Re: [newbie-it] Java Applet

2000-08-29 Thread Floods

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Corrado wrote:

 Ciao a tutti!
 Uso Linux Mandrake come OS di default da diversi mesi, ormai, e in rete ho
 sempre avuto a che fare con i problemi "noti" di Netscape... 
 Recentemente, tuttavia, le cose sono peggiorate, tanto che non riesco più a
 entrare in nessuna chat java... Il problema si è presentato per la prima volte
 alcune settimane fa, su Yahoo... lo strano è che a volte riuscivo a entrare,
 altre no, alternativamente... Da un paio di settimane, il problema è divenuto
 persistente. su Yahoo, in particolare, mi ritrovo sempre lo stesso messaggio di
 errore riguardo l'impossibilità di caricare la applet
 Ma ora non riesco a caricare più *nessuna* chat java... non ho modificato
 nulla nelle impostazioni del browser, salvo aggiornarlo alle release 4.73
 prima e 4.74 poi, e ho anche provato a fare un "downgrade" alla 4.72... 
 Ho poi installato ex-novo (non un aggiornamento, quindi) Mandrake  7.1,
 conservando tuttavia le directory che contenevano i mex di posta
 elettronica... Niente, la situazione non è cambiata...
 Se qualcuno avesse qualche idea
 Grazie, ciao! 

Purtroppo non ti so aiutare. So solo che anch'io, dopo aver upgradato a
netscape 4.75, non sono + riuscito a usare le applet java...

Navigando a un certo punto e' comparso il messaggio:

  Unable to start a java applet: Can't find 'java40.jar' in your CLASSPATH
  Current value of CLASSPATH:

Ho provato a guardare da terminale il valore della variabile CLASSPATH,
ma era vuota. Ho provato a definirla dandole il percorso giusto in cui
c'era il file java40.jar (/usr/local/netscape-4.75/java/classes), ma
niente. Ho provato allora a creare un link simbolico in
/usr/local/lib/netscape/plugins ma...mi e' comparsa una pagina web che mi
avvertiva che il mio browser non e' java compatibile!! Ora: se CLASSPATH
non e' definita, da dove prende netscape i valori che ho scritto sopra? E
come e' possibile che netscape non sia java compatibile??! Sono io che mi
sono dimenticato di fare qualcosa di fondamentale? 



RE: [newbie] Changing themes in enlightement

2000-08-29 Thread Homoky, Mark MJ SSI-ISEC-34

I second this, or you could place the .etheme file in the system wide
directory which is in /usr/share/enlightenment/themes (I think).

Hope this helps,


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Scotchmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 26 August 2000 15:09
Subject: Re: [newbie] Changing themes in enlightement

On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, you wrote:

 The files are in tar.gz form. I think I just need to decompress it. But
 after I regenerate my menus, I'm still not found my new theme there. Maybe
 there is something wrong with the instalation. If so, how I can install my
 theme ?
 Thank's for reply.

Hang on you don't need to decompress them do you?  I know in KDE you just
the tar.gz file, maybe it's the same in enlightenment.  It's been a while
I last used it so I'm not too sure.  Try placeing the files in


Re: [newbie] Problems with printer and modem install in Mandrake 7.1

2000-08-29 Thread Patti Wavinak

Re: [newbie] Extracting a .BZ2 file

2000-08-29 Thread Hellmut

Hi Stan!

The easiest way under KDE is to open kfm, change to the diirectory where
file s located, move the mouse over it, click the ROGHT button and
"archiver" to uncompress it.
The not so easy way is to open a shell, change to the directory with the
compressed file in it and then type
tar -xfvz file.tar.gz
tar -xIf file.tar.bz2
Hope that helps.

 What is the correct procedure in extracting a tar.bz2 file? I also had
 trouble with a tar.gz file that appears to be extracted but still will not
 work. I have looked in the HOWTO sections of some websites and it looks
 like I need to do /configure which I am not familiar with. Thanks for any
 help you can give me...

 Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
 Mid-Range Systems Engineer
 Rock Hill Telephone Company


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[newbie] Can't install NIC's........

2000-08-29 Thread Jeremy Wood

Hi gang,

I just subscribed to this list, and hope that 
someone can help. I just installed Linux Mandrake 7.1 Deluxe on a Celeron 333 
desktop computer. The install went very smoothly. Unfortunately , the install 
didn't 'detect' any of my two NIC's that are installed. I've had no luck finding 
any information about how to 'manually' install a NIC, even after searching 
hundreds of websites etc. Any info out there usually has to do with installing 
drivers AFTER Linux has already detected your NIC initially. i.e when I go to 
HardDrake and see a list of my hardware, there is no plus sign next to Network 
Interface device etc.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated, 
since the NIC's are the most important part of me using Linux in the first 


Jeremy Wood

p.s Both my NIC's aren't listed in the compatible 
hardware list at, however they both come with Linux 
drivers...and colleagues have used them in their machines with Linux without a 


2000-08-29 Thread Trevor Stewart

I'm a relitivily new linux user and I got up this morning to boot into
win98 (I know 'who would want to use windows' but I really wanted to
play Janes WWII fighters:-) ).  Then after I finished what I wanted to
do I rebooted the computer and started to load linux.  
Upon linux loading I get the error msg.
"VFS:Cannot open root device 03:06
Kernel panic. 'pretty much same as above really'   "
then it just sits there.
I've tried using my rescue disk.  I placed it into the floppy drive
then at lilo types rescue and I get the same error.

What is causing this (or should I say could cause this).  I have done
several web searches and so far everything I have found on the error
msg have been relating to the upgrade of the kernel (which I haven't
done yet).

My machine is a 
Celeron 533 (socket 370)
64MB RAM (Core, I read about it again {As I had heard the term before
but in realation to old mainframes})
15GB HD, 6GB win98 partition, 7 GB Linux (Mandrake 7.1) partition,  
   300MB /Home partition, 100MB swap
ATI Rage IIc 8MB
Creative PCI Ensoniq
Motorola 56kbs winmodem

RE: [newbie] actiontec pci pro

2000-08-29 Thread Homoky, Mark MJ SSI-ISEC-34

Is the pppd setup properly?  Check to see that you have passed it the option
for "noauth" - otherwise it will fail as it doesn't receive the correct
authentication from your ISPs server (which shouldn't be happening).  Adding
this option will turn off the authentication reception it is expecting and
should allow you to use the system normally.


-Original Message-
From: Greg Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 August 2000 02:33
Subject: Re: [newbie] actiontec pci pro

Its a winmodem...I tried the latest ltmodem driver from lucent and am able
to dial out..However when ISP answers a box comes up saying ppp
unexpectedly quit. The same configuration works on an old 14400 modem. Any
help with the lucent greatly appreciated.

Try visiting the SuSE website... I understand they have better support for
winmodems than most other distributions.



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RE: [newbie] Mandrake Development installation

2000-08-29 Thread Homoky, Mark MJ SSI-ISEC-34

Yes it does - at least in 7.1.  Although if you choose Developer you should
also have the option of selecting the packages later on in the install
process.  Just ensure you're using the XFree86 selection and you should be
fine (don't forget at least one Window Manager though!)


-Original Message-
From: Michael Khachiki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 August 2000 14:07
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake Development installation

Dear who ever

If I install mandrake 7.0 as development machine would it install xwindows
or not???


Re: [newbie] Yo

2000-08-29 Thread Mark Weaver

die thread die!

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/25/2000 07:11:23 AM
 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower)
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Yo
  Jason Ashman wrote:
   Hey Linux users.  I am a Microsoft convert, Windows SUCKS!
  With Linux you will spend more time trying to get things up and going
  than you ever would using windows.
  If you want to wast your hartbeats getting LINUX to do stuff that
  windows does right out of the box so be it.
 First off its heartbeats and yes you might end up spending more time
 configuring your machine...main point is YOU are configuring your machine
 and not a sub standard non RFC following O/S.  I never once thought Linux
 would be the "Windows" killer only becasue of a gret number of people who
 just are not interested as much in computers and how why they work.  For
 those who *do* enjoy delving into their systems and having ALL the control
 over how things are delegated on a machine Linux has been a dream come true
 ... free *nix!!  Those who can ... do, those who can't either whine or grab
 a spine and figure out why they can't, and rectify the problem with a
 solution either with help from others, or on their own. At one time I
 believed people who didn't *get* Linux and open source were just cattle
 running with the rest of the "well it works good enough for me" hurd ... I
 admit thats shallow and rude...Linux just isn't for everyone ... too bad we
 have to listen to them whine though  =o\  if you dont like the o/s and want
 to complain ... maybe it would be better to join a Windows advocation
 mailing list and tell least you might get some of the feed back
 you are looking for =o)
  Windows-Where Do You Want To Go Today!
  LINUX-Applications on linux just seem 2nd rate after using
  Windows, It's memory hungry and slow!
 Windows-Where Do You Want To Go Today!
 Linux  -Where Do You Want To Go Tomorrow!
 OpenBSD-Hey Are You Guys Coming Or What?
 I believe I have read this tag many ways but I like this one (even though I
 do not have and BSD installs running at the moment)
 Lonny Selinger

[newbie] Ricoh MP7000 Series CD R/RW Mandrake 7

2000-08-29 Thread Richard Davies

I installed Mandrake 7 about 2 months ago on a Pentium II 400MHz with 10 Gig
IMB harddrive.
I had trouble with the install as soon as the system booted from the CD it lost
the mouse so I had to do the entire install from the keyboard. I could not
scroll down all of the install screens so may have missed some stuff at the
bottom of them.
Since installing it everything works fine except that I can't access the CD
Drive attempting to cd /mnt/cdrom or ls /mnt/cdrom returns Input / output error
Makes no difference if you are logged in as user or root, if the drive has a CD
in it or not or even if the drive is open or closed.
The CD is mounted and can be unmounted so that is not the problem.
Using KFM and clicking on the CD Icon on the desk top returns could not list
directory contents file /mnt/cdrom as it trys to spin up the floppy drive. this
is of course logical as it is looking in the wrong place. I presume the fault
is in fstab I don't know a lot about it but I can't see anything obviously wrong

/dev/hda1 /mnt/DOS_hda1 vfat user,exec,conv=auto 0 0 
/dev/hda5 /mnt/DOS_hda5 vfat user,exec,conv=auto 0 0
/dev/hda6 /mnt/DOS_hda6 vfat user,exec,conv=auto 0 0
/dev/hda7 / ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda8 swap_upgrade swap defaults 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount user,exec,dev,suid,rw,fs=iso9660 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0

Any ideas would be very welcome.

 --  Regards,


Tollyboy Products International

[newbie] problem with installtion Linux

2000-08-29 Thread Chua Leap Kee

I had tried install linux on two system.
Screen goes black and is it because of the video card.
Video card is ChainTech Desperado 3DFX Voodoo Banshee
is it because of the video . i had check out Mandrake It said that it
support Voodoo Banshee so what the problem.

Then the second problem is error messages when installing another system.
"CD ROM - Open failed"
"DiskChange detected on device ide1 (22,0)

[newbie] Partition

2000-08-29 Thread Gustavo Halperin

I have Hard Disk woth 10 Gb.
And I want use my pc like server Data base with oracle 8i
Which partition is the best for my, I mean how mach give
to /usr  ,  /,   /home  ..
And please if any one know documentation about it , send
to  my the addres.

_/_/_/_/.._/. _/._/_/_/_/._/_/_/_/_/._/_/_/_/ _/.._/._/_/_/_/..
.Gustavo Halperin...
.Paradigm Geophysical..\\\Y///.
.972-9-9709318..(/ @ @ \)..

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-29 Thread =*=

I like Linux as it is.  I don't give a shit about prime
time.  Linux is a learning experience, more like PBS.  If it
turns into Saturday morning cartoons, I'll go with something
else.  Call me a snob I don't care.

BTW I am not a programmer.


Evil is that which one believes of others.  It is a sin to
believe evil of others, but it is seldom a mistake.
-- H.L. Mencken

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-29 Thread Kathleen Dickason

Jeff Malka wrote:

  Well...maybe Linux isn't for everyone, but then no OS is for everyone,
 IMO.  Choice is good...

 It is, but for an OS to survive it must attract and "keep" a sufficient
 audience,  Otherwise it might have the same fate as OS/2 which is also an
 excellent multiuser stable OS.  Do not ask why I am leaving OS/2, because I
 am not really, just learning a new OS and noting how it appears to a non
 programming guru.

Well...that's a very different situation.  OS/2 declined because IBM made a
corporate decision to stop developing and supporting it, not because of any
lack on its part.

Kathleen Dickason
Registered Linux user #182139

Re: [newbie] Knapster problems

2000-08-29 Thread RT

Knapster is alive and well, for now.

- Original Message -
From: "Homoky, Mark MJ SSI-ISEC-34" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 10:41 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Knapster problems


 As I understand it Knapster was shut down recently by the US Government
 Copyright reasons - anyone else confirm this?

 I wouldn't expect we'd have to wait too long though before something else
 comes along.


 -Original Message-
 From: Stan Wilburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 28 August 2000 15:29
 Subject: [newbie] Knapster problems

 I installed the Knapster rpm in Mandrake 7.1 and everything seemed to work
 fine. I have the Knapster icon on my desktop but when I click it nothing
 happens. I don't receive and error so I am stuck as to what is exactly
 happening. Has anyone seen this or do I have something setup wrong?

 Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
 Mid-Range Systems Engineer
 Rock Hill Telephone Company

Re: [newbie] finding the KFM executable file

2000-08-29 Thread Joe Perry

 If you type ls at the command line, you will see these attributes listed in
 the left column. "drwxrwxrwx"  The first character, if "d" means directory,
 if "-", file. the first "rwx" are the root permissions, the second, group
 permissions, and the third, user permissions. "kfm" is writeable by root,
 read- and exectuable by all with permissions set to "-rwxr-xr-x"
Correction, the first "rwx" refers to the owner, the second "rwx" refers to the 
group, and the third "rwx" refers to the world, there is no way to set the 
permissions for root.
Joseph H. Perry
Oracle DBA
Columbus State University
4225 University Ave
Columbus, GA 31907-5645
(706) 568-2063

[newbie] unsubcribed

2000-08-29 Thread INGRID RAMOS

Get free email and a permanent address at

[newbie] PlexWriter 12x10x32

2000-08-29 Thread Roman Monges

I've sent an e-mail which did get replied to but there was an error in the 
reply. My question was whether Plextor's 12x10x32 CD-RW P/N:  PX-W1210TA/SW 
is supported on Linux Mandrake 7.1 (Helium)? Will the driver "cdrecord" work 
for this device? I cannot find it in any of the Linux hardware compatibility 
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

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[newbie] Mandrake 7.1 Problem with SCSI Drives and eth0 on boot

2000-08-29 Thread Ellenbecker, Larry

Need Help.

I'm running a HP Vectra XU with (1) 2GB ST3255ON ; (4) 18GB ST318416N SCSI
drives and a Sony SCSI CDROM.  The (4) 18GB disks are in an external
HP1350SE tower.  The SCSI controller is on the system board and is an
Adaptec AIC-7880 Ultra SCSI.  All the drives are narrow channel.

When I load MD7.1 with only the 2GB drive everything works on boot-up.  When
I load MD7.1 with all (5) SCSI drives the install completes without a
problem.  When I boot using Linux on Grup I get the following errros:

Boot Done.
Enabling symmetric IO mode...done.
Enabling IO-APIC IRQs
... changing IO-APIC physical APIC ID to 16
Kernal panic :  could not set ID
... In swapper task - not syncing
(the system hangs)

When I boot using Linux-Up on Grup the system boots, however as the
processes are started my eth0 will not start.  I get:

Bringing up interface eth0 - Delaying eth0

The system is fine all the devices are mounted and accessible - but I can't
get to my network?

I need help?  

Re: [newbie] error on boot-up

2000-08-29 Thread Mark Weaver


If you want to re-install just do so as if you were installing for the
first time. If you've defined the partitions, such as '/' (root), /home,
/boot, and so forth you can format all the partitions except your home
dir and that will leave all your data files in tact while installing the
OS afresh. That is your best option at this point. It appears that
something catastrophic has occured to your system and the only way I can
see out of this is by re-installing the OS itself.

If you have any futher questions on this please feel free to email me
directly if you wish. I can help you sort out the options open to you as
far as partitioning is concerned as can the others here on this list.


Marcia Waller wrote:
 Dear Paul, Alan, Mark, Thank you for your help. I would definitely agree
 that my system is stalling as it's attempting to mount the 'root' file
 system in read/write mode.
  I typed the' linux single' and it made no difference. I have not found a
 way to get to a console or linuxconf.
  I have read and tried many things and none have worked. I suppose you have
 to choose Grub at installation and it is a little late now.
 The failsafe did not work with LILO that is for sure. Would I be better off
 totally reinstalling Linux Mandrake 7.0? I did do the upgrade install and
 that did not change anything either.
 I suspect that I did something incorrectly in the fstab file since I was
 working on that for the zip drive just before I had problems. I touched
 nothing but the zip drive entry. I have been working on that for awhile
 trying to get it to work and that never hurt anything before plus it did not
 get my zip to work either:)
 Thank you for your help. I may just try to start over if I can.
 If I decide to reinstall how would I use grub instead?
 I appreciate the help. Marcia

RE: [newbie] Knapster problems

2000-08-29 Thread Buzz and Nan


As far as I know, Napster is still open for business under appeal.


 As I understand it Knapster was shut down recently by the US Government for
 Copyright reasons - anyone else confirm this?
 I wouldn't expect we'd have to wait too long though before something else
 comes along.
 -Original Message-
 From: Stan Wilburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 28 August 2000 15:29
 Subject: [newbie] Knapster problems
 I installed the Knapster rpm in Mandrake 7.1 and everything seemed to work 
 fine. I have the Knapster icon on my desktop but when I click it nothing 
 happens. I don't receive and error so I am stuck as to what is exactly 
 happening. Has anyone seen this or do I have something setup wrong?
 Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
 Mid-Range Systems Engineer
 Rock Hill Telephone Company

[newbie] Reiser Fs

2000-08-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Voglio reinstallare Mandrake 7.1 e so che è possibile impostare il file
suystem a Reiser Fs anziché ext2.
Ora, siccome sono un newbie (moolto newbie) vorrei chiedervi la
differenza fra i due file system e i vantaggi (e/o svantaggi) del
reiser... ho letto che è un file system journaled ma non ho la più
pallida idea di che cosa significhi.
Grazie e ciao a tutti


[newbie] F1

2000-08-29 Thread Antonio Padron

Help, we need to make a Startup Disk or how can 
star the linux without XWINDOWS, because i just change the date in the BIOS and 
Linux just dont work with graphical mode.


Re: [newbie] Knapster problems - die thread DIE

2000-08-29 Thread Mark Weaver

Personally I can't wait till this court thing gets settled, Napster is
shut down for good, and this thread dies. Napster is stealing plain and
simple. No matter how you slice it. Of course that's if you're being
completely honest with yourself and others. Put yourself in the shoes of
the artist whos CD's you're ripping and then sharing with others. THAT
is NOT just music files you're swapping back and forth. That is a peice
of someone elses creativity that is COPYRIGHTED material and not for
FREE distribution.

So PLEASE! take it off line and off this list!


Buzz and Nan wrote:
 As far as I know, Napster is still open for business under appeal.
  As I understand it Knapster was shut down recently by the US Government for
  Copyright reasons - anyone else confirm this?
  I wouldn't expect we'd have to wait too long though before something else
  comes along.
  -Original Message-
  From: Stan Wilburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 28 August 2000 15:29
  Subject: [newbie] Knapster problems
  I installed the Knapster rpm in Mandrake 7.1 and everything seemed to work
  fine. I have the Knapster icon on my desktop but when I click it nothing
  happens. I don't receive and error so I am stuck as to what is exactly
  happening. Has anyone seen this or do I have something setup wrong?
  Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
  Mid-Range Systems Engineer
  Rock Hill Telephone Company

RE: [newbie] Knapster problems - die thread DIE

2000-08-29 Thread Bill . Gardner

 Personally I can't wait till this court thing gets settled, Napster is
 shut down for good, and this thread dies. Napster is stealing 
 plain and
 simple. No matter how you slice it. Of course that's if you're being
 completely honest with yourself and others. Put yourself in 
 the shoes of
 the artist whos CD's you're ripping and then sharing with others. THAT
 is NOT just music files you're swapping back and forth. That 
 is a peice
 of someone elses creativity that is COPYRIGHTED material and not for
 FREE distribution.

check out for some things way cooler than napster but with a much more 
limited selection of bands.  All live stuff, but a fat connection required...

[newbie] Wine: How to start?

2000-08-29 Thread Brisco County Jr.

Been trying to figure out Wine - how exactly do you use it? I can't get it 
to even start. Thanks

[newbie] Networking problems

2000-08-29 Thread Kirk Lashley

Can anyone help me out on this one.  I've been itching to upgrade to
Mandrake 7.1 for a while now.  So that's done, and I love it.  However,
I can't seem to get the sound card to be detected, as well as connect to
my network.  I'm on mixed network, with a Unix gateway (routing us to a
higher level network), with all the other machines being either Solaris
or NT.  I don't know what exactly I need to configure to access the
network from Linux.

I've tried duplicating all the settings from the NT partition - whereas
the machine was concerned, so to the gateway, I should still be -
"samemachinename", and the same IP address.  However.  I'm quite sure I
entered something wrong.  I can't ping the gateway, nor can I see anyone
else on the network (which means no internet from within Linux).  I set
the ethernet card to be dev/eth0, which shows a device fail in bootup
now, so I'm quite sure the problem begins there.  Is there any general
advice someone can give to help me get unto a Unix network.  I've had
little experience with Linux - however, I have intentions of making it
my operating system of choice.

If you wish to help me address this problem, you can email me directly,
so as not to waste the people's time on this list.  Thanks.

About the sound card, I'll try a bit to figure that one out - probably
have to find an RPM driver somewhere for it.


Re: [newbie] Netscape freeze

2000-08-29 Thread Paul

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Juggernaut wrote:

I'm using Mandrake 7.0 And then, if I want to access Netscape Communicator
(not Netscape Navigator, because my GNOME has 3 icon for Netscape), it will
freeze up. There is an information about 'reading file' at the left corner.
And Netscape does not show anything (blank). But if I open Netscape
navigator, it work fine. Anyone can help me ?
BTW, are there any deferentitation between Netscape  Navigator and Netscape
Communicator ?

I have communicator also, and that freezes at times also, but not all the
time. I don't use the other parts, just the browser.

If work is so terrific,
how come they have to pay you to do it?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403
-=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] (OT) Windows 95: the Movie!

2000-08-29 Thread Goldenpi

Its shockwave. Its a rolling stones song, with words makeing fun of windows.

- Original Message -
From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] (OT) Windows 95: the Movie!

 "Brisco County Jr." wrote:
  Here's another one too funny not to pass on to the group!
  (Takes bout a minute for the show to start)

 ok...what's the joke? I followed the URL and didn't see a thing. Using
 4.75. I figured that would be enough to view something with plugins.
 What's up?

[newbie] Setting up networking: hostname vs. hostname+domain

2000-08-29 Thread Mark Johnson

When I go to configure the networking it want's me to set ths hostname which
I assume is just a single word name like 'jupiter' representing the name of
the machine itself.  Then it want's me to put in the fully qualified name
i.e. hostname+domain.  If I'm using a cable modem, do I make this
''? I feel kind of funny doing that, can I just leave
it as 'jupiter'?

Re: [newbie] Viewing Source Code

2000-08-29 Thread Doug McGarrett

What you are looking at with all those funny symbols is __binary__
code, i.e., what the compiled source looks like.  What you want
is the __uncompiled__source__ as the man said in his reply.  Then
if you modify the source, you will have to recompile it before
you can run it.  Hope this is a little clearer.  --doug

At 06:57 AM 08/29/2000 +0100, you wrote:
On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Robin Regennitter wrote:

Hi Everybody,

I was wondering how do I view the source code of any program.  I tried using
various editor and developing tools.   All I got is a bunch of symbols and
letters.   How am I suppose to modify a program if I cant understands these
multi symbols and letters?

Did you install the sources from the Sources CD? They should be in
/usr/src/linux or /usr/src/Mandrake somewhere (not sure, I don't have them
on disk)


If work is so terrific,
how come they have to pay you to do it?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403
-=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Networking problems

2000-08-29 Thread Paul

On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Kirk Lashley wrote:

now, so I'm quite sure the problem begins there.  Is there any general
advice someone can give to help me get unto a Unix network.  I've had
little experience with Linux - however, I have intentions of making it
my operating system of choice.

You could start by checking
There's a lot of info on setting up and checking network stuff there.

About the sound card, I'll try a bit to figure that one out - probably
have to find an RPM driver somewhere for it.

You'll have to tell which card you have otherwise nobody can give you a

If work is so terrific,
how come they have to pay you to do it?

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403
-=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-29 Thread Steve Weltman


As a "newbie", a user with NO technical knowledge can install a UNIX-LIKE
operating system, and use it without much guidance. Most users are able to
find this alone a very enabling and excellent first step.  You may not
consider this a serious usability issue, but it teaches the user to do many
things without knowing the intimate details about the OS.  Also, a very
important first lesson.  Trust themselves that they are able to do for
themselves, and that it is NOT out of their range of abilities.  If a task
is out of his or her range, they are given MANY resources of information,
not the least of which is this mailing list.  Obviously, not everyone is
interested in the Linux OS nor any other OS for that matter.  However, Linux
has MANY more free programs than any other OS, because it is an open source
and therefore low dollar investment, many will be interested.

You mention DOSEMU.  From what I understand of the DOSEMU, there is a man
page, and a HOWTO file that gives explicit instructions on the setup and use
of this tool.  What the Warp OS hides from you is FAR more substantial than
that which it reveals (along with all other "Win" O/Ss) thru it's GUI.  The
Windows-like features of the Warp (or OS2) OS prevent you from getting to
the actual threads and child-threads to see how the process of a program
flows, unless you were to spend hundreds on debuggers.  I can do this on
Linux out of the box (so to speak) with freely available software, which
means that the CAPABILITIES of the OS are HIGHER than that of the average
user.  Which is also true of WinNT, and OS2/Warp.  If usability is a
consideration, one must address the issue of compatability to the purpose
and then efficiency (both financial and task oriented).

Linux has a more open, bigger base to cover than a limited OS like OS2 or
Windows.  There's just plain more to learn.  But there's always someone to
ask.  The worst thing that can happen to a new user is that he or she
becomes complacent with their current skillset and stops growing.  This OS
will constantly change, and forever introduce new and more features to
achieve the results, in many different ways, so there's more choices than a
closed OS like Windows and Warp.  But learning is the best part of the OS.
It is what makes it more fun to use than Windows, because anyone can fix it
without a $20,000 license for the source code, to see what makes it tick.
And anyone can put in their code to make it better. Even if the code is only
an idea for a future feature like making DOSEMU work for anyone out of the

Have a great day.

Steve Weltman
(from Beijing)
- Original Message -
From: "Jeff Malka" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Linux Newbie Mandrake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 6:38 AM
Subject: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

 As someone who does not like to have MS stuff on my PCs but have to
 of the need of relating to the real business world, I was eager to try
 Linux.  It really is great, especially for an open system.  But I believe
 still has a way to go before it can be used by the general computer

 One example is DOSEMU.  I am running Mandrake 7.1 which installs dosemu
 automatically, but not in a usable form.  Whereas OS/2 runs dos
 transparently and even a beginner can use them.  However the equivalent in
 Linux is dosemu which - let's get real - needs experience with programming
 to use and is totally useless to a beginner.  As installed only a root can
 use it.  Apparently to make it useable one must tinker with
 /etc/dosemu.conf and /etc/dosemu.users.  Well, a normal PC user could not
 possibly understand or modify these files

 assuming he can find them in the first place.  That is another problem.
 There are numerous configuration files (X, etc.) and they are all located
 different places instead of in one directory where a non programmer can

 There are numerous other problems that make using Linux a steep learning
 curve - which it does not need to be.  I am certain it will improve and I
 sure hope so, but it cannot improve unless normal PC users like myself
 out where they see the problems for them.

 That is the reason for this message which is not meant to start a flame
 but to point out where newbies need help, get frustrated and abandon the
 despite its obvious advantages.  I for one, though fairly sophisticated
 computers but not a programmer, still cannot figure out how to modify the
 various files so that

 1. a non su can start and use dosemu
 2. how to change from the virtual directory dosemu starts in (when in KDE
 knosole) to a real dos logical drive (already mounted) where my


 Registered Linux user  183185

Re: [newbie] Reiser Fs

2000-08-29 Thread Doug McGarrett

My Italian is not good enough to answer in your language.

The Reiser fs keeps copies of data before writing new data,
so it can be restored to some semblance of usefulness after
a disk crash (due to power loss, etc.)  It's supposed to be 
a little slower, but if you have to fsck, it's supposed to
be a __lot__ faster.  Explore2fs will __not__ read the
Reiser from Windows 9x or NT, AFAIK.

Hope that helps.  --doug

At 10:58 PM 08/28/2000 +0200, you wrote:
Voglio reinstallare Mandrake 7.1 e so che è possibile impostare il file
suystem a Reiser Fs anziché ext2.
Ora, siccome sono un newbie (moolto newbie) vorrei chiedervi la
differenza fra i due file system e i vantaggi (e/o svantaggi) del
reiser... ho letto che è un file system journaled ma non ho la più
pallida idea di che cosa significhi.
Grazie e ciao a tutti


[newbie] Netscape 4.75 problem

2000-08-29 Thread Robin Regennitter

Hi,   just lately   my netscape navigator is not properly displaying the screen
nor does the link works.   It works after I logged on but then after a few
tries, it just won't display anything or link is inoperable.  I suspected that
when I opened the other browser which is kdm and today  I installed RealPlayer
then after going through a few web site,  navigator just dies on me.  Is anyone
having this problem.  I just installed it last week.   maybe I should go back to
re-installing navigator 4.74.


[newbie] OS Sucks-Rules-o-Meter

2000-08-29 Thread Patti Wavinak

Re: [newbie] PlexWriter 12x10x32

2000-08-29 Thread Eunice Thompson

I have the Plexwriter 8x4x32, and it works fine.
I don't think you will have any problems using the 12x- go for it


On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, you wrote:
 I've sent an e-mail which did get replied to but there was an error in the 
 reply. My question was whether Plextor's 12x10x32 CD-RW P/N:  PX-W1210TA/SW 
 is supported on Linux Mandrake 7.1 (Helium)? Will the driver "cdrecord" work 
 for this device? I cannot find it in any of the Linux hardware compatibility 
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
 Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at
Eunice Thompson - Treasurer/Community Relations
Cerritos Linux Users Group

[newbie] downloading

2000-08-29 Thread Nijs, Vincent

Dear Mandrake users,

I am a poor PhD student trying to download Mandrake 7.1. I am using windows
2000 an IE5.5 and am having difficulties with the ftp server resetting the
connection (5 minutes seems to be about the maximum I can hope for) and
downloading the link files (e.g. files like 'basename', 'chmod' etc. in

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


[newbie] drop dead thread--------was: Yo

2000-08-29 Thread Vic

It died.

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:
 die thread die!
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/25/2000 07:11:23 AM
  Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower)
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Yo
   Jason Ashman wrote:
Hey Linux users.  I am a Microsoft convert, Windows SUCKS!
   With Linux you will spend more time trying to get things up and going
   than you ever would using windows.
   If you want to wast your hartbeats getting LINUX to do stuff that
   windows does right out of the box so be it.
  First off its heartbeats and yes you might end up spending more time
  configuring your machine...main point is YOU are configuring your machine
  and not a sub standard non RFC following O/S.  I never once thought Linux
  would be the "Windows" killer only becasue of a gret number of people who
  just are not interested as much in computers and how why they work.  For
  those who *do* enjoy delving into their systems and having ALL the control
  over how things are delegated on a machine Linux has been a dream come true
  ... free *nix!!  Those who can ... do, those who can't either whine or grab
  a spine and figure out why they can't, and rectify the problem with a
  solution either with help from others, or on their own. At one time I
  believed people who didn't *get* Linux and open source were just cattle
  running with the rest of the "well it works good enough for me" hurd ... I
  admit thats shallow and rude...Linux just isn't for everyone ... too bad we
  have to listen to them whine though  =o\  if you dont like the o/s and want
  to complain ... maybe it would be better to join a Windows advocation
  mailing list and tell least you might get some of the feed back
  you are looking for =o)
   Windows-Where Do You Want To Go Today!
   LINUX-Applications on linux just seem 2nd rate after using
   Windows, It's memory hungry and slow!
  Windows-Where Do You Want To Go Today!
  Linux  -Where Do You Want To Go Tomorrow!
  OpenBSD-Hey Are You Guys Coming Or What?
  I believe I have read this tag many ways but I like this one (even though I
  do not have and BSD installs running at the moment)
  Lonny Selinger

[newbie] Uninstall Linux

2000-08-29 Thread Lynn Johnson


I've recently bought Linux-Mandrake 7.1 and installed it on
my computer.

I used the partition magic (included with the 3- cdrom set)
and because I can't get the peripherals to work, I want to
take Linux OFF the computer that I installed it on and get
rid of the 3 gig partition that I made and restore Windows
on that machine.

I've checked the books that came with Linux 7.1 and find
instructions for uninstalling Partition Magic and Boot
Magic, but nothing on how to take Linux OFF the computer.  

Can someone help me???


Lynn Johnson
"To HELL with empire, WE WANT OUR 

Patrick J. Buchanan 
Reform Party presidential nominee 
August 12, 2000  Long Beach, Cal.

Re: [newbie] downloading

2000-08-29 Thread Joan Tur

"Nijs, Vincent" escribió:

 Dear Mandrake users,

 I am a poor PhD student trying to download Mandrake 7.1. I am using windows
 2000 an IE5.5 and am having difficulties with the ftp server resetting the
 connection (5 minutes seems to be about the maximum I can hope for) and
 downloading the link files (e.g. files like 'basename', 'chmod' etc. in

 Any suggestions?

 Thanks in advance.


What about using a Getright-type program?  8-?

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-29 Thread Carroll Grigsby

Greg Stewart wrote:
 1, Gates created the first version DOS.
--- snip

Greg: Actually, Gates didn't actually create the first DOS -- at least
not in the normal sense of "create". He bought it from a company called
Seattle Microsystems (I think that was their name). They had written it
as a 16 bit version of CP/M for use with their 16 bit computers -- real
bleeding edge stuff in those days. The neat part of the story (and quite
possibly totally inaccurate) is that some IBM executives went to Seattle
to talk to Gary Kildall, the President of Digital Research and the
author of CP/M) about licensing his CP/M-16 system, and then to see Bill
about acquiring rights to MicroSoft Basic. Kildall (a genuine character,
from all accounts) decided to play hard to get, and took off for Africa
on a safari. Gates heard about all of this, so he called Seattle
Microsystems and made them one helluva an offer. They took it. When the
IBM guys showed up at Microsoft, Gates said, "Oh, by the way, would you
be interested in my new operating system?" I don't know how much of the
above is true (other than Gates did buy the original DOS from Seattle
Microsystems), but it is a good story.
-- Carroll Grigsby

RE: [newbie] Reiser Fs

2000-08-29 Thread Kelly, Christopher

Don't know the answer to this one...Ciao

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 4:58 PM
Subject: [newbie] Reiser Fs

Voglio reinstallare Mandrake 7.1 e so che è possibile impostare il file
suystem a Reiser Fs anziché ext2.
Ora, siccome sono un newbie (moolto newbie) vorrei chiedervi la
differenza fra i due file system e i vantaggi (e/o svantaggi) del
reiser... ho letto che è un file system journaled ma non ho la più
pallida idea di che cosa significhi.
Grazie e ciao a tutti


[newbie] DOSEMU: How to start in 7.1?

2000-08-29 Thread Brisco County Jr.

In LM 7.1 DOSEMU won't start, not even when I'm root. It worked fine in LM 
6.0, although like someone else just recently said, there didn't seem to be 
a way to access a real DOS partition, just a fake one.

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-29 Thread Jeff Malka

 But learning is the best part of the OS.
 It is what makes it more fun to use than Windows, because anyone can fix
 without a $20,000 license for the source code, to see what makes it tick.
 And anyone can put in their code to make it better. Even if the code is
 an idea for a future feature like making DOSEMU work for anyone out of the

(fixing code and putting your own code in is exclusively for programers.)

I totally agree and am not giving up on learning Linux.  Learning an OS is
one thing.  Learning programming to be able to use it is another.  It is the
configuration issues that have been a stumbling problem for me and I am sure
many others.  I do not want to harp on DOSEMU (in which I am only interested
because I wanted to "see" if I could run dos apps under linux) but if one
goes to the howto, readme and man pages for dosemu (all of which I have
spent hours on) they do require substantial programming experience to use
them.  So it becomes not just a matter of learning the OS (which is
reasonable to expect) but one also has to learn programming as well.  Below
is an example on the etc/dosemu.config (which is needed to configure and use

# Notes for editing this section:
#   In$_xxx = (n)n is a numerical or boolean value
#  = =
#   In$_zzz = "s"s is a string
# Please edit only beteen the brakets and quotes and keep the rest intact.

$_debug = "-a"  # same format as -D commandline option
   # (but without the -D in front)
$_features= ""  # list of temporary hacks, see release notes in
   # the file ChangeLog. e.g "0:1 2:0", which means
   # to set feature_0 to 1 and feature_2 to 0.
$_mapping= ""  # prefered mapping driver, one of:
   # auto, mapself, mapfile, mapshm

and here is an example for the etc/dosemu.users file (needed to configure
who can use dosemu besides root:

default_lib_dir= /var/lib/dosemu
log_level= 0
root c_all  # root is allowed to do all weird things
nobody nosuidroot guest # variable 'guest' is checked in /etc/dosemu.conf
   # to allow only DEXE execution
guest nosuidroot guest # login guest treated as 'nobody'

I am sure this appears very simple and straightforward to "someone who can
fix the code or put your own code in", but you have to admit they require
some understanding of programming if one is not to make a total mess of it.
That is the catch: -not just learning a new OS but ALSO needing to learn
programming (not to mention compiling, etc.) just to use the OS.  All of
which I am doing, but it is probably too much to expect from 99% of
potential users who are not programmers or have computer science degrees.
It would be a shame to leave all those to Gates.  After all we could have
the ultimate open unrestricted system by eliminating the C interface and
requiring users to be able to write machine code to be able to configure
it - but that would cut out even more people than the present programmers
interface does!

Now let's be fair.  I _WILL_ master this.  I am just showing my frustration;
and also my concern that a Linux interface should be forthcoming that will
allow normal non-programmers to use the OS.  I also understand that this is
in the works and already great strides have been made which are amazing with
more to come.  The code will still be there for those who can use it and the
simpler interface for those who need it.

Excuse my frustration. I'm really on your side  :-(

Registered Linux user  183185

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 Problem with SCSI Drives and eth0 on boot

2000-08-29 Thread Vic

I would avoid using Grub and go to Lilo until
this was figured out.

Sorry if I have not been very helpful, but I at least
like to try so you not think your ignored :)

On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, you wrote:
 Need Help.
 I'm running a HP Vectra XU with (1) 2GB ST3255ON ; (4) 18GB ST318416N SCSI
 drives and a Sony SCSI CDROM.  The (4) 18GB disks are in an external
 HP1350SE tower.  The SCSI controller is on the system board and is an
 Adaptec AIC-7880 Ultra SCSI.  All the drives are narrow channel.
 When I load MD7.1 with only the 2GB drive everything works on boot-up.  When
 I load MD7.1 with all (5) SCSI drives the install completes without a
 problem.  When I boot using Linux on Grup I get the following errros:
 Boot Done.
 Enabling symmetric IO mode...done.
 Enabling IO-APIC IRQs
 ... changing IO-APIC physical APIC ID to 16
 KKernal panic :  could not set ID
 ... In swapper task - not syncing
 ((the system hangs)
 When I boot using Linux-Up on Grup the system boots, however as the
 processes are started my eth0 will not start.  I get:
 Bringing up interface eth0 - Delaying eth0
 The system is fine all the devices are mounted and accessible - but I can't
 get to my network?
 I need help?

Re: [newbie] Netscape 4.75 problem

2000-08-29 Thread Stan Wilburn

I am having the same problem with Netscape...the screen just goes blank and 
I can't do there some kind of timeout feature in Linux? Thanks..

At 11:28 AM 8/29/00 -0700, you wrote:
Hi,   just lately   my netscape navigator is not properly displaying the 
nor does the link works.   It works after I logged on but then after a few
tries, it just won't display anything or link is inoperable.  I suspected that
when I opened the other browser which is kdm and today  I installed RealPlayer
then after going through a few web site,  navigator just dies on me.  Is 
having this problem.  I just installed it last week.   maybe I should go 
back to
re-installing navigator 4.74.


Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
Mid-Range Systems Engineer
Rock Hill Telephone Company

RE: [newbie] downloading

2000-08-29 Thread Nijs, Vincent

Dear Joan Tur,

Could you please let me know what a 'Getright-type program' is?



 -Original Message-
From:   Joan Tur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent:   Tuesday, August 29, 2000 10:07 PM
Subject:Re: [newbie] downloading

"Nijs, Vincent" escribió:

 Dear Mandrake users,

 I am a poor PhD student trying to download Mandrake 7.1. I am using
 2000 an IE5.5 and am having difficulties with the ftp server resetting the
 connection (5 minutes seems to be about the maximum I can hope for) and
 downloading the link files (e.g. files like 'basename', 'chmod' etc. in

 Any suggestions?

 Thanks in advance.


What about using a Getright-type program?  8-?

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-29 Thread Mark Weaver

Kathleen Dickason wrote:
 OS/2 does indeed rock.  I used it when I first worked at IBM (dont work there
 anymore) and it was lovely.  Then "upgraded" us all to Windows.  Oh, the pain...
hmm...just one of many blunders IBM has made in the last 20
years. I hope they're getting it right these days.

[newbie] RPM problem thanx

2000-08-29 Thread Adrian Smith

first off, thanks to Phil, Greg  Joseph for answers to my last question.  my brain 
hadn't quite realized that suffixes do not decide if a file is executable or not.  
maybe i can make some progress now=)   or maybe not --  for my next question:

i'm trying to install a RPM file from the command line (ok  is it just me or are 
RPMDrake  Kpackage lame.  if i'm going to install a RPM from the GUI why can't i just 
browse the tree, find the RPM i want to install and click on it or something.  both of 
these programs just confuse me.  of course, actually i'm quite happy with a 
command line -- so there)

anyhowz, when i type "RPM -i filename.rpm" i get back:
"no such file or directory"
yet when i do "ls"
the file is quite certainly there.
i tried using the whole file name with extension
i matched the case
still no dice.
could this have something to do with permissions?
but if i am root, permissions woudn't matter right?  
can't root go anyplace  do anything?
any thoughts?

thanks much

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

Re: [newbie] error on boot-up

2000-08-29 Thread Paul

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Marcia Waller wrote:

Dear Paul, Alan, Mark, Thank you for your help. I would definitely agree
that my system is stalling as it's attempting to mount the 'root' file
system in read/write mode.

 I typed the' linux single' and it made no difference. I have not found a
way to get to a console or linuxconf.

Hmmm could it be that you accidentally did something to fstab that the
boot sequence does not like? Did you accidentally create a new little
partition somewhere on disk? If the latter is the case, it can be that the
root partition has been moved from where it was (like /dev/hda1) to the
next partition (/dev/hda2).
You could get into the system (in that case) by typing on the lilo prompt:

linux root=/dev/hda2

to override the fstab entry. Just guessing, though.

I think when you do a new install, and you have all things User-based
(/usr  and /home) on separate partitions, you could save a lot of things
you already set up by not formatting these partitions, just the root

 I have read and tried many things and none have worked. I suppose you have
to choose Grub at installation and it is a little late now.

Even when you initially set up lilo, you can install Grub afterwards by
simply running it as root.


Men are from earth.
Women are from earth.
Deal with it.

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403
-=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] linux freezes when close laptop cover

2000-08-29 Thread Austin L. Denyer

 My linux Madrake 7.1 freezes when I close my laptop.  Is this normal?
 thought Linux was ulta-stable.  I have a Dell Inspiron 7500.

I have an Atlas Flyer that used to give a black screen of death on
opening the cover again.  However, if I closed the cover and re-opened
it, everything was fine again...

I'm running 7.0...


[newbie] Number Nine Imagine Series 2

2000-08-29 Thread Chris Slater-Walker

I am trying to set up 7.1 on a Dell Pentium Pro 200 with a Number Nine
Imagine Series 2 video card. Although this is listed in the selection list
during setup, MDK reports "no screens found" regardless of which resolution
and monitor I try.

Does anyone have any suggestions why this is happenin and how to fix it?
I've never encountered this problem with a supposedly supported card before.

Chris Slater-Walker
Chris Slater-Walker BA(Hons) CCNA MCSE
Cisco, Windows NT, Linux, Samba, DNS

French  German Spoken

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-29 Thread Austin L. Denyer

 Jeff Malka wrote:

   Well...maybe Linux isn't for everyone, but then no OS is for
  IMO.  Choice is good...
  It is, but for an OS to survive it must attract and "keep" a
  audience,  Otherwise it might have the same fate as OS/2 which is
also an
  excellent multiuser stable OS.  Do not ask why I am leaving OS/2,
because I
  am not really, just learning a new OS and noting how it appears to a
  programming guru.

 Well...that's a very different situation.  OS/2 declined because IBM
made a
 corporate decision to stop developing and supporting it, not because
of any
 lack on its part.

OS/2 was not as hot as it could have been.  I seem to recall having to
set up endless parameters in config settings for every application.
This was WAY beyond the novice.

As for the decline, I seem to recall that the next release (which would
have been FAR better) was originally a joint IBM/Micro$oft project.  The
two had a problem seeing eye to eye and Micro$oft pulled out.
(Micro$oft then proceeded to remove all IBM code from OS/3, replaced it
with Micro$oft code, re-named it Win95 and the rest is history...).

There never was much support for OS/2.  Comparatively few applications
were ever ported, and (compared to the competition at the time) was a
real resource hog.

Just my $0.02 (Florida residents add 6.5% Sales Tax)


Re: [newbie] (OT) Windows 95: the Movie!

2000-08-29 Thread Steve Weltman

Hey Mark, it's a song to the tune of Start Me Up (Rolling Stones) that
spoofs Win95, Bought Me Up!   Pretty funny actually!

Steve W.
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] (OT) Windows 95: the Movie!

 "Brisco County Jr." wrote:
  Here's another one too funny not to pass on to the group!
  (Takes bout a minute for the show to start)

 ok...what's the joke? I followed the URL and didn't see a thing. Using
 4.75. I figured that would be enough to view something with plugins.
 What's up?

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-29 Thread Bob Harman

"Austin L. Denyer" wrote:
~~ snip ~~
 As for the decline, I seem to recall that the next release (which would
 have been FAR better) was originally a joint IBM/Micro$oft project.  The
 two had a problem seeing eye to eye and Micro$oft pulled out.
 (Micro$oft then proceeded to remove all IBM code from OS/3, replaced it
 with Micro$oft code, re-named it Win95 and the rest is history...).
 There never was much support for OS/2.  Comparatively few applications
 were ever ported, and (compared to the competition at the time) was a
 real resource hog.
 Just my $0.02 (Florida residents add 6.5% Sales Tax)

Not quite.  OS/2 began as a joint project, but ended up split.  IBM
continued OS/2 development, and Microsoft created Windows NT (with much
guidance from former DEC employees with VMS experience).  Win95 came
about much later, about the time OS/2 2.1 and Warp 3 were available. 
Although it required lots of memory (16MB ran it well, but 4 to 8MB was
common at the time),  it has always required less than Win95 and NT. 
Microsoft's marketing dominance relegated OS/2 to primarily mission
critical apps, like those used in nuclear plants, ATMs, and financial
institutions--and now custom set-top boxes for accessing the Internet. 
Believe it or not, OS/2 is still profitable to IBM: over $5M in profit
the last year.

Now back to the more relevant Linux programming..


Re: [newbie] downloading

2000-08-29 Thread M Thompson


It sounds like you could use a download manager.  Checkout Go!Zilla at  It is fantastic.  Or

As a convenience to this list, I will burn MDK 7.1 onto two CD's at a cost 
of $6.50 for my time, my CD-R media, and shipping costs.
If interested, just send me an E-mail requesting my mailing address.
I'm not trying to make a fortune or get rich.  It seems like a waste to
download the iso images and just burn the 2-CD set for myself.

I hope this will save someone some time and expense,

From: "Nijs, Vincent" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] downloading
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 21:25:24 +0200

Dear Mandrake users,

I am a poor PhD student trying to download Mandrake 7.1. I am using windows
2000 an IE5.5 and am having difficulties with the ftp server resetting the
connection (5 minutes seems to be about the maximum I can hope for) and
downloading the link files (e.g. files like 'basename', 'chmod' etc. in

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

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Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-29 Thread Andrew Scotchmer

On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, you wrote:
 I like Linux as it is.  I don't give a shit about prime
 time.  Linux is a learning experience, more like PBS.  If it
 turns into Saturday morning cartoons, I'll go with something
 else.  Call me a snob I don't care.
 BTW I am not a programmer.
Thats exactly my thoughts Phil.

If Linux became 'Prime-time' and everything was made to run perfectly first
time round then where would the learning experience be.  This is one of the
major paradoxes that the Linux distributors, promoters and programmers must

For me Linux has recaptured the days of my youth when, with my ZX81 and later
Spectrum, I would hide away for hours whilst typing in pages and pages of
program from a games magazine or trying to teach myself basic.  Then came
Windows and I became a virtual zombie.  

Now thanks to Linux, whilst others down tthe local pub are discussing the
finer arts of word processing and how to change their Windows 9x desktop
colours, I'm wrangling with the complexeties of LiLo configuration, shell
scripting and trying to teach myself C programing.  I'm once again reliving
those distant and hazy days of youth when my world revolved around a spongey
rubber keypad and a 16k RAM pack precariously balanced against a school 

Linux has provided me with the answer of what can be done on those long cold
wintery nights when all thats keeping me going is a full perculator of coffee
and a sheer willfull desire to have this machine finally configured to my
liking.  So what if I'm red eyed and blurry the next day at work at least I can
say that I know more about my system and computers in general than just knowing
how to point at something and click.


Re: [newbie] Alas, my modem!

2000-08-29 Thread Barry Premeaux

Knightmayre Computer Solutions wrote:

 Hi all, Got v7.0 up and running- went on a
 treat although I know I've still got loads
 to do on iti.e. only reading the DVD-ROM
 and not the CD-R and minor stuff like that,
 but that'snot too important atm. The thing
 is, my internal modem (yeah, yeah) doesn't
 appear to be a WinModem: it'san ESS ES56T-I
 , which is as far as I can acertain, a
 hardware varient of the good ol'PCI
 version, but can I get it to work? All I
 constantly get is 'modem is busy' so I have
 touse Windoze to go online. Can anyone also
 recommend a decent book to buy on Linux: I
 was thinking of Linuxfor Dummies *g* but
 would like to hear what others have to say.
 Cheers,  Dave

If you had it running in Windows, what com
port did you use?

Linux uses - /dev/ttyS0   com-1
 /dev/ttyS1   com-2
 /dev/ttyS2   com-3
 /dev/ttyS3   com-4

If I had to buy a single book to start with,
I would get
"Running Linux" from O'Reilly.

Barry :-)

Re: [newbie] downloading

2000-08-29 Thread Paul Yeiter

GoZilla is spyware don't use it, try download excellorator plus, but neither
one work with ftp servers
- Original Message -
From: "Goldenpi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] downloading

 Does it support resumable downloads? there is a program calls gozilla that
 will resume downloads and which works very well. There are also hundreds
 similar programs that I haven't used.

 - Original Message -
 From: Nijs, Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 8:25 PM
 Subject: [newbie] downloading

  Dear Mandrake users,
  I am a poor PhD student trying to download Mandrake 7.1. I am using
  2000 an IE5.5 and am having difficulties with the ftp server resetting
  connection (5 minutes seems to be about the maximum I can hope for) and
  downloading the link files (e.g. files like 'basename', 'chmod' etc. in
  Any suggestions?
  Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] PlexWriter 12x10x32

2000-08-29 Thread Paul Yeiter

I also have a PlexWriter I can't get it to work. So I installed a 2nd cd rom
drive it works fine.
What do I have to do to get the PlexWriter to work.
- Original Message -
From: "Eunice Thompson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] PlexWriter 12x10x32

 I have the Plexwriter 8x4x32, and it works fine.
 I don't think you will have any problems using the 12x- go for it

Re: [newbie] Viewing Source Code

2000-08-29 Thread Anthony

You have to download the source code. The stuff you're trying to view is the
executable file which only makes sense to the computer. So go to the website of
the program you want to look at, and then download the .tar.gz file which
should include all the source code.

 I was wondering how do I view the source code of any program.  I tried using
 various editor and developing tools.   All I got is a bunch of symbols and
 letters.   How am I suppose to modify a program if I cant understands these
 multi symbols and letters?
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Re: [newbie] (OT) Windows 95: the Movie!

2000-08-29 Thread Anthony

Do you have flash installed? It's a flash file. You can download the flash
plugin from
 ok...what's the joke? I followed the URL and didn't see a thing. Using
 4.75. I figured that would be enough to view something with plugins.
 What's up?

Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Re: [newbie] downloading

2000-08-29 Thread John Farley

hi im a newbie actually i cant get mandrake loaded (7.1 for windows) so i
guess i m a pre newbie

the software trys to load but i get a two tone blue screen and it just sits



Re: [newbie] Linux Digital Cameras II

2000-08-29 Thread Alan Shoemaker

mrc wrote:
 Has anyone succeeded in getting Linux (Gphoto) actually downloading digital
 images from a digital camera?
 I have failed both in Windows 95 and Linux to do this with my Fujifilm MS1200.
 Documentation warns that the software might not work where more than one
 operating system exists on the same harddrive.
 Anyone have similar experience?
 Michael Coady

MichaelGphoto works just fine with my Ricoh RDC-300Z.  But
upon looking through the list of supported cameras (the place
where you tell the software what camera you are using [in the
configure pull-down menu]) and not finding yours (Fujifilm
MS1200) I'm not particularly surprised that you can't get it
to work. 

The closest model number I see to your Fujifilm MS1200 is a
Fuji MX-1200.  Probably it isn't a close enough match to allow
the software to work with your camera.  Does your camera use a
standard serial port (supported) to connect to the computer or
does it connect via USB (not supported)?

As to multiple operating systems residing on a single hard
drive, I don't see what effect that could have on the


Re: [newbie] Wine: How to start?

2000-08-29 Thread Doug McGarrett

wine [/path] /filename.ext

i.e., wine /mnt/dev/hda1/aclt/acltwin.exe

would mount and open autocad lite.  I have had problems
with the files directory associated, but the program opens.
With more work, or copying the necessary files to a directory
in Linux, things should work better.  But that's the general idea.
I'm just fooling with it now, but would like to get all of this
stuff to work, not being all that happy with the MS attitude. . . .

At 08:36 08/29/2000 -0700, you wrote:
Been trying to figure out Wine - how exactly do you use it? I can't get it 
to even start. Thanks

Re: [Re: [newbie] Soundblaster live sound card]

2000-08-29 Thread Jaguar

Default sound volume is extremely LOW, try raising the volume in the Mixer
panel, and make sure your speakers are turned on/up.

Stan Wilburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have tried all of these things...the files appear to be playing on the 
 player themselves but no sound comes out of the speakers...this setup does 
 work in Windows, however, so speakers are turned on...
 At 05:32 PM 8/28/00 +0100, you wrote:
 On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Stan Wilburn wrote:
  I have a Soundblaster Live sound card that is recognized by Mandrake 7.1
  and appears to be installed (it loads the EMU10K1 module or driver) but
  does not work. Any suggestions? Thanks...
 How do you know it does not work?
 Did you try to "play  ...wav" something?
 Did you switch on system sounds in your window manager?
 Have you tried to play audio CD's?
 Men are from earth.
 Women are from earth.
 Deal with it.
 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403
 -=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-
 Stan "The Crippler" Wilburn
 Mid-Range Systems Engineer
 Rock Hill Telephone Company

The Dogma chased the Stigma, and was hit by the Karma.

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

[newbie] Petition

2000-08-29 Thread Vic

How many of you object to not supporting linux?

Lets e mail them and tell them what we think
of their unfair practice of discrimination against
Linux users!

It is the rights of the linux community to be able
to use just as much as the 
windows users.

Please e mail to express
how you feel about this unfair discrimination.

Go to or 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] --not as likely to get response I feel.

Or snailmail them, Inc.
2953 Bunker Hill Lane, #400
Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA

Thank you.

Re: [newbie] AGH!! Linux not ready for prime time (OS/2 user)

2000-08-29 Thread Kathleen Dickason

"Austin L. Denyer" wrote:

  Jeff Malka wrote:
Well...maybe Linux isn't for everyone, but then no OS is for
   IMO.  Choice is good...
   It is, but for an OS to survive it must attract and "keep" a
   audience,  Otherwise it might have the same fate as OS/2 which is
 also an
   excellent multiuser stable OS.  Do not ask why I am leaving OS/2,
 because I
   am not really, just learning a new OS and noting how it appears to a
   programming guru.
  Well...that's a very different situation.  OS/2 declined because IBM
 made a
  corporate decision to stop developing and supporting it, not because
 of any
  lack on its part.

 OS/2 was not as hot as it could have been.  I seem to recall having to
 set up endless parameters in config settings for every application.
 This was WAY beyond the novice.

Wow.  I didn't have to do any of that.  My workstation had it preinstalled,
but I found settings were easier to change and and configure than in
Windows.  It was much more intuitive for me.

(I should mention, though, that OS/2 is *not* a multi-user OS, contrary to
what Mr Malka wrote above.)

 As for the decline, I seem to recall that the next release (which would
 have been FAR better) was originally a joint IBM/Micro$oft project.  The
 two had a problem seeing eye to eye and Micro$oft pulled out.
 (Micro$oft then proceeded to remove all IBM code from OS/3, replaced it
 with Micro$oft code, re-named it Win95 and the rest is history...).

Yup, yup, yup.

 There never was much support for OS/2.  Comparatively few applications
 were ever ported, and (compared to the competition at the time) was a
 real resource hog.

To what are you comparing it, specifically?  Boot time was far quicker than
Windows, IIRC.

 Just my $0.02 (Florida residents add 6.5% Sales Tax)


*digs in her pockets, coming up with 2 cents and pocket lint*  ;)

OS addict

Re: [newbie] RPM problem thanx

2000-08-29 Thread Patti Wavinak

Re: [newbie] OS Sucks-Rules-o-Meter

2000-08-29 Thread Doug McGarrett

Of course I erased it.  I'm not crazy.  I don't need any viruses
or other gadgets.  DO NOT SEND ATTACHMENTS.  NEVER!

At 18:34 08/29/2000 +, you wrote:

For anyone who hasn't seen this, it really is quite intersting



Re: [newbie] downloading

2000-08-29 Thread Steve Weltman

That's an excellent suggestion... has CDROMS of all the
popular Linux OSs burned onto CDRs and they sell them for like $2 each.  No
Documents, no support, but just what you need to get going on Mandrake!

Steve Weltman
(from Beijing)
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 5:11 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] downloading

 On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Nijs, Vincent wrote:

 I am a poor PhD student trying to download Mandrake 7.1. I am using
 2000 an IE5.5 and am having difficulties with the ftp server resetting
 connection (5 minutes seems to be about the maximum I can hope for) and
 downloading the link files (e.g. files like 'basename', 'chmod' etc. in
 Any suggestions?

 With a connect like that I would first suggest trying to find a copy on a
 magazine, or order one at
 Even a poor student should be able to manage that...

 If work is so terrific,
 how come they have to pay you to do it?

 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403
 -=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] RPM problem thanx

2000-08-29 Thread philomena

this isn't answering your command line question, but what you described about how you 
thought kpackage should work via the GUI is exactly how it works for me - I download 
the RPM file, click on it once, kpackage pops up and I click on the Install button - 
if  it yells at me about dependancies, I fix those, and then all is fine - works like 
a charm for me. I'm not
sure where the file type-executable associations are set up - I'm sure someone else 
can answer that and then maybe you will have more luck with the gui.

(different "phil"!)

Adrian Smith wrote:

 first off, thanks to Phil, Greg  Joseph for answers to my last question.  my brain 
hadn't quite realized that suffixes do not decide if a file is executable or not.  
maybe i can make some progress now=)   or maybe not --  for my next question:

 i'm trying to install a RPM file from the command line (ok  is it just me or are 
RPMDrake  Kpackage lame.  if i'm going to install a RPM from the GUI why can't i 
just browse the tree, find the RPM i want to install and click on it or something.  
both of these programs just confuse me.  of course, actually i'm quite happy with 
a command line -- so there)

 anyhowz, when i type "RPM -i filename.rpm" i get back:
 "no such file or directory"
 yet when i do "ls"
 the file is quite certainly there.
 i tried using the whole file name with extension
 i matched the case
 still no dice.
 could this have something to do with permissions?
 but if i am root, permissions woudn't matter right?
 can't root go anyplace  do anything?
 any thoughts?

 thanks much

 Adrian Smith
 'de telepone dude
 Telecom Dept.
 x 7042

Re: [newbie] downloading

2000-08-29 Thread Steve Weltman

Vince, go to and find an appropriate ftp utility that
allows you to continue where you were cutoff.  Also, because you are a
student, I think you can find somewhere in the school to use higher
bandwidth other than dial up speeds...The ISO image is something like 1.2GB
because it is an ISO image of 2 CD Roms.  My favorite tool for downloading
is called ftpPRO.  There is a Linux version as well (although not free under
Linux either, but pretty good at it's job and I think stable enought to be
worth the $40.00US).

Best of luck!  Also, keep reading this mailing list because there are some
really smart people about installs here!

Steve Weltman
(from Beijing)
- Original Message -
From: "Goldenpi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 5:44 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] downloading

 Does it support resumable downloads? there is a program calls gozilla that
 will resume downloads and which works very well. There are also hundreds
 similar programs that I haven't used.

 - Original Message -
 From: Nijs, Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 8:25 PM
 Subject: [newbie] downloading

  Dear Mandrake users,
  I am a poor PhD student trying to download Mandrake 7.1. I am using
  2000 an IE5.5 and am having difficulties with the ftp server resetting
  connection (5 minutes seems to be about the maximum I can hope for) and
  downloading the link files (e.g. files like 'basename', 'chmod' etc. in
  Any suggestions?
  Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] FW: help with setting up pppoE

2000-08-29 Thread Glenn Johnson

Paul, you need to get a program called rp-pppoe-2.2.tar.gz from Roaring Penguin.
Their web site is  Download the newest version and
install it per their instuctions. It's a very easy program to set up. Answer
the 5 or 6 questions when you RUN the adsl-setup program (actually, it runs
itself at the end of the questions) and you should be good to go. I use this
program myself. When I first tried it out I could connect but couldn't move to
any web pages. I found that I needed to add my ISP's dns server address to my
/etc/resolve.conf and all was well. That done, I connect and surf to my heart's
delight. To disconnect you type ADSL-STOP. Good luck.

Oh, one other thing, pay VERY close attention to their 'how to connect' text
file. This will help to resolve any other problems you may encounter. They
really seem to know what they're talking about. :)

Glenn Johnson
Registered Linux user #175132
Linux-Mandrake 7.0

[expert] Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer USB Drivers

2000-08-29 Thread Jarrod Whelan

After I read in either Linuxmag or Linux Journal that the Intellimouse
Explorer was a good buy I have had my eye on them.  Well I finally got one,
and fixed my USB problem in Linux, but when the USB is initializing it says
that none of the current USB drivers loaded supported this mouse.  But I can
see the lights light up on the mouse when the USB is detected so I was just
wondering if anyone has any ideas or knows of any USB drivers that support
the Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer?  I am currently running Mandrake 7.1.

Thanks in Advance, (and I apologize for the several M-bombs that I
had to drop)
