[newbie-it] Modem USB

2000-05-27 Thread Matteo - gedma81


volevo chiedere a qualcuno se fosse in grado di spiegarmi come posso
configurare il mio modem
Digicom Leonardo USB sotto LINUX... grazie in anticipo

saluti e buona giornata


Re: [newbie-it] Modem USB

2000-05-27 Thread Stefano Carboni

At 11.45 27/05/00 +0200, you wrote:

volevo chiedere a qualcuno se fosse in grado di spiegarmi come posso
configurare il mio modem
Digicom Leonardo USB sotto LINUX... grazie in anticipo

Dai un'occhiata al sito che si occupa di sviluppare drivers per dispositivi
USB, e cioé:
Probabilmente il tuo modem è supportato. In tal caso sarà necessario
ricompilare il kernel includendo anche il supporto USB, o integrato nel
kernel o come moduli. Per fare questo però è praticamente indispensabile
utilizzare un kernel di sviluppo (2.3.x) o, meglio, applicare il backport
(che troverai linkato sul sito di cui sopra) ad un normale kernel 2.2.x,
con x=14.
Sul sito di supporto USB troverai anche una guida molto ben fatta, che ti
aiuterà in questo percorso.

Re: [newbie-it] Modem USB

2000-05-27 Thread Stefano Carboni

At 14.08 27/05/00 +0200, you wrote:
Stefano Carboni [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Probabilmente il tuo modem è supportato. In tal caso sarà necessario
 ricompilare il kernel includendo anche il supporto USB, o integrato nel
 kernel o come moduli. Per fare questo però è praticamente indispensabile
 utilizzare un kernel di sviluppo (2.3.x) o, meglio, applicare il backport
 (che troverai linkato sul sito di cui sopra) ad un normale kernel 2.2.x,
 con x=14.

it's BTW: included in the default kernel of 7.1.

PS: sorry for english but i have completely forget my italian :\.

Sorry for my newbye question: what does it means BTW?

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi SCSI

2000-05-27 Thread Fabio Coatti

On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 11:01:38PM +0200, Marco wrote:
 Salve a tutti,
 Ho una interfeccia scsi adaptec aha 150x aic 6x60 su irq 11 ma non riesco a
 farle riconoscere al sistema che non l'ha riconosciuta in automatico. Come mi
 consogliereste di fare per configurare il controller? Dove posso trovare
 documentazione specifica?
 Grazie a tutti

Per prima cosa controlla che sia supportato, prova a vedere su
www.linux-mandrake.com oppure www.redhat.com; se è supportato poi
caricare il relativo modulo "a mano" specificando i parametri. Uoi
trovare qualche invo cominciando dai sorgenti del kernel

Mandami un'altro messaggio, così quando sono più sveglio controllo
megli oe riesco a darti qualche info in più...

Fabio Coatti   http://www.ferrara.linux.it/members/cova 
Ferrara Linux Users Group   http://ferrara.linux.it
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Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie] kppp wierdness

2000-05-27 Thread Papa

Okay gang, I have some wierdness here with my kppp connection.   I can IRC and
FTP and most anything else but when I try to http (using Netscape 4.72) it craps
out about 95% of the time.

I have used the same settings for my ISP forever both on Windows and previous LM
installs.  I am currently using LM 6.1.   I also have a freewwweb account that
works about 90% of the time for web surfing.

The modem is a Zoom 28.8, I get a good connection (read no disconnects).  One
thing I have noticed when I cannot reach the web I also cannot Ping my ISPs
Primary DNS server, I can Ping the Secondary with times of 220 ms.  I attribute
the lag to the 28.8 connection speed.

Any ideas, thoughts or suggestions let me know.  Thanks.


Re: [newbie] DISCUSSION (Documentation 2)

2000-05-27 Thread Edison Gica

My second suggestion is still related to Documentation.

I would highly recommend that you proof-read your manuals before it goes to 

One example. I have the 'Install Guide' w/ Mandrake 7.0.  If you guys have 
time check this out.

See page 43, Section 6.4 Installation or Upgrade.  It states '...you will 
have to choose Install if you are installing Linux for the first time on 
your machine (or if you simply want to reinstall an existing installation 
over it), (figure 6.4)'.

Now look at figure 6.4 (page 44)...look closely on the lower part of the 
figure.  The text says 'Choose "Install" if there are no previous versions 
of Linux installed, or if you wish to use multiple distributions or 

Now, I'm sure all of you would agree that 'to reinstall an existing 
installation over it' is completely different from 'to use multiple 
distributions or versions'.

A newbie is a newbie and newbie's can easily get confused because they are a 
newbie :)


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[newbie] An Word on Linux Drivers for Iomega ZIP Drives?

2000-05-27 Thread Romanator

Has any one tried the Linux drivers for Iomega ZIP drives?


RE:[newbie] Install on 2nd hd

2000-05-27 Thread Edison Gica

Hi Charles:

Thanks for the reply.  Since this is to be a discussion well I might as well 
post it anyway.

The site I was referring to is Mandrake site itself 

Try going through the Demos under 'Recommended'. It does not say anything 
about being able to choose a 2nd HD. If you mean to click on the 'mount 
partition' option, well as I have posted (see [newbie] Discussions: 
Documentation) Mandrake has a lot of work to do w/ their documentation.

See also their Install Guide (page 45 Section 6.6 Selecting Mount Points), 
it does not mention anything about a 2nd HD also.  See also my posting 
([newbie] Discussions: Documentation 2).

As I said in my previous posting 'newbies are newbies' and being a newbie I 
would not just want to experiment and suddenly 'bboommm' my previous OS is 

Thanks for the info, at least I now know that I can do so under 
'Recommended' setup.


From: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE:[newbie] Install on 2nd hd
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 09:36:05 -0500

  On Thurs. 5/25/2000 Edison wrote:
Now in my case, I have 2 hard disks and found out from the demos in the web
that I have to go to either 'Custom' or 'Expert' installation to be able to
install 7.0 in my second hard disk w/c I want to do

 At what site did you get this info?
 My advice would be to stay away from this site because the info is
 I have 2 systems and each has 2 hds.When installing Mandrake I have
always used the Recommended installation and in each case I installed Linux
on the 2nd hd by choosing to put it there in the Mount Point Selection
portion of the installation program.


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[newbie] Prblem downloading Linux ZIP drives for 250 MB. drive

2000-05-27 Thread Romanator

There is definitely a problem downloading Linux Iomega ZIP drivers. Does
any one know of an alternate web site?


Re: [newbie] No login after installing StarOffice!

2000-05-27 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 26 May 00, at 7:07, Paul wrote:

 1.  How do I stop it from hitting the graphical login?  I didn't make a boot
 disk because I'm an idiot.

Open some decent text editor that you like, then open the file, 
Scroll down some and there you'll find a line which goes
id:5:...and so on. Just change that 5 to 3 and save the file. The 
next time you boot, u'll get the bash(or whatever u're using) shell.



Re: [newbie] winmodem?

2000-05-27 Thread Sthitaprajna

On 26 May 00, at 13:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hitachi Mobilized Computing
 PC card modem
 with XJACK connector
 x2 upgradeable
 33.6kkps Data/14/4bps Fax

It is indeed. A way to check is to turn off the PnP BIOS setting on 
ur machine to disabled/off. Then boot Linux and try to see if you can 
detect or configure the modem. If there's no response, it is a 
winmodem. A good internal modem supported byLinux is the HayesAccura.


Re: [newbie] Netscape and .png

2000-05-27 Thread Dacia and AzureRose

I tested it today and found that netscape (4.72 128
encryption version) read .png files in linux no
problem.  I didn't test the wandows version..


--- Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 25 May 2000, StormeRider wrote:
 I have not heard anywhere that PNG is a standard
 anywhere. If it is, and
 Netscape does not support it, then NS is wrong. If
 PNG is not yet an
 accepted standard on webpages, then I am sorry for
 stating this again, but
 then the person who put the image there is not
 comforming to the
 standards, and this then can happen.
 Define what you mean by "a standard". PNG is a
 standard for a graphic type;
 ie, all PNGs follow the same compression and layout
 of raster information. I
 Since this thread is about netscape and .png... The
 standard I refer to
 here concerns the standard graphic formats that are
 supported by the
 mainstream of browsers. As far as I know, those are
 GIF and JPG. PNG is
 new to me. I did notice though, that it is the
 default format for the
 do not know of _any_ standard, including the W3C,
 which lists what image
 types a "compatible" browser should be capable of
 displaying. If you find such
 a standard... please send it my way, I would
 consider it interesting reading
 I have no proof in print for these things to be
 standards, but in the 8
 years that I am on the net now I have noticed just
 about any uncustomized
 browser to get in trouble on image formats other
 than the 2 I
 mentioned. I would always need plugins for different
 stuff (except BMP's
 in IE, but what kind of format is that for on the
 web anyway).
 My use of Linux has nothing to do with the ability
 or disability to view
 certain kinds of graphics on webpages. *grin*
 Just got sick and tired of MS-stuff and the
 strange screens of errors they
 incorporate in their systems.
 Know the feeling. Thats why I have 11 machines...
 and only two of them run
 Windows. :)
 Haha!! I only have windows on a machine for my work
 (teleworking has no
 support for Linux yet), and to read out the digital
 camera (can't get
 Gphoto to read the pictures for some reason although
 it is listed as
 I wonder if the windows version of netscape does
 Not sure... it might, I don't have it installed to
 test it with.
 I almost feel tempted to try it out someday... But
 not in a hurry, since
 it is only windows. *grin*
 Nothing is as easy as it looks.
 http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208
 Registered Linux User 174403

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2000-05-27 Thread Michael

My dreams: a self configuring cd rw install program  that would make it
possible for a stoopoid like me to  use the writing not just the reading
function of his cd burner.

More printer support or mandrake sponsored how-to's not some college
kids hacked driver and cryptical install info...

My praise: All hail to thee mandrakesoft for a stable reliable friendly
user interface and operating system. You are surely worthy of all good

-michael brower-

Re: [newbie] GET READY FOR A DISCUSSION: Libaries

2000-05-27 Thread Dacia and AzureRose

how much disc space do they need?  Are we talking 10s
or megs or 100s of megs?  Sounds like 7.1 is around
1100 megs for a full install anyway.  Is there a
"minimum" install, what is in it?  Perhaps the extra
space could be gathered by dropping some of the
redundent programs?

If I need an extra 10 megs for these files I would be
very willing to only have 1 cdplayer and lose all of
the games.  It wouldn't bother me to lose the tea
timer or moon clock either.  See where I'm going with


--- Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 25 May 2000, Anthony Huereca wrote:
 Wow, a company that actually listens to it's users!
 The most important thing I can think of is to
 include all the programming
 libaries even in a standard installation. For while
 these people probally won't
 ever program, they will have to compile stuff and
 it's a huge headache to track
 down a missing libary or two. So include all the
 development files that you'd
 include under a programming install, in all of the
 installations. It would
 make a lot of newbies (and me) very very happy.
 Good suggestion, but how would you like to see the
 system behave if all
 the devel-packages are selected but there is not
 enough diskspace for it?
 (provoking some real discussion here, I know ;)
 Nothing is as easy as it looks.
 http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208
 Registered Linux User 174403

Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.


2000-05-27 Thread Jaguar

Since Denis did not comment on my suggestion, I think I have managed to get on
his /dev/null list...

I suggest making the Network setup specialized since more people are using
NIC's with their highspeed connections. So possibly MDKSoft could have an
install/DrakX configuaration section specific for highspeed internet, and easy
setup of IPChains/routing for sharing cable/dsl/isdn.

Could someone maybe comment on this so that it doesn't reach Denis' /dev/null
filter again...:)


The Dogma chased the Stigma, and was hit by the Karma.

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Re: [newbie] netscape files

2000-05-27 Thread Michael

Bill- could you be a bit more specific? I am unclear as to how you were
able to import your netscape files from windows to mandrake and would
love to learn more.

Re: [[newbie] Discussion: Changes Found in Mandrake 7.1

2000-05-27 Thread Michael


RE: [newbie] winmodem?

2000-05-27 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

You didn't list the model number of your PCMCIA modem.

However http://www.o2.net/~gromitkc/2524a.html 's only Hitachi listing
shows it as an "unknown"... I.E. it doesn't work because it's Windows


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 1:28 PM
Subject: [newbie] winmodem?

I'm trying to determine if the modem in my Hitachi laptop IS indeed a
winmodem.  On the front is says

Hitachi Mobilized Computing
PC card modem
with XJACK connector
x2 upgradeable
33.6kkps Data/14/4bps Fax

I've checked the web, and I'm not really getting anywhere
Thanks!  Nan

[newbie] running a script when reconnecting to internet via ppp connection

2000-05-27 Thread Fireman71

Ok, in a nutshell this is my problem:

I used to run RH6.2 and under while running it i added the line "ifconfig
ppp0 | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]" to the /etc/ppp/ip-up.local script then would
leave my computer connected to the internet while i was at work or away or
whatever. Anytime my PPP connection got dropped for whatever reason RH6.2 would
try to reconnect and when it did it would email me the new IP address assigned
via DHCP by my ISP to my email account. Then i could log in from where ever i
was at that time and download files i might need etc. When i installed Mandrake
7.0 I set up my PPP connection by going through 
DrakeConf---Network Configuration---PPP/SLIP/PLIP---Add
and just filled in the blanks. I have it set up to connect at boot time and to
automatically attempt to reconnect. The connection and all works great, my
problem is that i cannot find where i need to add that line from above so
that it will email me my new IP address every time it connects.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated,

Ian K. Harrell

RE: [newbie] Display drivers for Toshiba Tecra 8100

2000-05-27 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Just a 

The S3 
Savage driver might indeed be correct for your configuration. Note that laptop 
manufacturers frequently "skrimp" on the hardware in laptops, both to save costs 
and for lower power consumption requirements.

might have to "MANUALLY" configure X via XF86config and the edit the amount of 
available RAM manually in the resulting configuration file.

working with the lowest resolution first... I.E. 640x480 and moving up one step 
at a time.

the autoprobe routines do not correctly pick up cards on portables, because of 
their strange configurations.


  -Original Message-From: Philip Gabbert 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 2:57 
  PMTo: Linux NewbieSubject: [newbie] Display drivers for 
  Toshiba Tecra 8100 Anybody know how I can get 
  XFree86 to display properly on a Toshiba Tecra 8100? The display card is a S3 
  Savage/MX 3D Accelerator Card, and I can seem to get XFree86 going. When I 
  choose the S3 Savage driver in the list, XFree won't even start .. When I 
  choose Another S3 drvier (like one of the drivers with /MX in the name) XFree 
  will start, but I get the 'squashed' screen. 
  Any webpages, links, or info that can help me out? I've checked the Linux 
  Laptop site, but that only has the Terca 8000, and the 8100 has a different 
  graphics card, so his instructions and such didn't work :-( 
  For thx the help in advance.. 
  PS: The HP of the 8100 with full specs can be found at: http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/product/product_model.jsp?BV_SessionID=1781728335.0959362116BV_EngineID=dalhlefdfghbfdkchmcfgkcgi.0productline=Portablesfamily=Tecramodelname=8100 
  This appears to be a session based link, so you may have to search on Tera 
  8100 or click through the links. 

Re: [newbie] POSTFIX problem

2000-05-27 Thread Michael Doyle

G'day Alex,

Thanks for the reply, I also thought your fix was the problem but no go,
found the answer in expert, and all is now working.

Ah! The problem seems to be due to postfix (or Mandrake) failing to find

This seems to be a problem with Mandrake-7.0:

1) it stores the aliases source file in /etc/postfix/aliases
2) has a softlink from /etc/aliases to /etc/postfix/aliases
3) but newaliases writes the output .db file to /etc/aliases.db.
4) postfix is determined to read the aliases.db file from
end cut

- Original Message -
From: "Alex V Flinsch" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2000 09:11
Subject: Re: [newbie] POSTFIX problem

 On Fri, 26 May 2000, you wrote:
  I have been a Sendmail user uptill now, after installing Mandrake
V7.0-2, I find Postfix is now the default MTA, the problem I have with this
is all my incomming mail is going to /varspool/postfix/deferred, thus being
unavailable for pickup.
  What am I missing here???

 Your system is confused.
 You probably have both postfix and sendmail installed, and neither plays
 with the other.
 do the following:

 1 - backup your deferred mail queue
 2 - uninstall postfix
 3 - uninstall sendmail
 4 - reinstall postfix
 5 - restore your backed up mail queue
 6 - have a beer and play with your dog...

 (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

Re: [newbie] DISCUSSION - one of the kind

2000-05-27 Thread Dacia and AzureRose

Perhaps if 10 people cannot agree on "best" program
for a specific task, 8 people can agree on easiest to
start with for a total beginner?

I love kedit, for example, because it is really really
simple.  I can write a letter in it, write html, hell
I've even written BASIC in it!  Yet it functions
almost exactly like notepad.  No frills but it works
and I understood how to use it the first time I
clicked on its icon in the task bar.

So, if you are trying to tweak at least one of the
installation choices to total bewbies perhaps it would
be fruitful to choose the programs from that
perspective.  What is simple and intuitive, perhaps
lacking a bit in frills and sophistication, but useful
and welcoming to someone who is looking at a KDE
desktop for the first (or 20th or 50th) time ever.

If you want I will give you a (reasonably)
comprehensive list of the programs that were
absolutely essential to me during my migration to
mandrake.  I would be happy to do that.


 I am begining to see the pattern .-)
 However, these are two different things (for me).
 It is one thing having one or more "editors",
 "e-mail progs" "games" ...,
 and completely another thing ending up with two
 servers who try to do the
 same job.
 First thing is nice for most of the people (I
 hope... I like it!), while
 the second represents Absolute Evil(tm)
 I am not sure how difficult would it be to make a
 "minimalistic-expert-install", where you would be
 prompted to choose one
 of several similar programs during install. Looks
 like a lot of hacking to
 me. OK, noted for later discussion. 
 I can easily imagine some kind of "minimal
 authomatised install", where
 you end up with only one-of-a-kind (one editor, one
 e-mail client...),
 whichever we think is "the best". Would this be
 interesting for anyone? 
 (Obvious problem is that MY favorite editor happens
 to be... 
 whatever. Pick up 10 people, and you get at least 12
 different "best
 :~ Postfix and Sendmail seems to be the same
 situation.  I prefer to learn
 :~ Sendmail.  Therefore, I think when under the
 "Expert" mode of the
 :~ installation, the user should be prompted "Email
 server: (S)endmail? or
 :~ (P)ostfix?"
 :~ Frank Durante
 :~  I'm new to this list but been using mandrake
 for a while now. One thing
 :~  (well there may be two) I don't like about
 Linux mandrake is the
 :~  of multiple programs
 :~  that do the same thing, for example I found 2
 versions of icq, 20 or 30
 :~  games, who knows how many text
 :~  editors, and multimedia software, I think more
 control of what's being
 :~  installed should be given.
 :~  Juvenal

 Dr. Denis Havlik   
 Mandrakesoft||| e-mail:
 Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private:


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[newbie] Where to get Staroffice

2000-05-27 Thread Edwin Chua

Hi guys,
My current pack don't have staroffice, where can I get it?

Re: [newbie] kppp wierdness

2000-05-27 Thread Andrew Scotchmer

On Sat, 27 May 2000, you wrote:
 Okay gang, I have some wierdness here with my kppp connection.   I can IRC and
 FTP and most anything else but when I try to http (using Netscape 4.72) it craps
 out about 95% of the time.
 Sorry Jerry no help from me I'm afraid.  Just writing to add another weirdness.
Whenever I connect using kppp I cannot open anything else.  Netscape, Kmail
infact everything ends up as dead icons, nothing responds.
However if I run   /sbin/ifup ppp0   before starting X I can use the desktop as
normal and that is what I am having to do.  Weird huh


Re: [newbie] HD problems during install - cylinder 1024

2000-05-27 Thread Charles A Edwards

   If a softfware fix was used when installing the 15GB hd to get by the
size limitation in the BIOS then the 1024 error will occur regardless of
where the boot partition is placed.
   The only boot loader I have found that do not suffer this is Grub( which
will be available in 7.1 ) and SystemCommander Deluxe.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] HD problems during install - cylinder 1024

 On Fri, 26 May 2000, Fu Shanks wrote:

 Installing: Mandrake 7.0 Complete on a 5GB partition
 Running: Windows 98
 WD 15 GB 7200RPM HD
 When trying to install BootMagic, it says it cannot install since the
 partition is beyond cylinder 1024. I have the same problem using
 and LILO (LILO won't install due to this problem). Any suggestions?

 Create a small partition at the beginning of the disk (partition magic) to
 have /boot there (which is where LILO will be happy).



 Nothing is as easy as it looks.

 http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208
 Registered Linux User 174403

[newbie] Reinstalling Windows

2000-05-27 Thread Corrado / Prometheus The Gifter

I have to reinstall W98: there is something I have to be warned?  I
did'nt installed LILO on the MBR, but at the beginning of a Linux


RE: [newbie] Display drivers for Toshiba Tecra 8100

2000-05-27 Thread Philip Gabbert

Thnx for the suggestion. I searched around and found out that S3 actually 
has a driver out for Linux for their cards. Using that I was able to get 
XFree86 to display properly! ;)
Even can get 1280x1024 if my physical screen could have handled it ^_^

thnx again


PS: After I installed the S3 drivers, Autoprobe found my card with no 
trouble .. 

Just a suggestion:

The S3 Savage driver might indeed be correct for your configuration. Note
that laptop manufacturers frequently "skrimp" on the hardware in laptops,
both to save costs and for lower power consumption requirements.

You might have to "MANUALLY" configure X via XF86config and the edit the
amount of available RAM manually in the resulting configuration file.

Try working with the lowest resolution first... I.E. 640x480 and moving up
one step at a time.

Often the autoprobe routines do not correctly pick up cards on portables,
because of their strange configurations.


  -Original Message-
  From: Philip Gabbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 2:57 PM
  To: Linux Newbie
  Subject: [newbie] Display drivers for Toshiba Tecra 8100

  Anybody know how I can get XFree86 to display properly on a Toshiba Tecra
8100? The display card is a S3 Savage/MX 3D Accelerator Card, and I can seem
to get XFree86 going.
  When I choose the S3 Savage driver in the list, XFree won't even start ..
When I choose Another S3 drvier (like one of the drivers with /MX in the
name) XFree will start, but I get the 'squashed' screen.
  Any webpages, links, or info that can help me out? I've checked the Linux
Laptop site, but that only has the Terca 8000, and the 8100 has a different
graphics card, so his instructions and such didn't work :-(

  For thx the help in advance..


  PS: The HP of the 8100 with full specs can be found at:
  This appears to be a session based link, so you may have to search on Tera
8100 or click through the links.

Eagles may soar, but weasel don't get sucked into jet engines

[newbie] corrupted fstab

2000-05-27 Thread Jim Everett

Trying to get Linux to recognise my Windows partition I have been editing

Accidentally I changed the file name and then rebooted.

Now the system fails to load properly.  The file system is loaded read-only
and I cannot figure out how to change it so that I can change the file name
back to fstab.


Jim Everett

 Get 100% private, FREE email for life from Excite UK
 Visit http://inbox.excite.co.uk/ 

Re: [newbie] Connection problems

2000-05-27 Thread Charles A Edwards

  I doubt that your problem is related to the Luent chip It is most likly
your Authentication setting. Try changing it from PAP to CHAP and then


- Original Message -
From: "Tanner Holloway" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 4:06 PM
Subject: [newbie] Connection problems

Hi, Recently I installed Linux to find that I couldn't get on the net
because I had a winmodem, so I bought a Viking Components 56k External
modem(It's serial too, not USB)  When I use Kppp to set everything up, the
modem is detected and I know it works right.  I have all my personal
connection information entered... I have the DNS info entered, domain name,
etc.  When I connect, the modem does connect, though only for around 1
second and then it doesn't send or receive any data.  I called my ISP and
FINALLY got someone who knew something about Linux, he told me that he heard
about people with Lucent modems(my Viking modem) having problems connecting
to the internet.  Does anyone have any idea what my problem is?

Tanner Holloway

Re: [[newbie] Discussion: Changes Found in Mandrake 7.1

2000-05-27 Thread Charles A Edwards

   Mandrake 7.1 has not been released yet. It is still in beta testing so
the only way you can get it is by downloading the ISO and burning it to disk
on a CD-RW.


- Original Message -
From: "Michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: [[newbie] Discussion: Changes Found in Mandrake 7.1


[newbie] Conection?

2000-05-27 Thread Ing. Carlos A. Villaronga P.


it is my first email into the list an i expect that excuse for my english.

I install Mandrake-linux 7.0 an when i do a dialup conection the netscape
dont go to to anywhere...

what i can do for jump into the net with my LM7??

best regards?

Carlos Villaronga

Re: RE:[newbie] Install on 2nd hd

2000-05-27 Thread Charles A Edwards

   I am sorry I did not respond to your earlier post but my ISP's mail
server was down most of the day yesterday.
   When I first installed Mandrake I had the Mandrake Complete retail
package and the install guide included with it does cover the 2hd option.
   As to a bootloader I have used LILO, SystemCommander, a Boot disk and
none. Each is good in its own way. For the none when I had just 2 bootable
partitions, one on each hd, if I wanted to boot to the other OS I simply
changed the setting in the BIOS as to which  hd booted first.
   If you expect to play around with more than 2 OSs or desire to be able to
change your partitions around and do not mind spending the money I would
recommend  getting either SystemCommander Deluxe( which includes its on
patitioning option) or PatitionMagic ( which includes BootMagic). they are
both good programs and each runs around $50 .


- Original Message -
From: "Edison Gica" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 12:24 PM
Subject: RE:[newbie] Install on 2nd hd

 Hi Charles:

 Thanks for the reply.  Since this is to be a discussion well I might as
 post it anyway.

 The site I was referring to is Mandrake site itself

 Try going through the Demos under 'Recommended'. It does not say anything
 about being able to choose a 2nd HD. If you mean to click on the 'mount
 partition' option, well as I have posted (see [newbie] Discussions:
 Documentation) Mandrake has a lot of work to do w/ their documentation.

 See also their Install Guide (page 45 Section 6.6 Selecting Mount Points),
 it does not mention anything about a 2nd HD also.  See also my posting
 ([newbie] Discussions: Documentation 2).

 As I said in my previous posting 'newbies are newbies' and being a newbie
 would not just want to experiment and suddenly 'bboommm' my previous OS is

 Thanks for the info, at least I now know that I can do so under
 'Recommended' setup.


 From: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE:[newbie] Install on 2nd hd
 Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 09:36:05 -0500
   On Thurs. 5/25/2000 Edison wrote:
 Now in my case, I have 2 hard disks and found out from the demos in the
 that I have to go to either 'Custom' or 'Expert' installation to be able
 install 7.0 in my second hard disk w/c I want to do
  At what site did you get this info?
  My advice would be to stay away from this site because the info is
  I have 2 systems and each has 2 hds.When installing Mandrake I have
 always used the Recommended installation and in each case I installed
 on the 2nd hd by choosing to put it there in the Mount Point Selection
 portion of the installation program.

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Re: [[newbie] Discussion: Changes Found in Mandrake 7.1

2000-05-27 Thread Charles A Edwards

   I made no statement regarding the installation process of 7.1.  I too
think it was actually easier to install than 7.0
   My use of setup was in referance to getting hardware configured and
working, connectting to the internet and those type of set up task that you
must do to use and take advantage of Mandrake.
   Making my observation I tried to put myself in the place of someone who
was coming from a Windows enviroment
and had never used Linux. I am still of the opinion that it would be to the
advantage of said person to buy Mandrake 7.1 Complete (when it becomes
available) rather than downloading the ISO files. When I am first learning
something I prefer to have Docs. and manual in hand allowing me to search
for any needed info or problem resolution as well as educating me in the OS,
its behavior and its abilities. You get these with Complete you do not with
the ISO. (As an added bonus you also help support Mandrake and its
   In reference to the multiple programs, I mentioned these only because at
least half the Discussion post have commented on mutiples in 7.0. To me you
can never have enough programs. If you are running low on space get a bigger
   I have carefuly re-read my original post and no where there in do I find
the word "backwards", either used or implied.
If my post struck a nerve in you I am sorry. You are more than welcome
to ask me for clarification on any statement I ever make and to post your
own, but I will not accept you presuming to tell me what I believe.


- Original Message -
From: "Alan Shoemaker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: [[newbie] Discussion: Changes Found in Mandrake 7.1

 Charles A Edwards wrote:
 I Will make this statement regarding it. If you install via ISO
  than buying, and have never used Mandrake
  before: 7.1 will be much more difficult to set up and use than 7.0 .

 CharlesI copied the last paragraph of the below quoted
 message and put it above to respond to it.

 I don't really understand why you say "7.1 will be much more
 difficult to set up and use than 7.0 ."  It does not appear to
 me to be more difficult for anyone to either use or install,
 newbie or not.  It is IMHO, just as easy to install as 7.0
 at the very least.  What is it that IYHO, makes it more
 difficult?  The possibility of additional choices after the
 installation, the need to change CD's when told to do so
 during the installation?  What?

 With so many more programs already installed and on the menu
 system for easy launching, I think that it is much easier for
 the newbie just because it won't be necesssary to go out,
 find, and install a desired program only to run into
 installation problems, dependency problems, launching
 problems, problems creating a menu entry (or desktop

 Linux Mandrake 7.1 sure seems to me to be a significant step
 forward in Linux user friendliness, not a backwards one as you
 seem to feel it is. :-)


  LILO is no more instead GRUB is used as the boot loader.( During
  installation I was given no option in this. It was installed automaticly
  I was given no option to create a boot disk. If this will be true in the
  final release or only applies to the Beta I do not know.)
 The How To included with 7.1 are the same as in 7.0 so you can not
  them to implement any of the additional features of 7.1 .
 Your computer USB controller is now automaticlly seen by Mandrake
  allowing for the use of  additionl USB devices such as modems and Zip
  drives. Even then they only work with a direct computer connection not
  you use a USB hub.
 Several programs/enhancements have been added:
DVD Player
ICQ clone
Quick Time and MP3 player
Win Amp clone
Ati TV Tuner/drivers
DOS and even a Windows imulator
 The included programs have nearly doubled as evidenced by the fact
  7.1 consisted of 2 ISO image files with a combined size of almost 1100MB
 The increased number of programs has also increased the number of
  duplicate type programs: multiple; text editors, chat programs, 4 CD
  programs, image viewers, and others that did not jump right out at me.
 Kppp has been changed to an Internet icon on the desktop though
  it up is the same.
 The biggest noticeable change is in KDE. All programs and options are
  available through its menu. You can completly fill your screen ten fold
  menu screen and still not have opened them all. You feel like a mouse in
  maze except that someone cheated and blocked all the corridors.Instead
  becoming easier to use KDE has become more complicated.
 As I said I have been using 7.1 for 1 day and then only for a couple
  hours so I am not making any judgements as to its abilitites or to its
  worrthiness as a 

[newbie] Upgrading Mandrake to a higher version in the future

2000-05-27 Thread Romanator

Will, I have the ability to upgrade Linux Mandrake 7.0 to a higher
number or do I have to overwrite the earlier. What will happen to my
files. In addition, I was hoping to update the recent patches. However,
they will not download as an update??

Don't kill me if this has been asked before.


[newbie] rc.local doesn't work

2000-05-27 Thread Claus Atzenbeck


I have set up a file /etc/rc.d/rc.masq. In order to start it
automatically on boot, I've added the following line to

  if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.masq ]; then /etc/rc.d/rc.masq fi

When I start, masquarading does not work. I need to start rc.masq
manually in order to get it work.

What is wrong?

These are the two files in /etc/rc.d:

  -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1246 May 26 12:11 rc.local*
  -rwx--   1 root root  550 May 26 12:53 rc.masq*

Thanks a lot for your help!


Atzenbeck. Data structures  design

He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet.

Re: [newbie] kppp wierdness

2000-05-27 Thread Andy

What I have heard is if you aren't able to open anything else up then you do
not have the correct DNS numbers in there.

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Scotchmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2000 4:05 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] kppp wierdness

 On Sat, 27 May 2000, you wrote:
  Okay gang, I have some wierdness here with my kppp connection.   I can
IRC and
  FTP and most anything else but when I try to http (using Netscape 4.72)
it craps
  out about 95% of the time.
  Sorry Jerry no help from me I'm afraid.  Just writing to add another
 Whenever I connect using kppp I cannot open anything else.  Netscape,
 infact everything ends up as dead icons, nothing responds.
 However if I run   /sbin/ifup ppp0   before starting X I can use the
desktop as
 normal and that is what I am having to do.  Weird huh


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2000-05-27 Thread GAPrichard

Linux-Mandrake should build on features it has already in place.  During 
install the helpful information at the bottom of the screen could be actually 
useful, and should occupy more of the screen (it's like an after-thought 
now).  The initial screen could be general info or good practice advice, and 
more detail available when scrolled.  Like a reminded to backup DOS and be 
sure to have a bootable DOS floppy at the start of the Linux install so that 
if there is a problem when setting up dual-booting, for example, they will 
have access to their DOS even with a damaged MBR, for instance, and thus to 
help documents on the Linux CD.  Don't advise people, and even if they 
created the problem they will associate the bad feeling with you because you 
didn't warn them.  State specifically that with a bootable floppy they could 
use DOS to look at the HTML Linux documents for on-the-spot self-rescue and 
assistance.  I haven't been reading newbie that long, but how to remove LILO 
or restore a DOS MBR comes up over and over again.  Another help example: 
when choosing user names there are option buttons; the help indicates the 
name for the abbreviations, I think, but no explaination of what these 
options might mean to you or why you would want to choose or not choose 
Going further with this idea, there could be a trouble button for more 
information dealing with problems one might encounter, and possible 
corrections or ways to bypass the step until later.
Using InstallUpgrade should actually be useful to reinstall only one 
thing (to bypass install steps not needed), for example, reinstall X windows 
if it should become damaged instead of  this kind of upgrade reinstall 
hanging as it does.  New people such as myself don't know enough to fix 
things and reinstalling is the lesser of the evils since there is nothing 
much to lose.  Redoing one piece is better than having to redo everything.
I suggest more manuals and How-To pages in HTML and made accessible (to 
DOS) on the Mandrake-Linux CDROM so people learn more before they begin and 
can try to solve their install problems themselves.  This was perhaps my main 
 reason for buying Mandrake [I read the HTML documents on the free Mandrake 
disc included with Maximum Linux magazine].  Also, some people will be doing 
installations in the middle of the night when they wouldn't have phone 
support, etc. available, and that even if they made the error that screwed 
things up 
-Gary Prichard-

Re: [newbie] An Word on Linux Drivers for Iomega ZIP Drives?

2000-05-27 Thread Eric MC DECLERCK

Romanator wrote:
 Has any one tried the Linux drivers for Iomega ZIP drives?
What driver ? I have an Iomega zip 
No driver needed, I've set it up without
FRANCE (Be careful, my English can hurt

[newbie] kISDN

2000-05-27 Thread Eric MC DECLERCK

I'm sorry,
I referred several times times to a
misspelled site:
www.millennium.de  -- must be
The download site for kISDN.
FRANCE (Be careful, my English can hurt

Re: [newbie] netscape files

2000-05-27 Thread Bill Gerber

Michael wrote:
 Bill- could you be a bit more specific? I am unclear as to how you were
 able to import your netscape files from windows to mandrake and would
 love to learn more.
Firstly, I am using KDE. Click on the home folder on the panel and
negotiate your way to the windows mail folder. Mine is
/mnt/DOS_hda1/program files/netscape/
users/default/mail and the files are Drafts, Inbox, Sent, Templates and
Unsent Messages. Not much point worrying about Trash unless you're a
collector :).
Select all of those (hold down Ctrl while you left-click on each file)
then right-click on one of those files and click on 'copy'.

Check your netscape preferences (edit...preferences...mail servers) and
look at 'local mail directory' (in my case it is /home/billg/nsmail/). 
Now go there in kfm and right-click on a clear spot on the screen then
click 'paste'.

Where there are filename clashes, a warning window will open and you can
change the name of the file then click on 'rename'.

There was an error in my last post...you have to close netscape and
reopen it for the new sub-folders to appear in the mail window.

Thats it!

Re: [newbie] netscape files

2000-05-27 Thread bascule

i will try this 
does this mean that i can have a shared directory for win and linux
netscape? perhaps only for subfolders where mail is filtred to?


Bill Gerber wrote:
 Sorry, I missed this thread before.  You CAN copy your windows netscape
 mail files across to your linux /nsmail directory.  It's a simple
 copy/paste, any filename clashes can be renamed in the process, and they
 will show as new subfolders next time you open the mail window.  I have
 just done this.
 bascule wrote:
  thanks for your replies, i have discovered that i could indeed export my
  address book in the ldif format and import it into linux netscape, also
  i copied my bookmark.htm file from win98 over to linux and copied it
  over bookmarks.html in my user .netscape directory (backing up the old
  one of course) this worked fine, messages had to be downloaded all over
  again however
  J Walker wrote:
   I believe you could save your address book, too.  If not by copying the file
   itself, try exporting/importing it.
   (I myself transferred from MS Outlook to Netscape-Linux with the help of Yahoo!
   address backup service, a much longer route - and it worked)
   Em qua, 24 mai 2000, bascule escreveu:
ah well!
thanks eric, at least i won't be wasting time trying to do the
Eric MC DECLERCK wrote:

 NO !!!
 But you can try to copy your bookmarks
 files from
 netscape/win to your linux-netscape.
 Backup your linux bookmarks before !!!

 bascule wrote:
  does anyone know if i can copy my windows netscape files over to my
  linux installation to save downloading messages again, to transfer
  bookmarks folders etc.?
  the directory structure is different for my profile in windows and my
  netscape directory in my user home directory

 FRANCE (Be careful, my English can hurt
   * Registered Linux User Number *

Re: [newbie] Xcdroast

2000-05-27 Thread Paul

On Fri, 26 May 2000, Paul wrote:

in the xcdroast-0.96e directory.
My burner is a Plextor on a Adaptec 2940 SCSI-card. Before my
experiments it worked OK, but now??

Can you still access the CDdrive in any way? If that does not work, there
is a bigger problem. I have downloaded the latest XCDRoast from the web
and that worked fine for me without any strange effects. Tomorrow I will
fire up the PC that has the CDBurner in it and see if I can find something
for you.

Hi again, Mogens.
I checked, looked and searched, but all I can come up with is the
executable in /usr/bin/Xcdroast, and some info about it in

Sorry I can't help you further.


If all you have is a hammer
everything looks like a nail

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2000-05-27 Thread Ralph F. De Witt

To all:

Would like to see the rpm dependiency problem handled in some automated way, if
the same Red Hat, SuSE module is not installed but the Mandrake one is would
like to see that subsittuted.  Hunting around for the correct Libraries, is a

Would also like to see a more graphical way to install tgz files as well as
other compressed files, like zipped text files from Windows, and the Mac


[newbie] what are all these RPMs and programs

2000-05-27 Thread Oliver L. Plaine Jr.


what is in it?
Sat, 27 May 2000  10:07:33

How did all of you solve this problem when you were a newbie? I have
hundreds of unknown to me programs on this Mandrake...I discover what
they do by accident.

Is there a listing of programs and RPM's decoded into
something that will enable me to determine the purpose? or do I have
to search them out one by one, only to discover that the program is
not something I have a use for?

I just found one that calculates "molecular weights"..I am
sure it is an excellent program, but I am also sure there are many
here that I could get more use from., if I only knew about them?

To me it appears that program names and RPM listings are
cryptic, the name SAMBA does not explain muchelectric eyes? blue
fish?...where is it explained?.

thank you 
Olly P 

Re: [newbie] DISCUSSION - one of the kind

2000-05-27 Thread Oliver L. Plaine Jr.

On Sat, 27 May 2000 00:07:55 -0700 (PDT),Dacia wrote:

If you want I will give you a (reasonably)
comprehensive list of the programs that were
absolutely essential to me during my migration to
mandrake.  I would be happy to do that.

Sat, 27 May 2000  11:08:32

Dacia, I would be interested in your perspective on that, as I am
presently searching through the vast offerings in Mandrake looking for
programs to adapt to my use. Please post them if it is not too
laborious..after all it is saturday 8-)

Thank you
Olly P

Re: [newbie] slow connection speed

2000-05-27 Thread vern

Is there an MTU/MRU test utility for Linux?
There are several for windoze to tune the MTU/MRU for minumum
fragmentation/ maximum throughput. I have happened upon a
mtutest program written in C, but haven't figured out how to
compile it yet. 

"Jose M. Sanchez" wrote:
 No in your case things are different.
 I'd start looking for MTU and packet latency problem in your situation.
 If this yields the same results then it's time to look elsewhere. The
 problem is probably external to Linux.
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 9:47 AM
 To: Jose M. Sanchez
 Subject: Re: RE: [newbie] slow connection speed
 I have encountered this as well but in a network enviroment
 does it have a speed setting like Setserial for ethernet?

Re: [newbie] GET READY FOR A DISCUSSION: Libaries

2000-05-27 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Dacia and AzureRosethat's 1100 meg of compressed data
which translates to between 2.0 and 2.5 gig when installed.


Dacia and AzureRose wrote:
 how much disc space do they need?  Are we talking 10s
 or megs or 100s of megs?  Sounds like 7.1 is around
 1100 megs for a full install anyway.  Is there a
 "minimum" install, what is in it?  Perhaps the extra
 space could be gathered by dropping some of the
 redundent programs?
 If I need an extra 10 megs for these files I would be
 very willing to only have 1 cdplayer and lose all of
 the games.  It wouldn't bother me to lose the tea
 timer or moon clock either.  See where I'm going with
 --- Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, 25 May 2000, Anthony Huereca wrote:
  Wow, a company that actually listens to it's users!
  The most important thing I can think of is to
  include all the programming
  libaries even in a standard installation. For while
  these people probally won't
  ever program, they will have to compile stuff and
  it's a huge headache to track
  down a missing libary or two. So include all the
  development files that you'd
  include under a programming install, in all of the
  installations. It would
  make a lot of newbies (and me) very very happy.
  Good suggestion, but how would you like to see the
  system behave if all
  the devel-packages are selected but there is not
  enough diskspace for it?
  (provoking some real discussion here, I know ;)
  Nothing is as easy as it looks.
  )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]]-)0(
  http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208
  Registered Linux User 174403
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

Re: [newbie] DISCUSSION: My first Suggestion (Installer Problem)

2000-05-27 Thread Denis HAVLIK

:~ valuable packages have number asociated with them which is close to 100,
:~ while "junk" packages have a number close to 0 (well, junk packages do not
:~ make it into the distro, but you get the picture)
:~Now that I understand it, I actually like that option.  When I first saw that
:~slide bar, I did not have a clue of what to do... since I had space on my HD, I
:~just moved the slider all the way to the right.  I assume a lot of others did
:~the same.
:~Now, is the slide bar mentioned in the manual?  I did not read the manual prior
:~to installing, but then again I had a download disk, not a packaged distro.  And
:~who RTFM anyway?  Maybe an "on-the-fly" explanation of what the slide bar means
:~is in order...

Obviously we need to do something to make it clearer, but the idea itself
is really very nice.

:~And are the "grades" Mandrakesoft gives each package available anywhere?  I
:~would like to check those grades out.

At the moment only in /Mandrake/base/compssList, but in the future
"rpmdrake" will make use of these numbers.

Dr. Denis Havlikhttp://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])


2000-05-27 Thread Denis HAVLIK

:~Since Denis did not comment on my suggestion, I think I have managed to get on
:~his /dev/null list...

At the moment noone is on my /dev/null list - I am reading all the mail. I
did not answer, because I cannot answer this one. I have noted it for
further discussion and that is all.


Dr. Denis Havlikhttp://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] An Word on Linux Drivers for Iomega ZIP Drives?

2000-05-27 Thread Denis HAVLIK

:~Has any one tried the Linux drivers for Iomega ZIP drives?

I have been using SCSI, PP and ATAPI versions of ZIP for years - all work

Dr. Denis Havlikhttp://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [[newbie] Discussion: Changes Found in Mandrake 7.1

2000-05-27 Thread Denis HAVLIK

:~   After following the thread of several of the Discussion Post I thought I
:~should post some of the differances between version 7.0 and 7.1( beta 3 ).
:~   I installed 7.1 yesterday and have not had the chance to fully explore it
:~therefore the changes I am listing are the most obvious.
:~   LILO is no more instead GRUB is used as the boot loader.( During
:~installation I was given no option in this. It was installed automaticly and
:~I was given no option to create a boot disk. If this will be true in the
:~final release or only applies to the Beta I do not know.)

GRUB is default now. If nothing was changed recently, LILO gets configured
too, but not installed. In custom or expert install, one can choose which
bootloader he wants to use.

:~   The How To included with 7.1 are the same as in 7.0 so you can not use
:~them to implement any of the additional features of 7.1 .

? HOWTOS are HOWTOS, they are not distribution specific.

:~   Your computer USB controller is now automaticlly seen by Mandrake
:~allowing for the use of  additionl USB devices such as modems and Zip
:~drives. Even then they only work with a direct computer connection not if
:~you use a USB hub.

Well, it is a start. 

:~   Several programs/enhancements have been added:
:~  DVD Player
:~  ICQ clone
:~  Quick Time and MP3 player
:~  Win Amp clone
:~  Ati TV Tuner/drivers
:~  DOS and even a Windows imulator
:~  more..
:~   The included programs have nearly doubled as evidenced by the fact that
:~7.1 consisted of 2 ISO image files with a combined size of almost 1100MB
:~   The increased number of programs has also increased the number of
:~duplicate type programs: multiple; text editors, chat programs, 4 CD burner
:~programs, image viewers, and others that did not jump right out at me.

Well, "problem" of duplicate progs is very simple. You tell me which
editor is the best. Tomorrow we have a nice flame war, everyone yelling
"my editor is better than yours". For instance, I am happy with xemacs,
pine and mc - but I am the only person in the company who uses exactly
this combination of progs.

:~   Kppp has been changed to an Internet icon on the desktop though setting
:~it up is the same.
:~   The biggest noticeable change is in KDE. All programs and options are now
:~available through its menu. You can completly fill your screen ten fold with
:~menu screen and still not have opened them all. You feel like a mouse in a
:~maze except that someone cheated and blocked all the corridors.Instead of
:~becoming easier to use KDE has become more complicated.

good point. When many packages are installed, it could really become a
nightmare. Pff.

:~   As I said I have been using 7.1 for 1 day and then only for a couple of
:~hours so I am not making any judgements as to its abilitites or to its
:~worrthiness as a successor to 7.0. Those observations can only be made after
:~using 7.1 for a significant ammount of time and becoming familiar with all
:~its nuances and inhancements.
:~   I Will make this statement regarding it. If you install via ISO rather
:~than buying, and have never used Mandrake
:~before: 7.1 will be much more difficult to set up and use than 7.0 .


Dr. Denis Havlikhttp://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] corrupted fstab

2000-05-27 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Jimon your installation CD there is a file in the images
directory called rescue.img and another file called README. 
Follow the directions in the rescue section of the README
file.  Then use the set of 2 floppies you just made to boot
your system at which point you should be able to repair your
/etc/fstab file.


Jim Everett wrote:
 Trying to get Linux to recognise my Windows partition I have been editing
 Accidentally I changed the file name and then rebooted.
 Now the system fails to load properly.  The file system is loaded read-only
 and I cannot figure out how to change it so that I can change the file name
 back to fstab.
 Jim Everett
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Re: [newbie] DISCUSSION Trash Can

2000-05-27 Thread Denis HAVLIK

On Sat, 27 May 2000, Neville Cobb wrote:
:~Any way to default to the trash can for deleting items rather than the
:~way it currently is?

What do you mean?


Dr. Denis Havlikhttp://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] DISCUSSION (Documentation 2)

2000-05-27 Thread Denis HAVLIK

:~My second suggestion is still related to Documentation.
:~I would highly recommend that you proof-read your manuals before it goes to 

Hee. Ever tried proof-reading things? I can tell you it is a hell of a
work, and in the end you find out that something has still gone unnoticed

:~One example. I have the 'Install Guide' w/ Mandrake 7.0.  If you guys have 
:~time check this out.
:~See page 43, Section 6.4 Installation or Upgrade.  It states '...you will 
:~have to choose Install if you are installing Linux for the first time on 
:~your machine (or if you simply want to reinstall an existing installation 
:~over it), (figure 6.4)'.

In 7.1 manual it says: Here you will also choose whether you want to
perform an installation or an upgrade of an existing LM system. Choose
what you see fit. (Ch 7.2, Page 50)


Dr. Denis Havlikhttp://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] Conection?

2000-05-27 Thread Neil R Porter

I had this problem too.  You need to define your nameservers probably.
Add 'usepeerdns' into the file /etc/ppp/options
then connect as usual
You can now replace /etc/resolv.conf  by /etc/ppp/resolv.conf and that should
set you up.

Hope this helps


On Sat, 27 May 2000, you wrote:
 it is my first email into the list an i expect that excuse for my english.
 I install Mandrake-linux 7.0 an when i do a dialup conection the netscape
 dont go to to anywhere...
 what i can do for jump into the net with my LM7??
 best regards?
 Carlos Villaronga

Re: [newbie] Conection?

2000-05-27 Thread Andrew Scotchmer

On Sat, 27 May 2000, you wrote:
 I install Mandrake-linux 7.0 an when i do a dialup conection the netscape
 dont go to to anywhere...
 what i can do for jump into the net with my LM7??
 best regards?
 Carlos Villaronga

Have you filled in all your setting options?  

[newbie] beware old hardware optimizations

2000-05-27 Thread GAPrichard

I had taken hardware optimizations for granted; this is a reminder that 
things can change over time.  
Having read here a while back that Linux is very demanding of hardware 
set me thinking.  For the last six months I've had problems with Windows 
Scandisk completing.  I suspected my hard drive was heading toward failure 
[before I was disabled I was a computer technician, and this IS one of the 
first signs of hard drive failure a user will see], and before I installed 
Linux Mandrake 7 I installed a new HDD.  The Windows Scandisk problem 
In trying to solve Linux WordPerfect vs. StarOffice installs corrupting X 
windows, and sound configuration failures it occured to me to remove my 15% 
overclocking and accelerated DIMM timing from my hardware.  These things were 
OK and had worked well for a year and a half.  Removing the overclocking 
solved the Scandisk problem.  The DIMM timing changed nothing and was reset.  
Too bad this didn't fix my Linux problems.  

[newbie] Real Player Audio Support

2000-05-27 Thread Romanator


Is there any type Audio of plugin that runs under Linux?


[newbie] 'ram' sound file sound

2000-05-27 Thread Romanator

Back again,

I think the file extensions for a Real Player plugin is .ram.

Any ideas?


Re: [newbie] Conection?

2000-05-27 Thread Gary

Hello Carlos,

Saturday, May 27, 2000, 7:41:59 AM, you wrote in part:

ICAVP I install Mandrake-linux 7.0 an when i do a dialup conection the netscape
ICAVP dont go to to anywhere...

ICAVP what i can do for jump into the net with my LM7??

  I had this problem too, when I configured KPPP, but realized
  that when you configure your ISP, unlike Windows, you must
  specify a DNS number for your ISP.  Perhaps this could be the
  cause of your problem.

Best regards,

Today's thought:  It sounds good if you say it fast.

Re: [newbie] Upgrading Mandrake to a higher version in the future

2000-05-27 Thread Denis HAVLIK

:~Will, I have the ability to upgrade Linux Mandrake 7.0 to a higher
:~number or do I have to overwrite the earlier. What will happen to my
:~files. In addition, I was hoping to update the recent patches. However,
:~they will not download as an update??

Our "Upgrade" is something we will have to work on a lot in the future. It
has improved a lot since 7.0, when it more-or-less acted as "rpm -F
*" though.

I was able to successfuly upgrade our last 7.1 beta even from RedHat 6.0
distro, but it was painfully slow and in general still not what we would
like it to be. Try it out, but do not complain about "gee how slow it is".

In particular, do not even attempt upgrade with less than 64 MB of RAM. It
will take forever.

Dr. Denis Havlikhttp://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: RE:[newbie] Install on 2nd hd

2000-05-27 Thread Dacia and AzureRose

If you buy a copy of "Upgrading and repairing PCs:
Linux edition" You not only get an incredible resource
but you also get partition and boot magic on the
accompaning CD.  The book runs about $60 US at amazon.
 I cannot recommend it highly enough.

--- Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am sorry I did not respond to your earlier post
 but my ISP's mail
 server was down most of the day yesterday.
When I first installed Mandrake I had the
 Mandrake Complete retail
 package and the install guide included with it does
 cover the 2hd option.
As to a bootloader I have used LILO,
 SystemCommander, a Boot disk and
 none. Each is good in its own way. For the none when
 I had just 2 bootable
 partitions, one on each hd, if I wanted to boot to
 the other OS I simply
 changed the setting in the BIOS as to which  hd
 booted first.
If you expect to play around with more than 2 OSs
 or desire to be able to
 change your partitions around and do not mind
 spending the money I would
 recommend  getting either SystemCommander Deluxe(
 which includes its on
 patitioning option) or PatitionMagic ( which
 includes BootMagic). they are
 both good programs and each runs around $50 .
 - Original Message -
 From: "Edison Gica" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 12:24 PM
 Subject: RE:[newbie] Install on 2nd hd
  Hi Charles:
  Thanks for the reply.  Since this is to be a
 discussion well I might as
  post it anyway.
  The site I was referring to is Mandrake site
  Try going through the Demos under 'Recommended'.
 It does not say anything
  about being able to choose a 2nd HD. If you mean
 to click on the 'mount
  partition' option, well as I have posted (see
 [newbie] Discussions:
  Documentation) Mandrake has a lot of work to do w/
 their documentation.
  See also their Install Guide (page 45 Section 6.6
 Selecting Mount Points),
  it does not mention anything about a 2nd HD also. 
 See also my posting
  ([newbie] Discussions: Documentation 2).
  As I said in my previous posting 'newbies are
 newbies' and being a newbie
  would not just want to experiment and suddenly
 'bboommm' my previous OS is
  Thanks for the info, at least I now know that I
 can do so under
  'Recommended' setup.
  From: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE:[newbie] Install on 2nd hd
  Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 09:36:05 -0500
On Thurs. 5/25/2000 Edison wrote:
  Now in my case, I have 2 hard disks and found out
 from the demos in the
  that I have to go to either 'Custom' or 'Expert'
 installation to be able
  install 7.0 in my second hard disk w/c I want to
   At what site did you get this info?
   My advice would be to stay away from this
 site because the info is
   I have 2 systems and each has 2 hds.When
 installing Mandrake I have
  always used the Recommended installation and in
 each case I installed
  on the 2nd hd by choosing to put it there in the
 Mount Point Selection
  portion of the installation program.

  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

[newbie] Zip Drive kernel

2000-05-27 Thread mcoady

Although I can operate my internal ATAPI-IDE Zip drive, at boot up I get the
message "fs type not supported by kernel".

I found this instruction somewhere about doing something to the kernel in
configuring it to recognize the drive.

"Do _not_ use the "IDE FLOPPY" option (officially the name is 
CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEFLOPPY ).  This will work perfectly for reading and
writing, but it will not work for ejecting.  What you need to do is say yes to
the option CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDESCSI.  When this is set, you will treat the IDE
ATAPI drive just like a SCSI drive, except without the SCSI card and all that
other garbage.."

Would anyone know what command/program I must run in order to access the above
mentioned options?

 Am running Mandrake 6.

Michael Coady


2000-05-27 Thread limbo pete

my Genious Netmouse serial doesn't work.
i already tried mouseconfig and XF86Setup.i heard it is supported.
help please.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [[newbie] Discussion: Changes Found in Mandrake 7.1

2000-05-27 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Charlessorry if you took offense, as I didn't mean to be
offensive.  I certainly did misinterpret 'set up' to refer to
installation, my mistake.  If you don't care for my phrase
'step backward' then just what does '7.1 will be much more
difficult to set up and use than 7.0' actually mean?  It
certainly doesn't imply 'better' to me, so I think that 'step
backward' or 'worse' do seem to apply.  Your conclusion seems
negative to me and my impressions about version 7.1 were all
positive.  That's why I spoke up. Again I'm sorry if you took
offense.  I simply do not agree with your last statement
(conclusion) and said so.  No offense and no malice was
intended.  Insert smiley here --- :-)


P.S. IMHO any newbie who downloads their first install of
Linux instead of buying a documented package is truly nuts,
and is asking for big problems, but this has nothing to do
with the particular disto or version as it applies to them

Charles A Edwards wrote:
I made no statement regarding the installation process of 7.1.  I too
 think it was actually easier to install than 7.0
My use of setup was in referance to getting hardware configured and
 working, connectting to the internet and those type of set up task that you
 must do to use and take advantage of Mandrake.
Making my observation I tried to put myself in the place of someone who
 was coming from a Windows enviroment
 and had never used Linux. I am still of the opinion that it would be to the
 advantage of said person to buy Mandrake 7.1 Complete (when it becomes
 available) rather than downloading the ISO files. When I am first learning
 something I prefer to have Docs. and manual in hand allowing me to search
 for any needed info or problem resolution as well as educating me in the OS,
 its behavior and its abilities. You get these with Complete you do not with
 the ISO. (As an added bonus you also help support Mandrake and its
In reference to the multiple programs, I mentioned these only because at
 least half the Discussion post have commented on mutiples in 7.0. To me you
 can never have enough programs. If you are running low on space get a bigger
I have carefuly re-read my original post and no where there in do I find
 the word "backwards", either used or implied.
 If my post struck a nerve in you I am sorry. You are more than welcome
 to ask me for clarification on any statement I ever make and to post your
 own, but I will not accept you presuming to tell me what I believe.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Alan Shoemaker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 9:38 PM
 Subject: Re: [[newbie] Discussion: Changes Found in Mandrake 7.1
  Charles A Edwards wrote:
  I Will make this statement regarding it. If you install via ISO
   than buying, and have never used Mandrake
   before: 7.1 will be much more difficult to set up and use than 7.0 .
  CharlesI copied the last paragraph of the below quoted
  message and put it above to respond to it.
  I don't really understand why you say "7.1 will be much more
  difficult to set up and use than 7.0 ."  It does not appear to
  me to be more difficult for anyone to either use or install,
  newbie or not.  It is IMHO, just as easy to install as 7.0
  at the very least.  What is it that IYHO, makes it more
  difficult?  The possibility of additional choices after the
  installation, the need to change CD's when told to do so
  during the installation?  What?
  With so many more programs already installed and on the menu
  system for easy launching, I think that it is much easier for
  the newbie just because it won't be necesssary to go out,
  find, and install a desired program only to run into
  installation problems, dependency problems, launching
  problems, problems creating a menu entry (or desktop
  Linux Mandrake 7.1 sure seems to me to be a significant step
  forward in Linux user friendliness, not a backwards one as you
  seem to feel it is. :-)
   LILO is no more instead GRUB is used as the boot loader.( During
   installation I was given no option in this. It was installed automaticly
   I was given no option to create a boot disk. If this will be true in the
   final release or only applies to the Beta I do not know.)
  The How To included with 7.1 are the same as in 7.0 so you can not
   them to implement any of the additional features of 7.1 .
  Your computer USB controller is now automaticlly seen by Mandrake
   allowing for the use of  additionl USB devices such as modems and Zip
   drives. Even then they only work with a direct computer connection not
   you use a USB hub.
  Several programs/enhancements have been added:
 DVD Player
 ICQ clone
 Quick Time and MP3 player
 Win Amp clone
 Ati TV Tuner/drivers

[newbie] x locking on log out

2000-05-27 Thread Dacia and AzureRose

Howdy list.  My first question for you all.

I have been following the cd burner discussions of the
last few days avidly since I have an IDE burner that I
could never get to either read or write cds in linux. 

Last night after work I followed the instructions on
the mandrake user site that someone posted a link to
and I can now read from my cd burner as root and as
all the other users on my system.  WooHoo!

But, when I log out X hangs.  It shows the graphical
login screen, a blinking cursor and the mouse pointer
but nothing responds.  Mouse won't move, keyboard
input is not recognized.  Kaput.  All that can be done
is hit that reset button that I hate using.

I am using Mandrake 7.02
logitech first mouse+ ps/2
generic keyboard ps/2
asus p5a motherboard
amd k6-3 400 cpu
LG CD burner HDD
generic CDrom drive  HDC
netgear FA310TX NIC
ATI rage fury AGP
dual boot via boot magic
windows on first HD  HDA
linux on second, LILO in 10 meg /boot on 2nd HD  HDB
HP 15in monitor
256MB of Ram

I have backups of all the files I had to change to get
the burner working so I can (probably) just change
everything back the way it was but that would be very
productive would it ;-)

Any insights will be greatly appreciated folks.


Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

Re: [newbie] Ports ?

2000-05-27 Thread Piero

On Fri, 26 May 2000, you wrote:
 Hi everybody, I'm trying out gfcc the port configging app,
 so far I'm learning how to use it, I want to block all
 the ports except of course the ones I'm using on my server.
 I wish to leave open 21 for ftp, 80 for www, and 25 for mail,
 by the way, is the e mail server port just one for smtp and pop
 or does pop have one of its own? I am taking my mail directly
 off of my mail server with pine so maybe pop does not apply here??

I take advantage of this mail to ask a question I wanted to ask since long :
what are these "ports" ? 

thank you,

[newbie] gnometv or any other

2000-05-27 Thread Andrew Scotchmer


Does anyone have the application gnometv and if so can you tune it in?
Otherwise does anyone know of a good TV tuner for Linux?
I have a Hauppauge card (BT878) which gnometv recognises but I still cannot get
it to run.


Re: [newbie] Reinstalling Windows

2000-05-27 Thread Paul

On Sat, 27 May 2000, Corrado / Prometheus The Gifter wrote:

I have to reinstall W98: there is something I have to be warned?  I
did'nt installed LILO on the MBR, but at the beginning of a Linux


Make sure you have a Linux bootdisk, so you can get Linux running after
the install. And keep the boot manager software that you use handy too.



If all you have is a hammer
everything looks like a nail

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] Conection?

2000-05-27 Thread Paul

On Sat, 27 May 2000, Ing. Carlos A. Villaronga P. wrote:

You probably have not set up /etc/resolv.conf correctly.
That file contains the IP addresses of your ISP's DNS servers.

The contents should contain:

domain name of your isp
nameserver ipaddress1
nameserver ipaddress2

Good luck


it is my first email into the list an i expect that excuse for my english.

I install Mandrake-linux 7.0 an when i do a dialup conection the netscape
dont go to to anywhere...

what i can do for jump into the net with my LM7??

best regards?

Carlos Villaronga


If all you have is a hammer
everything looks like a nail

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

Re: [newbie] rc.local doesn't work

2000-05-27 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah

Claus Atzenbeck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have set up a file /etc/rc.d/rc.masq. In order to start it
 automatically on boot, I've added the following line to
   if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.masq ]; then /etc/rc.d/rc.masq fi

add a ; here.

 When I start, masquarading does not work. I need to start rc.masq
 manually in order to get it work.
 What is wrong?
 These are the two files in /etc/rc.d:
   -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1246 May 26 12:11 rc.local*
   -rwx--   1 root root  550 May 26 12:53 rc.masq*
 Thanks a lot for your help!

MandrakeSoft Inchttp://www.mandrakesoft.com
In travel.--Chmouel


2000-05-27 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah


 Linux-Mandrake should build on features it has already in place.  During 
 install the helpful information at the bottom of the screen could be actually 
 useful, and should occupy more of the screen (it's like an after-thought 

In 7.1 if you hit the F1 key you'll get a big screen with a lot of

 Using InstallUpgrade should actually be useful to reinstall only
 one thing (to bypass install steps not needed), for example,
 reinstall X windows if it should become damaged instead of this kind
 of upgrade reinstall hanging as it does.

Hugh why not simply us XFdrake ? 

MandrakeSoft Inchttp://www.mandrakesoft.com
In travel.--Chmouel

Re: [newbie] corrupted fstab

2000-05-27 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah

Jim Everett [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Now the system fails to load properly.  The file system is loaded read-only
 and I cannot figure out how to change it so that I can change the file name
 back to fstab.

at lilo do a :

linux 1

and fix your /etc/fstab with vi

MandrakeSoft Inchttp://www.mandrakesoft.com
In travel.--Chmouel

[newbie] MTU test?

2000-05-27 Thread vern

Is there a method to test the throughput of a ppp dialup
connection in Linux? I would like the chance to optimize
my packet length maximum throughput and minimum fragmentation.

[newbie] How to run scripts at ppp-up?

2000-05-27 Thread vern

I would like to start the program "portsentry" when my
dialup connection is started to my ISP. In which directory
might I insert this script??

Re: [[newbie] Discussion: Changes Found in Mandrake 7.1

2000-05-27 Thread Charles A Edwards

Alan Shoemaker wrote:

P.S. IMHO any newbie who downloads their first install of
Linux instead of buying a documented package is truly nuts,
and is asking for big problems, but this has nothing to do
with the particular disto or version as it applies to them

   Believe it or not I think that though we state and look at things
differently, and can at times take the others statement in a manner he did
not mean, basicly we agree with each other.
   The only thing I meant in regards to 7.1 being more difficult than 7.0
was the same as you stated in your P.S.
and regards a new Linux user who installs 7.1 (which is not yet available
for sale) from the ISO rather than buying a packaged 7.0 .They will be in
for a rough ride and will probably give up on Linux as being to hard, and as
you note this does apply to any Linux distro not just Mandrake.
   Mandrake 7.0 is like my old recliner, all the lumps are in  the right
place and I am comfortable using it.  I am still trying to break in and
adapt myself to 7.1  so give me time and my opinions of it may be even
higher than yours.


[newbie] How do you create a link to virtual desktop and RealPlayer

2000-05-27 Thread Romanator

Has any one downloaded a RealPlayer rp7_linux20_libc60_i386_b2_rpm?

After running the iniital installation, how do you create a link to an
executable? I would like to add it to my virtual desktop.


[newbie] Is your email slow

2000-05-27 Thread Romanator

Is the email slow or is it just me?


[newbie] /usr/src/linux/

2000-05-27 Thread Andrew Scotchmer

Hi again.

Connected with my last mail I have downloaded the bttv-0.6 driver which can run
my BT878 Hauppage winTV card.

Reading all the info after unpacking it I editeda few files as instructed for
my card and did a "make"  however I get the reply

/usr/src/linuxRules.make: no such file or directory
No rule to make target /usr/src/linux/Rules.makeStop

It then exists the file and leaves me with the prompt and none the happier.
Anyone know what is going on and what this "/Rules.make" file is?



2000-05-27 Thread pH0-tone


I have ony found a UDMA/66 Driver at promise.com 
for Linux RedHat.
But how to make Linux Mandrake 7.0 recognizing my 
Ultra66 controller?
And why doesn't W98 need to recognize it even 
without any drivers?
The same at DOS. It needs nothing...
W2000 has the UDMA/66 Driver, Linux doesn't... 

[newbie] Re: error 403 forbiden to access /cgi-bin/ on this server

2000-05-27 Thread KompuKit

I'm having the same problem...but instead...
I'm getting 404 (if I change a ".pl" filename to a ".cgi")
and if I leave it as a ".pl" ext, I get a text file of the 
whole script file...shown in my browser.

I have linux-mandrake 7.0 air, using Apache 1.3.12
I have it configured this way:

document root: /home/kit/public_html
scriptalias: /cgi-bin/ /home/kit/public_html/cgi-bin/

I can run a UBB (Ultimate Bulletin Board) from within:
but not within /home/kit/public_html/cgi-bin/

also, I setup another bulletin board...(cheap one)
but I had to rename "config.pl" to "config.cgi"
to make it run/setup.

I tried UltraBoard v. 1.62 but it won't setup...
without first renaming the Setup.pl file to Setup.cgi
then after the first page...it refers back to setup.pl
and therefore...won't finish its setup.

what is the problem...and how do I fix this?
attached is a backup of my httpd.conf file

Paul Wollner wrote:
 Take a look at the option ScriptAlias derective in httpd.conf.
 If you are using virtual hosts, simply include a line like this in it:
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/httpd/html/virtual-dir-name/cgi-bin
 AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
 I hope this helps
 "gomez" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  this problem has half driven me around the bend I can get into all other
  folders except cgi-bin
  I get  error 403 forbiden does anyone know how to modify thisso I
  can get access into cgi-bin  linuxconf is set right all permisions in
  etc but I just can't get in while using the browser
  someone please help

   Registered Linux User:73821
Kit Goins  ICQ# 7110071
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Lowell, Mass.
Web Designer  http://kitdesigns.bizhosting.com
(Server Runs between M-F 6pm-12am,S+S 12pm-12am EST)

# There have been reports of people trying to abuse an old bug from pre-1.1
# days.  This bug involved a CGI script distributed as a part of Apache.
# By uncommenting these lines you can redirect these attacks to a logging
# script on phf.apache.org.  Or, you can record them yourself, using the script
# support/phf_abuse_log.cgi.

# Location /cgi-bin/phf*
# deny from all
# ErrorDocument 403 http://phf.apache.org/phf_abuse_log.cgi
# /Location

# -- Server Configuration 

# ServerType is either inetd, or standalone.

ServerType inetd

# If you are running from inetd, go to "ServerAdmin".

# Port: The port the standalone listens to. For ports  1023, you will
# need httpd to be run as root initially.

Port 80

# Number of servers to start --- should be a reasonable ballpark figure.

StartServers 10

# Server-pool size regulation.  Rather than making you guess how many
# server processes you need, Apache dynamically adapts to the load it
# sees --- that is, it tries to maintain enough server processes to
# handle the current load, plus a few spare servers to handle transient
# load spikes (e.g., multiple simultaneous requests from a single
# Netscape browser).

# It does this by periodically checking how many servers are waiting
# for a request.  If there are fewer than MinSpareServers, it creates
# a new spare.  If there are more than MaxSpareServers, some of the
# spares die off.  These values are probably OK for most sites ---

MinSpareServers 8
MaxSpareServers 20

# MaxKeepAliveRequests: The maximum number of requests to allow
# during a persistent connection. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited amount.
# We reccomend you leave this number high, for maximum performance.

MaxKeepAliveRequests 100

# KeepAliveTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for the next request

KeepAliveTimeout 15

# Limit on total number of servers running, i.e., limit on the number
# of clients who can simultaneously connect --- if this limit is ever
# reached, clients will be LOCKED OUT, so it should NOT BE SET TOO LOW.
# It is intended mainly as a brake to keep a runaway server from taking
# Unix with it as it spirals down...

MaxClients 150

# MaxRequestsPerChild: the number of requests each child process is
# allowed to process before the child dies.
# The child will exit so as to avoid problems after prolonged use when
# Apache (and maybe the libraries it uses) leak.  On most systems, this
# isn't really needed, but a few (such as Solaris) do have notable leaks
# in the libraries.

MaxRequestsPerChild 500

# PidFile: The file the server should log its pid to
PidFile /var/run/httpd.pid

# CacheNegotiatedDocs: By default, Apache sends Pragma: no-cache with each
# document that was negotiated on the basis of content. This asks proxy
# servers not to cache the document. Uncommenting the following line disables
# this behavior, and proxies will be allowed to cache the documents.

# CacheNegotiatedDocs


RE: [newbie] rc.local doesn't work

2000-05-27 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Since rc.masq might not be launched by root, this is probably a permission
problem. Try setting the perms for rc.masq the same as they are for

This will likely solve the problem.


-Original Message-
From: Claus Atzenbeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2000 4:30 AM
To: Mandrake Listing
Subject: [newbie] rc.local doesn't work


I have set up a file /etc/rc.d/rc.masq. In order to start it
automatically on boot, I've added the following line to

  if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.masq ]; then /etc/rc.d/rc.masq fi

When I start, masquarading does not work. I need to start rc.masq
manually in order to get it work.

What is wrong?

These are the two files in /etc/rc.d:

  -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1246 May 26 12:11 rc.local*
  -rwx--   1 root root  550 May 26 12:53 rc.masq*

Thanks a lot for your help!


Atzenbeck. Data structures  design

He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet.

[newbie] DISCUSSION RPMDrake

2000-05-27 Thread Neville Cobb

I would like to see the RPMDrake database already loaded with the
programs we can install from the six CD set.

RE: [newbie] Upgrading Mandrake to a higher version in the future

2000-05-27 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

If you start the install process and select "Upgrade"...
Mandrake attempts to preserve all of your existing settings.

Normally nothing is lost and your configuration remains the same.

There is one drawback to this... sometimes newer config files are needed to
take advantage of newer features... so after an upgrade you should look at
the files the upgrade would like to use... It saves the "new" files with a
suffix like .rpmorig or something like that to let you know which ones to
look at.

Compared to Winblows most Mandrake/Redhat upgrades are painless!


-Original Message-
From: Romanator [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 9:04 PM
Subject: [newbie] Upgrading Mandrake to a higher version in the future

Will, I have the ability to upgrade Linux Mandrake 7.0 to a higher
number or do I have to overwrite the earlier. What will happen to my
files. In addition, I was hoping to update the recent patches. However,
they will not download as an update??

Don't kill me if this has been asked before.


RE: [newbie] ppp0 FAILED

2000-05-27 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

I ran into this myself during my 7.02 install.

Exactly the same symptoms.

I traced it down to both the network startup routines AND linuxconf spawning
off a PPP connection... This is primarily a "user" error. I had enabled ppp
"startup at boot" in both Netconfig and again in Linuxconf.

One or the other programs should start the link, not both. The two were
getting into contention.

Eliminating one or the other fixed the problem.

I prefer to let Linuxconf have the PPP link, so I can prevent the scripts
from resetting the /etc/resolv.conf file to point to the ISP's DNS (I use my


-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2000 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ppp0 FAILED

On Sat, 27 May 2000, Michael Doyle wrote:

Could this be an initialization problem of your modem? Suppose the setup
first sends an ATZ to the modem and it reinitializes, and the ppp0-setup
wants to go about its business while the modem is still resetting, I can
imagine that this happens.
You could throw a bunch of comma's in the command before dialing ( a comma
is, if memory serves right, a 0.5 second delay) and see if that improves



I have ppp0 set to activate at boot time, but get the following error:

bringing up interface ppp0   FAILED
trying in background

this takes some 20-30 seconds to be displayed, but by this time the modem
has dialed and connected ???

This does not appear to be a big problem I would just like to have all OKs
on startup :-))

Michael Doyle
Adelaide, South Australia
ICQ #2635762


If all you have is a hammer
everything looks like a nail

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208
Registered Linux User 174403

[newbie] UDMA/66

2000-05-27 Thread pH0-tone


I have ony found a UDMA/66 Driver at promise.com 
for Linux RedHat.
But how to make Linux Mandrake 7.0 recognizing my 
Ultra66 controller?
And why doesn't W98 need to recognize it even 
without any drivers?
The same at DOS. It needs nothing...
W2000 has the UDMA/66 Driver, Linux doesn't...