Re: [newbie] Removing a full directory via command line

2001-04-07 Thread Digital Wokan

Prefix it with a backslash.  That overrides aliases.
\rm -r /home (just kidding about the /home part)

Andrew Iovannisci wrote:
 Ahh, I have an alias rm="rm -i" that is forcing me to confirm the deletion of
 every file. So, how do I get rid of the alias?
Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Nvidia Drivers

2001-03-22 Thread Digital Wokan

My preferred solution has been the following...
Download the .src.rpm versions of NVIDIA_Kernel and NVIDIA_GLX from the
ftp site.
Bring up a terminal window (or do this completely outside X).
su to root.
rpm --rebuild *.src.rpm
cd /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586
rpm -Uvh NV*.rpm
vi /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
add the line...
Load "glx"
... just after Section "Module"
Restart X.

The nicest part of this was that the rpm install automatically renamed
the MesaGL files that are known to conflict with nVidia's drivers.

Joe Lore wrote:
 I have Mandrake 7.2 installed and wanted to use the latest drivers for Linux
 that are posted on Nvidia's web site for my Gforce Annihilator Pro card.
 I downloaded the RPM and when I double click it, I get a list of files. One
 of these files is called install, if I double click that I get a text
 message saying "Run this to install the package".
 Not too sure how to do this or what to do next.
 Can anyone give me some guidance?

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Startup annoyance

2001-03-17 Thread Digital Wokan

Doubtful about the winderz tech thing.  The instructions I got from Cox
about my lack of DHCP configuration in the face of an upcoming address
reassignment included instructions for Mac OS 8.5.  I have gotten DHCPCD
to work sporadically with Linux, and imagine my troubles probably stem
more from a misconfigured DHCP server on Cox's part.  I seriously doubt
the majority of their techs are much more than "bootcamped" MCSE's.

Eduardo Alvarez wrote:
 I can't remember were heard this, but i know that the cable modems ara based
 on windows technology. But dont worry, in the  Unix Guru Universe --  you can find a lot of help.
 Just try it... - ed@r
 - Original Message -
  One of the messages I get as Linux loads is as follows:
  "Determining IP information for eth0 via dhcpcd ... failed"
  I have a cable modem working in Linux.  It seems to take quite a while to
  determine the IP info (unsuccessfully), so how can I go about either
  this work or removing it from the startup?
  Thanks a bunch!
Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: Even further off. Re: WAAAYYY OT! (Was: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta)

2001-03-09 Thread Digital Wokan

I'm sorry for that last one.  I'm going to attach a cord to my computer
that gives electrical shocks when I click "reply".  At least then I'll
really want to respond to something.

Re: [newbie] My evaluation of New Traktopel Beta Mandrake 8

2001-03-09 Thread Digital Wokan

It can be really rough doing distro beta testing.  I couldn't even
consider doing it if I weren't on a cable modem.  When you deal with
Cooker/betas, you have to accept the fact that you may download stuff
that may not even be an installable OS.  So you try again later in the
day/week and see if the packagers fixed all the problems you hopefully
found and reported from your attempt (assuming an update hasn't already
been released).

Miark wrote:
 My 30-hour download of Traktopel finished last night :-)
 When I tried to install it, I go a million errors related to
 problems with packages. I'd get the pic of the bulldozer,
 then a window reporting there was a problem loading bzip,
 info-install, libgpml, etc. I got this a couple of times, so
 I tried to ignore it, but then I got more errors of the same
 kind. Eventually I had to give up.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Neville Cobb" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 3:39 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] My evaluation of New Traktopel Beta
 Mandrake 8
  Vic wrote:
   Hello list.
   Upon installing the new Beta Mandrake Traktopel 8
   release on a system using an AMD K6-400 cpu,
   192Mb system ram, S3 Virge video card, 10Gb Quantum
 harddrive UDMA 33,
   with VIA chipset, AWE64 Soundblaster ISA card, a zip250
   using the zip zoom card (aic7xxx), an old unix BTC
   and lastly a Plextor 8/4/32A Cd recorder.
   I found the installation went ok in expert mode, one
 little hang up on
   setting up networking, it would not let you click on yes
 or no,
   BUT, you could bypass this by going on to the next step,
   then when it cama back, you could just click on uhh,
 skip or
   something like that, and do it later after installation
  I had the same problem an could not connect to the
 internet via a modem
  after the installation. Following your install were you
 able to connect
  via ppp? If you could then I must be doing something

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Mandrake on Ebay

2001-03-02 Thread Digital Wokan

Romanator wrote:
 Mark Weaver wrote:
   I was looking around on Ebay and noticed that they were auctioning Linux
   Mandrake 7.2 and RedHat 7.0 for like 3 dollars. Has anyone ever used this
   route before? Is it worth it or should I just go to the store and get it?
  you know...there's just something wrong about that.
 Are you sure it wasn't $30.00? Sounds kinda fishy...

Why would $3 be fishy?  Have you looked at the Mandrake Linux postings
there?  No mention of the box set or support.  It's probably a person
burning them at home and printing their own CD labels (if they're even
bothering with the labels).  No different than the CheapBytes people
selling Linux for $2 + S/H, this is just a different venue.  (And the
person selling these is only charging $3.99 S/H as opposed to the $10
CheapBytes charged the last time I looked.)

Actually, looking further, the one for $2.98 seems to be regular CD's
the person probably had mass-stamped instead of self-burned.

The only problem with this whole thing I see might be the cutting and
pasting of info from Mandrake's site.
Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] kde2.1

2001-02-27 Thread Digital Wokan

Your escapee's name is Zope.
And I've noticed that other than security fixes, the only way to get
updated Mandrake packages is to use the "unsupported" ones scattered
across sites like  If appearances are used to judge Mandrake,
then even MS has the appearances of releasing non-security related
updates faster.  (Fortunately, Mandrake does still blow MS out of the
water on security related issues.)

Kyle Baker wrote:
 True, true.  All of L-M's sites/mirrors are slow in offering
 updates.  They still (as of this posting) don't have the
 recently released CUPS security update, nor do they have today's
 "sudo' security fix (and one other whose name escapes me,
 starting with a Z).  What gives?
 And anyone know why has been down for at least
 several days?
 Kyle Baker
 --- Robin Regennitter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  hi all,
  They just released the KDE2.1 today and I went to the site to
  see if they have the rpm for mandrake.   the directory there
  is empty while  RedHat, Suse, and Caldera have their RPM
  available.   What's with the Mandrake's RPM?  why are they not
  ready when all the other one are?
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] ReiserFS, Nvidia Driver, X 4.0.2 and 3d acceleration

2001-02-27 Thread Digital Wokan

Everything but ReiserFS on my system going fine.  Did you do anything
about the non-nVidia MesaGL libraries so they wouldn't conflict with
nVidia's drivers?
(I'll let you know about ReiserFS someday soon, but it won't be under

abe wrote:
 Does this work?  Any body have this working on their machines?  I
 reinstalled to convert to ReiserFS and now X crashes everytime I start a
 3d accelerated application.  No messages left in the logs except that X
 caught a signal 11.
 X 4.02
 Nvidia driver 0.9.6
 mandrake 7.2
 Please help!
Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Can't get eth1 up

2001-02-25 Thread Digital Wokan

If this is a cut-and-paste as opposed to a retype with a typo, then you
should probably change 3th1 to eth1.

Doug Roberts wrote:
 alias eth0 3c503
 alias 3th1 3c503
 options 3c503 irq=5,9 io=0x2e0,0x2a0
 This used to work for SuSE, before it went south on me. What am I doing
 wrong that I cant get eth1 to work?
 If you need more info, I am glad to provide.

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Real rm?

2001-02-22 Thread Digital Wokan

That's Mandrake's way of keeping new users from making grave errors. 
I've left it in place since I have made the mistake and the alias rm="rm
-i" saved my butt.
You can either remove it from /etc/bashrc or if you want to override it
on a per-use basis, type "\rm annoyingfile" (backslash overrides

DRX wrote:
  When I give the command "rm annoyingfile" I expect annoyingfile to
 disappear -- not to be asked
 rm: remove 'annoyingfile'?
  What's the point of asking that?  I wouldn't have given the command rm
 if I didn't want to remove annoyingfile, would I?
  How do I change the function of rm to make it work the way I would like?

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

[newbie] Looking for simple KDE audio player

2001-02-10 Thread Digital Wokan

I'm looking for something I can associate with .wav files under KDE 2.1
that will play the audio file and then close itself.  Currently
associated them with Alsa Player, but it doesn't close itself, and it
also forgets what it was just playing meaning you can't just press play
Ideally I'd like something the doesn't pop up a window, or closes itself
if it does.  It also has to work with KDE's arts daemon (which soxplay
Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.3/8.0 - getting ready

2001-02-03 Thread Digital Wokan

I'm with you on that, Richard.  But then, I don't have a "production"
system.  My current setup is to have a /, a /backup, and a swap
partition.  Everything that's truly important gets copied to /backup
regularly so I don't have to reset everything if I do a reinstall at the
next Mandrake release.  (Or if I go brain dead and try another distro

"Richard T. Waters" wrote:
 Whenever a new release comes out I have always been in the habit of doing a full
 install, rather than an upgrade.
 Of course this entails some backing up and restoring of information.
 I have seen some discussions regarding how many partitions is best for an
 install, and I notice there are (as usual)
 varying opinions.
 Is there a general guideline I can follow.  Do I basically want to set up /;
 /boot and /usr?  What should be a good
 rule of thumb for allocating space for the various partitions?
Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] hosts.allow/deny configuration

2001-01-30 Thread Digital Wokan

Since you've just started using Linux, I'm going to assume you don't
intend to use it as any kind of server.  That makes this rather easy
Your /etc/hosts.deny should be nothing but the following line...
(Lines starting with # are okay, too.)

And your /etc/hosts.allow should be blank or just comment (#) lines.

To be even safer, try running ntsysv and unchecking any services you
don't need.  Typically, amd, anacron, atd, autofs, crond, cups (if you
use it for printing), drakfont, gpm, harddrake, ipchains, keytable,
kheader, kudzu, netfs (if you need NFS access - not to be confused with
nfs, the server), network, numlock, sound, syslog, and usb.

"Jason D. Williard" wrote:
 I just started using linux meaningfuilly.  I would like to make my machine
 as secure as possible.  The first thing that I would like to do is
 configure my hosts.allow and hosts.deny files.  I am not exactly sure as
 to how to configure them though.  Could someone please send me an example
 or give me a few good ideas of what I should do?
 As well, if there are any other things that I should do to secure my
 machine, please let me know.
 Thank you,
 Jason D. Williard

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] hosts.allow/deny configuration (clarification)

2001-01-30 Thread Digital Wokan

Just to clarify, the list I give for ntsysv are services that are OKAY.

Digital Wokan wrote:
 Since you've just started using Linux, I'm going to assume you don't
 intend to use it as any kind of server.  That makes this rather easy
 Your /etc/hosts.deny should be nothing but the following line...
 (Lines starting with # are okay, too.)
 And your /etc/hosts.allow should be blank or just comment (#) lines.
 To be even safer, try running ntsysv and unchecking any services you
 don't need.  Typically, amd, anacron, atd, autofs, crond, cups (if you
 use it for printing), drakfont, gpm, harddrake, ipchains, keytable,
 kheader, kudzu, netfs (if you need NFS access - not to be confused with
 nfs, the server), network, numlock, sound, syslog, and usb.
Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Correct NIC module for Realtek8029?

2001-01-30 Thread Digital Wokan

Yes.  Unless it's a PCI card, in which case, it should /possibly/ be

Bill Barto wrote:
 Linux keeps wanting to use NE2000/ne2k for my Realtek8029. Is this the correct

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] KB/s....kb/sec can somome explain please

2001-01-28 Thread Digital Wokan

I think I'd rather just pay than worry about dropping my
connection over 5.5 days.

Thomas Webster wrote:
  ROFL!  I just downloaded the ISO files for L-M at an average download
  of less than 2.0 KB/s so, brother, I think I understand slow connections.
  It took 5.5 days to get all the data in the two ISO files and another day
  to figure out how to commit them to a CD.
  Now.. what the heck do I do next?  g
 Sum check them and pray to god that the files downloaded correctly.
 I downloaded both the files in about an hour with total bandwidths of up to
 2Mb/s... :)
 -Tom Webster

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] KB/s....kb/sec can somome explain please

2001-01-28 Thread Digital Wokan

You're getting 12KB/sec because of hardware compression by the modem. 
You're connection is likely somewhere around 48Kb.
Now the difference in terminology here is that the capital B means
bytes, and lower case b means bits.  Modem connection speed is measured
in bps, while most browsers and network programs report Bps.  So without
hardware compression kicking in, a 48Kbps connection will only receive
close to 5KBps (8 bits/byte, plus stop and start bits for async
Never mind the confusion added to the mix when you realize that your
modem is still talking at 9600 baud, and they've packed more bits per

 When connected through a V90 56k modem using kppp, when I view a website
 through konqueror I see numbers in the bottom left of the konqueror window
 that say such as 3.6KB/s , 7.9KB/s etc, the kppp statistics window shows a
 line at the top of it's graph which says for example max.12.0 kb/sec.
 Am I right in assuming that the first example shows the download speed and
 the second shows the connection speed, if so does 12.0kb/sec really mean that
 I am only connecting at 12 kilobits ?

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] KB/s....kb/sec can somome explain please

2001-01-28 Thread Digital Wokan

Only if the server allows resumes.  NCFTP for Linux and FTP Explorer for
Windows will do it, too.

Dave Burrows wrote:
 Ahah!  I'm one up on someone here, at least!  I use a download manager
 called GoZilla! (a Windows app) which will:
 a) re-establish a broken connection, say, when I'm working, sleeping or
 when I'm.. oh, never mind  g
 b) resume the download exactly where it left off.  The shareware can be had
 Other software like it exists but this is the one that made the best sense
 to me.  Anything like it exist in the Linux environment?
 Digital Wokan wrote:
  I think I'd rather just pay than worry about dropping my
  connection over 5.5 days.
 Dave Burrows
 741 Cleveland Road
 Washington, PA  15301

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Cue Cat

2001-01-28 Thread Digital Wokan

You should find quite a few listed at if you do a search
on Cue Cat.

-michael- wrote:
 Anyone have any linux apps for this Cue Cat thing from Radio Shack?

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] How do I set up my default to KDE rather than Enlightenment?

2001-01-20 Thread Digital Wokan

switchdesk (bring it up in a terminal window if it isn't in your menu)
Of course, be sure you installed the RPM's for it first.

Romanator wrote:
 Hi all,
 I was checking out some of the other themes in Enlightenment. However,
 every time I reboot, I boot to Enlightenment. How do I reset the boot up
 back to KDE?
 Registered Linux User #179293
 High Energy Penguin Powered Email

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Re: GNOME or KDE

2001-01-20 Thread Digital Wokan

Swap them off every week or so.  Why choose when you can just work on
whichever you're in the mood for at the moment.  (And if you really
can't choose at that moment, let the last decision ride.)

Vic wrote:
 I can't decide, I like both KDE and GNOME,
 I use them interchangeably, so if I had
 to choose between them I would be stuck
 there like a runaway if else loop.
Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Switchdesk Missing in MDK7.2

2001-01-20 Thread Digital Wokan

Whoops.  Try starting kdm then, or just switching to runlevel 5 from the
command line.  I don't know if gdm or xdm have it, but kdm has a
drop-down list of desktops, and your choice remains the next time you do
a startx from the CLI.

Romanator wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 For some reason I cannot find switchdesk with Linux Mandrake 7.2. Can
 some one point me in the right direction for the correct rpm. Can I use
 the rpm from 7.1?
Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Downloadable Version...

2001-01-18 Thread Digital Wokan

Nope, that's kde2 final.  And it seems like they did away with the
centralized theme manager (it was originally a seperate add-on in kde
1.x).  I don't know why they did it, and I hope it reappears in 2.1
before they finalize it.

 Chris Hall wrote:
 hey all,
 Is the kde 2.0 that comes with the downloadable version of
 mandrake a beta version? I can't seem to find the theme manager in it.

Digital Wokan, Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

[newbie] Netscape address book

2000-11-05 Thread Digital Wokan

I realize this isn't a Mandrake only question, but under Windows in
Netscape, I can type a partial name and Netscape completes it from my
address book.  Having added several names with nicknames to
Linux/Netscape's address book, I have yet to see it successfully
recognize any of those entries as I compose a message.  (Ex:  I put
newbie in as a nick to Mandrake Newbies, but NC kept insisting that
there was no match and wanted to put [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anyone got a suggestion?

[newbie] RPMBuilder

2000-11-05 Thread Digital Wokan

This program looks rather promising, but the drop-down box for what
group an RPM should be installed to is impossibly long to fit on the
screen.  Is there some other form of selection that would work on Linux?
(And why is it such a problem for drop-downs with scrolls anyway?  Is
this some kind of stupid patent, or has nobody figured out how to
implement it under Linux?)

Re: [newbie] Wine and Word 2000

2000-10-30 Thread Digital Wokan

While I currently have not been trying out WINE lately, and I don't have
a copy of Word 2000 at home to try it with, I have read that the latest
versions of WINE have been capable of running Word and Excel 2000.

Marcia wrote:
 Dear All,  Has anyone been able to actually use Word 2000 using Wine? I
 would like to do this if possible.  Sincerely, Marcia

Re: [newbie] LM 7.2

2000-10-17 Thread Digital Wokan

The LAN card issue has been a common problem, though it didn't strike
me.  And you are correct that LILO is using an ANSI graphics menu
system.  'man lilo' and 'man lilo.conf' didn't get me anywhere as to why
it now does this and how to suppress it.

Larry Marshall wrote:
 Since nobody knows nuttin' about the C++ standard libary, I'll try
 another one.
 Tonight I decided to setup LM7.2 on another drive where I normally work
 with 7.1.  Not problem in theory but a couple things popped up and I
 wonder if anyone else has had these problems.
 During the install 7.2 decided that it couldn't detect my ethernet card,
 though it's worked just peachy with 7.0 and 7.1.  I'll work that out but
 it seems odd.
 More important, 7.2 LILO seems to be going graphical :-( and my machine
 doesn't seem to like that any more than I do.  If I try to boot without a
 floppy, I get the most "interesting" screen of 1s and 0s that just scroll
 continously.  This takes place BEFORE I get any boot choices so I'm
 assuming that it's dear old lilo that's providing this show.  If I boot
 from the floppy I made during the installation I get a "nifty" red menu
 with linux as a single option and it boots me into 7.2 and all is well
 with the graphics.  Anyone else see this?
 Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Linux to Linux file sharing

2000-10-09 Thread Digital Wokan

I've actually come to like Midnight Commander for that.  I just leave
MCServ running on my main box and I can connect to it from the
"peripheral" boxen to get the files I need.

"Wignall, Mark T" wrote:
 Samba is for sharing of files to/from Windoze machines.  I'd suggest you
 look into using NFS (Network File Share).  This is a normal part of
 linux/unix systems.
 -Original Message-
 From: Riker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 1:12 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Linux to Linux file sharing
 Greetings, all:
 When networking a Linux box to a Linux box, is it necessary to have Samba in
 operation to share files? Or is there another method for sharing between
 --  Linux - The way of the future

Re: [newbie] Gaim problems

2000-09-24 Thread Digital Wokan

I haven't seen GAIM work on my system for months.  Always some error
about a missing config.  So I re-located the TiK program and I've been
very happy with it.  ( I think)

Adam wrote:
 I still say GAIM is 1000x better than the AOL-AIM Linux client, and I'd
 rather go with GAIM regardless...I won't even list the many reasons why!
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 7:25 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Gaim problems
  Go to the AOL site and download their Linux port of AIM. You will be much
  happier with that one. Operates just like the windows version. Easy to
  install also.
  **  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed | ICQ#27816299
  ** _||_ in the making of this |
  **  =\/=  message... | Registered Linux user #182496
  On Thu, 21 Sep 2000, John Michael Rice wrote:
   ok im a windows convert
   and i am trying to set up gain the one that came with mandrake 7.1
   well its give me some error saying thta there is no configuration file
   can someone help me with this

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Canon BJC-6000

2000-09-13 Thread Digital Wokan

I checked on that.  Using the BJC-610 drivers means getting 360x360
resolution.  Hardly ideal for a printer capable of 1440x720.  I'm
suddenly missing my BJC-4200, but not it's tendancy to eat the blue
before other colors.

Patti Wavinak wrote:
 We have 2 Canon BJC-6000 and LM 7.1 automatically found it on setup. It
 uses BJC-610 and up and postscript!! It works quite nicely I might add
 Don't be TOO hard on Canon -- all three of our computers use some sort of
 Canon printer (even an old BJC-620) ;-)
 Registered Linux User #184611
  Original Message 
 On 9/12/00, 9:39:16 PM, Digital Wokan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding
 [newbie] Canon BJC-6000:
  Just got one.  Set your flamethrowers on high because I didn't look
  until afterward to see if Canon supported Linux.  I know that the 600
  and the 4000 series printers were supported.  Anyone out there running a
  BJC-6000, or am I going to have to hook this thing up to a winblows box
  and print to it whenever it isn't busy crashing?
  P.S.:  Any Canon people out there reading this, please direct your
  flamethrowers at your marketing department.  I'm sure your techs are
  smart enough to create the drivers, but marketing hasn't told management
  there's profit in Linux yet it seems.
  Digital Wokan
  Tribal mage of the electronics age
  Guerilla Linux Warrior

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

[newbie] Canon BJC-6000

2000-09-12 Thread Digital Wokan

Just got one.  Set your flamethrowers on high because I didn't look
until afterward to see if Canon supported Linux.  I know that the 600
and the 4000 series printers were supported.  Anyone out there running a
BJC-6000, or am I going to have to hook this thing up to a winblows box
and print to it whenever it isn't busy crashing?

P.S.:  Any Canon people out there reading this, please direct your
flamethrowers at your marketing department.  I'm sure your techs are
smart enough to create the drivers, but marketing hasn't told management
there's profit in Linux yet it seems.
Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Can PC Anywhere work

2000-09-10 Thread Digital Wokan

Actually, if I'm not mistaken, PCAnywhere version 9's host can offer you
remote control via a web browser's Java VM.

Barry Premeaux wrote:
 Neil  Kate wrote:
  Is there a thing I can  load on my Linux box to let me control a MS pc
  running PCAnywhere?
 You could try running it under wine.  The other alternative is vmware.
 Barry :-)

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Is there a C++ compiler somewhere?

2000-09-10 Thread Digital Wokan

Everyone seems to make it sound like you need to reinstall Mandrake and
install it with the Developer option.  This is NOT the case.  I would
use KFM and KPackage to find the library RPM's you need to install to
put those development library files on your hard drive.  KPackage has a
tab for listing the files in the RPM before you select to install it. 
Try different lib*.rpm files until you've got the development packages
installed that you need.

Mark Thurston wrote:
 So what do I do to get the Developer version?  To be quite honest, this is
 for a class that I am taking at school, we have to program in C++ on a Linux
 system, so yes I am very new at this and I can use all the help I can get.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Romanator" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 4:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Is there a C++ compiler somewhere?
  Kathleen Dickason wrote:
   Not necessarily.  This library file (iostream.h) is missing from the
   install of drake 7.1, though it does install with the Developer version.
   Larry Marshall wrote:
 I tried the gcc, I actually used the command g++ at the command
 prompt and
 every time it gives me an error saying "iostream.h is not found."
You must be real new to C++.  You're going to have to read a wee bit
to get things set up as it's beyond the ability of a conference like
this to walk you from asking the question you've just asked to
successfully programming in C++.  The simple answer to your question
is that iostream.h is the most basic of basic class groups in the C++
language.  If you've got GNU C++ installed, this file exists on your
Cheers --- Larry
  Developer install has it.
  Registered Linux User #179293

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Loading the on-board NIC tulip driver

2000-08-23 Thread Digital Wokan

I believe it's the following steps.  Try it first without the insmod
command, that may be done for you by the ifconfig step.

insmod net/tulip

In /etc/conf.modules...
alias eth0 tulip

ifconfig eth0 up {ip address}

DougC wrote:
 Hello all,
 I installed 7.1 yesterday but during configuration, it
 did not list my 10/100 Linksys Ethernet card for my
 cable modem ( not a PMCIA card - just a regular card).
 Overall though,the install went generally well.
 Linux seems to know it's a PCI ethernet card, just not
 what kind. I skipped this portion and now I have no
 internet connection.
 I went to the linksys website and they explained that
 the on-board (already in linux) 'tulip.o' driver is
 compatible and should work.
 How does one exactly 'load' this tulip.o driver?
 I found this file buried under a bunch of subdirs.
 Some YES/No Questions:
 1- Must I be at Admin level to do this step?
 2- Will any command line 'screen' allow me to do this
 3- Must I be in the subdir where the tulip.o
 file/driver is located.
 4- Are there straight forward command to load it?
 If anyone can detail what I need to do I would be
 greatly appreciated.
 FYI-I have been using the KDE interface.
 Thanks in advance,
 Doug Conrad
 PII-350 96 megs ram
 ATI 8 meg video card
 Lynksys 10/100 PCI ethernet card (cable modem) IRQ9
 Has Dual Boot with boot magic/master? I forget name
 On board Crystal sound (doesn't work yet on linux)
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail – Free email you can access from anywhere!

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Wheel mouse

2000-08-15 Thread Digital Wokan

Make sure xf86config has your input device set to imps2 and not just

Hammond Steve wrote:
 I have a Logitech MouseMan+ but I do not understand why the wheel is not
 working on mandrake 7.1. On the Web site it is said that it should work, so can
 you help??
 Steve Hammond

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Logitech wheel mouse scrolling

2000-08-15 Thread Digital Wokan

Put a kdelnk to 'imwheel -k' in your KDE desktop's startup folder and it
should restart imwheel for you when you fire up KDE.  Unfortunately, it
hasn't worked so smoothly under Sawfish.  I tried setting it to start
with Sawfish, but still end up having to click its icon manually to

Hammond Steve wrote:
 So my problem was that I was not having the imwheel running. Now it is working
 well in netscape and KDE. The only one think I cannot do is to make imwheel
 start automaticaly at startup. I put the imwheel command in my
 /etc/rd.d/rc.local but it is not starting up. An idea??
 Le dim, 13 aoû 2000, vous avez écrit :
  in /etc/X11/XF86Config
  goto the Mouse section(pointer section)
  make sure you have
  ZAxisMapping 4 5
  in the pointer section, and 3button emulation off (# comment it out)
  then save and you should be fine
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 10:06 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Logitech wheel mouse scrolling
  I have a Logitech First Mouse+ and it works fine except for the wheel. I can
  not scroll in anything. I have tried typing in 'imwheel' and 'imwheel -k' as
  suggested in some of the newsgroug archives, but that seems to have no
  effect at all. I am running linux mandrake v7.1 and any help that I get is
  greatly appreciated.
  The very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid prejudice.
-- Mark Twain
  Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at
 Steve Hammond

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Logitech wheel mouse scrolling

2000-08-12 Thread Digital Wokan

Your device in the xfconfig file must be imps2 instead of just ps2 as

 I have a Logitech First Mouse+ and it works fine except for the wheel. I can not 
scroll in anything. I have tried typing in 'imwheel' and 'imwheel -k' as suggested in 
some of the newsgroug archives, but that seems to have no effect at all. I am running 
linux mandrake v7.1 and any help that I get is greatly appreciated.
 The very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid prejudice.
 -- Mark Twain
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] WinModem

2000-08-06 Thread Digital Wokan

As the specs state, the 56K modems are softmodems (winmodems), and
therefore aren't usable by Linux.  There is some small chance that
somebody has released a program for using these modems under Linux.  You
may want to check the websites that specialize in putting Linux on

 Hi all,
 I have installed mandrake 7.1 on my laptop (Compaq Armada 7400). It has
 an internal modem 56K V.90, but I can not configure it.
 Could anyone help.
 Thanks in advance for your help.
 N.B The following text  is a description of the modem.
 Internal Modem Support
 Linux has support for controller based modems. The controller-less or
 "winmodem" is not supported. The Armada 7400 and 7800 models with 333MHz
 or faster processors use a 56K V.90 winmodem and the only driver Compaq
 currently provides is for Microsoft based operating systems. Older 7400
 and 7800 models with 300 MHz or slower processors use a 33.6Kbps
 controller based modem which uses the standard Hayes commands and is
 supported by Linux. The internal modem defaults to COM3 (0x3F8). Linux
 expects the COM ports to use the "standard" resources: COM1 (0x3F8,
 IRQ4), COM2 (0x2F8, IRQ3), COM3 (0x3E8, IRQ4), COM4 (0x2E8, IRQ3).
 Notice that COM1/COM3 and COM2/COM4 share IRQ's. If COM1 and COM3 are to
 be used simultaneously, Compaq recommends using Computer Setup for
 Portables to move COM3 to its own IRQ. For example, if the user wished
 to use the internal modem and an external serial mouse, then a good
 choice would be to use IRQ3. IRQ3 is free for use by the internal modem
 because COM2 (0x2F8), the fast infrared port, is assigned IRQ9. The
 latest Compaq system ROM (BIOS) moves the internal modem to IRQ3 by
 default, so we recommend you upgrade the BIOS prior to installing Linux.
 Also be aware that if a system is setup to dual boot the Microsoft
 Window 9.X operating system, then that OS can reassign the COM port
 resources, resulting in the possibility of Linux not being able to use
 the port(s).
Digital Wokan
Tribal Mage of the Electronics Age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] AMD 500 CPUs???

2000-07-31 Thread Digital Wokan

Bill Hudspeth wrote:
 Has anyone out there had a successful Mandrake operating
 on an AMD 500 CPU?

I've been running Mandrake 7.1 on a K6-2/500 since about a week after
the .iso's were posted.  The only issue I have with it is that it
insists that the CPU is an i586, while my Cyrix M2/300 properly
registers as an i686.
I'm assuming i686 is supposed to mean Pentium/MMX equivalent as opposed
to Pentium/NoMMX.
Other than that, things were fine here once I got the cards+ file fixed
to configure XF86.

Re: [newbie] licq qt

2000-07-09 Thread Digital Wokan

Which Mandrake version are you running?

kdm wrote:
 I would love to solve this problem myself.
 The configure script for the qt-gui plugin can't find the 2.0 qt libraries in
 mandrake  8(
 I have tried the --with-qt-libraries flag with no success...
 So now I use KXICQ  8)
   Hi all,
  anyone managed to get the *latest* version of licq running (note - not the
  one on the mandrake cd... but the one on the site)?
  it throws up qt dependency problems.(qt = 2.1 needed)..
  if someone can throw some light on this solution i'd be very grateful... or
  even better still.. solve it :)

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Netscape problem

2000-07-09 Thread Digital Wokan

Or you could do something easier like check your /etc/resolv.conf file
to make sure your nameserver entries are there (and are IP's, not

 I have Linux-Mandrake 7.0.  I am trying to use Netscape, but after I try
 accessing a webpage like or I get the
 following error messages:
 Netscape:  Error
 Warning:  The following hosts are unknown:
 This means that some or all hosts will be unreachable.
 Perhaps there is a problem with your nameserver?  If your site must use a
 non-root nameserver, you will need to set the $SOCKS_NS environment variavble
 to point at the appropriate name server.  It may (or may not) be necessary to
 set this variable, or the socks host preference, to the IP address of the
 host in question rather than its name.
 Consult your system adinistrator.
 Netscape:  Error 2
 Netscape is unable to locate the server
 Please check the server name and try again.
 The examples above are the error messages I receive when I try to access a
 web page.  Can anyone help me solve this problem so I can enjoy accessing web
 pages on Linux.  I use kppp to connect.

Re: [newbie] Star Office 5.2

2000-07-04 Thread Digital Wokan

Isn't this how 5.1 worked?  If you did the install as a user, each user
doing the install ended up with their own copy of StarOffice, but if you
did a multi-user install as root, only one copy of the binaries was
installed with each user running a setup that copied only what was
necessary for that user's personalization and data.

Charles A Edwards wrote:
The one thing about Windows that I liked more than in Linux was
 installing programs. If you are honest most will admit that installing
 programs in Linux can be both fustrating and exasperating.
   Well someone has at last shown a light at the end of the tunnel.
Sun has released Star Office 5.2. I download it for both Windows and for
 Linux. Yesterday I installed in Win2000 and today I decided to try the
 install in Linux, hoping that it would not require to much hair pulling.
Do you know what I had to do to get Star Office to install in Linux? I
 had to click on the file. It actually had it's own installation program and
 installed itself. The GUI was even the same as that used in the Win
 installation. I was shocked. Happy but shocked. I had never before seen a
 Linux program do this.
My one hope now is that more companies and developers will follow Sun's
 example and treat Linux users with the same degree of concern and support as
 they show Window users.
 If you want to try it the URL is
 The Linux download is 93MB and you need to run the installation program as
 user not as root.
Charles   :-)

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] 7.1 resolution (as in screen)

2000-07-03 Thread Digital Wokan

I noticed that, too.  I think it has to do with the Sawmill/Sawfish WM. 
If there's a way of disabling/removing it to restore the alt-drag way of
moving windows, that would probably solve your problem.

Adrian Smith wrote:
 okie dokie, now that i know the correct way to post to the list...  thanks David for 
pointing out that it's Newbie... and not newbie  by the way, am i the only 
one alive who thinks that computers, files, URLs etc should not be case sensitive?  
do things really have to be made as difficult as possible?
 just so ya know where i'm at in the linux world - i've used apples (still have my 
apple IIc) macs, PCs under dos  windoze.  mastered all of them.  done some very 
basic programing (BASIC and assembly).  installed  configured many dos/windoze 
systems - so i know my way 'round computers more or less.  never used unix or linux 
before however - so i'm having to learn this new language from the bottom up.
 ok, but now my first real question
 background - my box is one of the cheaper (read junk) compaq models - it's at home, 
i'm at work, don't have the specs with me.  anyhow, i installed mandrake 7.0 and 
played with it a bit.  since my video card adhears to the lowest standards i can only 
get 640 X 480, or so it seems - i tried out some attempts at 800 X 600 in linux, none 
of them worked (nor can i get 8x6 in windoze) so it looks like i'm stuck.  some of 
the linux programs open up in screens larger than my screen resolution.  it seems 
that a linux window can only be resized with the lower right corner??  well in 7.0 
there was some key/mouse combo that would let you grab a window at any place and move 
it around.  so at least i could work around it.
 got my 7.1 disk and installed the new flavor.  same problem - only now the key/mouse 
combo doesn't work. or else i can't remember it - tho i tried every possible 
combination that seemed obvious.  since the bottom of the window is often off the 
screen, i can't resize it.
 so question must be this  if i want to use linux am i going to have to get a 
video card that does 800x600, and will linux be able to find  use that one instead 
of the one on the motherboard without causing problems?
 thanks much...
 expect to see a whole lot more of me
 Adrian Smith
 'de telepone dude
 Telecom Dept.
 x 7042

Re: [newbie] software question...

2000-07-02 Thread Digital Wokan

Check,, and for your needs. 
You're likely to find it somewhere in them.

"John T. Seebold" wrote:
 Anyone know of some decent business software for Linux.
 Specifically I would like to bill people though it.

[newbie] XF86-4.0.1

2000-07-02 Thread Digital Wokan

For those of you on the list who had trouble with XF86-4.0, 4.0.1 has
been released, and if I read correctly, there's even xf86cfg - a
graphical configuration program.  (Personally, I didn't care if they
made a graphical one or not, I just didn't want to have to manually edit
any more X configuration files.  Yes.  I'm lazy at times.)
Hopefully, the Mandrake people will have an i586.rpm of this available
soon.  I'm looking forward to real 3D support under a Linux windowing

Re: [newbie] More than 128M

2000-07-02 Thread Digital Wokan

I realize this answer doesn't help you.  But my system has 192MB that it
detected just fine when I installed Mandrake 7.1.  Even when I was
running 7.0, it detected the upgrade from 64MB to 192MB without any
intervention on my part.  It may have to do with your motherboard's
method of handling RAM/RAM reporting.

"Rodrigo P." wrote:
 A friend of my has a problem with its comp. memory...
 He has 196M of memory, passing as parameter during startup, linux recognizes
 128M ok, but trying to pass over it, linux locks on startup.
 Is this a limit, or maybe he is doing something wrong ?
 Is there someway to make linux recognizes all the 196M mem ???
 Thanks for the help.
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [newbie] Fonts in Netscape

2000-07-02 Thread Digital Wokan

I still had to go into the XFS config file mentioned in the README for
the Mozilla-Fonts package and add the directory the Mozilla fonts got
installed to (look at the file list in the RPM, because it's not the
same directory as the readme says).

Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, you wrote:
  I have Mandrake 7.02 and I am disapointed with fonts of Netscape. Pages do
  not look the same...
  Where are the "Windows" fonts, like arial, verdana, etc... ?
  Can we add more fonts to Netscape? How?
On any 'cooker' ftp site such as:
...or any '7.1' site
  you'll find  'drakfontrpm'  which installs your windows TT
 fonts for all X apps including Netscape.  NS still looks like
 heck, so also get the 'mozilla-fontsrpm' which installs some
 fonts for NS that look a lot better.
 ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] mozilla M16

2000-07-02 Thread Digital Wokan

I'd like to see an RPM of M16 with the SSL capabilities available
through a second RPM.  Too bad so many governments have to be so uptight
over encryption.

Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, you wrote:
  I only have one for this one.AWESOME!
  It is WAY better than the beta release of Netscape 6. By lightyears even.
  If this is any indication of the final version of Netscape 6 is going to
  be I can't wait! It's great. Thanks Netscape. You guys are doing a fine
 On the cooker list the developers are saying that M16 is
 Netscape 6.  I've taken a look at Mozzila a few times, the last
 being M16. I found it slow and buggy, more so than NS 4.7x
 OTOH, KDE2 and Konquerer should be here by Sept.
 ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Free Agent for Linux?

2000-07-02 Thread Digital Wokan

You aren't kidding.  PAN feels a lot like Agent when you're done
configuring it.  It's missing some of Agent's features, but the most
important ones are there.  It even knows some tricks Agent doesn't.

Paul wrote:
 On Sun, 2 Jul 2000, rebel wrote:
 Does anyone know of a "Free Agent" clone that works with Linux? Or a
 similar pgm? (newsgroups reader and decoder, can check to see if all
 parts of message are dl'able)
 You can get it from linuxberg.

Re: [newbie] Internet Server Question(Maybe)?

2000-06-21 Thread Digital Wokan

It would probably be best to find a more expert level list to post this
question to.  Most questions considered "newbie" in nature involve
getting minor programs or the OS itself to just work.  Your question
concerns the equivalent of running a micro-ISP.

James Little wrote:
 Here's the deal.  I have a DSL connection that all the computers on my LAN
 share.  We have an extra phone line that noone calls cause it used to be our
 dial-up internet connection.  My brother is cheap and doesn't want to pay
 for his own internet acount, so here's what we did in windows 2000.  His
 modem dials mine and we get a pretty good connection(44K or better).  When
 you open network neighborhood it looks like his machine is just another
 computer on my network, so it gives him internet, file, and printer access
 just like the rest of us.  Granted it is slower, but his connection is just
 as functional as anyone elses hanging directly on the network.  The DSL
 modem is on it's own port on the network and has it's own IP.  To connect to
 the net I just set everyone's machine up to use the DSL's IP as a gateway
 and it has worked beautifully.
 How do I set up Linux on my machine to answer the phone when it rings and
 allow him access to the network?  I have kept the IP the same for all the
 OS's I boot to for ease of use, and have tried to simplify everything.  Do I
 just set the machine up as an internet server, or what?  Do I use IP
 forwarding?  When I set him up as a user, does he need to be a PPP user or a
 general user?  Since it is a local call, alot of the time we'll just connect
 and leave it connected for days, but since I've moved primarily to Linux it
 renders my machine boring to me when he wants to go onto the web.  Maybe I
 just have my head up my but, but I'm totally lost here.  I know it would be
 easier if I had a another machine set up that I could dedicate to this and a
 couple of other small tasks, but I'm still in the works on that, and I need
 a temporary  fix.  Any help would be appreciated.
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] GAIM

2000-06-19 Thread Digital Wokan

Found it at the GAIM homepage...
It seems that if you didn't have config data stored with AOL, you got
the no config error we were discussing.  0.9.19 is supposed to solve
this.  While I'll be happy to install from a tarball, I wonder how long
it'll take MandrakeSoft to get an updated RPM out the door.  (Hear that,
MdkSoft?  Your new users under 7.1 can't use GAIM until you give them an

Jim wrote:
 I use everybuddy works well with AIM, Yahoo, and MSN.  It's supposed to work
 well with icq as well but I don't have an ICQ number...kinda cool all the
 messangers wrapped in one package...I use it daily  You can find it on
 - Original Message -
 From: "Fran Parker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 11:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] GAIM
 I am using GAIM version 0.9.18-1 and I have it open right now
 and an talking with my sister who is online with AOL.
 Hopefully this is not something that will now affect this
 version as well, and just hasn't gotten to mine yet.
 That would be a real drag.
 Digital Wokan wrote:
  Must be AOL's end.  I have tried the latest version of GAIM and receive
  the same error about no config.
  lilbambi wrote:
   need to get the latest version if you
   are getting an error with GAIM now,
   even though it used to work. Something
   changed on AOL's end I believe.
   the new one fixes the problem.
   - Original Message -
   From: "Hugh" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 7:20 AM
   Subject: [newbie] GAIM
Is anyone else having trouble with GAIM?
It started about a week ago. Wont allow me to log in
the pass word is correct. Say's I dont have a config file
when I try.   Any ideas?
Not a big problem I admit but I hate not having an answer :)
  Digital Wokan
  Tribal mage of the electronics age
  Guerilla Linux Warrior

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Problems with Mandrake 7.1 installation

2000-06-13 Thread Digital Wokan

He actually had a point.  You may not have found him articulate in
bringing it up, but he was right.  Assuming you have some knowledge in
setting up a Linux system, you should not have to reinstall the entire
thing.  Though, I must admit, sometimes even I have found it to be the
most expedient solution to the problem.

Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 flupkebecause your opinion/solution and mine differ is no
 reason to be rude towards me when you expound upon your own
 remedy.  Yelling that my suggestion to help this person was
 'BAD' was simply not called for and I resent it.
 Yelling in general is rude, but what you said, in the manner
 in which you said it, was pompous and condescending in the
 extreme as well as just plain rude.
 Please contemplate and consider the above comments when
 composing future public messages.
 flupke wrote:
  I also installed XFree4.0 while I shouldn't BUT I DIDN'T REINSTALL THE OS.
  Please FORGET about this BAD idea! You are in a UNIX environnement! This
  is NOT windows!
  If you have installed XFree4.O and want to install XFree3.3.6, then you
  just have to boot, uninstall XFree4.0 and install XFree3.3.6. And you are
  Everybody should understand that if one package has problems, then you
  just handle the faulty package. And you don't have to reinstall the whole
  thing from scratch. Could it be a problem with X, the security level, the
  internet connection, or anything, you can repair it.
  Sorry, but I had to say it.
  On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
   Carlthat sounds like what I experienced when I first
   installed 7.1 and chose version 4 of XF86.  I reinstalled 7.1
   and picked version 3.6 of XF86 and those symptoms no longer
   Carl Kehley wrote:
I just installed Mandrake 7.1 yesterday, development install from
install and ext. cd's, and I've got a few minor problems.  Any help
would be greatly appreciated.
First, Mandrake refuses to recognize my mouse as  Logitech MouseMan+,
and instead keeps calling it a generic PS2.  I've changed it in the
mouseconfig in DrakConf, it's recognized correctly in Lothar, but I've
got no support for the wheel(even as a third button).
Next, gnome-ppp--what is meant by "remote name" in the config?  I've
set it up exactly the same as kppp, but it disconnects about 30 seconds
after the handshake, and I've got no dns, even though everything is
entered correctly.
Finally, there seem to be major conflicts between the RealPlayer 7
Netscape plugin and plugger in Communicator, to the point where
RealPlayer freezes and I've got to reboot to get my sound back.  I
remember seeing something similar in the list last week, but I didn't
save the message, and can't locate it in the archives.
Any help, advice, creative criticism gladly accepted.
Thanks in advance,
Carl Kehley
   There's no place like ~ ! 

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Need desparate help with linux elf error in Netscape

2000-06-10 Thread Digital Wokan

Lucky for you, there are web developers here. :)
It isn't a problem with your OS, it's a problem with  They
have their webserver detect what kind of browser/OS is connecting to
their server and send an "appropriate" message.  So they see you are
using Netscape, which is fine, but it's running on Linux, which THEY do
not support.  (Yet another company that doesn't feed the penguin.)
DialPad uses Java for their program, so what should be a painless port
to Linux (Java shouldn't have to be "ported".  Thank Monoposoft for that
one.) ends up taking them enough time that either they haven't gotten to
it or have decided that us Linux users aren't worth their advertising
Perhaps there are other such phone for free systems out there who do
support the penguin.

Vic wrote:
 When I went to a web page, Netscape gave me this
 error linux elf not supported, I can't sdiscfipbe it
 good so here is a link so I don't post a little
 gif to the list.
 I HATE that trash! FAQ what FAQ probably one
 that either does not exist or is full of lies and
 trash that don't work,
 *I really must get to*
 this web page I HAVE to use dialpad to contact***
 someone, the phone here won't reach that number**
 **pleasepleasepleaseplease help me.

Re: [newbie] Mouse Problem after CPU Switch

2000-06-10 Thread Digital Wokan

Most mice don't like being switched in/out.  I'm surprised it resumes
working when you switch back.

Leo Stutzmann wrote:
 I have 2 cpus connected through a CPU switch (non-powered cheap one) to a
 keyboard, mouse, and monitor.
 I have to have the switch set to the correct CPU when I power up that CPU,
 after the machine is powered up, everything works, including X. Once both
 CPUs are up, and X is running, when I switch to CPU A from B the mouse
 pointer does not work and is stuck in one spot. To correct this I have to
 shut down X and restart it. Then when I switch back to CPU B from A the same
 thing happens.
 I am running Mandrake 7.1 B3, but this happens with older version as well. I
 thought maybe a newer XFree86 might fix the problem, but no luck so far.
 This switch works when both machines are running Solaris X86, and Windows.
 Any help or pointers (no pun intended) would be appreciated.
 Leo Stutzmann

[newbie] KVirc (Was: Wine problems)

2000-06-10 Thread Digital Wokan

Actually, I just tried installing KVirc 2.0.0 from the KVirc official
site and it core dumped immediately under Mandrake 7.1.  Perhaps I
should look at the Extension CD, but it looks like MandrakeSoft may have
left KVirc in the dust.  In fact, I haven't seen anything but console
IRC clients on the Install CD.

Fran Parker wrote:
 hi Kevin,
 I am not a Wine expert..infact I am still trying to get dosemu to work on
 my ATI All in Wonder Card in VGA mode.
 Two things though.
 user.dat is a system file for windows, everyone has them.  I think it is
 looking for it in the wrong place, mine is located on my c drive on the
 windows partition:  dos_c/windows/user.dat
 You can locate yours within kde with find by searching the root for user.dat
 Then you can modify the config file for wine to represent where yours is.
 Second, if you like mIRC, you might want to take a look at KVirc.  I love
 mIRC, and KVirc is a very close version of irc for linux.  I really like it.
 Hope these suggestions help out.
 kevin wrote:
  Hi gang.
  I have been using mandrake a few weeks nows, and so far I have got everything to
  work well, apart from wine. I d/loaded  rpm version 2526 and installed
  it.After I changed the wine.conf,  I run wine, and I get the following error.
  Invalid path c:\windows\Profiles\adminustrator for profile directory
  cant find users.dat
  I looked though windoz and I dont seem to have those anyway. I am  huge fan of
  mIRC, and that is the prime reason I wish to to wine. I loaded mIRC up, and it
  gave me a bunch of error messages. Too many to post on the ML
  I was wondering if there are any wine experts out there, and can help me in
  Many thanx

Re: [newbie] Need desparate help with linux elf error in Netscape

2000-06-10 Thread Digital Wokan

You'd have to have a browser that lets you set the description manually
so that it could "lie" to the server.  I've heard of such a browser or a
program that intercepted and altered such headers, but I think that was
back when I used (should it be called suffering through instead?)
But then on top of that, you have to hope that DialPad didn't write
their Java using MS-J++.  We all know how portable that PoS is.

Vic wrote:
 Then is there any way to fool it into thinking
 that the user is using windows?
 On Fri, 09 Jun 2000, Digital Wokan wrote:
  Lucky for you, there are web developers here. :)
  It isn't a problem with your OS, it's a problem with  They
  have their webserver detect what kind of browser/OS is connecting to
  their server and send an "appropriate" message.  So they see you are
  using Netscape, which is fine, but it's running on Linux, which THEY do
  not support.  (Yet another company that doesn't feed the penguin.)
  DialPad uses Java for their program, so what should be a painless port
  to Linux (Java shouldn't have to be "ported".  Thank Monoposoft for that
  one.) ends up taking them enough time that either they haven't gotten to
  it or have decided that us Linux users aren't worth their advertising
  Perhaps there are other such phone for free systems out there who do
  support the penguin.
  Vic wrote:
   When I went to a web page, Netscape gave me this
   error linux elf not supported, I can't sdiscfipbe it
   good so here is a link so I don't post a little
   gif to the list.
   I HATE that trash! FAQ what FAQ probably one
   that either does not exist or is full of lies and
   trash that don't work,
   *I really must get to*
   this web page I HAVE to use dialpad to contact***
   someone, the phone here won't reach that number**
   **pleasepleasepleaseplease help me.****

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] 7.1 -- 2-CD download mystery -- How?

2000-06-10 Thread Digital Wokan
But if you read some of my previous posts, you will see that I had to go
fix some flubs in the cards+ file concerning three Trident video cards
and I still don't have a working XF86Setup.

Mandrake Account wrote:
 Which site did you download the iso from. I have been having trouble
 downloading them since it came out.  I can't seem to get any of the sites
 on the website to connected and I have a cable modem.
 At 01:37 AM 6/10/2000 -0700, you wrote:
 I haven't even tried an FTP install of Linux in my life.  Of course I
 had a 56K and didn't want to tie up the phone for days.  Now I'm on
 cable, so I download the .iso images and burn CD-R's of Mandrake.
 I'd recommend you find a friend with a fast connection and a CD-R (or
 CD-RW) drive.  I don't really want to offer to do this for anyone online
 since I could get flooded with requests and have to play
 If a person sent me 2 CD-R's, the mailer to mail them with, and the
 money to cover the postage back to them (or have the stamps put on the
 return mailer yourself before you send it) then I'd be willing to burn
 .iso's to CD-R for a few people.  I might do 1 or 2 per week like that,
 but with only a 2x burner, I can't offer to do it a lot.
 Benjamin Sher wrote:
   Dear friends:
   Well, as it turns out, there seems to be NO WAY to download the new
   Mandrake 7.1 by FTP. Since 7.1 is on two CD rather than one CD, there is
   a pause during the download install that has completely stumped me (and
   probably others). I selected Custom, Normal for download and all of the
   categories (except for the extra "Documentation" category) for a total
   of 2.2 Gig or 764 packages. Each time (once from rpmfind a few days ago
   and today from, I got precisely the same results: the
   download pauses on the file "kpppload", with nearly exactly half of the
   packages still waiting to be downloaded, and suddenly moves on to the
   next stage of install, namely, "Installing packages," "select your time
   zone,", "configure your printer," etc. etc. until you get the ironic
   message : Mandrake 7.1 successfully installed (which it most certainly
   is NOT, as you find out if you try to use it).
   Earlier tonight, a kind list member explained this mystery to us: the
   first CD stops precisely here at "kpppload" and asks you to insert the
   second CD.
   Well, that's fine and dandy if you have the CD's (I am still waiting for
   mine from LinuxLand). But what do you do if you are trying to download
   and install MDK 7.1 by FTP?
   I tried to download a minimal version (700 megs). Same problem.
   I then tried to download an even more minimal version without KDE,
   hoping to then return and upgrade and install KDE last. Again, same
   problem. In fact, it refused to let me install at all without installing
   KDE (where it once again stopped at precisely kpppload). In desperation,
   I decided to download Mandrake with KDE ONLY (300 Megs) and then build
   on that. No dice! Once again, with 3:20 to go and many packages left, it
   once again stopped at kpppload and proceeded to "finish" the rest of the
   installation process as if nothing had happened!
   So, how do the rest of you do it? What' the secret formula, folks?
   Thank you so much.
   Benjamin and Anna Sher
   Sher's Russian Web

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Doom question...

2000-06-10 Thread Digital Wokan

He said the problem was his color depth, not his screen size.

Trevor Reynolds wrote:
 When you execute doom use "-1" or "-2" options, this will make the
 screen larger.
 "Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
  Okay, I grabbed the rpm of Doom from my Mandrake
  7.0 CD, and installed it via kpackage. It runs,
  as long as I use drakconf to set my desktop colors
  to 256. Is there any way to get it to run on my
  normal Voodoo 3000 setup? (1024 x 768 x 32bit).
  PS and what about that ultra small window? :-)

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] Doom question...

2000-06-10 Thread Digital Wokan

My apologies.  I didn't see the PS.  Maybe I should hide the
flamethrower in the fridge so it doesn't light up so quickly.

Trevor Reynolds wrote:
 OK, so I couldn't answer his main problem, but at least I could handle
 the PS!
 Digital Wokan wrote:
  He said the problem was his color depth, not his screen size.
  Trevor Reynolds wrote:
   When you execute doom use "-1" or "-2" options, this will make the
   screen larger.
   "Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
Okay, I grabbed the rpm of Doom from my Mandrake
7.0 CD, and installed it via kpackage. It runs,
as long as I use drakconf to set my desktop colors
to 256. Is there any way to get it to run on my
normal Voodoo 3000 setup? (1024 x 768 x 32bit).
PS and what about that ultra small window? :-)
  Digital Wokan
  Tribal mage of the electronics age
  Guerilla Linux Warrior

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] 7.1 -- 2-CD download mystery -- How?

2000-06-10 Thread Digital Wokan

Or try  Most distributions of Linux and a couple of BSD's
can be found there.

Charles A Edwards wrote:
 To find a list of sites from which you can download the ISOs go to
 Click on Linux. When the Linux page loads click on the link for ISO image
 files. You will find a list of about 40 or more FTP sites. The closer you
 are to the site you choose the faster your download speed will be.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Mandrake Account" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2000 5:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] 7.1 -- 2-CD download mystery -- How?
  Which site did you download the iso from. I have been having trouble
  downloading them since it came out.  I can't seem to get any of the sites
  on the website to connected and I have a cable modem.
  At 01:37 AM 6/10/2000 -0700, you wrote:
  I haven't even tried an FTP install of Linux in my life.  Of course I
  had a 56K and didn't want to tie up the phone for days.  Now I'm on
  cable, so I download the .iso images and burn CD-R's of Mandrake.
  I'd recommend you find a friend with a fast connection and a CD-R (or
  CD-RW) drive.  I don't really want to offer to do this for anyone online
  since I could get flooded with requests and have to play
  If a person sent me 2 CD-R's, the mailer to mail them with, and the
  money to cover the postage back to them (or have the stamps put on the
  return mailer yourself before you send it) then I'd be willing to burn
  .iso's to CD-R for a few people.  I might do 1 or 2 per week like that,
  but with only a 2x burner, I can't offer to do it a lot.
  Benjamin Sher wrote:
Dear friends:
Well, as it turns out, there seems to be NO WAY to download the new
Mandrake 7.1 by FTP. Since 7.1 is on two CD rather than one CD, there
a pause during the download install that has completely stumped me
probably others). I selected Custom, Normal for download and all of
categories (except for the extra "Documentation" category) for a total
of 2.2 Gig or 764 packages. Each time (once from rpmfind a few days
and today from, I got precisely the same results: the
download pauses on the file "kpppload", with nearly exactly half of
packages still waiting to be downloaded, and suddenly moves on to the
next stage of install, namely, "Installing packages," "select your
zone,", "configure your printer," etc. etc. until you get the ironic
message : Mandrake 7.1 successfully installed (which it most certainly
is NOT, as you find out if you try to use it).
Earlier tonight, a kind list member explained this mystery to us: the
first CD stops precisely here at "kpppload" and asks you to insert the
second CD.
Well, that's fine and dandy if you have the CD's (I am still waiting
mine from LinuxLand). But what do you do if you are trying to download
and install MDK 7.1 by FTP?
I tried to download a minimal version (700 megs). Same problem.
I then tried to download an even more minimal version without KDE,
hoping to then return and upgrade and install KDE last. Again, same
problem. In fact, it refused to let me install at all without
KDE (where it once again stopped at precisely kpppload). In
I decided to download Mandrake with KDE ONLY (300 Megs) and then build
on that. No dice! Once again, with 3:20 to go and many packages left,
once again stopped at kpppload and proceeded to "finish" the rest of
installation process as if nothing had happened!
So, how do the rest of you do it? What' the secret formula, folks?
Thank you so much.
Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [Re: [Re: [newbie] 7.1 -- 2-CD download mystery -- How?]]

2000-06-10 Thread Digital Wokan

I'm in the Phoenix area, so what you mean by trading eludes me.

Jaguar wrote:
 Well since I am waiting to get on Disability (hence NOT working), the
 highlight of my day is going for coffee at a local coffee shopwanna
 Tymanthius Rune Speak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Digital Wokan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If a person sent me 2 CD-R's, the mailer to mail them with, and the
  money to cover the postage back to them (or have the stamps put on the
  return mailer yourself before you send it) then I'd be willing to burn
  .iso's to CD-R for a few people.  I might do 1 or 2 per week like that,
  but with only a 2x burner, I can't offer to do it a lot.
  I've got a faster burner (6x scsi) and could do the same.  Email me
  and we'll see, but I don't promise to be fast - you may well be
  better off going to cheap bytes.  To say my life is hectic is an
  understatement (I'll trade anyone who has aboring one!!).

Re: [newbie] 7.1/XF86Setup problem...

2000-06-08 Thread Digital Wokan

I really don't want to have to sit through another reinstall tonight.  I
have a perfectly operational command line environment.  If I new which
package contained the file that has the error, I'd promptly download and
install it over what's there now.
I've already downloaded XF86Setup, VGA16, SVGA, and Server-common from and RPM -Uvh --force'd them.

Anthony Huereca wrote:
 I have a Diamond V550, and it works just fine for me. I installed from scratch
 like you did, and even selected the same exact resolution and color depth. I
 had originally started out with X 4.0; but I did something with it and now I
 boot to X 3.3.6 (although I'm trying to get back to X 4.0). But 3.3.6 still
 works just fine. I'm not sure what went wrong with X in your case. Maybe it was
 a freak accident or something and reinstalling will magically work now.
  I can supply an exact duplication of the error if needed, but I jotted
  down the gist of it before rebooting to winderz.
  Installing 7.1 did not bring up XF86 in the 1024x768x32 resolution I
  asked for.  It was maybe 800x600 (though more likely 640x480).
  Ctrl-Alt-+ didn't fix this, it increased the virtual area instead.
  I went to fire up XF86Setup and got a segfault.
  The error was along these lines...
  Something missing from a "SERVER" (the error made server all caps)
  section and then three video chipsets and some line numbers were
  ... Trident TGUI 9660 (generic) (line 2513)
   Trident TGUI 9680 (generic) (line 2519)
   Trident Cyber 9320 (generic) (line 2537)
  SSegmentation fault (Core dumped)
  Originally, this was a Mandrake 7.0 being upgraded, but after an hour
  futzing with that, I just moved everything to a "/backup" partition and
  installed 7.1 from scratch.  The results of all this work?  Segmentation
  fault (Core dumped).
  The video card is a Diamond Viper V550 (Riva TNT chipset, 16MB, AGP).
  My system is a K6-2/500 with 192MB.  I had no problems at all with this
  card in 6.1 or 7.0 (using the Riva 128 chipset selection since there was
  no Riva TNT and still isn't AFAIK).
  Digital Wokan
  Tribal mage of the electronics age
  Guerilla Linux Warrior
 Anthony Huereca
 Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

Digital Wokan
Tribal mage of the electronics age
Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] 7.1/XF86Setup problem...

2000-06-08 Thread Digital Wokan

Well, if you read headers, you can see that I'm writing this from
Netscape 4.73 in Linux.
It did require XConfigurator, but I still had to find those errors I
mentioned for it to work.
It seems MandrakeSoft put the SERVER directive _after_ the DRIVER
directive in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Cards+ for the TGUI9660 and TGUI9680. 
And then to top that they didn't even list a SERVER directive for the
Trident Cyber 9320.
Once I moved/added the SERVER directives, XF86Setup no longer gave me
those errors, but it did still segfault.  XConfigurator did get things
going though.  (Oh, xf86config also errored and segfaulted before the
editing and I didn't try it again afterward.)

Perhaps I should try getting the source for XF86Setup and rebuilding it
myself.  I really prefer it for getting everything configured in the
order I choose, instead of getting hearded down text menus.

Anthony Huereca wrote:
 Hmmm, I just tried XF86Setup on my machine, and it segfaulted too.
 Xconfigurator works fine though, try that.
  I really don't want to have to sit through another reinstall tonight.  I
  have a perfectly operational command line environment.  If I new which
  package contained the file that has the error, I'd promptly download and
  install it over what's there now.
  I've already downloaded XF86Setup, VGA16, SVGA, and Server-common from and RPM -Uvh --force'd them.
  Anthony Huereca wrote:
   I have a Diamond V550, and it works just fine for me. I installed from scratch
   like you did, and even selected the same exact resolution and color depth. I
   had originally started out with X 4.0; but I did something with it and now I
   boot to X 3.3.6 (although I'm trying to get back to X 4.0). But 3.3.6 still
   works just fine. I'm not sure what went wrong with X in your case. Maybe it was
   a freak accident or something and reinstalling will magically work now.
I can supply an exact duplication of the error if needed, but I jotted
down the gist of it before rebooting to winderz.
Installing 7.1 did not bring up XF86 in the 1024x768x32 resolution I
asked for.  It was maybe 800x600 (though more likely 640x480).
Ctrl-Alt-+ didn't fix this, it increased the virtual area instead.
I went to fire up XF86Setup and got a segfault.
The error was along these lines...
Something missing from a "SERVER" (the error made server all caps)
section and then three video chipsets and some line numbers were
... Trident TGUI 9660 (generic) (line 2513)
 Trident TGUI 9680 (generic) (line 2519)
 Trident Cyber 9320 (generic) (line 2537)
SSegmentation fault (Core dumped)
Originally, this was a Mandrake 7.0 being upgraded, but after an hour
futzing with that, I just moved everything to a "/backup" partition and
installed 7.1 from scratch.  The results of all this work?  Segmentation
fault (Core dumped).
The video card is a Diamond Viper V550 (Riva TNT chipset, 16MB, AGP).
My system is a K6-2/500 with 192MB.  I had no problems at all with this
card in 6.1 or 7.0 (using the Riva 128 chipset selection since there was
no Riva TNT and still isn't AFAIK).