Re: [Mono-list] .so file not found in /usr/lib

2016-07-06 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jul 4, 2016, at 7:24 PM, Daniel Hughes  wrote:
> I have a library that I am trying to pinvoke to ( that is located 
> in /usr/lib
> This page:
> tells me that /usr/lib is on the search path.
> However when I run my app I get a DllNotFoundException
> If I run with: MONO_LOG_LEVEL=debug mono CSSword.Tests.exe
> Then I get the following in the output:
> Mono: DllImport error loading library '’: ' 
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory’.

`` depends on ``, and `` can’t be 

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] (no subject)

2016-04-28 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Apr 27, 2016, at 2:53 PM, Sharmad Naik  wrote:
> I have now another system where I have copied the service application build 
> and running earlier and some of the binaries like mono-service, mono, 
>, mono-service.exe, Mono.Posix.dll and mscorlib.dll and 
> set the MONO_PATH variable to the location of the folder
> On executing the service application using the following command 
>  mono-service --debug Service1App.exe 
> I get an error 
> UnhandledException:
> System.DllNotFoundException: msvcrt

I think you need to copy over $prefix/etc/mono/config as well, because you’re 
apparently missing the DLL mapping from msvcrt to libc:


 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] Cross Platform on Linux/Windows with Mono.Posix reference on Linux

2016-03-30 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Mar 30, 2016, at 8:33 AM, Alan  wrote:
> If you package Mono.Posix.dll your app *will crash* on different systems.

Not necessarily.

> This binary is platform specific and is not safe to copy between OS’s.

Mono.Posix.dll *itself* contains no platform-specific code and is perfectly 
safe to copy between operating systems.

Mono.Posix.dll contains P/Invokes into “MonoPosixHelper” 
(libMonoPosixHelper.dylib on OS X, MonoPosixHelper.dll on Windows, etc.), and 
MonoPosixHelper contains operating system-specific code. It *cannot* be copied 
between operating systems; it’s a native library.

> It's fine to have a copy of Mono.Posix.dll used purely for compilation 
> purposes. But at runtime you have to use the system provided one, which 
> typically means the one provided by the system's mono installation.

It’s entirely fine to include Mono.Posix.dll with your app, SO LONG AS you 
*also* copy and distribute MonoPosixHelper with your app.

Additionally, Mono.Posix.dll also P/Invokes other native libraries such as 
INTL.DLL (Mono.Unix.Catalog) and MSVCRT.DLL (Mono.Unix.Native.Stdlib), which 
should be usable on Windows (so long as you also distribute INTL.DLL, etc.).

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Unix Signal in mono

2016-02-29 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Feb 29, 2016, at 8:18 AM, techi eth  wrote:
> Thanks for quick hint.
> We can receive signal by using signal handler using 
> Mono.Unix.Native.Stdlib.signal.
> I am trying to check possibility of sending signal from one process to 
> another.
> Example : If i have two process (P1 & P2) & P1 want to send SIGTERM to P2.

Don’t use Stdlib.signal() to setup signal handlers. It’s [Obsolete] because it 
isn’t signal safe, i.e. it isn’t safe to invoke managed code from within a 
signal handler.

Instead, to receive a notification of signal delivery, you should use 

To *send* a signal, use Syscall.kill().

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Class built by mono throws FileNotFoundException when run on windows

2015-09-02 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Sep 2, 2015, at 9:25 AM, Robert Jordan  wrote:
> A sane and easy solution is to deploy Mono.Posing on Windows side-by-side 
> with you app.

Just do that — and distribute MonoPosixHelper.dll as well.

Parts of Mono.Posix.dll are supported on Windows, e.g. Mono.Unix.Native.Stdlib 
and Mono.Unix.Catalog (INTL.DLL wrapper). There should be no harm in 
distributing these files with your app, other than a size increase.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] Missing Unix inside of Mono

2015-05-20 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On May 20, 2015, at 5:08 AM, Baltasar García Perez-Schofield wrote:
 $ sudo apt-get install Pinta
 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  pinta : Depends: libmono-posix2.0-cil (= 3.2.3) but it is not going to be 
 E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
 Okay, so I downloaded the tarball from their web and tried to install from 
 source. However, it complains about missing namespace Unix inside of Mono 
 (23 errors). What Xamarin packages am I missing?

You need Mono.Posix.dll, which presumably would be provided by 
libmono-posix2.0-cil, if it could be installed, which it can’t.

I don’t know why apt-get won’t install it. :-(

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Anyone else missing reply-to?

2015-05-14 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On May 12, 2015, at 2:43 PM, Maury Markowitz wrote:
 Well my mailer does that, and it’s precisely the wrong behaviour IMHO. 
 Maintaining readable threads requires posts to go back to the group, and if 
 they’re doing that, what’s the purpose of sending it directly to the poster 
 who’s going to get a copy anyway?

1. Sometimes you actually want to reply privately. Munging the Reply-To header 
makes this more difficult.

2. Redundancy. Sometimes the mail server is down or slow. Getting two messages 
is thus an advantage if you’re waiting for a response, as you’re not waiting on 
any delays in the listserv software.

3. Filtering and convention: it’s common practice that if you’re in the “To” 
header, the message is directed at you specifically, and thus a response may be 
warranted from you specifically, while if you’re in the “Cc” header, you don’t 
necessarily need to reply (it’s informative).

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] System.IO.Compression

2015-05-10 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On May 8, 2015, at 10:19 AM, Baltasar García Perez-Schofield wrote:
 Are there any plans to implement System.IO.Compression? Or maybe that now the 
 library is open-sourced, will it be added to mono any time soon?

Which types?

DeflateStream has been present since at least Mono 1.2:

ZipArchive and ZipFile have been present since at least Mono 3.2.0:

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Question about Mono processor architecture reporting on ARM platforms

2015-01-29 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jan 29, 2015, at 3:33 AM, Alex J Lennon 
 Can anybody advise if this is an implementational issue or if I'm doing 
 something wrong here?

You're doing something wrong, *and* there's an implementation issue.

Module GetPEKind() returns information about the specified module, which can 
have absolutely no bearing on the actual runtime environment.

The C# compiler has a /platform:PLATFORM flag to specify the target platform:

mcs /platform:x86 myapp.cs

This sets a flag in the PE header, and Module.GetPEKind() extracts this 
information. For example, build with /platform:arm, and Module.GetPEKind() will 
return ImageFileMachine.ARM *for that assembly*.

.NET checks this PE header value during process startup. For example, if you 
compile with /platform:anycpu, your app may run as a 32-bit process on 32-bit 
windows, and as a 64-bit process on 64-bit windows. If you need to run as a 
32-bit process on 64-bit windows (e.g. because a dependent .dll you use is only 
32-bit), then you must build your app with /platform:x86 to force .NET to run 
your app as a 32-bit process on 64-bit windows.

Mono ignores this PE header value. In the case of 32-bit vs. 64-bit processes, 
you must use an appropriately built mono (e.g. mono32 for a 32-bit mono) in 
order to get an appropriate bitness. (It's also entirely possible that there is 
no option; at present on OS X, the Mono package only provides a 32-bit runtime, 
though you can build a 64-bit runtime yourself.)

Offhand, short of using uname(3)/Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.uname(), I'm not sure 
of a good way to determine the processor architecture.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono.Posix Cross Compiling

2015-01-07 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jan 5, 2015, at 6:08 PM, Greg Young wrote:
 Have anyone used mono.posix or mono.unix.native in a cross compiling scenario 
 where you have to support visual studio builds? How did you handle this? I 
 don't seem to be able to do a platform specific reference.

What's the problem? Mono.Posix.dll is MIT/X11; simply bundle the assembly with 
your code, along with MonoPosixHelper.dll (just copy from the Mono install).

Furthermore, Mono.Unix.Native.Stdlib should work as-is on Windows (it uses 

You will need to be careful not to actually use Syscall/etc. on Windows, but 
due to the lazy nature of the JIT this should be reasonably straightforward:

if (running on Unix)
MethodWhichUsesSyscall ();

MethodWhichUsesSyscall() won't be JIT'd unless executed, so any references to 
e.g. Syscall will be lazily evaluated, allowing things to work on Windows.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Open source .Net, and TLS 1.1 1.2

2014-12-16 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Dec 15, 2014, at 6:54 AM, Edward Ned Harvey (mono) wrote:
 I'll look into __MonoCS__ to see if it does what I'm looking for.

It is not what you're looking for. __MonoCS__ is defined by the Mono C# 
compiler (mcs); that's all it means.

It doesn't mean that you're building on Linux or Windows (Mono + mcs runs on 
Windows). It doesn't control which runtime mcs is running within (mcs runs 
within .NET as well as Mono). It doesn't control what runtime you're running in 
(mcs output runs on .NET).

About the only use for __MonoCS__ is if you hit an mcs bug and want to work 
around it.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Using .so file in Android Library Project and then using it in an Android App

2014-12-03 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Dec 2, 2014, at 9:09 AM, Burhan Eyuboglu wrote:
 When I add, I got this error: is not a valid ELF 

Where do you get this error from? What's the overall context?

 I checked the library, is not ELF, it is a linker, however is ELF 64 bit sharerd object. How can add 
 Because android accepts lib prefix and so suffix.

Android wants a lib prefix and .so suffix. .1 is not .so; if you managed to 
add to your .apk, it will *not* be installed.

Additionally, Xamarin.Android does not currently support 64-bit processors. 
(It's being worked on.) Consequently, you'll need to target a 32-bit ABI, e.g. 

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono on Embedded Platform

2014-11-24 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Nov 23, 2014, at 11:45 PM, techi eth wrote:
 I would be happy if I will get all running under 10 MB.I have listed approx 
 size of few essential. I am not sure how to reduce  get size under 10 MB.

Where are you getting these file sizes? Perhaps you need to strip(1) the 

 1)  Mono (link to mono-sgen) : 13 MB

I'm not sure what this means. If you mean the mono binary, you need to strip(1) 
it; on OS X, it's 4.1MB.

 2) : 12 MB

You need to strip(1) this binary. On OS X, libmonosgen-2.0.1.dylib is 4.2MB.

Also note that the `mono` binary doesn't require libmono*.so; it statically 
links it in. libmono*.so is for embedding use.

 3)  Mscorelib.dll : 15 MB

Where are you getting this file size? On OS X, the 4.5 mscorlib.dll is 2.9MB.

For example, consider mkbundle(1):

mkbundle(1) can be used to bundle all assemblies into a single file, to 
simplify distribution. Using mkbundle(1), you can have a single native binary 
which only requires libmonoboehm-2.dylib to execute, no additional assemblies, 
by using `mkbundle --deps`:

$ AS='as -arch i386' \
CC='cc -arch i386' \

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Libraries/pkgconfig \
mkbundle --deps -z hw.exe -o hw2

$ ls -lh hw2
-rwxr-xr-x+ 1 jon  staff   1.0M Nov 24 10:53 hw2

$ nm -ufm hw2
 (undefined) external ___memcpy_chk (from libSystem)
 (undefined) external ___stderrp (from libSystem)
 (undefined) external _exit (from libSystem)
 (undefined) external _fprintf (from libSystem)
 (undefined) external _getenv (from libSystem)
 (undefined) external _inflate (from libz)
 (undefined) external _inflateEnd (from libz)
 (undefined) external _inflateInit2_ (from libz)
 (undefined) external _malloc (from libSystem)
 (undefined) external _memset (from libSystem)
 (undefined) external _mono_main (from libmonoboehm-2)
 (undefined) external _mono_register_bundled_assemblies (from 
 (undefined) external _mono_set_dirs (from libmonoboehm-2)
 (undefined) external _printf (from libSystem)
 (undefined) external _strchr (from libSystem)
 (undefined) external _strdup (from libSystem)
 (undefined) external dyld_stub_binder (from libSystem)

With the above setup, Hello world requires only ~5.2MB of disk to run (for 
OS X binaries).

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] Debug.Assert - a cross-platform issue

2014-11-21 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Nov 21, 2014, at 7:25 PM, MarLOne wrote:
 It will be good if these classes and assemblies from Microsoft open-sources 
 are incorporated verbatim into Mono to replace its inconsistent code.

This will not be possible, for (at least) three reasons:

1. That code is also shared by Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Mac, 
all of which lack System.Configuration.dll, and the .NET DefaultTraceListener 
relies upon System.Configuration (via DiagnosticsConfiguration).

2. There are several CAS demands, which don't make sense on Mono.

3. The default code to write messages is useless outside of Windows, as no 
other platform has OutputDebugString():

This doesn't mean that the .NET source can't be taken *and modified* for use 
off Windows, but it can't be used as-is.

 I have to thank Microsoft to open-source the .Net library allowing me to read 
 ...  default values for the System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener.
 The default value of property that determines the reaction of Debug.Assert is 
 set here:  assertuienabled

The hilarious thing is that AssertUiEnabled does not alone control actual 
runtime behavior!

The behavior of DefaultTraceListener.Fail() depends on *both* 
DefaultTraceListener.AssertUiEnabled *and* DefaultTraceListener.UiPermission, 
which is a private property that demands the UIPermissionWindow.SafeSubWindows 
CAS permission:

try {
return true;
catch {
return false;

This explains how they can sanely have a non-GUI Windows service use 
Debug.Assert() and have it not hang when there's no Window Station: just have 
the startup code set security permissions which denies 

This doesn't at all answer how things should work off Windows. You can 
reasonably argue that DefaultTraceListener.AssertUiEnabled should default to 
`true` off Windows, even if/when a GUI is never shown, because 
DefaultTraceListener.AssertUiEnabled is in fact meaningless (it's not the sole 
control over whether a GUI is shown).

Which really means the docs are misleading. :-)

It's entirely possible, as we can now see, for user interface mode to be 
enabled, yet still not actually display a GUI when Fail() is invoked. This 
possibility is not noted at all in the documentation, afaict.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] Using .so file in Android Library Project and then using it in an Android App

2014-11-18 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Nov 18, 2014, at 10:05 AM, Burhan Eyuboglu wrote:
 While running my code on an Android Device, it gives that error:

This is better asked on

 [Mono] DllImport error loading library 
  'Cannot load library: load_library(linker.cpp:746): library 
  not found'.

Please see:

There should also be a similar DllImport error loading library message 
regarding ``, which presumably also isn't found because it isn't 
present. (Or there's a linker error.)

Your .apk should contain the native libraries in `lib/ABI` directories, and 
Android will extract and install the appropriate library into your app's lib 
directory. Either your .apk doesn't contain, or it contains for the wrong ABI and it isn't being installed, or you're 
hitting an Android installation bug.

You need to `unzip -l` your .apk, ensure exists for the ABI that 
your target is running, and (preferably) have a copy of for each 
lib/ABI directory within the .apk.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] Cross-Platform GUI Tookit

2014-11-18 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Nov 17, 2014, at 10:55 PM, Edward Ned Harvey (mono) wrote:
 The fact that XS/MD is or was based on Xwt is a good sign

based on might be a bit strong. It *uses* Xwt.

Most of the current Xamarin Studio/MonoDevelop code is based on Gtk#. *Parts* 
were done in Xwt so that those parts could use the platform-native UI and share 
code with Visual Studio (e.g. File  Open, the Android designer), but most was 
written in, and continues to be in, Gtk#.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Cross-Platform GUI Tookit

2014-11-18 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Nov 18, 2014, at 3:33 PM, Daniel Hughes wrote:
 Jonathan can you comment on Xamarins plans

I can't comment on any plans for the IDEs (or anything else that isn't related 
to Xamarin.Android), as I don't work on them. I have no idea what they plan on 

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] libMonoPosixHelper.dylib?

2014-11-05 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Nov 5, 2014, at 9:15 AM, Maury Markowitz wrote:
 The OSX code I'm using will need to reference MonoPosixHelper.

Why do you need to reference libMonoPosixHelper.dylib? It has NO STABLE ABI; it 
is intended for use only from Mono.Posix.dll.

 However, I cannot find this libMonoPosixHelper.dylib anywhere.

$ find /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Libraries/ -name 


 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] libMonoPosixHelper.dylib?

2014-11-05 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Nov 5, 2014, at 11:19 AM, Maury Markowitz wrote:
 unzOpen2 is part of miniunzip, itself part of zlib. The zlib code appears to 
 be in the MPH project essentially/completely unchanged. Of course I also have 
 libz in /usr/lib on every device I'm targeting.

libMonoPosixHelper.dylib has a copy of minzip for use in 

 *** What are you doing, man?! ***
 Is WindowsBase available in a OSX version? Or just System.IO.Packaging? It 
 does not appear to be, which is what started me down this rabbit hole.

The System.IO.Packaging namespace is in WindowsBase.dll:
 Assembly:  WindowsBase (in WindowsBase.dll)

WindowsBase.dll, in turn, is installed:

$ find /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Libraries/ -name 



Using the assembly Works For Me™:

$ csharp -r:WindowsBase.dll
csharp using System.IO.Packaging;
csharp Package p = null;

OK, not a great example, but it shows that the assembly, namespace, and type 
were found by the compiler...

 *** It just works! ***
 If this call should normally just work, then perhaps the path is screwed up 
 and it can't find it. How would I test this possibility?

What would be helpful is if you provided your sample code and the corresponding 
error message. AFAIK, Mono should be able to find libMonoPosixHelper.dylib, so 
I don't understand the error you're seeing.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Consts.cs vs.

2014-10-19 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Oct 16, 2014, at 12:54 PM, Maury Markowitz wrote:
 1) Almost all of the projects refer to /System/Consts.cs. I do not have such 
 a file, but I do have, which looks a lot like a cs file. I am 
 unfamiliar with .in - is this supposed to be converted into a .cs by 
 someone/thing, or is this simply the .cs with some extra crud at the end of 
 the name?

A `.in` file is an input file, often processed by sed, to replace various 
strings within the file.

In the case of, the string to be replaced is @MONO_VERSION@, which 
is done by mono/mcs/build/Makefile [0]

common/Consts.cs: common/ $(wildcard config.make)
test -n '$(MONO_VERSION)'
sed -e 's,@''MONO_VERSION@,$(MONO_VERSION),' $  $@

 - Jon


Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] a set of tests to find out the difference between .Net and Mono implementation

2014-09-16 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Sep 16, 2014, at 6:10 AM, 何子杰Hzj_jie wrote:
 1. GC
 thought GC.Collect() does not guarantee all the inaccessible objects are 
 finalized and reclaimed, .Net implementation usually be able to delete all 
 the inaccessible objects.
 impacts, delegate_pinning_test, it make sure the delegate / event in .net 
 will release the object after itself has been released.
 weak_pointer_test, weak_pointer is a simple wrapper of WeakReference, which 
 is strong-typed.
 event_disposer_test, event_disposer is a strong-typed pointer, which provide 
 disposing event when disposing.
 lifetime_binder_test, lifetime_binder is a collection to avoid the object to 
 be finalized.

Developers need to write tests for finalizers, and writing tests for finalizers 
can be tricky for a variety of reasons. As such, it is quite possible that a 
GC-related test that works on .NET won't work on Mono w/o change.

If you want to test your class' finalizer, then you need to use two threads + 

WeakReference r = null;
var t = new Thread (() = {
var v = new ClassToTest ();
r = new WeakReference (t);
t.Start ();
t.Join ();
GC.Collect ();
GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers ();

// can now [0] check r.IsAlive, etc.

The reason you create the instance + WeakReference on another thread is because 
Mono's GC will *conservatively* scan the thread's heap looking for valid 
references. By using a new thread *which exits*, the conservative stack scan 
will skip the exited thread, and thus won't find any valid references to the 
allocated instance. This in turn allows you to use the WeakReference to 
determine if the instance has in fact been collected. (Or not, if your 
ClassToTest registers itself with some static collection or something...)

 - Jon


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] Java Convert to C#

2014-09-12 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Sep 12, 2014, at 3:40 AM, mutasim wrote:
 the difference between Java and C# is the native code

That' way to think of it, certainly.

That's also an oversimplification: before you even get to native code, your 
compiler needs to emit *something*, and that something needs to support your 
desired semantics.

CIL and a set of custom attributes can support the necessary Java semantics, 
*except* for interface versioning. (At least, the last time I tried covariant 
return types in CIL it appeared to work... Java interfaces allow adding methods 
with impunity w/o invalidating existing compiled implementations. CIL doesn't 
permit that.)

C#, on the other hand, does *not* support all Java semantics, nor can it easily 
be made to support them. (I've pondered a lot about how to sanely do covariant 
return types in C#. It's not easy.)

Since your very premise consists of converting Java code into C# code, this 
requires that you get all of the semantic issues nailed down first, OR that you 
fork the C# language and add the missing Java-oriented semantics to C#. (This 
would be an interesting project, but it would no longer be C#.)

 if the native code been programmed and add to the mono CLI that will handle 
 all the problems , i think , all the codes will return back to C or C++ and 
 then to the low level

Mono, at present, consumes CIL. Consequently, you either need to emit CIL -- 
assuming CIL can represent your required semantics -- or you need to extend 
mono to consume some alternate serialization format that supports your desired 

As stated elsewhere in this thread, the easiest answer is to use IKVM to 
execute your Java bytecode atop Mono. IKVM handles the responsibility of 
properly representing Java bytecode semantics atop CIL.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Java Convert to C#

2014-09-11 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Sep 11, 2014, at 9:50 AM, mutasim wrote:
 i convert java code to C# but there is a lot of error the code is connected 
 to C directly the file that been converted : openjdk-7-fcs-src-b147-27 jun 

Just offhand...are you aware of the semantic differences between Java and C#, 
particularly when it comes to generics? Porting Java to C# will be an 
interesting exercise, and I can see from the generated code that it's not 
going to work:

// from Java/java/lang/Class.cs:
public static Class? forName(string name, bool initialize, 
ClassLoader loader)

`Class?` is perfectly fine for Java, but (1) is not valid C#, and (2) has no 
real equivalent in C# either. The underpinnings of Java type erasure compared 
to C#'s reified generics are just completely different. Squaring this circle 
will be a fun exercise.

Then there's covariant return types (used in java.lang.Appendable  
java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder), name resolution and overloading differences...

 why some of the programs in mono back to java , in java is powerful language, 
 and also you can program java with the C# if the java is CLI

I'm not sure what to make of this either.

Running Mono programs on Java will be a difficult exercise for a variety of 
reasons, including differences in generics, but also in Platform Invoke, GC 
heap pinning, and more.

Running Java programs atop Mono can already be done without porting the Java 
code to C#; that's what IKVM is for. IKVM also allows Java code to interact 
with C# code.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] New to Mono: Port from iOS to Android Question

2014-09-08 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Sep 8, 2014, at 1:31 PM, jimscott007 wrote:
 I'm looking to get involved in a project that already has a working iOS app 
 registered with the store and available for download. The next step is to 
 code the Android version of the app and I'm told that the iOS version was 
 built using Mono.

In all likelihood, the iOS app was written with MonoTouch or Xamarin.iOS. You 
may be able to use Xamarin.Android to assist in the Android port:

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] OracleClient.Oci and GC

2014-08-26 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Aug 25, 2014, at 2:05 PM, Neale Ferguson wrote:
 Do you mean mine not having protected virtual? 

Dispose(bool) doesn't need to be `protected virtual` unless you plan on 
supporting inheritance.

Rephrased: if your type is sealed, it doesn't need to be `protected virtual`. 
If your type *isn't* sealed, your type probably should provide a `protected 
virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)`.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] OracleClient.Oci and GC

2014-08-25 Thread Jonathan Pryor
Idiomatic IDisposable implementation is slightly different from what you have:

On Aug 25, 2014, at 11:08 AM, Neale Ferguson wrote:
 I implemented a Dispose method for OracleParameter:
~OracleParameter ()
public void Dispose ()
Dispose (true);

You should call GC.SuppressFinalize(this) from Dispose(), not Dispose(bool).

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] Microsoft open sources the roslyn compiler under the Apache 2.0 License

2014-04-04 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Apr 3, 2014, at 4:21 PM, Justin Dearing wrote:
 Are there any plans to port rosyln to mono?

Miguel demo'd Roslyn running atop Mono/OS X at //build yesterday. I don't think 
it will be too difficult to port.

 Also, since this is apache 2.0 licensed, whats the policy on contributing 
 code from it to Mono itself? Does contributing to mono require copyright 

I _suspect_ -- but do not _know_ -- that Roslyn will _not_ be part of the Mono 
git repo. (Why should it be? It can remain an independent repo, just as e.g. 
cecil, ikvm, and rx are.)

Contributions to Mono _itself_ will require copyright assignment, but I rather 
doubt that contributions to Roslyn will be considered as contributions to 

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] mono and unmanaged code

2014-03-28 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Mar 19, 2014, at 12:33 AM, Greg wrote:
 I believe the calls are failing because the unamanged dll has not been 
 compiled in the native environment.  Is this true, or should mono be able to 
 handle unmanaged dlls that were compiled in Windows?

Mono does not support unmanaged shared libraries (.dll files).

If possible, you should port your unmanaged code to linux and build it into a 

If that isn’t possible, you should look into using Wine. Mono should run atop 
Wine (last I heard…), so this may be a viable solution for you.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Inconsistent value in System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener.AssertUiEnabled

2014-03-20 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Mar 14, 2014, at 8:42 AM, MarLOne wrote:
 The function System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bool, string) is not at fault as 
 I have disassembled the Mono code. The fault lies in the property value of 
 *System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener.AssertUiEnabled* which is default to 
 *false* in *Mono* while in *CLR's runtime code* it is default to *true*.

This behavior is unlikely to change until:

1. We determine a way to reliably (portably!) determine if there is an 
interactive user so that the GUI is not shown in Server context. .NET has the 
Environment.UserInteractive property for this purpose:

Unfortunately, it isn't implemented in Mono (it just returns `false`), never 
has been implemented, and I have no idea _how_ to implement it off Windows:

Until this is fixed, DefaultTraceListener.AssertUiEnabled CANNOT be True. (Not 
unless you want some random headless Server to be trying to connect to the GUI, 
halting all operations...)

2. It relies on loading System.Windows.Forms.dll via Reflection at runtime. 
What should happen when that assembly isn't available, as will be the case in 
Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Mac, and various embedded platforms that 
include Mono's BCL (MonoGame, Unity3D, etc.)?

What _will_ happen is the UI won't be displayed and (in the MOBILE profile) the 
error message will be logged to stdout.

YOU know in what environments your app will run; the core libraries do not. 
Therefore, YOU can alter default behaviors as you see fit, e.g. by explicitly 
setting DefaultTraceeListener.AssertUiEnabled=true (either in code or in a 
.exe.config file), or by adding a new TraceListener which aborts the process on 

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] Failing dlopen on Linux via DllImport with error message 'dlopen: invalid caller'

2013-11-25 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Nov 25, 2013, at 5:47 PM, wrote:
  [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
  private static extern string dlerror();

You should (almost?) never use `string` (or any other reference type) as the 
return type in a P/Invoke method:
 The CLI assumes that all memory that is passed between the CLI/unmanaged code 
 boundary is allocated via a common memory allocator. The developer does not 
 get a choice in which memory allocator is used. For managed code, the 
 Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem method can be used to allocate memory, 
 Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem is used to free the memory allocated by 
 Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem, andMarshal.ReAllocCoTaskMem is used to resize a 
 memory region originally allocated by Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem.
 Since classes are passed by reference, a pointer is returned, and the runtime 
 assumes that it must free this memory to avoid a memory leak.

You should instead use IntPtr as the return type, then use 
Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi() to convert the IntPtr into a string.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] self signed certificate

2013-10-25 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Oct 24, 2013, at 6:02 PM, Edward Ned Harvey (mono) wrote:
 All the guides out there that I can find tell people to use makecert, which 
 isn't an option.  Or use openssl.

Why aren't those options? It shouldn't matter how you create the cert, as long 
as you have one...

...except that the normal System.Net stack wants a valid certificate chain 
lest it start throwing exceptions, and it'll start throwing exceptions with 
your self-signed cert.

The workaround for this is to set the 
System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback property [0, 
1] to a delegate which will check that the certificate you're getting from the 
server matches what your app expects. If it does, it can return `true` and the 
certificate will be used anyway, allowing you to use a self-signed cert. If the 
delegate returns `false`, the connection will be refused, as normal.

 - Jon


Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] mdoc update for a non-public types

2013-10-24 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Oct 24, 2013, at 7:38 AM, xplicit wrote:
 Can anyone explain is this normal behaviour or not?

The primary world view for mdoc is for generating and maintaining external 

mdoc will generate documentation stubs which are later edited (typically 
by-hand, at least for me...). It does this by enumerating over all types and 
all members in the assembly, and generating mdoc(5)[0] XML for each type found.

Implicit in this worldview is that mdoc should _only_ process public or 
protected members, because generating documentation stubs for private members 
is lunacy.

Importing documentation (`mdoc -i ...`) doesn't change the above worldview: 
non-public/protected types are skipped before mdoc checks to see if it can 
import documentation for the member.

Furthermore, mdoc will _remove_ Member/ nodes for members that aren't found 
in the type, so manually adding private members afterward won't fix it.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Removing NET_2_0 define

2013-10-18 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Oct 16, 2013, at 10:00 AM, Alexander Köplinger 
 Wouldn’t it make sense to remove the #if NET_2_0 checks in the codebase as 
 those are now unnecessary (every profile is now 2.0 or later)?
 Or are they actually required for something? If not, I’d provide a pull 
 request to clean up those checks.

They are not required, but removing them would add extra commit noise, which 
isn't necessary.

Current policy (as it were) is to remove nearby `#if`s when modifying 
nearby code, so things can be improved in an ongoing basis without littering 
commit history.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] Why Mono developers merged System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll to System.ServiceModel.dll?

2013-09-08 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Sep 8, 2013, at 3:43 AM, mauzik wrote:
 My question is why?

Bugs and oversight.

.NET does not require that the assembly name match the namespace, and many of 
the types in the System.ServiceModel.Activation namespace are in the 
System.ServiceModel.dll assembly, _not_ the System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll 

For example, AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsAttribute [0], 
ServiceHostFactoryBase [1], and VirtualPathExtension [2] are all in 
System.ServiceModel.dll. The WebScriptServiceHostFactory and 
WebServiceHostFactory types are in System.ServiceModel.Web.dll. 
WorkflowServiceHostFactory is in System.WorkflowServices.dll.

Please file a bug so that we can move the appropriate types into the correct 

 - Jon


Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] FtpWebRequest works targeting .net, fails in mono 2.10.9

2013-08-02 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jul 30, 2013, at 9:31 AM, MikeN wrote:
 I have a simple FTP binary file upload, the code works fine in VS and Xamarin

As Aaron Oneal asked, what's the error? If it's a UriFormatException, it could 
be this:

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Can't get a simple shared object to be used - DllNotFoundException

2013-07-30 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jul 30, 2013, at 5:34 PM, Stifu wrote:
 I've never done that myself, but if I remember correctly, you're not supposed 
 to add the .so part. Just do [DllImport(libshared)].

Close; you should prefer [DllImport(shared)], with one exception. On Windows, 
this will try to load SHARED.DLL, on Linux it will load, and on OS 
X it will load libshared.dylib.

The exception is that if the library name contains a '.', Windows LoadLibrary() 
will not automatically append a .DLL extension, so this would always fail:


In these cases, you should use the full Windows filename, and provide a 
.dll.config file so that the file can be found on other platforms:


- Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] XML Serialization - difference between WinCLR and Mono runtime

2013-07-26 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jul 25, 2013, at 9:20 PM, MarLOne wrote:
 Parden my ignorance in Mono, is there more than one sgen program in Ubuntu 

sgen has two different meanings:

1. SGen is Mono's Simple Generational GC, now the default in Mono 3.2. You can 
explicitly opt-in to using the SGen GC by using `mono-sgen` or `mono --gc=sgen`.

2. SGEN is .NET's XML Serialization Generator Tool. Mono also has an `sgen` 
tool to generate XML serialization assemblies.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Accessing extension methods via embedded API

2013-07-10 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jul 10, 2013, at 11:56 AM, mugginsoft wrote:
 I am trying to access a simple extension method in an embedded mono project.

Extension methods are C# syntactic sugar to invoke a static method. Extension 
methods WILL NOT appear as instance methods on the given type, ever, via both 
the embedded API and System.Reflection.

You must instead invoke the static method directly.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] Where can I find GetTargetHandle, etc?

2013-06-21 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jun 21, 2013, at 7:42 PM, Dan Barowy wrote:
  private extern static int GetTargetHandle(object obj, int handle, 
 GCHandleType type);

MethodImplOptions.InternalCall means implemented in libmono*.so, so you need 
to look in mono/mono.

The easiest way is usually a recursive grep, which would find:

The C# method is hooked up to the above C method via

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Crash on Android when trying to execute dynamic code

2013-06-17 Thread Jonathan Pryor
Xamarin.Android-related issues should either go to 
[0] or the Android forums [1].

This particular case appears to be a JIT bug; please file a bug at bugzilla [2] 
with a reproducible test case, ideally with instructions as simple as run the 
app and watch it crash and burn. (The less interaction, the better.)

Even better, try to run the app on normal/desktop mono, not Xamarin.Android. 
That makes it easier for the runtime team to test and fix.

On Jun 15, 2013, at 8:37 AM, Robert Pickering wrote:
 I tried grab the IL code generated, but for some reason it always gets 
 truncated in the log.

`adb logcat` output limits message length. (I don't know the length; I just 
know that my stack traces are regularly truncated...)

If possible, try writing your IL to a file so that you can avoid the logcat 

 The program fails with the following stack trace:
 06-15 12:22:33.666 F/( 5381): * Assertion: should not be reached at 
 I've tried checking out mini-arm.c:3599, but it currently seems to be a 
 comment. I'm not sure how you find the source for the version of Mono that 
 Android is running on.

You ask me; Xamarin.Android commit f6831347 (in the path) is Xamarin.Android 
4.7.4, which uses Mono 20572465 [3]

For more recent releases, I've been mentioning the corresponding git commit 
hash in the release notes, e.g. Xamarin.Android 4.7.8 [4] is based on Mono 
3.0.12 commit 322d5bd3.

I would suggest upgrading to 4.7.9, which is currently in beta (and is 4.7.8 + 
one change, unrelated to mono). I don't think 4.7.9 will fix your issue, 
though, as the assert appears to still be there, just on line mini-arm.c:3674 
Please file a bug.

 - Jon


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] mkbundle and cross compiling for ARM

2013-06-11 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jun 11, 2013, at 10:00 AM, markcoburnwa wrote:
 Thanks, that is helpful to know about.  However, according to the mkbundle.cs 
 source file, it defaults to using the linux style and that style matches what 
 is being generated when I run mkbundle.

Indeed; I should have read the temp.s you provided more closely.

It would appear that your ARM arm-none-linux-gnueabi-as takes an assembly 
format that is currently unsupported. You will need to determine what assembly 
format arm-none-linux-gnueabi-as accepts and patch mkbundle to generate it.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] how to run applications using mono framework instead of .NET framework on windows

2013-06-11 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jun 11, 2013, at 5:16 AM, ishmeet wrote:
 Now I want to ensure that when I debug my dll's they run using mono framework 
 and not .NET framework. Is there a way to do that.

Use Mono's embedding API to execute your .dll's:

Aside: How were you attempting to execute managed code from your native app if 
you weren't embedding Mono already? COM interop? LoadLibrary() + 

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] mkbundle and cross compiling for ARM

2013-06-10 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jun 10, 2013, at 7:56 PM, markcoburnwa wrote:
 Unfortunately, I get unrecognized symbol type assembler errors.

The problem is that there is not just one style of assembly. There are 
multiple styles, for varying conventions, in order to appease the default 
assembler for each platform.

When you run mkbundle on OS X, `mkbundle` will (by default) generate OS X-style 
assembly, which differs from Linux-style assembly, which differs from 
Windows-style assembly.

Fortunately, you can set this, using the undocumented --style option:


export CC=/opt/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.4.1
export AS=/opt/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-as
mkbundle --style linux -c -o myapp.c -oo bundles.o --deps myapp.exe 

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] ZipArchive?

2013-05-28 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On May 27, 2013, at 1:46 PM, Madsn wrote:
 Hi, I had hoped to find the System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive class when using 
 mono .net 4.5, but didn't find it.
 Will it be supported or are there copyright issues or something? (Or didn't I 
 just look hard enough)

That type was added in .NET 4.5 and we haven't had a chance to implement it yet.

Please file a feature request at

In the meantime, ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib is included with Mono, and Ionic.Zip 
also works with Mono.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] Building mono with android ndk standalone toolchain (android ndk r8e)

2013-05-10 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On May 8, 2013, at 4:29 PM, Jeremy Bell wrote:
 So, it looks like HAVE_SGEN_GC is not defined, but should be? Have I missed a 
 step somewhere?

Yes, it should be. From the commit message you mention:

 The Android NDK/bionic is interesting, in that it's lacking header files and
 macros normally present on Linux which otherwise break the build (e.g. no
 link.h which breaks Boehm support).

breaks Boehm support means only sgen works. You need to disable Boehm, and 
enable sgen.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono documentation

2013-04-29 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Apr 29, 2013, at 2:10 AM, Александр Шевченко wrote:
 I have a question about monodoc. I want to create documentation for my 
 library on windows, but it looks like monodoc is utility only for Linux. If 
 it is, how can I create docs on Windows?

Grab and extract:

Inside is an `mdoc.exe` + dependencies which runs on .NET.

See also:

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] EntryPointNotFoundException with __Internal method

2013-04-29 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Apr 29, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Marcelo Zabani wrote:
 When embedding Mono within Nginx, I received the following exception:
 Unhandled Exception: System.EntryPointNotFoundException: 
   at (wrapper managed-to-native) Nam.NginxMethods:ngx_log_error 
   at Nam.NginxMethods.LogInfo (IntPtr log, System.String msg) [0x0] in 
 filename unknown:0 

Which platform? IIRC __Internal doesn't work on Windows platforms.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono-devel-list Digest, Vol 96, Issue 26

2013-04-26 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Apr 26, 2013, at 9:45 AM, James Bellinger wrote:
 Other than that it's really very usable. [On Windows, at least.]

So on the one platform for which it doesn't use it's own theming and instead 
uses the platform theming (it uses WinAPI ~directly), it looks good.


That also happens to be the platform which has it's own native 
System.Windows.Forms implementation, so I'm not entirely sure what Mono is 
buying you there, except possibly a zero-install app environment (no need to 
install .NET).

EVERYWHERE ELSE (Linux, OS X), it looks like ass.

(Please, for the love of $DEITY, do not use WinForms for new projects with any 
notions of being cross-platform, unless WinForms is a pluggable front-end 
with other front-ends available. The fact that such a pluggable front end 
architecture also makes the app amenable to Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS is 
a happy coincidence. ;-)

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono-devel-list Digest, Vol 96, Issue 26

2013-04-26 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:01 AM, James Bellinger wrote:
 This really suggests WinForms ought to be made to look better on other 
 platforms instead of diffusing the needed effort to end users and forcing 
 them to maintain more code.

Arguably true, except:

1. Nobody has stepped up to maintain it.
2. Nobody wants to maintain it (implication of (1)).
3. The company that _was_ maintaining it (Novell/AttachMate) is not doing so 
4. Xamarin has no interest in maintaing it.

From the (unofficial!) Xamarin perspective, the best _end-user_ experience is 
native UI code, using the native frameworks, hence MonoTouch.UIKit on iOS, 
Android.Widgets on Android, MonoMac.* on OS X, System.Windows.* on Windows, 
Gtk# on Linux, etc.

There is no sane way for a single UI framework to support all those diverse 
form factors and conventions. It's been tried -- GTK+, Qt, Java/AWT, 
Java/Swing, Java/SWT, wxWidgets, etc. Hell, at one point MFC supported MacOS 
(or my mind is playing tricks on me; Google can't verify that!).

At some point you have to bow to history and admit that one UI framework can't 
rule everything, not for great user experiences.

Sanely supporting multiple front-ends just requires designing your app in a 
UI-anostic fashion (MVC/MVVM/etc.) as opposed to tying your business code 
willy-nilly into your UI code (which is apparently very common with lots of GUI 

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono-devel-list Digest, Vol 96, Issue 26

2013-04-24 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Apr 24, 2013, at 8:09 AM, Rauf Butt wrote:
 WinForms is specific to Microsoft platform. Additionally, it will require 
 license too.

System.Windows.Forms is implemented on Mono. It looks like Windows 95, has 
rendering issues, and is generally user-hostile, but it DOES exist, and is 
probably more than reasonable for homework purposes. No License is required to 
use it.

I would _not_ recommend using it for real/commercial products. It's largely 
for compatibility only.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] java parser in C#

2013-04-08 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Apr 7, 2013, at 6:12 PM, mutasim wrote:
 in this web site i can find the JDK source code , the classes 
 can be add as dll files, compiling these files will be all at one time to 
 have full classes without error 

Which is more or less what IKVM allows. IKVM is two things (possibly among 

1. A transpiler that can convert Java bytecode into CIL.
2. A JVM implementation that can load Java bytecode at runtime and execute it.

(1) is required in order for (2) to work. However, (1) can also be done ahead 
of time, e.g. you can take the JDK `classes.jar` and transpile it into 
classes.dll. Other Java code can then refer to this classes.dll (via more 
transpiling), and C# code can reference classes.dll and use Java types such as 

The benefit to this approach is that you have a Real Java Compiler compiling 
the Java code, along with a Real Java Class Library (allowing Java code to 
easily execute), both of which you don't need to maintain (bonus!), and has 
full support for all Java language features. Furthermore, after running 
ikvmc.exe, there's no additional runtime overhead -- everything is CIL.

Is there any reason -- other than learning/education -- to prefer a new Java 
compiler based on mcs than to leverage the work of IKVM?

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] Add openat() etc. to Mono.Posix

2013-03-26 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Mar 26, 2013, at 9:13 AM, Steffen Kieß wrote:
 some time ago I submitted a pull request which adds openat() and some other 
 methods to Mono.Posix:
 A related pull request for mono-tools (which is needed for the mono pull 

My apologies.

I've now replied to the appropriate pull requests.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] csharp REPL

2013-03-18 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Mar 18, 2013, at 4:33 AM, Ian Norton wrote:
 You probably mean to do:
 $ csharp -r:System.Core 

That shouldn't be necessary at all; System.Core.dll should be in the default 
assembly include set and `using System.Linq` should be in the default namespace 
set for `csharp` so that you can immediately use LINQ:

$ csharp
Mono C# Shell, type help; for help

Enter statements below.
csharp Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Max();

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] csharp REPL

2013-03-17 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Mar 17, 2013, at 11:54 AM, Dale Ragan wrote:
 I was playing with the csharp REPL today after upgrading my install to 3.0.6 
 and I tried using System.Core, but it returns:

System.Core is an assembly (System.Core.dll), not a namespace. There is no 
System.Core namespace. System.Core.dll contains types in the namespaces 
System.IO, System.Linq, System.Threading, and others:

`using System.Core;` is thus not valid in a C# app, unless you yourself have 
declared types in a System.Core namespace.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Mono for Android: how to use a non-standard widget from axml?

2013-03-11 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Mar 11, 2013, at 8:07 AM, Dimitar Dobrev wrote:
I have a class in my project that is a widget. I know I can use it in 
 code as a workaround but can I use it in axml as well? If so, how do I 
 configure it?

The monodroid list [0] or the forums [1] would be a better place to ask.

To refer to a type in a .axml file, you must use either the fully-qualified C# 
type name (case-sensitive), or the fully-qualified Android Callable Wrapper 
type name [2, 3]:

The above sample is old, so it's using the Android Callable Wrapper type name, 
but it could instead use the fully-qualified C# type name instead:


 - Jon


Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Poor Mono performance

2013-03-11 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Mar 11, 2013, at 6:04 AM, Ian Norton wrote:
 Don't forget too, that process creation is very expensive on windows, .Net 
 sort of shortcuts this because it is deeply welded into windows.

Not really. A process is a process. That's why the .NET team invented 
AppDomains, to avoid the overhead involved in process creation...

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] callvirt instruction performance penalty?

2013-03-11 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Mar 11, 2013, at 8:47 PM, Nigel Delaney wrote:
 However, I was surprised to learn when disassembling code that both Mono and 
 Microsoft seem to ignore this optimization, and emit all method calls as 
 callvirt instructions in IL regardless of whether or not they are actually 
 virtual method calls, which seems to defeat the whole point of not being java.

No. That's a different optimization. ;-)

A callvirt to a non-virtual method does not bind the method virtually; it binds 
it non-virtually, and the method cannot be overridden.

So why use callvirt? Because callvirt implicitly checks the target's `this` 
reference and will throw a NullReferenceException when it's null.

It is thus a space optimization: instead of needing to null-check arguments 
everywhere, they just rely on callvirt to do the null check.

 A Microsoft employee blogged about this  
   and it seems that made this change to ensure that instance methods could 
 not be called on null instance references (a debatable decision perhaps). 

I should finish reading emails before replying.

 I gather/suspect that Microsoft still optimizes the callvirt instruction 
 during the JIT stage to call the method and check for a null reference,

This is not possible. At JIT time, they just have data, they just have 
instructions to execute. They don't have everything that won't be known until 
runtime. It's thus ~impossible (in the general case) to know if a given 
instance will be null at JIT time. You will know if the instance is null at 

For example, consider string.Concat(). That method will be invoked from lots of 
different places in your code. It _cannot_ null check the arguments at JIT 
time, because there's only one (~random) code path that will hit it at JIT 
time, but it'll be invoke at runtime by lots of different places.

The null check thus must be at runtime.

 And if Mono also is able to optimize callvirt calls that are not actually 
 virtual calls?

Yes. callvirts to non-virtual calls do not go through the virtual method table, 
they just directly call the target method after the null check.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Xamarin 2.0 concern

2013-03-01 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Feb 27, 2013, at 2:09 PM, edward.harvey.mono wrote:
 Still, how to pronounce it?   Samarin?  Zamarin?  Ex-amarin?

The X is pronounced as a Z, so more like Zamarin (just like Xylophone).

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Running a shell builtin from mono

2013-02-08 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Feb 8, 2013, at 5:39 AM, Mathias Tausig wrote:
 Does it? I didn't know that. I assumed it uses the same shell that mono is  
 running in.

You're assuming that Mono was started from a shell. This need not be the case 
(e.g. started directly as user's login shell or as system service, in which 
`init` would be the parent process).

Even if Mono is started from a shell, it's usually not possible for a child 
process to communicate with the parent process unless they're explicitly 
designed to do so (e.g. via common file descriptor or pipes); e.g. there's no 
way (that I know of) for a child to ask it's parent shell what environment 
variables do you currently have?. (Keep in mind that the child gets a _copy_ 
of the parent's environment, so if the parent's environment changes, the child 
won't see those changes.)

Then there's Windows which doesn't even have a parent/child relationship.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Running a shell builtin from mono

2013-02-07 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Feb 7, 2013, at 8:27 AM, Ulrich Hertlein wrote:
 Any particular reason why you don't just call the POSIX syscall directly, w/o 
 exec a shell?

Which is bound as Syscall.umask():

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] Distinction between generic type and instance type

2013-02-06 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Feb 6, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Stuart Golodetz wrote:
 do you know whether the distinction being made by Mono between a generic type 
 and the instance type corresponding to it is only of relevance to the 
 compiler, or does it have real implications for an application-level 

It would be helpful if you used existing/normal terminology; I _think_ your'e 
talking about open generic types (e.g. ListT) vs. closed generic types 
(e.g. Listint).

Assuming that's the case, then yes, this does have implications for app 
developers. Suppose you wanted to know if a type implemented IListT, but you 
didn't care about the T?

// Does FooCollection implement IListT?
class FooCollection : CollectionFoo {

Here, you do need to care about the difference between open and closed generic 

csharp typeof(FooCollection).BaseType.GetInterfaces().Any(i = i == 

The above requires that we know the closed generic type IListFoo. What if we 
don't know/care about Foo specifically, but do care about IListT?

csharp typeof(FooCollection).BaseType.GetInterfaces().Any(i = i == 


So now the developer needs to know  care, and behave accordingly:

csharp typeof(FooCollection).BaseType.GetInterfaces().Any(i = 
i.IsGenericType  i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList));

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] Why Gnome prefer JavaScript?

2013-02-05 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Feb 5, 2013, at 10:23 AM, Alberto León wrote:
 But, JavaScript was the reason to Oracle denounced Google.

No, Java as why Oracle sued Google. JavaScript is completely different. It's 
kinda/sorta/not-really like comparing C and Perl -- sure, they both use '{' for 
blocks, but other than that...completely different.

 I can't understand why Gnome and Linux rejected support C# and has accepted 
 javascript as official language.

Let's just admit that C# was never going to be a viable first-choice option for 
Gnome, for both political reasons (Microsoft sucksoneone!!) and 
functional reasons (is there a decent GTK+ 3.0 binding yet? I'm not sure, and 
even if there is it took awhile...).

Gnome needed a single language to tell newcomers to use, to use for 
documentation and samples [0]. C is too low-level and annoying. C# isn't 
viable, politically. Java sucks. Python would be plausible, but it's whitespace 
requirements tends to turn people off.

Gnome Shell is already partially implemented in JavaScript, so their decision 
to recommend it is not entirely unsurprising or shocking.

 - Jon

[0] See also The Paradox of Choice:

Too many choices make decision making harder, which will drive people away from 
the platform. Gnome _needs_ a single choice BY DEFAULT. Sure, other languages 
can, should be, and are usable, but for newcomers a single choice needs to be 

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Unable to get block device size in UnixStream

2013-01-29 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jan 29, 2013, at 3:46 AM, Dragony wrote:
 I want to get the device size of /dev/sda. I have an open fd and a UnixStream

Don't use UnixStream.Length here; UnixStream.Length uses the stat(2) system 
call, which states:
 The st_size field gives the size of the file (if it is a regular file or a 
 symbolic link) in bytes. The size of a symbolic link is the length of the 
 pathname it contains, without a terminating null byte.

You should instead use Syscall.fstatvfs() and Statvfs:*

For example:

Statvfs stat;
int r = Syscall.fstatvfs (fd, out stat);
int filesystem_size = stat.f_blocks*stat.f_frsize;

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Question on unix signal handling

2013-01-17 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jan 17, 2013, at 11:02 AM, mickeyf wrote:
 I see   in this documentation:

 In a multi-threaded program, a thread is selected at random among the 
 threads that can handle the signal, and that thread is hijacked to run the 
 I understand that that is referring to _unmanaged_ *nix code, not Mono.

Mono Threads are POSIX threads, which are native threads, so that is equally 
true for managed code. Any thread in the process can be hijacked by the 
kernel to execute signal handlers, and care must be taken to only call 
signal-safe functions from within a signal handler.

This was why Stdlib.signal() was deprecated: it's not possible for managed code 
to _only_ call signal-safe functions, as the native-managed transition itself 
isn't signal safe.

This is also why UnixSignal is _not_ like signal(2). It's a flag that gets 
set when a signal is raised, nothing more.

 So, I'm thinking of using code based on height8's (only 2 year old) blog post 
 :  here  
 If I have a Mono application with an arbitrary number of threads, can I use 
 this approach to make sure that any signal is properly caught and handled by 
 a single method?

Without dropping down to C and using sigaction(2), there is no way of 
restricting which thread will execute a signal handler. UnixSignal provides no 
facility to do that.

 That is, will any signals that are raised be seen only by my signal handler, 
 and ignored by everything else?

As stated above, a UnixSignal represents a flag (has the signal been 
raised?). _You_ aren't providing a signal handler, so there is no signal 
handler of yours to execute.

 If my Mono app is using unmanaged libraries, I presumably have to ensure that 
 the library code also either ignores any signals or handles them in a 
 sensible way. (Using signal(2), or SIGACTION(2) ?)

Signals are like The Highlander: There Can Be Only One (signal handler for a 
particular signal).

Some programs and libraries will have special ways to forward signal 
invocation (e.g. mono_set_signal_chaining ()), but that is not common practice 
afaict. Thus, yes, you would need to somehow ensure that the union of all 
libraries your app uses doesn't have an overlap in handled signals, e.g. you 
can't have multiple libraries have their signal handlers raised for the 
SIGWINCH signal; there can be only one SIGWINCH handler, period.

 What I'm ultimately aiming at is that I can 
 a) make sure that I can shut down my application cleanly and completely by 
 sending it a signal (ctrl-C from the keyboard for example), and that 
 b) it does not get tripped up by signals that may originate from other 
 processes other than a system shut down, an intentional kill, etc.

That should be doable.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Question on unix signal handling

2013-01-17 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jan 17, 2013, at 4:21 PM, mickeyf wrote:
 Ok, so if I have a thread in my managed code that does nothing but check 
 UnixSignal.WaitAny, as described in height8's blog post, and then does no 
 more than set some simple variable when that occurs, that should as safe and 
 reliable as I can expect to get using managed code?

Yes that's safe.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] vs

2013-01-14 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jan 14, 2013, at 12:11 PM, tomason wrote:
 Is there a way to tell mono to look somewhere else for

Yes: an .exe.config with a dllmap/:

However, this really shouldn't be necessary; mono includes a default dllmap in 
$prefix/etc/mono/config which _should_ contain an appropriate remapping, e.g. 
on OS X:

  dllmap dll=libc target=libc.dylib os=!windows/

However, for that to work you need to use the same value in your [DllImport], 
e.g. from mono/mcs/class/corlib/Linux/Linux.cs:

[DllImport(libc, EntryPoint=getpid)]
private unsafe static extern int _getPid(); 

What library are you using in your [DllImport]'s? Could you try using libc 
and see if that fixes things?

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] Problems with FileStream.Lock();

2013-01-11 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jan 8, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Terry Watts wrote:
 I have looked at the exception under the debugger, that's why E is in the 
 catch{ Exception E}. The exception thrown is a lock violation; not a Not 
 Supported exception.

The exception thrown is lock violation because that's what it was mapped to 
-- io-layer's LockFile() was translating ~every fcntl(2) error into 
ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION, even if the actual error was that the parameters were 
invalid (as was the case here). This is fixed in:

Note that Mono for Android doesn't currently have this patch.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] ASCII bytes to string?

2013-01-10 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jan 10, 2013, at 1:28 PM, mickeyf wrote:
 The string itself displays as expected, but shows a length of twice the 
 number of characters, as if String.Length is reporting the number of bytes 
 (UTF16) rather than the number of Unicode characters in the string. 

In all likelihood, the string contains non-printable characters. Consider this 
`csharp` snippet:

csharp var b = new byte[]{(byte) 'a', (byte) 'b', 0, 0, 0, 0};
csharp var s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(b);
csharp s.Length
csharp s;

So this is more or less exactly what you're describing; `s` _clearly_ has two 
characters, yet s.Length is 6!

Except `s` doesn't have two characters:

csharp  [3];

There's some null data in there, because our source byte array contained null 
bytes, and System.String can contain ASCII NUL characters, which `b` contains.

You can confirm/deny this by seeing that `buffFromDrv` actually contains, and 
see if it has any non-printable data (e.g. ASCII NUL).

Assuming that's the case, what you need to do is not convert extra data:

byte[] buffFromDrv = new byte [BIG_ENOUGH];
int bytesRead = stream.Read(buffFromDrv, readPosition, bytesToRead);
string s = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffFromDrv, 0, 

Or for the above `csharp` snippet:

csharp var s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(b, 0, 2);
csharp s;
csharp s.Length;

 The documentation for string.length says number of characters, not number 
 of bytes,

It's actually neither; String.Length is the number of UTF-16 code units 
stored in the string. This is _not_ the number of characters (code points), 
because a code point may require the use of a surrogate pair, in which case 
it will take up two `char` values within the string:

(Normally you don't need to care about this, except when you do...)

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] Problems with FileStream.Lock();

2013-01-08 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jan 8, 2013, at 4:44 PM, wrote:
 I have check the Android API docs and file locking has been available on 
 channels since API Level 1.

on channels?

Anyway, quick perusal of the source shows that FileStream.Lock() is fcntl(2):

So, why is fcntl(2) failing? I don't know, you're swallowing the exception.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Problems with FileStream.Lock();

2013-01-08 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jan 7, 2013, at 4:50 PM, wrote:
 I have a class that work fine in C# under Windows but not under Monodroid.

This is a mono bug:

Thinking about it a but more, though, it's an app bug (+ mono bug).

The problem is that Android doesn't have large file support (meaning 
userspace is limited to 32-bit values for file offsets/etc.). Your code, 
meanwhile, is specifying a 64-bit value for the file range.

fcntl(2) cannot accept a 64-bit value for the size of the file region to lock; 
it needs to be a signed 32-bit value.

Fix: use `int.MaxValue`, not `long.MaxValue`.

Mono should probably throw an exception in this scenario.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] linux, binfmts:Unexpected behavior

2013-01-04 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jan 2, 2013, at 1:02 PM, wrote:
 I moved over a lot of utilities from windows to linux, but starting them 
 using mono ... is a pain and luckily, I discovered binfmts.

Presumably as suggested at:

Please don't do that; please follow the Application Deployment Guidelines and 
use a shell script wrapper:

The reason being for increased compatibility across Unix platforms, and because 
(as you note), it doesn't work properly:

 Running via binfmts looks strange:
 myuser WakeTheBox.exe hel
 AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory: /usr/sbin/

Why? I'm not entirely sure, but I would guess that binfmt works by having the 
kernel execute a helper program located in /usr/sbin, and the helper in turn 
is responsible for executing mono + the assembly, which may screw up mono's 
normal logic. The fact that it screws things up is documented at the above 
urls; _why_ it screws things up is not.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Questions on Mono.Unix.Pipes

2012-12-17 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Dec 17, 2012, at 12:05 PM, mickeyf wrote:
 I have been using this with some success, but I am relatively new to Linux, 
 and the mono documentation that I have found is missing or incomplete.

Is it?

Granted, there aren't any unit tests or full examples using it, but there's 
certainly documentation... Of course, there's always source:

 The Linux manual pages docs on pipes are clearly referring to a different 
 animal than this.

UnixPipes wraps the pipe construct documented in the pipe(2) man page. 
pipe(2) opens a pair of file descriptors for reading and writing; 
UnixPipes.CreatePipes() calls pipe(2), wraps the reading file descriptor in the 
UnixPipes.Reading field, and wraps the writing file descriptor in the 
UnixPipes.Writing field.

 It appears that I can read a pipe as mypipes.readend.Read(buffer_to_read_to, 
 read_position, bytes_to_read).

Correct. However, you may be misinterpreting read_position; read_position 
is the offset within buffer_to_read_to at which to start writing bytes_to_read 
bytes worth of data. It does _not_ imply any form of seeking at all.

For example, given:

byte[] buffer = new byte [3];
stream.Read (buffer, 1, 2);

After `stream.Read()`, buffer[0] will always be 0x00, because it will never 
have been written to. The `1` specifies the position within `buffer` to start 
writing, that's all, and has nothing to do with the underlying Stream.

See also:
 Type: System.Int32
 The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read 
 from the current stream.

 I understand that I can't actually fseek using read_position,

You're dealing with pipes; you want POSIX functions, not libc functions. 
(Granted, in C-land you could use fdopen(3), then use fseek(3)...) 
Consequently, the appropriate seek function is lseek(2), which errors out with 
ESPIPE when  using pipes:

[ESPIPE] Fildes is associated with a pipe, socket, or FIFO. 

No seeking on pipes. It's POSIX.

 but it seems that if I do not read the entire bytes_to_read, I can then 
 continue to adjust read_position to read the remaining data.

I believe you're misunderstanding the `offset` parameter in the 
Stream.Read(buffer, offset, count) method.

 2) Since I can't find documentation specific to this, it's not clear what the 
 return values from Read will be when I can't actually read anything.

UnixStream needs to conform to the System.IO.Stream contract, which MSDN 
 Return Value
 Type: System.Int32
 The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the 
 number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, or 
 zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached.

 Does -1 indicate error, or simply no data available? What about 0?

-1 should not be returned, ever. (If read(2) returns -1, UnixStream.Read() 
translates that into an exception.) If 0 is returned, then End-Of-Stream has 
been reached. If no data is available, the Read() method will _block_ until 
data is available.

 3) Can I set the write end to disable O_NONBLOCK,

Syscall.fcntl() can be used to set O_NONBLOCK.

 and does this guarantee that both the write and the read are atomic and that 
 all bytes will in fact be read in a single read on the read end of the pipe?

As far as I am aware, _nothing_ can guarantee that. I could be wrong.

 Or, since what I really want to do is guarantee that a entire (privately 
 defined) data packet as written by my C library code is read by my mono app, 
 perhaps there is an entirely different, and better way to do this? Sockets?

As far as I am aware, no Stream-like API will support this, including sockets. 
Data structure boundaries need to be dealt with at a higher level, e.g. 
having a protocol that sends a length packet before sending the data. This 
would allow the reader to read (and block reading, or read until it has read) 
~4 bytes, examine the length, and then read the specified amount of data.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] SGen stability

2012-11-05 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Nov 5, 2012, at 7:16 AM, Roope Kangas wrote:
 I have noticed a few times that when we cause a spike the amount of threads 
 we run the server sometimes crashes with the following output:
 Any ideas on what to do? This kind of behaviour does not occur with Boehm GC. 

If you have a consistent repro, please file a bug with the repro at so that we can fix it.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] monologue blogs

2012-10-16 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Oct 16, 2012, at 11:40 AM, Ian Norton wrote:
 Hello all
 I was wondering, how do blog feeds get added to ? My blog posts about debian packages might 
 be useful to more people.

If you have permission to commit to the mono git repos, just add your blog to:

IIRC the server should pick up the change every ~30 minutes.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] How does mono translated into C++ Native Code in Linux

2012-09-16 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Sep 16, 2012, at 9:05 PM, John Chen wrote:
 Question, when Mono using AutoEvent inside managed code, what does it 
 corresponding it to? I know in Windows it translated into Windows Event 
 object (I could use the same handle in C, C++), how about in Linux?

On Linux, io-layer is used to implement a WinAPI subset for use on 
non-Windows platforms, e.g. CreateEvent():

It is highly unlikely that your code could rely on these unless your native 
code is linking against Furthermore, on many systems these WinAPI 
exports have a Mono prefix, e.g. on OS X:

$ dyldinfo -export 
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Libraries/libmono-2.0.dylib | grep 
0x001B6280 _ves_icall_System_Threading_Events_CreateEvent_internal
0x001D5EB0 _MonoCreateEvent 

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Thread safe list in C#

2012-09-10 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Sep 3, 2012, at 1:31 AM, vnan122 wrote:
 Hello every one, I just want to know how to make a list thread safe

In practice, you don't; a method can do anything...

By convention, you can generally assume that static members are thread safe and 
instance members are not (unless those instance methods are exposed from static 
methods, e.g. System.Reflection), but that's by no means guaranteed and may be 

In general, you need to read the documentation to determine which members are 
threadsafe and which are not.

 and is there any options for concurrent list like in JAVA.

Have you tried System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBagT?

This assumes that you don't need to maintain ordering.

Of course, you could always just use ListT + `lock`, unless/until profiling 
demonstrates that you're spending too much time acquiring locks...

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Proper way to reference assemblies?

2012-09-06 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Sep 6, 2012, at 7:31 PM, kibagami wrote:
 I'm trying to work with MonoDroid

The monodroid list would be more appropriate:

 anyhow, while coding; I've been trying to add extra .NET libraries that were 
 not included with my eval pack and other pre-made C# classes to my mono 

If these are precompiled assemblies (i.e. you didn't build them yourself), this 
is unadvisable, and liable to blow up. Mono for Android is a distinct 
profile, not entirely compatible with regular .NET. In the same way that 
you couldn't intermix .NET 3.5 assemblies and Silverlight 3 assemblies, you 
can't safely intermix Mono for Android assemblies with anything that wasn't 
compiled against the Mono for Android assemblies.

For example, if you use an assembly that uses System.Configuration, or 
System.Windows.Forms, it WILL fail on device, as those assemblies don't exist.

 All of the .NET and C# classes appeared to have been absorbed and consumed 
 except for the a library written in VB.NET. 
 I keep on getting this error: 
 /Could not load assembly 'Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, 
 Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'./

Same problem: Mono for Android doesn't provide a Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll 
assembly, so your VB.NET assembly can't be used. Furthermore, you can't use 
Microsoft's Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll assembly, as it wasn't compiled against 
the Mono for Android assemblies, so it would likely fail to load at runtime.

Unfortunately you can't use VB.NET-generated assemblies with Mono for Android 
at this time.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] Malloc issue?

2012-08-24 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Aug 23, 2012, at 2:35 AM, Greg Young wrote:
 We are allocating and releasing unmanaged memory with marshal.allochglobal. 
 In mono we are getting the following failure (no failures under clr).
 Any ideas?

That's not a mono error, that's a glibc assert (and thus cannot become an 
exception, ever):

 part from team city logs:
 [20:55:52][Step 2/2] mono: malloc.c:2451: sYSMALLOc: Assertion `(old_top == 
 (((mbinptr) (((char *) ((av)-bins[((1) - 1) * 2])) - __builtin_offsetof 
 (struct malloc_chunk, fd  old_size == 0) || ((unsigned long) (old_size) 
 = (unsigned long)__builtin_offsetof (struct malloc_chunk, 
 fd_nextsize))+((2 * (sizeof(size_t))) - 1))  ~((2 * (sizeof(size_t))) - 1))) 
  ((old_top)-size  0x1)  ((unsigned long)old_end  pagemask) == 0)' 

Very probably coming from:;a=blob;f=malloc/malloc.c;h=0f1796c9134ffef289ec31fb1cd538f3a9490ae1;hb=HEAD#l2361
  If not the first time through, we require old_size to be
  at least MINSIZE and to have prev_inuse set.

   assert((old_top == initial_top(av)  old_size == 0) ||
  ((unsigned long) (old_size) = MINSIZE 
   ((unsigned long)old_end  pagemask) == 0));

The line number is different, but it's the same file and the assert looks close 
enough (considering macro expansion, etc.).

In short, malloc(3) doesn't like you or something that you're doing. I would 
suggest setting the MALLOC_CHECK_ environment variable (see the malloc(3) man 
page), and/or porting your malloc use to C to verify that it also crashes 

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Why does .NET object lifetime not extend into an instance method call?

2012-08-24 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Aug 24, 2012, at 1:11 PM, David Jeske wrote:
 (1) Why would a call to an instance method not hold this alive for the 
 entire duration of the call? 

`this` isn't special, it's just an implicit variable passed into the method. If 
the variable isn't used within the method call, then it's collectible.

Rephrased, consider this:

// caller:
Foo (new StringBuilder ());

// Implementation:
static void Foo(StringBuilder b)
Thread.Sleep (1000);

The variable `sb` isn't used at all within Foo(). Consequently, the 
StringBuilder instance can be collected at any time, and no one will notice (as 
far as the GC is concerned). (The StringBuilder allocation could be omitted 
entirely, actually, if the runtime environment were smart enough to determine 
that it wasn't doing anything...)

Since `this` is just a variable, the GC treats it in the same way. The issue 
isn't so much that the GC is treating P/Invoke specially; the issue is that 
it's not treating it specially at all, and P/Invoke introduces a different 
world (native code) which the GC doesn't know anything about. Consequently, 
the GC can (and will) collect instances that the GC knows are unreachable from 
managed code, but may still be referenced from native code.

 It seems this could happen in more cases than just PInvoke. This seems to 
 allow a finalizer to run before an object is done being used anytime the 
 object instance is not stored. (i.e. inside a statement of the form new 
 Foo().Method();) If the finalizer triggers an IDispose pattern, this could 
 cause a managed resource to be torn down before it's done being used as well.

The managed resource can't be disposed before it's done being used AS LONG AS 
the GC knows about all uses of the managed resource.

In your `new Foo().Method()` example, it IS possible that the GC will finalize 
the `Foo` instance before Method() has returned, but it will only do so AS LONG 
AS `this` is no longer referenced within Method(). Thus, if Method() were empty 
or didn't use any instance members at all (e.g. the above Foo() body), then the 
instance can be collected while Method() is executing. Furthermore, it won't 
matter, as there's no way for Method() to even know that's happening.

The real problem is that the GC doesn't know anything about native code, and 
thus can't ensure that no native code is using the resource.

 Why isn't this considered a bug in the .NET runtime?

How would you fix it? The .NET runtime has no way of knowing what native code 
is doing, so short of disassembling the native code (magic), what is .NET 
supposed to do?

 (2) Does the Mono GC have the same behavior?

Yes, because there's no other sane behavior.

With Boehm it may be less of an issue, as Boehm is non-moving collector (so the 
memory won't be invalidated as quickly), and due to Boehm and Sgen's 
conservative stack walking nature Mono is more likely to preserve managed code 
which is referenced by native stack frames.

However, this can't be relied upon; Linux supports precise stack marking, 
which prevents conservative scanning of native stack frames. This has the 
wonderful performance advantage that less memory needs to be pinned, allowing 
the GC to be more efficient:

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Why does .NET object lifetime not extend into an instance method call?

2012-08-24 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Aug 24, 2012, at 4:26 PM, David Jeske wrote:
 Thanks very mych for the detailed reply. It seems to me there is a race that 
 has nothing to do with native code.

Native code just makes it easier to reason about, but as you mention it is 
quite applicable to managed code. My apologies for not considering that angle.

The answer is largely the same, though; you have two threads using the same 
instance, one of which (the finalizer) is disposing of the instance, and one of 
which is invoking a method on that instance.

If you weren't dealing with the GC but still had the same scenario -- two 
threads using the same instance -- how would you it? By introducing locking, or 
otherwise ordering the operations so that they can't overlap.

The same is true with the GC, i.e. you ned to ensure that the threads don't 
stomp on each other, via manual programmer assistance.

void Problem()

The above GC.KeepAlive() will prevent the GC from finalizing the Foo instance 
(and thus the instance) until after `mo.doSomething()` completes.

That's the fix, but why is it necessary? Why can't the GC figure this out?

Because auto-parallelism is hard, and the GC isn't fully involved, _you_ are; 
consider your previous sample app, but let's provide an implementation for 

class ManagedObject : IDisposable {
static readonly ListManagedObject instances = new 

public ManagedObject ()
lock (instances)

public static ManagedObject[] GetInstances ()
lock (instances)
return instances.ToArray ();

public void Dispose()
// remove? eh...

This is for illustrative purposes only; the point is that ManagedObject could 
do _anything_, and the above implementation will result in disposed instances 
within the static ManagedObject.instances list (and, depending on timing, any 
callers of the GetInstances() method). The GC will _never_ collect them -- 
they're rooted! -- but they've been invalided via your Dispose() call. (Sure, 
ManagedObject.Dispose() could remove itself from the list; complicate the 
implementation as appropriate to make that infeasible. ;-)

All the GC does is track which instances are still live and which are 
collectible. That's (mostly) it. The fact that the GC may introduce 
multi-threaded access to member variables is largely beyond it's purview; as 
such, the onus is on the developer to clear it up.

But here's the real rub: even if the GC weren't introducing multi-threaded 
access to a member variable, it _still_ can't be held responsible for 
complicated object graphics like the above. Foo isn't referenced by anything, 
and thus is disposed -- even if it's not at the same time that Foo.Problem() is 
executing -- but the side effects of the finalizer invocation are WAY beyond 
the scope of the GC. It's all too easy for an instance to be disposed/finalized 
while other code is still holding it. The GC doesn't protect you from this; 
you, the developer, have to protect your code against it.

Given that you the programmer are on the hook once you introduce Dispose() and 
finalizers, having the GC be more proactive at freeing resources doesn't 
greatly change the game. If you want things to be easy, avoid IDisposable and 
finalizers entirely.

 I'm sorry for my naivety. Why does allowing unused function arguments to be 
 collected before a function returns have such important effects on memory 

Java. :-)

The context is the JVM, and large methods. Many JVM implementations used to 
do as you suggested, and wouldn't collect a variable until the method 
referencing the variable returned. This even applied to local variables! 
Instead of having precise lifetime semantics (as determined by the 
instruction pointer), it only cared about stack frames.

The result of this behavior is that developers would write huge methods which 
allocated lots of objects, all of which would be considered live even when 
a local was no longer being used. Thus came a body of guidelines that you 
should null out instance/local variables so that the GC could actually collect 
intra-method garbage:

Needing to null out a local variable is, of course, insane -- why can't the GC 
figure this out! -- so .NET (and modern JVMs!) now precisely track which 
variables are in-scope and out-of-scope, and will allow collection of 
any-and-all out-of-scope variables even within the method.

 - Jon


Re: [Mono-list] Questions about coding style

2012-08-21 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Aug 20, 2012, at 3:28 PM, Philippe Grohrock 
 Thanks for the reply already and I'm sorry, I should've added the lines of 
   static class GlobalVariables
   public static MySqlConnection connection = new connection();
 This way the whole program has access to it and can modify/query the DB when 
 needed (this is what I meant with global).

I believe that this is a Bad Idea™.

Firstly, this is counter to ~every MSDN example on using connections, which 
always scopes the Connection instance:

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
// ...

This implies that you should instead do:

static class Database {

internal static MySqlConnection CreateConnection ()
return new connection ();

And narrowly scope your use:

using (var c = Database.CreateConnection ()) {
c.Open ();
// ...

Now, _why_ should you do this? Unfortunately I can't find anything to confirm 
or deny the following, but this is my recollection from using SQL many years 

The reason why is connection-related errors: if (when) you hit a network 
interruption, the DbConnection instance is unusable afterward, even if the 
network came back. (Though maybe I needed to .Close() and .Open() to repair the 
instance? I no longer remember.) I found that the easiest/sanest way to go was 
to just recreate the Connection instance when needed, and Dispose() of it as 
soon as possible (relying on lower-level connection pooling if possible).

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Questions about coding style

2012-08-20 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Aug 17, 2012, at 5:49 PM, Philippe Grohrock 
 1. Is it bad/good style to have a public class that implements global 

How do you define global variable? :-)

`public static` fields are Very Bad™, unless they're `readonly`. This is 
because there's no way to prevent modification of the field from anything else 
in your process.

`public static` properties are (generally) fine, and are common in the Base 
Class Library.

Best, though, is to keep things `internal` or `private` unless they _really_ 
need to be public.

 My program readys a DB connection right at the start which is queried by 
 multiple different GTK windows.

This is a case where `internal` should normally be preferred over `public`, 
unless another assembly in your app needs access to the value.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] Few questions about Linq implementation

2012-08-10 Thread Jonathan Pryor
Unless you _really_ need a System.Data.Linq-compatible API, I would suggest 
giving up. Instead, focus on getting the open-source EF release working on 
Mono, and use that instead.

 - Jon

On Jul 31, 2012, at 4:06 AM, Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui 

 I have few question regarding linq implementation in mono.
 1. Afaik current is based on dblinq
 (, which not much active from some
 time, so did mono team created a fork of it or using same code?
 2. Sometime back there was a discussion about rewriting linq
 implementation using relinq, is anybody working on it?  If somebody
 want to take it up, what should be his priorities?
 Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
 Peace is the Ultimate desire of mankind.
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] .net/mono inconsistency

2012-08-10 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jul 13, 2012, at 11:23 AM, Matthias D. wrote:
 I'm porting a .net application to mono and I noticed a small inconsistency in 
 System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener. In .net this class has a public 
 constructor and in mono it has only a private one (none in the source code).

If the source code doesn't contain a constructor, the compiler will create a 
default _public_ constructor, not a private one. Mono is compatible with .NET 

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] .net/mono inconsistency

2012-08-10 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jul 14, 2012, at 6:26 AM, Matthias D. wrote:
 Ok I figured it out, the problem was using the answer from this:
  and in mono there is no field called initializeData. I did found another 
 workaround though.

What field would you even be looking for? The //listeners/add/@initializeData 
attribute is used to pass a value to the constructor:

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono.Posix question

2012-08-10 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jun 22, 2012, at 9:35 AM, Rob Wilkens wrote:
 Do you know where i can find documentation for Mono.Posix?

Documentation is in git:

Accessible from the web:

Documentation is in mdoc(5) format:

 I was looking at the following problem report:
 And I saw that 
 Was honoring umask, because that's what the system call for mkdir does.  
 (That is: Create() just calls mkdir with the permissions.)  Should it be 
 honoring umask when it creates the directory, or should we, after the call to 
 mkdir, separately set the permissions as part of the Create call (the 
 equivalent of a call to chmod).

The documentation has a See Also reference to Syscall.mkdir():

So yes, it should honor umask. I've clarified the documentation to spell this 

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono.Posix question

2012-08-07 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jun 22, 2012, at 9:35 AM, Rob Wilkens wrote:
 Do you know where i can find documentation for Mono.Posix?

Documentation is in git:

Accessible from the web:

Documentation is in mdoc(5) format:

 I was looking at the following problem report:
 And I saw that 
 Was honoring umask, because that's what the system call for mkdir does.  
 (That is: Create() just calls mkdir with the permissions.)  Should it be 
 honoring umask when it creates the directory, or should we, after the call to 
 mkdir, separately set the permissions as part of the Create call (the 
 equivalent of a call to chmod).

The documentation has a See Also reference to Syscall.mkdir():

So yes, it should honor umask. I've clarified the documentation to spell this 

- Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] .net/mono inconsistency

2012-08-07 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jul 13, 2012, at 11:23 AM, Matthias D. wrote:
 I'm porting a .net application to mono and I noticed a small inconsistency in 
 System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener. In .net this class has a public 
 constructor and in mono it has only a private one (none in the source code).

If the source code doesn't contain a constructor, the compiler will create a 
default _public_ constructor, not a private one. Mono is compatible with .NET 

- Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] .net/mono inconsistency

2012-08-07 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Jul 14, 2012, at 6:26 AM, Matthias D. wrote:
 Ok I figured it out, the problem was using the answer from this:
  and in mono there is no field called initializeData. I did found another 
 workaround though.

What field would you even be looking for? The //listeners/add/@initializeData 
attribute is used to pass a value to the constructor:

- Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Few questions about Linq implementation

2012-08-07 Thread Jonathan Pryor
Unless you _really_ need a System.Data.Linq-compatible API, I would suggest 
giving up. Instead, focus on getting the open-source EF release working on 
Mono, and use that instead.

- Jon

On Jul 31, 2012, at 4:06 AM, Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui 

 I have few question regarding linq implementation in mono.
 1. Afaik current is based on dblinq
 (, which not much active from some
 time, so did mono team created a fork of it or using same code?
 2. Sometime back there was a discussion about rewriting linq
 implementation using relinq, is anybody working on it?  If somebody
 want to take it up, what should be his priorities?
 Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
 Peace is the Ultimate desire of mankind.
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Show Linux . hidden directories

2012-06-12 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On May 31, 2012, at 4:36 PM, BigalGeorge wrote:
 Hi is mono capable of browsing the hidden directories under Linux? Why I ask 
 is that I have enabled them for viewing under Ubuntu eg are visible in 
 Nautilus, but when using mono browser they are hidden.

What is the mono browser?

I can't easily test on Linux atm, but on OS X hidden files are returned by 

$ csharp
Mono C# Shell, type help; for help

Enter statements below.
csharp using System.IO; 
csharp Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); 
{ /Users/jon/.CFUserTextEncoding, /Users/jon/.DS_Store, 
/Users/jon/.Xauthority, /Users/jon/.bash_history, ...

Notice that the entries in that except begin with a '.', and thus are hidden...

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] DllImport(__Internal) and libMonoPosixHelper static build

2012-04-16 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Apr 12, 2012, at 3:43 AM, ralphbariz wrote:
 I'm trying to compile a static one binary mono(Because the target system has 
 an incompatible loader).

What platform is this? What kind of loader does your target system have? Does 
it have any shared library loader?

 After a few tries, I got also this, changed all DllImport(MPH) calls in 
 Mono.Posix.dll to DllImport(__Internal),

DllImport(__Internal) requires that the target platform (1) support 
dlopen(NULL, mode) to open the main executable, and (2) that dlsym() be able to 
find symbols within the main executable.

Note that (1) is not true for Windows, so [DllImport(__Internal)] will not 
work on Windows (iirc).

 it still gives me a TypeInitializationexception when I try to access the stat 
 symbol of the libMonoPosixHelper.

That's odd; Syscall.stat() P/Invokes Mono_Posix_Syscall_stat(), not stat():

Mono_Posix_Syscall_stat(), meanwhile, is just a simple wrapper around stat(2):

If your program is dying because Mono_Posix_Syscall_stat() can't be found, then 
the problem is probably that dlopen(NULL, mode) is not supported on your 
platform. If stat() can't be found, then (1) your platform doesn't provide 
stat(2), or (2) (somehow) your program is being improperly linked and stat() 
isn't being found.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] Help finding sounds

2012-04-05 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Apr 4, 2012, at 11:07 PM, Xavi de Blas wrote:
 Hello, I need to find the audio files that are called when I do:
 because I need to play them also with another software in other language.

These are not stored as separate files outside of the source tree. They're 
stored as resources within System.dll:

resource = typeof (SystemSound).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (tag 
+ .wav);

They're available from the git repository:

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Linux - Mono - Image Files...?

2012-04-03 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Mar 30, 2012, at 3:01 AM, Allen Copeland wrote:
 Just out of curiosity:  does mono support .so-based images for CLI metadata?

No, though there was some thinking in that direction many moons ago in the 
context of supporting mixed-mode assemblies:

I don't think it ever went anywhere.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Embedded Mono using DllImport(__Internal) and returning string

2012-03-12 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Mar 12, 2012, at 3:51 PM, efontana wrote:
 I'm using Embedded Mono and P/Invoke DllImport.   If I have a method which 
 returns a string
 The corresponding C method should strdup the string right?

Probably not. During string marshaling, the pointer returned from 
CSharp_Test_ReturnString() will be freed as if through 
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(), which is 
platform-specific. On Windows, this is CoTaskMemFree(). On non-Windows, this is 

Either way, unless g_free() is aliased as free(3), strdup() will not allocate 
memory from the appropriate heap.

Consequently, you should explicitly allocate your memory with the correct 
memory allocator and strcpy() the value.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] [db|sql]metal using a custom DbSchemaLoader ?

2012-03-08 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Mar 8, 2012, at 8:16 AM, Cyrille Chépélov wrote:
 Would a patch removing the #if !MONO_STRICT .. public condition from 
 ISchemaLoader  common implementations be accepted in Mono System.Data.Linq ?


 I notice Mono's S.D.Linq already leaks some bits from DbLinq.Util

Then that's a bug. Mono's System.Data.Linq.dll shouldn't export anything not 
present in .NET.

What you should instead do is use DbLinq proper and bundle it with your app 
instead of using System.Data.Linq.dll. This will give you proper access to all 
that DbLinq provides, without making things horribly confusing if/when you run 
your app on .NET.

 DbLinq.Vendor.DbSchemaLoader's MapDbType method has a smell in its 
 switch/case statement. Apparently, that has been written much earlier than 
 the availability of a proper SchemaLoader child class per provider.  So in 
 effect, all type names from all dialects are tested against every database, 
 regardless of the provider. Wouldn't it be sensible to push down the type 
 tests into each provider ? I would like to do this.

I'd personally prefer to nuke that type from orbit and instead require that 
everything use DbSchemaLoader, as that asks the ADO.NET provider to do the 
database-type - managed type mappings, instead of hardcoding it within DbLinq 
itself. Far saner, and it's what the DbLinq.SqlServer provider does. (The 
DbLinq.Sqlite provider can also work with it.)

This should also be taken upstream with DbLinq...which is nigh unmaintained at 
this point. :-(

Yet another of the million things that should be done...

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] DeflateStream on OSX

2011-12-25 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Dec 20, 2011, at 1:06 PM, Jonathan Shore wrote:
 I attempted to use System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream and encountered a DLL 
 load error when DeflateStream attempts to load the MonoPosixHelper DLL.   
 Searching in 
 did not find the MonoPosixHelper dll.

That's because it's:


How are you attempting to use DeflateStream? It works for me from `csharp` on 

 $ csharp 
 Mono C# Shell, type help; for help
 Enter statements below.
 csharp using System.IO.Compression;
 csharp using System.IO; 
 csharp var s = File.OpenWrite (foo.z);
 csharp var c = new DeflateStream (s, CompressionMode.Compress);
 csharp var o = new StreamWriter (c);
 csharp o.WriteLine (Hello, world!);
 csharp o.Close();
 csharp var i = new StreamReader (new DeflateStream (File.OpenRead (foo.z), 
 csharp i.ReadLine();
 Hello, world!

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Crash in call to internalGetHome()

2011-12-25 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Dec 22, 2011, at 9:30 AM, Kamal Aboul-Hosn wrote:
 I see that internalGetHome is defined as an extern internalCall function. Is 
 there perhaps something I am missing with regard to all the elements I need 
 to install to make it work?

It's an environment issue. Environment.internalGetHome() is mapped in 
mono/mono/metadata/icall.c to ves_icall_System_Environment_InternalGetHome(), 
which does:

return mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), g_get_home_dir ());

g_get_home_dir() is defined in mono/eglib/src/gmisc-unix.c.

mono_string_new() is defined in mono/mono/metadata/object.c, and does:

mono_string_new (MonoDomain *domain, const char *text)
l = strlen (text); 

Note: strlen(NULL) aborts.

Deduction: g_get_home_dir() is returning NULL, which aborts in the strlen() 
call. You'll need to figure out why g_get_home_dir() is returning NULL, and/or 
how to work around it.

 - Jon

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] Monodroid + emulator

2011-12-05 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Nov 22, 2011, at 11:02 AM, sebi77 wrote:
 I'm writing an app for an Android tablet, so I need larger resolution then
 the default. I set up a 1024*768, 2.2 Android emulator, and I deleted the
 Abstracted LCD density property, because it spoils the size of my bitmaps.
 It works fine with Eclipse+Java, but with Monodevelop the app doesn't fit
 the screen, only cc. the half of it. What's wrong? Thx!

A more appropriate list would be:

That said, the problem is a feature -- Mono for Android automatically generates 
a uses-sdk/ element and sets the minSdkVersion attribute to the 
TargetFrameworkVersion you compiled against. The default Java project, 
meanwhile, will not.

Result: you're automatically opted in to the new, no automagic scaling 
support introduced in Android 1.5 (API level 3!):

Starting with Android 1.6 (API Level 4), Android provides support for 
multiple screen sizes and densities, reflecting the many different screen 
configurations that a device may have.

You can override this behavior by adding a uses-sdk/ without any attributes 
to your Properties\AndroidManifest.xml file (which will override the default 

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert()

2011-10-28 Thread Jonathan Pryor
On Oct 27, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Steve Lessard wrote:
 Debug builds of my Mono command line application blow right by all 
 Debug.Assert statements, even the ones I know fail the assertion. Heck, even 
 Debug.Assert(false, Foo) gets ignored.  Neither running standalone on the 
 command line via nor running in MonoDevelop's debugger makes a 
 difference; the asserts are always ignored.  I've checked, double-checked, 
 and even triple checked that I am created Debug builds. Is there any way to 
 force Mono to honor the asserts?

By default, the DefaultTraceListener prints nothing (as there's no real 
equivalent to OutputDebugString() on not-Windows). You can set an environment 
variable to override this behavior; see the remarks for the 
DefaultTraceListener type:

$ export MONO_TRACE_LISTENER=Console.Error:+++
$ mono yourapp.exe

However, this is purely console based, so no dialog box yelling abort, retry, 
ignore. If you want something more elaborate, you'll need to write it and add 
it to the Listeners collection, as Nicholas Frechette suggested.

You should also re-read the compiler output to ensure that -define:DEBUG is on 
the command line, or add a `#define DEBUG` to the relevant file, otherwise the 
compiler will omit the Debug.Assert() call.

 - Jon

Mono-list maillist  -

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