
2002-11-01 Thread RJWelte
Does this include an AddRotator?

john welte


2002-07-28 Thread jeremy ng

  I have got some problems when I tried to install
Apache server together with mod_perl and Apache::ASP.
After I had located four subfolder to c:/ , which
mean, I have got c:/perl, c:/apache, c:/openssl,
When I tried to start apache.exe. There is an error
message showing that it can't load
But I am sure I got all the files I need.
Why is it like that?

Thanks so much for your help.

>From Jeremy.

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1999-10-15 Thread tALSit de CoD

Can this perlMod be used as a IIS replacement under winnt 4.0 server?

/*   tALSit de CoD  ||  Catalyst of Design   *
 *   *
 *David Allan Morris Oliveros*
 *   *
 *  http://resgine.deusto.es/talsit  *
 *  +34 619709997  ICQ:47124624  */


1999-10-18 Thread Devarajan MN

 I have to use Apache::ASP for a project of mine.
The client wants to have a java applet which will send
some information in an encrypted fashion to the ASP .
The ASP will have to recieve this encrypted
information and then send it to the apache server. 

I want to know if this is possible. What should I be
doing to pass the information from the java applet to
my ASP in a secure manner? Do i need to use HTTPS
protocol ?

Please help me. 



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1999-10-24 Thread praveen


This message is comming when be run our site, we have declare the
variables "my". Sometime it is running but sometimes it does not work
but it works when be refresh the page. The code is working in one server
but the same code is not wroking in the other server.
My E-mail address  :- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Errors Output

can't use file upload without CGI.pm: "my" variable $CGI::revision can't
be in a package at /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/CGI.pm line 20.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 566) line 1.
, /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 2077

Debug Output

STARTING ASP HANDLER (v0.16) for file
GlobalASA package Apache::ASP::Compiles::_web_tmp_global_asa
can't use file upload without CGI.pm: "my" variable $CGI::revision can't
be in a package at /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/CGI.pm line 20.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 566) line 1.
, /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 2077
ASP object created - Application: ; GlobalASA:
Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x88fbbb0); Internal: ; Request:
Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x88fbcac); Response:
Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x887ebc0); Server:
Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x888a604); Session: ; allow_application_state:
1; app_start: 0; basename: auction2.html; buffering_on: 1; cgi_do_self:
0; cgi_headers: ; clean: 0; command_line: ; compile_error: ;
compile_includes: ; cookie_path: /; debug: 2; debugs_output:
ARRAY(0x8893cd4); dirname: /web/htdocs/cs/base/auction; errors: 1;
errors_output: ARRAY(0x88cc25c); filehandle: ; filename:
/web/htdocs/cs/base/auction/auction2.html; filter: 0; global: /web/tmp;
global_package: ; group_refresh: 900; groups_refresh: 900; id:
_web_htdocs_cs_base_auction_auction2_htmlINLINE; includes_dir: ;
init_packages: ARRAY(0x8893e84); mail_alert_period: 20; mail_alert_to: ;
mail_errors_to: ; mail_host: ; mtime: 940575918; no_cache: ; no_headers:
0; no_session: ; no_state: ; package:
Apache::ASP::Compiles::_web_tmp_global_asa; paranoid_session: 0;
pod_comments: 1; r: Apache=SCALAR(0x8878564); remote_ip:;
script_timeout: 90; secure_session: ; session_serialize: ;
session_timeout: 9000; soft_redirect: ; stat_inc: 1; stat_inc_match: ;
state_cache: ; state_db: SDBM_File; state_dir: /web/tmp/.state;
state_manager: 10; ua: Mozilla/4.08 [en] (Win98; I); unique_packages: 0;

ASP to Perl Program


1999-11-02 Thread Andrew Mayo

We are trying to store references in session variables but for some reason
this does not work. The reference cannot be regained.

For example, in simple Perl I can create an array containing two anonymous
hashes, then place a reference to this array in
$d, then dereference $d to recover the array.

print $$d[0]{'k1'},"\n";
print $e[0]{'k1'},"\n";

Using a session variable instead of $d allows the assignment but the session
variable cannot then be dereferenced successfully. The problem also occurs
with Apache::DBI database handles, which are some kind of hash reference.
These cannot be stored in session variables, either.

I assume there is some arcane Perl reason for this, but I lack the guru
skills to divine this. Is there any way to store non-scalar variables in
session variables?.


1999-11-12 Thread Hung Nguyen


Whenever I put in a file with .asp extension then I get 500 Internal
Server Error. It works fine with file in demo directory and ended in
.htm extension. Do you have any suggestions? I am using RedHat Secure
Server 6.0

Here is the syntax_error.html out put
Errors Output

Can't call method "SyntaxError" on an undefined value at (eval 11) line
, /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 880

Debug Output

STARTING ASP HANDLER (v0.09) for file
GlobalASA package
ASP object created - Application: ; GlobalASA:
Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x82f5f54); Internal: ; Request:
Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x836456c); Response:
Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x836f460); Server:
Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x83d9b58); Session: ; app_start: 0; basename:
syntax_error.htm; buffering_on: 0; cgi_do_self: 0; command_line: ;
compile_error: ; compile_includes: ; cookie_path: /; debug: 2;
debugs_output: ARRAY(0x8364500); dirname: /home/httpd/html/eg; errors:
0; errors_output: ARRAY(0x837b288); filehandle: ; filename:
/home/httpd/html/eg/syntax_error.htm; filter: 0; global:
/home/httpd/html/eg/.; group_refresh: 120; groups_refresh: 120; id:
NoCache; mtime: 942102130; no_cache: 1; no_headers: 0; no_session: 0;
no_state: 1; pod_comments: 1; r: Apache=SCALAR(0x8319ad0); remote_ip:; secure_session: ; session_serialize: ; session_timeout: 1200;
soft_redirect: ; stat_inc: ; state_db: SDBM_File; state_dir:
/home/httpd/html/eg/./.state; state_manager: 10;
inlining include header.inc
compiling - package: NoCache;
executing - id: _home_httpd_html_eg___global_asa; routine:
executing - id: NoCache; routine: ;
Debugging - can; take - just: about;  - any; kind - of reference - or
building cgi headers
sending cgi headers
Can't call method "SyntaxError" on an undefined value at (eval 11) line
, /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 880

ASP to Perl Program

  1: package Apache::ASP::Compiles::NoCache;
  2: no strict;
  3: use vars qw($Application $Session $Response $Server $Request);
  5: # allow developers to place modules in global directory
  6: use lib qw(/home/httpd/html/eg/.);
  8: # aliases here
  9: sub exit { $main::Response->End(); }
 11: # handler gets called from ASP perl handler to run code
 12: sub handler {
 13:   my($self, $routine) = @_;
 15:   if($routine && ($routine ne "handler")) {
 16: return &$routine;
 17:   }
 18:   $self = $routine = undef;
 19:   @_ = ();
 21: ###
 22: ## Your ASP script has been parsed and inserted here !!
 23: ###
 26: ## CODE BEGIN ##
 27:$Response->{Buffer} = 0;
 28: ## END ##
 30: ## CODE BEGIN ##
 31:use DemoASP;
 32:$demo = &DemoASP::new;
 33: ## END ##
 35: $main::Response->Write(
 36: '
 37: '.($demo->{title}).'
 40: We are creating a perl syntax error... this should demonstrate
 41: how error handling is done.  Please check the error log file if
 42: you are interested in the output there.
 44: You can turn this error messaging off by setting the Debug variable

 45: in the ASP config to 1 or 0.
 47: Also here is an example of how you can use debugging, an API
 48: extension $Response->Debug(@args), in your script.  The debug
 49: output will show up below, and in your error logs.  This user
 50: style debugging is turned off with the same Debug setting set to 0.

 52: '
 53: );
 55: ## CODE BEGIN ##
 58:['can', 'take'],
 60:sub { ['any', 'kind']},
 61:\"of reference",
 62:"or scalar"
 64: ## END ##
 66: $main::Response->Write(
 67: '
 68: view this file\'s source
 70: '
 71: );
 73: ## CODE BEGIN ##
 74:# flush output that we have written so far, for prettier error
 77:# create a run-time syntax error
 79: ## END ##
 81: $main::Response->Write(
 82: ''
 83: );
 86: ###
 87: ## End script insert
 88: ###
 90:   $main::Response->End();
 91: }
 92: 1;

This is my Error log file output:
[root@www .state]# tail /etc/httpd/logs/error_log
[Wed Nov 10 10:32:06 1999] [error] [asp] [debug] [5304] compiling -
package: NoC
[Wed Nov 10 10:32:06 1999] [error] [asp] [debug] [5304] Script_OnStart
[Wed Nov 10 10:32:06 1999] [error] [asp] [debug] [5304] executing - id:


1999-11-12 Thread Darrell Collins

Hi All,

I am trying to use Apache::ASP with Apache::DBI and Mysql. When I do a
select * from table name where id='var'
some times i get the correct data other times i get old data then i hit
the reload button i get the correct data.


Darrell Collins


1999-11-12 Thread Lauchlan Fraser

I received an error while submitting an online registration form for a
conference at the University of Mississippi.  Here's the output

Errors Output

Can't locate Mail/Sendmail.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005
. /usr/local/apache/ /usr/local/apache/lib/perl) at (eval 46) line 2.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 46) line 2.
, /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1046

Debug Output

STARTING ASP HANDLER (v0.16) for file

GlobalASA package

compiling global.asa

global.asa routines -
opening lock file

created $Application -
opening lock file

SessionCookie - 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b
refreshing 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b with timeout 942417830
session timed out, clearing
opening lock file

Session_OnEnd - session: 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b;
compiled -
state 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b locks: 0, unlocks: 0
opening lock file

tieing session 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b
tied session - err_mesg: ;
clearing starting session
forcing groups cleanup
testing internal time for cleanup groups
group check 6c
skipping delete self - id: 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b;
state 6c locks: 0, unlocks: 0
cleanup groups - deleted: 0;
compiled -
compiled -
Session_OnStart - session: 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b;
compiled -
ASP object created - Application:
Apache::ASP::Application=HASH(0x8377504); GlobalASA:
Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x8578828); Internal:
Apache::ASP::State=HASH(0x85439b4); Request:
Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x8580f9c); Response:
Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x8582c7c); Server:
Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x8578804); Session:
Apache::ASP::Session=HASH(0x84bc128); allow_application_state: 1;
app_start: 0; basename: registration_thank_you.asp; buffering_on: 1;
cgi_do_self: 0; cgi_headers: ; clean: 0; command_line: ; compile_error:
; compile_includes: ; cookie_path: /; debug: 2; debugs_output:
ARRAY(0x8578930); dirname:
errors: 0; errors_output: ARRAY(0x8563cec); filehandle: ; filename:
filter: 0; global:
global_package: ; group_refresh: 3; groups_refresh: 3; id:
includes_dir: ; init_packages: ARRAY(0x8578a8c); mail_alert_period: 20;
mail_alert_to: ; mail_errors_to: ; mail_host: ; mtime: 939937890;
no_cache: ; no_headers: 0; no_session: 0; no_state: ; package:
paranoid_session: 0; pod_comments: 1; r: Apache=SCALAR(0x8582c1c);
remote_ip:; script_timeout: 90; secure_session: ;
session_serialize: ; session_timeout: 30; soft_redirect: ; stat_inc: ;
stat_inc_match: ; state_cache: ; state_db: SDBM_File; state_dir:
state_manager: 10; ua: Mozilla/4.61 [en] (Win98; U); unique_packages: 0;

parsing registration_thank_you.asp
inlining include /usr/local/apache/htdocs/inc/top.inc
inlining include /usr/local/apache/htdocs/inc/bottom.inc
active undefing sub
code CODE(0x85750fc) before compiling
compiling into package

Can't locate Mail/Sendmail.pm in @INC (@INC contains:


1999-01-17 Thread Aroc725

I've written a short ASP page, 'HelloWorld.asp':

Hello World

Hello World! The time is <% Now %>

But when I try to test the page, I get the output below. Isn't Now a function 
supported by ASP?

Errors Output

Response::Now not defined at 
/usr/local/encap/perl-5.005.3/lib/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 2171
called at (eval 200) line 6

ld_aspINLINE() called at 
/usr/local/encap/perl-5.005.3/lib/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1051
eval {...} called at 
/usr/local/encap/perl-5.005.3/lib/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1051
    Apache::ASP::Execute('Apache::ASP=HASH(0x8359c5c)') called at 
/usr/local/encap/perl-5.005.3/lib/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 125
Apache::ASP::handler('Apache=SCALAR(0x8215d30)') called at /dev/null line 
eval {...} called at /dev/null line 0
, /usr/local/encap/perl-5.005.3/lib/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1053

Debug Output

STARTING ASP HANDLER (v0.14) for file 
GlobalASA package Apache::ASP::Demo
created $Application - 
SessionCookie - 714a9dc4950f93a39d03dd1b6c9ce922
session timed out, clearing
Session_OnEnd - session: 714a9dc4950f93a39d03dd1b6c9ce922; 
tieing session - 
clearing starting session
forcing groups cleanup
group check GroupId71
skipping delete self - id: 714a9dc4950f93a39d03dd1b6c9ce922; 
cleanup groups - deleted: 0; 
Session_OnStart - session: 714a9dc4950f93a39d03dd1b6c9ce922; 
ASP object created - Application: Apache::ASP::Application=HASH(0x8359b9c); 
GlobalASA: Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x839eda8); Internal: 
Apache::ASP::State=HASH(0x8328334); Request: 
Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x8359b54); Response: 
Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x83584a4); Server: 
Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x839e510); Session: 
Apache::ASP::Session=HASH(0x8359de8); app_start: 0; basename: HelloWorld.asp; 
buffering_on: 1; cgi_do_self: 0; cgi_headers: ; clean: 0; command_line: ; 
compile_error: ; compile_includes: ; cookie_path: /; debug: 2; debugs_output: 
ARRAY(0x839e408); dirname: 
/home/webpages/userworld/htdocs/users/varocho1/asp; errors: 0; errors_output: 
ARRAY(0x8282858); filehandle: ; filename: 
/home/webpages/userworld/htdocs/users/varocho1/asp/HelloWorld.asp; filter: 0; 
global: /home/webpages/userworld/htdocs/users/varocho1/asp/.; global_package: 
Apache::ASP::Demo; group_refresh: 3; groups_refresh: 3; id: 
init_packages: ARRAY(0x839d184); mail_alert_period: 20; mail_alert_to: ; 
mail_errors_to: ; mail_host: ; mtime: 943039109; no_cache: ; no_headers: 0; 
no_session: 0; no_state: ; package: Apache::ASP::Demo; paranoid_session: 0; 
pod_comments: 1; r: Apache=SCALAR(0x8215d30); remote_ip:; 
script_timeout: 90; secure_session: ; session_serialize: ; session_timeout: 
30; soft_redirect: ; stat_inc: 1; stat_inc_match: CGI; state_db: SDBM_File; 
state_dir: /home/webpages/userworld/htdocs/users/varocho1/tmp/asp_demo; 
state_manager: 10; ua: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; 
DigExt); unique_packages: 0; 
parsing HelloWorld.asp
undefing sub 
ld_aspINLINE active code CODE(0x8357ec8) before compiling
compiling into package Apache::ASP::Demo
Response::Now not defined at 
/usr/local/encap/perl-5.005.3/lib/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 2171
called at (eval 200) line 6

ld_aspINLINE() called at 
/usr/local/encap/perl-5.005.3/lib/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1051
eval {...} called at 
/usr/local/encap/perl-5.005.3/lib/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1051
Apache::ASP::Execute('Apache::ASP=HASH(0x8359c5c)') called at 
/usr/local/encap/perl-5.005.3/lib/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 125
Apache::ASP::handler('Apache=SCALAR(0x8215d30)') called at /dev/null line 
eval {...} called at /dev/null line 0
, /usr/local/encap/perl-5.005.3/lib/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1053

ASP to Perl Program

  1: package Apache::ASP::Demo;  ;; no strict; ;; use vars qw($Application 
$Session $Response $Server $Request); ;; sub 
ld_aspINLINE {  ;;  return(1) unless $_[0]; @_ = (); ;; $Response->Write('
  3: Hello World
  6: Hello World! The time is '); Now $Response->Write('
  8: '); ;; }


1999-11-23 Thread Aaron Slepecky

Sorry for the newbie question but I cannot find 
anyone to help me.  I have everything installed and loaded but everytime I 
try to put the following into my httpd.conf (and access.conf):

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar Global/tmp

I get this error:  Invalid command 
'PerlHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the 
server configuration.  I re-ran the installation from scratch and installed 
all of the latest updates from Perl to all the modules that are required and 
requested.  What am I missing?  Sorry for such a simple question on 
the mailing list but I don't know where all the resources are for 
this YET!  Thanks!
Best Regards,
Aaron SlepeckyEaston Telecom Services, 


1999-12-07 Thread Serge Sozonoff

Hi Joshua,

I was wondering if you could give us a little update on the status of
Sessions w/o cookies for Apache::ASP?

Have you started coding it already or is it at the bottom
of a big list of things to do?

Many Thanks, 


! Serge Sozonoff   !
! http://www.skiphotos.ch  !


1999-12-11 Thread Mei Lam

> Hi,
> Recently, we installed apache server to our system.
> Our web page designer is working on a htlm page using asp and we have the
> following questions:
> 1. can we desingn our web page running in apache server?
> 2. if we want to activate the web page (asp file) in dos prompt, /cgi/bin
> directory, can you tell me how to do that?
> Your input is much appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Mei



2000-01-11 Thread don Wang


I have tried unsucessfully to set up an Apache server with ASP
functionality. According to instructions I got when downloading ASP.pm
modules from perl.com. It did not work.

After seemingly successful installation, I tried various ways to modify
httpd config files, and the asp (most likely mod_perl)  is not working,
since all the asp files and perl files are displayed in plain text.

I had a full installation of Mandrake RedHat 6.0 with 2.2.9 Linux
kernel, with Apache and mod_perl pre-installed. I copied the tar file
untar and perl Makefile.PL
By then, it reported back that I have many (~10) modules missing. After
going through installing all the modules with CPAN.pm, perl Makefile.PL
finally says ok, and I went ahead with make, make test, make install.
all seems fine.

Errors occur when I tried to config and restart the Apache server. When
I enable DSO, it says libperl.so is garbled, and possibly not a Apache
module DSO. When disabling DSO by commenting out two lines in httpd.conf
(AddModule mod_perl.c and LoadModule perl_module moduels/libperl.so),
Only then httpd starts. when I have  in the conf files,
the "PerlHandlerApache::Registry" is also give out error for invalid
"PerlHandler" command, perhaps mispelled or module not defined in the

httpd error log reports that I only have apache 1.3.6 with PHP
Mandrake/Linux running. no mod_perl to be found.

Then the 10 step "sure-install" also failed subsequently.


Why does the ten step install from apache failed? is it from previous
How do I know if a module is defined in a configuration? where? how to?
I heard mixed words on DSO. If I were to statically compile it, how to
disable DSO?

I am lost. Thanks in advance for your help!


Unified Access Communications, Inc.
200 Lincoln Street, Suite 201
Boston, MA 02111
phone:  (617) 695-0137, ext. 13
fax:  (617) 695-0984

begin:  vcard
fn: Don Wang
n:  Wang;Don
org:Unified Access Communications
adr:200 Lincoln Street;;;Boston;MA;02111;USA
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:   617-695-0137 x 13
note:   http://www.uac.com
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE


2000-01-25 Thread Jim Ellis

hello all.
I have just installed Apache and ASP.  I have mod_perl installed.  I
am running Redhat 6.1.  I do not have an asp.conf in my /etc/httpd/conf
directory.  The rpms said it installed correctly.   What have I done

Thanks for any help

Jim Ellis


2000-02-03 Thread John DiFini

Does Apache::ASP provide access to COM objects on UNIX if a cross-platform
toolkit such as MainWin is used?  In an FAQ, a similar question is asked
about ActiveX objects.  The answer is, "Only under Win32 will developers
have access to ActiveX objects through the perl Win32::OLE interface. This
will remain true until there are free COM ports to the UNIX world. At this
time, there is no ActiveX for the UNIX world."  Since COM will be supported
on UNIX via MainWin or another product, does this answer still hold true?

The cross-platform toolkits being considered are:
- MainSoft's MainWin
- Bristol's Win/U
- Software AG's EntireX




2000-02-04 Thread David Vaught-Alexander

Okay, I'm new to asp. It's been a nightmare getting my redhat 6.0 httpsd
server to even process this stuff. Anyway, I finally got some action. So
after my demo stuff worked for the most part, I tried this guestbook I
generated in Drumbeat 2000...I'm lost.

1. loaded  http://admin.biojazz.com/dbeat/gbook/Index.asp
2. clicked on "add entry"

got what's below

The server error_log says (this is followed by the page


[Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] STARTING ASP
HANDLER (v0.09) for file
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] GlobalASA

[Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] created
$Application -
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] SessionCookie -
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] new session
state Apache::ASP::State=HASH(0x8219850)
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] session timed
out, clearing
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] Session_OnEnd -
session: b8724d9dacf210ccfec9940681e5a3bd;
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] tieing session -

[Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] forcing groups
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] group check
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] skipping delete
self - id: b8724d9dacf210ccfec9940681e5a3bd;
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] cleanup groups -
deleted: 0;
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841]
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841]
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] Session_OnStart
- session: b8724d9dacf210ccfec9940681e5a3bd;
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] ASP object
created - Application: Apache::ASP::Application=HASH(0x832ff98);
GlobalASA: Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x8334184); Internal:
Apache::ASP::State=HASH(0x831e574); Request:
Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x8314164); Response:
Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x8314218); Server:
Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x831e4c0); Session:
Apache::ASP::Session=HASH(0x831e5f8); app_start: 0; basename:
ViewEntrySummaries.asp; buffering_on: 1; cgi_do_self: 0; command_line: ;
compile_error: ; compile_includes: ; cookie_path: /; debug: 2;
debugs_output: ARRAY(0x8314398); dirname:
/users/admin/public_html/dbeat/gbook; errors: 0; errors_output:
ARRAY(0x831e52c); filehandle: ; filename:
/users/admin/public_html/dbeat/gbook/ViewEntrySummaries.asp; filter: 0;
global: /users/admin/public_html/dbeat/gbook/.; group_refresh: 3;
groups_refresh: 3; id:
mtime: 948361945; no_cache: ; no_headers: 0; no_session: 0; no_state: ;
pod_comments: 1; r: Apache=SCALAR(0x831408c); remote_ip:;
secure_session: ; session_serialize: ; session_timeout: 30;
soft_redirect: ; stat_inc: ; state_db: SDBM_File; state_dir: ./.state;
state_manager: 10;
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] compiling -
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [error] /* Connection Pooler
*/: ?+*{} follows nothing in regexp at (eval 41) line 1660. <--> ,
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 818
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] building cgi
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] sending cgi
[Fri Feb  4 02:21:38 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] destroying -
asp: Apache::ASP=HASH(0x8334478);

...as the page displays this

Thanks for any hints (and if I ever get jre to work so netscape doesn't
crash each time I hit a j enabled page...well...that's WAY off this
topic isn't it ;-)


Errors Output

/* Connection Pooler */: ?+*{} follows nothing in regexp at (eval 204)
line 1660.
, /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 818

Debug Output

STARTING ASP HANDLER (v0.09) for file
GlobalASA package

compiling - package: _users_admin_public_html_dbeat_gbook___global_asa;
global.asa routines -
created $Application -
SessionCookie - b8724d9dacf210ccfec9940681e5a3bd
new session state Apache::ASP::State=HASH(0x8157c7c)
session timed out, clearing
Session_OnEnd - session: b8724d9dacf210ccfec9940681e5a3bd;
tieing session -
forcing groups clea


2000-05-23 Thread sridhar

I am trying Apache ASP under Solaris 7 with 
Apache 1.3.12 mod_perl enabled.
I have successfully Apache JServ and mod_perl, 
both are working fine. Before installing Apache::ASP I have installed all the 
required modules like Apache-Filter, Apache-SSI, HTML Parser etc. The Apache ASP 
module installation doesn't throw any errors, and after installation I've done 
all that's said in the README like editing the httpd.conf - I 've copied the eg 
directory to my htdocs directory and also set the Directory settings in the 
httpd.conf file. When I call the sample asp files from my web server the ASP 
tags don't seem to work, I just get the HTML output.


2000-05-25 Thread Forever Young

Hi Guys,
I am new to Apache Mod Perl, today I saw the Apache::ASP at www.cpan.org
I wonder do I need an IIS server to run it? Or can I run it under Linux
Redhat Apache
server as well?

Thanks you,


2000-05-26 Thread sridhar

My Apache::ASP module doesn't seem to work. I 
have built Apache 1.3.12 with mod_perl enabled in static mode. All the necessary 
modules like Apache-Filter, Apache-SSI,Devel-Symdump have been installed. 
Copied the ./site/eg/ directory from the Apache::ASP installation to the 
Apache document tree (under htdocs directory). I have put 'Allow Override All' 
in the httpd.conf  config section.Also added the following to 
the httpd.conf 
PerlSetVar Global 

When I try to run the sample asp applications 
from the eg directory, for example http://localhost/eg/application.asp 
I don't get any errors, but the asp part doesn't seem to work. Please advice as 
to what I should do for my asp to start ticking in my Apache 
regardsSridhar Balaramemail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]om


2000-05-26 Thread sridhar balaram

My Apache::ASP module doesn't seem to work. I have
built Apache 1.3.12 with mod_perl enabled in static
mode. All the necessary modules like Apache-Filter,
Apache-SSI,Devel-Symdump have been installed. 
Copied the ./site/eg/ directory from the Apache::ASP
installation to the Apache document tree (under htdocs
directory). I have put 'Allow Override All' in the
httpd.conf  config section.Also added the
following to the httpd.conf file;

SetHandler PerlScript
    PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar Global /tmp

When I try to run the sample asp applications from the
eg directory, for example
http://localhost/eg/application.asp I don't get any
errors, but the asp part doesn't seem to work. Please
advice as to what I should do for my asp to start
ticking in my Apache server.

Sridhar Balaram

Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.


2000-06-04 Thread He Ding

I ran the example ASP script but had such errors.  Which expert can
explain it?  Thanks.

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:11 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] RUN ASP (v0.18) for

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:11 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] GlobalASA package

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:11 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] compiling global.asa

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] global.asa routines
- Application_OnEnd: 1; Application_OnStart: 1;  Script_OnEnd: 1;
Script_OnStart: 1; Session_OnEnd: 1; Session_OnStart: 1; 

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] ASP object created -
GlobalASA: Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x8f6add4); Request: 
Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x8f6caa0); Response: 
Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x8f93a0c); Server: 
Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x8f93910); basename: index.html; 
compile_includes: 1; dbg: 2; debugs_output: ARRAY(0x8f6c92c); filename: 
/usr/local/apache/http/webhome/eg/index.html; global: 
/usr/local/apache/http/webhome/eg//.; global_package: Apache::ASP::Demo; 
id: NoCache; includes_dir: ; init_packages: ARRAY(0x8f9388c); no_cache: 1; 
no_state: 1; package: Apache::ASP::Demo; pod_comments: 1; r: 
Apache=SCALAR(0x8f668d0); sig_warn: ; stat_inc: ; stat_inc_match: ; 
stat_scripts: 1; unique_packages: ; use_strict: ;  

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] parsing index.html

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] runtime exec of
dynamic include header.inc args () 

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] parsing header.inc

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] loaded module 

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] active undefing sub
Apache::ASP::Demo::_usr_local_apache_http_webhome_egheader_inc code

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] Undefined subroutine 
&Apache::Symbol::undef called at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1103. 

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] destroying - asp: 

Eric He


2000-06-04 Thread He Ding

I ran the example ASP script but had such errors.  Which expert can
explain it?  Thanks.

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:11 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] RUN ASP (v0.18) for

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:11 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] GlobalASA package

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:11 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] compiling global.asa

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] global.asa routines
- Application_OnEnd: 1; Application_OnStart: 1;  Script_OnEnd: 1;
Script_OnStart: 1; Session_OnEnd: 1; Session_OnStart: 1; 

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] ASP object created -
GlobalASA: Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x8f6add4); Request: 
Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x8f6caa0); Response: 
Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x8f93a0c); Server: 
Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x8f93910); basename: index.html; 
compile_includes: 1; dbg: 2; debugs_output: ARRAY(0x8f6c92c); filename: 
/usr/local/apache/http/webhome/eg/index.html; global: 
/usr/local/apache/http/webhome/eg//.; global_package: Apache::ASP::Demo; 
id: NoCache; includes_dir: ; init_packages: ARRAY(0x8f9388c); no_cache: 1; 
no_state: 1; package: Apache::ASP::Demo; pod_comments: 1; r: 
Apache=SCALAR(0x8f668d0); sig_warn: ; stat_inc: ; stat_inc_match: ; 
stat_scripts: 1; unique_packages: ; use_strict: ;  

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] parsing index.html

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] runtime exec of
dynamic include header.inc args () 

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] parsing header.inc

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] loaded module 

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] active undefing sub
Apache::ASP::Demo::_usr_local_apache_http_webhome_egheader_inc code

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] Undefined subroutine 
&Apache::Symbol::undef called at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1103. 

[Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] destroying - asp: 

Eric He


2000-06-07 Thread Clement Law

How do I make it so when it sees the extension .asp it does the asp thing?
instead of putting this

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar Global /tmp


2000-06-07 Thread Clement Law

I get a 500 Internal Server Error when I try to run a ASP file.
I'm using Windows NT Server. And the webserver I'm using is Apache V1.3.12
with Mod_perl
Perl: c:\usr\perl\bin
ASP.PM: c:\usr\perl\site\lib\apache\asp.pm
Other: c:\usr\perl\lib
I'm using Virtual Hosts in Apache too.
I have no clue what's the problem right now.

this was the asp script I was trying to run, count.asp
-= START =-

<%IF IsEmpty(Session("TotalCount")) THEN
  Call MakeCount
End IF

Sub MakeCount()
  Dim FSO   ' FileSystemObject
  Dim TS' TextStreamObject
  Dim CountFileName ' Count File Name
  Dim OldCount, NewCount' Counting Variables
  Dim I 
  Dim Create

  Create = True 
  MyCountFile = Server.MapPath("Counter.txt")
  Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(MyCountFile, 1, Create)

  IF Not TS.AtEndOfStream Then
OldCount = TS.ReadAll
OldCount = 0
  End If

  NewCount = OldCount + 1

  Session("TotalCount")= NewCount
  Set TS = FSO.CreateTextFile(MyCountFile, Create)
  TS.Write NewCount
  Set FSO = Nothing
  Set TS = Nothing
End Sub

-= END =-

my HTTPD.CONF is as follows:
-= START =-

ServerType standalone
ServerRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache"
PidFile logs/httpd.pid
ScoreBoardFile logs/apache_status
Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MaxRequestsPerChild 0
ThreadsPerChild 50
Port 80
DirectoryIndex index.html index.shtml index.htm index.shtm
AccessFileName .htaccess

Order allow,deny
Deny from all

UseCanonicalName On
TypesConfig conf/mime.types
DefaultType text/plain

MIMEMagicFile conf/magic

HostnameLookups Off

ErrorLog logs/error.log
LogLevel warn
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\""
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
CustomLog logs/access.log common
ServerSignature On
Alias /icons/ "/Apache/icons/"
IndexOptions FancyIndexing
AddIconByEncoding (CMP,/icons/small/compressed.gif) x-compress x-gzip
AddIconByType (TXT,/icons/small/text.gif) text/*
AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/small/image2.gif) image/*
AddIconByType (SND,/icons/small/sound2.gif) audio/*
AddIconByType (VID,/icons/small/movie.gif) video/*
AddIcon /icons/small/binary.gif .bin .exe
AddIcon /icons/small/binhex.gif .hqx
AddIcon /icons/small/tar.gif .tar
AddIcon /icons/world2.gif .wrl .wrl.gz .vrml .vrm .iv
AddIcon /icons/small/compressed.gif .Z .z .tgz .gz .zip
AddIcon /icons/a.gif .ps .ai .eps
AddIcon /icons/layout.gif .html .shtml .htm .pdf
AddIcon /icons/small/text.gif .txt
AddIcon /icons/c.gif .c
AddIcon /icons/p.gif .pl .py
AddIcon /icons/f.gif .for
AddIcon /icons/dvi.gif .dvi
AddIcon /icons/small/uu.gif .uu
AddIcon /icons/script.gif .conf .sh .shar .csh .ksh .tcl
AddIcon /icons/small/text.gif .tex
AddIcon /icons/small/burst.gif core
AddIcon /icons/small/back.gif ..
AddIcon /icons/small/text.gif README
AddIcon /icons/small/dir.gif ^^DIRECTORY^^
AddIcon /icons/small/blank.gif ^^BLANKICON^^
DefaultIcon /icons/small/unknown.gif
AddDescription "GZIP compressed document" .gz
AddDescription "tar archive" .tar
AddDescription "GZIP compressed tar archive" .tgz
AddDescription "ZIP archive" .zip
AddDescription "CAB archive" .cab
AddDescription "Win32 Executable" .exe
ReadmeName README
HeaderName HEADER
IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t
AddEncoding x-compress Z
AddEncoding x-gzip gz
AddLanguage en .en
AddLanguage de .de
AddLanguage fr .fr
LanguagePriority en de fr
ScriptAlias /phpexecutable/ "/usr/php/"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Action application/x-httpd-php "/phpexecutable/php.exe"
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AddHandler cgi-script .pl
AddType text/html .shtml
AddType text/html .shtm
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .shtm
AddHandler server-parsed .html
AddHandler server-parsed .htm
BrowserMatch "Mozilla/2" nokeepalive
BrowserMatch "MSIE 4\.0b2;" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "Java/1\.0" force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "JDK/1\.0" force-response-1.0
LoadModule perl_module modules/ApacheModulePerl
ScriptAlias /advertisments/ "C:/Program Files/Apache/cgi-bin/"

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar Global /temp

-= END =-


2000-06-07 Thread Clement Law

I get a 500 Internal Server Error when I try to run a ASP file.
I'm using Windows NT Server. And the webserver I'm using is Apache V1.3.12
with Mod_perl
Perl: c:\usr\perl\bin
ASP.PM: c:\usr\perl\site\lib\apache\asp.pm
Other: c:\usr\perl\lib
I'm using Virtual Hosts in Apache too.
I have no clue what's the problem right now.

this was the asp script I was trying to run, count.asp
-= START =-

<%IF IsEmpty(Session("TotalCount")) THEN
  Call MakeCount
End IF

Sub MakeCount()
  Dim FSO   ' FileSystemObject
  Dim TS' TextStreamObject
  Dim CountFileName ' Count File Name
  Dim OldCount, NewCount' Counting Variables
  Dim I 
  Dim Create

  Create = True 
  MyCountFile = Server.MapPath("Counter.txt")
  Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(MyCountFile, 1, Create)

  IF Not TS.AtEndOfStream Then
OldCount = TS.ReadAll
OldCount = 0
  End If

  NewCount = OldCount + 1

  Session("TotalCount")= NewCount
  Set TS = FSO.CreateTextFile(MyCountFile, Create)
  TS.Write NewCount
  Set FSO = Nothing
  Set TS = Nothing
End Sub

-= END =-

my HTTPD.CONF is as follows:
-= START =-

ServerType standalone
ServerRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache"
PidFile logs/httpd.pid
ScoreBoardFile logs/apache_status
Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MaxRequestsPerChild 0
ThreadsPerChild 50
Port 80
DirectoryIndex index.html index.shtml index.htm index.shtm
AccessFileName .htaccess

Order allow,deny
Deny from all

UseCanonicalName On
TypesConfig conf/mime.types
DefaultType text/plain

MIMEMagicFile conf/magic

HostnameLookups Off
ErrorLog logs/error.log
LogLevel warn
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\""
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
CustomLog logs/access.log common
ServerSignature On
Alias /icons/ "/Apache/icons/"
IndexOptions FancyIndexing
AddIconByEncoding (CMP,/icons/small/compressed.gif) x-compress x-gzip
AddIconByType (TXT,/icons/small/text.gif) text/*
AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/small/image2.gif) image/*
AddIconByType (SND,/icons/small/sound2.gif) audio/*
AddIconByType (VID,/icons/small/movie.gif) video/*
AddIcon /icons/small/binary.gif .bin .exe
AddIcon /icons/small/binhex.gif .hqx
AddIcon /icons/small/tar.gif .tar
AddIcon /icons/world2.gif .wrl .wrl.gz .vrml .vrm .iv
AddIcon /icons/small/compressed.gif .Z .z .tgz .gz .zip
AddIcon /icons/a.gif .ps .ai .eps
AddIcon /icons/layout.gif .html .shtml .htm .pdf
AddIcon /icons/small/text.gif .txt
AddIcon /icons/c.gif .c
AddIcon /icons/p.gif .pl .py
AddIcon /icons/f.gif .for
AddIcon /icons/dvi.gif .dvi
AddIcon /icons/small/uu.gif .uu
AddIcon /icons/script.gif .conf .sh .shar .csh .ksh .tcl
AddIcon /icons/small/text.gif .tex
AddIcon /icons/small/burst.gif core
AddIcon /icons/small/back.gif ..
AddIcon /icons/small/text.gif README

AddIcon /icons/small/dir.gif ^^DIRECTORY^^
AddIcon /icons/small/blank.gif ^^BLANKICON^^
DefaultIcon /icons/small/unknown.gif
AddDescription "GZIP compressed document" .gz
AddDescription "tar archive" .tar
AddDescription "GZIP compressed tar archive" .tgz
AddDescription "ZIP archive" .zip
AddDescription "CAB archive" .cab
AddDescription "Win32 Executable" .exe
ReadmeName README
HeaderName HEADER
IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t
AddEncoding x-compress Z
AddEncoding x-gzip gz
AddLanguage en .en
AddLanguage de .de
AddLanguage fr .fr
LanguagePriority en de fr
ScriptAlias /phpexecutable/ "/usr/php/"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Action application/x-httpd-php "/phpexecutable/php.exe"
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AddHandler cgi-script .pl
AddType text/html .shtml
AddType text/html .shtm
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .shtm
AddHandler server-parsed .html
AddHandler server-parsed .htm
BrowserMatch "Mozilla/2" nokeepalive
BrowserMatch "MSIE 4\.0b2;" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "Java/1\.0" force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "JDK/1\.0" force-response-1.0
LoadModule perl_module modules/ApacheModulePerl
ScriptAlias /advertisments/ "C:/Program Files/Apache/cgi-bin/"

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar Global /temp

-= END =- 


2000-06-08 Thread Clement Law

Please help, this isn't a virus, I just want my asp thing to work.

I get a 500 Internal Server Error when I try to run a ASP file.
I'm using Windows NT Server. And the webserver I'm using is Apache V1.3.12
with Mod_perl
Perl: c:\usr\perl\bin
ASP.PM: c:\usr\perl\site\lib\apache\asp.pm
Other: c:\usr\perl\lib
I'm using Virtual Hosts in Apache too.
I have no clue what's the problem right now.

this was the asp script I was trying to run, count.asp
-= START =-

<%IF IsEmpty(Session("TotalCount")) THEN
  Call MakeCount
End IF

Sub MakeCount()
  Dim FSO   ' FileSystemObject
  Dim TS' TextStreamObject
  Dim CountFileName ' Count File Name
  Dim OldCount, NewCount' Counting Variables
  Dim I 
  Dim Create

  Create = True 
  MyCountFile = Server.MapPath("Counter.txt")
  Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set TS = FSO.OpenTextFile(MyCountFile, 1, Create)

  IF Not TS.AtEndOfStream Then
OldCount = TS.ReadAll
OldCount = 0
  End If

  NewCount = OldCount + 1

  Session("TotalCount")= NewCount
  Set TS = FSO.CreateTextFile(MyCountFile, Create)
  TS.Write NewCount
  Set FSO = Nothing
  Set TS = Nothing
End Sub

-= END =-

my HTTPD.CONF is as follows:
-= START =-

ServerType standalone
ServerRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache"
PidFile logs/httpd.pid
ScoreBoardFile logs/apache_status
Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MaxRequestsPerChild 0
ThreadsPerChild 50
Port 80
DirectoryIndex index.html index.shtml index.htm index.shtm
AccessFileName .htaccess

Order allow,deny
Deny from all

UseCanonicalName On
TypesConfig conf/mime.types
DefaultType text/plain

MIMEMagicFile conf/magic

HostnameLookups Off
ErrorLog logs/error.log
LogLevel warn
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\""
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
CustomLog logs/access.log common
ServerSignature On
Alias /icons/ "/Apache/icons/"
IndexOptions FancyIndexing
AddIconByEncoding (CMP,/icons/small/compressed.gif) x-compress x-gzip
AddIconByType (TXT,/icons/small/text.gif) text/*
AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/small/image2.gif) image/*
AddIconByType (SND,/icons/small/sound2.gif) audio/*
AddIconByType (VID,/icons/small/movie.gif) video/*
AddIcon /icons/small/binary.gif .bin .exe
AddIcon /icons/small/binhex.gif .hqx
AddIcon /icons/small/tar.gif .tar
AddIcon /icons/world2.gif .wrl .wrl.gz .vrml .vrm .iv
AddIcon /icons/small/compressed.gif .Z .z .tgz .gz .zip
AddIcon /icons/a.gif .ps .ai .eps
AddIcon /icons/layout.gif .html .shtml .htm .pdf
AddIcon /icons/small/text.gif .txt
AddIcon /icons/c.gif .c
AddIcon /icons/p.gif .pl .py
AddIcon /icons/f.gif .for
AddIcon /icons/dvi.gif .dvi
AddIcon /icons/small/uu.gif .uu
AddIcon /icons/script.gif .conf .sh .shar .csh .ksh .tcl
AddIcon /icons/small/text.gif .tex
AddIcon /icons/small/burst.gif core
AddIcon /icons/small/back.gif ..
AddIcon /icons/small/text.gif README

AddIcon /icons/small/dir.gif ^^DIRECTORY^^
AddIcon /icons/small/blank.gif ^^BLANKICON^^
DefaultIcon /icons/small/unknown.gif
AddDescription "GZIP compressed document" .gz
AddDescription "tar archive" .tar
AddDescription "GZIP compressed tar archive" .tgz
AddDescription "ZIP archive" .zip
AddDescription "CAB archive" .cab
AddDescription "Win32 Executable" .exe
ReadmeName README
HeaderName HEADER
IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t
AddEncoding x-compress Z
AddEncoding x-gzip gz
AddLanguage en .en
AddLanguage de .de
AddLanguage fr .fr
LanguagePriority en de fr
ScriptAlias /phpexecutable/ "/usr/php/"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Action application/x-httpd-php "/phpexecutable/php.exe"
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AddHandler cgi-script .pl
AddType text/html .shtml
AddType text/html .shtm
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .shtm
AddHandler server-parsed .html
AddHandler server-parsed .htm
BrowserMatch "Mozilla/2" nokeepalive
BrowserMatch "MSIE 4\.0b2;" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "Java/1\.0" force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch "JDK/1\.0" force-response-1.0
LoadModule perl_module modules/ApacheModulePerl
ScriptAlias /advertisments/ "C:/Program Files/Apache/cgi-bin/"

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar Global /temp

-= END =- 


2000-07-06 Thread Vincent Bruijnes

I got this error always when running /site/eg/index.html

/www/htdocs/site/eg/.htaccess: Invalid command 'PerlSetVar', perhaps 
mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration.

Is there a clue ?

Sincerely Vincent Bruijnes


2000-07-20 Thread Kenneth Lee

Hi all!

Any one started to make one? It seems a good idea. Of coz it's not simple 
to build the whole complex platform (NGWS), but the concept of server-side 
object and the event driven model is too interesting to me.



2000-07-25 Thread jacky

Hi :

I copy the ./site/eg/ directory to /home/httpd/asp. (this
directory is created by me. )

  From the Quick Start of Install page :
You must put "AllowOverride All" in your httpd.conf config
section to let the .htaccess file in
 the ./site/eg installation directory do its work.

 This means I need put the following lines in the httpd.conf

AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

   If you want a starter config file for Apache::ASP,
just look at the .htaccess file in the
  ./site/eg/ directory.

Can I just cp the .htaccess file to /home/http/asp ?

Do I need change the PerlSetVar Global (from /tmp to
/home/httpd/asp ??) and PerlSetVar StateDir ( from /tmp/asp_demo to
/home/httpd/asp??) ?



2000-07-27 Thread Adrian

Hi guys,

I've downloaded and instaled Apache::ASP in my Linux SuSE 6.3 box.
Althought it's instaled properly (satisfying dependencies), 
when I try to run the provided examples, they are opened as text,
not a ASP page (see the snapshot attached).

Additionaly, I've added the following lines in the httpd.conf, as
writen in README file supplied with asp.pm module.

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::ASP
  PerlSetVar Global /tmp

What's wrong? May I forgoting anything? Is there issues that I don't
know? Please, help me, 'cause already two weeks were lost trying to 
solve this, and my clients are waiting...

PS: This feature is intended to build (already done) an e-commerce
site, but working in PWS, and we (our enterprise) want to use Linux +
Apache + Apache::ASP + Interbase 6 in order to cut-off costs.

I'll appreciate your herp!

Thanx in advance,

Adrian R. Barbosa
System Manager & Developer


2000-07-27 Thread Adrian

Hi guys,

I've downloaded and instaled Apache::ASP in my Linux SuSE 6.3 box.
Althought it's instaled properly (satisfying dependencies), 
when I try to run the provided examples, they are opened as text,
not a ASP page.

Additionaly, I've added the following lines in the httpd.conf, as
writen in README file supplied with asp.pm module.

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::ASP
  PerlSetVar Global /tmp

What's wrong? May I forgoting anything? Is there issues that I don't
know? Please, help me, 'cause already two weeks were lost trying to 
solve this, and my clients are waiting...

PS: This feature is intended to build (already done) an e-commerce
site, but working in PWS, and we (our enterprise) want to use Linux +
Apache + Apache::ASP + Interbase 6 in order to cut-off costs.

I'll appreciate your herp!

Thanx in advance,

Adrian R. Barbosa
System Manager & Developer


2000-09-14 Thread Gael Pegliasco


Does someone know if there is a way to chain Apache::ASP output with
Apache::OutputChain or Apache::Filter ?

I'd like to do something like this :

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::OutputChain Apache::MakeCapital Apache::ASPCHain

or Something like :

 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlSetVar Filter On
 PerlHandler FilterASP FilterCapital

Thanks for your reply

With kind regards,



2000-09-16 Thread Jordan T.


I downloaded mod_perl and Apache::ASP through cpan (and rpm) but i think
something is wrong.
when i start my /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd it runs apache on port 80 and mod_perl
on port 8200 (whats up with that?)

and when i write ASP scripts that would work in NT the debugger never likes
them. here is one of the scripts the debugger didnt like, i can see NO problem
with this script at all.

Application("strDate") = Now
Application("CountVisitors") = Application("CountVisitors") + 1

this is the error i get from the debug
1.Undefined subroutine &Apache::ASP::Demo::Application called at (eval 18)
line 3 , /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/ASP.pm line 1397 

any help on this would be appreciated.
Jordan T.


2000-10-02 Thread Stefano Triolo

I realy do not understand where is the 
I attach the output that my internal server return when I 
try to execute these few lines:
    My First ASP 
    <%    response.write "Hello, ASP 
Please answer me to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Errors Outputsyntax error 
at (eval 14) line 41, near ""Hello, ASP World!"## END 
##$main::Response", /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm 
line 818Debug OutputSTARTING ASP HANDLER (v0.09) 
for file /home/httpd/html/asp/first.aspGlobalASA package 
Apache::ASP::Compiles::_tmp_global_asacreated $Application - 
SessionCookie - 6938529594b0bcf467de98c45b78ed4enew session state 
Apache::ASP::State=HASH(0x3c2e00)session not expired - time: 970480092; 
timeout: 970481261; tieing session - ASP object created - Application: 
Apache::ASP::Application=HASH(0x1b78ec); GlobalASA: 
Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x1b7874); Internal: 
Apache::ASP::State=HASH(0x34912c); Request: Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x1b782c); 
Response: Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x2bb9dc); Server: 
Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x1b7bc8); Session: 
Apache::ASP::Session=HASH(0x349234); app_start: 0; basename: first.asp; 
buffering_on: 1; cgi_do_self: 0; command_line: ; compile_error: ; 
compile_includes: ; cookie_path: /; debug: 2; debugs_output: ARRAY(0x3c2da0); 
dirname: /home/httpd/html/asp; errors: 0; errors_output: ARRAY(0x2c586c); 
filehandle: ; filename: /home/httpd/html/asp/first.asp; filter: 0; global: /tmp; 
group_refresh: 120; groups_refresh: 120; id: 
_home_httpd_html_asp_first_aspINLINE; mtime: 970480089; no_cache: ; 
no_headers: 0; no_session: ; no_state: 0; pod_comments: 1; r: 
Apache=SCALAR(0x1acf54); remote_ip:; secure_session: ; 
session_serialize: 0; session_timeout: 1200; soft_redirect: 0; stat_inc: 1; 
state_db: SDBM_File; state_dir: ./.state; state_manager: 10; compiling - 
package: _home_httpd_html_asp_first_aspINLINE; syntax error at (eval 14) 
line 41, near ""Hello, ASP World!"## END ##$main::Response", 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 818Compile 
Errorsyntax error at (eval 14) line 41, near ""Hello, ASP 
World!"## END ##$main::Response"ASP to Perl 
Program  1: package 
Apache::ASP::Compiles::_home_httpd_html_asp_first_aspINLINE;  2: no 
strict;  3: use vars qw($Application $Session $Response $Server 
$Request);  4:   5: # allow developers to place modules in 
global directory  6: use lib qw(/tmp);  7:   8: # 
aliases here   9: sub exit { $main::Response->End(); }  10:  
11: # handler gets called from ASP perl handler to run code  12: sub handler 
{  13:   my($self, $routine) = @_;  14:  15:   
if($routine && ($routine ne "handler")) {  
16: return &$routine;  17:   }  
18:   $self = $routine = undef;  19:   @_ = ();  20: 
 21: ### 22: ## Your 
ASP script has been parsed and inserted here !!  23: 
### 24:  25:  
26: $main::Response->Write( 27: ' 
28:  29: 
My First ASP script 30: 
 31:  32:  
33:  34: ' 35: ); 36:  37: ## CODE BEGIN ## 
38: response.write "Hello, ASP World!" 39: ## END 
## 40:  41: $main::Response->Write( 42: 
43:  44:  45: ' 
46: ); 47:  48:  49: 
### 50: ## End script 
insert 51: ### 52: 
 53:   $main::Response->End();  54: } 55: 


2000-11-08 Thread danfromtitan

Hi there

I'm running Apache 1.3.14 on a redhat 6.1 machine.
I've installed apache from the souce files, then every
other modules are needed for a succesfull istallation
of Apache::ASP module. Finaly the ASP module
instalation worked fine (the "install test" was ok).

My problem is that when I try to run the asp example
included in the packet, the server tells me there is
an internal error. Thi is happening with every other
asp page.

Could you tell me please what else should I configure?
The ones in asp README (like PerlHandler or
PerlSetVar) make the httpd to give error messages and
it doesn't work.

Thank you very much.


Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.


2000-11-20 Thread brandc

I've got a problem with Apache::ASP. I've installed according to the  install doc with all the needded modules ( using CPAN).

When I try to use the /eg/ directory it gives me the following.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 asp 
{PRIVATE}{HYPERLINK "<%=$_-"} ({HYPERLINK "source.asp?file=<%=$_-"}) 

Can anyone please help me?


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2000-12-11 Thread Eran Keshet

im trying 2 call the "handler" function in Apache::asp from a perl module
(in apache with mode_perl),
i need 2 pass parameters 2 that function like the filename, and i tried 2
modify the handler function accordingly,
but i keep getting errors like " [client] need AuthName: /Test"
and i also need 2 change the file type from html 2 other types (like .wml)
does anyone have experience in this stuff ?




2000-12-19 Thread Shane Reid

I've run into a problem with the examples (eg).  I downloaded, ran the
Makefile.pl and the make and make install all of those work then copied the
eg directory under the www directory for the webserver edited the httpd.conf
file to change AllowOverride from None to All then restarted and tried to go
to the examples directory -- Internal Server Error.  The logs show the
particular error, thinking it was a problem with MD5 I tried to install it,
it was up to date so did a clean then installed it over and it still gave
same error.  If you have any ideas please throw them at me.

[Tue Dec 19 17:55:44 2000] [error] Can't locate Digest/Perl/MD5.pm in @INC
(@INC contains: /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/mach /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 . /usr/local/etc/apache/
/usr/local/etc/apache/lib/perl) at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-freebsd/Digest/MD5.pm line 20.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 13.

[Tue Dec 19 17:55:44 2000] [error] Undefined subroutine
&Apache::ASP::handler called.

-Shane Reid


2000-12-21 Thread Loay Oweis


I am trying to find a feasible solution for configuring an apache web
server to serve asp, ssi and jsp.

I am leaning towards RedHat due to my experience with it. I have tried
the lated RH7.0 which comes with mod_perl but not perl-apache-asp. I
have tried an Apache::ASP CPAN install with no luck simply getting the
Internal Server Error page. I thinking of going to RH6.2 and trying the
rpm install as it seems to may be easier to install. Please recommend
what is the best way to go. I would like to continue with this RH7.0 if
possible; however, RH6.2 would do.

Thank you

Loay Oweis


2001-01-16 Thread Francis Mendoza

Hello Help,

I was wondering if you can help me answer my problem.
I'm using Linux 2.2.14, Apache-1.3.11 and mod_perl-1.21

I wan't to install ASP for my APACHE-1.3.11.  i already installed the

I downloaded the apache-asp-2.07.tar.gz
when I used the $perl Makefile.PL it said that i need more module.
So I used $perl -MCPAN -e shell

I used CPAN to install the Bundle::Apache::ASP
right after I used CPAN it told me all this:
MLDBM is up to date
DATA::Dumper is up to date
MD5 is up to date
CGI is up to date
HTML::Clean is up to date
Net::SMTP is up to date
HTTP::Date is up to date
Devel::Symdump is up to date
Apache::DBI is up to date
Compress::Zlib is up to date
Tie::Cache is up to date
Time:HiRes is up to date
Apache::ASP is up to date

Does this mean that I have Apache::ASP installed in my Linux already?

If I do have Apache::ASP already installed in my Linux.. What is my next
step?  What Do i need to add in the Apache httpd.conf?

Thank you for time and answer my questions,

Francis M.

FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com
Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup


2001-01-22 Thread Buchanan Ronald E

Is there or will 
there be an Activestate compatible version developed?


2001-01-23 Thread Francis Mendoza

Hello Help,

I'd like to check my website and see why my test.asp is not working or
showing up on the browser.

I have installed everything and followed the instruction at

for my location this is what i have.

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
#PerlSetVar Global /tmp

please help me...:-)

thank you,


FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com
Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup


2001-01-23 Thread Francis Mendoza

Hello Help,

I'd like to check my website and see why my test.asp is not working or
showing up on the browser.

I have installed everything and followed the instruction at

for my location this is what i have.

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
#PerlSetVar Global /tmp

please help me...:-)

thank you,


FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com
Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup


2001-01-24 Thread Earle F. Ake

I have an application which I am using the perl based ASP for.  All
of my pages except for one as written using this.  I need one using plain
perl based cgi so the process runs as the user and not the web server for
file security reasons.  The problem is I need to get to some of the Session
information and I can't seem to get it in the cgi.

I have something like:

use Apache::ASP;

open(OUT, "/tmp/debug.log");
printf OUT ("This should have the session username '%s' information\n",

What else do I have to include to get access to the currently stored
session information?

All my ASP scripts can print the Session information so I know it is
stored properly, but the cgi can not see it.

Earle Ake
Manager, Internet Services


2001-01-25 Thread Ilya Krel

I am running Freebsd 4.2, Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion
3), Apache/1.3.14, mod_perl/1.24  (from ports collection).
Apache:ASP installed from cpan says:
Bundle id = Bundle::Apache::ASP
MANPAGE  Bundle::Apache::ASP - Install Apache::ASP and related
Devel::Symdump Apache::DBI Compress::Zlib Tie::Cache Time::HiRes Apache::ASP

when i try to access the examples in site/eg I get thsi in error_log :
No valid request object (Apache=SCALAR(0x8461790)) passed to ASP handler; if
you are getting
this error message, you likely have a broken DSO version of mod_perl
which often occurs when using RedHat RPMs.  One fix reported is to
configure "PerlSendHeader On".  Another fix is to compile
statically the apache + mod_perl build as RedHat RPMs have been trouble.
Please check FAQ or mod_perl archives for more information.

any suggestions how to fix it?



2001-01-25 Thread Ilya Krel

I am running Freebsd 4.2, Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion
3), Apache/1.3.14, mod_perl/1.24  (from ports collection).
Apache:ASP installed from cpan says:
Bundle id = Bundle::Apache::ASP
MANPAGE  Bundle::Apache::ASP - Install Apache::ASP and related
Devel::Symdump Apache::DBI Compress::Zlib Tie::Cache Time::HiRes Apache::ASP

when i try to access the examples in site/eg I get thsi in error_log :
No valid request object (Apache=SCALAR(0x8461790)) passed to ASP handler; if
you are getting
this error message, you likely have a broken DSO version of mod_perl
which often occurs when using RedHat RPMs.  One fix reported is to
configure "PerlSendHeader On".  Another fix is to compile
statically the apache + mod_perl build as RedHat RPMs have been trouble.
Please check FAQ or mod_perl archives for more information.

any suggestions how to fix it?



2001-01-31 Thread Wang, Pin-Chieh

I installed Apache1.3.14 with mod_perl 1.24_01 on Solaris Using ActiveState
Perl 5.6
I configure with DSO

Apache seems to be running O.K.

But when I downloaded Apache-ASP-2.07 
and followed the instruction 
>Perl Makefile.PL
>make test
>make install

I then added the following lines into httpd.conf

Options All
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar Global /tmp

then I copy the site/eg directory into /usr/local/apache/htdocs/eg
when I run /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl configtest I got the following
Invalid Command 'PerlHandler' perhaps mis spelled or defined by module not
included in the server configuration.

Any body can point me in the right direction? 


PC Wang

Apache: ASP

2001-02-06 Thread Paul Scott

I am getting errors when I try and run ASP on my Linux box...

Here is what pops up on the web page, I am not sure how to fix it or
what exactly is wrong with it.  Any help you can offer will be

#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 asp [0]%>>   ([0]%>>source)

Paul Scott


2001-02-09 Thread Compagnon, Jean-Charles

Hi, I have a cobalt raQ3 and I'd like to implement the apache::asp module.
the raQ3 runs linux on a MIPS processor and I was wondering if any of you
can confirm that it will work under MIPS.
I assume so as it run as a mod_perl but I'd prefer to ask.
please reply at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-02-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I was wondering if the support for asp in apache also includes ODBC access from a asp 
script to a MS Access database or other ODBC source.
Like it is posible in a MS Web server?

Kind regards



2001-04-09 Thread alexus


i start installing Apache::ASP on my apache

and from their website i didn't find any other contact but you guys

when i add following lines to my apache config file (httpd.conf)

 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::ASP
 PerlSetVar Global /tmp

I start geting this:

su-2.04# /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl configtest
Syntax error on line 1242 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'PerlHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
not included in the server configuration

what am I doing wrong?

Apache::ASP PerlTaintCheck (WAS Re: ANNOUNCE: Apache::ASP .17)

1999-01-16 Thread Joshua Chamas

> > - IncludesDir config now works with DynamicIncludes.
> >
> > + DebugBufferLength feature added, giving control to
> >   how much buffered output get's shown when debugging errors.
> >
> HI.
> I upgraded Apache::ASP to  latest
> and putPerlTaintCheck  On  in httpd.conf
> when  I run script  using mod_perl
> I got in   error in log file  like this
> Thu Nov 18 14:46:57 1999] [error] Insecure dependency in eval while
> running with -T switch at /usr/lib/perl5/MLDBM/Serializer/Data/Dumper.pm
> line 51, 
>  chunk 239.
> before  this virsion  I also has error  (if used  PerlTaintCheck), but
> that was in  Apache::ASP relating to perl bild in  sdbm,
> now that one is gone.
> I am using Apache-1.3.9 (as  DSO)
> more_perl -1.21
> linux  debian ,
> perl-5.005_03
> Slava.


Here's an faq item from: http://www.nodeworks.com/asp/faq.html

Apache::ASP automatically untaints data internally so that you may run scripts with
PerlTaintCheck On, but if you are using state objects like $Session or $Application,
you must also notify MLDBM, which Apache::ASP uses internally, to also untaint data
read from disk, with this setting: 

 $MLDBM::RemoveTaint = 1;

You could put the above line in your global.asa, which is just like a perl module,
outside any event handlers you define there. 

Try it.  I left this up to you to do because untainting data 
from state files stored on disk implies that you understand 
the risks involved.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: apache::ASP

2002-11-02 Thread Randy Kobes
On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Does this include an AddRotator?
> john welte

Check out http://www.apache-asp.org/ - that might be answered
there. There's also links there to a mailing list (and archives)  
for Apache::ASP that might help.

best regards,
randy kobes

Re: apache::ASP

2002-11-05 Thread Josh Chamas

Does this include an AddRotator?

On Win32 platforms, whatever COM objects exist there
can be accessed via the $Server->CreateObject API,
but on Unix platforms $Server->CreateObject does not work.

Please post future questions on Apache::ASP to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Josh Chamas, Founder   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.http://www.chamas.com
NodeWorks Link Checkinghttp://www.nodeworks.com

Apache::ASP Configuration

2003-04-04 Thread Quan Mac

Hi, I just installed mod_perl and Apache::ASP on my 
computer and I was wondering if you could tell me how to configure my Apache 
httpd.conf file to make ASP pages work. I tried adding in the lines from the 
website for configuration and then I restarted Apache. All I get is the html, 
but none of my ASP is working and Im just trying to get it to print out a 
message. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: apache::ASP

2002-07-28 Thread Ron Savage

At 06:20 AM 28/07/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>   I have got some problems when I tried to install
>Apache server together with mod_perl and Apache::ASP.
>After I had located four subfolder to c:/ , which
>mean, I have got c:/perl, c:/apache, c:/openssl,
>When I tried to start apache.exe. There is an error
>message showing that it can't load
>But I am sure I got all the files I need.
>Why is it like that?
>Thanks so much for your help.
> From Jeremy.


>Do You Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

Ron Savage
Associate Lecturer, School of Information Technology
Deakin University, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, VIC 3125, Australia
Phone: +61-3-9251 7441, Fax: +61-3-9251 7604
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://www.deakin.edu.au/~rons/

Re: Apache::ASP

1999-10-18 Thread Joshua Chamas

Devarajan MN wrote:
> Hi,
>  I have to use Apache::ASP for a project of mine.
> The client wants to have a java applet which will send
> some information in an encrypted fashion to the ASP .
> The ASP will have to recieve this encrypted
> information and then send it to the apache server.
> I want to know if this is possible. What should I be
> doing to pass the information from the java applet to
> my ASP in a secure manner? Do i need to use HTTPS
> protocol ?

Yes, of course its possible.  This is perl we are
talking about :)

To secure the data transfers I would do it under
https, like any other client <-> http server connection.

Gunther Birznieks has written JavaCGIBridge  
( http://www.gunther.web66.com/JavaCGIBridge/ )

which seems to provide some nice glue for data communications
between Java Applets & CGI type programs.  I have never
used it, but would expect it to work with ASP scripts, since
CGI code can be executed in ASP scripts just by wrapping 
the code up in <% %>

Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NODEWORKS >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Apache::ASP

1999-10-18 Thread Stas Bekman

> Devarajan MN wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> >  I have to use Apache::ASP for a project of mine.
> > The client wants to have a java applet which will send
> > some information in an encrypted fashion to the ASP .
> > The ASP will have to recieve this encrypted
> > information and then send it to the apache server.
> > 
> > I want to know if this is possible. What should I be
> > doing to pass the information from the java applet to
> > my ASP in a secure manner? Do i need to use HTTPS
> > protocol ?
> > 
> Yes, of course its possible.  This is perl we are
> talking about :)
> To secure the data transfers I would do it under
> https, like any other client <-> http server connection.
> Gunther Birznieks has written JavaCGIBridge  
> ( http://www.gunther.web66.com/JavaCGIBridge/ )
> which seems to provide some nice glue for data communications
> between Java Applets & CGI type programs.  I have never
> used it, but would expect it to work with ASP scripts, since
> CGI code can be executed in ASP scripts just by wrapping 
> the code up in <% %>

I've used it to write a java chat client with backend mod_perl server -
works like a magic! and it adds only a few kbytes to the compressed jar 
of the applet...

Stas Bekman  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]www.singlesheaven.com/stas  
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC at  www.singlesheaven.com/stas/TULARC
www.apache.org  & www.perl.com  == www.modperl.com  ||  perl.apache.org
single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheavenhttp://www.singlesheaven.com

Re: Apache::ASP

1999-10-24 Thread Joshua Chamas


The error message suggests that there is
  my $CGI::revision ...

at CGI.pm line 20 that is screwing up the 
compilation of your global.asa file, which
probably starts with "use CGI;" ?

I think its odd that CGI.pm would have any 
errors, as that module tends to be fairly
error free.  Try taking out the "my" on that
line and see what happens.

Note that in my dev CGI.pm, there is no my:

$CGI::revision = '$Id: CGI.pm,v 1.18 1999/06/09 14:52:45 lstein Exp $';

Good Luck.

Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NODEWORKS >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

praveen wrote:
> Sir,
> This message is comming when be run our site, we have declare the
> variables "my". Sometime it is running but sometimes it does not work
> but it works when be refresh the page. The code is working in one server
> but the same code is not wroking in the other server.
>  Thanks
> Praveen
> My E-mail address  :- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Errors Output
> can't use file upload without CGI.pm: "my" variable $CGI::revision can't
> be in a package at /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/CGI.pm line 20.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 566) line 1.
> , /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 2077
> Debug Output
> STARTING ASP HANDLER (v0.16) for file
> /web/htdocs/cs/base/auction/auction2.html
> GlobalASA package Apache::ASP::Compiles::_web_tmp_global_asa
> can't use file upload without CGI.pm: "my" variable $CGI::revision can't
> be in a package at /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/CGI.pm line 20.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 566) line 1.
> , /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 2077
> ASP object created - Application: ; GlobalASA:
> Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x88fbbb0); Internal: ; Request:
> Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x88fbcac); Response:
> Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x887ebc0); Server:
> Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x888a604); Session: ; allow_application_state:
> 1; app_start: 0; basename: auction2.html; buffering_on: 1; cgi_do_self:
> 0; cgi_headers: ; clean: 0; command_line: ; compile_error: ;
> compile_includes: ; cookie_path: /; debug: 2; debugs_output:
> ARRAY(0x8893cd4); dirname: /web/htdocs/cs/base/auction; errors: 1;
> errors_output: ARRAY(0x88cc25c); filehandle: ; filename:
> /web/htdocs/cs/base/auction/auction2.html; filter: 0; global: /web/tmp;
> global_package: ; group_refresh: 900; groups_refresh: 900; id:
> _web_htdocs_cs_base_auction_auction2_htmlINLINE; includes_dir: ;
> init_packages: ARRAY(0x8893e84); mail_alert_period: 20; mail_alert_to: ;
> mail_errors_to: ; mail_host: ; mtime: 940575918; no_cache: ; no_headers:
> 0; no_session: ; no_state: ; package:
> Apache::ASP::Compiles::_web_tmp_global_asa; paranoid_session: 0;
> pod_comments: 1; r: Apache=SCALAR(0x8878564); remote_ip:;
> script_timeout: 90; secure_session: ; session_serialize: ;
> session_timeout: 9000; soft_redirect: ; stat_inc: 1; stat_inc_match: ;
> state_cache: ; state_db: SDBM_File; state_dir: /web/tmp/.state;
> state_manager: 10; ua: Mozilla/4.08 [en] (Win98; I); unique_packages: 0;
> ASP to Perl Program

Re: Apache::ASP

1999-11-02 Thread Adi

Andrew Mayo wrote:
> We are trying to store references in session variables but for some reason
> this does not work. The reference cannot be regained.
> For example, in simple Perl I can create an array containing two anonymous
> hashes, then place a reference to this array in
> $d, then dereference $d to recover the array.
> @c[0]={'k1','v1','k2','v2'};
> @c[1]={'k3','v3','k4','v4'};
> $d=\@c;
> print $$d[0]{'k1'},"\n";
> @e=@$d;
> print $e[0]{'k1'},"\n";

The Apache::ASP $Session object is tied to a SDBM_File or DB_File via MLDBM
Data::Dumper.  Therefore you cannot simply store a reference using "\@c" and
expect it to dereference next time.  Use an anonymous array [] or anonymous
hash {}.

Try this:

$Session->{'array'} = [ @c ];
print $Session->{'array'}->[0]->{'k1'},"\n";
@e = @{$Session->{'array'}};
print $e[0]{'k1'},"\n";

DBI handles should be storable also, just be sure to use anonymous hash
syntax, since they are blessed hashes.

- Adi

Re: Apache::ASP

1999-11-02 Thread Joshua Chamas

Adi wrote:
> Andrew Mayo wrote:
> >
> > We are trying to store references in session variables but for some reason
> > this does not work. The reference cannot be regained.
> >
> > For example, in simple Perl I can create an array containing two anonymous
> > hashes, then place a reference to this array in
> > $d, then dereference $d to recover the array.
> >
> > @c[0]={'k1','v1','k2','v2'};
> > @c[1]={'k3','v3','k4','v4'};
> > $d=\@c;
> > print $$d[0]{'k1'},"\n";
> > @e=@$d;
> > print $e[0]{'k1'},"\n";
> The Apache::ASP $Session object is tied to a SDBM_File or DB_File via MLDBM
> Data::Dumper.  Therefore you cannot simply store a reference using "\@c" and
> expect it to dereference next time.  Use an anonymous array [] or anonymous
> hash {}.
> Try this:
> @c[0]={'k1','v1','k2','v2'};
> @c[1]={'k3','v3','k4','v4'};
> $Session->{'array'} = [ @c ];
> print $Session->{'array'}->[0]->{'k1'},"\n";
> @e = @{$Session->{'array'}};
> print $e[0]{'k1'},"\n";
> DBI handles should be storable also, just be sure to use anonymous hash
> syntax, since they are blessed hashes.
> ...

Thanks for answering this Adi.  Andrew, in general, 
read up in Apache::ASP docs & perldoc MLDBM for 
how $Session & $Application are limited when storing data.

To clarify, DBI handles are not storable in $Session, 
because they often have per process file handles & such which 
will not be preserved across requests.  Use Apache::DBI to 
keep your database connections persistent per process.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Apache::ASP fork

1999-11-08 Thread Jason Horman

I am trying to do a simple fork from within a Apache::ASP script.

The code is as follows:

if($pid = fork) {
} elsif(defined $pid) {
system("java PursuitSpider > stdout.txt");
system("gzip stdout.txt");

I am forking b/c PursuitSpider takes about 2 hrs to run. The above works
ok but I end up with a defunct libhttpd.ep process left around. I tried
to setpgrp(0, $$) and POSIX::setsid() from within the child code but
neither seem to detach correctly. Is there something else I need to do?


Re: Apache::ASP

1999-11-15 Thread Joshua Chamas

Darrell Collins wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to use Apache::ASP with Apache::DBI and Mysql. When I do a
> select * from table name where id='var'
> some times i get the correct data other times i get old data then i hit
> the reload button i get the correct data.

Depending on the extension used for asp scripts, sometimes
a browser might think the page static html.  Try 
$Response->{Expires} = $time , documented at

This could also be a common mod_perl type gotcha,
where your variables are being saved and not cleared
between script invocations.  Check out the mod_perl
guide for more info, at http://perl.apache.org/guide/
Try "use strict" with your code, to make sure you 
don't have any unwanted globals.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Apache::ASP

1999-11-15 Thread Joshua Chamas


Thanks for following directions, but you were never supposed
to see this error message, as it is only for web server
debugging, and was for your webmaster's eyes only.  You
ended up posted a bug report to a web developer group
not affiliated with University of Mississippi.

If this problem persists, you should contact the site's

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Lauchlan Fraser wrote:
> I received an error while submitting an online registration form for a
> conference at the University of Mississippi.  Here's the output
> Errors Output
> Can't locate Mail/Sendmail.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/news/may_2000_conference/second_announcement/.
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005
> . /usr/local/apache/ /usr/local/apache/lib/perl) at (eval 46) line 2.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 46) line 2.
> , /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1046
> Debug Output
> STARTING ASP HANDLER (v0.16) for file
> GlobalASA package
> compiling global.asa
> global.asa routines -
> opening lock file
> created $Application -
> opening lock file
> SessionCookie - 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b
> refreshing 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b with timeout 942417830
> session timed out, clearing
> opening lock file
> Session_OnEnd - session: 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b;
> compiled -
> state 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b locks: 0, unlocks: 0
> opening lock file
> tieing session 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b
> tied session - err_mesg: ;
> clearing starting session
> forcing groups cleanup
> testing internal time for cleanup groups
> group check 6c
> skipping delete self - id: 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b;
> state 6c locks: 0, unlocks: 0
> cleanup groups - deleted: 0;
> Application_OnEnd
> compiled -
> Application_OnStart
> compiled -
> Session_OnStart - session: 6cc4346b79e5a631f92b9db893dcaf7b;
> compiled -
> ASP object created - Application:
> Apache::ASP::Application=HASH(0x8377504); GlobalASA:
> Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x8578828); Internal:
> Apache::ASP::State=HASH(0x85439b4); Request:
> Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x8580f9c); Response:
> Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x8582c7c); Server:
> Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x8578804); Session:
> Apache::ASP::Session=HASH(0x84bc128); allow_application_state: 1;
> app_start: 0; basename: registration_thank_you.asp; buffering_on: 1;
> cgi_do_self: 0; cgi_headers: ; clean: 0; command_line: ; compile_error:
> ; compile_includes: ; cookie_path: /; debug: 2; debugs_output:
> ARRAY(0x8578930); dirname:
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/news/may_2000_conference/second_announcement;
> errors: 0; errors_output: ARRAY(0x8563cec); filehandle: ; filename:
> filter: 0; global:
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/news/may_2000_conference/second_announcement/.;
> global_package: ; group_refresh: 3; groups_refresh: 3; id:
> includes_dir: ; init_packages: ARRAY(0x8578a8c); mail_alert_period: 20;
> mail_alert_to: ; mail_errors_to: ; mail_host: ; mtime: 939937890;
> no_cache: ; no_headers: 0; no_session: 0; no_state: ; package:
> paranoid_session: 0; pod_comments: 1; r: Apache=SCALAR(0x8582c1c);
> remote_ip:; script_timeout: 90; secure_session: ;
> session_serialize: ;

Re: Apache::ASP

1999-11-15 Thread Joshua Chamas

Dear ModPerl List,

Sorry for this misplaced post.  I'll be removing the 
once thought to be helpful email support hints for 
Apache::ASP from the end of the html debugging option, 
because of these cases where webmasters leave developer 
debugging turned on in production.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Lauchlan Fraser wrote:
> I received an error while submitting an online registration form for a
> conference at the University of Mississippi.  Here's the output
> Errors Output
> Can't locate Mail/Sendmail.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/news/may_2000_conference/second_announcement/.
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005
> . /usr/local/apache/ /usr/local/apache/lib/perl) at (eval 46) line 2.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 46) line 2.
> , /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1046
> Debug Output

Re: Apache::ASP

1999-11-21 Thread Joshua Chamas

> I've written a short ASP page, 'HelloWorld.asp':
> Hello World
> Hello World! The time is <% Now %>
> But when I try to test the page, I get the output below. Isn't Now a function
> supported by ASP?
> Errors Output
> Response::Now not defined at
> /usr/local/encap/perl-5.005.3/lib/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 2171
> Apache::ASP::Response::AUTOLOAD('Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x83584a4)')
> called at (eval 200) line 6

My guess is that Now() is a VBScript function.  Apache::ASP
under mod_perl supports ASP with perl scripting only.
For more info check out: http://www.nodeworks.com/asp/

There's quite a few Time modules in CPAN.  Apache::ASP
requires HTTP::Date, so you could use that like:

<% use HTTP::Date qw(time2iso); %>
Hello World
Hello World! The time is <%= time2str() %>
Hello World! The time is <%= time2iso() %>

for this output:

Hello World! The time is Mon, 22 Nov 1999 01:16:10 GMT 
Hello World! The time is 1999-11-21 17:16:10

Not the use of <%= %> vs. your use of <% %> to insert
values into the ASP output. <% %> is used to run code blocks.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Apache::ASP

1999-11-23 Thread Joshua Chamas

> Aaron Slepecky wrote:
> Sorry for the newbie question but I cannot find anyone to help me.  I have 
>everything installed and loaded but everytime I try to put the following
> into my httpd.conf (and access.conf):
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::ASP
> PerlSetVar Global/tmp
> I get this error:  Invalid command 'PerlHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by 
>a module not included in the server configuration.  I re-ran the
> installation from scratch and installed all of the latest updates from Perl to all 
>the modules that are required and requested.  What am I missing?
> Sorry for such a simple question on the mailing list but I don't know where all the 
>resources are for this YET!  Thanks!

>From http://www.nodeworks.com/asp/faq.html
(also FAQ section of 'perldoc Apache::ASP')

Apache errors on the PerlHandler directive ?

You do not have mod_perl correctly installed for Apache. 
The PerlHandler directive in Apache *.conf files is an extension 
enabled by mod_perl and will not work if mod_perl is not 
correctly installed. 

Common user errors are not doing a 'make install' for mod_perl, 
which installs the perl side of mod_perl, and not starting the 
right httpd after building it. The latter often occurs when you 
have an old apache server without mod_perl, and you have built a
new one without copying over to its proper location. 

If you haven't installed mod_perl, check out http://perl.apache.org

You will also want to put a space between Global & /tmp :)

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Apache::ASP

1999-11-24 Thread Stas Bekman


> Sorry for the newbie question but I cannot find anyone to help me.  I have 
>everything installed and loaded but everytime I try to put the following into my 
>httpd.conf (and access.conf):
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::ASP
> PerlSetVar Global/tmp
> I get this error:  Invalid command 'PerlHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by 
>a module not included in the server configuration.  I re-ran the installation from 
>scratch and installed all of the latest updates from Perl to all the modules that are 
>required and requested.  What am I missing?  Sorry for such a simple question on the 
>mailing list but I don't know where all the resources are for this YET!  Thanks!
> Best Regards,
> Aaron Slepecky
> Easton Telecom Services, Inc.

Stas Bekman  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]www.singlesheaven.com/stas  
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC at  www.singlesheaven.com/stas/TULARC
www.apache.org  & www.perl.com  == www.modperl.com  ||  perl.apache.org
single o-> + single o-+ = singlesheavenhttp://www.singlesheaven.com

Apache::ASP Debugging

1999-12-07 Thread Joshua Chamas


I'm working on the Apache::ASP debugging.  Currently 
if debugging is turned on, all the Apache::ASP 
internal debugging is turned on, as well as user level
debugging with $Response->Debug() which can be a pain
for the developer, wading through the internal clutter.

I'm thinking its best if internal debugging not be 
turned on by default, that only user level debugging 
be what Debug levels 1 & 2 refer to.

Unless there are any protests, Debug will have to be
set to a negative like -1 or -2 to enable internal
Apache::ASP debugging.  The latter can be useful
to the developer who is working on application 
performance and is tweaking config settings, seeing 
how it affects Apache::ASP.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-01-12 Thread Joshua Chamas


Try and get a static install to work.  mod_perl DSO does not
work reliably.  If mod_perl is compiled statically into
Apache, it just works, and you don't need to configure
the web server with anything, and you'll probably need 
to comment out lines like "LoadModule ...".

You know that mod_perl is working in the server by having 
mod_perl's "make test" work, or by trying something 
simple like "PerlModule CGI" in a config.  

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

don Wang wrote:
> Help!
> I have tried unsucessfully to set up an Apache server with ASP
> functionality. According to instructions I got when downloading ASP.pm
> modules from perl.com. It did not work.
> After seemingly successful installation, I tried various ways to modify
> httpd config files, and the asp (most likely mod_perl)  is not working,
> since all the asp files and perl files are displayed in plain text.
> I had a full installation of Mandrake RedHat 6.0 with 2.2.9 Linux
> kernel, with Apache and mod_perl pre-installed. I copied the tar file
> to:
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/apache/
> untar and perl Makefile.PL
> By then, it reported back that I have many (~10) modules missing. After
> going through installing all the modules with CPAN.pm, perl Makefile.PL
> finally says ok, and I went ahead with make, make test, make install.
> all seems fine.
> Errors occur when I tried to config and restart the Apache server. When
> I enable DSO, it says libperl.so is garbled, and possibly not a Apache
> module DSO. When disabling DSO by commenting out two lines in httpd.conf
> (AddModule mod_perl.c and LoadModule perl_module moduels/libperl.so),
> Only then httpd starts. when I have  in the conf files,
> the "PerlHandlerApache::Registry" is also give out error for invalid
> "PerlHandler" command, perhaps mispelled or module not defined in the
> configuration.
> httpd error log reports that I only have apache 1.3.6 with PHP
> Mandrake/Linux running. no mod_perl to be found.
> Then the 10 step "sure-install" also failed subsequently.
> http://perl.apache.org/guide/index.html
> Questions:
> Why does the ten step install from apache failed? is it from previous
> installtion?
> How do I know if a module is defined in a configuration? where? how to?
> I heard mixed words on DSO. If I were to statically compile it, how to
> disable DSO?
> I am lost. Thanks in advance for your help!
> Don
> --
> ***
> Unified Access Communications, Inc.
> 200 Lincoln Street, Suite 201
> Boston, MA 02111
> phone:  (617) 695-0137, ext. 13
> fax:  (617) 695-0984
> ***

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-01-12 Thread Joshua Chamas

don Wang wrote:
> Joshua, (and all)
> Thanks very much for your reply. Following your suggestions, I have tried
> again this morning, to no avail.
> I am sure I missed something obvious here. although serveral people have
> mentioned compiling mod_perl STATICALLY with Apache, I have not found clear
> instructions on EXACTLY how to do it. Following the 10-step instruction at
> http://perl.apache.org/guide/install.html, still several problem came up.

If you avoid doing ...

The DSO mechanism is provided by Apache's mod_so.c which needs to be compiled
 into the httpd program. This is automatically done when DSO is enabled for module
 mod_xxx via configure --enable-module=xxx or by explicitly adding mod_so via 

you will get a static build.  You need to make install mod_perl, before
you make test mod_perl.  After make test works, then copy your new httpd
to your final home /usr/local/apache/...

Once you have the new server copied over it should have the mod_perl
tag in the header too.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-01-12 Thread Joshua Chamas


Don't do that  thing yet... let the .htaccess
in site/eg override things.  The PerlSerVar won't work because
its PerlSetVar.  The black thing is probably a bug that came 
up recently, set DynamicIncludes to 1 in the .htaccess file, 
and the page should be white.  That you are seeing links 
means Apache::ASP is working !!

Read up on how to config the site/eg scripts at:


If you read about the  tag, you have gone too far.

Congrats on a successful mod_perl install!  It will be well
worth it I assure you.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

don Wang wrote:
> Joshua,
> Thanks again for your tips.
> After a complete installation of perl, mod_perl, and Apache (details below), I am 
>ALMOST there
> ... :
> after starting apache/1.3.9 (mod_perl/1.21), I can see a BLACK page with many links 
>in some
> kind of not quite orderly table layout (rather than plain script as of yesterday). 
>It seems
> that asp is there, yet not quite, since the looks on many other pages are wrong and 
>there is no
> asp functionality.
> As for configuration, I have the following in the httpd.conf file:
> Options FollowSymLinks
>     AllowOverride All
>  SetHandler perl-script
>  PerlHandler Apache::ASP
> # PerlSerVar Global /tmp
> for now, the httpd directory is located at: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ with Joshua's 
> files at eg directory under htdocs.
> I have to comment out PerlSetVar, otherwise, httpd won't start and error msg says 
> command PerlSetVar, perhaps mispelled or module not supported".
> So, questions are:
> Is my mod_perl and asp really working? how can I tell?
> why can't I use PerlSetVar?
> what's implication of the skipped test when I install mod_perl? Are they needed?
> Thanks,
> Don
> --here's what I did: --
> After reading somewhere about possible broken perl from RedHat package, I 
>reinstalled a fresh
> Perl_5.00503 (also have to include six other modules, including libwww, mime-base64, 
> in CPAN.pm, a few tests (request, perlrunrx, cookie, and module) were skipped and 
>one failed
> (sandwich) after I did "install Bundle::Apache".
> I then went ahead and installed mod_perl with (perl Makefile.PL USE_APACI=1 
>EVERYTHING=1, make,
> make install, make test). It again reported a few failed tests as above.
> I went on to install Apache, and ASP.pm. and this time, it seemed to worked, 
>although mod_perl
> could still be faulty, since I don't quite know how to test it yet.
> Oh, one more thing: silly but I definetely overlooked, and if not for someone else 
>email post,
> I would never know: I have to find where the newly compiled httpd program is upon 
> and installtion, and remember to use the new one rather than the old one as defined 
>by default
> path.
> Joshua Chamas wrote:
> > don Wang wrote:
> > >
> > > Joshua, (and all)
> > >
> > > Thanks very much for your reply. Following your suggestions, I have tried
> > > again this morning, to no avail.
> > >
> > > I am sure I missed something obvious here. although serveral people have
> > > mentioned compiling mod_perl STATICALLY with Apache, I have not found clear
> > > instructions on EXACTLY how to do it. Following the 10-step instruction at
> > > http://perl.apache.org/guide/install.html, still several problem came up.
> > >
> >
> > If you avoid doing ...
> >
> > The DSO mechanism is provided by Apache's mod_so.c which needs to be compiled
> >  into the httpd program. This is automatically done when DSO is enabled for 
> >  mod_xxx via configure --enable-module=xxx or by explicitly adding mod_so via 
> >  --enable-module=so.
> >
> > you will get a static build.  You need to make install mod_perl, before
> > you make test mod_perl.  After make test works, then copy your new httpd
> > to your final home /usr/local/apache/...
> >
> > Once you have the new server copied over it should have the mod_perl
> > tag in the header too.
> >
> > -- Joshua
> > _
> > Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
> > NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA
> > http://www.nodeworks.com1-714-625-4051
> --
> ***
> Unified Access Communications, Inc.
> 200 Lincoln Street, Suite 201
> Boston, MA 02111
> phone:  (617) 695-0137, ext. 13
> fax:  (617) 695-0984
> ***

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-01-13 Thread don Wang


Thanks again for your tips.

After a complete installation of perl, mod_perl, and Apache (details below), I am 
ALMOST there
... :

after starting apache/1.3.9 (mod_perl/1.21), I can see a BLACK page with many links in 
kind of not quite orderly table layout (rather than plain script as of yesterday). It 
that asp is there, yet not quite, since the looks on many other pages are wrong and 
there is no
asp functionality.

As for configuration, I have the following in the httpd.conf file:

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All

 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::ASP
# PerlSerVar Global /tmp

for now, the httpd directory is located at: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ with Joshua's 
files at eg directory under htdocs.

I have to comment out PerlSetVar, otherwise, httpd won't start and error msg says 
command PerlSetVar, perhaps mispelled or module not supported".

So, questions are:
Is my mod_perl and asp really working? how can I tell?
why can't I use PerlSetVar?
what's implication of the skipped test when I install mod_perl? Are they needed?



--here's what I did: --
After reading somewhere about possible broken perl from RedHat package, I reinstalled 
a fresh
Perl_5.00503 (also have to include six other modules, including libwww, mime-base64, 
in CPAN.pm, a few tests (request, perlrunrx, cookie, and module) were skipped and one 
(sandwich) after I did "install Bundle::Apache".
I then went ahead and installed mod_perl with (perl Makefile.PL USE_APACI=1 
make install, make test). It again reported a few failed tests as above.
I went on to install Apache, and ASP.pm. and this time, it seemed to worked, although 
could still be faulty, since I don't quite know how to test it yet.

Oh, one more thing: silly but I definetely overlooked, and if not for someone else 
email post,
I would never know: I have to find where the newly compiled httpd program is upon 
and installtion, and remember to use the new one rather than the old one as defined by 

Joshua Chamas wrote:

> don Wang wrote:
> >
> > Joshua, (and all)
> >
> > Thanks very much for your reply. Following your suggestions, I have tried
> > again this morning, to no avail.
> >
> > I am sure I missed something obvious here. although serveral people have
> > mentioned compiling mod_perl STATICALLY with Apache, I have not found clear
> > instructions on EXACTLY how to do it. Following the 10-step instruction at
> > http://perl.apache.org/guide/install.html, still several problem came up.
> >
> If you avoid doing ...
> The DSO mechanism is provided by Apache's mod_so.c which needs to be compiled
>  into the httpd program. This is automatically done when DSO is enabled for 
>  mod_xxx via configure --enable-module=xxx or by explicitly adding mod_so via 
>  --enable-module=so.
> you will get a static build.  You need to make install mod_perl, before
> you make test mod_perl.  After make test works, then copy your new httpd
> to your final home /usr/local/apache/...
> Once you have the new server copied over it should have the mod_perl
> tag in the header too.
> -- Joshua
> _
> Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
> NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA
> http://www.nodeworks.com1-714-625-4051

Unified Access Communications, Inc.
200 Lincoln Street, Suite 201
Boston, MA 02111
phone:  (617) 695-0137, ext. 13
fax:  (617) 695-0984

begin:  vcard
fn: Don Wang
n:  Wang;Don
org:Unified Access Communications
adr:200 Lincoln Street;;;Boston;MA;02111;USA
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:   617-695-0137 x 13
note:   http://www.uac.com
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-01-25 Thread Joshua Chamas

Jim Ellis wrote:
> hello all.
> I have just installed Apache and ASP.  I have mod_perl installed.  I
> am running Redhat 6.1.  I do not have an asp.conf in my /etc/httpd/conf
> directory.  The rpms said it installed correctly.   What have I done
> wrong?

You don't need an asp.conf file.  Try and get the examples
working with the ./site/eg/.htaccess config.  Check out the 
config directions at:


-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-01-28 Thread don Wang

Joshua, (and all)

Thanks very much for your reply. Following your suggestions, I have tried
again this morning, to no avail.

I am sure I missed something obvious here. although serveral people have
mentioned compiling mod_perl STATICALLY with Apache, I have not found clear
instructions on EXACTLY how to do it. Following the 10-step instruction at
http://perl.apache.org/guide/install.html, still several problem came up.

Question: how does one compile mod_perl static with Apache? which file to edit
and how, and how do I know whether I succeed?

I suspected that my CPAN was not installed fully. After "install
Bundle::Apache", it reported back that Sandwich failed, and PerlRunXS skipped.
when "install Apache::PerlRunXS", PerlRunXS still failed. "test Apache" was
not ok either. I can "force install Apache::Sandwich" and it test ok, but
after install perlrunxs which failed, sandwich did not test ok either. How can
I get around this? or are those needed?

Currently, the Apache server still works, but it's still Apache 1.3.6 with
PHP, even though the Apache I just re-compiled is 1.3.9 and with

Thanks for your kind help!


ps. can I talk with someone on this?

Joshua Chamas wrote:

> Don,
> Try and get a static install to work.  mod_perl DSO does not
> work reliably.  If mod_perl is compiled statically into
> Apache, it just works, and you don't need to configure
> the web server with anything, and you'll probably need
> to comment out lines like "LoadModule ...".
> You know that mod_perl is working in the server by having
> mod_perl's "make test" work, or by trying something
> simple like "PerlModule CGI" in a config.
> -- Joshua
> _
> Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
> NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA
> http://www.nodeworks.com1-714-625-4051
> don Wang wrote:
> >
> > Help!
> >
> > I have tried unsucessfully to set up an Apache server with ASP
> > functionality. According to instructions I got when downloading ASP.pm
> > modules from perl.com. It did not work.
> >
> > After seemingly successful installation, I tried various ways to modify
> > httpd config files, and the asp (most likely mod_perl)  is not working,
> > since all the asp files and perl files are displayed in plain text.
> >
> > I had a full installation of Mandrake RedHat 6.0 with 2.2.9 Linux
> > kernel, with Apache and mod_perl pre-installed. I copied the tar file
> > to:
> > /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/apache/
> > untar and perl Makefile.PL
> > By then, it reported back that I have many (~10) modules missing. After
> > going through installing all the modules with CPAN.pm, perl Makefile.PL
> > finally says ok, and I went ahead with make, make test, make install.
> > all seems fine.
> >
> > Errors occur when I tried to config and restart the Apache server. When
> > I enable DSO, it says libperl.so is garbled, and possibly not a Apache
> > module DSO. When disabling DSO by commenting out two lines in httpd.conf
> > (AddModule mod_perl.c and LoadModule perl_module moduels/libperl.so),
> > Only then httpd starts. when I have  in the conf files,
> > the "PerlHandlerApache::Registry" is also give out error for invalid
> > "PerlHandler" command, perhaps mispelled or module not defined in the
> > configuration.
> >
> > httpd error log reports that I only have apache 1.3.6 with PHP
> > Mandrake/Linux running. no mod_perl to be found.
> >
> > Then the 10 step "sure-install" also failed subsequently.
> > http://perl.apache.org/guide/index.html
> >
> > Questions:
> >
> > Why does the ten step install from apache failed? is it from previous
> > installtion?
> > How do I know if a module is defined in a configuration? where? how to?
> > I heard mixed words on DSO. If I were to statically compile it, how to
> > disable DSO?
> >
> > I am lost. Thanks in advance for your help!
> >
> > Don
> >
> > --
> > ***
> > Unified Access Communications, Inc.
> > 200 Lincoln Street, Suite 201
> > Boston, MA 02111
> > phone:  (617) 695-0137, ext. 13
> > fax:  (617) 695-0984
> > ***

begin:  vcard
fn: Don Wang
n:  Wang;Don
org:Unified Access Communications
adr:200 Lincoln Street;;;Boston;MA;02111;USA
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:   617-695-0137 x 13
note:   http://www.uac.com
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-02-03 Thread Joshua Chamas

John DiFini wrote:
> Does Apache::ASP provide access to COM objects on UNIX if a cross-platform
> toolkit such as MainWin is used?  In an FAQ, a similar question is asked
> about ActiveX objects.  The answer is, "Only under Win32 will developers
> have access to ActiveX objects through the perl Win32::OLE interface. This
> will remain true until there are free COM ports to the UNIX world. At this
> time, there is no ActiveX for the UNIX world."  Since COM will be supported
> on UNIX via MainWin or another product, does this answer still hold true?
> The cross-platform toolkits being considered are:
> - MainSoft's MainWin
> - Bristol's Win/U
> - Software AG's EntireX

Hey John,

Apache::ASP is a perl port of ASP to Apache and mod_perl.
That said, in order to provide a COM interface under UNIX,
there would have to be a perl module available that implemented
COM.  My searching just now found no COM perl modules, but 
did pull up some CORBA interfaces, which may fill the 
distributed object functionality that you are looking for:

cpan> d /CORBA/

It may be that you are really stuck on COM and would
like to see it under unix with perl ... if that's the 
case then you might be the one to develop the cross
platform glue between perl + one of the development
environments listed above.  Only Software AG's EntireX
looks like they have free development tool, and only 
on Linux, so that might be a good start.

It may be possible that you could formulate your requirements 
such that you don't need COM.  Perl is a very powerful
language, and in the right hands can do anything, and may be
enough for your needs in this case.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

RE: Apache::ASP

2000-02-04 Thread Alex Schmelkin


You've written your ASP in JavaScript (or Drumbeast 2000 did it for you).
Apache::ASP is for scripts written in PERL that want to take advantage of
the ASP object API.  If you want to run your JavaScript ASP on a non-IIS
platform you will have to go with another solution (like from ChiliSoft).

Hope this help,

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of David Vaught-Alexander
> Sent: Friday, February 04, 2000 5:29 AM
> Subject: Apache::ASP
> Okay, I'm new to asp. It's been a nightmare getting my redhat 6.0 httpsd
> server to even process this stuff. Anyway, I finally got some action. So
> after my demo stuff worked for the most part, I tried this guestbook I
> generated in Drumbeat 2000...I'm lost.
> 1. loaded  http://admin.biojazz.com/dbeat/gbook/Index.asp
> 2. clicked on "add entry"
> got what's below
> The server error_log says (this is followed by the page
> output...arrgggh!)
> --
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] STARTING ASP
> HANDLER (v0.09) for file
> /users/admin/public_html/dbeat/gbook/ViewEntrySummaries.asp
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] GlobalASA
> package
> Apache::ASP::Compiles::_users_admin_public_html_dbeat_gbook___global_asa
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] created
> $Application -
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] SessionCookie -
> b8724d9dacf210ccfec9940681e5a3bd
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] new session
> state Apache::ASP::State=HASH(0x8219850)
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] session timed
> out, clearing
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] Session_OnEnd -
> session: b8724d9dacf210ccfec9940681e5a3bd;
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] tieing session -
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:36 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] forcing groups
> cleanup
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] group check
> GroupIdb8
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] skipping delete
> self - id: b8724d9dacf210ccfec9940681e5a3bd;
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] cleanup groups -
> deleted: 0;
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841]
> Application_OnEnd
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841]
> Application_OnStart
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] Session_OnStart
> - session: b8724d9dacf210ccfec9940681e5a3bd;
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] ASP object
> created - Application: Apache::ASP::Application=HASH(0x832ff98);
> GlobalASA: Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x8334184); Internal:
> Apache::ASP::State=HASH(0x831e574); Request:
> Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x8314164); Response:
> Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x8314218); Server:
> Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x831e4c0); Session:
> Apache::ASP::Session=HASH(0x831e5f8); app_start: 0; basename:
> ViewEntrySummaries.asp; buffering_on: 1; cgi_do_self: 0; command_line: ;
> compile_error: ; compile_includes: ; cookie_path: /; debug: 2;
> debugs_output: ARRAY(0x8314398); dirname:
> /users/admin/public_html/dbeat/gbook; errors: 0; errors_output:
> ARRAY(0x831e52c); filehandle: ; filename:
> /users/admin/public_html/dbeat/gbook/ViewEntrySummaries.asp; filter: 0;
> global: /users/admin/public_html/dbeat/gbook/.; group_refresh: 3;
> groups_refresh: 3; id:
> _users_admin_public_html_dbeat_gbook_ViewEntrySummaries_aspINLINE;
> mtime: 948361945; no_cache: ; no_headers: 0; no_session: 0; no_state: ;
> pod_comments: 1; r: Apache=SCALAR(0x831408c); remote_ip:;
> secure_session: ; session_serialize: ; session_timeout: 30;
> soft_redirect: ; stat_inc: ; state_db: SDBM_File; state_dir: ./.state;
> state_manager: 10;
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] compiling -
> package:
> _users_admin_public_html_dbeat_gbook_ViewEntrySummaries_aspINLINE;
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [error] /* Connection Pooler
> */: ?+*{} follows nothing in regexp at (eval 41) line 1660. <--> ,
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 818
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] building cgi
> headers
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:37 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] sending cgi
> headers
> [Fri Feb  4 02:21:38 2000] [error] [asp] [debug] [3841] destroying -
> asp: Apache::ASP=HASH(0x8334478);
> --
> --

Apache::ASP - Win32?

2000-05-05 Thread Thomas C. Maresh

I'm a beginner when it comes to web servers.  Will Apache::ASP run with the 
Win32 version?


Apache::ASP + PerlSetVar

2000-05-06 Thread Tony Spencer

I inherited a server that already had apache installed on it with mod_perl
compiled in.
Apache runs on Redhat 6.2 with Apache version 1.3.6.

I have tried to install Apache ASP as per the INSTALL instructions but it
does not seem to have worked correctly.
I have also tried using CPAN to install also and all the things that it said
were missing I also installed this way, such as html::clean, MLDBM,
apache::filter etc.
Everything installed fine without errors and I changed the 'AllowOverride'
directive in the server .conf file to 'All', I copied the /site/eg directory
to the web root and made sure all the permissions and ownerships were
When I try to view the pages in a web browser I get an 'Internal Server
Error' message, the error_log shows

Sat May  6 22:40:02 2000] [alert] [client]
Invalid command 'PerlSetVar', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
included in the serve
r configuration

Have I done something wrong?
Can I not install Apache ASP in this way with a httpd binary that has had
modules compiled within it?

If so what do I need to do to enable ASP on Apache.

Please reply to the email address I have sent this email from.



Re: Apache::ASP

2000-05-24 Thread Joshua Chamas

> sridhar wrote:
> I am trying Apache ASP under Solaris 7 with Apache 1.3.12 mod_perl enabled.
> I have successfully Apache JServ and mod_perl, both are working fine. Before 
>installing Apache::ASP I have installed all the required modules like
> Apache-Filter, Apache-SSI, HTML Parser etc. The Apache ASP module installation 
>doesn't throw any errors, and after installation I've done all that's
> said in the README like editing the httpd.conf - I 've copied the eg directory to my 
>htdocs directory and also set the Directory settings in the
> httpd.conf file. When I call the sample asp files from my web server the ASP tags 
>don't seem to work, I just get the HTML output.

You can start out with the ./site/eg, and the .htaccess will be
used with AllowOverride All set.  See


-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-05-25 Thread Joshua Chamas

Forever Young wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I am new to Apache Mod Perl, today I saw the Apache::ASP at www.cpan.org
> I wonder do I need an IIS server to run it? Or can I run it under Linux
> Redhat Apache
> server as well?

Yes, its a perl native port to Apache + mod_perl.  Check out 

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-05-27 Thread Ime Smits

| SetHandler PerlScript
| PerlHandler Apache::ASP
| PerlSetVar Global /tmp
| When I try to run the sample asp applications from the
| eg directory, for example
| http://localhost/eg/application.asp I don't get any
| errors, but the asp part doesn't seem to work. Please
| advice as to what I should do for my asp to start
| ticking in my Apache server.

First, it should be Perl-Script, with a dash. Secondly, with the location
directive above, only urls like
http://localhost/asp/... are handled as Apache::ASP scipts. So, try this:

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::ASP
  PerlSetVar Debug 2

in a .htaccess in the eg directory (make sure AllowOveride All is set) or
maybe even put this
in your httpd.conf


Re: Apache::ASP

2000-06-07 Thread Joshua Chamas

Clement Law wrote:
> How do I make it so when it sees the extension .asp it does the asp thing?
> instead of putting this
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::ASP
> PerlSetVar Global /tmp

The .htaccess file which activates the sample files
in the distribution's ./site/eg has entries like:

SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar NoState 1
PerlSetVar BufferingOn 1
PerlSetVar NoCache 1
PerlSetVar DebugBufferLength 250

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

RE: Apache::ASP

2000-06-07 Thread Geoffrey Young

well, I don't use Apache::ASP, but a quick glance of the README yielded the
apropriate instructions you are looking for...



> -Original Message-
> From: Clement Law [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 1:54 PM
> Subject: Apache::ASP
> How do I make it so when it sees the extension .asp it does 
> the asp thing?
> instead of putting this
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::ASP
> PerlSetVar Global /tmp

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-06-07 Thread Joshua Chamas

He Ding wrote:
> [Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] Undefined subroutine
> &Apache::Symbol::undef called at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1103.
> [Sun Jun 4 15:15:12 2000] [error] [asp] [937] [debug] destroying - asp:
> Apache::ASP=HASH(0x8f6c8e4);
> Eric He

You should not be getting this error.  Try intalling

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-06-07 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i've never used Apache::Asp, but i thought it was used to embed perl using asp
constructs.  what you have looks like visual basic which is microsoft ONLY
stuff.  it should say this in the intro to the docs somewhere.


Clement Law wrote:

> I get a 500 Internal Server Error when I try to run a ASP file.
> I'm using Windows NT Server. And the webserver I'm using is Apache V1.3.12
> with Mod_perl
> Perl: c:\usr\perl\bin
> ASP.PM: c:\usr\perl\site\lib\apache\asp.pm
> Other: c:\usr\perl\lib
> I'm using Virtual Hosts in Apache too.
> I have no clue what's the problem right now.
> this was the asp script I was trying to run, count.asp
> -= START =-
> <%IF IsEmpty(Session("TotalCount")) THEN
>   Call MakeCount
> End IF
> Sub MakeCount()
>   Dim FSO   ' FileSystemObject

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-06-08 Thread Drew Taylor

Clement Law wrote:
> Please help, this isn't a virus, I just want my asp thing to work.
> I get a 500 Internal Server Error when I try to run a ASP file.
> I'm using Windows NT Server. And the webserver I'm using is Apache V1.3.12
> with Mod_perl
> Perl: c:\usr\perl\bin
> ASP.PM: c:\usr\perl\site\lib\apache\asp.pm
> Other: c:\usr\perl\lib
> I'm using Virtual Hosts in Apache too.
> I have no clue what's the problem right now.
As I believe someone else said earlier, your code is VisualBasic, which
I'm reasonably sure Apache::ASP will NOT run. You'd need to use IIS to
use VB based Active Server pages. Nothing you can do to Apache::ASP is
going to fix the problems you are having.

Drew Taylor
Vialogix Communications, Inc.
501 N. College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
704 370 0550

Apache::ASP problem

2000-06-26 Thread Brian Leech


I'm trying to set a cookie from within an ASP file, by printing the 
Set-Cookie header (I have CgiHeaders set to 1).  If I follow this header 
with content, I get the following error:

Modification of a read-only value attempted at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 2969. , 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1229

However, if I follow it with a Location header, the cookie gets set, and 
the browser redirects without a problem.  If I use $Response->SetHeader in 
the same spot as the print statement, it works fine.  But I can't do this 
because I want to print the Set-Cookie header in a module, and using 
SetHeader would require me to pass the $Response object to the function in 
the module, which I don't want to do.  I've tried this with and without 
BufferingOn without any luck.  This is using Apache::ASP 0.18.  Any ideas?


Re: Apache::ASP

2000-07-06 Thread Joshua Chamas

Vincent Bruijnes wrote:
> I got this error always when running /site/eg/index.html
> /www/htdocs/site/eg/.htaccess: Invalid command 'PerlSetVar', perhaps
> mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration.
> Is there a clue ?

Install mod_perl, or make sure its active.  If using DSO,
make sure the module is built and commented in.  If you
haven't built mod_perl, build it, statically link it with
Apache, and make sure you copy it over to where your httpd
resides on disk ( common error ).

If you have any questions about the above, be sure to read
the guide http://perl.apache.org/guide

-- Joshua

Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-07-06 Thread Ime Smits

| I got this error always when running /site/eg/index.html
| /www/htdocs/site/eg/.htaccess: Invalid command 'PerlSetVar', perhaps 
| mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration.
| Is there a clue ?

You probably didn't compile mod_perl with Apache, or you didn't
activate the mod_perl module. Check this with httpd -l: mod_perl
should be listed there.


Re: Apache::ASP

2000-07-06 Thread Vincent Bruijnes

How do you mean with copy it to over to where my httpd resides?
my apache resides in /www and where and what file should i place
in /www/ ? btw i don't use DSO

Sincerely Vincent Bruijnes

At 00:57 6-7-00 -0700, you wrote:
>Vincent Bruijnes wrote:
> >
> > I got this error always when running /site/eg/index.html
> >
> > /www/htdocs/site/eg/.htaccess: Invalid command 'PerlSetVar', perhaps
> > mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server 
> configuration.
> >
> > Is there a clue ?
> >
>Install mod_perl, or make sure its active.  If using DSO,
>make sure the module is built and commented in.  If you
>haven't built mod_perl, build it, statically link it with
>Apache, and make sure you copy it over to where your httpd
>resides on disk ( common error ).
>If you have any questions about the above, be sure to read
>the guide http://perl.apache.org/guide
>-- Joshua
>Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
>NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA

Apache::ASP problems

2000-07-06 Thread Vincent Bruijnes

Well the first lines of the error_log are strange for me.
I still come closer to a correct apache modperl and asp.
the /site/eg/index.html works only .asp files don't

To check it yourself goto http://node1352c.a2000.nl/site/eg/index.html
Thanks for all your help, once again.

Sincerely Vincent Bruijnes

[Thu Jul  6 16:09:47 2000] [error] [asp] [34387] [debug] destroying - GlobalASA: 
Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x837392c); Request: Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x83962e8); 
Response: Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x839624c); Server: 
Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x839615c); basename: session.asp; compile_includes: 1; dbg: 
2; debugs_output: ARRAY(0x812b848); errors_output: ARRAY(0x83b62d0); errs: 2; 
filename: /www/htdocs/site/eg/session.asp; global: /www/htdocs/site/eg//.; 
global_package: Apache::ASP::Demo; id: _www_htdocs_site_eg_session_aspxDYN; 
includes_dir: ARRAY(0x812b8f0); init_packages: ARRAY(0x83960d8); no_cache: ; 
no_session: ; no_state: ; package: Apache::ASP::Demo; r: Apache=SCALAR(0x837cc90); 
stat_inc: ; stat_inc_match: ; stat_scripts: 1; state_cache: ; state_db: ; state_dir: 
/tmp/asp_demo; state_manager: 10; state_serializer: ; subid: 
Apache::ASP::Demo::_www_htdocs_site_eg_session_aspxDYN; unique_packages: ; use_strict: 
; xslt: ; 
[Thu Jul  6 16:13:54 2000] [error] [asp] [34386] [debug] RUN ASP (v1.91) for 
[Thu Jul  6 16:13:54 2000] [error] [asp] [34386] [debug] GlobalASA package 
[Thu Jul  6 16:13:54 2000] [error] [asp] [34386] [debug] compiling global.asa 
Apache::ASP::Demo _www_htdocs_site_egglobal_asa - asp: 
Apache::ASP=HASH(0x837cc90); compiled: HASH(0x82e9610); exists: 1; id: 
_www_htdocs_site_egglobal_asa; mtime: 962892550; package: Apache::ASP::Demo; 
[Thu Jul  6 16:13:54 2000] [error] [asp] [34386] [debug] global.asa routines - 
Application_OnEnd: 1; Application_OnStart: 1; Script_OnEnd: 1; Script_OnFlush: 1; 
Script_OnStart: 1; Session_OnEnd: 1; Session_OnStart: 1; 
[Thu Jul  6 16:13:54 2000] [error] [asp] [34386] [error] can't create group dir 
/tmp/asp_demo/server, /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 4298
[Thu Jul  6 16:13:54 2000] [error] [asp] [34386] [error] Can't tie to file 
/tmp/asp_demo/server/internal, 514, No such file or directory !!  <--> Make sure you 
have the permissions on the  <--> directory set correctly, and that your  <--> version 
of Data::Dumper is up to date.  <--> Also, make sure you have set Global to  <--> to a 
good directory in the config file., /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm 
line 4374
[Thu Jul  6 16:13:54 2000] [error] Can't bless non-reference value at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 4540.
'Apache::ASP=HASH(0x837cc90)', 'internal', 'server', 514) called at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 637
Apache::ASP::new('Apache=SCALAR(0x813c3c0)') called at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 142
Apache::ASP::handler('Apache=SCALAR(0x813c3c0)') called at /dev/null line 0
eval {...} called at /dev/null line 0

[Thu Jul  6 16:13:54 2000] [error] [asp] [34386] [debug] state internal locks: 0, 
unlocks: 0
[Thu Jul  6 16:13:56 2000] [error] [asp] [34386] [debug] destroying - GlobalASA: 
Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0x83a0df8); Request: Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0x83a0fb4); 
Response: Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0x812b83c); Server: 
Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0x83b2e4c); basename: source.asp; compile_includes: 1; dbg: 
2; debugs_output: ARRAY(0x833de70); errors_output: ARRAY(0x82e94a8); errs: 2; 
filename: /www/htdocs/site/eg/source.asp; global: /www/htdocs/site/eg//.; 
global_package: Apache::ASP::Demo; id: _www_htdocs_site_eg_source_aspxDYN; 
includes_dir: ARRAY(0x83a0d5c); init_packages: ARRAY(0x83a0c6c); no_cache: ; 
no_session: ; no_state: ; package: Apache::ASP::Demo; r: Apache=SCALAR(0x813c3c0); 
stat_inc: ; stat_inc_match: ; stat_scripts: 1; state_cache: ; state_db: ; state_dir: 
/tmp/asp_demo; state_manager: 10; state_serializer: ; subid: 
Apache::ASP::Demo::_www_htdocs_site_eg_source_aspxDYN; unique_packages: ; use_strict: 
; xslt: ; 
[Thu Jul  6 16:14:22 2000] [error] [asp] [34386] [debug] RUN ASP (v1.91) for 
[Thu Jul  6 16:14:22 2000] [error] [asp] [34386] [debug] GlobalASA package 
[Thu Jul  6 16:14:22 2000] [error] [asp] [34386] [debug] compiling global.asa 
Apache::ASP::Demo _www_htdocs_site_egglobal_asa - asp: 
Apache::ASP=HASH(0x83a0e58); compiled: HASH(0x82e9610); exists: 1; id: 
_www_htdocs_site_egglobal_asa; mtime: 962892550; package: Apache::ASP::Demo; 
[Thu Jul  6 16:14:22 2000] [error] [asp] [34386] [debug] global.asa routines - 
Application_OnEnd: 1; Application_OnStart: 1; Script_OnEnd: 1; Script_OnFlush: 1; 

Re: Apache::ASP

2000-07-07 Thread Joshua Chamas

I just meant, if you build/rebuild your modperl httpd,
make sure you copy it to your normal httpd place, like
/usr/local/apache/bin or something.  People often forget
this step so that even when they build it and passes all the 
tests, they still get the PerlSetVar not defined error from 
apache, since they are using their old apache binary still.

Check out a related documented FAQ for more info:


Vincent Bruijnes wrote:
> How do you mean with copy it to over to where my httpd resides?
> my apache resides in /www and where and what file should i place
> in /www/ ? btw i don't use DSO
> Sincerely Vincent Bruijnes
> At 00:57 6-7-00 -0700, you wrote:
> >Vincent Bruijnes wrote:
> > >
> > > I got this error always when running /site/eg/index.html
> > >
> > > /www/htdocs/site/eg/.htaccess: Invalid command 'PerlSetVar', perhaps
> > > mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server
> > configuration.
> > >
> > > Is there a clue ?
> > >
> >
> >Install mod_perl, or make sure its active.  If using DSO,
> >make sure the module is built and commented in.  If you
> >haven't built mod_perl, build it, statically link it with
> >Apache, and make sure you copy it over to where your httpd
> >resides on disk ( common error ).
> >
> >If you have any questions about the above, be sure to read
> >the guide http://perl.apache.org/guide
> >
> >-- Joshua
> >

Re: Apache::ASP+

2000-07-20 Thread Paul Lindner

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 03:10:15PM +0800, Kenneth Lee wrote:
> Hi all!
> Any one started to make one? It seems a good idea. Of coz it's not simple 
> to build the whole complex platform (NGWS), but the concept of server-side 
> object and the event driven model is too interesting to me.

Actually I think that Apache::ASP is coming right along with it's
support of XML and the underlying behaviors.

I'm not well versed in Microsoft's Next Generation Windows System
(NGWS) but would appreciate hearing more about how it differs from
some of the latest Apache::ASP enhancements.

Paul Lindner
Red Hat Inc.

Re: Apache::ASP+

2000-07-20 Thread Kenneth Lee

See this link


Paul Lindner wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 03:10:15PM +0800, Kenneth Lee wrote:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > Any one started to make one? It seems a good idea. Of coz it's not simple
> > to build the whole complex platform (NGWS), but the concept of server-side
> > object and the event driven model is too interesting to me.
> Actually I think that Apache::ASP is coming right along with it's
> support of XML and the underlying behaviors.
> I'm not well versed in Microsoft's Next Generation Windows System
> (NGWS) but would appreciate hearing more about how it differs from
> some of the latest Apache::ASP enhancements.
> --
> Paul Lindner
> Red Hat Inc.

Re: Apache::ASP+

2000-07-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Kenneth Lee wrote:

> See this link
> http://www.asptoday.com/articles/2712.htm

He sure makes a lot of fuss over adding the functionality of
HTML::FillInForms.  The action => sub stuff doesn't look very difficult to
me, but it also doesn't look like a significant improvement over more
obvious ways to do this.  Ultimately, it kind of looks like Microsoft is
struggling to add some of the basic features of WebObjects 1.0.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::ASP+

2000-07-20 Thread Dmitry Beransky

At 10:56 AM 7/20/00, you wrote:
>See this link

Very interesting (now I want to buy the enitre book and see what else is in 
there). There are some aspects of the new ASP I really like especially 
those targeted at improvements of the workflow (content/code 
separation).  It looks to me, though, that this improvement comes at the 
cost of parsing HTML document into a DOM tree (although, I've always wished 
there were a cheap way to manipulate the DOM of a document on the 
server).  I've also noticed that the markup used in the excerpt is a weird 
combination of HTML and XHTML (those  tags).  I wonder if ASP+ pages 
are [can be?] required to be written in XHTML to speed up the parsing time...


Re: Apache::ASP+

2000-07-20 Thread Paul Lindner

On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 12:36:45PM -0700, Dmitry Beransky wrote:
> At 10:56 AM 7/20/00, you wrote:
> >See this link
> >
> >http://www.asptoday.com/articles/2712.htm
> Very interesting (now I want to buy the enitre book and see what else is in 
> there). There are some aspects of the new ASP I really like especially 
> those targeted at improvements of the workflow (content/code 
> separation).  It looks to me, though, that this improvement comes at the 
> cost of parsing HTML document into a DOM tree (although, I've always wished 
> there were a cheap way to manipulate the DOM of a document on the 
> server).  I've also noticed that the markup used in the excerpt is a weird 
> combination of HTML and XHTML (those  tags).  I wonder if ASP+ pages 
> are [can be?] required to be written in XHTML to speed up the parsing time...

Yeah, I don't much care for the runat="server" way of specifying that
content should be handled by the server.  I would think that they
could have used some enclosing tag to denote that the forms were to be

Some of the stuff they talk about is already handled by Apache::ASP
(such as intelligently dealing with session state..)  Script_OnStart hooks,
Debug Tracing, etc, etc..

BTW I find that the XMLSubsMatch included in the latest Apache::ASP
simpler and cleaner way of doing much of ASP+ (especially this
business of the special asp: namespace..)

I can say

  XMLSubsMatch Apps:\w+

This converts all calls for tags like  or
... to equivalent functions in the Apps package.

Very, very useful.  

It will only get more powerful when compile-time tags are added.  This
will give a big performance boost for code that doesn't need to run on
every request, or allow for tags to insert code into the compiled
Apache::ASP page..

For example, you could define a tag named , and use
it like such:

Welcome back 

You'd have this on the backend:

  sub Util::isloggedin {
my ($args, $text);

return(qq( if ($Session->{isloggedin}) { ) . 
   qq(   $Response->Write(' ) .
   qq( } );

almost closure like, if you ask me...

Paul Lindner
Red Hat Inc.

Re: Apache::ASP+

2000-07-20 Thread Joshua Chamas

Kenneth Lee wrote:
> See this link
> http://www.asptoday.com/articles/2712.htm
> Paul Lindner wrote:
> >
> > Actually I think that Apache::ASP is coming right along with it's
> > support of XML and the underlying behaviors.
> >

Thanks Paul, but there is always room for improvement eh? :)
So, I took a good read of ASP+ at the link above, and was 
less than impressed, but could see how some of the things
would be useful.  

ASP+ looks like its supposed to be backwards compatible with
ASP, so adding its features to Apache::ASP would seem like
something that could/should be done, with the right configuration
options, so that the runtime penalties of some of the features
wouldn't be at everyone's detriment.

Below is a list of features, and where I see them with respect 
to Apache::ASP.  Those that "WILL BE DONE" just requires the 
proper time & motivation for me to do.  Those that "COULD BE DONE"
I think we should wait on until the ASP+ standard is out of beta
and we can sort out the good from the bad.  I don't think we should
implement everything "just because", but thoughtfully take more
of a per need approach to these newer features.



- cookieless sessions, via SessionQueryParse config
- server farm session management, via StateDir NFS or other net mount
- sessions persist across server reboots, natural with StateDir


- auto fill HTML form field feature, probably via FormFill config
  or $Response->{FormFill} member being set, will look at how others
  do it first
- sessions stored in database, might implement via Apache::Session
- output caching, maybe with $Response->{Cache} member, need to 
  do more research here

- new events like Application_BeginRequest 
   - Application_BeginRequest possibly same as Script_OnStart ? 
- binding of form field names directly to variables in scripts
- new server side event model more like client side DOM scripting
- onserverclick event for form fields
- server side control binding is more HTMLish way of programming
- new  controls / tags
- support of SOAP and server side object access
- config.web configuration file, likely similar to .htaccess(?)
- global.asax instead of global.asa
- Application_OnEnd/OnStart occuring after global.asax 
  is modified
- state server properties
- per page configurable error page
- trace object, different method of debugging

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