Re: [mb-style] RFC: Dealing with translations and transliterations

2006-06-14 Thread Nikki
On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 08:17:05PM -0600, Dustin B wrote:
> I think we need an AR to bind transliterations and translations of the
> same album together currently so we can more easily combine them when we
> have full solution for multiple languages.

I fully agree, which is why I bugged you to send an email about it! ;)

An example I bought up, which I think illustrates the problem well, is Faye
Wong [1]. The majority of her albums are listed in MusicBrainz as
English/Latin, Chinese/Latin and Chinese/Han (Traditional).  There's no way
to work out which album is a transliteration or translation of another, you
just have to compare release dates and the number of tracks and hope it's
right. With a relationship, [2] in Chinese/Han (Traditional) would become
the official tracklist. [3] would become a Chinese (Mandarin)/Latin
transliteration and [4] would become a Chinese (Cantonese)/Latin
transliteration. [5] would be an English translation.

One advantage of it is that when we eventually have support for album/track
transliterations or translations (which I've been told will be part of
NGS), the unofficial translations can be automatically merged into the
official tracklist without the need for hundreds of manual merges.

I also agree with Gecks (regarding 'official' or 'unofficial') and Don
(regarding being able to avoid clusters).

Does anyone disagree with adding it?




> Perhaps we can debate the issue of whether MB should have trans... albums,
> but on another thread.

It's not even worth the effort of a debate, it's far too late to even
attempt to stop the flow of transliterations into the database.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Amazon Relationship Type

2006-06-14 Thread Frederic Da Vitoria

2006/6/14, Stefan Kestenholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> displaying the cover art is nice (I wouldn't really say useful ;-) ).

Of course it is... -- i for one am a visual type, and it helps
tremendously to see a cover art (even more in classical, where the
entry in MB often does have not much resemblance to whats on the

Well, yes and no. Especially in classical, the cover art changes even
more often than the title.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Tracking RFCs and RFVs

2006-06-14 Thread Bogdan Butnaru

On 6/14/06, Bogdan Butnaru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/14/06, Don Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We drop the RFC and RFV from the subject line. Instead, somebody who
> starts a new RFC (i.e. who raises an issue which they want to get solved),
> adds "" to the body of their mail. This line _must
> not_ be cited in replies.
> We do the same for RFVs
> This way anybody can add a filter to their email program that will show
> them exactly when which RFC and RFV have been raised.

This will probably be useful for at least some of the users. But why
drop the marker in the subject? The subject is, after all, supposed to
describe the email, isn't it? [...]

Also, this will make it harder for me to separate the RFVs from other
MB-related messages. I could of course add a label and a filter, but
that will raise complexity instead of lowering it (because it's easier
to check things with one quick look than with a click).

-- Bogdan Butnaru — [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I think I am a fallen star, I should wish on myself." – O.
Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] Tracking RFCs and RFVs

2006-06-14 Thread Bogdan Butnaru

On 6/14/06, Don Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We drop the RFC and RFV from the subject line. Instead, somebody who
starts a new RFC (i.e. who raises an issue which they want to get solved),
adds "" to the body of their mail. This line _must
not_ be cited in replies.
We do the same for RFVs

This way anybody can add a filter to their email program that will show
them exactly when which RFC and RFV have been raised.

This will probably be useful for at least some of the users. But why
drop the marker in the subject? The subject is, after all, supposed to
describe the email, isn't it?

That said, I'd think a large section of the users (even on the style
list) don't know how to create a filter, and I'm sure we'll often
forget deleting the list.

That said, those using GMail don't really need this: all replies to a
mail are grouped under a "conversation". I have a label which is
attached automatically (or manualy sometimes) to everything related to
MB, which works like a folder. I click on it and see all subjects, and
when I click on a subject I see all replies, neatly folded, with
unread ones open. Isn't that possible for other mail clients too?

-- Bogdan Butnaru — [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I think I am a fallen star, I should wish on myself." – O.
Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: new AR type "is the predecessor of"

2006-06-14 Thread dj empirical

On 6/14/06, Simon Reinhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Btw: and interesting case is Dream Theater who released
older demos *after* they changed their name from Majesty to
Dream Theater and thus the demos contain both band names:

there were compilation appearances as "majesty", too.  i remember
seeing at least one CMJ compilation from the college radio days.

so, they still fall under this umbrella, i think.

--dj empirical--

hey, look what i wrote:

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] Tracking RFCs and RFVs

2006-06-14 Thread Don Redman
First, I have to say that I am very impressed with some of the last  
postings on mb-style. There were some very disciplined, process-aware  
posts. If we continue this way, the job of the secretary will be a  
no-brainer. The secretary would only have to jump in in strange or very  
disputed cases and moderate. I think that I could do this for another year  
without suffering burnout.

While marvelling about the self-organization of the Style Council, I  
thought about how this cold be facilitated even more. And then I came up  
with a very simple hack. What about this:

We drop the RFC and RFV from the subject line. Instead, somebody who  
starts a new RFC (i.e. who raises an issue which they want to get solved),  
adds "" to the body of their mail. This line _must  
not_ be cited in replies.

We do the same for RFVs

This way anybody can add a filter to their email program that will show  
them exactly when which RFC and RFV have been raised.

The benefit over a tracker is that this is not a tool which reminds you of  
issues that have to be fixed. It is just a "map" of recent activity. I  
think this fits better to the nature of style issues and the way the Style  
Council works.

What do you think?


Words that are written in CamelCase refer to WikiPages:
Visit the best MusicBrainz documentation  
around! :-)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Dealing with translations and transliterations

2006-06-14 Thread Don Redman
Wow, the book is forgiven. That was a very precise and detailed summary of  
the problem and the possible sollutions.

I think that the cluster problem can be minimized, if the ARs point to the  
original album in the artist's original language. This will not remove all  
clusters but many.

Additinally we should be able to differentiate beteween real releases and  
virtual releases. This can be done with an AR attribute, but that's a  
hack. The information belongs to the rleease.

But will we find a developer who will add another release attribute?


On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 04:17:05 +0200, Dustin B wrote:

Apparently this didn't make it onto the list the first time I sent it.

Forgive, the book. I try not to post too much because it ends up being a  
long, but as a lot  of the transliterations recently have been mine I  

I should chime in.

I think we need an AR to bind transliterations and translations of the  

album together currently so we can more easily combine them when we have
full solution for multiple languages.

Transliterations and Translations (trans... albums) have been cropping  
up a
lot on the edits recently.  And while many are mine even more are from  
moderators wanting to flesh out the database with useful information.   

seen first hand by adding an official album and a transliterated version
that the transliterated version gets more attention and editing;  
MB is an English site, go figure.  And with a bit of quick scanning  
these edits you'll see that there's a bit of confusion and debate as to  

these should be handled.  Partly because a lot of the people voting and
editing are new, but mostly because there's no documentation and almost  

official way to tie these together.


The issue has already been brought up on the mailing list a few times but
nothing has ever come of it; so now that this is growing I think we need  

come up with a solution.  The following threads are some of the best
discussions thus far about the issue but are 6-12 months out of date.

Long and short of it is that there are more and more trans... albums  
up, and under the current wiki rules for VirtualDuplicateRelease they  
are to
be kept in the database.  This creates a lot of duplicate albums that  
to be tracked and edited because if they are the same a change on one  

should affect the others.  Some people's answer to this is to eliminate
trans... albums completely but I don't think they'll go away considering

1. The wiki currently approves or it

B. The database is already full of them

III. MB has a stated goal to have further internationalization so it's  

an "English Speaker Only" club.

Perhaps we can debate the issue of whether MB should have trans...  

but on another thread.  This tread is about a solution to bring a little
more order to the database rather than throwing it into further chaos.

Alexander Dupuy came up with an excellent summary of the issue and how to
deal with it in on of the previous threads:

In general, I see the roadmap for this aspect of i18n as follows

0. entry of transliterations - as Orion notes, there are a lot of these

already for Asian artists, where they are the most useful/needed, and  

will continue to be entered on an ongoing basis

1. addition of AR linktype for transliterations - the issues with  

are tricky, but this seems the best way to go; some design is needed to

coordinate with other "same as" type relationships (e.g. re-release,

remaster, etc.)

2. elaboration of style guidelines for transliterations - there are some

best practices, but it's true they haven't really been well codified

3. enhancement of album display to "hide" unwanted transliterations -  

is part of a much larger project, which would be the follow-on to the

artist page redesign, adding special display support for album-album AR


I anticipate a lot of griping from people who find transliterated  

"unreadable and simply wrong" until the final roll-out of step 3, but  

convinced that this is the right direction for us to go.

#3 is the best and final solution but will take time to get something
running; banning good information till then just creates a bigger  

later when we have a solution and MB becomes a truly international site.
There's no reason to throw away good info right now just because we're
confused with what to do with it, or worse disagree with it because i

[mb-style] Freetext crediting (Was: RFV: Adding some AR attributes)

2006-06-14 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Chris Bransden wrote:

On 14/06/06, Simon Reinhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Of course since we don't have freetext crediting like Discogs we can 
only render liner notes to a certain extent and I'd normally say try 
to find those types which are nearest to what they really did - but 
since in most of the cases we can't know what they really did, we can 
only go with the liner notes for those smaller roles and therefore I 
also prefer to see it as close to the liner notes as possible. That 
does not apply for all AR types though - in some cases you *can* know 
what the credited persons really did. For example liner notes for rock 
albums mostly say "guitars by ..., bass by ..." where they mean 
electric guitar and electric bass guitar. Of course it's not wrong to 
let it as "guitars" as those are generalisations.

i agree. i'd still like to have free-text qualifiers (pipe dream...),
for the occasions when a new AR isn't appropriate, but it's still nice
to show the written credit as well as the actual role - eg (look at some of those
convoluted track credits!)

Ok, I decided to open a new thread since this is interesting but off-topic from 
the RFV. :)
The big advantage of AR compared to freetext crediting is that we can clearly 
define the semantics of every type. The disadvantage is that we cannot cover 
every possible case. Perhaps a combined solution would make sense: selecting a 
general AR type and having a free text field for the details (*). I often state 
the exact details of the credit in the moderation note or use the album 
annotation for cases we can't cover exactly yet.
I also use the annotation for things we can't describe at all with AR - for example "drums recorded at 
studio XY by YZ from T to S" or "engineer for studio A: X, engineer for studio B: Y" or 
"choir/strings/orchestra arranged by ..., conducted by ...". Some of them need additional types / 
type extensions, some would need three-directional AR types, some are just strange. :)

(*) would make that possible.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: new AR type "is the predecessor of"

2006-06-14 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Chris Bransden wrote:

On 14/06/06, derGraph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For cases where an artist only changed it's name we might use a more
general "renamed to"/"was previously known as" AR.

i'm not so sure such cases would be indexed as seperate artists
anyway. see 

and related discussion

Ok, stepping in a bit late again, sorry. I would prefer a general type which can mean both simple 
name changes and name changes combined with line-up / style changes (I don't like that 
"style" thing though since it is subjective, so I don't think it should go into the style 
description for that type). And right as Don said it, we don't need any rules then which cases this 
is allowed for and which not but simply delegate this problem to the question "Are those 
different band names allowed to have separate entries or not?". If they are, we use this 
relationship, if they are not then they are to be merged - you see, the problem is solved very 
simply by moving the discussion to another place. ;)

Then my reasoning for why I think we need one type only: One reason is that I think the 
types get too diverse and complex - we would expect too much from the users. And for 
those who're going to say "that's a lame reason", here's the other one: I'm not 
sure if you can clearly separate those two types in every case, I think they overlap too 
much. Some bands changed their name several times before they became popular under a 
certain name and often you don't have enough info about style changes / line-up changes. 
I know several cases offhand where the bands released demos or even official albums under 
their older names and *I'd* prefer having those as separate artist entries to be more 
accurate (not only for tagging) - even if the line-up stayed the same.

Btw: and interesting case is Dream Theater who released older demos *after* they 
changed their name from Majesty to Dream Theater and thus the demos contain both 
band names: -

I'll stop before I'm going too off-topic. ;)
Oh and: I'll not veto, see this as a too late answer to the discussion phase.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Adding some AR attributes

2006-06-14 Thread Chris Bransden

On 14/06/06, Simon Reinhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Chris Bransden wrote:
> only one i thing is a bit bizzare is "adding
> ExecutiveRelationshipAttribute to EngineerRelationshipType" - i'm not
> sure what that would mean?

Well, similar to the producer type, the phrase would change from "{additionally} 
engineered" to "{additionally} {co-}{executive }engineered" and you would be able to 
select whether those attributes apply or not.

yeah i understand that, but i mean what does the role actually entail?
an executive producer is someone who funds the production of a
release, and/or organises the macro aspects, like studios, who is
involved in it, etc (there's a better definition on the wiki). it
seems strange to have someone purely involved in the executive aspects
of engineering - it's like having an executive session guitarist :)
but i guess it's possible. maybe i've answered my own question there

> also i've never seen it before so i'm
> inclined to think it's perhaps a very rare occurance. was it 5
> appearences we needed for an AR to be valid for inclusion? personally
> i think if it appears once it's worth including, so i'm not vetoing :)

You're right, we had such a rule for instruments (was it 5 or 3?). I'm also not 
against changing it for one occurance since those attributes sound logical 
whereas a vacuum cleaner is no typical music instrument and thus needed enough 
cases to justify we need it in the tree. But if someone insists on seeing 
examples, here is mine:
The liner notes of Posthumous Silence 
( say: Engineered and 
mixed by Jens Lück, Co-engineered and mixed by Matthias Harder.
And Schika had the examples for executive engineered he said. :)

these i'd like to see, maybe it makes more sense in context!

> this is also possible, eg when the recorder (read: producer) has a
> assisting engineer. of course you could bodge this by crediting them
> as additional recorded by, but personally i'd prefer to see it as
> close to the liner notes as possible, so i'd be ok with this being
> added.

I used additional for all credits saying "assistant" so far.

i meant that i think 'recording engineered by' appearing along side
'recorded by' probably means a secondary engineer assisting the main
'recorder' of the work, and that this could be bodged as '{additional}
recorded by', though i'd prefer not to as you can't be sure what's
going on - maybe they did more engineering work than the 'recorder'
who simply pressed 'REC' (not an 'engineer').

Of course since we don't have freetext crediting like Discogs we can only render liner notes to a 
certain extent and I'd normally say try to find those types which are nearest to what they really 
did - but since in most of the cases we can't know what they really did, we can only go with the 
liner notes for those smaller roles and therefore I also prefer to see it as close to the liner 
notes as possible. That does not apply for all AR types though - in some cases you *can* know what 
the credited persons really did. For example liner notes for rock albums mostly say "guitars 
by ..., bass by ..." where they mean electric guitar and electric bass guitar. Of course it's 
not wrong to let it as "guitars" as those are generalisations.

i agree. i'd still like to have free-text qualifiers (pipe dream...),
for the occasions when a new AR isn't appropriate, but it's still nice
to show the written credit as well as the actual role - eg (look at some of those
convoluted track credits!)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: new AR type "is the predecessor of"

2006-06-14 Thread Aaron Cooper

On 6/14/06, Chris Bransden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 14/06/06, Aaron Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/14/06, Chris Bransden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 14/06/06, derGraph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > For cases where an artist only changed it's name we might use a more
> > > general "renamed to"/"was previously known as" AR.
> >
> > i'm not so sure such cases would be indexed as seperate artists
> > anyway. see
> > and related discussion
> >
> There are many examples in the database of groups which have changed
> their name and are entered as separate artists.
> For example:
> Inearthed -> Children of Bodom

according to the annoation, this seems to be show a stylistic change,
not just a name change. these kind of groups would be seperated (ie
you'd want them tagged seperate/on seperate artist pages)

The annotation does document a change in "style" (which I think is
primarily interpreted on an individual basis - they don't sound
significantly different to me), however the band as a collective did
change their name - not form a new band.

Are "stylistic" changes worth splitting up a group?  Metallica
obviously has played several different "styles" of music which (IMO)
are much more noticable than the difference between  Inearthed and
Children of Bodom releases.  But I didn't throw up these examples to
discuss them here, I was just trying to show that we do have
occurrences that are indexed separately.

> Burn the Priest -> Lamb of God

i don't know the artist, so perhaps this is also a stylistic change.
if not as far as i'm aware it should be an alias of lamb of god, not a
seperate artist.

Just for the record, there is very little stylistic change (if any) in
this specific example.  Lamb of God even re-issued their self-titled
album released under the name "Burn the Priest".

Musicbrainz-style mailing list


Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] other commercial relationships (emusic)?

2006-06-14 Thread Stefan Kestenholz

well, AM G and Discogs have links to several other shops, in addition
to amazon. therefore it should be possible to add urls which have a
certain longevity to them. even the amazon urls can change, if a
release is not sold anymore.

I'd rather see this feature be implemented such that the other URLs
wouldn't show up anymore in the relationships box. the urls are
usually quite long and unpresentable.

--- keschte

PS. please use mb-users for this kind of disussions. spread the word
about what the style mailing list is for, please:

In the meantime I think there's a "can be bought from" relationship
that iirc can be used for exactly that. Amazon has a separate
relationship mostly because of the covers, afaik, and we have a sort
of contract with them to allow us to do that.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Adding some AR attributes

2006-06-14 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Chris Bransden wrote:

only one i thing is a bit bizzare is "adding
ExecutiveRelationshipAttribute to EngineerRelationshipType" - i'm not
sure what that would mean?

Well, similar to the producer type, the phrase would change from "{additionally} 
engineered" to "{additionally} {co-}{executive }engineered" and you would be able to 
select whether those attributes apply or not.

also i've never seen it before so i'm
inclined to think it's perhaps a very rare occurance. was it 5
appearences we needed for an AR to be valid for inclusion? personally
i think if it appears once it's worth including, so i'm not vetoing :)

You're right, we had such a rule for instruments (was it 5 or 3?). I'm also not 
against changing it for one occurance since those attributes sound logical 
whereas a vacuum cleaner is no typical music instrument and thus needed enough 
cases to justify we need it in the tree. But if someone insists on seeing 
examples, here is mine:
The liner notes of Posthumous Silence 
( say: Engineered and 
mixed by Jens Lück, Co-engineered and mixed by Matthias Harder.
And Schika had the examples for executive engineered he said. :)

this is also possible, eg when the recorder (read: producer) has a
assisting engineer. of course you could bodge this by crediting them
as additional recorded by, but personally i'd prefer to see it as
close to the liner notes as possible, so i'd be ok with this being

I used additional for all credits saying "assistant" so far. Of course since we don't have freetext 
crediting like Discogs we can only render liner notes to a certain extent and I'd normally say try to find 
those types which are nearest to what they really did - but since in most of the cases we can't know what 
they really did, we can only go with the liner notes for those smaller roles and therefore I also prefer to 
see it as close to the liner notes as possible. That does not apply for all AR types though - in some cases 
you *can* know what the credited persons really did. For example liner notes for rock albums mostly say 
"guitars by ..., bass by ..." where they mean electric guitar and electric bass guitar. Of course 
it's not wrong to let it as "guitars" as those are generalisations.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] other commercial relationships (emusic)?

2006-06-14 Thread Bogdan Butnaru

On 6/14/06, Dave Smey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all, I'm a newbie here..

Is there a chance of adding other commecial relationships?  I for one
would like to see an emusic link.  I've been driven into musicbrainism
partly because the data at eMu is often very sloppy and incomplete - it
would be awesome to think that people could eventually use MB to "shop" at
their outlet of choice.

This would be nice, but really, I doubt we could do this very well on
our own: there are quite a few shops (and probably there will be more
in the future), which probably change their data often, so links will
always be spotty and sloppy.

What would be nice would be shops that use our web-service to present
or at least to initially load the data. But I doubt that'll happen
very quick.

In the meantime I think there's a "can be bought from" relationship
that iirc can be used for exactly that. Amazon has a separate
relationship mostly because of the covers, afaik, and we have a sort
of contract with them to allow us to do that.

-- Bogdan Butnaru — [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I think I am a fallen star, I should wish on myself." – O.
Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] other commercial relationships (emusic)?

2006-06-14 Thread Dave Smey
Hi all, I'm a newbie here..

Is there a chance of adding other commecial relationships?  I for one
would like to see an emusic link.  I've been driven into musicbrainism
partly because the data at eMu is often very sloppy and incomplete - it
would be awesome to think that people could eventually use MB to "shop" at
their outlet of choice.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: new AR type "is the predecessor of"

2006-06-14 Thread Chris Bransden

On 14/06/06, Aaron Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/14/06, Chris Bransden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 14/06/06, derGraph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For cases where an artist only changed it's name we might use a more
> > general "renamed to"/"was previously known as" AR.
> i'm not so sure such cases would be indexed as seperate artists
> anyway. see
> and related discussion

There are many examples in the database of groups which have changed
their name and are entered as separate artists.

For example:
Inearthed -> Children of Bodom

according to the annoation, this seems to be show a stylistic change,
not just a name change. these kind of groups would be seperated (ie
you'd want them tagged seperate/on seperate artist pages)

Burn the Priest -> Lamb of God

i don't know the artist, so perhaps this is also a stylistic change.
if not as far as i'm aware it should be an alias of lamb of god, not a
seperate artist.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: new AR type "is the predecessor of"

2006-06-14 Thread Aaron Cooper

On 6/14/06, Chris Bransden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 14/06/06, derGraph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For cases where an artist only changed it's name we might use a more
> general "renamed to"/"was previously known as" AR.

i'm not so sure such cases would be indexed as seperate artists
anyway. see
and related discussion

There are many examples in the database of groups which have changed
their name and are entered as separate artists.

For example:
Inearthed -> Children of Bodom

Burn the Priest -> Lamb of God

Musicbrainz-style mailing list


Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Amazon Relationship Type

2006-06-14 Thread Stefan Kestenholz

displaying the cover art is nice (I wouldn't really say useful ;-) ).

Of course it is... -- i for one am a visual type, and it helps
tremendously to see a cover art (even more in classical, where the
entry in MB often does have not much resemblance to whats on the

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Amazon Relationship Type

2006-06-14 Thread Frederic Da Vitoria

I wasn't clear enough. I was not meaning the cover art shouldn't be a
link, just that we could implement a specialized kind of
AmazonRelationship that would be specifically for the amazon links
that can display the cover art. Part of the discussion is that
displaying the cover art is nice (I wouldn't really say useful ;-) ).
So a way to ensure this could be to create a specialized AR for it.
Not a hack, it would be exactly the same as the current
AmazonRelationship, it would work the same, but modders would be asked
to use only Amazon pages that will bring back the cover art to MB. Oh,
it could have a small difference: since we have only one place to
display the cover art, entering more than one AmazonCoverArt would be

But you are right, my suggestion has a flaw. Maybe another (and
better) way of doing it could be to add an attribute to the
AmazonRelationship to differentiate the occurrences which allow
displaying the cover art from those which don't. This would avoid
entering the same link twice.

2006/6/14, azertus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

This will not happen; it's a very ugly hack IMO. Besides, I don't think
Amazon allows use of their cover art without a link, so you would have
two links to Amazon using your proposal, and one of them would be
wrong... Ugh! ;)

Frederic Da Vitoria schreef:
> I think we need what is covered in the wiki page about AmazonLinks (a
> stable way to link to the cover art) and a way to express other links
> (commercial for example). IMO, the AmazonRelationships are ill-named.
> We should have two distinct link types: AmazonCoverArt which should be
> as stable as possible (and maybe we would need other types of cover
> art links), and AmazonBuy (or whatever) for other links.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: new AR type "is the predecessor of"

2006-06-14 Thread Chris Bransden

On 14/06/06, derGraph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For cases where an artist only changed it's name we might use a more
general "renamed to"/"was previously known as" AR.

i'm not so sure such cases would be indexed as seperate artists
anyway. see
and related discussion

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: new AR type "is the predecessor of"

2006-06-14 Thread Aaron Cooper

On 6/14/06, derGraph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Aaron Cooper wrote:
> In the case where a band literally *just* changes its name for legal
> reason or because they are about to break into the commercial market,
> "predecessor/successor" doesn't seem to apply.  In all respects, the
> band is identical and so the AR seems to be implying more than what is
> needed.  Will this AR only be used to link groups that change their
> name AND change the lineup?

Right, I forgot about that...

The idea for this AR arose from a post explaining a band's history with
several name, style and lineup changes. And as far as I recall we had
some kind of silent agreement that this AR type should only be used for
such cases where either the band's lineup or style did change along with
the name. But as name + style changes in most cases are a result of a
lineup change, we might also limit this to lineup changes.

For cases where an artist only changed it's name we might use a more
general "renamed to"/"was previously known as" AR.

Alright, that sounds great. :)



Musicbrainz-style mailing list


Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Adding some AR attributes

2006-06-14 Thread Chris Bransden

On 14/06/06, Simon Reinhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi again,

to sum it up so far: there have been no vetoes but some discussion that put 
parts of this back to the RFC stage, so I'll split it as follows...

I propose adding CoRelationshipAttribute to EngineerRelationshipType (the main 
type, not all sub types) and within that to the sub type for mixers, and adding 
ExecutiveRelationshipAttribute to EngineerRelationshipType (again the main type 
only) as proposed by Schika.
For this I let the veto phase open for another 48 hours. If someone thinks we 
need to clarify those two sub roles first (that is to write the wiki pages for 
those attributes to exactly describe them), feel free to veto.

only one i thing is a bit bizzare is "adding
ExecutiveRelationshipAttribute to EngineerRelationshipType" - i'm not
sure what that would mean? also i've never seen it before so i'm
inclined to think it's perhaps a very rare occurance. was it 5
appearences we needed for an AR to be valid for inclusion? personally
i think if it appears once it's worth including, so i'm not vetoing :)

Note that the following discussion arose from this: Schika had examples of 
liner notes which differentiate between a mixer and a mix engineer. Do we need 
that separated?

well i think you have to be careful as the example (system 7) might
mean DJMix when they say "Mixed By" and "Mixed By" where they say "Mix
Engineer". if anyone can find an example where that's definitely not
the case then it's probably worth adding seperately.

Also he stated a difference between "recorded by" and "recording engineered by" 
again. I think all this needs a new thread so feel free to start one. ;)

this is also possible, eg when the recorder (read: producer) has a
assisting engineer. of course you could bodge this by crediting them
as additional recorded by, but personally i'd prefer to see it as
close to the liner notes as possible, so i'd be ok with this being

i think ultimately we're going to end up with lots of engineering ARs
with a lot of overlap, but personally i don't see this as a problem.

For the proposed changes of adding GuestRelationshipAttribute to 
OrchestraRelationshipType and ConductorRelationshipType I feel there definitely 
is need for more discussion to clarify what this attribute is about in general 
(wiki page needs to be written) so I abandon the request for those changes.

i think it would be ok to include these to be honest as i'm sure there
are valid situations for it, even if you applied my logic (which
probably stinks :P) however i do think 'guest' needs some
explanation/clarification for its general use.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: new AR type "is the predecessor of"

2006-06-14 Thread derGraph

Aaron Cooper wrote:

In the case where a band literally *just* changes its name for legal
reason or because they are about to break into the commercial market,
"predecessor/successor" doesn't seem to apply.  In all respects, the
band is identical and so the AR seems to be implying more than what is
needed.  Will this AR only be used to link groups that change their
name AND change the lineup?

Right, I forgot about that...

The idea for this AR arose from a post explaining a band's history with 
several name, style and lineup changes. And as far as I recall we had 
some kind of silent agreement that this AR type should only be used for 
such cases where either the band's lineup or style did change along with 
the name. But as name + style changes in most cases are a result of a 
lineup change, we might also limit this to lineup changes.

For cases where an artist only changed it's name we might use a more 
general "renamed to"/"was previously known as" AR.



Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: new AR type "is the predecessor of"

2006-06-14 Thread Aaron Cooper

In the case where a band literally *just* changes its name for legal
reason or because they are about to break into the commercial market,
"predecessor/successor" doesn't seem to apply.  In all respects, the
band is identical and so the AR seems to be implying more than what is
needed.  Will this AR only be used to link groups that change their
name AND change the lineup?

-Aaron (cooperaa)

On 6/14/06, derGraph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Michelle . wrote:
> The only problem I can see is that the word "predecessor" can be
> misinterpreted to mean someone performing earlier, with a similar
> style. If you look up "musical predecessor" (with quotation marks) on
> Google, you'll see what I mean.

So "A is a musical predecessor of B" would mean that B's style is
influenced by A. Right?

We had also discussed the wording "evolved into" and "evolved from". If
you think this wording is a problem, then you should veto now. But in
this case, I'll send another RFV for the alternate wording.



Musicbrainz-style mailing list


Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Adding some AR attributes

2006-06-14 Thread Simon Reinhardt

Hi again,

to sum it up so far: there have been no vetoes but some discussion that put 
parts of this back to the RFC stage, so I'll split it as follows...

I propose adding CoRelationshipAttribute to EngineerRelationshipType (the main 
type, not all sub types) and within that to the sub type for mixers, and adding 
ExecutiveRelationshipAttribute to EngineerRelationshipType (again the main type 
only) as proposed by Schika.
For this I let the veto phase open for another 48 hours. If someone thinks we 
need to clarify those two sub roles first (that is to write the wiki pages for 
those attributes to exactly describe them), feel free to veto.

Note that the following discussion arose from this: Schika had examples of liner notes which 
differentiate between a mixer and a mix engineer. Do we need that separated? Also he stated a 
difference between "recorded by" and "recording engineered by" again. I think 
all this needs a new thread so feel free to start one. ;)

For the proposed changes of adding GuestRelationshipAttribute to 
OrchestraRelationshipType and ConductorRelationshipType I feel there definitely 
is need for more discussion to clarify what this attribute is about in general 
(wiki page needs to be written) so I abandon the request for those changes.

Simon (Shepard)

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: new AR type "is the predecessor of"

2006-06-14 Thread derGraph

Michelle . wrote:
The only problem I can see is that the word "predecessor" can be 
misinterpreted to mean someone performing earlier, with a similar 
style. If you look up "musical predecessor" (with quotation marks) on 
Google, you'll see what I mean. 

So "A is a musical predecessor of B" would mean that B's style is 
influenced by A. Right?

We had also discussed the wording "evolved into" and "evolved from". If 
you think this wording is a problem, then you should veto now. But in 
this case, I'll send another RFV for the alternate wording.



Musicbrainz-style mailing list

RE: [mb-style] RFV: new AR type "is the predecessor of"

2006-06-14 Thread Michelle .
The only problem I can see is that the word "predecessor" can be 
misinterpreted to mean someone performing earlier, with a similar style. If 
you look up "musical predecessor" (with quotation marks) on Google, you'll 
see what I mean.


From: derGraph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MusicBrainz style 

To: MusicBrainz style discussion 
Subject: [mb-style] RFV: new AR type "is the predecessor of"
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 13:21:25 +0200

I've realized that the discussion on this issue has _just recently_ ebbed 
out ... Okay, I did forget about it.

Don Redman and I proposed to introduce a new AR type for linking artist 
groups which changed their name along with a lineup change. The style 
council obviously favours the following wording.

 [group1] is a predecessor of [group2]
 [group2] is a successor of [group1]

The date of this change (if known) should be entered as the start date.

As we don't want to bug our developers with creating additional 
restrictions (link group to group only, disallow entering end date), these 
restrictions have to be enforced by guidelines and voting only.

Whoever sees a problem arise in this change shall veto it now.



Musicbrainz-style mailing list

_ the biggest address in property

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

[mb-style] RFV: new AR type "is the predecessor of"

2006-06-14 Thread derGraph
I've realized that the discussion on this issue has _just recently_ 
ebbed out ... Okay, I did forget about it.

Don Redman and I proposed to introduce a new AR type for linking artist 
groups which changed their name along with a lineup change. The style 
council obviously favours the following wording.

 [group1] is a predecessor of [group2]
 [group2] is a successor of [group1]

The date of this change (if known) should be entered as the start date.

As we don't want to bug our developers with creating additional 
restrictions (link group to group only, disallow entering end date), 
these restrictions have to be enforced by guidelines and voting only.

Whoever sees a problem arise in this change shall veto it now.



Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFV: Amazon Relationship Type

2006-06-14 Thread azertus
This will not happen; it's a very ugly hack IMO. Besides, I don't think 
Amazon allows use of their cover art without a link, so you would have 
two links to Amazon using your proposal, and one of them would be 
wrong... Ugh! ;)

Frederic Da Vitoria schreef:

I think we need what is covered in the wiki page about AmazonLinks (a
stable way to link to the cover art) and a way to express other links
(commercial for example). IMO, the AmazonRelationships are ill-named.
We should have two distinct link types: AmazonCoverArt which should be
as stable as possible (and maybe we would need other types of cover
art links), and AmazonBuy (or whatever) for other links.

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

RE: [mb-style] RFC: Dealing with translations and transliterations

2006-06-14 Thread Beth
That makes great sense, I agree. :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:32 AM
To: MusicBrainz style discussion
Subject: Re: [mb-style] RFC: Dealing with translations and transliterations

On 14/06/06, Dustin B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's no reason to throw away good info right now just because we're
> confused with what to do with it, or worse disagree with it because it
> doesn't make the database "pretty".  Remember the goal is the ultimate
> repository of music releases

my concern is that these *aren't* music releases. infact i've never
really seen the point of transliterations, as i feel the english (or
other) version of the trackname is trivia, rather than something you'd
want to look at. after all, all other aspects of the release (lyrics
etc) will presumably be in the offending language, so i'm not sure
it's worth doing. plus i prefer seeing things in the language of
origin, even if it is all squiggles to me :)

but i appreciate that other people want them, so fair enough in them
being added, and i agree that the next steps need to be to make an AR
to link them to the original, and then hide, or otherwise seperate
unofficial transliterations from official releases.

also i think the transliteration AR should have an 'official' or
'unofficial' attribute, to seperate releases that have different
titles on the sleeve depending on what market they are in. 'official'
transliterations shouldn't be hidden/seperated from the official

chris / gecks

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Musicbrainz-style mailing list

Re: [mb-style] RFC: Dealing with translations and transliterations

2006-06-14 Thread Chris Bransden

On 14/06/06, Dustin B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There's no reason to throw away good info right now just because we're
confused with what to do with it, or worse disagree with it because it
doesn't make the database "pretty".  Remember the goal is the ultimate
repository of music releases

my concern is that these *aren't* music releases. infact i've never
really seen the point of transliterations, as i feel the english (or
other) version of the trackname is trivia, rather than something you'd
want to look at. after all, all other aspects of the release (lyrics
etc) will presumably be in the offending language, so i'm not sure
it's worth doing. plus i prefer seeing things in the language of
origin, even if it is all squiggles to me :)

but i appreciate that other people want them, so fair enough in them
being added, and i agree that the next steps need to be to make an AR
to link them to the original, and then hide, or otherwise seperate
unofficial transliterations from official releases.

also i think the transliteration AR should have an 'official' or
'unofficial' attribute, to seperate releases that have different
titles on the sleeve depending on what market they are in. 'official'
transliterations shouldn't be hidden/seperated from the official

chris / gecks

Musicbrainz-style mailing list