[jQuery] why i getting Error: form.ajaxSubmit is not a function

2009-04-09 Thread Hellofrom
I try to use Form plug in with Validaiton plug in
i get the following error if firefox
Error: form.ajaxSubmit is not a function

can someone help me please

[jQuery] Re: jQuery appendTo() in IE7 before ready() [qTip|BlockUI]

2009-04-09 Thread Thomas Creutz

Thomas Creutz schrieb:
I have strange problems with IE7 (older/newer version not tested, but I think, it is also 
present in IE6) and some plugins, that do a appendTo().

The Webpage stops loading and I get a warning which says:

Die Internetsite http://mypage.de/ kann nicht geöffnet werden.
Vorgang abgebrochen

Translated something like:
The Website http://mypage.de/ cannot be opened.
process canceled

no, the English translation is Operation aborted

And than I get not my Webpage displayed.. no I get a IE intern website, which tells me, 
that the page cannot be displayed.

I found more about this topic:


They speak on the MS KB also from innerHTML. On IE8 the Bug is gone.. so a 
jQuery.support.NeedReadyDOM or something else is very useful..

Firefox and all other Browsers (Opera, Safari, Chrome, IE8) which I tested yesterday had 
no Problem with it.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[jQuery] Checking each div to see if it contains specific text

2009-04-09 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have a list of container divs that have children.  I want to check
for specific text in one child element, and if that is found, then
hide another child element.  For some reason what I have is not

$('.exhibition_item_body').each(function () {
if ($(this).children(.checkReception:contains('--:--:--'))) {

The divs look like:

div class=exhibition_item_body
h3a href=#Jane Maxwell/a/h3
p class=checkReception style=display: none;2009-03-05 --:--:--/
p class=dateMar 5 - Mar 31, 2009/p
p class=reception style=display: none;Reception Mar 5, 2009 5 -
7 PM/p
p class=locationSan Francisco/p
p class=exhibition_statusPrevious Exhibition/p
div class=clear/

[jQuery] Re: Works in IE7 but not IE6

2009-04-09 Thread Jonathan Vanherpe (T T NV)

MauiMan2 wrote:

I have a project that is in the staging environment so unfortunately I
can't link to it but jQuery works fine in IE7 but has no effect
whatsoever on IE6. I don't know what sort of code I could possibly
change to get it to also work in IE6. Any suggestions?

without some code it's hard to tell. Can't you reduce everything to a 
test case and upload it somewhere?


Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu  Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

[jQuery] Re: problem with IE extracting the document title from an ajax request response

2009-04-09 Thread RobG

On Apr 8, 4:36 pm, Zac Spitzer zac.spit...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there a trick with IE for extracting the title from
 an ajax response?

 This works fine in FF but fails in IE using 1.3.2
 var newTitle=$(response).filter(TITLE);

Presumably response is an HTML document, so why not:

 var newTitle = response.getElementsByTagName('title')[0];

That should work even if it's an XML document.


[jQuery] Re: validate works for IE but Not for Firefox, Nor Opera Nor Safari Nor Chrome :S

2009-04-09 Thread Bizzy

Hi yeah i fixed that but still nothing :S so irritating!!!

On Apr 8, 1:07 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 Your HTML tags looks inconsistent. Are you using XHTML or not?
 In places you have tags like:
 input type=hidden /
 and you have:
 input type=hidden

 try fixing those up and see if it works.

 On Apr 7, 4:31 am, Bizzy knowledgebor...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm working on a form, but can't get the validation to work on
  Firefox, it does work on IE though. any suggestions?

[jQuery] Re: How to get the number of the selected element?

2009-04-09 Thread jgmach

Thanks a lot! Works perfectly.

[jQuery] Adding incremental numbered classes to divs

2009-04-09 Thread Brain Lava

I'm really new to jQuery and have been struggling with a concept that
I would think is pretty simple but I can't seem to find anything
online that does what I need.

I'm using NextGen Gallery for Wordpress and I would like to assign an
incremental class to each div that the gallery outputs.  For example
the gallery gives me the following code:

div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
   div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
   div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
   div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div

What I would like to do is replace the append class of the interior
divs with a number that automatically increments by 1:
div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
   div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-1/div
   div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-2/div
   div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-3/div

I've seen this done in carousel scripts but I can't seem to figure out
how they do it.

Any help would be greatly apprecaited.

[jQuery] Cluetip not working on multiple links calling local html data

2009-04-09 Thread Ian


I'm pretty new to jquery, but I really love the cluetip plugin. I'm
having trouble, though, when I define tips for a series of a
elements which each call different local html data. When I use the
rel attribute to call distinct attribute values for the divs
holding the data (whether id or class), I only get data in the first
cluetip. For the rest I get the tip but it's empty.

Here's the script in my head:

$(document).ready(function() {
$('a.load-local').cluetip({local:true, hideLocal: true, sticky: true,
arrows: true, cursor: 'pointer'});

And here's the html in the body:

a class=load-local href=# rel=.loadmehover here/abr /
div id=loadme class='loadme'Here's some contentbr /here's
another line./div

a class=load-local href=# rel=.loadmeToohover here too/abr /

div id=loadAgain class=loadmeTooHere's some different content./

a class=load-local href=# rel=.loadmeToo2hover here too/
abr /
div id=loadStillAgain class=loadmeToo2Here's some really
different content./div

If I use the rel attribute of all the links to call one common class
for the data divs then I get the appropriate data showing up in each
tip. But then only the first data div is hidden. All the rest in the
series are left visible in the document body (as well as being cloned
in the cluetip).

Here's the html I'm using in that case:

a class=load-local href=# rel=.loadmehover here/abr /
div id=loadme class='loadme'Here's some contentbr /here's
another line./div

a class=load-local href=# rel=.loadmehover here too/abr /
div id=loadAgain class='loadme'Here's some different content./

a class=load-local href=# rel=.loadmehover here too/abr /
div id=loadStillAgain class='loadme'Here's some really different

Am I doing something wrong? This is a trivial example, of course, but
the principle applies to a larger web-app I'm working on.



[jQuery] Re: comma-seperated multiple emails validation

2009-04-09 Thread phazei

You can use the custom methods.  View source on this example:

jQuery.validator.addMethod(email_multiple, function(value, element,
param) {
return this.optional(element) || /^[((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%'\*\+\-\/=\?
}, jQuery.validator.messages.email);

I think I modded it right, it's untested.  I went:
[regex([,]?|[;]?)[ ]?]+
(seperated by a optional ',' or ';' followed by an optional space)

On Apr 8, 5:39 pm, Buntu J buntu.w...@gmail.com wrote:

 Is there a way to reuse the email method in the Validate plugin on the input
 field which takes multiple email addresses separated by comma?

 Thanks for the help!

[jQuery] [validate] response from remote rule

2009-04-09 Thread phazei

Jörn, or anyone else familiar with the jQuery validator and ajax

I am making a form that asks for the persons address, but when they
type in the zip code, I need to both check it from in a db and make
sure it's listed, and if it is, return the city and state.

I figured out the validator needs the ajax to specifically return the
text 'false' to be invalid, and anything else evaluates to valid.

But I need to take the response data and do stuff with it.  I tried
remote: { success: function(){ ... } }
But it overwrites the default one.  I tried copying all the data from
the default into mine, but nothing happened then.

I was able to .bind ajaxSuccess to the body, but if I alert
(response.toSource()), it shows data:(void 0) no matter what and
undefined if I alert(response.data).

I can use:
remote: { complete: function(){ ... } }
But it doesn't have the data

How can I get the data back to play with without modding the validate
class?  I can use the complete call back if I can get the data.  If I
do need to mod it, I was just going to throw it into a global var at
the beginning of the success call.


[jQuery] JSON , PHP, MySQL, and jQuery

2009-04-09 Thread Renato Untalan

I'm having trouble parsing JSON in Javascript.

The response i'm getting from PHP when making a request is:
{'name': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'25', 'height': '170',
'weight': '120'},
{'name': 'Jane', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'26', 'height': '175',
'weight': '121'},
{'name': 'Jack', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'27', 'height': '180',
'weight': '122'} ]

How would I go about parsing this in Javascript?  Am I not encoding it
correctly on the PHP Side?

$.get(includes/functions_inside.php, {function : getAppList},
function(data, textStatus){
alert( data[0] );

Here's my PHP:

$AppListQuery = $insideDB-customQuery($query);
$rows = array();
while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($AppListQuery)) {
$rows[] = $r;
print json_encode($rows);

Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] [validate] form is sending despite the fact the form is not complete

2009-04-09 Thread sebastian

Just like the subject says, my form is sending despite the fact that
the form is not complete. The same happens if there are errors in the
form. I've attached the JS and the HTML. Any help is greatly
appreciated. I'm testing it locally right now.

rules: {
firstname: {
lettersonly: true,
required: true
last: {
lettersonly: true,
required: true
address: {
required: true
city: {
lettersonly: true,
required: true
state: {
required: true,
drop: true,
required: true
zip: {
zipcode: true,
required: true
numfirst: {
digits: true,
required: true
numsecond: {
digits: true,
required: true
numthird: {
digits: true,
required: true
tickets: {
drop: true,
required: true
email: {
email: true,
required: true
messages: {
firstname: Please enter a valid first name,
last: Please enter a valid last name,
address: Please enter a valid address,
city: Please enter a valid city,
state: Please enter a valid state,
zip: Please enter a valid zip code,
numfirst: Please enter the first three numbers of your 
numsecond: Please enter the second three numbers of 
your phone
numthird: Please enter the first last four of your 
phone number,
tickets: Please enter a number of tickets you would 
email: Please enter a valid email address
errorPlacement: function(error, element){
if(element.attr('name') == 'email')
$('br /').insertBefore('label.error');
else if(element.attr('name') == 'numfirst')
else if(element.attr('name') == 'numsecond')
$('br /').insertAfter(element);

form id=reserve method=post action=http://localhost/agraboats/
First Name: input type=textvalue= name=firstname
id=firstname /br /

Last Name: input type=textvalue= name=last id=last 
/br /
Address: input type=textvalue= name=address id=address 
br /
City: input type=textvalue= name=city id=city /br /
select name=state size=1 id=state
option value=ALAlabama/optionoption 
optionoption value=AZArizona/optionoption value=ARArkansas/
optionoption value=CACalifornia/optionoption
value=COColorado/optionoption value=CTConnecticut/
optionoption value=DEDelaware/optionoption value=DCDist of
Columbia/optionoption value=FLFlorida/optionoption
value=GAGeorgia/optionoption value=HIHawaii/optionoption
value=IDIdaho/optionoption value=ILIllinois/optionoption
value=INIndiana/optionoption value=IAIowa/optionoption
value=KSKansas/optionoption value=KYKentucky/optionoption

[jQuery] How to select :inp...@type=text] OR :inp...@type=password]

2009-04-09 Thread Nick Boutelier

How do you use an OR statement in a selector function? For example...

   // do something to a text or password input

[jQuery] toggle function failed in tomcat

2009-04-09 Thread cong

when i use   this address file:///D:/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/webapps/tree/tree.html
 it works.
when i use   http://localhost:8080/tree/tree.html
it failed.

why ? could you help me? THANK YOU!


ul class=root id=0
img id=img1 src=img/plus.gif /img src=img/folder.gif/



$(#+this.id+  img:first).attr(src,img/minus.gif);

  $(#+this.id+  img:first).attr(src,img/plus.gif);


[jQuery] Re: JSON , PHP, MySQL, and jQuery

2009-04-09 Thread donb

$.get(includes/functions_inside.php, {function :
function(data, textStatus){
alert( data[0] );

Specify the return data type as 'json'.

On Apr 8, 10:21 pm, Renato Untalan phis...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm having trouble parsing JSON in Javascript.

 The response i'm getting from PHP when making a request is:
 {'name': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'25', 'height': '170',
 'weight': '120'},
 {'name': 'Jane', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'26', 'height': '175',
 'weight': '121'},
 {'name': 'Jack', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'27', 'height': '180',
 'weight': '122'} ]

 How would I go about parsing this in Javascript?  Am I not encoding it
 correctly on the PHP Side?

 Here's my JAVASCRIPT:
         $.get(includes/functions_inside.php, {function : getAppList},
                 function(data, textStatus){
                         alert( data[0] );

 Here's my PHP:

         $AppListQuery = $insideDB-customQuery($query);
         $rows = array();
         while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($AppListQuery)) {
             $rows[] = $r;
         print json_encode($rows);

 Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: How to select :inp...@type=text] OR :inp...@type=password]

2009-04-09 Thread MorningZ

First off, lose the @ if you are planning on using version 1.3.1 or
higher of the jQuery library

second, the docs are your friend
http://docs.jquery.com/Selectors (see the last item in the basics
section on the top)

$(:text, :password)

On Apr 9, 1:53 am, Nick Boutelier nboutel...@gmail.com wrote:
 How do you use an OR statement in a selector function? For example...

    // do something to a text or password input


[jQuery] IE display issue

2009-04-09 Thread Tim

i am setting reducing a tbody height when the user clicks a row and
then showing content below the table.  in IE7 when i show() or set
display to block for the content below the table, IE resets the tbody
height to the original size such that it overlaps my content.  i've
put the code in to reset the height again, but it doesn't do anything
at that point.  any ideas?

[jQuery] Potential Bug with next()

2009-04-09 Thread James Hughes
Please see the sample code below.  Running it in FF and checking the
console should give you the error I am seeing.  I know the code is
pretty weird - it is simply an experiment.  But when I warp a retrieved
Comment node (using contents) and do .next() it seems to skip the actual
sibling it should get.  Is this a bug?




script src=http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js;/script


  $.annotated = function(filter, root){



filter = (filter.constructor == String)?[filter]:filter;



  var annotations = $(root ||



  var annotated = annotations.map(


  var target = $(this).next();

  console.log(.next() == , target)

  console.log(but nextSibling ==, this.nextSibling)

  return target;




  return $( $.unique(annotated.get()) );









body id=body


form id=frm1

input id=text001 type=text /br/

!...@constraints({mandatory:true})--input id=text002






James Hughes | Senior Software Engineer | Kainos | DD: +44 (0)28 9057
1100 | Fax: +44 (0)28 9057 1101 | j.hug...@kainos.com


This e-mail is intended solely for the addressee and is strictly confidential; 
if you are not the addressee please destroy the message and all copies. Any 
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relate to the business of Kainos 
is personal to the sender and is not given by or endorsed by Kainos. Kainos is 
the trading name of Kainos Software Limited, registered in Northern Ireland 
under company number: NI19370, having its registered offices at: Kainos House, 
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free; further terms and conditions may be 
found on our website - www.kainos.com 

[jQuery] Re: JSON , PHP, MySQL, and jQuery

2009-04-09 Thread Chuck Harmston

Alternatively, you can use jQuery's $.getJSON() function, which
automatically parses the JSON data and returns if as a Javascript

Chuck Harmston

On Thursday, April 9, 2009, donb falconwatc...@comcast.net wrote:

         $.get(includes/functions_inside.php, {function :
                 function(data, textStatus){
                         alert( data[0] );

 Specify the return data type as 'json'.

 On Apr 8, 10:21 pm, Renato Untalan phis...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm having trouble parsing JSON in Javascript.

 The response i'm getting from PHP when making a request is:
 {'name': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'25', 'height': '170',
 'weight': '120'},
 {'name': 'Jane', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'26', 'height': '175',
 'weight': '121'},
 {'name': 'Jack', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'27', 'height': '180',
 'weight': '122'} ]

 How would I go about parsing this in Javascript?  Am I not encoding it
 correctly on the PHP Side?

 Here's my JAVASCRIPT:
         $.get(includes/functions_inside.php, {function : getAppList},
                 function(data, textStatus){
                         alert( data[0] );

 Here's my PHP:

         $AppListQuery = $insideDB-customQuery($query);
         $rows = array();
         while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($AppListQuery)) {
             $rows[] = $r;
         print json_encode($rows);

 Thanks in advance!

Chuck Harmston
Cell: (612) 961-0690

[jQuery] Is jquery safe ?

2009-04-09 Thread Devesh


I am using the latest version of jquery. I want to confirm that is
there any type virus or trozan with the latest version of jquery. I
have searched it on google a lot, but not able to find any exact
answer. Please confirm me.

Devesh M

[jQuery] Re: first child

2009-04-09 Thread bart

Thank you all very much for replying. Mauricio's code worked for me :)

var el = $('#continer *:first').is('h2');
alert(el); // returns true if first child is H2, false otherwise

Again, thanks! :)

On Apr 7, 10:04 pm, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think I understand what you want. Try this:

 $('#content :first-child')[0].tagName.toLowerCase(); // Will return
 a if it's an anchor, div for a div, img for an image tag, etc.

 On Apr 7, 12:37 pm, Mauricio \(Maujor\) Samy Silva

 css.mau...@gmail.com wrote:
   var $el = xx.is('h2'); //if it indeed matches a h2, returns true?

  var el = $('#continer *:first').is('h2');
  alert(el); // returns true if first child is H2, false otherwise.


[jQuery] Re: How to select :inp...@type=text] OR :inp...@type=password]

2009-04-09 Thread Chuck Harmston


Chuck Harmston

On Thursday, April 9, 2009, Nick Boutelier nboutel...@gmail.com wrote:

 How do you use an OR statement in a selector function? For example...

    // do something to a text or password input

Chuck Harmston
Cell: (612) 961-0690

[jQuery] Re: why i getting Error: form.ajaxSubmit is not a function

2009-04-09 Thread Thomas Allen

On Apr 9, 2:26 am, Hellofrom hellof...@gmail.com wrote:
 I try to use Form plug in with Validaiton plug in
 i get the following error if firefox
 Error: form.ajaxSubmit is not a function

 can someone help me please

I'd like to. Could you please post your code that produces this error?


[jQuery] Re: Something like this

2009-04-09 Thread iTHING

yeah, that's like a easter present.

On 8 Apr., 19:00, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 this might do it for you:


 - Jack

 my.analyt...@gmx.de wrote:
  Hey Folk,

  I saw thes two nice sites and want to try out, how this will work.


  What do I mean?
  I mean the full filled backgroundimage, that resize after scale the

  Does somebody know a tutorial or an other approach.

  Thakxx for your help
  Best regards

[jQuery] Endeavour: translating X-Library functionality click-n-drag checkboxes into Jquery

2009-04-09 Thread Lwangaman

I thought I'd undertake the endeavour of translating into jquery the
neat little click-n-drag checkboxes functionality of cross-
browser.com's X-library. This functionality allows for multiple
checkbox selection or de-selection by simply clicking on one of them
and then dragging the mouse over the others.

I began mentioning this in another post, but I figured that perhaps a
new post with the right title would be better. Rather than re-post all
the code though, here's a reference to the message where the full code
of both the X-library functions and my attempted translation of them
is posted:


I doesn't quite seem to work though, none of my checkboxes are getting
selected either on click or on drag. Any javascript - jquery experts
have any ideas on what needs to be perfected?

When I run it in Internet Explorer, the debugger gives me this
Cannnot assign to a function result

and it refers to line 56, which should be the one that sets the

48  $(td.mychkbox).each(
50  $(this).bind(
53  if (gCheckedValue != null){
54var eccomi = this;
55var eccoti = $(eccomi).find(input:checkbox);
56*   $(eccoti).attr(checked) = gCheckedValue;
57  }
59  });

[jQuery] Re: Is jquery safe ?

2009-04-09 Thread Joseph Le Brech

If you are genuinely asking that question! then no, it's not safe!!

 Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 03:22:27 -0700
 Subject: [jQuery] Is jquery safe ?
 From: erdeveshmis...@gmail.com
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 I am using the latest version of jquery. I want to confirm that is
 there any type virus or trozan with the latest version of jquery. I
 have searched it on google a lot, but not able to find any exact
 answer. Please confirm me.
 Devesh M

Share your photos with Windows Live Photos – Free.

[jQuery] Re: Works in IE7 but not IE6

2009-04-09 Thread Ralph Whitbeck
So the jQuery code isn't working at all?  Sorry your description is  really
vague and I am unsure what the question is without more specific details.

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:56 AM, MauiMan2 cmzieba...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a project that is in the staging environment so unfortunately I
 can't link to it but jQuery works fine in IE7 but has no effect
 whatsoever on IE6. I don't know what sort of code I could possibly
 change to get it to also work in IE6. Any suggestions?

[jQuery] Re: Something like this

2009-04-09 Thread iTHING

yeah, that's like a easter present.

On 8 Apr., 19:00, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:
 this might do it for you:


 - Jack

 my.analyt...@gmx.de wrote:
  Hey Folk,

  I saw thes two nice sites and want to try out, how this will work.


  What do I mean?
  I mean the full filled backgroundimage, that resize after scale the

  Does somebody know a tutorial or an other approach.

  Thakxx for your help
  Best regards

[jQuery] Re: IE display issue

2009-04-09 Thread Thomas Allen

On Apr 9, 8:16 am, Tim t...@timandnoelle.com wrote:
 i am setting reducing a tbody height when the user clicks a row and
 then showing content below the table.  in IE7 when i show() or set
 display to block for the content below the table, IE resets the tbody
 height to the original size such that it overlaps my content.  i've
 put the code in to reset the height again, but it doesn't do anything
 at that point.  any ideas?

Can we see your code?


[jQuery] Re: jqPlot - New charting plugin

2009-04-09 Thread Chris Leonello

 So the difference between jqPlot and Flot is that jqPlot is extensible or
 that your plugin will take plugins of it's own?

Both.  jqPlot is new from the ground up.  I did not base it off of the
Flot code.  I need to expand the documentation to show how to use it
and how to write plugins.  Coming soon!

 Are there other differences?  Can jqPlot do the same examples as 

I will put together a example page, it will probably serve as good
documentation also.

There are other differences. Most of the coding was done in the last 2
weeks, so much of the feature set is not yet implemented.  For
example, Flot does bar graphs and zooming. I have implimented log
axes, with Flot you need a custom patch.  I do plan on implementing
many of the same features because I need them on my projects.

The main difference with Flot is the way the code is structured.  If
someone needs some custom capability, say striping rows on the grid,
it would be easy for the programmer to implement this as a custom grid
renderer plugin in jqPlot.  He wouldn't have to worry about updates in
the core code breaking his customizations.  His plugin could also (if
desired) be offered to everyone else as a new jqPlot feature without
having to be merged into jqPlot.

On Apr 8, 10:32 pm, Ralph Whitbeck ralph.whitb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey Chris,

 So the difference between jqPlot and Flot is that jqPlot is extensible or
 that your plugin will take plugins of it's own?

 That's pretty cool if I got that right.

 Are there other differences?  Can jqPlot do the same examples as 


 On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Chris Leonello 


  I'd like to announce jqPlot, a new charting plugin for jQuery.  jqPlot
  was inspired by Flot, but has a more extensible plugin like
  architecture.  For example, logarithmic axes are supported through a
  logAxes plugin renderer.

  There is a loose coupling between user inputs, data handling, and
  drawing of the chart objects.  All graph elements are created through
  renderers.  This means that, independent of the jqPlot core code, a
  new renderer to e.g. draw spider graphs can be written and plugged in.

  The jqPlot home page can be found here::


  Documentation is here:


  and I've set up a discussion group at:

  jqPlot is fully functional, but is still under heavy development.
  There may be bugs and not all features are implemented yet.  Some of
  the current jqPlot features:

  * Line/scatter graphs.
  * Customizable line markers and line styles.
  * Dual x/y axis support.
  * Logarithmic x/y axis support (through plugin).
  * Axis customizations including turning off tick marks and sprintf
  style tick label formatting.
  * Chart title, legend and grid formating and customization.

  Features I'm currently working on:

  * Better, stronger, faster documentation.
  * Automatic trend line calculation.
  * Bar/Column charts.
  * Hi lo close (candlestick) charts.
  * Bubble charts.
  * Interactive features including highlighting and event support.

  Take a look.  Give it a try.  Let me know what you think.  All
  comments, criticisms and feedback are welcome.

[jQuery] Re: Is jquery safe ?

2009-04-09 Thread Thomas Allen

Oh, it gives you a virus...the virus of a clean API for the DOM.

Some people in comp.lang.javascript would argue that jQuery itself is
a virus, but they're a bit off-kilter.


On Apr 9, 6:22 am, Devesh erdeveshmis...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am using the latest version of jquery. I want to confirm that is
 there any type virus or trozan with the latest version of jquery. I
 have searched it on google a lot, but not able to find any exact
 answer. Please confirm me.

 Devesh M

[jQuery] Re: Newbie--can't get cycle plugin to work with anchor

2009-04-09 Thread yulucyhan2008

Um, it still doesn't work--the cycle stops as soon as I add after:
onAfter, though the link for the picture.

I don't have a test website--like I said, I'm a newbie to this stuff,
so I'm not really sure how it all works.  Do you mind if I send you a
zip file of the website via e-mail?

On Apr 5, 1:12 pm, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  There's a lot more to the code (of course), but I selected what I
  thought was necessary--if you want, I could put my whole entire
  website into a zip file and send it to you.

 You should give the anchors a 'block' display style:

 #slideshow a { display: block }

 If that doesn't work then please post a link to your website.


[jQuery] Re: Jquery simple problem

2009-04-09 Thread Nabeel Faruqui

Resolved through this code.

return false;

On Apr 2, 11:45 am, Nabeel Faruqui nabeel.faru...@gmail.com wrote:
 remember that on this page we are using the ATLAS control also. I
 think AJAX Atlas might be creating the issue. any resolutions ?

 On Apr 1, 4:03 pm,NabeelFaruqui nabeel.faru...@gmail.com wrote:

  This is my simple jquery code. I have included it in the head of html

  script type=text/javascript
          jQuery(function() {

              jQuery('#slick-toggle').click(function() {
          return false;


  the problem is that every time AJAX postback occures, and when i click
  the slickbox button, it is fired as many times the AJAX postback
  occures. i.e. If 3 postbacks, the slickbox.click function is fired 3
  times. I dont want that. I need that to be fired only one time.

  Let me know.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Problem with .click even fired as many times the page refreshes

2009-04-09 Thread Nabeel Faruqui

Resolved through this code

return false;

On Apr 1, 3:50 pm, Nabeel Faruqui nabeel.faru...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have the followin code in my html

 script type=text/javascript
         jQuery(function() {

             jQuery('#slick-toggle').click(function() {
         return false;


 The problem is that when the page is refreshed due to an AJAX postback
 the function is called again. This is allright. But the main problem
 is that when I click the slick-toggle link, it is fired as many times
 the page has been refreshed due to AJAX. i.e. if we have 5 ajax
 postback, the slickbox.toggle function will be fired for 5 times and
 so on. I dont know the solution of it.


[jQuery] Re: Is jquery safe ?

2009-04-09 Thread MorningZ

While i agreed with the underlying thoughts above that the question is
ridiculous...  I have had some members on my primary site tell me that
Norton reporting jquery.js as a dangerous file

But that's Norton's fault, not jQuery's by any means

On Apr 9, 9:10 am, Thomas Allen thomasmal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Oh, it gives you a virus...the virus of a clean API for the DOM.

 Some people in comp.lang.javascript would argue that jQuery itself is
 a virus, but they're a bit off-kilter.


 On Apr 9, 6:22 am, Devesh erdeveshmis...@gmail.com wrote:


  I am using the latest version of jquery. I want to confirm that is
  there any type virus or trozan with the latest version of jquery. I
  have searched it on google a lot, but not able to find any exact
  answer. Please confirm me.

  Devesh M

[jQuery] Re: Adding incremental numbered classes to divs

2009-04-09 Thread brian

That seems like you're fighting against the convention. Why create a
zillion classes when these same divs already have an incremented ID?
(The ID being the proper place to do this sort of thin, in the 1st

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:31 AM, Brain Lava nic...@brainlava.com wrote:

 I'm really new to jQuery and have been struggling with a concept that
 I would think is pretty simple but I can't seem to find anything
 online that does what I need.

 I'm using NextGen Gallery for Wordpress and I would like to assign an
 incremental class to each div that the gallery outputs.  For example
 the gallery gives me the following code:

 div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
   div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
   div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
   div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div

 What I would like to do is replace the append class of the interior
 divs with a number that automatically increments by 1:
 div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
   div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-1/div
   div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-2/div
   div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-3/div

 I've seen this done in carousel scripts but I can't seem to figure out
 how they do it.

 Any help would be greatly apprecaited.

[jQuery] Re: IE display issue

2009-04-09 Thread Tim

you can go to the following link.


username: thanks
password: thanks

when you click on a row in IE you will see the issue.  for some
reason, after i use the following code:


this code doesn't have any affect:

$(.tableContainer tabletbody).css(height,130px);

this still works:


however, if i put the last two lines first, they both work and then IE
reverts the tbody height back to its original value and i can't change

[jQuery] Re: IE display issue

2009-04-09 Thread Tim

sorry, try this:

username: thankyou
password: thankyou

may take 30 minutes to work

[jQuery] Re: Is jquery safe ?

2009-04-09 Thread Ralph Whitbeck
Confirmed, it's safe.

You can be sure that the jQuery source on Google AJAX Libraries API's is
safe as they will do a independent review before posting if you still don't
trust that jQuery is virus free.



On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:34 AM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 While i agreed with the underlying thoughts above that the question is
 ridiculous...  I have had some members on my primary site tell me that
 Norton reporting jquery.js as a dangerous file

 But that's Norton's fault, not jQuery's by any means

 On Apr 9, 9:10 am, Thomas Allen thomasmal...@gmail.com wrote:
  Oh, it gives you a virus...the virus of a clean API for the DOM.
  Some people in comp.lang.javascript would argue that jQuery itself is
  a virus, but they're a bit off-kilter.
  On Apr 9, 6:22 am, Devesh erdeveshmis...@gmail.com wrote:
   I am using the latest version of jquery. I want to confirm that is
   there any type virus or trozan with the latest version of jquery. I
   have searched it on google a lot, but not able to find any exact
   answer. Please confirm me.
   Devesh M

[jQuery] Select all last cells of all rows?

2009-04-09 Thread MorningZ

I swear I've seen a post asking this before, one that I even
participated in, but damned if i can find it

given this table structure

  tdR1C1 Data/td
  tdR1C2 Data/td
  tdR1C3 Data/td ***
  tdR2C1 Data/td
  tdR2C2 Data/td
  tdR2C3 Data/td ***
  tdR3C1 Data/td
  tdR3C2 Data/td
  tdR3C3 Data/td ***

How can i select all the last cells that I denoted by *** ??

I am currently doing:

$(table tbody tr).each(function() {
  $(this).find(td:last).click(... my event here );

but is that doable without the .each ?

[jQuery] Re: Is jquery safe ?

2009-04-09 Thread ryan.j

if you're not 100% confident in it you can just link to the google
APIs link in your HTML files...

script type=text/javascript src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/

where did you get your suspect copy of jquery? i guess it's possible
there are some dodgy files packaged up as jquery kicking around the
darkest corners of the internet, but javascript isn't really the ideal
language to write a trojan in ;)

On Apr 9, 11:22 am, Devesh erdeveshmis...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am using the latest version of jquery. I want to confirm that is
 there any type virus or trozan with the latest version of jquery. I
 have searched it on google a lot, but not able to find any exact
 answer. Please confirm me.

 Devesh M

[jQuery] Re: Is jquery safe ?

2009-04-09 Thread brian

Why am I picturing John Resig with a gaping hole in his tooth?

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 6:22 AM, Devesh erdeveshmis...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am using the latest version of jquery. I want to confirm that is
 there any type virus or trozan with the latest version of jquery. I
 have searched it on google a lot, but not able to find any exact
 answer. Please confirm me.

 Devesh M

[jQuery] Re: Select all last cells of all rows?

2009-04-09 Thread ryan.j

could you not just do $('tr td:last').click()?

On Apr 9, 2:56 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 I swear I've seen a post asking this before, one that I even
 participated in, but damned if i can find it

 given this table structure

           tdR1C1 Data/td
           tdR1C2 Data/td
           tdR1C3 Data/td ***
           tdR2C1 Data/td
           tdR2C2 Data/td
           tdR2C3 Data/td ***
           tdR3C1 Data/td
           tdR3C2 Data/td
           tdR3C3 Data/td ***

 How can i select all the last cells that I denoted by *** ??

 I am currently doing:

 $(table tbody tr).each(function() {
       $(this).find(td:last).click(... my event here );


 but is that doable without the .each ?

[jQuery] Re: Is jquery safe ?

2009-04-09 Thread Jordon Bedwell

No, it's not a trojan.  The alert you are probably getting about it is a
false positive.  The only AV company I have seen this caused by is Comodo
because it uses a very advanced heuristics application approach to finding
viruses and trojans in the wild preventing them before they are even aware
they are there and some newer versions of Norton which has recently started
to advance in the area of Advance Heuristics.  You can confirm it is not a
threat yourself by emailing the file you downloaded that it is reporting to
avl...@comodo.com or virus_resea...@avertlabs.com; simply pack the files and
email it off.  If you plan to email it to Avertlabs then please make sure
you password the zip with the password infected (without quotes ofcourse).
Avert will do an automatic submission and test it automatically and email
you back if no threat is found, if it's engine is wigging out on the
threat-o-metre then it will be elevated and take upto a week, but either
way, in short, no, JQuery is not a trojan.

Mcafee: http://vil.nai.com/vil/submit-sample.aspx
Norton: http://www.symantec.com/business/security_response/submitsamples.jsp
Comodo: avl...@comodo.com

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Devesh
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 5:22 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Is jquery safe ?


I am using the latest version of jquery. I want to confirm that is
there any type virus or trozan with the latest version of jquery. I
have searched it on google a lot, but not able to find any exact
answer. Please confirm me.

Devesh M

[jQuery] Re: Select all last cells of all rows?

2009-04-09 Thread ryan.j

aah, to do it that way you'd need to assign each row an id and include
a selector for each wouldn't you.

On Apr 9, 2:56 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 I swear I've seen a post asking this before, one that I even
 participated in, but damned if i can find it

 given this table structure

           tdR1C1 Data/td
           tdR1C2 Data/td
           tdR1C3 Data/td ***
           tdR2C1 Data/td
           tdR2C2 Data/td
           tdR2C3 Data/td ***
           tdR3C1 Data/td
           tdR3C2 Data/td
           tdR3C3 Data/td ***

 How can i select all the last cells that I denoted by *** ??

 I am currently doing:

 $(table tbody tr).each(function() {
       $(this).find(td:last).click(... my event here );


 but is that doable without the .each ?

[jQuery] Re: Adding incremental numbered classes to divs

2009-04-09 Thread Ralph Whitbeck
You can use .each to iterate through each div element and increment the
classname or ID via it's index.

$(div).each(function(i) {
$(this).addClass(classname + i);



On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:37 AM, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:

 That seems like you're fighting against the convention. Why create a
 zillion classes when these same divs already have an incremented ID?
 (The ID being the proper place to do this sort of thin, in the 1st

 On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:31 AM, Brain Lava nic...@brainlava.com wrote:
  I'm really new to jQuery and have been struggling with a concept that
  I would think is pretty simple but I can't seem to find anything
  online that does what I need.
  I'm using NextGen Gallery for Wordpress and I would like to assign an
  incremental class to each div that the gallery outputs.  For example
  the gallery gives me the following code:
  div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
  What I would like to do is replace the append class of the interior
  divs with a number that automatically increments by 1:
  div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-1/div
div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-2/div
div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-3/div
  I've seen this done in carousel scripts but I can't seem to figure out
  how they do it.
  Any help would be greatly apprecaited.

[jQuery] Re: Select all last cells of all rows?

2009-04-09 Thread ryan.j

$(tr td:last-child).click(function () {

On Apr 9, 3:01 pm, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:
 could you not just do $('tr td:last').click()?

 On Apr 9, 2:56 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  I swear I've seen a post asking this before, one that I even
  participated in, but damned if i can find it

  given this table structure

            tdR1C1 Data/td
            tdR1C2 Data/td
            tdR1C3 Data/td ***
            tdR2C1 Data/td
            tdR2C2 Data/td
            tdR2C3 Data/td ***
            tdR3C1 Data/td
            tdR3C2 Data/td
            tdR3C3 Data/td ***

  How can i select all the last cells that I denoted by *** ??

  I am currently doing:

  $(table tbody tr).each(function() {
        $(this).find(td:last).click(... my event here );


  but is that doable without the .each ?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Malsup Cycle Plugin (advanced pager not working in IE)

2009-04-09 Thread Donna Vitan

Sweet jebus, thank you so much. That fixed the problem right up.

On Apr 8, 8:28 pm, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm trying to use the advancedpagersimilar to 

  However, it only works in FF and not inIE.
  My test page:http://cascodesign.ca/clients/lennard/listing.html

  I think it's great that this will auto generate thepagerthumbnails!
  Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

 You need to remove the trailing comma after

 random: 1,

[jQuery] Re: Select all last cells of all rows?

2009-04-09 Thread ryan.j

aah, skip that - you'd need to give each row an id and broaden the
selector for that to work wouldn't you.

On Apr 9, 3:01 pm, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:
 could you not just do $('tr td:last').click()?

 On Apr 9, 2:56 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  I swear I've seen a post asking this before, one that I even
  participated in, but damned if i can find it

  given this table structure

            tdR1C1 Data/td
            tdR1C2 Data/td
            tdR1C3 Data/td ***
            tdR2C1 Data/td
            tdR2C2 Data/td
            tdR2C3 Data/td ***
            tdR3C1 Data/td
            tdR3C2 Data/td
            tdR3C3 Data/td ***

  How can i select all the last cells that I denoted by *** ??

  I am currently doing:

  $(table tbody tr).each(function() {
        $(this).find(td:last).click(... my event here );


  but is that doable without the .each ?

[jQuery] jQuery function to click a link on the page

2009-04-09 Thread CaptainABrad


I have this almost working. When you drop the icons on the iMac
Screen, the pages are supposed to load in a new tab. I was doing this
by trying to have the action on drop click on a link on the page. I
have things pretty close, but then realized that .click() will not
work on actions which do not have .click() behaviors handled by
jQuery. I also tried .trigger('click') to no avail. Right now, the
drop function is working, but I removed the best functionality I had,
which was to have the sites open in the current tab (which defeats the
purpose in my mind).

Stated simply, is there a way to either:
1) Click a link on a page with jQuery, or
2) Open a link in a new tab.


[jQuery] Re: Node click behavior

2009-04-09 Thread edik

I'm too searching for a way to change the click behaviour of the nodes
(without touching the plugin-source), so that ONLY  +/- expands/
collapses the node and not the click on the SPAN element inside the LI-
Anybody any suggestions?

Thanks a lot

On 10 Mrz., 21:04, Ryan grigg...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there a way to make a node in thetreeviewexpand/collapse ONLY if
 the +/- is clicked but not the folder icon or folder name but still
 make the node selectable?

[jQuery] [autocomplete] multiple option duplicates

2009-04-09 Thread leolanksf...@googlemail.com


This is probably something very simple that ive overlooked and cant
find the answer to but here it goes anyway:

On the Multiple Birds (remote): demo you can add multiple items,
however you can also add the same item twice.

Is there a way to post back to the db script the items that have
already been selected so that they no longer appear in the
autocomplete box.

Hope that makes sense



[jQuery] Re: Is jquery safe ?

2009-04-09 Thread Rey Bango

Right. That happens on occasion with packed  minified versions of jQuery.


MorningZ wrote:
 While i agreed with the underlying thoughts above that the question is
 ridiculous...  I have had some members on my primary site tell me that
 Norton reporting jquery.js as a dangerous file
 But that's Norton's fault, not jQuery's by any means
 On Apr 9, 9:10 am, Thomas Allen thomasmal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Oh, it gives you a virus...the virus of a clean API for the DOM.

 Some people in comp.lang.javascript would argue that jQuery itself is
 a virus, but they're a bit off-kilter.


 On Apr 9, 6:22 am, Devesh erdeveshmis...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am using the latest version of jquery. I want to confirm that is
 there any type virus or trozan with the latest version of jquery. I
 have searched it on google a lot, but not able to find any exact
 answer. Please confirm me.
 Devesh M

[jQuery] Re: Is jquery safe ?

2009-04-09 Thread Rey Bango

One other note. Please only download jQuery from the official site or 
use the version hosted on Google's CDN. Here are the official site links:

http://jqueryui.com/ (for the jQuery UI library)

Downloading jQuery from any site other than the ones listed above is not 
recommended as we can't guarantee the validity of the code.

jQuery Project Team

Devesh wrote:
 I am using the latest version of jquery. I want to confirm that is
 there any type virus or trozan with the latest version of jquery. I
 have searched it on google a lot, but not able to find any exact
 answer. Please confirm me.
 Devesh M

[jQuery] JCarousel Dynamic source - Overwrite problem

2009-04-09 Thread JD


I need a bit of help.
I am using JCarousel.

I need 1 Carousel on my page, but I want to be able to change the
source of the data going to the carousel based on what the user

For example - set of images and text that is for Paris, one for Rome
and one for Hong Kong... the user selects which set to see and the
proper set loads in the carousel.

I have the carousel working.
I have the different set of images in different arrays.

I have the links set.. .but what happens is the new data set
blinks in place for a second and then the orignal (on load set) pops
back into place.

Clearly some type of reload is happening.

No idea how to fix this.

(Sorry my example code is behind a firewall, so can't show it.

Please help.


[jQuery] Re: Is jquery safe ?

2009-04-09 Thread Rey Bango

Hi Devesh,

I'm not sure if you're concerned because your virus scanner reported 
something or because you'd like to have some assurances that what you're 
downloading is legitimate. I'll address both just in case.

1) Virus Scanner Reported Something: In some instances, anti-virus 
programs have reported a false positive on packed versions of various 
libraries in jQuery. It's definitely a false positive and not a virus in 
any way.

2) The jQuery downloads are basically text files that we manage  the 
project has been active for 3 years now. We have a tremendous number of 
large scale users leveraging jQuery so you can rest assured you're in 
good company. You can see a list of them here:


As Ralph mentioned, the fact that Google hosts the jQuery library on 
their CDN is a good indicator of the safety level of the library.

In terms of viruses  jQuery, you should be fine.

If you're concerned about downloading it from our site or using the 
Google hosted version, please feel free to download the code and create 
your own version of it. This will give you the best level of control 
over the build process:


We want you to enjoy your experience with jQuery and provide the best 
option available for your usage.


jQuery Project Team

Devesh wrote:
 I am using the latest version of jquery. I want to confirm that is
 there any type virus or trozan with the latest version of jquery. I
 have searched it on google a lot, but not able to find any exact
 answer. Please confirm me.
 Devesh M

[jQuery] Re: Flash content over BlockUI on Firefox in Windows

2009-04-09 Thread James Diamond

Thank you very much.  I would have never noticed it, probably cause I
haven't used flash this way either.  Our designer gave me the flash
this way.

On Apr 8, 7:19 pm, Danilo Celic dan...@shimmerphase.com wrote:

 It appears that you've added the wmode to the OBJECT and EMBED tag,
 however, if you take a closer look at the code, you should notice that
 you made the changes within a NOSCRIPT tag. You'll need to update the
 AC_FL_RunContent() to pass in the appropriate parameters to set wmode
 to transparent. I don't use that function, but it appears that you
 pass in a name and a value as separate parameters, so add new line
 below the quality entry like so:

 Note the trailing comma.

[jQuery] Individual Custom Message [validate]

2009-04-09 Thread dotcomtim

I am working on a custom filter to check for errors by adding the
addMethod() function within the jQuery Validation Plugin. I have
success so far with most of it except for the last few items.

1) Individual Messages – I like to replace the alert messages to
append their own message. I tried several methods according to the
plugin except I keep getting this error Warning: No message defined
for keywords. I can eliminate this by adding a common error message
for keywords except I am looking for individual messages.

Here is what I have add success with so far.
$.validator.addMethod(keywords, function(value, element) {
if (this.optional(element)) {
return true;
var valid = true;
var keywords = value.split(',');
var valid = (value.length  0);
for (var i in keywords) {
keyword = Trim(keywords[i]);
if (keyword.length  3) {
//alert('to short '+keyword);
var valid = false;
else if (keyword.length  30) {
//alert('to long '+keyword);
var valid = false;
else if (keyword.match(/\b\w+\b/g).length  2) {
//alert('to many words '+keyword);
var valid = false;
// else if (duplicates) { }
// else if (each word greater than 2 characters) {}
return valid;

If I can get help with item 1 I would appreciate it allot. Items 2 and
3 are not important unless someone has done something similar I give

2) Validate duplicate words – If 2 keywords are the same fire off an

Allow Example: water, waterfront
Disallowed Example: waterfront, waterfront

3) Validate character length in each word – If an individual word is
less than 3 characters fire off an error.

Allow Example: the waterfront
Disallowed Example: a waterfront

[jQuery] Re: Is jquery safe ?

2009-04-09 Thread Ralph Whitbeck

Here are some official responses to hopefully help in the next search to see
if jQuery is safe:

From my blog: http://ralphwhitbeck.com/2009/04/09/IsJQuerySafe.aspx

From Rey Bango's blog: http://blog.reybango.com/2009/04/09/is-jquery-safe/

I hope this confirms that the team takes jQuery's safety seriously and we
want to ensure that people are comfortable with it's use.


On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Rey Bango r...@reybango.com wrote:

 Hi Devesh,

 I'm not sure if you're concerned because your virus scanner reported
 something or because you'd like to have some assurances that what you're
 downloading is legitimate. I'll address both just in case.

 1) Virus Scanner Reported Something: In some instances, anti-virus
 programs have reported a false positive on packed versions of various
 libraries in jQuery. It's definitely a false positive and not a virus in
 any way.

 2) The jQuery downloads are basically text files that we manage  the
 project has been active for 3 years now. We have a tremendous number of
 large scale users leveraging jQuery so you can rest assured you're in
 good company. You can see a list of them here:


 As Ralph mentioned, the fact that Google hosts the jQuery library on
 their CDN is a good indicator of the safety level of the library.

 In terms of viruses  jQuery, you should be fine.

 If you're concerned about downloading it from our site or using the
 Google hosted version, please feel free to download the code and create
 your own version of it. This will give you the best level of control
 over the build process:


 We want you to enjoy your experience with jQuery and provide the best
 option available for your usage.


 jQuery Project Team

 Devesh wrote:
  I am using the latest version of jquery. I want to confirm that is
  there any type virus or trozan with the latest version of jquery. I
  have searched it on google a lot, but not able to find any exact
  answer. Please confirm me.
  Devesh M

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.event.trigger()

2009-04-09 Thread Paul Thiel

Hey Ariel.

I am traveling much of the day today, so will throw something together
on the plane.

Cheers; P.

On Apr 8, 4:29 pm, Ariel Flesler afles...@gmail.com wrote:
 (Reply to either)

 Can you make a demo out of this ?
 Please put the unminified version of jQuery 1.3.2.

 Ariel Flesler

 On Apr 8, 4:52 pm, Paul Thiel pjth...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi guys.

  Trying again as not sure what happened to the previous post.

  I am using jQuery 1.3.2 and getting some unexpected behavior this

  This works, with the alert being executed when the showpalette event
  is triggered.

  $().bind('showpalette', function() {
    alert('showing palette!');



  However, this does NOT work:

  $().bind('show.palette', function() {
    alert('showing palette!');



  Also, trying to trigger the event with an event object, thus:

     type : 'showpalette',
     palette : palette


  ... also does not work with the bound handler seeing 'undefined' as
  the second parm (after the event object).

  If I trigger the event like this:

  $.event.trigger('showpalette', [palette]);

  ... it is getting though to the handler just fine.

  What am I missing?  Namespacing your events should be just fine in
  this scenario, right?

  Is there something about $.event.trigger() that is different to $

[jQuery] Something is not working in IE7

2009-04-09 Thread iceangel89

i seem to have some funny behavior in IE7 ...

basically i have can add a option to a select elem with a ajaxForm -
http://malsup.com/jquery/form/. then once added, i will repopulate the
select from db.

in Firefox all works fine... in IE7 it seem to work... added and
repopulated dropdown ok. but when i refresh page, and try the added
items are gone.. i am not sure which part has a problem... cos i did a
repopulate after adding an option with the form which WORKS. but after
that it dont ..

[jQuery] Re: Circular jCarousel

2009-04-09 Thread Filipe La Ruina

Ok, i managed to get my data to load the way the example shows. It
iscircular now, although I have a bug that happens when i scroll back
with my controls and click on a 'page' it scrolls to the page but
don't put it in the right position, like, page 3 has to show itens 3
and 4, although after scolling back and clicking 3 it show half 3, 4
and half 1 (i have only 4 itens).

I think that has something to do with positioning and the math the
plug-in does. I'd like to know what i have to do to solve that.

Here are my options:

scroll: 1,
auto: 2,
visible: 2,
initCallback: carousel_controls,
itemVisibleInCallback: {onBeforeAnimation: visibleInCall},
itemVisibleOutCallback: {onAfterAnimation:
wrap: circular,
buttonNextHTML: null,
buttonPrevHTML: null

On Apr 6, 7:05 pm, Filipe La Ruina filaru...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello everyone!
 I'm trying to usejCarouselin a project and the client asks for the
 4 pagescircularslideshow showing two articles at a time, scrolling
 one by one. All that with page controls and next/previous buttons as
 well as an play/pause button.

 Well, I managed to do all the controls needed but couldn't make itcircular. 
 All my data will load with the page, so i'm setting the list
 itens in the html already (all that to say, no ajax involved). I'd
 like to know if someone managed to make static datacircular, since in
 the website (http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/#Examples) there
 is acircularexample that shows only data beeing 'generated' in
 execution time. Well, i can't do that with my data, so i'm asking for
 some help.

 Also, I would appreciate if someone could explain me what the 'wrap:circular' 
 option does, since i see no difference in using it.

 I thank you all for the help,

 Filipe La Ruina

[jQuery] Re: get reference to nested appended element

2009-04-09 Thread miniswi...@gmail.com

thanks for the useful infomation!

On Apr 7, 11:00 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:
 Jonathan's method will get you the child table (the one with id rt0
 from the original OP's example), however Eric's will get you all
 tables that are children of a table, within the context of the parent
 container. So in the latter case, if the parent already had a set of
 nested tables before youappendedthe new set, you'll get both child

 On Apr 7, 1:02 pm, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

  var table = $('table table', parent);

  Be sure to close your inner table tag. IE doesn't like when you try
  and generate fragments of code, iirc.

  On Apr 7, 12:28 pm, Jonathan Sharp, Out West Media jquery-

  li...@outwestmedia.com wrote:
   Another approach you can take is:

   var table = $('tabletrtdtable
                            .appendTo( parent )

   This creates the HTML and then appends it to the parent. Since you 
   created a
   jQuery object with that fragment, calling find will locate the inner 

   - Jonathan

   On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 4:38 AM, miniswi...@gmail.com

hi there, see next example:

parent.append(tabletrtdtable id=\rt0\//td/tr/table);
table = $(#rt0);

is it possible to reference the inside table directly without using
the id to select it?

[jQuery] add custom links on datepicker

2009-04-09 Thread molips

Hi, which would be best way to add some extra links/buttons on
For example i need 2 more options:
3)Today option, which sets values of input field and datepicker UI to
current date
2)A link which clears inputfield value
Do i need to hack the datepicker code or is there a way to create
addons for it ?

[jQuery] simply toggling a div that contains a flash movie

2009-04-09 Thread tetris

to simply toggle a div that contains a flash movie does not work in
firefox,the flash object does not disappear gradually, any thoughts?

$(button).click(function () {


  buttonToggle 'em/button
  object classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-44455354
swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0 width=300 height=250 id=banner
param name=allowScriptAccess value=sameDomain /
param name=allowFullScreen value=false /
param name=movie value=banner.swf /param name=quality
value=best /param name=bgcolor value=#00 / embed
src=banner.swf quality=best bgcolor=#00 width=300
height=250 name=banner align=middle
allowScriptAccess=sameDomain allowFullScreen=false
type=application/x-shockwave-flash pluginspage=http://www.adobe.com/
go/getflashplayer /


[jQuery] jCarousel display and scrolling problems

2009-04-09 Thread Daniel Khan


I am using jCarousel 0.2.3 with jQuery 1.3.2 for displaying flickr
images and slimbox2 to show them in a lightbox.

I'm new to jQuery and I fiddled everything together from examples and
it allready works somehow but ere is my problem:

In FF most of the time only one picture is shown at the beginning.
Firebug also shows this request:
So it only wants to fetch one. Funny enough IE shows 3 images as

This is for IE and FF:
When I try to scroll I can see the next images floating through the
visible area very quickly till they are gone.
Scrolling back doesn't work at all.

It seems as if the .first and .last value is somehow wrong but I have
no clue how they are calculated.

You can see the scroller at http://almdorf-reiteralm.sandbox.khan-it.at/
The jCarousel code is here:

Maybe someone can help me out.

Thanks in advance!


[jQuery] Traversing a XML document

2009-04-09 Thread snakebit

* @param dom_obj xml data
* @param ulObj unordered list element

function buildTree(dom_obj, ulObj){
  dom_obj.children().each(function (i, obj){
buildTree($(this), ulObj.find('ul:last'));

buildTree($(xml), $('#demo ul'))

div id=demo


  Tutorial author=The Reddest
TitleSilverlight and the Netflix API/Title
  CategorySilverlight 2.0/Category




The problem is that Date have to be one level up.
In general when I have 2 elements in a same level, and the second have
children (which don't have children) and after I go through them the
script didn't return in its last level, and is continue from the same

How to make the script to go one level up?

[jQuery] Firefox bug on height

2009-04-09 Thread Main store

Hi everybody,

Thanks for this great carousel, i love it !

I have a bug only on Firefox (IE and Safari OK),
the carousel is here http://www.main-store.fr .

You'll see the bottom of my page is too long.
I have tried to modify the CSS with some Height measurements but
nothing happen..

Can somebody can give me the answer ?
Thanks a lot


[jQuery] truncate problem - why does it show full-size and then shrink after page load?

2009-04-09 Thread Andy

I'm using the Truncate plugin (http://www.reindel.com/truncate/) and
when the page loads, all the DIVs display full size and then after the
page load, they all shrink and show the more link.

I look at the example on the Truncate site and it doesn't behave this

Any ideas?

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[jQuery] JCarousel Circular - Start Over Problem

2009-04-09 Thread JD

I have a page with one JCarousel on it.
I need to be able to switch between different data sources for the
single display carousel.

I have it almost working - however when I execute... it loops around
to the default start state and doesn't keep the new data on
displayit blinks past though.

I really need some help.

Here is the code;

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN http://
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en 
meta content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 http-equiv=Content-Type /

!-- JQUERY --
script type=text/javascript src=http://jquery.com/src/jquery-
script type=text/javascript src=scripts/jquery.jcarousel.js/

link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=css/

link type=text/css rel=stylesheet href=css/carousel.css /

script type=text/javascript

var carousel1_itemList = [
{url: 'images/thumbs/caterpillar.jpg', title: 'The Very Hungry
Caterpillar', Auth: 'Eric Carle', formaturl:'images/formats/book.gif',
{url: 'images/thumbs/peppers.jpg', title: 'Sgt. Peppers Lonely
Hearts Club Band', Auth: 'Beatles', formaturl:'images/formats/
musiconcd.gif', format:'CD'},
{url: 'images/thumbs/postal.jpg', title: 'Going Postal', Auth:
'Terry Pratchett', formaturl:'images/formats/book.gif',
{url: 'images/thumbs/blank.jpg', title: 'Little Women', Auth:
'Louisa may Alcott', formaturl:'images/formats/book.gif',
{url: 'images/thumbs/potter.jpg', title: 'Harry Potter', Auth: 'JK
Rowling', formaturl:'images/formats/DVD.gif', format:'DVD'},
{url: 'images/thumbs/rivals.jpg', title: 'Team of Rivals', Auth:
'Doris Kearns Goodwin', formaturl:'images/formats/book.gif',
{url: 'images/thumbs/rockband.jpg', title: 'Rock Band', Auth:
'Electronic Arts', formaturl:'images/formats/videogame.gif',
format:'Video Game'},
{url: 'images/thumbs/stats.jpg', title: 'Business Stats', Auth:
'Leonard J Kazmier...', formaturl:'images/formats/book.gif',

var carousel2_itemList = [
{url: 'images/thumbs/blank.jpg', title: '222 Little Women', Auth:
'Louisa may Alcott', formaturl:'images/formats/book.gif',
{url: 'images/thumbs/potter.jpg', title: '222 Harry Potter', Auth:
'JK Rowling', formaturl:'images/formats/DVD.gif', format:'DVD'},
{url: 'images/thumbs/rivals.jpg', title: '222 Team of Rivals',
Auth: 'Doris Kearns Goodwin', formaturl:'images/formats/book.gif',
{url: 'images/thumbs/rockband.jpg', title: '222 Rock Band', Auth:
'Electronic Arts', formaturl:'images/formats/videogame.gif',
format:'Video Game'},
{url: 'images/thumbs/stats.jpg', title: '222 Business Stats',
Auth: 'Leonard J Kazmier...', formaturl:'images/formats/book.gif',
{url: 'images/thumbs/caterpillar.jpg', title: '222 The Very Hungry
Caterpillar', Auth: 'Eric Carle', formaturl:'images/formats/book.gif',
{url: 'images/thumbs/peppers.jpg', title: ' 222 Sgt. Peppers
Lonely Hearts Club Band', Auth: 'Beatles', formaturl:'images/formats/
musiconcd.gif', format:'CD'},
{url: 'images/thumbs/postal.jpg', title: '222 Going Postal', Auth:
'Terry Pratchett', formaturl:'images/formats/book.gif',


//var carousel_itemList;

function carousel_itemVisibleInCallback(carousel, item, i, state, evt)
// The index() method calculates the index from a
// given index who is out of the actual item range.
var idx = carousel.index(i, carousel_itemList.length);
carousel.add(i, carousel_getItemHTML(carousel_itemList[idx - 1]));
function carousel_itemVisibleOutCallback(carousel, item, i, state,

 * Item html creation helper.
function carousel_getItemHTML(item)

return 'div class=relatedWork-itema href=img src=' +
item.url + ' alt=' + item.title + ' //ah5 class=relatedWork-
Titlea href=' + item.title + '/a/h5 h5 class=relatedWork-
Authby '+ item.Auth + '/h5 h5 class=relatedWork-Formimg
src=' + item.formaturl + '/'+ item.format +'/h5 /div';

function drawCarousel(source){
if (source == '1') {
carousel_itemList = carousel1_itemList;
carousel_itemList = carousel2_itemList;

wrap: 'circular',
itemVisibleInCallback: {onBeforeAnimation:
itemVisibleOutCallback: {onAfterAnimation:



jQuery(document).ready(function() {

$('#carousel1-on').click(function(event) {


$('#carousel2-on').click(function(event) {






a href= id=carousel1-onCarousel 1/a 

[jQuery] Re: simply toggling a div that contains a flash movie

2009-04-09 Thread Ralph Whitbeck
object's don't obey traditional css layering.  You'll need to hide the
object first then toggle your div.

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 12:16 PM, tetris tetri...@gmail.com wrote:

 to simply toggle a div that contains a flash movie does not work in
 firefox,the flash object does not disappear gradually, any thoughts?

$(button).click(function () {


  buttonToggle 'em/button
  object classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-44455354
 width=300 height=250 id=banner
 param name=allowScriptAccess value=sameDomain /
 param name=allowFullScreen value=false /
 param name=movie value=banner.swf /param name=quality
 value=best /param name=bgcolor value=#00 / embed
 src=banner.swf quality=best bgcolor=#00 width=300
 height=250 name=banner align=middle
 allowScriptAccess=sameDomain allowFullScreen=false
 type=application/x-shockwave-flash pluginspage=http://www.adobe.com/
 go/getflashplayer http://www.adobe.com/%0Ago/getflashplayer /


[jQuery] Re: simply toggling a div that contains a flash movie

2009-04-09 Thread dongle

ok thank you.

On Apr 9, 7:45 pm, Ralph Whitbeck ralph.whitb...@gmail.com wrote:
 object's don't obey traditional css layering.  You'll need to hide the
 object first then toggle your div.

 On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 12:16 PM, tetris tetri...@gmail.com wrote:

  to simply toggle a div that contains a flash movie does not work in
  firefox,the flash object does not disappear gradually, any thoughts?

     $(button).click(function () {


   buttonToggle 'em/button
   object classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-44455354
  width=300 height=250 id=banner
  param name=allowScriptAccess value=sameDomain /
  param name=allowFullScreen value=false /
  param name=movie value=banner.swf /param name=quality
  value=best /param name=bgcolor value=#00 / embed
  src=banner.swf quality=best bgcolor=#00 width=300
  height=250 name=banner align=middle
  allowScriptAccess=sameDomain allowFullScreen=false
  type=application/x-shockwave-flash pluginspage=http://www.adobe.com/
  go/getflashplayer http://www.adobe.com/%0Ago/getflashplayer /


[jQuery] Re: generate AJAX data based on number of select elements

2009-04-09 Thread Kinsbane

Just hoping to see if there's a solution available.

[jQuery] Re: Adding incremental numbered classes to divs

2009-04-09 Thread Brain Lava

Normally I would agree with you but the effect I'm trying to achieve
is based on the location of the image in the grid and not tied to the
image itself.  I don't want the end user to have to update the CSS
every time they move an image or add a new one to their gallery.  This
seemed like the best way to achieve my end result.

On Apr 9, 9:37 am, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 That seems like you're fighting against the convention. Why create a
 zillion classes when these same divs already have an incremented ID?
 (The ID being the proper place to do this sort of thin, in the 1st

 On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:31 AM, Brain Lava nic...@brainlava.com wrote:

  I'm really new to jQuery and have been struggling with a concept that
  I would think is pretty simple but I can't seem to find anything
  online that does what I need.

  I'm using NextGen Gallery for Wordpress and I would like to assign an
  incremental class to each div that the gallery outputs.  For example
  the gallery gives me the following code:

  div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
    div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
    div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
    div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div

  What I would like to do is replace the append class of the interior
  divs with a number that automatically increments by 1:
  div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
    div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-1/div
    div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-2/div
    div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-3/div

  I've seen this done in carousel scripts but I can't seem to figure out
  how they do it.

  Any help would be greatly apprecaited.

[jQuery] Re: Adding incremental numbered classes to divs

2009-04-09 Thread Brain Lava

Thanks Ralph!  I'll give that a try :)

On Apr 9, 10:13 am, Ralph Whitbeck ralph.whitb...@gmail.com wrote:
 You can use .each to iterate through each div element and increment the
 classname or ID via it's index.

 $(div).each(function(i) {
     $(this).addClass(classname + i);




 On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:37 AM, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:

  That seems like you're fighting against the convention. Why create a
  zillion classes when these same divs already have an incremented ID?
  (The ID being the proper place to do this sort of thin, in the 1st

  On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:31 AM, Brain Lava nic...@brainlava.com wrote:

   I'm really new to jQuery and have been struggling with a concept that
   I would think is pretty simple but I can't seem to find anything
   online that does what I need.

   I'm using NextGen Gallery for Wordpress and I would like to assign an
   incremental class to each div that the gallery outputs.  For example
   the gallery gives me the following code:

   div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
     div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
     div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
     div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div

   What I would like to do is replace the append class of the interior
   divs with a number that automatically increments by 1:
   div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
     div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-1/div
     div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-2/div
     div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-3/div

   I've seen this done in carousel scripts but I can't seem to figure out
   how they do it.

   Any help would be greatly apprecaited.

[jQuery] Re: How to select :inp...@type=text] OR :inp...@type=password]

2009-04-09 Thread Nick Boutelier

Thanks guys. Exactly what I needed.

On Apr 9, 4:46 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 First off, lose the @ if you are planning on using version 1.3.1 or
 higher of the jQuery library

 second, the docs are your friendhttp://docs.jquery.com/Selectors(see the last 
 item in the basics
 section on the top)

 $(:text, :password)

 On Apr 9, 1:53 am, Nick Boutelier nboutel...@gmail.com wrote:

  How do you use an OR statement in a selector function? For example...

     // do something to a text or password input

  });- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Works in IE7 but not IE6

2009-04-09 Thread MauiMan2

Basically I am trying to use jQuery to add classes to certain
elements. Works in IE7 and every other browser but not IE6. This an
example of a jQuery statement I have in place so far:

$(document).ready(function() {

$('BODY  DIV').addClass('mainDiv');


The CSS has certain styles that apply to anything with the class
mainDiv and those styles show up in every browser except for IE6.

[jQuery] Orphan nodes

2009-04-09 Thread jay

Is there a general rule of thumb to avoid orphan nodes? I'm using a
multiselect plugin which I'd like to be able to remove from the DOM
but it is creating orphan nodes in IE and the nodes are not removed
according to sIEve.  I suspect it is the order that the elements are
removed from the DOM, but I'm not sure.  Here is the example I'm
working from:

script src='jquery.js'/script
script src=jqueryMultiSelect.js/script
link href=jqueryMultiSelect.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
function Add(){
$('#selectBin').html('select id=control_1 name=control_1[]
multiple=multiple size=5'+
'option value=/optionoption
value=option_1Option 1/option'+
'option value=option_2Option 
'option value=option_3Option 
'option value=option_4Option 
'option value=option_5Option 
function Remove(){
button onclick='Add()'Add Select/button
button onclick='Remove()'Remove Select/button
td id='selectBin'

[jQuery] Re: Works in IE7 but not IE6

2009-04-09 Thread slycreations

I'll agree with the others that it's hard to trouble shoot without
some code.

The only time I've had issues with IE6, it was due to inconsistencies
in file encoding.
We encode all of our pages and scripts as UTF-8, and the validation
plug-in was ISO-8859-1.
Once I encoded the plug-in source file in UTF-8, it solved our IE6

[jQuery] Data Grid Live Edit

2009-04-09 Thread Sarm

Hi Everyone,

I need Datagrid Live Edit for php. I search on google but but not get
any good.

Please tell me good one.

Advance Thanks

[jQuery] Data Grid Live Edit

2009-04-09 Thread Sarm

Hi Everyone,

I need Datagrid Live Edit for php. I search on google but but not get
any good.

Please tell me good one.

Advance Thanks

[jQuery] tablesorter Speed issues

2009-04-09 Thread csi95

Hi folks,

I've just started using tablesorter for one of my projects, and overall I
love it.  Does just what I need.

The one issue I've come across is that it's S-L-O-W!  On a small table, it's
just fine.  Once I get up to about 400 rows, however, it takes a long time. 
6 seconds before the list appears sorted, and another 10 seconds before I
actually regain control of the browser (Firefox 3.08 / Win32 in this case).

Is this normal?  Should it really take that long to sort 400 rows of data?

I could understand if it were 4,000 rows, but 400 doesn't seem like much. 
In fact it would probably be quicker to just do a round-trip to the server
and let the database do the sorting.

I'm looking for some practical experience and / or suggestions from anyone
who may be working with tablesorter on large tables.


  - Bryan
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: tablesorter Speed issues

2009-04-09 Thread MorningZ

I'd look at doing some server side sorting if you are looking for
speed...  it's a lot of work for the plugin to sort the client side
data and then redraw 400 rows of data

On Apr 9, 3:09 pm, csi95 bmomal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi folks,

 I've just started using tablesorter for one of my projects, and overall I
 love it.  Does just what I need.

 The one issue I've come across is that it's S-L-O-W!  On a small table, it's
 just fine.  Once I get up to about 400 rows, however, it takes a long time.
 6 seconds before the list appears sorted, and another 10 seconds before I
 actually regain control of the browser (Firefox 3.08 / Win32 in this case).

 Is this normal?  Should it really take that long to sort 400 rows of data?

 I could understand if it were 4,000 rows, but 400 doesn't seem like much.
 In fact it would probably be quicker to just do a round-trip to the server
 and let the database do the sorting.

 I'm looking for some practical experience and / or suggestions from anyone
 who may be working with tablesorter on large tables.


   - Bryan
 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Tips on multi field validation - Composite unique constraint

2009-04-09 Thread Ted

Does anyone have a suggestion about multi field validations?  Is this
even something the plugin has designed for yet?

[jQuery] Re: generate AJAX data based on number of select elements

2009-04-09 Thread mattimus5...@gmail.com

You are just trying to get the value of the select box and only the
select box???

So you have something like
ul class=books
li Book 1 select class=litqtyoption.. //select/li???
li Book 2 select class=litqtyoption.. //select/li
li Book 3 select class=litqtyoption.. //select/li
li Book 4 select class=litqtyoption.. //select/li

 What do you need reqData to look like?

[jQuery] Re: Translating X-Library functionality into Jquery

2009-04-09 Thread Lwangaman

I continued this thread in a new thread:


On 9 Apr, 04:31, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok now that that has been straightened out, here's my full endeavour:

 I'm trying to translate into jquery a useful functionality that I
 found in the X-library (http://cross-browser.com/),
 and that is multiple checkbox selection by click and drag over them.

 His code is:

 /* Defines Click-n-Drag Checkboxes functions*/

 var gCheckedValue = null;

 function initCheckBoxes(sTblId){
     function(td, isRow) {
       if (!isRow) {
         if (td.className=='mychkbox'){
         var cb = td.getElementsByTagName('input');
         if (cb  cb[0].type.toLowerCase() == 'checkbox') {
           td.checkBoxObj = cb[0];
           td.onmousedown = tdOnMouseDown;
           td.onmouseover = tdOnMouseOver;
           td.onclick = tdOnClick;


 function tdOnMouseDown(ev){
   if (!mymail.checkedall.checked){
   if (this.checkBoxObj) {
     gCheckedValue = this.checkBoxObj.checked = !
     document.onmouseup = docOnMouseUp;
     document.onselectstart = docOnSelectStart; // for IE
     xPreventDefault(ev); // cancel text selection


 function tdOnMouseOver(ev){
   if (gCheckedValue != null  this.checkBoxObj) {
     this.checkBoxObj.checked = gCheckedValue;


 function docOnMouseUp(){
   document.onmouseup = null;
   document.onselectstart = null;
   gCheckedValue = null;


 function tdOnClick()
   // Cancel a click on the checkbox itself. Let it bubble up to the TD
   return false;


 function docOnSelectStart(ev)
   return false; // cancel text selection


 /* End of Click-n-Drag Checkboxes functions*/

 I tried to translate it into jquery like this:

         if (allchecked.attr(checked)==false){
           var eccomi = this;
           var eccoti = $(eccomi).find(input:checkbox);
           var eccoci = $(eccoti).attr(checked);
           gCheckedValue = eccoci = !eccoci;
           $(document).mouseup = function(){
             $(document).mouseup = null;
             $(document).selectstart = null;
             gCheckedValue = null;}

           $(document).selectstart = function(){return false;} // for

         if (gCheckedValue != null){
           var eccomi = this;
           var eccoti = $(eccomi).find(input:checkbox);
           $(eccoti).attr(checked) = gCheckedValue;

         return false;

 Doesn't quite work right though. Clicking on the checkboxes has no
 result, dragging over them has no result, it's as though all events
 have been canceled. Anyone have any ideas?

 On 9 Apr, 03:55, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks a lot! That got me going again!
  (eccomi was supposed to be itsme, eccoti was supposed to be itsyou, I
  overlooked that transliteration that I was doing from italian!)

  On 9 Apr, 03:48, Shawn sgro...@open2space.com wrote:

   Lwangaman wrote:

// gives undefined

   because a tablecell usually doesn't have a name attribute associated
   with it.  Remember that your itsme variable is a reference to a DOM
   element (not a jQuery element).  Which explains

          var itsyou = itsme.attr(name);
// gives no results, it actually stops everything from working.

   You would need itsyou = $(itsme).attr(name);  But even then, if
   itsme is a tablecell, the name attribute likely doesn't exist.  Maybe
   try id instead?

          var itsyou = eccomi.find(input:checkbox);

// gives no results, it actually stops everything from working

   if eccomi is a DOM element, then this would stop and likely throw an
   error ('find' not a property or object)...  Try it as


   The core issue that I can see is understanding the difference between a
   DOM object/element and a jQuery object.  They are not the same, though
   they are often used in a very similar manner.



[jQuery] Re: generate AJAX data based on number of select elements

2009-04-09 Thread mattimus5...@gmail.com

Ok I see your code from the above post now.

var reqData = {
 $(this).attr('name') : $(this).val();
This would get the name and value of each select.litqty
Is this what you are trying to achieve??

On Apr 9, 3:48 pm, mattimus5...@gmail.com mattimus5...@gmail.com
 You are just trying to get the value of the select box and only the
 select box???

 So you have something like
 ul class=books
 li Book 1 select class=litqtyoption.. //select/li???
 li Book 2 select class=litqtyoption.. //select/li
 li Book 3 select class=litqtyoption.. //select/li
 li Book 4 select class=litqtyoption.. //select/li

  What do you need reqData to look like?

[jQuery] Re: tablesorter Speed issues

2009-04-09 Thread csi95

Thanks for the response -- I may need to do that.
I'm curious if anyone else has input on the speed of Tablesorter, however. 
I've seen other solutions that can sort a large table quickly.  For example 
http://dynamictable.com/demos/ Dynamic Table Demo  handles 1,000 rows in
about 1 second.  There may be a bit of Apples and Oranges here.  Tablesorter
can sort on multiple columns, do zebra striping, etc., so it's more
functional, but 16x slower seems like an unusually large difference.

I just want to verify that this is normal for tablesorter, and not something
I've done wrong with my implementation of it


  - Bryan

MorningZ wrote:
 I'd look at doing some server side sorting if you are looking for
 speed...  it's a lot of work for the plugin to sort the client side
 data and then redraw 400 rows of data

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Endeavour: translating X-Library functionality click-n-drag checkboxes into Jquery

2009-04-09 Thread Lwangaman

Ok I resolved the cannot assign to a function result problem by
putting the value assignment into a function(){}:

48  $(td.mychkbox).each(
50  $(this).bind(
53  if (gCheckedValue != null){
54var eccomi = this;
55var eccoti = $(eccomi).find(input:checkbox);
56*   function(){$(eccoti).attr(checked) = gCheckedValue;}
57  }
59  });

Now I don't get any errors, but the event assignments don't seem to be
working together correctly...
Basically what's supposed to happen is this:
1 - onclick event of the checkboxes is canceled since the clicking
and dragging is being assigned to the table cells that contain them
2 - the table cells themselves don't actually have on onclick event,
because the value is given to the checkboxes with the onmousedown
and especially the onmouseover event.
3 - onmousedown gives the variable gCheckedValue a value, either
of true or of false (depending on the actual state of the
checkbox, so if it is unchecked it will get checked and vice-versa),
and onmouseup empties gCheckedValue of any value. So as long as
the mouse is down, gCheckedValue has a value to give to any of the
checkboxes with the onmouseover event, but as soon as the mouse
button is released it no longer has a value so the onmouseover event
will no longer effect any of the checkboxes until the mousebutton is
pressed again.

So the value of gCheckedValue is set in the mousedown event, and
is transmitted in the mouseover event.

And yet the code doesn't seem to be working correctly. The current
value of the cell is detected correctly (I've gotten it through an
alert), it's contrary is correctly set in gCheckedValue (I've gotten
that through an alert too), but the new value is not being set in the
checkbox... In fact click sets no value, click and hold sets no value,
click and drag (mouseover the other checkboxes / cells) set no

On 9 Apr, 14:23, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:
 I thought I'd undertake the endeavour of translating into jquery the
 neat little click-n-drag checkboxes functionality of cross-
 browser.com's X-library. This functionality allows for multiple
 checkbox selection or de-selection by simply clicking on one of them
 and then dragging the mouse over the others.

 I began mentioning this in another post, but I figured that perhaps a
 new post with the right title would be better. Rather than re-post all
 the code though, here's a reference to the message where the full code
 of both the X-library functions and my attempted translation of them
 is posted:


 I doesn't quite seem to work though, none of my checkboxes are getting
 selected either on click or on drag. Any javascript - jquery experts
 have any ideas on what needs to be perfected?

 When I run it in Internet Explorer, the debugger gives me this
 Cannnot assign to a function result

 and it refers to line 56, which should be the one that sets the

 48  $(td.mychkbox).each(
 49    function(){
 50      $(this).bind(
 51        mouseover,
 52        function(){
 53          if (gCheckedValue != null){
 54            var eccomi = this;
 55            var eccoti = $(eccomi).find(input:checkbox);
 56*           $(eccoti).attr(checked) = gCheckedValue;
 57          }
 58        });
 59      });

[jQuery] Carousel Help Needed

2009-04-09 Thread P

Using: http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/examples/static_controls.html

I would like to have a control bar that shows dots instead of page
numbers, etc. the difference being that if you have 9 items and you
show 3 at a time, you should have 3 dots. A dot would represent a page
and not one image. Clicking on the dot, would scroll the page.

Something like CNN
http://www.cnn.com/ (top right side)

Any input would be appreciated.

[jQuery] Help showing 'Showing 3 of 12' msg in Carousel

2009-04-09 Thread P


I was wondering if anyone has used or know the link to jQuery carousel
which shows 3 vidoes at a time with ofcourse next  pre button and
message something like this: 'Showing 3 of 12'

Thanks for your help.

[jQuery] Re: tablesorter Speed issues

2009-04-09 Thread MorningZ

There may be a bit of Apples and Oranges here

For sure.. that link is doing a full blown form post to the server
(just pull up Firebug's Net panel to see)..  i wouldn't compare
anything the two do between each other

I've been using tablesorter for a good year now, and i do everything i
can to keep the row count under control, when i can't, i simply use
the server to sort

On Apr 9, 4:12 pm, csi95 bmomal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for the response -- I may need to do that.

 I'm curious if anyone else has input on the speed of Tablesorter, however.
 I've seen other solutions that can sort a large table quickly.  For 
 examplehttp://dynamictable.com/demos/Dynamic Table Demo  handles 1,000 rows in
 about 1 second.  There may be a bit of Apples and Oranges here.  Tablesorter
 can sort on multiple columns, do zebra striping, etc., so it's more
 functional, but 16x slower seems like an unusually large difference.

 I just want to verify that this is normal for tablesorter, and not something
 I've done wrong with my implementation of it


   - Bryan

 MorningZ wrote:

  I'd look at doing some server side sorting if you are looking for
  speed...  it's a lot of work for the plugin to sort the client side
  data and then redraw 400 rows of data

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery function to click a link on the page

2009-04-09 Thread mattimus5...@gmail.com

try using window.open, its not jquery, just javascript, but you use it
to open new windows

On Apr 9, 10:07 am, CaptainABrad alexanderwbrad...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have this almost working. When you drop the icons on the iMac
 Screen, the pages are supposed to load in a new tab. I was doing this
 by trying to have the action on drop click on a link on the page. I
 have things pretty close, but then realized that .click() will not
 work on actions which do not have .click() behaviors handled by
 jQuery. I also tried .trigger('click') to no avail. Right now, the
 drop function is working, but I removed the best functionality I had,
 which was to have the sites open in the current tab (which defeats the
 purpose in my mind).

 Stated simply, is there a way to either:
 1) Click a link on a page with jQuery, or
 2) Open a link in a new tab.


[jQuery] Re: Orphan nodes

2009-04-09 Thread jay

I made a more general test case, and I'm finding it is necessary for
me to unbind events within a given plugin in order for it to go away
in IE7.  I thought empty and remove were supposed to unbind stuff for

Here is my test case:

script src='jquery.js'/script
script src=jqueryMultiSelect.js/script
link href=jqueryMultiSelect.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
$.fn.myPlugin = function(options) {
var defaults = {
option1: 1,
option2: 2
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
return this.each(function() {
function Add(){
$('#selectBin')[0].innerHTML = 'select id=control_1
name=control_1[] multiple=multiple size=5 '+
'option value=/optionoption
value=option_1Option 1/option'+
'option value=option_2Option 
'option value=option_3Option 
'option value=option_4Option 
'option value=option_5Option 
function Remove(){
function AddRemove(x){
for(var i=0;ix;i++){
button onclick='Add()'Add Select/button
button onclick='Remove()'Remove Select/button
button onclick='AddRemove(1000)'Add/Remove 1000 times/button
td id='selectBin'

On Apr 9, 3:16 pm, jay jay.ab...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there a general rule of thumb to avoid orphan nodes? I'm using a
 multiselect plugin which I'd like to be able to remove from the DOM
 but it is creating orphan nodes in IE and the nodes are not removed
 according to sIEve.  I suspect it is the order that the elements are
 removed from the DOM, but I'm not sure.  Here is the example I'm
 working from:

 script src='jquery.js'/script
 script src=jqueryMultiSelect.js/script
 link href=jqueryMultiSelect.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
 function Add(){
     $('#selectBin').html('select id=control_1 name=control_1[]
 multiple=multiple size=5'+
                     'option value=/optionoption
 value=option_1Option 1/option'+
                                         'option value=option_2Option 
                                         'option value=option_3Option 
                                         'option value=option_4Option 
                                         'option value=option_5Option 

 function Remove(){

 button onclick='Add()'Add Select/button
 button onclick='Remove()'Remove Select/button
 td id='selectBin'

[jQuery] Re: Adding incremental numbered classes to divs

2009-04-09 Thread Eric Garside

What's the advantage of assigning the identifier to the class? Like,
how are you using it once you create the classes. I'm assuming there's
an easier solution, especially if you're doing it dynamically.

On Apr 9, 2:54 pm, Brain Lava nic...@brainlava.com wrote:
 Thanks Ralph!  I'll give that a try :)

 On Apr 9, 10:13 am, Ralph Whitbeck ralph.whitb...@gmail.com wrote:

  You can use .each to iterate through each div element and increment the
  classname or ID via it's index.

  $(div).each(function(i) {
      $(this).addClass(classname + i);




  On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:37 AM, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:

   That seems like you're fighting against the convention. Why create a
   zillion classes when these same divs already have an incremented ID?
   (The ID being the proper place to do this sort of thin, in the 1st

   On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:31 AM, Brain Lava nic...@brainlava.com wrote:

I'm really new to jQuery and have been struggling with a concept that
I would think is pretty simple but I can't seem to find anything
online that does what I need.

I'm using NextGen Gallery for Wordpress and I would like to assign an
incremental class to each div that the gallery outputs.  For example
the gallery gives me the following code:

div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
  div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
  div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
  div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div

What I would like to do is replace the append class of the interior
divs with a number that automatically increments by 1:
div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
  div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-1/div
  div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-2/div
  div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-3/div

I've seen this done in carousel scripts but I can't seem to figure out
how they do it.

Any help would be greatly apprecaited.

[jQuery] Re: Adding incremental numbered classes to divs

2009-04-09 Thread Hector Virgen
Can you use an ordered list? li elements are block level just like divs.

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

 What's the advantage of assigning the identifier to the class? Like,
 how are you using it once you create the classes. I'm assuming there's
 an easier solution, especially if you're doing it dynamically.

 On Apr 9, 2:54 pm, Brain Lava nic...@brainlava.com wrote:
  Thanks Ralph!  I'll give that a try :)
  On Apr 9, 10:13 am, Ralph Whitbeck ralph.whitb...@gmail.com wrote:
   You can use .each to iterate through each div element and increment the
   classname or ID via it's index.
   $(div).each(function(i) {
   $(this).addClass(classname + i);
   On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:37 AM, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
That seems like you're fighting against the convention. Why create a
zillion classes when these same divs already have an incremented ID?
(The ID being the proper place to do this sort of thin, in the 1st
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:31 AM, Brain Lava nic...@brainlava.com
 I'm really new to jQuery and have been struggling with a concept
 I would think is pretty simple but I can't seem to find anything
 online that does what I need.
 I'm using NextGen Gallery for Wordpress and I would like to assign
 incremental class to each div that the gallery outputs.  For
 the gallery gives me the following code:
 div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
   div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
   div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
   div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box/div
 What I would like to do is replace the append class of the interior
 divs with a number that automatically increments by 1:
 div id=ngg-gallery-1 class=ngg-galleryoverview
   div id=ngg-image-99 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-1/div
   div id=ngg-image-55 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-2/div
   div id=ngg-image-95 class=ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box-3/div
 I've seen this done in carousel scripts but I can't seem to figure
 how they do it.
 Any help would be greatly apprecaited.

[jQuery] strange behavior when using jQuery fadeOut function on element with floated element and absolutely positioned element

2009-04-09 Thread Elias

I am having some strange behavior with the fadeOut function. I asked
about it on StackOverflow. If you want, you can see the discussion at
. Someone on there mentioned that this is a bug with jQuery 1.3.2 and
it is not present in 1.3.

I have pasted the question below in case anyone is unable to view the

I am trying to use jQuery to fade out a div, using the fadeOut
function. In most cases, it seems to work fine, but in certain cases,
not all of the content fades out. If I have an absolutely positioned
element and a floated element within the div, the fadeOut function
doesn't work. If I only have an absolutely positioned element, it
doesn't work. But if I have an absolutely positioned element and an
unstyled element, it works. This may sound hard to explain, but you
can try it yourself using this test code:

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
titlejQuery fadeOut test/title
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8
script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.min.js/script
div id=testBox1 style=position: relative
p style=position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0This text should
fade out./p
button type=button onclick=$('#testBox1').fadeOut()fade out/
!-- works --

div id=testBox2 style=position: relative
div style=float: lefttest/div
p style=position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0This text should
fade out./p
button type=button onclick=$('#testBox2').fadeOut()fade out/
!-- doesn't work --

div id=testBox3 style=position: relative
p style=position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0This text should
fade out./p
button type=button onclick=$('#testBox3').fadeOut()fade out/
!-- doesn't work --

Everything seems to work fine in IE7, but in Firefox and Chrome, I am
getting the strange behavior. Can anyone figure out why? Am I doing
something wrong, or is it a browser bug or a bug within jQuery?

You can see an example you can easily tinker with at http://jsbin.com/obipe
. Add /edit at the end of the URL to be able to edit it.

[jQuery] Re: tablesorter Speed issues

2009-04-09 Thread csi95

Okay, my bad here.

Thanks to the one-on-one help of one of the great members here, I was able
to find the problem.

It wasn't the software, it was the hardware.

There was something odd going on with the development PC I was using to run
the test.  Not only was my sort running very slow, so were the tests on 
http://tablesorter.com/docs/example-triggers.html tablesorter.com .  When I
switched to another machine, the sorts were damned near sub-second.

Low-and-behold, I reboot the development machine and now it too sorts

Stupid.  Stupid.  Stupid.

Sorry to waste your time.

- Bryan

csi95 wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I've just started using tablesorter for one of my projects, and overall I
 love it.  Does just what I need.
 The one issue I've come across is that it's S-L-O-W!  On a small table,
 it's just fine.  Once I get up to about 400 rows, however, it takes a long
 time.  6 seconds before the list appears sorted, and another 10 seconds
 before I actually regain control of the browser (Firefox 3.08 / Win32 in
 this case).
 Is this normal?  Should it really take that long to sort 400 rows of data?
 I could understand if it were 4,000 rows, but 400 doesn't seem like much. 
 In fact it would probably be quicker to just do a round-trip to the server
 and let the database do the sorting.
 I'm looking for some practical experience and / or suggestions from anyone
 who may be working with tablesorter on large tables.
   - Bryan

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Works in IE7 but not IE6

2009-04-09 Thread MauiMan2

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 /

That's the META tag I have in there now. Should I change it?

  1   2   >