Re: [newbie] Security alert [thanks everybody]

2002-10-14 Per discussione Chris Spackman

Marco Verheul [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thanks all, I got the picture. I'll stick with Jim's suggestion to
 uncheck that option in Mozilla for unwanted popups and let the matter

If you are curious, try running nmapfe. nmap is a scanning tool - it
will tell you what ports on your machine are open. nmapfe is a
graphical frontend to nmap. You do not have to be root to run them,
but some options are only available to root.

If you have lots of suspicious ports open, you might want to look into
locking down your box a bit. If nothing suspicious shows up, you can
continue to connect with a bit less worry.

Chris Spackman
Tue Oct 15 07:38:15 JST 2002

 random quote 
Being ugly isn't illegal.  Yet.

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[newbie] gcombust not working after cdrecord upgrade

2002-10-05 Per discussione Chris Spackman

Like the subject says, after upgrading the cdrecord package for 8.2
recently, gcombust makes nothing but coasters.

gcombust seems to use mkisofs okay to make the iso and cdrecord from
the command line works fine to burn, but burning with gcombust takes
forever (seriously, a very long time) and does not report the amount
finished, total data to be burned, or time remaining properly.

To be honest, I am only guessing that it is making coasters, because
the burn takes sooo long that I cancel it (after 30 minutes it reports
about 250 meg burned -- far too long even for this slow 4x

here is the output from gcombust:

[names of files]


** WARNING **: readers.c 400: add_cdrecord_stdout_output estimated finish error: 
written: 0.00 left: 0.00

** WARNING **: readers.c 400: add_cdrecord_stdout_output estimated finish error: 
written: 0.00 left: 0.00

** WARNING **: readers.c 400: add_cdrecord_stdout_output estimated finish error: 
written: 0.00 left: 0.00

** WARNING **: readers.c 400: add_cdrecord_stdout_output estimated finish error: 
written: 0.00 left: 0.00

** WARNING **: readers.c 400: add_cdrecord_stdout_output estimated finish error: 
written: 0.00 left: 0.00

** WARNING **: linebuffer.c 112: buffer not empty: Track 01:6 of  648 MB written 
(fifo 100%)  4.1x.

any ideas? Funny, iirc, they updated cdrecord to fix a problem with
xcdroast or one of the other gui burning programs, only to introduce
what might be a new one for gcombust.

Chris Spackman
Sat Oct  5 20:23:56 JST 2002

 random quote 
vacation, n.:
A two-week binge of rest and relaxation so intense that
it takes another 50 weeks of your restrained workaday
life-style to recuperate.

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Re: [newbie] Can anyone recommend a good media player?

2002-10-05 Per discussione Chris Spackman

Rob Black [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've got a few MPG, AVI (VFW  DivX) files from my windows drive that I'd
 like to be able to play in Linux, but I can't seem to find anything that
 will play them, the built in player (Xine is it?) won't play my files.
 I did try and download MPlayer for Linux (
 but it was a lot of hassle, and didn't really want to work (complained that
 gcc was the wrong version, suggested I get an older one)
 Any suggestions?

In my limited experience, mplayer really is worth the effort. Someone
suggested the rpms, so if you can get those working, then great. If
not, compiling mplayer isn't that hard.

first, get the win32 codecs and install them where the docs say to --
/usr/lib/win32 iirc.

the command to configure is:

./configure --with-gui --disable-gcc-checking

this will give a warning, but ignore it (i think you can just hit
return). I don't know for sure if the compiler rant applies to the
mandrake version of gcc or not, but i've been using mplayer on 8.2
with no problems at all.

after configure, just do:


and as root:

make install

then, do not forget to move [source directory/]etc/codecs.conf to
.mplayer/ in your home directory (notice the . in front of the name)
-- you may have to make the directory if it doesn't exist.

Chris Spackman
Sat Oct  5 20:23:56 JST 2002

 random quote 
vacation, n.:
A two-week binge of rest and relaxation so intense that
it takes another 50 weeks of your restrained workaday
life-style to recuperate.

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Re: [newbie] japanese characters input Mandrake 9.0

2002-10-04 Per discussione Chris Spackman

ivo jorris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I installed a fresh Mandrake9.0 and also installed all
 packages that support japanese characters input.
 Can somone help me to input japanese characters in
 my keybord is 106-jp keyboard, n' I'm using gnome.

Well, this is for 8.2 but if it hasn't changed . . .

Did you set the language to Japanese during install? If so, make sure
that the jserver is running and then hit shift-space to input
japanese. (a little box or something similar should popup for input).

If locale is not japanese, you will need to run localedrake. you can
check that jserver is running in the services section of the mandrake
control center.

Chris Spackman
Fri Oct  4 21:15:44 JST 2002

 random quote 
Hi!  I'm Larry.  This is my brother Bob, and this is my other brother
Jimbo.  We thought you might like to know the names of your assailants.

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Re: [newbie] cut big files into smaller chunks

2002-10-03 Per discussione Chris Spackman

Patrik Marxer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I think this may be a simple command, but I havent found it so
 far. I want to backup the vmware files on cdr so I need to cut them
 into pieces that I can burn on cd and later put those together into
 the original files again.
 What is the program/command to cut files and put them together?

I think you are looking for split. man split will give you all the
gory details, but basically all you need to do is:

split --verbose -b 650m name_of_file_to_split

you do not need the `--verbose' if you don't want it. the `-b 650m'
tells split to divide the file into 650 meg files (as many as it
takes), and you can change the number to whatever you want. `m' stands
for megabytes.

by default, the output goes to files named xaa, xab, xac, ...

 Btw. is there a program that does something like backup a big chunk
 (home dir, hda) and automatically cuts it into pieces that fit on cd
 and can later restore the original in a place that I specify?

sorry, cannot help here. 

One was to unsplit files is to use `cat'. 

cat file1 file2  new_big_file 


cat file2  file1

Chris Spackman
Thu Oct  3 21:00:47 JST 2002

 random quote 
   One day a student came to Moon and said, I understand how to make
a better garbage collector.  We must keep a reference count of the
pointers to each cons.
   Moon patiently told the student the following story -- One day a
student came to Moon and said, I understand how to make a better
garbage collector...

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Re: [newbie] help please, keyboard rreeppeeaattiinngg

2002-09-05 Per discussione Chris Spackman

On Thu, 5 Sep 2002 02:13:57 -0600
Jan Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Have you tried a different keyboard?  That would be the first step in
 ruling out a hardware problem with the keyboard.
 If the borrowed keyboard works, get a new keyboard and don't worry
 about it.  If it does the same thing, it could still be a hardware
 problem with your motherboard.
 I have installed Mandrake 8.2 a lot of times, and have never had this
 problem with a variety of keyboards, from brand new to ones with a lot
 of key names rubbed off (old).  Never had this problem.

Sorry, I should have mentioned that this is a laptop computer -- how
easy is it to test a different keyboard when one is already built in?

Also, the problem does not occur in virtual consoles, as near as i can
tell, just in X.

This is a new one for me too. I've installed a lot of different distros
and every mandrake since at least 7.2 and I've never had a keyboard
problem before.

Chris Spackman

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Re: [newbie] Mouse problem

2002-09-04 Per discussione Chris Spackman

This might not have made it to the list, sorry if it is a dup:

On Tue, 27 Aug 2002 12:27:58 EDT

 I installed Mandrake8.2 and when i start my computer the mouse if fine
 but sometimes when im working the mouse pointer isnt in the right
 place like ill click and the pointer will be where i want to click but
 the click will be like 1 inch to the left..any idea how i can fix
 this? Thanks

Try uncommenting (remove the # sign) this option in your
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file:

#   Option  sw_cursor

It is in the 

# **
# Graphics device section
# **

of the file.

Then restart the xserver (if you boot into the gui, there should be an
option somewhere in the log-in screen to restart the server).

I had a similar problem with my laptop and this solved it. Hope it works
for you too.

Chris Spackman

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[newbie] help please, keyboard rreeppeeaattiinngg

2002-09-04 Per discussione Chris Spackman

Hi all,

I was given a new computer at work and they allowed me to put linux on
it (they don't care what i use as long as the work gets done). They were
even nice enough to get starsuite for me. :-) (The computer guy said
that starsuite is selling like crazy - one of the most popular programs
at the moment.)

Anyhow, I put mandrake 8.2 on it and it works fine except for one or two
things. The major problem is that the keyboard repeat rate is totally
f**ked up. Typing quickly (normal speed for someone used to typing)
causes a large number or double or triple letters, like `mman kbbdrate'.

It does not seem to be affected by changing kbdrate or by changing the
settings in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. Changing those settings works for the
regular repeat, but does nothing to prevent the annoying semi-random
repeats. I found something on google about commenting out some code in
some file in (from memory, I am not at work nor on the net as I write
this) /usr/src/?/arch/i386/??. Anyhow, I commented out the relevant
section in whatever file that was, but the keyboard still repeats. Does
that file (whose name I cannot remember) affect anything, or would I
have to recompile the kernel or something first? 

Any ideas? Could it be a hardware problem? I have found that it is less
likely to happen if I pound the keys (imaging typing on an old,
non-electric typewriter). Needless to say, that solution is almost as
bad as the problem.


Chris Spackman

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Re: [newbie] Segmentation fault???

2002-08-10 Per discussione Chris Spackman

On Fri, 9 Aug 2002 14:11:59 +0200
Tenchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok, here is the original:
 Hi everyone!
 I installed MDK 8.2 on one of my friend's computer. The install went
 pretty good. Everything seemed to work except for the soundcard. I
 downloaded drivers for it, so it works now too. I started setting it
 up with programs(nvidia drivers, openoffice, krusader etc...)and
 everything worked fine until I did a complete shutdown and a restart.
 There were no errors, but after that the Mandrake Control Center and
 rpmdrake exits with segmentation fault right before the password
 checking. When I started them in the terminal it simply said:
 segmentation fault. This is a big problem for me as I don't want to
 mess with text file config.

If you haven't already, try su'ing to root in the terminal and then
starting mcc or rpmdrake from there. This will skip asking for the root
password, which is one possible source of trouble. If it still doesn't
work, try actually loging in as root and running mcc or rpmdrake from an
entirely root environment. One of the 8.2 betas had a brief mcc bug
where environment variables were not properly set outside of kde. Maybe
this is a similar problem?

(of course, normally you should almost never log in as root, but since
we are bug-hunting here, it might be okay. just be sure to log out and
log back in as your regular user before playing games or surfing the
net. :-)

Chris Spackman

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[newbie] thanks: usb smartmedia reader

2002-08-04 Per discussione Chris Spackman

Thanks all, for the advice on usb smartmedia readers. The selection
wasn't nearly as broad as I expected, so I got a no-name brand
smartmedia-only reader/writer and it works just fine.

Chris Spackman

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Re: [newbie] Japanese Input

2002-06-30 Per discussione Chris Spackman

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 09:41:29 -0700

 its me again.  i successfully installed kinput2 and freewin RPM on my
 Linux Mandrake 8.2 as well as the Japanese fonts, but shift+space and
 ctrl+/ is still not working.  how can i input hiragana, katakana and
 kanji?  what applications do they usually can be used for?  i tried it
 on advnace editor and kWord but still not working.  is there something
 i missed?  my default language is English and I just like to make
 Japanese available for my console cause my job requires some Japanese
 also, i already configured my keyboard to 106 japanese but none of
 those extra keys work.  I tried to edit the key binding configuration
 but it cant detect the extra keys.  is the windows key really not
 working in mandrake?
 any suggestions?

A few:

1. open mandrake control center -- system -- services and make sure
that jserver is running and that it is set to start at boot.

2. use (as a regular user) /usr/sbin/localedrake to switch your
environment to japanese. 

Now comes the tricky part. Someone once mentioned, either here or on
the expert list, a website with instructions for modifying your personal
.i18n file to support japanese input but leave most system settings in
english. I do not have the url at hand, but it should be in the archives
somewhere. If you can find it, it is very clear and works well. The only
problem i had was that rebooting would reset my .i18n file to totally
english. Which is obviously not a good thing.

If jserver isn't running, or if your environment isn't set to japanese
language, then shift-space won't work.

I too sometimes need japanese for work. since i use latex for almost
everything anyhow, i just use emacs and the latex cjk package to create
japanese docs. since emacs can handle japanese input all by itself,
without needing kinput or jserver, it is a good way to do the occasional
japanese letter or report. but if you need to search the net in japanese
or share japanese language spreadsheets, it isn't gonna help any.

hope this helps,

Chris Spackman

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Re: [newbie] compact flash card usb reader

2002-06-26 Per discussione Chris Spackman

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002 22:47:58 -0500
Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[big snip]

 All would work I bet if I didn't get the following message:
 mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist
 anyone have an idea of how to create sda1. All the usb and scsi
 modules are loaded as far as I can tell. Hope Mandrakesoft is working
 on getting better usb support for 9.0. Any help is always appreciated.

Maybe I missed it, but are you using supermount? I turned it off first
thing after installing and usb works just fine -- mounting exactly as
you have done. So one guess would be that supermount is causing

just a thought.

Chris Spackman

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Re: [newbie] Re: Mencoder Commands

2002-06-22 Per discussione Chris Spackman

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 17:19:49 +0200 (CEST)
Ralph Slooten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 mencoder -dvd 1 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=633 
 -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=96:cbr -o Matrix.avi
(all on one line)
 Broken down this is:
 -dvd 1=use track 1 of the DVD
 -ovc lavc =use the libavcodec (included in mplayer) for the ovc
(Output Video Codec)
 -lavcopts..   =use the DivX codec (opensource), with Very High Quality
(vhq), with a video bitrate (vbitrate) of 633
 -oac mp3lame  =for the Output Video Codec (oac), use lame
 -lameopts...  =for lame, use a bitrate (br) of 96kb/s with a Constant
Bitrate (cbr)
 -o Matrix.avi =Output results to Matrix.avi

Thank you very much! I have been playing around with mencoder for a
while, trying to get everything to work. Now it does. Turns out i didn't
have lame installed. You are planning to write that book, right? Please?

Personally, the big problem for me, and i assume many other video /
multimedia newbies, is that i have no idea what most of the options do,
or what all the technical stuff means. Kinda like the situation with
people who are new to linux -- something that is simple for the
initiated can really discourage a newbie. Like `open an xterm, su to
root, and mount the file on loopback as type ext2'. That could cause
a linux newbie to go running straight back to ms windows. I feel the
same way when i read the mplayer / mencoder manpage. What is demuxing?
What is deinterlacing? What is a vrc_strategy? Do i need that?

That sort of stuff. So, thanks for the simple straight-forward command
and explanation.

Chris Spackman

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Re: [newbie] mandrake 8.2 + usb-mouse hotplugging

2002-06-14 Per discussione Chris Spackman

On Thursday 13 June 2002 09:53 pm, someone wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I posted this message about a month ago in comp.os.linux.misc nobody
 has answered so far. I guess it was the wrong place to post something
 mandrake specific.

 Well, my problem is my usb-mouse. It works fine after startup, but
 after disconnecting and reconnecting the mouse it doesn't.
 It works again after I restart.

 There seems to be a module missing or something...
 I have never compiled a kernel or loaded a module. (If I have to do
 that: is there a (simlple?) how-to somewhere for compiling kernels or
 including modules? Can someone tell me how to do it?)

Have you tried running mousedrake from the console (as root)? tell it 
about the usb mouse after you plug it back in, and you should be good to 

Chris Spackman

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Re: [newbie] 8.2 install gone awry

2002-06-03 Per discussione Chris Spackman

On Monday 03 June 2002 08:37 am, someone wrote:

 No, it's just copied as a DOS file.  Worked fine for me.

You aren't using a boot disk, are you? i tried to copy the patch to the 
bootdisk, but of course there wasn't enough room. 

Chris Spackman

 random quote 
Dave Mack:  Your stupidity, Allen, is simply not up to par.
Allen Gwinn:Yours is.

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Re: [newbie] Thrown off the list ?

2002-06-01 Per discussione Chris Spackman

On Saturday 01 June 2002 12:35 pm, ollyplaine wrote:
 On Fri, May 31, 2002 at 10:08:41PM -0400, D. Olson wrote:
  On Friday 31 May 2002 09:50 pm, you wrote:(first couple of lines from
   On the other hand : maybe I just screwed something up in my post.
   Something that the internet can't digest. - Like spam ???
  Well, I can't digest spam myself, so there ya go. ;)

If it is like the expert list, it is a problem with the mail address not 
matching the ip address, or not resolvable, or something like that. an 
overzealous attempt at preventing spam -- it ends up preventing a lot of 
people from posting.


Chris Spackman

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Re: [newbie] Creating cds using gcombust from ISO image?

2002-05-31 Per discussione Chris Spackman

On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 16:18, Jerry wrote:
 OK.. i figured if i told gcombust to use an existing image (an .ISO)
 (2nd option on the burn tab... just below Data files/no image) it woul d
 create a disk extracting individual files from this image.. wrong?  i
 guess so since when it was done i listed the contents of the cd and it
 was an exact copy of the ISO file, not the disk that the ISO was of. 
 what am i doing wrong here?  any ideas?  thanks.. or .. just point me to
 the right howto/man page since i've been browsing for hours and reading
 things that seem to have nothing to do with what i'm looking for. 
 thanks :-)

So, you entered the name of the iso in the text box and then clicked on
the combust button at the bottom? Weird. are you sure the iso is good? 

Just a thought, but you didn't select the iso file in the data files
tab? I doubt it, but that is about the only other thing i can think of
that would cause what you describe.

Chris Spackman

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Re: [newbie] StarOffice

2002-05-30 Per discussione Chris Spackman

On Thu, 2002-05-30 at 22:01, Terry Sheltra wrote:

 and download OpenOffice 6.0 for free.  From what I've seen and heard,
 OpenOffice is no different than StarOffice, just that it's free.

There are some differences. Star Office contains some proprietary stuff
like clip art, fonts, and some code that sun didn't own and didn't have
permission to open source (i think this in stuff like spell check or
thesaurus, but am not sure). Otherwise, yeah they are almost exactly the

Chris Spackman

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