[newbie-it] KERNEL 2.4.0

2001-03-06 Thread BEPPE

Ciao a tutti,

oggi acquisto una rivista, con all'interno 

un cd-rom contenente il kernel 2.4.
Seguo passo passo cio' che c'è scritto nelle 
(faccio presente che è la prima volta che 
compilo un Kernel)
arrivo alla fine dove l'ultimo comando che do è 

make modules
make install

Faccio il rebooting come suggerisce la rivista e 
quando riattivo
il pc ho sempre il vecchio kernel, con una 

Mi sembra che vada piu' veloce.

Voi cosa ne dite, che mi manca da fare ancora 
visto che la rivista termina dicendo
: " ora avete il vostro nuovo Kernel e potete 
sfruttare alil PC"

Ciao e grazie Beppe

Re: [newbie-it] librerie

2001-03-06 Thread Andrea Celli

stefano wrote:
 salve, sto cercando la libreria " libkdefake" qualcuno ha un'idea di dove

Visto che inizia per "lib" e "kde", direi che e` una libreria di kde.
Quindi partirei dai pacchetti kde di una versione compatibile con la
data di rilascio del pacchetto che vuoi installare e che richiede questa
libreria. Fai particolare attenzione a quelli kde***-devel".
Per vedere cosa contiene un pacchetto rpm basta "rpm -qlp file.rpm"

Altro buon punto di partenza sono i README e la pagina Web del programma
che vuoi installare: di solito c'e` un elenco dei "prterequisiti"

Poi, puoi sempre cercare con un buon motore di ricerca, ad es. google.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Vedere documenti Word2000 con Linux

2001-03-06 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 10:11, marted 06 marzo 2001, scrivesti:
 Ho dei documenti fatti con word2000, che programma devo usare
 per poterli vedere (e stampare)?

 Grazie a tutti
   Alessandro Amadori

Ciao, concordo con quanto ti ha scritto Marco. Sicuramente se hai bisogno di 
una buona compatibilit in lettura/scrittura con Word la scelta migliore  
StarOffice. Il programma  pesante da morire (tutto Office in un programma 
monoblocco... vorrei tanto parlare con un programmatore della Sun!!!), ma una 
volta caricato funziona egregiamente. La compatibilit  molto elevata.


Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ISDN

2001-03-06 Thread solare

io ho risolto con il programma QTISDNLINUX scaricato da un sito che non
ricordo il nome mi dispiace ma se qualcuno legge questo messaggio spero che
ti possa dare il nome del sito.
con questo programma sono riuscita a collegarmi a internet con il modem isdn

- Original Message -
From: Ruben Patan
To: LISTA newbie-it Linux
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 4:40 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Connessione ISDN

Ho installato un modem interno ISD, funziona perfettamente. Il programa kppp
non  ingrado di collegarsi poich non invia il numero di telefono della
linea da cui chiama, il problema era gi stato posto in passato ma mi 
sfuggita la soluzione. Qualcuno di voi sa quale programma devo trovare?

Grazie a tutti.

Re: [newbie-it] Partizioni e altro

2001-03-06 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 14:00, marted 06 marzo 2001, scrivesti:
 Salve a tutti.


 Sono un super utonto che da poco ha deciso di passare da uinzozz al magico

Anche io ho fatto da poco questo "salto"... e ne sono pi convinto e felice 
ogni giorno che passa. Linux  un labirinto di cose da imparare, ma - alla 
faccia dello Zio Bill - va che  un piacere!!!

 Ho un HD IBM da 30G il che mi lascerebbe lungi da avere il minimo problema
 di spazio, ed anche la partizione swap (ho 128Mb RAM) non dovrebbe creare
 grattacapi. Il punto, per,  che la rivista Linux Magazine, su la quale ho
 trovato Mandrake 7.2, getta oscurissime ombre sulla partizione di un HD
 unico con su installato winzoz mentre il vostro manuale utente (a
 proposito, si tratta di quello della 7.2?) da me scaricato non vi accenna
 pi di tanto, limitandosi a suggerire vivamente uno scandisk/defrag/backup.
 Come mai?

Non dovresti avere problemi nell'installazione. Io ho un hard disk da 16 GB. 
L'ho diviso (attualmente  ancora installato Windows, in futuro credo che 
finir nel cestino) in tre partizioni: una per Windows, di circa 10 GB; una 
per Linux, di circa 5 GB; ed una di swap, di 300 MB ( enorme, tanto pi che 
ora ho 256 MB di RAM, ma all'epoca dell'installazione ne sapevo ancora meno 
di ora... per il momento me la tengo cos; quando rimuover Windows 
riorganizzer anche la partizione di swap...).
Il partizionamento dell'hard disk  possibile direttamente in fase di 
installazione di MDK 7.2, e il procedimento  estremamente chiaro e semplice.
Quindi devi solo scegliere quanto spazio riservare a Windows, quanto a Linux 
e lasciarne un po' per lo swap (con 128 MB di memoria, credo che una 
partizione di 120-130 MB sia pi che sufficiente... CORREGGETEMI SE SBAGLIO!).
Il motivo della procedura scandisk/defrag/backup  precauzionale: modificare 
le partizioni di un HD  sempre "pericoloso". Per ridurre i rischi e rendere 
pi veloce la procedura,  consigliato uno scandisk (per evitare errori 
derivanti da settori difettosi non rilevati) ed un defrag (per "compattare" i 
file che Windows sparpaglia allegramente nell'hard disk). Il backup  per 
sicurezza: se qualcosa va storto eviti di dare le capocciate al muro! ;-)

 Grazie mille gi da ora.

Prego. Buon Linux!!!

 P.S. Come mai l'interfaccia di installazione su linux Magazine  diversa
 dal quella presente sul manuale? Lo sar anche l'aspetto del server x86?

Non so che interfaccia  comparsa su LM...

 Ciao, Marco



Re: [newbie] minicom as root

2001-03-06 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Pat:

I think I know a solution. I once played with Minicom just for the fun 
of it and ran into the same root/user problem. The solution is, if I 
recall, very simple:

First in a console type:

whereis minicom

If I recall, the rpm usually installs into /usr/local

Now, using Konqueror as File Manager (as root -- in the console su to 
root, then type "konqueror" without the quotes), go to 
/usr/local/minicom or wherever the minicom executable is and go into 
Permissions. Read, write and exec should be checked for the user. Now 
change the owner from "root" to "user". That's all there is to it.

Now close down Konqueror and launch minicom from your prompt as user:

$minicom -c

The -c is for color.

This should do it. Hope this works.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] sendmail

2001-03-06 Thread Meph Istopheles


 Meph, I have downloaded the two rpm files for sendmail. I
 found, however that  I do have postfix. Would I be better off
 running this? Also would it send it to pine?

  Either way.  I've been doing what you're trying to with
postfix since installing lm7.2.  I'd been using sendmail back in

  As for postfix  fetchmail, they don't actually function
together -- nor do pine  fetchmail.  The all do their own thing
which culminates in one being able to read their mail.

  So, I don't remember what was required to set up postfix, but I
do remember extensive docs available from the postfix.org site.
I think it was already set after I configured my system as had
been sendmail when I'd set up RedHat.

  If it isn't set up, check postfix's site -- the faq has lots of
info too.  Then, for the rest, if you go back to the Web page I'd
created for this very thing only with sendmail in RedHat:


 follow the instructions for fetchmail (which hasn't changed
since the version I'd used when I'd created the page), crontab
(also hasn't changed)  for pine (which ~has~ changed, but the
basic stuff I refer to hasn't), you should be up  reading 
sending mail in a matter of only ten-twenty minutes.

  One thing, if you havn't updated you pine (I'm running 4.30),
you should do so soon.  The version which comes with lm7.2
(4.20?) may have an update, but the update from MandrakeSoft
isn't the current version I'd got from the pine site.

  Gotta go to work soon, so I may not be able to respond to any
more questions till tonight.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

[newbie] SNAG!

2001-03-06 Thread Robert Boggs

I'm still having the same problem. It also saysquery=10. It seems I have also 
lost all my mint privileges. I just don't understand this. Robert

[newbie] Laptop / Mandrake install question??

2001-03-06 Thread Michael

I want to install Mandrake 7.2 on a 380Z laptop as the only OS.  Are 
there any power management issues I should be aware of?  I've read a 
couple of how-to's that said it might be better to leave Windows on the 
system for power management and system configuration.  Any thoughts on 


Re: [newbie] PCMCIA Modem suggestions

2001-03-06 Thread poogle

I've got a 56k V90/voice/fax/data Modem card in my Sony Vaio which worked 
"out of the box" it is an unknown brand - Zonet - but it is 100% hardware, it 
cost me about £39 in the U.K - have a look at http://www.zonet.com.tw 

On Monday 05 March 2001 21:56, you wrote:
 Hi --

 I need to buy a modem for my laptop (Toshiba 1625) running Linux 7.0.  I
 got hold of a NEC (Cadmus) PCMCIA modem last week to try it out.  The
 computer could find the modem in the PCMCIA slot, but I could not connect
 to it.  Have any of you successfully used a PCMCIA modem with a
 laptop/Linux?  If so, how did you make it work?

 Secondarily, what modem would you advise getting?



Re: [newbie] need help on DSL with LM7.2

2001-03-06 Thread Glenn Johnson

Install rp-pppoe. All you will need to know for that
install is your user name, password, and what eth card you will be using.
In my case Imade sure I chose eth0, which is the only eth card in
my box. When asked for a DNSnumber type 'server'. Choose 1,2,or 3
for the built in firewalling. Then, in a terminal type 'adsl-start' and
see if you can move about the web. It's that simple.

Glenn Johnson
Registered Linux User #175132
Powered by Linux Mandrake 7.1!

Fwd: Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.4

2001-03-06 Thread Lúcio Costa

My name is Lucio, and I'm searching for packages: 

kernel-source-2.4.2-4mdk or newer
(eg, -5mdk).
I need the doc's to help me to compiling the kernel-2.4.2

Can U tell me where I find it ???

Re: [newbie] My gimp is stuck on print to file

2001-03-06 Thread Mark Weaver

It sounds like to me that this would be a good time to reinstall Gimp.

1) uninstall the GIMP packages from your system
rpm -qa|grep gimp  ENTER

# this will tell you exactly what packages are present
# on your system. use this to remove exactly the packages
# that are returned to the screen.

2) now you have a list of the GIMP packages that are on your system and
   you can remove them.

rpm -e package-name-from-screen-output  ENTER

3) find all the GIMP packages on the install CD's that you have and
   reinstall them.

That should take care of that problem for you.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, Jeff Malka wrote:

 Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 09:24:54 -0500
 From: Jeff Malka [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] My gimp is stuck on print to file

 I am using Mandrake 7.1

 I cannot print to my printer from within gimp.  When I try to print, the
 "Print setup" screen that opens shows Postscript 2 as being selected and the
 window below it is for a file designation (with browse) enabled.  The next
 line for "command" has no window (field) in which to type anything.

 Before the setup screen, there is a toggle for print to file, but no matter
 which way I click on it, the "print setup" screen does not change.

 Could it be that in the setup gimp does not know I have a printer installed?
 or KDE does not know I have a real printer installed?

 How do I check these out.

 I also do not seem to have a printer icon on my KDE desktop.

 Any help appreciated.

 Registered Linux user  183185

Re: [newbie] repost : lan problems

2001-03-06 Thread Quaylar

it has to be a configuration failure somewhere, i just switched the lan 
card on the linux box and it still doesnt work.
has anybody suggestions on common conf. mistakes in win2000 and linux ?


Re: [newbie] Dependencies included in rpm package?

2001-03-06 Thread Thomas Adam


when you install an rpm, the rpm will check for
dependencies on your system that are installed, but
will not check inside the rpm to see if the files are
there to be installed as a module dependency.

To solve this problem


browse to the rpm file. select it and press F3 and
then manually install the files.


Thomas Adam
--- DRX [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   I have been
trying to install
 XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm, using the
 command rpm -i filename.  This failed because of
 three dependencies.  The
 first two dependencies are libXaw.so.7 and
 libXfont.so.1, which the error
 message tells me are needed by XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.
  Searching at rpmfind.net, I found that those
 two libraries are
 included in the XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm
 package.  How can it say that
 there is a failed dependency when those two
 libraries are included in the
 package?  How do I get around this?  How do I
 install XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk?
 Thank you for your help.

Thomas Adam
Linux Co-ordinator for The Purbeck School

e-mail (school): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e-mail (yahoo) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

[newbie] How to find dependencies?

2001-03-06 Thread DRX

 Trying to install an rpm package downloaded from rpmfind.net I got an
error message saying that two libraries were needed before I could install
this rpm package.  Going back to rpmfind.net to download those two
libraries I discovered two things:

 1.  The two missing libraries are included in the rpm package I was
trying to install.

 2.  The two missing libraries are _only_ included in the rpm package I
was trying to install.  That is, it is _not_ possible to download those two
libraries separately.  Attempting to download the two missing libraries
only results in downloading the original rpm package.  I doubt that it will
help to download it again.

 The name of the package I have tried to install is
XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm.  The two libraries needed in order to install
it are libXaw.so.7 and libXfont.so.1.  These two libraries are included in
the XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm package.  How can there be a failed
dependency when those two libraries are included in the package?  How do I
get around this?  How can I install XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk?   Thank you for
your help.


Re: [newbie] Help with modem set up PLEASE!!!

2001-03-06 Thread Mark Weaver

Just a silly question here, but isn't your mouse connected on
Com1(/dev/ttyS0)? Putting the modem on Com2 (/dev/ttyS1) will work much
better. Then, use Kppp to configure your dialup connection.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, L. H. LOO wrote:

 Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 20:06:03 +0800
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Help with modem set up PLEASE!!!

 At 04-03-2001 +0100, you wrote:
 I have a Conceptronic 56ET modem (it suports linux).
 The problem is that I can't configure the dial-up because linux don't find
 my modem.It's is connected to COM1 (ttys0) serial port in my computer.
 Try this :: set your modem to /dev/ttyS0 :: note that big S and 0=zero.

 I thought that linux usually finds the modem and then you have to
 configure the connection but my computer/mandrake don't find my modem.
 I hope you can help me.
 Francesc Quiñones

Re: [newbie] Dependencies included in rpm package?

2001-03-06 Thread DRX

Thomas Adam wrote:
To solve this problem


browse to the rpm file. select it and press F3 and
then manually install the files.


 Thank you, Thomas.  Yes, this might help -- if I can figure out how to
install those files manually.  If I can't do it through rpm, and they are
not supposed to be compiled, how do I do it?  Is it just a matter of moving
them to the correct directories?

Thomas Adam
Linux Co-ordinator for The Purbeck School

e-mail (school): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e-mail (yahoo) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] How to find dependencies?

2001-03-06 Thread Matt Schroeder

For a quick and dirty way to deal with dependancies that are in the current
RPM file you can install two times, the second over the top of the first but
the first one with the command

rpm -i --force {rpm.file.name.rpm here}

--force should do the install even if it is missing dependancies.

then just reinstall it over the top of the first with a -U to "upgrade"

rpm -U --force {rpm.file.name.rpm here}

As I'm also a newbie, I might be wrong here...


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 7:16 AM
Subject: [newbie] How to find dependencies?

  Trying to install an rpm package downloaded from rpmfind.net I got an
 error message saying that two libraries were needed before I could install
 this rpm package.  Going back to rpmfind.net to download those two
 libraries I discovered two things:

  1.  The two missing libraries are included in the rpm package I was
 trying to install.

  2.  The two missing libraries are _only_ included in the rpm package
 was trying to install.  That is, it is _not_ possible to download those
 libraries separately.  Attempting to download the two missing libraries
 only results in downloading the original rpm package.  I doubt that it
 help to download it again.

  The name of the package I have tried to install is
 XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm.  The two libraries needed in order to
 it are libXaw.so.7 and libXfont.so.1.  These two libraries are included in
 the XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm package.  How can there be a failed
 dependency when those two libraries are included in the package?  How do I
 get around this?  How can I install XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk?   Thank you for
 your help.


[newbie] Japanese fonts

2001-03-06 Thread Gavin

I live in Japan and I sometime receive Mail in japanese, I've installed the 
japanese fonts and re-booted my system, when I tried to read to letter it 
still came out in an unreadable format example:
The whole letter looks something like above, how can I get this letter into 
readable format?? this is very important for me being that I work with 
Japanese. I using the english version of Mandrake 7.2 (2.2.17) Desktop 
version.  HELP.. PLEASE

Gavin (Japan)

[newbie] Write files

2001-03-06 Thread bob mike

When i try to copy files from cd or disk to a
directory like games it keeps giving me a write

Write Error
From mnt/cdrom/
To usr/games/local/halflife/...

Cant write file..
cancel, skip, auto skip..

It does this sometimes.. but then other times i can
copy files... So whats it mean?


Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: [newbie] How to find dependencies?

2001-03-06 Thread Matt Schroeder

Tom, thanks for the advice.  I get my info from lots of places and surely
some of it isn't too good.

I would never think of doing anything real important with that cheap and
dirty command line and should have said so in my message.



- Original Message -
From: "Tom Brinkman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] How to find dependencies?

 On Tuesday 06 March 2001 08:26 am, Matt Schroeder wrote:
  For a quick and dirty way to deal with dependancies that are in the
  current RPM file you can install two times, the second over the top of
  the first but the first one with the command
  rpm -i --force {rpm.file.name.rpm here}
  --force should do the install even if it is missing dependancies.
  then just reinstall it over the top of the first with a -U to "upgrade"
  rpm -U --force {rpm.file.name.rpm here}
  As I'm also a newbie, I might be wrong here...

   it are libXaw.so.7 and libXfont.so.1.  These two libraries are
   in the XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.rpm package.  How can there be a
   dependency when those two libraries are included in the package?  How
   do I get around this?  How can I install XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk?   Thank
   you for your help.


  Not wrong Matt, but surely BAD advice.  Use of --nodeps or --force
 should only be LAST resort options, when you're pretty sure you know what
 you're doing and prepared to accept the consequences if you break your
 system, specially with major upgrades (like XFree86)

  When installing with 'rpm -Uvh' (or -Fvh, -ivh), if deps are not met,
 the install/upgrade will fail and the deps will be listed.  To make sure
 they're not already on the system, run 'locate'.  EG,

 /home/tom : locate -i libxaw.so.7

 So, it's already installed on my system.  To find out how it got there,

 /home/tom : rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/X11R6/lib/libXaw.so.7
 XFree86-libs-4.0.2-4mdk   So now we know we're lookin for an XFree86-libs
 package, and we'll want to match version and patch level (eg, 4.0.1-28mdk)
 if at all possible.

 Now if locate or whatprovides turn up nothin, then go to,
 http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/and search libXaw.so.7
   which returns XFree86-libs-4.0.1-28mdk-i586.rpm  (among many others
 and other distros)

 So  XFree86-libs-4.0.1-28mdk  needs to be installed before
 XFree86-4.0.1-28mdk.  BUT, not neccesarily, when upgrading multiple
 packages for something like XFree86 it's a good idea to d/l them all into
 directory all by themselves and then run 'rpm -Uvh *'   This helps to
 avoid circular dependency failures.  rpm will cross check all the rpms in
 the dir, and still may return some failed deps.  So then it's back to
 rpmfind.net  to get those.  Repeat til successful ;

 There's other ways to find/satisfy deps, urpmf and rpm2html come to
 mind, but the above is how I do it. Also, when upgrading to packages newer
 than your distro version (eg, LM7.2), you'll prob'ly get into situations
 sooner or later when you might be a little leary of the provider (eg,
 cooker, contribs, etc.).  Then it's a good idea to get the src rpm version
 and rebuild it on your system to better insure compatibility.
 Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever,
  he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
   Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Japanese fonts

2001-03-06 Thread Anthony

The easiest solution is probably to use Netscape Messenger. In
Preferences/Appearance/Fonts, in the 'For the encoding' box choose
'Japanese', then in the 'variable font' and 'fixed font' boxes just
below, choose the Japanese fonts from the list. If you can't find any
Japanese fonts, you will need to install them, or if you are
dual-booting with WinLose you can steal them with the Font Manager in
Mandrake configuration manager. :^{) When you ascertained that things
are installed and configured, then open 'View/Character Set' and choose
one of the Japanese systems listed until one of them works.

Good luck!

Gavin wrote:
 I live in Japan and I sometime receive Mail in japanese, I've installed the
 japanese fonts and re-booted my system, when I tried to read to letter it
 still came out in an unreadable format example:
 The whole letter looks something like above, how can I get this letter into
 readable format?? this is very important for me being that I work with
 Japanese. I using the english version of Mandrake 7.2 (2.2.17) Desktop
 version.  HELP.. PLEASE
 Gavin (Japan)

Re: [newbie] cd-rw install

2001-03-06 Thread HNelson130
Hi All, here I come again,"oldman newbies", trying to find help for my 2 
cdroms and 2 harddrives.As Hans' has help and LM7.2 "Rem Storage iv " has 
help me I still have problems. Okay,I read "file:/var/log/messages, I got 
something like this
 "ide_setup:hdc=ide-scsi ...the 2nd cdrom was "hdd" as instructed I 
looked for
 "kudzu:linked/dev/cdrom1 to /dev/scd0"...it went well, I continued to 
 "kudzu:linked /dev/cdrom2 to /dev/scd1"..this went well,I continued, I 
did a "cdrecord -scanbus" to list the "info" I "su"to root and typed the 
command...indecated below
"cd/dev  rm cdroom ln -s scd0 cdrom"...I said "yes" at prompt followed 
the same steps for the 2nd cdrom
"cd /dev/  rm cdrom2  ln -s scd1 cdrom"it all went well with no 
errors I logout to reboot

At login I attempted to access my cdroms I got the error 11(sigsegv)
I did not have to do any thing to my harddrives because they would give me 
the same error "11(sigsegv)"

Hey All, somebody out there must know what this means.If I can get this 
corrected, I believe I'll be alright.

Thanks a million.

LM Register #207672

Re: [newbie] Need to compile a 2.2.18 kernal - jrt

2001-03-06 Thread John Turnbull

John Turnbull wrote:
 I now have unpacked the
 kernel 2.2.18 sources.  They wound up in /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/linux, but
 the structure looks much like a normal kernel source directory. Now I
 can do dome real damage (clearly I am on the edge of my competence
 level.  John T

Er. . . well I was hopping to be able to do some damage. . . but the
compile just stalled with:

[root@mpdlin linux-2.2.18]# make bzImage
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -o
In file included from /usr/include/errno.h:36,
 from scripts/split-include.c:26:
/usr/include/bits/errno.h:25: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [scripts/split-include] Error 1
[root@mpdlin linux-2.2.18]#

I had done a standard make xconfig and not fiddled too much, saved and
did a:
make dep  make clean
the :
make bzImage and if died.

Could somebody please interpret this error?

Oh yes. I did a make mrproper, then repeated the above steps, without
changing anything in xconfig (it os OK because this is a very standard
K6 box running LM7.2, so even the lesser CUP optimizations should not be
the problem.

Thank you all in advance.  John T

Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-06 Thread Mark Weaver

what are talking about? I've done LOTS of stupid things and i'm sure i'm
not finished yet!

thing is Julio said something very uncouth (sp) in mixed company and it
wasn't appreciated. thats what all the hub-bub is about. since then he's
apologized in manly fashion and has been forgiven. So...lets move on and
let this thread die.


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, Jon Doe wrote:

 Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 12:19:20 -0500
 Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

 I can't believe all this about one stupid comment. He is human I'm sure, not
 like any of us have ever done something stupid.
 What amazes me further is that no one has made one comment about the guy who
 in his signature, it says linux gives him a woody. How is this any different?
 I don't take offense to either saying, I knew he was saying it in excitement.

 Now had he said that he knew his statement was true due to experience, then
 I could understand the concern.

[newbie] adsl and connection loss

2001-03-06 Thread Quaylar

hi all !

i am using a alcatel 1000 adsl modem on my mandrake 7.1 linux box.
i build up my connection over pptp.
no problems establishing connection, but after an unpredictable amount of 
time my connection drops.
it doesnt always happen, sometimes my machine is 3 h online, sometimes its 
only 1h.
when i look at system console there are no error messages, it just seems 
that the connection was shut down properly (without me causing it)

it just says :

pppd : LCP terminated by peer
   connection terminated
   connect time blah blah
   sent ...bytes, received ..bytes

i understand that the connection was dropped by my isps server but i dont 
know why; i know for sure that there are no "server side" connection 
timeouts from my isp.

is there an option somewhere for the pppd that configures an idle timeout ?

and what is this LCP thingy ?

thx in advance,


Icq# 30932448
! Knowledge is power 
For confidental email plz encrypt with PGP

Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-06 Thread Ribbo

nah i'll wait for the 8.1 
which probably has major bugs fixed for the previous version ;-)

Tanggal 03-Mar-2001, dari Julio Gutierrez :
 To all you people! 
 I just downloaded 8.0 beta and let me tell you this OS is tighter than a 16 
 yr old girl, you guys should check out the new interface, it's outta this 
 world, still some bugs but I think the final release is gonna be one of the 
 best Mandrakes I've ever seen, a little Windowy but hey what the heck this is 
 free and if Microscared don't like they can kiss some daemon a**
 anyways you all should check it out 

R i b b o

"The new psyche begins. Many voices as one. Join or be silence!"
-- Klesk, Quake III Arena.

Re: [newbie] Shaw @home Cable Modem Setup

2001-03-06 Thread Shane Roppel
As a final sort of wrap up to this thread... I discovered the following concerning the setup of Shaw @home. After the install mandrake, if I monkeyed with the networking settings before I tried Sridhar's solution I could not get it working. On the other hand if I went directly to Sridar's solution after a clean mandrake installation it worked perfectly. I don't if this means anything to anyone but ths is what I had to do for me. Also, shaw told me of the the website that my domain was ssdt1.sk.wave.home.com. THIS WAS NOT TRUE! The actual domain is "host name".shawcable.net, or "host name".ss.shawcable.net. Basicaly I just want to bring this info forward incase anyone had similar problems in the future.  Once again thanks!   - Original Message - From:Sridhar Dhanapalan Sent:Monday, March 05, 2001 2:19 AM To:Shane Roppel; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Re: [newbie] Shaw @home Cable Modem Setup Open netconf - Host name and IP network devices - Adaptor 1. Check"Enabled" and "Dhcp". For Net device put "eth0" and for the kernelmodule put "eepro100". Accept all of these and reboot just to be sure.Now run "/sbin/dhcpcd -d -n -h COxxx-A eth0" - you should be ableto connect to @Home. To have this execute at startup just add thisline to your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.On Mon, 5 Mar 2001 04:32, Shane Roppel wrote: First things first again, thankyou all for responding so quickly. I have looked into trying your solutions posted in the past Sridhar, but still to no resault. I am not a very good writer but I will try to outline the things I've tried and the questions I have a little better. First of all having dealt with widows so long I'm used to dealing with the simplified language of the 9x environment. In 'netconf' when it asked for 'host + domain' I asumed that it meant 'csXX-a' + 'ssdt1.sk.wave.home.com'. Unfortunatly that didn't fit, so I placed 'csXX-a' by it's self and the 'ssdt1.sk.wave.home.com' I place in the primary domain under dns ip and stuff. Then I tried the 'dhcpcd -d -n -h hostname eth0', and this didn't change anything. 'ifconfig -a' listed no ip and no packets sent, and I was unable to ping even my 9x ip on the same hub. So, I removed linux and reinstalled 98 got networking up did a 'ipconfig /all' to get all the ip's for dns, my ip, gateway, even dhcp server. It was here that I saw the name 'csXX-a.ss.shawcable.net'. So I went back and manualy configured everything, and still no luck. then using 'csXX-a.ss.shawcable.net' I tried again to get 'dhcpcd -d -n -h hostname eth0' to work. Finally I reset up my networking manually using 'csXX-a.ss.shawcable.net'. Nothing seems to work, and I know it is recognizing my ethernet card. I'm lost and kinda confused. I know my ethernet card is a 10/100... could it be trying to run it at 100 only? The kernal being used is 'eepro100'. Thanks again guy's for your assistance... - Original Message - From: Sridhar Dhanapalan Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 2:04 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Digital Wokan; Shane Roppel Subject: Re: [newbie] Shaw @home Cable Modem Setup I have posted detailed instructions about connecting to @home some months back. You should be able to find them by looking through the list archives at http://www.linux-mandrake.com. I have not had any problems connecting to @home in at least 4 months (i.e. since implementing the system I described in the list archives), so my method appears to work well. On Sun, 4 Mar 2001 13:03, Digital Wokan wrote:  I have yet to get DHCP to work as a client to @home. I've had to  stick with plugging in my static IP address for over a year now.   Shane Roppel wrote:   First things first, hello all! Ok here's my problem I cannot seem to connect to the dhcp server   through my linux box. I am fairly proficient with windows And   think it sucks, and I've tried almost every combination of   network settings I can think of! plus I've tried some   suggestions mentioned in this forum. Nothing has worked. I'm new   to linux so please, could someone spell it out for me? THANKS SO MUCH!     __ ___ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at   http://www.hotmail.com. -- Sridhar Dhanapalan. "There are two major products that come from Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence." -- Jeremy S. Andersonbr clear=allhrGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at a href="http://www.hotmail.com"http://www.hotmail.com/a.br/pContent-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="Attachment: 1"Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printableContent-Description:--Sridhar Dhanapalan."There are two major products that come from Berkeley:LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."-- Jeremy S. Anderson Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

[newbie] good source for linux drivers

2001-03-06 Thread verbal_abuse

i notice alot of people having trouble finding drivers for different
things. just thought i'd list a site that i fine very useful. the
address is: http://www.lindrivers.com

[newbie] Updating Mandrake 7.2 Java

2001-03-06 Thread Chantha


There are some Java programs which I have that aren't
compiling, using the current version of Java (1.1?) on
Mandrake 7.2.  I was thinking of trying 3 things to
remedy the problem.  But, to avoid more potential
problems, I'm wondering if you can look over these 3
things and give some advice on them if any,

1). Do you think installing Java 2 over Mandrake's
Java version, will present any problems on the system?

2). Do you think uninstalling Mandrake's Java is a
viable solution?

3). Lastly, should I just install Java 2 as a
/home/some_user instead of root and run java from that
/home/some_user/java installation?

Thanks in advance for your input!

Chantha K.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Kernel 2.4

2001-03-06 Thread Antonio De Luna

try   http://rpmfind.net

On Tuesday 06 March 2001 05:46, you wrote:

  Hi Tom

 My name is Lucio, and I'm searching for packages:
 kernel-source-2.4.2-4mdk   or newer (eg, -5mdk).

 I need the doc's to help me to compiling the kernel-2.4.2

 Can U tell me where I find it ???

Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"; name="Attachment: 1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Re: [newbie] HP Deskjet 612C....configuring

2001-03-06 Thread Bill Barto

Michael Scottaline wrote:
  I also have an /etc/modules.conf~ file(not sure if that should be
 Not a problem.  That's just a backup of /etc/modules.conf before it was last edited. 
 Did you try to set the printer up as a DJ550c?
 "Many loads of beer were brought. What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing, and 
dreadful idolatry took place there."
 --Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at 

No matter what I try to set it as I get error message--usually about
"unable to open parallel
port device file: no such device"


Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-06 Thread KompuKit

I'd like to throw in my two sense here...

ALL authority...belongs to God...
and alot of times His children(us), refuse ourselves of certain
that God never intended us to refuseproof below:

In the book of Esther (ch. 1+2) their was a king who held the first ever
beauty contest...to find a bride. all of the contestants (I found
were between 12 -21 yrs of age...(the king was 65)...NOWHERE in the
can I find that God punished Queen Esther and that King for marrying
each other...
(which they did)...
So, this being the case...I believe (like so many others also)...that
there is 
nothing wrong with the idea of age difference, in a relationship...

Now, granted...I think 12-15 is too young (myself)...but 16 should be
IF you are married first, of course.

Julio Gutierrez wrote:
 Ok my apologies to all the girls age of 16 subscribed to this list, also to
 all females subscribed to it, and to all the parents of 16 yr old girls who
 read this message, I know i got a little out of hand and I apologize but to
 tell you the truth I got too excited when I installed 8.0 that my mind just
 went completely nuts ok so all of you got your apologies so now go download
 8.0 and install it on your computer
 SORRY again!!!

Registered Linux User: 167369
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BANGG!!!!!!!!Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-06 Thread Vic


--its dead!

On Monday 05 March 2001 06:34 am,  Mark Weaver wrote:
 Come on! - DIE THREAD DIE!! -

RE: [newbie] To any linux newbies who really want to know their system well....

2001-03-06 Thread Hans N.

Sweet! Thanks Randy!!!

Sincerely and respectfully, 
Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Meyer
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 7:32 AM
Subject: [newbie] To any linux newbies who really want to know their
system well

I do. I threw out the other OS and put this one in. About a month or so
ago. It's all I have right now. Just a lone personal computer with a new
operating system. It was total system shock at first. Thank god for a
distribution that took care of most of the details for me. I'm not
suffering from any withdrawal symptoms. In fact, I haven't looked back
and gnu/linux is so damn fascinating the first thing I had to do was
read up on everything I could about it's history and all that I had been
missing out from during those years. Now that I'm somewhat past the
point of doing the obviously wrong things (like re-installing because I
didn't even know how to start X up from the bash command line, which is
a very bad place to be with no linux knowledge and no one within reach
that has any), here is how I am educating myself about MY new LM 7.2
system and it's internal workings. If you have gotten past the
installation and hardware issues and have some time to devote to this,
it is well worth doing yourself. I'm speaking to the true linux newbies
now, not the seasoned users, who know all of this and probably have done
it already.

Build a Bigger Search Index

First of all, that Help icon (the one with the life preserver on it). On
a new installation I think it is accessed only from the KDE Start menu.
Add that icon to your KDE panel if it's not already there. You need to
use it frequently. It can answer your questions if you know how to
massage it properly. There is a ton of HTML formatted documentation that
gets poured onto your hard drive during the installation. I use the
Recommended installation and there is over 14,000 HTML documents on my
drive. (OK, that's including the browser cache, i should do another
FindFile after clearing the cache for a more accurate number). But the
problem is this. There is a search engine that's built into the Help
system, but the installed prebuilt index that it uses is very wimpy. At
least after my installation, it only indexed the KDE documents. Which is
fine for starters, but not if you want know what's really going on under
the hood. So the first thing you should do is make a bigger search index
that covers all the installed docs, not just the KDE ones.

Use Applications/File_Tools/Find_Files and search starting from / for
files that match *.htm*

Click on the Directory column header to sort all the resulting matches
by their locations. Now you can see where the majority of these HTML
files reside.

Note down these directories. For me it was /user/lib , /var/lib ,
/usr/share, and /usr/X11R6/LessTif/doc

In the left pane of Help, where the search engine is, click on the
"Update Index" button. In the dialog that comes up, add your noted
directories to the "Additional Search paths" box.

Click on the "Generate Index..." button and every textual word in every
HTML file in those directories is going to be built into a searchable
index that you can search by keyword. This takes quite a bit of time to
complete. In fact, I thought that it had frozen up on me, there is no
activity indicator in the dialog while the index is being built, at
least not for the first two of the three stages. But I could hear my
drive being accessed and just to be sure, I started up KDE System Guard
and looked for it in the process list, there it was running and using up
to 70% resources at times. All was well, that's just a lot of parsing
and sorting to do. After the index is built, click on OK to finish the
index updating.

KDE System Guard is Your Roadmap

Now that we have a robust index it's time to use it. First though, if
you haven't already found it, there is an application called KDE System
Guard that is invaluable for monitoring whatever is running on your
system. It's in Applications/Monitoring in the KDE startup menus. Here
is how I am using it to direct myself in my linux nuts  bolts

The System Guard lists all the processes that are currently running on
your system. A lot of them are sleeping away not doing anything, just
waiting to be given the nudge to go to work. A few are running, the ones
with an "R" in the status column. But most are swapped out to disk, the
ones with an "S" status. So you want to know what's going on under the
hood in your system, this is a very good place to take a look. There are
columns that are labeled PID and PPID. PID stands for Process ID and
PPID stands for Parent Process ID. Every process gets a unique PID when
it is started up, and the PID numbers are assigned incrementally. Now I
want you to click on that PID column header and sort out all the
processes in 

[newbie] No sound

2001-03-06 Thread Han2097

My Crystal PnP soundcard wasn't detected during the LM 7.2 install.  The Sound Wizard 
is absent from HardDrake, and sndconfig is not installed either.  Reinstalling 
HardDrake didn't add the Sound Wizard, and my attempt to install sndconfig brought out 
"error: sndconfig-0.44-3mdk.i586.rpm could not be installed" from RPM.

I did a search for this on Google, but the results were a tad complex for me...maybe 
somebody else who has had this problem can point me to a better resource or take my 
hand and walk me through it... :)

Dan Rasmussen
ICQ: 4689648
AIM: Spiffy1two

Re: [newbie] can't find make file

2001-03-06 Thread s


On Monday 05 March 2001 06:36 am, you wrote:
 I'm very new to Linux forgive my stupidity, I fund this smssend program and
 installed it to my LM box. it says in the README file that I have to
 compile it so i did, when it comes to the point where I have to type make I
 got error "command not found". Where can I find this file? Thanks a lot..

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Re: [newbie] To any linux newbies who really want to know their system well....

2001-03-06 Thread abramo

Hey Randy, this is an awesome email.  You offer some very good ideas for how total 
newbies can start to get a handle on how their system is working.  Some good ideas for 
people like myself too:  Not a newbie anymore but still a real newbie!  I often know 
just enough to break things real good ;-)  Thanks for taking the time to write it and 
for sharing it with the list here.


  Original Message ---
 From: Randy Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 06:31:53 -0600
 I do. I threw out the other OS and put this one in. About a month or so

[newbie] Can't resize certain windows

2001-03-06 Thread Owens, Blaine C

I've just about got all the kinks worked out of my new 7.2 install. It looks
like I'm stuck with a resolution of 800x600 max. One nuisance problem is
that some of the windows are larger than my monitor, DrakRPM for example,
and I can't resize the window to fit my screen. I can get around the problem
in most cases using other methods to do the task but I was wondering if
anyone had any suggestions to offer. Thanks.

Blaine Owens
Eastman Chemical Company
Phone - (423)-229-3579
Cell Phone - (423)-817-0704
Fax - (423)-229-1188

[newbie] Cable modem and dhcpcd help

2001-03-06 Thread darrell

Hi All!

Okay, first of all, things are looking pretty good. I have my rogers@home
Terayon cable modem working with dhcp, and I have ipchains masquerading my 3
windows boxes. The one remaining problem has to do, apparently, with dhcpcd.
After a few hours, the connection gets dropped. I assume this happens when
the lease expires. Problem is, dhcpcd doesn't reconnect me, and the only way
I can seem to get reconnected is to unplug the cablemodem and reboot. Surely
there is a way to stay connected. Any help on this would be greatly
