Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Avviare Gnome o KDE

2002-06-23 Thread Benedetto Santarella

Fatto, Gnome parte mentre KDE no, ho anche provato
con startx kde-session, ma anche questo non funziona!!!
N.B. Kde e' sicuramente installato e funzionante !

 [newbie-it] Avviare Gnome o KDE wrote:
  Come posso scegliere Gnome o KDE quando lancio

 possono esserci molti modi.
 quello che uso io e':

 edita o crea se non c'e' il file
 nella tua home
 scrivici dentro
 exec $1
 al prossimo lancio di X
 puoi scrivere
 startx kde e ti parte il kde
 startx gnome-session e ti parte gnome
 e cosi' via.


   \ | /
     (@ @)
 Benedetto Santarella


[newbie-it] ragionevole proposta

2002-06-23 Thread gheblond

Propongo di mandare una e-mail di qualsiasi tipo (va bene di tutto) a 
chiunque chiede di sapere come si fa ad uscire (a cancellarsi) da questa ml. 
Della serie... per ogni e-mail del genere te ne arrivano centomila!!! 

ciao a tutti 

[newbie-it] gimp e web

2002-06-23 Thread Arwan


dovrei ridurre una trentina di foto a dimensioni predefinite, e
abitualmente creavo una art gallery con Photoshop: il programma
produceva da solo una pagina html con tutte le immagini dentro, ridotte a
dimensioni da me stabilite, caricandole da una cartella che lui stesso
creava. Quindi l'output dell'operazione erano grossomodo un file html, una
cartella con le immagini piccole ed una con quelle con la dimensione
di partenza. E' possibile fare lo stesso con gimp? Se si', come?

A presto,
 Arwan  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie-it] evolution account

2002-06-23 Thread Arwan

Ciao !

  Qualcuno mi sa dire come si impostano piu' account su evolution? Ho
  creato i primi due, pero' del secondo non riesco a dare la password
  per scaricare le mail, e, ovviamente, quando faccio invia/ricevi va
  in errore. Trovo la casellina con ricorda la password ma non
  quella dove inserirla... :-(
  Altra cosa: come gestisce evolution piu' account? Ogni account ha il
  suo blocco di cartelle invio/inviata/arrivo/cestino etc (come fa
  the bat, per esempio), oppure sono uniche per tutti e devo impostare i filtri
  per separare quello ceh arriva/parte con un account da cio' che
  parte/arriva con gli altri?
A presto,
 Arwan  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie-it] Il demone esound rinnega Gnome.

2002-06-23 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

  LukenShiro wrote:
  Se non usi una seconda scheda sonora, puoi disattivare le richieste
  con un alias sound-slot-1 off in /etc/modules.conf

  Giuseppe Ferruzzi wrote:
  Ho provato ma mi rimane ancora la scritta
  modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-1-0

Ho definitivamente risolto questo problema inserendo anche un  alias
module sound-service-1-0 off   in /etc/modules.conf

Quindi riassumendo,  il problema del demone esound a cui era
inaccessibile la presa per il collegamento dell'audio (per una questione
di permessi e proprietà) è stato risolto solo reinstallando linux
mentre  il discorso che il sistema non poteva soddisfare le richieste
per la scheda audio AC97 integrata e disattivata da bios sono state
definitivamente zittite dai due comandi suddetti.

Ciao e grazie LukenShiro per la tua instancabile disponibilità.

Saluti cordiali da Giuseppe.

Re: [newbie-it] evolution account

2002-06-23 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi

  Arwan wrote:

Ciao !

  Qualcuno mi sa dire come si impostano piu' account su evolution? Ho
  creato i primi due, pero' del secondo non riesco a dare la password
  per scaricare le mail, e, ovviamente, quando faccio invia/ricevi va
  in errore. Trovo la casellina con ricorda la password ma non
  quella dove inserirla... :-(

Premetto che ho solo provato evolution e che preferisco mozilla che è 
completo, il migliore in assoluto (almeno per me).
Comunque se hai più indirizzi di posta elettronica hai due possibilità:
Se ti colleghi sempre con lo stesso provider quando inserisci la 
configurazione del server SMTP metti sempre la stessa del provider che 
usi  mentre il pop deve essere quello di ogni rispettivo provider;
-Se invece usi alternativamente diversi account per la connessione 
magari perchè quello che normalmente utilizzi
è congestionato, allora devi mettere tutti i rispettivi SMTP e settare 
predefinito su quello con il quale occasionalmente ti stai connettendo, 
il sistema è lo stesso come outlook express della microsoft per esempio.
Per la password in fase di creazione di un nuovo account o modifica 
account  basta spuntare ricorda la password e questa non ti verrà 
richiesta, altrimenti si. Poi c'è da fare alcune prove per verificare il 
perfetto funzionamento mandandoti una automail per ogni account che 

  Altra cosa: come gestisce evolution piu' account? Ogni account ha il
  suo blocco di cartelle invio/inviata/arrivo/cestino etc (come fa
  the bat, per esempio), oppure sono uniche per tutti e devo impostare i filtri
  per separare quello ceh arriva/parte con un account da cio' che
  parte/arriva con gli altri?
A presto,
 Arwan  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Qui non so darti una spiegazione precisa. Mi ricordo solo che i messaggi 
li metteva tutti insieme in un unica posta ricevuta ma penso che li 
possa mettere anche separati  perchè se guardi la tua directory di 
evolution vi sono delle chace per ogni pop-account, mi ricordo però che 
le mie erano vuote nonostante avevo ricevuto alcune mail. C'è da fare 
alcune prove al riguardo. Forse qualcun altro potra dirti di più su questo.

Ciao da Giuseppe.

Re: [newbie] compact flash card usb reader

2002-06-23 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 23 June 2002 12:44 am, you wrote:
 Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Saturday 22 June 2002 10:47 pm, you wrote:
 On Saturday 22 June 2002 07:30 pm, Dennis Myers did speak unto the
 masses, saying:
 Hi all, I bought a PNY compact flash card reader, usb type and had seen
 where several folks were able to use it on Mandrake 8.2.  I tried
 mounting it but it is not coming up. I used mount -t  vfat /dev/sda1
 /mnt/compactflash reply is  /mnt/compactflash does not exist.  What or
 how do I create a mount point for the card reader and how do I find out
 what it's device name is? Harddrake doesn't tell me, just says unknown.
 Hate to take it back the package is a pain to put back together. TIA for
 any help.
 if i understand you correctly (i likely don't) just make a
 /mnt/compactflash directory.
 I did that and I get  mount: fs type fs=vfat not supported by kernel. 
  So the line I have in fstab is: /dev/sda1 /mnt/compactflash fs=vfat
  noauto,user 0 0
 and that just doesn't feel right.   Oh I had previously done the
 mkdir /mnt/compactflash but nothing shows up in mtab. The directory is
 there in /mnt but nothing in it even though the card in the reader has a
 couple of pictures on it.  Any ideas? All help is appreciated.
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 What happens when you do

 rpm -qa | grep hotplug


I get:  
 [root@dennis dennis]# rpm -qa | grep hotplug

so I guess hotplug is installed,  that's good right?
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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[newbie] OT: Gnome Panel Level ??

2002-06-23 Thread gikoreno
 Hi everyone,

I know this is off topic, but maybe someone knows what's up with this...

I just created a floating panel in Gnome, and added a "Desk Guide".
Then I played around with the settings of the panel, and when I got to 
Panel/Properties/Level, I changed it from "Default" to "Below".

The panel disappeared, and I have no clue whatsoever if it was deleted, or if it went under (below?) or how I can access it again?. I would just delete it and place a new one, but I can't select it since I can't see it.

So my question is how do I know if it's still there (but invisible) and if it is still there how do I select it? And what does "Level" mean in the first place?

The docs don't mention this (at least I haven't found them saying anything about this).

Thanks in advance!!!

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading Gcc to 3.01 from bugy 2.96 under Mandrak 8.2

2002-06-23 Thread Duane King

I say 'buggy' becouse it does not compile some libs
correclty; I was/am trying to compile and install the
newest version of Mplayer (As said in the email- see,
I DID tell you the prog), but due to the fact that
some of the libs (like LAME for example)compile
incorrectly due to a very small bug in the code that
does not get used many times due to its nature, I am
sorry if I offended, but I consider something buggy if
it fails to do even one simple thing it should, such
as failing to compile a bit of code when the
language's own parameters lets you do it such and such
a way; Its a personal definition, not stricly a
technical one, although it does have merit under that
term as well, you must admit - Once again, my headache
(As I again said in the email) made me forget to
#define myself a bit more.. oops.

As for the agressive defence of it, I understand what
you are saying, as I said, its a rare thing, yet when
it does happen it creates errors; No matter how little
experiance you have as a programer, a error is still a
bug - I was not mistaken, although your point is
taken, understood, and agreed on ;)

As for cooker, if you are on the dev team (I have no
idea, as I have not been on this list long enough to
know the dynamics in detail), then may I sugest you
take out xmovie and replace it with a working Mplayer?

AS for my problem, I did a standard upgrade/install
from source; Yet when I do a --version, I get th old
one.. as if its not taking, strangly enough - any
ideas on this?

--- civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Fri, 21 Jun 2002 10:19:08 -0700 (PDT)
 Duane King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Due to the buggy nature of the mandrake installed
 2.96 (I fail to understand just why they installed
 buggy gcc in the first place.. blah), and the fact
 that it can not compile some sound and vidio libs
 I do not know what compile problems you are having
 But the Mandrake
 version of gcc-2.9.6 Was and Is not buggy.
 I used it for nearly a year.
 The more probable reason is that you are missing a
 necessary lib are
 devel needed for the specific apps that you are
 trying to  build or that
 they themselves were built using a different
 But since you did not bother to name those programs
 there is no way to
 The way to fight a woman is with your hat.  Grab it
 and run.
 Charles A Edwards


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 Well, unles you believe Mandrake developers are
 idiots, you should note 
 that 2.96 has been in use there in preference to all
 others, for three 
 distros.  The so-called bugs were the fact that
 the compiler is 
 STRICT, not allowing sloppy C++ code that 2.95 did
 allow  (Perl compiled 
 under 2.95.3 actually failed its own regression
 tests at our shop). 
  Anyway, when we think about making a distro, we
 start with a compiler 
 we can trust.  We have tested all the gcc3.x
 compilers and yet they have 
 not been used...  Now finally, Cooker will be using
 a gcc3.1 version and 
 this is likely to become the 9.0 distro compiler,
 but until this time, 
 we had found nothing to match the performance of
 gcc2.96 in producing 
 reliable code (many times we had to tweak source,
 but usually it was 
 something simple like a header that was no longer
 loaded by default and 
 had to be #include (d).)  The fact that the number
 was abandoned by the 
 gcc team made no difference in the stability of the
 compiler, which was 
 a miraculous combination of patches.  It shouldn't
 have worked as well 
 as it has, but it undeniably did so.
 Now if we can compile 3000 packages with 2.96, could
 it be possible that 
 the one or two you have that won't compile might be
 missing something, 
 or be expecting some slack that is not there or even
 be set up as a few 
 packages were to refuse to compile if it saw 2.96?
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[newbie] Missing posts

2002-06-23 Thread Anne Wilson

I know others  have remarked on strange things happening, but I seem to 
often miss posts that start a new thread, picking it up on a reply.  But 
then I know I'm getting some others through replies to replies, and that 
includes some that I have posted myself.  Anyone any ideas as to what's 
happening?  I'm fairly sure my filtering isn't causing the problem.


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Re: [newbie] Windows, small OT on Linux-nonfb

2002-06-23 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Sun 23 Jun 2002 02:43, Michael Adams wrote:

 I thought the answer to this one (showing what is starting Ok) was to
 remove quiet in the lilo.conf stanza, then run lilo.

Right you are but I'm not the only user over here and some do like the 
graphical version, so that's the default:o)
I could also make my personal entry to boot in lilo as well but just selecting 
'linux non-fb' is easy enough.

Good luck,

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Re: [newbie] Missing posts

2002-06-23 Thread Jure Repinc

Anne Wilson wrote:
 I know others  have remarked on strange things happening, but I seem to 
 often miss posts that start a new thread, picking it up on a reply.  But 
 then I know I'm getting some others through replies to replies, and that 
 includes some that I have posted myself.  Anyone any ideas as to what's 
 happening?  I'm fairly sure my filtering isn't causing the problem.

I think that there is a problem, that some posts don't have Reply To set 
when you reply the post goes directly to the man who sent it. I don't 
know why some posts have Reply To set to some other e-mails but I guess 
that these posts have that set in advance and then scripts for this 
mailing list don't set it to correct e-mail. Maybe they should correct 
scripts to change all Reply To to the correct address or just append the 
correct one.

Live long and prosper!

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Re: [newbie] OT: Gnome Panel Level ??

2002-06-23 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 23 Jun 2002 03:28:10 -0400 (EDT), gikoreno [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi everyone,
 I know this is off topic, but maybe someone knows what's up with this...
 I just created a floating panel in Gnome, and added a Desk Guide.
 Then I played around with the settings of the panel, and when I got to 
 Panel/Properties/Level, I changed it from Default to Below.
 The panel disappeared, and I have no clue whatsoever if it was deleted, or if
 it went under (below?) or how I can access it again?. I would just delete it
 and place a new one, but I can't select it since I can't see it.
 So my question is how do I know if it's still there (but invisible) and if it
 is still there how do I select it? And what does Level mean in the first
 The docs don't mention this (at least I haven't found them saying anything
 about this).

2 options here:

  - Minimise all of your windows so that the desktop is visible.

  - Switch to a bare virtual desktop or viewport.

You should then be able to see that panel.

Also, please remove the 'Reply-To' on your mail. It makes responding to your
posts annoying.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

I think that throttling writers is fine and good, but as it stands now, the
dirty buffer balancing will throttle anybody, not just the writer.
-- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.3

2002-06-23 Thread Jordan Elver

I have looked on Mandrake site and no mention of 8.3, I assume you mean the 
latest cooker from one of the mirrors?

On Sunday 23 June 2002 12:27 am, you wrote:
 On Saturday 22 June 2002 03:06 pm, Jordan Elver wrote:
  Been searching the net for info on Mandrake 8.3 i.e. when and what
  it will include? Anyone know of any links or anything please?

 oLurk (don't post) on the cooker mailing list. It is _not_
 intended to be a discussion or support list. Please don't interfere
 with the developers communication

 oISO's of 8.3 have been available for a few weeks (6/05), d/l,
 beg, borrow or steal 'em(I havt'a resort to beggin ;)

 But to answer your query, newer glibc, kernel, gcc, KDE3, etc ...
 with all KDE3.01/Gnome/other apps re-compiled to be compatible with
 the new stuff. Think of it as RH 7.3 or SuSE 8.0, but with some good
 'ol Mandrake patience to fix the bugs first ;)

 Not for the faint hearted, but IMO _much_ better than an 8.2
 install with a KDE3 upgrade/co-install.  I'm not sure 'cause I don't
 use it, but Gnome2 is the other alternative besides all the other
 WM'rs.  KDE3 in this early beta of 8.3 works well ;)

Jordan Elver
Linux: Because rebooting is for adding new hardware

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Fwd: Re: [newbie] Problems with Win4Lin and Acrobat Reader 5

2002-06-23 Thread Derek Jennings

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: [newbie] Problems with Win4Lin and Acrobat Reader 5
Date: 23 Jun 2002 03:01:32 -0400
From: Terry Sheltra [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the replies that I've gotten .. both Win4Lin and Acrobat 5
are run natively, not within one another.  I've also come across
something strange.  When I use either of these apps in KDE, I can't read
the menus, but if I switch to GNOME, they become readable.  Is there
something wrong with KDE that's not displaying the font correctly?



On Sat, 2002-06-22 at 16:13, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Saturday 22 June 2002 07:51, Terry Sheltra wrote:
  Perhaps I should have been a little more specific in describing my
  problem.  Both of these apps work just fine on my computer, except for
  the font that is used to display the menu items (the FILE menu, the EDIT
  menu, etc.).  All that shows up is a bunch of rectangles where the words
  should be.  The font within these apps are ok, it's the apps themselves
  that are experiencing the problem.  I even wiped out my hard drive again
  and installed from scratch, and still have this problem.  I tried to
  install every font-related package I could dig up on the CD, but still
  it isn't working.  Windows is not natively on this computer, other than
  Win4Lin.  My laptop is 100% linux-driven.  While Win4Lin doesn't quite
  bother me so much, it DOES make it very difficult to use Acrobat Reader
  5 when I can't read any of the drop-down menus.
  Any suggestions anyone?

 Only that Acrobat 5 is now available as a native Linux application so
 unless you have a pressing need to use Acrobat5 in Win4lin.

 Acrobat5 is available from Mandrake Club, and I guess buried somewhere on
 the Adobe download area.



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Re: [newbie] Problems with Win4Lin and Acrobat Reader 5

2002-06-23 Thread Derek Jennings

Sorry Terry I misunderstood your problem.

Have you tried disabling AntiAliasing in KDE? That can sometimes fix problems 
with difficult fonts?


On Sunday 23 June 2002 08:01, you wrote:
 Thanks for the replies that I've gotten .. both Win4Lin and Acrobat 5
 are run natively, not within one another.  I've also come across
 something strange.  When I use either of these apps in KDE, I can't read
 the menus, but if I switch to GNOME, they become readable.  Is there
 something wrong with KDE that's not displaying the font correctly?



 On Sat, 2002-06-22 at 16:13, Derek Jennings wrote:
  On Saturday 22 June 2002 07:51, Terry Sheltra wrote:
   Perhaps I should have been a little more specific in describing my
   problem.  Both of these apps work just fine on my computer, except for
   the font that is used to display the menu items (the FILE menu, the
   EDIT menu, etc.).  All that shows up is a bunch of rectangles where the
   words should be.  The font within these apps are ok, it's the apps
   themselves that are experiencing the problem.  I even wiped out my hard
   drive again and installed from scratch, and still have this problem.  I
   tried to install every font-related package I could dig up on the CD,
   but still it isn't working.  Windows is not natively on this computer,
   other than Win4Lin.  My laptop is 100% linux-driven.  While Win4Lin
   doesn't quite bother me so much, it DOES make it very difficult to use
   Acrobat Reader 5 when I can't read any of the drop-down menus.
   Any suggestions anyone?
  Only that Acrobat 5 is now available as a native Linux application so
  unless you have a pressing need to use Acrobat5 in Win4lin.
  Acrobat5 is available from Mandrake Club, and I guess buried somewhere on
  the Adobe download area.
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Re: [newbie] sound problems

2002-06-23 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Sat, 22 Jun 2002 15:59:59 -0400

 Hello all
 just joined the list.. and need some help.. I have had no sucess trying to 
 configure my audio in Mandrake 8.2..  I Have an SIS onboard audio card 
 get the error message /dev/dsp not valid device when KDE starts up  any 
 advice where to look first?

Mandrake control centre - hardware - hardware list - soundcards. If
the onboard audio is not recognised an URL for the desription of your
mainboard would help. HTH,


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Re: [newbie] Missing posts

2002-06-23 Thread Ralph Slooten

On Sun, 23 Jun 2002, Jure Repinc wrote:

 Anne Wilson wrote:
  I know others  have remarked on strange things happening, but I seem to 
  often miss posts that start a new thread, picking it up on a reply.  But 
  then I know I'm getting some others through replies to replies, and that 
  includes some that I have posted myself.  Anyone any ideas as to what's 
  happening?  I'm fairly sure my filtering isn't causing the problem.
 I think that there is a problem, that some posts don't have Reply To set 
 when you reply the post goes directly to the man who sent it. I don't 
 know why some posts have Reply To set to some other e-mails but I guess 
 that these posts have that set in advance and then scripts for this 
 mailing list don't set it to correct e-mail. Maybe they should correct 
 scripts to change all Reply To to the correct address or just append the 
 correct one.

I have noticed this too, and it seems to me that it's mostly happening with
KMail and Pine from what I see in the headers. It may not only be these
that are giving this problem, so maybe it's just a wrong observeration.
With the e-mails where it's going wrong however, the In-Reply-To: header
is being set my the mailers, and this is confusing the Mandrake filters or 
something. Very annoying I know :-(

Even my e-mails are getting this problem, and I have looked in the Pine 
setup but thereis reference as to how to change that. I think it's a 
server-side config that has to be changed.

Homepage: http://tuxpower.f2g.net/

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Re: [newbie] MPlayer error

2002-06-23 Thread L.V.Gandhi

Thanks for the detailed reply.
for the command
[lvgandhi@localhost lvgandhi]$ gmplayer -ao oss trackmatte.mov

Can't find codec for audio format 0x706C6351 !
Audio: no sound!!!

 gmplayer -ao help
Available audio output drivers:
oss OSS/ioctl audio output
nullNull audio output
mpegpes Mpeg-PES audio output
pcm RAW PCM/WAVE file writer audio output
plugin  Plugin audio output

 gmplayer -ao pcm /mnt/wind/LailaOhLaila.avi
AO: [pcm] 44100Hz Stereo Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
PCM: File: audiodump.wav (WAVE)
PCM: Samplerate: 44100Hz Channels: Stereo Format Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
PCM: Info: fastest dumping is achieved with -vo null -hardframedrop.
PCM: Info: to write WAVE files use -waveheader (default); for RAW PCM 
But I don't hear the sound

I can play xawtv and xmms.
Whether it has anything to do with soundwrapper?

On Saturday 22 June 2002 08:18 am, Damian G wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Jun 2002 07:35:19 +0530

 L.V.Gandhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have mdk 8.2 with kde 3 in /opt and gcc 3.1.1.
  I compiled MPlayer .90 rev 4 with --enable-gui option. It compiled and
  installed ok.  I made a menu item with application as gmplayer. I opened
  a file /mnt/wind/VannaPoongavanam.mpg. When I pressed play button I got
  message that 'File not found /mnt/wind/***[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
  When I open the same file as argument to gmplayer in terminal it opens.
  But still I get no sound?
  What could be the reason?
  What to do to make it work normal?

 it's not a configuration error, it's a GUI bug, i'm sorry,
 i know many of you like to use the GUI, but there's nothing
 to do until the MPlayer developers decide to fix the sourcecode
 for their skin system. that problem is very widely known
 ( BTW, is that mpg in a FAT32 partition? if so, try
 opening from a different filesystem tipe ) and it's supposed
 to be fixed in a soon-coming new version.

 as of now, the GUI is only usable if you opened the file from
 a command, which means you have to configure a file association
 between movie files and Mplayer in your favourite file browser,
 and then navigate up to the file and click on it.
 opening gmplayer and going to file - open doesn't work.

 about the sound, try a different sound driver. which parameters
 are you using to call mplayer? or do you use none?
 if you know what driver your soundcard is using ( OSS or ALSA )
 try passing them as parameters for audio-output:

 gmplayer -ao oss file.mpg


 gmplayer -ao alsa file.mpg

 if you are not sure, your best bet ( and this is what i use )
 is SDL layer.

 gmplayer -ao sdl file.mpg

 this one will probably fix a lot of problems for you.
 ( i even use SDL for video output) .

 my tipical mplayer command is like this:

 mplayer -vo sdl -ao sdl file.mpg

 of couse i don't type that every time, i made an alias
 for it ;oP



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[newbie] [newbie ppc oldworld] no CDRom device found

2002-06-23 Thread Yvon Thoraval

that' my first trial of mandrake ppc. The steup

ppc 9500 usiong an ATA tempos sonnet card

cdrom : yamaha CDRW 2100 S

Firstevall, when running Install Mandrake PPC 8.2 this stops execution
by an error message :

Sorry, can't setup BootX

Then i did that manually using :

vmlinux, all.gz, No video driver, force scsi, ramdisk siez = 34000.

then restart with no prob until i got the message :

No CDRrom device fund

and following that, a popup menu giving a list of driver and the message :

which driver should i try to gain scsi access ?

quite frankly, i don't know, at all, which one to choose and what king of
arguments to pass to it...

where could i found info on that ?

hoping you could help me.

Yvon Thoraval

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.3

2002-06-23 Thread tom brinkman

On Sunday 23 June 2002 04:21 am, Jordan Elver wrote:
 I have looked on Mandrake site and no mention of 8.3, I assume you
 mean the latest cooker from one of the mirrors?

  You can make CD's from the cookers mirrors
  but I was referring to cooker iso's that were recently made 

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

 On Sunday 23 June 2002 12:27 am, you wrote:
  On Saturday 22 June 2002 03:06 pm, Jordan Elver wrote:
   Been searching the net for info on Mandrake 8.3 i.e. when and
   what it will include? Anyone know of any links or anything
  oLurk (don't post) on the cooker mailing list. It is _not_
  intended to be a discussion or support list. Please don't
  interfere with the developers communication
  oISO's of 8.3 have been available for a few weeks (6/05),
  d/l, beg, borrow or steal 'em(I havt'a resort to beggin ;)
  But to answer your query, newer glibc, kernel, gcc, KDE3, etc
  ... with all KDE3.01/Gnome/other apps re-compiled to be
  compatible with the new stuff. Think of it as RH 7.3 or SuSE 8.0,
  but with some good 'ol Mandrake patience to fix the bugs first ;)
  Not for the faint hearted, but IMO _much_ better than an 8.2
  install with a KDE3 upgrade/co-install.  I'm not sure 'cause I
  don't use it, but Gnome2 is the other alternative besides all the
  other WM'rs.  KDE3 in this early beta of 8.3 works well ;)

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Re: [newbie] MPlayer error

2002-06-23 Thread Ralph Slooten

Looks more like mplayer does not know how to play the sound track in the 
movie... nothing to do with your sound system, just the file format you are 
playing. Try a mpeg file or something... it should work.


On Sun, 23 Jun 2002, L.V.Gandhi wrote:

 Thanks for the detailed reply.
 for the command
 [lvgandhi@localhost lvgandhi]$ gmplayer -ao oss trackmatte.mov
 Can't find codec for audio format 0x706C6351 !
 Audio: no sound!!!
  gmplayer -ao help
 Available audio output drivers:
 oss OSS/ioctl audio output
 nullNull audio output
 mpegpes Mpeg-PES audio output
 pcm RAW PCM/WAVE file writer audio output
 plugin  Plugin audio output
  gmplayer -ao pcm /mnt/wind/LailaOhLaila.avi
 AO: [pcm] 44100Hz Stereo Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
 PCM: File: audiodump.wav (WAVE)
 PCM: Samplerate: 44100Hz Channels: Stereo Format Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
 PCM: Info: fastest dumping is achieved with -vo null -hardframedrop.
 PCM: Info: to write WAVE files use -waveheader (default); for RAW PCM 
 But I don't hear the sound
 I can play xawtv and xmms.
 Whether it has anything to do with soundwrapper?
 On Saturday 22 June 2002 08:18 am, Damian G wrote:
  On Sat, 22 Jun 2002 07:35:19 +0530
  L.V.Gandhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have mdk 8.2 with kde 3 in /opt and gcc 3.1.1.
   I compiled MPlayer .90 rev 4 with --enable-gui option. It compiled and
   installed ok.  I made a menu item with application as gmplayer. I opened
   a file /mnt/wind/VannaPoongavanam.mpg. When I pressed play button I got
   message that 'File not found /mnt/wind/***[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
   When I open the same file as argument to gmplayer in terminal it opens.
   But still I get no sound?
   What could be the reason?
   What to do to make it work normal?
  it's not a configuration error, it's a GUI bug, i'm sorry,
  i know many of you like to use the GUI, but there's nothing
  to do until the MPlayer developers decide to fix the sourcecode
  for their skin system. that problem is very widely known
  ( BTW, is that mpg in a FAT32 partition? if so, try
  opening from a different filesystem tipe ) and it's supposed
  to be fixed in a soon-coming new version.
  as of now, the GUI is only usable if you opened the file from
  a command, which means you have to configure a file association
  between movie files and Mplayer in your favourite file browser,
  and then navigate up to the file and click on it.
  opening gmplayer and going to file - open doesn't work.
  about the sound, try a different sound driver. which parameters
  are you using to call mplayer? or do you use none?
  if you know what driver your soundcard is using ( OSS or ALSA )
  try passing them as parameters for audio-output:
  gmplayer -ao oss file.mpg
  gmplayer -ao alsa file.mpg
  if you are not sure, your best bet ( and this is what i use )
  is SDL layer.
  gmplayer -ao sdl file.mpg
  this one will probably fix a lot of problems for you.
  ( i even use SDL for video output) .
  my tipical mplayer command is like this:
  mplayer -vo sdl -ao sdl file.mpg
  of couse i don't type that every time, i made an alias
  for it ;oP

Homepage: http://tuxpower.f2g.net/

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Re: [newbie] Screen problem I8100 +ATI Radeon + 1600x1200 +Mandrake 8.2

2002-06-23 Thread Walter Logeman

I wrote a while back that I had my machine working ok with
mandrake 8.1 but now, with LM 8.2 I get a crashed screen if I do
not add an Option noaccel in XF86config-4

Even with that option in the screen is slow and has waves as 
I move windows around etc.

Has anyone got this combination to work?  I8100 +ATI Radeon + 
1600x1200 +Mandrake 8.2 if so could i please see your
XF86config-4 and any other relevant info.

I have tried several reinstalls  configurations with no luck.


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Re: [newbie] Installation Question

2002-06-23 Thread darklord

On Saturday 22 June 2002 09:16 pm, you wrote:

 But the full Emacs and XEmacs are. Micro Emacs was a cut down version to
 work on Micro Computers. I had a copy on my Amiga, in the good/bad old

Ah, the Amiga

  I had an A1000 and other models...

I still miss that under the CPU keyboard well...

 And Shadow of the Beast...


PS And Guru Meditation errors! grin


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Re: [newbie] [newbie ppc oldworld] freeze when installing mac53c94

2002-06-23 Thread Yvon Thoraval

that' my first trial of mandrake ppc. The steup

ppc 9500 usiong an ATA tempos sonnet card

cdrom : yamaha CDRW 2100 S

Firstevall, when running Install Mandrake PPC 8.2 this stops execution
by an error message :

Sorry, can't setup BootX

Then i did that manually using :

vmlinux, all.gz, No video driver, force scsi, ramdisk siez = 34000.

then restart with no prob until i got the message :

No CDRrom device fund

and following that, a popup menu giving a list of driver and the message :

which driver should i try to gain scsi access ?

i've ran to DraX using mesh as a scsi driver.

after having choosen french-french as langage, aggreed to license

DrakX tried to install mac53c94 pilot (the card on my mac is a mac53c96)

hoiwever DrakX freezes at that point ending with an auto-reboot on macOS...

and alos i do have an ATA scsi ACARD, 6260 (scsi probe gives : ACARD
AEC-6260 V3.12.1)

should i try expert mode instead ?

(im using vmlinux 2.2 and all-2.2.gz as ramdisk)

Yvon Thoraval

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Re: [newbie] Package description on rpminst

2002-06-23 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Sat, 22 Jun 2002 21:25:42 -0300 (ART)
Gustavo Rahal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On rpminst I can't see the information from rpm
 packages like description, size etc... Shouldn't 
 package information come with the hdlist file?
 Only the packages from plf repositary have those type
 of information.
The default uses synthesis which is faster so the path is set as
If you want to have the describ available set the path to base.hdlist.cz


H. L. Mencken's Law:
Those who can -- do.
Those who can't -- teach.

Martin's Extension:
Those who cannot teach -- administrate.
Charles A Edwards

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading Gcc to 3.01 from bugy 2.96 under Mandrak 8.2

2002-06-23 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Sun, 23 Jun 2002 00:45:10 -0700 (PDT)
Duane King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 AS for my problem, I did a standard upgrade/install
 from source; Yet when I do a --version, I get th old
 one.. as if its not taking, strangly enough - any
 ideas on this?
Different versions of gcc will Install rather than Upgrade.
--version gives you 2.9.6 because that is still the default.

Having multiple versions of gcc I found it easiest to select 1 terminal
and set the env variable for this terminal to build with a specific gcc.
In your case version 3.0.1.
So I want to use eterm to always build using 3.0.1, su to root and enter
export CC=gcc-3.0.1 without the quotes.

From this point on, unless you change your kernel, any builds you do in
eterm will be done with gcc-3.0.1 and from any other terminal builds
will still be done with 2.9.6


The only way for a reporter to look at a politician is down.
-- H.L. Mencken
Charles A Edwards

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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice.org 1.0

2002-06-23 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 23 June 2002 09:12 am, shane did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 anyone real close to there want to mail a CD with OO.o rpms for 8.1?  if
 nobody replies i will see if i can burn one tues or wednessday for

wait, i am stupid, are you using mandrake 8.1 now?  i have an rpm tested for 
8.2.  that will likely cause trouble.  give me a version and i will see 
what i can find.

- -- 
Microsoft claims 92% of all PCs have windows installed.  I have learned that 
being outnumbered doesn't always mean you're wrong. There are more 
cockroaches than humans, but it doesn't make them a higher life-form.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] MPlayer

2002-06-23 Thread RichardA

By the time you have a clever bash script that presents you with choices and 
so on, you might as well put 'ok' and 'cancel' buttons on it and call it a 


John Richard Smith, Saturday 22 June 2002 19:04:
 On Saturday 22 June 2002 17:28, you wrote:
   Thanks Tom,
   Your reply has stimulated my thinking, I had noticed various
   pieces of threads where people were setting up aliases and had
   thought of perhaps doing something with this device , but my
   knowledge is a bit lacking. It's obvious that for instance just
   to use cdrecord for all it's possiblities that it might well
   require 10 or so aliases, or is there another way of doing it. I
   wounderd whether it was possible to set up a situation, where you
   typed cdrecord into a terminal and all the availble choices came
   up, and you selected one and pressed enter,and the appropriate
   command line is then run. Just a thought.
  Hi John, depends what you are referring to. What choices of
  cdrecord do you want to have? If I recall there aren't so many
  options, or have you managed to get cdrecord to get your groceries
  and wash the car? ;-)
  I usually make a bash script for the program choices I want, but I
  have no idea what you mean with cdrecord. Give me a list of what
  you want (not anything you can think of), and I will tell you if
  it's possible with bash.

 Well, it''s not just cdrecord , but it will do for example, so
 within it's capabilities are to my certain knowledge audio, data, ISO
 image etc etc, now each one of these headings has a number of
 variation, so that shall we take for an instance audio writing,
 if I want to write  audio tracks to disc  and this is a multiple
 continuous audio track(without gaps) then I use,
 cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,1,0 -dao -audio -eject
 this writes the  individual files on my home directory in /tmp.
 but if i want to do the same with 2 second gaps gaps  I think it is
 slightly different , anyway you get the idea, and so if one can set
 up aliases so that they do the full range of whatever commands you
 eventually wind up for the cdrecord programme, I think it needs to be
 organised in some way. The aim might be to type cdrecord into
 terminal, then,
 cdrecord - audio, read with gaps, opt  1
 audio, read without gaps,opt  2

 audio write with gaps,  opt 3
 audio write without gaps   opt 4
 select type option number  command runs.
 I suppose it's too much really, just floating an idea.
 don't take it to seriously.

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Re: [newbie] CyrixInstead

2002-06-23 Thread Stormjumper

yes, it works.
i'm running on a Cyrix, same type, but slower.
threw in 256mb ram, and it's actually pretty snappy to use.
- Original Message -
From: poogle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 11:57 PM
Subject: [newbie] CyrixInstead

 I've finally persuaded my partner to go the Linux way and installed
8.2 on her
 companies standalone PC.
 When it came to remove CD and reboot, it did but took forever.
 I've had a quick look and find that it is not a Celeron processor as I
 been told (guess I should have checked myself before I started) it is
 described by Harddrake as this
 MII 3.5X Core/Bus Clock
 Frequency 262MHz
 MMX yes
 BogoMIPS 522.64

 anyone know if this should work with 8.2 or do I need to go back to
7.0 ?

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Re: [newbie] compact flash card usb reader

2002-06-23 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 23 June 2002 10:59 am, you wrote:
 On Saturday 22 June 2002 09:00 pm, Dennis Myers did speak unto the huddled

 masses, saying:
tried mounting it but it is not coming up. I used mount -t  vfat
/dev/sda1 /mnt/compactflash reply is  /mnt/compactflash does not
   if i understand you correctly (i likely don't) just make a
   /mnt/compactflash directory.
  I did that and I get  mount: fs type fs=vfat not supported by kernel.
  So the line I have in fstab is: /dev/sda1 /mnt/compactflash fs=vfat
  noauto,user 0 0

 well the line i use in fstab for my mmc is /dev/sda1 /mnt/floppy vfat user
 0 0

 i think maybe you don't need the fs= bit.  also i use kwikdisk to
 mount/unmount.  it works rather well.

H, now it tells me wrong fs type, bad option,bad superblock on /dev/sda, 
or too many mounted file systems. 
I changed it to /dev/sda to see if that would overcome /dev/sda1 does not 
exist, but usbview shows:

Speed: 12Mb/s (full)
USB Version:  1.10
Device Class: 00(ifc )
Device Subclass: 00
Device Protocol: 00
Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 8
Number of Configurations: 1
Vendor Id: 05e3
Product Id: 0700
Revision Number:  1.13

Config Number: 1
Number of Interfaces: 1
Attributes: 80
MaxPower Needed:  96mA

Interface Number: 0
Name: usb-storage
Alternate Number: 0
Class: 08(stor.) 
Sub Class: 6
Protocol: 50
Number of Endpoints: 2

Endpoint Address: 81
Direction: in
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval:   0ms

Endpoint Address: 02
Direction: out
Attribute: 2
Type: Bulk
Max Packet Size: 64
Interval:   0ms. 
The usb thing seems to be a stumbling block for the newbie who is not used to 
command line or knowing computers very well.  I seem to have a problem with 
it and I've been using linux for two years now.  Bummer, Any other 
suggestions or configs are appreciated. Thanks,

Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] compact flash card usb reader

2002-06-23 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 23 June 2002 10:23 am, Dennis Myers did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

 H, now it tells me wrong fs type, bad option,bad superblock on
 /dev/sda, or too many mounted file systems.
 I changed it to /dev/sda to see if that would overcome /dev/sda1 does not
 exist, but usbview shows:

well mine is sda1 you might be sda0.  should have said that.

i agree, USB is one of the places where linux is less than intuitive.  i 
also wish my scanner was supported :( but i so prefer it to the 

- -- 
When everyone agrees around here, it means that something must be wrong.

Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/club/
Registered linux user #101606  http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [newbie] mozilla files

2002-06-23 Thread Warren Post

They're in the hidden directory .mozilla in your home. Thus for user
foobar, they're at /home/foobar/.mozilla. (The dot preceding mozilla
is what makes it a hidden directory.) Being hidden you won't see it with
ls. Use ls -a or set your favorite graphical file manager to show
hidden files and directories.


On Sat, 2002-06-22 at 10:45, J or M Montgomery wrote:
 Hello folks,
 Can anyone tell me where Mozilla keeps the mail boxes, addresses and 
 I want to back them up but there is no thing ing my /home directory.
 I am using build 2001 09 2020 with Mandrake 8.1.
 John Montgomery

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] How to change colors in Xterm?

2002-06-23 Thread jerry

 see man setterm for usage.

On Sun, 23 Jun 2002 11:30:17 -0400
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For terminals, I prefer light text on dark background, but the blue that
 is used for bold is hard to read on a black background. How do you change
 the default colors for bold/underline in Xterm?
 Todd Slater
 You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within
 himself. (Galileo)

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[newbie] Can't start KDE 2.2.2

2002-06-23 Thread rsch77

 Hello all,
I've installed KDE 3.0 in /opt/kde3 and now I can't start KDE 2.2.2.
The graphical login window has two inputs for kde, KDE and KDE3 and both lead
me only to kde3.
I can only start kde 2 as root, typing xinit /usr/bin/startkde. It doesn't
work when I log as a normal user.
Xtart also has two inputs for kde, but the problem is the same, they only take
me to kde3.
How can I fix this problem ? I have no idea where to start from ... : (
Thanks in advance,


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Re: [newbie] Screen problem I8100 +ATI Radeon + 1600x1200 +Mandrake 8.2

2002-06-23 Thread Serge

On Sunday 23 June 2002 17:03, Walter Logeman wrote:
 I wrote a while back that I had my machine working ok with
 mandrake 8.1 but now, with LM 8.2 I get a crashed screen if I do
 not add an Option noaccel in XF86config-4

 Even with that option in the screen is slow and has waves as
 I move windows around etc.

 Has anyone got this combination to work?  I8100 +ATI Radeon +
 1600x1200 +Mandrake 8.2 if so could i please see your
 XF86config-4 and any other relevant info.

 I have tried several reinstalls  configurations with no luck.


I have an ATI RAdeon. With mandrake 8.1 it worked fine but with Mandrake 8.2 i 
have some 3d problems: it does not work anymore with certain programs like 
openuniverse, or tuxracer for instance. These programs work fine with Redhat 
7.3 [which has XFree-4.2 too]. In the XFree config i changed from radeon to 
ati for the driver. glxgears shows a better range [and the wheels turn 
quickly without any halt] and glxinfo does not show the word slow anymore.
however openuniverse still does not work [segfault] 

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Re: [newbie] Some e-mail clientes

2002-06-23 Thread daRcmaTTeR

Hash: SHA1

Charlie wrote:
| June 18, 2002 02:35 pm, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
| snip On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, shane wrote:
|Are we talking about multiple users or multiple email accounts here? If
|it's the first, (multiple users) then I would strong recommend that you
|create a login on the system for each user. If, on the other hand you're
|the only user with multiple email accounts that you want to access with
|only a single email client, then of course you can use Kmail, Mozilla,
|Evolution, (which by the way will satisfy your requirement for look like
|Outlook and/or Outlook Express). All three are fine email clients and all
|very functional.
|Both Kmail and Evolution as well as one I just remembered, Sylpheed, have
|integrated GnuPG support where as Mozilla doesn't. Sylpheed is very
|lightweight and feature rich. If you're looking for lots of functionality,
|great speed, and rock solid performance Sylpheed is your client. If you
|don't mind the client being a bit sluggish, even on a fast machine,
|Evolution makes an excellent email client. It has a wonderful orginaizer
|feature as well as calander and date book functionality, AND will
|integrate with your PDA via Jpilot.
|Kmail is functional, fast, and configurable as long what you're looking
|for is the basics and what is most needed in an email client.
|I know...choices...choices... but its ALL good!
| ~
| Mozilla 1 has for enigmmail that does support encryption now. See:
| http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
| Just thought you'd like to know.


Thank you SO much for that heads up. I've been waiting for this for
quite a while and it's finally here. I installed the Enigmail thing into
Mozy this afternoon and it's everybit if not more seemless then
pgpenvelope is.

thanks a ton,


Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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[newbie] Kernel--to set version or not to set verion...

2002-06-23 Thread jerry

for compatibility issues / changing hardware / removable usb devices etc... when 
recompiling the kernel, is it better to have the versions on modules symbols set or 
not?  I've yet to successfully recompile one and I think this might be why... 

Also, when recompiling with ALSA (sound) durring which part of kernel compilation do 
you configure alsa?  (ie... between make config and make dep?  between make dep and 
make clean?  etc..)

Hope someone can clue me in, the Kernel-HOWTO and the alsa HOWTO seem a little vague 
in areas.  Thanks in advance.


--Sit BOLT UPRIGHT in that STRAIGHT BACKED chair button that TOP BUTTON... and 
get ready for some... difficult... music.   OOOlah...  -laurie anderson.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] mozilla files

2002-06-23 Thread John Richard Smith

On Saturday 22 June 2002 20:34, you wrote:
 June 22, 2002 10:45 am, J or M Montgomery wrote:
  Hello folks,
  Can anyone tell me where Mozilla keeps the mail boxes, addresses
  and bookmarks.
  I want to back them up but there is no thing ing my /home
  I am using build 2001 09 2020 with Mandrake 8.1.
  John Montgomery

 It's there John, it's just a hidden file. The address you were
 given is correct but you may not have noticed the . in front of
 mozilla denoting hidden.

 In your filemanager click veiw, click show hidden files, and you'll
 get to mozilla then you'll have to burrow down to get at the mail
 directory, the abookmab (html page) and bookmarks (another html
 file in mozilla).

 I'm not sure why it's hidden but I always forget to tell people
 about it until someone asks.

One thing that puzzles me is, If abook.mab is your addressbook,then 
why does it only have what seem to be configuration matter in it, no 
email addresses , and I do, I asure you, have over 500 email 
addresses in my mozilla addressbook ?
John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] compact flash card usb reader

2002-06-23 Thread Joseph Braddock

On Sat, 22 Jun 2002 23:00:58 -0500
Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  if i understand you correctly (i likely don't) just make a
  /mnt/compactflash directory.
 I did that and I get  mount: fs type fs=vfat not supported by kernel.  So 
 the line I have in fstab is: /dev/sda1 /mnt/compactflash fs=vfat noauto,user 
 0 0
 and that just doesn't feel right.   Oh I had previously done the 
 mkdir /mnt/compactflash but nothing shows up in mtab. The directory is 
 there in /mnt but nothing in it even though the card in the reader has a 
 couple of pictures on it.  Any ideas? All help is appreciated. 
 Dennis M. linux user #180842
First, I think you need to remove the fs= before the vfat.  Are you using the stock 
kernel and are you using LM 8.2?  I have the PNY SmartMedia reader (not the compact 
flash) and under 8.1, I had to use msdos or umsdos (I can't remember which) instead of 
vfat, so you might try one of them.  Also, although I don't think this is the problem, 
you might try a shorter directory name under mnt.  Something 8 characters or less.  
Finally, and I know this is a stupid questions, so I ask for forgiveness up front, you 
do have the compact flash in the reader and it has been formatted by the camera, right?


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Re: [newbie] mozilla files

2002-06-23 Thread Jure Repinc

John Richard Smith wrote:
 One thing that puzzles me is, If abook.mab is your addressbook,then 
 why does it only have what seem to be configuration matter in it, no 
 email addresses , and I do, I asure you, have over 500 email 
 addresses in my mozilla addressbook ?

Automatically collected e-mail adresses don't get entered into Personal 
address book file. Just manualy added adresses are in it.

Live long and prosper!

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Re: [newbie] Installation Question

2002-06-23 Thread Miark

 But the full Emacs and XEmacs are. Micro Emacs was a cut down version to work 
 on Micro Computers. I had a copy on my Amiga, in the good/bad old days.

Emacs' and MicroEmacs'  feature/command commonalities may
have been identical long ago when ME was first developed.
But the key bindings are different in some cases--the cases
most annoying to me :-) And size is still important. I have
several computers that use rather tiny harddrives-- Emacs is
a space-hog compared to MicroEmacs' 190k.


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Re: [newbie] OpenOffice.org 1.0

2002-06-23 Thread Miark

 That is what I wanted to check.  Downloading impossible at 28.8 kbs.  

Why impossible? Download only at night, and use a download manager
so you can resume the download each night. Shouldn't take more than
two nights--it's not _that_ big a download.


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Re: [newbie] Re: WARNING Destructive Software on multiboots, Jetway

2002-06-23 Thread daRcmaTTeR

Hash: SHA1

Miark wrote:
|I was able to assure him as a professional peer - my own background is
|thirty years of clinical and industrial psychology - that what he
|experienced was...
| I have, on occasion, thought it remarkable that Frasier
| Crane, a well-trained and experienced psychologist, could be
| such a dork. Then I though, Ahh, but this is just TV.
| I stand corrected.
| Miark

how in the world did we get from Viruses and worms to clinical
industrial p-sci-cologee? It almost sounds like some kind of viral
infarction itself, ya know?


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Re: [newbie] mozilla files

2002-06-23 Thread Charlie

June 23, 2002 02:20 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 One thing that puzzles me is, If abook.mab is your addressbook,then
 why does it only have what seem to be configuration matter in it, no
 email addresses , and I do, I asure you, have over 500 email
 addresses in my mozilla addressbook ?
You've got me John. I just know mine is there. I can see all of the 
configuration stuff too, but the addresses are there. 

I have nowhere near 500 addresses but the file is 10.4 KB and it's not 
anywhere near that size when Mozilla is installed. Besides when I installed 
Mozilla1 the first time from the mozilla.org download I just copied and 
pasted abook.mab, history.mab and bookmarks.html from the old /.mozilla.9.8 
directory and everything was as it had been in .0.9.8. Since it worked it 
means it must have been the right choice.

The only explanation that makes sense to me (and I've been wrong before LOTS) 
would be if Mozilla is using a directory other than your 
/home/username/.mozilla/and so on for some reason. Is it Mozilla1, or the 
default from 8.x, and if upgraded did you use the Cooker package or download 
and install manually? If the latter you'll have to find it.
Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org

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Re: [newbie] mail servers

2002-06-23 Thread daRcmaTTeR

Hash: SHA1

et wrote:
| seems to be having a problem in the l;ast few days, let me see if this
| gets thru to the list as well as you personal mail

Sorry Ed that I'm a few days late in answering but this one got through
just fine.


Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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Re: [newbie] Re: WARNING Destructive Software on multiboots, Jetway

2002-06-23 Thread daRcmaTTeR

Hash: SHA1

Michael Adams wrote:
| On Sat, 22 Jun 2002 13:17, FemmeFatale wrote:
|and this is wrong how? :)
|daRcmaTTeR wrote:
|On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Roger Sherman wrote:
|Roger! ag...you've become a top poster. O no!!!
| LOL, i too went to the bottom of the post to read the rest, only to find
| useless attachments.
| Sometimes i post top, sometimes bottom, does this make me dislexic or
does it
| mean i like tops and bottoms?

:P I think it makes you indecisive. course...not that it matters.

carry on...


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Re: [newbie] GNOME

2002-06-23 Thread daRcmaTTeR

Hash: SHA1

robin wrote:
| Aru Sahni wrote:
| When I first installed MD on my computer, I chose GNOME as my GUI, but
| find it takes up too many resources.  Which one should I take (i.e.
| KDE) and how do I change it?
| Thank You
| Definitely not KDE! (see recent posts on this subject)
| You could try IceWM (I once ran this on a 133MHz/32MB RAM machine and it
| was faster than Win98).  Others have recommended Fluxbox, but I haven't
| tried that (no taskbar/menus, I hear, which is inconvenient but looks
| kind of cool).


with right-click menu what does one need with a task bar menu?


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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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Re: [newbie] GNOME

2002-06-23 Thread daRcmaTTeR

Hash: SHA1

Charles A Edwards wrote:
| On Wed, 19 Jun 2002 22:27:00 +0200
| Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|On Wednesday 19 June 2002 08:38 pm, Aru Sahni wrote:
|When I first installed MD on my computer, I chose GNOME as my GUI,
|but find it takes up too many resources.  Which one should I take
|(i.e. KDE) and how do I change it?
|Thank You
|If you are  256 MB RAM, consider :
|1. Fluxbox ( very minimalistic, but nice and fast)
|2. XFCE ( a little more eye-candy a la OS/2, but very fast)
|3. ICEwm ( almost like win98, difficult to configure IMHO)
| Hey!!
| You left out my #1
| Enlightenment,
| In enlightenment and xfce you can still run the gnome panel without
| having to expend the resources necessary to run full gnome.
| --
| Fear and loathing, my man, fear and loathing.
|   -- H.S. Thompson
| --
| Charles A Edwards
| --


to each his own man, but are you serious? Enlightenment is every bit the
resource hog that Gnome and KDE are. I will say this though. The texstar
packages for KDE 3.0.1 are terrific and quite speedy in loading the
desktop. not *quite* as fast as my new favorite WM, Fluxbox, but still
far faster then KDE2.2.2.


Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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Re: [newbie] How to change colors in Xterm?

2002-06-23 Thread Todd Slater

On Sun, 23 Jun 2002 06:26:17 -0600
jerry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  see man setterm for usage.
 On Sun, 23 Jun 2002 11:30:17 -0400
 Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For terminals, I prefer light text on dark background, but the blue
  that is used for bold is hard to read on a black background. How do
  you change the default colors for bold/underline in Xterm?

I couldn't get setterm to work. After poking around Usenet, I saw a post
on a related topic and discovered /etc/X11/Xresources. I peeked at that
and found the proper syntax, then put it in ~/.Xdefaults. It works!

Todd Slater
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely
rearranging their prejudices. (William James)

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Re: [newbie] Can't start KDE 2.2.2

2002-06-23 Thread Michael Biddulph

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002 4:40 am, rsch77 wrote:
  Hello all,
 I've installed KDE 3.0 in /opt/kde3 and now I can't start KDE 2.2.2.
 The graphical login window has two inputs for kde, KDE and KDE3 and
 both lead me only to kde3.
 I can only start kde 2 as root, typing xinit /usr/bin/startkde. It
 doesn't work when I log as a normal user.
 Xtart also has two inputs for kde, but the problem is the same, they
 only take me to kde3.
 How can I fix this problem ? I have no idea where to start from ... :
 ( Thanks in advance,


It might help to check out these two articles posted at Mandrake User 
and Mandrake Forum. Helped me a lot when I upgraded to KDE3.0.1. Works 
wonderfully now


Michael Biddulph
Brisbane Australia
Registered Linux User #220460

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[newbie] how to uninstall ximian?

2002-06-23 Thread Gustavo Rahal

how can I uninstall ximian on mandrake?


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O lugar certo para você encontrar aquela pessoa que falta na sua vida. Cadastre-se 
hoje mesmo!

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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] Problems with Win4Lin and Acrobat Reader 5

2002-06-23 Thread civileme

Derek Jennings wrote:

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Re: [newbie] Problems with Win4Lin and Acrobat Reader 5
Date: 23 Jun 2002 03:01:32 -0400
From: Terry Sheltra [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the replies that I've gotten .. both Win4Lin and Acrobat 5
are run natively, not within one another.  I've also come across
something strange.  When I use either of these apps in KDE, I can't read
the menus, but if I switch to GNOME, they become readable.  Is there
something wrong with KDE that's not displaying the font correctly?



On Sat, 2002-06-22 at 16:13, Derek Jennings wrote:

On Saturday 22 June 2002 07:51, Terry Sheltra wrote:

Perhaps I should have been a little more specific in describing my
problem.  Both of these apps work just fine on my computer, except for
the font that is used to display the menu items (the FILE menu, the EDIT
menu, etc.).  All that shows up is a bunch of rectangles where the words
should be.  The font within these apps are ok, it's the apps themselves
that are experiencing the problem.  I even wiped out my hard drive again
and installed from scratch, and still have this problem.  I tried to
install every font-related package I could dig up on the CD, but still
it isn't working.  Windows is not natively on this computer, other than
Win4Lin.  My laptop is 100% linux-driven.  While Win4Lin doesn't quite
bother me so much, it DOES make it very difficult to use Acrobat Reader
5 when I can't read any of the drop-down menus.

Any suggestions anyone?

Only that Acrobat 5 is now available as a native Linux application so
unless you have a pressing need to use Acrobat5 in Win4lin.

Acrobat5 is available from Mandrake Club, and I guess buried somewhere on
the Adobe download area.


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How is anti-aliasing set in KDE?  Try the opposite setting.

Also do you have AbiWord installed?  It was kept out of the download 
edition because it messes up fonts system-wide.


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Re: [newbie] sound card advice

2002-06-23 Thread Scott

On Sunday 23 June 2002 12:28 am, you wrote:
 On Saturday 22 June 2002 05:32 pm, you wrote:
  Scott wrote:
  On Saturday 22 June 2002 01:36 pm, you wrote:
  On Saturday 22 June 2002 11:58 am, Ralph Slooten wrote:
  Soundblaster? It's about the most well known one around, and
  although Linux may not support the latest top of the range cards,
  you implied that you wanted a cheaper, so I would just go for an
  older sort. They are cheap. As far as easy to configure...
  auto-detected should be easy enough ;-)
  On Sat, 22 Jun 2002, Scott wrote:
  Can someone please recommend a decent, fairly cheap sound card
  that is easy to configure with 8.1? Using compaq 5220 pc.
  Appreciate it,
 has two links, one for OSS and one for ALSA.  Check out both for
  supported devices, but I'd try for a card supported by ALSA.  You
  should also take a look inside that Compaq to see if you have
  available pci and/or isa slots, what IRQ's are free, and if the
  Compaq currently has onboard sound... can it be disabled in bios?
  Make sure you don't buy anything that needs closed source proprietary
  Looking in my bios, I don't see anything that looks like it disables my
  on-board sound.  What does that mean? Some sort of unpleasantness I'm
   sure... SW
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  Well if you have on-board sound it may be posible to use it.  A number
  of ALSA drivers/configurations are non-working at the moment, but often
  the alternaticve OSS drivers do work.  Do you have linux installed
  already?  If so let's see
  cat /etc/modules.conf
  Just run those in a terminal window, highlight the output with a mouse,
  then middle-click it onto your mail composition.

 Here's the output:

 cat /etc/modules.conf

 pre-install pcmcia_core CARDMGR_OPTS=-f /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
 alias usb-interface usb-uhci
 probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
 alias eth0 8139too


 agpgart : VIA Technologies|VT82C598 [Apollo MVP3]
 unknown : VIA Technologies|VT82C598 [Apollo MVP3 AGP]
 8139too : Accton|SMC2-1211TX
 unknown : VIA Technologies|VT82C586/A/B PCI-to-ISA [Apollo VP]
 unknown : VIA Technologies|VT82C586 IDE [Apollo]
 usb-uhci: VIA Technologies|VT82C586B USB
 unknown : VIA Technologies|VT82C586B ACPI
 Card:ATI Mach64 : ATI|3D Rage LT Pro AGP-133
 unknown : Virtual|Hub []
 scanner : Seiko Epson Corp.|Perfection 1240U []

 BTW, I don't have that scanner running, I didn't know that it was detected.

From the output, any hope of getting the onboard sound working in 8.1?


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[newbie] Aureal Vortex2 Soundcard

2002-06-23 Thread Linus Drouhard

Please help with suggestions.  My son has a computer with the following specs.

Motherboard: FIC VIA 503+
K-6 III+ 450 running at 500 MHz
Sound Card: Aureal Vortex2
Video card: TNT2 32MB
Network card: Netgear FA311 Fast Ethernet PCI Card
384 MB Memory
1 generic cd reader
1 Samsung 8x8x32 CD-RW
1 Floppy
1 10 GB WD Harddrive
1 40 GB Maxtor Harddrive
Mandrake Linux 8.2 with the standard kernel for this distro.  Running in dual 
boot mode with Windows 98.

He has been unable to get the soundcard to work in Linux.  He's tried 
installing the drivers and has been unsuccessful.  Any suggestions are 



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Re: [newbie] Was Boat Anchor - Now K7S5A Sound

2002-06-23 Thread Linus Drouhard


 The ECS K7S5A is high performance, but before 8.2 was little better than
 a boat anchor itself.

 With 8.2 you need to do some tweaks:

 1.  edit /etc/modules.conf and find the line that starts

 alias sound-slot-0 pcm-snd-i8x0

 and delete it and the line following it.

 then put in this line

 alias sound i810_audio

 and save the file.

 Don't bother with your SB 16 card for this machine.  The onboard sound
 is good once you get past the misconfiguration for/by ALSA.

 The SiS 900 should set up properly from the beginning, so you will have

 Even a Duron 750 will make this look like a speed demon, along with all
 the RAM you can cram  (use either SDRAM _XOR_ DDR, but not both), and it
 is neat if you have two IDE drives and RAID0 most of your partitions
 except /boot and /--very blindingly fast with 8.2.


Civileme, I did as you indicated (or at least I tried to) but I have no 
sound.  Here's a data dump as you suggested to another newbie.

[linus@localhost linus]$ cat /etc/modules.conf

alias usb-interface usb-ohci
alias sound i810_audio
probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
alias eth0 sis900

[linus@localhost linus]$ lspcidrake
unknown : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|735 Host
unknown : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5591/5592 AGP
unknown : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|85C503/5513
usb-ohci: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|7001 USB
usb-ohci: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|7001 USB
unknown : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5513 [IDE]
snd-card-intel8x0: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS7012 PCI Audio 
sis900  : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS900 10/100 Ethernet
Card:RIVA TNT2  : nVidia Corporation|Riva TNT2 Model 64
unknown : Virtual|Hub []
unknown : Virtual|Hub []
Mouse:USB|Wheel : Logitech Inc.|Mouse [Human Interface Devices|Boot Interface 
[linus@localhost linus]$ outputs
bash: outputs: command not found

Any input would be appreciated.  



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Re: [newbie] Was Boat Anchor - Now K7S5A Sound

2002-06-23 Thread civileme

Linus Drouhard wrote:


The ECS K7S5A is high performance, but before 8.2 was little better than
a boat anchor itself.

With 8.2 you need to do some tweaks:

1.  edit /etc/modules.conf and find the line that starts

alias sound-slot-0 pcm-snd-i8x0

and delete it and the line following it.

then put in this line

alias sound i810_audio

and save the file.

Don't bother with your SB 16 card for this machine.  The onboard sound
is good once you get past the misconfiguration for/by ALSA.

The SiS 900 should set up properly from the beginning, so you will have

Even a Duron 750 will make this look like a speed demon, along with all
the RAM you can cram  (use either SDRAM _XOR_ DDR, but not both), and it
is neat if you have two IDE drives and RAID0 most of your partitions
except /boot and /--very blindingly fast with 8.2.



Civileme, I did as you indicated (or at least I tried to) but I have no 
sound.  Here's a data dump as you suggested to another newbie.

[linus@localhost linus]$ cat /etc/modules.conf

alias usb-interface usb-ohci
alias sound i810_audio
probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
alias eth0 sis900

[linus@localhost linus]$ lspcidrake
unknown : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|735 Host
unknown : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5591/5592 AGP
unknown : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|85C503/5513
usb-ohci: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|7001 USB
usb-ohci: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|7001 USB
unknown : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5513 [IDE]
snd-card-intel8x0: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS7012 PCI Audio 
sis900  : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS900 10/100 Ethernet
Card:RIVA TNT2  : nVidia Corporation|Riva TNT2 Model 64
unknown : Virtual|Hub []
unknown : Virtual|Hub []
Mouse:USB|Wheel : Logitech Inc.|Mouse [Human Interface Devices|Boot Interface 
[linus@localhost linus]$ outputs
bash: outputs: command not found

Any input would be appreciated.  



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Turn off ACPI in your BIOS, and make sure of a few things

1.  Mixer volume is set to something besides zero

2. KDE sound server is set to autodetect

3.  cable from CDROM to sound input on board

4.  speakers or headphones plugged to the light green colored outlet on 
the back of the machine

I say these things because they are the MOST likely for a seasoned 
veteran to overlook (speaking as a seasoned veteran).

Oh yes, not using GDM and not expecting GNOME event sounds which are 
different problems

If you use GDM your user doesn't always get ownership of /dev/dsp* at 
login so sound is problematic.
If you use GNOME and want event sounds, log in to Sawfish and 
middle-click to get a menu then select Configuration=Sound and tick the 
checkboxes at the toip of the window you see, then OK and exit Sawfish 
and log into GNOME.

My K7S5A has exactly that configuration except I have a Voodoo 5 and it 
works fine with sound



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[newbie] test

2002-06-23 Thread Terence J.Golightly


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[newbie] file system

2002-06-23 Thread Dan Cox

I'm curios about the different file systems available to linux. 
Specifically are there certain file systems that are better for nfs 
partitions or other types of servers. What are the advantages of and/or 
disadvantages of xfs, ext3, etc. Any comments and links are greatly 

Dan Cox

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[newbie] Japanese Input

2002-06-23 Thread g2


how can I input Japanese characters in Mandrake Linux 8.2?  Is there
something like IME where in i can choose my input locale?

what RPMs should I install?


intelligence, acquired; wisdom, inherent

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Re: [newbie] Can't browse the 'net

2002-06-23 Thread Roland Hughes

Do you have a nic also? I had the same problem and had to do a ifconfig
eth0 down  to get the modem to talk to the apps.

On Sat, 2002-06-22 at 18:20, F. McKenna wrote:
 Hi all,
 Like it says in the subject line I can't browse the 'net.  Mandrake 8.2
 dials out with my 33.6 modem and connects to my ISP but I can't browse using
 Konq, Netscape, or Mozilla.
 I have made all three users part of the PPP group but I am not sure where to
 take it from here.
 Your help would be ceeply apreciated,
 Frank McKenna
 You don't have to like it you just have to do it but it is sure fun to win
 True Strength lies in Gentleness

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The directions said to install Windows 98/2000 or better!
 So I installed Linux!

Linux Counter: 241069

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[newbie] Web server on CD.

2002-06-23 Thread Franki

Hi guys,

I seem to remember somewhere that there was a version of apache that ran
directly off a CD.. (as in AUTORUN)

anyone know anything about that?

A friend has to distribute a CD of html files that have to have access to
com objects and stuff on windoze boxs..

and none of the machines are runing PWS or IIS.. (smartly enough), I
remembered somewhere that there was a webserver available that ran directly
off a CD.. and served content from there...

Does anyone know what I am talking about? and does anyone have a URL for it?

I have not been able to find the link I have been looking for.



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Re: [newbie] Can't browse the 'net

2002-06-23 Thread Frank McKenna

Thanks Roly,

I do have a NIC.  I will give this a try and see how that works.  I am
trying to set up a DHVP server for my intranet though.  Could you please
tell me the command to bring my NIC back up.

Thanks again, nuch apreciated

Frank McKenna

You don't have to like it you just have to do it but it is sure fun to win

True Strength lies in Gentleness

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