Re: [newbie-it] come fare le parentesi graffe.....

2001-05-18 Thread Marco Gonfloni

Il 00:35, venerdì 18 Maggio 2001, hai scritto:
 Sembra una cavolata, ma non so come fare le parentesi graffe. Sotto windows
 usavo ALT+(codice ascii) ma sulla mia dstro non funziona...

 Sapete aiutarmi'?

 Grazie anticipatamente


Premi Alt Gr + 7 per la graffa aperta e Alt Gr + 0 per la chiusa.



Re: [newbie-it] come fare le parentesi graffe....

2001-05-18 Thread Tommaso Leddi

02:35, venerdì 18 Maggio 2001, Kayard:
 Sembra una cavolata, ma non so come fare le parentesi graffe. Sotto windows
 usavo ALT+(codice ascii) ma sulla mia dstro non funziona...

 Sapete aiutarmi'?

Sul mio computer con la Mandrake 7.2 ho molti di questi caratteri usando 
Alt Gr + vari tasti a sinistra del backspace.
In particolare le graffe sono AltGr+7 e AltGr+0


[newbie-it] Mandrake 8

2001-05-18 Thread uele2000_78i

Ciao a tutti , ho da qualche giorno installato la versione 8.0 di
Mandrake e volevo esporre i miei problemi .

Uno Xcdroast non funziona bene , cioè quando clicco sull'icona scrivi il
programma si chiude bruscamente , quindi non posso masterizzare .
Ora quello che so e che la versione di xcdroast è una versione test , la
stessa della 7.2 in cui non mi dava problemi .
Questo programma mi piace moltissimo ed è molto facile da utilizzare.
C'è qualcuno che ha avuto il mio stesso problema ed è riuscito a

Due all'avvio quando parte la ricerca del nuovo Hardware mi da il
seguente problema :
mi dice che non riconosce il nuovo hardware e mi dice che devo toglierlo
, ma io non ho installato nessun nuovo hardware da quando l'ho
installato, del resto questo problema non influenza sul funzionamento
del sistema però aumenta l'attesa dell'avvio visto che ci impiega quasi
un minuto in più del dovuto.
Che cosa devo fare?

Diciamo subito che un miglioramento per questa nuova versione di
mandrake c'è stata , però gli errori ci sono visto che anche xmms ha un
baco che però grazie ad una mail presente in questa mail list sono
riuscito a risolvere , comunque sia sono soddisfatto lo stesso .

In attesa di una risposta ringrazio anticipatamente.

Fw: [newbie-it] Problemi MOUSE nella console PROBLEMI INSTALLAZIONE MDK8

2001-05-18 Thread Matteo Merlin


Ops scusate, avevo sbagliato a ricordarmi l'elenco e al posto di FirstMouse+
dovevo scrivere MouseMan+:P
(cmq se sbaglio ancora sto intendendo l'unico modello logitech su PS/2 che
compare nell'elenco delle scelte)

Cmq ho provato a configurarlo come normale e non cambia niente, quando gli
do ok... mi accetta la cosa e poi però non mi cambia le impostazioni sul
file (credo) perché non mi cambia neanche nell'elenco di DrakConf da console

Aiuto! :(

Poiché mi è arrivata una risposta sul mio indirizzo che non ho visto
arrivare in ML, la riforwardo a tutta la lista perché oltre ad una possibile
soluzione per me contiene una domanda a cui io non so rispondere e mi sembra
più utile farla leggere a tutta la ML...
(non potevo splittare il messaggio se no non si capiva questa cosa quindi al
limite potete farlo voi che rispondete a me o a Fabrizio)
Ciao e Grazie :)


- Original Message -
From: Fabrizio Manca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Matteo Merlin' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 8:32 AM
Subject: R: [newbie-it] Problemi MOUSE nella console


 1) hai provato a configurarlo come normale? Il tuo modello non mi
risulta esserci nell'elenco dei mouse supportati...

 2) Mi scrivi, per cortesia, come hai fatto ad installare la MDK8.0 ?
quando la installo mi da un errore missing basesystem package...


 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Matteo Merlin [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: venerdi 11 maggio 2001 0.22
 Oggetto: [newbie-it] Problemi MOUSE nella console

 da quando ho installato la MDK 8 ho notato che nella console,
 cioe quando avvio programmi tipo linuxconf, harddrake, etc non mi va
 mouse... e neanche con harddrake riesco a cambiare la scritta unknown
 sul modello che sulla marca...

 Dentro a X invece tutto funziona bene.. e anche se rimane la
 scritta unknown nel frontend grafico di harddrake, il mouse mi

 E' un logitech FirstMouse+ su PS/2 (con rotellina)...


[newbie-it] L'orologio corre troppo!!!

2001-05-18 Thread Matteo Merlin

la MDK8 sembra non darmi tregua: l'orologio è 
perenemente sbagliato... però solo le ore e KDE ha dei ritardi 
sostanziosi che sembrano influenzare il comportamento 

Sembra che le ore crescano troppo velocemente 
rispetto ai minuti cioé crescono senza che i minuti girino i 

Boh? Se avete qualche consiglio vi ringrazio 
davvero :)

 Matteo Merlin

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8

2001-05-18 Thread Corrado


 Diciamo subito che un miglioramento per questa nuova versione di
 mandrake c'è stata , però gli errori ci sono visto che anche xmms ha un
 baco che però grazie ad una mail presente in questa mail list sono
 riuscito a risolvere , comunque sia sono soddisfatto lo stesso .

 In attesa di una risposta ringrazio anticipatamente.

Ah, intanto è finalmente uscita la versione 1.2.5 di xmms; pur
di una pre-release, funziona egregiamente (ho installato i tarball sulla


[newbie] where are the API docs?

2001-05-18 Thread dmitry

Good morning all.
I wonder where I can read info about linux API. It was convenient in wins to
have them right off the bat, I knew the location. Now it is linux and I'm a
bit confused...

Re: [newbie] lnx4win and windows 2000

2001-05-18 Thread Civileme

On Wednesday 16 May 2001 14:14, Eduardo Carrancá wrote:
 Can I use lnx4win and windows 2000 with NTFS?  Or is better not to try it?

 Thanks for your help


Definitely do NOT try it.  Lnx4Win was designed for win 9x.
If you want to have a linux there, make room by shrinking a partition and 
install a eal linux dual-boot .


Re: [newbie] M694D, Mandrake 8.0, Promise Fastrack 66/100, Lockups, only sees one channel

2001-05-18 Thread Civileme

On Thursday 17 May 2001 07:32, John Clark wrote:
 I have a MSI 694D motherboard with onboard VIA 686a chipset ide controller
 and Promise FastTrak 100 w/ lite bios.
 I also have an additional Promise FastTrak 66 with full bios.

 I am trying to use Mandrake 8.0

 I have 5 hd's and a cdrom all set to master.
 20gig onboard VIA ide channel 1
 cdrom onboard VIA ide channel.2
 40gig onboard fastrack channel 1
 40gig onboard fastrack channel 2
 30gig on pci fastrack channel 1
 30gig on pci fastrack channel 2

 If I have all drives hooked up and boot the cd the cd hangs affter it
 detects hda and hdc
 the pdc driver in the kernel only sees 1 channel on the 2 promise cards.

 If I unplug the cables from the drives on the promise cards I can boot the
 cd and install.

 after installing I can plug the cables back in and see 1 40gig and 1 30gig
 drive but I get random lockups. (do I need to recompile the kernel???)

 I have tried changing the way the drives are in the promise bios (1 drive
 stripe, 2 drive stripe, 2 drive mirror, etc) with no different results.

 My guess is that the kernel module needs some parameter passed to it to see
 the second channel on the promise controllers, but I don't know what to do.

 I have searched and searched on the net for answers and put my problem into
 mandrake expert but still no answers.

 If someone could help me I would appreciate it much! I don't want to
 install windows again just to use my drives.

Sorry, Promise FasTrak is NOT SUPPORTED.

To be blunt, IDE RAID Controllers, with the exception of 3ware, are more 
notable for the amount of money they are able to make fleecing consumers than 
for any hardware RAID.  The RAID functions are controlled by secret EPROM 
software and are far less efficient and totally incompatible with Linux 
Software RAID.  Also, they are proprietary, and they have no drivers for 
kernel 2.4.  (RH driver for kernel 2.2 existed but it was also not free 

We have been able to use them only by turning off the RAID, or, lacking that, 
by installing on ONE drive and using it in mirroring mode, using the 
controller to copy to the second drive.  Also, our tests showed that drives 
attached to that controller ran slightly faster and with much higher noise 
immunity, if driven at udma4 instead of udma5...  In other words, the limited 
tests we were able to do showed that it handled the drives better at Ultra-66 
than at Ultra-100.


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Re: [newbie] very slowly

2001-05-18 Thread Civileme

On Thursday 17 May 2001 10:34, Paul wrote:
 It was Thu, 17 May 2001 11:53:35 -0500 when Chubby Vic wrote:

 Perhaps time to look for another window manager?

 Dang, they must be a bunch of mean old buttfaces
 who don't want to help anyone,
 why did they do that?
 On Thursday 17 May 2001 11:11 am, so spoke Irv Mullins:
  I had the same problem, KDE was so slow that I couldn't get any work
  done. When I posted this to the KDE list, all I got was flames, but
  about half of the people on the ALE list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) who tried KDE 2
  reported similar problems.
  Some people with 750 mhz machines even reported slowness, so it seems to
  be not directly related to hardware. My only choice  was to go back to

Ummm, I don't think so.  I have a Celeron 366 running KDE under 8.0 very fast.

I believe the fault may lie with the hdd and how it is set up under 8.0.  I 
have been noting the phenomenon that some disks which claim to be Ultra-66 or 
100 often run faster, up to 5 times faster, at UltraDMA33.  Obviously channel 
noise and retransmissions are a large source of this problem, but the default 
2.4 kernel does attempt to drive disks at their rated speed.  

I am working on an optimizer program for hdds which should improve this 
performance, or at least find settings where hard drives work with peak noise 
immunity and near peak throughput.  It should be ready soon.

The Celeron 366 is running a mxtor Udma-66 at 31.89 Mb/s tested speed.


 Elephant, n.: A mouse built to government specifications. -  Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66

Re: [newbie] linux-nonfb (/boot/vmlinux) entrie on boot loader

2001-05-18 Thread Civileme

On Thursday 17 May 2001 09:23, Nuno Ricardo Loureiro Ferreira wrote:
 Hi all

 I've just installed Win2000 and LM 8.0 on my machine.
 The instalation went fine (think).
 After reboot, the graphical lilo bootloader presented me with an entrie
 called linux-nonfb (/boot/vmlinux). Can any tux friend, elucidate me about

 Nuno Ferreira
That is the linux-non framebuffer kernel.  It will not run Aurora, so no 
graphical startup, but its memory footprint is lower if you are using X, and 
its speed should be slightly better.  Also, Quake II and Quake III, among 
other games, do not like to run with a framebuffer kernel, so it is 
appropriate to boot nonfb if you are going to play graphic-intensive games.



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[newbie] XCDROAST

2001-05-18 Thread Mcintosh, Duncan

HI there all

I'v installed Xcdroast and all the libs that must go with it.
First of all I got the message that I needed GTK+ so I installed that too
now I get this message. 
What do I have to do to creat a helper program in order to get it to run.
  Iv checked out the site indicated but that didn't seem to help.

This is the message that now appears when I try to run Xcdroast.

Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid.
This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper
program instead. For further details, see:

Refusing to initialize GTK+.

Anybody got any ideas.

[newbie] Firewall - Your Personal Choice

2001-05-18 Thread Rod Upfold

Right now I am using PMFirewallmainly because it was used by Mandrake
in their firewall tutorialbut is there a better firewall than
PMFirewall and I am also not too sure if the firewall is up and
running...ther is no indication if it is running or not.

What is your personal choice of a firewall ( I am using a DSL
connection) and does your choice give you some kind of indication that it
is up and running...??



[newbie] konqueror question

2001-05-18 Thread brandon

I was wondering if anyone knew how to clear the location bar in Konqueror
web browser.  I was not able to find anything in their help or on the
online FAQ.  I am really stumped over this one.

Thanks all for looking at this



[newbie] LM8 ISDN and CHAP

2001-05-18 Thread Brian Skreeg

Hi folks,

Are there any known issues regarding ISDN and CHAP in LM8? I`ve
struggled for the past 2 days to get it do dialup and authenticate
with no success whatsoever.

1ghz AMD, 512M ram, Geforce2.
Asuscom ISDNLink PCI internal TA.

draknet, as in LM7.2, makes an arse of detecting the card thinking it
to be a Dynalink. So I correct it to the Winbond chipset and it then
works (learnt that with 7.2). PAP ISP`s work fine, though my main ISP
and BTInternet which uses CHAP. /var/log/messages reports ippp0
connecting ok then the remote end dropping followed by authenticaion
faliure, no CHAP secret found in chap-secrets. 

/etc/ppp/chap-secrets is like this

'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' * 'pass' * 

pap-secrets is the same. Fraid I can post the config files at the
moment, but this is from a clean install then just running draknet.
Machine used to have a 3com card in it but I took that out then
reinstalled thinking that may have been causing trouble (for some
bizarre reason draknet likes to try dialling using eth0).

IMO the LM network scripting needs complete re-write, its vastly
inferior to other distro`s methods.

TIA for any advice.


I don`t look like a two zombies.

[newbie] ASUS A7V133 Motherboard

2001-05-18 Thread Tim Holmes

I'm in the midst of building a new machine and I'm trying to decide what
motherboard I should go after.

I'm going with a AMD K7 850, (For $105, it's a great price! :0) so now I 
need a motherboard to put it in of course.  Upon looking at motherboards,
I saw the ASUS A7V133 and the A7Pro.

Well the A7V133 has an onboard Promise controller.  It's the PCI-ATA100,
it also has 4 x PCI and 1 x PCI/AMR.  What I need to do is set the machine
up with a SoundBlaster 16, and two NICs.  Provided I can work the shared
IRQs so there aren't any IRQ conflicts, will Mandrake 8.0 have a problem 
with the PCI-ATA100 controller?

I like the A7V133 over the A7Pro for two reason.  The A7V133 has 266/200
FSB, the A7Pro only has 200 FSB.  No big deal there, but the A7Pro only
does UltraDMA/66.  I have UltraDMA/100 drives so I would like to access
an use that speed.  Other wise I'd go with the A7Pro because one it's about
$30 cheaper, and not having to worry about problems with that Promise 

Does anybody else know how this motherboard/IDE controller combination 
works with other distros?  I like to frequently just install another
distro on a spare drive just to see what it looks like.  Thus far I've not
come across anything that'd make me leave Mandrake, but I like knowing 
what's out there, and having some sort of knowledge of it.

Any help would be really appreciated.  And for those of you running this 
kind of hardware, your experience and or war stories are very welcomed!

T. Holmes

Real Men use Vi.

Re: [newbie] Firewall - Your Personal Choice

2001-05-18 Thread Dave Sherman


Pmfirewall is fine for a workstation on a local network that also has a 
dedicated firewall, but I would not recommend it for an 
Internet-accessible server. By dedicated firewall, I am talking a separate 
box that only does firewalling and nothing (or almost nothing) else. I use 
FreeSco ( for my dedicated firewall. It is based on an 
older Linux kernel, boots off a floppy, and runs on my 486 with 16MB RAM 
in a virtual RAM disk -- so once it is booted up, I pull out the floppy, 
making the machine virtually unhackable.

I say unhackable, because there are no drives that can be mounted, and 
therefore even IF someone manages to crack the system and install a 
backdoor, a simple reboot from diskette wipes the RAM disk and gives me a 
clean system once again. Further, because the system is dedicated, there 
are no other Internet services running that are known security risks. 
Also, it constantly shows me its system log on the monitor, so I always 
know when the firewall is running properly, and if anything strange is 
happening (like someone scanning my network for open ports, etc.).

I also run pmfirewall on my workstations, because if someone manages to 
get into my firewall, then they still have another local firewall to get 
past if they really want to reach my important systems.

Hope this helps,

On Friday 18 May 2001 07:22, thus spake Rod Upfold:
 Right now I am using PMFirewallmainly because it was used by
 Mandrake in their firewall tutorialbut is there a better firewall
 than PMFirewall and I am also not too sure if the firewall is up and
 running...ther is no indication if it is running or not.

 What is your personal choice of a firewall ( I am using a DSL
 connection) and does your choice give you some kind of indication that
 it is up and running...??



Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecuna possit.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

[newbie] How to install a module?

2001-05-18 Thread Aka Hippolyte MEA

How to install a module on linux M.?

Re: [newbie] LimeWire

2001-05-18 Thread Cyphfer

My LimeWireLinux.Bin installed on LM8 after I install Kaffe.  Use the software 
manager, load the flat list and look for kaffe.  After installing kaffe try installing 


On Thu, 17 May 2001, Marcia Waller wrote:

 On Thursday 17 May 2001 06:20, John Farrell wrote:
  On Thu, 17 May 2001 03:17, Geoffrey Lee wrote:
   The way I got it to work was not to use the Linux version but the Other
   version.  Download that and you should have a file named
  I gave up on LimeWire and download phex. It works nicely.
 Thank you for the advice. Where does one get phex? Sincerely,
 Marcia Waller

Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping!

Re: [newbie] where are the API docs?

2001-05-18 Thread Scott Canady

That kind of depends on what you want to do.  For just
general C and C++ standard API stuff, you could use
either man pages (which I use as a last resort), or
any books that you would have on the standard library
would work (Linux sticks to standards like POSIX and
ANSI for threads, etc., so you don't need to learn any
weird proprietary API's).  If you're planning on doing
development in the KDE, there are two areas you'll
want to look at.  First, check out the Qt library at and click on Reference Doc. under
Resources (while you're there, you might want to
download Qt Designer); next, you'll want to head over
to and, so that you can
write full blown KDE apps easily.  There are links to
tutorials on Qt and KDE programming at all of these
sites (and Qt even works in Windows!!!).  If you're in
to graphics programming, you may want to check out  It has links to some fantastic
tutorials involving OpenGL.  If you just want to do
plain PHP/Perl stuff, go on and type
PHP tutorial, or perl tutorial; you're bound to
come up with tons of matches.  If you're planning on
doing Java stuff, download Java from blackdown
(, and use the API docs from  Hope this has been helpful.  Have fun
messing with your new system!
--- dmitry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Good morning all.
 I wonder where I can read info about linux API. It
 was convenient in wins to
 have them right off the bat, I knew the location.
 Now it is linux and I'm a
 bit confused...

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[newbie] Messed up my boot up

2001-05-18 Thread Lon Lentz

  I've been messing around with my LM 7.1. I'm attempting to update a number
of packages so I can compile the latest kernel. I upgraded e2fs to version
1.19. This installs files in /usr/man/man1  man8. It installs files such as
xxx.1 and xxx.8. After installing these files, I went in and deleted what
appeared to be duplicates. I did this because the INSTALL suggested that if
I didn't remove them, the system would keep using the older versions. When I
tune2fs --version I got the previous version number. So, I went in and
deleted the .bz2 version of every duplicate I had. (i.e. xxx.8  xxx.8.bz2).
The only problem is, I think I deleted more pairs than files that got
installed. The version number that it displays is now correct. However, I
screwed a boot file. As it tries to mount one of my hdas, it drops into
fixit mode.

  I don't have any problem reinstalling 7.1 and doing all of this all over
again. Right now I'm just playing with it. Nothing serious. However, if
there's a way to avoid all of that, I would appreciate it. Anyone know of
any way to recover the man files I deleted without reinstalling? Maybe learn
a little about system fixing and recovery.

[newbie] Accidentally deleted files installed with an RPM, want to get them back

2001-05-18 Thread Scott Canady

Hey all,
I accidentally deleted some files that were installed
on my system via an RPM last night.  I tried to
reinstall the RPM with rpm -U theRPMName, but the
rpm utility told me that the rpm was already
installed.  If it's possible, I'd like to get access
to just those files that I accidentally deleted, so
that no files are overwritten that shouldn't be.  Does
anyone know how this would be done?  If I were to do a
forced install, would I accidentally overwrite more
recent versions of files?  The rpm I'm using is the
XFree86-devel RPM from LM 8.0, and I accidentally
deleted the header files in /usr/X11R6/include/GL.  If
it's easier, could someone send me a gzipped tarball
of these files?  Thanks in advance to whoever can help
solve my little hiccup (I'd give you an explanation as
to how this happened, but it would be too embarrassing).

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Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

Re: [newbie] very slowly

2001-05-18 Thread Irv Mullins

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Dave wrote:
 Well, it's still strange -- my ThinkPad is a 300MHz Celeron with 64 MB 
 RAM, and it runs both KDE 2 and Gnome just fine. Your system should be 
 able to do as well, from a hardware standpoint. Is it possible that even 
 though the correct X driver is installed, the video settings (refresh 
 rate, etc.) are still not quite correct?
 Just a thought.

Well, that rules out memory as the problem; I'm using a Celeron 300 with 
128 megs. Further investigation shows that many programs that use X 
(some Euphoria graphics programs, for example) run at about the same 
speed as they did on 7.2.  

If I open all programs I am going to use, then switching between them
seems reasonably fast. However, if one of them needs to open a new window, 
to set preferences, select a file, or pop up a warning message, for example,
it takes so long I've often forgotten what I was doing.

And if for some reason I should want to open another program, I have time 
to walk to the kitchen for a snack before it shows up.
I don't need the extra weight!


Re: [newbie] konqueror question

2001-05-18 Thread Salvatore Enrico Indiogine

Brandon, look to the left of the location box.  You will see the word 
location and left of it a white x in a black icon.  Click that and you will 
see the address box empty.

BTW I am very pleased with Konqueror, I have Java, secure Java, JavaScript 
and several plugins work great.  You can do 99% of all your browsing with 


Eric Indiogine

On Friday 18 May 2001 06:29, brandon wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone knew how to clear the location bar in Konqueror
 web browser.  I was not able to find anything in their help or on the
 online FAQ.  I am really stumped over this one.

 Thanks all for looking at this



Re: [newbie] LM8 ISDN and CHAP

2001-05-18 Thread Paul

It was Fri, 18 May 2001 12:59:47 +0100 when Brian Skreeg wrote:

/etc/ppp/chap-secrets is like this

'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' * 'pass' * 

I am not sure about your card, that should not be a problem.
But are you certain that you need to log in with your entire e-mail address?
Of course, if it worked fine in MDK7.x then ignore my message...

 (who still has to take the upgrade step)

The only rose without thorns is friendship. -  Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66

Re: [newbie] konqueror question

2001-05-18 Thread brandon


Thanks for the reply.  I was actually wondering how to clear all entries
in the location bar.  I know that you can do a ctrl-u (which does what you
included) but I have alot of old entries in the location bar that keep
auto populating when I type in a URL.  How do you clear all entries in the
location field, not just what is in the location line..


On Fri, 18 May 2001, Salvatore Enrico Indiogine wrote:

 Brandon, look to the left of the location box.  You will see the word
 location and left of it a white x in a black icon.  Click that and you will
 see the address box empty.

 BTW I am very pleased with Konqueror, I have Java, secure Java, JavaScript
 and several plugins work great.  You can do 99% of all your browsing with


 Eric Indiogine

 On Friday 18 May 2001 06:29, brandon wrote:
  I was wondering if anyone knew how to clear the location bar in Konqueror
  web browser.  I was not able to find anything in their help or on the
  online FAQ.  I am really stumped over this one.
  Thanks all for looking at this

Re: [newbie] M694D, Mandrake 8.0, Promise Fastrack 66/100, Lockups, only sees one channel

2001-05-18 Thread John Clark

I understand how the controller works, I just want a driver that works with 
it.  I don't care how the drives come up I just want to be able to use them, 
software raid or not.

From: Civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] M694D, Mandrake 8.0, Promise Fastrack 66/100, 
Lockups, only sees one channel
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 10:28:34 -0700

On Thursday 17 May 2001 07:32, John Clark wrote:
  I have a MSI 694D motherboard with onboard VIA 686a chipset ide 
  and Promise FastTrak 100 w/ lite bios.
  I also have an additional Promise FastTrak 66 with full bios.
  I am trying to use Mandrake 8.0
  I have 5 hd's and a cdrom all set to master.
  20gig onboard VIA ide channel 1
  cdrom onboard VIA ide channel.2
  40gig onboard fastrack channel 1
  40gig onboard fastrack channel 2
  30gig on pci fastrack channel 1
  30gig on pci fastrack channel 2
  If I have all drives hooked up and boot the cd the cd hangs affter it
  detects hda and hdc
  the pdc driver in the kernel only sees 1 channel on the 2 promise cards.
  If I unplug the cables from the drives on the promise cards I can boot 
  cd and install.
  after installing I can plug the cables back in and see 1 40gig and 1 
  drive but I get random lockups. (do I need to recompile the kernel???)
  I have tried changing the way the drives are in the promise bios (1 
  stripe, 2 drive stripe, 2 drive mirror, etc) with no different results.
  My guess is that the kernel module needs some parameter passed to it to 
  the second channel on the promise controllers, but I don't know what to 
  I have searched and searched on the net for answers and put my problem 
  mandrake expert but still no answers.
  If someone could help me I would appreciate it much! I don't want to
  install windows again just to use my drives.

Sorry, Promise FasTrak is NOT SUPPORTED.

To be blunt, IDE RAID Controllers, with the exception of 3ware, are more
notable for the amount of money they are able to make fleecing consumers 
for any hardware RAID.  The RAID functions are controlled by secret EPROM
software and are far less efficient and totally incompatible with Linux
Software RAID.  Also, they are proprietary, and they have no drivers for
kernel 2.4.  (RH driver for kernel 2.2 existed but it was also not free

We have been able to use them only by turning off the RAID, or, lacking 
by installing on ONE drive and using it in mirroring mode, using the
controller to copy to the second drive.  Also, our tests showed that drives
attached to that controller ran slightly faster and with much higher noise
immunity, if driven at udma4 instead of udma5...  In other words, the 
tests we were able to do showed that it handled the drives better at 
than at Ultra-100.


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Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] MSI694D - Promise FastTrak 66/100 -- Failure -- Lockup !

2001-05-18 Thread John Clark

I have had no data corruption under 2000 I have had over 300gig of rars all 
sfv checked with NO problems.

I installed SUSE 7.1 and it seemes to be working, no boot problems or 
lockups or random crashing, but it still only sees the first channel.

From: Civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] MSI694D - Promise FastTrak 66/100 -- Failure -- 
Lockup !
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 07:06:26 -0700

On Wednesday 16 May 2001 17:11, ISU COMPU DUDE wrote:
  I have a MSI 694D motherboard with onboard VIA 686a chipset ide 
  and Promise FastTrak 100 w/ lite bios. I also have a Promise FastTrak 66
  with full bios.
  I am trying to use Mandrake 8.0
  I have 5 hd's and a cdrom all set to master.
  20gig onboard VIA ide channel 1
  cdrom onboard VIA ide channel.2
  40gig onboard fastrack channel 1
  40gig onboard fastrack channel 2
  30gig on pci fastrack channel 1
  30gig on pci fastrack channel 2
  If I have all drives hooked up and boot the cd the cd hangs affter it
  detects hda and hdc the pdc driver in the kernel only sees 1 channel on 
  2 promise cards.
  If I unplug the cables from the drives on the promise cards I can boot 
  cd and install.
  after installing I can plug the cables back in and see 1 40gig and 1 
  drive but I get random lockups. (do I need to recompile the kernel???)
  I have tried changing the way the drives are in the promise bios (1 
  stripe, 2 drive stripe, 2 drive mirror, etc) with no different results.
  My guess is that the kernel module needs some parameter passed to it to 
  the second channel on the promise controllers, but I don't know what to 
  I have searched and searched on the net for answers and put my problem 
  mandrake expert but still no answers.
  If someone could help me I would appreciate it much! I don't want to
  install windows again just to use my drives.

Massive data corruption cross-channel on ide occurs with win2K and many
versions of linux with the VIA 686x chipset.  First, before anything else,
update your BIOS.  VIA has been working with motherboard manufacturers to
correct this _hardware_ bug by setting up IDE a bit differently thus
eliminating the logic race condition.

Second, there is a good possibility that the install kernel and the boot
kernel see your drives at different locations.  I expect a fix will be
available early next week for that.

Third, it may be that the Promise controllers actually do share an 
in which case there is little or nothing to be gained by having every 
on a primary channel, and no performance hit would ensue from simplifying
your hardware to the on-board plus ONE Promise controller.


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: [newbie] Accidentally deleted files installed with an RPM, wantto get them back

2001-05-18 Thread brandon

If you still have the original rpm, you can do a:
rpm -qpil rpmname and that will show you what files the rpm has
it will also tell you where it installes them to

On Fri, 18 May 2001, Scott Canady wrote:

 Hey all,
 I accidentally deleted some files that were installed
 on my system via an RPM last night.  I tried to
 reinstall the RPM with rpm -U theRPMName, but the
 rpm utility told me that the rpm was already
 installed.  If it's possible, I'd like to get access
 to just those files that I accidentally deleted, so
 that no files are overwritten that shouldn't be.  Does
 anyone know how this would be done?  If I were to do a
 forced install, would I accidentally overwrite more
 recent versions of files?  The rpm I'm using is the
 XFree86-devel RPM from LM 8.0, and I accidentally
 deleted the header files in /usr/X11R6/include/GL.  If
 it's easier, could someone send me a gzipped tarball
 of these files?  Thanks in advance to whoever can help
 solve my little hiccup (I'd give you an explanation as
 to how this happened, but it would be too embarrassing).

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Re: [newbie] very slowly

2001-05-18 Thread Dave Sherman

I just thought of another possibility. The X windows server, at least in 
certain cases, will try to resolve the domain and IP of a host making a 
request (in other words, it does a DNS lookup). Are you connected to a 
network? I have run into terrible slow-downs when I lose a network 
connection but Linux hasn't figured it out yet. If I stop networking 
('/etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop'), then my system will speed up again 
because X recognizes that there is no network to do DNS lookups for.


On Friday 18 May 2001 09:31, thus spake Irv Mullins:

 Well, that rules out memory as the problem; I'm using a Celeron 300 with
 128 megs. Further investigation shows that many programs that use X
 (some Euphoria graphics programs, for example) run at about the same
 speed as they did on 7.2.

 If I open all programs I am going to use, then switching between them
 seems reasonably fast. However, if one of them needs to open a new
 window, to set preferences, select a file, or pop up a warning message,
 for example, it takes so long I've often forgotten what I was doing.

 And if for some reason I should want to open another program, I have
 time to walk to the kitchen for a snack before it shows up.
 I don't need the extra weight!


Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecuna possit.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

[newbie] lost lilo

2001-05-18 Thread marshall weber

Hi folks,

I just upgraded to Mandrake 8.0 from 7.2.  I can no longer dual boot
between linux and Win 98.
No lilo.  How do I get the lilo back?  Thanks.


Re: [newbie] How do I start kde2?

2001-05-18 Thread brandon

Are you using startx from the command prompt?  try using startkde

On Fri, 18 May 2001, marshall weber wrote:

 Hi folks,

 I just upgraded to Mandrake 8.0.  I thought I configured it for kde2 but
 gnome comes up.
 I would prefer using kde2.  I think it's installed but I'm not sure.  Thanks.

 Marshall L.Weber
 Applications Analyst
 Information Services
 Northwest Airlines, Inc.

[newbie] fstab and /mnt/windows

2001-05-18 Thread Ed Kasky

What would be the proper entry in /etc/fstab to automatically mount my 
windoze partition from hde?  I would like to at least have read access to 
be able to access files.

Is this correct?

/dev/hde1/mnt/windows   ext2defaults   1  2

Thanks in advance

Ed Kasky
Los Angeles, CA
. . . . . . . .
In order to form an immaculate member of a flock of sheep one must,
above all, be a sheep. -Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Re: [newbie] How to install a module?

2001-05-18 Thread Petre Daniel

On Fri, 18 May 2001, Aka Hippolyte MEA wrote:

 How to install a module on linux M.?

list modules

/sbin/insmod /path/to/module.0

/sbin/rmmod module_name

Petre Daniel
Romanian Whitehat

[newbie] Problems with Junkbuster Webwasher

2001-05-18 Thread nick walster


With 7.1  7.2 I have used Junkbuster and latterly Webwasher with no problems.
With 8.0 (clean install) Webwasher runs and I can see it in the process list 
but I can't access it via any browser.
Junkbuster won't start and says it can't bind to port 8000 and says another 
Junkbuster might be running.

I have also tried Webmin and I can't use that either; it runs but I can't get 
at it.

I have tried taking out the firewall and removing iptables just be sure but 
no luck, even though I don't that's anything to do with it.

The machine was set at medium security on install but if I try to change the 
security level to something lower ( in kde) I don't think it's working as 
when I go and look it's always set to medium.

I can access the internet OK via dial up (this is a standalone machine). I'm 
sure the fix is trivial but I'm probably overlooking the obvious.


Nick Walster

[newbie] Is Linux-Mandrake mailing list a Newsgroup?

2001-05-18 Thread TezcatlipocA

Hi Everyone,

Please excuse my Newbieness but I have a question regarding these e-mails.
Is this service (LM mailing lists) of all e-mails supposed to be setup as a
newsgroup? I have never been subscribed to a newsgroup but, for all the mail
I get now I wonder if this is supposed to be in a newsgroup folder or
different location within my Inbox so I don't have all the e-mails with the
rest of my non-LM e-mail.


[newbie] Re: Asuscom probs

2001-05-18 Thread Hannu Keronen

If yours is like mine, you should not
let MDK autodetect then when the card list comes up choose the
Winbond, Wxxx chipset at the bottom. Mine has been working with this
settings since mandrake7.1. Card type in the /etc/isdn/profiles/mycard
file should be 36.

Thanks man, that really helped! But how can I connect with 128kbps?

Re: [newbie] Zip Drive - Lost Interrupt

2001-05-18 Thread Serafim Dahl

Ron Phelps wrote:

 I recently installed 7.2 and have the following problem when I boot.

 If I don't have a zip disk in the drive when I boot, the message hdd:
 lost interrupt repeatedly prints on the screen and the boot process
 stalls. At this point if I put a disk in the drive I still get the lost
 interrupt message.

 Under 7.0 I also got this message but the boot process continued after
 displaying this message just once at each bootup.

 I don't want to have a zip disk in the drive each time I boot.

 Does anyone have a solution? Is this related to automount?

The message does not seem to have anything to do with the zip drive as
the zip drive normally mounts on sda4 and not hdd. Please submit your
/etc/fstab file.

It would be of help to see the exact sequence of error messages. See what
you can find inte the syslog and/or errorlog

I use automount and I have a zip drive, but I never saw any message like


Re: [newbie] fstab and /mnt/windows

2001-05-18 Thread Dave Sherman

Try this:

/dev/hde1/mnt/windows   vfatuser,exec,umask=0 0 0

It should give you full read/write access.


On Friday 18 May 2001 10:33, thus spake Ed Kasky:
 What would be the proper entry in /etc/fstab to automatically mount my
 windoze partition from hde?  I would like to at least have read access
 to be able to access files.

 Is this correct?

 /dev/hde1/mnt/windows   ext2defaults   1  2

 Thanks in advance

 Ed Kasky
 Los Angeles, CA
 .. . . . . . . .
 In order to form an immaculate member of a flock of sheep one must,
 above all, be a sheep. -Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecuna possit.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

Re: [newbie] fstab and /mnt/windows

2001-05-18 Thread Irv Mullins

On Fri, 18 May 2001, you wrote:
 What would be the proper entry in /etc/fstab to automatically mount my 
 windoze partition from hde?  I would like to at least have read access to 
 be able to access files.
 Is this correct?
 /dev/hde1/mnt/windows   ext2defaults   1  2

I think you'll find vfat works better than ext2 for windows partitions ;)
And be sure you have created the directory /mnt/windows before 
you add this line to fstab.


Re: [newbie] How do I start kde2?

2001-05-18 Thread Ric Tibbetts

If you're startde from graphical login, there is a drop down selector.


marshall weber wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I just upgraded to Mandrake 8.0.  I thought I configured it for kde2 but
 gnome comes up.
 I would prefer using kde2.  I think it's installed but I'm not sure.  Thanks.
 Marshall L.Weber
 Applications Analyst
 Information Services
 Northwest Airlines, Inc.

Re: [newbie] konqueror question

2001-05-18 Thread Alan Shoemaker

brandon wrote:

 Thanks for the reply.  I was actually wondering how to
 clear all entries in the location bar.  I know that you can
 do a ctrl-u (which does what you included) but I have alot
 of old entries in the location bar that keep auto
 populating when I type in a URL.  How do you clear all
 entries in the location field, not just what is in the
 location line..



Re: [newbie]printing with Cups in LM8

2001-05-18 Thread Marcia Waller

On Wednesday 16 May 2001 19:49, Marcia Waller wrote:
 Dear All,

 I just installed LM 8 after having LM 7.2 for awhile. I am having some
 problems getting decent printing quality with my Epson Stylus Color
 printer. I am using the cups + gimp printer driver which worked great in
 7.2. I have tried to adjust the resolution, etc, but nothing has helped
 much. I get half letters with a band half way through. The color part works
 fine. Does anyone have any ideas for improvement? Thanks very much. Marcia

Marcia Waller
Dear All, I am still having the same problems with the printer. When I try to 
use calibrate-gimpprint nothing will print out, so I cannot calibrate 
anything yet. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, Marcia

Re: [newbie] Accidentally deleted files installed with an RPM, want to get them back

2001-05-18 Thread Todd Flinders

Try rpm -Fvh rpmname.rpm

-F freshens.  So, it should only update with files
that are newer and replace missing files.

--- brandon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you still have the original rpm, you can do a:
 rpm -qpil rpmname and that will show you what files
 the rpm has
 it will also tell you where it installes them to
 On Fri, 18 May 2001, Scott Canady wrote:
  Hey all,
  I accidentally deleted some files that were
  on my system via an RPM last night.  I tried to
  reinstall the RPM with rpm -U theRPMName, but
  rpm utility told me that the rpm was already
  installed.  If it's possible, I'd like to get
  to just those files that I accidentally deleted,
  that no files are overwritten that shouldn't be. 
  anyone know how this would be done?  If I were to
 do a
  forced install, would I accidentally overwrite
  recent versions of files?  The rpm I'm using is
  XFree86-devel RPM from LM 8.0, and I accidentally
  deleted the header files in /usr/X11R6/include/GL.
  it's easier, could someone send me a gzipped
  of these files?  Thanks in advance to whoever can
  solve my little hiccup (I'd give you an
 explanation as
  to how this happened, but it would be too
  Do You Yahoo!?
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Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

Re: [newbie] XCDROAST

2001-05-18 Thread Carlos Arigós

El Vie 18 May 2001 04:34, escribiste:
 HI there all

 I'v installed Xcdroast and all the libs that must go with it.
 First of all I got the message that I needed GTK+ so I installed that too
 now I get this message.
 What do I have to do to creat a helper program in order to get it to run.
   Iv checked out the site indicated but that didn't seem to help.

 This is the message that now appears when I try to run Xcdroast.

 Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid.
 This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper
 program instead. For further details, see:

 Refusing to initialize GTK+.

 Anybody got any ideas.

Just go to 


Re: [newbie] Is Linux-Mandrake mailing list a Newsgroup?

2001-05-18 Thread Walter Luffman

On Friday 18 May 2001 12:01, TezcatlipocA wrote:
 Please excuse my Newbieness but I have a question regarding these e-mails.
 Is this service (LM mailing lists) of all e-mails supposed to be setup as a
 newsgroup? I have never been subscribed to a newsgroup but, for all the
 mail I get now I wonder if this is supposed to be in a newsgroup folder or
 different location within my Inbox so I don't have all the e-mails with the
 rest of my non-LM e-mail.

This is not a newsgroup, although it serve much the same purpose.  A 
newsgroup is part of a service such as Usenet rather than e-mail.  

There are tens of thousands of newsgroup on Usenet including several for the 
discussion of Linux, both in general (alt.linux) and specifically 
(alt.os.linux.mandrake).  Most ISPs include Usenet access as part of their 
basic user accounts; try a newsreader such as KNode or Pan, or the 
newsreaders built into Netscape or Mozilla.
Walter Luffman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]Medina, TN USA
Diabetics are sweet people (Type 2 5/99, d/e/m/motorcycle)
Sage, purple 1998 Honda VT1100C Shadow Spirit

[newbie] Step by step DivX guide?

2001-05-18 Thread Jon Doe

Are there any step by step idiots guide to installing DivX codecs and 
everything I need to watch DivX movies?

ICQ# 27396393

Registered Linux User #181996

Re: [newbie] lost lilo

2001-05-18 Thread Todd Flinders

edit /etc/lilo.conf to include windows 98.

Then run /sbin/lilo

See this page for details:

--- marshall weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I just upgraded to Mandrake 8.0 from 7.2.  I can no
 longer dual boot
 between linux and Win 98.
 No lilo.  How do I get the lilo back?  Thanks.

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Re: [newbie] Is Linux-Mandrake mailing list a Newsgroup?

2001-05-18 Thread Todd Flinders

Yes, all messages sent from this list will have
[newbie] in the subject line.  Therefore, you should
be able to create a filter based on that and have the
newbie messages go to their own folder.

--- TezcatlipocA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 Please excuse my Newbieness but I have a question
 regarding these e-mails.
 Is this service (LM mailing lists) of all e-mails
 supposed to be setup as a
 newsgroup? I have never been subscribed to a
 newsgroup but, for all the mail
 I get now I wonder if this is supposed to be in a
 newsgroup folder or
 different location within my Inbox so I don't have
 all the e-mails with the
 rest of my non-LM e-mail.

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Re: [newbie] konqueror question

2001-05-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

There are several ways to do this:

1. Move to the end of the location line (you can press 'end') and 
press 'ctrl-u'. This works in many other places as well, including a 
standard console prompt and most input locations in X..

2. Move to the beginning of the location line (you can press 'home') 
and press 'ctrl-l'. This works almost everywhere as well.

3. You can type your URL into an 'Open Location' dialogue window. 
Click 'Location' - Open Location. You can configure a key binding 
(click 'Settings' - 'Configure Key Bindings') and/or a toolbar button 
(click 'Settings' - 'Configure Toolbars') for this feature. This 
window has a 'Clear' button.

4. You can use the methods above to assign a key binding and/or 
toolbar button to clear the location bar itself.

On Fri, 18 May 2001 12:29, brandon wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone knew how to clear the location bar in
 Konqueror web browser.  I was not able to find anything in their
 help or on the online FAQ.  I am really stumped over this one.

 Thanks all for looking at this



Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie]printing with Cups in LM8

2001-05-18 Thread Randy Kramer


Is that an ink jet printer?  Did you have it out of service very long
while you upgraded from 7.2 to 8.0?  Is there any chance a cartridge has
clogged up?  Do you have another computer that you can use to test the

Just some things to check.

Randy Kramer

Marcia Waller wrote:
 On Wednesday 16 May 2001 19:49, Marcia Waller wrote:
  I get half letters with a band half way through. The color part works
  fine. Does anyone have any ideas for improvement? Thanks very much. Marcia

[newbie] menu editing again!

2001-05-18 Thread bascule

here i am in lovely looking lm8, i.e. it looks the same as lm7.2, eagerly 
looking forward to those little niggling things having been fixed from lm7.2 
and guess what, java still doean't work in konqueror and most annoyingly, 
editing the menus still produces zero effect!

it's such a tiny thing but it's driving me mad, how does one alter a menu 
item and have it stay changed?

before any one mentions /etc/menu please note: i have this directory - it is 

i have manually edited /usr/share/applnk-mdk/ entries, i have manually edited 
~/.kde/share/applnk-mdk/ entries, at the same time, i have removed write 
permissions (and made them owned by root if not already) but whan i log out 
and then in again they've been altered back, i had a long conversation here 
with lm7.2 and never had a coherent picture of:
a) what files have menu entires in them
b) what menu relevant routines are run on login
c) how are the menu editing progs kmenuedit amd menu drake supposed to work?

i mean, in menudrake if i choose the kde context i get more entries in the 
lefthand display than if i choose 'all' as a context, now is it me or is that 
just not what you'd expect,
what is the difference between user config and system config? - they look the 
what are en/disable mandrake customistion suppose to allow/disallow?

if there is a page on the net where this stuff is explained please point me 
to it because i can't find it, what i do have is two progs -menudrake and 
kmenuedit - that look as though they do something but in fact don't, 
who designed the menu system? perhaps they have a contact addy? i need to 
know exactly how this menu system works, otherwise it's obvious that i will 
never learn how to alter it

i feel a little self conscious complaining about such things when i have this 
distro for free, but if those who want linux to replace a certain other os in 
the hearts and minds of users really  want that to happen then people like me 
need to be listened to, 
what are the odds that someone who can't even alter a menu item is going to 
feel that they can 'control' their desktop? more likely is that rather than 
feeling empowered they will in fact feel stupid, like i do


Re: [newbie] Firewall - Your Personal Choice

2001-05-18 Thread Todd Flinders

Also try

--- brandon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't use a firewall, but I found this one:
 it seems to have a nice graphical interface to
 configure with.
 Hope it helps you..
 On Fri, 18 May 2001, Rod Upfold wrote:
  Right now I am using PMFirewallmainly because
 it was used by Mandrake
  in their firewall tutorialbut is there a
 better firewall than
  PMFirewall and I am also not too sure if the
 firewall is up and
  running...ther is no indication if it is running
 or not.
  What is your personal choice of a firewall ( I am
 using a DSL
  connection) and does your choice give you some
 kind of indication that it
  is up and running...??

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[newbie] SoundBlaster 128/512

2001-05-18 Thread Tim Holmes

As I mentioned earlier, I'm building a new machine this weekend.
I wanted to know if anybody has used or had good dealings with 
SoundBlaster 128, or SoundBlaster 512 in their Mandrake 7.2, or
Mandrake 8.0 machines.  I've found a place that has them for a
pretty good price, and was wondering if I should just stick with
the SoundBlaster 16?

Any input would be appreciated! 

T. Holmes

Real Men use Vi.

Re: [newbie] Accidentally deleted files installed with an RPM, want to get them back

2001-05-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Try typing 'man rpm' in a terminal. That should give all the info you 
need about RPM.

In short, the command you're looking for is 'rpm -Uvh --force 

On Fri, 18 May 2001 15:18, Scott Canady wrote:
 Hey all,
 I accidentally deleted some files that were installed
 on my system via an RPM last night.  I tried to
 reinstall the RPM with rpm -U theRPMName, but the
 rpm utility told me that the rpm was already
 installed.  If it's possible, I'd like to get access
 to just those files that I accidentally deleted, so
 that no files are overwritten that shouldn't be.  Does
 anyone know how this would be done?  If I were to do a
 forced install, would I accidentally overwrite more
 recent versions of files?  The rpm I'm using is the
 XFree86-devel RPM from LM 8.0, and I accidentally
 deleted the header files in /usr/X11R6/include/GL.  If
 it's easier, could someone send me a gzipped tarball
 of these files?  Thanks in advance to whoever can help
 solve my little hiccup (I'd give you an explanation as
 to how this happened, but it would be too embarrassing).

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] HELP! LM8 installed fine, now not.. what changed? Compaq 1800T

2001-05-18 Thread linatic

I have a Compaq 1800T laptop.  1400/1050 screen with a ATI Mobility AGP(2) 
16MB graphics card.

First time I installed LM8 the graphics worked at 1400!!!  It was beautiful.. 
However, hitting ctrl-alt-F1 to go to console produced LCD frying, i.e. 
nothing visible.

Reinstalled, worked again!  installed some games, rebooted got a bunch of 
INPUT/OUTPUT effors with the different services in rc.5 or something.  
Locked up.  Rebooted into failsafe, worked.  But slowly, however, console 
mode worked fine.  Every subsecuent normal linux boot, went real slow..  so I 
reinstalled.  Now here's the problem.

Now, whenever I install, it asks me what kind of monitor I have and no matter 
what I chose, I get LCD Frying...  why does it ask me now, but not the first 
two times?  Anyone have any clues??   Is there a way to perform the X-windows 
graphics setup from console mode?  Set the card, and resolution and try to 
start xwindows?

Please help, I want to fix this so bad so I can put up a T-file on  I've been working at this for 90 days, reading about the 
kernel, drivers, XF86, sound..  I will get it!!

Re: [newbie]printing with Cups in LM8

2001-05-18 Thread s

Well, Marcia, I think we ought to quit wasting ink.  Seems our Epson printers 
are also broken in 8.0.  Mandrakesoft is being a little too quiet about these 
problems people are having.  Anyway, our choices - buy a HP, go back to 7.2, 
or do without a printer until maybe it's fixed in 8.1.
P.S.  I asked this question in a couple of newsgroups and never got any 
answers on how to fix, only confirmation from others that their epsons are 
doing the same thing.  So it's not just us.   :-(   We are as they, sol.


On Friday 18 May 2001 11:05 am, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 16 May 2001 19:49, Marcia Waller wrote:
  Dear All,
  I just installed LM 8 after having LM 7.2 for awhile. I am having some
  problems getting decent printing quality with my Epson Stylus Color
  printer. I am using the cups + gimp printer driver which worked great in
  7.2. I have tried to adjust the resolution, etc, but nothing has helped
  much. I get half letters with a band half way through. The color part
  works fine. Does anyone have any ideas for improvement? Thanks very much.

Dear All, I am still having the same problems with the printer. When I try to 
use calibrate-gimpprint nothing will print out, so I cannot calibrate 
anything yet. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, Marcia

[newbie] Where's ncurses-devel for Mandrake 8.0?

2001-05-18 Thread David McClamrock

Hello!  I'm having trouble finding the ncurses-devel RPM package for Mandrake 
8.0.  It doesn't appear together with the ncurses RPM on my install or 
extension CD, nor in the list of packages for 8.0 on the FTP mirror site I 
checked.  I searched the mail-list archive and found 13 entries for 
ncurses-devel, mostly for 7.2, but none for 8.0.  The kernel-source RPM for 
Mandrake 8.0/kernel 2.4.3 lists ncurses-devel as a dependency, so I figured 
there must be a package somewhere with ncurses-devel for 8.0.  But where?  
Please help!  Thanks in advance!

David McClamrock

Re: [newbie] Is Linux-Mandrake mailing list a Newsgroup?

2001-05-18 Thread Randy Kramer

On Friday 18 May 2001 12:01, TezcatlipocA wrote:
 Please excuse my Newbieness but I have a question regarding these e-mails.
 Is this service (LM mailing lists) of all e-mails supposed to be setup as a
 newsgroup? I have never been subscribed to a newsgroup but, for all the
 mail I get now I wonder if this is supposed to be in a newsgroup folder or
 different location within my Inbox so I don't have all the e-mails with the
 rest of my non-LM e-mail.

You can certainly move the emails from this list to a different folder,
but they won't move there automatically unless you set something special
up to do that.  I think some mail clients can filter mail, presumably
into different folders, and then there are things like procmail. 
Neither is for the real novice.  Why don't you reply with the name of
the email client you are using -- maybe someone can tell you whether it
has filtering capability built in.  

Presumably you are on Linux.  Somebody know of a good GUI email client
that can automatically (after set up) filter mail to different folders?

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster 128/512

2001-05-18 Thread Lanman

On Friday 18 May 2001  3:11, you wrote:
 As I mentioned earlier, I'm building a new machine this weekend.
 I wanted to know if anybody has used or had good dealings with
 SoundBlaster 128, or SoundBlaster 512 in their Mandrake 7.2, or
 Mandrake 8.0 machines.  I've found a place that has them for a
 pretty good price, and was wondering if I should just stick with
 the SoundBlaster 16?

 Any input would be appreciated!

Tim; I'm running both. No problems at all. Install Mandrake with Plug 'n' 
Play turned off and there should be no problems at all.
Dan LaBine  
Maximum L.A.N.'s Ltd.   
Registered Linux User # 190712

Re: [newbie] printing with Cups in LM8

2001-05-18 Thread Sam

Hi Marcia,
I had the same problem with my Epson Stylus Color 600 printer producing 
severely banded text output when I upgraded to LM8 from LM7.2. 
Moreover, there were also very long and painful pauses during the 
printing process - which were absent in LM7.2. I also use the CUPS+GIMP 

Recently though, the problems disappeared and printing works perfectly 
once again. I'm not sure why exactly, but it's probably due to one of 
these 2 following things that I'd done since:
1) updated to the recently released 1.1.7 CUPS packages
2) moved the printer from SMB printing via a shared Windows box, to LPR 
printing via my new SMC Barricade router/print server.

Hope this helps.

On Saturday 19 May 2001 00:05, Marcia Waller wrote:
 On Wednesday 16 May 2001 19:49, Marcia Waller wrote:
  Dear All,
  I just installed LM 8 after having LM 7.2 for awhile. I am having
  some problems getting decent printing quality with my Epson Stylus
  Color printer. I am using the cups + gimp printer driver which
  worked great in 7.2. I have tried to adjust the resolution, etc,
  but nothing has helped much. I get half letters with a band half
  way through. The color part works fine. Does anyone have any ideas
  for improvement? Thanks very much. Marcia

Re: [newbie] Step by step DivX guide?

2001-05-18 Thread Sam

Hi, I use avifile from
First of all, as root (or su), extract the to 
/usr/lib/win32. Next extract the avifile-xxx.tar.gz file to /home/user. 
cd avifile
make install

Note that before doing all these, you probably have to first select and 
install the developer packages for SDL and Qt via Mandrake Software 
Manager. Check the compile messages for any other unsatisfied 
dependencies if anything fails at any point, and install accordingly.

You can now create a shortcut on the menu or your desktop pointing to:

Now you can watch DivX, WMP (though limited to non-streaming) and ASF 
files too. :)

On Friday 18 May 2001 18:16, Jon Doe wrote:
 Are there any step by step idiots guide to installing DivX codecs and
 everything I need to watch DivX movies?

Re: [newbie] Network printing problem

2001-05-18 Thread Sam

KUPS is simply amazing - it can scan for a networked printer, and 
installation proceeds in an entirely point-and-click fashion, without 
any typing whatsoever (except for printer name..). I hope Mandrake will 
one day incorporate this ease of use into its Printer configuration 
applet. :)

On Saturday 19 May 2001 05:47, Todd Flinders wrote:
 Have you tried setting the printers up with kups?
 That makes it super easy.


 --- John Rye [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is a cross-post.
  I've set up a local network of 2 1/2 machines (well
  one is only half
  working til I find some monitor specs grin), and I
  have no trouble
  transferring data and using a common dialup
  My problem is getting printing to work.
  I can print from any of the machines if a printer is
  connected to the parallel port - that's easy. What I
  haven't been able
  to do is print across the network.

Re: [newbie] Is Linux-Mandrake mailing list a Newsgroup?

2001-05-18 Thread TezcatlipocA

Randy Kramer wrote:

 On Friday 18 May 2001 12:01, TezcatlipocA wrote:
  Please excuse my Newbieness but I have a question regarding these e-mails.
  Is this service (LM mailing lists) of all e-mails supposed to be setup as a
  newsgroup? I have never been subscribed to a newsgroup but, for all the
  mail I get now I wonder if this is supposed to be in a newsgroup folder or
  different location within my Inbox so I don't have all the e-mails with the
  rest of my non-LM e-mail.

 You can certainly move the emails from this list to a different folder,
 but they won't move there automatically unless you set something special
 up to do that.  I think some mail clients can filter mail, presumably
 into different folders, and then there are things like procmail.
 Neither is for the real novice.  Why don't you reply with the name of
 the email client you are using -- maybe someone can tell you whether it
 has filtering capability built in.

 Presumably you are on Linux.  Somebody know of a good GUI email client
 that can automatically (after set up) filter mail to different folders?

 Hope this helps,
 Randy Kramer

Thanks for the explanation Randy. I followed the advice of you guys and I setup
a Filter on Netscape. Now all the e-mail about (newbie) goes to a different


Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster 128/512

2001-05-18 Thread s

Yeah, I bought one for about 35 bucks about 6 months ago and for some reason 
it sounded pretty bad in Mandrake and Caldera.  (Bad-bad, not bad-good).  It 
was an oem, and I was worried it may be defective.  But I recently put it in 
my son's machine running win98 and he loves it.  It sounds great.  So I don't 
know what the deal in linux was, but might as well go a few more bucks and 
the get the Sound Blaster LIve - Value.  (The value is the same basic 
hardware as the x-gamers and platnium, it's just the software that makes the 
price and name difference.)  
Others may have had better luck, I don't know.

On Friday 18 May 2001 02:11 pm, you wrote:
 As I mentioned earlier, I'm building a new machine this weekend.
 I wanted to know if anybody has used or had good dealings with
 SoundBlaster 128, or SoundBlaster 512 in their Mandrake 7.2, or
 Mandrake 8.0 machines.  I've found a place that has them for a
 pretty good price, and was wondering if I should just stick with
 the SoundBlaster 16?

 Any input would be appreciated!

[newbie] Which is the Real Player version for Linux Mandrake???

2001-05-18 Thread TezcatlipocA

Hi  Amigos,

I am simply very excited using Linux. I like to listen to music a lot. I
found out that Real Player can be installed on Linux-Mandrake but I
don't know which version is the one. Can you please show me the way???

Linux 2.x (libc6 i386)   or

Linux 2.x (libc6 i386)RPM


Re: [newbie] fstab and /mnt/windows

2001-05-18 Thread Ed Kasky

If it's an ntfs formatted partition do I use ntfs in place of vfat?

At 01:20 PM Friday, 5/18/2001, Dave Sherman wrote -=
Try this:

/dev/hde1/mnt/windows   vfatuser,exec,umask=0 0 0

It should give you full read/write access.


On Friday 18 May 2001 10:33, thus spake Ed Kasky:
  What would be the proper entry in /etc/fstab to automatically mount my
  windoze partition from hde?  I would like to at least have read access
  to be able to access files.
  Is this correct?
  /dev/hde1/mnt/windows   ext2defaults   1  2
  Thanks in advance
  Ed Kasky
  Los Angeles, CA
  .. . . . . . . .
  In order to form an immaculate member of a flock of sheep one must,
  above all, be a sheep. -Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecuna possit.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

Ed Kasky
Los Angeles, CA
. . . . . . . .
Never stop.  One stops as soon as something is about to happen.
- Peter Brock

[newbie] ip address of ppp0

2001-05-18 Thread Reggie Burnett

Can someone tell me how to determine the ip address of ppp0 using script?  I
have my adsl connection up and running but I have to update
manually.  I want to update it automatically.


Re: [newbie] Network printing problem

2001-05-18 Thread Todd Flinders

Have you tried setting the printers up with kups? 
That makes it super easy.


--- John Rye [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a cross-post.
 I've set up a local network of 2 1/2 machines (well
 one is only half
 working til I find some monitor specs grin), and I
 have no trouble
 transferring data and using a common dialup
 My problem is getting printing to work.
 I can print from any of the machines if a printer is
 connected to the parallel port - that's easy. What I
 haven't been able
 to do is print across the network.
 Cups has an amazing amount of documentation but for
 the life of me I
 cannot work out what I need to configure where.
 Three machines running LM8 and Cups 1.1.7, 
 3 printers (HP Laserjet 4p, HP Deskjet 500, 15
 Epson Dotmatrix)
 M/c #1 IP =, called
 Tom.localhost.localdomain (HP4P)
 M/c #2 IP =, called
 Dick.localhost.localdomain (DJ500)
 M/c #3 IP =, called
 Harry.localhost.localdomain (Epson)
 Reading the various parts of the Cups documentation
 seems to keep coming
 back to implementations where the printers are
 individually addressed by
 unique IP and MAC addresses, which to me suggests
 that each printer has
 networking hardware built in, and that's certainly
 not the case here.
 Can someome point me to a HOWTO or webpage with a
 step by step process
 for doing this?
 The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10,
 with more expected
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition,
 June 1972.)

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