[jQuery] Re: Question related to Javascript

2009-02-09 Thread seasoup

If you are using Prototype and jQuery you will need to do:

var $j =jQuery.noConflict();

otherwise the will be a conflict for the $.  Then, when you wan't to
do things in jQuery, do $j and when you want to do things in
Prototype, do $.

Is   $(imgDisplay0).src = imgs0Slideshow[start].image;  correct?

I believe this is correct for Prototype, and means the source of the
image with an id of imgDisplay0 is set to imgs0Slideshow[start].image

In jQuery, the same line is:

$('#imgDisplay0').attr('src', imgs0Slideshow[start].image);

With jQuery, you cannot access any of the DOM element attributes or
methods directly because they are stored in a jQuery collection that
is returned. Look at the jQuery documentation on the jQuery site, it
is quite extensive and will show you what you need.  If you need help
with Prototype code though, you should try the Prototype google group

On Feb 8, 11:52 pm, MH1988 m.lawrencehu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Would be great if someone could still help me out?

 On Feb 8, 10:01 pm, MH1988 m.lawrencehu...@gmail.com wrote:

  Sorry, just also to mention, I am integrating this within WordPress
  and I am using the jQuery framework for another gallery.

  On Feb 8, 9:58 pm, MH1988 m.lawrencehu...@gmail.com wrote:

   Thanks so much for the help. I'm afraid it still isn't working
   correctly. I tried [0] which to me means it initiates the very first
   image as soon as it preloads. For more details of how I am using this,
   I am actually using the Prototype script framework which makes this
   image gallery work.

   Is   $(imgDisplay0).src = imgs0Slideshow[start].image;  correct?

   I'm wondering if there is still something missing to make it work?
   Also, it would also be great if you could explain some of the things
   mentioned more simpler as I'm inexperienced.

   Many thanks.

   On Feb 8, 8:11 pm, seasoup seas...@gmail.com wrote:

Also, instead of saying

var imgs0Slideshow = new Array();
imgs0Slideshow[0] = new Object();

It's easier to just say

var imgs0Slideshow = [];
imgs0Slideshow[0] = {};

and that achieves the exact same thing.

On Feb 8, 1:10 am, seasoup seas...@gmail.com wrote:

 $(imgDisplay0_title).innerHTML = title;
 $(imgDisplay0_caption).innerHTML = caption;
 $(imgDisplay0_number).innerHTML = 1 of  + imgs0Slideshow.length +

 should be

 $(imgDisplay0_number).html('1 of ' + imgs0Slideshow.length + '


 $(imgDisplay0_number).text('1 of ' + imgs0Slideshow.length + '


 $(imgDisplay0_title).get(0).innerHTML = title;
 $(imgDisplay0_caption).get(0).innerHTML = caption;
 $(imgDisplay0_number).get(0).innerHTML = 1 of  +
 imgs0Slideshow.length +  Articles;


 $(imgDisplay0_title)[0].innerHTML = title;
 $(imgDisplay0_caption)[0].innerHTML = caption;
 $(imgDisplay0_number)[0].innerHTML = 1 of  + imgs0Slideshow.length
 +  Articles;

 .html('text'); is the standard jQuery way to do add html, but is
 slower then .text which is the jQuery way to add plain text, which is
 slower then .innerHTML, but not by significant amounts unless you are
 in a big loop.  .html() also handles removing events from DOM Elements
 that are written over this way which prevents circular references that
 can cause memory leaks.  but, if speed is a big factor and you don't
 have any events doing .get(0) or [0] work.

 The problem is that $() returns a jQuery collection not a DOM object
 with the .innerHTML method.  .get(0) or [0] will return the first
 element in the jQuery collection which is the DOM node you are looking
 for with the innerHTML method.

 Hope that helps.

 Josh Powell

 On Feb 7, 10:10 pm, MH1988 m.lawrencehu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I hope I am able to still receive assistance even though this isn't
  jQuery 100% and what I have is an image gallery I am using. The only
  thing I need to work out is how to make sure the initial title and
  captions appear when you load the webpage?

  script type='text/javascript'
  var imgs0Slideshow = new Array();
  var imgs0;
  imgs0Slideshow[0] = new Object();
  imgs0Slideshow[0].image = ;
  imgs0Slideshow[0].title = ;
  imgs0Slideshow[0].caption =  shshshshshsh;
  imgs0Slideshow[1] = new Object();
  imgs0Slideshow[1].image = ;
  imgs0Slideshow[1].title = Array;
  imgs0Slideshow[1].caption =  shshshshs;
  imgs0Slideshow[2] = new Object();
  imgs0Slideshow[2].image = ;
  imgs0Slideshow[2].title = ;
  imgs0Slideshow[2].caption =  shshshsh;
  var start = 0;
  imgs0 = new MudFadeGallery('imgs0', 'imgDisplay0', imgs0Slideshow,
  {startNum: start, preload: true, autoplay: 4});


[jQuery] Re: Does it hurt to call functions that don't do anything on the page?

2009-02-09 Thread Nicolas R

I not sure if this suits you, but you could split your functions to
separate files and then lazy load each js file as necessary.
In such case http://nicolas.rudas.info/jQuery/getPlugin/ may be

Otherwise I find Ricardo's suggestion the easiest. You could also do
some time tests to check whether calling these functions when not
really needed effects performance, and act accordingly

On Feb 9, 3:33 am, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:
 *Tab+spacebar and it posts :P

 You could put your list of functions in an array in your external js,
 then call them on the window object in a loop:
 $(function() {
         var funcs = [

                 if(typeof(window[f]) == 'function'){

 On Feb 8, 5:21 am, Beau zar...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks for the ideas everyone!

  @Stephan: Yes, it's in an external JS file. I'd prefer to not have to
  do any inline javascript. I've considered it, but thanks for the

  @Ricardo: Thanks for those. I may end up doing a variation of them.

  On Feb 8, 4:50 am, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:


   I guess you have your $().ready() function in an external js file,
   otherwise you could
   customize it for the according html page.

   Another construct similar to Ricardos one, but a bit more flexible:

   Use a global variable in every html file to specify the init functions
   you want to call for this page:
   script type=text/javascript
           myInitFxn = [ManageCategoriesClick, HideByDefault, 

           for(var i in myInitFxn) {
                   myInitFxn[i](); // call init function



   2009/2/8 brian bally.z...@gmail.com:

On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com 

Alternatively you could add a different class to the body of each
page, then use this rather amusing construct:

 var is = function(v){ return ++document.body.className.indexOf(v) };

    ? ManageCategoriesClick :
    ? HideByDefault :
    ? PrepareSplitForm :
    ? SetUpAdvertPopup :
  function(){} //nothing


That is, indeed, amusing. And one for my toy chest. Thanks!

Who knew, back in '96, that javascript was going to turn out to be so 
much fun?

[jQuery] Re: Disable a link temporarily

2009-02-09 Thread rob303

Thank you for the replies.  I like the toggle idea.  It's simple and
it works.



On Feb 7, 11:35 am, donb falconwatc...@comcast.net wrote:
 Rather than bindin/unbinding events, why not put a hidden label (or
 tag of your choice) there with the same text, then toggle between

 $(a, label).toggle();

 Show the anchor or show the label.

 On Feb 7, 6:07 am, jQuery Lover ilovejqu...@gmail.com wrote:


  This line is unbinding ALL click events. So the second click binding
  function is not fired, since it's not bound...

  Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

  On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 2:48 PM,rob303rob.cub...@googlemail.com wrote:


   This should be easy.

   I want to disable a link and then re-enable it later.  I have:

   $('a.show_reset_pass_box').click(function() {
      // do some stuff
      return false;

   Which works just fine.  But then when I try to do:

   $('a.close_reset_pass_box').click(function() {
      // do some stuff
      return false;

   The click event isn't bound back onto the anchor.

   The anchor looks like this:

   a class=show_reset_pass_box title=Lost Password?Lost Password?/

   What am I doing wrong?

   Many thanks in advance for any hekp.


[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery Validation with Dot Net

2009-02-09 Thread Jon

@ RobG: #aspnetForm is the form that wraps the whole of a dot net
page. I simply posted the html snippet from the form itself.
Individual forms do not have their own form tags, there is one large
one that encloses the whole page - part of the dot net infrastructure.

@ Aaron Grundel: No, but i will put one up tonight if it will help.
I'm eager to use this validation plugin!

On Feb 9, 2:14 am, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:
 On Feb 9, 8:30 am, Jon cakeordeat...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm having issues getting the validation plugin (http://bassistance.de/
  jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/) to work with dot net.
  Whatever i try i can't stop the form from submitting. I've tried
  several things i've found on this group and the web. Can anyone help
  me getting this to work?

  Here's my html.

  span id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact class=ContactForm
  p class=SuccessMessageSubmitted/p
  span class=Field
  span class=LabelName /span
  span class=Validation
  span id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_ctl04
  style=display: none;/
  input id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_TB_TextBox
  class=TextBox Name type=text name=ctl00$Control_LeftColumn
  span class=Field
  span class=Field
  a id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_LB_Submit class=Submit
  $LB_Submit','') style=background-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);Submit/a

 Invalid markup, there is no form.

  And here is my javascript:


 Where is #aspnetForm?


[jQuery] what could be causing this isnull error ( realy weird )

2009-02-09 Thread Armand Datema


If you go to this page in firebug you see an isnull error.

the same goes if you click the test click link.

Why does this generate the isnull error. The fist one is indeed only on page
after user is logged in but that should not be an issue . But the text
click link tries to hide a few div with classes that are actually one the

any help would be appreciated since it appears i must be overlooking

[jQuery] Re: test for css selector capability?

2009-02-09 Thread Mohd.Tareq
Hi Geuis,

Ther is a function with alias ($.browser) it will gives u functionality to
identify browser name
like this *$.browser.mozilla , $.browser.msie , ** $.browser.opera ,
 if u wana return the version of browser , then u have use below function
*$.browser.version *it will return version of current browser according to
ur problem ie6 u can add css on the fly.

hope this will work .

cheers  cioa

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Geuis geuis.te...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm working on a project where I need to detect if the browser
 natively supports a given CSS selector.

 For example, if I am using the selector 'ul li:first-child', this is
 supported by IE7, FF, and Safari but not by IE6 and below. Is there a
 way that I can test that selector to see if the current browser
 supports it? A feature that returns a simple boolean status would be

---| Regard |---


[jQuery] Jquery Grid not displaying data read from XML in IE 6.0

2009-02-09 Thread sm


I am displaying a Grid in Jquery reading data from a XML file.It is
displayed correctly in FireFox, Chrome but data is not displayed in IE

My code is :
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN http://
link rel=stylesheet href=./themes/sand/grid.css /
link rel=stylesheet href=./themes/jqModal.css /
script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.2.6.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=jquery.jqGrid.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=./js/jqModal.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=./js/jqDnR.js/script
script type=text/javascript
  // Your code goes here
  jQuery(document).ready(function () {
url: 'books.xml',
datatype: xml,
mtype: 'GET',
colNames:[Author,Title, Price, Published 
{name:Title,index:Title, width:
align:right,xmlmap:ItemAttributesPrice, sorttype:float},
imgpath: ./themes/sand/images,
viewrecords: true,
loadonce: true,
xmlReader: {
root : Items,
row: Item,
repeatitems: false,
id: ASIN
caption: XML Mapping example

table id=list19 class=scroll cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0/


[jQuery] Superfish

2009-02-09 Thread o5

Very nice plugin!
feature request: delay on mouseout cancellation using the properties
onclick() event outside the menu. It is possible?

[jQuery] Not able to View data in Jquery Grid In IE 6.0

2009-02-09 Thread sm

I am reading data in Grid using a XML file.The Grid is displayed
correctly in Firefox and Chrome but in IE 6.0 the grid is displayed

Please help.

[jQuery] handler data overrides event data

2009-02-09 Thread chet

Even though jQuery.event.fix copies over the data property from
originalEvent, it is overridden by the handler's data property in
jQuery.event.handle, even when the handler's data property is not

I know of atleast one event which has the data property is used, and
that is the message event generated by a postMessage [1]. A
workaround is to use the originalEvent's data directly. Since i
searched but couldn't find the issue mentioned  before, i'm posting

[1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.postMessage#The_dispatched_event

[jQuery] [autocomplete]

2009-02-09 Thread jami

I just want to thank the person (Jorn Zaefferer?) or people who wrote
the autocomplete plugin.  I've tried getting other live searches and
autocompletes to work with my tiny Javascript knowledge, but it was
never clear how everything hung together and I'd lose patience before
getting anything done.  But the way you bundle the files with a demo
makes it easy to hack-and-see.  Awesome.  Thank you!!!

[jQuery] [validate]

2009-02-09 Thread koszu

I'm using jquery validate plugin and I have a problem with rules
depending of form selectors.
In my form I have got two form selectors:

select name=client.clientType id=type class=iefixmarginoption
value=-- Wybierz --/option
option value=BBezrobotny/option
option value=NNieaktywny zawodowo/option
option value=ZZatrudniony/option
option value=IInny/option
option value=PPrzedsiebiorstwo/option


input name=clientnip id=clientnip maxlength=14 value=
class=tekst type=text

I'd like to make clientnip required if  type value is P or S.
I tried this:

  $(#clientnip).rules(add, {
 required: function(element) {
return $(#type).val() == P;
return $(#type).val() == S;

It works for type value = P and ignore S.

Could some one help me?

[jQuery] Calling ajax function with form submission

2009-02-09 Thread Vivek


I am fiddling with an form and calling an function which is using the
Ajax calls. Below is the code that i am using.

script language=javascript type=text/javascript src=jq.js/
script language=javascript type=text/javascript
function submitting()

   type: POST,
   url: some.php,
   data: name=Johnlocation=Boston,
success: function(msg){
 alert( Data Saved:  + msg );

 return true;
form action=myaction.php method=post onsubmit=return submitting
input type=text name=name/br/br/
input type=text name=email/br/br/
input type=submit name=mysub value=Submit

When i try to submit this form it directly goes to the action file of
form that is myaction.php so without finishing the request sent to
the some.php from the ajax call.

To Resolve this i had put this attribute   async: false   in the
above ajax call. that works however it takes a bit of time before the
form starts submitting so this can be annoying for the users.

In some.php i am retrieving the data and just sending an email.  ALSO
i don't wanna use javascript's submit()  function.

How can i resolve this issue. Please help

Thanks !!

[jQuery] Suggestion: datepicker with afterUpdate hook

2009-02-09 Thread ngty


I'm thinking that it would be useful to have an afterUpdate hook for
datepicker. I've a project that adds some hovering effects to the
datepicker cells, and since the datepicker redraws itself after
onSelect, all my hovering effects are lost.

Adding this afterUpdate hook would allow me to elegantly customize
effects on the datepicker cells.

Or am i missing something that already exists ?


[jQuery] Re: what could be causing this isnull error ( realy weird )

2009-02-09 Thread Mohd.Tareq

May be its not able get the value for ur function ($(.grid_8) );
declare it on top of ur method .

See this hope sol this will work



On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Armand Datema nok...@gmail.com wrote:



 If you go to this page in firebug you see an isnull error.

 the same goes if you click the test click link.

 Why does this generate the isnull error. The fist one is indeed only on
 page after user is logged in but that should not be an issue . But the text
 click link tries to hide a few div with classes that are actually one the

 any help would be appreciated since it appears i must be overlooking

---| Regard |---


[jQuery] Superfish

2009-02-09 Thread o5

Very nice plugin!
feature request: delay on mouseout cancellation using the properties
onclick() event outside the menu. It is possible?

[jQuery] Re: Calling ajax function with form submission

2009-02-09 Thread Mohd.Tareq
Hi ,

If u dont wana use javascript to submit form then remove onSubmit event,

If u want to submit it with ajax then remove action attribute  add *return

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Vivek narula.vi...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am fiddling with an form and calling an function which is using the
 Ajax calls. Below is the code that i am using.

 script language=javascript type=text/javascript src=jq.js/
 script language=javascript type=text/javascript
 function submitting()

   type: POST,
   url: some.php,
   data: name=Johnlocation=Boston,
success: function(msg){
 alert( Data Saved:  + msg );

  return true;
 form action=myaction.php method=post onsubmit=return submitting
 input type=text name=name/br/br/
 input type=text name=email/br/br/
 input type=submit name=mysub value=Submit

 When i try to submit this form it directly goes to the action file of
 form that is myaction.php so without finishing the request sent to
 the some.php from the ajax call.

 To Resolve this i had put this attribute   async: false   in the
 above ajax call. that works however it takes a bit of time before the
 form starts submitting so this can be annoying for the users.

 In some.php i am retrieving the data and just sending an email.  ALSO
 i don't wanna use javascript's submit()  function.

 How can i resolve this issue. Please help

 Thanks !!

[jQuery] Re: [validate]

2009-02-09 Thread Mohd.Tareq
$(#clientnip1).rules(add, {
 required: function(element) {
   return $(#type).val() == P;

$(#clientnip2).rules(add, {
 required: function(element) {
   return $(#type).val() == S;

one function can return only one value at a time first one i.e. 'p' one
to execute 's' one use above two functions .
hope this will work ;)


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:27 PM, koszu rafal.kos...@izbarzem.opole.plwrote:

 I'm using jquery validate plugin and I have a problem with rules
 depending of form selectors.
 In my form I have got two form selectors:

 select name=client.clientType id=type class=iefixmarginoption
 value=-- Wybierz --/option
option value=BBezrobotny/option
option value=NNieaktywny
option value=ZZatrudniony/option
option value=IInny/option
option value=PPrzedsiebiorstwo/option


 input name=clientnip id=clientnip maxlength=14 value=
 class=tekst type=text

 I'd like to make clientnip required if  type value is P or S.
 I tried this:

  $(#clientnip).rules(add, {
  required: function(element) {
return $(#type).val() == P;
return $(#type).val() == S;

 It works for type value = P and ignore S.

 Could some one help me?

[jQuery] Re: what could be causing this isnull error ( realy weird )

2009-02-09 Thread Armand Datema

Well it cant be more simple than this it just tries to get the element with
the class .grid-8 which is on the page for sure

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Mohd.Tareq tareq.m...@gmail.com wrote:


 May be its not able get the value for ur function ($(.grid_8) );
 declare it on top of ur method .

 See this hope sol this will work



 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Armand Datema nok...@gmail.com wrote:



 If you go to this page in firebug you see an isnull error.

 the same goes if you click the test click link.

 Why does this generate the isnull error. The fist one is indeed only on
 page after user is logged in but that should not be an issue . But the text
 click link tries to hide a few div with classes that are actually one the

 any help would be appreciated since it appears i must be overlooking

 ---| Regard |---


Armand Datema
CTO SchwingSoft

[jQuery] Re: [validate]

2009-02-09 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

There is just one clientnip, but you can combine the two returns:

$(#clientnip).rules(add, {
 required: function(element) {
   return $(#type).val() == P || $(#type).val() == S;


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Mohd.Tareq tareq.m...@gmail.com wrote:
 $(#clientnip1).rules(add, {
  required: function(element) {
return $(#type).val() == P;

 $(#clientnip2).rules(add, {
  required: function(element) {
return $(#type).val() == S;

 one function can return only one value at a time first one i.e. 'p' one
 to execute 's' one use above two functions .
 hope this will work ;)


 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:27 PM, koszu rafal.kos...@izbarzem.opole.pl

 I'm using jquery validate plugin and I have a problem with rules
 depending of form selectors.
 In my form I have got two form selectors:

 select name=client.clientType id=type class=iefixmarginoption
 value=-- Wybierz --/option
option value=BBezrobotny/option
option value=NNieaktywny
option value=ZZatrudniony/option
option value=IInny/option
option value=PPrzedsiebiorstwo/option


 input name=clientnip id=clientnip maxlength=14 value=
 class=tekst type=text

 I'd like to make clientnip required if  type value is P or S.
 I tried this:

  $(#clientnip).rules(add, {
  required: function(element) {
return $(#type).val() == P;
return $(#type).val() == S;

 It works for type value = P and ignore S.

 Could some one help me?

[jQuery] Re: what could be causing this isnull error ( realy weird )

2009-02-09 Thread Armand Datema
so you dont get the other errors?

i dont get this error i will look at it. All im interested in is why i get
the isnull errors because these just are not null they do excist and if they
dont excist that they should just be skipped. So there must be something
else generating the error and That I cannot find out

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.comwrote:


 I got an error in line 267 because of the quote;s in the javascript
 function. Try to replace it with single quotes.

 input type=submit name=dnn$ctr579$Login$Login_DNN$cmdLogin
 value=Inloggen onclick=javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new
 WebForm_PostBackOptions('dnn$ctr579$Login$Login_DNN$cmdLogin', '',
 true, '', '', false, false)) id=dnn_ctr579_Login_Login_DNN_cmdLogin
 class=StandardButton /


 2009/2/9 Armand Datema nok...@gmail.com:
  Well it cant be more simple than this it just tries to get the element
  the class .grid-8 which is on the page for sure
  On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Mohd.Tareq tareq.m...@gmail.com wrote:
  May be its not able get the value for ur function ($(.grid_8) );
  declare it on top of ur method .
  See this hope sol this will work
  On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Armand Datema nok...@gmail.com wrote:
  If you go to this page in firebug you see an isnull error.
  the same goes if you click the test click link.
  Why does this generate the isnull error. The fist one is indeed only on
  page after user is logged in but that should not be an issue . But the
  click link tries to hide a few div with classes that are actually one
  any help would be appreciated since it appears i must be overlooking
  ---| Regard |---
  Armand Datema
  CTO SchwingSoft

Armand Datema
CTO SchwingSoft

[jQuery] Re: what could be causing this isnull error ( realy weird )

2009-02-09 Thread Stephan Veigl


I got an error in line 267 because of the quote;s in the javascript
function. Try to replace it with single quotes.

input type=submit name=dnn$ctr579$Login$Login_DNN$cmdLogin
value=Inloggen onclick=javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new
WebForm_PostBackOptions('dnn$ctr579$Login$Login_DNN$cmdLogin', '',
true, '', '', false, false)) id=dnn_ctr579_Login_Login_DNN_cmdLogin
class=StandardButton /


2009/2/9 Armand Datema nok...@gmail.com:

 Well it cant be more simple than this it just tries to get the element with
 the class .grid-8 which is on the page for sure

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Mohd.Tareq tareq.m...@gmail.com wrote:


 May be its not able get the value for ur function ($(.grid_8) );
 declare it on top of ur method .

 See this hope sol this will work



 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Armand Datema nok...@gmail.com wrote:



 If you go to this page in firebug you see an isnull error.

 the same goes if you click the test click link.

 Why does this generate the isnull error. The fist one is indeed only on
 page after user is logged in but that should not be an issue . But the text
 click link tries to hide a few div with classes that are actually one the

 any help would be appreciated since it appears i must be overlooking

 ---| Regard |---


 Armand Datema
 CTO SchwingSoft

[jQuery] Re: what could be causing this isnull error ( realy weird )

2009-02-09 Thread Stephan Veigl


with the Web version I got the null error as well.
So I made a local copy to see where it came from. Then Aptana
complaint about the quotes in the javascript call. I also replaced
jQuery with my local version (1.3.1) and removed your last script
(dnn.controls.toolbars...) because dnn was not defined in my local
With this little modifications the local copy has no error any more
(of course without CSS and actually doing anything, but at least no
null errors any more)


2009/2/9 Armand Datema nok...@gmail.com:
 so you dont get the other errors?

 i dont get this error i will look at it. All im interested in is why i get
 the isnull errors because these just are not null they do excist and if they
 dont excist that they should just be skipped. So there must be something
 else generating the error and That I cannot find out

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com


 I got an error in line 267 because of the quote;s in the javascript
 function. Try to replace it with single quotes.

 input type=submit name=dnn$ctr579$Login$Login_DNN$cmdLogin
 value=Inloggen onclick=javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new
 WebForm_PostBackOptions('dnn$ctr579$Login$Login_DNN$cmdLogin', '',
 true, '', '', false, false)) id=dnn_ctr579_Login_Login_DNN_cmdLogin
 class=StandardButton /


 2009/2/9 Armand Datema nok...@gmail.com:
  Well it cant be more simple than this it just tries to get the element
  the class .grid-8 which is on the page for sure
  On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Mohd.Tareq tareq.m...@gmail.com wrote:
  May be its not able get the value for ur function ($(.grid_8) );
  declare it on top of ur method .
  See this hope sol this will work
  On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Armand Datema nok...@gmail.com wrote:
  If you go to this page in firebug you see an isnull error.
  the same goes if you click the test click link.
  Why does this generate the isnull error. The fist one is indeed only
  page after user is logged in but that should not be an issue . But the
  click link tries to hide a few div with classes that are actually one
  any help would be appreciated since it appears i must be overlooking
  ---| Regard |---
  Armand Datema
  CTO SchwingSoft

 Armand Datema
 CTO SchwingSoft

[jQuery] Re: .hasClass() not behaving as expected.

2009-02-09 Thread Leonardo K
I tested your code here and works fine. I just ident your code to look

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 00:05, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

 In your code you're attaching the hover event to the anchor tags; in
 the sample html none of the anchors has a class (the class is on the
 parent li element).

 On Feb 8, 4:24 pm, MiD-AwE cr.midda...@gmail.com wrote:
  Please help, I've been wrestling with this for too long now.
  I've put together this code to change the background of a div when the
  mouse hovers over a list of divs. One of the listed divs has a class
  name of ash and I want to add a background image on that one hover;
  all of the other listed divs only have colors. The problem is that
  the .hasClass() doesn't seem to be behaving as it should, or I'm not
  doing something, or I'm just completely clueless?
  Below is my code and a sample html to test. Can someone please tell me
  what I'm doing wrong? Why is my $(this).hasClass('ash') not
  recognizing when my mouse hovers over the div with the class=ash?
  Thanks in advance,
  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
  html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; lang=en-us xml:lang=
meta content=text/html; charset=UTF-8
   http-equiv=content-type /
titlemouseover color changer with preview/title
script type=text/javascript
script type=text/javascript
  $(document).ready(function () {
$.cstmzclrns = {clkclr : white};//$.cstmzclrns.clkclr
$(#colors ul li a).hover(
  function () {
  if (!$(this).hasClass('ash')) {
var color = $(this).css(background-color);
  $(#cfilter).css({'background-color' : color});
  $(#cfilter).css({'background-image' :
  } else {
$(#cfilter).css({'background-color' :
$(#cfilter).css({'background-image' :
  }, function () {
if ($.cstmzclrns.clkclr == 'ash') {
$(#cfilter).css({'background-color' :
$(#cfilter).css({'background-image' :
  } else {
$(#cfilter).css({'background-color' :
  $(#cfilter).css({'background-image' :
function () {
  if ($(this).hasClass('ash')) {
$.cstmzclrns = {clkclr : ash};
 $(#cfilter).css({'background-color' : 'transparent'});
  $(#cfilter).css({'background-image' :
} else {
$.cstmzclrns = {clkclr :
$(#cfilter).css({'background-color' :
 $(#cfilter).css({'background-image' : 'none'});
style media=screen type=text/css
  body {
  background-color: black;}
  #cfilter {
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 0px;
  opacity: 0.503;
  position: absolute;
  width: 473px;
  height: 466px;
  display: block;
  right: 0px;
  top: 0px;
  float: right;
  z-index: 1;
  clear: none;
  background-color: white;}
  #customize {
  border: 3px solid #afa688;
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 10px 10px 10px 13px;
  font-size: 0.8em;
  font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
  display: block;
  float: left;
  clear: left;
  position: absolute;
  opacity: 0.899;
  background-color: #f4e2ab;
  color: black;
  width: 200px;
  top: 25px;
  z-index: 3;}
  #colors {
  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 1px;
  padding: 0px;
  position: relative;
  background-color: white;
  height: 21px;
  top: 9px;
  width: 137px;
  left: 31px;
  display: block;}
  #colors ul {
  border-style: none;
  border-width: 1px;
  list-style-type: none;
  position: relative;
  top: -11px;
  width: 99.9%;
  left: -39px;
  height: 99.9%;}
  #colors ul li {
  margin: 0px;
  padding: 0px;
  float: left;}
  #colors ul li a {
  border: 1px solid black;
  margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px;
  padding: 0px;
  height: 15px;
  display: block;
  list-style-type: none;
  list-style-position: inside;
  width: 15px;
  float: left;}
  body style=direction: ltr;
  div id=customizeMouse over color blocks to see the
  design in available colors.
  div id=colors
  li class=white
a href=# style=
background-color: white; color: white;./a

[jQuery] Re: get visibility state after toggle()

2009-02-09 Thread Paul Mills

Here are a couple of demos that might help.


On Feb 9, 4:01 am, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 How can I tell what the visibility state of an element is which has
 just been toggled? Is my selector no good or is it a matter of timing?

 . The situation is that I'm displaying a page of search results. I'd
 like the advanced search features to be present at the top but I'd
 prefer to hide them. So, I'm creating a link which will toggle the box
 display. What I haven't been able to figure out is how to swap the
 text of the link depending upon the state of the box. Or, rather, it
 will change to hide form the first time the box is displayed but
 remains that way ever after.

 Here's the code I'm working with:

 $(function() {
         $('#advanced_search').hide().after('a href=#
 id=toggle_formrefine search/a');

         $('#toggle_form').css('float', 'right').click(function(e)
                 $(this).text($('#advanced_search:visible').length ? 'hide 
 form' :
 'refine search');


 I also tried:

         $('#toggle_form').css('float', 'right').click(function(e)
                 var search = $('#advanced_search');

                 $(this).text(search.css('display') == 'block' ? 'hide form' :
 'refine search');

[jQuery] ui dialog

2009-02-09 Thread rani

im not able to download the full package of ui dialog.moreover
while trying to download themes error is being generated and i cannot
extract files

thanks all

[jQuery] Re: Calling ajax function with form submission

2009-02-09 Thread Mike Alsup

 script language=javascript type=text/javascript src=jq.js/
 script language=javascript type=text/javascript
 function submitting()

    type: POST,
    url: some.php,
    data: name=Johnlocation=Boston,
     success: function(msg){
      alert( Data Saved:  + msg );

  return true;
 form action=myaction.php method=post onsubmit=return submitting
 input type=text name=name/br/br/
 input type=text name=email/br/br/
 input type=submit name=mysub value=Submit

 When i try to submit this form it directly goes to the action file of
 form that is myaction.php so without finishing the request sent to
 the some.php from the ajax call.

 To Resolve this i had put this attribute   async: false   in the
 above ajax call. that works however it takes a bit of time before the
 form starts submitting so this can be annoying for the users.

 In some.php i am retrieving the data and just sending an email.  ALSO
 i don't wanna use javascript's submit()  function.

A better way to re-write this is without the onsubmit inline event
handler.  Remove that from the form tag and try this code:

$(document).ready(function() {

// bind submit event for your form
$('form').submit(function() {

// capture form data
var data = $(this).serialize();

// post data to server
type: POST,
url: some.php,
data: data,
success: function(msg){
alert( Data Saved:  + msg );

// prevent default browser submit behavior
return false;

[jQuery] Re: selector to return the number of rows in a table before the row I just selected

2009-02-09 Thread Karl Swedberg
Oh yeah! Good point, Rob. I always forget these DOM properties. Thanks  
for the reminder. :)


Karl Swedberg

On Feb 9, 2009, at 2:37 AM, RobG wrote:

On Feb 9, 4:23 am, pantagruel rasmussen.br...@gmail.com wrote:


I am selecting the row of a table. I would like to be able to count
how many rows there are in the table before the row I just  
selected. i

suppose there is a jQuery selector that will do this.

Not necessary - table rows have a rowIndex property, and since it's
zero indexed:

rowsBefore = row.rowIndex;

URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-HTML/html.html#ID-67347567 


[jQuery] Re: list of metadata options?

2009-02-09 Thread Raymond Camden

Hmm, although the demo here: http://jquery.bassistance.de/validate/demo/

shows this example:

input id=cname name=name class=required minlength=2 /

So now I'm really confused.

On Feb 8, 4:34 pm, Raymond  Camden rcam...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hmm. So a min check is not available since it requires a value, but
 url is because it does. I guess that makes sense. But is that actually
 documented though?

 On Feb 8, 4:17 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com

  All documented methods are supported that way, with the exception of
  methods that require a parameter.

  Available methods are documented 


[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery Validation with Dot Net

2009-02-09 Thread Aaron Gundel

Yes, it would be helpful.  Can't really see what's going on in the
snippet you provided.  As Rob mentioned, there's no mention of the
form (even though it is there on the page).  It might give some
additional clues as to where things have gone wrong.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 3:46 AM, Jon cakeordeat...@gmail.com wrote:

 @ RobG: #aspnetForm is the form that wraps the whole of a dot net
 page. I simply posted the html snippet from the form itself.
 Individual forms do not have their own form tags, there is one large
 one that encloses the whole page - part of the dot net infrastructure.

 @ Aaron Grundel: No, but i will put one up tonight if it will help.
 I'm eager to use this validation plugin!

 On Feb 9, 2:14 am, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:
 On Feb 9, 8:30 am, Jon cakeordeat...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm having issues getting the validation plugin (http://bassistance.de/
  jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/) to work with dot net.
  Whatever i try i can't stop the form from submitting. I've tried
  several things i've found on this group and the web. Can anyone help
  me getting this to work?

  Here's my html.

  span id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact class=ContactForm
  p class=SuccessMessageSubmitted/p
  span class=Field
  span class=LabelName /span
  span class=Validation
  span id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_ctl04
  style=display: none;/
  input id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_TB_TextBox
  class=TextBox Name type=text name=ctl00$Control_LeftColumn
  span class=Field
  span class=Field
  a id=ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_LB_Submit class=Submit
  $LB_Submit','') style=background-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);Submit/a

 Invalid markup, there is no form.

  And here is my javascript:


 Where is #aspnetForm?


[jQuery] Re: list of metadata options?

2009-02-09 Thread Raymond Camden

To add to this, I'm just playing around, but found that this too

input id=cage name=cage size=4  class=required number min=1
max=100 /

This is pretty slick, but I'd still like to know what the official
documentation has to say about this.

On Feb 9, 8:36 am, Raymond  Camden rcam...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hmm, although the demo here:http://jquery.bassistance.de/validate/demo/

 shows this example:

 input id=cname name=name class=required minlength=2 /

 So now I'm really confused.

 On Feb 8, 4:34 pm, Raymond  Camden rcam...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hmm. So a min check is not available since it requires a value, but
  url is because it does. I guess that makes sense. But is that actually
  documented though?

  On Feb 8, 4:17 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com

   All documented methods are supported that way, with the exception of
   methods that require a parameter.

   Available methods are documented 


[jQuery] Re: test for css selector capability?

2009-02-09 Thread Aaron Gundel

jQuery.browser is deprecated in 1.3 + (don't use it).

JQuery now uses feature detection.  This is a more extensible way of
detecting which browser is being utilized.

See the following page for more details...

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 4:02 AM, Mohd.Tareq tareq.m...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Geuis,

 Ther is a function with alias ($.browser) it will gives u functionality to
 identify browser name
 like this $.browser.mozilla , $.browser.msie , $.browser.opera ,
  if u wana return the version of browser , then u have use below function
 $.browser.version it will return version of current browser according to ur
 problem ie6 u can add css on the fly.

 hope this will work .

 cheers  cioa

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Geuis geuis.te...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm working on a project where I need to detect if the browser
 natively supports a given CSS selector.

 For example, if I am using the selector 'ul li:first-child', this is
 supported by IE7, FF, and Safari but not by IE6 and below. Is there a
 way that I can test that selector to see if the current browser
 supports it? A feature that returns a simple boolean status would be

 ---| Regard |---


[jQuery] Re: Passing a Index to a function

2009-02-09 Thread Pedram

I check these two solutions it didn't work ...

On Feb 8, 11:42 pm, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:
 On Feb 9, 4:54 pm, Pedram pedram...@gmail.com wrote:

  Dear folk,
  I want to get the index of the TR and send it to the Function , I
  don't know how to it . this is what I'm trying to do

  $(table tr).bind(click,{IndexName:$(this).index(this)},clickFunc)

 The DOM 2 HTML TR.rowIndex property should do the job.


[jQuery] Re: Optimize large DOM inserts

2009-02-09 Thread jQuery Lover

I made a post named 5 easy tips on how to improve code performance
with huge data sets in jQuery  here:

It gives 5 tips on howto work and improve performance while working
with huge datasets. I hope you'll find it helpfull...

Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:20 AM, Kevin Dalman kevin.dal...@gmail.com wrote:

 Rick, based on what I've learned from testing, you have another option

 Here is a modified version of Mike's code - without generating the

function populateDutyTable(response) {

var currentDay = '';
var rows = response.QGETDUTYSCHEDULE.DATA;
var out = [], o = -1;

out[++o] = 'tbody'; // CHANGED

for( var row, i = -1;  row = rows[++i]; ) {

var day = row[1];
if( currentDay != day ) {
currentDay = day;
out[++o] = 'trtd class=cell-day';
out[++o] = row[1];
out[++o] = '/tdtd class=cell-date';
out[++o] = row[2];
out[++o] = '/tdtd class=cell-blank

out[++o] = 'trtd class=cell-blank-daynbsp;/tdtd
 class=cell-blank-datenbsp;/tdtd class=cell-am-am';
out[++o] = row[3];
out[++o] = '/tdtd class=cell-position';
out[++o] = row[4];
out[++o] = '/tdtd colspan=3Cell Content/td/tr';

out[++o] = '/tbody'; // CHANGED

$('#scheduleBody').append( out.join('') ); // CHANGED

 A container around the table is no longer required because wrapping
 the rows in a tbody achieves the same performance as wrapping them in
 a table. Plus, you could now add rows without regenerating the entire
 table. This provides more options with no penalty. For example, now
 you could hard-code the table with column headers - for example...

 table id=scheduleBody

 This is cleaner and faster than adding column headers inside your
 Javascript loop.

 I suggest you try both methods, Rick. Use a timer (like MIike's sample
 pages) to confirm whether both are equally fast. Based on my tests,
 you may find appending to the table even faster, with cleaner markup
 as a bonus.



 On Feb 7, 3:20 pm, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
 Hey, thanks Michael for taking the time to provide the
 explanation and the re-write.  I'll put this into place
 and see how it performs.  I'm sure it'll be *much* better!


[jQuery] attr feature

2009-02-09 Thread Tom Shafer

Does the attr feature let me capture my own attribute inside a
element. I am trying and it doesnt seem to be working. I just
wondering if there was a way to do this.



[jQuery] Problems with the simple jquery suckerFish menu?

2009-02-09 Thread 123gotoandplay

Hi there,

I am having problems with the suckerFish menu

if i copy the code and let the font-size be 22px all is good:

please rollover item3

but when i use a smaller font

and you roll a couple of times over item3, i can't select the dropdown
menu, it disappears???

How can i fix this???

[jQuery] Re: attr feature

2009-02-09 Thread MorningZ

Maybe showing an example of what isn't working would help others help

On Feb 9, 10:28 am, Tom  Shafer tom.sha...@gmail.com wrote:
 Does the attr feature let me capture my own attribute inside a
 element. I am trying and it doesnt seem to be working. I just
 wondering if there was a way to do this.



[jQuery] Re: attr feature

2009-02-09 Thread Tom Shafer

sorry about that


this is going into ajax post

On Feb 9, 10:59 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 Maybe showing an example of what isn't working would help others help

 On Feb 9, 10:28 am, Tom  Shafer tom.sha...@gmail.com wrote:

  Does the attr feature let me capture my own attribute inside a
  element. I am trying and it doesnt seem to be working. I just
  wondering if there was a way to do this.



[jQuery] Re: list of metadata options?

2009-02-09 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Classes for methods with no parameters, attributes for methods with
parameters. Thats it.


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Raymond Camden rcam...@gmail.com wrote:

 To add to this, I'm just playing around, but found that this too

 input id=cage name=cage size=4  class=required number min=1
 max=100 /

 This is pretty slick, but I'd still like to know what the official
 documentation has to say about this.

 On Feb 9, 8:36 am, Raymond  Camden rcam...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hmm, although the demo here:http://jquery.bassistance.de/validate/demo/

 shows this example:

 input id=cname name=name class=required minlength=2 /

 So now I'm really confused.

 On Feb 8, 4:34 pm, Raymond  Camden rcam...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hmm. So a min check is not available since it requires a value, but
  url is because it does. I guess that makes sense. But is that actually
  documented though?

  On Feb 8, 4:17 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com

   All documented methods are supported that way, with the exception of
   methods that require a parameter.

   Available methods are documented 


[jQuery] [Validate] Example of custom rule w/ metadata only

2009-02-09 Thread Raymond Camden

I'm trying to work up a demo of a custom validation rule that uses
metadata only. I've cobbled the following together but the custom rule
never fires:

jQuery.validator.addMethod(range_exp, function(value, element,
params) {
return this.optional(element) || ( (value = params[0]  value =
params[1]) || value == params[2] );
}, Please enter between {0} and {1} or {2});

input id=WBC_I type=text size=6 validate=range_exp:[ 1,
999,'ND' ] value= name=WBC_I/

Obviously I've stripped a bit out, but what am I missing here?

[jQuery] Re: Form Plugin with file upload

2009-02-09 Thread Susie Sahim
Thank you Mike for the quick response.

I uploaded your latest version and am experiencing the same problem I had
with v. 2.16

text only works just fine.
using image attachment the form data does not get saved on the php end.
the ajaxSubmit() makes it to the success call back even though it wasn't
successful and my div ends up empty instead of containing the text sent back
from my php script.

Thank you again for working with me on this! I really appreciate it.
Hopefully we'll get to the bottom of this.

Susie BogusRed Sahim

On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:

  I just upgraded the plain page to the latest version of jquery and the
  plugin. And I noticed that with the new version, it does not make it to
  success callback and you'll see this when you submit the form it gets
  on the loading... text This was likely a bug fix of some kind.
  But still my file uploads are not working in ajax. What should my next
  Susie BogusRed Sahimhttp://www.PaperDemon.com

 Hi Susie,

 Looks like I had a bug in that latest version of the plugin.  Could
 you grab v2.21 and upload it to your test location?  I can't do much
 debugging with the current one.




[jQuery] Re: [Validate] Example of custom rule w/ metadata only

2009-02-09 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

For that to work you need to load the metadata plugin and have it
configured to use the validate-attribute for metadata. Can't that in
your code anywhere.

See http://jquery.bassistance.de/validate/demo/radio-checkbox-select-demo.html
for an example:
$.metadata.setType(attr, validate);


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Raymond Camden rcam...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm trying to work up a demo of a custom validation rule that uses
 metadata only. I've cobbled the following together but the custom rule
 never fires:

 jQuery.validator.addMethod(range_exp, function(value, element,
 params) {
return this.optional(element) || ( (value = params[0]  value =
 params[1]) || value == params[2] );
 }, Please enter between {0} and {1} or {2});

 input id=WBC_I type=text size=6 validate=range_exp:[ 1,
 999,'ND' ] value= name=WBC_I/

 Obviously I've stripped a bit out, but what am I missing here?

[jQuery] Re: list of metadata options?

2009-02-09 Thread Raymond Camden

Ahh, ok. That makes sense then. Thank you!

On Feb 9, 10:23 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 Classes for methods with no parameters, attributes for methods with
 parameters. Thats it.


[jQuery] input file and val()

2009-02-09 Thread ezod

Hi there,

I tried to reset a file input element by using val().

script src=jquery.js/script
$(document).ready(function() {

$(#resetMe).click(function () {

form name=foo
input id=input1 type=file name=foobar
input id=resetMe type=button value=ResetMe!


This works fine for FF, but IE doesn´t (re)set the value.

Any hints?


[jQuery] Re: Next/Previous element in each loop

2009-02-09 Thread Adrian Lynch

That's what I was hoping for, but next() and prev() act on the next
and previous elements in the DOM, not in the nodes you're looping
over. To demonstrate:

$(p).each(function(i) {

form action=test.cfm method=post
pThis is next/p
pThis is previous/p

Maybe I have to come out to the outer most divs before calling next()/
prev() on it.


On Feb 4, 4:16 pm, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:

 there are prev() and next() functions doing exactly what you need:

 $(div).each( function() {
   var prev = $(this).prev();
   var next = $(this).next();
   alert( prev.text() + - + next.text() );


 (I've skipped the extra code for the first and last element for simplicity.)



  Hey all, I'm loop over some nodes witheach() and I need to look at
  the next and previous elements for the current iteration.

  script type=text/javascript
         $(function() {
                 $(div).each(function(i) {
                         var prev = [SELECTOR FOR PREVIOUS DIV].text();
                         var next = [SELECTOR FOR NEXT DIV].text();
                         alert(prev +  :  + next);


  Will I have to store a reference to the divs and access it with i in
  the loop like this:

  script type=text/javascript
         $(function() {

                 var divs = $(div);

                 divs.each(function(i) {

                         var prev = ;
                         var next = ;

                         if (i  0)
                                 prev = $(divs.get(i - 1)).text();

                         if (i  divs.size() - 1)
                                 next = $(divs.get(i + 1)).text();

                         alert(prev +  -  + next);


  spanSpanner in the works/span
  spanDon't select me!/span

  Is next() the answer maybe?

[jQuery] Re: Select element based on a value of its child element

2009-02-09 Thread Adrian Lynch

Cheers all.

By the way Stephan, I'm gonna steal your sig!

Adrian :OD

On Feb 6, 9:16 am, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:

 according to another thread in this group
 there is already a ticket for this bug:http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/3990
 and it's already fixed in the trunk


 2009/2/6 jQuery Lover ilovejqu...@gmail.com:

  Most likely... you should submit a ticket:http://dev.jquery.com/

  Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -  http://jquery-howto.blogspot.com

  On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com 

  Good point.

  I've just tested input[value=''] and got an error in jQuery.js. Just
  tested it with other HTML attributes and got the same results.
  Empty attributes are not selected with a element[attr] and doing a
  element[attr=''] results in an error.
  Is this a bug?



  Nice one! Should have spotted :has()...

  I've asked this in another thread but I'll slip it in here too, does
  the selector...


  ... work for any of you?


  On Feb 4, 12:11 pm, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:

  just a little remark: add a child selector '' before the 'input' or
  you will select surrounding divs as well.



  2009/2/4 Mauricio (Maujor) Samy Silva css.mau...@gmail.com:



   -Mensagem Original- De: AdrianLynch adely...@googlemail.com
   Para: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Enviada em: quarta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2009 09:22
   Assunto: [jQuery] Select element based on a value of its child element

   Hello all. I have the following...

   input type=text value=1 /
   input type=text value=2 /
   input type=text value=3 /

   ... and I want to select the second div because its child input has a
   value of 2.

   I know I could select the input then come back to the div with parents
   (div). Just wondering if there's a way to do it in the selector

   More out of curiosity than need ;)



[jQuery] Re: Next/Previous element in each loop

2009-02-09 Thread Adrian Lynch

This explains better what I'm after:

$(p).each(function(i) {
var prevP = $(this).parent().prev().children(p);
var nextP = $(this).parent().next().children(p);

spanThis is next/span
spanThis is previous/span

I want to refer to the next p in the each() loop but $(this).next()/
prev() refers to the next sibling element in the DOM.

So in the example above I'm having to go out to the parent, then get
the next/previous, then come in to get the p I want.

Now I'm wondering if there's a generic way to do this...

By(e) - see!

On Feb 9, 4:44 pm, Adrian Lynch adely...@googlemail.com wrote:
 That's what I was hoping for, but next() and prev() act on the next
 and previous elements in the DOM, not in the nodes you're looping
 over. To demonstrate:

 $(p).each(function(i) {


 form action=test.cfm method=post
                         pThis is next/p
                         pThis is previous/p

 Maybe I have to come out to the outer most divs before calling next()/
 prev() on it.


 On Feb 4, 4:16 pm, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:


  there are prev() and next() functions doing exactly what you need:

  $(div).each( function() {
    var prev = $(this).prev();
    var next = $(this).next();
    alert( prev.text() + - + next.text() );


  (I've skipped the extra code for the first and last element for simplicity.)



   Hey all, I'm loop over some nodes witheach() and I need to look at
   the next and previous elements for the current iteration.

   script type=text/javascript
          $(function() {
                  $(div).each(function(i) {
                          var prev = [SELECTOR FOR PREVIOUS DIV].text();
                          var next = [SELECTOR FOR NEXT DIV].text();
                          alert(prev +  :  + next);


   Will I have to store a reference to the divs and access it with i in
   the loop like this:

   script type=text/javascript
          $(function() {

                  var divs = $(div);

                  divs.each(function(i) {

                          var prev = ;
                          var next = ;

                          if (i  0)
                                  prev = $(divs.get(i - 1)).text();

                          if (i  divs.size() - 1)
                                  next = $(divs.get(i + 1)).text();

                          alert(prev +  -  + next);


   spanSpanner in the works/span
   spanDon't select me!/span

   Is next() the answer maybe?

[jQuery] Re: ui dialog

2009-02-09 Thread Richard D. Worth
Can you please provide some more information, such as the steps you're
taking, the operating system and browser version? Thanks.

- Richard

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 7:07 AM, rani rani.bar...@gmail.com wrote:

 im not able to download the full package of ui dialog.moreover
 while trying to download themes error is being generated and i cannot
 extract files

 thanks all

[jQuery] Re: ui dialog

2009-02-09 Thread Richard D. Worth
Also, which version you are trying to download.

- Richard

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Can you please provide some more information, such as the steps you're
 taking, the operating system and browser version? Thanks.

 - Richard

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 7:07 AM, rani rani.bar...@gmail.com wrote:

 im not able to download the full package of ui dialog.moreover
 while trying to download themes error is being generated and i cannot
 extract files

 thanks all

[jQuery] Re: input file and val()

2009-02-09 Thread brian

File inputs have traditionally been difficult to modify, for security
reasons. AFAIK, it shouldn't work in FF, either. Maybe it works only
because you're emptying it. I wonder if that would work if you tried
to set the value to some other string.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 11:39 AM, ezod pured...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi there,

 I tried to reset a file input element by using val().

script src=jquery.js/script
$(document).ready(function() {

$(#resetMe).click(function () {

form name=foo
input id=input1 type=file name=foobar
input id=resetMe type=button value=ResetMe!


 This works fine for FF, but IE doesn´t (re)set the value.

 Any hints?


[jQuery] Re: Does it hurt to call functions that don't do anything on the page?

2009-02-09 Thread mkmanning

@Nicolas - I'm curious as to why you find Ricardo's easiest?

Ricardo's first solution would work, but to my mind adds extra
complexity. You're adding a dependency on the presence of elements in
the markup to execute your functions. If you work, as I currently do,
in a multi-developer environment, it's very easy for someone to change
the id of the element you're using, or perhaps remove it completely,
which would immediately stop the functions from being called. They
could also add that element to a page using a different identifier,
and now that page would match two of Ricardo's if statements, calling
functions that won't exist and so you're back to the original issue.
This latter condition means you have to make sure you have a unique
identifier element for every page, or follow Ricardo's second
suggestion and use a unique class on the body tag of every page. One
thing not apparent in his example is that the user may want multiple
functions to run on each page, for example:

page 1: functions 1,2, 4
page 2: functions 3,4  6

This increases the complexity of the if statements and which functions
go where, and seems more likely to break over time as functions get
added or removed.

My suggestion of just keeping an array of functions in one location
(the external js), and checking for the presence of the function on
domready and executing it if found, rather than a 'middle-man' element
that has to stand in for one or more functions, seems much more
direct--to me at least :)

Maybe I'm missing something that makes Ricardo's seem to be easiest?

On Feb 9, 2:26 am, Nicolas R ruda...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I not sure if this suits you, but you could split your functions to
 separate files and then lazy load each js file as necessary.
 In such casehttp://nicolas.rudas.info/jQuery/getPlugin/may be

 Otherwise I find Ricardo's suggestion the easiest. You could also do
 some time tests to check whethercallingthese functions when not
 really needed effects performance, and act accordingly

 On Feb 9, 3:33 am, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

  *Tab+spacebar and it posts :P

  You could put your list of functions in an array in your external js,
  then call them on the window object in a loop:
  $(function() {
          var funcs = [

                  if(typeof(window[f]) == 'function'){

  On Feb 8, 5:21 am, Beau zar...@gmail.com wrote:

   Thanks for the ideas everyone!

   @Stephan: Yes, it's in an external JS file. I'd prefer to not have to
   do any inline javascript. I've considered it, but thanks for the

   @Ricardo: Thanks for those. I may end up doing a variation of them.

   On Feb 8, 4:50 am, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:


I guess you have your $().ready()functionin an external js file,
otherwise you could
customize it for the according html page.

Another construct similar to Ricardos one, but a bit more flexible:

Use a global variable in every html file to specify the init functions
you want to call for this page:
script type=text/javascript
        myInitFxn = [ManageCategoriesClick, HideByDefault, 

        for(var i in myInitFxn) {
                myInitFxn[i](); // call initfunction



2009/2/8 brian bally.z...@gmail.com:

 On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Ricardo Tomasi 
 ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 Alternatively you could add a different class to the body of each
 page, then use this rather amusing construct:

  var is =function(v){ return ++document.body.className.indexOf(v) };

     ? ManageCategoriesClick :
     ? HideByDefault :
     ? PrepareSplitForm :
     ? SetUpAdvertPopup :
  function(){} //nothing


 That is, indeed, amusing. And one for my toy chest. Thanks!

 Who knew, back in '96, that javascript was going to turn out to be so 
 much fun?

[jQuery] Re: Jquery pagination plugin problem

2009-02-09 Thread nate laws

There are a lot of ways to do it, here is a simple solution, of course
'length' will have to be determined somehow.

var items_per_page = 10;
var length = 1000;
function pageSelectCallback(page_index, container){
return false;
callback: pageSelectCallback,

On Feb 8, 1:51 pm, deviateDesigns dustin.good...@gmail.com wrote:
 How would set this up with list items and pulling from a external html
 file?  I am new to using this library.

 On Feb 6, 8:28 pm, nate laws natel...@gmail.com wrote:

  I just tried this plugin for the first time today.  The think to
  realize is that it does not directly have anything to do with which
  items and how many are displayed.  Instead it only controls the
  pagination links.  You have to manually display whichever items you
  want to be shown in the callback function.  demo_options.htm shows one
  way of doing it when grabbing from am array.

  Personally I use a method like:
  var items_per_page = 10;
  function pageSelectCallback(page_index, container){
              $(table tr).hide();
              var start = page_index * items_per_page;
              $(table tr:gt(+start+):lt(+items_per_page+)).show()
              return false;


  On Feb 6, 2:49 pm, deviateDesigns dustin.good...@gmail.com wrote:

   I am having the same issue not sure what is the issue still
   researching looks like the items_per_page is passing only a 1.

   On Jan 26, 4:53 am, Andy789 e...@abcstudio.com.au wrote:

Hi all,

I am playing with thepaginationplugin(http://plugins.jquery.com/
node/5912) and cannot figure out how to change number of items showing
on a single page. Changing the param items_per_page changes the number
of page links (navigation), but still shows a single item on a page.

You may play with the demo.htm from the download to see what I am
talking about..

Has someone faced the sameproblem? Any suggestions how to fix this?

[jQuery] Re: Does it hurt to call functions that don't do anything on the page?

2009-02-09 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

I think the issue is that all of the functions are declared on the
same external JS file. So you can't check for the function itself, as
it will always exist, you need to check for some condition in the
page. All of this will be inside $(document).ready on the external

There are many other possibilities, a meta tag, using the title or
any other text/element on the page. The choice boils down to how the
whole site/app is structured and development practices in use.

- ricardo

On Feb 9, 3:29 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:
 @Nicolas - I'm curious as to why you find Ricardo's easiest?

 Ricardo's first solution would work, but to my mind adds extra
 complexity. You're adding a dependency on the presence of elements in
 the markup to execute your functions. If you work, as I currently do,
 in a multi-developer environment, it's very easy for someone to change
 the id of the element you're using, or perhaps remove it completely,
 which would immediately stop the functions from being called. They
 could also add that element to a page using a different identifier,
 and now that page would match two of Ricardo's if statements, calling
 functions that won't exist and so you're back to the original issue.
 This latter condition means you have to make sure you have a unique
 identifier element for every page, or follow Ricardo's second
 suggestion and use a unique class on the body tag of every page. One
 thing not apparent in his example is that the user may want multiple
 functions to run on each page, for example:

 page 1: functions 1,2, 4
 page 2: functions 3,4  6

 This increases the complexity of the if statements and which functions
 go where, and seems more likely to break over time as functions get
 added or removed.

 My suggestion of just keeping an array of functions in one location
 (the external js), and checking for the presence of the function on
 domready and executing it if found, rather than a 'middle-man' element
 that has to stand in for one or more functions, seems much more
 direct--to me at least :)

 Maybe I'm missing something that makes Ricardo's seem to be easiest?

 On Feb 9, 2:26 am, Nicolas R ruda...@googlemail.com wrote:

  I not sure if this suits you, but you could split your functions to
  separate files and then lazy load each js file as necessary.
  In such casehttp://nicolas.rudas.info/jQuery/getPlugin/maybe

  Otherwise I find Ricardo's suggestion the easiest. You could also do
  some time tests to check whethercallingthese functions when not
  really needed effects performance, and act accordingly

  On Feb 9, 3:33 am, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

   *Tab+spacebar and it posts :P

   You could put your list of functions in an array in your external js,
   then call them on the window object in a loop:
   $(function() {
           var funcs = [

                   if(typeof(window[f]) == 'function'){

   On Feb 8, 5:21 am, Beau zar...@gmail.com wrote:

Thanks for the ideas everyone!

@Stephan: Yes, it's in an external JS file. I'd prefer to not have to
do any inline javascript. I've considered it, but thanks for the

@Ricardo: Thanks for those. I may end up doing a variation of them.

On Feb 8, 4:50 am, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:


 I guess you have your $().ready()functionin an external js file,
 otherwise you could
 customize it for the according html page.

 Another construct similar to Ricardos one, but a bit more flexible:

 Use a global variable in every html file to specify the init functions
 you want to call for this page:
 script type=text/javascript
         myInitFxn = [ManageCategoriesClick, HideByDefault, 

         for(var i in myInitFxn) {
                 myInitFxn[i](); // call initfunction



 2009/2/8 brian bally.z...@gmail.com:

  On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Ricardo Tomasi 
  ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

  Alternatively you could add a different class to the body of each
  page, then use this rather amusing construct:

   var is =function(v){ return ++document.body.className.indexOf(v) 

      ? ManageCategoriesClick :
      ? HideByDefault :
      ? PrepareSplitForm :

[jQuery] Can I use a reference to a select id in a function like this?

2009-02-09 Thread Rick Faircloth

I have a select with id=agentSelect and onchange=updateDutyRecord().  Once 
I choose
an option, can I reference the select and option like this?

function updateDutyRecord() {   

 $('#agentSelect', this).change(function() {

  $('option:selected', this).each(function() {

[jQuery] modify from server two jquery elements in the same time

2009-02-09 Thread phicarre

I would like to modify two jquery elements in the same time from PHP
module. The PHP module is called by .ajax

type: POST,
dataType: 'html',
 success: function(resultat) { * ? *},
error: function(requete,iderror) {alert(iderror);}

div id=field1...
div id=field2...

PHP code:

echo  ***new value for field1  new value for field2 *** 

How to formulate the success function AND the echo instruction ?

[jQuery] Re: attr feature

2009-02-09 Thread James

I don't think it works.

You might consider using the Metadata plugin:

or jQuery's jQuery.data:

to achieve what you want to do in a similar way.

On Feb 9, 6:05 am, Tom  Shafer tom.sha...@gmail.com wrote:
 sorry about that


 this is going into ajax post

 On Feb 9, 10:59 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  Maybe showing an example of what isn't working would help others help

  On Feb 9, 10:28 am, Tom  Shafer tom.sha...@gmail.com wrote:

   Does the attr feature let me capture my own attribute inside a
   element. I am trying and it doesnt seem to be working. I just
   wondering if there was a way to do this.



[jQuery] Re: modify from server two jquery elements in the same time

2009-02-09 Thread James

$myArray = array(
 'var1' = 'hello',
 'var2' = 'world'
echo json_encode($myArray);

type: POST,
dataType: 'json',  // !-- I'VE CHANGED THIS TO RECEIVE JSON
 success: function(resultat) {
error: function(requete,iderror) {alert(iderror);}


div id=field1/div
div id=field2/div

On Feb 9, 8:27 am, phicarre gam...@bluewin.ch wrote:
 I would like to modify two jquery elements in the same time from PHP
 module. The PHP module is called by .ajax

         type: POST,
         dataType: 'html',
          success: function(resultat) { * ? *},
         error: function(requete,iderror) {alert(iderror);}


 div id=field1...
 div id=field2...

 PHP code:

 echo  ***new value for field1  new value for field2 *** 

 How to formulate the success function AND the echo instruction ?

[jQuery] Re: Does it hurt to call functions that don't do anything on the page?

2009-02-09 Thread mkmanning

Ah, I have misread it then; I was under the impression the calls to
the function were on the external page, but the functions themselves
were on separate pages.
Thanks for clearing that up.

On Feb 9, 9:47 am, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think the issue is that all of the functions are declared on the
 same external JS file. So you can't check for the function itself, as
 it will always exist, you need to check for some condition in the
 page. All of this will be inside $(document).ready on the external

 There are many other possibilities, a meta tag, using the title or
 any other text/element on the page. The choice boils down to how the
 whole site/app is structured and development practices in use.

 - ricardo

 On Feb 9, 3:29 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

  @Nicolas - I'm curious as to why you find Ricardo's easiest?

  Ricardo's first solution would work, but to my mind adds extra
  complexity. You're adding a dependency on the presence of elements in
  the markup to execute your functions. If you work, as I currently do,
  in a multi-developer environment, it's very easy for someone to change
  the id of the element you're using, or perhaps remove it completely,
  which would immediately stop the functions from being called. They
  could also add that element to a page using a different identifier,
  and now that page would match two of Ricardo's if statements, calling
  functions that won't exist and so you're back to the original issue.
  This latter condition means you have to make sure you have a unique
  identifier element for every page, or follow Ricardo's second
  suggestion and use a unique class on the body tag of every page. One
  thing not apparent in his example is that the user may want multiple
  functions to run on each page, for example:

  page 1: functions 1,2, 4
  page 2: functions 3,4  6

  This increases the complexity of the if statements and which functions
  go where, and seems more likely to break over time as functions get
  added or removed.

  My suggestion of just keeping an array of functions in one location
  (the external js), and checking for the presence of the function on
  domready and executing it if found, rather than a 'middle-man' element
  that has to stand in for one or more functions, seems much more
  direct--to me at least :)

  Maybe I'm missing something that makes Ricardo's seem to be easiest?

  On Feb 9, 2:26 am, Nicolas R ruda...@googlemail.com wrote:

   I not sure if this suits you, but you could split your functions to
   separate files and then lazy load each js file as necessary.
   In such casehttp://nicolas.rudas.info/jQuery/getPlugin/maybe

   Otherwise I find Ricardo's suggestion the easiest. You could also do
   some time tests to check whethercallingthese functions when not
   really needed effects performance, and act accordingly

   On Feb 9, 3:33 am, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

*Tab+spacebar and it posts :P

You could put your list of functions in an array in your external js,
then call them on the window object in a loop:
$(function() {
        var funcs = [

                if(typeof(window[f]) == 'function'){

On Feb 8, 5:21 am, Beau zar...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for the ideas everyone!

 @Stephan: Yes, it's in an external JS file. I'd prefer to not have to
 do any inline javascript. I've considered it, but thanks for the

 @Ricardo: Thanks for those. I may end up doing a variation of them.

 On Feb 8, 4:50 am, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:


  I guess you have your $().ready()functionin an external js file,
  otherwise you could
  customize it for the according html page.

  Another construct similar to Ricardos one, but a bit more flexible:

  Use a global variable in every html file to specify the init 
  you want to call for this page:
  script type=text/javascript
          myInitFxn = [ManageCategoriesClick, HideByDefault, 

          for(var i in myInitFxn) {
                  myInitFxn[i](); // call initfunction



  2009/2/8 brian bally.z...@gmail.com:

   On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Ricardo Tomasi 
   ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

   Alternatively you could add a different class to the body of each
   page, then use this 

[jQuery] Access tabs from an iframe to another.

2009-02-09 Thread m.ugues

Hallo all.
I got a problem accessing .ui-tabs-nav defined in an iframe from
another one.

I have a index page where I define an iframe: inside the iframe is
loaded a page where are defined the tabs.


In index.html there is this piece of code


Then I load a modal dialog with an iframe inside (using jquery
DOMwindow); now that i got this iframe I need to change the tab
content, but i cannot access the tab class to do it.

Normally inside the iframe where are defined the tabs I use this piece
of code to reload a tab

I tried different ways to do the same thing in the other iframe as
described here http://pastie.org/384179 but with no result.

Any idea how to solve this problem?

Kind regards

Massimo UGues

[jQuery] Custom data property in custom events

2009-02-09 Thread Glenn Nilsson


when triggering a custom event with some custom data, all my data is
removed from the data-property on the event object. It's only
available in the data parameter sent as the second parameter to the
event handler. Even though I've created a custom event object and
populated the data-property. Is this by design or is it a bug?

$(document).bind(hepp, function(e, data) {
alert(data.test +  --  + (!e.data ? undefined : e.data.test));

$(function() {
$(document).trigger(hepp, { test: hopp });

This always alerts hopp -- undefined.


[jQuery] Callback from the $.post function is not being invoked

2009-02-09 Thread mistere357

I'm new to jQuery and it has worked great for me...
   except I seem to be having a problem with the $.post function.
The response comes back but the callback function is not invoked.

Here is the loop that I'm using to set the onChange event handler:

datafields = new Array( #field1, #field2, #field3 ) ;
function edit_event_handlers( ) {
   for ( var target in datafields ) {
   $(datafields[target]).change( function(dft) {
   return function() {
   $(dft).css('background-color','orange') ;
   var params = { fieldname: dft.replace(#,),
fieldval: $(dft).val() }
   function(){ alert(Data returned) ; }, xml
   ) ;
   }  ;
   }(datafields[target]) ) ;
   } ;

Using firebug I see the params are sent to the server process and the
xml data is returned:
 (it just wraps $_POST in test tags)

testarray(2) {
  [fieldname]= string(7) #field1
  [fieldval]= string(6) 345345

... but the alert in the function never appears.
I also tried this line for the function parameter of the $.post call
without success:

   function() { return function(rdata){ alert(Data returned:  +
rdata)  } }

What am I missing here?


[jQuery] Image annotation

2009-02-09 Thread LeonL

Hello everyone!

Does anybody know of a jquery plugin/script implementing image annotation?

I'm looking for something similar to Fotonotes (http://www.fotonotes.net/),
Photonotes (http://www.dustyd.net/projects/PhotoNotes/), flickr's annotation

Thanks in advance, Leon.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Can I use a reference to a select id in a function like this?

2009-02-09 Thread Ryan

Yep, you have the right idea. I would do this:
var element = $('option:selected',this);
// do whatever you need to do with the element

On Feb 9, 12:48 pm, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
 I have a select with id=agentSelect and onchange=updateDutyRecord().  
 Once I choose
 an option, can I reference the select and option like this?

 function updateDutyRecord() {          

      $('#agentSelect', this).change(function() {

           $('option:selected', this).each(function() {

[jQuery] Getting Style Information (left/top)

2009-02-09 Thread Paul Hutson


I'm a(nother?) new person to Jquery and have found it to be
*excellent* so far (when I say that I may be understating how damned
awesome it is!!)

There is only one thing that has been bothering me - I can't seem to
find a way of finding a position of an item with an easy Jquery

i.e. to find out the style.top value of an element, I have to use the
following :


Am I missing something that does this with something like : $
(#TheDivInQuestion).top or $(#TheDivInQuestion).style.top :?

(both of which don't work for me..)

Thanks in advance,
Paul Hutson

[jQuery] Re: Problems with the simple jquery suckerFish menu?

2009-02-09 Thread Michael Lawson


is there any way you can provide a code sample of how you are using this?



Michael Lawson
Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
or others, only then should you accept them.'

  From:   123gotoandplay wesweatyous...@gmail.com
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com  
  Date:   02/09/2009 10:59 AM  
  Subject:[jQuery] Problems with the simple jquery suckerFish menu?

Hi there,

I am having problems with the suckerFish menu

if i copy the code and let the font-size be 22px all is good:

please rollover item3

but when i use a smaller font

and you roll a couple of times over item3, i can't select the dropdown
menu, it disappears???

How can i fix this???

inline: graycol.gifinline: ecblank.gif

[jQuery] Safe Ajax Calls?

2009-02-09 Thread SoulRush


I'm kind of new at the world of ajax and jquery and i'm starting to
make a site with them.

In my site i've created a single function (in the header) called
ajaxQry(...) which takes some parameters like, url to make post or
get, if I need GEt or POST, the data type of the query, a success
function and an error function.

Anyway, it look like this:

function ajaxQry(sendVars, url, returnType, backFunction,

  type: POST,
  url: ajax/+url+.asp?nocache=+Math.random(),
  data: sendVars,
  success: backFunction, //ussully this loads the content in the main
page as html
  dataType: returnType,
  error: errorFunction


Everything works great but i don't know if there's a better way to do
this, because in many events of the site I call this function... And
I'm starting to think that it's pretty insecure What do you think?

By the way i ussually call the url file (see the function) and return
HTML content, and then i load it in the page with $(selector).html();
is that okay?

Thanks! and sorry for my english :$

[jQuery] appying addClass to proper element (jquery 1.1 - jquery 1.3.)

2009-02-09 Thread introvert


I'm doing a modification on a javascript that is written for jquery
1.1 and wont work with jquery 1.3.

Heres is the shortened original code:

stars  = $(div.star, obj),
stars.lt(rating[0]).addClass(on); //critical line that causes error

I changed the line above to:
$(div.star:lt( + parseInt(rating[0]) + )).addClass(on);

which seems to work with jquery but it wont apply addClass to the
proper div.star element (if there are more than 1 div.star-s in the

I'm wondering how should I change it so that it would apply properly
to the appropriate element?
Maybe something like:
 I have no idea how to get the lt within a object (star) ?

rating[0] is just an integer with current rating value.ž

I hope someone can help me.

Many thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: attr feature

2009-02-09 Thread Ryan

This works fine for me (using jQuery 1.3):

$('div').attr('id','test').html('div html').appendTo
('body'); // inject html element, also works fine hard-coded.

Alerts 'hithere' when you click a link.

On Feb 9, 10:28 am, Tom  Shafer tom.sha...@gmail.com wrote:
 Does the attr feature let me capture my own attribute inside a
 element. I am trying and it doesnt seem to be working. I just
 wondering if there was a way to do this.



[jQuery] Re: modify from server two jquery elements in the same time

2009-02-09 Thread Ryan

What? Sorry, but this is hard to understand. I believe you're trying
to set element data from a value in a php file, right? If so, that's
pretty easy using JSON.

In PHP, json_encode() converts an array or object into a string, and
in Javascript it takes that string and converts it to an object. Using
the json dataType in jQuery.ajax, the success param will be the object
converted from string to an object. The object keys will be the values
from the PHP array.


type: 'POST',
url: 'ajax.php',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(jdata){


echo json_encode(array('value1' = 'i\'m value 1', 'value2' = 'i\'m
value 2'));

On Feb 9, 1:27 pm, phicarre gam...@bluewin.ch wrote:
 I would like to modify two jquery elements in the same time from PHP
 module. The PHP module is called by .ajax

         type: POST,
         dataType: 'html',
          success: function(resultat) { * ? *},
         error: function(requete,iderror) {alert(iderror);}


 div id=field1...
 div id=field2...

 PHP code:

 echo  ***new value for field1  new value for field2 *** 

 How to formulate the success function AND the echo instruction ?

[jQuery] Accordion newbie problem

2009-02-09 Thread oobov

Hi there.

I don't know if it is the right place for that, sorry if not.
I have a newbie problem. I've red the documentation but i can't find
the solution.

I have a page with 3 accordions, based on the demo script, so i have:

// simple accordion
animated: easeslide,
autoheight: true
animated: easeslide,
autoheight: true
animated: easeslide,
autoheight: true

By default, the first element of each accordions is the one open.

All i would like to do is to make the LAST one open at the beggining.

Thanx for your time.

[jQuery] Re: Triggering a link with no click event

2009-02-09 Thread solidhex

I was looking to do the same thing - I wanted to emulate the click()
method, which doesn't work on all browsers. I have had any luck
either. I was trying to open a file input browse view by clicking on
another link. I can get it to work in IE and Safari, but Firefox
doesn't support it on input[type=file]

On Jan 31, 2:23 pm, Andy789 e...@abcstudio.com.au wrote:
 Guys, thank you, but it still does not work.

 1) The Maurício's solution is just a way of extracting the href value
 and creating onlick event to jump to that link. What I need is to
 emulate aclickon the a element without opening a link directly. The
 reason for that: Rokbox scans all rel=rokbox elements and generates
 a set of divs bevore closing body tag. Somehow the links are binded
 with some internal RokBox functions, so clicking on the link opens a
 RokBox with the link target inside.

 2) Yes, I am using both mootools and jquery with noConflict()
 declaration - it works perfectly

 3) The problem is that I cannot find the function inside RokBox to
 call it directly from jscript function. At the same time I would
 rather prefer to use RokBox, because it works perfectly for complex
 independent pages with ajax, flash etc inside. RokBox creates an
 iframe inside.

 The point is that I need to find either a way of emulating the linkclickor a 
 function inside RokBox, which is difficult, because it is

 any more ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Changing Colspans with Jquery, IE6

2009-02-09 Thread charly_g

I dont know if this is what you are talking about, but i think i was having
the same problem.
I had problems trying to change de colspan to a table's TD in IE, after 
doing many tests i found the way.
Here is the jquery code:

$('.G_HD0').attr({colSpan:3});  searching by class
$('#td1').attr({colSpan:3}); searching by ID

In the example i've search the TD by class, the problem with the IE was the
way of writing COLSPAN...
it must have a capital s as the example above.

Sorry my english, im from Argentina.

pijgu wrote:
 Hi guys,
 Hoping you can help me out. I've got a scenario where my table is as so:
 thSection Heading/th
 tdSection content lots and lots of paragraphs.../td
 thSection Heading/th
 tdSection content lots and lots of paragraphs.../td
 The situation is that the table is collapsable. It works as so:
 1. User clicks on th
 2. corresponding td is hidden with jquery
 3. colspan of th is set to 2
 4. width of th is set to 100%
 If the row is collapsed when the user clicks on a th, then:
 1. colspan of th is set to  1
 2. width of th is set to 20%
 3. td is shown
 4. width of td is set to 80%
 This works fine on FF. However, on IE6 I am having the weird problem where
 once a row is expanded, the collapsed ths no longer extend to the edge of
 the table. It's almost as though the browser either hasn't reset the
 colspan (which it has - I've used the developer toolbar to check), or it
 thinks the td that I've hidden is still there.
 Does anyone know what might be causing this? Does ie6 still account for
 tds that have been hidden using display:none?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: selector to return the number of rows in a table before the row I just selected

2009-02-09 Thread Nivash Ramachandran
Great discussion. Thanks for all.
-- Nivash Ramachandran

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 7:19 PM, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:

 Oh yeah! Good point, Rob. I always forget these DOM properties. Thanks for
 the reminder. :)


 Karl Swedberg

 On Feb 9, 2009, at 2:37 AM, RobG wrote:

 On Feb 9, 4:23 am, pantagruel rasmussen.br...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am selecting the row of a table. I would like to be able to count

 how many rows there are in the table before the row I just selected. i

 suppose there is a jQuery selector that will do this.

 Not necessary - table rows have a rowIndex property, and since it's
 zero indexed:

 rowsBefore = row.rowIndex;

 URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-HTML/html.html#ID-67347567 


[jQuery] Re: Problems with the simple jquery suckerFish menu?

2009-02-09 Thread mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

I'm not sure if my previous response made it, trying to configure this
to work with my work email.

However, is there any way you can provide a code snippet of what you
are trying to fix here?

On Feb 9, 10:58 am, 123gotoandplay wesweatyous...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi there,

 I am having problems with the suckerFish menu

 if i copy the code and let the font-size be 22px all is good:

 please rollover item3

 but when i use a smaller font

 and you roll a couple of times over item3, i can't select the dropdown
 menu, it disappears???

 How can i fix this???

[jQuery] malsup.com form and php validation confusion

2009-02-09 Thread m...@polyvisual.co.uk

Hi all,

I'm using the jquery form plugin from malsup.com, and I'm confused
about validation.

I need to validate the form fields in the php file specified in the
action of the form.

I realise I can use the success: function() to update a div (I
actually want to perform animation on a div elsewhere on the page)
when successful, but if the form is incorrectly completed, how do I
return a 'failed' code from the php file (so that the animation
doesn't happen)?

(It seems to me as though the form always returns 'successful' code ?)



[jQuery] Re: input file and val()

2009-02-09 Thread Michael Lawson

Have you tried using the attr() function?


Michael Lawson
Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
or others, only then should you accept them.'

  From:   ezod pured...@gmail.com
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com  
  Date:   02/09/2009 11:40 AM  
  Subject:[jQuery] input file and val()

Hi there,

I tried to reset a file input element by using val().

 script src=jquery.js/script
 $(document).ready(function() {

 $(#resetMe).click(function () {

 form name=foo
 input id=input1 type=file name=foobar
 input id=resetMe type=button


This works fine for FF, but IE doesn´t (re)set the value.

Any hints?


inline: graycol.gifinline: ecblank.gif

[jQuery] jquery, OOP and this - Problem

2009-02-09 Thread Creativebyte

Hello group,

I got a problem with a JS class I am writing. I got the following
piece of code:

$(this.container_selector_contents).fadeOut(1000, function(){

The problem is, that inside the fadeOut() function this is now not
the class but the jQuery element. So, how can I access my classes
methods and variables again sine I can't use this?

Thanks for your help!

[jQuery] Re: Triggering a link with no click event

2009-02-09 Thread Michael Lawson

Hi all,

click() doesn't work on most browsers because of security reasons.  Can you
imagine giving some spam programmer the ability to simulate a mouse click?


Michael Lawson
Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
or others, only then should you accept them.'

  From:   solidhex patr...@solidhex.com  
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com  
  Date:   02/09/2009 02:01 PM  
  Subject:[jQuery] Re: Triggering a link with no click event   

I was looking to do the same thing - I wanted to emulate the click()
method, which doesn't work on all browsers. I have had any luck
either. I was trying to open a file input browse view by clicking on
another link. I can get it to work in IE and Safari, but Firefox
doesn't support it on input[type=file]

On Jan 31, 2:23 pm, Andy789 e...@abcstudio.com.au wrote:
 Guys, thank you, but it still does not work.

 1) The Maurício's solution is just a way of extracting the href value
 and creating onlick event to jump to that link. What I need is to
 emulate aclickon the a element without opening a link directly. The
 reason for that: Rokbox scans all rel=rokbox elements and generates
 a set of divs bevore closing body tag. Somehow the links are binded
 with some internal RokBox functions, so clicking on the link opens a
 RokBox with the link target inside.

 2) Yes, I am using both mootools and jquery with noConflict()
 declaration - it works perfectly

 3) The problem is that I cannot find the function inside RokBox to
 call it directly from jscript function. At the same time I would
 rather prefer to use RokBox, because it works perfectly for complex
 independent pages with ajax, flash etc inside. RokBox creates an
 iframe inside.

 The point is that I need to find either a way of emulating the
linkclickor a function inside RokBox, which is difficult, because it is

 any more ideas?

inline: graycol.gifinline: ecblank.gif

[jQuery] Re: Getting Style Information (left/top)

2009-02-09 Thread Michael Lawson

If you look at the documentation for jQuery you'll see that many jQuery
functions either return jQuery itself, or an array of elements.  Your usage
would return an array of the element in question so you might want to try
something like this

Hope that helps!


Michael Lawson
Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
or others, only then should you accept them.'

  From:   Paul Hutson hutsonphu...@googlemail.com
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com  
  Date:   02/09/2009 02:02 PM  
  Subject:[jQuery] Getting Style Information (left/top)


I'm a(nother?) new person to Jquery and have found it to be
*excellent* so far (when I say that I may be understating how damned
awesome it is!!)

There is only one thing that has been bothering me - I can't seem to
find a way of finding a position of an item with an easy Jquery

i.e. to find out the style.top value of an element, I have to use the
following :


Am I missing something that does this with something like : $
(#TheDivInQuestion).top or $(#TheDivInQuestion).style.top :?

(both of which don't work for me..)

Thanks in advance,
Paul Hutson

inline: graycol.gifinline: ecblank.gif

[jQuery] [autocomplete] display a loading gif

2009-02-09 Thread Manolet Gmail

Hi, i need to show a loading gif while autoocmplete plugins make the
ajax ask. is there anyway?

[jQuery] Re: jquery, OOP and this - Problem

2009-02-09 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

just stay aware of the scope:

var oldthis = this;
$(this.container_selector_contents).fadeOut(1000, function(){
} ;

On Feb 9, 3:13 pm, Creativebyte michaelhaszpru...@googlemail.com
 Hello group,

 I got a problem with a JS class I am writing. I got the following
 piece of code:

                 $(this.container_selector_contents).fadeOut(1000, function(){

 The problem is, that inside the fadeOut() function this is now not
 the class but the jQuery element. So, how can I access my classes
 methods and variables again sine I can't use this?

 Thanks for your help!

[jQuery] Re: jquery, OOP and this - Problem

2009-02-09 Thread SoulRush

Did you try with


instead of



On 9 feb, 14:13, Creativebyte michaelhaszpru...@googlemail.com
 Hello group,

 I got a problem with a JS class I am writing. I got the following
 piece of code:

                 $(this.container_selector_contents).fadeOut(1000, function(){

 The problem is, that inside the fadeOut() function this is now not
 the class but the jQuery element. So, how can I access my classes
 methods and variables again sine I can't use this?

 Thanks for your help!

[jQuery] New jQuery Conditional Chain Plugin

2009-02-09 Thread Eric Garside

Hey guys,

I had an idea this morning which quickly turned into a small but, I
think powerful, plugin. I'd love some review on it from the list, to
see if anyone can see any glaring errors I missed, or has an easier/
already done way of doing it. The source code and some examples are
located here: http://snipplr.com/view/12045/jquery-conditional-chains/

The basic idea was to add functionality to jQuery to conditionally
execute functions on the chain, based on dynamic values. Take for

$.ajax('url.php', function(data){
   $('#result').cond(data.success, 'addClass', 'ui-state-
highlight').cond(!data.success, 'addClass', 'ui-state-error');
}, 'json');

Instead of

$.ajax('url.php', function(data){
   if (result.data)
}, 'json');

Also, it has functionality to stop/resume the chain based on boolean

$.ajax('url.php', function(data){
Oh Noes!')
}, 'json');

Thoughts? Comments? Ideas for improvement? What do ya'll think?

[jQuery] subclassing ajaxForm

2009-02-09 Thread Jan Limpens

When I try to do this, firebug does not alert me of anything wrong,
the form is posted normally (no ajax).
What mistake am I making?

// requires jquery.forms plugin
jQuery.fn.jsonForm = function(onSuccess) {
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
if (data.Message) {
alert(data.Message); // my json reply always has these 2
if (data.ActionUrl != null) {
top.location = data.ActionUrl;
if (onSuccess != null) {
onSuccess(data); // what if onSuccess has an empty

So I can call it like so:

var onSuccess = function(data){
$.each(data.Customer, function(i, item){
$('#searchResultCustomers').append(dd+ item.Name 

How could I call jsonForm without a null param, too?

Help greatly appreciated!

[jQuery] table header order

2009-02-09 Thread Alain Roger

i have a table with thead, tbody and the headers (stored in thead) should be
able to be moved to reorder the table.
for example, if the 1st column is ID, the 2nd column is Name and 3rd one
is firstname, i want user to be able to drag and drop column firstname
between ID and Name columns.
so the firstname would be the 2nd column now.

how can i do that using jQuery ?

Windows XP x64 SP2 / Fedora 10 KDE 4.2
PostgreSQL 8.3.5 / MS SQL server 2005
Apache 2.2.10
PHP 5.2.6
C# 2005-2008

[jQuery] Re: Next/Previous element in each loop

2009-02-09 Thread Stephan Veigl

Hi Adrian,

as mkmanning already said, when you want to get the next / prev
element from the same selector, simply access the array.
In this case I prefer a for (var i=0; ips.length; i++) {...} loop
instead of the $.each for performance reasons and readability, but
that's personal taste.

by(e)  :-)

2009/2/9 mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com:

 $(p) is an array, so you could just use the index:

 var ps = $(p); //cache
 ps.each(function(i,d) {
var prevP = i0?$(ps[i-1]):false; /* however you want to deal with
 there not being a prev */
var nextP = ips.length-1?$(ps[i+1]):false; /* however you want to
 deal with there not being a next */
//if you only want p's that have a prev AND next, you can do this
if(i0  ips.length-1){
console.log( $(ps[i-1]).html() + ', ' + $(ps[i+1]).html() );

 On Feb 9, 8:55 am, Adrian Lynch adely...@googlemail.com wrote:
 This explains better what I'm after:

 $(p).each(function(i) {
 var prevP = $(this).parent().prev().children(p);
 var nextP = $(this).parent().next().children(p);


 spanThis is next/span
 spanThis is previous/span

 I want to refer to the next p in the each() loop but $(this).next()/
 prev() refers to the next sibling element in the DOM.

 So in the example above I'm having to go out to the parent, then get
 the next/previous, then come in to get the p I want.

 Now I'm wondering if there's a generic way to do this...

 By(e) - see!

 On Feb 9, 4:44 pm, Adrian Lynch adely...@googlemail.com wrote:

  That's what I was hoping for, but next() and prev() act on the next
  and previous elements in the DOM, not in the nodes you're looping
  over. To demonstrate:

  $(p).each(function(i) {


  form action=test.cfm method=post
  pThis is next/p
  pThis is previous/p

  Maybe I have to come out to the outer most divs before calling next()/
  prev() on it.


  On Feb 4, 4:16 pm, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:


   there are prev() and next() functions doing exactly what you need:

   $(div).each( function() {
 var prev = $(this).prev();
 var next = $(this).next();
 alert( prev.text() + - + next.text() );


   (I've skipped the extra code for the first and last element for 



Hey all, I'm loop over some nodes witheach() and I need to look at
the next and previous elements for the current iteration.

script type=text/javascript
   $(function() {
   $(div).each(function(i) {
   var prev = [SELECTOR FOR PREVIOUS DIV].text();
   var next = [SELECTOR FOR NEXT DIV].text();
   alert(prev +  :  + next);


Will I have to store a reference to the divs and access it with i in
the loop like this:

script type=text/javascript
   $(function() {

   var divs = $(div);

   divs.each(function(i) {

   var prev = ;
   var next = ;

   if (i  0)
   prev = $(divs.get(i - 1)).text();

   if (i  divs.size() - 1)
   next = $(divs.get(i + 1)).text();

   alert(prev +  -  + next);


spanSpanner in the works/span
spanDon't select me!/span

Is next() the answer maybe?

[jQuery] Initialize tabs href.

2009-02-09 Thread m.ugues

Hallo all.
I would like to initialize the tabs href on the document.ready.


I tried like this


But it doesn't work.
Any idea?

Kind regards

Massimo Ugues

[jQuery] Re: Passing a Index to a function

2009-02-09 Thread Pedram

How COme we could not have access inside the BIND with THIS !! I'm

On Feb 9, 7:16 am, Pedram pedram...@gmail.com wrote:
 I check these two solutions it didn't work ...

 On Feb 8, 11:42 pm, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:

  On Feb 9, 4:54 pm, Pedram pedram...@gmail.com wrote:

   Dear folk,
   I want to get the index of the TR and send it to the Function , I
   don't know how to it . this is what I'm trying to do

   $(table tr).bind(click,{IndexName:$(this).index(this)},clickFunc)

  The DOM 2 HTML TR.rowIndex property should do the job.


[jQuery] Re: jquery, OOP and this - Problem

2009-02-09 Thread Eric Garside

Yea, the scope should be fine. You just have to wrap this in $()
when using the reference to the element.

On Feb 9, 2:09 pm, SoulRush saavedra@gmail.com wrote:
 Did you try with


 instead of



 On 9 feb, 14:13, Creativebyte michaelhaszpru...@googlemail.com

  Hello group,

  I got a problem with a JS class I am writing. I got the following
  piece of code:


  The problem is, that inside the fadeOut() function this is now not
  the class but the jQuery element. So, how can I access my classes
  methods and variables again sine I can't use this?

  Thanks for your help!

[jQuery] Re: Optimize large DOM inserts

2009-02-09 Thread James

I used event delegation along with live() so it works on new elements
and it got rid of the leak!
Some good references for those who are interested:

I've also wrapped the content into a tbody before appending (as
opposed to inserting into an existing tbody) and that shaved off a
couple of ms also. Sweet!

I'm learning more and more from this topic!

On Feb 7, 8:35 am, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 There's no need to use that function to insert the HTML, as the
 performance improvement comes mostly from emptying the element outside
 the DOM.

 To avoid the memory leak, you'd have to remove all the event listeners
 before destroying it - that's exactly what empty() does (+ clearing
 any data), and the source of most of it's overhead. You can probably
 get around that by not attaching any events to the inner elements and
 use event delegation on the table or live() instead.

 You might get away with something like this, not sure if it will
 perform any better:

 var c = $('#container')[0],
 parent = c.parentNode,
 next = c.nextSibling,
 old = parent.removeChild(c);

 c = old.cloneNode(false).innerHTML = out.join('');
 if (next)

 setTimeout(function(){ $(old).remove(); }, 200); //give the browser
 some breathing time then clean up eventsdata from the old element

 The cleaning up part will be unnecessary if you use event delegation.

 - ricardo

 On Feb 6, 9:17 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

  I just noticed in IE6 that using the replaceHTML to clear the DOM with
  events attached definitely creates memory leak. FF seems to clean it
  up though.

  On Feb 6, 1:06 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

   Wow! Wow! Wow! Using that replaceHTML function to empty out the
   element took practically no time at all!
   Though I wasn't able to get it to work properly in IE (tried only IE6)
   as oldEl.innerHTML = html; kept bombing on me with unknown runtime
   error. I've removed the IE-only part and let it run the rest. It's
   still many times faster than using $(el).empty();

   However, I wasn't able to get replaceHTML to work on inserting HTML
   into the DOM though. Using the previous suggestions, it would become:
   replaceHtml('myElementID', out.join(''));

   but the inserted HTML in 'myElementID' had all of the HTML tags (tr,
   td, etc.) stripped out for some reason.

   On Feb 6, 11:48 am, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

Now I might have something useful to say! :)

I remember this being discussed long ago on the 'replaceHTML' subject.
Apparently using .innerHTML on an element that is not in the DOM is
much faster (except for IE which is already fast). See here:


- ricardo

On Feb 6, 6:28 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

 Big thanks for the optimization!
 It certainly did optimize the loop processing by several folds!

 However, for my case, I found that the ultimate bottleneck was the
 plug-in function that I was using that froze the browser the longest.
 The actual insert to the DOM took a bit of time also and did freeze
 the browser, but wasn't too bad even in IE6.

 By the way, do you have any tips on emptying a large amount of content
 in the DOM?
 Such as emptying that whole chunk of HTML that was inserted. That also
 freezes the browser also.
 I'm currently using $(el).empty(); and not sure if there's a more
 optimal solution.

 On Feb 5, 5:25 pm, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:

  ...there is not much room for improvement left.

  You just know that when you say that, someone will come along with 
  a 20x-40x
  improvement. ;-)



  Try them in IE, where the performance is the worst and matters the 

  On my test machine, the first one runs about 6.3 seconds and the 
  second one
  about 0.13 seconds.


   From: Ricardo Tomasi

   Concatenating into a string is already much faster than
   appending in each loop, there is not much room for
   improvement left. What you can do improve user experience
   though is split that into a recursive function over a
   setTimeout, so that the browser doesn't freeze and you can
   display a nice loading animation.

   On Feb 5, 5:03 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
I need tips on optimizing a large DOM insert to lessen the
   freeze on
the browser.

I receive a large amount of JSON 'data' through AJAX from a
(sorted the way I want viewed), and loop through them to
   add to a JS
string, and insert that chunk of string into 

[jQuery] Re: Getting Style Information (left/top)

2009-02-09 Thread mkmanning

Be aware that style.top is not necessarily the position of an element.
You can use $('TheDivInQuestion').position().top (and $
('TheDivInQuestion').position().left) to find it's actual position.

On Feb 9, 11:07 am, Michael Lawson mjlaw...@us.ibm.com wrote:
 If you look at the documentation for jQuery you'll see that many jQuery
 functions either return jQuery itself, or an array of elements.  Your usage
 would return an array of the element in question so you might want to try
 something like this

 Hope that helps!


 Michael Lawson
 Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
 Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
 E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

 'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
 find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
 or others, only then should you accept them.'

   From:       Paul Hutson hutsonphu...@googlemail.com                       

   To:         jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com                 

   Date:       02/09/2009 02:02 PM                                             

   Subject:    [jQuery] Getting Style Information (left/top)                   


 I'm a(nother?) new person to Jquery and have found it to be
 *excellent* so far (when I say that I may be understating how damned
 awesome it is!!)

 There is only one thing that has been bothering me - I can't seem to
 find a way of finding a position of an item with an easy Jquery

 i.e. to find out the style.top value of an element, I have to use the
 following :


 Am I missing something that does this with something like : $
 (#TheDivInQuestion).top or $(#TheDivInQuestion).style.top :?

 (both of which don't work for me..)

 Thanks in advance,
 Paul Hutson



[jQuery] Re: Safe Ajax Calls?

2009-02-09 Thread SoulRush

By the way, the first parameter takes the vars to send... so in the
pages I've to dynamically set varname1=value1varname2=value2

On 9 feb, 10:40, SoulRush saavedra@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm kind of new at the world of ajax and jquery and i'm starting to
 make a site with them.

 In my site i've created a single function (in the header) called
 ajaxQry(...) which takes some parameters like, url to make post or
 get, if I need GEt or POST, the data type of the query, a success
 function and an error function.

 Anyway, it look like this:

 function ajaxQry(sendVars, url, returnType, backFunction,

           type: POST,
           url: ajax/+url+.asp?nocache=+Math.random(),
           data: sendVars,
           success: backFunction, //ussully this loads the content in the main
 page as html
           dataType: returnType,
           error: errorFunction


 Everything works great but i don't know if there's a better way to do
 this, because in many events of the site I call this function... And
 I'm starting to think that it's pretty insecure What do you think?

 By the way i ussually call the url file (see the function) and return
 HTML content, and then i load it in the page with $(selector).html();
 is that okay?

 Thanks! and sorry for my english :$

[jQuery] Access DOM cross-domain

2009-02-09 Thread jay

I'm playing around with writing a server-side script that generates
JSONP from content that is downloaded by the script (URL is passed to
script from querystring).  Is there a better way to do it than to
encode it as base64, or is there a work-around that doesn't require
any server-side code?  I'm basically trying to get access to a given
page's DOM cross-domain using minimal server-side code.  I suppose one
thing that would be needed here is a regex to replace non http src

Here is what I have so far:
div id=mydiv/div
script src=jquery.js/script
script src=jquery.base64.js/script
function callback(e){
script src=test.aspx?url=www.wikipedia.org/script

%@ Page Language=C# AutoEventWireup=true %
%@ Import Namespace=System %
%@ Import Namespace=System.IO %
%@ Import Namespace=System.Net %
%@ Import Namespace=System.Text %
script runat=server
void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e ){
   string url = Request[url] ?? ;
string EncodeTo64(string toEncode){
byte[] toEncodeAsBytes = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes
string returnValue = System.Convert.ToBase64String
return returnValue;
string Get(string strURL){
WebRequest myWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(http://+strURL);
WebResponse myWebResponse = myWebRequest.GetResponse();
Stream ReceiveStream = myWebResponse.GetResponseStream();
Encoding encode = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(utf-8);
StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader( ReceiveStream,
encode );
return readStream.ReadToEnd();

[jQuery] Re: Getting Style Information (left/top)

2009-02-09 Thread SoulRush

You can use either the css method:

if you want to know the height of $(#TheDivInQuestion)

Then $(#TheDivInQuestion).css(height);

If you need another attribute of the css just change de parameter of
the css: $(#TheDivInQuestion).css(top); $
(#TheDivInQuestion).css(left); ...

On 9 feb, 14:00, Paul Hutson hutsonphu...@googlemail.com wrote:

 I'm a(nother?) new person to Jquery and have found it to be
 *excellent* so far (when I say that I may be understating how damned
 awesome it is!!)

 There is only one thing that has been bothering me - I can't seem to
 find a way of finding a position of an item with an easy Jquery

 i.e. to find out the style.top value of an element, I have to use the
 following :


 Am I missing something that does this with something like : $
 (#TheDivInQuestion).top or $(#TheDivInQuestion).style.top :?

 (both of which don't work for me..)

 Thanks in advance,
 Paul Hutson

[jQuery] jQuery not loading?

2009-02-09 Thread Wendy

Am using the Cycle plugin, and linking to the Google jQuery library
(have also tried linking to site version). jQuery effect doesn't seem
to be loading for anyone but me (definitely not Browsershots, and
apparently not client).


I'd be grateful for any ideas. Another stupid question, I'm sure, but
am stumped at this point.


[jQuery] expanding menu

2009-02-09 Thread gandalf458

I have a simple expanding menu at 

I'm wondering if (a) I can make this work with a mouseover event
rather than click; and (b) when opening one subsection I can get it to
close the open one(s).

Many thanks

[jQuery] expanding menu

2009-02-09 Thread gandalf458

Hi - I hope this doesn't appear twice. I posted it over half-an-hour
ago and it didn't show.

I have a simple expanding menu at 

I'm wondering if (a) I can make this work with a mouseover event
rather than click; and (b) when opening one subsection I can get it to
close the open one(s).

Many thanks

[jQuery] Re: alignment IN IE6 ... with jquery..

2009-02-09 Thread Stephan Veigl


I see the menu on top on both FF and IE and a box overlaying the menu
if the mouse enters the image on the left.



2009/2/8 shyhockey...@gmail.com shyhockey...@gmail.com:

 did you go to the home button??? and type username  TEST all caps for
 both the user name and password?

 in the account I use  jquery for the javascript. when you look at the
 page in IE7 and IE6 you will see the menu and other stuff all
 positioned in weird places and the menu is shown in a random place no
 fade in nor fade out.

 I couldn't see the screen shot you gave. I saw a error message in
 german or something.

 On Feb 6, 4:21 pm, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've taken an additional look at your HTML  CSS and it seems like you
 are positioning all your images absolute with left  top position, so
 I don't see what should be different on IE.


 2009/2/6 Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com:


  I've tested the page and it looks similar in FF3 and IE7 for me.
  Here is a screenshot
  (http://www.bilderbeutel.de/pic_call_hires.php?tab=pic_upid=11), I'm
  not sure if this is how it should look like.


  2009/2/6 shyhockey...@gmail.com shyhockey...@gmail.com:

  OK, My website is :  www.chillenvillen.com   on that site  click the
  home button. It will take you to a login page  use TEST for both user
  name and password.

  this takes you to a test account. This account page has jquery
  javascript.  Use Firefox to see what it supposed to be doing and then
  look at it with IE7 or 6  and you will see what I am complaining

  hope this helps any.

  On Feb 5, 4:15 am, Stephan Veigl stephan.ve...@gmail.com wrote:

  can you post your code (e.g. at jsbin.com) or give us a link to it.

  Being standard compliant is always a good idea :-)


  2009/2/5 shyhockey...@gmail.com shyhockey...@gmail.com:

   Hi, ok currently I just looked at my website using IE6 and IE7.

   I notice the pages I used jquery and javascript, would be randomly
   placed around the website and also the menus that needed to fade in
   and out when a mouse hover occurs over the user image. Well those
   menus show up as images and dosen't fade in or out but is randomly
   placed around the website.

   In firefox it works fine. I can see it fade in and out and many other
   stuff. So firefox is set to go.

   it's just that IE 7, and 6 is weird. It would randomly place the
   elements around the website. It would also show hidden elements
   meaning that they are hidden first and then fade in upon a certain

   So is there anyway I can fix this???

   I heard that I need to comply with WS3 . I heard their is a standard
   that I need to follow in order for my javascript or jquery to show

   Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Accordion newbie problem

2009-02-09 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Assuming you use the default header: a, add this:

  active: a:last


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 7:41 PM, oobov mr.oo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi there.

 I don't know if it is the right place for that, sorry if not.
 I have a newbie problem. I've red the documentation but i can't find
 the solution.

 I have a page with 3 accordions, based on the demo script, so i have:

// simple accordion
animated: easeslide,
autoheight: true
animated: easeslide,
autoheight: true
animated: easeslide,
autoheight: true

 By default, the first element of each accordions is the one open.

 All i would like to do is to make the LAST one open at the beggining.

 Thanx for your time.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery not loading?

2009-02-09 Thread MorningZ

Seems to work and load just fine for me here   Firebug shows all
files as loaded and i see the Cycle plugin doing it's thing

have you tried using the Net panel of Firebug (if you're using
Firefox) or using Fiddler if you're in IE to see what your computer is

On Feb 9, 3:20 pm, Wendy wendy.storage.2...@gmail.com wrote:
 Am using the Cycle plugin, and linking to the Google jQuery library
 (have also tried linking to site version). jQuery effect doesn't seem
 to be loading for anyone but me (definitely not Browsershots, and
 apparently not client).


 I'd be grateful for any ideas. Another stupid question, I'm sure, but
 am stumped at this point.


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