Re: [newbie-it] CD-Rom e Floppy...

2001-02-14 Thread Enrico Mischi

Il 11:41, mercoledì 14 febbraio 2001, scrivesti:
 scusa ma forse ho capito male .
 Il cd e il floppy vanno montati e smontati per poter essere utilizzati
 ogni volta !
 Puoi agginugerne le icone sul desktop per facilitarti montaggio e
 Se ho capito male il tuo problema scusami e pero' non ho bnessuna idea
 di cosa possa essre .


Li monto regolarmente... solo che una volta montati vanno per due secondie 
poi si impiantano


[newbie-it] accesso a cdrom

2001-02-14 Thread Loris

Dopo varie peripezie sono riuscito a far "vedere" anche il cdrom a
xcdroast (se a qualcuno interessa sono andato in /boot/grub/menu.lst e
sotto la voce "title linux" ho variato la stringa: "kernel
(hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda5 hdd=ide-scsi" in: "kernel
(hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda5 hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-
scsi").Dopodichè xcdroast mi ha riconosciuto anche il lettore cdrom.Il
mio problema è questo: mentre se accedo al cdrom (magari da kde)tutto
va ok,se accedo al masterizzatore mi compare un messaggio di errore che
dice che non ho i permessi necessari per accedervi.Le icone su kde
fanno riferimento a /mnt/cdrom e /mnt/cdrom2 inoltre in /mnt la
cartella "cdrom" si presenta normale mentre quella "cdrom2" appare
chiusa da una specie di lucchetto. Se qualcuno sa darmi una dritta lo
ringrazio anticipatamente.

 Chieder è lecito, rispondere  è cortesia.

[newbie-it] Problemi di installazione, rilevamento periferiche SCSI

2001-02-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao a tutti.

Ho appena comperato una catena SCSI, ma non riesco a installare
la Mandrake 7.2 !
In installazione il rilevamento del controller viene effettuato correttamente,
poi la luce del masterizzatore inizia a lampeggiare e tutto si blocca.
Il mio sistema è così composto:
MB Asus P2B
Processore Pentium II 450
Adaptec 2940 UW
2 HD IBM 4Gb
1 HD NEC 4Gb
Matrox G400
SounBlaster Live!
CD-Rom Plextor 32x SCSI
Masterizzatore Yamaha 6x SCSI

Ho provato a scaricare il dischetto di boot "patchato" per
la 2940, ma il problema non è risolto.
Il mio sospetto è che essendo la catena completamente configurata
in "plug and play" (l'ho comperata usata da un tizio che usava con Winwows2000),
il detect hardware di linux si incasini.


[newbie-it] ..sulla compilazione..

2001-02-14 Thread Gigi Cyber

ciao a tutti,
come mai dopo aver scompattato i sorgenti del kernel
in usr/src, e aver cambiato directory in ./linux il
comando make xconfig mi risponde che make 
prima non me lo faceva...:)

Do You Yahoo!?
Il tuo indirizzo gratis e per sempre su

Fwd: [newbie-it] Problemi d'installazione

2001-02-14 Thread Pasquale

Ciao Ragazzi!
Spiego meglio il mio problema!
Sono un pinguino da circa 2 mesi ed avevo nel mio pc oltre alla skifezza 
Windows (o winzozz!) anche Linux Red Hat, poi un giorno un mio amico mi 
mostra Linux Mandrake e me ne  "innamoro", quindi procedo tramite 
partition magic 6.0 alla semplice formattazione della partizione dedicata 
a linux (3 GB).
Fatto questo, tento di installare Mandrake 7.2 partendo dal floppy 
oppositamente creato: avvio il cpu, compare la 1 schermata 
d'installazione, quella che chiede di procedere con enter o in caso di 
aiuto con F1; provo con enter e parte una barra di scorrimento dopo di che 
c' una skermata nera con una stella + pinguino e una serie di comandi che 
scorrono fino all'identificazione di hda (HD da 15 Gb), hdb (HD da 4,3 
GB), hdc (cdrom) e
hdd (masterizzatore), dopo questo compare un semplice cursore che 
lampeggia all'infinito!! Qu finisce il tentativo d'installazione!

Ho provato con F1 al posto di enter ed ho letto la guida ho provato in 
tutti i modi indicati;
Ho cercato d'installare direttamente dal cdrom dopo aver cambiato nel Bios 
Ho cercato d'installare dal dos eseguendo dei comandi indicati nel cd di 
Ho provato a staccare le prese USb, come gentilmente mi ha indicato Abedark;
Tutto questo  strano perch con la red hat l'installazione procede 
Ragazzi AIUTATEMI, Mandrake  stupendo e non vedo l'ora di vederlo 
all'azione sul mio pc!!


At 16.33 11/02/2001 +0100, you wrote:

  Ciao a tutti!
Ciao anche a te...:-)...nuovo pinguino
  non riesco a capire come mai non riesco ad installare linux Mandrake
  (rivista linux C.)
Io l'ho installato benissimo e non ha nessun problema...x su un Athlon!
Ho provato in vari modi: con il floppy, in dos, direttamente dal stesso risultato!
Spero tu non abia fatto troppi casini strani...:-)
  In pratica il pc (128 ram; PII 350 Mhz; Scheda video Intel740 8Mb;
  audio creative sound blaster 32 bit) si blocca prima che il programma
  d'installazione accede al cdrom e precisamente quando riconosce i
  fissi e lettori cd (hda; hdb; hdc; hdd) facendo comparire un cursore
Ti consiglio di partizionare il tuo hard disk sotto windows, e poi di
tentare di installare Linux Mandrake7.2!!!
Io avevo acquistato Partition Magic5.0,ho partizionato l'hard disk
sotto Win98,poi ho riavviato e aspettato che fossero rese definitice le
partizioni sotto Dos,poi riavviato di nuovo il Pc,cambiato nel Bios
l'avvio,cio non pi da floppy ma da CD-ROM,ed infine riavviato
L'installazione della Mandrake7.2 fornita con 2 CD-ROM su LinuxC.  una
delle pi semplici che io conosca...e poi puoi avere la descrizione
dettagliata passo per passo in italiano mentre installi...
Ricordati di staccare tutte le prese USB dal tuo PC,se per caso ne no possono esserci problemi nel riconoscimento delle
perifericheil resto sar bocca al lupo:-)

(Io ho un hard disk da 20GB di scorta apposta per testare le
installazioni di sistemi GNU/Linux...:-))) )   Abedark

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[newbie-it] Client telnet per linux

2001-02-14 Thread a . marcedone

Un buon client telnet per collegarsi ad un sistema linux?
Ho provato putty (ottimo, solo 240K), ma crea dei garbage nello schermo.

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi d'installazione

2001-02-14 Thread a . marcedone

Anche io ho tentato di far partire l'installazione da floppy, ma con scarsi
Se hai il cd-rom che non f il boot, la procedura piu' rapida e' questo:
Formatta l'hd con una partizione dos.
Fai il boot da un dischetto (anche il disco di installazzione di winzozz)
che ti permetta di vedere il cdrom.
Nel cdrom, nella directory /dosutils/qualcosa (c'e' un readme da qualche
parte) lancia il programma di installazione . Questo programam ad un certo
punto si interrompe (bug?) ma non ti preoccupare.
   A questo punto ti viene creata nell'hd una directory Mandrake, vacci
dentro e lancia cd-rom.bat
   Ti parte l'installazione e tutto finisce per il meglio.

   Sono n linea, comunque per i nomi corretti dei files c'e' un readme o un
install nel cd di distribuzione.

Ciao Ragazzi!
Spiego meglio il mio problema!
Sono un pinguino da circa 2 mesi ed avevo nel mio pc oltre alla skifezza
Windows (o winzozz!) anche Linux Red Hat, poi un giorno un mio amico mi
mostra Linux Mandrake e me ne  "innamoro", quindi procedo tramite
partition magic 6.0 alla semplice formattazione della partizione dedicata
a linux (3 GB).
Fatto questo, tento di installare Mandrake 7.2 partendo dal floppy
oppositamente creato: avvio il cpu, compare la 1 schermata
d'installazione, quella che chiede di procedere con enter o in caso di
aiuto con F1; provo con enter e parte una barra di scorrimento dopo di che
c' una skermata nera con una stella + pinguino e una serie di comandi che
scorrono fino all'identificazione di hda (HD da 15 Gb), hdb (HD da 4,3
GB), hdc (cdrom) e
hdd (masterizzatore), dopo questo compare un semplice cursore che
lampeggia all'infinito!! Qu finisce il tentativo d'installazione!

Ho provato con F1 al posto di enter ed ho letto la guida ho provato in
tutti i modi indicati;
Ho cercato d'installare direttamente dal cdrom dopo aver cambiato nel Bios
Ho cercato d'installare dal dos eseguendo dei comandi indicati nel cd di
Ho provato a staccare le prese USb, come gentilmente mi ha indicato
Tutto questo  strano perch con la red hat l'installazione procede
Ragazzi AIUTATEMI, Mandrake  stupendo e non vedo l'ora di vederlo
all'azione sul mio pc!!

[newbie] Swap Partition missing

2001-02-14 Thread Jack Gillis

When I installed Mandrake 7.2 I neglected to set up a Swap Partition 
believe it or not.  How it happened, like J. Buffetts tattoo, I haven't a clue.

Can I fix this any way?

I was thinking of using Partition Magic to create and format one and hope 
to have Mandrake recognize it? Maybe by editing fstab or something like 

Is there another way short of reinstalling?

Thank you.

[newbie] i would like feedback on a system configuration ...

2001-02-14 Thread Aston

Greetings.  I would like some feedback on a power user workstation I am
considering to purchase.  I am particular interested in whether the
system will work with Linux almost out of box (ie I am interested in a
smooth installation).  I am considering either Mandrake 7.2, Redhat 7.0,
or SuSE 7.0.  In the near future, it will also be running VMware
workstation for Linux :

MSI K7T Pro 2A Motherboard with onboard AC97 sound

Quantum Atlantis AS 30GB E-IDE HDD  ATA 100MB/sec  (7200 rpm)  2MB
IBM Desktar 30GB IDE HDD ATA/100 (7200 rpm) 2MB buffer

32MB Riva TNT2 AGP Graphics Card
Panasonic 1.44MB Floppy Disk Drive
Pioneer 16X DVD-ROM Drive
Sony Internal SCSI CD-RW (12x8x32)
Tekram DC315U PCI SCSI Controller Card
ATX Medium Tower Case with 300w Power Supply
Standard PS/2 Keyboard
Genius PS/2 Scroll Mouse

and probably a Philips 17 inch Monitor (107E) or a Samsung 17 inch

I imagine the main problems will be the onboard AC97 sound and the hard
drive with ATA/100.  i have noticed some discussion regarding hard
drives with ATA/100, and I am under the impression that the latest
stable kernel does not support hard drives with ATA/100.  Is this
correct?  If so, what exactly do I have to do to make the kernel work
with ATA/100 without waiting for 2.4 kernel to come as part of a

Regarding the onboard sound, how much hacking will I need to do to get
it work, or should I just get the Creative Vibra PCI128 Sound Card?

I apologize if this has been extensively discussed before.  Due to time
constraint, I don't always follow every topic in the discussion group.

Thanks All.

Sydney, Australia

Re: [newbie] Configuring LILO

2001-02-14 Thread Tydings

Changed setting called default to windows, also checked to make sure that was 
the label for windows and it is.  Still boots into Linux.  Could there be 
something else that I'm missing?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.


In a message dated 2/13/2001 1:06:39 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Towards the top of lilo.conf there is a setting called default.  Just 
  it to whatever your window's label is.
  On Monday 12 February 2001 21:05, you wrote:
   I have just installed Mandrake 7.2 with no problems.  However, when my
   machine boots up,  LILO will timeout and then load Linux.  I would prefer
   Windows to be my default for my family.  What do I change in the 
   file to do this?

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update fails

2001-02-14 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 13 February 2001 10:52 pm, Dave Horsfall wrote:
 Mandrake 7.2 on a nondescript P133, 32Mb memory.
 I did a "developer" install (which doesn't install everything, as I
 later found) and tried to get the live updates with the GUI.  It
 picks a site at random, and I select "Update All", and over the next
 day or so it happily updates most things.  There were some warnings
 about conflicts, so I played it safe and skipped them (I guess Update
 processes in alphabetical order, instead of making a dependency

 However, at the end there were still many modules which cannot be
 updated at all, even when I select them exclusively, for example
 apache, kde, glibc, etc.  The error is "Error accessing remote file"
 (or similar; I didn't write it down).

 Don't update things you don't use (Apache?), uninstall them.  The 
newest glibc for 7.2 is on cooker mirrors in the /unsupported dir, same 
for KDE2, Xfree86, egcs, and some others.
 There's been so many updates to 7.2, it's better to only do 2,3,or 
4 at a time rather than 'select all'. It's advised to install the 
'MandrakeUpdate' update first.  Also with the larger files (mb's) it's 
better to d/l them and install manually.  Between these partial update 
installs it's a good idea to regularly run 'rpm --rebuilddb'
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] commands

2001-02-14 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 14 February 2001 08:37 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 keith dalpe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  totally new in the old world i came from dos/widoze
 you would type cd/dir to change directories
 could some one please show me a type of directory change command
 i would be greatful
   Check out
 for basic command structure. -Dale

From a command shell, run this command

   whatis `ls /sbin`  commands.txt

(note that those are BACKTICK marks)

Do the same thing for /usr/sbin, /bin, /usr/local/bin, 
/usrX11R6/bin, etc.  This will output one-line descriptions of well 
over 2500 commands.  Eventually, type "less commands.txt" to read the 
file.  Then use either 'man' or 'info' to learn more about each 
commands capability.
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] crashing x

2001-02-14 Thread eryl

shygrrl wrote:
 what version of X =)
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of misha .com
 Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 9:35 PM
 Subject: [newbie] crashing x
 x crashes , leaving no details 100 % of the time with no discernable pattern
 i have installed mandrake 7.1 and 7.2 with similar results .
 there are NO irq issues , usb is disabled .
 i have used every video card i own :
 3dfx vodo 3 3000 agp
 ati rage pro pci
 s3 virge dx pci
 3d labs permedia 2v pci
 trident 9440
 sis 6326 agp
 the issue is worse when i use a 3 button ( optical or ball , with or without
 a wheel ) mouse .
 i have used the 7.2 upgrade cd and upgraded the system with drakconf .
 the rest :
 abit ka7 motherboard
 linksys nic
 creative live value sound card
 generic cd rom
 maxtor drive
 the system is stable for about 3 seconds to about 24 hours . this is getting
 a little old . heard of this before ? any help with this ?
 Sign up for your free web based email today!
I'm going to take a stab in the dark here--just because this happened to
me with a Windows machine once.  My machine would spontaneously reboot,
for no discernible reason and with no apparent pattern.  Re-installing
the operating system didn't fix it.  It turned out that I had a bad
network card.  Now why that card would work perfectly well most of the
time and once in a while reboot the machine, I have no idea, but when I
changed it out the problem stopped completely.  
So, I think you have a problem with machine hardware.  Not necessarily
your nic, maybe your processor fan?  Are you sure your fan is running at
full rpm?  Possible heat issue here.  I'm an overclocker, and I've seen
exactly that symptom with a chip that wouldn't run at the o.c.'d
setting.  Could be a bad  motherboard, too, but that's a worst case

Re: [newbie] Failed to activate ppp0 with error 2

2001-02-14 Thread Kipling Cooper

* Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] [14 Feb 01 00:19]:
 did you recently compile a new kernel??

Actually, no.  I did something even more reckless for a Linux Newbie-
I tried to configure postfix (ohhh,  nooo!)

One of my doomed attempts included a visit to Linuxconf to try and
find a hostname that postfix would not choke on.  As part of that, I
needed a device name, so I picked ppp0.

Then the error message started appearing in my boot sequence, so I
went back into linuxconf, but the entry I had made was no longer
visible. Postfix still hides 1/3 of my outgoing messages, (the
message you answered was the fourth attempt, this time via
StarOffice) but if I can get the samll stuff fixed first, then I'll
worry about cranky behemoths like postfix.

Thanks for your efforts!

Re: [newbie] i would like feedback on a system configuration ...

2001-02-14 Thread Stefaans Mostert

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On Wed, 14 Feb 2001 21:37, Aston wrote:
  Greetings.  I would like some feedback on a power user workstation I
  am considering to purchase.  I am particular interested in whether
  the system will work with Linux almost out of box (ie I am
  interested in a smooth installation).  I am considering either
  Mandrake 7.2, Redhat 7.0, or SuSE 7.0.  In the near future, it will
  also be running VMware workstation for Linux :
 Go with Mandrake 7.2. It has great hardware support out of the box and
 it is very easy to configure and use.
  AMD 1.1 GHz CPU
  MSI K7T Pro 2A Motherboard with onboard AC97 sound
 I personally am a real fan of the Abit KT7 (about $A280). Don't worry
 about putting a UATA-100 hard drive on a UATA-66 motherboard, since
 the bandwidth above 66MB/s is almost never used (only for the
 occasional burst read). If you have a bit more money, go for the Abit
 KT7 RAID (which does have UATA-100 support). Integrated solutions are
 usually not a good idea, especially for Linux. For sound, get a Sound
 Blaster Live! Value (which is great value for the sound quality you
 get with it). If sound is not important then maybe a Sound Blaster
 Vibra PCI128 is for you.
  256MB SDRAM PC133
 If you use both Linux and Windows (via VMware) heavily (e.g. run
 memory-hungry apps) at the same time, you should probably get more RAM
 than this. One of the best (and cheapest) ways to keep a machine fast
 is to eliminate its need for swap (although you should always have
 swap in place, just in case). I use VMware Workstation on my Linux box
 with 256MB of RAM and my machine slows down after a little while since
 both running OSs start using their swaps.
  Quantum Atlantis AS 30GB E-IDE HDD  ATA 100MB/sec  (7200 rpm)
  2MB buffer
  IBM Desktar 30GB IDE HDD ATA/100 (7200 rpm) 2MB buffer
 While both drives are good, the IBM is a bit better. Why not get a
 bigger drive? My friend just bought a new computer a week ago with a
 46GB IBM Deskstar. I can't remember the exact price, but it didn't
 cost much more than the 30GB version. He got his computer from Forte
 Computers ( - They're in Sydney).
  32MB Riva TNT2 AGP Graphics Card
 Why get a TNT2 when you can get a GeForce 2 MX for about $A200? Even
 if you don't play games you will benefit from the extra speed of the
 card. If you do play games then a GeForce 2 GTS doesn't really cost
 that much more.
  Panasonic 1.44MB Floppy Disk Drive
  Pioneer 16X DVD-ROM Drive
 Very good DVD drive :-)
  Sony Internal SCSI CD-RW (12x8x32)
 Very nice.
  Tekram DC315U PCI SCSI Controller Card
  ATX Medium Tower Case with 300w Power Supply
 Make sure the case is good for ventilation and upgrading (good layout,
 lots of space inside, etc.). You may want a good CPU cooler, like the
 Chrome Orb (about $A50, which is $20-$30 more than a standard
 fan/heatsink combo).
  Standard PS/2 Keyboard
  Genius PS/2 Scroll Mouse
  and probably a Philips 17 inch Monitor (107E) or a Samsung 17
  inch Monitor
 19 inch monitors are not too expensive these days. If you can afford
 it, get a Hitachi 19 inch flat screen. It's a steal at about $A850.
 Forte sell ordinary 19 inch Hitachi monitors (i.e. not flat screen)
 for $A740). Remember that the monitor is the part of the computer that
 you look at, so make sure that you're looking at something pleasant
 (that doesn't give you a headache after a while!).
  I imagine the main problems will be the onboard AC97 sound and the
  hard drive with ATA/100.  i have noticed some discussion regarding
  hard drives with ATA/100, and I am under the impression that the
  latest stable kernel does not support hard drives with ATA/100.  Is
  this correct?  If so, what exactly do I have to do to make the
  kernel work with ATA/100 without waiting for 2.4 kernel to come as
  part of a distribution.
 The problem is not the hard drive, it is with the UATA-100 controller
 on the motherboard. You can plug in an UATA-100 drive into a UATA-66
 socket with no problems at all (my friend's new computer is like
 that). Besides compiling a 2.4 kernel for yourself, I hear there is a
 bootup option that allows you to run UATA-100 drives and controllers.
 I can't quite remember it, though :-(
  Regarding the onboard sound, how much hacking will I need to do to
  get it work, or should I just get the Creative Vibra PCI128 Sound
 Go with a real sound card. See my comments above regarding this.
  I apologize if this has been extensively discussed before.  Due to
  time constraint, I don't always follow every topic in the discussion
  Thanks All.
  Sydney, Australia
 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
 "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
 LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
 -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] crashing x

2001-02-14 Thread mishaco

this is the only solution i can think of as well , though it makes little sense to me 
as well . 

the nic worked normally on another machine of mine ( win 98se ) . also on an abit 
motherboard ( bh6 )

and the motherboard also worked normally with a windows install .  

the machine ran with the case off for the whole time . , and the bios reports normal 
fan speed and temp . 

and the thought of trashing this 6 month old mobo just kills me .

mishaco . 

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RE: [newbie] WordPerfect 8 license key and PhotoPaint install

2001-02-14 Thread Adrian Smith

i run photopaint with X 4.0.1 and i don't get any error messages.
i don't have a clue what that could be.
i'm lots of help i know.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 "Liaw, Andy" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7:00:24 AM 2/14/01 
Much thanks for the help on WP8 and PhotoPaint.  Yes, "photopaint" (in
/usr/bin) works.  Although I did get some error messages in the console

Xlib: extension "XFree86-Misc" missing on display ":0.0".

Does anyone know why?  I'm using XFree86-4 as shipped in LM7.1, but the
Corel apps seems to be built with XFree3.  Could this be the problem?

Thanks again.


 -Original Message-
 From: Adrian Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 7:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] WordPerfect 8 license key and PhotoPaint install
 i think it's 'photopaint'
 i use it but since i put it in the menu i haven't typed it at 
 the command line in ages.  i'll check when i get back to my 
 linux box and if it's something else i'll let ya know, but 
 'photopaint' sounds right.
 Also, I downloaded PhotoPaint9 for Linux and installed it.  
 The problem is I don't know how to start the program!  The 
 installer put a bunch of files in /usr/lib/corel, but I 
 couldn't find an appropriate excecutable under that directory 
 tree.  I couldn't find anything in the README either.   Has 
 anyone have better luck?  Please let me know.  TIA!
 Adrian Smith
 'de telepone dude
 Telecom Dept.
 x 7042

[newbie] Star Office

2001-02-14 Thread John W

 Anyone know if the star office that is on the Mandrake 7.1 CD will work in 
7.2? I'd rather not download SO if I don't have to.
John W

[newbie] Burner fix?

2001-02-14 Thread Charley Peggy Robinson

 Has anyone tried the burner fix in the tutorial in with good
results?  I gave it a shot and it didn't work.


Re: [newbie] Star Office

2001-02-14 Thread Adrian Smith

yes it will.  i have SO 5.2 from mkd 7.1 on a 7.2 system.
no problems

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 John W [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12:05:17 PM 2/14/01 
 Anyone know if the star office that is on the Mandrake 7.1 CD will work in 
7.2? I'd rather not download SO if I don't have to.
John W

RE: [newbie] Star Office

2001-02-14 Thread John Arkoulis

Yes it will work.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John W
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 11:05 AM
Subject: [newbie] Star Office

 Anyone know if the star office that is on the Mandrake 7.1 CD will work in
7.2? I'd rather not download SO if I don't have to.
John W

[newbie] CDROM (CDRW) Problem

2001-02-14 Thread Jack Gillis

I have a normal IDE CDROM attached as the master device on IDI channel 1 and an HP 
7200 CDRW 
attached as slave on that channel.  Both work under OS/2 and Windows.

However, under Mandrake 7.2 the CDRW does not allow me even to read it.  I've not 
tried writing to it yet.  
There is no Icon for it on the KDE desktop as there is for the CDROM.

If I "ls /mnt/cdrom2" as either root or user, I get a message saying 'Input/output 
error" or something like that.  
Here is my fstab that shows it as being 'supermounted'.

Any help getting this going will be appreciated.

Thank you.

 /dev/hda9 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 /dev/hda7 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /dev/hda8 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
 /dev/hda2 /mnt/win_c vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
 /dev/hda6 /mnt/win_d vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda10 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda11 swap swap defaults 0 0

Re: [newbie] crashing x

2001-02-14 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 14 February 2001 12:47 pm, mishaco wrote:
 the machine ran with the case off for the whole time . 

  Bad idea unless it's for a short time to see if overheating is the 
source of hardware problems, and then you should have a table fan 
pointed into the case.  If then the system starts behaving better, you 
know you have a heat problem.

, and the bios
 reports normal fan speed and temp .

   temps as reported from what?  If it's any kind of a thermistor/probe 
it's only a misleading guess.  Even an insulated probe in contact with 
the cpu's die, no matter how well placed, will report temps that are 10 
to 20C _lower_ than the actual core temp.  Also high temp spikes that 
can crash the system will be missed entirely.

If you have a cpu without an internal diode to report temps, about 
all you can do is make sure you have a good heatsink/fan, firmly and 
squarely sitting on the cpu with a proper layer of thermal grease in 
between. Temps reported by the best placed, and shield probes, should 
remain under 45C (actual core is ~65C) at extreme constant stress, like 
15 minutes into a run of 'cpuburn'
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

[newbie] subscribe newbie

2001-02-14 Thread David Standen

[newbie] LILO configuration

2001-02-14 Thread Édison Andrés

Hello everybody

I want to know how can i do to configurate the lilo for I can boot with
Linux and Windows.


dison Andrs Rivera Norea
Ingeniero de Sistemas
Departamento de Informtica
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Medelln - Colombia

Re: [newbie] How to give myself rights to install RPMs?

2001-02-14 Thread Anthony

"urpmi" is supposed to allow you to install rpm's as a user, but I'm not sure 
how to get it to work. It tells me "permission denied" when I try to run it 
as a user.

 I'm getting tired of using KonquerorSu to install stuff. I don't mind
 having to su to configure files in etc but it's just a pain when doing
 RPMs.  Is there a way to give myself access to install the RPMs without
 having to be root?

Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

[newbie] Re: Broken Internet connection

2001-02-14 Thread Don Mayhew

OK ,  I  have made an internet connection, and learned some things:

1.  Do not use any of the specifics in "ISP-Hookup-HOWTO"

2.  The correct script file is:

3.  Entering  kppp config  via  su from user mode of KDE
never showed me option to query modem 

4.  When I started KDE as root, I got an Internet icon that led me
to a useful kppp config process.

5.  Doing  modem query from (4) above showed a single digit error
in the phone number for my ISP  but I could not find a place
to edit that number there (must be my thick glasses !! )

6.  Searching with grep on the false phone number led me to the
above correct chat-script where I edited the phone number.

7.  Rebooting showed that the phone number was still wrong.
Some other file was maintaining the old wrong number.

8.  I widened my grep search beyond /etc to include /usr, and found
/usr/share/config/kppprc   which has all the details for kppp

9.  Changing the phone number in above got me to my ISP, but
it complained they no longer accepted SLIP connections.
(I had always specified  PPP  ?? )

10.  SLIP  did not show in the above /usr file,  but an edit button
in KDE's  kppp setup allowed me to change from a wrong
'terminal'  choice to  'PAP'.

11.  Finally I am able to access my ISP and get to the Internet.

12.  Unfortunately, I can NOT yet exit, and turn off my modem
without shutting down the computer.  Just accessing the
internet icon should offer this option, but it gives an error.

 13.   I suppose I am still doing a number of things wrong.
Suggestions please.


RE: [newbie] commands

2001-02-14 Thread dalpe

you are right "failure is not an option"
i will succeed  are the only words worth knowing

 ** Original Subject: RE: [newbie] commands
 ** Original Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ** Original Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 11:42:39 -0500 (EST)

 ** Original Message follows... 

 keith dalpe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  totally new in the old world i came from dos/widoze
 you would type cd/dir to change directories
 could some one please show me a type of directory change command
 i would be greatful
   Check out for basic 
command structure.
 Failure is not an option.
 It comes with Windows.

** - End Original Message --- **


Re: [newbie] locked directories

2001-02-14 Thread Anthony

I'm not sure what you mean by "locked" but I'm guessing that they appear 
locked because nothing is mounted on them. Try inserting a cd-rom or floppy 
disk and see if they still appear locked. 

  I have LM7.2 installed it shows that both cd's and the floppy are locked
 directories how can this be even logged in as root what would cause this
 and how do I unlock them? Forrest White

Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6 -- Segmentation Fault

2001-02-14 Thread Anthony

It shouldn't matter how you installed N6, I installed as root and it works 
just fine for me as a user. Try deleting the .mozilla directory in your home 
directory "rm ~/.mozilla", that might fix the problem. 

 1) Installation:

 I reinstalled Netscape 6.01 as ROOT, instead of user. I finally found
 the netscape directory. See below. I was able to activate Netscape 6 and
 launch it. However, since the initial launch, all I've been getting are
 segmentation faults. Besides, I would like to run Netscape 6 as user,
 NOT as root. I did a chmod 755 netscape in the /usr/local/netscape
 directory and changed the ownership under Permissions (using Konqueror)
 to "sher". Still, I couldn't launch Netscape 6. Same segmentation error.

 [sher@sher sher]$ cd /usr/local/netscape
 [sher@sher netscape]$ ls
 Cool/** psm/
 chrome/**  regExport*
 component.reg** registry
 components/**  regxpcom*
 defaults/** res/
 icons/***** searchplugins/**mozilla-bin* splash.xpm**  netscape*systemSignature.jar**netscape.cfg**  plugins/
 [sher@sher netscape]$ ./netscape
 ../ ./mozilla-bin
 ../ line 29:  3886 Segmentation fault  $prog ${1+"$@"}
 [sher@sher netscape]$ Unexpected end of pipe

 2) Plugins

 However, I did manage briefly to see my plugins in Netscape 6 (by typing
 about:plugins in the location bar). I saw ALL of my Netscape 4.76
 plugins (which I had copied to /usr/local/netscape) EXCEPT for the
 RealPlayer plugin.

 Would appreciate any and all help.



Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

[newbie] Newbie Help

2001-02-14 Thread JohnFox

I have upgraded from 6.1 to 7.0, but I have a problem
I cannot use Drakeconf, as it does not open. What do I need to accomplish for this 
application to work? Do I  run upgrade again or do another full install of 7.0.

John Fox

Free Web Space with your name first!

Re: [newbie] Security Question - Windows Partition

2001-02-14 Thread Anthony

I suppose if a cracker got into your Windows system, they could read ext2 
(linux) files if they used one of those ext2 file viewer programs. Linux 
being on a second hard drive wouldn't matter in that condition, since it'd 
still be part of the system. However since your Linux partitions wouldn't 
show up in Windows, odds are that the person who might break into your 
Windows system might not even know Linux is installed on it. I guess if you 
wanted to be paranoid about it, using two systems would be the best idea. But 
I don't think you need to go to such great lenghts, and I wouldn't worry 
about it. Just keep using Zonealarm and you should be fine. 

  I am still currently in the stage of building my server and was wondering
 if there are any security disadvantages to having a dual boot system. IE
 When i'm out messing around in Win98 are my linux files in danger? I have a
 simple firewall for windows and its called zonealarm. Bah. Maybe I shold
 build a system for both? Would two hard drives be more secure? one with
 linux on it and one with win98 on it?

 any help would be appreciated

Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

Re: [newbie] How to give myself rights to install RPMs?

2001-02-14 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Wednesday 14 February 2001 23:39, you wrote:
 "urpmi" is supposed to allow you to install rpm's as a user, but
 I'm not sure how to get it to work. It tells me "permission
 denied" when I try to run it as a user.

  I'm getting tired of using KonquerorSu to install stuff. I
  don't mind having to su to configure files in etc but it's
  just a pain when doing RPMs.  Is there a way to give myself
  access to install the RPMs without having to be root?

No way!, you have to be 'root' to realy mess up your system :o)

Harm Bathoorn

Re: [newbie] Re: Broken Internet connection

2001-02-14 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

 5.  Doing  modem query from (4) above showed a single digit
 error in the phone number for my ISP  but I could not find a
 place to edit that number there (must be my thick glasses !! )

Right there directly in the kppp widget. -otherwise cklick the  
setup tab.
(I had always specified  PPP  ?? )
slip and ppp are very different things.

 11.  Finally I am able to access my ISP and get to the Internet.

sounds good!

 12.  Unfortunately, I can NOT yet exit, and turn off my modem
   without shutting down the computer.  Just accessing the
   internet icon should offer this option, but it gives an error.
Make sure you don't let the widget 'dock' itself in the task bar 
'on connect' (setup ppp-tab top radio button). Leaving you 
with a box offering a 'details' and a 'disconnect' button -slam- 
in the middle of your sreen. BTW the 'details' button is a very 
nice 'extra'. Try it.

lots o' luck,
Harm Bathoorn

[newbie] Problems Configuring Apache on LM 7.2

2001-02-14 Thread Michael

I was tring to run configure on apache 1.3.17. 
permissions are 777. I ran ./configure in the correct directory.
The response was "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory"  
I am logged in as root,  and the user and group are both root.
The first line of configure is # !/bin/sh, the same as other configure
that have been run, such as the configure for PHP which worked
perfectly.  Does anyone have any ideas on what could be 
wrong here?

Michael Lewis   
Registered Linux User #197864

Re: [newbie] i would like feedback on a system configuration ...

2001-02-14 Thread Ryan

From reading your post, I dont think your system you're building is really a
power workstation.

I hope you arent purchasing it retail. You could build it for a lot less on I have no feedback on linux tho... but if I were you, why
not shell out for a DDR Sdram system? The ram is fairly cheap, and the
mother board is only about 80 dollars more for a good gigabyte..A correctly
configured DDR system is said to out perform a P4 with Rambus.

CPU: AMD Thunderbird 700 256K ON-DIE CACHE, (SOCKET-A) - $78 bucks

Motherboard: GA-7DXC, Socket A Thunderbird M/board w/DDR Support - no cpu
AMD-761 Chipset Accepts Thunderbird ( Athlon ) support - $169 bucks

Ram: Corsair PC2100 CM64SD128-2100 16X64 128MB DDR  UNBUFFERED CAS3 184 PIN
DIMM - $150 bucks

This configuration would eliminate alot of bottle necks. The ev6 bus enables
frontside bus speeds of 200 or maybe its 266, your ram will be running at
266mhz and your cpu will be running at 700mhz. Now THATS a power
workstation. Another thing you might consider is buying a hard drive that
has fibre channel connectors. I know seagate has a few and they are CHEAP.
Once fibre channel hits the main stream, it will be alot faster than ATA
100. I believe its capable of data transfer speeds of +180 MB a second and
its a serial connection so you can hook up alot of devices. The switch is
the most expensive part, i believe called t cards, but there is a site on
the web that shows you how to build your OWN tcard for under 50 bucks! The
schematics will eventually be available at

- Original Message -
To: "mandrakelinuxnewbie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 4:37 AM
Subject: [newbie] i would like feedback on a system configuration ...

 Greetings.  I would like some feedback on a power user workstation I am
 considering to purchase.  I am particular interested in whether the
 system will work with Linux almost out of box (ie I am interested in a
 smooth installation).  I am considering either Mandrake 7.2, Redhat 7.0,
 or SuSE 7.0.  In the near future, it will also be running VMware
 workstation for Linux :

 AMD 1.1 GHz CPU
 MSI K7T Pro 2A Motherboard with onboard AC97 sound
 256MB SDRAM PC133

 Quantum Atlantis AS 30GB E-IDE HDD  ATA 100MB/sec  (7200 rpm)  2MB
 IBM Desktar 30GB IDE HDD ATA/100 (7200 rpm) 2MB buffer

 32MB Riva TNT2 AGP Graphics Card
 Panasonic 1.44MB Floppy Disk Drive
 Pioneer 16X DVD-ROM Drive
 Sony Internal SCSI CD-RW (12x8x32)
 Tekram DC315U PCI SCSI Controller Card
 ATX Medium Tower Case with 300w Power Supply
 Standard PS/2 Keyboard
 Genius PS/2 Scroll Mouse

 and probably a Philips 17 inch Monitor (107E) or a Samsung 17 inch

 I imagine the main problems will be the onboard AC97 sound and the hard
 drive with ATA/100.  i have noticed some discussion regarding hard
 drives with ATA/100, and I am under the impression that the latest
 stable kernel does not support hard drives with ATA/100.  Is this
 correct?  If so, what exactly do I have to do to make the kernel work
 with ATA/100 without waiting for 2.4 kernel to come as part of a

 Regarding the onboard sound, how much hacking will I need to do to get
 it work, or should I just get the Creative Vibra PCI128 Sound Card?

 I apologize if this has been extensively discussed before.  Due to time
 constraint, I don't always follow every topic in the discussion group.

 Thanks All.

 Sydney, Australia

[newbie] Windows 98 Second Edition Removes Multi Partitions

2001-02-14 Thread CastleKidd

When I install Windows 98 Second Edition it runs a test to see if the primary 
master hard drive is partitioned into 2 or more drives. I have a 40 GB which 
I split up into 2 20GB drives. When I install windows it erases the 2 
partitions and creates one large 40 GB making it impossible for me to dual 
boot. Is there a way I can make windows install without erasing that second 

To try to fix this problem I installed my old 10 GB drive, put win on that 
and tried to put linux on the full 40. When I ran the cooker (From Linux 
Mandrake 7.1) 
and get to the partition check spot it will only read about 8 GB worth of 
information. I can not make the drive bigger. I just paid 180 for this drive 
and I am really getting mad that I cant get it to work. If someone knows a 
way around either one of these errors(or purhaps both) I would really really 
appriciate it.!

Thanks in advance!

Re: [newbie] Windows 98 Second Edition Removes MultiPartitions

2001-02-14 Thread David Grubb

Hi Lance,

I've a dual-boot 98se/Linux box at home, and I didn't have this problem. Are you using 
a system restore version of 98SE (perhaps one that came with your computer) - the 
restore may be re-imaging the HD, partitions and all.

A way around this my be to start with a clean HD, install 98se on a single partition, 
then use FIPS or similar to repartition the drive without losing the 98 install. You 
can then install linux on the new partitions.

Hope this helps

David Grubb - Internet / Intranet Content Officer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +61 2 9895-7408
Department of Land and Water Conservation
Sydney,  Australia

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/15 12:12 pm 
When I install Windows 98 Second Edition it runs a test to see if the primary 
master hard drive is partitioned into 2 or more drives. I have a 40 GB which 
I split up into 2 20GB drives. When I install windows it erases the 2 
partitions and creates one large 40 GB making it impossible for me to dual 
boot. Is there a way I can make windows install without erasing that second 

To try to fix this problem I installed my old 10 GB drive, put win on that 
and tried to put linux on the full 40. When I ran the cooker (From Linux 
Mandrake 7.1) 
and get to the partition check spot it will only read about 8 GB worth of 
information. I can not make the drive bigger. I just paid 180 for this drive 
and I am really getting mad that I cant get it to work. If someone knows a 
way around either one of these errors(or purhaps both) I would really really 
appriciate it.!

Thanks in advance!

Re: [newbie] LILO configuration

2001-02-14 Thread seveman

On Thursday 15 February 2001 14:28, you wrote:
 Hello everybody

 I want to know how can i do to configurate the lilo for I can boot with
 Linux and Windows.


 dison Andrs Rivera Norea
 Ingeniero de Sistemas
 Departamento de Informtica
 Universidad de San Buenaventura
 Medelln - Colombia

go into your console and log in as "su"
now run: linuxconf
from there you can navigate to the area where you can easily and graphically 
configure your lilo.conf file.


Re: [newbie] Burner fix?

2001-02-14 Thread seveman

On Wednesday 14 February 2001 14:10, you wrote:
 Has anyone tried the burner fix in the tutorial in with good
 results?  I gave it a shot and it didn't work.


Are you trying to get your CDRW going?


Re: [newbie] re : crashing x

2001-02-14 Thread Meph Istopheles

 resolution is 1280 x 1024 .  on a viewsonic 17 inch monitor .
 at 16 bit res .

 admittedly , the res is high , but nothing the 3dfx card
 couldnt handle .

  Perhaps.  But have you ~tried~ a lower res?  You see, it's not
a matter of what any piece of hardware can handle, it's the
driver being used.

  Some coders are either better or more thourough than others, 
there's also the consideration of how the driver installed.  I
mean, we're talking about electomagnetic impulses being
transferred (in this case from CD to hard drive) round.  A minor
electrical surge from your wall outlet has the potential to alter
or even damage those impulses.

  Chances are it's only that the driver is a little less than
stable at 1280x1024.  At any rate, it's worth a shot to work
down, progressively to see if the trouble lies there.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

[newbie] If you have Gateway sblive problem read this

2001-02-14 Thread Richard Kleeman

After much frustration I believe I have located the reason why sblive
soundcard doesn't work
on a Gateway Performance PC. The reason: the card produces analog output
by default whereas the
speakers sold with this PC (Boston 735 typically) are DIGITAL (well done
guys). Windoze/Gateway
has a secret mechanism to swap output on the driver but this info has
not yet reached linux emu10k1 driver writers.  Check out:
Solution: Buy analog speakers or wait until someone enlightens the linux

Richard Kleeman

Re: [newbie] Windows 98 Second Edition Removes Multi Partitions

2001-02-14 Thread KompuKit

Try Partition Magic 5.0 it's great...

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 8:12 PM
Subject: [newbie] Windows 98 Second Edition Removes Multi Partitions

 When I install Windows 98 Second Edition it runs a test to see if the
 master hard drive is partitioned into 2 or more drives. I have a 40 GB
 I split up into 2 20GB drives. When I install windows it erases the 2
 partitions and creates one large 40 GB making it impossible for me to dual
 boot. Is there a way I can make windows install without erasing that

 To try to fix this problem I installed my old 10 GB drive, put win on that
 and tried to put linux on the full 40. When I ran the cooker (From Linux
 Mandrake 7.1)
 and get to the partition check spot it will only read about 8 GB worth of
 information. I can not make the drive bigger. I just paid 180 for this
 and I am really getting mad that I cant get it to work. If someone knows a
 way around either one of these errors(or purhaps both) I would really
 appriciate it.!

 Thanks in advance!

Re: [newbie] Problems Configuring Apache on LM 7.2

2001-02-14 Thread Cyber Sam

I to am in the process of installing Apache 1.3.17 and hitting a few block's
along the way. I call them learning opportunities. Anyways, did you
decompress the tar file you downloaded before trying to configure it
(tar -zxvf apache_1.3.17.tar.gz).

Hope this helps

- Original Message -
From: "Michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 5:22 PM
Subject: [newbie] Problems Configuring Apache on LM 7.2

 I was tring to run configure on apache 1.3.17.
 permissions are 777. I ran ./configure in the correct directory.
 The response was "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory"
 I am logged in as root,  and the user and group are both root.
 The first line of configure is # !/bin/sh, the same as other configure
 that have been run, such as the configure for PHP which worked
 perfectly.  Does anyone have any ideas on what could be
 wrong here?

 Michael Lewis
 Registered Linux User #197864

Re: [Re: [newbie] Configuring External Modem]

2001-02-14 Thread nobody noway

Thanks for your response.
I thought about disabeling the winmodem but I could not figure out how to do 
it using hardDrake.
Any Ideas?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give

From: donald hinds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Re: [newbie] Configuring External Modem]
Date: 14 Feb 2001 08:48:27 EST

"Carl Foley" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am no expert on these matters, but if it were me i would try to disable
the internal modem, then make sure you have the appropriate seriel port,
hook up your modem,(making sure that you have the proper equipment to hook
it up with) and hardrake should take care of the rest, also make sure that
your modem is turned on when you boot up.


An internal modem has nothing to do with the serial port and does not need 
be disabled. In LM 7.2 you pick the serial port ttys(0,1,2,3) where you 
in the external modem and then Linux should find it.


Don Hinds - photo, motorcycle, misc.

Get free email and a permanent address at

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update fails

2001-02-14 Thread Dan LaBine

Dave, I concur with Romna, the updates seperately from multiple 
sites if necessary. Then install them in a logical sequence. Here's a tip 
that saved me a few times - When installing the KDE updates, make sure that 
you're running Gnome, and not KDE. In Drakconf, disable as many services as 
possible,...keep only those absolutely required to run your PC , then do a 
full reboot to unload the disabled services and daemons, and then do your 
updates. Try using Kpackage instead of the "software-updater", and be 
prepared to jump on the net to grab associated libraries from

One other thing,...if you have a CD burner, burn all the updates to CD, in 
case you need to re-install everything later. I've been doing this for a 
month or so, and it's really paid off having the updates on hand. 

Good Luck! 

Dan LaBine
Maximum LAN's Ltd.
Registered Linux User #190712

Re: [newbie] Burner fix?

2001-02-14 Thread Charley Peggy Robinson

Hi Seve,

  Yes but more than that.  Because of a foulup in the install routines
(sez the tutorial) for LM 7.2  Full, I can't access the reader either. 
There's a "fix" to gain access on
(er, this may not be exactly right) that's supposed to get the linkage
prob fixed so I can install the burner SW.  I wondered if anyone had
success with it.

  However, if you can help or point me to where I can get the proper
procedure, I'd sure appreciate it.



seveman wrote:
 On Wednesday 14 February 2001 14:10, you wrote:
  Has anyone tried the burner fix in the tutorial in with good
  results?  I gave it a shot and it didn't work.
 Are you trying to get your CDRW going?

seveman wrote:
 On Wednesday 14 February 2001 14:10, you wrote:
  Has anyone tried the burner fix in the tutorial in with good
  results?  I gave it a shot and it didn't work.
 Are you trying to get your CDRW going?

[newbie] assistance with nmb/smb

2001-02-14 Thread S. Stubbs

Hi, I have asked in the past how to keep my network on my linux
box running. 
Here is what happens:
I have samba services on my linux box.
After a few days or so, my windows box cannot see my linux box
in network neighborhood. 
So I go into the linux box and try very hard to see what the problem 
is. I go to SWAT, and try to restart the services for nmb which say
that it is not running, nothing happens. 
So I have found the only way I know to get things going again, I go
to linux conf, into the network section. Just rattling around in there 
is enough to set off this box when I leave linux conf:
"the state of the system is not in synch, blah, blah, and so forth...
Executing /etc/rc5.d/S10network.reload"
I select the "do it" button.
Ok, Now I am getting REAL tired of doing this to get samba back and
to be able to see my linux box from the windows box.
Is there someone who can send me a file or something that will fix this
Like I said before, in SWAT there are buttons for smb and nmb, and
I have tried to restart nmb from there but it won't work. The smb button
does work though.
Also for noting, I have gone to the startup services in drakconf, and 
the network item is "selected" for auto startup.
Also another note of things that bug me:
When I go to samba configuration, it always says that I have more than
one share and only the first share will be loaded. So I would also like to
fix this annoyance, what should I do?
Thanks in advance to anyone who replies with ontopic help and assistance,
especially if you can help me in gui mode instead of terminal.

[newbie] I could calculate faster on my finger then the 2.4.1 Kernel!!!!!

2001-02-14 Thread Adam Greene

I just installed kernel 2.4.1 onto Linux Mandrake 
7.2 and now it is slower than all get out. I downloaded, extracted, ran 
make mrproper, make menuconfig, didn't change much (sound, ethernet, etc) and 
then compiled, installed, rebooted, and it takes a LOOONNN time to 
boot. I switch back to the kernel that comes with Linux Mandrake 7.2 and 
it runs like the wind. Anyone got any ideas???

Re: [newbie] CDROM (CDRW) Problem

2001-02-14 Thread Charley Peggy Robinson

Hi Jack,

  Go here, http://www/ 
There's an explanation of the problem and a fix to apply.  It didn't
work for me but at least I understand the problem.  Maybe it'll work for
you.  Let me know.


Re: [Re: [newbie] Configuring External Modem]

2001-02-14 Thread Dan LaBine

Da ,...Don is not necessarily right about ignoring your internal modem. If 
you plug your external modem into a com port which uses the same IRQ and/or 
I/O address as your internal one, it won't work. I assume that your internal 
modem is built-in? If not, the easiest way to solve your problem is to remove 
it. Otherwise, modify your external com port so that it uses different 
settings than your internal one. You can adjust it in your BIOS. Keep in mind 
that you shouldn't use com 3 for your external modem if your internal modem 
uses com 1 . Use com 2 instead. If your internal uses com 2, don't use com 4, 
instead use com 1/3 . You get the idea, right? Then try changing your 
settings in the setup appplet in Kppp.
Dan LaBine
Maximum LAN's Ltd.
Registered Linux User #190712

Re: [newbie] CDROM (CDRW) Problem

2001-02-14 Thread Charley Peggy Robinson

 Dam*it, I made a typo in the URL; it's



Re: [newbie] CDROM (CDRW) Problem

2001-02-14 Thread Charley Peggy Robinson

Gawd!  I hate typing these out, especially when I'm all theums. (:-( 
One more time:

Re: [newbie] Windows 98 Second Edition Removes Multi Partitions

2001-02-14 Thread Daniel B. Haun

On Wednesday 14 February 2001 10:15, you wrote:
 Try Partition Magic 5.0 it's great...

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 8:12 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Windows 98 Second Edition Removes Multi Partitions

 I use Partition Commander, it's pretty nifty. Fits on a Floppy and 
does pretty much the same job as PM... :)  is the addy...:)

 daniel in NJ...

RE: [newbie] commands

2001-02-14 Thread Roger Sherman

One book that's been tremendously helpful to me is Linux System Commands,
by Patrick Volkerding and Kevin Reichard from MT Books. It lets you look
up commands by function, name, or DOS equivalent, and gives pretty
thorough descriptions of the commands and their arguments/options.


Registered Linux user #19071

On 13 Feb 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 also what books do you recommend i will purchase or do almost anything
 to end having to use windows
 i hate being in the main stream being sent in a direction i don't want to go

  ** Original Subject: RE: [newbie] commands
  ** Original Sender: "Eugene C. Zesch" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ** Original Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 21:37:34 -0500 (EST)

  ** Original Message follows...

   totally new in the old world i came from dos/widoze
   you would type cd/dir to change directories
   could some one please show me a type of directory change command
   i would be greatful
  God, man, get a book! Im sorry if that sounds rude, but why in the world
  are you trying to use Linux if you wont put even the smallest effort
  into it?
  Yahoo search on 'DOS to Linux Primer' yields about 2580 matches.
  Prominent in the first 20 are:
  Search engines can be your friend! But you have to take the first step.

 ** - End Original Message --- **


Re: [newbie] Gnome desktop icon colors

2001-02-14 Thread Barry Premeaux

Scuba wrote:
 Can anyone please tell me how i can change the color of the font on desktop
 icons in gnome please ?

Go into the KDE Control Center and select
You will see a menu item 'Normal Text Color'.  Click on the
colored bar and it
will open up the application for setting the color of the text.


Re: [newbie] re : crashing x

2001-02-14 Thread mishaco

On Wed, 14 Feb 2001 18:23:19 -0800 (PST) Meph Istopheles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 resolution is 1280 x 1024 .  on a viewsonic 17 inch monitor .
 at 16 bit res .

 admittedly , the res is high , but nothing the 3dfx card
 couldnt handle .

  Perhaps.  But have you ~tried~ a lower res?  You see, it's not
a matter of what any piece of hardware can handle, it's the
driver being used.

well , i actually have used a lower install res ) 800 x 600 , 15 bit ) 

and have finally come to terms with the possible death of my motherboard . 

a moment of silence , please , as i install win 98se on it to make sure . 

-- the drive grinds , it installs .

its stable , it works 
as stable as win 98 gets . 

if its the mobo , what is it that linux hates . 
tomorrow : the deciding test : same hard drive on abit bh6 system i use for win 2k . 
keep ya posted . 


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Re: [newbie] Problems Configuring Apache on LM 7.2

2001-02-14 Thread Tuan tran

I have same problem. I could not run it. I installed
OK, but when i ran apache it did not work. It said
something like "... can not start..."
Does anyone know about this? Please help

--- Cyber Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I to am in the process of installing Apache 1.3.17
 and hitting a few block's
 along the way. I call them learning opportunities.
 Anyways, did you
 decompress the tar file you downloaded before trying
 to configure it
 (tar -zxvf apache_1.3.17.tar.gz).
 Hope this helps
 - Original Message -
 From: "Michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 5:22 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Problems Configuring Apache on LM
  I was tring to run configure on apache 1.3.17.
  permissions are 777. I ran ./configure in the
 correct directory.
  The response was "bash: ./configure: No such file
 or directory"
  I am logged in as root,  and the user and group
 are both root.
  The first line of configure is # !/bin/sh, the
 same as other configure
  that have been run, such as the configure for PHP
 which worked
  perfectly.  Does anyone have any ideas on what
 could be
  wrong here?
  Michael Lewis
  Registered Linux User #197864

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