Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.0 - Matrox G450

2001-05-10 Thread Bruno Maiolo

 Qualcuno ha installato la Mandrake 8.0 con la scheda video Matrox G450?
 Ci sono stati problemi?

Non ci sono stati problemi. C'erano stati con la 7.1, ma con la 8 è tutto
filato liscio

Where do you want to go today?
I will be happy to be here, thanks!

[newbie-it] bug xmms?

2001-05-10 Thread Eugenio Odorifero

Ho avviato xmms su mandrake 8.0 e da un errore su una libreria GTK. La
scheda audio funziona, Alsa player funziona, non capisco cosa sia... A
chi da' lo stesso errore?

Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: Ancora problemi di Accesso alle partizioni NTFS

2001-05-10 Thread Germano

Prova con 555 altrimenti le directory senza il permesso in esecuzione non 
possono essere accessibili.

Ciao, Germano

Il 02:49, giovedì 10 Maggio 2001, hai scritto:
 Non riuscendo ad accedere come utente standard alle partizioni NT, mi è
 stato suggerito di aggiungere il parametro umask=uga nelle varie righe del
 file fstab. Io, volendo negare a tutti la scrittura ho inserito umask=444
 Purtroppo i vari utenti non possono accede alle partizioni NT
  scontrandosi con un errore del tipo accesso negato, non hai il permesso

 Cosa posso fare? Allego fstab e mtab


 /dev/hde7 / ext2 rw 0 0
 none /proc proc rw 0 0
 /dev/hde6 /boot ext2 rw 0 0
 none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount rw,fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount rw,fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom3 /mnt/cdrom3 supermount rw,fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom3 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount rw,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
 /dev/hdf5 /mnt/win_c vfat
 rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hdf6 /mnt/win_d vfat
 rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hdf7 /mnt/win_e vfat
 rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hde1 /mnt/w2k ntfs rw,nodev,umask=444 0 0
 /dev/hdf2 /mnt/boxnt ntfs rw,nodev,umask=444 0 0
 /proc/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs rw,devmode=0664,devgid=43 0 0


 /dev/hde7 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 /dev/hde6 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom3 /mnt/cdrom3 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom3 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
 /dev/hdf5 /mnt/win_c vfat
 user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hdf6 /mnt/win_d vfat
 user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hdf7 /mnt/win_e vfat
 user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hde1 /mnt/w2k ntfs user,exec,suid,umask=444 0 0
 /dev/hdf2 /mnt/boxnt ntfs user,exec,suid,umask=444 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hde5 partition swap defaults 0 0

Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: Ancora problemi di Accesso alle partizioni NTFS

2001-05-10 Thread Germano

Prova a dargli 555 perchè le directory se non hanno il permesso in esecuzione 
non sono accessibili.

Ciao, Germano

Il 02:49, giovedì 10 Maggio 2001, hai scritto:
 Non riuscendo ad accedere come utente standard alle partizioni NT, mi è
 stato suggerito di aggiungere il parametro umask=uga nelle varie righe del
 file fstab. Io, volendo negare a tutti la scrittura ho inserito umask=444
 Purtroppo i vari utenti non possono accede alle partizioni NT
  scontrandosi con un errore del tipo accesso negato, non hai il permesso

 Cosa posso fare? Allego fstab e mtab


 /dev/hde7 / ext2 rw 0 0
 none /proc proc rw 0 0
 /dev/hde6 /boot ext2 rw 0 0
 none /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount rw,fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount rw,fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom3 /mnt/cdrom3 supermount rw,fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom3 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount rw,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
 /dev/hdf5 /mnt/win_c vfat
 rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hdf6 /mnt/win_d vfat
 rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hdf7 /mnt/win_e vfat
 rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hde1 /mnt/w2k ntfs rw,nodev,umask=444 0 0
 /dev/hdf2 /mnt/boxnt ntfs rw,nodev,umask=444 0 0
 /proc/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs rw,devmode=0664,devgid=43 0 0


 /dev/hde7 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 /dev/hde6 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom3 /mnt/cdrom3 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom3 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
 /dev/hdf5 /mnt/win_c vfat
 user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hdf6 /mnt/win_d vfat
 user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hdf7 /mnt/win_e vfat
 user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /dev/hde1 /mnt/w2k ntfs user,exec,suid,umask=444 0 0
 /dev/hdf2 /mnt/boxnt ntfs user,exec,suid,umask=444 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hde5 partition swap defaults 0 0

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.0 - Matrox G450

2001-05-10 Thread Bruno Maiolo


 Non è ancora distribuita la versione 8.0 e come avete fatto ad averla???

Scaricata dal sito

 Ank'io sarei interessato ad installarla ma non so dove reperirla.

Se mi dici da dove scrivi potremmo metterci d'accordo (magari in mail
provata per non  intasare la lista)

 Grazie a TUTTI

 The Viking

Prego ;)


Where do you want to go today?
I will be happy to be here, thanks !

Re: [newbie-it] bug xmms?

2001-05-10 Thread Fabio Coatti

Il 10:18, giovedì 10 Maggio 2001, Eugenio Odorifero scrisse:
 Ho avviato xmms su mandrake 8.0 e da un errore su una libreria GTK. La
 scheda audio funziona, Alsa player funziona, non capisco cosa sia... A
 chi da' lo stesso errore?

Leggi qui:

Fabio Coatti 
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:9765 A5B6 6843 17BC A646  BE8C FA56 373A 5374 C703
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

[newbie-it] Xfree4, voodoo3 ed accelerazione 3d

2001-05-10 Thread Luca

allora, un paio di giorni fa mi ero stupito del fatto che non venisse supportato il 3d 
per questa scheda.

Ho fatto un po' di ricerca.. a parte la sorpresa di vedere che tutti i siti che 
avevano i driver erano stati rimossi (sembra quasi una pulizia etnica!), anche quelli 
che parlavano della Xfree 3.xx, ho torvato qualche info:

beh il comando per vedere se si ha il 3d e' glxinfo e verificare il direct rendering.
Dato che ovviamente avevo no, cercando sul sito della dri finalmente ho trovato un 
pacchetto per le glide ed i driver tdfx.

Purtroppo qui mi sono arenato, i pacchetti non si installano perche' mi dicono che 
richiedono un kernel piu' recente!! (ho la mandrake 8!!!)

c'e' qualcuno piu' esperto che e' riuscito ad andare oltre ed ad abilitare finalmente 
il supporto 3d di questa ottima scheda?

dai cheppalle non credo di essere il solo ad avere una voodoo3 od una banshee!


allora, un paio di giorni fa mi ero stupito del fatto che non venisse supportato il 3d 
per questa scheda.

Ho fatto un po' di ricerca.. a parte la sorpresa di vedere che tutti i siti che 
avevano i driver erano stati rimossi (sembra quasi una pulizia etnica!), anche quelli 
che parlavano della Xfree 3.xx, ho torvato qualche info:

beh il comando per vedere se si ha il 3d e' glxinfo e verificare il direct rendering.
Dato che ovviamente avevo no, cercando sul sito della dri finalmente ho trovato un 
pacchetto per le glide ed i driver tdfx.

Purtroppo qui mi sono arenato, i pacchetti non si installano perche' mi dicono che 
richiedono un kernel piu' recente!! (ho la mandrake 8!!!)

c'e' qualcuno piu' esperto che e' riuscito ad andare oltre ed ad abilitare finalmente 
il supporto 3d di questa ottima scheda?

dai cheppalle non credo di essere il solo ad avere una voodoo3 od una banshee!


allora, un paio di giorni fa mi ero stupito del fatto che non venisse supportato il 3d 
per questa scheda.

Ho fatto un po' di ricerca.. a parte la sorpresa di vedere che tutti i siti che 
avevano i driver erano stati rimossi (sembra quasi una pulizia etnica!), anche quelli 
che parlavano della Xfree 3.xx, ho torvato qualche info:

beh il comando per vedere se si ha il 3d e' glxinfo e verificare il direct rendering.
Dato che ovviamente avevo no, cercando sul sito della dri finalmente ho trovato un 
pacchetto per le glide ed i driver tdfx.

Purtroppo qui mi sono arenato, i pacchetti non si installano perche' mi dicono che 
richiedono un kernel piu' recente!! (ho la mandrake 8!!!)

c'e' qualcuno piu' esperto che e' riuscito ad andare oltre ed ad abilitare finalmente 
il supporto 3d di questa ottima scheda?

dai cheppalle non credo di essere il solo ad avere una voodoo3 od una banshee!


[newbie-it] ancora a proposito di matrox 450 e mandrake

2001-05-10 Thread Wintozsucks

Ho appena installato linux mandrake su un hd scsi (esterno) del mio
pc che, purtroppo, con la sua Matrox 450 dualhead mi ha finora creato
congelamenti assortiti... Non sono riuscito a trovare linuxc
(l'edicola più vicina al confine è piccolina) e così resto in attesa
di un'anima caritatevole che voglia darmi due indicazioni due per
inserire i driver della suddetta scheda (che mi hanno detto posso
trovare sul sito della matrox).
vado a scaricarli e spero in qualcuno di voi. Linux è installato ma
non ho fatto avviare la GUI per evitare il solito casino con il
monitor (anzi i monitor) che sfarfallano... a partire dal login
testuale che devo fare??




Re: [newbie] full screen gaming [WAS]Mandrakesoft quiet? Voodoo fixes?

2001-05-10 Thread abram olson

text always but I tried having it boot to init5 as a
test and quake3 still worked fine.

--- Francisco Alcaraz Ariza francisco@MU1-1A-u-0534
 How do you start linux?, in a graphical login or in
 the classic text one?
 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)
 El Mié 09 May 2001 17:04, escribiste:
  Just to toss in my .02 here, I haven't had any
  problems running quake3, shogo or heavy gear on
  8.0 in full screen mode.  I have a geforce2 card.
  While this doesn't help with the peoblems with the
  3dfx cards it does comment on the general
 problem of
  no fullscreen gaming.  I haven't done anything
  or weird to my system other then to install the
  nvidia driver packages.
  If your games are runing really slow you are
  using Mesa and not glide libraries for your 3d
  acceleration.  There are various ways to fix this
  depending on the game.  Sometimes you just have to
  edit a config file so it points to the right libs.
  Other times you actually don't have the right libs
  installed (in which case you must figure out which
  ones you need and install them) or the game cannot
  the libs that you do have installed. (In which
  you are F**ked)
  My brother has a V5 and runs mdk 8.0.  We've spent
  more then a few hours trying to figure out how to
  it work for full screen acceleration.  I had a v5
  around x 4.01 time (and I suppose you could use
 the x
  4.01 packages from the old if you
  find em but they wouldn't be much better then what
  got right now ;-) and I finially ditched it so I
  have some good performance and regularly updated
  drivers in linux.
  I sincerely doubt that there is some conspiracy in
  mandrake to make 3d acceleration only work
  folks.  That's just silly.
  If we keep working on this we'll figure it out.
  --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Not a Voodoo problem, seems to affect  more
   video-card.Is a kdm problem
   when DRI (3d acceleration is activated). It
   using XFree86 4.0.2
   and 4.0.3 with KDE 2.1 and DRi (graphical
   acceleration) activated.
   a) if 3d-games run so slow, then you have not
   activated and not
   full screen problems. :-(
   SOLUTION: install 3d acceleration.
   b) if 3d-games run fast, DRI is activated and
   kdm make the switch
   between resoultions (by hand (CTL+ALT+(*) or by
   game when it runs)
   crashes X.
   SOLUTION: start linux in console mode and after
   login, startx activate
   the X and you will be capable of play games in
   screen mode.
   Another more complicated solution is use a
   login different of
   kdm, for example gdm or xdm.
   NOTE: the problem seems to affect not only Voodo
   other video-cards.
   Francisco Alcaraz
   Murcia (Spain)
   - Mensaje Original -
   Remitente: Terry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Fecha: Miércoles, Mayo 9, 2001 2:02 pm
   Asunto: Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft quiet? Voodoo
I don't seem to have any crashing problems
   some of the
full screen
games on my 8.0 machine with my Voodoo 3 2000
   video card.  I
do have a
problem with them running
slow; too slow to even
   I had no idea
that there
were issues with them.  I certainly learn
   something new every day
on here.
Terry Sheltra
On Tuesday 08 May 2001 19:24, you wrote:
 On Monday 07 May 2001 10:05 pm, you wrote:

 Yeah   same here,  Voodoo3 crashes when
 start a
games in
 Mandrake 8.0.   I posted a complaint about
 it in
   the forum and they
 immediatley took it off.  I guess they cant
   stand getting

  s wrote:
   I haven't heard much news from the
   front lately.
Why so
   Main reason for posting:  Has anyone
   about any fixes,
patches,   upgrades forthcoming for the
  Hi. U having problems too? Games running
   full screen? Can't
get mine
  to do it... ;-(
  Jesus saves.
  Allah forgives,
  Cthulu thinks you'd make a nice sandwich.
  See my digital art at:
=== message truncated ===

Jesus saves.
Allah forgives,
Cthulu thinks you'd make a nice sandwich.
See my digital art at:

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RE: Re: [newbie] full screen gaming [WAS]Mandrakesoft quiet?Voodoo fixes?

2001-05-10 Thread falcaraz

Abe, what graphical login did you use for your init5 run? kdm, gdm, 
xdm .?
I have seen that gdm use to work if you previously have run the games 
from a text conexion (and then startx of course), but don't if you use 
gdm the first time.. :-). I think the problem is more complex but 
evidentely kdm gives more problems thant others graphical login.

I don't know if is kdm the guilt or XFree86 4.0.2-4.0.3; perhaps the 
results with 3d acceleration in others distribution could help to find 
it, but i thin that Mandrake 8 is the first distribution using XFree86 
newer than 4.0.1, isn't it?

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

- Mensaje Original -
Remitente: abram olson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: Jueves, Mayo 10, 2001 6:09 am
Asunto: Re: [newbie] full screen gaming [WAS]Mandrakesoft quiet? Voodoo 

 text always but I tried having it boot to init5 as a
 test and quake3 still worked fine.
 --- Francisco Alcaraz Ariza francisco@MU1-1A-u-0534
  How do you start linux?, in a graphical login or in
  the classic text one?
  Francisco Alcaraz
  Murcia (Spain)
  El Mié 09 May 2001 17:04, escribiste:
   Just to toss in my .02 here, I haven't had any
   problems running quake3, shogo or heavy gear on
   8.0 in full screen mode.  I have a geforce2 card.
   While this doesn't help with the peoblems with the
   3dfx cards it does comment on the general
  problem of
   no fullscreen gaming.  I haven't done anything
   or weird to my system other then to install the
   nvidia driver packages.
   If your games are runing really slow you are
   using Mesa and not glide libraries for your 3d
   acceleration.  There are various ways to fix this
   depending on the game.  Sometimes you just have to
   edit a config file so it points to the right libs.
   Other times you actually don't have the right libs
   installed (in which case you must figure out which
   ones you need and install them) or the game cannot
   the libs that you do have installed. (In which
   you are F**ked)
   My brother has a V5 and runs mdk 8.0.  We've spent
   more then a few hours trying to figure out how to
   it work for full screen acceleration.  I had a v5
   around x 4.01 time (and I suppose you could use
  the x
   4.01 packages from the old if you
   find em but they wouldn't be much better then what
   got right now ;-) and I finially ditched it so I
   have some good performance and regularly updated
   drivers in linux.
   I sincerely doubt that there is some conspiracy in
   mandrake to make 3d acceleration only work
   folks.  That's just silly.
   If we keep working on this we'll figure it out.
   --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Not a Voodoo problem, seems to affect  more
video-card.Is a kdm problem
when DRI (3d acceleration is activated). It
using XFree86 4.0.2
and 4.0.3 with KDE 2.1 and DRi (graphical
acceleration) activated.
a) if 3d-games run so slow, then you have not
activated and not
full screen problems. :-(
SOLUTION: install 3d acceleration.
b) if 3d-games run fast, DRI is activated and
kdm make the switch
between resoultions (by hand (CTL+ALT+(*) or by
game when it runs)
crashes X.
SOLUTION: start linux in console mode and after
login, startx activate
the X and you will be capable of play games in
screen mode.
Another more complicated solution is use a
login different of
kdm, for example gdm or xdm.
NOTE: the problem seems to affect not only Voodo
other video-cards.
Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)
- Mensaje Original -
Remitente: Terry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: Miércoles, Mayo 9, 2001 2:02 pm
Asunto: Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft quiet? Voodoo

 I don't seem to have any crashing problems
some of the
 full screen
 games on my 8.0 machine with my Voodoo 3 2000
video card.  I
 do have a
 problem with them running
 slow; too slow to even
I had no idea
 that there
 were issues with them.  I certainly learn
something new every day
 on here.


 Terry Sheltra

 On Tuesday 08 May 2001 19:24, you wrote:
  On Monday 07 May 2001 10:05 pm, you wrote:
  Yeah   same here,  Voodoo3 crashes when
  start a
 games in

  Mandrake 8.0.   I posted a complaint about
  it in
the forum and they
  immediatley took it off.  I guess they cant
stand getting

   s wrote:
I haven't heard much news from the

[newbie] Tripplite UPS control

2001-05-10 Thread Andrew Miller

Can a Tripplite UPS be controlled via a serial cable from Linux? 
Running Mandrake 8.0 on a Toshiba Tecra 8000 (quite happily serving 
my mail and a bunch of web sites, incidentally) and I'd like to have 
the option of having a controlled shutdown.  Needless to say, their 
shutdown application is Windows only.  Also needless to say, I am in 
the SF Bay Area and look to get prepared for a long and sometimes 
dark summer here in California as the energy barons cart their 
busloads of cash out of here, bound for Texas.

Alternatively, can I just set the notebook to shut down gracefully 
when both UPS and internal battery are close to running out of power?

Any feedback is appreciated.


[newbie] How to install Corel Wordperfect Office for Linux and CorelPhotopaint

2001-05-10 Thread Titiriga Dorin

I have some problems with WPO2000 for linux.

1. I am unable to use my cliparts, and that I think because wrong
permision (wpo complain about wrong permision when I try to acces
floppy or my cd) , but I am running wpo2000 as root
2. I am unable to start photopaint for linux !. When my application
start, after displayng the spalshscreen (That with Corel Photopaint
for linux) it is crashing when diplayng creating applicatuion

I have to mention that I use Mandrake 8, on a Celeron II - 566 mhz, 128
Mb ram, 15 Gb harddisc, Teac CD 40x, video card Geforce 2 mx. SB live
sound card !

Under mandrake 7 all was OK, but I like much more mandrake 8 and I don't
whant to go back on MD 7.2

tanks and sorry for my English

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0 doesn't recognize PS/2 mouse

2001-05-10 Thread Hylton Clarke

 So for the time being, Mandrake 8.0 doesn't support, nor run on an IBM
 Thinkpad, and presumably, any computer using a PS/2 mouse.

I have an MS Intellimouse, one of the most standard PS/2 mice on planet earth
and the lm8 install process freezes on me when I select the only wheel mouse
choice they have which is: Generic PS/2 wheel mouse. If I do the install using
standard mouse, the install does work. Once I have finished the isntall I am
able to change it to Generic PS/2 wheel mouse, and it does work.

Kind regards,
Hylton Clarke

Re: [newbie] How do I track what has happened after: make install

2001-05-10 Thread Hylton Clarke

Ric Tibbetts wrote:

 When I'm installing software from tar balls, I always keep a log of the install.
 Just do something like:

 make install  /var/log/x_softare_install.log 2 /var/log/x_software_install.err

 Then you have a text record of the install to go back to if you need to
 Also, some (not all) newer software has a make uninstall option. Nice when
 it's there.

Of course, redirect the results to a log file :) I understand: 
/var/log/x_softare_install.log but what does this do: 2

Kind regards,
Hylton Clarke

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0 doesn't recognize PS/2 mouse

2001-05-10 Thread poogle

On Wednesday 09 May 2001 13:09, you wrote:
 You also won't find a working install.  I tried the text install and it did
 exactly what I figured it would do.  It still doesn't recognize the PS/2
 mouse.  Thus, you get the new 8.0 image, and you can't do a thing.
 sigh  There goes two days worth of work.  I'm just glad I didn't try an
 upgrade on a real, working server.

 So for the time being, Mandrake 8.0 doesn't support, nor run on an IBM
 Thinkpad, and presumably, any computer using a PS/2 mouse.

 Not quite so, I have MD 8.0 (and 7.2) before that on my Sony Vaio laptop, 
the touchpad on that is PS2, it also has a PS2 port for an external mouse - 
they both work (BTW so does a USB mouse but it's not hot-swappable)

[newbie] Re: [expert] Naughty fonts!

2001-05-10 Thread Hylton Clarke

Gabriel Fortuna wrote:

 Hi All

  Any particulap reason why the fonts in Mandrake 8.0 are so dog ugly?

I completely agree with you, the standard fonts, the fixed size fonts, are
actaully unreadable.

What you need to do is the following, go to Style, and enable anti-aliasing
fonts. this is assuming that you are running XFree 4.0.3. You then go to
Configuration-KDE-Look 'n Feel-Fonts, and there you select the new fonts you
want. For some reason I don't understand, it lists helvetica as the standard
font, but if you anti-alias the fonts and then select a new font, helvetica is no
longer in the list. I use the font called new instead.

Kind regards,
Hylton Clarke

[newbie] troubleshooting vmware Xfree86 DGA support

2001-05-10 Thread Tycho Bizot

I just installed VMware 2.04 in run's.
there is only one thing i can't figure out
when i start Vmware it gives the following message :
   ! no xfree86 DGA support for this X-screen !
   ! xfree86 Digital Graphics (DGA extension) initialisation failed !

and when i run a virtual win98 machine it says the following :

   ! The virtual machine will not be able to run in full-screen SVGA 
mode, because your X-server does not support the Xfree86 DGA extension 
for direct-to-frame-buffer graphics or because DGA is supported but the 
virtual machine cannot use it !

I am running mandrake 8.0 with XFree86 4

anyone has a clue?

thanx in advance


[newbie] smartmedia

2001-05-10 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

Hi there all

I have a digital camera FUJI MX700 with one of those smartmedia cards.
The card goes into one of these floppy like drives and I insert that into
the floppy disk drive to read the media.
Anybody know how to get this working on Linux Mandrake 8.0?


Re: [newbie] RPM big problem...

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Weaver


I have some bad news and ...some more bad news...

RPM 4 is completely uncomaptible with Mandrake 7.2. Do not, under any
circumstances even whisper to your machine that you're thinking about
trying to get that program onto your system. To tell you the truth you
really don't need it anyway. The version of RPM that comes with 7.2 works
just fine and isn't broken in anyway.

If you find that you have packages that won't install with the version of
RPM that installs with the system, then all you have to do is grab the SRC
rpm package of that particular program and rebuild it for your machine.
It's a very simple process and will aleviate a lot of problems for you.
Doing so will also better ensure that the package you install hasn't been
compromised myu worms or trojans.

If you've already begun the install of RPM 4 on your Mandrake 7.2 system I
would then suggest you do a fresh install of the system and not attempt
again to install any other version of RPM except that which comes with
that system. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I am saying it's NOT

Good Luck,


On Mon, 7 May 2001, Petre Daniel wrote:

 Heya,this is my problem...
 After i installed mdk 7.2 on a ppro200/32mbRAM/4gbHDD
 i started updating packages from the net.
 I downloaded the rpm 4 package and it asked for glibc 2.2 i believe
 kinda' forced install rpm -iF glibc2.2.
 anyways it seemd alright.but now look what do i get when i

  /root]# rpm -qa| grep ftp
 /usr/lib/rpm/rpmq: /lib/ no version information available
 (required by /usr/lib/

 what's that? it seems that rpm 4 works when i run it by simply typing rpm
 but at complex commands it gives those strange error...
 i mean there is more.
 anyone can help me?

[newbie] Geforce in Mandrake 8

2001-05-10 Thread Jamie Kerwick

Has anyone managed to install Geforce Xfree4 drivers on Mandrake 8 yet? I've 
not tried yet but didn't want to screw up my, currently, working, 
installation just in case the drivers on the Geforce site don't work.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] launching apps in specific desktops?

2001-05-10 Thread Randy Kramer

Hans N. wrote:
 Have you tried going to the specific desktop and then launching the
 application? Such as selecting desktop 2 and then starting KMail, then
 heading to desktop 1 and launching Konqueror.

I have, and it's very frustrating.  If you start an application in one
desktop and switch to another desktop to start another application, they
both start in the second desktop.  (Unless you wait 15 to 45 seconds for
the first one to actually start before switching desktops.)  Not the way
it should be, IMNSHO.  It should start in the desktop you start it in,
not the one you happen to be in when it finally opens its window.

Randy Kramer

Re: [newbie] Full screen video problem (was Games (full screen) under 8.0?)

2001-05-10 Thread SteveC

I have a v3 2000 and have had the problems u describe and fixed them as 
outlined...sorry to say though that i havent experienced the problems u are 
having with xmms et al. All the videos it is prepared to play at all it plays 
wellthere may be another problem with your system ( i wouldnt bet  on it 
but i would like to blame the banshee ( bad experience with one:)))

On Thursday 10 May 2001 05:40, Sam wrote:
 Thanks to all who replied! Following the outlined steps, I can now switch
 to full-screen for games :) However I am still encountering some

 1) using AVIplay to play AVIs or ASFs, I can now switch to full-screen
 modewithout X dying on me. However, the results of the full-screen mode
 aren't entirely consistent. For instance, if the video window was first
 maximised to fill the entire screen, the full-screen mode looks nice
 enough. But if the video window were at any other size, full-screen mode
 would result in a small video screen with large black border all around.

 2) The same thing happens with MTV for MPEG playback. The only difference
 is that there's no way to maximise the video window to fill the entire
 screen in the first place, so I can't get the proper full-screen effect
 at all.

 3) XMovie and XMMS-SMPEG all still segfault immediately upon any attempt to
 playback MPEG videos.

 I wonder whether these are problems only encountered by users of 3Dfx
 Banshee cards, or ALL 3Dfx cards i.e. including the Voodoo3 variants? Many
 thanks in advance.

 On Wednesday 09 May 2001 16:15, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  Sam, Francisco had it right in his reply to my message! Don't do a
  graphical login. In my case, I opened a shell, typed in (as su)
  Xconfigurator, and picked my normal:
  1024x768 res
  16bit depth
  but when it asked me if I wanted a graphical login, I said -NO-. Then,
  from the console login, I logon with my normal user account, type in
  startx, and all works fine. MTV, Xmms with the SMPEG plugin, all games.
  The Shogo demo even, which I couldn't get to work under my old setup
  (v7.0 and v7.1) now works fine in full screen.
  Hurrah! (and thanks Francisco!) ;-)

Re: [newbie] troubleshooting vmware Xfree86 DGA support

2001-05-10 Thread Roger Pithers

On Thursday 10 May 2001 10:51, you wrote:
 I just installed VMware 2.04 in run's.
 there is only one thing i can't figure out
 when i start Vmware it gives the following message :

! no xfree86 DGA support for this X-screen !
! xfree86 Digital Graphics (DGA extension) initialisation failed !

 and when i run a virtual win98 machine it says the following :

! The virtual machine will not be able to run in full-screen SVGA
 mode, because your X-server does not support the Xfree86 DGA extension
 for direct-to-frame-buffer graphics or because DGA is supported but the
 virtual machine cannot use it !

 I am running mandrake 8.0 with XFree86 4

 anyone has a clue?

 thanx in advance


Try going to VMware's web site, I believe that there is an update available 
fot the 2.4.x kernel which might fix the problem.


Re: [newbie] LM 8.0

2001-05-10 Thread SteveC

On Wednesday 09 May 2001 16:44, KompuKit wrote:
 Well...I finally 8.0 from 7.2
 and I love it...great job mandrake !!!

 everything went without a hitch...except one thing...
 I bought a CD set from cheapbytes...
 so, I assume they are the download version.

 I have a Pentium 233 MMX, 64 mg Ram
 Installed 8.0 on a Maxtor 20 gig HD
 (dual booting with a 8.4 gig HD maxtor  win98)

 Before upgrading...I bought a
 Creative Labs ModemBlaster 56k external modem
 model DE5625
 it worked fine under 7.2...and windows..
 but now, I can't seem to get it to work under 8.0

 I placed the same info...for connection just as I did in 7.2 trys to connect...I see the lights flashing on the modem..
 but when it gets to a certain point...
 ( I think it's when it says LOGGING ON TO NETWORK)...
 it disconnects...and gives me an error 16 (whatever that is..)
 I double checked all the make sure I have them right...
 and try the same thing..  What's happening here...?

 why can't I connect...?

i have had this a couple of time with 7.2 and 8.0 but all i had to do to fix 
it was delete and re-enter my username and passord.
cant be any more helpful i am afraid

RE: [newbie] troubleshooting vmware Xfree86 DGA support

2001-05-10 Thread Tycho Bizot

I am already using vmware 2.04 with the suppert for kernel 2.4
it was a clean install..and i didn't get any errors

-Original Message-
From: Roger Pithers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: donderdag 10 mei 2001 14:32
To: Tycho Bizot
Subject: Re: [newbie] troubleshooting vmware Xfree86 DGA support

On Thursday 10 May 2001 10:51, you wrote:
 I just installed VMware 2.04 in run's.
 there is only one thing i can't figure out
 when i start Vmware it gives the following message :

! no xfree86 DGA support for this X-screen !
! xfree86 Digital Graphics (DGA extension) initialisation failed !

 and when i run a virtual win98 machine it says the following :

! The virtual machine will not be able to run in full-screen SVGA
 mode, because your X-server does not support the Xfree86 DGA extension
 for direct-to-frame-buffer graphics or because DGA is supported but the
 virtual machine cannot use it !

 I am running mandrake 8.0 with XFree86 4

 anyone has a clue?

 thanx in advance


Try going to VMware's web site, I believe that there is an update available
fot the 2.4.x kernel which might fix the problem.


Re: [newbie] How do I track what has happened after: make install

2001-05-10 Thread Randy Kramer

Hylton Clarke wrote:
 Of course, redirect the results to a log file :) I understand: 
 /var/log/x_softare_install.log but what does this do: 2

The 2... redirects the errors to the specified file.

Randy Kramer

[newbie] LM 8 KDE 2.1.1 failures

2001-05-10 Thread lgreenwa

I just installed LM 8.0 on my new Inspiron 8000 laptop. When I logon to X
and KDE starts up, sometimes I get a SIGSEGV error on some of the programs
(like klipper or kcontrol).

Is it a bug in KDE or the LM 8.0? I have the latest KDE (2.1.1) as far as I


[newbie] Screensaver won't work -- Solution

2001-05-10 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Klar:

My thanks to a fellow list member for this.

Someone wrote me to tell me how to do it.

You have to activate xscreensaver by typing in the console:


This activates the screensaver demon. Now select your screensaver. Close
console. Go to KDE Control Center, Look n Feel, screensaver, choose your
screensaver and configure it. Try it by setting the time to 1 minute. It
should work.

Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

Re: [newbie] Geforce in Mandrake 8

2001-05-10 Thread abram olson

working great over here.

--- s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yep, they work.
 On Thursday 10 May 2001 05:26 am, you wrote:
  Has anyone managed to install Geforce Xfree4
 drivers on Mandrake 8 yet?
  I've not tried yet but didn't want to screw up my,
 currently, working,
  installation just in case the drivers on the
 Geforce site don't work.

  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Jesus saves.
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Re: [newbie] 3 programs i'd love to get

2001-05-10 Thread Randy Kramer

Sorry (being a smart ass), you can't buy civilizationII, you have to get
it for free (FreeCiv).  Seriously, although I like the original
Civilization better than Civ II, FreeCiv is a very good clone of
CivII.  You will have to get past the client/server thingie though.  If
you have trouble, post again.  (FreeCiv comes with Mandrake 7.0 and 7.2,
and I presume with any Mandrake since 7.0.)

The Gimp is often described as a good graphic program, and perhaps a
suitable substiture for Photoshop.  (I've never used either.)  The
others I can't help you with.

Randy Kramer

matty mo wrote:
 are any of the following available for linux? i'm
 willing to buy them if they are...
 black and white
 cosmic systems intertwine
 astral bodies drip like wine
 all of nature ebbs and flows
 ...why does all creation rejoice? - mad donna
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

[newbie] problem with boatloader

2001-05-10 Thread joseph hurlbert
everytime that i try to install linuxmandrake 8 everything goes fine untill the boatloader is getting installed 
then it says "cylender too big 10241023" I try setting up a 10mg boot partition but it still says the 
same thing.I have windows 98, but i have had mandrake on my system before but this time it
just won't work unless i remove windows. could someone please give me some advice? thank you very much
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[newbie] How i fixed my sound problem.

2001-05-10 Thread Danny Gordon

As silly as this may sound here is how i fixed my sound problem.
I upgraded KDE from 2.0 to 2.1.1 *big grin*
It fixed the problem of not having sound as a user but having it
as root. It did break my abbrowser the k address book but i have
my sound back.
Running mdk 7.2 btw
Dan Gordon

Re: [newbie] OT: OEM Hardware

2001-05-10 Thread s

On Wednesday 09 May 2001 01:08 pm, you wrote:
 I have been in the wholesale industry for years...

 basically, OEM ususally means without the pretty retail box, quiet often
 without the manual, and usually less software then the full retail

 The hardware itself is usually the same although there are a few exceptions
 to the rule...

 (eg, at one stage MS mouse and oem ms mouse had a different finish, but
 otherwise were the same..)

 I say grab the oem one if you can do without the manual and software..
 (what good is a manual about how to install and setup in windows and win32
 software anyway?)

 I think you will find that you will still get your OEM copy of Adaptec easy
 CD Creator anyway, so I wouldn't worry about that anyway

 go for the OEM I don't think I have every bought retail stuff

Me too.  Usually if there is a more than few dollars difference, I go for oem 
- expecially since using linux.

[newbie] Help on getting 2cd set of LM 8.0

2001-05-10 Thread Bob Barnes

Hi all,

I've been reading the mail in here for a couple weeks. I've tried
getting both disks via modem but my 28.8 connect isn't getting the job done.
I've signed up on the Mandrake page to receive the 2-CD set when available.
I run Win2K Pro and have been interested in Linux for awhile now. I live
beyond the limit for any high speed internet connect and was wondering if
any one of you would send me a copy of the two CDs that you have downloaded.

Of course I'll pay shipping and handling and what you think is fair for your
time and media.

Send any details you need to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'd sure appreciate it!

Bob Barnes
RR2  Box 44
Bardwell, Kentucky

Re: [newbie] full screen gaming [WAS]Mandrakesoft quiet? Voodoo fixes?

2001-05-10 Thread Todd Flinders

Hi, Abe:

Thanks for the advice.  I am using the nvidia drivers.
 I did rebuild them from source and I did remove the
conflicting mesa files.  I am VERY confident that X is
loading the Nvidia driver and GLX.

I definitely have the libGL files.  However, they are
in my /usr/lib directory.  I believe smpeg is
expecting them elsewhere (I'm not sure).  I made links
from /usr/X11R6/lib (where I believe the mesa files
were originally) to the files in /usr/lib, but this
did not help.

I have compiled the latest SDL (1.2) and smpeg (4.3). 
They are optimized for i686.

I have found that if I disable the movies, Shogo will
work fine in OpenGL mode.  It seg faults upon exit,
but the game is functioning.  Comparing the game to
software mode, I have not (yet) noticed any missing

Because of this movie issue, I am especially
suspicious that my problem lies with smpeg and my
nvidia GL driver.  I get a message during the smpeg
compilation that says it is disabling OpenGL movie
playback support.  Compiling the previous 4.2 version
gave me an error that it couldn't find GL or GLU. 
This is why I think that maybe smpeg is expecting my
files in a location other than where nvidia installed

I intend to write Loki (they made smpeg) tonight with
the details and hopefully they will have time to help
me.  I'll write back if I find more details.

As an aside, I am also having issues with Sin.  Sin is
made by Hyperion who also made Shogo.  Well, they
ported the games anyway.  Hyperion says that my
problems with Sin have to do with a bug in nvidia's
latest driver.  For that they said I either had to go
back to an older driver or wait for nvidia to fix it. 
I'm still looking into this problem.  Just like Shogo,
Sin works fine in Software mode (albeit ugly and a tad

Other games like Unreal Tournament, Quake III Arena,
GLTron, Tuxracer, etc all work fine with OpenGL

--- abram olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Todd, I'm using my new freebsd box right now so I
 can't tell you exactly what those files are ;-)
 Do you have the NVIDIA drivers installed on your
 system?  Sounds to me like you either don't have
 installed or they aren't installed correctly.  You
 find them here:
 I like to download the src.rpms and build 'em
 You MUST have these installed to get good 3d
 acceleration under X with an nvidia card.
 Before you install the GLX part you should remove
 conflicting files of which there is a complete list
 if your using the rpms you're only interested in
 removing the files in the list in the middle of the
 page.  Once that is done then you can install the
 NVIDIA_GLX rpm.  Need I say that you should be doing
 all this from the console with no X running?
 After those two are installed you need to change a
 things in your x server config file
 Load  dbe add
 Load  glx
 driver nv to
 driver nvidia   and add
 Option NVagp 2  (this part I'm not entirely sure
 of read the readme for the nvidia drivers to be
 Basically you are telling X to use the nvidia agp
 implementation here.
 Make sure your default color is set no higher then
 24bit.  Save and reboot your system.  You should
 working 3d acceleration after all that.  If it is
 flaky (IE crashes a lot try setting it to use
 you'll probably have to compile it into your kernel
 Good luck and feel free to write me again if you
 more questions.  Shogo is an AWESOME game.  I can't
 wait to have the full version.
 oh yea, smpeg and stuf too.  I'm using the version
 that comes with mdk8.0 but I rebuilt it from source
 use i686 optimizations.  Gives a lot clearer picture
 and uses less cpu time!
 --- Todd Flinders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Abe, I am using a GeForce 2 GTS like you are. 
  However, my Shogo immediately crashes complaing
  SDL when I try to use OpenGL mode.  It works under
  Software Mode, but obviously that is undesirable.
  Since Shogo is working for you, would you be so
  as to post what version of SDL and SMPEG you are
  using?  A listing of your relevant installed rpms
  would be very nice.  Thanks for the help!
  --- abram olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Just to toss in my .02 here, I haven't had any
   problems running quake3, shogo or heavy gear on
   8.0 in full screen mode.  I have a geforce2
   While this doesn't help with the peoblems with
   3dfx cards it does comment on the general
   no fullscreen gaming.  I haven't done anything
   or weird to my system other then to install the
   nvidia driver packages.
   If your games are runing really slow you are
   using Mesa and not glide libraries for your 3d
   acceleration.  There are various ways to fix

Re: [newbie] chown and chmod

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Weaver

now THATS exactly what I'm talking about. Nice job Skip!


On Wed, 9 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Michael As far as I know, unless you write some kind of script, there
 Michael is no easy way to change just the permissions on the
 Michael directories without affecting the files under each directory.

 How about this:

 # make all files in /var/www owned by apache:apache
 chown -R apache:apache /var/www

 # mark all directories in that tree mode 755
 find /var/www -type d | xargs chmod 755

 # mark all plain files mode 644
 find /var/www -type f | xargs chmod 644

 # display any files that aren't plain files or directories
 find /var/www '!' -type d -a '!' -type f

 I guess that qualifies as a script.  Slap a shebang on it and away you go...

 Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] Homepage

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Weaver

OPENING email user  ;)

this is the very reason i stopped using windows-always-has-a-bug.

On Wed, 9 May 2001, Dave Sherman wrote:

 I hope no one here is using Windows/Outlook if they are foolish enough to
 open this... note the .vbs extension.


 At 07:59 AM 05/09/2001 -0400, Dorian_750 wrote:

 You've got to see this page! It's really cool ;O)

 Dave Sherman
 Business Solutions Group, LLC  Quid quid latine dictum sit,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  altum viditur.
 (763) 569-9839

RE: [newbie] chown and chmod

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Weaver

Why go to the trouble of writing it in PERL? Why not just write a simple
bash script? seems to me that it would far less trouble and work.


On Wed, 9 May 2001, Franki wrote:

 I am surprised that no one has done it yet... I might have to see if I can
 do it with perl

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael D. Viron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, 9 May 2001 11:14 PM
 To: Franki; Rules Address for MDK
 Subject: Re: [newbie] chown and chmod


 As far as I know, unless you write some kind of script, there is no easy
 way to change just the permissions on the directories without affecting the
 files under each directory.  The only way to do so, would be to change each
 directory by hand (using chmod / chown).  As for files, that would be the
 same problem--you can't separate out files from directories with those

 I seem to remember that this was discussed on the list last
 month--regardless, the only way you are going to get this type of behavior
 is if you write some type of program to handle it.


 Michael Viron
 Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
 Web Spinners, University of West Florida

 At 05:25 PM 05/09/2001 +0800, Franki wrote:
 Hi all,
 I need to get this clear, and I was hoping you guys could help me
 if I am in /var/www/ and I want to make all directories and subdirecties in
 /html to chmod and chown 755 apache.apache respectively, but without
 effecting any of the files therein   how can I do that?
 (I have tried chmod -R 755 /html but that changes everything...
 secondly, if I am in the same dir  /var/www and I want to make all .html or
 .jpg or .gif etc,,, to chown apache.apache and chmod 644, without effecting
 the directory settings, how can I do that??
 Any clearity here would save me hours of messing around as my /html dir has
 about 40 other dirs in it, and they all have dirs in them,, it is getting
 rather confusing
 any help??

Re: [newbie] 3 programs i'd love to get

2001-05-10 Thread Paul

It was Thu, 10 May 2001 13:35:45 -0400 when Randy Kramer wrote:

The Gimp is often described as a good graphic program, and perhaps a
suitable substiture for Photoshop.  (I've never used either.)  The
others I can't help you with.

It -is- good. Believe me. I used Photoshop and Gimp. I love Gimp.


In not making the decision, you've made one.
Not doing something is the same as doing it.
-Ivan Bloch -  Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66

Re: [newbie] Homepage

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Weaver

yeah Dorian...see what lookin at  dirty pictures gets ya?

On Wed, 9 May 2001, Sam wrote:

 Dorian, looks like your Windows machine (and Outlook Express) has been
 infected by the VBS virus that's been going around recently?

 On Wednesday 09 May 2001 19:59, Dorian_750 wrote:
  You've got to see this page! It's really cool ;O)
  begin 666 homepage.HTML.vbs


RE: [newbie] Homepage [ALERT] Virus alert...

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Weaver

ha! my linux machine(s) scoff at this lowly form of cybernetic anti-life.

Bah hum-bug!

On Wed, 9 May 2001, Franki wrote:

 Hi guys,

 keep in mind that this guy probably doesn't know he has it...

 I am using outlook now, and I received it,, but I certainly wouldn't run
 anything I couldn't read the code of and didn't know who sent it..

 he obviously didn't at some stage..

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Devon Null
 Sent: Wednesday, 9 May 2001 9:42 PM
 To: Dorian_750; Newbie@Linux-Mandrake. Com
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Homepage [ALERT] Virus alert...

 At 07:59 05/09/2001 -0400, Dorian_750 wrote:
 You've got to see this page! It's really cool ;O)
 Attachment Converted: C:\applications\EudoraPro\Attach\homepage.HTML3.vbs

 Re: [newbie] Homepage [ALERT] Virus alert...

 VBSWG.X (also known as VBS.VBSWG.X and VBS.Homepage)

 VBSWG.X is a worm spreading via the Internet e-mail system and is yet
 another variant generated by the VBS Worm Generator Kit.

 The worm arrives as a message with the Subject line:


 and the message body:

 You've got to see this page! It's really cool ;O)

 The attached file, which contains the worm code is named:


 When the attached code is executed, VBSWG.X saves a copy of its code to the
 Temp directory and then mails itself out to all recipients listed in all
 address books.

 Once the mailing procedure is completed the worm modifies the registry
 entry (sets it to 1):


 Next, the worm browses through the Inbox and Deleted Outlook folders and
 deletes all messages with the same Subject line as the worm's one

 Finally, VBSWG.X uses a default Web browser to open one of the following

RE: [newbie] osx theme for kde?

2001-05-10 Thread Russell Hoffman

umm, I think so.  Check out and the theme is called Aqua or
AquaX or something like that -- there's also one or two for gnome
(sawfish), but I had some problems with it...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of matty mo
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 10:50 AM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: [newbie] osx theme for kde?

is there an osx like them available for kde?

cosmic systems intertwine
astral bodies drip like wine
all of nature ebbs and flows
...why does all creation rejoice? - mad donna

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Re: [newbie] Homepage [ALERT] Virus alert...

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Weaver

does make ya wonder...doesn't it?

On Wed, 9 May 2001, Terry wrote:

 Kinda funny how a windows Outlook virus made its way to a LINUX mailing list,
 where I'm sure majority of the people on here use LINUX.  :-)

 Terry Sheltra

 On Wednesday 09 May 2001 09:41, you wrote:
  At 07:59 05/09/2001 -0400, Dorian_750 wrote:
  You've got to see this page! It's really cool ;O)
  Attachment Converted:
  Re: [newbie] Homepage [ALERT] Virus alert...
  VBSWG.X (also known as VBS.VBSWG.X and VBS.Homepage)
  VBSWG.X is a worm spreading via the Internet e-mail system and is yet
  another variant generated by the VBS Worm Generator Kit.
  The worm arrives as a message with the Subject line:
  and the message body:
  You've got to see this page! It's really cool ;O)
  The attached file, which contains the worm code is named:
  When the attached code is executed, VBSWG.X saves a copy of its code to the
  Temp directory and then mails itself out to all recipients listed in all
  address books.
  Once the mailing procedure is completed the worm modifies the registry
  entry (sets it to 1):
  Next, the worm browses through the Inbox and Deleted Outlook folders and
  deletes all messages with the same Subject line as the worm's one
  Finally, VBSWG.X uses a default Web browser to open one of the following

Re: [newbie] 3 programs i'd love to get

2001-05-10 Thread Rog

One program I'd love to see is Agent/Free Agent, since I don't like
the newsreaders I've found in Linux. Agent works very well under Wine,
but I'd stll like one ported for Linux. Fortunately, I sent Forte an
email about it, and they said they were considering a linux port for
Agent 2.0.

On Thu, 10 May 2001 08:49:44 -0700 (PDT), Rog kept his cool as you
frantically scribbled:

are any of the following available for linux? i'm
willing to buy them if they are...

black and white


cosmic systems intertwine
astral bodies drip like wine
all of nature ebbs and flows
...why does all creation rejoice? - mad donna

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices



[newbie] Mandrake 8

2001-05-10 Thread Rod Upfold

Downloaded version 8 and ext...burned the cd's. The ext disk looked
okay and so did the installation didk.

Started to install and the first problem came when it couldn't uncompress
2nd ramdisk (I believe that what it was last night) it said
press return to continue on installation...everything went good until it
went off and looked for the packages that I needed. Sat there watching the
screen waiting for the next screen to come up (version 7.2max 1 minute
wait)...after about 7 minutes came up with another error
screen. Drat...drat.

Gee...maybe it was a bad manufactured recordable cd...burned another
one..Crapsame problems...the same installation points as the other

Well...I redownloaded version 8...installation iso from another
site...another evenning hoping to get the new version to work. What a

Anyone else have installation problems?




Re: [newbie] How to unnstall Linux?

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Weaver


...thats just plain gross!


On Wed, 9 May 2001, g wrote:

 Can someone tell me how to unistall LM?

 I've given it a valiant effort, but I must return to Windows.  No sound,
 screen resolution is hosed, tried to upgrade to LM 8.0, lost the mouse and
 lost screen resolution.

 Wife  kids want their pc and programs back.  It was an interesting 2 month
 adventure.  A Big Thanks to all of you who tried to help me along the way.

 This is still to advanced for me.  Ya never know unless you try.  Maybe when
 it gets to LM 10.0  I'll try a dual boot system

 Good Luck on your continued development.


Re: [newbie] RPM big problem...

2001-05-10 Thread Petre Daniel

On Thu, 10 May 2001, Mark Weaver wrote:

 Ok...try this...
 Open Kpackage as root and then do your searching that way. you will want
 to find the RPM packages that were installed. other then that there isn't
 anything else you can do other then completely reinstalling the system.
Mark,can you get to the Undernet? i am on channel #mandrake
nick Super_Cow ( cos so i fell..: )
i don't have X ...

RE: [newbie] Mandrake 8

2001-05-10 Thread Wynne Crisman

Yea,  I can install without error, but when I try to run almost anything
there are all sorts of missing files and configuration problems.  I start up
KDE and none of the programs show in the menu, the web browser doesn't work,
and the update utility is missing files and after I find and install those
files, it crashes every time I start it.  So much for updating. The only
things that seem to work properly are the configuration utility (most of
it), the file browser, and the xterm.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rod Upfold
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 11:18 AM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 8

Downloaded version 8 and ext...burned the cd's. The ext disk looked
okay and so did the installation didk.

Started to install and the first problem came when it couldn't uncompress
2nd ramdisk (I believe that what it was last night) it said
press return to continue on installation...everything went good until it
went off and looked for the packages that I needed. Sat there watching the
screen waiting for the next screen to come up (version 7.2max 1 minute
wait)...after about 7 minutes came up with another error
screen. Drat...drat.

Gee...maybe it was a bad manufactured recordable cd...burned another
one..Crapsame problems...the same installation points as the other

Well...I redownloaded version 8...installation iso from another
site...another evenning hoping to get the new version to work. What a

Anyone else have installation problems?




[newbie] Java NS 6.01 FYI

2001-05-10 Thread John W

 I have posted to the list seeking help for getting Java to work in Netscape 
6.01. I recently changed viseo cards from my sceaming 2MB Diamond Stealth to 
some cheap SiS 16MB that my brother could not get working in winders (hey it 
was free) and upon doping so reverted to Xfree 3.3.6 from 4.0.3 and now by 
some miracle the Java has begun to work in NS 6.01. I don't know if this has 
anything to do with it but it works and I'm happy! I love Linux!!!

John W

Re: [newbie] How to unnstall Linux?

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Weaver can do that, but what about just booting to the floppy, running
fdisk and then simply deleting the Non-DOS partition leaving the windows
installation intact and untouched. After which you will of course want to
refresh your MBR by issuing this command on the command line. Thats a DOS
command line mind you.

A:\fdisk /mbr   ENTER


On Wed, 9 May 2001, Tim Holmes wrote:


 Just reformat the disk, and install Windows.

 T. Holmes

 Real Men use Vi.

 * g [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010509 08:46]:
 | Can someone tell me how to unistall LM?
 | I've given it a valiant effort, but I must return to Windows.  No sound,
 | screen resolution is hosed, tried to upgrade to LM 8.0, lost the mouse and
 | lost screen resolution.
 | Wife  kids want their pc and programs back.  It was an interesting 2 month
 | adventure.  A Big Thanks to all of you who tried to help me along the way.
 | This is still to advanced for me.  Ya never know unless you try.  Maybe when
 | it gets to LM 10.0  I'll try a dual boot system
 | Good Luck on your continued development.
 | G

[newbie] Who sells Mandrake distributions?

2001-05-10 Thread skip

I used http to do a from-the-net install of 8.0.  I'd like to support
Mandrake and buy a full distribution.  Unfortunately, many of the vendors
listed on Mandrake's website are either out of business, not yet selling
8.0, or not providing much information about what they are selling.  Can
anyone here recommend a vendor (or vendors)?


Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0 doesn't recognize PS/2 mouse

2001-05-10 Thread A. Rick Anderson

The solution ... don't use a PS/2 mouse.  Just plug in a $3.00 (I might 
have paid $4.00 for it) serial mouse into the serial port, Mandrake 
recognizes it on boot and off you go.  This worked great (as a work-around).

Of course, that eats up the one and only serial port, but at least I am 
able to run Linux-Mandrake 8.0.  Now, all I have to do is get IBM's MWave 
modem and sound drivers and I should be in business.

Thanks to Turgut Kalfaoglu over on the Expert mailing list for the tip.

Of course, he's still trying to figure out how to get the builtin 
track-point to work.  For some reason, this isn't turning out to be as 
trivial as one would think it should be.

RE: [newbie] Homepage

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Weaver

Good grief! when are people going to learn NOT to click on email
attachments? for cryin out loud!

On Wed, 9 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Hank Ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED]Blacksburg, Va
 Virginia Tech - Administrative Information Services - HR
 Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
 magicArthur C Clarke

  -Original Message-
  From: Dorian_750 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 7:00 AM
  To: Newbie@Linux-Mandrake. Com
  Subject: [newbie] Homepage
  You've got to see this page! It's really cool ;O)

Re: [newbie] RPM big problem...

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Weaver

Ok...try this...

Open Kpackage as root and then do your searching that way. you will want
to find the RPM packages that were installed. other then that there isn't
anything else you can do other then completely reinstalling the system.


On Tue, 8 May 2001, Petre Daniel wrote:

 this is what i get when i give

rpm -qa| grep any package

 rpm -qa|  grep nets
 /usr/lib/rpm/rpmq: /lib/ no version information available
 (required by /usr/lib/

 so any help?
 hor starters i can't use rpm at all.
 so i am asking for a method to uninstall by hand the rpm 4

Re: [newbie] Help on getting 2cd set of LM 8.0

2001-05-10 Thread Darin Lang



WIN A TRILLION: $1,000,000,000,000.00 at

on 5/10/01 12:51 PM, Bob Barnes at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I've been reading the mail in here for a couple weeks. I've tried
 getting both disks via modem but my 28.8 connect isn't getting the job done.
 I've signed up on the Mandrake page to receive the 2-CD set when available.
 I run Win2K Pro and have been interested in Linux for awhile now. I live
 beyond the limit for any high speed internet connect and was wondering if
 any one of you would send me a copy of the two CDs that you have downloaded.
 Of course I'll pay shipping and handling and what you think is fair for your
 time and media.
 Send any details you need to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'd sure appreciate it!
 Bob Barnes
 RR2  Box 44
 Bardwell, Kentucky

Re: [newbie] Redhat vs Mandrake

2001-05-10 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Wednesday 09 May 2001 21:27, you wrote about [newbie] Redhat vs Mandrake 
that ...
 My wife's company has asked me about installing a linux server to relay
 mail within their local LAN and also out to their ISP.  They'd like to run
 apache and mySQL.  They wanted to know whether they should install RedHat
 or Mandrake.

 I'm not sure how to answer them why would one be better than the other?

Find yourself a real card-carrying ubergeek within driving distance - then 
install whatever distro he raves about.

Six months later you can then get back to him with remember that 
UltraObscure LiGNUx v24.2 you told me to install? There's this little problem 
we're having, nothing major, mind you, but perhaps you've come across it 
before ...

He will then spend the next two weeks overhauling your server free of charge. 
This is why it is *really* called Free Software ... vbg

OK, tension breaker, had to be done, but many a true word is spoken in jest.


Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)

This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

Re: [newbie] software and upgrade questions

2001-05-10 Thread Darin Lang

on 5/9/01 10:27 AM, Jennifer Williams at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 first of all, thanks to everyone who had an answers for me.  after all was
 done, i think the install may have knocked windows out, i am not that bothered
 since my important things that i am working are stored elsewhere anyway.  i
 have new questions: i had asked about dual booting- should i go ahead and get
 the 8.0 (and is the avail by box or download) versus using the 7.2?  also,
 does anyone have any recommendations for web design programs and the like for
 linux.  with windows i was using frontpage (which i didn't really like to
 begin with), there were a couple of things bundled with it- but i was looking
 for something a bit more full bodied.
 and one last question, on the 7.2 there is a graphic art program called
 cameleo that for the life of me i cannot get to install.  i get to the little
 install icon and won't do anything.  :0
8.0 installs Sketch and Killustrator. They are good by linux standards,
ancient by desktop publishing standards. The most advanced wed design
program I have found for linux is Quanta, which installs from Mandrake 8.0.
It is a far cry from Front Page, and is more remniscent of Allaire's Home
site. It is a great text editor, not a wysiwyg editor. If you are looking
for something better than front page try dreamweaver. But it is not for
Linux, not yet. 

WIN A TRILLION: $1,000,000,000,000.00 at

Re: [newbie] RPM big problem...

2001-05-10 Thread Petre Daniel

this is what i get when i give 

   rpm -qa| grep any package

rpm -qa|  grep nets
/usr/lib/rpm/rpmq: /lib/ no version information available
(required by /usr/lib/

so any help?
hor starters i can't use rpm at all.
so i am asking for a method to uninstall by hand the rpm 4

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8

2001-05-10 Thread Dave DeGear

On Thu, 10 May 2001 13:18:05 -0400 (EDT), Rod Upfold wrote:

Started to install and the first problem came when it couldn't 
2nd ramdisk (I believe that what it was last night) it

  I had the same problem with one of the iso images that I downloaded.  
Make sure that you run md5sum on the iso and that it agrees with the 
md5sum that is given in the text file that you'll find in the same 
directory as the iso images.


Re: [newbie] RPM big problem...

2001-05-10 Thread Petre Daniel

On Thu, 10 May 2001, Mark Weaver wrote:

 What you may want to try is uninstalling just the RPM packages and then
 reinstalling RPM 3.x or what ever it was that was there when you installed
 the system. You should be able to get the packages you need from one of
 the many Mandrake FTP server. If you can't find them, then email me
 directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will put them on my FTP server and
 you can download them from my machine at home. Let me know what you want
 to do about that.

 i can't use rpm at all.
 I mean ,when i issue the command rpm it just gives me the normal screen
of rpm.but at any query on the db it gives me this

rpm -qa|  grep nets
/usr/lib/rpm/rpmq: /lib/ no version information available
(required by /usr/lib/

So it seems that i'm looking for a way to get rid of rpm 4.
How can i do that if i can't use rpm???

Petre Daniel
Romanian Whitehat

Re: [newbie] Apache lies

2001-05-10 Thread Darin Lang

on 5/9/01 9:22 PM, Chubby Vic at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This file exists.
 Apache says:
 404 Not FoundNot Found The requested URL /cgi-bin/UltraBoard/
 was not found on this server.
 Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.19 Server at Port 80

Open up Netconf in KDE click on Server Tasks then Apache Web server

click Defaults, and check your script alias entry and ensure that it points
to the right directory. e.g.

Script Alias: /cgi-bin/ /var/www/cgi-bin/

or however you have it configured. By the way I have found that editing the
httpd.conf file directly in a text editor, does not always work with the
New Apache extranet server, it seems it has to be done through the NetConf

WIN A TRILLION: $1,000,000,000,000.00 at

Re: [newbie] 3 programs i'd love to get

2001-05-10 Thread Paul

It was Thu, 10 May 2001 14:24:40 -0400 when Rog wrote:

One program I'd love to see is Agent/Free Agent, since I don't like
the newsreaders I've found in Linux. Agent works very well under Wine,
but I'd stll like one ported for Linux. Fortunately, I sent Forte an
email about it, and they said they were considering a linux port for
Agent 2.0.

Try Pan. It is not Free Agent yet, but very much getting there. if I am correct


In not making the decision, you've made one.
Not doing something is the same as doing it.
-Ivan Bloch -  Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66

Re: [newbie] Who sells Mandrake distributions?

2001-05-10 Thread Alan Shoemaker

 I used http to do a from-the-net install of 8.0.  I'd like
 to support Mandrake and buy a full distribution. 
 Unfortunately, many of the vendors listed on Mandrake's
 website are either out of business, not yet selling 8.0, or
 not providing much information about what they are selling.
  Can anyone here recommend a vendor (or vendors)?


I'm sure that will have the Macmillan 8.0 
boxed sets as soon as they are available.

[newbie] Where are all the games in 8.0

2001-05-10 Thread A. Rick Anderson

Where are all the games located?  I've only loaded KDE (ie no Gnome).  In 
previous releases, they were located under a games menu option.  Now, even 
though the package manager says that they are loaded, they don't show up.

Now, this is critical.  My kids love Linux, cuz they like its games :-)

Re: [newbie] 3 programs i'd love to get

2001-05-10 Thread Todd Flinders

Civilization II is not out for Linux (AFAIK), but you
can play with freeciv.  It came with your Mandrake and
it is very similar.

Also, there is Civilization:  Call to Power.  You can
purchase that here:

You can purchase SimCity 3000 here:

To replace photoshop, use The Gimp which came with
your mandrake.  It is VERY similar to Photoshop.  In
some ways it is better.  It is VERY good.  You will be
pleased with it.  Some things it can't due because of
codecs Photoshop uses.  But most likely, you will be
very happy with The Gimp.

To replace Dreamweaver you have vi.  hahah.. No, this
last one is a joke, I guess.  There are some HTML
generators for Linux here and there, but none as good
as Dreamweaver that I know of.

--- Rog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One program I'd love to see is Agent/Free Agent,
 since I don't like
 the newsreaders I've found in Linux. Agent works
 very well under Wine,
 but I'd stll like one ported for Linux. Fortunately,
 I sent Forte an
 email about it, and they said they were considering
 a linux port for
 Agent 2.0.
 On Thu, 10 May 2001 08:49:44 -0700 (PDT), Rog kept
 his cool as you
 frantically scribbled:
 are any of the following available for linux? i'm
 willing to buy them if they are...
 black and white
 cosmic systems intertwine
 astral bodies drip like wine
 all of nature ebbs and flows
 ...why does all creation rejoice? - mad donna
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

Re: [newbie] 3 programs i'd love to get

2001-05-10 Thread Ed Kasky

I have found Netscape Messenger to work just fine for NG's...

At 09:11 PM 5/10/2001 +0200, Paul wrote:
It was Thu, 10 May 2001 14:24:40 -0400 when Rog wrote:

 One program I'd love to see is Agent/Free Agent, since I don't like
 the newsreaders I've found in Linux. Agent works very well under Wine,
 but I'd stll like one ported for Linux. Fortunately, I sent Forte an
 email about it, and they said they were considering a linux port for
 Agent 2.0.

Try Pan. It is not Free Agent yet, but very much getting there. if I am correct


In not making the decision, you've made one.
Not doing something is the same as doing it.
-Ivan Bloch -  Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66

Re: [newbie] Redhat vs Mandrake

2001-05-10 Thread Darin Lang

on 5/9/01 4:43 PM, Jeffrey M. Reed at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wednesday 09 May 2001 15:27, Mark Johnson wrote:
 My wife's company has asked me about installing a linux
 server to relay mail within their local LAN and also out
 to their ISP.  They'd like to run apache and mySQL.  They
 wanted to know whether they should install RedHat or
 I'm not sure how to answer them why would one be
 better than the other?
 there is no better my friend. they are, in essence, the
 same. the commands, the programs, the security, everything.
 essentially the same. the only baddie i keep seeing in
 RedHat is they mess up the compiler a lot. so, unless
 you're developing a lot, that won't matter.
 linux is linux is matter if it's slack, redhat,
 mandrake, whatever. i'd go with either. linuxbusca runs on
 mandrake and debian...and while it's nothing pretty to look
 at yet, mandrake does the email, web server, and DSL
 gateway. pretty awesome.
 just my two cents.

Apache and Mysql won't deliver the mail. Mandrake installs Postfix by
default, which is easier than Sendmail to configure, although neither of
them are actually easy to configure. Mandrake and Redhat are based on the
same installer program, that is all that varies from brand to brand is how
it is installed, and the tools each installs for configuring it.
WIN A TRILLION: $1,000,000,000,000.00 at

Re: [newbie] Still Unable to mount root fs

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Weaver

Ok...but what if you're just using standard IDE controllers? Because I got
the exact same results on the two attempts I made at installing 8.0 on my
home system which has two newer Maxtor drives and an AMD K6. The install
was flawless on this machine here at work which is an older P1-133 with
two older 2.1GB Western Digital drives. talk about throwing salt in the

I just reloaded 7.2 and restored my old config files and was back in
business in about an hour. But still...what the heck is going on here?


On Wed, 9 May 2001, Alan Shoemaker wrote:

 Ed Kasky wrote:
  I am in the process of upgrading one machine and installed
  a Promise Ultra 100 controller.  I have Win2000 installed
  on the first ata100 hd using NTFS.
  During the partitioning I noticed that install recognizes
  the 2 drives as hde and hdf since this is an add on card.
  I am assuming it would use hda-hdd if I had any connected
  directly to the motherboard.
  Here's the newest error:
  VFS: Cannot open root device hdf1 on 21:41
  Please append a correct root= boot option
  Kernel Panic: unable to mount root fs on 21:41
  Where do I put the boot option so that it can mount the
  root partition from hdf1?
  Thanks in advance
  Ed Kasky
  Los Angeles, CA
  . . . . . . . .
  The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know
  when you are finished.

 Edhad almost the same error last night when I installed
 8.0 on an Abit motherboard with a hypoint dma100 RAID
 controller.  I partitioned and installed the system on the
 hde drive.  Upon initial boot of the installed system it
 issued a kernal panic and said:

 VFS: Cannot open root device hde6 on 20:06
 Please append a correct root= boot option
 Kernel Panic: unable to mount root fs on 20:06

 I used a floppy based rescue disk called RIP-rescue:

 to boot the system and changed all references to hde to hdc
 (hda is a zip drive and hdb is a CDRom) in /etc/lilo.conf and
 /etc/fstab.  Then after executing /sbin/lilo I was able to
 boot up normally.  This may also apply to your promise

Re: [newbie] Where are all the games in 8.0

2001-05-10 Thread Todd Flinders

They are under Amusements.  Right at the very top of
the K Menu.

--- A. Rick Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Where are all the games located?  I've only loaded
 KDE (ie no Gnome).  In 
 previous releases, they were located under a games
 menu option.  Now, even 
 though the package manager says that they are
 loaded, they don't show up.
 Now, this is critical.  My kids love Linux, cuz they
 like its games :-)

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

Re: [newbie] Help on getting 2cd set of LM 8.0

2001-05-10 Thread Todd Flinders

I'll send it to you.  I assume you want it sent to the
address at the bottom.  You should have it in a few

--- Bob Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've been reading the mail in here for a couple
 weeks. I've tried
 getting both disks via modem but my 28.8 connect
 isn't getting the job done.
 I've signed up on the Mandrake page to receive the
 2-CD set when available.
 I run Win2K Pro and have been interested in Linux
 for awhile now. I live
 beyond the limit for any high speed internet connect
 and was wondering if
 any one of you would send me a copy of the two CDs
 that you have downloaded.
 Of course I'll pay shipping and handling and what
 you think is fair for your
 time and media.
 Send any details you need to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'd
 sure appreciate it!
 Bob Barnes
 RR2  Box 44
 Bardwell, Kentucky

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

Re: [newbie] Who sells Mandrake distributions?

2001-05-10 Thread skip

Alan I'm sure that will have the Macmillan 8.0
Alan boxed sets as soon as they are available.

Thanks.  What LSL is offering right now is a 2-CD set for $3.78.  At those
prices I doubt any money will actually go to Mandrake and it probably won't
include any sort of printed manuals or support (should I need it - I do have
a few nits I'd like someone to address).

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] Help on getting 2cd set of LM 8.0

2001-05-10 Thread Randy Kramer

That's a good price, even with the $5.00 shipping charge in the USA.

Randy Kramer

Darin Lang wrote:
 WIN A TRILLION: $1,000,000,000,000.00 at
 on 5/10/01 12:51 PM, Bob Barnes at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
  I've been reading the mail in here for a couple weeks. I've tried
  getting both disks via modem but my 28.8 connect isn't getting the job done.
  I've signed up on the Mandrake page to receive the 2-CD set when available.
  I run Win2K Pro and have been interested in Linux for awhile now. I live
  beyond the limit for any high speed internet connect and was wondering if
  any one of you would send me a copy of the two CDs that you have downloaded.
  Of course I'll pay shipping and handling and what you think is fair for your
  time and media.
  Send any details you need to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'd sure appreciate it!
  Bob Barnes
  RR2  Box 44
  Bardwell, Kentucky

Re: [newbie] full screen gaming [WAS]Mandrakesoft quiet? Voodoo fixes?

2001-05-10 Thread Todd Flinders

Yeah, I just found out some more.  Avatar from posted that there was a problem with
nvidia's source installs with Mandrake 8.0.  He says
to use the 7.2 rpms or manually edit the install
script.  I guess the tar.gz and src.rpm are putting
the files in the wrong directory.

It is wrong that they are showing up in /usr/lib and
should supposedly be in /usr/X11R6/lib (which makes
more sense to me).  Anyway, I'll test it tonight and
get back to you.  I already tried linking the files,
but I wonder if there's any issues with ldconfig that
I haven't resolved.  smpeg didn't find the files when
I compiled it.

Avatar also suggested that my Tcl may be out of date. 
I doubt that, but I'll install the latest version to
be safe.

--- abram olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 huh.  Sounds like you got it undercontroll man. 
 Loki's a great company.  You shouldn't have any
 problems getting some help from them with smpeg.
 good luck!
 --- Todd Flinders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi, Abe:
  Thanks for the advice.  I am using the nvidia
   I did rebuild them from source and I did remove
  conflicting mesa files.  I am VERY confident that
  loading the Nvidia driver and GLX.
  I definitely have the libGL files.  However, they
  in my /usr/lib directory.  I believe smpeg is
  expecting them elsewhere (I'm not sure).  I made
  from /usr/X11R6/lib (where I believe the mesa
  were originally) to the files in /usr/lib, but
  did not help.
  I have compiled the latest SDL (1.2) and smpeg
  They are optimized for i686.
  I have found that if I disable the movies, Shogo
  work fine in OpenGL mode.  It seg faults upon
  but the game is functioning.  Comparing the game
  software mode, I have not (yet) noticed any
  Because of this movie issue, I am especially
  suspicious that my problem lies with smpeg and my
  nvidia GL driver.  I get a message during the
  compilation that says it is disabling OpenGL movie
  playback support.  Compiling the previous 4.2
  gave me an error that it couldn't find GL or GLU. 
  This is why I think that maybe smpeg is expecting
  files in a location other than where nvidia
  I intend to write Loki (they made smpeg) tonight
  the details and hopefully they will have time to
  me.  I'll write back if I find more details.
  As an aside, I am also having issues with Sin. 
  made by Hyperion who also made Shogo.  Well, they
  ported the games anyway.  Hyperion says that my
  problems with Sin have to do with a bug in
  latest driver.  For that they said I either had to
  back to an older driver or wait for nvidia to fix
  I'm still looking into this problem.  Just like
  Sin works fine in Software mode (albeit ugly and a
  Other games like Unreal Tournament, Quake III
  GLTron, Tuxracer, etc all work fine with OpenGL
  --- abram olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Todd, I'm using my new freebsd box right now
   can't tell you exactly what those files are ;-)
   Do you have the NVIDIA drivers installed on your
   system?  Sounds to me like you either don't have
   installed or they aren't installed correctly. 
   find them here:

   I like to download the src.rpms and build 'em
   You MUST have these installed to get good 3d
   acceleration under X with an nvidia card.
   Before you install the GLX part you should
   conflicting files of which there is a complete

   if your using the rpms you're only interested in
   removing the files in the list in the middle of
   page.  Once that is done then you can install
   NVIDIA_GLX rpm.  Need I say that you should be
   all this from the console with no X running?
   After those two are installed you need to change
   things in your x server config file
   Load  dbe add
   Load  glx
   driver nv to
   driver nvidia   and add
   Option NVagp 2  (this part I'm not entirely
   of read the readme for the nvidia drivers to be
   Basically you are telling X to use the nvidia
   implementation here.
   Make sure your default color is set no higher
   24bit.  Save and reboot your system.  You should
   working 3d acceleration after all that.  If it
   flaky (IE crashes a lot try setting it to use
   you'll probably have to compile it into your
   Good luck and feel free to write me again if you
   more questions.  Shogo is an AWESOME game.  I
   wait to have the full 

Re: [newbie] RPM big problem...

2001-05-10 Thread C. H. Close

Petre Daniel wrote:
 On Thu, 10 May 2001, Mark Weaver wrote:
  I have some bad news and ...some more bad news...
  RPM 4 is completely uncomaptible with Mandrake 7.2. Do not, under any
  circumstances even whisper to your machine that you're thinking about
  trying to get that program onto your system. To tell you the truth you
  really don't need it anyway. The version of RPM that comes with 7.2 works
  just fine and isn't broken in anyway.
  If you find that you have packages that won't install with the version of
  RPM that installs with the system, then all you have to do is grab the SRC
  rpm package of that particular program and rebuild it for your machine.
  It's a very simple process and will aleviate a lot of problems for you.
  Doing so will also better ensure that the package you install hasn't been
  compromised myu worms or trojans.
  If you've already begun the install of RPM 4 on your Mandrake 7.2 system I
  would then suggest you do a fresh install of the system and not attempt
  again to install any other version of RPM except that which comes with
  that system. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I am saying it's NOT
  Good Luck,
  On Mon, 7 May 2001, Petre Daniel wrote:
   Heya,this is my problem...
   After i installed mdk 7.2 on a ppro200/32mbRAM/4gbHDD
   i started updating packages from the net.
   I downloaded the rpm 4 package and it asked for glibc 2.2 i believe
   kinda' forced install rpm -iF glibc2.2.
   anyways it seemd alright.but now look what do i get when i
/root]# rpm -qa| grep ftp
   /usr/lib/rpm/rpmq: /lib/ no version information available
   (required by /usr/lib/
   what's that? it seems that rpm 4 works when i run it by simply typing rpm
   but at complex commands it gives those strange error...
   i mean there is more.
   anyone can help me?
 Unfortunately i already scorched my system with the new rpm4.
 The reinstall is out of the question,because i don't have cds and
 much netspeed.
 Now,i don't want to creep around with tarballs all the time,so,
 How can i can get rid of the rpm4 pieces crawling in my system,and how
 can i rebuild again the rpm 3?
 i guess this or the redhat recoming are the only solutions for me,so
 i'd appreciate if you'll help me a little.
 thx in advance
 Petre Daniel
 Romanian Whitehat

Hi Petre,

Things may not be as bad as you think. I would suggest you seach the
expert archives for the last three months as there has been quite a bit
of activity on this subject. I have actually had rpm-4 running on 7.2 so
it will work however what you must do is run it from the command line.
Here are one or two facts that might give you a way out of your dilemma.

1: Rpm-4 uses different names for the database files that are stored in
the /var directory. You will find the new names posted on the expert
list. What this means to you is that it is unlikely that your original
rpm-3 database has been overwritten.

2. If your rpm-4 installation runs from the command line i.e. if you run
rpm --version (in  a console) and it returns version 4 then it is
probably working. Rpm-4 can uninstall itself. If you do an installed
packages query all you should get back is rpm-4 and anyting that you
installed with it. You should not get anything else. If you do it means
that the installation scripts of rpm-4 has changed your database
filenames and to use rpm-3 again you would have to change them back to
the old names. However before you uninstall rpm-4 read three below.

3. If rpm-4 is working then the rather useful rpm2cpio program which is
part of the rpm package can be used to get you out of trouble. This
program (just in case you wern't aware is capable of converting an rpm
package file into a cpio archive. (Read the man page). Using cpio you
can install this archive in a temporary directory. You then have a
running rpm-3 (you will stillave to run it from the command line at this

4. Once you are in this position you can uninstall rpm-4 using itself.
It may be advisable to back-up your database files before doing this
just in case.

5. Now you are nearly there all you have to do is to ensure that your
rpm database file names are correct then go to the temporary directory
where you put the rpm-3 files and use rpm-3 to install rpm-3.rpm in the
proper place. Once you have done this and checked that it is working you
can delete the temporary directory and you should be pretty much back to
where you were before. 

6. If you really must use rpm-4 for some stuff I have found that the
safest way to do this is to download the source tarball compile it and
install it in /usr/local then if you need it you can run it from the
command line. Rpm-3 will still work as normal because the /usr/bin/
directory where it is stored should, if your system has been properly
installed precede /usr/local/ in your PATH variable thus 

Re: [newbie] Redhat vs Mandrake

2001-05-10 Thread Adrian Smith

this is sooo true.  i only do 2 things for free.
theatre, and configure/fix computers
'cause i love 'em both that much.
if you have an ubergeek friend you are set for life.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Michel Clasquin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5:22:46 PM 5/9/01 
Six months later you can then get back to him with remember that 
UltraObscure LiGNUx v24.2 you told me to install? There's this little problem 
we're having, nothing major, mind you, but perhaps you've come across it 
before ...

He will then spend the next two weeks overhauling your server free of charge. 
This is why it is *really* called Free Software ... vbg

Re: [newbie] MD5SUM

2001-05-10 Thread Randy Kramer

Wynne Crisman wrote:
 How can I get a MD5SUM to check a downloaded ISO?  I don't yet have a
 working Mandrake install so I need to know how to do this in win2k.

Wherever you downloaded the iso from should also have the correct
md5sum for that iso.  Download that.  Then you need md5sum.exe, and
md5sum program for windows.  I don't remember where I got my copy, but
you should be able to find it by searching google.  Try aa advanced
search for the exact phrase: md5sum.exe, throw Windows and download in
as words -- you should come pretty close.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

[newbie] MD5SUM

2001-05-10 Thread Wynne Crisman

How can I get a MD5SUM to check a downloaded ISO?  I don't yet have a
working Mandrake install so I need to know how to do this in win2k.


[newbie] How to configure linux to retrieve email from ISP

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Johnson

Is there a way that I can configure linux (daemon) to retrieve mail from for
the all users on the machine from their ISP so that the just have to point
their email client to the linux box instead of the ISP.

[newbie] lm8.0 - joystick

2001-05-10 Thread Jason Jesso

Has anybody got a joystick to work in Linux Mandrake 8.0?

Just an analog stick.  In previous versions I got my joystick to work by 
inserting joystick in /etc/modules.  That doesn't work with lm8.

I can't even find the joystick testing utilities, like jstest, etc ...

It is in some joystick rpm that I can't find now.


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Re: [newbie] Where are all the games in 8.0

2001-05-10 Thread A. Rick Anderson

I tried that.  All I get is Toys and five really dumb demo-type games.
According to package manager, I should have freeCiv and a bunch of others 

They ain't showing up.

At 03:25 PM 5/10/2001 -0700, Todd Flinders wrote:
They are under Amusements.  Right at the very top of
the K Menu.

--- A. Rick Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Where are all the games located?  I've only loaded
  KDE (ie no Gnome).  In
  previous releases, they were located under a games
  menu option.  Now, even
  though the package manager says that they are
  loaded, they don't show up.
  Now, this is critical.  My kids love Linux, cuz they
  like its games :-)

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Re: [newbie] MD5SUM

2001-05-10 Thread Dave DeGear

  If you go to and do a search on md5sum you will find a 
program called md5sumer that will calculate these for you under Windows.


On Thu, 10 May 2001 17:03:58 -0600, Wynne Crisman wrote:

How can I get a MD5SUM to check a downloaded ISO?  I don't yet have a
working Mandrake install so I need to know how to do this in win2k.


[newbie] Gnutella? Napster for 8.0?

2001-05-10 Thread Jon Doe

Is there gnutella or napster that will actaully install on Mandrake 8.0?

ICQ# 27396393

Registered Linux User #181996

[newbie] msn gaming zone?

2001-05-10 Thread s

My son is upset with me cause since I've set up internet connection sharing 
adsl, he can't play mtm with his little friends at msn gaming zone or play ip 

I'm running 8.0 using pmfirewall to masq  forward  firewall for me, with 
portsentry on the case.  I've added very little to pmfirewalls rules.local 
file, but have added a few trying to stop answering icmp pings and closing a 
couple of ports I thought might be left open (1025  32770).

His machine (windows98) has ipx protocol support in place, but haven't seen 
anything to that effect in linux.  Don't know for sure it's even needed.

Anybody with any experience with this and can help?


[newbie] Kivio in KOffice-1.1-beta1

2001-05-10 Thread Linn Crowser

I have been trying to get Kivio in KOffice-1.1-beta1 to run on LM8.0. The 
other programs in KOffice work fine. When I install it from the RPM I have 
to copy the Kivio.Desktop from /usr/share/applnk to 
/.kde/share/applnk-mdk/office. In a terminal i get the following: 
Xlib:extension "RENDER" missing on display ":0.0"
Kdecore(KLibLoader): Warning library=libkiviopart: 
file=/usr/lib/Kde2/ /usr/lib/Kde2/ Undefined 
symbol: pthread_create
There is a small icon that does try to appear on 
the terminal screen before this message appears.
I understand that the "RENDER" has to do with the 
video. The other programs produce this same message when started in a 
terminal but they still run fine.

I have also tried to compile from source and get 
the following when it is trying to Make All. The process then stops 
without finishing at this point.
../Kivio/Kiviopart/.lib/ Undefined 
reference to pthread_create
../Kivio/Kiviopart/.lib/ Undefined reference to 

Any help would be appreciated.

Linn Crowser

Re: [newbie] Gnutella? Napster for 8.0?

2001-05-10 Thread Sam

Hi, for gnutella I use LimeWire The linux binary 
won't install in LM8, so download the version for other operating 
systems instead. You'll first need to have Java installed in your 
machine to install and run it though.

As for napster, I used to use KNapster and Gnapster in LM7.2 - no 
reason why they shouldn't work in LM8. You could probably find the RPM 
packages at

On Friday 11 May 2001 06:41, Jon Doe wrote:
 Is there gnutella or napster that will actaully install on Mandrake

[newbie] Hello

2001-05-10 Thread Michelle Knight


   I've been on this list a few days and decided to say hi and introduce 
myself.  I'm utterly and totally a newbie as far as Linux goes (I've been 
running a machine with Windows as the OS since 1995). I've researched a few 
companies and decided to go with Mandrake as my distro.

A few questions . . .  I'm torn if I should buy 7.2 now or wait until 8.0 
comes out as a box set. I'm running a 500 Pentium III, 128 meg RAM w/ an 18 
Gig HD.   I plan on buying an external modem and wonder what brand of modem 
would be a good choice. Any suggestions?  Thanks.


Re: [newbie] Redhat vs Mandrake

2001-05-10 Thread Michael D. Viron

there is no better my friend. they are, in essence, the 
same. the commands, the programs, the security, everything. 
essentially the same. the only baddie i keep seeing in 
RedHat is they mess up the compiler a lot. so, unless 
you're developing a lot, that won't matter.
Actually, the security is not the same, although this largely depends on
what security level you select (customizable after install, I believe)--if
you select medium security, you are 100% locked out of the box except
going in on the console by default.  With redhat, you don't have the option
to select a security level--it basically leaves itself totally wide open to

linux is linux is matter if it's slack, redhat, 
mandrake, whatever. i'd go with either. linuxbusca runs on 
mandrake and debian...and while it's nothing pretty to look 
at yet, mandrake does the email, web server, and DSL 
gateway. pretty awesome.

just my two cents.


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

Re: [newbie] How to install Corel Wordperfect Office for Linux and Corel Photopaint

2001-05-10 Thread Sam

Hi, I'm not sure whether this will help, but generally installing WPO2K
using the updated install script from Corel eliminates problems.

If you encounter other problems, you might want to check out the WPO2K
support newsgroup. The link is at

On Thursday 10 May 2001 17:14, Titiriga Dorin wrote:
 I have some problems with WPO2000 for linux.

 1. I am unable to use my cliparts, and that I think because wrong
 permision (wpo complain about wrong permision when I try to acces
 floppy or my cd) , but I am running wpo2000 as root
 2. I am unable to start photopaint for linux !. When my
 application start, after displayng the spalshscreen (That with Corel
 Photopaint for linux) it is crashing when diplayng creating
 applicatuion environment.

 I have to mention that I use Mandrake 8, on a Celeron II - 566 mhz,
 128 Mb ram, 15 Gb harddisc, Teac CD 40x, video card Geforce 2 mx. SB
 live sound card !

 Under mandrake 7 all was OK, but I like much more mandrake 8 and I
 don't whant to go back on MD 7.2

 tanks and sorry for my English

[newbie] CD labeler

2001-05-10 Thread Carlos Arigós

Hi all! 
I need some good CD box labeler to run under MDK 8.0.



[newbie] LM8.0 bug fixes

2001-05-10 Thread Carlos Berardi

as i said a few days ago, my LM8.0 installation failed because of my
thinkpad's ps/2 mouse.

have someone installed this new version perfectly with this kind of

if not, does any one know if there is a way to patch the kernel or when
8.1 is being released?


Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8

2001-05-10 Thread Darin Lang

I ran sndconfig like you say, but I got an error. It correctly located my
CS4237B:CTRL Sound card, but it couldn't get it working although there was a
pop. I got the error:

modprobe error: Can't locate module sound-slot-0

Does anyone have a sound-slot-0? Or is there some other problem?
I also tried folling the CS4232 how-to which says to:
modprobe sound
insmod ad1848
insmod uart401
insmod cs4232 io=0x534 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0

it said it didn't like the irq. i gave it the argument again with irq 7 and
it didn't complain. but still no sound.

Thanks fro the sndcnofig tip. I had no idea about that and for the first
time it did make a pop noise which is something.

on 5/10/01 11:44 PM, Kit at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do this
 logout...of X...then select:
 Restart (but in commandline mode or linux prompt mode)
 when there, put this command in:
 (forget which,try both)
 then just do what it says...afterwhich, log back into X
 you should then have sound.
 I bought the same CD's from the same place...
 I had know trouble at all...everything worked fine.
 Darin Lang wrote:
 Anyone else have installation problems?
 FWIW, I had no problems installing Mandrake 8.0 from the CD set I bought
 from My mouse works: all three buttons and the scroll wheel,
 Logitech with a ps/2 type connector, I don't know if that is a ps/2 mouse
 techincally though. My screen resolution is perfect and stable, something it
 never was before when I had Slackware Linux, the image flickered and was
 distorted and it took me weeks to get it that good. I do not have sound,
 because I have an obscure sound card (cs4237b) on an ISA bus. But everything
 else installed without a hitch, automatically upon install including my
 printer. I did have to reinstall twice before I was happy with the intalled
 software configuration. But it ran well everytime and did a nice dual boot
 install without any hitches.
 I did have a hard time getting Apple Talk running, since it is not
 included (Samba is) for some stupid reason/oversight. And Postfix was a bit
 difficult to configure, but much easier than sendmail which I never did get
 to work when I was running slackware linux, but Red Hat has a nice how-to.
 Up till this week I have been running Slackware Linux with no printer,
 no mail server, no sound, a jittery display that was so difficult to look at
 for any length of time that I gave up using it and just telnetted from the
 computer sitting next to it. 2 mouse buttons worked and it took me 2 days to
 get the keyboard layout switched to Dvorak on boot. Mandrake took care of
 everything almost automatically and it is running nicely except for the
 sound, though it did install my TV tuner card.
 WIN A TRILLION: $1,000,000,000,000.00 at

[newbie] where's a RealPlayer for LM-8.0 rpm

2001-05-10 Thread Kit

Hey...where can I find a RPM  for realplayer 
that will install/run on Mandrake 8.0
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