[newbie-it] Imwheel

2000-12-20 Thread Michele

Ciao a tutti,
ho letto già alcuni post su problemi della rotella del mouse. E ho seguito il 
vostro consiglio e mi sono scaricato "imwheel"! 
Ora cosa devo fare? Quando lo lancio devo passargi qualche parametro 
particolare per farlo funzionare correttamente?

Aspetto fiducioso vostri aiuti!


[newbie-it] Connessione Internet (alcune domande)

2000-12-20 Thread Michele

Ho installato Linux Mandrake 7.2 e come interfaccia grafica uso KDE 2.x

Vi faccio un esempio di quello che mi succede:

Accedo come utente qualsiasi, apro una connessione internet, ..., ad un certo 
punto mi stufo e voglio cambiare utente, quindi (senza chiudere la 
connessione attiva) clikko sul punsante termina sessione, e come sarebbe 
logico aspettarsi, chiude ogni applicazione. Ma comunque io vedo ancora il 
modem acceso ed ancora in funzione. Per farmi capire, sono accese tutte le 
luci tranne quelle si RD e SD (che indicano i dati ricevuti ed inviati).

Accedo, diciamo come root! Apro una finestra di Netscape (senza attivare la 
connessione) e digito un sito qualsiasi e lui me lo apre!!!

In parole povere, cambiando utente se ho lasciato una connessione aperta, lui 
me la conserva!!!
E' normale???
Sinceramente non credo sia così tanto normale

Ne sapete niente?


Re: [newbie-it] Connessione Internet (alcune domande)

2000-12-20 Thread Fabio Coatti

 Accedo come utente qualsiasi, apro una connessione internet, ..., ad un 
 punto mi stufo e voglio cambiare utente, quindi (senza chiudere la 
 connessione attiva) clikko sul punsante termina sessione, e come sarebbe 
 logico aspettarsi, chiude ogni applicazione. Ma comunque io vedo ancora 
 modem acceso ed ancora in funzione. Per farmi capire, sono accese tutte 
 luci tranne quelle si RD e SD (che indicano i dati ricevuti ed inviati).
 Accedo, diciamo come root! Apro una finestra di Netscape (senza attivare 
 connessione) e digito un sito qualsiasi e lui me lo apre!!!
 In parole povere, cambiando utente se ho lasciato una connessione aperta, 
 me la conserva!!!
 E' normale???
 Sinceramente non credo sia così tanto normale

In realtà può essere normale. Tieni presente che sotto unix l'interfaccia 
grafica è solo un'aggiunta a tutto il resto, non una cosa che abbraccia 
l'intero sistema. E' quindi assolutamente normale che dei processi utente 
continuino a girare tranquillamente anche se chiudi tutto. In pratica 
quello che ci si può aspettare che venga chiuso all'uscita sono solo alcuni 
processi che necessitano dell'interfaccia grafica o che sono lanciati da 
dentro di essa, e di cui kde conosce abbastanza. Evidentemente quando esci 
da kde viene chiuso kppp ma non il pppd, che è il vero responsabile della 
connessione. Per farlo chiudere o kppp ha un settaggio per cui quando esce 
uccide anche pppd (sempre che tu abbia lanciato ppp attraverso kppp), od 
altrimenti lo devi uccidere esplicitamente, di persè kde non elimina pppd.
pppd si può anche eliminare brutalmente con un "killall pppd"

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione Internet (alcune domande)

2000-12-20 Thread Corrado

Fabio Coatti wrote:

  Accedo come utente qualsiasi, apro una connessione internet, ..., ad un
  punto mi stufo e voglio cambiare utente, quindi (senza chiudere la
  connessione attiva) clikko sul punsante termina sessione, e come sarebbe
  logico aspettarsi, chiude ogni applicazione. Ma comunque io vedo ancora
  modem acceso ed ancora in funzione. Per farmi capire, sono accese tutte
  luci tranne quelle si RD e SD (che indicano i dati ricevuti ed inviati).
  Accedo, diciamo come root! Apro una finestra di Netscape (senza attivare
  connessione) e digito un sito qualsiasi e lui me lo apre!!!
  In parole povere, cambiando utente se ho lasciato una connessione aperta,
  me la conserva!!!
  E' normale???
  Sinceramente non credo sia così tanto normale

 In realtà può essere normale. Tieni presente che sotto unix l'interfaccia
 grafica è solo un'aggiunta a tutto il resto, non una cosa che abbraccia
 l'intero sistema. E' quindi assolutamente normale che dei processi utente
 continuino a girare tranquillamente anche se chiudi tutto. In pratica
 quello che ci si può aspettare che venga chiuso all'uscita sono solo alcuni
 processi che necessitano dell'interfaccia grafica o che sono lanciati da
 dentro di essa, e di cui kde conosce abbastanza. Evidentemente quando esci
 da kde viene chiuso kppp ma non il pppd, che è il vero responsabile della
 connessione. Per farlo chiudere o kppp ha un settaggio per cui quando esce
 uccide anche pppd (sempre che tu abbia lanciato ppp attraverso kppp), od
 altrimenti lo devi uccidere esplicitamente, di persè kde non elimina pppd.
 pppd si può anche eliminare brutalmente con un "killall pppd"

Forse è troppo banale, se hai già controllato, chiedo scusa:)
In Kpppd c'è un'opzione apposita per decidere se disconnettere l'utente dalla
rete o meno quando esce da X... Guarda se la casella ha il segni di spunt!


[newbie-it] Blocco PC con winmodem

2000-12-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao a tutti.
Il problema e` questo: tentativo di connessione ad internet utilizzando
kppp con modem interno Lucent (win-modem con driver x Linux Vers. 3.68).
Al momento del "CONNECT 52000" si verifica un errore che uccide kppp.
Dopo alcuni secondi si sente il modem che si scollega dalla linea ed in
contemporanea il PC si blocca. Occorre resettare.
Il kernel e` il 2.2.17 della Mandrake 7.2.
Questo non succedeva con RH 6.0/6.1.
Qualche idea ?
Grazie e ciao.

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione Internet (alcune domande)

2000-12-20 Thread Andrea Celli

Corrado wrote:
 Fabio Coatti wrote:
   Accedo come utente qualsiasi, apro una connessione internet, ..., ad un
   punto mi stufo e voglio cambiare utente, quindi (senza chiudere la
   connessione attiva) clikko sul punsante termina sessione, e come sarebbe
   In parole povere, cambiando utente se ho lasciato una connessione aperta,
   me la conserva!!!
   E' normale???
   Sinceramente non credo sia così tanto normale
  In realtà può essere normale. Tieni presente che sotto unix l'interfaccia
  grafica è solo un'aggiunta a tutto il resto, non una cosa che abbraccia
  l'intero sistema. E' quindi assolutamente normale che dei processi utente
  continuino a girare tranquillamente anche se chiudi tutto
 Forse è troppo banale, se hai già controllato, chiedo scusa:)
 In Kpppd c'è un'opzione apposita per decidere se disconnettere l'utente dalla
 rete o meno quando esce da X... Guarda se la casella ha il segni di spunt!

Aggiungo solo che anche se non ho sperimentato la cosa mi sembra
"storicamente" ragionevole che sia cosi`.
L'impostazione originale dei sistemi Linux/UNIX e` multiutente
in cui i singoli servizi sono attivati da root e messi a disposizione
di tutti gli utenti.
Ricordi che per far attivare ppp da un utente normale occorre(va)
anche con distro recentissime prendere alcuni accorgimenti?
Un po' come il mount: un utente normale non puo` dare "mount -t .."
puo` solo montare le risorse che sono elencate in fstab con
l'opzione user e solo con le modalita` li` riportate.

A questo punto pppd (essendo un servizio comune) e` logico che
resti attivo anche se chi lo ha lanciato (normalmente root)
fa logout.
Un po` come lpd, cron, il mount di un disco, ...
Sarei piuttosto seccato se, dopo aver chiesto all'amministratore
di montarmi una directory NFS sul sistema dell'istituto, potessi
lavorarci solo fintanto che lui e` presente :-)

Probabilmente, kppp ha un'opzione per far stoppare pppd
quando chi lo ha lanciato chiude la sessione.

ciao, andrea

Re: [RE: [newbie] breaking out of a gui]

2000-12-20 Thread Michael Scottaline

"Amin Yuliastanto" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 but on my LM7.0 doesnt wor
 after i push Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, X-server seems just restarting not exiting
 is there any other way?
 Amin Yuliastanto

X restarts because that is what it is being told to do by /etc/inittab.  You
can hit ctrl-Alt-bksp all day long, and it will continue to bring you back to
a graphical log in.  If you edit /etc/inittab so that you boot to console or
text mode, then the key combination will work for you.  You need to change the
by making the 5 a 3
When you want your gui, just type startx

"Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
than alcohol has taken out of me."
--Winston Churchill

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Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing

2000-12-20 Thread Matt Phelps

I think what he was asking for is to share the internet. If that is what
your after, you can download many free proxy server programs. My favoriate
before I got linux as a router was analogx. www.analogx.com. I had real good
luck with that one.
- Original Message -
From: "Michel Hardy-Vallee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 6:28 PM
Subject: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing

 On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 04:06, Angel Rodriguez wrote:
   My home network is running Win98 on my desktop and Win95 on my
   laptop. I want to add my Linux Mandrake only machine to this network
   able to share my internet connection with Linux. The Win98 machine is
   running MS internet sharing software.
   How would I accomplish this?

 Angel,  have you tried Samba? it is a tool for Linux machine to be able to
 share a MS network. It's included in Mandrake 7.2, and you can as well
 for the latest version at http://www.samba.org


 Michel Hardy-Vallée
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing

2000-12-20 Thread Dan

Just a thought as I use Linux to share the internet
but you might try setting the Windows box serving the
internet as the gateway address on the client linux
box and enter the DNS information for you ISP on the
Linux client.  Another alternative is to use the Linux
box as the internet server.  Linux is indifferent as
to what operating system the clients are running.  (I
don't know if this is an issue with Windows ICS) With
IP chains and Pmfirewall.   www.pointman.org  I found
this very easy to setup although I'm using cable I
don't think it's much harder to setup with dial up.
--- Matt Phelps [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think what he was asking for is to share the
 internet. If that is what
 your after, you can download many free proxy server
 programs. My favoriate
 before I got linux as a router was analogx.
 www.analogx.com. I had real good
 luck with that one.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Michel Hardy-Vallee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 6:28 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Internet Connection Sharing
  On Tue, 19 Dec 2000 04:06, Angel Rodriguez wrote:
My home network is running Win98 on my desktop
 and Win95 on my
laptop. I want to add my Linux Mandrake only
 machine to this network
able to share my internet connection with
 Linux. The Win98 machine is
running MS internet sharing software.
How would I accomplish this?
  Angel,  have you tried Samba? it is a tool for
 Linux machine to be able to
  share a MS network. It's included in Mandrake 7.2,
 and you can as well
  for the latest version at http://www.samba.org
  Michel Hardy-Vallée

  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: [newbie] uninstalling Xfree 3.x

2000-12-20 Thread Jamie Kerwick

What did you do to get the nvidia drivers working, I haven't for the life of 
me been able to get them to work. (i assume here you have 3d acceleration 


From: "John and Marcie Alexander" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] uninstalling Xfree 3.x
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 10:53:47 -0500

I installed lm7.2 and finally got my nvidia drivers working.  When I ran X 
-version, I got 3.something as my current version, even though I checked 
the rpms installed and it seems x version 4.0 is installed.
When I redirected X to the 4.0 server, all works fine now.  Does this mean 
I have both versions installed?  If so, how can I remove the one I am not 

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

RE: [newbie] Linux networking?

2000-12-20 Thread Seth

go here they have some good little demos that got my two LM 7.2
boxes talking and sharing their internet connection


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2000 8:36 PM
To: Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Linux networking?

can some one help me with networking Linux? I want to get two Linux
networked and I don't know any thing about it. I need manual that
can tell
me how to go about it and what programs I need?


Re: [newbie] can't mount floppy, Input/output error

2000-12-20 Thread Barry Premeaux

Donnie Green wrote:
 The following command now allows me to mount my floppy drive without errors,
 but I cannot read any of the files on the floppy disk:
 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
 I placed a floppy in that has a document written with notepad and a document
 with Microsoft Word (95) on it.  I couldn't see a thing.  Should I go buy
 unformated disks and format them using the ext2 fs?

My fstab line reads:

/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0

Since you are starting with /dev/fd0 (which is
already referenced in dev=), it may not be giving
us a correct path statement.  Don't change the
fs=vfat if you want to view DOS/Windows based
files.  If you open up a term and do a 'man fs',
you can read up on fs.

Barry :-)

RE: [newbie] C++ resources

2000-12-20 Thread Mark Johnson

check out www.ibooks.com they have a book called, Thinking in C++, I think
they are offering it free as a special promotion.  They also have all the
linux books from the LDP for free too.

-Original Message-
From: Roger Sherman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] C++ resources

Its not on the web (at least mine isn't, lol), but I just got Practical
C++ Programming (O'Reilly), and it's pretty good...



Registered Linux user #190719

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Jeremy Sudderth wrote:

 Hello everybody,

 I was wondering if you know any good C++ resources on the web.  I am
 to learn now that I have gcc configured on my system at home.


Re: [newbie] How do I fix it so I have a normal delete key and copy/paste in a terminal window?

2000-12-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

I don't know how to fix the delete key "feature" (though I'd like to know 
how), but I do know how to (kind of) solve your copy-paste problem. The trick 
is that whenever you select any text in X, it is automatically copied to the 
copy-paste buffer. To paste, click the middle mouse button where you want it. 
A slight problem with this method is that the data is only copied to the 
buffer while it is selected. It disappears when you deselect the text.

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 23:56, Bob Currey wrote:
 I would like the delete key to work like in DOS where it moves you noplace,
 and deletes the character under the cursor, shifting the rest to the right
 one position.  The problem occurs when I use terminal programs, and its
 pretty frustrating when basis things like the keyboard don't work
 "normally", though not the end of the world.

 I would also be eternally grateful for the ability to copy and paste into
 the command line, given the lengths of the filenames, typical, this is very
 much needed.

 Affected programs:
 gnome terminal - clicking swap bs/del doesn't change anything, here, it
 moves me to the left 1 pos and deletes the character preceding the one the
 cursor was on. Can't use ctrl-c and ctrl-v to copy and paste.

 kconsole - delete key works normally, but can't use ctrl-c and ctrl-v to
 copy and paste...  arg!

 xterm - doesn't work at all

 - update -

 Well, I figured out a way, at least partially, so I thought I might post it
 so others can avoid suffering as well...

 install mc - midnight commander

 f9 for top menu, then select options, then go to learn keys, go thru all
 the keys and then save it.  that will fix the delete key.  mc allows
 alt-enter to paste the highlighted filename.  Not as good as copy and
 paste, but at least functional.

 c ya,


Content-Type: application/ms-tnef; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="winmail.dat"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] normal delete key and copy/paste

2000-12-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 00:39, Bob Currey wrote:
 I'd be happy if any of them worked.  That was why I posted my somewhat
 lame, and partial solution.  It wasn't which keys or clicks provide
 copy/paste functionality that was my problem, it was the total lack of the
 capability and needing to type (correctly) 30 character filenames.

Using Ctrl-V and Ctrl-C is not M$-exclusive. X allows this too, but there are 
still a few programmes out there that don't like it. To type 30-character 
filenames and the like, how about using tab completion? To do this, just type 
part of a path and press tab. If there is more than one option that begins 
with this, the shell will display them. If there is only one option, then 
Linux will complete the line for you up to a point where there are several 
options again. Keep doing this until the line is complete. This can really 
speed up file navigation and save typing.

 Please don't assume I only work in DOS or other MS stuff.  I am not a fan
 of what MS has done to computing.  My 1st PC was assembled by me with a
 screaming 2 mhz Z80 and dual 8" floppies and an ADM3a terminal.  I did buy
 an MS program called Multiplan (before the advent of Lotus 123).  I did'nt
 use MS Basic, I programmed in Assembler, instead, lol.  As for linux, I'm
 just a newbie, what can I say...

 I will see if I can install a better version of xterm.  Mine gives me a
 completely black screen with no prompt.  The X in the corner to close it
 does work fine, as does the ability to minimize, and maximize, but inside
 the window, it appears black and dead.  Sorta reminds me of MS Windoze :)

Sounds like there is something wrong with your xterm. A working version 
should show some sort of prompt, unless you configured your shell (usually 
bash) not to show a prompt at all.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul
 Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 7:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] normal delete key and copy/paste

 In xterm and rxvt I only need to select something with the mouse, and
 without further
 strange things I can paste the selection at where the cursor is.
 Much easier than ctrl-v/c and other microfostisms... (do not remove the
 selection until
 you pasted it!!)

  I would like the delete key to work like in DOS where it moves you


  f9 for top menu, then select options, then go to learn keys, go thru all


  keys and then save it.  that will fix the delete key.

 Never had that problem, as far as I can remember...


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

RE: [newbie] How do I fix it so I have a normal delete key and copy/paste in a terminal window?

2000-12-20 Thread Bob Currey

Thanks, yes, your copy/paste worked.  Clicking both mouse buttons at the
same time pastes.  Sad that I've been suffering from not reading the book on
that 1 the past month or 2.  It doesn't work under mc, but it isn't
critical, there, as I know a way to paste filenames, with alt-enter,
already.  mc is a Godsend to me as compared to gui stuff or a command line.

The delete key seems to have a mind of its own.  Whether its X, linux, or
kconsole, I'm not sure, but this time it works, next time it doesn't, then
it will work again another time.  I  will try a newer version of xterm and
when I find a terminal program where the keys work well doing the basics,
I'll remove all the others.



-Original Message-
From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I fix it so I have a normal delete key and
copy/paste in a terminal window?

I don't know how to fix the delete key "feature" (though I'd like to know
how), but I do know how to (kind of) solve your copy-paste problem. The
is that whenever you select any text in X, it is automatically copied to the
copy-paste buffer. To paste, click the middle mouse button where you want
A slight problem with this method is that the data is only copied to the
buffer while it is selected. It disappears when you deselect the text.

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 23:56, Bob Currey wrote:
 I would like the delete key to work like in DOS where it moves you
 and deletes the character under the cursor, shifting the rest to the right
 one position.  The problem occurs when I use terminal programs, and its
 pretty frustrating when basis things like the keyboard don't work
 "normally", though not the end of the world.

 I would also be eternally grateful for the ability to copy and paste into
 the command line, given the lengths of the filenames, typical, this is
 much needed.

 Affected programs:
 gnome terminal - clicking swap bs/del doesn't change anything, here, it
 moves me to the left 1 pos and deletes the character preceding the one the
 cursor was on. Can't use ctrl-c and ctrl-v to copy and paste.

 kconsole - delete key works normally, but can't use ctrl-c and ctrl-v to
 copy and paste...  arg!

 xterm - doesn't work at all

 - update -

 Well, I figured out a way, at least partially, so I thought I might post
 so others can avoid suffering as well...

 install mc - midnight commander

 f9 for top menu, then select options, then go to learn keys, go thru all
 the keys and then save it.  that will fix the delete key.  mc allows
 alt-enter to paste the highlighted filename.  Not as good as copy and
 paste, but at least functional.

 c ya,


Content-Type: application/ms-tnef; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="winmail.dat"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

[newbie] help...

2000-12-20 Thread Dale Kosan

I downloaded and installed Chris's KDE2 from the site that has been
showing up in this list lately.I did a --test first and all passed.I
then did a rpm -Uvh *. rpm.Everything went fine till the end when it
came up with a "cant find make file" When I went into KDE I don't have
sound,the K Panel is gone and all the icons on task bar are now the
cog wheels.Did I do something wrong? Is there a fix for my problem?
Thanks for all the help you guys have given me

Re: [newbie] WooHOOO!!!

2000-12-20 Thread Adrian Smith

hey Roger, that was me.  glad that you are happy.
nothing quite like a smooth  speedy computer is there.
as has been said before on this list,
if you feed your pinguin good food
she will be your friend.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3:09:53 PM 12/19/00 
To whomever it was that told me that RAM at crucial was as cheap as it is
now, thanks! And thanks again! I just installed another 128 SDRAM, for a
total of 192, and the difference is nothing short of astounding...

Just to see what kind of a difference it made, I opened ten + programs,
starting with Netscape, and every other memory pig I could think
of...Program ten opened as fast as the first one...which, again. was
Nutscrape, but it opened as fast as a terminal window did when I had just

BTW, sorry I forgot your name, but when I reinstalled a couple days ago,
the emails we'd traded didn't get backed up for some reason :-/



Registered Linux user #190719

[newbie] Wallpaper OT

2000-12-20 Thread Kelly, Christopher

I have a question. This is kinda OT.

On www.linux-mandrake.org there is a section for screenshots. I 'm sure
you've all seen it. In there I saw a shot with a desktop picture of an x-ray
of a human skull and it had wires plugged into the back of the head. The
caption was "do you feel connected?" I would love to find this wallpaper.
Any help or ideas would be cool!! You guys rock!

Chris Kelly
Linux user #185775

Re: [newbie] help...

2000-12-20 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 20 December 2000 08:47 am, Dale Kosan wrote:
 I downloaded and installed Chris's KDE2 from the site that has been
 showing up in this list lately.I did a --test first and all passed.I
 then did a rpm -Uvh *. rpm.Everything went fine till the end when it
 came up with a "cant find make file" When I went into KDE I don't
 have sound,the K Panel is gone and all the icons on task bar are now
 the cog wheels.Did I do something wrong? Is there a fix for my
 problem? Thanks for all the help you guys have given me

I have no idea what's with the 'makefile', did you use the src 
rpms?  As far as the menu/icons, with either LM 2.01 upgrades, or 
Chris' 2.1 beta1 upgrades, you need to (as root) run 'update-menus -v' 
immediately after installing ALL the rpms.
I also keep a bakup copy of /home/user/.kde/share/applnk/ 
directory which is all my menus/icons including ones for apps I've 
added.  I've found that deleting all the items in user.../applink/  
and then copying them back in from my bakup (as root) means I never 
loose them.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] ReiserFS

2000-12-20 Thread Michael O'Henly


In the LM7.2 Expert Install there is an option for using "hard drive 

Is this LM's obscure way of referring to ReiserFS? If not, where else in the 
Installer can one choose ReiserFS?



Michael O'Henly
TENZO Design

RE: [newbie] CABLE MODEM NOT WORKING - DHCP_HOSTNAME in init.d/networkandsbin/ifup

2000-12-20 Thread Bob Currey

This may be considered sacreligious, but what worked for mine was to bring
the same box up under win/95, get it on mediaone, get all the settings, then
plug them into the linux netconf.  I still lose it on a reboot, but it seems
to come back after a few tries of running dhcpcd with no hostname.

Take it for what it is, just the observations of a newbie,


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Richard Warwick
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 7:18 AM
To: 'Roger Sherman'

h, well, it's not working that way for me.  I've been through a bunch of
reboot cycles, and no joy.


-Original Message-
From: Roger Sherman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 3:49 PM
To: Richard Warwick

Yeah, thats what I'm saying though...once I entered that command, it
initialized successfully on subsequent bootups...don't know why, but it
did, and continues to...



Registered Linux user #190719

On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Richard Warwick wrote:


 yeah, I've got it to work manually as well - I'm trying to figure out why
 isn't working in the standard bootup scripts.  - I can hack around the
 problem, but I'm trying to get some advice on how to fix it properly.

 Thanks for the response.

 -Original Message-
 From: Roger Sherman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 1:39 PM
 To: Richard Warwick
 init.d/networkand sbin/ifup

 Hi Richard...I had a similar problem - eth0 just refused to initialize on
 bootup, but I entered this command:

 /sbin/dhcpcd -d -n -h [hostname]

 And it would log right in, and log in on bootup most times thereafter.

 Hope it helps!



 Registered Linux user #190719

 On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Richard Warwick wrote:

  I installed mandrake 7.2 from the iso images, and I'm having trouble
  the dhcp client and the normal startup scripts.  I think I see what
  might be occurring, but I'm not sure the best way to fix it.
  I'm on an att cable modem, so my dhcpc command line needs to be
  like " dhcpc -h c55-a "
  where c55-a is the hostname that ATT assigned to me.  (I've changed
  name to protect the guilty)
  When I execute that command line manually, everything works just fine.
  In the normal startup, the dhcp fails because evidently the dhcp
  not being passed.
  I've figured out that the network startup script ( /etc/init.d/network )
  calls the ( /sbin/ifup ) script.
  and the ifup script seems to need the environment variable DHCP_HOSTNAME
  in order to have that be included on the dhcpc command line.
  the line 'DHCP_HOSTNAME=c55-a' is in the file /etc/sysconfig/network
  which is being read by /etc/init.d/network
  I added lines to the two main scripts to create a file with the
  set /var/richard
  and in examining the output, I see the DHCP_HOSTNAME while in
  /etc/init.d/network, but it is not there while executing /sbin/ifup
  how do I fix this?  has someone else had this problem? is it a bug in
  scripts from mandrake? or am I doing something wrong?
  Richard Warwick
  warwickr at usa dot net

[newbie] RE:KDE2

2000-12-20 Thread Dale Kosan

Okay,I did not use source rpms,should I have? Can I fix the system
with the command you mentioned or do a re-install and upgrade to the
newest KDE2? I don't mind the re-install,just want to get this
right.The site I downloaded from is  ftp://nebsllc.com/pub/KDE_UPDATE/
is this the correct site? Thanks allot for the quick response.

[newbie] md5sums

2000-12-20 Thread Charles E. Patterson

I have downloaded the ISO files for 7.2. I 
would like to verify that the md5sums code is correct on the ISO 
Is there a program available that I can run under 
Windows/98 to do this verification.
Thanks, Charlie 

Re: [newbie] md5sums

2000-12-20 Thread Dale Kosan

Yes,go to this site and download the 
program. http://home.worldonline.dk/~andersa/download/

Re: [newbie] RE:KDE2

2000-12-20 Thread Dale Kosan

Okay,should I use the srpms or the normal rpms? I have never used the
srpms before,do I install with the normal rpm -Uvh or is the procedure
not the same,sort of a newbie here!

RE: [newbie] Where is my $PATH coming from?

2000-12-20 Thread Michael, Steve

I will assume that you are using the default shell (BASH).

Your path gets set in your .bash_profile file.  This HIDDEN file is in your
home directory.  i.e. /home/Donnie/.bash_profile

-Original Message-
From: Donnie Green [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 7:15 AM
Subject: [newbie] Where is my $PATH coming from?

I installed Linux Mandrake 7.1 and cannot find out where my users' PATH is 
coming from.  I checked the .bash_profile, .bashrc, /etc/profile, and 
/etc/bashrc for the PATH statement.  Everytime I saw an instance of it, I 
rem'd it, but I was still getting a PATH from somewhere.  Does anyone have 
any ideas?

FYI--My goal is to create the PATH in a file (/etc/PATH) and have the 
variable PATH=' cat /etc/PATH' -if that is possible.
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] RE:KDE2

2000-12-20 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 20 December 2000 09:55 am, Dale Kosan wrote:
 Okay,I did not use source rpms,should I have? 

I wouldn't, use the binary rpms

Can I fix the system
 with the command you mentioned or do a re-install and upgrade to the
 newest KDE2?

 If you installed _ALL_ the KDE 2.1 rpms all at once (eg,
rpm -Uvh *  ), then the   update-menus -v   (as root) should fix your 
menus and icons

 I don't mind the re-install,just want to get this
 right.The site I downloaded from is 
 ftp://nebsllc.com/pub/KDE_UPDATE/ is this the correct site? Thanks
 allot for the quick response.

That's the place 

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Linux networking?

2000-12-20 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Michael Khachiki wrote:
 can some one help me with networking Linux? I want to get
 two Linux machines networked and I don't know any thing
 about it. I need manual that can tell me how to go about it
 and what programs I need?


MichaelLinux mandrake and most other major Linux distros 
have all the programs you will need included in the distro.  
As to a manual, the most common book is "Linux Network 
Administrator's Guide" published by O'Reilly.

[newbie] cdrom bootdisk?

2000-12-20 Thread Mr. Smith

I would like to know if it is possible (I am pretty sure it is) to create a
bootdisk on a cd.  I would like to know because I am using Mandrake, BeOS
(free), and Winblows.  I find the floppy slightly...slow.  So I was just
wondering how I could create a bootdisk to launch linux from a cd instead of
the floppy I created.

Thanks in advance,
Mr. Smith

Re: Re: [newbie] Corel Photopaint 9 problems

2000-12-20 Thread Graham Kerr

yeah...thanks pal, had problems with the fonttastic rpms but got there in
the end :-)

thanks pal


On Tuesday 19 December 2000  9:33 pm, you wrote:

 Did you solve the font thing??


  -Original Message-
  From: a r [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 19 December 2000 21:25
  Subject: FWD: Re: [newbie] Corel Photopaint 9 problems
  --Original Message--
  From: Graham Kerr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: December 16, 2000 10:12:15 PM GMT
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Corel Photopaint 9 problems
  Thats the same problem Im getting...
  How the hell do you add it, my font server is already running!
  By the way, It worked just fine in MDK 7.1, its only happened since i
  upgraded to mdk 7.2
  On Saturday 16 December 2000  7:45 pm, you wrote:
   This is a weired one!
   I have just installed Corel Photopaint 9 and now my menu system has got
   screwed up.
   There are 4 copies of everything in the menu tree!!
   Help?? How do I fix this
   Also when I try and run Photopaint I get the following error message:
   "unable to add Fontastic font server to the font path. The font
  server is
   probably not installed or not running. Please correct it and try again.
   Does anyone have any ideas what I should do??
   Oh My God...Its Full of Penguins 
Reg Linux User 153258   
   Icq No 28205556  
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 Oh My God...Its Full of Penguins 

  Reg Linux User 153258   
 Icq No 28205556  



 Oh My God...Its Full of Penguins 

  Reg Linux User 153258   
 Icq No 28205556  

[newbie] Anyone gotten 1400x1050 on a Dell Inspiron 7500?

2000-12-20 Thread Don Gafford

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to run XF86 v4 on my Dell Inspiron 7500. I get 1024x768 and
1280x1024 OK, but I can't seem to use the 1400x1050 resolution. This is a
valid resolution with Redhat 7, so I figured I would just use the modes from
my XF86Config-4 for redhat in my Mandrake XF86Config. No luck. It still
shows that the resolution is invalid and let's me in with 1280x1024. Anyone
struggled through this yet, or know of a place I can look?

Thanks in advance


[newbie] USB Trackball Mouse

2000-12-20 Thread Tim Holmes

I just got the new Kensington Expert Pro Mouse.  It was supposed
to come out in October, but hey, we won't gripe about that now.

I got the mouse yesterday, which was perfect because I was building
another machine.  I got all the parts, minus a sound card, for R2D2.
(Have STAR WARS theme at home.  JEDI, YODA,PROBE_DROID, and working 
on R2D2, and C3PO.)  I plugged the USB Expert Pro into R2D2, dropped
the Linux Mandrake 7.2 disc, and started the install.

During the install, the Mouse worked beautiful.  I was excited like 
"HECK YEAH!!  This puppy's going to work!"  I boot, and the X resolution
is shot, but that's my fault, I can fix that, but the Mouse does NOT

The Expert Pro has a mouse wheel, which I've not been able to get to 
work with any mouse to dates, despite the .imwheelrc file.  It has two
Left Mouse buttons, two Right Mouse buttons, and a HOME button for web
pages, and then 4 or 5 quick easy start buttons to open up apps.  Well
I figured if I could get a Left and a Right Mouse button working, I would
work on the mouse wheel, the HOME Button, and the 4 or 5 quick start
buttons.  But the sucka won't work.

SO... my question is this.  Who has used a USB Mouse?  Whether it's a 
basic ole run of the mill mouse?  Or the a track ball, or what.  What
did you have to do?  I mean it asked if I has a USB mouse, I said yes,
I got excited, then I cried!  (A bit exaggerative, but you get the point!)

Why did the USB Mouse work in the install, but NOT afterwards?  I have
yet to try the mouse with the USB -= PS/2 adapter that came with it.
I just wanted to try it with USB first.

Now this machine is far from being finished.  I mean poor R2D2 still
has it's sides off and is getting a breeze across his innards.  So 
reinstalling will happen and I may actually make it SuSe or something
else.  But I'd like some feed back on the Mouse issue.

Thanx for any help!
T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

Re: [RE: [newbie] breaking out of a gui]

2000-12-20 Thread Ed Tharp

try [ctrl]+[alt]+[f3] (or any f* key up to [f6]) and then to get back into
your xwindow sesion [ctrl]+[alt]+[f7]
- Original Message -
From: "Michael Scottaline" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 4:06 AM
Subject: Re: [RE: [newbie] breaking out of a gui]

 "Amin Yuliastanto" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  but on my LM7.0 doesnt wor
  after i push Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, X-server seems just restarting not
  is there any other way?
  Amin Yuliastanto
 X restarts because that is what it is being told to do by /etc/inittab.
 can hit ctrl-Alt-bksp all day long, and it will continue to bring you back
 a graphical log in.  If you edit /etc/inittab so that you boot to console
 text mode, then the key combination will work for you.  You need to change
 by making the 5 a 3
 When you want your gui, just type startx

 "Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
 than alcohol has taken out of me."
 --Winston Churchill

 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] cdrom bootdisk?

2000-12-20 Thread Tim Holmes

Mr. Smith,

If you _INSIST_ on creating a boot CD, I guess all you would have to do is
take the boot disk you have, and then burn it to CD.  That's a huge waste
of a CD, but that will do the trick.  

You could consider buying LS-120.  It doesn't run off the floppy cahin and
is much faster, but those do get pricey and so are the discs. (It will read
regular ole floppies though.)  

So that would most likely be the easiest thing.  But it's a waste of a CD,
but however cheaper then a LS-120.
T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

* Mr. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001220 11:10]:
 I would like to know if it is possible (I am pretty sure it is) to create a
 bootdisk on a cd.  I would like to know because I am using Mandrake, BeOS
 (free), and Winblows.  I find the floppy slightly...slow.  So I was just
 wondering how I could create a bootdisk to launch linux from a cd instead of
 the floppy I created.
 Thanks in advance,
 Mr. Smith

Re: [newbie] USB Trackball Mouse

2000-12-20 Thread Tim Holmes

I don't remember where to look to paste it here, but I remember
seeing it start up when the machine boots.  Which was like 15 
days ago.  But I'm pretty sure it is up and running.  Do you 
recall where that is?  So I can look there and make sure it 
is running.
T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

From: "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "'Tim Holmes'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [newbie] USB Trackball Mouse
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 13:47:47 -0500
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)

Is the USB deamon in your start-up?

-Original Message-

  Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001220 13:56]:
 I just got the new Kensington Expert Pro Mouse.  It was supposed
 to come out in October, but hey, we won't gripe about that now.
 I got the mouse yesterday, which was perfect because I was building
 another machine.  I got all the parts, minus a sound card, for R2D2.
 (Have STAR WARS theme at home.  JEDI, YODA,PROBE_DROID, and working 
 on R2D2, and C3PO.)  I plugged the USB Expert Pro into R2D2, dropped
 the Linux Mandrake 7.2 disc, and started the install.
 During the install, the Mouse worked beautiful.  I was excited like 
 "HECK YEAH!!  This puppy's going to work!"  I boot, and the X resolution
 is shot, but that's my fault, I can fix that, but the Mouse does NOT
 The Expert Pro has a mouse wheel, which I've not been able to get to 
 work with any mouse to dates, despite the .imwheelrc file.  It has two
 Left Mouse buttons, two Right Mouse buttons, and a HOME button for web
 pages, and then 4 or 5 quick easy start buttons to open up apps.  Well
 I figured if I could get a Left and a Right Mouse button working, I would
 work on the mouse wheel, the HOME Button, and the 4 or 5 quick start
 buttons.  But the sucka won't work.
 SO... my question is this.  Who has used a USB Mouse?  Whether it's a 
 basic ole run of the mill mouse?  Or the a track ball, or what.  What
 did you have to do?  I mean it asked if I has a USB mouse, I said yes,
 I got excited, then I cried!  (A bit exaggerative, but you get the point!)
 Why did the USB Mouse work in the install, but NOT afterwards?  I have
 yet to try the mouse with the USB -= PS/2 adapter that came with it.
 I just wanted to try it with USB first.
 Now this machine is far from being finished.  I mean poor R2D2 still
 has it's sides off and is getting a breeze across his innards.  So 
 reinstalling will happen and I may actually make it SuSe or something
 else.  But I'd like some feed back on the Mouse issue.
 Thanx for any help!
 T. Holmes
 "Real Men use Vi."

Re: [newbie] cdrom bootdisk?

2000-12-20 Thread Adrian Smith

that's interesting as i was thinking of the same thing.

see, i have a "live CD" of Red Hat (version 3.something) which i can boot up from the 
CD.  i know that in XCDRoast there is an option to make a CD bootable.  so i was 
thinking that i would figure out which files  directories i must have to run linux, 
then burn those to the CD  make it bootable.  

in theory i can get a live file system.  i expect however there might be problems with 
some configuration files, or the boot up or something.  but i can burn those bridges 
when i get to them.  this will be as much a learning tool for me as something actually 
practical  useable.

what would really be fun would be to add X with very general config files that would 
work on most any system and Enlightenment so that i could boot this up on other 
peoples system and show off.  =)

but that is another bridge even further down the road.

but sure, there is no reason you can't do this.  as someone said in reply to you, it's 
rather a waste of a CD -- so you may as well add some other stuff to it  then it 
might become a good recovery tool or portable linux distrabution (which is what i am 
hoping to create).  yea, then i could use linux at work  oh.  IS people having 
fits and convulstions when they see it...  oh  i could tell them i formatted 
the drive and installed Linux  oh  they would be foaming at the mouth  

i love it.
the other Mr. Smith

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 "Mr. Smith" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9:10:21 AM 12/20/00 
I would like to know if it is possible (I am pretty sure it is) to create a
bootdisk on a cd.  I would like to know because I am using Mandrake, BeOS
(free), and Winblows.  I find the floppy slightly...slow.  So I was just
wondering how I could create a bootdisk to launch linux from a cd instead of
the floppy I created.

Thanks in advance,
Mr. Smith

[newbie] Resolution problem (I think)

2000-12-20 Thread Steve Combs

I just installed Mandrake 7.2 on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 430CDT. I can't see the 
entire screen. The cursor will move off the screen on the bottom and to the right 
about 2 inches further than I can see. It doesn't appear to be related to the other 
virtual desktops. When I try to change the resolution under Xdrakres I only get a 
please wait box that shows up for a split second. I have reinstalled three times 
choosing first 1024x768 and then 800x600 under generic LCD then going with 1024x768 
generic SVGA display. According to the spec sheet this laptop is capable of 1024x768. 
The chipset is Chips and Technologies CT65550. When output is sent to a 17" monitor 
the entire display shows. When output is sent to both the monitor and laptop the 
display is cut off on both. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Worst case 
I'll just use the external monitor. Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] Help with soundcard

2000-12-20 Thread Aric S. Bergren

HI All!!! First get out of x-windows by going to the shutdown section
and selecting console mode..(after it boots into it you may have to
press enter to get a login prompt)log in as rootand then run
sndconfig.i had the same problem and this worked like a charm, and
you get to hear linus torvalds pronounce linux!  Good luck!!!

Amin Yuliastanto wrote:
 Hello all,
 I am not trying to solve your problem,
 I just want to tell you and other that i have the same problem
 but my soundcard is Yamaha OPL3-sax 719 chip
 maybe someone can help us...
 Amin Yuliastanto
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mickey Soltys
 Sent: 20 Desember 2000 9:25
 Subject: [newbie] Help with soundcard
 Hello all,
   I am running Mandrake 2.2.17-21. I have a Soundblaster Live soundcard
 works fine under Winblows. However, when I try to configure it with
 Harddrake, I get the following message
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-emu10k/.0:init.nodule: device or
 resource busy.
 Has anyone had any luck with one of these soundcards? Can anyone help me?
 Mickey Soltys

RE: [newbie] Quake III or any game?

2000-12-20 Thread falcaraz

Dear Michael, I have Mandrake 7.2, Voodoo3 3000 and Quake III runs fine.
I had a lot of problems to got the acceleration of my Voodoo3, because
Mandrake 7.2 have a bug for our video card, but after solvingit, every
accelerated program I have installed runs OK.
Are you sure you have the acceleration runing? You can taste with some
of the Arcade games coming with Mandrake, for example Chromium, Tuxkart,
Tuxracer and so on. If these games do not run, you probably need to
solve the acceleration problems first.
Anyway, sometimes when I run Quake III the screen change to a little
ressolution, but I just wait for almost a minute and it starts to run.

I hope this help you

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

- Mensaje Original -
Remitente: "Michael, Steve" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: Martes, Diciembre 19, 2000 10:57 pm
Asunto: [newbie] Quake III or any game?

 Has anyone got Quake III or Unreal Tournament to work with Mandrake 
 I have a Vodoo III video card and have had no luck.  The program 
 installsfine, but when I try to run it, it switches my video to 
 ~680X480 resolution.

Re: [newbie] Resolution problem (I think)

2000-12-20 Thread tweeter

I have a Toshiba Tecra 8100, and the graphics chipset on it is a S3
Savage. I had to find beta drivers for it. Find out who makes your card,
and look to see if you can find a linux driver for it. If you find one,
and can figure out how to install it, write back.
Steve Combs wrote:
 I just installed Mandrake 7.2 on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 430CDT. I can't see the 
entire screen. The cursor will move off the screen on the bottom and to the right 
about 2 inches further than I can see. It doesn't appear to be related to the other 
virtual desktops. When I try to change the resolution under Xdrakres I only get a 
please wait box that shows up for a split second. I have reinstalled three times 
choosing first 1024x768 and then 800x600 under generic LCD then going with 1024x768 
generic SVGA display. According to the spec sheet this laptop is capable of 1024x768. 
The chipset is Chips and Technologies CT65550. When output is sent to a 17" monitor 
the entire display shows. When output is sent to both the monitor and laptop the 
display is cut off on both. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Worst case 
I'll just use the external monitor. Thanks in advance.

Peter Marks

[newbie] Tuxracer

2000-12-20 Thread tweeter

I have a dual celeron system with an ATI All in wonder, and Drake 7.2,
but when I run tuxracer, the menus load fine, but when I play the game,
the screen is very, very white, you can hardly see tux. but when I press
excape, the little dialog is in color, how could I go about fixing this?

Peter Marks
Peter Marks

Re: [newbie] Microsoft's idea of risk

2000-12-20 Thread Goldenpi

What do you get if you not only use but also copy and sell it?

Windows 95 and 98 disks have the words "please do not make pirate copies of
this disk" on them. Nice try m$.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 1:46 PM
Subject: [newbie] Microsoft's idea of risk

 From http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/15101.html

 Microsoft urges people not to use the Internet
 By: Kieren McCarthy
 Posted: 29/11/2000 at 17:10 GMT

 Finding out what exactly Microsoft is thinking is harder than getting
blood out
 of a stone or a coherent sentence out your grandma, but work hard

 The Beast of Redmond has put an online form on its Web site that will tell
 what sort of risk you are running of having obtained unlicensed or pirated
 software. Which is nice. Depending on how you answer, M$ will give you a
 low, medium or high-risk rating. So we had a play around to determine
 what Microsoft saw as risky behaviour.

 Unsurprisingly, if you buy all your software off Microsoft, have all the
licences at hand
 and also purchase upgrade licences, client access licences and
 purchasing licences, then you are at low-risk. Deviate much from this and
 enter medium risk.

 Your software is pre-installed (keeping all the other answers the same)?
 Medium risk. Your IT department installed it? Medium risk. You're not sure
 that you have licences for every piece of software? High risk straight
 You don't know exactly how many workstations your company has? From
 Low to High risk in one fell swoop.

 However, of most interest to us were the Internet options. It would seem
 Microsoft - despite everything it says - doesn't trust the Internet at
all. In
 answer to the question "How did you acquire the software installed on your
 workstations/servers?", three of the ten options concern the Net. These
 Internet acquisition - On-line Store, On-line Auction and Downloaded from

 Select any of these three and you are immediately sent from a Low risk
 situation to a High risk one. So there you have it - Microsoft doesn't
want you
 to use the Internet. We'd always suspected.

 Incidentally, don't bother to try the quiz out if you are using anything
 Internet Explorer. Such is the complexity of running a simple quiz that
only a
 product as amazing as Explorer can deal with it. Good to see Microsoft
 changed. ®

 Related Link
 MS' online form (try it yourself - you'll be Medium risk)

[newbie] Next Question

2000-12-20 Thread Mr. Smith

Ok.  I have been playing around in linux and I was trying to access my
floppy from both my superuser account and root.  I did this via /mnt/floppy
and I believe they are being supermounted.  Do I still have to mount them or
should they be accessible?  Under root it was locked out which doesn't make
sense to me.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance again
Mr. Smith

Re: [newbie] uninstalling Xfree 3.x

2000-12-20 Thread John Alexander

I'll try to tell you what i did, but unfortunatly I am
away from my computer (and install notes) till Jan3!
And yes, I have 3d accell working- man quake 3 is

I had to mix and match instructions from s many
sources.  I have the Viper V770 using the TNT2 -so I
presume the install will be the same for the other
drivers.  You need the nvidia kernel 0.9-5 and glx
tarballs - dont get the rpms.
gunzip and untar them in a temp directory.
go to the Nvidia kernel directory and run:
make SYSINCLUDE=/usr/src/linux/include 
Now you have to remove all of the traces of libGL:
cd /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions
mv libGLcore.a libGLcore.a.mesa
mv libglx.a libglx.a.mesa
cd /usr/X11R6/lib
mv libGL.so libGL.so.mesa
mv libGL.so.1 libGL.so.1.mesa
mv libGL.so.1.0 libGL.so.1.0.mesa
mv libGL.so.1.2.0 libGL.so.1.2.0.mesa 
I can't remember nor find the help files I used, but
search your computer for other libGL files.
next go to the Nvidia glx directory and run: make
Then goto /etc/X11/ and edit the XF86Config-4 file
(not the XF86Config file) and change the entry Driver
"nv" to Driver "nvidia", I think it is in the screen
section.  Also add the line Load "glx" to the Module
This last part seems to be a problem with M7.2 - you
have to 
cd /etc/X11
rm X
ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 X
so that you are now using the right server.
Finally, if X locks up when you load it you need to
the line that removes AGP support in you config file -
I forgot what it is, but it should be listed on the
Nvidia help file.
After that, quake should run!
check out


--- Jamie Kerwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What did you do to get the nvidia drivers working, I
 haven't for the life of 
 me been able to get them to work. (i assume here you
 have 3d acceleration 
 From: "John and Marcie Alexander"
 Subject: [newbie] uninstalling Xfree 3.x
 Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 10:53:47 -0500
 I installed lm7.2 and finally got my nvidia drivers
 working.  When I ran X 
 -version, I got 3.something as my current version,
 even though I checked 
 the rpms installed and it seems x version 4.0 is
 When I redirected X to the 4.0 server, all works
 fine now.  Does this mean 
 I have both versions installed?  If so, how can I
 remove the one I am not 

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Re: [newbie] Microsoft's idea of risk

2000-12-20 Thread Paul

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, Goldenpi wrote:

What do you get if you not only use but also copy and sell it?

Windows 95 and 98 disks have the words "please do not make pirate copies of
this disk" on them. Nice try m$.

That of course is high risk. But then, I never found a pirate that would
lie still long enough for me to write a copy of windoze on him... ;)


Windows didn't get as bad as it is overnight.
It took years of careful development.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.31

[newbie] how to downgrade XF86 from 4 to 3.3?

2000-12-20 Thread Liaw, Andy

Hi everyone,

Can someone tell me how I can downgrade XFree86 from 4.0 (in LM7.1) to 3.3?
I found out that some of the software that we want to run do not support
XFree86 4.0 (yet), such as Win4Lin and VMware.


RE: [newbie] Quake III or any game?

2000-12-20 Thread Michael, Steve

What did you do to solve the acceleration problem?

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 7:29 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Quake III or any game?

Dear Michael, I have Mandrake 7.2, Voodoo3 3000 and Quake III runs fine.
I had a lot of problems to got the acceleration of my Voodoo3, because
Mandrake 7.2 have a bug for our video card, but after solvingit, every
accelerated program I have installed runs OK.
Are you sure you have the acceleration runing? You can taste with some
of the Arcade games coming with Mandrake, for example Chromium, Tuxkart,
Tuxracer and so on. If these games do not run, you probably need to
solve the acceleration problems first.
Anyway, sometimes when I run Quake III the screen change to a little
ressolution, but I just wait for almost a minute and it starts to run.

I hope this help you

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

- Mensaje Original -
Remitente: "Michael, Steve" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: Martes, Diciembre 19, 2000 10:57 pm
Asunto: [newbie] Quake III or any game?

 Has anyone got Quake III or Unreal Tournament to work with Mandrake 
 I have a Vodoo III video card and have had no luck.  The program 
 installsfine, but when I try to run it, it switches my video to 
 ~680X480 resolution.

Re: [newbie] C++ resources

2000-12-20 Thread Revenant

Mark Johnson wrote:
 check out www.ibooks.com they have a book called, Thinking in C++, I
 think they are offering it free as a special promotion.  They also
 have all the linux books from the LDP for free too.

  Last I looked, this book was available free off the author's website

Society Design Mailing List http://www.egroups.com/group/Society_Design 
For any and all aspects of designing societies, from discussion of real-
world utopian ideas to fantastic fictional or roleplaying worlds.
---Revenant [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] --

Re: [newbie] ReiserFS

2000-12-20 Thread A V Flinsch

On Wednesday 20 December 2000 10:46, you wrote:

 In the LM7.2 Expert Install there is an option for using "hard drive

 Is this LM's obscure way of referring to ReiserFS? If not, where else
 in the Installer can one choose ReiserFS?

the hard drive optimizations are loaded as an append to the kernel. I 
have never had it work correctly, and have had it leave me with an 
unbootable system.

ReiserFS can be chosen when you partition the drive.

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

Re: RE: [newbie] Quake III or any game?

2000-12-20 Thread Altoine Barker

Hey Michael,

I am running Quake III and Unreal Tournament. I run Unreal Tournament using 
the software render (SDLDrv.SDLSoftware.Render). I tried OpenGL 
(SDLGLDrv.SDLGLRender) but it was all messed up.The sceneray was missing much 
and I couldn't make out any words but I could play it best in OpenGL. The SDL 
was clean and crisp but the performance was lousy. And this is with the 
screen resolution at 640X480! I have a Voodoo3 3000, 64MB RAM, 2.2.17 kernel, 
and a X 4.01 server running. My system is a AMD K6-2 466MHz. When I had X 
3.3.6, my computer ran beautifully with Glide support. I'm tempted to go to 
the cvs for DRI support to see if that would bring the performance back to my 
system. In the Engine.Engine section it pulled the driver libGL.so.1 for 
OpenGL, anybody know of one better? That is all I have for now. Because of my 
current situation, I don't dare go into an internet Multiplay! I am a hell of 
a time just trying to beat the bots in the Single Player Mode! I hope someone 
has better new then I and would greatly appreciate them passing their 
information onto the rest of us.

== Al


 Dear Michael, I have Mandrake 7.2, Voodoo3 3000 and Quake III runs fine.
 I had a lot of problems to got the acceleration of my Voodoo3, because
 Mandrake 7.2 have a bug for our video card, but after solvingit, every
 accelerated program I have installed runs OK.
 Are you sure you have the acceleration runing? You can taste with some
 of the Arcade games coming with Mandrake, for example Chromium, Tuxkart,
 Tuxracer and so on. If these games do not run, you probably need to
 solve the acceleration problems first.
 Anyway, sometimes when I run Quake III the screen change to a little
 ressolution, but I just wait for almost a minute and it starts to run.
 I hope this help you
 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)
 - Mensaje Original -
 Remitente: "Michael, Steve" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Martes, Diciembre 19, 2000 10:57 pm
 Asunto: [newbie] Quake III or any game?
  Has anyone got Quake III or Unreal Tournament to work with Mandrake 
  I have a Vodoo III video card and have had no luck.  The program 
  installsfine, but when I try to run it, it switches my video to 
  ~680X480 resolution.
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

[newbie] Multisession cd writing

2000-12-20 Thread =?x-unknown?q?Pe=F1a_Arellano_Fabian_Erasmo?=

Hello everyone,

I use Linux Mandrake version 7.2 in a computer which has the i810
chipset and 
a HP CD writer 9150 (9100 series). The cd writer was already installed by
the time I 
installed Linux.
The problem is that I have't been able to write more than two
sessions in a
disc. I have already read the CD-Writing HOWTO and the README.multi file
with the cdrecord program. No error message appears at any of the steps of
the iso image with mkisofs and recording into disc with cdrecord. The
third session
simply doesn't appears listed after typing

[promt]$ ls /mnt/cdrom2
file_name_first_session file_name_second_session

The first time I tried to append a third session, a Windows
machine was able to 
see the third file added to the disc, but Linux never did. In the
following attempts
neither Windows nor Linux were able to see it.
cdrecord seems to write it fine, it even can retreive the first
block number in
the first track of the third session and the next writable address of the
unwritten session.

[promt]$ cdrecord -scanbus
Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jrg
Linux sg driver version: 2.1.39
Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
0,0,0   0) 'HP  ' 'CD-Writer+ 9100b' '1.06' Removable CD-ROM
0,1,0   1) *
0,2,0   2) *
0,3,0   3) *
0,4,0   4) *
0,5,0   5) *
0,6,0   6) *
0,7,0   7) *

[promt]$ ls
[promt]$ NEXT_TRACK=`cdrecord -msinfo dev=0,0,0`
[promt]$ mkisofs -r -J -o image_name -C $NEXT_TRACK -M /dev/scd0 file_name
[promt]$ ls
image_name  file_name
[promt]$ cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 -data -multi image_name

Any idea of what could be happening? Thanks in advace.

Fabian Penha.

Re: [newbie] Tuxracer

2000-12-20 Thread s

This is probably a lame response, but mine was unusable until I upgraded thru 
'updates' to latest kdebase, kdegames, etc.  So, well, if you haven't 
upgraded your install yet, you might try that.  Other wise, I hear a new XF86 
is out with more support for ATI Raddeons, maybe All In Wonder is supported 
better also.

On Wednesday 20 December 2000 06:26 pm, you wrote:
 I have a dual celeron system with an ATI All in wonder, and Drake 7.2,
 but when I run tuxracer, the menus load fine, but when I play the game,
 the screen is very, very white, you can hardly see tux. but when I press
 excape, the little dialog is in color, how could I go about fixing this?

 Peter Marks

Registered Linux user #197855

[newbie] TCP/IP stalling in LM 7.2 -- HELP!!!

2000-12-20 Thread George Czerw

I just did a fresh Mandrake 7.2 install, which went rather smoothly (I
thought), until I rebooted, logged in, and tried to do anything on the
I have a cable hookup with static IP addressing.  NIC is a CompaQ, 
Netelligent PCI 10/100 using the tlan driver.
I am noticing that it takes almost 1 minute to retrieve a single 
e-mail message, and that when trying to load WEB pages or DL files, 
that the DL rate starts at about 3.5 Kbps but within seconds 
dramatically drops to perhaps 250 bps and then goes into a stall, and 
just sits there.  This is not a Netscape only phenomenon, it occurs 
regardless of browser and e-mail/news package used.
Right now I am totally stumped because I find NO I/O address or IRQ 
conflicts with any installed hardware, and have checked and rechecked 
my TCP/IP configuration only to find no errors there.  I can shut down
Linux, reboot the same box into OS/2 Warp4, and immediately get on the
net and see DL speeds in excess of 200 Kbps.
I did NOT have this problem using Mandrake 7.0-2 on this box and could
(reluctantly) restore from tape, but I would prefer to get 7.2 running
If anyone can provide me with some insight into what I should be 
looking for and where, I'd appreciate it.  I'd really like to get this
straightened out, but I'm totally lost!
...surfing with Warp4 for now...

RE: Re: [newbie] Tuxracer

2000-12-20 Thread falcaraz

Do you have video-card acceleration. I think that tuxracer only works 
fine with acceleration, the same for tuxkart or chromium

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

- Mensaje Original -
Remitente: s [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: Miércoles, Diciembre 20, 2000 11:51 am
Asunto: Re: [newbie] Tuxracer

 This is probably a lame response, but mine was unusable until I 
 upgraded thru 
 'updates' to latest kdebase, kdegames, etc.  So, well, if you 
 upgraded your install yet, you might try that.  Other wise, I hear 
 a new XF86 
 is out with more support for ATI Raddeons, maybe All In Wonder is 
 better also.
 On Wednesday 20 December 2000 06:26 pm, you wrote:
  I have a dual celeron system with an ATI All in wonder, and 
 Drake 7.2,
  but when I run tuxracer, the menus load fine, but when I play 
 the game,
  the screen is very, very white, you can hardly see tux. but when 
 I press
  excape, the little dialog is in color, how could I go about 
 fixing this?
  Peter Marks
 Registered Linux user #197855

[newbie] BIOS setting: Plug 'n play OS

2000-12-20 Thread Miark

Hi all,

I've discovered that my sound card won't work unless I
disable the PnP setting in my BIOS. I'm dual booting to
Windoze98 and Mandrake, so I'm wondering what the
consequences will to Windoze. Will Windoze start
spontaneously launching national defense missiles in the
name of Peter Pan or something?


Registered Linux user #197870

Re: [newbie] BIOS setting: Plug 'n play OS

2000-12-20 Thread Mr. Smith

I can't even get my soundcard to work and my PnP Bios has always been "off."
I exited X and "su"ed to root and typed sndconfig and it still doesn't play
sound in the test screen...Stupid Sound Blaster Live! Value cards...grrr...

Mr. Smith

 Hi all,

 I've discovered that my sound card won't work unless I
 disable the PnP setting in my BIOS. I'm dual booting to
 Windoze98 and Mandrake, so I'm wondering what the
 consequences will to Windoze. Will Windoze start
 spontaneously launching national defense missiles in the
 name of Peter Pan or something?


[newbie] Theme manager in Mdk 7.2

2000-12-20 Thread Mark Weaver

Hi list,

I've been checking all over this system and the closest thing I can find
to the old KDE theme manager is the "Legacy Theme importer". I gave that a
try, but try as I might that old thing just wasn't getting it done.

My question is, if I can find it and install KDE Theme Manager will it
work with KDE in Mandrake 7.2?
## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

[newbie] Mandrake and ISDN

2000-12-20 Thread Tanis_

Hello there, I got a little headache, been trying for a while now to get my 
linux system online, I have a Dynalink ISDN TA, and if I run the 
internet/network wizard, choosing the ISDN internet option it detects the 
card, however, when the wizard is done, and I try to connect nothing 
happends, I go into setup, and it is set up for a modem, not ISDN, I have 
used hours reading both the howto's that comes with the dist, and also 
checked out the mandrake website, but the process shown in the mandrake 
online user manual, and what happends are not similar. is there anyone out 
there that could help me please??


Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Perhaps X should not hard code seven buttons, but rather have a section in 
the config file specifying the number of buttons that you have (i.e. you can 
change it to what you like). In a following section, the functions of the 
buttons may be specified, or the user may choose to leave that to the window 
manager. That way you could do something like plug in a USB joystick (one of 
those complex ones with millions of buttons) and use that as a pointing 
device. It could be useful for disabled people who find it easier to point a 
joystick than a mouse.

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 14:15, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
 Just as xwindows sets up, or fails to set up, a ps/2 or 2 button mouse,
 it instead should set up seven buttons -- period.
 Then the wm assigns and/or reassigns functions.
 The other way is going nowhere, because windows users have bad habits.

 Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  I like your idea, but this appears to be more of a job for the window
  manager than for X itself, since different window managers have different
  feature sets and different ways of doing things. As I mentioned before, I
  quite like the Sawfish configuration options. These allow a multitude of
  combinations involving the mouse, the keyboard, or even both together.
  While it may not have everything you may want, remember that Sawfish is a
  relatively young window manager (compared to, say, Enlightenment and
  WindowMaker) and its feature set is improving over time.
  On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 23:45, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
   I think a new user should be faced with something like this:
 Xwindows Mouse Installation Wiz
   Button 1[add]   list of functions
   Button 2[remove]list of functions
   Button 3   or 1+2   list of functions
   Button 4  1+2  or a-1   list of functions
   Button 5  1+3  or a-2   list of functions
   Button 6  2+3  or a-1+2 list of functions
   Button 7  1+2+3  or doubleclick 1   list of functions
   list of functions
   list of functions
   etc etc etc..
   He should be able to get to this by entering "xmouse" at
   a command prompt. This is mouse0. Mouse1 should be also
   configurable, bearing in mind that you can't have two
   *separate* ps2 mice, tho I understand that you can hook up
   2 and use them. The buttons would share. They're just
   switches, after all. (So is a computer :-))
   Some of the functions need dialogs for pressure, axis, etc.
   We don't have this because W$ users have bad habits, and they
   continue to have a bad influence.
   Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
I agree with you - at least in part. I believe that Linux should have
legacy hardware support, but only if those like us are not
disadvantaged. As I've said before, Linux is all about choice. If
someone wants to plug in a
  Sridhar Dhanapalan.
  Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge
  this change.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] ReiserFS

2000-12-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

These are hdparm (a utility to optimise hard drive speed) settings. It can 
make a huge difference in performance, but since you don't get to test it 
first it's better not to select it if you're not sure it'll work. Have a look 
at http://mandrakeuser.org/hardware/hide2.html for details.

On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 02:46, Michael O'Henly wrote:

 In the LM7.2 Expert Install there is an option for using "hard drive

 Is this LM's obscure way of referring to ReiserFS? If not, where else in
 the Installer can one choose ReiserFS?



Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] BIOS setting: Plug 'n play OS

2000-12-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Go ahead, you should have no problem at all.

On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 11:54, Miark wrote:
 Hi all,

 I've discovered that my sound card won't work unless I
 disable the PnP setting in my BIOS. I'm dual booting to
 Windoze98 and Mandrake, so I'm wondering what the
 consequences will to Windoze. Will Windoze start
 spontaneously launching national defense missiles in the
 name of Peter Pan or something?


 Registered Linux user #197870

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] Theme manager in Mdk 7.2

2000-12-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

KDE 2.1 will have a theme manager. I have been using Beta 1 (the most current 
release) for almost a week now and I can say that it's quite good, although 
there are still a few little bugs.

On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 07:45, Mark Weaver wrote:
 Hi list,

 I've been checking all over this system and the closest thing I can find
 to the old KDE theme manager is the "Legacy Theme importer". I gave that a
 try, but try as I might that old thing just wasn't getting it done.

 My question is, if I can find it and install KDE Theme Manager will it
 work with KDE in Mandrake 7.2?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

RE: [newbie] Theme manager in Mdk 7.2

2000-12-20 Thread Charles A Edwards

It requires the old kde base.
Same with the themes.


Forever never goes beyond tomorrow. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Weaver
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 3:45 PM
To: Mandrake Newbie List
Subject: [newbie] Theme manager in Mdk 7.2

Hi list,

I've been checking all over this system and the closest thing I can find
to the old KDE theme manager is the "Legacy Theme importer". I gave that a
try, but try as I might that old thing just wasn't getting it done.

My question is, if I can find it and install KDE Theme Manager will it
work with KDE in Mandrake 7.2?
## ...it's not a bug, it's a feature
## Registered Linux User # 182496
##  !-- Pine 4.31 --

RE: [newbie] BIOS setting: Plug 'n play OS

2000-12-20 Thread Charles A Edwards

Windows will be quite peacfull with the BIOS set to non PnP OS.

I had a problem with SB Live Value in 7.2 with KDE 1.99, no sound, resource
busy; but if I logged into gnome (which I like more anyway) the sound worked
so the problem is not the card but the program.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mr. Smith
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] BIOS setting: Plug 'n play OS

I can't even get my soundcard to work and my PnP Bios has always been "off."
I exited X and "su"ed to root and typed sndconfig and it still doesn't play
sound in the test screen...Stupid Sound Blaster Live! Value cards...grrr...

Mr. Smith

 Hi all,

 I've discovered that my sound card won't work unless I
 disable the PnP setting in my BIOS. I'm dual booting to
 Windoze98 and Mandrake, so I'm wondering what the
 consequences will to Windoze. Will Windoze start
 spontaneously launching national defense missiles in the
 name of Peter Pan or something?


[newbie] Kermel Modules

2000-12-20 Thread johnc

I have recompiled a custom kernel more suitable to my machine and tastes and 
all went well except the modules. I was not able to do "make modules" for the 
new kernel. I am relly not sure of what exactly I need to do when it comes to 
the modules. Do I need to remove the modules currently in /lib/moodules or am 
I just missing the command syntax for this operation. The kernel boots and I 
am currently running on it. I used the tutorial at www.hardcorelinux.com as a 
John W

[newbie] Modem Issue

2000-12-20 Thread Nicholas Mario Enrico

Hi everyone!

I'm currently running 7.2 on a Pentium III 450, 128 SDRAM machine. It also 
has a Conexant Soft56k Fax Modem.(internal)

The problem is I can't get the modem to work. I tried to play around with 
the modem setup, to no avail. After checking in windows, the modem is on 
COM3 port. No other devices is connected to COM1 and COM2. When I change the 
setup to ttyS2 and ttyS3 and tried to connect, I get the message "Sorry the 
modem is busy".
When I change it to ttyS0 or ttyS1, I got some error mistake which I forgot. 
But the modem is on COM3, and I read that COM3 = ttyS2...

Can anyone help me?

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] Modem Issue

2000-12-20 Thread Eugene C. Zesch

Nicholas Mario Enrico wrote:
 Hi everyone!
 I'm currently running 7.2 on a Pentium III 450, 128 SDRAM machine. It also
 has a Conexant Soft56k Fax Modem.(internal)
Thats all you need to say... a soft modem is a winmodem, i.e. it uses
the cpu power to emulate a $2.00 chip. If I were a Pentium III Id be
highly insulted to be asked to do that.
I dont have the links handy, but do a search for linmodem, you may be
lucky enough to have one of the very few that have linux drivers
You might also try a search of the manufacturers page to see if they
offer linux support.
Otherwise, you need a modem.


[newbie] screen freaks out.

2000-12-20 Thread Jason Latta

When Xwindows starts everything is fine until I move my mouse. The screen
goes black. What can I do?

RE: [newbie] Help with soundcard

2000-12-20 Thread Amin Yuliastanto

Yes, thank you very much Aric 
right know I listening xmms playing Sugar Ray-Every Morning.mp3



Amin Yuliastanto 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aric S. Bergren
Sent: 21 Desember 2000 3:05
Subject: Re: [newbie] Help with soundcard

HI All!!! First get out of x-windows by going to the shutdown section
and selecting console mode..(after it boots into it you may have to
press enter to get a login prompt)log in as rootand then run
sndconfig.i had the same problem and this worked like a charm, and
you get to hear linus torvalds pronounce linux!  Good luck!!!

Amin Yuliastanto wrote:
 Hello all,
 I am not trying to solve your problem,
 I just want to tell you and other that i have the same problem
 but my soundcard is Yamaha OPL3-sax 719 chip
 maybe someone can help us...
 Amin Yuliastanto
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mickey Soltys
 Sent: 20 Desember 2000 9:25
 Subject: [newbie] Help with soundcard
 Hello all,
   I am running Mandrake 2.2.17-21. I have a Soundblaster Live soundcard
 works fine under Winblows. However, when I try to configure it with
 Harddrake, I get the following message
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-emu10k/.0:init.nodule: device or
 resource busy.
 Has anyone had any luck with one of these soundcards? Can anyone help me?
 Mickey Soltys

[newbie] memory Size

2000-12-20 Thread Michael (Nozy) Falzon

Hi All
 How do i fix the memory size on a mandrak 7.2 ( i have 256mg of
ram ) and she showing up as 64

Michael Falzon
Mozy's Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBs
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2000-12-20 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Did you burn your own Mandrake CD? I had the same problem, and I later 
realised that I had a buffer underrun while burning. If that is the case, you 
will have to burn it again.

On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:34, Paul Williamson wrote:
 When I install mandrake by booting from the cd, there is an error :

 "error loading second stage ramdisk"

 How do I fix it??

 I downloaded the 'autoboot.bat file but where do I put it?


 Paul Williamson

 ICQ# 83724504 (http://wwp.icq.com/83724504)


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.