Re: [newbie-it]

2002-02-27 Per discussione ku68

Lele wrote:

 Alle 09:25, marted 26 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
Domanda: ma voi ci riuscite sentire i cd audio sotto Mandrake 8.1? A me
dice sempre che manca il disco o che il file system e sbsgliato. Che cosa
devo fare per sentire i cd? Mentre i suoni di sistema si sentono molto
bene. Grazie
Ti dico come ho fatto io in maniera abbastanza spartana e ai suggerimenti della lista:

tasto dx sul desktop (con kde)
nuovo - crea nuovo - dispositivo cd rom - nella finestra che ti si apre 
vai su dispositivo e dalla lista dispositivo scegli cdrom (nel mio caso 
 /dev/hdb. Ti appare sul deskotp l'icona del cdrom.
Per ascoltarlo vai (sempre in kde) in pannello di controllo - multimedia 
- suono - mixer sonoro - tasto dx e setti il volume del cd. Poi scegli 
il prg (sempre da multimedia - suono) riproduttore cd e dovresti poter 
ascoltare quello che vuoi.
Spero di esserti stato utile

Re: [newbie-it] Nuovo Kernel e funzionamento

2002-02-27 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- Luigi De Pascale [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
 Salve a tutti,
 vorrei finalmente compilare un nuovo kernel.
 Mi chiedevo pero':
 Che cosa devo fare per potere restaurare la
 situazione precedente se le 
 cose andassero male?
 Intendo moduli e tutto.
 Tenete conto che non ho tempo per passare ore ed ore
 a rimettere a posto 
 decine di files.

  Tutti i moduli del kernel vengono messi nella
directory /lib/modules/versione del kernel, quindi
se il nuovo kernel e' una versione diversa rispetto a
quella che stai gia' usando non hai problemi perche' i
moduli vecchi rimangono li' dove si trovano (puoi
configurare lilo in modo da avviare un kernel oppure
l'altro senza nessun problema!!!). Se invece devi
ricompilare il kernel che stai gia' utilizzando e'
sufficiente che ti faccia un backup della directory
che contiene i moduli.

  ...E ricorda che quando si ricompila il kernel e'
meglio tenere a portata di mano un collaudato
dischetto di boot... non si sa mai!!!

  Ciao! Steo.


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Re: [newbie-it] OS....come scegliere

2002-02-27 Per discussione Andrea Celli

tom wrote:
 OK è sucesso cio che temevonon riesco ad andare avanti..
 ho installato GRUB nel hda e ora logicamente abilitandi il primario
 mi appare la schermatina di GRUB , che pero' mi fa entrare solo nel pinguino.
 Ho modificato il file menu.Ist con quello che mi aveva detto miKe e ora
 risulata cosi...

 other = /dev/hda1
   label = DOS
   table = /dev/hda
 image = /vmlinuz
   root = /dev/hdb1
   label = Linux

queste sono modifiche da lilo.conf !

La sintassi di grub, come ti avevo detto, e` molto diversa.
Io non la conosco molto, ma stando a
dovresti togliere i due blocchi che ho riportato (che qui non
significano nulla) e mettere qualcosa tipo:

title Windows
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

per avviare windows.
Fatto questo hai terminato, non serve (a differenza di lilo)
lanciare altri comandi. Sempre a meno che tu abbia nel frattempo
lanciato un lilo che ha spiazzato grub per sostituirlo con lilo.

In quel caso risistema il tutto con i tool grafici del
Mandrake Control Center che fai prima.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] X-Cd- Roast

2002-02-27 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Lele wrote:
 Doopo alcune esperienze negative con GC Combust uso X-Cd-roast per
 masterizzare, ma ho un problema, non riesco in alcun modo, anche come root a
 cambiare la configurazione del dispositivo di lettura.
 Al momento dell'installazione di Cd-Roast ho (ingenuamente) settato il
 masterizzatore (Philips 1610a) sia come dispositivo di lettura sia di
 scrittura, ma, volendo effettuare copie al volo di cd, ovviamente mi trovo
 impossibilitato a farlo.
 Ho cercato di modificare la configurazione  anche come root, ma non ottengo
 alcun risultato, ho anche provato a modificare il file config, sostituendo il
 nome e il modello del dispositivo di lettura, ma non succede nulla.
 Qualcuno ha idee da suggerirmi ?

credo tu debba impostare anche il lettore cdrom in emulazione scsi.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Gramofile

2002-02-27 Per discussione Pollo

Il lun, 2002-02-25 alle 21:25, Tommaso Leddi ha scritto:
 Il 18:05, lunedì 25 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
  Ho installato gramofile usando l'rpm presente insieme alla distro ma non
  riesco a registrare nulla!
  Ho provato anche a usare grecord ma anche questo non funziona...
  Qualcuno sa aiutarmi?
  Io vorrei trasferire le canzoni che ho su cassetta su CD. C'è forse
  un'altro programma più appropriato?
 Io uso snd, è l'unico programma che ho trovato che mi mostra i livelli di 
 Quando si registra, con qualsiasi programma, bisogna prima tarare il mixer: 
 1) prima di tutto selezionare nel mixer il canale sorgente (per registrare 
 delle cassette, bisogna selezionare l'ingresso line. Di solito uso aumix, che 
 di default mostra a sinistra dei bottoni verdi con l canale selezionato rosso.
 2) poi bisogna trovare il giusto volume di ingresso che è IGain. Non 
 bisogna riferirsi quindi al volume di Line che serve solo per ascoltare 
 mentre si registra. Tieni conto che il livello di IGain deve essere settato 
 di solito abbastanza basso, per registrare da cassetta o altro ingresso 
 Line, a volte mi capita che sopra il 10% distorce!
 Ti segnalo anche il programma rec che fa parte dei programmi normali della 
 Se registri per fare un CD controlla di fare dei files audio stereo 16 bit a 
 44100 campioni al secondo per canale, possibilmente in formato wav che è il 
 meglio supportato dai programmi di masterizazione.
 spreo di esserti stato di aiuto,

Potresti darmi i link dove scaricare i due programmi sopra citati.
Nei cd della mia distro (3CD presi in edicola) non ci sono.

Grazie. Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] OS....come scegliere

2002-02-27 Per discussione tom

Alle 10:15, mercoledì 27 febbraio 2002, Andrea Celli ha scritto:

 dovresti togliere i due blocchi che ho riportato (che qui non
 significano nulla) e mettere qualcosa tipo:
 title Windows
 rootnoverify (hd0,0)
 chainloader +1
 per avviare windows.
 Fatto questo hai terminato, non serve (a differenza di lilo)
 lanciare altri comandi. 

Grazie,ora mi parte tutto tranquillamente
è bastato aggiungere al menu.Ist quelle 4 stringhe , paripari a come me le 
avevi indicate.
Ora devo solo riuscire ad accedere al disco FAT da linux.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Gramofile: successi e sfighe

2002-02-27 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

Il 20:46, martedì 26 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Ragazzi ce l'ho fatta, gramofile funziona benissimo (se vi serve una
 mano...) ma... tra filtri e filtrini non ho trovato nulla che mi
 permetta di selezionare parte del file wav per il fade in o il fade
 out, o semplicemente per accorciare o montare il file stesso. della
 serie: fare le operazioni di copia e incolla con i tratti di wav.
 Qualcuno conosce il modo per realizzare cio'? Oppure un programma che
 riesca a far questo?

Per i fade uso snd che ha una buona gestione degli inviluppi.
Puoi selezionare una porzione e lavorare solo su quella disegnandoti la curva 
del volume in una finestra. (Edit - Edit envelope) (ricordati di flaggare 
snd fa anche il taglia e incolla per montare, però di solito preferisco 
farlo con wavesurfer che ha un'opzione Zero cross adjust fondamentale per 
l'editing: aggiusta la tua selezione su un vicino punto dove l'onda sonora è 
a 0 di ampiezza, che permette di evitare quei fastidiosissimi click che ci 
sono nei montaggi digitali. wavesurfer è anche il programma più amichevole 
che ho trovato fin'ora. Purtroppo non ho ancora trovato un programma 
completo, come Gimp per la grafica o Blender per il 3d.


Re: [newbie-it] lan da konquero

2002-02-27 Per discussione Andrea Celli

vaiconlinux wrote:
 Salve a tutti,
 ho due pc in rete (Mandrake 8.1), funziona ping, telnet, ftp rlogin,..
 Quello che non riesco a fare è questo:
 dalla barra laterale di konqueror, rete, rete localemi dà localhost
 - impossibile collegarsi all'host. Idem se sulla barra degli indirizzi
 perchè ? cosa devo fare ? se i due pc sono collegati perchè non sono
 accessibili ?
 Grazie e saluti, Fer

Hai provato con ?

Per fare le cose bene, io attiverei nfs e metterei in comune (tramite
delle directory. Poi ci accedi come se fossero direttamente sul tuo pc.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] OS....come scegliere

2002-02-27 Per discussione Sandro

Alle 02:52, mercoledì 27 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:

 title floppy
 root (fd0)
 chainloader +1

 other = /dev/hda1
   label = DOS
   table = /dev/hda

Nella schermata di Grub ti mostra (anche se non te lo carica) l'opzione per 
la partizione win?
Non so, non è che sopra a other = /dev/hda1 devi mettere title qualcosa?

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 88 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

[newbie-it] Software Manager

2002-02-27 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

Ultimamente quando uso il Software Manager, trovo gli stessi pacchetti sia 
tra gli installabili che gli installati. Si deve errere incasinato qualcosa 
nelle liste. Prima di pasticciare chiedo consiglio:
Qualcuno ha avuto questo problema e/o sa come risolverlo?


[newbie-it] Audio CD e porcherie varie...

2002-02-27 Per discussione Arwan

Eccomi qui: e te pareva?

Ho in prestito un magnifico CD (audio) che vorrei duplicare:
punto 1: quando faccio l'estrazione delle tracce (con cdparanoia) il file wav ha
distorsioni del suono in corrispondenza dei picchi di volume
punto 2: quando faccio l'estrazione delle tracce (con  simplecdrx) si
creano le tracce ma sono vuote
punto 3: se metto il cd nel masterizzatore  cdparanoia non lo vede
(anche con l'opzione -s)
punto 4: ho scoperto (da win$) che il CD, oltre all'audio, ha un
autorun e qualche immagine; come posso fare una copia fedele del


There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it] Flash Plugins

2002-02-27 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 19:53, mercoledì 27 febbraio 2002 hai scritto:
 anch'io con la mandrake 8.1 ho lo stesso problema!
 Solo con konqueror, con netscape tutto funziona egregiamente
 mentre con la redhat 7.2 e copiati come da istruzioni tutto funzionava
 egregiamente, anke konqueror

Ciao, devi installare un modulo dai CD di Mandrake.
Cerca nsplugin utilizzando il Software Manager. Installa il pacchetto RPM 
che viene elencato, e vai nelle Impostazioni del Konqueror. Troverai una 
nuova voce nella colonna di sinistra, relativa ai plugin di Netscape. Abilita 
il supporto, ed il gioco è fatto.


Re: [newbie-it] Flash Plugins

2002-02-27 Per discussione michele

Alle 18:05, lunedì 25 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Ho scaricato e installato i plugins di Flash 5.0 per netscape, li ho
 installati come scritto nel file readme incluso con essi, lanciando
 netscape e immettendo l'inidrizzo about:plugin effettivamente mi dice
 che ho installato Shockwave Flash 5.0 r47! E' tutto corretto, peccato
 che quando mi collego a qualche sito chr richiede flash 5.0 non mi si
 apre la pagina. Nello specifico il sito è Qualcuno a
 verificato il mio stesso problema?

 Grazie, Pollo.
Mi correggo dal mio precedente messaggio ma alcuni siti tipo li visualizza perfettamente netscape mentre anche a me nel sito 
detto da pollo mi dice che che rivela solo i plugins di 
flash 4!
grazie michele

Re: [newbie-it] Flash Plugins

2002-02-27 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 20:12, mercoledì 27 febbraio 2002 hai scritto:
 Mi correggo dal mio precedente messaggio ma alcuni siti tipo li visualizza perfettamente netscape mentre anche a me nel
 sito detto da pollo mi dice che che rivela solo i
 plugins di flash 4!
 grazie michele

Ciao, il plugin più recente per Linux è il 5.0 (che immagino sia quello che 
hai installato tu). Non è che magari il problema dipende dallo script del 
sito che fa confusione? Prova a contattare il webmaster...


[newbie-it] installare stampante

2002-02-27 Per discussione io

ho una hp deskjet 600, con redhat funzionava, con Mandrake 8.1 non
riesco a stampare.
ho seguito tutte le istruzioni, ho usato cups. Nulla. 
Cosa mi sfugge.


Re: [newbie-it] Linux.... violentato da Windows!!

2002-02-27 Per discussione io

Emma e Gigi wrote:
 Salve a tutti.
 Dovendo essere ancora costretto ad utilizzare Windows in quanto utilizzo
 programmi per scrivere musica, ed ancora non mi sono informato in giro per
 sapere cosa offre Linuxi in questo campo, è capitato che al termine di una
 seduta Windows, mi sia venuto in testa di fare la deframmentazione (lo so,
 lo so. qualunque cosa si faccia. rimane sempre Windows).
 Beh!! magari per Windows il risultato è stato buono ma Linux non parte
 più si impunta e si blocca il computer.
 E' possibile, utilizzando il disco di Mand 8.1, fare in modo di non perdere
 alcuni dati che mi interessano? Cioè, mi spiego meglio, si può fare in modo
 di salvare la configurazione precedente, o per meglio dire ripristinarla,
 senza reinstallare tutto da capo? (Mi interessano alcuni documenti
 P.S.: Non ho il disco di ripristino... nel senso che l'ho smarrito!!!

E' successo anche a me. Ho scaricato il bootloader GAG (cercalo su
E' facile da installare e anche più pratico di Lilo.
Ora tutto funziona.

ah, poi imposta il ritardo di Lilo a zero.

[newbie-it] Desktop

2002-02-27 Per discussione e/tacc

Mi sono sparite le icone del desktop di Gnome.
Sotto la cartella Desktop trovo le icone di KDE.
Gnome dove le mette?

Re[2]: [newbie-it] Audio CD e porcherie varie...

2002-02-27 Per discussione Arwan

Ciao Fabio!

Wednesday, February 27, 2002, 11:27:13 PM, you wrote:

FM Alle 19:32, mercoledì 27 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:

 Ho in prestito un magnifico CD (audio) che vorrei duplicare:

FM ..mmh, ma l'utilizzo di X-cdRoast non dovrebbe risolverti tutto in maniera 
FM praticamente automatica?

Ho provato, ma lascia gli stessi runori che fa l'estrazione con
cdparanoia. e che win$ non fa :-(
Se scelgo di fare la copia del CD mi dice che non supparta il formato
con dati+audio.

FM Eppoi dipende da cosa intendi per magnifico Cd: il pinguino è parecchio 
FM esigente, ed in caso di ciofeche si rifiuta di masterizzare..;-)

Magnifico nel senso del contenuto!!!

 Arwanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie-it] installare stampante

2002-02-27 Per discussione Arwan

Scrive io:

(Wednesday, February 27, 2002, ore 10:34:57 PM, a proposito di [newbie-it] installare 

i ho una hp deskjet 600, con redhat funzionava, con Mandrake 8.1 non
i riesco a stampare.
i ho seguito tutte le istruzioni, ho usato cups.

Anch'io ho un'HP 600, non so cosa sia cups, pero' Mandrake 8.1 me la
riconosce al volo... per cui non mi sono fatta tanti problemi.


There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it] Desktop

2002-02-27 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 01:15, giovedì 28 febbraio 2002 hai scritto:
 Mi sono sparite le icone del desktop di Gnome
 Sotto la cartella Desktop trovo le icone di KDE
 Gnome dove le mette?

Il desktop di GNOME è nella cartella:
dove user è ovviamente il tuo utente


Re: [newbie] Soyo Dragon Plus MB system

2002-02-27 Per discussione Lee

On Tuesday 26 February 2002 10:00 pm, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Tue, 26 Feb 2002 19:25:06 -0500

 Randy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tuesday 26 February 2002 06:38 pm, you wrote:
   Looking for as little advice.
   The following URL shows a Soyo Dragon Plus Socket A Barebone w/ AMD
   Athlon XP 1700+ CPU, 128MB, 40GB and more
   What do you think will this thing run LM OK?
  The Soyo Dragon Plus is almost made for Linux. Tiger Direct always
  seemed a little shaky to me, they didn't offer 30-day money back

 I agree with Randy about Tiger Direct.
 I knew the name rang a warning bell with me.
 Here is what the BBB has to say

 Customer Experience
 Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record due to
 unanswered complaints concerning failure to receive a refund  product
 quality issues. The Bureau processed 10 complaints about this company in
 the last 12 months. Of all the complaints 3 were resolved but not always
 within the bureau's time frame  7 were no response. Additional Information
 Additional Doing-Business-As Names:
 Additional Phone Numbers:
 Additional File Information
 The Bureau has requested basic information from this company.  The Bureau
 has not received a response.

 The DragonPlus is a great board, I have a system built around one and
 linux has no problem with any of its components.

 If you do not mind putting the system together yourself you can use and find the same or better OEM components for
 near/lower price than Tiger is offering. Checking just now there are
 several sites offering the Dragon+ for $139, as well as several sites where
 you can get a 60GB Maxtor or IBM Deskstar for the price Tiger wanted for
 the 40GB drive.

 My advice.
 I know it looks good, But pass on the offer.


I bought the same board at auction eBay last month for $99.  Looks great is 
all I can say now. Haven't plugged it in yet.  1900 cpu came yesterday, so 
we're getting close.

Good luck

Registered Linux user #223705

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Re: [newbie] Network install without floppies or CDROMS

2002-02-27 Per discussione Brian Parish


There was an extensive thread on exactly this a few weeks back.  Check
out the archives and I think you'll find some useful ideas on various
ways of going about this.  If you don't find it in the newbie archive,
try the expert one.  I subscribe to both and can't remember now which it
was in.


On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 11:50, Matt Gleeson wrote:
 I have a laptop motherboard with a 2.1gig HDD and a PCMCIA NIC and Lucent
 WaveLan Silver running Redhat 7.0. The problem I have is that I'm wanting to
 Mandrake 8.1 on the machine, but it has no CDROM or Floppy drive, so I'd
 like to
 use the PCMCIA NIC and a NFS or FTP instance of the install disks on another
 but I've not had much luck finding any info on the net which doesn't require
 for a network install. The theory I have is if I copy an install image over
 to the machine
 and point lilo to the image, when asked for the source of the install media
 I would specify
 FTP/NFS, but I don't know the exact process of going about this and which
 images should be
 used etc. The NIC is set up and functioning, the whole thing is running, I
 just want to install
 a different distro on it, I'm sure there's a way, but I cannot figure it out
 as yet.
 Thanks in advance,

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[newbie] How to input Chinese character(Simplified).

2002-02-27 Per discussione Wei Wang

hi, all,

I've just set up Mandrake 8.1 English version. Could anyone kindly tell me how 
to input Chinese?

Many thanks,


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[newbie] Acer 342T soundcard problem.

2002-02-27 Per discussione Wei Wang

hi, all,

I just installed Mandrake 8.1 on my Acer 342T laptop. Mandrake recognised and 
installed the driver(I guess) for its soundcard: ESS ES1946 solo-1E. I could 
run CDplayer or MP3 player apps, but no sound comes out of the speaker. Could 
anyone give me a hand?

Many thanks,


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Re: [newbie] Killing a program

2002-02-27 Per discussione Mohammed Arafa 2 Mailing Lists

from the command line
do the ps thing

from kde
press ctrl + esc and select the process to kill
- Original Message -
To: Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Killing a program

 On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Mithrilhall2000 wrote:

  I installed a called Synapse Hotline X and I have it running in the
  background and I want to kill it but I have no clue. If someone could
  me how to kill this I would appreciate it.


 login is as root, at the command prompt do the processor status
 command, ps -aef, without the quotes. Look for the process ID#
 (PID#) of your program in the status listing. Next use the kill
 command, kill -9  PID#_of_your_program, without the quotes.
 To test, do the ps -aef again and check the listing to make
 sure your program is gone.


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Re: [newbie] Acer 342T soundcard problem.

2002-02-27 Per discussione Ville V Sinkko

On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Wei Wang wrote:

 hi, all,

 I just installed Mandrake 8.1 on my Acer 342T laptop. Mandrake recognised and
 installed the driver(I guess) for its soundcard: ESS ES1946 solo-1E. I could
 run CDplayer or MP3 player apps, but no sound comes out of the speaker. Could
 anyone give me a hand?

Have you checked the mixer volume settings? It could simply be that the master
or PCM volume is at 0...

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Re: [newbie] Acer 342T soundcard problem.

2002-02-27 Per discussione Derek Jennings

One common (and embarrassing) cause of that symptom is simply having the 
sound mixer level set to zero.
Check out KMenuMultimediaSoundSoundmixer
You can save the defaults after you have set the level.

If that is not the problem (assuming you are using KDE) open KDE Control 
Centre SoundSoundserverAdvanced and try selecting an alternate Sound I/O 

Failing that, try Opening Mandrake Control CentreHardware and check the 
sound configuration.



On Wednesday 27 February 2002 11:57, Wei Wang wrote:
 hi, all,

 I just installed Mandrake 8.1 on my Acer 342T laptop. Mandrake recognised
 and installed the driver(I guess) for its soundcard: ESS ES1946 solo-1E. I
 could run CDplayer or MP3 player apps, but no sound comes out of the
 speaker. Could anyone give me a hand?

 Many thanks,


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[newbie] Installation Problem (Xfree86) and Greeetings!

2002-02-27 Per discussione Paul_Vortex

Hi there...

I've been watching this list for a few days now and all I can say is... if
you folks are newbies then I don't know *what* the hell *I* should be
called!  ;o)

Anyway... on to my problem...

I've just tried a lnx4win install of Mandrake 8.1, but whilst it all went
fairly easily, there was a problem with its installation of Xfree86.

It didn't install correctly, and as a result I have no graphics interface.

I only have a very cursory idea about Linux command lines so please be
gentle! ;o)

How do I get XFree86 to install now, via CLI? Is it possible?


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Re: [newbie] How to input Chinese character(Simplified).

2002-02-27 Per discussione Charles Muller

On Wed, 2002-02-27 at 20:39, Wei Wang wrote:

 I've just set up Mandrake 8.1 English version. Could anyone kindly tell me how 
 to input Chinese?

With Mandrake, I suspect the process must be almost the same as with
setting up Japanese. Please see my page at:




Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice 5.2

2002-02-27 Per discussione Joan Tur

Es Domingo 24 Febrero 2002 22:41, Kaj Haulrich va escriure:

  I just installed StarOffice into my /usr/local
 directory.  To do this, I needed to log on as root.
 The installation seemed to go fine, but when I went to
 run the program as a regular user, I get the following

  The following file could not be found:

  On a whim, I logged in as root and ran it with no

  The obvious question comes up:  How do I set
 StarOffice to run for all users?
Uninstall it and reinstall with /net parameter.

Run /usr/local/soffice/program/soffice as user and that's it...

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
Yahoo  AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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[newbie] Black background in Konqueror

2002-02-27 Per discussione Andre Dubuc

Often when I move to a new page in Konqueror while on the web, the page 
originally displays with a solid black background, that sometimes changes to 
white (as it does in Netscape 6.2).

Frequently, it stays black and I cannot read the text. Is there any way of 
changing this to a default white background? I have the same problem in 
Konsole -- the default Terminal. (I finally switched to Xterm since it has a 
white background.)


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[newbie] Printing with Ghostview or PS/PDF Viewer Possible?

2002-02-27 Per discussione Andre Dubuc


Is there a secret to getting any pdf file to print? Both gs and ps/pdf refuse 
to print pdf files. The 'print command: lpr' doesn't work even if I change 
the command to the printer name 'laser'. At one point it worked, but for the 
life of me, I can't recall the magic I had to perform to get either to work.

Any suggestions?

Btw, does acroread work with LM 8.0?

I sure would like to print some files: I've tried importing to Gimp, 
StarOffice, OpenOffice -- I've run out of applications in an attempt to 
bypass the gs / ps/pdf problem.


Tia, Andre
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Re: [newbie] Acer 342T soundcard problem

2002-02-27 Per discussione Wei `Wang

Many thanks for help.

This is what I found in Soundcard in HardDrake:

Vendor: ESS Technology

Model: ES1969 Solo-1 Audiodrive
This is the
Kernel Module: snd-card-es1938
Bus Type: PCI

And system prompts this when I try to open KMenu-Multimedia-Sound-Audio 

Not able to open audio device.
Please check that you have permission to /dev/mixer
and make sure you have sound support compiled into your kernel

I am root running all these.

From GNome Control Center, I could only see 2 tick box for Enable 
Soundserver Startup and sounds for events. And they ARE ticked.

Doesn't what I see in HardDrake mean the sound support is already compiled 
into my kernel? And there is no mixer in the /dev directory.

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Re: [newbie] Soyo Dragon Plus MB system

2002-02-27 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Lee wrote:
 I bought the same board at auction eBay last month for $99.  Looks great is 
 all I can say now. Haven't plugged it in yet.  1900 cpu came yesterday, so 
 we're getting close.

OK, so I searched around and ordered the following components:

Seagate 40GB EIDE HD 7200/2MB/9.0/ATA-100
256MB 32x64 PC2100 DDR Memory (266Mhz) 
Mid-tower ATX case with 300 P/S 
Soyo Dragon Plus Socket A
AMD Athlon XP 1700+ Processor
Speeze Socket A/370 Cooling Fan

I have a floppy, cd, cdrw drives from an older system to round things out.
I'll let you know when I get the parts, assemble them, and install LM

Lee, Keep us posted on your Soyo Dragon Plus
Gerald Waugh

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[newbie] test message

2002-02-27 Per discussione Mark Weaver


Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.2beta1
  8:05am  up 2 days, 16:52,  2 users,  load average: 1.21, 1.25, 1.25

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Re: [newbie] Loading Linux......

2002-02-27 Per discussione Mark Weaver

On Fri, 2002-02-22 at 19:50, Ralph Brown wrote:
 After downloading the latest kernel upgrade for my Mandrake 8.1 laptop 
 I can not boot. When i do boot, i get the following;
 Linux Loading ...
 thats it??!! Its as if grub (??) was edited and now lilo can't find 
 I can't use my boot floppy...i get a kernel panic error.
 Any suggestions on how i can boot so i can edit lilo and/or grub?
 thanks in advance


The easiest way for you to recover from this is to get your hands on
some 8.2beta CD's and use the bootloader recovery utility. baring this
possibility you should do a mock install and not an upgrade. go
through the normal install routine being careful not to change your
partition layout and not to format anything. You also want be sure to
choose no packages. Your previously entered information will remain in
tact, while you may have to reenter your root password, reinstall your
boot loader and also remake your boot floppy.

now, in order to update your kernel you will have to download the latest
2.4.17 kernel packags from cooker, place them in a directory by
themselves and issue this command:

rpm -Uvh --test kernel*.rpm

If the test runs error free then remove the --test argument from the
command and rerun the command. This will install your new kernel. You
will then have to run lilo from the command line thusly:


This will refresh lilo with the new kernel entry. You will notice that
there is an entry for your old kernel, as well as your new one. This is
fine and quite normal.

Now, it has been stated by Tom Brinkman, one far more learned in the
ways of Linux than I, that when updating, (read installing) the latest
kernel that one should also install the latest version of glibc as well.
This is because the kernel headers are integrated now with glibc. So,
while you're getting the kernel packages from cooker be sure to grab the
glibc packages as well. BEFORE installing them be sure to use the --test
argument to make sure you've got everything glibc needs. and use -Uvh to
install these packages.

After this you'll be running quite happily. As an aside though I'm
running the 2.4.17 kernel at home that I got from the cooker mirror and
I haven't yet updated by installation of glibc per Tom's suggestion and
haven't experienced any bad side effects. But, that is not to say that I
won't. I have a feeling that, that will come back to bite me in the arse
though if I don't get it done soon. Actually I've been holding off
trying to decide whether I want to update the entire installation from
8.1 to 8.2. My system is heavily configured and I'm a lazy programmer
and don't want to have to go through all that work again.  :P

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.2beta1
 10:05am  up 2 days, 18:52,  1 user,  load average: 0.14, 0.32, 0.51

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[newbie] test message

2002-02-27 Per discussione Mark Weaver

cause they're not getting through. damn mailservers~!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.2beta1
  9:05am  up 2 days, 17:52,  2 users,  load average: 1.33, 1.27, 1.21

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[newbie] test message

2002-02-27 Per discussione Mark Weaver

cause they're not getting through. damn mailservers~!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.2beta1
  9:05am  up 2 days, 17:52,  2 users,  load average: 1.33, 1.27, 1.21

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[newbie] test message

2002-02-27 Per discussione Mark Weaver


Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.2beta1
  9:05am  up 2 days, 17:52,  2 users,  load average: 1.33, 1.27, 1.21

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[newbie] test message

2002-02-27 Per discussione Mark Weaver

cause they're not getting through. damn mailservers~!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.2beta1
  9:05am  up 2 days, 17:52,  2 users,  load average: 1.33, 1.27, 1.21

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[newbie] test message

2002-02-27 Per discussione Mark Weaver

cause they're not getting through. damn mailservers~!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.2beta1
  9:05am  up 2 days, 17:52,  2 users,  load average: 1.33, 1.27, 1.21

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[newbie] test message

2002-02-27 Per discussione Mark Weaver

cause they're not getting through. damn mailservers~!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.2beta1
  9:05am  up 2 days, 17:52,  2 users,  load average: 1.33, 1.27, 1.21

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[newbie] Can´t install on Dell XPS 180n

2002-02-27 Per discussione Edvard Wikström


I just bought an old Dell XPS 180n with
98 MB Ram. It works great with win98. I tried to install Mandrake 8.1 with a floppy 
disk contaning the cdrom.img. It loads the floppy but then I see that my monitor loses 
the connection with the computer (that is it turn black and gets ofline) and the cdrom 
doesn´t spin either. I know the CD and the floppy disk are ok, they worked great with 
my new computer. Does anyone got any suggestion about what could be wrong?

I appreciate any help,

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[newbie] 8.1 Installation Problem

2002-02-27 Per discussione Louis Breger

I'm trying to install v. 8.1 on my new laptop, but I consistently
encounter a file writing problem.
The install goes fine up until the part where it
asks about the mouse. The mouse works, but the install gives an error
saying it can't write a config file. 
Subsequent points in the install give the same error.
Any ideas? 

thanks, Louis

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.1 won't boot from hard drive

2002-02-27 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

Mozy wrote:
 Hi All,
 After installing Mandrake 8.1 on a Dell Dimension XPS T500 with two IDE CD
 drives (one a CDRW) and two IDE hard drives (Western Digital and Maxtor) I
 can't get the system to boot without using a boot disk.  During the install
 Grub was supposed to have been installed in the MBR. I tried various
 partitioning schemes, I even tried using LILO instead of Grub, all to no
 Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?  I have the system up and running
 just fine, I just don't like having to rely on a boot disk to boot up...not
 that I have to reboot that often. :)

Bryan, IMHO Grub is not very mature, at least I had a headache figuring
it out and never got it working properly anyhow. Try this : run KDE or
Gnome, open Control Center, become root, click Boot, then Boot
Config. Now, in the upper, right corner, click Configure, select
lilo, and then the place where your MBR shall live, i.e. /dev/hda.
Make additional adjustments to your liking, save everything and exit.
That is supposed to be all. As an extra precaution, I would open a
console, become root once again, and then type the command :
/sbin/lilo (everything withour the quotes,of course). The output from
lilo should tell you if everything is OK. If you have further trouble,
please post your /etc/lilo.conf and /etc/fstab to the list.


Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] RPM's, ok, what next? Gnome Pilot installed...

2002-02-27 Per discussione Dan Butler

Thank you Shane!  I have only had two responses and you both recommend
Dan B

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] RPM's, ok, what next? Gnome Pilot installed...

 i use kpilot not gnome, and use a visor, but i can tell you that kpilot
 will not use USB.  have you tried to run USB view to see if your pilot is
 seen by the system?

 you might also try jpilot, it does work with USB

 On Tuesday 26 February 2002 18:19, Dan B opened a hailing frequency and

  Alright, I updated my system with Gnome-Pilot as that is suppose to
  me to use my Palm with my Linux box, but the system appears to still not
  see it. Anyone familiar with a Palm connected to a Linux box?

 Nimda virus affects Linux! My linux boxes have had their bandwidth chewed
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Re: [newbie] RPM's, ok, what next? Gnome Pilot installed...

2002-02-27 Per discussione Dan Butler

Thank you!  I have installed JPilot and I like the look.  But I do have
a connectivity problem and will have to look at the USB view you mentioned.
Thank you again!
Dan B

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] RPM's, ok, what next? Gnome Pilot installed...

 i use kpilot not gnome, and use a visor, but i can tell you that kpilot
 will not use USB.  have you tried to run USB view to see if your pilot is
 seen by the system?

 you might also try jpilot, it does work with USB

 On Tuesday 26 February 2002 18:19, Dan B opened a hailing frequency and

  Alright, I updated my system with Gnome-Pilot as that is suppose to
  me to use my Palm with my Linux box, but the system appears to still not
  see it. Anyone familiar with a Palm connected to a Linux box?

 Nimda virus affects Linux! My linux boxes have had their bandwidth chewed
 up by four thousand Nimda servers infected with IIS.

 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
 Profile at:

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Re: [newbie] test message - Please! don't read

2002-02-27 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Friday 22 February 2002 16:03, you wrote:
 I asked you NOT to read this. I only sent it because I've been having a
 problem getting messages to the list from my mailserver at work.

 but you've gone and done it now...

 i can't begin to tell you the terrible pains that shall now befall you
 because you didn't heed the warning.

I didn't read it. I swear I didn't. So I won't have terrible pains befall me, 
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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RE: [newbie] test message

2002-02-27 Per discussione Aron Pilhofer

Mark, they're getting through. :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Weaver
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 9:10 AM
To: Newbie List
Subject: [newbie] test message

cause they're not getting through. damn mailservers~!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.2beta1
  9:05am  up 2 days, 17:52,  2 users,  load average: 1.33, 1.27, 1.21

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RE: [newbie] canon printers

2002-02-27 Per discussione Maila Garcia

Thanks for the tip. This is a very useful site!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] canon printers

On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 18:09, Maila Garcia wrote:
 Does anyone know of a print driver that applies to Canon bubble jet
 More specifically, bjc 5100 and bjc 211o?
 Mike Garcia
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Maila, you can go here
and get the 5100 drivers I think, don't know about the other but check
the site and if it is available in cups this is the site to find it in.
Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842

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[newbie] no more ssi

2002-02-27 Per discussione Todd Slater

What would cause apache to no longer execute ssi commands? It was working
before, then the wife turned off the computer (bad!) and now my ssi
commands don't get executed.

I checked httpdcommon.conf and the shtml section is uncommented.


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[newbie] Another Text Editor for Linux

2002-02-27 Per discussione Charles Muller

The following message, which was posted on the TEI list, may be of
interest, since a Linux version of this text editor is available.


-Forwarded Message-

From: Stewart C. Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: TEI  Win32 XML authoring software.
Date: 27 Feb 2002 09:48:35 +

while I'm still here (this is my second last week at Collins), has
anyone used jEdit ( for TEI XML work? It's Java
based, needs quite a bit of memory and isn't the world's quickest piece
of software, but:

* it handles Unicode well, limited only by the (user-definable) font in
which glyphs will display.

* it has an XML plugin which allows validation and element selection
from a list.

* it's quite a small and simple install.

* it's free.

I like it, and it's in vigorous development, so it might be possible to
hint to developers the features you find useful.


Stewart C. Russell CEng MBCSSenior Analyst Programmer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Collins Dictionaries
use Disclaimer; my $opinion;Bishopbriggs, Scotland

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[newbie] Break in

2002-02-27 Per discussione Miark

Hi all,

I came up to my computer to send a quick e-mail, and I noticed my network
meter was way to active for sending e-mail, so I did a netstat and found the

Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State
tcp0  36500 mikemiarknet:3325765115250113:41004ESTABLISHED 
tcp0  0 mikemiarknet:33075642455927:ftpESTABLISHED

As soon as I saw this, I disconnected my dial-up computer which is a Win98
laptop running WinRoute

I had played with WinRoute's portmapping before, where I made one rule that
anything coming in to that IP address and on port 35000 would be forwarded
to my Linux box on port 80 (so that a colegue could connect to my web server)

But this doesn't quite fit First, the port numbers mentioned in netstat don't match
Second, I can't find a record of the foreign IP addresses in my logs Third, the 
second item says ftp but I wasn't running proftp at the time

How do I learn more about what happened?


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Re: [newbie] no more ssi

2002-02-27 Per discussione Miark


On my box I have to make sure that files with SSIs have the 
execute bit turned on. In other words 

chmod 744 *.htm

Perhaps you do too.


 What would cause apache to no longer execute ssi commands? 
 It was working before, then the wife turned off the computer 
 (bad!) and now my ssi commands don't get executed.
 I checked httpdcommon.conf and the shtml section is uncommented.

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[newbie] Sound trouble with Dell Optiplex GX1

2002-02-27 Per discussione James A. Peltier

Hi All,

I can't for the life of me get the sound card on my dell optiplex GX1 to
work  It's a CS4232 if I'm not mistaken  Can anyone provide any
assistance in regards to this?  I've tried google but to no real avail

- James

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