[newbie-it] come si spegne il computer?

2000-10-19 Per discussione Baddy76

Un saluto a tutti.

Come posso fare per dire a linux di spegnere da solo il
computer? Per spegnere non intendo lo shutdown, ma l'azione
fisica dello spegnere con on/off.
Spero che mi abbiate capito.
Un grazie anticipato a chi mi aiuta.

Re: [newbie-it] come si spegne il computer?

2000-10-19 Per discussione ENx

- Original Message - 
From: "Baddy76" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 1:23 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] come si spegne il computer?

 Un saluto a tutti.
 Come posso fare per dire a linux di spegnere da solo il
 computer? Per spegnere non intendo lo shutdown, ma l'azione
 fisica dello spegnere con on/off.
 Spero che mi abbiate capito.
 Un grazie anticipato a chi mi aiuta.

Da consol devi digitare halt

Re: [newbie-it] linux thinkpad ibm

2000-10-19 Per discussione paolo

At 01:31 PM 10/19/2000 +0200, you wrote:

 verifica che a bordo non ci siano winmodem altrimenti sono dolori,non
 sono supportati da Linux

cos'è winmodem? in effetti c'è un modem...

E' un aborto di modem che sfrutta la cpu della macchina ed il software 
esegue l'emulazione,non per niente si chiamano winmodem .

Sono stati espressamente realizzati per quella piattaforma, l'unico 
vantaggio e' il costo ridotto

Re: [newbie-it] come si spegne il computer?

2000-10-19 Per discussione Sebastiano Cordiano

On Thu, 19 Oct 2000 13:23:15 +0200, Baddy76 said:

 Un saluto a tutti.
  Come posso fare per dire a linux di spegnere da solo il
  computer? Per spegnere non intendo lo shutdown, ma l'azione
  fisica dello spegnere con on/off.
  Spero che mi abbiate capito.
  Un grazie anticipato a chi mi aiuta.
C' è una opzione nel kernel che si chiama "power off" o qualcosa di simile
(nella sezione apm mi sembra) che esegue lo spegnimento automatico quindi se
sei sicuro che il tuo hardware lo supporta (es. da win ti si spegne) vuol dire
che non è attivata e la soluzione è...ricompilare.


Sebastiano Cordiano

[newbie-it] scheda audio

2000-10-19 Per discussione bosva

..di tanto in tanto torno a farmi sentire...mandr7.1 non mi ha
riconosciuto la scheda audio ma la fa funzionare comunque...o meglio, gli mp3 si
sentono una bellezza i cd si sentono con qualità scadente...che posso fare?
grazie mille per l'aiuto e salutatemi a bil gheiz
ciao, osva

Re: [newbie-it] linux thinkpad ibm

2000-10-19 Per discussione marco signoretto

E' un aborto di modem che sfrutta la cpu della macchina ed il software
esegue l'emulazione,non per niente si chiamano winmodem .

capito :). no, cmq il modem è interno standard con scheda ethernet. mi
chiedevo... tutti quei programmini tipo la gestione avanzata del risparmio
energetico, l'ibernazione ecc. (nonchè vari tasti funzione aggiuntivi per
internet ed altro ancora...) c'è modo di recuperarli con linux o è possibile
farli funzionare solo sotto win? tu hai esperienze dirette di installazioni
su portatili? se si con che distro?

Re: [newbie] howto raid

2000-10-19 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Aaron Lynch wrote:
 ok, I'm a dumbass.  I figured it out.
 How big does a /boot partition need to be?

AaronIt really depends on the space that you anticipate
needing.  I have 2 kernals (along with the other associated
files for each of them) in my 7.1 /boot partition and it uses
a total of 2.7 meg of the 7.8 meg I allocated to it when I
created it with Partition magic.   For the drive that I was
using 7.8 meg was the smallest size partition that Partition
Magic would allow me to create.  Linux fdisk will allow the
creation of smaller partitions than that.
MandrakeSoft Inc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Altadena, CA USA --Alan

Re: [newbie] network setup

2000-10-19 Per discussione Alan Dunford

Ok and thanks.  I wish now that I had not mentioned the windows machine. 
Both "linux" and "compaq" are running linux.  Using "compaq" I can ftp 
to and from "linux" but if I use "linux" I cannot ftp to or from 
"compaq".  You are right, I think, in saying there is a setup problem on

"compaq" in that it will not accept a connection (of any kind) from 
"linux"   What I am looking for is some pointers as to where to look for 
the setup problem - local knowledge and experience is limited.

Windows connections remain as problems for another day but your helpful 
comments are noted.

Thanks again.


In article 025901c03977$795f15e0$02070a0a@sysii400, Greg Stewart 
 You did not note what you are using for an FTP server on the 98 box.
 98/NT does not come with a standard FTP server so you have to buy one if
 want that type of capability.  Windows comes with an FTP client which you
 to connect the Linux boxes but no standard FTP server.

I'm only able to (almost) figure this out after reading Mike's response...

Do you mean by 'reverse the arrangement and try to use "linux" as my
workstation' that you are running windows on the "compaq", and linux on the
"linux" machines? And, then getting a timeout error when trying to connect
to the Windows 98 "compaq" via ftp *from* the "linux" machine?

Whoa! Head rush.

Yes, Mike is rght, if what I just hashed is correct. You need to run IIS of
some version in order to have ftp server capability on the Windows machine.
I think Personal Wed Server will give you this option, but I'm not sure.
And, yes, you have to pay for it (well, unless...I won't get into that).

However, if you mean that you are trying to connect from "linux" running
linux, to "compaq" running linux, and getting the timeout using ftp, then
there's a configuration problem on the, well, let's see...[great big pause]
"compaq" running linux machine.

But, if the dishwasher, running windows 98, cannot connect to, let me see,
Afghanistan with linux... Oh hell. I can't think anymore!  :-)

Could you make a step-by-step list of what you wanted?


- Original Message -
From: "D.M. Mattix (Mike)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] network setup

 On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, Alan Dunford wrote:
  In an attempt to learn more about Local Area Networks, I have set up a
  simple three machine net but am experiencing some difficulty and I
  wonder if a more experienced person could please help.
  The configuration is:-
  Machine 1
  Pentium 3 running Windows 98 as IP (alias windows)
  Network card SMC EtherEZ 8416
  Machine 2
  Pentium 2 running Mandrake Linux 7.1 as IP (alias linux)
  Network card Genius GF100TXRII
  Machine 3
  Pentium 1 running Mandrake Linux 7.1 and Windows 98 as IP
  (alias compaq)
  Network card Realtek RTL8029
  This machine also has an internal 56 k non-Win modem and a connection to
  the Internet.
  The machines are connected to each other via a base10 hub with short
  twisted pair cables.
  The physical installation seems ok as I can ping any machine from any
  other and get fast return times.  The problem I have, though, concerns
  machines 2 and 3 whose configuration was intended to be identical.
  Using common log-on user names and passwords and with the Compaq
  as my workstation, I can log on to "linux" and ftp files to and from
  that machine.  Further, I can download files from the Internet and then
  pass them to "linux".
  So far so good.
  If, however, I reverse the arrangement and try to use "linux" as my
  workstation, I can connect briefly to the Compaq machine but the
  connection times out in two or three seconds and if I use ftp at the
  command line, I get an error message "421 Service not available remote
  server has closed connection".  gFTP reports that I am already logged on
  and then waits for 30 seconds before trying (unsuccessfully) again, even
  if "compaq" is waiting for a log on of some kind..
  The /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files are blank on both
  machines apart from their comments and there are no entries in
  /usr/sbin/tcpd file either.
  Before I tear out what remains of my hair, I wonder if someone could
  please point me in the right direction.
  Thanks for any help offered.

Alan Dunford
Public PGP keys at http://www.pgp.uk.demon.net:11371 and others

[newbie] X problems

2000-10-19 Per discussione Michael Dolan

hi i was wanting to know what file i have to edit for this problem i
each time i start any program from console i get this message

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server

GtK-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0

i know how to fix this by typing in xhost +localhost

but i have to this each time start a new X session so does anyone know
what file i have to edit to fix this???

Re: [newbie] Install problems

2000-10-19 Per discussione Mark Weaver


It sounds to me like the install program is having a hard time with your
SCSI card. You might try running the installation after removing the
card. I have a feeling that it will install just fine after that.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Thu, 19 Oct 2000 1:36pm ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] spake...:

 I have yet another question. Last night, I tried to add Linux MDK 7.1 to my
 computer. I have a 4gig HD and the first 2gigs are devoted to Winbloze. The
 second 2 are setup to take Linux. Here is my problem. I boot from the CD and
 start the 7.1 install. I pick the automated install and continue. It gets to
 a point were it asks me if I have any SCSI drives on my machine. I tell it
 yes, pick the appropriate driver and attempt to continue. It asks yet again,
 "Do you have any SCSI drives?" This time, I pick no and it asks me again,
 and again, and again. I'm stuck! It will not go past this point. So, I tried
 running the Customized install and the Expert install and I hit similar
 snags. I'm getting very frustrated. Am I doing something wrong? I have done
 an install of 7.1 before on this HD. The only difference is that the HD has
 Winbloze on it now. Before it was clean. Help
 Chris Kelly
 Registered Linux user 185775

Re: [newbie] LM install going from bad to worse... Help!!

2000-10-19 Per discussione Mark Weaver


I don't think these folks realize that there is a very powerful GUI
partitioning tool included with the Mandrake installation software that
will do a nicer job, IMHO, than Partition Magic. All one has to do is
boot the CD. Of course they're going to have to perform the expert install
and configure the thing themselves, but that's just part of this adventure
known as Linux!


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000 7:01pm ,Larry Marshall spake passionately in a message:

  use your windows boot disk and use fdisk it has an option to create a dos 
  primary partition then you should be able to load  the installer,
  other options buy one of the many partitioning utilitys out today like
  partition magic partition commander they usually include a diskett to get you 
started on creating partitions
 Doesn't it cause you to quiver just a bit to recommend that a guy buy
 Partition Magic to make a partition so he can load an installer that brags
 about having Partition Magic built into it (grin)?  
 Cheers --- Larry 

RE: [newbie] g++ compiler

2000-10-19 Per discussione A V Flinsch

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000, you wrote:
  hmm, this compiled and ran fine on my installation of 7.1... what kind of
  error did you get?
 And so it should as it's perfectly legitimate (and basic) code.  The error
 is caused by the lack of existence of the iostream library.  I'm kinda
 surprised that you can compile it as I can find no evidence of the
 standard lib anywhere in the package listings.  Can't find iostream.h
 anywhere.  I even reinstalled everything in expert mode, making sure that
 I had all packages that even remotely were associated with C++

the rpm you are missing is  libstdc++-devel  I think that it was on the second

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

Re: [newbie] This is friggin stupid!

2000-10-19 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Hi Larry,

As to which install I'm running. I'm running the
install. The really annoying this is that the files that is says it can't
find are ones that "are" there and are in the src dir's that come with the
kernel. They "are" part of the kernel source code.

I'm not sure which compiler it is as far as version goes. And I didn't
compile Quanta. I downloaded the RPM and installed that way, however I've
never had any troubles comiling and instaling applications. Only
kernels. This one is about to be demoted, however, to a lowly,
bowl-cleaning private last class if things don't soon straighten out.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000 4:27pm ,Larry Marshall spake passionately in a message:

  Is there a compilable kernel anywhere on this planet that will not bail
 What compiler are you using Mark?  You recommended that I download Quanta
 and I did.  The compile blew up telling me that I don't have iostream
 (that's how I realized that I don't have the basic C++ library).  I've
 noticed that these were added to 2.95-2 (I think that's the one).  I'm
 assuming you had no such compile problems so I wonder why.
  In file included from /usr/include/errno.h:36,
   from scripts/split-include.c:26:
  /usr/include/bits/errno.h:25: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory
 Looks to me that this is the beginning of the fall.  The question is why
 you don't have that.  I just checked it and I've got it from a standard
 7.1 developer install.  You aren't using 2.96 are you?  It's available,
 RedHat's included it in their v7.0, but it won't compile the supplied 
 kernel code.
  cp loop.o nbd.o rd.o /lib/modules/2.4.0-test9/kernel/drivers/block/
  cp: loop.o: No such file or directory
  cp: nbd.o: No such file or directory
  cp: rd.o: No such file or directory
 So where are they?  Have they been compiled or did their compile fail
 too?  Wish I could help but I haven't played with rebuilding the Linux
 Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] This is friggin stupid!

2000-10-19 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Hi Lonny,

Attached to this message are the results of the search for the
"errno.h" file -- I did try to paste them into this message, but that
wasn't happening. Thank you though for taking the time.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000 2:47pm ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] spake passionately in a...:

 Is there a compilable kernel anywhere on this planet that will not bail
 on your with a ridiculous error making it impossible to update or
 recompile your kernel in any manner? Below is the result  of my latest
 attempt to configure and compile a linux kernel. This one is
 2.4.0-test9. Frankly I'm beginning to think its a lost stinkin cause.
 sincerely fed up and frustrated,
 Ummmok first you are going to have to do some digging to find out what
 you need for the header/include files you are missing OR if you have them
 ... check to see where the current tree (for the compile) is looking for
 them.  Can you send the output from a find / -name errno.h  none of what
 you have posted is *post* compilation and it looks like it couldn't create
 the .o files to link in in order to continue.  Compiling isn't always as
 easy as "./configure, make, make install"  ;-)  or make make bzImage make
 dep make modules etc etc,  trouble shoot this first by figuring out where
 the missing includes are or if you have them "usr/include/bits/errno.h:25:
 linux/errno.h: No such file or directory" (you may have to look in the
 Makefile(s) to see what the root dir is in order to find out "where" it
 thinks linux/errno.h is or what linux actually is pointing to ... its
 usually a sym link to the CURRENT kernel source  ls -l   should be
 pretty easy to work from there =o)
 In file included from /usr/include/errno.h:36,
  from scripts/split-include.c:26:
 /usr/include/bits/errno.h:25: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory
 make: *** [scripts/split-include] Error 1
 make -C  kernel modules_install
 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/kernel'
 make[1]: Nothing to be done for `modules_install'.
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/kernel'
 make -C  drivers modules_install
 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/drivers'
 make -C acpi modules_install
 make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/drivers/acpi'
 make[2]: Nothing to be done for `modules_install'.
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/drivers/acpi'
 make -C block modules_install
 make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/drivers/block'
 mkdir -p /lib/modules/2.4.0-test9/kernel/drivers/block/
 cp loop.o nbd.o rd.o /lib/modules/2.4.0-test9/kernel/drivers/block/
 cp: loop.o: No such file or directory
 cp: nbd.o: No such file or directory
 cp: rd.o: No such file or directory
 make[2]: *** [_modinst__] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/drivers/block'
 make[1]: *** [_modinst_block] Error 2
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.0-test9/drivers'
 make: *** [_modinst_drivers] Error 2

[root@epix mdw1982]# find / -name errno.h
find: /proc/6/fd: Permission denied

Re: [newbie] This is friggin stupid!

2000-10-19 Per discussione Mark Weaver


I was under the assumption that when you download any tarball that
everything you need to compile the program, other than the standard C, and
C++ libraries are included with the rest of the source code. Otherwise I
would have grabbed the RPM. I didn't get the RPM because I wanted just to
recompile to allow for a different sound card and installing a kernel from
an RPM can get a little messy. Whereas booting a kernel that has been
compiled is much cleaner and offers far more control over it and the


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Thu, 19 Oct 2000 1:37pm ,John Rye spake passionately in a message:

  Is there a compilable kernel anywhere on this planet that will not bail
  on your with a ridiculous error making it impossible to update or
  recompile your kernel in any manner? Below is the result  of my latest
  attempt to configure and compile a linux kernel. This one is
  2.4.0-test9. Frankly I'm beginning to think its a lost stinkin cause.
  sincerely fed up and frustrated,
  Ummmok first you are going to have to do some digging to find out what
  you need for the header/include files you are missing OR if you have them
  ... check to see where the current tree (for the compile) is looking for
  them.  Can you send the output from a find / -name errno.h  none of what
  you have posted is *post* compilation and it looks like it couldn't create
  the .o files to link in in order to continue.  Compiling isn't always as
  easy as "./configure, make, make install"  ;-)  or make make bzImage make
  dep make modules etc etc,  trouble shoot this first by figuring out where
  the missing includes are or if you have them "usr/include/bits/errno.h:25:
  linux/errno.h: No such file or directory" (you may have to look in the
  Makefile(s) to see what the root dir is in order to find out "where" it
  thinks linux/errno.h is or what linux actually is pointing to ... its
  usually a sym link to the CURRENT kernel source  ls -l   should be
  pretty easy to work from there =o)
  In file included from /usr/include/errno.h:36,
   from scripts/split-include.c:26:
  /usr/include/bits/errno.h:25: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory
 Did you download the matching kernal-headers?
 I had something similar when I attempted my first kernal compile 
 on 2.2.16 from a tarball.

RE: [newbie] Install problems

2000-10-19 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

But, I don't have a SCSI card. That's the whole problem. Whether I press yes
or no, it stalls at that point in the installation.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 5:00 AM
To: 'Newbie'
Subject: Re: [newbie] Install problems


It sounds to me like the install program is having a hard time with your
SCSI card. You might try running the installation after removing the
card. I have a feeling that it will install just fine after that.


/*  I never worry about the to-jams.
 *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
 *  it's already too late...just make sure
 *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
Registered Linux user #182496
 *   Pine 4.21   *

On Thu, 19 Oct 2000 1:36pm ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] spake...:

 I have yet another question. Last night, I tried to add Linux MDK 7.1 to
 computer. I have a 4gig HD and the first 2gigs are devoted to Winbloze.
 second 2 are setup to take Linux. Here is my problem. I boot from the CD
 start the 7.1 install. I pick the automated install and continue. It gets
 a point were it asks me if I have any SCSI drives on my machine. I tell it
 yes, pick the appropriate driver and attempt to continue. It asks yet
 "Do you have any SCSI drives?" This time, I pick no and it asks me again,
 and again, and again. I'm stuck! It will not go past this point. So, I
 running the Customized install and the Expert install and I hit similar
 snags. I'm getting very frustrated. Am I doing something wrong? I have
 an install of 7.1 before on this HD. The only difference is that the HD
 Winbloze on it now. Before it was clean. Help
 Chris Kelly
 Registered Linux user 185775

Re: [newbie] g++ compiler

2000-10-19 Per discussione Larry Marshall


Sure makes sense that they should exist there but they don't on my
installation.  There's no libstdc++ in /usr/include/lib either.  I'm
really not sure what that means as my current installation (a new install
to see if I could fix this as it seemed odd) comes from a late issue of
the 7.1 commercial package.

Thanks much for at least letting me know they're not supposed to be in
some odd place in Linux.

Cheers --- Larry 

Re: [newbie] Re: xlib problems

2000-10-19 Per discussione J.M. Alonso

--- Michael Dolan [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 sorry guys but i found the fix for it all i had to
 do was go back to out
 of beeing root and type in xhost +localhost
 Michael Dolan wrote:
  hi  today i tried to install mozilla M18 for the
 first time today but i
  get this error message when i rin the installer
  [root@CO3005336-A mozilla-installer]#
  Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
  Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to
  GtK-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0
  any ideas on how to fix this
i'm sorry. i installed mozilla whit the rest of the
Mandrake 7.1. but if i install Mozilla M18, i will say

(if my english is not very good, sorry..)



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Re: [newbie] g++ compiler

2000-10-19 Per discussione Larry Marshall

 Hrmmm I was going to say all I did was install the developer
 installation but I do remember selecting packages as well and also
 installed any rpms that included dev in them  =o\  didn't realize they
 didn't do it by default
 for a second there I thought I typed something wrong =o)

If you go through the expert install it shows you that they do install the
c++ compiler by default.  That's what's so odd as the blurb associated
with it explicitly says that the c++ compiler package doesn't include the
ANSI library.  I've been told elsewhere that the reason for this is that
the ANSI library is maintained separately.  Still, you'd think that if
they're going to include the compiler they'd include the library.  What's
even more wierd is that some folks (maybe everyone but me and the few 
other guys who have asked about it) has them on their system.  I'll take
another look.

Cheers --- Larry   

Re: [newbie] g++ compiler

2000-10-19 Per discussione Kevin . McCann

There are 3 or 4 RPM's : egcs-XXX

The egcs-c++ contains the header files. I believe that the full set of egcs's
has everything for gcc, g++, g77 .

Yes it is strange. I setup as "developer". Now, if one is a "developer",
presumably one would occasionally be called upon to "develop" some code and
maybe even try to compile same. So what are they thinking when the
"developer" load doesn't have the appropriate files and doesn't tell you
where to find them?


Larry Marshall wrote:

  Hrmmm I was going to say all I did was install the developer
  installation but I do remember selecting packages as well and also
  installed any rpms that included dev in them  =o\  didn't realize they
  didn't do it by default
  for a second there I thought I typed something wrong =o)

 If you go through the expert install it shows you that they do install the
 c++ compiler by default.  That's what's so odd as the blurb associated
 with it explicitly says that the c++ compiler package doesn't include the
 ANSI library.  I've been told elsewhere that the reason for this is that
 the ANSI library is maintained separately.  Still, you'd think that if
 they're going to include the compiler they'd include the library.  What's
 even more wierd is that some folks (maybe everyone but me and the few
 other guys who have asked about it) has them on their system.  I'll take
 another look.

 Cheers --- Larry

[newbie] POP3

2000-10-19 Per discussione Brian K. Garel

Hello All,

I'm trying to set up my system so that I can pop mail from it.  My wife
has been having some serious issues with the @home mail (I'm sure a few of
you know what I mean)way back when the earth was cooling though I used
to be able to just uncomment the POP3 line in inetd.conf and run sendmail
with a bunch of options and I was good to gonow I'm not so sure any
moreand I'm not nearly as comfortable with postfix but would like to
learn more about it...if someone could help in walking through the steps
of setting up my server to be able to POP mail I'd appreciate it.

If it helps at all I'm running 7.1 with Kernel 2.2.16-9mdkI thought
that it might be easier from the webmin console  but it wasn't.

Hope this isn't too basic a question for this group and I hope it is
within the topic range...if not just say so!  :-)


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 ) / )/ (__(_(_(_/ (_  / / ) (_(_/ (__(/_(/_  
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[newbie] mandrake 7.2

2000-10-19 Per discussione Michael Dolan

hi currently i have mandrake 6.5 and i want to upgrade should i wait for 7.2
final or get 7.1
thank you

[newbie] docs for blackbox?

2000-10-19 Per discussione Jeff Malka

Where can I find some doc about using blackbox?  The man page is very brief and
does not provide any usage info other than the location of the config file
which is very brief.  Blackbox opens with a very blank screen and a panel at the
bottom.  The menu does not have a help choice that I can find.

Thank you.

Registered Linux User 348854

[newbie] Which xfce version to download?

2000-10-19 Per discussione Jeff Malka

I am running Mandrake 7.1  The xfce contained on it is ver 3.4.  I found out
that the latest version of xfce is 3.5.2 and there is an rmp for it at
xfce.org.  Preferring to use a "Mandrake" rpm to avoid problems I went to the
Mandrake site but the lxfce listed there is version 3.3.2!

Is there a xfce rpm version 3.5.2 that Mandrake puts out?


Registered Linux User 348854

Re: [[newbie] docs for blackbox?]

2000-10-19 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

Jeff Malka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Where can I find some doc about using blackbox?  The man page is very brief
 does not provide any usage info other than the location of the config file
 which is very brief.  Blackbox opens with a very blank screen and a panel at
 bottom.  The menu does not have a help choice that I can find.
 Thank you.
Try this link:



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Re: [newbie] Install problems

2000-10-19 Per discussione John Rye

"Kelly, Christopher" wrote:
 But, I don't have a SCSI card. That's the whole problem. Whether I press yes
 or no, it stalls at that point in the installation.

Whoa - hang one here.. You don't have any SCSI cards? 
But - from your original posting you are answering YES to the question
about SCSI drives Why?? 

What type(s) of drive do you have?

Give it another burst - this time say NO to the SCSI question..


ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 5:00 AM
 To: 'Newbie'
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Install problems
 It sounds to me like the install program is having a hard time with your
 SCSI card. You might try running the installation after removing the
 card. I have a feeling that it will install just fine after that.
 /*  I never worry about the to-jams.
  *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
  *  it's already too late...just make sure
  *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
 Registered Linux user #182496
  *   Pine 4.21   *
 On Thu, 19 Oct 2000 1:36pm ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] spake...:
  I have yet another question. Last night, I tried to add Linux MDK 7.1 to
  computer. I have a 4gig HD and the first 2gigs are devoted to Winbloze.
  second 2 are setup to take Linux. Here is my problem. I boot from the CD
  start the 7.1 install. I pick the automated install and continue. It gets
  a point were it asks me if I have any SCSI drives on my machine. I tell it
  yes, pick the appropriate driver and attempt to continue. It asks yet
  "Do you have any SCSI drives?" This time, I pick no and it asks me again,
  and again, and again. I'm stuck! It will not go past this point. So, I
  running the Customized install and the Expert install and I hit similar
  snags. I'm getting very frustrated. Am I doing something wrong? I have
  an install of 7.1 before on this HD. The only difference is that the HD
  Winbloze on it now. Before it was clean. Help
  Chris Kelly
  Registered Linux user 185775

[newbie] missing emacs, kpackage, etc.

2000-10-19 Per discussione Cam Grant

I just installed mandrake 7.1 on a new hard drive using the second
installation class (forgot term but not automated or expert) then selected
server type and continued. After all was complete, I was missing emacs, the
autoupdater, kpackage, the graphical linuxconf, harddrake, and a few others.
Has anyone else had these problems? How can I get them back without trying a
totally new install?

Thanks in advance.

Cam Grant, M.Sc. P.Eng. VE3CA, President
Grant Systems Engineering Inc.
Tel: (905)895-9436  Fax: (905)836-8365
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.grant.ca
Pager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (100 char max)

Re: [newbie] This is friggin stupid!

2000-10-19 Per discussione John Rye

Mark Weaver wrote:
 I was under the assumption that when you download any tarball that
 everything you need to compile the program, other than the standard C, and
 C++ libraries are included with the rest of the source code. Otherwise I
 would have grabbed the RPM. I didn't get the RPM because I wanted just to
 recompile to allow for a different sound card and installing a kernel from
 an RPM can get a little messy. Whereas booting a kernel that has been
 compiled is much cleaner and offers far more control over it and the
 /*  I never worry about the to-jams.
  *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
  *  it's already too late...just make sure
  *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
 Registered Linux user #182496
  *   Pine 4.21   *
 On Thu, 19 Oct 2000 1:37pm ,John Rye spake passionately in a message:
   Is there a compilable kernel anywhere on this planet that will not bail
   on your with a ridiculous error making it impossible to update or
   recompile your kernel in any manner? Below is the result  of my latest
   attempt to configure and compile a linux kernel. This one is
   2.4.0-test9. Frankly I'm beginning to think its a lost stinkin cause.
   sincerely fed up and frustrated,
   Ummmok first you are going to have to do some digging to find out what
   you need for the header/include files you are missing OR if you have them
   ... check to see where the current tree (for the compile) is looking for
   them.  Can you send the output from a find / -name errno.h  none of what
   you have posted is *post* compilation and it looks like it couldn't create
   the .o files to link in in order to continue.  Compiling isn't always as
   easy as "./configure, make, make install"  ;-)  or make make bzImage make
   dep make modules etc etc,  trouble shoot this first by figuring out where
   the missing includes are or if you have them "usr/include/bits/errno.h:25:
   linux/errno.h: No such file or directory" (you may have to look in the
   Makefile(s) to see what the root dir is in order to find out "where" it
   thinks linux/errno.h is or what linux actually is pointing to ... its
   usually a sym link to the CURRENT kernel source  ls -l   should be
   pretty easy to work from there =o)
   In file included from /usr/include/errno.h:36,
from scripts/split-include.c:26:
   /usr/include/bits/errno.h:25: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory
  Did you download the matching kernal-headers?
  I had something similar when I attempted my first kernal compile
  on 2.2.16 from a tarball.

I agree that all should be there in the tarball as well, I don't
which files the complier couldn't locate nor which files had the 'funny'
missing character errors, as I said earlier I hunted thru the files
referenced but couldn't see where the error was coming from.

Bearing mind that it's more than 10 years since I did any C programming,
it probably something very obvious to someone else. I think that
what got to me most was the errors appeared to be random from one run
to the next.

I was attempting 2.2.17 - just wouldn't go so pulled 2.2.16 down and
tried that. For what ever reason - it worked!! 

Sorry mate - I don't have an answer, Maybe you need to throw this one
into the expert list?


ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

Re: [newbie] Fwd: Xmms

2000-10-19 Per discussione Trevor Tate

I am no expret, but this is what i did to solve problem
Options - Preferences - click on OSS-Driver 123 Configure button, go to
buffering and increase this to maximum 1ms, I did that and have no more

RE: [newbie] Install problems

2000-10-19 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

I have one IDE drive hooked up to an Ultra ATA/66.
Even if I select "no" at the prompt, it brings it back up...(sigh)

-Original Message-
From: John Rye [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Install problems

"Kelly, Christopher" wrote:
 But, I don't have a SCSI card. That's the whole problem. Whether I press
 or no, it stalls at that point in the installation.

Whoa - hang one here.. You don't have any SCSI cards? 
But - from your original posting you are answering YES to the question
about SCSI drives Why?? 

What type(s) of drive do you have?

Give it another burst - this time say NO to the SCSI question..


ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 5:00 AM
 To: 'Newbie'
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Install problems
 It sounds to me like the install program is having a hard time with your
 SCSI card. You might try running the installation after removing the
 card. I have a feeling that it will install just fine after that.
 /*  I never worry about the to-jams.
  *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
  *  it's already too late...just make sure
  *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
 Registered Linux user #182496
  *   Pine 4.21   *
 On Thu, 19 Oct 2000 1:36pm ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] spake...:
  I have yet another question. Last night, I tried to add Linux MDK 7.1 to
  computer. I have a 4gig HD and the first 2gigs are devoted to Winbloze.
  second 2 are setup to take Linux. Here is my problem. I boot from the CD
  start the 7.1 install. I pick the automated install and continue. It
  a point were it asks me if I have any SCSI drives on my machine. I tell
  yes, pick the appropriate driver and attempt to continue. It asks yet
  "Do you have any SCSI drives?" This time, I pick no and it asks me
  and again, and again. I'm stuck! It will not go past this point. So, I
  running the Customized install and the Expert install and I hit similar
  snags. I'm getting very frustrated. Am I doing something wrong? I have
  an install of 7.1 before on this HD. The only difference is that the HD
  Winbloze on it now. Before it was clean. Help
  Chris Kelly
  Registered Linux user 185775

Re: [newbie] MOBO Change Question

2000-10-19 Per discussione Greg Stewart

I've this just this succesfully a couple of times... the only thing I had to
worry about was the PnP settings in the BIOS, which altered the order in
which the NICs were found and set up, and some other BIOS settings which
were drastically different from the previous board/CPU.

I don't believe you should need to re-install unless you've tried changing
the BIOS settings to the point of insanity, and still haven't gottten

As long as there is no real major hardware/driver conflict I would think all
should go well.

Mine, also, could be a uniquely easy case. I don't know.


- Original Message -
From: "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I just did the CPU and MB. Linux wouldn't load for me because (i think)
 I/O ports changed. That is why I am having the (re)install problems...

 -Original Message-
 From: John Rye [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 1:48 PM
 Subject: [newbie] MOBO Change Question

 I'm about to change my mobo amd cpu.

 Can (may) I do just that and expect everything to carry on
 as it does at present except somewhat quicker?

 I'm moving from Pentium 120 to AMD K6 on an Epox MVP3E Atx
 motherboard and expect to just powerdown swap cards and drives
 and re-power.

 Do I expect to much here?


 ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
 (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

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2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS ! http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/concours.emailif

Re: [newbie] new problem with memory

2000-10-19 Per discussione Greg Stewart

If you are using lilo to boot, add (as the very first line) the following:


re-run lilo, re-boot, and you should be fine.

If you are running Grub... can't help ya there--never seen it, never used
it, never tried to look for it. Sorry.


- Original Message -
From: "Emerhawk" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I installed another 64 megs of memory on my machine.
 Total of 128 megs. Linux is only recoginizing 64 megs. Does anyone Know
 how to get Linux to locate the extra memory.



Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS ! http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/concours.emailif

Re: [newbie] MOBO Change Question

2000-10-19 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

To reinforce Greg's posting, I made a simple (I thought) motherboard
upgrade in June, and it was not as painless as I'd expected. Going over
my log, the problems were related to IRQ assignments, BIOS settings and
stuff like that. Getting the Win98SE half of this beast operational was
particularly troublesome. It took several evenings. Great quantities of
amber fluids and nicotine were consumed (there being no hair left to
tear out), and the air was filled with profane mutterings about a
certain Bill G. It must be noted that the Penguin was not
particularly happy with the change, either, but once the settings mess
was resolved, Mandrake bought into the deal, and pretty much said, "OK,
big deal. So you spent a few bucks. Now what?" All that I did was to use
the bootdisk and CD-ROM, select upgrade, and ten minutes later I was on
the web.
YMMV. And RTFineM -- several times. And, if the new board uses the VIA
chipset, pay attention. Finally, enjoy the new system.
(And how many UNIX installations are there now? My guess is at least
-- Best regards
-- Carroll

Greg Stewart wrote:
 I've this just this succesfully a couple of times... the only thing I had to
 worry about was the PnP settings in the BIOS, which altered the order in
 which the NICs were found and set up, and some other BIOS settings which
 were drastically different from the previous board/CPU.
 I don't believe you should need to re-install unless you've tried changing
 the BIOS settings to the point of insanity, and still haven't gottten
 As long as there is no real major hardware/driver conflict I would think all
 should go well.
 Mine, also, could be a uniquely easy case. I don't know.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I just did the CPU and MB. Linux wouldn't load for me because (i think)
  I/O ports changed. That is why I am having the (re)install problems...
  -Original Message-
  From: John Rye [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 1:48 PM
  Subject: [newbie] MOBO Change Question
  I'm about to change my mobo amd cpu.
  Can (may) I do just that and expect everything to carry on
  as it does at present except somewhat quicker?
  I'm moving from Pentium 120 to AMD K6 on an Epox MVP3E Atx
  motherboard and expect to just powerdown swap cards and drives
  and re-power.
  Do I expect to much here?
  ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  "The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
  (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

[newbie] sound card stopped working

2000-10-19 Per discussione Paulo H.C. Godoi

I have installed Mandrake 7.1 just recently and everything was just
fine! except that a few days ago, I decided to try an MPEG program
called MTV. A little bit later I realized that my sound card stopped
working. Of course I have finally removed the program, wishing the sound
card would come back to life again. I have rebooted the computer but
with no success.

I do not know how my original files were changed and which ones are used
to configure the sound card. I sought a configuration tool to check it
but I could not find any. Please, do you know how can I restore my sound
card functions?

Paulo Godoi

Re: [newbie] new problem with memory

2000-10-19 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

If you're using grub, become the superuser, call up an editor, and load
/boot/grub/menu.lst. Just under the line
title linux
there is a line:
kernel (hd1, 0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb5  (or something similar)
change it to read:
kernel (hd1, 0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb5 mem=128M
Reboot and put that new chip to work. (Something I learned 2 weeks ago
-- carroll

Greg Stewart wrote:
 If you are using lilo to boot, add (as the very first line) the following:
 re-run lilo, re-boot, and you should be fine.
 If you are running Grub... can't help ya there--never seen it, never used
 it, never tried to look for it. Sorry.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Emerhawk" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I installed another 64 megs of memory on my machine.
  Total of 128 megs. Linux is only recoginizing 64 megs. Does anyone Know
  how to get Linux to locate the extra memory.

Re: [newbie] confusing logitech wheel mouse

2000-10-19 Per discussione Jeff Malka

On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 about 2-3 months ago , thanks to this newletter , i managed to installed 
 wheel on my LM 7.0 . now i have installed LM 7.1 .
 the confusing part is i have both XF86Config and XF86Config-4 in my /etc/X11 
 folder. so i edited both of them according the description on 
 mandrakeuser.org and linuxbrit.co.uk and copied imwheelrc as .imwheelrc to 
 home directory with right permissions. 
 sad part begins when i login as non su user and run imwheel -k i get an error 
 massage as following :file or folder does not exist.imwheel process could not 
 be verified.imwheel file could not be removed. operation not permitted."
 the only way of getting the wheel to run is using su command. do u have any 
 suggestion about what i should do to get imwheel running without using su ? 
 what shall i do to make it autostart ? 
 thanks in advance

This is a newbie answering but I've been where you are.  Yes you can put it in
your autostart folder.  First you must make a kdelink for it which you put in
the autostart folder.  To create a kdelink on your desktop, right mouse
click/new/folder.  Put in a name like imwheel.kdelink.  Under execute put in
imwheel -k.  Close it and then drag it into your autostart folder.

The anser to the su problem is that when su starts up it runs imwheel -k
replacing it with a imwheel.pid that su created and owns.  The normal user
cannot overwrite it and thus imwheel is non functional in the user world.  To
correct this, you need to put imwheel -k in your root (the su) bash_logout
file.  That causes it to kill its own imwheel.pid when it exits and thus allows
the user to create another one that the user owns and works for him.

I hope this helps.

 --  Jeff Malka [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Registered Linux User 348854

Re: [newbie] TAR Issue

2000-10-19 Per discussione Lad . Gaal

Well everything was working fine. I was on my third tape when it reached
./proc/kcore and it just sat there! I tried the whole routine again, and once
again it died in the same place with different tapes. What is ./proc/kcore?
Anybody know how I can get around this situation? I want a total back up of my
system before I install Mandrake 7.1! BTW- Can I upgrade form 6.0 to 7.1 with
minimal impact on PHP PostgreSQL etc?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/19/2000 02:20:43 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Lad Gaal/MarconiMedical)

Subject:  Re: [newbie] TAR Issue

"Lad. Gaal" wrote:

 I want to back up the hard drives on my unit to a SCSI 8mm tape
 (exabyte 8205) drive. For the life of me I can't figure out how to get
 the tar command to go more than one tape.
 I've tried
 tar -cvf /dev/tape /.  but when the tape fills it dies, so I tried
 tar -cvLf /dev/tape /. I just get a bunch of ASII across the monitor.

Try this one :

tar cMvf /dev/tape /

This will create a multi-volume archive. But maybe if you compressed it
(with the 'z' flag), it would take only one tape.

  There's no place like ~! 

Re: [newbie] TAR Issue

2000-10-19 Per discussione Greg Stewart

Nothing in /proc is "really" a file. These are generated by the kernel when
you cat the file for information. They appear as files... but only "somtain"
something when reqeusted.

You should leave this directory out of your backup as it will be re-created
should you need to restore.


- Original Message -

 Well everything was working fine. I was on my third tape when it reached
 ./proc/kcore and it just sat there! I tried the whole routine again, and
 again it died in the same place with different tapes. What is
 Anybody know how I can get around this situation? I want a total back up
of my
 system before I install Mandrake 7.1! BTW- Can I upgrade form 6.0 to 7.1
 minimal impact on PHP PostgreSQL etc?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/19/2000 02:20:43 PM

 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 cc:(bcc: Lad Gaal/MarconiMedical)

 Subject:  Re: [newbie] TAR Issue

 "Lad. Gaal" wrote:
  I want to back up the hard drives on my unit to a SCSI 8mm tape
  (exabyte 8205) drive. For the life of me I can't figure out how to get
  the tar command to go more than one tape.
  I've tried
  tar -cvf /dev/tape /.  but when the tape fills it dies, so I tried
  tar -cvLf /dev/tape /. I just get a bunch of ASII across the monitor.

 Try this one :

 tar cMvf /dev/tape /

 This will create a multi-volume archive. But maybe if you compressed it
 (with the 'z' flag), it would take only one tape.

   There's no place like ~! 

Vous avez un site perso ?
2 millions de francs à gagner sur i(france) !
Webmasters : ZE CONCOURS ! http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/concours.emailif

Re: [newbie] Install problems

2000-10-19 Per discussione Rod Baxter

If your ultra interface is a plug in card some of these look like SCSI cards
to the software. I have a promise card which always detects as a SCSI

What is your motherboard and IDE interface etc??

- Original Message -
From: "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 3:38 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Install problems

 I have one IDE drive hooked up to an Ultra ATA/66.
 Even if I select "no" at the prompt, it brings it back up...(sigh)

 -Original Message-
 From: John Rye [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 12:45 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Install problems

 "Kelly, Christopher" wrote:
  But, I don't have a SCSI card. That's the whole problem. Whether I press
  or no, it stalls at that point in the installation.

 Whoa - hang one here.. You don't have any SCSI cards?
 But - from your original posting you are answering YES to the question
 about SCSI drives Why??

 What type(s) of drive do you have?

 Give it another burst - this time say NO to the SCSI question..


 ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
 (The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

  -Original Message-
  From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 5:00 AM
  To: 'Newbie'
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Install problems
  It sounds to me like the install program is having a hard time with your
  SCSI card. You might try running the installation after removing the
  card. I have a feeling that it will install just fine after that.
  /*  I never worry about the to-jams.
   *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
   *  it's already too late...just make sure
   *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
  Registered Linux user #182496
   *   Pine 4.21   *
  On Thu, 19 Oct 2000 1:36pm ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] spake...:
   I have yet another question. Last night, I tried to add Linux MDK 7.1
   computer. I have a 4gig HD and the first 2gigs are devoted to
   second 2 are setup to take Linux. Here is my problem. I boot from the
   start the 7.1 install. I pick the automated install and continue. It
   a point were it asks me if I have any SCSI drives on my machine. I
   yes, pick the appropriate driver and attempt to continue. It asks yet
   "Do you have any SCSI drives?" This time, I pick no and it asks me
   and again, and again. I'm stuck! It will not go past this point. So, I
   running the Customized install and the Expert install and I hit
   snags. I'm getting very frustrated. Am I doing something wrong? I have
   an install of 7.1 before on this HD. The only difference is that the
   Winbloze on it now. Before it was clean. Help
   Chris Kelly
   Registered Linux user 185775

[newbie] XServer woes ....

2000-10-19 Per discussione Garry Black

Hi all,

I have installed Ulysses on 
my thinkpad 365XD. It runs fine at runlevel 3 (without X) but trying 
'startx' causes the display to go into block mode... not 

I decided to run through 
xf86config and setup the TRIDENT CYBER 9320 (which is the specific graphics 
chipset) - no avail. exactly the same result

I then tried using a 
standard VGA configuration - still no luck.

Worse still, when I exit 
'X', my character mode VGA display is screwed up, I have to reboot to get back 
to something readable.

Any advice on where I go to 
from here ?


PS. The machine only 
has 24MB ram, but I paired down the install to reduce overhead - could this 
impact X ?

[RE: [newbie] MOBO Change Question]

2000-10-19 Per discussione Altoine Barker

Just make sure that you have your kudzu or hardrake setup to run at startup.
That way it can make the proper changes to your system upon reboot. 


"Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just did the CPU and MB. Linux wouldn't load for me because (i think) the
I/O ports changed. That is why I am having the (re)install problems...

-Original Message-
From: John Rye [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 1:48 PM
Subject: [newbie] MOBO Change Question

I'm about to change my mobo amd cpu.

Can (may) I do just that and expect everything to carry on
as it does at present except somewhat quicker?

I'm moving from Pentium 120 to AMD K6 on an Epox MVP3E Atx
motherboard and expect to just powerdown swap cards and drives
and re-power.

Do I expect to much here?


ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

Re: [RE: [newbie] Install problems]

2000-10-19 Per discussione Altoine Barker

Do you have a CD burner on your computer? If you do then it is perfectly
normal for Linux to install the SCSI support as it recognizes a CD burner as a
SCSI whether it is one or not. If the answer is yes to my question then just
let it be because without it you don't have a CD burner.


"Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have one IDE drive hooked up to an Ultra ATA/66.
Even if I select "no" at the prompt, it brings it back up...(sigh)

-Original Message-
From: John Rye [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Install problems

"Kelly, Christopher" wrote:
 But, I don't have a SCSI card. That's the whole problem. Whether I press
 or no, it stalls at that point in the installation.

Whoa - hang one here.. You don't have any SCSI cards? 
But - from your original posting you are answering YES to the question
about SCSI drives Why?? 

What type(s) of drive do you have?

Give it another burst - this time say NO to the SCSI question..


ICQ# 89345394 Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 5:00 AM
 To: 'Newbie'
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Install problems
 It sounds to me like the install program is having a hard time with your
 SCSI card. You might try running the installation after removing the
 card. I have a feeling that it will install just fine after that.
 /*  I never worry about the to-jams.
  *  Once I've stuck my foot in my mouth
  *  it's already too late...just make sure
  *  you chew them thoroughly before swallowing!
 Registered Linux user #182496
  *   Pine 4.21   *
 On Thu, 19 Oct 2000 1:36pm ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] spake...:
  I have yet another question. Last night, I tried to add Linux MDK 7.1 to
  computer. I have a 4gig HD and the first 2gigs are devoted to Winbloze.
  second 2 are setup to take Linux. Here is my problem. I boot from the CD
  start the 7.1 install. I pick the automated install and continue. It
  a point were it asks me if I have any SCSI drives on my machine. I tell
  yes, pick the appropriate driver and attempt to continue. It asks yet
  "Do you have any SCSI drives?" This time, I pick no and it asks me
  and again, and again. I'm stuck! It will not go past this point. So, I
  running the Customized install and the Expert install and I hit similar
  snags. I'm getting very frustrated. Am I doing something wrong? I have
  an install of 7.1 before on this HD. The only difference is that the HD
  Winbloze on it now. Before it was clean. Help
  Chris Kelly
  Registered Linux user 185775

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

Re: [[newbie] missing emacs, kpackage, etc.]

2000-10-19 Per discussione Altoine Barker

The installation class was customized. Did it give you the option to install
%100 of the server packages or did you accidentally trim them to a lower
number yourself? Also you could have "inadvertantly" or "accidentally" (as the
evil empire would call it) unselected package options. 
etc. etc. etc.

I know this because I'm a veteran of installations and upgrades. I had alot of
trips and slips on the way to where I am now.


"Cam Grant" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I just installed mandrake 7.1 on a new hard drive using the second
installation class (forgot term but not automated or expert) then selected
server type and continued. After all was complete, I was missing emacs, the
autoupdater, kpackage, the graphical linuxconf, harddrake, and a few others.
Has anyone else had these problems? How can I get them back without trying a
totally new install?

Thanks in advance.

Cam Grant, M.Sc. P.Eng. VE3CA, President
Grant Systems Engineering Inc.
Tel: (905)895-9436  Fax: (905)836-8365
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.grant.ca
Pager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (100 char max)

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

[newbie] iostream existence in Mandrake

2000-10-19 Per discussione Larry Marshall

Given that I lost 4h this morning doing 4 different installs of Linux I thought
I'd give an accounting of what I found regarding the ANSI C++ library. 
Unfortunately I no longer have my earlier 7.1 disks (where the problem all
started as I gave that package to a friend.  

A quick recap of that, however.  I installed 7.1 from the disk that came with
Maximum Linux.  I found that the ANSI C++ library wasn't on my system.  In
looking around I found that the actual library is called libstdc++ and should
reside with the other libraries in /usr/lib.  John Rye took the time to tell me
that the include files should be in /usr/include/g++.  

I gave my old disk away because I recently bought a copy of 7.1 Complete.  This
particular copy can be identified from earlier releases of 7.1 as it now
includes Star Office 5.2 and some other stuff which are marked with "New" on
the box.

I did an expert install and included EVERYTHING in the development section.  I
can report that there was a single file listed under C++ and it's description
said that it was the compile but that the ANSI library was not part of that
package..  All of this was verified as being true when I checked at the end of
the distribution...no ANSI C++ library in this copy of 7.1  

Last night I downloaded the Oct 12th version of Ulysses which is supposed to be
the final (except for bug fixes) that we're going to see on the market at 7.2. 
This is a newer version than the original Sept 22 version.  I burned some isos
and did some installs.

This version still gives me garbage as LILO should be starting but if I boot
from the floppy I get the graphical LILO interface and once in LM the video
works fine.  I don't know what that means and it's not relevant to the C++

When I did a normal install there is no ANSI C++ library in the resultant
installation.  An interesting thing that I realized only in hindsight is that I
didn't remember being asked if I wanted developer, workstation, or server as
we've been asked in the past.

So, I did another install, this time in expert mode.  They seemed to have fixed
the network card lookup as not only did it find it, it let me configure
rp-pppoe during the installation.  Because they're using CUPs and Gimp-print
there's a lot more printer support as well.  This version also identifies my
sound card properly and actually installs it.  Previous versions seemed to know
what it was but I always had to run sndconfig to get it work.  Again, this
doesn't have anything todo with C++ but I thought I'd mention some of these
nice additions  

Once into package selection I'm greated with several C++ packages, including
the ANSI C++ library.  Yippee!!!  What's interesting is that the result
following installation is that libstdc++ is right where I expect it but in
/usr/include there are two, apparently identical directories (at least at the
filename level) called g++-2 and g++-3 that include the ANSI header files.  Lo
and behold, C++ programs will compile under this installation.

What I'd REALLY like to understand is why some of you have iostream in 7.1 and
others do not.  This somewhat confirms my view that all versions of versions
aren't equal.  Those different iso sizes do have meaning methinks.  

Thanks to all who provided assistance.  I'm hoping I don't have to do another
install for a while...Oh...did I mention that in the process I screwed up my
working installation so I had to reinstall it as well :-)

Cheers --- Larry 

[newbie] mandrake 7.1 vs sound

2000-10-19 Per discussione rjaallen


i am a newbie and i have a problem.

i have a cmi 8330 cs sound card which is supported by linux, 
but the problem i am running into is that i can not get any sound out of my 
system. i go to the configuration program and get errors, (which i do not 
understand) i have tried to change the settings for the card and still keep 
getting the errors. i know that it sees the card and states what kind of card it 
is i have also enabled sound for the x desktop, but alas, no sound. is there 
something else i need to do, something i need to download. (i.e. css) if there 
is, what it tar and gunzip and where do i get them if this is what i 

please help, i really want to learn linux and try to get away 
from microsoft windows as much as i can.
thank you 


RE: [[newbie] missing emacs, kpackage, etc.]

2000-10-19 Per discussione Cam Grant

Thanks Al. No, I am almost certain it was at 100%. I thought the server
configuration may have left it out, but I guess I will have to reinstall if
it worked for others.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Altoine Barker
 Sent: October 19, 2000 8:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [[newbie] missing emacs, kpackage, etc.]

 The installation class was customized. Did it give you the option
 to install
 %100 of the server packages or did you accidentally trim them to a lower
 number yourself? Also you could have "inadvertantly" or
 "accidentally" (as the
 evil empire would call it) unselected package options.
 etc. etc. etc.

 I know this because I'm a veteran of installations and upgrades.
 I had alot of
 trips and slips on the way to where I am now.


 "Cam Grant" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just installed mandrake 7.1 on a new hard drive using the second
 installation class (forgot term but not automated or expert) then selected
 server type and continued. After all was complete, I was missing
 emacs, the
 autoupdater, kpackage, the graphical linuxconf, harddrake, and a
 few others.
 Has anyone else had these problems? How can I get them back
 without trying a
 totally new install?

 Thanks in advance.

 Cam Grant, M.Sc. P.Eng. VE3CA, President
 Grant Systems Engineering Inc.
 Tel: (905)895-9436  Fax: (905)836-8365
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.grant.ca
 Pager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (100 char max)

 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

[newbie] port forwarding of a range of ports

2000-10-19 Per discussione Cam Grant

While there is lots of documentation on using ipchains and ipmasqadm to
forward ports, nothing I can find can allow you to assign a large range
(i.e. udp 1024 to 65535 for netmeeting). Does anyone know how to beat this
other than making entries for each port?

thanks in advance

Cam Grant, M.Sc. P.Eng. VE3CA, President
Grant Systems Engineering Inc.
Tel: (905)895-9436  Fax: (905)836-8365
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.grant.ca
Pager Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (100 char max)

Re: [newbie] Install problems

2000-10-19 Per discussione Dennis Myers

"Kelly, Christopher" wrote:
 I have one IDE drive hooked up to an Ultra ATA/66.
 Even if I select "no" at the prompt, it brings it back up...(sigh)

Does LM 7.1 fully support ATA66? I seem to remember something about 7.2
would but can't recall where or when, I'm getting old and crotchetty.
Somebody know about ATA66?
Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] sound card stopped working

2000-10-19 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

"Paulo H.C. Godoi" wrote:
 I have installed Mandrake 7.1 just recently and everything was just
 fine! except that a few days ago, I decided to try an MPEG program
 called MTV. A little bit later I realized that my sound card stopped
 working. Of course I have finally removed the program, wishing the sound
 card would come back to life again. I have rebooted the computer but
 with no success.
 I do not know how my original files were changed and which ones are used
 to configure the sound card. I sought a configuration tool to check it
 but I could not find any. Please, do you know how can I restore my sound
 card functions?
 Paulo Godoi

Hi Paulo. Thats odd, I use MTV (MPEG TV, registered version) with my
Soundblaster Xgamer Live! card, and I've had no problems at all. Sure it
couldn't be something else? Any other software/hardware you might have
installed or changed at about the same time?

Talk to ya later...


[newbie] X windows on start-up

2000-10-19 Per discussione John W

I have installed LM 7.1 again after trying a few other distros. Thats the 
problem with Linux being free. You can try as many different distros as you 
like. Anyhow I opted not to have X start automatically and when I logout of 
X the monitor shuts down and all I can do is give the three finger salute 
and reboot the system. Does anyone know how to configure X to start 
John W
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

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[newbie] question about backing up over a network

2000-10-19 Per discussione fireman71

Ok, here's the deal.we have a small lan consisting of three computers. One
of the computers is runing Mandrake 7.1 and serves for IP masquerading, print
server and file server along with an intranet web site. The next computer is
running Windoze NT4.0 because one of our software suppliers requires it and the
third computer is a laptop running dual boot MD-7.1 and windoze 98.

I have samba set up and everything is running fine, all the computers talk to
all the others and peace fills the world, or at least the office so far. :-)

Now the problem, I have been using mondo to backup our linux server since it
was being used to store all our critical data. Mondo generates multiple ISO
images of our linux system that I can then burn to a CDRW which is installed on
the linux box.

What I am wanting to do is to generate ISO backup images of the other two
computers (the win98 part of the dual booting laptop and the entire hardrive
of the NT machine) and then transfer them to the linux server where they will
get burned to CDRW.

I also would like to be able to use these images to restore the backups without
having to go through the tedious process of re-installing all the microsoft
stuff first. This means that I want to be able to completely format the
harddrives on the windoze machines and then stick in the CDRWs that I made,
boot off of them and then restore the whole system (OS, programs and data) from

I would really love for this to be something fairly simple that I can write
into a script and leave alone overnight only having to use the linux machine
for the actual CD burning over the weekend. I also need as cheap a solution as
possible which is why i put linux on our server machine in the first place.

Any advice, tips or comments are GREATLY appreciated.

Ian K. Harrell

Re: [newbie] Install problems

2000-10-19 Per discussione Rod Baxter

7.1 is supposed to support ultra66. But it depends on the chipset I think,
and if its a plug in card or not.


- Original Message -
From: "Dennis Myers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Install problems

 "Kelly, Christopher" wrote:
  I have one IDE drive hooked up to an Ultra ATA/66.
  Even if I select "no" at the prompt, it brings it back up...(sigh)

 Does LM 7.1 fully support ATA66? I seem to remember something about 7.2
 would but can't recall where or when, I'm getting old and crotchetty.
 Somebody know about ATA66?
 Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Re: [newbie] new problem with memory

2000-10-19 Per discussione Gunnar Håland

tor, 19 okt 2000, skrev Emerhawk:
 I installed another 64 megs of memory on my machine. 
 Total of 128 megs. Linux is only recoginizing 64 megs. Does anyone Know
 how to get Linux to locate the extra memory. 

You must edit /etc/lilo.conf and put 


ind the top -global- section

You must run lilo to upgrade "itself" (boot record)

reeboot with shutdown -r now.

Re: [newbie] Linux

2000-10-19 Per discussione Romanator

Mersudin Korkutovic wrote:
 Yasterday I buy LINUX 7.1 for Windows insttall that.
 When I turn on computer or click on icon on desktop
 for linux come out to enter
 host and I entered LOCAL DOMAIN
 it asks for PASSWORD and I enter password: podrinjac
 and ask for USER name and I enter user name podrinjac
 After that comes something out
 like this
 [podrinjac@localdomain podrinjac]$
 what I need to put next to $ to start my linux.

Type in: startx

Registered Linux User #179293

RE: [newbie] mandrake 7.1 vs sound

2000-10-19 Per discussione TiGereYe


well i ran into the same problem before  i keep getting exactly what you
are saying...try downloading "isapnptools" from
http://www.roestock.demon.co.uk/isapnptools/index.html  and install it on
your system and try running sndconfig again..

good luck
TiGereYe - Accept No Substitues -

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