R: [newbie-it] Scheda Audio ISA Opti Audio 16

2001-06-22 Thread luca laghi

Ora dico una sciocchezza: è possibile che il modulo isa-pnp necessario alla
tua scheda non sia installato? Nel mio caso è proprio così e alla prima
occasione glielo metto. Ho qualche dubbio sul come, ma ci proverò.

Mi rendo conto della pochezza del problema:
ho una scheda audio Opti che funzionava benissimo su mdk 7.2, ho fatto
l'aggiornamento alla 8.0 che trovo molto bella, con molte semplificazioni di
vita: ebbene, in avvio mi dà continuamente modprobe call: can't locate
module isa-pnp
L'errore si riverbera inesorabilmente su HardDrake (can't locate module
isa-pnp) e alla fine di tutto il sistema è muto con mia grande tristezza.
ho provato sndconfig fuori da X e niente
ho provato a capire un po' modprobe ma con scarso successo (il tempo è
sempre tiranno e mandrake di solito ti vizia)
Se qualcuno avesse soluzioni dettagliate gliene sarei molto grato


R: [newbie-it] Red Hat????

2001-06-22 Thread Mealli Diego

Perchè mai bisogna sempre tenersi aggiornato su tutto certo che quando dopo
mesi di attesa finalmente esce mandrake 8.0 la scarichi dal sito compri le
riviste che contengono i cd e al momento dell'installazione si inchioda il
computer arrivo solo a una conclusione per il momento la mandrake deve solo
ritirarsi in contemplazione e valutare il proprio operato e noi utenti
preoccuparci di diffondere e imparare LINUX a prescindere dalla
distribuzione quindi al momento il top è rappresentato dalla Red Hat
Buona fortuna con la mandrake8.0

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Andrea Conti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: venerdì 22 giugno 2001 10.30
Oggetto: [newbie-it] Red Hat

Hai sbagliato ML.

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di Mealli Diego
Inviato: venerdì 22 giugno 2001 7.32
Oggetto: R: [newbie-it] Problemone MDK8.0

un semplice consiglio, disinstalla la mandrake e installa la Red Hat che è
sicuramente più stabile e la 7.1 è migliorata molto graficamente.
Fai conto che sul mio portatile la mandrake si impianta 8.0 si impianta
all'inizio dell'installazione purtroppo quelli della mandrake vogliono
sempre esagerare abbiamo già windows che crea problemi non ne abbiamo
bisogno di nuovi

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di Mealli Diego
Inviato: venerdì 22 giugno 2001 7.42
Oggetto: R: [newbie-it] Scheda Audio ISA Opti Audio 16

non saprei come aiutarti sul problema specifico, ma la Red Hat l'hai mai
provata? E' sicuramente più affidabile e graficamente non ha niente da
invidiare alla mandrake!!!

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Re: R: [newbie-it] Red Hat????

2001-06-22 Thread Fabio Coatti

Il 10:38, venerdì 22 giugno 2001, Mealli Diego scrisse:
 Perchè mai bisogna sempre tenersi aggiornato su tutto certo che quando
 dopo mesi di attesa finalmente esce mandrake 8.0 la scarichi dal sito
 compri le riviste che contengono i cd e al momento dell'installazione
 si inchioda il computer arrivo solo a una conclusione per il momento
 la mandrake deve solo ritirarsi in contemplazione e valutare il
 proprio operato e noi utenti preoccuparci di diffondere e imparare
 LINUX a prescindere dalla distribuzione quindi al momento il top è
 rappresentato dalla Red Hat Buona fortuna con la mandrake8.0

La cosa rischia di diventare off-topic, ma mi sembra che qualche 
precisazione vada fatta. 
Non è questa la filosofia giusta, e secondo me risente notevolmente di 
un'ottica windows-like
Naturalmente sei libero di scegliere che distribuzione montare, è una 
degli aspetti migliori di avere scelta, ma l'impostazione questi devono 
sistemare e poi riprovarci è fuorviante. Le cose in ambiente Open 
Source si sviluppano perchè tutti contribuiscono, in pratica è il 
pagamento che ti chiedono le distribuzioni in cambio del loro lavoro.
Hai mandato dei bug reports? Hai almeno lontanamente capito cosa sta 
succedendo? Certo nessuno ti chiede di farlo, ma se come dici tu devi 
diffondere ed imparare LINUX,  secondo me è necessario entrare 
nell'ottica giusta. Linux non è diverso da windows solo tecnicamente, 
anzi, questo è forse secondario.
Fabio Coatti   http://www.ferrara.linux.it/members/cova 
Ferrara Linux Users Group   http://ferrara.linux.it
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Re: R: [newbie-it] Problemone MDK8.0

2001-06-22 Thread Andrea Celli

Mealli Diego wrote:
 un semplice consiglio, disinstalla la mandrake e installa la Red Hat che è
 sicuramente più stabile e la 7.1 ..

i pareri sulle distro sono sempre moolto personali.
comunque, se la pensi cosi` della Mandrake, perche' frequenti questa ML?

Altra regola di buona etichetta e' di evitare signature piu` lunghe 
di 4 righe :-)

 il problema sta nel fatto che dopo un po' che lavoro,magari chiudo una
 finestra di konqueror o apro qualcosa,l'HD inizia a lavorare,si pianta
 tutto...e l'HD non la smette piu' (anche per 10minuti e piu'!)

Questo sembra un problema comune alle due distribuzioni.
Tra le cose avviate da cron c'e` anche locate.
Costruisce ogni giorno un database con l'elenco dei file presenti
sul sistema. Serve per cercarli moolto piu` rapidamente che con find,
anche se ovviamente non trova quelli creati dopo l'ultimo
aggiornamento o te ne segnala di non piu` esistenti.

Su una macchina poco potente puo` risultare pesante.
E` pensato piu` per mecchine sempre accese, in cui parte durante la
notte. Sul pc di casa, poco dopo che lo hai acceso, si accorge di
non essere aggiornato e parte ... macinandosi tutto il disco.

Puoi inibirlo del tutto o ridurre sensibilmente il numero delle
directory di cui fa` l'indice (ad es. eliminando /mnt con le
partizioni win ed un eventale cd montato).

Io ho seguito la seconda strada. Basta aggiungere le directory 
che non vuoi censire in /etc/cron.daily/slocate.cron, tra le virgolette
dopo l'opzione -e

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] a qualcuno funzionano licq o gnomeicq?

2001-06-22 Thread Gigi Cyber

Ciao a tutti,
vorrei sapere se qualcuno di voi è riuscito a
modificare con successo il file .lcq.conf in modo da
farlo funzionare.
Io ho il problema esposto alla faq 3.11 di licq.org,
ma non ho ben chiaro come si fa
grazie a tutti

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[newbie-it] Bastille e ....redhat

2001-06-22 Thread max

ho un problemino con Bastille: se non lo disattivo (linuxconf - controllo - 
pannello di controllo - verifica lo stato dei servizi - ecc) non mi funziona 
la rete locale che è costituita da linux e winz via samba (..e funziona 
Ho provato a cambiare il file di configurazione bastille-firewall.cfg 
mettendo la eth0 tra le TRUSTED_IFACES ed INTERNAL_IFACES...niente da 
fare Bastille non ne vuole sapere!
Se chiudo Bastille ho la 139 wide open :-)  il che non proprio il massimo 
per andare su internet.
Qualcuno sa come fare per rendere la 139 stealth (come fa bastille) ma 
garantire il servizio di network locale?

Aspetterò con ansia le vostre risposte...

Ah! A proposito di sicurezza, visto che si parlava della redhat, mi pare che 
sotto questo aspetto la penultima distro avesse qualche serio problema
Ci dovrebbe essere anche una specie di worm specializzato per i server 
realizzati con la red hat che sfrutta una debolezza del sistema
Sono sicuro che con l'ultima distro ( 7.1) queste falle sono state chiuse e 
si è raggiunta la stessa affidabilita della Mandrakehi..hi..hi


/v\  Max
  /(   )\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ^^ ^^

Re: [newbie-it] Cambio di scheda video

2001-06-22 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 20:46, mercoledì 20 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
 ciao a tutti come sempre :)
 allora ho cambiato scheda video e naturalmente X non parte, la scheda in
 questione e' una Hercules 3D prophet 4500 Kyro non credo che sia supportata
 dal pinguino...ora:

 1. come faccio a configurare X?

 2. posso continuare ad usare linux anche se non e' supportata la scheda?

 grazie dell'attenzione e...alla prossima :)

 by Spider

sono anche io un principiante e magari sto per dire una corbelleria (per 
usare un eufemismo!)... hai provato a configurare il server X indicando una 
scheda VGA generica?
In ogni caso, sarebbe un'ottima cosa rompere un po' le scatole al servizio 
di supporto tecnico del produttore della tua scheda: se vedono che la gente 
inizia a richiedere i driver per Linux, magari si svegliano (com'è stato il 
caso della Matrox!)...


Re: [newbie-it] scheda video cambiata

2001-06-22 Thread Ferdinando

 bisogno di un comando per riconfigurare la scheda video, ho provato

Non uso Mandrake però se non ricordo male al suo interno ha anche il comando
 Xconfigurator  di Red hat, provalo e al limite (visto che è migliore lo
strumento di Mandrake) dopo lanci di nuovo Hardrake.


Re: [newbie-it] Bastille e ....redhat

2001-06-22 Thread Ferdinando

 Ah! A proposito di sicurezza, visto che si parlava della redhat, mi pare che 
 sotto questo aspetto la penultima distro avesse qualche serio problema
 Ci dovrebbe essere anche una specie di worm specializzato per i server 
 realizzati con la red hat che sfrutta una debolezza del sistema
 Sono sicuro che con l'ultima distro ( 7.1) queste falle sono state chiuse e 
 si è raggiunta la stessa affidabilita della Mandrakehi..hi..hi

Non uso nessuna delle due ma comunque quel worm colpiva anche Mandrake che
d'altronde è nata da una costola di Red Hat.


Re: [newbie-it] a qualcuno funzionano licq o gnomeicq?

2001-06-22 Thread freefred

On Friday 22 June 2001 15:01, Gigi Cyber wrote:
 Ciao a tutti,
 vorrei sapere se qualcuno di voi è riuscito a
 modificare con successo il file .lcq.conf in modo da
 farlo funzionare.
 Io ho il problema esposto alla faq 3.11 di licq.org,

mh parla di un problema della mirabilis con icq 2000
prova a metetre nel licq.conf
questo indirizzo ip
alla voce server
dice in pratica di utilizzare ip address che non siano
e di fare un nslookup per vedere quali usare
anche se io facendolo ora trovo solo indirizzi di questo tipo.
sorry, di piu' non so.


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R: [newbie-it] Red Hat????

2001-06-22 Thread Dal bosco Michele

usa la suse 7.2 che e meglio :)

- Original Message -
From: legion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Red Hat

 -Messaggio Originale-
 Da: Mealli Diego [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Data invio: venerdì 22 giugno 2001 10.38
 Oggetto: R: [newbie-it] Red Hat

 Perchè mai bisogna sempre tenersi aggiornato su tutto certo che quando
 mesi di attesa finalmente esce mandrake 8.0 la scarichi dal sito compri le
 riviste che contengono i cd e al momento dell'installazione si inchioda il
 computer arrivo solo a una conclusione per il momento la mandrake deve
 ritirarsi in contemplazione e valutare il proprio operato e noi utenti
 preoccuparci di diffondere e imparare LINUX a prescindere dalla
 distribuzione quindi al momento il top è rappresentato dalla Red Hat
 Buona fortuna con la mandrake8.0

 be' guarda l'ho gia intallato su 3 pc diversi (in tutto 6 volte per fare
 varie prove) mai un minimo problema nell 'istallazione...
 non e' la MDK8 che ha problemi nell'istallazionee' il tuo pc o cmq il
 supporto cd...

[newbie] X and Windows Key.

2001-06-22 Thread Eduardo Dominguez

   I finally made AltGr key combinations work on my
Microsoft Elite Keyboard. But now the Windows key,
when pressed, freezes the keyboard. Can anyone
tell me what is the configuration for this key for
an xmodmap file ?

thanks in advance..
Eduardo Dominguez
Follow-ups to alt.nobody.really.cares

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[newbie] XFree 4.10 install problems..

2001-06-22 Thread Eduardo Dominguez

   I am trying to install X4.10 from RPM. I get a dependency
error for package perl(strict) which so far havent found
anywhere. Searching for that on google returns nothing

Good day to let down old friends who need help.

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[newbie] Re: Connect w/ ISP, but unable to surf/ver. 8.0

2001-06-22 Thread Rita F. Koenigs

Well, I'm hesitant so far to get my hands dirty
for fear of getting into a mess that I can't get out of ... I
had MandrakeLinux and the modem installed by a tech center
employee at CompUSA -- OS on Monday; modem on Tuesday after I
tried to get 4 old modems recognized. I'm completely new to
Linux, and I'd used Windows at a very non-expert level before

I've not read enough manuals either. So I am most comfortable so
far with KDE. Here's what I've done to solve the problem (but it
had no impact on the connected-but-no-surfing sitution): 

In KDE, I went to the start menu,
Configuration/Networking/Netconfigurator. I
went, under Client Tasks, to the Name server specs/DNS...
There was an error with the current settings which mentioned how
/etc/resolv.conf needed to be edited  -- and it seemed to be
fixable right there  

So I added nocharge.com for the domain name where there was
nothing before, and edited the IP of NameServer -- added the
two addresses  this part seems to correspond with your

Before doing this with KDE, I'd tried to use the command line
instructions you had written down, but am pretty stinky at it so
far ... lots of no command or file or something. 

BTW, I don't understand the question what do you do when you
type an IP address asked by another person on the list.


--- Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rita F. Koenigs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have 8.0.  I have been attempting to surf the internet
  success -- after logging onto the network using KDE kppp.
  I use http://www.nocharge.com, a free internet provider for
  parts of WA, OR, and NY...the connect link says that
  should work in the Macintosh, Linux, Unix platforms.
  Here's what happens: I log onto the network (I check
  icon, and see the connection speed, duration, bytes
  etc. in the kkk log).
  When I try to enter a URL in Konquerer or Netscape, I get
  nowhere. When I do a ping in terminal, the error message is:
  unable to connect to remote host.. Same with pinging as
  Any ideas on how to solve this?
  The odd thing is, right now I'm using a windows 98 machine,
  I'm connected using the same tel. #, IP address, etc. Just
  doesn't work for Linux, although nocharge claims to support
 What does your /etc/resolv.conf say??  Did you edit it
 search nocharge.com
 nameserver dns#
 nameserver dns#

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[newbie] Sound Woes

2001-06-22 Thread Adams, Jamie

My soundcard, a Yamaha OPL3 (inside a toshiba laptop - Satellite 2520)
is not detected by MD 8.0, though it was picked up as a compatable.sb in
hard-drake on ver 7.1.

Can someone tell me how i can get this sound card working once again
please? I was wondering wether i just needed to compile support for the
card into the kernel, but i dont really want to go fiddling with that
til i get some confirmation.

I have tried pnpdump, but it says 'no boards found'.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

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Re: [newbie] Re: Connect w/ ISP, but unable to surf/ver. 8.0

2001-06-22 Thread Michael Scottaline

Rita F. Koenigs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

big snip
 In KDE, I went to the start menu,

 Configuration/Networking/Netconfigurator. I

 went, under Client Tasks, to the Name server specs/DNS...

 There was an error with the current settings which mentioned how

 /etc/resolv.conf needed to be edited  -- and it seemed to be

 fixable right there  


 So I added nocharge.com for the domain name where there was

 nothing before, and edited the IP of NameServer -- added the

 two addresses  this part seems to correspond with your



 Before doing this with KDE, I'd tried to use the command line

 instructions you had written down, but am pretty stinky at it so

 far ... lots of no command or file or something. 

OK Rita, humor an old man ;o)
Do not open a terminal (for command line), open a text editor.
Any of the K editor's is fine, just be certain to do this as root.
Now tell the editor to open the file /etc/resolv.conf.  It may be 
almost empty (or indeed, empty).  Now add the three lines I 
suggested in my last e-mail:

search nocharge.com
nameserver dns#
nameserver dns#

Now save those changes and try to connect again.
This is a simple matter of editing text, not using the
dreaded command line  8^)

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[newbie] Sound Woes

2001-06-22 Thread Adams, Jamie

My soundcard, a Yamaha OPL3 (inside a toshiba laptop - Satellite 2520) is not
detected by MD 8.0, though it was picked up as a compatable.sb in hard-drake
on ver 7.1.

Can someone tell me how i can get this sound card working once again please?
I was wondering wether i just needed to compile support for the card into the
kernel, but i dont really want to go fiddling with that til i get some

I have tried pnpdump, but it says 'no boards found'.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

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delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
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Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

[newbie] Nvidia drivers.

2001-06-22 Thread Sque

Hi List.

I used software update and updated the kernel and other software
for 7.2, all went well.
Sadly I didn't do it after installing the video drivers from
Nvidia as they wont the old version of the kernel.

Im very much a newbie and am unsure which way to go.
I got the source for the drivers but the're .rpm and
I'm unsure how to unpack them.


Re: [newbie] Re: Is this some kind of Linux virus?

2001-06-22 Thread etharp

I had a problem with some windows software that added itself to my windows 
sig file and made itself the home page, even if I changed my home page the 
next reboot after it changed back. I wrote the company and explained that in 
MY state it is a violation of the law to make unauthorized changes to someone 
elses data. and if they did not send a cure with in 24 hours i would have 
them served to see them in court in a small town in North Carolina. I would 
suggest you do the same to encourge them to discontinue this type of 

On Thursday 21 June 2001 23:49, Michael wrote:
 Sorry about the premature post.  I just realized that it was always after
 my signature file so I looked at that, and somehow it attached itself to
 it. this is really weird.  Does anyone know how this can happen?  I deleted
 it from my signature and everything seems to be working normally now.

Re: [newbie] Re: Is this some kind of Linux virus?

2001-06-22 Thread etharp

I had a problem with some windows software that added itself to my windows 
sig file and made itself the home page, even if I changed my home page the 
next reboot after it changed back. I wrote the company and explained that in 
MY state it is a violation of the law to make unauthorized changes to someone 
elses data. and if they did not send a cure with in 24 hours i would have 
them served to see them in court in a small town in North Carolina. I would 
suggest you do the same to encourge them to discontinue this type of 

On Thursday 21 June 2001 23:49, Michael wrote:
 Sorry about the premature post.  I just realized that it was always after
 my signature file so I looked at that, and somehow it attached itself to
 it. this is really weird.  Does anyone know how this can happen?  I deleted
 it from my signature and everything seems to be working normally now.

[newbie] Install problems

2001-06-22 Thread Joe Finnie

My previous letter was not so clear, sorry about that.
Anyway I have an old pentium 200, and i have a 10 gig
hard drive but the bios can only see 8 gig. I have
windows 95c on it. I then installed LM 8, suprisingly
it could see the other 2 gig so i installed it to
there. Unfortunately I couldnt boot because when it
was just about to load the OS or lilo or something it
just printed a couple of asc ii chars and then hangs.
Then I tried an expert install. during it I said that
it must change the boot sector or something, it gave
me some warnings but I couldnt start my pc anyway,
into win 95 or linux, so I said ok. That did not help.
I then partitioned the disk 6,2,2. I installed LM8
again but to the second 2 gig partition. This worked
and I can run LM8 with no problem unfortunatly I can
no longer boot to a floppy which is a 98 boot disk. It
seems to just read the disk for a few seconds and then
hang. I disabled my hd in the bios and the disk worked
fine but when i enabled it again the booting was
messed again. So I had to reinstall LM8. Is there any
way to install windows onto that first 6 gig I have
without formatting everything because I still have
quite a bit of info on it which I would like to keep. 
This is a bit lengthy but I hope that it explaines my
Thanks for any help.

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Re: [newbie] XFree 4.10 install problems..

2001-06-22 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Friday 22 June 2001 01:36 am, Eduardo Dominguez wrote:
I am trying to install X4.10 from RPM. I get a dependency
 error for package perl(strict) which so far havent found
 anywhere. Searching for that on google returns nothing

  I used XFree86-4.1.0-1mdk cooker rpms on 8.0 with no problems. 
There's been discusion of the perl(strict) problem you're having with 
(IIRC) -3mdk and maybe still with -4mdk.  Check the cooker (developers) 
mailing list archive and see if there's a resolution, or if you can use 
--nodeps. Sorry, but I've only paid half attention to the discussion 
because I didn't have the problem. I would suggest tho that if you want 
to dabble with the latest and greatest like I do, lurking on the cooker 
ML can be invaluable.

   FWIW, I also used cooker's kde*-2.2-0.alpha2.1mdk rpms with the only 
problem being KDM broke and defaulted to text login. Upgrading kdebase* 
to cookers -5mdk fixed that. (kdebase provides KDM)
Tom Brinkman  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] nautilus cannot view any htmls...

2001-06-22 Thread jan

on my Mandrake 8.0 system, nautilus cannot view any html document.
Everything else works fine. (e.g. pictures and text)
Even the local htmls on my computer dont work.
I always get the message that he got an error while he was starting to view 

What might that be? Any idea?


Re: [newbie] gaim compile issues

2001-06-22 Thread paul r

Thank you, Eduardo.  That helped, but I am now getting the following

In file included from internal.h:5,
 from ZAsyncLocate.c:15:
sysdep.h:54: conflicting types for `sys_errlist'
/usr/include/stdio.h:553: previous declaration of `sys_errlist'
In file included from sysdep.h:60,
 from internal.h:5,
 from ZAsyncLocate.c:15:
/usr/include/string.h:229: parse error before `__errnum'
/usr/include/string.h:229: conflicting types for `sys_errlist'
sysdep.h:54: previous declaration of `sys_errlist'
make[3]: *** [ZAsyncLocate.lo] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/paul/files/gaim-0.11.0pre14/plugins'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/paul/files/gaim-0.11.0pre14'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

On 21 Jun 2001 23:54:10 -0500, Eduardo Dominguez wrote:
 install db1-devel (i think)
 On Thursday 21 June 2001 23:35, you wrote:
  Trying to compile the new version of Gaim 11 pre 14 I ran into the
  follwing errors:
  I typed ./configure --enable-panel then make at the end of the usual
  stream I get the following:
  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldb1
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  make[2]: *** [au2h] Error 1
  make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/paul/files/gaim-0.11.0pre14/sounds'
  make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/paul/files/gaim-0.11.0pre14'
  make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
  What can I do to fix this?
  Also, how can I check what version GTK I have installed?
  -Paul R
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
 Eduardo Dominguez
 I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere.
 Do You Yahoo!?
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[newbie] cooker

2001-06-22 Thread paul r

Taken from the cooker FAQ:

Cooker is the development version of the Linux-Mandrake operating
system, whose official producer and publisher is MandrakeSoft, Inc.

* MandrakeSoft homepage: http://www.mandrakesoft.com
* Linux-Mandrake: http://www.linux-mandrake.com
* Cooker homepage: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/cookerdevel.php3

The purpose of Cooker is to improve the distribution by permitting a
better interaction between the development team and the users of
Linux-Mandrake, both for debugging and adding new features.

On 21 Jun 2001 23:24:35 -0400, Juan Carlos wrote:
 Thanks for the help.
 What´s the difference between Mandrake and Mandrake Cooker?

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Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers.

2001-06-22 Thread s

If they are rpms then go to run level 3 (ctrl+alt+backspace) and log in as 
root, then type:  cd towherethedriversare
then:  rpm -Uvh NVIDIA_kernel.xxx.rpm   and
rpm -Uvh NVIDIA_GLX-xxx.rpm (whatever they are 
exactly called).   Then type:  exit, startx, and see if they worked.  If not 
go to nvidia.com and get the tarballs.

On Friday 22 June 2001 05:18 am, you wrote:
 Hi List.

 I used software update and updated the kernel and other software
 for 7.2, all went well.
 Sadly I didn't do it after installing the video drivers from
 Nvidia as they wont the old version of the kernel.

 Im very much a newbie and am unsure which way to go.
 I got the source for the drivers but the're .rpm and
 I'm unsure how to unpack them.


Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers.

2001-06-22 Thread Miark

There's more to it than installing the RPMs. You have to edit
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 to include

Load glx

in the Modules section, and change the line that reads Driver nv to

Driver nvidia

That should help.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 8:16 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers.

 If they are rpms then go to run level 3 (ctrl+alt+backspace) and log in as
 root, then type:  cd towherethedriversare
 then:  rpm -Uvh NVIDIA_kernel.xxx.rpm   and
 rpm -Uvh NVIDIA_GLX-xxx.rpm (whatever they are
 exactly called).   Then type:  exit, startx, and see if they worked.  If
 go to nvidia.com and get the tarballs.

 On Friday 22 June 2001 05:18 am, you wrote:
  Hi List.
  I used software update and updated the kernel and other software
  for 7.2, all went well.
  Sadly I didn't do it after installing the video drivers from
  Nvidia as they wont the old version of the kernel.
  Im very much a newbie and am unsure which way to go.
  I got the source for the drivers but the're .rpm and
  I'm unsure how to unpack them.

Re: [newbie] Error: Winbond Super-10 detection....

2001-06-22 Thread OOzy Pal

Yes, somthing like that. But, I did not have this
before. I installed LM8 a month ago and didn't have
this problem until I reinatlled LM8 again

--- Jeffrey M. Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday 22 June 2001 01:14, OOzy Pal wrote:
  My linux is on runlevel 3. Everytime I rum my
  box and before I get the the login prompt a
  comes up saying
  Winbond Super-10 detection, now testing ports 3F0,
  370, 200, 4E, 2E
  SMSC Super-10 detection, now testing ports 3F0,
  What is this. Any ideas.
  What is the purpose of life?
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
 does it look something like this?
 Winbond Super-IO detection, now testing ports 
 3F0,370,250,4E,2E ...
 Winbond chip at EFER=0x3f0 key=0x87 devid=52
 Winbond chip type 83977EF / SMSC 97w35x
 Winbond LPT Config: cr_30=01 60,61=0378 70=07 74=03,
 Winbond LPT Config: active=yes, io=0x0378 irq=7,
 Winbond LPT Config: irqtype=pulsed low, high-Z, ECP
 Winbond LPT Config: Port mode=Standard (SPP) and 
 SMSC Super-IO detection, now testing Ports 2F0, 370
 i think it's the kernel trying to recognize the
 portion of your motherboard's chipset. the
 gives all the functionality to ports like the PS/2
 printer ports. i get the same weird message when i
 log in. 
 haven't found a way to work around it yet.
 +  Jeffrey M. Reed
 +  Linux System Administrator
 +  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
 +  (508)792-6070


What is the purpose of life?

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Re: [newbie] OpenGL

2001-06-22 Thread Miark


To play Tuxracer, you must make sure that

1) the stock driver for your video card supports accelerated graphics. (For
instance, the stock NVidia driver does not). I don't know squat about your
video card, so I can't help you any more here.

2) To use OpenGL, X must be OpenGL-ready via the Mesa RPMs. You should
double-check that you have Mesa installed with

rpm -qa | grep Mesa

which should list Mesa, Mesa-common, and Mesa-demos (well, I don't think you
really _must_ have this last one). If they're not, pop in your installation
CDs and install them.

Hope this helps,

- Original Message -
From: Adams, Jamie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 8:27 AM
Subject: [newbie] OpenGL

 So gfar under Mandrake i have not been able to get anything working that
 requires the use of OpenGL. My graphics card is an S3 Virge Mx, which
 although i know is a bit crappy, it does support OpenGL.
 The OpenGl screensavers in MD8 do not run.
 Is there something im missing here? i really wanna play tuxracer :)

 This message has been checked for all known viruses by Star Internet
 delivered through the MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service. For further
 information visit http://www.star.net.uk/stats.asp or alternatively call
 Star Internet for details on the Virus Scanning Service.

Re: [newbie] Desktop Publishing

2001-06-22 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

i've had some decent success with good ol' StarOffice. a 
lot of people hate that too...but hell man, these programs 
are FREE.

me? i just run M$ Office and Flash and Photoshop using 
WINE. and yes, it DOES work.

just my two cents

On Wednesday 20 June 2001 14:25, Bryan S. Tyson wrote:
 On Wednesday 20 June 2001 05:52, Alex wrote:
  destop publishing - Ice Sculptor from chilliware
  http://chilliware.net it is commercial and costs about
  USD $80

 This piece of junk is a disgrace. Not only is it not
 worth $80, I wouldn't take it for free.

 If you or anyone else reading this disagrees, I would be
 interested in your thoughts.

 Powered by SuSE Linux 7.1 Professional
 KDE 2.0.1 KMail 1.1.99

 Bryan S. Tyson


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

[newbie] broken files through rpmdrake: nautilus, vim, perl

2001-06-22 Thread paul r

I tried to upgrade some programs via rpmdrake, now broken.

How do I get them to a previous state?

I tried to upgrade nautilus, bad idea I suppose, now will only run as
root.  It seems too many dependencies to uninstall and reinstall.  How
do I revert to previous state?

For some reason vim will no longer start either.
error:  vim: error while loading shared libraries: libperl.so: cannot
load shared object file: No such file or directory

Please help!


-Paul R

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[newbie] Realplayer is noisy

2001-06-22 Thread OOzy Pal


I downloaded RealPlayer 8 from www.download.com. I
tried to install but I get a message saying package
already installed. I look for realplay, realplayer,
rplayer , with no help, 

I type

find -name *real*, I get every name that has the word
real but not realplayer or somrhing similar. So I
decided to do this

rpm -U rp8

after installation is completed I tried to run
realplayer but the sound is realy noisy. I can't get
anything except noise.

The noise is like the noise comes out of a TV with
cable or signal coming to the TV


What is the purpose of life?

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[newbie] Sane Mandrake (Scanner)

2001-06-22 Thread DStevenson

I have had sane 1.0.4 installed and have only been able to scan gray mode. 
Color only gives a IO problem. 

Mandrakes cooker now has version 1.0.5 of the sane RPM's as well as 
version 0.78 of xsane. However, once I have removed the old software and 
re-installed with the lastest version, scanimage -V still reports 1.0.4. Is 
there a simple explanation?

Also, after doing a scanimage -T, the prompt does not return and the scanner 
light stays on for about ten minutes at which point the prompt returns. Color 
test completes but does not return prompt either. Previous version at least 
finished gray test?

Sorry for any bad english, my 18 month old daughter is helping me type this 



Mandrake 8
Adaptec SCSI AVA-2904
HP5p Scanner

[newbie] WINE runs Windows proggies! ok?

2001-06-22 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed


read it...love it...learn it...

i would LOVE to help all you guys figure this out but 
everyone's problems are going to be different. you all have 
different PC's and different setups.

if you have any GENERAL questions about how to set up 
Mandrake alongside Windows and stuff like that, i would be 
more than happy to help.

as far as WINE and similar proggies are concerned...the 
only thing i can really suggest is that you learn how to 
build/install using tarballs and compile your kernels like 
good girls and boys!

good luck and don't get frustrated! i've been using linux 
and bsd type stuff for all of a year now and i'm STILL 
learning a lot!


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070


2001-06-22 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I don't usually send tests to mailing lists..

but I am getting mail from everywhere but these mailing list, so you can
understand my confusion...

apologies again



Re: [newbie] WINE runs Windows proggies! ok?

2001-06-22 Thread OOzy Pal

Hello Jeff

Which version do your prefer the one from
www.winehq.com or the one from www.codeweavers.com.

--- Jeffrey M. Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 read it...love it...learn it...
 i would LOVE to help all you guys figure this out
 everyone's problems are going to be different. you
 all have 
 different PC's and different setups.
 if you have any GENERAL questions about how to set
 Mandrake alongside Windows and stuff like that, i
 would be 
 more than happy to help.
 as far as WINE and similar proggies are
 only thing i can really suggest is that you learn
 how to 
 build/install using tarballs and compile your
 kernels like 
 good girls and boys!
 good luck and don't get frustrated! i've been using
 and bsd type stuff for all of a year now and i'm
 learning a lot!
 +  Jeffrey M. Reed
 +  Linux System Administrator
 +  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
 +  (508)792-6070


What is the purpose of life?

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[newbie] Your article is premature in articel http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/opinions/3387/1

2001-06-22 Thread Romanator

Hello list,

Editor's Note RIP: Linux on the desktop. Ken Reichard mentions that it
is official that Linux on the desktop is dead. Is he the official who
decides? His standards? Linux is still evolving. Maybe the desktop isn't
ready yet but keep your eye on Mandrake. I'm sure the tide will turn
after 2 or 3 versions. I predict by Version 10 or 11, it will be ready
and more companies will be offering power applications to run on Linux.
Just check out what IBM is planning and SUN.

I encourage all users to read the following link and speak your mind on
www.linuxplanet.com to Kevin Reichard.

Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

Re: [newbie] Error: Winbond Super-10 detection....

2001-06-22 Thread Juan Carlos

Talking about that message.

Yesterday I was installing some rpm but yesterday I reboot and the system 
sometimes it looks work well.

RPMs: libvga..., glide..., quake2

I reboot and I was playing Quake2. OK.

Today when I reboot LM 8.0 I can´t get X works, only text console, and a 
message was printed:

Winbond Super-10 detection, now testing ports 3F0, 370, 200, 4E, 2E
SMSC Super-10 detection, now testing ports 3F0, 370..
Press Return.

Finally after try to repair it for 1 hour without any positive result I 
decide to reinstall LM 8.0, copying /home/ to another driver to restore it 
after reinstall. And now my linux box works properly.

Any of you has any idea of what happen?
Or how to repair it if it occurs again?


On Fri 22 Jun 2001 11:24, you wrote:
 Yes, somthing like that. But, I did not have this
 before. I installed LM8 a month ago and didn't have
 this problem until I reinatlled LM8 again

 --- Jeffrey M. Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Friday 22 June 2001 01:14, OOzy Pal wrote:
   My linux is on runlevel 3. Everytime I rum my
   box and before I get the the login prompt a
   comes up saying
   Winbond Super-10 detection, now testing ports 3F0,
   370, 200, 4E, 2E
   SMSC Super-10 detection, now testing ports 3F0,
   What is this. Any ideas.
   What is the purpose of life?
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail
  does it look something like this?
  Winbond Super-IO detection, now testing ports
  3F0,370,250,4E,2E ...
  Winbond chip at EFER=0x3f0 key=0x87 devid=52
  Winbond chip type 83977EF / SMSC 97w35x
  Winbond LPT Config: cr_30=01 60,61=0378 70=07 74=03,
  Winbond LPT Config: active=yes, io=0x0378 irq=7,
  Winbond LPT Config: irqtype=pulsed low, high-Z, ECP
  Winbond LPT Config: Port mode=Standard (SPP) and
  SMSC Super-IO detection, now testing Ports 2F0, 370
  i think it's the kernel trying to recognize the
  portion of your motherboard's chipset. the
  gives all the functionality to ports like the PS/2
  printer ports. i get the same weird message when i
  log in.
  haven't found a way to work around it yet.
  +  Jeffrey M. Reed
  +  Linux System Administrator
  +  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
  +  (508)792-6070


 What is the purpose of life?

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

Registered Linux User # 219425
mensaje enviado desde http://www.iespana.es
emails (pop)-paginas web (espacio illimitado)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-foros

[newbie] KMail auto reply with file attachment! Possible??

2001-06-22 Thread Richard Davies


Is it possible to have Kmail auto reply to any mail coming in addressed to 
I want the reply to be a short plain text message with two attached PDF files.
I used to be able to do this under Outlook when windows would run but don't 
see any options to do it under Kmail.

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

There is hardly anything that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a 
little cheaper.  Ruskin

[newbie] wordperfect dependency

2001-06-22 Thread Bill Winegarden

I am in the process of installing WP8 (download version) on Mandrake 8. I 
know that there is file that absolutely must be upgraded for a successful 
installation. I have seen mention made of it on this list. Before I get 
started, does anyone remember which file it is that I am thinking about?

Thanks and regards,
Bill W.

Re: [newbie] RE: [nwebie] CD-RW at hdc inaccessible

2001-06-22 Thread Miark

Probably two. But now that I try it with one, the result
is the same: Cannot open SCSI driver

Does that offer any clues?


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] RE: [nwebie] CD-RW at hdc inaccessible

   Did you put one or two dashes in front of the word scanbus?

 - Original Message -

  Here's the output from a cdrecord --scanbus:
  Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg
  cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open SCSI driver.
  cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you
  Does this mean anything to you?

Re: [newbie] EMAIL TEST (SORRY)

2001-06-22 Thread Carroll Grigsby

Every so often, some randomly selected members are removed from the list
for some unknown reason. The only known cure is to resubscribe. (At
least its easier than reinstalling the OS).

Franki wrote:
 Hi all,
 I don't usually send tests to mailing lists..
 but I am getting mail from everywhere but these mailing list, so you can
 understand my confusion...
 apologies again

Re: [newbie] Install error

2001-06-22 Thread Michael Leone

 From: Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Install error
 On Thursday 21 June 2001 08:15 am, Randy Kramer wrote:
  One followup question:  Must I restore those attributes for any
  (functional) reason after the defrag?  (I mean, is there any reason
  something (in Windows) would not work because the attributes have
  been changed?)
 No.  There's no permissions in Winblows, which is one reason it's 
 so inherently insecureable. M$ uses those attributes (ie, hidden and

Windows most certainly has file permissions. Or have you never looked at
WinNT or Win2K? Check out ACLs on an NTFS volume sometime.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that Win9x/WinME are the entire
Windows line of products.

Re: [newbie] Your article is premature in articel http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/opinions/3387/1

2001-06-22 Thread Romanator


Daniel Christle was right on. This is a partial quote that I really
liked from the article:

I think it's time to be careful and thoughtful on how the Linux
community portrays itself. This doesn't mean that we are to give up the
enormous amount of introspection that the community continually exposes
itself to. Rather, we should increase it, and build upon what has
already been accomplished. 
Through our success we have created choice and freedom. If you think
about it, the Linux community has done a lot and will continue to do a
lot. We are now into areas, such as embedded system, that most people
had not even given a thought to before. We need to couch our arguments
to reflect the facts. Linux isn't dead and neither is Tux.

Despite the recent happenings, Linux on the desktop is still a reality
(at least it is for me). There's so much that is happening, in terms of
development, for the desktop that I can't help believe the dream is
still alive. We don't have to look far for examples of development that
are geared toward the desktop. Off the top of my head I can think of a
few. Open Office, Abiword, KOffice, KDE, GNOME, gnuCash, Kapital,
Mozilla, KMail, Balsa, and the list goes on. There is way too much
happening for the desktop to give up this battle. 

Linux isn't about world domination (unlike products by other west coast
companies that come to mind), rather Linux is about choice and the
freedom to make that choice. 

This is what people want, the freedom to choose and write and
reconfigure their systems to their liking. Just because Word is not
included as part of the operating system, it isn't the end all. It would
be interesting to find how many C++ companies have gone out of business
in the last 2 - 3 years. Or, how many millions of dollars Microsoft has
lost on 'loser' projects.

I still believe Linux is a force to be reckoned with and we should be
proud that we are part of this interesting part of history.
As an international community, that enjoys contributing to this superb
OS, we still outnumber Microsoft. And, there are lot of Linux apps. in
the works that cannot be talked about until they are ready for release
that will take our breath away.

Thanks Carroll. You made my evening.


Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 Maybe this will make you feel better:
 Romanator wrote:
  Hello list,
  Editor's Note RIP: Linux on the desktop. Ken Reichard mentions that it
  is official that Linux on the desktop is dead. Is he the official who
  decides? His standards? Linux is still evolving. Maybe the desktop isn't
  ready yet but keep your eye on Mandrake. I'm sure the tide will turn
  after 2 or 3 versions. I predict by Version 10 or 11, it will be ready
  and more companies will be offering power applications to run on Linux.
  Just check out what IBM is planning and SUN.
  I encourage all users to read the following link and speak your mind on
  www.linuxplanet.com to Kevin Reichard.
  Registered Linux User #179293
  This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

Registered Linux User #179293
This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility

[newbie] Multiple NIC's with Multiple dhcp connections!

2001-06-22 Thread h3rb

I have 4 ethernet cards in my one server.  Here's a breakdown of thier usage!
eth0 = static IP from a cisco uBR 924.  This is used for my web server/ftp 
eth1 = dhcp from another cable modem for a game server
eth2 = dhcp from the cisco uBR924, internal network, for samba server
eth3 = dhcp from another cable modem for another game server

So I have a total of 3 'modems' that I am using for different things here.

My problem is...is that using netconf in mandrake 8 only allows me, from what 
I can see, to setup one gateway.  And this is the gateway of my static IP.

I can only use one of the connections that are present at a time.  If I setup 
the gateway for eth0 then only the web/ftp server works.  If I setup eth1's 
default gateway then only the 1 game server works, and none of the other 
services work from the outside world.

How do I configure these 4 ethernet cards so that they all act on thier own.  
eth1 and eth3 will be configured from dhcp and all traffic will go out to 
thier respective modem!

Any help would be appreciated.  Thx.


[newbie] PartImage - Very useful for O/S Fiddlers

2001-06-22 Thread Lin Kenham

Hi everyone.
As one who enjoys messing with Linux, I dont risk my system by fiddling
with major updates or reconfiguring. Instead I have 3 different systems,
Caldera, Mandrake 7.2 and now Mandrake 8.0.
So it doesnt matter if I destroy one. What we need is a quick way of
restoring them.
I have just got PartImage on a Mag disk and it is brilliant. Using it to
make an image of a Partition, and them burning a CD with that image gives a
quick way. I have just deliberately deleted my Man 8.0 partition, so I could
restore it, which took about 3 minutes.
It is better than Nero in that it ignores unused space, and compresses.
Get it from ,http://www.partimage.org/
Lin Kenham

[newbie] moving drives

2001-06-22 Thread Michael Falzon

Hi All
ok i'm using mandrake 8.0 it running ok but i had slow started to
run out of drive space on both windows and linux, so to fix this i have move
my windows
to a new drive so now linux is on /dev/hda and windows is now on /dev/hdb

Lilo is booting up ok for linux, but not for windows  ( non system disk or
disk error ) if i till me bios to boot on the windows drive so boot's ok
i did update lilo ( i'm sure i did not do it right )

i just change the /dev/hda to b then lilo -v

what im i not do right ?

Michael Falzon
Last Of The BBs Sysop
Mozy's Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBs
Registered Linux user #204397

[newbie] cable modem, router problem

2001-06-22 Thread Jim Downs

First of all thanks to everyone in advance, and I apologize for the long

I am unable to connect through my router to my cable modem. I subscribed
last week to Road Runner service here in the New York City area. In order to
set up a quick LAN I purchased a Netgear RT314 Gateway Router and 2 NIC
cards. I have 2 computers on the network; my wife's Win95 machine and my box
dual booting Win2K and Mandrake 7.1.

On my pc in Win2K everything works fine obtaining IP and DNS addresses
automatically. And in Mandrake when I connect the cable directly from my
Netgear FA312 NIC card using dhcp, to the Toshiba DOCSIS PCX1100U cable
modem, that works fine also. But everything fails when I plug into the
router. Pump fails on boot, and also fails if I try to activate the card in
the Network Configurator control-panel. I have tried to set the IP address
manually and specifying a default gateway: (my router) but with
no luck. I am not even able to ping the router.

I have searched and looked at every posting, archive and FAQ I could get my
hands on and cannot figure it out. All the ones that I have seen address how
to connect directly to the modem, not through a network. (Big thanks to the
Linux Road Runner HOW-TO Web site, and to Donald Becker for writing the
natsemi.c driver that got my FA312 card working!) If anybody has any ideas
or suggestions or url's that would point me into the right direction it
would be a great help.

Here is my configuration info from Network Configurator;
Hostname: jdowns (my account name)
Domain: nyc.rr.com
Name: localhost.localdomain
Nicknames: localhost
Interface: lo
proto: none
atboot: yes
Interface: eth0
proto: dhcp
atboot: yes
DEVICE: eth0
Activate at boot time

This is the configuration that works when I plug directly into the cable

Again sorry for the long post, and many thanks to everyone!

Jim Downs

Re: [newbie] Install Questions

2001-06-22 Thread Mr S Ganesan

DEAr Sir,
I have a curious problem.  I loaded MKL7.2 on my system and was working
properly. It has two SCSI harddisks of 8GB each with AIC Adaptec 7896
adapter and twin PIII500 processors.
When I tried to load MKL 8.0 on the same it stops at loading aic7xxx and
nothing happens for a long time and no loading takes place.
Where can I get driver for aic7896 SCSI adapter for MKL 8.0?
I need to badly upgrade to MKL8.0 since MKL 7.2 is meant for only i586 and
it says so.
Pl help.

Senior Scientist
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Berasia Road
Bhopal 462038, INDIA
Phone:  0755-730986 (O)
0755-732105 (R)
Web Address:http://www.ciae.nic.in

Re: [newbie] CD-RW at hdc inaccessible

2001-06-22 Thread Miark

When I boot, that first screen that lists all your hardware lists both CD
drives as PIO 4. Would that have anything to do with my problem? In other
words, should my CD-RW drive be anything else?

Are there any BIOS settings that may be interfering?


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 11:53 AM
Subject: [newbie] CD-RW at hdc inaccessible

 Hi all,

 I'm running 8.0 and can't read my Creative CD-RW RW8433E drive at hdc. I
 looked through old messages, but couldn't find a solution. Here's my

   hda - hard drive hdc - CD-RW
   hdb - nothing  hdd - DVD-ROM

 Here are other details:

 * /dev/cdrom is sybolically linked to /dev/scd0
 * LILO includes append= hdc=ide-scsi mem=1024M)
 * An lsmod reports the presence of ide-scsi   7568   0

 * hdc and hdd are on a 40-pin cable

 * KDE reports the permissions at basically 777
 * ls -la on /dev/cdrom is identical to cdrom2 (w/ lrwxrwxrwx)
 * ls -la on /mnt/cdrom is identical to cdrom2 (w/ drwxrwxrwx)
 * ls -la on /dev/scd0 is brw-rw---

 I'd very much appreciate your insights!


[newbie] VIM was: broken files through rpmdrake: nautilus, vim, perl

2001-06-22 Thread paul r

After updating some files, vim was giving me the following error and not
starting up:

vim: error while loading shared libraries: libperl.so: cannot load shared object 
file: No such file or directory

Uninstalling vim-enhanced fixed this, but I need vim-enhanced's PERL
interpreters.  How should I go about fixing this?

-Paul R

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Re: [newbie] Volume Control in KDE?

2001-06-22 Thread Ed Kasky

Thanks - this worked.  Kmix is now a panel icon as well when I start KDE...

At 02:49 AM Friday, 6/22/2001, bascule wrote -=
there is a kconfigkdesoundmixer dialog with a 'load volumes on login'
setting but i don't know if this launches the panel icon as well,

also a long winded way is to manually launch and dock kmix, logout with 'save
setting' and from then on as long you don't accidentally exit kmix before
logging out it will always be launched, at least this is how i deduced i got
it to work for me


On Thursday 21 June 2001 10:29 pm, you wrote:
  Ed Kasky wrote:
   Is there a volume control anywhere in KDE desktop?  I hate
   to admit to being used to the slider in windoze
  Edwith konqueror, navigate to your ~/.kde/Autostart/
  directory and right-click on konqueror's background, Choose
  'Create new' then choose 'Link to Application'. In the
  execute tab under 'Command' put this:
  kmix -caption %c %i %m
  when finished click on the new icon and a cyan colored
  speaker will appear in the area to the left of the KDE clock
  display.  Close konqueror.  In the future that icon will show
  up there all the time.  Click it when you need to adjust the
  volume. :)

Ed Kasky
Los Angeles, CA
. . . . . . . .
What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)

Re: [newbie] CD-RW at hdc inaccessible

2001-06-22 Thread Paul Cox

On Thursday, Jun 21, 2001, Miark wrote:

 Dennis, yes, I've got hdc=ide-scsi in its proper place.

You might check in /etc/fstab to make sure /mnt/cdrom is going for the
right device... here's mine (my CDRW is at /dev/scd0 also which
/dev/cdrom links to):

/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0

Paul Cox paul at coxcentral dot com
Kernel: 2.4.3-20mdk-win4lin-pcox  -  Uptime: 5 days 9 hours 57 minutes.

Re: [newbie] Connect w/ ISP, but unable to surf/ver. 8.0

2001-06-22 Thread civileme

On Thursday 21 June 2001 20:16, Michael Scottaline wrote:
 Rita F. Koenigs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have 8.0.  I have been attempting to surf the internet
  success -- after logging onto the network using KDE kppp.
  I use http://www.nocharge.com, a free internet provider for
  parts of WA, OR, and NY...the connect link says that
  should work in the Macintosh, Linux, Unix platforms.
  Here's what happens: I log onto the network (I check
  icon, and see the connection speed, duration, bytes
  etc. in the kkk log).
  When I try to enter a URL in Konquerer or Netscape, I get
  nowhere. When I do a ping in terminal, the error message is:
  unable to connect to remote host.. Same with pinging as
  Any ideas on how to solve this?
  The odd thing is, right now I'm using a windows 98 machine,
  I'm connected using the same tel. #, IP address, etc. Just
  doesn't work for Linux, although nocharge claims to support

 What does your /etc/resolv.conf say??  Did you edit it

 search nocharge.com
 nameserver dns#
 nameserver dns#

 dns#'s should be provided by the ISP.[root@civileme tester]# 
host -a www.nocharge.com.
Trying www.nocharge.com.
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 18825
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, 
;www.nocharge.com.  IN  ANY
www.nocharge.com.   3466IN  CNAME   nocharge.com.
nocharge.com.   172666  IN  NS  
nocharge.com.   172666  IN  NS  

Or by one of us with internet functioning machines.  DNS1 is and 2 is  I would reverse the order to 
pull from the presumably more lightly loaded secondary.


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Re: [newbie] Nvidia drivers.

2001-06-22 Thread Tim Faircloth

On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, s wrote:

 If they are rpms then go to run level 3 (ctrl+alt+backspace) and log in as 
 root, then type:  cd towherethedriversare
 then:  rpm -Uvh NVIDIA_kernel.xxx.rpm   and
 rpm -Uvh NVIDIA_GLX-xxx.rpm (whatever they are 
 exactly called).   Then type:  exit, startx, and see if they worked.  If not 
 go to nvidia.com and get the tarballs.

I find that the tarballs don't work at *all*.  save yourself some
trouble and get the tarballs first thing, then follow the readme on the

I'd rather be a pessimist proved wrong then an optimist proved wrong.

[newbie] Can't find char-major-4 and 180

2001-06-22 Thread Miark

Hi all,

After boot and at the login prompt, I would get can't find module
char-major-180 and then can't find module char-major-4. It would scroll
on for a couple of screens with that message.

I read around and found out that 4 is related to the serial ports, and 180
is related to USB. I don't use either, and in fact have them disabled in my

I read an old article that I could add the following to my

char-major-4 off
char-major-180 off

I've done that, and the messages have gone away. But I want to double-check
with you guys: is what I did okay, or should I handle the error messages
some other way?


[newbie] Lnx4Win to Setup L-M 7.2

2001-06-22 Thread Jianrong Yao

Hello, Friends,

My computer uses Windows 98. After using Lnx4Win to install Linux-Mandrake 
7.2, Windows 98 still runs well when I choose it. However, Linux-Mandrake 
cannot start up if I take this choice. The following information is 
displayed on the screen.

Request_module[block-major-7]: Root fs not mounted.
VFS: Cannot open root device 07:07.
kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 07:07.

Please tell me what to do or how to resolve it.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours Truly,


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Re: [newbie] Lnx4Win to Setup L-M 7.2

2001-06-22 Thread Jeffrey M. Reed

On Friday 22 June 2001 22:16, Jianrong Yao wrote:
 Hello, Friends,

 My computer uses Windows 98. After using Lnx4Win to
 install Linux-Mandrake 7.2, Windows 98 still runs well
 when I choose it. However, Linux-Mandrake cannot start up
 if I take this choice. The following information is
 displayed on the screen.

 Request_module[block-major-7]: Root fs not mounted.
 VFS: Cannot open root device 07:07.
 kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 07:07.

 Please tell me what to do or how to resolve it.

 Thank you for your assistance.

 Yours Truly,


 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN
 Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

a word to the wise...DO NOT EVER USE WIN4LIN. although it 
makes the installation process easy, it does have it's 
drawbacks...ok? mostly, the fact that you will begin to 
take up space inside the linux 'folder' within win98. the 
problem with that? win98 cannot detect linux partitions! 
so, you may fill up your linux 'folder' real quick and that 
could leave windows high and dry.

the BEST thing you can do, although it's a PAIN, is backup 
your win98 system, re-partition your drive, INSTALL WINDOWS 
AGAIN, FIRST, and then install linux. ALWAYS install 
WINDOWS FIRST! installing linux on it's own partitions is 
some of the best experience you will get using the system!

for instance, i have a 20 gig seagate. i partitioned it up 
like this:

2 gig for win98 II
500 MB for linux / (root)
128 MB for linux swap
2 gig for /usr
2 gig for /usr/local
50 MB for /boot
200 MB for /tmp
200 MB for /var
2 gig for /home
and the rest i split up into 3 extra FAT (windows) 
partitions...about 2 1/2 gigs each

i've NEVER had any problems with this setup and my system 
appears to run quite smoothly. again, i know that backing 
up and re-installing is a headache, but it's some of the 
best experience you'll get...not only with linux, but 
mandrake especially!!!

good luck and don't get frustrated!!!


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070