[newbie-it] pop3

2002-12-27 Thread Paolo Tomiato
Ciao a tutti,
ho ancora bisogno del vostro aiuto: sul mio serverino di casa ho provato a
configurare postfix seguendo gli howto che ci sono allegati alla distro e in
rete e sono riuscito a far funzionare l'smtp e a mandare messaggi di posta,
tramite i client win2000 collegati, con gli indirizzi
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (nome.cognome sono alias di utenti presenti nella
linuxbox) e fin qui tutto ok!

Quello che nn riesco a capire e' come si fa a configurare il server pop che, se
cerco di mandare un mesg all'indirizzo di cui sopra, mi risponde che l'utente
nome.cognome nn e' presente (anche [EMAIL PROTECTED] risponde utente
nn presente) e se invece cerco di scaricare la posta invece di dirmi che nn ci
sono nuovi messaggi mi disconnette... tutto cio' sia dai clients che da dentro
la linuxbox. :)

Dove posso trovare informazioni utili? Quali howto devo cercare?

Re: [newbie-it] pop3

2002-12-27 Thread francesco.melo
Paolo Tomiato wrote:

Ciao a tutti,
ho ancora bisogno del vostro aiuto: sul mio serverino di casa ho provato a
configurare postfix seguendo gli howto che ci sono allegati alla distro e in
rete e sono riuscito a far funzionare l'smtp e a mandare messaggi di posta,
tramite i client win2000 collegati, con gli indirizzi
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (nome.cognome sono alias di utenti presenti nella
linuxbox) e fin qui tutto ok!

Quello che nn riesco a capire e' come si fa a configurare il server pop che, se
cerco di mandare un mesg all'indirizzo di cui sopra, mi risponde che l'utente
nome.cognome nn e' presente (anche [EMAIL PROTECTED] risponde utente
nn presente) e se invece cerco di scaricare la posta invece di dirmi che nn ci
sono nuovi messaggi mi disconnette... tutto cio' sia dai clients che da dentro
la linuxbox. :)

Dove posso trovare informazioni utili? Quali howto devo cercare?


in rmpmdrake controlla se hai installato imap ? nn sono sicurissimo ( 
parole chiave su file : pop imap ) e lo installi
poi con webmin  vai su networking / extended internet services /ed 
attivi il pop3..

ogni user della rete avrà la sua casella pop .


[newbie-it] compilare il kernel

2002-12-27 Thread tom
Ave lista,
tra una fetta di panettone e un boccone di peperonata ho intenzione di 
compilare un nuovo kernel per i miei pinguini, in modo che per l'anno nuovo 
si trovino meglio e facciano quello che vogliano.
Considerando che non ho mai neanche tentato di far partire un make xconfig,
le mie perplessita sono diverse.

Che tipo di kernel fare ? che vantaggi/svantaggi ci sono tra i due tipi?

Nel caso lo creassi modulare che moduli ci devo mettere? ho paura di non 
comprendere moduli che per me non significano nulla 
,ma che per la macchina sono indispensabili..si puo correre un rischio di 
questo genere?

Per creare un Kernel che abbia dei sinceri vantaggi si deve conoscere molto 
bene il proprio hardware o non è necessario?

Non ho alcuna necessita di un kernel nuovo,lo faccio solo per sport :)
quello che vorrei (e dico vorrei xke non ho idea se sia possibile!) è
compilare un kernel per aumentare le prestazioni delle aplicazioni , 
inserirgli la scheda audio che una isapci , e fargli fare da 
firewall...quindi escludere i moduli per me inutili.ma la cosa che vi 
stupira è che non so quali siano :))
Il pc lo uso principalmente per la musica , poi per la posta , per navigare 
nel web , alcune volte per chattare con IRC,raramente per manipolazioni JPG.
Che mi consigliate di fare?
Sto gia studiando i vari howto-kernel (rigorosamente in italiano) sparsi per 
il web.

Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] Screensaver

2002-12-27 Thread Tommaso
Qualcuno sa dirmi come faccio ad istallare qualche screensaver in
Mdk9.0 che non sia uno dei tre che mi ha fornito l'istallazione di base?
Magari c'è qualche pacchetto nella cartella contrib?

Re: [newbie-it] Screensaver

2002-12-27 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 16:08, venerdì 27 dicembre 2002, Tommaso ha scritto:
 Qualcuno sa dirmi come faccio ad istallare qualche screensaver in
 Mdk9.0 che non sia uno dei tre che mi ha fornito l'istallazione di base?
 Magari c'è qualche pacchetto nella cartella contrib?

Ciao Tommaso, devi installare un pacchetto aggiuntivo: mi pare si chiami 
kde-artworks, o qualcosa del genere... cerca kde nel Software Installer, e 
troverai da solo il pacchetto giusto. Aggiunge gli screensaver, qualche 
sfondo ed una manciata di icone.



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la numerazione 
binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

Re: [newbie-it] compilare il kernel

2002-12-27 Thread LukenShiro
On Sat, 28 Dec 2002, tom wrote:
 Che tipo di kernel fare ? che vantaggi/svantaggi ci sono tra i due

 Intanto bisogna senz'altro escludere i due estremi (esclusivamente
monolitico e esclusivamente modulare), perche' in un caso carica moduli di
dispositivi inesistenti (confondendo il sistema o creando potenzialmente
degli scompensi) e nell'altro non carica all'avvio moduli indispensabili
(bloccandosi magari all'inizio).
 Come sempre la soluzione migliore IMHO e' quella di mezzo :)
 Di solito, per tradizione, si sceglie un modello modulare, perche'
permette di conservare memoria RAM, non caricando o rimuovendo i moduli
che non sono (piu') necessari.
 Pero' ribadisco quanto gia' detto in altra sede: se un certo numero di
moduli viene caricato sempre e resta in memoria per la maggior parte del
tempo, per questi il modello modulare non offre praticamente alcun
vantaggio e tanto vale metterli come incorporati.
 Mettendo come incorporato un modulo che ti serverebbe lasciare come
modulo ha lo svantaggio di non permetterti di rimuoverlo quando non
fosse piu' necessario (perche' essendo, appunto, incorporato, verrebbe
ovviamente sempre caricato all'avvio)
 In aggiunta un modulo che deve essere caricato subito, perche'
indispensabile all'avvio (es. quello del filesystem di root), e' meglio
IMHO che sia incorporato.
 D'altro canto i moduli che non servono al tuo sistema possono essere
eliminati (= non compilati), risparmiando spazio su disco.
 Inoltre bisogna tener presente che non tutte le voci corrispondono ad un
modulo, alcune influenzano le voci circostanti (inibendole o
abilitandole), altri inseriscono delle impostazioni che non si riverberano
su un particolare modulo.

 Per creare un Kernel che abbia dei sinceri vantaggi si deve conoscere molto
 bene il proprio hardware o non è necessario?

 Be' senz'altro e' utile; il kernel di serie nelle distribuzioni correnti
e' concepito per essere utilizzato in ambienti operativi piuttosto
eterogenei (ed infatti nella maggior parte dei casi non e' necessario
ricompilare alcunche' per usufruirne) e quindi non puo' giocoforza essere
ottimizzato per un particolare sistema.
 Cmq gia' guardando (con lsmod) i moduli caricati e utilizzati puoi avere
un'idea, cosi' come saprai certamente gia' se hai bisogno del supporto
di PCMCIA (per notebook), di schede isdn interne, di periferiche scsi
emulate o naturali, che CPU hai, ecc..
 Purtroppo diverse voci non sono adeguatamente documentate (o non lo sono
affatto), pero' gia' la documentazione presente in
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/ puo' essere utile.

 Non ho alcuna necessita di un kernel nuovo,lo faccio solo per sport :)
 quello che vorrei (e dico vorrei xke non ho idea se sia possibile!) è
 compilare un kernel per aumentare le prestazioni delle aplicazioni ,

 Sul fronte delle prestazioni, gia' qualcosa si puo' ottenere p.es.
mettendo nella voce apposita la CPU utilizzata (al posto di quella
predefinita); e' anche vero che AFAIK se le applicazioni sono compilate
per i386, ottimizzare solo il kernel e non queste applicazioni offre
vantaggi limitati ..

 inserirgli la scheda audio che una isapci

l'audio invece credo che sia meglio lasciarlo come modulare, anche in
previsione dell'eventuale utilizzo di driver alternativi (ALSA) a quelli
del kernel (OSS)

 e fargli fare da firewall...

anche qui direi che puoi lasciarli come moduli

 quindi escludere i moduli per me
 inutili.ma la cosa che vi stupira è che non so quali siano :))

In fondo credo che bastino due accorgimenti e, anche se per ipotesi
dovessi sbagliare qualcosa, gli effetti non dovrebbero essere poi cosi'
 1) modificare il numero di versione, attribuendo a EXTRAVERSION quello
che (ti pare nel file /usr/src/_versione_/Makefile): cio' evita che i
moduli in /lib/modules/_versione_/ siano sovrascritti arbitrariamente con
qualcosa che non e' perfettamente funzionante.
 2) creare un voce apposita nel file /etc/lilo.conf per identificare quel
kernel compilato di prova e poter sempre riavviare con quello funzionante,
nel caso in cui le cose non dovessero andare come previsto.

Se una volta riavviato non parte o ha un comportamento bizzarro, non fai
altro che riavviare con il kernel precedente e tutto si sistema.

Una volta fatto questo non ti resta che riprovare .. a te la palla ;)

P.S. visto che sei avanti di un giorno, tra qualche ora potresti dirmi
com'e' andato a finire il SuperEnalotto, che almeno metto i numeri giusti?
;) :PP

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 ** k 2.4.20-acpi+preempt+lowlat+pktwrt
LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
Spammer Burning: le radici dell'odio

[newbie-it] floppy e cdrom

2002-12-27 Thread andrea

scusate, conosco proprio poco del caro linux...
ho mandrake 9.0
durante la fase di boot cerca di montare il floppy ed il cdrom ... poi
segnala il tentativo come fallito ... non ho problemi una volta che
accedo all'interfaccia ... il floppy lo riconosce ed anche i cdrom ...
perché cerca il mount all'avvio?
cosa dovrei controllare per escluedere ciò?


Re: [newbie-it] floppy e cdrom

2002-12-27 Thread Daniele Micci
Alle 17:37, venerdì 27 dicembre 2002, andrea ha scritto:
 scusate, conosco proprio poco del caro linux...
 ho mandrake 9.0
 durante la fase di boot cerca di montare il floppy ed il cdrom ... poi
 segnala il tentativo come fallito ... non ho problemi una volta che
 accedo all'interfaccia ... il floppy lo riconosce ed anche i cdrom ...
 perché cerca il mount all'avvio?
 cosa dovrei controllare per escluedere ciò?


Devi inserire noauto tra le opzioni nelle righe di CDROM e floppy del file 
/etc/fstab... per fare una cosa più semplice, credo tu possa eseguire queste 
modifiche anche tramite il Mandrake Control Center.



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la numerazione 
binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

[Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] supermount ...]

2002-12-27 Thread francesco.melo

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] supermount ...
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 20:10:19 +0100
From: francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
References: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

fabio wrote:

posso chiedervi perchè odiate così tanto il supermount?
io mi ci trovo una favola...


Perchè anche nelle versioni precedenti il supermount ha data parecchie rogne.
Sarebbe o il caso di inserirlo quando 'maturo' (stabile e senza bizze) oppure 
sopprimerlo, visto che il mount funziona benissimo.

si ma esattamente che problemi vi da?


Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2002-12-27 Thread Giorgio Griffon
Luken Shiro ha scritto:
  Hai ragione... è che l'output è chilometrico, impensabile leggerlo tutto.
  Può aver senso leggerne dei pezzetti?

  Ehm, direi di no, ma piu' o meno qualche riga prima dell'errore si'

Ho seguito tutte le tue altre indicazioni, molto precise; rimane l'errore in 
fase di compilazione dei moduli; trascrivo una parte dell'uscita di make  
modules, da dove cominciano le segnalazioni di errore, che poi proseguono 
(sic!) per decine di righe:

/usr/src/linux-2.4.18-6mdk/include/asm/page.h:97: warning: function 
declaration isn't a prototype
In file included from /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-6mdk/include/linux/prefetch.h:13,
 from /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-6mdk/include/linux/list.h:6,
 from /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-6mdk/include/linux/module.h:12,
 from logibusmouse.c:39:
/usr/src/linux-2.4.18-6mdk/include/asm/processor.h:51: warning: parameter 
names (without types) in function declaration
/usr/src/linux-2.4.18-6mdk/include/asm/processor.h:51: field 
`loops_per_jiffy_R_ver_str' declared as a function
/usr/src/linux-2.4.18-6mdk/include/asm/processor.h:72: nondigits in number 
and not hexadecimal
/usr/src/linux-2.4.18-6mdk/include/asm/processor.h:72: parse error before 

Mi è venuto un leggero sospetto... come faccio ad essere sicuro che ci siano 
tutti i sorgenti necessari? 
Ciao e grazie

Re: [newbie-it] compilazione del kernel

2002-12-27 Thread LukenShiro
On Fri, 27 Dec 2002, Giorgio Griffon wrote:
 rimane l'errore in fase di compilazione dei moduli; trascrivo una parte
 dell'uscita di make modules, da dove cominciano le segnalazioni di
 errore, che poi proseguono (sic!) per decine di righe:

Urgh, probabilmente si tratta di qualche modulo che hai abilitato e che,
nel tuo caso non e' adatto all'hardware presente, per esempio il mouse usb
logitech (o almeno suppongo che sia quello ;))

 Mi è venuto un leggero sospetto... come faccio ad essere sicuro che ci siano
 tutti i sorgenti necessari?

I due pacchetti che servono sono kernel-source e kernel-headers; se li hai
installati entrambi, il problema non e' li'.

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 ** k 2.4.20-acpi+preempt+lowlat+pktwrt
LU #210970 LM #98222 SU #12583
Spammer Burning: le radici dell'odio

Re: [newbie-it] compilare il kernel

2002-12-27 Thread tom
Alle 16:24, venerdì 27 dicembre 2002, LukenShiro ha scritto:
 On Sat, 28 Dec 2002, tom wrote:
 P.S. visto che sei avanti di un giorno, tra qualche ora potresti dirmi
 com'e' andato a finire il SuperEnalotto, che almeno metto i numeri giusti?

   8 - 12 - 64 - 68 - 77 - 81  --- 15

ok? facciamo a meta dopo?
il n di conto a cui inviare l'asegno è: uygd78682dsbl8 

grazie..non mi ero accorto della cosaqui nella slack ho un data(ora 
giusta) e nella MDK un altra(ora forse sbagliata)

p.s. grazie della risposta..sta notte tento di far inchiodare tutto!

Re: [newbie-it] pop3

2002-12-27 Thread Paolo Tomiato
Io ho fatto tutto quello che mi hai detto ed ora il demone ipop3 e' attivo
ma nn e' cambiato niente e ottengo sempre questo msg:

Il server ha interrotto la connessione in modo inatteso. Ciò potrebbe essere
dovuto a problemi relativi al server o alla rete oppure a un lungo periodo di
inattività. Account: 'Pinco', Server: 'pop3.miodominio.com', Protocollo: POP3,
Porta: 110, Protezione (SSL): No, Numero di errore: 0x800CCC0F

in /var/spool/mail nn ci sono directory riferite ai vari user.

cosa faccio?

- Original Message -
From: francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] pop3

 Paolo Tomiato wrote:

 Ciao a tutti,
 ho ancora bisogno del vostro aiuto: sul mio serverino di casa ho provato a
 configurare postfix seguendo gli howto che ci sono allegati alla distro e in
 rete e sono riuscito a far funzionare l'smtp e a mandare messaggi di posta,
 tramite i client win2000 collegati, con gli indirizzi
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (nome.cognome sono alias di utenti presenti nella
 linuxbox) e fin qui tutto ok!
 Quello che nn riesco a capire e' come si fa a configurare il server pop che,
 cerco di mandare un mesg all'indirizzo di cui sopra, mi risponde che l'utente
 nome.cognome nn e' presente (anche [EMAIL PROTECTED] risponde
 nn presente) e se invece cerco di scaricare la posta invece di dirmi che nn
 sono nuovi messaggi mi disconnette... tutto cio' sia dai clients che da
 la linuxbox. :)
 Dove posso trovare informazioni utili? Quali howto devo cercare?
 in rmpmdrake controlla se hai installato imap ? nn sono sicurissimo (
 parole chiave su file : pop imap ) e lo installi
 poi con webmin  vai su networking / extended internet services /ed
 attivi il pop3..

 ogni user della rete avrà la sua casella pop .


[newbie-it] CD 8cm

2002-12-27 Thread Corrado
Leggendo all'interno della confezione di un cd Magnx 8 cm, si viene
avvertiti che alcuni masterizzatori non sono in grado di bruciare tali
supporti, anche se il cassettino li alloggia... a parte che potevano
scriverlo sulla parte esterna della connfezione :-), presumo sia proprio
questo il caso del mio Philips PCRW804; qualcuno può confermare o
E comunque: qualche consiglio su un masterizzatore recente che
sicuramente non dia problemi sotto Linux e supporti i cd 8cm?


Re: [newbie-it] pop3

2002-12-27 Thread francesco.melo
Paolo Tomiato wrote:

Io ho fatto tutto quello che mi hai detto ed ora il demone ipop3 e' attivo
ma nn e' cambiato niente e ottengo sempre questo msg:

Il server ha interrotto la connessione in modo inatteso. Ciò potrebbe essere
dovuto a problemi relativi al server o alla rete oppure a un lungo periodo di
inattività. Account: 'Pinco', Server: 'pop3.miodominio.com', Protocollo: POP3,
Porta: 110, Protezione (SSL): No, Numero di errore: 0x800CCC0F

in /var/spool/mail nn ci sono directory riferite ai vari user.

cosa faccio?

- Original Message -
From: francesco.melo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] pop3


Paolo Tomiato wrote:


Ciao a tutti,
ho ancora bisogno del vostro aiuto: sul mio serverino di casa ho provato a
configurare postfix seguendo gli howto che ci sono allegati alla distro e in
rete e sono riuscito a far funzionare l'smtp e a mandare messaggi di posta,
tramite i client win2000 collegati, con gli indirizzi
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (nome.cognome sono alias di utenti presenti nella
linuxbox) e fin qui tutto ok!

Quello che nn riesco a capire e' come si fa a configurare il server pop che,


cerco di mandare un mesg all'indirizzo di cui sopra, mi risponde che l'utente
nome.cognome nn e' presente (anche [EMAIL PROTECTED] risponde


nn presente) e se invece cerco di scaricare la posta invece di dirmi che nn


sono nuovi messaggi mi disconnette... tutto cio' sia dai clients che da


la linuxbox. :)

Dove posso trovare informazioni utili? Quali howto devo cercare?


in rmpmdrake controlla se hai installato imap ? nn sono sicurissimo (
parole chiave su file : pop imap ) e lo installi
poi con webmin  vai su networking / extended internet services /ed
attivi il pop3..

ogni user della rete avrà la sua casella pop .




scusa ma io mi sono basato sul fatto che smtp funzionava per cui davo 
per settato postfix o sendmail  le email che mandi dove vanno?

Re: [newbie-it] Screensaver

2002-12-27 Thread freefred
On Friday 27 December 2002 4:08 pm, Tommaso wrote about [newbie-it] 
 Qualcuno sa dirmi come faccio ad istallare qualche screensaver in
 Mdk9.0 che non sia uno dei tre che mi ha fornito l'istallazione di base?
 Magari c'è qualche pacchetto nella cartella contrib?

io uso il keuphoria, che e' davvero magnifico
(anche il ksetisaver in relata').
Lo trovi insieme ad altri a www.kde-look.org


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Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] - http://web.genie.it/utenti/f/freefred/
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

[newbie] before I quit

2002-12-27 Thread Aaron
Hi I have been running mandrake 9.0 for the last few months.
I have a number of hardware issues which I can't seem to resolve.
I am writing one last time before I install RedHat.

I have three cdroms on my computer
one is a dvd ide drive hitachi
the second is and ide plextor burner 40/12/40a
and the third is a true scsi plextor 40max

The only one I can use as a cd drive is the dvd one.
The writer worked from eroster and webadmin until last week when I get
errors (which I don't remember)

the drives are not mountable etc.
here is my fstab,

/dev/hda5 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom3 auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,sync,unhide,noauto,nosuid,user,nodev 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /snd ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda1 /windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
The second problem is my printer I have a usb deskjet 3420 of HP.
Mandrake finds it and installs all the necessary drivers etc. but it
doesnt print a test page or any other page for that matter.
If anyone can help me it would be most appreciated. I have down loaded
redhat 8 and thought I would give mandrake one more chance before I
install it (I like the interface etc of the distribution)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] before I quit

2002-12-27 Thread Jason
I have run Mandrake since 8.2. I also run Cooker. I can't answer your 
questions but I can assure you that RedHat will not solve your problems 
(in and of itself). RH8 has been so dumbed down (according to all 
reports) that it is all but unusable to power users. There are other 
reasons to stick with ML that I won't go into as well. Remember, ALL 
distro's fail in some respects...it's the nature of the fast maturing 
pace of OSS in general. I suggest you fire up a copy of Knoppix and if 
all works then start copying out some config files (I had to do this on 
a laptop of mine). Knoppix uses Kudzu (similar to RH's version but with 
Klauses mods.), so this is a way to test without going whole hog. I 
suggest sticking with ML, we may not be able to help right now but 
someone on the list, in a local LUG or a local Linux geek should be able 
to help you. Yes, OSS is sometimes a challenge...but one with very 
significant rewards for perseverence.

My .0002c worth,

Jason Greenwood

Aaron wrote:

Hi I have been running mandrake 9.0 for the last few months.
I have a number of hardware issues which I can't seem to resolve.
I am writing one last time before I install RedHat.

I have three cdroms on my computer
one is a dvd ide drive hitachi
the second is and ide plextor burner 40/12/40a
and the third is a true scsi plextor 40max

The only one I can use as a cd drive is the dvd one.
The writer worked from eroster and webadmin until last week when I get
errors (which I don't remember)

the drives are not mountable etc.
here is my fstab,

/dev/hda5 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom3 auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,sync,unhide,noauto,nosuid,user,nodev 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /snd ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda1 /windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
The second problem is my printer I have a usb deskjet 3420 of HP.
Mandrake finds it and installs all the necessary drivers etc. but it
doesnt print a test page or any other page for that matter.
If anyone can help me it would be most appreciated. I have down loaded
redhat 8 and thought I would give mandrake one more chance before I
install it (I like the interface etc of the distribution)

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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2002-12-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 26 Dec 2002 9:51 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 No, I have never heard of iscan, does it come from the epsom website ?

 Francisco Alcaraz Ariza wrote:
 Did you try iscan from epson? It uses all the scanner capabilities, lot
  better for most epson scanners than xsane
 El Jueves, 26 de Diciembre de 2002 13:46, John Richard Smith escribió:
 Santa was very generaous.
 I never found anything in linux work initially so easy.
 I just plugged it in the usb2 port powered it up
 went to MCC - hardwarte scanner- leftmouse clicked ,
 it asked for cd1 , I gave it it, it said thank you, I
 smiled inwardly, It even gave me a kstartmenu entry,
 and away it went.
 So far I've had a go at grey scale and colour in normal
 scan docment mode(as against photo/transparency)
 and it worked. I have yet to make the fine adjustments
 but all looks very encouraging.
 I also notice the Steppa motor is 24v, as against most
 of the cheapie scanners being 12v I hope that makes
 for greater reliability.
 I'm always cautious to praise too loudly, somehow it
 seems like tempting fate, but all the thanks goes to
 those sane project people for their sterling efforts,
 and, I for one, am profoundly greatful.
 I just thought I would share this with you.It is always
 heartening when something works withou a lot of
 fuss and bother  in linux.

John - iscan was necessary to run my Perfection 1650 under 8.2 - from Epson's 
website - but I think I'm right to say that iscan is the driver included on 
the 9.0 distro, so you don't need to do anything more.


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Re: [newbie] first message

2002-12-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 27 Dec 2002 1:59 am, Josenildo Marques wrote:
 Hello !

 Needless to say, I am new to Mandake Linux and have just installed it (LM
 9). I am trying to set things up so I can have everything working fine.

 I'd like to ask you how I can get the shockwave plugin to work in Mozilla.

Mozilla.org's website have links and instructions for all the main plugins.

 I have also tried to play .kar files in Kmid but no sound comes out. My
 sound card is a Sound Blaster Live.

SBLive is well supported, and runs with the emu10k1 driver.  You will probably 
find, however, that Mandrake Control Centre's (MCC's) Hardware List will say 
that it has no information about your soundcard.  Don't worry about that, it 
doesn't stop it working fine.

What have you tried, apart from Kmix?  Have you tried playing an .mp3 file, or 
a cd?  Are you getting system sounds?  Any info you can give us will help us 
to point to the next step


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[newbie] Using a Cyrix cpu with MMX

2002-12-27 Thread Anne Wilson
How likely is it that I could get 9.0 or 8.2 to install with this cpu?  Has 
anyone got a working system with this architecture?


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[newbie] Installing a Conceptronic 56K Modem on Linux Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-27 Thread Colin McElhatton

I have recently installed Mandrake 9.0 on my Athlon XP Based system but I am having 
problems installing my Hardware Conceptronic 56K Modem (which I have have verified 
that should work with Linux). Formerly I had a software modem (at the time of 
installing mandrake 9.0). 

When I went through the FAQs I came across a utility called setserial which I also 
discovered was not installed with Mandrake when I first installed it. Is there a way 
to get Mandrake 9.0 to recognise the presence of my modem so that I can get to surfing 
the net with Mandrake?

I am a total newbie to these kind of problems so I would appreciate any information 
that might facilitate the installation process.

Best Regards,

Colin McElhatton AIMIS 
Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com

Meet Singles

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Re: [newbie] before I quit

2002-12-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 27 Dec 2002 11:46 am, Aaron wrote:
 Hi I have been running mandrake 9.0 for the last few months.
 I have a number of hardware issues which I can't seem to resolve.
 I am writing one last time before I install RedHat.

 I have three cdroms on my computer
 one is a dvd ide drive hitachi
 the second is and ide plextor burner 40/12/40a
 and the third is a true scsi plextor 40max

 The only one I can use as a cd drive is the dvd one.

Do you mean that you can't even read from the others?  My Hitachi dvd drive is 
the one I installed from, therefore the one that all updates are taken from.  
This may be the case with you, but you should be able to read from the 

 The writer worked from eroster and webadmin until last week when I get
 errors (which I don't remember)

 the drives are not mountable etc.

Which method do you use to try to mount them?  What happens?

 here is my fstab,

 /dev/hda5 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom auto
 codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0
 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto

If this one is the burner, it needs the ro changing to rw

 codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0

This is my equivalent line:
none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

Of course, supermount doesn't work in every setup, so using auto instead 
should work fine.  Keep it simple, at least until you have a working system, 
then make changes one at a time.

 /dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom3 auto
 codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0
 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
 iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,sync,unhide,noauto,nosuid,user,nodev 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda8 /snd ext3 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda1 /windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
 /dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
 The second problem is my printer I have a usb deskjet 3420 of HP.
 Mandrake finds it and installs all the necessary drivers etc. but it
 doesnt print a test page or any other page for that matter.

The driver installed by default isn't always the best one.  Go to Mandrake 
Control Centre, remove the printer, then re-install it.  Take care to use the 
Advanced (or is it Expert?) button, which lists the models in detail.  This 
should ensure that you get the best driver.  It's very difficult to change 
the driver on an existing printer setup.  Much easier and quicker to start 


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Re: [newbie] first message

2002-12-27 Thread Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 10:30:10 +
Subject: Re: [newbie] first message

 On Friday 27 Dec 2002 1:59 am, Josenildo Marques wrote:
  Hello !
  Needless to say, I am new to Mandake Linux and have just installed it (LM
  9). I am trying to set things up so I can have everything working fine.
  I'd like to ask you how I can get the shockwave plugin to work in Mozilla.
 Mozilla.org's website have links and instructions for all the main plugins.
  I have also tried to play .kar files in Kmid but no sound comes out. My
  sound card is a Sound Blaster Live.
 SBLive is well supported, and runs with the emu10k1 driver.  You will probably 
 find, however, that Mandrake Control Centre's (MCC's) Hardware List will say 
 that it has no information about your soundcard.  Don't worry about that, it 
 doesn't stop it working fine.
 What have you tried, apart from Kmix?  Have you tried playing an .mp3 file, or 
 a cd?  Are you getting system sounds?  Any info you can give us will help us 
 to point to the next step

Just curious, is your computer a Dell Dimension? 
The SBLive 5.1 that Dell installs in the Dim is not standard, and is an apparent no-go 

This link has info (scroll to bottom): 

Some Dell owners are trying to get replacement cards from Dell.
If your comp isn't a Dell Dim, disregard.

All the best to you.


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

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Re: [newbie] Installing a Conceptronic 56K Modem on Linux Mandrake9.0

2002-12-27 Thread Jason
Hi Colin,

Hardware modem detection in ML is patchy at best. You need to run 
Linuxconf. Look in the application menu under:

Once up and running, click on:
PeripheralsModemand then click on the detect button in the dialog box. 
Unless you have some weird modem, it should easily be detected and then 
save the changes when LinuxConf asks you to.

Then run KPPP in the start menu at:
NetworkingRemote AccessKPPP

When KPPP starts, click setupmodem and then query your modem to make 
sure it is set up properly. Set up your dialup properties in KPPP and 
then hit connect and you should be good as gold.


Jason Greenwood

Colin McElhatton wrote:


I have recently installed Mandrake 9.0 on my Athlon XP Based system but I am having problems installing my Hardware Conceptronic 56K Modem (which I have have verified that should work with Linux). Formerly I had a software modem (at the time of installing mandrake 9.0). 

When I went through the FAQs I came across a utility called setserial which I also discovered was not installed with Mandrake when I first installed it. Is there a way to get Mandrake 9.0 to recognise the presence of my modem so that I can get to surfing the net with Mandrake?

I am a total newbie to these kind of problems so I would appreciate any information that might facilitate the installation process.

Best Regards,

Colin McElhatton AIMIS 

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] before I quit

2002-12-27 Thread Jason
I suggest you disable supermount alltogether then use Kwikdisk to mount 
the drives one at a time to test them

Just a thought

Anne Wilson wrote:

On Friday 27 Dec 2002 11:46 am, Aaron wrote:

Hi I have been running mandrake 9.0 for the last few months.
I have a number of hardware issues which I can't seem to resolve.
I am writing one last time before I install RedHat.

I have three cdroms on my computer
one is a dvd ide drive hitachi
the second is and ide plextor burner 40/12/40a
and the third is a true scsi plextor 40max

The only one I can use as a cd drive is the dvd one.

Do you mean that you can't even read from the others?  My Hitachi dvd drive is 
the one I installed from, therefore the one that all updates are taken from.  
This may be the case with you, but you should be able to read from the 


The writer worked from eroster and webadmin until last week when I get
errors (which I don't remember)

the drives are not mountable etc.

Which method do you use to try to mount them?  What happens?


here is my fstab,

/dev/hda5 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto

If this one is the burner, it needs the ro changing to rw


codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0

This is my equivalent line:
none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0

Of course, supermount doesn't work in every setup, so using auto instead 
should work fine.  Keep it simple, at least until you have a working system, 
then make changes one at a time.


/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom3 auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,sync,unhide,noauto,nosuid,user,nodev 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /snd ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda1 /windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
The second problem is my printer I have a usb deskjet 3420 of HP.
Mandrake finds it and installs all the necessary drivers etc. but it
doesnt print a test page or any other page for that matter.

The driver installed by default isn't always the best one.  Go to Mandrake 
Control Centre, remove the printer, then re-install it.  Take care to use the 
Advanced (or is it Expert?) button, which lists the models in detail.  This 
should ensure that you get the best driver.  It's very difficult to change 
the driver on an existing printer setup.  Much easier and quicker to start 



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Dual Booting

2002-12-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Steve Spears wrote:


Was wondering if anyone had a good site that explains dual booting Mandrake 9.0 and 8.2. I have 9.0 installed and want to dual boot 8.2 that is on a different drive. Basics: 9.0 on one drive, want to add another drive to same machine and load 8.2 on the new drive. 

Any links or help would be greatly appreciated. 




There is nothing particularly mysterious about dual linux booting.
There are two ways, but the simplist way is to create a /boot partition,
then drakX the mandrake installer knows what to do all by itself.
Care has to be taken that when you come to install lilo in the second
install that the stanzas are correct for each OS partition .This
is accomplished by selecting the appropriate entry from the drop
down menu for each aspect of the lilo stanza.Take your time here
and get the choices right.Basically the lilo installer is reading what
it can find in the abovementioned /boot partition, and these will
include kernels, initrd.image files.

As far as layout of your linux partitions is concerned it does not matter
which drive you install them on. Swap partitions are best sited near
the middle of whichever drive you choose, though not essential.


John Richard Smith

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2002-12-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Thursday 26 Dec 2002 9:51 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

No, I have never heard of iscan, does it come from the epsom website ?

Francisco Alcaraz Ariza wrote:

Did you try iscan from epson? It uses all the scanner capabilities, lot
better for most epson scanners than xsane

El Jueves, 26 de Diciembre de 2002 13:46, John Richard Smith escribió:

Santa was very generaous.


I never found anything in linux work initially so easy.
I just plugged it in the usb2 port powered it up
went to MCC - hardwarte scanner- leftmouse clicked ,
it asked for cd1 , I gave it it, it said thank you, I
smiled inwardly, It even gave me a kstartmenu entry,
and away it went.

So far I've had a go at grey scale and colour in normal
scan docment mode(as against photo/transparency)
and it worked. I have yet to make the fine adjustments
but all looks very encouraging.

I also notice the Steppa motor is 24v, as against most
of the cheapie scanners being 12v I hope that makes
for greater reliability.

I'm always cautious to praise too loudly, somehow it
seems like tempting fate, but all the thanks goes to
those sane project people for their sterling efforts,
and, I for one, am profoundly greatful.

I just thought I would share this with you.It is always
heartening when something works withou a lot of
fuss and bother  in linux.


John - iscan was necessary to run my Perfection 1650 under 8.2 - from Epson's 
website - but I think I'm right to say that iscan is the driver included on 
the 9.0 distro, so you don't need to do anything more.



That explains it, I thought the sane windows had changed a bit since I last
installed scanner software.

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Sorry to the list.....

2002-12-27 Thread Jason
for the large email with attachments...I didn't even check to see how 
big the bloody flash plugin was. =(

Was trying to make it easy for the user to get the plugins...anyway, 
they are at:

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Re: [newbie] before I quit

2002-12-27 Thread mycal62
Hi ,

have you tried to run the cd drives in other boxes to insure they work?

also have you changed the IDE cable first?

I ask because I went through a similar situation.  it turned out to be 
the slave connection on a UDMA cable.
the master was fine but the slave was bad though it was a new cable. 
after several hours of fighting it, I changed the cable and I put in a 
cd drive I thought was dead, but now works fine. it was the cable.
this was a hard one to figure out because the drives would show up in 
the bios, but would not work in the os.

also I have had other cd drives that were not perfect that Linux ( RH or 
MDK whatever ) would not play with
because they were not perfect.

I am loyal to MDK , primarily because it's Linux, and I like the 
interface, your flavor may vary ;-)


Aaron wrote:

Hi I have been running mandrake 9.0 for the last few months.
I have a number of hardware issues which I can't seem to resolve.
I am writing one last time before I install RedHat.

I have three cdroms on my computer
one is a dvd ide drive hitachi
the second is and ide plextor burner 40/12/40a
and the third is a true scsi plextor 40max

The only one I can use as a cd drive is the dvd one.
The writer worked from eroster and webadmin until last week when I get
errors (which I don't remember)

the drives are not mountable etc.
here is my fstab,

/dev/hda5 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2 auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/scd1 /mnt/cdrom3 auto
codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,noauto,nosuid,ro,user,nodev 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto
iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,sync,unhide,noauto,nosuid,user,nodev 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 /snd ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda1 /windows vfat iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
The second problem is my printer I have a usb deskjet 3420 of HP.
Mandrake finds it and installs all the necessary drivers etc. but it
doesnt print a test page or any other page for that matter.
If anyone can help me it would be most appreciated. I have down loaded
redhat 8 and thought I would give mandrake one more chance before I
install it (I like the interface etc of the distribution)

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Mike McNeese 
Arkansas USA

Currently triple booting 98lite; MDK 8.0 kernel 2.4.3-20; 
MDK 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16 Registered Linux User #248955


If obstacles are what you see in your path...
Then you have lost sight of your goal!  

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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2002-12-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

John - iscan was necessary to run my Perfection 1650 under 8.2 - from 
website - but I think I'm right to say that iscan is the driver 
included on
the 9.0 distro, so you don't need to do anything more.


That explains it, I thought the sane windows had changed a bit since I last
installed scanner software.


I think not ,  it looks quite different now I've got it on,
and the layout is different. It works quite well.

Nice to know there is a second choice.

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] system monitoring advice needed

2002-12-27 Thread Andrei Raevsky

The other day my computer began not loading some programs (OpenOffice 
1.0.1), looking for non-existing CD/DVDs in my drive, and acting sluggish.  
After a while, my system froze.  I could not open a console any more, I 
could not even kill X.  I had to reboot.

After going over the logs for over 30 min. I got a suspicion that the 
culprit was a bug in the functionning of my supermout as the kernel was 
looking for a disk which was not there.  Anyway, I am thinking that I wish I 
had taken a closer look at what was going on wrong in my system before 
everything froze.  Here is my question:

Which file should I monitor (with xconsole for example) if I get suspicious 
about my system?

To consult logs live is time-consuming (besides - do I want to open a root 
session, even in a non-X console, while having problems?), and looking at 
them after the event does not always give an answer.

Alternatively, is there some monitoring tool which I could run in the 
background which would warn me of upcoming trouble?

Thanks for any help,


Linux-Mandrake 9 (Dolphin)
Mandrake Club Silver Member
Registered Linux user: 226850
Registered Linux computer: 183163

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 3 months FREE*. 

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Re: [newbie] Using a Cyrix cpu with MMX

2002-12-27 Thread Poogle
On Friday 27 Dec 2002 H:40 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
 How likely is it that I could get 9.0 or 8.2 to install with this cpu?  Has
 anyone got a working system with this architecture?


I installed it on a Cyrix box without problems (something like a 366 IIRC but 
I don't have access to it to check at the moment)

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Re: [newbie] mandrake 9.0 never asks for another CD during installation

2002-12-27 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 15:52:48 -0800
 Spencer Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 18:22:49 -0500
 Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 15:04:43 -0800
  Spencer Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I think you will find that the problem is lack of memory. The bare minimum for 
 is 64megs.
  In this case the reason is more apt to be lack of fd space.
  For a PowerPack install to request other than cd1 requires around 2 gigs or more.
  This is due to the pkgs being ordered on the cds in to include depends and as they 
 need to be installed and the fact the the installation creates a /tmp to which many 
 of the pkgs are copied prior to installation.
  This being why the fd space required for installation exceeds the space required 
 the actually used once the installation is complete.
 I'm finding that even with more than adequate space, if you have a slow, low memory 
 computer ( I have several g ), the installer doesn't want to put much more in than 
 what is necessary. This is really obvious if you need to go to a text install.

Well, disk space is not a problem.  I have 2 gig available in my Mandrake root 
partition, and can easily expand that to 10 gig if necessary.  The 48 meg is probably 
the real restriction.  And it's stupid, too.  The machine has more than enough 
capacity for what I really want to do, and am doing on SuSE Linux now.  Occasionally 
it slows doen, but not seriously, and I did want to get started with the new kernel, 
which is rumoured to be smaller and faster, and do a better and more flexible job of 
packet filtering.

And even emacs did not appear during the install.

There must be a way around this.  Could it be that the installer really needs more 
than 48 meg to sort dependencies, and is incapable of using swap space?


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake and Automated Backup

2002-12-27 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 12:19:59AM +0200, Robin Turner wrote:
 Rob Lindsay wrote:
  My home system is a PIII 733 with two 20GB Internal IDE hard drives. The 
  office system is a G4 400 with internal and external 20GB drives. Also have a 
  PI 200MMX networked with the PIII [Don't like getting rid of a perfectly good 
  I use M$ Backup for the W2K system and Retrospect for the Mac. Retrospect is 
  infinitely more user-friendly than M$ Backup.
 It all depends on what you want to back up, how and where. tar is fine 
 if you just want to backup the files on your Linux box. smbtar is useful 
 if you have networked Windows boxes to back up.  In the office I use a 
 simple script which uses smbtar to back up all the Windows My Documents 
 to the Linux box, then tars /home to one of the Windows boxes (as is 
 obvious here, we have no hard storage media). Put this into a cron job, 
 and everything is backed up every day.  It's a bit of work getting your 
 scipt to work right, but then you just sit back.
 Sir Robin

I used Linux tar to back up my entire Windows partition during a lengthy 
reinstallation of Windows ME after a disastrous virus attack -- my Linux partition was 
untouched.  Reinstalling the Windows box took a while.  There were several phases - 
get WIndows working, get the printer drivers working, install the scanner software.  
Ths installation kept crashing.  If I hadn't had Linux to provide frequent backups of 
the partially installed systems, so I coult wipe c: and restore, I might never have 
gotten Windows installed and properly configured.  Maybe there are system 
configuratins for which this doesn't work, but it worked for me!


 Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
 doing it.
 - Linus Torvalds
 Robin Turner
 Bilkent University
 Ankara 06533

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] When is root not root?

2002-12-27 Thread Anne Wilson
Although I practically never log in as root, there are many things that 
require root priveleges, so opening File Manager (Super User Mode) or a root 
console is a common task.

Why is this not as dangerous?  Should we be closing those sessions as soon as 
possible?  What safeguards are there?


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Re: [newbie] Re: Dual Booting

2002-12-27 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 01:43:48AM +, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Thu, 26 Dec 2002 18:09:00 CST Steve Spears 
  Was wondering if anyone had a good site that explains 
 dual booting Mandrake 9.0 and 8.2. I have 9.0 installed 
 and want to dual boot 8.2 that is on a different drive. 
 Basics: 9.0 on one drive, want to add another drive to 
 same machine and load 8.2 on the new drive. 
  Any links or help would be greatly appreciated. 
 Steve, here's the short version : it's piece of cake. Just 
 install Mandrake 8.2 upon your new drive. For what I know, 
 the installation program will automatically detect the 
 presence of another OS and - along the way - offer you the 
 choice to boot one or the other as default. In your case - 
 having two discs - it's not even necessary to re-partition 
 anything. Eventually you can use the Mandrake Control 
 Center (as root) to adjust things later on. Most problems 
 with dual-booting stems from another scenario : installing 
 a real OS alongside a bogus one. Enjoy ! - But why on 
 earth do you want two real OS's ?
 Kaj Haulrich

Some PC's (people tell me only older ones) will only boot from the master or slave 
hard disks on the *first* IDE chain.  If this applies to your machine, make sure both 
your drives are on the first chain.

If so, /boot, /sbin and /etc (I think) must be in a patition on a bootable drive.  
Other things like /usr can, I believe, be anywhere.

ANybody know about /dev?


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Re: [newbie] Using a Cyrix cpu with MMX

2002-12-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 27 Dec 2002 1:32 pm, Poogle wrote:
 On Friday 27 Dec 2002 H:40 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  How likely is it that I could get 9.0 or 8.2 to install with this cpu? 
  Has anyone got a working system with this architecture?

 I installed it on a Cyrix box without problems (something like a 366 IIRC
 but I don't have access to it to check at the moment)

Thanks, Poogle.  I'll try for it in a day or two.


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Re: [newbie] Internet Routing has Died

2002-12-27 Thread Barry Premeaux
On Thursday 26 December 2002 10:07 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

   route add default gw your.isp.dynamic.ip ppp0

 So did the command work or no?  :)  Still waiting to hear about the


You must have missed my earlier post on this thread.  
While tinkering with my LILO boot loader, I managed to break it.  Couldn't get 
the rescue CD to recognize the reiserfs area of my hard drive where I had 
installed 9.0.  So, I opted to simply reinstall.  With a fresh install, I was 
back up with full routing capability again.  

I hadn't set up shorewall or downloaded any updates at this point.

A post on the kde-linux board mentioned problems with the shorewall firewall 
in 9.0.  Based on that input, I opted to install Bastille which I had used in 
8.2.  So, firewall is up, and its off to the updates.

I've filed your info so I have it to refer to if my previous problems comes 
back.  Again, thank you for the help.


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Re: [newbie] Networking questions

2002-12-27 Thread Anthony
Thanks, I'll give it a try!
"Ronald J. Hall" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thursday 26 December 2002 10:44 am, you wrote: Hi. I just installed Mandrake 9. Everything seems to be working except The only way to get the dial up connection to work is to first disable the network card. This is a plain Internet dial up to SBC, using a Creative 56k ModemBlaster. I assume it is possible to have both working at the same time since you even do it with Windows! Second, I want to be able to able to browse my Windows 2000 network from the Linux box. Is Samba the way to do this? I have looked at the instructions and it seems quite confusing. Is there any easier way? I just want to be able to retrieve video, mp3s and docs. Thanks!Hi Anthony. I have a Modemblaster as well, with a NIC...works fine here under Mandrake 8.2, but I did have to make some modifications.As root/su I had to go into /etc/sysconfig and edit "network"Mine looks like this:NETWORKING=yesFORWARD_IPV4=trueHOSTNAME=darkforce.comDOMAINNAME=comGATEWAY=GATEWAYDEV=ppp0This was what my old /etc/sysconfig/network file looked like:NETWORKING=yesFORWARD_IPV4=falseHOSTNAME=darkforce.comDOMAINNAME=comI can't remember if I had to do a:service network restartor not.Hope this helps!-- /\Dark Lord\/Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.comanthony
scottDo you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!


2002-12-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Anne Wilson wrote:

On Friday 27 Dec 2002 12:40 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:
John - iscan was necessary to run my Perfection 1650 under 8.2 - from


website - but I think I'm right to say that iscan is the driver

included on

the 9.0 distro, so you don't need to do anything more.


That explains it, I thought the sane windows had changed a bit since I last
installed scanner software.


I think not ,  it looks quite different now I've got it on,
and the layout is different. It works quite well.

Nice to know there is a second choice.


So does it look a s though the distro driver is a cut down version?  Is it 
worth installing direct from the website?  What are the improvements?



I've had it on all of an hour or so , Functionally , it's similar, but 
not the same,
I would recommend it, so far, worth having a second string to your bow, you
never know if one Mandrake issue may have a broken xsane. Yes take a look at
it . I downloaded all the versions including the tar ball version but 
elected to install
the rpm version, it went on like a piece of cake. I had to make a kstart 
menu entry
for /usr/bin/iscan.

Having said all this I like xsane.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Using a Cyrix cpu with MMX

2002-12-27 Thread Poogle
On Friday 27 Dec 2002 H:57 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 27 Dec 2002 1:32 pm, Poogle wrote:
  On Friday 27 Dec 2002 H:40 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
   How likely is it that I could get 9.0 or 8.2 to install with this cpu?
   Has anyone got a working system with this architecture?
  I installed it on a Cyrix box without problems (something like a 366 IIRC
  but I don't have access to it to check at the moment)

 Thanks, Poogle.  I'll try for it in a day or two.


FWIW,  I installed it on  PC that crashed several times daily just to prove 
that  Linux is more stable than the user's existing operating system, the 
result it continues to crash daily !!!  But recovery is a merely matter 
of rebooting. 
Although I haven't had the opportunity to find out why, I suspect that the 
solution would be new MB, Processor, Ram, Case, PSU. :-)

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Re: [newbie] Default Browser

2002-12-27 Thread rluchor
On Thu, 2002-12-26 at 19:43, John McQuillen wrote:
 On Fri, 2002-12-27 at 10:37, Rich wrote:
  I recently upgraded from Mandrake 8.2 to version 9.0 and everything went
  smoothly.  My problem is that Evolution 1.2.1 doesn't load a browser
  when a link is clicked.  The problem may be that I can't find anyplace
  in Mandrake to assign a default browser.  Is it possible that I missed
  it, or has it been removed as an option?
 You need to change the default browser in GNOME.
 Go to 'Advanced' - 'Preferred Applications' then select 'Custom Web
 Browser' and enter the command line for your preferred browser.
 Mine is currently 'mozilla %s'.

It was originally mozilla %s%, I've also tried Galeon and Netscape
with no success.



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Re: [newbie] NOOO!!! My mail attachments! What is base64?

2002-12-27 Thread Todd Slater
On Fri, 27 Dec 2002 10:55:02 -0500
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Friday 27 December 2002 10:29 am, you wrote:
  Base64 seems to be a fairly widespread method of encoding binary data
  (such as images) in the form of ASCII text for inclusion in a message
  or transmission over media which do not support binary transfers.
  In the old days when floppies were used a lot to transfer files such
  encoding schemes made it easier to break up very large files and
  stitch them together again after transfer.  The UNIX utilities
  uudecode and uuencode were employed to handle these data files but to
  decode some manipulation of the files was required.  My notes
  recommend inserting the line:
  begin-base64 644 filename
  before the encoded text and  immediately after it.  I know that
  has worked in the past but when I tried begin-base64 644 oig.jpg
  in your mail message, ran uudecode oig, and invoked qiv on oig.jpg,
  a corrupt JPEG was reported, missing header byte or something.  The
  uudecode command should work.  The man page for uudecode claims that
  the utility can distinguish between the two main encoding schemes
  automatically - not in my experience.
 Hi. I'm running v8.2 of Mandrake and I installed a program (found during
 a search for uudecode in the RPM/software manager) called uudeview. It
 runs from the shell,  uudeview and uuenview. I save base64 files to my
 /home directory, then run this app on them. It works.
 I wish somebody could tell me how to pass this along to Kmail so it uses
 it automatically on these files. :-)
 Hope this helps (at least as a temp. fix) :-)

If you get a lot of these attachments, Sylpheed has the capability
to add actions. See http://melvin.hadasht.free.fr/home/sylpheed/actions/.
Just one more reason I prefer Sylpheed :)


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2002-12-27 Thread John Richard Smith
I've been using both all afternoon on colour transparencies and quite 
honestly both do
it quite well so far. Not only that but using gimp I have managed in 
some cases to resore
quite a large amount of the mising colour for my old transparencies, 
where the years have
faded the red and the yellow.

Francisco Alcaraz Ariza wrote:

For my Epson 2450 photo xsane couldn't digitalize the slides (they appears 
dirty) but iscan does it very well.

El Viernes, 27 de Diciembre de 2002 15:36, John Richard Smith escribió:

Anne Wilson wrote:

On Friday 27 Dec 2002 12:40 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

John - iscan was necessary to run my Perfection 1650 under 8.2 - from



website - but I think I'm right to say that iscan is the driver

included on


the 9.0 distro, so you don't need to do anything more.


That explains it, I thought the sane windows had changed a bit since I
last installed scanner software.


I think not ,  it looks quite different now I've got it on,
and the layout is different. It works quite well.

Nice to know there is a second choice.


So does it look a s though the distro driver is a cut down version?  Is it
worth installing direct from the website?  What are the improvements?


I've had it on all of an hour or so , Functionally , it's similar, but
not the same,
I would recommend it, so far, worth having a second string to your bow, you
never know if one Mandrake issue may have a broken xsane. Yes take a look
at it . I downloaded all the versions including the tar ball version but
elected to install
the rpm version, it went on like a piece of cake. I had to make a kstart
menu entry
for /usr/bin/iscan.

Having said all this I like xsane.




John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] supermount :-/

2002-12-27 Thread Dennis Myers
On Friday 27 December 2002 09:04 am, Angus Auld wrote:
 Greetings, I think I have come to the conclusion that supermount is a
 great mystery to me. Perhaps the name should be changed to maybemount?

 It seems to work at times, but then other times it doesn't. This is not a
 satisfying relationship. I am also not having great success using MCC
 to try to disable supermount. I selected the user mode instead of
 noauto (should I have chosen noauto?). After confirming my
 choice of options, I exited MCC. Then I discovered that supermount
 is still enabled. :-/

 I will try the supermount -i disable command.
 Can anyone tell me the procedure to create icons for my cdrom
 and floppy so I can mount/unmount them easier? I did this on
 8.2 I think, but can't remember how. Someone suggested using
 KwikDisk as an alternative, so I will check that out too.

 TIA for any help.


 Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
 awareness.--James Thurber

 *Reg. Linux User #278931*
 *Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*
Angus, for making icons on the desktop, just place the mouse arrow over an 
empty place on the screen and right click. A box pops up and you can select 
create new and then choose what you want to do, like CD/DVD Rom Device. 
Then click on the Device tabdown arrow to the left of the fill in the blank 
area and select from the drop down list which device you want to iconize. If 
you click on the icon on the left side that looks like a cd disc you can 
navigate through the set of icons in your system to get a cd burner icon or 
leave it as is. HTH
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] before I quit

2002-12-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 27 Dec 2002 1:53 pm, Joe Braddock wrote:
 I don't have an answer for yo but I have some questions.  I noticed that
 you don't have supermount loaded (at least you are not using it in your
 fstab file).  Did you actually do the supermount disable or did you just
 manually edit your fstab file?  When you quit using supermount, was that at
 the same time the other burners quit working?  Are you running devfs?  It
 should be running by default, but you might have turned it off after
 installing.  If devfs is running, then instead of having /dev/hdc for your
 ide burner, you would have /dev/sdx (where x is some letter like a, b or
 c).  This is because Linux uses the ide-scsi emulation module to make ide
 burners look like scsi burners.

It's usually scd0, or scd1.  However, it's not essential to have all cd drives 
scsi-emulated - just the burner


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Re: [newbie] supermount :-/

2002-12-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 27 Dec 2002 3:04 pm, Angus Auld wrote:
 Greetings, I think I have come to the conclusion that supermount is a
 great mystery to me. Perhaps the name should be changed to maybemount?

 It seems to work at times, but then other times it doesn't. This is not a
 satisfying relationship. I am also not having great success using MCC
 to try to disable supermount. I selected the user mode instead of
 noauto (should I have chosen noauto?). After confirming my
 choice of options, I exited MCC. Then I discovered that supermount
 is still enabled. :-/

You were right to select 'user'.  The problem with MCC seems to be that it is 
all to easy to back out of a change without saving it.  I suspect that's what 
caused your problem, since changing it is only a matter of unselecting its 

Still, if you've got your icons up, you have a functional system now.


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Re: [newbie] Using a Cyrix cpu with MMX

2002-12-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 27 Dec 2002 2:33 pm, Poogle wrote:
 On Friday 27 Dec 2002 H:57 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Friday 27 Dec 2002 1:32 pm, Poogle wrote:
   On Friday 27 Dec 2002 H:40 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
How likely is it that I could get 9.0 or 8.2 to install with this
cpu? Has anyone got a working system with this architecture?
   I installed it on a Cyrix box without problems (something like a 366
   IIRC but I don't have access to it to check at the moment)
  Thanks, Poogle.  I'll try for it in a day or two.

 FWIW,  I installed it on  PC that crashed several times daily just to prove
 that  Linux is more stable than the user's existing operating system, the
 result it continues to crash daily !!!  But recovery is a merely matter
 of rebooting.
 Although I haven't had the opportunity to find out why, I suspect that the
 solution would be new MB, Processor, Ram, Case, PSU. :-)


I have a perfectly good system here, so this is to be a learning situation 
only.  An introduction, for son-in-law and grandson, on the strict 
understanding that they will be able to explore all they like, but they won't 
like the speed. :)


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Re: [newbie] When is root not root?

2002-12-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 27 Dec 2002 3:16 pm, David Williams wrote:
 On Friday 27 December 2002 08:56 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
  Although I practically never log in as root, there are many things that
  require root priveleges, so opening File Manager (Super User Mode) or a
  root console is a common task.
  Why is this not as dangerous?  Should we be closing those sessions as
  soon as possible?  What safeguards are there?

 To add to that question (and mostly for my clarification), -- Is opening a
 console as superuser and installing something the same as logging out as a
 user and logging in as root.?

My question, precisely, and better worded.


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[newbie] ML90 mandrake control center unreachable

2002-12-27 Thread ivette brusselmans


Everything works fine with ML 9.0 but I cannot open Mandrake Control Center! 
Had this problem before and went back to ML 8.2., OS on which everything 
works except sound. After a few months got the itches, I downloaded the 
three ISO-images ML 9.0. again, installed everything again, and when I tried 
to open Mandrake Control Center, nothing happens.
Anyone had this problem and found a solution?


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Re: [newbie] supermount :-/

2002-12-27 Thread Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 16:53:40 +
Subject: Re: [newbie] supermount :-/

 On Friday 27 Dec 2002 3:04 pm, Angus Auld wrote:
  Greetings, I think I have come to the conclusion that supermount is a
  great mystery to me. Perhaps the name should be changed to maybemount?
  It seems to work at times, but then other times it doesn't. This is not a
  satisfying relationship. I am also not having great success using MCC
  to try to disable supermount. I selected the user mode instead of
  noauto (should I have chosen noauto?). After confirming my
  choice of options, I exited MCC. Then I discovered that supermount
  is still enabled. :-/
 You were right to select 'user'.  The problem with MCC seems to be that it is 
 all to easy to back out of a change without saving it.  I suspect that's what 
 caused your problem, since changing it is only a matter of unselecting its 
 Still, if you've got your icons up, you have a functional system now.
Thanks Anne, I did tell MCC to save the changes to /etc/fstab, but it didn't do that 
for me. After the changes were made through CL, I took a peek in MCC to see what it 
says now. To my surprise, both user and noauto are now enabled, with supermount 
being disabled. Does this make any sense? 

I had great results using MCC when I first installed 9.0, but, for some reason it has 
been misbehaving of late. I am a little more comfortable using CL for doing things now 
though. MCC is very convenient when it works. I am getting wary of it now.

I have set up KwikDisk to mount/unmount cdrom and floppy. It is pretty slick.
You can set it to automatically open file manager on mount. I don't think I need any 
desktop icons with this setup. Keeps the desktop cleaner. :-)

Thanks so much for your reply. All the best.


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

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Re: [newbie] supermount :-/ (Dennis)

2002-12-27 Thread Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 10:46:44 -0600
Subject: Re: [newbie] supermount :-/

 On Friday 27 December 2002 09:04 am, Angus Auld wrote:
  Greetings, I think I have come to the conclusion that supermount is a
  great mystery to me. Perhaps the name should be changed to maybemount?
  It seems to work at times, but then other times it doesn't. This is not a
  satisfying relationship. I am also not having great success using MCC
  to try to disable supermount. I selected the user mode instead of
  noauto (should I have chosen noauto?). After confirming my
  choice of options, I exited MCC. Then I discovered that supermount
  is still enabled. :-/
  I will try the supermount -i disable command.
  Can anyone tell me the procedure to create icons for my cdrom
  and floppy so I can mount/unmount them easier? I did this on
  8.2 I think, but can't remember how. Someone suggested using
  KwikDisk as an alternative, so I will check that out too.
  TIA for any help.
  Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
  awareness.--James Thurber
  *Reg. Linux User #278931*
  *Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*
 Angus, for making icons on the desktop, just place the mouse arrow over an 
 empty place on the screen and right click. A box pops up and you can select 
 create new and then choose what you want to do, like CD/DVD Rom Device. 
 Then click on the Device tabdown arrow to the left of the fill in the blank 
 area and select from the drop down list which device you want to iconize. If 
 you click on the icon on the left side that looks like a cd disc you can 
 navigate through the set of icons in your system to get a cd burner icon or 
 leave it as is. HTH
 Dennis M.  linux user # 180842
Thanks Dennis for your reply. I thought there was some special precedure 
to create the icons that would allow me to mount/unmount. Sorry if I didn't 
communicate very clearly what I was trying to do. I barely know what I'm 
doing oftentimes, so there's static on my end. ;-)

I do know how to create icons, but thanks for the clear explanation. 

I am using KwikDisk to do my mount/unmount of cdrom and floppy, 
seems pretty slick so far.

All the best.


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

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Re: [newbie] ML90 mandrake control center unreachable

2002-12-27 Thread Adrien Verlee
Op vrijdag 27 december 2002 18:04, schreef ivette brusselmans:
 Everything works fine with ML 9.0 but I cannot open Mandrake
 Control Center! Had this problem before and went back to ML 8.2.,

I think that is a bug, because you do not install the English version, 
right? The bug can be fixed with an update of the software via 
Configuration - Update Packets. If this not work and the clever ones 
here don't show up with an solution, then I must dig in a few notes 
here to solve (maybe!) your problem.

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] ML90 mandrake control center unreachable

2002-12-27 Thread mike
On Friday 27 December 2002 12:04 pm, you wrote:

 Everything works fine with ML 9.0 but I cannot open Mandrake Control
 Center! Had this problem before and went back to ML 8.2., OS on which
 everything works except sound. After a few months got the itches, I
 downloaded the three ISO-images ML 9.0. again, installed everything again,
 and when I tried to open Mandrake Control Center, nothing happens.
 Anyone had this problem and found a solution?


I had the same thing happen where I couldnt open Mandrake control center from 
the menu anymore.I could still run mcc from the command line as root.I 
havnt had this problem since i stopped trying to install kernels and stuff 
from the cooker.

Mandrake 8.2
Linux user #298896
Fri Dec 27 12:56:50 EST 2002
12:56pm up 2 days, 16:22, 1 user, load average: 0.09, 0.08, 0.02
Homepage: http://micronuke.tripod.com/

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[newbie] Knetload Kcpuload on LM9.0?

2002-12-27 Thread Sevatio
I seem to be missing Knetload  Kcpuload from my LM9.0 disks.  Did 
Mandrake leave these off their distro this time?

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Re: [newbie] ML90 mandrake control center unreachable

2002-12-27 Thread ivette brusselmans
I did indeed install the dutch version. I'll try the update and if that 
doesn't work install the english version. I'll let you know about the 

Thanks for the info

From: Adrien Verlee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] ML90 mandrake control center unreachable
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 18:48:09 +0100

Op vrijdag 27 december 2002 18:04, schreef ivette brusselmans:
 Everything works fine with ML 9.0 but I cannot open Mandrake
 Control Center! Had this problem before and went back to ML 8.2.,

I think that is a bug, because you do not install the English version,
right? The bug can be fixed with an update of the software via
Configuration - Update Packets. If this not work and the clever ones
here don't show up with an solution, then I must dig in a few notes
here to solve (maybe!) your problem.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Ontvang je Hotmail  Messenger berichten op je mobiele telefoon met Hotmail 
SMS http://www.msn.nl/jumppage/

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Re: [newbie] ML90 mandrake control center unreachable

2002-12-27 Thread ivette brusselmans

I changed the language, took english and the Mandreake Control center showed 
up without problems!!!


From: Adrien Verlee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] ML90 mandrake control center unreachable
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 18:48:09 +0100

Op vrijdag 27 december 2002 18:04, schreef ivette brusselmans:
 Everything works fine with ML 9.0 but I cannot open Mandrake
 Control Center! Had this problem before and went back to ML 8.2.,

I think that is a bug, because you do not install the English version,
right? The bug can be fixed with an update of the software via
Configuration - Update Packets. If this not work and the clever ones
here don't show up with an solution, then I must dig in a few notes
here to solve (maybe!) your problem.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Ontvang je Hotmail  Messenger berichten op je mobiele telefoon met Hotmail 
SMS http://www.msn.nl/jumppage/

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Re: [newbie] supermount :-/

2002-12-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 27 Dec 2002 5:25 pm, Angus Auld wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 16:53:40 +
 Subject: Re: [newbie] supermount :-/

  On Friday 27 Dec 2002 3:04 pm, Angus Auld wrote:
   Greetings, I think I have come to the conclusion that supermount is a
   great mystery to me. Perhaps the name should be changed to
   It seems to work at times, but then other times it doesn't. This is not
   a satisfying relationship. I am also not having great success using MCC
   to try to disable supermount. I selected the user mode instead of
   noauto (should I have chosen noauto?). After confirming my choice
   of options, I exited MCC. Then I discovered that supermount is still
   enabled. :-/
  You were right to select 'user'.  The problem with MCC seems to be that
  it is all to easy to back out of a change without saving it.  I suspect
  that's what caused your problem, since changing it is only a matter of
  unselecting its button.
  Still, if you've got your icons up, you have a functional system now.

 Thanks Anne, I did tell MCC to save the changes to /etc/fstab, but it
 didn't do that for me. After the changes were made through CL, I took a
 peek in MCC to see what it says now. To my surprise, both user and
 noauto are now enabled, with supermount being disabled. Does this make
 any sense?

I think it suffers from indigestion at times :)  It does occasionally seem to 
have trouble swallowing your commands.

 I had great results using MCC when I first installed 9.0, but, for some
 reason it has been misbehaving of late. I am a little more comfortable
 using CL for doing things now though. MCC is very convenient when it works.
 I am getting wary of it now.

 I have set up KwikDisk to mount/unmount cdrom and floppy. It is pretty
 slick. You can set it to automatically open file manager on mount. I don't
 think I need any desktop icons with this setup. Keeps the desktop cleaner.
Glad it's working for you.  Keep batting on.


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Re: [newbie] When is root not root?

2002-12-27 Thread Benjamin Pflugmann

I am no security expert, read the following with that in mind.

On Fri 2002-12-27 at 16:56:32 +, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 27 Dec 2002 3:16 pm, David Williams wrote:
  On Friday 27 December 2002 08:56 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
   Although I practically never log in as root, there are many things that
   require root priveleges, so opening File Manager (Super User Mode) or a
   root console is a common task.
   Why is this not as dangerous? 

I am not sure if I understand your question correctly. If your
question is why it is safer to run the application in question that
way: it isn't. The point is to run *only* that application as root,
which is safer than running everything as root. Although it is not a
big safety win, why would you expose yourself unnecessarily?

   Should we be closing those sessions as soon as possible?

Yes. But not because it is unsafe per se to have this session running,
but only to be sure to not forget to close it. Leaving your computer
alone with an open root session is not a good idea. 

What safeguards are there?

sudo is a nice way to make root access safer and its use is quite
standard in Linux production environments. It allows to execute a
single command as root like this:

  sudo -H urpmi mozilla

and gives up the root privilege afterwards, at once.  It uses a config
file (/etc/suduers) to determine who may execute which commands as
root (yes, that means you may allow your roommate to only restart the
webserver). It requires to authenticate with your (user) password (can
be overridden), but only if you did not use it for some minutes (can
be overridden, too). The advantage is that you don't have to remember
to close anything in order to lose root privileges after you are done
with the task.

For home use, setting up sudo and getting used to it is probably not
worthwhile. OTOH, once you know sudo, it is a matter of less than a
minute to have a basic setup running.

  To add to that question (and mostly for my clarification), -- Is
  opening a console as superuser and installing something the same
  as logging out as a user and logging in as root.?

Basically, yes. At least, if you login as root on the text console.

If you have a graphic login, you will end up running everything as
root, including KDE/GNOME, the file managers, the panels. Everything.
And most of these applications where not designed with safe-as-root in
mind. Although, in realitity, there is not much that will go wrong
this way, you should restrict such a session to the task at hand. And
not read mail, surf the web and so on.

But, for a comparison, doing so is still safer than downloading a
program from untrusted sources (yes, that means almost any website)
and using root (either way) to install it. The risk of being harmed by
a malicious program is much higher than something going wrong with
your root session.

There are two things to keep in mind: Security comes in layers. You do
not want to have a single point of failure. Therefore you try to
minimize your exposure in every layer. That's why you want to keep
your actions as root to the necessary only: Not because it has any
immediate risk, but because it lowers the possibility that another
hole can be escalated this way. Therefore you stop unused services.
Therefore you do not want to run more applications as root as needed.

Second, there is no perfect security and how much you invest in
security depends on how paranoid you are and what you have to lose.
And, of course, how inconvenient the security measure would be.  You
don't keep your watch in a safe, except perhaps, if it is a Rolex. ;)
OTOH, you lock your doors when you go out, and you do not have
valuable jewelry lying around openly, do you?



PS: Ah, and because it cannot be said often enough: Most important is
that you keep your computer up-to-date with security fixes, of
course. Especially for programs that handle untrusted input (any
internet-related program, compilers, ...)

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] When is root not root?

2002-12-27 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 27 Dec 2002 6:47 pm, Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:

 I am no security expert, read the following with that in mind.

 On Fri 2002-12-27 at 16:56:32 +, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Friday 27 Dec 2002 3:16 pm, David Williams wrote:
   On Friday 27 December 2002 08:56 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
Although I practically never log in as root, there are many things
that require root priveleges, so opening File Manager (Super User
Mode) or a root console is a common task.
Why is this not as dangerous?

 I am not sure if I understand your question correctly. If your
 question is why it is safer to run the application in question that
 way: it isn't. The point is to run *only* that application as root,
 which is safer than running everything as root. Although it is not a
 big safety win, why would you expose yourself unnecessarily?

Should we be closing those sessions as soon as possible?

 Yes. But not because it is unsafe per se to have this session running,
 but only to be sure to not forget to close it. Leaving your computer
 alone with an open root session is not a good idea.

 What safeguards are there?

 sudo is a nice way to make root access safer and its use is quite
 standard in Linux production environments. It allows to execute a
 single command as root like this:

   sudo -H urpmi mozilla

 and gives up the root privilege afterwards, at once.  It uses a config
 file (/etc/suduers) to determine who may execute which commands as
 root (yes, that means you may allow your roommate to only restart the
 webserver). It requires to authenticate with your (user) password (can
 be overridden), but only if you did not use it for some minutes (can
 be overridden, too). The advantage is that you don't have to remember
 to close anything in order to lose root privileges after you are done
 with the task.

 For home use, setting up sudo and getting used to it is probably not
 worthwhile. OTOH, once you know sudo, it is a matter of less than a
 minute to have a basic setup running.

   To add to that question (and mostly for my clarification), -- Is
   opening a console as superuser and installing something the same
   as logging out as a user and logging in as root.?

 Basically, yes. At least, if you login as root on the text console.

 If you have a graphic login, you will end up running everything as
 root, including KDE/GNOME, the file managers, the panels. Everything.
 And most of these applications where not designed with safe-as-root in
 mind. Although, in realitity, there is not much that will go wrong
 this way, you should restrict such a session to the task at hand. And
 not read mail, surf the web and so on.

 But, for a comparison, doing so is still safer than downloading a
 program from untrusted sources (yes, that means almost any website)
 and using root (either way) to install it. The risk of being harmed by
 a malicious program is much higher than something going wrong with
 your root session.

 There are two things to keep in mind: Security comes in layers. You do
 not want to have a single point of failure. Therefore you try to
 minimize your exposure in every layer. That's why you want to keep
 your actions as root to the necessary only: Not because it has any
 immediate risk, but because it lowers the possibility that another
 hole can be escalated this way. Therefore you stop unused services.
 Therefore you do not want to run more applications as root as needed.

 Second, there is no perfect security and how much you invest in
 security depends on how paranoid you are and what you have to lose.
 And, of course, how inconvenient the security measure would be.  You
 don't keep your watch in a safe, except perhaps, if it is a Rolex. ;)
 OTOH, you lock your doors when you go out, and you do not have
 valuable jewelry lying around openly, do you?



 PS: Ah, and because it cannot be said often enough: Most important is
 that you keep your computer up-to-date with security fixes, of
 course. Especially for programs that handle untrusted input (any
 internet-related program, compilers, ...)

Thank you Benjamin for a most thorough reply.  sudo looks interesting - though 
I presume it is CL only?  By and large it is much as I thought it would be - 
and it's just a matter of being cautious.  Still, thanks again.


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake update

2002-12-27 Thread Charlie
On December 26, 2002 05:58 pm, Seth Williamson wrote:
 I was unable to reply immediately when I got this advice, but God bless
 you, because it did the trick.

 It would seem to be a fairly significant bug that they should have issued a
 patch for.  However, your advice worked, and has saved me a lot of grief. 
 Thanks very much.

 Seth Williamson
 Floyd, VA

As long as it's working in an acceptable manner Seth who cares how long it 
took. :-) You are welcome.

Super-mount has worked well occasionally in the past; not at all after the 
next update/bug-fix quite often, and for me on this old clunker anyway, 
flawlessly exactly once. Counting from version 7.1 of Mandrake. It may not 
seem to be a priority for developers but you are probably correct that it 
would reduce the anxiety level for new users should it always (gasp!) work. 
It's difficult; however, to try to convince any developer (whether the ones 
on the  payroll, or the fine volunteers that work in their free time 'cause 
they love it) to chase bugs out of something that bores them to tears.

Especially something a developer wouldn't likely be using anyway.

I want to thank you for letting the list know that your problem has been 
worked around though. Too many people never let the rest of us know whether 
the advice given was of any use. Your doing so is a welcome change.

[OT rant]
Enjoy Mandrake while you can. If the doom'n' gloomers on the mailing lists, 
and the chilling statements in e-mails from Mandrake-Linux, have any factual 
basis we'll all be looking for a new distribution soon unless we help save 
the company. Become Club members, buy shares, or donate, in other words. 
In the interest of 'helping the cause,' I've bought retail box sets for every 
(at least) second release since 7.1. At times more than one set per release 
when a friend 'borrowed' but didn't return it. That wasn't possible for 9.0 
(out of sequence for me) since the damned box sets weren't in stores in 
anything resembling a reasonable time frame here in western Canada. 

As soon as it's made easy and I don't have to pay double the posted price in a 
lump sum I'll jump right into the Club. Canadian Monopoly Money isn't the 
worst currency, but it sure as hell ain't US dollars. Adding the option to 
pay at $10 or $15 per month would make helping a real attainable 
probability for a lot of low income people, but there's no provision for 
that. Nor does it seem there's any interest at Mandrakesoft for making it so.

Is Mandrake at all interested in my (and probably many others) ongoing $15 CDN 
per month? It would seem not.
[\OT rant]

Sorry about the above OT. Amazing what spews out of me when my buttons are 

Registered user 244963 at http://counter.li.org
Marxist Law of Distribution of Wealth:
Shortages will be divided equally among the peasants.

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Re: [newbie] Informal poll

2002-12-27 Thread erylon hines
On Friday 27 December 2002 07:58 am, you wrote:
 On Friday 27 December 2002 02:14 am, you wrote:

  Anyway, I'm sure 9.0 also installs the AIC 7xxx driver by default, so
  have you tried installing the AIC 7xxx_old driver for your card?

 No - next thing to do on my list. I always use expert install mode, but I
 don't remember anything about changing the driver - where do I do that at?

O.K., this is the step-by-step that I used (I know it actually works 
sometimes, because users have done this successfully).

1.  Boot with the install disk and hit F1 at the splash screen

2.  type:expert

3.  Skip the modules screen and select:AIC7xxx_old
for your scsi driver.

Good Luck--I hope it works for you!


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Re: [newbie] supermount :-/ (Dennis)

2002-12-27 Thread Dennis Myers
On Friday 27 December 2002 11:38 am, Angus Auld wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 10:46:44 -0600
 Subject: Re: [newbie] supermount :-/

  On Friday 27 December 2002 09:04 am, Angus Auld wrote:
   Greetings, I think I have come to the conclusion that supermount is a
   great mystery to me. Perhaps the name should be changed to
   It seems to work at times, but then other times it doesn't. This is not
   a satisfying relationship. I am also not having great success using MCC
   to try to disable supermount. I selected the user mode instead of
   noauto (should I have chosen noauto?). After confirming my choice
   of options, I exited MCC. Then I discovered that supermount is still
   enabled. :-/
   I will try the supermount -i disable command.
   Can anyone tell me the procedure to create icons for my cdrom
   and floppy so I can mount/unmount them easier? I did this on
   8.2 I think, but can't remember how. Someone suggested using
   KwikDisk as an alternative, so I will check that out too.
   TIA for any help.
   Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
   awareness.--James Thurber
   *Reg. Linux User #278931*
   *Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*
  Angus, for making icons on the desktop, just place the mouse arrow over
  an empty place on the screen and right click. A box pops up and you can
  select create new and then choose what you want to do, like CD/DVD Rom
  Device. Then click on the Device tabdown arrow to the left of the fill
  in the blank area and select from the drop down list which device you
  want to iconize. If you click on the icon on the left side that looks
  like a cd disc you can navigate through the set of icons in your system
  to get a cd burner icon or leave it as is. HTH
  Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

 Thanks Dennis for your reply. I thought there was some special precedure
 to create the icons that would allow me to mount/unmount. Sorry if I didn't
 communicate very clearly what I was trying to do. I barely know what I'm
 doing oftentimes, so there's static on my end. ;-)

 I do know how to create icons, but thanks for the clear explanation.

 I am using KwikDisk to do my mount/unmount of cdrom and floppy,
 seems pretty slick so far.

 All the best.


 Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
 awareness.--James Thurber

 *Reg. Linux User #278931*
 *Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

That's ok cause I forgot to mention that once the icon is recreated this way 
you can right click on it and choose mount or unmount as the case may be. If 
supermount is disabled this is a quick two click way to bring it online. HTH 
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] Knetload Kcpuload on LM9.0?

2002-12-27 Thread Dennis Myers
On Friday 27 December 2002 12:02 pm, Sevatio wrote:
 I seem to be missing Knetload  Kcpuload from my LM9.0 disks.  Did
 Mandrake leave these off their distro this time?

I'm not sure but think what you are looking for is lumped into 
ApplicationsmonitoringKDEsystem Guard  from the KDE start panel. HTH
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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RE: [newbie] mandrake 9.0 never asks for another CD during installation

2002-12-27 Thread Brandon Vanderberg
How strange, last night I did the same thing with an old pc.

The pc is a very old Pentium 100 or 200 w/ 48meg of ram and a 6 gig disk. I
didn't know about the 64meg requirement, but xfree86 (ver 4) and KDE came up
and loaded fine with 48. It wasn't a speed demon, but it worked well. This
was with the regular 3 CD set and regular (not text) install.

It only used the 1st cd for me too, but I disabled supermount, and added the
2 other cds to the source list and it worked well. I didn't see this as
anything more than a very minor annoyance. Incidently, the cd-rom drive is
an old 4 speed, so since then I've changed the urpmi sources to one of the
ftp mirrors. But I've loaded stuff from the 2nd and 3rd cd without issue.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hendrik Boom
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 5:21 AM
Cc: Hendrik Boom
Subject: Re: [newbie] mandrake 9.0 never asks for another CD during

On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 15:52:48 -0800
 Spencer Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 18:22:49 -0500
 Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 15:04:43 -0800
  Spencer Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I think you will find that the problem is lack of memory. The bare
minimum for ML9
 is 64megs.
  In this case the reason is more apt to be lack of fd space.
  For a PowerPack install to request other than cd1 requires around 2 gigs
or more.
  This is due to the pkgs being ordered on the cds in to include depends
and as they
 need to be installed and the fact the the installation creates a /tmp to
which many
 of the pkgs are copied prior to installation.
  This being why the fd space required for installation exceeds the space
required for
 the actually used once the installation is complete.
 I'm finding that even with more than adequate space, if you have a slow,
low memory
 computer ( I have several g ), the installer doesn't want to put much
more in than
 what is necessary. This is really obvious if you need to go to a text


Well, disk space is not a problem.  I have 2 gig available in my Mandrake
root partition, and can easily expand that to 10 gig if necessary.  The 48
meg is probably the real restriction.  And it's stupid, too.  The machine
has more than enough capacity for what I really want to do, and am doing on
SuSE Linux now.  Occasionally it slows doen, but not seriously, and I did
want to get started with the new kernel, which is rumoured to be smaller and
faster, and do a better and more flexible job of packet filtering.

And even emacs did not appear during the install.

There must be a way around this.  Could it be that the installer really
needs more than 48 meg to sort dependencies, and is incapable of using swap


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[newbie] File types

2002-12-27 Thread John Richard Smith
What is the practicle difference between RAW and ACII  files


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] File types

2002-12-27 Thread Robin Turner
John Richard Smith wrote:

What is the practicle difference between RAW and ACII  files

Are you talking about text files?  AFAIK, raw text means ASCII.

Sir Robin

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. And have fun 
doing it.
- Linus Torvalds

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533


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Re: [newbie] File types

2002-12-27 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Fri, 27 Dec 2002 23:01:04 +0200
Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you talking about text files?  AFAIK, raw text means ASCII

I was wondering myself since RAW is an audio format.

RAW -- PCM Signed Raw
Type: wave


I wouldn't be so paranoid if you weren't all out to get me!!
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.20-2mdk

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Re: [newbie] File types

2002-12-27 Thread Ralph Slooten
RAW can be many things, including a pnm file (try save a file in
gimp)... raw can also be a disk-image, and it also used on my Canon G2
digital camera... and other things. I don't think there is a simple
answer to your question John ;-)


I have opinions of my own, strong opinions,
but I  don't always agree with them. -- George H. W. Bush

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Re: [newbie] Installing a Conceptronic 56K Modem on Linux Mandrake 9.0

2002-12-27 Thread Aurélio Diniz
Thanks Jason.
I was going to post that same question but you answered it before i ask :)
My modem is working fine now.

Does anyone knows a good fax program with a nice interface thats runs on
KDE? I installed Hylafax but it is only available at the command line. I
suppose that i need a frontend for it.



Linux user #298018

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Re: [newbie] Informal poll

2002-12-27 Thread Pilagá
El Vie 27 Dic 2002 11:37, escribió:
 I'm just wondering, if I could see a show of hands so to speak - how
 many SCSI users have actually gotten their setups to work with Mandrake
 9.0 (download edition).

 I have an Adaptec 2930 PCI card with: Toshiba DVD, Plextor CDRW, and an
 Astra Umax scanner.

I have two Adaptec PCI SCSI cards. One 2940 with HD, and one (cheap) 2902 
with a cd burner. Both works great since MDK 7.2, and always right out of the 
box. Since MDK 9.0, I can't choose the 'expert' install, but standard install 
do the job very well.


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[newbie] Print Server

2002-12-27 Thread Glenn Johnson
Hi all. I'm wondering if there is anyone here who has had experience
with the Hawking Mini Print Server. This is a small device that attaches
to the back of my printer and allows me to access the printer from any
machine on the network. Works extremely well in Windows but I have no
idea how to configure it under Linux ( Mandrake 9.0 and Redhat 8.0 ). It
uses the IPX protocol and the port is named LPT:PS9CB0-1.

Glenn Johnson
Powered by Mandrake Linux v9.0
Registered Linux User #175132

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Re: [newbie] first message

2002-12-27 Thread Josenildo Marques
On Friday 27 December 2002 08:30, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Mozilla.org's website have links and instructions for all the main plugins.

Hi Anne Wilson 

I have already downloaded. I'll give it a try.

 What have you tried, apart from Kmix?  Have you tried playing an .mp3 file,
 or a cd?  Are you getting system sounds?  Any info you can give us will
 help us to point to the next step

Cd's, mp3's and system sounds are playing.
The thing is that when I try to open a .kar file [ a kar file is a midi file 
with lyrics] Kmid doesn't output any sound. It's possible to see it is 
working because I can see when the text scrolls down, which presumably means 
that it is really playing. Other midi files are working 
fine in Kmidi.

I have also had a bit of a headache trying to mount and unmount the cdrom. 
Sometimes automount works but other times it simply and unexplicably says I 
have not the access rights to the device.
So, I tried 
#mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

But I don't know how exactly that device is called in Mandrake Linux.

Thank you very much.


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Re: [newbie] Printing to PDF from OO

2002-12-27 Thread Derek Jennings
On Thursday 26 Dec 2002 12:42 pm, Rob Lindsay wrote:
 Have followed advice from many helpful people [thank you] and have most of
 the applications I am likely to use printing to PDF [I don't have a printer
 connected to this 'puter]. These files open with PS  PDF Viewer and also
 with Acrobat 4.0 on Win4Lin.

 Would dearly like to be able to print to PDF from OpenOffice, and when I go
 to the printer within it I am channelled towards a generic printer under
 which I can select to print to file as PS or PDF. When I select PDF, the
 files open in PS and PDF Viewer, but don't open on W4L/Acrobat.

 Acrobat comes back with a dialogue which says There was an error opening
 this document - File does not begin with '%PDF-'  

 I would like PDF files which I generate with OO to open on Mac and Win
 machines at work.

 Could someone suggest where I'm going wrong, please?


There is a section on my home page which may help you



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Re: [newbie] supermount :-/ (Dennis)

2002-12-27 Thread Angus Auld

Angus Auld wrote:
  Thanks Dennis for your reply. I thought there was some special precedure
  to create the icons that would allow me to mount/unmount. Sorry if I didn't
  communicate very clearly what I was trying to do. I barely know what I'm
  doing oftentimes, so there's static on my end. ;-)
  I do know how to create icons, but thanks for the clear explanation.
  I am using KwikDisk to do my mount/unmount of cdrom and floppy,
  seems pretty slick so far.
  All the best.
  Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in
  awareness.--James Thurber
  *Reg. Linux User #278931*
  *Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*
 That's ok cause I forgot to mention that once the icon is recreated this way 
 you can right click on it and choose mount or unmount as the case may be. If 
 supermount is disabled this is a quick two click way to bring it online. HTH 
 Dennis M.  linux user # 180842
Thanks Dennis, I created the icons, and now I have another option for mount/unmount of 

I should able to mount/unmount at will now. This is the real supermount.


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[newbie] Possible scalper worm

2002-12-27 Thread Dennis Myers
Below is output from chkrootkit on my workstation.  Notice the third line. I 
have looked for the files that this infection is supposed to put in /tmp and 
found nothing. The next variant slapper as you see is not detected.  I have 
updated  openssl and do not run Apache on this machine, so the point of this 
is what to check further and why would chkrootkit see this at all.  Anyone 
have a similar readout? Any suggestions are appreciated. TIA
snipped the readout above this cause all was nothing found

Checking `rexedcs'... not found
Checking `sniffer'... Checking `wted'... nothing deleted
Checking `scalper'... Warning: Possible Scalper Worm installed
Checking `slapper'... not infected
Checking `z2'...
nothing deleted

Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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[newbie] dave vs pcmaclan

2002-12-27 Thread Richard Babcock
I saw a post previously about Dave for connecting Macs and PC's. As I recall
the poster was a Mac person. That being the case I would recommend PCMacLan
rather than Dave. I connected my Dad's iMac to his Pentium II last year
using Dave and found that it refused to relinquish control of file sharing
permissions. While this may be acceptable for a PC network that has the
occasional (tolerated) Macintosh it was just terrible when we wanted to
share other folders or files between the iMac and his Performa.
Installing PCMacLan made the Pentium II the 'adulterated' machine and left
his iMac alone which was much more acceptable to him.
I also seem to recall that you are going to take a laptop to a number of
locations so installing PCMacLan in all of the locations may not be
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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Re: [newbie] mandrake 9.0 never asks for another CD during installation

2002-12-27 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 12:58:38PM -0800, Brandon Vanderberg wrote:
 How strange, last night I did the same thing with an old pc.
 The pc is a very old Pentium 100 or 200 w/ 48meg of ram and a 6 gig disk. I
 didn't know about the 64meg requirement, but xfree86 (ver 4) and KDE came up
 and loaded fine with 48. It wasn't a speed demon, but it worked well. This
 was with the regular 3 CD set and regular (not text) install.
 It only used the 1st cd for me too, but I disabled supermount, and added the
 2 other cds to the source list and it worked well. I didn't see this as
 anything more than a very minor annoyance. Incidently, the cd-rom drive is
 an old 4 speed, so since then I've changed the urpmi sources to one of the
 ftp mirrors. But I've loaded stuff from the 2nd and 3rd cd without issue.

That sounds like what I need.  Just how do you disable supermount and add
other cds to the source list.  Is this something you do before installation?
Or during? Or after?  With a previous version onf Mandrake (I forget which)
is asked me during install which CD's I had.  With 9.0 it never asks.
I hope there is another way to add to the source list than to answer this

Or if I try a hard-disk install and start by putting the contents of the
all the CD's on hard disk, do I put each in a separate directory?  Or
should I merge them all into one directory? by, say tarring each CD into
a tarfile and then untarring them all into the same directory?  That way
there would be no separate CD to think of mounting.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hendrik Boom
 Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 5:21 AM
 Cc: Hendrik Boom
 Subject: Re: [newbie] mandrake 9.0 never asks for another CD during
 On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 15:52:48 -0800
  Spencer Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 18:22:49 -0500
  Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 15:04:43 -0800
   Spencer Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think you will find that the problem is lack of memory. The bare
 minimum for ML9
  is 64megs.
   In this case the reason is more apt to be lack of fd space.
   For a PowerPack install to request other than cd1 requires around 2 gigs
 or more.
   This is due to the pkgs being ordered on the cds in to include depends
 and as they
  need to be installed and the fact the the installation creates a /tmp to
 which many
  of the pkgs are copied prior to installation.
   This being why the fd space required for installation exceeds the space
 required for
  the actually used once the installation is complete.
  I'm finding that even with more than adequate space, if you have a slow,
 low memory
  computer ( I have several g ), the installer doesn't want to put much
 more in than
  what is necessary. This is really obvious if you need to go to a text
 Well, disk space is not a problem.  I have 2 gig available in my Mandrake
 root partition, and can easily expand that to 10 gig if necessary.  The 48
 meg is probably the real restriction.  And it's stupid, too.  The machine
 has more than enough capacity for what I really want to do, and am doing on
 SuSE Linux now.  Occasionally it slows doen, but not seriously, and I did
 want to get started with the new kernel, which is rumoured to be smaller and
 faster, and do a better and more flexible job of packet filtering.
 And even emacs did not appear during the install.
 There must be a way around this.  Could it be that the installer really
 needs more than 48 meg to sort dependencies, and is incapable of using swap

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Re: [newbie] When is root not root?

2002-12-27 Thread Hendrik Boom
On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 01:56:40PM +, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Although I practically never log in as root, there are many things that 
 require root priveleges, so opening File Manager (Super User Mode) or a root 
 console is a common task.
 Why is this not as dangerous?  Should we be closing those sessions as soon as 
 possible?  What safeguards are there?

I have been told:

An X server (i.e., the process that drives your screen when you are using X)
can be instructed by a program (the X client) to paste stuff into any window
on the screen (assuming no security measure has been taken to prevent this.
Doe anyone know of such?)  It that window contains, say, an xterm operating
with root permission, then the X client somewhere can search the server
(i.e., your screen) for root xterms, and quickly paste in commands to be
run as root.  Result? a security problem.


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Off topic IPCOP 1.2.0 is up

2002-12-27 Thread Dennis Myers
In case anyone is interested and uses ipcop as a standalone firewall the new 
stable full version is up and you can find it  at  
http://ipcop.hopto.org/  It uses smoothwall but has a useable gui to configure 
your set up.  I have yet to figure out how to change the thing to deny 
packets though. HTH
Dennis M.  linux user # 180842

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Re: [newbie] When is root not root?

2002-12-27 Thread Benjamin Pflugmann

On Fri 2002-12-27 at 19:03:04 +, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 27 Dec 2002 6:47 pm, Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:
  sudo is a nice way to make root access safer and its use is quite
  standard in Linux production environments. It allows to execute a
  single command as root like this:
sudo -H urpmi mozilla
 Thank you Benjamin for a most thorough reply.

You are welcome.

 sudo looks interesting - though I presume it is CL only?

Correct. Sorry that I did not mention this explicitly. I thought your
mail was mainly about console use, but only on re-read I realized that
it wasn't.



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