Re: [newbie-it] Finalmente il Mozilla 1 RC2 Da leggere se utilizzate il Mozilla

2002-05-15 Thread Marco Canapicchi

Luigi De Pascale wrote:
 On Tue, 14 May 2002, Giuseppe Ferruzzi wrote:
Se ancora non l'avete fatto andatevi a scaricare il Mozilla 1 RC2 uscito
da pochissimo, ne vale la pena. Tra le diverse correzioni apportate
comprende anche quella famosa ricontrata dalla società di sicurezza
israeliana GreyMagic Software (annunciata da me a questa lista in una
mia precedente mail) di una falla che permetteva ad un cracker di
leggere file dal PC dell'utente.
Andate poi a verificare se tutto è ok sul piccolo test online al sito:
(dove potete anche verificare come agisce sul Mozilla che utilizate
attualmente e rendervi conto della gravità del  problema prima di
effettuare il download, a me leggeva tutta la mia directory confermando
l'importante scoperta, comunque non vi preoccupate è solo un test).
Cerco di darmi da fare pure io.
Saluti a tutti.

 A dire la verita' mi sembra che da me non legga niente.
 Il fatto e' che se lasci aperte tutte le porte se il buco di sicurezza non 
 te lo crea mozzilla te lo crea qualche altro programma.


Io ho provato a fare il test con galeon (1.03-Moz 
0.98) ma non carica nemmeno la pagina. La 
cosastrana che con moz tutto procede (aime') come 
Mi chiedo: la falla non dovrebbe colpire anche gli 
altri browser che usano il motore di mozilla?



Re: [newbie-it] Compilazione (Alsa0.9.0beta10)

2002-05-15 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Tue, 14 May 2002 21:58:32 +0200
nicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Il problema l'ho riscontrato appunto con Alsa, non so se è presente in
 altre ricompilazioni. Al momento del ./configure incappo in un errore 
 apparentemente strano, il processo si ferma avvertendomi che forse mi
 manca il file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h, controllo, e
 sorpresa! Il file esiste!! Dopo un pò di tempo perso ho scoperto che il
 problema era legato al  file version.h, che ha un include della forma:
 include linux/rhconfig.h, che a quanto pare risulta indigesto al 
 configure. Modificandolo nel path completo tutto funziona:
 include /usr/src/linux/include/linux/rhconfig.h.
 A questo punto mi è venuto il dubbio che la mia modifica potrebbe
 provocare dei problemi ad altre compilazioni, se non addirittura in fase
 di ricompilazione del kernel. Help!!

Dai il comando
ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux  /usr/include
e sei a posto senza modificare nulla.

 Inoltre nonostante la ricompilazione dei driver Alsa su mensionati sia
 andata a buon fine (è la prima volta che riesco a ricompilare alsa!!) mi
 pare che manchi il driver per la mia scheda specifica (SbLive!, 
 snd-card-emu10k1.o.gz). Premetto che ho incluso nel configure l'opzione 
 --with-card=emu10k1. Se qualche anima pia mi sa aiutare gliene sarei
 molto grato (La versione 5.10 inclusa in MDK8.2 mi funziona, a parte il
 midi e ai volumi...) includo la lista dei moduli che ottengo:
Se non e' un errore di trascrizione hai dimenticato la s, l' opzione
esatta e'
e ti compilera' solo i moduli relativi alla sblive.
Sei sicuro di aver guardato nel posto giusto? Alsa mette i moduli in
e non sono compressi (gz), forse quelli di mandrake lo sono.



Re: [newbie-it] Finalmente il Mozilla 1 RC2 Da leggere se utilizzateil Mozilla

2002-05-15 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

Marco Canapicchi wrote:

 Luigi De Pascale wrote:

 On Tue, 14 May 2002, Giuseppe Ferruzzi wrote:

 Se ancora non l'avete fatto andatevi a scaricare il Mozilla 1 RC2 
 da pochissimo, ne vale la pena. Tra le diverse correzioni apportate
 comprende anche quella famosa ricontrata dalla società di sicurezza
 israeliana GreyMagic Software (annunciata da me a questa lista in una
 mia precedente mail) di una falla che permetteva ad un cracker di
 leggere file dal PC dell'utente.
 Andate poi a verificare se tutto è ok sul piccolo test online al sito:
 (dove potete anche verificare come agisce sul Mozilla che utilizate
 attualmente e rendervi conto della gravità del  problema prima di
 effettuare il download, a me leggeva tutta la mia directory confermando
 l'importante scoperta, comunque non vi preoccupate è solo un test).
 Cerco di darmi da fare pure io.
 Saluti a tutti.

 A dire la verita' mi sembra che da me non legga niente.
 Il fatto e' che se lasci aperte tutte le porte se il buco di 
 sicurezza non te lo crea mozzilla te lo crea qualche altro programma.


 Io ho provato a fare il test con galeon (1.03-Moz 0.98) ma non carica 
 nemmeno la pagina. La cosastrana che con moz tutto procede (aime') 
 come previsto.
 Mi chiedo: la falla non dovrebbe colpire anche gli altri browser che 
 usano il motore di mozilla?



Non ho mai utilizzato galeon. La pagina del test deve comunque potertela 
aprire con o senza falla. Se con galeon non riesci ad aprire la pagina 
del test controlla su Help e poi About_Plug_ins sulla barra dei menù 
se i plugins di  galeon sono presenti, devono essere gli stessi di 
mozilla ed entrambi puntare sulla directory dei plugins di netscape, 
così da tenere solo quella aggiornata e le altre, quelle di mozilla e 
galeon, creandoti i relativi link, lo saranno automaticamente. Se con 
galeon riuscirai a vedere la pagina del test ma eseguendo il test  non 
la tua directory allora va tutto bene.

[newbie-it] php

2002-05-15 Thread Jacopo

ho appena installato php da un pacchetto rpm sulla mdk 8.2 vorrei sapere
come faccio adesso a visualizzare le pagine con estensione php dato che al
momento non funzionano.
devo configurare qualcosa?

Re: [newbie-it] php

2002-05-15 Thread Marco Forti

... altra cosa ... hai editato il file php.ini come da istruzioni vero?



[newbie-it] Links in OpenOffice

2002-05-15 Thread Moreno Battaglia

Buongiorno a tutti, ho appena installato la Mdk 8.2 e sto provando 
l'OpenOffice incluso (finora utilizzavo starOffice 5.2). Se creo un link in 
una pagina html e cerco di aprirlo mi arriva il seguente messaggio di errore:
An error occurred in starting the external application for the given file 
type. Please check the settings.
Il link si apre invece normalmente in Mozilla.
Lo strano è che in StarOffice tutto funziona, e le impostazioni mi sembrano 
le stesse.
Qualcuno ne sa qualcosa?

Re: [newbie-it] Links in OpenOffice

2002-05-15 Thread Emma e Gigi

Penso abbia qualche problema di troppo: a me appare un messaggio simile al 
tuo quando cerco di aprire qualche documento che si trova nella partizione di 
Win. Con StarOffice ciò non succedeva, e non succedeva nemmeno  con un'altra 
versione di Open Office che avevo prima!!!
So che tutto ciò non aiuta a risolvere il tuo problema, però penso sia bene 
tenerne conto!!

Alle 12:46, mercoledì 15 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Buongiorno a tutti, ho appena installato la Mdk 8.2 e sto provando
 l'OpenOffice incluso (finora utilizzavo starOffice 5.2). Se creo un link in
 una pagina html e cerco di aprirlo mi arriva il seguente messaggio di
 errore: An error occurred in starting the external application for the
 given file type. Please check the settings.
 Il link si apre invece normalmente in Mozilla.
 Lo strano è che in StarOffice tutto funziona, e le impostazioni mi sembrano
 le stesse.
 Qualcuno ne sa qualcosa?

[newbie-it] Problemino quotidiano..

2002-05-15 Thread ku68

Ciao, da quando ho installato mdk 8.2 ho quotidianamente un singolare
problema e cioè che il sistema s'inchioda.
Avviene quando apro 2 o + prg contemporaneamente poc'anzi avevo aperto
evolution , konqueror e la connessione a internet.
Ho un PIII 500  con 256 mb di ram. Con mdk 8.1 questo problema non si
era mai verificato.
Da cosa può dipendere? Praticamente devo spegnere e riaccendere
Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale risposta

[newbie-it] ispell

2002-05-15 Thread Emiliano La Licata

Salve a tutti,

Sto cercando di comprendere come funziona il comando ispell. Vediamo se ho 
capito quancosa.
Dunque quando lancio questo comando da kword e abiword ho un messaggio di 
errore. Dalla console ho provato a dare ispell nomefile e la console 
cerca automaticamente il dizionario di default che è quello inglese che non 
posseggo e quindi mi da errore. Io ho installato il dizionario italiano.
Allora sapete come posso settare ispell in maniera tale che cerchi il 
dizionario italiano?

Grazie a tutti.

Re: [newbie-it] emulazione scsi x cd

2002-05-15 Thread tom

Alle 12:17, mercoledì 15 maggio 2002, Andrea Celli ha scritto:
 On Tue, 14 May 2002 16:45:58 +0200

 tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  se c'è qualcosa di sbagliato o superfluo coregetemi.



 ciao, andrea

e si la grammatica non è il mio forte!

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] Samba ..è cambiato qualcosa?

2002-05-15 Thread max

ho installato mdk8.2, riesco a montare le condivisioni samba del mio vecchio 
server ma quando provo ad usarle ho dei problemi.
Se provo, ad esempio, a lanciare find /mnt/server/documenti -iname 
*vendite* , dopo aver trovato qualcosa si pianta ed ho un segmentation 
Poi non riesco più a smontare la condivisione samba, df si inchioda, kill 
non riesce a killare df, ecc. ecc alla fine non riesco neanche a terminare 
la corretta procedura di shutdown (samba è ancora lì) devo forzare (alt SysRq 
S, U , B) il sync l'umount (samba sempre lì) ed il reboot. Al riavvio 
...e2fsck ecc. ecc.
Ho provato ad usare lo stesso script per montare le condivisioni samba e per 
cercare i files con linux-bbc (ministribuzione) ed il tutto funziona 
egregiamente come con il mio vecchio mandrake 8.
la sensazione è che il pacchetto samba client abbia un problema o manchi di 
Ho dato uno sguardo sulla mailing list in inglese e pare che nessuno abbia 
lamentato lo stesso problema..boh!



/v\  Max
  /(   )\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ^^ ^^

[newbie-it] apache

2002-05-15 Thread Jacopo

come posso disinstallare il vecchio apache e montare il nuovo??

Re: [newbie-it] apache

2002-05-15 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Alle 02:05, giovedì 16 maggio 2002, Jacopo ha scritto:
 come posso disinstallare il vecchio apache e montare il nuovo??

Dal mandrake control center.

Un saluto.

[newbie-it] Re Samba...è cambiato qualcosa?

2002-05-15 Thread max

Rispondo a me stesso e...chiedo aiuto!

Il problema non dipende da samba: ho provato con una nuova versione (2.2.4) 
ed una vecchia (2.0.10) ed il problema rimane.
Sono andato a cercare nei files di log epare proprio che il problema sia 
a livello kernel.
Allego i log per chi riesce a tirarci fuori qualcosa:

May 15 16:49:23 linux kernel: *pde = 
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at 
virtual address cc00
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: *pde = 

May 15 17:27:08 linux mount.smbfs[2738]:   mount.smbfs: entering daemon mode 
for service \\linux2\Documenti, pid=2738
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at 
virtual address cc00
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel:  printing eip:
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: cc945c34
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: *pde = 
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Oops: 
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: CPU:0
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: EIP:
0010:[ip_vs:__insmod_ip_vs_S.bss_L5048+647284/58745132]Not tainted
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: EIP:0010:[cc945c34]Not tainted
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: eax:    ebx: 7b7f972f   ecx: fbd963fd   
edx: 39c5c7ed
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: esi: cc00   edi: c53dde28   ebp: c53ddebc   
esp: c53ddde8
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Process find (pid: 2741, stackpage=c53dd000)
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Stack:    c9052760 
c8eeec60  000166e0 05fda9f8
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel:  c99da000 0004 
  0001 0006
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel:c53dde8c 0001 cc96425a c080c7a0 
c7d96000 cc944461 c080c7a0 c53ddfa0
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Call Trace: 
[ip_vs:__insmod_ip_vs_S.bss_L5048+641185/58751231] [filldir64+0/352] 
[ip_vs:__insmod_ip_vs_S.bss_L5048+645265/58747151] [filldir64+0/352] 
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Call Trace: [cc944461] [c0141b90] 
[cc945451] [c0141b90] [c0141690]
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel:[filldir64+0/352] [sys_getdents64+79/185] 
[filldir64+0/352] [sys_swapoff+369/640] [system_call+51/64]
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel:[c0141b90] [c0141d3f] [c0141b90] 
[c0130001] [c0106f23]
May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel:
May 15 17:2


/v\  Max
  /(   )\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ^^ ^^

Re: [newbie-it] Re Samba...è cambiatoqualcosa?

2002-05-15 Thread LukenShiro

On Wed, 15 May 2002, max wrote:
 Il problema non dipende da samba: ho provato con una nuova versione (2.2.4) 
 ed una vecchia (2.0.10) ed il problema rimane.
 Sono andato a cercare nei files di log epare proprio che il problema sia 
 a livello kernel. [..]
 May 15 16:49:23 linux kernel: *pde = 
 May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at 
 virtual address cc00
 May 15 17:27:21 linux kernel: *pde = 

Prova a guardare con un motore di ricerca (digitando il messaggio di
errore Unable ... address) se qualcuno ha risolto il problema, ho dato
uno sguardo veloce e ho notato che l'accoppiata kernel vecchiotto [2.2x
prima di un certo numero, o i primi 2.4x usciti] + disco in frenetica
attivita' e' un dato spesso ricorrente, ma sembra che nessuno sia
riuscito a trovare il problema.

Passo ora a tre domande veloci:
1) non e' che per caso la cpu e' overcloccata in modo eccessivo e 
non sufficientemente raffreddata?
2) non hai compilato il kernel con gcc in versione 3.x, veero?
3) la versione del kernel e' recente? altrimenti prova a passare 
all'ultima versione stabile, puo' darsi che sia un baco scovato 

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-ac3
Ricorda: i motori di ricerca ti vogliono bene, non abbandonarli!!
Netiquette al contrario (volutamente ironica):

Re: [newbie-it] Finalmente il Mozilla 1 RC2 Da leggere se utilizzate il Mozilla

2002-05-15 Thread gigi pinna

Alle 10:43, mercoledì 15 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Non ho mai utilizzato galeon. La pagina del test deve comunque potertela
 aprire con o senza falla. Se con galeon non riesci ad aprire la pagina
 del test controlla su Help e poi About_Plug_ins sulla barra dei menù
 se i plugins di galeon sono presenti, devono essere gli stessi di
 mozilla ed entrambi puntare sulla directory dei plugins di netscape,
 così da tenere solo quella aggiornata e le altre, quelle di mozilla e
 galeon, creandoti i relativi link, lo saranno automaticamente. Se con
 galeon riuscirai a vedere la pagina del test ma eseguendo il test non
 la tua directory allora va tutto bene.

come faccio a dire a galeon quel è la nuova directory in cui deve guardare? (a cosa lo
faccio linkare?, non posso semplicemente dirgli che i nuovi plugin li metto in quella
directory e che lui si deve aggiornare?)
per il momento son costretto a usare konqueror quando ho a che fare con flash dato che
lì c'è un opzione per far cercare i nuovi plugin!

MMS: prova i nuovi messaggi multimediali!

Re: [newbie-it] Compilazione (Alsa0.9.0beta10)

2002-05-15 Thread nicola

Alle 09:57, mercoledì 15 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 On Tue, 14 May 2002 21:58:32 +0200

 nicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Il problema l'ho riscontrato appunto con Alsa, non so se è presente in
  altre ricompilazioni. Al momento del ./configure incappo in un errore
  apparentemente strano, il processo si ferma avvertendomi che forse mi
  manca il file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h, controllo, e
  sorpresa! Il file esiste!! Dopo un pò di tempo perso ho scoperto che il
  problema era legato al  file version.h, che ha un include della forma:
  include linux/rhconfig.h, che a quanto pare risulta indigesto al
  configure. Modificandolo nel path completo tutto funziona:
  include /usr/src/linux/include/linux/rhconfig.h.
  A questo punto mi è venuto il dubbio che la mia modifica potrebbe
  provocare dei problemi ad altre compilazioni, se non addirittura in fase
  di ricompilazione del kernel. Help!!

 Dai il comando
 ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux  /usr/include
 e sei a posto senza modificare nulla.

E' la procedura standard quella di creare il link simbolico dei file h nella 
directory /usr/include ?

  Inoltre nonostante la ricompilazione dei driver Alsa su mensionati sia
  andata a buon fine (è la prima volta che riesco a ricompilare alsa!!) mi
  pare che manchi il driver per la mia scheda specifica (SbLive!,
  snd-card-emu10k1.o.gz). Premetto che ho incluso nel configure l'opzione
  --with-card=emu10k1. Se qualche anima pia mi sa aiutare gliene sarei
  molto grato (La versione 5.10 inclusa in MDK8.2 mi funziona, a parte il
  midi e ai volumi...) includo la lista dei moduli che ottengo:

 Se non e' un errore di trascrizione hai dimenticato la s, l' opzione
 esatta e'
 e ti compilera' solo i moduli relativi alla sblive.
 Sei sicuro di aver guardato nel posto giusto? Alsa mette i moduli in
 e non sono compressi (gz), forse quelli di mandrake lo sono.
Si, è solo un errore di trascrizione, sai a volte le lettere rimangono sulla 
tastiera anzichè sullo schermo. Comunque i file sono sia nella directory dove 
avevo i sorgenti da ricompilare, ovviamente sotto una directory modules, sia 
in lib/modules/kernel/misc.
La compressione la posso fare a mano io senza problemi? 
E' possibile che la mia scheda abbia un modulo differente da quello 
precedente di alsa?

Se hai altri suggerimenti sono benvenuti...

Ciao Nicola

Re: [newbie-it] kde3 urpmi e software manager

2002-05-15 Thread nicola

Alle 00:48, mercoledì 15 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Alle 22:04, martedì 14 maggio 2002, nicola ha scritto:
  Alle 12:05, lunedì 13 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
   buon giorno oh gloriosa mailinglist!
   sì lo so, in questi giorni ho troppi dubbi ^_^. il punto è che dopo
   essere finalmente riuscito a installare kde3 sul mio computer sto
   provando anche su quello di mia sorella ma la situazione che mi si para
   davanti è quanto meno paradossale:
   i cd di mandrake non vengono riconosciuti dal software manager
   nonostante siano gli stessi che ho usato per installare mandrake pochi
   minuti prima sul suo computer e nonostante software manager sul mio li
   riconosca perfettamente... sono quindi assolutamente sicuro che
   funzionino. qualcuno quindi ha un'idea del perchè nel momento in cui
   vengono richiesti da software manager questo non riconosca alcun
   supporto nonostante l'installazione di mandrake vada assolutamente
   liscia? e perchè questo succede solo sul suo computer?
  Scusa, ma non è che il computer di tua sorella monta oltre al lettore Cd
  anche un masterizzatore o un altra periferica a disci, magari montata
  come master nella catena del Cd? Se fosse così il problema lo si aggira
  semplicemente eliminando i 3 Cd dalla lista degli aggiornamenti, e poi
  ricreandole di nuovo, avendo l'accortezza di montare un cd dopo l'altro e
  specificando i percorsi dove si trovano gli RPM.
  Ciao Nicola!

 ciao nicola ^_^
 no, ha soltanto un lettore quindi il problema non può essere quello e
 comunque io ho un masterizzatore, un dvd e un lettore e non ho problemi di
 quel tipo. cos'altro può essere?
Hai comunque provato a ricreare le liste dei file contenuti nei Cd di 
Avvii il software manager - Specifica fonti - nuovo -
A questo punto decidi un nome, cerchi la cartella di nome RPM nei vari cd 
dell'installazione (ricordati di montare  e smontare ogni volta i cd) e 
attendi pazientemente che ricostruisca la lista. Sinceramente non so cosa 
pensare, se non riesci a farlo funzionare con questa procedura.
Scusa se te lo chiedo, ma non è che per caso hai anche dei problemi montando 
e smontando altri Cd, che magari non sembrano più contenere quello che 
dovrebbero? (Magari facendo un pò il Dj con vari Cd)
Se fosse così il problema potrebbe essere legato a un non funzionamento del 
Supermount del Cd. In questo caso, se mi fai avere il contenuto del file 
/etc/fstab , posso dirti come modificarlo per disabilitare il supermount, 
oppure puoi cecare di disattivarlo da solo, non è molto difficile, basta 
leggere alcune pagine di man su mount, e fstab appunto.

Ciao Nicola

Re: [newbie-it] Problemino quotidiano..

2002-05-15 Thread nicola

Alle 14:08, mercoledì 15 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Ciao, da quando ho installato mdk 8.2 ho quotidianamente un singolare
 problema e cioè che il sistema s'inchioda.
 Avviene quando apro 2 o + prg contemporaneamente poc'anzi avevo aperto
 evolution , konqueror e la connessione a internet.
 Ho un PIII 500  con 256 mb di ram. Con mdk 8.1 questo problema non si
 era mai verificato.
 Da cosa può dipendere? Praticamente devo spegnere e riaccendere
 Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale risposta
Quotidianamente, significa che si ripresenta solo una volta al giorno, o che 
accade sempre quando lanci molte applicazioni insieme?
Nel primo caso, non vorrei che fosse qualche operazione giornaliera 
programmata a mandare in panne il Pc quando è sotto forte stress. Nel secondo 
non saprei proprio cosa dirti. Mi dispiace di non esserti molto di aiuto.
Ciao Nicola

[newbie-it] Samba PDC

2002-05-15 Thread Paride Desimone

Chi mi spiega per benino cosa diavolo e' un PDC con o senza Samba?

Re: [newbie-it] Links in OpenOffice

2002-05-15 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 12:59, mercoledì 15 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Penso abbia qualche problema di troppo: a me appare un messaggio simile al
 tuo quando cerco di aprire qualche documento che si trova nella partizione
 di Win. 

A me non succede; tutto ok.
Non è una questione di permessi?

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] ispell

2002-05-15 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 14:17, mercoledì 15 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti,

 Sto cercando di comprendere come funziona il comando ispell. Vediamo se ho
 capito quancosa.
 Dunque quando lancio questo comando da kword e abiword ho un messaggio di
 errore. Dalla console ho provato a dare ispell nomefile e la console
 cerca automaticamente il dizionario di default che è quello inglese che non
 posseggo e quindi mi da errore. Io ho installato il dizionario italiano.
 Allora sapete come posso settare ispell in maniera tale che cerchi il
 dizionario italiano?

Ispell è il dizionario che ti permette di controllare l'ortografia durante la 
stesura di un testo.
Per abilitare questa opzione in kword vai in Impostazioni -- Configura Kword.
da lì ti sbizarrisci..

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie] VIA 8233A Audio Problem on MDK 8.2

2002-05-15 Thread andyjn


Well, it seems the snd-card-via8233 module loaded OK. However most
 applications use ALSA's OSS emulation. To use it, as root,
 'modprobe snd-pcm-oss'. Note the post-install line in the previously
 mentioned URL:

Got this installed and appears to be  running--- lsmod lists;

snd-seq-oss 256000[unused]
snd-seq408800   [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event]
snd-seq-device  39480[snd-seq-oss snd-seq]
snd-pcm   31616   0[snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin
snd-timer85760   [snd-seq snd-pcm]
snd   342721   [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event
snd-seq snd-seq-device snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin snd-mixer-oss
snd-card-via8233 snd-ac97-codec snd-mixer snd-pcm snd-timer]
soundcore40684   [snd]

 If that doesn't work what errors do you get with which sound applications?

This is the weird thing, I don't get any errors, and all applications seem
to play, except there is no output.

For instance loading a track in Xmms works fine and the track plays along
nicely...just no sound comes out the speakers.

If I turn on and off the PCM feed I can hear hiss coming through the
speakers so there is something their

  So I'm going to try Realtek's driver and cross my fingers :)

 snip and good luck!

Checked the driver and they list and earlier version of the ALSA so didn't

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Re: [newbie] need help with Mandrake crashing problem

2002-05-15 Thread Robin Turner

Yay, got a sort of 8.2 running!

Turned out it was the new kernel my system didn't like.  What I found 
worked in the end was:

1.  Boot from 8.2 disk (expert mode)
2.  Select upgrade packages only
3.  Boot with old-linux (i.e. the old kernel)

In fact I only upgraded the packages I needed - you can use the 
installation disks as a kind of super Software Manager.

Sir Robin

Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] Video again

2002-05-15 Thread Robin Turner

Has any one here had any success getting Mandrake to download from a 
camcorder via USB?

Sir Robin

Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] VIA 8233A Audio Problem on MDK 8.2

2002-05-15 Thread John Richard Smith

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 09:33, you wrote:

 Well, it seems the snd-card-via8233 module loaded OK. However most

 This is the weird thing, I don't get any errors, and all
 applications seem to play, except there is no output.

 For instance loading a track in Xmms works fine and the track plays
 along nicely...just no sound comes out the speakers.

 If I turn on and off the PCM feed I can hear hiss coming through
 the speakers so there is something their

Are you sure all the mixer LED's are bright green ?

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Can't Boot Linux

2002-05-15 Thread jnlugo

I can no longer boot into Linux, and I need to get files from my Mandrake drive.

I have a dual boot system with Windows 98 on hard drive 1, and Mandrake 8.1 on Hard 
Drive 2. I had to reinstall Windows, and can no longer get the Mandrake screen which 
prompts for the partition to boot.

I have a Linux boot floppy which didn't seem to help. It may not have been created 
from the latest Mandrake install.

How can I get access to my files which are on the Mandrake drive?


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Re: [newbie] deny access to su

2002-05-15 Thread Ted J. Wagner


You've just made what is my point for me in the following:

Mike Oliver wrote:
 Or maybe it's to prevent *inadvertant* rather than malicious
 damage?  Something like:  People in our group might find
 out the root pword and be tempted to su to quick-fix some
 difficulty they're having, then they might break something
 and we wouldn't know who was responsible, so we'll just
 remove the temptation?  I guess that makes a certain amount
 of sense, but it's not terribly flattering to your coworkers.

You can't set everyday policy based upon occasional problems.
It's a pain until it becomes habit, but in the long run, it's
much easier to set up an ID whose sole function is to collect
e-mail reports of system problems.  This assumes you don't
have some fancy help desk system already in place.

Then, unless you have an unmanageable bureaucracy -- and that's
another problem entirely -- the SAs can prioritize them and
systematically resolve them.  There are generally enough things
to do in an SA's day/week without having to sweep up after
inadvertent damage.  Not to mention the time wasted trying to
figure out what went wrong, and how to fix it.

The smaller the list of super-users the less likely someone
will fat finger a critical file, and when it does happen, the
more likely it will be fixed in a timely fashion, since the
perpetrator is more easily identified, and has a more accurate
idea of what they did wrong.

In my former life, I was in a group of 4 Sys Admins who were
the only keepers of the root password, including our supervisor.
In fact, he insisted on not knowing to avoid those types of
situations, since he appreciated our efforts in a normal
environment, with fewer curve balls thrown our way.

I've had mixed feeling about giving users the root password
to their own workstations.  This had been a thorny issue for
us in the past.  On the one hand, it's easy for someone to fix
their own problems, assuming they know what they're doing.  On
the other hand, my experience is that (myself included) there
is a tendency to wait one or two fat finger actions too late to
ask for help and have things fixed quickly.

It's just too much hassle to set up and admin some sort of
competency test.  We sort of settled on a policy of if you
want to do it yourself, take the classes.  Most would not.
Budgets being what they are, there are a certain number of
dollars (euros, whatever) allocated per employee for training,
and they wished to take other things.  That was fine, just
don't cry about us not being fast enough, or again, take
the classes and become part of the solution, not another

The worst part of this sweeping up is the SA has to try and
troubleshoot something while said user is generally hovering
over their shoulder, harrumphing and often complaining they
need to get work done.  As if we (the SAs) have nothing better
to do all day than go from desk to desk holding hands.  And,
if you're real lucky, you may even get a Thank you or a free
cup of coffee.  Like I ever need extra caffeine!

At that point, I would politely ask them to tell my boss, not
just me.  That way, he/she would have some idea why my real
job wasn't getting done on time.  My 2 cents.

_/_/_/_/_/   _/_/  _/   Ted J. Wagner
   _/   _/_/  _/  _/  ((( Soundwaves )))
  _/   _/_/ _/_/ _/ Fender Bender
 _/ _/_/_/_/  _/_/ Have Guitar, Will Travel
_/ _/_/_/_/_/  _/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux *is* user-friendly, just picky who it chooses for friends!

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[newbie] Need Quick Linux = Windows Integration advice

2002-05-15 Thread Tommy Eaton

Hi, one of our computers recently came with XP HOME
installed... useless on our network... So, I figure this is a good opportunity
to show off some Linux. Problem is
I have no idea where to start. I
would simply be installing it on one workstation so this is a fairly small (?)
project. I will need the
workstation to be able to access windows shares from an NT 40 server, work on
Office docs, surf the web, run proprietary software, and receive email from a
Microsoft Post Office or Exchange 5.5 server. Is this possible? I figure OO or SO
might work for the Office apps, but I'm not sure beyond that... Any help would be appreciated!

Re: [newbie] Can't Boot Linux

2002-05-15 Thread Damian G

On Wed, 15 May 2002 08:47:52 -0700

 I can no longer boot into Linux, and I need to get files from my Mandrake drive.
 I have a dual boot system with Windows 98 on hard drive 1, and Mandrake 8.1 on Hard 
Drive 2. I had to reinstall Windows, and can no longer get the Mandrake screen which 
prompts for the partition to boot.
 I have a Linux boot floppy which didn't seem to help. It may not have been created 
from the latest Mandrake install.
 How can I get access to my files which are on the Mandrake drive?

boot your installation CD.  skip averything up to the boot loader part, reinstall LILO 
you are back in busines.. 



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Re: [newbie] Can't Boot Linux

2002-05-15 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 10:47 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can no longer boot into Linux, and I need to get files from my
 Mandrake drive.
 I have a dual boot system with Windows 98 on hard drive 1, and
 Mandrake 8.1 on Hard Drive 2. I had to reinstall Windows, and can
 no longer get the Mandrake screen which prompts for the partition
 to boot.

 When you reinstalled windoze, it overwrote the mbr and removed 
lilo.  Winblows is sort'a antisocial like that ;)

 I have a Linux boot floppy which didn't seem to help. It may not
 have been created from the latest Mandrake install.

What Mandrake version?  You should be able to boot your 1st 
Mandrake CD, and at the first screen, press  F1 and type 'rescue' 
(w/o the quotes).  That'll let you mount everything under /mnt 
(IIRC). Then you can run 'lilo' to reinstall it to the MBR (master 
boot record).

 If you don't feel comfortable doin the above, boot the 1st CD, 
and choose Expert - Upgrade.  Skip thru the stuff you've already done 
till you get to Install bootloader, and just let the CD reinstall 
lilo (or grub) for you.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] LM 8.2 shutdown problem

2002-05-15 Thread Cyril Vassilchenko

Dear Femme!
In mail list from mandrake-newbies I read that you did not use MS 
products? Why, senorita? I use both. e.g. on my computer ALTLinux Junior 
and WinXP HE are installed. ALTLinux Junior is a Mandrake-based distro, 
especially oriented for Russian users, which has improved implementation 
of Cyrillic.
Sincerely with the best wishes

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[newbie] Suspicious ~/.procmailrc file ?

2002-05-15 Thread Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas

Does anyone know what could be the reason for this msg?

Ricardo Castanho

Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user

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Re: [newbie] Video again

2002-05-15 Thread Nicolas VERITE

Le mer 15/05/2002 à 10:59, Robin Turner a écrit :
 Has any one here had any success getting Mandrake to download from a 
 camcorder via USB?
 Sir Robin

With or without Mandrake, you can't up/download
moving pictures (vidéo) from/to a camcorder via USB.

You must use Firewire/iLink/IEEE1394.


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[newbie] KSplashML

2002-05-15 Thread Brian Koppe

I'm trying to get KSplashML running, but I couldn't install the packages 
off of my D's - a dependency on kdebase2.2.2 - I'm running KDE3.  I 
searched in the KDE RPMs and could not find one for KSplashML - am I 
correct in assuming it's just not available as of yet, or does someone 
know of a way it works?


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Re: [newbie] Suspicious ~/.procmailrc file ?

2002-05-15 Thread Randy Kramer

Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas wrote:
 Does anyone know what could be the reason for this msg?

What is the message?

Randy Kramer

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[newbie] system hang

2002-05-15 Thread Norman Zhang

LM 8.2 sometimes hang without any signs. The hard disk stop responding,
keyboards dies, but the mouse can still move. I need to give my machine a
power cycle. Which logs do I go through to obtain more information on the


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Re: [newbie] /Net unmount at shutdown failing 8.2MDK

2002-05-15 Thread Miark

 Third If you really have to kill the system do it the correct way

Damn--I never even saw that key on my keyboard 
before today! How sad is _that_?!


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[newbie] errors on snf installation

2002-05-15 Thread Peter Kaleve


just tried to install Mandrake SNF 7.2. Got the following error
message during installation:

insmod'ing module via-rhine failed at /usr/bin/perl-install/
line 486

what does this mean?

Furthermore my NICs aren't recognized. These are two D-LINK DFE-530TX,
which are listed in the docs as supported.

The machine: ASUS board TX97-E, 64 MB RAM, HD MAXTOR 8Gig (CHS-Mode),
 TSENG ET4000 Graphic (ISA), 2 NICs D-LINK DFE-530TX,
 1 ISDN-Card Elsa Quickstep 1000 pro PCI, 1 Modem USR
 Everything (33,3), 1 CD-ROM TOSHIBA 6102B

any hints?



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Re: [newbie] Install crashes

2002-05-15 Thread civileme

Robert Wieteska wrote:

 I have an AMD Athlom 1000Mhz, 256 Mb RAM, GeForceII, RAID contrilers. 
 During the instalation i have a comunicate

 Segmentation fault: Seems like memory is missing as an install 
 crashes. What should I do.


That is almost certainly a disk error.  I assume you are not attempting 
to use the so-called RAID controllers in RAID mode since that is a 
windows-specific software RAID which requires special linux drivers (IF 
they are available).

You might try this:

F1 at splash screen

linux ide0=noautotune ide1=noautotune ide2=noautotune ide3=noautotune

Also try removing and reseating disk cables (very frequently a problem) 
and checking disk brands (I see this ten times as frequently with WD disks).

The cables should be 80-pin and high-quality without stress on the 
point-to-point connection.  SOme of the new rounded IDE cables being 
sold for about $6 each are very good replacements.

If you replace the disk cables with 40-pin which will force UDMA2/ATA33 
or lower on the interface and the install goes OK there is no doubt at 
all that your hard disk drives are marginal.

If you need to check system memory (the less probable flaw), then use


to copy the image


to a floppy and boot from the floppy.  If you are using 8.2, you can 
probably boot from the CD and hit F1 at the splash screen and type


then select the memory test from the menu that comes up.

It is not uncommon for Windows to work (sort of) with faulty memory and 
linux to barf at it.After acclimation to a crashy environment, the 
user does not notice a slight increase in the frequency of crashes, and 
the two use memory much differently.  Windows may encourage rebooting 
when system resources run low, while linux endeavors to keep resources 
in use all the time and simply reassign the resources from one task to 
another as needed.


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Re: [newbie] X and Mouse related problem

2002-05-15 Thread Stormjumper

hi Balajee,

i've been paying attention to the mandrake newbie list,
and the xfree newbie lists.

a small group of users seem to be having this problem
where x loads but freezes, including me.

this seems especially prevalent on recent distributions
and current kernels, eg. RH7.3, Mandrake 8.2,
2.4.18 kernels, X4.2.

however, there doesn't seem to be a pattern where
hardware is involved.

well, i'm very much a newbie myself, so i don't know
how to troubleshoot, but to skirt around the issue,
you can try installed a slightly backdated distro,
and selectively upgrading packages...
- Original Message -
From: Balajee Shrikanth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] X and Mouse related problem

 Hi Derek,

 I have tried all that you have suggested but the situation remains same.

 Here is the /proc/interupts output

 cat /proc/interrupts

0: 449087  XT-PIC  timer
1:   5108  XT-PIC  keyboard
2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
9:   4621  XT-PIC  eth0
   12:116  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
   14:  21061  XT-PIC  ide0
   15:  3  XT-PIC  ide1
 NMI:  0
 LOC:  0
 ERR:  0
 MIS:  0

 I am quite desperate to get this fixed.

 Thanks in advance,

 At 10:07 AM 13/05/02 +0100, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Monday 13 May 2002 9:23 am, Balajee Shrikanth wrote:
   I have a Pentium II 450 MHz machine with 512 MB RAM and 40 GB
Harddisk. It
   has a AGP Riva TNT2 32MB Display Card,
   US Standard Keyboard and a 2 Button PS/2 Mouse.
   X Version -
   XFree86 Version 4.2.0 / X Window System
   (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6600)
   Release Date: 23 January 2002
   I have installed Mandrake 8.2 from the CD and during installation the
   works perfectly fine during installation process. Once the
   installation is complete and when I startx from command prompt, the
   freezes when I move the mouse. At that point
   the keyboard is also locked and i am not able to even do a numlock or
   caps lock.
   If I start X and ensure that the mouse is not touched, I am able to
   navigate with the keyboard. If I use the mouse, the system freezes.
   I suspected problem with mouse and I have tested with another one. I
   suspected problem with distribution - so tried RH7.2 and
   ASPLinux7.2. Both are similar - mouse works fine during installation
   ISO CDs) and once I startx after logging in, the system
   freezes. If it is a hardware problem, then my reasoning is that the
   should not work during installation as well.
   I have tried it with gpm enabled and disabled. I have tried different
   of mouse including wheel mouse. I have tried all
   combination in mouseconfig and Xconfigurator. I am not able to see any
   error in the XFree86 log found in /var/log.
   I have tried KDE, GNOME, ICEWM - all have the same problem.
   Can any one give me an idea of what could be wrong? I  have been
   with this problem for last 2 weeks and searches
   in google/user groups dont help me much.
   Thank you,
   Kind Regards,
   Balajee Shrikanth
 Assuming you have already tried selecting a basic 2 button mouse, then my
 next guess would be an IRQ conflict.
 Try going to a console (Ctr+Alt+F2) log on and take a look at the
 'more /proc/interrupts'  (without the quotes)
 You can then play with your BIOS to try to reassign interrupts. Moving
 to different slots can sometimes help too.

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RE: [newbie] Suspicious ~/.procmailrc file ?

2002-05-15 Thread Louis Dallara

It appears to be something on my system..
I'll check it out..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Suspicious ~/.procmailrc file ?

Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas wrote:
 Does anyone know what could be the reason for this msg?

What is the message?

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] need help with Mandrake crashing problem

2002-05-15 Thread Stormjumper

hi Robin,

can i check the version numbers of the following components?
1. kernel
2. xfree
3. any other you think may be helpful.
- Original Message -
From: Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] need help with Mandrake crashing problem

 Yay, got a sort of 8.2 running!

 Turned out it was the new kernel my system didn't like.  What I found
 worked in the end was:

 1.  Boot from 8.2 disk (expert mode)
 2.  Select upgrade packages only
 3.  Boot with old-linux (i.e. the old kernel)

 In fact I only upgraded the packages I needed - you can use the
 installation disks as a kind of super Software Manager.

 Sir Robin

 Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

 Robin Turner
 IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
 Ankara 06533

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[newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-15 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 06:41, Rhosan wrote:
 Does any Blizzard game work through Winex, and if so, how do I 
 access/use it? 

Does the phrase Hell Yeah !! have any meaning for you?  ;)

Well, right now, as an example, I've got Winex 2.0 installed and as a
result I can run Diablo 2, with the expansion pack, with the latest Lord
of Destruction patch, and with a CD crack.  How's that?

Also I've gotten Baldur's Gate 2 to work very well.  If you are really
curious, you should subscribe to Transgaming Winex and get an RPM copy
of 2.0 downloaded.

Here's a list of games:

The games are listed in working order, and the scale is from 0 to 5.  I
cut this list off at 2, so you will not see any games listed in this
search that have a rating lower than that.  This does not mean that you
can't pull the full list and get one of those games rated lower than 2
working; it just means that I wanted to give you more of a good thing.

Usage example:

1) Mount CD

2) [elx@tamriel elx]$ winex /mnt/cdrom/setup.exe

***install game

3) [elx@tamriel elx]$ winex TransGaming_Drive/Program\
Files/Diablo2/Diablo\ II.exe

4) Play game, save world, kill evil bastards



Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: Re: [newbie] Glad i don't surf with Windows

2002-05-15 Thread Jim Dawson

How appropriate. I clicked on the link and a pop-up appears asking me to install 
Flash. Didn't I read about there being possible spyware in Flash the other day?

-Original Message-
From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 22:43:32 -0600
Subject: Re: [newbie] Glad i don't surf with Windows

Michael Adams wrote:

 Check this out


I hate those products with such a passion... they make me think 1984
was being optimistic. :(

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert


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RE: [newbie] Noisy Processor Fans

2002-05-15 Thread Philip Crowe

Try (the pax.mate option on the left menu).

I just got some, a bit tricky to install but well worth it.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Sent: 14 May 2002 12:05
Subject: RE: [newbie] Noisy Processor Fans

FWIW i know ppl have taken the stuff you line cars with *some sort of 
foam rubber*  sealed the inside of their cases with that to reduce 
noise quite a bit.

It's called Dynamat it is a sound deadening material.  It is rather good
too..  I have never tried it on a computer case, but I read an article
on one of the overclocking websites about it.  I have seen it in a lot
of cars though and know it works there.

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[newbie] Test message .. are these getting through ok?

2002-05-15 Thread Terry S.

Just a test message everyone .. seems I've been having problems sending
messages to here on this email server, and wanted to see if anyone
really was getting them.

Thanks, and carry on!


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Re: [newbie] Need Quick Linux = Windows Integration advice

2002-05-15 Thread shane

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 09:23, Tommy Eaton opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 installing it on one workstation so this is a fairly small (?) project. 
 I will need the workstation to be able to access windows shares from an
 NT 40 server, work on Office docs,

samba and open office are your friends.  komba2 is pretty good as well

 surf the web, run proprietary

like what software?

 and receive email from a Microsoft Post Office or Exchange 5.5

evolution will be your friend here.

My soul would be an outlaw.  I can do nothing with it. -Harlan Ellison

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] Disappearing Kmail sent-mail

2002-05-15 Thread Josef Lowder

Just had several email messages disappear which I had been saving in my 
Kmail sent-mail folder, and I cannot imagine what happened.  I did not 
delete them.  They were there just a few minutes ago.  Then I sent two new 
messages and all the previous messages I had been saving vanished. 

I am using Mandrake 8.1 (for about a month) and have had no previous 
problems; have not shut down or rebooted for a couple of days.  Any opinions 
what might have happened? 


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[newbie] Wher did the Opera go??

2002-05-15 Thread Birger

Hi i just unpacked Opera 6.0 browser.RPM format
In mandrake 8.2 KDE.
I just cant seem find it anywhere (it did unpack successfully

I'm very newbie


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Re: [newbie] Partition Check Hangs

2002-05-15 Thread FemmeFatale

Serkan Barut wrote:
 I have Mandrake Linux 8.2 bluebird-i586 20020317 12:00 which is the downloadeble 
version,i guess.When i boot from the cd to install with the default kernel 2.4.18 the 
machine hangs at the partition check process.I waited a long time,more than 20 
minutes and did not see any message.I played with my bios settings but that changed 
nothing.Up to now i installed other distros including slackware 8,redhat 7.1 and did 
not have any problem of this kind.There is the alt1 and alt2 with which i booted 
safely and at last saw the installation screen but this time my mouse and keyboard 
was not working(i have a logitech pilot optical connected to usb probably causing 
this problem).I have two Quantum ide hds.I have Windows98 on hda.
 If anyone can help i would be pleased,thanks.

If you have a PS2 adapter for that mouse  Keyboard, boot using it.  I
have a problem where if I boot from CD and try to get anything my
mouse/KB dont' work. :\

Had to install with PS2 devices instead *using said adapters*.  Try that
first then re-post if it fails.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] LM 8.2 shutdown problem

2002-05-15 Thread FemmeFatale

Cyril Vassilchenko wrote:
 Dear Femme!
 In mail list from mandrake-newbies I read that you did not use MS
 products? Why, senorita? I use both. e.g. on my computer ALTLinux Junior
 and WinXP HE are installed. ALTLinux Junior is a Mandrake-based distro,
 especially oriented for Russian users, which has improved implementation
 of Cyrillic.
 Sincerely with the best wishes

Sweety you read wrong.  I use both Win2k  Linux happily side by side. 
I dualboot  am enjoying both :)

what I said *Likely* was that I Don't like M$ products much.  The more I
use them the more bloated they feel  the more well... crash-prone I
find them to be.  So I'm trying *with some success* to convert more to
Linux for everyday stuff.  Unfortunately I don't have the time to do so
in a manner in which I Can spend several hours a day playing with MDK.

HTH Love !


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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RE: [newbie] - inetd.conf file?

2002-05-15 Thread Schwenk, Jeanie

Thanks to everyone for their help.  Installed the xinetd rpm and everything
is working fine now.


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Re: [newbie] /Net unmount at shutdown failing 8.2MDK

2002-05-15 Thread FemmeFatale

Miark wrote:
  Third If you really have to kill the system do it the correct way
 Damn--I never even saw that key on my keyboard
 before today! How sad is _that_?!

FWIW IBM admitted long ago that key is useless...and never did serve its
intended function.  I find it highly ironic that Linux uses it... Thus
was surprised to learn the same thing Miark.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] system hang

2002-05-15 Thread shane

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 10:31, Norman Zhang opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 LM 8.2 sometimes hang without any signs. The hard disk stop responding,
 keyboards dies, but the mouse can still move. I need to give my machine a
 power cycle. Which logs do I go through to obtain more information on the

i can't tell you about logs, but i might have a cause.  are you running 
kde3?  if so do you have keramic as your style?  this happened a lot with 
me using keramic, but no trouble with other styles.

oops, there is that sig again

A fool and his money are soon using Windows.

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Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-15 Thread shane

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 10:43, Lyvim Xaphir opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 06:41, Rhosan wrote:
  Does any Blizzard game work through Winex, and if so, how do I
  access/use it?

 Does the phrase Hell Yeah !! have any meaning for you?  ;)

 Well, right now, as an example, I've got Winex 2.0 installed and as a
 result I can run Diablo 2, with the expansion pack, with the latest Lord
 of Destruction patch, and with a CD crack.  How's that?

halflife (not a blizzard game though) starcraft,  diablo all run 
better/faster/with more stability for me under winex than they did under 

welcome to linux

Computers are like air conditioners they stop working properly if you open 

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] USB rodent and keyboard install

2002-05-15 Thread Nick Baker

Re probs w/ usb mouse.keyboard during install:
IIRC, there is a bios setting, legacy usb, y/n or something like that. You 
need to set that to yes for the usb stuff to be recognized during install.


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Re: [newbie] Test message .. are these getting through ok?

2002-05-15 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 08:10 pm, Terry S. wrote:
 Just a test message everyone .. seems I've been having problems sending
 messages to here on this email server, and wanted to see if anyone
 really was getting them.

 Thanks, and carry on!


Read you loud and clear, Terry.

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] Wher did the Opera go??

2002-05-15 Thread Damian G

On 15 May 2002 20:39:22 -0400
Birger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi i just unpacked Opera 6.0 browser.RPM format
 In mandrake 8.2 KDE.
 I just cant seem find it anywhere (it did unpack successfully
 I'm very newbie

uhm.. well, what do you mean 'unpack'?
an RPM file is an installer... so if you did
everything the way it should, then Opera is already
installed on you computer. try opening a Konsole 
and typing :


it should get the browser started. anyway post back as 



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Re: [newbie] - inetd.conf file?

2002-05-15 Thread Charlie

On May 15, 2002 12:54 pm, Schwenk, Jeanie wrote:
 Thanks to everyone for their help.  Installed the xinetd rpm and everything
 is working fine now.

Happy to hear it!

Sorry about the signature tag, Fortune seems possessed sometimes. ;-) 
Charlie, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Mandrake 8.2
Registered Linux user 244963,
The Commandments of the EE: (1) Beware of lightning that lurketh in an 
uncharged condenser lest it cause thee to bounce upon thy buttocks in a most 
embarrassing manner. (2) Cause thou the switch that supplieth large 
quantities of juice to be opened and thusly tagged, that thy days may be long 
in this earthly vale of tears. (3) Prove to thyself that all circuits that 
radiateth, and upon which the worketh, are grounded and thusly tagged lest 
they lift thee to a radio frequency potential and causeth thee to make like a 
radiator too. (4) Tarry thou not amongst these fools that engage in 
intentional shocks for they are not long for this world and are surely 

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Re: [newbie] Wher did the Opera go??

2002-05-15 Thread shane

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 17:39, Birger opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 Hi i just unpacked Opera 6.0 browser.RPM format
 In mandrake 8.2 KDE.
 I just cant seem find it anywhere (it did unpack successfully

i am a big meany.  find it yourself.  :P

try opening software manager, and looking under installed packages for 
opera.  then try the files tab.  should tell you were it all goes.  you can 
also search for opera from say for example the knoq file managers tools 
 find.  there are probably a hundred other ways to find what you are 
seeking, and i am sure others will tell you about them.  :)

He who laughs, lasts.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Wher did the Opera go??

2002-05-15 Thread Birger

haha thank you meany shane
i did the search and i found it

me fellin stupid now

On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 15:29, shane wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 May 2002 17:39, Birger opened a general hailing frequency 
 and transmitted to all open stations:
  Hi i just unpacked Opera 6.0 browser.RPM format
  In mandrake 8.2 KDE.
  I just cant seem find it anywhere (it did unpack successfully
 i am a big meany.  find it yourself.  :P
 try opening software manager, and looking under installed packages for 
 opera.  then try the files tab.  should tell you were it all goes.  you can 
 also search for opera from say for example the knoq file managers tools 
  find.  there are probably a hundred other ways to find what you are 
 seeking, and i am sure others will tell you about them.  :)
 He who laughs, lasts.
 Profile at:
 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
 Mandrake Users Club Member
 Registered linux user #101606

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RE: [newbie] tulip driver

2002-05-15 Thread Louis Dallara

I need to get my nic card working..
The driver that comes with 8.2 doesn't work with the
linksys  pccard bus pcmcia nic.
How card i get the config for this nic and drivers..

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Re: [newbie] Wher did the Opera go??

2002-05-15 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Thursday 16 May 2002 02:39 am, Birger wrote:
 Hi i just unpacked Opera 6.0 browser.RPM format
 In mandrake 8.2 KDE.
 I just cant seem find it anywhere (it did unpack successfully

 I'm very newbie


Well Birger, although I've not downloaded Opera 6 (yet) I have some 
experience with the release-candidate (RC2).  By default it installs into 
/opt/opera. Normally you'll find the executable in /usr/bin/opera, but I 
remember something about the final version 6 being statically linked, so 
maybe it's in /opt/opera/bin if that directory exists.

First, simply try this : open a terminal and issue the command : opera
to see if it's really there and workable.

Then, you must find where the executable is : again, in the terminal, become 
root by typing su (without the quotes) and give your root-password.
Type : updatedb - and wait until the prompt reappears. Now, type locate 
opera. This should generate a lot of output, too fast to read. By now, 
you'll learn a quite useful trick : Type : locate opera | less. This will 
pipe the output into a program called less. There you can use the 
arrow-keys to scroll the output from locate. Look for something like 
something/bin/opera. That's probably the executable's living-room. Take a 
note.Quit less by typing q. Close the terminal by typing exit twice.

Now you know where the executable is. But you'll probably want an easier 
acces to opera, won't you ?

Why not create an icon on your desktop ? - To do so (in KDE), right-click an 
empty place on the desktop and choose create -- link to application. Then, 
fill in the various fields, especially the URL- one, where you type the 
location of the executable (you took a note, eh...?).

That's all. Hope you ascended a few steps up the (steep) linux-slope !

If it doesn't work, repost to the list, we'll guide you on from here.

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] Opera

2002-05-15 Thread s

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 09:19 am, Rich wrote:
 Opera is my favorite browser, but since installing Mandrake 8.2, it
 won't work.  I downloaded the latest version of Opera 6.0, but still no
 luck.  It opens and then freezes while trying to contact the home page.

 Any ideas?


Well, mine did that since about opera's beta (or rc) 2.  Found out that 
checking Synchronous DNS in preferences  network fixed mine.


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Re: [newbie] Suspicious ~/.procmailrc file ?

2002-05-15 Thread Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas

On Wed, 15 May 2002, Randy Kramer wrote:

Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas wrote:
 Does anyone know what could be the reason for this msg?
What is the message?

This one from /var/log/mail/errors/:
May 15 17:12:28 home procmail[10462]: Suspicious rcfile /home/ricardo/.procmailrc

I think I was TOO short on the subject;-) sorry!

Randy Kramer

But I've already got the reason! Wrong Permission on the /home/ricardo!
It should be 100600 and for some reason I've changed it to 100644! And
that was enough to mess up my procmail filters! :-(

Ricardo Castanho

Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user

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[newbie] ASUS A7N266-VM

2002-05-15 Thread civileme

Well, I had to btreak down and get something that would give me a little 
experience supporting NVidia installs.

As you know, NVidia keeps their 3d drivers secret and proprietary, which 
means those drivers don't get on the download edition, and since the 
driver's wrapper has to be recompiled for each new kernel, it is 
difficult to make the commercial offering work properly--since linux 
distros don't have the source, the installation is always non-trivial.

After looking around, I decided to build something that could dual-boot 
for testing purposes and also fit in a small case with a CDRW/DVD as the 
only 5.25 drive, so I chose the ASUS A7N266-VM


DDR RAM only...  no problem

Driver CD has no linux drivers which I found pretty much par for the course.

Driver CD has NO DRIVERS FOR winNT, Win2K, or WinXP, and the manual says 
the graphics _won't_ work with them!!!

Mandrake 8.2 is running using the XFree drivers, and I will soon (this 
weekend) be taking the plunge tfor the binary only drivers (You can bet 
this computer gets its very own DMZ on my LAN; I absolutely do not trust 
binary-only proggies that can rub shoulders with the kernel.)

Now we have the largest selling board maker producing for the 
inexpensive computer market a single integrated board, very new and 
about half the price of previous NForce boards, and it tops out at WinME 
or Win98SE  

Does ASUS know or _very_ strongly suspect something we don't?  

It seems a high-production item like this would be a huge gamble unless 
their inside information says a great deal about future OS usage 
patterns, or they think someone's bubble is about to burst, or implode.


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Re: [newbie] Video again

2002-05-15 Thread James R. McKenzie

Someone has waayyy to much free time.8-{
- Original Message -
From: Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 4:59 AM
Subject: [newbie] Video again

 Has any one here had any success getting Mandrake to download from a
 camcorder via USB?

 Sir Robin

 Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

 Robin Turner
 IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
 Ankara 06533

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RE: [newbie] ASUS A7N266-VM

2002-05-15 Thread Mark Annandale

I have the ASUS A7N266-E motherboard. Is this the same spec as yours,
with everything being Nvidia dependant.
If So I would be very keen to find out how it goes, especially the
GeoForce 2 onboard graphics, should you also have this.

Mark A

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of civileme
Sent: 15 May 2002 21:11
Subject: [newbie] ASUS A7N266-VM

Well, I had to btreak down and get something that would give me a little

experience supporting NVidia installs.

As you know, NVidia keeps their 3d drivers secret and proprietary, which

means those drivers don't get on the download edition, and since the 
driver's wrapper has to be recompiled for each new kernel, it is 
difficult to make the commercial offering work properly--since linux 
distros don't have the source, the installation is always non-trivial.

After looking around, I decided to build something that could dual-boot 
for testing purposes and also fit in a small case with a CDRW/DVD as the

only 5.25 drive, so I chose the ASUS A7N266-VM


DDR RAM only...  no problem

Driver CD has no linux drivers which I found pretty much par for the

Driver CD has NO DRIVERS FOR winNT, Win2K, or WinXP, and the manual says

the graphics _won't_ work with them!!!

Mandrake 8.2 is running using the XFree drivers, and I will soon (this 
weekend) be taking the plunge tfor the binary only drivers (You can bet 
this computer gets its very own DMZ on my LAN; I absolutely do not trust

binary-only proggies that can rub shoulders with the kernel.)

Now we have the largest selling board maker producing for the 
inexpensive computer market a single integrated board, very new and 
about half the price of previous NForce boards, and it tops out at WinME

or Win98SE  

Does ASUS know or _very_ strongly suspect something we don't?  

It seems a high-production item like this would be a huge gamble unless 
their inside information says a great deal about future OS usage 
patterns, or they think someone's bubble is about to burst, or implode.


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Re: [newbie] Opera

2002-05-15 Thread Rich

On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 16:20, s wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 May 2002 09:19 am, Rich wrote:
  Opera is my favorite browser, but since installing Mandrake 8.2, it
  won't work.  I downloaded the latest version of Opera 6.0, but still no
  luck.  It opens and then freezes while trying to contact the home page.
  Any ideas?
 Well, mine did that since about opera's beta (or rc) 2.  Found out that 
 checking Synchronous DNS in preferences  network fixed mine.

Hey, that worked for me too, thanks.

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Re: [newbie] Can't Boot Linux

2002-05-15 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 18:38, you wrote:
 On Wed, 15 May 2002 08:47:52 -0700

  I can no longer boot into Linux, and I need to get files from my Mandrake
  I have a dual boot system with Windows 98 on hard drive 1, and Mandrake
  8.1 on Hard Drive 2. I had to reinstall Windows, and can no longer get
  the Mandrake screen which prompts for the partition to boot.
  I have a Linux boot floppy which didn't seem to help. It may not have
  been created from the latest Mandrake install.
  How can I get access to my files which are on the Mandrake drive?

 boot your installation CD.  skip averything up to the boot loader part,
 reinstall LILO and you are back in busines..



And/or if you know which partition your '/' is on, use a Slackware or Debian 
boot-floppy and point it there.

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Re: [newbie] Video again

2002-05-15 Thread Roger Sherman

On 15 May 2002, Nicolas VERITE wrote:

 Le mer 15/05/2002 à 10:59, Robin Turner a écrit :
  Has any one here had any success getting Mandrake to download from a 
  camcorder via USB?
  Sir Robin
 With or without Mandrake, you can't up/download
 moving pictures (vidéo) from/to a camcorder via USB.
 You must use Firewire/iLink/IEEE1394.

Is that the only way to get video onto your harddrive? Or could you 
connect the vid camera (I have a vid card with a whole mess of inputs, 
with a built in tv tuner card) and just play it, and simultaneosly record 
it onto the hard drive? I do that with audio, and was kind of hoping I 
could do it with video as well, since I don't have a camcorder with a 
firewire port.


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Re: [newbie] Can't Boot Linux

2002-05-15 Thread Randy Donohoe

The Linuxcare cd will let you mount just about anything.
Randy Donohoe
- Original Message -
From: H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't Boot Linux

 On Wednesday 15 May 2002 18:38, you wrote:
  On Wed, 15 May 2002 08:47:52 -0700
   I can no longer boot into Linux, and I need to get files from my
   I have a dual boot system with Windows 98 on hard drive 1, and
   8.1 on Hard Drive 2. I had to reinstall Windows, and can no longer
   the Mandrake screen which prompts for the partition to boot.
   I have a Linux boot floppy which didn't seem to help. It may not
   been created from the latest Mandrake install.
   How can I get access to my files which are on the Mandrake drive?
  boot your installation CD.  skip averything up to the boot loader
  reinstall LILO and you are back in busines..

 And/or if you know which partition your '/' is on, use a Slackware or
 boot-floppy and point it there.

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Re: [newbie] KSplashML

2002-05-15 Thread skinky

On Thu, 16 May 2002 04:55, Brian Koppe wrote:
 I'm trying to get KSplashML running, but I couldn't install the packages
 off of my D's - a dependency on kdebase2.2.2 - I'm running KDE3.  I
 searched in the KDE RPMs and could not find one for KSplashML - am I
 correct in assuming it's just not available as of yet, or does someone
 know of a way it works?


The cooker package kde3-ksplashml-0.93.1-2mdk.i586.rpm is available from
but I don't know if will work with the version of KDE3 you are using.  It 
works here but I'm using Mandrake cooker (8.3).

In any case, it is in the subdirectory RPMS2 on mirror sites.

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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[newbie] Flash + Konqueror revisited...

2002-05-15 Thread Brian Koppe

I installed Flash in Konqueror - and it works!  But Konqueror freezes 
every time I visit a page with it now :(  Any suggestions?


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Re: [newbie] Wher did the Opera go??

2002-05-15 Thread shane

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 18:37, Birger opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 haha thank you meany shane
 i did the search and i found it

yeah i used to do tech support/admin/teach computer in K-6 (don't get 
impressed, computer tech to K-6 schools here is like saying i have opened 
the case and installed a card  you get a job!) and the kids would say 
where is foo?  how do i get to bar? and i would always say, your 
teacher, shane the meany, will not tell you.  where do think you could ifnd 
out for yourself?

now that you have all heard that i will never get support here again, 
will i? 

Going from DOS to Linux is like trading a glider for an F117.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-15 Thread FemmeFatale

shane wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 May 2002 10:43, Lyvim Xaphir opened a general hailing
 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 06:41, Rhosan wrote:
   Does any Blizzard game work through Winex, and if so, how do I
   access/use it?
  Does the phrase Hell Yeah !! have any meaning for you?  ;)
  Well, right now, as an example, I've got Winex 2.0 installed and as a
  result I can run Diablo 2, with the expansion pack, with the latest Lord
  of Destruction patch, and with a CD crack.  How's that?
 halflife (not a blizzard game though) starcraft,  diablo all run
 better/faster/with more stability for me under winex than they did under
 welcome to linux

So, Captain Obvious... explain why I get a 20fps hit in Linux on Q3
demos? HMM?


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Video again

2002-05-15 Thread et

I have not tried in 8.2 (have not installed any TV software yet) but a tv 
capture card and a regular video cam gets better color and is quicker (just 
an impressoin YMMV) than any or Parrellport cam. as far as I remember from 
MDK7.2, video capture is supported under xawtv and Broadcast 2000 

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 06:23 pm, you wrote:
 On 15 May 2002, Nicolas VERITE wrote:
  Le mer 15/05/2002 à 10:59, Robin Turner a écrit :
   Has any one here had any success getting Mandrake to download from a
   camcorder via USB?
   Sir Robin
  With or without Mandrake, you can't up/download
  moving pictures (vidéo) from/to a camcorder via USB.
  You must use Firewire/iLink/IEEE1394.

 Is that the only way to get video onto your harddrive? Or could you
 connect the vid camera (I have a vid card with a whole mess of inputs,
 with a built in tv tuner card) and just play it, and simultaneosly record
 it onto the hard drive? I do that with audio, and was kind of hoping I
 could do it with video as well, since I don't have a camcorder with a
 firewire port.


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Re: [newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-15 Thread Miark

 So, Captain Obvious... explain why I get a 20fps hit in Linux on Q3
 demos? HMM?

Speaking of which, how does one measure this?


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[Fwd: [newbie] Glad i don't surf with Windows]

2002-05-15 Thread FemmeFatale

Miark wrote:
 Sure--put it to the list.
 On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 12:55, FemmeFatale wrote:
  Miark wrote:

Remind me sometime to remove winblows K? :)  For now I enjoy the dual
boot but if things keep going this way I'm gonna just give up.
Btw, explain why something like that wouldn't work on Linux?
   I don't think it's as easy to hide processes in Linux as it is in
   Winsux. That is, I think it may be easy to hide items from Task
   Manager, but I don't think it's nearly as easy to hide things
   from ps, top, and the like.
   'Course, I could be dead wrong.
  Hm... question for hte list you think?  Thx for the food for thought.

OK anyone got an answer to the above Question Miark  I were tossing
around on that windows product that spies on you?


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-15 Thread FemmeFatale

Miark wrote:
  So, Captain Obvious... explain why I get a 20fps hit in Linux on Q3
  demos? HMM?
 Speaking of which, how does one measure this?

Open q3 game, play  it... hit the ~ button.  type exactly:

\r_swapinterval 0
\time_demo 1
\demo demo1

quake 3 also has tab complete in case I screwed that up.  When the demo
is done, just pull down the console again * the ~ button *,  it shows
you your FPS *Frames per second*


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-15 Thread darklord

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 07:25 pm, you wrote:

 So, Captain Obvious... explain why I get a 20fps hit in Linux on Q3
 demos? HMM?

Thats odd - I do get much better than that here. Whats your hardware setup?

I'm running:

AMD Thunderbird Athlon 900mhz
Geforce 2 Titanium 64 meg video card
SB X-gamer Live sound card
60 gig IBM Deskstar IDE hard drive (7200rpm)
384 megs Ram

Most games seem better under Linux. It might be totally subjective, because 
I've not really measured but...I know that under Winex 2.0 and Diablo2, the 
between scenes loading times are much quicker under Linux.

Every other games seems just as fast or faster:

Jedi Knight2

Just my 2 cents worth... grin


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Re: [newbie] Theme design

2002-05-15 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 15 May 2002, Jay wrote:

 Does anyone know of a good site that provides a How to for designing a
 theme in Gnome or KDE.


you might give a look-see. as I remember they've got 
a lof to stuff there to take care of that.


Registered Linux User #186492

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Re: [Fwd: [newbie] Glad i don't surf with Windows]

2002-05-15 Thread shane

On Wednesday 15 May 2002 16:36, FemmeFatale opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 OK anyone got an answer to the above Question Miark  I were tossing
 around on that windows product that spies on you?

for one thingthe program in the original post installed by emailing it to 
the machine you want to track.  ie user opens mail in outlook, is infected.  
try that in linux.  user opens mail in (fill in the blank) sees suspicious 
attachment, saves to file su to root, install (assume it is an rpm for 
simplification) start service.

yeah, right.

having said that, no OS is safe.  some are just less safe than others.

ah the random sig file.

Microsoft has knowingly and willfully concealed information regarding 
security flaws in computer software from the [National Security Agency] out 
of fear that revealing such flaws would reduce the number of copies of its 
products that would be purchased by the government... I have raised this 
issue internally with Microsoft, and in return have been the subject of 
both bribes and threats.  -ED CURRY, Computer Security Specialist, in a 
letter to Defense Secretary William Coen

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Re: [newbie] - inetd.conf file?

2002-05-15 Thread John McQuillen

 Sorry about the signature tag, Fortune seems possessed sometimes. ;-) 
If you want to tame fortune for sig purposes, use 'fortune -s' to
request a short fortune!



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Re: [newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-15 Thread JW

Edit the file q3config.cfg with a text editor. It can be found in the 
baseq3 directory where you installed q3. Find the line that says:

seta cg_drawFPS 0

and change that to:

seta cg_drawFPS 1

Now q3 will always display the FPS when you start a new game.

On Thursday 16 May 2002 03:07, Miark wrote:
 Ditto. What next, Femme?


 On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 17:58, darklord wrote:
  Hmm, nothing seems to happen here I've got a demos section from the
  main menu. It says no demos found
  /\ DarkLord \/

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Re: [Fwd: [newbie] Glad i don't surf with Windows]

2002-05-15 Thread Damian G

On Wed, 15 May 2002 20:06:05 -0400

 On Wednesday 15 May 2002 07:36 pm, you wrote:
  Miark wrote:
   Sure--put it to the list.
   On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 12:55, FemmeFatale wrote:
Miark wrote:
  Remind me sometime to remove winblows K? :)  For now I enjoy the
  dual boot but if things keep going this way I'm gonna just give up.
  Btw, explain why something like that wouldn't work on Linux?

 I don't think it's as easy to hide processes in Linux as it is in
 Winsux. That is, I think it may be easy to hide items from Task
 Manager, but I don't think it's nearly as easy to hide things
 from ps, top, and the like.

 'Course, I could be dead wrong.

Hm... question for hte list you think?  Thx for the food for thought.
  OK anyone got an answer to the above Question Miark  I were tossing
  around on that windows product that spies on you?
 this is what the open in open source is all about... the source is open to 
 see what is up.

actually it's easy to hide processes from the task manager in win98, win98, 98SE or 
( in fact i know how it's done ) but AFAIK it's impossible on any kind on NT. ( 
including XP )

however, i think it's possible to set a 'system' attribute to a process so the task 
doesn't let you kill it. ( so, you can see the process but can't do sh** to stop it. 
hehehe )

uhmm.. and of course in linux all processes can be listed and there is no process that 
root cannot kill...


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Re: [Fwd: [newbie] Glad i don't surf with Windows]

2002-05-15 Thread Damian G

On Wed, 15 May 2002 17:25:48 -0700
Schwenk, Jeanie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes one can write a program that runs invisibly on unix.  If you know what
 you're doing.  How do you think so many hackers can be successful?  Regular
 commands like ps, find or ls can be modified.  Daemons can be hacked to send
 messages to the outside.  Some malware just runs and simply phones home
 when it finds something interesting.  No system is safe.  That said, linux
 is still safer than windows.  If linux becomes popular in the corporate
 world, there will be a demand from the PHBs for spyware they can buy to keep
 an eye on us.

uhmm.. yeah you can modify te commands not to show something, but i don't
think there is a way you can program an application that doesn't show
on the list ( i mean without touching the system... and anyway you have
to get root access to do that ), and a program that is started with 'user' 
privileges cannot hide itself from a list of processes, at least someone
found out something new that i didn't know about..


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Re: [newbie] Partition Check Hangs

2002-05-15 Thread Serkan Barut

Well thanks for your answer first.I connected my mouse through the ps/2 port via 
adapter so there was no device left on the usb(keyboard is ps/2),but it still can't 
pass partition check so it seems it is not related with usb.My mainboard is Abit BX6 
rev 2.I never thought that i would have a problem at this stage.I thought that my 
mouse could be a problem during the install but could never have imagined something 
like this.Well with other distros partition check was no problem,i am really confused 
and it seems that there is nothing i can do except using a 2.2.x series kernel during 
install.Some other guy asked me about my filesystem but it just doesn't make 
sense,-who knows?

- Original Message - 
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 17:48
Subject: Re: [newbie] Partition Check Hangs

 I have had a similar problem on installing 8.2 on my Asus K7V motherboard.
 I resolved it as being down to the usb controller. If I disabled USB during 
 the Mandrake install it would go through the partition check process no 
 I could then re-enable usb once the install was completed and then use 
 Mandrake Control Centre to install my usb devices.
 On Wednesday 15 May 2002 1:22 pm, Serkan Barut wrote:
  I have Mandrake Linux 8.2 bluebird-i586 20020317 12:00 which is the
  downloadeble version,i guess.When i boot from the cd to install with the
  default kernel 2.4.18 the machine hangs at the partition check process.I
  waited a long time,more than 20 minutes and did not see any message.I
  played with my bios settings but that changed nothing.Up to now i installed
  other distros including slackware 8,redhat 7.1 and did not have any problem
  of this kind.There is the alt1 and alt2 with which i booted safely and at
  last saw the installation screen but this time my mouse and keyboard was
  not working(i have a logitech pilot optical connected to usb probably
  causing this problem).I have two Quantum ide hds.I have Windows98 on hda.
  If anyone can help i would be pleased,thanks.

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Re: [Fwd: [newbie] Glad i don't surf with Windows]

2002-05-15 Thread Carroll Grigsby

Excuse me, but it seems to me that the only reply to this subject 
is Well, duhhh. 
(not the thread, though -- some interesting stuff there.)
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] ASUS A7N266-VM

2002-05-15 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 16:10, civileme wrote:

 DDR RAM only...  no problem
 Driver CD has no linux drivers which I found pretty much par for the course.
 Driver CD has NO DRIVERS FOR winNT, Win2K, or WinXP, and the manual says 
 the graphics _won't_ work with them!!!
 Mandrake 8.2 is running using the XFree drivers, and I will soon (this 
 weekend) be taking the plunge tfor the binary only drivers (You can bet 
 this computer gets its very own DMZ on my LAN; I absolutely do not trust 
 binary-only proggies that can rub shoulders with the kernel.)
 Now we have the largest selling board maker producing for the 
 inexpensive computer market a single integrated board, very new and 
 about half the price of previous NForce boards, and it tops out at WinME 
 or Win98SE  
 Does ASUS know or _very_ strongly suspect something we don't?  
 It seems a high-production item like this would be a huge gamble unless 
 their inside information says a great deal about future OS usage 
 patterns, or they think someone's bubble is about to burst, or implode.

VERY interesting. Yes indeed

If this goes where you are pointing, this is very encouraging news.  You
heard it here first, folks!!  ;)

Then again, when I think about it, maybe I need to make a very large



Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] - inetd.conf file?

2002-05-15 Thread Charlie

On May 15, 2002 08:55 pm, John McQuillen wrote:
  Sorry about the signature tag, Fortune seems possessed sometimes. ;-)

 If you want to tame fortune for sig purposes, use 'fortune -s' to
 request a short fortune!


Thanks John! I like it.

Another day that included learning. I love this stuff.
Charlie, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Mandrake 8.2
Registered Linux user 244963,
The ratio of literacy to illiteracy is a constant, but nowadays the 
illiterates can read. -- Alberto Moravia

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Re: [newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-15 Thread D. Olson

I have a list of games that I *personally* have tested in WineX.

Here is the HTML version of my spreadsheet:

D. Olson
The Mandrake eXPerience

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Re: [Fwd: [newbie] Glad i don't surf with Windows]

2002-05-15 Thread Damian G

On Thu, 16 May 2002 00:09:30 -0400
Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Excuse me, but it seems to me that the only reply to this subject 
 is Well, duhhh. 
 (not the thread, though -- some interesting stuff there.)
 -- cmg

uhm.. don't quite follow, here... 'duhh' would be the answer to which question?


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Re: [newbie] ASUS A7N266-VM

2002-05-15 Thread Miark

 As you know, NVidia keeps their 3d drivers secret and proprietary...

Incidentally, I read somewhere recently that nVidia _wants_ to open
source their drivers, but they can't... wish I could remember why!


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Re: [Fwd: [newbie] Glad i don't surf with Windows]

2002-05-15 Thread civileme

FemmeFatale wrote:

Miark wrote:

Sure--put it to the list.


On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 12:55, FemmeFatale wrote:

Miark wrote:


Remind me sometime to remove winblows K? :)  For now I enjoy the dual
boot but if things keep going this way I'm gonna just give up.

Btw, explain why something like that wouldn't work on Linux?

I don't think it's as easy to hide processes in Linux as it is in
Winsux. That is, I think it may be easy to hide items from Task
Manager, but I don't think it's nearly as easy to hide things
from ps, top, and the like.

'Course, I could be dead wrong.


Hm... question for hte list you think?  Thx for the food for thought.

OK anyone got an answer to the above Question Miark  I were tossing
around on that windows product that spies on you?

Well, first of all, it has to be installed.  Either it gets started at 
boot by initscripts (privileged edit), by a cron job (listable and 
requiring at least a privileged edit) or someone has to start it. 
 Clearly the last option makes the use obvious.

It would remain detectable to ps, top, find, slocate, ls, etc unless 
these programs were modified specifically to ignore it (a rootkitting 
exercise to conceal an external crack).  In fact every binary that could 
list processes and might be called by any of the monitoring programs 
would have to be modified.

To store modified copies of binary executables in the standard execution 
paths, /bin /usr/bin /sbin and /usr/sbin ALL require write privileges to 
those directories and for those files.

[root@v5 tester]# ll /bin/ps
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root62424 Feb 27 05:31 /bin/ps*
[root@v5 tester]#
[root@v5 sbin]# ll /usr/bin/top
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root36504 Feb 27 05:31 /usr/bin/top*
[root@v5 sbin]#

OK it should be obvious that to conceal the spyware, you have to be root.

SO the question comes down to,

How does one sneak in a root-privileged program to spy on the users and 
to conceal its activites?

The hard-to-impossible answer is to use a remote access root exploit 
in the remarkably short time between discovery and patch (if the exploit 
isn't anticipated and fixed before announcement) which is OK for the 
casual blackhat cracker but not for the commercial exploiter who needs a 
reliable way of distributing his poison to satisfy his merchant clients.

The easy answer is to approach someon like MS and have the company use 
its muscle in offering a Special relationship  to one of the hardware 
vendors that makes attractive hardware and have a binding non-disclosed 
contract to install the spy and rootkit binary in its binary-only driver 
for linux.  In that way, linux is deposed as having better security, 
making MS happy; the merchants get their marketing data and are happy; 
the spyware producer gets paid and is happy; and the linux users do all 
the dirty work to themselves by installing binary-only drivers and are 
happy because their super hardware works fully fiunctionally under linux.

So, everyone is happy in this scenario, unless someone happens to 
restore /bin from a backup and gets a nasty surprise about a phone-home 
sitting in the kernel processes.

If you think it cannot happen...  Think again, and remember the stolen 
homework that became Excel, the plagiarized DOSes, the Nantes Commercial 
Court findings, the Ztore that was linux/Samba and was billed as secret 
and proprietary network storage devices

It happens all the time.  The question is not _if_ but _When_ and _Who_.

As long as users buy hardware and accept binary-only drivers, linux is 
as vulnerable to the installation of spyware as any other system.  Most 
likely it will be a winmodem driver, but it coud be a video card or it 
may already have been a  high-level sound card.


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Re: [newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-15 Thread FemmeFatale

darklord wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 May 2002 07:43 pm, you wrote:
  Open q3 game, play  it... hit the ~ button.  type exactly:
  \r_swapinterval 0
  \time_demo 1
  \demo demo1
  quake 3 also has tab complete in case I screwed that up.  When the demo
  is done, just pull down the console again * the ~ button *,  it shows
  you your FPS *Frames per second*
 Hmm, nothing seems to happen here I've got a demos section from the main
 menu. It says no demos found

you want to type:

/demo demo1

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [Fwd: [newbie] Glad i don't surf with Windows]

2002-05-15 Thread FemmeFatale

et wrote:

 I don't think it's as easy to hide processes in Linux as it is in
 Winsux. That is, I think it may be easy to hide items from Task
 Manager, but I don't think it's nearly as easy to hide things
 from ps, top, and the like.

 'Course, I could be dead wrong.

Hm... question for hte list you think?  Thx for the food for thought.
  OK anyone got an answer to the above Question Miark  I were tossing
  around on that windows product that spies on you?
 this is what the open in open source is all about... the source is open to
 see what is up.

I meant why wouldn't it work on linux? or would it?? Permissions

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Winex Supported Games

2002-05-15 Thread FemmeFatale

D. Olson wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 May 2002 07:25 pm, you wrote:
  So, Captain Obvious... explain why I get a 20fps hit in Linux on Q3
  demos? HMM?
 Umm... Shitty video card?
 Are you running Quake 3 under WineX
 If so, maybe you can answer this question: WHY

Its a Geforce2  i'm running quake normally, nothing special  no winex


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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