[newbie-it] Qualita' di stampa

2002-05-05 Thread Arwan

Ciao !

Ecco con cosa mi trovo alle prese questa settimana: ho una stampante
HP600, vecchiotta e con un po' di problemi di cartuccia. Per farla
breve, sotto linux funziona benissimo (nel senso che parte e stampa),
pero' soltanto con stampe che, sotto win$, vengono dette di qualita'
ottima. Ora, poiche' sbava come una dannata, e sputa inchiostro da
tutte le parti (si', me la prendero' una laser, ma per ora mi devo
arrangiare cosi'), sono costretta a lanciare le stampe in qualita'
bozza. Ma sotto linux come si fa?
Aggiungo che in genere lancio le stampe da Staroffice.

A presto,
 Arwan  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie-it] Continuando (ancora) con Lime Wire

2002-05-05 Thread Andrea - Tamalandia

Allora... avevo installato anche da un mio amico Mandrake 
8.1... e lui nella directory usr/bin ha tutto!!! Abbiamo 
lanciato l'installazione di LimeWire con un file bin e non mi 
chiede più di installare VM quindi quello che aveva detto 
FreeFred andava bene! Penso che domani o stassera 
provvederò a reinstallare Linux... Probabilmento ho fatto 
qualche pasticcio...

Già che ci sono volevo chiedere se è possibile avere una rete 
casalinga dove il server è connesso a Internet con Win98 e 
condivide la connessione. Linux è in grado di vedere quella 
connessione e sfruttare la condivisione? Con linux posso 
vedere altri pc che hanno sistema Windows?


04/05/2002 20.55.51, LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha 

On Sat, 4 May 2002, LukenShiro wrote:
 Tutto dipende da dove hai installato il .bin della JRE 

Ops, adesso vedo che avevi un .rpm. Per vedere i file che 
compongono il 
pacchetto sempre da root basta dare rpm -ql _nome-

Re: [newbie-it] Continuando (ancora) con Lime Wire

2002-05-05 Thread Luca

Alle 10:12, domenica 5 maggio 2002, hai scritto:

 Già che ci sono volevo chiedere se è possibile avere una rete
 casalinga dove il server è connesso a Internet con Win98 e
 condivide la connessione. Linux è in grado di vedere quella
 connessione e sfruttare la condivisione? Con linux posso
 vedere altri pc che hanno sistema Windows?

Ciao Andrea,
Io ho una rete di quel tipo solo ke il computer ke condivide la connessione 
ha Win Me (solo per la semlicità rispetto al 98 nell'installazione della 
condivisione connessione), linux è in grado di accedere a internet 
Il problema io ce l'ho appunto nel vedere gli altri pc con la semplicità di 
win, per ora sono costretto a montare le cartelle che mi servono, se 
riuscirai a far di meglio fammelo sapere!
Ciao Luca

Re: [newbie-it] Continuando (ancora) con Lime Wire

2002-05-05 Thread Andrea - Tamalandia

Ciao che ci sono ti chiedo se sai qualche cosa su un 
misterioso problema che fa cancellare dal server gli utenti 
ADSL INFOSTRADA se su WIN XP hanno montato 
programmi come LIME WIRE, cioè per condivisione file...

Ciao Andrea,
Io ho una rete di quel tipo solo ke il computer ke condivide 
la connessione 
ha Win Me (solo per la semlicità rispetto al 98 
nell'installazione della 
condivisione connessione), linux è in grado di accedere a 
Il problema io ce l'ho appunto nel vedere gli altri pc con la 
semplicità di 
win, per ora sono costretto a montare le cartelle che mi 
servono, se 
riuscirai a far di meglio fammelo sapere!
Ciao Luca

Re: [newbie-it] Continuando (ancora) con Lime Wire

2002-05-05 Thread Luca

Alle 11:23, domenica 5 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao che ci sono ti chiedo se sai qualche cosa su un
 misterioso problema che fa cancellare dal server gli utenti
 ADSL INFOSTRADA se su WIN XP hanno montato
 programmi come LIME WIRE, cioè per condivisione file...
 Grazie ANDREA

Mi spiace ma nn posso aiutarti, io ho l'adsl di telecom che fino ad ora nn mi 
ha mai dato problemi di alcun tipo anzi, pur essendo un contratto per singolo 
è stato condiviso attraverso la normalissima condivisione di win e funziona 

[newbie-it] configurazione masterizzatore

2002-05-05 Thread Gigi

 1) Ho cercato di configurare il mio pc 
in modo da poter masterizzare.
Ho un masterizzatore Teac collegato come master sul
primo canale ide (il comando cdrecord
-scanbus lo rileva correttamente)
Prima di configurare il pc, ricompilare il kernel e
appendere hda=3Dide-scsi
al file /etc/lilo.conf il link /dev/cdrom1 puntava a
/dev/hda ed ero in grado
di montare il masterizzatore.
Adesso non riesco + a montarlo, anche dopo aver
modificato il link e puntandolo
a /dev/scd0 (o1,2,3, e' lo stesso).Quando cerco di
montare il masterizzatore
ricevo il messaggio che non e' un dispositivo a 
blocchi valido.
Ho letto il cd writing how to ma non ho trovato la
soluzione al problema.



Con Yahoo! vinci viaggi per i Mondiali FIFA 2002

[newbie-it] Font Windos non supportati

2002-05-05 Thread max

Linux Mandrake 8.2 è complessivamente meglio dalla precedente versione,
ma i programmi relativi ad Internet non supportano i font di Windows.
C'è un modo per rimediare al problema?


Con Yahoo! vinci viaggi per i Mondiali FIFA 2002

Re: [newbie-it] Continuando (ancora) con Lime Wire

2002-05-05 Thread [HCS]OKreZ

On Sunday 05 May 2002 10:12, Andrea - Tamalandia wrote:
 Allora... avevo installato anche da un mio amico Mandrake
 8.1... e lui nella directory usr/bin ha tutto!!! Abbiamo
 lanciato l'installazione di LimeWire con un file bin e non mi
 chiede più di installare VM quindi quello che aveva detto
 FreeFred andava bene! Penso che domani o stassera
 provvederò a reinstallare Linux... Probabilmento ho fatto
 qualche pasticcio...

 Già che ci sono volevo chiedere se è possibile avere una rete
 casalinga dove il server è connesso a Internet con Win98 e
 condivide la connessione. Linux è in grado di vedere quella
 connessione e sfruttare la condivisione? Con linux posso
 vedere altri pc che hanno sistema Windows?

 Grazie ANDREA

 04/05/2002 20.55.51, LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha


 On Sat, 4 May 2002, LukenShiro wrote:
  Tutto dipende da dove hai installato il .bin della JRE
 Ops, adesso vedo che avevi un .rpm. Per vedere i file che

 compongono il

 pacchetto sempre da root basta dare rpm -ql _nome-


Allora, per la connessione ad internet ti consiglio di usare WinProxy, poi 
basta che imposti linux con ip fisso (tipo se il Win98 ha e poi sempre in linux imposti sia gateway che dns a 
(l'ip del 98). Per vedere le risorse condivise di Win98 da linux ti consiglio 
di installare il pacchetto komba2 (dopo aver necessariamente installato 
quelli samba) e impostare lo stesso gruppo di lavoro (in Win98 saprai come si 
fa, in linux lo imposti in /etc/samba/smb.conf)

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione masterizzatore

2002-05-05 Thread Gigi

 Un appunto: la riga in lilo.conf dev'essere cosi':
 append=... hda=ide-scsi ...
 (le virgolette devono esserci solo dopo l'uguale e
 alla fine).

ehm era un errore di digitazione, la riga e', ohime',
 Probabilmente il riferimento da mettere in fstab e'
 '/dev/sr0' (e 
 ovviamente il device e' da creare se non esiste)

gia' provato, con dev/sr0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7

qualcuno sa perche' mi dice non dispositivo  a
blocchi valido



Con Yahoo! vinci viaggi per i Mondiali FIFA 2002

Re: [newbie-it] Continuando (ancora) con Lime Wire

2002-05-05 Thread Andrea - Tamalandia

E usi LimeWire con XP? Hanno detto che da problemi con 
programmi del genere. Solo 2000 e XP.

06/05/2002 11.34.54, Luca [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha 

Alle 11:23, domenica 5 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao che ci sono ti chiedo se sai qualche cosa su un
 misterioso problema che fa cancellare dal server gli 
 ADSL INFOSTRADA se su WIN XP hanno montato
 programmi come LIME WIRE, cioè per condivisione 
 Grazie ANDREA

Mi spiace ma nn posso aiutarti, io ho l'adsl di telecom che 
fino ad ora nn mi 
ha mai dato problemi di alcun tipo anzi, pur essendo un 
contratto per singolo 
è stato condiviso attraverso la normalissima condivisione 
di win e funziona 

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione masterizzatore

2002-05-05 Thread ENx

Ciao Gigi,
prova a guardare nella directory /dev/cdroms dovresti trovare i cdroms presenti
nel tuo computer, sia che essi siano scsi o ide! prova montare i device che
trovi in /dev/cdroms. Questa directory c' solo se ha abilitato il devfs
(controlla nel lilo.conf i parametri passati al kernel!).
Ciao ENx 
Gigi wrote:

Un appunto: la riga in lilo.conf dev'essere cosi':append="... hda=ide-scsi ..."(le virgolette devono esserci solo dopo l'uguale ealla fine).
  ehm era un errore di digitazione, la riga e', ohime',corretta
'Probabilmente il riferimento da mettere in fstab e''/dev/sr0' (e ovviamente il device e' da creare se non esiste)
  gia' provato, con dev/sr0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7qualcuno sa perche' mi dice "non dispositivo  ablocchi valido"thankzGijii__Con Yahoo! vinci viaggi per i Mondiali FIFA 2002http://it.yahoo.com/mail_it/foot/?http://lasfida.yahoo.net/

[newbie-it] aggiornamento kde 2.2.2

2002-05-05 Thread Emiliano La Licata

Ciao a tutti,

Ho finalmente scaricato kde 2.2.2
e LukenShiro e jv mi dicevano che per installarlo, mi suggerivano di farlo 
da init 3 o 1:

jv: l'importante è che l'aggiornamento lo fai da init
3 (o 1) cioè con X giù...

Lukenshiro: gli aggiornamenti falli dopo aver dato un init 3 o init 1, 
evitare qualsiasi potenziale intralcio

Volevo chiedervi semplicemente per sicurezza come di fatto dovevo agire 
dalla consolle, se digitare init 3 e poi installare o ci sono altri 
passaggi  che sconosco da compiere?

ciao, grazie

[newbie-it] driver modem

2002-05-05 Thread Augusto

Qualcuno mi può dare una risposta definitiva?
E' possibile che un driver di un modem usb(disponibile in pacchetti rpm e 
src.rpm)  vada bene solo per una determinata versione del kernel e non 
funzioni per quelle successive?C'è un modo per ovviare alla situazione 
escludendo naturalmente l'ipotesi di cambiare modem?Se io mantenessi sul 
pc la mdk 8.0 che mi permette di usare il modem e la mdk 8.2 con cui non 
vi riesco è possibile montare sul filesystem della 8.2 quello della 8.0 in 
modo che il modem funzioni?(Probabilmente avrò detto una st..a).
Se il mio driver si presenta come 2.04-00_20mdk ,il 20mdk che significa?E' 
Grazie infinite.

Re: [newbie-it] aggiornamento kde 2.2.2

2002-05-05 Thread jv

Hash: SHA1

Alle 20:20, domenica 5 maggio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] aggiornamento kde 
2.2.2, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:

 Volevo chiedervi semplicemente per sicurezza come di fatto dovevo agire
 dalla consolle, se digitare init 3 e poi installare o ci sono altri
 passaggi  che sconosco da compiere?
andiamo passo passo:

vai in consolle
ti logghi come su
digiti #init 3
a questo punto puoi aggiornare.
immagino che avrai una cartella di nome rpm ed una di nome noarch...
se è così vai nella cartella che contiene le directory e digita:

# rpm -U /rpm/*.rpm /noarch/*.rpm

con questa logica, aggiorni quello che è installato ed aggiungi quello che 
non è installato...

dipendenze permettendo..


- - jv -
 mdk 8.1   GNU/Linux 2.4.18
l.u. # 245448  l.m # 126972

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] driver modem

2002-05-05 Thread jv

Hash: SHA1

Alle 02:25, lunedì 6 maggio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] driver modem, 
Augusto ha scritto:

 Qualcuno mi può dare una risposta definitiva?

 E' possibile che un driver di un modem usb(disponibile in pacchetti rpm e
 src.rpm)  vada bene solo per una determinata versione del kernel e non
 funzioni per quelle successive?
si, se il pacchetto è rilasciato solo per quella versione..
ti faccio un esempio in cui mi sono imbattuto poco tempo fa...
ho installato la versione di iptables 1.2.4-mdk in pacchetto rpm su un kernel 
2.4.18.. nulla da fare...
questo perchè il kernel mdk esce già patchato in modo da supportare i 
pacchetti mdk.
quindi un rpm-mdk su un kernel non mdk si aspetta di trovare qualcosa che in 
realtà non troverà...
la soluzione?

 C'è un modo per ovviare alla situazione escludendo naturalmente l'ipotesi 
 di cambiare modem?
se il produttore mette a disposizione i sorgenti, ricompila.

 Se io mantenessi sul pc la mdk 8.0 che mi permette di usare il modem e la 
 mdk 8.2 con cui non vi riesco è possibile montare sul filesystem della 8.2 
 quello della 8.0 in modo che il modem funzioni?(Probabilmente avrò detto 
 una st..a).
uhm.. io credo di non aver capito la domanda..

 Se il mio driver si presenta come 2.04-00_20mdk ,il 20mdk che significa?E'

 Grazie infinite.
spero di esserti stato d'aiuto

- -- 
- - jv -
 mdk 8.1   GNU/Linux 2.4.18
l.u. # 245448  l.m # 126972

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] aggiornamento kde 2.2.2

2002-05-05 Thread LukenShiro

On Sun, 5 May 2002, Emiliano La Licata wrote:
 Ho finalmente scaricato kde 2.2.2
 Volevo chiedervi semplicemente per sicurezza come di fatto dovevo agire 
 dalla consolle, se digitare init 3 e poi installare o ci sono altri 
 passaggi  che sconosco da compiere?

Ti basta dare il comando init da un terminale in X. Prima assicurati 
solo di avere a disposizione tutti i pacchetti che dipendono direttamente
da kde e i pacchetti che dipendono dai primi. Esemplificando: kde* arts* 
libarts* libqt2* qt2* ... e poi ce ne sono altri che al momento non 
ricordo; installali tutti in un'unica soluzione (sulla stessa riga di
comando), almeno eviti eventuali dipendenze estemporanee.
Per verificare precisamente da quali pacchetti o comandi/programmi/librerie 
dipendono i vari pacchetti di kde, dai un rpm -qpR _nome-pacchetto_ 
prima dell'installazione. O eventualmente (piu' immediato) anche nella 
sessione grafica _simuli_ un'installazione (con l'opzione --test), per 
sapere quali sono i pacchetti che ti mancano [piu' che altro ti dira' quali 
comandi/librerie servono, ma ci arrivi per intuizione :)], te li scarichi
e procedi.

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata - krnl 2.4.18-6mdk
Dopo un gran casino con un HD IBM un po' bacato, la Cooker impazzita
e i backup inservibili, preferisco non testare piu' niente :P

Re: [newbie-it] driver modem

2002-05-05 Thread LukenShiro

On Sun, 5 May 2002, jv wrote:
  Se io mantenessi sul pc la mdk 8.0 che mi permette di usare il modem e la 
  mdk 8.2 con cui non vi riesco è possibile montare sul filesystem della 8.2 
  quello della 8.0 in modo che il modem funzioni?(Probabilmente avrò detto 
  una st..a).
 uhm.. io credo di non aver capito la domanda..

Cerco di interpretare, effettivamente e' un po' nebuloso. Praticamente 
ad Augusto occorrerebbe mantenere la corrispondenza pacchetto modulo
binario del modem - versione del kernel prescritto.
In linea teorica potrebbe tenere il kernel della 8.0 ed aggiornare 
nei limiti del possibile i vari pacchetti, ma non so se ne valga la 
pena (i primi kernel della serie 2.4 non sono il massimo ..).
Io cmq proverei lo stesso a compilare e installare il modulo del modem 
con il kernel recente che hai a disposizione (il .src.rpm contiene 
appunto i sorgenti)  

  Se il mio driver si presenta come 2.04-00_20mdk ,il 20mdk che significa?E'

Ehm, direi proprio di no ... 20mdk significa solo che e' la ventesima 
ricompilazione di quel modulo nella stessa versione (di solito perche' 
sono state applicate delle patch minimali a correzione di bug)

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata - krnl 2.4.18-6mdk
Dopo un gran casino con un HD IBM un po' bacato, la Cooker impazzita
e i backup inservibili, preferisco non testare piu' niente :P

Re: [newbie-it] Continuando (ancora) con Lime Wire

2002-05-05 Thread Luca

Alle 19:39, domenica 5 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 E usi LimeWire con XP? Hanno detto che da problemi con
 programmi del genere. Solo 2000 e XP.

No, ho usato anke win XP ke ho deciso di cambiare installandocci l'Me perchè 
si pianta di meno e, anke per il tipo di programmi che uso, mi da meno 
Mi spiace però nn poterti aiutare su limewire inquanto nn lo ho mai usato, 
anche se, il tipo di problema da te descritto mi sembra una diceria inquanto 
nn penso ke un client di condivisione file possa annullarti un abbonamento 
con infostrada o comunque un gestore di connessione adsl.

Re: [newbie-it] Continuando (ancora) con Lime Wire

2002-05-05 Thread Andrea - Tamalandia

Non è una diceria: ADSL bloccata per una settimana!!! A 
me! Giurin giuretta! :-)) Si è bloccata esattamente 20 secondi 
dopo aver lanciato LimeWire.

06/05/2002 23.45.33, Luca [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha 

Alle 19:39, domenica 5 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 E usi LimeWire con XP? Hanno detto che da problemi 
 programmi del genere. Solo 2000 e XP.

No, ho usato anke win XP ke ho deciso di cambiare 
installandocci l'Me perchè 
si pianta di meno e, anke per il tipo di programmi che uso, 
mi da meno 
Mi spiace però nn poterti aiutare su limewire inquanto nn 
lo ho mai usato, 
anche se, il tipo di problema da te descritto mi sembra una 
diceria inquanto 
nn penso ke un client di condivisione file possa annullarti 
un abbonamento 
con infostrada o comunque un gestore di connessione adsl.

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione hardware

2002-05-05 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 14:31, sabato 4 maggio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] configurazione hardware, x ha 

 1) non riesco a far riconoscre al sistema un modem isdn.
 su isa plug e pray mi dice stringa (lectron winet express isdn),
 credo che il problema sia la stringa plug e pray, ma non so come
 fare a non farla leggere a linux

oltre a connettere pregando
disabilita il PnP da bios e da LILO

 2) scheda audio ectiva ev 1935 machone pci. non so come farla
 funzionare: la riconosce come scheda audio, ma resta muta

puoi cercare la compatibilità hardware della tua scheda col pinguino,
vedi di capire il chipset che utilizza e fai qualche ricerca
$cat /proc/pci 
è un inizio per capire cosa monti

 3) scheda satellitare b2c2 netsystem pci: viene riconosciuta come
 periferica sconosciuta

non credo si possa usare, per ora

 4) tastiera multimediale btc 9000 a : come configurare i tasti
 multimediali, di navigazione, di standby e di off?

puoi cercare su google se qualcuno l'ha già fatto,
altrimenti dovresti cercare di capire il codice restituito dai tasti multimediali ed a 
questi associare un'azione
sotto kde/gnome

 5) non riesco ad avviare il serverx contemporaneamente con 2
 schede video (agp e pci), anche se xf86cfg si avvia con entrambe,
 le configura, ma quando parte il serverx mi dà errore, riprova e
 parte con una sola scheda.

dicci quali schede hai e la sequenza con il quale il bios le abilita, allega anche il 
tuo XF86Config (-4)  per capire se c'è qualche errore
personalmente per usare le 2 schede ho settato tutto a mano dopo aver cercato in giro 
alcune dritte per la S3 (che in DH sembrava inutilizzabile) 
inoltre, per usare l'estensione xinerama devi esplicitarla al momento dello startx

 6) per risolvere questi problemi vorrei usare vmware e la
 condivisione di winzozz, ma il vmware mi dà problemi di
 incompatibilità e di mancanze di files sui sorgenti del kernel

- -vmware non è gratuito, 
- -se il sistema ospitante (GNU/Linux nel tuo caso)
non riconosce l'hardware, non risolve il problema
- -ti rallenta la macchina 
- -si trascina i difetti del sistema ospite


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


[newbie-it] kernel ricompilato e vfat: grazie

2002-05-05 Thread Biss

  /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850 0 0
 prova a cambiarlo così:
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/c vfat defaults,users,noauto,showexec 0 0

  /dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850 0 0
 idem come sopra

Questo ha risolto il problema! Grazie per avermi evitato l'ennesima


[newbie] help with ./configure

2002-05-05 Thread Head

Im trying to install BitchX, 
i've downloaded it and un-tar'd it, and then the
instructions say to run ./configure --with-plugins
it says 
checking for gcc. no
checking for cc. no
checking for cl no
configure: error: no acceptible C compiler found in

so i guess my question is where do i get gcc, cc, or


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Re: [newbie] making a script runnable

2002-05-05 Thread Brian Koppe

Thanks, that did the trick

Todd Slater wrote:

On Sat, 04 May 2002 20:27:53 -0500
Brian Koppe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you.  Now that I've been able to get it to run, I get the error 
kinstalltheme: command not found  I'm running Mandrake 8.2 and KDE 3. 
 Anyone know what to do here?  Sorry for being such a newb :-P


That is part of kdelibs 3, which I would assume gets installed when you
install KDE. The script may be looking for kinstalltheme in the wrong
place, though. Do a locate kinstalltheme in a terminal, and you'll see
if a) you have it installed and b) where it is. If you don't have it
installed, install it using software manager in the control center. If you
do have it installed, look at the script in a text editor and see where
it's looking for kinstalltheme, and change it to the correct location.


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] help with ./configure

2002-05-05 Thread Derek Jennings

You only need gcc and it is on your Mandrake discs. Just open Mandrake 
software Manager and seach for it.
In 8.2 two versions of gcc are supplied 2.96 and 3.0

2.96 is the one your system is compiled with, so you should generally use 
that one.



On Sunday 05 May 2002 9:41 am, Head wrote:
 Im trying to install BitchX,
 i've downloaded it and un-tar'd it, and then the
 instructions say to run ./configure --with-plugins
 it says
 checking for gcc. no
 checking for cc. no
 checking for cl no
 configure: error: no acceptible C compiler found in

 so i guess my question is where do i get gcc, cc, or


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness

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Re: [newbie] I recently installed Mandrake 8.1. (for the 3rd time! :) ) My machine is on a university network. I frequently get a popup KWrited document on my desktop that is labeled listening on device /dev/pts/0 and the makes a long list of audio and font files

2002-05-05 Thread Alastair Scott

On Sunday 05 May 2002 5:47 am, db wrote:

 I recently installed Mandrake 8.1. (for the 3rd time!  :)  ) My
 machine is on a university network.  I frequently get a popup KWrited
 document on my desktop that is labeled listening on device
 /dev/pts/0 and the makes a long list of audio and font files
 locating them on several of my partitions. The partitions are:

 the /dev/ ... (of my secondary drive that contains an alternate boot
 of Redhat 5.1)
 the /usr/share/ ...
 the /var/lib ...
 the /var/tmp ...

 I assume people used my machine's drives as a way station for napster
 like file transfer...

 I just poked around in the Control Panel and set my security to
 medium ... that seems to have stopped it. At least I am not getting
 any more KWrited listening docs popping up ...   (I didn't do this
 before because during install I requested high security but it
 appears Crackers level somehow got installed anyway.)

 Am I right about what was going on and why?  What, if anything, more
 should I do additionally?  I saved a copy of the KWrited listing of
 files ... should I delete the files?

 Is there any chance there some kind of worm or trojan horse on my
 machine now?

It's unlikely if the machine was being used as an ftp site, but see 
disclaimer at the end :)

What you could do as a first shot is log in as root and:

find / -name *.mp3 -print (and possibly find / -name *.ogg -print) and, 
if you find any MP3 or OGG files you don't recognise, move them 
elsewhere (don't delete them until you're sure there's no problem - 
it's unlikely that applications will use MP3 or OGG files to play their 
sounds, but you never know).


- download and install all 8.1 security updates (however that's done 
there; 8.2 uses an application called MandrakeUpdate to automate this);

- run Bastille Linux, which may already be installed, if not run, and, 
if not, can be got from http://www.bastille-linux.org/ It 'hardens' an 
existing Linux installation to make it more resistant from attack by 
performing various operations (firewalling and so on). To run it type 
InteractiveBastille when logged in as root - note case).

More sophisticated techniques will have to wait until someone more 
knowledgeable than me answers.

Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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Re: [newbie] Modem

2002-05-05 Thread Derek Jennings

On Sunday 05 May 2002 4:11 am, Pupeno wrote:
 I'm planing on buying Multitech MT5634ZPX-PCI-NV-V92 (they have a problem
 chosing model names), it's internal, PCI, fax, V.92, voice, any comments ?
 This is the info of the modem:
 Thank you
 - --
 PS: do you know if I will be able to use V.92 capabilites ?

Well I do not have experience of this particular modem, but looking at the 
spec it looks like an excellent choice. (BTW: Long ago in  a former life I 
used to design modems)
The manual is clear and very detailed. It contains a complete breakdown of 
the command strings so you will be able to create initialisation strings to 
make the modem  act in the way you desire.
It does not depend on any external software to control the modem. Everything 
is done simply through ASCII 'AT' command strings which makes it OS 
There is even a chapter in the installation manual about using it under Linux.

As for V.92, yes you should be able to use it. The manual states it will be 
autoselected if your ISP dial in server supports it.

It is also designed with the international market in mind. Many modem 
manufacturers assume what works in the US will work elsewhere, which is 
simply not true.

I wish more modems were spec'd like this.
(Of course it might still be a terrible modem, but I cannot tell that by 
looking at the spec)



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Re: [newbie] Help I Can't log in!!!

2002-05-05 Thread Mark Lucas

Thanks, but this hasn't fixed it I'm afraid.

I've discovered that I can log in if I startup in 'failsafe' mode (that's
something I suppose!) but not if I startup normally.

I can't log in as *any* user, not even root!

Any more suggestions from anyone?


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Help I Can't log in!!!

 in that case you may want to check to make sure the IP address of the
 machine you're trying to connect to this box from isn't being blocked by
 port sentry. check the /etc/hosts.deny file for the IP address of that
 machine. If it's there you'll want to enter that machine's address into
 the hosts.ignore and hosts.allow file so this doens't happen any more.

 that happens to me at least once every time I setup a new box.

 Registered Linux User 182496

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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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[newbie] Window Manager Configurations

2002-05-05 Thread Graham Watkins

I've recently started checking out the lighter window managers - 
especially Blackbox and IceWM.  On the whole pretty impressive but I am 
having one or two difficulties that I hope someone out there will be 
able to help me with:

When I change the theme in IceWM, the change is not retained thenext 
time I log in. Is there anything I can do about this? A 
configuration file 
needs tweaking perhaps?

I've added items to the menu, using Menudrake, but they don't   come 
up in 
the Blackbox or IceWM menus.  Why should this be andcan I do anything 
about it?

How does one change the background for Blackbox?

That's probably enough to be going on with.  Please point me in the 
right direction if you can. I am using Mandrake 7.2.

Graham Watkins

For me, morning begins when I realize that the soft warm body curled up 
next to me is a cat. (Kinky Friedman - Frequent Flyer)

Registered Linux user number 265254  http://counter.li.org

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Re: [newbie] KDE3 and Konqueror

2002-05-05 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 05 May 2002 12:06 am, you wrote:
 On Saturday 04 May 2002 20:13, you wrote:
 Dennis ,
 I had the same problem and found that I could not kill my modem also but I
 kind of stumbled by accident on to a little trick. if you have a wheel
 mouse try center clicking the wheel . I found by doing this I got a pop up
 that gave me all the running programs so that i could select the one to
 open or shutdown. You might get lucky like I did .

 Wangbo On Wednesday 01 May 2002 10:26 pm, you wrote:
   Hi all, I decided to give KDE3 another try with the latest .mdk build
   on the mirrors.  Now I have lost my ability to call up konqueror from a
   su console. It just sits there and says something about render. 
   Happens in kde and kde3. Anyone seen this problem or a fix. I find
   nothing on the archive and have seen nothing on newbie. I seem to be
   the only one with a disfunctional kde setup.  The install went smoothly
   with only two packages to fulfill dependencies. I also had to fix some
   permissions when I copied .kde to .kde3 but could not find the
   ~/.kde3/share/config/kpersonalizerrc file and could not create it in mc
   cause there's no create file only mkdir command. Any help before I
   reinstall and forget KDE3 for now.  TIA
  OK, reinstall it is.
  The kicker panel doesn't show apps that are currently running and so I
  can't find a way to shut down the modem since kill pid  does not do
  it .  All sorts of ugly things going on with KDE3 installed.  yuk!  Sorry
  no one could help with this, I'll wait for the Mandrake release or  3.1
  as someone else suggested to another newbie.

Thanks, but I use a three button mouse, center button does same as your wheel 
click and oddly the kppp doesn't show up as a running app. Thanks for the 
effort though, I appreciate it.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Help I Can't log in!!!

2002-05-05 Thread Dan LaBine

Mark; I don;t suppose you've considered re-installing? You could save your
config files to a floppy, and leave your /home partition alone during the
install, and that would solve the problem for sure! You'd have to name the
home partition (create mount point for /home), and you'd have to make sure
you don't format it during the install, but otherwise everything would be
back again as soon as you login. It's just a thought, but assuming you've
made a package list floppy, it shouldn't take more than 20 minutes, and look
at how much time you've spent on this problem already! I realize that you're
probably trying to solve the problem rather than re-installing Mandrake, but
if you can't use it properly, then mabe it's time to take the plunge?

Just a thought.


- Original Message -
From: Mark Lucas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Help I Can't log in!!!

 Thanks, but this hasn't fixed it I'm afraid.

 I've discovered that I can log in if I startup in 'failsafe' mode (that's
 something I suppose!) but not if I startup normally.

 I can't log in as *any* user, not even root!

 Any more suggestions from anyone?


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 9:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Help I Can't log in!!!

  in that case you may want to check to make sure the IP address of the
  machine you're trying to connect to this box from isn't being blocked by
  port sentry. check the /etc/hosts.deny file for the IP address of that
  machine. If it's there you'll want to enter that machine's address into
  the hosts.ignore and hosts.allow file so this doens't happen any more.
  that happens to me at least once every time I setup a new box.
  Registered Linux User 182496


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  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] Netscape 4.73 address book

2002-05-05 Thread John Richard Smith

On Sunday 05 May 2002 09:26, you wrote:
 First i gotta find it, then i can import it into KMail.

 What is the address book file called in Netscape.

One way to do it is:-
Netscape Communicator - Addressbook - file - export - anywhere you 
like to put it 

Then in Kmail,
file - import - Kmail+Addressbookimput filters Vxx
 Chabge outlook express to import Netscape LDIF  - Import from
whereever you chose to put Netscape addressbook

Let it trundle along,takes a while , all is acomplished.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Window Manager Configurations

2002-05-05 Thread Todd Slater

On Sun, 05 May 2002 13:06:36 +0100
Graham Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've recently started checking out the lighter window managers - 
 especially Blackbox and IceWM.  On the whole pretty impressive but I am 
 having one or two difficulties that I hope someone out there will be 
 able to help me with:
snip don't know IceWM
 I've added items to the menu, using Menudrake, but they don't 
 come up in the Blackbox or IceWM menus.  Why should this be and   
 can I do anything about it?

In Blackbox, you have to edit the Menu file. This is located in
~/.blackbox. It is very simple to edit, just looking at the file you will
see what you need to do. If not, man blackbox will give more

 How does one change the background for Blackbox?

bsetroot or bsetbg. One or both of these should be on your system.
bsetroot has a man page. The Blackbox man page has a good description of
how to create themes, which also talks about backgrounds (like if you want
a solid color, gradient, or pattern instead of an image).

 That's probably enough to be going on with.  Please point me in the 
 right direction if you can. I am using Mandrake 7.2.

I hope what I'm telling you is the same for 7.2 as for 8.1!


Todd Slater
10:25am up 10 days, 35 min, 2 users, load average: 0.07, 0.08, 0.06
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
(Albert Einstein)

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[newbie] Open Office V1.0 / Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-05 Thread John Richard Smith

I though I would take a look at what all the fuss was about and
decided to download OOo_1.0.0_linuxintel_install.tar.gz
which installed easily enough in my chosen directoy /usr/bin/001/

The only hitch during installation was some message about no Java and
Javascript found, which I took to mean it didn't know where to find 
them,and since there are a lot of folders and directories with java
in their title I chose not to provide info where it could find 
them,perhaps someone could suggest exactly which directory/folder I 
should tell it to go and look for.

Now of course I need to create a subsection in Kstart-Office and some 
symlinks to the apps, I believe i know how to do that, my problem is
I don't know where exactly the apps are , and indeed what they are 

So if any of you more accomplished OO1 users can point me at either 
the right java settlings, and / or , the apps location please do 
enlighten me.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] free perl IDE

2002-05-05 Thread Michael Kovary

anyone know of a free perl IDE for linux or 
windows? Also come good documentation would be nice to get 

Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-05 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Saturday 04 May 2002 12:38 pm, RichardA wrote:
 What a load of crap. I don't subscribe to this list to see pro gun zealots
 foaming at the mouth about murdering petty criminals. I dare say some of my
 political views would upset you. You'll notice I don't subject you to them.


Oh, come on Richard ! - On my screen I see no foam at all. Lyvim was merely 
answering a naive question concerning the fact that I'm now a criminal, 
because I eradicated windows from my laptop. Furthermore, it seems that I'm a 
communist, because I use free software. I wonder if that holds for my 
children as well ?

If THAT isn't crap, I don't know what crap is. Lyvim was kind enough to 
inform me that not all americans cave in to the evil empire. To quote my 
question :
   What happened to the land of the free ?
   We europeans (well, most of us) have great admiration for the United
   States of America. Mostly because you kicked the oppressors out, wrote
   a brand new Constitution - and took it seriously !
   What you describe here makes me doubt : is USA becoming  Europized ?
   Reverting to feudalism, pseudo-democracy, corruption, fraud and
   mob-rule ?
   If so, where can we find hope ?
I still don't know. But I know that at least some americans stand up : judge 
Pennfield Jackson is still in office (as far as I know). Nader is still at 
large and Linus Skywalker, eh Thorvalds isn't knighted by emperor Bill 

Lyvim can criticize his country's legislative system and Todd can even 
criticize its founding fathers. You can like their opinions or dislike them. 
But they have freedom of speech - and use it. Without risking incarceration. 
That's why I envy americans.

And linux is about freedom. I don't think that's irrelevant here on this list.

May the Force be with us !

Kaj Haulrich

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[newbie] Stocks

2002-05-05 Thread Marcia

Dear All,

Does anyone trade stocks and track them using Linux? If so, how are you doing 
this?  Is there a totally free way to do this or at least inexpensive? 

Thank you.



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Re: [newbie] Open Office V1.0 / Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-05 Thread Alastair Scott

On Sunday 05 May 2002 5:03 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

 I though I would take a look at what all the fuss was about and
 decided to download OOo_1.0.0_linuxintel_install.tar.gz
 which installed easily enough in my chosen directoy /usr/bin/001/

 The only hitch during installation was some message about no Java and
 Javascript found, which I took to mean it didn't know where to find
 them,and since there are a lot of folders and directories with java
 in their title I chose not to provide info where it could find
 them,perhaps someone could suggest exactly which directory/folder I
 should tell it to go and look for.

 Now of course I need to create a subsection in Kstart-Office and some
 symlinks to the apps, I believe i know how to do that, my problem is
 I don't know where exactly the apps are , and indeed what they are

 So if any of you more accomplished OO1 users can point me at either
 the right java settlings, and / or , the apps location please do
 enlighten me.

The OO setup is poor and does only a fraction of what's needed with KDE 

There are a lot of files and folders with 'java' in their name which 
haven't got anything to do with the Java runtime environment. which is 
what you need. If you've installed it the most likely place is:

/usr/lib/folder name related to Java version/bin

Type 'locate java*' from the command line; that should return a whole 
screed of files and, if there are two named:

/usr/lib/folder name related to Java version/bin/java
/usr/lib/folder name related to Java version/bin/java_vm

your Java runtime environment is there.

If they aren't present you haven't installed Java before, the best thing 
to do is to download the Java runtime environment from Sun at:

http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/download.html (the 'Linux Red Hat RPM shell 

Downloading and installing should put the Java runtime environment in:


If you install OO to installation directory (I used /opt/openoffice) 
the executable files are in:

installation directory/program

and have cryptic names such as 'swriter', 'simpress' and so on. Icons 
are buried deep in:

installation directory/share/kde/net/mimelink/share/icons

Below that there are various icon sets (32x32 and 48x48 pixels, high 
colour and 256 colours).

If you don't want to create shortcuts yourself you can drag precast 
'*.desktop' shortcut files from

installation directory/share/kde/net/applnk/OpenOffice.org 1.0

to the desktop, but you'll have to add the appropriate icon yourself 
anyway (right mouse button on the '?' icon when it's on the desktop 
then select Properties ...).

Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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Re: [newbie] free perl IDE

2002-05-05 Thread Alastair Scott

On Sunday 05 May 2002 4:25 pm, Michael Kovary wrote:

 anyone know of a free perl IDE for linux or windows?  Also come good
 documentation would be nice to get started.

When I used Windows (!) the best was Open Source:


It has excellent documentation built in.

For Linux you have one right in front of you installed as part of the 
Mandrake distribution; I haven't started with it in earnest yet, but 
KDevelop looks good and isn't just for C++ (there's syntax highlighting 
built in for Perl, and much else; I would use Python).

Perl has probably the best documentation online of any language. Two 
sources are:



The classic 'starting off with Perl' printed source is the 'llama book', 
Beginning Perl by Schwartz and Phoenix:


Once you get going the 'camel book', Programming Perl by Wall, 
Christiansen and Orwant, is a (big) step up:


Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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[newbie] celestia

2002-05-05 Thread dfox

There's been some discussion on OpenUniverse (I tried it, but had 
difficulties compiling in that many standard paths for headers were
not put in the source) and by accident I was checking out a recent
issue on the focus on linux website last night, and it mentioned
a prog called 'celestia' which is purported to be a 3d space simulator

Anyway, I fetched the tarball last night, and compiled/installed it. I
am pretty sure all the required 3d libraries are there (libglu[t], Mesa,
and so forth). Configure went fairly well - it did bomb out on an 
error that it couldn't find some gnome shell file (it was looking in
/usr/local/celestia/lib, which is mind-boggling, as it's not installed

make/make install goes fine. The program appears to start OK, and I can
just move the little planet (which is doubled) around a bit with the
mouse, but that's about it. In a few seconds, my computer is locked up
tight. Mouse cursor is there, and is movable, but I can't do anything
else. I can't kill X. All I can do is shut the power off and reboot
the computer.

My graphics card is a Matrox G450 with 16 megs of RAM. Am I just out
of luck with this card? It's supposed to be able to have some 3d
abilities (probably not nearly as good as GeForce or what have you) but
I haven't been at all successful with 3d on this card as of yet.

Any ideas?

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Re: [newbie] Window Manager Configurations

2002-05-05 Thread Michael Scottaline

On Sun, 5 May 2002 10:32:41 -0400
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:

In Blackbox, you have to edit the Menu file. This is located in
~/.blackbox. It is very simple to edit, just looking at the file you will
Shouldn't that be ~/.blackboxrc ??


A person's true wealth is the good he or she does in the world.
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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-05 Thread adrian

On Saturdayen den 4 May 2002 05.41, you wrote:
 On Sat, 4 May 2002 03:46:15 +0200, Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Makes me sad, Lyvim. What happened to the land of the free ?
  We europeans (well, most of us) have great admiration for the United
  States of America. Mostly because you kicked the oppressors out, wrote a
  brand new Constitution - and took it seriously !
  What you describe here makes me doubt : is USA becoming  Europized ? -
  Reverting to feudalism, pseudo-democracy, corruption, fraud and mob-rule
  If so, where can we find hope ?

 This seems to be some sort of cycle. England once thought itself as the
 freest and most democratic nation on earth, with an instilled duty to hold
 back the tides of despotism (with their old enemy France being the main
 target of this). They believed this right up to the American Revolution. So
 what had happened? The 'revolutionary' zeal that had taken England through
 a civil war only a century earlier had died down, and people had become
 more conservative. There was little interest in England of promoting
 democracy in the colonies. While there were some prominent members of
 parliament, most notably the Prime Minister Pitt (the Elder), who _did_
 want parliamentary representation for the Americans, they were greatly
 outnumbered by the conservatives (IIRC, Pitt resigned because he didn't get

 At the same time, that revolutionary fervour that had to that stage been
 seen as distinctly English had been transported to the American colonies.
 It is this that fuelled the American Revolution, just as it had fuelled the
 English civil wars of the years preceding it. So you might say that the
 Americans were more 'English' than the English.

 Now, fast-forward to today. The actions of the US governmental bodies seems
 no different in principle from the English government of the 1780s. The
 circumstances are very similar: both are/were well-established bodies and
 both are/were the major world powers of their day. From their point of
 view, they have far more to gain by being conservative and preserving the
 status quo.

 As an Irani cleric (who now opposes the established theocracy) once said,
 Power is like water. If it does not flow it becomes stagnant.

USA aint becoming Europized its becoming Burgerized

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

2002-05-05 Thread adrian

On Saturdayen den 4 May 2002 09.21, you wrote:
 daRcmaTTeR wrote:
  On Sat, 4 May 2002, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
   Makes me sad, Lyvim. What happened to the land of the free ?
   We europeans (well, most of us) have great admiration for the United
   States of America. Mostly because you kicked the oppressors out, wrote
   a brand new Constitution - and took it seriously !
   What you describe here makes me doubt : is USA becoming  Europized ?
   - Reverting to feudalism, pseudo-democracy, corruption, fraud and
   mob-rule ?

 Well frankly I prefer the euro system but thats me.  And I won't debate
 further on this list the merits of both/either, thusly inciting a need
 for asbestos clothing. :)

   Otherwise I don't care at all : Next month I'll have to buy a brand new
   PC for my daughter. I Denmark it's impossible to get one without 
   Windows preinstalled. First thing to do : format the whole kadoodle,
   use the M$-CD as a shining target for her rifle-practice and install
   Linux. She's really fond of Linux already, what with her boy-friends
   flocking around a she-guru.

 hm... ya men seem to enjoy girls who have brains. Surprised? :)

   If Microsjuft then wants to claim her beauty-box, let 'em try !
   Kaj Haulrich
  Hoo-ya! you can say that again.

 Can I hear an Amen brother!? :)
 Sorry had to say it.

  Registered Linux User 182496
All girls have brains, atleast in the present time

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Re: [newbie] I can't get stupid nimda off of my server

2002-05-05 Thread Ibly Piblo

I have ipchains firewall offending

There is one address, I don't understand,
HOW it can still hit my server.

The address is

This is *impossible*!!!

No address can hit your server
if you have them ipchained out!

Is there something wrong with

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Re: [newbie] I can't get stupid nimda off of my server

2002-05-05 Thread adrian

On Sundayen den 5 May 2002 20.33, you wrote:
 I have ipchains firewall offending

 There is one address, I don't understand,
 HOW it can still hit my server.

 The address is

 This is *impossible*!!!

 No address can hit your server
 if you have them ipchained out!

 Is there something wrong with

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness
Can anyone help me configure Ipchains? i read the man pages but i still cant 
understand how to do it please

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[newbie] MandrakeUpdate, say what?

2002-05-05 Thread Ibly Piblo

Hello, would anyone know why
MandrakeUpdate cannot work at this time?

I am running 8.2

Thanks you to all who answer.

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Re: [newbie] I can't get stupid nimda off of my server

2002-05-05 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Sunday 05 May 2002 02:33 pm, Ibly Piblo wrote:
 I have ipchains firewall offending

 There is one address, I don't understand,
 HOW it can still hit my server.

 The address is

 This is *impossible*!!!

 No address can hit your server
 if you have them ipchained out!

they still hit your server, you just minimize there impact
by dicarding the packet earlier...

Talk to you upstream ISP and tell them to block the IP at their router.

Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
Front Street Networks LLC - ph. 203.785.0699
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, United States of America
2:45pm up 44 days, 22:13, 3 users, load average: 1.23, 1.16, 1.19

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[newbie] 2 distributions on 1 computer?????

2002-05-05 Thread adrian


I have mandrake 8.2 installed on my computer and i wanted to try redhat so i 
installed it to on a difrent partition ( same harddrive ) . After the 
installation i rebooted my computer and up came the mandrake lilo thingie and 
red hat was not in any of the options, so i went into mandrake control center 
and added the hde which was the red hat partiion and then rebooted, The 
option was there but when i chose it i got all kinds of failure and it 
wouldnt boot up, so i wonder if i can run 2 distribution on the same 
harddrive and computer ? and also do i need 1 swap for each distrubtion or 
can they share swap? If its possible to run 2 i would be gratefull if you 
could tell me how to set it up.
Best regards Adrian

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[newbie] E-term problems under 8.2?

2002-05-05 Thread darklord

Has anyone else had problems with E-term under 8.2?

I'm getting this (non-fatal) error when I start E-term:

bash: TMOUT: readonly variable
[darklord@darkforce darklord]$

I looked at .bash_profile, .bashrc, and .bash_history in my /home director 
but saw nothing that pointed to this...

Thanks! ;-)

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Re: [newbie] Stocks

2002-05-05 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Sunday 05 May 2002 12:50 pm, you wrote:
 Dear All,

 Does anyone trade stocks and track them using Linux? If so, how are you
 doing this?  Is there a totally free way to do this or at least

 Thank you.



I've been tracking them at The Motley Fool (www.fool.com). Works fine for me 
with Konqueror. The deal is that once you've set up an account (username and 
password), you enter your portfolio. (Actually, you can set up several 
different portfolios on the same account, so that you could track securities 
kept in your 1040K, your brokerage account, in the bank and under the 
mattress as separate items.) Anytime that you sign on, you get an updated 
report on each stock, and links to any current news about each security. They 
don't do trading, though.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] 2 distributions on 1 computer?????

2002-05-05 Thread ai4a

adrian wrote:
 I have mandrake 8.2 installed on my computer and i wanted to try redhat so i
 installed it to on a difrent partition ( same harddrive ) . After the
 installation i rebooted my computer and up came the mandrake lilo thingie and
 red hat was not in any of the options, so i went into mandrake control center
 and added the hde which was the red hat partiion and then rebooted, The
 option was there but when i chose it i got all kinds of failure and it
 wouldnt boot up, so i wonder if i can run 2 distribution on the same


 harddrive and computer ? and also do i need 1 swap for each distrubtion or
 can they share swap? If its possible to run 2 i would be gratefull if you

They can share the same swap file.

 could tell me how to set it up.

You tell us how you have it set up.

 Best regards Adrian
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] Stocks

2002-05-05 Thread Alastair Scott

On Sunday 05 May 2002 5:50 pm, Marcia wrote:

 Does anyone trade stocks and track them using Linux? If so, how are
 you doing this?  Is there a totally free way to do this or at least

My British site advice is irrelevant ... but 
http://www.selftrade.com/uk/ works well with Konqueror 3 and Mozilla. 

However ... there's a small and very useful (multi-national) stock 
ticker at:

http://www.nyx.net/~tpoindex/tcl.html ('TclTicker')

Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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Re: [newbie] 2 distributions on 1 computer?????

2002-05-05 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Sunday 05 May 2002 04:48 pm, you wrote:

 I have mandrake 8.2 installed on my computer and i wanted to try redhat so
 i installed it to on a difrent partition ( same harddrive ) . After the
 installation i rebooted my computer and up came the mandrake lilo thingie
 and red hat was not in any of the options, so i went into mandrake control
 center and added the hde which was the red hat partiion and then rebooted,
 The option was there but when i chose it i got all kinds of failure and it
 wouldnt boot up, so i wonder if i can run 2 distribution on the same
 harddrive and computer ? and also do i need 1 swap for each distrubtion or
 can they share swap? If its possible to run 2 i would be gratefull if you
 could tell me how to set it up.
 Best regards Adrian

There was a thread on this subject about two weeks ago. Look in the newbie 
archives for an April 20 posting by Civileme to the thread Dual Booting with 
Multiple Linux Distro's. See also an April 13 posting by ai4a to the thread 
Dual Mandrake Boot Setup.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Stocks

2002-05-05 Thread Derek Jennings

On Sunday 05 May 2002 5:50 pm, Marcia wrote:
 Dear All,

 Does anyone trade stocks and track them using Linux? If so, how are you
 doing this?  Is there a totally free way to do this or at least

 Thank you.



The Lycos finance site http://finance.lycos.com/  has a Java stock grapher 
which works in real time if you subscribe or 15mins delayed if not.
It works in Galeon/Mozilla and Opera. It used to work perfectly, but since 
they 'upgraded' the Java applet some of the analysis buttons no longer work.



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[newbie] Gimp

2002-05-05 Thread Klemm


No one has posted a stupid question a long.

How can I save in Gimp?

I cannot find any save or save as or anything else referring to saving
anywhere (not in file menu, and not anywhere else).

Have I missed something... I am using 8.2, and it is the original

Thanks for hints

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Re: [newbie] Re: WineX was: OT over reacting

2002-05-05 Thread Miark

shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 i used to play quake II with the name i tend to die a lot but i haven't 
 played III yet..  ;)

I named myself in a similar fashion. I realized, quite abruptly, that while
I do well in single player mode, I get creamed when going up against 
humans. I didn't bring death to others in multiplayer, they brought death to me!

So I now I play as Grim_Reaped (noticed the final 'd').


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Re: [newbie] Gimp

2002-05-05 Thread Brian Koppe

right click on the image - it's in the menus there

Klemm wrote:


No one has posted a stupid question a long.

How can I save in Gimp?

I cannot find any save or save as or anything else referring to saving
anywhere (not in file menu, and not anywhere else).

Have I missed something... I am using 8.2, and it is the original

Thanks for hints

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Gimp

2002-05-05 Thread Todd Slater

On 05 May 2002 23:31:44 +0200
Klemm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No one has posted a stupid question a long.
 How can I save in Gimp?
 I cannot find any save or save as or anything else referring to saving
 anywhere (not in file menu, and not anywhere else).
 Have I missed something... I am using 8.2, and it is the original
 Thanks for hints

Nearly everything in Gimp is done by right-clicking in the image. So,
right-click, file, save. 

Todd Slater
4:39pm up 10 days, 6:50, 2 users, load average: 0.33, 0.15, 0.05

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Re: [newbie] Window Manager Configurations

2002-05-05 Thread Todd Slater

On Sun, 5 May 2002 14:26:13 -0400
Michael Scottaline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 5 May 2002 10:32:41 -0400
 Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:
 In Blackbox, you have to edit the Menu file. This is located in
 ~/.blackbox. It is very simple to edit, just looking at the file you
 Shouldn't that be ~/.blackboxrc ??

You can tell Blackbox to use a different menu file in ~/.blackboxrc if you
want to, but on my system  the actual menu gets built from


Todd Slater
4:42pm up 10 days, 6:53, 2 users, load average: 0.12, 0.16, 0.08
A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he
has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad. (Theodore

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Re: [newbie] I can't get stupid nimda off of my server

2002-05-05 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Sun, 5 May 2002, adrian wrote:

 Can anyone help me configure Ipchains? i read the man pages but i still cant
 understand how to do it please


What might help you is to get an understanding first of what ipchains are
and what a firewall is. There is a HOWTO on your system, well actually
there are a few that you should read to get started. At any rate the docs
that you need to get started are already on your system.

You can find them under the K menu - Documentation - HOWTo's...

Or you can load this URL in your browser window:


That should bring up the index page of all the howto's that are currently
on your system. Among other things you may want to take a look at
Firewall and Proxy Server HOWTO, Linux IPCHAINS-HOWTO. These two that
are already on your system should get you started fairly well in the right
direction. There's also a neat little ipchains package on the net that
will help you configure an ipchains firewall without acually knowing that
much about them. It's called PMFirewall. You can find that package here:

As far as errecting a firewall nothing is more powerful then knowledge and
actually knowing just how to do it yourself.

Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] Gimp

2002-05-05 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Sunday 05 May 2002 11:31 pm, Klemm wrote:

 No one has posted a stupid question a long.

There isn't such a thing as a stupid question on this list, ya know.

 How can I save in Gimp?

 I cannot find any save or save as or anything else referring to saving
 anywhere (not in file menu, and not anywhere else).

 Have I missed something... I am using 8.2, and it is the original

 Thanks for hints

Klemm, right-click anywhere on the image, then left-click save or save as.


Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] CDR

2002-05-05 Thread Roger

My oldish Sony 8x/4x/32x works fine using X-CD-Roast on a new 8.2 install.  I 
did no extra configuration setup, other than getting into root and running 
X-CD-Roast to give my userid permission to burn CDs.  I do find the interface 
very confusing and have to struggle a bit each time trying to remember how to 
identify the files I want to burn and then tell it to start burning.


On Saturday 04 May 2002 05:48 pm, Randy Donohoe wrote:
 Anybody got their IDE CDR to burn in 8.2? If so, how?
 Randy Donohoe

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Re: [newbie] Gimp

2002-05-05 Thread --hybrid

anyone knows the polarisation filter in photoshop ? is there anything
like that in gimp ? i realy like the gimp , it's just great !!!

Am Son, 2002-05-05 um 22.50 schrieb Kaj Haulrich:
 On Sunday 05 May 2002 11:31 pm, Klemm wrote:
  No one has posted a stupid question a long.
 There isn't such a thing as a stupid question on this list, ya know.
  How can I save in Gimp?
  I cannot find any save or save as or anything else referring to saving
  anywhere (not in file menu, and not anywhere else).
  Have I missed something... I am using 8.2, and it is the original
  Thanks for hints
 Klemm, right-click anywhere on the image, then left-click save or save as.
 Kaj Haulrich

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[newbie] Installation of Linux for Windows 6.5

2002-05-05 Thread Rcochranem

I am a fairly knowledgeable MS Windows user who has become interested in Linux. I have successfully installed Mandrake onto my PC and it is dual booting fine and working well. 

The problem is, I am having trouble installing Linux Mandrake for Windows 6.5 onto my laptop. I specifically want this program so that I do not have to partition my laptop drive and can just click into Linux.

On rebooting I get:

Kernel Panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 08:21

The setup is:

Silicon Motion LynxEM Display
128Mb Ram
6 Gb Drive


Robert Mackie

Re: [newbie] help with ./configure

2002-05-05 Thread civileme

Head wrote:

Im trying to install BitchX, 
i've downloaded it and un-tar'd it, and then the
instructions say to run ./configure --with-plugins
it says 
checking for gcc. no
checking for cc. no
checking for cl no
configure: error: no acceptible C compiler found in

so i guess my question is where do i get gcc, cc, or


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Well if you have any download distro since 7.1, you should have BitchX 
right on the CDs.  But to answer your question, you need to install the 
development package, and that isn't just the compiler.  It includes the 
files that say -devel in them if you are interested in compiling apps in 
their categories.  Headers are very important, and the newer gcc 
compilers do not add standard headers to source code by default, so you 
may run into a problem with some older source which assumes that.

urpmi gcc

is a good start.


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Re: [newbie] Window Manager Configurations

2002-05-05 Thread civileme

Todd Slater wrote:

On Sun, 05 May 2002 13:06:36 +0100
Graham Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've recently started checking out the lighter window managers - 
especially Blackbox and IceWM.  On the whole pretty impressive but I am 
having one or two difficulties that I hope someone out there will be 
able to help me with:

snip don't know IceWM

I've added items to the menu, using Menudrake, but they don't 
come up in the Blackbox or IceWM menus.  Why should this be and   
can I do anything about it?

In Blackbox, you have to edit the Menu file. This is located in
~/.blackbox. It is very simple to edit, just looking at the file you will
see what you need to do. If not, man blackbox will give more

How does one change the background for Blackbox?

bsetroot or bsetbg. One or both of these should be on your system.
bsetroot has a man page. The Blackbox man page has a good description of
how to create themes, which also talks about backgrounds (like if you want
a solid color, gradient, or pattern instead of an image).

That's probably enough to be going on with.  Please point me in the 
right direction if you can. I am using Mandrake 7.2.

I hope what I'm telling you is the same for 7.2 as for 8.1!


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Well, editing the local menu file is a way to break compatibility.  The 
menu editor will make blackbox changes too, just look at the GUI screen 
it offers...

There you will see a checkbox for KDE or all or GNOME or all.  

Or look at the raw menufile entry--here are a couple of examples

?package(aumix): needs=x11 \
section=Multimedia/Sound \
title=Aumix \
longtitle=Audio Mixer \
command=aumix \

That file shows on all menus

?package(gnome-control-center): command=/usr/bin/gnomecc 
icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/control-center.png longtitle=The Gnome 
configuration tool title=Gnome Control Center needs=gnome 

The second one shows only on gnome.

The menu editor on 7.2 to use is menudrake, NOT KMenuEdit, where entries 
will vanish.  There are a couple of caveats.  7.1 used integrated 
desktop enus for the first time and had no editor so people had to make 
these menu files by hand.  7.2 had a menu editor called menudrake; 
however, it wasn't protected from user impatience.  When one did a save, 
in the lower left hand corner of the window it said (saving...)  And 
finally the message would change to indicate completion.  But no 
ShowBusyCursor was implemented to lock out a user's quitting early, with 
a result of corrupted menu files.

Now the menu editor also make changes either to local or to system. 
 local changes were kept in /home/username or /root if root was editing.

After running menu editor, it was a good idea to run, as root

update-menus -v

and hit the enter key after the last line of executing menu-methods.


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Re: [newbie] I can't get stupid nimda off of my server

2002-05-05 Thread civileme

adrian wrote:

On Sundayen den 5 May 2002 20.33, you wrote:

I have ipchains firewall offending

There is one address, I don't understand,
HOW it can still hit my server.

The address is

This is *impossible*!!!

No address can hit your server
if you have them ipchained out!

Is there something wrong with

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness

Can anyone help me configure Ipchains? i read the man pages but i still cant 
understand how to do it please

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It depends on distro how you do this, and more recent distros do not 
have ipchains but rather iptables.

You can do this two ways...
Method 1:

iptables -A input -s DROP
iptables -A input -s REJECT

The reject sends the packet back marked as a reject, the drop just drops 
it and lets the other end timeout before it does something else.

But the packets will continue to hit, just get dropped or rejected.

If you search about Code Red and Nimda on Google, you will probably run 
across a script that sends a shutdown to the IIS server trying to send 
you all the packets.  It may be considered a hostile attack to do that, 
but then what are the packets in the first place?  At least the shutdown 
script will drive the sysadmin at the other end to investigate why he's 
being shut down.


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Re: [newbie] 2 distributions on 1 computer?????

2002-05-05 Thread skinky

On 06 May 2002 08:48, adrian wrote:

 I have mandrake 8.2 installed on my computer and i wanted to try redhat so
 i installed it to on a difrent partition ( same harddrive ) . After the
 installation i rebooted my computer and up came the mandrake lilo thingie
 and red hat was not in any of the options, so i went into mandrake control
 center and added the hde which was the red hat partiion and then rebooted,
 The option was there but when i chose it i got all kinds of failure and it
 wouldnt boot up, so i wonder if i can run 2 distribution on the same
 harddrive and computer ? and also do i need 1 swap for each distrubtion or
 can they share swap? If its possible to run 2 i would be gratefull if you
 could tell me how to set it up.
 Best regards Adrian

I just installed redhat and had lilo/boot problems also.  You only need the 
one swap partition.  I have a separate /boot partition which I share between 
the distros - be sure NOT to format the /boot partition is you have the same 

During the redhat install I chose not to install a boot loader - thought I 
would rather keep Mandrake's lilo going.  When the rh installation finished I 
rebooted with the boot floppy (made during installation) and all seemed OK. 

I rebooted from the hard drive to Mandrake (with Mandrake's lilo) and edited 
lilo.conf to include the rh partition.  However upon running lilo (# 
/sbin/lilo) I got an error about an older version.

So I rebooted with the rh boot floppy, uninstalled lilo (rh had automatically 
installed lilo but /etc/lilo.conf did not exist), then reinstalled lilo.  I 
edited the lilo.conf to include Mandrake and ran # /sbin/lilo.  All is well 
but I don't like rh's boot loader (its ugly).

From what Civileme said I think you need to install rh first then install 
Mandrake to use Mandrake's lilo.  I might reinstall Mandrake later in the 
week - I'm getting faster at setting up apache, samba and twiki and upgrading 
all packages ; ).

BTW rh is a lot slower than Mandrake on my machine!  I'm still downloading 
all the updates (sloww dial-up internet connection).  IMHO rh's 
installation is much cleaner/clearer than Mandrake's but I prefer Mandrake 
any day!  I needed to try rh because I only have Mandrake 8.0 and 8.1 and 
most of my friends who are keen to try linux have older i386/i486s.  

While I'm here, can anyone tell me if Mandrake 7.2 runs on the older pcs and 
if it is much different to 8.0/8.1?

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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[newbie] How to Increase Keyboard Auto Repeat Delay

2002-05-05 Thread Pen Gwynne

Ok...  I'm whupped on this one.

I've set my BIOS keyboard autorepeat delay to 3 seconds.
I've set my XF86Config and XF86Config-4 Autorepeat option to 3000 10

But still, when I hit a key it starts autorepeating in well under a second.  
I would have to guess between 250 to 500 milliSeconds.

Any thoughts?
Have I missed some other config file?

I am  using a Dell keyboard by the way.


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Re: [newbie] Downloads

2002-05-05 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Fri, 3 May 2002 00:32:50 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 02 May 2002 19:32, you wrote:
  On Thursday 02 May 2002 4:32 pm, you wrote:
   Sometimes , while attempting to download a file , after clicking
   on the chosen file,instead of a download windowlet , the files
   seems to end up as programme code displayed on the website
   window, why is this and what do I do about it.
  Well this depends on which browser you are using.
  If it is konqueror clicking on a download will normally open the
  dialogue saying 'Save Open or Cancel'
  'Save' will save the file to your hard drive while 'Open' will open
  the file using the  application associated with that file suffix
  defined in KDE ControlCentreFile BrowsingFile Associations
  If the application for that file type is 'embedded file viewer'
  then it will do as you describe and show the file contents in the
  konqueror window.
  It is real easy to alter the file associations and use a different
  application to handle that file type.
  IF you are not using konqueror of course, then everything I have
  just written is wrong   ;-)
 Thank you all, yes it's konqueror, but in file assosciations it say's
 against .tgz=application-x-tgz-embedding-use setting for application 
 group-archiver,  which seems OK to me. So why should konqueror not 
 want to save it as any other downloaded file, and displays it instead?

I remember, some time ago, you sometimes had to hold down the 'shift' key
when clicking to download a file in Netscape. HTH,


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[newbie] Application launches from command line but not from menu

2002-05-05 Thread Warren Post

If I open a terminal and type display, Image Magick opens fine. But if I try to open 
Image Magick from the menu item, nothing happens. This is true in every window manager 
I have (KDE, IceWM, etc.), so it's not a window manager specific problem. MenuDrake 
shows me that the menu item for Image Magick is correct, so it's not a malformed menu 
item. (Nonetheless, I have also deleted and reinstalled the menu item -- no change.) I 
can find no reference to this problem in the documentation nor at imagemagick.org.

Any idea as to what's wrong and how to fix it?
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

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Re: [newbie] OT over reacting

2002-05-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Where can i Get Winex 2.0 ?

- Original Message -
From: Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 7:40 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT over reacting


 Personally I don't agree with anyone flaming someone because of the
 signature.  Who cares what their opinion is.  Also he does have a right
 his opinion especially if he lives in the USA, this is guaranteed by the
 amendment in the Constitution ( As noted below).
 Also Microsoft does suck, I have used windoz products for a number of
 now and I have just started to use Linux in the last year.  I never have
 reboot my Linux box, but I have to reboot any windoz box at least once a
 And the only reason I still use windoz is because I like to some games
 now and then.  If the damn game companies would port stuff to Linux I
 get rid of windoz all together.
 Just my $.02
 Have you tried Winex 2.0? Many of us swear by it now, and I can
 personally vouch for:

 Diablo2/Lord of Destruction
 Jedi Knight 2
 Baldurs Gate 2

 Try it - dump Windog! (woof!) ;-)


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Re: [newbie] OT over reacting

2002-05-05 Thread Kirtis Bakalarczyk

 Where can i Get Winex 2.0 ?


 - Original Message -
 From: Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 7:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] OT over reacting

  Personally I don't agree with anyone flaming someone because of the


  signature.  Who cares what their opinion is.  Also he does have a right


  his opinion especially if he lives in the USA, this is guaranteed by the


  amendment in the Constitution ( As noted below).
  Also Microsoft does suck, I have used windoz products for a number of


  now and I have just started to use Linux in the last year.  I never have


  reboot my Linux box, but I have to reboot any windoz box at least once a
  And the only reason I still use windoz is because I like to some games


  now and then.  If the damn game companies would port stuff to Linux I


  get rid of windoz all together.
  Just my $.02
  Have you tried Winex 2.0? Many of us swear by it now, and I can
  personally vouch for:
  Diablo2/Lord of Destruction
  Jedi Knight 2
  Baldurs Gate 2
  Try it - dump Windog! (woof!) ;-)


  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] Stocks

2002-05-05 Thread Warren Post

A former client of mine is a day trader. I set him up with 3dstockcharts.com for 
tracking (US$9.95/month) and ameritrade.com for trading. He recommends them both.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On Sun, 5 May 2002 12:50:53 -0400
Marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear All,
 Does anyone trade stocks and track them using Linux? If so, how are you doing 
 this?  Is there a totally free way to do this or at least inexpensive? 

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[newbie] X problems

2002-05-05 Thread Keith Lynn

 I have Mandrake 8.0 on my laptop (Compaq 1200) and have had no
problems for months. After a clean shutdown, I tried to log back in, but
my X server will not start. It has problems trying to set the FontPath to
unix/:-1. Has anyone experienced a problem like this before? What was the
resolution? Thanks.

Keith Lynn
Systems Administrator
School of Computer and Information Sciences
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL 36608
Phone: (251) 460-6390
Fax: (251) 460-7274
Alternate E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL: http://www.cis.usouthal.edu/~lynn/

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Re: [newbie] Gimp

2002-05-05 Thread Warren Post

Right click anywhere on canvas of the image window (not the tools window, the image 
window). A menu will appear. Select File | Save or File | Save as...

It's so easy, and yet it took me a while to find it, too.  ;-)
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On 05 May 2002 23:31:44 +0200
Klemm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No one has posted a stupid question a long.
 How can I save in Gimp?
 I cannot find any save or save as or anything else referring to saving
 anywhere (not in file menu, and not anywhere else).

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RE: [newbie] Gimp

2002-05-05 Thread Mcleod, Ian

Does anyone know how to save a picture as a BW bump map (2 colours)?

Ian McLeod
Customer Service Office (CSO)
EDS (Australia) Pty Ltd
Level 9, 108 North Tce, Adelaide, SA, 5000
Phone: (08) 8464 1304
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EDS...  The recognised global leader in ensuring clients achieve superior
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-Original Message-
From: Warren Post [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 6 May 2002 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Gimp

Right click anywhere on canvas of the image window (not the tools window,
the image window). A menu will appear. Select File | Save or File | Save

It's so easy, and yet it took me a while to find it, too.  ;-)
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On 05 May 2002 23:31:44 +0200
Klemm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No one has posted a stupid question a long.
 How can I save in Gimp?
 I cannot find any save or save as or anything else referring to saving
 anywhere (not in file menu, and not anywhere else).

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Re: [newbie] Gimp

2002-05-05 Thread Todd Slater

On Mon, 6 May 2002 09:50:29 +1000 
Mcleod, Ian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know how to save a picture as a BW bump map (2 colours)?

Right-click, Image, Mode, Indexed, Use Black/White palette.

Todd Slater
7:54pm up 7 min, 1 user, load average: 0.36, 0.30, 0.17
Too often we give our children answers to remember rather than problems to
solve. (Roger Lewin)

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[newbie] Multi Booting

2002-05-05 Thread Richard Hackwith

I had the problem of buying a HP Pavilion with XP pre-installed. I
wanted to install 98SE to solve some compatibility issues, and I also
wanted to install Mandrake. So I added a second HD to accommodate all

The ideal way to solve the XP/98 issue would be to uninstall XP
install 98 and re-install XP. But HP does not supply any installation
media, just a hidden restore partition which only contains an image
of the factory setup. So that was out.
After seeking advice, I got a variety of answers that involved
disconnecting drives, switching the bios boot sequence, etc. But I
figured there must be an easier way.

What I ended up doing was, as follows:
I created a bootable FAT32 partition on the 2nd HD, leaving the 1st HD
entirely NTFS, downloaded a 98se boot disk from bootdisks.com. Then I
copied all the bootdisk files to that partition. Then I installed
Mandrake and made sure that the 98 partition was included in
lilo.config. I booted into the 98 partition, slapped in the 98 CD and
installed 98se.

When the install finished...everything worked( As far as booting is
concerned still need some updated drivers for newer hardware). Lilo
comes up will boot whatever system you want.
This is what worked for me, no guarantee it will work for everyone. It
seems like it should also work with grub, both lilo and grub seem to
make each partition belive that they are boot partition.

Oh yeah, just to be safe I did do a complete drive image backup before
I started the 98 install.


Richard  Hackwith Sacramento CA[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] 2 distributions on 1 computer?????

2002-05-05 Thread Terry Smith

I'm running RH 7.2, Mandrake 8.2 and Win98. Email me privately and we'll
see what configuration files you need to tinker with.
Terry Smith

On Sun, 2002-05-05 at 16:48, adrian wrote:
 I have mandrake 8.2 installed on my computer and i wanted to try redhat so i 
 installed it to on a difrent partition ( same harddrive ) . After the 
 installation i rebooted my computer and up came the mandrake lilo thingie and 
 red hat was not in any of the options, so i went into mandrake control center 
 and added the hde which was the red hat partiion and then rebooted, The 
 option was there but when i chose it i got all kinds of failure and it 
 wouldnt boot up, so i wonder if i can run 2 distribution on the same 
 harddrive and computer ? and also do i need 1 swap for each distrubtion or 
 can they share swap? If its possible to run 2 i would be gratefull if you 
 could tell me how to set it up.
 Best regards Adrian

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Re: [newbie] E-term problems under 8.2?

2002-05-05 Thread FemmeFatale

darklord wrote:
 Has anyone else had problems with E-term under 8.2?
 I'm getting this (non-fatal) error when I start E-term:
 bash: TMOUT: readonly variable
 [darklord@darkforce darklord]$
 I looked at .bash_profile, .bashrc, and .bash_history in my /home director
 but saw nothing that pointed to this...

I addressed the expert list on one problem:  namely I can't save my
settings using the Save Button. :(

But no bombing sorry.


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Stocks

2002-05-05 Thread Terry Smith


Seeing Carroll's and Alastair's replies about the internet.I also
use the portfolio tracker on Quicken.com. And I have used The Motley
Fool's tracker as well. I can recommend both.

I was referring to an onboard portfolio manager...and still find that

Terry Smith

On Sun, 2002-05-05 at 12:50, Marcia wrote:
 Dear All,
 Does anyone trade stocks and track them using Linux? If so, how are you doing 
 this?  Is there a totally free way to do this or at least inexpensive? 
 Thank you.

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Compatible Video Cards

2002-05-05 Thread Terry Smith

Hi all,

Work has decided to buy me a new desktop box. They're pushing a Dell
OptiPlex GX240 w/Pentium 4 1.7 ghz, etc., etc.

I may try to talk them into a custom box from Monarch or Micronux where
I think I can get a little more linux bang for the buck..

but my question relates to the Dell graphics card...an ATI Rage Ultra
128...If memory serves this is fairly common card, been around a

Anybody got it running under 8.2? Any problems?


Terry Smith
Cape Cod USA

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Re: [newbie] making a script runnable

2002-05-05 Thread Bryan Tyson

On Saturday 04 May 2002 21:08, Brian wrote:

 Hi, I have a .sh script that I ned to run to install a theme, but it
 doesn't run when I type ./ before it  Last time this happened I had
 to type some command to make it so ./ worked.  Any suggestion?

chmod +x filename

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Bryan S. Tyson

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[newbie] mail

2002-05-05 Thread Richard Bonebrake

I am running a small isp. For mail, I am using postfix and gnu-pop3d. I am 
unable to find the info I need to fix a problem. If a user comes on to 
pickup his mail and for some reason hangs up before he is done, there is a 
lock file left behind. I don't know how long it takes for this file to be 
removed and is there a config file to set the time before the lock file is 
removed. BTW I am running Mandrake linux 8.2.

Richard D. Bonebrake
Asquith Internet

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Re: [newbie] Gimp

2002-05-05 Thread Bryan Tyson

On Sunday 05 May 2002 17:31, Klemm wrote:

 How can I save in Gimp?
 I cannot find any save or save as or anything else referring to
 saving anywhere (not in file menu, and not anywhere else).

Right click on the image itself. You will get a menu that lets you save.

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
KDE 2.2.1 KMail 1.3.1
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Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] X problems

2002-05-05 Thread shane

On Sunday 05 May 2002 16:30, Keith Lynn opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

  I have Mandrake 8.0 on my laptop (Compaq 1200) and have had no
 problems for months. After a clean shutdown, I tried to log back in, but
 my X server will not start. It has problems trying to set the FontPath to
 unix/:-1. Has anyone experienced a problem like this before? What was the
 resolution? Thanks.

best i can tell you is that i have had it happen to me and recall a FAQ on 
it.  if i recall the solution i was told was to edit the XF86Config file to 
comment out the line, ie 

#   FontPath unix/:-1

as a temp fix, but i don't recall what the final fix was.  i could be 
wrong.  :)

After you install Windows XP, you have the option to create user accounts. 
If you create user accounts, by default, they will have an account type of 
Administrator with no password. -- Microsoft KnowledgeBase article Q293834

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
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Re: [newbie] KDE3 and Konqueror

2002-05-05 Thread Joseph Braddock

You might want to try renaming any .kde .kde2 .kde3 (etc) and qt directories in your 
home directory to something else (i.e. mv .kde .kde-old).  Do this while you are not 
in KDE.  After doing this, start KDE3 and it should rebuild all the directories and 
settings it needs.


On Sat, 4 May 2002 21:13:37 -0500
Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wednesday 01 May 2002 10:26 pm, you wrote:
  Hi all, I decided to give KDE3 another try with the latest .mdk build on
  the mirrors.  Now I have lost my ability to call up konqueror from a su
  console. It just sits there and says something about render.  Happens in
  kde and kde3. Anyone seen this problem or a fix. I find nothing on the
  archive and have seen nothing on newbie. I seem to be the only one with a
  disfunctional kde setup.  The install went smoothly with only two packages
  to fulfill dependencies. I also had to fix some permissions when I copied
  .kde to .kde3 but could not find the ~/.kde3/share/config/kpersonalizerrc
  file and could not create it in mc cause there's no create file only mkdir
  command. Any help before I reinstall and forget KDE3 for now.  TIA
 OK, reinstall it is. 
 The kicker panel doesn't show apps that are currently running and so I can't 
 find a way to shut down the modem since kill pid  does not do it .  All 
 sorts of ugly things going on with KDE3 installed.  yuk!  Sorry no one could 
 help with this, I'll wait for the Mandrake release or  3.1 as someone else 
 suggested to another newbie.
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Window Manager Configurations

2002-05-05 Thread Warren Post

Correct. The easiest way is to use the configuration tool icepref, which ought to be 
on your menu or can be launched from the command line. Select your favorite theme in 
icepref, press save and then press restart.

If you like trying out different themes for IceWM, you might want to check out the 
collection that Freshmeat has -- over a hundred.
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On Sun, 05 May 2002 13:06:36 +0100
Graham Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I change the theme in IceWM, the change is not retained the  next 
 time I log in. Is there anything I can do about this? A   
configuration file 
 needs tweaking perhaps?

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Re: [newbie] Gimp

2002-05-05 Thread Pena Family

Sometimes the answer is the most obvious one. Generally, speaking people
usually don't see or ignore the obvious.

It took me a while before figuring that out. I won't say how long since I am
still embarrassed by it.

- Original Message -
From: Warren Post [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Gimp

 Right click anywhere on canvas of the image window (not the tools window,
the image window). A menu will appear. Select File | Save or File | Save

 It's so easy, and yet it took me a while to find it, too.  ;-)
 Warren Post
 Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

 On 05 May 2002 23:31:44 +0200
 Klemm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  No one has posted a stupid question a long.
  How can I save in Gimp?
  I cannot find any save or save as or anything else referring to saving
  anywhere (not in file menu, and not anywhere else).

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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