Re: Can't upload binary file (Apache::ASP sample)

2000-02-01 Thread Greg

- Original Message -
From: Joshua Chamas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: Can't upload binary file (Apache::ASP sample)

 So first, I might use a sysread(FILEHANDLE,SCALAR,LENGTH,OFFSET)
 call to slurp the binary into a scalar, then if you want to print
 it, try a $Response-BinaryWrite() as shown at:

I have to save file at server, and as response simply make link to it (IMG
I've tried to use sysread  syswriteb but result remained the same: 0x20
instead 0x00... :((

 If you want to make your example above work, try setting OUT
 to binmode, with binmode(OUT), before you write to it.

I'm sure that file uploads - filesize is the same, but content differs...
and this code works fine at local machine:

if ((open IN, "in.jpg")  (open OUT, "out.jpg")) {
  while (IN) { print OUT $_; }
  close IN;
  close OUT;

so I think all trouble is in $filehandle.. no I'm SURE!
that code works perfectly fine on test data, and there is no mess with 0x00
and 0x20!

i've read something about filehandles at - that
it must be obtained throug different package - like that:

  $file = $query-param('file to upload');
  $file = "main::$file";

but I don't know what package I have to use...

RE: Embperl 1.2.1: multipart/form-data processing and nested pages

2000-02-01 Thread Gerald Richter


 I am trying to process a file upload with multipart/form-data in a
 nested page that is called with Execute(). I know that
 multipart/form-data can't be processed twice, so I tried a call like

 Execute( {  inputfile = 'process_form.epl',
param = [$whatever,\%fdat],
fdat = \%fdat,
options = optDisableFormData });

 I tried to read from the filehandle via %fdat and even via the explicit
 reference from the parameters, and got rather strange results. Whatever
 I do, it works flawlessly with requests from Netscape on Unix platforms,
 but when I do a request with either Netscape or IE from Windows, there
 seems to be no filehandle.

 Is there any clean way to parse the file uploads from a nested page ? I
 am very confused about the different behavior depending on the client

Is the main page (from where you call Execute) also a Embperl page? I guess
yes, then you don't have to pass %fdat and set optDisableFormData, Embperl
will take care for you, just write:

Execute( {  inputfile = 'process_form.epl',
param = [$whatever],}) ;

or shorter

Execute('process_form.epl', $whatever) ;

Does this change anything?

What version of you have installed? Maybe it will help to upgrade?

If this all doesn't change anything, does it make a difference if you try to
access the filehandle from the main page, instead from the nested page?


Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925151
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

Re: UK based modperl agency required for Virgin

2000-02-01 Thread Matt Sergeant

Appologies to the list for my last mail which should have been private.

On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, Clinton Gormley wrote:
 You have all supported me tremendously through building my first mod_perl
 web site : - many thanks.


Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
Web Sites:
Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

RE: Problems with custom config directives in user written modules

2000-02-01 Thread Eric Cholet

 I cannot seem to get custom configuration directives to work in 
 apache (1.3.11) modperl (1.21). I would presume the examples in the
 book do not work either. I found someone having similar problems
 in the list archives, to which Doug provided a workaround which also
 does not work.
 Any advice about this issue is helpful. Please reply to me directly as
 In Makefile.PL:
   my @directives = (
 {   name=  'Directive4',
 errmsg  =  'Anything',
 args_how=  'RAW_ARGS',
 req_override=  'OR_ALL',
 In the httpd.conf file:
   require Apache::TestDirective;
   delete $INC{'Apache/'};
   #PerlModule Apache::TestDirective

Why are you using 'require', and not the PerlModule line you commented

   Directive4 foo
 What comes back:
  Invalid command 'Directive4', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
  module not included in the server configuration



2000-02-01 Thread Bobbi Short

Hello.  I am a Recruiter with Tech-Pro, Inc.  Tech-Pro is a computer
consulting services company with offices in Indianapolis, Indiana;
Minneapolis, Minnesota; Denver, Colorado; and Phoenix, Arizona.  We provide
experienced computer professionals on a contract basis.  Our consulting
staff consists of salaried, hourly and independent contractors.

We have immediate opportunities available for mod_perl architects in the
Indianapolis area.  Ideally, these are contract to hire opportunities with a
very large, well known and respected national company.  However, for the
right candidate, the company is willing to do contract only.  If you are
interested in learning more about these opportunities, please email me your
resume.  Be sure to include your phone number and the best time of day to
reach you.

Thanks for responding.  I look forward to hearing from you soon.

To learn more about Tech-Pro, please visit our web site at .

Bobbi Short

Tech-Pro, Inc. 
8041 Knue Road
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Main:   (317) 577-4840  
Fax:  (317) 845-0389

Office locations in Indianapolis, Denver, the Twin Cities, and Phoenix

Tech-Pro, Inc. is member of the National Association of Computer Consulting
Businesses (NACCB).

[Embperl + SSI]GET parameters encoding.

2000-02-01 Thread Martin A. Langhoff

hi list,

I'm using a mix of SSI and Embperl in a site that's almost done. I
use a set of SSI templates that load the 'content file' indicated by the
query string. And sometimes the 'content file' is an Embperl file. So
far so good.

Now for a specific page, I definitely need to pass some variables to
the Embperl page. As I am using !--#include
virtual="$QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED" -- in the SSI template, [which is not
safe, I know, but the server is quite unsafe by itself] I've tried to
URL-encode the second set of parameters when building the link.

But I hit a brick wall in the way: As soon as I add a 2nd set of
parameters, the subrequest doesn't 'parse' the embperl file. It just
provides the unparsed emperl!

Is there a way to achieve what I need to do, and still depend on the
template I've got [ that is, I don't want to re-work my templates in
Embperl ! ] .



-- --
To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion.
-- --
- Martin Langhoff @ S C I M  Multimedia Technology -
  -  | God is real until  -
  - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | declared integer   -

[Embperl] Packages and shared code.

2000-02-01 Thread Martin A. Langhoff


I've built my forst 'complex' site with Embperl, with a series of
web-applications like a calendar and an address book relie.

The code is modularized in a main lib, where all the DBI routines
are implemented and a separated lib for each 'application'. These libs
are 'Executed' to compile the functions into a pre-set package.

Now I'm trying to go one step further and make the code ready to be
implemented in a few more sites. The problem is that both the code and
static varibles remain there in memory-space in a 'shared package'. And
this 'shared package' model blocks me from having many sites with
a] different 'configuration related' static variables
b] different code versions

The only solution is to manually change the package -- for each file
that is part of the site. Not to mention the (many) function calls with
the myPackage::mySub() syntax I'm using.

Now, what the hell can I do?

What I want is to be able to designate the 'running package' from a
config file, like I'm doing for many other config issues.

I guess I could eval(" package $config{package}") but I don't want
to 'eval' every damned function call. Grrr.

Bear in mind I'm a bit new to Perl and Embperl. Maybe I just missed
the so easy solution altogether...


-- --
To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion.
-- --
- Martin Langhoff @ S C I M  Multimedia Technology -
  -  | God is real until  -
  - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | declared integer   -

RE: [Embperl] Packages and shared code.

2000-02-01 Thread Gerald Richter


 I've built my forst 'complex' site with Embperl, with a series of
 web-applications like a calendar and an address book relie.

 The code is modularized in a main lib, where all the DBI routines
 are implemented and a separated lib for each 'application'. These libs
 are 'Executed' to compile the functions into a pre-set package.

 Now I'm trying to go one step further and make the code ready to be
 implemented in a few more sites. The problem is that both the code and
 static varibles remain there in memory-space in a 'shared package'. And
 this 'shared package' model blocks me from having many sites with
 a] different 'configuration related' static variables
 b] different code versions

 The only solution is to manually change the package -- for each file
 that is part of the site. Not to mention the (many) function calls with
 the myPackage::mySub() syntax I'm using.

 Now, what the hell can I do?

A global variable is global for the whole Webserver. That's always true for
mod_perl and can't be changed.

Put your code and data inside an object, the you can create different
objects for the differnt sites.


Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925151
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

RE: [Embperl] Packages and shared code.

2000-02-01 Thread David Harris

Martin A. Langhoff wrote:
 Now I'm trying to go one step further and make the code ready to be
 implemented in a few more sites. The problem is that both the code and
 static varibles remain there in memory-space in a 'shared package'. And
 this 'shared package' model blocks me from having many sites with
 a] different 'configuration related' static variables
 b] different code versions

(a) keep from putting your 'configuration related' static variables in the
code. Either user a PerlSetVar configuraton or a package with just
configuration information, I'd say.

(b) for the different code versions, don't set the package using an eval.
Perhaps do something like setting up a hash with values which are references to

perhaps $MyCalendar::handlers-{$code_version}{$functions_name} could be how
you reference all of your functions for all of your code versions. Each code
version is in a package like MyCalendar::vTwo and it's smart enough to setup
it's own $MyCalendar::vTwo-{$function_name} hash and create a reference to it
in $MyCalendar-{$code_version}. You can then pass the $code_version to your
front end embperl code as a string in a PerlSetVar config.

If you pass which code version in a PerlSetVar, you can probably have the same
embperl code referenced from different virtual hosts with different
configuration values

Now, this is not the only way to do it.. and it's probably not the best. I'm
sure the OO people will say, "setup a hash of constructors for all your code
versions." But it's just here to give you some ideas.

 - David Harris
   Principal Engineer, DRH Internet Services


2000-02-01 Thread Richard Dice

Seeing as how I might be the first person on watch today (it's only 
1/4 to 11am EST, after all...), I'll field this... 

 Mark Jaaneston [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
  Is this a forum where recruiters can spam for new business?  I am 
  new here - is the any penalty for these guys?  At the very least, I'd
  like to post references to anti-recruiter job sites.  Guys, you can
  avoid these blood-sucking leeches and get contract and permanent work
  without having 30-60% of your earning potential stolen from you because
  they once happened to know somebody that you didn't.
  Yea, I hate recruiters.  Got burned twice, the second by a company that
  swore up and down they were honest, and they were, for the first
  Whoops...  Sorry, I get a little upset about being raped twice.   Do we
  discourage this type of spam?

I'm very sorry to hear that you were treated poorly in the past.  
I've been unimpressed by recruiters in the past as well, and as such
I tend to be very discriminating about such things.

However, no, we don't discourage this type of email. (It doesn't
even qualify as "spam" 'round these parts)  As Doug MacEachern, mod_perl
creator and "list owner", explained to me once, he is (or at least, 
has been) an independent contractor himself, and so he appreciates that
a number of people on this list could benefit from seeing this kind
of information posted here.  And information for the benefit of the
people on this list is what this list is all about, whatever form 
it may take.


 Richard Dice * Personal 514 816 9568 * Fax 514 816 9569
 Open Source Evangelist, HBE Software *
 ShadNet Creator * * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Occasional Writer, HotWired *
 "squeeze the world 'til it's small enough to join us heel to toe"
 - jesus jones


2000-02-01 Thread Eric Cholet


modperl job offers have always been welcome on the modperl list.
Please search the archives and you'll find this fact.


 i'm not a recruiter, im hiring directly for the company i work for, which, by
 the way, has put a lot of time and support into helping with mod_perl
 Mark Jaaneston [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
  Is this a forum where recruiters can spam for new business?  I am new here 
  - is the any penalty for these guys?  At the very least, I'd like to post 
  references to anti-recruiter job sites.  Guys, you can avoid these 
  blood-sucking leeches and get contract and permanent work without having 
  30-60% of your earning potential stolen from you because they once happened 
  to know somebody that you didn't.
  Yea, I hate recruiters.  Got burned twice, the second by a company that 
  swore up and down they were honest, and they were, for the first contract.
  Whoops...  Sorry, I get a little upset about being raped twice.   Do we 
  discourage this type of spam?
  At 07:24 AM 2/1/00 -0600, Bobbi Short wrote:
  Hello.  I am a Recruiter with Tech-Pro, Inc.  Tech-Pro is a computer
  consulting services company with offices in Indianapolis, Indiana;
  Minneapolis, Minnesota; Denver, Colorado; and Phoenix, Arizona.  We provide
  experienced computer professionals on a contract basis.  Our consulting
  staff consists of salaried, hourly and independent contractors.
  We have immediate opportunities available for mod_perl architects in the
  Indianapolis area.  Ideally, these are contract to hire opportunities with a
  very large, well known and respected national company.  However, for the
  right candidate, the company is willing to do contract only.  If you are
  interested in learning more about these opportunities, please email me your
  resume.  Be sure to include your phone number and the best time of day to
  reach you.
  Thanks for responding.  I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  To learn more about Tech-Pro, please visit our web site at .
  Bobbi Short
  Tech-Pro, Inc.
  8041 Knue Road
  Indianapolis, IN 46250
  Main:   (317) 577-4840
  Fax:  (317) 845-0389
  Office locations in Indianapolis, Denver, the Twin Cities, and Phoenix
  Tech-Pro, Inc. is member of the National Association of Computer Consulting
  Businesses (NACCB).
  At 07:23 AM 2/1/00 -0800, Josh rotenberg wrote:
  i am looking for one or two short to medium term contractors to work on a
  fairly large scale mod_perl application.  the qualified applicant will be able
  to work in-house (south of market in san francisco) at least most of the time,
  and be available on a somewhat regular schedule (9-5, 10-6, whatever).
  in addition to being a perl master and mod_perl ninja, the qualified applicant
  would also have a firm knowledge of product localization. specifically, i need
  people with experience in developing applications that support asian
  languages, so knowledge of asian language encodings is important.
  the contract will most likely be 3-4 months, full time, with
  the distinct possibility of a longer contract or full-time
  employment later on.
  again, qualifications:
  * excellent perl skills, OO design and implementation
  * demonstrated proficiency with mod_perl and apache
  * solaris and linux experience a must
  * knowledge of doublebyte character encoding and product localization
  * firm grasp of MIME and some of the mail RFCs
  * knowledge of cvs, rpm
  * ability to work independently, on tight schedules
  * ability to communicate effectively with those less technical
  * ability to work in-house in san francisco
  * ability to wrap c/c++ with xs is a big plus
  * database stuff is a big plus
  * C apache module experience a plus
  please send resumes (text/plain or text/html preferred) to
  josh rotenberg
  Kenneth Frankel
 josh rotenberg

Response to Your Email

2000-02-01 Thread Bobbi Short


I'd like to try to say something to make you feel better, but I know it's
probably not possible.

As recruiters, we, too, deal with other recruiting agencies and they are not
always ethical.  Just so you and others know, it is in the contractors best
interest to work for an agency that is a member of the NACCB (National
Association of Computer Consulting Businesses).  Member agencies must meet
and abide by certain standards.  See the attached link. 

I'm not trying to sell anyone on Tech-Pro, but we are a member firm.

I apologize if I've offended anyone with my posting.  I will not contact
anyone without their permission.  I belong to a similar group at my home
email address and I know sometimes minor issues can cause a lot of wasted
time and grief.  That was not my intent.  That's why the reference indicated
it was a job posting - if not interested, just delete it.  Once again, I
apologize if I've offended anyone.

Bobbi Short

Tech-Pro, Inc. 
8041 Knue Road
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Main:   (317) 577-4840  
Fax:  (317) 845-0389
Toll Free:   (877) 874-5627  

Office locations in Indianapolis, Denver, the Twin Cities, and Phoenix

Tech-Pro, Inc. is member of the National Association of Computer Consulting
Businesses (NACCB).


2000-02-01 Thread Baiju Thakkar

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Lincoln Stein
 Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 10:16 AM
 The site should be up at its new location.  Let me know if 
 you see any 
 problems with it.  I haven't done much with it yet except for 
 fixing a 
 bug in one of the Hangman examples.  It looked like a Y2K bug at
 first, because the cookie dates were set to 1969, but it was just an
 ordinary bug.

How about putting Chapter 3,4, and 5 online. I own one
copy and its usually at work. Sometime when I am at home
I wish I had another copy. It would be awesome if I were
able to get at the other chapters online. 

I don't suppose you can convince O'reilly to make this
there OpenBook # 2 and have the whole book online ?

Baiju Thakkar
Just use Perl;  #!/boot/linux


2000-02-01 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Tue, 01 Feb 2000, Baiju Thakkar wrote:
  The site should be up at its new location.  Let me know if 
  you see any 
  problems with it.  I haven't done much with it yet except for 
  fixing a 
  bug in one of the Hangman examples.  It looked like a Y2K bug at
  first, because the cookie dates were set to 1969, but it was just an
  ordinary bug.
 How about putting Chapter 3,4, and 5 online. I own one
 copy and its usually at work. Sometime when I am at home
 I wish I had another copy. It would be awesome if I were
 able to get at the other chapters online. 
 I don't suppose you can convince O'reilly to make this
 there OpenBook # 2 and have the whole book online ?

I can recommend getting 2 copies. Even just for the reference card it's
worth it :)


Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
Web Sites:
Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

mod_perl installed as DSO

2000-02-01 Thread Wang, Pin-Chieh

I am trying to install mod_perl-1.21 with Apache1.3.11, I am following the
procedure in the book (at least I thought I was following), everything looks
fine, but when I restarted httpd I got the following error message from

[Tue Feb  1 10:57:28 2000] [notice] SIGHUP received.  Attempting to restart
[Tue Feb  1 10:57:28 2000] [error] Cannot remove module mod_perl.c: not
found in module list
[Tue Feb  1 10:57:28 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.11 (Unix) mod_perl/1.21
configured -- resuming normal operations

Is there any one can tell me how to get rid of the error message "Cannot
remove module mod_perl.c" ?

My makepl_args.mod_perl has the following contents

APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.11/src DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1 \
ADD_MODULE=log_referer,rewrite,proxy,so,vhost_alias,mime_magic,expires \
APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache_dso \

PC Wang

Re: mod_perl installed as DSO

2000-02-01 Thread Clay

"Wang, Pin-Chieh" wrote:

 I am trying to install mod_perl-1.21 with Apache1.3.11, I am following the
 procedure in the book (at least I thought I was following), everything looks
 fine, but when I restarted httpd I got the following error message from

 [Tue Feb  1 10:57:28 2000] [notice] SIGHUP received.  Attempting to restart
 [Tue Feb  1 10:57:28 2000] [error] Cannot remove module mod_perl.c: not
 found in module list
 [Tue Feb  1 10:57:28 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.11 (Unix) mod_perl/1.21
 configured -- resuming normal operations

 Is there any one can tell me how to get rid of the error message "Cannot
 remove module mod_perl.c" ?

 My makepl_args.mod_perl has the following contents

 APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.11/src DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1 \
 ADD_MODULE=log_referer,rewrite,proxy,so,vhost_alias,mime_magic,expires \
 APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache_dso \

 PC Wang

this is how i compiled apache and modperl on redhat 6.1
hope this helps

for modperl 1.21

perl Makefile.PL USE_APXS=1 USE_DSO=1 WITH_APXS=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs
make install

for apache 1.3.9
./configure --enable-rule=shared_core --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl
--enable-module=so --enable-module=rewrite

the version of perl on here is

This is perl, version 5.005_03 built for i386-linux

Version 0.02 of IPC::Cache available

2000-02-01 Thread DeWitt Clinton


[I sent this out a while back, but it never made it through.  Odd.]

Based on some great feedback from this list, I was able to remove the
dependency on IPC::Shareable.  Not that I dislike IPC::Shareable -- to the
contrary, it does what it does rather well -- but I was really looking for
something more lightweight.

I discovered Maurice Aubrey's excellent IPC::ShareLite module, which
exactly filled the role I needed.  

IPC::Cache now relies on the efficient ShareLite shared memory routines,
but the interface did not change at all.

You can find it at CPAN now:

Thanks for the feedback!



2000-02-01 Thread Mark Jaaneston

My apologies to you, Josh, you are one of the good guys.

Still, I don't know if it is appropriate for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be a 
forum for recruiting -- what's the consensus on this guys?


At 07:41 AM 2/1/00 -0800, josh rotenberg wrote:

i'm not a recruiter, im hiring directly for the company i work for, which, by
the way, has put a lot of time and support into helping with mod_perl


Mark Jaaneston [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
  Is this a forum where recruiters can spam for new business?  I am new here
  - is the any penalty for these guys?  At the very least, I'd like to post
  references to anti-recruiter job sites.  Guys, you can avoid these
  blood-sucking leeches and get contract and permanent work without having
  30-60% of your earning potential stolen from you because they once 
  to know somebody that you didn't.
  Yea, I hate recruiters.  Got burned twice, the second by a company that
  swore up and down they were honest, and they were, for the first contract.
  Whoops...  Sorry, I get a little upset about being raped twice.   Do we
  discourage this type of spam?
  At 07:24 AM 2/1/00 -0600, Bobbi Short wrote:
  Hello.  I am a Recruiter with Tech-Pro, Inc.  Tech-Pro is a computer
  consulting services company with offices in Indianapolis, Indiana;
  Minneapolis, Minnesota; Denver, Colorado; and Phoenix, Arizona.  We 
  experienced computer professionals on a contract basis.  Our consulting
  staff consists of salaried, hourly and independent contractors.
  We have immediate opportunities available for mod_perl architects in the
  Indianapolis area.  Ideally, these are contract to hire opportunities 
 with a
  very large, well known and respected national company.  However, for the
  right candidate, the company is willing to do contract only.  If you are
  interested in learning more about these opportunities, please email me 
  resume.  Be sure to include your phone number and the best time of day to
  reach you.
  Thanks for responding.  I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  To learn more about Tech-Pro, please visit our web site at .
  Bobbi Short
  Tech-Pro, Inc.
  8041 Knue Road
  Indianapolis, IN 46250
  Main:   (317) 577-4840
  Fax:  (317) 845-0389
  Office locations in Indianapolis, Denver, the Twin Cities, and Phoenix
  Tech-Pro, Inc. is member of the National Association of Computer 
  Businesses (NACCB).
  At 07:23 AM 2/1/00 -0800, Josh rotenberg wrote:
  i am looking for one or two short to medium term contractors to work on a
  fairly large scale mod_perl application.  the qualified applicant will 
 be able
  to work in-house (south of market in san francisco) at least most of 
 the time,
  and be available on a somewhat regular schedule (9-5, 10-6, whatever).
  in addition to being a perl master and mod_perl ninja, the qualified 
  would also have a firm knowledge of product localization. 
 specifically, i need
  people with experience in developing applications that support asian
  languages, so knowledge of asian language encodings is important.
  the contract will most likely be 3-4 months, full time, with
  the distinct possibility of a longer contract or full-time
  employment later on.
  again, qualifications:
  * excellent perl skills, OO design and implementation
  * demonstrated proficiency with mod_perl and apache
  * solaris and linux experience a must
  * knowledge of doublebyte character encoding and product localization
  * firm grasp of MIME and some of the mail RFCs
  * knowledge of cvs, rpm
  * ability to work independently, on tight schedules
  * ability to communicate effectively with those less technical
  * ability to work in-house in san francisco
  * ability to wrap c/c++ with xs is a big plus
  * database stuff is a big plus
  * C apache module experience a plus
  please send resumes (text/plain or text/html preferred) to
  josh rotenberg
  Kenneth Frankel

josh rotenberg
Once upon a time you wrote ...
Kenneth Frankel


2000-02-01 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Mark Jaaneston wrote:

 Still, I don't know if it is appropriate for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be a 
 forum for recruiting -- what's the consensus on this guys?

mod_perl relevant job postings has always been welcome on this list.

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen -
more than 60M impressions per day,

Re: Using network appliance Filer with modperl

2000-02-01 Thread Leslie Mikesell

According to Elizabeth Mattijsen:

 We have been using such a setup for over 2 years now.  The only real issue
 we've found is not so much with mod_perl itself, but with MySQL.  If you
 put your databases on the NetApp, either have a seperate central database
 server, or make damn sure you do not use the same database from two
 different front-end servers.  We've seen database corruption that way
 (using Linux front-end servers with NFS 2).

It is probably reasonable for MySQL to assume that only one server
is accessing the files at once since it has its own remote client
access protocol.  Do you happen to know if there is a performance
difference for MySQL between local drives and a NetApp?

  Les Mikesell


2000-02-01 Thread Craig W. Shaver

Richard Dice wrote:

  Mark Jaaneston [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
   Is this a forum where recruiters can spam for new business?  I am
   new here - is the any penalty for these guys?  At the very least, I'd
   like to post references to anti-recruiter job sites.  

Caveat emptor

Could you please post the references or email me direct?

I am an independent contractor in the Sunnyvale, CA area.  I do not mind
the job posts, so long as they don't take over the list.  But I only go
direct.  I am always interested in finding new prospects, and I would
love to see what you have that helps you find jobs.


   Yea, I hate recruiters.  Got burned twice, the second by a company that
   swore up and down they were honest, and they were, for the first
   Whoops...  Sorry, I get a little upset about being raped twice.   Do we
   discourage this type of spam?
 I'm very sorry to hear that you were treated poorly in the past.
 I've been unimpressed by recruiters in the past as well, and as such

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (408)543-6451
Craig Shaver, Productivity Group
POB 60458 Sunnyvale, CA  94088 (650)390-0654 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-02-01 Thread Mark Jaaneston

Fair enough, sorry for the throat-biting, everybody.

Let me just say:
1) Ask the recruiter what they are charging the company you will be working 
for (the bill rate).  If they don't want to give it to you, your butt is 
being humped.  Find another recruiter.
2) VERIFY this with the company you will be working for.  Get the recruiter 
to give permission to the company's accounting department.  Ask them to see 
an invoice.
3) The most they should be taking is 25%.  You can even negociate a sliding 
scale, getting lower over time.  It should always be at most 25% or find a 
different recruiter.
4) Everything is a negotiation.  The recruiters are negotiating for themselves.

BTW, #1 and #2 are from the Contract Employee's handbook, at  A lot of good techniques there for finding your own 
contracts, how to wrassle the recruiters in line, etc.

The NACCB that TechPro talks about has a fuzzy list of policies and doesn't 
seem to be as good to the consultants as it could be.  First, the NACCB has 
been criticized here:
and more importantly, their list of policies does not specifically state 
how people won't get screwed, ie, they will disclose the pay and bill rates 
and markups to everybody, which is one of the things the CEHandbook says to 
insist on.

Finally: Group apology.  My above How-to-deal-with-recruiters posting may 
approach spam for mod_perl, but since recruiters have just waved their 
flags in here, and that I have this dream of the battle-grizzled 
consultants (like myself) helping out the newbies at risk whereever in the 
internet they may be, I hope I (and others) can post these few 
things.  Think of it as the ex-cheerleader warning the new cheerleaders 
about the coach and the rides home from the parties.


At 04:58 PM 2/1/00 +0100, Eric Cholet wrote:

modperl job offers have always been welcome on the modperl list.
Please search the archives and you'll find this fact.


At 10:11 AM 2/1/00 -0600, you wrote:

I'd like to try to say something to make you feel better, but I know it's
probably not possible.

As recruiters, we, too, deal with other recruiting agencies and they are not
always ethical.  Just so you and others know, it is in the contractors best
interest to work for an agency that is a member of the NACCB (National
Association of Computer Consulting Businesses).  Member agencies must meet
and abide by certain standards.  See the attached link.

I'm not trying to sell anyone on Tech-Pro, but we are a member firm.

I apologize if I've offended anyone with my posting.  I will not contact
anyone without their permission.  I belong to a similar group at my home
email address and I know sometimes minor issues can cause a lot of wasted
time and grief.  That was not my intent.  That's why the reference indicated
it was a job posting - if not interested, just delete it.  Once again, I
apologize if I've offended anyone.

Bobbi Short

Tech-Pro, Inc.
8041 Knue Road
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Main:   (317) 577-4840
Fax:  (317) 845-0389
Toll Free:   (877) 874-5627

Office locations in Indianapolis, Denver, the Twin Cities, and Phoenix

Tech-Pro, Inc. is member of the National Association of Computer Consulting
Businesses (NACCB).

  i'm not a recruiter, im hiring directly for the company i work for, 
 which, by
  the way, has put a lot of time and support into helping with mod_perl
  Mark Jaaneston [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
   Is this a forum where recruiters can spam for new business?  I am new 
   - is the any penalty for these guys?  At the very least, I'd like to 
   references to anti-recruiter job sites.  Guys, you can avoid these
   blood-sucking leeches and get contract and permanent work without having
   30-60% of your earning potential stolen from you because they once 
   to know somebody that you didn't.
   Yea, I hate recruiters.  Got burned twice, the second by a company that
   swore up and down they were honest, and they were, for the first 
   Whoops...  Sorry, I get a little upset about being raped twice.   Do we
   discourage this type of spam?
   At 07:24 AM 2/1/00 -0600, Bobbi Short wrote:
   Hello.  I am a Recruiter with Tech-Pro, Inc.  Tech-Pro is a computer
   consulting services company with offices in Indianapolis, Indiana;
   Minneapolis, Minnesota; Denver, Colorado; and Phoenix, Arizona.  We 
   experienced computer professionals on a contract basis.  Our consulting
   staff consists of salaried, hourly and independent contractors.
   We have immediate opportunities available for mod_perl architects in the
   Indianapolis area.  Ideally, these are contract to hire 
 opportunities with a
   very large, well known and respected national company.  


2000-02-01 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Tue, 01 Feb 2000, Mark Jaaneston wrote:
 My apologies to you, Josh, you are one of the good guys.
 Still, I don't know if it is appropriate for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be a 
 forum for recruiting -- what's the consensus on this guys?

Please, this has been discussed so many times before. If you're new check
the archives. The consensus on this is not going to change.


Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
Web Sites:
Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

Re: Using network appliance Filer with modperl

2000-02-01 Thread Tim Bunce

On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 10:29:30AM +0100, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
 At 11:16 1/31/00 -0800, siberian wrote:
 My question is : Has anyone experienced any 'gotchas' in putting perl code
 that modperl handlers use on a Network Attached file server like a network
 appliance box ( )? I am assuming that there are no real
 issues but before i go blow a ton of cash on this thing I wanted to be
 sure that no one had found a problem.
 We have been using such a setup for over 2 years now.  The only real issue
 we've found is not so much with mod_perl itself, but with MySQL.  If you
 put your databases on the NetApp, either have a seperate central database
 server, or make damn sure you do not use the same database from two
 different front-end servers.  We've seen database corruption that way
 (using Linux front-end servers with NFS 2).

The default linux MySQL has --skip-locking enabled by default so having
two database servers access the same database tables would be very bad
regardless of where the files lived.

 With regards to fsck on large file systems: we've heard one horror stories
 about that as well (with Xs4all here in Amsterdam).  I recall having read
 that they fixed the problem with the fsck taking very long on large
 file-systems with the latest OnTap release.

That's good news. Thanks.


runaway httpd processes

2000-02-01 Thread Will Wiley

I am running Apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.21 and perl 5.04 on a UltraSparc5
running 2.5.1 Solaris.  I am experiencing runaway httpd processes.  We have
tried to find a pattern in these processes but nothing seems to define the
problem.  They are coming from random sites, getting random content.  They
appear for a while and then pause for various intervals before reappearing.
 Truss shows the process to continuous lseeks and reads.  There are no
errors in the error_log.

I have gone thought the archives and have seen some similar references.
One mentioned a "leak in the Solaris libraries", but there was no following
discussion of that issue.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Will Wiley  Sr. Automation Engineer 
Wind River Systems,  Platform Engineering
Tel   : +1(510)749-2476   Fax : +1(510)749-2010

PerlRequire problems

2000-02-01 Thread J. Horner

I just recompiled Apache with mod_perl support.  I followed the
directions, had no errors, and made no brain farts.

The PerlRequire directive isn't valid!  Any ideas?

mod_perl version = 1.21
perl version = 5.00503
Apache version = 1.3.11
OS = Redhat Linux version 6.1 on P-150 w/ 48 MBytes RAM.

The httpd executable is larger, and I moved it by hand to the
/usr/local/apache/bin directory.  How do I test to make sure that mod_perl
is working right?  'make test' skipped a few tests, but all were


J. Horner
2:05pm up 7 days, 5:43, 4 users, load average: 0.00, 0.11, 0.23

Re: Using network appliance Filer with modperl

2000-02-01 Thread Pascal Eeftinck

At 11:25 1-2-2000 -0600, Leslie Mikesell wrote:
According to Elizabeth Mattijsen:

  We have been using such a setup for over 2 years now.  The only real issue
  we've found is not so much with mod_perl itself, but with MySQL.  If you
  put your databases on the NetApp, either have a seperate central database
  server, or make damn sure you do not use the same database from two
  different front-end servers.  We've seen database corruption that way
  (using Linux front-end servers with NFS 2).

It is probably reasonable for MySQL to assume that only one server
is accessing the files at once since it has its own remote client
access protocol.  Do you happen to know if there is a performance
difference for MySQL between local drives and a NetApp?

All MySQL operations are atomic. You can always be sure that no two threads
will be updating a table at the same time, for example. If you need to work
on multiple tables while making sure data stays consistent among them, lock
these tables before use.

A single MySQL server will have no problems running with its databases
mounted on an NFS store, although performance probably won't be very good.
It shouldn't hurt too much for huge tables that you don't access that
heavily, but those that you do use frequently had better be kept on a local
disk. Of course you can just make symlinks in your var directory to the
tables that you've stored on an NFS store somewhere.

Multiple MySQL servers running on the same database stored on an NFS store
is not something you should try at all. Threaded locking is unreliable by
itself on Solaris and Linux if I read the MySQL docs correctly, and NFS
locking is worse than that. You'd absolutely need a thread-safe flock()
implementation that works over NFS as well - good luck with your quest. :)

When you do use locking, be very very careful if you use Apache::DBI or
similar persistent connections. MySQL threads keep tables locked until
the thread ends (connection is closed) or the tables are unlocked. If your
session die()'s while tables are locked, they will stay neatly locked as
your connection won't be closed either  This was a nasty one I bumped
in to ...


Pascal Eeftinck - arcade^
   arcade^ - Perl is not a language, it's a way of 

$r-filename and Apache::RegistryBB...

2000-02-01 Thread Sean Chittenden

Howdy.  Here's the background:  In my Transhandler, I'm setting the URI
and setting the filename for use.  The filename is executed by
Apache::RegistryBB, code cached, etc  Things run smoothly until I ask a
process for the file again  things get ugly fast.

The error messages I'm getting are:
[Tue Feb  1 12:02:36 2000] [error] Can't upgrade that kind of scalar at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i686-linux-thread/Apache/ line 20.
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar.
[Tue Feb  1 12:02:30 2000] [notice] child pid 31687 exit signal Segmentation 
fault (11)
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i686-linux-thread/Apache/ line 256.

The only commonality through out this is the filename.  In my
transhandler I'm setting the filename and returning OK:  

$r-filname('/www/docs/login' . $uri());

I'm pretty sure that's not the problem, but I could be wrong.  I do
know that when I stop using Apache::RegistryBB and use plain old Registry,
things work with out a hitch, no segfaults in sight.  Any thoughts/ideas?

perl, version 5.005_03 built for i686-linux-thread
Server version: Apache/1.3.11 (Unix)
Server built:   Jan 25 2000 16:25:14
mod_perl, 1.21

Sean Chittenden p. 650.473.1805, Inc.f. 650.329.9651

Another problem with proxy code from Eagle book

2000-02-01 Thread Jason Bodnar

I've got another problem with a module I'm developing that uses the proxy code
from the Eagle book.

Let's say a client requests This gets proxied to and works just fine.

But, if they request (no trailing slash) it gets
proxied to The proxied page comes over just
fine but there is an image on this page that is somethig like this IMG
SRC="images/bar.gif". With the trailing slash this turns into a request for which turns into The problem occurs when you
don't have a trailing slash. The request ends up being The bar directory gets dropped when
there's not a trailing slash.

Perhaps I don't have something configured right on the proxy server.
DirectoryIndex or something? But I don't think DirectoryIndex would actually
work because there are no documents in the server root of 80 so Apache wouldn't
find an index.html anyway.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Tivoli Systems

I swear I'd forget my own head if it wasn't up my ass. -- Jason Bodnar

RE: PerlRequire problems

2000-02-01 Thread Geoffrey Young


this and other parts of the guide should be able to help you track down the
error more...

if not, then provide some details and we'll see what we can do...



 -Original Message-
 From: J. Horner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 2:11 PM
 Subject: PerlRequire problems
 I just recompiled Apache with mod_perl support.  I followed the
 directions, had no errors, and made no brain farts.
 The PerlRequire directive isn't valid!  Any ideas?
 mod_perl version = 1.21
 perl version = 5.00503
 Apache version = 1.3.11
 OS = Redhat Linux version 6.1 on P-150 w/ 48 MBytes RAM.
 The httpd executable is larger, and I moved it by hand to the
 /usr/local/apache/bin directory.  How do I test to make sure 
 that mod_perl
 is working right?  'make test' skipped a few tests, but all were
 J. Horner
 2:05pm up 7 days, 5:43, 4 users, load average: 0.00, 0.11, 0.23

Re: PerlRequire problems

2000-02-01 Thread Matt Sergeant

When you start your server, make sure the error log contains a line
identifying itself as "Apache/1.3.11 (Unix) mod_perl/1.21".

Also, make sure you compiled with EVERYTHING=1

On Tue, 01 Feb 2000, J. Horner wrote:
 I just recompiled Apache with mod_perl support.  I followed the
 directions, had no errors, and made no brain farts.
 The PerlRequire directive isn't valid!  Any ideas?
 mod_perl version = 1.21
 perl version = 5.00503
 Apache version = 1.3.11
 OS = Redhat Linux version 6.1 on P-150 w/ 48 MBytes RAM.
 The httpd executable is larger, and I moved it by hand to the
 /usr/local/apache/bin directory.  How do I test to make sure that mod_perl
 is working right?  'make test' skipped a few tests, but all were
 J. Horner
 2:05pm up 7 days, 5:43, 4 users, load average: 0.00, 0.11, 0.23

Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
Web Sites:
Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

Lingering processes --is it a mod_perl or Apache::session issue?

2000-02-01 Thread Keith Kwiatek


I have been using mod_perl with Apache::session... after doing development
of a few cgi's I noticed that the apache server started spitting out "can't
spawn another process" messages in the error log. When I stopped the
apache server it listed about a million httpd processes that it said would
not take a sigterm

I am pretty sure I don't have any infinite loops, this are really basic
scripts I am writting. I suspected it is some sort of deadlock with
apache::sesssions (?).

Has anyone else experienced this?


Re: runaway httpd processes

2000-02-01 Thread Keith Kwiatek

Are you using apache:session?


- Original Message -
From: Will Wiley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 2:54 PM
Subject: runaway httpd processes

 I am running Apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.21 and perl 5.04 on a UltraSparc5
 running 2.5.1 Solaris.  I am experiencing runaway httpd processes.  We
 tried to find a pattern in these processes but nothing seems to define the
 problem.  They are coming from random sites, getting random content.  They
 appear for a while and then pause for various intervals before
  Truss shows the process to continuous lseeks and reads.  There are no
 errors in the error_log.

 I have gone thought the archives and have seen some similar references.
 One mentioned a "leak in the Solaris libraries", but there was no
 discussion of that issue.

 Any suggestions would be appreciated.


 Will Wiley Sr. Automation Engineer
 Wind River Systems,  Platform Engineering
 Tel   : +1(510)749-2476   Fax : +1(510)749-2010

Re: Proxy example in eagle book does not work

2000-02-01 Thread Jason Bodnar

On 19-Jan-00 Doug MacEachern wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Jan 2000, Jason Bodnar wrote:
 A line in the proxy example of the eagle book on page 380 does not seem to
 The line:
 $r-headers_in-do(sub {$request-header(@_);});
 what if you change that to:
  $r-headers_in-do(sub {$request-header(@_); 1});

That sets all the headers including Connection which is a problem if it's
Keep-Alive. It probably needs to be something like:

$r-headers_in-do(sub {return 1 if $_[0] eq 'Connection';
$request-header(@_); 1});

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Tivoli Systems

That boy wouldn't know the difference between the Internet and a hair net. --
Jason Bodnar


2000-02-01 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Mark Jaaneston wrote:

 Still, I don't know if it is appropriate for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be a 
 forum for recruiting -- what's the consensus on this guys?

Although new to the list, my experience with recruiters is that
they aren't worth the space they occupy.

E-mail lists are cheap: anybody can easily create a
modperl-jobs mailing list.  Those who want to read such things
can subscribe to it; those who don't won't have to wade through
such crap.

- Paul


2000-02-01 Thread Paul J. Lucas

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Baiju Thakkar wrote:

 How about putting Chapter 3,4, and 5 online. I own one copy and its usually
 at work. Sometime when I am at home I wish I had another copy.

That's an easily solvable problem: buy another copy.  Unless
you're severly underpaid as a programmer, you can afford it.

- Paul

Re: runaway httpd processes

2000-02-01 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

Keith Kwiatek wrote:
 Are you using apache:session?

The blame-everything-on-apache::session business is getting a bit
tired.  Go back to your workstation and take another look at the code. 
I'm sure you are leaking sessions somehwere.

There are a large number of happy, silent Apache::Session users.


RE: mod_perl installed as DSO

2000-02-01 Thread Wang, Pin-Chieh

Unfortunately I am running Solaris 2.6 the suggested directive doesn't work
( I got a core dump for Segmentation Fault), Is there anybody can answer the
[error] Cannot remove module mod_perl.c: not found in module list
What module list it's talking about

"Wang, Pin-Chieh" wrote:

 I am trying to install mod_perl-1.21 with Apache1.3.11, I
am following the
 procedure in the book (at least I thought I was
following), everything looks
 fine, but when I restarted httpd I got the following error
message from

 [Tue Feb  1 10:57:28 2000] [notice] SIGHUP received.
Attempting to restart
 [Tue Feb  1 10:57:28 2000] [error] Cannot remove module
mod_perl.c: not
 found in module list
 [Tue Feb  1 10:57:28 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.11 (Unix)
 configured -- resuming normal operations

 Is there any one can tell me how to get rid of the error
message "Cannot
 remove module mod_perl.c" ?

 My makepl_args.mod_perl has the following contents

 APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.11/src DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1 \

ADD_MODULE=log_referer,rewrite,proxy,so,vhost_alias,mime_magic,expires \
 APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache_dso \

 PC Wang

this is how i compiled apache and modperl on redhat 6.1
hope this helps

for modperl 1.21

perl Makefile.PL USE_APXS=1 USE_DSO=1
make install

for apache 1.3.9
./configure --enable-rule=shared_core
--enable-module=so --enable-module=rewrite

the version of perl on here is

This is perl, version 5.005_03 built for i386-linux

Newbie Question

2000-02-01 Thread Ian Ollier

Hi all,

I hope you guys will forgive this question, 
but I am a complete beginner with CGI etc.

We run an NT Server using Apache Web Server 
and I want to run Perl scripts on our web site to handle our administration 

I loaded the Activeperl software onto the 
server, but it still doesn't run perl scripts. I have read heaps of stuff (most 
confusing) I have made changes to the httpd.conf file as outlined in some 
documents I read but then the service won't restart. I read a lot about the 
MOD-PERL but very little about what it is and how it works, is this my 

Is anyone willing to tell me in 
SIMPLE terms what i have to do to get this thing working?

I think you all for any help you can 

And again I apologise for bringing such a 
lame question to the list.

Thanks again

* Ian Ollier - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Systems Administrator 
Queensland Centre for Schizophrenia 
Research Wolston Park Hospital, 
Wolston Park Road Wacol QLD 4076 
ph: +61 7 3271 8592 fax: +61 7 3271 8567 
mobile: 0411145593 website: 

Any opinions herein are my own and do not 
necessarily reflect my employer's views. * 

Re: Newbie Question

2000-02-01 Thread Victor Zamouline

Hi Ian,

 We run an NT Server using Apache Web Server and I want to run Perl scripts
 on our web site to handle our administration forms.

To get full advantage out of mod_perl, it is more interesting to use it on
UNIX machines. But, in this community, we will encourage you to use mod_perl
even if you are determined to use NT.

 I loaded the Activeperl software onto the server

With the ActivePerl distribution, you can run Perl scripts in plain CGI
mode, but you cannot use mod_perl.

 but then
 the service won't restart.

You should provide a complete technical description of your problem.

 I read a lot about the MOD-PERL but very little
 about what it is and how it works, is this my problem?

Yes. You should start by reading Take your
time to read this document carefully.

 Is anyone willing to tell me in SIMPLE terms what i have to do to get
 thing working?

You should understand that mod_perl is a bridge between Perl and Apache,
which, apart from its technical excellence, allows Perl programmers to use
their Perl culture while configuring and programming their Web applications
not only at the application level (the script itself) but also at the system
level (the server, i.e. Apache).

Whether you use mod_perl or not, programming a Web application requires
understanding how the Web works and how http servers work. Reading will attract your attention to mod_perl's major

Try to define what your application's ambition first of all, then look for
corresponding guidelines in that document.


Caucho faster than mod_perl?

2000-02-01 Thread Sean Chittenden

Hey.  This is kind of relevant regarding the latest hello benchmarks
that were released.  I was sent this today and thought it would be of some
interest to you guys, or at least those interested in benchmarks.

Supposedly, according to its benchmarks, it's faster than mod_perl... 
impressive to say the least.  Any chance someone has any experience with this
or would like to benchmark this technology?  External validation would be
pretty useful.  --SC

Sean Chittenden

Re: ASP Application variable; StatINCMatch variable

2000-02-01 Thread Joshua Chamas

 Hi Joshua,
 I am using an Application variable in my application. It is initialized when a user 
session starts as:
 $SID = $Session-SessionID;
 $Application-{$SID} = "somevalue";
 When a user's session times out, I try using this application variable ... the key 
is right but I cannot get any value out of the Application hash. I am using:
 $SID = $Session-SessionID;
 $Application-{$SID} ;
 to retrieve the value.
 In  my httpd.conf, i have set the AllowApplicationState to "1" in the .htm file 
handler. AllowSessionState is also set to "1".

This all should work just fine.  Have you tried setting SessionTimeout real
low, like .1, and then doing a $Response-Debug($Application) in your 
Session_OnEnd just to see what data is in there ?  Also try putting a 
"use strict" in your global.asa, or if you are using a dev v.18, try the 
UseStrict setting, which may help uncover an error in your code.

If you can't get this to work, show me the debug output with Debug set
to -2 from the first write of the application till the Session_OnEnd
in particular.  You will need to put in $Response-Debug() statements
at various places to show what data $Application holds at various points.

 Another confusion I have is with the StatINCMatch variable. Can I use this variable 
to reload modules in a particular directory ... not reload all the modules with
 PerlSetVar StatINCMatch Provillage/*
 (where Provillage dir is in the perl directory path and contains the modules that I 
would like reloaded)

Yes, that's how its use is intended.  

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Caucho faster than mod_perl?

2000-02-01 Thread Joshua Chamas

Sean Chittenden wrote:
 Hey.  This is kind of relevant regarding the latest hello benchmarks
 that were released.  I was sent this today and thought it would be of some
 interest to you guys, or at least those interested in benchmarks.
 Supposedly, according to its benchmarks, it's faster than mod_perl...
 impressive to say the least.  Any chance someone has any experience with this
 or would like to benchmark this technology?  External validation would be
 pretty useful.  --SC
 Sean Chittenden

I'll be benchmarking it on WinNT, which should give a good
relative value to the mod_perl environments I've tested.
Note that in the "hello world" benchmarks at

Scott from Caucho only benchmarked Registry scripts, but
didn't do the native mod_perl handler test, which runs
significantly faster, anywhere from 50% to 100% faster on
Linux from what I can tell, which would put it right next
to Resin's JSP Java for HelloWorld.

It would be great if someone with a Linux box could do
both a modperl handler  a resin jsp.  If Chip, Kimbro, or Dirk
submitted the bench, that would be great!, since they already
done a few on their Linux boxes to readily compare against.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Caucho faster than mod_perl?

2000-02-01 Thread Perrin Harkins

Sean Chittenden wrote:
 Supposedly, according to its benchmarks, it's faster than mod_perl... 
 impressive to say the least.  Any chance someone has any experience
 with this or would like to benchmark this technology?  External validation
 would be pretty useful.

It is not faster than mod_perl.  We tested it and found that the Resin
author used code that didn't take good advantage of mod_perl, i.e. 
Apache::Registry scripts rather than PerlHandler modules.  We sent our
results and code to Caucho, and received a cordial reply, but they have
not updated their page.  The following is an excerpt from the message one
of our engineers sent to them: 

  I've recently been testing Resin 1.1b4's performance compared with
 mod_perl. The "benchmark.jar" from your web site included perl scripts
 that really didn't take full advantage of the capabilities that mod_perl
 offers. So, I wrote three perl modules that attempt to be similar to
 examples included in the Resin 1.1b4 distribution and better reflect
 what mod_perl can do. 
  Attached is a gzipped tar file with these perl modules, and you're free
 to do whatever you want with them. 
  Overall, I've found Resin to be a very good product, yet ran into a few
 problems during testing. These may be caused by the IBM 1.1.8 JDK rather
 than the Resin package itself. For example when running Resin as a
 stand-alone httpd server, then using "httperf" to benchmark it, the
 entire JVM would freeze up when the --close-with-reset option was given
 to httperf. 
  The JVM used in testing is IBM 1.1.8, on Red Hat Linux 6.0, 2x500MHz
 Pentium III, 512MB RAM, Oracle 8.0.5 client libraries (JDBC).  Apache
 1.3.9 with DSO support was used for "Resin+Apache", with 60 max clients. 
 A recent version of mod_perl and Apache (without DSO) was used for the
 "mod_perl+Apache" tests, also with 60 max clients. Finally, "Resin
 httpd" is Resin running its own web server, with max threads set to 60. 
  These tests used httperf with persistent connections, making either
 1000 or 100 requests per connection, depending on the test. The results
 on "hello" are astounding: 
 Test: "hello" -- displays "Hello, World" 
 Size: 450 bytes
  httperf: 40 concurrent connections, 1000 requests/connection
   mod_perl+Apache: 1600 req/sec
   Resin+Apache:  500 req/sec
   Resin httpd:  4600 req/sec
 Test: "bighello" -- lots of HTML + "Hello World" 
 Size: 23888 bytes
  httperf: 40 concurrent connections, 100 requests/connection
   mod_perl+Apache: 480 req/sec
   Resin+Apache:  300 req/sec
   Resin httpd:  280 req/sec
 Test: "database" -- query: "select NAME from DIVISION", returns 11
 Size: 460 bytes
  httperf: 40 concurrent connections, 100 requests/connection
   mod_perl+Apache: 570 req/sec
   Resin+Apache:  300 req/sec
   Resin httpd:  450 req/sec
 So, although "Resin httpd" performs very well with many small transfers
 ("hello"), the performance relative to mod_perl appears to degrade with
 larger transfers ("bighello"). The database performance improved nicely
 from where it was under Resin+Apache, but mod_perl still has the edge
 I also tested the "file.jsp", which I renamed "fortune" in the perl
 tests.  With http_load, the results again show mod_perl ahead: 
1584 fetches, 10 max parallel, 489610 bytes, in 10 seconds
309.097 mean bytes/connection
158.4 fetches/sec, 48961 bytes/sec
6190 fetches, 10 max parallel, 1.98814e+06 bytes, in 10 seconds
321.186 mean bytes/connection
619 fetches/sec, 198814 bytes/sec
 I'm not trying to belittle Resin in any way -- in fact I'm impressed by
 both its design and performance.  In learning about Resin during these
 tests, I found that JSP is in many ways easier to use than mod_perl. The
 smart caching that Resin does (with compiling .java - .class, etc.) is
 effective, and the XML configuration is a joy to deal with compared to
 Apache's httpd.conf.

So, it's nice, but not as fast as mod_perl on Linux.  If anyone wants to
try this on another OS, I can supply a tar of the files we used for
 - Perrin

Re: mod_perl installed as DSO

2000-02-01 Thread Bill Jones

So, you are saying that this doesn't work either:


# A script stolen from ...
# ... go figure! :)

tar xvf modperl*.tar
tar xvf apache*.tar

cd ../modperl
perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=../apache-1.3/src DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1

cd ../apache-1.3
../configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-module=all
--enable-shared=max \


Then, as root, in modperl do a make install,
then in apache, do a make install...

I am on Solaris 2.6 and running
Apache/1.3.12-dev (Unix) mod_perl/1.21_01-dev...

HTH, -Sneex-

Bill Jones * Systems Programmer *

   ('   Running -
   //\   Perl, Apache, MySQL, PHP3,
   v_/_  Ultra 10, LinuxPPC, BeOS...

 From: "Wang, Pin-Chieh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 17:01:59 -0600
 To: "'Clay'" [EMAIL PROTECTED], Doug MacEachern [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: mod_perl installed as DSO
 Unfortunately I am running Solaris 2.6 the suggested directive doesn't work
 ( I got a core dump for Segmentation Fault), Is there anybody can answer the
 [error] Cannot remove module mod_perl.c: not found in module list
 What module list it's talking about


 for modperl 1.21
 perl Makefile.PL USE_APXS=1 USE_DSO=1
 make install
 for apache 1.3.9
 ./configure --enable-rule=shared_core
 --enable-module=so --enable-module=rewrite

Re: Caucho faster than mod_perl?

2000-02-01 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Sean Chittenden wrote:

   Hey.  This is kind of relevant regarding the latest hello benchmarks
 that were released.  I was sent this today and thought it would be of some
 interest to you guys, or at least those interested in benchmarks.

the "loop" test indicates that they're not really knowing what they're
doing with the mod_perl side of things.

a loop should not get slower like that, so it's probably because they have
some thing that prints (which turns into r-print if I remember correctly)
a zillion lines. 

(other peoples) benchmarks sucks.  Use the tool that serves you best.

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen -
more than 60M impressions per day,

Re: Problems with custom config directives in user written modules

2000-02-01 Thread Dave Hayes

Eric Cholet [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 require Apache::TestDirective;
 delete $INC{'Apache/'};
 #PerlModule Apache::TestDirective
 Why are you using 'require', and not the PerlModule line you commented

It appeared to work. =)

In searching the mail archives I found reference to this problem
before. The above was provided by Doug. 

Neither method actually works. 
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 The opinions expressed above are entirely my own 

Better the demon that makes you improve than the angel who threatens.

Re: runaway httpd processes

2000-02-01 Thread Will Wiley

We have found the problem.  It was not Apache::Session.  It was our own
module for tracking authenticated users that was maintaining some session
information. There was this bad piece of code that was not doing file
locking correctly in a particular wierd state.

Bad Code...bad code.


At 02:01 PM 2/1/00 -0800, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:
Keith Kwiatek wrote:
 Are you using apache:session?

The blame-everything-on-apache::session business is getting a bit
tired.  Go back to your workstation and take another look at the code. 
I'm sure you are leaking sessions somehwere.

There are a large number of happy, silent Apache::Session users.


Will Wiley  Sr. Automation Engineer 
Wind River Systems,  Platform Engineering
Tel   : +1(510)749-2476   Fax : +1(510)749-2010

ASP Application variable; StatINCMatch variable

2000-02-01 Thread rsinha

Hi Joshua,

I am using an Application variable in my application. It is initialized when a user 
session starts as:
$SID = $Session-SessionID;
$Application-{$SID} = "somevalue";

When a user's session times out, I try using this application variable ... the key is 
right but I cannot get any value out of the Application hash. I am using:

$SID = $Session-SessionID; 
$Application-{$SID} ;

to retrieve the value.

In  my httpd.conf, i have set the AllowApplicationState to "1" in the .htm file 
handler. AllowSessionState is also set to "1".

Another confusion I have is with the StatINCMatch variable. Can I use this variable to 
reload modules in a particular directory ... not reload all the modules with

PerlSetVar StatINCMatch Provillage/*
(where Provillage dir is in the perl directory path and contains the modules that I 
would like reloaded)


Get free personalized email at

As long as we're at it...

2000-02-01 Thread Steve Reppucci

As long as we're on the job thread: is looking to hire another programmer, preferably one with
modperl experience, but we're extremely willing to hire someone who's
just a good, solid web programmer, with an interest in learning about
apache and modperl.

Requirements are a strong knowledge of perl and a desire explore new
ways to use it to help drive site traffic.

We'd be willing to hire someone on a contract basis, but would prefer
a fulltime employee. Database background would be nice.  

Other stuff: We're in Boston, MA (USA) near the Children's Museum,
about 3 blocks from South Station.  A good, young, fun group of
people, who are committed to writing clean, fast code.  (You'll be
hard pressed to find stuff without 'use strict' here...)  We're all
Unix, all the time (Solaris, Linux), so please, MSCE me no MSCEs.



-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Steve Reppucci  617/929-7003
Director of Software Development [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Times Company Digital)   Be Open

Re: Caucho faster than mod_perl?

2000-02-01 Thread Perrin Harkins

Sean Chittenden wrote:
 Supposedly, according to its benchmarks, it's faster than mod_perl...
 impressive to say the least.  Any chance someone has any experience with this
 or would like to benchmark this technology?  External validation would be
 pretty useful.  --SC

It is not faster than mod_perl.  We tested it and found that the Resin
author used code that didn't take good advantage of mod_perl, i.e.
Apache::Registry scripts rather than PerlHandler modules.  We sent our
results and code to Caucho, and received a cordial reply, but they have
not updated their page.  The following is an excerpt from the message
one of our engineers sent to them:

  I've recently been testing Resin 1.1b4's performance compared with
 mod_perl. The "benchmark.jar" from your web site included perl scripts that
 really didn't take full advantage of the capabilities that mod_perl offers.
 So, I wrote three perl modules that attempt to be similar to examples
 included in the Resin 1.1b4 distribution and better reflect what mod_perl
 can do.
  Attached is a gzipped tar file with these perl modules, and you're free to
 do whatever you want with them.
  Overall, I've found Resin to be a very good product, yet ran into a few
 problems during testing. These may be caused by the IBM 1.1.8 JDK rather
 than the Resin package itself. For example when running Resin as a
 stand-alone httpd server, then using "httperf" to benchmark it, the entire
 JVM would freeze up when the --close-with-reset option was given to
  The JVM used in testing is IBM 1.1.8, on Red Hat Linux 6.0, 2x500MHz
 Pentium III, 512MB RAM, Oracle 8.0.5 client libraries (JDBC).  Apache 1.3.9
 with DSO support was used for "Resin+Apache", with 60 max clients. A recent
 version of mod_perl and Apache  (without DSO) was used for the
 "mod_perl+Apache" tests, also with 60 max clients. Finally, "Resin httpd"
 is Resin running its own web server, with max threads set to 60.
  These tests used httperf with persistent connections, making either 1000
 or 100 requests per connection, depending on the test. The results on
 "hello" are astounding:
 Test: "hello" -- displays "Hello, World"
 Size: 450 bytes
  httperf: 40 concurrent connections, 1000 requests/connection
   mod_perl+Apache: 1600 req/sec
   Resin+Apache: 500 req/sec
   Resin httpd: 4600 req/sec
 Test: "bighello" -- lots of HTML + "Hello World"
 Size: 23888 bytes
  httperf: 40 concurrent connections, 100 requests/connection
   mod_perl+Apache: 480 req/sec
   Resin+Apache:300 req/sec
   Resin httpd: 280 req/sec
 Test: "database" -- query: "select NAME from DIVISION", returns 11 rows
 Size: 460 bytes
  httperf: 40 concurrent connections, 100 requests/connection
   mod_perl+Apache: 570 req/sec
   Resin+Apache:300 req/sec
   Resin httpd: 450 req/sec
 So, although "Resin httpd" performs very well with many small transfers
 ("hello"), the performance relative to mod_perl appears to degrade with
 larger transfers ("bighello"). The database performance improved nicely
 from where it was under Resin+Apache, but mod_perl still has the edge
 I also tested the "file.jsp", which I renamed "fortune" in the perl tests.
 With http_load, the results again show mod_perl ahead:
1584 fetches, 10 max parallel, 489610 bytes, in 10 seconds
309.097 mean bytes/connection
158.4 fetches/sec, 48961 bytes/sec
6190 fetches, 10 max parallel, 1.98814e+06 bytes, in 10 seconds
321.186 mean bytes/connection
619 fetches/sec, 198814 bytes/sec
 I'm not trying to belittle Resin in any way -- in fact I'm impressed by
 both its design and performance.  In learning about Resin during these
 tests, I found that JSP is in many ways easier to use than mod_perl. The
 smart caching that Resin does (with compiling .java - .class, etc.) is
 effective, and the XML configuration is a joy to deal with compared to
 Apache's httpd.conf.

So, it's nice, but not as fast as mod_perl on Linux.  If anyone wants to
try this on another OS, I can supply a tar of the files we used for

- Perrin

Newbie Question

2000-02-01 Thread Ian Ollier

Thanks for your responses so far,

I know I have a lot of reading to do but I just thought I would add this to
my first post.

After loading Activeperl I changed the httpd.conf file by adding the

Alias /perl/ c:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/cgi-bin
Location /perl
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI
PerlModule Apache::Registry
PerlModule CGI
PerlSendHeader On

It was after adding this that the service refused to restart.

I will obviously have to read a whole lot more before this is going to work.
The annoying thing is that I just want to run a script to handle forms
seems like a hell of a lot of effort for such a simple request :)

Thanks all


Systems Administrator 
Queensland Centre for Schizophrenia Research 
Wolston Park Hospital, Wolston Park Road 
ph: +61 7 3271 8592 fax: +61 7 3271 8567 mobile: 0411145593 

Any opinions herein are my own and do not necessarily reflect my employer's

Re: As long as we're at it...

2000-02-01 Thread Jie Gao

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Steve Reppucci wrote:

 As long as we're on the job thread:

Will you guys indicate in your ads whether you take app. from OUTSIDE
USA, please?  Who knows if you can't get someone like Doug who's
a Kiwi? :-)


Re: runaway httpd processes

2000-02-01 Thread Victor Zamouline

 There are a large number of happy, silent Apache::Session users.

Yes, I am a silent and happy Apache::Session user. You're right Jeffrey,
happy users should not be silent.

So I confirm that my site, still a start-up but already
serving about 5,000 dynamic requests per day, uses Apache::Session to get
behind-the-cookie data on **every single request** landing on my site.

Million thanks for having made it possible.


Re: runaway httpd processes

2000-02-01 Thread Michael Robinton

  There are a large number of happy, silent Apache::Session users.
 Yes, I am a silent and happy Apache::Session user. You're right Jeffrey,
 happy users should not be silent.
Ditto that. Have Apache::Session serving content for a dynamic chat page. 
It gets hit every 30 - 45 sec by every user in the chat room -- thousands 
of hits an hour. It's been running for months without a shutdown or reboot. AWOL?

2000-02-01 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

ObModPerl: I don't seem to have a route to  Isn't this
just a virtual host on

Off Topic: Any reason I can't use /etc/passwd with mod_auth?  I'll take
my answers off the list, thanks.
