[lace] 12 pair crossings

2018-09-09 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
I have a piece of vintage lace and have now been shown 2 more examples where
there are 6 or 8 leaf tallies crossing in a peculiar way.  To begin with the
tallies are long and skinny, where they join in the middle it appears that
each half of either the  6 or 8 was made separately and sewn together later.
Any ideas where this wouldve been made and when?  Otherwise the pieces
resemble Cluny.  thanks.  Sharon on wet (finally) and windy Vancouver Island.

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[lace] mangling lace

2018-05-25 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
At a recent lace getaway we were fortunate to have a very brief description on
mangling linen lace. How it improved the appearance and feel of the lace was
remarkable. How many of you have tried this and what suggestions would you
pass on about your experience ?  Sharon

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[lace] anniversary

2018-04-15 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
It’s hard to believe it’s 23 yrs. already :)  I joined Arachne about 6
months after it’s beginning  and remember when I first found it.  I was very
new to the internet and I typed simply “lace” into the search engine.
That was an eye opener because most sites with the key word were about sexy
clothes and also mildly pornographic..Frederick’s of Hollywood stuff.
However Arachne did pop up too and I joined immediately.  What a thrill to  be
able to tap into such a valuable helpful source.  Up until then I had never
met another lace maker. I was completely self taught and Arachne definitely
filled in the blanks.  And yes David, I do remember Susan from Tennessee :)
What a piece of work.  I think she/he has been the only person actually kicked
off Arachne.  I also remember having a real chuckle over Tamara’s problem
with her ever darkening monitor :)  Well, it’s been a fun 23 yrs. and I’d
like to thank everyone for all the wonderful knowledge they’ve shared over
the years.  Sharon on Vancouver Island

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[lace] help finding books

2017-10-04 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
Can anyone tell me where one can acquire the bookmark booklets by April Lind?
One of our members has lost hers (has no idea how) and really wants another
copy.  I wouldn’t mind a copy of both myself, they’re very hand to have
around.  Thanks   Sharon on Vancouver Island

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[lace] dogs & lace

2017-02-16 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
One last thought on dogs and lace makers.  Perhaps their purpose wasn’t
entirely as pets but maybe they were foot warmers.  There was a time when
small dogs were allowed in church for that very purpose. Sharon on Vancouver

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[lace] LOL on E-Bay

2016-11-25 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
Every once in a while I log on to E-bay to kill some time and maybe, just
maybe, find something worth while in the antique lace section.  Well today
there was one heck of a buy ..a pair of “antique Plains Indian lace bobbin
tools” that can be yours for a mere $300 US (free shipping).  I actually
laughed out loud.  Neither bobbin was particularly special.. bog standard bone
Beds.  One had some carving and the other a rather badly executed coloured
decoration consisting of both “tigers” (stripes) and “leopards”
(spots) ... unusual to find both on the same bobbin.  They definitely
weren’t anything to do with Plains Indians ... ever. The rest of the
web-site was given over to lot loads of rusty hammers, rolling pins, old flour
sacks etc..  It is alarming to think that there just may be some gullible
person out there who would fall for this sort of ignorance or dishonesty, wish
something could be done about it.  In the meantime, I did have a good laugh :)
Sharon, on wet (still) Vancouver Island

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[lace] Kimono silk

2016-08-25 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
I have seen this silk, it’s gorgeous ..and the colours, wow.  It’s very
fine (capital V).  I didn’t buy any though, here it costs an arm and a leg
even if it was from a local supplier. I don’t know how it works up but it
sure is beautiful.  Sharon, on Vancouver Island

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[lace] lace club mailing lists

2016-08-17 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
Hi. I recently had an e-mail from a new-comer to our district who had a devil
of a time finding an address for our group.  Unfortunately the necessary
information on Arachne is years out of date. My server and e-mail address have
been changed (almost 10 yrs. ago) and I don’t know how to update to the
newer address.  Advice on this issue would be much appreciated.  Thank you.
Sharon on Vancouver Island

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[lace] lace tokens

2016-07-14 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
A friend has a small collection of British lace tokens, they are very dirty
and almost indecipherable because of it.  I know it’s absolutely against the
rules to clean antique coins, does that apply to what isn’t really legal
coinage?  Any numismatists out there who can shed light on this question?
Thanks for any advice.  Sharon

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[lace] finishing lace garters.

2016-06-29 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
‘Tis the season for lace bridal garters and a fellow lace maker had been
working on one for a several months.  In this case the lace maker wasn’t
sure about the circumference needed to go around the bride’s leg.  So she
made plenty of lace to allow for any size changes, the problem came with
assembly.  The lace was attached to one edge of a ribbon casing with elastic
running through the casing.  Has anyone any suggestions for a neat non bulky
finish which allows for last minute adjustment on the wedding day?  Sharon on
Vancouver Island

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[lace] name of thingummy

2016-06-13 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
The thingummy for holding multiple threads in place is a Fadenbrücke.  Dont
know how useful it is but it looks neat.

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[lace] need help with one-liner

2016-03-22 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
I really need help with finding a new humorous one or two liner or maybe a
short poem concerning lace makers for an upcoming project I have in mind for a
friend who could really do with a lift.  We all know the one about lace makers
do it on pillows.  Is there anything different? Thanks.  Sharon

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[no subject]

2015-12-02 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
Our club was just offered a largish collection of lace books to buy from an
old lace maker.  The current owner had priced them out on EBay and Amazon.
Well, I thought the asking prices were a bit inflated until I checked our
regular suppliers and elsewhere.  Turns out that most of these books have
increased anywhere from 100% and up ... in just one year!  The cause isn’t
just because of our devalued Canadian dollar either, that realistically
shouldn’t account for more than 20%.  What gives?  Sharon, on rainy
Vancouver Island

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[lace] mounting lace

2015-11-20 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
When mounting an object for framing be it picture, textiles, or whatever,
under no circumstances should the glass touch the piece.  When something is
mounted and framed with glass you are creating a mini climate within that
frame which can be extremely harmful.  Putting the glass against the piece
doesn’t allow for it to breathe and thus promotes mildew, foxing and many
other nasty's. A mat provides the needed space but if that is not desirable
you can use very thin strips of mat board (or commercial spacers) attached to
the inside rim of the frame which will create the necessary space and won’t
be seen.  Make sure when you buy mat board that the cut edges look white
(unless it’s one of the types that have the same colour throughout).  If the
cut edge is light brownish that means they were made with wood pulp and will,
with time, react with the humidity in the air to make sulphuric acid which in
turn will burn what it’s resting against...in this case your background.  I
would suggest you go to your local frame shop and buy small pieces of mat
board (some will even give you small off-cuts).  Make sure you ask for
archival board, it comes in many colours and finishes from suede, silk, linen
etc.  Even still, with some finishes like suede it’s advisable to give it a
light spraying with a clear acrylic to seal it..any coloured surface has
potentially harmful dyes.  The next step would be to use your handy pattern
pricker and pre-prick your sewing holes.  Then you can start to sew your lace
onto the backing either using the same thread as the piece or preferably a
finer thread of the same colour.  Keep in mind the forces of gravity, the
piece will eventually sag a bit so make sure you use some support stitches in
the middle as well as around the edges.  You don’t need many tiny close
stitches, use your own judgement.  Another alternative would be to sew your
piece onto unbleached cotton and then mount the cotton onto whatever you wish,
it can work quite well with coloured laces...but make sure you use a spacer
between it and the glass, I can’t emphasise that enough.  Sharon on Sunny
but cold Vancouver Island

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[lace] decals for bobbins

2015-09-17 Thread Rick & Sharon Whiteley
Rooting through my late Father’s hobby supplies I came across a Testors kit 
for making custom decals for models.  It occurred to me that would be rather 
handy if you wanted to produce detailed motifs for bobbins.  Has anyone had 
experience with this sort of thing?  I’m sure someone out there has :) 
Before I waste a few bobbins experimenting I thought I’d ask you what sort 
of prep did you do with the bobbin?  Did you need to start with a glossy 
finish (you do with model kits in order for the decal to adhere properly). 
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Sharon 

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[lace] lace pricking card

2015-06-09 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
No one has mentioned this, perhaps I’m the only one with this experience?
Back in the days when we didn’t have scanners and our computers ran on tapes
there was no option but to draw out our prickings by hand.  I well remember
the first big project I made, it was a doily.  I had just taken it off the
pillow and laid it out on the coffee table to admire when our dog snatched it
up and ran off with it.  While there was no damage to the actual lace (or the
dog) it was pretty dirty and I had to wash it.  It shrunk, so I used the
pricking to block it.  Naturally, in spite of indelible ink, it bled into the
lace.  This year I had occasion to block a large piece of lace (the major
disaster I wrote about) and, in spite of using two layers of plastic over the
original pricking, the ink still started to bleed up around the pins.
Fortunately I was watching closely and I removed the lace before it got dyed.
Normally you can block out lace without having to use the original pricking
but if the shrinkage is too much you have to use the pricking as a guide?  How
do others solve the problem of blocking?  Sharon on Vancouver Island

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[lace] Major disaster

2015-02-14 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
Well, after mulling over my problem all day yesterday and half of the night I
have come up with a fairly simple but tedious solution.  Keeping in mind that
this piece is Beds where one is continuously taking out and replacing threads
(not so much in this particular pattern) Ive decided to take the whole side
back about three or four motifs.  That way I will be able to replace everyone
of the threads as normal.  It has the added bonus in that I will be able to
correct the spots where the original lacer forgot how to make a sewing edge.
The only hairy bit will be undoing my almost invisible finish.  It will take
time but Im not prepared to pass back a sloppy piece of work.  Next time I
will double and even triple check that Ive  got the correct amount of motifs.
There are no mistakes, only lessons.  Sharon on sunny (for a change) Vancouver

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[lace] major disaster

2015-02-13 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
Remember the problem picots?  I’ve spent hours pinning it all out, the lace
looks beautiful.  I’m on the final couple of inches and disaster has struck.
I had wrongly assumed that the pricking was of a quarter of the edging.  It
wasn’t.  I am a whole motif short on one side ..and that after having made
an almost invisible join.  The way I see it I have two options, neither is
going to be perfect.  One is to try and stretch the short side out as far I
can and shrink the long side ..about an inch and a quarter.  The other, which
I’m horrified even thinking about given my almost perfect join, is to unpick
about three inches, join in new threads, and lace in the missing length ..that
could take days.  I feel absolutely sick because I have to say I had done a
darn good job up until now.  What would you do?  Any opinions would be
gratefully accepted.   Sharon on dark, soggy Vancouver Island (matches my
current mood)

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[lace] major disaster

2015-02-13 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
Thank you to all you kind, sympathetic, spiders for your thoughts about my
latest episode.  I had known right from when I discovered my mistake that I
would probably end up undoing the lace.  The fates were just against me on
this one.  The whole idea of undoing the tiny hidden knots in the finish has
me scared spit less.  What if I accidently cut the lace? The thread is so old
supposing it just shreds on me? I’m going to need not only my Maglite but
probably magnifiers on my glasses as well.   However, tomorrow I’ll bite the
bullet and hopefully nothing untoward will happen.  I’ll keep you posted.
Sharon, on Vancouver Island where the rain is just relentless.

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[lace] picot progress;

2015-02-09 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
Well, it’s a slow process but I’ve started pinning out the lace for the
tray cloth.  The piece should be 14 inches by 18 inches by two and a half
inches wide.  It had shrunk down to one and a half inches wide.  Fingering it
out didn’t work so I’m now pinning all the (expletive of your choice)
picots, not to mention foot side pins etc.  Brass pins bend too easily because
of the tension pulling the lace into shape (this time I’m grateful it’s
linen because it’s at it’s strongest when wet)  I’m also hoping my steel
pins aren’t the kind that rust.  Unless I can get to a shop tomorrow to buy
some more cork board (yes, I’ve covered it in plastic) to expand my work
area I calculate it will take four days to block. Having said that, I must say
the blocking I’ve done already looks marvellous, it’s even better than
when it first came off the pillow.  It’s very gratifying when you can take
something that looks crappy and make it beautiful...but I’ll never take on
another project like this again.  Sharon on wet and soggy Vancouver Island

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[lace] problem with picots

2015-02-08 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
I recently (foolishly) volunteered to finish a Beds edging for a local woman.
There was only about three inches to complete and then join as a trim for a
tray cloth.  Well, it had been made with a horrible linen thread and had sat
on the pillow for 25 years.  Doing the lace was no problem, it was a bit of a
challenge joining the new end to the old beginning since the lacer had started
with a half stitch lozenge shape and had left enormous starting loops among
other things.  However, overcoming those problems, I was then horrified to see
that the original starting point was an entirely different colour from the the
end.  Sometime over the years it must’ve picked up a bluish stain from
somewhere.  It runs for about 2 inches.  I’ve tried washing it in cold water
to see if the stain would lift out but there was no luck, it’ll just have to
stay.  Of course the lace has shrunk about 15% too. I do wish the lacer had
tested for thread shrinkage before starting.  I’m concerned that now it
won’t fit her heirloom cloth.  I will finger block it tomorrow and hope to
get it as close to original as I can.  What I would like to know is, has
anyone come up with a new way to block picots besides pinning them?  I
calculate that I have around 720 of them to straighten out.
Sharon on Vancouver Island

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[lace] new book

2015-02-06 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
I just received my new book by Elizabeth Kurella “The Many Lives of Old
Lace”.  In spite of postage adding 30% to the cost, I have to say this book
is worth every penny for those interested in antique lace.  It wasn’t until
last year that I actually came across old re-worked lace.  We’ve all been
told how valuable lace was in the past ..worth more than it’s weight in
gold.. but actually seeing a some that was already a hundred years old before
being re-worked leaves even more of an impression.  Elizabeth Kurella”s book
helps identify, assess, and judge approximately when a piece was re-worked.
She also advises when and how it would be appropriate to re-work lace yourself
in order to save sections from an otherwise badly damaged piece.  Thank you
Elizabeth for another well worthwhile book. Sharon, on Vancouver Island
where we’re expecting yet another 2 inches of rain today

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[lace] Chantilly lace

2014-05-09 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
It's my understanding that by the time Chantilly lace really became popular 
it was no longer made in Chantilly.  At the height of popularity in the 
mid-1800's it was made by machine but the gimps were still put in by hand. 
It's probable that the modern Chantilly is still made this way and threading 
the gimps allows it to be called hand made.  Sharon on Vancouver Island 

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[lace] de-fuzzing lace

2014-05-05 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
If anyone can forward any suggestions on this subject I'd be most interested 
too :)  During shedding season one is incorporating as much pet hair as 
thread in lace projects.  I have tried tweezers, they are somewhat helpful 
if you spot the hair before it's incorporated.  I sometimes lightly (very 
lightly) run one of those sticky rollers down the leads before working.  The 
only suggestion that sort of works is changing your project in shedding 
season to a multi-coloured piece.  (Have you noticed how difficult it is to 
retro-stitch an area if it also includes pet hair?)  If I find the hair 
already worked into my piece I have learned to be philosophical about it and 
try to think of it as a permanent memento of a precious little life.  Sharon 
on Vancouver Island 

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[lace] more on books

2013-11-06 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
Since I’m on the price of books soapbox I thought I’d bring up another
point.  This past Summer I bought myself a couple of second hand (out of
print) lace books.  I got them at what I considered a reasonable price.  One,
from England, cost £9.99 and the other, from the States was $25.99.  The cost
of the postage was £10.99 and $31.50 respectively.  Is it any wonder that the
postal services everywhere are moaning the blues that people aren’t using
their service as often as in the past?  Anyone not living in an urban location
has little choice but to buy niche books sight unseen.  It is for this reason
that we are grateful for the few reviews posted on Arachne.  It would be nice
if our fellow spiders would consider taking the time to write a review of some
of their favourite old/new lace books ..perhaps when the list is slow?  Sharon
on Vancouver Island

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[lace] Pricey lace books

2013-11-05 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
I don't know whether anyone has mentioned this lately, but if you've check 
out Amazon.com recently you will notice that some books are going for 
outrageous prices.  With nothing better to do tonight I checked out some 
lace books.  Did you know that for a mere $753.00 you can buy Alex 
Stillwell's Technique of Teneriff book?  I've been noticing this a lot 
with Amazon's general books too.  Apparently these books are all coming out 
of Hong Kong.  I'm sure any author would love a slice of that kind of price. 
Are there people out there who would actually pay these prices? (I've also 
seen one or two that are over $1000.00)  Is there some way we can complain 
to Amazon about this sort of thing?  Sharon, on Vancouver Island 

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[lace] Beswick's e-mail

2013-10-15 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
I have an e-mail addy for the Beswick’s. It's about a year old so I don't 
know if it's still in service.  It's  doll...@cobweb.com.au 

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[lace] continental pillow

2013-02-26 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
I have successfully made a continental pillow out of two three pound coffee 
tins.  I first joined the two tins together end to end with lots of duct 
tape. Then I used an old wool blanket cut into strips wide enough to cover 
both tins.  I always look for the tattier blankets in the thrift 
shops,they're cheaper, I have quite the collection ..you never know when you 
need a new pillow:) Wrap the wool strips tightly around the tins until 
you've got about an inch or so thickness (whatever holds your pins well). 
Make a tube of unbleached cotton with draw strings in the ends, force the 
tube over the wool wrapped tins and pull the draw strings really, really 
tight.  Then I make a removable cover.  It's a good size pillow and isn't 
too heavy.   Sharon ..on dull, wet, and cold Vancouver Island 

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[lace] searching for thread

2008-12-10 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
One of the lacers in  our group is working on a rather large project and now 
she's wondering if she has enough thread to complete it.  Unfortunately it 
would seem that the thread she is using has been discontinued :(  Does 
anyone know of a supplier who may have a few spools left (or even a fellow 
lacer who has some leftover) of Tanne 50 #602? It's a yellow.  Thanks. 

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[lace-chat] no knead bread..long

2008-11-11 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
I'm a bit behind in my digests but I thought I'd add my 2 cents worth about 
no knead bread.  To make a proper no knead bread you have to start with 
instant yeast.  This comes under several brand names, Fermipan used to be 
one.  It's the same sort of yeast used in commercial breads. You can 
substitute it in any of the traditional recipes measure for measure.

For white bread.
1/3 (75ml) melted margarine or oil.
2 cups (500ml) hot tap water
1 cup (250ml) milk
1/3 cup (75ml) sugar
1 egg (large)
3 tablespoons yeast
8 cups (2 L) white flour
2 tap (10ml) salt
1/3 (125ml) white flour for sprinkling
Melt margarine and set aside. In a large bowl add the hot tap water and milk 
from the fridge, mixture should be luke warm.  Add the sugar and the egg. 
sprinkle yeast over all.  Mix with wire whisk until smooth.  Add 3 cups 
(750ml) of the flour.  Stir briskly with a wooden spoon until all mixed in. 
Gradually add the last 1/2 cup of flour with your hands, pressing flour into 
dough and turning dough over until the flour is worked in.  On rainy days 
you may need to add more flour.
Cover and let rise in a warm place for 30 minutes.  Sprinkle dough with 1/4 
cup (60ml) flour.
Punch dough down making sure any sticky parts get sprinkled with flour. 
Place on on floured surface.  No kneading required.  Flatten out with hands 
until 1 inch (2.5cm) thick.  divide into four equal parts.  Oil 4 9x5 inch 
pans (..blah blah (shape how you normally would).  cover and let rise 
until doubled.  Bake in 450 F (200C) 25-30 minutes.

I have similar recipes for other types of bread if anyone is interested. 
Sharon on overcaste Vancouver Island. 

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[lace] pita lace?

2005-12-18 Thread Rick Sharon Whiteley
Last night a fellow lacemaker was showing me a new addtion to her lace
collection.  The little doily was labelled pita lace.  It was a most
beautiful airy little thing, like a delicate spider web.  Neither of us has
ever heard of pita lace before, it really looked like a super-fine knitting.
where bobbin lace would have a half stitch trail this had what looked like
perl stitch..perhaps needle lace would have this?  One feature was a
series of little bobbles made up of bundles of thread.  I ssumed they were
made by winding the thread around a small tool, maybe a needle, and then
they had a couple more extra rounds to keep the shape.  They were only about
an eighth of an inch across.  Can anyone enlighten us on this particular
lace?  Thanks   Sharon on cold, frosty, slippery, Vancouver Island

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[lace] thanks, and decorating bobbins

2005-11-18 Thread rick sharon
Thank you to all those who answered my question about the elastic bans for
my bobbin winder :)  Isn't modern technology wonderful? :)
Anyway, all the men in my family are into model making and one of their new
magazines featured an exciting new product.  I immediately saw it's worth
for lacemaking :)  Testors, the company that manufactures plastic paints,
has come out with a kit for making your own decals using your computer :)
Well, wouldn't that be handy for decorating bobbins? :)  You could scan and
use family photos, famous paintings, paint full size pictures you painted
yourself and reduce them down..the possibilities are endless!  The product
is Testors Custom Decal Maker.  It is quite inexpensive, around $9.99US and
that includes the computer software you may need in addition to several
hundred guy type designs and two sheets of decal paper.  The web-site where
there is more information is  www.decalgear.comSharon on Vancouver

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[lace] aussie bobbin winder

2005-11-15 Thread rick sharon
I've had my Aussie bobbin winder for quite a few years  and recently I've
had trouble finding an appropriate replacement elastic band.  I've long
since lost the little piece of paper that stipulated the size, can anyone
tell me what it is?  I've got a huge bag of elastic bands of assorted sizes
and none of them work :(  The bands just keep spinning without turning my
bobbins..most frustrating :(  TYIA  Sharon

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[lace] collecting lace

2005-10-31 Thread rick sharon
I don't have a huge collection of lace, and I haven't confined myself to
only bobbin lace, but I have certainly picked up some treasures at flea
markets.  Amongst those have been one of the most remarkable pieces of
knitted lace I've ever seen.  It's a tabletopper knitted in, I would say,
about a number 50 cotton thread...it's finer than your usual sewing thread.
Then I bought some Kalocsa doilies, a honiton cuff in pretty good shape,
several pieces of Russian tape lace, tatting, a few fabulous crochet
tablecloths.  One find that was really interesting..I have an old catalogue
from a company that sold Real Laces in the early 20's..be damned if I
didn't  find (in great shape) a couple of those very motifs illustrated in
the catalogue :) Collars, cuffs, and doilies are the most common, but I have
found yardage as well.  I only buy lace if it's unusual or in good
condition.  Look in the doily bins at your local thrift shop, flea markets
etc.  you'd be surprised what turns up. We have a little shop locally that
sells Victoriana stuff, mostly new, but they have also had a few wonderful
bits of antique lace.  I got a lovely honiton collar from there for just
$15.   Do get yourself a good book on lace identification first so you know
what you're looking at.  Collecting lace doesn't have to be expensive and
it's lots of fun when you do get a treasure.  Sharon, on rainy, cold
Vancouver Island..which suits me, it'll keep the vandals in on this
Halloween night :)

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[lace-chat] spice question

2005-08-23 Thread rick sharon
Can anyone tell me how much mace a blade of mace is measurementwise?  A recipe
I want to use calls for a blade of mace...I have never seen a whole blade of
mace.  I can get ground mace which is just a crumbled blade, but I can't find
an equivalent in tsp. TIA  Sharon on sunny Vancouver Island
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[lace-chat] decorating bobbins

2005-08-19 Thread rick sharon
Susan said  i really didn't want the biker look.  What's wrong with the
biker look?  I painted a whole bunch of my bobbins with hot rod flames
:)  I did both the traditional flame colours and  ghost flames :)  I still
get a chuckle out of the incongruity of the design with the gentle art of
lacemaking. And, I'm always hoping that the flames will influence the
lacemaker to greater speed:)  Sharon, on hot and sunny Vancouver Island

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[lace-chat] fray check

2005-08-01 Thread rick sharon
Fray Check (or however it's being spelled) has been around for donkey's years.
I can assure you that it does turn yellow/brown with time.  When it first came
out I thought it was a great idea..didn't have to hem the linen for cross
stitch.  Those edges are now a horrible rusty brown.  Don't believe all those
claims about none yellowing glues, particualrly if you are in a moist climate
where wood is the main heating fuel.   Sharon on Vancouver Island.
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[lace-chat] Harry Potter

2005-07-17 Thread rick sharon
Has anyone else finished the new Harry Potter book? :)  I think it's one of
the best..won't discuss any of the plot cause I don't want to give it away
for those who haven't finished.  This last week has been a week from hell as
I've been sitting with my Dad at the bedside of my Mum in hospital.  Being
able to take a couple of days break has been a godsend, so I decided that
blow it, I'm going to a HP midnight party.  It was great fun, I think I
was the oldest there :)  Most of the kids were in costume.  I didn't think
that that was really suitable for someone of venerable years so I just wore
a discreet sign saying I'm a witch..my husband says so :)  There were a
couple of parties going on in our town but only one that was actually
selling the books at midnight.  The other one was a big deal at one of the
theatres or something ,and while you paid for the book they only gave out
certificates to pick up the book the next morning.  Well, I wasn't going to
wait that long, I wanted my book now. :)  I was at page nine before I got to
the checkout.  Didn't hang around for the other festivities for long, I
wanted to tuck in to the book.:)  Sunday we had to do a bit of shopping at
Wal-Mart, and be damned if they didn't have the book on sale for $6 cheaper!
:(  Bum.  Anyway, it's a great book, tomorrow it's back to visiting the
hospital and making some tough decisions.  Sharon on Sunny Vancouver Island

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[lace] lokk site

2005-07-09 Thread rick sharon
I simply must have some of the patterns on the LOKK site..howcum I can't
download them? :(  I get the text but no pictures in the PDF format.  Any
suggestions?  Sharon on dull Vancouver Island

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[lace] Bruges finish

2005-06-16 Thread rick sharon
Someone recently asked me about how to do a Bruges finish.  I know I have it
somewhere in my pile of notes, and it has been posted here before..but I'm a
bit pressed for time lately and I'm weeks behind in digests :(  Could
someone kindly post the directions?  TIA  Sharon on dull but warm Vancouver

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[lace] another lace bobbin

2005-05-25 Thread rick sharon
I'm more than a bit behind on my digests (lots of company) :(  Well, I can
tell you that that particular bobbin started life as a letter opener with
a small pen inside.  I had one myself..got broken just like the one on e-bay
:(  I think they must've produced them by the ton, they are antiques but
I've seen at least a half a dozen over the years..only one whole one though.
Sharon  on sunny (at last) Vancouver Island

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[lace] oops

2005-05-25 Thread rick sharon
Ooops!  Guess I should make it clear that the e-bay bobbin I was referring
to (that's really a letter opener) was the one with the holes and the
spangle stuck on sideways :)  Sharon

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[lace] roseground

2005-05-22 Thread rick sharon
A very good sight for beginners (which hasn't been mentioned) is
http://www.gwydir.demon.co.uk/jo/lace/othergr.htm   Lots of good lessons
there with animation showing where bobbins move.Sharon  on rainy (like a
monsoon) Vancouver Island

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[lace] bookmarks sleeves

2005-05-12 Thread rick sharon
My solution to put bookmarks in sleeves is to starch them to the point of
being lethal weapons..they slide in very nicely then :)  If the bookmark is
made of a nice crisp linen I will assist it's passage with a bread knife
instead.  Bread knives are long and have a rounded blunt ends, very handy :)
Sharon on Vancouver Island

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[lace-chat] Canadian tax and medical

2005-03-24 Thread rick sharon
You asked if our tax free day was later because of medical insurance?  Well
it's not.  In British Columbia we pay $96 a month for basic gov't health
insurance.  This by no means covers everything..which you soon find out if
you are hospitalised :(  For the extras you have to buy additional private
insurance, so add another 30 or 40 dollars a month.  We pay for our own
dental and glasses, although we are entitled to one eye exam every two years
through the gov't insurance.  Alberta may sound like a good deal but they
too pay health insurance premiums and have even less coverage.  It amazes me
that our federal gov't claims we have free medical.  Technically we do in
that if you are admitted to emergency they must treat you (although that
doesn't stop some of the doctors sending you a bill after).  This is a
loophole that a lot of young people take advantage of in this province
because they can't afford the premiums.  Canada has a small population (30
million) and a huge land to manage.  Our taxes are high, but that's the
price we pay for having plenty of elbow room, safety, and a comfortable
life-style.  We may grumble about our taxes etc., but damn, we've got it
good.  I can't think of a better place to live.   Sharon on sunny Vancouver

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[lace] for Canadian lacers

2005-03-18 Thread rick sharon
This is for our Canadian lacemakers.  Hampstead House Books  www.hhbooks.com
is offering Sandi Woods Special Effects in Lace for $8.99Cdn.  Shipping is
$4.99 for one book.  HH books has never before offered a lace book, this is
a first, but I have ordered many books from them before and their service is
excellent. I just about wet myself when I saw this one at such a price :) I
have no idea whether or not they ship out of country.  Sharon on rainy
Vancouver Island

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[lace-chat] class system

2005-02-14 Thread rick sharon
Hmm, well I can't say that I think that doing away with royals will solve any
problem with class systems completely.  There's always the monkeys at the top.
However, I was appalled at the blatant prejudice last time I was in England.
We happened to be sitting behind the Commander of The Met (London's
policeforce) at a police demo.  This gentleman  made a comment that the
force has never been the same since they started letting the officers come up
through the ranks.  I couldn't believe it.
Another example which is spread worldwide and more sinister.  How many British
movies have you been to where the bad guys always have a lower class
accent?  Even the Harry Potter movies were guilty (listen to the Slytherin
quidditch captain)..and they were made by Americans.  Guess I'm a bit of a
pie in the sky type and think everyone should be equal..but there's always
someone more equal eh?  Sharon on sunny Vancouver Island
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[lace-chat] Charles and Camilla

2005-02-10 Thread rick sharon
I think it's great that Charley has finally decided to marry Camilla.  Why
shouldn't he have the same rights as his subjects?  The title of Defender
of the Faith was awarded to Henry VIII by the Catholic pope for writing a
treatise on the Catholic faith long before his divorce from Catherine of
Aragon.  For some reason old Henry decided he liked the title and kept it
after he was excommunicated and formed his own church.  When the C of E
decided it didn't like divorce I haven't a clue..but the reason it was
founded was so Henry could divorce and remarry.
On the one hand it seems people bitch about British royalty being out of
date and out of touch, and on the other, they deny to the royals what forty
percent of the population is doing anyway.  Personally, I think their time
has come to quit altogether.  There will always be an oppressive class sytem
in Britain while the royals still exist.  In the meantime, since we're stuck
with them, let the poor buggers at least have partners of their choice and
not ones that are chosen for them.  Sharon   on sunny Vancouver Island

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[lace-chat] jokes

2005-01-17 Thread rick sharon
Some of these have been around before, but they're fun anyway.

1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on
the same night.

2. If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has
not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be

3. There is a very fine line between hobby and mental illness.
{does this apply to lacemaking? }

4. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want
you to share yours with them.

5. You should not confuse your career with your life.

6. Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

7. Never lick a steak knife.

8. The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.

9. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling
reason why we observe daylight savings time.

10. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests
that you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging
from her at that moment.

11. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a
big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven.
{ I don't agree with this one, I've been trying to get DH to get me a
present for each year of my life..would've had 59 this year..I like
presents. Think of the benefits.  It would make having another birthday and
getting older more exciting.  Buying all those presents would have to boost
the economy etc. :)}

12. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender,
religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside,
we ALL believe that we are above average drivers.
{well, I am, so there. :) }

13. A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice
person (This is very important. Pay attention. It never fails).

14. Your friends love you anyway.

15. Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built
the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.

16. Thought for the day: Men are like fine wine.. They start out as grapes,
and it's up to the women to stomp the heck out of them until they turn into
something acceptable with which to have dinner.
{or, as my mother used to say, it's like getting a block of granite and a
rusty spoon, and you've got to make something out of it }

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[lace] a question for the historians

2005-01-10 Thread rick sharon
Since I'm about to take our club's antique pillow apart I have a few
questions.  This pillow is about 16 inches long by 11inches long, a bolster.
It is thought to have been from around 1830.  One thing that has struck me
is how light the pillow is.  I made myself a similar size pillow over the
hols (coffee cans wound with wool blanket) and mine is much heavier.  So,
besides straw, what else could have been used to stuff old pillows?
Secondly, when did glazed card become popular for prickings?  I think the
answers may be able to date the pillow more accurately.  Naturally I won't
be taking the pillow itself to pieces, I had thought to tease a little of
the stuffing out (with the help of a conservator) from the hole at the
gathering on the ends.  The pillow has been in a sealed case for the last
couple of decades and finding someone to help dismantle it has been
difficult.  Sharon on the snowy half of Vancouver Island

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[lace-chat] snow for Xmas?

2004-12-23 Thread rick sharon
Just what is it about everybody wanting snow for Christmas? :)  It's
horrible stuff.  It's cold, it makes travel difficult and sometimes
dangerous, it has to be shovelled which is strenuous.  Then, when it finally
melts everything is soggy..and cold :(
I remember when I was driving a school bus on the prairies in rural Alberta,
something I did for ten years.  Just about every last day of school at
Christmas there was a blizzard.  Try getting a bunch of hyper kids home in
conditions like that!  There was often a white-out where I had to keep
getting out of the bus every few yards just to make sure I was still on the
road.  I often had to break trail in the deep fresh snow, people would
actually wait for the bus so they could follow.  God help you if you were a
couple  minutes late for a pick up, in spite of the conditions, because you
had kids standing out in 30 below weather.  The snow was often piled up on
either side of the road (when they finally got around to ploughing it) as
high as the bus windows.  By then a lot of the snow had been packed into ice
on the actual road and it was like a toboggan run :( If you were unfortunate
enough to ditch the bus, you had to wait until some parent missed their kids
and started phoning. How can a family not miss 8 kids, I ask you?  It
happened, and I ended up waiting over an hour and a half before I decided
nobody was going to come and I had to walk two miles in bitterly cold
weather.  I remember praying for the spring melt, but then there was the
mud..and that's a different story :)  Nope, no snow for me, I'll take the
rain we have on the west coast here, snow is only picturesque on Christmas
cards :)  Sharon on Vancouver Island

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[lace] repairs

2004-12-17 Thread rick sharon
I think that is a good idea to recommend Elizabeth Kurella's book to someone
who wants lace repaired..if they are at all handy with a needle and thread.
Earlier this year I used the book when I needed to repair a small tear in a
gorgeous antique filet tablecloth.  The tear wasn't that big but I was
surprised that it still took me two days.  Actually doing a repair yourself
is a real eye-opener :)  .My point is, that we can make the lace, but
repairing is an altogether different kettle of fish.  I was very pleased
with how mine turned out..but then the same tablecloth was ruined when I
later had it on display in the local museum..poor climate control :(  All
that work for nothing (sigh)  Sharon on dull Vancouver Island

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[lace] The Mat

2004-12-13 Thread rick sharon
Since the mat has been brought up again..did anyone know that the original
was stolen along with a few antique hankies last year?  I found that news
quite devastating.  Sharon on rainy, windy Vancouver Island

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[lace] green man

2004-11-26 Thread rick sharon
I too would like to know exactly what the green man represents.  I've always
thought of him as a rather sinister/mischievous being who snatches people
wondering in the forest.  Anyway, anyone who encounters him is never seen
again.  I have no idea where I got this impression...so what's the real
story?  Sharon on dull Vancouver Island

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[lace] antique prickings

2004-11-17 Thread rick sharon
I've just been given four antique prickings of four different types of
lace..lucky, lucky me :)  What I would like to do is make copies of them in
black and white so I can study them.  Right now a couple of them look like
nothing more than a mass of pin holes extremely close together.  At a later
date I'd like to be able to true them as well and give'em a go :)  So how
do I go about making a readable copy?  One is on vellum, the others are on
very fragile card.  Do I have to prick through every hole onto carbon or
what?  TYIA  Sharon on dull, cold (for us) Vancouver Island

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[lace-chat] yoghurt etc.

2004-11-17 Thread rick sharon
I too have a Salton yoghurt maker and it's wonderful.  I wonder about the
directions for yours Tamara.  Mine says to process it for only 10hrs.  The
longer you leave it in the heating thingy, the more sour it gets.  could
that be the problem with your yoghurt?  I also had another kind of yoghurt
maker.  Basically it was nothing more than a very well insulated thermos.
I still have three fondue makers, haven't used any of them for years :(  The
main reason I haven't is because most fondue recipes are so high in fat.
I'd have a major guilt trip consuming that sort of thing nowadays..are there
more healthy alternatives?  Sharon on dull, cold (for us) Vancouver Island

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[lace] warning

2004-11-16 Thread rick sharon
Our group was recently asked to put a lace display in our local museum.
Turned out they kept the display for two months.  That was a pain because
half my equipment was there..like bobbin winder etc.
Anyway, I have a warning for those of you who do this sort of thing.  Check
out the museum thoroughly.  I thought my lace would be quite safe since
everything was in glass cases.  This turned out not to be true.  When it was
hot the museum had their doors opened, when it was cold they closed them.
Overnight or when the museum wasn't open, there was no heat.  Well, the
climate change in the museum was extreme enough that in one display case
things got so damp that the dye from a blue cardboard jewlery box ran and
spread through two layers of my antique tablecloth.  The cloth is now
permanently stained.  In addition to this there was also mould growing in
the case..not much, but it was there when you really looked.  Needless to
say, I'll be much more careful before putting lace out again..if I ever do.
Sharon  on very soggy Vancouver Island

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[lace] Is this true?

2004-11-16 Thread rick sharon
Is it true...is Practical Skills out of print?  Sharon on wet Vancouver

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[lace-chat] blanc mange

2004-11-16 Thread rick sharon
Blanc mange is disgusting stuff..especially the lurid grey-pink stuff they
used to pass off as strawberry in school lunches.  The semolina and
tapioca weren't much better, they really had to give the spoon a good whip
to get it off and into the dish...it was grey too.  I've never been able to
touch the stuff since..yuk.  Sharon on wet Vancouver Island

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[lace-chat] new from old songs

2004-11-14 Thread rick sharon
 Some of the artists from the '60s and '70's are revising their hits with
new lyrics to accommodate aging baby boomers. This is good news for  those
feeling a little older  and missing those great old tunes.
  Herman's Hermits
   The Bee Gees

  Bobby Darin
Ringo Starr
   Roberta Flack
   Johnny Nash

   Paul Simon

   Marvin Gaye
Procol Harem

Leo Sayer
   The Temptations


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[lace] lacemaker location

2004-10-20 Thread rick sharon
We have recently had a young man join our lace group :)  We've started his
lessons and he's doing very well :)  Unfortunately he's with a youth
volunteer program which ships him all over the country and he'll only be
here until the end of November.  Are there any lacemaking groups near
Beamsville (?) Ontario?  The fellow would definately like to continue
learning.  Thanks.sharon on Vancouver Island

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[lace-chat] new dog breeds

2004-10-20 Thread rick sharon
 New Dog Breeds
Pointer + setter = Poinsetter, a traditional Christmas pet.

Pekingnese + Lhasa Apso = Peekasso, an abstract dog.

Irish Water Spaniel + English Springer Spaniel = Irish Springer, a dog fresh
and clean as a whistle.

Labrador Retriever + Curly Coated Retriever = Lab Coat Retreiver, the choice
of research scientists.

Newfoundland + Basset Hound = Newfound Asset Hound, a dog for financial

Terrier + Bulldog = Terribull, (make up your own definition for this one!)

Bloodhound + Labrador = Blabador, a dog that barks incessantly.

Malamute + Pointer = Moot Point owned by... oh, well, it doesn't matter

Collie + Malamute = Commute, a dog that travels to work.

Long-Haired Terrier + Pit Bull = Hairy Pitts, found throughout Europe.

Cairn Terrier + Jack Russell Terrier = Cair Jack, you can never find him
when you have a flat tire.

Highland Terrier + Jack Russel Terrier = Hijack, gets you in trouble on

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[lace] bone bobbins

2004-10-18 Thread rick sharon
Two or three weeks ago I posted about some bone bobbins that an elderly
lacemaker had asked me to sell for her.  I had a few interested e-mails
about them, but first I had to get pics, then I was ill, and for the last
week I've had major computer woes :(  As a consequence of the computer
problems, I no longer have the addy's of the interested ladies ..didn't back
up any files either :(  Our Brian had kindly given me some info on the
bobbins so I can tell you more. Could those ladies please get in contact
with me again?  Thanks.  Sharon  on dull Vancouver Island

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[lace-chat] bear situation worsens

2004-09-22 Thread rick sharon
Just got back from guarding a bear again.  It's getting to be a full time
job, night and day :(  It's been estimated that at any one time in the
village there are about ten bears.  Most people are just letting the bear
pass through their gardens, but when someone can't leave their house, or
there's a hoard of kids harassing them, we are called in.  The last week and
a half  has seen an increase in the amount of on-lookers too.  The situation
is getting pretty hairy with near rioting by those who don't want the bears
shot and those who do.  The Bear Watch members are right in the middle
getting abuse from both sides :(  Throw in those who just want to be part of
the drama, and the media guys, it's a circus.  Don't know how long this is
going to go on for, the conservation guys have told us that because of our
extrememly hot and dry summer that there's not enough berries for the bears.
A rough time :(  Sharon on Vancouver Island

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[lace-chat] stressful times

2004-09-14 Thread rick sharon
It certainly seems as if Mother Nature is doing her bit to remind us that we
don't control everything.  Weather patterns everywhere have been most
unusual and extreme this year :(  I certainly feel sorry for our spiders in
Florida, our hot and dry year pales beside what they are experiencing.
Our problem right now is bears.  In the brochures our village is described
as the village in the forest.  A bit of a joke since a foreign owned
lumber company, who's executives have probably never even been here,
clearcut all around us two years ago :(  Couple that with a newly installed
electric fence around the municipal dump, and suddenly we have bears on
every street :(  It wouldn't be so bad except we have a large group of young
people, who are connected via the internet and cell phones, who are hunting
the bear out and harassing the poor creatures.
Feelings are running pretty high since three of the bears have had to be
shot (a bullet is cheaper than relocation).  I'm part of a group who get out
and cordon off a road to let the bears pass in peace, but these horrible
children have no respect for authority, not even when the Mounties are
present.  The gang disperses (sometimes) when told, but they re-group after
the police have left.  There's only a few of us who can officially guard the
bear and a lot of times the kids will move on to the next sighting, so we're
pretty thinly spread.  As I said, feelings are pretty strong about the
situation, most of the townspeople support us..I can't believe that I,
personally, actually rushed a Mountie to grab his rifle away, I'm
horrified..all because of a few YOBS who get a thrill out of seeing an
animal get shot. It's a sad situation, and we've probably got another month
of nightime vigils before the bear move on for the salmon runs.  Sharon  on
Vancouver Island

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[lace] cheap linen

2004-08-23 Thread rick sharon
There may be a source of cheap linen that you wouldn't normally think
of...go to your local friendly frame shop.  The better frame shops do linen
liners for oil paintings, sort of the equivalent of a mat that's used for
prints etc.  Since the linen liners are only on the outer edge of the
painting, the middle bit is often discarded because it's too small for any
other painting (oils pictures tend to be quite big:) ).  I know our local
shop used to give the scraps away to anyone that asked, and they were great
for needlework or the centres of mats etc.  Just ask if they have any linen
scraps.  Actually the same goes for matting, you'd be surprised at the
lovely scraps..suede, silk..just right for small lace :)  Sharon, on dull,
drizzly Vancouver Island (yippeee)

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[lace-chat] Harry Potter

2004-08-20 Thread rick sharon
Does anyone else visit J.K. Rowling's personal web-site?  The door is open
again for another clue about the 6th. book..but people in North America
can't access it for some reason :(  I tried going through the UK site but
still have no joy :(  Also, I've found the spider, beaker, leaf ,and
feather..but now what?  Where's the cauldron?  or does the question mark
refer to the book in the bookcase?  Since the door is only to be opened for
a short time, I'd really like to know what's behind it.  I know you have to
find a light switch, throw the darts at the dart board in a particualr
order, and do something with a bunch of numbers to get to the clue.  Has
anyone found out what to do with the telephone..or is that to come later?
Yours, in frustration, Sharon  on Vancouver Island...we've got clouds today
:))) it's still hot though :(

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[lace-chat] Canadian jokes

2004-06-09 Thread rick sharon

After the North American Beer Festival, all the brewery presidents decided
to go out for a beer. The guy from Corona sits down and says, Hey Senor, I
would like the world's best beer, a Corona. The bartender dusts off a
bottle from the shelf and gives it to him.

The guy from Budweiser says, I'd like the best beer in the world, give me
'The King Of Beers', a Budweiser. The bartender gives him one.

The guy from Coors says, I'd like the only beer made with Rocky Mountain
spring water, give me a Coors. He gets it.

The guy from Molson sits down and says, Give me a Coke. The bartender is a
little taken aback, but gives him what he ordered. The other brewery
presidents look over at him and ask, Why aren't you drinking a Molson's?

The Molson president replies, Well, I figured if you guys aren't drinking
beer, neither would I.


A Canadian is walking down the street with a case of beer under his arm. His
friend Doug stops him and asks, Hey Bob! Whacha get the case of beer for?

I got it for my wife, eh. answers Bob.

Oh! exclaims Doug, Good trade.


An Ontarian wanted to become a Newfie. He went to the neurosurgeon and
asked, Is there anything you can do to me that would make me into a

Sure it's easy. replied the neurosurgeon. All I have to do is cut out 1/3
of your brain, and you'll be a Newfie.

He was very pleased, and immediately underwent the operation. However, the
neurosurgeon's knife slipped, and instead of cutting 1/3 of the patient's
brain, the surgeon accidentally cut out 2/3 of the patient's brain.

He was terribly remorseful, and waited impatiently beside the patient's bed
as the patient recovered from the anesthetic. As soon as the patient was
conscious, the neurosurgeon said to him I'm terribly sorry, but there was a
ghastly accident. Instead of cutting out 1/3 of your brain, I accidentally
cut out 2/3 of your brain.

The patient replied Qu'est-ce que vous avez dit, monsieur?


Did you hear about the war between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia?

The Newfies were lobbing hand grenades; the Nova Scotians were pulling the
pins and throwing them back.


In Canada, we have two seasons...six months of winter and six months of poor


One day an Englishman, an American, and a Canadian walked into a pub
together. They proceeded to each buy a pint of Labatt Blue. Just as they
were about to enjoy their beverages, three flies landed in each of their

The Englishman pushed his beer away from him in disgust. The American fished
the offending fly out of his beer and continued drinking it as if nothing
happened. The Canadian picked the fly out of his drink and started shaking
it over the pint, yelling, SPIT IT OUT, SPIT IT OUT YOU BASTARD!!!


A Quebecer, staying in a hotel in Edmonton phoned room service for some

Black pepper, or white pepper? asked the concierge.

Toilette pepper! yelled the Quebecer.


An American, a Scot and a Canadian were in a terrible car accident. They
were all brought to the same emergency room, but all three of them died
before they arrived. Just as they were about to put the toe tag on the
American, he stirred and opened his eyes. Astonished, the doctors and nurses
present asked him what happened.

Well, said the American, I remember the crash, and then there was a
beautiful light, and then the Canadian and the Scot and I were standing at
the gates of heaven. St.Peter approached us and said that we were all too
young to die, and said that for a donation of $50, we could return to earth.
So of course I pulled out my wallet and gave him the $50, and the next thing
I knew I was back here.

That's amazing! said the one of the doctors, But what happened to the
other two?

Last I saw them, replied the American, the Scot was haggling over the
price and the Canadian was waiting for the government to pay his.

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[lace-chat] recipe help

2004-06-07 Thread rick sharon
Oh my, so many different measuring sizes :(  Perhaps you should check the
country of origin of the recipe, and maybe the age.  Years ago, when we were
in England, I solved the problem by buying all the measuring devices :)
Anyway, my old British measuring spoons say that a dessertspoon is 12ml.  A
tablespoon is 18ml. and a teaspoon is 6ml.  So, a Dessertspoon is two
teaspoons...just to add to the confusion :)  Sharon on dull Vancouver Island

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[lace] repeated messages

2004-06-04 Thread rick sharon
Has Windows changed their e-mail options lately?  It's getting a little
annoying to keep getting the same message, with extensions, in replies to
postings :(  A sentence (copied and pasted) would do to tell us to which
posting you are referring.  Please check out tools/options/send and
uncheck the bit that asks you if you want the whole original message
included.  Sorry if I sound like a miserable old hag, I don't mean to ruffle
anyone's feathers...but I find my eyes glaze over with boredom after reading
the same message over and over :(   Sharon

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[lace-chat] mosquitoes

2004-06-04 Thread rick sharon
Ah, now if you want to see mosquitoes, you have to go to Northern Canada :)
There's many tales of how inattentive runway crews have attempted to refuel
a mosquito before they realise it's not an aircraft :)  DH and I once made a
three week canoe trip in DH's stomping grounds of northern Manitoba..it just
happened to be a time when they had the worst outbreak of mosquitoes in 17
yrs.   The first day we made 25 miles.  We just had to keep paddling to
avoid the mozzies.  We had three portages the first day that were  over a
mile long, they were pretty exciting, we couldn't move fast enough.  Then
there were the blackfly. Oh, and it was also a record year for leeches..I
thought they were eels until DH informed me otherwise :(  Sharon.. on sunny
Vancouver Island

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[lace-chat] .ram files

2004-04-16 Thread rick sharon
.ram files are actually text files David.  All they give is the URL for the
piece of music :(  There are programs out there which will convert ram to
wav. but they are expensive. :(  I think your best bet is to run your
computer sound through your stereo and then record the music from there.
It's not very satisfactory, but it is a cheap solution, providing your
computer and stereo are in the same room :)  All the best   Sharon on dull,
but spring-like, Vancouver Island

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[lace] bebilla lace

2004-04-01 Thread rick sharon
Just for interst, if anyone has an August '96 Piecework, there is an article
on bebilla and oya needlelace.  They have some beautiful examples and, of
course, there's the taster project to try.
Since we're (sort of) discussing odd laces, I have a question.  I have what
I think is either an old hanky or nylon case.  In any event, it's a
rectangle, about 16 inches long by 6 inches wide, folded in half so it's 8x6
and the inside has a ribbon across, presumably to hold the hankies in.
Anyway, it has a beatiful piece of lace decorating the outer flap.  The base
is a point ground type (round holes) netting but the design is a heavy cord
sewn into a quite intricate pattern.  The cord doesn't weave in and out of
the ground holes, it is actually sewn on by hand.  Underneath the stitches
are long and irregular and they only just catch the cord on the upper side
so they're invisible.  The design is floral and the solid parts of petals
are made up of coils.  I've not been much into needlelace and I know I
haven't seen another example like this, does anyone have any ideas what it
is?  Sharon on sunny Vancouver Island

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[lace] pattern question

2004-03-26 Thread rick sharon
A fellow lace-maker would like to do the floral torchon waterlily pattern
by Geraldine Stott.  Has anyone else attempted this pattern?  Is there a
picture of the finished piece anywhere?  Is this a torchon version of a
Bucks pattern?  If so, where can we get a picture of that? :)  any
information would be appreciated.   Sharon on rainy Vancouver Island

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[lace] colour in lace etc.

2004-03-25 Thread rick sharon
Angela, I must know...what thread was Miriam using to do colour in her
Honiton? :)  I've always thought honiton screams for very subtle
colouring..is there coloured thread out there that is fine enough?  If there
is, I wants it!:)
Another point that I thought interesting in the last digest..how does Fimo
work for making beads for spangles?  I've often thought I'd like to make a
bottom bead to match my painted bobbins..is it really suitable?  Does it
stand up to much use?
About green threads.  I knew a lady who wanted to clean an antique
embroidery, which she did very gently and very carefully in distilled water.
The whole thing turned out beautifully except the green.  It  just
disintegrated and not a hair was left.  At the time I wondered whether it
was the chemical composition of the dye itself.  I have run up against this
a couple of times since with things I have bought at flea markets, and it's
always the green thread that falls apart.  Interesting.   Sharon  on rainy,
windy Vancouver Island

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[lace] Canadian suppliers

2004-03-09 Thread rick sharon
For a Canadian supplier who stocks everything for the lacemaker, including
all the latest books, don't forget Gail Young at  http://trilliumlace.ca
Her prices are very competitive and she's also very knowledgable.
Sharon..on Sunny Vancouver Island..where Spring is definately in the air :)

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[lace-chat] plagues etc.

2004-03-01 Thread rick sharon
For those interested in this subject, might I suggest reading Plagues and
Peoples by William H. McNeill.  It's a fascinating book on how various
infectious diseases have evolved and their effect on the economies and
politics of the time.  The book gives a whole new slant on history in
general.  It even suggests that the Christian religion would not have taken
off  if it were not for some major plagues at the time.. making people
rather desperate.  The conclusion of the book has a rather ominous
forecaste.  The authour states that because Nature likes a balanced book, it
is inevitable that there will be another huge plague.  His reasoning for
this comes from comparing human population with viruses, he called it
microparasitism and macroparasitism. No virus is going to be a success
if it kills it's host.  All our so-called childhood diseases were once
major plagues but those viruses could only survive if they evolved into
something less harmful.  Anyway, it is an interesting book.Sharon on
sunny but cool Vancouver Island

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[lace-chat] starching

2004-02-12 Thread rick sharon
Well, I'm not known as the starching queen for nothing :)
I starch just about everything in sight..and not successfully :(  Starching
lace is great, it makes lace look so crisp that it hides all kinds of
mistakes :)  Anyway, while I can't tell you the correct way of starching, I
can give a few comments on what not to do :)  First off, don't soak the lace
with starch..some threads shrink too much, and if the lace isn't pinned down
it'll look awful.  Don't spray rayon threads..they run and loose their
sheen.  Even if you have plastic film over your pricking, and leave the lace
pinned to it, too much starch will run under the film through the pinholes.
That creates a bit of a mess, especially if the pricking was done on a
photocopier..ink will bleed upwards.  Too much starch will fill in the
blanks in lace and also make them look like they are filled with thin glass.
You can get around that one by dabbing the lace with a damp cloth after to
dissolve the excess :)  So there you are, all this learned from personal
experience :)  Now I really would like someone to tell me the proper way
to apply starch too :)  Sharon  on sunny Vancouver Island

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[lace] arachne heart

2004-02-11 Thread rick sharon
I was a proud recipient of one of Pauline's hearts :)  I don't think you can
fault everyone for not sending in a picture of the finished cushion with the
promised lace.  I, for one, do not have anything with which to take a picture.
My only camera is a cheap point and shoot and the cushions are too fat to
scan :(  I never fail to look at that pin cushion without remembering the
courage Pauline showed during her period of extreme ill health.  As a matter
of fact, I would like to know how her battle is going once in a while  : )  We
were going through a similar health crisis when Pauline sent out the cushions
and at the time I kept telling myself if Pauline can do it, so can we.  So
thank you again Pauline, and even if there aren't pictures of more cushions,
it doesn't mean they weren't completed :)   Sharon

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[lace] what kind of lace bobbin?

2004-02-06 Thread rick sharon
I was recently very fortunate to receive a huge addition to my odd bobbin
collection :)  Among all the lovely bobbins was one that has four heads.
Whilst perusing  http://www.tombolodisegni.it/  I noticed in the bobbin
collection one that looked just like mine.  Can anyone tell me how this
bobbin was used?  It's quite fat and just over five inches long, with three
dividing heads that would appear to make room for four different threads
all on the same long neck.
I also acquired three antique Russian bobbins in the same collection.  They
are beautiful.  Each is about 7 inches long and five eighths in diameter.
They are obviously made from tree branches,you can see where they smoothed
off side twigs.  The thing about them is that they have the most beautiful
incised geometric carving.  The patterns are very intricate.  I have no idea
what kind of wood they are but it is very light, almost balsa light.  Wish I
had some way of photographing them for you, I tried scanning but it didn't
showed the carving very well.
On a different topic, I would have to say that, although Lace Express is an
expensive magazine, it usually has thirty or more patterns... which would
make it fairly cheap compared to a book.Sharon  on dull Vancouver Island
where we still have lots of snow :(

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[lace] teaching classes

2004-01-17 Thread rick sharon
Dear Lorelei and all you other kind spiders who have responded.  I'm
beginning to revise my opinion about using the snake as a starter project
since a couple of you pointed out some areas of potential difficulty.
Perhaps the boring bandage might be best after all?  I hadn't thought of
tape lace as a second choice.  I do have Pam Nottingham's Bobbin Lace
Making  it's the book I used to teach myself  20 yrs ago and has been as
much my bible as the Cookbook :)  I have to admit though, I completely
skipped the tape lace lessons because they didn't look like real lace to
me.  What is the opinion of  other lacers?  Would tape lace grab you?  One
of the laces suggested is more or less a meander with sewings in the middle
of the loops.  Sorry to keep bugging you, but I don't want to have to
re-invent the wheel when I know that there might have been others in a
similar situation.  Thanks.   Sharon  on dull Vancouver Island

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[lace] need help

2004-01-16 Thread rick sharon
I think I've just got myself into a bit of a mess.  I was asked to give a
short class on lacemaking for a fibre arts symposium in May.  At the time
all I thought about was the prospect of gaining more lacemakers.  Now the
reality has struck, and I'm wondering how the heck I'm going to teach enough
to snare some permanent interest with just 12 hrs tuition?  So far all I've
thought of is pre-winding all but one pair of bobbins (I feel they must know
how to wind a bobbin properly) and perhaps starting with the Springetts
Snake?  Any idea  what's the average length of time that should take for a
beginner?  I was hoping that I'd get that done in the first four hour
session, but now I'm wondering.  Then what do I give? What would be the
ideal length of time for something like this anyway?  Perhaps I'm trying for
the impossible, but I hate to pass up a chance to spread the craft.  Your
thoughts would be welcome.  Sharon

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[lace] framing lace

2004-01-11 Thread rick sharon
Gods, I don't know what kind of framers you guys must have to deal with, but
even out in the sticks here we have framers who are using modern framing
techniques.  Firstly, yes, I would mount my own lace.  You don't even really
have to use fabric..which will stratch and sag over time anyway.  There are
perfectly safe mat boards, acid free, that come in silk finishes and
assorted other types.  I assure you these are made from cotton.  Sewing the
lace on a background yourself is still the best way because of costs and
also you have more time to put in the extra stitches to prevent future
sagging. Think sag when you mount it because if not supported properly it
will.   Use either your lace thread or the transparent mono filament..I
think the lace thread is best.  As for glass, well for years now there has
been some spectacular non-glare glass available.  The old type that was
etched is so out of date, I can't imagine a shop stocking it.  Obviously
some do.  There is now a new type of glass, in the States it's put out by a
company that calls the glass Image Perfect.  The trick is in how the glass
is manufactured.  It's porous, with all the little pores running in the same
direction all the way through.  The main problem with this glass is that
everyone has to touch it to see if there's glass there :(  If this happens
it has to be cleaned as soon as possible due to the nature of the glass.
The same company puts out a museum grade Image Perfect which cuts 90% of UV
rays.  Framers will make spacers to put between your lace and the glass to
keep the glass off.  Some of them use commercially manufactured spacers,
which are convenient.  Shop around and find a framer who knows about these
things.   Sharon on rainy Vancouver Island

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[lace] thanks and greetings

2003-12-23 Thread rick sharon
Wow, thanks for all the answers to my German translations..you guys are the
greatest :)  I would like to wish all of you a very happy Christmas and a
contented, healthy , prosperous New Year.  Sharon  on rainy Vancouver
Island, waiting for our lace group to get together this afternoon for our
Christmas booze-up :)

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[lace] need translations

2003-12-18 Thread rick sharon
Someone just passed an interesting pricking to me but I need a few
translations:)  The pricking is German.  This is what I need.
Die beiden Konturpaare konnen auch aus dem gleichen Garn gearbeitet werden.
Dieses Arbeit ist aus zwei gleichen Teilen zusammengesetzt.  Die angegebenen
Paare sind fur eine Halfte  also Der Kloppelbrief wurde um eine DIN-Stufe
I sort of get the drift, but I'd like to be sure :)  Thank youSharon on
sunny Vancouver Island

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[lace] raffle

2003-12-10 Thread rick sharon
Hi Chelle!  Please put me down for your draw :)   Sharon
WhiteleyVancouver Island

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[lace] making cord

2003-11-10 Thread rick sharon
Can someone help me?  I once had the directions for making a twisted cord
out of embroidery thread..haven't a clue what happened to them :(  It was
very handy to make a matching cord for an embroidered pincushion etc.  I
vaguely remember that you started with about eight times the finished length
of floss and then started twisting around a doorknob.  It was very nice to
match cord with the embroidery colours.  Does someone out there know how to
do this?  We're starting a class making lace amulet purses and I thought
this would come in handy for the neck cord.  Thanks.   Sharon on dull but
warmer Vancouver Island

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[lace-chat] odd cooking thingy

2003-09-25 Thread rick sharon
Since our list is the fount of all knowledge :) I thought I'd put a question
to you about a cooking pot(?) that's in one of our local second-hand stores.
No body knows what it's for, or how it's to be used.  The thingy is made
from terra cotta and is in two oval halves. Each half is about 10 inches
long by 7 inches, banded and hinged together with metal.  The banding
extends out at one end to form long handles.  It's rather like an old waffle
maker, but really smooth.  The halves are also about an inch deep. Stamped
on each side are the words  La Cotta. La Salute e Nella Cotta, Marchio
Depositato, Made in Italy.  Can anyone put us out of our misery and tell us
what it's for?  TIA   Sharon

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[lace-chat] computer woes

2003-07-19 Thread rick sharon
For those who run Windows 98 and have problems shutting down, or not
defragging, or can't get their solitaire game, Microsoft has a fix for them.
Apparently these were common bugs :(  Mind you, you have to jump through
hoops on their web-site to get the fixes, but try looking under
troubleshooting.  Still doesn't help the computer woes I've been having the
last week and a half..it still insists on going online every time I try to
access a program :(  Sharon, on cloudy and muggy Vancouver Island
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[lace-chat] accents/idols

2003-07-13 Thread rick sharon
Accents in movies etc. have always been a source of irritation for me.  I
hated Audrey Hepburn's attempt at being a Cockney in My Fair Lady, but then
few actors really get it right :(  Yes, I have to add my vote for Sean
Connery and Al Rickman too, they could eat crackers in my bed anytime :)
Back to accents.  I'm a long time fan of audio books, can't sleep without
one, and if the book was good the audio is a must.:)  I've only ever come
across one book where the reader did a gruesome job.  That was Susanna York
reading a Heinlein book where the heroine was supposed to have a Southern
accent and SY read it with a very proper English accent.  Disaster.  One of
my favourite readers was James Mason, I also fell madly in love with him
when I was a child and he played Captain Nemo :)  Most book tapes nowadays
are read by top actors.  There have been a few read by the authors, notably
James Herriot (complete with dogs barking  in the background), Isaac
Asimov..both horrible readers, but loved the accents...  Douglas Adams was
great, and the best author reader, John le Carre.  I think one of the
reasons I was disappointed with the HP movies was because the script was so
obviously written by an American, the rhthym was all wrong for the accent,
and the kids just didn't get it.  Sharon on dull rainy Vancouver Island
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[lace-chat] good news if it's true?

2003-07-05 Thread rick sharon
Toni wrote about Microbe gobbles toxic plastic waste.  On first glance
this does look good, but it reminds me of a sci-fi story about a microbe
that eats all plastic.  Chaos theory suggests that this new microbe could
evolve to do just that, nature finds a way (eerie music) VBGSharon on
sunny Vancouver Island
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[lace-chat] computer problems..like, I really need this

2003-07-03 Thread rick sharon
I'm hoping someone can help me here.  Last night I did the unforgivable and
downloaded a screensaver from one of those sites that requires an agreement
etc.  The screen saver turned out to be the pits :(  However, ever since
then, every time I've tried to access a program my computer tries to go
on-line :(  It's most annoying.  Am I right in thinking I may have a trojan?
If so, how do I get rid of it?  I've been trying all day to find on-line
checkers but nothing seems to be satisfactory.  Any suggestions?  If it
isn't a trojan, how do I fix the problem anyway?  Sharon, frustrated on
Vancouver Island
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[lace-chat] jet beads

2003-06-29 Thread rick sharon
Hi Jeanette.  Identifying jet can be a bit tricky because vendors don't take
kindly to some tests :)  Two that the ordinary person can try is 1) jet will
make a brown streak when rubbed across unglazed porcelain, and 2) a hot
needle in an inconspicuous spot will produce a smell like coal burning.
Having said that...all jet is carved, it is never moulded, for that reason
you don't often get jet beads.  Jet is warm to the touch.  French jet is
actually black glass. Vulcanite, another false jet is actually rubber.  It
too makes a brown streak on porcelain but it burns with a sulphurous smell.
Bakelite was another imitation, but is usually stamped with patent.  Some
museaums are now selling imitation jet made of epoxy resin.  Vauxhall glass
is an English glass imitation and has a reddish tinge when viewed under
certain angles of light.  In general, I would be quite cautious when
presented with jet beads.  the only real test is the hot needle, but like I
said, not many vendors would appreciate that.   Sharon on suddenly  dull,
dark Vancouver Island
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[lace-chat] manual vs automatic

2003-06-14 Thread rick sharon
Linda said And going back to the sub-thread about manual gear boxes, I
wonder how many
arachne members remember double declutching  Oh yes, I remember it well, as
a matter of fact even after synchro was standard on all gears, I still did
it :)  I've driven everything from motor bikes to buses, and for the first
time in 40 years we've now got an automatic car :(  I'm sort of getting used
to it, I still thump around on the floor trying to find the clutch and reach
for a stick.  I can't say I really like it, I don't feel like I'm in
control, it's very restricting :(  As a matter of fact, I don't like modern
cars at all, not their looks (egg shaped), they're all plastic, and it's
impossible to do any repairs yourself :(  Gimme an old style car that you
can fix with a hairpin and a nail file :)  As for looking for strangers to
help..well, I'm well past sweet young thing...but no one wants to stop for a
little old lady either :(  Tough times.   Sharon   on cloudy, cool Vancouver

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