Re: DProf on Mac OS X

2003-07-26 Thread John Siracusa
On 7/26/03 2:01 AM, Ged Haywood wrote:
 Any way you can try it on a different OS, or even try a different Perl?
 And before Stas jumps on me *again* for saying that I have no evidence
 that 5.8.0 is the culprit in this case.  It just smells fishy to me.  :)

My next stop is Linux on x86, but I'd really like to get it working on OS X
if possible.


DProf on Mac OS X

2003-07-25 Thread John Siracusa
Has anyone gotten this to work on OS X?


  % setenv PERL5OPT -d:DProf
  % httpd -X -d `pwd` 
  ... make some requests to the server here ...
  % kill `cat logs/`
  % unsetenv PERL5OPT
  % dprofpp
I've used this profiling technique on other Unix-like OSes, so I think 
I'm doing it right.  But on OS X, I get a tiny tmon.out file that never 
grows after the initial server startup.  I don't see any error messages 
or log lines.

When I try to use Apache::DProf, I get a bus error on any request:

[Fri Jul 25 18:52:48 2003] [notice] child pid 3840 exit signal Bus 
error (10)

My setup:

apache 1.3.27, mod_perl 1.27

% uname -a
Darwin derkins 6.6 Darwin Kernel Version 6.6: Thu May  1 21:48:54 PDT 
2003; root:xnu/xnu-344.34.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC  Power Macintosh powerpc

% perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 0) configuration:
osname=darwin, osvers=6.0, archname=darwin
uname='darwin derkins 6.0 darwin kernel version 6.0: sat jul 27 
13:18:52 pdt 2002; root:xnuxnu-344.obj~1release_ppc power macintosh 
powerpc '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=undef 
useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
cc='cc', ccflags ='-pipe -fno-common -no-cpp-precomp 
cppflags='-no-cpp-precomp -pipe -fno-common -no-cpp-precomp 
ccversion='', gccversion='3.1 20020420 (prerelease)', 
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=4321
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=8
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', 
alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags =' -flat_namespace -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib
libs=-lgdbm -ldbm -lm -lc
perllibs=-lm -lc
libc=/usr/lib/libc.dylib, so=dylib, useshrplib=true, 
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dyld.xs, dlext=bundle, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags=' ', lddlflags=' -flat_namespace -bundle -undefined 
suppress -L/usr/local/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Compile-time options: USE_LARGE_FILES
  Built under darwin
  Compiled at Aug 24 2002 14:44:56
PERL5DB=use Devel::DProf

Re: ANNOUNCE: Apache::Dynagzip 0.10

2003-07-21 Thread John Siracusa
On 7/20/03 11:12 PM, Slava Bizyayev wrote:
 Your own content-type is supposed to be overwritten only in case of the use
 PerlSetVar UseCGIHeadersFromScript Off
 in your configuration file. You might wish to comment this line in your
 configuration file when your script generates correct header line in
 accordance with CGI/1.0 and/or CGI/1.1.

I don't have that line in my config.  I'm setting the content type using
$r-content_type() in my apache module.  I'm not using CGI/registry scripts,
and I'm not doing print Content-Type: ... anywhere.


Re: ANNOUNCE: Apache::Dynagzip 0.10

2003-07-21 Thread John Siracusa
On 7/21/03 9:47 AM, John Siracusa wrote:
 On 7/20/03 11:12 PM, Slava Bizyayev wrote:
 Your own content-type is supposed to be overwritten only in case of the use
 PerlSetVar UseCGIHeadersFromScript Off
 in your configuration file. You might wish to comment this line in your
 configuration file when your script generates correct header line in
 accordance with CGI/1.0 and/or CGI/1.1.
 I don't have that line in my config.  I'm setting the content type using
 $r-content_type() in my apache module.  I'm not using CGI/registry scripts,
 and I'm not doing print Content-Type: ... anywhere.

...and in case this reply wasn't clear, I'd like a way to tell
Apache::Dynagzip to never set the outgoing content type header, no matter
what.  Anyone with an apache module in the filter chain who sets the
outgoing content type header will need this feature.


Re: ANNOUNCE: Apache::Dynagzip 0.10

2003-07-20 Thread John Siracusa
Why does Apache/ call $r-content_type('text/html') in 
several places?  My apache module earlier in the Apache::Filter chain 
sets $r-content_type to something else, but it then gets overridden by  If I comment out all the calls to 
$r-content_type('text/html') in I get the correct content 
type.  I'd like it if I could get this behavior without modifying


Re: the deprecation of Apache-request in mp2

2003-03-24 Thread John Siracusa
On 3/24/03 7:08 PM, Stas Bekman wrote:
 In the future I can see someone extending Apache::Request to handle's
 HTML generation in C, so the two could be replace each other.

I've always thought that HTML generation does not belong in, so I
don't see duplicating that functionality in an extended $r as a useful goal.
Better to separate the HTML stuff (preferably into HTML widget objects, IMO)
from request parsing and response formulation and delivery.


Load balancers

2003-01-13 Thread John Siracusa
(This may seem off topic for this list, but I'll try to bring it around
before the end of the message :)

We've been struggling with load balancers for a while now.  My requirements
are pretty simple. I have a handful of plain and mod_perl apache servers,
some of which are identical and a few of which are the only ones that can
perform unique functions.  We want a load balancer that:

* distributes requests to the server(s) that can handle them.  I need to
route to specific servers based on requested URL and perhaps headers and/or
protocol type (SSL).

* detects when a server is down and does not send request to that server.
This process should be as transparent to the user as possible.

* doesn't crash or lock up.

We started with mod_backhand, but it frequently seemed to get confused,
failing to send requests to some hosts that were perfectly able to service
requests, and then locking up entirely when a back-end server became
overloaded.  I also found the diagnostics to be inaccurate and misleading
(or at least poorly documented), and the documentation in general to be

Next, we tried pound, which looked promising due to its simplicity.
Unfortunately, it too seems to freak out at least once a day, filling its
log with errors like this:

@40003e1ef2461015ce34 warning: error read from Success
@40003e1ef24621631c8c warning: cannot read headers. got []
@40003e1ef2462163d424 warning: error read from Success
@40003e1ef2462902488c warning: cannot read headers. got []
@40003e1ef246290332ec warning: error read from Success
@40003e1ef246312225dc warning: cannot read headers. got []
@40003e1ef2463122be34 warning: error read from Success
@40003e1ef24706782a84 warning: cannot read headers. got []
@40003e1ef2470678bef4 warning: error read from Success
@40003e1ef247176094bc warning: cannot read headers. got []

We've been in contact with the author and have tried digging around in
and/or patching the source code with no improvement so far.

But meanwhile, we're still open to alternatives.  Surprisingly, there don't
seem to be many (software) options.  (A hardware load balancer is not an
option at his time, but I'll also take any suggestions in that area :)

This brings me to the mod_perl angle.  Has anyone ever tried using a slimmed
down mod_perl server as a load balancer?  Is this feasible?  Making routing
decisions is obviously the easy part when using mod_perl, but would those
mod_perl apache process just be too big and too slow to proxy requests
efficiently?  And how would they deal with detecting back-end servers that
have failed?

(We're running various versions of Linux on our servers, if that makes any

So...suggestions?  How are other people handling load balancing?


Re: Load balancers

2003-01-13 Thread John Siracusa
On 1/13/03 11:12 AM, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:
 On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, John Siracusa wrote:
 So...suggestions?  How are other people handling load balancing?
 With hardware load balancers.  :-)

Sure, rub it in ;)

 You forgot to include the information about number of servers,
 requests per second at peak times, reponse sizes, etc etc.

* four servers

* peak of 30 hits/sec (fluctuates though)

* response sizes vary: most are less than 20K, but a significant minority
are 500K-5MB (i.e. file downloads)

But really, stability is out #1 concern right now.  Slowdown under load is
much more desirable that error under load or lock-up under load :)


Re: Load balancers

2003-01-13 Thread John Siracusa
That's for all the info so far.  To answer some questions, hardware is a
cost issue right now.  It's somewhat scary that $3,200 was a reasonable
price several years ago, but I suppose it could be worse.  We will
investigate further.

The mod_rewrite solutions lack dead server detection, and that's something
I'd rather not try to roll on my own, especially after seeing how well (or
not, actually) existing software solutions do.  But I've added it to the

We're investigating LVS right now.

It's kind of disappointing to hear that the mod_perl solution it probably
not feasible.  Perl solutions are always more fun to implement ;)

We chose pound over pen, but we may revisit pen again.  I suspect we will
have similar problems with our expected load, however.

Whackamole, fun name aside, does not seem to be what we need.

We don't need the caching part of Squid, and I wasn't aware it did load
balancing too.  I'll check it out.

Thanks for all the info, and please feel free to send me more, especially if
there's some gem of a software load balancer out there somewhere... :)


Re: Load balancers

2003-01-13 Thread John Siracusa
On 1/13/03 1:04 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 John Siracusa wrote:
 The mod_rewrite solutions lack dead server detection, and that's something
 I'd rather not try to roll on my own, especially after seeing how well (or
 not, actually) existing software solutions do.  But I've added it to the
 It's kind of disappointing to hear that the mod_perl solution it probably
 not feasible.  Perl solutions are always more fun to implement ;)
 The mod_rewrite option is a Perl solution.  You would write some Perl
 code to manage the availability checks and optionally to provide a new
 load-balancing algorithm.  It's very similar to using mod_perl for it,
 except you get to skip writing lots of annoying proxy code.

But in a full-fledged mod_perl solution, I could back out gracefully and
retry another server if I happened to initially choose a dead server before
my dead server detection code caught it.  With the rewrite solution, I can't
think of a reasonable way to keep users from ever getting passed to dead
server.  (Obviously I can't check the server I plan to send to on every
request :)


Re: Load balancers

2003-01-13 Thread John Siracusa
On 1/13/03 1:28 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 John Siracusa wrote:
 But in a full-fledged mod_perl solution, I could back out gracefully and
 retry another server if I happened to initially choose a dead server before
 my dead server detection code caught it.
 That sounds cool, but how important is it really?  I'm not sure any of
 these solutions (including the commercial ones) do that level of
 seamless failover effectively.

The five-figure ones better! ;)

(they should also make me lunch)

Re: Apache::DB and perl 5.80

2002-11-28 Thread John Siracusa
On 11/28/02 4:13 AM, Michael Maibaum wrote:
 On Thursday, Nov 28, 2002, at 00:25 US/Pacific, Rob Mueller wrote:
 I've noticed a few comments around the web of problems with 5.8.0 and
 Apache::DB, but no responses that anyone is looking at it or has a
 I've had much the same problem in OS X with 5.8.0, and even asked
 herebut no-one seemed to know anything (or at least no-one who did
 noticed my email ;) )

I asked about it as well, and I seem to recall someone responding, saying
that it doesn't work now, but top men are working on the problem.


How can I tell if a request was proxy-passed form an SSL server?

2002-11-14 Thread John Siracusa
Assume I have a front-end (non-mod_perl) proxy server that supports both
HTTP and HTTPS.  I want to know, from within my Perl code on the back-end
(HTTP-only) mod_perl server, if the current request was ProxyPass-ed to me
based on an original HTTP or HTTPS request from the user.

There doesn't appear to be a way to add headers to the proxy request on a
per-virtual-host basis using mod_proxy, and I don't see any other headers
that I can use to distinguish between an HTTP or HTTPS front-end server.
Any ideas?


Re: How can I tell if a request was proxy-passed form an SSLserver?

2002-11-14 Thread John Siracusa
On 11/14/02 2:12 PM, Randy Kobes wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, John Siracusa wrote:
 Assume I have a front-end (non-mod_perl) proxy server that
 supports both HTTP and HTTPS.  I want to know, from within my
 Perl code on the back-end (HTTP-only) mod_perl server, if the
 current request was ProxyPass-ed to me based on an original
 HTTP or HTTPS request from the user.
 There doesn't appear to be a way to add headers to the proxy
 request on a per-virtual-host basis using mod_proxy, and I
 don't see any other headers that I can use to distinguish
 between an HTTP or HTTPS front-end server. Any ideas?
 If your front-end proxy server has 'ProxyVia on' enabled, a Via
 header would get sent.  According to rfc2068, the protocol name
 should, and port may, be supplied in this header if these aren't
 the defaults - would this be enough to enable your mod_perl
 server to distinguish between an HTTP or HTTPS request?

I tried turning on ProxyVia, but all I got was the HTTP protocol version
(1.1) and the host (, but no scheme string (e.g. http://;
or https://;)


Re: How can I tell if a request was proxy-passed form an SSLserver?

2002-11-14 Thread John Siracusa
On 11/14/02 2:39 PM, Randy Kobes wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, John Siracusa wrote:
 I tried turning on ProxyVia, but all I got was the HTTP
 protocol version (1.1) and the host (, but no
 scheme string (e.g. http://; or https://;)
 Were these from requests you know were made using https?

Yep, but I still just get the version number.

 My reading of the Via header was that the protocol name is optional
 only if it is HTTP, implying that if it's not given, you can
 assume it's HTTP.

That doesn't appear to be the case with mod_proxy in apache 1.3.27.

I ended up having to make a trivial C apache module (using the old
mod_proxy_add_forward.c as a basis) to set my own header.  Of course, first
I had to find out if the request is SSL.  I figured I'd look for the env var
that mod_ssl sets:

https = getenv(HTTPS);

  ap_table_set(r-headers_in, X-Forwarded-For-SSL, yes);

But that didn't work. (I also tried many of the SSL_* env vars.)  So then I
tried looking where mod_ssl actually puts its HTTPS env var, in the
subprocess_env structure:

table *e = r-subprocess_env;

if(ap_table_get(e, HTTPS))
  ap_table_set(r-headers_in, X-Forwarded-For-SSL, yes);

But that didn't work either.  I forced my trivial module to the end of the
module chain just to make sure mod_ssl got a chance to set its var(s) first,
but that didn't help.

Finally, I found something that did work:

method = ap_ctx_get(r-ctx, ap::http::method);

  ap_table_set(r-headers_in, X-Forwarded-For-Method, method);

Apparently, this is only set by mod_ssl if method is https.  If it is
HTTP, this is not set at all.  Anyway, I just check for this on the mod_perl
side with:

if($r-header_in('X-Forwarded-For-Method') eq 'https') { ... }

and that does the trick.  The full code for the module is at the end of this
message.  But I still think this is an ugly hack, and I'd like to be able to
do this using standard apache modules or config parameters...



#include httpd.h
#include http_config.h
#include http_core.h

module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT proxy_add_ssl_module;

static int add_ssl_header(request_rec *r)
  const char *method;

  if(r-proxyreq == PROXY_PASS)
method = ap_ctx_get(r-ctx, ap::http::method);

  ap_table_set(r-headers_in, X-Forwarded-For-Method, method);

return OK;

  return DECLINED;

module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT proxy_add_ssl_module = {
NULL,   /* initializer */
NULL,   /* dir config creater */
NULL,   /* dir merger --- default is to override */
NULL,   /* server config */
NULL,   /* merge server configs */
NULL,   /* command table */
NULL,   /* handlers */
NULL,   /* filename translation */
NULL,   /* check_user_id */
NULL,   /* check auth */
NULL,   /* check access */
NULL,   /* type_checker */
add_ssl_header, /* fixups */
NULL,   /* logger */
NULL,   /* header parser */
NULL,   /* child_init */
NULL,   /* child_exit */
NULL/* post read-request */

Re: How can I tell if a request was proxy-passed form an SSLserver?

2002-11-14 Thread John Siracusa
On 11/14/02 5:48 PM, Marcin Kasperski wrote:
 What about the simple manual solution: frontend server proxies
 /some/url to /http/some/url on backend for HTTP and to /https/some/url
 on backend for HTTPS. Or something similar...

On 11/14/02 6:56 PM, Carolyn Hicks wrote:
 If you can proxy-pass HTTP and HTTPS requests to different ports on the
 backend server, you just need to check which port the backend is listening
 on to tell if the request came through SSL or not.

Both of those would work, but aren't quite what I'm looking for.  IMO, there
should be some way to do what I ended up doing with my little C apache
module, namely to add X-Whatever header(s) to a proxy-passed request.  I'd
imagine something like:

Proxy(Add|Set|Unset)Header header value

Maybe apache 2.0 has something like that, but I'm still using 1.3.x for


Apache::Peek and perl 5.8.0

2002-10-30 Thread John Siracusa
Does anyone have Apache::Peek working with perl 5.8.0?  I can't get it to
build, and I can't find the symbols it's (apparently) missing anywhere in
perl 5.8.0's header files.  Example:

--- Going to build D/DO/DOUGM/Apache-Peek-0.9501.tar.gz

Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for Apache::Peek
cp blib/lib/Apache/
/usr/local/bin/perl /Library/Perl/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap
/Library/Perl/ExtUtils/typemap  Peek.xs  Peek.xsc  mv Peek.xsc Peek.c
Please specify prototyping behavior for Peek.xs (see perlxs manual)
cc -c  -I/Library/Perl/darwin/auto/Apache/include
-I/Library/Perl/darwin/auto/Apache/include/os/unix -I/usr/include/httpd
-pipe -fno-common -no-cpp-precomp -fno-strict-aliasing -O3
-DVERSION=\0.9501\ -DXS_VERSION=\0.9501\  -I/Library/Perl/darwin/CORE
Peek.xs: In function `DumpOP':
Peek.xs:316: `GVOP' undeclared (first use in this function)
Peek.xs:316: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
Peek.xs:316: for each function it appears in.)
Peek.xs:316: parse error before ')' token
Peek.xs:318: parse error before ')' token


...and so on.  Anyway, I can't even find GVOP in
/Library/Perl/darwin/CORE/*.h, which makes me wonder if it's just plain
incompatible with 5.8.0 (the docs don't seem to mention anything about it)


Re: Trouble with Apache::DB

2002-10-24 Thread John Siracusa
On 10/24/02 11:18 PM, Kip Cranford wrote:
 I have a newly installed Red Hat 8.0 system, with the
 following characteristics:
 * Perl v5.8.0
 * mod_perl 1.27
 * Apache 1.3.26
 The build of mod_perl/Apache worked fine; the project
 I had been working on before upgrading RH seems to run
 ok.  However, today I attempted to debug something
 using Apache::DB and running with httpd -X.  I
 received this error:
 [error] No DB::DB routine defined at
 line 4.

I got a similar error a while back when I tried it with the same versions of
Perl, mod_perl, and apache (but on Mac OS X).  I googled a while and all I
could come up with were some posts from internals hackers about perl data
structures getting mysteriously hosed for some unknown reason with this
collection of versions.  I still haven't found a solution...


Re: Change in module naming conventions

2002-08-27 Thread John Siracusa

On Tuesday, August 27, 2002, at 10:54  PM, Stas Bekman wrote:
 But Authentication, Authorization and Access aren't all Auth. May be 
 using Apache::AAA:: as in httpd-2.0/modules/aaa/ ?

Please, no more too-clever TLAs.  Have we learned nothing from LWP? :)


Re: IPC::Open2 under mod_perl in Mac OS X

2002-06-30 Thread John Siracusa

On 6/30/02 2:06 AM, Stas Bekman wrote:
 John Siracusa wrote:
 (I'm not sure if this is a mod_perl thing of a Mac OS X bug, so I'm posting
 it to both lists.  Redirect follow-ups as appropriate.)
 open2() doesn't seem to work for me when running under mod_perl in Mac OS X.
 It's not a bug in MacOSX, it simply doesn't work with mod_perl.

I can't post a direct example now (because I don't have access to the
machine from here), but I'm pretty sure I do have an example of open2()
working under mod_perl in Linux--in a perl that is not compiled with sfio.
That's why I thought it was a Mac OS X bug.

The mod_perl guide talks about the output from system(), exec(), and open(F,
| ...) not being sent to the browser, but it doesn't mention open2().  In
the case of open2(), the input and output is supposed to be tied to
filehandles that I supply, not connected to mod_perl's (tied?) STDOUT that
eventually goes to the browser.

So could you clarify why open2() is not expected to work under mod_perl, and
why it seems to work for me in Linux?  (I'll post the working Linux example
once I can confirm it on Monday.)


IPC::Open2 under mod_perl in Mac OS X

2002-06-29 Thread John Siracusa

(I'm not sure if this is a mod_perl thing of a Mac OS X bug, so I'm posting
it to both lists.  Redirect follow-ups as appropriate.)

open2() doesn't seem to work for me when running under mod_perl in Mac OS X.
Here's the test case:

In /usr/local/bin/upcase

$buf .= $_ while(STDIN);
print uc $buf;

Example usage from the command line:

% echo hello | upcase

Now here's the CGI script that uses open2() to talk to the upcase program:

use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use IPC::Open2;

open2(\*READ, \*WRITE, '/usr/local/bin/upcase');

print WRITE Hello;

my $res;
$res .= $_  while(READ);

print header(), Got: $res

Running it under plain CGI shows the expected output:


But running it under Apache::PerlRun or Apache::Registry shows:


Any ideas?  (Some more verbose configuration information is included below.)


% perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 6 subversion 1) configuration:
osname=darwin, osvers=1.4, archname=darwin
uname='darwin localhost 1.4 darwin kernel version 1.4: sun sep 9
15:39:59 pdt 2001; root:xnuxnu-201.obj~1release_ppc power macintosh powerpc
config_args='-des -Dfirstmakefile=GNUmakefile -Dldflags=-flat_namespace'
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=undef
useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
cc='cc', ccflags ='-pipe -fno-common -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE
-fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include',
cppflags='-pipe -fno-common -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -fno-strict-aliasing
ccversion='', gccversion='Apple devkit-based CPP 6.0', gccosandvers=''
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=4321
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=8
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t',
alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags ='-flat_namespace -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib
libs=-lm -lc
perllibs=-lm -lc
libc=/System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/System, so=dylib,
useshrplib=true, libperl=libperl.dylib
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dyld.xs, dlext=bundle, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags=' ', lddlflags='-flat_namespace -bundle -undefined suppress

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Compile-time options: USE_LARGE_FILES
  Built under darwin
  Compiled at 01/26/02 17:02:40

% uname -a
Darwin 5.5 Darwin Kernel Version 5.5: Thu May 30 14:51:26 PDT 2002;
root:xnu/xnu-201.42.3.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC  Power Macintosh powerpc

Apache/1.3.23 (Darwin) mod_perl/1.26
(I've also tried this with apache 1.3.26 and got the same results)

% httpd -V
Server version: Apache/1.3.23 (Darwin)
Server built:   02/16/02 15:51:05
Server's Module Magic Number: 19990320:11
Server compiled with
 -D HTTPD_ROOT=/usr/local/apache
 -D SUEXEC_BIN=/usr/local/apache/bin/suexec
 -D DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD=logs/httpd.scoreboard
 -D DEFAULT_LOCKFILE=logs/httpd.lock
 -D DEFAULT_XFERLOG=logs/access_log
 -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG=logs/error_log
 -D TYPES_CONFIG_FILE=conf/mime.types
 -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE=conf/httpd.conf
 -D ACCESS_CONFIG_FILE=conf/access.conf
 -D RESOURCE_CONFIG_FILE=conf/srm.conf

% httpd -l
Compiled-in modules:
suexec: disabled; invalid wrapper /usr/local/apache/bin/suexec

Re: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-13 Thread John Siracusa

On 6/13/02 11:04 AM, Rob Nagler wrote:
 With sessionID, you have an ID and information that is checksum'd.
 Sessions and user IDs are equivalent.  They are called credentials
 which allow access to a system.  There's no fundamental difference
 between hijacking a session or stealing a user id/password.

Well, given a user/pass, you can login form anywhere.  Given a session
that's tied to information like the remote IP, user agent, date, etc. etc.,
it's a lot harder to reuse that information to login from elsewhere.


Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread John Siracusa

On 6/13/02 1:29 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Just be careful that you don't end up making this into something that
 mirrors the SQL exactly.  There might be 4 tables involved in finding
 out what kind of credit card the user had, but that gets hidden behind
 this API.  If you find yourself writing classes that take options like
 where = 'date  ' . $date you are reinventing SQL, and you've lost
 your abstraction.

Stringy stuff like that is certainly a poor abstraction (or no abstraction
at all if it's stuck directly into the SQL!)  But I've done stuff like this:

Pets-get_pets(type = [ 'dog', 'cat' ],
   age  = { and = { gt = 5, lt = 10 } },
   name = { match = 'Fi.*' });

which is powerful enough to do most types of basic selects, but still
abstract enough that the user of this class never actually types SQL
fragments directly.

Of course, the case above is a rarity.  Usually, it'll be used in the simple
form like:

Pets-get_pets(type = 'dog', age = 5);

But just having that more complex form in there for the one or two times you
need it is sometimes valuable, IMO.  And the overhead is minimal if you have
a nice base class that supports all this stuff for you.


Re: threads in 5.8 (was: mod_perl2.0 / TIPool)

2002-06-13 Thread John Siracusa

On 6/13/02 5:58 PM, Matt Sergeant wrote:
 Also note is now running an article on threads::shared.
 It's mainly aimed at module authors, but it could be of interest anyway.

Does anyone know the logic behind making the threads modules all lowercase?
I'd expect it to be Threads::Shared, not threads::shared.


Re: threads in 5.8 (was: mod_perl2.0 / TIPool)

2002-06-13 Thread John Siracusa

On 6/13/02 6:40 PM, Matt Sergeant wrote:
 Does anyone know the logic behind making the threads modules all lowercase?
 I'd expect it to be Threads::Shared, not threads::shared.
 Pragmas are lowercase. And use threads; is really a pragma.

A pragma with class methods?  A pragma that exports functions?  Maybe I'm
confused about the distinction between a pragma and a module...


Re: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-12 Thread John Siracusa

On 6/12/02 12:57 PM, Per Einar Ellefsen wrote:
 But what if someone opens one of the links in a different window, and
 continue on the same pages as in the original window, but with different
 parameters? The session ID would be the same, the context id would be the
 same, but the params would be different, right?

Well, then things break I guess... :)  Maybe you could do some magic based
on what browsers send as the referrer when users explicitly open a link in a
new tab or window?  Probably not worth it...


Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-11 Thread John Siracusa

On 6/11/02 12:46 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 John Hurst wrote:
 Still, I don't think that replacing this:
 Location /search
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlHandler Controller::Search
 with this:
 [% Ctrl.Search() %]
 makes Controller::Search any less a controller.
 You're right.  It just looks kind of odd to me, invoking a template for
 something that is not a display-related task.  It looks like the way
 people typically do MVC in Mason or Embperl, with a first template that
 doesn't do anything but invoke a module to take over the processing.

...but it has several advantages.  I particularly appreciate being able to
add to or change parameters or behaviors before passing things off to the
controller, for example.  I can have several variants of the same
controller living at different URLs, all pointing back to a single
controller object.

Don't think of it as invoking a template.  Just think off it as an
inverted dispatch mechanism: the actions camp out at their locations, as
opposed to having their locations (in the httpd.conf) pointing at the
controller modules.  Or something... :)


Re: [OT] MVC soup (was: separating C from V in MVC)

2002-06-07 Thread John Siracusa

On 6/7/02 1:04 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 For example, if you have a form for registering as a user which has
 multiple fields, you want to be able to tell them everything that was
 wrong with their input (zip code invalid, phone number invalid, etc.),
 not just the first thing you encountered.
 Putting that into a model object is awkward, since coding your
 constructor or setter methods to keep going after they've found the
 first error feels wrong.  You can write a special validate_input()
 method for it which takes all the input and checks it at once returning
 a list of errors.  You could also just punt and push this out to the
 controller.  (Not very pure but simple to implement.)  Either way you
 can use one of the convenient form validation packages on CPAN.

I use my form objects to do this.  For example, to process a create user
form, the controller creates the form object:

$form = My::Form::User::Edit-new;

Initializes it based on the form submission:


runs the form object's validate() method:


and then (if the validation fails) passes the initialized form objects to
back to the view:

  $app-edit_user_page(form = $form);

There are per-field and per-form errors which are set during the validate()
step.  The view decides where, how, and if to display these.

Going in the reverse direction (say, editing an existing user), the
controller creates the form again:

$form = My::Form::User::Edit-new;

gets the user object (and handles errors, yadda yadda):

$user = My::Users-get_user(id = $id) || ...;

initializes the form with the model object:


and then passes the form to the view:

$app-edit_user_page(form = $form);

The details have been heavily simplified above, but that's the general idea.
I'm not sure how this all fits into MVC, but it works very well for my


Re: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-04 Thread John Siracusa

On 6/4/02 12:32 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 The thing that worries me about a widget approach is that I would have
 the same problem I had with's HTML widgets way back: the
 designers can't change the HTML easilly.  Getting perl developers out of
 the HTML business is my main reason for using templating.

My approach uses an intentionally limited subset of Mason as my templating
language.  It looks something like this:

* Model: Regular Perl classes and objects.

* Controller: Regular Perl classes and objects, trivially wrapped in Mason
components to control access location (i.e. URL), object caching, and so on.

* View: Mason components that receive widget-like objects as well as
simple strings and other params.

To try to solve the designers don't know Perl problem, I just constrain
the API usage of the widget objects for designers.  Example:

td% $form-field('name')-html_label %/td
td% $form-field('name')-html_field %/td

As concerned as I initially was by this syntax, the fact is that 99% of all
view objects have a series of exactly the same calls.  Designers have no
clue what they do internally, but the fact is that the only part that really
changes is the field name.  And there are very few, simple method names to
know: html_field, html_label, html_error, etc.  In the simplest case,
there's even a few places where this works:

% $form-field('name')-html %

And handles the label (if any), field, and field-tied error message all in
one block.  I guess the moral is that comfort != understanding.  Designers
can get comfortable with even ugly syntax like the above very quickly
since it is repeated so often.

Yes, this means that all the nuts and bolts of what gets printed by those
calls is handled by the controller object (which produces the widgets,
populating them according to the data form the model objects), and therefore
the programmer.  But IMO this is as it should be.  The programmer flags
which form fields are required, what HTML surrounds error messages
(usually just span class=error) and so on.  The designers change the
contents of the style sheets, make the graphics, and arrange the widgets on
the page.

And in a pinch, the programmer does have the full range of Mason features
available.  IMO, it's not much harder for designers to learn some small
subset of a larger syntax (like Mason/Perl-Widget-API) than it is for them
to learn an equal size subset (or entirety) of a little language like
template toolkit.


HTML::Entities chokes on XML::Parser strings

2002-05-07 Thread John Siracusa

I ran into this problem during mod_perl development, and I'm posting it to
this list hoping that other mod_perl developers have dealt with the same
thing and have good solutions :)

I've found that strings collected while processing XML using XML::Parser do
not play nice with the HTML::Entities module.  Here's the sample program
illustrating the problem:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use HTML::Entities;
use XML::Parser;

my $buffer;

my $p = XML::Parser-new(Handlers = { Char  = \xml_char });

my $xml = '?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?test' .
  chr(0xE9) . '/test';


print encode_entities($buffer), \n;

sub xml_char
  my($expat, $string) = _;
  $buffer .= $string;

The output unfortunately looks like this:


Which makes very little sense, since the correct entity for 0xE9 is:


My current work-around is to run the buffer through a (lossy!?) pack/unpack

my $buffer2 = pack(C*, unpack(U*, $buffer));
print encode_entities($buffer2), \n;

This works and prints:


I hope it is not lossy when using iso-8859-1 encoding, but I'm guessing it
will maul UTF-8 or UTF-16.  This seems like quite an evil hack.

So, what is the Right Thing to do here?  Which module, if any, is at fault?
Is there some combination of Perl Unicode-related use statements that will
help me here?  Has anyone else run into this problem?


Re: HTML::Entities chokes on XML::Parser strings

2002-05-07 Thread John Siracusa

On 5/7/02 10:58 AM, Paul Lindner wrote:
 The output from your example looks like UTF-8 data (Atilde; is a
 commonly seen UTF-8 escape sequence).  XML::Parser converts all
 incoming text into UTF-8.  You will need to convert it back to
 My favorite is Text::Iconv
use Text::Iconv;
$utf8tolatin1 = Text::Iconv-new(UTF-8, ISO8859-1);
my $buffer_latin1 = $converter-convert($buffer);

So HTML::Entities only works with ISO8859-1 (or ASCII, presumably)?  What if
I have actual UTF-8 data?  Won't conversion to ISO8859-1 in service of
HTML::Entities result in data loss?


Re: HTML::Entities chokes on XML::Parser strings

2002-05-07 Thread John Siracusa

On 5/7/02 11:06 AM, Rafael Garcia-Suarez wrote:
 The workaround I used is to write the handler like this :
 sub xml_char
  my ($expat) = _;
  $buffer .= $expat-original_string;
 Reading the original string, no need to convert UTF-8 back to iso-8859-1.

Doh!  I dunno why I didn't think of that, since I've used that expat method
plenty of times before.  This seems safer than forcing a conversion from
UTF-8 to something else (although the other technique is nice to know too :)


Re: HTML::Entities chokes on XML::Parser strings

2002-05-07 Thread John Siracusa

On 5/7/02 11:25 AM, Gisle Aas wrote:
 John Siracusa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On 5/7/02 10:58 AM, Paul Lindner wrote:
 The output from your example looks like UTF-8 data (Atilde; is a
 commonly seen UTF-8 escape sequence).  XML::Parser converts all
 incoming text into UTF-8.  You will need to convert it back to
 My favorite is Text::Iconv
use Text::Iconv;
$utf8tolatin1 = Text::Iconv-new(UTF-8, ISO8859-1);
my $buffer_latin1 = $converter-convert($buffer);
 So HTML::Entities only works with ISO8859-1 (or ASCII, presumably)?
 Not true.  But the unicode support in perl-5.6.x has many bugs.  With
 5.8 things will be better.  It is a bad idea for XML::Parser to give
 out strings with the UTF8 flag set.

Well, I'll let your guys figure it out (all fixed in 5.8, right? :)  In the
meantime, I guess I'll stick with the workaround(s) posted... :)


Re: [announce] mod_perl-1.99_01

2002-04-08 Thread John Siracusa

On 4/8/02 2:41 AM, Stas Bekman wrote:
 I've searched google, but didn't find any info regarding Term::ANSIColor
 and suggesting good cross-platform, cross-terminal colors.

Maybe I didn't understand the earlier part of your message, but can't you
specify both the foreground and the background color of text?  It'd be ugly,
but if you specified both you could be (relatively) sure the colors would
show up.

If you really want to be safe, you can use an old-style attention-grabbing
technique like this:

** ## **
** ## **

blah blah blah

** ## **
** ## **

People will see stuff like that :)  Or you could take the high road and just
print it normally.  As long as it's the last thing printed (i.e. It doesn't
scroll by while they're away or in another window), people will probably
read it :)  And if not, it could be argued that they get what they deserve


Re: [announce] mod_perl-1.99_01

2002-04-07 Thread John Siracusa

You might want to reconsider the use of VT escape codes in the build
process.  The red error message was cute, but there's a big potential
downside (see attached screenshot).

In the words of the W3C's CSS validator: You have no background-color with
your color :)


Description: GIF image

Re: Be carefull with apache 1.3.24

2002-03-29 Thread John Siracusa

On 3/23/02 8:01 PM, Pedro Melo Cunha wrote:
 Looking at the change log, they mention a bug that multiple set-cookie's
 will fail (only the last one will be sent to the client, the proxy will
 eat the others). And it was true... The problem is that 1.3.24 final
 also has that bug: only the last set-cookie will reach your browser.
 This was a show-stopper for my application. So I sat down, read the
 proxy code, and made a patch to solve the bug.

Applied the attached patch to 1.3.24, but it complained:


% patch -i ../mod_proxy_patch.diff src/modules/proxy/proxy_http.c
patching file src/modules/proxy/proxy_http.c
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n] y


I'm not sure what that means, but I forced it through anyway, and the bug
remains!  (As tested by your attached cookie.cgi script.)

Just to make sure I wasn't crazy, I also re-tried my unpatched version of
1.3.24 and it showed the bug too.

So, what's the status on this?  Is 1.3.25 due out soon to fix this?  Does
anyone have a working patch?


Re: Be carefull with apache 1.3.24

2002-03-29 Thread John Siracusa

On 3/29/02 1:11 PM, John Siracusa wrote:
 On 3/23/02 8:01 PM, Pedro Melo Cunha wrote:
 Looking at the change log, they mention a bug that multiple set-cookie's
 will fail (only the last one will be sent to the client, the proxy will
 eat the others). And it was true... The problem is that 1.3.24 final
 also has that bug: only the last set-cookie will reach your browser.
 This was a show-stopper for my application. So I sat down, read the
 proxy code, and made a patch to solve the bug.
 Applied the attached patch to 1.3.24, but it complained:
 % patch -i ../mod_proxy_patch.diff src/modules/proxy/proxy_http.c
 patching file src/modules/proxy/proxy_http.c
 Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n] y
 I'm not sure what that means

Heh, n e v e r m i n d... :)

Anyway, now that I have patched, working versions, what's the status on fixing this bug in the real distribution?


Re: Be carefull with apache 1.3.24

2002-03-29 Thread John Siracusa

On 3/29/02 1:26 PM, John Siracusa wrote:
 Anyway, now that I have patched, working versions...

Scratch that: the patch doesn't seem to work when I build a server with
mod_ssl in it.  Hrm...


Re: Be carefull with apache 1.3.24

2002-03-25 Thread John Siracusa

Does anyone know how I can put my ProxyIOBufferSize config line in a
conditional that'll keep it from blowing up if I'm using a version of apache
earlier than 1.3.24?


Re: Be carefull with apache 1.3.24

2002-03-25 Thread John Siracusa

On 3/25/02 11:39 AM, Geoffrey Young wrote:
 In /path/to/apache1.3.24/bin/apachectl add a -DAPACHE_1_3_24 to the
 httpd command.
 In your httpd.conf add
 IfDefined APACHE_1_3_24
 ProxyIOBufferSize 10
 I think that should work
 you could also do something hackish like this to avoid command line switches
 my ($version) = Apache::Constants::SERVER_VERSION =~ m/(\d{2})/;
 $ProxyIOBufferSize = 1 if $version = 24

I don't want to use defines if I can help it, and it's a proxy server
without mod_perl, so the Perl section is out.  Hm, you'd think apache
would have a directive for this, especially since it pukes when it sees
unknown conf directives.  Maybe I'll go nag the apache devs... :)


Multiple Location directives question

2002-03-05 Thread John Siracusa

I have something like:

Location /foo
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler My::Foo

Location /
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler My::Bar

  AuthName Bar
  AuthType Basic
  PerlAuthenHandler My::Auth::Bar
  PerlAuthzHandler  My::Authz::Bar
  require valid-user

What I want is for My::Foo to handle all URLs that start with /foo,
without any authentication of any kind  Then I want the remaining URLs to
be handled by My::Bar using its authentication handlers

What I get is that My::Bar handles everything  Changing the order of the
Location directives doesn't seem to help  The Apache docs say that Location
directives are done simultaneously, whatever that means

So, any pointers?


Re: Multiple Location directives question

2002-03-05 Thread John Siracusa

On 3/5/02 11:58 AM, Geoffrey Young wrote:
 you might want to set up
 then use mod_rewrite or something to map !/foo to /bar

Ug, there has to be another way :-/


Re: MacOSX Requests and Cookies

2002-02-03 Thread John Siracusa

On 2/3/02 10:23 AM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
 John Siracusa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Well, I can confirm that it still doesn't work for me... :-/  Is everyone
 using Perl 5.6.1 here?  Because somehow some of the files I downloaded had
 the string perl500503 embedded in them.  Even after search/replacing all
 that, I ended up with an httpd that pukes with the same old symbol
 conflicts when I try to start it.
 Don't try to use the modperl tree that's in the apache tarball- it was
 left in there by mistake (I didn't realize make distclean won't remove
 modperl from the apache source tree).  You need the modperl source
 to compile everything from scratch, starting with modperl.  When you're
 testing Apache::Cookie and Apache::Request, be sure you're not trying to
 load the old versions of these packages.

Okay, I tried it again, from the very beginning.  I made a shell script to
automate it.  The shell script is attached.  The result of running it
appears in full below.  The upshot is the final bit:


dyld: bin/httpd Undefined symbols:


So...what am I doing wrong?



# ./
Sun Feb  3 14:12:45 EST 2002
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 6 subversion 1) configuration:
osname=darwin, osvers=1.4, archname=darwin
uname='darwin localhost 1.4 darwin kernel version 1.4: sun sep 9
15:39:59 pdt 2001; root:xnuxnu-201.obj~1release_ppc power macintosh powerpc
config_args='-des -Dfirstmakefile=GNUmakefile -Dldflags=-flat_namespace'
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=undef
useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
cc='cc', ccflags ='-pipe -fno-common -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE
-fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include',
cppflags='-pipe -fno-common -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -fno-strict-aliasing
ccversion='', gccversion='Apple devkit-based CPP 6.0', gccosandvers=''
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=4321
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=8
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t',
alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags ='-flat_namespace -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib
libs=-lm -lc
perllibs=-lm -lc
libc=/System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/System, so=dylib,
useshrplib=true, libperl=libperl.dylib
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dyld.xs, dlext=bundle, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags=' ', lddlflags='-flat_namespace -bundle -undefined suppress

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Compile-time options: USE_LARGE_FILES
  Built under darwin
  Compiled at 01/26/02 17:02:40
Will configure via APACI
Configure mod_perl with ../apache_1.3.23/src ? [y] y
Shall I build httpd in ../apache_1.3.23/src for you? [y] n
(cd ../apache_1.3.23/src  ./Configure -file Configuration)cp
apaci/Makefile.libdir ../apache_1.3.23/src/modules/perl/Makefile.libdir
cp apaci/Makefile.tmpl ../apache_1.3.23/src/modules/perl/Makefile.tmpl
cp apaci/README ../apache_1.3.23/src/modules/perl/README
cp apaci/configure ../apache_1.3.23/src/modules/perl/configure
cp apaci/libperl.module ../apache_1.3.23/src/modules/perl/libperl.module
cp apaci/
cp apaci/ ../apache_1.3.23/src/modules/perl/
cp apaci/find_source ../apache_1.3.23/src/modules/perl/find_source
cp apaci/apxs_cflags ../apache_1.3.23/src/modules/perl/apxs_cflags
cp apaci/perl_config ../apache_1.3.23/src/modules/perl/perl_config
cp apaci/mod_perl.exp ../apache_1.3.23/src/modules/perl/mod_perl.exp

Re: MacOSX Requests and Cookies

2002-02-02 Thread John Siracusa

On 2/1/02 10:39 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
 Rick Frankel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The following patch, while probably not correct (and probably the cause
 of the silent failure), covers it.
 I've incorporated your patch and uploaded it to the website.
 Hopefully other OS X'ers will be able to confirm it works now.

Well, I can confirm that it still doesn't work for me... :-/  Is everyone
using Perl 5.6.1 here?  Because somehow some of the files I downloaded had
the string perl500503 embedded in them.  Even after search/replacing all
that, I ended up with an httpd that pukes with the same old symbol conflicts
when I try to start it.

I tried to track exactly what I was doing, command-line by command-line,
starting with the downloads from Joe's site, but that kind of got tossed
away when I had to make that excursion to fix the perl500503 business.
I'll try again today and see if I can work out clean line-by-line example
that exhibits the continued failure on my end.


Re: Apache::args vs Apache::Request speed

2002-02-01 Thread John Siracusa

On 2/1/02 3:39 PM, Ian Ragsdale wrote:
 On the other hand, I'd be happy to compile it, but what would I need to do
 to test it?

I'm in the process of trying this too (just building a mod_perl httpd in OS
X is a bit tricky...)  To test it, I think all you need to do is put these
two lines in your file (or whatever):

use Apache::Request;
use Apache::Cookie;

If that works, the next step is to make an actual apache handler that uses
both the modules to actually do something.  And if that works, post detailed
instructions (starting with the wget of the source tarballs :)


Re: Apache::args vs Apache::Request speed

2002-02-01 Thread John Siracusa

On 2/1/02 3:21 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
 Would someone PLEASE volunteer to try to compile and test
 apache+mod_perl  libapreq on OS/X using the experimental
 code I posted there?  Even if you can't get it working,
 ANY feedback about what happened when you tried would be
 VERY helpful.

(The below may not be very helpful, but I've gotta run right now.  I'll try
more this weekend if I can.)

An initial build and install of:

on a previously-working apache 1.3.22 mod_perl 1.26 server on OS X 10.1.2
with this:

use Apache::Request;
use Apache::Cookie;

In its file causes the following:

# bin/httpd -d /usr/local/apache -f conf/httpd.conf
dyld: bin/httpd Undefined symbols:

More later, I hope... :)


Re: Apache::args vs Apache::Request speed

2002-01-27 Thread John Siracusa

On 1/27/02 3:34 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
 param() was rewritten as XS about 6-8 months ago; since then I've benchmarked
 it a few times and found param() to be a bit faster than args().  We'll be
 releasing a 1.0 version of libapreq as soon as Jim approves of the current CVS

Did I just read that there's a new version of libapreq coming?  If so, will

a) eliminate the current confusion between




by creating a unified libapreq distribution with a version number greater
than both of the above, and

b) actually work in Mac OS X (please please please!)

(See: http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01124.html)


Re: mod_accel-1.0.10 and mod_deflate-1.0.10

2001-12-29 Thread John Siracusa

On 12/29/01 8:23 AM, Igor Sysoev wrote:

Is there any timeline on a release of mod_accel with English documentation?


Re: OT: secure mod_perl enabled apache on MacOSX 10.1

2001-10-04 Thread John Siracusa

On 10/4/01 9:26 AM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
 John Siracusa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 P.S.- d) Apache::Request and Apache::Cookie still can't be
 loaded simultaneously! :(
 Why not?

Run-time symbol conflict.

 Does it work OK with a statically-linked mod_perl?

I've never heard of anyone getting it to work correctly in any version of
Mac OS X with any sort of apache or Perl installation.

(if you're out there, tell us how! :)

Re: OT: secure mod_perl enabled apache on MacOSX 10.1

2001-10-03 Thread John Siracusa

On Wednesday, October 3, 2001, at 05:03  PM, Ray Zimmerman wrote:
 At 2:23 PM -0400 10/3/01, John Siracusa wrote:
 On Wednesday, October 3, 2001, at 02:10  PM, Ray Zimmerman wrote:
 I've been able to build a mod_perl enabled apache (not DSO) 
 for Mac OS X 10.1 and it seems to work fine.

 Would it be too much trouble for you to post a complete, 
 step-by-step account of exactly what you did you accomplish 
 this? :)

 OK, this is with apache_1.3.20, perl-5.6.1 and mod_perl-1.26.

How did you build and install Perl 5.6.1?


Re: OT: secure mod_perl enabled apache on MacOSX 10.1

2001-10-03 Thread John Siracusa

On Wednesday, October 3, 2001, at 02:10  PM, Ray Zimmerman wrote:
 I've been able to build a mod_perl enabled apache (not DSO) for 
 Mac OS X 10.1 and it seems to work fine.

Would it be too much trouble for you to post a complete, 
step-by-step account of exactly what you did you accomplish 
this? :)


Re: mod_perl IPC under Solaris 7

2000-12-08 Thread John Siracusa

Here's my long-winded setup.  I'm not sure how smart or dumb these settings
are, but they work for me on a machine with 1GB or RAM.  Note that I had to
change the semaphore settings too to get IPC::SharedCache to work without



* Shared memory settings changed by John Siracusa 9/19/2000

* Maximum size of system V shared memory segment that can be
* created. This parameter is an upper limit that is checked before the
* system sees if it actually has the physical resources to create the
* requested memory segment (default 1048576, max MAXINT/MAXINT64)

set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax = 8388608

* Minimum size of system V shared memory segment that can be created
* (default 1, max amount of physical memory

* set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin = 1

* System wide limit on number of shared memory segments that can be
* created (default 100, max MAXINT)

set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni = 1

* Limit on the number of shared memory segments that any one process
* can create (default 6, max 32767)

set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg = 1

* Semaphore settings changed by John Siracusa 9/19/2000

* Maximum number of semaphore identifiers (default 10, max 65535)

set semsys:seminfo_semmni = 6

* Maximum number of System V semaphores on the system (default 60, max

set semsys:seminfo_semmns = 50

* Maximum value a semaphore can be set to (default 32767, max 65535)

* set semsys:seminfo_semvmx = 6

* Max number of semaphores per semaphore identifier (default 25, max MAXINT)

* set semsys:seminfo_semmsl = 100

* Maximum number of System V semaphore operations per semop(2)
* call. This parameter refers to the number of sembufs in the sops
* array that is provided to the semop() system call (default 10, max MAXINT)

* set semsys:seminfo_semopm = 50

* Maximum number of System V semaphore undo structures that can be
* used by any one process (default 10, max MAXINT)

* set semsys:seminfo_semume = 50

* Maximum value that a semaphore's value in an undo structure can be set to
* (default 16385, max 65535)

* set semsys:seminfo_semaem = 6

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Re: shared mem [was: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection]

2000-12-06 Thread John Siracusa

On 12/6/00 3:42 PM, Paul wrote:
 The parent process could declare a shared memory segment at boot time.
 Each child's init could spawn a shared memory interface object.
 Wouldn't that allow for some resource pooling to be cleaner?
 How would that interact with per-child namespaces (if at all)?

IPC::SharedCache and friends make this pretty simple.


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Re: pre-loaded modules on Solaris

2000-11-10 Thread John Siracusa

On 11/10/00 10:15 AM, John Hughes wrote:
 A guess:  When pmap says "shared" it means stuff that realy shared.
 I.E. it's not counting stuff that is marked copy-on-write, which is

Is there any way to measure the size of the shared copy-on-write pages on
Solaris?  It seems insane that everyone just "assumes" that all this
copy-on-write goodness is happening, despite (seemingly) no way to measure
it.  I'll admit, it's always been my assumption too, but I'd really like
some hard numbers to back me up.


Re: [OT] amp; in URLs (was: Re: Templating System)

2000-07-28 Thread John Siracusa

On 7/28/00 12:54 PM, Mark Doyle wrote:
 We deliberately chose to use URL's with a series of '/' delimited fields
 rather then using '? ... '  style URL's precisely because most people
 don't know they have to escape the ampersands and we didn't want to risk
 people's links breaking in the future because of some new entity in the HTML

Another alternative (and one I use sometimes) is to do:


which conveniently understands and parses, and is
valid in HREFs, AFAIK.


Re: [request] live server updates + ideas for guide/control.html

2000-05-02 Thread John Siracusa

On 5/2/00 2:19 PM, Stas Bekman wrote:
 2. The other request is about the "Controlling and Monitoring the
 Server" chapter itself. Do you think that in addition to the existing
 items (see below) you/we want to see other things related to this chapter.

I'd like to see an example of how to control one web server from
another web server (i.e. via a CGI tool)  Sort of a simple web
interface to apachectl, but one that can control apache running
on a privileged port (e.g. 80) even when the admin web server
itself is not running as root.


Re: RFD: comp.infosystems.www.modperl

2000-02-03 Thread John Siracusa

On 2/3/00 1:17 PM, Bill Jones wrote:
 however, that doesn't mean that the 'experts' will frequent the
 newsgroup more than a mailing list - people tend to start flame
 wars more in a usenet setting...

OTOH, it's a lot easier to track and respond to particular
issues/problems in a threaded setting like Usenet.  On the
mailing list, only one or two problems seem to be "active"
at any one time.  Perhaps not now, but eventually it'd be
beneficial to have a newsgroup.  I know Usenet is the first
place I looked for mod_perl help before finding this list
(and after finding, buying, and reading the Eagle book ;)


Re: Handling directory requests with a PerlHandler

1999-11-11 Thread John Siracusa

On 11/11/99 7:49 PM, John Siracusa wrote:
 $uri .= 'index.html';
 # /dir/ is now /dir/index.html
 my($sr) = $r-lookup_uri($uri);
 return $sr-run();
 it appears to work, but the headers I get are simply:
 HTTP/1.0 200 OK
 Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 00:25:44 GMT
 No content type!  I've tried explicitly setting $sr's content_type()
 before I run() it and that doesn't work either.

In the grand tradition of asking for help, I solved this bit seconds
after I sent the email :)

my($sr) = $r-lookup_uri($uri);
return $sr-run();

The bit I was missing was that I have to call send_http_header() on the
*original* request object $r, not the subrequest $sr.

I'm still not sure how to correctly search for "index-ish" files
(as per the server configuration) rather than explicitly tacking on
the constant string "index.html", however.  How does apache do this


Using Apache::Util outside mod_perl

1999-11-01 Thread John Siracusa

Can I use the Apache::Util functions outside mod_perl?  Here's an attempt:

% cat
use Apache::Util;

print Apache::Util::escape_html('foo');
% perl
Undefined subroutine Apache::Util::escape_html called at line 3.

I'd like to have access to the fast URL/HTML escaping subroutines
in "regular" perl scripts, if possible.


Re: Using Apache::Util outside mod_perl

1999-11-01 Thread John Siracusa

On 11/1/99 12:19 PM, Ken Y. Clark wrote:
 I'd like to have access to the fast URL/HTML escaping subroutines
 in "regular" perl scripts, if possible.
 isn't that functionality available in CGI?

Yes, but AFAIK they're plain perl implementations rather than
stubs for faster C versions.


Re: Intentional Premature Finish in an Apache Module

1999-10-28 Thread John Siracusa

On 10/28/99 1:31 PM, Ken Y. Clark wrote:
 for what it's worth, here's what i do:
 my $err = $r-pnotes(ERROR_NAME) or return OK;

Speaking of pnotes(), how stable, API-wise, is it?  It isn't documented
at all in the O'Reilly Apache Modules book, but I was very happy to find
it in the docs.


Apache::Cookie confusion

1999-01-17 Thread John Siracusa

Apache::Cookie seems to have two different interfaces...or maybe there
are two different distributions of Apache::Cookie?  Whatever it is, the
interface seems different on two machines here at work.  One has 5.004
and one has 5.005, but that shouldn't change the Apache::Cookie interface
should it?

The interfaces are totally different.  One uses set() and get(), either
from an object or via Apache::Cookie-get().  The other purports to
use the CGI::Cookie interface but only accepts the methods it documents
itself: fetch(), bake(), etc.

In my code, I "use Apache::Cookie" and then bang away trying to figure
out what methods it supports.  The result is that the code on machine1
that calls Apache::Cookie-get('mycookie') dies with an undefined
subroutine error when run on machine2 (and vise versa for code on
machine2 that uses fetch() and bake()).

What am I missing here?  I've done "force install Apache::Cookie"
from the CPAN shell prompt several time to try to make sure everything
is in sync, but the discrepancy still exists, and I still don't know
what the correct interface to Apache::Cookie should be.  My hunch is
that the get() and fetch() versions are completely separate modules
that both declare "package Apache::Cookie", but good old CPAN should
allow that, should it?

Can someone set me straight?


P.S.-Documentation snippets from the two machines:

On machine 1:

% perldoc Apache::Cookie

 The Apache::Cookie module - An OO interface to cookies based
 on CGI::Cookie, for use in mod_perl Apache modules.

  use Apache::Cookie;

  $r = Apache-request;

  # Object oriented
  $cookie = Apache::Cookie-new($r);

  $cookie-set(-name = 'cookie', -value = 'monster');
  $value = $cookie-get('cookie');


On machine 2:

% perldoc Apache::Cookie

 Apache::Cookie - HTTP Cookies Class

 use Apache::Cookie ();
 my $cookie = Apache::Cookie-new($r, ...);

 The Apache::Cookie module is a Perl interface to the cookie
 routines in libapreq.  The interface is based on Lincoln
 Stein's CGI::Cookie module.