Re: source view empty

2009-03-31 Thread G. Milde
On 31.03.09, Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW wrote:

> >>When I tried today to look at the LaTeX source with View>Source, the 
> >>field stays empty and the tick-boxes (complete source and automatic
> >>update) are greyed out.

> >>Did anyone else experience this problem? Is there a known remedy?
> >
> >I have the same with 1.6.2.. I've no clue what happened..

> Are you on Windows ?

> If so, deleting the following key from the registry solves the problem:

> HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2082945442-480271342-340043625-47002\Software\LyX\LyX-1.6.2\views\0\view-source

No, I am on Unix (Debian Gnu/Linux). But I found that removing the file
~/.config/LyX/LyX-1.6.2.conf did the trick (with the unwanted side-effect
of restoring window size and toolbar visibility to the defaults).


helped without side effects.

Furthermore, I found the reason: You can reproduce the bug if you untick
both, "complete source" and "autoupdate" in the source view window.


Re: Disable Alt-f and similar?

2008-11-28 Thread G. Milde
On 27.11.08, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Guenter Milde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > Is there a way to disable Alt+ for the cases where there
> > is no explicite definition?

> This is a supposedly 'helpful' functionality that should be removed IMO.
> This happens when there is no function bound to the binding that you
> try. 

I filed a bug,



Re: Loading Babel with parameter

2008-09-25 Thread G Milde
Máté Salát <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
>   From: Marcelo Acu=F1a=20

>  > You know that LyX adds \usepackage{babel} to the end of
>  > the preamble of the tex file by default. How can it changed
>  > to \usepackage[magyar]{babel} to load the Hungarian one?

>put magyar in options of documents

Or set the language with the Document>Settings>Language Dialogue.

> If I set the language in the document options then it appears only among =
> the options of \documentclass. The \begin{document} remains without =
> option. Look at it here:

Options in \documentclass are passed to all packages loaded with
\usepackage, to this should work.

You can, however untick the "[x] Global" box in
Tools>Preferences>Language settings>Language.
Downside: other packages (like index generators) will not pick up the
language setting.


Re: New LyX user, problem with "uncodable characters"

2008-09-23 Thread G Milde
Nikos Alexandris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> 2. While trying to export the document to pdf I get twice the "LyX:
> Uncodable characters in listings inset \ The following characters in one
> of the program listings are not representable in the current encoding
> and have been omitted: -." #It's kind of a long dash!

Well, the '-' you posted here is the ASCII dash (002D   HYPHEN-MINUS) that
should not pose problems. Did you copy and past it from the log?

> After pressing "OK" the pdf is produced and viewed properly. Since I
> have lots of Program Listing insets it's hard to tell where or what this
> character is (?).

If you could copy the actual character from the log, you could examine with
e.g. gucharmap or the `unicode` command. Or just search and replace it in
the *.lyx source file in a text editor.

> 4. How do I create a custom "summary" environment (e.g. chapter summary)
> an add it in the "book" document class?

On 1.6 it would be most easy to read about the layout modules in


Re: RC2 and graphics, follow up

2008-09-23 Thread G Milde
Hellmut Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> Viewing with kpdf is quite slow too, somebody sugested that may be a 
> problem of graphic format conversion.
> Which format does lyx use? I could easily convert all my pictures to 
> that format using convert. Then no additional time would be needed.

The converted images are chached, so this would not really matter. You might
have a look at the chache configuration in Tools>Settings, though.

OTOH, kpdf is quite slow -- especially if you are not using KDE. Setting
this to xpdf, say, in the Tools>Settings>Formats>PDF* variants might speed
things up.

> In some cases two pictures which should be on a line are put on 
> different lines and the need a whole page, i.e. the first picture is at 
> the beginning of the upper half of a page, the second one in the lower 
> half of the page, right justified.

Looks like your pictures are too wide (or you have a space inbetween: 50%
+ 50% + space > 100% ;-). As automatic line-breaking is not shown in LyX,
you see this only in the output.

> I could overcome this problem putting the picturers in one big minipage, 
> then the two pictures which should stay beside each other in two single 
> minipages which again are put in a minipage for the "line".

In the minipage, if the pictures do not fit on the line, they have no
chance to sort otherwise, so the line will become too long (have a look
at the "overfull line" warnings in the Document>LaTeX_log).


Re: custom layouts - inserting a mandatory parameter

2008-09-22 Thread G Milde
Micha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> I'm trying to see if I can write a layout file for the currvita latex class.
> The main environment is a list environment that should come out something like

> \begin{cvlist}{title}
> \item[one] text
> \item[two] text
> \end{cvlist}

> I can get the {title} part by adding
> LatexParam{title}
> but that doesn't allow me to change this. Is there a way to insert that
> mandatory argument, layout file style option, tex code or otherwise?

There are two ways: as optional parameter (short title) or as a separate
Style. My dinbrief.layout uses the latter:

  # dinbrief's \phone has 2 args, area and number. We define an empty
  # command that can be set by the Area_Code style
  # dinbrief's \phone has 2 args, area and number,
  # define both as distinct styles
  Style Area_Code
CopyStyle   DinBrief
LabelString "Vorwahl:"
LatexName   "renewcommand{\areacode}"
  Style Telephone
CopyStyle   DinBrief
LabelString "Telefon:"
LatexName   phone
LatexParam  {\areacode}
For the "short-title" way, you would need to define an auxiliary latex
command with optional argument, enable the optional arg with the keyword

OptionalArgs  1

and set it with (the misnamed) Insert>Short-Title. 


Re: I killed Latex, ¡hel p me, please!

2008-09-21 Thread G. Milde
On 20.09.08, Marcelo Acuña wrote:

>  I update several packages that in texlive provided for opensuse 11.0
>  are very old. When I finished and run texhash lyx (and kile) no run
>  anymore.

Did you try with a simple example?

>  I get:
>  Undefinid control sequence
>  Missing \begin{document}
>  Undefinid control sequence
>  Missing \begin{document}

What does the LaTeX log say?

>  How I can restore latex work without reverse to obsolete version of
>  texlive provided for opensuse?

This very much depends on what is really wrong?

Could you append the example file and the LaTeX log so we can check?


Re: Theorems in LyX

2008-09-16 Thread G. Milde
On 16.09.08, bigblop wrote:

> How is it possible to make theorems in LyX thats automatically assigned a
> number like figures? In the userguide in LyX it says that the description
> environment should be used but can't see how the above is achieved using
> this.

Which LyX verison are you using? In 1.6 this is easy to do with a "layout
module" (copy and modify the
/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module file).


Re: Problems with 1.6 RC2

2008-09-16 Thread G. Milde
On 15.09.08, rgheck wrote:
> Steve Litt wrote:

>> It would be kinda cool to have a running instance of LyX, and program 
>> it using commands to the pipe file.

> Yeah, it's very cool. You can do (almost) anything you can do from the  
> GUI remotely.

More info on

I used the LyXServer, for instance, to program a `lyx-remote` script,
that opens given files in a running LyX session (or starts LyX with the
file if there is no LyX running). It is part of my LyX-Python-interface


Re: Sure-fire LyX layout files

2008-09-12 Thread G. Milde
On 11.09.08, rgheck wrote:
> Rich Shepard wrote:
>> On Thu, 11 Sep 2008, Steve Litt wrote:

> I think part of what Steve wants, which other people have also wanted,  
> is to be able to keep the layout file with the document
Yes, I want to have additional styles for personal use but at the
same time to keep the option to send my document to a colleague
without with just the LyX standard layouts.

> The layouts module in 1.6 will alleviate this problem somewhat. In most  
> cases, I suspect, the reason people will have lots of layouts is because  
> they have various customizations to some base class that they want to  
> apply in different combinations for different projects. This is  
> precisely what layout modules are for.

I am looking forward to this much cleaner way of adding my styles to
the standard classes (hopefully a stable 1.6 is out soon).

> That said, sometimes you just want to add some layout information to one  
> document.
or, as stated above, to ship your private extensions with the LyX file.

> **
> WARNING: Read what follows at your own risk!
> **

> LyX 1.6 includes a facility that can also be used for this purpose. I  
> call it "local layout". 
> ..., this is just layout information, embedded directly into  
> the document. LyX reads it, if it's there, and uses it. 
> There is, as yet, no UI for this, because it is really quite  
> experimental and may prove dangerous. 

How about an "embed" button for selected modules?

This way it would be easy to create self-contained lyx documents with
private styles. You can create and test a module in ~/.lyx/layouts/ and
if you want it in a document for others to use, simply embed it. (It will
still show up in *your* modules list but not in everyones.)

> it'll be a trivial matter to add a simple UI, like the one for preamble.  
> With appropriate warnings.
Maybe this is not even needed with an "embed" button for modules. But
still a possible supplement for one-off layouts.

> Personally, I don't want to see this overused. Part of the point of the  
> way LyX uses layouts (and soon, modules) is to promote reusability.  
> Local layout is not reusable except by cut-and-paste, and that's not  
> really what one means by "reusability".

But there is also the problem with compatibility. My private reusable
modules can (currently) not be used in files that should work everywhere.

Maybe there could be an "extract-module" tool, that can extract embedded
modules to ~/.lyx/layouts/


Re: LyX 1.5.6 & 1.6.0rc2 Theorem redefinition

2008-09-11 Thread G. Milde
On 11.09.08, rgheck wrote:
> Atlas wrote:

>> Background: * CLS file ==>
>> (note: stacs.cls
>> is based on amsart.cls) 
>> * Conference-supplied TEX file (note: this file does not import correctly
>> nor compile in LyX 1.5.6 nor 1.6.0):

>> * In stacs-smp.tex, it states: 

>> %% due to the dependence on amsart.cls, \begin{document} has to occur  
>> %% BEFORE the title and author information: \begin{document} 

As amsart.cls works with LyX, this should not be a problem.

>> \title[Using stacs.cls]{How to use stacs.cls} \author[lab1]{A. 
>> Uthor}{Alice Uthor} 

>> %% the abstract has to PRECEDE the command \maketitle: %% be sure not 
>> to issue the \maketitle command twice! \begin{abstract}  STUB.  
>> \end{abstract} \maketitle 

So you will need the InTitle flag for the Abstract style. This is already
true for the amsart layout.

>> QUESTION how would I get stacs-smp.tex to import and
>> compile correctly in LyX? 

> You need a layout file for stacs.cls. See the Customization manual for  
> the details. You can start by copying amsart.cls to stacs.cls and  
> changing the first two lines to:
> #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
> # \DeclareLaTeXClass{article (stacs)}

I would rather start with a new file and include amsart.layout:

  #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
  # \DeclareLaTeXClass{article (stacs)}

  input amsart.layout

Now you can add, overwrite, and disable layouts to adapt to the stacs class.

I do not know whether this works with 1.6, though. 
Is there an analogy to NoStyle to undo UseModule calls (NoModule, say)?

>> - The problem is that LyX hides most of the details in its preamble
>>   and also apparently inserts a redefinition of the theorem
>>   environment.

> LyX adds this:
> \theoremstyle{plain}
> \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}
> So you need to stop LyX from issuing this code. 
> Fortunately, all of this is user-controllable. 

In 1.5, add to your stacs.layout file

  Style Theorem

to overwrite the Preamble definition in with an empty

> In 1.6, the theorem layout is in, which is included by
> the theorems-ams.module, which is included by default by amsart.layout.
> So you'd want to copy to something like
>; make the necessary change there; copy
> theorems-ams.module to theorems-stacs.module; make the change there;
> and then change stacs.layout so it does this: UseModule
> theorems-stacs.module instead of using theorems-ams.module. (Note that
> this is a default include: the user can override it in
> Document>Settings.)

In analogy, I'd just copy theorems-ams.module to theorems-stacs.module
and overwrite the offending parts from included files there.

> If there are theorem environments other than the ones  
> defines, then you will need to add those to, as well.  
> Otherwise, LyX won't know about them.

> The good thing is that you only have to do this once. Then you can post  
> it on the wiki, or maybe your layout can even be included with LyX 
> itself.


Re: Ubuntu missing screen fonts for symbols: solution.

2008-09-10 Thread G. Milde
On  4.09.08, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > On  3.09.08, Paul Johnson wrote:
> > 
> > > In Debian, latex-xft-fonts is "suggested". I agree that the more
> > > convincing "recommended" might be the better choice but there is no
> > > need to "require" latex-xft-fonts. 

> i don't know how debian has handled this, but note, that lyx is shipped
> with bakoma fonts already, so there is no need to even recommend
> latex-xft-fonts; the only thing is that apt-get install those files
> correctly.

The Debian lyx package does not ship the bakoma fonts. 

As there are more packages that need the latex math fonts as ttf, packing
them separately in Debian is fine.

However, as the fonts and LyX are "found together ... in all but unusual
installations", the dependency should be changed to "Recommends".
(@Sven: Should I still file a bug report?)


Re: Generating PDF/A from LyX/LaTeX

2008-09-09 Thread G. Milde
On  9.09.08, Steve Litt wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 09 September 2008 12:54:38 pm Ernesto Posse wrote:
> > >> This question is not a LyX-only question, but I thought maybe someone
> > >> here could have an idea on this issue.
> > >>
> > >> Has anyone succeeded in producing a PDF/A file (PDF for archival) from
> > >> LyX/LaTeX? I've tried tools that claim to generate PDF/A from
> > >> PostScript files or PDF files (both for Windows and Linux) but I
> > >> haven't been successful in generating a file which is considered PDF/A
> > >> compliant by at least two different validators, even with the
> > >> following minimal file (in LaTeX) via dvips:
> > >>
> > >> === file a.tex ===
> > >> \documentclass{article}
> > >> \begin{document}
> > >> Just this line...
> > >> \end{document}
> > >> === end of file ===

> The PDF/A Wikipedia page makes it look pretty straightforward -- all fonts 
> embedded, all fonts legal everywhere, no video, audio or javascript, device 
> independent color.

Maybe it's a font issue (the validator not knowing the CM latex fonts)?

How about trying the standard PS fonts, like

=== file a.tex ===
\usepackage{mathptmx} % or \usepackage{mathpazo}
Just this line...
=== end of file ===



unicode in math

2008-09-09 Thread G. Milde
Dear LyX users,

with LyX 1.6, using unicode characters other than the first block is
possible also in math mode.  The character in question is either replaced
by a math-equivalent (if defined in the "unicodesymbols" file) or by
"text in math" with the text-equivalent.

This is a vast improvement over the silent failure in LyX 1.5, my thanks
go out to the relevant developer(s)!

However, there remain some inconsistencies:

* while A is typeset italic, Ä (and other accented characters) are not.
* while l is typeset italic, λ (and other Greek characters) are not.

So, the question is:

* should Ä be replaced with \"A in math?
  More generally: should "latin-1 supplement" characters for which a math
  equivalent exists use this instead of a text-version?

* should λ be replaced with \lambda in math?

  More generally: 
  * should Greek characters from the "Greek and Coptic"
unicode block use the math-equivalent, or

  * should only Greek symbols (from Greek and Coptic" and/or from
"Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols") be converted to math symbols?

and could these also show as italic in the LyX GUI?

Attached is a patch for Greek in math.

--- /usr/local/src/lyx-devel/lib/unicodesymbols	2008-07-29 14:34:04.0 +0200
+++ /home/milde/.lyx16/unicodesymbols-greek-math	2008-09-07 21:15:59.0 +0200
@@ -737,30 +737,30 @@
 0x038e "\\textgreek{\char39U}""textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH TONOS
 0x038f "\\textgreek{\char39W}""textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH TONOS
 0x0390 "\\textgreek{\char242}""textgreek" "" # GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIALYTKA
-0x0391 "\\textgreek{A}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA
-0x0392 "\\textgreek{B}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA
-0x0393 "\\textgreek{G}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
-0x0394 "\\textgreek{D}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA
-0x0395 "\\textgreek{E}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON
-0x0396 "\\textgreek{Z}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA
-0x0397 "\\textgreek{H}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA
-0x0398 "\\textgreek{J}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA
-0x0399 "\\textgreek{I}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA
-0x039a "\\textgreek{K}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA
-0x039b "\\textgreek{L}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA
-0x039c "\\textgreek{M}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU
-0x039d "\\textgreek{N}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU
-0x039e "\\textgreek{X}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI
-0x039f "\\textgreek{O}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON
-0x03a0 "\\textgreek{P}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI
-0x03a1 "\\textgreek{R}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO
-0x03a3 "\\textgreek{S}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA
-0x03a4 "\\textgreek{T}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU
-0x03a5 "\\textgreek{U}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON
-0x03a6 "\\textgreek{F}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI
-0x03a7 "\\textgreek{Q}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI
-0x03a8 "\\textgreek{Y}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI
-0x03a9 "\\textgreek{W}"   "textgreek" "" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA
+0x0391 "\\textgreek{A}"   "textgreek" "" # "A" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA
+0x0392 "\\textgreek{B}"   "textgreek" "" # "B" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA
+0x0393 "\\textgreek{G}"   "textgreek" "" "\Gamma" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA
+0x0394 "\\textgreek{D}"   "textgreek" "" "\Delta" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA
+0x0395 "\\textgreek{E}"   "textgreek" "" # "E" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON
+0x0396 "\\textgreek{Z}"   "textgreek" "" # "Z" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA
+0x0397 "\\textgreek{H}"   "textgreek" "" # "H" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA
+0x0398 "\\textgreek{J}"   "textgreek" "" "\Theta" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA
+0x0399 "\\textgreek{I}"   "textgreek" "" # "I" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA
+0x039a "\\textgreek{K}"   "textgreek" "" # "K" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA
+0x039b "\\textgreek{L}"   "textgreek" "" "\Lambda" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA
+0x039c "\\textgreek{M}"   "textgreek" "" # "M" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU
+0x039d "\\textgreek{N}"   "textgreek" "" # "N" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU
+0x039e "\\textgreek{X}"   "textgreek" "" "\Xi" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI
+0x039f "\\textgreek{O}"   "textgreek" "" # "O" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON
+0x03a0 "\\textgreek{P}"   "textgreek" "" "\Pi" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI
+0x03a1 "\\textgreek{R}"   "textgreek" "" "\Rho" # GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO
+0x03a3 "\\textgreek{S}"   "te

Re: lyx 1.60cr2 issues

2008-09-09 Thread G. Milde
On  9.09.08, Konrad Hofbauer wrote:
> G. Milde wrote:
>> Besides the bug mentionend in another reply: The default settings will
>> use the extension ".lyx15" for the exported file and the file-open
>> dialogue in LyX-1.5 will not show it, as it expects a ".lyx" extension.

> At least here on the Mac LyX-1.5.6 DOES show the .lyx15-files.

Here at Debian Linux; LyX 1.5.6 the file-open dialogue does

* NOT show *.lyx15   with the default filter
  setting "LyX files (*.lyx)", 
*  show them (of course) with "All files (*)".

But in the second case also all sort of irrelevant files are shown.

I solved this (partially) with changing the settings under
Tools>Preferences>File Handling>File formats>
Format: Lyx 1.5 > Extension 
from lyx15 to 15.lyx.


Re: lyx 1.60cr2 issues

2008-09-09 Thread G. Milde
On  8.09.08, Matthew wrote:

> ... the export document command doesn't appear to generate any output,
> ... In particular I'm trying to convert a lyx 1.6 file back into a
> 1.5.3 file so that I can run a more 'stable' version.

Besides the bug mentionend in another reply: The default settings will
use the extension ".lyx15" for the exported file and the file-open
dialogue in LyX-1.5 will not show it, as it expects a ".lyx" extension.

> My next problem is the bold font toggling in math mode.  ctrl-B generates a
> default \mathsymbol{} command which is wrong wrong wrong! 

No, not generally!

> A bold math character should almost always be non-italicized. The one
> exception may be Greek characters, but only because Latex has issues
> with that anyway.  The reason is that a bold letter represents a vector
> or matrix, which should never be in italic font. 

  The `International Union of Pure and Applied Physics` (IUPAP) and other
  international bodies recommend typsetting math according to International
  Standards ISO 31-0:1992 to ISO 31-13:1992 (see also  [NIST]_).
  The traditional `LaTeX-style` deviates in some points from this rules:
  * The ``\vec`` command produces an array accent, while ISO 31 recommends
an italic-bold typeface for vector symbols.
  .. [NIST] Typefaces for Symbols in Scientific Manuscripts:



Re: Koma-script chapterentry font option

2008-09-09 Thread G. Milde
On  6.09.08, Guillaume Larocque wrote:
> Jean-Marie Pacquet a écrit :
>>> Is there any way I can change that font??

>> "chapterentry" does not belong to the list of elements whose type  
>> style can be changed with these commands. 

Maybe this is a new feature. Do the versions of the documentation and
the used style files match?

My scrguide.pdf says:

   Der Eintrag für die oberste Gliederungsebene unter \part, also
   \chapter bei scrbook und scrreprt beziehungsweise \section bei
   scrartcl wird nicht eingerückt. Dafür findet auf ihn die Schriftart
   für das Element sectioning (siehe Tabelle 3.3, Seite 61) Anwendung. 

so you could try configuring "sectioning" instead of "chapterentry".


Re: OT: post-process postscript or PDF document to add page numbering and footer

2008-09-09 Thread G. Milde
On  6.09.08, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> I am looking for a solution to add running page numbering to a postscript 
> or PDF document and maybe add a footer or header (maybe with a horizontal 
> rule).

I suppose scribus ( is able to do this (in a WYSIWYG
manner). It is a page layout program producing printer-ready PDF of
professional quality and comes with a QT GUI.


Re: LyX 1.6 PDF output

2008-09-04 Thread G. Milde
On  4.09.08, Julio Rojas wrote:
> I just saw thru Adobe Reader that fonts are embedded in the document.
> Almost all of them are Type 1, but there's one, called F15, which is
> Type 3. Could it be the culprit? Is there any way I can replace this
> font?

You might search the latex log to see if F15 pops up there.

Maybe it comes from the included eps files, though.
(Try without included eps and check the embedded fonts again...)


Re: Ubuntu missing screen fonts for symbols: solution.

2008-09-04 Thread G. Milde
On  3.09.08, Paul Johnson wrote:
> I was asking about missing or incorrect symbols yesterday.  I found a
> solution.

I can only spead for Debian, but as Ubuntu uses the same package
format, things might be similar.

> In Lyx on Ubuntu 8.04, I noticed that SOME mathematical characters do
> not show properly on the screen. 
> So far, in Ubuntu, I've found 2 solutions.

> One approach is to install the font package
> ""; under ~/.fonts
> and run "fc-cache -fv".
> the above workaround also works if one uses the supposedly better
> BaKoMa fonts, but I don't see much difference myself.

> After some googling, I learned that "cmsy10.ttf" is available as an
> optional Ubuntu package "latex-xft-fonts".

The apt-file command (package apt-file) provides a convenient way to
find out which Debian (or Ubuntu?) package a given file is in.

Generally, if I have the choice between installing from a tar-archive
or a package for my system, I prefer the package. 
   Example: before downloading and installing the recommended
latex-xft-fonts tarball, I'll check in my install-manager (aptitude)
whether a package of same (or similar) name is available.

> So I suppose that many Ubuntu users have that installed automatically
> so they never fight the mystery of missing screen fonts. I'll suggest
> to Ubuntu's lyx packager that latex-xft-fonts should be a required
> package.

In Debian, latex-xft-fonts is "suggested". I agree that the more
convincing "recommended" might be the better choice but there is no need
to "require" latex-xft-fonts. 

("Require" means that the requiring package is completely broken without
the requirement, while "recommended" means that without the recommended
package the behaviour is impaired in some way.)


Re: view PDF doesn't work with a certain mathematical formula

2008-09-03 Thread G. Milde
On  3.09.08, Florin Oprina wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 1:15 PM, Eric Cavalcanti

> BTW, I notice that in the endocing drop-down list there are utf8 and UTF8
> (not to mention utf8-plain and utf8x). Does anyone know what the differences
> between them are?

It is described in the UserGuide in Attachment A.6 "The Document Menu" and
now also in

In LyX 1.6 the encodings drop-down list will use user-friendly "GUI names"
(see also


Re: references between child documents

2008-09-02 Thread G. Milde
On  2.09.08, Joao P Leitao wrote:
> Hi,

> I'm using Lyx for a few weeks and have a few child documents. I'd like
> to reference a Chapter of "child document A" in "child document B".

If you open the parent document first and from it the child documents
(right-click on the Include button and click on open, or just compile
the parent), the Insert>Reference dialog should sport a combo-box to
choose between the child documents.


Re: LyX 1.6

2008-09-02 Thread G. Milde
On  2.09.08, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 03:02:33PM -0600, James Sutherland wrote:
> > On Sep 1, 2008, at 1:31 PM, Louis A. Turk wrote:
> >
> >> Is LyX 1.6 going to be able to use files made by LyX 1.6?
> >
> > If you mean "is 1.6 going to be able to use files made by 1.5" then the 
> > answer is YES.

> Incidentally, the answer to the original question is, 'yes', too ;-)

However, if the question was "is 1.5 going to be able to use files made by
1.6", the answer is IT DEPENDS:

* <= 1.5.6 NO
* upcoming 1.5.7 YES
* files exported with File>Export>LyX15 YES


Re: Using Lyx with Xetex and french accents

2008-09-01 Thread G. Milde
On 31.08.08, Nicolas Triart wrote:

> I am using Lyx 1.5.6. I followed the instructions on the wiki to make it
> works with Xetex (included in MikTex 2.7). 
> The problem is that when I write
> something in french the accents are missing on the output document. 

Did you set Document>Settings>Language Encoding to utf8-plain?

Could you append a minimal example file?


Re: Times Roman vs Latin Modern Roman Font

2008-09-01 Thread G. Milde
On 29.08.08, William Adams wrote:
> On Aug 29, 2008, at 6:30 AM, G. Milde wrote:

>> There is no Palatino Sans

> Actually, the new Palatino Nova family introduces Palatino Sans and  
> Palatino Sans Informal.

More actually, Palatino Sans is a new typeface, not part of but related to
Palatino Nova (but as well and as close to the "traditional" Palatino

However, it is not free.


Re: Times Roman vs Latin Modern Roman Font

2008-08-29 Thread G. Milde
On 28.08.08, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> G. Milde wrote:

>> For on-screen viewing (e.g. of generated PDF) I'd recommend the Vera
>> family ("Bera Serif" in the Document>Settings).

> I tried this in a beamer presentation (originally Latin Modern, default  
> size).  Apparently the Bera fonts are bigger, because some text was  
> driven off the slide.  

Different metrics for different fonts is perfectly normal.
(Times is especially narrow, Bookman especially wide, Palatino and CM in the
middle. Also, the x-hight varies.)

> I had to change the document default to 10 pt to  
> get things right.  Is this normal?

No, in a beamer presentation you should rather put less text on a slide than
decrease the script size so that the audience still has a chance to
recognise what is written ;-)

An example for an especially wide font intended for presentations are the
with discussion of the topic in


Re: Times Roman vs Latin Modern Roman Font

2008-08-29 Thread G. Milde
On 28.08.08, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Rich Shepard wrote:
>> My default typeface is Palatino. It's a combination of
>> traditional and modern and always evokes a positive response.

> The LyX font dialog lists Palatino but not Palatino Sans.  

There is no Palatino Sans (there is no Times-Sans either). Actually, only
few font "brands" inclode both a serif and sans-serif family.

> What do you use for sans serif (and for typewriter), "default"?

Sans-Serif: default, because I do not use sans serifs in the document.
Otherwise, depending on the audience 
I'd take one of Iwona, Helvetica, Avant-Garde or a
Vera-Sans variant (Bera or Arev).
There are TeX-Gyre extensions for Helvetica and Avant-Garde
as well (but not via the GUI).

Typewriter: txtt (nice font with bold, slanted and
small-caps, part of the txfonts bundle)

"default" in the GUI and 


in the LaTeX preamble. 
(see also

Although I am by far not a font-guru, I spend some amount of time and
effort into the topic and compiled an up-to-date survey about "Free math
fonts for LaTeX" (in German) with > 40 samples of both serif and
sans-serif text-math font combinations. I just wonder, where to publish


Re: tab through eqnarray environment - bug in 1.6rc1?

2008-08-29 Thread G. Milde
On 29.08.08, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> James Sutherland wrote:
>> Shift-Tab cycles in reverse as it has in the past, but Tab does not
>> cycle forward...

> This is a known problem that we intend to fix before 1.6.0. The problem  
> is that the completion framework monopolize the tab key for requesting  
> completion. 

Just courious: 
* even if the completion feature is switched off?
* is the Tab binding hard-coded or configurable?

> We need to find a good key in replacement for tab but we  
> didn't reach a consensus yet. Feel free to suggest something.

In my favourite text editor, I use Ctrl-A for completion and Tab for

But IMO, there is need for "configurable adaptive" keybindings:

user configurable: This is already possible (via the *.bind files and since
   1.6 also via GUI)

adaptive: "smart" bindings that take into account the context, e.g.
  the same key should be configurable to different lfuns
  in math and text mode.
  There are simply too few keys for too many actions,
  so we should avoid bindings that result in "command disabled".


nomenclature not printed with 1.5.6

2008-08-28 Thread G. Milde
Dear LyX users,
Attach: /home/milde/Texte/Test/LyX/nomencl.lyx

did anyone else observe that since the switch to 1.5.6, the nomenclature is
missing in the output?

Or is this a special issue for me and my settings? How could I find out what
is missing? (The nomenclature is printed if I export to LaTeX and run
 latex filename
 makeindex filename.nlo -s -o filename.nls
 latex filename
by hand.

Attached a minimal example.


Re: Times Roman vs Latin Modern Roman Font

2008-08-28 Thread G. Milde
On 27.08.08, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

>   Palatino is my default typeface. Now if it only had the \textservicemark
> symbol built in it would be fully complete. :-)

Pagella, the extended version provided by the TeX-Gyre project,
has (amongst a lot of other additional letters and symbols) also a matching

See the attached files. 


Description: application/lyx

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: Times Roman vs Latin Modern Roman Font

2008-08-27 Thread G. Milde
On 27.08.08, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
> On Aug 27, 2008, at 8:44 AM, Les Denham wrote:
>> On Wednesday 27 August 2008, Abe Lau wrote:
>>> Hi all, I am wondering what's the difference between Times Roman and
>>> Latin Modern Roman font.

>>> I have read from the mailing list that the Latin Modern Roman 
>>> (lmodern) package is preferred over the default Computer Modern
>>> Roman. 

Latin Modern can be thought of as the successor of Computer Modern.
It is a "reimplementation" as outline font. It covers a wide range of
characters and symbols including true small caps and fits well with
the mathematical fonts used by LaTeX (which might be a problem for
any other font).

OTOH, I find the Latin Modern fonts too light in print (if printed
with a laser printer) and not very nice for on-screen rendering.

>>> The Times Roman font looks much better on screen and this is the only
>>> difference I could tell from a brief look.

For on-screen viewing (e.g. of generated PDF) I'd recommend the Vera
family ("Bera Serif" in the Document>Settings).


Re: Memoir/hyperref conflict is a known issue

2008-08-26 Thread G. Milde
On 25.08.08, Steve Litt wrote:

> What remains now is to find a different way to code my list
> compressions, and test everything else to make sure there are no other
> problems.

I have in my layout extensions definitions for "Dense" versions of
Enumerate, Itemize, and Description. 
  They work well with the KOMA classes, I cannot tell about memoire.

Another point is that the vertical space between items is too big if
you set the paragraph separator to "Vertical Space" in
Document>Settings. So applying the workaround in might help in this case.


Re: Why do Fonts look fuzzy?

2008-08-25 Thread G. Milde
On 25.08.08, Hesham Kamel wrote:

> I just wanted to ask why fonts look rather fuzzy and not crisp and sharp as
> I see in either LyX docs., or in papers?
> I tried changing the TeX encoding to OT1, but still, am I missing something
> here?

There are a thousand reasons for this. (Maybe you are printing on bad paper
with an old inkjet?)

Maybe you are looking for this, otherwise
browsing the lyx wiki (or using its search function) might help.


Re: Does anyone know how to import WIKI pages into lyx.

2008-08-25 Thread G. Milde
On 23.08.08, wangyq wrote:

> Currently I am preparing teaching materials for students. I found there
> are some wonderful things in WIKI. I hope I can directly import them
> into my materials. But the wiki page is not completely same as latex.

There are many many Wiki dialects, so there is no definitive answer.

Two cases that come to my mind:

The Wikipedia, e.g. uses LaTeX markup for math, so it should be easy to
import from the text source (open as "edit" and drag-and-drop from the
text widget, then in LyX mark the math and press Ctrl-m).

Some Wikis use reStructuredText as markup language. This can be
converted to LaTeX with from


Re: \textservicemark vs. \texttrademark

2008-08-25 Thread G. Milde
On 22.08.08, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Aug 2008, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

>> The problem is that the font you're using does not provide the appropriate
>> glyph (for SM). Thus textcomp bails out.

>   That occurred to me, but I neglected to ask. I'm surprised that the
> Palatino fonts don't contain that glyph since this family is one of those
> provided by LaTeX.

There is no font "provided by LaTeX".

There is one font that "comes with TeX" -- Computer Modern.

There are many fonts that are "made accessible for LaTeX", e.g. the standard
Postscript fonts.

The free versions of these standard font families are mostly "scaled
down" (missing expert cuts like real small caps as well as not-so-common
glyphs and symbols).

Additional symbols for LaTeX are mostly designed to match Computer Modern.


Re: Float placement

2008-08-25 Thread G. Milde
On 22.08.08, Guillaume Larocque wrote:
> Guillaume Larocque wrote:
> >> Ok, here are the exact symptoms of the problem. If I have a few floats
> >> inserted in a sequence in Lyx, as soon as Latex decides that one float
> >> will be on a separate page, all the floats following it will also be
> >> placed on a separate page, regardless of their size. 
> >
> >Are you saying that after the first float gets a separate page, each of
> >the subsequent floats sits alone on a page?  

> Yes. What I have in a few places in my document is something like: one
> large float, 4 smaller floats, one other large float and then 3
> smaller floats again.

> Latex decides to put the one large float on a separate page and then
> it puts all the rest of the floats on seperate pages 
> **also at the end of the Chapter.**

It looks to me as if your documentclass (or some loaded package or
preamble setting) creates a "page of floats" only **at the end of a

As the order of floats is never changed, subsequent floats in this 
chapter are placed behind this "page of floats". As a new chapter starts
on a new page, these floats will also be alone on a page.

> Its probably deciding that there are too many floats that will break
> the text. I get that behaviour even if I select 'top of page' for all
> the floats.

What happens, if you activate the "ignore LaTeX rules" button?

> I managed to get the floats pretty much where I want them with info
> from this website:

> Particularly with the use of:
> \afterpage{\clearpage}

> and by moving some floats between paragraphs. I was just hoping that
> Latex would figure all this out for me.

As "good layout" (and font-placing) is a matter of taste, LaTeX cannot
please all without some configuration efforts from the side of users
that have a different taste from the documentclass designers.

This is why typesetting with LaTeX/LyX is straightforward if you find a
documentstyle you happen to like (or which fullfills the requirements
of the institution you write for) but is a pain, if you do not like the
default output.


Re: Floating Table Objects Error

2008-08-25 Thread G. Milde
On 22.08.08, Nico wrote:
> Hello Günter,

> I don't think that some unbalanced brackets are in my float... It's the  
> same effect if I insert just an empty tabular-float-environment. 
> It works with figure-float-environment... 

OK, to a table-float triggers the error but does not produce it.
Might have to do with tablecaption settings...

> I've realized now, that it must have to do with the declarations I  
> did in the preamble, because it works without it. I tried to take parts  
> out to recognize the guilty lines. 

Yes, this is the recommended way.

> With the first lines, the float is generated:

> %Definition des Absatz-Abstandes

> \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}

...[36 more lines]

> ... But when I insert these Lines, the error appears:

> %Realisierung der Hyperref-Attribute unter verschiedenen Voraussetzungen

> \usepackage{ifpdf} % part of the hyperref bundle

... [116 more lines]

> Does s.o. see the reason for my problem in these lines?

This are far too many line for me to spot an error in restricted time.
I'd recommend to try further by "divide and conquer.
Keep an eye on settings that have to do with table floats.


Re: Excluding LyX notes from word counts

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Konrad Hofbauer wrote:

> I would find it preferable to exclude LyX Notes from almost everything  
> and especially:

> - Spell-Checking (!!!)
> - Section Numbering
> - Outline View

> Opinions?

Actually, I'd prefer an option to exclude spell-checking independent of
the notes.  Maybe the option to set text in the language "dummylang".


* the unit of the length 5 µm is always flagged as error, but I cannot
  insert µm in my dictionary because of the Greek mu char.
* Path names are spell checked as well but usually not correct.  


Re: Floating Table Objects Error

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Nico wrote:
> Hello Christian,

> thanks for the fast reply, but this was not the reason... the float is  
> inserted in the standard environment. Just the error-message points to  
> the subsection environment but at a totally different place of the  
> document. Is there another possibility?

Maybe you have a subsection or unbalanced brackets in your float.
What happens, if you insert an empty float in place of the offending?

But it could also be something else between the float and the subsection
environment or even in the latex preamble...

When faced with this type of hard-localisable errors, I usually export the
file to LaTeX and run latex by hand.


Re: Interesting thread on Slashdot

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Steve Litt wrote:

> I write letters in LyX too. The letter template makes it brutally easy,
> except you need to remember to insert the \date{9/9/2099} via ERT or
> every time you print it the date will change. 

Why don't you create your own template then, which reminds you on
including the date.  All you have to do is to change the standard
template and store it in your "templates" directory. 

(Well, maybe you already did so and just want to warn readers about the
date issue.)

BTW: There is a "Date" Style in dinbrief, so you do not need ERT, I do
 not know about the standard letter, though.


Re: Float placement

2008-08-22 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Guillaume Larocque wrote:
> Ok, here are the exact symptoms of the problem. If I have a few floats
> inserted in a sequence in Lyx, as soon as Latex decides that one float
> will be on a separate page, all the floats following it will also be
> placed on a separate page, regardless of their size. That has got to
> be a bug. I just don't see why this behaviour would make sense.

This is a (La)TeX feature. Like it or not, but LyX cannot circumvent it that

The idea is that the *order* of the floats should not be changed. So, if
a "too big" float will go on a separate page, no other float that follows
it in the source will appear before this extra page. Instead, they will
be printed at the next possible location, which most likely is the
remaining space on this extra page.

You can either

* change the order or placement of the floats in the LyX file,

* change settings so that the "odd" float is not placed on a separate page.


Re: \textservicemark vs. \texttrademark

2008-08-21 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Aug 2008, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

>   No, the workaround still works. I would, however, like to learn why symbol
> cannot be produced by the package in which it's defined. There should be a
> reason known by some LaTeX guru, and I'd like to expand my knowledge by
> having that reason explained to me.

Just a silly guess: did you check the versions of the package and the

Re: Article-Beamer class - article text only

2008-08-21 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Graham Smith wrote:
> On 21 Aug 2008, at 07:39, G. Milde wrote:
>> On 21.08.08, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
>>> Graham Smith wrote:

>>>> OK one way that works is to use an ERT insert with

>>>> \mode {This text is article only}

>>>> Is this the only way of doing it?

>>> In 1.5, yes.

>> You can use branches, too. (Of course, you will have to (de)activate 
>> the branch manually in addition to switching the document class.)

> I.m not sure I know what you mean by "branches".
> I would be grateful if you could expand on this a little

See Section 6.8 of the UserGuide.

Menu points Document>Settings>Branches and Insert>Branch.


Re: Fail to create pdf/ps

2008-08-20 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, wangyq wrote:

> 1. Currently I am writing a lyx document. But I found I cannot convert
>lyx file to pdf/ps format.

What is the error message?

> 2. I wrote a simple "Hello world!" lyx file. Lyx can convert it to pdf

So, you could try to copy the failing file and then "divide and
conquer", i.e. split the file, deleting stuff until it works. The error
must be in the deleted part.

Also, have a look at the LaTeX preamble and used packages, some hard to
locate errors arise there.


Re: Article-Beamer class - article text only

2008-08-20 Thread G. Milde
On 21.08.08, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> Graham Smith wrote:

> > OK one way that works is to use an ERT insert with
> > 
> > \mode {This text is article only}
> > 
> > Is this the only way of doing it?

> In 1.5, yes.

You can use branches, too. (Of course, you will have to (de)activate the
branch manually in addition to switching the document class.)

> In 1.6, you will also be able to select Insert->Custom->Article Mode and get
> a specific collapsable inset.


Re: Unavaible layouts

2008-08-20 Thread G. Milde
On 20.08.08, wangyq wrote:
> When I look into - Documents > Settings > Document Class it shows that
> all classes including the standard ones (article, report, etc) are
> "unavailable".

First guess: try Tools>Reconfigure

2nd: Check Help>LaTeX-Configuration

3rd Is LaTeX still installed? Available for LyX?


Re: example of layout module for LyX 1.6

2008-08-20 Thread G. Milde
On 19.08.08, Steve Litt wrote:

> I still don't understand the underlying philosophy of layout modules:

> 0) What is a layout module?

A file with syntax and content similar to a LyX layout file that can be
added to a chosen documentclass' layout definitions on a per-document base.

> 1) Why are they better than just writing your own layout file?

It's orthogonal: you can combine document classes with additional features
provided by the modules.

> 2) How do you decide when to use them?

In Document>Settings

> 3) By what design methodology do you create them?

Take an example from the LyX 1.6 layouts directory and modify.

> 4) What are the attributes of a "good" layout module?
> 5) What are the attributes of a "bad" layout module?

This is a matter of taste (to a certain extent). Look at the examples that
come with LyX 1.6 for "good" ones.


BTW: No TOFU (Text oben full quote unten), please:

> On Tuesday 19 August 2008 11:43, Olivier Ripoll wrote:
> > Hi,

Re: References

2008-08-20 Thread G. Milde
On 19.08.08, Hesham Kamel wrote:
> Hello,
> I am writing my thesis and each chapter is in a separate folder.

Do you have a master file that includes all the chapters?

> Now, How do you make the references appear in a separate file in the order
> they appeared within the chapters?

Create a bibtex database for your references.

In your master file, do Insert>Bibliography and select your bibtex file.

The UserGuide and the LyX wiki should have more documentation about using
BibTeX for references.


Re: example of layout module for LyX 1.6

2008-08-20 Thread G. Milde
On 19.08.08, Olivier Ripoll wrote:
> Hi,

> I just wanted to share a simple and probably imperfect layout module for  
> LyX 1.6. 
> As the description says, this module simply defines several useful math  
> functions that are not available by default.

One tip: to get the additional functions nicely rendered in LyX, I use
"dummy" math-macros: The definitions goes to the preamble and the
math-macro is in a branch or comment (to suppress the \newcommand{}{}
definition in the LaTeX file.)

This is, however, the <=1.5.x way to do, I do not know how this will fit
with the new math-macro implementation in 1.6.

The attaced file has such a dummy macro for the sgn function.
It is an excerpt of the math-macros for my phd thesis.


Description: application/lyx

Re: Viewing changes in output document

2008-08-18 Thread G. Milde
On  8.08.08, Neal Becker wrote:
> Paul A. Rubin wrote:

> How do you change the visualization of changes?  Seems the default is
> to show them colored.  I'd like changebars.  Maybe overstrike?

You can re-define the commands used by the change tracker in the Latex
preamble. (Look at an exported Latex file or use View Source (and tick
the "complete source" box) to find out the command name and definition.


Re: 2 Abstracts, 1 German

2008-08-18 Thread G. Milde
On  8.08.08, Sebastian Rohrer wrote:
> Hi all,

> I am completing my PhD-Thesis in lyx. The thesis is in English, but  
> since it's a German university, I am required to feature two abstracts,  
> one in English, one in German.

> For the English abstract everything is fine: I go  to the beginnig of  
> the text, change the text to "Abstract" and start typing. The heading  
> "Abstract" is inserted automatically.

> Now I inserted a page break and again changed to "Abstract". Now  
> however, I need the German word "Zusammenfassung" as the heading.  The  
> problem is, lyx does not insert a heading at all in this second  
> abstract. And if it did, I wouldn't know how to change it.

> Any suggestions?

LyX merges subsequent paragraphs in Abstract style into one 'abstract'
environment. Therefore you do not get a second heading.

Put an empty paragraph inbetween and set its style to --Separator--


Re: Lyx 1.5.6 Import (Plain Latex) Error

2008-08-18 Thread G. Milde
On  5.08.08, Wei Dai wrote:
> ... It turns out that if I want to import a tex file  
> successfully, I have to add
> \usepackage[latin9]{inputenc}.
> Once I added it, everything is fine.

> Does anyone know who is in charge of implement the export function for  
> IEEEtran? If by any ways we can add the above sentence into the output  
> tex file, similar problem can be avoided.

If you set Document>Settings>Language Encoding to latin9, LyX will insert
this line into the exported document.


Re: Finding "Bad" characters

2008-08-18 Thread G. Milde
On 30.07.08, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 12:45:38PM +0200, G. Milde wrote:
> > On 25.07.08, Sebastian Rohrer wrote:
> > 
> > > I have a relatively large lyx document that does not compile. The error  
> > > message is:
> > 
> > > "Some characters of your document are probably not representable in the  
> > > chosen encoding. Changing the document encoding to utf8 could help."
> > 
> > Actually, changing the encoding to utf8 will most probably *not* help 
> > (as utf8 is very limited in the range of supported characters).

> Hm?

The encoding setting "utf8" (i.e. utf8.def of the "inputenc" package)
supports only a small subset of unicode characters (mainly latin). 
It works e.g. well with German umlauts and other Latin extensions.

However, these are also well supported by LyX internal conversion rules
as defined in the "unicodesymbols" definition file.

"utf8x" (the interface to the "ucs" package) might be a solution for some
characters not "known" by LyX (e.g. for some accented Greek characters used
in polytonic Greek).


Re: One too many }s ?

2008-07-29 Thread G. Milde
On 29.07.08, Glen Whitehead wrote:

> Also, I tried using the following ERTs in LyX to shrink my list of
> figures and this made my whole document tiny. Even adding an extra }
> had no visible effect. As both problems appear to be related to the
> use of closing-tags, could latex be adding and removing characters to
> the extent that latex confuses itself?

> [ERT \tiny{ ]
> [List of Figures]
> [ERT }]

How about

> [ERT {\tiny ]
> [List of Figures]
> [ERT }]


Re: generic X copy-and-paste not working

2008-07-29 Thread G. Milde
On 29.07.08, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > On 29.07.08, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > > > On  6.05.08, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > > > > > Normally, I can highlight text in a terminal and paste it with a 
> > > > > > middle-click. In LyX, usually I can get to it with Edit -> Paste 
> > > > > > Special.
> > > > > > (I can copy-and-paste fine in my xterms.)
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > In my LyX, the Paste Special choices are shaded out and not 
> > > > > > clickable.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > This is LyX 1.5.2 on NetBSD. I am not running any clipboard utility.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Any ideas why I can't paste into LyX?
> > 
> > > Guenter, please can you try with the latest trunk? 
> > 
> > What exactly does latest mean?

> this usually means something like:
It's a bit more complicated here.

> >My last compile is from SVN 2008-07-25 

so, if your check-in is not later, this saves a lot of effort and

> > and compiling took several hours. A fresh attempt doday (on another
> > machine) used up all memory and had to be aborted due to trashing...

> what are the parameters you are giving to configure?

./configure --with-version-suffix=16 --enable-build-type=release 

> (this can be caused by enabling monolithic switches or forgetting to
> disable debuging switches).

as I was told that this disables the debug symbols...


Re: generic X copy-and-paste not working

2008-07-29 Thread G. Milde
On 29.07.08, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > On  6.05.08, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > > > Normally, I can highlight text in a terminal and paste it with a 
> > > > middle-click. In LyX, usually I can get to it with Edit -> Paste 
> > > > Special.
> > > > (I can copy-and-paste fine in my xterms.)
> > > > 
> > > > In my LyX, the Paste Special choices are shaded out and not clickable.
> > > > 
> > > > This is LyX 1.5.2 on NetBSD. I am not running any clipboard utility.
> > > > 
> > > > Any ideas why I can't paste into LyX?

> Guenter, please can you try with the latest trunk? 

What exactly does latest mean? My last compile is from SVN 2008-07-25 and
compiling took several hours. A fresh attempt doday (on another machine)
used up all memory and had to be aborted due to trashing...

> you run xclip and this is exactly the case of physical experiment, when
> observer (xclip) have impact on the observed (lyx mechanisms) and
> results in a different behaviour which others have problem to
> reproduce... 

> at the end the primary selection paste had the same problem as when more lyx
> instances were run. i hope i fixed some of those issues with the latest
> commits.

> note, that we have -dbg selection flag now.

I will try but cannot promise to get this done before the family
holiday starting on thursday.


Re: Difficulty with LyX-Code and Copystyle

2008-07-29 Thread G. Milde
On 28.07.08, rgheck wrote:
> G. Milde wrote:
>> On 27.07.08, Steve Litt wrote:

>>>> Is there a simple way I can use CopyStyle with LyX-Code and not get this
>>>> error?

>> Yes. Overwrite the Preamble definiton by defining a replacement (maybe
>> empty) in your copy.

> FYI: LyX 1.6 has a new "AddToPreamble" tag for cases where you don't  
> want to over-write but just want to add something. If I'm remembering  
> correctly, I found I needed the tag somewhere, so added it.

However, in the above case it is important to replace the Preamble.
Otherwise the double occurence of \newcommand{}{...
triggers a LaTeX error.

Or is there a provision that the Preamble of Style A, referenced by
AddToPreamble in Style B is not repeated if both, A and B occure in a


Re: making a binary tarball from SVN

2008-07-28 Thread G. Milde
On 14.07.08, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> "G. Milde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > compiling LyX from the source took me some hours, so I thought I could
> > install from a tarball on my second machine. However, trying with
> >
> >   make dist-bzip2

> Does it work now?

Sort of: it complained about a too long path name for one of the .svn/...

After removing all the .svn directories, I was able to `make dist` creating
both bzip2 and gz source tarball.

Only now I realized that the dist* targets create a *source* tarball,
while I would like a *binary* tarball for transfer of the compiled lyx to
my second machine.

Is there an easy way to make a *binary* tarball out of the SVN sources?

Otherwise, I'll try with keeping a SVN checkout on my USB-stick, compile
on one machine and `make install` on both machines...


Re: Finding "Bad" characters

2008-07-28 Thread G. Milde
On 25.07.08, Steve Litt wrote:

> I know nothing about unicode, so I'd need to be brought up to speed on that 
> before writing the program. 


* The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely,
  Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)

* On the Goodness of Unicode

* Wikipedia article on Unicode

> I assume unicode is a 16 bit representation of characters.

Actually, unicode is a character <--> number mapping without an upper
limit to the numbers. 

Once upon a time, 16 bit where enough to represent all defined unicode
characters, but even then several different encodings into a computer
readable format existed. Programs that relied on unicode == 16 bit
(including LaTeX) have problems now with higher unicode numbers.


Re: Progress on the MS Word to LyX conversion (xml)

2008-07-28 Thread G. Milde
On 28.07.08, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Monday 28 July 2008 01:10, John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 4:43 PM, Manveru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > To the discussion about data format preference:
> > >
> > > ... Have you ever merged XML? I tried - it is horrible work.
> >
> > I don't see why it would be harder if we "just replace \begin...\end
> > with <>...".

> Trouble is, replacing \begin..\end with <>... is a hack. 
> There's no such requirement in XML, and if we require it, that's a 
> hack. 

I'd call it a layout convention.

IMO it is perfectly legal to define the lyx file format as

... uses XML ...
... is laid out in a manner to facilitate processing by tools that
operate on a line basis (grep, merge, sed, awk, ...) 


Re: Difficulty with LyX-Code and Copystyle

2008-07-28 Thread G. Milde
On 27.07.08, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Sunday 27 July 2008 17:09, Steve Litt wrote:
> > ...
> > if I create and use two LyX styles, Code1 and Code2, each of them
> > with CopyStyle LyX-Code, then on conversion to PDF I get the following
> > error message:
> >
> > LaXeX Error: Command \lyxcode already defined
> >
> > I can use all Code1, or all Code2, or all LyX-Code, but if I have any two
> > of them in the document, I get an error like described above.
> > Is there a simple way I can use CopyStyle with LyX-Code and not get this
> > error?

Yes. Overwrite the Preamble definiton by defining a replacement (maybe
empty) in your copy.

> I found a fix I can use locally, and a fix that could be made with the LyX 
> distribution. Let me start with the latter...

> LyX-Code is defined in lyxdir/layouts/ thusly:

> Style LyX-Code
>   Preamble
>   EndPreamble
> End

> Notice that the LaTeX environment, lyxcode, is defined within the LyX 
> environment definition, so if LyX-Code is mentioned twice, \lyxcode is 
> defined twice, which is an error.


If you use LyX-Code n times (with n = 1, ..., \infty) in your
document, exactly one Preamble code is inserted in the latex preamble.

Iy you do not use LyX-Code (i.e. n=0), the Preamble latex code is not

> To fix the problem, the developers could remove everything from Preamble to 
> EndPreamble in the LyX-Code definition, and put it after the "Format 4" and 
> before any LyX style definitions. 

In this case, every document that used this layout will have the \lyxcode
definition in the latex preamble. As most documents do not use LyX-Code,
this is not desired.

> It's nice and modular to put the LaTeX definition inside the LyX
> definition, but doing so greatly reduces the value of CopyStyle, so I'd
> recommend against it.

It also produces cleaner LaTeX sources, so I want it to stay.

All you have to remember is that the Styles that define their own
preamble need special care when copied with CopyStyle (i.e. a new
Preamble definition).

> In other words, I copied and pasted \lyxcode to \litt_lyxcode within my
> layout file, and copied and pasted LyX-Code (minus the
> Preamble/EndPreamble section) to litt_LyX-Code within my layout file,
> and then did CopyStyle on litt_LyX-Code. It worked perfectly!

If you need the lyxcode definition in several Styles, you can:

1. Copy the Preamble section from the original LyXCode to your layout
   file (as general Preamble code).
2. Redefine LyXCode:

   Style LyXCode
3. Copy the redefined one, e.g.

   Style MyLyXCode
  CopyStyle LyXCode
  LatexName  \mycode
\newcommand{\mycode}{Hi world!\\ \lyxcode}
This is Untested, but you should get the general idea!


Re: 1.6.x Beta 4 bug -- section heading.

2008-07-28 Thread G. Milde
On 27.07.08, killermike wrote:
> Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
>> killermike wrote:

>>> I was unable to find any mention of this in bugzilla.
> Damn. Sorry about that. I searched bugzilla without finding anything.

I found, that the default settings of the bugzilla search does not include
UNCONFIRMED bugs. This way, it is quite common to miss the most recent bug


Re: replace text

2008-07-27 Thread G. Milde
On 24.07.08, Manveru wrote:
> 2008/7/23 Christopher Reeve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Maybe LyX need chemistry mode similar to the math mode (with certainly less
> options).

In LyX 1.6, this could (probably) be done with a "character style" (similar
to an URL, say).


Re: Math Macro

2008-07-27 Thread G. Milde
On 24.07.08, rgheck wrote:
> Bruce Pourciau wrote:
>> A paper I'm writing has a googolplex of symbols with an  
>> \overrightarrow overhead. What would be the best way to make these  
>> insertions in math mode as quick as possible?

> Well, you can shorten \overrightarrow by defining a quick math-macro, e.g.:
> \newcommand{\ora}[1]{\overrightarrow{#1}}
> Remember that you can actually type that into LyX, then highlight it,  
> and hit Ctrl-M to declare the macro. 

Good hint. (Should be put in the Math guide (if it is not already there and
it still works with the new math macros in 1.6).)

> And then, if you like, you can define a shortcut for this: "math-insert
> \ora" is the function you would want.

Well, with a shortcut defined in a bind file, you might even leave out
the math-macro definition and do 

  bind "math-insert \overrightarrow"

Re: Finding "Bad" characters

2008-07-27 Thread G. Milde
On 25.07.08, Sebastian Rohrer wrote:
> Hi,

> I have a relatively large lyx document that does not compile. The error  
> message is:

> "Some characters of your document are probably not representable in the  
> chosen encoding. Changing the document encoding to utf8 could help."

Actually, changing the encoding to utf8 will most probably *not* help 
(as utf8 is very limited in the range of supported characters).

You could try changing to utf8x. This might help - maybe just by a more
specific error message.


Re: Documentation of LyX functions (aka LFUNs)

2008-07-27 Thread G. Milde
On 24.07.08, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > On Wed, 23 Jul 2008, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> >> by the way - Uwe, i have hidden wish - would it be possible for you to 
> >> produce ONE BIG LYX documentation for all the manuals together (plus 
> >> lfuns.lyx) - each file could be one part for example... ?
> >
> > Would you only use it to search for information? In that case, maybe having 
> > a version exported to HTML would be useful?
> >
> >> we can even put this as main documentation link from our official site.
> >
> > You don't mean as a single web page do you...?  It'd be _huge_.

It would be really nice to have a HTML version of the Guides -- as a
directory of reasonable sized pages with all the nice hyperlinks and a
big index ...

> while html version could be used for that too, i somehow like the idea, that
> we have one single huge pdf, we can call the Book :)

Why not "The Guide"?


Re: The "\DeclareMathOperator"command in my lyx doesn't work,please help!

2008-07-24 Thread G. Milde
On 23.07.08, Richard heck wrote:
> LittleNew wrote:

>> I wanted to add a "\arccot" self-defined function in my
>> document, and I followed the help's instruction to add
>> "\DeclareMathOperator{\arccot}{arccot}" in "Document->settings...->LaTeX
>> Preamble", but after I did it, nothing happened. 
> Is the problem that it doesn't look right in LyX itself or in the LaTeX  
> output? I don't think it will look any different in LyX. But it should  
> look right in the output.

To fix this in LyX, you would need to define a math-macro in a disabled
branch or a comment. (This works in LyX <= 1.5.5, I do not know about 1.6).

See the attachment for an example.


Re: Documentation of LyX functions (aka LFUNs)

2008-07-24 Thread G. Milde
On 24.07.08, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > or we can put the .lyx file into LyX help menu. 

> I think it's a good idea, this is useful information. Maybe as an
> appendix to Customization?



Re: Life changing LyX idiom gives me new productivity

2008-07-23 Thread G. Milde
On 22.07.08, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,

> In a different thread, Gunter Milde penned these words:

> > You need to clone both, LyX layout::
> >
> >   Style Questions
> >  CopyStyle   Enumeration
> >

> That is THE most powerful LyX idiom I've ever seen.

> When I have time I'll check whether I can actually change appearances
> in LyX like this:

> Style MyNewStyle
>   CopyStyle Standard
>   LeftMarginMMM
>   RightMargin   MMM
>   Font
>   SizeLarger
>   EndFont
> End

> If that's possible, then within LyX I can see at a glance that my new
> style is custom, and that I later have to develop the LaTeX to complete
> it.

I'd use a different colour (or sans-serif fonts), but this is a matter of
taste. Maybe a label (like 

Label myStyle

) would be an idea as well, but might be too distracting in the text.

BTW, you can leave out
>   CopyStyle Standard
if you want to clone Standard, as Standard is what a new style copies by

> So Gunter -- thanks SO much for that idiom. It makes LyX a much more
> useful tool.

You are welcome. However, I just found this idiom in the sources (and the
Customization guide -- always read the docs). My and your thanks should
go to the one who actually implemented the CopyStyle keyword!

One more useful idiom:

   Style MyTemplate
Label  myStyle
  Shape Italic
  Size  Small
  Color blue
  # ... more definitions
   Style MyEnv
  CopyStyle MyTemplate
  # changes
   # more private styles ...
   # Remove auxiliary style
   NoStyle  MyTemplate
See my dinbrief.layout version on the lyx wiki as an example.


Re: Documentation of LyX functions (aka LFUNs)

2008-07-23 Thread G. Milde
On 23.07.08, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Dear LyXers,

> I'm proud to announce that the LFUNs documentation project has been finished.

Good news. Many thanks to you.

> * HTML documentation was produced via doxygen. The file could be found here:


>   or you can go directly to the right section:


This html page is HUGE. It would be helpfull (especially for people on
slower net connections and not so powerfull machines) to have the lfuns
section in a separate html document. (Of course I can use the pdf as well,
but the active links in the html are an added bonus.)

> I would appreciate all bug reports (i.e. some lfun does not work in the way
> its documented), typo in documentation etc.

What is the preferred destination for bug reports, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?

Thanks again,


Re: how can i put a citation in an ert endnote?

2008-07-23 Thread G. Milde
On 21.07.08, Glen Whitehead wrote:
> Dear all,

> I'm using LyX 1.5.4 and ERT to insert endnotes. However, I do not seem
> able to add citations to an ERT. Please send your suggestions :)

Find out the latex code for your citation and insert it as ERT:

1. Open the Source View (View>View Source)
2. Insert your citation (as a dummy) *outside of* the ERT box
3. Copy the generated LaTeX command from the Source View to the ERT box.
4. Delete the dummy citation.

This technique should work for all special insets.


Re: Inconsistent indentation behaviour after LyX-Code and Program Listing Inset

2008-07-23 Thread G. Milde
On 20.07.08, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

>> Anyway, I don't think you'll find a working example. As listings fails 
>> with multibyte glyphs, it will also fail when multibyte glyphs are used 
>> in ERT, no?

> Not according to the documentation.  You can define an "escape to LaTeX"  
> character, and anything bracketed by that character is handed off to  
> LaTeX verbatim.  According to the docs, that allows you to put multibyte  
> characters in a comment (though apparently _only_ in a comment).

> Anyway, I can't find a way to test this here, since I don't have any CJK  
> fonts installed and wouldn't know how to use them if I did.  

You can insert a comment with some accented latin characters (like ä or
é) and set the encoding to utf8.

> If this is an issue, we'll find out when someone barks about it.  Until
> then, I'm not sure it's worth worrying about.

True again.

BTW: While German does not depend on a multibyte encoding, the German
umlauts are multibyte characters in UTF-8.


Re: *.po conflicts after updating SVN

2008-07-18 Thread G. Milde
On 18.07.08, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > What did I wrong? 

> nothing, this happens when po directory is rebuilt.
> this usually happens only if lyx.pot is missing,
> otherwise plain "make" command shouldn't trigger it.

As I did not delete lyx.pot by hand, I wonder if this was done by
`make clean` or `make distclean` and whether the latter should be avoided.

> > How could I most easily change all these files to the latest SVN version?

> go to the po directory, then "svn revert -R *"

This works nice, thanks a lot.

> > Could these conflicts be prevented somehow?

> hardly.

Too sad.

Thanks again,


*.po conflicts after updating SVN

2008-07-18 Thread G. Milde
Dear LyXers,

after updating my working directory from the LyX SVN with
  /usr/local/src/lyx-devel> svn update
I got a whole bunch of conflicts in the lyx-devel/po/ directory, e.g.
(and similar for de, es, fr, gl, he, ...)

resulting in failure when I try to `make` LyX:

  make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/lyx-devel/po'
  /usr/bin/msgmerge --update ca.po lyx16.pot
  ca.po: Warnung: Zeichensatz fehlt im Kopfeintrag.
  Konvertierung der Meldungen in den Zeichensatz des Anwenders
  wird fehlschlagen.
  ca.po:21:2: syntax error
  ca.po:21: Schlüsselwort »mine« ist unbekannt
  ca.po:25: Schlüsselwort »r25661« ist unbekannt

I did not (manually/explicitely) change the *.po files, rather it seems
that they are updated during the building of LyX - resulting in conflicts
whenever the upstream file changes.

What did I wrong? 

How could I most easily change all these files to the latest SVN version?

Could these conflicts be prevented somehow?



Re: amssymb and amsfonts defaults

2008-07-18 Thread G. Milde
On 18.07.08, Manveru wrote:
> Or adding optional support for lucimatx package, if more people use this
> font package. Selecting this autommatically should automatically disable
> amsymb. But I am speculating now.

I do not think that it is necessary to have a lucimatx checkbox in the
Math dialogue. However, I could imagine a layout add-on lucimatx that
loads the lucimatx package and disables loading of amssymb and amsfonts.

Maybe we need  ProvidesAmsSymbols and ProvidesAmsFonts layout parameters
alongside the already existing ProvidesAmsmath.

(AFAIK, packages fourier, kpfonts, txfonts and pxfonts also replace the
amssymb symbols with their own versions.)


Re: converters

2008-07-18 Thread G. Milde
On 17.07.08, Matthias E wrote:

> Whenever I try to view the file as a .pdf, the following screen pops
> up:
> Keine Information vorhanden, um Dateien im -Format nach png zu  
> konvertieren.
> Definieren Sie einen Konverter in den Einstellungen.

I wonder about the "-Format". Did you specify the extension (.eps, .pdf,
...) in the LyX file?

In the past, leaving out the extension allowed the compilation of a
document with both, latex and pdflatex without change (if .eps and .pdf
versions of the graphic existed). Now, LyX handles the conversion
itself, so specifying the extension of the primary format is recommended.

Generally, in such cases try to provide a minimal example that shows
the problematic behaviour. This makes looking for the core of the
problem much easier.


Re: Ugly output in PDF

2008-07-16 Thread G. Milde
On 16.07.08, Manveru wrote:
> In Acrobat Reader 8 this example document seems to be quite fine. Even in
> large scale.

As said, this depends on your hinting settings and the "hinting" info in
the used font (also, the screen resolution might play a role).


Re: export to latex(plain) not working in lyx1.6.0Beta4

2008-07-16 Thread G. Milde
On 16.07.08, Olivier Ripoll wrote:
> Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

>> I guess nobody reads the announcement :-)

> Or nobody can understand what this sentence means ("you are first be 
> able") ;-)

It's dead easy: "Du bist erst in der Lage ...".


Re: Ugly output in PDF

2008-07-16 Thread G. Milde
On 15.07.08, Acme wrote:

> I have a headache problem with exporting the LyX doc into PDF one. The
> export to DVI is awesome, like a beauty, but the export to PDF is
> aweful. It looks like that those words are surfing on the waves (please
> find the sample ... [at]
> Sample.pdf 

> If you have any idea, I would be very grateful to hear from you!

This is a problem of bad or missing hinting in the used font. 
It disappeares at high resolution (zooming in) and also in printout.

If you need the document on screen, use a different font or convert to
Postscript. You migh also try different "hinting" settings in the PDF


Re: How to make a clone of the Enumerate environment?

2008-07-16 Thread G. Milde
On 14.07.08, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,

> I'm trying to make a simple clone of the Enumerate environment. Once I
> can do that, I'll make a few changes. But I've not been able to clone
> it. 

You need to clone both, LyX layout::

  Style Questions
 CopyStyle   Enumeration
and LaTeX environment::


> Here's my layout file:

> #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
> #  \DeclareLaTeXClass[book]{quizbook}

> Input

> Preamble
> \let\questions = \enumerate
> \let\oldquestions = \oldenumerate
> EndPreamble

I am not sure if this works well, as enumerate is an environment, not a
command. Use the latex \newenvironment instead.

> Style Questions
> End

With CopyStyle, you get all the definitions of the copied style and
need to change only thing that should differ.

> The preceding layout produces the output shown in the attached 
> screenshot_questions.gif. However, if I change the LatexName in the LyX 
> environment from "questions" to "enumerate", it outputs as shown in the 
> attached screenshot_enumerate.gif.

Describing the difference in words helps (while pics might augment
this, they cannot always replace a description, e.g. while browsing
this mail to see if I can help at all, I do not see the attachments.)

> Can somebody explain to me why the two don't output the same? 
>Can somebody explain how I can truly clone the Enumerate environment?
see above.

> NOTE: In order to toggle the output when switching between LatexType
> questions and LatexType enumerate, you must Tools->reconfigure and then
> terminate and restart LyX. Trust me on this -- I tried without
> reconfiguring and the output didn't toggle.

You could define 2 Styles in your layout file (one QuestionsTest, say)
and switch between them in the document.


Re: Is this a bug? \displaystyle

2008-07-14 Thread G. Milde
On 14.07.08, Manveru wrote:
> Right,

> But I expected \displaystyle to be larger than normal (as in PDF). Do you
> see difference between PDF and that what LyX displays?

\displaystyle is not larger 'per-se', it uses the style of a "display"
formula (in contrast to inline formulae). This means that sum and integral
will be larger (maybe some others as well) but not "normal" letters and
symbols. Also, the placement of indices might differ.


Re: problem of lyx in sidux

2008-07-14 Thread G. Milde
On 13.07.08, Jan Brosius wrote:
> Hello,

> I use the sidux OS (=debian sid) and I use the latest debian lyx package 
> (1.5.5-1) and lyx version 1.5.5). When I start lyx I get the gui of lyx. When 
> I do 
> Help --> Tutorial, I get the tutorial in lyx. But when converting this lyx 
> file to pdf I get a pop-up error:
> "Lyx:Cannot convert file
> No information for converting xpm format files to png.
> Define a converter in the preferences."

> And the lyx app freezes.

It looks like you do not have ImageMagick installed.

Install the dependencies of the lyx and lyx-common packages,
then reconfigure LyX (Extras>Reconfigure) and re-start.


> '

Re: Compiling Root document from child document?

2008-07-14 Thread G. Milde
On 11.07.08, bigblop wrote:

> If I compile the child separately the references from my .bib file does not
> show (only appears as question marks).

Insert the bibtex references inside a branch in the child document.

Either do not define this branch in the master or set it "off" there.


Re: Package options override

2008-07-14 Thread G. Milde
On 11.07.08, Sebastian Rohrer wrote:
> Hi,

> I want to use the "achemso" package for the formatting of my  
> bibliography.  
> I need a specific options, which includes the title of a cited article  
> in the citation. Therefore I have included the following line in my  
> latex preamble

> \usepackage[usetitle]{achemso}

> "usetitle" is the option that provides the inclusion of the title in the  
> citation.

> Lyx uses the achemso citation style but ignores the "usetitle" option. I  
> tried other options of the package and lyx seems to completely ignore  
> them all.

You might try to give the options as "global" options (in the
Document>Settings Tab under the choosen document class).


Re: making a binary tarball from SVN

2008-07-08 Thread G. Milde
On  7.07.08, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > Dear LyX users,
> > 
> > compiling LyX from the source took me some hours, so I thought I could
> > install from a tarball on my second machine. However, trying with
> > 
> >   make dist-bzip2

> what happens with "make dist"?

The same, as both depend on "distdir" and distdir fails because there is no
rule to create "":

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/lyx-devel/src'
make[1]: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target »«, 
  benötigt von »distdir«, zu erstellen.  Schluss.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/lyx-devel/src'
make: *** [distdir] Fehler 1


making a binary tarball from SVN

2008-07-07 Thread G. Milde
Dear LyX users,

compiling LyX from the source took me some hours, so I thought I could
install from a tarball on my second machine. However, trying with

  make dist-bzip2
failed with report:

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/lyx-devel/src'
make[1]: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target »«, 
  benötigt von »distdir«, zu erstellen.  Schluss.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/lyx-devel/src'
make: *** [distdir] Fehler 1

(Before that, I did a fresh checkout this morning,,
./configure --enable-build-type=release --with-version-suffix=16,
make, and
make install.)

What am I missing?


Re: Lyx Layouts

2008-07-07 Thread G. Milde
On  7.07.08, Peter Pieczora wrote:
> Hi,

> > Do you know, that you only need to define the items that should deviate
> > from the definition by the included numarticle?

> I don't quite follow on that.

Sorry, I might have been a bit to vague.

It was not clear to me that your "Quote" style is the new environment and
I did not look at the file to see what it actually defines
(not a new class but just labels for numbering).

Generally, defining a layout file is far more easy if you include a
matching standard layout file (*.layout or *.inc) and modify only part of
the definitions, e.g. in my spie.layout I define:

# Input general definitions


# Section-numbered style definition
Style Section
  Align Center
  AlignPossible Block, Center, Left
Series  Bold

(no need to repeat the margin etc.)

Maybe you have already done this. 

> As far as nesting, only Style Quote needs something nested in it, namely 
> sections and enumerates. As you can see from .layout Style Quote is defined 
> as LatexType Environment.


OTOH, I do not have problems nesting enumerations and sections inside a
Quote environment in an "article" document, (see attached file). 

I do not know what might cause the difference for your layout.

Just to verify: can you nest into a Quote in a standard article in LyX?


Description: application/lyx

Re: Lyx Layouts

2008-07-07 Thread G. Milde
On  7.07.08, Peter Pieczora wrote:

> Sure, here it is.

> #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
> #  \DeclareLaTeXClass[quotations]{article (quotations)}
> # Article textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code

> # Quotations text style definition
> Style Quote

Do you know, that you only need to define the items that should deviate from
the definition by the included numarticle?

> # QuoteTo text style definition
> Style QuoteTo
>   MarginStatic
>   LatexType Command
>   LatexName QuoteTo

This defines a LaTeX command (\QoteTo{})

If you want to nest something in it, use:

 LatexType Environment



Re: Lyx Layouts

2008-07-07 Thread G. Milde
On  7.07.08, Peter Pieczora wrote:
> Hi Paul,

> This is exactly what it is. At the moment I'm inserting latex code
> which does the job, however being able to use lyx's sections and
> enumerates within environment would be much nicer. 

> As I checked user docs, it seems that nesting sections is not possible
> (but is it nesting sections within other sections or nesting in
> general?). 

I successfully nested sections in a Slide environment with my version of
seminar.layout (available via

Could you post the your Style definition?


Re: Lyx Layouts

2008-07-07 Thread G. Milde
On  6.07.08, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Peter Pieczora wrote:

>> ... I would like to be able to use standard styles i.e. sections,
>> lists, enumerate etc. within given environment. 

> Just to clarify this:  you have a layout file in which MyEnv appears on  
> the drop down list of layouts, but nesting does not work with it? You've 
> tried

> 1.  Start a new paragraph and select MyEnv.
> 2.  Type some stuff and hit Enter.
> 3.  Select Itemize or Enumerate and nest the list (Edit -> Increase List  
> Depth or M-S-right arrow or the corresponding tool button), but they  
> fail to nest the list under MyEnv?


* You read the UserGuide section about nesting?
* the new Style is defined as LaTeX type environment in the .layout file?


Re: keyboard question

2008-07-06 Thread G. Milde
On  4.07.08, Dov Feldstern wrote:
> Pavel Sanda wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 09:13:27PM +0200, Pavel Sanda wrote:

> Does anybody still use it and could not use alternatives provided
> by his environment?
> Pavel is correct, there are certain features which the keymap offers 
> which I think would be very hard to offer, especially in a 
> system-independent manner, without keymaps (details below).

... [3 valid points in favour of LyX keymaps] ...

It would be nice it these arguments could be made public

 * in the LyX wiki or
 * in the Customisation guide (as preface to the keymaps section).
maybe weighting the pros and cons of system bases via LyX keymap

> I haven't followed this thread very closely, and I do not use dead keys 
> --- I'm not sure how they're supposed to work at all --- so I don't feel 
> qualified to provide suggestions with regard to the original problem. It 
> isn't clear to me whether keymaps were or were not being used in this 
> case. 

I suppose during the experimenting ther was one stage where both,
the system and LyX defined dead keys which resulted in
"double-dead" keys. This should of course not happen (but can arise
if a pre-set keymap is activated and the system already defines
dead keys).


Re: experiences with lyx 1.6.beta3

2008-07-03 Thread G. Milde
On  3.07.08, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> "G. Milde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > In order to be able to use 1.5.5 and 1.6.beta3 in parallel

> Did you try:
>  ./configure --with-version-suffix=16 [...other flags]
> It allows to use several versions in parallel (and create the binary
> 'lyx16').

I tried to compile lyx, but after trashing for some hours my computer
crashed due to missing memory. So I installed a binary package.

However, it might be an idea to use this option for the lyx-1.6 package in
Debian/experimental. Sven?

> > - Word deletion (Bug #3580) is not fixed in beta3. Bugzilla shows it is
> >   "fixed in trunk and branch". Could a beta4 be released soon?

> The fix got in two days ago...

It's just that this is a major showstopper, so I'd really like to see
this fixed in a released version.

Even one of the earlier fixes would have been far better than the current
behaviour (with "eating" of complete equations, labels and floats).

Thanks for your work,


Re: experiences with lyx 1.6.beta3

2008-07-03 Thread G. Milde
On  3.07.08, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> G. Milde wrote:

>>   - Export to 1.5.x format creates a file with extension .lyx15 which
>>   OTOH is not found by LyX (if the default *.lyx filter is on).
>>   There is no way to specify the name of exported files (this is a
>>   generic problem, also in earlier versions).

> Right, we should do something about that. What about xxx-15.lyx instead?

As a default, yes. 

However, if a name conflict arises, LyX should offer a broader choice than
the current: 

   [Overwrite] [Overwrite all] [Abort]
I'd like to see something like

   [Overwrite] [Rename] [Rename existing] [Overwrite all] [Abort]

and I wonder whether generally export should prompt for a file name for the
target. Some programs couple the Export and Save-As dialogs with target
(some of them guessing the export format from the file extension).


Re: LyX and SVN

2008-07-03 Thread G. Milde
On  3.07.08, bigblop wrote:

> I have some .lyx files under version control with SVN. But when I get a
> conflict I cannot open the conflicted .lyx file I get an error that the
> file is not a lyx document. 

The conflict markers break the structure of the .lyx file (generally, it
might be ok in some cases).

> How do I solve conflicted lyx files?

In a text editor or opening the two conflicting versions in lyx.


experiences with lyx 1.6.beta3

2008-07-03 Thread G. Milde
Dear LyX users,

with help from Sven 
I was able to install a test build or LyX 1.6.beta3 on my Debian/testing

In order to be able to use 1.5.5 and 1.6.beta3 in parallel, I 

* copied the files from the package to /usr/local/
* renamed /usr/local/bin/lyx to lyx-1.6
* copied my personal lyx dir to ~/.lyx16
* wrote a small script /usr/local/bin/lyx16::

   # call LyX 1.6 with alternative user dir
   lyx-1.6 -userdir ~/.lyx16 $*

and now I can start 1.5.5 with `lyx` and 1.6 with `lyx16`.

Some first impressions:

+ Many of my local extensions (math-macros, additonal layouts) can be
  implemented much cleaner now.
  (Documentation for layout modules is still missing in the (German)
  Customisation guide.)
+ Startup is faster.

- Minor glitches like missing translations for new items show that this
  is a beta version.

Some problems remain

- Word deletion (Bug #3580) is not fixed in beta3. Bugzilla shows it is
  "fixed in trunk and branch". Could a beta4 be released soon?
- Bugzilla does not have an entry for the 1.6 beta versions, only
  1.5.5 and 1.6 (SVN). However, some bugs in 1.6.beta3 are already fixed
  in SVN -- where should I report bugs?
- Export to 1.5.x format creates a file with extension .lyx15 which
  OTOH is not found by LyX (if the default *.lyx filter is on).
  There is no way to specify the name of exported files (this is a
  generic problem, also in earlier versions).

I wonder whether it is save enaugh to use 1.6.beta3 for my phd thesis (no
imminent deadline).


Re: left-align paragraphs in GUI

2008-07-03 Thread G. Milde
On  7.04.08, G. Milde wrote:
> Dear LyX-Users,
> Attach: /home/milde/.lyx/layouts/

> As LyX's linebreaking algorithm does not include hyphenation of longer
> words, some very large inter-word spaces frequently occure (especially in
> languages with many long words as e.g. German).

> Readability can be improved by setting the paragraph alignment 
> in the LyX window to "left".

I converted the implementation to a "module" that can be added to a
document layout in 1.6.

Left-align of "Standard" paragraphs is still commented out, as it
prevents the indentation to be shown in LyX.

> Is there a way to retain paragraph indentation
> (with Document>Settings>Text format>"Paragraph Separation by indent")?

#Left align text (instead of block align; on screen).

#Author: Günter Milde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# Left align instead of block align (on screen)
# -

# As LyX's linebreaking algorithm does not include hyphenation of longer
# words, some very large inter-word spaces frequently occure (especially in
# languages with many long words as, e.g., German).

# Readability can be improved by setting the paragraph alignment 
# in the LyX window to "left".
# This does not influence the appearance of the printout.

# Drawbacks: 
# * the Edit>Paragraph Settings dialog will display "default (left)"
#   even if the default alignment of the class is "block".
# * Paragraph indentation is supressed (therefore currently commented out).

# Style Standard
#   Align Left
# End

Style Itemize
Align Left

Style Description
Align Left

Style Enumeration
Align Left

Style List
Align Left

Style Quotation
Align Left

Style Quote
Align Left

# stdsections
Style Part
Align Left

Style Chapter
Align Left

Style Section
Align Left

Style Subsection
Align Left

Style Subsubsection
Align Left

Re: ding (was search and replace)

2008-07-03 Thread G. Milde
On  2.07.08, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> The latest ding 
> version 1.5 has the facility to copy search results to clipboard (and more, 
> namely  216,000 entries), which would help already a lot, 

The "copy search results to clipboard" feature is IMO not very helpfull, as
it copies *all* search results, in both languages. Usually, I want to pick
just one translation.

> but there is not yet a Debian package available (the one under testing
> is too dangerous for me, since it wants to change many other things). 

I work with Debian/testing without major problems, but this is a
personal choice. You could try to upgrade only the trans-de-en package
to 1.5-3 with ca. 180,000 entries (might fail due to format changes).

> > I have a ding mode in my favourite text editor that has an option to
> > replace the current word with a translation. 

You could also try this one by installing the xjed and jed-extra packages.


Re: ding (was search and replace)

2008-07-02 Thread G. Milde
On  2.07.08, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> By the way, how would I link ding with Lyx, in order to push the found
> english word into the document? Is it similar to Jabref, e.g.?

No such support exists in ding (you could program it, maybe.
Rather, mark the chosen translations with the mouse and drop in LyX.

An alternative back-end to the de-en database is wordtrans (kde and qt
versions) or translate (console).

I have a ding mode in my favourite text editor that has an option to
replace the current word with a translation. Such a thing
for LyX would be a welcome enhancement. Using the Python lyxserver
module (from the wiki), this should not be too difficoult.


ding (was search and replace)

2008-07-02 Thread G. Milde
On  2.07.08, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> I have at the same time a german-english dictionary running (Ding -by
> the way is there a better one? This one is quite limited in respect to
> the items it contains) 

The ding wordlist of version 1.5 contains more than 14 definitions.
Do you use Version :: 1.5 2007-04-09 ?

For more completeness, I use


Re: LyX on Asus eeePC?

2008-07-01 Thread G. Milde
On 30.06.08, MonAmiPierrot wrote:

> As you wrote, seems to work perfectly, Michel, but it installed Lyx version
> 1.4.3 while I used to work on my thesis file with a (Windows) Lyx 1.5.5.

> If I try to open this file with the newly installed Lyx on the eeePC
> Xandros, it tells me the script lyx2lyx can't convert it (it tell me "it was
> created with a earlier version of Lyx, but it can't convert it". True, it
> was created with a earlier version - but then edited with updated 1.5.5
> version: this is the problem, I guess!

If updating fails (cannot help here), you can still:

a) export your file from LyX 1.5.5 as LyX 1.4 (File>Export>LyX14)
   and use this on the eee. (You will have to do this with every
   PC -> eee transfer, as 1.5.5 will automatically convert any earlier
   format to its own.
b) just update the LyX2LyX converter: 

   Copy the files under LYXDIR/lyx2lyx/ from the 1.5.5 installation
   to LYXDIR/lyx2lyx on the eee.  (Make a backup copy of the original
   content of the target directory first!)
   (LYXDIR is, where LyX stores its files, here on Debian it's
   Now the "old" lyx will know about newer file versions.
Hope this helps


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