R: [newbie-it] alsa

2001-06-18 Thread luca laghi

 ho scaricato gli ultimi driver e le utilities di alsa.
 non conosco però i comandi per installarli.
 sono nella directory home/massimo
 gentilmente qualcuno vuol farmi la cortesia di dirmi
 dettagliatamente,passo,passo come installarli ?
 sono un neofita.

Ciao Massimo,
sono anch'io alle prese con le alsa giusto giusto in questi giorni. Sono
pure io neofita e commetto ancora parecchi errori.
L'installazione, salvo problemi specifici, sembra banale. Ti basta seguire
passo passo quanto riportato e sito Alsa alla voce documentation, cioè
1 drivers
2 libraries
3 utilities
stando attento che siano adatte al tuo kernel. Nelle info relative ai
drivers è riportato per quale kernel sono fatte.
Esistono anche delle versioni rpm. Le puoi trovare con un motore di ricerca.
Decomprimi i tre pacchetti. Li sistemi in tre directory con tar poi entri in
successione nelle tre (segui l'ordine che ti ho indicato) e dai
make install
(controlla nella documentazione, ma i comandi sono questi)
poi con modules (o qualcosa del genere) + il nome della tua scheda avvii il
modulo corrispondente alla tua scheda audio, quindi con alsamixer regoli il
volume e togli la funzione mute.
Al momento ho qualche problema di compilazione, poichè mi sono accorto di
stare usando drivers che richiedono un kernel più recente di quello che ho.
per il momento è tutto. Fammi sapere.

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con floppy

2001-06-18 Thread freefred

On Sunday 17 June 2001 19:06, dott.ruffolotti wrote:
 purtroppo,come il collega che ha scritto precedentemente non riesco a
 leggere il floppy, tantomeno cambiando i diritti di accesso come
 root devo per caso ricompilare qualche cosa??

sorry non ricordo il mesaggio precedente.
Non riesci a leggere nessun floppy?
hai provato a montarli?
cosa c'e' scritto nel tuo /etc/fstab?

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Re: [newbie-it] scrolling mouse

2001-06-18 Thread Massimo

Il 04:31, lunedì 18 giugno 2001, Loris ha scritto:
 Forse la domanda non è nuova, però possiedo un mouse economico (di cui
 non so nemmeno la marca) con lo scroll, ma non riesco a far funzionare
 la rotellina. Qualcuno di voi sa se si può fare e come? (MDK7.2) Ciao e
 un grazie anticipato.


 Chieder è lecito, rispondere  è cortesia.

io ho avuto lo stesso problema e l'ho configurato in mandrake control center.

Re: R: [newbie-it] alsa

2001-06-18 Thread Massimo

Il 03:06, lunedì 18 giugno 2001, luca laghi ha scritto:
  ho scaricato gli ultimi driver e le utilities di alsa.
  non conosco però i comandi per installarli.
  sono nella directory home/massimo
  gentilmente qualcuno vuol farmi la cortesia di dirmi
  dettagliatamente,passo,passo come installarli ?
  sono un neofita.

 Ciao Massimo,
 sono anch'io alle prese con le alsa giusto giusto in questi giorni. Sono
 pure io neofita e commetto ancora parecchi errori.
 L'installazione, salvo problemi specifici, sembra banale. Ti basta seguire
 passo passo quanto riportato e sito Alsa alla voce documentation, cioè
 1 drivers
 2 libraries
 3 utilities
 stando attento che siano adatte al tuo kernel. Nelle info relative ai
 drivers è riportato per quale kernel sono fatte.
 Esistono anche delle versioni rpm. Le puoi trovare con un motore di
 ricerca. Decomprimi i tre pacchetti. Li sistemi in tre directory con tar
 poi entri in successione nelle tre (segui l'ordine che ti ho indicato) e
 make install
 (controlla nella documentazione, ma i comandi sono questi)
 poi con modules (o qualcosa del genere) + il nome della tua scheda avvii il
 modulo corrispondente alla tua scheda audio, quindi con alsamixer regoli il
 volume e togli la funzione mute.
 Al momento ho qualche problema di compilazione, poichè mi sono accorto di
 stare usando drivers che richiedono un kernel più recente di quello che ho.
 per il momento è tutto. Fammi sapere.

Ciao Luca
ecco quello che mi appare dopo aver dato ./configure :
loading cache ./config.cache
cheking for gcc... no
cheking for cc... no
configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
per me è cinese :)
ringrazio chiunque mi dia suggerimenti utili

[newbie-it] Risoluzione video

2001-06-18 Thread Giovanni

Salve a tutti,
ho un video Highscreen LE 28/3 preso alla Vobis tempo fa (abbinato ad una 
scheda video Matrox G200 4MB). Sotto Windows riuscivo ad avere una 
risoluzione di 1024x768 ma installato la MDK 8.0 riesco solo ad andare a 
800x600 massimo.
Esiste un driver per il monitor sopracitato o un modo per configurare KDE per 
funzionare con risoluzione e frequenza desiderati?

Grazie per l'aiuto

Re: [newbie-it] scrolling mouse

2001-06-18 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 10:31:47 +0200
Loris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Forse la domanda non è nuova, però possiedo un mouse economico (di cui
 non so nemmeno la marca) con lo scroll, ma non riesco a far funzionare
 la rotellina. Qualcuno di voi sa se si può fare e come? (MDK7.2) Ciao e
 un grazie anticipato.
Questo e' quello che ho messo per il mio Logitech nel file
Section InputDevice

Identifier Mouse1
Driver  mouse
Option Protocolimps/2
Option Device  /dev/psaux
Option Buttons5
Option ZAxisMapping4 5

Non ti resta che provare!


Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie-it] Kernel 2.4.5 e driver scheda video

2001-06-18 Thread Stefano Salari

Ciao a tutti,

  Ho compilato il kernel 2.4.5 sulla Mdk 8.0 e boota
(nel senso che parte... :)) e lavoro senza problemi in
modalita' testo, ma non mi si avvia XWindows perche'
il server non trova il driver della scheda video
(NVidia GeForce) e mi risponde FAILED TO INITIALIZE
THE NVdriver KERNEL MODULE. Con il kernel
precompilato tutto funziona a meraviglia.

  Ho provato a copiare il driver che avevo installato
sul kernel precompilato
(/lib/modules/2.4.3-20mdk/kernel/video/NVdriver) nei
moduli del nuovo kernel
(/lib/modules/2.4.5/kernel/video/NVdriver) ed ho
riavviato, ma non e' cambiato nulla. Se provo a fare
insmod NVdriver mi spara una sfilza di unresolved
symbol e non mi carica il modulo (ho controllato con

  In /etc/modules.conf e' presente la riga per il
caricamento del driver (alias char-major-195

 Avete suggerimenti?
 Grazie. Steo.

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RE: [newbie] Speaking of Dell and Linux.........

2001-06-18 Thread Edward Barrow

On Saturday, June 16, 2001 12:42 AM, Michael [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Does anyone know where you can lease machines and get service contracts 
 Linux installed?

Could be a business opportunity out there...

Linux does need more support than Windoze, but not much; if you were to 
offer small and medium size businesses a turnkey Linux solution, it should 
be competitive with Windoze with the additional support costs being met 
from savings on Windoze licence fees (these are only going to get more 
punitive with XP and Microsoft's move to becoming an application service 
provider).  Key to making such a business work would seem to be hardware 
standardisation; the main obstacle at the moment is file and UI 
compatibility. (Businesses need to exchange files with clients and 
suppliers so they need a de facto standard format which is at present 
Office97; they need to get staff productive as soon as possible so MSOffice 
skills are standard in the employment market).  But both of these 
obstacles can be overcome. OpenOffice will produce O97-compatible files, 
and even MS is moving towards open xml-based file formats; and intuitive 
interfaces are standardising around the WIMP-style GUIs pioneered by Xerox 
a quarter of a century ago at PARC.
[Mind you I think that those interfaces have now reached an unsustainable 
level of complexity and are no longer as ergonomic as they were when 
conceived, but that is another story]

Re: [newbie] layout of the extension CD

2001-06-18 Thread Augustin

¦b ¬P´Á¤é 17 ¤»¤ë 2001 17:06¡Asahilm09 ¼g¹D:
 I recently purchased the CD-R version of LM-8.0 from a local vendor. It
 seems that he has not written the extension(2nd) CD properly as it does not
 detect during install. Even though the RPMS show up later

 Can someone tell me the exact structure in which the 2nd CD is organized so
 that i can re-write it?

Hi Sahil!

all the rpm's are in:

Can someone please tell me how to install the content of the CD2?


Re: [newbie] Do I have to download everything in RPMS

2001-06-18 Thread Mark Lucas

Why not order the CD, it's so much simpler.
I ordered LM 8.0 from www.cheapbytes.com following a recommendation on this
list and It came in a matter of days (I live in the UK).


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 2:21 AM
Subject: [newbie] Do I have to download everything in RPMS

 Hello all

 I am downloading Mandrake for the first time, allthough I have used it
 before and liked it.

 I am not downloading the ISO's, but the cd image at

 However, as I am running from a modem, and never having installed
 Mandrake Linux, or any Linux version before, I was wondering if I have
 to download everything in the RPMS folder. I am assuming that is where
 all the applications are stored, but I was wondering if I could just
 download the ones that I want installed, or must the entire contents
 of the directory be downloaded?

 Thanks for your help.


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 member direct your email to the address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [newbie] Wow

2001-06-18 Thread Adams, Jamie

Sorry, but the say that Linux becomes like Windows is the day i go back
to windows, i dont want it to be simple! wheres the challenge in that?
Jamie Adams
Housing Assistant

41 Castle Road
North Yorkshire, YO11 1BJ

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From:  Sridhar Dhanapalan[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:  16 June 2001 03:15
To:Wendell Gragg; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:   Re: [newbie] Wow

On Sat, 16 Jun 2001 06:11, Wendell Gragg wrote:
 I think that you have hit on the crux of the problem for Linux...it
 still requires a fairly high degree of technical proficiency to
 install and run it.  As long as this is the case, MS and MAC will
 have an advantage in the consumer market.  Granted, this platform
 has come a very long way with the improvements in KDE and Gnome just
 in the last year, but it is still full of glitches that will hamper
 it being widely distributed and pre-installed on home machines.

UNIX (including GNU/Linux) *can* be made ready for the desktop. MacOS 
X is proof.

 For example, I have had a number of problems getting printing to
 work correctly since I installed LM8.  It turns out that I had to go
 in and change some settings in a cup.conf file to get it even half
 way reliable.  I also have had problems upgrading as the RPM manager
 does not seem to have a list of update sites except in the security
 tab.  This can be confusing (and still is to me) because when one
 sees a tab for security, he/she will assume that this is for
 security related updates only.  What if I don't want that kind of
 update?  Where do I get them?

 Burning CD's is another problem.  I have tried to get the two cd
 burning programs installed by default to burn cds.  Gcombust finally
 has, but I can't get it to make a bootable copy of the install disk
 1 for LM8.  There is no documentation I can find and the it
 certainly not self explanatory.

Is your CD-ROM drive actually bootable? My friend bought a new 
computer only a few months ago and he found that the CD-ROM drive 
wouldn't boot with any bootable CD. If you burn Mandrake from an ISO 
image then the resulting CD will be bootable.

 My point is that unless one is very competent with OS's, Linux is
 hard to use and understand.  Even when one has been working in the
 field for 27 years as I have, there is a steep learning curve.  For
 all of Microsoft's problems, their OS works most of the time out of
 the box and is not that hard for the average consumer to use.  
 There are many sources of help for the non-techie as well as the
 tech.  Classes abound (both for free and for fee) on how to use
 things such as Word and IE5.  ( I know because I am the automation
 coordinator for a public library system and we offer free classes.) 
 These are hard things for any OS to overcome.  Can it be done? Yes,
 but the platform will have to continue to mature and great emphasis
 will have to be made on improving and simplifying interfaces and
 insulating the non-technical user from the internals of the system. 
 Most users will not put up with what I and many others who have
 posted here for help have had to go through.  The difference between
 them and us is that we have the mindset of not letting the computer
 win and enough technical know-how to try different things.

 Perhaps, as world governments and more in business embrace the
 concepts that Linux is founded upon, and time effort and money are
 put into simplifying things, then the average consumer will be
 willing and able to buy into it also.  The next couple of years
 should be interesting, especially considering what MS is doing to
 combat piracy.


 BTW, I am a user who has installed Linux twice.  Once about a year
 ago and then abandoned it because I did not have time to learn it
 and now, because I wish to get my feet wet into the Unix world and
 because I don't like what MS is getting ready to do with its
 licensing.  They are not intended to bash anybody or anything, but
 only to honestly express what I feel could hold up the revolution. 
 Before anyone flames me, please let me get my asbestos underwear!

 Wendell Gragg


 To: Linux Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Wow
 Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 21:32:25 +0300
 Well, for me Linux still is a secondary OS. I'm now going to start
  doing office jobs in StarOffice, but as long as I can't get modem
  to work, I can't
 do Internet stuff.
 Also, I have been writing apps for VisualBasic, and continue to do
  that in Win. But, I spend an even increasing amount of time in
  Linux. I'm proud with
 my OS knowledge:
 I have perfect knowledge of Windows 3.0, 3.1 and especially 3.11,
  as well as
 Windows 95 and 98. I know NT series (especially W2K Server), even
  though I really hate W2K. I know the very basics of BeOS - at
  least I can install it,
 install apps under it, and do some little job. I'm familiar with
  the Solaris
 OS, and am now gaining 

Re: [newbie] Sound recording

2001-06-18 Thread bascule

take a look at DAP (digital audio processor)
it can take as a recording source everything it finds on my sound card and i 
think it will also record whatever the output the master volume is


On Sunday 17 June 2001  4:11 pm, you wrote:
 In windows music jukebox can take input from mic, line in or mixer and
 record the song. Is there any software, preferably GUI, based in linux.
 When I used grecord, it needs source only from line in. Even when line
 input is there, it couldn record as device was being used by playing
 program in this case Tv tuner card. Where as in windows using Jukebox, i
 could record sound. with cat /dev/audio and sox, I could get sound
 recorded, but it was only noise may be stopping was done using ctrl+c.
 This didn't create proper EOF for wav file. Any solution will be

Re: [newbie] KDE Theme Install

2001-06-18 Thread Jeff

I'm assuming your using kde 2.1.1.  After you untar
the theme you should have a file with the extention
Sometimes that will even be the only file in the
theme.  You then open the Control Center in
kde--click look and feel--click theme manager then
click Add and select your .ktheme file from wherever. 
A little note for you though.  Do not try using the
1.1.x sersires themes.  They don't work (at least I
couldnt get them to). I downloaded only the ones that
have 2.1 in the filename to avoid wasting all my time.
 Good luck.

BTW The ones that look like 2.x-style or just have
style in the filename are styles not themes.  After
you untar most of them they will have a script inside
them written by the author with instructions on
installing it.  Most are simply as easy as
./install-theme , but on some you may need to edit the
cp ~.kde  commands to make them work. 
--- OOzy Pal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can Install KDE Theme. I have a bunch of them in
 tar ball. I did untar them but I could install them
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Re: [newbie] mandrake 7.2 pop3 server problem (should be simple for you)

2001-06-18 Thread Tim Holmes

When you respond to that email address in your Hotmail account, what email address is 
Is the email address [EMAIL PROTECTED]?  Does your machine always have the 
IP address?

For example... I can send an email to my machine directly, since it always has the 
same IP
address, and it has a name that can be resolved.  Does your machine have at least the 
of those?

It sounds like it would accept email, if only the Internet knows how to get to your

So try sending email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If that doesn't go through then that's not
where your machine is most likely.  Mandrake out of the box is set up to accept that

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

| Hi all
| I finaly after a long bad day got mandrake up and running properly on my server
| i installed 7.2 the web server is perfect
| postfix is doing its job (i can send email using an account on my server to another 
|accont say hotmail for example 
| but if i say use hotmail to send email to a email address that is on the server i 
|wont get it for some reason
| it dont give any errors when my client looks for email it seems to go threw fine 
|just comes up with no new messages yet i did send a few from diferent address to test 
| so in summary
| i made an account  now using a seperate windows computer i can send email using OE 
|with postfix  (say to a hotmail account) 
| i then receive the email in the hotmail account but if i reply i will never get the 
|reply with the account on my server  but it does check for new messages cause it dotn 
|give errors
| thanks for the help
| Luc

Re: [newbie] Re: Cannot get IBM's hp builder to install in LM8 - now fixed!

2001-06-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 02:12, Romanator wrote:
 Romanator wrote:
  Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
   Did you install IBM's WINE? It looks like you have. You need to
   use that, not the generic WINE Project WINE. You can have both
   installed at the same time, they won't interfere with each
   All I can say is to try uninstalling and then reinstalling it
   again from the command line (not a graphical tool). That has
   worked for me on more than one occasion.
   On Sun, 17 Jun 2001 11:50, Romanator wrote:
I downloaded IBM's HP Builder html editor demo including the
wine 4.0x rpm. It would not install. It looked like it
installed but the software installer indicated that it wasn't
installed. Has any one experienced this or have any tips? May
be I should download it again.
as a usr. I am  looking for the best Linux html editor.
  Argh! It isn't working. I'll try again.

 Hi all,

 I fixed it but the rpms do not add an icon to kpanel. You will have
 to add it in manually.
 Some notes:
 The rpm installation installs IBM Home Builder to the /opt/hpbuilder
 4 folder.
 However, the problem was that it needed a database rebuild. If you
 run into a similar problem, try the steps below:

 1. Log in as root, open a console window, and type in: rpm
 --rebuilddb Press the [enter] key. Give it a little time
 2. Log out of the console and close the window
 3. Log in as user and open a console window
 4. To start up the IBM Home Builder, type in hpbuilder -e
 Press the [enter] key.

 Enjoy the program, I know am.

Just out of curiousity, are you using XFree 4.x or 3.x? When I tried 
using it some months ago it hosed my X font server. Hidden in one of 
the readme files was a note saying not to use it in XFree 4.x. If you 
manged to get it going in XFree 4, I should be able to use it too.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] No-one uses Linux, says Microsoft

2001-06-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 01:45, Solver wrote:
 As for the permissions, no offence taken. But, you'll be very
 surprised to know that I am a sysadmin. Additionally, I often repair
 stand alone PCs. My network currently runs W2K, which I hate for
 everything except the increased security, but I'll put Windows XP on

If I were you I'd wait till at least the first service pack is 
released before doing a switchover. Win2K officially had about 63,000 
(that's not a typo: sixty-three thousand) open bugs when it was 
released. It is common practice to wait a while for bugs to be fixed 
before deploying *any* major system change -- GNU/Linux included.

 Permissions are confusing, but I've succeeded to deny them
 installing of any applications, any registry access, changing
 wallpaper, and imposed a very strict password policy. I haven't
 tried to compile a Kernel - I don't know how. Which files I need to
 modify and how do I apply the changes (make install?).

http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/install/ has a good tutorial. 
Compiling a kernel is quite easy and can be almost totally graphical. 
If you're not sure about a setting, you can always find an explanation 
on the Internet somewhere. That's the beauty of open source :-)

 Thus far, I believe everything I read about Linux, since my Linux
 experience obviously is to small for me to speak about anything.
 Should buy a book. Solver

Just like for anything else, there are both good and bad publications. 
I wouldn't, for example, trust Microsoft or ZDNet (although a few 
journalists there aren't that bad) to inform me on the GPL, just as I 
wouldn't trust GM to inform me on Ford. It's just an issue on 
selecting the correct sources. For books on GNU/Linux, anything by 
O'Reilly is excellent. The Linux-Mandrake manual is a good read as 
well. You should have an online version installed at 

 - Original Message -
 From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Solver [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Linux-Mandrake Newbie List
 Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 4:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] No-one uses Linux, says Microsoft

  On Sun, 17 Jun 2001 01:46, Solver wrote:
   No, no Bill's richness means little to me. Perhaps he's right,
   only some need to do this.
   Of course, I didn't buy Office XP! It's all piracy - I rarely
   buy something legally. I know Dragon is the leader, but haven't
   seen it at piracy shops. Just wondering about the Kernel. It's
   possible to compile, but even of Linux users, not everyone does
   it. Still, what majority users want is simple to use OS, that
   they can't screw up - while one typo in kernel can and will make
   you format it and reinstall.
  The beauty of the system is that you don't *have* to compile a
  kernel. Disrro companies (like Mandrakesoft) give you binaries
  that work just fine without any compilation at all (just like
  Windows). If you want that added performance boost, you *can*
  recompile a kernel. It is a very easy thing to do (even some
  GNU/Linux books targetted at *beginners* teach it). A kernel can
  only be compiled if you have the relevant source code, which is
  not installed, nor is needed, by default. The root-user security
  system, where you have to log in as root to perform administration
  tasks, prevents most careless user errors. There is *no* such
  protection in Windos, so *anyone* can make a blunder at *any*
  time. Win2K, with its administrator-user system, is incredibly
  confusing wnen it comes to user permissions. If you've ever tried
  to manage multiple users and their privileges in Win2K you'll know
  what I mean.
  Have you ever actually *tried* to compile a Linux kernel, or tried
  to manage user rights and permissions? No offence, but it appears
  to me as if you're just believing whatever you read instead of
  actually learning from personal experience.
  So in short: You don't need to compile anything if you don't want
  to. If you don't, GNU/Linux is little different from Windows,
  since Windos is closed-source and hence can't be recompiled.
  Making important system changes requires a log-in as root, forcing
  the user to actually *think* about what they're doing (unless
  they're stupid, in which case nobody can help them), unlike in
   - Original Message -
   From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Solver [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Linux-Mandrake Newbie List
   Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 3:57 PM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] No-one uses Linux, says Microsoft
On Sat, 16 Jun 2001 21:32, Solver wrote:
 Just as a note - I wouldn't mind if MS had my password. I
 would only mind if they could erase hard drive.
If they had your password they COULD erase your hard drive.
They could get your e-mail, your credit card deails (if you
ever typed them into your computer) -- in fact anything they
wanted, from you. And if you didn't use a 

Re: [newbie] Need to change GRUB boot loader default opsys

2001-06-18 Thread Martin Fuchs

At 11:58 15.06.01 -0700, you wrote:
Hi -
I want to change the order of the operating systems in GRUB.  I want to make
another operating system the default when the system starts up.

Any ideas?  Can it be done from anywhere else outside of Linux too? (can I
edit it somehow from dos, etc.)  I have LM7.2.


the file to edit is /boot/grub/menu.lst (could be slightly different, i'm not
at my mandrake machine right now). in 8.0 you can also set it from the
mandrake control center by choosing 'edit' for the entry in question. as
for editing it from 'outside' of linux i don't know; there's explore2fs (or sth
like that) which let's you access the linux file system but i'd definitely
*not* use that to fiddle with my linx configuration.

hth, martin

Re: [newbie] IPchains is missing....

2001-06-18 Thread Tom Brinkman

 On Sunday 17 June 2001 09:22 pm, s wrote:
 Well, naw, but it's cool he switched.  I was just mentioning it
 because Tom said Steve was unwise to use windows for a server.

   No, I said I lack faith in any security expert who would choose the
 most insecure server available, Winblows.

 On Sunday 17 June 2001 05:53 pm, you wrote:
  s wrote:
   He has recently moved his site and ngs to a unix server (after
   the recent DoS attacks).  So I guess he's catching on.  :-)
  Can Linux protect him from a DoS attack?
  Randy Kramer

  Ya know I was gonna drop out of this because it's no longer on topic
 for this list, but search just now at  http://www.netcraft.com/whats/  
 shows that www.grc.com (ShieldsUP)
The site www.grc.com is running Microsoft-IIS/5.0 on Windows 2000.
 just as his site currently says Gibson is in his warning message that
 his scan could be innacurate 'cause his Windoze server is buggy..

   The only reason this topic is pertinent is that after I gave the
 simple instructions for configuring an iptables firewall, I recommended
 that it be test scaned to verify it. Granted I implied the Gibson's
 site isn't the best, and that Secure Design's was better, more
 comprehensive and more accurate. I still believe SD is _much_ better,
 YMMV.  BTW, www.sdesign.com reports
The site www.sdesign.com is running Apache/1.3.6 (Unix) on Linux.

    To answer Randy, very little can be done to protect a site before a
 DoS begins, but much can be done during and after.  FWIW, both sites
 were DoS'd. Gibson's Windoze server was down and out for several days
 after the attack was over. SecureDesign's Apache/Linux was only down
 during the attack for a few hours. You may want to Google 'Denial of
 Service' for more info.
Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Help, 8.0 install

2001-06-18 Thread Paul Cox

On Monday, Jun 18, 2001, civileme wrote:

 Error scenario: Unable to mount root fs... error message. 
 When: After installation. 
 Why: The kernel is configured to initialize offboard controllers 
 before onboard controllers. 

I just have a quick question... is this a 'feature' of the kernel, or is
this a bug in the kernel?  What kernel version does the install use?

Paul Cox paul at coxcentral dot com
Kernel: 2.4.3-20mdk-win4lin-pcox  -  Uptime: 1 day 9 hours 33 minutes.

[newbie] Doom

2001-06-18 Thread OOzy Pal


I installed doom from an RPM that I downloaded from
www.rpmfind.net but I don't know where did it go or
how can I run it. Any ideas?


What is the purpose of life?

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Re: [newbie] Speaking of Dell and Linux.........

2001-06-18 Thread Paul Cox

On Sunday, Jun 17, 2001, Romanator wrote:

 I've just been to their site and Dell does provide RedHat preinstalled
 but you have to order it. Bit. I think you learn a lot more from
 installing it yourself and making errors as painfull they might be.

I agree.  But the good thing about being able to buy a system with linux
(even if it is RedHat ;) is that you're not paying for a copy of Windows
that you will probably never use for anything other than a coaster. =)

Paul Cox paul at coxcentral dot com
Kernel: 2.4.3-20mdk-win4lin-pcox  -  Uptime: 1 day 9 hours 47 minutes.

[newbie] Problemas con el KDE!!!! HELP ME!!!

2001-06-18 Thread jgarrido

Hola nuevamente:

Otra vez el mismo problema, cuando ingreso en las X WINDOW con KDE o
ejecuto un programa para KDE desde otro gestor de ventanas me arroja el
siguiente error

La aplicacion ServidorUI (KIO_UISERVER) fallo y provoco la Señal 11

Alguien me podria decir que significa y como lo puedo arreglar, uso la
dist. LM 7.2 y mi tarjeta de video es una SIS 6326...

de antemano Gracias a TODOS...
Gruss für Alle!!!

Re: [newbie] Doom

2001-06-18 Thread s

type in a console:  updatedb 
then when it's done, type:   locate whatever.rpm


On Monday 18 June 2001 11:15 am, you wrote:

 I installed doom from an RPM that I downloaded from
 www.rpmfind.net but I don't know where did it go or
 how can I run it. Any ideas?


 What is the purpose of life?

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Spot the hottest trends in music, movies, and more.

[newbie] XFree86 4.1

2001-06-18 Thread Eduardo Dominguez

I was trying to install LM8.0 rpms (cooker) of XFree v4.1
but I get dependency errors. The package not
found is perl(strict), but this package doesnt
seem to exist.

Anyone have installed succesfully X 4.1 ?

Six of one, 110 (base 2) of another.

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Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] wino needs help ...

2001-06-18 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Monday 18 June 2001 06:44, you wrote:
 On Sunday 17 June 2001 08:33, Michel Clasquin wrote:
 Corel has its own version of wine which thoroughly tromped
 yours.  The way I deal with this is to keep rpms and config
 files for standard, IBM, Corel, and codeweavers handy  (of
 course I don't think Corel comes in rpm form) 

It does  - inside the Photopaint tarball. In various glibc20 and glibc21 

When I want to do
 a job for a particular wine, I just install the right one with a
 short script.

which means su-ing to root quickly first, I imagine? Then running the app, 
and finally removing the rpm?

Thing is, I thought I had already re-installed the proper mdk wine. Oh well, 
I guess the thing to do is to remove every vestige of wine first, then try to 



So that's what I did and I *still* got the same error! Then I turned to the 
other thing I had done - I had earlier extracted all the windows98 dll's and 
exe's from their cab files to give wine access to the native files. I renamed 
that directory, created a new one called windows and wine miraculously 
started working again! Which shows you what happens when you try to be too 
clever. But access to the real dll's should be a good thing for wine, no? 
I'll try to move systematically through them and find out which one is giving 
the trouble.

Hope this helps someone else down the line

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC
 /v\L   I   N   U   X
// \\  Phear the Penguin
   /(   )\

[newbie] support with CD

2001-06-18 Thread Scott


Does anyone know what the support options cover when you buy
the Power Pack?  I thought you could use it for anything in the
first 30 days, but was told that it covers installation issues only.
I always buy the CD's at my local computer store to support the
efforts of the developers, but this is my first attempt at support.



[newbie] JPEG Print from GIMP

2001-06-18 Thread bpremeaux

I tried to print a small JPEG from GIMP and got random character trash that comes with 
an incorrect printer configuration.  GIMP was set for PS which I believe my Epson 
SC-850 should have handled just fine.  I'm running MD 8.0 and have the printer setup 
through Cups.  Suggestions?


Re: [newbie] WP and Mandrake8

2001-06-18 Thread Terry Smith


I can't install it either. I suspect a kernel version problem and asked
the list but have no confirmation.

Terry Smith
Woods Hole, MA

mrc wrote:
 It seems that WP8 will not run on Mandrake8. Has anyone else had this problem?

Re: [newbie] WP and Mandrake8

2001-06-18 Thread Charles A. Punch

mrc wrote:

 It seems that WP8 will not run on Mandrake8. Has anyone else had this problem?

I'm not sure where you are having the problem,  but I have wp8 running 
on L8.0 succcesfully on my desktop as well as my laptop. In LM7.2, I 
could click on the install icon and it would start up the installation, 
but for some reason in LM8.0 I had to install from a terminal with; 
./install.wp  after mounting the  cdrom. You can also just open your 
cdrom directory and open the terminal from there. That way you don't 
have to cd to your  
/mnt/cd/andapartridgeinaperartree/etcetc/andallthatjazz/ because you're 
already there.


Registered Linux user #217118
Never teach a pig to sing. It doesn't sound very good and it annoys the pig.


[newbie] XFree 4.0.3 freezes in LM8.0

2001-06-18 Thread Carlos Berardi

I have been having problems with the installation of LM8.0

the worst has been that the Xservers freezes without any pattern at all.

I think someone had posted it was related to some gtk packages, but I 
dont remember which ones.

Please HELP

Carlos Berardi

RE: [newbie] XFree86 4.1

2001-06-18 Thread Charles A Edwards

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eduardo Dominguez
 Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 1:38 PM
 Subject: [newbie] XFree86 4.1
 I was trying to install LM8.0 rpms (cooker) of XFree v4.1
 but I get dependency errors. The package not
 found is perl(strict), but this package doesnt
 seem to exist.
 Anyone have installed succesfully X 4.1 ?

I installed 4.1 on 3 different systems from a Cooker mirror using
the Software Mgr.
All depends were auto handled and there were no problems.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow. 

Re: [newbie] WP and Mandrake8

2001-06-18 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Monday 18 June 2001 19:45, you wrote:
 It seems that WP8 will not run on Mandrake8. Has anyone else had this

install libc5-1.0-2.i386.rpm - you'll find it on google

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC
 /v\L   I   N   U   X
// \\  Phear the Penguin
   /(   )\

[newbie] Error Installing from ISO, Mandrake 8.0

2001-06-18 Thread JP Urban

I recently downloaded the Mandrake Linux 8.0 Inst and Ext ISO's from
ftp://ftp.onenet.net.  The checksums from the FTP and the checksums I
generated on my end were the same, so I went ahead and burned the CD's
without difficultly.

THe computer I'm trying to install on is a P233MMX with 64meg RAM, 3gig HD,
48x Creative CD-ROM.  I set the BIOS to boot A, CDROM, HD, and leave the
floppy drive unused, so it boots from CDROM.  I put in the Mandrake 8.0
Inst CD and everything starts fine.

Going through the steps:
Choose your language -- Worked fine, picked United States.  Accepted the
Select installation class -- I only have Recommended and Expert options,
while the text box says I should also have a Custom option.  I selected
Expert and clicked install.
Hard drive detection -- Detected no SCSI interfaces.  Clicked no  ok.
Configure mouse -- Selected the standard PS/2 mouse.
Choose your keyboard -- Selected the plain US Keyboard.
Security -- Selected Medium security level. (Will be running servers)
Setup filesystems -- hda 3gig, 781 cyl, 128 head, 63 sectors.  Made one
lump Ext2 partition (hda1) with cyl 0 - 763 (3009meg).  Made a swap space
of cyl 764 - 780 (66meg).  Formatted both partitions.
Format partitions -- Formatted both partitions.
Choose packages to install --
   We finally get to the error.  I get the message Please waitLooking
for availible packages  and then get this error: An error occured  no
hdlists found.
   During earlier attemtps I got a much larger message, that it wasn't
finding /mnt/somethingsomething/hdlist.CD1 (x86) somethingsomething.cz

  Well, you know as much as I do at this point about my attempts to
install.  ANy ideas?  I'd really like to get Linux installed on my system.

[newbie] laptop display

2001-06-18 Thread Bill Winegarden

 Almost got all the bugs 
out...now the display...

Dell Inspiron
700 MHz
192 Mb ram
ati M4 c/w 8 megs ram
14.1 display
XFree 4 on install

Two problems

1. I used an XF86Config-4 file 
from the net and it only hasa single resolution.

2. Mandrake 8 works very well but 
occasionally when I logout or if I'm in the login screen, I try to reboot, the 
display just disappears. There is a loss of control and very random transluscent 
colour patterns appear. Also, total loss of control over the laptop. Not even 
CTRL/ALT/BACK or CTRL/ALT/DELETE has any effect.

I'm looking for a more complete XF86Config-4 file 
(or a close one that I can adjust from)? Does anyone have this combo? Has anyone 
had this weird loss of display and control at the login screen?

Bill W.

[newbie] GIMP fonts

2001-06-18 Thread Angela Danen

I hope someone can help me with this, I'm using Mandrake 8.0 and have
fully installed The GIMP.  I'm trying to make a button and I can't get
the fonts to work the error I get is: (I tried different fonts BTW)


I did a rpm query of what fonts I have:


I'd appreciate any help,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Danen Consulting Services:   www.danen.net
 Freezer Burn: www.freezer-burn.org

Current Linux uptime: 0 hours 17 minutes.

Re: [newbie] mandrake 7.2 pop3 server problem (should be simple for you)

2001-06-18 Thread Luc Martineau

my machine has a domain name associated to it wich resolvs just fine
i tried sending to  username@ip addy of server   and i get the same resolts
(A big nothing hehe)

i am at a loss i really dont know what the problem is with the server
could it be bad postfix configarations?

- Original Message -
From: Tim Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Luc Martineau [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 5:30 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] mandrake 7.2 pop3 server problem (should be simple for

 When you respond to that email address in your Hotmail account, what email
address is it?
 Is the email address [EMAIL PROTECTED]?  Does your machine
always have the same
 IP address?

 For example... I can send an email to my machine directly, since it always
has the same IP
 address, and it has a name that can be resolved.  Does your machine have
at least the first
 of those?

 It sounds like it would accept email, if only the Internet knows how to
get to your

 So try sending email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If that doesn't go through
then that's not
 where your machine is most likely.  Mandrake out of the box is set up to
accept that

 T. Holmes
 Real Men Us Vi!

 | Hi all
 | I finaly after a long bad day got mandrake up and running properly on my
 | i installed 7.2 the web server is perfect
 | postfix is doing its job (i can send email using an account on my server
to another accont say hotmail for example
 | but if i say use hotmail to send email to a email address that is on the
server i wont get it for some reason
 | it dont give any errors when my client looks for email it seems to go
threw fine just comes up with no new messages yet i did send a few from
diferent address to test out
 | so in summary
 | i made an account  now using a seperate windows computer i can send
email using OE with postfix  (say to a hotmail account)
 | i then receive the email in the hotmail account but if i reply i will
never get the reply with the account on my server  but it does check for new
messages cause it dotn give errors
 | thanks for the help
 | Luc

Re: [newbie] laptop display

2001-06-18 Thread Joe Pyrczak

Hi Bill,

I am using:

Compaq Presario 1200
700 Celeron
128MB Ram
Cyberblade i7 3D Video
13.1 display
and the install Xfree 4.0.3

And I used a config file I found on the net specifically for the presario 
1200 and I get a 1 1/2 to 2 inch black box around my display with a 
small  X Windows being displayed in the center.  I find whether I use 
800x600 or 1024x768 it is the same.  Haven't found a solution yet but will 
send you my XF86Config.

Joe Pyrczak

At 12:22 PM 18/06/01 -0700, you wrote:
 Almost got all the bugs out...now the display...

Dell Inspiron
700 MHz
192 Mb ram
ati M4 c/w 8 megs ram
14.1 display
XFree 4 on install

Two problems

1.I used an XF86Config-4 file from the net and it only has a single 

2.Mandrake 8 works very well but occasionally when I logout or if I'm 
in the login screen, I try to reboot, the display just disappears. There 
is a loss of control and very random transluscent colour patterns appear. 
Also, total loss of control over the laptop. Not even CTRL/ALT/BACK or 
CTRL/ALT/DELETE has any effect.

I'm looking for a more complete XF86Config-4 file (or a close one that I 
can adjust from)? Does anyone have this combo? Has anyone had this weird 
loss of display and control at the login screen?

Bill W.

Re: [newbie] JPEG Print from GIMP

2001-06-18 Thread s

Go into the printer setup of gimp and choose a driver (printer) closer to the 
one you have set up in cups.  I don't think ps is going to print pictures 
very well.  

On Monday 18 June 2001 01:02 pm, you wrote:
 I tried to print a small JPEG from GIMP and got random character trash that
 comes with an incorrect printer configuration.  GIMP was set for PS which I
 believe my Epson SC-850 should have handled just fine.  I'm running MD 8.0
 and have the printer setup through Cups.  Suggestions?


Re: [newbie] xsreensaver

2001-06-18 Thread s

Sure, and maybe brief instructions how to install it.  This is my correct 
email addy.  Thanks!  (I wonder why yours has it and mine doesn't?)

On Monday 18 June 2001 04:47 am, you wrote:
 On Monday 18 June 2001 02:11, you wrote:

 Strange, I have a matrix ss that works fine in mdk8, and i don't remember
 adding it manually.

 Do you want a copy? it's a 280 kb file

Re: [newbie] xsreensaver

2001-06-18 Thread Romanator

Gnome has many more screensavers than KDE but no Matrix. I have the
windose version but not the linux version.
Still looking. Have you tried www.tucows.com?


s wrote:
 On Sunday 17 June 2001 05:49 pm, you wrote:
  s wrote:
   Don't know why the Matrix ain't included, I've asked before myself and
   didn't get an answer.  Must have been some kind of problem with it tho.
   However, I do know why there appear to be many more screensavers than
   show up in your xscreensaver option list.  Many of the ones installed are
   for gnome.  Go over in there and you will see a bunch of different ones.
  Why not copying the Matrix screensaver from LM7.2?
  Registered Linux User #179293
  Email Powered By Tux Email Utility
 Cause it wasn't in 7.2 either.  But I did try and copy it from a Redhat
 machine, and it showed up in the list, I could configure it, but it wouldn't
 start.  The screen just went blank.  (The Matrix in Redhat 7.1  looks really
 good too).  There was a fellar' that got it to work on his machine, and I
 followed his method/howto, but no success for me.
 That's one of main things I miss from that other os, the availability of
 screensavers.  My better half used to kid me and call my computer your
 screen saver machine.  I know I have over $200 in windows screensavers
 archived.  :-(I wish someone would make some cool screensavers for Linux.
  I keep hoping that someday they will start to trickle in   I found 3 or
 4 or sourceforge or somewhere, but couldn't get them to work.  Oh well, small
 price to pay...  (Of course I do have several stuffed penguins sitting around
 now, and one of those cool penguin computer cases to make up for it.  :-)  )

Re: [newbie] How can I add a shortcut to my Gnome desktop in LM8?

2001-06-18 Thread Romanator

I'll give it ago but I couldn't see Create Link. I can see create
folder etc.

Linux linuxsa wrote:
 There must be a Create Link button on right clik
 menu of Gnome. After that you have to write the
 location where you want GNOME to create the link.
 --- Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  I have looked and looked. I can add a folder to the
  Gnome desktop but
  how can I do this with an application link as in
  I guess I'm really used to KDE.
  Any ideas?
  Registered Linux User #179293
  Email Powered By Tux Email Utility
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Spot the hottest trends in music, movies, and more.

Re: [newbie] How do you figure out your port number for yourworkstation?

2001-06-18 Thread Romanator

Hi Chris,

I'll try it out.


Chris Keelan wrote:
 On Sunday 17 June 2001 19:00, you wrote:
  Well, I tried. I can't get this to work. THe same thing happened to me
  when I tried to get Pine working. Nada.
  Maybe, it's because I'm using Netscape and Opera.
 You need to enter the fully qualified names of each host. For example, I'm
 using the Rogers@Home service.
 In Kmail/Knode I enter mail.etob1.on.wave.home.com for both my SMTP and
 POP3 servers. SMTP should default to port 25 and POP3 to port 110.
 My news server is news.etob1.on.wave.home.com.
 See, you're connecting to Windows DHCP but because you're not running the
 @Home proprietary client, no login script executes to bind smpt, mail and
 news to your appropriate hosts.
 Call your tech support lines and ask them for the fully-qualified name of
 each server.
 Let me know if this works.
 - Chris
 Registered Linux User #219465

Re: [newbie] How can I add a shortcut to my Gnome desktop in LM8?

2001-06-18 Thread Romanator




Dave Sherman wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Right-click the desktop - New - Launcher
 On Sunday 17 June 2001 17:54, thus spake Romanator:
  Hi everybody,
  I have looked and looked. I can add a folder to the Gnome desktop but
  how can I do this with an application link as in KDE?
  I guess I'm really used to KDE.
  Any ideas?
  Registered Linux User #179293
  Email Powered By Tux Email Utility
 - --
 ...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
 foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
 and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
 (1 Cor 1:23-24)
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

Re: [newbie] Re: Cannot get IBM's hp builder to install in LM8 - now fixed!

2001-06-18 Thread Romanator

I'm using XFree 3.x. If I select XFree 4.x i screws up my graphics.


Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 02:12, Romanator wrote:
  Romanator wrote:
   Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
Did you install IBM's WINE? It looks like you have. You need to
use that, not the generic WINE Project WINE. You can have both
installed at the same time, they won't interfere with each
All I can say is to try uninstalling and then reinstalling it
again from the command line (not a graphical tool). That has
worked for me on more than one occasion.
On Sun, 17 Jun 2001 11:50, Romanator wrote:

 I downloaded IBM's HP Builder html editor demo including the
 wine 4.0x rpm. It would not install. It looked like it
 installed but the software installer indicated that it wasn't
 installed. Has any one experienced this or have any tips? May
 be I should download it again.
 as a usr. I am  looking for the best Linux html editor.
   Argh! It isn't working. I'll try again.
  Hi all,
  I fixed it but the rpms do not add an icon to kpanel. You will have
  to add it in manually.
  Some notes:
  The rpm installation installs IBM Home Builder to the /opt/hpbuilder
  4 folder.
  However, the problem was that it needed a database rebuild. If you
  run into a similar problem, try the steps below:
  1. Log in as root, open a console window, and type in: rpm
  --rebuilddb Press the [enter] key. Give it a little time
  2. Log out of the console and close the window
  3. Log in as user and open a console window
  4. To start up the IBM Home Builder, type in hpbuilder -e
  Press the [enter] key.
  Enjoy the program, I know am.
 Just out of curiousity, are you using XFree 4.x or 3.x? When I tried
 using it some months ago it hosed my X font server. Hidden in one of
 the readme files was a note saying not to use it in XFree 4.x. If you
 manged to get it going in XFree 4, I should be able to use it too.
 Sridhar Dhanapalan.
 There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
 LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
 -- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Penguin Paranoia is totally unfounded

2001-06-18 Thread Romanator

I got a lot of stickers with LM7.0


Tim Holmes wrote:
 And honestly, the abscence of such stickers has been my only real complaint about 
 SuSE comes with stickers, RedHATE comes with a bumper sticker and some other 
stickets for
 the outside of the machine and everything.  But not for Mandrake!
 I've been looking at the online store Mandrake just recently put out there, and was 
 those stickers would be on there right off the bat.  I have however seen stickers to 
 over the Intel inside or the made for Windows sticker that says Penguin in Side 
 something like that.  But I can't find that email address with that URL.
 T. Holmes
 Real Men Us Vi!
 | so what I want now is to replace the apple logo on my Mazda RX3 with a nice
 | tux with a mandrake shooting star and like the mandrake 7.0 user guide cover
 | logo

[newbie] CD Burning Trauma

2001-06-18 Thread Jason Guidry

I just installed a ricoh MP9060 CDRW/DVD drive on my P667 system.  Both bios
and Linux detect the drive by name on boot.  I have poured over the CD
Burning HowTo at LDP and I'm either too uninitiated or too stooped to make
the commands work.

So, there are basically 2 questions...

I have the Iso of LM8.0 downloaded, so if it will autodetect and config my
drive on install, and someone can tell me how to install it from my old
version (or from dos) that would be great


if someone can walk me through the setup for the CDRW so I can get it going
w/ XcdRoast, that would be just as good.

Any help provided is greatly appreciated.



[newbie] Lost Sound on Startup

2001-06-18 Thread Wendell Gragg

Somehow, when starting up KDE, I no longer get the startup sounds.  When I 
went into the KDE configurator to the sound events and tried to play the 
sounds, I get nothing, however, I can get the system bell to work through 
the speaker.  The only thing I can think of is something to do with the 
updates I downloaded and installed from the security site.  Does anyone have 
any ideas as to how I can check this out?

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

[newbie] RE: upgrading linux 2.2.x to 2.4

2001-06-18 Thread Rao vijay kumar

Hi all

Im running Mandrake 7.2 wiith linux kernel at 2.2.x ,
im using lnx4win also running Windows 98. How can i
upgrade my kernel to 2.4. I have the kernel tarball
image with me,Any guidance or documentation is highly
I need to upgrade to 2.4 to as i beleive it supports
the smc ethernet adapter 2202 


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[newbie] dual screens

2001-06-18 Thread Magnus Stenemo


I've got two graphics cards, one pci and one agp

I would like to have /dev/tty6 to point to the pci card. That card is 
connected to my TV so I can watch divx on that.

Does anyone got any idea of how I could set this up??


[newbie] 7.2 iso's

2001-06-18 Thread dkosan

Anyone have a ftp server that I could snatch the 2 iso's for 7.2? I am looking for the 
newest ones besides the first run that had problems.Please let me know via the list or 
direct e-mail, thanks in advance.

Get your own FREE E-mail address at http://www.linuxfreemail.com
Linux FREE Mail is 100% FREE, 100% Linux, and 100% yours!

Re: [newbie] 7.2 iso's

2001-06-18 Thread Carlos Berardi

i don't know if these are the latest


they are at my local university at Mexico

Re: [newbie] 7.2 iso's

2001-06-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Why not use 8.0? 7.2 is quite old now, having been released around 
October last year. All 7.2 final (i.e. not beta) isos are the same -- 
they were created for the 7.2 release. You are supposed to install 
these and use MandrakeUpdate to update the installation to the newest 

On Tue, 19 Jun 2001 12:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone have a ftp server that I could snatch the 2 iso's for 7.2? I
 am looking for the newest ones besides the first run that had
 problems.Please let me know via the list or direct e-mail, thanks in

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] Linux SETI Client assistance needed

2001-06-18 Thread Charles Wackerman

Can anyone on the list give me any suggestions on how to make the 
seti@home mailto:seti@home command line version for linux automatically dial in and 
when a unit is completed and download a new unit like the one on Windows 
;-P does?  I've tried the various options provided with the program but 
they don't help at all and it is a real drag having to manually send and 
receive data.


Charles Wackerman
Carthage, NC

Re: [newbie] WP and Mandrake8

2001-06-18 Thread KompuKit

This is why it won't run...you must install this as well...
then run from within a terminal...

Michel Clasquin wrote:

 On Monday 18 June 2001 19:45, you wrote:
  It seems that WP8 will not run on Mandrake8. Has anyone else had this

 install libc5-1.0-2.i386.rpm - you'll find it on google

 Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
 This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC
  /v\L   I   N   U   X
 // \\  Phear the Penguin
/(   )\

[newbie] ISO help

2001-06-18 Thread Allan Myburgh

Is there any way around using a CD 
burner with my downloaded ISO file?

My computer does not have a CDR, so 
the only way would be to extract the files to the HD and work from a bootable 
floppy. I have no idea if this is possible, and if yes, how to do it 

[newbie] Rename

2001-06-18 Thread OOzy Pal

I have a bunch of .tar.gz files and I want to add
.ktheme to the extension so the file name becomes


what should I do?


What is the purpose of life?

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Re: [newbie] WP and Mandrake8

2001-06-18 Thread OOzy Pal


I found this file instead 


Would it work?

--- KompuKit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is why it won't run...you must install this as
 then run from within a terminal...
 Michel Clasquin wrote:
  On Monday 18 June 2001 19:45, you wrote:
   It seems that WP8 will not run on Mandrake8. Has
 anyone else had this
  install libc5-1.0-2.i386.rpm - you'll find it on
  Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za  
  This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC
   /v\L   I   N   U   X
  // \\  Phear the Penguin
 /(   )\


What is the purpose of life?

Do You Yahoo!?
Spot the hottest trends in music, movies, and more.

Re: [newbie] Rename

2001-06-18 Thread Paul

It was Mon, 18 Jun 2001 21:34:24 -0700 (PDT) when OOzy Pal wrote:

I have a bunch of .tar.gz files and I want to add
.ktheme to the extension so the file name becomes


for a in *.tar.gz; do mv $a $a.ktheme; done

That should do it.

A day without light is like, eh... night!

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

[newbie] Getting legacy applications to execute

2001-06-18 Thread R. Tyler Shaw

I've just installed Mandrake 8.0 on my laptop, and although all the KDE apps 
work just fine, I can't seem to run any legacy applications -- either 
through the file manager or a console window. When I type the name of a 
program on the command line, all I get is a message saying that 
[program_name] is not a bash command or something like that. Anyone 
recognize this problem at all?

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

RE: [newbie] ISO help

2001-06-18 Thread Jason Guidry

just asked basically the same question and I spent the last few hours banging
my head against the monitor trying to figure it out. What you need is a boot disk…the installer will allow you to
install from an ISO on your HDD only on 8.0 (I tried on 7.0). I’m hesitant (wisely, I think) to
attach the boot image and the rawrite utility over the list. You might be able to get it online w/ a
google search. Once you have the
boot disk you will be able to get to your ISO file on your HDD no problem. I did this 5 minutes ago and it worked great.

If you can’t
find the disk online, write back and I’ll attach it to you only.

And if you’re
running windows, there’s a messed up way of working around this with a program
called iso2fcd in combination with a virtual cd rom program. If that sound like something you’re
interested in, I’ll tell you about it after I get some sleep…*yawn*

From: Allan Myburgh
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 12:22
Subject: [newbie] ISO help

there any way around using a CD burner with my downloaded ISO file?

computer does not have a CDR, so the only way would be to extract the files to
the HD and work from a bootable floppy. I have no idea if this is possible, and
if yes, how to do it ?!

Re: [newbie] gcc problems

2001-06-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

The Mandrake 8.0 GCC is not the same as the unstable GCC used in Red 
Hat 7.0 and 7.1. Unfortunately, for technical reasons, the Mandrake 
developers decided to use the same version number as Red Hat used for 
their GCC (2.96), creating heaps of confusion in the process. Mandrake 
have been compiling Cooker with their GCC (a pruning from the 
then-unfinished 3.0 tree) for months now, with no problems whatsoever. 
Hopefully Mandrake will end this confusion by releasing a GCC 3.0 
package. Red Hat have already done so, and have labelled it as a 
critical update.

On Tue, 19 Jun 2001 15:35, Adam Willcox wrote:
 I've heard and read rumors that the version of gcc included in
 Mandrake 8.0 is bad.  As evidence I recently upgraded my nvidia
 video driver and had to compile it about 50 times before the module
 would successfully load.  Has anyone else heard, read, or otherwise
 experienced the same?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Lost Sound on Startup

2001-06-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

This is a problem with the recently-issued kdelibs 2.1.2 update. A fix 
has been issued in the form of another kdelibs package. More details 
can be found at 

On Tue, 19 Jun 2001 14:57, Paul wrote:
 It was Mon, 18 Jun 2001 16:42:14 -0500 when Wendell Gragg wrote:
 Somehow, when starting up KDE, I no longer get the startup sounds. 
  When I went into the KDE configurator to the sound events and
  tried to play the sounds, I get nothing, however, I can get the
  system bell to work through the speaker.  The only thing I can
  think of is something to do with the updates I downloaded and
  installed from the security site.  Does anyone have any ideas as
  to how I can check this out?

 Only thing I can think of is that you have to check the permissions
 on the sound devices, like /dev/dsp and so on. That was a problem
 here for a while also.


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Help, 8.0 install

2001-06-18 Thread civileme

On Monday 18 June 2001 12:15, Paul Cox wrote:
 On Monday, Jun 18, 2001, civileme wrote:
  Error scenario: Unable to mount root fs... error message.
  When: After installation.
  Why: The kernel is configured to initialize offboard
  controllers before onboard controllers.

 I just have a quick question... is this a 'feature' of the
 kernel, or is this a bug in the kernel?  What kernel version
 does the install use?

Same version--it is a compile time option.  Unfortunately it 
doesn't seem to work for the install kernel which is a very 
special shape.


[newbie] Xerox DocuPrint XJC8

2001-06-18 Thread Vladimir Kaploun

Hi !

I installed LM8 without any problems except one.
For color printer was mentioned in driver description as BW and so

If anybody know how to switch it into color mode?
(In Win2k and Win98 it is OK).


Vladimir Kaploun


[newbie] Printing Japanese

2001-06-18 Thread Richard Davies


I have been viewing a site in Japanese with Netscape. It loads and runs fine 
but how do I print it and why can't I view it with Konquerer

I am curious as to why Konquerer won't render it properly and instead shows a 
whole range of non Japanese characters when Netscape renders them correctly.
The page is written in Japanese but doesn't have a line in the header to say 
what character set it is using and all the style information comes from a 
separately linked style sheet. That shouldn't be an issue but maybe.

Thanks in advance.

There is hardly anything that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a 
little cheaper.  Ruskin

Re: [newbie] No-one uses Linux, says Microsoft

2001-06-18 Thread Richard Davies

On Saturday 16 June 2001 00:35, Richard wrote:

So I bought a PowerEdge 300 server to run on the desk top. It works just fine 
and running Linux does not invalidate the service policy on this. It is a 
similar price to a lot of the desk top machines. I preferred to install my 
own version of Mandrake on it but they were certainly prepared to put RedHat 
on it for me.

 On Fri, 15 Jun 2001, you wrote:
  That is now changing with some of the big computer companies, including
  Dell. They offer the option to have Linux or Windows installed.

 Dell does offer Linux or windows on their server line, nut not on desktops
 or laptops.  At least that is what they told me when i bought my Lattitude
 CPx. Their service agreement does not cover a linux machine, and if you
 even install it as a dual boot, it will void your service policy.  They
 further stated that even a hardware problem would not be covered because
 they couldn't test the software to make sure.  This came stright from
 Dell.  I'm sure they support their server line.

There is hardly anything that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a 
little cheaper.  Ruskin

RE: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Penguin Paranoia is totally unfounded

2001-06-18 Thread Jason Guidry

Of course, one could always check thinkgeek.com and linuxmall.  I know
thinkgeek has some classics.

-Original Message-
From: Tim Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 9:54 AM
To: Ed Tharp
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Penguin Paranoia is totally unfounded

And honestly, the abscence of such stickers has been my only real complaint
about Mandrake!
SuSE comes with stickers, RedHATE comes with a bumper sticker and some other
stickets for
the outside of the machine and everything.  But not for Mandrake!

I've been looking at the online store Mandrake just recently put out there,
and was hoping
those stickers would be on there right off the bat.  I have however seen
stickers to put
over the Intel inside or the made for Windows sticker that says Penguin
in Side or
something like that.  But I can't find that email address with that URL.

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

| so what I want now is to replace the apple logo on my Mazda RX3 with a
| tux with a mandrake shooting star and like the mandrake 7.0 user guide
| logo

Re: [newbie] mandrake 7.2 pop3 server problem (should be simple for you)

2001-06-18 Thread Jim Nuytens

Pardon my jumping in here. I'm new to the list and taking a HUGE stab in the dark here.

I notice you have an @home account. By any chance, is this server also doing any 
firewalling? If so, is it configured to allow ports 25 and 113? You should have both 

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 15:53:39 -0700, Luc Martineau wrote:

my machine has a domain name associated to it wich resolvs just fine
i tried sending to  username@ip addy of server   and i get the same resolts
(A big nothing hehe)

i am at a loss i really dont know what the problem is with the server
could it be bad postfix configarations?

Re: [newbie] Lost Sound on Startup

2001-06-18 Thread Paul

It was Mon, 18 Jun 2001 16:42:14 -0500 when Wendell Gragg wrote:

Somehow, when starting up KDE, I no longer get the startup sounds.  When I 
went into the KDE configurator to the sound events and tried to play the 
sounds, I get nothing, however, I can get the system bell to work through 
the speaker.  The only thing I can think of is something to do with the 
updates I downloaded and installed from the security site.  Does anyone have 
any ideas as to how I can check this out?

Only thing I can think of is that you have to check the permissions on the
sound devices, like /dev/dsp and so on. That was a problem here for a while


A day without light is like, eh... night!

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

[newbie] gcc problems

2001-06-18 Thread Adam Willcox

I've heard and read rumors that the version of gcc included in Mandrake 8.0
is bad.  As evidence I recently upgraded my nvidia video driver and had to
compile it about 50 times before the module would successfully load.  Has
anyone else heard, read, or otherwise experienced the same?

Re: [newbie] installing the 2nd Disk - SWAP sizw - Software manager -

2001-06-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 13:56, Augustin wrote:
 1  Installing the 2nd disk

 ¦b ¬P´Á¤é 17 ¤»¤ë 2001 19:26¡ASridhar Dhanapalan ¼g¹D:
  2.5GB is a bit small for a Linux-Mandrake install. Since
  first-time users don't know what packages to install (since there
  are over a thousand of 'em), many install the entire shebang -- 2
  full CDs worth.

 Actually, I would like to be able to install the 2nd disk for it
 includes some important stuff that I need. (I have 30G drive)
 However during the installation process, LM8.0 didn't ask me to
 insert the 2nd cd.
 I saw that it is full of rpm's and I am in the process of learning
 how to use rpm, but is there an easy way to install most if not all
 of the 2nd disk?

That's odd... You should've been asked during the installation if you 
had the second CD on hand.

 2- SWAP size

  This adds up to nearly 2 gigs. Swap (like virtual memory in
  Windows but in a dedicated partition) should be about twice your
  RAM, with a maximum of about 256MB (even if you have a huge amount
  of RAM). So if you have 64MB of RAM, your swap partition should be
  around 128MB.

 Why should 256MB of swap be the maximum?
 More isn't better?
 Would too much swap slow down your system?

With swap, the law of diminishing returns really kicks in as your 
approach 256MB. Ideally, you should be able to load everthing in main 
memory, since a hard drive is much slower than RAM. If you're actually 
using as much as 256MB swap, your system will be so slow it'd be 
unusable. Any more than 256MB of swap is simply a waste of space.

 3-- Software manager

 The Software Manager doesn't work. If I launch it, it freezes whilst
 loading the first screen. Then, the only way to get out is to kill
 the application.

 I have installed LM8.0 from a CD (three times but for other reasons)
 and each time I have the same problem.
 I don't think the program itself has a bug, otherwise, I would have
 read about it in this forum. So the problem must be on my end.
 The CD came from a monthly linux magazine.

Oh, I see now. You have a different type of Mandrake CD, which has 
been modified so it doesn't ask you for the second CD, since it isn't 
included. I suggest you download both CD images and burn your own 
copies to get the full Mandrake experience. Alternatively, you can buy 
prerecorded CDs cheaply online at places like Cheapbytes.

Whenever Software Manager loads, it has to reload its RPM database. 
This can take some time, especially on slower computers. Next time, 
wait a while (a few minutes) before declaring it dead. If it really is 
broken and you need a reinstall, you can get the package rpmdrake from 

 Could it be that the CD is faulty? I still find it hard to believe
 since I didn't burn it myself but it came with a magazine (who would
 check the correctness of the cd).

 Can I download Software manager from somewhere and reinstall it?
 How would I go about it?

 Thanks for your help.


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

Re: [newbie] Licq Question

2001-06-18 Thread Tim Holmes

 Are you using the GUI plugin for LICQ?  If you are, there are plenty of menus to do 
about anything.  If you're using the console mode, if you type /help I believe it is, 
will display a quick help menu for you.

The thing I love about LICQ, is you don't actually have to get the permission from the 
to add them to your list.  Helps when you wipe out your list and now you have tons of
people to find again.  

I suggest you back up the file $HOME/.licq/users.conf every now and again, just so you 
it.  It has all the UINs for each user.  But then again nightly or weekly backups are a
good idea in the first place!

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

| I've done the initial setup for Licq and have my UID number.   I 
| haven't been able to figure out how to contact someone, such as 
| my son, or how to edit the contact list.  How do I access this 
| area of the application?
| Barry

Re: [newbie] Speaking of Dell and Linux.........

2001-06-18 Thread Tim Holmes

Yeah... Microsoft CDs are good for coasters.  Especially the MSN CDs.  They at
least have the pretty colors of that butterfly on them!  Company seems to like
those when the come over! :0)


T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

 1:02PM  up 6 days,  3:47, 7 users, load averages: 0.10, 0.06, 0.01

| On Sunday, Jun 17, 2001, Romanator wrote:
|  I've just been to their site and Dell does provide RedHat preinstalled
|  but you have to order it. Bit. I think you learn a lot more from
|  installing it yourself and making errors as painfull they might be.
| I agree.  But the good thing about being able to buy a system with linux
| (even if it is RedHat ;) is that you're not paying for a copy of Windows
| that you will probably never use for anything other than a coaster. =)
| -- 
| Paul Cox paul at coxcentral dot com
| Kernel: 2.4.3-20mdk-win4lin-pcox  -  Uptime: 1 day 9 hours 47 minutes.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0 Install problems

2001-06-18 Thread civileme

On Monday 18 June 2001 11:34, grassi, adriano wrote:
 Hi all, I've decided to install 8.0 yesterday. Ok several
 problems occurred.

 1. usb mouse not detected during installation.
 2. ps/2 mouse not detected during installation.
 3. after setting up networking the install crashes say that
 it seens that memory is missing, install crash or something
 really similar to that. This particular system has 524M of
 RAM, and athlon 700 processor.

 Any help is greatly appreciated.

 Best Regards,


You may have a bad CD.

You may have cables loose.

You may have a worn CD drive.

As far as mice go, try ONE, not both.  If it is the USB mouse, 
what other USB devices are plugged in.

Also, though the possibility is remote, make a copy onto a 
floppy of /images/memtest-x86.bin using dd or dos rawrite and 
boot it.

Finally, if you have a WD drive over Udma33 on the system, 
especially if you are installing to it, this sometimes happens.  
The solution is to use a 40-pibn cable to the hdd or to hit F1 
at the splash screen and type

linux ide0=noautotune ide1=noautotune ide2=noautotune ...


[newbie] WP and Mandrake8

2001-06-18 Thread mrc

It seems that WP8 will not run on Mandrake8. Has anyone else had this problem?


[newbie] ISDN on new machine refuses to run.

2001-06-18 Thread Paul

Hi all,

I am setting up the new monster machine, and it is fast.
It is however also fast to tell me that the ISDN interface won't load. It is a
message that the software certificate doesn't match and therefor it won't
work. Anyone have a clue whaddado?


A day without orange juice is like a day without orange juice.

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66
** http://www.care2.com - when you care **

[newbie] Careers in Linux

2001-06-18 Thread n6tadam

Dear List,

Some of you will know me, from helping out on this mailing-list, with your

I have a question to ask everyone

How many people on this list, are system administrators using Linux, and in
order to become a Linux System Administrator, does one need lots of
experience in Programming?

I ask this question because once I leave school (to go to University), I
want to persue a career in Linux, but I am worried that I will require vast
amounts of Knowledge in Programming in C. I can program in Bash and Perl
very well.

Your help is Much appreciated,

Thomas Adam, a student (in the VIth form)
Linux Co-ordinator for The Purbeck School (Network Support)
Wareham, Dorset, UK

Please note that the content of this message is confidential between the original 
sender and the intended recipient(s) of the message. If you are not an intended 
recipient and/or have received this message in error, kindly disregard the content of 
the message and return it to the original sender.

If you have any complaints about this message please reply to:

The Purbeck School E-Mail server running:

Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Penguin Paranoia is totally unfounded

2001-06-18 Thread Tim Holmes

And honestly, the abscence of such stickers has been my only real complaint about 
SuSE comes with stickers, RedHATE comes with a bumper sticker and some other stickets 
the outside of the machine and everything.  But not for Mandrake! 

I've been looking at the online store Mandrake just recently put out there, and was 
those stickers would be on there right off the bat.  I have however seen stickers to 
over the Intel inside or the made for Windows sticker that says Penguin in Side or
something like that.  But I can't find that email address with that URL.

T. Holmes
Real Men Us Vi!

| so what I want now is to replace the apple logo on my Mazda RX3 with a nice
| tux with a mandrake shooting star and like the mandrake 7.0 user guide cover
| logo

[newbie] Gif -- Ascii convert

2001-06-18 Thread n6tadam

Dear Lists,

Does anybody know where I can get hold of a gif2ascii converter, for my
Linux Box?? I have tried looking at the following website, but the URL is no
longer available:


Has anyone got any other suggestions??


Thomas Adam, a student (in the VIth form)
Linux Co-ordinator for The Purbeck School (Network Support)
Wareham, Dorset, UK

Please note that the content of this message is confidential between the original 
sender and the intended recipient(s) of the message. If you are not an intended 
recipient and/or have received this message in error, kindly disregard the content of 
the message and return it to the original sender.

If you have any complaints about this message please reply to:

The Purbeck School E-Mail server running:

[newbie] Signal 11 (SIGSEGV): Korganizer on edit of apointment

2001-06-18 Thread Mark Parrish

Greetings to all.

Our situation is this: We Upgraded our installation of Mandrake from 
version 7.2 to version 8.0. Thus my current version of KDE is: 2.1.2.

Upon arriving at our destination upgrade, Korganizer will no longer allow us 
add new appointments or change existing ones.

If I start korganizer from the command-line this is the data that prints to 
the screen:

[mark@msp mark]$ korganizer
[mark@msp mark]$ QTime::setHMS Invalid time -1:-1:-1.000
QTime::setHMS Invalid time -1:-1:-1.000
QTime::setHMS Invalid time -1:-1:-1.000
QTime::setHMS Invalid time -1:-1:-1.000
KCrash: crashing crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = korganizer path = unknown
[mark@msp mark]$

If I choose to do a backtrace I also obtain this data:

[New Thread 1024 (LWP 1842)]
0x40f261d9 in wait4 () from /lib/libc.so.6
#0  0x40f261d9 in wait4 () from /lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x40f95f2c in __check_rhosts_file () from /lib/libc.so.6
#2  0x406d4188 in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler () from /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.3

#3  0x410ad0fe in pthread_sighandler (signo=11, ctx=

  {gs = 0, __gsh = 0, fs = 0, __fsh = 0, es = 43, __esh = 0, ds = 43, 
__dsh = 0, edi = 1090044629, esi = 2, ebp = 3221199528, esp = 3221199456, ebx 
= 1090084652, edx = 3221201296, ecx = 2, eax = 39575552, trapno = 14, err = 
4, eip = 1089334222, cs = 35, __csh = 0, eflags = 66050, esp_at_signal = 
3221199456, ss = 43, __ssh = 0, fpstate = 0xbfff97e0, oldmask = 2147483648, 
cr2 = 39575580})

at signals.c:97
#4  0x40e9ab68 in killpg () from /lib/libc.so.6
#5  0x4002040d in _IO_vfprintf () from /lib/libsafe.so.2.0
#6  0x40023da7 in vfprintf () from /lib/libsafe.so.2.0
#7  0x4001f2ba in _IO_vfprintf () from /lib/libsafe.so.2.0
#8  0x40023cb3 in vfprintf () from /lib/libsafe.so.2.0
#9  0x408a793a in qWarning () from /usr/lib/libqt.so.2

Any help would certainly be appreciated.

