[newbie-it] UNSUBSCRIVE

2002-06-03 Thread c.pedretti


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Re: [newbie-it] Ordinamento icone desktop

2002-06-03 Thread e/io

Alle 22:51, domenica 2 giugno 2002, hai scritto:
 Non riesco più ad ordinare le icone sul desktop.
 Ad ogni riavvio si dispongono 

Ho trovato: Nella diectory Desktop c'è un file .directory dove sono registrate
le posizioni  delle icone.
Il propietario era root.

Re: [newbie-it] SOS

2002-06-03 Thread giamgax

ku68 wrote:

In questo caso che consigliate di riprovare mandrake 8.2 o la red hat 7.3?
Quale delle due è più facile da usare?
Grazie in anticipo dell'aiuto


Ho montato la RH e poi smontato e rimesso la mdk.
Rh sembra più curata ma meno automatizzata, non ci sono nei cd molti 
applicativi multimediali, dà l'impressione di essere da ufficio.
sicuramente mdk è più facile.

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Re:Re: [newbie-it] konqueror

2002-06-03 Thread Germano

Che intendi per caricato bene: hai la possibilità di accedere con login e 
password o, per lo meno, ci sono gli spazi appositi?

Ciao, Ge

Il 21:24, martedì 28 Maggio 2002, Gennaro Firemi hai scritto:

 Io ho installato la Suse 8.0 che include il kde3 e Netscape 6.2. Con

   sono riuscito a caricare bene la pagina di Omnitel ma con il nuovo
 Konqueror non ci

   sono riuscito .

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Re:Re: [newbie-it] konqueror

2002-06-03 Thread Fabio Z.

Subject: Re:Re: [newbie-it] konqueror
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 11:27:20 +0200

Che intendi per caricato bene: hai la possibilità di accedere con login e
password o, per lo meno, ci sono gli spazi appositi?

Ciao, Ge

Il 21:24, martedì 28 Maggio 2002, Gennaro Firemi hai scritto:

  Io ho installato la Suse 8.0 che include il kde3 e Netscape 6.2. Con
sono riuscito a caricare bene la pagina di Omnitel ma con il nuovo
  Konqueror non ci
sono riuscito .

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Il problema potrebbe essere la configurazione di Konqueror di default 
all'uso di Java. Per modificare l'impostazione usa:
Impostazioni - configura Konqueror - Browser Konqueror - Java
Attiva la voce 'Abilita Java globalmente' e poi clicca su Applica ed Ok.
Chiudi Konqueror e riattivalo.
Dopo aver utilizzato il 'nuovo browser' riconfigurato, disattiva di nuovo la 
sopra indicata per motivi di sicurezza.

Invia e ricevi la posta di Hotmail sul tuo cellulare: http://mobile.msn.com

Re: [newbie-it] Sicurezza internet.

2002-06-03 Thread Fabio Z.

Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Sicurezza internet.
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 19:43:05 +0200

Hash: SHA1

Alle 12:44, venerdì 17 maggio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Sicurezza
internet., ku68 ha scritto:

  Scusate ho letto che è possibile ricevere dei virus anche in linux.
non ci sono virus veri e propri, solo qualche worm...
ma, ipotizzando che qualcuno ti mandasse in allegato un bel virus, per
pernderlo dovresti:
- -salvarlo
- -loggarti come root
- -eseguirlo da consolle
diciamo che un infezione casuale è un po' improbabile...

  Voi come vi comportate? Avete qualche antivirus ad hoc?
No nulla, gli antivirus li uso solo sui sistemi M$

  Oggi mi è arrivato il classico file con klez che sembra non abbia 
  danni (almeno credo essendo sotto l'ombrello protettivo del 

  Seconda ed ultima domanda. Qualcuno ha da consigliarmi un buon firewall
  (per mdk 8.2) facile facile da installare e molto intuitivo da usare?
la mandrakkia te ne mette uno a disposizione di default...
- - Mandrake Control Center - Sicurezza


Chiedo scusa ma leggo solo ora il msg, magari qualcuno ti ha già risposto.
Per quanto attiene il firewall, Mandrake mette a disposizione Bastille.
Da root, digita BastilleChooser (con relative maiuscole) ed attivalo almeno
al livello 'Moderate Security' seguendo poi le istruzioni a video.
Questo è uno wizard di Bastille, se lo vuoi configurare direttamente puoi
utilizzare il comando InteractiveBastille, molto più completo.

Scarica GRATUITAMENTE MSN Explorer dall'indirizzo 

Re:Re: [newbie-it] konqueror

2002-06-03 Thread Germano

Forse il problema con il passare del tempo non è più chiaro:
Avevo risposto la prima volta a chi chiedeva come mai non si potesse accedere 
al sito www.190.it dell' Omnitel al proprio sapzio riservato.
La mia risposta era che quel sito potesse essere correttamente visualizzato 
solo con Internet Explorer (per correttamente intendo che lo spazio della 
login e della password fosse accessibile).
Gennaro mi ha risposto dicendo che lui con konqueror del kde 3 lo vedeva bene 
ed io gli ho chiesto se per vedere bene intendesse quello che intendo io 
(visto che con il konqueror del kde 2.2 non è corretamente visualizzato: non 
dipende dal java che, comunque è attivato).

Ciao, Ge

Il 12:21, lunedì 03 giugno 2002, Fabio Z. hai scritto:

 Il problema potrebbe essere la configurazione di Konqueror di default
 all'uso di Java. Per modificare l'impostazione usa:
 Impostazioni - configura Konqueror - Browser Konqueror - Java
 Attiva la voce 'Abilita Java globalmente' e poi clicca su Applica ed Ok.
 Chiudi Konqueror e riattivalo.
 Dopo aver utilizzato il 'nuovo browser' riconfigurato, disattiva di nuovo
 la voce
 sopra indicata per motivi di sicurezza.

 Invia e ricevi la posta di Hotmail sul tuo cellulare: http://mobile.msn.com

[newbie-it] Messaggio all'avvio di kde3

2002-06-03 Thread ENx

Ciao a tutti,
ho un altro problemino con kde3 che mi piacerebbe risolvere!
Quando avvio kde3 mi appare il seguente messaggio:

Sound server informational message:
Error while initializing the sound driver:
couldn't auto detect which audio I/O method to use
The sound server will continue, using the null output device..

Ho capito che si tratta un errore che riguarda l'audio e il sound server 
di kde3, ma non ho capito il motivo dell'errore!
Qualcuno mi saprebbe dare un mano per risolverlo?

Ciao a tutti e grazie.

P.S.: l'audio funziona benissimo con tutti quei programmi che non usano 
il sound server di kde!

[newbie-it] Blocco Numerico

2002-06-03 Thread Benedetto Santarella

Scusate la domanda banale, ma come si imposta il 
blocco numerico alla partenza di linux?

[newbie-it] Blocco totale sistema copiando da HD a Foppy o da CD a HD

2002-06-03 Thread Miyaghi

Ciao a tutta la lista,
mi sono iscritto per segnalare un problema che mi pare grave. Mi è sucesso diverse 
volte (più della metà) che, utilizzando il file manager di KDE 2.2, il computer mi si 
bloccasse completamente copiando un file dalla mia HOME al Floppy. Una volta sola, 
invece, copiando un file da CD ad HardDisk, il cd veniva letto a fatica poi si è 

Ecco i passi che compio per riprodurre il problema:
- accendo il PC e mi loggo (kdm), attendo che KDE finisca di caricare
- inserisco un floppy e clicco sull'icona che ho sul Desktop, mi si apre Konqueror che 
mi mostra il contenuto del floppy
- apro anche la mia home directory e clicco col dx su un file a caso, scelgo Copia 
dal menu
- clicco col dx nella finestra del floppy e scelgo Incolla dal menu
- si apre la finestra di copia in corso e prima ancora che la barra mostri un 
avanzamento il sistema si congela:
# il puntatore non si muove
# CTRL-ALT-BackSpace, CTRL-ALT-CANC e CTRL-ALT-F? non sbloccano la situazione
# i led del floppy e del disco sono spenti
- quindi resetto via hardware
- controllando sul floppy il file c'è ma è di 0 Kb
- se da xterm utilizzo cp il problema non si presenta

Dati sistema:
Mabndrake 8.2 Download Edition 3CD (Linux  C)
kdebase 1:2.2.2-93mdk
kdelibs 3000:2.2.2-48mdk
kernel (supermount abilitato)

ECS K7S5A, Duron, 256MB SDRAM, HD Samsung UDMA100

Serve altro?

ho fatto due volte l'installazione e il problema si è ripetuto. Nei log non ho notato 
nessun messaggio...
Sapete la causa del problema? Non so che fare!

[newbie] Yet again, how to mount all three iso images

2002-06-03 Thread mbayme

Hi all! Once again, what is the exact syntax to mount all three iso images from 
mandrake 8.2 into one big file? 

I iunderstood that it's something like:
mkdir /cdrom
mount (and some option) iso-file, etc

DO I have to issue the mount command three times (once for each file), or is 
there a way to mount all three at once?

Thanks, Michael

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[newbie] 8.2 Powerpack install problems

2002-06-03 Thread Stewart Taylor

Hi All

like a lot of people I've problems regarding missing rpm's. Someone told me 
that mandrake had issues an installer patch to overcome this problem but I've 
been unable to find it. Does anyone know where I can get this patch from.



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Re: [newbie] Yet again, how to mount all three iso images

2002-06-03 Thread Damian G

On Mon, 3 Jun 2002 12:24:44 +0530

 Hi all! Once again, what is the exact syntax to mount all three iso images from 
 mandrake 8.2 into one big file? 
 I iunderstood that it's something like:
 mkdir /cdrom
 mount (and some option) iso-file, etc
 DO I have to issue the mount command three times (once for each file), or is 
 there a way to mount all three at once?
 Thanks, Michael

well, to mount a ISO image on a directory, you do

mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/file.iso /directory/to/mount

of course you need to do it once for every iso you mount, but that doesn't mean 
it has to take more than one line. i think you can do
mount ( blah blah parameters ) ; mount ( blah blah more parameters ) ; mount ( and so 
on )

uhmm.. or better yet, if you are going to use this frequently, you could make
an alias .. like 

alias mntiso= mount -t iso9660 -o loop

to make things faster.



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Re: [newbie] Lilo Lost!!

2002-06-03 Thread Anne Wilson

Thanks to all who replied.

By the time I'd waded through the 275 messages waiting for me I had 
found someone else's cry for help and its reply.  I booted from the 
Linux Format DVD, got the F1, Rescue bit and sure enough there was an 
option to re-install Lilo.  Simple!!

Touches like this take away so much of the aggro of the learning curve.


civileme wrote:

 Anne Wilson wrote:
 OK - MS got their own back for my last post.  I had one BSOD too many, 
 W2K scrambled, and did nasty things to my bootup.  How can I get Lilo 
 back without having to reinstall Mandrake?



 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to 

 The easy way is to boot from CD1 and hit F1 at the splash screen and type
 then you will have a menu which offers a re-run lilo choice.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-06-03 Thread Anne Wilson

shane wrote:

 On Thursday 30 May 2002 12:48 pm, Anne Wilson did speak unto the huddled 
 masses, saying:
Perhaps we need some sort of directory of such help.  There must be
someone here in West Yorkshire, but I've not come across him/her.

 if we did have a directory of such things it might look like this 
 http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Operating_Systems/Linux/User_Groups/ and 
 i might be the editor there.  ;)

Bookmarked, thanks


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RE: [newbie] NSA / PGP

2002-06-03 Thread Franki

Strangely enough,, I recently sat though the Verisign PKI course.. and they
told us that the poms were the first to come up with it as well, so noone is
making a secret of it.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of daRcmaTTeR
Sent: Saturday, 1 June 2002 4:46 AM
To: Newbie List
Subject: Re: [newbie] NSA / PGP

On Fri, 31 May 2002, Alastair Scott wrote:

 -pgpenvelope processed message

 On Friday 31 May 2002 8:36 pm, shane wrote:

  i doubt that.  it is simply a matter of raw math.
  in short if they had a super computer than can only be imagined today
  (not built) it would take hundreds of years to guess a key.

 Ah, but they don't use (general purpose) supercomputers. They use _very_
 specialised computers; I read somewhere that the NSA has its own chip
 fabrication plant ...

 Your code cracker will likely be a PCI card inside a common-or-garden
 PC, not a black box performing the breaststroke in a lake of liquid
 nitrogen. (And the standard PC could be running Linux ;)

 And it may well use algorithms nobody in the 'free world' knows about.
 There's a known precedent: one of the most astonishing things I've read
 for ages is that the RSA algorithm was invented in secret about a
 decade before it was 'invented in public':




that is some awesome information. thanks for the link. So, it was the
Brits who did it first?

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
If your wife told you NOT to do it there's probably a real good reason!
Penguinized since 1997

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Slightly OT Mandrake stock

2002-06-03 Thread Anne Wilson

 LinuxFormat is also a nice mag in its own right.  I bought a copy the
 last time I visited my motherland, and what did I find sellotaped to it
 but Mandrake 8.2!
It's worth the subscription.  I get the DVD every month.



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RE: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-06-03 Thread Franki

yeah, I'll second that..

alot of us have have linux boxes being mail servers and stuff to learn

having to use the ISP's mail server as a relay kind of ruins the purpose..

It'd be better if they removed that checking and instead linked up with orb
or similiar for a blacklist.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris Spackman
Sent: Saturday, 1 June 2002 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

On Saturday 01 June 2002 12:35 pm, ollyplaine wrote:
 On Fri, May 31, 2002 at 10:08:41PM -0400, D. Olson wrote:
  On Friday 31 May 2002 09:50 pm, you wrote:(first couple of lines from
   On the other hand : maybe I just screwed something up in my post.
   Something that the internet can't digest. - Like spam ???
  Well, I can't digest spam myself, so there ya go. ;)

If it is like the expert list, it is a problem with the mail address not
matching the ip address, or not resolvable, or something like that. an
overzealous attempt at preventing spam -- it ends up preventing a lot of
people from posting.


Chris Spackman

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Re: Re: [newbie] Yet again, how to mount all three iso images

2002-06-03 Thread mbayme

Thanks, I'll try it right now. Michael

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Re: [newbie] mixing scsi and ide cds with xcdroast

2002-06-03 Thread John Richard Smith

  is there something i need to do to have xcdroast use an ide
  cdreader, the scsi writer shows up as a device, but the cdrom
  which is ide isn't an option as a reader, 


This is my note I made to add scsi-emulation to the DVD
I may be of some help.


so that xcdroast can recognise it.

Note the scsi lettering will be dependent upon
how you set your DVDROM and WRITER , master and slave.

Modify : /etc/lilo.conf,

append=devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi hdc=ide-scsi nobiospnp

Modify /etc/fstab
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom auto user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,
 exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto user,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,
 exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0

So that programmes like Xine and Ogle can use DVD

Set SCSI device
Create Symlink,
rootlocalhost root]#ln -s scd0 /dev/dvd
rootlocalhost root]#ln -s scd1 /dev/dvd

according whichever is your DVD device.

To remove the symlink,
]#rm /dev/dvd

then go to desktop icons and alter device=  in properties:-
DVD-ROM  /dev/scd0  Writer  /dev/scd1
depending upon which is master and slave.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 install gone awry

2002-06-03 Thread Kaj Haulrich

On Monday 03 June 2002 12:32 am, Michael Adams wrote:
 On Mon, 03 Jun 2002 07:12, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  On Sunday 02 June 2002 02:50 pm, Scott Wagner wrote:
   I am reduced to using windows now since trying to install 8.2 and I'm
   trying to make a floppy with a patch on it like it tells you on the
   Mandrake errata page.  Can anyone tell me how to make a DOS file system
   on a floppy with windows 98?  My patch isn't working and I'm thinking
   its because the filesystem is FAT rather than DOS.
  Scott, try this :
  1. download the patch once more (it's very small) and save it on your
  c-drive 2. insert a floppy, open a ms-dos prompt and type : format a:
  3. when done, change directory cd to the one with the patch
  4. type : copy patch.pl a:
  5. the screen will tell you that 1 file was copied.
  6. remove the floppy, insert your mdk 8.2 CD
  7. reboot
  8. the CD starts whirring, now re-insert the floppy
  9. that's all. If still in trouble, repost to the list.
  Kaj Haulrich

 This patch doesn't need to be written as an image using rawwrite does it?
 Just checking.


No, it doesn't. A plain copy will do.


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Re: [newbie] 8.2 install gone awry

2002-06-03 Thread Chris Spackman

On Monday 03 June 2002 08:37 am, someone wrote:

 No, it's just copied as a DOS file.  Worked fine for me.

You aren't using a boot disk, are you? i tried to copy the patch to the 
bootdisk, but of course there wasn't enough room. 

Chris Spackman

 random quote 
Dave Mack:  Your stupidity, Allen, is simply not up to par.
Allen Gwinn:Yours is.

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[newbie] Iomega Zip drive

2002-06-03 Thread Azrael

I have an iomega zip drive, usb, plugged into mdk8.2
I can mount it from /dev/sda4 and have this in my /etc/fstab :

/mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount dev=/dev/sda4,fs=vfat

However, I have a normal user on the system who is given only read 
access, and I don't want to have to always use root to get read/write 

Can anyone tell me how to 'configure' this so a normal user gets 
read/write access? Many thanks!

-- Azrael

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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Thread Nick Baker

On Sunday 02 June 2002 08:32 pm, you wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  On Sat, 1 Jun 2002, Miark wrote:
   Over the course of two years, I've been tossing old
   CDs in a pile. I'm guessing there are about 100 now.
   Any interesting ideas as to what I could do with
  Skeet shooting, anyone?

 My friend uses them as coasters, for hot mugs of tea and so on, when he has
 guests round.

 But seriously... check your Yellow Pages (or equivalent) for Recycling
 Organisations (or equivalent), give them a call and see what they say
 about it.

I have tried to recycle the AOL disks I receive (about two per week!) but 
have been told that there is no currently feasible way of dealing with the 
CD's combination of metal (the layer that receives the info) and plastic.


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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Nick Baker wrote:

 On Sunday 02 June 2002 08:32 pm, you wrote:
  - Original Message -
  From: Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   On Sat, 1 Jun 2002, Miark wrote:
Over the course of two years, I've been tossing old
CDs in a pile. I'm guessing there are about 100 now.
Any interesting ideas as to what I could do with
   Skeet shooting, anyone?
  My friend uses them as coasters, for hot mugs of tea and so on, when he has
  guests round.
  But seriously... check your Yellow Pages (or equivalent) for Recycling
  Organisations (or equivalent), give them a call and see what they say
  about it.
 I have tried to recycle the AOL disks I receive (about two per week!) but 
 have been told that there is no currently feasible way of dealing with the 
 CD's combination of metal (the layer that receives the info) and plastic.

My youngest uses old cd's to cover a wall in his room as a decoration. 
he's quite artistically inclined and sees a viable use for many things 
like that that we'd normally throw out. however I reserve a few that I use 
as coasters for my coffee mug on the desk. 

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
If your wife told you NOT to do it there's probably a real good reason!
Penguinized since 1997

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Iomega Zip drive

2002-06-03 Thread D. Olson

On Monday 03 June 2002 08:28 am, you wrote:

What happens if you try

 /mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount dev=/dev/sda4,fs=vfat 0 0


Just guessing, cuz that's how my CD-ROM drive is..

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Re: [newbie] anonymous ftp

2002-06-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Azrael wrote:

 Can't seem to get anonymous ftp working either.
 Been fiddling on webmin and I thought I had done the trick.. but to no 
 Can anyone tell the the correct details to put into the proftp.conf 
 file? If that's indeed what I need to do.. or what I should do otherwise :)
 many thanks
 -- Azrael

ok...assuming that your directory tree for your ftp server looks at least 
like this; 

 -- /pub

...there is some basic system setup that you will need to perform before 
you can start and use your ftp server. I would heartily suggest at this 
point though that you thoroughly read the docs at the proftpd web site to 
get a good understanding of how it works and what's going on. this 
knowledge is important if you're going to run an FTP server and could, at 
some point, save your machine and it's data. you'll find attached to the 
message a copy of my current proftpd.conf to work off of. If you like, 
please feel free to modify it and use it on your server. please understand 
that you will have to modify it in order to suit the needs of your 

that being said, here is the down and dirty setup proc.

--/ftp   /* everything under this dir including /ftp
--/pub/   * should NOT be owned by root!

1. as root in a terminal add the user anonymous.
]# adduser anonymous  ENTER

 /* important note: unless you're NOT going to open this
  * FTP server for public use then do not set a password
  * for user anonymous
2. (optional - but definately recomended) 
   using linuxconf, add a new user named ftpadmin and set this users
   /home dir as /var/ftp. now you will need add user ftpadmin to the 
   group ftpadmin. you can do so by clicking on the groups 
   definition in Linuxconf. when you've created this user and apply the 
   settings Linuxconf will want ask you about changing ownership of 
   /var/ftp. do so Recursively.

3. create the folder /var/ftp/incoming. as stated before it's owner should 
   be ftpadmin.ftpadmin. chmod this directory 3773. even if you choose
   not to allow uploading to your ftp server it's still good practive
   to have this folder present.

4. all folders under /var/ftp/pub including /pub should be chmod'd 755, 
   while the files themselves should have the permissions of 644 and ALL 
   be owned by ftpadmin.ftpadmin.

5. check the services file /etc/services and make sure that these lines
   are uncommented:

ftp 21/tcp
ftp 21/udp
   these ports must be open in order for outside machines to connect to 
   the ftp server.

6. now you're ready to start your server for the first time. one last 
   check to make. if your proftpd.conf file is correctly configured
   save the file in /etc and issue this command in a terminal window
   as root user.

service proftpd restart ENTER

   you should see a response similar to this in your terminal.

Shutting down proftpd: [  OK  ]
Starting proftpd:  [  OK  ]
   if you recieve an error message of some sort, then check your 
   /etc/proftpd.conf file to make sure that everything is correctly
   defined. remember to read the documentation from the proftpd site.
   there is a lot of good information contained there that will help
   you understand what's going on should you need to trouble-shoot
   your installation of proftpd. If have you have trouble and don't 
   understand what's going on give another holler.

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
If your wife told you NOT to do it there's probably a real good reason!
Penguinized since 1997

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Re: [newbie] Handspring Visor

2002-06-03 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 03 June 2002 5:14 pm, Matt Blake wrote:

 How do i get mt Handspring Visor working in 8.2 and Ximian Gnome - it
 is on a USB port. First of all, am i correct to do a symbolic link
 from /dev/pilot to /dev/usb ?  Secondly if i try and sync by saying i
 have used other syncing software with the pda before - which i have
 in windows it cannot find a connection.  How can i make it find a
 connection using the settings i had on windows and therefore
 transferring all my data straight over to linux?  Or do i need to
 completely reinstall everything on my PDA to get it to work in 8.2/

Not having a Handspring, I can't help with this.

 I also posted the other day about how to inport my Ms Outlook .pst
 settings and Outlook Express address book - any ideas from anybody
 how i can do this?

I think you can import Outlook files into Outlook Express. If that is so 
you can then import the folders from your Windows partition into KMail 
(File | Import ... has 'Import folders from Outlook Express 5' as an 

Alternatively, if Outlook Express can export as a text or 
comma-separated-values (CSV) file you can use the KMail address book 
wizard (File | Addressbook then File | Import List ...) to import it.

I can't test any of this as I no longer use Windows, but it's worth a 

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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RE: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Thread Schwenk, Jeanie

I give them to my teenage daughter who then nukes them in the wave for about
3 seconds (cool patterns result)  She then hangs them on her wall.  It looks
pretty good especially when she has the black light on.

Yeah, it's probably not that great on the wave but she's been doing it for
about a year and I can still heat up my tea.


-Original Message-
From: Miark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 1:27 PM
To: Newbie at MDK
Subject: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

Over the course of two years, I've been tossing old
CDs in a pile. I'm guessing there are about 100 now. 
Any interesting ideas as to what I could do with


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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Thread Nick Baker

On Monday 03 June 2002 07:45 am, you wrote:
 On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Nick Baker wrote:
  On Sunday 02 June 2002 08:32 pm, you wrote:
   - Original Message -
   From: Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Sat, 1 Jun 2002, Miark wrote:
 Over the course of two years, I've been tossing old
 CDs in a pile. I'm guessing there are about 100 now.
 Any interesting ideas as to what I could do with

Skeet shooting, anyone?
   My friend uses them as coasters, for hot mugs of tea and so on, when he
   has guests round.
   But seriously... check your Yellow Pages (or equivalent) for Recycling
   Organisations (or equivalent), give them a call and see what they say
   about it.
  I have tried to recycle the AOL disks I receive (about two per week!) but
  have been told that there is no currently feasible way of dealing with
  the CD's combination of metal (the layer that receives the info) and


 My youngest uses old cd's to cover a wall in his room as a decoration.
 he's quite artistically inclined and sees a viable use for many things
 like that that we'd normally throw out. however I reserve a few that I use
 as coasters for my coffee mug on the desk.

My wife and I use them in our garden yard art--if hung so the wind can move 
them, they catch the light very nicely. All I was saying is that they cannot 
currently be turned in to recycling centers to melt down to usable raw 
plastic and metal.
But, you did remind me of a non-profit in Portland, OR called SCRAPS that 
recycles anything that might be used as art materials, especially for 
schools. I  don't have their address, and couldn't find a website for them, 


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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Thread Heather Reed

- Original Message -
From: Nick Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

 But, you did remind me of a non-profit in Portland, OR called SCRAPS that
 recycles anything that might be used as art materials, especially for
 schools. I  don't have their address, and couldn't find a website for


I give mine to our local community education centre. Last Christmas the
nursery had a ball making tree decorations, and sticking the CDs on paper
plates for xmas parties. I even got a hand made card (by 3 yr olds) saying
thank you :-))

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Nick Baker wrote:

  My youngest uses old cd's to cover a wall in his room as a decoration.
  he's quite artistically inclined and sees a viable use for many things
  like that that we'd normally throw out. however I reserve a few that I use
  as coasters for my coffee mug on the desk.
   My wife and I use them in our garden yard art--if hung so the wind can move 
 them, they catch the light very nicely. All I was saying is that they cannot 
 currently be turned in to recycling centers to melt down to usable raw 
 plastic and metal.
 But, you did remind me of a non-profit in Portland, OR called SCRAPS that 
 recycles anything that might be used as art materials, especially for 
 schools. I  don't have their address, and couldn't find a website for them, 

thats true...you could also stick them in the microwave on evenings when 
you're really bored and watch the fireworks display. ;) 

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
If your wife told you NOT to do it there's probably a real good reason!
Penguinized since 1997

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Re: [newbie] Divx movies -- yes or no?!

2002-06-03 Thread John Richard Smith

On Friday 31 May 2002 23:36, you wrote:
 DivX is not the same as the now defunct Circuit City DVD competitor
 wannabe Divx. DivX (also called DivX:), I believe it is) is a form
 of video compression. So no, you can not play your Circuit City
 Divx disc on Linux (or anywhere else for that matter). At least you
 have a nice Abyss coaster. ;)


I found a small DivX trailer file to download and got it to work with
the linux DivX movie player. It would not work with Mplayer for some 
reason. The name of the file  that I downloaded was:
Contact.zip which when unzipped (linux extract prog)became two files
So far, I cannot find any sites to download full length movies,seems 
like this field needs a audiogalaxy type setup.

However, I would like to know whether Linux has a programme to 
convert Commercial DVD format to the Divx format which as I 
understand it is MP4 which is easily written to CD by an ordinary 
writer.I just proved it to be the case with the abovementioned file.

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Undelete

2002-06-03 Thread John Richard Smith


Assuming that you  haven't either formatted or written over a deleted 
file in linux how do you Undelete it .

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] KMail addressbook backups / LM8.2

2002-06-03 Thread Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 31 May 2002 2:53 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

 I had no trouble creating my kmail addressbook from my old
 netscape.ldif  file.

 Since then of course I have gone on to create more new addresses.

 I back up to the kab file in home/.kde/share/apps/kab/addressbook.kab
 and subsequently restore it via the kmail-file-addressbook -import
 etc but this always fails.

 There is kmail - file - import but no catagory for importing
 addressbook.kab files.

 So how does one import address.kab addressbook files to kmail ?

A possible solution would be to copy it back to the directory you 
mentioned ;)

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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[newbie] anonymous ftp

2002-06-03 Thread Azrael

Can't seem to get anonymous ftp working either.

Been fiddling on webmin and I thought I had done the trick.. but to no 

Can anyone tell the the correct details to put into the proftp.conf 
file? If that's indeed what I need to do.. or what I should do otherwise :)

many thanks

-- Azrael

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RE: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Schwenk, Jeanie wrote:

 I give them to my teenage daughter who then nukes them in the wave for about
 3 seconds (cool patterns result)  She then hangs them on her wall.  It looks
 pretty good especially when she has the black light on.
 Yeah, it's probably not that great on the wave but she's been doing it for
 about a year and I can still heat up my tea.

I'm going to have to do that one again. it's been a while since last it 
was done. kinda miss the excitement. My wife didn't know I had stuck 
something in there and thought I was running it empty. I told her that 
what she was seeing was the results of severe magnatron decay and that we 
were all being exposed to terrible levels of radiation. she was scared for 
a fraction of a second and then realized I wasn't in all that big a hurry 
to get out of the house. and of course the twinkle in my eye was a dead 

can't pull anything over on her...  ;)

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
If your wife told you NOT to do it there's probably a real good reason!
Penguinized since 1997

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[newbie] Handspring Visor

2002-06-03 Thread Matt Blake

How do i get mt Handspring Visor working in 8.2 and Ximian Gnome - it is
on a USB port. First of all, am i correct to do a symbolic link from
/dev/pilot to /dev/usb ?  Secondly if i try and sync by saying i have
used other syncing software with the pda before - which i have in
windows it cannot find a connection.  How can i make it find a
connection using the settings i had on windows and therefore
transferring all my data straight over to linux?  Or do i need to
completely reinstall everything on my PDA to get it to work in 8.2/

I also posted the other day about how to inport my Ms Outlook .pst
settings and Outlook Express address book - any ideas from anybody how i
can do this?


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[newbie] KDE3! Floppy save locks the PC completely!!!

2002-06-03 Thread Dimitris Ioannou

Hi people

I remember sometime ago when someone did post that if we should avoid locking 
up the whole PC while trying to save data to floppy via drag n' drop we 
should be changing the default fstype to auto from vfat to /etc/fstab that 
comes with setup. I actually did that. No nothing. PC freezes completely. 
Only solution to rebood it using the reset button. I can only save data to 
floppy via command-line.

Any ideas will be as always much appreciated

Registered Linux User 271321
This message was sent from a Microsoft_Free PC.
Help Microsoft stamp out piracy.Give Linux to a friend today.

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[newbie] Sound Server fatal error

2002-06-03 Thread Manuel Soto

Hi all,

I don't know why but from several days ago I receive the following
messages when entring to kde

Sound server fatal errror

/tmp/mcop-msoto is accesible owned by user

this file doesn't exist.

Any body know how to solve it?

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Re: [newbie] Handspring Visor

2002-06-03 Thread K Montgomery

Have you seen this HOWTO?


(Do a Google search and you'll find this document lots of places.)

I recently been successful in getting my new Visor Edge to sync.  That
HOWTO helped me a lot -- it might help you.  (Not to say RTFM -- I
just don't remember all the steps I took, plus I don't currently use
Gnome to sync [I use jpilot].)  You may be able to form more specific
questions after you read the document.

I've no clue on the subject of Outlook.

- Kathy

On Mon, 2002-06-03 at 12:14, Matt Blake wrote:
 How do i get mt Handspring Visor working in 8.2 and Ximian Gnome - it is
 on a USB port. First of all, am i correct to do a symbolic link from
 /dev/pilot to /dev/usb ?  Secondly if i try and sync by saying i have
 used other syncing software with the pda before - which i have in
 windows it cannot find a connection.  How can i make it find a
 connection using the settings i had on windows and therefore
 transferring all my data straight over to linux?  Or do i need to
 completely reinstall everything on my PDA to get it to work in 8.2/
 I also posted the other day about how to inport my Ms Outlook .pst
 settings and Outlook Express address book - any ideas from anybody how i
 can do this?

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Re: [newbie] KDE3! Floppy save locks the PC completely!!!

2002-06-03 Thread darklord

On Monday 03 June 2002 04:03 pm, you wrote:
 Hi people

 I remember sometime ago when someone did post that if we should avoid
 locking up the whole PC while trying to save data to floppy via drag n'
 drop we should be changing the default fstype to auto from vfat to
 /etc/fstab that comes with setup. I actually did that. No nothing. PC
 freezes completely. Only solution to rebood it using the reset button. I
 can only save data to floppy via command-line.

 Any ideas will be as always much appreciated


DImitris - Hi! I too did what others suggested and changed fs=vfat to auto 
in /etc/fstaband like you, it made no difference whatsoever...still locks 
up hard.

I'd also like to see a solution to this problem.

See ya!


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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Thread Dwight Hines

 I give mine to our local community education centre. Last Christmas the
 nursery had a ball making tree decorations, and sticking the CDs on paper
 plates for xmas parties. I even got a hand made card (by 3 yr olds) saying
 thank you :-))

We need to keep this thread going. It's the only one on the list I


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Re: [newbie] KDE3! Floppy save locks the PC completely!!!

2002-06-03 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Mon, 3 Jun 2002 16:35:15 -0400
darklord [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday 03 June 2002 04:03 pm, you wrote:
  Hi people
  I remember sometime ago when someone did post that if we should
  avoid locking up the whole PC while trying to save data to floppy
  via drag n' drop we should be changing the default fstype to auto
  from vfat to/etc/fstab that comes with setup. I actually did that.
  No nothing. PC freezes completely. Only solution to rebood it using
  the reset button. I can only save data to floppy via command-line.
  Any ideas will be as always much appreciated
 DImitris - Hi! I too did what others suggested and changed fs=vfat
 to auto in /etc/fstaband like you, it made no difference
 whatsoever...still locks up hard.
 I'd also like to see a solution to this problem.

This is a problem with konqueror.
I never use it so what I offer is in the nature of a work around rather
than a solution.

Try emelfm.
It is a twin pane file file mgr that make coping, moving, and a
multitude of other task even simpler than drag n' drop.

If you want to give it a try it can be dled from the 8.2 Contrib dirc of
any mandrake mirror. (It is not included on the CDs)



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[newbie] Dial on Demand

2002-06-03 Thread Mark Annandale

Hi Guys

Could someone possibly point me at a tutorial to set up dial on demand with 
Mandrake 8.2 ?

I would like a couple of 'doze pc's at home to connect to the net via my Linux 
box, just for surfing.



Mark A

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RE: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Thread Franki

I hope they scratch all the CD's first.. I'd hate to see them sent back out
by AOL. :-)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bill Davidson
Sent: Sunday, 2 June 2002 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

On 02 Jun 2002 02:48:26 +0300
Robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Damn, I just threw out about 20 old CDs!

 Sir Robin

 On Sun, 2002-06-02 at 00:23, Dwight Hines wrote:
   Over the course of two years, I've been tossing old
   CDs in a pile. I'm guessing there are about 100 now.
   Any interesting ideas as to what I could do with
  First, be sure your wife is not at home.  The children will love
  this but it is not something you want them doing alone.
  Stack 4 or five disks together.  Separate them by a small hard
  plastic button in the middle.  Put the stack, and be sure you line
  the disks up neatly after you put it on the bottom, in the
  microwave. Hit the on button and watch the incredible fireworks.
  Be sure to stop the microwave before there is a real stinking
  Or, you can send the disks to
  The United States Coast Guard
  in Indiannapolis, Indiana
  They will turn them into reflective disks to put into life jackets.
  Good thing to do, the latter.

This is a bit off the topic at hand, but there's a site call
nomoreaolcds.com I believe it is. Their goal is to collect 1 million aol
cds and mail them straight back to aol. I know I'm rooting for em. ;)


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Re: [newbie] Hylafax from OpenOffice

2002-06-03 Thread Derek Jennings

On Monday 03 Jun 2002 5:40 pm, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
 On Sunday 02 June 2002 06:03 pm, you wrote:
  On Sunday 02 Jun 2002 9:07 pm, Malcolm Candlish wrote:
   Thank you for your reply. I am grateful to know it will work!
   I followed your instructions:-
   root cd to spadmin
   click new printer
   click 'Connect to Fax'
  No do not select 'Connect a fax device'
  Just select 'Add a printer' then select 'Generic Printer' and give
   qtcups --stdin
  as the command
  I am sure you could also use the 'connect a fax device' button in
  which case you would put the correct hylafax command in the command

 I'm having a problem with this too. My modem doesn't want to be
 recognized either to fax or dialout. It's a standard USR fax/modem, not
 a WinModem. It works fine on that other OS, COM2, everything looks
 like it's set up properly but I always get the message, Sorry, the
 modem doesn't respond. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Well you are not going to get faxing working until your modem is recognised 

What happens if you open KmenuNetworkingRemote AccessKPPPSetupModemQuery 
Modem  ?

Does it help if you change the default device from /dev/modem to /dev/ttyS1 
(or one of the other serial devices)  ?

If you cannot get communication with your modem, then it may be that COM2 has 
an Interrupt conflict with another device in which case using COM1 may help, 
or playing with interrupt assignments in your BIOS


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RE: [newbie] A cheap home network to play with.

2002-06-03 Thread Franki

I don't know if this was answered or not, so I'll put my 10 cents in..

I tried this once.. the best I could achieve was to make both the outside
systems see the PIII and vice versa, but the two outside machines could not
see each other.

I didn't play around with routing though, conceivably, setting some static
routs may have fixed that..

the question you have to ask though, is why? hubs are really really cheap..
(a 4 port 10baseT hub is less then the price of two network cards.) and you
can have a decent setup.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael Adams
Sent: Sunday, 2 June 2002 10:20 AM
Subject: [newbie] A cheap home network to play with.

I have the P3 500 box running 8.2 at present. I have been given two P1 100
machines. I want to have a go at setting up a network with them. Ideally a
hub is the way to go and it allows expansion. But i have Scottish ancestors
and this is more of the nature of an experiment than anything else.

So could i put two NICs in the P3, each one connected to a NIC in a P1 box?

I will get one P1 running 8.2 working for my flatmate to use the printer on
the P3 and perhaps load W95 or W98SE on the other to learn about SaMBa.


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Re: [newbie] Dial on Demand

2002-06-03 Thread Manuel Soto

I've 8.1 but should by the same.

Try this

== /etc/ppp/options
# route local requests to the internet
# accept dynamic IPs given by the ISP
# fine. Now make sure pppd hangs up when
# idle for too long. Here testing with 30 sec
idle 240
#Specifies that pppd should create a UUCP-style lock file
#Specifies how many seconds to wait before re-initi­
# ating  the  link  after it terminates.
holdoff 5
== /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
# Secrets for authentication using CHAP
# clientserver  secret  IP addresses
# Added by linuxconf
youruser*   yourpassword *
== pap-secrets
just link to /etc/ppp/chap-secrets as
ln /etc/ppp/chap-secrets /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
== /etc/ppp/modem
modem 115200 crtscts
== /etc/peers/isp (you my change it)
connect /usr/sbin/chat  -v -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-isp
user youruser   --- change it
holdoff 5
idle 120
== /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-isp
'TIMEOUT' '40'
'ABORT' 'Invalid Login'
'ABORT' 'Login incorrect'
'ABORT' 'Authentication failed'
'' 'AT'
'OK' 'ATZ'
'OK' 'ATX3'
'OK' 'ATF1'
'OK' 'ATDT2769000'   change it
== /etc/sysconfig/pppd.default
# (c) Manuel Soto
# the first is the ISP by default
# swap lines as required

coolcard# Coolcard  --- yor default ISP
telcel  # Telcel.net.ve --- other ISP

== /etc/init.d/pppd
# pppd  This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
#   ppp connections
# description: pppd is the ppp denmon
# processname: pppd
# config: /etc/ppp
# pidfile: /var/run/pppd.pid

# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

# Source networking configuration.
. /etc/sysconfig/network

# Check that networking is up.
[ ${NETWORKING} = no ]  exit 0

[ -f /usr/sbin/pppd ] || exit 0


# See how we were called.
case $1 in
# Start daemons.

echo -n Starting pppd: 
ISP=`sed -e 's/#.*$//' -e 's/^ *#//' -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d'
/etc/sysconfig/pppd.default|head -1`
daemon  /usr/sbin/pppd call $ISP
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]  touch /var/lock/subsys/pppd
# Stop daemons.
echo -n Shutting down pppd: 
killproc pppd
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]  rm -f /var/lock/subsys/pppd
$0 stop
$0 start
status pppd
echo Usage: pppd {start|stop|restart|status}
exit 1

exit $RETVAL
On Mon, 2002-06-03 at 18:49, Mark Annandale wrote:
 Hi Guys
 Could someone possibly point me at a tutorial to set up dial on demand with 
 Mandrake 8.2 ?
 I would like a couple of 'doze pc's at home to connect to the net via my Linux 
 box, just for surfing.
 Mark A

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] linux virus

2002-06-03 Thread Bill Winegarden

I know the likelihood of a linux virus is very (extremely) small but at 
Symantec there is a write up about one


Does anyone on the list have any info on this particular virus.the method 
of checking on a linux system; how to be rid of it, etc?

Thanks and regards,
Bill W.

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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Thread Linman

Okay, you guys are gonna get me in trouble with the wife.  I am REALLY trying 
to hold back the urge to nuke my old CDs.  I want to see fireworks and cool 
patterns on the CDs.  Is there such a thing as a support group??

On Monday 03 June 2002 01:27 pm, you wrote:
 On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Schwenk, Jeanie wrote:
  I give them to my teenage daughter who then nukes them in the wave for
  about 3 seconds (cool patterns result)  She then hangs them on her wall. 
  It looks pretty good especially when she has the black light on.
  Yeah, it's probably not that great on the wave but she's been doing it
  for about a year and I can still heat up my tea.

 I'm going to have to do that one again. it's been a while since last it
 was done. kinda miss the excitement. My wife didn't know I had stuck
 something in there and thought I was running it empty. I told her that
 what she was seeing was the results of severe magnatron decay and that we
 were all being exposed to terrible levels of radiation. she was scared for
 a fraction of a second and then realized I wasn't in all that big a hurry
 to get out of the house. and of course the twinkle in my eye was a dead

 can't pull anything over on her...  ;)

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Re: [newbie] linux virus

2002-06-03 Thread D. Olson

Hey, umm we've been discussing this for a while already. Just join in our 

On Monday 03 June 2002 08:34 pm, you wrote:
   I know the likelihood of a linux virus is very (extremely) small but at
 Symantec there is a write up about one


 Does anyone on the list have any info on this particular virus.the
 method of checking on a linux system; how to be rid of it, etc?

 Thanks and regards,
 Bill W.

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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Thread Dwight Hines


You can't just nuke one, said Oppenheimer.
The support group that helps people who keep optimizing their hard drives
with Norton Speed disk just to see all those lines and colors flashing all
around will probably be of some help.
P.S.  If you think this is the type of thing that might upset her, and you
still are determined to do it, might as well go ahead and disable the light
bulb inside the wave so you see the effects even better.
But, then again, all the men who have done that are divorced.

 Okay, you guys are gonna get me in trouble with the wife.  I am REALLY trying
 to hold back the urge to nuke my old CDs.  I want to see fireworks and cool
 patterns on the CDs.  Is there such a thing as a support group??
 On Monday 03 June 2002 01:27 pm, you wrote:
 On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Schwenk, Jeanie wrote:
 I give them to my teenage daughter who then nukes them in the wave for
 about 3 seconds (cool patterns result)  She then hangs them on her wall.
 It looks pretty good especially when she has the black light on.
 Yeah, it's probably not that great on the wave but she's been doing it
 for about a year and I can still heat up my tea.
 I'm going to have to do that one again. it's been a while since last it
 was done. kinda miss the excitement. My wife didn't know I had stuck
 something in there and thought I was running it empty. I told her that
 what she was seeing was the results of severe magnatron decay and that we
 were all being exposed to terrible levels of radiation. she was scared for
 a fraction of a second and then realized I wasn't in all that big a hurry
 to get out of the house. and of course the twinkle in my eye was a dead
 can't pull anything over on her...  ;)
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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Thread Nick Baker

On Monday 03 June 2002 06:55 pm, you wrote:
 You can't just nuke one, said Oppenheimer.

 The support group that helps people who keep optimizing their hard drives
 with Norton Speed disk just to see all those lines and colors flashing all
 around will probably be of some help.
 P.S.  If you think this is the type of thing that might upset her, and you
 still are determined to do it, might as well go ahead and disable the light
 bulb inside the wave so you see the effects even better.
 But, then again, all the men who have done that are divorced.

  Okay, you guys are gonna get me in trouble with the wife.  I am REALLY
  trying to hold back the urge to nuke my old CDs.  I want to see fireworks
  and cool patterns on the CDs.  Is there such a thing as a support group??
  On Monday 03 June 2002 01:27 pm, you wrote:
  On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Schwenk, Jeanie wrote:
  I give them to my teenage daughter who then nukes them in the wave for
  about 3 seconds (cool patterns result)  She then hangs them on her
  wall. It looks pretty good especially when she has the black light on.
  Yeah, it's probably not that great on the wave but she's been doing it
  for about a year and I can still heat up my tea.
  I'm going to have to do that one again. it's been a while since last it
  was done. kinda miss the excitement. My wife didn't know I had stuck
  something in there and thought I was running it empty. I told her that
  what she was seeing was the results of severe magnatron decay and that
  we were all being exposed to terrible levels of radiation. she was
  scared for a fraction of a second and then realized I wasn't in all that
  big a hurry to get out of the house. and of course the twinkle in my eye
  was a dead give-away.
  can't pull anything over on her...  ;)
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Pick up a microwave at a garage sale for $5, put it in the garage,  and nuke 
whatever 'till it pukes. Cheaper than a movie or a first-run dvd 3-day rental.
(same principle as putting the seat down on the WC.)



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[newbie] HP 3200c

2002-06-03 Thread verysmiley

Please, does anybody managed to make HP3200c scanner working on Mandrake?



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Re: [newbie] Dial on Demand

2002-06-03 Thread Manuel Soto

On Mon, 2002-06-03 at 20:00, Manuel Soto wrote:
 I've 8.1 but should by the same.
 Try this
 == /etc/ppp/options
 # route local requests to the internet
 # accept dynamic IPs given by the ISP
 # fine. Now make sure pppd hangs up when
 # idle for too long. Here testing with 30 sec
 idle 240
 #Specifies that pppd should create a UUCP-style lock file
 #Specifies how many seconds to wait before re-initi­
 # ating  the  link  after it terminates.
 holdoff 5
 == /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
 # Secrets for authentication using CHAP
 # clientserver  secret  IP addresses
 # Added by linuxconf
 youruser*   yourpassword *
 == pap-secrets
 just link to /etc/ppp/chap-secrets as
 ln /etc/ppp/chap-secrets /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
 == /etc/ppp/modem
 modem 115200 crtscts
 == /etc/peers/isp (you my change it)
 connect /usr/sbin/chat  -v -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-isp
 user youruser --- change it
 holdoff 5
 idle 120

#add 2 valid IPs like ifconfig display example...
 == /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-isp
 'TIMEOUT' '40'
 'ABORT' 'Invalid Login'
 'ABORT' 'Login incorrect'
 'ABORT' 'Authentication failed'
 '' 'AT'
 'OK' 'ATZ'
 'OK' 'ATX3'
 'OK' 'ATF1'
 'OK' 'ATDT2769000' change it
 == /etc/sysconfig/pppd.default
 # (c) Manuel Soto
 # the first is the ISP by default
 # swap lines as required
 coolcard# Coolcard--- yor default ISP
 telcel  # Telcel.net.ve   --- other ISP
 == /etc/init.d/pppd
 # pppd  This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
 #   ppp connections
 # description: pppd is the ppp denmon
 # processname: pppd
 # config: /etc/ppp
 # pidfile: /var/run/pppd.pid
 # Source function library.
 . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
 # Source networking configuration.
 . /etc/sysconfig/network
 # Check that networking is up.
 [ ${NETWORKING} = no ]  exit 0
 [ -f /usr/sbin/pppd ] || exit 0
 # See how we were called.
 case $1 in
 # Start daemons.
 echo -n Starting pppd: 
 ISP=`sed -e 's/#.*$//' -e 's/^ *#//' -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$/d'
 /etc/sysconfig/pppd.default|head -1`
 daemon  /usr/sbin/pppd call $ISP
 [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]  touch /var/lock/subsys/pppd
 # Stop daemons.
 echo -n Shutting down pppd: 
 killproc pppd
 [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]  rm -f /var/lock/subsys/pppd
 $0 stop
 $0 start
 status pppd
 echo Usage: pppd {start|stop|restart|status}
 exit 1
 exit $RETVAL
 On Mon, 2002-06-03 at 18:49, Mark Annandale wrote:
  Hi Guys
  Could someone possibly point me at a tutorial to set up dial on demand with 
  Mandrake 8.2 ?
  I would like a couple of 'doze pc's at home to connect to the net via my Linux 
  box, just for surfing.
  Mark A
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Re: [newbie] linux virus

2002-06-03 Thread Bill Winegarden

I checked the archives'virus', 'trojan', 'simile', etc.nothing is 
showing up.can you give me a message header to work with here...

Bill W.

On Monday 03 June 2002 05:51 pm, you wrote:
 Hey, umm we've been discussing this for a while already. Just join in our

 On Monday 03 June 2002 08:34 pm, you wrote:
  I know the likelihood of a linux virus is very (extremely) small but at
  Symantec there is a write up about one
  Does anyone on the list have any info on this particular virus.the
  method of checking on a linux system; how to be rid of it, etc?
  Thanks and regards,
  Bill W.

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[newbie] SNF 7.2 and VPN.

2002-06-03 Thread Chris Lynch
Title: SNF 7.2 and VPN.

Hash: SHA1

Has anyone installed any VPN server software on Mandrake's SNF 7.2?
Anyone successful? Any tips?



Version: PGP 7.1
Comment: Public Key Signature for Chris Lynch


Description: Binary data

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 install gone awry

2002-06-03 Thread Scott Wagner

I've copied the patch numerous times and each time I try the install when it
comes to the part where you partition the hard drive the floppy drive starts
to work and it just works and works and nothing happens until I finally exit
the install.
What should the file type of the copied patch be?  Windows saves it as a
text file and I wonder if this is a problem.


- Original Message -
From: Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.2 install gone awry

 On Monday 03 June 2002 12:32 am, Michael Adams wrote:
  On Mon, 03 Jun 2002 07:12, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
   On Sunday 02 June 2002 02:50 pm, Scott Wagner wrote:
I am reduced to using windows now since trying to install 8.2 and
trying to make a floppy with a patch on it like it tells you on the
Mandrake errata page.  Can anyone tell me how to make a DOS file
on a floppy with windows 98?  My patch isn't working and I'm
its because the filesystem is FAT rather than DOS.
   Scott, try this :
   1. download the patch once more (it's very small) and save it on your
   c-drive 2. insert a floppy, open a ms-dos prompt and type : format a:
   3. when done, change directory cd to the one with the patch
   4. type : copy patch.pl a:
   5. the screen will tell you that 1 file was copied.
   6. remove the floppy, insert your mdk 8.2 CD
   7. reboot
   8. the CD starts whirring, now re-insert the floppy
   9. that's all. If still in trouble, repost to the list.
   Kaj Haulrich
  This patch doesn't need to be written as an image using rawwrite does
  Just checking.


 No, it doesn't. A plain copy will do.


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Re: [newbie] linux virus

2002-06-03 Thread D. Olson

Oh geez... Sorry... I am subscribed to both the newbie and the expert mailing 
lists... Heh... Sorry again. :|

On Monday 03 June 2002 10:46 pm, you wrote:
   I checked the archives'virus', 'trojan', 'simile', etc.nothing is
 showing up.can you give me a message header to work with here...

 Bill W.

 On Monday 03 June 2002 05:51 pm, you wrote:
  Hey, umm we've been discussing this for a while already. Just join in our
  On Monday 03 June 2002 08:34 pm, you wrote:
 I know the likelihood of a linux virus is very (extremely) small but
   at Symantec there is a write up about one
   Does anyone on the list have any info on this particular virus.the
   method of checking on a linux system; how to be rid of it, etc?
   Thanks and regards,
   Bill W.

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RE: [newbie] 8.2 install gone awry

2002-06-03 Thread Franki


does it have the extension .pl ? or is it .pl.txt  if its the later, thats
your problem.

also, if you open it in a windows txt editor like notepad, then you can be
adding windows return characters to it..

when you save it, make sure you save it withouth the txt extension.. and
make sure you don't open it in notepad.

save it directly to the blank floppy, don't copy from your hard disk. (less
chance of problems that way.)

a .pl file is a perl script, which is essentially a text file.. windows
sometimes makes wrong assumptions and can assume incorrectly that it should
be a txt file.. (IE can be bad for that.) when you save it, make sure you
have the bottom  box in the save as dialog box set to *.* all files.. not

just some thoughts.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Scott Wagner
Sent: Tuesday, 4 June 2002 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.2 install gone awry

I've copied the patch numerous times and each time I try the install when it
comes to the part where you partition the hard drive the floppy drive starts
to work and it just works and works and nothing happens until I finally exit
the install.
What should the file type of the copied patch be?  Windows saves it as a
text file and I wonder if this is a problem.


- Original Message -
From: Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.2 install gone awry

 On Monday 03 June 2002 12:32 am, Michael Adams wrote:
  On Mon, 03 Jun 2002 07:12, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
   On Sunday 02 June 2002 02:50 pm, Scott Wagner wrote:
I am reduced to using windows now since trying to install 8.2 and
trying to make a floppy with a patch on it like it tells you on the
Mandrake errata page.  Can anyone tell me how to make a DOS file
on a floppy with windows 98?  My patch isn't working and I'm
its because the filesystem is FAT rather than DOS.
   Scott, try this :
   1. download the patch once more (it's very small) and save it on your
   c-drive 2. insert a floppy, open a ms-dos prompt and type : format a:
   3. when done, change directory cd to the one with the patch
   4. type : copy patch.pl a:
   5. the screen will tell you that 1 file was copied.
   6. remove the floppy, insert your mdk 8.2 CD
   7. reboot
   8. the CD starts whirring, now re-insert the floppy
   9. that's all. If still in trouble, repost to the list.
   Kaj Haulrich
  This patch doesn't need to be written as an image using rawwrite does
  Just checking.


 No, it doesn't. A plain copy will do.


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RE: [newbie] 8.2 install gone awry

2002-06-03 Thread Franki

that sounds like some sort of hardware issue to me..

what have you changed on your PC since then?? bios settings?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Scott Wagner
Sent: Tuesday, 4 June 2002 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.2 install gone awry

And another thing, while I'm at it, I don't get why, since this install of
8.2 went south, I now get the same error messages when I try to reinstall
8.0, which worked perfectly fine before?
- Original Message -
From: Scott Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.2 install gone awry

 I've copied the patch numerous times and each time I try the install when
 comes to the part where you partition the hard drive the floppy drive
 to work and it just works and works and nothing happens until I finally
 the install.
 What should the file type of the copied patch be?  Windows saves it as a
 text file and I wonder if this is a problem.


 - Original Message -
 From: Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 8:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.2 install gone awry

  On Monday 03 June 2002 12:32 am, Michael Adams wrote:
   On Mon, 03 Jun 2002 07:12, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
On Sunday 02 June 2002 02:50 pm, Scott Wagner wrote:
 I am reduced to using windows now since trying to install 8.2 and
 trying to make a floppy with a patch on it like it tells you on
 Mandrake errata page.  Can anyone tell me how to make a DOS file
 on a floppy with windows 98?  My patch isn't working and I'm
 its because the filesystem is FAT rather than DOS.

Scott, try this :
1. download the patch once more (it's very small) and save it on
c-drive 2. insert a floppy, open a ms-dos prompt and type : format
3. when done, change directory cd to the one with the patch
4. type : copy patch.pl a:
5. the screen will tell you that 1 file was copied.
6. remove the floppy, insert your mdk 8.2 CD
7. reboot
8. the CD starts whirring, now re-insert the floppy
9. that's all. If still in trouble, repost to the list.
Kaj Haulrich
   This patch doesn't need to be written as an image using rawwrite does
   Just checking.
  No, it doesn't. A plain copy will do.


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