[newbie-it] setup mandrake 8.0

2001-04-23 Thread marco

Salve a tutti è la mia prima mail sulla mailing spero di non combinare
casini anche perchè non ho mai usato cose di questo tipo ;o) ho provato ad
installare mandrake 8.0 e anche io ho visto che ci metteva un casino di
tempo.alla fine ho abbandonato!

by Spider

[newbie-it] connessione internet isdn

2001-04-23 Thread marco

salve, sempre io :) ho appena finito un estenuante setup di mdk 8.0 e non
riesco a configurare internet, ho un modem interno asuscomil mio piccolo
Linux lo riconosceho compilato tutto quello che dovevo compilare ma non
mi connettepotrebbe essere anche la linea occupata visto che uso una
flatallora cortesemente... chiedose la config. della connessione è
giusta e non bisogna fare altro come posso impostare linux in modo che
componga più volte il numero? (es. accesso remoto di win) .grazie
molte.anzi di più!

by Spider

[newbie] char-major-108

2001-04-23 Thread franki Vianet

Hi all, does anyone know what this is 

I get the message showing up in my 

modprobe: modprobe : Can't locate module 

Can anyone tell me what it means? and where I can 
get this file, and where to put it when I do find it.


I upgraded the kernel to the 2.2.19-4.1mdk on the 
update site, using the instructions listed on the mandrake page. (I didn't use 
mandrake update) It all seemed to go well. and It is loading the correct 
kernel in grub,,, (ie I edited grub and put the new kernel listing first..) but 
at the Console login screen, it still tells me that it has 2.2.17 

does anyone know where it gets that info 

kindest regards


[newbie] My 7.2 Linux hanged

2001-04-23 Thread shammk0o

I was trying to install Mandrake Linux 7.2 on my new Dell C800 notebook. I
booted the machine and the installer started then i chose the language and
the type of installation. However when it asked to to install ot update I
chose install since this the first time. After that it dispalyed a message
saying configuring PCMCIA and it continued showing this message hanged.
Then I tryed the text installer and showd me the there is a kernel panic and

Any Help

[newbie] strange error message.

2001-04-23 Thread franki Vianet

Hi everyone,,

I get randomly disconnected from my ISP and when I 
check the /var/log/messages, I find this...

pppd [3128]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
pppd[3128]: Modem Hangup

I did not tell it to disconnect, it just 
did, what would be causing this? anyone 

I have just read the pppd man, and mentions that 
being sent a sighup will reset the connection,, but I didn't send 

how can I find out what is cauing this? 
(it happens at random, sometimes within two minutes, sometimes 8 hours,, but it 
always happens eventually.)

any help would be most seriously 

Kindest regards

Perth WA

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 2:30 
  Subject: [newbie] char-major-108
  Hi all, does anyone know what this is 
  I get the message showing up in my 
  modprobe: modprobe : Can't locate module 
  Can anyone tell me what it means? and where I can 
  get this file, and where to put it when I do find it.
  I upgraded the kernel to the 2.2.19-4.1mdk on the 
  update site, using the instructions listed on the mandrake page. (I didn't use 
  mandrake update) It all seemed to go well. and It is loading the correct 
  kernel in grub,,, (ie I edited grub and put the new kernel listing first..) 
  but at the Console login screen, it still tells me that it has 2.2.17 
  does anyone know where it gets that info 
  kindest regards

Re: [newbie] reiserfs and new kernel

2001-04-23 Thread s

Geez, silly me. conk
On Sunday 22 April 2001 09:05 pm, you wrote:
 You can see it in Disk Free (in Applications --Monitoring) or /etc/fstab

 On Tuesday 24 April 2001 07:23, you wrote:
  2.4.3-13mdk.And another question if you please:
  I loaded 8.0 last night, and I don't remember if I used reiserfs or not
  [yes, I am blond :-) ].  How can one tell which fs they are using?  I
  think I did, so my first question is still very relevant.

Re: [newbie] MP3 players and linux?

2001-04-23 Thread s

And the config mentions specifically support for the Rio diamond thing (or is 
it Diamond Rio?). 

On Monday 23 April 2001 12:28 am, you wrote:
 Hello all,
 I was thinking of purchasing an MP3 player. But since I'd prefer to have to
 boot to Windows as little as possible, I'd need one with Linux support. I
 understand that kernel 2.4 now has support for USB devices?

 Any recommendations?

 Thanks in advance.

Re: [newbie] reiserfs and new kernel

2001-04-23 Thread Michael Scottaline


 2.4.3-13mdk.And another question if you please:
 I loaded 8.0 last night, and I don't remember if I used reiserfs or not [yes, 
 I am blond :-) ].  How can one tell which fs they are using?  I think I did, 
 so my first question is still very relevant.
Why not check /etc/fstab?  Each partitions file system will be identified.
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Re: [newbie] reiserfs and new kernel

2001-04-23 Thread Mark Weaver




what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, robert wydler haduch wrote:

 At 12:47 PM 4/22/2001 -0400, Mark Weaver wrote:
   which kernel was it that you compiled?



   what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
   at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
   emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a
   parent.  :)
   On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, s wrote:

I reinstalled this weekend and so I though I'd try out
   reiserfs.  But when I
upgraded the kernel, my system wouldn't boot.  I selected
   reiserfs as a
module when compiling as I remembered someone saying once
   to do.  But not
anything else concerning this topic.
Any thoughts on what I did wrong or should have done?

Re: [newbie] How much internet security do I need?

2001-04-23 Thread Mark Weaver

Along with Pmfirewall you should also configure portsentry to watch for
port scans. Pmfirewall, using Ipchains, is a wonderful first step, but a
single layered security scheme isn't much security at all. I wouldn't use
anything less then two layers and thats cutting things down to bare bones.
these days, when it comes to keep your machine secure from unwanted
visitors redundency is the way.

While its true that you can only go so far on a single home machine it
never hurts to go as far as you can.

I've setup a simple SMTP/FTP/HTTP server at work that I use for certain
interesting tasks and amusement. In the first week it was up someone
breached the box, (my fault cause I left port 23, telnet, open) was rooted
and planted. I got lucky this time cause I saw the evidence of the
incurrsion, found their droppings and got rid of them. you can be sure I
got firewall configured properly AND installed and configured portsentry
which has been on duty since without a single lapse in security since.

I will tell you that the hosts.deny file continues to grow daily since
these guys just don't take no for an answer and they're still trying to
gain access. their ip numbers are all over my firewall logs and portsentry
continues to log their scans and enter their ip addresses in the
hosts.deny file so that it remembers them.

for an older RedHat machine running on an i486 P1-133 I'm very impressed
with what these two programs can do on their own to protect both machine
and the data contained on that machine - not to mention the network behind
the machine.



what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, s wrote:

 pmfirewall should do you just fine.  You will need to add some things to it
 as you find ports left open here and there, but basically it's a good start.

 On Sat, 21 Apr 2001, you wrote:
  Hi All:
  I am using ML 7.2 for a home desktop system. I only browse the internet
  using a 56K modem. How much internet security do I need?  Do I need
  ipchains or whatever? I am only on the internet 3 to 4 hours a day.  I
  have ML set to medium security!! Thanks

Re: [newbie] ok, so mandrake 8.0 is out, need info

2001-04-23 Thread Mark Weaver

heh! every time I choose Grub I get LILO anyhow so I just stopped asking
for grub.



what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
On Sat, 21 Apr 2001, Steve Helder wrote:


 For the beta's plus rc1 i used expert mode for install.  I was then able to choose 
which boot loader, Grub LILO with Graphics, LILO with regular menu, or other.

 Hopefully this will work for you too.

   - Original Message -
   From: Adam Willcox
   Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2001 4:17 AM
   Subject: [newbie] ok, so mandrake 8.0 is out, need info

   The betas of 8.0 have been using lilo as a bootloader... but one of the things I 
liked about LM 7.2 was that it used grub as it's primary boot loader and all I had to 
do was tell it where my other os was and it loaded neccesary files with a 
chainloading system.  Lilo cannot do this.  So did they switch to grub for the full 

   Also, it looks like they completely re-vamped bootdrake making it completely 
worthless.  Is there anyway that I can install GRUB from the getgo during the install 
process and use the same easy-to-use front-end that the 7.2 install had?...  for me 
it was such an easy way to dual boot rather than copying all of these image output 
files and what not.

   Any help is greatly appreciated.

Re: [newbie] Is my hosts.deny working??

2001-04-23 Thread Mark Weaver

The hosts.deny file is a file that Portsentry uses to keep track of ip
addresses of machines that have scanned your machine's ports and tried to
gain access to your machine.

if this file is empty it either means that portsentry hasn't detected
anyone scanning your machine, or that you haven't configured portsentry
and turned it on. which, is a bad thing. anyone running a linux box and
connecting to the internet that isn't running a modest 2 layer security
scheme is just asking for someone to break into their system and setup
shop. give them timethey will.

I would stronly suggest you install and configure PMfirewall and also
configure portsentry to begin watching your ports. may I also suggest
that you turn off any and all services that you have running that you're
not using. such as telnet, ftp, and a host of others. you can do this
simply and quickly my opening the file /etc/services and commenting out
the lines representing , (naming) those things that you aren't using.
doing so will close those ports and make your machine inaccessable on
those ports.



what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
On Sat, 21 Apr 2001, ai4a wrote:

 I use my system as a simple desktop machine  connect to the internet
 through a ppp line  a 56K modem. Does this mean that I connect to the
 internet and no one needs to connect to me??

 In my hosts.deny file I have:

 In my hosts.allow file I have nothing:
 # there are no entries in my hosts.allow file

 I can still connect to the internet and all works fine. Is my hosts.deny
 file working? Do I have a deamon turned off? How can I test if
 hosts.deny is working?

Re: [newbie] gcc++ question

2001-04-23 Thread Mark Weaver


The compiler is telling you it's confused and doesn't know for certain
whether it's supposed to do the job or not. Open the file Makefile and
check to make sure which compiler is being referenced in the file. specify
either gcc or g++.



what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
On Sat, 21 Apr 2001, Barbara wrote:

 I was trying to configure ddd and while running configure, I got this error

 checking whether the C++ compiler (c++) compiles a simple program... no
 configure: error: You must set the environment variable CXX to a working
   C++ compiler.  Also check the CXXFLAGS settings.
   See the file 'config.log' for further diagnostics.

 This is a regular 7.1 Mandrake installation.

 Any ideas what I need to do here? Thanks!


[newbie] CDRW/DVD won't mount

2001-04-23 Thread Mark Shaw

I have a Toshiba CDRW/DVD combo drive.  ML7.2 installed fine from 
CD, but now I can't read CDs -- even the ML install CDs -- on it.
The ML install set me up with supermount; I verified that with my

As a normal user I get a permissions problem with /mnt/cdrom.  As
root I get an I/O error when trying to read it directly (ls /mnt/cdrom),
and a wrong fs type, bad block or [something else, don't recall] error 
when trying to mount it from the command line (it dismounted without
error first).

I poked around in /dev and discovered that I have /dev/cdrom and /dev/
cdrom1.  Is this for the CDR and CDW functions or something?

Anyway, I'm stumped.  What's my next move?

Mark Shaw

Re: [newbie] reiserfs and new kernel

2001-04-23 Thread Mark Weaver


it would appear from the information you supplied that you didn't compile
the kernel but rather installed the RPM package version. if that is
correct then you did what I did last week and now you've got a mess.

if you're running Mandrake 8.0 I'm not sure what to tell you since I'm
still running 7.2 and I have a feeling there are some differences between
the two that might make things interesting.

something you may want to try is downloading the kernel tarball and
compiling it that way. when you're configuring the kernel before compile
under the file system menu item make sure that you check the module or
direct support for reiserfs.


what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, s wrote:

 2.4.3-13mdk.And another question if you please:

 I loaded 8.0 last night, and I don't remember if I used reiserfs or not [yes,
 I am blond :-) ].  How can one tell which fs they are using?  I think I did,
 so my first question is still very relevant.


 On Sunday 22 April 2001 11:47 am, you wrote:
  which kernel was it that you compiled?

RE: [newbie] reiserfs and new kernel

2001-04-23 Thread Mark Weaver


that little message indicates that you have installed and are running the
Reiser file system.



what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, Hans N. wrote:

 When I boot up Linux, on a dual boot Win98 and Mandrake box, I sometimes
 stare at the messages coming up from all the processes initializing. Well
 one I do see each time is a line that mentions something about SUSE,
 starting ReiserFS, and something about MP3.com. I'm so very newbie, but
 maybe someone can correct me. But it would appear this line should be seen
 by yourself as well when starting Mandrake, if I'm even _guessing_

 Hans N.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of s

 2.4.3-13mdk.And another question if you please:

 I loaded 8.0 last night, and I don't remember if I used reiserfs or not
 I am blond :-) ].  How can one tell which fs they are using?  I think I did,
 so my first question is still very relevant.


Re: [newbie] Modem Busy

2001-04-23 Thread Mark Weaver


I had my system setup essentially the same way until I stopped using
Windows all together. I'm using a 3Com/USRobotic ISA and last I heard your
modem was also supported. I have a feeling that it may be in the setup.
Open the Kppp interface with your modem set to use ttyS1 (COM2). you may
also want to check the settings in Linuxconf's ppp setup. let me know what
you find.



what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
On Sat, 21 Apr 2001, Lee wrote:

 Hi Folks,
 Ok..the specs 1st. Zoom isa 5919. I have 2 drives w/grub as a bootloader. I
 have 98se on 1 drive and LM7.2 on the other. Modem is fine in 98.

 I still cannot get this modem to be seen by LM7.2. I've tried moving to
 different irq's,com ports and I get modem is busy This is with the modem
 set to com2,irq3.  Tried initializing it in harddrake,kppp,control
 center,and probably a few others.
 When I had the modem set to com 3, irq 5 I got the message modem is not
 responding I need to have this modem working in both 98 and LM7.2 Is this
 being done by anyone here ?

 I'm not sure where to go from here as I'm going in circles. Any
 tips,suggestions,or free external modems  :) to try will be greatly
 appreciated. Thank you and hava great wknd !!

Re: Offlist: [newbie] Failed to update from 7.2 to 8.0

2001-04-23 Thread Mark Weaver

Um...pardon the breakin on this thread, but I'm wondering about something.
I'm thinking about upgrading to 8.0, but I'm not liking what I'm hearing
about the kernel in that version.(2.4.3) Is there another kernel version
offered during install? i.e. 2.2.17 or 2.2.19?



what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
On Sat, 21 Apr 2001, chengyu sun wrote:

 Hi, Todd

 Thanks a lot for responding to my question. The
 problem was not the ATA100 card though. It's the
 installer having problem mounting a NTFS partition
 (which is on a ATA33 disk).

 However, I'm very curious about the bug in 2.4.3,
 e.g. will it cause data corruption?
 I just got the Promise card about a week ago and
 it have been working fine under 2.4.3 during this
 period. I'd like to know if I could trust it with
 important data.

 Thanks a lot and have a nice weekend,

 - Chengyu

 --- CB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 12:54:53PM -0700, chengyu
  sun wrote:
. Promise ATA100 PCI card
  There's the problem.  Kernel 2.4.3 appears to break
  the Promise ATA
  chipset.  Stay tuned for a fix.  The guys are
  working to try and
  figure out a way around it.  I think it's a kernel
  problem, not a
  Mandrake problem.  Wait til Civilime responds to get
  the most accurate
  and up to date information.  I could be wrong or
  taking things out of
  Blue skies...   Todd
  | Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what
  you want.  |
  | http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get
  experience. |
  | http://faq.mrball.net  |
  --unknown origin   |

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Re: [newbie] MD5SUMS

2001-04-23 Thread Randy Kramer


It sounds like there is a good chance you have a bad iso (because of
your problems with reinstalling).

When I downloaded mandrakefreq-i586-20010316.iso, there was another file
named mandrakefreq.md5sum.  That second file is a text file containing
the md5sum for the iso.  Run the command md5sum on the iso file (which
it sounds like you already did), then compare the results to the
contents of the md5sum in the text file.  If they match, you almost
certainly got a correct download, if they don't match there are errors
in the iso.

You don't have to repeat the download, you can use the rsync command to
correct the iso.  I will forward to this list a note I sent to the rsync
and expert list which describes how I used rsync for the same purpose.  
You will have to revise the commands appropriately for the iso file you
are trying to get, the server you are using, and the location of the
file on the server.  If you have trouble let me know -- there are a few
variations to the rsync command -- the :: (double colon variation) might
not work on the server you try to use (and rsync might not even be
supported on your server).  If you use a server that requires a
variation of rsync, I'd like to try it myself as a learning experience.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

s wrote:
 I'm glad someone else asked about this.  :-)
 I ran this last night before install, I didn't get errors or warnings, but
 the numbers (output) didn't match.  I typed:  /usr/bin/md5sum *
 in the directory where I downloaded them and got three long numbers for the
 files (inst-iso, ext-iso, md5sum).  How do you know if it's right?  What am I
 looking for?  The install didn't go perfect, several of the packages/apps I
 selected couldn't be installed.
 On Sunday 22 April 2001 02:53 pm, you wrote:
  I don't think anyone else responded, so I'll take a stab at it.
  Are you concerned about whether the file containing the md5sums is
  authentic, or about whether the md5sum of the iso you downloaded is
  correct (matches the md5sum in the text file you are talking about)?
  The second is simpler to discuss, assuming the first is true.
  Just run the md5sum command (executable) on the downloaded iso.  If the
  md5sum calculated by the md5sum executable matches the md5sum in the
  text file you are talking about, then you have reasonable assurance that
  your download has been error free.
  If, somehow, someone replaced the authentic md5sums with some bogus
  md5sums, (and the iso with a bogus iso), you (and many others) probably
  have a problem.
  I'm sure that could happen, but I haven't worried about it so far.  Are
  you downloading from a well-known / reliable mirror?  If so, I wouldn't
  worry too much about the possibility of someone having replaced the
  file.  Some people who publish isos use a program like PGP to sign the
  files containing the md5sums (or the isos?) to guarantee authenticity.
  (I'd tell you more about PGP, but I've never actually used it.)
  Although the md5sum can be used to provide security against someone
  having replaced the iso with a bogus iso, the bigger purpose of the
  md5sum (in this case) is to provide a confirmation that your download
  has been error free (I say, donning my asbestos longjohns).
  Hope this helps,
  Randy Kramer
  Dwight wrote:
   Ok, this file appears to be a text file, and it says it is sums for ISO's
   to ensure they are all correct. The only problem is I haven't been able
   to find out how you test it to verify this string. Anyone got that info?
   Take Care, Dwight
   Daynotes, Columns, Tips, message boards, we try to give you it as much as
   we can. http://www.geekworld.ca/personal/
   Public Key is http://www.geekworld.ca/Keys/DwightWallbridge.asc

[newbie] HELP CD burning broken

2001-04-23 Thread Chubby Vic

Require rectify this situation, current results not acceptable.
Cd Plextor burner was moved from hdd to hdc.
All attempts to burn a cd from an iso image result in:

Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
scsidev: '1,0,0'
scsibus: 1 target: 0 lun: 0
Linux sg driver version: 2.1.39
Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
atapi: 1
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 0
Response Format: 1
Vendor_info: 'PLEXTOR '
Identifikation : 'CD-R   PX-W8432T'
Revision   : '1.07'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
Driver flags   : SWABAUDIO
Drive buf size : 4194304 = 4096 KB
FIFO size  : 4194304 = 4096 KB
mkisofs 1.13 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu)
cdrecord: WARNING: Track size unknown. Data may not fit on disk.
Track 01: data  unknown length padsize:  30 KB
Total size:   0 MB (00:00.00) = 0 sectors
Lout start:   0 MB (00:02/00) = 0 sectors
Current Secsize: 2048
ATIP info from disk:
Indicated writing power: 5
Reference speed: 0
Is not unrestricted
Is erasable
ATIP start of lead in:  -11635 (97:26/65)
ATIP start of lead out: 337350 (75:00/00)
speed low: 0 speed high: 4
power mult factor: 4 6
recommended erase/write power: 3
A2 values: 00 00 00
Disk type:Phase change
Manuf. index: 3
Manufacturer: CMC Magnetics Corporation
Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in write mode for single session.
Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
Performing OPC...
Starting new track at sector: 0
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
CDB:  2A 00 00 00 27 1D 00 00 1F 00
Sense Bytes: F0 00 03 00 00 27 B5 0A 00 00 00 00 0C 09 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x09 (write error - loss of streaming) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 10165 (valid)
write track data: error after 20506624 bytes
Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Writing  time:   52.766s
cdrecord: Input/output error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: retryable 
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
CDB:  5B 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Sense Bytes: F0 00 03 00 00 4B 4A 0A 00 00 00 00 0C 07 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x07 (write error - recovery needed) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 19274 (valid)
cmd finished after 70.773s timeout 480s
Fixating time:   70.788s
cdrecord: Input/output error. mode select g1: scsi sendcmd: retryable error
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
CDB:  55 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 26 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x26 Qual 0x00 (invalid field in parameter list) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.000s timeout 40s
cdrecord: fifo had 387 puts and 324 gets.
cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 297 times full, min fill was 95%.
mkisofs: Broken pipe. cannot fwrite 32768*1

This is not acceptable.

Re: [newbie] HELP:8.0 kernel panic

2001-04-23 Thread Mark Weaver

Ok...I think you may want to try passing this to the kernel when you boot.


see if that works. your windows partition is probably named /dev/hda1. And
as usually follows the first Linux partition gets named /dev/hda5.



what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, Dale Kosan wrote:

 Thanks for the reply.Mandrake is the second on that drive after Win 98, then
 I have one more drive that I use for storage.They are both connected to the
 promise pci controller.

Re: [newbie] Is my hosts.deny working??

2001-04-23 Thread Randy Kramer


Please straighen me out:

Mark Weaver wrote:
 The hosts.deny file is a file that Portsentry uses to keep track of ip
 addresses of machines that have scanned your machine's ports and tried to
 gain access to your machine.

ai4a says that his hosts.deny file contains ALL: ALL: DENY.  Doesn't
that mean that no one can log into his machine unless they are
specifically mentioned in the hosts.allow file?  (And regardless of
whether portsentry is running or not?)

I was planning to set up an HTTP server on my local LAN and use the
hosts.deny file to disallow all access except from workstations on my
LAN which would be listed in hosts.allow.  

(Aside: My LAN is behind a dos iproute gateway with limited access
rules -- basically it can receive responses to packets it sends out, but
does not accept unsolicted packets.)

Am I still leaving myself open to attacks?  Won't the hosts.deny /
hosts.allow protect me even without the iproute gateway?

Randy Kramer

Re: [newbie] MD5SUMS

2001-04-23 Thread s

Yeah it was very helpful.  Thank you, very much.

On Monday 23 April 2001 07:12 am, you wrote:

 It sounds like there is a good chance you have a bad iso (because of
 your problems with reinstalling).

 When I downloaded mandrakefreq-i586-20010316.iso, there was another file
 named mandrakefreq.md5sum.  That second file is a text file containing
 the md5sum for the iso.  Run the command md5sum on the iso file (which
 it sounds like you already did), then compare the results to the
 contents of the md5sum in the text file.  If they match, you almost
 certainly got a correct download, if they don't match there are errors
 in the iso.

 You don't have to repeat the download, you can use the rsync command to
 correct the iso.  I will forward to this list a note I sent to the rsync
 and expert list which describes how I used rsync for the same purpose.
 You will have to revise the commands appropriately for the iso file you
 are trying to get, the server you are using, and the location of the
 file on the server.  If you have trouble let me know -- there are a few
 variations to the rsync command -- the :: (double colon variation) might
 not work on the server you try to use (and rsync might not even be
 supported on your server).  If you use a server that requires a
 variation of rsync, I'd like to try it myself as a learning experience.

 Hope this helps,
 Randy Kramer

[newbie] for s (and others) on rsync [Fwd: Re: [expert] 8.0 Final]

2001-04-23 Thread Randy Kramer


This is the post that describes how I used rsync to correct an iso after
a faulty download.

Hope this helps!
Randy Kramer

I had asked questions on the expert, newbie, and rsync list about using
rsync to correct a bad md5sum on an iso image.  I finally got it to work
(instructions below).  Somebody told me (in an email) that it will not
work to upgrade from one version of an iso to another (like Mandrake 8.0
beta 2 to final), but I don't believe that -- I believe it will work but
I haven't tried it yet -- thought I'd wait a few days or longer to let
traffic on the mirrors die down.  

When I try it, I will:

-Make an archive copy of my existing local copy of the iso.  Put a
working copy in a directory with space for at least one additional copy
of the iso and rename it to match the name of the iso that I am trying
to download.  

-If I have space for two copies, I will put one in a subdirectory of
this directory and then specify the subdirectory name in the
--compare-dest option of rsyc.  

(See my notes below about the --partial and the --compare-dest options
-- if you specify the partial option (which I think is a good idea) but
your transfer is interrupted, the original iso will be replaced by the
partially transferred copy.  Sometimes it will make sense to continuse
rsync with the partially transferred copy (if the transfer was almost
completed), but more often it will make sense to restart rsync from the
beginning, using the original iso.  If you don't save a copy somewhere,
you will be forced to continue with the partially transferred iso.  When
you continue with a partially transferred copy, you are no longer
reaping the benefit of rsync but basically doing a pure download of
the remainder of the file.  If the --compare-dest option worked as I
thought it might, this would not be an issue, but, so far, the
--compare-dest option has not worked for me (more discussion below).)

-Look at the mirror site to find the full name and path of the iso I
want to download (use a web browser).

-Find the first directory in the rsync path by running:

rsync carroll.cac.psu.edu::

(The rsync server establishes a relative path to the iso file -- in the
rsync command you must specify this relative path, not the full path.)

-Use a command line like (with the PWD set to the directory I want to
download to):

rsync -a -vv --progress --partial [--compare-dest=subdirectory_name] \
carroll.cac.psu.edu::mandrake-iso/mandrakefreq-i586-20010316.iso \

(Note the full path to the file (on carroll) is something like
/pub/.../.../mandrake-iso/mandrakefreq-... -- the rsync path (on
carroll) starts with mandrake-iso.)

(Note the double colon.  That works on carroll.  There are other
variations for specifying the rsync server, some with a single colon,
some using the word rsync.  You don't get a choice, you have to specify
the one that is right for the server you want to download from and the
communication method you want to use -- ssh, rsh, or?  See the man pages
for rsync -- when I learn more about these other options I will modify
these instructions.  Note that I don't think anybody needs to use ssh to
download a Mandrake iso -- who are you keeping a secret from?)

(The --compare-dest parameter is optional, see discussion above and

You must make sure that the timestamp (or filesize?) on your local copy
of the file differs from the remote copy, otherwise rsync will think the
local and remote iso are the same and not attempt to sync them.  Touch
the local file if necessary.  

-Do not specify the -c option!

(You might think that you can use the -c option to force a full checksum
check on the files.  This did not work for me.  The problem for me was
that I got a message unexpected EOF on read-timeout, and a short time
later the rsync process quit.  What I didn't realize until later is that
this error message means the rsync server has quit.  The rsync server
often quit for me when I used the -c option, generally because something
on the server end decided to kill rsync.  I don't know whether  this was
due to some parameters of the rsync server, or something like an
external watchdog watching the rsync server and deciding it was not
making sufficient progress, but I do know that if you specify the -c
option it uses a lot of processor resources on the server side, and, at
least for me and carroll, I often got the -timeout message until I
stopped specifying the -c.)

-The -a option stands for archive and is a way of specifying several
options at once.  It will make sure that (IIRC) the file size,
timestamp, owner, group, permissions, and ?? are corrected by rsync. 
(Note that if you try to use rsync in dos/Windows you may run into a
problem because dos/Windows can only resolve timestamps to an even
number of seconds -- if the original iso file has a timstamp with an odd
number of seconds, you will have trouble getting the md5sum to come out
correctly.  (There may be some workarounds -- 

Re: [newbie] Modem Busy

2001-04-23 Thread Randy Kramer


Mark reminded me of something.  Are you rebooting to Linux (from
Windows) without shutting the machine off?  If so, try shutting your
machine off and do a cold boot to Linux.  With my PnP modem (Sierra), it
needs a power off to force it to be reset to allow reconfiguration. 
Linux may be (is probably?) trying to configure the modem -- if it was
already done in Windows, configuration may not be possible until the
modem is reset by a power off.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Mark Weaver wrote:
 I had my system setup essentially the same way until I stopped using
 Windows all together. I'm using a 3Com/USRobotic ISA and last I heard your
 modem was also supported. I have a feeling that it may be in the setup.
 Open the Kppp interface with your modem set to use ttyS1 (COM2). you may
 also want to check the settings in Linuxconf's ppp setup. let me know what
 you find.
 what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
 at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
 emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
 On Sat, 21 Apr 2001, Lee wrote:
  Hi Folks,
  Ok..the specs 1st. Zoom isa 5919. I have 2 drives w/grub as a bootloader. I
  have 98se on 1 drive and LM7.2 on the other. Modem is fine in 98.
  I still cannot get this modem to be seen by LM7.2. I've tried moving to
  different irq's,com ports and I get modem is busy This is with the modem
  set to com2,irq3.  Tried initializing it in harddrake,kppp,control
  center,and probably a few others.
  When I had the modem set to com 3, irq 5 I got the message modem is not
  responding I need to have this modem working in both 98 and LM7.2 Is this
  being done by anyone here ?
  I'm not sure where to go from here as I'm going in circles. Any
  tips,suggestions,or free external modems  :) to try will be greatly
  appreciated. Thank you and hava great wknd !!

Re: [newbie] CDRW/DVD won't mount

2001-04-23 Thread n6tadam


Let start with the obvious. Would you mind posting a copy of your
/etc/fstab file and your /etc/mtab file. This will help me determine.
what file system types you currently have and if there might be a
possibility of a conflict.

Furthermore, try to see if you can set the permissions on /dev/cdrom and
/dev/cdrom1, by typing in:

chmod 700 /dev/cdrom1
chmod 700 /dev/cdrom

An I/O error with a wrong FS would definately confirm that you have some
kind of conflict. Anyhow, I'll see what I can do :-)

You might even try running a program called kudzu which will detect new


Thomas Adam
Linux Co-ordinator for The Purbeck School (Network Support)
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 12:26 PM
Subject: [newbie] CDRW/DVD won't mount

 I have a Toshiba CDRW/DVD combo drive.  ML7.2 installed fine from
 CD, but now I can't read CDs -- even the ML install CDs -- on it.
 The ML install set me up with supermount; I verified that with my

 As a normal user I get a permissions problem with /mnt/cdrom.  As
 root I get an I/O error when trying to read it directly (ls /mnt/cdrom),
 and a wrong fs type, bad block or [something else, don't recall] error
 when trying to mount it from the command line (it dismounted without
 error first).

 I poked around in /dev and discovered that I have /dev/cdrom and /dev/
 cdrom1.  Is this for the CDR and CDW functions or something?

 Anyway, I'm stumped.  What's my next move?

 Mark Shaw

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Re: [newbie] reiserfs and new kernel

2001-04-23 Thread s

Well, actually, yeah they were rpms, but you still have to make xconfig, make 
dep, etc, etc,    I chose reiserfs as a module.  But when I booted, I got 
an error.  And then it (something) wanted to rename my cdrom, floppy, and zip 
from /mnt/s to /dev/s.  Weird sh*t.  I've compiled several kernels in my day, 
but I have just started using reiserfs.  I don't know.  I did use reiserfs 
when I installed 8.0, and now I'm going to be nervous about upgrading the 
kernel when the newer ones come out.  I bet there was something I was 
supposed to do, similar to like when we have to edit mandrake_everytime to 
point to the new supermount directory.   ???

On Monday 23 April 2001 05:58 am, you wrote:

 it would appear from the information you supplied that you didn't compile
 the kernel but rather installed the RPM package version. if that is
 correct then you did what I did last week and now you've got a mess.

 if you're running Mandrake 8.0 I'm not sure what to tell you since I'm
 still running 7.2 and I have a feeling there are some differences between
 the two that might make things interesting.

 something you may want to try is downloading the kernel tarball and
 compiling it that way. when you're configuring the kernel before compile
 under the file system menu item make sure that you check the module or
 direct support for reiserfs.


[newbie] for s (and others) on md5sum

2001-04-23 Thread Randy Kramer

This is not the post explaining how to use rsync, but another, shorter
post on md5sum.  I will send the rsync post next.

Randy Kramer

michael wrote:
 How do I use md5 sum check?

Just run:

md5sum filename

(for example, md5sum mandrakefreq-i586-20010316.iso)

After churning for a while, it will spit out a string of numbers and
letters.  Compare that to the string of numbers and letters in the file
containing the official md5sum (for the above, it is

If they match, the files are identical -- if not, there is a problem.

There are automatic ways of checking the numbers, but the string is not
that long, and this first approach helps you understand what's going on.

Hope this helps!
Randy Kramer

[newbie] USB ZIP drive on 7.2

2001-04-23 Thread Charles S Wackerman

I'm new to this list and my question may well have been answered before, 
but I don't know where to find the answer.  When I first installed 7.2 
the machine recognized the usb zip drive (to my amazement) and worked 
perfectly for four days.  Then came a sudden power outage (it tripped 
the surge protector on the house, and on the pc) and when I rebooted the 
pc, I discovered that while it saw the drive it would either say that 
there is an i/o error or that access forbidden.  What happened is a 
total mystery and I have exhausted every book on Linux I can find trying 
to solve the problem.  (I did achieve the machine accessing the drive 
when it boots but still no access). 

Are there any suggestions rather than throwing the whole darn thing out 
the window?  I'm retired and have a high frustration level, but it has 
been reached.  Any help would be most appreciated.

(my neighbors, many of whom work for Red Hat say I can't access the 
drive, but what do they know)

Charles Wackerman
Carthage, NC

[newbie] do I need to add something to my boot disk to get Auora to work?

2001-04-23 Thread Alan Carpenter

Someone told me that using a boot disk Aurora will not work???  Is this


Alan Carpenter
PC Specialist
Department of Computer Services
Virginia Wesleyan College
Office 757.455.3267
Cell 757.449.0381

[newbie] [Fwd: for s (and others) on rsync [Fwd: Re: [expert] 8.0 Final]]

2001-04-23 Thread Randy Kramer

Sorry, this is probably a repost, but all of my posts before and after
I sent this have appeared on the list, and this has not.


This is the post that describes how I used rsync to correct an iso after
a faulty download.

Hope this helps!
Randy Kramer

I had asked questions on the expert, newbie, and rsync list about using
rsync to correct a bad md5sum on an iso image.  I finally got it to work
(instructions below).  Somebody told me (in an email) that it will not
work to upgrade from one version of an iso to another (like Mandrake 8.0
beta 2 to final), but I don't believe that -- I believe it will work but
I haven't tried it yet -- thought I'd wait a few days or longer to let
traffic on the mirrors die down.  

When I try it, I will:

-Make an archive copy of my existing local copy of the iso.  Put a
working copy in a directory with space for at least one additional copy
of the iso and rename it to match the name of the iso that I am trying
to download.  

-If I have space for two copies, I will put one in a subdirectory of
this directory and then specify the subdirectory name in the
--compare-dest option of rsyc.  

(See my notes below about the --partial and the --compare-dest options
-- if you specify the partial option (which I think is a good idea) but
your transfer is interrupted, the original iso will be replaced by the
partially transferred copy.  Sometimes it will make sense to continuse
rsync with the partially transferred copy (if the transfer was almost
completed), but more often it will make sense to restart rsync from the
beginning, using the original iso.  If you don't save a copy somewhere,
you will be forced to continue with the partially transferred iso.  When
you continue with a partially transferred copy, you are no longer
reaping the benefit of rsync but basically doing a pure download of
the remainder of the file.  If the --compare-dest option worked as I
thought it might, this would not be an issue, but, so far, the
--compare-dest option has not worked for me (more discussion below).)

-Look at the mirror site to find the full name and path of the iso I
want to download (use a web browser).

-Find the first directory in the rsync path by running:

rsync carroll.cac.psu.edu::

(The rsync server establishes a relative path to the iso file -- in the
rsync command you must specify this relative path, not the full path.)

-Use a command line like (with the PWD set to the directory I want to
download to):

rsync -a -vv --progress --partial [--compare-dest=subdirectory_name] \
carroll.cac.psu.edu::mandrake-iso/mandrakefreq-i586-20010316.iso \

(Note the full path to the file (on carroll) is something like
/pub/.../.../mandrake-iso/mandrakefreq-... -- the rsync path (on
carroll) starts with mandrake-iso.)

(Note the double colon.  That works on carroll.  There are other
variations for specifying the rsync server, some with a single colon,
some using the word rsync.  You don't get a choice, you have to specify
the one that is right for the server you want to download from and the
communication method you want to use -- ssh, rsh, or?  See the man pages
for rsync -- when I learn more about these other options I will modify
these instructions.  Note that I don't think anybody needs to use ssh to
download a Mandrake iso -- who are you keeping a secret from?)

(The --compare-dest parameter is optional, see discussion above and

You must make sure that the timestamp (or filesize?) on your local copy
of the file differs from the remote copy, otherwise rsync will think the
local and remote iso are the same and not attempt to sync them.  Touch
the local file if necessary.  

-Do not specify the -c option!

(You might think that you can use the -c option to force a full checksum
check on the files.  This did not work for me.  The problem for me was
that I got a message unexpected EOF on read-timeout, and a short time
later the rsync process quit.  What I didn't realize until later is that
this error message means the rsync server has quit.  The rsync server
often quit for me when I used the -c option, generally because something
on the server end decided to kill rsync.  I don't know whether  this was
due to some parameters of the rsync server, or something like an
external watchdog watching the rsync server and deciding it was not
making sufficient progress, but I do know that if you specify the -c
option it uses a lot of processor resources on the server side, and, at
least for me and carroll, I often got the -timeout message until I
stopped specifying the -c.)

-The -a option stands for archive and is a way of specifying several
options at once.  It will make sure that (IIRC) the file size,
timestamp, owner, group, permissions, and ?? are corrected by rsync. 
(Note that if you try to use rsync in dos/Windows you may run into a
problem because dos/Windows can only resolve timestamps to an even
number of seconds -- if the original iso file has a 

[newbie] vga=ox314

2001-04-23 Thread Alan Carpenter

Apparently for Aurora to boot, you need to have vga=0x314 in your
lilo.conf file.  Here's the problem I don't have a lilo conf file.  I
use a bootdisk.  How can I make changes on the disk?.   As root I try to
mount to it and I get a input/output error?  Thanks for all your help.


[newbie] 7.2 install question

2001-04-23 Thread Jeffery Chapman

I've created a partition and swap file space on my secondary harddrive. I
used Partition Magic to create the partitions. 

The harddisk now looks like this:
|--- windows ---||--- linux part ---||--- linux swap ---|
| /dev/hdb1 || /dev/hdb2|| /dev/hdb3|

1) Am I correct on the /dev/ addresses?

2) Will the Mandrake installation program recognize the linux partitions
I've created as the place to install linux? Currently there is nothing in
the partitions. The documentation is a bit fuzy in this area. Will the
install program ask me where to install?

I'm not the only user of the PC and I really do not want to risk destroying
any data in the first partition.

3) If I do a custom install, will I be prompted on whether or not to install
a bootloader or can I just skip the step? I don't want to install GRUB or
have it automatically installed.


Re: [newbie] How much internet security do I need?

2001-04-23 Thread Nathan Hopper

 Along with Pmfirewall you should also configure portsentry to watch for
 port scans. Pmfirewall, using Ipchains, is a wonderful first step, but a
 single layered security scheme isn't much security at all. I wouldn't use
 anything less then two layers and thats cutting things down to bare bones.
 these days, when it comes to keep your machine secure from unwanted
 visitors redundency is the way.

Along with Portsentry, installing LogCheck is wise. It too is made by
Psionic. Logcheck parses the logs, saving only the pertinant information,
and mails them each hour to root, or whomever.

 I will tell you that the hosts.deny file continues to grow daily since
 these guys just don't take no for an answer and they're still trying to
 gain access. their ip numbers are all over my firewall logs and portsentry
 continues to log their scans and enter their ip addresses in the
 hosts.deny file so that it remembers them.

If you the following line to the hosts.deny file, you needn't worry about a
vast majority of problems:

That tells the machine, for programs using TCPWrappers, to deny everyone
access to everything, and block any machine whose name does not match its

If you need to use INET services on the Linux machine, add the following
lines to hosts.allow:
in.telnetd: bar.foo.com

That's just for example. Replace in.telnetd with whatever program you wish
to use, and with which ever machine you want to connect.

Also, if you add the following lines to the sysctl.conf (IIRC, that's what
Mandrake calls it):
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians = 1
net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1

And if you're going to all that trouble, you might as well do the following:

In /etc/securetty comment out everything except tty1. Then root can only log
onto tty1. If you need more root, you can log on and su.

For a good degree of security, remove the rpm binary. Copy it to a floppy
disk, or three, and store them away safely. Without rpm, it's impossible for
both you and nefarious users to add anything to the computer. If you also
remove the compiler, that increases security , but makes life difficult.

Consider using Tripwire as it checks the integrity of your important
programs. It won't stop an intrusion, but you'll be alerted promptly.
Another program, called sXid, which also runs as a cron job, tracks changes
in s[ug]id programs. It's available at


Re: [newbie] 7.2 install question

2001-04-23 Thread Lin

 the addresses should be ok, the Mandrake installation program have
partition utilities you will probably be asked to use.  The major part is
to resize windows without lossing any data.  Then I would use the free
space to install linux with the given installer.

I don't remember the 7.2 installation, but they should let you boot from
floppy drive and without floppy for windows, by selecting fd0 instead.

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Jeffery Chapman wrote:

 I've created a partition and swap file space on my secondary harddrive. I
 used Partition Magic to create the partitions. 
 The harddisk now looks like this:
 |--- windows ---||--- linux part ---||--- linux swap ---|
 | /dev/hdb1 || /dev/hdb2|| /dev/hdb3|
 1) Am I correct on the /dev/ addresses?
 2) Will the Mandrake installation program recognize the linux partitions
 I've created as the place to install linux? Currently there is nothing in
 the partitions. The documentation is a bit fuzy in this area. Will the
 install program ask me where to install?
 I'm not the only user of the PC and I really do not want to risk destroying
 any data in the first partition.
 3) If I do a custom install, will I be prompted on whether or not to install
 a bootloader or can I just skip the step? I don't want to install GRUB or
 have it automatically installed.

[newbie] Problème avec ma carte son

2001-04-23 Thread Jacques Muller

J'utilise Mandrake 7.2 l'install c'est bien passée, 
mais ma carte son Creative Sound Blaster live value, me pose des problèmes sous 
Mandrake linux.

Il me met:
L'erreure suivante s'est produite lors de 
l'exécution du programme modprobe:

Périphérique ou ressource occupé
sound-slot -0 failed

Pouvez-vous m'aider à résoudre ce problème car je 
n'ai pas de son.
Sous Windows tout marche!!!
Merci à vous tous

[newbie] Compiling the Kernel

2001-04-23 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Hi all.

I think I'm confused.
In /usr/src I have Linux and Linux-2.4.2. Which one is the good one or the
running kernel.
which one do I rename? I did a mv Linux Linux.old  or should I do
Do I place myself into the Linux or Linux-2.4.2 before I run make menuconfig
or xconfig to recompile.
If I type ctrl-x ctrl-v to see the version I get linux-2.4.2mdk15 or
somehink like that. (Sorry for any mistakes I'm at work and not in front of
my box)
anyway I configure what has to be configured . I save. 
I run a make dep  make clean  make bzImage  make modules  make
modules_install. (Tell me if I'm wrong)
I get no errors which for me is already a good thing.

This is where I get confused because in some HOWTO's they say run a make
install. and in others they say do a 
cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-kernel.version.number

So which one do I do?
I then do a vi/etc/lilo.conf
after that I run lilo
I cross my fingers and pray I didn't do anything stupid and do a reboot
selecting my ne

How can I be sure that all is well. ( besides 
For extra info could someone give us help or even the procedure for a


Re: [newbie] 7.2 install question

2001-04-23 Thread Todd Flinders

I haven't had a chance to try 8.0 yet, but with an
expert install in 7.2 you will be allowed to choose if
you want Lilo, Grub, or none.  Also you will be able
to choose how your hard drive is partitioned or (if
you already have partitions), which partitions to use
for linux.

So long as you have an understanding of your hardware
and how you want your system set up, you should be
able to do everything you want with the Expert

I'd be very surprised if that has changed in 8.0.  I'm
confident you will be fine.

Err... just noticed in your subject that you are
talking about 7.2 after all.  I'm such a moron.

In short, Yes!  You can do all of which you ask.  Have

--- Jeffery Chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I've created a partition and swap file space on my
 secondary harddrive. I
 used Partition Magic to create the partitions. 
 The harddisk now looks like this:
 |--- windows ---||--- linux part ---||--- linux swap
 | /dev/hdb1 || /dev/hdb2|| /dev/hdb3
 1) Am I correct on the /dev/ addresses?
 2) Will the Mandrake installation program recognize
 the linux partitions
 I've created as the place to install linux?
 Currently there is nothing in
 the partitions. The documentation is a bit fuzy in
 this area. Will the
 install program ask me where to install?
 I'm not the only user of the PC and I really do not
 want to risk destroying
 any data in the first partition.
 3) If I do a custom install, will I be prompted on
 whether or not to install
 a bootloader or can I just skip the step? I don't
 want to install GRUB or
 have it automatically installed.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

RE: [newbie] strange error message.

2001-04-23 Thread Hans N.

If you have call waiting, like myself, then someone trying to call you will
kick you offline, even when you do the *70 or whatever to disable call
waiting. There isn't much you can do about it really. The disable call
waiting feature doesn't work as well as intended. If you do have call
waiting, you might try dialing in without using the *70 call waiting
disabled just to see if you get booted for no reason still or if someone is
calling you. With it disabled, you'll probably get booted and your phone
will ring.

Hans N.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of franki Vianet

Hi everyone,,

I get randomly disconnected from my ISP and when I check the
/var/log/messages, I find this...

pppd [3128]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
pppd[3128]: Modem Hangup

I did not tell it to disconnect, it just did,what would be causing this?
anyone know?

I have just read the pppd man, and mentions that being sent a sighup will
reset the connection,, but I didn't send it.

how can I find out what is cauing this?   (it happens at random, sometimes
within two minutes, sometimes 8 hours,, but it always happens eventually.)

any help would be most seriously appreciated.

Kindest regards

Perth WA

Re: [newbie] HELP CD burning broken

2001-04-23 Thread Todd Flinders

If this is Mandrake 7.2, you probably need the drive
linked with scsi emulation.

cd /dev
rm cdrom
ln -s scd0 cdrom

--- Chubby Vic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Require rectify this situation, current results not
 Cd Plextor burner was moved from hdd to hdc.
 All attempts to burn a cd from an iso image result
 Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C)
 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
 TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
 scsidev: '1,0,0'
 scsibus: 1 target: 0 lun: 0
 Linux sg driver version: 2.1.39
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
 atapi: 1
 Device type: Removable CD-ROM
 Version: 0
 Response Format: 1
 Vendor_info: 'PLEXTOR '
 Identifikation : 'CD-R   PX-W8432T'
 Revision   : '1.07'
 Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
 Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
 Driver flags   : SWABAUDIO
 Drive buf size : 4194304 = 4096 KB
 FIFO size  : 4194304 = 4096 KB
 mkisofs 1.13 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu)
 cdrecord: WARNING: Track size unknown. Data may not
 fit on disk.
 Track 01: data  unknown length padsize:  30 KB
 Total size:   0 MB (00:00.00) = 0 sectors
 Lout start:   0 MB (00:02/00) = 0 sectors
 Current Secsize: 2048
 ATIP info from disk:
 Indicated writing power: 5
 Reference speed: 0
 Is not unrestricted
 Is erasable
 ATIP start of lead in:  -11635 (97:26/65)
 ATIP start of lead out: 337350 (75:00/00)
 speed low: 0 speed high: 4
 power mult factor: 4 6
 recommended erase/write power: 3
 A2 values: 00 00 00
 Disk type:Phase change
 Manuf. index: 3
 Manufacturer: CMC Magnetics Corporation
 Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in write mode
 for single session.
 Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ...
 input buffer ready.
 Performing OPC...
 Starting new track at sector: 0
 status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
 CDB:  2A 00 00 00 27 1D 00 00 1F 00
 Sense Bytes: F0 00 03 00 00 27 B5 0A 00 00 00 00 0C
 09 00 00
 Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
 Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x09 (write error - loss of
 streaming) Fru 0x0
 Sense flags: Blk 10165 (valid)
 write track data: error after 20506624 bytes
 Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00
 Writing  time:   52.766s
 cdrecord: Input/output error. close track/session:
 scsi sendcmd: retryable 
 status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
 CDB:  5B 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 Sense Bytes: F0 00 03 00 00 4B 4A 0A 00 00 00 00 0C
 07 00 00
 Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
 Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x07 (write error - recovery
 needed) Fru 0x0
 Sense flags: Blk 19274 (valid)
 cmd finished after 70.773s timeout 480s
 Fixating time:   70.788s
 cdrecord: Input/output error. mode select g1: scsi
 sendcmd: retryable error
 status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
 CDB:  55 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00
 Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 26
 00 00 00
 Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
 Sense Code: 0x26 Qual 0x00 (invalid field in
 parameter list) Fru 0x0
 Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
 cmd finished after 0.000s timeout 40s
 cdrecord: fifo had 387 puts and 324 gets.
 cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 297 times full,
 min fill was 95%.
 mkisofs: Broken pipe. cannot fwrite 32768*1
 This is not acceptable.

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Re: [newbie] USB Trackball Optical

2001-04-23 Thread Randy Kramer

Sorry I can't be more helpful.  (I did respond because no one else had,
so far.)

gz is the extension for a gzipped file, so presumably something has to
extract it.  I would have guessed that insmod knew how to do that if the
install procedure passed a file with a .gz to insmod, but I don't know.

Good luck,
Randy Kramer

Lee Nowey wrote:
 I think when I looked that file was there; but hell if i know if that
 means anything or not.  Does it perhaps need to extract a file from
 that usb-ohci.o.gz??  Is that what the insmod command is attempting to
 When I get near that machine again I will do a man insmod and
 perhaps educate myself :-)
 In either case, thanks much for atleast a point in the right
 direction.  Nobody has responded other than yourself.  I get the jist
 of Linux, but some parts are still vastly a mystery to me.
 From: Randy Kramer
 To: Lee Nowey
 Subject: Re: [newbie] USB Trackball Optical
 Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 13:42:14 -0400
 FWIW, insmod is one of the programs that deals with installable
 for the kernel. Apparently the trackball you are using needs a
 and hopefully, it is usb-ohci.o.gz. (I'm a newbie to Linux also, I
 just thought I'd try to translate some of the Linux-eze to english.)
 Hope this helps,
 Randy Kramer
 Lee Nowey wrote:
   Have a Microsoft Tackball Optical, getting error when running
   mousedrake in
   Mandrake 8.0 (also got this during install of 8.0). Usb worked
   7.2, did clean install of 8.0, not upgrade.
   This is the error output after running mousedrake:
   such device
   Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
   invalid IO or IRQ parameters
   /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/usb/usb-ohci.o.gz insmod
   /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/usb/usb-ohci.o.gz failed
   /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/usb/usb-ohci.o.gz failed
   I am not a complete computer retard, am an IT professional, but am
   new to hardcore Linux use, so this error is like a foreign
 language to
   It may as well be in Arabic.
   Any of you experts give me a clue? I'v! e ! got none of my own.
   I haven't tried a re-install, don't want to stomp on anything
   everything else is running perfect.
   Any help would be greatly appreciated!
   Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] Problème avec ma carte son

2001-04-23 Thread Eric


try running sndconfig,  I think that you have to exit X-windows, so do a 
telinit 3 first.


On Sunday 22 April 2001 09:23, Jacques Muller wrote:
 J'utilise Mandrake 7.2 l'install c'est bien passée, mais ma carte son
 Creative Sound Blaster live value, me pose des problèmes sous Mandrake

 Il me met:
 L'erreure suivante s'est produite lors de l'exécution du programme

 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/emu10k1.o: init_module:
 Périphérique ou ressource occupé
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/emu10k1.o: insmod
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/emu10k1.o: failed
 sound-slot -0 failed

 Pouvez-vous m'aider à résoudre ce problème car je n'ai pas de son.
 Sous Windows tout marche!!!
 Merci à vous tous

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Salvatore Eric Indiogine
Computer Specialist - Power Operations

Re: Offlist: [newbie] Failed to update from 7.2 to 8.0

2001-04-23 Thread chengyu sun

 is there another kernel version
 offered during install? i.e. 2.2.17 or 2.2.19?

I think not, but since you're upgrading, you should
already have a 2.2.x kernel which you can add to
lilo (grub) boot list in the installing bootloader


- Steve

 what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the
 at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the
 emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish
 being a parent.  :)
 On Sat, 21 Apr 2001, chengyu sun wrote:
  Hi, Todd
  Thanks a lot for responding to my question. The
  problem was not the ATA100 card though. It's the
  installer having problem mounting a NTFS partition
  (which is on a ATA33 disk).
  However, I'm very curious about the bug in 2.4.3,
  e.g. will it cause data corruption?
  I just got the Promise card about a week ago and
  it have been working fine under 2.4.3 during this
  period. I'd like to know if I could trust it with
  important data.
  Thanks a lot and have a nice weekend,
  - Chengyu
  --- CB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 12:54:53PM -0700,
   sun wrote:
 . Promise ATA100 PCI card
   There's the problem.  Kernel 2.4.3 appears to
   the Promise ATA
   chipset.  Stay tuned for a fix.  The guys are
   working to try and
   figure out a way around it.  I think it's a
   problem, not a
   Mandrake problem.  Wait til Civilime responds to
   the most accurate
   and up to date information.  I could be wrong or
   taking things out of
   Blue skies... Todd
   | Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get
   you want.  |
   | http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get
   experience. |
   | http://faq.mrball.net  |
   --unknown origin   |
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[newbie] LM 8.0 install

2001-04-23 Thread ZeynalBandari

i downloaded iso images of LM 8.0 . during full install(expert mode) i noticed that 
the installer never asked me if i have the extention cd or not. even after 
installation when i tried installing packages from extention cd , it failed because 
the package is already installed. 
that is the wierdest thing since i was never asked to change cd , how can packages 
from extention cd been installed already ? 
i suspected corrupt iso image and therefor downloaded the image from 3 different ftp 
servers wich all ended in same destiny.
am i the only one with this problem ? is  there anyway to solve it ? 

thanks in advance for help/suggestions 

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Re: [newbie] Upgrade policy?

2001-04-23 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Monday 23 April 2001 19:41, you wrote:
 As a registered and paid user of the CD version of ML7.2, what
 is the upgrade policy for getting the ML8.0 CDs?  Given the
 culture and prices of packages systems, It seems to me that you
 either download the free system, or buy a packaged system a full
 price.  Is that right?  Or is there such a thing as an upgrade
 price that is less than the new price?

 Thanks!!  - Andy

Just depends how you look at it. Personally I buy a packaged 
system every now and then as a sort of sponsorship to 'the cause'. 
And how much cheaper can you get??
Semper avanti,sailing on Linux,
Harm Bathoorn Free evermore.
Hoek. NL.
   |  _

--- www.elv-transport.nl ---

[newbie] IBM laptop mouse support in LM 8.0

2001-04-23 Thread THuddleston

Hi all,
Has anybody had any luck getting the mouse to work in LM 8.0 on an IBM
laptop? I have an IBM A20m which worked great for LM 7.2, but I can't get
it to detect the mouse in LM 8.0.
There was a topic about this on the Mandrake Forums, where it was described
how to get around the mouse detect problem for installation, which is
great; unfortunately, once it's installed, the mouse still doesn't work.
Any ideas, anyone?

Re: [newbie] 7.2 install problem - Cdrom X-server

2001-04-23 Thread Todd Flinders

If you're unsure about what X you're running, you can
bring up a terminal a type:

X -version

It will tell you what version you are running.  If you
are not happy with that version, you can easily
install the other version by typing the following in a

XFdrake -expert

Just answer the simple questions and you're set.

As far as your cdrom(s?), your situation is a bit
unclear.  It appears you have cdrom and cdrom1 both
linked to scd0.  That looks like a problem.  But I
wonder if you truly have to cd devices.  Do you have a
burner AND a cdrom?  Or just the burner?

If you have only one device, rm /dev/cdrom1.  If you
have two, then you probably need to link cdrom1 to
scd1.  rm /dev/cdrom1  ln -s scd1 /dev/cdrom1

Anyway, I think you're getting your I/O error because
you have two devices linked to scd0.  However, I'm not
sure that you truly have two drives.  It is quite
possible that when you installed your burner during
your mandrake install, that mandrake incorrectly
created two devices for your burner.  That happens to

I have no idea why john is the owner and that does
indeed seem bizarre.

Going back to the problem with X:  If you find that
you are running X 4, you may want to revert to X 3. 
Videocards supported in X 3 are not necessarily
supported in X 4.  However, it might also be worth the
effort of upgrading to the latest X 4 (X 4.0.3) to see
if that helps.

--- John Rye [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I finally took the plunge and installed 7.2.
 Installation was uneventful
 other than the soundcard not being found. that was
 fixed without hassle.
 However. there are two problems .. 
 Problem A) Cdrom is inaccessible despite running
 through the Cdburner
 tutorial pages.
 Error message as user or root:
 [john@john john]$ ls /mnt/cdrom
 ls: /mnt/cdrom: Input/output error
 [john@john john]$   
 Permissions from /dev
 [root@john /dev]# ls -l cdr*
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root9 Apr 21
 20:19 cdrom -
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root9 Apr 21
 15:09 cdrom1 -
 [root@john /dev]# ls -l scd*
 brw-rw1 john cdrom 11,   0 Sep 27 
 2000 scd0
 brw-rw1 john cdwriter  11,   1 Sep 27 
 2000 scd1
 brw-rw1 john cdwriter  11,   2 Sep 27 
 2000 scd2
 brw-rw1 john cdwriter  11,   3 Sep 27 
 2000 scd3
 brw-rw1 john cdwriter  11,   4 Sep 27 
 2000 scd4
 brw-rw1 john cdwriter  11,   5 Sep 27 
 2000 scd5
 brw-rw1 john cdwriter  11,   6 Sep 27 
 2000 scd6
 brw-rw1 john cdwriter  11,   7 Sep 27 
 2000 scd7
 I don't understand why user john should own
 /dev/scd(?), so far I
 haven't dared to change the ownership
 Fstab as follows:
 /dev/hdc5 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 /dev/hda7 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /dev/hda9 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount
 fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
 fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
 /dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda8 /root/ ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hdd5 /usr ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda10 /usr2 ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda11 /usr3 ext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
 Problem B) X-Server (I think) - I cannot see where
 the issue is:
 My Vidcard is an S3 Virge DX with 4mb Ram, the
 monitor a CTX 1451,
 resolution 16-bit 800x600; these two have been
 working together without
 fault thru LM6.x and until I installed LM7.2, (and
 obviously with that
 other opsys).
 I think (grin), that I selected XFree 4, can't be
 sure as I have both
 XF86Config AND XF86Config-4 in /etc/X11.
 I cannot start X automatically (init 5) as the
 monitor (Or vidcard) goes
 directly to a ?powersave? mode.
 When I login to the CLI (init 3), I can startx and
 run KDE without
 problems, however if/when I exit from KDE I have the
 same problem as
 above and the only way I can regain control is
 either a
 three-finger-salute or hard reset. Ctrl-Alt-Del
 restarts without causing
 me any hassles.
 Can someone point me to some help here, I know I've
 seen it covered
 before but haven't been able to find the references.
 The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10,
 with more expected
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition,
 June 1972.)

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Re: [newbie] partition

2001-04-23 Thread ZeynalBandari

it all depends on the applications you want to install and how many users will be 
using the system.  
i'm the only user n partitions are about 350MB for root , 150MB (3 x ram) for swap , 
1500-200 MB for /usr and leave 1000 MB for /home. 
it all been working more or less till now. 
good luck 

 how big of a partition will linux madrake need and what kind of partition???
 Dennis Kalpedis
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[newbie] partition

2001-04-23 Thread GOD

how big of a partition will linux madrake need and what kind of partition???
Dennis Kalpedis

FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com
Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup

Re: [newbie] HELP:8.0 kernel panic

2001-04-23 Thread Dale Kosan

Close, hde6.How do I pass that at boot time? Sorry if it is a stupid question.

Re: [newbie] VIA 686B southbridge problem

2001-04-23 Thread Todd Flinders

It appears the fix will be a BIOS update.  In that
case this fix should be OS independent (unless your
motherboard uses windows to do its tasks [for example
some built in RAID devices]).

You may need to use a windows-based flash utility, but
if you dual boot, this shouldn't be a problem.  Just
flash the BIOS and then you should be fine.  Your
computer looks at the BIOS before it loads the
operating system.  Therefore, it should not matter
which operating system it loads.

However, please, for the love of all things geeky and
computers, follow the directions!  If you don't follow
the directions for flashing your BIOS precisely, you
could house your motherboard and your computer will
not boot.  You will either need to exchange the
motherboard somehow or get FIC to fix it for you (some
of the better flash utilities have a backup/recovery
feature, but I don't know if FIC does or not).

Take care.

--- Maureen L. Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
   I recently installed a new motherboard from FIC. 
 It has the VIA 686B 
 southbridge chip and according to the Register it
 has a bug in it.  I have 
 found fixes for windows on the FIC and VIA websites
 but cannot find a way 
 to fix the bug for Linux.  My Mandrake is acting
 strange and I haven't 
 changed anything except the motherboard and cpu (AMD
 850Mhz) .  Any help 
 would be greatly appreciated.  I really want to get
 rid of windows but 
 can't until I can fix the bug.Thanks
   Below is the article I read.   Sorry this is so
 long.  VIA, as of today, 
 has not posted anything regarding a fix.  Either
 that or I was looking in 
 the wrong place on there web site.
  Data-corruption bug hits VIA
  By: Tony Smith
  Posted: 12/04/2001 at 11:52 GMT
  VIA has confirmed a
 data-damaging glitch in its 686B 
  chip - a major part of the
 Taiwanese company's KT-133A 
 chipset -
  and is working with mobo makers
 to prepare BIOS 
 updates to fix the
  The southbridge part is used in
 the vast majority of AMD
  Athlon-oriented mobos,
 primarily the KT-133, but it 
 can be used with
  northbridge parts from the
 Apollo Pro 133, KX-133A and 
  chipsets too. VIA said it is
 investigating the problem 
 to see how
  many chipsets are affected.
  The bug was uncovered by German
 hardware site Au-Ja! 
 It's not
  exactly a common problem: the
 date corruption affects 
 large, 100MB
  and up file transfers between
 two hard drives 
 connected to separate
  IDE channels exchanging the
 data by DMA. Having a 
 Creative Labs
  Soundblaster Live card in place
 seems to exacerbate 
 the problem.
  VIA's BIOS fix works by
 adjusting a number of PCI 
 settings, which,
  according to Tecchannel,
 suggests the problem is a 
 result of
  competitive PCI access.
  VIA told The Register that it
 is a BIOS issue, and it 
 will be posting a
  fix on its Web site sometime
 next week. ®
  Related Links
  Au-Ja's initial report (in
  Tecchannel's summary (in

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Re: [newbie] Install against upgrade from 7.2 to 8.0.

2001-04-23 Thread Informational Account

First, you should get a copy of the entire /etc directory, also backup
anything that you have custom installed in /usr/local, and get a copy of
/home.  Preferably you should then burn these tar.gz files off to CD (if
they are small enough) before starting the install just in case.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems and Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, [X-UNKNOWN] Peña Arellano Fabian Erasmo wrote:


   I just downloaded LM 8.0 the last weekend and would like to move
 from the 7.2 version to the 8.0 version. According to some messages I have
 read in this list it seems safer to do a fresh install rather than
   If I decide to install the 8.0 version, of course, I would not
 like to lose the information on the accounts I already have on the
 computer ( which are about ten ). Which files should I back up to have the
 accounts working after installing the 8.0 version without having to open
 them again ? Will backing up the following files be enough:

   /etc/shadow ?

 I have noticed there are also other files related with the last ones:

   /etc/passwd-, /etc/passwd.OLD,
   /etc/group-, /etc/group.OLD,
   /etc/shadow-, /etc/group.OLD.

 Should I back them up as well ?
   Of course, I must avoid formating the /home/ partition in case I
 decided to do a fresh install.
   Thanks in advance for reading this e-mail.


Re: [newbie] MP3 players and linux?

2001-04-23 Thread s

On Monday 23 April 2001 12:17 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 23 April 2001 12:00 am, you wrote:
  And the config mentions specifically support for the Rio diamond thing
  (or is it Diamond Rio?).
  On Monday 23 April 2001 12:28 am, you wrote:
   Hello all,
   I was thinking of purchasing an MP3 player. But since I'd prefer to
   have to boot to Windows as little as possible, I'd need one with Linux
   support. I understand that kernel 2.4 now has support for USB devices?
   Any recommendations?
   Thanks in advance.

 The Rio500 support in linux-mandrake actually allows you to change the font
 on the display

Oh, sorry.  I hate disseminating incorrect info.  Thnx for the clarification. 

[newbie] Mandrake 8.0 Sound Problems

2001-04-23 Thread Anthony

I just finished installing Mandrake 8.0, but I can't get sound to work.

I'm using a SoundBlaster AWE64 sound card, which has worked just fine in 
every previous Mandrake version, but in 8.0 it won't. When I run sndconfig, 
it tells me that  No PnP or PCI sound cards were found in your system. 
Please select your card type from the following list. So then I pick it out, 
pick out the right detail stuff and all that, and then it says:

 The following error occurred running the modprobe program:   
 init_module: No such device  
 /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o.gz: insmod
 /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o.gz failed 
 /lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o.gz: insmod
 sound-slot-0 failed  

And then I hit enter again and it jsut loops back to the No PnP or 
PCI.. part. In all the past distributions it detected my card 
automatically and plays the sound sample with no problems. I also checked 
/lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/drivers/sound/sb.o.gz and that file is there. 

HardDrake recognizes the card, however when I click Run Configuration Tool 
it tells me that modprobe: Can't locate module isa-pnp

The sound card works just fine in Windows, and worked jsut fine in 7.2 before 
I installed 8.0. Does anyone have any idea what's wrong?

Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

Re: [newbie] MP3 players and linux?

2001-04-23 Thread Jimmy Petrick

Hello, I cannot boot after I uninstalled linx4win, I have windows ME on this
hd and have another hd for linux.Is there anyway to remove grub and
have my computer boot normally under windows? I have tried reupgrading to
win me but grub boots and wont let me boot anything
thanks in advance,
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 10:28 PM
Subject: [newbie] MP3 players and linux?

Hello all,
I was thinking of purchasing an MP3 player. But since I'd prefer to have to
boot to Windows as little as possible, I'd need one with Linux support. I
understand that kernel 2.4 now has support for USB devices?

Any recommendations?

Thanks in advance.

[newbie] Please respond need help Mandrake 8 nearly inoperable

2001-04-23 Thread root forever

User administration is broken in 8
I can't create user ntr because stupid userdrake
says close to group or some stupid poop like that,
I want it to OBEY my command and stop 
giving me crap when I tell it to do something.

I had to install sendmail from the old 7.2 discs
because dumb postfix has no spam controls,
o sure it works fine as a regular MTA but I did not
see any spam bouncing options in webmin and
absolutely NOTHING in linuxconf, bad bad bad.

I willl just have to run as root forever unless someone
has the heart to tell me what the gunk am I supposed to
do to get this pooping thing working???

Please help I am desparate or just have to go
back to 7.2 and determine that 8 stinks.

[newbie] Takes 7000000000000000000000 years to install windows fonts

2001-04-23 Thread Chubby Vic

I don't know whats wrong with Mandrake 8 font installer,
I try to install the 2 files comic.ttf and comicbd.ttf
and it just sits there for 70
years, what can I do to make it go faster and just install
and quit being stupid?

[newbie] Consistency Please!

2001-04-23 Thread OOzy Pal

Hello Guys

I doing a dual boot and I am trying to adjust the boot
menu. In MDK 7.2 everything was listed in a file
called menu.lst. However, this file disappeared in Mdk
8.0. What's up with that? Mdk are doing well as far as
user interface which will attract a lot of people and
I hope they stay consistent.


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Re: [newbie] MP3 players and linux?

2001-04-23 Thread Todd Flinders

If you want to get rid of grub, boot up to windows
using your windows boot disk.  From console type:

fdisk /mbr

This will overwrite your master boot record.

In a normal Linux there would be no way for you to
boot into Linux at this point other than your Linux
boot disk.  Grub works flawlessly for me.  So, I am
surprised you want to get rid of it.

However, I do not use linux4windows.  Make sure that
you installed it correctly.  I've seen others talking
about similar problems and it was due to an incorrect

--- Jimmy Petrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello, I cannot boot after I uninstalled linx4win, I
 have windows ME on this
 hd and have another hd for linux.Is there
 anyway to remove grub and
 have my computer boot normally under windows? I have
 tried reupgrading to
 win me but grub boots and wont let me boot anything
 thanks in advance,
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 10:28 PM
 Subject: [newbie] MP3 players and linux?
 Hello all,
 I was thinking of purchasing an MP3 player. But
 since I'd prefer to have to
 boot to Windows as little as possible, I'd need one
 with Linux support. I
 understand that kernel 2.4 now has support for USB
 Any recommendations?
 Thanks in advance.

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Re: [newbie] MP3 players and linux?

2001-04-23 Thread Sam

Thanks for the tip guys - I went to the rio500 page at sourceforge and was 
pleasantly surprised to learn about the very nice-looking gnome-rio fontend

But does this mean that the Rio 500 is presently the only mp3 player that can 
connect to linux? Any idea about other players e.g. Creative ones? Thanks.

On Tuesday 24 April 2001 08:03, s wrote:

  The Rio500 support in linux-mandrake actually allows you to change the
  font on the display

 Oh, sorry.  I hate disseminating incorrect info.  Thnx for the
 clarification. -s

Re: [newbie] Upgrade policy?

2001-04-23 Thread Viboon Chaojirapant


 From: Andrew Lazarewicz [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 1:41 AM
 To: Newbie List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] Upgrade policy?

 As a registered and paid user of the CD version of ML7.2, what is the upgrade
 policy for getting the ML8.0 CDs?  Given the culture and prices of packages
 systems, It seems to me that you either download the free system, or buy a
 packaged system a full price.  Is that right?  Or is there such a thing as an
 upgrade price that is less than the new price?

Actually, there is another choice that you have
overlooked. You can buy the CDs from sites such as
http://www.linuxmall.com/. They are selling v7.2
for just US$2.96 (just do a search for Mandrake).
Of course, you'll have to wait a bit for v8.0 to
appear. Many other sites also offer these
barebones (or downloaded) versions of Linux, and
they are not limited to just ML distro.

Buying these cheap CDs is how I upgrade. I don't
usually buy the full package unless I need the
printed manuals or installation instructions. I
also don't download the software myself because I
connect to the Internet via a 56K modem.

In addition, to strip people like me of guilt,
Mandrake has kindly provide this page:

Now you can get the US$2.96 CDs to do upgrade
and then surf to Mandrake site to pay them
whatever amount you think the upgrade price
should be. Truly the best of both worlds, I think.


[newbie] Good Fax Program?

2001-04-23 Thread Michele Kerby

Does anyone know of a good fax program for KDE or Gnome?  I'm job hunting so 
I just need something fairly simple to send out my resume.  Thanks in advance.

Michele Kerby

Re: [newbie] HELP:8.0 kernel panic

2001-04-23 Thread Mark Weaver


you really need to get a grip with this thing of posting with no content.
either say something or quit posting! please!!!



what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a parent.  :)
On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, robert wydler haduch wrote:

 At 04:58 PM 4/22/2001 -0400, Mark Weaver wrote:

   it's asking you where the / root partition is located so
   it knows
   where to look for the kernel. tell me...is Mandrake the
   second OS on your
   drive and do you have only one drive?



   what knowledge I have managed to accumlate over the years
   at times becomes obscured and even hidden amidst the vast
   emotional onslaught of my children. You never finish being a
   parent.  :)
   On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, Dale Kosan wrote:

L could sure use some help here.I downloaded and installed
   8.0 final and when
it rebooted I received the following message:
VFS:cannot open root device 2106 or 21:06
Please append a correct root= boot option
kernel panic : VFS : unable to mount root fs on 21:06
I tried to boot with rescue floppies that the install made
   and low and behold
there is nothing on the disks! I think the problem could
   be either the
Western Digital drive or the add on pci card Pomise ATA
   100 card.7.2 did not
have a problem with the card so I am not sure what is up.I
   also installed 8.0
on my Toshiba laptop and same thing as with 7.2, seems to
   not like my Linksys
PCMP 200 nic.Could someone please help a newbie in
   distress.Thanks for your