[newbie-it] Fwd: file .awd

2002-05-24 Thread ku68

Ciao, un amico mi ha inviato alcuni file, presumo scannerizzati, con
estensione .awd.
Se provo ad aprirli si avvia openoffice writer ma senza riuscire a
visualizzare nulla tant'è che dopo pochi secondi si spegne.
Ho provato altri programmi ma senza trovare quello giusto.
Qualcuno ha qualche consiglio su come visualizzarli?
Grazie in anticipo della risposta

Re: [newbie-it] Dove si trovano le mail spedite/ricevute con kmail/knode?

2002-05-24 Thread Mario Lodi Rizzini

-- Initial Header ---
Cc  : 
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 08:26:23 +0200
Subject : [newbie-
it] Dove si trovano le mail spedite/ricevute con kmail/knode?

 Scusate vorrei sapere dove trovare in futuro le mail/msg  che ricevo/s
 per poterli salvare all'occorrenza su cdrom.
 Non riesco a trovarli. Qualcuno mi può aiutare?
 Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale risposta
Se non sbaglio ci dovrebbe essere una cartella .Mail nella home 
directory dell'utente. (in questo momento sono sotto la macchina Unix e 
non posso essere più preciso).


Mario Lodi Rizzini

(o_  Membro del FoLUG
//\  Forlì Linux Users Group 
V_/_ http://folug.linux.it 

Linux Mandrake 8.2 su Celeron 733

Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: file .awd

2002-05-24 Thread Andrea Celli

On Fri, 24 May 2002 08:25:41 +0200
ku68 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ciao, un amico mi ha inviato alcuni file, presumo scannerizzati, con
 estensione .awd.
 Se provo ad aprirli si avvia openoffice writer ma senza riuscire a
 visualizzare nulla tant'è che dopo pochi secondi si spegne.
 Ho provato altri programmi ma senza trovare quello giusto.
 Qualcuno ha qualche consiglio su come visualizzarli?

Procedura generale:

per prima cosa lancia 
$ file nome-tuo-file.awd
per vedere se ti riconosce in che razza di formato è scritto.

Poi, vai su freshmeat.net, metti come chiave di ricerca il nome  del
formato e vedi se ti dà qualche pacchetto in grado di leggerlo.

Comunque, nel caso specifico, visto che ti aspetti un file grafico,
prova con i vari gimp, gqview, xnview, ...

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] JVM

2002-05-24 Thread Nicholas Wieland

Scusate la domanda che probabilmente è stata fatta e rifatta, ma pur scaricando la jvm 
con mozilla (cioè il plug-in per netscape ... sempre Gecko è ...) non riesco a 
visualizzare le varie applett :(
A dir la verità non riesco proprio a trovare i file scaricati, non ho idea di dove me 
li abbia scaricati.
Qualcuno sa come risolvere?
Il plugin dovrebbe essere la java virtual machine se non erro ma pur cercando con 
locate il pacchetto non si trova: sarà che sono inesperto di Mdk...
Grazie dell'attenzione:

   Perhaps the most important achievement of Unix is to demonstrate that a powerful 
   system for interactive use need not be expensive either in equipment or in human 
   it can run on hardware costing as little as $40,000, and less than two man-years 
   spent on the main system software. We hope, however, that users find that the most
   important characteristics of the system are its simplicity, elegance, and ease of 
The UNIX Time-sharing System* (1974)
D.M. Ritchie and K. Thompson

Re: [newbie-it] JVM

2002-05-24 Thread ENx

Se non erro dovrebbe essere in qualche cartella in /usr/lib/mozilla. se 
non sbaglio lib/jre o comunque ci dovrebbe essere la cartella jre.
Ciao ENx
Nicholas Wieland ha scritto:

Scusate la domanda che probabilmente è stata fatta e rifatta, ma pur scaricando la 
jvm con mozilla (cioè il plug-in per netscape ... sempre Gecko è ...) non riesco a 
visualizzare le varie applett :(
A dir la verità non riesco proprio a trovare i file scaricati, non ho idea di dove me 
li abbia scaricati.
Qualcuno sa come risolvere?
Il plugin dovrebbe essere la java virtual machine se non erro ma pur cercando con 
locate il pacchetto non si trova: sarà che sono inesperto di Mdk...
Grazie dell'attenzione:


Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: file .awd

2002-05-24 Thread ku68

Ciao Andrea Celli alle 12:33, venerdì 24 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Procedura generale:
 per prima cosa lancia
 $ file nome-tuo-file.awd
 per vedere se ti riconosce in che razza di formato è scritto.
copio e incollo
busta.awd: Microsoft Office Document
L'ho salvato e se ci passo sopra col cursore viene visualizzato documento 
microsoft word. Mah!
 Poi, vai su freshmeat.net, metti come chiave di ricerca il nome  del
 formato e vedi se ti dà qualche pacchetto in grado di leggerlo.
Ci farò un salto sperando di capirci qualcosa
 Comunque, nel caso specifico, visto che ti aspetti un file grafico,
 prova con i vari gimp,
gimp non lo apre non riconosce il formato
 gqview, xnview, ...
non credo di averli installati
ciao e grazie

[newbie-it] Fwd: bancoposta imprese

2002-05-24 Thread max

Scusate l'O.T. questa è la mail che ho spedito alle Poste..fatelo anche 

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: bancoposta imprese
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 13:37:44 +0200
From: la mia ditta

siamo una società che ha appena aperto il conto bancoposta per poter
usufruire dei servizi online.
Abbiamo provato ad accedere alla pagina relativa al pagamento dei bollettini
ma dopo avere accettato il nome utente e la password la pagina successiva
veniva visualizzata solo in parte, in particolare manca il menù di sinistra.
Abbiamo contattato un Vs tecnico che ci ha detto che il problema consiste nel
nostro browser, in pratica l'unico browser supportato è internet explore
della Microsoft e, forse, netscape x windows.
Vi ricordiamo che windows è un sistema operativo proprietario cioè per averlo
bisogna pagare e francamente ci sembra poco limpido che un ente come il
Vostro costringa i propri utenti a comprarsi un sistema operativo per
accedere a dei servizi che dovrebbero essere fruibili da tutti. A titolo
informativo Vi facciamo presente che siamo migrati su Linux perchè con
windows avevamo continui problemi di instabilità e l'accesso ad intenet
comportava dei rischi enormi di esposizione della nostra rete aziendale.
la maggior parte dei server web (forse anche il Vostro) sono appunto Linux
La quasi totalità dei siti internet supporta tutti i browser, noi accediamo a
molti servizi telematici senza particolari difficoltà.
Ci vediamo pertanto costretti a chiudere il conto accesso presso di Voi
mantenendo  la speranza che nel futuro tutti gli utenti possano accedere ai
Vostri servizi indipendentemente da chi comprano (se lo comprano) il loro
sistema operativo.

Distinti saluti

Max c' era firma ;-)



/v\  Max
  /(   )\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ^^ ^^

[newbie-it] Browser e amministrazioni pubbliche.......che rabbia!

2002-05-24 Thread max

temp fa chiesi aiuto perche il sito dell' ANAS funziona solo con internet 
explorer di winzozz, con un giro lungo alla fine si riesce a bypassare il 
problema. Il punto è che una pubblica amministrazione per erogare dei servizi 
non deve costringere gli utenti a comprare un sistema particolare 
operativo.  Tralaltro visti i trascorsi (mani pulite) si potrebbe anche 
sospettare che costringendo la gente a comprare da un unico fornitore possa 
portare a quel tipo di illeciti che tutti conosciamo.

Bene, anzi, male! Ora anche le poste italiane per erogare servizi dal loro 
sito (bancoposta imprese) come pagamento bollettini, ecc. ecc. ti 
constringono ad usare internet explorer.
Ho telefonato anticipando che avrei chiuso il conto e la risposta è stata di 
cercare di installare explorer 5.5 in linux  No comment!  Mandiamo 10.000 
email di protesta, mi hanno detto che qualcuno stà già reclamando.



/v\  Max
  /(   )\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ^^ ^^

Re: [newbie-it] Map-Installer

2002-05-24 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

LukenShiro wrote:

Il 23.05.02 alle 23:32, il notabile Giuseppe Ferruzzi proferi' codeste parole:

questo comportamento anomalo centra con il fatto che hdb1 è formattato 
con NTFS e che l'hard disk per la FAT32 è da 60GB ?

Hmm, no, nel primo caso perche' non avrebbe senso, nel secondo perche' 
nell'ipotesi piu' disperata (problemi di riconoscimento da parte 
del BIOS) non sarebbe proprio visto l'intero disco ...


Tuttavia anche questo non è servito a niente...  All'avvio 
di XP con Lilo, hdb2  ritorna dinuovo nascosta.   

A questo punto ti consiglierei di installare e attivare grub. Non e'
difficile, non da' questi problemi e non deve essere reinstallato nel
MBR se cambi il file di configurazione relativo. Ha un consistente
manualetto di istruzioni (con 'info grub')


Ho installato grub e visionato le info. Non l'ho ancora attivato, appena 
avrò letto bene le istruzioni lo farò.
Ciao e grazie di tutto.  :-)

Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: file .awd

2002-05-24 Thread Andrea Celli

On Fri, 24 May 2002 12:49:27 +0200
ku68 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ciao Andrea Celli alle 12:33, venerdì 24 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
  Procedura generale:
  per prima cosa lancia
  $ file nome-tuo-file.awd
  per vedere se ti riconosce in che razza di formato è scritto.
 copio e incollo
 busta.awd: Microsoft Office Document

Una rapida ricerca su google di awd format mi ha dato:

A questo punto cerca tra i pacchetti tipo  klprfax, ..., *fax*, ...

  gqview, xnview, ...
 non credo di averli installati

il primo è un buon visualizzatore di immagini. Il secondo permette
anche di manipolarle un po'. Più completo di ee, gqview kuickview
nella visualizzazione. Più limitato di gimp nell'elaborazione.

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] Perch s'impianta?

2002-05-24 Thread ku68

Ciao, oggi linux fa' i capricci. Apro la cartella home e si impianta apro 
linuxconf e si impianta il tutto 6/7 volte nell'arco di 20 minuti (sia con 
kde che gnome)da cosa potrà dipendere? 
Ho trovato che in linuxconf - configurazione - varie nei parametri del kernel 
ci sono questi dati:
memoria condivisa default e nel campo c'è 32
max file aperti 8192
max processes 3070
Questi parametri c'entrano qualcosa con i continui crash?
La memoria ram è 256. Lo devo impostare nella memoria condivisa?
Avevo letto, se non sbaglio, che linux permette di trovare le cause di crash 
grazie ad una specie di backup interno (journaling?) come potrei fare a 
recuperare questi dati per poterli mostrare (ad es copiandoli in una mail) a 
qualche anima pia?
Ho mdk 8.2
Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale aiuto

Re: [newbie-it] Dove si trovano le mail spedite/ricevute con kmail/knode?

2002-05-24 Thread Maurizio Scaglione

nella directory $HOME/Mail

Il 08:26, venerdì 24 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 Scusate vorrei sapere dove trovare in futuro le mail/msg  che
 ricevo/spedisco per poterli salvare all'occorrenza su cdrom.
 Non riesco a trovarli. Qualcuno mi può aiutare?
 Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale risposta

Re: [newbie-it] Perché s'impianta?

2002-05-24 Thread carmine de pasquale

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 3:12 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Perché s'impianta?

 Ciao, oggi linux fa' i capricci. Apro la cartella home e si impianta apro
 linuxconf e si impianta il tutto 6/7 volte nell'arco di 20 minuti (sia con
 kde che gnome)da cosa potrà dipendere?
 Ho trovato che in linuxconf - configurazione - varie nei parametri del
 ci sono questi dati:
 memoria condivisa default e nel campo c'è 32
 max file aperti 8192
 max processes 3070
 Questi parametri c'entrano qualcosa con i continui crash?
 La memoria ram è 256. Lo devo impostare nella memoria condivisa?
 Avevo letto, se non sbaglio, che linux permette di trovare le cause di
 grazie ad una specie di backup interno (journaling?) come potrei fare a
 recuperare questi dati per poterli mostrare (ad es copiandoli in una mail)
 qualche anima pia?
 Ho mdk 8.2
 Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale aiuto

io sono tornato a mdk 8.1, ha meno problemi e mdk 8.2 non riconosce la
macchina fotografica digitale agfa cl18

Re: [newbie-it] Problemi (grossi) con X

2002-05-24 Thread freefred

On Thursday 23 May 2002 22:30, pdv, talkin' about [newbie-it] Problemi 
(grossi) con X wrote:

Il sistema riesce pero' a scrivere un log?
prova a guardare se c'e' (e cosa c'e' dentro)


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - 
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Fwd: file .awd

2002-05-24 Thread freefred

On Friday 24 May 2002 06:49, ku68, talkin' about Re: [newbie-it] Fwd:  
file .awd wrote:

 busta.awd: Microsoft Office Document
 L'ho salvato e se ci passo sopra col cursore viene visualizzato
 documento microsoft word. Mah!

perche' probabilmente riconosce l'header del file come
qualcosa Microsoft.

potrebbe/dovrebbe essere Microsoft Fax At Work Document

 Extension: AWD
  Color Depth:
   Maintainer: Microsoft Corporation
Specification: AWD is an OLE compound object file that stores bilevel 
facsimile data.
The compression algorithm used by AWD is not published, but it is based
on CCITT Group 4. The format of OLE compound object files also seems not
to be published, but there much OLE information available:   
OLE Control and Control Container Guidelines, Version 1.1

ma cosa dovrebbe essere?

  gqview, xnview, ...

 non credo di averli installati

beh, l'xnview prendilo, non sara' bellissimo, ma e' piu'
veloce (o quasi) dell'Acdsee.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - 
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

[newbie-it] unsubscrive

2002-05-24 Thread Zambo

[newbie-it] R: [newbie-it] Perch s'impianta?

2002-05-24 Thread Ferdinando

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di ku68
Inviato: venerdì 24 maggio 2002 15.13
Oggetto: [newbie-it] Perché s'impianta?

Ciao, oggi linux fa' i capricci. Apro la cartella home e si impianta apro
linuxconf e si impianta il tutto 6/7 volte nell'arco di 20 minuti (sia con
kde che gnome)da cosa potrà dipendere?
Ho trovato che in linuxconf - configurazione - varie nei parametri del
ci sono questi dati:
memoria condivisa default e nel campo c'è 32
max file aperti 8192
max processes 3070
Questi parametri c'entrano qualcosa con i continui crash?
La memoria ram è 256. Lo devo impostare nella memoria condivisa?
Avevo letto, se non sbaglio, che linux permette di trovare le cause di crash
grazie ad una specie di backup interno (journaling?) come potrei fare a
recuperare questi dati per poterli mostrare (ad es copiandoli in una mail) a
qualche anima pia?
Ho mdk 8.2
Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale aiuto

[newbie-it] R: [newbie-it] Perch s'impianta?

2002-05-24 Thread Ferdinando

Non so se c'entra, ma a me succedeva lo stesso nel momento in cui ho
aggiunto un banco di memoria da 128 M. Nel mio caso la memoria aggiunta o
non era compatibile o non funzionava bene; levatala, tutto è filato liscio
come l'olio. Guarda se per caso un tuo banco di memoria non si sia guastato,
nel senso che ha un funzionamento non sempre corretto.

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di ku68
Inviato: venerdì 24 maggio 2002 15.13
Oggetto: [newbie-it] Perché s'impianta?

Ciao, oggi linux fa' i capricci. Apro la cartella home e si impianta apro
linuxconf e si impianta il tutto 6/7 volte nell'arco di 20 minuti (sia con
kde che gnome)da cosa potrà dipendere?
Ho trovato che in linuxconf - configurazione - varie nei parametri del
ci sono questi dati:
memoria condivisa default e nel campo c'è 32
max file aperti 8192
max processes 3070
Questi parametri c'entrano qualcosa con i continui crash?
La memoria ram è 256. Lo devo impostare nella memoria condivisa?
Avevo letto, se non sbaglio, che linux permette di trovare le cause di crash
grazie ad una specie di backup interno (journaling?) come potrei fare a
recuperare questi dati per poterli mostrare (ad es copiandoli in una mail) a
qualche anima pia?
Ho mdk 8.2
Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale aiuto

Re: [newbie-it] Perch s'impianta?

2002-05-24 Thread LukenShiro

Il 24.05.02 alle 15:12, il notabile ku68 proferi' codeste parole:
 Ciao, oggi linux fa' i capricci. Apro la cartella home e si impianta apro
 linuxconf e si impianta il tutto 6/7 volte nell'arco di 20 minuti (sia con
 kde che gnome)da cosa potrà dipendere?

Ma per si impianta intendi che va in stallo tutto il sistema o
va in crash sistematicamente solo il programma che stai usando?
Nel primo caso puoi escludere che sia un problema di surriscaldamento?
(guarda se le ventoline nel case e sulla cpu sono funzionanti)
Nel secondo avvia quel programma dalla console in modo da avere piu'

 Ho trovato che in linuxconf - configurazione - varie nei parametri del kernel
 ci sono questi dati:
 memoria condivisa default e nel campo c'è 32
 max file aperti 8192
 max processes 3070
 Questi parametri c'entrano qualcosa con i continui crash?
 La memoria ram è 256. Lo devo impostare nella memoria condivisa?

Direi che non c'entrano niente, meglio non toccare nulla di quelle
impostazioni. Tutt'al piu' ti converrebbe verificare con un apposito
programma di non avere memoria anche in parte bacata (in linux, p.es.
c'e' memtest; altrimenti ce ne sono diversi in winz)

 Avevo letto, se non sbaglio, che linux permette di trovare le cause di crash
 grazie ad una specie di backup interno (journaling?) come potrei fare a
 recuperare questi dati per poterli mostrare (ad es copiandoli in una mail) a
 qualche anima pia?

Ehm ... no. Le funzionalita' di journaling permettono solo limitare le
perdite di dati in caso di non perfetto smontaggio in sede di chiusura,
recuperando gli 'orfani' :)
Nel tuo caso bisognerebbe provare a dare uno sguardo ai log di sistema,
per es. in /var/log/messages, ma dubito che in questo caso serva a

LU #210970 LM #98222 - 2.4.18-puro
Slackware-current (azz, che fatica :P)

Re: [newbie-it] Condividere la connessione ad internet

2002-05-24 Thread Corrado

Il mar, 2002-05-21 alle 09:56, Andrea Celli ha scritto:
 On Wed, 22 May 2002 22:15:30 +0200
 Luca [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Alle 22:17, lunedì 20 maggio 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
   Salve a tutti!
   Mi hanno consegnato ilpacco Alice-senza la ragazza ovviamente-

Ehm... non è molto IT, ma potresti togliermi una curiosità? Come ti è
arrivato il pacco? Voglio dire, te l'hanno lasciato incustodito, alla
mercè di chiunque, fuori dalla porta, anche se eri in casa, comè
successo a Vieri?! ^_^

 se avevi chiesto esplicitamente un Alcatel, telefonare a Telecom e fartelo
 sostituire. Tra l'altro, Alice (soprattutto senza ragazza) non mi sembra
 questo mostro di convenienza. :)

In effetti ho notato che non tutti fanno caso al fatto che la cifra
esposta durante lo spot televisivo comprende sole 20 ore di
connessione al mese... Attualmente l'ADSL è arrivato a circa 6 km da
casa mia; a questo punto m'interesserebbe sapere da chi già ne fa uso se
alla fine dei conti ne valga davvero la pena...


Re: [newbie] Console Emulators

2002-05-24 Thread Brian Koppe

I don't remember off-hand where to find it, but if I'm not mistaken, 
ZSNES comes for Linux.



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Re: [newbie] Console Emulators

2002-05-24 Thread Curtis H

On Thu, 2002-05-23 at 23:34, Brian Koppe wrote:
 I don't remember off-hand where to find it, but if I'm not mistaken, 
 ZSNES comes for Linux.
Check out http://plf.zarb.org/

You'll find a whole bunch emulator RPM made for Mandrake.


  Mandrake Linux 8.3 (cooker)
  Kernel Version 2.4.18-16mdk
Uptime 3 days 8 hours 45 minutes

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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AW: [newbie] Console Emulators

2002-05-24 Thread - hybrid -

of course here ! http://www.zsnes.com/ :)) for m$ , linux and dos :))) !

... if i have read Plato!?
I knew him personnaly!  --Nosferatu

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von Brian Koppe
Gesendet: Freitag, 24. Mai 2002 08:35
Betreff: Re: [newbie] Console Emulators

I don't remember off-hand where to find it, but if I'm not mistaken, 
ZSNES comes for Linux.



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Console Emulators

2002-05-24 Thread drwhat

On Thursday 23 May 2002 10:15 pm, you wrote:
 Is there any way I can find gaming console emulators for Linux? 


has lots of good emulators, from playstation to genesis


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-24 Thread civileme

Brian Koppe wrote:

 Lyvim Xaphir wrote:


 Ummm, Miark, in august 1999, cryptonym corporation was examining a 
 Service pack release of NT4 from which microsoft had inadvertantly 
 forgotten to strip the data tags.


 Since the NSA is able to spy on citizens by virtue of the NSA backdoor
 so thoughtfully provided by M$, would this not be an excellent reason
 for the government to maintain an ongoing business relationship with M$?



 Do either of you have sources to back this up?


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Well, Brian it was all over the internet news, including the Register, 
August 1999.  And you can still find the story at www.cryptonym.com 
where they exvaluated the security danger from it as nothing abnormal, 
since the only reason the NSA would want such a key is to save a little 


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Dynamic DNS

2002-05-24 Thread Brian Parish

Now that I finally have an always on ADSL and a 24/7 server attached to
it, it would seem to make sense to setup a website and e-mail server. 
The ADSL uses DHCP of course, so I will need to use a service such as

I have taken a look at their site and would like to request any
experiences / recommendations from the list.   I have already registered
a domain some time back, so I am after a solution which maps my addy of
today with this domain name.

From a cursory look at dyndns, it seems that I could be
myname.something.com, but that the something bit is predefined. I really
want to be www.clicknowconsulting.com.au

that's the domain I own.

Is this possible with a dynamic service, or are they limited to their
own domain space?  This may well be a stupid question of course, but as
I don't really understand how they work...

Anyway, all suggestions much appreciated as always.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] RPMFind.net down?

2002-05-24 Thread Michael Adams

I haven't got through sucessfully for ages. Anybody know what's happening 


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] KMail Attachments

2002-05-24 Thread Michael Adams

What the... KMail allows three choices for attachments:

None (8-bit)
Base 64
Quoted Printable

Two seem to want to send a few bytes of something. And from what help says it 
seems Base 64 relates to PGP encryption. I just want to hook a OO.o .doc 
file to an e-mail to send to the head tutor without embarrassing myself 
again. How?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

AW: [newbie] RPMFind.net down?

2002-05-24 Thread - hybrid -

works for me ... ! problem with your connection ? 

... if i have read Plato!?
I knew him personnaly!  --Nosferatu

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von Michael Adams
Gesendet: Freitag, 24. Mai 2002 11:12
Betreff: [newbie] RPMFind.net down?

I haven't got through sucessfully for ages. Anybody know what's


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] RPMFind.net down?

2002-05-24 Thread s

On Friday 24 May 2002 04:12 am, Michael Adams wrote:
 I haven't got through sucessfully for ages. Anybody know what's happening

I can report that it works fine from here.  Have you tried the french mirror?

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Re: [newbie] RPMFind.net down?

2002-05-24 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Friday 24 May 2002 05:12 am, Michael Adams wrote:
 I haven't got through sucessfully for ages. Anybody know what's happening

http://rpmfind.net comes up here.
Gerald Waugh 
http://www.frontstreetnetworks.com :: Phone. [011] 203.785.0699
Front Street Networks LLC | SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, 06513-3203 United States

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-24 Thread Randy Kramer

John Richard Smith wrote:
  It is reasonable to suspect memory -- I guess the 21 seconds to
  load the existing data (and 280 days) gives us a hint that there is
  a large amount of data involved, but it's only a hint -- I think we
  need to know a little more:

I still don't really have an idea how much data you have in each
spreadsheet -- here's a list of what I think I know and what I don't
   * You have multiple spreadsheets, each in its own file
   * Each spreadsheet has:
  * 12 columns of data about one stock -- I'm guessing one or two
columns contain something like the date and time, the other 10 or 11
columns contain numbers.  Is each column filled for each row?
  * An unknown number of rows -- how many rows total for 280 days? 
How many rows added per day?

 I don't know how eazy it is to transfer data collated
 from say kspread to say gnumeric, or what ever, and if I have to
 start from scratch that is a decision not taken lightly. 

There should be features to help such a transfer -- Excel and Lotus have
them, not sure about Gnumeric and Kspread.  It's probably not to be
taken lightly, except maybe one or two spreadsheets on a trial basis. 
I'm wondering if there is something about Kspread that uses much more
space than Gnumeric/Excel/Lotus for similar amounts of data, or do you
just have a very large amount of data?

 I think LM8.2 has
 it as standard issue, correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe I ought to
 install it and find out what it is about.

This would be a good thing to do if you are interested, but I suspect we
should concentrate on the spreadsheet issue first.

 PS, I did a KDE Control Center - info - memory
 nice visuals on memory,
 Loaded kspread , loaded a file and when finised and before
 doing anything with it it said :-
 Total   free + swap  = 65%
   uased  = 31%
 Physical  used +shared =  47%
   buffer=  24%
   cashed  =  22%   total 94%
 virtual  free swap   =  95%
 Looks as though I'm about out of physical memory. Don't it ?

I don't know -- I always have trouble interpreting Linux memory usage
statistics, particularly with the party line unused memory is wasted,

If you really want to check on memory usage, I'd suggest you:

   * reboot
   * run free from a command line before you start anything (or most
anything) else -- record the numbers 
   * start kspread, run free, record the numbers
   * open one of your spreadsheets, run free, record the numbers

Post the numbers here.

Do you typically open multiple spreadsheets at the same time, or do you
open one, do your thing, and close it before opening the next?

Randy Kramer

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RE: [newbie] kde3 taskbar wont work (SOLVED)

2002-05-24 Thread Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN

Thanks to all who have responded to this.
I solved it (I guess) by installing 3.0.1 last night
I find it strange though that 3.0 ran flawlessly 
(as far as it goes) since the install, and yes I do
have 2.2 installed as well. Then just one day due to
a lockup, this happens. One question though:
If I deleted my .kde, and .kderc files shouldn't it
have worked as it did upon fresh install on my 8.1 box

Brian D. Klar - CVE

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Braddock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] kde3 taskbar wont work

That would be correct, the problem is some conflict between KDE 2.2.2 and KDE 3.0. I 
don't recall the specifics, but deleting the konsole icon and recreating will fix it.  
If you don't have 2.2.2 installed, then you won't have the problem.  Check Mandrake's 
web site for more info.


 I wasn't aware that it is known bug (writes note: must check Mandrakes web page 
more often)
 Your solution is almost the same as mine but I dragged from the menu to the desktop 
edited the new desktop icon and then dragged it to the taskbar, I like to be 
different :-)
 However, (and again this might be known, I haven't checked) I have found that when I 
did an install without Kde 2.2.2 and then installed Kde 3.0 afterwards taskbar icons 
worked properly and no --noxft errror, so it appears to be an issue between 2.2.2  
 Poogle. Derby,England  Linux MDK 8.2 with
 kernel 2.4.18-6 mdk using Kmail 1.4
   6:56pm  up 54 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.04, 0.12, 0.15

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RE: [newbie] questions about modem and setting up dialup networki ng

2002-05-24 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] questions about modem and setting up dialup networking

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alan Tu
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 9:54 AM
Subject: [newbie] questions about modem and setting up dialup networking

Hi, I'm new to Linux and I love its potential. Anyway, my questions are
about establishing a dialup connection to my ISP with Mandrake 8.2.

1. I have a Dell Latitude notebook with a 3com mini-PCI modem (and
ethernet, in fact). According to Dell techs, this is a hardware modem, but
I couldn't find the model number in the hardware lists. The following is the
relevant part of cat /proc/pci:

 Bus 0, device 16, function 1:
 Communication controller: PCI device 10b7:1007 (3Com Corporation) (rev
 IRQ 11.
 Master Capable. Latency=32. Min Gnt=10.Max Lat=5.
 I/O at 0xd000 [0xd0ff].
 Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xf3ffd400 [0xf3ffd4ff].
 Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xf3ffd000 [0xf3ffd07f].

So, is this really a hardware modem?

2. If so, how do I test that /dev/modem is set up right? I've read about
kppp or minicom, but I can't find these utilities on my system.

3. During install, Mandrake asked for my ISP's phone number, etc. But now,
I cannot see any files in /etc/ppp/peers. For system administration, is
there a text/console equivalent to the GUI dial-up setup? Of course, there's
always the several config files, but I was looking for a shortcut :-)



Can't answer the question on whether it is a hardware modem, but for text config you can use wvdial. It is quick
and seems very stable. The other alternative I use is the Internet connection icon on the KDE desktop. HTH 
Dennis M.

[newbie] SNF 7.2

2002-05-24 Thread Jason Pearce

Hi Guys  Girls,
I have just downloaded the Mandrake Singal Network Firewall 7.2
could anyone tell me where I could get some documentation for this 
OS .
I intend to use it for a Internet Cafe to share the ADSL connection 
and act as a proxy to minimize outgoing bandwidth.
a poke in the right direction would be appreciated .
I have looked on the Mandrake site but I could not find anything 
specific to SNF.
If anyone has any experience (good or bad) with SNF ,that info would 
also be much appreciated.
cheers and thanks in advance.

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Re: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-24 Thread Derek Jennings

Erm... dunno  I dislike ever using --force because nothing good ever seems to 

I guess the simplest way to install 3.0.1 would be urpmi  in your 3.0.1 
download directory. Then all the dependencies ought to get sorted out.

Personally I will wait for RPMs to install in /opt  . I do not want to delete 
KDE2.2.2 until I am sure KDE3.0.1 is OK, and there are no issues with other 
applications depending on KDE2.2.2 for their operation.


On Friday 24 May 2002 1:30 pm, Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN wrote:
 So are you saying it is safe to rpm -e
 all the 3.0 files? I noticed that a
 rpm -ivh wouldn't work due to 2.2 conflicts
 so I did a rpm -ivh --replacefiles
 and for the most part all was fine.
 I still get caught in the libarts catch
 22 where they each want to see the other
 installed. So a --nodeps --force works
 Kdevelop needed a couple of things installed
 that I obviously didn't have, so I didn't install it.

 My desktop is back to fine now!

 Brian D. Klar - CVE

 -Original Message-
 From: Derek Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 4:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

 Did you do the urpmi.addmedia command?

 Also note that version of 3.01 will REPLACE your KDE2.2.2 If you do not
 want to lose your old KDE then wait a few days and a new version will be
 posted that installs into /opt instead of /usr
 See www.pclinuxonline.com for a discussion on this.


 On Thursday 23 May 2002 9:20 pm, Stephen Kitchener wrote:
  I have downloaded the new KDE3.0.1 and going on the instructions on
  Mankdrake's site for 8.2 written for KDE3.0.0 (as the instructions
  haven't been changed yet) I thought that I would upgrade by issuing the
  command urpmi * in the directory where I had all the downloade files.
  All looks ok and when the system askes for Disk 1 from the Pro package, I
  put it into the CD drive, press return, expecting for it to proceed, but
  all it does is to ask for the disk again and again and... well you
  get the idea.
  The CD isn't even being accessed, it just gets ejected straight away :-(
  Has anyone else seen this ? - is there a fix ? - is it a known problem ?
  Any help appriciated

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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory [OT]

2002-05-24 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Thursday 23 May 2002 02:47 pm, Jay wrote:
 I would refrain from Microsoft SQL
 (http://slashdot.org/articles/02/05/22/1312211.shtml?tid=109) or any
 Microsoft products for that matter

 A senior Microsoft Corp. executive told a federal court last week that
 sharing information with competitors could damage national security and
 even threaten the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan
 He later acknowledged that some Microsoft code was so flawed it could
 not be safely disclosed

Further proof that Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-24 Thread Robin

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 16:01, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Erm... dunno  I dislike ever using --force because nothing good ever seems to 
 I guess the simplest way to install 3.0.1 would be urpmi  in your 3.0.1 
 download directory. Then all the dependencies ought to get sorted out.
 Personally I will wait for RPMs to install in /opt  . I do not want to delete 
 KDE2.2.2 until I am sure KDE3.0.1 is OK, and there are no issues with other 
 applications depending on KDE2.2.2 for their operation.

Hmm, wish I'd followed this thread before installing - I now have a KDE3
with no icons (either desktop or in apps).  Something is stopping it
accessing qt3 by the look of it, and it's whinging about lybcrypto and
libssl not being installed (which they are).  Everything works fine,
just iconless.

  I still get caught in the libarts catch
  22 where they each want to see the other

I've got a worse one - libarts won't install because it can't overwrite
/usr/lib/mcop/kmedia2somethingorother, and I can't even delete that file
as root.

Sir Robin

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RE: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-24 Thread Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN

libarts i had to rpm -ivh --nodeps --force cause 
between it and the devel pkg, they wanted to see the 
other before the other would install. I have always
had this problem though. As for the menus, you may
try update-menus. I deleted my .kde dir though, as
it only takes a minute to build a new desktop.

Brian D. Klar - CVE

-Original Message-
From: Robin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 16:01, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Erm... dunno  I dislike ever using --force because nothing good ever seems to 
 I guess the simplest way to install 3.0.1 would be urpmi  in your 3.0.1 
 download directory. Then all the dependencies ought to get sorted out.
 Personally I will wait for RPMs to install in /opt  . I do not want to delete 
 KDE2.2.2 until I am sure KDE3.0.1 is OK, and there are no issues with other 
 applications depending on KDE2.2.2 for their operation.

Hmm, wish I'd followed this thread before installing - I now have a KDE3
with no icons (either desktop or in apps).  Something is stopping it
accessing qt3 by the look of it, and it's whinging about lybcrypto and
libssl not being installed (which they are).  Everything works fine,
just iconless.

  I still get caught in the libarts catch
  22 where they each want to see the other

I've got a worse one - libarts won't install because it can't overwrite
/usr/lib/mcop/kmedia2somethingorother, and I can't even delete that file
as root.

Sir Robin

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-24 Thread shane

On Friday 24 May 2002 12:18 am, civileme opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 Well, Brian it was all over the internet news, including the Register,
 August 1999.  And you can still find the story at www.cryptonym.com
 where they exvaluated the security danger from it as nothing abnormal,
 since the only reason the NSA would want such a key is to save a little

and ashcroft is actively fighting to get a backdoor put into rsa encryption.  
check what the aclu has to say about tech sometime. 

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] SNF 7.2

2002-05-24 Thread Jerry

you might want to try looking for an iso of the doc cd on the mandrake ftp 
site (or a mirror... most likely you'll get better speed on the mirrors 
anyway).  in the initial folder go into the /pub folder and see if you can 
find a reference to SNF.  the directory structure on their ftp site has links 
all over it so it can throw you for a loop as to where you are at times.  if 
you're useing a gui ftp client watch for the folder icons with the arrows.. 
those are links to other folders.  i try not to go those routes because you 
miss sections of the directory tree where your files might be.


(ps i'll tool around it a bit and see if i can see)

On Friday 24 May 2002 06:51 am, you wrote:
 Hi Guys  Girls,
 I have just downloaded the Mandrake Singal Network Firewall 7.2
 could anyone tell me where I could get some documentation for this
 OS .
 I intend to use it for a Internet Cafe to share the ADSL connection
 and act as a proxy to minimize outgoing bandwidth.
 a poke in the right direction would be appreciated .
 I have looked on the Mandrake site but I could not find anything
 specific to SNF.
 If anyone has any experience (good or bad) with SNF ,that info would
 also be much appreciated.
 cheers and thanks in advance.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

2002-05-24 Thread Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN

Are you logged out of KDE while trying to do so?
I logged into a console and updated. I also deleted
my .DCOP files too, as well as all files in /tmp.
Worked for me, so far at least.

Brian D. Klar - CVE

-Original Message-
From: Robin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Installing KDE 3.0.1 onto Mandrake 8.2

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 16:01, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Erm... dunno  I dislike ever using --force because nothing good ever seems to 
 I guess the simplest way to install 3.0.1 would be urpmi  in your 3.0.1 
 download directory. Then all the dependencies ought to get sorted out.
 Personally I will wait for RPMs to install in /opt  . I do not want to delete 
 KDE2.2.2 until I am sure KDE3.0.1 is OK, and there are no issues with other 
 applications depending on KDE2.2.2 for their operation.

Hmm, wish I'd followed this thread before installing - I now have a KDE3
with no icons (either desktop or in apps).  Something is stopping it
accessing qt3 by the look of it, and it's whinging about lybcrypto and
libssl not being installed (which they are).  Everything works fine,
just iconless.

  I still get caught in the libarts catch
  22 where they each want to see the other

I've got a worse one - libarts won't install because it can't overwrite
/usr/lib/mcop/kmedia2somethingorother, and I can't even delete that file
as root.

Sir Robin

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] SNF 7.2

2002-05-24 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] SNF 7.2

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jason Pearce
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 7:51 AM
Subject: [newbie] SNF 7.2

Hi Guys  Girls,
I have just downloaded the Mandrake Singal Network Firewall 7.2
could anyone tell me where I could get some documentation for this 
OS .
I intend to use it for a Internet Cafe to share the ADSL connection 
and act as a proxy to minimize outgoing bandwidth.
a poke in the right direction would be appreciated .
I have looked on the Mandrake site but I could not find anything 
specific to SNF.
If anyone has any experience (good or bad) with SNF ,that info would 
also be much appreciated.
cheers and thanks in advance.

SNF documentation can be obtained by starting here: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/fdoc.php3. I have had a problem getting into the firewall machine

once it is installed. I can't figure out if telnet needs to be used or what, but I can't connect to the LAN 
with it or from a LAN machine I can't ping the firewall machine. So something is missing in my connection. If you
install and it works please post if you had to do anything like activate an additional package or something. Thanks
Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] questions about modem and setting up dialup networki ng

2002-05-24 Thread Alan Tu

Thanks, but I checked
and my modem (same device number) is stated not to work. Dell hardware modem
my ---. And my box cost more than the consumer Inspiron model, you'd think
they would use better components.


- Original Message -
From: Myers, Dennis R NWO [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 07:53
Subject: RE: [newbie] questions about modem and setting up dialup networki

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alan Tu
 Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 9:54 AM
 Subject: [newbie] questions about modem and setting up dialup networking

 Hi, I'm new to Linux and I love its potential. Anyway, my questions are
 about establishing a dialup connection to my ISP with Mandrake 8.2.

 1.  I have a Dell Latitude notebook with a 3com mini-PCI modem (and
 ethernet, in fact). According to Dell techs, this is a hardware modem,
 I couldn't find the model number in the hardware lists. The following is
 relevant part of cat /proc/pci:

   Bus  0, device  16, function  1:
 Communication controller: PCI device 10b7:1007 (3Com Corporation) (rev
   IRQ 11.
   Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=10.Max Lat=5.
   I/O at 0xd000 [0xd0ff].
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xf3ffd400 [0xf3ffd4ff].
   Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xf3ffd000 [0xf3ffd07f].

 So, is this really a hardware modem?

 2.  If so, how do I test that /dev/modem is set up right? I've read about
 kppp or minicom, but I can't find these utilities on my system.

 3.  During install, Mandrake asked for my ISP's phone number, etc. But
 I cannot see any files in /etc/ppp/peers. For system administration, is
 there a text/console equivalent to the GUI dial-up setup? Of course,
 always the several config files, but I was looking for a shortcut :-)



 Can't answer the question on whether it is a hardware modem, but for text
 config you can use wvdial. It is quick
 and seems very stable. The other alternative I use is the Internet
 connection icon on the KDE desktop. HTH
 Dennis M.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] SNF 7.2

2002-05-24 Thread Jason Pearce

Thanks for the replys, jerry  Dennis
I have now found the docs @
I think the part that you are looking for Dennis is @
then connecting
thanks again I post again when I have got my hands dirty hopefully over the 
weekend I'll get a chance to do the install.
cheers people

On Saturday 25 May 2002 02:04, you wrote:
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jason Pearce
 Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 7:51 AM
 Subject: [newbie] SNF 7.2

 Hi Guys  Girls,
 I have just downloaded the Mandrake Singal Network Firewall 7.2
 could anyone tell me where I could get some documentation for this
 OS .
 I intend to use it for a Internet Cafe to share the ADSL connection
 and act as a proxy to minimize outgoing bandwidth.
 a poke in the right direction would be appreciated .
 I have looked on the Mandrake site but I could not find anything
 specific to SNF.
 If anyone has any experience (good or bad) with SNF ,that info would
 also be much appreciated.
 cheers and thanks in advance.

 SNF documentation can be obtained by starting here:
 http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/fdoc.php3. I have had a problem getting
 into the firewall machine
 once it is installed. I can't figure out if telnet needs to be used or
 what, but I can't connect to the LAN
 with it or from a LAN machine I can't ping the firewall machine. So
 something is missing in my connection. If you
 install and it works please post if you had to do anything like activate an
 additional package or something. Thanks
 Dennis M.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] how to play vcd's under linux, .dat files on disk.

2002-05-24 Thread Tarun Ramakrishna Elankath

Hi list,
I am very new to linux so please forgive me if this question has
been asked before.
I want to play Video CD's in the .dat format under linux, when the .dat
files are on disk.
The xine player only plays them from the CD-ROM

PLUS: Are there any other open-source video cd players for linux ?

All help appreciated,

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-24 Thread Schwenk, Jeanie

the url to cryptonym intentionally left blank.  Security is an pet area of
interest to me, where have you gotten the info on what Ashcroft is doing?  

-Original Message-
From: shane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

On Friday 24 May 2002 12:18 am, civileme opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 Well, Brian it was all over the internet news, including the Register,
 August 1999.  And you can still find the story at www.cryptonym.com
 where they exvaluated the security danger from it as nothing abnormal,
 since the only reason the NSA would want such a key is to save a little

and ashcroft is actively fighting to get a backdoor put into rsa encryption.

check what the aclu has to say about tech sometime. 

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606 @ http://counter.li.org/

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] RPMFind.net down?

2002-05-24 Thread Jerry

I know that the gnorpm that came with the 8.2 iso doesn't work... but command 
line i've had no problems with connecting to rpmfind.net

i dont know what to do about gnorpm's weird problem.. anyone else seen it?  
when it downloads the RDF files it just gives back (was not expecting 
rdf:Description) or something like that... and then it's saying that the 
catalog file on my machine has no .. (um... trying to remember) matching 
schema.. or schema is empty ... something like that 

Just set a http source on the software manager to 
and the path to hdlist is : 
and another http source of 
path to hdlist:

and the software manager will work like gnorpm (better actually)

On Friday 24 May 2002 03:12 am, you wrote:
 I haven't got through sucessfully for ages. Anybody know what's happening

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] My mouse is pointing to the wrong place.

2002-05-24 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Friday 24 May 2002 05:06 am, Brian Parish wrote:
 On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 05:38, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  On Thursday 23 May 2002 05:05 pm, Ricardo Marques wrote:
   I'm having a very strange problem. This problem is occurring in all my
   computers. I turn on my machine and after a while the focus of pointer
   is shifted to right. When I want to click in a button, I have to look
   for a position (move to right side) to click. Sometimes I have to click
   outside of button. It depends on of size of the button. It's occurring
   with tree different kinds of machines. They have different processors,
   motherboards, BIOS, video cards, etc. I'm working with Mandrake 8.2 and
   KDE. Thanks in advance for any help.
   Ricardo Marques Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :
  Ricardo, maybe you have different processors etc. etc., but I'll bet you
  have Trident graphics ! - This phenomenon is well known. The solution is
  simple :
  You'll have to edit the file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 as root. In this
  file, there is a section called Graphics device section. Find it and
  then remove the hash-mark (#) in front of Option  sw_cursor. (Which
  means to uncomment this option, thus enabling the software-cursor).
  Save the file and restart X. That's all.
  For a more in-depth explanation, search the list-archive for something
  like Trident Cyberblade.
  If still in trouble, feel free to mail me privately, I'll work you
  through. But please have some patience, 'cause I'm only on-line a few
  minutes each evening, CET.
  BTW  - I find that sig of yours (not your name, of course) disgusting -
  Kaj Haulrich

 I find this happens on my wife's laptop (running LM8.2), but only after
 the kids have grabbed it to access neopets.  Once it starts, it seems
 the only way to get back is to shutdown and cold boot.  This is a USB
 mouse, so maybe that complicates the situation.  Am I right in thinking
 that if it works most of the time without any issues, then the sw_cursor
 thing is not a useful option?

 BTW, in case it's relevant, the mouse does get the wanders now and
 then.  Mind of its own I guess.  Branded Microsoft, so it probably
 thinks it knows where we want to go today ;-)


LOL Brian ! - Honestly, I don't know if this offset applies to other 
graphics devices then Trident, but I'm pretty sure it won't harm anything to 
try my advice on your wife's laptop. But why use an USB-mouse on a laptop ? 
Don't they usually come with some sort of built-in pointing-device ?

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] OT: National security and M$

2002-05-24 Thread shane

On Friday 24 May 2002 10:44 am, Schwenk, Jeanie opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 the url to cryptonym intentionally left blank.  Security is an pet area
 of interest to me, where have you gotten the info on what Ashcroft is

there was a bit on the aclu website, under cyber-liberties.  right now i 
mostly see censorship stuff there though.  if i recall he hadn't actually 
introd a bill or anything, just speaches to congress.  again if i recall it 
was along with a senetor judd greg, and was early october.  what i do not 
know is if the we can force your isp to give us everything they know bill 
went through.  amazing how they skip stuff that matters in the news

the patriot act and usa act were they?  i imagine the backdoor (they called 
it key escrow i think) would be step 2.  sorry i didn't save more of it.

Computers are like air conditioners they stop working properly if you open 

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
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[newbie] OT: UF

2002-05-24 Thread shane

ok, so i am not sure how many of you are regular UF readers and how many 
have no clue what it is, but todays made me laugh pretty hard, so i am 
sharing.  if it is an intro to UF i hope you like it


...so Mr. Gates, in short, the reason I am not using your software is that I 
have upped my standards.  So up yours.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/

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Re: [newbie] A Qestion of Memory

2002-05-24 Thread John Richard Smith

On Friday 24 May 2002 12:46, you wrote:

* reboot
* run free from a command line before you start anything (or
   most anything) else -- record the numbers
* start kspread, run free, record the numbers
* open one of your spreadsheets, run free, record the numbers

 Post the numbers here.

 Randy Kramer

[root@localhost root]# free --record
free: invalid option -- -
usage: free [-b|-k|-m] [-o] [-s delay] [-t] [-V]
[root@localhost root]#
[root@localhost root]# free -bl -kl -m -o -s delay -t -v
free: invalid option -- l
usage: free [-b|-k|-m] [-o] [-s delay] [-t] [-V]
[root@localhost root]#
Hay, I haven't a clue what I'm doing here.

So using KDE-info-memory instead :-

   Desktop   Kspread  Kspread+file
+swap  83%free   83%free  74%free
   16%used 16%25%

Physical   57%free   49%23%
   21%Cash Ram  23%23%

Virtual  100%  100%   100%

the file is measured as 57.0kb and takes 21 seconds to load.
This suggests that a 57kb file takes 26% of a 250mbSDRam
Can this be right ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Modem Installation Help

2002-05-24 Thread Xecut1on

I got the drivers and everything on linux finally. Now when i put insmod 
pctel it does whatever its supposed to but when i put insmod ptserial it 
gives an error something like error: input/output insmod errors are caused 
by i/o or IRQ something
any idea how i can fix this?

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Re: [newbie] MDK8.2: compile hello.cpp: cannot exec 'cpp0': No such...

2002-05-24 Thread cc tsim

g++ -o hello hello.cpp

(gcc is only for c programs)


From: Steven Boothe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] MDK8.2: compile hello.cpp: cannot exec 'cpp0': No such...
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 14:30:45 -0700

Hello everyone:

I seem to have a problem compiling a simple hello.cpp program:

#include iostream.h
int main()
   cout  Hello, world.  endl;
   return 0;

The error I get is:

[sboothe@poretz sboothe]$ gcc hello.cpp
gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cpp0': No such file or directory
[sboothe@poretz sboothe]

For the record here is the output of some hopefully meaningful commands:

[steven]$ rpm -qa | grep gcc  rpm -qa | grep gcc  rpm -qa | grep libstd

Thanks to anyone who read this message.



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[newbie] What happened?

2002-05-24 Thread Miark

My company has one server that does everything: web, SMTP, POP,
FTP, SSH, etc. I've had zero problems for about 3 years. Not 
long ago I upgraded to 8.2, and everything has been great
except--and I can hardly believe it--it crashed this week!

We suspected that the power went out, and the ISP where we
are a co-host, didn't turn our machine back on. They maintain
that our server just puked because when they came in, the screen
was full of junk. We're not sure what to believe.

At any rate, I was wondering if there is anything I can do,
any log I can browse, etc. to find out what might have caused
this. Any ideas?


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Re: [newbie] SNF 7.2

2002-05-24 Thread FemmeFatale

Jerry wrote:
 you might want to try looking for an iso of the doc cd on the mandrake ftp
 site (or a mirror... most likely you'll get better speed on the mirrors
 anyway).  in the initial folder go into the /pub folder and see if you can
 find a reference to SNF.  the directory structure on their ftp site has links
 all over it so it can throw you for a loop as to where you are at times.  if
 you're useing a gui ftp client watch for the folder icons with the arrows..
 those are links to other folders.  i try not to go those routes because you
 miss sections of the directory tree where your files might be.
 (ps i'll tool around it a bit and see if i can see)
 On Friday 24 May 2002 06:51 am, you wrote:
  Hi Guys  Girls,
  I have just downloaded the Mandrake Singal Network Firewall 7.2
  could anyone tell me where I could get some documentation for this
  OS .
  I intend to use it for a Internet Cafe to share the ADSL connection
  and act as a proxy to minimize outgoing bandwidth.
  a poke in the right direction would be appreciated .
  I have looked on the Mandrake site but I could not find anything
  specific to SNF.
  If anyone has any experience (good or bad) with SNF ,that info would
  also be much appreciated.
  cheers and thanks in advance.

if you wish, email me pvtly i'll give you a file for SNF itself. Not
sure if it will help but its worth a shot :)


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] My mouse is pointing to the wrong place.

2002-05-24 Thread Brian Parish

On Sat, 2002-05-25 at 05:18, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  BTW, in case it's relevant, the mouse does get the wanders now and
  then.  Mind of its own I guess.  Branded Microsoft, so it probably
  thinks it knows where we want to go today ;-)
 LOL Brian ! - Honestly, I don't know if this offset applies to other 
 graphics devices then Trident, but I'm pretty sure it won't harm anything to 
 try my advice on your wife's laptop. But why use an USB-mouse on a laptop ? 
 Don't they usually come with some sort of built-in pointing-device ?
 Kaj Haulrich
I'll give it a try sometime.  Yes there is a built in pointing device
and that's a GREAT reason for using an external mouse.  These things are
OK for 10 minutes in a plane, but that's about the extent of their

It has to be USB because there ain't no PS2 interface on this thing.  I
guess it would have ruined IBM's profit margin ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Modem Installation Help

2002-05-24 Thread Joseph Braddock

Are you sure your modem is an i810?  I'm pretty sure the modem you gave in your other 
post should use the pct789 setting, but if you really do have an i810, then use it.

As long as you are using kernel 2.4.something, you should be okay.  You don't need, 
nor do you want to go back to, 2.4.0.

As for getting things from windows to linux on your dual boot machine.  You should 
have a directory under /mnt called windows or something like that (unless, possibly if 
your Windows 2000 is using NTFS).  If it is there, then you should be able to change 
to that directory from either the console prompt or through Konqueror or other 
graphical file manager.  That (/mnt/windows) is your windows partition.  Anything you 
download there can be copied to your linux partition and vice versa.  Pretty neat, huh?

As for your floppy, chances are it either has some bad sectors marked on it or it was 
formatted as a system floppy and has some hidden files.  But, since you can copy from 
/mnt/windows, your really don't need it anyway.

The error you are getting with the insmod ptserial sounds like there was an error when 
it was compiled.  What I would do is go to the directory where you untarred the modem 
driver and type (without quotes) ./configure hal=pct789.  When it finishes, type 
(without quotes) make and if there aren't any errors type (without quotes) make 
install.  After that, see if your insmod commands work.  If they don't, let me know 
either on the list here or email me direct.

BTW, although it is frustrating, the problem you are having, really isn't a linux 
problem.  It's a problem with trying to use hardware designed for a specific OS 
(windows) on a different OS than what it was designed for.  The fact that linux can 
actually use it (well, once you get it installed) is a testament to how good linux 
really is!


On Thu, 23 May 2002 21:03:15 EDT

 i got the modem driver pctel-0.9.2 and i followed the steps but after i type 
 make it says to give a hal so i gave it i810 and then it goes on and stops at 
 linux kernel:too many arguments and then says i must install kernel version 
 2.4.0 so i downloaded 2.4.0 and its like 23.3mb and i cant fit it on a floppy 
 cause of the size and i cant burn cd's cause i cant find the driver for my cd 
 writer and i dont know how else i can get it from windows2k to linux(I'm dual 
 booting) and i also tried downloading the version of the pctel driver 0.8.6 
 and when i format a floppy to put it on the floppy only has 1.38mb space(odd 
 cause its a 1.44mb floppy..go figure) and that wont work cause the floppy 
 needs to be at least 1.42mb so im like going nuts here tryin to figure out 
 ways to get the kernel or driver over to linux from win2k and nothing im doin 
 is working =\ guess linux wasnt for me...

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[newbie] NFS and Linux

2002-05-24 Thread Keith Lynn

Hello everyone,
 I'm having a problem with Linux that I hope someone can help me with.
I have installed Mandrake 8.0 on a machine with the Intel 810/815 Chipset.
I am trying to mount a share through nfs from Solaris 7. I haven't had
trouble doing this in the past, but now when I try to mount the share, it
will mount, but it takes several minutes. Has anyone experienced this?
Does anyone have suggestions?

Keith Lynn
Systems Administrator
School of Computer and Information Sciences
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL 36608
Phone: (251) 460-6390
Fax: (251) 460-7274
Alternate E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL: http://www.cis.usouthal.edu/~lynn/

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[newbie] Floppy error: Read-only file system

2002-05-24 Thread KMReid

I’m trying to create a floppy boot disk using
Drakfloppy.  A new floppy is already inserted in the
drive.  When Build Disk is selected, the error is: 
“Be sure media is present for /dev/fd0”.  Then when OK
is selected, the error message is: “no medium for
/dev/fd0 please insert one”.

When trying to use the KDE Floppy Formatter there is a
error message: “Cannot format: /dev/fd0u1440
/dev/fd0u1440:  Read-only file system”.

Any help appreciated, thanks.

Abit KG7; Athlon 1.4Ghz; 512MB Mwave DDR memory; IBM
40G HDD; TEAC 3.5 inch 1.44MB floppy drive.  Mandrake
8.2 “recommended” installation upgrade from 8.1.

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Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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Re: [newbie] Floppy error: Read-only file system

2002-05-24 Thread Damian G

On Fri, 24 May 2002 20:38:46 -0700 (PDT)

 I_m trying to create a floppy boot disk using
 Drakfloppy.  A new floppy is already inserted in the
 drive.  When Build Disk is selected, the error is: 
 _Be sure media is present for /dev/fd0_.  Then when OK
 is selected, the error message is: _no medium for
 /dev/fd0 please insert one_.  
 When trying to use the KDE Floppy Formatter there is a
 error message: _Cannot format: /dev/fd0u1440
 /dev/fd0u1440:  Read-only file system_.
 Any help appreciated, thanks.
 Abit KG7; Athlon 1.4Ghz; 512MB Mwave DDR memory; IBM
 40G HDD; TEAC 3.5 inch 1.44MB floppy drive.  Mandrake
 8.2 _recommended_ installation upgrade from 8.1.

uhm.. did you check the floppy's read-only lock ?


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[newbie] Re: A question of memory

2002-05-24 Thread Randy Kramer

Wow, very disappointing!

I did some testing on your 57 kb file on KSpread 1.1 on Mandrake 8.1, on
a 700 MHz machine (AMD) with 256 MB of memory.  (With about 280 rows of
12 columns each, I'm guessing about half the cells actually contained
data (numbers).)

The file took around 30 seconds to load.

It was easy to convert the file to Gnumeric and comma delimited format. 
I don't have Gnumeric on the machine so I couldn't try it.

I took the comma delimited file to my Windows 95 machine -- 300 MHz., 64
MB memory, Excel 97.  Loaded the file into Excel, saved it as a native
Excel file (.xls) -- quit Excel, opened Excel, loaded the .xls file in
about 1 second.

I noticed you had some colors applied to the columns, I did not apply
colors to the Excel file -- if I get ambitious I might try that and see
how much that affects the load time.

I did try something else -- I did try two other things:

   * I tried importing the comma delimited file back into KSpread, and
it was significantly faster.  It took about 10 seconds of machine time
to load up, but this consisted of two 5-second periods -- an
intermediate menu comes up halfway through the load to allow you to
specify any necessary options -- you can just hit enter.

   * I saved the imported comma delimited file from KSpread as a .ksp
file, and then loaded it -- it took about 14 seconds, and the difference
between that and the original 30 seconds may be an indication of the
extra time due to colors.

Anyway, I'd call it a disappointing performance by KSpread.

OK, I went back to Excel and applied colors to every two column group,
saved, exited Excel, restarted Excel, then reloaded the .xls file. 
Still under 1 second!

I'm taking the liberty of sending this back to the list for other's
information -- IIRC, it was on the newbie list.

Randy Kramer 

John Richard Smith wrote:
 Attatched  I send you one kspread file, kspft30.ksp, which is
 currently 57.0kb, not exactly huge it it, kspread seems to create a
 backup file called ~kspft30.ksp I guesss this is a safety feature ?
 Since each file is quite small I find it just incredible that loading
 one single file of this size demands such an enormous amount of
 memory. Remenber I have 250Mb of SDRAM.
 Currently I have 5 such index files stashed in a home directory.
 I select them in the customery fashion in kspread one at a time,
 update them and then,  save that file in that home directory, and
 again `save as' , an identicle file on a floppy for backup. I then
 exit that file altogether and select another file from the home
 directory and repeat the exercise again for each index held .
 I don't feel that this kspread programme and the individual index
 file should clog up my memory to such an extent.
 I haven't sent this email to the list because of the file attatchment.

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Re: [newbie] SNF 7.2

2002-05-24 Thread Dennis Myers

On Friday 24 May 2002 11:30 am, you wrote:
 Thanks for the replys, jerry  Dennis
 I have now found the docs @
 I think the part that you are looking for Dennis is @
 then connecting
 thanks again I post again when I have got my hands dirty hopefully over the
 weekend I'll get a chance to do the install.
 cheers people

 On Saturday 25 May 2002 02:04, you wrote:
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jason Pearce
  Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 7:51 AM
  Subject: [newbie] SNF 7.2
  Hi Guys  Girls,
  I have just downloaded the Mandrake Singal Network Firewall 7.2
  could anyone tell me where I could get some documentation for this
  OS .
  I intend to use it for a Internet Cafe to share the ADSL connection
  and act as a proxy to minimize outgoing bandwidth.
  a poke in the right direction would be appreciated .
  I have looked on the Mandrake site but I could not find anything
  specific to SNF.
  If anyone has any experience (good or bad) with SNF ,that info would
  also be much appreciated.
  cheers and thanks in advance.
  SNF documentation can be obtained by starting here:
  http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/fdoc.php3. I have had a problem getting
  into the firewall machine
  once it is installed. I can't figure out if telnet needs to be used or
  what, but I can't connect to the LAN
  with it or from a LAN machine I can't ping the firewall machine. So
  something is missing in my connection. If you
  install and it works please post if you had to do anything like activate
  an additional package or something. Thanks
  Dennis M.

 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
OK, I have a firewall.  I did not give it a  gateway address during install, 
save that for later when you telnet to it.  I then took one of the computers 
on the LAN off of a dial up account and gave it no info on the gateway. 
Voila! I can continue to configure and set up the firewall via my other 
computer. Is that telnet on a LAN or just what do you call it?  Now if they 
would just deliver the cable modem and give me the IP addresses I can convert 
to broadband.  Life is good, just don't weaken.  And never give up.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Floppy error: Read-only file system

2002-05-24 Thread Dennis Myers

On Friday 24 May 2002 10:38 pm, you wrote:
 I’m trying to create a floppy boot disk using
 Drakfloppy.  A new floppy is already inserted in the
 drive.  When Build Disk is selected, the error is:
 “Be sure media is present for /dev/fd0”.  Then when OK
 is selected, the error message is: “no medium for
 /dev/fd0 please insert one”.

 When trying to use the KDE Floppy Formatter there is a
 error message: “Cannot format: /dev/fd0u1440
 /dev/fd0u1440:  Read-only file system”.

 Any help appreciated, thanks.

 Abit KG7; Athlon 1.4Ghz; 512MB Mwave DDR memory; IBM
 40G HDD; TEAC 3.5 inch 1.44MB floppy drive.  Mandrake
 8.2 “recommended” installation upgrade from 8.1.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup
You probably need to go into Userdrake and add floppy to your personnal 
access.  In KDE it is ConfigurationotherUserdrake just in case you don't 
know where to look. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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