Re: [newbie-it] Cambiare HardDisk

2003-06-11 Thread Paolo Borzini

Il 10/06/2003 23:45:41, miKe [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
preparare un floppy di boot
montare il nuovo disco al posto del vecchio, che passerà in un canale 
avviare col floppy
fare una copia del vecchio nel nuovo 
montare la nuova /
fare chroot nella partizione appena montata
aggiornare e lanciare lilo

Detta cosi' sembra facilissimo .. comunque ci provero' e..

Bye bye da Paolo

Re: [newbie-it] problemi socket mysql

2003-06-11 Thread Michele
grazie ma ho gia scaricato ed istallato mysql 4.0.13 al posto della 
4.0.11a e finalmente funziona!!! :-)

miKe ha scritto:

Hash: SHA1
Alle 22:56, martedì 10 giugno 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] problemi 
socket mysql,  Michele   ha scritto:

non riesco a capire il perchè dopo aver fatto una ristallazione della
MDK9.1 senza toccare la partizione /home e /var solo ho formattato la
/ con /usr e /tmp il perchè non riesco ad avviare mysql in quanto mi
da questo errore:
ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)

#touch /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
#chown mysql.mysql /var/lib/mysql/  -R

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


[newbie-it] mutt + mailcap e msg in HTML

2003-06-11 Thread Mario
Utilizzo mutt per leggere la posta.
Ho impostato mailcap per vedere i messaggi in html con la seguente riga
text/html; links -dump %s; copiousoutput
in .muttrc ho la seguente riga
auto_view text/html application/msword
Il mio problema e' che non riesco a vedere direttamente i messaggi in html
ma devo ogni volta premere v e avviarlo dalla schermata successiva.
Ho notato che quando apro un msg in html mi compare la scritta
Unknown option -dump
la versione di Links e' la 2.1pre8

curiosamente se commento la riga
text/html; links -dump %s; copiousoutput
in .mailcap
leggo tranquillamente il messaggio anche se mi da l'errore
La voce di mailcap per il tipo text/html non è stata trovata
infine se in .mailcap metto lynx al posto di links vedo il messaggio
direttamente ma con tutta la struttura dell'html.
Devo modificare o aggiungere qualcosa nei due file di configurazione?
Un saluto a tutti

Re: [newbie-it] gtk-gnutella

2003-06-11 Thread piter

il sito ufficiale del progetto GTK-Gnutella è:
E la versione più recente è la 0.92 candidate...

gtk-gnutella aggiornata, grazie.

Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-11 Thread piter
effettivamante la mdk 9.1 mi ha segnalato se volevo salvare il file in 
e infatti così ho fatto.
la cosa strana è che dall'update grafico del MCC mi viene segnalato che
il file pesa 24MB, mentre quello che trovo salvato nella directory 
pesa solo 1,5MB.
ho provato a riscaricare il file ma non è cambiato nulla.
ho provato a installare il file io, magari per vedere se mi segnala dipendenze
ma questo è il messaggio che leggo nella shell:

In preparazione...  ##
unpacking of archive failed on file 
cpio: rename failed - Input/output error

se qualcuno ha qualche idea...grazie.

-- Messaggio originale --
From: Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] update
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 23:35:28 +0200

Alle 22:45, martedì 10 giugno 2003, piter ha scritto:
 tramite l'update di mandake contoll center ho oggi scaricato gli
 aggiornamenti. cè però un pacchetto che non cè verso di installare, la
 scritta che esce è sempre la stessa : si è verificato un errore
 nell'installazione dei pacchetti rpm
 il pacchetto è nella directory /var/cache/urpmi/rpms volete rimuoverlo?
 sia che lo lasci o che lo rimuova ripetendo l'update di mandake contoll
 center l'errore si ripete, continua a segnalarmi che devo scaricare il
 pacchetto, ma poi al momento dell'installazione mi dice che si sono
 verificati degli errori.
 il pacchetto rpm è:
 se qualcuno mi può consigliare sul da farsi...grazie.

innanzi tutto una considerazione: nella versione di URPMI inclusa in Mdk
9.1 è
stata inserita una modifica molto utile... quando un file RPM scaricato

può essere installato per qualsiasi motivo, URPMI dà la possibilità
all'utente di salvarlo nella cartella /var/cache/urpmi/rpms; in questo

non sarà necessario riscaricare l'RPM, ma URPMI lo installerà direttamente
lì (sempre che tu abbia deciso di salvare il file scaricato).
Venendo al tuo problema, prova a verificare che non ci siano nel
MandrakeUpdate RPM correlati al pacchetto footmatic (una dipendenza non

segnalata?): in caso scarica tutto ciò (soprattutto librerie) che ti sembra

correlato al pacchetto che stai installando...



«Il mondo si divide in 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono la numerazione

binaria, e quelle che non la conoscono.»

[newbie-it] [OT] frasi celebri da film

2003-06-11 Thread Alfredo Cosco
Salve a tutti,
sto facendo un catalogo di frasi celebri per uno programmino tipo  la 
frase del giorno sulla prima pagina del sito, le battute dovranno essere 
tratte da film celebri o al massimo essere state dette o scritte da 
cineasti, attori, autori ecc...
Mandatemi la battuta preferita del vostro film preferito, oppure la battuta 
meno preferita del vostro film preferito, oppure la battura preferita del 
vostro film meno preferito, oppure la battuta... insomma, spero di essermi 

Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-11 Thread Germano
il 16:18, mercoledì 11 giugno 2003, si è scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it] 
effettivamante la mdk 9.1 mi ha segnalato se volevo salvare il file in
 /var/cache/urpmi/rpms, e infatti così ho fatto.
la cosa strana è che dall'update grafico del MCC mi viene segnalato che
il file pesa 24MB, mentre quello che trovo salvato nella directory
 /var/cache/urpmi/rpms pesa solo 1,5MB.
ho provato a riscaricare il file ma non è cambiato nulla.
ho provato a installare il file io, magari per vedere se mi segnala
 dipendenze ma questo è il messaggio che leggo nella shell:

In preparazione... 
 ## 1:foomatic-db   
 ###error: unpacking of archive
 failed on file /usr/share/foomatic/db/source/printer/Alps-MD-5500.xml:
 cpio: rename failed - Input/output error

se qualcuno ha qualche idea...grazie.

Ti succede la stessa cosa anche usando da linea di comando urpmi?

Re: [newbie-it] mutt + mailcap e msg in HTML

2003-06-11 Thread syd
* Mario wrote:
 Utilizzo mutt per leggere la posta.
 Ho impostato mailcap per vedere i messaggi in html con la seguente riga
 text/html; links -dump %s; copiousoutput
sostituisci con

text/html; links -dump %s | more

In definitiva piuttosto che avvertire mutt che potrebbe trattarsi di
un output abbondante (copioso) gli dici direttamente di usare more
come pager indipendemente dalla copiosita' in formato testo che
potra' generare la conversione del file html.
Cosi' facendo dovresti vedere direttamente il messaggio senza dover
premere v ma molto probabilmente otterrai il messaggio che la
voce di mailcap non e' gestita. Fregatene.. secondo me si tratta di
un mini bug!! 

Se poi qualcuno e' riuscito a far scomparire quell'avvertimento..
faccia un fischio ;))

LU 285930 * LM 167646

Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-11 Thread piter
il risultato avuto dalla shell l'ho avuto digitando da riga di comando:
urpmi nomepacchetto
parlo da riga di comando della shell di linux, credo è quella che intendi.

-- Messaggio originale --
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] update
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 16:40:21 +0200

il 16:18, mercoledì 11 giugno 2003, si è scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it]

effettivamante la mdk 9.1 mi ha segnalato se volevo salvare il file in
 /var/cache/urpmi/rpms, e infatti così ho fatto.
la cosa strana è che dall'update grafico del MCC mi viene segnalato che
il file pesa 24MB, mentre quello che trovo salvato nella directory
 /var/cache/urpmi/rpms pesa solo 1,5MB.
ho provato a riscaricare il file ma non è cambiato nulla.
ho provato a installare il file io, magari per vedere se mi segnala
 dipendenze ma questo è il messaggio che leggo nella shell:

In preparazione...
 ## 1:foomatic-db

 ###error: unpacking of archive
 failed on file /usr/share/foomatic/db/source/printer/Alps-MD-5500.xml:
 cpio: rename failed - Input/output error

se qualcuno ha qualche idea...grazie.

Ti succede la stessa cosa anche usando da linea di comando urpmi?

Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-11 Thread Andrea Celli
Alle 16:18, mercoledì 11 giugno 2003, piter ha scritto:
 effettivamante la mdk 9.1 mi ha segnalato se volevo salvare il file in
 /var/cache/urpmi/rpms, e infatti così ho fatto.

Cosa ti dice se provi a dare

$ rpm --checksig foomatic-db.quello-che-cè.rpm

ti dovrebbe dire che il pacchetto è firmato da Mandrake e che md5sum è 
Se md5sum non è OK, significa che il file è corrotto.

 ho provato a installare il file io, magari per vedere se mi segnala
 dipendenze ma questo è il messaggio che leggo nella shell:

 In preparazione... 
 ## 1:foomatic-db   
 ###error: unpacking of archive
 failed on file /usr/share/foomatic/db/source/printer/Alps-MD-5500.xml:
 cpio: rename failed - Input/output error

 se qualcuno ha qualche idea...grazie.

cpio è il programma che estrae i file dagli rpm, sembra che abbia un problema 
a dare un nuovo nome al file estratto. Magari perché non riesce a toglierne
uno con lo stesso nome già presente.
Non è che hai cambiato (inavvertitamente) i diritti di scrittura su uno dei 
file del pacchetto da aggiornare.
prova a vedere cosa succede a rimuoverlo a mano, magari con l'opzione test
# rpm -e --test foomatic-db  
se ti dice che non riesce a rimuovere un file, siamo a cavallo

ciiao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] [OT] frasi celebri da film

2003-06-11 Thread Andrea Celli
Alle 16:27, mercoledì 11 giugno 2003, Alfredo Cosco ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti,
 sto facendo un catalogo di frasi celebri per uno programmino tipo  la
 frase del giorno sulla prima pagina del sito

Spero che sia inseribile in fortune

  le battute dovranno essere
 tratte da film celebri o al massimo essere state dette o scritte da
 cineasti, attori, autori ecc...

Non la ricordo a memoria, ma c'è una battuta carina in my name is Tanino
a proposito della velocità di trasmissione via Internet e via pettegolezzi
di Castelluzzo. Ovviamente, internet è più lento ;-)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Radeon 7500 + monitor LG 520 Si

2003-06-11 Thread Dan

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Radeon 7500 + monitor LG 520 Si

Alle 14:04, lunedì 26 maggio 2003, Dan ha scritto:
 Ho riscontrato problemi seri nella configurazione video, quando faccio
 partire il programma di installazione di linux non trovo una
 che funzioni e posso solo utilizzare il sistema con i comani a linea. I
 messaggi di errore sono i seguenti:

 (EE) RADEON (0): No valid mode found for this DFP/LCD
 (EE) Screen(s) found, but non have a usable configuration
 Fatal server error
 no screeen found

Io ho una Radeon 8500 e dopo 2 mesi sprecati in bestemmie oggi sono riuscito
far riconoscere il monitor e la scheda video!!

Anche io, prima di oggi, avevo i tuoi stessi messaggi di errore pur
un monitor CRT.

Il fatto e' che la mia scheda video cercava il monitor dove il monitor non
c'era ovvero nell'uscita TV!
Percui ho staccato il cavo collegato all'uscita tv, ho riavviato il sistema,
ho configuarato il tutto con drakxconf, e magia delle magie adesso tutto
funge perfettamente, perfino l'accelerazione grafica

Spero che il tuo problema sia dovuto alla mia stessa distrazione e cioe'
quella di aver lasciato il cavo collegato senza mai pensare minimamente che
avrebbe potuto causare problemi!!

Davvero...oggi sono molto felice

Viva il pingue

Ho provato e... Avevi ragione!
E' bastato far vedere il monitor come un generico 1024x768 a 60 Hz e
togliere il cavettino della tv da dietro e ora funziona tutto a meraviglia!

Re: [newbie-it] mutt: Ssssyyyyyyyddddd!!!!!!

2003-06-11 Thread syd
* Arwan wrote:
  scrivi una mail_bozza - la salvi - e piuttosto che inviarla con y la
  posponi con q infilandola in outbox (set posponed) - poi, quando
  deciderai di modificarla  la richiamerai con m (eventualmente
  scegliendola tra diverse bozze) - dopo averla modificata la invierai
  con y - se sei off-line dovrebbero finire nella coda altrimenti
 OK, se non do' y comunque sendmail le lancia, e dunque dovrei salvarle da 
 quanche altra parte perche' non vengano inviate, oppure le ignora? 
No.. se non dai y sendmail le ignora. Quello che finisce in outbox
(le bozze) non te lo tocca nessuno.

  Ripeto: e' sendmail che invia le mail direttamente (on-line) oppure
  in un momento successivo prendendole dalla coda (le ha messe lui
  nella coda e non mutt). 
 A leggerla cosi', dunque, dovrebbe ignorarle; ma poi io me le ritrovo tutte 
 (posposte e inviate) in outbox? In questo caso, come le distinguo tra loro? 
 Oppure qualcuno finalmente me le piazza in sent-box?

In outbox ti ritrovi solo le posposte-bozze; quelle inviate (y) o sono
gia' partite (invio on-line) o sono nella coda (invio off-line); _in
entrambi i casi__ ne hai una copia nel file indicato con _set record_
nel .muttrc
Se le hai accodate per sbaglio allora le cancelli a manina dalla coda
(per ogni mail dovresti avere due file nella coda), apri mutt ti
posizioni sulla copia della mail (set record), la apri e schiacci r: 
ti sistemi i vari campi e fai quello che vuoi della mail. 

 rinnovo la domanda (non si sa mai): sendmail invia tutto quello che trova in 
 outbox, posposte e inviate con y?

Per sendmail il file outbox non esiste. Invia solo quello che gli
dici di inviare quando sei on-line e le code che avevi creato
premendo y in off-line.
Arwan.. in outbox ci finiscono solo le posposte.

Non stai chiappando l'approccio di mutt e continui ad insistere con
lo schema di kmail. DEVI POSPORRE se hai l'abitudine di modificare
spesso le mail prima di inviarle.
Con kamil evidentemente usavi la tecnica del _non inviare subito_ e
quindi prima di inviare ti facevi le tue brave modifichine/ette/che
Con mutt semplicemente non devi schiacciare y ma q e automaticamente
la mail finira' in outbox dove nessun sendmail potra' toccarla. 
Quando deciderai di modificare la mail la richiamerai col tasto m e
potrai ancora posporla (sempre con q) oppure inviarla con y. Se sarai
on-line la mail partira', se sarai off-line finira' in coda. Non
volevi schiacciare y? Bene.. cancelli la mail dalla coda (a mano) e
la recuperi come ti ho detto sopra. Hai fatto bene a schiacciare y?
Brava, accoda tutte le mail che vuoi e quando hai finito ti connetti
e con un solo invio di sendmail spedirai l'intera coda.
Arwan.. sono disposto a spiegarti questo procedimento in mille altri
modi ma piu' semplice di cosi' non mi viene. Tu non ti preoccupare,

LU 285930 * LM 167646

Re: [newbie-it] modulo viacxxxx.o

2003-06-11 Thread Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Alle 22:10, giovedì 5 giugno 2003, miKe ha scritto:
 Alle 09:05, mercoledì 4 giugno 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] modulo

 viac.o,  Luigi Pinna   ha scritto:

 solo per il modulo puoi dare make modules
 però cosa devi modificare ?

 hai provato a rimuovere il controllo sulla versione dei moduli, e ad
 usare quello che andava?
 in fondo se è una stessa verisione e usi le stesse librerie e lo
 stesso compilatore, deve andare..

Niente continua a non funzionare!!!
Il problema risiede nel fatto che avendo compilato un'altra versione del 
kernel non posso reciclare i moduli, o si? Nel caso come faccio a 
sostituire il modulo che non funziona con quello che andava senza far 
impazzire la macchina??
Grazie e speriamo bene...
- -- 
Ti rendi conto che stai passando troppo tempo sulla Rete quando...
Chiedi ad un idraulico quanto verrebbe a costare sostituire la
sedia dinanzi al tuo computer con un gabinetto.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


[newbie-it] Configurare Wine

2003-06-11 Thread Benedetto Santarella
Salve a tutti,

Ho installato wine, e funziona abbastanza bene, 
ho solo problemi con una applicazione DOS, molto 
importante per me (La sfiga). Quando provo ad eseguirlo,
mi da il seguente messaggio e si pianta

Warning: unprotecting the first 64KB of memory to allow real-mode calls.
 NULL pointer accesses will no longer be caught.

Ci sono delle soluzioni possibili???

Grazie a tutti!!!

Re: [newbie-it] sendmail vaniliacacao

2003-06-11 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* syd ha scritto:
 * Giuseppe Ferruzzi wrote:
  Comunque sendmail purtroppo
  ti serve come Delivery ed è necessario sempre anche se usi procmail.
 In che senso Giuseppe? Io uso procmail senza nessun MTA (a parte
 ssmtp per l'invio). Voglio dire.. procmail lo faccio funzionare
 da solo.

Si hai ragione. Solo nel caso di fetchmail non mi viene scaricata la
posta dal server pop se disattivo sendmail.

Ciao, Giuseppe.

GNU/Linux Powered
Red Hat 9 (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20

Re: [newbie-it] update

2003-06-11 Thread piter

Cosa ti dice se provi a dare

$ rpm --checksig foomatic-db.quello-che-cè.rpm

$ rpm --checksig foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm
foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm: md5 GPG NOT OK

ti dovrebbe dire che il pacchetto è firmato da Mandrake e che md5sum è

Se md5sum non è OK, significa che il file è corrotto.

prova a vedere cosa succede a rimuoverlo a mano, magari con l'opzione test
# rpm -e --test foomatic-db
se ti dice che non riesce a rimuovere un file, siamo a cavallo

# rpm -e --test foomatic-db foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm
error: package foomatic-db-3.0-0.beta2.20030403.2.2mdk.i586.rpm is not installed

questo è quello che ho ottenuto, spero tramite i vostri consigli di riuscire
a risolvere.

Re: [newbie-it] sendmail vaniliacacao

2003-06-11 Thread syd
* Giuseppe Ferruzzi wrote:
  In che senso Giuseppe? Io uso procmail senza nessun MTA (a parte
  ssmtp per l'invio). Voglio dire.. procmail lo faccio funzionare
  da solo.
 Si hai ragione. Solo nel caso di fetchmail non mi viene scaricata la
 posta dal server pop se disattivo sendmail.  
A meno di non inserire in .fetchmailrc

mda procmail -m pathtuo.procmailrc

La scelta di non avere un MTA che lavora come demone in background..
come dire.. non e' una cattiva idea. Considera anche che procmail e'
probabilmente una delle applicazioni piu' stabili che ci siano in
circolazione: non perde un colpo.

Questione di gusti e, naturalmente, di esigenze.

Slackware 9.0 * K 2.4.20

[newbie-it] gpg

2003-06-11 Thread Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

 ciao a tutti! Siccome possiedo diversi account email e ho deciso che 
più semplice creare diverse chiavi private, mi ritrovo ora con 3 chiavi
private e altrettante pubbliche.
Il problema nasce dal fatto che Kmail mi sta firmando in una cartella
con l'identità sbagliata!
Come faccio? lo fa solo con l'identità principale!!!
Nel senso che non mi firma più con l'identità principale!
Cercando di settare il uid come primario il programma me lo ha impedito!
Che fare?
- --
Ho una mappa esistenziale.  Ha Voi siete qui scritto dappertutto.
-- Steven Wright
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] mutt: Ssssyyyyyyyddddd!!!!!!

2003-06-11 Thread syd
* Arwan wrote:

  Ma se io non ero connessa, come recupero (so che e' 
 una cazzata che faro' ancora :-( ) le mail spedite?

Se le vuoi rispedire senza modificarle devi semplicemente svuotare la
coda con (credo) 

sendmail -q -v 

Se le vuoi modificare prima di rispedirle le recuperi nel file
indicato con set record (te l'ho spiegato nell'altra mail)
 Ho questo (commentato!)
 #set sendmail=/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -oem

Decommenatlo!! Tieni presente che potresti aver bisogno anche di
modificare la stringa. Ma ne parliamo un'altra volta.
  Intervenendo su questo comando dici a mutt cosa deve avvenire quando
  premi il tasto y.
 Ma allora mi conviene:
 1) mettere outbox come cartella delle mail postposte, e sendmail va a 
 prendersele da li' anche se non ho dato y

Sendamil non sa nemmeno cosa sia il file outbox.

 2) quando devo scrivere una mail che non voglio inviare subito, salvarla da 
 un'altra parte, (come? salvo su outbox e poi la sposto di cartella, per 
 esempio mettendola in draft?)

Se per _salvarla_ intendi posporla allora si' e fregatene di
sendmail. La lasci in outbox e la richiami con m quando vorrai
Ripeto: non c'e' nessun legame tra outbox e sendmail.

 3) a connessione avvenuta, lanciare uno script che dica a sendmail di spedire 
 e poi a procmail di prendere le mail di outbox e spostarle tutte in 
 sent-mail. In questo caso se lancio lo script senza da offline posso prendere 
 le mail da sent-box e rimetterle in outbox, e poi ripetere l'operazione.
 Puo' andare la mia idea?

No. E' tutto molto piu' semplice. Rileggiti quello che ti ho scritto
nelle ultime tre mail.
 Incominciamo bene...
 grep: /home/arwan/.bashrc: No such file or directory
 Va be', dovrei avere dei file sulla vecchia MDK.
 Ed ecco la risposta!
 bash-2.05a$ grep alias /thorin/home/arwan/.bashrc
 # User specific aliases and functions
 Simpaticissimo! (Grrr) Cioe': il file e' vuoto, o no? A 'sto punto devo 
 scopiazzare il tuo testo dentro un .bashrc da mettere nella mia home... spero 
 d'aver capito.

Allora! MDK ti creava in fase d'installazione sia ~/.bash_profile che
~/.bashrc. Sotto Slack te li devi fare tu. Alla buona: trattasi dei file 
di login della bash. Il loro contenuto si sovrascrive al contenuto di
/etc/profile che resta valido per la parte non sovrascritta.
La bash legge prima ~/.bash_profile e poi /etc/profile mentre
~/.bashrc ti serve per la bash sotto terminale.
Quindi ti conviene (e' una delle possibili soluzioni) infilare tutte
le impostazioni in ~/.bashrc e all'interno di ~/.bash_profile fare il
source del primo.

$ cat ~/.bash_profile
# .bash_profile

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

Arwan, copialo e incollalo nella tua home.

Nel ~/.bashrc oltre agli alias puoi metterci tante altre cose. Lo
deciderai poi tu, per ora mettici solo gli alias.
Considera che dovresti crearti una configurazione per root. Valuta.
Magari per ora muoviti solo come user.

  alias x=startx

In effetti :))
  Mi raccomando... ho un'idea, ma temo che non funziera'. Anzi anzi... un'altra 
 domanda: se io ho tre account, tutti richiamati da fetchmailrc, quando lancio 
 fetch li scartica tutti e tre. Ma se per caso volessi scaricarne uno solo? 
 Come devo fare? Pensavo di creare un altro file .fecthmailrc con i dati di 
 quel solo account, ma poi come dico a fetch di andarsi a prendere l'uno o 
 laltro, a seconda della mia volonta'?

Guarda meglio la lista degli alias che ho gia' postato; ci sono TRE e
dico TRE alias che si riferiscono a fetchmail e che fanno proprio
quello che vuoi fare tu. L'opzione _magica_ e' -f.

Slackware 9.0 * K 2.4.20

[newbie-it] beepfetch

2003-06-11 Thread Arwan
Ma come ca22o si toglie il beep qaundo scarico la posta con fetchmail? E' 
tutto ieri sera che provo senza risultati... e mettere unset beep_new o 
commentare set beep_new in .muttrc non e' sufficiente (funzia solo sul primo 
account). Ho provato a lanciare uno script che richiami gli account 
separatamente, ma il beep persiste. Disperazione.


Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-11 Thread Aron Smith

On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 22:53, Jordan Ward wrote:

Hi all, I hope to get some good information from everyone. 

I look forward to possibly receiving and providing some positive feedback.

During the boot up of Linux Mandrake 6.0 I get the following:

/dev/hdc5 contains a file system with errors, check forced

I know there is an error, but what would be the best means to resolve this?




welcome to the Newbie list
usually this is caused by an improper shutdown
do a ctl alt del to get out and reboot this will usually resolve the problem

Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-11 Thread Aron Smith
On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 22:53, Jordan Ward wrote:
 Hi all, I hope to get some good information from everyone. 
 I look forward to possibly receiving and providing some positive
 During the boot up of Linux Mandrake 6.0 I get the following:
 /dev/hdc5 contains a file system with errors, check forced
 I know there is an error, but what would be the best means to resolve
Also please use plain text not html

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Re: [newbie] Sony Cybershot P32 USB connection!

2003-06-11 Thread Ricardo Castanho de Oliveira Freitas
On Friday 06 June 2003 08:24, Simon Prosser wrote:

Tks Jane and Simon!

I couldn't find my way around digikam!
Although at the console it is possible to d/l all the photos from the camera!

typing /opt/kde3/bin/.digikam (or clicking on its icon!)
All I get is unresolved simbols!

But the PTP mode was a great hint though!  ;-))

Any idea on what's going on? (still on mdk9.0)

Ricardo Castanho

 first turn on camera and in the settings menu set it to PTP mode
 right now go get this app
 if your on 9.1 then its in contrib already
 plug your cam in...and in a console you should see hotplug setting it up
 for you and making /dev/sda1
 now open digikam and in options press the auto-detect'll find
 Your all set to go now...

Linux user # 102240 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] user = [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
AntiVir for UNIX
Copyright (C) 1994-2002 by H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH. All rights reserved.
For more information see or

Wed, 11 Jun 2003 03:10:00 -0300
  3:10am  up 4 days, 46 min,  6 users,  load average: 1.58, 1.66, 1.54
The alarm clock that is louder than God's own belongs to the roommate with
the earliest class.

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[newbie] how to install Nvidia unified drivers

2003-06-11 Thread maxim j NARBROUGH

Can anyone outline the proceedure and commands 
necessary for installing the Nvidia unified drivers from a Cd,
I cannot configure X without them as I have a 
Quadro 4 graphics card which requires the Nvidia specific kernel and 
I have downloaded in 
Windows and burnt it to disk,
but don't understand how to copy them to a 
directory while booted into the console.

A lost 

[newbie] pine mail vulnerable

2003-06-11 Thread David Hlacik
Hi to all, i have just one question ... when i open pine mail client, it
says folder /var/spool/mail vulnerable - must have 1777 protection, but
when i give him this 1777 protection {chmod 1777 /var/spool/mail} it is
ok, until next message is received.
Thanks for help

David Hlacik

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Re: [newbie] how to install Nvidia unified drivers

2003-06-11 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 16:29, maxim j NARBROUGH wrote:
 Can anyone outline the proceedure and commands necessary for
 installing the Nvidia unified drivers from a Cd,
 I cannot configure X without them as I have a Quadro 4 graphics card
 which requires the Nvidia specific kernel and drives.
 I have downloaded in Windows and burnt
 it to disk,
 but don't understand how to copy them to a directory while booted into
 the console.
 A lost newbie.

If you've already burnt the .run file to a disk, you should be able to
just open a terminal in the directory that contains the file and type it
by name preceeded with a ./ - so, for example:


...and you should have the installation underway!

Wed Jun 11 16:50:01 EST 2003
 16:50:01 up 4 days,  2:41,  3 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.03, 0.01
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

There are those who claim that magic is like the tide; that it swells and
fades over the surface of the earth, collecting in concentrated pools here
and there, almost disappearing from other spots, leaving them parched for
wonder.  There are also those who believe that if you stick your fingers up
your nose and blow, it will increase your intelligence.
-- The Teachings of Ebenezum, Volume VII

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[newbie] apache rewrite regex

2003-06-11 Thread Frankie

Hi guys

I am hoping that on this list is a regex/apache guru...
Currently, I have mdk9.0 running mod_perl/apache via virtual named hosts..

works great.

I can run mod_perl scripts in either of the following methods:

so the basic proxying works..

However only the latter URL works when passed params.. like so:
(that one works)

This one doesn't:

when I try that I always get the message that can't be found.

Since its an internal proxy, I can't see what the regex has grabbed.
This is the regex in question in the vhosts file:

RewriteRule ^(.*\/perl\/.*)$$1 [P]

I tried adding this one too in an effort to be more specific.. but it
didn't work either:

RewriteRule /perl\/*)$1 [P]

What I don't understand is this:

In my mind means '0' or more of 'anything'

so why is it not catching params??

Can anyone point me in the right direction here?



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[newbie] pine mail vulnerable

2003-06-11 Thread David Hlacik

Hi to all, i have just one question ... when i open pine mail client, it
says folder /var/spool/mail vulnerable - must have 1777 protection, but
when i give him this 1777 protection {chmod 1777 /var/spool/mail} it is
ok, until next message is received.
Thanks for help

David Hlacik

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Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-11 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 15:53, Jordan Ward wrote:
 Hi all, I hope to get some good information from everyone. 
 I look forward to possibly receiving and providing some positive
 During the boot up of Linux Mandrake 6.0 I get the following:
 /dev/hdc5 contains a file system with errors, check forced
 I know there is an error, but what would be the best means to resolve

You can always boot into maint mode and run fsck manually on that
partition to fix the problem. What exactly sits on /dev/hdc5 ?

Wed Jun 11 16:50:01 EST 2003
 16:50:01 up 4 days,  2:41,  3 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.03, 0.01
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

There are those who claim that magic is like the tide; that it swells and
fades over the surface of the earth, collecting in concentrated pools here
and there, almost disappearing from other spots, leaving them parched for
wonder.  There are also those who believe that if you stick your fingers up
your nose and blow, it will increase your intelligence.
-- The Teachings of Ebenezum, Volume VII

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Re: [newbie]

2003-06-11 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 11 Jun 2003 12:35 am, Ralph Bagwell wrote:
 help newbie

What sort of help?


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Re: [newbie] apache rewrite regex

2003-06-11 Thread Steven Broos
. means every character
* means zero, one or more instances of the previous character.
^ means beginning of the line (or negation in some situations)
$ means end of line
The part of the regexp between the brackets will be returned as $1

So the first regexp ^(.*\/perl\/.*)$  says:
- If a line starts (^) with zero, one or more instances of any character
- followed by  /perl/ (the slashes are backslashed because it are
special characters)
- followed by zero, one or more instances of any character

result == the whole line without any end-of-line characters, if it
contains /perl/, Nothing if it doesn't contain /perl/

So a wild guess for the string you want to write:

But I guess the regexp you wrote first will work to !


On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 09:05, Frankie wrote:
 Hi guys
 I am hoping that on this list is a regex/apache guru...
 Currently, I have mdk9.0 running mod_perl/apache via virtual named hosts..
 works great.
 I can run mod_perl scripts in either of the following methods:
 so the basic proxying works..
 However only the latter URL works when passed params.. like so:
 (that one works)
 This one doesn't:
 when I try that I always get the message that can't be found.
 Since its an internal proxy, I can't see what the regex has grabbed.
 This is the regex in question in the vhosts file:
 RewriteRule ^(.*\/perl\/.*)$$1 [P]
 I tried adding this one too in an effort to be more specific.. but it
 didn't work either:
 RewriteRule /perl\/*)$1 [P]
 What I don't understand is this:
 In my mind means '0' or more of 'anything'
 so why is it not catching params??
 Can anyone point me in the right direction here?
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] seeking log analyser recommendation for shorewall

2003-06-11 Thread stormjumper
actually, i'm not very sure what i'm asking for, a log analyser or an
intrusion detection system.

the reason is, my /var/log/kernel/info has become abnormally large over the
last 3 days, from 1.5mb between 1 Jun to 8 Jun, to 23++ mb between 8 Jun to
now (11 Jun).

the cause is due to shorewall entries, most of which are REJECTed or DROPped
external traffic to seemingly random ports, from IPs which have no reason to
attempt to access my IP.

i vaguely (and maybe paranoidly) suspect that i'm the target of some
probe/scan, and that the source IPs are being spoofed, but newbie that i am,
i really can't make tell if any of the traffic are malevolent.

visited,, and a few other sites to get
abit of background information, but so far only understanding around 20% of
what i'm reading.

hoping that someone here can make a good recommendation for a simple to
configure log analyser/IDS, that can make guesses on whether i'm being
sniffed or probed.

thanks in advance. ;-)

for the record, i'm running mandrake 9.0 purely as the gateway to a small
network, sharing a DSL connection, with smtp and http ports forwarded.
(keeping up to date with security updates).

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Re: [newbie] apache rewrite regex

2003-06-11 Thread Steven Broos
 So a wild guess for the string you want to write:
 But I guess the regexp you wrote first will work to !

forgot some comments.
- I don't think the regexp I wrote is 100% correct
- Also try: RewriteRule ^.*(\/perl\/.*)$$1 [P]
(the .* outside of the brackets)  Maybe that will work ?


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RE: [newbie] apache rewrite regex

2003-06-11 Thread Frankie
yeah, I got that.. its pretty much the same as Perl regex.

However.. I am not sure now that the regex is the issue...

After hours and hours of googling on the issue I believe its a
deficiency in apache.. one that mandrakes apache with virt named hosting
setup brings to the fore.

The issue is more or less specific to me, virtual named hosting
with proxied mod perl using proxy redirects.

To give you an idea, both of these work:

(the second one works (notice the /?), but not as modperl for some reason it
seems to be executing as cgi or something. and rewriting the regex to add
the / into the proxy address has the same effect (as slow as cgi perl).
(I know its not using mod perl because its the HTTP process that shows up in
'top' when it is run, whereas http-perl shows up when run the first way.)

As before, this:

results in this:
[Wed Jun 11 18:40:11 2003] [error] [client] File does not exist:

Appearing in the log, and a page not found error appearing on the browser.

So in essense, mod_rewrite doing the proxy doesn't appear to pass the params
on.. instead it seem to be implying they are part of the filename..

Go figure, the two things I wanted to do with apache/Perl, are both broken
with named virtual hosting.
(mod_perl SSI and this.)

Does anyone know a method by which I might achieve the same result? (I can't
use port 8200 links in the pages because we have already experianced
problems with some routers not allowing that.)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Steven Broos
Sent: Wednesday, 11 June 2003 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] apache rewrite regex

. means every character
* means zero, one or more instances of the previous character.
^ means beginning of the line (or negation in some situations)
$ means end of line
The part of the regexp between the brackets will be returned as $1

So the first regexp ^(.*\/perl\/.*)$  says:
- If a line starts (^) with zero, one or more instances of any character
- followed by  /perl/ (the slashes are backslashed because it are
special characters)
- followed by zero, one or more instances of any character

result == the whole line without any end-of-line characters, if it
contains /perl/, Nothing if it doesn't contain /perl/

So a wild guess for the string you want to write:

But I guess the regexp you wrote first will work to !


On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 09:05, Frankie wrote:
 Hi guys

 I am hoping that on this list is a regex/apache guru...
 Currently, I have mdk9.0 running mod_perl/apache via virtual named hosts..

 works great.

 I can run mod_perl scripts in either of the following methods:

 so the basic proxying works..

 However only the latter URL works when passed params.. like so:
 (that one works)

 This one doesn't:

 when I try that I always get the message that can't be found.

 Since its an internal proxy, I can't see what the regex has grabbed.
 This is the regex in question in the vhosts file:

 RewriteRule ^(.*\/perl\/.*)$$1 [P]

 I tried adding this one too in an effort to be more specific.. but it
 didn't work either:

 RewriteRule /perl\/*)$1 [P]

 What I don't understand is this:

 In my mind means '0' or more of 'anything'

 so why is it not catching params??

 Can anyone point me in the right direction here?




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Re: [newbie] how to install Nvidia unified drivers

2003-06-11 Thread ed tharp
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 02:54, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 16:29, maxim j NARBROUGH wrote:
  Can anyone outline the proceedure and commands necessary for
  installing the Nvidia unified drivers from a Cd,
  I cannot configure X without them as I have a Quadro 4 graphics card
  which requires the Nvidia specific kernel and drives.
  I have downloaded in Windows and burnt
  it to disk,
  but don't understand how to copy them to a directory while booted into
  the console.
  A lost newbie.
 If you've already burnt the .run file to a disk, you should be able to
 just open a terminal in the directory that contains the file and type it
 by name preceeded with a ./ - so, for example:
might help if he was into the directory that had the program so typing
what is within the quotes, but not the quotes
cd /mnt/cdrom
 ...and you should have the installation underway!


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Re: [newbie] Start up

2003-06-11 Thread ed tharp
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 02:52, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 15:53, Jordan Ward wrote:
  Hi all, I hope to get some good information from everyone. 
  I look forward to possibly receiving and providing some positive
  During the boot up of Linux Mandrake 6.0 I get the following:
  /dev/hdc5 contains a file system with errors, check forced
  I know there is an error, but what would be the best means to resolve
 You can always boot into maint mode and run fsck manually on that
 partition to fix the problem. What exactly sits on /dev/hdc5 ?

my suggestion;
upgrade from mdk 6.0 to mdk 9.1, full install and allow the installer to
format and check drives for errors

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Re: Re[3]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-11 Thread Adolfo Bello
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 00:22, rikona wrote:

 As I understand it, Ctl+Alt+Backspace is supposed to stop X, but it
 does not stop according to the remote terminal. I tried 'kill 1452' to
 get rid of X, and that wouldn't stop it either. A 'kill -9 1452'
 apparently killed the machine. Reboot time.

Ctrl-Alt-Backspace restarts X.

What I use to stop X is:
telinit 3


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Re: Re[3]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-11 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 21:07, Adolfo Bello wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 00:22, rikona wrote:
  As I understand it, Ctl+Alt+Backspace is supposed to stop X, but it
  does not stop according to the remote terminal. I tried 'kill 1452' to
  get rid of X, and that wouldn't stop it either. A 'kill -9 1452'
  apparently killed the machine. Reboot time.
 Ctrl-Alt-Backspace restarts X.
 What I use to stop X is:
 telinit 3

Ain't it all the more easy to login via telnet or ssh from another
machine and just kill the offending process(es)? Or is that too easy?

Wed Jun 11 21:15:00 EST 2003
 21:15:00 up 4 days,  7:06,  4 users,  load average: 0.04, 0.11, 0.08
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

What did he say?

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Re: Re[3]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-11 Thread Adolfo Bello
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 07:17, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 21:07, Adolfo Bello wrote:
  On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 00:22, rikona wrote:
   As I understand it, Ctl+Alt+Backspace is supposed to stop X, but it
   does not stop according to the remote terminal. I tried 'kill 1452' to
   get rid of X, and that wouldn't stop it either. A 'kill -9 1452'
   apparently killed the machine. Reboot time.
  Ctrl-Alt-Backspace restarts X.
  What I use to stop X is:
  telinit 3
 Ain't it all the more easy to login via telnet or ssh from another
 machine and just kill the offending process(es)? Or is that too easy?

Right. It is too easy.

Now seriously. Rikona was talking about killing X and the best way that
I know is going to run level 3.



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Re: Re[3]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-11 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 21:41, Adolfo Bello wrote:
  Ain't it all the more easy to login via telnet or ssh from another
  machine and just kill the offending process(es)? Or is that too easy?
 Right. It is too easy.
 Now seriously. Rikona was talking about killing X and the best way that
 I know is going to run level 3.

I reckon I understand, but isn't starting a system in runlevel 3 and
killing X two different things?? Unless I've really really missed
something here...

Anyways, REAL linux users don't use XWindows anyways. Complete waste of
space. Complete waste of resource. Using a mouse for anything other than
a paperweight is a useless operation with nothing but bad things to come
out of it.

Wed Jun 11 21:50:00 EST 2003
 21:50:00 up 4 days,  7:41,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.02
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Work was impossible.  The geeks had broken my spirit.  They had done too
many things wrong.  It was never like this for Mencken.  He lived like
a Prussian gambler -- sweating worse than Bryan on some nights and drunker
than Judas on others.  It was all a dehumanized nightmare...and these
raddled cretins have the gall to complain about my deadlines.
-- Hunter Thompson, Bad Nerves in Fat City, _Generation of Swine_

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Re: [newbie] 9.1 partion NTFS?

2003-06-11 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 20:38:04 -0700
eric huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When i installed, it did this just fine, but if i go into diskdrake
 now, it says all data will be lost.  How do you get it to resize like
 it did the first time?

Partitioning support for NTFS is still a new development and is
achieved in diskdrake by the usage of ntfsprogs.  

ntfsprogs is contained in the DrakX installation program but Is Not
installed by default during pkg selection.
Use urpmi to install ntfsprogs and libntfs4
You will now be able to use diskdrake to
make changes to NTFS partitions.

Normal declaimer applies.
Usage of any partitioning program carries a degree of risk.
Data can be lost so always back-up first.


This restaurant was advertising breakfast any time. So I ordered
french toast in the renaissance.
- Steven Wright, comedian
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk

Description: PGP signature

RE: [newbie] How do I UPDATE my urpmi database ?

2003-06-11 Thread Ken Walker
urpmi.update followed by the web address of the update server as root


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Re: [newbie] how to install Nvidia unified drivers

2003-06-11 Thread JoeHill
On 11 Jun 2003 06:56:25 -0400
ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

might help if he was into the directory that had the program

 you should be able to
  just open a terminal in the directory that contains the file

ya, it would help wouldn't it?

 Registered Linux user #282046
 08:25:08 up 8 days,  6:28,  3 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.03, 0.01

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Re: Re[3]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-11 Thread Charles A Edwards
On 11 Jun 2003 21:56:24 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyways, REAL linux users don't use XWindows anyways. Complete waste
 of space. Complete waste of resource. Using a mouse for anything other
 than a paperweight is a useless operation with nothing but bad things
 to come out of it.

But I can't watch my porn unless I use XWindows lynx just doesn't cut 
the mustard 


Fortune's real live weird band names #279:

Fuck Your Stupid Civilization
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk

Description: PGP signature

RE: [newbie] ARTICLE: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit (from Windows .NET Magazine)

2003-06-11 Thread Jonathan Shilling
Interesting to note that SCO states the code stolen is from sys V.  If I
rememeber correctly system V could only run on a single processor system,
and that much of its code was stolen from Berkley and FreeBSD.  Anyone else
care to look back to the case where one of the previous owners of the Unix
source tried to sue Berkley and lost?

-- Linux user since Red Hat ver 1.0

 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen Kuhn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 3:48 PM
 To: Mandrake Newbie
 Subject: [newbie] ARTICLE: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit (from Windows  .NET
  1. Commentary: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit--Will It Affect Your
by Paul Thurrott, News Editor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Most Windows-based enterprises are likely well versed in the Linux
 debate in which Linux supporters argue that their favorite OS is more
 secure and less expensive than Windows because it's created largely by
 volunteers, is developed in the open and available for source-code
 examination, and is free to license. But many companies I've spoken to
 are less susceptible to the religious dogma behind Linux and take a
 more practical approach to implementing the open-source solution, as
 they do with any other technology. That is, most mid- and large-sized
 businesses are heterogeneous, implementing technology where it makes
 the most sense, which today, often means small and midsized Web sites,
 file servers, and in some cases even 3-D graphics-rendering farms.
 Linux has proven to be a fairly versatile and inexpensive alternative
 to Windows server products, even when you factor in the cost of
 supporting a UNIX-like environment. Over the years, I've found the
 steady improvements to Linux to be somewhat hard to swallow.
Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that way. UNIX patent,
 copyright, and intellectual property owner SCO Group recently sued
 IBM, the largest Linux licensee, for $1 billion, charging the computer
 giant with stealing copyrighted UNIX code and using it in Linux.
 Furthermore, SCO charges that any company using Linux faces legal
 action over intellectual property rights because of the fact that
 crackers have stolen entire sections of UNIX code and placed that code
 in Linux. The legal battle, which Linux backers initially greeted with
 somewhat childish dissent, is starting to heat up. And if IBM doesn't
 respond adequately this week, SCO says it will cancel IBM's UNIX
 license, a legal bomb that could force IBM to stop selling its
 UNIX-based AIX software.
SCO's claims aren't without merit. After a weak rebuttal over the
 status of UNIX's copyrights from former UNIX owner Novell earlier this
 month, SCO produced documents that prove SCO has all rights to UNIX
 ... technology, including the copyrights, an assertion Novell
 ultimately supported. However, Novell still maintains it owns certain
 patents related to UNIX, a fact that's unlikely to inhibit SCO from
 suing every Linux-using company on the planet. The problem, of course,
 comes down to the source code.
According to SCO, you can compare the UNIX System V and Linux
 source code to see where Linux is stealing wholeheartedly from UNIX.
 To make this comparison, however, you have to sign an egregious
 nondisclosure agreement (NDA), which prevents you from discussing
 details of the charges. This NDA is causing many members of the press
 to decline the invitation. Laura Dido of the Yankee Group signed the
 NDA, and she says the evidence is damning, with entire sections of
 source code, including original developer documentary notes, lifted
 wholesale from the UNIX System V source code. Based on this evidence,
 she recommended that companies with AIX contracts contact IBM
 immediately for advice. A wider concern is whether this development
 will forever taint or curtail adoption of the open-source phenomenon.
As with Microsoft's sudden domination of the Web browser market,
 critics have looked at Linux's sharp adoption and technical
 improvement rates with some distrust. How can an OS without any true
 central management or development strategy so quickly grow to rival
 and even eclipse the decades-old UNIX? Well, theft is one obvious way.
 As a hypothetical argument, let's say Linux's original threading code
 prevented it from scaling past a certain point. One way to improve
 that limitation would be to steal code from a similar OS--UNIX--that
 had already solved the scaling problem. But the question remains: Who
 stole the UNIX code?
This question might ultimately be answered in court, and although
 SCO has been silent about various details surrounding its claims, the
 company has said that it doesn't believe IBM is directly responsible
 for the theft. But what was once a curious, if nervously humorous
 lawsuit, is suddenly gaining steam. If SCO can revoke IBM's AIX
 license and prove that IBM used UNIX code in Linux, a wholesale attack
 on Linux companies could be next. And few of these 

Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit (from Windows .NET M agazine)

2003-06-11 Thread Benjamin Jeeves
I think it was ATT who try Berkley and win and developer had to change about 
10 lines of code so thing like that.

On Wednesday 11 Jun 2003 1:47 pm, Jonathan Shilling wrote:
 Interesting to note that SCO states the code stolen is from sys V.  If I
 rememeber correctly system V could only run on a single processor system,
 and that much of its code was stolen from Berkley and FreeBSD.  Anyone else
 care to look back to the case where one of the previous owners of the Unix
 source tried to sue Berkley and lost?

 -- Linux user since Red Hat ver 1.0

  -Original Message-
  From: Stephen Kuhn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 3:48 PM
  To: Mandrake Newbie
  Subject: [newbie] ARTICLE: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit (from Windows  .NET
   1. Commentary: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit--Will It Affect Your
 by Paul Thurrott, News Editor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Most Windows-based enterprises are likely well versed in the Linux
  debate in which Linux supporters argue that their favorite OS is more
  secure and less expensive than Windows because it's created largely by
  volunteers, is developed in the open and available for source-code
  examination, and is free to license. But many companies I've spoken to
  are less susceptible to the religious dogma behind Linux and take a
  more practical approach to implementing the open-source solution, as
  they do with any other technology. That is, most mid- and large-sized
  businesses are heterogeneous, implementing technology where it makes
  the most sense, which today, often means small and midsized Web sites,
  file servers, and in some cases even 3-D graphics-rendering farms.
  Linux has proven to be a fairly versatile and inexpensive alternative
  to Windows server products, even when you factor in the cost of
  supporting a UNIX-like environment. Over the years, I've found the
  steady improvements to Linux to be somewhat hard to swallow.
 Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that way. UNIX patent,
  copyright, and intellectual property owner SCO Group recently sued
  IBM, the largest Linux licensee, for $1 billion, charging the computer
  giant with stealing copyrighted UNIX code and using it in Linux.
  Furthermore, SCO charges that any company using Linux faces legal
  action over intellectual property rights because of the fact that
  crackers have stolen entire sections of UNIX code and placed that code
  in Linux. The legal battle, which Linux backers initially greeted with
  somewhat childish dissent, is starting to heat up. And if IBM doesn't
  respond adequately this week, SCO says it will cancel IBM's UNIX
  license, a legal bomb that could force IBM to stop selling its
  UNIX-based AIX software.
 SCO's claims aren't without merit. After a weak rebuttal over the
  status of UNIX's copyrights from former UNIX owner Novell earlier this
  month, SCO produced documents that prove SCO has all rights to UNIX
  ... technology, including the copyrights, an assertion Novell
  ultimately supported. However, Novell still maintains it owns certain
  patents related to UNIX, a fact that's unlikely to inhibit SCO from
  suing every Linux-using company on the planet. The problem, of course,
  comes down to the source code.
 According to SCO, you can compare the UNIX System V and Linux
  source code to see where Linux is stealing wholeheartedly from UNIX.
  To make this comparison, however, you have to sign an egregious
  nondisclosure agreement (NDA), which prevents you from discussing
  details of the charges. This NDA is causing many members of the press
  to decline the invitation. Laura Dido of the Yankee Group signed the
  NDA, and she says the evidence is damning, with entire sections of
  source code, including original developer documentary notes, lifted
  wholesale from the UNIX System V source code. Based on this evidence,
  she recommended that companies with AIX contracts contact IBM
  immediately for advice. A wider concern is whether this development
  will forever taint or curtail adoption of the open-source phenomenon.
 As with Microsoft's sudden domination of the Web browser market,
  critics have looked at Linux's sharp adoption and technical
  improvement rates with some distrust. How can an OS without any true
  central management or development strategy so quickly grow to rival
  and even eclipse the decades-old UNIX? Well, theft is one obvious way.
  As a hypothetical argument, let's say Linux's original threading code
  prevented it from scaling past a certain point. One way to improve
  that limitation would be to steal code from a similar OS--UNIX--that
  had already solved the scaling problem. But the question remains: Who
  stole the UNIX code?
 This question might ultimately be answered in court, and although
  SCO has been silent about various details surrounding its claims, the
  company has said that it doesn't believe IBM is directly responsible

RE: [newbie] ARTICLE: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit (from Windows .NET M agazine)

2003-06-11 Thread Jonathan Shilling
I could have swore that the courts had decided that too much of the code in
Unix could be attributed to others, and that very little remained of what
ATT had originally developed, but I could very well be wrong.  I also
thought that Berkly had started a counter suit and ATT had settled out of
court.  Anyone else remember any of this, or am I just nuts?
-- Jonathan

 -Original Message-
 From: Benjamin Jeeves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit (from 
 Windows  .NET
 M agazine)
 I think it was ATT who try Berkley and win and developer had 
 to change about 
 10 lines of code so thing like that.
 On Wednesday 11 Jun 2003 1:47 pm, Jonathan Shilling wrote:
  Interesting to note that SCO states the code stolen is from 
 sys V.  If I
  rememeber correctly system V could only run on a single 
 processor system,
  and that much of its code was stolen from Berkley and 
 FreeBSD.  Anyone else
  care to look back to the case where one of the previous 
 owners of the Unix
  source tried to sue Berkley and lost?
  -- Linux user since Red Hat ver 1.0
   -Original Message-
   From: Stephen Kuhn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 3:48 PM
   To: Mandrake Newbie
   Subject: [newbie] ARTICLE: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit (from 
 Windows  .NET
    1. Commentary: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit--Will It Affect Your
  by Paul Thurrott, News Editor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Most Windows-based enterprises are likely well versed 
 in the Linux
   debate in which Linux supporters argue that their 
 favorite OS is more
   secure and less expensive than Windows because it's 
 created largely by
   volunteers, is developed in the open and available for source-code
   examination, and is free to license. But many companies 
 I've spoken to
   are less susceptible to the religious dogma behind Linux 
 and take a
   more practical approach to implementing the open-source 
 solution, as
   they do with any other technology. That is, most mid- and 
   businesses are heterogeneous, implementing technology 
 where it makes
   the most sense, which today, often means small and 
 midsized Web sites,
   file servers, and in some cases even 3-D graphics-rendering farms.
   Linux has proven to be a fairly versatile and inexpensive 
   to Windows server products, even when you factor in the cost of
   supporting a UNIX-like environment. Over the years, I've found the
   steady improvements to Linux to be somewhat hard to swallow.
  Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that way. 
 UNIX patent,
   copyright, and intellectual property owner SCO Group recently sued
   IBM, the largest Linux licensee, for $1 billion, charging 
 the computer
   giant with stealing copyrighted UNIX code and using it in Linux.
   Furthermore, SCO charges that any company using Linux faces legal
   action over intellectual property rights because of the fact that
   crackers have stolen entire sections of UNIX code and 
 placed that code
   in Linux. The legal battle, which Linux backers initially 
 greeted with
   somewhat childish dissent, is starting to heat up. And if 
 IBM doesn't
   respond adequately this week, SCO says it will cancel IBM's UNIX
   license, a legal bomb that could force IBM to stop selling its
   UNIX-based AIX software.
  SCO's claims aren't without merit. After a weak 
 rebuttal over the
   status of UNIX's copyrights from former UNIX owner Novell 
 earlier this
   month, SCO produced documents that prove SCO has all 
 rights to UNIX
   ... technology, including the copyrights, an assertion Novell
   ultimately supported. However, Novell still maintains it 
 owns certain
   patents related to UNIX, a fact that's unlikely to 
 inhibit SCO from
   suing every Linux-using company on the planet. The 
 problem, of course,
   comes down to the source code.
  According to SCO, you can compare the UNIX System V and Linux
   source code to see where Linux is stealing wholeheartedly 
 from UNIX.
   To make this comparison, however, you have to sign an egregious
   nondisclosure agreement (NDA), which prevents you from discussing
   details of the charges. This NDA is causing many members 
 of the press
   to decline the invitation. Laura Dido of the Yankee Group 
 signed the
   NDA, and she says the evidence is damning, with entire sections of
   source code, including original developer documentary 
 notes, lifted
   wholesale from the UNIX System V source code. Based on 
 this evidence,
   she recommended that companies with AIX contracts contact IBM
   immediately for advice. A wider concern is whether this 
   will forever taint or curtail adoption of the open-source 
  As with Microsoft's sudden domination of the Web 
 browser market,
   critics have looked at Linux's sharp 

Re: [newbie] how to install Nvidia unified drivers

2003-06-11 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 22:26, JoeHill wrote:
 On 11 Jun 2003 06:56:25 -0400
 ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
 might help if he was into the directory that had the program
  you should be able to
   just open a terminal in the directory that contains the file
 ya, it would help wouldn't it?

Hmmm...and here I thought that was rather clear in the first
place...maybe I'm wrong...
Wed Jun 11 23:00:00 EST 2003
 23:00:00 up 4 days,  8:51,  4 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.19, 0.16
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

15. what's this hash prompt on my terminal mean?

--Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: Re[3]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-11 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 22:32, Charles A Edwards wrote:

 But I can't watch my porn unless I use XWindows lynx just doesn't cut 
 the mustard 

Good point, Charles. You win.

Wed Jun 11 23:05:00 EST 2003
 23:05:00 up 4 days,  8:56,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.07, 0.10
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

There's nothing like the face of a kid eating a Hershey bar.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] ARTICLE: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit (from Windows .NET Magazine)

2003-06-11 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 23:03, Jonathan Shilling wrote:
 I could have swore that the courts had decided that too much of the code in
 Unix could be attributed to others, and that very little remained of what
 ATT had originally developed, but I could very well be wrong.  I also
 thought that Berkly had started a counter suit and ATT had settled out of
 court.  Anyone else remember any of this, or am I just nuts?
 -- Jonathan

That is quite true. Look, if you take a look at the big picture, SCO is
foundering on the brink - they're really hoping to get bought out or
just raise enough money to make the shareholders happy - and more and
more it's being shown that M$ is pulling some strings here and there
behind the scenes...SCO is going down. That's it in a nutshell. But
they're doing harm in the interim. M$ is hoping this will smear the
OSS/linux face enough to make THEM look good throughout all of this.

Wed Jun 11 23:10:00 EST 2003
 23:10:00 up 4 days,  9:01,  4 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.13, 0.11
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Woody: What's happening, Mr. Peterson?
Norm:  The question is, Woody, why is it happening to me?
-- Cheers, Strange Bedfellows, Part 1

Woody: What's going down, Mr. Peterson?
Norm:  My cheeks on this barstool.
-- Cheers, Strange Bedfellows, Part 2

Woody: Hey, Mr. Peterson, can I pour you a beer?
Norm:  Well, okay, Woody, but be sure to stop me at one. ...
   Eh, make that one-thirty.
-- Cheers, Strange Bedfellows, Part 2

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Re: [newbie] Reasons for Linux

2003-06-11 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday June 10 2003 07:22 pm, JoeHill wrote:
 So I kind'a believe the problem is on your end   ;
   Anyhow, M$RTF doesn't bother me, as long as winsux users don't
  use it's M$ only gimmicks.

 heeey, waitaminnit, it shows up in yer sent folder that way cuz
 it doesn't have the list footer attached yet!

 I win! yaaahoo! Tm was wroong...

 Yeah, I guess I was, I forgot about the mandrake footer
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] NOTICE: CNet no longer support LINUX download !!!

2003-06-11 Thread Troy Davidson
Oh I agree that it's silly when the US tries to use strong arm tactics in
other countries.  But, remember, if there is a presence of a company in
those countries, they can still take the offending site to court in their
own country.

Anyway, just cause a site is in another country doesn't mean that a company
still couldn't attempt to bully the offending site with a lawsuit.

Troy Davidson 
Linux User #311107

Follow the adventures of a 
real life computer and 
  gaming nerd! 

** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Quoting Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Good luck getting sites, in, like, say Panama to comply. Too many 
 countries that would (yeah!) tell the US to get fscked, which would only
 hurt the complying US companies. I think the courts know this, the long 
 arm of the US doesn't extend EVERYWHERE yet. There are still a few 
 countries yet that have nothing to lose by telling the US to get Fscked.
 Thos wil always harbour technology (and funds) the US finds
 Troy Davidson wrote:
 Makes me wonder if this is the beginning of the SCO fallout.  I know
 there hasn't been any ruling on anything yet.  But, why couldn't SCO use
 DMCA to shutdown any site that is distributing anything to do with
 This might just be the beginning of a scary road we are heading down.
 Troy Davidson 
 Linux User #311107
 Follow the adventures of a 
 real life computer and 
   gaming nerd! 
 ** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **
 Quoting Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Here's a mistake in the making!
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: Re[3]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-11 Thread Adolfo Bello
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 07:56, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 I reckon I understand, but isn't starting a system in runlevel 3 and
 killing X two different things?? Unless I've really really missed
 something here...

For sure, the one missing something here is me.

I thought that switching from run level 5 to 3 was just turning off
those services that only start at level 5, like X.

I am back to RTFM, man runlevel and understanding scripts in



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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit (from Windows .NET M agazine)

2003-06-11 Thread hendrik
On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 01:58:44PM +0100, Benjamin Jeeves wrote:
 I think it was ATT who try Berkley and win and developer had to change about 
 10 lines of code so thing like that.
 On Wednesday 11 Jun 2003 1:47 pm, Jonathan Shilling wrote:
  Interesting to note that SCO states the code stolen is from sys V.  If I
  rememeber correctly system V could only run on a single processor system,
  and that much of its code was stolen from Berkley and FreeBSD.  Anyone else
  care to look back to the case where one of the previous owners of the Unix
  source tried to sue Berkley and lost?
  According to SCO, you can compare the UNIX System V and Linux
   source code to see where Linux is stealing wholeheartedly from UNIX.
   To make this comparison, however, you have to sign an egregious
   nondisclosure agreement (NDA), which prevents you from discussing
   details of the charges. This NDA is causing many members of the press
   to decline the invitation. Laura Dido of the Yankee Group signed the
   NDA, and she says the evidence is damning, with entire sections of
   source code, including original developer documentary notes, lifted
   wholesale from the UNIX System V source code. Based on this evidence,
   she recommended that companies with AIX contracts contact IBM
   immediately for advice.

There are two quetions here:
whether Laura Dido is right, and huge sections of code have indeed
been lifted
whether this is relevant legally, considering the amount taken, its
significance, and whether the code has already becomd public
through the Berkely lawsuit.

-- hendrik

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Re: [newbie] windowmaker dock app to lock workstation?

2003-06-11 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday June 10 2003 07:46 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 Sorry Tom  you are a Texan no social climbing allowed

 On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 17:18, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Tuesday June 10 2003 06:52 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
   Okie dokie we can take up a collection for your lobotoby then
   you can be a smart assed Georgia boy
   No, that would be me

Originally from Buckhead, Georgia. I use to be a cracker.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] NOTICE: CNet no longer support LINUX download !!!

2003-06-11 Thread Miark
Todd's right--who really cares? It's probably a waste of their 
resources and it's no skin off our noses.


On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 18:51:42 -0400
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 08:47:10 +1000
 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here's a mistake in the making!
 Good, cnet sucks. :)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] 9.1 partion NTFS?

2003-06-11 Thread eric huff

Thanks, that is exactly what i was looking for.

On Wed June 11 2003 05:21 am, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 20:38:04 -0700

 eric huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When i installed, it did this just fine, but if i go into diskdrake
  now, it says all data will be lost.  How do you get it to resize like
  it did the first time?

 Partitioning support for NTFS is still a new development and is
 achieved in diskdrake by the usage of ntfsprogs.

 ntfsprogs is contained in the DrakX installation program but Is Not
 installed by default during pkg selection.
 Use urpmi to install ntfsprogs and libntfs4
 You will now be able to use diskdrake to
 make changes to NTFS partitions.

 Normal declaimer applies.
 Usage of any partitioning program carries a degree of risk.
 Data can be lost so always back-up first.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-11 Thread John Richard Smith
FemmeFatale wrote:

At 02:37 PM 6/10/2003 -0400, you wrote:

You need gtk+2.0, libgtk+2.0_0, and libgtk+2.0_0-devel

BTW, when you are nor sure of the package name try using
urpmq --fuzzy name

Thanks Charles,

Now this is how it went,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# rpm -qa | grep gtk
so then,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi libgtk+2.0_0-devel
Everything already installed
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi gtk+2.0
Everything already installed
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# libgtk+2.0_0
bash: libgtk+2.0_0: command not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi libgtk+2.0_0
Everything already installed
so everything is installed,

but again,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cd /pk
=  d4x-2.4-0.1mdk.src.rpm  d4x-2.4.1-fr1.src.rpm
d4x-2.03-1mdk.src.rpm  d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm  nt-2.0-5.src.rpm
[EMAIL PROTECTED] pk]# rpm --rebuild d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm
Installing d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm
 big snip 

checking for GNU gettext in libc... yes
checking for autogen... ${SHELL} 
/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/d4x-2.4.0/admin/missing --run autogen
checking for doxygen... ${SHELL} 
/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/d4x-2.4.0/admin/missing --run doxygen
checking for rpm... /bin/rpm
checking for dot... no
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking for esd-config... no
checking for ESD - version = 0.2.7... no
*** The esd-config script installed by ESD could not be found
*** If ESD was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the ESD_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to esd-config.
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking for GLIB - version = 2.0.6... yes (version 2.2.1)
checking for pkg-config... (cached) /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking for GTK+ - version = 2.0.6... no
*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log 
for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly 
configure: error: *** GTK = 2.0.6 not installed! ***
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.49003 (%build)

RPM build errors:
   Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.49003 (%build)
checking for GTK+ - version = 2.0.6... no
*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log 
for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly 

which still leaves me scratching my head, how to solve the gtk dependency ?

It's some other gtk package ?


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] NOTICE: CNet no longer support LINUX download !!!

2003-06-11 Thread Miark
On 11 Jun 2003 09:17:11 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 08:51, Todd Slater wrote:
  On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 08:47:10 +1000
  Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Here's a mistake in the making!
  Good, cnet sucks. :)
 Hey, I know that, you know that, most of the world already knows that -
 but it's almost a political statement - as though they're listening to
 the SCO scam...

If CNet was afraid of SCO, they could remove links for downloading full
distros, but that's about it. The average app doesn't have UNIX code and
is not subject of SCO's lawsuit.

I don't think this is a political statement. I think it's a financial 



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Re: [newbie] DSL

2003-06-11 Thread RichardA
   Anyone Know of a DSL provider here in the Bay Area
   that if not supporting Linux is at least linux Friendly?
   eg. easy to set up under Mandrake
  Which Bay Area? Whitley Bay?
 I wish S.F. Bay area (where being a millionaire just means  that you
 own a nice house)

I was just making a cheap point about the USA-centric web.

As for Whitley Bay (, if you were a
millionaire you could buy the whole town.

Registered Linux user 246658 at

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] ARTICLE: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit (from Windows .NET M agazine)

2003-06-11 Thread Frankie
Something else you might want to consider

its possible that this has been planned years ago..

SCO could have done it themselves, slowly, patch by patch.. not directly of
they may have had this planed with microsnot long ago.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ronald J. Hall
Sent: Wednesday, 11 June 2003 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit (from Windows  .NET
M agazine)

On Wednesday 11 June 2003 09:35 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are two quetions here:
   whether Laura Dido is right, and huge sections of code have indeed
   been lifted
   whether this is relevant legally, considering the amount taken, its
   significance, and whether the code has already becomd public
   through the Berkely lawsuit.

 -- hendrik

Something else, that Jon Maddog Hall of Linux International brought up:

How do we know that the code was not copied by IBM (or whomever) into Linux
but by SCO into their version? See, it goes both ways.


 Dark Lord

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT - M$ dumping XP to combat Lindows?

2003-06-11 Thread Miark
On 11 Jun 2003 06:36:51 +1000 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 it's too bad they won't just start from scratch and
 create something clean, unbloated, productive and useful instead of
 sucking in the entire marketplace with bloat, unwanted and unnecessary
 features, eye-candy and forced usage.

Too bad? How is that too bad :-)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] HIJACKED: Linux viruses

2003-06-11 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 01:19, RichardA wrote:

 Stephen, it seems I owe you an apology. The only windows surfing I do
 these days is from a locked down desktop behind a Border Manager
 firewall. I had no idea things had changed so much. 
 Gobsmacked, I am.

It's a war. It also seems that, for whatever reason, every time that M$
either does something publically, or shit is happening, the attacks
get worse.

By deduction, one would tend to think that the overall aim is to knock
down Microsoft even more and bring more embarrassment to them
publically; now that Microsoft has purchased RAV (sad sad sad - because
I install it on all machines that come through the house) I would
presume that the attacks are going to get even trickier, sneakier and
more dangerous (for the Windows OS that is).

Careful observation of public news and also hacker news seems to point
in that general direction.

In comparison to last year and the year before, it appears to have
gotten much worse - upwards of more than 150% worse (and that's

Either which, I am safe, and when I dump my customers' data on my
drives, I clean it from linux which at least ensures the data integrity
when the box leaves the house...

Thu Jun 12 01:55:01 EST 2003
 01:55:01 up  1:53,  3 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.19, 0.10
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Odd objects attract fire never lurk behind one
-- Murphy's Military Laws n67

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] OT - M$ dumping XP to combat Lindows?

2003-06-11 Thread Miark
On 10 Jun 2003 18:29:04 -0400
ed tharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 TigerDirect is such a bunch of liars to start with, I don't know which
 part to think is a lie Tiger Direct would be under investigation by
 the Better Business Bureau, if there was a Better Business Bureau for
 Miami-Dade County (where they are headquartered), but it was also so
 crooked the National Better Business Bureau Closed them down too. I
 would not believe tiger direct if they told me the sky was blue, without
 2 or 3 more opinions. Just my opinion.

I share that opinion. Like a dumb ass, I gave then a lot of business for
about a year. I finally realized that despite decent prices, just dealing
with them was an _excruciating_ experience. I stopped even looking at their
site or catalogs about three years ago. 


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] HIJACKED: Linux viruses

2003-06-11 Thread RichardA
On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 09:48:24 +0200
 I have Win 98 at work and I'm constantly being attacked by
 virii/worms/trojans (through email and an open share on the network),
 also gatorware, which once infected my pc and was a pain to
 disinfect... I have lately received many emails from
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], etc. etc. We have Norton as well as several
 specific apps running on boot/startup from the network to clean
 specific virii very time-consuming and still they come, several
 times a day. 
 At home, on Mdk 9.1, I haven't had a single attack, all virii are
 blocked at the ISP (bless them) 
 One day, when you lose five months worth of work (worth thousands of
 $$$) because of a virus, you will also discard your Windows CD in
 utter disgust and turn to Linux.

I _did_ discard my Windows CD. Also, since I posted the message you are
replying to, I have been forcibly educated about how things are in
Windows-land. Luckily, I didn't have to lose five months of work.

Registered Linux user 246658 at

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RE: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-11 Thread Tony S. Sykes

Looks like your gtk version is not upto date.


-Original Message-
From: John Richard Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

FemmeFatale wrote:

 At 02:37 PM 6/10/2003 -0400, you wrote:

 You need gtk+2.0, libgtk+2.0_0, and libgtk+2.0_0-devel

 BTW, when you are nor sure of the package name try using
 urpmq --fuzzy name


Thanks Charles,

Now this is how it went,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# rpm -qa | grep gtk

so then,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi libgtk+2.0_0-devel
Everything already installed
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi gtk+2.0
Everything already installed
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# libgtk+2.0_0
bash: libgtk+2.0_0: command not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi libgtk+2.0_0
Everything already installed

so everything is installed,

but again,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cd /pk
=  d4x-2.4-0.1mdk.src.rpm  d4x-2.4.1-fr1.src.rpm
d4x-2.03-1mdk.src.rpm  d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm  nt-2.0-5.src.rpm
[EMAIL PROTECTED] pk]# rpm --rebuild d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm
Installing d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm

 big snip 

checking for GNU gettext in libc... yes
checking for autogen... ${SHELL} 
/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/d4x-2.4.0/admin/missing --run autogen
checking for doxygen... ${SHELL} 
/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/d4x-2.4.0/admin/missing --run doxygen
checking for rpm... /bin/rpm
checking for dot... no
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking for esd-config... no
checking for ESD - version = 0.2.7... no
*** The esd-config script installed by ESD could not be found
*** If ESD was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the ESD_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to esd-config.
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking for GLIB - version = 2.0.6... yes (version 2.2.1)
checking for pkg-config... (cached) /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking for GTK+ - version = 2.0.6... no
*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log 
for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly 
configure: error: *** GTK = 2.0.6 not installed! ***
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.49003 (%build)

RPM build errors:
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.49003 (%build)

checking for GTK+ - version = 2.0.6... no
*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log 
for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly 

which still leaves me scratching my head, how to solve the gtk
dependency ?

It's some other gtk package ?


John Richard Smith

-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Business Computer Projects - Disclaimer -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
received it in error, please delete it from your system, do not use or
disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S. Sykes
or the postmaster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  immediately.

The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects Ltd., unless
specifically stated.  

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their
attachments are virus free, it is the responsibility of the recipient(s)
to verify the integrity of such emails.

Business Computer Projects Ltd
BCP House
151 Charles Street
Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
Fax: +44 (0)161 355-3001

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-11 Thread Dennis . R . Myers
Title: RE: [newbie] D4X Compile

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John Richard Smith
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

FemmeFatale wrote:

 At 02:37 PM 6/10/2003 -0400, you wrote:

 You need gtk+2.0, libgtk+2.0_0, and libgtk+2.0_0-devel

 BTW, when you are nor sure of the package name try using
 urpmq --fuzzy name


Thanks Charles,

Now this is how it went,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# rpm -qa | grep gtk

so then,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi libgtk+2.0_0-devel
Everything already installed
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi gtk+2.0
Everything already installed
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# libgtk+2.0_0
bash: libgtk+2.0_0: command not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi libgtk+2.0_0
Everything already installed

so everything is installed,

but again,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cd /pk
= d4x-2.4-0.1mdk.src.rpm d4x-2.4.1-fr1.src.rpm
d4x-2.03-1mdk.src.rpm d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm nt-2.0-5.src.rpm
[EMAIL PROTECTED] pk]# rpm --rebuild d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm
Installing d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm

 big snip 

checking for GNU gettext in libc... yes
checking for autogen... ${SHELL} 
/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/d4x-2.4.0/admin/missing --run autogen
checking for doxygen... ${SHELL} 
/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/d4x-2.4.0/admin/missing --run doxygen
checking for rpm... /bin/rpm
checking for dot... no
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking for esd-config... no
checking for ESD - version = 0.2.7... no
*** The esd-config script installed by ESD could not be found
*** If ESD was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the ESD_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to esd-config.
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking for GLIB - version = 2.0.6... yes (version 2.2.1)
checking for pkg-config... (cached) /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking for GTK+ - version = 2.0.6... no
*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log 
for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly 
configure: error: *** GTK = 2.0.6 not installed! ***
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.49003 (%build)

RPM build errors:
 Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.49003 (%build)

checking for GTK+ - version = 2.0.6... no
*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log 
for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly 

which still leaves me scratching my head, how to solve the gtk dependency ?

It's some other gtk package ?


John, looks like you have gtk-2.0_2 and it is looking for 2.0.6 HTH, Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] OT - M$ dumping XP to combat Lindows?

2003-06-11 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 01:57, Miark wrote:
 On 11 Jun 2003 06:36:51 +1000 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  it's too bad they won't just start from scratch and
  create something clean, unbloated, productive and useful instead of
  sucking in the entire marketplace with bloat, unwanted and unnecessary
  features, eye-candy and forced usage.
 Too bad? How is that too bad :-)

Because they COULD create a really nice product - giving linux REAL
competition - but that won't happen. Having two really great OS's makes
for great competition, and brings out the dark horses - pushing
technology to become better and OS's to become better - but I doubt that
game will happen. Microsoft is too stuck in a rut - and we all know
what a rut really is - it's a grave with both ends knocked out.

Microsoft is too fat'n'happy to create something for a change - although
they're currently scared of loosing marketshare, it'll result only in
lower prices, retrenchments in Microsoft departments and more

Thu Jun 12 02:10:01 EST 2003
 02:10:01 up  2:08,  3 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.23, 0.17
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

America works less, when you say Union Yes!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-11 Thread Tony S. Sykes
Title: RE: [newbie] D4X Compile


being in the military do you play Army Operations?

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, June 
  11, 2003 5:14 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  RE: [newbie] D4X Compile
  -Original Message- From: 
  Behalf Of John Richard Smith Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 
  2003 10:51 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] D4X Compile 
  FemmeFatale wrote: 
   At 02:37 PM 6/10/2003 -0400, you wrote:   You need gtk+2.0, libgtk+2.0_0, 
  and libgtk+2.0_0-devel   BTW, when you are nor sure of the package name try 
  using  urpmq --fuzzy name 
  Thanks Charles, 
  Now this is how it went, 
  first, [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# rpm -qa | 
  grep gtk libgtk+-x11-2.0_0-2.2.1-2mdk gtkdialogs-2.0-3mdk libgtkxmhtml1-1.4.2-3mdk libgtkhtml2_0-2.2.0-2mdk gtk-engines2-2.2.0-2mdk nautilus-gtkhtml-0.3.2-5mdk libgtkmm1.2-1.2.10-1mdk libgtkmm1.2-devel-1.2.10-1mdk ruby-gtk-0.28-1mdk hotplug-gtk-2002_04_01-8mdk libgtkspell0-2.0.3-3mdk gtkhtml-1.1.10-2.1mdk gtk+2.0-2.2.1-2mdk 
  gtk+mdk-0.1.6-14mdk libgtk+mdk0.1_6-0.1.6-14mdk gtk-themes-1.0-9mdk gtkam-0.1.10-2mdk 
  libgtkglarea5-1.2.3-5mdk gtkeyboard-1.1.7-3mdk gtk+licq-0.51-11mdk gtktalog-1.0.0-1mdk 
  libgtkglarea5-devel-1.2.3-5mdk pygtk-glarea-0.6.9-6mdk gtkgraph-0.6.2-5mdk gtk+licq-nognome-0.51-11mdk libexif-gtk4-devel-0.3.3-2mdk libgtkodbcconfig0-2.2.4-1mdk unixODBC-gui-gtk-2.2.4-1mdk pygtk2.0-wrapper-1.99.15-5mdk pygtk2.0-1.99.15-5mdk pygtk2.0-libglade-1.99.15-5mdk libgtk+2.0_0-2.2.1-2mdk libgtk+1.2-1.2.10-32mdk gtk-engines-0.12-7mdk libexif-gtk4-0.3.3-2mdk libgtk+1.2-devel-1.2.10-32mdk libgtk+2.0_0-devel-2.2.1-2mdk libgtk+mdk0.1_6-devel-0.1.6-14mdk pygtk-libglade-0.6.9-6mdk gtk+licq-base-0.51-11mdk libgtk+-linuxfb-2.0_0-2.2.1-2mdk libgtkhtml1.1_3-1.1.10-2.1mdk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  so then, [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi 
  libgtk+2.0_0-devel Everything already installed 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi gtk+2.0 Everything already installed [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  root]# libgtk+2.0_0 bash: libgtk+2.0_0: command not 
  found [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi libgtk+2.0_0 
  Everything already installed [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# 
  so everything is installed, 
  but again, 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cd /pk [EMAIL PROTECTED] pk]# ls = 
  d4x-2.4-0.1mdk.src.rpm d4x-2.4.1-fr1.src.rpm d4x-2.03-1mdk.src.rpm d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm 
  nt-2.0-5.src.rpm [EMAIL PROTECTED] pk]# rpm --rebuild 
  d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm Installing 
   big snip  
  checking for GNU gettext in libc... yes checking for autogen... ${SHELL} /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/d4x-2.4.0/admin/missing --run autogen 
  checking for doxygen... ${SHELL} /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/d4x-2.4.0/admin/missing --run doxygen 
  checking for rpm... /bin/rpm checking 
  for dot... no checking whether ln -s works... 
  yes checking for esd-config... no checking for ESD - version = 0.2.7... no *** The esd-config script installed by ESD could not be found 
  *** If ESD was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is 
  in *** your path, or set the ESD_CONFIG environment 
  variable to the *** full path to esd-config. 
  checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config 
  checking for GLIB - version = 2.0.6... yes (version 
  2.2.1) checking for pkg-config... (cached) 
  /usr/bin/pkg-config checking for GTK+ - version = 
  2.0.6... no *** Could not run GTK+ test program, 
  checking why... *** The test program failed to compile 
  or link. See the file config.log for the 
  *** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is 
  incorrectly installed. configure: error: *** GTK = 2.0.6 not installed! *** 
  error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.49003 
  RPM build errors:  
  Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.49003 (%build) [EMAIL PROTECTED] pk]# 
  note, checking for GTK+ - version 
  = 2.0.6... no *** Could not run GTK+ test program, 
  checking why... *** The test program failed to compile 
  or link. See the file config.log for the 
  *** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is 
  incorrectly installed. 
  which still leaves me scratching my head, how to solve the gtk 
  dependency ? 
  It's some other gtk package ? 
  John, looks like you have gtk-2.0_2 and it is looking for 
  2.0.6 HTH, Dennis M.   

-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Business Computer Projects - Disclaimer -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have received it in error, please delete it from your system, do not use or disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S. Sykes

   or the postmaster 

The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects Ltd., unless specifically stated.  

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their attachments are virus free, it is the responsibility of 

Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-11 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 16:51:15 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 which still leaves me scratching my head, how to solve the gtk
 dependency ?
 It's some other gtk package ?

Actually the problem is that you have too much installed.

When you try to rebuild d4x it is linking to libgtk+1.2-1.2.10
so it fails the gtk dependency check.
This is a gtk issue and not a Mandrake issue.

A couple of things you can do rebuild d4x-2.4-0.1mdk.src.rpm.

rpm -e --nodeps libgtk+1.2 libgtk+1.2-devel
Rebuild d4x and them re-install the gtk+1.2 rpms.

Or do what I just did on my 9.1 system and rebuild the cooker
It correctly finds the proper version of gtk+ when multiple versions are


There is no substitute for good manners, except, perhaps, fast reflexes.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk


Description: PGP signature

RE: [newbie] HIJACKED: Linux viruses

2003-06-11 Thread Frankie
it probably means that windows longhorn (the next windows release) 
will have integrated antivir.. so all the virus's will target that..

cool stuff. :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stephen Kuhn
Sent: Thursday, 12 June 2003 12:00 AM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] HIJACKED: Linux viruses

On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 01:19, RichardA wrote:

 Stephen, it seems I owe you an apology. The only windows surfing I do
 these days is from a locked down desktop behind a Border Manager
 firewall. I had no idea things had changed so much. 
 Gobsmacked, I am.

It's a war. It also seems that, for whatever reason, every time that M$
either does something publically, or shit is happening, the attacks
get worse.

By deduction, one would tend to think that the overall aim is to knock
down Microsoft even more and bring more embarrassment to them
publically; now that Microsoft has purchased RAV (sad sad sad - because
I install it on all machines that come through the house) I would
presume that the attacks are going to get even trickier, sneakier and
more dangerous (for the Windows OS that is).

Careful observation of public news and also hacker news seems to point
in that general direction.

In comparison to last year and the year before, it appears to have
gotten much worse - upwards of more than 150% worse (and that's

Either which, I am safe, and when I dump my customers' data on my
drives, I clean it from linux which at least ensures the data integrity
when the box leaves the house...

Thu Jun 12 01:55:01 EST 2003
 01:55:01 up  1:53,  3 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.19, 0.10
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Odd objects attract fire never lurk behind one
-- Murphy's Military Laws n67

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] 1st Linux Email!

2003-06-11 Thread Keith
WOW, Webmin is incredible!
Stephen  Anne, I tried both current suggestions, both worked, and found 
another old e-mail, and clicking on the SECOND one below worked.
Thanks Much..Linux is a whole new world again.

 Open a terminal and type:

 /usr/bin/webmin'll get a browser popping up with the proper Webmin page.

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Re: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-06-11 Thread ajx

rikona wrote:

 TBHey, one thing I forgot to mention. On some hardware you'll 
 TB need to use the Left Alt key, the one on the right won't do. ;)
 Are you serious, or is this one of the list 'leg-pullers'? :-) If
 serious, what's the difference?

I'm no doubt a bit late on this one.  

But the right Alt key is, on some (European ??) keyboards hard-wired as 
Alt + Control (for entering the key codes of our weird currencies and
accented characters).  If it is, it's often labelled Alt Gr. 

From then on, it depends on the program.  Some are happy if an Alt key
has been pressed, no matter which, others make the distinction between
Alt and Alt+Ctl ..  And MS Word sometimes will and sometimes won't
accept AltGr+Y as the same as Alt+Ctl+Y (its thoroughly
Windows-compatible 'find again' keystroke).  

It isn't a leg-pull, Rikona, it's a key difference  :-) 

Envie de discuter en live avec vos amis ? Télécharger MSN Messenger la 1ère messagerie instantanée de France

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] disk format

2003-06-11 Thread David Hlacik
how can i format my hdd from ntfs to ext3 fs from linux console?

David Hlacik

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit (from Windows .NET Magazine)

2003-06-11 Thread John Richard Smith
Frankie wrote:

Something else you might want to consider

its possible that this has been planned years ago..

SCO could have done it themselves, slowly, patch by patch.. not directly of
they may have had this planed with microsnot long ago.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ronald J. Hall
Sent: Wednesday, 11 June 2003 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: The SCO UNIX Lawsuit (from Windows  .NET
M agazine)
On Wednesday 11 June 2003 09:35 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


There are two quetions here:
whether Laura Dido is right, and huge sections of code have indeed
been lifted
whether this is relevant legally, considering the amount taken, its
significance, and whether the code has already becomd public
through the Berkely lawsuit.
-- hendrik

Something else, that Jon Maddog Hall of Linux International brought up:

How do we know that the code was not copied by IBM (or whomever) into Linux
but by SCO into their version? See, it goes both ways.

Dark Lord

Any legal action takes a minimum of 18 months to prepare, at least 
another 12 months before the courts are ready to proceed, so this case 
began 2 to 3 years ago.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-11 Thread John Richard Smith

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John Richard Smith
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] D4X Compile
FemmeFatale wrote:

 At 02:37 PM 6/10/2003 -0400, you wrote:

 You need gtk+2.0, libgtk+2.0_0, and libgtk+2.0_0-devel

 BTW, when you are nor sure of the package name try using
 urpmq --fuzzy name


Thanks Charles,

Now this is how it went,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# rpm -qa | grep gtk
so then,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi libgtk+2.0_0-devel
Everything already installed
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi gtk+2.0
Everything already installed
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# libgtk+2.0_0
bash: libgtk+2.0_0: command not found
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi libgtk+2.0_0
Everything already installed
so everything is installed,

but again,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cd /pk
=  d4x-2.4-0.1mdk.src.rpm  d4x-2.4.1-fr1.src.rpm
d4x-2.03-1mdk.src.rpm  d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm  nt-2.0-5.src.rpm
[EMAIL PROTECTED] pk]# rpm --rebuild d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm
Installing d4x-2.4.0-1mdk.src.rpm
 big snip 

checking for GNU gettext in libc... yes
checking for autogen... ${SHELL}
/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/d4x-2.4.0/admin/missing --run autogen
checking for doxygen... ${SHELL}
/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/d4x-2.4.0/admin/missing --run doxygen
checking for rpm... /bin/rpm
checking for dot... no
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking for esd-config... no
checking for ESD - version = 0.2.7... no
*** The esd-config script installed by ESD could not be found
*** If ESD was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the ESD_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to esd-config.
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking for GLIB - version = 2.0.6... yes (version 2.2.1)
checking for pkg-config... (cached) /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking for GTK+ - version = 2.0.6... no
*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log
for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly
configure: error: *** GTK = 2.0.6 not installed! ***
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.49003 (%build)

RPM build errors:
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.49003 (%build)
checking for GTK+ - version = 2.0.6... no
*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log
for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly
which still leaves me scratching my head, how to solve the gtk 
dependency ?

It's some other gtk package ?


John, looks like you have gtk-2.0_2 and it is looking for 2.0.6 HTH, 
Dennis M.

What's the best way of doing that then ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-11 Thread John Richard Smith
Charles A Edwards wrote:

On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 16:51:15 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

which still leaves me scratching my head, how to solve the gtk
dependency ?
It's some other gtk package ?

Actually the problem is that you have too much installed.

When you try to rebuild d4x it is linking to libgtk+1.2-1.2.10
so it fails the gtk dependency check.
This is a gtk issue and not a Mandrake issue.
A couple of things you can do rebuild d4x-2.4-0.1mdk.src.rpm.

rpm -e --nodeps libgtk+1.2 libgtk+1.2-devel
Rebuild d4x and them re-install the gtk+1.2 rpms.
Or do what I just did on my 9.1 system and rebuild the cooker
It correctly finds the proper version of gtk+ when multiple versions are


Well I'll do that then,
can you help me once more and give me the precise url for



John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] 1st Linux Email!

2003-06-11 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 11 Jun 2003 5:43 pm, Keith wrote:
 WOW, Webmin is incredible!
 Stephen  Anne, I tried both current suggestions, both worked, and
 found another old e-mail, and clicking on the SECOND one below
 worked. Thanks Much..Linux is a whole new world again.


The second and fourth ones should both work - the other two definitely 


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Re: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-06-11 Thread Anne Wilson
On Monday 09 Jun 2003 7:24 am, ajx wrote:
 rikona wrote:
  TBHey, one thing I forgot to mention. On some hardware
  you'll TB need to use the Left Alt key, the one on the right
  won't do. ;)
  Are you serious, or is this one of the list 'leg-pullers'? :-) If
  serious, what's the difference?

 I'm no doubt a bit late on this one.

 But the right Alt key is, on some (European ??) keyboards
 hard-wired as Alt + Control (for entering the key codes of our
 weird currencies and accented characters).  If it is, it's often
 labelled Alt Gr.

Ah - that explains it.  I've known for years that there was a 
difference, but with a uk keyboard layout it has made little 
difference until we got the ¤ symbol.  Now it all slips into place 


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Re[2]: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-06-11 Thread rikona
Hello ajx,

Sunday, June 8, 2003, 11:24:01 PM, you wrote:

a It isn't a leg-pull, Rikona, it's a key difference

I now understand.

Thank you for your help,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Add printer

2003-06-11 Thread Anne Wilson
On Wednesday 11 Jun 2003 1:29 am, Ralph Bagwell wrote:
 My 9.1 install went great - I can surf the web, listen to CD's ,
 view images and play mp3's - etc -but I can't get my printer to
 work which is shared on another computer on my LAN.

 Well, my printer is an Epson COLOR 600 but I don't know where the
 EpsonSty or the comes from. The computer
 is identified as ralphleft but maybe the mshome should be
 WORKGROUP which is the name I use on my LAN.

 I think I am real close to getting it right - can someone give me a
 shot of help please.


Ralph, I was hoping someone had more ideas than I have on this.  Since 
no-one has picked it up...

First, that entry of  It seems odd, that a 
computer that appears to be on a subnet called is able to 
communicate at all with one called WORKGROUP.  I'd look first at why 
it's called that, and whether you can change entries to match.

Then, if you can reach the required computer by pinging, both by ip 
and by name, I would assume that it's not a network problem, but 
possibly a spooling problem.  Where is the outgoing print being 
spooled to?  Can you see the unprinted message in a spool file under 
/var/spool somewhere?

Hope this sets off some useful thoughts for you


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Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-11 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 18:29:51 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 can you help me once more and give me the precise url for

or you ca use another mirror of your choice.


Another Armenia, Belgium ... the weak innocents who always seem to be
located on a natural invasion route.
-- Kirk, Errand of Mercy, stardate 3198.4
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk


Description: PGP signature

Re[2]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-06-11 Thread rikona
Hello Carroll,

Tuesday, June 10, 2003, 7:09:02 AM, you wrote:

CG Now that you bring it up, I've wondered how other folks manage
CG their email. It's become pretty clear to me that I've got to do
CG something about it; just  the increased volume of mail on the
CG expert and newbie lists has reached the  point where I find it
CG difficult just keeping current.

I get a LOT of email from lists, and gather up other info on topics of
interest to me. This gets saved in files/data bases, for which I use
the indexing tool. I've been doing this for many years, and this data
base is large and diverse enough to be VERY useful to me. I use it
many times each day. This is why I have this great desire to find a
comparable too for linux.

That said, you might want to just save everything that is not of
immediate interest, just reading a few items right now. Later, say if
I need to review sound cards in MD, I'll just go to the data base and
see just the items regarding sound cards. Saves asking things over and
over, if nothing else - but keep in mind my linux history is brief, so
I'll probably be asking things that were answered a few months ago,
I'm sure. :-)

If you find such a linux tool, PLEASE let me know.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[5]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-11 Thread rikona
Hello Adolfo,

Wednesday, June 11, 2003, 4:07:23 AM, you wrote:

AB Ctrl-Alt-Backspace restarts X.

When I was snooping to find emergency fixes, I ran across an article:
How to prevent ctrl-alt-backspace from killing the X session. I
thought that was what it did. The article suggests: Start X with
'xinit -T' to disable ctrl-alt-backspace from stopping X.

AB What I use to stop X is:
AB telinit 3

Interesting. Why does 'kill 1452', where 1452 was the PID for X, not
kill it? This was entered from a remote ssh session as root, when X
was not responding. Does kill not really kill things?

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[5]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-11 Thread rikona
Hello Stephen,

Wednesday, June 11, 2003, 4:17:46 AM, you wrote:

 I tried 'kill 1452' to  get rid of X, and that wouldn't stop it
 either. A 'kill -9 1452'  apparently killed the machine. Reboot

SK Ain't it all the more easy to login via telnet or ssh from another
SK machine and just kill the offending process(es)? Or is that too easy?

That's exactly what I did, but it didn't kill it. I'd run top, get the
PID, exit top, kill it, go back to top, and it's still there. Any idea

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[5]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-11 Thread rikona
Hello Stephen,

Wednesday, June 11, 2003, 4:56:24 AM, you wrote:

SK Anyways, REAL linux users don't use XWindows anyways. Complete
SK waste of space. Complete waste of resource. Using a mouse for
SK anything other than a paperweight is a useless operation with
SK nothing but bad things to come out of it.

It's sure helpful for us newbies, though. [Working hard to be a REAL
linux user.] :-)

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] xfishtank

2003-06-11 Thread drake
Does this program do anything?  I'm using KDE with Mandrake 9.0.  I opened up 
a terminal and typed in xfishtank -b 50 -f 15 -r .1 -d .  Nothing happened.  
What else do I need to do?

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Re: [newbie] 1st Linux Email!

2003-06-11 Thread Troy Davidson
Just to elaborate, the reasons that only the 2nd and 3rd worked is because
you need to access Webmin through a secure connection.  That's why there is
the 'https' and not just 'http' on those links.

Just FYI.

Troy Davidson 
Linux User #311107

Follow the adventures of a 
real life computer and 
  gaming nerd! 

** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Quoting Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Wednesday 11 Jun 2003 5:43 pm, Keith wrote:
  WOW, Webmin is incredible!
  Stephen  Anne, I tried both current suggestions, both worked, and
  found another old e-mail, and clicking on the SECOND one below
  worked. Thanks Much..Linux is a whole new world again.
 The second and fourth ones should both work - the other two definitely 

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Re: [newbie] xfishtank

2003-06-11 Thread Troy Davidson
When you put an '' (ampersand) at the end of a command, that tells Linux to
put the process in the background.  xfishtank was running, but you didn't
see it.

Try typing the same command in, but excluding the .  Or, if you have
already typed in the command, type 'fg' to bring the application to the

Troy Davidson 
Linux User #311107

Follow the adventures of a 
real life computer and 
  gaming nerd! 

** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

Quoting drake [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Does this program do anything?  I'm using KDE with Mandrake 9.0.  I
 opened up 
 a terminal and typed in xfishtank -b 50 -f 15 -r .1 -d .  Nothing
 What else do I need to do?

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Re: [newbie] xfishtank

2003-06-11 Thread drake
I tried that too - but nothing seems to happen.  

On Wednesday 11 June 2003 02:12 pm, Troy Davidson wrote:
 When you put an '' (ampersand) at the end of a command, that tells Linux
 to put the process in the background.  xfishtank was running, but you
 didn't see it.

 Try typing the same command in, but excluding the .  Or, if you have
 already typed in the command, type 'fg' to bring the application to the

 Troy Davidson
 Linux User #311107

 Follow the adventures of a
 real life computer and
   gaming nerd!

 ** This messages was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer **

 Quoting drake [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Does this program do anything?  I'm using KDE with Mandrake 9.0.  I
  opened up
  a terminal and typed in xfishtank -b 50 -f 15 -r .1 -d .  Nothing
  What else do I need to do?

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Re: [newbie] D4X Compile

2003-06-11 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 18:29:51 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 can you help me once more and give me the precise url for

or you ca use another mirror of your choice.


Another Armenia, Belgium ... the weak innocents who always seem to be
located on a natural invasion route.
-- Kirk, Errand of Mercy, stardate 3198.4
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk


Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Pointing the way for Newbies with TWiki

2003-06-11 Thread Greg Meyer
On Wednesday 11 June 2003 01:54 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:

 As a result, here is what we can do (and will do):

Excellent work Anne, kudos!


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[newbie] DSL Services

2003-06-11 Thread Bill O'Connor
Is there anyone on the list using DSL services from BellSouth.  The
reason I am asking is to get help in setting up the connection as I am
having trouble.  I have tried to use the instructions from the many
contributors on the list and any source I can find but not have any luck.
Bill O'C

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Re[5]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-11 Thread rikona
Hello Adolfo,

Wednesday, June 11, 2003, 6:28:17 AM, you wrote:

AB I am back to RTFM, man runlevel and understanding scripts in
AB /etc/rc.d/init.d/.

If you run across something that will help me recover from X crashes,
please let me know. For now, I've UNINSTALLED stellarium 0.5 (and
better understanding what the 0.5 part means). :-)))

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Re[5]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

2003-06-11 Thread stormjumper
kill actually passes certain signals to processes, and the default is to try
to shut it down gracefully (using SIGTERM i think)

the short of it, is you can try
kill -9 process_id
to forcefully bring it down.

well, the long of it, for a start is to read up on signals, and the obvious
places are
man kill
man 2 kill
man 7 signal
- Original Message - 
From: rikona [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 02:41
Subject: Re[5]: [newbie] Backdoor for crashes?

 Hello Stephen,

 Wednesday, June 11, 2003, 4:17:46 AM, you wrote:

  I tried 'kill 1452' to  get rid of X, and that wouldn't stop it
  either. A 'kill -9 1452'  apparently killed the machine. Reboot

 SK Ain't it all the more easy to login via telnet or ssh from another
 SK machine and just kill the offending process(es)? Or is that too easy?

 That's exactly what I did, but it didn't kill it. I'd run top, get the
 PID, exit top, kill it, go back to top, and it's still there. Any idea

 Thank you,
  rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Pointing the way for Newbies with TWiki

2003-06-11 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Wednesday 11 June 2003 07:54 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:

 The latest Community Newsletter did, of course, give the
 TWiki some publicity, and perhaps that explains the huge
 number of new sign-ups g.  There is a growing confidence
 that this site is and will be a genuine benefit to Mandrake


Anne, from me : 12 deep-red roses !
(And I certainly will keep my promise about Star Office).

Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux  -  Mandrake 9.1 -   kernel 2.4.21
Brought to you from a 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

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Re: [newbie] DSL Services

2003-06-11 Thread MWafkowski
Bill - Tell us first about your setup. If you have an internal DSL modem
then you're screwed 'cause it's a winmodem. If it's external does it have a
USB or Ethernet ports or both? If it's a USB number you've got trouble...if
it's an Ethernet port it should be no big deal. Is there a router between
the PC and the modem? etc, etc. It's all in the detail lad 8^)

Mike Wafkowski
Linux CDs and Stuff

- Original Message -
From: Bill O'Connor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: [newbie] DSL Services

 Is there anyone on the list using DSL services from BellSouth.  The
 reason I am asking is to get help in setting up the connection as I am
 having trouble.  I have tried to use the instructions from the many
 contributors on the list and any source I can find but not have any luck.
 Bill O'C

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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[newbie] NTP Server

2003-06-11 Thread Cody Harris
Is NTP server not the server you can use to update a clock remotely?

-Cody Harris

| Linux Rox My Sox!  |
| Check out HCHS!|
|  |
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server.  |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598  |
| Registered Linux Computer #200951  |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

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[newbie] divx 5 and player

2003-06-11 Thread David Hlacik
Hi. I am just wondering ... i am trying to run divx 5.05 from under some linux player. Has anyone some ideas?


David Hlacik

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