Re: preparing math exams

2019-04-23 Thread Gour
On Tue, 23 Apr 2019 13:16:09 -0400
"Paul A. Rubin"  wrote:

> I can recommend GeoGebra <>. 

Ahh, that's great option since I've discovered that even official
school's textbooks for the math has tasks to be solved by using GeoGebra!

> It is easy to create geometric objects (or parts of them), and for
> inclusion in a LyX document you can export either to PNG or EPS or (my
> preference) to PGF/TiKZ (requires the PGF LaTeX package). 

Any reason why you prefer PGF/TikZ over e.g. PNG? Is it assumed one
should be familiar to draw with them?

> To create the equivalent of graph paper within the document, I think
> you can export just an empty graph with axes and grid lines.

Yeah, I figured that out.


As fire is covered by smoke, as a mirror is covered by dust,
or as the embryo is covered by the womb, the living entity is
similarly covered by different degrees of this lust.

Re: preparing math exams

2019-04-23 Thread Gour

On Tue, 23 Apr 2019 11:40:27 -0400
David Johnson  wrote:

> I have used TGIF for years, and it works well.

Thanks a lot! I never heard about it before. :-(

> I don't know if it is available for wondows or mac, but in linux it's
> widely available.  

I'm running (Devuan) Linux and not having access either Windows or Mac
OS machines, so it's fine with me. ;)
While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person
develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust
develops, and from lust anger arises.

Thus the wise living entity's pure consciousness becomes covered by
his eternal enemy in the form of lust, which is never satisfied and
which burns like fire.

preparing math exams

2019-04-23 Thread Gour

I wonder what do you use to prepare math exams for primary school (e.g.
5th to 8th grade) which involves drawing lines, segments, angles,
polygons, circles, drwaing functions etc.?

For rational numbers etc. I suppose that LateX/LyX's math-input-language
is more than enough...

In the past I was using LyX to prepare books, but math was not involved,
but now I might have a need for it.


As a lamp in a windless place does not waver, so the transcendentalist,
whose mind is controlled, remains always steady in his meditation on the
transcendent self.

Re: LyX document diff/merge tools for cooperative editing?

2013-01-09 Thread Gour
On Mon, 7 Jan 2013 13:06:04 +
Gregory Jefferis  wrote:

> maybe cc yourself on ticket to indicate your interest, but existing
> document comparison produces poor results as noted here:

Tried to guess the username/email combo, and although I'd say the
username is 'gour', I am running out of ideas which email could it be.

If someone could reset my passwd and sent it to this email sparing me
creating new account?


Even a man of knowledge acts according to his own nature, for 
everyone follows the nature he has acquired from the three modes. 
What can repression accomplish? | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Re: LyX document diff/merge tools for cooperative editing?

2013-01-03 Thread Gour
On Wed, 12 Dec 2012 11:14:58 -0600
Nico Williams  wrote:

> That's what I want.  I think it's quite doable if we have a consistent
> XML representation of LyX that can be converted in both directions.
> That's because there are nice XML diff algorithms.  LyX already
> supports conversions to XHTML that are reasonably faithful (more on
> that some other time), but there's no XML->LyX converter.

I read the whole thread and looks

After deciding to use LyX as the tool for writing manual for software
application which will be kept under DVCS (not git, but most probably
Fossil), I just wonder what are your experiences with different diff

In one blog post, I saw that Emacs' ediff was much better thant e.g
KDiff, Vim's diff...
but considering that so far I only keep my own docs under DVCS, I'm
interested what one can expect when diff-ing LyX documents in order to
try to provide merge of changes?

I also wonder whether XML-based format would be better than the present
one in such scenario?


Therefore, without being attached to the fruits of activities, 
one should act as a matter of duty, for by working without 
attachment one attains the Supreme. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Re: LyXHTML Visual Appearance

2012-05-09 Thread Gour
On Tue, 08 May 2012 18:59:05 -0400
Richard Heck  wrote:

> This is probably doable with a LyX module. If you send me the JS code
> you need, I can probably come up with one fairly quickly. This again
> is a nice aspect of the modularity of the code and the way LyX's
> internal converter re-uses existing LyX constructs.

I've found the following:
and the answer points to the following JS code, among other things:

No idea, however, how it can fit into LyX...


Even a man of knowledge acts according to his own nature, for 
everyone follows the nature he has acquired from the three modes. 
What can repression accomplish? | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

As a lamp in a windless place does not waver, so the transcendentalist, 
whose mind is controlled, remains always steady in his meditation on
the transcendent self. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

Re: Unsubscribe me from Lyx list

2012-05-08 Thread Gour
On Tue, 8 May 2012 18:02:07 -0500
"becko"  wrote:

> Dear Lyx list team:
> I want to unsubscribe from the Lyx list. What do I have to do?

Check headers of your message- there is one named: List-Unsubscribe: ;)


The senses are so strong and impetuous, O Arjuna, 
that they forcibly carry away the mind even of a man 
of discrimination who is endeavoring to control them. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

Re: LyXHTML Visual Appearance

2012-05-08 Thread Gour
On Mon, 07 May 2012 15:17:50 -0400
Richard Heck  wrote:

> Yes. But it's all very modular, as the rest of the code is, so it's
> fairly easy to mess with different parts.

At the moment I'm trying to learn D...did C(++) long ago, but C++
evolved quite a bit since then, so I'm not sure how would I orient
myself with the code.

Otoh, do you maybe consider adding some Javascript code to the generated
output in order to get Search facility similar to the one available in


What is night for all beings is the time of awakening 
for the self-controlled; and the time of awakening for 
all beings is night for the introspective sage. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, 
and a little advancement on this path can protect 
one from the most dangerous type of fear. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

Re: LyXHTML Visual Appearance

2012-05-07 Thread Gour
On Mon, 07 May 2012 09:36:06 -0400
Richard Heck  wrote:

> The internal converter has several advantages, in principle, over
> elyxer. The basic one is that it knows everything that LyX knows about
> the document being exported. For example, it has access to what LyX
> knows about i18n, so it will happily output, e.g., "Kapitel 1" in a
> German document, and so forth. It also knows all about layout files,
> so if you define some custom character style, LyX will be able to
> export it using whatever information you provided about how it is to
> be displayed in LyX itself, even if you do not provide custom CSS
> (which you can also do): We create default CSS based on the display
> information.

It sounds very good.

By having strong LyX --> (X)HTML converter, my need to (re)consider
using some markup (AsciiDoc/reST ) language is diminishing rapidly. :-)

> That's the basic reason, as Pavel said, that the LyX team decided the 
> "internal" approach was the right one. 

I assume it's written in C++ as the rest of the code, right?


A person is said to be established in self-realization and is called a
yogī [or mystic] when he is fully satisfied by virtue of acquired
knowledge and realization. Such a person is situated in transcendence
and is self-controlled. He sees everything — whether it be pebbles,
stones or gold — as the same. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

Re: LyXHTML Visual Appearance

2012-05-07 Thread Gour
On Sun, 06 May 2012 16:26:17 -0400
Richard Heck  wrote:

> The output is mostly driven by layout files, which is what LyX uses
> also in the case of LaTeX output to know what to do with a section
> heading. 

I see...

> Some of this concerns appearance in LyX itself; some concerns the
> LaTeX output; the last bit is XHTML info. Of course, the appearance of
> the h2 tag itself can be customized via CSS. That information can also
> be put into the layout file, if you wish. See e.g.

Thank you.

> This is on the To-Do list. I'm hoping to get to it early in the
> summer. It won't be hard, but it'll take a bit of time to get right.


I'm also curios if there is plan for LyXHTML/eLyXer to add some JS-based
search like it's done in Sphinx (


Those who are on this path are resolute in purpose, 
and their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, 
the intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Before giving up this present body, if one is able to tolerate 
the urges of the material senses and check the force of desire and 
anger, he is well situated and is happy in this world. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

Re: LyXHTML Visual Appearance

2012-05-06 Thread Gour
On Sun, 6 May 2012 20:31:52 +0200
Alex Fernandez  wrote:

> If it works for you, then it is not obsolete! :)

Sure...just wonder what is the objective of 'internal' converter if not
just duplicating the feature(s) ?




Description: PGP signature

Re: LyXHTML Visual Appearance

2012-05-06 Thread Gour
On Sun, 6 May 2012 15:49:41 +0200
Alex Fernandez  wrote:

> You can try eLyXer, which does output paged content with navigation
> links.

Thank you. It works OK. I knew about it, but considered that it is
(maybe) obsolete considering that LyX now ships with its own LyXHTML


He who is regulated in his habits of eating, sleeping, recreation 
and work can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

Re: LyXHTML Visual Appearance

2012-05-06 Thread Gour
On Fri, 27 Apr 2012 09:43:38 -0400
Richard Heck  wrote:


excuse me for jumping a bit late into this thread...but we are seriously
considering to use LyX as our 'markup tool of the choise" instead of
AsciiDoc or resT/Sphinx.

Few days ago we hit a problem whne wanting to produce floating image
(wrap text around lef/right-aligned image) and it seems that it's not
possible to do it using neither FOP nor bblatex AsciiDoc backends.

In the reST/Sphinx arena, we came to know that rst2pdf cannot do it as
well (due to limit in Reportlab), which leaves as only with reST/Sphinx.

Otoh, we're able to quickly produce desired effect in LyX which makes us
thing to give up on both AsciiDoc and reST/Sphinx and simply use LyX.

> Regarding the visual appearance, then, I should say that LyX's own
> HTML output and elyxer *both* pretty exclusively use CSS to style the 
> document. So one can in fact change the appearance quite easily,
> either by editing the CSS manually, once the file's been exported, or
> else by using the usual customization methods within LyX: layout
> files, modules, local layout, and so forth. So it's worth
> distinguishing these two issues.

I do not want to say that LyXHTML output is ugly, but we wonder where to
find more info how to customize output to come close to the output
generated by bith AsciiDoc as well as Sphinx?

Moreover, we're curios if LyXHTML can be configured to produce chunked
XHTML output with navigation links?


But for one who takes pleasure in the self, whose human life 
is one of self-realization, and who is satisfied in the self only, 
fully satiated — for him there is no duty. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

Re: AsciiDoc or reST/Sphinx more suitable for import into LyX

2012-03-19 Thread Gour
On Mon, 19 Mar 2012 16:15:58 + (UTC)
Guenter Milde  wrote:

> I don't know AsciiDoc, but know that Sphinx is not only for Python
> projects but also supports C and more.

Yeah, I know about that, but mentioned it's not Python 'cause many
projects nowadays choose reST/Sphinx which is de-facto becoming standard
tool within Python community.

> However, I don't think it is necessary to use LyX at all. Rather I
> suggest tweaking in the Sphinx configuration file (and possibly using
> raw LaTeX in the source).

You're right. After playing some time with AsciiDoc --> PDF (via
dblatex), it seems that the end result is good-enough so that, in this
case, there is really no need for LyX.


While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person 
develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust 
develops, and from lust anger arises. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

g-brief gotcha

2011-12-12 Thread Gour

I'd like to use LyY for writing letters and not only for books since I
cannot tolerate bloat of OO/LibreOffice any longer. :-)

However, attempt to use g-brief-en says that: "Important note: This
template uses the old „g-brief” class that is replaced by the new class
version „g-brief2”. Therefore, it is recommended that you use template
„g-brief2” instead. This template is available for compatibility reasons
only.", but when I try with g-brief2 I see:

"The selected document class letter (g-brief2) requires external files
that are not available.  The document class can still be used, but the
document cannot be compiled until the following prerequisites are
installed:  europs.sty See section (Class Availability) of
the User's Guide for more information."

Any hint how to proceed?

I'm running lyx-2.0.1 under Archlinux x86_64.


The spirit soul bewildered by the influence of false ego thinks 
himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out 
by the three modes of material nature. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

Re: Impressed

2011-11-19 Thread Gour
On Fri, 18 Nov 2011 13:24:11 -0500
Xu Wang  wrote:

> +1 for vi keystrokes :)

I'd like that as well. +1 ;)


But a person free from all attachment and aversion and able 
to control his senses through regulative principles of 
freedom can obtain the complete mercy of the Lord. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

Re: pros & cons of using LyX's version control

2011-11-09 Thread Gour
On Wed, 09 Nov 2011 06:26:00 +0100
PhilipPirrip  wrote:

> > I'm considering using LyX's built-in version control support. Are
> > there any drawbacks to using it? Do most people use it? What is the
> > most popular alternative?

> Now, I'm on TortoiseHg, a frontend to mercurial.

+1 for Mercurial (which I use for all my version-control needs) or some other
DVCS, according to your preference.


As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, 
from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes 
into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered 
by such a change. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

Re: Compose key again

2011-11-02 Thread Gour
On Wed, 2 Nov 2011 13:35:10 -0400
Steve Litt  wrote:

> What's a compose key? I've never heard of that.

It's one of the keys one can canfigure (e.g. Win key) which acts as modifier so
that pressing e.g.

Win key + '-' would add some Tex accent to the letter.

I used it in the past in LyX in order to build Sanskrit diacritics in the book
I was working on.

It's even described here:


As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, 
from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes 
into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered 
by such a change. | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

Re: Fonts in LyX (and LaTeX and TeX)

2010-11-13 Thread Gour
On Sat, 13 Nov 2010 15:52:59 -0600
>>>>>> "stefano" == stefano franchi wrote:

Hiya Stefano,

stefano> For Lyx, I used the method described in the wiki for XeTeX
stefano> (define a new pdf format, etc), and switched the bibtex
stefano> processor to biber in the preferences.

For a long time I was thinking to move to ConTeXt, but finally decided
to stay with LyX/ seeing LyX + LuaTeX working is great news.

Would you mind to add/document your 'method' to the wiki in order not to get
lost in the mailing list?



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

Description: PGP signature

Re: Fonts in LyX (and LaTeX and TeX)

2010-11-09 Thread Gour
On Tue, 9 Nov 2010 04:09:50 -0400
>>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Litt wrote:

Steve> Is there documentation on how to take a random font and make it
Steve> ready to use in LyX, LaTeX or TeX?

Probably only by using XeTeX and/or LuaTeX.

Otoh, once when you install fonts, that's it, while having bad
typesetting engine is something which spoils the party constantly. ;)



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

Description: PGP signature

Re: LyX (LaTeX) vs. ConTeXt

2010-10-02 Thread Gour D.
On Sat, 2 Oct 2010 17:27:37 +0200
>>>>>> "Jürgen" == Jürgen Spitzmüller  wrote:

Jürgen> Depends on your definition of "active". But it's a rather
Jürgen> manageable number.


 Jürgen> In any case, the project needs every helping hand. J

OK. I did two book and although I gave credit to LyX in them, still, I
feel a bit indebted to contribute to the project a bit...

Jürgen> Actually, I did not know any C++ either before starting LyX
Jürgen> development. 

I did C++ long (20yrs) ago in the era of Zortech compiler, and now I
feel it's a bit too low-level to me (especially after being exposed to

Jürgen>You can get a pretty good knowledge by reading the LyX source
Jürgen> and asking on the Jürgen> list.

I remember it was a big problem many years ago when LyX adopted GUI
abstraction 'cause it was too hard to dive into the codebase for
everyone except L&L. :-)

Nice that it has changed.

Jürgen> You could translate the user interface and/or the manuals into
Jürgen> Coratian. If you know Python, there are also some things to
Jürgen> do.

Although I need PHP for web stuff, I tinkered a bit with Python as
well (will use it to adopt Roundup tracker for our needs), so I'll
take a look.

Jürgen> That's a good way to contribute as well.


Thanks for all the updated info about LyX's status...



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

Description: PGP signature

Re: LyX (LaTeX) vs. ConTeXt

2010-10-02 Thread Gour D.
On Sat, 2 Oct 2010 10:17:19 +0200
>>>>>> "Jürgen" == Jürgen Spitzmüller  wrote:

Jürgen> It simply depends on the willingness and free time of some
Jürgen> developer. Again, it's really not that hard. Just a matter of
Jürgen> digging a bit into LuaTeX. But it's a file format change,
Jürgen> that's why it cannot be done in 2.0.x. And for 2.0, the doors
Jürgen> for new features begin to close.

I see...btw, how many active devs working on a LyX?

Jürgen> It is. We already have backends for DocBook, plain text, and (in 2.0) 
Jürgen> next to LaTeX. Context would "just" mean yet another output method. 

Sounds too good to be true, though.. :-)

Too bad, I'm not C++ coder - learning Haskell and PHP atm, but C++
evolved into huge beast.

btw, I'm translating some PHP CMS docs into Croatian now and wonder
how one can contribute to LyX if not being C++ coder?

(otoh, I've installed 2.0alpha and will try to do some more thorough
testing to possible produce some nice report.) ;)



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

Description: PGP signature

Re: LyX (LaTeX) vs. ConTeXt

2010-10-01 Thread Gour D.
On Fri, 1 Oct 2010 09:37:16 +0200
>>>>>> "Jürgen" == Jürgen Spitzmüller  wrote:

Jürgen> Support is defitely on the agenda, though probably not for LyX
Jürgen> 2.0 (rather for 2.1 or later). As Günter wrote, the
Jürgen> implementation should not be too hard, since the difference to
Jürgen> XeTeX is not big.

Huh..2.1 or later? It probably won't be so soon. :-(

Otoh, having modern font-handling is really a must today.

Jürgen> A ConTeXt backend would be nice as well, but this is
Jürgen> significantly more work.

ConTeXt backend does not sound as 'nice' but 'dreamland'!!!

I'm not at all aware if LyX is abstracted so much so allow such a
thing without significant rewrite.

Jürgen> You can probably use it with a bit of effort. 
Jürgen> You can take the XeTeX howto as a model:

Thank you. 

Yesterday tried to install 2.0 from the Archlinux package, but ftp was
down. Will try now again.

Jürgen> > Is it possible to use Xindy with LyX today?
Jürgen> Yes. You can configure the index processor in Preferences.


Thank you for all the input...



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

Description: PGP signature

Re: LyX (LaTeX) vs. ConTeXt

2010-09-30 Thread Gour D.
On Thu, 30 Sep 2010 18:13:47 + (UTC)
>>>>>> "Guenter" == Guenter Milde  wrote:

Guenter> Yes. There is already (still somewhat experimental/beta)
Guenter> support for XeTeX, and as the interface to XeLaTeX and
Guenter> LuaLaTeX gets more and more unified (see the latest versions
Guenter> of fontspec and polyglossia) this should allow using LuaTeX as
Guenter> engine as well.

Hey, that's great news!

I've checked wiki ( and it
looks it's worth to try out 2.0alpha.

Otoh, based on the info from ConTexT camp, LuaTeX is already in use
and, iirc, it's part of TeXLive as well, so bringing it to LyX soon
would be great as well.

Guenter> With a new fontspec and some limitations, most probably yes
Guenter> (try it).

Will do.



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

Description: PGP signature

LyX (LaTeX) vs. ConTeXt

2010-09-30 Thread Gour D.

Although being some time out of high-quality publishing, now I'd like
to decide whether to settle on LyX (seeing it approaching 2.0) or
trying something like ConTeXt...

I've experience with LyX (did last book in 2002.) and would like to
know if some LyX users has/had some experience with ConTeXt and/or can
give some comparison between LyX/LaTeX vs. ConTeXt?

The obvious advantage of the former is that is it quite stable, LyX
has, if i see properly, several developers, while, otoh, ConTeXt is
mostly one-man-show, documentation is not organized well or  dispersed
in several parts etc.

otoh, LuaTeX is heading towards MK IV (aka ConTeXt-ng) and I wonder
what is the plan with LaTeX/LyX in regards to better/simpler font
handling, Unicode support etc., iow. will LyX will be able to use
LuaTeX as well?

Is it already possible to use it?

Sorry for possibly dumb questions, but I was away from this arena for
some time mostly being engaged using Emacs + markdown markup for my
writing and would like to continue writing with these tools and then
use Pandoc to convert to LaTeX (and import to LyX) or convert to

Is it possible to use Xindy with LyX today?



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

Description: PGP signature

Re: Recipe collection

2007-10-10 Thread Gour
On Tue, 09 Oct 2007 14:01:59 +0200
Hellmut Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to put my collection of recipes in a nice layout.

I got similar task here - to produce cookbook :-)

> Does anybody have ideas in this direction?

Found template & layout based on recipe.cls and added to wiki - see

Tried with lyx-1.5.2 and it works...


Description: PGP signature

lyx & RefDB

2006-12-21 Thread Gour

Anyone can share some experience in using RefDB with LyX?

I'd like to install it with sqlite3 back-end.

Browsing mailing lists' archives did not yield much, same with LyX


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Using new fonts

2006-12-07 Thread Gour
On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 22:23 -0500, shawn fitzgibbons wrote:

> Doing a search online brings-up some obscure means of converting single
>  font files and adding something to the Latex preamble, but there has
>  to be an easier way.

Yes, there is...try to use xelatex engine instead of latex, i.e. you can
edit your document in LyX and then export to latex and run through
xelatex (until LyX provides support for XeTeX).


Here -

you can find some free OTF fonts, but XeTeX can use TeX fonts too.

I tested on Linux and it works fine, but I do not know how it works on
Win32. Here is the link -

If you're using OTF fonts, all you have to do is to put the following in
the preamble:





Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Inkscape SVG and LyX

2006-09-14 Thread Gour
On Thu, 2006-09-14 at 09:43 +, Bernhard Roider wrote:

Hi Bernhard!

> I've added a wiki entry that describes how to configure lyx to directly 
> include svg images. See
> Any comments welcome.


I was thinking about that, but never had time do to it :-(

But,now, I'll try it ;)

What do you think about adding this stuff with default LyX?


ps. Linux script is missing.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Announce] LyX version 1.4.0

2006-03-16 Thread Gour
On Wed, 2006-03-15 at 15:25 +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> We'll try not to have other big items in order to get it out faster.
> But of course, there will be smaller thing all over the place. The
> goal for 1.6 will be xml-based file format.

Is unicode + xml file format too big to be swallowed in one bite, i.e.
when we have unicode support, xml format looks very natural.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Announce] LyX version 1.4.0

2006-03-15 Thread Gour
On Fri, 2006-03-10 at 14:48 +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> Gour> Can we assume that work Unicode-aware version (aka LyX-1.5.0)
> Gour> has already begun?
> Not seriously yet, but we have a brand new Qt4 frontend :)

That's also nice. 

What are some of the 'bigger' items on the agenda (besides Unicode) for

> I think gtk will be officially supported in 1.4.x soon.



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Announce] LyX version 1.4.0

2006-03-09 Thread Gour
On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 18:50 +0100, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> Public release of LyX version 1.4.0
> ===
> We are glad to announce the release of LyX 1.4.0.

Congratulation to all the LyX devs for bringing this long-awaited

> It is the culmination of 3 years of hard work, and we sincerely hope
> this you will enjoy the results. 

I am happily reporting that LyX-1.4.0 builds nicely on my Gentoo amd64
box :-)

However, in order toget some toolbars visible (there were none upon
start), I had to remove old ~/.lyx and let LyX build a new one.

Can we assume that work Unicode-aware version (aka LyX-1.5.0) has
already begun?

Let's hope we'll have it in less-than-3-years and that LyX-gtk will
catch soon so that gtk-lib users can be (even more) happy ;)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Ebuild for LyX

2006-02-20 Thread Gour
On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 19:14 +0100, Hannan Sadar wrote:

> It helped and i was able to emerge LyX 1.4.0 pre5 on my Gentoo with
> out any problems.

Is it stable enough for normal usage?

I see that ebuild is not in bugzilla?

Can you, pls. add it to ?


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Re: gtk frontend

2006-02-13 Thread Gour
On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 22:45 +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Hello JMarc,

> No, the gtk frontend, which does not exist officially (meaning we
> won't advertise it until it is ready) is allowed to change as it wants
> for now. Actually, it does not use any xforms form as of today and
> crashes instead when you ask for a missing dialog! Also several
> dialogs have been implemented since 1.4.0pre3 (an unexpected (by me)
> surge of activity).

I asked the same question some time ago and it was ignored by all the
devs. Don't know if it was by accident, so I'm going to ask it once

Is there any reason not to provide 'lyxcore' lib with appropriate API
which can be used by different front-ends instead of working on each
front-end separately?

afaic understand, the whole GUI-independence move was done to clear the
code & make it easier to write a front-end.

Gour (who is happy seeing the progress of GTK port)

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Re: #lyx on freenode?

2005-11-09 Thread Gour
Martin A. Hansen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Hi Martin!

> so my suggestion is: how about joining in in #lyx/freenode with in a certain
> time-window every day? would european evening time be best?

Good idea :-)

I apologize for being so ignorant not to know for the #lyx :-(


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

LyX & front-ends

2005-11-09 Thread Gour

The recent thread 'Forget Windows' produced lot of traffic and different
solutions/suggestions were thrown out.

Thinking about it, I got an idea which I'm presenting here.¹

Lars wrote: "Note that code share is in the very high 90's %. It is
packaging that takes time, and you won't get that from just using a
multi-platform lib. (qt-linux, qt-mac, qt-win)"

and I afterwards I was thinking that if the gui-independence 'project'
achieved such a high score in code sharing, why not making it a kind of 
C(++) core lib 'libLyX' with a cleanly defined API which other front-ends can

This would open the door that some front-ends can be developed in
higher-level languages with appropriate bindings, thereby enabling users
not so competent with C(++) to work on different front-ends by
following API.

Moreover, it could lead to better integration of those front-ends with
appropriate environments (KDE, GNOME, Mac OS X, Win32).

Disclaimer: I am not at all familiar with the present LyX codebase and
cannot give any estimation how much work it would include and/or if it
is feasible at all. It is thrown out just as a possibility to make LyX
more usable, appealing and widely used.


¹ I understand it is (maybe) more suited for lyx-devel list, but taking
 into consideration that there are (probably) more users subscribed to
 this list who can give their opinion on the matter, and it deals with
 the further development of our dear tool, I am posting here. (If it
 gets too technical, we can move to devel list.)

Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-09 Thread Gour
Angus Leeming ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Bugzilla, but discuss it first on lyx-devel. It's probably something
> trivial on your side.

OK. I sent it to the dev-list.

> Use the gmane news interface then. You can read and post from

Don't use news at all :-)


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-09 Thread Gour
John Coppens ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Anyway, I see there is some interest (mine included) for a native GTK+
> version, so I'll try and compile one (I suspect it compiles at least?).
> Who is the person to take contact with for hints/diffs/ etc? Is that John
> Spray?

I pulled from the cvs yesterday and it does not compile.

What is preferred method to report things: dev-list or bugzilla?

(I had negative experience with bugzilla reporting a dead-keys bug which
was not confirmed almost one year, and dev-list has too much traffic for
occasional reporting.)


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Gour
Ingar Pareliussen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> As a translator I have to say that the number of toolkits increase the amount 
> of work for the translators as well. Different toolsets have different ways 
> to specify shortcuts and each have to be translated manually.

Good point.

> So as a translator I would like to have only one toolset to work with, and if 
> I could have chosen I would loved a kde-frontend. There is so many things we 
> could have gotten for free if we would made the plunge to kde instead of qt. 
> (on the fly spell check, kio-slaves to name two from the top of my head). And 
> offcourse as kde4 is going to be ported to win32 and osx it could be used on 
> those architectures as well. ;) (packing work still remains, though)

I could also say: gnome, gnome-vfs, internationalization (I18N),
localization (L10N), OS X is there, cairo back-end, win32, and lgpl license, 
i.e. not depending on trolltech...

> However, I can see why it is not going to happen as it would mean ripping out 
> parts of lyx`s tookit independent parts and replacing them with kdelibs. So I 
> am happy with the status quo.

This I cannot comment, i.e. what is the work of tailoring the present
api to new layer.


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Gour
Lars Gullik Bjønnes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Note that code share is in the very high 90's %. 


Did not know that.

So, it means that, in case qt goes non-gpl or something, it would not be
too hard to port to another toolkit?

> It is packaging that takes time, and you won't get that from just
> using a multi-platform lib. (qt-linux, qt-mac, qt-win)

Do you mean preparing the build or extra stuff which has to be included
like in win32 port?

> But I guess topic should be brought back to more LyX relevant musings.

Isn't the future and LyX ports very relevant topic ;)


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Gour
John Coppens ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I'd have a go at the GTK+ version, in which I am also interested, but
> I'll surely need a hand, as I am not an ace programmer. Can someone
> indicate what has to be done?

As I wrote earlier, I cannot code, but can contribute my time to

Probably some of core developers can tell you everything, I'll just
point you (if not seen already) to the:
where it is shown (I cannot say if it is up to date) what is the status
of GTK+ port.

Maybe the more help can be asked on gtk-related mailing lists.


> John

Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Gour
Sven Schreiber ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Hi Sven!

> I don't understand why such a statement results in angry accusations.

I hope you didn't take my argument as a angry accusations, at least it
was not meant to be so, just a slightly provoking statement to backup your
statement :-)

> > People are using LyX/LaTeX for SERIOUS work, not to write 1-page letter,
> > and I don't understand for what you would use LyX if there would not be
> > win32 port?
> What I meant is I would not be able to use Lyx for job-related work,
> or put differently, it would be quite impractical. I would use it at
> home on Linux, but if it weren't cross-platform I would have to use
> something different in the office(s).

That's why I wrote that if you need a tool for a serious work, you can
have a dual-boot setup, launch Linux LiveCD or whatever to do your work
if the boss does not allow non-Win32 OS.

> I simply wanted to back the cross-platform strategy of the Lyx team.
> They (especially Angus) have worked hard for the Windows part, and
> this work deserves admiration. When this thread started I was worried
> about the implicit verdict that all that work was useless or even
> counterproductive. 

In the past I suggested to do wxWidgets port to achieve real
multi-platformability (although, when I think today about it, I'll
choose GTK+ but with Haskell) 'cause, imho, win32 port, xforms, qt, gtk
cannot be considered multi-platform solution.

Yes, there is code-share, but every individial port (win32, gtk) takes
away the energy & time of devs, and that's why I'd prefer to e.g. have
gtk port which could (if) cover Win32, Linux-like OS-es & MaC OS in one

However, since I cannot help in coding, I do not want to complain and
whine, but I'm trying to be grateful to LyX devs for everything what
they are doing (I'm with LyX since '99 and my 1st steps on Linux) and
help by some testing, reporting bugs, etc.

My hope is that LyX will atrract some new devs and that some new real
multi-platform port could be done in the future.

> So which is better: Me running Linux and Vmware, with my colleagues staying 
> away from Lyx, or everybody using native Lyx on Windows?

I'd say: better for you & your colleagues running LyX (on Linux) and
vmware - it will bring new users to both Linux & LyX :-)

Then, with more users on Linux desktop, more programmers will be interested to
program for Linux, more companies will give financial support by paying
some programmers to do full-time job on the open-source applications and
in the end the whole community will benefit.

There is another catch with Qt (have you read the recent decision of
Novell standardizing on GNOME desktop?) but I won't delve into it
producing more flame ;)


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Gour
Helge Hafting ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Not really.  The win32 version of lyx does not in any way make it a
> more "serious" solution.  More accessible of course, but no
> more serious.

Who said that? 
Me? Marc? 

> Now, if we're making wishes - scratch the bloated gtk and
> go for fltk.  Lightweight they way it should be, and it has
> nice stuff like unicode and antialiasing anyway.  

I just moved kde --> gnome and do not understand what would be the
advantage of fltk over gtk and/or Qt?


I was thinking about that in the time when I proposed wxWidgets as a one
multi-platform kit, but today I'm more for GTK+.

However, I also understand that we won't see GTK and/or GNOME port soon,
but nobody can prevent me dreaming :-)

> It probably won't happen though - lack of manpower as always.

Well, we can still express wishes and maybe some soul(s) jump in to make
a GNOME port. Many GNOME libs are available for Mac OS and arriving for
Win32 (for those still needing that OS :-)


p.s. Unfortunately, my time-for-contributing-to-the-open-source-community is
already slotted (e.g. gtk2hs) and I do not posess skill for coding in
C++ (trying to learn Haskell for other stuff).

Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Gour
Sven Schreiber ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> There is no way that they switch OS because we need some specialized
> apps that only run under Windows. (Please don't reply with hints on
> wine, qemu, etc., I've tried it all.) 

What app you have that don't run under vmware?

> Bottom line: If Angus (and Ruurd before him) hadn't developed Lyx for 
> Windows,> I still would use Linux to some extent, but not for Lyx: I would 
> NOT use Lyx 
> for serious work. (Instead I would probably use Scientific Word for
> which btw I have a valid license and still prefer Lyx.)

How this one can hold water...

What is the logic to "...use Linux to some extent, but not for Lyx...", and
use LyX for win32 ?

People are using LyX/LaTeX for SERIOUS work, not to write 1-page letter,
and I don't understand for what you would use LyX if there would not be
win32 port?


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Gour
Marc J. Driftmeyer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> So if I read this correctly, because a Win32 port of LyX has been  
> made possible to show the Windows User the Power of the UNIX/Linux  
> World Design approach to Software and what Free Tools can produce  
> using the TeX/LaTeX systems and their many prodigy as the guts  
> underneath the highly abstracted WYSIWYM paradigm none of that  
> matters and it's because of this Win32 option that you consider it  
> for serious work?  Never mind the fact that it is more rock solid on  
> its primary platforms and that countless Scientists, Engineers,  
> Writers, Publishers use the these tools for serious work, it's  
> because of the Win32 port it is now to be considered a serious solution?

Huh, this is a real point!

> Personally, I'd say screw the Win32, focus on the X, GTK+ and Qt  
> ports and let the rest of the world smile with pleasure knowing they  
> actually produce the highest standards of publishing with such tools  
> the likes of which Springer Verlag, Addison-Wesley, Prentice Hall, so  
> on and so forth are more than happy to have in order to make their  
> jobs as publishing houses easier.

I'd also like to see more focus (especially) on GTK+.

> To all those that have developed this software your efforts have not  
> gone in vain as by the tens of thousands of email posts in this  
> mailing list should be proof enough.

I tried with XML technology, but I'm back to LyX/LaTeX not wanting to
look elsewhere.


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Forget Windows

2005-11-08 Thread Gour
Lars Gullik Bjønnes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Well depends on the effort needed to make it happen... and since
> we are in the Open Source world it is really is the community on the
> operating systems in question that should to the work to make it
> happen. 

I agree. 

LyX is developed on non-Win32 OS, so if Win32 community wants it, let
them help with the effort and save the time of the core devs for
enhancing native application.

With every day, there are less & less reasons to not switch from Win32,
and LyX being one of those 'killer-app' is a good reason to try
alternative OS.

There are lot of Linux users who still need some Win32 application and
therefore they either keep dual-boot setup or use some emulation software
(Win4lin, vmware, wine, CrossOver Office...), so Win32 users (if they
want ot stay) can deploy the similar strategy (e.g. vmware) or simply use some
Linux Live CD, but let not the effort of developing LyX get dispersed by
attempt to support Win32 version.

Gour (utf8 user, anxious to see 1.4 happen so that Unicode-support can start :-)

Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Presentations using LyX

2005-10-14 Thread Gour
Rich Shepard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>   I don't know. I followed the instructions with the ps4pdf package ... I
> think. 

OK. I'll look there (ps4pdf).

> Once I get some application or add-on installed and working I do a
> dump of that knowledge from the NPU[1] so there's room for more current
> information.

Spiffy ;)

>   For clipart-type images I believe that inkscape, sketch, tgif, ipe,
> jpicedit and the others that let you visually assemble the image will be
> quicker and easier than applications such as PSTricks, pgf, xfig, and gri
> which are drawing languages. 

I also think so.

> The GIMP is raster based rather than vector based and may not be quite
> as good for your purposes as the others.

Yup, I included it 'cause  my helper plan to do some work in enhancing 
slide-shows before burning DVDs, but, sure, it's a aimed for image

>   Life would be very boring if we were all the same, eh?

Right. M$ is responsible for many jokes we can laugh on ;)


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Presentations using LyX

2005-10-13 Thread Gour
Rich Shepard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>   Yes. If you follow the directions for adding ps4pdf to LyX you'll have a
> new choice, PDF4, on the View and File->Export menus. Use those.

I've found something in wiki, is that the right thing?

>   Others need to address this. There are so many high quality applications
> for vector graphics that one could spend a lot of time evaluating them all
> and trying to select the "best". What I did was consider the needs I had,
> found a couple of solutions, learned to use them, and ignored the rest. This
> is not to suggest that everyone should do the same.

Still, it's very good advice. Better to master one package, then to
encounter many and know none.

>   What are you drawing? 

I intend to illustrate my slides with a clipart-like drawings & combine
them with e.g. openclipart library.

> How much time do you want to spend on each figure?

This one is not easy to estimate atm.

> Are you sufficiently fluent in one of the drawing languages (such as
> PSTricks and pgf) that you can create what you want as quickly as with
> a visual editor (such as tgif, jPicEdit, ipe and a ton of others)?

No. I'm just beginning with this stuff, and although I could dive in
into PSTricks and pgf, I'll probably get some help from my better half
and she will be more comfortable with Inkscape, GIMP...using some
simple tablet. That's why I'm talking about e.g. inkscape & LyX.

>   What I find amusing is that those stuck behind the
>   supposedly-bullet-proof Windows have so few choices and those of us
>   in the F/OSS world spend a lot of time trying to wade through the
>   plethora of choices. And, they're all good ones.

I fully agree, but people are belong to the weird species :-)


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Presentations using LyX

2005-10-13 Thread Gour
Angus Leeming ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> If you're being funky, you could write an Inkscape template for the
> "External Inset" (see share/lyx/external_templates) and include your
> inkscape file directly into your LyX document. I do just that all the time
> with my XFig figures.

Whoah...this is something new!!

Thank you for the pointer.

I'm still returning to LyX (after not so successful adventure in XML &
ConTeXt world :-) so I'm still not aware of all the goodies developed
in LyX in the meantime ;)

Will definitely try this approach. (Now I have problems in pdflatex-ing
Inkscape's output, i.e. trying to discern what are the extensions (aka
pacakges) needed to produce output.)

> As for SVG: If you define an "svg" format and define "converter"s from
> "svg" to "png", "pdf" and "eps" then you'll be able to include SVG
> graphics directly in the Graphcis inset and they'll "just work".

Well, SVG is not so interesting for itself, i.e. I just asked if one
can retain graphic and combine it with the LaTeX/LyX text. Otherwise,
converting the whole thing from Inkscape to .e.g. pdf, does not make
much sense, cause text on the graphic-oriented slides and text-only
slides would differ too much.

So, including Inkscape exported graphic as a template and combining it with
LyX text-capabilities is, imho, a right way to go.

btw, I saw on Inkscape mailing list there are several people migrating
from xfig :-)


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Presentations using LyX

2005-10-13 Thread Gour
Paul Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Beamer works fine with PSTricks, as long as one uses ps4pdf. People
> who simultaneously know very well pgf and PSTricks claim that PSTricks
> is much superior to pgf.

So, it means one can safely use Inkscape to draw illustrations and save
graphic as LaTeX with PSTricks extensions and use it in beamer?

Does anyone have any idea which PSTricks extensions are needed for 

Inkscape --> LaTeX ?


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Presentations using LyX

2005-10-13 Thread Gour
Rich Shepard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>   I've used beamer to prepare the slides for two public presentations over
> the past month. I've inserted tables within a slide frame, created graphics
> using tgif (which are included as .eps files) and PSTricks (compiled with
> ps4pdf before being inserted into the document), and used the full range of
> tools to create sections and sub-sections. 

I'd like to hear more regarding the drawing tools used with beamer/LyX.

afaics, in the beamer manual, pstricks does not work with pdflatex?

Is the ps4pdf right solution?

I am thinking about the power of pgf (TkiZ) package and how does it
compare with e.g. metapost/pstricks ?

Another option would be to use e.g. inkscape (which provides LaTeX with
PSTricks macros output format) & to have pgf backe-end so that inkscape
can integrate LaTeX fonts and macros ready for pgf & inclusion in
beamer presentation?

What is the status of SVG support in LyX/LaTeX?


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: CMR font

2005-10-11 Thread Gour
Uwe Stöhr ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I recommend the latin modern fonts. They are based on computern modern 
> and under the GPL. You find them in OpenType format here:

This is a new stuff, it is not part of tetex?


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: beamer presentations & projectors

2005-10-07 Thread Gour
John Coppens ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> SVGA is sufficient, normally. Taking into account that you don't want to
> overwhelm your audience for very fine details on a transparency anyway.

Not at all.

> If I'm not mistaken dlp has generally a bit more luminance than lcd,
> which is always welcome. At the university we have several brands, of
> which I like 3M and Epson most. The last one is much smaller...

Epson (S3) is one of the candidates.

> Do calculate into your budget the cost of exchanging of the bulbs. 

That's another advantage of Epson over e.g. InFocus, i.e. in Europe I
see that lamp for Epson is 225€ and for InFocus 340€.

> I've heard exorbitant prices, availability problems, etc. I think the
> projector biz is trying to copy the printer world: sell the peripheral at
> cost, then compensate with the parts (ink/toner cartridges or,in this
> case, replacement bulbs).

Unfortunately, it's true. The bulb is the main thing which needs
repair, and therefore they charge for it accordingly.

> Average lifetime is 1500-2000 hours, taking very good care of the
> projector (no vibrations, correct switch-on/off etc). Say 200 days at
> 8hrs/day.

Well, I'm not going to be using projector neither 8hrs/day, nor every
day, so it will be possible to go (hopefully) much longer :-)

Thank you for your input.


Re: beamer presentations & projectors

2005-10-07 Thread Gour
Paul A. Rubin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Yes.  I've used that routinely in classes with up to 45 students, and 
> I've done at least one presentation (with graphs and the odd formula) in 
> a lecture hall that seats 300 (and had people sitting all the way front 
> to back).  

That's great to hear for my budget :-)

I'm usually having seminars/workshops with up to 20 students, so it
should be fine.

> That room had a large screen, rear projection system, though; 
> I wouldn't attempt to use a portable projector in a room that big.

I wouldn't either.

> I'm partial to DLP, but IMHO the big thing is to get the maximum 
> brightness you can within you budget (and weight/size capacity).

Well, I heard lcd gives more light than dlp.

> I've found the PC Magazine product reviews pretty accurate.  Have a look 
> at,1874,7496,00.asp.

Thanks. I already read those and, with the help of your experience, it
comes to two candidates, i.e. Epson EMP-S3 (lcd) and InFocus X2 (dlp).

At least, it's easier now ;)


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

beamer presentations & projectors

2005-10-07 Thread Gour

Recently I 'discovered' latex-beamer package and found out that there
is LyX support for it :-))

The best way, so far, to make a presentation.

Now I'm shopping for some video-projector in order to replace my LyX-beamer 
transparencies with a video presentation.

Although it's a little bit OT, I'd like to hear some experiences from
LyX & beamers users, i.e. is it the resolution of 800x600 (aka SVGA) enough for
a beamer presentations in a classroom-size room?

Any brand you can recommend and whether to go with lcd & dlp?

(I'm on the budget, buying projector for my own education needs, so
have to think twice about everything.)

Hope you don't mind..


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: 1.3.6pre and 1.4 windows

2005-07-08 Thread Gour
Kayvan A. Sylvan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:


> I run 1.4.0CVS on Cygwin all the time. Both xforms and qt variants.

I'm back to LyX after some time and it works fine on x86_64 (qt)  :-)

However, I fetched 1.4.0CVS and quickly it crashed several times.

Is the time ripe to send (more) bug-reports and/or backtraces?


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Lyx & (lack of) Unicode support

2004-11-17 Thread Gour
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> This is clearly on the list of important things to do soon.

That' nice to hear.

> Unfortunately, our goal for now is to have 1.4 out soon :(

I understand, although my priorities/requirements are diferent :-(

> I hope we will manage to be faster for 1.5.

I wish you too 'cause I'm with LyX since pre-1.x ('99) and would like to 
come back with Unicode support :-)

Anyway, congratulations for bringing LyX to the present status.


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Lyx & (lack of) Unicode support

2004-11-17 Thread Gour
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Form what I understand, dead-keys mechanism does not work when the
> system uses a utf8-based locale, as modern distributions do.

Well it works partially, e.g. only acute accent works.

> What is the situation of using sanskrit with a 8bit iso8859 locale?
> Does iso8859-12 exist or not? 

In the past I used it with latin-2 locale (I need Croatian too) and modifying
texaccent.c by hand , but now on Gentoo I'm on utf-8.

Besides that, latin-2 does not have marron accent and the screen is cluttered
with those Z-like monsters :-)

> Another way to get the accents you need is via a keyboard map, in
> which case LyX will use TeX-type accents like \'{s}.

Yeah, it's possible, but sort of a pain considering that I can enter Sanskrit
characters in all the other apps directly (vim, OO, KWord, Kate...) and take
advantage of 'ucs' package to have some interchange with other users, email it

Unicode is simply becoming a 'must'.

Anyway, I wish you good luck to achieve 1.5 soon and there is always
opportunity to come back :-)


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: Lyx & (lack of) Unicode support

2004-11-17 Thread Gour
Helge Hafting ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> My understanding is that unicode support is planned after lyx 1.4. 


> I'm no authority on this - but I don't think so.  Well, you may consider
> running CVS versions of lyx when the developers start working on unicode.

Well, dead-keys mechanism was working in previous version of LyX, so it's
not question of new feature.

> There is one way of speeding up development if you really want unicode much
> earlier: code it yourself or sponsor someone who can do it.

My time is already 'sold' in helping/testing different open-source projects
and I'm not C++ coder myself, and it seems that Unicode is not high-priority
for the majority of LyX users.

> Unicode is nice - but it will take some work.

LaTeX already has it with ucs package, and Kile also develops nicely, which
mean that I'll probably have to bid farewell to LyX.

Thank you for your response.


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Lyx & (lack of) Unicode support

2004-11-16 Thread Gour

Sometime in the end of June I posted about having problem entering accented
characters (Sanskrit diacritics like a_macron, i_dotabove, h_dotbelow...) in
LyX via dead-keys - actually only entering chars with acute accent works (I 
tried both Xf & Qt front-ends).

On 2nd of July I submitted a bug report (#1625) along with the lyx -dbg 4 log
demonstrating the problem.

However, the bug is still unconfirmed and I did not receive any reply regards.

I understand that developers are busy fixing other things, but before leaving
LyX (the current LyX unability to handle accented chars properly - athough it
worked in the past, is a real stopper for me :-( and going with Kile (by using
ucs package, I can enter & process  utf-8 chars), I'd like to know what are the
current plans for Unicode support in LyX, i.e. can one expect anything before


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: LaTex study recommendations?

2004-09-29 Thread Gour
Rich Shepard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> >Do you have a recommendation for a first book on LaTeX?
>   Several years ago I read almost all the main books on LaTeX. The two that
> I have left are "LaTeX for Linux" by Beatrice Sachs Lipkin and "The LaTeX
> Companion, 2nd Edition" by Mittlebach and Goossens. I recommend them both.

I don't know about TLC 2dn-ed (probably is very good), but the book which I
always recommend is Kopka & Daly's A Guide to LaTeX (now in 4th ed.).


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: accented chars & dead keys problem

2004-06-29 Thread Gour
Gour ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Hi!

Just a short followup what -dbg 4 gives:

a) when entering s-acute (Å)

Press key 65535 text "none", ascii "0"
Setting key to 65535,
KeySym is
isOK is 0
Empty kbd action (probably composing)
Press key 65535 text "none", ascii "0"
Setting key to 65535,
KeySym is
isOK is 0
Empty kbd action (probably composing)
Press key 65535 text "Å", ascii "0"
Setting key to 65535, Å
KeySym is Å
isOK is 1
isMod is 0
encoding is iso8859-2
Using codec ISO 8859-2
ISOEncoded returning value 182
action first set to [-1]
action now set to [-1]
Key [action=-1][Å]
isText for key 65535 isPrint is 1
isText() is true, inserting.

b) when entering a-macron (Ä)

Press key 65535 text "none", ascii "0"
Setting key to 65535,
KeySym is
isOK is 0
Empty kbd action (probably composing)
Press key 65535 text "Ä", ascii "0"
Setting key to 65535, Ä
KeySym is Ä
isOK is 1
isMod is 0
encoding is iso8859-2
Using codec ISO 8859-2
Oof. Can't encode the text !
ISOEncoded returning value 0
action first set to [-1]
action now set to [-1]
Key [action=-1][Ä]
isText for key 65535 isPrint is 1
isText() is true, inserting.

Any idea waht's wrong?


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

accented chars & dead keys problem

2004-06-28 Thread Gour

In the past I did two books (actually one book in a two parts :-) using LyX
with dead-keys mechanism via xkeycaps modified xmodmap.

Recently I returned back after not so glorius adventure with XML technology
and decided that LyX/LaTeX is still the best route to write :-))

For my writing I use both Croatian & English language with diacritics for 
Sanskrit language which includes: abovedot (dot), underdot, tilde, acute & 
macron accents.

I modifed my xmodmap (with xkeycaps), mapped dead_abovedot, dead_underdot etc.
and use Mode_switch key. 

Under KDE Konsole I can get e.g. a-macron, s-acute chars (those for which there
are glyphs in the console font).

However, in LyX (1.3.4) I can only enter s(S)-acute via dead-key mechanism, i.e.
pressing Mode_switch key + accent + char.

If I write some of the required chars in *.tex file, e.g. \={a}, \.{r} and
import such Tex file into LyX (via relyx) I see the chars on the screen
(although there is no macron accent defined - there is ugly Zcaron instead :-(
and DVI is OK.

So, my question is whether is dead-keys mechanism supposed to work in latest
LyX (qt front-end)?

If not, what is the recommended way to enter (and see them on the screen)
accented chars when using more than one language plus the accented characters
not belonging to the main language (Sanskrit diacritics)?

(e.g. for mixing Croatian & English I choose Croatian as default, and would like
to be able to enter & see Sanskrit diacritics.)

I know that Unicode is the solution, but probably it won't arrive in LyX 
tomorrow :-(

I'm on Gentoo and my locale is:

bash-2.05b$ locale

Any hint what to do in order to resolve this dead-keys issue?


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

latex2html not found (win32)

2004-06-16 Thread Gour

I am trying to setup lyx on win32 so I can write detailed instructions for
my friend on Win32  :-)

One of the problems is that latex2html is not recognized by the configure

I use the updated script and it recognizes gsview32, Acrobat reader ... but not
latex2html and I'm wondering how it can since there is no latex2html, only
latex2html.bat which does not work, afaik, under shell.

Any idea?


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

LyX & Haskell literate programing

2004-05-31 Thread Gour

I'm trying to test literate programming in LyX by using Haskell & ghc compiler,
but it looks it does not work.

There is file.nw.out produced in /tmp/lyxtmpbufx, LyX reports about the error
in building process, but there is not errors file i.e. it looks like listerrors
script does not 'speak' ghc error messages :-(

Is there anyone using LyX for Haskell literate programming?


Registered Linux User   | #278493
GPG Public Key  | 8C44EDCD

Re: DocBook/TEI authoring with LyX

2004-05-10 Thread Gour
Jose' Matos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>   OK, that was a proof of concept and I am expecting to see how it will 
> evolve. That was the sense that wanted to transmit, obviously I chose the 
> wrong set of words. :-)

No problem. I wasn't sure you was aware of it :-)

>   When it is ready (tm) ;-)
>   The source is stablising quickly, we are near a freeze state, but not 
> predictions. :-)

OK. I understand.

> > TEI/DocBook v5 will be expressed in Relax NG. Does it mean one will need
> > to translate it to DTD?
>   No, I was talking about the initial header.

When we are speaking about xml docs, utf-8 is coming as a natural sequence.

I just updated my LaTeX to latest version and tried basic utf8-test.tex with
the addition of Croatian characters - everything works.

reLyX, however, cannot import such latex file. Is utf-8 support on the 1.4.
list? (according to the dev's site roadmap, it isn't clear)

> > Yes, it helps, although I'd like to have some simple example ready :-)
>   I will see if I have some example ready this week. :-)

Thanks a lot.


Registered Linux User #278493

Re: DocBook/TEI authoring with LyX

2004-05-10 Thread Gour
Jose' Matos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>   Welcome back. :-)


>   There is a bugzilla entry for that topic

>   Please feel free to add your suggestions there.

I'll do.

> > The upcoming (not yet :-) version V5 of TEI/DocBook will support some
> > kind of 'marriage' between the two, so I'd like to know if/how LyX can be
> > used.
>   That is still vapour, but a nice move if it becomes real, and I would like 
> it to succeed. :-)

Have you seen: ?

>   There is some work to be done on the lyx side, and all the contributions 
> are welcome. The next version, 1.4, has some work in that direction. 

Any ETA for 1.4?

> Specifically the character styles allow inline elements to be supported in 
> docbook. Also it is possible to specify the dtd to be used directly in 
> the .layout files. 

TEI/DocBook v5 will be expressed in Relax NG. Does it mean one will need to
translate it to DTD?

> The remaing bits, the support for the insets that lyx supports can be done
> using some kind of "flavours" dialect.

This is not 100% clear to me.

>   I would say that simple support is possible easily, a more integrated 
> scheme requires more work. I hope this answers your question.

Yes, it helps, although I'd like to have some simple example ready :-)


Registered Linux User #278493

DocBook/TEI authoring with LyX

2004-05-09 Thread Gour
Hello list!

After longer pause I'm back on lyx-users list.

In the past I produced two books with LyX/LaTeX but because the need of XML 
source I was considering to use ConTeXt instead of LyX/LaTeX.

Today I emerged latest LyX 1.3.4 on My Gentoo box and it really looks great.

Kudos to all the developers.

I'm interested to hear if there is some plan to support import or TEI 
documents and/or is it possible to author them in LyX?

The upcoming (not yet :-) version V5 of TEI/DocBook will support some kind of
'marriage' between the two, so I'd like to know if/how LyX can be used.

The possible scenarios are:

a) authoring TEI/DocBook in some XML editor --> import LyX -->  high q. output

b) writing TEI/DocBook directly in LyX --> high quality output

I'm sure (hope) I'm not the only one who needs source document in TEI/DocBook,
and do not want to use FO for paper output, but rather use TeX typesetting

Any hint?


Registered Linux User #278493

Re: Roadmap for LyX & Docbook?

2002-10-18 Thread Gour
José Abílio Oliveira Matos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> > I didn't try myself (my toolchain is not setup yet), I heard that LyX
> > support for DocBook is not complete, so it means that I'd have to write in
> > some XML editor and then try to import the XML source in LyX via DB2LyX.
>   What this means is there are places where you should use lots of ERT (Evil 
> Red Text :-), that is the equivalent when you use latex in lyx-latex 
> documents.

And what about using LyX as DocBook (XML) authoring tool?

> > Is it realistic to see this feature soon?
>   That seems to be one of our goals, so that any help is welcome. :-)

If LyX format become XML-like, then it would be possible to have XSLT for 
transforming into other XML-like formats.

As it was stated on developer's thread - tbookd is very interesting project 
which has DocBook output and it even uses xindy - indispensable tool for those
working with non-English documents.


Roadmap for LyX & Docbook?

2002-10-18 Thread Gour

I just finished editing 2nd book on LyX, but soon I have to start working on 
some course and use DocBook as authoring format and I'm thinking about the
possible roadmap in using LyX & DocBook.

Since I still believe that LyX & DocBook produce far superior output than
alternatives, I'd like to stick with producing output by LyX & LaTeX.

However, the question is how to author the source document?

I didn't try myself (my toolchain is not setup yet), I heard that LyX support
for DocBook is not complete, so it means that I'd have to write in some
XML editor and then try to import the XML source in LyX via DB2LyX.

What is the current status of DB2LyX?

I'd like to stick with LyX as source editor, so I'd liek to hear experiences of
some users.

Recently, Sebastian R. mentioned on DocBook list that he'll move his Passive 
Texdevelopment to ConTeXt since it gives better support for XML.

What is the future of LaTeX & LyX regarding the future trend of adopting XML
(DocBook) technology? 

There was a thread on developer's list recently about moving LyX format to
XML. Then it would be possible to write some XSLT to transform LyX-XML format
into DocBook and vice versa.

Is it realistic to see this feature soon?


Re: glossary?

2002-09-25 Thread Gour

Myriam Abramson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I would like to write a glossary in Lyx (to take advantage of the nice
> equation formatting) that I would convert to html with latex2html. 
> Any ideas on how to go about that?

I'm just finishing one book in LyX and have glossary (although without
equations) in it.

It looks like:

\glossary{term: definition}

All my glossary terms are in one lyx file which is part of the master document.

Please note that I'm using xindy for producing index & glosary since it can
handle foreign languages and make proper sorting order (I use Croatian language
with Sanskrit diacritics).

It's not complicated.
After running LyX (LaTeX) you get *.glo file and then with the script from xindy
package you run: tex2xindy glossfile.ext.
(it produces filw which xindy can handle out of LaTeX glossary file).

Then, xindy -o output.gls glossary.xdy glossfile.ext
which produce LaTeX "gls" (glossary output file) from xindy file.

Run latex one more time and that's it.

Hope it helps.

