Re: MD: Size of WAV files from decoded MP3 files

2001-02-21 Thread Don Capps


 I think they will be the same size.

True. They are. But the point of my discussion was that an interpolative
filter creates that data in an attempt to reconstruct the song. It mimics
what it thinks the original data even more difficult task than
compressing the data imo. The original data which the compression codec
threw away is lost forever. What I was questioning was what (if any) effect
this digital guesswork would have on the sonic fidelity.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Size of WAV files from decoded MP3 files

2001-02-21 Thread Don Capps

From: "Taky Cheung" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you convert an mp3 back to wave using uncompressed PCM, that's the same
as the wave file you ripped from CD. Bob was right, the size of the wave
file  is depends on the frequency, bit depth, and mono/stereo channel.

I realize that. But I also know that the data "restored" is not the original
data lost in compression because that data is gone forever. An MPEG 1 Layer
3 decoder uses a sophisticated interpolative filter in an attempt to
accurately replace the lost data.

Don C.

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Re: MD: recompressing (was MiniDisc Your Music)

2001-02-20 Thread Don Capps

From: "David W. Tamkin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You aren't recompressing compressed data; you are compressing the
decompressed output of a previous compression.  The various codecs have
overlap in what they consider expendable; they are not orthogonal to one

David, I'm not sure exactly what you mean by the statement : "You aren't
recompressing compressed data; you are compressing the decompressed output
of a previous compression." As I understand it, in MP3 compression (as in MD
compression) data is thrown lost forever. Hence the term "lossy
compression". The data thrown away in the compression process is gone, never
to be recovered again.

Now, I am aware that converting an MP3 back into a .wav file produces a VERY
large file similar in size, if not exactly the same size as the original
.wav file. But I was under the impression that this was accomplished by use
of an interpolative filter which essentially "guesses" how the file should
look when reconstructed. Am I wrong about this?

Now, as to what degree of compression occurs when that file is then rencoded
to MD, here I will have to confess complete ignorance. But I venture to say
that at least SOME additional data is lost, thereby compromising fidelity
that much further.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Size of WAV files from decoded MP3 files

2001-02-20 Thread Don Capps

From: "Bob Norton" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yes. The size of a WAV file depends only on the length of the recording,
the bit resolution used and the sampling frequency. completely missed my point here. I was referring to .wav files
created by decoding an MP3 file. Not to the original .wav file as ripped or
recorded from a CD.

Don C.

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Re: MD: MiniDisc Your Music

2001-02-19 Thread Don Capps

From: "Ken Clinger" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2. If you get a MiniDisc recorder you'll have the ability to convert and
playback any standard audio format including MP3, Real Audio, Windows Media
audio, ripped CD tracks, and Liquid Audio!

This is the kind of thing I just don't understand. The writer (I realize it
wasn't you Ken) is leaving people with a false impression (imo). If you take
an MP3, RA, WM, LA, or any OTHER type of compressed audio file you care to
name, and record that file to minidisc, it has just been compressed again.
Data has been lost not once but twice. This simply HAS to have deliterious
effects on fidelity.

Don C.

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Re: MD: earbuds

2001-02-19 Thread Don Capps

From: "Jim Gray" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This may have already been answered some time ago, but what should I pay =
for a really decent pair of earbuds, and what model is recommended?  =

I agree with Mike...Koss' 'The Plug' is great sounding and goes for $19.95
(USD) plus tax.

The Etymotic Research plugs are absolutely awesome of course...but too

Don C.

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Re: MD: External battery packs and portable electronics

2001-02-18 Thread Don Capps

From: "Francisco J. Huerta" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 That, and the fact he hates MD, makes me think he is not an objective
reviewer... close to an a**hole.

Oh well. [shrug] No use continuing this thread.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Philips EXP103 Expanium vs Memorex MPD8505CP

2001-02-18 Thread Don Capps


 Someone (I think it was Don Capp) recently was praising their Phillips
Expanium. I was wondering if it has any major advantages over the Memorex
MPD8505CP? The size and weight of both is close (the Phillips is a tenth of
an inch thinner, only 8 hundreds of an inch wider, 8 hundredths of an inch
shorter but weighs a
tenth of a pound more.  Same warranty and accessories. The Phillips is
sleeker looking.  But for $70 I can give up a little sleek. I understand
that the original version of the Memorex had skipping problems, but
the revised version is OK.  The Memorex is about $70 less.

As I recall the Memorex doesn't support bitrates any higher than 128kbps
(reliably) and only supports the ISO9660 file format, which means that files
are limited to an 8 character file name. Other than that, the unit is great
from what I've heard. Sounds good and very reliable.

However...IF "someone" were to be in the market for a CD-MP3 player (which I
know you aren't since you don't care for mp3) then I would recommend that
they wait for the TDK Mojo to be released at the beginning of April. It will
have all the various bells and whistles that you could possibly want in an
MP3-CD player...which is about typical of second gen products imo.

Don C.

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Re: MD: what is an SACD?

2001-02-17 Thread Don Capps

From: "Bob Willcox" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 No, DSD does not use PCM encoded.  Its a single bit encoding at 2.8224
MHz.  Consequently it doesn't have a "word" length.  It can, though, be
easily converted into any of the common PCM formats.

Bob, my faux pas in that regard has been loong ago corrected. In fact,
this post is at least a couple of weeks old. It's just Yahoo Groups actin'
screwy (so what else it new).

Don C.

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Re: MD: External battery packs and portable electronics

2001-02-17 Thread Don Capps


 BTW that's where the assh0le [sic] Ken Pohmann (or whatever the jerks name
is) get his start.  I didn't like him them (he reviewed new CDs and was just
as clueless about music as he is about audio.

Aside from being an objectivist (bound to offend the golden eared) what is
it exactly that makes Ken Pohlman an asshole and "clueless" about audio?

Don C.

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Re: MD: External battery packs and portable electronics

2001-02-17 Thread Don Capps


You are fairly new to the list so you probably didn't see the article that
was posted here a few years ago where he totally trashed MDs claiming they
were inferior to Dolby C cassettes. All you have to do is read some of his
articles and if you know anything, you start to say to yourself, "how'd this
guy ever get a job as
an "expert"

True, I am new to the list. However, I am a LONG time reader of a number of
audio mags, both pro and home oriented. I have been reading Stereo Review
(now Sound  Vision) since the 70's and am VERY familiar with Ken Pohlman's
work. And I fail to see how Ken's having an opinion that differs from yours,
however radically, makes him an asshole.

Don C.

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Re: MD: More on CD vs. MD Sound Quality

2001-02-16 Thread Don Capps


 One of the fundamental things you have wrong is this 5 to one compression.
It is not compression.  If set up correctly 80% of the digital information
on a CD not heard by the human ear. Don't confuse bit wise reduction with
compression. lost me there Larry. ATRAC is indeed lossy compression. A great
deal of data is "thrown away" in order to fit it onto those tiny little

Don C.

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Re: MD: Question for Don

2001-02-16 Thread Don Capps

From: "Mike Burger" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In other words, you really can't take the cost factor into consideration
for your personal debate, and then decry the same factor in the overall

Mike...I think the use of the word "doesn't" was a typo and he meant to say
that such extra costs should be factored in. At least I think so anyway. I
gave him the benefit of that doubt. :-)

Don C.

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Re: MD: Question for Don

2001-02-16 Thread Don Capps

From: "James Jarvie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have three questions for you Don, and please don't take this as any sort
of criticism or sarcasm, because
it's not meant that way (though it may sound it).

No problem James. But thanks for the qualifiers.

 1. It's apparent that you are very fond of MP3s and your Expanium (of
which I never heard until you weighed in on this list).  My question is: do
you do minidiscs at all?  I assume you must because you're on this list.  I
can't, however, remember you talking about using MDs personally (though you
seem to know enough about them to suggest that either you do or you have
used them). If you have mentioned using MDs personally and I missed it,them
I apologize.

Absolutely no apologies necessary. The answer is yes. I own a Sharp MD-SR60
but I use it for one VERY specific purpose and that is for the recording of
live music. In fact, I use it so extensively that I am considering the
purchase of one of the "pro" recorders (either the HHB or the Marantz)
because they include so many features of interest to the pro recordist (XLR
inputs, high headroom mic preamp, built in limiter, digital inputs AND
outputs, and so on).

 2. If you are using MDs as well as your Expanium, then my second question
is: do you find that you have uses
for both, or do has the Expanium taken the place of MDs for you.

Yes, as I hope the above comments made obvious. I use the MD recorder almost
exclusive for live recording. And I use the Expanium for portable personal
audio (CD and mp3 playback).

 3.  Have you listened to any classical music on either (especially
orchestral stuff, though it's more common
to find chamber music than orchestral on MP3s).

Yes. And I have recorded a bit of classical music as well. Some has turned
out well and some...well...ahem.

 I have to admit that your description of the Expanium intrigues mebut
I can't afford more kit right now.

That's ok. Save your duckies for the second generation CD/mp3 playback units
that are just hitting the market now. The Rio Volt and the TDK Mojo are
gonna be KILLER players (with id3 tag support and some other nifty features)
and will cost significantly less.

 Also, just to weigh in on the previous debate.  Yes, I have a computer.
No, I cannot burn CDs (older
computer not fast enough - can't afford / justify the cost to get a new
one). Still, I think if we are going to debate this issue, that it must be
granted that anyone considering using MP3s has the neccessary gear, and that
it shouldn't be factored into the cost equation.

Oh, I agree with that James. I just enjoy playing the Devil's Advocate.  :-)

Don C.

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Re: MD: The far horizon of MP3 storage

2001-02-14 Thread Don Capps

From: "Mike Burger" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What I'm saying is that before people go getting all verklempt over the
Nazis' use of machines, some of which the government undoubtedly owned prior
to their parade of "undesirables" to the camps, does not make IBM...the
German arm or the parent company...complicit in Hitler's plans or actions.

A. The dulcet voice of reason. 'Tis music to my ears.

 I'm also Jewish.

Which only adds further credence to your clear headed rationale.

Don C.

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Re: MD: The far horizon of MP3 storage

2001-02-13 Thread Don Capps

From: "Michael Burger" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ok, ok...let's not get crazy.  Next, we'll be yelling to sue the companies
that made the chemicals used in the gas chambers, or the companies that made
the guns and bullets. And I'm quite sure that IBM machines were being used
to count the number of Japanese Americans that were placed into relocation
camps here in the US, during WWII, etc. IBM made a tool.  The Nazis were the
ones who used the tool for their purposes.  Let's leave the blame where it

Mike...brace yourself. We agree!  :-D

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Robert J Lynn Jr" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 So? It still requires a computer ($500) and a CD-R burner ($120 old
model). I admit, i use my MD for most of my MP3 music on om computer, but I
like to take notes with my mic and record off friends at school. So, rules
out MP3.

Rob...if you'll read Mike's original post then you'll please note that I was
responding to specific issues which HE raised (ie : media cost and media
capacity). Using internet audio obviously requires a computer and I would
venture to say that most if not all of the members of this list actually
HAVE one of those. So that's a non-issue. And as far as a CD-R drive is
concerned...if you don't have one yet come on and join the fun bro...the
21st century is here.  :-D CD writers are practically de rigeur among
computer users today.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps


 I disagree about the quality of MP3s and seriously doubt that you can tell
the difference between an MP3 recorded at the "standard" 128 and 192Kbps.
All you are doing is using up more disc space.

You can disagree all you like Larry. But in AB comparison where A is the
original cd and B is a 192kbps mp3 file, the file is sonically
indistinguishable from the original cd. That was my point. And yes, that is
on a high quality playback system. My Turtle Beach soundcard has RCA stereo
outputs being fed to a Denon integrated amp driving Mission speakers and an
old MK sub which I retired a few years back from my main home theater

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Gerard Naude" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 How long is this mp3 vs. md war going to last

Whew. Silly me. I didn't know there was a war on.  :-)

 Face it. MD is best for portable recording. MP3 is best for portable

I quite agree. That's what I have said from the beginning.

Don C.

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MD: Interesting article...

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Gabriele Intemann" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You might want to have a look at:

...thanks for the link Gabriele.

I wonder if anyone noticed the following quote toward the end of the

"MiniDisc is used a lot in Hollywood for playback as well. Because its speed
is stable, performers can dance or lipsync to it for music videos. Its fast
cueing and easy-to-edit track markers make it very flexible in the

This quote (along with others sprinkled throughout the article) only confirm
what I suggested in a previous post...that Mini Disc will be around for the
foreseeable future because of it's widespread use in the field of
professional pre/post production audio recording. True, you may not be able
to find a large selection at the local Circuit City in the near future. But
MD is being used extensively by recording professionals (particularly  in
the film industry). And that fact alone will insure it's survival long after
it fades as a mass market consumer medium, even as it did for DAT before it.
So fear not Mini Disc lovers...the medium is safe...although you may soon
have to shop with pro audio suppliers for equipment and blank media.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Grundig deck?

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Ivica Petrovic" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I've seen on the Dixons web site (, Grundig mini disc
deck which is called Grundig MD-60. It's from their Fine Arts series. I
suppose it's not original by Grundig, and would like to know is it a clone
Pioneer or Technics ( or even Sony, which seems less likely)?

A playback only unit, from what I can see. Doesn't record. Which accounts
for the lower price.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Aiwa F80 - the best portable recorder for live gigs

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps


 There is a noticeable improvement when switching to the Aiwa.  Noticeable.
Not small enough that it is just a question of mind over matter.

Have you tested this under double blind conditions?  :-D

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Francisco J. Huerta" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Personally, I think MP3 players are a big hit with... ahem... how to put
this politely... people who don't like paying for their music (aka Napster
users). And that's it.

Are you trying to say that MD users never make copies of CDs which they
don't actually own? Are you going to tell me that you've never made an MD
copy of a friends CD or a borrowed CD?

Do you seriously think that the only people who use MP3 players are people
who download their music exclusively from Napster? to put this politely...bullshit.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Grundig deck?

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "PrinceGaz" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It is described on Dixons' web site as the "Grundig MD-60 Minidisc Record
Deck", and looking at the pic of it (using the zoom option) the three rotary
dials to the left of the disc input/display are (from left) phone level,
record level, jog dial.

Hmmm. Must be a recorder then...although the link I followed had it listed
as a player. Forgive my assumption that it was just that.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Francisco J. Huerta" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Don, you really have to understand that most of the people have their own
opinions. The fact that you don't agree with me doesn't mean I'm full of it.

Francisco...what I'm REALLY trying to understand is exactly where I said you
were "full of it".

I objected to the following statement as bullshit...

"Personally, I think MP3 players are a big hit with... ahem... how to put
this politely... people who don't like paying for their music (aka Napster
users). And that's it."

...and I still do.

I use an MP3 player primarily because I can load one disc for a six hour
plane flight and never once listen to the same song twice. So I object to
your the rather blanket "and that's it" nature of your statement. I think
that the MP3 format makes a LOT of sense for the portable audio user.
Naturally, when I'm at home, I'd prefer to listen to the actual CD as
opposed to ANY compressed format, MD included.

Of course, the fact that I can download music from the internet and listen
to it IS a plus imo...but I digress.  :-)

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best Earbuds?

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Dan Scellen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I need a pair of good earbuds.  What are the best earbuds for around $30
or under?

I personally think that Koss' 'The Plug' is the best for the money. There
are better...Etymotic Research for example...but they are much more

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Dan Frakes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You have to buy a computer, a CD burner, the Expanium, and some discs just
to start using it. Easily over $1000 for an entry-level machine, closer to
$2000 for a good system.

Well Dan. You got me. I know when I've been licked. Darn. You do have to
have a computer. You do have to have a CD burner and some CD-R or CD-RW

Seriously now. Do you have a computer? OK. Then you're almost there. Do you
have a CD burner? They're getting pretty cheap of late ya know.

 At that point, 50 cents for 4-10 hours of music (of inferior sound

Here's where we part company. You would never now the difference between my
Expanium playing MP3 files and my Expanium playing the original CD. I
guarantee it. Inferior sound quality? Nope. Not at all. But then, don't
believe me. Just burn a CD full of MP3s and borrow an Expanium...maybe a
Circuit City store demo model...and listen for yourself.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Mike Burger" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Unfortunately, the statement says "Personally, I think...".  It's not far
fetched to take it to mean that you feel he's full of it when you tell him
his statement is BS.

Geez guys. Do you just WANT to fight or what? I object to the statement.
Period. That is all.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Mike Burger" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Not looking for a fight...just pointing out to you the hows of his
response. G

Nah. Seems to me that every time I disagree with Francisco you have to chest
up. Are you two best buds or something? G

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Matt Wall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I dont know what encoder your using, but personally i can still hear a
difference between 192 and an original CD, espeically with horns and
extremely tight low's.

Then I bow deeply to your obviously superior ears. I cannot hear that
difference and I listen on some pretty serious gear. Indeed, the only
difference which I think I might hear is in the area of low bass impact. But
then, that could be just my imagination.

 if you dont like that equipment your too big of an audio snob and you
shouldn't be even thinking of MD or MP3 :P

Not really sure where you're coming from with these comments. I merely
included an equipment list with my original post because I wanted to head
off any speculation about the equipment used and it's relative effect on
perceived audio quality. I was trying to clarify that I was listening
through a decent system and not through the typical cheesy computer
speakers. Sorry if it seemed "snobbish" to you.  :p

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Matt Wall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 sarcasm yeah i wouldn't know the difference, but then again i lost my
hearing douring the war too

I'm sincerely sorry to hear that. I understand they're making great strides
with high fidelity hearing aids these days. Perhaps this link will be of
assistance :

All the best!

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Richard Lang" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you're talking about the general audio market (remember we are talking
about audio products), the expense of a computer does need to be factored

Indeed. Point well made and well taken. But I would contend that MD has not
exactly met with mainstream acceptance either and that it is not going to do
so in the future. Both items are at present a small niche market in the
larger audio equipment marketplace compared to the sales of CD players, DVD
players, and even consumer CD recorders.

However, there nevertheless remains a viable market for both products and I
believe that sales stats over the next few quarters will show that MP3
devices have been very hot sellers with the major electronics retailers. For
example, DVD players which also decode MP3 files have been flying off the
Circuit City shelves here locally, and I don't exactly live in the center of
the audio/video universe.

 I'm not saying the Expanium isn't a great product that doesn't suit you
immensely - I'm sure it is and does.  But I suspect there is a reason that
things like MP3 players aren't that mainstream yet - MD has one strong thing
going for it and that is that people can hook it up to their CD players and
burn copies or plug earphones into the things and hear music.  Nice and

Richard, far be it from me to downplay the many merits of MD. I love it. I
use it. Frequently. I just take exception to the apparent attitude that MP3
is somehow an inferior compression format...especially at high bitrates.
That is simply and patently untrue.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Dan Frakes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 And you can't edit after you create, you can't record from a mic

All true. And all categories in which MD carries the day, hands down.

 and you can't take it with you...

Not true. I carry it with me all the time.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Dan Frakes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sorry, Don, but you're wrong on that one. Again, just because you can't
tell the difference doesn't mean others can't.

Again...I bow to the golden ears.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Copyright and Napster

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Stainless Steel Rat" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Monday February 12 3:17 PM ET
 Court Says Napster Must Stop

Good. Now maybe people will quit bitching about Napster (both sides).
Besides, the file sharing genie is well and truly out of the bottle since
the source code is widely distributed and the Gnutella source code was
always open source. It can't be stopped.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Mike Burger" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 blink To tell the truth, I never noticed any correlation between his
posting and my defense.  I tend to jump to the defense of anyone I feel has
at least made a valid point, and I feel has dismissed out of hand.

sigh I didn't dismiss him out of hand. I disagreed with his statement.
That's all.

 I guess I need to watch my threads a little more carefully. G

Not on my account...I'm just one of the nobodies around here. G

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps

From: "Richard Lang" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Maybe this is so in the U.S.  Here in NZ I would say MD acceptance is
similar to the reported position in the UK - two years ago no-one had heard
of it, now more and more people have portables, many people (maybe still not
most) have heard of the concept.

I've noticed that Richard. Based upon what I've read in various UK audio and
pro sound/recording publications it seems that MD is far more established in
the UK than it ever has been in the US. Interesting. Seems to be used quite
often for two track mastering in home studios over least based
upon what I've read in Sound-On-Sound and other mags. Over here I would say
the home studio mastering device of choice is the DAT recorder, closely
followed by the CD recorder.

Don C.

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Re: MD: md-l-digest

2001-02-12 Thread Don Capps


 I was at Fry's Electronics here in San Diego (a large chain store) two
days ago and saw the new Sony dual tray CD recorder, price $499.00.  Looks
like Sony is going to start selling CD recorders now.  Glenn

Yep. Just saw the same unit on Saturday at Best Buy.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-10 Thread Don Capps

From: "Mike Burger" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You tell me.  I can get a decent MD recorder for much $40-50USD less, and
not have to pay as much for the media.  What's a CF card cost these days for
a card with enough capacity to hold an hour or so worth of music?

I wouldn't know Mike. My Expanium uses CD-R and CD-RW media which costs me
approximately 80 cents per disc. And each disc has the capacity to hold well
over one hundred songs even at high bitrates (say 192kbps). That works out
to 8 plus hours of VERY high quality (ie: practically indistinguishable from
the CD) music on one 80 cent disc. You do the math.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Best buy, phasing out MD equip ??

2001-02-09 Thread Don Capps

From: "Zaheer Mahmood" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I think MP3 players are massivley overhyped and will die down in the next
few years just like the Internet bubble...

The internet bubble? Internet use continues to grow daily with a slight
slowdown but no sign of stopping. As for MP3 players...don't knock it until
you've tried it. My Expanium is the best entertainment investment I've made
in years. And at 199 USD how much more inexpensive does it have to get?

Don C.

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Re: MD: Some food for thought/fuel for discussion...

2001-02-05 Thread Don Capps

From: "David W. Tamkin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The lossiness of ATRAC is not orthogonal to the lossiness of MP3 encoding.
If a song was on a CD but you have it as a 10:1 .mp3 file, and you play the
.mp3 file as input to MD, the resulting MD track is 1/5, not 1/50, the size
of the original CD track.  There is a lot of extrapolation in decoding the
.mp3 file into S/PDIF or into analog output, and, because of overlap in the
algorithms, a disproportionate part of what ATRAC discards comes from the
extrapolation rather than from the retained data.

You're telling me that compressing the file twice doesn't effect the audio
quality? Not sure I'm getting you here.

Don C.

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Re: MD: Some food for thought/fuel for discussion...

2001-02-05 Thread Don Capps


 So, how does it sound?  That is really the crux of the matter.


Don C.

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Re: MD: Effects of different ATRAC versions

2001-02-04 Thread Don Capps


  *Weird, because as far as I know you should not have been able to make
that recording in the first place.  AC3 tracks are usually marked SCMS

 I thought that the DVD's sound can be copied just like a CD

 Also, while you can't copy a DVD using a stand alone unit.  On a computer
you can copy DVD's if you have the right software.

Right. You can (of course) record the audio from a DVD via the analog
outputs of the DVD player. And, on a computer, you can digitally "rip" the
contents of a DVD (both audio AND video) just as you can an audio CD given
the right hardware (a DVD-ROM drive) and the right software (a DVD ripper).

Don C.

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Re: MD: CD vs MD

2001-02-03 Thread Don Capps

From: "Donald Person" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What I was referring to was the ease of use...

Here we obviously agree.

My statement (when you read it in the proper context) was OBVIOUSLY not a
comparison of audio quality, but ease-of-use. Please don't jump on a
statement just to blurt out a statement containing information we all
already know.

Sorry dude. Don't be so testy. Just trying to promote discussion, that's

Don C.

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2001-02-01 Thread Don Capps

From: "Churchill, Guy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The ultimate sound comparison site.

Yep. Great site isn't it Guy? It's amazing how many audiophile conventions
melt away like fog when exposed to the brutality of ABX comparisons.

Don C.

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Re: MD: The future of minidisc. (was Best buy, phasing out MD equipm

2001-01-31 Thread Don Capps

From: "Robin Landy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  That said, I think in the long term, Minidisc is doomed. As soon as
someone comes up with a personal MP3 player with integrated IBM Microdrive,
I think MP3 will have found its 'killer player'. Afterall, it'll be *tiny*
with massive capacity. In fact, does anyone know this hasn't happened

Not that I'm aware of...but the Nomad Jukebox is getting damned close!

Once again...all the more reason for MD to be marketed as a live recording

Don C.

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Re: MD: Carver Fire

2001-01-30 Thread Don Capps


 That is the way it works in conventional physics.  That is how a hot air
balloon rises, it is part of what makes the wind blow.  However, in the
field of audiophidialia, things are reversed. Usually based on the latest
issue of some magazine.  That is why you can easily tell the difference
between different brands of minidisc blanks.  The more expensive ones always
sound the best. So put away your intellect, what you were taught in
elementary school, high school physics and even what you learned at an
institution of higher learning.  What the heck do the learned professors
know any way?  Just go visit you local audio store and swallow the hook line
and sinker the salesman has for you and remember that "He has a HIGH SCHOOL
diploma",... and he gets a commission.

Heheheheheh. A man after my own heart Jimbo! You know snake oil when you see

My motto?

"If it disappears when the blindfold goes on, then it doesn't exist."

Of course, perhaps the "golden ears" listen with their eyes. ;-)

Don C.

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Re: MD: what is an SACD?

2001-01-29 Thread Don Capps

From: "Francisco J. Huerta" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Uhm... don't think so.

Sorry you don't think so. I heard 'em both together under double blind
conditions (ABX comparator). Couldn't tell the difference. I'll bet you
couldn't either. ;-)

Don C.

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Re: MD: THX Certified?

2001-01-29 Thread Don Capps


 I wonder if Lucas owns a Mini Disc recorder?  The way I look it it, if he
isn't into the format, we can discount him straight out.

No. But I'm quite sure he probably has a portable DAT recorder. Ahem.

Don C.

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Re: MD: THX Certified?

2001-01-29 Thread Don Capps


 He's right about this Ratman even though I haven't a clue with Timbre
matching and Decorrelation are.

Timbre matching = special EQ settings used to correct for different speaker
reproduction characteristics...
for example, it is most commonly used to correct for the effect caused by
surround sound information as it passes from the front (and generally more
coherent) channels to the rear (and generally more diffuse) channels

Decorrelation = uses out-of-phase information (in the rear surround
channels) to give the illusion of a larger/broader rear soundstage (i.e. a
"more open" sound)...only used when the rear channel information is a
matrixed mono signal rather than discrete

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Re: MD: what is an SACD?

2001-01-28 Thread Don Capps

From: "Matthew Bullis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I noticed this as a format that you can buy on for some albums.
What is this format? Thanks a lot.

SACD = Super Audio Compact Disc. It's a new high bitrate (24 bit word
lengths) CD format developed by Sony.

Don C.

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Re: MD: THX In Layman's Terms

2001-01-28 Thread Don Capps


 Now Dolby Digital is a discrete set up while Dolby Surround and it's
enhanced version, Pro Logic were matrixed kind of similar to SQ quadraphonic


Go to the head of the class! ;-)

Don C.

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Re: MD: THX In Layman's Terms

2001-01-28 Thread Don Capps


 Carver of Carver electronics once noticed what he felt was a marked
improvement in the sound while he had his fire place going.  He experimented
and added a circuit to some of his equipment that infused that background
sound into the system.


What a snake oil salesman!

Bob could sell shoes to double amputees.

Don C.

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Re: MD: THX...yadda...yadda...yadda...

2001-01-28 Thread Don Capps


 The best way to decide would be to go to a place like Circuit City and ask
to hear one of their high end receivers that have switch able THX circuits
(like Onkyo).  Listen to the sound in the standard Dolby Digital mode and
the THX mode and see if you feel it is worth it. Like speakers, you will
have to hear them and decide for yourself.  Also, who old is your receiver?
With the new THX-EX and DTS-ES you may just want to wait a little while and
buy a receiver that has these circuits.

Larry...he has McIntosh equipment bro. Not exactly the kind of stuff you
pick up at Circuit City. ;-)

Don C.

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Re: MD: THX...yadda...yadda...yadda...

2001-01-28 Thread Don Capps

From: "jgvp" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 All my McIntosh components are THX approved; however, a not too
inexpensive THX module is required to be incorporated into the Control
Preamplifier in order to complete the design and quality control for theatre
sound reproduction. I have  yet to purchase and have this module installed,
so can anyone here state whether or not this is being "penny wise, pound
foolish", if you get my drift ? Thanks.

My friend, if you have the obviously considerable wherewithall to afford
McIntosh home theater gear, then buying the THX module should be well within
your means. By all means buy it.

Don C.

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MD: A question...

2001-01-28 Thread Don Capps

...for all the MD gurus.

Does anyone know of a MD Recorder that has a digital out (optical or spdif
or what-have-you) other than the rather pricey HHB Portadisc professional
recorder? Any? Thanks in advance.

Don C.

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Re: MD: what is an SACD?

2001-01-28 Thread Don Capps


 How does it stack up against HCDC CDs?

They're both very good...very comparable to each other. It's just another in
the long line of format wars Larry. Who knows which will be left standing
when the dust settles?

Don C.

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Re: MD: what is an SACD?

2001-01-28 Thread Don Capps


That's one of those human weaknesses that make other people rich. I swear I
have spent my life saving to buy things only to have them become obsolescent
as soon as I finally get them.

It's the nature of the hobby Larry. I've been an audiophile for many years
(too many) and it NEVER changes. The new technology is just around the
corner. And computers? Even worse! Oi vay!

Don C12

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MD: THX...yadda...yadda...yadda...

2001-01-27 Thread Don Capps

In light of all of the dis and misinformation regarding THX and what it is
and/or is not...I thought it might be helpful to post the following article,
taken directly from the Lucasfilm/THX website archives :


Hi, I'm Laura Ackley, the THX System Designer.  I'm responsible for the
design of all professional and commercial THX Sound Systems, so I thought
I'd try to clear up some of the confusion regarding THX.

THX is a set of implemented design and quality control standards for
theatre sound presentation.  First, the actual physical theatre must meet
certain acoustic criteria:

It must have low background noise, (no loud air conditioners or
projectors), good isolation (so the lucky patron doesn't get to hear the
gunfight in the theatre next door), and specific reverberant
characteristics based on the volume of each individual theatre.  Also,
the theatre can't have any nasty slap echoes or reflections.

When an individual theatre meets these standards, it means that the
dialogue will be more intelligible, the high frequencies will reproduce
clearly, the bass will not build up excessively within the room, etc.

Most of the sound one hears in the movies comes from behind the screen,
from 3 channels usually.  (Occasionally 5, but THAT'S a different

Because of this, the theatre must also have a good length/width ratio.
(i.e., No bowling alleys.)  From the visual standpoint, this is of course
desirable, and from the audio standpoint, it means having a good "stereo
image" between the left and right channels, so that the patron is
actually hearing in stereo -- in every seat in the house!

Once a theatre is accepted for the aforementioned preliminary THX
criteria, the owner must choose the equipment to be used from a list
provided by us.  This list includes amplifiers, processors, screen and
surround speakers.  They can choose from a number of different products
by various manufacturers, but they all the products have been objectively
tested here to conform to very high standards.

These high-quality components assure a wider dynamic range and more
faithfully reproduced sound, plus adequate power for the room size.

Incidentally, the ONLY Cinema Processors which were accepted until quite
recently were made by Dolby, so any THX theatre was by default a "Dolby"
theatre... and ever-so-much more!

Thus, we're not in competition with Dolby, we're a COMPLEMENTARY
TECHNOLOGY to Dolby Processing.  Recently, Ultra-Stereo also had a
processor approved for use in THX Theatres.

Also, we're not in the business of selling any equipment, just assuring
high quality hardware in THX theatres.  The ONLY piece of hardware that
is specifically "THX" is an electronic crossover network, which is
LEASED, not purchased by the theatre.

Our design office takes the architectural plans for every theatre, and
designs the placement of the screen speakers and surrounds.  The screen
speakers are set in a special baffle structure behind the screen.  This
structure has certain acoustic properties, and the speaker placement
within the structure is coordinated to best match the projected film

The surround speaker array is designed to provide optimum sound pressure
and audience coverage.  (and to integrate with the interior design
whenever possible).

We coordinate all this with the architects, owners, and equipment
installers.  Once the theatre has been completed or successfully
retrofitted, our field technicians visit the theatre to align and "tune"
the sound system, then they measure the acoustical characteristics to
make sure that they meet our requirements.  This test data is then
evaluated, and if the theatre passes on all counts, it becomes a
"certified" THX site.

This, of course, entitles the theatre to use the THX name and show the
THX trailer.  (You know, "The Audience is Listening.")  The theatre is
re-tested every 6 months to ensure that the quality of sound remains

Our "philosophy" is to recreate the film soundtrack mixing environment as
closely as possible so that the audience hears the soundtrack as the
film-maker intended.  (This is all tied up in a DIFFERENT lecture on the
history of film sound)

In conclusion, we're NOT a method of recording, encoding, OR processing
movie soundtracks!  We're a design and quality control system for the

This means that EVERY FILM will sound better in a THX theatre, not just a
select few.  The premium quality of a THX theatre is often
well-demonstrated by "special-effects-extravaganza" films, because they
are mixed with a very wide dynamic range and a lot of "loud" or "low"
sounds that might distort when played back through a lesser system.

THX theatres are especially well-equipped to handle the demands of the
new digital theatre soundtracks (like "Cinema Digital" and "SR-D")
because of their high performance and headroom.

MIXING ROOM system.  The new Home THX 

Re: MD: THX In Layman's Terms

2001-01-27 Thread Don Capps


THX receivers process a delayed signal between the rear speakers, enhancing
the rear localized effects.
These are the 2 significant differences between Pro-logic and THX.

Actually Mark, this isn't accurate. THX is not a type of surround
processing. The two surround formats which superceded Dolby Pro Logic are
Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS 5.1. THX is simply a set of quality and control
standards developed for and intended to be applied to the implementation of
discrete surround sound formats. Indeed, contrary to your assertion, the
rear channels of current surround formats are discrete channels of
information. "Matrixed" rear channel sound ended with Dolby Pro Logic.

Other specifications such as timbre match, placement, and THX certified
speakers etc etc. are less critical IMO.

But those specifications are what THX is. Nothing more.


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Re: MD: DTS and THX

2001-01-26 Thread Don Capps


 This is a little off topic (so what else is new?).  I'm interested in your
opinions of the quality of DTS and THX.

THX is a set of quality standards being applied to Dolby Digital 5.1
surround recordings (as well as picture transfer quality) to make certain
that a particular film or soundtrack or recording or piece of electronic
equipment, etc. meets a certain criterion for quality of reproduction and
fidelity to the original master recording. It is Lucas' attempt to bring
some sort of standardization to an industry floundering in the flood brought
on by the brave new world of digital surround formats and crying out for
some ordo ab chao.

DTS, on the other hand, is actually a surround sound encoding system which
(at one time) seemed poised for a battle royale with Dolby Digital in a
format war that threatened to rival that of VHS and Beta. But, it was not to
be. By the time DTS was out of the gate, Dolby Digital was already
established as the dominant player in the field, and the intervening years
have done nothing to diminish that. However, there are many in the pro sound
industry (both music recording AND foley) who insist that DTS remains the
superior format sonically.

I am personally VERY impressed with the actual DTS audio recordings I have
heard. However, most of them have been live recordings (such as The Eagles
'Hell Freezes Over' on cd and dvd) which use the surround channels for
little more than ambience. However, if you want to hear what DTS surround is
really capable of, this is a recording you OWE it to yourself to hear.

It is a big band sampler recorded by Tom Jung's DMP Records which places you
in the perspective of the band director standing in the middle of a big band
which is semi-circled around you. The effect is nothing short of stunning
and the recording is absolutely pristine. Check it out. It's an AMAZING
recording and worth every dime.


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MD: HHB Portadisc...

2001-01-26 Thread Don Capps

Has anyone on the list had any experience at all with this puppy? Willing to
share details? I know it's pricey...but check out those features! This is
definitely my current lust machine! I want one...badly! Go to :

Then use the pull down menu to select 'HHB Portadisc Minidisc Recorder'.

No word (from what I can see) on what version of ATRAC is used...but just
check out that connectivity!



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