Re: [newbie-it] backup

2002-11-10 Per discussione sandro
Hash: SHA1

Alle 16:52, sabato 9 novembre 2002, hai scritto:

 Ma durante l'installazione non puoi semplicemente fare l'upgrade, senza
 perdere le tue configurazioni? Credo di si', ma vorrei conferma dai piu'

Fino a qualche tempo fa fare un aggiornamento ad una nuova versione di mdk da 
una vecchia era equivalente a suicidarsi. :-))
Questo per esperienza personale dalla 7.2 alla 8.0
Comunque altri hanno tentato la stessa cosa con altre versioni (7.1-7.2, 
8.0-8.1) e sono saltati fuori dei tali che.
Ora non so se con le nuove versioni le cose sono cambiate. Personalmente se 
devo passare ad una versione nuova della mdk mi faccio un bel backup dei miei 
file personali (configurazioni a parte, perchè poi le rimetto a posto) in un 
un bel tar.gz masterizzato su cd. 


- -- 
Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n° 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.2 on PIII 866 Mhz
Linux User #203143
Linux Machine #103048
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] backup

2002-11-10 Per discussione freefred
On Sunday 10 November 2002 9:13 am, sandro wrote about Re: [newbie-it] backup:

 Fino a qualche tempo fa fare un aggiornamento ad una nuova versione di mdk
 da una vecchia era equivalente a suicidarsi. :-))

Mah, io a parte la 9 che ho installato da zero, dalla 7.0 ho sempre fatto
aggiornamenti (qualche RC anche) e tutto e' sempre andato bene.
sara' che ho un pc anziano:-)

Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Conexant??

2002-11-10 Per discussione Cornelius
Hash: SHA1

Rispondo al post news:001701c2882d$2f85d100$b9700b3e;Leonardo di
Emiliano La Licata del 09 nov 2002 su :

 In questi portatile non riesco ad indentificare il modello del modem
 interno Conexant!! 
 Windows XP (mamma che brutto, mi dà sempre messaggi di errore da
 spedire alla Microsoft... Mah!!!)


 dice solo che il Conexant è Soft
 56 K Modem... troppo poco perché come sapete ho bisogno di altre
 inofrmazioni per vedere se esiste il linmodem!! 
 Come posso fare per uscire da questa impasse??

Se tanto mi da tanto e' il mio stesso modello.
Vai qui:
Dovresti trovare una lista di tutti i modem compatibili e un
programmino per win che riconosce le specifiche del tuo.
Non so se hanno gia' fatto l'rpm per la mdk 9.0 (2.4.19), comunque io
ho scaricato i sorgenti e mi vanno anche sulla Dolphin.
Fammi sapere!

- -- 
Io vivo in un sogno
dal quale non riesco a destarmi.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (MingW32) - WinPT 0.5.13


[newbie-it] ortografia e openoffice su mdk9.0

2002-11-10 Per discussione pigi
grazie anche al vostro aiuto sono migrato al pinguino e non rimpiango win$

pero' ho sempre bisogno di voi per la messa a punto:

ho notato che oo1.0.1 (istallato insieme a mdk9.0) non mi fa la correzzione 

Ho controllato e c'e' il dizionario italiano, ma quanto la eseguo non fa nulla 
(come se non ci fosse nessun errrore nel testo).

Succede anche ad altri?

grazie e ciao


Re: [newbie-it] backup

2002-11-10 Per discussione pigi

 Oddio, con tutto penso tu intenda anche i file nascosti... io, fossi in te,
 proverei (anzi, appena ho un attimo provo, mi hai stuzzicato) a fare
 un'immagine con mkisofs della cartella suddetta e poi, invece di
 masterizzarla, la monterei per vedere se ha messo tutto. Credo comunque ci
 sia un'ozione per comprendere tutti i file, guarda nel man.

Io l'ho fatto per masterizzarmi un cd di backup: si, con mkisofs ci mette 
proprio tutto, anche i files nascosti


[newbie-it] masterizzare in formato UDF

2002-11-10 Per discussione pigi
E' possibile usare sotto linux CD riscrivibili con formato UDF (in scrittura e 
in lettura)?

un grazie per l'aiuto


Re: [newbie-it] cartella home

2002-11-10 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 17:20, sabato 9 novembre 2002, francesco.melo ha scritto:
 Daniele Micci wrote:
 Nuovamente ciao a tutti...
 Seconda parte della richiesta di informazioni (ho diviso i problemi in
  email separate per non mischiare argomenti diversi, e garantire
  l'efficacia della ricerca futura nell'archivio della ML).
 Nella futura installazione, vorrei mettere la cartella /home su una
 partizione tutta sua (così da non dover necessariamente, la prossima
  volta, copiare i file per non perderli). Quindi mi chiedo:
 * non c'è il rischio, all'installazione di una futura versione, che i file
  di configurazione di KDE, GNOME, e dei vari programmi che uso creino
  qualche problema alla nuova installazione?

L'ho appena fatto; nessun problema.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Permessi sui file

2002-11-10 Per discussione Fabio Manunza
Alle 03:11, domenica 10 novembre 2002, Benedetto Santarella ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti,
  mentre cambiavo i diritti di accessso ad un file,
  mi e' capitato di eseguire
  chmod  nome_file
  ed ho notato che il numero  e' stato accettato,
  e mi dava come diritti di accesso
  qual'e'  il significato di s e di t al posto di x

Con s imposti il bit suid, che ti permette (come utente) l'esecuzione di file 
altrimenti proprietà di root.
Con t imposti il bit sticky che rende il file immutabile da chiunque (diciamo 
blindato), a meno di non resettare tale bit.

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] ortografia e openoffice su mdk9.0

2002-11-10 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: Re: [newbie-it] ortografia e openoffice su mdk9.0
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 17:37:24 +0100
From: Emiliano La Licata [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alle 16:36, domenica 10 novembre 2002, pigi ha scritto:
 ho notato che oo1.0.1 (istallato insieme a mdk9.0) non mi fa la correzzione

 Ho controllato e c'e' il dizionario italiano, ma quanto la eseguo non fa
 nulla (come se non ci fosse nessun errrore nel testo).

 Succede anche ad altri?

Devi attivare il controllo ortografico (My spell Checker),  e lo fai andando
su strumenti, poi  opzioni, poi impostazioni lingua, poi linguistica e sotto
Moduli linguistici disponibili vedrai selezionato Open Office MySpell
Checker, evidenzialo e clicca su modifica e vedrai che sotto Controllo
Ortografico c'è Open Office Myspell Spell Checker, seleziona la casella e
così avrai il controllo ortografico funzionante...

Spero di essere stato chiaro...



[newbie-it] modem conexant hsf e devfs??

2002-11-10 Per discussione tom
Ave lista
Ho recuperato finalmente i cd nn buggati della MDK9.0 e ho installato il
Ora mi trovo difronte ad un problema che sotto la 8.2 nn mi si era
Ho scaricato i driver per la 9.0 sia in formato RPM che .tar.gz

in tutti e due i casi dopo l'installazione il modem funzia bene. all
avvio sucessivo
..spiacente il modem non risponde..
Ho visto che in /dev viene creato il dispositivo ttyHSF0 (al momento del
e poi al riavvio questo non esiste piu
Ri leggendo mail passate ho visto che questo puo essere causato dal
devfsera cosi?
Se non sbaglio un problema con un modem conexant si era presentato anche da
Qualcuno puo radmi qualche dritta?
Grazie gia da ora.

p.s. allego quello che ha deto la shell in sede di installazio

Ciao , Tom

[rootlocalhost hsflinmodem-5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110301]# ls
BUGSCREDITShsflinmodem.spec inf/  LICENSE   packages/
CHANGES  inf2bin/  makefile  README
config.mak  firm2bin/  imported/INSTALL   modules/  scripts/
[rootlocalhost hsflinmodem-5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110301]# make
make install to install this software
make clean to remove objects and other derived files
hsfconfig (after installation) to setup your modem

make: *** [default] Error 1
[rootlocalhost hsflinmodem-5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110301]# make install
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/compi/hsflinmodem-5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110301/   
mkdir -m 755 -p /etc/hsf/inf
install -m 644 linux_ali_smartmc.inf linux_athens.inf linux_hsfi.inf linux_hsf.i   
   nf linux_intel_smartmc.inf linux_smarthsf.inf 
linux_via_smartmc.inf /etc/hsf/inf
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/compi/hsflinmodem-5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110301/i   
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/compi/hsflinmodem-5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110301/   
cc -I../imported/include -I../modules/osspec/include -DFRAME_WORK=FWK_LINUX_SOFT   
ERSION=\5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110301\ -O2 -Wall   -c -o inf2bin.o inf2bin.c
cc -o hsfinf2bin inf2bin.o
make[1]: *** Warning: File `/usr/sbin' has modification time in the future (2002-11-10 
17:35:28  2002-11-10 16:51:30)
install -m 755 hsfinf2bin /usr/sbin/hsfinf2bin
make[1]: warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/compi/hsflinmodem-5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110301/inf2bin'
make[1]: Entering directory 
cc -I../imported/include -I../modules/osspec/include -DFRAME_WORK=FWK_LINUX_SOFTK56 
firm2bin.o firm2bin.c
cc -o hsffirm2bin firm2bin.o
install -m 755 hsffirm2bin /usr/sbin/hsffirm2bin
install -m 644 cnxykf.hex /etc/hsf
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: Entering directory 
sed \
-e 's!PREFIX!/usr!g' \
-e 's!HSFETCDIR!/etc/hsf!g' \
-e 's!HSFLIBDIR!/usr/lib/hsf!g' \
-e 's!HSFINFDIR!/etc/hsf/inf!g' \
-e 's!HSFSERIALMINOR!64!g' \
-e 's!HSFBININF_FILE!/etc/hsf/nvram.bin!g' \
-e 's!HSFFIRMWR_FILE!/etc/hsf/firmware.bin!g' \
-e 's!HSFLINUXVERSION!5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110301!g' \  hsfconfig
chmod 755 hsfconfig
make[1]: *** Warning: File `/usr/bin' has modification time in the future (2002-11-10 
17:35:27  2002-11-10 16:51:31)
install -m 755 hsfconfig hsfstop /usr/sbin
make[1]: warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/compi/hsflinmodem-5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110301/scripts'
make[1]: Entering directory 
rm -rf /usr/lib/hsf/config.mak /usr/lib/hsf/imported /usr/lib/hsf/modules
mkdir -m 755 -p /usr/lib/hsf/modules
prevsum=; md5sum `find binaries -type f -print` /dev/null | sort | while read sum 
file ; do \
if [ $sum = $prevsum ]  cmp -s $file $prevfile; then \
rm -f $file; \
ln $prevfile $file; \
else \
prevsum=$sum; \
prevfile=$file; \
fi; \
(cd ..  find config.mak imported -depth -print | cpio -pdm /usr/lib/hsf)
4016 blocks
find . \( -name COPYING -o -name '*.sh' -o -name '*.[ch]' -o -name '*.mak' -o -name 
'[Mm]akefile' \) -print | cpio -pdm /usr/lib/hsf/modules
669 blocks
find binaries -depth -print | cpio -pdm /usr/lib/hsf/modules
0 blocks
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/compi/hsflinmodem-5.03.03.L3mbsibeta02110301/modules'
install -m 444 LICENSE /usr/lib/hsf

To complete the installation and configuration of your HSF modem,
please run hsfconfig (or /usr/sbin/hsfconfig)

Re: [newbie-it] ortografia e openoffice su mdk9.0

2002-11-10 Per discussione pigi

 Spero di essere stato chiaro...


tutto a posto e grazie

[newbie-it] MDK 9.0 ed il modem

2002-11-10 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ciao a tutti,
oggi ho installato la nuova MDK 9.0... stranamente, però, sono incappato
in un problema che non si era mai verificato con le precedenti versioni
e che non sono stato in grado, finora, di risolvere... ho configurato la
connessione internet (ho un modem 56K su porta seriale), ed il KPPP si
collega normalmente: il modem risponde ai comandi e la connessione viene
eseguita. Però è inutilizzabile: dal MCC la connessione non risulta
attiva (benchè il modem sia effettivamente collegato al server), e
nessun programma riesce ad accedere alla rete!
Ho provato diverse soluzioni, ma non riesco proprio a capire dove sia il
problema... ogni aiuto è estremamente gradito!!! Grazie!


Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9.0 ed il modem

2002-11-10 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 19:02, domenica 10 novembre 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 oggi ho installato la nuova MDK 9.0... stranamente, però, sono incappato
 in un problema che non si era mai verificato con le precedenti versioni
 e che non sono stato in grado, finora, di risolvere... ho configurato la
 connessione internet (ho un modem 56K su porta seriale), ed il KPPP si
 collega normalmente: il modem risponde ai comandi e la connessione viene
 eseguita. Però è inutilizzabile: dal MCC la connessione non risulta
 attiva (benchè il modem sia effettivamente collegato al server), e
 nessun programma riesce ad accedere alla rete!
 Ho provato diverse soluzioni, ma non riesco proprio a capire dove sia il
 problema... ogni aiuto è estremamente gradito!!! Grazie!

Hai configurato/installato il firewall shoreall??

Se sì accade che sei connesso ma qualsiasi programma di accesso alla rete non 
funziona, così come tu hai descritto!! disinstalla il firewall e tutto 
funziona bene!

Se no, non so proprio cosa possa essere!!

Re: [newbie-it] Conexant??

2002-11-10 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata
Alle 15:06, domenica 10 novembre 2002, Cornelius ha scritto:

 Se tanto mi da tanto e' il mio stesso modello.
 Vai qui:

 Non so se hanno gia' fatto l'rpm per la mdk 9.0 (2.4.19), comunque io

Sì lo hanno già fatto e funziona molto bene... grazie a te e IL TECNICO per le 

Tra le altre cose ho provato a riavvire il pc per vedere se veniva mantenuto 
il link simbolico dev/modem in dev/ttySHSFO e a differenza di TOM, il tutto 
ha funzionato nonostante il riavvio...

Grazie di nuovo

[newbie-it] Spedire posta con Mozilla

2002-11-10 Per discussione Emma e Gigi
Salve a tutti.
Ho appena montato MDK 9.0. mi sembra buono.
Visto che c'ero, ho deciso di provare qualche nuovo software... e la
scelta è caduta su Mozilla Mail.
Tutto bene fino a quando . ho deciso di spedire una e-mail!! A questo
punto mi si chiede di digitare una password.. precisamente digitare la
password per, che sarebbe l'SMTP del server.
Che diamine dovrei digitare? La normale password della'Account? Non penso,
dato che non l'accetta. Che altro? Io non ho stabilito nessun altra
Non pretendo però di avere ragione io. infatti vi chiedo: dove sto
sbagliando? :) :)

Re: [newbie-it] Audio e misteri

2002-11-10 Per discussione miKe
Alle 22:15, domenica 3 novembre 2002, Stefano Sebastiani ha

  controlla di non aver settato in modo eretico il tuo

 CIOè in che senso eretico

nel 'pannello di controllo' di kde puoi settare il tipo di
dispositivo audio da usare, se settarlo in full duplex ecc.
usando tutti i defoult funziona benone, mettendo
impostazioni strane si riesce a bloccare tutto il bloccabile


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] impossibile accedere a \\nome_host - impossibile trovare il percorso di rete

2002-11-10 Per discussione miKe
Alle 22:25, domenica 3 novembre 2002, Paolo Tomiato ha

 se fai ping LINUXBOX da win$ cosa ottieni?
 nn lo pingo!

ecco il problema..

 ma c'e' di +: in questi giorni ho continuato a fare prove
 su prove e ho anche reinstallato varie volte il SO
 provando vari livelli di sicurezza e alla fine di tutto
 ecco che cosa ho scoperto:

..che marmellata

senti , so  di scaricare tonnellate di fiammate..

usa una 8.2, e
impara a comfigurare ***A MANO***
i servizi

non è mai esistito, non esiste , e non esisterà mai
un sistema server configurabile a clikkoni...

la RH 8.0 non è che sia proprio TAANTO meglio della mdk 9.0
... anzi...
sono in questo momento in una bella aula a frequentare un
corso di RH ...
beh, i pareri sulla 9 non sono proprio 'entusiasti'...


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 9 ed interfaccia SCSI

2002-11-10 Per discussione miKe
Alle 10:33, lunedì 4 novembre 2002, Bigatt ha scritto:
 Ho trovato la MK9 su una rivista ed ho cercato di
 installarla. I miei due lettori CD sono SCSI, gestiti da
 un Adaptec 2940U2W.

 Al boot l'Adaptec viene riconosciuto correttamente, ma
 non viene caricato il modulo corrispondente. Quindi i
 lettori non vengono riconosciuti ed il caricamento non va
 piu' avanti.

con questa simpatica 9.0 non finiscono mai le sorprese...

vedi se è possibile  far partire  il setup in modalità
testuale ed 'avanzata'
dovresti riuscire a decidere tu cosa far caricare


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

R: [newbie-it] Spedire posta con Mozilla

2002-11-10 Per discussione mailing -
hai percaso selezionato il controllo di accesso anche su smtp
(autentificazione del server) ???

Con inwind non serve!


ciao ciao


 -Messaggio originale-
 [mailto:newbie-it-owner;]Per conto di Emma e Gigi
 Inviato: domenica 10 novembre 2002 20.01
 Oggetto: [newbie-it] Spedire posta con Mozilla

 Salve a tutti.
 Ho appena montato MDK 9.0. mi sembra buono.
 Visto che c'ero, ho deciso di provare qualche nuovo software... e la
 scelta è caduta su Mozilla Mail.
 Tutto bene fino a quando . ho deciso di spedire una e-mail!! A questo
 punto mi si chiede di digitare una password.. precisamente
 digitare la
 password per, che sarebbe l'SMTP del server.
 Che diamine dovrei digitare? La normale password della'Account? Non penso,
 dato che non l'accetta. Che altro? Io non ho stabilito nessun altra
 Non pretendo però di avere ragione io. infatti vi chiedo: dove sto
 sbagliando? :) :)

Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9.0 ed il modem

2002-11-10 Per discussione miKe
Alle 19:02, domenica 10 novembre 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha 
 Ciao a tutti,

 ho configurato la
 connessione internet (ho un modem 56K su porta seriale),
 ed il KPPP si collega normalmente: il modem risponde ai
 comandi e la connessione viene eseguita. Però è
 inutilizzabile: dal MCC la connessione non risulta attiva
 (benchè il modem sia effettivamente collegato al server),
 e nessun programma riesce ad accedere alla rete!

Controlla 2 cose:
1 che il firewall non droppi i pacchetti entranti (sarebbe 
strano, derivando da tue richieste di connessione, ma non 
2 che il tuo resolv.conf sia stato aggiornato dal kppp, 
cioè che siano stati aggiunti gli IP del DNS del tuo 
provider , in questo caso, potresti navigare indicando gli 
IP dei siti e non i nomi mnemonici



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] modem conexant hsf e devfs??

2002-11-10 Per discussione miKe
Alle 17:44, domenica 10 novembre 2002, tom ha scritto:

 in tutti e due i casi dopo l'installazione il modem
 funzia bene. all avvio sucessivo
 ..spiacente il modem non risponde..
 Ho visto che in /dev viene creato il dispositivo
 ttyHSF0 (al momento del installazione)
 e poi al riavvio questo non esiste piu
 Ri leggendo mail passate ho visto che questo puo essere
 causato dal devfsera cosi?

si, al riavvio il devfs pialla il dispositivo creato 

puoi risolvere in 2 modi:
1 eviti di usare devfs (fattibilissimo)
2 ricrei il dispositivo ed il link ad ogni avvio mettendo 
in rc.local
mknod /dev/ttyHSF0 Mm c
ln -sf /dev/ttyHSF0 dev/modem

i valori M e m 
li ottieni dando ls -l /dev/ttyHSF0 subito dopo 
l'installazione del modem (sono i valori che identificano 
il dispositivo)

 Ciao , Tom

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

Re: [newbie-it] Il server x e' morto

2002-11-10 Per discussione miKe
Alle 17:46, venerdì 8 novembre 2002, Benedetto Santarella 
ha scritto:
 Salve a tutti,
   Dopo aver provato la Mandrake 8.2, ho pensato
 di fare un aggiornamento alla 9.0. 

devi darci qualche messaggio di log


magari anche i log di Xfree...

dicci come è configurato X, quale scheda e quale server 

senza è duretta fare una diagnosi..

 Grazie a tutti!


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932

[newbie-it] Slack

2002-11-10 Per discussione Arwan
Sto cercando di imparare a muovermi sulla Sackware, e ho tre-quattro domande 
abbastanza banali da porre. Qualcuno puo' aiutarmi? In privato o in lista, 
vedete voi.


Re: [newbie] [OT- mostly] For Networking Gurus

2002-11-10 Per discussione Poogle
Thanks to all who replied, I now understand a lot more than I did, now for the 
hard part - persuading them that Linux/Samba is the way to go.. I may be 
gone for some time 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: lm_sensors was Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

2002-11-10 Per discussione Franki
I just loaded lm_sensors and its running fine..

however, when I check the logs, its alarming on the default settings..

things like core voltage and what not it is assuming the wrong min

is there a place I can edit what the default alarm settings are???

Also, what is a gui app that monitors lm_sensors output?



-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Dennis Myers
Sent: Saturday, 9 November 2002 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: lm_sensors was Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

On Friday 08 November 2002 07:46 pm, Roger Sherman wrote:
 On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Tom Brinkman wrote:
  If it's from lm_sensors, it's
  comin from a probe (thermistor) that either reads one of the cpu's
  pins, or is in contact with the die.  From a pin is slightly better,

 I know this has been covered here before, but I can't find it in the
 archives (I can never find anything in those damn archives!). How does one
 set up lm_sensors, once installed?

Go into a console and su to root, give password, at the prompt type
sensors-detect without the quotes of course, it will take you through a
dialogue of yes no answers and at the end give you some scripts to edit into
/etc/rc.d/rc.local and  /etc/modules.conf  files just highlight them and in
your choice of editors click middle mouse button or rightmouse and paste the
additions in. For the rc.local I always add the changes right after the
dialogue paragraph. Works every time for me. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

RE: [newbie] GNOME 2.0.1 Desktop Theme

2002-11-10 Per discussione Franki
I don't know about the toolbars and stuff, but the backdrop is bliss.bmp,
knicked from the windows directory of a winXP install.

(I know because I did the same thing a while back. :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Mike M
Sent: Saturday, 9 November 2002 2:03 PM
Subject: [newbie] GNOME 2.0.1 Desktop Theme

I want for my desktop to look like the one shown at:

Anyone know of the theme installed there? I can't find
it anywhere on freshmeat. Also looking for cool dark
themes. :)



 --From the messy desk of me.
 --CEO Exolision Software
 (Soon to come.)

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Powerpack

2002-11-10 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Sunday 10 Nov 2002 4:34 am, you wrote:
   Has anyone in the USA received their Mandrake 9.0 CD's yet I think I
 heard a guy in Montana naned Dennis got his about a week ago, still waiting
 on the set I preordered and starting to wonder if my order was lost. Anyone
 know how shipping is progressing?


I don't know whether it is governed by when you placed the order, or what.  
I'm in UK, and got mine on Friday.


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Fwd: Re: lm_sensors was Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

2002-11-10 Per discussione Pilagá
El Dom 10 Nov 2002 08:26, Franki escribió:
 I just loaded lm_sensors and its running fine..

 however, when I check the logs, its alarming on the default settings..

 things like core voltage and what not it is assuming the wrong min

 is there a place I can edit what the default alarm settings are???

 Also, what is a gui app that monitors lm_sensors output?



Hola, Frank. This is what I do: Installed gkrellm-1.2.13-3mdk.rpm +
gkrellm-plugins-1.2.13-1mdk.rpm Then, take note of values as are reported by
BIOS (enter Setup) and, finally, right click on gkrellm and fine tune each
value to match BIOS values.


GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
8:43am up 15 min, 2 users, load average: 0.02, 0.06, 0.07

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Re: [newbie] Trash can icon

2002-11-10 Per discussione Michael Adams
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 04:09, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 On Saturday 09 November 2002 05:51 pm, you wrote:
  On Saturday 09 November 2002 03:59 pm, James R. McKenzie wrote:
   Why would you want to do this?  Not deleting the icon thusly not
   needing some other way of recovering files you delete by accident
   makes infinately more sense than having to find that proverbial
   other way.
  It conflicts with my background.

 Under 8.2, on my setup - if you right-click, delete is not an option.
 However, if you move the desktop trash icon to another directory, like
 /home/yourusername/tmp, you can then right-click on it, and delete is
 available (although I didn't actually delete mine).

 Hope this helps! :-)

Randy the trash can on windows was just a directory, and so is KDE's. This 
directory is in the /home/yourUserName/Desktop/ directory. To delete it may 
upset KDE but if you succeed then any files you want to trash you could move 
to another directory of your choosing instead (perhaps ~/trash/).


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RE: Re: lm_sensors was Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

2002-11-10 Per discussione Franki
cool, I'm loading gkrellm now and I'll do it..

but what I am after really is a console tool of some sort that detected
alarms and could send an email then shutdown the system if its overheating..
so I guess I'd have to get lm_sensors correct rather then compensating with

I figured there would be a file somewhere that contained the min/max
settings for lm_sensors..

guess I'm going googling again.



-Original Message-
[mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Pilagá
Sent: Sunday, 10 November 2002 8:01 PM
To: Mandrake Linux
Subject: Fwd: Re: lm_sensors was Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

El Dom 10 Nov 2002 08:26, Franki escribió:
 I just loaded lm_sensors and its running fine..

 however, when I check the logs, its alarming on the default settings..

 things like core voltage and what not it is assuming the wrong min

 is there a place I can edit what the default alarm settings are???

 Also, what is a gui app that monitors lm_sensors output?



Hola, Frank. This is what I do: Installed gkrellm-1.2.13-3mdk.rpm +
gkrellm-plugins-1.2.13-1mdk.rpm Then, take note of values as are reported by
BIOS (enter Setup) and, finally, right click on gkrellm and fine tune each
value to match BIOS values.


GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
8:43am up 15 min, 2 users, load average: 0.02, 0.06, 0.07

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Re: [newbie] TrueType fonts in LM9

2002-11-10 Per discussione Derek Jennings
To install your True type fonts, first install the perlftlib RPM from your Cds  
(either using Software Manager, or 'urpmi perlftlib'  in a root console), 
then open Mandrake Control CentreSystemFonts

Select 'Advanced', select your True type fonts in your directory, and then 

If you are an experienced Linux user you might like to consider adding Xft2 
support as described here :-;


On Sunday 10 Nov 2002 10:05 am, Keith Powell wrote:
 I have just installed the 3 CDs Download Edition of Mandrake9, as I am
 thinking of changing to it from my current Linux distribution. If I like
 it, I'll buy it. First impressions are very good, but I would like to
 change from the installed fonts to all TrueType ones.

 I have some questions, please.

 1)  After I have installed the TrueType fonts and changed the KDE defaults
 to the new fonts, can I uninstall *all* the original fonts or must some
 remain on the machine?

 2)  Must the names of the TT font files be changed from upper case to
 lowercase? It used to be necessary, but I don't know if it still is.

 3)  The TrueType fonts are now in a temporary directory on my harddrive.
 How do I install them and uninstall the old ones? The manual supplied on
 the CDs does not give much information, neither can I find anything in the
 list archives. I could experiment, but don't want to mess up the
 installation and have to reinstall LM9. Perhaps there is a Mandrake how-to

 Although I have been using LInux for a couple of years, I am very much a
 newbie as far as Mandrake and its various specialist programs are
 concerned, so some guidance would be a great help, please.

 Many thanks


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Re: [newbie] Screen resolution

2002-11-10 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 10 Nov 2002 4:04 am, Joseph Braddock wrote:
 On Sat, 09 Nov 2002 19:42:46 +

 Ongkie Singgih [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear Friends,
  I just finish to install Linux Mandrake 9.0.
  Is there anybody out there who knows what I have to do to change the
  screen resolution when the installation of Linux Mandrake 9.0 is done?

 If you want to change it in an easy GUI way, go to the configuration menu
 and run the Mandrake Control Center (it's also on the menu bar if your
 running KDE).  Once it loads, select the hardware icon and then select the
 resolution icon.  Make your changes and you're done.


and if you only want to change resolution temporarily, just hit

Ctl+Alt+ (numeric keypad +)   Or Ctl+Alt+ (numeric keypad -)


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Re: [newbie] MDK 9.0 Nvidia

2002-11-10 Per discussione ET
not to sound like a commericial for the Mandrake Club, but I never could get 
the NVidia drivers working on my dual CPU w/a Gforce4, Ti4400, until the 
Mandrake club RPMs, and after downloading and running the drivers from the 
club, I am smoking. if I start glX gears from a command prompt, 

18111 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3622.200 FPS
22241 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4448.200 FPS
21559 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4311.800 FPS
21008 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4201.600 FPS

I Like it

On Sunday 10 November 2002 01:00 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 15:08, Pilagá wrote:
  Is there any way to get nvidia rpms working in MDK 9.0?
  The path: 2960 or 3123, plus load glx, plus nvnvidia,don't work at all.
  A search with google, report:
  type the following commands after logging in as root:
  #cd /usr/X11R6/lib
   #ln -s /usr/lib/  ln -s
  Is this correct, and safe? (I know how to uninstall GLX and kernel
  nvidia's, but, and if something go wrong, I don't know how to undo all
  that ln -s... stuff.)
  GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
  12:46am up 6 min, 2 users, load average: 0.05, 0.14, 0.08

 The NVIDIA drivers require both the GLX driver and the NVIDIA driver
 (make sure you have the source for the kernel installed on your system
 as well - and if not, it's on CD3) - you're going to have to compile the
 source for the NVIDIA main driver as they do not have the RPM on the
 NVIDIA site.

 You install the GLX driver first, then compile/install the NVDIA driver.
 It will modify your /etc/X11/XF86Config.4 file (which you can edit
 later). Once installed, reboot and then get into X - you'll love it.

 Don't take any other advice other than what the README file says from
 NVIDIA. You CAN damage the card quite easily.

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Re: [newbie] restarting X disables winmodem

2002-11-10 Per discussione Richard
Thanks very much for your help, Stephen, Brian and Joe. I'm very grateful. 
Nice to hear from the lucky country when you're an exile in London.

As far as I can tell, this is the only driver available. I've just installed a 
newer version, and the same thing happens.

Contents of /etc/modules.conf are as follows:

probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
probeall usb-interface usb-uhci
above snd-emu10k1 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-slot-0 snd-emu10k1
alias /dev/ttySHCF[0-9]* hcfpciserial
alias char-major-240 hcfpciserial
alias /dev/cuaHCF[0-9]* hcfpciserial
alias char-major-241 hcfpciserial
alias /dev/modem hcfpciserial
options hcfpciserial serialmajor=240 calloutmajor=241 pcivendorid=0x14F1 

Doing a 'modprobe hcfpciserial' doesn't change anything I'm afraid, nor does 
substituting any of the aliases.

I think it must be something to do with the drivers being loaded only under 
user id, because I've just found out how to restart X via the GUI after 
logging out of a KDE session. This does not cause the modem to pack up (works 
for all users), presumably because there was never a need to become root in 
this process.  I'd still like to know whether the entries in 
/etc/modules.conf will load the drivers for root, and if not how one alters 
them, if only as an exercise in understanding. But anyway, in future there 
will be no problem.

Sorry for the trouble and my ignorance - only started with Linux a couple of 
weeks ago. Many thanks again

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2002-11-10 Per discussione Robert Golovniov
Hello the list,

  What  is the latest version I can install on Mandrake
  8.2?  Will  the  system  allow me to install 1.0.1, which comes as a
  part of 9.0 version?

Robert  mailto:golovniov;

   -=Robert  Beata Golovniov | Lviv, Ukraine=-
PGP public key: 0x633F6D07 (link 1 - embedded, link 2 - attached)
Fingerprint: 1A1C 29F1 2A0C 4C4E 0BDA  C8EE 5A1D 9F03 633F 6D07

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[newbie] pppd

2002-11-10 Per discussione Robert Golovniov
Hello Newbie List,

  What  is  the  best  way  to manage my dial-up modem connections? At
  present,  I  do  it via Mandrake Control Center. But I guess it is a
  security  risk, since you have to run pppd as root. Is there any way
  I can do it differently?

Robert  mailto:golovniov;

   -=Robert  Beata Golovniov | Lviv, Ukraine=-
PGP public key: 0x633F6D07 (link 1 - embedded, link 2 - attached)
Fingerprint: 1A1C 29F1 2A0C 4C4E 0BDA  C8EE 5A1D 9F03 633F 6D07

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[newbie] lm_sensors install and configuration

2002-11-10 Per discussione John Richard Smith
I've now had time to reconfigure the lm_sensors install and compare
with my bios settings :-

M8.2 lm_sensors Install No.2 amd configuration  10.11.02

[root@localhost root]# sensors-detect
This program will help you to determine which I2C/SMBus modules you need to
load to use lm_sensors most effectively.
You need to have done a `make install', issued a `depmod -a' and made sure
`/etc/conf.modules' (or `/etc/modules.conf') contains the appropriate
module path before you can use some functions of this utility. Read
doc/modules for more information.
Also, you need to be `root', or at least have access to the 
/dev/i2c[-/]* files for some things. You can use prog/mkdev/ to 
create these /dev files
if you do not have them already.
If you have patched your kernel and have some drivers built-in you can
safely answer NO if asked to load some modules. In this case, things may
seem a bit confusing, but they will still work.

We can start with probing for (PCI) I2C or SMBus adapters.
You do not need any special privileges for this.
Do you want to probe now? (YES/no): yes
Probing for PCI bus adapters...
Use driver `i2c-viapro' for device 00:11.0: VIA Technologies VT8233 
VLink South Bridge
Probe succesfully concluded.

We will now try to load each adapter module in turn.
Module `i2c-viapro' already loaded.
Do you now want to be prompted for non-detectable adapters? (yes/NO): yes
Load `i2c-elektor' (say NO if built into your kernel)? (YES/no): yes
init_module: No such device
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, 
including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
modprobe: insmod 
/lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/kernel/drivers/i2c/i2c-elektor.o.gz failed
modprobe: insmod i2c-elektor failed
Loading failed ()... skipping.
Load `i2c-elv' (say NO if built into your kernel)? (YES/no): yes
/lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/kernel/drivers/i2c/i2c-elv.o.gz: init_module: 
No such device
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, 
including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
modprobe: insmod 
/lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/kernel/drivers/i2c/i2c-elv.o.gz failedmodprobe: 
insmod i2c-elv failed
Loading failed ()... skipping.
Load `i2c-philips-par' (say NO if built into your kernel)? (YES/no): yes
Module loaded succesfully.
Load `i2c-velleman' (say NO if built into your kernel)? (YES/no): yes
init_module: No such device
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, 
including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
modprobe: insmod 
/lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/kernel/drivers/i2c/i2c-velleman.o.gz failed
modprobe: insmod i2c-velleman failed
Loading failed ()... skipping.
To continue, we need module `i2c-dev' to be loaded.
If it is built-in into your kernel, you can safely skip this.
i2c-dev is already loaded.

We are now going to do the adapter probings. Some adapters may hang halfway
through; we can't really help that. Also, some chips will be double 
we choose the one with the highest confidence value in that case.
If you found that the adapter hung after probing a certain address, you can
specify that address to remain unprobed. That often
includes address 0x69 (clock chip).

Next adapter: SMBus Via Pro adapter at 0400 (Non-I2C SMBus adapter)
Do you want to scan it? (YES/no/selectively): yes
Client found at address 0x18
Probing for `National Semiconductor LM78'... Failed!
Probing for `National Semiconductor LM78-J'... Failed!
Probing for `National Semiconductor LM79'... Failed!
Probing for `Winbond W83781D'... Failed!
Probing for `Winbond W83782D'... Failed!
Probing for `Winbond W83783S'... Failed!
Probing for `Winbond W83627HF'... Failed!
Probing for `Asus AS99127F'... Failed!
Probing for `Analog Devices ADM1021'... Failed!
Probing for `Maxim MAX1617'... Success!
   (confidence 3, driver `adm1021')
Probing for `Maxim MAX1617A'... Failed!
Probing for `TI THMC10'... Failed!
Probing for `National Semiconductor LM84'... Success!
   (confidence 6, driver `adm1021')
Probing for `Genesys Logic GL523SM'... Failed!
Client at address 0x2d can not be probed - unload all client drivers first!
Client found at address 0x30
Probing for `National Semiconductor LM78'... Failed!
Probing for `National Semiconductor LM78-J'... Failed!
Probing for `National Semiconductor LM79'... Failed!
Probing for `Winbond W83781D'... Failed!
Probing for `Winbond W83782D'... Failed!
Probing for `Winbond W83783S'... Failed!
Probing for `Winbond W83627HF'... Failed!
Probing for `Asus AS99127F'... Failed!
Client at address 0x48 can not be probed - unload all client drivers first!
Client at address 0x49 can not be probed - unload all client drivers first!
Client found at address 0x50
Probing for `National Semiconductor LM78'... Failed!
Probing for `National Semiconductor LM78-J'... Failed!
Probing for `National Semiconductor LM79'... Failed!
Probing for 

Re: [newbie] Galeon unstable

2002-11-10 Per discussione Paul Rodriguez
I gave this a try and for a while it seemed somehwat more stable, but on normal use it 
still crashes.

- Paul
 Try starting galeon from a console.  When you start galeon from the menu it 
 actually runs
 soundwrapper /usr/bin/galeon
 That was found to cause instability in Galeon in 8.2  The problem might still 
 be around in 9.0

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Re: lm_sensors was Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

2002-11-10 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Saturday November 9 2002 09:25 am, John Richard Smith wrote:

 I downloaded lm_sensors-2.6.4-4mdk.i586.rpm,
 It wanted CD2 , I gave it, but still it reported ,  is needed by lm_sensors-2.6.4-4mdk.i586.rpm,
 with no clue as to where to find it.

 Do you think it's worth chasing this dependency or is it not much


 tom$ frpm lm_sensors
 tom$ wrpm

   f(ind)rpm  w(hat)rpm are aliases I use

You need 'em all.  IIRC they're on the CD's.  Easiest should be to 
just do 'urpmi lm_sensors' and it should get any deps for you.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] galeon search

2002-11-10 Per discussione Paul Rodriguez
Well, I just upgraded my system from 8.2 to 9.0.  In 8.2 typing a word
without a suffix in the galeon address bar took me to [thatword].com. 
This is the behavior that I would prefer.  There does not seem to be a
place to specify which behavior I would like.  Secondly, the current
search page it sends me to (ultimatesearch) is not acceptable.  It
does not even do the search for you, it just leaves you on the index
page. This is a bug which needs to be fixed.

- Paul

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 14:01, Technoslick wrote:
 I did this in Galeon:
 cnn ENTER
 I got:
 keyword:cnn in Google, with the search results in the browser's window.
 I did this:
 And got, which is what is expected by most of us.
 Are you saying that you 'are', or 'are not', typing the suffix (i.e; .com,
 .net, .org...) when you enter only a partial URL?
 If you do not type in a the suffix, it will assume that you are asking for a
 search on that word. If I type in the suffix (.com), and not the prefix
 (www.) or transport protocol (http://), Galeon will assume that you are
 looking for a URL address and handle it accordingly.
 This is not really unusual for a modern Web browser. Internet Explorer in
 Windows acts this way, as does Galeon and Konqueror in Linux. However, I
 have noticed that Netscape and Mozilla will treat anything typed in the URL
 locator as a URL. The reason for that is that both programs supply a search
 button to the right of the URL locator to do what the other would do
 automatically. It may be a function of the using the Geiko engine that they
 both now share.
 Half a dozen of one, six of another --- what's more important to you? :-)
 - Original Message -
 From: Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 9:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] galeon search
 Actually, http://mandrake will take me to
 as well.
 - paul
 On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 09:17, Marty Wedepohl wrote:
  Make sure you have the prefix 'http://' in front of anything you enter.
   Nope, not a search box, I've been typing it in the address pane.  Typing
   a word in the window that pops up when I press Ctrl+O also takes me to .
   - Paul
   On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 04:32, Michael Scottaline wrote:
   On 07 Nov 2002 22:28:39 -0500
   Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:
   Whenever I type a word in the address bar of my galeon browser, I
   expect it to go to [word].com.  Instead I am taken to not ultimate or much good at all.
   How do I change this?
   Hit Ctrl+O (not zero) and put the address there.  Looks like you're
   entering the address in a search box.
   Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.
  Popular Mechanics, 1949
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] galeon search

2002-11-10 Per discussione Paul Rodriguez
Hi, Charlie, changing the preferences in Mozilla was a really good
guess, and I thought it would work.  But it did't change the bahavior.

- Paul

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 12:26, Charlie wrote:
 On Friday 08 November 2002 07:35 am, Paul Rodriguez wrote:
  Actually, http://mandrake will take me to
  as well.
  - paul
 I just started Galeon and typed transgaming into the address bar and ended 
 up at a Google search page that shows links to Transgaming, and other pages 
 that have references to transgaming or Transgaming. You know; a pretty much 
 standard Google search. I also tried words; Mandrake, sourceforge, freshmeat, 
 even just for grins 'n' giggles tried hotmail. Straight to Google search. 
 Apparently for any word the result is a Google search on the word that I 
 type into the address bar. 
 Question; do you have auto completion enabled?
 Since you have to have Mozilla installed to run Galeon, and since I can't find 
 anything in preferences in Galeon to specify preferred search site, maybe you 
 have to open MozillaEditPreferencesInternet Search, and specify the search 
 engine you want there. You may also need to enable keywords and auto 
 completion there. I don't have those enabled but I think they're on by 
 BTW I have Mozilla set for Google as my preferred search engine.
 Maybe you should try it?
 Registered user 244963 at
 Learn to pause -- or nothing worthwhile can catch up to you.

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 Go to

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Re: [newbie] galeon search

2002-11-10 Per discussione Paul Rodriguez
On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 14:01, Technoslick wrote:
 I did this in Galeon:
 cnn ENTER
 I got:
 keyword:cnn in Google, with the search results in the browser's window.
 I did this:

The odd thing is, typing keyword:mandrake will take me too; 
which is what you describe.  But typing just mandrake takes me to;

- Paul

 And got, which is what is expected by most of us.
 Are you saying that you 'are', or 'are not', typing the suffix (i.e; .com,
 .net, .org...) when you enter only a partial URL?
 If you do not type in a the suffix, it will assume that you are asking for a
 search on that word. If I type in the suffix (.com), and not the prefix
 (www.) or transport protocol (http://), Galeon will assume that you are
 looking for a URL address and handle it accordingly.
 This is not really unusual for a modern Web browser. Internet Explorer in
 Windows acts this way, as does Galeon and Konqueror in Linux. However, I
 have noticed that Netscape and Mozilla will treat anything typed in the URL
 locator as a URL. The reason for that is that both programs supply a search
 button to the right of the URL locator to do what the other would do
 automatically. It may be a function of the using the Geiko engine that they
 both now share.
 Half a dozen of one, six of another --- what's more important to you? :-)
 - Original Message -
 From: Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 9:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] galeon search
 Actually, http://mandrake will take me to
 as well.
 - paul
 On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 09:17, Marty Wedepohl wrote:
  Make sure you have the prefix 'http://' in front of anything you enter.
   Nope, not a search box, I've been typing it in the address pane.  Typing
   a word in the window that pops up when I press Ctrl+O also takes me to .
   - Paul
   On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 04:32, Michael Scottaline wrote:
   On 07 Nov 2002 22:28:39 -0500
   Paul Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled intuitively:
   Whenever I type a word in the address bar of my galeon browser, I
   expect it to go to [word].com.  Instead I am taken to not ultimate or much good at all.
   How do I change this?
   Hit Ctrl+O (not zero) and put the address there.  Looks like you're
   entering the address in a search box.
   Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.
  Popular Mechanics, 1949
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] TrueType fonts in LM9

2002-11-10 Per discussione Keith Powell
Hello Derek.

Thanks for the help. The TrueType fonts are now installed. They went on very 

I have put Xft2 support on the list of things to try, before making a final 
decision about Mandrake.



On Sunday 10 Nov 2002 12:28 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
 To install your True type fonts, first install the perlftlib RPM from your
 Cds (either using Software Manager, or 'urpmi perlftlib'  in a root
 console), then open Mandrake Control CentreSystemFonts

 Select 'Advanced', select your True type fonts in your directory, and then

 If you are an experienced Linux user you might like to consider adding Xft2
 support as described here :-;


 On Sunday 10 Nov 2002 10:05 am, Keith Powell wrote:
  I have just installed the 3 CDs Download Edition of Mandrake9, as I am
  thinking of changing to it from my current Linux distribution. If I like
  it, I'll buy it. First impressions are very good, but I would like to
  change from the installed fonts to all TrueType ones.
  I have some questions, please.
  1)  After I have installed the TrueType fonts and changed the KDE
  defaults to the new fonts, can I uninstall *all* the original fonts or
  must some remain on the machine?
  2)  Must the names of the TT font files be changed from upper case to
  lowercase? It used to be necessary, but I don't know if it still is.
  3)  The TrueType fonts are now in a temporary directory on my harddrive.
  How do I install them and uninstall the old ones? The manual supplied on
  the CDs does not give much information, neither can I find anything in
  the list archives. I could experiment, but don't want to mess up the
  installation and have to reinstall LM9. Perhaps there is a Mandrake
  how-to somewhere?
  Although I have been using LInux for a couple of years, I am very much a
  newbie as far as Mandrake and its various specialist programs are
  concerned, so some guidance would be a great help, please.
  Many thanks

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Powerpack

2002-11-10 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Saturday 09 November 2002 11:34 pm, you wrote:
   Has anyone in the USA received their Mandrake 9.0 CD's yet I think I
 heard a guy in Montana naned Dennis got his about a week ago, still waiting
 on the set I preordered and starting to wonder if my order was lost. Anyone
 know how shipping is progressing?


I got a letter confirming my order (prepaid by check) but no package yet. 

  Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] 9.0 installation problems

2002-11-10 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Sunday 10 November 2002 07:24 am, walt wrote:
 can't get to the next screen after I hit enter to
 install 9.0 I have a AMD K7 duron 1.2 ghtz, VIA chipset,
 prosavage DDR, 512 ram, maxtor 20 gig hd, networked with
 a siemans speedstream 2604 router and toshiba cable
 modem to an xp box if I could get this to work on this
 machine, xp would be gone. I have no problems installing
 8.2 and have put 9.0 on my old computer..celeron 400
 mhtz, Nvidia and it works fine but i have network
 problems with it and can't get to the internet. anyone
 have any suggestions?

Walt, I think the problem is mentioned on the errata page

Kaj Haulrich

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[newbie] Thanks to Derek Jenings, Joseph Braddock and Stephen Kuhn

2002-11-10 Per discussione Ongkie Singgih
Dear Friends,

I have tried to change the resolution in GUI, but there is no other choice 
beside 640x480.
I have tried to change the file XF68Config-4, but the result is still the 

What I did to solve my problem with screen resolution is re-install the 
Mandrake 9.0 and carefully pickup one screen resolution (1024x768).

Anyway thanks for your advices.

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

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Re: lm_sensors was Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

2002-11-10 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Sunday November 10 2002 06:49 am, Franki wrote:
 cool, I'm loading gkrellm now and I'll do it..

 but what I am after really is a console tool of some sort that
 detected alarms and could send an email then shutdown the system if
 its overheating.. so I guess I'd have to get lm_sensors correct
 rather then compensating with gkrellm...

 Hola, Frank. This is what I do: Installed gkrellm-1.2.13-3mdk.rpm +
 gkrellm-plugins-1.2.13-1mdk.rpm Then, take note of values as are
 reported by BIOS (enter Setup) and, finally, right click on gkrellm
 and fine tune each value to match BIOS values.


If lm_sensors is properly installed and configured, and theres no 
hardware dificiency on the motherboards part, compensating temps using 
gkrellm tweaks is a bad idea.  The temps you see in bios, even after a 
warm reboot are indicative of a system that is under very low load and 
isn't up to operating temperature. Temps after booting the OS, 
specially under load, should be higher than what bios reported.

The important thing to note with voltages is that they stay steady. 
Varying voltages, again, specially under load (eg, 'make modules'), 
indicates a poor and/or inadequate power supply.

The acid test for all this is
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: lm_sensors was Re: [newbie] Way, way of topic

2002-11-10 Per discussione Pilagá
El Dom 10 Nov 2002 12:22, Tom Brinkman escribió:
 If lm_sensors is properly installed and configured, and theres no
 hardware dificiency on the motherboards part, compensating temps using
 gkrellm tweaks is a bad idea.  The temps you see in bios, even after a
 warm reboot are indicative of a system that is under very low load and
 isn't up to operating temperature. Temps after booting the OS,
 specially under load, should be higher than what bios reported.

 The important thing to note with voltages is that they stay steady.
 Varying voltages, again, specially under load (eg, 'make modules'),
 indicates a poor and/or inadequate power supply.

 The acid test for all this is

Gracias, Tom

file:/usr/share/doc/lm_sensors-2.6.4/doc/FAQ have a lot of info. I'm reading 

GNU/Linux Mandrake 9.0
2:10pm up 55 min, 3 users, load average: 0.04, 0.03, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] lm_sensors GUI

2002-11-10 Per discussione PBone
On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 01:48 am, Pilagá wrote:
   Is there any app to monitor lm_sensors from inside KDE 3.0.3?


ksensors will do the job if you want a KDE app (it can pop up the values on 
the KDE panel system tray)

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Re: [newbie] lm_sensors GUI

2002-11-10 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Sunday 10 November 2002 11:38 am, PBone wrote:
 On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 01:48 am, Pilagá wrote:
  Is there any app to monitor lm_sensors from inside KDE 3.0.3?

 ksensors will do the job if you want a KDE app (it can pop up the values on
 the KDE panel system tray)
where does one find ksensors? thanks,
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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RE: [newbie] Internet connection problem

2002-11-10 Per discussione pkaplan1
On 9 Nov 2002 at 13:20, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 mailto:newbie-owner; wrote: 
  My ISP is ATT/Roadrunner (or whatever they're called in Boston
  now).  Yesterday they forced a switch to dynamic IP addressess
  and DNS resolution so I can no longer use static IP addresses for
  my DNS server entries.
  My home network uses a W2K box connected directly to a cable
  modem.  No problem switching that to the new configuration.  I
  have a second ethernet card connected to a router into which I plug
  in a Linux (LM9) laptop.  Formerly, I gave each machine on the
  home network a fixed IP address (the linux box was
  with the 2nd eth card on the W2K box as
  I can no longer do DNS resolution from the Lin box.
  Can anyone give me or point me to step by step directions for
  configuring both boxes to re-establish my ethernet connection from
 Wouldn't you want to enable the internet connection sharing on the
 initial ethernet connection to the ADSL box? If you did that, then you'd
 setup the linux box's ethernet connection to use DHCP - that's what I do
 at home here (but with a modem). The only time I had issues with that
 type of setup was for a customer that HAD to have specific IP addresses
 on their internal network - but I still set the workstation with the
 connection as the primary DNS server and all worked well after that...
 11 09 2002

Thanks for your reply.  I did some more investigating.

In the original configuration (above), it appears that what is broken is 
DNS resolution from the Linux box.  I can ping the W2K box from the Lin box, and 
vice versa.  Moreover, I can ping internet sites as well as access them so long as I 
use the numerical address.

Since the Linbox is using the W2K box as a gatway, it seems to me that I need to 
point the Linbox to do DNS resolution on the W2K box.  Am I thinking correctly?  
Any directions would be appreciated.  Pointers to such would also be good.


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Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post install, Dell laptop

2002-11-10 Per discussione Graham Watkins

Thanks for the advice.  In the end, I selected the upgrade option on my 
reinstall and didn't reformat as I didn't fancy going to the trouble of 
re-installing all the extra stuff I'd added since the original 
installation.  This took about ten minutes and when I rebooted, the 
drive was detected, even down to there being an icon for it on the 
desktop.  I set up a mount point using Control Centre and eventually got 
the permissions right.  It's working fine now with no printing conflicts 
so far.

Technoslick wrote:

Sorry for the very late reply, Graham, but this is the best that I can do
when I 'get' your post 'four days' after you made it. sigh

I am going to cover a lot of ground in this post to make sure that whatever
results you get are not because of any neglected set-up issues.

If this is not a multi-boot installation, just MDK Linux, I would say it
isn't that much extra work to wipe everything off and start as if the drive
was being first baptized with Linux. I have this thing for removing all
possible variables when I do something like this. It's up to you whether you
want to keep your current installation and just load new over it.

If you do decided to start over 'clean', use the Linux 'fdisk' to remove all
your Linux partitions. After writing the deletion to the drive, insert your
MDK CD #1 in the primary CD-ROM drive and turn the box off. You didn't
mention whether this was a dual-boot/multi-boot set-up. I am going to assume
is not. you can adjust all of this accordingly.

When you next boot-up, on starting your install, you need to go into the
BIOS and check two settings before installing Linux. The first is that 'PNP
O/S' is set to 'No'. the second is that your printer port is set to whatever
your drive and/or printer needs. ECP is generally required for all modern
printers. ECP-EPP is also good. SPP is uni-directional printing, generally
for the older, dumber lasers, very old ink-jets and dot-matrix printers. You
did not say whether you plan on daisy-chaining a printer to the back of the
Zip drive. I strongly recommend that you don't, if the printer is a
relatively new ink-jet or laser. If you still have the documentation for
your printer, see if there is a reference to this. I have seen it stated
before. Check the documentation for the Zip drive (you probably don't have
any, right?) to see whether it can work under ECP or must have SPP. Iomega
has stated that some of the earlier models 'must' run under SPP. If this is
true for yours (and you probably won't know until after all is said and
done), you will have to make some compromise or buy another printer port
card. If you can afford to, have space in the computer for it, and are
inclined to open your computer to put one in, get a high-speed printer port
card. You will always have the best performance and 'luck' when each of
these devices are on its own printer port.

Connect your Zip drive up to the parallel port, daisy-chain your printer, if
you must, and make sure that both are on before starting the install of MDK.
Boot-up, check your BIOS as I mentioned earlier, make your adjustments if
necessary, save and re-boot into your MDK installation. During the initial
stages of the install, your Zip drive will be recognized and the appropriate
parallel port/SCSI configuration made. MDK may also recognize your printer,
too. Even then, you will have to see in the end if you can use the Zip drive
and the printer, alternately at first, then together (like printing from a
file on the Zip drive) to see what you can do or not do.

I apologize for the very technical, and lengthy post on what should be a
simple answer. My experience has shown that the only way to be insure that
software works correctly is to make sure that the hardware it drives is set
appropriately. A little patience and prep in the beginning assures you that
any problems you encounter later on will more likely be software issues, not
hardware related. Zip drives are notoriously testy by their very nature and
cause more printer-related problems than any others I have seen out in the
field. As the externals have gone to USB, these problems are almost
non-existent. But, you and I are trying to apply old technology to a modern
world of software driven printers that communicate back to the computer
through that very same port. Here's where the two conflict, both polling and
wanting control of that same port simultaneously. I am very ignorant of how
Linux manages the two here, compared to the Windows environment, so the
settings and prep here will make sure that Linux gets he best chance to
makes things work right.

Good luck to you. Let me know if you have any problems, either here or by
direct email. If you decide to repost, give me a week at least, to be sure
that I get your post. ;-)


- Original Message -
From: Graham Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] how to mount zip drive, post 

RE: [newbie] Internet connection problem

2002-11-10 Per discussione jbarron201
Mt Attbi has been DNS a long time .I,m doing the same  here Win2k ,2 nic,s
useing a crossover cable.Configure Win2k nic thats useing the crossover .It well
come up Sub ,use the same in the Mandrake box but with
DNS it changes when they go down giving new ip numbers and mine is bad about
picking the wrong nic.
 On 9 Nov 2002 at 13:20, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  mailto:newbie-owner; wrote: 
   My ISP is ATT/Roadrunner (or whatever they're called in Boston
   now).  Yesterday they forced a switch to dynamic IP addressess
   and DNS resolution so I can no longer use static IP addresses for
   my DNS server entries.
   My home network uses a W2K box connected directly to a cable
   modem.  No problem switching that to the new configuration.  I
   have a second ethernet card connected to a router into which I plug
   in a Linux (LM9) laptop.  Formerly, I gave each machine on the
   home network a fixed IP address (the linux box was
   with the 2nd eth card on the W2K box as
   I can no longer do DNS resolution from the Lin box.
   Can anyone give me or point me to step by step directions for
   configuring both boxes to re-establish my ethernet connection from
  Wouldn't you want to enable the internet connection sharing on the
  initial ethernet connection to the ADSL box? If you did that, then you'd
  setup the linux box's ethernet connection to use DHCP - that's what I do
  at home here (but with a modem). The only time I had issues with that
  type of setup was for a customer that HAD to have specific IP addresses
  on their internal network - but I still set the workstation with the
  connection as the primary DNS server and all worked well after that...
  11 09 2002
 Thanks for your reply.  I did some more investigating.
 In the original configuration (above), it appears that what is broken is 
 DNS resolution from the Linux box.  I can ping the W2K box from the Lin box, and 
 vice versa.  Moreover, I can ping internet sites as well as access them so long 
 as I 
 use the numerical address.
 Since the Linbox is using the W2K box as a gatway, it seems to me that I need to 
 point the Linbox to do DNS resolution on the W2K box.  Am I thinking correctly?  
 Any directions would be appreciated.  Pointers to such would also be good.
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] KDE KMail 1.4.3: Unknown Host Error Message

2002-11-10 Per discussione Daniel P Wheeler
Linux Mandrake 9.0 (with Linux kernel 2.4.19-16mdk) was installed in an IBM
compatible PC.

In the KDE mail client KMail 1.4.3 (used in the K Desktop Environment 3.0.3)
an error message was produced when either an attempt to send mail or
received mail was made. (An external MODEM--the 3Com USRobotics 56 K
Professional Message Modem--was used on the first serial port.)


File, Check Mail

an error message was produced:


Unknown host


File, Send Queued

the following error message was displayed:


Sending failed:

Unknown host

The message will stay in the 'outbox' folder 
until you either fix the
problem (e.g. a broken address) or remove the message from the 'outbox'

Note: Other messages will also be blocked by 
this message, as long as
it is in the 'outbox' folder

The following transport protocol was used:


The KDE mail client: KMail 1.4.3 was configured as follows.

Settings, Configure KMail, Network, Sending, General

Port:   25

Settings, Configure KMail, Network, Receiving, General

Login: danielp.wheeler
Port:  110

In the Linux Mandrake 9.0 (with Linux kernel 2.4.19-16mdk) shutting-down
process the messages

Shutting down NMB services [FAILED]
Shutting down SMB services [FAILED]

were produced.

The Mandrake Linux 9.0 (with Linux kernel 2.4.19-16mdk) installation dialup
options were:

Connection name:ntlworld
Phone number: 126308005190100
Login ID:danielp.wheeler
Authentication:  PAP
Domain name:
First DNS Server (optional):
Second DNS Server (optional):

(PAP was the default. Other options were: terminal based, script based and


Networking, Remote access, KPP (Internet Dial-up Tool)


Login Script Debug Window




Networking, Remote access, KPPP (Internet Dial-up Tool)


KPPP PPP log produced:

pppd 2.4.1 started by danielpwheeler, uid 501
using channel 2
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/tts/0
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0  magic 0xe5c792d7 pccomp
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0  magic 0xe5c792d7 pccomp
Terminating on signal 15.
sent [LCP TermReq id-0x2 User request]
sent [LCP TermReq id-0x3 User request]
Connection terminated

In Windows XP Profession HyperTerminal 5.1 the following was displayed

Ntlworld_Free MAN-CVX-1A
login: danielp.wheeler

Exiting shell, and starting PPP session.

~ }#À!}!}!} }8}!}$}%Ü}}} }*} } }%}}!)5«}'}}(}Vô~~ }#À!}!}} }8}!}$}%Ü}
}*} } }%}}!)5«}'}}(}}f~~ }#À!}!}#} }8}!}$}%Ü}}} }*} } }%}}!)5«}'}}(

~ }#À!}!}$} }8}!}$}%Ü}}} }*} } }%}}!)5«}'}}(}™J~~ }#À!}!}%} }8}!}$}%Ü}
}*} } }%}}!)5«}'}}(}PÃ~~ }#À!}!}} }8}!}$}%Ü}}} }*} } }%}}!)5«}'}}(}
~ }#À!}!}'} }8}!}$}%Ü}}} }*} } }%}}!)5«}'}}(}ÓØ~

and then the transmission was terminated.

The ISP ntlworld used the following settings

DNS Settings

Primary DNS address:

Secondary DNS address:

IP Address

Your IP address 'Automatically Assigned' or


Customer email format: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Outgoing Mail

Outgoing mail server address:
Outgoing mail server type: SMTP.
Port: 25.
The SMTP server does not require a password.

Incoming Mail

Incoming Mail Server address

Re: [newbie] KDE KMail 1.4.3: Unknown Host Error Message

2002-11-10 Per discussione Alastair Scott
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 10 November 2002 8:09 pm, Daniel P Wheeler wrote:

 In the Linux Mandrake 9.0 (with Linux kernel 2.4.19-16mdk)
 shutting-down process the messages

 Shutting down NMB services [FAILED]
 Shutting down SMB services [FAILED]

Unless there is something really bizarre going on these are nothing to 
do with kmail; they're to do with Samba (which provides file access to 
non-Linux clients).

Before trying to change settings I would wait a few hours and try again. 
NTL is _notorious_ for difficulties with email - as an owner of three 
mailing lists I spend a good few hours a month sorting out problems 
caused by it (usually misconfigured POP3 servers leading to people not 
getting mail) :/

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Internet connection problem

2002-11-10 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 10 Nov 2002 10:21 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9 Nov 2002 at 13:20, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  mailto:newbie-owner; wrote:
   My ISP is ATT/Roadrunner (or whatever they're called in Boston
   now).  Yesterday they forced a switch to dynamic IP addressess
   and DNS resolution so I can no longer use static IP addresses for
   my DNS server entries.
   My home network uses a W2K box connected directly to a cable
   modem.  No problem switching that to the new configuration.  I
   have a second ethernet card connected to a router into which I plug
   in a Linux (LM9) laptop.  Formerly, I gave each machine on the
   home network a fixed IP address (the linux box was
   with the 2nd eth card on the W2K box as
   I can no longer do DNS resolution from the Lin box.
   Can anyone give me or point me to step by step directions for
   configuring both boxes to re-establish my ethernet connection from
  Wouldn't you want to enable the internet connection sharing on the
  initial ethernet connection to the ADSL box? If you did that, then you'd
  setup the linux box's ethernet connection to use DHCP - that's what I do
  at home here (but with a modem). The only time I had issues with that
  type of setup was for a customer that HAD to have specific IP addresses
  on their internal network - but I still set the workstation with the
  connection as the primary DNS server and all worked well after that...
  11 09 2002

 Thanks for your reply.  I did some more investigating.

 In the original configuration (above), it appears that what is broken is
 DNS resolution from the Linux box.  I can ping the W2K box from the Lin
 box, and vice versa.  Moreover, I can ping internet sites as well as access
 them so long as I use the numerical address.

 Since the Linbox is using the W2K box as a gatway, it seems to me that I
 need to point the Linbox to do DNS resolution on the W2K box.  Am I
 thinking correctly? Any directions would be appreciated.  Pointers to such
 would also be good.


No.  You need to point your Linux box to your ISP's DNS server.
It will find the DNS server so long as you have declared the win2k box to be 
the default gateway.


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2002-11-10 Per discussione Louis Dallara

attachment: winmail.datWant to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] KDE KMail 1.4.3: Unknown Host Error Message---R E P L Y 0 1

2002-11-10 Per discussione Daniel P Wheeler

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Alastair Scott
 Sent: 10 November 2002 20:30
 Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE KMail 1.4.3: Unknown Host Error Message

 Hash: SHA1

 On Sunday 10 November 2002 8:09 pm, Daniel P Wheeler wrote:

  In the Linux Mandrake 9.0 (with Linux kernel 2.4.19-16mdk)
  shutting-down process the messages
  Shutting down NMB services [FAILED]
  Shutting down SMB services [FAILED]

 Unless there is something really bizarre going on these are nothing to
 do with kmail; they're to do with Samba (which provides file access to
 non-Linux clients).

 Before trying to change settings I would wait a few hours and try again.

Attempts have been made to connect to at various times over a
period of a week.


 NTL is _notorious_ for difficulties with email - as an owner of three
 mailing lists I spend a good few hours a month sorting out problems
 caused by it (usually misconfigured POP3 servers leading to people not
 getting mail) :/

The KDE KMail 1.4.3: Unknown host error message appeared
when Check Mail was selected


 Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.410 / Virus Database: 231 - Release Date: 31/10/2002

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RE: [newbie] Screen resolution

2002-11-10 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Are you looking to do this in a GUI or from the console?
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You! 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Ongkie Singgih
 Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 1:43 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Screen resolution
 Dear Friends,
 I just finish to install Linux Mandrake 9.0.
 Is there anybody out there who knows what I have to do to change 
 the screen 
 resolution when the installation of Linux Mandrake 9.0 is done?
 STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

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[newbie] Java Woes in Galeon

2002-11-10 Per discussione Andrew Scotchmer
Hi All,

I've been away from the linux world for a couple of years (last mandrake was 
7.0) but now glad to be back though I have found that with Linux moving 
forward so rapidly I have to start from scratch again but never mind.  The 
fun is in the learning.

One problem I have is with the Galeon web browser on Gnome.  I have installed 
the necessary java run time enviroment ( and it acknowledges the 
plugin but when loading a java game site the browser crahes and closes down.  
I have tried this on a few sites and it always happens.  The browser is 
checked for Java in settings.  

Cheers Andrew

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Re: [newbie] KDE KMail 1.4.3: Unknown Host Error Message

2002-11-10 Per discussione Derek Jennings

Looks like you are having trouble resolving Internet addresses.
I assume you are online when you try get this message?  

Can you browse the Internet?
If not take a look at the contents of the /etc/resolv.conf file and let us 
know what you see in there.

You could also try using in place of
and in place of

As for the error message about smbd and nmbd, that is nothing to worry about. 
It simply means you have the Samba server running to allow networking between 
Linux and Windows, and there are currently no windows computers found when 
you close down.  If you do not intend to use Samba networking, then you can 
disable it in Mandrake ControlCentreSystemServices.  Just untick the start 
on boot box.

Welcome to the world of Linux


On Sunday 10 Nov 2002 8:09 pm, Daniel P Wheeler wrote:
 Linux Mandrake 9.0 (with Linux kernel 2.4.19-16mdk) was installed in an IBM
 compatible PC.ntlworld

 In the KDE mail client KMail 1.4.3 (used in the K Desktop Environment
 3.0.3) an error message was produced when either an attempt to send mail or
 received mail was made. (An external MODEM--the 3Com USRobotics 56 K
 Professional Message Modem--was used on the first serial port.)


   File, Check Mail

 an error message was produced:


   Unknown host


   File, Send Queued

 the following error message was displayed:

   Sending failed:

   Unknown host

   The message will stay in the 'outbox' folder 
until you either fix the
 problem (e.g. a broken address) or remove the message from the 'outbox'

   Note: Other messages will also be blocked by 
this message, as long as
 it is in the 'outbox' folder

   The following transport protocol was used:


 The KDE mail client: KMail 1.4.3 was configured as follows.

   Settings, Configure KMail, Network, Sending, General

   Port:   25

   Settings, Configure KMail, Network, Receiving, General

   Login: danielp.wheeler
   Port:  110

 In the Linux Mandrake 9.0 (with Linux kernel 2.4.19-16mdk) shutting-down
 process the messages

   Shutting down NMB services [FAILED]
   Shutting down SMB services [FAILED]

 were produced.

 The Mandrake Linux 9.0 (with Linux kernel 2.4.19-16mdk) installation dialup
 options were:

   Connection name:ntlworld
   Phone number: 126308005190100
   Login ID:danielp.wheeler
   Authentication:  PAP
   Domain name:
   First DNS Server (optional):
   Second DNS Server (optional):

 (PAP was the default. Other options were: terminal based, script based and


   Networking, Remote access, KPP (Internet Dial-up Tool)


   Login Script Debug Window


   CONNECT 34666/ARQ.


   Networking, Remote access, KPPP (Internet Dial-up Tool)


   KPPP PPP log produced:

   pppd 2.4.1 started by danielpwheeler, uid 501
   using channel 2
   Using interface ppp0
   Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/tts/0
   sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0  magic 0xe5c792d7 pccomp
   sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0  magic 0xe5c792d7 pccomp
   Terminating on signal 15.
   sent [LCP TermReq id-0x2 User request]
   sent [LCP TermReq id-0x3 User request]
   Connection terminated

 In Windows XP Profession HyperTerminal 5.1 the following was displayed

   Ntlworld_Free MAN-CVX-1A
   login: danielp.wheeler

   Exiting shell, and starting PPP session.

 ~ }#À!}!}!} }8}!}$}%Ü}}} }*} } }%}}!)5«}'}}(}Vô~~ }#À!}!}}
 }8}!}$}%Ü} }}
   }*} } }%}}!)5«}'}}(}}f~~ }#À!}!}#} }8}!}$}%Ü}}} }*} }
 }%}}!)5«}'}}( }Õï~

 ~ }#À!}!}$} }8}!}$}%Ü}}} }*} } }%}}!)5«}'}}(}™J~~ }#À!}!}%}
 }8}!}$}%Ü} }}
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 }%}}!)5«}'}}(} }:Q~
   ~ }#À!}!}'} }8}!}$}%Ü}}} }*} } }%}}!)5«}'}}(}ÓØ~


[newbie] Sylpheed fails to display Cyrillic characters

2002-11-10 Per discussione Robert Golovniov
Hello newbie,

  When  trying  to  view  a message encoded with KOI8-U set, I get all
  kind  of  funny  letters.  Under  Code  sets,  I  could not find any
  Cyrillic encoding at all. Does anybody know of a way to fix it?

Robert  mailto:golovniov;

   -=Robert  Beata Golovniov | Lviv, Ukraine=-
PGP public key: 0x633F6D07 (link 1 - embedded, link 2 - attached)
Fingerprint: 1A1C 29F1 2A0C 4C4E 0BDA  C8EE 5A1D 9F03 633F 6D07

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[newbie] Cyrillic keyboard support

2002-11-10 Per discussione Robert Golovniov
Hello newbie,

  Through   Gnome   keyboard   applet,   I  am  trying  to  swith  to
  Russian/Ukrainian  keyboard,  but  it  seems that something does not
  work  there.  The  icon shows that keyboard has indeed been changed,
  but  when  I  try  to  type in a text editor, I still get only Roman
  characters. Did I fail to install something?

Robert  mailto:golovniov;

   -=Robert  Beata Golovniov | Lviv, Ukraine=-
PGP public key: 0x633F6D07 (link 1 - embedded, link 2 - attached)
Fingerprint: 1A1C 29F1 2A0C 4C4E 0BDA  C8EE 5A1D 9F03 633F 6D07

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[newbie] CMedia 8738

2002-11-10 Per discussione Robert Golovniov
Hello newbie,

  I  am  having  one more problem with my new Mandrake installation. I
  cannot  hear  any  sound.  When  I  tried  to configure the card via
  Mandrake  Control  Center,  the system recognized the card (CM8738),
  but then said permission was denied to a certain device.

  Under  RedHat,  I could run as root #setup, configure there the card
  and  that  would  solve  the  problem. Can I do something similar in
  Mandrake also?

Robert  mailto:golovniov;

   -=Robert  Beata Golovniov | Lviv, Ukraine=-
PGP public key: 0x633F6D07 (link 1 - embedded, link 2 - attached)
Fingerprint: 1A1C 29F1 2A0C 4C4E 0BDA  C8EE 5A1D 9F03 633F 6D07

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[newbie] home network vision (kind of long)

2002-11-10 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Help, help, help
Since downloading and installing ML 8.2 I have been bit by the Linux bug and
now want to set up a home network. I ordered ML 9.0 from CheapBytes and have
tried to install it on an old Hsing Tech motherboard with a Cyrex 686
processor and a BocaLAN 2000 network card. I apparently order the wrong kind
of DRAM because only 65 meg of the 256 meg is recognized and the mouse only
works sporadically.
I'm serious about this network so I'm asking for suggestions. If I'm having
trouble with the serial port on the motherboard then it seems unwise to try
to upgrade the processor, buy the correct memory (if I can figure out what
that is) and change the network card. I also think a 7 gig hd isn't enough
for a server so I'm looking at something 20 gig or so.
Of course, budget matters and also, I would like to make this a learning
experience rather than buy a server box configured.
The end result should be a server with and old HP printer connected to it
(just in case) that is storing files for two Compaq Armada laptops, five
Toshiba Satellite laptops and old iMac running System 8.6 and an even older
Apple Workgroup Server that I use to run the ancient Mirror scanner.
I don't care if the server is an internet gateway since I have a couple of 5
port hubs connected to the cable modem to allow internet access for multiple
machines. I would, however, like to learn how to set up a mail server so
that I can take advantage of the fact that I own a couple of domain names
without paying someone like Hypermart 40 or 50 bucks a month.
I also don't care about form factor. I can screw the motherboard right to
the wall in my 'server closet', use the power supply from the tower case and
string cables all over the walls if necessary. I just want the thing to
Upgrade the processor or replace the motherboard?
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] KDE KMail 1.4.3: Unknown Host Error Message---R E P L Y 0 2

2002-11-10 Per discussione Daniel P Wheeler

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Derek Jennings
 Sent: 10 November 2002 20:41
 Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE KMail 1.4.3: Unknown Host Error Message

 Looks like you are having trouble resolving Internet addresses.
 I assume you are online when you try get this message?

Yes, via Outlook in Windows XP Professional.

 Can you browse the Internet?

Not in Linux.

 If not take a look at the contents of the /etc/resolv.conf file
 and let us
 know what you see in there.

# search localdomain
search localdomain

# ppp temp entry

 You could also try using in place of
 and in place of

The above substitutions produced the error message:

Could not connect to host


 As for the error message about smbd and nmbd, that is nothing to
 worry about.
 It simply means you have the Samba server running to allow
 networking between
 Linux and Windows, and there are currently no windows computers
 found when
 you close down.  If you do not intend to use Samba networking,
 then you can
 disable it in Mandrake ControlCentreSystemServices.  Just
 untick the start
 on boot box.

 Welcome to the world of Linux

Thank you.



 On Sunday 10 Nov 2002 8:09 pm, Daniel P Wheeler wrote:
  Linux Mandrake 9.0 (with Linux kernel 2.4.19-16mdk) was
 installed in an IBM
  compatible PC.ntlworld
  In the KDE mail client KMail 1.4.3 (used in the K Desktop Environment
  3.0.3) an error message was produced when either an attempt to
 send mail or
  received mail was made. (An external MODEM--the 3Com USRobotics 56 K
  Professional Message Modem--was used on the first serial port.)
  File, Check Mail
  an error message was produced:
  Unknown host
  File, Send Queued
  the following error message was displayed:
  Sending failed:
  Unknown host
  The message will stay in
 the 'outbox' folder until you either fix the
  problem (e.g. a broken address) or remove the message from the 'outbox'
  Note: Other messages will
 also be blocked by this message, as long as
  it is in the 'outbox' folder
  The following transport
 protocol was used:
  The KDE mail client: KMail 1.4.3 was configured as follows.
  Settings, Configure KMail, Network, Sending, General
  Port:   25
  Settings, Configure KMail, Network, Receiving, General
  Login: danielp.wheeler
  Port:  110
  In the Linux Mandrake 9.0 (with Linux kernel 2.4.19-16mdk) shutting-down
  process the messages
  Shutting down NMB services [FAILED]
  Shutting down SMB services [FAILED]
  were produced.
  The Mandrake Linux 9.0 (with Linux kernel 2.4.19-16mdk)
 installation dialup
  options were:
  Connection name:ntlworld
  Phone number: 126308005190100
  Login ID:danielp.wheeler
  Authentication:  PAP
  Domain name:
  First DNS Server (optional):
  Second DNS Server (optional):
  (PAP was the default. Other options were: terminal based,
 script based and
  Networking, Remote access, KPP (Internet Dial-up Tool)
  Login Script Debug Window
  CONNECT 34666/ARQ.
  Networking, Remote access, KPPP (Internet Dial-up Tool)
  KPPP PPP log produced:
  pppd 2.4.1 started by danielpwheeler, uid 501
  using channel 2
  Using interface ppp0
  Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/tts/0
  sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0  magic
 0xe5c792d7 pccomp
  sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0  magic
 0xe5c792d7 pccomp
  Terminating on signal 15.
  sent [LCP TermReq id-0x2 User request]
  sent [LCP TermReq id-0x3 User request]
  Connection terminated

[newbie] Warning on boot

2002-11-10 Per discussione Chris
I've been playing bzflag for a day or so and suddenly its began to lockup the 
system sporadically and causing a warm boot via the reset switch.  During the 
inital startup of mandrake I noticed the following, I didn't get the whole 
line, I'm not sure how to pause the boot process :(

EXT2-FS Warning checktime reached/exceeded,(can't remember which)  running 
e2fsck is recommended.

I've never noticed this before, of course I don't pay much attention to what 
scrolls by in the beginning and I try not to reboot unless I have to.  What 
does this mean and is it something I need to do and if so, how?

I doubt whether bzflag has anything to do with this at all but I can't figure 
out the reason for the sudden lockups in the game either.

  Registered Linux user #283774
  3:44pm  up 5 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.08, 0.14, 0.07

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[newbie] Any Hope of Success?

2002-11-10 Per discussione Marlo Montanaro
Hi everyone...

I've checked out the minimum system requirements for V9 as well as the
archives, but we all know what minimum requirements mean... usually a
definite maybe...

I'm looking to install Mandrake Linux 9 on one of my older PC's.  It is a
Dell Dimension XPS M200s- a first generation Pentium-MMX processor running
at 200 MHz with 64 MB of RAM and a 4 GB hard disk.  Currently it is running
Windows 98SE which I'm willing to blow away.

I just want to learn Linux and I'm not looking for performance, although I
may compile/install a few apps just to play.

Do I have any reasonable hope for success here or will the 64 MB of RAM be a
limitation that will prevent this from working?

Thanks in advance!

Marlo Montanaro

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[newbie] two network questions

2002-11-10 Per discussione Dan Cox
I've been receiving the below message and I have no idea what it means.

martian source from, on dev eth0
ll header: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:03:47:95:34:2e:08:00

There is a message like this for almost every ip I have on my network. is my gateway running win2k. I'm also receiving:

martian source from, on dev eth1
ll header: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:04:5a:4b:2d:09:08:00

Which is the hosts IP. Anybody know what this is?

Also on another box when the computer is booted I can't ping other
hosts. I get the message:

 From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable

ifconfig shows the interface is up, but when I ifconfig down/up I can
ping hosts successfully. Any help is appreciated

Dan Cox

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Re: [newbie] two network questions

2002-11-10 Per discussione Dan Cox
Now when I ifconfig down/up I still get the destination host
unreachable. All cables are plugged in and working.

Dan Cox

On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 15:23, Dan Cox wrote:
 I've been receiving the below message and I have no idea what it means.
 martian source from, on dev eth0
 ll header: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:03:47:95:34:2e:08:00
 There is a message like this for almost every ip I have on my network. is my gateway running win2k. I'm also receiving:
 martian source from, on dev eth1
 ll header: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:04:5a:4b:2d:09:08:00
 Which is the hosts IP. Anybody know what this is?
 Also on another box when the computer is booted I can't ping other
 hosts. I get the message:
  From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
 ifconfig shows the interface is up, but when I ifconfig down/up I can
 ping hosts successfully. Any help is appreciated
 Dan Cox

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Re: [newbie] KDE KMail 1.4.3: Unknown Host Error Message---R E P L Y 0 2

2002-11-10 Per discussione Derek Jennings
  Can you browse the Internet?

 Not in Linux.

  If not take a look at the contents of the /etc/resolv.conf file
  and let us
  know what you see in there.

 # search localdomain
 search localdomain

 # ppp temp entry

OK your problem is not an email problem, it is a name resolution configuration 
problem Easiest way to fix it is to edit that /etc/resolv.conf file  (It can 
be done by GUI as well but this is quicker)

/etc/resolv.conf is a system file so only root user is allowed to edit it. 
Easiest way to edit a file as root is


give the root password when prompted and then navigate in the GUI to 
/etc/resolv.conf,  right click on the file and select 'Openwithkedit'

A text editor will appear. Edit the file to look like this and save

# search localdomain
search localdomain

# ppp temp entry

I take it, this computer only has a dial up interface? There is no networking 
to other computers?

BTW: The snazzy way to perform edits in Linux is to highlight text you want to 
copy, move the mouse to where you want to paste it, and then press the centre 
button (wheel) to paste it.  Much easier than all that Ctl C/V malarky.


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Re: [newbie] home network vision (kind of long)

2002-11-10 Per discussione Lanman
Richard; Before deciding what to do with your server, start by asking
yourself if you plan on using it for quite a while, and whether or not it
will become an important piece of your network. Slapping a server together
out of spare parts and setting it up as a learning experience is always a
good thing, but if you plan on relying on that server for storing important
data, Internet gateway, FTP site, web-site, email, etc., then it makes good
sense to invest some money into a reliable piece of equipment.

Once you know the answer to these questions, you'll know how much money to
invest in the server.

By the way, sounds like your motherboard is NFG, and don't consider running
a server on a Cyrix CPU, unless it's only for fun. Assuming that you've got
some additional PC's connected to your network, consider using one of the
more powerful ones as your server, and replacing that PC with something

As an example, a PII-350 with 512 Mb of Ram, and a 10Gb drive to run the
server, should do pretty good, as long as you install a second hard drive
for storage purposes. If you install a CD burner in the server, then all
the systems on your network should be able to share it via webmin, or
Samba, allowing everyone in the house to burn CD's without disturbing
anyone else.

I haven't heard of a cablemodem that allows you to plug a hub into it, but
the easiest way to solve any issues with that, would be to install 2
network cards in the server - one for the cablemodem, and one to the hub
for the rest of your network.

Get started with that and get back to the list.



On 10/11/2002 at 3:45 PM BCSoftTowerTraining wrote:

Help, help, help
Since downloading and installing ML 8.2 I have been bit by the Linux bug
now want to set up a home network. I ordered ML 9.0 from CheapBytes and
tried to install it on an old Hsing Tech motherboard with a Cyrex 686
processor and a BocaLAN 2000 network card. I apparently order the wrong
of DRAM because only 65 meg of the 256 meg is recognized and the mouse
works sporadically.
I'm serious about this network so I'm asking for suggestions. If I'm
trouble with the serial port on the motherboard then it seems unwise to
to upgrade the processor, buy the correct memory (if I can figure out what
that is) and change the network card. I also think a 7 gig hd isn't enough
for a server so I'm looking at something 20 gig or so.
Of course, budget matters and also, I would like to make this a learning
experience rather than buy a server box configured.
The end result should be a server with and old HP printer connected to it
(just in case) that is storing files for two Compaq Armada laptops, five
Toshiba Satellite laptops and old iMac running System 8.6 and an even
Apple Workgroup Server that I use to run the ancient Mirror scanner.
I don't care if the server is an internet gateway since I have a couple of
port hubs connected to the cable modem to allow internet access for
machines. I would, however, like to learn how to set up a mail server so
that I can take advantage of the fact that I own a couple of domain names
without paying someone like Hypermart 40 or 50 bucks a month.
I also don't care about form factor. I can screw the motherboard right to
the wall in my 'server closet', use the power supply from the tower case
string cables all over the walls if necessary. I just want the thing to
Upgrade the processor or replace the motherboard?
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] home network vision (kind of long)

2002-11-10 Per discussione Robin Turner
Correct memory should only be an issue with a really old mobo - these 
days it's just a choice between SDRAM (Athlons, Celerons and Pentiums 
I-III) and DDRAM (Pentium IV, which you obviously don't have). It's 
possible that you have a duff RAM chip. Otherwise go for a lower speed 
RAM or get a new mobo.

How big a hard-disk you need for a server depends on what you're 
serving. 7GB sounds OK for most purposes, but if you have a humungous 
website or something to show the world (or your other computers) then 
obviously you'll need to upgrade.

Sir Robin

BCSoftTowerTraining wrote:
Help, help, help
Since downloading and installing ML 8.2 I have been bit by the Linux bug and
now want to set up a home network. I ordered ML 9.0 from CheapBytes and have
tried to install it on an old Hsing Tech motherboard with a Cyrex 686
processor and a BocaLAN 2000 network card. I apparently order the wrong kind
of DRAM because only 65 meg of the 256 meg is recognized and the mouse only
works sporadically.
I'm serious about this network so I'm asking for suggestions. If I'm having
trouble with the serial port on the motherboard then it seems unwise to try
to upgrade the processor, buy the correct memory (if I can figure out what
that is) and change the network card. I also think a 7 gig hd isn't enough
for a server so I'm looking at something 20 gig or so.
Of course, budget matters and also, I would like to make this a learning
experience rather than buy a server box configured.
The end result should be a server with and old HP printer connected to it
(just in case) that is storing files for two Compaq Armada laptops, five
Toshiba Satellite laptops and old iMac running System 8.6 and an even older
Apple Workgroup Server that I use to run the ancient Mirror scanner.
I don't care if the server is an internet gateway since I have a couple of 5
port hubs connected to the cable modem to allow internet access for multiple
machines. I would, however, like to learn how to set up a mail server so
that I can take advantage of the fact that I own a couple of domain names
without paying someone like Hypermart 40 or 50 bucks a month.
I also don't care about form factor. I can screw the motherboard right to
the wall in my 'server closet', use the power supply from the tower case and
string cables all over the walls if necessary. I just want the thing to
Upgrade the processor or replace the motherboard?
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

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A free man ought not to learn anything under duress.
Compulsory physical exercise does no harm to the body,
but compulsory learning never sticks in the mind. - Plato

Robin Turner
Bilkent University
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] LM9.0 and lm_sensors Install

2002-11-10 Per discussione John Richard Smith
lm_sensors requires a slightly different collection of rpm packages
in M9.0 than in M8.2. Here is what I found to be necessary,

Mandrake9.0 lm_sensors install 10.11.02





in that order.

the result was:-

[root@localhost root]# sensors
Adapter: SMBus Via Pro adapter at 0400
Algorithm: Non-I2C SMBus adapter
VCore 1:   +1.72 V  (min =  +4.08 V, max =  +4.08 V)   ALARM
VCore 2:   +1.24 V  (min =  +4.08 V, max =  +4.08 V)   ALARM
+3.3V: +3.31 V  (min =  +2.97 V, max =  +3.63 V)
+5V:   +5.07 V  (min =  +4.50 V, max =  +5.48 V)
+12V: +12.31 V  (min = +10.79 V, max = +13.11 V)
-12V: -12.03 V  (min = -13.21 V, max = -10.90 V)
-5V:   -5.17 V  (min =  -5.51 V, max =  -4.51 V)
V5SB:  +5.53 V  (min =  +4.50 V, max =  +5.48 V)   ALARM
VBat:  +3.44 V  (min =  +2.70 V, max =  +3.29 V)   ALARM
fan1:0 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)  ALARM
fan2:0 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)  ALARM
fan3: 3792 RPM  (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2)
temp1:   +33°C  (limit =  +60°C)   sensor = 
temp2: +44.5°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +50°C) sensor = 
temp3:+208.0°C  (limit =  +60°C, hysteresis =  +50°C) sensor = 
vid:  +1.850 V
alarms:   Chassis intrusion detection  ALARM
 Sound alarm disabled

Adapter: SMBus Via Pro adapter at 0400
Algorithm: Non-I2C SMBus adapter
SDRAM Size (MB):512

which appears to be ok , the temp3 facility must be so dual cpu 
processors are
catered for, and where a single processor is present as in my case it 
puts some
ridiculous value in instead of something like `nothing detected'.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] mandrake on old laptop

2002-11-10 Per discussione Sub-Kostaplar
Hello ,

Trying  to  install  mandrake  8.1 besides my desktop on my old laptop
(133MHz  pentium 1 processor-64 Mb Ram),I failed.The system hangs.Does
anybody  have any older mandrake (or similar)distribution that I could
use? If so Please contact me to discuss details of the delivery.


Best regards,



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RE: [newbie] home network vision (kind of long)

2002-11-10 Per discussione Ryan Moe
A board that old will more than likely require 72 pin SIMMs that MUST be 
installed in pairs.  Either the remaining memory is DIMM or it isn't installed 
in pairs.  Is the 64MB in there now installed as 2 32MBs or 1 64MB?  If it's 2 
32MBs then the board takes SIMMs.  Also do you know how much memory the board 
supports?  I imagine it must be more than 64MB but that's something else to 
look into (I have an old P90 and it supports up to 512MB so I imagine your 
board is somewhere in that range.)   Hope that helps


= Original Message From BCSoft@TowerTraining [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Help, help, help
Since downloading and installing ML 8.2 I have been bit by the Linux bug and
now want to set up a home network. I ordered ML 9.0 from CheapBytes and have
tried to install it on an old Hsing Tech motherboard with a Cyrex 686
processor and a BocaLAN 2000 network card. I apparently order the wrong kind
of DRAM because only 65 meg of the 256 meg is recognized and the mouse only
works sporadically.
I'm serious about this network so I'm asking for suggestions. If I'm having
trouble with the serial port on the motherboard then it seems unwise to try
to upgrade the processor, buy the correct memory (if I can figure out what
that is) and change the network card. I also think a 7 gig hd isn't enough
for a server so I'm looking at something 20 gig or so.
Of course, budget matters and also, I would like to make this a learning
experience rather than buy a server box configured.
The end result should be a server with and old HP printer connected to it
(just in case) that is storing files for two Compaq Armada laptops, five
Toshiba Satellite laptops and old iMac running System 8.6 and an even older
Apple Workgroup Server that I use to run the ancient Mirror scanner.
I don't care if the server is an internet gateway since I have a couple of 5
port hubs connected to the cable modem to allow internet access for multiple
machines. I would, however, like to learn how to set up a mail server so
that I can take advantage of the fact that I own a couple of domain names
without paying someone like Hypermart 40 or 50 bucks a month.
I also don't care about form factor. I can screw the motherboard right to
the wall in my 'server closet', use the power supply from the tower case and
string cables all over the walls if necessary. I just want the thing to
Upgrade the processor or replace the motherboard?
Richard L. Babcock, Owner
Tower Training
At Tower Training, We Bring the Classroom to You!

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] pppd time out

2002-11-10 Per discussione Sub-Kostaplar
Hello ,

why do I get a pppd time out message trying to connect?How can I fix


  Best regards,



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[newbie] KDE KMail 1.4.3: Unknown Host Error Message---R E P L Y 0 3

2002-11-10 Per discussione Daniel P Wheeler

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Derek Jennings
 Sent: 10 November 2002 22:14
 Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE KMail 1.4.3: Unknown Host Error Message---R
 E P L Y 0 2

   Can you browse the Internet?
  Not in Linux.
   If not take a look at the contents of the /etc/resolv.conf file
   and let us
   know what you see in there.
  # search localdomain
  search localdomain
  # ppp temp entry

 OK your problem is not an email problem, it is a name resolution
 problem Easiest way to fix it is to edit that /etc/resolv.conf
 file  (It can
 be done by GUI as well but this is quicker)

 /etc/resolv.conf is a system file so only root user is allowed to
 edit it.
 Easiest way to edit a file as root is


 give the root password when prompted and then navigate in the GUI to
 /etc/resolv.conf,  right click on the file and select 'Openwithkedit'

 A text editor will appear. Edit the file to look like this and save

 # search localdomain
 search localdomain

 # ppp temp entry

 I take it, this computer only has a dial up interface? There is
 no networking
 to other computers?

An external MODEM only is used to access an ISP. There is just the one PC
and there is not a network interface card installed.

The system file resolv.conf was edited to

# search localdomain
search localdomain

# ppp temp entry

but the PC was not rebooted.

In KMail, File, Send Queued, the following error message appeared:

Sending failed:
Could not connect to host

In KMail, File, Check Mail, the following error message appeared:

Could not connect to host

 BTW: The snazzy way to perform edits in Linux is to highlight
 text you want to
 copy, move the mouse to where you want to paste it, and then
 press the centre
 button (wheel) to paste it.  Much easier than all that Ctl C/V malarky.

I didn't know of that method of file copying.



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Re: [newbie] Any Hope of Success?

2002-11-10 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Sunday 10 Nov 2002 9:53 pm, Marlo Montanaro wrote:
 Hi everyone...

 I've checked out the minimum system requirements for V9 as well as the
 archives, but we all know what minimum requirements mean... usually a
 definite maybe...

 I'm looking to install Mandrake Linux 9 on one of my older PC's.  It is a
 Dell Dimension XPS M200s- a first generation Pentium-MMX processor running
 at 200 MHz with 64 MB of RAM and a 4 GB hard disk.  Currently it is running
 Windows 98SE which I'm willing to blow away.

 I just want to learn Linux and I'm not looking for performance, although I
 may compile/install a few apps just to play.

 Do I have any reasonable hope for success here or will the 64 MB of RAM be
 a limitation that will prevent this from working?

 Thanks in advance!

 Marlo Montanaro

It should be fine Mario. The KDE WindowManager will be pretty slow, so install 
some other Window Managers as well and see which one suits you best. (IceWM 
is quite like Win95, and is a good place to start)

Avoid using KDE applications since they will slow your system down. As a very 
rough guide, applications beginning with 'g' or 'x' will tend to be faster 
than apps starting with 'k'.

If you have trouble with a particular application being too slow, ask us and 
we can recommend a better alternative.


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RE: [newbie] Radeon 9000, xwindows and Mandrake 9.0

2002-11-10 Per discussione Pat Patterson
I had the same problem same card the first time I loaded 9.0. However, the 
second time around I did a clean install and went with the vesa driver 
which it defaulted to and it runs great. No tux racer etc but for normal 
stuff it works fine.

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Re: [newbie] For MS-haters only

2002-11-10 Per discussione Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 22:18:00 -0500
Subject: [newbie] For MS-haters only

 If you've forgotten why you don't use Windows anymore, and if Flash doesn't 
 give you problems (ethical or technical), take a look at this one:
 Run the demo, and click on the icons. Further proof that a creative mind and 
 too much spare time can lead to some great stuff. (To give due credit, I 
 found this link at
 -- cmg

It's a hoot, I was just there earlier. I think even non-MS haters will get a kick out 
of it really. Pretty well done I'd say. ;-)

Funny stuff!


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

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Re: [newbie] KDE KMail 1.4.3: Unknown Host Error Message---R E P L Y 0 1

2002-11-10 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 10 November 2002 03:41 pm, you wrote:

 Attempts have been made to connect to at various times over a
 period of a week.

Have you tried

I have to use the 3 on my setup...just a (totally) random thought...

  Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] networking advice

2002-11-10 Per discussione Erik Farnsworth
On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 02:59, John McQuillen wrote: 


 There is no reason why you can't use an entire class C network at home
 for your 2,3 or 4 host network, besides, the private address range in
 use here is actually a class B ( and there would be no
 problem using that either. It would just mean that you have one network
 and shit loads (256^2-2) of unique host addresses available.
 By using CIDR (Classless Inter Domain Routing) you ignore the native
 class of the network and adjust the mask to suit your requirements of
 unique networks/unique hosts. The tighter you make your mask (adding
 bits to the default class mask), the more unique networks you have
 available, while limiting the amount of unique hosts that you can have
 per network.
 By the way, your example is incorrect.
 A 29 bit mask ( will give you 6 possible hosts with 0
 being the network address, 6 hosts, and 7 being the broadcast address.
 The way I like to think of it is in lots of 256. 256-248=8, minus 2 for
 your network and broadcast addresses and you are left with 6 possible
 hosts. 256/8=32, so you would be able to have 32 separate networks with
 6 hosts each. There is really no need to go to the trouble of subnetting
 to this extent, however, unless you have need for multiple networks.
 I hope that my explanation has been understandable :)

Thanks, John!  I do understand...and like your 'lots' of 256' example. 
Guess when I am trying to figure out networks, it would help if I was


Linux User 288105

Bill who? Micro what?

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Re: [newbie] networking advice

2002-11-10 Per discussione Erik Farnsworth
On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 05:24, Bart Salien wrote: 


 I agree with John s explanation , however 192.x.x.x to my knowledge is a 
 class C network with a default mask of 24 =
 class B ranges from 128.x.x.x/16 till 191.x.x.x/16 
 class C ranges from 192.x.x.x/24 till 223.x.x.x/24
 For most home networks the default mask will be OK , and there is no need for 
 further subnetting , it will only make it more complicated .
 Greetings ,

Thanks for your response!  I guess I should be awake when I start to try
to figure out a network :( 


Linux User 288105

Bill who? Micro what?

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Re: [newbie] lm_sensors

2002-11-10 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Sunday 10 November 2002 08:59 pm, Pilagá wrote:

   You can d'l ksensors from

Thank you, I tried the tar file and started running into dependencies. The rpm 
file will go better I hope. 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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RE: [newbie] Soyo Dragon+ On-Board Sound

2002-11-10 Per discussione Tim Werner
Funny you should mention that.  I have a Soyo K7VX Dragon+ motherboard on
one of my systems.  It's not the one I'm running linux on, but my on-board
sound did fail after just a few months.  I had to buy a sound card to get my
TV card sound to work again.  Line-out still works, but line-in stopped
working.  This is with Windows XP.  Sorry I can't tell you if it would have
worked with linux before it failed.  Just an FYI.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:newbie-owner;]On Behalf Of Paul Rodolfo
 Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 9:20 PM
 To: newbie
 Subject: [newbie] Soyo Dragon+ On-Board Sound

 Hi, I was wondering if anybody here knows how or has been able to get
 the On-Board sound working on a Soyo motherboard.  I have Soyo Dragon+
 which is known to be very Linux friendly, but have not been able to get

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Re: [newbie] lm_sensors GUI

2002-11-10 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 05:33, Dennis Myers wrote:
 On Sunday 10 November 2002 11:38 am, PBone wrote:
  On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 01:48 am, Pilagá wrote:
 Is there any app to monitor lm_sensors from inside KDE 3.0.3?
  ksensors will do the job if you want a KDE app (it can pop up the values on
  the KDE panel system tray)
 where does one find ksensors? thanks,
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

Mon Nov 11 14:20:00 EST 2002

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Pournelle must die!

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[newbie] Internet no connect in LM9

2002-11-10 Per discussione Marcia
Dear All,

I decided to install LM 9 on my Compaq Presario 1700T laptop replacing 8.2. To 
my dismay I cannot get the ethernet to be configured. It is the compaq 10/100 
nic ethernet and I believe uses the tulip driver. My laptop is then connected 
to the Toshiba cable modem via usb. This worked fine without much 
configuration if any in 8.2 but I cannot get it going in LM 9. Does anyone 
have any ideas? I am dual booting with Win98SE and it definitely works there. 
Any help will be greatly appreciated. 



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Re: [newbie] 9.0 installation problems

2002-11-10 Per discussione walt

- Original Message -
From: Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 9.0 installation problems

Walt, I think the problem is mentioned on the errata page

Kaj Haulrich

This solution worked for the installation, was able to install 9.0
beautifully, but now I can't actually log onto 9.0..goes blank when I try.
Got one problem fixed lol now to figure out the rest.


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[newbie] Strange Glib messages.

2002-11-10 Per discussione Paul
Hello everyone,

When I shut down XFCE (my window manager), I see loads and loads of the same
error message repeated on the console:

Glib-CRITICAL: file gstrfuncs.c  line 1194 (g_strcasecomp): assertion 's1 !=
NULL' failed.

Can anyone tell me what this is, and the more: what can I do to fix this? I
do not like messages with the word 'critical' in them.
I don't know if it is XFCE that puts out this message, or another program.

Thank you!

I quote others only the better to express myself.
-Michel de Montaigne Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.8.3
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[newbie] cron is broken?

2002-11-10 Per discussione Ibly Piblo
I can't set up a cron job, either cron or
webmin is broken.

I try to make it play an mp3 file, with the
command mpg123 -b 3000 /home/ipiblo/music.mp3
and all it can do is tell me the home environment
variable is not set?

How useless.

It always worked back in 8.2, I don't
understand why its broken, more important,
how do i fix this?

Your help is greatly appreciated, my computer
is my alarm clock and I have to be up for work

Thanks to all who help.


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[newbie] RPM GPG.

2002-11-10 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem

I was trying to install an rpm package using the software installer that came 
with LM9.0 and its KDE gui. Using Konqueror, I right clicked on the rpm 
package on the source ftp site then I selected software installer from the 
pop-up window. A short while later I got this message No GPG signature in 
package. Do you want to install anyway? I was trying to install the 
following package:
How dangerous is it to go ahead with the install?



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[newbie] flash in Konqueror

2002-11-10 Per discussione Noah Hicks
how does one install and enable the flash plugin for Konqueror?  It was very 
easy to do in Mozilla but I prefer to use Konqueror.  

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