DROP TEMPORARY TABLE waiting for table???

2006-06-30 Thread Nick Arnett

I'm seeing something that I don't think should be happening, but I'm
not sure if it's a MySQL bug.

To allow some of my stored procedures to operate concurrently, I make
a temporary memory copy of some shared tables that are accessed by the
procedures.  The temporary heap table has the same name as the table
I'm copying.  The scenario here is a data warehouse with a bunch of
data marts and some shared dimensions that are in a separate database.
I'm copying the necessary rows of the commonly used shared dimension
tables, to overcome the problem of stored procedures locking all the
tables they're going to use, which was preventing concurrency.

The problem is that despite this, I'm seeing processes that are stuck
with status Waiting for table when they are trying to drop the
temporary table if it exists (DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS
shared_dimensions.page_dim).  I always drop and recreate it at the
start of a series of analyses, so that they have the most recent copy.

I create the temporary heap table in an independent procedure, so it
can't be locking the table.  There are other procedures using their
own temporary heap table copies of the table I'm copying, but they're
not using the real table, only the copy.

So... my question is, why is there any problem dropping a table that
should only be visible to the connection that's trying to drop it?
What's even more bizarre is that I get this problem even when the
temporary table doesn't exist, on a brand-new connection.

I've had this code running for a couple of weeks and just noticed the
problem, so I'm not sure if it cropped up right away or not.  Haven't
had a chance to bounce the server yet.

Any insight appreciated.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: ANN: Database Workbench 2.8.5 released!

2006-03-27 Thread Nick Arnett
On 3/27/06, Martijn Tonies [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ladies, gentlemen,

 Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next
 version of the popular database development tool:

 Database Workbench 2.8.5 has been released today!

I'd like to hear more about the stored procedure debugger -- does all the
functionality in the documentation work with MySQL?  Anybody used this with
MySQL, who could describe their experience with it?

I would really love a good SP debugger!



Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

Can't materialize a view -- bug?

2005-11-21 Thread Nick Arnett
I'm doing the equivalent of a materialized view in MySQL 5.0.15 and I've hit
a strange error.

Here's the scenario.

SELECT [select statement, blah, blah, blah];

CREATE TABLE x_mview SELECT * FROM x_view;

That was all working fine until I created a function that I use inside of
the view. Now the last statement, the one that would materialize the view,
returns a table locking error!

ERROR 1100 (HY000): Table 'x_mview' was not locked with LOCK TABLES

It's difficult to lock a table that doesn't exist yet...

SELECT * FROM x_view works fine.

The function is a simple bit of logic (it tests a count, moving average and
standard deviation to see if the count is more or less than two standard
deviations from the mean):

CREATE FUNCTION get_signal (cnt MEDIUMINT(8), ma MEDIUMINT(8), stdv
RETURN IF (ma  9 AND stdv  0 AND (cnt = ma + (2 * stdv)) OR cnt = ma -
(2 * stdv),
IF (cnt = ma + (2 * stdv), 1, -1),

If this is a bug, I'll be happy to file a report... but I'd really like a
solution that will let me use the function.

I hit a problem using functions in stored procedures, too, and I'm wondering
if these are related.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

Bug? Date insert comes out zero on Solaris using Python MySQLdb?

2005-03-17 Thread Nick Arnett
I have Python code that I run on Windows and Solaris.  It works properly 
on Windows.  However, on Solaris, when it inserts records, datetime 
columns end up with a value of zero.  I suspect that this began 
happening after we upgraded the MySQL server to 4.1.10 from a 4.0.x 
version (I think we were on 4.0.18).

I see some changes to datetime handling in the 4.1.x releases, but 
nothing that seems immediately obvious.

I hope to fix this is by re-building MySQLdb based on the 4.1.10 
libraries.  Any other suggestions?  I'm using MySQLdb.times to format 
the datetimes before inserting.

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Can't get table lock (4.0.23 and InnoDB)

2005-02-18 Thread Nick Arnett
We have something I can't figure out happening on one of our servers.  It's 
running 4.0.23 on OSX.
One of the InnoDB tables is locked even though we can't see any process that is 
even active that
could have locked it.  SHOW OPEN TABLES doesn't show it as in use or locked.  
We've tried all sorts
of things to get access to it, short of bouncing the server, but it keeps 
saying it's locked.  When
we try to acquire a lock on that table, the process list says SYSTEM LOCK and 
we get the good old
Lock wait timeout exceeded; Try restarting transaction message after 30 
I've tried this with AUTOCOMMIT on and off, with LOCK TABLES and with START 
TRANSACTION... nothing
seems to help.  Strangely, FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK seems to succeed, but 
after unlocking them,
we still can't get a lock for this table.
I've never been able to see how we can find out which connection has the lock 
on a given table.  If
that's possible, I'd like to know that, too, so I could at least know how it 
got locked in the first
Could a misbehaving client do this in a way that would cause the lock to 
persist even after the
client has disconnected?  If so, ugh.
Any help appreciated.

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Re: SELECT and UPDATE together, with LIMIT? (incremental external indexing)

2005-02-07 Thread Nick Arnett
Your solution is as good as any I can think of. If your source tables 
are InnoDB you could wrap your SELECT/UPDATE processing in a transaction 
to help make it even more robust. It might speed things up if you omit 
the offset to your LIMIT clause and just do:
Yes, they are InnoDB and I routinely now do such things in transactions.  And I did remove the LIMIT 
offset, which was from the first tests.

that way you always find the first 5000 un-indexed records, regardless 
of physical position. Record order is not guaranteed unless you use an 
ORDER BY statement and that would just slow you down, wouldn't it?
Indeed, which was one reason I went with the HEAP table... which is also a TEMPORARY table so that 
two clients can work concurrently.

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Re: Social Networking querys

2005-02-02 Thread Nick Arnett
listsql listsql wrote:
Since I read about Foaf [ http://www.foaf-project.org/ ], I become
interested with Social Networking, 

What you're doing is often called link analysis -- searches on that term 
may yield more for you to chew on.  There are software tools and 
visualization tools for answering the kind of questions this data 
covers.  For the latter, Pajek 
(http://vlado.fmf.uni-lj.si/pub/networks/pajek/) is one of the most 

More generally, you're storing a graph in a relational database.  
Searching on that subject will show you several approaches.

The way I deal with this is to create tables pretty much as you have, 
but instead of self-joins in MySQL, I load it all into a program that 
stores the graph in hashes, then uses recursion to get the kind of 
answers you want.  This is much, much, much faster than doing the same 
in the database, though it might become memory constrained if you have a 
big network.  In that case, my next step is to do all of the recursions 
and store the results in the database as pairs and their distances from 
one another.  Then it's a simple lookup.

If you do find a way to do this efficiently in MySQL, I'll be interested!
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Re: Social Networking querys

2005-02-02 Thread Nick Arnett
Peter Brawley wrote:
is, there is some method to iterate in this relation to avoid joining 
the table in itself each time ?

Exactly the problem with trying to model an anything-goes network, a 
world of ends, in a relational model of a directed graph. I think 
you need an XML layer in there, eg see 

XML isn't necessary and probably just makes it more complicated.  As 
someone wrote, if you have a problem and decide to solve it with XML, 
now you have two problems.

On the other hand, since the semantic web relies on graphs, approaches 
that work for it do apply... but unless interoperability matters, it's 
hard for me to imagine a good reason to bother with XML.

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Table scan in join on primary keys??

2005-01-31 Thread Nick Arnett
I'm updating one table with data from another and finding that the 
server is doing a table scan on the second table, even though it's a 
simple join on the primary keys.  This doesn't seem right.  The query 
looks liket this:

UPDATE a SET a.y TO b.a WHERE a.primary_key = b.primary_key
and if I do the equivalent SELECT:
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.primary_key = b.primary_key
it shows that it's doing a table scan on table b.
Is this normal?  Is it because primary keys are unique?  I had imagined 
that this would be a very fast operation, but it's not, it's 
surprisingly slow.

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Re: Fixed with Fields

2005-01-28 Thread Nick Arnett
Dathan Pattishall wrote:
Use char

And use fixed-length types for *all* columns... one variable-length 
column makes all records variable-length. 

-Original Message-
From: Marc Michalowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 10:28 AM
To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
Subject: Fixed with Fields

I was wondering if there is a way to create fixed width 
fields. Example:
The field is set to 18 but data contained is 11. I need the 
length to remain 18. Is there anyway to do this? Thanks for your help.

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Re: FULLTEXT index on InnoDB tables (looking for a workaround)

2005-01-28 Thread Nick Arnett
symbulos partners wrote:
Is there any other workaround? The reason because we are using InnoDB is 
because there s full support 
- for foreign keys, 
- for joint queries
- for rollback on commit

Does anybody know any other way of indexing the table in a way, which would 
allow full text search?

Sure -- use an external search engine that has database hooks (or create
your own connector).  Depending on the sophistication (or existence) of
a database connector for the search engine, you'll have to write more or
less code to tell it how them to talk to each other -- how to know when
there's new data to index, how to retrieve the text data into the search
engine for indexing or display.  The most sophisticated ones use
database triggers to make it all fairly easy.  Otherwise, you'll need to
write code that hands the text and a pointer (typically the primary key)
to the full-text engine when a record is added or modified, and the
pointer for deletes.

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Re: MySQL/InnoDB-4.1.9 is released

2005-01-14 Thread Nick Arnett
Heikki Tuuri wrote:
* Do not acquire an internal InnoDB table lock in LOCK TABLES if 
AUTOCOMMIT=1. This helps in porting old MyISAM applications to InnoDB. 
InnoDB table locks in that case caused very easily deadlocks.
Could you explain a bit more about how this relates to MyISAM?  Is it 
just that using LOCK TABLES with InnoDB was causing a lot of deadlocks? 
 If so, that would explain what I've been seeing in MySQL 4.0.21 (lots 
of deadlocks on a very small table that I use for managing parallel 
processes).  Until we upgrade (which will be soon, I think), is it best 
to turn AUTOCOMMIT off and COMMIT when appropriate?

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Re: MySQL/InnoDB-4.1.9 is released

2005-01-14 Thread Nick Arnett
Heikki Tuuri wrote:

The correct way to use LOCK TABLES with transactional tables, like 
InnoDB, is to set AUTOCOMMIT = 0 and not to call UNLOCK TABLES until 
you commit the transaction explicitly. When you call LOCK TABLES, 
InnoDB internally takes its own table lock, and MySQL takes its own 
table lock. InnoDB releases its table lock at the next commit, but for 
MySQL to release its table lock, you have to call UNLOCK TABLES. You 
should not have AUTOCOMMIT = 1, because then InnoDB releases its table 
lock immediately after the call of LOCK TABLES, and deadlocks will 
very easily happen. Starting from 4.1.9, we do not acquire the InnoDB 
table lock at all if AUTOCOMMIT=1. That helps old applications to 
avoid unnecessary deadlocks.

LOCK TABLES when done on an InnoDB table first acquires an InnoDB 
table lock, and then the MySQL table lock. But when AUTOCOMMIT=1, the 
InnoDB lock is released immediately. This caused lots of deadlocks 
with LOCK TABLES. The fix is that in the AUTOCOMMIT=1 mode we do not 
acquire the InnoDB lock at all. It does not make sense to get a lock 
and then release it immediately.
That's what I was just reading!
So... is this the equivalent of using BEGIN and COMMIT, for which I have 
methods in the Python MySQLdb module?  Or is there an advantage to the 

Thanks again,
Nick Arnett
Director of Business Intelligence Services
Liveworld Inc.
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SELECT or SHOW full table name?

2004-11-03 Thread Nick Arnett
I don't see a way to ask MySQL what the full name of a table is... the 
equivalent of this:

SELECT CONCAT(DATABASE(), ., table_name)
which would return something like this (assuming the current database is 
called my_database:

The reason I want this is to ensure that a scripted operation isn't 
treating the same table as if it were two different tables.  I have a 
method that moves records among tables by copying and then deleting.  If 
the two tables are really the same table, it'll lose the records, since 
it will have copied them to the same table, then delete them.

I can do it the way above, but I'm thinking there might be a better way...
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Really slow shutdown with Innodb, db not accessible?

2003-07-29 Thread Nick Arnett
For the last four hours or so, I've been waiting for MySQL (4.0.12 on W2K)
to complete a shutdown.  The fast shutdown flag is not set
(innodb_fast_shutdown=0), so I assume it is doing a purge and merge... but
in the meantime, I don't have any access to the server -- clients simply
can't connect.  This is a real problem, since it renders the database
useless for a long period of time.  My Innodb table is about 15 GB and
probably has about 10 million records in various tables.

When the darn thing finally shuts down, I'll restart with fast shutdown on,
but I'm wondering how foolish it would be to kill the process, given that
Innodb should then do a crash repair.  Would the crash repair take longer
than what it's doing now?  Would the  server be inaccessible as it is now?

Besides enabling fast shutdown, what else will help avoid this kind of thing
in the future?

Thanks for any info...

Nick Arnett
Phone/fax: (408) 904-7198

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Basic Database Design Question

2003-07-29 Thread Nick Arnett
This is, as you guess, a very basic issue for relational databases.  You
never want to put multiple entries in one column, as you describe it.
That's the scenario in which you create another table and use a key to join
the two.  For your project, you should have a column in the nms_apps table
that uniquely identifies it -- the primary key, usually.  You'll want to
create a table, perhaps called 'user,' containing the 'used_by' information.
That table would have, at a minimum, a column for the nms_apps key and a
column that contains the user information.  Then to find out who uses a
given application, the query would be along these lines (this uses the
column 'app_id' as the key:

SELECT used_by FROM nms_apps, user WHERE nms_apps.app_id = user.app_id AND
app_name = Application Foo

Hope that helps.  If you grasp this, you'll have the basic idea of
relational data.


Nick Arnett
Phone/fax: (408) 904-7198

 -Original Message-
 From: James Walters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 10:42 AM
 Subject: Basic Database Design Question


 DB novice checking in here with a basic design
 question.  I have a table called 'nms_apps' which
 stores information about all of our applications which
 we have developed/maintained for our client.  One
 column which I would like to use is called 'used_by',
 which would store information about which business
 sections (Financial Management Branch, Human Resources
 Branch, etc.) use a particular application.  Often
 times more than one section use a particular
 application.  My question is this:

 How do you handle multiple entries in one column?  Is
 it acceptable to more than one value in a column for
 one row?  If not, what is the best way to design that
 in the table?  Have multiple 'used_by' columns?
 'used_by_1', 'used_by_2', 'used_by_3', etc.?

 Thanks in advance,


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RE: Really slow shutdown with Innodb, db not accessible?

2003-07-29 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 From: Heikki Tuuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 12:58 PM

 crash recovery is usually much faster than purge and merge.

 Killing the mysqld process is a legal (and the fastest :)) way of shutting
 down InnoDB.

That's good to hear.  W2K tells me I don't have permission to kill the
process, despite having all admin privileges, so I'll look into that now.
Soon, this database will move to Linux or BSD, I hope.

 Why did you set fast_shutdown=0?

I'm asking myself the same question... ;-)  I really don't remember.  The
last time I changed the config was when I started using Innodb, four or five
months ago.  Don't know what the heck I was thinking.

 By the way, I am not sure the setting really affects the variable value at
 all, since in versions  4.0.15 there was a bug that it was specified as a
 NO_ARG parameter.

I noticed some of your other messages about that.  It's probably time for me
to update.

Thanks very much.  I really appreciate the speed with which you respond (not
just to my messages, I read the list regularly).


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Inserting HTML page to TEXT fails... syntax error?! (Python MySQLdb)

2003-07-17 Thread Nick Arnett
My hair... I am ready to tear it out.  I've been working with Python and the
MySQLdb module for a long time, thought I couldn't get snagged by anything,
but today I just can't seem to persuade the blasted thing to let me stick an
HTML document (a string) into a TEXT column.  I'm getting SQL syntax errors,
as though the document isn't properly escaped, even though I'm using
substitution so that MySQLdb should be taking care of that.  I'm wondering
if I'm missing something terribly obvious, because this is dead-simple code.
Here's the relevant bit and a couple of surrounding lines.

for url in urls:
doc = urllib.urlopen(url[0]).read()
dbh.execute(INSERT INTO rss_article (body,url) VALUES (%s, %s),(doc,
dbh.execute(UPDATE rss_item SET cached = '1' WHERE url = %s,(url,))

It's retrieving the document just fine, resulting in a big ol' string (it
really is a string, I checked), but that string just won't go into the
database.  rss_article is a TEXT column in a MyISAM table.  I get an SQL
syntax error and MySQL tells me to check the syntax with a snippet from
right near the beginning of the HTML, where it has lots of (annoying, I
suppose) backslashes, quotes and other stuff that is a pain to encode
properly by hand.

Any help will be most gratefully accepted.  My hair will thank you, too.


Nick Arnett
Phone/fax: (408) 904-7198

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Inserting HTML page to TEXT fails... syntax error?! (Python MySQLdb)

2003-07-17 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 From: Paul DuBois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 9:38 PM
 To: Nick Arnett; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, Paul, just knowing you were on the job inspired me and I finally
realized the dumb thing I'd done.  The list I'm iterating, urls, comes from
a single-column MySQL results list, so it's a list of tuples (url,), not
strings.  That's why I open url[0], rather than just url in the first line
inside the loop.  I was smart enough to do that, but not smart enough to
remember to use url[0], rather than url, in the INSERT statement.  So I was
trying to insert a tuple, not a string, and thus MySQL barfed.

 for url in urls:
  doc = urllib.urlopen(url[0]).read()
  dbh.execute(INSERT INTO rss_article (body,url) VALUES (%s,
  dbh.execute(UPDATE rss_item SET cached = '1' WHERE url =

 - Have you tried this with *short* HTML documents? What happens?
This would help you determine whether it's a length-of-data issue.
 - Let's see an actual error message (at least the first part), and
 the corresponding text of the document.
 - What shows up in the server's query log?

By the way, what helped me figure this out was switching the column names
and values, which changed the string in the error message to )), rather
than the start of the HTML doc.  That's when I realized the problem was
something about url, not the HTML.

This one has bitten me before, but it's been a long time...


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RE: Insert query

2003-06-02 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Braithwaite [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 12:05 PM
 To: 'Ulterior'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Insert query
 I would use mediumint rather than int for the ID column (int has 
 support for
 up to 2.1 Billion records wheras mediumint is up to 8.3 million - more
 efficient for your data type).  

If he only has a few million records, why would this be more efficient?


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2003-06-02 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Murphy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 10:48 PM

 I am trying to insert a table ibf_posts

 into a localhost database using the MYSQL control center every
 time i try to insert that one table i get an error

 [forum] ERROR 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

Are you trying to insert a lot of data at once?  If so, that will produce
this error if it exceeds a certain size.  The solutions are to insert fewer
records at once or increase MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET, if I recall the correct


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RE: Insert query

2003-06-01 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 From: Ulterior [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 7:35 AM
 Subject: Re: Insert query

 sow what would you suggest, Jerry?

 ( I need a very FAST search on this table's filename field)


  Don't use varchar unless you absolutely have to, that should help.
  - Original Message -
  From: Ulterior [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 3:13 PM
  Subject: Insert query
   I have a database table:
 ID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 FILENAME varchar(254) DEFAULT 'Not defined' NOT NULL,
 FILEPATH varchar(254) DEFAULT 'Not defined' NOT NULL,
 FILEEXTN varchar(3) DEFAULT '---' NOT NULL,
 FILEDATE datetime DEFAULT '-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
   when this table reaches 1 records, insert queries are very slow,
   aproximately 2 records a second.
   And worst of all mysql-ntd.exe reaches 99% of my processor timing.
   I am using native mysql C API mysql_query() func for inserting data.
   Is there any way to speedup insert querys to this table? ( I
 am planning
   have at least 2-5 million entries in this table )

Your VARCHAR columns can become CHAR columns, which should help a lot.  But
CHAR columns can't be longer than 255, so you're about at the limit.  Are
you locking the table before inserting, then using the multiple insert
syntax?  Those should help if you're not doing them, but I don't know what
it is in the C API.  How many indexes do you have? If you reduce the number
of indexes, insertions will go faster, but that might slow down some of your
queries, of course.

If you're inserting quite a few at a time, you might disable indexing, do
the inserts, then allow the indexing to happen all at once.  For a large
number of inserts, you might also try writing them to a file, then loading
it.  That's much faster for really large numbers of inserts, and you can
also suspend indexing as I mentioned.  I use the latter for building
externally generated text indexes (frequency tables and such), generating a
couple of million records at a shot.  It made an enormous difference.  But
I'm working in Python and can't help you with the C API, as I said.


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RE: Why doesn't this query work?

2003-06-01 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 From: Mikey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 11:53 AM
 Subject: Why doesn't this query work?

 OK, first of all thanks for the pointers, however, the query I now have
 doesn't seem to work.  If I run the query up until pricelevel IN
 (1, 2, 3,
 4, 5) it returns a large result set (the clauses are fairly inclusive),
 however, when I add in the rest of the query no results are returned.  Any

This is just a guess, but perhaps you are comparing INTs to STRINGs with
that last bit, in which case you'd want to change the column type for
pricelevel or put quotes around the numbers in the query?  I hit that
problem all the time using 1 and 0 as Booleans in an ENUM column.


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RE: Problem starting mysql server

2003-05-30 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 From: Rehaz Golamnobee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 3:41 AM


 I have just upgraded my MySQL from version 3.23 to 4.0.13.

 However I cannot start the server. When I type mysqld_safe  I
 get the following :

 [1] 1730
 Linux:/# starting mysqld-max daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
 030529 11:10:51 mysqld ended
 [1]+ Done   mysqld_safe

Sounds like it's never starting up at all, which explains why you can't
connect to it.  First thing I'd do is check your config file.   Are you
using the same config file as you did with 3.23?  If so, you almost surely
need to update it to suit 4.x, working from the examples that came with it.
I don't recall details, but I'm quite sure that there are variable settings
that will cause this behavior.

You might first try one of the generic sample config files that came with
your new version, just to see if it'll start up properly.  Then try
modifying one variable at a time, restarting after each.


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RE: Pre parsing

2003-04-04 Thread Nick Arnett
You could pre-pend EXPLAIN and see if it generates an error.

Nick Arnett
Phone/fax: (408) 904-7198

 -Original Message-
 From: Jerry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 5:46 AM
 Subject: Pre parsing
 Anyone know of a  way of pre parsing a *.sql file to make sure that it is
 syntactically correct , opposed to having to up load a file and when it
 breaks loosing everything after the line with an error on it.
 Either that or a way of telling it to carry on after finding an error.
 i.e. using
 mysql -u user -ppassword  my_dB  some_file.sql
 With the Just do it flag ?
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Stopword file format?

2003-03-27 Thread Nick Arnett
I've searched and searched, but I can't find anything that describes the
format of a custom stopword file for fulltext indexing in MySQL.  Anybody
have a pointer or a description of the format?


Nick Arnett
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Fulltext search -- no wildcards in phrases?

2003-03-27 Thread Nick Arnett
It appears to me that fulltext phrase searches cannot include wildcards.
For example, I would expect app* serv* to match application server,
application services, etc.  But it returns no results, so I'm having to
run each variation separately.  Can anyone confirm that wildcards, indeed,
can't be used in phrase searches.  I'm doing these in Boolean mode because I
need exact counts of occurrences.  This is on MySQL-4.0.12-nt.


Nick Arnett
Phone/fax: (408) 904-7198

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RE: Speed of SELECT ... LIMIT #,#?

2003-03-25 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 From: Joseph Bueno [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 1:36 AM


 If you want to speed it up, you have to make it use an index.
 You need to add a WHERE or an ORDER BY clause.
 Have you tried :
 SELECT Message_ID, Body FROM Body_etc ORDER BY Message_ID LIMIT N,M

 Of course, I assume that Message_ID is indexed ;)

Message_ID is the primary key.  But your suggestion doesn't help.  If
anything, it is slower.

However, I think I've figured out the right way to do this -- use a
server-side cursor.  I can completely get rid of the need for a LIMIT in the
SELECT statement.  I've never used server-side cursors before, so I am a bit
surprised to see that even when I do a SELECT for all 1.5 million records,
MySQL's memory usage doesn't increase a bit above where it was when I was
doing the same queries using a normal cursor.  All I have to do is figure
out how many records I can safely insert at one shot, which is not a

Just noticed something odd, though, with the MySQLdb SSCursor.  When close()
is called, it does a fetchall(), getting any records that you hadn't
retrieved, trying to load all of them into memory.  It's actually calling
nextset(), even though MySQL doesn't support multiple result sets.


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RE: Speed of SELECT ... LIMIT #,#?

2003-03-25 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 From: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 8:48 AM


 Just noticed something odd, though, with the MySQLdb SSCursor.
 When close()
 is called, it does a fetchall(), getting any records that you hadn't
 retrieved, trying to load all of them into memory.  It's actually calling
 nextset(), even though MySQL doesn't support multiple result sets.

This is because MySQL requires all rows to be read from a server-side
connection before issuing another query on that connection, Andy Dustman
tells me.  It doesn't seem to be a problem as long as you do, in fact, read
all the rows, so this is more an issue of the way I was testing than the
real world.


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Speed of SELECT ... LIMIT #,#?

2003-03-24 Thread Nick Arnett
I'm reading 1,000 records at a time from a large table (overcoming the FT
indexing problem I wrote about yesterday) and I'm discovering that as the
starting record number grows larger, the retrieve speed is dropping rapidly.
Any suggestions for how to speed this up?  It's a strategy I use fairly
often, mainly to keep from using excess memory when retrieving and/or
killing the connection when inserting records.  In the current case, I'm
doing a simple select, no ordering, grouping, etc.  This is on MySQL
4.012-nt.  Somewhere in the vicinity of 700,000, retrieval speed dropped
tremendously.  I'm guessing that that's where index caching was no longer

I've optimized, analyzed and defragmented the disk, all of which seemed to
help a bit.


Nick Arnett
Phone/fax: (408) 904-7198

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RE: Your professional opinion Please...

2003-03-24 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 From: Brian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I have a client with approximately 2 gigabytes of un-indexed
 document files
 (includes text and graphics).

 He wants to be able to enter a few parameters and bring up a list of all
 documents that fit, and then be able to download them over a web
 interface -
 sort of like a private Google search engine.

How many documents?  What format are they in?  Does this require just text
searching or is there fielded data, too?  How many users would search

There are various search engine vendors, including Google itself.  The
leader is Verity.  Autonomy is probably its top current competitor.  But
since you've posted here, are you considering MySQL?  It doesn't have a
particularly rich query language for text, and it's up to you to get them
into the database in a usable form.


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RE: Speed of SELECT ... LIMIT #,#?

2003-03-24 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 From: Jeremy Zawodny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 9:17 PM

 Please post the query and the output of running it thru EXPLAIN.

 It is likely sorting the results without an index and having to weed
 thru more and more records the farther back you look in the list.

I'm fairly certain that's true.  The query is very simple: SELECT
Message_ID, Body FROM Body_etc LIMIT N,M.  Those are the only fields in the
table; Message_ID is a CHAR field, Body is TEXT.

Here's what EXPLAIN gives:

| table| type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows| Extra
| body_etc | ALL  | NULL  | NULL |NULL | NULL | 1586994 |

Sorry if I didn't make that clear in my first posting.  I can't quite see
how to speed things up, though it dawned on me that perhaps I could add a
sequence field, index it, then use it, rather than the LIMIT clause, to
select the records.  It was quite fast at the beginning and caught me by
surprise that it slowed down so much.

I'm getting there, slowly, by bumping up the max_packet_size and doing three
INSERTs of 5,000 for every SELECT, so I'm grabbing about 15,000 records at a
time, greatly reducing the number of SELECTs from when I was only getting
1,000.  Still taking hours, but I'll be letting it run all night.

By the way, I noticed that in one of your presentations, you noted that
Handler_read_rnd_next is better if it's smaller.  It's at 5.7 million now,
after doing about 900K records.  I'm assuming that's an indication that
there's some inefficiency, but I'm still stumped as to how to address it.
The machine I'm running MySQL on has 1 GB of memory, so I have lots of
headroom to play with.

And since people tend to start asking questions when they realize I'm
indexing large amounts of e-mail, etc., I'll explain a little.  I'm doing
traffic and content analysis to track what's going on in certain large
software development communities.



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Creating fulltext index never completes...?

2003-03-23 Thread Nick Arnett
I'm trying to create a full-text index on a large (2.1GB, 1.6M records), two
column table (primary key and a TEXT field), using MySQL 4.0.12 on Win2000.
All looks like it is proceeding well, I see .TMP files in the database
directory and a couple of temporary files in TEMP.  It chugs along for an
hour or so, then seems to stop doing anything at all.  The process is not
using any CPU cycles or I/O.  The first time I tried this, I left it
overnight, so it had many, many hours to complete.

The error log shows nothing related to this.

It dawned on me that perhaps the problem had to do with double-byte
characters, so I moved those records into another table, cleaned out some
leftovers and optimized the table.  However, I'm not absolutely certain I
got them all.  Just dawned on me to look at ASCII() of the first char of
each field... and I'm trying that, but now I'm getting a long delay while
the processlist says Opening tables.  Perhaps this is a clue as to what
went wrong with FT indexing?  Killed the process and now I'm trying to stop
and restart the daemon, but it isn't responding. Ouch.

The text field contains bodies of e-mail, newsgroup and web forum messages.
Some are multi-part MIME messages, so there are some long lines that are
essentially garbage as far as full-text indexing is concerned.  Might those
also cause the problem I'm seeing?.

I have some Python code that will strip out the MIME and double-byte stuff,
but if there's a way to convince indexing to work, I'd rather go that way
than to have to build a cleaned-up copy of the table.

A couple of related feature ideas for FT indexing -- skip words over N
chars, skip records using a WHERE clause.

Thanks for any suggestions.  If I make any progress, I'll post.  If I can't
solve this soon, I'll be turning to Swish-E.  Anybody here have any Python
code for MySQL - Swish-E?

By the way, I'd be happy to discuss full-text indexing in some depth here.
I'd very much like to see it working well, and I have a lot of expertise in
that area -- I used to be the product manager for advanced technology at

Nick Arnett
Phone/fax: (408) 904-7198

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RE: Creating fulltext index never completes...?

2003-03-23 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 From: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


 It dawned on me that perhaps the problem had to do with double-byte

Actually, what I think I meant to say was unprintable characters with
ASCII  122.  Does this break fulltext indexing?


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RE: Interesting

2002-07-15 Thread Nick Arnett

That syntax will always report zero rows affected, but it is very fast.  If
you want to know how many rows were deleted, use something like DELETE *

The latter query will be much slower, as it examines each record.


 -Original Message-
 From: Bhavin Vyas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 9:40 AM
 Subject: Interesting

 I did a select * as such:

 mysql select * from Sqs;
 | RecordState | Sqs | SqsKey |
 | L   | unknown |  1 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 Then, look at the message that delete from gives me '0 rows affected'
 mysql delete from Sqs;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

 However, it did indeed delete one row, since now I get an empty set when I
 do a select *.

 mysql select * from Sqs;
 Empty set (0.00 sec)

 Anybody knows why, then, delete gave me a '0 rows affected'
 message instead
 of saying '1 row affected'?

 Mysql version 3.23.49


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executemany UPDATE (MySQL Python)

2002-06-14 Thread Nick Arnett

Can anyone confirm that it is *not* possible to pass a list to the Python
MySQLdb module in UPDATE operations?  In other words, this kind of thing

self.dbh.execute(INSERT INTO Foo (blah, blorg,snork) VALUES

... But this kind doesn't appear to work for me:

self.dbh.execute(UPDATE Foo SET blah=%s, blorg=%s WHERE snork=%s,myList)

Doing the latter with a loop in Python is much slower than I'd expect that
doing it with a list would be.


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Strategies for maintaining tables calculated from other tables?

2002-05-02 Thread Nick Arnett

I'm finding that it's not quite as simple as I had imagined to maintain a
table whose values are calculated by analyzing other tables.  The source
tables contain time series data, which can is updated several times a day.
To calculate totals by day, week, month, etc., I don't want to have to start
over from scratch, so I want to keep track of which records in the source
tables have already been analyzed.  Further complicating things, there are
several analyses that take place and I may add others later.  I don't always
want to have to do all of them at the same time.

So, at the moment, I've added some Boolean enum columns to the source data
tables, showing which analyses have been done.  Do the analysis, set the
Booleans to true.  I'm not sure I really like that approach, since it can
mean adding columns to rather large tables at times.  I suppose those fields
could be in an entirely separate table, joined by the primary key, but I
don't like having to depart from normal form that way.

I also considered having a table that keeps track of what analysis has been
done, using a timestamp or auto-increment column, but realized that would
get messed up if I don't process data in the order it arrived.  I could keep
track of a range, which would let me find earlier stuff that hadn't been

Just to make it all a bit more complicated, the initial analysis is done in
a temporary table, for huge performance gain, then inserted into its final
resting spot.

Any suggestions on how others have solved this sort of problem?


P.S. sql,query (to satisfy that danged filter)

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Update a table with data from another table?

2002-04-28 Thread Nick Arnett

I'm wondering if there's a way to use the results of a SELECT in an UPDATE
operation, the way that it's possible to do so with INSERT and REPLACE.
This seems like it should be possible, but as far as I can tell, it's not.

This comes up for me repeatedly, but the problem at hand is identifying the
parent message for a table containing discussion meta-data.  I can query to
find the earliest occurrence of each subject, but the only way I seem to be
able to update the records with this data in a parent message field is to
retrieve them programmatically and do updates.  Anything that I can do
within MySQL is much, much faster, so I'm trying to avoid that.

I could create a temporary table with all of the columns, including the
updated one, then do a replace back into the original one, but that seems to
be a lot of overhead for what should be an update, rather than a replace.

Any suggestions?


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MySQLdb and DateTime objects

2002-04-26 Thread Nick Arnett

I'm have a bit of trouble figuring out how to use a date field retrieved
from MySQL when updating a record in another table.  Rather than a date
string, MySQLdb returns a DateTime object.  At first, imagining that since
it came out of a field, the date object would also then match the field in a
subsequent operation.  But no, it doesn't -- it produces an error.

E.g., SELECT DISTINCT(Date) FROM Foo returns a list of tuples whose first
member is a DateTime object, not a date string.  If the dates are in a list
called myDates, and I do something like, UPDATE Foo SET X=%s WHERE Date=%s
I get an error, as MySQLdb tries to insert a reference to the DateTime
object, rather than a date string.

What seemed to be the obvious solution was to use
MySQLdb.times.format_TIMESTAMP() or MySQLdb.times.format_DATE()-- but that
doesn't work, it returns an error:

  File C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\times.py, lin
return d.strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'strftime'

Nor does str(), but that seemed like a long shot, anyway.

How the heck do I get this object back into a form that will work in a

And is it just me, or is it rather inelegant that MySQLdb converts
timestamps into a DateTime object on the way out, but doesn't do the

Thanks in advance.


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RE: MySQLdb and DateTime objects

2002-04-26 Thread Nick Arnett

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nick Arnett


 What seemed to be the obvious solution was to use
 MySQLdb.times.format_TIMESTAMP() or MySQLdb.times.format_DATE()-- but that
 doesn't work, it returns an error:

   File C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\times.py, lin
 return d.strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
 AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'strftime'

I was nailed by a typo -- the above actually *does* work, if one is careful
to use the function on the appropriate list member, rather than the entire

But it still seems inelegant...


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How to speed up mods to large table?

2002-04-21 Thread Nick Arnett

I haven't been able to dig up any specific information about how to get
maximum performance when making changes to large tables.  I have a table
that's close to 4 GB, which I'm altering to come up with the best trade-off
between performance and speed.  Dropping a column or an index seems
exceedingly slow and I'm wondering what parameters matter for this.  I'm
already using the highest-performance drive I can lay my hands on.  What
else matters?

It certainly looks like it's I/O bound, so I'm wondering if forcing it to
build its temp files on a separate disk subsystem would help.  It would be a
much lower-performance system, though (IDE v. SCSI-160).

Thanks in advance...

And now, to get past the (not-very-smart) spam filter... sql, query.


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RE: How to speed up mods to large table?

2002-04-21 Thread Nick Arnett

 -Original Message-
 From: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 3:39 PM
 Subject: How to speed up mods to large table?

 I haven't been able to dig up any specific information about how to get
 maximum performance when making changes to large tables.  I have a table
 that's close to 4 GB, which I'm altering to come up with the best
 between performance and speed.  Dropping a column or an index seems
 exceedingly slow and I'm wondering what parameters matter for this.

To answer my own question, at least in part... since I'm using MySQL 4.0.1,
I'm trying the same operation again after doing alter table... disable
keys.  That appears to make it much, much faster.

Strangely, though, it's not using the temporary directory that I gave it in
my.ini with the tmpdir variable.  I seem to recall having that problem
before, but I don't know what solved it.


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RE: PERL/SQL, again? - Re: Procedures

2002-04-03 Thread Nick Arnett

 -Original Message-
 From: Russell E Glaue [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 7:15 AM


 Does anyone on this list have a suggestion as what might be the best
 language to embed into MySQL?  Be sure to consider memory efficiency,
 threadding, speed of the language, and compactness (compared to code and
 library bulkiness).  I'd like to hear what other people think?

I do a lot of prototyping, so development time is my top priority.  Perl
would be fine, but I'd prefer Python.

 As far as creating a language just to embed in MySQL... this may be
 tempting, but I think it to be far better to not do this. The problems
 with inventing a language just for MySQL is stalness of advancing the
 language, and also innovation and optimization. There are already lots of
 people in existing communities to improve current program languages.

Read my lips -- no new languages.  Well, I'm partly kidding.  But I would be
unhappy with a new language if it were the only thing MySQL supported.  A
new language *in addition* to Perl and/or Python might be useful, but I'd
want to see some darn good reason for it to exist.

The area where I could see productivity rising immensely would be tools that
made user interface development for MySQL database faster.  I'm not sure a
new language is needed, but tools that would make it very simple to create a
basic layout for a table, then modify it easily (remove unneeded fields,
make some read-only, turn ENUMs (oh heavens, I almost let the spell checker
turn that into Enemas!) into pull-downs, etc.), would be terrific.

Finally, I have to give lip service to Java, at least.  It is so widely used
that if I were wearing my product manager hat, my prejudice would be to
integrate it as thoroughly as possible.  But I haven't touched Java much in
the last few years, so I don't even know what the state of its relationship
with MySQL is.


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RE: Table statistics

2002-04-03 Thread Nick Arnett

 -Original Message-
 From: Doug Bishop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 10:13 PM
 Subject: RE: Table statistics


 mysql_connect(localhost, user, password);


Might be helpful to the original poster to mention that this is Perl.  He
didn't specify a language, so he may not comprehend what you've offered.

I don't mean this as a criticism, but it's interesting that we seem to often
assume that Perl is THE language for scripting MySQL.  Not true, of course.
In fact, I'm finding Python easier, except for the blasted printf type
formatting, whose syntax was driving me batty yesterday until... well, I
could go on, but I won't.


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RE: Database Design Question

2002-03-28 Thread Nick Arnett

 -Original Message-
 From: Ben Holness [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of


 My question is this: Would it be more efficient to have each entry in the
 list stored in this table in the database, or would I be better
 off having a
 reference to a file that is stored on the hard disk?

If you mean efficient in terms of performance, the answer depends on how big
the data is that would go in the files v. a database record, and how often
they'll be accessed.  If you mean more efficient in terms of disk space,
there's probably little difference if the files are large, but a big
difference if there are lots of little ones.  How much difference for the
latter depends on what file system you're using.

In any event, you'll probably have to experiment.  If you're talking about a
lot of relatively small files, putting the data into database fields will
probably win.


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RE: Database Design Question

2002-03-28 Thread Nick Arnett

 -Original Message-
 From: DL Neil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


 Which begs the questions:
 - in what way are you analyzing behavior? and
 - in what way are you analyzing this list-community?

There's too much to read, is the simple answer to the first question.
Over the last few years, I've developed some methods of identifying the most
influential people in on-line discussions by discovering social networks.
Among them, I'm quite sure, are people who are opinion leaders.  By
identifying them, it's possible to track ideas and trends.

Not long after I first started doing this, I did some brainstorming about it
with O'Reilly  Associates, which uses such techniques to help decide which
open source projects have momentum, so that they can make better decisions
about what books to publish.  In fact, MySQL v. mSQL was one of the early
areas they studied.  I also started a company, Opion Inc., to do this kind
of analysis for the stock market, movies and other areas.  Opion recently
sold its technology to Intelliseek (and I have no idea what they're doing
with it, but it's not hard to imagine).  They seem to have a server on-line
at www.opion.com, but it's secured.

As for this community, my analysis is limited to reading the messages that
either have interesting subjects or senders.  By eyeballing the folder that
contains them, that is, since my software tries to figure out what's
interesting as well.

Just to put some fears to rest, which usually come up quickly, I long ago
recognized that the list of influential people is something of a spammer's
dream.  Equally long ago, it was obvious that such lists have to be
unavailable to anyone else.  It's an interesting, familiar paradox -- how to
use the data without revealing enough that it could be abused.

I don't want to get any further into the various issues around this research
here unless it has something to do directly with MySQL.


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RE: Warnings after LOAD DATA statement

2002-03-24 Thread Nick Arnett

 -Original Message-
 From: Maribel Piloto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 10:24 AM


 The data is loading fine and the NULL values are in fact
 correctly entered
 as NULLs but I'm getting this warning after the LOAD statement:

 Records: 3  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 3

 I don't understand why I'm getting the warnings or what they're about.

When you load data from a file, there's no way to know exactly what the
warnings are.  However, they are the same ones you'd get from a single
insert statement, or from too many or two few columns in your insert file
(extra columns are ignored).

A suggestion here recently was to do a SELECT ... INTO FILE after your
insert, selecting the records you just inserted (easier if you just do this
into an empty table), then compare the output file with your input file.
Having done that myself, I'm still mystified by where the warnings are
coming from on my inserts.  I need a better file comparison tool...

Of course, the alternative way to figure out what's going on is to do
individual INSERT statements and look at the actual warnings.

See http://www.mysql.com/doc/L/O/LOAD_DATA.html


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Extra return in last field in LOAD DATA INFILE?

2002-03-21 Thread Nick Arnett

I have something odd happening with a bulk insert file and haven't been able
to find anything in docs or archives that gives me a clue what's going on.
I'm creating a bulk insert file programmatically with Python.  Everything
seems to work fine, except that in the last field of each record, a return
character ('\n') is getting tacked onto the field data.  I'm using LOAD DATA
INFILE's defaults -- tab-separated fields and return-separated records.  I
cannot figure out where this extra return is coming from.  It seems
downright impossible for it to be there, since MySQL is correctly
identifying the fields and records -- there are no warnings from LOAD DATA
INFILE and I can see that all the records are being loaded.

I've tried changing the Python statement between ending the print statement
with '\n', and just letting it add the return as it does by default if
there's no comma at the end of the statement -- no effect.

I have also tried loading the bulk file from the MySQL client -- same thing

I'm as certain as I can be that Python is just putting one return character
into the insert file, which is why I'm asking the question here, rather than
on a Python list.

I'm having flashbacks to CR/LF problems when moving Macintosh files to DOS!

This is on Windows 2000, using Python 2.2 and MySQL 3.23.46-nt.

That last field also seems to be truncated on the last record inserted.  I'm
mystified.  Suggestions appreciated.


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RE: Extra return in last field in LOAD DATA INFILE?

2002-03-21 Thread Nick Arnett

 -Original Message-
 From: Roger Baklund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 4:03 PM


 It looks like you have the CRLF problem... Python on win platform outputs
 CRLF for '\n', because that is normally the wanted line ending on windows
 systems... open your file in binary mode to disable this feature:

 f = open('datafile.sql','wb')

Indeed I should have checked again -- that did it.  Perhaps I should have
asked on the Python list, after all.  Still getting used to Python's

Thanks much!


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