[jQuery] Re: How to add a CSS Class to this

2008-02-18 Thread andrea varnier

On 18 Feb, 05:06, expresso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I figured maybe I could just append an addClass after the
 element.parent(td).next(td) but not sure if that's correct

that's correct if you want to add tha class to the table cell which is
next to the element you pass (to the function).
if it's the error that you want to apply the class to, instead, the
addClass goes outside, for example:


 then where and how to define the class itself.  Does that go inside
 the function or outside.  I assume outside.

the class would be defined in the css file :)

[jQuery] Re: How to add a CSS Class to this

2008-02-18 Thread andrea varnier

On 18 Feb, 10:15, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 that's correct if you want to add tha class to the table cell which is
 next to the element you pass (to the function).

I'm sorry this is completely wrong!!! :)))
don't know what I wrote. like you would put addClass inside the
appendTo, sorry.
this makes no sense at all.

these two:


should have the same effect.

[jQuery] Re: a small accessibility rant

2008-02-18 Thread Gordon

On Feb 15, 4:46 pm, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do you propose I handle making my site accessible to those who are
 blind and deaf?  Should all developers be required to code sites that
 can be printed in Braille by specially designed million dollar systems?

All that would take is making sure the page content is well
structured, then a Braille web browser can make sense of it quite
easily with little skin off your nose in terms of extra work done.  No
Braille browsers that I am aware of, however, can run javascript.

 The Internet, even as many forms of media as it employs, simply cannot
 be for everyone, as the radio cannot accommodate the deaf and TV cannot
 accommodate the blind.

Given that the internet is, at its heart, based on text processed by
computers it has the potential to be far more accessible than the
examples you cite.  Render the text larger than normal and it's
accessible to partially sighted users.  Render it as Braille or read
it through a text to speech program and the blind are supported.
Provide textual descriptions of audio clips and you can support the
deaf.  Besides, the argument is not what the TV or radio can
accommodate, because those aren't the industries we are working in.
The industry we DO work in can be far more inclusive than the old
media industries, but only if developers employ a little due care.

 I'm not insensitive to various people's needs, but there are
 always those whose needs are simply greater than *all* developers/companies
 can accommodate.

Of course there's people who couldn't access your website no matter
what you did, or could only access it if you really went massively out
of your way to do so, but we're talking about people with more common
disabilities, who could access your website without heroic efforts
being made on your part.

Don't forget there is one blind user out there who can make the
difference between your site being successful and your site sinking
into obscurity never to be visited by anybody.  That user is called
Google.  As far as Google is concerned the whole internet is text.

 Ski resorts aren't required or expected to make their slopes and lifts
 accessible to those without legs.

But they are expected to accommodate people with disabilities that
wouldn't necessarily prevent them from skiing at all.

 Accommodation taken to the extreme bankrupts everyone, except for the
 government, which can always demand more tax money to pay for the

We're not talking about heroic efforts here, we're just talking about
taking due care and consideration, just asking simple questions like
What if this user doesn't have javascript or isn't loading images?

 My point is, there has to a degree of inaccessibility that is acceptable.
 Bottom line... everyone in everyone situation simply cannot be accommodated,
 as callous as that may sound.

And my point is that it's far too easy for fully able-bodied
developers to set the bar far too low because they don't know how much
simple things like selected font sizes or use of colour or images can
have a big impact on site users if they aren't so lucky as to also
have flawless eyesight.

 And I believe that for people with poor eyesight (and as I age, mine
 is getting worse) a screen magnifier is a better overall solution than
 simple text-enlargement.

I don't know about the Vista screen magnifier, but the one that comes
with XP is just utterly awful.  The Mac OS magnifier is a lot better,
but still has its limitations, the main one being that the user has to
constantly scroll to view the whole page.

 I want and need to be able to view photographs and graphics on the screen,
 not just read about them or have them described to me by a screen reader.

Would it really kill you to provide an alt=description attribute to
said images who those using screen readers can at least get the gist?

  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
  Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 9:14 AM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: a small accessibility rant

  I'm sorry, but your attitude sucks.  As a) a jQuery developer and b) a
  person with serious eyesight problems I always take great care to
  ensure code I develop doesn't impose accessibility issues.  It really
  isn't that hard and your callous attitude towards doing work that's
  not only politically correct and the right thing to do but is also
  mandated by law in some places demonstrates a lazy slipshot work-ethic
  on your part.

  We're interviewing for new staff at the moment and I'm being asked to
  evaluate the PHP/Javascript guys as that's my central areas of
  responsibility.  Any CV I had in front of me that demonstrated your
  kind of attitude would go straight in the bin.

  On Feb 14, 5:16 pm, J Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Well, a pixel could be a tiny dot or it could be 5mm. So, really,
   isn't saying font-size: 11px 

[jQuery] Re: How to add a CSS Class to this

2008-02-18 Thread expresso

Actually I already included my .css page.  How do I just add a class
to the td here is what I'm really asking.

 I'm new to JQuery.  I know you can add a CSS class to an element.  But
 here, it's sort of tricky for this one.


 I figured maybe I could just append an addClass after the
 element.parent(td).next(td) but not sure if that's correct and
 then where and how to define the class itself.  Does that go inside
 the function or outside.  I assume outside.

[jQuery] Trigger a toggle when page loads

2008-02-18 Thread Mang

I have several buttons whose SRC is toggled each time they are
clicked.  This is accomplished by:

//deactivate activate click handler
var destroy = function() {
var init = function() {
var $this = $(this);
}, function(e) {

I'm using livequery to rebind because there is some ajax involved

Basically i have a dynamic table.  Each row contains one image.  My
code finds an associated input field and checks the value.  If the
value is False, find the img in that row and toggle the src

$(#tblFormulary tr).each(function(){
  if ($(this).find(input[name
$='useThisRecord']).val()==False) {

Must be missing something here because this does nothing.  Maybe I
need to simulate a click instead?

[jQuery] Re: Updated API browser

2008-02-18 Thread Remy Sharp

@Jack - I'm tinkering with the idea of converting the XML either on
the server-side, or as a one hit on the client side - to a JSON

That way there's no more XML queries to run, each time you search.
Once that's in place, it'll be easier (on your browser) to run the '*'
query (though I think it should be an option otherwise it returns all
kinds of methods).

I'm also looking at abstracting out the HTML from the JS so that it
can be plugged in to an AIR app, or dashboard, or what-have-you.
Finally, I'm also discussing/working with Jörn to get jquery.com/api
app updated.



[jQuery] Re: a mix of normal javascript and jquery?

2008-02-18 Thread Cronlajoon

Have you tried JQuery UI draggable, it has a parent (actually called
containment) parameter which works fine for my project... You should
be able to get to work with this code (not tested):

$('#box').draggable( {
   containment: '#main' // it's also possible to specify 'parent' or
any DOM Element


// Carl-Fredrik

On Feb 17, 11:38 am, schnuck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi again,

 i have the following code below which in fact works fine. what it does
 is it limits a small div to be only draggable within another fixed
 sized div. e.g. you can't drag the div out of the bigger div - it
 stops at its borders and acts like a prison.

 however, to me it looks like a mix of normal javascript and jquery
 is it, e.g. possible to to with this line:

 var prison_left   = document.getElementById('main').offsetLeft;


 var prison_left   = $('main').offsetLeft;

 at all? i have tried it but it doesn't work. the goal would be the
 make the code compacter, in a good jquery way.

 any help very appreciated.

 function checkLimits(box){
 var prison_left   = document.getElementById('main').offsetLeft;
 var prison_right  = prison_left +
 var prison_top= document.getElementById('main').offsetTop;
 var prison_bottom = prison_top +
 var box_left   = parseInt(box.css('left'));
 var box_right  = box_left + parseInt(box.css('width'));
 var box_top= parseInt(box.css('top'));
 var box_bottom = box_top + parseInt(box.css('height'));
 if(box_left  prison_left){
 box.css('left', prison_left);}

 if(box_top  prison_top){
 box.css('top', prison_top);}

 if(box_right  prison_right){
 box.css('left', prison_right - parseInt(box.css('width')));}

 if(box_bottom  prison_bottom){
 box.css('top', prison_bottom - parseInt(box.css('height')));}



[jQuery] drag element w/o interface library

2008-02-18 Thread jquertil


I'm trying to drag an element without the use of any plugin or
library. The code below works - except when I invoke the mousedown on
an image element.

In that case, the browser seems to think I want to drag the image off
the page.

Is there a way to override that? Again, code below works fine on
elements that aren't images.

isMouseDown = false;
isMouseDown = true;
if(isMouseDown == true){
// ...moving it around
isMouseDown = false;

[jQuery] [validate] Error messages displayed a second time are given block display mode

2008-02-18 Thread kapowaz

I've created a new ticket (http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2359) with a
patch for a quirky bug I've discovered, which may or may not be a bug
in the .show() method of jQuery itself, or perhaps just a bug within
the validation plugin.

The problem is manifest when error messages are configured to be
displayed within inline elements (which is the default case, using
label elements) and a given error message container is displayed,
hidden, then displayed a second time (an example scenario where this
could happen in normal usage might be a user typing into a field which
has both minimum and maximum length requirements). Once shown the
second time, the element has somehow received block display mode,
which appears to originate from the .show() method. I'm not absolutely
certain though, so I'd be interested to hear likely possible causes. I
have heard that this method is supposed to pick up the original DOM
state display mode for the element, so it ought to act as a toggle
rather than overriding it explicitly with display:block, so this may
actually be a problem with the plugin.

[jQuery] Request for a simple basic Ajax call with loading gif

2008-02-18 Thread gh0st

One of the things that is frustrating me in learning jQuery is that
there isn't enough examples, case-studies or tutorials on how to use
the .ajax call; most web pages I've seen seem to be for the .load
or .get.

That being said, can someone post a very basic Ajax call complete with
a loading gif?

Also, does anyone have any links/resources to case-studies/examples of
Jquery and the .ajax call?

With thanks.

[jQuery] Re: slider bar in jQuery

2008-02-18 Thread Ariel Flesler

The 2nd link is awesome! :)

Ariel Flesler

On Feb 17, 10:38 pm, alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am new to both jQuery and YUI.  While jQuery has an easy slideUp
 slideDown mehtods..YUI has an easy slider widget (http://

 I am confused which one can achieve the similar feat for 

 In that demo if you move the price slider from left to right then the
 data on the right is shifted accordings.

 Can someone please give me a pointer on where to begin with this? for
 starters i dont even want to go back to the server..just want to
 achieve this with non-dynamic data.

[jQuery] Re: returning variable from extension function

2008-02-18 Thread jquertil

thanks cherry for bumping this!

and THANKS MIKE for pointing out the async aspect of $.get()

I rewrote my function and now it works!
For the benefit of others, there are soem add'l comments

loadXML2array: function(url,variable) { // is an extension function,
see original post above
return this.each(function() { // a weird jquery thing - you
gotta iterate through the object and it will return the variable below
var data = $.ajax({ // cannot use get because it doesnt
allow async:false - see mike's answer above
  type: GET,
  url: echo.php?xml=datatable1,
  async: false, // important -- if this is true, the 
return value
will be undefined. see mikes post above
  success: function(xml) {
 objectArray = new Array(); // im setting up an 
array to hold
objects in
 $(xml).find('row').each(function(i){ // im 
looking for specific
 rowObj = new Object(); // making an 
 rowObj.col1 = 
$(this).children('col_1').text(); // adding some
attributes to the object
 rowObj.col2 = 
 rowObj.col3 = 
 objectArray.push(rowObj); // storing 
object in the array
  }  // nomally I would put return objectArray here 
but the
return this.each()... business above takes care of it. I dont know

[jQuery] Re: IE/Opera problem using ClueTip

2008-02-18 Thread fshuja

thnx for ur response.
Yes i have test the code by removing the onActivate and onShow
functions but still the same problem. One more thing i forget to tell
that the code is 100% ok on local.
Sould i send u the whole code?


[jQuery] Re: How to add a CSS Class to this

2008-02-18 Thread andrea varnier

On 18 Feb, 13:59, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

errata corrige:
assuming var element already contains a jQuery object.

I'm sorry, I really should have stayed home today :|

[jQuery] Re: How to add a CSS Class to this

2008-02-18 Thread andrea varnier

On 18 Feb, 05:17, expresso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually I already included my .css page.  How do I just add a class
 to the td here is what I'm really asking.

this doesn't work?

[jQuery] Re: Request for a simple basic Ajax call with loading gif

2008-02-18 Thread johan . borestad

var loader = $('div.ajaxloader').fadeIn(500)

$('#ajax-placeholder').load('/content_to_load.php', function(){
// This is a callback function

Something like that.

The div.ajaxloader is for you to style correctly with css to make it
appear in the middle of the page, or wherever you wan't it.
Just a basic example

/ Johan

On 18 Feb, 09:18, gh0st [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One of the things that is frustrating me in learning jQuery is that
 there isn't enough examples, case-studies or tutorials on how to use
 the .ajax call; most web pages I've seen seem to be for the .load
 or .get.

 That being said, can someone post a very basic Ajax call complete with
 a loading gif?

 Also, does anyone have any links/resources to case-studies/examples of
 Jquery and the .ajax call?

 With thanks.

[jQuery] Re: Request for a simple basic Ajax call with loading gif

2008-02-18 Thread Remy Sharp

I've written a few, but there's a whole bunch out there (http://

Using Ajax to validate forms:


Ajax'ifing forms (screencast):


What you're after boils down to this (though very simply):

$('#waitingblock').html('img src=loading.gif /');

  url: 'myurl.php',
  data: 'action=do-stuff',
  success: function () {
$('#waitingblock').empty(); // remove the loading image
// do stuff.
  error: function () {
// let the user know something went wrong

On Feb 18, 8:18 am, gh0st [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One of the things that is frustrating me in learning jQuery is that
 there isn't enough examples, case-studies or tutorials on how to use
 the .ajax call; most web pages I've seen seem to be for the .load
 or .get.

 That being said, can someone post a very basic Ajax call complete with
 a loading gif?

 Also, does anyone have any links/resources to case-studies/examples of
 Jquery and the .ajax call?

 With thanks.

[jQuery] Re: Slideshow for divs (with AJAX?)

2008-02-18 Thread Ariel Flesler

Hi Christoph
   Added a new release that includes the option 'lazy' that makes the
plugin go look for the items again each time, this way you can add/
remove/reorder the items and it still works. You need to do something
like the last example in the demo:

Instead of binding to the click event of the prev/next links, bind to
a custom event, and you handle the clicks yourself. If the element to
scroll to, is not loaded yet, you load it and only then you trigger
the custom event on the next link.

Note that you need some sort of trick to always have an element in the
end, so I'd just add an empty element with display:none that is
matched by the 'items' selector. Then in the onBefore, you check: if
the elem (2nd argument) is the empty div, you know you need to load a
new element and don't forget to add it BEFORE the empty element.


Ariel Flesler

On 16 feb, 20:30, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Christoph, SerialScroll can be used with AJAX (actually can't now,
 but I'll add a release on monday with a small change that will allow
 it). Combining that change, with a custom event like the last example
 in the demo, you can easily use it for AJAX content.
 Just a note, this plugin:http://plugins.jquery.com/project/LocalScroll
 which is SerialScroll sibling :), already has an AJAX demo if you
 want to check, I was wanting to give SerialScroll that option too but
 couldn't figure out in what way, now I know..
 I'll post here when the new release is up, and I'll tell you how.

 Ariel Flesler

 On 16 feb, 06:23, Christoph Haas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 01:24:40PM -0800, Ariel Flesler wrote:
   The newborn:http://plugins.jquery.com/project/SerialScroll

  Very nice, Ariel. This is pretty close to what I'm looking for. Is there
  a way to use it with AJAX? I'm trying to build a paginated view where
  the user can click on the right arrow, a new DIV is loaded from the web
  service and then scrolled to the left. Think of it as a slideshow where
  the DIVs are not yet present in the HTML page (perhaps even with
  preloading the images in the new DIV). I also experimented with the
  cycle plugin but wasn't very successful.

  Has anyone perhaps done something like that?

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.workaround.org   JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  gpg key: 79CC6586         fingerprint: 
  9B26F48E6F2B0A3F7E33E6B7095E77C579CC6586- Ocultar texto de la cita -

 - Mostrar texto de la cita -

[jQuery] Interface Sortables Crash On IE

2008-02-18 Thread RepThe415

I had this bug, when opening the page in IE it always caused to crash.
I was trying to use the sortables on a simple ul li. Here's the fix /
the thing you shouldn't do when implementing

div id=sort
li class=sortableitem1/li
li class=sortableitem2/li
li class=sortableitem3/li

 script type=text/javascript
$('#sort ul').Sortable({ accept : 'sortableitem' } )

div id=sort
li class=sortableitem1/li
li class=sortableitem2/li
li class=sortableitem3/li

script type=text/javascript
$('#sort ul').Sortable({ accept : 'sortableitem' } )

Don't put the script to activate the sortables inside of any element
of the item that you pass to the jQuery function (in this case div
id=sort/div). This will cause IE to crash. FF is still fine
tho'... Anyway it's bad code. Put it to the document load function and
you should be on the save side.

[jQuery] Re: Interface, jQuery, Sortable

2008-02-18 Thread RepThe415

I got the same issue.. IE crashes completely when trying to open the
page. Using Interface Sortables with jquery 1.2.3.
Here's a code snippet. Runs fine for FF but crashes in IE 6

ul id=category_list
li rel=1 id=category_6906 class=sortableitem
img src=/styles/trans.gif class=icon isortable /
Golden State Warriors
li rel=1 id=category_6901 class=sortableitem
img src=/styles/trans.gif class=icon isortable /

script type=text/javascript
accept : 'sortableitem',
handle : 'img',
axis : 'vertically',
opacity : 0.5,
fit : false,
onStop : function(){ reorder_category(this); }

On 8 Feb., 21:43, Dough Boy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have built a page that users can sort blocks into various pages,
 sort of like iGoogle.  Everything works fine except that if a block
 contains javascript (i.e. widget), IE 6  7 crashes when trying to
 sort a block.  Anything else in the block works fine, just javascript

 Any thoughts?

[jQuery] Re: IE/Opera problem using ClueTip

2008-02-18 Thread fshuja

Ok i am sending u the code at ur email

I have IIS test server.

[jQuery] Re: error in jquery.validate.pack.js ie6

2008-02-18 Thread RandyJohnson

Jörn ...

One other thing is the IE6 version that I am using:  6.0.3790.1830

Hope that helps


On Feb 17, 5:40 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 RandyJohnson schrieb:

  Jörn ...

  I just downloadedValidate1.2.1 and tried to use the pack version
  and I am also getting an error inIE6.0.

  The error is:

  Line 41
  Char 60
  Object does not support...

  When I switch back to the unpacked version it works without any

  The pack version works fine in Safari 3+, Netscape, and IE7+.

 I still can't reproduce that. I've tested with packed inIE6. Could you
 provide a testpage?

 Jörn- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: error in jquery.validate.pack.js ie6

2008-02-18 Thread RandyJohnson

Jörn ...


type in any old email address and as soon as you tab into the password
field you should get the following message:

Line 41
Char 60
Error Object doesn't support this property or method
Code 0
URL http://www.chs68.net/logintest.php

hope this helps.

I have observed more than once that packer seems to introduce these
random problems.

FYI:  1.2.1.packed works fine in IE7, FF, and Safari.  It is just in
IE6 that I have encountered this error.


On Feb 17, 5:40 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 RandyJohnson schrieb:

  Jörn ...

  I just downloadedValidate1.2.1 and tried to use the pack version
  and I am also getting an error inIE6.0.

  The error is:

  Line 41
  Char 60
  Object does not support...

  When I switch back to the unpacked version it works without any

  The pack version works fine in Safari 3+, Netscape, and IE7+.

 I still can't reproduce that. I've tested with packed inIE6. Could you
 provide a testpage?

 Jörn- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: finding if element is focused

2008-02-18 Thread Eridius


Eridius wrote:
 i know i bind a function to the event focus of an element but is there a
 way i can see if a element is focused like?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Parallax scrolling, background foreground elements

2008-02-18 Thread Ty (tzmedia)

A recent site launch has a bit of a buzz surrounding the use of
parallax backgrounds. When resizing the window width at:
http://silverbackapp.com/ you will see what I mean the leaves have a
very three dimensional effect.
This effect would be great to use with any of the jquery scrolling
plugins etc, like:
and others.

Dropping a bug in everyone's ear then, that this might be a fun idea
to play around with.
Here's some other links on parallax scrolling:
http://www.esqsoft.com/examples/fly_parallax/fly_parallax.htm -this
ones a bit much but really illustrates the motion effect.

[jQuery] Re: finding if element is focused

2008-02-18 Thread andrea varnier

On 18 Feb, 16:22, Eridius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think that if you don't post some more infos it will be very
difficult to think of an answer.
what do you need this for?
maybe someone can suggest another approach...

[jQuery] [TreeView] Old version

2008-02-18 Thread John Morrison

Hi Jörn,

Is it possible to download the 1.3 zip.  I need to try and resolve



[jQuery] Re: Change stylesheets if images are off

2008-02-18 Thread Danny

Unfortunately, no. You can't tell whether a .load will fail until it
does fail, and that's true of any asynchronous method. You can't say
if it's failed or just not succeeded yet. All you can do is set a time
limit and check if you've succeeded in that time and if not, assume
you've failed. That's why $.ajax has timeout and error options.

In your example, you can do
var timeout = 1000; // milliseconds
var success = false;
  if (!success) do_fail_things();

I haven't found any  way of directly asking the browser if images are
enabled, so I think you're stuck with this.


On Feb 17, 6:41 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Yet another question about this (or perhaps about Javascript in
 general) ... Am I missing something that's staring me in the face, or
 is it really not possible to make a function that goes something like

 jQuery.fn.afunction(animage) {
 if ! $(animage).load(function() {
. do stuff because we're not loading images ...

 that is, an if not function ?

 I'm very perplexed.

[jQuery] Re: Parallax scrolling, background foreground elements

2008-02-18 Thread Mika Tuupola

On Feb 18, 2008, at 5:57 PM, Ty (tzmedia) wrote:

A recent site launch has a bit of a buzz surrounding the use of
parallax backgrounds. When resizing the window width at:

We did something vaguely similar, but not as cool and only with two  
layers (scroll and check the moon). It was done with JavaScript that  
it works great in IE and Safari, but not Firefox.  But this Silverback  
CSS Parallax effect is awesome ! :)


Mika Tuupola

[jQuery] Re: ajax file uploads: getting strange error

2008-02-18 Thread Jake McGraw
Ah, I traced the issue to a PHP error, make sure your server scripts
aren't spitting out HTML errors!

- jake

On Feb 14, 2008 3:05 AM, Yılmaz Uğurlu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can you try upload your file without upload plugin. Create simple file form
 and just post to data your uplaod action. Maybe your uplaod action returning
 invalid result. I got the similiar error when i first try. The problem was
 upload action in my project. Just check that.

 2008/2/13, Jake McGraw [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Just started getting this issue with the Forms plugin!
  - jake
  On Feb 9, 2008 5:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I just downloaded the latest version of the ajax file upload plugin
   (http://www.phpletter.com/Demo/AjaxFileUpload-Demo/).  I have created
   a test page
   but every time I upload a file, the error callback is invoked and the
   message Syntax error: Invalid label is displayed. My file does get
   uploaded to the proper directory, but the error is troubling me. What
   does it mean and any ideas how to resolve it?
   Thanks, - Dave

  Yılmaz Uğurlu ~ jabber : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~ http://www.2nci.com ~ İzmir

[jQuery] Re: Parallax scrolling, background foreground elements

2008-02-18 Thread timothytoe

I remember when Shadow of the Beast came out on the Amiga. Crappy
gameplay, but great parallax scrolling.

This is a great effect. Old Disney films used this well.

Looks like 4 layers there. Anyone look at the code yet? Is there
Javascript controlling the positioning or is it all CSS?

On Feb 18, 9:05 am, Mika Tuupola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 18, 2008, at 5:57 PM, Ty (tzmedia) wrote:

  A recent site launch has a bit of a buzz surrounding the use of
  parallax backgrounds. When resizing the window width at:

 We did something vaguely similar, but not as cool and only with two
 layers (scroll and check the moon). It was done with JavaScript that
 it works great in IE and Safari, but not Firefox.  But this Silverback
 CSS Parallax effect is awesome ! :)


 Mika Tuupolahttp://www.appelsiini.net/

[jQuery] fadeOut and IE6

2008-02-18 Thread George

I'm currently building a widget which contains multiple deep dives
into sections of a website in a limited amount of space and have run
into an issue when using the fadeOut function with IE6.

Per the requirements of this section, the client wants to have the
currently selected item fade out and the new item's background fade in
at the same time.  This is working great in Firefox, IE7 and Safari,
but for whatever reason, the fadeOut function doesn't seem to fire
correctly in IE6.  Has anyone run across this before?

You can see a copy of the page at the address below.  Any help is much

 - George

[jQuery] User Interface: How to query the dropped element?

2008-02-18 Thread jmar777

When using draggables and droppables, I'm having difficulty
understanding how to query the dropped element.  For example, right
now I can do something like the following:

accept: '.draggable',
tolerance: 'pointer',
drop: function() {

But what I would like to be able to do is like the following:

accept: '.draggable',
tolerance: 'pointer',
drop: function() {

where draggableElement is the element that was dropped.  I've seen
examples on how to do this in older versions of the library, but I
can't seem to get anything to work using jQuery 1.2.3 and UI 1.5b

[jQuery] Re: slider bar in jQuery

2008-02-18 Thread George

There is slider functionality in the jQuery UI project ( http://ui.jquery.com
) which will do pretty much what you're looking for.

On Feb 18, 7:01 am, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The 2nd link is awesome! :)

 Ariel Flesler

 On Feb 17, 10:38 pm, alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I am new to both jQuery and YUI.  While jQuery has an easy slideUp
  slideDown mehtods..YUI has an easy slider widget (http://

  I am confused which one can achieve the similar feat for 

  In that demo if you move the price slider from left to right then the
  data on the right is shifted accordings.

  Can someone please give me a pointer on where to begin with this? for
  starters i dont even want to go back to the server..just want to
  achieve this with non-dynamic data.

[jQuery] Ajax Post URL - unterminated regular expression literal

2008-02-18 Thread MikeP


I'm using an Ajax Post. It works fine when I use the path in the
url: controllers/processajax.cfm,

However, If I want to use a url string like:
url: index.cfm?Action=processajax,

Then I get the following error:
unterminated regular expression literal

It blows up in what appears to be the data results. However, literally
the only difference is the URL string I use.

Any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: Parallax scrolling, background foreground elements

2008-02-18 Thread Mika Tuupola

On Feb 18, 2008, at 8:15 PM, timothytoe wrote:

Looks like 4 layers there. Anyone look at the code yet? Is there
Javascript controlling the positioning or is it all CSS?

All CSS. Different position-x values for three layers.

position-x 20%
position-x 40%

AFAIK same kind of effect can be achieved by using different size  
background images which are centered.

Mika Tuupola

[jQuery] Re: Counting numbers from X to Y

2008-02-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the help!

Though I'd rather not include another big plugin just for the sake
of this ticker thingie, so I'll try to find another one. It also
wasn't that demo page I had seen before, but that one might have also
just been a showoff for another plugin.

I found this page: http://www.anthor.net/fr/jquery-progression.html
Just making the numbers scroll up and down between what I choose is
what I'm looking for, but this one had progress bars and stuff too, so
I'll see if I can digg into the code and take out the necessary parts.

On Feb 17, 8:04 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Glen Lipka whipped up a demo using Mike Alsup's Cycle Plugin here:


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Feb 17, 2008, at 8:28 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:

  I think it was Mike Alsup who used his plug-in, Cycle,
  to do a countdown.

  He put up a demo page, but I'm not sure where to find it now.

  I'm sure he or someone else will be along to tell us where it
  is or provide some clue as to how to do it.  He just set the timing
  of the slides to 1 second (1000 ms?).

  Check out this page for info on his Cycle plugin.  The plug-in can
  be used with plain text, so there should be a way to set up a variable
  that increment with each cycle to provide the countdown display.


  Help, anyone?


  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery-
  Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2008 6:03 AM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] Counting numbers from X to Y

  I'm looking for a simple plugin which can tick a number from say 1 to
  10 (1,2,3,4,5 and so on up to 10). I remember seeing a demo page of
  this with an example which I think included some currency counter but
  I can't seem to find it again! Been browsing the Plugin directory but
  haven't found it.

  Thanks =)


[jQuery] Re: How to dynamically load jQuery plugins?

2008-02-18 Thread Nazgulled

I really wanted some thought on this from you people, cause you
understand of this more than I do...

On Feb 18, 1:54 am, Nazgulled [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After lots of google searching and reading this and then, I created a
 little function like this:

 function includeScript(scriptName) {
 // Change requests to be sent synchronous
 $.ajaxSetup({ async: false });

 // Loads and executes a local JavaScript file
 $.getScript(../../libs/ + scriptName + .js);

 // Restore requests to be sent asynchronous
 $.ajaxSetup({ async: true });


 What do you people think? Is this good? Or is there a better way to do

 On Feb 17, 1:30 am, Nazgulled [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Now you guys got me confused...

  Now I have getScript and the On-Demand plugin... which one is better?
  Which one suits better what I want to do? (explained on the first

  Though, I liked how the On-Demand was capable of loading css on run-
  time too and that might prove useful when and if, for some reason, my
  website needs specific IE CSS and I need to load that CSS file if the
  user is using IE. However, I would really like to know the differences
  between the two to include javascript files on run time...

  On Feb 16, 5:11 pm, Tony [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You can try the on-demand 


[jQuery] Re: finding if element is focused

2008-02-18 Thread Karl Swedberg

this should help...


Karl Swedberg

On Feb 8, 2008, at 10:36 AM, Eridius wrote:

i know i bind a function to the event focus of an element but is  
there a way

i can see if a element is focused like?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at  

[jQuery] Re: Parallax scrolling, background foreground elements

2008-02-18 Thread Ty (tzmedia)

I sort of wondered about maybe it just being a Centered set of images
of varying widths, but hadn't gotten around to deciphering the layout
for myself..
With jQuery, I'm just wondering if a more advanced set of features
could be accomplished, something along the lines of clicking different
scroll To or smooth scroll links triggering different sets of
backgrounds. Of course a www.thehorizontalway.com/ type of navigation
set up would create another whole bunch of ideas.

On Feb 18, 1:51 pm, Mika Tuupola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 18, 2008, at 8:15 PM, timothytoe wrote:

  Looks like 4 layers there. Anyone look at the code yet? Is there
  Javascript controlling the positioning or is it all CSS?

 All CSS. Different position-x values for three layers.

 position-x 20%
 position-x 40%

 AFAIK same kind of effect can be achieved by using different size
 background images which are centered.

 Mika Tuupolahttp://www.appelsiini.net/

[jQuery] Re: ajax form plugin question

2008-02-18 Thread Mike Alsup

 Hi Mike, I've faced exactly the same problem. When I upload a file via the
 .ajaxFrom all seems to be well, except that success function doesn't fire.
 But json response that the server returns is ok. As it was written in
 Form code samples I return json in textarea tags. I've searched google
 http://www.malsup.com but found nothing that could solve the problem. Can
 you help me?

Can you post a link?

[jQuery] Re: Fading effects and anti aliasing in IE/Opera

2008-02-18 Thread Nazgulled

Thanks. It worked a bit... I mean, when the animation ends, the text
gets smooth as it should be, but during the animation it's all
fuzzy... But through my searching, I believe there isn't a fix for it.
Only the team behind IE can fix it internally, correct or wrong?

On Feb 16, 4:04 am, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 in IE 6, make sure the element being faded has an background color

 Just four days ago on this list, Mike Alsup provided a solution for
 the problem in IE 7:

  But for IE7 you need to remove the opacity filter after the
  animation completes:

  $('#myDiv').fadeIn(function() {
  if ($.browser.msie)

 Hope that helps.

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Feb 15, 2008, at 11:51 AM, Nazgulled wrote:

  Anyone? :(

  On Feb 15, 1:27 pm, Nazgulled [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Probably, everyone already noticed on this but when you use fade
  effects in IE/Opera where you change the opacity and stuff like that,
  the text on these browsers is poorly rendered. By other words, it's
  not anti-aliased. It only gets anti-aliased when the opacity is 100%.
  This doesn't happen on Firefox...

  Is there a way to workaround this problem or this is a *bug* in IE/
  Opera that we can't do nothing about?

[jQuery] Re: fastest way to load both jquery thickbox

2008-02-18 Thread polyrhythmic

What version of PHP is your server running?  Minify is PHP5 by
default, there's a PHP4 version available here:

Otherwise it appears you're doing everything correctly.  If you turn
on PHP error_reporting ( http://us2.php.net/error_reporting ) that may
give you a clue.  Best of luck!


On Feb 15, 5:50 pm, ben [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 thanks for the help charles. I can't for the life of me get the minify
 working. I've got some screenshots up of my folder structure and the
 code i'm using here -http://www.vocle.com/pic.html

 i've gone over and over the user guide trying every way of getting it
 working but i can't get my css and javascripts to load through the
 minify.php? am i not doing something properly?

[jQuery] A problem I can't figure out alone

2008-02-18 Thread rics

I don't even know where the problem is exactly. Please, if you could
show me some way to go...

I want to check the checkbox that have the specifc ID. Here is my

if (sgconfs.default_domain != '') { $
(#+sgconfs.default_domain).attr(checked, checked); }

Ok. The sgconfs is an object. The value of is sgconfs.default_domain
correct. This come from a MySQL database, via JSON, etc.

When the value in database is dom_89, for example, it works fine.
The checkbox is checked as expected. The other value I have is
exatati.intranet. Well, when this is what I have in mysql the code
don't work. The checkbox isn't checked...

I look the W3C specification and the value of an id can contain the


What that could be? How can I solve this issue? Any thoughts?

[jQuery] add to favorites link that works in IE AND Firefox

2008-02-18 Thread johnwboyd

Can it be done and NOT opening the bookmark in a side window in

[jQuery] Re: [TreeView] Old version

2008-02-18 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

John Morrison schrieb:

Hi Jörn,

Is it possible to download the 1.3 zip.  I need to try and resolve


Each plugin site has a View all releases link.


[jQuery] Re: [validate] Error messages displayed a second time are given block display mode

2008-02-18 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

kapowaz schrieb:

I've created a new ticket (http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2359) with a
patch for a quirky bug I've discovered, which may or may not be a bug
in the .show() method of jQuery itself, or perhaps just a bug within
the validation plugin.
Thanks for the ticket. I'll try to get it fixed once I find the time to 
work on validate again. May take a while...


[jQuery] Re: A problem I can't figure out alone

2008-02-18 Thread Klaus Hartl

On Feb 18, 9:24 pm, rics [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't even know where the problem is exactly. Please, if you could
 show me some way to go...

 I want to check the checkbox that have the specifc ID. Here is my

 if (sgconfs.default_domain != '') { $
 (#+sgconfs.default_domain).attr(checked, checked); }

 Ok. The sgconfs is an object. The value of is sgconfs.default_domain
 correct. This come from a MySQL database, via JSON, etc.

 When the value in database is dom_89, for example, it works fine.
 The checkbox is checked as expected. The other value I have is
 exatati.intranet. Well, when this is what I have in mysql the code
 don't work. The checkbox isn't checked...

 I look the W3C specification and the value of an id can contain the


 What that could be? How can I solve this issue? Any thoughts?

Not that weird at all actually. For the second value - the one with
the period in it - take a closer look what the selector looks like
after the variable has been evaluated:


In CSS a period has special meaning and denotes a class selector. Thus
the selector #exatati.intranet will match an element with the id
exatati and the class intranet. Not exactly what you want.

See FAQ for solution:


[jQuery] Re: finding if element is focused

2008-02-18 Thread George

Yep do give it a go.  It's probably the :focus selector that you're
after.  I'm sorry to say that I've not yet tested it with v1.2.3 and I
fear it will probably break because of the changes to the way selector
expressions must be defined in the latest version (as functions
instead of eval text). Oh well, I dare say I'll fix it soon.



On Feb 18, 7:29 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 this should help...


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Feb 8, 2008, at 10:36 AM, Eridius wrote:

  i know i bind a function to the event focus of an element but is
  there a way
  i can see if a element is focused like?

  View this message in 
  Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

[jQuery] [TreeView] added active class

2008-02-18 Thread sozzi

Hi Joern,

A tinsy change in treeview allows for an active class to open the

under: switch(settings.persist) {

I just added:
case active:
var current = this.find(.cur_cat);
if ( current.length ) {
li).add( current.next() ).show();

That seems to do the trick. Unfortunately I don't quite know how to
pass the category name cur_cat into the options. But for me
hardcoded is OK right now.

[jQuery] $(el).html() Removes Line Breaks In IE6

2008-02-18 Thread Justin

I've been experimenting with client-size markdown transformation and
have hit a stumbling block. It seems that $(this).html() returns the
inner html of the element with the line breaks stripped out in IE6
(not sure about IE7 right now). Am I missing something? Obviously,
markdown assigns meaning to line breaks so rendering in IE is

[jQuery] How to center div horizontally + vertically?

2008-02-18 Thread Ryura

Hi everyone,

I'm wondering the best way to center a div horizontally and vertically
on the fly.

I have:
jQuery(a).click(function () {

Basically I just want #box to be centered on the screen and then
shown. I'm clueless as to how to do this, however. I tried using an
excerpt from an older version of the Dimensions plugin that I found on
here, but it seems to be outdated now (it doesn't work in Safari).


[jQuery] Rounded corners and drop shadow?

2008-02-18 Thread Shawn

I'm using the roundcorners-canvas plugin, and the dropshadow plugin.  I 
have a div on the page I would like to have rounded corners AND a drop 
shadow.  However running code like the following doesn't do quite what 
you would think:


The corners of the div are rounded, but with a white area that fills out 
the rectangle.  THEN you get the shadow.  So this kinda ruins the effect 
of the rounded corners.

I'm still reading, but one thing the dropShadow details say (in the 
dropShadow plugin file) is that the plugin tries to guess what colors to 
use based on the transparency or color of the element.  So I changed my 
CSS to not assign a background color, and this didn't work out so well. 
 It shows the text of the div in shadow, and blured, but way too large.

My div looks something like this, if it helps:

div id=navigation
li id=item1 class=headItem/li
li id=item2 class=headItem
li id=item2 Item/li
li id=item3 Item/li
li id=item4 Item/li/li
li id=item5 Item/li/li
li id=item6 Item/li/li
li id=item7 Item/li/li
li id=item8 class=headItem/li/li

Any tips or tricks I need to know about to make this happen?  Thanks in 


[jQuery] Re: How to center div horizontally + vertically?

2008-02-18 Thread Shawn

I seem to remember seeing a center() plugin once.  But that was pre 1.2 
days, so it may not be applicable anymore.

Regardless, the best way I know of to center a DIV is to use CSS. 
Something like this:

#mydiv { margin: 20%; }
or even { margin: auto } in some cases.

There's PLENTY on this topic on the web 



Ryura wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm wondering the best way to center a div horizontally and vertically
on the fly.

I have:
jQuery(a).click(function () {

Basically I just want #box to be centered on the screen and then
shown. I'm clueless as to how to do this, however. I tried using an
excerpt from an older version of the Dimensions plugin that I found on
here, but it seems to be outdated now (it doesn't work in Safari).


[jQuery] Re: [TreeView] added active class

2008-02-18 Thread sozzi

Added as:  Ticket #2362 (new enhancement)

PS: how to heck do you add the [TreeView] to the post title? I entered
it and it just vanished.

On Feb 18, 2:26 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sozzi schrieb:

  Hi Joern,

  A tinsy change in treeview allows for an active class to open the

  under: switch(settings.persist) {

  I just added:
  case active:
 var current = this.find(.cur_cat);
 if ( current.length ) {
  li).add( current.next() ).show();

  That seems to do the trick. Unfortunately I don't quite know how to
  pass the category name cur_cat into the options. But for me
  hardcoded is OK right now.

 Could you file a ticket for that?http://dev.jquery.com/newticket


[jQuery] Re: How to center div horizontally + vertically?

2008-02-18 Thread Hamish Campbell

Talked about this over here:


This is my extension to centre a div to the screen:

$(document).ready(function() {
jQuery.fn.centerScreen = function(loaded) {
var obj = this;
if(!loaded) {
obj.css('top', $(window).height()/2-
obj.css('left', $(window).width()/2-
{ obj.centerScreen(!loaded); });
} else {
obj.animate({ top: $(window).height()/2-
this.height()/2, left: $
(window).width()/2-this.width()/2}, 200, 'linear');

On Feb 19, 12:20 pm, Shawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I seem to remember seeing a center() plugin once.  But that was pre 1.2
 days, so it may not be applicable anymore.

 Regardless, the best way I know of to center a DIV is to use CSS.
 Something like this:

 #mydiv { margin: 20%; }
 or even { margin: auto } in some cases.

 There's PLENTY on this topic on the 



 Ryura wrote:
  Hi everyone,

  I'm wondering the best way to center a div horizontally and vertically
  on the fly.

  I have:
  jQuery(a).click(function () {

  Basically I just want #box to be centered on the screen and then
  shown. I'm clueless as to how to do this, however. I tried using an
  excerpt from an older version of the Dimensions plugin that I found on
  here, but it seems to be outdated now (it doesn't work in Safari).

  Thanks!- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] I can't seem to break out of this frame.

2008-02-18 Thread Justin

Here's the page


It's just a guest book/comment section of my site. If you click main
menu or any of those three nav links at the top of the page, you can
see that it does break out of the frame but it opens in a new window.
I want it to break out of frame and uremain in the same window/u.
I've added a href=http://spinskins.net; target=_topMain Menu/a
to the links but it still jumps to a new window. I believe it's cause
there is an iFrame in the center of that page that doesn't let me
break out of it.

I'm stumped on what to do next.

Any help provided would be greatly appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: Using val() vs text()

2008-02-18 Thread Hamish Campbell

Could do it like this:


So you could have a function like:

function setElement(id, s) {

So that whenever you set an element you can call:

setElement('someElementId', 'This is my string!');

On Feb 19, 10:18 am, AsymF [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to update the contents of an element depending if it is a form
 element who's value can be set or if it is just an element who
 internal text can be set. How could I distinguish whether to use val()
 or text() on the fly?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Cycle + Lightbox = Error!

2008-02-18 Thread Mike Alsup
If you remove Cycle completely from that page you will see that you still
have the error.  So I would suggest attacking the problem from the Lightbox
side of things.


On Feb 18, 2008 5:57 PM, simond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bump - anyone? I'm pulling my hair out over here..

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com

[jQuery] Re: I can't seem to break out of this frame.

2008-02-18 Thread Hamish Campbell

What if you name the top frame 'topFrame' and make the link into

Or, better yet, ditch frames altogether :P :P :P

On Feb 19, 1:16 pm, Justin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's the page


 It's just a guest book/comment section of my site. If you click main
 menu or any of those three nav links at the top of the page, you can
 see that it does break out of the frame but it opens in a new window.
 I want it to break out of frame and uremain in the same window/u.
 I've added a href=http://spinskins.net; target=_topMain Menu/a
 to the links but it still jumps to a new window. I believe it's cause
 there is an iFrame in the center of that page that doesn't let me
 break out of it.

 I'm stumped on what to do next.

 Any help provided would be greatly appreciated.


[jQuery] jQuery Cycle + Lightbox = Error!

2008-02-18 Thread simond

Hi guys,

IE throws up an error when I add this Lightbox script to my page with a
jQuery Cycle script. Both scripts use the jQuery 1.2.1 framework and work
fine on Firefox and Opera. 

jQuery Cycle (works fine):

jQuery Cycle + Lightbox (doesn't work):

Any help greatly appreciated! 
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Cycle + Lightbox = Error!

2008-02-18 Thread simond

Bump - anyone? I'm pulling my hair out over here..

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] digits: false;

2008-02-18 Thread TheChrisPratt

It appears that the digits validator doesn't check it's value.  I have
a situation where, depending on the value of one field, a second field
may or may not be required to contain only digits.  The only way I can
see to achieve this within the framework would be:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(#formid).bind(validate,function(e,validator) {}).validate({
rules: {
  fieldOne: {required : true},
  fieldTwo: {
required: true,
digits: function(e) { return $
(e.target).find(input[name=fieldOne]:checked).val) == 'digits'; }

This should make fieldTwo always required to have a value, and
required to contain only digits if fieldOne's value is 'digits'.  But
even if I change the second requirement to digits: false; for testing
it always requires the field to contain only digits.

I'm using jQuery Validate 1.2.1

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: drag element w/o interface library

2008-02-18 Thread Richard D. Worth
e.preventDefault() in your mousedown.

- Richard

On Feb 18, 2008 6:28 AM, jquertil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm trying to drag an element without the use of any plugin or
 library. The code below works - except when I invoke the mousedown on
 an image element.

 In that case, the browser seems to think I want to drag the image off
 the page.

 Is there a way to override that? Again, code below works fine on
 elements that aren't images.

 isMouseDown = false;
isMouseDown = true;
if(isMouseDown == true){
// ...moving it around
isMouseDown = false;

[jQuery] Re: Can JQuery support iCab 3 (for legacy Mac OS9)

2008-02-18 Thread Charles Stuart

Since this page (http://docs.jquery.com/Browser_Compatibility) and
your post do not agree, could you clarify if Firefox 1.5+ on Mac OS X
is supported?


On Jan 8, 7:06 am, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nope, definitely not. We already don't support anything less than
 Safari 2 - or IE 5. The only Mac-based browsers we support are Safari
 2 + 3, Firefox 2, and Opera 9.


 On Jan 7, 2008 11:49 PM, howa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  We have some users still running OS9, I would like to know if any OS9
  users here can confirm if JQuery (1.2x) support iCab 3, so we can
  advise them to use this browser.

