find records with only numbers

2009-04-13 Thread Ed Reed
I hope someone can give me a suggestion on this.
I'd like to find records in a table where a specific field only contains a 
For example,
Select Field1 as f
from table1 as t
where lcase(t.f) not like in 
This obviously doesn't work or I wouldn't be asking the question. In this 
example field1 is a varchar(25) field and it is normally appropriate for it to 
contain data that has numeric characters and alpha characters. Examples of 
valid data in this field are '456987','142154','200145C1','954xxx','H 1231','My 
Test', ..etc. In my query above I'm trying to find the records where there 
is only a six digit numeric value and no others.
Thanks for any advice

before insert trigger

2007-12-13 Thread Ed Reed
Is it possible for a trigger to test the data to be inserted and if it doesn't 
meet specific criteria not insert the data at all?
I have an application that writes a lot of data to my table. I don't have 
control over this application and it writes a lot more data then I need. So I'd 
like to have a trigger that doesn't allow certain records to be written at all. 
I can't seem to find anything in the documentation that describes what I'm 
looking for. 

ODBC 3.51.22 problem - please help

2007-12-12 Thread Ed Reed
I've found a glaring problem with the latest ODBC connector. Data types have 
been changed and data is no longer being read correctly.
I'm running MySQL 5.1.16 on Netware. My apps are VB6 and VBA using ADO. The 
following query produces different data types depending on the version of the 
ODBC driver.
SELECT ConCat(21000,'-','a') 
In 3.51.19 it is a VarChar and in 3.51.22 it's a VarBinary. Concat is supposed 
to return a string. In C a byte array may be fine but in VB a string should be 
a VarChar.
Is this a bug or is there a server or OBDC setting that can be changed to make 
sure that it always returns a VarChar
Thanks for the help

What's up with 5.1x beta

2007-08-13 Thread Ed Reed
Does anyone have an explanation as to why it's taking so long for an official 
release of version 5.1? Is it me or does it seem like 5.1 is taking a lot 
longer to be released. I don't remember previous versions having 20 beta revs 
before an official release. Is there a real date available for an official 

Insert Select query problem

2007-08-10 Thread Ed Reed
Hi All,
I have an issue that I need to resolve that is difficult to explain. I
hope that someone can understand what I*m trying to do and shed some
light on a solution. Here goes.
I have three tables, inventory, which is a list of transactions with
positive and negative values; request, which essentially is a temporary
table that gets deleted after it*s used here; and purchase, which holds
the solution as to whether an item is to be purchased or removed from
CREATE TABLE `inventory` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `Item` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `Qty` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
CREATE TABLE `purchase` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `Source` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Item` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `Qty` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
CREATE TABLE `request` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `Required` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `Qty` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
My Inventory and Request tables have data in them like this,
Insert Into `inventory` (Item, Qty)
Insert Into `request` (Required, Qty)
('Apples', 12),
('Bananas', 112),
('Cherries', 5);
Now what I*d like to do is create a single Insert Select query that
creates a record in my purchase table for each of the items in my
request table based on the number of items available in my inventory.
But, if there aren't enough items in the inventory to cover the amount
requested, I need to have a second record for that item in the purchase
table with the qty difference to another source. So based on the data in
the inventory my current totals are,
| Item | Sum(Qty) |
| Apples   | 2|
| Bananas  | 86   |
| Cherries | 29   |
and based on the qty of items in my request I would like to have a
purchase table that looks like this,
| Source | Item | Qty |
| 1  | Apples   | 2   |
| 0  | Apples   | 10  |
| 1  | Bananas  | 86  |
| 0  | Bananas  | 26  |
| 1  | Cherries | 5   |
with a source of 1 meaning pull the items from inventory and a source
of 0 means purchase them from somewhere else.
Can anyone help me with this?

Re: Insert Select query problem

2007-08-10 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks Jay,
I had to make a change to the first part of the query to get the results that I 
wanted but your suggestion was definitely what I needed to get to the solution.
Thanks again.
For those that are interested, here's the final solution,
INSERT INTO purchase (Source, Item, Qty)
SELECT 1, totals.Item,if((totals.TotQty -r.Qty)0,r.qty, totals.TotQty)
FROM request r 
   (SELECT Item, SUM(Qty) AS TotQty 
FROM inventory 
GROUP BY Item) AS totals 
  ON r.Required = totals.Item 
SELECT 0, totals.Item, (r.Qty - totals.TotQty) 
FROM request r 
  (SELECT Item, SUM(Qty) AS TotQty 
   FROM inventory 
   GROUP BY Item) AS totals 
   ON r.Required = totals.Item 
WHERE r.Qty  totals.TotQty;

 On 8/10/07 at 12:33 PM, in message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jay Pipes [EMAIL 
 PROTECTED] wrote:
Ed Reed wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have an issue that I need to resolve that is difficult to explain. I
 hope that someone can understand what I*m trying to do and shed some
 light on a solution. Here goes.
 I have three tables, inventory, which is a list of transactions with
 positive and negative values; request, which essentially is a temporary
 table that gets deleted after it*s used here; and purchase, which holds
 the solution as to whether an item is to be purchased or removed from
 CREATE TABLE `inventory` (
   `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   `Item` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
   `Qty` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
 CREATE TABLE `purchase` (
   `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   `Source` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
   `Item` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
   `Qty` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
 CREATE TABLE `request` (
   `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   `Required` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
   `Qty` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
 My Inventory and Request tables have data in them like this,
 Insert Into `inventory` (Item, Qty)
 Insert Into `request` (Required, Qty)
 ('Apples', 12),
 ('Bananas', 112),
 ('Cherries', 5);
 Now what I*d like to do is create a single Insert Select query that
 creates a record in my purchase table for each of the items in my
 request table based on the number of items available in my inventory.
 But, if there aren't enough items in the inventory to cover the amount
 requested, I need to have a second record for that item in the purchase
 table with the qty difference to another source. So based on the data in
 the inventory my current totals are,
 | Item | Sum(Qty) |
 | Apples   | 2|
 | Bananas  | 86   |
 | Cherries | 29   |
 and based on the qty of items in my request I would like to have a
 purchase table that looks like this,
 | Source | Item | Qty |
 | 1  | Apples   | 2   |
 | 0  | Apples   | 10  |
 | 1  | Bananas  | 86  |
 | 0  | Bananas  | 26  |
 | 1  | Cherries | 5   |
 with a source of 1 meaning pull the items from inventory and a source
 of 0 means purchase them from somewhere else.
 Can anyone help me with this?

Try this:

INSERT INTO purchase (Source, Item, Qty)
   1, totals.Item, r.Qty
FROM request r
  SELECT Item, SUM(Qty) AS TotQty
  FROM inventory
) AS totals
ON r.Required = totals.Item
WHERE r.Qty = totals.TotQty
   0, totals.Item, (r.Qty - totals.TotQty)
FROM request r
  SELECT Item, SUM(Qty) AS TotQty
  FROM inventory
) AS totals
ON r.Required = totals.Item
WHERE r.Qty  totals.TotQty;



Re: General MySQL Question: Ed Reed (CA, United States of America) Medium

2007-01-29 Thread Ed Reed
I just didn't enjoy the location. When it was in Orlando a few years ago, it 
was great. There were plenty of things to do and see; different places to eat 
every night. I had a really good time. Then the following year I went to Santa 
Clara and there was nothing to do. I went to the movies one night. Had dinner 
at Sizzler three times. I drove 45 minutes to find a place I could buy a shirt. 
The rest of the time I stayed in the hotel and watched crappy tv. If you folks 
want me to be away from my family and friends for five days you've gotta give 
me a reason to wanna go besides the great technical information. I didn't go to 
last years, I'm not going to this years and I probably won't go to any future 
ones held in Santa Clara. When I came home from the last one, my kids asked 
what I got them from my trip and I had nothing for them. It was just a boring 
place to go and I don't wanna go back. I'd just like to see it held someplace 
new every year.
Thanks for replying to my comment

 Lenz Grimmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/25/07 2:21 AM 
Hash: SHA1

Hi Ed,

thank you for your message!

On Thu, 18 Jan 2007, Ed Reed has filled out the MySQL Contact Form with a 
General MySQL Question:

 Can someone tell me you folks are going to hold all future User Conferences
 in Santa Clara? I would like to go this year but I didn't enjoy myself at the
 last one I went to in Santa Clara in '05 and I don't wanna go back. If you
 folks plan to hold all future conferences there I'd like to know so I can
 resign myself to the fact that it's never gonna change instead of hoping that
 it's gonna be somewhere else every year. 

To be honest, it's not entirely clear yet if we will change the location for
upcoming events. But could you explain why you didn't enjoy yourself at the
last one?  How can we improve?

- -- 
Community Relations Manager, EMEA
MySQL GmbH,, Hamburg, Germany
Visit the MySQL Forge at 
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see 


Re: General MySQL Question: Ed Reed (CA, United States ofAmerica) Medium

2007-01-29 Thread Ed Reed
I understand that. I go there for the same thing. My point was that, the 
conference needs the attendees as much we want the conference. When I go I'm 
going for the conference stuff but I have a life and they're asking us to give 
up that life for maybe 6 days. After a the second day things start to get a 
little monotonous and we need a break. After the third or fourth day the brain 
is fried. There needs to be some kind of other activity that takes your mind 
off of the same hotel walls. Let's put it another way. When you go to work do 
you stay there for 5 days straight? Probably not. You go home, you go out to 
dinner. You see friends. You do other things to take your mind away from work 
because you have to recharge your batteries. It's the same thing at the 
conferences. Unless you're a robot you have to get out and see the sights and 
be entertained so that you can go back the next day and absorb the next days 

I just liked it better when it felt like it was gonna be held at a different 
location every year. I made this same complaint last year and it never got this 
much attention. 
- cheers
 Joshua J. Kugler [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/29/07 4:36 PM 
That's funny...when I go to a technical conference, I usually go for the 
conference, and couldn't care less if there is other stuff to do in the area 
during the off hours.


Joshua Kugler   
Lead System Admin -- Senior Programmer ( )
PGP Key:  ID 0xDB26D7CE
PO Box 80086 -- Fairbanks, AK 99708 -- Ph: 907-456-5581 Fax: 907-456-3111

 Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/29/07 1:57 PM 
I just didn't enjoy the location. When it was in Orlando a few years ago, it 
was great. There were plenty of things to do and see; different places to eat 
every night. I had a really good time. Then the following year I went to Santa 
Clara and there was nothing to do. I went to the movies one night. Had dinner 
at Sizzler three times. I drove 45 minutes to find a place I could buy a shirt. 
The rest of the time I stayed in the hotel and watched crappy tv. If you folks 
want me to be away from my family and friends for five days you've gotta give 
me a reason to wanna go besides the great technical information. I didn't go to 
last years, I'm not going to this years and I probably won't go to any future 
ones held in Santa Clara. When I came home from the last one, my kids asked 
what I got them from my trip and I had nothing for them. It was just a boring 
place to go and I don't wanna go back. I'd just like to see it held someplace 
new every year.

Thanks for replying to my comment

 Lenz Grimmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/25/07 2:21 AM 
Hash: SHA1

Hi Ed,

thank you for your message!

On Thu, 18 Jan 2007, Ed Reed has filled out the MySQL Contact Form with a 
General MySQL Question:

 Can someone tell me you folks are going to hold all future User Conferences
 in Santa Clara? I would like to go this year but I didn't enjoy myself at the
 last one I went to in Santa Clara in '05 and I don't wanna go back. If you
 folks plan to hold all future conferences there I'd like to know so I can
 resign myself to the fact that it's never gonna change instead of hoping that
 it's gonna be somewhere else every year. 

To be honest, it's not entirely clear yet if we will change the location for
upcoming events. But could you explain why you didn't enjoy yourself at the
last one?  How can we improve?

- -- 
Community Relations Manager, EMEA
MySQL GmbH,, Hamburg, Germany
Visit the MySQL Forge at 
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see 


Re: New DBManager Released

2007-01-24 Thread Ed Reed
Yes it is true.
I downloaded it and installed it to try and manage my user accounts. In the 
feature list it says Object Maintenance and User Objects are listed. But when 
you try to manage a user account I get a message saying that the feature is not 
available in this version.
- enjoy

 COS [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/24/07 4:08 AM 

Not true, please read 
(present in my original post) for details.

Best Regards,

DBTools Software ( )

- Original Message - 
To: MySQL List; PostgreSQL Announce List; SQlite Users Group; Firebird Tools [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: New DBManager Released

The free version is crippled. You don't get all the capabilities they say.

 COS [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/23/07 8:16 AM 

DBTools Software is proud to announce the availability of the new DBManager
Professional Enterprise Edition 3.4.2 and DBManager Standard Edition 3.2.2.
For a complete list of changes please check our website at

The new versions are available in our downloads center at

What is DBTools Manager?

DBTools manager is an application for database managementm supporting MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Interbase, Firebird, SQlite, DBF Tables, MSAccess, MSSQL Server,
Sybase, Oracle and ODBC Datasources. This is a simple list of its features:

- Full object management
- Query Builder with planning, debugging capabilities
- Diagram Designer
- Report and Form Builders
- Lots of Wizards to import and export data/structure to/from a variety of
- Database Documenter, Comparer and Migration Wizards
- View, Procedure and Function Builder
- English and Portuguese BR language resources available
- and much more

Available in two editions: Enteprise and Standard. The latest can be used
for free for personal use.
For a complete list of its features check

Best Regards,

DBTools Software ( ) ( )

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: 
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: New DBManager Released

2007-01-23 Thread Ed Reed
The free version is crippled. You don't get all the capabilities they say.

 COS [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/23/07 8:16 AM 

DBTools Software is proud to announce the availability of the new DBManager
Professional Enterprise Edition 3.4.2 and DBManager Standard Edition 3.2.2.
For a complete list of changes please check our website at

The new versions are available in our downloads center at

What is DBTools Manager?

DBTools manager is an application for database managementm supporting MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Interbase, Firebird, SQlite, DBF Tables, MSAccess, MSSQL Server,
Sybase, Oracle and ODBC Datasources. This is a simple list of its features:

- Full object management
- Query Builder with planning, debugging capabilities
- Diagram Designer
- Report and Form Builders
- Lots of Wizards to import and export data/structure to/from a variety of
- Database Documenter, Comparer and Migration Wizards
- View, Procedure and Function Builder
- English and Portuguese BR language resources available
- and much more

Available in two editions: Enteprise and Standard. The latest can be used
for free for personal use.
For a complete list of its features check

Best Regards,

DBTools Software ( )

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: 
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: MySQL Administrator problem

2007-01-19 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the reply Daniel,
This is not on a Mac. I'm running MySQL Administrator 1.2.8 on a XP/SP2 machine 
and I'm connecting to a MySQL 5.1.9 server running on Netware6.5.
- Still looking for help.

 Daniel Culver [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/19/07 9:52 AM 
Are you working on a Mac? If so, logging in as root is not good  
enough. You must have set up and log into the root user account of  
your Mac computer or server. This, if anything is a Apple problem and  
advantage. The Administrator is opening to the account you are in,  
the login in window will accept any correct password combination  
under ShadowHash or other authorising protocol, but you will still be  
working in the account you are in with those privileges. HTH
Daniel Culver

On Jan 17, 2007, at 4:49 PM, Ed Reed wrote:

 Unable to manage user accounts through MySQL Administrator 1.2.8.  
 I've found that I'm not the only one with this problem but no one  
 seems to have an answer for it.

 The problem is that when you select a user in the user list of the  
 prog the user's detail don't appear on the right side so that they  
 can be edited. If I right click on the user in the list then the  
 only enabled options are Add, Refresh and Show Hosts. If I add a  
 user, there's nothing else I can do it. The new user shows up in  
 the list but I can't modify it or delete it. I'm logged in a root.  
 I don't know what else to do.

MySQL Administrator problem

2007-01-17 Thread Ed Reed
Unable to manage user accounts through MySQL Administrator 1.2.8. I've found 
that I'm not the only one with this problem but no one seems to have an answer 
for it.
The problem is that when you select a user in the user list of the prog the 
user's detail don't appear on the right side so that they can be edited. If I 
right click on the user in the list then the only enabled options are Add, 
Refresh and Show Hosts. If I add a user, there's nothing else I can do it. The 
new user shows up in the list but I can't modify it or delete it. I'm logged in 
a root. I don't know what else to do.
Any thoughts?

Re: MySQL Administrator problem

2007-01-17 Thread Ed Reed
There was already a bug report submitted. That's where I found other users that 
have the same problem.

 Colin Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/17/07 6:05 PM 
Ed Reed wrote:
 Unable to manage user accounts through MySQL Administrator 1.2.8. I've found 
 that I'm not the only one with this problem but no one seems to have an 
 answer for it.

Have you reported a bug to ?

kind regards

Colin Charles, Community Engineer
MySQL AB, Melbourne, Australia, 
Mobile: +614 12 593 292 / Skype: colincharles

MySQL Forge:

Re: MySQL Administrator problem

2007-01-17 Thread Ed Reed
I don't have any way of selecting a host. I only have one host on my system and 
I don't see anything in the program that explicitly shows me where to select 
the host.

 Igor Alexandrov [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/17/07 9:30 PM 
Hash: SHA1

Ed Reed wrote:
 Unable to manage user accounts through MySQL Administrator 1.2.8. I've found 
 that I'm not the only one with this problem but no one seems to have an 
 answer for it.
 The problem is that when you select a user in the user list of the prog the 
 user's detail don't appear on the right side so that they can be edited. If I 
 right click on the user in the list then the only enabled options are Add, 
 Refresh and Show Hosts. If I add a user, there's nothing else I can do it. 
 The new user shows up in the list but I can't modify it or delete it. I'm 
 logged in a root. I don't know what else to do.
 Any thoughts?
Hello! I think, that you haven't chosen a host for user. Choose it and
user options will be enabled to edit.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - ( )


Re: Insert ... Select troubles

2007-01-16 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the Brent,
What do you think about trying to make this work by using a stored procedure? A 
colleague mentioned it to me but I can't seem to get my head wrapped around it 
- Thanks

 Brent Baisley [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/15/07 7:45 AM 
When you said multiple field unique key, I assumed those two field were your 
primary key. The way I described in the easiest way 
to implement it. Especially since you can do future insert/select without 
having to worry about figureing out sequence numbers for 
each group. You may want to think if you need two unique indexes.
Obviously if you already have related information in place based on the RecID 
value it would be difficult to switch. You would need 
to store the value of both fields to setup a relation.
I don't think what you want to do can be done in a single query while also 
being able to add data in a similar manner in the future. 
Future insert/selects would require first determining the highest number for 
each group, then incrementing from there.
You could create a middle table in structure I described and then run two 
insert/selects. The first to generate you sequence, then 
second to populate the main table.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: Insert ... Select troubles

Thanks for the suggestion Brent. The auto_increment won't work in my situation 
though. My t1 table has a RecID field that already is 
my primary key and set to auto_increment. Is there another way that this can be 


 Brent Baisley [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/12/07 1:10 PM 
Sine ItemCount is part of your unique key, you should just make ItemCount an 
auto_increment field. Mysql will then handle providing
sequential numbering within the group.

For example:
GroupCount int,
ItemCount int auto_increment,
PRIMARY KEY (GroupCount,ItemCount)

When you do an insert, leave out the ItemCount.
insert into t1 (GroupCount) values (1),(1),(2),(2)

The t1 table then looks like this;
GroupCount  ItemCount

The compound primary key causes a difference auto increment sequence to be made 
for each record group.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Insert ... Select troubles

 ItemCount is essentially a counter of the records from the select
 statement. So, every new INSERT ... SELECT statement gets a new
 GroupCount (the next number up) and ItemCount represents the ID of the
 items in that new group.

 Does that make sense?

 - Thanks

 Michael Dykman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/12/07 8:13 AM 
 On 1/11/07, Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need some help creating an INSERT * SELECT statement that supplies
 a record counter in the returned items. Here's the task,

 I have t1 and t2.  t1 is GroupCount, ItemCount, Field1, Field2,
 Field3. t2 is Field1, Field2, Field3.

 t1 has a multiple field unique key called Request that has GroupCount
 and ItemCount. I would like to create an INSERT * SELECT statement that
 takes the three fields from t2 and puts them into t1 and at the same
 time automatically fills the GroupCount and ItemCount field. My data in
 t1 should look like this.

 |GroupCount| ItemCount | Field1   |Field2| Field3

 |1 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |1 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |1 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |2 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |2 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 4 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 5 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 6 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 4 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 5 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 6 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 7 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |5 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |5 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data

Re: Insert ... Select troubles

2007-01-12 Thread Ed Reed
ItemCount is essentially a counter of the records from the select
statement. So, every new INSERT ... SELECT statement gets a new
GroupCount (the next number up) and ItemCount represents the ID of the
items in that new group.
Does that make sense?
- Thanks

 Michael Dykman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/12/07 8:13 AM 
On 1/11/07, Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need some help creating an INSERT * SELECT statement that supplies
a record counter in the returned items. Here's the task,

 I have t1 and t2.  t1 is GroupCount, ItemCount, Field1, Field2,
Field3. t2 is Field1, Field2, Field3.

 t1 has a multiple field unique key called Request that has GroupCount
and ItemCount. I would like to create an INSERT * SELECT statement that
takes the three fields from t2 and puts them into t1 and at the same
time automatically fills the GroupCount and ItemCount field. My data in
t1 should look like this.

 |GroupCount| ItemCount | Field1   |Field2| Field3  

 |1 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |1 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |1 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |2 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |2 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 4 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 5 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 6 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 4 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 5 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 6 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 7 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |5 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |5 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |6 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |6 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |6 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2


 I can figure most of it out with the exception of the ItemCount
value. What I have so far is this,

 INSERT INTO t1 (GroupCount, ItemCount, Field1, Field2, Field3) SELECT
(SELECT Max(GroupCount)+1 From t1), ?, Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM

 The part with the ? is what I can't figure out.

 Any ideas?

I'm not very clear what ItemCount is supposed to represent..  if you
restate it, perhaps I can help

- michael dykman

Re: Insert ... Select troubles

2007-01-12 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the suggestion Brent. The auto_increment won't work in my situation 
though. My t1 table has a RecID field that already is my primary key and set to 
auto_increment. Is there another way that this can be done?

 Brent Baisley [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/12/07 1:10 PM 
Sine ItemCount is part of your unique key, you should just make ItemCount an 
auto_increment field. Mysql will then handle providing 
sequential numbering within the group.

For example:
GroupCount int,
ItemCount int auto_increment,
PRIMARY KEY (GroupCount,ItemCount)

When you do an insert, leave out the ItemCount.
insert into t1 (GroupCount) values (1),(1),(2),(2)

The t1 table then looks like this;
GroupCount  ItemCount

The compound primary key causes a difference auto increment sequence to be made 
for each record group.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Insert ... Select troubles

 ItemCount is essentially a counter of the records from the select
 statement. So, every new INSERT ... SELECT statement gets a new
 GroupCount (the next number up) and ItemCount represents the ID of the
 items in that new group.

 Does that make sense?

 - Thanks

 Michael Dykman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/12/07 8:13 AM 
 On 1/11/07, Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need some help creating an INSERT * SELECT statement that supplies
 a record counter in the returned items. Here's the task,

 I have t1 and t2.  t1 is GroupCount, ItemCount, Field1, Field2,
 Field3. t2 is Field1, Field2, Field3.

 t1 has a multiple field unique key called Request that has GroupCount
 and ItemCount. I would like to create an INSERT * SELECT statement that
 takes the three fields from t2 and puts them into t1 and at the same
 time automatically fills the GroupCount and ItemCount field. My data in
 t1 should look like this.

 |GroupCount| ItemCount | Field1   |Field2| Field3

 |1 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |1 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |1 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |2 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |2 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 4 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 5 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |3 | 6 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 4 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 5 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 6 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |4 | 7 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |5 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |5 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |6 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |6 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2
 |6 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2


 I can figure most of it out with the exception of the ItemCount
 value. What I have so far is this,

 INSERT INTO t1 (GroupCount, ItemCount, Field1, Field2, Field3) SELECT
 (SELECT Max(GroupCount)+1 From t1), ?, Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM

 The part with the ? is what I can't figure out.

 Any ideas?

 I'm not very clear what ItemCount is supposed to represent..  if you
 restate it, perhaps I can help

 - michael dykman

Insert ... Select troubles

2007-01-11 Thread Ed Reed

I need some help creating an INSERT * SELECT statement that supplies a record 
counter in the returned items. Here's the task,
I have t1 and t2.  t1 is GroupCount, ItemCount, Field1, Field2, Field3. t2 is 
Field1, Field2, Field3.
t1 has a multiple field unique key called Request that has GroupCount and 
ItemCount. I would like to create an INSERT * SELECT statement that takes the 
three fields from t2 and puts them into t1 and at the same time automatically 
fills the GroupCount and ItemCount field. My data in t1 should look like this.
|GroupCount| ItemCount | Field1   |Field2| Field3   |
|1 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|1 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|1 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|2 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|2 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|3 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|3 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|3 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|3 | 4 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|3 | 5 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|3 | 6 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|4 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|4 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|4 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|4 | 4 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|4 | 5 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|4 | 6 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|4 | 7 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|5 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|5 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|6 | 1 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|6 | 2 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
|6 | 3 | data from t2 | data from t2 | data from t2 |
I can figure most of it out with the exception of the ItemCount value. What I 
have so far is this,
INSERT INTO t1 (GroupCount, ItemCount, Field1, Field2, Field3) SELECT (SELECT 
Max(GroupCount)+1 From t1), ?, Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM t2;
The part with the ? is what I can't figure out.
Any ideas?

On Duplicate Key Update question

2007-01-05 Thread Ed Reed
I use On Duplicate Key Update a lot and I usually use it like this,
Insert Into tablename (myID, Qty)
Values (1034,15),
(145,20) On Duplicate Key Update Qty=Values(Qty);
This works very well but now I'd like to do something a little
different. I'd like to have a query like this but instead of replacing
the value of the previous Qty I'd like it to take the old Qty and the
new Qty and store the sum of the two values in the Qty field. 
Is this possible and can anyone tell me how?

Re: On Duplicate Key Update question

2007-01-05 Thread Ed Reed
Sorry for the premature question. I think I figured it out. 
On Duplicate Key Update Qty=Qty+Values(Qty);
I haven't tested it yet but it makes sense that it'll work.

 Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/5/07 2:40 PM 
I use On Duplicate Key Update a lot and I usually use it like this,

Insert Into tablename (myID, Qty)
Values (1034,15),
(145,20) On Duplicate Key Update Qty=Values(Qty);

This works very well but now I'd like to do something a little
different. I'd like to have a query like this but instead of replacing
the value of the previous Qty I'd like it to take the old Qty and the
new Qty and store the sum of the two values in the Qty field. 

Is this possible and can anyone tell me how?


Netware 5.1 beta binaries

2006-12-12 Thread Ed Reed
Can someone tell me what happen to the MySQL 5.1.x-beta for Netware
binaries? They aren't in the downloads page anymore.

Re: Number extraction from a string

2006-12-08 Thread Ed Reed
Is there anyway to use RegExp in a field parameter? What would be great
is if I could do this,
SELECT Trim(Both RegExp '[a-z]' From value) as value_num, value
FROM num_test 
WHERE value REGEXP 'N[1-999]';
The biggest problem is trying to find the position of where the number
starts in the string so that the number by itself can be shown as
returned field.

 Chris White [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/8/06 8:08 AM 
On Friday 08 December 2006 01:57, Philip Mather wrote:
 You'll need a regex, see these... 

Yes, you could use a regex and it would work, but if the format of N###
persistant and there are no false positives than I'd rather use that
of regexes, which can an intensive operation.  Also you might want to

SUBSTR(value,2) instead of LIKE 'N%' just to see how they compare.  If
a regex 
is required, you could have something like:

SELECT SUBSTRING(value,2) as value_num, value FROM num_test WHERE value

where x is one of the following depending on the situation:


depends on how specific you want to get really.

Chris White
PHP Programmer

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Number extraction from a string

2006-12-07 Thread Ed Reed
Can someone help me with this?
I have a text field that sometimes contains a number preceded with the
letter N. So it might look like this
A test N60
N45 someother text
This happened. N122, Then there was this.
I need to come up with a Select statement that can show me all the
instances where there is a N### value and return the number ### as a
separate field.
Anyone have a quick and easy solution?

Re: Number extraction from a string

2006-12-07 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the quick reply Chris.
It's close but it's a little off. Your example also returns all
instances that where the letter N exists in another words as well
Do you know of a way to prevent that?
Thanks again

 Chris White [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/7/06 3:11 PM 
On Thursday 07 December 2006 14:57, Ed Reed wrote:
 Can someone help me with this?

quick hack, but it works from what you've stated:

mysql create table num_test (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, value
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec)

mysql insert into num_test (value) VALUES
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql SELECT REPLACE(value,'N','') as value_num, value FROM num_test
POSITION('N' IN value);
| value_num | value |
| 400   | N400  |
| 500   | N500  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Chris White
PHP Programmer

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Create stored procedures with Query Browser

2006-12-06 Thread Ed Reed
Can someone tell me if it is possible to create stored procedures with
Query Browser and if it is can you provide an example the works?

Re: Stored procedure parameters problem

2006-12-05 Thread Ed Reed
Hi Paul,
I've spent the past two days trying to reproduce my problem and I think
I may have brought this on myself. I've had been trying to create a
procedure with the Query Browser GUI and was unable to do so. So I tried
to create them with MySQL-Front and MySQL Control Center and somehow I
was able to get the procedure added to the proc table. Once the
procedure was created I went into the mysql.proc table with MySQL-Front
and modified the values of param_list and body fields to the values I
had. So I probably put the strVal VarChar in the param_list without ever
going through a Create or Alter Procedure statement. My bad. 
I'm still not able to create a procedure with Query Browser, which
confuses me. I can create one using the command line client but the same
commands do not work in Query Browser. That's a problem for another

 Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/2/06 10:38 AM 
At 11:34 AM -0800 12/1/06, Chris White wrote:
On Friday 01 December 2006 11:22, Ed Reed wrote:
  I have a problem/question I'd like to find someone else to
  for me.

  I'm using MySQL 5.1.09 running on Netware. I've created a stored
  procedure that has one parameter,

  Create Procedure MyTest(strVal VarChar)
   Select Field1, Field2, Field3 From MyTable
   Where Field3=strVal;

varchar is meant to be variable, so it MUST have a length supplied. 
If you
want the same flexibility without specifying a specific length, use

Hmm ... I don't know.  CHAR is equivalent to CHAR(1), but for VARCHAR
the length is not optional.   For example, if you try to create a
using a length-less VARCHAR, this happens:

mysql create table t (c varchar);
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the 
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right 
syntax to use near ')' at line 1

If you are able to create the procedure when no VARCHAR length is
I think that might be considered a bug.  And it's certainly a problem
that you get proc table is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data.
when attempting to invoke the procedure.

Ed, could you file a bug report about this issue at
That way, one of the developers can figure out what's going on and
resolve the issue.

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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Stored procedure parameters problem

2006-12-01 Thread Ed Reed
I have a problem/question I'd like to find someone else to verify/answer
for me.
I'm using MySQL 5.1.09 running on Netware. I've created a stored
procedure that has one parameter,
Create Procedure MyTest(strVal VarChar)
 Select Field1, Field2, Field3 From MyTable 
 Where Field3=strVal;
When I call the procedure like this,
Call MyTest('test');
Its suppose to return a result set but it fails with an error that the
proc table is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data. But if I create
the procedure like this,
Create Procedure MyTest(strVal VarChar(25))
 Select Field1, Field2, Field3 From MyTable 
 Where Field3=strVal;
and call it the same as before I get the expected result set.
So now the question, should the fact that I specified a VarChar as the
data type indicate that this is supposed to be a variable-length-string
variable with no size limit other than the max size of the data type?
Thanks in advance.

Re: Stored procedure parameters problem

2006-12-01 Thread Ed Reed
Got it.

 Chris White [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/1/06 11:34 AM 
On Friday 01 December 2006 11:22, Ed Reed wrote:
 I have a problem/question I'd like to find someone else to
 for me.

 I'm using MySQL 5.1.09 running on Netware. I've created a stored
 procedure that has one parameter,

 Create Procedure MyTest(strVal VarChar)
  Select Field1, Field2, Field3 From MyTable
  Where Field3=strVal;

varchar is meant to be variable, so it MUST have a length supplied.  If
want the same flexibility without specifying a specific length, use

Chris White
PHP Programmer

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Re: Show tables replacement

2006-07-06 Thread Ed Reed
Anyone have an idea on this?

 Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/5/06 1:54:25 PM 
Anyone have an idea on this?


 Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  6/30/06 2:51:44 PM 

Thanks for the quick reply, Dan. But I forgot to mention I'm running MySQL 

Any other suggestions?

Thanks again.

 Dan Nelson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  6/30/06 2:48:57 PM 
In the last episode (Jun 30), Ed Reed said:
 Is there a Select statement I can use to get table names so that I
 could use other Select statement syntax on the results?
 What I'd like to do is this,
 SHOW Replace(TABLES, 'tbl','') Like 'tbl%';
 But this doesn't work so I need a Select statement that can do the
 same thing.

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables;

Dan Nelson

Re: Show tables replacement

2006-07-06 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the helpful words. The fact of the matter is that I would love to 
upgrade but since 5.0x doesn't have all the capabilities of 4.1x, an upgrade is 
out of the question at this time. So I'm left to looking here for help.
Thanks for your time.

Anyone else have an idea on this?

 Jochem van Dieten [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/6/06 9:47:26 AM 
On 7/6/06, Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
 Anyone have an idea on this?

Upgrade. Or at least stop repeating the question.


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Re: Show tables replacement

2006-07-05 Thread Ed Reed
Anyone have an idea on this?

 Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/30/06 2:51:44 PM 

Thanks for the quick reply, Dan. But I forgot to mention I'm running MySQL 

Any other suggestions?

Thanks again.

 Dan Nelson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  6/30/06 2:48:57 PM 
In the last episode (Jun 30), Ed Reed said:
 Is there a Select statement I can use to get table names so that I
 could use other Select statement syntax on the results?
 What I'd like to do is this,
 SHOW Replace(TABLES, 'tbl','') Like 'tbl%';
 But this doesn't work so I need a Select statement that can do the
 same thing.

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables;

Dan Nelson

Show tables replacement

2006-06-30 Thread Ed Reed
Is there a Select statement I can use to get table names so that I could use 
other Select statement syntax on the results?
What I'd like to do is this,
SHOW Replace(TABLES, 'tbl','') Like 'tbl%';
But this doesn't work so I need a Select statement that  can do the same thing.
Thanks in advance

Re: Show tables replacement

2006-06-30 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the quick reply, Dan. But I forgot to mention I'm running MySQL 
Any other suggestions?
Thanks again.

 Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/30/06 2:48:57 PM 
In the last episode (Jun 30), Ed Reed said:
 Is there a Select statement I can use to get table names so that I
 could use other Select statement syntax on the results?
 What I'd like to do is this,
 SHOW Replace(TABLES, 'tbl','') Like 'tbl%';
 But this doesn't work so I need a Select statement that can do the
 same thing.

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables;

Dan Nelson

RE: Return virtual records

2006-04-25 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the response Shawn but there's nothing covert here. I really need a 
list of partnumbers based on the Sum of that part in the table. My users will 
be marking off the parts in the list and if there a more than one of a 
partnumber then it needs to show up in the list more than once.
- Thanks again

 Shawn Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/12/06 12:15:56 PM 

--- Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 Thanks for the response but neither one of the responses I've
 received does exactly what I need since they don't return multiple
 Are there any other ideas out there?
  Jay Blanchard  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  4/7/06 12:37:32 PM 
 Anyone have an idea on this?
 Can anyone explain how I might be able to return a numbers of records
 based on the sum of a quantity in a field in the same table? (After I
 read that it sounds even confusing to me).
 Let me explain. I have records like this,
 Part# Qty
 1254 5
 1414 2
 14758 1
 1254 6
 1024 3
 1254 1
 Now if I did a query like this
 Select Part#, Sum(Qty) From table1 Group By Part# Where Part#=1254
 I would expect my results to look like this
 Part# Sum(Qty)
 1254 12
 But what I really want is this
 So 12 virtual records for the count of the records returned from the
 Please do not hijack threads, open a new e-mail and send it to the
 SELECT REPEAT(Part#, count(Part#)) FROM table WHERE Part# = '1254'

What you are asking MySQL to do is not a normal request. There are
probably better ways to solve your issue than by creating fake or
virtual data. 

As was posted before, what is the real reason you want to auto-generate
separate rows of data? If we understood your REAL problem (not your
request, we understand that) we could probably help you find a faster,
more robust solution than the one you are proposing.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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RE: Return virtual records

2006-04-12 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the response but neither one of the responses I've received does 
exactly what I need since they don't return multiple rows.
Are there any other ideas out there?

 Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/7/06 12:37:32 PM 
Anyone have an idea on this?

Can anyone explain how I might be able to return a numbers of records
based on the sum of a quantity in a field in the same table? (After I
read that it sounds even confusing to me).

Let me explain. I have records like this,

Part# Qty
1254 5
1414 2
14758 1
1254 6
1024 3
1254 1

Now if I did a query like this
Select Part#, Sum(Qty) From table1 Group By Part# Where Part#=1254

I would expect my results to look like this
Part# Sum(Qty)
1254 12

But what I really want is this

So 12 virtual records for the count of the records returned from the

Please do not hijack threads, open a new e-mail and send it to the list

SELECT REPEAT(Part#, count(Part#)) FROM table WHERE Part# = '1254'

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: 
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Return virtual records

2006-04-07 Thread Ed Reed
Anyone have an idea on this?

Can anyone explain how I might be able to return a numbers of records based on 
the sum of a quantity in a field in the same table? (After I read that it 
sounds even confusing to me).
Let me explain. I have records like this,
1254  5
1414  2
1254  6
1024  3
1254  1
Now if I did a query like this
Select Part#, Sum(Qty) From table1 Group By Part# Where Part#=1254
I would expect my results to look like this
Part#   Sum(Qty)
1254   12
But what I really want is this
So 12 virtual records for the count of the records returned from the Sum()
Can someone help me with this?
- Thanks

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Re: very long query for such a simple result

2006-04-06 Thread Ed Reed
That's not really what I meant. I know what the function SUM() does. But Sum() 
takes an expression and '1' doesn't seem like much of an expression to me. So 
what is that 1 equates to and where in the MySQL documentation can I find this 
Thanks again.

 Peter Brawley [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/5/06 10:28 AM 

Hi Ed,

Count(1) works just as well. Sum(1) just adds 1 for each row so it's logically 



Ed Reed wrote: WOW!!! THAT WAS AWESOME!!! Thanks a lot Peter. Ok, so what is 
SUM(1)? How is it able to do this? And where can I learn more about it? Thanks 
again.  Peter Brawley [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/4/06 10:13:00 PM Ed,e: 
Thanks for the quick reply Peter. Unfortunately, this is all legacy stuff that 
I have to make work together and the problemreport table does not reference the 
employeeid in the employees table. It was all create about ten years ago and 
the data has just always been migrated to the db du jour. I'm currently using 
MySQL 4.1x but most importantly I must be able to run the entire query in a 
single call. Thanks for the help.  OK, that's doable in a subquery, and you can 
get the total from SUM(1), so something like ...SELECT  IF( SUM(1) = 0,  
'',  CONCAT( 'You have ',  SUM(1),  ' Problem 
Report',  IF(SUM(1) = 1,'','s'),  ': Priorities(High=', 
 SUM(IF(Priority='High',1,0)),  ',Med=',  
SUM(IF(Priority='Med',1,0)),  ',Low=',  
SUM(IF(Priority='Low' ,1,0)),  ')'))FROM (  SELECT 
Priority  FROM ProblemReports, Employees  WHERE ProblemReports.Status='Open'  
AND ProblemReports.Responsible=CONCAT(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)  AND Employees.DateTerminated IS NULL  AND 
Employees.UserName='User1') AS priorities;PB-  Peter Brawley [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 4/4/06 2:35:49 PM Ed,The big slowdown in your query is 
likely the join on   ProblemReports.Responsible = CONCAT(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) Eek. Does the employees table not have a primary key, 
and does the problemreports table not reference that key? If not,  I would 
think a first priority would be to fix that.Meanwhile, you can simplify your 
monster query by writing the user's problem priorities to a temp table, then 
doing a simple pivot on priority to generate your sentence. Something like 
Priority FROM ProblemReports, Employees WHERE ProblemReports.Status='Open' AND 
ProblemReports.Responsible=CONCAT(Employees.FirstName, ' ',Employees.LastName) 
AND Employees.DateTerminated IS NULL AND Employees.UserName='User1'SELECT 
COUNT(*) INTO @n FROM ProbSum;SELECT   IF( @n = 0,   '',  CONCAT( 'You 
have',  @n,  'Problem Report',  
IF(@n=1,'','s'),  ': Priorities(High=',  
SUM(IF(Priority='High',1,0)),  ',Med=',  
SUM(IF(Priority='Med',1,0)),  ',Low=',  
SUM(IF(Priority='Low' ,1,0)),  ')'))FROM 
probsum;DROP TEMPORARY TABLE probsum;All this would be easier in a stored 
procedure, if you have MySql 5.PB   -Ed Reed wrote: Can someone help me 
simplify this query please? It's meant to return a single string result that 
looks something like this, You have 12 open Problem Reports: 
Priorities(High=5, Med=6, Low=1) The relavent columns from the two tables are  
Table: ProblemReportsFields: PRNo, Status, Priority, Responsible Table: 
EmployeesFields: Firstname, Lastname, DateTerminated, UserName Here's the query 
Select IF((@a:=(SELECT Count(PRNo) From ProblemReports, Employees WHERE 
(ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1')))0,  If (@a=1, ConCat('You have one open Problem 
Report: Prioritiy = ', (Select Priority From ProblemReports, Employees WHERE 
(ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1'))),  Concat('You have ', @a, ' open Problem 
Reports: Priorities(',  (Select ConCat('High=',Count(Priority)) From 
ProblemReports, Employees WHERE (ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1') And (Priority='High')),', ',(Select 
ConCat('Med=',Count(Priority)) From ProblemReports, Employees WHERE 
(ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1') And (Priority='Med')),', ',(Select 
ConCat('Low=',Count(Priority)) From ProblemReports, Employees WHERE

Return virtual records

2006-04-06 Thread Ed Reed
Can anyone explain how I might be able to return a numbers of records based on 
the sum of a quantity in a field in the same table? (After I read that it 
sounds even confusing to me).
Let me explain. I have records like this,
1254  5
1414  2
1254  6
1024  3
1254  1
Now if I did a query like this
Select Part#, Sum(Qty) From table1 Group By Part# Where Part#=1254
I would expect my results to look like this
Part#   Sum(Qty)
1254   12
But what I really want is this
So 12 virtual records for the count of the records returned from the Sum()
Can someone help me with this?
- Thanks

Re: very long query for such a simple result

2006-04-05 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks a lot Peter. Ok, so what is SUM(1)? How is it able to do this? And where 
can I learn more about it?
Thanks again.

 Peter Brawley [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/4/06 10:13:00 PM 

Ed,e: Thanks for the quick reply Peter. Unfortunately, this is all legacy stuff 
that I have to make work together and the problemreport table does not 
reference the employeeid in the employees table. It was all create about ten 
years ago and the data has just always been migrated to the db du jour. I'm 
currently using MySQL 4.1x but most importantly I must be able to run the 
entire query in a single call. Thanks for the help.  OK, that's doable in a 
subquery, and you can get the total from SUM(1), so something like ...

  IF( SUM(1) = 0,
  CONCAT( 'You have ',
  ' Problem Report',
  IF(SUM(1) = 1,'','s'),
  ': Priorities(High=',
  SUM(IF(Priority='Low' ,1,0)),
  SELECT Priority
  FROM ProblemReports, Employees
  WHERE ProblemReports.Status='Open'
  AND ProblemReports.Responsible=CONCAT(Employees.FirstName, ' 
  AND Employees.DateTerminated IS NULL
  AND Employees.UserName='User1'
) AS priorities;


  Peter Brawley [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/4/06 2:35:49 PM Ed,The big 
slowdown in your query is likely the join on   ProblemReports.Responsible = 
CONCAT(Employees.FirstName, ' ',Employees.LastName)) Eek. Does the employees 
table not have a primary key, and does the problemreports table not reference 
that key? If not,  I would think a first priority would be to fix 
that.Meanwhile, you can simplify your monster query by writing the user's 
problem priorities to a temp table, then doing a simple pivot on priority to 
generate your sentence. Something like ...DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS 
ProbSum;CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ProbSumSELECT Priority FROM ProblemReports, 
Employees WHERE ProblemReports.Status='Open' AND 
ProblemReports.Responsible=CONCAT(Employees.FirstName, ' ',Employees.LastName) 
AND Employees.DateTerminated IS NULL AND Employees.UserName='User1'SELECT 
COUNT(*) INTO @n FROM ProbSum;SELECT   IF( @n = 0,   '',  CONCAT( 'You 
have',  @n,  'Problem Report',  
IF(@n=1,'','s'),  ': Priorities(High=',  
SUM(IF(Priority='High',1,0)),  ',Med=',  
SUM(IF(Priority='Med',1,0)),  ',Low=',  
SUM(IF(Priority='Low' ,1,0)),  ')'))FROM 
probsum;DROP TEMPORARY TABLE probsum;All this would be easier in a stored 
procedure, if you have MySql 5.PB   -Ed Reed wrote: Can someone help me 
simplify this query please? It's meant to return a single string result that 
looks something like this, You have 12 open Problem Reports: 
Priorities(High=5, Med=6, Low=1) The relavent columns from the two tables are  
Table: ProblemReportsFields: PRNo, Status, Priority, Responsible Table: 
EmployeesFields: Firstname, Lastname, DateTerminated, UserName Here's the query 
Select IF((@a:=(SELECT Count(PRNo) From ProblemReports, Employees WHERE 
(ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1')))0,  If (@a=1, ConCat('You have one open Problem 
Report: Prioritiy = ', (Select Priority From ProblemReports, Employees WHERE 
(ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1'))),  Concat('You have ', @a, ' open Problem 
Reports: Priorities(',  (Select ConCat('High=',Count(Priority)) From 
ProblemReports, Employees WHERE (ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1') And (Priority='High')),', ',(Select 
ConCat('Med=',Count(Priority)) From ProblemReports, Employees WHERE 
(ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1') And (Priority='Med')),', ',(Select 
ConCat('Low=',Count(Priority)) From ProblemReports, Employees WHERE 
(ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1') And (Priority='Low')),')')),'');  No virus found 
in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.385 / Virus 
Database: 268.3.5/300 - Release Date: 4/3/2006No virus found in this 
incoming message.Checked by AVG

very long query for such a simple result

2006-04-04 Thread Ed Reed
Can someone help me simplify this query please? It's meant to return a single 
string result that looks something like this,
You have 12 open Problem Reports: Priorities(High=5, Med=6, Low=1)
The relavent columns from the two tables are 
Table: ProblemReports
Fields: PRNo, Status, Priority, Responsible
Table: Employees
Fields: Firstname, Lastname, DateTerminated, UserName
Here's the query
Select IF((@a:=(SELECT Count(PRNo) From ProblemReports, Employees WHERE 
(ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
If (@a=1, ConCat('You have one open Problem Report: Prioritiy = ',
(Select Priority From ProblemReports, Employees 
WHERE (ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND 
(Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND (Employees.UserName='User1'))), 
Concat('You have ', @a, ' open Problem Reports: Priorities(', 
(Select ConCat('High=',Count(Priority)) From ProblemReports, Employees 
WHERE (ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND 
(Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND (Employees.UserName='User1') And 
(Priority='High')),', ',
(Select ConCat('Med=',Count(Priority)) From ProblemReports, Employees 
WHERE (ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND 
(Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND (Employees.UserName='User1') And 
(Priority='Med')),', ',
(Select ConCat('Low=',Count(Priority)) From ProblemReports, Employees 
WHERE (ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND 
(Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND (Employees.UserName='User1') And 

Re: very long query for such a simple result

2006-04-04 Thread Ed Reed
Sorry, here's the results. BTW the query works it just seems overly complex and 
I'd like to streamline it.
CREATE TABLE `employees` (
  `EmployeeID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `FirstName` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `LastName` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `DateTerminated` datetime default NULL,
  `UserName` varchar(15) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`EmployeeID`)
  UNIQUE KEY `EmployeeID` (`EmployeeID`)
CREATE TABLE `problemreports` (
  `PRNo` double NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `Status` varchar(10) default NULL,
  `Responsible` varchar(20) default NULL,
  `Priority` varchar(10) default NULL,

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/4/06 1:56:10 PM 

You are new at this, aren't you?  First thing you need to do is to let us see 
exactly what we need to deal with. Please respond with  the results of the 
following two commands 


We (the list members) will be able to help straighten you out from there (there 
are lots of things we need to talk about but I think that we should get you 
working first, ok?) 

Always CC the list (or hit the REPLY TO ALL button or whatever you have in your 
email client). That way everyone on the list stays informed of the progress of 
this issue. 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 

Re: very long query for such a simple result

2006-04-04 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the quick reply Peter. Unfortunately, this is all legacy stuff that 
I have to make work together and the problemreport table does not reference the 
employeeid in the employees table. It was all create about ten years ago and 
the data has just always been migrated to the db du jour. I'm currently using 
MySQL 4.1x but most importantly I must be able to run the entire query in a 
single call.
Thanks for the help.

 Peter Brawley [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/4/06 2:35:49 PM 


The big slowdown in your query is likely the join on 

  ProblemReports.Responsible = CONCAT(Employees.FirstName, ' 

Eek. Does the employees table not have a primary key, and does the 
problemreports table not reference that key? If not,  I would think a first 
priority would be to fix that.

Meanwhile, you can simplify your monster query by writing the user's problem 
priorities to a temp table, then doing a simple pivot on priority to generate 
your sentence. Something like ...

SELECT Priority 
FROM ProblemReports, Employees 
WHERE ProblemReports.Status='Open' 
AND ProblemReports.Responsible=CONCAT(Employees.FirstName, ' 
AND Employees.DateTerminated IS NULL 
AND Employees.UserName='User1'


  IF( @n = 0, 
  CONCAT( 'You have',
  'Problem Report',
  ': Priorities(High=',
  SUM(IF(Priority='Low' ,1,0)),
FROM probsum;


All this would be easier in a stored procedure, if you have MySql 5.



Ed Reed wrote: 
Can someone help me simplify this query please? It's meant to return a single 
string result that looks something like this, You have 12 open Problem 
Reports: Priorities(High=5, Med=6, Low=1) The relavent columns from the two 
tables are  Table: ProblemReportsFields: PRNo, Status, Priority, Responsible 
Table: EmployeesFields: Firstname, Lastname, DateTerminated, UserName Here's 
the query Select IF((@a:=(SELECT Count(PRNo) From ProblemReports, Employees 
WHERE (ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1')))0,  If (@a=1, ConCat('You have one open Problem 
Report: Prioritiy = ', (Select Priority From ProblemReports, Employees WHERE 
(ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1'))),  Concat('You have ', @a, ' open Problem 
Reports: Priorities(',  (Select ConCat('High=',Count(Priority)) From 
ProblemReports, Employees WHERE (ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1') And (Priority='High')),', ',(Select 
ConCat('Med=',Count(Priority)) From ProblemReports, Employees WHERE 
(ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1') And (Priority='Med')),', ',(Select 
ConCat('Low=',Count(Priority)) From ProblemReports, Employees WHERE 
(ProblemReports.Status='Open') AND 
(ProblemReports.Responsible=ConCat(Employees.FirstName, ' 
',Employees.LastName)) AND (Employees.DateTerminated Is Null) AND 
(Employees.UserName='User1') And (Priority='Low')),')')),'');  No virus found 
in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.385 / Virus 
Database: 268.3.5/300 - Release Date: 4/3/2006  

Re: Migration toolkit

2006-02-15 Thread Ed Reed
- Thanks Shawn

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/14/06 10:08:14 AM 

 I haven't tried the migration toolkit so I don't know what it can or cannot 
do. I am assuming that you have hand-transferred a few users from your old 
system to the new one. 

 What I can suggest is that you generate two sets of data. The first is a list 
of your users, their hostnames, and their password hashes from your old server: 

SELECT user, host, password 
FROM mysql.user; 

You can use the utility mysqldump to convert oldUsers table to a SQL script. 
Save this dump into a text file (oldusers.sql) for later. 

Next you need to run a bunch of SHOW GRANTS for statements.  A script (pick 
your favorite scripting language for this) can crawl through oldUsers (just 
created) and capture the results of 

SHOW GRANTS FOR 'user'@'host' 

for every user in the oldUsers table. Save the results into another text file 
(oldgrants.sql). These will be the SQL statements you will need to restore 
permissions to your current users in your new database. 

Now comes the fun part: I prefer to enter the CLI and navigate to the correct 
database by hand before executing scripts like these (I have seen many people 
just do this from the command line but I would rather be sure). On your new 
server, start your mysql CLI and navigate to the mysql database. Once there, 
execute the script that generates the oldUsers table. The sequence should look 
something like this: 

mysql -u yourlogin -p mysql 
provide your password 
mysql source full_path_to_oldusers.sql 

That should create a table of all of your user accounts in the table oldUsers 
in the mysql database of your new server. Bulk insert them into your users 
table like this 

INSERT IGNORE user (user, host, password) SELECT user, host, password FROM 

And refresh the permissions cache: 


Now you are ready to re-apply privileges. Assuming that you correctly captured 
the GRANT statements from your SHOW GRANTS for script, you should be able to 

mysql source full_path_to_oldgrants.sql 

and do one last 


Your old accounts should now exist on your new server with their old 
permissions restored. Sorry but you asked for any ideas... ;-) 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine 

Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 02/14/2006 12:11:05 PM:

 Does anyone have any idea on this one?
 - Thanks
  Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/10/06 3:09 PM 
 I'm trying to use the Migration Toolkit to migrate a 4.1 system to a
 5.0 system. It doesn't appear that it can successfully migrate my 
 usernames and privileges. Is it supposed to be able to and is there 
 anything special I need to do to make it happen?
 - Thanks

Re: Migration toolkit

2006-02-14 Thread Ed Reed
Does anyone have any idea on this one?
- Thanks

 Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/10/06 3:09 PM 
I'm trying to use the Migration Toolkit to migrate a 4.1 system to a 5.0 
system. It doesn't appear that it can successfully migrate my usernames and 
privileges. Is it supposed to be able to and is there anything special I need 
to do to make it happen?

- Thanks

Migration toolkit

2006-02-10 Thread Ed Reed
I'm trying to use the Migration Toolkit to migrate a 4.1 system to a 5.0 
system. It doesn't appear that it can successfully migrate my usernames and 
privileges. Is it supposed to be able to and is there anything special I need 
to do to make it happen?
- Thanks

Re: Converting decimal to binary

2006-01-18 Thread Ed Reed
Can you (or anyone else) explain to me how, or point me somewhere that I can 
learn how this works? I'd really like to know more about how bitwise arithmetic 

 Francesco Riosa [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/10/06 4:58:47 PM 
Francesco Riosa wrote:
 And another one is (in inverse order for laziness):

 (8  1) AS `0`
 , (8  2  1) AS `1`
 , (8  4  1) AS `2`
 , (8  8  1) AS `3`
 , (8  16  1) AS `4`
 , (8  32  1) AS `5`
 , (8  64  1) AS `6`
 , (8  128  1) AS `7`
but this one looks better:

(8  1) AS `0`
, (8  1  1) AS `1`
, (8  2  1) AS `2`
, (8  3  1) AS `3`
, (8  4  1) AS `4`
, (8  5  1) AS `5`
, (8  6  1) AS `6`
, (8  7  1) AS `7`

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: 
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Re: Converting decimal to binary

2006-01-18 Thread Ed Reed
Actually please ignore my previous question. I just had a brain cramp.

 Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/18/06 11:34:11 AM 
Can you (or anyone else) explain to me how, or point me somewhere that I can 
learn how this works? I'd really like to know more about how bitwise arithmetic 


 Francesco Riosa  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  1/10/06 4:58:47 PM 
Francesco Riosa wrote:
 And another one is (in inverse order for laziness):

 (8  1) AS `0`
 , (8  2  1) AS `1`
 , (8  4  1) AS `2`
 , (8  8  1) AS `3`
 , (8  16  1) AS `4`
 , (8  32  1) AS `5`
 , (8  64  1) AS `6`
 , (8  128  1) AS `7`
but this one looks better:

(8  1) AS `0`
, (8  1  1) AS `1`
, (8  2  1) AS `2`
, (8  3  1) AS `3`
, (8  4  1) AS `4`
, (8  5  1) AS `5`
, (8  6  1) AS `6`
, (8  7  1) AS `7`

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: 
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Database design help

2006-01-18 Thread Ed Reed
I built my inventory system like this,
I have a products table that contains all the information specific to each 
part, less the quantity, i.e. Part Number, Description, Vendor, Color, Weight, 
SKU number, etc...
Then I have another table that is my Inventory Tranactions Log that is just the 
Date, ProductID, Qty, TypeOfTranacstion, Comment
The inventory for each part may adjust daily or not. When parts are 
removed/sold the transaction log gets a record for that product and the number 
of parts that were sold and the type of transaction that occurred. When parts 
are received another transaction is entered for that part with the quantity 
received and the type of transaction that occurred. When we close the store and 
want to take a full inventory we first run a report that get the sums of all 
the transactions for each product and that tells us what should be on the shelf 
according to the database. Then we verify or adjust the qty for each product on 
the shelf by adding a record to the transaction log indicating the quantity and 
the type of transaction that occurred. 
When we want to see the values in the inventory its a very simple report to get 
the sums for each product.
- Hope that helps.

 Ian Klassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/18/06 10:09:55 AM 
Hi all,

I'm trying to figure out a solution to the following problem.

Let's say I have a store with various products. I take inventory of these 
products on different days. At any given time I want to view what the 
inventory is for the entire store. I also want to know whether the 
inventory in the result was taken on that day or was carried forward from a 
previous date. I may also have to make changes to the inventories 
previously recorded. I have a few solutions, none of which I'm really 
happy with.

The first is to create rows that contain the inventory for each product on 
a given day. If no inventory was taken for a given product then leave the 
column null.

date_of_inventory| product a| product b| product c
2006-01-02| 100| 50| 25
2006-01-03| NULL| 45| NULL
2006-01-05| 78| NULL| 22

To obtain the inventory on any given day I would have to query each product 
and find the most recent time that it was updated. With this solution 
there is a lot of wasted space caused by the NULL's.

Another solution would be to have a start and end date for when the 
inventory is valid such as:

start_date| end_date| product a| pa_up| product b| pb_up| product c 
| pc_up
2006-01-02| 2006-01-03| 100| TRUE| 50| TRUE| 25 | TRUE
2006-01-03| 2006-01-05| 100| FALSE| 45| TRUE| 25| FALSE
2006-01-05| 2006-01-05| 78| TRUE| 45| FALSE| 22| TRUE

With this solution I can quickly retrieve the inventory on any given day 
and see what inventory was taken on that day (which product update columns 
are set to TRUE). However, I see the update side of this as a nightmare 
(especially considering I'm duplicating data).

A third solution could be breaking each product into its own table. This 
would eliminate the issues with the first two solutions but I would end up 
with hundreds of tables which I would like to avoid.

Any help on the direction that I should go would be greatly appreciated.


MySQL General Mailing List
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Converting decimal to binary

2006-01-10 Thread Ed Reed
Can anyone tell me if it's possible, in 4.1.11, to convert a decimal number to 
binary and have the result be returned as a separate field for each bit? For 
example, what I'd like to do is,

Select ConvertToBin(245);

And have a result that looked like this
| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |

- Thanks

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For list archives:
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RE: [SPAM] - Re: Converting decimal to binary - Bayesian Filter detected spam

2006-01-10 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks Gordon and Bill but this has one big problem
If my decimal number is 8 the result ends up,
| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |   |   |   |   |

when what i really need is,
| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Any thoughts?

 Gordon Bruce [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/10/06 1:44 PM 
Actually CONV converts from any base to any base so if it is base 10
then just replace the 16's with 10's. 

Too much time looking at dump's.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Dodson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 3:09 PM
To: Gordon Bruce
Cc: Ed Reed; 
Subject: [SPAM] - Re: Converting decimal to binary - Bayesian Filter
detected spam

If you really do mean decimal (base 10) you could use Gordon's solution 
like this:

MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),1,1) AS `7`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),2,1) AS `6`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),3,1) AS `5`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),4,1) AS `4`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),5,1) AS `3`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),6,1) AS `2`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),7,1) AS `1`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),8,1) AS `0` ;

| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |

Hope this helps.

Gordon Bruce wrote:

If by Decimal you mesn HEXIDECIMAL you can use CONV 
where the 1st arg is the HEX value, 
2nd arg is From Base 
and 3rd arg is To Base. 

You will have to suround the aliases with `'s if you really want 
the names to be numeric.

mysql select MID(CONV('A5',16,2),1,1) AS `7`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),2,1) AS `6`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),3,1) AS `5`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),4,1) AS `4`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),5,1) AS `3`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),6,1) AS `2`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),7,1) AS `1`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),8,1) AS `0` ;
| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

-Original Message-
From: Ed Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:16 PM
Subject: Converting decimal to binary

Can anyone tell me if it's possible, in 4.1.11, to convert a decimal
number to binary and have the result be returned as a separate field
each bit? For example, what I'd like to do is,

Select ConvertToBin(245);

And have a result that looked like this
| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |

- Thanks


Bill Dodson
Parkline, Inc. 
phone: 304-586-2113 x149
fax: 304-586-3842

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The information in any email is confidential and may be legally
privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to the email
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Thank you.

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For list archives: 
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RE: [SPAM] - Re: Converting decimal to binary - Bayesian Filter detected spam

2006-01-10 Thread Ed Reed
Well I solved the problem by using LPAD but it would be nice if there was a 
more elegant way of handling this problem.
Thanks for the help.

 Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/10/06 2:52 PM 
Thanks Gordon and Bill but this has one big problem

If my decimal number is 8 the result ends up,

| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | |

when what i really need is,

| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

Any thoughts?

 Gordon Bruce  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  1/10/06 1:44 PM 
Actually CONV converts from any base to any base so if it is base 10
then just replace the 16's with 10's. 

Too much time looking at dump's.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Dodson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 3:09 PM
To: Gordon Bruce
Cc: Ed Reed; 
Subject: [SPAM] - Re: Converting decimal to binary - Bayesian Filter
detected spam

If you really do mean decimal (base 10) you could use Gordon's solution 
like this:

MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),1,1) AS `7`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),2,1) AS `6`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),3,1) AS `5`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),4,1) AS `4`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),5,1) AS `3`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),6,1) AS `2`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),7,1) AS `1`,
MID(CONV(HEX(245),16,2),8,1) AS `0` ;

| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |

Hope this helps.

Gordon Bruce wrote:

If by Decimal you mesn HEXIDECIMAL you can use CONV 
where the 1st arg is the HEX value, 
2nd arg is From Base 
and 3rd arg is To Base. 

You will have to suround the aliases with `'s if you really want 
the names to be numeric.

mysql select MID(CONV('A5',16,2),1,1) AS `7`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),2,1) AS `6`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),3,1) AS `5`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),4,1) AS `4`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),5,1) AS `3`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),6,1) AS `2`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),7,1) AS `1`,
 - MID(CONV('A5',16,2),8,1) AS `0` ;
| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

-Original Message-
From: Ed Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:16 PM
Subject: Converting decimal to binary

Can anyone tell me if it's possible, in 4.1.11, to convert a decimal
number to binary and have the result be returned as a separate field
each bit? For example, what I'd like to do is,

Select ConvertToBin(245);

And have a result that looked like this
| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |

- Thanks


Bill Dodson
Parkline, Inc. 
phone: 304-586-2113 x149
fax: 304-586-3842

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The information in any email is confidential and may be legally
privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to the email
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Can someone tell me why this fails?

2006-01-04 Thread Ed Reed
Can someone tell me why this fails? I'm using v4.1.11
Select IF(((Select 1+1)  Null) and ((Select 1+1)  0), (Select 1+1), 'WRONG')
I would expect a result of 2.
- Thanks

Re: Can someone tell me why this fails?

2006-01-04 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks Peter, for the quick reply.

 Peter Brawley [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/4/06 11:44 AM 


Can someone tell me why this fails? I'm using v4.1.11
Select IF(((Select 1+1)  Null) and ((Select 1+1)  0), (Select 1+1), 
I would expect a result of 2.

NULL is neither equal nor unequal to anything including itself. 

To get the result you expect, write

Select IF(((Select 1+1) IS NOT Null) and ((Select 1+1)  0), (Select 1+1), 


Re: Easy or not so easy GROUP BY

2005-10-13 Thread Ed Reed
Can anyone please help me with this? I'm just not getting it.

- Thanks

 Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  10/6/05 2:50:46 PM 
Thanks for the reply,

Sorry; I'm using 4.1.11

Thanks again.

 Pooly  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  10/6/05 1:51 AM 
2005/10/6, Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
 I'm trying to group some sub categories with a concatenated result. I'm 
 trying to get the max sub for each item per month. I think it should be 
 fairly easy but it is kicking my butt. My data looks like this,

 | month | item | sub |
 | 8 | 5 | NULL |
 | 8 | 4 | a |
 | 8 | 6 | NULL |
 | 8 | 6 | a |
 | 8 | 5 | a |
 | 8 | 4 | b |
 | 9 | 1 | NULL |
 | 9 | 2 | NULL |
 | 9 | 1 | a |
 | 9 | 3 | NULL |
 | 9 | 2 | a |
 | 9 | 1 | b |
 | 9 | 4 | NULL |
 | 9 | 4 | a |
 | 9 | 2 | b |
 | 9 | 1 | c |
 | 10 | 1 | NULL |
 | 10 | 1 | a |
 | 10 | 2 | NULL |

 I'm not having a problem getting a concatenated result but I am having 
 difficulty getting my data grouped correctly. My results should look like 
 | MAX Group |
 | 8-4b |
 | 8-5a |
 | 8-6a |
 | 9-1c |
 | 9-2b |
 | 9-3 |
 | 9-4a |
 | 10-1a |
 | 10-2 |

 - Thanks in advance

So, Max group by month/item ? 
and for concat : 

Since we don't know your MySQL version, I can't give you a precise answer.

Webzine Rock : 

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: 
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Easy or not so easy GROUP BY

2005-10-10 Thread Ed Reed
Can anyone please help me with this? I'm just not getting it.
- Thanks

 Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/6/05 2:50:46 PM 
Thanks for the reply,

Sorry; I'm using 4.1.11

Thanks again.

 Pooly  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  10/6/05 1:51 AM 
2005/10/6, Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
 I'm trying to group some sub categories with a concatenated result. I'm 
 trying to get the max sub for each item per month. I think it should be 
 fairly easy but it is kicking my butt. My data looks like this,

 | month | item | sub |
 | 8 | 5 | NULL |
 | 8 | 4 | a |
 | 8 | 6 | NULL |
 | 8 | 6 | a |
 | 8 | 5 | a |
 | 8 | 4 | b |
 | 9 | 1 | NULL |
 | 9 | 2 | NULL |
 | 9 | 1 | a |
 | 9 | 3 | NULL |
 | 9 | 2 | a |
 | 9 | 1 | b |
 | 9 | 4 | NULL |
 | 9 | 4 | a |
 | 9 | 2 | b |
 | 9 | 1 | c |
 | 10 | 1 | NULL |
 | 10 | 1 | a |
 | 10 | 2 | NULL |

 I'm not having a problem getting a concatenated result but I am having 
 difficulty getting my data grouped correctly. My results should look like 
 | MAX Group |
 | 8-4b |
 | 8-5a |
 | 8-6a |
 | 9-1c |
 | 9-2b |
 | 9-3 |
 | 9-4a |
 | 10-1a |
 | 10-2 |

 - Thanks in advance

So, Max group by month/item ? 
and for concat : 

Since we don't know your MySQL version, I can't give you a precise answer.

Webzine Rock : 

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: 
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Easy or not so easy GROUP BY

2005-10-06 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the reply,
Sorry; I'm using 4.1.11
Thanks again.

 Pooly [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/6/05 1:51 AM 
2005/10/6, Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
 I'm trying to group some sub categories with a concatenated result. I'm 
 trying to get the max sub for each item per month. I think it should be 
 fairly easy but it is kicking my butt. My data looks like this,

 | month | item | sub |
 | 8 | 5 | NULL |
 | 8 | 4 | a |
 | 8 | 6 | NULL |
 | 8 | 6 | a |
 | 8 | 5 | a |
 | 8 | 4 | b |
 | 9 | 1 | NULL |
 | 9 | 2 | NULL |
 | 9 | 1 | a |
 | 9 | 3 | NULL |
 | 9 | 2 | a |
 | 9 | 1 | b |
 | 9 | 4 | NULL |
 | 9 | 4 | a |
 | 9 | 2 | b |
 | 9 | 1 | c |
 | 10 | 1 | NULL |
 | 10 | 1 | a |
 | 10 | 2 | NULL |

 I'm not having a problem getting a concatenated result but I am having 
 difficulty getting my data grouped correctly. My results should look like 
 | MAX Group |
 | 8-4b |
 | 8-5a |
 | 8-6a |
 | 9-1c |
 | 9-2b |
 | 9-3 |
 | 9-4a |
 | 10-1a |
 | 10-2 |

 - Thanks in advance

So, Max group by month/item ? 
and for concat : 

Since we don't know your MySQL version, I can't give you a precise answer.

Webzine Rock : 

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: 
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Easy or not so easy GROUP BY

2005-10-05 Thread Ed Reed
I'm trying to group some sub categories with a concatenated result. I'm trying 
to get the max sub for each item per month. I think it should be fairly easy 
but it is kicking my butt. My data looks like this,
| month  |  item  | sub  |
|   8|5   | NULL |
|   8|4   |   a  |
|   8|6   | NULL |
|   8|6   |   a  |
|   8|5   |   a  |
|   8|4   |   b  |
|   9|1   | NULL |
|   9|2   | NULL |
|   9|1   |   a  |
|   9|3   | NULL |
|   9|2   |   a  |
|   9|1   |   b  |
|   9|4   | NULL |
|   9|4   |   a  |
|   9|2   |   b  |
|   9|1   |   c  |
|   10   |1   | NULL |
|   10   |1   |   a  |
|   10   |2   | NULL |
I'm not having a problem getting a concatenated result but I am having 
difficulty getting my data grouped correctly. My results should look like this.
| MAX Group |
|   8-4b|
|   8-5a|
|   8-6a|
|   9-1c|
|   9-2b|
|   9-3 |
|   9-4a|
|   10-1a   |
|   10-2|

- Thanks in advance

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Re: HELP - Group_Concat broken after update

2005-09-30 Thread Ed Reed
That's not true. 
Group_Concat can already return more than 6meg. It's set by 
group_concat_max_len variable. The fact is that I've been told there are 
security issues corrected in the 4.1.14a update and I can't apply them because 
it will break my already existing apps.
Is there a fix?
- Thanks

 Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/27/05 11:54:35 PM 

Probably to allow for a result longer than 255 characters, I guess.

Dan Nelson

Re: MySQL Query Browser

2005-09-30 Thread Ed Reed
I think Control Center is a much better tool then the combination of Query 
Browser and Administrator. I still use Control Center for my day to day stuff 
and only check out Query Browser when new versions come out to see if they've 
solved the major problems.
I think they've gone completely in the wrong direction with these tools and I 
even told members of MySQL-AB at this years user conference. I gave a written 
list of suggestions and not a single one of them has been addressed in the 
program. It's definitely not an intuitive application and could be so much 
better if they'd just take the best ideas from all the other tools that are 
already out here. I don't think they've done that; it seems as if they've 
created this thing based on the way they _want_ to use it and not the way users 
_need_ to use it.

 Pooly [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/30/05 8:57:04 AM 
2005/9/30, Sujay Koduri  [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

 I am not saying MysQL Query Browser is anyway bad or inferior, but as for my
 experience sqlyog is very good. There is a free version which you can use
 for executing SQL queries, ofcourse you will be stripped of some advanced

 You can run multiple queries at once using shift+F5. I suggest you to try
 this out once.

the no longer supported Mysql Control Center, can do it as well. It
supports single/multiple query without tricks. You can even directly
edit your dataset (and not do the annoying : edit+ do your stuff +
apply changes of MysqlQuery Browser )


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 7:14 PM
 To: Rob Agar
 Cc: 'Mysql '
 Subject: RE: MySQL Query Browser

 Rob Agar  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote on 09/29/2005 08:27:37 PM:

  hi Scott
   How do I run more than 1 queries in MySQL Query Browser?
  The only way I've found is to put the queries in a .sql file and load
  it via File  Open Script. It doesn't accept multiple typed in
  queries, even if they are separated by semicolons.
 He can just start a new script tab, can't he? That's how I do it. I don't
 know why they have two different types of tabs (one for multi-statements and
 one for single statements) but they do.

 File - New Script Tab

 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives: 
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Webzine Rock : 

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: 
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Re: HELP - Group_Concat broken after update

2005-09-30 Thread Ed Reed
I meant 600k not 6meg. Sorry

 Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/30/05 9:46:32 AM 
That's not true. 

Group_Concat can already return more than 6meg. It's set by 
group_concat_max_len variable. The fact is that I've been told there are 
security issues corrected in the 4.1.14a update and I can't apply them because 
it will break my already existing apps.

Is there a fix?

- Thanks

 Dan Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  9/27/05 11:54:35 PM 

Probably to allow for a result longer than 255 characters, I guess.

Dan Nelson

Re: HELP - Group_Concat broken after update

2005-09-27 Thread Ed Reed
Will someone please respond to this?
- Ed

 Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/22/05 1:30 PM 

 Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  9/21/05 2:09:58 PM 
I just upgraded from 4.1.11 to 4.1.14a and now Group_Concat returns garbage. In 
the previous version Group_Concat returned a text string and after the upgrade 
they are returning a blob.

Re: HELP - Group_Concat broken after update

2005-09-22 Thread Ed Reed

 Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/21/05 2:09:58 PM 
I just upgraded from 4.1.11 to 4.1.14a and now Group_Concat returns garbage. In 
the previous version Group_Concat returned a text string and after the upgrade 
they are returning a blob.

HELP - Group_Concat broken after update

2005-09-21 Thread Ed Reed
I just upgraded from 4.1.11 to 4.1.14a and now Group_Concat returns garbage. In 
the previous version Group_Concat returned a text string and after the upgrade 
they are returning a blob.

Simple Count Query

2005-09-09 Thread Ed Reed
I know this has to be a simple query but its really kickin' my butt. I have the 
table below where fld1 is the year, fld2 is a number, fld 3 is a subnumber, and 
fld4 is the user. I need to know  the count of all the records for user am 
without the sub number getting in the way. For example, the first record for 
user am shows in the 3rd year number 1 with two sub records was for user am . 
That needs to be counted as one item. So when all the items are counted I 
should have a total of 5 items for user am and not 17 like you'd normally get

Any thoughts?

| fld1 | fld2 | fld3 | fld4 |
|  3   |   1  |   a  |  am  |
|  3   |   1  |   b  |  am  |
|  3   |   2  |   a  |  am  |
|  3   |   3  |   a  |  pm  |
|  3   |   3  |   b  |  pm  |
|  3   |   3  |   c  |  pm  |
|  4   |   1  |   a  |  pm  |
|  4   |   2  |   a  |  pm  |
|  4   |   3  |   a  |  am  |
|  4   |   3  |   b  |  am  |
|  4   |   3  |   c  |  am  |
|  4   |   3  |   d  |  am  |
|  4   |   3  |   e  |  am  |
|  4   |   3  |   f  |  am  |
|  4   |   4  |   a  |  am  |
|  4   |   4  |   b  |  am  |
|  5   |   1  |   a  |  pm  |
|  5   |   1  |   b  |  pm  |
|  5   |   1  |   c  |  pm  |
|  5   |   1  |   d  |  pm  |
|  5   |   1  |   e  |  pm  |
|  5   |   2  |   a  |  am  |
|  5   |   2  |   b  |  am  |
|  5   |   2  |   c  |  am  |
|  5   |   2  |   d  |  am  |
|  5   |   2  |   e  |  am  |
|  5   |   2  |   f  |  am  |

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Insert Into problem

2005-08-30 Thread Ed Reed
Can anyone please tell me why this fails, I've done this type of thing before 
without a problem
Insert Into tbl1 Select 10306, fld2, fld3, fld4 From tbl1 Where fld1=8114

tbl1 has five fields all ints with fld5 being the autoincrement index.
I've also tried it as,
Insert Into tbl1 (fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4)
Values(Select 10306, fld2, fld3, fld4 From tbl1 Where fld1=8114)

I think its obvious what I want but just in case, I want to duplicate all the 
records where fld1 matches my value and assign all the duplicate records a new 
value for fld1. When I do it the first way I get a Column Count doesn't match 
value count at row 1 error. When I do it the second way I just get a syntax 

Re: Insert Into problem

2005-08-30 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks guys!

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8/30/05 1:22 PM 

The correct syntax for the second method doesn't use VALUES(). I would always 
use this form if I were going to exclude any columns from receiving data. It's 
just safer and relies less on the SQL engine to correctly divine what it is you 
want to do. 

Insert Into tbl1 (fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4)
Select 10306, fld2, fld3, fld4 From tbl1 Where fld1=8114; 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
 Eamon Daly [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8/30/05 1:25 PM 
Drop the VALUES part in your second attempt:

INSERT INTO tbl1 (fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4)
SELECT 10306, fld2, fld3, fld4
FROM tbl1
WHERE fld1 = 8114

Note that you'll need to be running MySQL 4.0.14 or above to
insert into the same table you're selecting from.

Eamon Daly

Group Summary by Month

2005-07-29 Thread Ed Reed
I have a table that contains all the part number and cost transactions over 
time. I wanna get a get the summary cost of each part number for each month. 
For example, when I supply a single part number to this query the results 
should be something like this.
|  Month   |   Cost   |
|  Oct 04  | 19521.00 |
|  Nov 04  |   854.00 |
|  Dec 04  |   191.00 |
|  Jan 05  |  7015.00 |
|  Feb 05  |21.00 |
|  Mar 05  |25.00 |
|  Apr 05  | 13571.00 |
|  May 05  |  1015.00 |
Can anyone point me in a direction to start on this?

Re: How to do in one SELECT

2005-07-29 Thread Ed Reed
select USERS.Name, Count(WINS.user_id)
From USERS inner join WINS on WINS.user_id =
Group By USERS.Name

 René Fournier [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/29/05 4:40 PM 
Let's say I have two tables:


id name
1 John
2 Mary
3 Sue
4 Paul
5 David

id user_id
1 2
2 4
3 3
4 5
5 1
6 4
7 4
8 2
9 3
10 1

How canin one SELECT statementfetch and display all the users, 
along with the number of games they each one, e.g.:

User Games Won

John 2
Mary 2
Sue 2
Paul 3
David 1

Is this a job for Subselects?

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Re: How to SELECT something (CONCAT) and search the field

2005-06-23 Thread Ed Reed
I do this all the time and it works flawlessly. Just like your example and even 
more extreme. I use this technique to provide search mechamisms for my 
applications. ex, 
FROM table 
WHERE concat(field1, field2, field3,...{all the fields in the table}) Like 
This works great for me. Is 'user' your actually table name and is it possible 
that the table name is being confused with the 'user' table in the MySQL 
Good Luck

 Matt Babineau [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/23/05 1:50:12 PM 
Hey All-

Got a fun question - I hit the manual but not much luck on my question. I
want to combine 2 fields and then search them

SELECT first_name, lastname FROM user WHERE CONCAT(first_name, ' ',
last_name) LIKE '%$user%'

Does this make sense? The CONCAT function was the closest I found to try and
do what I want to do. I alread tried this:

SELECT concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) as fullname FROM user...

This did not work. If anyone has any ideas on how to search for users when
the first_name and last_name fields are broken up I'm all ears!


Matt Babineau

MySQL General Mailing List
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To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Subselect in an Update query

2005-06-17 Thread Ed Reed
Can anyone tell me how I can make this work or suggest a work around?
Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some Value) 
Where field2  =Another Value;

Re: Subselect in an Update query

2005-06-17 Thread Ed Reed
Sorry, I thought it was easy to understand.
I wanna update a field in a table with a value from the same field but from a 
different record of the same table. 
For example, using the query in my original message,
|  1   | ABC   | A Value   |
|  2   | DEF   | Some Value|
|  3   | GHI   | Another Value |
|  4   | JKL   | More Values   |

 Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some Value)
 Where field2 =Another Value;

This query should set FIELD1 of Record 3 to 'DEF'
|  1   | ABC   | A Value   |
|  2   | DEF   | Some Value|
|  3   | DEF   | Another Value |
|  4   | JKL   | More Values   |

That's it!  Should be easy but I get an error that says You can't specify 
target table 'table1' for update in FROM clause
- Thanks

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/17/05 11:03:40 AM 
Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote on 06/17/2005 01:35:40 PM:

 Can anyone tell me how I can make this work or suggest a work around?

 Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some 
 Where field2 =Another Value;


OK, your example must be broken (or it wouldn't be here) and since that's 
all you posted I have a hard time divining your intent. Would you please 
provide some sample data and explain what it is you want to do _in words_? 
I can't speak for everyone but I know it would sure help me figure out 
what you want to do.


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Ordinal number within a table

2005-06-17 Thread Ed Reed
Is there way to return the ordinal position of a value within a table?
Let's say I have a table of phone numbers. Over time the table has had 
additions and deletions. The table has an autonumber ID field. If I sort by the 
ID field I'd like to know what position the number '555-1212' is in the table.
Any thoughts?

Re: Subselect in an Update query

2005-06-17 Thread Ed Reed

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/17/05 2:03:02 PM 
There is one caveat: It is not currently possible to modify a table and select
from the same table in a subquery.

this phrase is from 

create table t as Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some

Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From t Where field2=Some
Where field2 =Another Value;

mysql select * from upd;
| a | b |
| 1 | one |
| 1 | two |
| 2 | one |
| 2 | two |
| 1 | Un |
5 rows in set (0.09 sec)

mysql create table t as select * from upd where b='Un';
mysql update upd set a=(select a from t where b='Un') where b='one';
mysql select * from upd;
| a | b |
| 1 | one |
| 1 | two |
| 1 | one | changed
| 2 | two |
| 1 | Un |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Selon Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

 Can anyone tell me how I can make this work or suggest a work around?

 Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some
 Where field2 =Another Value;


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Re: Subselect in an Update query

2005-06-17 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the reply.
What do you mean by 'self join'?

 Eric Bergen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/17/05 4:39:28 PM 
Could you accomplish this with an update and self join?

Ed Reed wrote:

Sorry, I thought it was easy to understand.
I wanna update a field in a table with a value from the same field but from a 
different record of the same table. 
For example, using the query in my original message,
| 1 | ABC | A Value |
| 2 | DEF | Some Value |
| 3 | GHI | Another Value |
| 4 | JKL | More Values |


Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some Value)
Where field2 =Another Value;

This query should set FIELD1 of Record 3 to 'DEF'
| 1 | ABC | A Value |
| 2 | DEF | Some Value |
| 3 | DEF | Another Value |
| 4 | JKL | More Values |

That's it! Should be easy but I get an error that says You can't specify 
target table 'table1' for update in FROM clause
- Thanks


 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  6/17/05 11:03:40 AM 

Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote on 06/17/2005 01:35:40 PM:


Can anyone tell me how I can make this work or suggest a work around?


Update table1 Set field1=(Select field1 From table1 Where field2=Some 


Where field2 =Another Value;



OK, your example must be broken (or it wouldn't be here) and since that's 
all you posted I have a hard time divining your intent. Would you please 
provide some sample data and explain what it is you want to do _in words_? 
I can't speak for everyone but I know it would sure help me figure out 
what you want to do.


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine


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difficulty with UCASE and UPPER

2005-05-13 Thread Ed Reed
Is there anyway to force UCASE and UPPER to convert the alpha characters of a 
string even if there's a number in the string somewhere?
I have a field that contains large amounts of user entered text. I want to 
convert the whole thing to upper case so I can do a case insensitive compare 
against it. But if the user happens to put a numeric value within the text 
somewhere then UCASE and UPPER both fail to convert the text to upper case. Is 
there a way to force it to do so for the alpha characters?

Re: User Variables

2005-04-25 Thread Ed Reed
Does anyone else have any ideas about this topic? 

Ed Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/23/05 1:29 pm 
Thanks for the reply,

I realize that user variables disappear when the connection closes but I don't 
understand why what I'm trying to accomplish can't be done. Doesn't it make 
since that if you can load a single file with multiple SQL commands and have 
that work succesfully then you should be able to have a single call with 
multple SQL commands work just as succesfully? Is there any way to do what I 
asked in my original post?

Thanks again for the reply.

Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/23/05 12:12:32 PM 
At 22:04 -0700 4/22/05, Ed Reed wrote:
Thanks for the reply,

So is there anyway to use User Variables with a single connection.
All my apps are in VB6 and VBA. They all take a query, open a
connection, run query, fill array from query results, close
connection and pass back the array. Because of backward
compatibility there's no way I can change them to do otherwise.

User variables disappear when the connection closes.

Thanks again.

Chris  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  04/22/05 7:56 PM 
Ed Reed wrote:

If I run the following in MySQLFront v3.1

Set @A='Test';
Select @A;

I get back same result

| @A |
| Test |

If I run the same query in MySQL Query Browser v1.1.6 I get this,

ErrNo 1060, You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax
to use near ';
select @A' at line 1

and If I run the same query in my application I get the same error
as the Query Browser.

Anyone know how I can get my application to give me what I'm looking for?

The command line interface allows you to run multiple commands at once.
The Query Browser and PHP interfaces allow only one query per function
call. So mysql_query('SET @A; SELECT @A;') would fail. You need to run
each query separately.

This is certainly the case in your application, even if it's not PHP.

If you ran the queries separately in the Query Browser, you wouldn't get
the results you expect. It would forget the value of @A because it
closes the connection each time. It's possible to keep the connection
open by Starting a transaction (even if you're using MyISAM tables).


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Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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Re: User Variables

2005-04-23 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the reply,
I realize that user variables disappear when the connection closes but I don't 
understand why what I'm trying to accomplish can't be done. Doesn't it make 
since that if you can load a single file with multiple SQL commands and have 
that work succesfully then you should be able to have a single call with 
multple SQL commands work just as succesfully? Is there any way to do what I 
asked in my original post?
Thanks again for the reply.

 Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/23/05 12:12:32 PM 
At 22:04 -0700 4/22/05, Ed Reed wrote:
Thanks for the reply,

So is there anyway to use User Variables with a single connection. 
All my apps are in VB6 and VBA. They all take a query, open a 
connection, run query, fill array from query results, close 
connection and pass back the array. Because of backward 
compatibility there's no way I can change them to do otherwise.

User variables disappear when the connection closes.

Thanks again.

 Chris  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  04/22/05 7:56 PM 
Ed Reed wrote:

If I run the following in MySQLFront v3.1

Set @A='Test';
Select @A;

I get back same result

| @A |
| Test |

If I run the same query in MySQL Query Browser v1.1.6 I get this,

ErrNo 1060, You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual 
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax 
to use near ';
select @A' at line 1

and If I run the same query in my application I get the same error 
as the Query Browser.

Anyone know how I can get my application to give me what I'm looking for?


The command line interface allows you to run multiple commands at once.
The Query Browser and PHP interfaces allow only one query per function
call. So mysql_query('SET @A; SELECT @A;') would fail. You need to run
each query separately.

This is certainly the case in your application, even if it's not PHP.

If you ran the queries separately in the Query Browser, you wouldn't get
the results you expect. It would forget the value of @A because it
closes the connection each time. It's possible to keep the connection
open by Starting a transaction (even if you're using MyISAM tables).


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Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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Re: I need help with a Select Query

2005-04-23 Thread Ed Reed
Try this
FROM applications LEFT JOIN rejected ON application.appid = rejected.appid 
WHERE rejected.appid Is Null
ORDER BY application.appid DESC;

 Wade [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/23/05 3:12:37 PM 
04232005 1707 GMT-6

I need to do something like this:
$sql = SELECT * FROM application WHERE appid != rejected.appid ORDER 
BY appid DESC;

I want to select all from application where the appid is not located in 
the table rejected. Im having trouble getting this to work. Can somebody 
help me here?

The rejected table has appid's that are rejected. If its in that list 
then we dont want to call it.


User Variables

2005-04-22 Thread Ed Reed
I'm having trouble using user variables and I hope someone can help,
My test environment is MySQL 4.1.11 on WindowsXP with MyODBC 3.51.11
If I open a command line client, I can do this
mysql SET @A='Test';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql Select @A;
| @A   |
| Test |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
If I run the following in MySQLFront v3.1
Set @A='Test';
Select @A;

I get back same result
| @A   |
| Test |

If I run the same query in MySQL Query Browser v1.1.6 I get this,
ErrNo 1060,  You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ';
select @A' at line 1
and If I run the same query in my application I get the same error as the Query 
Anyone know how I can get my application to give me what I'm looking for?

Re: User Variables

2005-04-22 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks for the reply,

So is there anyway to use User Variables with a single connection. All my apps 
are in VB6 and VBA. They all take a query, open a connection, run query, fill 
array from query results, close connection and pass back the array. Because of 
backward compatibility there's no way I can change them to do otherwise.

Thanks again.

 Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/22/05 7:56 PM 
Ed Reed wrote:

If I run the following in MySQLFront v3.1
Set @A='Test';
Select @A;

I get back same result
| @A   |
| Test |

If I run the same query in MySQL Query Browser v1.1.6 I get this,
ErrNo 1060,  You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that 
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ';
select @A' at line 1
and If I run the same query in my application I get the same error as the 
Query Browser.
Anyone know how I can get my application to give me what I'm looking for?

The command line interface allows you to run multiple commands at once. 
The Query Browser and PHP interfaces allow only one query per function 
call. So mysql_query('SET @A; SELECT @A;') would fail. You need to run 
each query separately.

This is certainly the case in your application, even if it's not PHP.

If you ran the queries separately in the Query Browser, you wouldn't get 
the results you expect. It would forget the value of @A because it 
closes the connection each time. It's possible to keep the connection 
open by Starting a transaction (even if you're using MyISAM tables).


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a very tricky string extraction

2005-03-24 Thread Ed Reed
This is an interesting problem that I hope someone can help me with. I
have a varchar field that contains data like this,
01/01/05 SG Reviewed this
12/15/03 DSD Reviewed that 
10/24/02 EWW Worked on that and tested this then stop to do something
05/02/01 AW Did something
08/31/98 DSD Tested this
07/22/97 EWW Worked on that and did something 
I need a Select statement that returns the Date for the first occurance
of the 'Tested this' substring
So far what I've come up with doesn't quite get what I need and it's
already pretty hairy. I wonder if there's a more elegant way that I'm
unaware of.

Re: a very tricky string extraction

2005-03-24 Thread Ed Reed
Sorry everyone for not being more clear. The field IS in a multiline
varchar field. The example data was all from one record in the table.
Unfortunately, this is a database that has been around for many years
and backward compatibility with other apps limits redesigning the table.
It is a Comments field and this is the first time anyone has ever tried
to mine any data from it. My app is a generic report writer that simply
takes and query string and returns the results. No processing of the
data can be done in the app. I need the result to come directly from
Thanks again.
- Ed

 Keith Ivey [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/24/05 12:04 PM 
Dan Nelson wrote:

 How about:
 SELECT LEFT(description, 8) FROM mytable WHERE description LIKE
%tested this% LIMIT 1

Hmm, I assumed he was talking about a multi-line VARCHAR, but 
now that I look again Dan's interpretation is probably the right 
one. My previous message doesn't apply (except for the bit 
about breaking it into columns if you're doing it regularly).

Smokefree DC 
Washington, DC

Re: a very tricky string extraction

2005-03-24 Thread Ed Reed
Thanks Shawn,
The idea I've been working with on this is to use an InStr to find the
point where the require substring appears. Then I need to search
backwards from there to the point where the first \n\r is found. Then
the Date that I want would be 8 characters from that position. The
obvious problem is that there doesn't seem to be an easy way to search
backwards through a string.
Any ideas on that line of thought?
- Ed

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/24/05 1:18 PM 
Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote on 03/24/2005 04:02:28 PM:

 Sorry everyone for not being more clear. The field IS in a multiline
 varchar field. The example data was all from one record in the
 Unfortunately, this is a database that has been around for many
 and backward compatibility with other apps limits redesigning the
 It is a Comments field and this is the first time anyone has ever
 to mine any data from it. My app is a generic report writer that
 takes and query string and returns the results. No processing of the
 data can be done in the app. I need the result to come directly from
 Thanks again.
 - Ed
  Keith Ivey  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  3/24/05 12:04 PM 
 Dan Nelson wrote:
  How about:
  SELECT LEFT(description, 8) FROM mytable WHERE description LIKE
 %tested this% LIMIT 1
 Hmm, I assumed he was talking about a multi-line VARCHAR, but 
 now that I look again Dan's interpretation is probably the right 
 one. My previous message doesn't apply (except for the bit 
 about breaking it into columns if you're doing it regularly).
 Smokefree DC 
 Washington, DC
Then I think you are stuck. What you are trying to find is a minimum 
value from a certain kind of row within a block of undelimited text. 
That's like hiding a whole table within a field and trying to write a 
query to find a field within the table within the field. Unless your
happens to be extremely well formatted, you have no chance of doing an

extract in pure SQL and I would say this is definitely not possible
a single SQL statement.

It may be possible in a single statement if you create a custom UDF
parses through that comments field. Suppose you wrote the UDF to use

this API

FIND_IN_COMMENTS(part you want,field to search)

Then you could program the UDF to find various parts like first test

date, last test date, first review date, First review person,
in any field that looks like your comments block. However, I believe
this kind of text manipulation and searching is more complex than can
easily achieved through just SQL and defintely too complex for a single


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Re: a very tricky string extraction

2005-03-24 Thread Ed Reed
That was awesome. Thanks
- Ed

 Eamon Daly [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/24/05 1:48 PM 
LEFT(SUBSTRING_INDEX(LEFT(log, LOCATE('\n', log, LOCATE('tested this',

log)) - 1), '\n', -1), 8)
FROM test WHERE log LIKE '%tested this%'

Don't try this at home.

Eamon Daly

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: a very tricky string extraction

 Thanks Shawn,

 The idea I've been working with on this is to use an InStr to find
 point where the require substring appears. Then I need to search
 backwards from there to the point where the first \n\r is found.
 the Date that I want would be 8 characters from that position. The
 obvious problem is that there doesn't seem to be an easy way to
 backwards through a string.

 Any ideas on that line of thought?


 - Ed

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  3/24/05 1:18 PM 
 Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote on 03/24/2005 04:02:28 PM:

 Sorry everyone for not being more clear. The field IS in a
 varchar field. The example data was all from one record in the

 Unfortunately, this is a database that has been around for many
 and backward compatibility with other apps limits redesigning the
 It is a Comments field and this is the first time anyone has ever
 to mine any data from it. My app is a generic report writer that
 takes and query string and returns the results. No processing of
 data can be done in the app. I need the result to come directly

 Thanks again.

 - Ed

  Keith Ivey  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  3/24/05 12:04 PM 
 Dan Nelson wrote:

  How about:
  SELECT LEFT(description, 8) FROM mytable WHERE description LIKE
 %tested this% LIMIT 1

 Hmm, I assumed he was talking about a multi-line VARCHAR, but
 now that I look again Dan's interpretation is probably the right
 one. My previous message doesn't apply (except for the bit
 about breaking it into columns if you're doing it regularly).

 Smokefree DC 
 Washington, DC

 Then I think you are stuck. What you are trying to find is a minimum
 value from a certain kind of row within a block of undelimited text.
 That's like hiding a whole table within a field and trying to write
 query to find a field within the table within the field. Unless your
 happens to be extremely well formatted, you have no chance of doing

 extract in pure SQL and I would say this is definitely not possible
 a single SQL statement.

 It may be possible in a single statement if you create a custom UDF
 parses through that comments field. Suppose you wrote the UDF to

 this API

 FIND_IN_COMMENTS(part you want,field to search)

 Then you could program the UDF to find various parts like first

 date, last test date, first review date, First review person,
 in any field that looks like your comments block. However, I believe
 this kind of text manipulation and searching is more complex than
 easily achieved through just SQL and defintely too complex for a


 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine


Multiple record Insert limit

2005-02-16 Thread Ed Reed
Can anyone tell me the limit for the number of records that can be
inserted in a single call?
I'm trying to insert multiple records like this,
INSERT INTO t1 (f1, f2, f3, f4) VALUES
(test, 1, some data, Done),
(testing, 21, some more data, Still Done),(tested, 50, no more
data, Not Done),(tester, 201, Lots of data, Finished);
This works when I've done 10 records but fails when I do 3. The
error I get when it fails is 
[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-4.1.7-nt]MySQL server has gone away.
So what's the max number that I can insert in a single statement?

Re: Multiple record Insert limit

2005-02-16 Thread Ed Reed
That did it.
Thanks for the quick response!

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/16/05 11:19 AM 
Ed Reed  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote on 02/16/2005 02:13:40 PM:

 Can anyone tell me the limit for the number of records that can be
 inserted in a single call?
 I'm trying to insert multiple records like this,
 INSERT INTO t1 (f1, f2, f3, f4) VALUES
 (test, 1, some data, Done),
 (testing, 21, some more data, Still Done),(tested, 50, no
 data, Not Done),(tester, 201, Lots of data, Finished);
 This works when I've done 10 records but fails when I do 3. The
 error I get when it fails is 
 [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-4.1.7-nt]MySQL server has gone
 So what's the max number that I can insert in a single statement?

In my experience, the max# of inserts depends on the setting of the 
MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET variable. If you create a packet that is too large 
(exceeds that value) you will run into problems like you are seeing.

To check the current value for your server, you can do

SHOW VARIABLES like 'max%';

Make sure when you are creating your INSERT statements that you do not

exceed that value for each statement. If these are generated by
it has an option where you can set the maximum length of a generated 
INSERT statement. Check the docs ( ) or run: mysqldump
for specifics.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Unique index on two fields

2004-11-18 Thread Ed Reed
Can someone explain how I can make a combination of two fields be a
unique index. 
For example, in my table I have an OrderID field and a LineItems field.
Individually the fields are not unique but when combined they are. I'd
like to create a unique index of the two together but not individually.
Thanks for the help.

IFNULL returns NULL when it shouldn't

2004-07-16 Thread Ed Reed
How do I prevent IFNULL and ISNULL from returning a null?
I have the following query where this is occurring,
Select IFNULL(sum(qty),0)
from inventory
where partnumber=111
group by partnumber;
If the partnumber has never been in inventory then the sum and ifnull
functions both return null. If the partnumber has been in inventory then
the sum returns the correct sum but I need it to return a zero if it's
null. It also doesn't matter if I use the ISNULL funtion or the Is Null
operation with a IF statement.
Any suggestions?

RE: Rename database

2004-05-20 Thread Ed Reed
Is there anything wrong with just stopping the server and renaming the
database's directory in the DATA directory? I've used that method
without any problems. It also works very well for making a copy of the
database to a new differently named database. Are there any pitfalls
that I haven't encountered yet?

 Bartis, Robert M (Bob) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5/20/04 1:37:20 PM 

-Original Message-
From: Ngim Ngau - Kzresults [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 4:50 PM
Subject: Rename database

Hi, Is there a way I can rename a database? or at least copy an old
with existing tables into
a new one?


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User Conference Presentations

2004-05-06 Thread Ed Reed
Where's the presentations? They were supposed to be on the website at
the end of last week.


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User Conference Presentations

2004-05-06 Thread Ed Reed
Where's the presentations? They were supposed to be on the website at
the end of last week.


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User Conference Presentations

2004-05-04 Thread Ed Reed
Where's the presentations? They were supposed to be on the website at
the end of last week.


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Re: User Conference Presentations

2004-04-27 Thread Ed Reed
I'm trying to get the presentations too. I found one of them. the
session was in the Orlando room and it was called Crack-Proofing MySQL.
I found the presentation on the authors site at I thought
the session was pretty good and luckily the presentation has most of the
I'd really like to get the presentations for the Stored Procedures
workshop by Peter Gulutzan and the Advanced SQL Techniques for Analysis
of MySQL Data by Hemant Kirperkar. Although I can't recall how much of
Hemant's electronic presentation would be benificial since he did most
of the talk on the poster boards.
Overall I thought it was a great conference and I can't wait till next
year. I just wish the presentations were easier to find.

 Robert J Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/21/04 3:39:46 PM 
You don't mean at the Discovery Cove near the Jimmy Buffet cover band

do you?

Speaking of which, Lars... there's an English expression that uses the

word Cluster...but has nothing to do with databases... :)

(Kidding! Just kidding!)

Robert Reed wrote:

Yes, I'm anxious to get my hands on some of the
presentations myself. I think I saw a couple of brief
mentions of a url but it wasn't written down anywhere.
 I'd also like to see some of the pictures I saw David
snapping everywhere. :)

--- David Perron  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

Does anyone know if the presentations from the User
Conference are available



Robert Reed
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Re: Access to MySQL query problem

2004-03-30 Thread Ed Reed
I already specified the version, 4.1.1. My problem query is this,
FROM StoredProc 
HAVING (First(User)=Gus);

my StoredProc query is a simple one,
SELECT Item, Op, User
FROM tblSource
ORDER BY Item, Op;

Any Thoughts?
 Nitin Mehta [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/29/04 12:18:37 AM 
please include the query, you are using with no success and also
specify the
version of your mysql.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 1:27 PM
Subject: Access to MySQL query problem

 I'm coverting an Access database to MySQL 4.1.1 and I need help with
 near impossible query. In the Access DB I used a stored procedure; I
 think I should be able to solve this problem with a subselect in
 but so far I'm not having any luck.

 Here's the problem; In my stored precedure query I get results that
 look like this

 Item Op User
 2751 2 Dude
 2751 3 Aguy
 4785 1 Dude
 4785 2 Gus
 5623 1 Dude
 5623 2 Gus
 5654 1 Gus
 5654 2 Aguy

 I then query these results to get only the Items for a user when the
 specified user is the first person for that Item ID, for example. If
 query the results for Dude Items 2751, 4785  5623 are returned. If
 query the results for Gus Item 5654 are return but not Items 4785 or
 5623. If I query the results for Aguy no Items are returned.

 Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


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Access to MySQL query problem

2004-03-29 Thread Ed Reed
I'm coverting an Access database to MySQL 4.1.1 and I need help with a
near impossible query. In the Access DB I used a stored procedure; I
think I should be able to solve this problem with a subselect in MySQL
but so far I'm not having any luck.
Here's the problem; In my stored precedure query I get results that
look like this

Item  OpUser
2751  2 Dude
2751  3 Aguy
4785  1 Dude
4785  2 Gus
5623  1 Dude
5623  2 Gus
5654  1 Gus
5654  2 Aguy
I then query these results to get only the Items for a user when the
specified user is the first person for that Item ID, for example. If I
query the results for Dude Items 2751, 4785  5623 are returned. If I
query the results for Gus Item 5654 are return but not Items 4785 or
5623. If I query the results for Aguy no Items are returned. 
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Re: Access to MySQL query problem

2004-03-29 Thread Ed Reed
I already specified the version, 4.1.1. My problem query is this,
FROM StoredProc 
HAVING (First(User)=Gus);

my StoredProc query is a simple one,
SELECT Item, Op, User
FROM tblSource
ORDER BY Item, Op;

Any Thoughts?
 Nitin Mehta [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/29/04 12:18:37 AM 
please include the query, you are using with no success and also
specify the
version of your mysql.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 1:27 PM
Subject: Access to MySQL query problem

 I'm coverting an Access database to MySQL 4.1.1 and I need help with
 near impossible query. In the Access DB I used a stored procedure; I
 think I should be able to solve this problem with a subselect in
 but so far I'm not having any luck.

 Here's the problem; In my stored precedure query I get results that
 look like this

 Item Op User
 2751 2 Dude
 2751 3 Aguy
 4785 1 Dude
 4785 2 Gus
 5623 1 Dude
 5623 2 Gus
 5654 1 Gus
 5654 2 Aguy

 I then query these results to get only the Items for a user when the
 specified user is the first person for that Item ID, for example. If
 query the results for Dude Items 2751, 4785  5623 are returned. If
 query the results for Gus Item 5654 are return but not Items 4785 or
 5623. If I query the results for Aguy no Items are returned.

 Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


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Re: Best Performing Hardware/OS/MySQL?

2004-03-29 Thread Ed Reed
We like it on Netware 6.5, with memory equal to 10 times the size of
your largest DB. ie; DB=100mb RAM=1gb. Fastest proc you can afford.

 Chad Attermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/29/04 1:56:05 PM 
Hello All,

I have been a MySQL user for some time and have always run MySQL on
older generation Sun servers running Solaris 8. I now seem to be
outgrowing my setup and I (and I'm sure others on the list) would
appreciate input from the MySQL community as to which hardware, OS, and
MySQL flavor/version combinations are best for running MySQL. I expect
responses from you all to be subjective, and that's OK. Any information
about experiences by seasoned MySQL professionals, especially those that
have experiemtned with many different combinations of hardware and OS,
will save those of us planning ahead a lot of time and grief.

Thanks a lot in advance for your input.

Chad Attermann

Access to MySQL query problem

2004-03-28 Thread Ed Reed
I'm coverting an Access database to MySQL 4.1.1 and I need help with a
near impossible query. In the Access DB I used a stored procedure; I
think I should be able to solve this problem with a subselect in MySQL
but so far I'm not having any luck.
Here's the problem; In my stored precedure query I get results that
look like this

Item  OpUser
2751  2 Dude
2751  3 Aguy
4785  1 Dude
4785  2 Gus
5623  1 Dude
5623  2 Gus
5654  1 Gus
5654  2 Aguy
I then query these results to get only the Items for a user when the
specified user is the first person for that Item ID, for example. If I
query the results for Dude Items 2751, 4785  5623 are returned. If I
query the results for Gus Item 5654 are return but not Items 4785 or
5623. If I query the results for Aguy no Items are returned. 
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

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Access to MySQL problem

2004-03-26 Thread Ed Reed
I'm coverting an Access database to MySQL 4.1.1 and I need help with a
near impossible query. In the Access DB I used a stored procedure; I
think I should be able to solve this problem with a subselect in MySQL
but so far I'm not having any luck.
Here's the problem; In my stored precedure query I get results that
look like this

Item  OpUser
2751  2 Dude
2751  3 Aguy
4785  1 Dude
4785  2 Gus
5623  1 Dude
5623  2 Gus
5654  1 Gus
5654  2 Aguy
I then query these results to get only the Items for a user when the
specified user is the first person for that Item ID, for example. If I
query the results for Dude Items 2751, 4785  5623 are returned. If I
query the results for Gus Item 5654 are return but not Items 4785 or
5623. If I query the results for Aguy no Items are returned. 
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

RE: Query across two databases on the same server

2004-03-25 Thread Ed Reed
yea, I thought it would be that easy too but it doesn't work.
Any other ideas?

 Peter Lovatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/24/04 3:53:03 PM 

db1.table.field, db2.table.field
db1.table.someotherfield = db2.table.someotherfield


 -Original Message-
 From: Ed Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 24 March 2004 23:45
 Subject: Query across two databases on the same server
 Is there any way to have a single select statement that can do a
 across two databases on the same server?

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