Re: [newbie] zip250 way too slow

2001-08-12 Thread Abuse Spam control Department

Sorry for the intrusion, I received a complaint about a user 
on our local system, is it your wish that I pull this user's

On Sunday 12 August 2001 08:09 pm, so spoke poogle:
 On Sunday 12 August 2001 14:16, you wrote:
  OK I guess no one cares about helping, I tried to
  put in as much as I knew, but no one was willing

Re: [newbie] installing Bastille

2001-08-12 Thread s

I would suggest checking that you have the Bastille-Tk-module rpm installled.

On Sunday 12 August 2001 01:55 pm, you wrote:
 Thanks, s.
 I have tried running from the command line, and I get the message can't
 find in @INC. Any ideas?

 Thanks again,

Re: [newbie] joystick module

2001-08-12 Thread s

On Sunday 12 August 2001 02:09 pm, you wrote:
 I'm back to trying to make my joystick work. I made
 the proper entries in /etc/modules.conf but jstest
 won't detect the joystick. I tried loading the modules
 manually and when I did modprobe adi.c (for the
 logitech module) I received Can't locate module
 adi.c The adi.c module is located at
 /usr/src/linux-2.4.3/drivers/char/joystick/adi.c, and
 What needs to be done?


Well, joysticks can still be a pain.  However when modprobing, depmoding or 
insmoding one only uses the main name of the module without any suffix, such 
as:   depmod adi

I have the logitect wingman extreme digital that uses that module.  It once 
worked off the sb live gameport, but a few weeks ago I installed a new hdd 
and then 8.0.  It wouldn't work off the gameport then (admittedly I gave up 
pretty quick).  ???  Anyway, mine has a usb adapter and it works fine off 
that.  If you are trying to use sblive gameport with no success and have a 
usb adapter, try using that.  Otherwise, just keep fiddling with it.  Good 

I used:  alias char-major-13 joydev ns558 adi   in my modules.conf when it 
did work off the gameport.


Re: [newbie] Postfix VS. Sendmail

2001-08-12 Thread Michael D. Viron

I installed Webmin but I don't know how to use Webmin to configure Sendmail. 


First, make sure webmin is in fact running by typing
'/etc/rc.d/init.d/webmin status' (without the quotes, as root).  If it is,
it should show something like 
' (pid x) is running...' -- if not, it will show
' is stopped'.

If webmin isn't running, type '/etc/rc.d/init.d/webmin start'
You should see a line stating
'Starting Webmin[  OK  ]'

You do not need to run webmin start if webmin is already running.

Next, connect to https://localhost:1/ if you are on your machine.  If
not, it will be https://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:1/ (where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is
your IP).

A login box will popup on the screen.  Type in 'root' as the user name and
your root password in the password box.  Click on ok.

Next, click on the 'Servers' tab.  Select 'Sendmail configuration'.  This
will bring up all the different sections of sendmail configuration.  These are

1.  Sendmail options - mail delivery and reception options (mail
forwarding, local delivery, sending e-mail, and so forth)

2.  Mail Aliases - edits the file /etc/aliases, allows you to configure
which pseudo accounts get re-directed to which real accounts (for
example, you can redirect webmaster to user).

3.  Local Domains - useful if you have purchased the rights to a domain and
are hosting it on your machine.  Basically these are the domains for which
this box will accept e-mail.

4.  Domain Masquerading - This allows you to set the domain from which an
e-mail sent from this server appears to come from (instead of

5.  Trusted Users - If a local user tries to send email, sendmail will only
allow the user to provide a different From: address if the user is on the
Trusted user list. The restriction exists to prevent users from forging
email with faked From: addresses originating from your system.

6.  Address Mapping - Unless you have a domain (such as,
you will not need to configure this.  This allows you to set things up such
that either any e-mail going to the domain is redirect to
your actual e-mail account, or allows you to redirect

7.  Spam Control - This controls which machines can send e-mail through
your system.  You can also add entries to discard e-mail from addresses
which are sending you unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam).

8.  Relay Domains - You can configure which domains you will allow e-mail
to go to on your mail server.  Again, unless you purchase multiple domains
(, and, you will not need to configure this.

9.  Mail Queue - Tells you whether or not any e-mail is queued and
awaiting delivery.  This isn't particularly useful, except perhaps to
troubleshoot problems.

10.  User Mailboxes - Tells you which users have e-mail.  Again, not
terribly useful information.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] zip250 way too slow

2001-08-12 Thread etharp

we do care about helping, or we would not have wasted the time to read your 
mail, much less respond,  but I would suggest that quite possibly you DID 
sound Me-AN, and still do, and sound as if what ever curve balls life has 
thrown you, should be cause to elevate your problems above the rest of the 
struggling mortals. You might be surprised to learn about the different 
handicaps almost everyone brings. I might also suggest that for some folks, 
attitude could be considered a handicap. If you think we know a lot but 
ain't telling you, then perhaps you are giving the credit to the wrong 
persons, since most of the time around here, a question that has enough 
informantion to provide an answer will get three or four answers, most of the 
time they are all correct, and not always redundant. 
I would also propose that in the eyes of some who read your posts, perhaps 
_YOU_ may be the one appearing to have a macho and the world owes me 
attitude.  I also noticed at least one really good answer about deleting and 
reinstalling the modules for the SCSI card. Perhaps you have not received 
that mail from the server by the time you posted this. Calling boogerface 
to other newbies just trying to get enough information to start to trace a 
problem is not likely to get you the help you want. 
My mother always told me the most likely way to get people to say shitty 
things was to say shitty things to them, she also mentioned that if i do 
not want people to throw stones at me, I should not throw stones at them. (I 
sure think throw stones sounds so much more grown up than 'say shitty 
things, but that is just my opinion) 

By the way, I bet other people that wind up with the same problem you had 
could benefit by your perseverance and reporting what you do and did to 
correct your problem. 

 I really tried and no one understands.
I can really understand the frustration in your mails, but it might work 
better if you take a deep breath between each sentence, read what you wrote, 
and realize that we might NOT know right off what the problem you are having 
is. I would bet, very few of the people reading this will be able to intuit 
what your hardware consists of, even after reading the history of all your 
posts on the subject. We know you have a zip drive, and the moodel of it, but 
that's it. do you run a webserver and DNS and news server? Theese _might_ 
drain your system enough to slow down access on the zip. are you running a 
batch job in gimp of converting all the files in a 2 gig folder from *.gif to 
*.png? see what I mean?

On Sunday 12 August 2001 14:16, Linux Newbie wrote:
 OK I guess no one cares about helping, I tried to
 put in as much as I knew, but no one was willing
 to even lift a finger, I'm sick of this elitist attitude
 I know alot but I'm not telling you
 What do you expect me to do just pull it out of my a$$?

 You could have been a little nicer and dropped the macho
 attitude, I did not come off mean, so why should you?

 I only reacted to that first boogerfaces useless info
 I knew he was not even trying and dammit I'M TRYING!!!

 I'm handicapped!! Some things are just not good enough
 for you freaking Bob Normals eh?

 Gee what a hell of a caring list!!!

 It used to be so nice here and no one would say shitty things
 and hurt your feelings.

 I really tried and no one understands.

 I quit!

 On Sunday 12 August 2001 07:34 am, so spoke etharp:
  and the info you provided for the correction to be figured out from was
  SOOOooo useful. correct it and that it was unacceptable, ain't much to go
  on. I know you must realize this is a list of folks Volunteering to help
  each other, with no compensations or warrenties, and if you want a reply
  that helps you, maybe you could help us by attempting to sound as polite
  as possible (since no one HAS to help, and you are _ASKING_  for [as
  opposed to buying] assistance), and to include as much info about your
  problem, your system, the error message as possible.
  On Sunday 12 August 2001 02:24, Linux Newbie wrote:
   O gee thanks for NOTHING!!!
   Care to give me any MORE USELESS information
Ok correct it!
(Sorry I couldn't resist, it sounds like you EXPECT an IMMEDIATE
response, as if someone owes it to you...)

Re: [newbie] Home network Samba question

2001-08-12 Thread Michael Picco

Michael D. Viron wrote:

 One question that keeps nagging at me and impedes my
 understanding is: Will the box that is acting as a gateway have a
 specific gateway IP address in addition to the address I've
 already given it?
 Yes.  All Gateways have at least 2 IPs (sometimes more depending on how
 many networks they connect to).  On the internal interface, you need to
 statically assign

That's what it is set to at the moment.  What would be a correct setting for
the 'gateway' IP, knowing the internet is
accessed via a dialup connection?

 The Samba question is: In order for both Linux boxes to be seen
 by the Win9x boxes, my understanding is that both Linux boxes
 must be running Samba.  IF this is correct, should one Samba box
 be set up as the 'Samba server' and the other be set up as the
 'Samba client'?

 Nope, both machines must be running as samba servers.  The Samba client is
 for connecting via smb to an existing samba (smb) server.

Is there any inherent problem with having two Samba servers on a single LAN?
Will there be
any conflicts?




 Michael Viron
 Registered Linux User #81978
 Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
 Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Re: [newbie] MDK 8.0 Partition sizes??

2001-08-12 Thread etharp

ok, I'll bite, why would you, and what was the problems you encountered

On Sunday 12 August 2001 10:20, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Saturday 11 August 2001 09:38 pm, etharp wrote:
  Can't share /swap between MS products and real OS

It can be done

 I did it once a few years ago. Believe me, it's not worth the hassle

Re: [newbie] grep -r *.c doesn't find files

2001-08-12 Thread David E.Fox

On Sunday 12 August 2001 06:44 am, George Petri wrote:

 Surely, grep can do something this basic, can't it
 (didn't the author of grep write c programs too:)?
 I don't like find and its complexity very much.

Recall that the tools in Unix are (or at least were at one point) designed to 
do one thing well, and do it simply. If there is a command that will return a 
list of files, there really isn't a need for that functionality to be put 
into another command that does something else. 

Unfortunately, find can be difficult to learn to use and it does have a lot 
of options. I tend to prefer something like :

# grep whatever `find . -name *.c`

By using the backquotes, that simply  substitutes the filenames that find 
returns right into the grep command line. But that can be impractical as find 
could return a great deal of filenames (thus a very long command line). But 
it's easier to type :).

It does turn out that the xargs solution is likely less stressful on the 

Grep actually can recurse - by using the -r switch on grep, it'll go through 
all files in a directory and directories within the parent directory (or 
matching filenames).

 55 days?  That's 2 months!  My X seems to die under heavy loads
 -- under that load average of 51.29 on a single Pentium II, X didn'

yeah, but I usually don't run the load average quite that high :). I don't 
think it's necessarily a case of the X server dying, but maybe the system is 
so stressed out that it's hard for it to respond to keystrokes or anything 
else. Recently I've noted a few tiimes where this has happened to me - 
sometimes by killing the X server and getting out of KDE I can reclaim the 
system. So far, I haven't had to reboot -- not in the last two months or so 



David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

RE: [newbie] isn't mandrake 8 slow?????

2001-08-12 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

PAN seems to hold the message headers in RAM to do sorts and such.

With 250,000+ message groups this can quickly max out RAM and it swaps
like crazy...

BTW: One of the great things about PAN (at least to me) is that it CAN
deal with this many group headers!!!

Other Winblows programs including FreeAgent, crap out at 10,000

Pan has been so effective, that I've set up a system just to run it.

Great stuff..


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of etharp
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 5:52 PM
To: Jose M. Sanchez; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Richie de Almeida';
Subject: Re: [newbie] isn't mandrake 8 slow?

I ain't no PAN ex-spurt either, but I would have thought that was mostly
readding the files for the info in the cache and the stuff already wrote
the drive, not swap action.

On Saturday 11 August 2001 16:46, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
 Well running PAN shoots your theory...

 2-3 250,000 message newgroups and your system will be swapping for all

 it's worth...

 And it's only a client...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sridhar 
 Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 2:15 PM
 To: Richie de Almeida; etharp; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 Subject: Re: [newbie] isn't mandrake 8 slow?

 As I mentioned below, you would only need over 256MB of RAM if you're 
 doing something very memory-intensive, like complex graphics or 
 multimedia work.
 For most uses, 256MB is more than enough. If you find that your swap
 while doing ordinary desktop work, something is wrong.

Re: [newbie] MDK 8.0 Partition sizes??

2001-08-12 Thread alex

etharp wrote:
Later, I may add additional Linux systems and plan to share the /home
partition with them.  The same user names and passwords will be
used .  Is there some way to insure that the user ID numbers will be
the same in all systems?  Is it just a matter of editing?
 good question I would like to know the answer if you find out

Let's hope someone knows the answer...
Is there any real benefit from having a swap file larger than 2XRAM and
how about having more than one swap?   I'm thinking of swap being
shared by all systems?  Dumb idea??? I have 64 MB RAM.
 Can't share /swap between MS products and real OS
 double the amount of ram to 256megs max normal

Sorry, I should have said 'shared by all Linux systems'  I'm thinking 
of passibly gaining a little speed by sharing the workload between the 
two hard drives.

RE: [newbie] Home network Samba question

2001-08-12 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Michael D. Viron wrote:

 One question that keeps nagging at me and impedes my understanding 
 is: Will the box that is acting as a gateway have a specific 
 gateway IP address in addition to the address I've already given 
 Yes.  All Gateways have at least 2 IPs (sometimes more depending on 
 how many networks they connect to).  On the internal interface, you 
 need to statically assign

That's what it is set to at the moment.  What would be a correct setting
for the 'gateway' IP, knowing the internet is accessed via a dialup


If you are NOT using DHCP your OTHER machines (the one's without the
modem/connection) will use the IP address of your internet connected
machine's ethernet card as the gateway. I.E. as Michael

The internet connected machine is it's own gateway to the internet, so
do not give it an explicit gateway address.

If you've set the following ppp options... noipdefault defaultroute a
ppp connection will automatically establish itself to 1) have no default
IP, but instead use that assigned by the ISP, 2) use the modem
connection as a default route to the internet...

 The Samba question is: In order for both Linux boxes to be seen by 
 the Win9x boxes, my understanding is that both Linux boxes must be 
 running Samba.  IF this is correct, should one Samba box be set up as

 the 'Samba server' and the other be set up as the 'Samba client'?

 Nope, both machines must be running as samba servers.  The Samba 
 client is for connecting via smb to an existing samba (smb) server.

Is there any inherent problem with having two Samba servers on a single
LAN? Will there be any conflicts?


No. I've set up 20 Samba servers on a single LAN...

Although you should set up the unit likely to remain up the longest, as
the browse master.

This permits it to maintain the list of available shares in both
winblows and Samba.. I normally kick up the os level of the browse
master from 33 to 34 to insure that it wins the elections...

You might also consider utilizing DOMAIN logins so that your Winblows
machines need only use one login to access all the Samba resources...


RE: [newbie] isn't mandrake 8 slow?????

2001-08-12 Thread Jose M. Sanchez


I was being a bit facetious...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sridhar Dhanapalan
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 12:14 AM
To: Jose M. Sanchez; 'Richie de Almeida'; 'etharp';
Subject: Re: [newbie] isn't mandrake 8 slow?

Ummm... I did say you would only need over 256MB of RAM if you're doing

something very memory-intensive. I gave graphics or multimedia work
mere examples, and I made it clear that was the case. I said in an
post that 256MB of swap is fine for general use. I would hardly
loading 2-3 250,000 message newgroups as general use.

Re: [newbie] isn't mandrake 8 slow?????

2001-08-12 Thread etharp

Gee I was under the assumpption the hidden files and folders in 
/home/username/.pan would have been the stored headers and such. And that 
would have been the disk access seen when opening a folder

On Sunday 12 August 2001 17:02, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
 PAN seems to hold the message headers in RAM to do sorts and such.

 With 250,000+ message groups this can quickly max out RAM and it swaps
 like crazy...

 BTW: One of the great things about PAN (at least to me) is that it CAN
 deal with this many group headers!!!

 Other Winblows programs including FreeAgent, crap out at 10,000

 Pan has been so effective, that I've set up a system just to run it.

 Great stuff..


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of etharp
 Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 5:52 PM
 To: Jose M. Sanchez; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Richie de Almeida';
 Subject: Re: [newbie] isn't mandrake 8 slow?

 I ain't no PAN ex-spurt either, but I would have thought that was mostly
 readding the files for the info in the cache and the stuff already wrote
 the drive, not swap action.

 On Saturday 11 August 2001 16:46, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
  Well running PAN shoots your theory...
  2-3 250,000 message newgroups and your system will be swapping for all
  it's worth...
  And it's only a client...
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sridhar
  Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 2:15 PM
  To: Richie de Almeida; etharp; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  Subject: Re: [newbie] isn't mandrake 8 slow?
  As I mentioned below, you would only need over 256MB of RAM if you're
  doing something very memory-intensive, like complex graphics or
  multimedia work.
  For most uses, 256MB is more than enough. If you find that your swap


  while doing ordinary desktop work, something is wrong.

RE: [newbie] mp3 encoder missing???

2001-08-12 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Eh, I don't think this is accurate.

MP3 formats nor the MPEG format are proprietary... It was defined by a

Which is why there are so many legal alternatives to Fraunhoffer's

Fraunhoffer's encoder ITSELF is proprietary, not it's output.

BTW: other MP3/MPEG encoders are available at RPMfind, which work great
with grip and other programs...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sridhar Dhanapalan
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 1:34 AM
To: Kevin Fonner; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] mp3 encoder missing???

The MP3 format is patented by the Fraunhoffer (spelling?) Institute. If 
Mandrake included MP3 encoders they would have to pay royalties to 
Fraunhoffer. You can look up lame or bladenc at, or for the 
latest versions you can compile your own.

Better yet, use Ogg Vorbis. This format is 100% open source (so there
are no 
royalties) and features twice the compression of MP3 with the same
(or double the quality at the same size).

On Sun, 12 Aug 2001 13:21, Kevin Fonner wrote:
 I noticed grip is part of the mandrake installation and so is cdpar* 
 for ripping music off the cd.  However why are their not any 
 mp3encoder's installed nor on the cd's.  Where can I get an rpm for 
 mandrake to encode the mp3's?

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

RE: [newbie] isn't mandrake 8 slow?????

2001-08-12 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Yeah that's where they are written to...

But while PAN is running it attempts to hold as much of the header list
as possible in RAM, to quicken sorts (which it does all the time.)

You can actually delete the file for a particular group, in the .pan
directory, while it's running. As soon as you attempt to exit PAN, the
file will get re-written from RAM.


-Original Message-
From: etharp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 5:29 PM
To: Jose M. Sanchez; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Richie de Almeida';
Subject: Re: [newbie] isn't mandrake 8 slow?

Gee I was under the assumpption the hidden files and folders in 
/home/username/.pan would have been the stored headers and such. And
would have been the disk access seen when opening a folder

On Sunday 12 August 2001 17:02, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
 PAN seems to hold the message headers in RAM to do sorts and such.

 With 250,000+ message groups this can quickly max out RAM and it swaps

 like crazy...

 BTW: One of the great things about PAN (at least to me) is that it CAN

 deal with this many group headers!!!

 Other Winblows programs including FreeAgent, crap out at 10,000 

 Pan has been so effective, that I've set up a system just to run it.

 Great stuff..


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of etharp
 Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 5:52 PM
 To: Jose M. Sanchez; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Richie de Almeida'; 
 Subject: Re: [newbie] isn't mandrake 8 slow?

 I ain't no PAN ex-spurt either, but I would have thought that was 
 mostly disk readding the files for the info in the cache and the stuff

 already wrote to
 the drive, not swap action.

 On Saturday 11 August 2001 16:46, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
  Well running PAN shoots your theory...
  2-3 250,000 message newgroups and your system will be swapping for 
  it's worth...
  And it's only a client...
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sridhar 
  Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 2:15 PM
  To: Richie de Almeida; etharp; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] isn't mandrake 8 slow?
  As I mentioned below, you would only need over 256MB of RAM if 
  you're doing something very memory-intensive, like complex graphics 
  or multimedia work. For most uses, 256MB is more than enough. If you

  find that your swap


  while doing ordinary desktop work, something is wrong.

Re: [newbie] segmentation fault on shutdown and then install

2001-08-12 Thread erylon hines

On Sunday 12 August 2001 11:06, Peter Rymshaw wrote:
 Well, progress but I don't know whether it will stick
 or not.

Are you absolutely sure that the 6326 card that you have is an AGP and not 
PCI?  The way I read the video hardware compatiblility list, only the AGP 
version is supported.  I have an SIS6326 AGP with 4meg on board, and I have 
no problems at all with it inXF86 ver 4.x


Re: [newbie] Plancks constant... ;-(

2001-08-12 Thread s

On Saturday 11 August 2001 10:46 am, you wrote:

 PSS Anyone -ever- got Kwintv to compile and work under 8.0?

Nope and I tried.  I even had trouble trying to install the dependencies.  I 
think the biggest insurmountable obstacle was with the version of qt it 
requires conflicting with the one mandrake currently uses.  I know I had qt1 
and 2 installed on 7.2, but it's a no go for me with 8.0.  

So anyway, xawtv works.  If you work out this qt thing, come back and share.


RE: [newbie] zip250 way too slow

2001-08-12 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

I succumbed to the dark side...

It's power was irresistible...

Help me Obi-wan... ;-)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of etharp
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 4:43 PM
To: Jose M. Sanchez; 'Linux Newbie'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] zip250 way too slow

On Saturday 11 August 2001 14:13, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Linux 
 Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 10:01 AM
 Subject: [newbie] zip250 way too slow

As the resident A$$ around my house, I must say your sense of humour
was a 
welcome waste of bandwidth.

RE: [newbie] mp3 encoder missing???

2001-08-12 Thread Roger Sherman

On Sun, 12 Aug 2001, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:

 Eh, I don't think this is accurate.

 MP3 formats nor the MPEG format are proprietary... It was defined by a

 Which is why there are so many legal alternatives to Fraunhoffer's

 Fraunhoffer's encoder ITSELF is proprietary, not it's output.

So why is bladeenc illegal in the US then? I thought that was not based on
Fraunhoffers encoder?



RE: [newbie] using a Windows printer

2001-08-12 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

What KIND of printer is it?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Stewart Taylor
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 9:59 AM
Subject: [newbie] using a Windows printer

Hi All

I recently installed V8. Initially the I could use the printer on a
Win98 machine over my network , in fact it was better under Linux than
Windows. Then I set up SMB using Samba and since then everything seems
to work under Samba as it should except I can't use the printer at all.
Everything looks as if it's working then after quite a delay I get a
message about the printer not being ready. Any ideas please


Re: [newbie] segmentation fault on shutdown and then install

2001-08-12 Thread etharp

can you make sure that Plug and pray OS is set to off, and that you do not 
have any card next to the video card, and that the hard drives are set up as 
masters on there own IDE channel (believe me, it could well be worth the time 
to set the jumpers a cables if you get this right). next i would consider a 
good test program for your ram. the differences in the install may have been 
choices you made as far as expert and recomended. I am no where near 
expericanced enough to decipher your error, but I bet someone here will in 
the next couple of days. 

On Sunday 12 August 2001 14:06, Peter Rymshaw wrote:
 Well, progress but I don't know whether it will stick
 or not.

 I have 64MB of memory, so I installed as mem=060. The
 istallation went very smoothly, although I was given a
 warning at the very beginning about being low on
 memory. The other things that I noticed was that there
 was no sight of a bar filling across the screen before
 going into second stage like in previous installs,
 just a hestitation. I never saw the number of programs
 that would be downloader, as I did before, but there
 was the picture show about all the great things I was
 getting, which I don't think I've been seeing lately.
 Also, that I did not need to insert the second CD at

 But the problem is that when I chose Sutdown (not
 Restart)I still got a message about segmentation fault
 rather than a complete termination at the end of the
 shutdown process.  Ctr Alt Del at this point made the
 machine end and restart.

 So I tried restarting--no problem.  This time I shut
 down and selected Restart (not Shutdown) and I saw no
 errors. But I remember this kind of behavior before
 for a while until it simply wouldn't restart after a
 while, so I'm still not sure that I'm OK.

 Here is what it said when it stopped the shutdown:

 Code: Bad EIP value.
 /etc/rc0.d/S01halt: line 1: 4054 Segmentation fault
 halt -i -d -p

 I decided to try reinstalling by cutting back on the
 memory setting even more, so I reinstalled with

 It went through the whole installation fine, but could
 not start X, would only run in command mode.  So I
 reinstalled once again with my mem=060 and everything
 is OK *for now* to the extent above.

 I plan to shut down now with the Restart option.
 Unless, that error message tells you that I have
 something I should do, I'll just wait and see if the
 fix holds or not.

 Thanks again.

 --- etharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I know it must seem like I ask a BUNCH of questions,
  but the more info we
  have the more likely to find the problem. Have you
  tried the install with
  specifying a few lower meg ram than the amount you
  are reported to have? (At
  the splash screen hit F1 And type linux mem=xxxM
  without the quotes and
  with a number representing the RAM available as xxx.
   this was
  linux mem=120M after subtracting 8 meg from 128
  meg reported
  do you have a card in the slot next to the video
  card (a no-no w/n agp video
  On Saturday 11 August 2001 20:01, Peter Rymshaw
   -what vidoe card do you have? is it onboard the
   **It is a SIS PCI  6326VC4MAGP3D. It's a card
   into one of the expansion slots.
does it share memory from the MoBo?
   **I have no idea.
are the hard drive set as master on there own ide
   **The hard drives are master and slave on the
   is the CD ROM set to slave on it's own channel?
   **The CD ROM is *master* on the other channel.
is the BIOS correctly ID the HD?
   and do you have the same problems with winder$?
   do you try and delete tmp files?
   **No, is that likely to matter? I will..
sounds like you might have problems with the pio
   dma settngs on te hard drives, but could be a load
   different things. what brand of HD? model? speed?
   are you formating it? has this hosed the winder$
   **One's a Maxtor, one's a Western. Don't know the
   models off hand. Been using either the Linux
   installation option or Partion Magic 4.0 to
   the Linux Partions each attempt.  Both drives were
   originally formated as FAT 32, but my for my most
   recent attempts I've formatted the entire drive
   Linux. (PM shows just one partion, Ext2, occupying
   whole drive.  *Should I be seeing the swap and
   personal partitions seperately?  I think I did at
   *Thanks.  Does this info help any?
   Pete R.
   On Saturday 11 August 2001 13:44, Peter Rymshaw
Segmentation errors or faults have prevented me
operating and now even installing
Mandrake 8 (from 2 CD unpackaged version).  From
beginning I had difficulties in
installation, (sometimes while it was installing
programs, sometimes during post-installation
steps) , was eventually successful and had it

RE: [newbie] mp3 encoder missing???

2001-08-12 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

I can't speak about this with any great authority...

But WinAMP (and other US distributed players such as Sonique) include
MP3 encoding modules which are not Fraunhoffer based and there have been
no patent lawsuits concerning this.

In fact if the MP3 format were proprietary EVERY MP3 encoder  decoder
would also need to pay royalties to Fraunhoffer.

CDEX for instance advertises itself as a legal free encoder... How can
this be if the MP3 format itself is proprietary.

There are plenty of hardware MP3 encoding and decoding IC's which do not
use Fraunhoffer AFAIK.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 5:34 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] mp3 encoder missing???

On Sun, 12 Aug 2001, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:

 Eh, I don't think this is accurate.

 MP3 formats nor the MPEG format are proprietary... It was defined by a


 Which is why there are so many legal alternatives to Fraunhoffer's 

 Fraunhoffer's encoder ITSELF is proprietary, not it's output.

So why is bladeenc illegal in the US then? I thought that was not based
on Fraunhoffers encoder?



[newbie] Reinstalling without pain?

2001-08-12 Thread Mark Shaw

Recently I had a system crash that wiped out my LM7.2 desktop
completely (the one with the cartoon penguins) and left me 
with only standard KDE -- which is okay, I guess, but I really
want the other one back.

After trying and failing to get help both here and via the 
MandrakeExpert feature of the LM website, I've decided to
just bite the bullet and reinstall the OS.  I have /home as a 
separate partition, so I don't think any of my users' (me and
my SO actually) stuff will get blown away, but:

Is there anything like a canonical list of files one should
save before reinstalling?  I'm thinking of stuff like /etc/
passwd, rc.local, etc.   I can come up with a few of these
myself without too much thought, but I bet one or two of you
out there have already faced this problem and might have 
something to say about it

Anything else I should keep in mind?

Mark Shaw

RE: [newbie] Reinstalling without pain?

2001-08-12 Thread Franki

dunno about everyone else, but I save /root (I have a nasty tendency to save
stuff in there when working as root.)
I also save /etc and /usr (or if its too big, just the apps and configs in
and i  save my www dir in /var

I hang onto the copies only till I am competely sure that the new install
works perfectly..

once I know that, I usually wipe the old files and do a backup of the new



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Shaw
Sent: Monday, 13 August 2001 6:06 AM
Subject: [newbie] Reinstalling without pain?

Recently I had a system crash that wiped out my LM7.2 desktop
completely (the one with the cartoon penguins) and left me
with only standard KDE -- which is okay, I guess, but I really
want the other one back.

After trying and failing to get help both here and via the
MandrakeExpert feature of the LM website, I've decided to
just bite the bullet and reinstall the OS.  I have /home as a
separate partition, so I don't think any of my users' (me and
my SO actually) stuff will get blown away, but:

Is there anything like a canonical list of files one should
save before reinstalling?  I'm thinking of stuff like /etc/
passwd, rc.local, etc.   I can come up with a few of these
myself without too much thought, but I bet one or two of you
out there have already faced this problem and might have
something to say about it

Anything else I should keep in mind?

Mark Shaw

Re: [newbie] Home network Samba question

2001-08-12 Thread Amien Salie

On Sunday 12 August 2001 21:31, Michael Picco wrote:
 Having just switched a pair of boxes from Mandrake 7.1 to 8.0,
 I've had my run of problems getting things working again.  The
 setup here consists of four machines: Win98, Win95 and two
 Mandrake 8.0.  They are all connected via a four-port hub as a
 local LAN.  One of the Mandrake boxes has a modem hanging off of
 a serial port, which I hope to set up as the gateway box.   Each
 box has an assigned IP address of the order: 192.168.1.x

 One question that keeps nagging at me and impedes my
 understanding is: Will the box that is acting as a gateway have a
 specific gateway IP address in addition to the address I've
 already given it?

No, the IP u gave is fine. Also consider setting up SNF as your gateway, ie, 
Mandrakes Single Network Firewall. Look for it on Madrakes Products web page.
Its a much securer option and it was made to fullfil that function.

 The Samba question is: In order for both Linux boxes to be seen
 by the Win9x boxes, my understanding is that both Linux boxes
 must be running Samba.  IF this is correct, should one Samba box
 be set up as the 'Samba server' and the other be set up as the
 'Samba client'?

No, both should be running Samba server.

Amien Salie

Re: [newbie] segmentation fault on shutdown and then install

2001-08-12 Thread Peter Rymshaw

This is in reply to both of your messages. As I
thought, I appear to have a PCI video card.  My
computer shop receipt says that they installed SiS
6326 PCI VC4MAGP3D   S# B46N3151, which I think is
ambiguous, but the card is definitely plugged into a
PCI slot and my AGP slot inside ib the board is empty.

I was going to ask you a series of questions regarding
my vidio card replacement options re
Sis/other/AGP/PCI, but your next message and some of
my own thinking prompts me to go in another direction.

Do you think maybe I can stay with this card even
though it is a PCI? Is does seem to be working.
Mandrake Control Center reports it as Sis 6326 (no
reference to AGP or PCI). Furthur, it has me using
XFree 4.0.6., but presents options of 3.3.6., 3.3.6.
Experimental, and 4.0.6.Experimental (all of which
might freeze the computer. Danger!)

I was going to ask you about these and how I could
change back to my current setting from the command
line if I tried it and failed.

But now I see your latest message.  Do you think I
should try the other changes to my hardware? That is,
do you think that I still might be able to work things
out with existing card?

Sorry to take up so much time, if you're not sure,
I'll just go ahead and try and see how it goes.

--- etharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 can you make sure that Plug and pray OS is set to
 off, and that you do not 
 have any card next to the video card, and that the
 hard drives are set up as 
 masters on there own IDE channel (believe me, it
 could well be worth the time 
 to set the jumpers a cables if you get this right).
 next i would consider a 
 good test program for your ram. the differences in
 the install may have been 
 choices you made as far as expert and
 recomended. I am no where near 
 expericanced enough to decipher your error, but I
 bet someone here will in 
 the next couple of days. 
 On Sunday 12 August 2001 14:06, Peter Rymshaw wrote:
  Well, progress but I don't know whether it will
  or not.
  I have 64MB of memory, so I installed as mem=060.
  istallation went very smoothly, although I was
 given a
  warning at the very beginning about being low on
  memory. The other things that I noticed was that
  was no sight of a bar filling across the screen
  going into second stage like in previous installs,
  just a hestitation. I never saw the number of
  that would be downloader, as I did before, but
  was the picture show about all the great things I
  getting, which I don't think I've been seeing
  Also, that I did not need to insert the second CD
  But the problem is that when I chose Sutdown (not
  Restart)I still got a message about segmentation
  rather than a complete termination at the end of
  shutdown process.  Ctr Alt Del at this point made
  machine end and restart.
  So I tried restarting--no problem.  This time I
  down and selected Restart (not Shutdown) and I saw
  errors. But I remember this kind of behavior
  for a while until it simply wouldn't restart after
  while, so I'm still not sure that I'm OK.
  Here is what it said when it stopped the shutdown:
  Code: Bad EIP value.
  /etc/rc0.d/S01halt: line 1: 4054 Segmentation
  halt -i -d -p
  I decided to try reinstalling by cutting back on
  memory setting even more, so I reinstalled with
  It went through the whole installation fine, but
  not start X, would only run in command mode.  So I
  reinstalled once again with my mem=060 and
  is OK *for now* to the extent above.
  I plan to shut down now with the Restart option.
  Unless, that error message tells you that I have
  something I should do, I'll just wait and see if
  fix holds or not.
  Thanks again.
  --- etharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I know it must seem like I ask a BUNCH of
   but the more info we
   have the more likely to find the problem. Have
   tried the install with
   specifying a few lower meg ram than the amount
   are reported to have? (At
   the splash screen hit F1 And type linux
   without the quotes and
   with a number representing the RAM available as
this was
   linux mem=120M after subtracting 8 meg from
   meg reported
   do you have a card in the slot next to the video
   card (a no-no w/n agp video
   On Saturday 11 August 2001 20:01, Peter Rymshaw
-what vidoe card do you have? is it onboard
**It is a SIS PCI  6326VC4MAGP3D. It's a card
into one of the expansion slots.
 does it share memory from the MoBo?
**I have no idea.
 are the hard drive set as master on there own
**The hard drives are master and slave on the
is the CD ROM set to slave on it's own
**The CD ROM is *master* on the other 

Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster 16 in Mandrake 8

2001-08-12 Thread Linus Drouhard

I can't get midi files to play, except in sndconfig.  See other responses 
below.  I don't know what most of this means.  Thanks for your help.

On Friday 10 August 2001  2:36, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
 Adams, Jamie wrote:
  It seems odd that you are only getting 'snippets' of sound. Is it
  possible that there is an IRQ or DMA conflict somewhere?


 Yes, I think that might well be the case. Btw, we're talking about
 an old ISA SB16, and not the relatively new SB16 PCI I think...

It's definitely an old ISA card.

 The Creative Labs names sometimes cause confusion :)

 The driver seems to be loaded ('snippets' of sound); check with
 '/sbin/lsmod | grep sb' .

Here's what I get
sb  7136   1
sb_lib 33120   0  [sb]
uart401 6224   0  [sb_lib]
sound  54256   1  [sb_lib uart401]
soundcore   3504   5  [sb_lib sound]
usb-ohci   14496   0  (unused)
usbcore47248   1  [usb-ohci]

 Use 'cat /proc/interrupts' 
Here's what I get
  0: 288781  XT-PIC  timer
  1:   4523  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  5:  0  XT-PIC  soundblaster
  9:   5973  XT-PIC  usb-ohci, eth0
 12: 216728  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 14:  20301  XT-PIC  ide0
 15:498  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0
ERR:  0

and 'cat /proc/dma' to check for IRQ and
 DMA problems.

and here's what I get there.

 1: SoundBlaster8
 4: cascade
 5: SoundBlaster16

 In your first mail you said: 'The midi track played fine' ,
 referring to 'sndconfig'. Can you now play a midi file ?


[newbie] wu-FTP and RedHat7.1

2001-08-12 Thread Greg Taylor

By default, it seems remote hosts aren't able to 
connect. I attempt to, but it just sits there, no messages or anything. I'm not 
sure what's causing this, any hints?

Re: [newbie] zip250 way too slow

2001-08-12 Thread etharp

I don't think there has been the sort of abuse that one would wish to have an 
acct pulled for. At least not that I have seen. 

Of course the only thing that would justify pulling an acct. (for me)  would 
be spam or M$ viruses comming from or through the domain. Heck this does not 
look like _MY_ idea of Internet-Abuse.  If someone cannot spout off or 
flame a little when frustrated, the next step might in blowing off steam 
might be a little less desirable?

On Sunday 12 August 2001 16:29, Abuse  Spam control Department wrote:
 Sorry for the intrusion, I received a complaint about a user
 on our local system, is it your wish that I pull this user's

 On Sunday 12 August 2001 08:09 pm, so spoke poogle:
  On Sunday 12 August 2001 14:16, you wrote:
   OK I guess no one cares about helping, I tried to
   put in as much as I knew, but no one was willing

Re: [newbie] wu-FTP and RedHat7.1

2001-08-12 Thread etharp

hmmm am _I_ losing it, or is this weekend seem to be full of short 
incomplete questions expecting intuitive answers? maybe more of a hint as to 
when and where and who and how and how much? 

On Sunday 12 August 2001 20:40, Greg Taylor wrote:
 By default, it seems remote hosts aren't able to connect. I attempt to, but
 it just sits there, no messages or anything. I'm not sure what's causing
 this, any hints?

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

RE: [newbie] zip250 way too slow

2001-08-12 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

This Abuse  Spam control is from not mandrake, so it
has nothing to do with the list, AFAIK.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of etharp
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 6:15 PM
To: Abuse  Spam control Department; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] zip250 way too slow

I don't think there has been the sort of abuse that one would wish to
have an 
acct pulled for. At least not that I have seen. 

Of course the only thing that would justify pulling an acct. (for me)
be spam or M$ viruses comming from or through the domain. Heck this does
look like _MY_ idea of Internet-Abuse.  If someone cannot spout off
flame a little when frustrated, the next step might in blowing off steam

might be a little less desirable?

On Sunday 12 August 2001 16:29, Abuse  Spam control Department wrote:
 Sorry for the intrusion, I received a complaint about a user on our 
 local system, is it your wish that I pull this user's acct?

 On Sunday 12 August 2001 08:09 pm, so spoke poogle:
  On Sunday 12 August 2001 14:16, you wrote:
   OK I guess no one cares about helping, I tried to
   put in as much as I knew, but no one was willing

Re: [newbie] MDK 8.0 Partition sizes??

2001-08-12 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 12 August 2001 03:58 pm, etharp wrote:
 ok, I'll bite, why would you,

  Out'a curiosity more'n anything else

 and what was the problems you

  As the howto warns, it's just too damn complicated.  Does work tho

 On Sunday 12 August 2001 10:20, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Saturday 11 August 2001 09:38 pm, etharp wrote:
   Can't share /swap between MS products and real OS
 It can be done
  I did it once a few years ago. Believe me, it's not worth the

Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] segmentation fault on shutdown and then install

2001-08-12 Thread etharp

well,,, maybe 
Don't worry about my time, I am here of my own free will and enjoy it for the 
heck of it and the learning I receive for free.

it seems to me we might be getting some where tho, is the card in the slot 
next to the AGP slot? It should be, and that would be the first thing to try 
if it is not. have you tried (when running linux, in a text console, as root, 
without the quotes) cat /proc/pci and cat /proc/interupts for more 
information about possible pci and IRQ asingnments and confilcts? 

I would bet you can still use the card, depending on how great graphics you 
need, (and that is without checking the hardware list at but I bet you will get a few 
folks to tell you for hi-end video cards Ge-force w/nvida chips is da way to 

On Sunday 12 August 2001 1903:30, Peter Rymshaw wrote:
 This is in reply to both of your messages. As I
 thought, I appear to have a PCI video card.  My
 computer shop receipt says that they installed SiS
 6326 PCI VC4MAGP3D   S# B46N3151, which I think is
 ambiguous, but the card is definitely plugged into a
 PCI slot and my AGP slot inside ib the board is empty.

 I was going to ask you a series of questions regarding
 my vidio card replacement options re
 Sis/other/AGP/PCI, but your next message and some of
 my own thinking prompts me to go in another direction.

 Do you think maybe I can stay with this card even
 though it is a PCI? Is does seem to be working.
 Mandrake Control Center reports it as Sis 6326 (no
 reference to AGP or PCI). Furthur, it has me using
 XFree 4.0.6., but presents options of 3.3.6., 3.3.6.
 Experimental, and 4.0.6.Experimental (all of which
 might freeze the computer. Danger!)

 I was going to ask you about these and how I could
 change back to my current setting from the command
 line if I tried it and failed.

 But now I see your latest message.  Do you think I
 should try the other changes to my hardware? That is,
 do you think that I still might be able to work things
 out with existing card?

 Sorry to take up so much time, if you're not sure,
 I'll just go ahead and try and see how it goes.


 --- etharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  can you make sure that Plug and pray OS is set to
  off, and that you do not
  have any card next to the video card, and that the
  hard drives are set up as
  masters on there own IDE channel (believe me, it
  could well be worth the time
  to set the jumpers a cables if you get this right).
  next i would consider a
  good test program for your ram. the differences in
  the install may have been
  choices you made as far as expert and
  recomended. I am no where near
  expericanced enough to decipher your error, but I
  bet someone here will in
  the next couple of days.
  On Sunday 12 August 2001 14:06, Peter Rymshaw wrote:
   Well, progress but I don't know whether it will
   or not.
   I have 64MB of memory, so I installed as mem=060.
   istallation went very smoothly, although I was
  given a
   warning at the very beginning about being low on
   memory. The other things that I noticed was that
   was no sight of a bar filling across the screen
   going into second stage like in previous installs,
   just a hestitation. I never saw the number of
   that would be downloader, as I did before, but
   was the picture show about all the great things I
   getting, which I don't think I've been seeing
   Also, that I did not need to insert the second CD
   But the problem is that when I chose Sutdown (not
   Restart)I still got a message about segmentation
   rather than a complete termination at the end of
   shutdown process.  Ctr Alt Del at this point made
   machine end and restart.
   So I tried restarting--no problem.  This time I
   down and selected Restart (not Shutdown) and I saw
   errors. But I remember this kind of behavior
   for a while until it simply wouldn't restart after
   while, so I'm still not sure that I'm OK.
   Here is what it said when it stopped the shutdown:
   Code: Bad EIP value.
   /etc/rc0.d/S01halt: line 1: 4054 Segmentation
   halt -i -d -p
   I decided to try reinstalling by cutting back on
   memory setting even more, so I reinstalled with
   It went through the whole installation fine, but
   not start X, would only run in command mode.  So I
   reinstalled once again with my mem=060 and
   is OK *for now* to the extent above.
   I plan to shut down now with the Restart option.
   Unless, that error message tells you that I have
   something I should do, I'll just wait and see if
   fix holds or not.
   Thanks again.
   --- etharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I know it must seem like I ask a BUNCH of

[newbie] 2.4.7 kernel

2001-08-12 Thread Terry C

I remember civileme saying that hard drives were
limited to ata33 in Mandrake 8.0 because of some
problem in the kernel with the Via chipset. Does
anyone know if this has been fixed in the 2.4.7
kernel? If so, has anyone compiled the 2.4.7 kernel
(mandrake version from cooker) and found that they
could use ata100?


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Re: [newbie] zip250 way too slow

2001-08-12 Thread etharp

yep, but it Appears to me that it went to the list as a result of a mail to 
the list from someone whom Jose Sanchez answered:  
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Linux
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 10:01 AM
Subject: [newbie] zip250 way too slow

the zip250 used to have good speed, but now is way too slow, this is
not acceptable and must be corrected.

Ok correct it!

(Sorry I couldn't resist, it sounds like you EXPECT an IMMEDIATE
response, as if someone owes it to you...)

On Sunday 12 August 2001 21:49, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
 This Abuse  Spam control is from not mandrake, so it
 has nothing to do with the list, AFAIK.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of etharp
 Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 6:15 PM
 To: Abuse  Spam control Department; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [newbie] zip250 way too slow

 I don't think there has been the sort of abuse that one would wish to
 have an
 acct pulled for. At least not that I have seen.

 Of course the only thing that would justify pulling an acct. (for me)
 be spam or M$ viruses comming from or through the domain. Heck this does
 look like _MY_ idea of Internet-Abuse.  If someone cannot spout off
 flame a little when frustrated, the next step might in blowing off steam

 might be a little less desirable?

 On Sunday 12 August 2001 16:29, Abuse  Spam control Department wrote:
  Sorry for the intrusion, I received a complaint about a user on our
  local system, is it your wish that I pull this user's acct?
  On Sunday 12 August 2001 08:09 pm, so spoke poogle:
   On Sunday 12 August 2001 14:16, you wrote:
OK I guess no one cares about helping, I tried to
put in as much as I knew, but no one was willing

Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster 16 in Mandrake 8

2001-08-12 Thread etharp

 Yes, I believe it is in the shared slot with the PCI.
but the real question I _meant_ to ask was that there was nothing in the 
other shared slot.  

  open KDE Control Center=Sound=Sound Server and made the default the
  sound driver (neither ALSA nor autodetect) then logged out an rebooted.

Ok, if it says neither ALSA nor autodetect and there is one other choice, 
why would you choose autodetect, since that was part of neither? have you 
tried OSS? damn that sounded a little to much like the father in me, I do not 
mean to sound so gruff. Excuse me please.
 This part confused me.  I don't have default sound driver as an option
 here.  Sound I/O Method is currently set to autodetect.  My only choices
 are autodetect, Open sound system, and No audio input/output.  I have
 no other choices.

  Might you have some servers or mail checking going on in the forground
  that may be using all the CPU resources for a few seconds? what version
  of Mandrake are you running?

just because you did not start them, does not mean you do not have servers 
running. In Mandrake, servers are running when you start up, by default, as 
long as you installed them when you installed the OS and have not made sure 
they do not start at boot and are turned off as you work.
 I'm running Mandrake 8.0 with the 2.4.3-20mdk kernel.  I've tried this
 nothing running at all after a fresh boot.

 I've been poking around some more.  Only part of the soundcard is
 recognized. The multimedia controller is all that is working.  The other
 three parts (game controller, midi, and something else) are reserved but
 not operational.  They're listed under the unknown device class in the
 KDE System control center.  The part that is shown as working has NO DRIVER

 Thanks for all of your help.

  On Thursday 09 August 2001 23:24, Linus Drouhard wrote:
   Disabling ASLA on boot had no effect...still no sound.  MP3's won't
   run. Any player I try just sits there.  I push play it sits there. 
   Something, maybe unrelated to the sound system itself has got in the
   way??  CD's play from the CD player ok.  I'll keep playing with this,
   but if anyone has any more good ideasThanks
   On Wednesday 08 August 2001 11:04, Linus Drouhard wrote:
To see if I had Kmix, I went to the menus of installed programs.  I
also checked in the Package Manager, didn't find Kmix at all there. 
I don't know any other way (remember I'm a total newbie to Linux).
I can get CD's to play, just not MP3's.  I've not tried any other
audio format.
I'll try what you said,  ALSA was checked to start, but not running.
Right now I'm burning a CD and don't want to kill that to reboot.
thanks for your to why my printer has gotten really
slow...for another post...
On Tuesday 07 August 2001  5:31, etharp wrote:
 let me get this straight, you ARE using Mandrake 8.0. you do not
 think you have Kmix on your system. how did you check to see if
 kmix was installed? do you have the available hard drive space to
 install it? do not install more sound drivers (as far I rememrber,
 alsa and OSS conflict, and you may already have some conflicting
 sound problems). in fact, in this case, the answer may be as likely
 to uninstall a sound service as to install one. this is a partial
 quote from a report by someone whom knows ALOT more about this
 stuff than I do.

  Mandrake Control Center = System = Services and unchecked
 at boot for alsa once I noticed that it was checked at boot and
 wasn't running anyway.  Then I opened KDE Control
 Center=Sound=Sound Server and made the default the sound driver
 (neither ALSA not autodetect) then logged out an rebooted.  Sound
 was afterwards fine.

 On Monday 06 August 2001 23:17, Linus Drouhard wrote:
  Ok, I made sure that PNP was turned off in BIOS (already was
  I tried to find Kmix, don't have it.  I did get CD Player to
  work. But I cannot get XMMS to work.  It still scrolls the MP3
  title and sits there. It (xmms) freezes whenever I try to stop
  it.  In fact, just about any of the sound applications freeze
  when I try to exit them. None (but CD Player) work.  Could there
  be a setting somewhere that has been accidentally switched,
  effectively killing my card?
  I'm ready to try ALSA, but after spending several long nights
  with WINE (and then disappointed at the results) several more
  nights with SANE (didn't get that to work right and gave up, at
  least for now) and now ALSA, I want something to go easy.  The
  mini-howto on ALSA is 29 pages and its for kernel 2.2, not the
  2.4.3 that comes with Mandrake 8.0. I'm not sure I want to tackle
  that now.  Please help a newbie in distress.
  On Sunday 05 August 2001  5:21, etharp wrote:
   run Kmix and make sure the levels are respectable 

Re: [newbie] MDK 8.0 Partition sizes??

2001-08-12 Thread etharp

both _great_ reasons if you ask me, thanks, learned somthing again. (ain't 
Mandrake-linux grand, it even helps keep old farts like me from suffering 
from Alzhiemers to soon. It does not keep you from it, just the suffering 

On Sunday 12 August 2001 22:08, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Sunday 12 August 2001 03:58 pm, etharp wrote:
  ok, I'll bite, why would you,

   Out'a curiosity more'n anything else

  and what was the problems you


   As the howto warns, it's just too damn complicated.  Does work tho

  On Sunday 12 August 2001 10:20, Tom Brinkman wrote:
   On Saturday 11 August 2001 09:38 pm, etharp wrote:
Can't share /swap between MS products and real OS
  It can be done
   I did it once a few years ago. Believe me, it's not worth the

Re: [newbie] zip250 way too slow

2001-08-12 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 12 August 2001 01:16 pm, Linux Newbie wrote:
 OK I guess no one cares about helping, I tried to
 put in as much as I knew, but no one was willing
 to even lift a finger, I'm sick of this elitist attitude
 I know alot but I'm not telling you
 What do you expect me to do just pull it out of my a$$?

  No, please don't

 There's more'n several reasons why a query will garner less than 
desired reponses

o  snippy or demanding attitude
o  posted in other than plain text format
o  more'n one query in a single post
o  it's evident the answer is as plain as day and is available from 
   many prominent sources
o  nobody has had the proposed problem before
o  overly verbose questions 
o  obscure, or little used hardware involved
o  it's Sunday an we're all in church
o  it's not Sunday an we're all drunk, foolin around, or otherwise  
o  other, depending on the mood we're in  

  It's also important to understand that there's no answers available 
from this list, only opinions. Some of them just happen to be, or are 
intended to be helpful ;
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] SoundBlaster 16 in Mandrake 8

2001-08-12 Thread Linus Drouhard

I think we're heading down the wrong path.  I've checked another place in KDE 
and there aren't ANY drivers installed for the Soundblaster!  HardDrake sees 
it incorrectly and won't load the drivers.  I tried manually.  Thanks for 
your patience.

Here are the answers to your questions below.  Maybe something will come up.

On Sunday 12 August 2001  9:22, etharp wrote:
  Yes, I believe it is in the shared slot with the PCI.

 but the real question I _meant_ to ask was that there was nothing in the
 other shared slot.

No, there isn't physical room to put a card in each slot.

   open KDE Control Center=Sound=Sound Server and made the default the
   sound driver (neither ALSA nor autodetect) then logged out an

 Ok, if it says neither ALSA nor autodetect and there is one other choice,
 why would you choose autodetect, since that was part of neither? have you
 tried OSS? damn that sounded a little to much like the father in me, I do
 not mean to sound so gruff. Excuse me please.

No problem.  I didn't understand that the sound driver and Sound I/O Method 
were the same, since in KDE System Control under the Properties of 
Creative SB16 PnP Audio there is no driver installed.  I thought I was in 
the wrong screen.

  This part confused me.  I don't have default sound driver as an option
  here.  Sound I/O Method is currently set to autodetect.  My only
  choices are autodetect, Open sound system, and No audio
  input/output.  I have no other choices.
   Might you have some servers or mail checking going on in the forground
   that may be using all the CPU resources for a few seconds? what version
   of Mandrake are you running?

 just because you did not start them, does not mean you do not have servers
 running. In Mandrake, servers are running when you start up, by default, as
 long as you installed them when you installed the OS and have not made sure
 they do not start at boot and are turned off as you work.

OK.  On this, I have to plead ignorance.  What should I be looking for here?  
To my knowledge I don't have any mail servers running.  I am running Samba.  
Everything else seems to run fine.

  I'm running Mandrake 8.0 with the 2.4.3-20mdk kernel.  I've tried this
  nothing running at all after a fresh boot.
  I've been poking around some more.  Only part of the soundcard is
  recognized. The multimedia controller is all that is working.  The other
  three parts (game controller, midi, and something else) are reserved
  but not operational.  They're listed under the unknown device class in
  the KDE System control center.  The part that is shown as working has NO
  Thanks for all of your help.
   On Thursday 09 August 2001 23:24, Linus Drouhard wrote:
Disabling ASLA on boot had no effect...still no sound.  MP3's won't
run. Any player I try just sits there.  I push play it sits there.
Something, maybe unrelated to the sound system itself has got in the
way??  CD's play from the CD player ok.  I'll keep playing with this,
but if anyone has any more good ideasThanks
On Wednesday 08 August 2001 11:04, Linus Drouhard wrote:
 To see if I had Kmix, I went to the menus of installed programs.  I
 also checked in the Package Manager, didn't find Kmix at all there.
 I don't know any other way (remember I'm a total newbie to Linux).

 I can get CD's to play, just not MP3's.  I've not tried any other
 audio format.
 I'll try what you said,  ALSA was checked to start, but not
 running. Right now I'm burning a CD and don't want to kill that to

 thanks for your to why my printer has gotten really
 slow...for another post...

 On Tuesday 07 August 2001  5:31, etharp wrote:
  let me get this straight, you ARE using Mandrake 8.0. you do not
  think you have Kmix on your system. how did you check to see if
  kmix was installed? do you have the available hard drive space to
  install it? do not install more sound drivers (as far I
  rememrber, alsa and OSS conflict, and you may already have some
  conflicting sound problems). in fact, in this case, the answer
  may be as likely to uninstall a sound service as to install one.
  this is a partial quote from a report by someone whom knows ALOT
  more about this stuff than I do.
   Mandrake Control Center = System = Services and unchecked
  at boot for alsa once I noticed that it was checked at boot and
  wasn't running anyway.  Then I opened KDE Control
  Center=Sound=Sound Server and made the default the sound driver
  (neither ALSA not autodetect) then logged out an rebooted.  Sound
  was afterwards fine.
  On Monday 06 August 2001 23:17, Linus Drouhard wrote:
   Ok, I made sure that PNP was turned off in BIOS (already was
   I tried to find Kmix, don't have it.  I did get CD Player to
   work. But I cannot get 

[newbie] kinda OT: making KDE2.x themes

2001-08-12 Thread Matt Greer

I've been looking all over for information on making themes for KDE2.x, but 
haven't found anything. I thought I'd try here and see if anyone has any 

I can find mountains of information on KDE1.x themes, which helps. But 
packaging it all together is done differently between 1 and 2. I guess KDE1.x 
themes are just a tarball, but KDE2.x uses special *.ktheme binary files, 
which I'm totally clueless on.


[newbie] Second VFAT partition invisible in MDK

2001-08-12 Thread Velanche Stewart


I have Mandrake-Linux pretty much how I would like it
to be. I've spent on and off for about several weeks
tweaking the thing (and having to do a few

The only thing that I would like to know is this: I've
created two Windows partitions. One holds the OS to
boot from, the other is the d:drive to hold data

I tried looking this up in a HOWTO, but it seems that
the section in question was left unfinished. What is
it that I need to do to get Linux not only to see my
VFAT data partition, but to have it recognize during
the boot process? fdisk in Linux recognizes the drive,
but doing df only sees both the Linux root partition
and the Windows OS partition.

Please advise on how to proceedthanks!

Velanche Stewart

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Re: [newbie] 2.4.7 kernel

2001-08-12 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 12 August 2001 09:19 pm, Terry C wrote:
 I remember civileme saying that hard drives were
 limited to ata33 in Mandrake 8.0 because of some
 problem in the kernel with the Via chipset. Does
 anyone know if this has been fixed in the 2.4.7

   Just to be clear, the VIA-IDE bug isn't a kernel problem, it affects 
all OS's.  It's a hardware bug.  All hardware, specially chipsets have 
erratta. Most just go unnoticed by the the user. Those that do surface 
usually get a software or firmware fix (ie, bios upgrade). The VIA chip 
has a rarely experienced problem with cross IDE large file (100mb) 
tranfers. I believe most of the hype surrounding the VIA problem is 
just that... hyperbole.  That said ... 

Excerpt from 'dmesg':
Linux version 2.4.7-13mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 
egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release / Linux-Mandrake 8.1)) 
#1 Thu Aug 9 16:03:41 CEST 2001
Applying VIA southbridge workaround.
(I have an AMD approved Soyo k7vta pro VIA kt133a chipset Mboard)

 If so, has anyone compiled the 2.4.7 kernel
 (mandrake version from cooker) and found that they
 could use ata100?

   I compiled a 2.4.7-13dk from source which was sucessful, made a 
initrd for it, edited lilo, and such ... but it panic'd on boot. Didn't 
bother with it. I d/l'd the ready made kernel-2.4.7-13mdk an installed 
it.  I was hoping to fix 2.4.5's aversion to supermount, but it's still 
broken with 2.4.7-13, MOF it's not even there. So I went back to my 
good 'ol tried an true
alias mcd=mount /dev/cdrom
alias ucd=umount /dev/cdrom
  in bashrc

   As is my habit with a new kernel, I took a look at 'dmesg' (above) 
and for the first time saw the 'Applying VIA southbridge workaround.' 
line. So next thing I did was a 'hdparm -i' on my HDD's and saw they 
were now *udma5  (ata/100) enabled.  

 now for my usual rant ;  
   The drives were gettin about 22 to 24mb/sec on ata/33 (udma2, hdparm 
-t), now they get 28 to 30mb with ata/100  BFD.  ata/66 and /100 
are nothin but Wintel hype.  Real world tranfers are not improved, MOF, 
I think they're a touch slower.  hdparm is not a good bench, it 
measures burst rates, which have little to do with reality.  I 
regularly load a dir with 37,000 .jpg files in it that average 100k 
each.  Now that my HDD's are running ata/100, it takes a few seconds 
longer to load that dir than when they were on ata/33.

FWIW, I'd advise those using 2.4.5 to upgrade to 2.4.7. For those 
usin a stock 8.0 kernel (2.4.3), leave well enough alone unless you 
believe you're experiencing the VIA-IDE bug. You're probly not, but at 
least you can't blame it anymore ;) 
 I wasn't, I'm just an upgrade-aholic ;
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay

[newbie] Fw: Cron root@tbird run-parts /etc/cron.daily

2001-08-12 Thread Paul

Hi everyone,

Since a few days I get this message from Cron:

 Begin forwarded message:

 Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 04:02:52 -0400 (EDT)
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
 Subject: Cron root@tbird run-parts /etc/cron.daily

 error: syslog:181 duplicate log entry for /var/log/syslog

I've looked in the syslog file, and at times I encounter a line like this:

 Aug  5 08:43:44 tbird last message repeated 10 times

Is this what the cron daemon is complaining about? Anyone know where this
comes from? And how to fix it? I don't feel it is system threatening, but it
is a bit annoying.

The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough 
leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not.
-George Bernard Shaw - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.5.2
** - when you care **

[newbie] ISDN USB configuration

2001-08-12 Thread Ebrahim Elmahdy


The Mandrake 8.0 can't recognize the
ISDN USB Siemens Santis Communicator
do any one now how I' can it work
Thank you.

Ebrahim Elmahdy

Re: [newbie] Second VFAT partition invisible in MDK

2001-08-12 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 12 August 2001 10:53 pm, Velanche Stewart wrote:

 The only thing that I would like to know is this: I've
 created two Windows partitions. One holds the OS to
 boot from, the other is the d:drive to hold data

   Same thing I just did.  You need to edit /etc/fstab and add the 
second Winblows partition.  As an example here's my Winblows lines

/dev/hda1 /c vfat user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
/dev/hda5 /d vfat user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0

   To make things simple, I just brought up fstab in Kwrite (as root), 
copied my hda1 line, pasted it back in on another empty line, then 
edited the dev (/dev/hda5) and the mount point (/d) keeping the same 
options that my C:\ drive (hda1) has.  Running 'mount -a' or rebooting 
will then make your D:\ drive visible in Linux.  You can see by my 
fstab that I move Windoze drives out of /mnt, and mount them under /c 
and /d.  Wherever you mount them, make sure you've created a mount 
point for them (ie, created the new mount point directory) before 
editing fstab and remounting or rebooting.

 Another hint:  if you edit /etc/updatedb.conf  and remove  vfat,  from

# Which filesystems do we exclude from search?

then 'updatedb' and 'locate' will also keep tract of and find files on 
your Winblows drives for ya.
Tom Brinkman   Galveston Bay