Re: [newbie] This is friggin stupid!

2000-10-18 Thread lselinger

Is there a compilable kernel anywhere on this planet that will not bail
on your with a ridiculous error making it impossible to update or
recompile your kernel in any manner? Below is the result  of my latest
attempt to configure and compile a linux kernel. This one is
2.4.0-test9. Frankly I'm beginning to think its a lost stinkin cause.

sincerely fed up and frustrated,


Ummmok first you are going to have to do some digging to find out what
you need for the header/include files you are missing OR if you have them
... check to see where the current tree (for the compile) is looking for
them.  Can you send the output from a find / -name errno.h  none of what
you have posted is *post* compilation and it looks like it couldn't create
the .o files to link in in order to continue.  Compiling isn't always as
easy as "./configure, make, make install"  ;-)  or make make bzImage make
dep make modules etc etc,  trouble shoot this first by figuring out where
the missing includes are or if you have them "usr/include/bits/errno.h:25:
linux/errno.h: No such file or directory" (you may have to look in the
Makefile(s) to see what the root dir is in order to find out "where" it
thinks linux/errno.h is or what linux actually is pointing to ... its
usually a sym link to the CURRENT kernel source  ls -l   should be
pretty easy to work from there =o)



In file included from /usr/include/errno.h:36,
 from scripts/split-include.c:26:
/usr/include/bits/errno.h:25: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [scripts/split-include] Error 1
make -C  kernel modules_install
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/kernel'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `modules_install'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/kernel'
make -C  drivers modules_install
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/drivers'
make -C acpi modules_install
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/drivers/acpi'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `modules_install'.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/drivers/acpi'
make -C block modules_install
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/drivers/block'
mkdir -p /lib/modules/2.4.0-test9/kernel/drivers/block/
cp loop.o nbd.o rd.o /lib/modules/2.4.0-test9/kernel/drivers/block/
cp: loop.o: No such file or directory
cp: nbd.o: No such file or directory
cp: rd.o: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [_modinst__] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/drivers/block'
make[1]: *** [_modinst_block] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/drivers'
make: *** [_modinst_drivers] Error 2

Re: [newbie] g++ compiler

2000-10-18 Thread lselinger

Hi all,
This is probably a silly question but how do you get the g++ compiler to
work ?  Im not getting any errors Im just not sure how to use the program.
Im going to college in january and would like to get a head start on
things. Im using mandrake 7.0. My prefered environment is enlightenment.
you, Chronos.

Hi Chronos,

you can either download som source to a program you would like to compile
and weed through the makefile(s) etc ... or just write a simple standard
"hello world" program to test the compiler.  For more specific information
check the "man" pages and the GNU site regarding specifics etc...

/* Sample code - Hello World to test g++ */

#include iostream.h

int main()
cout  "Hello World"  endl;
return 0;

if you saved this as test.cpp you would compile it by typing ..

g++ test.cpp -otest


Re: [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-29 Thread lselinger

*hands you the keys to a nice shiny station wagon* you're right the tanks
are hard to use why bother ..enjoy the car.

Lonny -- driving away in tank


Uh...the free tanks are hard to use.


Re: [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-28 Thread lselinger

Sorry if this is a bit much for a single email (this isn't the hole story)
but following the *car* analogy of late made me thing of some reading I had
done .. if anyone would like the entire article I would be happy to
post or send it out ... this is a snip of it 

Customers come to this crossroads in throngs, day and night. Ninety percent
of them go straight to the biggest dealership and buy station wagons or
off-road vehicles.
They do not even look at the other dealerships. Of the remaining ten
percent, most go and buy a sleek Euro-sedan, pausing only to turn up their
noses at the philistines
 going to buy the station wagons and ORVs. If they even notice the people
on the opposite side of the road, selling the cheaper, technically superior
vehicles, these
customers deride them cranks and half-wits.

The Batmobile outlet sells a few vehicles to the occasional car nut who
wants a second vehicle to go with his station wagon, but seems to accept,
at least for now,
that it's a fringe player. The group giving away the free tanks only stays
alive because it is staffed by volunteers, who are lined up at the edge of
the street with bullhorns,
 trying to draw customers' attention to this incredible situation. A
typical conversation goes something like this:

Hacker with bullhorn: "Save your money! Accept one of our free tanks! It is
invulnerable, and can drive across rocks and swamps at ninety miles an hour
while getting a hundred miles to the gallon!"

Prospective station wagon buyer: "I know what you say is don't know how to maintain a tank!"

Bullhorn: "You don't know how to maintain a station wagon either!"

Buyer: "But this dealership has mechanics on staff. If something goes wrong
with my station wagon, I can take a day off work, bring it here, and pay
them to work on
it while I sit in the waiting room for hours, listening to elevator music."

Bullhorn: "But if you accept one of our free tanks we will send volunteers
to your house to fix it for free while you sleep!"

Buyer: "Stay away from my house, you freak!"

Bullhorn: "But..."

Buyer: "Can't you see that everyone is buying station wagons?"

Let me know if anyone is interested in the entire article  =)

Lonny Selinger

Re: [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-28 Thread lselinger

This is the entire article in its entirety  =)   enjoy!! (I appologize
for the formatting) comments?


Around the time that Jobs, Wozniak, Gates, and Allen were dreaming up these
unlikely schemes, I was a teenager living in Ames, Iowa. One of my friends'
dads had an old MGB sports car rusting away in his garage. Sometimes he
would actually manage to get it running and then he would take us for a
spin around the block, with a memorable look of wild youthful exhilaration
on his face; to his worried passengers, he was a madman, stalling and
backfiring around Ames, Iowa and eating the dust of rusty Gremlins and
Pintos, but in his own mind he was Dustin Hoffman tooling across the Bay
Bridge with the wind in his hair.

In retrospect, this was telling me two things about people's relationship
to technology. One was that romance and image go a long way towards shaping
their opinions. If you doubt it (and if you have a lot of spare time on
your hands) just ask anyone who owns a Macintosh and who, on those grounds,
imagines him- or herself to be a member of an oppressed minority group.

The other, somewhat subtler point, was that interface is very important.
Sure, the MGB was a lousy car in almost every way that counted: balky,
unreliable, and underpowered. But it was fun to drive. It was responsive.
Every pebble on the road was felt in the bones, every nuance in the
pavement transmitted instantly to the driver's hands. He could listen to
the engine and tell what was wrong with it. The steering responded
immediately to commands from his hands. To us passengers it was a pointless
exercise in going nowhere--about as interesting as peering over someone's
shoulder while he punches numbers into a spreadsheet. But to the driver it
was an experience. For a short time he was extending his body and his
senses into a larger realm, and doing things that he couldn't do

The analogy between cars and operating systems is not half bad, and so let
me run with it for a moment, as a way of giving an executive summary of our
situation today.
Imagine a crossroads where four competing auto dealerships are situated.
One of them (Microsoft) is much, much bigger than the others. It started
out years ago selling three-speed bicycles (MS-DOS); these were not
perfect, but they worked, and when they broke you could easily fix them.

There was a competing bicycle dealership next door (Apple) that one day
began selling motorized vehicles--expensive but attractively styled cars
with their innards hermetically sealed, so that how they worked was
something of a mystery.
The big dealership responded by rushing a moped upgrade kit (the original
Windows) onto the market. This was a Rube Goldberg contraption that, when
bolted onto a three-speed bicycle, enabled it to keep up, just barely, with
Apple-cars. The users had to wear goggles and were always picking bugs out
of their teeth while Apple owners sped along in hermetically sealed
comfort, sneering out the windows. But the Micro-mopeds were cheap, and
easy to fix compared with the Apple-cars, and their market share waxed.

Eventually the big dealership came out with a full-fledged car: a colossal
station wagon (Windows 95). It had all the aesthetic appeal of a Soviet
worker housing block, it leaked oil and blew gaskets, and it was an
enormous success. A little later, they also came out with a hulking
off-road vehicle intended for industrial users (Windows NT) which was no
more beautiful than the station wagon, and only a little more reliable.
Since then there has been a lot of noise and shouting, but little has
changed. The smaller dealership continues to sell sleek Euro-styled sedans
and to spend a lot of money on advertising campaigns.

They have had GOING OUT OF BUSINESS! signs taped up in their windows for so
long that they have gotten all yellow and curly. The big one keeps making
bigger and bigger station wagons and ORVs.
On the other side of the road are two competitors that have come along more
One of them (Be, Inc.) is selling fully operational Batmobiles (the BeOS).
They are more beautiful and stylish even than the Euro-sedans, better
designed, more technologically advanced, and at least as reliable as
anything else on the market--and yet cheaper than the others.

With one exception, that is: Linux, which is right next door, and which is
not a business at all. It's a bunch of RVs, yurts, tepees, and geodesic
domes set up in a field and organized by consensus. The people who live
there are making tanks. These are not old-fashioned, cast-iron Soviet
tanks; these are more like the M1 tanks of the U.S. Army, made of space-age
materials and jammed with sophisticated technology from one end to the
other. But they are better than Army tanks. They've been modified in such a
way that they never, ever break down, are light and maneuverable enough to
use on ordinary streets, and use no more fuel than a subcompact car. 

Re: [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-28 Thread lselinger

incidentally ... the entire essay can be found here:

Lonny Selinger

Re: [newbie] Geforce 2 driver

2000-09-28 Thread lselinger

Hi James,

What version of Xfree86 are you running?  I had the same problem (although
I'm not sure why) with 4.0.1 and 3.3.6 ( I think )
4.0 seems to be the only one that worked wel for me (even during the
initial set up)  I did manage to get the NVidia drivers installed when I
was running 4.0.1 and belive it or not (yes I know its only 3d support) X
worked after this.  I just went back to the 4.0 Xfree86 and installed the
NVidia drivers again and everything works great I'm running a GeForce
256 32MB 4X agp


I wish mine had just installed 2D at install.  It would not work with the
card otherwise I would not ask the question.  It Tries the Geforce driver
the install and then tries to test it and fails to work.  I dont know why.
That is why I was asking for help.  I am not involved in their pissing
contest.  I joined after all that stuff was going on aparently.

Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-28 Thread lselinger

Why must people inform others when they do something like this?  *shrug*
Even the people who dont want to read the off topic stuff (who ARE
apparently reading it) feel the need to throw in their 2 cents



Just updated my rules to send these messages where they belong - in the

Re: Cable Modem [newbie] update

2000-09-26 Thread lselinger

For your cablemodem  do you have a static IP (that you know of) this
would not include an actual non routable IP (most internal network ip's for
things such as this will begin with 10.10.something)  if you have a 10.10
IP your ISP *might* be using DHCP  first we'll work out the type of
connection you need  =)

Lonny Selinger I'm getting somewhere...I know the problem...dumb me for
ignoring the startup warnings but during startup it says:
Failed to initialize eth0 - DHCPCD
 Well, I tried the default for I guess protocol(?) First of all I'm not
sure what DHCPCD is but I think the default is (DHCP) and I tried that
to no avail, so since I couldn't access the internet I tried reinstalling
whith DHCPCD also to no avail. I could probably figure the problem out
the right documentation but could not find any on the subject.

Any help is appreciated in advance



Try manually configuring your network device(s) to see if you can at least
get out ... then just run linuxconf and set you network settings in there

ifconfig no options just to verify it sees your card(s)  then assign
ifconfig eth0 ip address netmask broadcast ip less last
octet replace usually with unmasked value up

for an ip of this would read ..

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast up

next you need to know your gateway (to add to the routing table so you can
talk out  at this point you sould be able to ping your own IP)

/sbin/route add default gw gw address using the ip set up from above

/sbin/route add default gw

just typing /sbin/route should confirm the entry ... if this all goes
without a hitch you should be able to add the same values in linuxconf
under netwroking (just type linuxconf as root from the command line)

if not the next thing to trouble shoot is making sure your device (NIC
card) was successfully registered or has the proper module loaded for it.
Try pinging the loop back to check this out (

hope this helps,

Lonny Selinger

When installing 7.2b3 I could not get my cable modem on the net, unlike
where it was effortless, now they want to ask  how you connect to the
and when I setup the local network and tell it to connect to the internet
cable it won't do it...any suggestions?

Starz McCllelan

Get free email and a permanent address at

Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: [newbie] Hard Drives

2000-09-20 Thread lselinger

Seeing how I am going to install Linux this weekend I have a question
pertaining to multiple hard drives.
  I have 3 HD's that will be on the Linux box 6gb, 7gb  30gb. In windows I
normally partition the 30gb  into 4 7gb partitions so I have smaller
clusters and am not wasting space.

Do I need to do this with the 30gb drive under Linux? Or can I just use one


It all depends on what you want to do  =)   you _should_ have at least a
/boot  /  swap and /home.  The benifit to having a home partition is not
only to keep user specific data sepperate from your system working dir "/"
but also this allows you to set quotas on that particular partition.
Keeping a /boot partition (rather than just having the system assign one
under /) allows for easy manipulation of boot specific info (also in the
event that you have to do a recovery it makes things a little easier) I
tend to keep another sepperate partition for applications as well ... hen I
install new software I put the tar.gz's / RPMS on their own partition, do
the install, and unmount the partition  this is for back-up recovery
purposes as well.

Lonny Selinger

RE: [OT] Who uses Linux? (was RE: [newbie] Mandrake...too many ap ps?)

2000-09-20 Thread lselinger

Specifically, what was mostly confusing was after I selected that various
packages it asked me how many megabytes of the selected packages I wanted
install with a slider bar to adjust the "level" I guess. I didn't get it at
all -- because I don't know how many megabytes I want,


This will normally happen if you select packages that exceed the disk
space you have ... 100% = all of the selected packages if its less that
100% you did not have enough room to install everything ... it tells you
right on that screen  =)

Lonny Selinger


all I knew was that I
wanted packages A, B, and C.  I just accepted the default and then it told
me I might not get all the packages that I had selected.

Also, and this is beside the point, there were areas during the install
where I clicked the cancel button but it didn't back me out (I can't
remember now, I think it was when I was setting up the network) and I had
turn off the machine and restart.

I have 7.0 installed...

-Original Message-
From: Philomena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [OT] Who uses Linux? (was RE: [newbie] Mandrake...too many

I fall into the "used to be a programmer and unfortunately fell up into
management" type, but I still try to keep myself current.

I'm curious also - what type of question during the install would you think
is confounding to a new user ? It seems to me that every question during
the installs at any level are clearly outlined in the documentation you get
with the software. I doubt a new user would be downloading the distro from
an FTP site, so I am guessing the package was purchased. Seemed to me that
you can click on a few options and then go away and come back to find the
OS just about installed. What do you see as being difficult ?


At 09:11 AM 9/20/2000 -0500, you wrote:
Just curious, how many of y'all:

  * are programmer folk
  * are IT folk
  * are plain user folk

Don't get me wrong, I really like Linux and hope it flourishes.  And I'm
saying that Linux sucks in any way!

But I'm just wondering because, without getting into a flame war, I'm
surprised how bad the installation of Mandrake is. I got Mandrake because
was supposed to be the most friendly distribution to install and no doubt
it's better than RedHat or Debian and for all intents and purpose it's a
good installation process.  But some of the questions the installer would
ask were just confounding to a new user and the method that you select
packages were a bit disconcerting.  I know that Linux is not for the
but there seem to be just little things that could be changed to faciliate
the whole "experience."  I doubt a first time Linux user would click on
Expert, the "psychology" of Linux seems a little wacked but I guess it's
an OS that's intended for the general population.

Let me reiterate: Don't get me wrong, I really like Linux and hope it
flourishes.  And I'm not saying that Linux sucks in any way!

Re: [newbie] Stuck getting Mutt to run on cable

2000-09-18 Thread lselinger

Has any one got Mutt to work on their cable modem?
Please let me know how it's done?


-- I have mutt working and am using a cable modem, however I run my own
mail servers and just ssh to the actual server and run mutt from there.
Are you looking to make a "connection" using mutt for pop3 / smtp access?

Lonny Selinger

Re: [newbie] Mail Server Problem - Very strange

2000-09-18 Thread lselinger

it's me again, it seems as if I must have a new problem every day.
Today it's something really strange. I have 2 mail (pop3) accounts on the
mail server - The one I normally use doesn't work, it always says WRONG
PASSWORD, when I try to receive any mail (though it's OK for sending - SMTP
and I'm absolutely sure I type it right. The other account works OK (it's
where I'm sending this message now) both to send and to receive.
Really strange
Any idea?


To test ... try assigning a new apssword to the account just to see if this
was the problem.  Also, are these mail only accounts?

Lonny Selinger

Re: [newbie] Need help understanding path mechanisms

2000-09-18 Thread lselinger

I share a box with three other people and we are having a murderous time
getting the paths correct.  Can anyone explain the secrets of setting up

The current problem is all of us have the path setup correctly under our
usernames.  If we 'su - root' the paths are still correct.  However, if we
'su root', no dash, then for two of us the paths are correct but for the
other, her path's are screwed up.

Do a comparison to find out what the actual path is you are loading
into.for every occurance just type echo $PATH compare and see what the
difference is. Should be an easy fix to edit the ol' .bashrc in whatever
path is NOT being loaded the same as the othersalso will depend on what
you mean by the path not being correct  if you mean once she does an su
root she has no access to things she did prior .. something wierd is going
on (with out the dash you *should* keep your current working path  with
the dash .. you assume the path of the user you switch to) so if switching
user with no dash ... the path will be the same as before you su'd.

Lonny Selinger

We are all using bash.  I don't know
where to look to figure out why she is the only one having a problem doing
'su root' and having the correct paths loaded.

thanks for the help...

Re: [newbie] RPM destination

2000-09-15 Thread lselinger

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Robert \"JTBob\" Holland wrote:

 I was installing StarOffice 5.2 when it got to the point
 of not finding a Java environment. So I go to the Java
 site and download JRE 1.3 from Sun. It has a .rpm
 file and I run rpm to install the file.

 Ok, so I try the StarOffice installation again, but it
 still can't find the Java. I can browse, but I don't
 know where the files were placed when rpm installed

 How do I find out where the Java Run-time Environment
 was placed? Is there a way to see where rpm put the


you can see the package listing from any rpm by using the -ql option for
rpm command  example:  rpm -ql package name also ... if you want to
monitor the installation of an RPM to see where its installing to (as well
as some other good messages) run rpm with multiple "v" options (level of
verbosity)  try something like this when you do the next install:

rpm -ivvvh package name  (or Uvvvh if it is an upgrade)
Hope this helps,

Lonny Selinger

Re: [newbie] Network Card Address

2000-09-14 Thread lselinger

 Can anyone tell me a command, or config tool that will enable me to find
 address of my network card? (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX) Thank you.

ifconfig with no options  =o)

-Lonny Selinger

Re: [newbie] Qmail

2000-09-13 Thread lselinger

"Pungki" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/13/2000 12:23:20 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To:  "Mandrake maling list" [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower) 
 Subject: [newbie] Qmail  

The instructions for installing qmail include detailed information on how
to handle any existing installs of other email proggys ... if you check the
right documentation =)  do a search on for "Life With Qmail"
 the author deserves a metal!

Lonny Selinger

I want to install qmail. Should I unisntall my sendmail first ?


Re: [newbie] Portsentry

2000-09-13 Thread lselinger

Vic [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/13/2000 09:53:42 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower) 
 Subject: [newbie] Portsentry 

Hrmm maybe your files _are_ corrupted  I've ben using it on all my
machines (configured over and over again) and have never had a problem.
Have you checked their site to verify your claim?


I think portsentry should be made so that it actyually works (screw typos)
and pays attention to its config files, so that when you edit them,
it makes the changes instead of ignoring them and then lying and
saying that the configfiles are corrupt

Re: [newbie] Hacker on Licq

2000-09-12 Thread lselinger

"Robin Regennitter" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/12/2000 01:29:59 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower) 
 Subject: [newbie] Hacker on Licq 

Hi Rob,

Open ports can be filtered for specific IP's etc through the use of IP
chains... however, if they actually gained access _becasue_ of licq this
would have to be something you _might_ have to report to the developers as
a security hole.  However ipchains is still a good idea (Search for the
howto on ipchains) ...  Another suggestion (until you can set up some rules
in ipchains) is to grap some utilities from psionic .. namely "Port Sentry"
This will not only log break in attempts based on ports you specify to
monitor ... but will also drop IP's from your routing table preventing
future attempts (I think the URl is  Good Luck!

Lonny Selinger

Yesterday, some hacker from Spain got into my system and started to hacking
away at some of my linux files especially in Licq files.  Also  I know that
some of my files in the /usr/share directory has also been manipulated.
There were features that were useless.  How do I prevent this from
again?  Is there a good firewall program I can use?


Re: [newbie] Video Card

2000-09-11 Thread lselinger

Dacia and AzureRose [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/09/2000 02:37:22

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower) 
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Video Card 

Hey, I appologize  work email is Notes and its broken  =)  I'm used to
mutt which automatically appends the original message and wasn't aware that
it wasn't included in the message body.


Hey, you should qoute the messages your responding
too.  I have no idea what your talking about because
this thread is about a week old and has been very

Quake3 runs great in linux.  I've got it on two
machines.  One is mandrake 7.02 with two voodoo2's  x
3.3.6 and the other machine is mandrake 7.1 and a
voodoo5.  I must say that the mouse works A LOT BETTER
in x 3.3.6.  This is a known issue and has something
to do with DGA extensions and the way quake3
implements them.

If anyone is having problems like that w x 4.01 please
write to Loki as they currently only sort of believe
that there is a problem.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I totally dissagree ... I bought Quake 3 from Loki
 and it runs awsome with
 no hangups and my framerates rock!

 Lonny Selinger

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

RE: [newbie] Video Card

2000-09-11 Thread lselinger

"Mike  Tracy Holt" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/09/2000 06:48:04 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower) 
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Video Card 

I'm running an Asus GeForce 256 deluxe (4x AGP 32MB) and Nvidia has done
some great work on supporting open source drivers for their cards  =)

What's your hardware setup?  I'm using the Matrox G400 dual head card with
no luck at all - any ideas?


I totally dissagree ... I bought Quake 3 from Loki and it runs awsome with
no hangups and my framerates rock!

Lonny Selinger

Re: [newbie] Is there a C++ compiler somewhere?

2000-09-11 Thread lselinger

"Mark Thurston" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/10/2000 01:51:16 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower) 
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Is there a C++ compiler somewhere? 

Hi Mark,

Just grab all the latests devel packages (I think they are in the RPMS2 dir
on any of the mirror sites) do an rpm -qa | grep gcc  just to see if you
have any of the packages installed ... if not they're all on the site  =)


I tried the gcc, I actually used the command g++ at the command prompt and
every time it gives me an error saying "iostream.h is not found."  Is there
any extra packages that I need to install in order to have the C++
I need for programming?


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Is there a C++ compiler somewhere?

 On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Mark Thurston wrote:

 I need to do some C++ programming and I would prefer to do this on a
 Linux machine, is there a C++ compiler and editor in Mandrake-Linux?  I
 have Linux-Mandrake 7.1 complete.

 Linux comes complete with everything. If you installed everything, or
 a developer install, the compiler should be there: gcc


 Q: What do prisoners use to call each other?
 A: Cell phones. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Video Card

2000-09-09 Thread lselinger

I totally dissagree ... I bought Quake 3 from Loki and it runs awsome with
no hangups and my framerates rock!

Lonny Selinger

Re: [newbie] Serial Port

2000-09-08 Thread lselinger

ttyS0 and up  =)

-Lonny Selinger

Re: [newbie] RE: [expert] Dual Athlon Processors

2000-09-08 Thread lselinger

Dacia and AzureRose [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/08/2000 03:30:14

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower) 
 Subject: Re: [newbie] RE: [expert] Dual Athlon Processors

Have you double checked the mesa drivers you have installed?  It sounds
like they are running ok but for some reason some of the links they create
are not there.  Most of the utilities and screensavers etc that use the
Mesa drivers all follow a uniform standard where lots of games (Loki's in
particular) look for the drivers in suggested dirs.  Check the date/time
stamp on any gl links in /usr/X11R6/lib and extentions (I think thats what
its called) there are a few that might not be linked ( libglx.a
etc etc) even though the files exists  the apps/screensavers are
looking for a specific name other than what you might have in this dir.  I
remember having the same problem with my Voodoo3 2000 but after following
the instructions on the site more carefully and re checking/creating linked
files ... it all worked pretty smooth.  Incidentally the same thing
happened when I installed my GeForce  I got lucky though, someone had
done a hardware review on the card under Linux and listed all the Non
linked files that had to be relinked for NVdriver to work correctly  =o\
This might be another place to look for more information (hardware review
sites that have tested your card under Linux)

Hope *something* out of this mess helps  =o)

Lonny Selinger

 Hi Abe! I like my Voodoo 3000 just fine...just wish
 I could get the OpenGL
 stuff to work with it. I can use games like Descent
 3 and Quake3 demo just fine
 but I can't get other software like Xmms plug-ins,
 and screensavers to work.
 I'm sure it something I'm doing wrong, but I
 followed the directions from
 Loki's web site as best as I could... ;-(

 See ya...





Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: [newbie] Command Line

2000-09-07 Thread lselinger

I'm prone to using CTRLALTF2 - F6  and just hit the old console

Lonny Selinger

RE: [newbie] Video Card

2000-09-06 Thread lselinger

I only have one off topic suggestion .. have fun  =o)   theres a ton of
cool things out there to try or implement/refine and perfect ... try em all
. when you get curious or daring enough, play with some source code (C
C++ Perl Python) whatever .. even if you dont know how to code, or leave
everything the way it is  the cool thing is Linux is the ultimate
playground for anyone who wants to actually "use" a computer rather than
have an operating system "guide" the user.  The learning curve for the
operating system *core* looks more like a vertical wall than a curve ...
thing is there are a LOT of hands sticking out willing to help if you want
them to. If you're careful about steps you take (recovery disks, backups
etc) and you ask for help ... .the climb is a rush.

Ok enough  on topic advice for video cards  I believe another
poster mentioned the best advice.  Choose something that suits what you
want to use it for and what resources you already have (Monitor
limitations, is this for gaming and playing with OpenGL stuff, do you just
need X running etc)  I personally am a fan of Loki and support their
porting efforts by purchasing their games ported to Linux so I like hitting
high frame rates with full effects on and GeForce and a nice 17" .24
monitor do this for me.  It al ldepends on what you want  =o)


Re: [newbie] HELP ME! DNS/Bind problems... especially with email.

2000-09-06 Thread lselinger

Try creating another MX record to the domain you are trying to reach...

 IN  MX 10  ---this was your only MX record
hense the  working.

Also .. I'm not sure I understand your start of authority 

SOA why the appended
jon.smersh to domain in your start of authority?

Lonny Selinger

Re: [newbie] Readline problems

2000-09-01 Thread lselinger

You may need the development packages for it as well  =o)

Lonny Selinger

Re: [newbie] Having problems compiling! ;-(

2000-08-25 Thread lselinger

First thing I'd check is to see what you have for header files etc and
devel libs.  Run something like:

rpm -qa | grep gcc

a list of what this returns might help a bit if you could post  ;-)

just to get an idea of the packages you have installed.  You may have to
grab some more packages from one of the mirrors in the RPMS dir. Also,
what account are you using to do your compile ... rarely have I seen a
configure fail becasue of user (only make) but it does try to run a test
against the compiler it finds to test the compiler.  One last thing
(although I've only ever seen this once before), c++ was actually a link to
gcc or g++ . do an ls -l on c++ just to see if its actually a binary or
a link.

Lonny Selinger

"Ronald J. Hall" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/25/2000 09:55:57 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To:  Mandrake Linux Newbie List  
 cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower) 
 Subject: [newbie] Having problems compiling! ;-( 

I'm having some real problems anytime I try to compile just darn near
about anything. ;-(

Attached is the error message I get.

Can someone please tell me what I need to add/fix to get my setup
working correctly? I'm using Mandrake v7.1, that I installed from an
isoimage downloaded from their site...



[root@localhost avifile-0.46]# sh ./configure
loading cache ./config.cache
checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for working aclocal... missing
checking for working autoconf... missing
checking for working automake... missing
checking for working autoheader... missing
checking for working makeinfo... missing
checking host system type... i586-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i586-pc-linux-gnu
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for c++... c++
checking whether the C++ compiler (c++  ) works... no
configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C++ compiler
cannot create executables.
[root@localhost avifile-0.46]#

RE: [newbie] Yo

2000-08-25 Thread lselinger

Welker Donald P NPRI [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/25/2000 11:29:43 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To:  "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'"   
 cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower) 
 Subject: RE: [newbie] Yo 

 Jason, not to be too personal, but if you can't get Linux to
 run faster,
 longer and do all this with less effort in Linux than
 Windows, you are the
 one with the problem, not the O/S you're comparing.

I respectfully disagree.  It doesn't take much more than a set of
device drivers to make Windows run pretty evenly, it's just that people who
buy cheap hardware seldom get such drivers.  The Windows experience also
includes software (such as multimedia and entertainment) that stresses
drivers and tends to cause such crashes.  Maybe now that Microsoft has
stablilized their driver spec and vendors only have to write one Windows
driver things will get better (I wonder what drove them to do that...)

-Good point it should be interesting to see how many vendors adheir to the
-upgraded spec. Its not *all* on MS's part, vendors have to go along with
-it too

Getting Linux to work with an application set and keeping it patched still
requires more computerese than most lay people are willing and able to

- Define application set.  The only patching I have ever had to do was for
- Network services that had been upgraded or fixed.  I dont know anyone
- constantly upgrades their software ... and with package management ..
- even a trained monkey can type rpm -Uvh package name

Unforunatly many of those who are familiar with Linux have by the
very nature of things lost touch with this fact, unless they routinely
support computer novices.

- Actually I do help lots of people who want to learn about Linux etc so
I'm not
- just venting wind (I GET lots of help too) =o)  People who want to
learn, I have found
- pick this stuff up very fast and even come back telling me things I
would have never
- thought of looking into ... you are correct though . not everyone wants
to learn ..
- they want to click, see pictures, and have everything work right now.
- this makes it a lot harder to trouble shoot when something does go wrong
- because they know nothing about their systems.
- Windows user: "I have to use windows"
- Linux Advocate: "But why? you can try Linux for free!"
- Windows user: "But I don't know anything about Linux"
- Linux Advocate: " dont know anything about windows either"

 I would recommend a steady diet of intelligent, meaningful and thought
 provoking conversation, followed up with some IN DEPTH proof
 that you have
 Linux experience, and then write something worth reading.

Why?  He didn't need to spend several weeks reading HOWTO's in order to
Windows display a GUI, did he?

- Um  no ... but thats all windows is ... a GUI that would be like
- "Well he didn't need to look for a command line when his GUI in windows
- and when Linux booted it was right there . instant command line"

  He can't read the HOWTO's until he gets his
browser working, can he?

- why not? Lynx displays HOWTO's and its a browser ... lots of HOTO's are
installed on the
- local machine to so you dont even need an Internet connection either

Oh, and Micron will give him free Unix training
with his new computer, except that it's written in Shockware and there's no
Shockwave player for Linux, darn the luck...

- As a member of a users group, local open source group within my company
AND a member of SAGE/USENIX
- I can say there are WAY more resources for getting help if you *really*
want to learn *nix systems
- including text based (which is fitting seeing as how it is UNIX based)
and html based tutorials

 I only use Windows (any flavor) because my company GAVE it to
 me and their
 proprietary apps run only on it.  Otherwise, I use only software that
 someone can see where it's broke (i.e. open source software,
 and this means
 free most of the time as well).

There's that thing about applications again.  What are they for, anyway?

- What are applications for??  what is an operating system without
applications ... oh yeah ... windows.

Lonny Selinger

Re: [newbie] Yo ho ho and a WEIRD Wild Web Network

2000-08-25 Thread lselinger

Vic [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/25/2000 01:13:42 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower) 
 Subject: [newbie] Yo ho ho and a WEIRD Wild Web Network  

On Tue, 30 Sep 2036, you wrote:
 Please tell me why this thread is continuing on a -=LINUX=- mail

The WEIRD thing is, the main lin box will ping and telnet and ftp
to the little box and vice versa, but you guessed it, the main server
can get to the internet, but the little box cannot.

You see, the main box's second ethernet card (eth1) is
addressed on the internal network
and the little box's card (eth0) is on
the main box's first nic (eth0) is addressed
which is also the address that hits the internet, while the
terminal node interface is the default gateway of
(you can ping it from the main box) and the main box's eth0 has a netmask
of WHEW!!!

- Theres something I think I'm missing here (correct me if I am wrong)
- from my experience netmasks *to* the internet are usually
- leaving a broadcast as IP - last octet + 255
- example line for this (using your IP) would be something like
- ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast up

I don't know if I have the right netmask on the little box or
not, it does not grumble one way or the other.

- The netmask for the little box if its only on the local network
- (meaning it doesn't have its own real world IP to the net) would be
something like:
- however your gateway seems like an actual gateway machine
you are hosting
- locally.
- if you are trying to *share* one outside IP for the machines check out
the HOWTO for
- IP masqerading.  It explains what you have to do to set this type of
sharing up.

Lonny Selinger


  Yo I have Windoze 98 Se installed on a 10 gig hd. Then I have Linix
  installed on a 10gig hd. seconday drive.
  My system under windows is a bout an 7. My same system under Linux is a
  The system just does not stop under Lunix. and there is no way i could
  stop it if I wounted to outher than to boot under windoze.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Doug" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 7:42 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Yo
   Jason Ashman wrote:
Hey Linux users.  I am a Microsoft convert, Windows SUCKS!
   With Linux you will spend more time trying to get things up and going
   than you ever would using windows.
   If you want to wast your hartbeats getting LINUX to do stuff that
   windows does right out of the box so be it.
   Windows-Where Do You Want To Go Today!
   LINUX-Applications on linux just seem 2nd rate after using
   Windows, It's memory hungry and slow!
   Eldora,IA USA--Home Of The Bad Boys!
   Visit My Web Page At:
   MHS Class Of 78 Marshalltown High School-Marshalltown,IA USA

 The Dogma chased the Stigma, and was hit by the Karma.

 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] BSD install

2000-08-23 Thread lselinger

I'm not sure of the *reason* other than if yuo have a preference but I'd
suggest Blowfish  awsome encryption. For more information check out:

Lonny Selinger

Tom Hicks [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/23/2000 10:34:31 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To:  "Linux List (E-mail)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower) 
 Subject: [newbie] BSD install

On the BSD install it asks you what type of encryption you would like to
use. What is the suggested and what are the reasons for so many?

Thomas Hicks
Eng. Innovative Solutions
Phone (916)649-4548

Re: [newbie] app like Adobe Photoshop/photodeluxe

2000-08-23 Thread lselinger

Without trying to plug myself ... I contributed to a book on the GIMP for
Linux.  Prior tp being involved I though it was quite bare for features
 dont let the simple interface fool you though its an extremely
powerful tool for doing almost any graphical manipulation including picture
touching (removing red eye etc) has some great links to some
documentation regarding using the app as well as a few books that are out
there.  The base for GIMP as far as my understanding, was actually
Photoshop so the interface might feel close to home.

Lonny Selinger

Re: [newbie] Why are these ports open?

2000-08-23 Thread lselinger

Default services are included with a default installation (although some
durring configuration at setup can be stopped).
most of these are probably run right from inetd so to stop them... open
/etc/inetd.conf and comment out the services you would like to NOT be
running and kill -HUP inetd. Rescan should show the ports unbound.

Lonny Selinger

"Goldenpi" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/23/2000 12:02:35 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower) 
 Subject: [newbie] Why are these ports open?  

While I was testing a portscaner on localhost(Why do you think I got
I noticed my new installation is running remote login, ftp, and some other
services. Why are these open, and how do I close them.

Re: [newbie] Re: Mail Program

2000-08-16 Thread lselinger

Cindy Bartorillo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/16/2000 09:09:08 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cc:  (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower) 
 Subject: [newbie] Re: Mail Program   

Most, including myself, believe NS is still the most viable
 browser currently available for Linux. Also that the best way to
 avoid problems it still has, is to not use it for mail and news.

Pine of course has always been the most powerful mail program for Linux,
I used it religiously years ago, but nowadays a text-only program just


So far the most configurable mail *client* program I have found is
muttcatch being "ALL mail clients suck...ours just sucks less"
The ability to configure every aspect of mail received as well as
incorporate things such as fetchmail for sorting and notification is an
awesome plus. Also the fact that you are only limited by what you include
in your .muttrc file. I disagree that text only mail clients are not
sufficient, what else do you need it to do? mutt has no problems with
attachments (so far in the 5 years I have been using it) as long as the
sending program knows how to handle the MIME encapsulation properly.
Belonging to numerous mailing lists requires a very strong filtering client
(along with a very strong mail server) to properly handle 100's of messages
a day, so if filtering is important and you need to get very granular with
it, mutt accommodates this.

Lonny Selinger

[newbie] Lap Top

2000-07-20 Thread lselinger

I was just wondering if anyone has installed 7.1 on anything closely
resembling a Compaq Armada 7730MT. I managed to get 7.1 installed and found
some docs saying that I need to use the S3 server but I can't seem to get
any resolution higher than 640x480 ... anytime I try to go higher (I know
the screen can do at least 600x800 @ 16bpp)  I get either a mess, or it
wont start the server  anyone have any settings or more specifics for
what my settings should be?  I've had RedHat 5.2 installed on it prior and
was able to get higher resolutions but I can not for the life of me
remember what the settings were and trying to find any *real* specs for the
video on the laptop is getting harder. Any help is appreciated,

Lonny Selinger
Systems Adminstration
EDS Canada

Re: [newbie] Here is how to configure sound in 7.1

2000-07-17 Thread lselinger

Sound mods and hardware specifications for different makes of sound card
*can* fall under different names. It all depends on the actual DSP on the
card itself. As long as the chip is the same, the rest of the config should
just be a matter of specifying the irq and any other relevant information.
As far as I'm aware this does not mean that the card list is wrong, but
more that you share the same architecture of the listed card along with
whatever resource addresses are associated with it.  I've noticed on other
distributions I am running (RedHat 5.2, 6.0, Mandrake 6.1, 7.0, and OpenBSD
(different story)), that a lot of no name sound cards will actually work
with one of the existing configurations in the list.   =o)

Lonny Selinger
Systems Administration
EDS Canada

-- Linux is user friendly . its just picky about who it makes friends

[newbie] PCMCIA Install (ftp) Mandrake 7.1

2000-07-15 Thread lselinger

I was wondering if anyone has run any into problems installing via FTP. I
am using a Linksys Combo card (ec2t I think). I'm working with an
unparitioned HD and ran fdisk mbr on the drive prior to installation. When
I boot of the pcmcia.img image disk for Mandrake 7.1 pcmcia services start
and I can connect to an ftp mirror to start the installation. The second
stage is dowloaded but when it tries to continue with the install I get
these errors


cardmgr[17]: + Can't open /var/run/pcmcia-scheme: No such file or directory
cardmgr[17]: + ./network: /sbin/ifconfig: not found
cardmgr[17]: + sed: not found
cardmgr[17]: + usage: mount [-r] [-t fs] device dir
  (use -r for read only)
  (if /dev/ is left out of the device name, a temporary node will
be created)
cardmgr[17]: + ./netstat: not found
cardmgr[17]: + ./network /sbin/ifuser: not found
 Shutting down socket 0
 Executing: './network stop eth0'
cardmgr[17]: + Can't open /var/run/pcmcia-scheme: No such file or directory

cardmgr[17]: + ./network: /sbin/ifconfig: not found
 executing: 'rmmod pcnet_cs'
cardmgr[17]: + pcnet_cs: Device or resource busy
 rmmod exited with status 1
 executing: 'rmmod 8390'
cardmgr[17]: + 8390: Device or resource busy
  rmmod exited with status 1


After this it sends system kills and unmounts:

you may safely reboot your system


in another tty I see

* calling mount (/tmp/ram3, /tmp/stage2, ext2, -1058209792, (nil))
* removing device file /tmp/ram3
* method selection completed
* writing network information to /tmp/ifcfg-eth0
* state saved to /tmp
* symlink /tmp/stage2 Failed
* second stage install

and from here it hangs.

If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate some help =)  I
tried about 15 times to no avail.
I get a connection with no problem I just can't complete the install. I
used the pcmcia.img from the /current/ directory (not sure if this matters)

Lonny Selinger
Systems Adminstration
EDS Canada

[newbie] X server

2000-07-13 Thread lselinger

Hi all,

I just installed Mandrake 7.1 and am getting an error when trying to bring
up an X session.  I am using a 3dfx Voodoo 3 2000 (16Mb) and a Relisys
Monitor.  The messages I am getting is:

(WW) System lacks support for changing MTRRs
(II) TDFX(0): Textures Memory 9.24Mb

 This should not happen!
 an unresolved function was called!
Fatal Server Error

I was just wondering if anyone would know why I am recieving this error or
if someone might have some suggestions as to what to do to fix this.  I
installed the new X server (4.0) if this helps.  Any help is appreciated,
