Re: [newbie-it] fastweb

2001-12-13 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 00:11, giovedì 13 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
 ciao a tutti dal solit neofita che ha convinto un amico a passare a
 linux ;-)
 l'unico problema è che non si può connettere ad internet, visto che ha
 la connessione fastweb con annessa scheda di rete...visto che non ne so
 molto a riguardo...qualcuno può darmi una dritta?
 grazie a tutti

 salutatemi a bilgheiz

Ciao Cacciatore di Proseliti! ;)
L'idea migliore credo sia quella di rivolgersi direttamente a Fastweb 
(avranno un centro di assistenza per gli abbonati, no?). Altrimenti in rete 
(e tra la documentazione di Mandrake - se non l'hai, installala dai CD) 
dovresti trovare diversi How-To per la configurazione delle schede di rete. 
Io non ce l'ho, quindi non si aiutarti di più...
Come sempre, buon Linux! (sia a te che al tuo amico)


Re: [newbie-it]

2001-12-13 Thread SkyHeart

  make: *** [_mod_drivers] Error 2
  Come posso fare per risolvere ed evitare gli errori?
 Hai installato il pacchetto kernel-headers?

Si l'ho installato, mi da problemi solo quando compilo i moduli, il resto fila liscio
-another happy Linux user-
  ~cognitive dissident~

Re: [newbie-it]

2001-12-13 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- SkyHeart [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:  
   make: *** [_mod_drivers] Error 2
   Come posso fare per risolvere ed evitare gli
  Hai installato il pacchetto kernel-headers?
 Si l'ho installato, mi da problemi solo quando
 compilo i moduli, il resto fila liscio

  Non saprei. Io non ho ancora provato a compilare il
kernel, sulla 8.1. Faccio qualche prova e ti faccio

Ciao! Steo.


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[newbie-it] gcc 2.96 e mplayer

2001-12-13 Thread Biss

Ciao a tutta la lista,

ho cercato di installare mplayer ma non è compatibile con gcc 2.96. C'è un
modo per aggirare l'ostacolo senza dovermi impelagare in un upgrade di gcc?

Ciao a tutti


R: [newbie-it] gcc 2.96 e mplayer

2001-12-13 Thread luca laghi

Su due piedi mi viene in mente una versione precompilata oppure una vecchia,
compatibile con le librerie installate.

 Ciao a tutta la lista,

 ho cercato di installare mplayer ma non è compatibile con gcc 2.96. C'è un
 modo per aggirare l'ostacolo senza dovermi impelagare in un upgrade di

 Ciao a tutti


Re: [newbie-it] fastweb

2001-12-13 Thread relo

At 00.11 13/12/2001, you wrote:
ciao a tutti dal solit neofita che ha convinto un amico a passare a
linux ;-)
l'unico problema è che non si può connettere ad internet, visto che ha
la connessione fastweb con annessa scheda di rete...visto che non ne so
molto a riguardo...qualcuno può darmi una dritta?
grazie a tutti

salutatemi a bilgheiz

In fase di installazione, nella configurazione della rete, ho flaggato il DHCP.
La connessine ad internet avviene in fase di boot.


Re: [newbie-it] drivers nVidia

2001-12-13 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 19:34, mercoledì 12 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Non ho trovato nessun file di intruzioni, ne nel RPM ne nel sito


Cerca meglio: nella pagina del sito nVidia da cui scarichi i drivers c'è un 
file README grande come una casa!!! ;) E' piuttosto lungo, ed anche ben 
fatto. Leggilo attentamente (magari fattene una stampa per averlo a portata 
di mano). Credo tu debba metter mano al file di configurazione di X. E poi, 
scusa, ma hai scaricato solo il file NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-2313.mdk81up.i686.rpm? 
Sono due i files che devi scaricare ed installare. E poi perchè l'update? 
Avevi già installato i driver nVidia per Mdk 8.1?


Re: [newbie-it] fastweb

2001-12-13 Thread Stefano Barberis

Io uso mandrake 8 e fastweb: tempo di configurazione nullo!!! Praticamente
ho dovuto solo installare il dhcp per utilizzare fastweb!


On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Daniele Micci wrote:

 Il giorno 00:11, giovedì 13 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
  ciao a tutti dal solit neofita che ha convinto un amico a passare a
  linux ;-)
  l'unico problema è che non si può connettere ad internet, visto che ha
  la connessione fastweb con annessa scheda di rete...visto che non ne so
  molto a riguardo...qualcuno può darmi una dritta?
  grazie a tutti
  salutatemi a bilgheiz
 Ciao Cacciatore di Proseliti! ;)
 L'idea migliore credo sia quella di rivolgersi direttamente a Fastweb 
 (avranno un centro di assistenza per gli abbonati, no?). Altrimenti in rete 
 (e tra la documentazione di Mandrake - se non l'hai, installala dai CD) 
 dovresti trovare diversi How-To per la configurazione delle schede di rete. 
 Io non ce l'ho, quindi non si aiutarti di più...
 Come sempre, buon Linux! (sia a te che al tuo amico)

  Stefano Barberis 
  WEB home page:

[newbie-it] FW: ID3 TAGS

2001-12-13 Thread Taschetta, M. - MXPCP

 -Original Message-
 From: Taschetta, M. - MXPCP 
 Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 2:24 PM
 Subject:  ID3 TAGS
 Ciao a tutti
 C'e' qualche anima pia in grado di dirmi come si possono modificare le id3
 tags dei file mp3? Ho usato grip per copiare dei cd audio ma una volta
 creata la tag non riesco piu' a rimuoverla.
 grazie cari

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[newbie-it] connessione modem

2001-12-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

sto cercando di connettermi alla rete con linux, ma ho qualche problemino
inanzitutto il modem, che in realtà è un winmodem (micromodem 56), ma ho scaricato i 
driver del modem per il kernel 2.4.7 o maggiori (io ho una mdk8.1 e kernel2.4.8)
ora sembra andare tutto bene, ma quando mi connetto (uso spaziozero) la risposta è un 

ora, il problema è che uso kppp, ma ne farei volentieri a meno se sapessi dove mettere 
le mani.
inoltre visto che l'anno scorso avevo dei problemi a collegarmi infostrada mi ha 
suggerito di inserire questa stringa nelle impostazioni di windows
devo inserirla anche in linux (e se si dove???)


Re: [newbie-it] drivers nVidia

2001-12-13 Thread mike

- Original Message - 
From: Tommaso Leddi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] drivers nVidia

 05:05, sabato 1 dicembre 2001, brain:
  Scarica UP se hai un pc a processore singolo, SMP se hai una macchina
  multiprocessore. O almeno credo. O;-)
 Ho scaricato l'RPM   NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-2313.mdk81up.i686.rpm
 e l'ho anche caricato con RPMDrake. Ho resettato X, ma non ho ancora visto 
 nulla di nuovo (niente schermate iniziali e niente tuxracer ;).
 Devo fare ancora qualcosa tipo modificare files di configurazione?
 Non ho trovato nessun file di intruzioni, ne nel RPM ne nel sito

l'rpm va bene solo se non hai ricompilato il kernel,
in caso di ricompilazione devi scaricarti il tar.gz e compilarlo..
..immaginiamo che tu non abbia ricompilato,
devi modificare /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
devi modificare la stringa nv con nvidia nella sezione driver
e aggiungere Load GLX nella sezione modules

il tutto lo trovi nel README dei sorgenti, credo (non li uso) anche negli rpm..



slack8 GNU/Linux 2.4.14-pk @ hp XE3
R.U.# 219755 R.M. #110932


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Re: [newbie-it] mandrake 8.0 su win2k

2001-12-13 Thread mike

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] mandrake 8.0 su win2k

 Eheh... utilizzo w2k per tutto... Linux è solo a scopo di studio... perdona
 se ti ho sconvolto ;)



slack8 GNU/Linux 2.4.14-pk @ hp XE3
R.U.# 219755 R.M. #110932

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Re: [newbie-it] fastweb

2001-12-13 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Daniele Micci wrote:

 Il giorno 00:11, giovedì 13 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
  ciao a tutti dal solit neofita che ha convinto un amico a passare a
  linux ;-)
  l'unico problema è che non si può connettere ad internet, visto che ha
  la connessione fastweb con annessa scheda di rete...visto che non ne so
  molto a riguardo...qualcuno può darmi una dritta?
  grazie a tutti
  salutatemi a bilgheiz
 Ciao Cacciatore di Proseliti! ;)
 L'idea migliore credo sia quella di rivolgersi direttamente a Fastweb 
 (avranno un centro di assistenza per gli abbonati, no?). Altrimenti in rete 
 (e tra la documentazione di Mandrake - se non l'hai, installala dai CD) 
 dovresti trovare diversi How-To per la configurazione delle schede di rete. 
 Io non ce l'ho, quindi non si aiutarti di più...
 Come sempre, buon Linux! (sia a te che al tuo amico)

Be' se la questione e' configurare la scheda di rete il problema e' 
lancia nettools e riempi il primo profilo. 
Il problema e' avere i dati da mettere dentro. Spesso infatti vengono 
rilevati direttamente dal computer alla connessione e questa cosa a volte 
funziona a volte no.

Una altra nota di cui ricordarsi se si ha una sceda di rete configurata 
nel computer e' che se si desidera connettersi via modem bisogna dare come 
root il comando: ifconfig eth0 down
serve altrimenti il computer cerca di collegarsi utilizzando i dati 
identificativi di eth0 e ovviamente dall'altra parte viene rifiutato.
Fatemi sapere se vate bisogno di istruzioni piu' dettagliate.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie] NVidia

2001-12-13 Thread skinky

On Thursday 13 December 2001 11:49, Steven Spears wrote:
|  She's running 3.
|  How, through command line, do I upgrade to 4.
|  I tried through control center, but it didn't work.

In Mandrake Control Center you need to choose Expert.  Then you can 
change it. HTH

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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[newbie] NVIDIA - Making Head-Way!

2001-12-13 Thread Steven Spears

I've made some head-way. I see the splashscreen now and it says that the 
driver is installed and I'm running 4.? X. 

All of the NVIDIA stuff went in without problems and I edit the correct 
config file. I think I'm close but don't understand what the error in the 
last part of this message means. 



I try to run Unreal Tounrament and this is what I get. 

Hope this makes sense!

[wriker@chili ut]$ ./ut
Unreal engine initialized
Bound to
Joystick [0] : Unknown Joystick
SDLClient initialized.
Bound to
Lighting subsystem initialized
Rendering initialized
LoadMap: Entry
Bound to
Case-insensitive search: Botpack - ..\System\BotPack.u
Bound to
Game class is 'UTIntro'
Level is Level Entry.MyLevel
Bringing Level Entry.MyLevel up for play (0)...
Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator0
Case-insensitive search: genfluid - ..\Textures\GenFluid.utx
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
-0.0ms Unloading: Package Render
Garbage: objects: 16417-16416; refs: 224677
Game class is 'UTIntro'
Level is Level CityIntro.MyLevel
Bringing Level CityIntro.MyLevel up for play (0)...
Base Mutator is CityIntro.Mutator1
Initialized moving brush tracker for Level CityIntro.MyLevel
Created and initialized a new SDL viewport.
Bound to
Team 255
Login: Player
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins - ..\Textures\Soldierskins.utx
Possessed PlayerPawn: TMale2 CityIntro.TMale0
Input system initialized for SDLViewport0
Opening SDL viewport.
Bound to
Loaded render device class.
Initializing SDLGLDrv...
Resizing SDL viewport. X: 640 Y: 480
appError called:
Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual

Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Executing USDLClient::ShutdownAfterError
Executing USDLViewport::ShutdownAfterError
Signal: SIGIOT [iot trap]
Name subsystem shut down

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Re: [newbie] ISDN-Karte ITK ix1 micro 3.0

2001-12-13 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Wed, 12 Dec 2001 07:28:51 +0100
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Werner Leser) wrote:

 Wer hat Erfahrungen mit der ISDN-Karte ITK ix1 micro 3.0 (Datafire micro
 von ITK bzw. Digi International?
 Die Version Rev. 2.0 wird von Mandrake 8.0 /8.1 unterstützt, aber die
 3.0 nicht,

Well, /usr/src/linux-2.4.8/Documentation/isdn/README.HiSax only mentions the
ITK ix1-micro Rev.2 but that doesn't neccesarily mean version 3.0 won't work. 
Does Mandrake list 3.0 as incompatable? Doesn't Harddrake recognise your 
ISDN modem?

/usr/src/linux-2.4.8/Documentation/isdn/README mentions also:
 We also have set up a mailing-list:

   The isdn4linux-project originates in Germany, and therefore by historical
   reasons, the mailing-list's primary language is german. However mails
   written in english have been welcome all the time.  

(The file mentioned above is in the kernel-source-2.4.8-26mdk package).

 obwohl es eine ISA-PnP Karte ist, die auch erkannt wird, so
 man einen PnP-Dump machen kann.

The LM8.1 kernel has ISA PnP support compiled in. No need for isapnptools.
Does your card show up with 'cat /proc/isapnp' ?

 Unter Windows wird sie korrekt erkannt mit den IRQ`s 9,10 oder 11, die
 IO-Adresse wird mit 390
 Hier noch die Ergebnisse des pnpdump, zwar mit MDK 8.0, ist aber das


 Wenn mir da jemand weiterhelfen kann ?
 Werner Leser


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Re: [newbie] SSH problems

2001-12-13 Thread Dragon .

Ok, then I must have misunderstood the reason for a Keygen.  One is created 
on the server and that is it.  I don't have to match it to connect?  It is 
just a random set of characters to create an encryption algorithm?

From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] SSH problems
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 07:46:18 -0500

On Mon, 10 Dec 2001 13:31:09 -0600
Dragon . [EMAIL PROTECTED] frantically pecked out this message:

  When I open Putty, I type in the address and click the dot for ssh.  
  is turned off, Bastille seems to have turns off all ports and my machine
  doens't respond to ping, telnet, tracert or anything else.  My supervisor
  wanted to know why he couldn't ping it.
  From: Carl Lafferty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: [newbie] SSH problems
  Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 13:40:39 -0500
  did you make sure that you told putty to use ssh protocol?
  and you need to turn off telnet since ssh is much more secure.
  I use putty quite often and one of my main bugaboos
  is forgetting to tell it to use ssh when I go to my
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dragon .
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 1:01 PM
Subject: [newbie] SSH problems
I have a computer I thought SSH was working on.  I used Putty to
log in but
it never asked me for my pass phrase, just my username and password.  

why should Putty or the ssh server on the other box be asking for your 
passphrase. ssh is a secure terminal server and putty is a terminal client 
app that allows you to make secure terminal connections to a computer using 
Openssh or some other ssh server/client setup. there are no passphraseses 
involved here. therefore none are asked for nor are none needed to be given. 
Just username and password for authentication and access.


Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
   7:05am  up 2 days,  9:00,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.17, 0.28

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[newbie] nvidia on kernel 2.4.13-12mdkenterprise

2001-12-13 Thread skinky

Hi all

I've been trying to get the nvidia (closed source) drivers to work with 
2.4.13-12mdkenterprise but I'm not having much luck.

First I tried the source rpms but the kernel source rpm wouldn't compile - 
Can't insmod NVdriver thingy even tho NVdriver was in the right place.

Then I compiled the tarballs which gave no errors and installed correctly 
- or so it told me  ; )  However, I have done this about 8 times now and 
I've even tried clean reinstalls of ML8.1 (twice) but no go.

I have to mess around with XFdrake but testing the config always tells me 
that there was an error and to change some options.  Eventually I choose 
my monitor (Philips 107S), NVIDIA-GeForce2 DDR (generic) graphic card, 
800x600 16bits resolution, XFree 4.1.0 server, quit (without testing), 
edit XF86Config-4 and startx - everything works fine initially, even 
tuxracer, tuxkart and gears work fine.  But if I log out of X or reboot I 
start getting segmentation faults on most things I try to do in konsole 
(bash).  The strange thing is once I start getting segmentation faults 
like trying to open kmail from konsole I can still start kmail from 
clicking on the menu.  Gears, tuxracer, tuxkart, etc won't run at all then.

I've tried both nvidia's 1.0-1541.1 and 1.0-2313.  I've also upgraded 
XFree86 but that didn't make any difference.  I've tried the depmod -a and 
reboot thing too but that also made no difference.  So basically I give up 
on trying to use 3D on this kernel.

I have a separate installation of ML8.1 on 2.4.8-26mdkenterprise (sharing 
/boot, /home and /usr/local) on the same computer with 
NVIDIA_kernel-2.4.8-26mdk-enterprise-1.0-1541.2mdk.i586.rpm installed and 
working fine (no segfaults) - but supermount is broken in that kernel.

The reason I am using enterprise kernels is for the large amount of ram.  
My graphics card is nvidia GeForce2 GTS PRO 64MB w TV-out.

I apologise for the long message but I was just letting ya'll know what 
I've tried so far.  I'm not worried if nobody can help me on this one but 
any advice would be greatly appreciated.

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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Re: [newbie] wizdrake

2001-12-13 Thread Alan Dunford

On Friday 07 December 2001 20:23, you wrote:
 Congratulations.  Welcome. Its not as hard as you might fear Just think

 As for wizdrake.
 Wizdrake is not installed as standard unless you select the sever install.
 No problem its real easy to install additional packages. You will be doing
 it a lot soon :-)

 To install a package open Mandrake Software Manger you will find it in K
 It will prompt you for the root password then a GUI will open. The first
 time you use it a message will pop up telling you to define a security
 update server. Just cancel that for the moment.

 In the main window you have two tabs. Installable and Installed. These
 present you with a tree view of the packages on the CD which are either
 already installed or available for install. You can browse to find the
 package you want or else search for it. So to install wizdrake search for
 wizdrake and then select the tickbox next to the result.  You can install
 multiple packages at once if you wish. When you have selected all you want
 hit the install button and they will be installed.  If you have selected a
 package which 'depends' on another one, then that one will be installed
 automagically as well.

A follow-up problem.  I have wizdrake, and its dependencies, wizard and kaffe 
installed.  I THINK permissions are ok.  When I try to start wizdrake, the 
startup screen appears and then just sits there.  My only option at that 
point is to hit Cancel  - would someone please tell me where I am going 

Thanks for any help.

Alan Dunford

Coming to you from a Microsoft - free zone

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[newbie] Help: Usage of chmod

2001-12-13 Thread Jun Liu

Hi, all,

I would like to 'chmod -R 0755' of all directories underneath, and
'chmod -R 0644' of all files in all sub-directories underneath. 

How to accomplish this? Thanks for any suggestions, :)


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Re: [newbie] wizdrake

2001-12-13 Thread russell hobman

goodaye, i was following this thread and have a
question about the packages on the cd to install.
where can i find out what the packages on the disk are
and what they can do. i was most confused as i was
installing mandrake in expert and had to choose which
packages to install without knowing what they really
wre and if i needed them. what would be handy to know
is the consequences of installing or not installing
them. could anyone advise me from their experience.
thankyou, russell.

--- Alan Dunford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  On
Friday 07 December 2001 20:23, you wrote:
  Congratulations.  Welcome. Its not as hard as you
 might fear Just think
  As for wizdrake.
  Wizdrake is not installed as standard unless you
 select the sever install.
  No problem its real easy to install additional
 packages. You will be doing
  it a lot soon :-)
  To install a package open Mandrake Software Manger
 you will find it in K
  It will prompt you for the root password then a
 GUI will open. The first
  time you use it a message will pop up telling you
 to define a security
  update server. Just cancel that for the moment.
  In the main window you have two tabs. Installable
 and Installed. These
  present you with a tree view of the packages on
 the CD which are either
  already installed or available for install. You
 can browse to find the
  package you want or else search for it. So to
 install wizdrake search for
  wizdrake and then select the tickbox next to the
 result.  You can install
  multiple packages at once if you wish. When you
 have selected all you want
  hit the install button and they will be installed.
  If you have selected a
  package which 'depends' on another one, then that
 one will be installed
  automagically as well.
 A follow-up problem.  I have wizdrake, and its
 dependencies, wizard and kaffe 
 installed.  I THINK permissions are ok.  When I try
 to start wizdrake, the 
 startup screen appears and then just sits there.  My
 only option at that 
 point is to hit Cancel  - would someone please
 tell me where I am going 
 Thanks for any help.
 Alan Dunford
 Coming to you from a Microsoft - free zone
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[newbie] Error after KDE starts

2001-12-13 Thread Stephen Kitchener


I have this error Sound server fatal Error, CPU overload aborting, inside a 
KDE error box. from then on there is no system sound,  ie sounds associated 
with actions etc. But the sound card still works and so does the sound from 
the TV card. I think this is arts that is failing.

I did read that it was a KDE problem, but would like to know if others have 
seen this and if there is an error.

The system that I get this on has had the nodevfs option enabled and also the 
usb fix. The system is a dual 400 MHz machine, so I don't really think that 
the system's CPU is overloaded, and that there is another fault.

This error doesn't always happen, but when It does, the machine doesn't 
shutdown fully and I have to press reset. At least that's what I have 

Any help appreciated.
Stephen Kitchener

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake illegal?

2001-12-13 Thread Darwin Gottfried

On Tuesday 11 December 2001 14:21, you wrote:
 I tried going to the same site and couldn't get in. Probably overloaded
 with hits from too many curious lookyloos.

Mandrake Newbie list's version of ./'ing

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Re: [newbie] Help! how to uninstall

2001-12-13 Thread Brian Parish

On Thursday 13 December 2001 12:43 am, you wrote:
 On Wed, 12 Dec 2001 11:10:26 +1100

 Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] frantically pecked out this 
  That's true, but with one proviso - don't forget to tidy up the boot
  manager too.  If you just use fdisk to remove the Linux partition,
  chances are you are killing your active partition and therefore your
  machine don't boot no more.
  Before removing anything, make your C drive (in M$ terms) your active
  partition - i.e. the one that boots.  Then reboot and check that Windoze
  comes up with no sign of a boot manager.  Then you can safely zap the
  Linux partition, create a new one and format at for Windoze use.
  Have fun with the new machine and the REAL operating system!  I guess the
  next questions we see from you will be about Samba ;-)
  /brian just had to tell them, didn't you?  :P

 but really...if they're both living on the same drive and windows was there
 first isn't that partition already active? I can't really remember cause I
 don't drool boot anymore, so it's been a little while since having to deal
 with this.

 however, i did forget to mention one thing and that was this:

 after you're finished blowing away that cute little penguin on that drive
 you will want to also clean up the mbr with this command so that you won't
 have to tell LILO that there is only one OS on the machine when it starts

   fdisk /mbr

As far as I understand, the default behaviour would be for the LILO install 
to make whatever partition it is being installed on active, so that would 
usually be the Linux boot partition.  Therefore just fdisking this out of 
existence would I guess leave you without a bootable partition.  Considering 
we are talking WinME here, that would not be a bad option!


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Re: [newbie] wizdrake

2001-12-13 Thread Gerard van Winssen

Op donderdag 13 december 2001 11:18, schreef u:

 A follow-up problem.  I have wizdrake, and its dependencies, wizard and
 kaffe installed.  I THINK permissions are ok.  When I try to start
 wizdrake, the startup screen appears and then just sits there.  My only
 option at that point is to hit Cancel  - would someone please tell me
 where I am going wrong.

There are some packages not installed by default; 
Open softwaremanager and search in the installable packages  tab for 
wizards_lib. You get A number of packages showed, and install the packages 
where you want A wizard for.


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Re: [newbie] SSH problems

2001-12-13 Thread Brian Parish

On Wednesday 12 December 2001 11:46 pm, you wrote:
 On Mon, 10 Dec 2001 13:31:09 -0600

 Dragon . [EMAIL PROTECTED] frantically pecked out this message:
  When I open Putty, I type in the address and click the dot for ssh. 
  Telnet is turned off, Bastille seems to have turns off all ports and my
  machine doens't respond to ping, telnet, tracert or anything else.  My
  supervisor wanted to know why he couldn't ping it.
  From: Carl Lafferty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: [newbie] SSH problems
  Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 13:40:39 -0500
  did you make sure that you told putty to use ssh protocol?
  and you need to turn off telnet since ssh is much more secure.
  I use putty quite often and one of my main bugaboos
  is forgetting to tell it to use ssh when I go to my
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dragon .
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 1:01 PM
Subject: [newbie] SSH problems
I have a computer I thought SSH was working on.  I used Putty to
log in but
it never asked me for my pass phrase, just my username and password. 

 why should Putty or the ssh server on the other box be asking for your
 passphrase. ssh is a secure terminal server and putty is a terminal client
 app that allows you to make secure terminal connections to a computer using
 Openssh or some other ssh server/client setup. there are no passphraseses
 involved here. therefore none are asked for nor are none needed to be
 given. Just username and password for authentication and access.

I managed to lock myself out by not including eth0 in the Bastille trusted 
interfaces config.  Could this be the cause?  I'm about as far from a 
firewall expert as you can get, but this certainly does it pretty effectively 
and would preumably stop ping in its tracks too.  I'm assuming here that you 
are on a LAN of course...


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Re: [newbie] wizdrake

2001-12-13 Thread Derek Jennings

I have never used it, but I remember reading once that you also have to 
install wizards_lib  In fact Mandrake software manager lists a whole slew of 
Wizard libraries.

I would also be a bit worried about installing kaffe.   Kaffe is an 
Opensiurce Java VM, and its possible that by installing it you might have 
changed the symlinks to your Sun Java if you have it installed.

Check out the symlinks /usr/bin/java   and /bin/java   to make sure they 
still point to the Sun java VM  (assuming you have it installed)


On Thursday 13 December 2001 10:18, Alan Dunford wrote:
 On Friday 07 December 2001 20:23, you wrote:
  Congratulations.  Welcome. Its not as hard as you might fear Just think
  As for wizdrake.
  Wizdrake is not installed as standard unless you select the sever
  install. No problem its real easy to install additional packages. You
  will be doing it a lot soon :-)
  To install a package open Mandrake Software Manger you will find it in K
  It will prompt you for the root password then a GUI will open. The first
  time you use it a message will pop up telling you to define a security
  update server. Just cancel that for the moment.
  In the main window you have two tabs. Installable and Installed. These
  present you with a tree view of the packages on the CD which are either
  already installed or available for install. You can browse to find the
  package you want or else search for it. So to install wizdrake search for
  wizdrake and then select the tickbox next to the result.  You can install
  multiple packages at once if you wish. When you have selected all you
  want hit the install button and they will be installed.  If you have
  selected a package which 'depends' on another one, then that one will be
  installed automagically as well.

 A follow-up problem.  I have wizdrake, and its dependencies, wizard and
 kaffe installed.  I THINK permissions are ok.  When I try to start
 wizdrake, the startup screen appears and then just sits there.  My only
 option at that point is to hit Cancel  - would someone please tell me
 where I am going wrong.

 Thanks for any help.

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Re: [newbie] wizdrake

2001-12-13 Thread Derek Jennings

On Thursday 13 December 2001 13:47, russell hobman wrote:
 goodaye, i was following this thread and have a
 question about the packages on the cd to install.
 where can i find out what the packages on the disk are
 and what they can do. i was most confused as i was
 installing mandrake in expert and had to choose which
 packages to install without knowing what they really
 wre and if i needed them. what would be handy to know
 is the consequences of installing or not installing
 them. could anyone advise me from their experience.
 thankyou, russell.

Easy... From your KMenuConfigurationPackagingSoftware Manager

First time it starts it asks you to select an Online source for security 
Go Online (if not already) select  Define SourcesNew select Security 
UpdatesSelect update list Select a site from the list ( is a good 
one) Select OK

It now takes a LONG TIME to update the database.

Now you can start browsing the list of packages on your CD's, or on the web, 
either already installed or uninstalled. On the right you see descriptions of 
the packages, and the files inside them.

To check for security updates press the 'Mandrake Update' button and follow 
the instructions.

TIP: NEVER  NEVER  NEVER use this procedure for updating kernels.
So many people have caused them selves problems doing that. Follow the 
instructions on the Mandrake Security update site for kernel upgrades.


 --- Alan Dunford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  On

 Friday 07 December 2001 20:23, you wrote:
   Congratulations.  Welcome. Its not as hard as you
  might fear Just think
   As for wizdrake.
   Wizdrake is not installed as standard unless you
  select the sever install.
   No problem its real easy to install additional
  packages. You will be doing
   it a lot soon :-)
   To install a package open Mandrake Software Manger
  you will find it in K
   It will prompt you for the root password then a
  GUI will open. The first
   time you use it a message will pop up telling you
  to define a security
   update server. Just cancel that for the moment.
   In the main window you have two tabs. Installable
  and Installed. These
   present you with a tree view of the packages on
  the CD which are either
   already installed or available for install. You
  can browse to find the
   package you want or else search for it. So to
  install wizdrake search for
   wizdrake and then select the tickbox next to the
  result.  You can install
   multiple packages at once if you wish. When you
  have selected all you want
   hit the install button and they will be installed.
   If you have selected a
   package which 'depends' on another one, then that
  one will be installed
   automagically as well.
  A follow-up problem.  I have wizdrake, and its
  dependencies, wizard and kaffe
  installed.  I THINK permissions are ok.  When I try
  to start wizdrake, the
  startup screen appears and then just sits there.  My
  only option at that
  point is to hit Cancel  - would someone please
  tell me where I am going
  Thanks for any help.
  Alan Dunford
  Coming to you from a Microsoft - free zone
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[newbie] Slow image activation

2001-12-13 Thread Brian Parish

I have a total of 4 Linux machines (OK, some of them dual boot, but let's not 
talk about that) on a home/office LAN.  One of them is a dedicated server, 
which offers some NFS exports.

Everything works very nicely, except that programs take forever to load the 
first time.  Just to fire up a konsole can take 10 seconds plus - this on a 
machine rated at 2800 bogomips with lots of memory.

After things have been up for a while (don't know how long, but many minutes 
at least), everything is quick again.

Haven't tested exhaustively, but it seems that with the LAN unplugged, none 
of this applies.

Monitoring with top doesn't reveal any CPU hogs - kapm-idled is getting 
almost everything, but I see the same behaviour on each client machine, so 
presumably the server is the common factor.

Can any system admin gurus suggest a place for me to start looking?


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[newbie] X

2001-12-13 Thread Roy Barton

Hey any one here can tell me how to reconfigure X 
if it did not properly install on the initial install. My friend has a 
computer with a Savage4 video card, and the Xconfiguration installer 
automatically installs the card and it does not work. The book that come 
with is kit says to install the Generic SVGA drivers, but the install does not 
allow it to work. Any ideas?

PLEASE HELP I've reinstalled 8.1 6 times trying to 
get it to work.

Thanks Roy

[newbie] Microsoft Hotmail still runs on U**x

2001-12-13 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

I know we've had this on the list before, but it's always funny to be reminded:


Sridhar Dhanapalan

What's this script doing? unzip ; touch ; finger ; mount ; gasp ; yes ; umount ;
sleep. Hint: not everything is computer-oriented. Sometimes you're in a sleeping
bag, camping out with your girlfriend.

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[newbie] x

2001-12-13 Thread Roy Barton

Hey any one here can tell me how to reconfigure X 
if it did not properly install on the initial install. My friend has a 
computer with a Savage4 video card, and the Xconfiguration installer 
automatically installs the card and it does not work. The book that come 
with is kit says to install the Generic SVGA drivers, but the install does not 
allow it to work. Any ideas?

PLEASE HELP I've reinstalled 8.1 6 times trying to 
get it to work.

Thanks Roy

Re: [newbie] Floppy disk and ZIP drive

2001-12-13 Thread David

I'll tell you how I got my two systems floppys to work.. No 
command line stuff. I'm a GUI Guy grin.. I just haven't 
had tons of experience with the command I try to find 
ways to do things with KDE. Anywayhere goes..

I right click on the desktop and go to CREATE NEWand then to 
FLOPPY DEVICEthen I click the DEVICE tab and choose 
/dev/fd0 (/mnt/floppy) then a NEW floppy drive icon appears on the 
desktop.. and I delete the old one after making sure it works!

I used the same procedure for creating shortcut icons for my ZIP 
drive and my CD rom and they all work. 

Dave Crouse
Running Mandrake 8.1
IBM Intellistation E Pro
450 mghz 750 mb ram
On Wednesday 12 December 2001 06:43 am, you wrote:
 Two problems.

 1. I can not mount the floppy drive. I have tried mount with every
conceivable parameter. Linuxconf says this typos mine:

 Executing: /bin/mount -t auto -o
 /dev/fdo /mnt/floppy:
   * mount: /dev/fd0: unknown device
   * return 32

 2. How do I setup a ZIP drive? The only text on the subject that I
 have found is in and it says I need to recompile
 the kernel which is something I am never ever going to pull off.
 Are there any other ways of doing it?


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Re: [newbie] Konqueror Sound and Flash

2001-12-13 Thread Mark Evans


Got sound now and stopped the anoying flash download windows  Thanks for 
the advice.  I also had a problem loading konqueror afterwards but a reboot 
soon sorted that out.

Thanks again
Mark Evans

On Wednesday 12 December 2001 11:22 pm, you wrote:
 To get Flash/Java support in konqueror you need to install
 kedebase-nsplugins and then configure the new parameters that appear in
 konq setup.

 Beware though. Every time I install that package on one of my computers I
 get problems with konq failing to load. Coincidence... maybe...


 On Wednesday 12 December 2001 22:15, you wrote:
  Can some one help!!!  Im new to linux and Im running Mandrake 8.1.  I
  prefer running Konqueror as my web browser rather than Mozilla or
  Netscape. But internet sites don't play sound clips, but do when viewed
  in Mozilla or Netscape.  I think the sound card is installed correctly
  because sound works in Mozilla, Netscape, media player, cd player, xmms
  and arts...  Does the Konqueror Web Browser play sound?   Is some
  configuration required?
  Also some sites I visit use flash.  I have the netscape flash player
  installed and the flash is played in the browser, but I get the
  macromedia site opened in another window asking me to download the flash
  player.  But I already have it installed.  Is this a problem with these
  sites or Konqueror/flash configuration?
  Mark Evans

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[newbie] automatically mounting windows shares on boot

2001-12-13 Thread Mark D'voo

How do I mount a networked windows share on boot? I know using 
LinNeighborhood is easy enough, but I'm sure I can add some line to some file 
to have them automatically mounted

  2:46pm  up  3:30,  3 users,  load average: 1.07, 1.11, 1.00

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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA - Making Head-Way!

2001-12-13 Thread Steven Spears

I will check into this probability. 



On Thursday 13 December 2001 08:31 am, you wrote:
 Could that be a problem with refresh rates and available displays that
 your monitor can handle? I.E. - It's trying to set the refresh as high
 as it will go (which can be up to 120Hz!) and your monitor can only
 handle, for instance, 85Hz at your current display resolution? (Most
 monitors don't do more than 85Hz, IIRC). This has been a problem with
 Win2k/XP and nVidia drivers for that OS on recent games too, and I'm
 just wondering if the same thing is happening for your setup on

 --- Steven Spears [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've made some head-way. I see the splashscreen now and it says that
  driver is installed and I'm running 4.? X.
  All of the NVIDIA stuff went in without problems and I edit the
  config file. I think I'm close but don't understand what the error in
  last part of this message means.
  I try to run Unreal Tounrament and this is what I get.
  Hope this makes sense!
  [wriker@chili ut]$ ./ut
  Unreal engine initialized
  Bound to
  Joystick [0] : Unknown Joystick
  SDLClient initialized.
  Bound to
  Lighting subsystem initialized
  Rendering initialized
  LoadMap: Entry
  Bound to
  Case-insensitive search: Botpack - ..\System\BotPack.u
  Bound to
  Game class is 'UTIntro'
  Level is Level Entry.MyLevel
  Bringing Level Entry.MyLevel up for play (0)...
  Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator0




  Case-insensitive search: genfluid - ..\Textures\GenFluid.utx
  Collecting garbage
  Purging garbage
  -0.0ms Unloading: Package Render
  Garbage: objects: 16417-16416; refs: 224677
  Game class is 'UTIntro'
  Level is Level CityIntro.MyLevel
  Bringing Level CityIntro.MyLevel up for play (0)...


  Base Mutator is CityIntro.Mutator1
  Initialized moving brush tracker for Level CityIntro.MyLevel
  Created and initialized a new SDL viewport.
  Bound to
  Team 255
  Login: Player
  Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins - ..\Textures\Soldierskins.utx
  Possessed PlayerPawn: TMale2 CityIntro.TMale0
  Input system initialized for SDLViewport0
  Opening SDL viewport.
  Bound to
  Loaded render device class.
  Initializing SDLGLDrv...
  Resizing SDL viewport. X: 640 Y: 480
  appError called:
  Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual
  Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
  Executing USDLClient::ShutdownAfterError
  Executing USDLViewport::ShutdownAfterError
  Signal: SIGIOT [iot trap]
  Name subsystem shut down
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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA - Making Head-Way!

2001-12-13 Thread Steven Spears

Chromium does gives the same error message and none of the 3D Screensavers 
work. I'm officially stumped. Other than changing the refresh rates somehow, 
I'm at a lost. :)



On Thursday 13 December 2001 11:33 am, you wrote:
 Steven Spears wrote:
  I've made some head-way. I see the splashscreen now and it says that the
  driver is installed and I'm running 4.? X.
  All of the NVIDIA stuff went in without problems and I edit the correct
  config file. I think I'm close but don't understand what the error in the
  last part of this message means.

 Don't use Unreal Tournament here, so I'm not sure. However, it sounds game
 specific. Can you try something else? For example, Chromium should work now
 if you have everything set up correctly. Its under the KDE menu, Amusement,
 then Arcade. If its not there, use the software manager to install it from
 your Mandrake CD's. See if it runs correctly, including full screen. (note
 that you have to run startx from a command line - if you use the
 graphical logon, there is a problem with KDM and it won't let full-screen
 3D games 'n such work)... You can also try some of he 3D screensavers...
 Let us know! ;-)

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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA - Making Head-Way!

2001-12-13 Thread Richard Wenninger

I really have no clue... but I'll throw out some suggestions anyway.  Take 
these with a grain of salt.  

Try setting X to run at the same color depth, and resolution as UT, and see 
if that fixes it.  I believe on a lot of these, the color depth must match.  
The color depth is configured in XF86Config-4.  The resolution can be cycled 
by Ctrlaltkeypad +.  It will cycle the res's you've configured for use.

On Thursday 13 December 2001 04:11 pm, you wrote:
 Yes, check and double checked. :)


 On Thursday 13 December 2001 11:40 am, you wrote:
  do you have load glx  in the Module section of the XF86Config-4
  On Wednesday 12 December 2001 06:04 pm, you wrote:
   I've made some head-way. I see the splashscreen now and it says that
   the driver is installed and I'm running 4.? X.
   All of the NVIDIA stuff went in without problems and I edit the correct
   config file. I think I'm close but don't understand what the error in
   the last part of this message means.
   I try to run Unreal Tounrament and this is what I get.
   Hope this makes sense!
   [wriker@chili ut]$ ./ut
   Unreal engine initialized
   Bound to
   Joystick [0] : Unknown Joystick
   SDLClient initialized.
   Bound to
   Lighting subsystem initialized
   Rendering initialized
   LoadMap: Entry
   Bound to
   Case-insensitive search: Botpack - ..\System\BotPack.u
   Bound to
   Game class is 'UTIntro'
   Level is Level Entry.MyLevel
   Bringing Level Entry.MyLevel up for play (0)...
   Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator0
  n s.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello
   Case-insensitive search: genfluid - ..\Textures\GenFluid.utx
   Collecting garbage
   Purging garbage
   -0.0ms Unloading: Package Render
   Garbage: objects: 16417-16416; refs: 224677
   Game class is 'UTIntro'
   Level is Level CityIntro.MyLevel
   Bringing Level CityIntro.MyLevel up for play (0)...
   Base Mutator is CityIntro.Mutator1
   Initialized moving brush tracker for Level CityIntro.MyLevel
   Created and initialized a new SDL viewport.
   Bound to
   Team 255
   Login: Player
   Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins - ..\Textures\Soldierskins.utx
   Possessed PlayerPawn: TMale2 CityIntro.TMale0
   Input system initialized for SDLViewport0
   Opening SDL viewport.
   Bound to
   Loaded render device class.
   Initializing SDLGLDrv...
   Resizing SDL viewport. X: 640 Y: 480
   appError called:
   Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual
   Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
   Executing USDLClient::ShutdownAfterError
   Executing USDLViewport::ShutdownAfterError
   Signal: SIGIOT [iot trap]
   Name subsystem shut down

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Re: [newbie] x

2001-12-13 Thread Gerald Waugh

Hey any one here can tell me how to reconfigure X if it did not properly
install on the initial install.  My friend has a computer with a Savage4
video card, and the Xconfiguration installer automatically installs the card
and it does not work.  The book that come with is kit says to install the
Generic SVGA drivers, but the install does not allow it to work. Any ideas?

run XFConfig86 from the command line.
It has options to select from many drivers.
I believe that is the name of the configuration utility.


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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA - Making Head-Way!

2001-12-13 Thread Steven Spears

Yes, check and double checked. :)


On Thursday 13 December 2001 11:40 am, you wrote:
 do you have load glx  in the Module section of the XF86Config-4

 On Wednesday 12 December 2001 06:04 pm, you wrote:
  I've made some head-way. I see the splashscreen now and it says that the
  driver is installed and I'm running 4.? X.
  All of the NVIDIA stuff went in without problems and I edit the correct
  config file. I think I'm close but don't understand what the error in the
  last part of this message means.
  I try to run Unreal Tounrament and this is what I get.
  Hope this makes sense!
  [wriker@chili ut]$ ./ut
  Unreal engine initialized
  Bound to
  Joystick [0] : Unknown Joystick
  SDLClient initialized.
  Bound to
  Lighting subsystem initialized
  Rendering initialized
  LoadMap: Entry
  Bound to
  Case-insensitive search: Botpack - ..\System\BotPack.u
  Bound to
  Game class is 'UTIntro'
  Level is Level Entry.MyLevel
  Bringing Level Entry.MyLevel up for play (0)...
  Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator0
  Case-insensitive search: genfluid - ..\Textures\GenFluid.utx
  Collecting garbage
  Purging garbage
  -0.0ms Unloading: Package Render
  Garbage: objects: 16417-16416; refs: 224677
  Game class is 'UTIntro'
  Level is Level CityIntro.MyLevel
  Bringing Level CityIntro.MyLevel up for play (0)...
  Base Mutator is CityIntro.Mutator1
  Initialized moving brush tracker for Level CityIntro.MyLevel
  Created and initialized a new SDL viewport.
  Bound to
  Team 255
  Login: Player
  Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins - ..\Textures\Soldierskins.utx
  Possessed PlayerPawn: TMale2 CityIntro.TMale0
  Input system initialized for SDLViewport0
  Opening SDL viewport.
  Bound to
  Loaded render device class.
  Initializing SDLGLDrv...
  Resizing SDL viewport. X: 640 Y: 480
  appError called:
  Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual
  Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
  Executing USDLClient::ShutdownAfterError
  Executing USDLViewport::ShutdownAfterError
  Signal: SIGIOT [iot trap]
  Name subsystem shut down

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Re: [newbie] kamp-idled

2001-12-13 Thread Brian Parish


This is idle time on your machine.  From a previous answer on this list I 
believe that instead of just recording idle time, it actually tries to 
minimise energy use by fiddling with the power management.  Hence the apm 
part of the name.

On Friday 14 December 2001 8:04 am, you wrote:
 Anyone know what kamp-idled is and why it is using 97% of CPU, at least
 that is what top tells me.

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[newbie] kamp-idled

2001-12-13 Thread Fred Schroeder

Anyone know what kamp-idled is and why it is using 97% of CPU, at least that 
is what top tells me.

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[newbie] kppp help

2001-12-13 Thread David

my linux box had a sudden crash which suddenly shut down the computer,
when it booted back up i re booted kppp, to get back online.
however all the settings had gone and i had to re-enter them to get back 
once online i noticed the two graphical rx tx lights that show kppp is 
running and is working failed to come up leaving me with now way to get back 
offline other than switching the modem off.
I cant find an rpm called kppp.rpm so how do i reinstall kppp to get it back 
as it should be ?
I later noticed that the original kppp config file is still there but does 
not get loaded when kppp boots up??

mandrake 8.1
kernel 2.4.13-6smp

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[newbie] recompiling for 3d

2001-12-13 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Hi, I am attempting to recompile my kernel to take advantage of my 3D
video card.  I have a Dell Inspiron 7500, which comes with a ATI Rage
Mobillity card.  I was told kernel 2.4.16 supprots DRI pretty well, so I
have attempted many comiles with different options (all of them
including RAGE 128 support in one form or another).  Even though normal
video works fine (as it does in Mandrake's stock kernel) I can't get 3D
acceleration working.  When I try to run a game I get:

SDL initialized
Xlib: extension GLX missing on display :0.0.
Xlib: extension GLX missing on display :0.0.
Couldn't set GLmode:
Couldn't find matching GLX visual

Do I need to manually set in my XFree86-4 config file the ammount of
video RAM my system has?  Or any other info for that matter?

-Paul Rodríguez

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Re: [newbie] NVIDIA - Making Head-Way!

2001-12-13 Thread Harm Bathoorn

On Thursday 13 December 2001 23:21, you wrote:
 Chromium does gives the same error message and none of the 3D Screensavers
 work. I'm officially stumped. Other than changing the refresh rates
 somehow, I'm at a lost. :)

Hey don't give in!!!
I was there too, somehow everything worked out. Trouble is I'm not sure how 
 no voodoo, that's for sure! I burned no chickens or other poultry:)
I did try to sweet talk my PC though (I'm just as human as the rest) an' it 
didn't work. Putting the case on your windowsill (on the second store)and 
then threatening it, helps! But like somebody said: if it starts vommiting 
peasoup: call an excorcist. If he looks like somebody you've seen before, 
somewhere: shove your's over the edge and buy a new one. And don't invite 
this guy next time unless you want new wallpaper!:)

Good luck,
Harm Bathoorn.

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Re: [newbie] kamp-idled Better answer for future referance NOT

2001-12-13 Thread Ed Tharp

On Thursday 13 December 2001 17:52, you wrote:

 This is idle time on your machine.  From a previous answer on this list I
 believe that instead of just recording idle time, it actually tries to
 minimise energy use by fiddling with the power management.  Hence the apm
 part of the name.


 On Friday 14 December 2001 8:04 am, you wrote:
  Anyone know what kamp-idled is and why it is using 97% of CPU, at least
  that is what top tells me.

(start) NON serious off topic crap, just because this has been gone over 
s many times, it is right up there with un$ub$ribe requests as being in 
need of a better answer

NO!!! NO!!  That is the Klingon-Asinine Mental Protection and as 
long as idle is up above 90% you need to write me (off list) and I will give 
you the only address in the world that it will be safe to dispose of your 
computer box and Motherboard and drives. You MUST (really n truly, do I look 
like someone how would lie about this???)  send your stuff there (here) as it 
has become infested with the only viri (really, a sick worm from space) that 
is also able to infect computer motherboards and the human brain (if you have 
any space in your brain). If you have even considered switching to AOL over 
the last few months, you need to visit the nearest Government Federal 
building with about 2 pounds of modeling clay stuffed into your pockets (be 
sure to put some down your pants will need it for protection.) be 
sure to bring some medical marijunia with you too, if you can acquire any.

/ (end) NON serious off topic crap, just because this has been gone over 
s many times, it is right up there with un$ub$ribe requests as being in 
need of a better answer

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[newbie] linux networking

2001-12-13 Thread bugs FIX

i have windows xp running a internet sharring and my linux machine wont connect to my network any ideas yGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

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Re: [newbie] kamp-idled Better answer for future referance NOT

2001-12-13 Thread Brian Parish

 (start) NON serious off topic crap, just because this has been gone over
 s many times, it is right up there with un$ub$ribe requests as being in
 need of a better answer

 NO!!! NO!!  That is the Klingon-Asinine Mental Protection and as
 long as idle is up above 90% you need to write me (off list) and I will
 give you the only address in the world that it will be safe to dispose of
 your computer box and Motherboard and drives. You MUST (really n truly, do
 I look like someone how would lie about this???)  send your stuff there
 (here) as it has become infested with the only viri (really, a sick worm
 from space) that is also able to infect computer motherboards and the human
 brain (if you have any space in your brain). If you have even considered
 switching to AOL over the last few months, you need to visit the nearest
 Government Federal building with about 2 pounds of modeling clay stuffed
 into your pockets (be sure to put some down your pants will need
 it for protection.) be sure to bring some medical marijunia with you too,
 if you can acquire any.

 / (end) NON serious off topic crap, just because this has been gone over
 s many times, it is right up there with un$ub$ribe requests as being in
 need of a better answer

I guess this is Ed telling us he'd rather read something more interesting, 
but whether it's a semi-serious rant, or just joking seems a little 
ambiguous.  In case it's semi-serious, please note that this is a newbie 
list, even if there are some quite sophisticated issues addressed at times.  
Simple questions from new users are standard and appropriate here.  If not 
here - where?

Sure, the archives would have provided the answer many times over, but 
suggesting that people should know better than to ask a question is not 
helpful.  BTW Ed, I notice that your answers are some of the most helpful on 
the list.  I've certainly learned a lot from them.  Hope you can perservere 
and not get too frustrated with seeing the same questions come up.  Just hit 
the delete key and let people like me who rely heavily on the gurus, but know 
enough to answer the simple ones deal with them.


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[newbie] future referance NOT

2001-12-13 Thread Ed Tharp

On Thursday 13 December 2001 21:09, you wrote:
Really Ed with too much time on his hands and not anything to watch on 
tv...just blowing off some steam and really should appologize to all the pay 
by the minute folks on the list for such a grotesque waste of bandwith. 
just trying to make myself smile.
 I guess this is Ed telling us he'd rather read something more interesting,
 but whether it's a semi-serious rant, or just joking seems a little
 ambiguous.  In case it's semi-serious, 

IN sure ain't (but I am flattered, your check is in the mail 

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[newbie] Question on floppy

2001-12-13 Thread E Estes

Everytime I try to mount the floppy drive by 
clicking on the drive icon onthe desktop it goes toopen the drive 
andthen displays and error. The error isas 
follows:"Couldnot read /" 

I have no clue whatthe problemis. Any 
help would be greatly appreciated.
