  that's a
start.I shudder to think what anyone on the list would say about my
riding 14 years ago when I switched from show ring hunter/ jumper style
riding  straight out of the 70's to Iceys. ..or the saddles I chose in the
beginning.  Life's a learning curve  I applaud anyone who's trying to make
changes even if they don't get it right according to my beliefs .  I don't
know any of us who becomes perfect anything over night..it's a process.  I
particularly  wouldn't like people publicly criticizing  my efforts to try
new things...would you??


[IceHorses] Re:Heat Stress

2008-06-23 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Heat stress strategies

With the daytime highs last Thurs-Sat. hovering around 112 F, I had to pull
out all the stops for my all over 21 yo's to be comfortable.  The only
saving grace was the non stop wind which helped the  stall misters  to
disperse better.

We have misters over the entrances to my run in stalls which were running
24/7.  We installed them ourselves  buying the standard hose hook up type
from the hardware store for around $60.00.  Instalation was very simple 
only uses about 10 gallons of water per day for 20x 12  12 x 12 entrances.
Cools the temps down about 15F.

I also put our more of the Himalayan Salts  ABC free choice mins which they
devoured plus ABC Pro-Bi. This way they could take what salts 
supplements they need to balance.   This was the first time I put out their
Hilton General Herb mix free choice thninking that because it contains
mint for internal cooling  many liver /kidney balancing herbs it may help
too..  They all took what they needed  then stopped much to my surprise.

All got a complete cool down soaking before the highest daytime temp time 
a short Jin Shin treatment daily to help balance with the extremes.   Later
in the day they all got their legs esp the rear insides hosed off  their
chests.  Also put the Cashell Cool Kerchiefs that I had frozen over their
poll areas under their fly masks.  Mine love watermelon  frozen grapes , so
they all got cooling treats as well with a bunch of fresh dandelion greens
to help the liver   kidneys clear heat.   None of mine are overweight or IR
or have a tendency to colic, but  maybe the fruit wouldn't be such a good
idea for some horses.

All thankfully are none the worse for wear .  I hope that we don't get
another heat wave like that soon. Spoke with our Vet today  he said he had
never seen so many colics in the 20 years he had been in practice here as he
did this past weekend.

Any other suggestions to file away for future reference from you hot weather
veterans out there would be much appreciated.

Solvang , Calif. 

[IceHorses] Re: Tivar's sweet itch update

2008-06-19 Thread Kaaren Jordan
chemicals vs no

I don't believe in either or /black  white thinking.  Sometimes it is
necessary to use chemicals/ topicals   worm when NEEDED, but if a
non-chemical can do the trick then why not???  Many people also do fecals on
their horses to determine what type of wormer is needed  when rather than
just worming on a schedule.   This is done sequencially  if the expense of
having your Vet do them is too much, a microscope kit can be purchased via
the internet to do yourself.  Since I only have 3 horses, I go the Vet
route..and I do use chemical wormers, but judiciously.   I also titre for
all my vaccines   only give WHEN NEEDED, but then I have three horses.

 I have always felt that holistic care is not a substitute for allopathic
medical care but instead should be thought of as complementary care .  Many
horses live in the South particularly NC w/o SE.  In TCM  it is seen that
humans/horses that have susceptibility  have imbalances within their systems
that may need additional support.  If caretakers choose to go the
traditional route then that is their perogative.  I simply provided an
additional way (add meaning to do with) of perhaps dealing with the issue.

Flax is a simple, cost effective way of adding EFA's to the domestic horse's
diet which has many benefits  not many risks.  The only risk to doing fecal
samples is perhaps added expense/time as is with vaccine titres.


[IceHorses] Re:Tivar's sweet itch update

2008-06-18 Thread Kaaren Jordan
supplements for sweetitch

I've seen many horses  humans recover quite nicely from skin issues/auto
immune reactions by adding freshly ground flax seed to the daily diet along
with some herbal/homeopathic support.  Horses seem to do well with 4 oz 1-2
x's daily with humans at about 1-2 tbls. daily.   Sometimes a deficiency of
EFA's contribute to the whole SE label. The added benefits are beautiful
gleaming , shiny coat  more hormonal balance in mares/human females.  Also
helps with elimination problems like constipation/low bowel motility in

Flax starts to oxidize very quickly after grinding, so refrigerate only what
you can use within a few days.  The refrigerated oil from the HF store is
also good, but some don't like the taste.  The capsule form can be rancid,
so avoid..the same with any of the horse products that say they can
stabilize flax..not possible.  A simple $12.95 coffee grinder from  Wal
is a handy, low cost way to grind the seeds.

Hilton Herbs also has 2  herbal equine products for skin/auto-immune
available through Chamisa Ridge.  The horses with a crabbier, more irritable
temperment that also have skin issues usually are much improved in
disposition/skin issues after ta short course of an liver cleanse herbal
formula called Milk Thistle Plus followed by  Chamisa Ridge- Healthy Coat or
Hilton -Top Coat . Wendals Herbs Stop Itch is another formula that is a
blood purifier/kidney-liver cleanse of safe North American Herbs that stops
skin itching  heals coat issues from the inside out.

In Traditional Chineses Medicine, skin issues/itching, susceptibility to
insect bite reactions has it's basis in what they call Heat in the Blood
stemming from an over taxed Liver with secondary Kidney involvement in the
TCM sense.   The crabbiness-irritibility  (often labeled  just the way they
are) is often the effect of a chronically overloaded Liver  along with
sensitivity to sound  touch esp near the flanks.   I've personally seen
many animals  humans temperment improve dramitically once the system was
balanced from the inside out with a combo. of acupuncture/acupressure with
appropriate herbs or homeopathy.  Many holistic veterninary practitioners
think that overuse of wormers/ exposure to other chemicals topically or
internally exacerbate the condition.


[IceHorses] Re: Shoes or Not

2008-06-16 Thread Kaaren Jordan
shoes or no shoes  vs hoof wear

My 26 yo Quarter Horse mare has not been ridden in 13 years due to injury 
does fine on our sandy dry lot keeping good angles  not wearing too much,
but one of my Iceys has very shelly feet despite supplements, holistic work
etc  needs shoes if I am to ride him for the 2 hours e/o day on our very
rocky hard ground.  My other Icey wears his feet down too much just in the
sandy dry lot  needs shoes as well.  Tried about $1,000.oo worth of
hoofboots... some custom  coulnd't find any that didn't create joint issues
due to improper traction  fit or cause various rubs etc.  We just do shoes
now  both are very happy..but we have an excellent farrier  that does a
super prep  really knows how to shape metal/nail leave adequate expansion.

In my equine bodywork practice out here, I've seen a lot of problems caused
by improper  natural barefoot trim with just as many from improper metal
on the feet.

I don't believe that shoes are the root of all evil, but instead the manner
in which they are applied.  Bad farrier work is bad farrier work whether
there is metal involved or not.  Just because someone has studied with Pete
Ramey, Jaimie Jackson or in the other camp Gene Ovnicek or Tony Gonzales
does not mean they have an eye or talent..it just means they have paid for


[IceHorses] Re:Loose Dogs

2008-06-16 Thread Kaaren Jordan
loose dogs

This is why I carry a long dressage whip with a flapper on the end.  If the
dogs do not respond to my verbal commands to go home, I dismount  draw a
very clear boudary line between me  dogs firmly repeating go home.  If
that doesn't work, I
do a quick lightening strike on the ground in front of me accompanied by
a very firm Go home.  I have acclimated my guys to the defensive use of
the whip at home first so as not to concern them.

One of my Iceys hates dogs (or any small animal for that matter) that comes
into his space  will charge the offenders with me on him ... pinned ears 
snaking head.  He's even picked one up  thrown him (with me on board) when
the dog didn't heed his warning.   He's also the best drop kicker around.
The local dogs know Lalli  give us a wide birth now.  I've never had to get
off  use the whip with him.


[IceHorses] Re: Statement by Diddi

2008-06-16 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Didi's statement

I have taken quite a few clinics from Didi when he taught at Flying C  , I
found him to be way more fair with the horses than  any of the other
Icelanders (and most of the classical dressage trainers ) I have taken
clinics from out here.  He did not crank any nosebands to to max, in fact he
loosened some, used the whip other than a directional aid because he is
quite long legged, or yank any of the horses in the clinic up into an
artificial frame.  He did do a lot of circling, serpentines,  lateral work
before we even did any gait work warming up at a walk, then trot long  low.
My only issue with his method was that the exercises were done at faster
speeds than I would like.  He did not push any of the horses in the clinics
I attended to the point of them getting anywhere near stressed because they
were not used for the purpose of high level showing   he recognized the
difference in criteria.

During one of the clinics, I couldn't physically get my long backed, low
neck set, on the forhand guy Selur to trot through the corners of the track
 made the excuse that Selur just couldn't do it because of his build.  Didi
got on him  after one pass around the ring  using nothing but cues from his
seat, got him to trot long  low on the buckle proceeding to trot in a
beautiful free extended trot on the long side of the track coming into
graceful collection in the corners IN MY SIDEPULL with very little contact 
proceeded to effortlessly slide into flying pace (which BTW I never thought
Selur could do) with equally effortless grace.   His cues were so subtle
that I could barely see them. I realized it was my lack of skill not Selur's
conformation at play here.  We've since worked on our trot   balancewith me
taking many lessons from the Balance ladies  Peggy Cummings but I never
have seen Selur since move like he did with Didi on board even with Peggy on

  Didi trains high level  world class show horses for the world class show
circuit  demands, just like any other world class rider in any other
discipline..dressage, hunter-jumpers, Grand Prix jumping to name a few.
While I wouldn't handle my horses that way, nor do I wish to compete  or
condone the criteria they set up for competition, not ALL show riders 
trainers are horse abusers.  If you choose to compete in that world  to win,
you need to compete with that criteria in mind with the fairest of handling
for the horses involved.  I have not seen Didi train a world class horse,
only work with the Icelandic owners out here who are mainly pleasure riders
who show here in Calif..  What I saw here was no where near abusive  anyone
who knows me , would tell you how sensitized I am to abuse or rough handling
of any sort.  In fact I left  the ring during one clinic with another
Icelander whose approach I did not agree with.

I have seen a trend out here to go to the  classical dressage world for
training of Icelandics many of whom do not understand the gaits, the
abilities or capabilities of Icelandics  who try to force them into a frame
like a warmblood or make them trot/canter in smaller circles than is
possible for some.   Mostly they crank their noses in for a head on the
vertical stance which is not possible for many Icelandics  punish them for
breaking into gait in turns or on a circle. When Didi was here we had a
conversation about this trend  a few years back   he shared that is what he
did not care for from the foreigners.
This is what he may have meant probably taken out of context.

One of my guys, Lalli, who is now 21 yo., was started by Didi for Didi's
then 3yo daughter Sara.  A quieter , safer horse you could never ask for.
He was trained for the carriage his body  mind could handle for the purpose
he was to be used for..a great family horse hand picked by Didi for my
husband imported by Robyn Hood.

When I brought Lalli to  Didi's last clinic so Sarah could see him again,
Didi took me aside  told me Lalli was a bit pacey, getting on in years  
could not be expected to toelt as smoothly as Selur  so not to have
unrealistc expectations.  He did say I could learn to ride his gaits a bit
softer , then Lalli would become softer.  Never did he ask Lalli for more
than he could give.  A crude, unaware trainer would not have  even cared or
said such a thing to me.


[IceHorses] Re:Home From Gov.Knowles

2008-06-09 Thread Kaaren Jordan
  Raven landing on her shoulder

I had a similar thing happen to me last August when Lalli put a foot in a
hole  went straight down with me.  He was not hurt  I was was shaken up
with a sore shoulder for a few days.  I know I've shared with you all about
carrying a waist pouch with homeopathics  rescue remedy, but I also cut
myself some 80's vintage looking shoulder pads out of 1/2 Skito foam  tuck
them under my bra strap.  While they won't help my ribs or collar bone, they
do protect the point of the shoulder/top of the humerus which is where I
usually hit.  Tried the body protectors, but they are just too hot  bulky
for where we live most of the year.  Considering I've only had 2 falls in 14
years back riding, both from the guys putting a foot in a whole while moving
fast, I consider myself lucky.

Heal quickly Raven.


[IceHorses] Re: My Spiritual Journey with Horses

2008-06-09 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Can't seem to quiet my mind

The Bach Flower essence White Chesnut is a good one to still the mind.  It
can be put into your water bottle, taken straight or sprayed on you like a
mist.  This can be layered on top of Rescue Remedy as well.

Kaaren(Major Frosted Flake  and makes a living at it!!) 

[IceHorses] Re: He's baaack!!!

2008-05-31 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Teev's ears/looking happy

I don't know how anyone/any animal could spend time with Janice without
becoming a lot more light hearted.   All of us like to feel
appreciated/accepted for exactly who we are warts  all  Janice does that
in spades.   Not only does Janice provide excellent care for her animals,
but her sunny disposition  quircky sense of humor would un-grumpify even
the most diehardt curmudgeon.

Teev was very fortunate to have an R  R stint with Janice as well as the
initial care Karen indulged him with.  Animals like humans have different
personal preferences   bond  with individuals just as we do.   Just like
us, horses can dislike like a particular human just based on chemistry or
personality or emotional needs . Teev's other people may not have done
anything wrong, but may have just not been the right blend of personality
styles/ match of emotional needs/ or shared interests for all to be happy.
Just like  being married to the wrong person, being matched with the wrong
is grounds for divorce.  I applaud the horse/animal keepers that find they
can not provide what a particular animal needs  finding a better match for
them whatever the reason.


[IceHorses] Re: OT-my diet

2008-05-30 Thread Kaaren Jordan
type of green beans used in soup recipe

Mic: When I visited the UK back in 2000, I just used the local courgettes
(sp)  french green beans to make the soup.  You don't have to use the fancy
haricot verts.  Lower starch green beans have the mineral/alkalinity profile
we are looking for here.  Either curly leaf parsley or the Italian flat leaf
are fine.


[IceHorses] Re: OT-my diet

2008-05-30 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Cilantro instead of parsley

Cilantro has a different effect, so in this case parsley is better...but
cilantro is a wonderful addition to your daily greens because it helps to
clear heavy metals from the body..most notably mercury.  In Japan they
routinely give people a specially distilled cilantro tincture if they
suspect mercury overload.


[IceHorses] Re: OT-my diet

2008-05-30 Thread Kaaren Jordan
parsley  hi BP diuretics

You only use a small handful of the tops  this batch makes about 12, 1 cup
servings, so unless your MD has said to avoid parsley altogether, the
amounts are small in each cup.  You could leave it out if you are concerned
or cut the amount  to your comfort zone.


[IceHorses] Re: colour question

2008-05-24 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Seasonal roaning

My guy Selur is a quite unusual color  in both of his cycles.  Look on my
web-site:kaarenjordan.com under Kaaren's Horses  see what you think.  What
color do you think Selur is??


[IceHorses] Re: colour question

2008-05-24 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Does he have a cream gene???

I don't know.  His sire was Baldur 147 (grandsires Jarpur 112/Randver fra
Fitjamyri)..dam Vindottir fra Fitjamyri(Grand dam s- Dixie 111/Pia Van
Asgeirsbrekka).  He was started  trained by Christine Schwartz.  I think
this is why he  is such an amazing horse.   ...IMO, can't beat the TTEAM way
of educating a horse.

I saw Vindottir at the Icelandic Horse Farm when I came for a clinic in 1997
 she  is I guess a dark dun type buckskin.  Selur is almost indentical in
color to her.  I think Baldur was a mealy mouth dark brown, but not sure as
he passed on many years ago.

All I know is that his temperment is what I call the perfect boyfriend.
He's affectionate, considerate, kind, has a great sense of humor  is very
even disposition..always happy, never argues.   I think I've seen him in a
mildy bad mood once during the 10 years he's been with me.  Selur's motto
iswhat can I do for you  as he's kissing my face or hands???  In fact I
wish  I could have him in human form for the perfect husband!!  His gaits
are smooth  he's a great, brave trail horse.  I just love his color in both
seasons.  People around the neighborhood thought I had gotten another horse
the first few seasons because he changes color so radically.  In winter he
looks like a silver tipped bayish roan.  If I body clip him Fall into
Winter, he looks like a dappled rose grey.


[IceHorses] Re: Drought Affecting Horse Industry - my rant

2008-05-22 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Price of hay at $250.00 per ton

I guess it's all relative... we are paying $23.00 a BALE for 100 lb bales of
compressed timothy hay (11% protein/7% sugars/carbs).  We will breath a sigh
of major relief when our house here sells  we move to Bend where grass hay
is $250.00 per ton/$9.00 per bale.  This is why I only keep as many horses
as I know I can care for in the manner I prefer...calculating the horse
keeping costs prices (farrier/hay/supplements/Vet/dentristry)  in 20 years
which would be close to my horses life span.  As they age, they may not be
able to eat hay  may need special feeds which need to be factored in as
well.  My 3 horses are all 20+ yo now  care costs will rise as they age.

14 years ago when I got back into horses  my two Iceys were 8 ish, I would
have loved to buy more Iceys as I truly love them, but realized that cost of
horse keeping would keep rising  the reality was I could only afford my 2
Iceys+ my old retired mare.  I probably won't be able to afford another
riding horse even if one of my boys becomes unridable until my mare passes
over at 26yo , I swear she keeps getting younger looking/acting each


[IceHorses] Re:Fhoenix saddle pictures

2008-05-15 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Fhoenix wobble  molding difficulty

Yes, I found the same issues with the Fhoenix, that's why I stopped
representing them.  The foam takes impossibly long to mold
esp in the cooler months of the year and if you live in the northern
climes..forget it in the winter.  Hard as a rock for horse  rider.  Most of
my demo clients found it to be laterally unstable as well except on the
higher whithered horses which is why I represented them in the first place.
The panels are  deep which is why they work better for the higher whithered
horses..you need the extra clearance on them.  Many of my clients who
fortunately tried BEFORE they bought likened the seat on the Fhoenix to
straddling a toilet seat..I can second that.

The new ones have a little less of the straddling a toilet seat feeling  ,
but are the same foam.  If you live in the South or Southwest the molding
will happen quicker because of the warmer temps, but the depth of the panels
still sits you not as close contact as most riders like.  The flap even in
the GP is very straight with stirrup bars in a fixed position set VERY far
back..tooo far back for all but the most diehard upper level dressage
ridersIn other words a pain in the proverbial hip joint.

They are beautifully made  will last a very long time due to the quality of
the leather.

If anyone is thinking of buying one, please, please try BEFORE you buy for
at least 10 days.  Don't be tempted to buy off E-Bay
unless you can negotiate a trial period.


[IceHorses] Re: Fhoenix saddle pictures

2008-05-15 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Fhoenix foam

It's not really a memory foam, but some kind of black colored high tech
temp sensitive aeronautics seat foam they use a lot in the UK.  It is thick,
so doesn't behave like the 1/2 blue Prolite foam Balance uses in their
padding systems  or Treefree uses in it's panels.  It is some sort of
proprietary foam.


[IceHorses] Re: Found A Snake

2008-05-04 Thread Kaaren Jordan
snakes  gophers..how do they catch them

The balance of nature..well depends on the balance of nature.  If we kill
the snakes  drive away the coyotes for example, then the ground squirrel ,
gopher  general rodent populations grow out of control unchecked  destroy
the plants by undermining them ..then contribubuting to erosion of the soil
 leave less flowering plants for the bees who fertilize many trees 
plants.   If we kill off too many gophers/burrowing creatures, then we have
less aeration of the soil  etc, etc. Human intervention by deciding which
species is offensive/inconvenient to them impacts so many things we can't
even conceive of .

All that being said, I will  try to relocate first  then dispatch if all
else fails any creature in the most humane way possible that threatens the
safety of my family (which includes my animals).  This is why I am vigilant
about holes in the paddocks..I don't want a broken bone for me or my horses.

As to how snakes hunt, they wait until they see the type of prey they can
easily catch  is the right size  grab them, quickly dispatch them by first
paralysing them (if they are lucky) by grabbing the prey behind the neck,
coil around them to suffocate them  then swallow them.  The snake in your
garage may have been lying in wait for a tasty little mouse or rat..or just
seeking shade.  I'm not for having a too close encounter with a poisonous
snake, but the non-poisonous ones can do no harm to me or my animals because
around here they are just too small to pose any threat.

My rescue boas I've had for 17 years  (both about 9'/30 lbs), could possibly
go after a very small kitten or small chihuahua puppy if they escaped  were
very hungry.  But they are very docile  are physically incapable of
swallowing anything larger than the above.  They certainly would not/could
not hurt any human unless the human was stupid enough to allow a snake of
that size to coil around their neck   the snake lost it's balance.  Even
then it would be a stabilizing protection (hanging on for dear life) against
a fall rather than to try to intentially kill.   If a snake falls  breaks
ribs, they can not ptoentially hunt  eat, so they instinctually like horse
do anything to avoid falling. Snakes will strike /bite in self defense if
cornered   perceive there is no way out, not try to strangle you!!  They
only do that to eat.  Now a 60lb+ Burmese python or one of the other more
agressive eater giant snakes, you might have to be more careful with small
pets  potentially a baby human.


[IceHorses] Re:Found A Snake

2008-05-03 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Found a snake on the property

I'm thrilled when I see a gopher snake or king snake on or near our
property.   The gopher snakes keep the ground squirrels, gophers,  rodents
under natural population control  the king snakes do all of the above +
keep rattlers at bay.  I just have to watch our whippets don't kill the
snakelets because they chase anything that moves!!!


[IceHorses] Re: What's In Your Saddle

2008-05-02 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Feldenkraisresources.com  Feldenkrais.org both have tape sets available 
can send you catalogues.


PS Just call me for the phone numbers if you have a problem reaching them. 

[IceHorses] Re: Liablity... especially with children

2008-05-01 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I live in California where suing seems to be considered an alternate form of
income .so when our great neighbors wanted to have their nieces/nephews come
over for some supervised pony rides on th lawn, I decided to contact our
insurance agent first.  He told us that in Calif., the homeowners insurance
would not cover medical bills if the person had their own medical insurance.
He then went on to say that private medical insurance companies try to
weasel out of as much as they can if it happens on someone else's property.
So this is a grey area that usually gets resolved with much legal expense
for both parties with the insurance companies both trying to weasel out of
as much as they can, claiming neither has full responsibility.  These days
even a broken arm with surgery involved could cost $25K  up, so I shudder
to think of what spinal /neck injury could be.  Even the calmest horse can
inadvertantly spook/trip or knock someone down  cause some serious damage
esp. to a child.  So even nice people with their own private medical
coverage would be forced into suing us in order to cover their medical bills
if their medical insurance company refused.  It would be a hard choice of
going into  debt to cover medical bills or suing us.  We explained to them
the worst case scenario  fortunately they understood  declined to put
either of us in the situation.

It's so unfortunate that we even have to think of such things  that we
can't share the joy of riding with a child without fear of liability.


[IceHorses] Re: What's In Your Saddle

2008-05-01 Thread Kaaren Jordan
crooked trees VS. treeless

I've seen  many treeless saddles pulled into assymetry by the rider as well
causing impact to the structure of the horse.   It usually happens quicker
than with a treed saddle because of the lack of rigid structure.  It is also
impactful in a different way because of the less structure, but still
impactful.  The pro of the treeless is that a rider's faults  will become
evident a lot quicker in the form of saddles slipping off to one side,
pressure from the rider's seat/seatbones causin pain or white hairs to name
a few common complaints .  Treeless saddles can also be made assymetrical,
so check all saddles for symmetry regardless.

Because of my backround in human biomechanics/holistic health care, I think
it is important for all us riders to have some kind of body work or exercise
program geared to addressing our own assymetries.  It doesn't have to cost a
chunk of change either.  Feldenkrais has at hundreds of home Awareness
Through Movement tape series that you can buy starting at about $29.95 that
will help in changing your habitual posture/movement patterns without even
stepping outside your door.  There are also some great Pilates/Gyrotonics/ 
yoga tapes that help.  A 3-4 time a year visit to a holistically oriented
PT/personal trainer can give you a personalized exercise at home program
without having to join a gym.  A few chiropractic , cranial-sacral ,
cranio-osteopathy, or acupuncture visits a year can prevent injuries as well
as healing current issues.  Even a few Connected Riding/Centered Riding
lessons a year or whomever you choose that promotes rider awareness  can be
sooo helpful.

Riding  interacting with horses for me is  a such a pleasurable journey of
personal  spiritual growth .  Being with my horses gentley brings me  into
experiencing the moment  a gives me a connection with nature that I get
from nowhere else. 


[IceHorses] Re: Another lesson with Andi/Promise wrap

2008-04-27 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I just looove Linda Tellington-Jones The Ultimate Horse Book.  It's become
my bible too!!  Robyn Hood  (and Christine Schwartz) have helped me many
times during our 14 year association over the phone to increase my
understanding of my horses needs  deepen my bonds with Lalli  Selur.

I only went to 1 TTEAM 5 day course in Palm Springs 14 years ago where I
bought Lalli  it totally changed the way I relate to horses and other
beings in general.  I've kept up via the TTEAM Newsletters, books, videos, 
privates with our local TTEAM practitioners when possible.  There's so much
to learn in the TTEAM Method, it could take a lifetime to master the
sublties, just like Peggy Cummings Connected Riding.  But hey,...it's
about the journey, isn't it???


[IceHorses] Re: No Nosebands

2008-04-26 Thread Kaaren Jordan
riding with no nosebands

I've been busy, so haven't kept up with this entire thread...but I'll share
my experience with nosebands  bits.

When I was an assitant to a  european sport horse trainer over 30 years ago,
she explained to me the origins of use of various types of nosebands.  She
primarily used an english style cavesson fit just enough so that if the
rider happened to come off  the horse stepped onto the reins, it would
support the jaw opening to the point that the force could break the animals
jaw.  She rode primarily eggbutt/D/or full cheek bits with the english
cavesson to prevent the bit from being pulled through the horse's mouth in
an emergency preventing serious injury because with thosse types of bits,
the lateral stability is good prventing an entire pull through if the animal
steps into the reins.  She also used a loosely fitted flash noseband to
stabilize the bit for those horse's that preferred a loose ring bit, to both
support the jaw opening too wide in emergencies AND to stabilize the bit
laterally.  What I have observed over the years, is that a well fitted
noseband with an appropriately selected bit can prevent a whole host of
issues esp. if the rider happens to come off/horse steps onto reins or gets
reins caught on something  more so on the trail.

When I did ride with a bit 14 years ago on my first then green Icey, we were
riding through a narrow gate that had a top latch.  Lalli happened to turn
his head just as the latch was closing  caught the loose ring in the latch.
Thankfully he pulled back instead of running through the narrow gate  in
his brief thrashing broke the headstall.  If I had not used a leather
headstall  english style cavesson, he would have seriously injured his jaw.
Our equine chiro who came later that day found only a few things in his neck
 attributed it to the cavesson stabilizing the jaw.  Shortly after that I
heard of several trail ridding accidents where the horse stepped into the
reins after a rider fall  horse had injuries from either being caught up in
the reins or jaw injuries from the bit.  Since my horses both do just fine
being ridden in a halter, I switched to the TTEAM sidepull I still use 
never looked back.  BTW, I only use all leather reins  headstalls , so that
if I do come off  they get caught up, we have a better chance of something
breaking before serious injury is incurred.

What I have observed is that not all bits, bridles, nosebands, saddles treed
are bad, it depends on how  why you use them.


[IceHorses] Re: No Nosebands

2008-04-26 Thread Kaaren Jordan
throatlatch   browband vs none

Good point Judy.  Most Icelandics don't need a browband for headstall
stability like the more mane challenged  breeds and some because of the
way their jowls  built don't do well with a throatlatch.  I guess that was
how the single strap hadstall eveoled in Iceland.  This does present the
possibility of pulling off the headstall more easily by either rubbing or in
emergencies.  That's why, if you can get away with riding in a sidepull, the
TTEAM version has a really well placed jowl latch for better stability.
There are many other sidepulls that have a similar jowl latch /or well
placed throat latchs.  I'm sure for safety's sake, you could have any tack
repair person add a jowl strap for stability for not too much money to any
headstall by splitting it to add a ring then the jowl strap.


[IceHorses] Re: Contoured Girths, slipping saddle UPDATE

2008-04-24 Thread Kaaren Jordan
 To Zoe  Emmy Re: the front shims

Robyn used to be able to procure some Balance 1/4 Prolite shims which
worked really well for me  many of my customers.
The Balance International Ladies in the UK MAY sell the shims to you
(called 1/4 JB shims) if you tell them you have an Icelandic  a Sensation
 that you heard of this through Kaaren Jordan.  They are pricey (about
$60.00 US now)  can be used many ways..either placed vertically over the
top of your existing pad or cut out of their cover  put into your Skito Pad
(my rec.) either horizontally for larger support area or vertically cut to
fit inside the pad.  Just like the girth billeting, you have to experiment.

In my experience, the Skito 1/2 shims are too bulky.  Some people have used
1/4 firm felt beveled at the rear  bottom edges  AND secured ionto the
Skito foam with double stick carpet tape or front lift foam shims from Dana
@ Nickers, but you need to know the shape  thickness you need if you order
from Dana.  My rec. with any shim is to affix with double stick carpet tape
onto bottom layer of foam  IN THE PAD COVER to ensure NO shim drift.

I routinely trouble shoot with distance clients @$40.00 per hour (pro-rated)
talking the client through what they would need, who to order it through if
I can't do it,  how to experiment/interpret results.  Have had a 90% sucess
rate with clients all over the world doing this for all different types of
saddles both treed  treeless over the past 10 years.


[IceHorses] Re:Contoured Girths, slipping saddle

2008-04-23 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Forward girth lines

I have Iceys, one of whom has a forward girth line.  The Torsion Luna girth
did not make one bit of difference  Lalli hated it.  It made my Sensation
very laterally unstable as well.  Tried the very $$$ County crescent girth
with the same results.

Sometimes using the self centering billets in a different way on the
Sensation girth can help.  You can try tightening the rear billet one-2holes
more then the front billet  and if that doesn't make a difference, try the
reverse.  I do the former with my guy  it allows the saddle to stay where
it needs to on him.


[IceHorses] Re: Contoured Girths, slipping saddle

2008-04-23 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Longriders Gear Mohair Girth

This is a much better option that the Torsion Luna girth.  Some horses do
really well with it.

Since the forward girth groove person already has a Sensation girth, no harm
in playing with the billets as described in my last post.  If it works, she
doesn't have to buy a new girth..if it doesn't she's no worse off than


[IceHorses] Re: Contoured Girths, slipping saddle

2008-04-23 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Robyn's suggestion of 1/4 front shim

I use a 1/4 Prolite shim on both my horses placed a bit differently for
each  it makes HUGE difference.   Maybe Robyn has a spare Balance shim for


[IceHorses] Re: saddle pad problem

2008-04-15 Thread Kaaren Jordan
pad design changed for the Skito Sensation

I specially designed a Skito Pad for the Sensation that I order for all my
customers.  It has an anotomical topline contour over the entire length of
the pad as well as velcro closure in the rear so there is no chance of pad
pull/pad pressure over the whithers or mane.  I have sold about 200 of this
design over the past 4 years with no complaints so far from anyone in any


[IceHorses] Re:saddle pad problem

2008-04-14 Thread Kaaren Jordan
  Janice's pad  issues

Hard to tell what's happening w/o being there.  What I do know in general is
that  foam/shims/pad cover can wear out over time.In hot, humid climes
foam can need to be replaced e/o year if you ride a lot  are heavier than

I really like the Skito Dryback pads  (100% wool bottom) with an additional
Sensation nomad liner underneath to keep both the pad clean  the horse
drier  in the hotter, more humid areas AND give extra support for the
heavier rider.  Downside is that some horses are sensitive to the synthetic
materialsbut since the liner is not attached  just goes in between the
horse  pad, you could just re-sell it if it doesn't work out.

You could also start by replacing the foam  shims in the Medi-Cheval, but
the cost may not be worth it as the Medi Cheval covers tend to fall apart
sooner than the Skito.  That's why I don't sell them.

I already gave Janice costs on the above.


[IceHorses] Re:Horse vacuums

2008-04-14 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Does anyone use the Metro-Vac

I've been happily using this brand for about 4 years with very happy ponies.
It helps in the winter to keep debris from being trapped in between the
undercoat  the skin , in the shed seasons to pull the loose coat out after
I have curried (grooma'd),  the rest of the year to keep the dust/dirt away
from their skin. 

I use this as a finishing tool..part of grooming..not as the sole grooming


[IceHorses] Re: Another Success Story

2008-04-13 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Understanding advice from Robyn Hood

Way to go Susan  Whisper.  I too have found over the 14 years I have had
Iceys in the family, that Robyn's advice/the TTEAM approach has proven
invaluable.  It combines  easy to use body work, with fun ground work,  a
construct to build a bridge of communication with my horses that is an
enitrely new language.  I use these concepts in my holistic healing practice
for all animals not just horses  have found them to be universally accepted
 applicable.  Through my understanding of the TTEAM concepts my
relationships with humans has improved as well  I have grown as a person.

Many thanks to Linda  Robyn for so patiently making this wonderful , user 
animal friendly approach to better relationships avaiable to us all.  You
don't even have to go to in person workshops or spend a lot of $$.  Just a
book  perhaps the TTEAM newsletter is all many of my clients needed to get

Best of luck Lorraine.  Don't give up on Dagur yet!!


[IceHorses] Re: Hay Shortage

2008-04-06 Thread Kaaren Jordan
our pasture is filled with gopher holes

We used to have a terrible problem with both gophers  ground squirrels in
our paddocks lawn.  First we tried the trapping  re-location..a miserable
failure.. then  we tried those vibration emitting things you put in the
ground (worthless!!).   Really don't like the thought of painfully killing
animals because we have taken away the natural controls by our encroachment
on their territory...but...when it comes to my horses saftey.  I then
thought natural predator control might be good, so I caught a few gopher
snakes  put them down our holes, but they didn't seem to work well either.
We even put dog pop down the holes (apparently an old wives tale) to no
avail.   Then in desparation we tried the supher gas flares because at least
they die quickly  other animals don't get poisoned by it..no residue... but
you have to use about 2 dozen for an acres area multiple days in a row for
multiple weeks. Finally my husband bought a rubber  adaptor  for our cars
tail pipe that allows you to attach any garden hose to.  You drive your
vehicle out  into the area , put the hose down a hole, seal that one with
dirt, turn the car on to idle  viola!!  after 1 hour of gassing you have as
painlessly as possible put the entire population to sleep..permanently.
Our area is only about an acre, so on larger properties you may need to do
this at a few spots simultaneously.  We got our at ACE Hardware , but most
hardware stores carry them.

We did this two years in a row  then didn't have any invaders for 3 years.
We had to do it again this year.


[IceHorses] Re:ABC Mineral Questions

2008-04-03 Thread Kaaren Jordan
gobbling down the minerals like candy


I have used the ABC Free Choice system  (for us Icelandic Mineral mix 
Redmond Salts) for about 14 years now at Robyn Hood's suggestion when I
bought Lalli from her.  Yes, in the beginning when the horses' needs for the
minerals are greater, they will consume more.  When their systems become
less deficient, they will balance out their consumption.  Mine only consume
the Icelandic  Mineral mixRedmond Salt at the change of coat (fall 
spring) or during times of stress like extreme heat.  I always have out free
choice the MOP mix just in case they get into something to protect the liver
 kidneys/ balance the intestinal flora in addition to the latter.

My ancient Quarter Horse mare barely touches anything except the Himalayan
salt chunk I have out.  I go through 1 25 lb. bag of each now for the 3
horses a year  an 8 lb bag of MOP annually.  The only other supplement I
use is the Hilton General Herb freeze dry mix for horse who don't have acces
to pasture year round  Circulate  by Hilton for the ancient mare's


[IceHorses] Re: ABC Mineral Questions

2008-04-03 Thread Kaaren Jordan
What is MOP

Look on my web-site:kaarenjordan.com  under the Holistic Horse Care Corner
for a description of all the products I use  rec. to my clients.


[IceHorses] Re: Hay Shortage

2008-04-01 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Had to tack $20.00 onto our hay bill

Out here in Calif., our timothy hay went up in price in TWO MONTHS $4.00 per
80lb compresed bale to $24.00(yes, TWENTY FOUR DOLLARS!!!) per bale.

Oat hay is now $19.95 for a standard bale.


[IceHorses] Re: Sensation Stirrup Hanger

2008-03-27 Thread Kaaren Jordan
The endurance set up eliminates the pressure from the stirrup attachment at
the top which is triangulated through the internal rigging via the hard use
buckle with hard use.  Putting it at the bottom eliminates any top pressure.
The downside is that it restricts leg swing/movement..which can be a good
thing with some riders.  It steadies up the leg  keeps it in a centered
position. If you can get used to the endurance stirrup attachment, it is the
best for any kind of distance riding according to Dana.


[IceHorses] Re: Sensation Stirrup Hanger

2008-03-27 Thread Kaaren Jordan

The pad  I would rec.for your weight  climate  would be the Skito
Dryback/100% wool bottom/with 3/4 FIRM foam with 1/4 felt liners.  I don't
think you need new internal panels yet as your saddle is about 1 year old.
Some people in your climate do really well with the Sensation Nomad liner
(Dixie Midnight material shaped for the Sensation)for better heat resolution
for keeping the pad clean in the hotter, more humid climes, but some horses
are sensitive to the Dixie Midnoght material  you don't know until you try
it.  Maybe someone you know has a DM liner to try first under the new Skito
Pad??? This would make your padding system very close to the Burr Pad which
is no longer available.

Dryback pad $225.00
Felt liners  $ 20.00  Sensation Nomad liner
$99.00CDN +$20.00 SH
SH  $20.00
Total retail price   $265.00  (please call me about the price)

Please call me about what I mentioned  in an earlier e-mail as I may have
hit the Group Send button  want what I mentioned OFF LIST.


[IceHorses] Re: Sensation Stirrup Hanger

2008-03-27 Thread Kaaren Jordan
The Burr Pad is no longer available because Dana is too busy to make each
one as she did before  the materials cost skyrocketed .

What Dana rec. now to duplicate the Burr is a Skito Sensation Dryback pad
with 100% wool bottom/3/4 firm Equalizer foam  ($225.00   +SH USF), with
Sensation 1/4 hospital grade felt liners  ($45.00CDN + SH).  For those who
want more grip on the bottom, Sensation makes a Nomad (Dixie Midnight) liner
($99.00 CDN +SH) shaped for the Sensation to place in between the horse 
the Skito pad.


[IceHorses] Re: Custom Saddle Maker Will Not Sell Me a Saddle--This is good cust

2008-03-26 Thread Kaaren Jordan
 saddle sitting up like a pill box hat on the horses back

I use that same image in my saddle fit lectures of what NOT to do .  I call
it sitting up like a party hat and they all laugh, but never forget it.


[IceHorses] Re: Sensation Stirrup Hanger

2008-03-26 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Sensation stirrup hangers  be CONTRIBUTING FACTORS  to white hairs in

Dana rec. that riders who do endurance use ONLY hard use OR preferably the
endurance leathers which attach to the base of the flap with no velcro
stirrup attachment under the seat.  ..much better for reduction of potential
pressure from the stirrup attachment.   A lot depends on your weight .
Heavier riders need BOTH the maximum padding  the endurance leathers also
as per Dana.  The maximum padding according to Dana is either the Burr Pad
or a Skito Dryback with 3/4 FIRM Equalizer foam with additional 1/4 felt
liners to start.  Panels in the interior of the saddle also need to be
checked  replaced more often because of the intense use as well.  If the
internal black felt removeable panels become compressed at the edges, un
equally worn,  become overly floppy, or worn in certain places..they need to
be replaced at $65.00 CDN per set easily done in minutes by the rider.  Some
riders (as per Dana) also need an addtitional 100% sheepskin pad placed
under the BURR or beefed up Skito to help with friction/heat build up.
White hairs need to be assessed on a case by case basis as there are many,
many factors involved.  Heat retention, friction,  pressure all can be
contributing factors as well as how the rider (and how much) stands in the
stirrups  how balanced the rider rides in general AND over the course of
the ride.  Many people as well as horses fatique  carry themselves
differently over the course of endurance rides, which can have negative
impact to both.  Most of my clients who do CTR/Endurance have personalized
exercise  nutrition programs which they do on a daily basis to stay fit for
the intense atheletic activity they do as well as staying at a good weight
for both their sake  the sake of the horse.
It goes without saying that the horses need a training/nutrition program too
, because they are indeed extreme atheletes  should be treated as such with
ongoing bodywork , assessment of hoof care needs, dental,  appropriate
supplementation  (all the above as per Dana as well).

BTW, it's a good idea for  all Sensation owners to check the internal black
felt panels for wear esp. those who ride a lot.

Sorry, but there is no pat answer for this issue and in some situations if
the Sensation isn't working , then other options need to be explored.  No
one brand of saddle works for all riders in all situations.


[IceHorses] Re: Sensation Stirrup Hanger

2008-03-26 Thread Kaaren Jordan
picture of the endurance stirrup hanger

Look on my web-site:kaarenjordan.com.  I think it's under Sensation pictures
or accessories.  My husband just revamped my siteso you may have to hunt
around a bit.


[IceHorses] Re: Custom Saddle Maker Will Not Sell Me a Saddle--This is good cust

2008-03-25 Thread Kaaren Jordan
the framework of the tree sits on the ribcage not the L.D. muscles

Sometime if the gullet(spine channel) is too wide  or if the pitch  width
of the panels is too broad you will have the inside edge of the panels
sitting out too far to the outside of the longissimus muscle group.  If the
panel itself isn't the correct pitch or width you can have it cantilevering
off the edge of the horses back like a porch over a cliff which leaves only
a very small line of pressure mostly next to the spine compromising lateral

Andy Foster from Lauriche told me that Icelandics are very difficult to fit
not only because of their width in the whither area, but because the spacing
needed between the panels  width of the panels needed to place the panels
on the correct muscles  is different than  what a correctly shaped wide
traditional warmblood/draft tree fork  would be.  Couple that withthe
relatively short saddling area available  with normal to larger adult riders
on board. According to him, you have quite a connundrum.   Warmblood or
draft trees have much wider spine channels than would work for an Icey
because the actual  spine on these larger breeds is broader , the distance
between the longissimus is wider  the actual muscle itself is wider.  He
thought of Iceys  as either scaled down drafts or warmbloodsdepending on
their shape.

Please do not interpret the above comments to mean Iceys need a narrow
gullet or panels.  What they do need is a correctly shaped tree fork of
correct width for the individual  tree rails that will allow for correct
spacing of the gullet to put the panels in the correct place on the
longissimus muscle group   be short enough to allow the end of the panels
to not exend far behind the last rib.   Sometimes you can bevel up the rear
of the panels through flocking to clear this area (esp in down hill ridng)
even though the cantle is vey close.  In short they need a specially
designed tree.  If anyone knows of such a creature, I would love to know so
I can refer them Icey clients that want/need trees.

I personally think that some models of the RP come closet to this because
they can change the spacing between the panels, the pitch of the panels  if
memory serves me have different widths of panels.


[IceHorses] Re: Bareback - saddle fit

2008-03-24 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Balance International/Carol Brett/bareback

I can attest to what Karen says about Carol Brett.  We tried the Balance
saddles in 2003 for about 1 year  they didn't work for us as my horses
backs widened, but I still take lessons in person from Carol 3-4 x's a year
when she comes to our area.  I have learned so much about saddle fit/equine
biomechanics/ positively effecting  the horse's movement using my body on
the horse in a biomechanically correct way.  If she comes anywhere near you,
go for lessons or just to audit.  She teaches an awesome 1 day Feldenkrais
based off horse class for riders upon request  similar to what TTEAM taught
years ago.  I learn more each time I take this class on how to be a better
balanced rider  how micro movements conscious or unconsious effect us all.

In my saddle fit consulting business I refer several clients a year to
Balance that require treed saddles for their higher whithered horses or if
they jump a lot as wellas to RP depending on need/budget.  BTW, both Balance
 RP has a used re-home program where you can pick up a saddle for a lot
less than new.


[IceHorses] Re: Bareback - saddle fit

2008-03-24 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Master saddle fitters  are hard to come by

Have you tried to contact Sarah Fisher (TTEAM) in the UK or Jill Sheppard
(Devon , I think) from Heather Moffitt's group??  I don't rec. Heather's
saddles for your situation, but Jill has a very good eye  may be able to
help you find a fitter.  Andy Foster from Lauriche  (Walsall) may also be
able to rec. someone in your area.  Also Gavin Scofield ,DO, in Farforest,
Worchestshire would be a great bet..probably the best.  Tell Carol his
secretary I rec. you call.  We have been clients of Gavin's since 2003.  He
is one of the top equine biomechanics experts in the UK as well as being a
Cranial Osteopath of amazing talent  training.

Kaaren Jordan 

[IceHorses] Re: Bareback

2008-03-23 Thread Kaaren Jordan
paraphrased...what bareback pads have any of you liked??

Again , I've been very busy, so only caught portions of this thread...

I've been riding my very difficult to fit Icelandic, Selur, in a homemade
bareback pad  that has a topline contour built into it with actual dressage
billets hung into multi point rigging on top of a 3/4 firm foam Skito inter
pad on top of a Balance 100% wool pad for most of the 13 years I've had him.
We ride mostly trail, mostly 2hours with snack breaks  both of us are very
comfy AND equine chiro who comes every 6-8 weeks over the same 13 years has
found not issues yet...but I am only 95 lbs .  I think it is good for
balance  I personally really like the close connection I feel in a bareback
pad.  I also choose to keep searching for another option that is more saddle
like for us both so we can alternate.

I have tried just about everything on the market so here are my top BB pads

The Little Joe:

I ordered a 22 long one because standard is 26-27  too long for my guys.
It has dressage billets that are nicely placed  behind the base of the
whithers, but not so far that it alters where the natural girth line would
lie on most Iceys.  Made of good quality suede  (lots of color choices for
those who like to dress it up) with ample padding in the pad.  The LJ also
has a slight topline contour   longer flaps than most BB pads which both my
guys just loved.  The downside..4-6 week wait because each is made to order
they do look homemade, but are well-made despite the homemade look to the
stitching.  I still would ride it over a Skito pad  if you already have a
Sensation, the Skito-Sensation pad fits perfectly under it.  Elizabeth is
terrific to work with  they unconditionally guarantee each pad   will
fully refund your money even after you have ridden in it if you are not
satisfied.  A good value for the money.

The Phantom:

Lisa @ Moss Rock is one of my favorite dealers bar none.  A total pleasure
to do business with  very knowledgeable.
The pad itself has support metal rails the length of the underside to
change the rigging placement  the stirrup placement if you decide to use
stirrups.  However the rails are not flared towards the rear, so on the very
wide barreled/wide backed horses it has the potential to dig in on the sides
at the rear.  It was fine on my narrower guy, but my wider guy Lalli
strongly objected to it the second time I put it on even though it was over
a 3/4 firm foam Skito Pad.  It is very nicely made, but I liked the LJ  my
homemade one better on my horses.

The Best Friend:

If you change out the girth to  dressage billets placed a little further
back, It's a nice inexpensive option over a Skito Sensation pad for short
romps.  It has a slight topline contour as well, but comes in limited
colors.  But at $89.00 + about another $30.00 for the billet change
over..not bad.

I'm going to be trying the BF Atlanta  (I consider BF  bareback pads)
soon which is a knock off of the Torsion Extra Light only with supposedly
rider friendly contoured panels with a spine channel.  They also have a new
soft pommel option which just pops into the swell once you have removed the
fiberglass pommel.  You can also order it in the butter soft calfskin the
London comes in once they piece together a minimum orderbut we shall
see!!  I'll keep you posted.


[IceHorses] Re: Rhythm beads

2008-03-14 Thread Kaaren Jordan
should I get my mare an i-pod or Rhythm Beads??

My boys love the Rhythm Beads  seem to really get into making their own
rhythms.  I make some that clip into the mane so that if I get annoyed by
the sound on a long ride I can just pocket them for a while.  As Vicka said,
they are great for warning wildlife/hunters/walkers of your approach.

 I also ride with a custom Snugpax waist pouch that has  a compartment for
my first aid homeopathics as well as one that can hold a small cassette play
with built in speakers.  Sometimes we ride to the sounds of Loreena
McKennitt or other Celtic sounds.   They really get into the music with lots
of energy.  I believe Dressage Extensions catalogue has a product called 
Kur Tuneswhich is in essence a portable stereo whose speakers  go into any
small saddle bag with a smaller unit around your waist for the actual
player.  Mine works fine for much less $$$.


[IceHorses] Re: Keeping the Back Clean

2008-03-13 Thread Kaaren Jordan

You always bring up such good points!!!  I've seen so many saddling issues
stem from putting dirty pads on a horse, not removing the excess shed
causing friction irritation,  having a dirty saddling area/girth area esp
during the winter months in the muddy  or sandy areas. Since Icelandics have
a thicker undercoat than most breeds, debris can become trapped between the
layers creating a sand paper effect even if the top layer looks clean to the
eye.  I bought a Metro Vac a few years back  this has really helped a lot
as well as being an enormous time saver.  The horses love it too!!  I still
curry with a Grooma  use a shedding blade  brushes, but always finish with
the vacuum.  Instead of sweeping the grooming area, I just vacuum.


[IceHorses] Re: west coast storms

2008-02-24 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Hurricane weather in Calif

I'm in Santa Ynez, which is near Santa Barbara, Calif,  thankfull other
than a few hours of pretty high windgusts late Sat., we only got 3/4 of
rain overnight according to my rain gauge.


[IceHorses] Re: Cruppers

2008-02-20 Thread Kaaren Jordan
When I used to show on the hunter-jumper  circiut I witnessed some pretty
nasty accidents resulting from that form of dismount..the worst of them with
someone catching their heel in the reins  comming off directly on her neck
breaking it.There is not much of a way to abort left off from this
position if say the horse spooks or you just get off balance.  Horses
generally do not like getting clunked in the side of the head or neck.


[IceHorses] Re: Cruppers

2008-02-19 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Sensation makes an ultra soft crupper for $30.00 CDN. for those of you that
need one.


[IceHorses] Re:Tree Free

2008-02-15 Thread Kaaren Jordan
What Lori's Tack carries is different from the true Treefree brand from the
UK.  I refer quite a few customers whose horses do not fit the Sensation to
Abby Peterson (saddlingsolutions.com) for the Dartmoor model of the
Treefree. The design is similar to a BF/Torsion  but the saddle has
different widths of pommel pieces  has shaped/beveled Prolite panels built
into the saddle with a nice spine channel for both horse  rider comfort.
The leather is beautiful with much less bulk under the leg than either
Torsion or BF, but the downsides are that it is wider for the rider than the
Sensation, does not look like an english saddle  runs about $1250.00 for
just the saddle.  For higher whithered/A frame horses right now there
aren't too many choices.   The Treefree has worked out well for many of
these type horses allowing them to go treeless.

If you talk to Abby, say hello from me.


[IceHorses] Re: american gaited horse

2008-02-06 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I believe Elizabeth Haug  Neils West  are cousins  ...and when I hung out
at Viking Saga in the late 90's, she did loan Neils a really lovely little
stallion Randver for about 6 months.


[IceHorses] Re: Weather

2008-02-03 Thread Kaaren Jordan
It was beautiful yesterday here as well..today not so much!!!  It is very
grey with showers on/off all day.  We're fortunate this storm only brought
about 3/4 from last night to now..very light winds.This brings our rain
totals for the last 4 weeks to 13.  A few days ago they had to release
water from the Cachuma Reservoir to prevent overflow.  The ponies aren't
very happy with the rain, peeking their long faces out of the runs ins
occasionally to see if I'm coming down to visit.  On days like this I feed
them little meals more frequently so they aren't so bored not being able to
go out on the lawn to graze.

Hope your area stays safe from flooding/mudslides Judy!!


[IceHorses] Re:Solid Ice

2008-01-29 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Oh, Raven I am so sorry. Heal Quickly!!

Since we are going to be moving to Bend Oregon which does get about 12 of
snow  I imagine some ice...can any of you ice veterans recommend some
tactics to keep both me  the horses safe from ice falls  maybe some tips
for riding apparel/just plain cold weather gear.   I intend to pull shoes in
the late fall, but that's about all I have so far for horse safety   from
the sounds of it barefoot doesn't really ensure ice safety on it's own..
maybe there is some kind of ground medium that you all have had success
with???  I have lived in California all my life so have no experience with
this.  I could waste a lot of money trying things to see what works...better
to ask the experts!!!  At 57yo with slight build I really don't want to test
my bone density with a fall on ice.

So far I have Yak Trax to pull on over my boots,  kid's sized Body Armour
for under Wind Pro riding tights   tops,  a Polarfleece ear band.  I am so
tiny (5'2/95lbs) that it is very difficult finding coths to fit as my legs
are too long for most kids sizes


[IceHorses] Re: FALLSand MUD MIC

2008-01-27 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Sorry to tag on, but power has been spotty all day...RAIN, RAIN GO
AWAY...PLEASE  We had 3.5 of rain from 7pm Sat to 7am Sunday with winds
so high  my breezway stall mats blew into the yard.  Still raining with
another 1.5 from 7am -now.  This brings our rain totals to about 12 since
Jan.8I know we needed some rain, but NOT all at once!!

So far our property is ok due to the washed concrete sand/french drains in
the horse area, but I could hear chain saws going intermittently all
afternoon in our neighborhood from the dwoned trees.  Ponies staying dry in
their cozy run ins..but it's going to be a very long time until we can go
out on the trails around here especially since we are expecting more rain
Wed  Fri.

The colder , dryer weather of Bend Oregon is starting to not look so bad.
We've lived here 14 years  it seems that every 3-4 years we get a real
doozy of a rain year with high winds.

Anyone hear from Lynn Kinsky??


[IceHorses] Re: Free PP Horses

2008-01-27 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I spoke with Tom  Bev today  they placed all their horses to one home
already.  Very nice people who did their best to ensure a wonderful future
for their beloved equine companions.


[IceHorses] Re: ice vs. concrete or asphalt

2008-01-16 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I have to travel over about 1/4 mile of asphalt   over about 1 block of
sidewalk(actually a double laned  concrete bike path)
to get to trails.  My preference is to lead them in hand over these
surfaces.  It gives me the chance to tone my rear end   gives some weight
bearing to my joints as well that riding doesn't really provide.  I actually
welcome this as sort of a warm up /cool down for all of us  will probably
do the same even when we move to Bend   have more dirt roads to trail


[IceHorses] Re: No Horses on Ice

2008-01-15 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I can attest that when I tried the BF thing out here in Calif. we had a  bit
of Calif Ice in a few places to get to our trails.  I too had heard that
horses don't slip as much BF as they do shod.  I always get off  walk
through any questionable conditions first BEFORE I ride my horses through
 they still slipped around on the icey patches  in hand too much for my
comfort levels, so we just didn't go off  the property until that  condition
cleared.  If I know we have had freeze temps with miosture, I know there may
be unavoidable icey spots...so we just stay at home  do Jin Shin with some
TTEAM that day.  Some would say I am waaay over the top too careful with my
boys, but  I need to stay within my comfort levels when it comes to their

Since we are thinking of moving to Bend Oregon, I wonder what people up
there do when there is snow  (albeit 8-10 annually)???  Anyone live there
who wants to weigh in??  The few locals I have spoken too just don't ride
when it gets under
35F.  May not be a bad idea to give them a few months a year just turned
out.   I guess I'll have to see if they get bored.  They are used to daily
outings year round down here  stand at the gate trying to open it on their
rain days off.

Being an equine body worker, I have seen the impact on horses bodies that
have had traction studs on for any length of time both in boots  in shoes.
I don't want to have that kind of impact on my guys esp. since they are 21
this year  still sound.


[IceHorses] Re: gonna kill a dog

2008-01-13 Thread Kaaren Jordan
As much as I love animals, I would do anything I could to prevent my animals
from being injured.

About 10 years ago, one of our neighbors had 3 Rottweillers that were lovely
teddy bear types.  They were so trusted by the family that the dogs were
left unsupervised to play with their 4 childrn ages 3-10.  One night at
about 3 am we were awakend to the sound of horses screaming  thundering
hooves.  After brief inspection of ours, we figured it was coming from
another neighbors with 2 very old mare s  called the Sheriff.  The mares
were housed in a 100' x 50' drylot with very safe 5 foot post/board/bumper
board buried in the ground covered with horse wire.  Apparently the Rotts
had scaled the  no climb fence  had brought one of the mares down.  The
other was just frantic.   It took the Sheriff over 45 min to come  by that
time the dogs had been subdued by the owners  the Vet called to suture the
mares.  These dogs were so intent on their prey that being hosed down with a
pressure hose didn't deter them.  The dogs owners finally had to hit them
with shovels to prevent the mare from being seriously hurt.  All animals
recovered  fortunately the dogs owners built special chain link kennels
with lids for containment when they were not supervised.  The only thing
they could figure was that pack mentality   eventually got the best of
them when  the aged mares layed down at night  perhaps rolled looking like
a dying or injured creature. It was one of the most awful things I have ever
heard  seemed to go on forever.

As much as I love  trust my 2 very gentle face licking Whippets, I have
seen the two literally rip a squirrel in two before I could prevent it.
They are so into instinct that these normally obedient dogs don't even know
I'm there.  One of them accidently nicked me when I was trying to get them
off a rabbit before it was too late.  All of these incidents happened on our
totally fenced one  1/2 acre property when hapless wild animals somehow
tunnelled in under the bumper board or in the case of the squirrels over the
5' fence. After seeing this, I can imagine what could happen with larger
dogs when instinct takes over.


[IceHorses] Re:Kaaren - whippets

2008-01-13 Thread Kaaren Jordan
We love ours.  They are both 9 this coming year...so sweet  very gentle.
Since I also see Jin Shin/nutrition clients at home, they are one of the
least allergenic breeds besides poodles  Chinese Crested.

Before that we had a Greyhound track rescue for 7 years.  Lexi was bar none
the most amazing dog I have ever had in the family.  Despite all he endured
on the track, he was outgoing, loving  kind to all humans  animals(after
some TTEAM work around other small  animals in the beginning). .   He would
chase squirrels   rabbits for the sport, but never touched them once he
cornered them.  He would just wag his tail, turn  walk away from the
cornered animal. Everyone who met him called him Saint Lex as he had such a
prescence about him.  We miss him a lot.

I was so surprised that these two Whippets could be such avid predators who
haven't so far responded to the TTEAM that worked so well with Lexi.  I
expected more greyhound like behavior in the Whippets, but this is not so
with ours.  Much more active, much more in need of attention than the
Greyhounds I have been around.  We love them for who they are though.

Contact me off list anytime you want to swap stories as the list is probably
bored with this thread already!!


[IceHorses] Re: comfortable boots

2008-01-11 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Ariat makes a really comfy wider toe box boot called the Iceberg (I think).
It's lined with Thinsulate  waterproof with a good non-slip tread for ice
/mud.   It's on sale in Dover Catalogue for $79.95.


[IceHorses] Re: teev saddlefit

2008-01-06 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Good point, I always check/have my sidewalker check as far back as they can
get their hand/arm to go, which is hopefully mid-forearm.  All of this is
best done with a similar weight rider to who is mostly going to be riding in
the saddle with the padding that you are going to be using.


[IceHorses] Re: Rain

2008-01-05 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Out here in my end of the Santa Ynez Valley in Calif., our rain guage showed
3.5 for this storms total from Friday am-Sat pm.

Other than a lot of leaves all over the lawn , we seem to be OK.  I have 2
1/2 washed concrete sand in the entire 3/4 acre drylot area  french
drains, so the horses did fine.  In fact  I could ride on it today if it
wasn't their living space...I don't think it's fair to ask them to work
where they live!! 

They also have a 12' x12' run -in stall , another 24' x12' run-in  a top
higher ground pasture shelter that is 24' x18'  ..all with stall mats 
redwood rims to prevent sand form being tracked into the feed areas.  Of
course my 26 yo Quarter horse mare (rain blanketed )   Lalli, my big Icey,
stayed out in the rain most of the time looking  quite happy, manes being
lashed by the 35 mph winds.  Selur, my other Icey hates any kind of water,
so he manned the shelter the entire time.  In the early days, I used to try
to entice them under the shelters with small bits of hay in their feeders,
but soon gave this up as the minute the finished, they would go stand out in
the rain.  

Almost to the day in 1998, we had a much worse storm literally blow through
here   with about 6 of rain overnight  up to 75 mph winds.   Most of the
damage took place between midnight  3am.  I could hear trees crashing all
around us..I was so afraid for the horse's safety. All our trees blew down
taking about 40' of perimeter fence with it, muched my galvanized steel wash
rack,  brought a large tree down near my old mare's side that clunked her
in the head leaving her partially blind. It was so amazing that the tree hit
her as it was about 40' from where her stall is.  It fell on a diagonal 
the top must have ju clunked her before she could get out of the way.
Luckily she is very sensible  didn't try to leave through the downed fence.
She just waited by the tree until it was light enough for us to come help
her.  After that, we cut down all the trees near our property...no morepark
like  setting as the real estate agents like to say, but a very safe
property none-the-less.

Lynn  Kinsky, how did you do??


[IceHorses] Re:Weather/California?

2008-01-04 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Here in my part of Santa Ynez, we hardly had but a spritz last night, but
the wind is now picking up (8am Fri)  we're expecting  quite a bit of rain
with high winds through Sathow much is anyone's guess.


[IceHorses] Re: i aint believin it

2008-01-03 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I too love the real Clementines from Spain  just about as much as the
Babcock white peaches in the late summer.

We're battening down the hatches  as I write for 3 consecutive rain
systems that will pass through starting tonight  dump from 4-8 of rain in
the next four days with winds up to 40mph.  I was praying for some
rainnot just all at one time.   Luckily my husband was off today to
sandbag the areas  that have washed out in past  in the  horse areas.  We
have a new roof on house  barn so we should all be ok.  All of of big trees
on our property came down on our fences in the 1998 El Nino event, so we're
safe in that dept. as well.  I'll just be seeing two very unhappy faces out
back as my Iceys both HATE the rain.  Sometimes they look at the sky  then
at me during a storm as if to say Can't you make it stop???  Maybe they
think we humans are all powerful because we make food appear magically!!!


[IceHorses] Re: saddles

2008-01-02 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Didn't Pam Hansen order a Dave Genadek's saddle a while back???  Does anyone
know how she likes it???  Did I miss the posts
from her about this???

I have sent several clients to Dave who the Sensation did not work for, but
no Icelandics as yet.   His saddles have worked well for them, but they were
horses with much longer backs  non-gaited.   Would love to know how it is
working out for an Icey.


[IceHorses] Re: saddles

2008-01-02 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I totally agree with Robyn about her saddle fit observations.  After taking
several clinics with the Balance ladies  lessons ongoing from Carol Brett
when she's in our neck of the woods, I choose to use  recommend a padding
system that allows for the inevitable muscle engorgement that occurs during
work   can easily be changed as the horses back changes.  This means as
Robyn pointed out, that if you use a treed saddle that the tree fork
comfortably allow for this type of padding system.   I've seen horses that
went fine according to their riders, go from fine to moving better than
they could have imagined with far less need for body work/chiropractic with
just that change alone.  Of course, feet/dental  rider are all variables
that fall into the equation as well  should not be minimized.

I really like the Balance Padding systems  take their foam out of the pad
cover  cut to fit in an All-In -One Skito pad cover for both my Sensation
saddles.   I love the Balance 1/4 JB  take that out of the cover , shape
it  use it as a center shim or front lift shim.   You can also buy the
Prolite 1/2 foam 1/2 pads from the UK  do the same, but they do not offer
the 1/4 Prolite for shimming.


[IceHorses] Re: Arab Icelandic Cross

2008-01-01 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I haven't followed this thread completly,but here's what I've observed with
some of the crosses I've seen/been called out to do Jin Shin on out here.

A client of mine that does a show circuit hunters bought a gorgeous swan
necked 3yo Trakenher/TB cross for somewhere close to $75,000.00 .  He was
started slowly for that venue at age 3(a bad idea in my book  none-the-less)
 by age four started to have some serious problems with balance  
stiffness to one side.  When I went out to see him on the first visit, my
initial intuition was that his neck was too long  fine to support his very
beautiful, but large warm blood head.  My gut feeling was that something in
his neck was causing the hind end to cave out from under him  suggested
they have him immediately evalauted by a Vet  to not even think about an
Equine Chiro until they had him thoroughly checked.  Since they had just
done a pre-purchase exam, they did not.   His shoeing  saddlefit looked
fine to me. 3 months later he was  started falling down under saddle when
turned   Vet was finally called.  The Vet found an un-healed  stress
fracture in C6  that he said had probably been there for a few monthes which
of course was the cause of his problems.  The fracture became worse over the
next 3-4 weeks  this horse had to be put down.  The Vet said that he was
certain from the placement of the fracture that this was from his neck being
unable to support his head  that he had seen this in quite a few Warmblood
X's  Arabs the past 5 years.  I've personally seen similar in both Arabs 
in Mini's that are being bred for more  more human  appearance taste
preferences.  Even though the mini's aren't ridden, they suffer because
there is not enough room in their head for their teeth or in their pelvis to
carry their babies.

On the other hand, I saw a few successful early cross breedings at Viking
Saga that resulted in happy, healthy individuals with wonderful temperments
who shared many years carrying their people down the trail.  Some may not
have had what many consider pure gaits for an Icelandic  some were only 3
gaited, but they were happy, healthy  sound until they died in their late
20's.  The ones I saw were blessed to have owners who appreciated them as
individuals not for just their gait, but many are not so fortunate.  No one
knows for sure, but I think these were crossed with some of Fritz's
standardbred horses with the original Danish breeding for the Icelandic
side.  It gave much more size/good bone/great temperment, but not so good
gaits (read toelt) in most.

I think that some crosses work wonderfully in horses /dogs  cats, but when
we cross horses that are going be ridden we need to give careful thought to
the worse case scenario that could occur before we breed because the animal
suffers a life in a misshapen body not the human who thought it up.


[IceHorses] Re: saddles

2008-01-01 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Make sure that you check the saddle fit front/cantle with the rider IN the
saddle with all the padding you intend to use standing AND moving with a
sidewalker to do the checking.  If the rider tries to do this when they are
in they either lean forward or back giving a skewed reading.


[IceHorses] Re: Rain

2007-12-31 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Yeah..I guess I'm a weather wus too.  I live in Santa Ynez, Calif.  the
other morning it was 36F at 9:30am when I went out to ride...with wind.  It
was very dry, so as my husband keeps pointing out it doesn't feel as cold as
damp cold.   Felt pretty cold to me though!!!  Please send us some of your
rain..we haven't had much(read almost none) this year. Two consecutive dry
years like this will set the stage for a nasty fire season next summer 

It looks like we may be moving to the Bend/Redmond area of Oregon...so I'd
better get used to it.  36F as a daytime high is considered normal Dec.-Feb.
in that neck of the woods.   Must say that my Icey boys sure love it.  I
think the warm California winters depress them even though I clip them
several times if it is a dry year.

Any ideas from you experienced cold weather folks for brand of gloves to
ride in that allow feel, but keep you warm.???

I have been using some winter riding tights that Dawn custom made for me
(not her pants) in Wind Pro over a med. weight
long john from Cabela's with Winter Silk sock liners in my winter Ariat
boots.  I love Dawn's custom riding tights as they are the best fit for my
very small frame I have found since O'Keahy's went to the Phillipines for
manufacturing.  The only down side is that so far she can't put faux suede
patches on for grip, but I'm hoping she will figure it out soon.   Then they
will be perfection at least for me!!


[IceHorses] Re: saddles

2007-12-31 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I recommend the RP  for quite a few of my saddle fit clients who don't do
well in Treefrees/Torsions or Sensations.  You do have to have a really
skilled RP fitter that will travel to you  to make them work over the long
haul.  They are pricey, but worth it as they hold their re-sale value.


[IceHorses] Re: Arab Icelandic Cross

2007-12-31 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I rode SC Kisi quite a few times when he was still a stallion.   Kisi had a
very nice toelt  was very willing as they say in Iceland, but controllable.
He was a total gentleman even in the presence of mares.  Litla Freya  also
had babies with good temperments.  I was hanging out at Elizabeth's during
the 1996-99 period  saw a few of Kisi's babies started.  All the one I saw
were quite easy  went along with the program.

I hope the mare finds a good forever home.


[IceHorses] Re: Njorthur again

2007-12-29 Thread Kaaren Jordan

I have at least 20 Icelandic riders I have sold Sensations to in the past 2
years that are close to your weight.  Many ride longer distances.  With
appropriate padding, they seem to do quite well.  If you want to contact me
off list perhaps a few of them would be willing to speak with you about
their experiences.  I know Susan Cooper rides her TWH in a Sensation /is
about your weight  does distance riding as well.  Maybe she can weigh in on
her experiences.

I too was skeptical about treeless, but the Sensation really does offer
better weight distribution because of the interior construction  multi
point rigging that most other treeless saddles  believe me, I have tried
them all both with myself   my group of 30  riders out here.  There are
even several equine chiropractors that rec. the Sensation for appropriately
built horses with riders under 200lbs.


[IceHorses] Re: Example of Whisper's Personality

2007-12-28 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I had an absolutely amazing  Columbian Boa named Teila I rescued from a pet
store  alomst 20 years ago.  She  would follow me around the apartment I
lived in  loved to cuddle up laying on the center line of my body  with her
head over my heart when we watched TV at night.  She unfortunately died only
1 year later at  age 3 from the foreign parasites she acquired at the pet
store from being kept in an enclosure with wild caught boas.   She was my
first boa, so thinking that all boas were like her, I rescued another
Mexican Boa, Sabrina from the same pet store.  You could not have had two
more different creatures.  Sabrina  hissed at me for the first 6 months ,
but absolutely loved any repairmen  who came into my apartment  even though
they were total strangers.  I came to find out that her first person who
bought her slightly after birth was a contractor who carried her in his tool
pouch until she became too large .  He took her to the pet store on
consignment where I bought her the next month.  She still prefers men 
loves my husband, but  barely tolerates me after 17 years even though I am
her caretaker 100%.  BTW, Sabrina is now 9 ft long  about 35 lbs.  Her
partner,  Surynam Boa, Rascal, is 11 ft long and about 30 lbs.

I hope that when my two much loved Icelandics pass over that I will be
graced  with Icelandics who love   care for me as much as they do.  Lalli 
Selur are the best matched equine companions I have ever had.


[IceHorses] Re: Wine, Full Moon, Nose Rings / Tattoos

2007-12-25 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Yeah..well I'm coming 57 yo  guess I would be considered pretty tame from
my earlier years.  When I was 16 yo, I played rhythm guitar  sang in a S.F.
rock band .Our band was about 32nd billing to Carlos Santana in a few
events in Golden Gate Park circa 1967 .  Also experimented with about every
drug know to man at that time...the quintessential wild child.I bought
my first electric 12 string guitar from Paul Kantner of the Jefferson
Airplane.  Boy...those were some memorable times  living in San Francisco
during summer of love.   Even met Mick Jagger  Jimmy Hendricks at the
Monterrey Pop Festival.

Now I just  have an oriental healing arts practice for horses  human .  I
rarely ever eating sugar  indulge in a few sips of champagne on special
occasions .  Nothing that isn't organic or free range ever passes my lips.
The other day I caught myself thinking  Boy, kids these days   about
the Goth Kids that live down the block!!Sometimes I swear  I'm
channelling my mother .


[IceHorses] Re: Respect of the Icelandic Horse

2007-12-22 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I would agree with Robyn that the way humans behave towards all living
creatures is influenced by how they are shaped by parents/cultural
views/their own life's experiences.This in no way excuses people for bad
behavior or absolves them of responsibility for their actions, but I have
found that the best way to change a behavior is to understand it first from
the other beings point of view.

In turn I feel it is  important to realize that when we wish to offer
alternative ways of doing things /present a different way of thinking to
others with  whom  we do not agree that we both teach by example and very
importantly do not  attack or judge.  No one learns in an atmosphere of
judgement  very often the act of doing so makes people unable to even
hear what you are trying to get across.It can be very challenging to
remain neutral in situations where we perceive an animal is being unfairly
treated or abused, but if you set up an us vs. them, then no one benefits
or learns... least of all the animal.

Believe me, I have learned the hard way, that by being judgemental  
self-righteous (no matter how justified  I feel in the situation) no one
wins...especially the animal.   I have to remind myself constantly in my
business that humans write the checks  make the choices.  If I want to
truly help the animal, then I need to have the human on board.  One of my
Taoist teachers often reminded me that we teach best the things we need to
learn the most.

I absolutely love the TTEAM approach to both establishing better
communication / understanding   our animal friends AND have found that the
same principles have served me well in opening up new avenues of
communication with/ understanding of humans too .


[IceHorses] Re: Tai Chi

2007-12-13 Thread Kaaren Jordan
In response to Wanda's  Tai Chi q's, I might have sent 1 partial reply
because my sleeve hit the mouse before I was done.

There are many forms of Tai Chi  Chi Gung  that have long forms  short
forms (the number of movements in a set).  Of course short form may be
easier to learn in the beginning because there are less movement sequences
in the set.  Yang form is the most prevalent taught in the US  fairly easy
to learn as well as being universelly effective for many ailments humans
accumulate over the years. I think videos are great to memory jog at home,
but highly recommend in person group classes because of the community
spirit, support  friendship if it is close enough for you to get to
regularly.   Also the group energy field is enhanced when done together.
This is why Tai Chi  Chi Gung are practiced in groups in China..healing is
greatly enhanced in group settings. People attracted to Tai Chi are like
people attracted to Icelandics, so you could make quite a few long terms
friends this way.


[IceHorses] Re: Tai Chi

2007-12-12 Thread Kaaren Jordan

I studied Tai Chi  Chi Gung from several Taoist Masters when I lived in
LA/was in the beginnings of my Oriental Medicine
studies 26 years ago.  It helps with a lot more than circulation too!!  It's
like giving yourself a daily acupucture treatment
without going anywhere or costing anything.  Keep us posted on how you like
the Tai Chi.


[IceHorses] Re: Sensation Hybrid treeless saddle

2007-12-11 Thread Kaaren Jordan
I am a Sensation dealer as well as an Iceleandic owner.  On my web-site,
there is a testimonial page with pix/testimonials from quite a few Icey
owners.  I have personally sold Sensations to about  80 Icelandic owners
over the 5 years I have been doing this  could probably get  permission
from some of them for contact info. if you like.   Robyn Hood  from the
Icelandic Horse Farm in Canada also has been a  Senssation dealer  for  many
years  could give you detailed info as well.   Contact me OFF LIST please.


Kaaren Jordan

[IceHorses] Re: safety modification to gate

2007-12-11 Thread Kaaren Jordan
Sorry, don't have the type digital interface to do this.  I can't even  log
onto the list to get pix.
You can call me privately  I can describe what was done though.


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