Re: [newbie] Access DOS files from LINUX

2000-07-10 Per discussione David Talbot

Generally all of your dos/windows files can be found under /mnt/windows. You
can copy to and from all of your windows stuff from there.

-David Talbot

On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, you wrote:
 I moved this to newbie list where it is probably more fitting.
 I do not know how to get the files I downloaded (to my E:\linux folder to
 copy them to the root so that I can proceed. Any help would be greatly
 appreciated. I am sure there is some simple command but I do not know what
 it is.
 This has to be done from the command line. xfree86 and all other GUIs do not
 exist on my system. I am trying to add them. the files I wish to copy are
 the xfree rpms.
-David Talbot
Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin

Re: [newbie] Graphics Card Question

2000-07-01 Per discussione David Talbot

The way I got my i810 boards to work was to select the intel i740 graphics
cards (supposably 4 meg of video ram), then select the monitor from the
Drak config tool. Click test, then it skips the memory back down to 2 meg
as it's supposed to be, bam, I give you 16x1024x768 without editing XF86Config.

-David Talbot

At 07:24 PM 6/26/00 -0700, you wrote:
Here's what I had to do for my I810 on LM 7.1 to get 1024x768 at 16 bits:

Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config:

   Find the "Device" section that has an ID of Intel 810
   Add the following lines to it:
  VideoRam 2048
  Chipset "i810"
  Vendor "Intel"
   Find the section "Screen" for "Driver" "svga"
   Find the subsection within it that says depth 16
   Add 1024x768 to the listed resolutions.

  Save it, logoff and restart the X server.
  Go into Drakconf and select Change X resolution.
  Select 1024x768 at 16 bits.

If you are running LM 7.0, I'm not sure this will work because I don't think
the i810 driver is available by default.  Take a look at
for the driver and instructions on how to load it.

- Ralph

- Original Message -
From: "Jason Angus" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 7:23 AM
Subject: [newbie] Graphics Card Question

 Just installed Mandrake 7 this weekend - the install
 went rather smooth (had to do it twice) - but those
 were errors on my part.

 I have an Intel 810 video card with AGP - and cannot
 seem to get the resolution or graphics just right with
 it.  I have looked on some news groups and found
 others with the same problem.  I can not seem to get a
 better resolution that 640 x 800!  It works but that
 is just a little too big for me.   Any suggestions?

 If it matter - here is the run down on the rest of my

 Dell Deminsion L500C
 Celeron 500 mhz
 64 mb ram
 6 gig HD - linux has a 1.5 gig/ windows 98 has the
 The video card is built into the mother board...

 Any help you could send this newbies way would much be


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Re: [newbie] Installation problems still.....

2000-06-30 Per discussione David Talbot

Try installing "safely" by that I mean, don't configure any network or printers
(skip the bootdisk ect) Anything to get through the installer faster. Handle X
configuration after install. (I only give this advice on a very onry system).

I'd also suggest saying NO when it asks you if you have any scsi devices.
Chances are all of your problems are coming from one single peice of hardware
in your system. (Have you checked to see if your SCSI controller is on the
Linux hardware compatibility list?)

 Also duing the install you can hit CNTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE to break
out of the graphical installer, hit enter a couple of dozen times then you'll
get a command prompt you can work with (VERY useful for recovering an
overwritten boot sector).

-David Talbot

 On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 Hello there,
 as I wrote to my previous e-mail, I'm unable to install Mandrake because the
 graphical installer just freezes in the SCSI setup step. I tried the text
 mode installation, but then again the problem is that when it tries to
 launch X Server (after configuring CORRECTLY my graphics card and monitor),
 it returns to the text mode saying that an error occured and X server was
 unable to run.
 I forgot to mention in my previous e-mail that I CANNOT boot from my Cdrom
 although the motherboard supports booting from a CDROM. I know that Mandrake
 CD is CD just cannot boot from ANY cdrom. (I tried using a 16x
 Toshiba and that cannot autoboot either).
 So, the problem is, that I cannot boot from the cd, and I HAVE to boot using
 a floppy disk.
 Also, another problem I met yesterday was that, after I finished installing
 Mandrake without the X-Server and the system would start normally, then at
 the login prompt, it would refuse to accept my password although I would
 type it correctly (no caps lock was on...).
 I reinstalled Mandrake, and put some silly password like '123456' and still
 I was not able to get in as root.
 Any suggestions people? I've tried to install Mandrake over 20 times and on
 2 different configurations and I wouldn't have luck...
 Thanks for your time.
 Below is my system description in case you need it:
 Pentium-MMX 166MHz
 Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 2MB (BIOS 1.04,  rev L)
 Opti 924 Soundcard
 and I have three hard disks: 1GB (FAT32), 528MB (on which I install linux)
 and 100MB(FAT).
 Sony CDROM 2x
 Modem 56KBps
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
-David Talbot
Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin

[newbie] export PATH problems

2000-06-30 Per discussione David Talbot

I've posted this message before, and I know someone out there must have
experiecned the same problem before. Out of 10 total machines installing linux
mandrake for different uses, 2 of them have one bizarre trait in common:

Alterations the the PATH variable in /etc/profile do not take effect. Other
changes to /etc/profile do take effect.

There is an interesting comment in /etc/profile right above a commented out
PATH line that says "Handled By Mandrake Security".

The PATH is indeed being exported. I've tried setting the Mandrake Security
level to low.

What's causing this and how can I make it take my new PATH? Any help with this
one would be a godsend, I've tried every concievable thing I can think of.

-David Talbot
Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin

Re: [newbie] Installation Errors

2000-06-30 Per discussione David Talbot

What is the hardware configuration on the machine?  If your BIOS supports
booting from CDROM, then that is your best bet.

I personally have had more success with RedHat 6.1 on older systems. Mandrake
is more built for modern systems.

Fairly important: What graphics card are you using?

-David Talbot

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 In need some help from all you experts.  First, I am very new to Linux.  I have been 
a UNIX/C/Java programmer for sometime.  I thought it was time to try out this Linux 
 I took one of my old computers and I am trying to install Linux on it.  Here is the 
error I am getting.
 in second stage install
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
 _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
 Thu Jan 29 23:28:10 2000 Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0 at 
/usr/bin/perl-nstall/ line 139.
 install exited abnormally
 sending termination signals...done
 sending kill signals...done
 unmounting filesystems...
 you may safely reboot your system
 I am installing from the floppy that was provided with Linux-Mandrake v 7.0 
Complete.  I am not even getting to the graphical interface.  Do I/Should I remake 
this floppy disk?  
 The computer is an old 486/66Mhz.  I have two harddrives one being 640 Meg and on 
7.1 Gig.  I am running 32 Meg of RAM.  I am nut sure of the graphics card off the top 
of my head.  Is there a problem with the computer I am trying to install on?  The 
computer is currently running Windows 98.  I want to just install Linux and overwrite 
the Windows.  So, I am not partitioning the harddrive.  Do I need to partition the 
harddrive?  Do I need to re-format the harddrive prior to installing Linux?
 All the help you can offer is greatly appreciated.
 Thank You

Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

-David Talbot
Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin

[newbie] SoundBlaster PCI100 Round 2

2000-06-30 Per discussione David Talbot

Ok, I've fully determined that the sound card I'm having a problem with is
indeed a SoundBlaster PCI100. Furthermore, according to Creative Lab's website
it should use the es1370 driver not the es1371. Apparently this card was made
by creative labs after they bought ensoniq. This card is VERY similar to the
Ensoniq version, but a little different.

The sound works, but comes out pretty quiet even at a full blast. (I can't even
hear linus say how linux is pronounced unless I have my ear right up to the

sndconfig and HardDrak both try to configure it as es1371, when I override and
say it should be es1370 it complains, "Device or resource busy".

Any ideas?

-David Talbot
Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin

Re: [newbie] testing 1 2 3

2000-06-30 Per discussione David Talbot

The problem most people have posting to the list is trying to send it to:
instead of the correct way:

Make sure you uppercaqse the "N" in newbie.  The second problem is sometimes
the list eats a message for a day or two, then spits it out. By the time 2 days
has gone by, nobody remembers what the post was even about :)

Good luck,

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, you wrote:
 just a test
 i have been having problems posting to the list
 sorry to annoy you with this
 Adrian Smith
 'de telepone dude
 Telecom Dept.
 x 7042
-David Talbot
Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin

[newbie] HP Pavilion 6470Z Installation Issues

2000-06-30 Per discussione David Talbot

Below I'm posting all installtion issues I had with LM 7.1 on a HP Pavilion
6470Z and the solutions so this will hopefully help out the archive and some
poor soul searching for answers to thier questions at a later date.

Graphix card: ATI Mach 64. Flawless detection and installation.

Sound Card: RipTide Unsupported in Linux.
Replaced with Soundblaster PCI100 and after much effort going over HOWTOs and
rebuilding device files ect ect outside the scope of this I discovered
something about the speakers that come with the Pavilion.

As I was ripping through the case I noticed something interesting, the sound
card had a cable that ran to a second tiny card slot (no PCI or ISA interface,
just stuck through one the holes the back) that provided the actual ports you
plugged the speakers into. Apparently this second half card thingey has some
kind of control over the volume on the speakers. After installing my sound card
I discovered that it worked, but played so quietly that even with the mixer
maxed out it was still pretty quiet. It never dawned on me that that little
half card pass through had anything to do with the volume on the speakers. Well
it does.

So basically if you want to install LM 7.1 on a Pavilion, you'll need a new
sound card AND speakers (Remove the old ones of course to avoid confusing the
installer) other than that all of the core system stuff works great.

One issue not covered here: I installed LM 7.1 after the 12 GB Quantum Fireball
running windows crashed. I installed 2 20gb Maxtors. A number of people have
reported problems with Quantum drives on Mandrake. If you're using a quantum
drive and can't afford to buy a well made drive, you're best off going with
RH6.1 and it's 386 optimized code.

I'm loving 7.1 on this pavilion, all the trouble was worth it. Thanks to the
folx on the list that helped with the various issues!

-David Talbot
Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin

[newbie] KMail

2000-06-29 Per discussione David Talbot

Is there a way to make Kmail check a mail account and only download the new
messages (No I can't delete the messages after they've been downloaded)

-David Talbot

Those who would choose security over freedom deserve neither. -B. Franklin

[newbie] es1371

2000-06-29 Per discussione David Talbot

I have a sound card (SoundBlaster of some type) that was detected and installed
using the es1371 driver in Mandrake 7.1.

Problem is the volume is very unsatisfactory. I've set the Kmixer volume all
the way up and it's only "listenable" not quite blastable.

(seems like I'm spamming the list with all these problems, but I'm migrating my
primary desktop machine (A HP Pavilion 6470Z) and it's my work enviroment. Due
to hard drive crash I don't have Windows to fall back on during the upgrade,
can't work without mp3's :) )

-David Talbot

Those who would choose security over freedom deserve neither. -B. Franklin

Re: [newbie] Cable Modem Blues

2000-06-24 Per discussione David Talbot

You need the following:
IP Address (or DHCP)
Subnet Mask
DNS (extra DNS servers never hurt anyone, so see if they can't give you 2 or 3)

Once you've got this info, plugging it in under "Network Configuration"
(part of the Configuration Tool icon on your desktop), is easy. Just click
on basic host information enter the above information. Click on Routing 
Gateways, enter your Gateway (Do not enable routing just yet, you may do
this later if you're masqing other machines) Click on Name Servers and
enter your DNSes. Click on quit. Click on Activate Changes (The window will
take a bit to close)

Once the window closes here's your first "Joy of Linux"... you don't need
to reboot to test your new network settings. Just launch netscape and hit


-David Talbot

At 03:11 AM 6/22/00 -0400, you wrote:
Ask them if you have a static IP or get your IP through DCHP. 

 Hello Collective,
 I survived my first  disk partitioning and the instilation of a  non-windows
 os but am left with a cable modem that now serves as a paper weight. I have
 no clue where to get info on how to establish a connection with my
 comcast@home service and seek the wisdom (and patience) of you - the
 knowledgable masses.
 Before I can even ask a good question I need to know what I am asking so:
 What information will I need to have before I can attempt to get the modem
 up-and running, and once I have that info- where is a good place to learn
 what to do with the info.  The cable company COMCAST will "only answer
 specific question but not help use the answers" I need to know what
 "specific questions" I need to ask them.
 I am using a dell dimension xpsr350 PII. the modem is a Toshiba PCX1100. it
 is external, and IF i am reading the system report correctly the network
 card is a SMC EZ Card PCI 10 Adapter. Lothar tells me that everthing is
 configured fine, but I can't seem to find the place, dialague box or
 whatever where I would establish a connection to the internet service
 Thanks in advance for the advice, and pleas help free me from my windows
 internet chain.
Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione David Talbot

If your security is set to High or Paranoid, it's running a nightly
security system audit.

-David Talbot

At 06:58 AM 6/24/00 -0400, you wrote:
I'd like to know the same thing! This has happened to me also on two
occassions. It starts on the primary HDD and goes through all of them
until it's satisfied. Eats up a lot of CPU doing it too! It's like there's
a massive search going on. What's up with this?


I love my Linux Box!
   REASON #1 --'s not Windows!
Registered Linux user #1299563

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Piero wrote:

Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on furiously 
a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, controlling, program
set up
by Mandrake to act regularly at this time. 

I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at crontable(s) and acron
tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had the patience to
their format, for the other they seem to launch programs for which I didn't
fint a man page. 

Daoes anybody know? 

Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione David Talbot

ext3 filesystems don't need a defrag program because they don't become
fragmented (Well they do, but not more than a fraction of a percent) as for
scandisk, it's "fsck" or filesystem check. If you yank the cable out of the
wall, or power off your computer without shutting down, next boot time it
will automatically run fsck on the effected drives. This can take a long
time. (1-20 minutes)

ReiserFS to the rescue... an option on the 7.1 installation was to format
your partitions as ReiserFS. It is very similar to ext2 in performance and
near nill fragmentation, but is Journaled. In other words, keeps a record
of what is written so if the system is powered off without shutting down it
"knows where to look" for half written blocks on the disk thus making
filesystem checks take signifigantly less time (1-10 seconds)

-David Talbot

At 09:42 AM 6/23/00 -0400, you wrote:
That actualy spawns a question. Are there disk tools we can use in Mandrake,
ie.. defrag, scandisk etc..?



- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

 I'd like to know the same thing! This has happened to me also on two
 occassions. It starts on the primary HDD and goes through all of them
 until it's satisfied. Eats up a lot of CPU doing it too! It's like there's
 a massive search going on. What's up with this?


 I love my Linux Box!
 REASON #1 --'s not Windows!
 Registered Linux user #1299563

 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Piero wrote:

 Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on
furiously for
 a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, controlling, program
set up
 by Mandrake to act regularly at this time.
 I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at crontable(s) and
 tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had the patience to
 their format, for the other they seem to launch programs for which I
 fint a man page.
 Daoes anybody know?

Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

2000-06-23 Per discussione David Talbot

I looked at the cron.daily and it's probably rotating the log files. To see
what your system is running at midnight look at:


-david Talbot

At 09:42 AM 6/23/00 -0400, you wrote:
That actualy spawns a question. Are there disk tools we can use in Mandrake,
ie.. defrag, scandisk etc..?



- Original Message -
From: "Mark Weaver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2000 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What happens at midnight?

 I'd like to know the same thing! This has happened to me also on two
 occassions. It starts on the primary HDD and goes through all of them
 until it's satisfied. Eats up a lot of CPU doing it too! It's like there's
 a massive search going on. What's up with this?


 I love my Linux Box!
 REASON #1 --'s not Windows!
 Registered Linux user #1299563

 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Piero wrote:

 Everyday, around midnight, my hard disk strts to work and goes on
furiously for
 a few minutes. It must be a supervising, cleaning, controlling, program
set up
 by Mandrake to act regularly at this time.
 I'd very much like to know wat it is. Tried to look at crontable(s) and
 tables, without much success: for one side I haven't had the patience to
 their format, for the other they seem to launch programs for which I
 fint a man page.
 Daoes anybody know?

[newbie] Preventing Bandwidth Hogging

2000-06-23 Per discussione David Talbot

At home I have a 384k U/D DSL with 4 machines masqed behind it. This is a
problem that has been irking me for awhile, and my wife almost beat me to
death last night, so here it is:

If I start a big download with a fast site (Like a CDROM iso or a DIVX) All
available bandwith is choked completely off. All other users on the network
are unable to view web pages (they come up, but take an *insanely* long time).

Is there a way to make it so you get a more reasonable use of bandwidth?
Like run the download at 80% of available bandwith and additioanl
connections at 20% or some such similar?

-David Talbot

Re: [newbie] Which is the ideal directory for RealPlayer7 in MDK7.1?

2000-06-22 Per discussione David Talbot

That's something both Microsoft and RealNetworks have been doing that has
really been irking me... on their public site where Joe Consumer clicks in
(windowsupdate for microsoft) they are offering Beta software for download
without any method of bug reporting. So Joe Consumer gets product,
de-stabilizes his system (What does Beta mean anyway? ; ) Then doesn't even
realize the need to reports these bugs to his vendor.

As for the G2, you no longer need it, RP7 and 8 both support the features
like SMIL ect.

-David Talbot

At 07:41 AM 6/21/00 -0400, you wrote:
Hi Tom,

Thanks for the info. I checked this out. However, RealPlayer G2 is no
longer available for download for Linux and Unix - according to Unless, you have an extra .rpm copy only offers 
options for Realplayer7 or 8 .rpm(beta) or .bin(beta).

Too bad.


Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, you wrote:
  I noticed that many features are neatly divided into sections in KDE.
  I downloaded the r7_linux20_libc6_i386_b2.bin. To which directory should
  the RealPlayer7 be installed to?
  During the installation of RealPlayer7, the first default is
  /usr/local/RealPlayer7. When I installed it to this, I could not find it
  in KDE. Should I install it to /usr/bin/RealPlayer7 ??
  I would prefer it to show up under Multimedia.
  Sorry to dwell on this but it has been difficult to find a directory bin
  that showed up in 'root' and 'usr'.
I used  'rp7.linux20.libc6.i386.b1.rpm' and it installs
 'realplay' to /usr/X11R6/bin/realplay
 Other than maybe your personal preference, where the binary
 goes doesn't matter all that much.  If the .bin is like the .rpm it
 will create a link on KDE's main pop up menu.  If you want it in
 'multimedia' you'll prob'ly havt'a use Kmenuedit to move it. I just
 deleted it.
I believe the .bin extension on that file is sort'a kind'a like a
 self extracting zip file in Windows with an .exe extension, it's not
 fixin' to create it's own /bin dir  ... or maybe I misunderstand
 your question.
There's great instructions at (look below my
 sig) for editing Netscapes 'preferences' to use rp7 for most all
 kinds of multimedia files you'll find on the net.  The instructions
 give the default 'realplay' binary location as /usr/bin/.  Just
 change that to wherever you install the binary.
 ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 from linuxnewbie
 Real G2 Player
 Written By: Avatar
 So you want to steam in some audio and video. Well, if I can do it,
 so can you. Here is how I did it.
 Mandrake 7.0 (Also RedHat 6  6.1, and Mandrake 6.0  6.1)
 1. If you don't have the G2 player already, hit up this link and get it.
 (I picked up the RedHat 5/6 rpm)
 get it here
 2. Go ahead and install it.
 3. On my system, the executable installed to /usr/bin/realplay. Find out
 where it went on yours, and keep that info handy.
 Now comes the fun part. Getting it to work with Netscape. According to
 help file for the G2 player, it will only play real audio and real
 video. But, that is incorrect as you will soon find out.
 4. Open up Netscape and click on "Edit" and then "Preferences."
 5. On the new screen that appears, click the little arrow next to
 "Navigator" and then "Applications."
 On the right, you should see a list of all the mime types already in
 the system. This is where we will be adding in the info to
 configure the G2 player. Now, my system didn't have any of the
 stuff that follows set up, but your might have a start. So, before
 you add anything listed below, look to see if it is already there
 and add/modify as needed.
 6. Click the "New" button to bring up a new mime tpye.
 7. Enter the follwing settings, then click the "OK" button to save them.
 Description: RealMedia File
 MIMEType: application/vnd.rn-realmedia
 Suffixes: .rm
 Application: /usr/bin/realplay %s
 The description doesn't matter, but the rest does. Make sure to click the
 box next to "Application" to enable G2, and don't forget the "%s"
 part or it will just open G2 and not stream. If G2 installed
 somewhere other than /usr/bin/realplay, replace that part with your
 path. Another thing to watch is that you but the "." in front of
 the suffix.
 8. Add all of the following using the steps 6  7.
 Description: RealVideo File
 MIMEType: video/vnd.rn-realvideo
 Sufffixes: .rv
 Application: /usr/bin/realplay %s
 Description: RealAudio File
 MIMEType: audio/vnd.rn-realaudio
 Suffixes: .ra, .ram
 Application: /usr/bin/realplay %s
 Description: RealAudio File 2
 MIMEType: audio/x-pn-realaudio
 Suffixes: .ra, .ram
 Application: /usr/bin/realplay %s
 Now, your G2 player should work great with Navigator. But say you hop
 over to and want to listen to for awhile. Well, sends you am mp3 play list, not a standard stream. This

Re: [newbie] Huge Terminal Size

2000-06-22 Per discussione David Talbot


Select a font you want your terminal to be in. Select a weight (bold
regular italic ect). Select a font size, probably 12-14pt. Click on Apply.

-David Talbot

At 08:26 PM 6/21/00 -0400, you wrote:
I'm having the wierdest problem. I was running Linux today like I normally do,
and then all of the sudden when I'd open up a gnome-terminal, the size of the
window was huge, as was the text. Normally, when I open one up, it takes up
maybe 1/12 of the size of the screen. But now it fills about half the screen.
The text is also about 3 times as big. This just happened, I didn't change
anything or nothing like that. Just all of the sudden, I opened up a terminal
and it was "big sized". I just rebooted to see if that might fix it, and it's
still just as big.  Does anyone know what happened or how I can get it back 
to a
normal size? 

Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

[newbie] /etc/profile and Mandrake Security

2000-06-22 Per discussione David Talbot

I'm working on getting a webserver set up and need to modify the path and
some other enviroment variables. I set the path and insure it is exported,
but when I type
echo $PATH

it contains nothing I added. I did notice a few curious comments in the
/etc/profile such as "Handled by Mandrake Security"

Anybody know what it's doing to me?

-David Talbot

Re: [newbie] /etc/profile and Mandrake Security

2000-06-22 Per discussione David Talbot

Checked it, I declare my PATH and CLASSPATH next to each other and export
them in the same statement. It takes my classpath, but fails to take my PATH.

I get

no matter what I set my path to in /etc/profile still.

Any other ideas?

-David Talbot

At 05:25 PM 6/22/00 +0200, you wrote:
On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, David Talbot wrote:

I'm working on getting a webserver set up and need to modify the path and
some other enviroment variables. I set the path and insure it is exported,
but when I type
echo $PATH

it contains nothing I added. I did notice a few curious comments in the
/etc/profile such as "Handled by Mandrake Security"

Anybody know what it's doing to me?

Hi David,
I have had some troubles with this too, until I found out what I did
wrong. Where and what exactly did you change, and what do you want to

Make sure you do make changes BEFORE any 'export' of PATH is done,
otherwise it won't work.

(had a GREAT vacation!)

Creativity is limited only by your imagination.

)0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403

Re: [newbie] /etc/profile and Mandrake Security

2000-06-22 Per discussione David Talbot

Verified :'s. I think I may have set the security level to High on this
machine (usually I use medium and handle security details like open ports
and daemons myself... Maybe when you tell the installer to use High
security, meebe methinks it could take management of certain tasks outside
of even the root domain...

Anybody with any knowledge of Mandrake's High Security setting would be a

-David Talbot

At 09:02 PM 6/22/00 +0200, you wrote:
On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, David Talbot wrote:

Checked it, I declare my PATH and CLASSPATH next to each other and export
them in the same statement. It takes my classpath, but fails to take my PATH.

I get

no matter what I set my path to in /etc/profile still.

Any other ideas?

Did you separate the path-additions with colons? I have seen someone
putting DOS-like semi-colons in there, and that won't do much good.

Otherwise first try if you can modify the $PATH in ~/.bash_profile.
I have done this in there and it works:



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[newbie] /usr/share/spec-helper/spec-helper

2000-06-21 Per discussione David Talbot

I've failed building a source rpm or two because
(No such file or directory)

Anybody have any help or advice?

-David Talbot

Re: [newbie] Initializing GNOME on 6.1

2000-06-21 Per discussione David Talbot

The login manager should give you the option under the session tab.

-David Talbot

At 05:24 PM 6/20/00 -0400, you wrote:
Does anyone know how to switch to the GNOME desktop instead of KDE using 6.1


[newbie] DB2 Installation

2000-06-20 Per discussione David Talbot

Has anyone gotten DB2 7.1 (Free download from to
succssfully install using db2setup on Mandrake Linux 7.1? Supposably
installs on RedHat.

I get an error when attempting to run db2setup: (db2 7.1 on Mandrake
(2.2.15kernel) 7.1)

Error encountered when opening or reading from file ,/tmp/.db2inst.swap.

Anybody have any experience installing db2 7.1 on Mandrake?

-David Talbot

Re: [newbie] New to list need a little help with sendmail

2000-06-19 Per discussione David Talbot

Have you set up a pop3 daemon?

-David Talbot

At 08:45 AM 6/13/00 -0700, you wrote:
Hello everyone
i am new to the list my name is Luc
the problem i have is:
i have installed mandrake 7.0 (love it) very easy to
do anywho i made a account then i went on a win pc and
setup the email account well with the account i can
send email (and the user gets it) but if the receiver
replies i dont recieve the reply. i checked with my
isp they allow email servers so it aint them blocking

can someone help?
thank you very much
(my pc is a amd k63 450 256megs ram pci nic to cable
modem (the net works)


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Re: [newbie] Cad and Tablet

2000-06-19 Per discussione David Talbot

Depends on the vendor of the tablet... for example, Wacom tablets from the
Artpad(I-2) all the way up to the Intuos are supported.

-David Talbot

At 01:59 PM 6/13/00 -0700, you wrote:
Some time ago I was looking for drivers for my Tablet. I wanted to use
Linux on my system at work.

Well no one came up with the driver I needed.

I just visited calcomp and they have a survey, asking if anyone would
like to see linux drivers.

Here is the address to fill out there survey.

Thanks in advance to all who fill it out.


[newbie] HP Pavilion 6470Z

2000-06-17 Per discussione David Talbot

I'm looking at potentially installing linux on an HP Pavilion 6470Z and I
wanted to know how well Mandrake 7.0 or 7.1 load the hardware. Anyone have
any install experience with one of these?

-David Talbot

Re: [newbie] Linksys LNE 100tx problems w/ mdk7

2000-06-16 Per discussione David Talbot

I speak from absolute experience here. I too picked up that card (Ohhh a
$10 NIC), and there are currently no drivers for linux. Sorry. The NE2000's
work great though...

-David Talbot

At 09:47 PM 6/10/00 -0400, you wrote:
I tried setting up a Linksys LNE100TX NIC on my HP / MDK7 / Win98 machine.  I 
have it up at boot as seen in my dmesg, but when I run ifconfig, eth0 states 
Broadcast and not Up Broadcast.  I can't ping it from my internal network and 
I see the routes are correct.  Mdk7 has the tulip driver already compiled and 
everything I tried seems okay.  The card is set as active in the etherconfig 
and routes are correct in the route tables.  I have checked the scripts and 
they all have the required variables.  I guess the question is how to get the 
broadcast up or what else could be wrong.

My buddy said to buy a supported NIC like a 3COM.  Maybe he's right, but the 
Linksys should work... right?

Re: [newbie] Madrake 7.0 configuration help

2000-06-15 Per discussione David Talbot

At the command line try typing:

If kudzu fails to autodetect your voodoo3 here are your relevant resources:

I too run a voodoo3, 7.0 autodetected it beautifully, 7.1 crapped all over
it. This bug was reported to cooker during beta 2, but never fixed.

-David Talbot

At 08:30 PM 6/14/00 -0600, you wrote:

Hilos. I am a newbie to Mandrake- indeed, linux as a whole. 

I need to get my second monitor working. I am running a celeron 500 with
128 mb
ram, a voodoo3 card as my main video card, and a matrox as my secondary. 

what I need is to basically be told where to find the settings and /or be told
how to set it up- I can learn from there. :) 


Re: [newbie] GL Heretic...

2000-06-15 Per discussione David Talbot

SDL 1.0.something comes on 7.0, to play GL Heretic it want's you to have 1.1.*.

I can't remember what version of alsa it wants, but you can play it without

-david talbot

At 08:40 PM 6/15/00 +0200, you wrote:
On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, lilbambi wrote:

  I'm also trying to get GL Heretic running on my
  setup (Voodoo 3 3000).
  I tried to install the RPM but get an error about needing 2 files. I
  went to RPMnet, freshmeat, and a couple of other places but could not
  find them.
  Anyone have any ideas where to get:
libasound is provided by alsa-lib-0.5.7
libSDL comes from SDL

both packages are on the mandrake CD.


 There's no place like ~ ! 

Re: [newbie] About to give up.

2000-06-14 Per discussione David Talbot

Type in

telnet themachineyou'reworkingon 25

(Wait a few seconds then type (not a typo below))
HELO themachineyou'reworkingon

It should say pleased to meet you ect ect.

If it does not say pleased to meet you then sendmail is not configured
properly and that is what's giving you hell.

As for qpopper, I've never used it (gnu-pop3d is my drug of choice), but
the behaviour you're describing could be sendmail related.

-David Talbot

At 11:40 PM 6/13/00 -0400, you wrote:
Hello again

I'm going to try this one last time before I give up.
A few months back I bought linux-mandrake 6.1 I installed a few progams
one being qpopper mail server, It worked fine.
A few weeks ago I downloaded and installed mandrake 7.0  I did a
complete install doing away with every thing I setup in 6.1 includeing
Well it looked like every thing setup OK so I reinstalled qpopper but it
want work now in fact I tried some other mail server software and can't
get any of thm to work.
When I use telnet it logs onto the mail server fine and tells me I have
0 massages, my mail client software logs in fine but tell's me I have no
new massages this afther I have sent about 20 or 30 test mail to it.

Please if any one has any idea what's going on please let me know I am
about to give up.


Re: [newbie] Qt2 - 2.1.1 rpm

2000-06-14 Per discussione David Talbot


At 01:30 AM 6/15/00 +1000, you wrote:
Can anyone tell me where I can get a copy of the qt2 V2.1.1 library in rpm

I remember seeing some discussion on this a few days ago.

Ot  8^)

RE: Compiling source, was RE: [newbie] Make errors

2000-06-14 Per discussione David Talbot

Out of curiousity (not a flame please don't take it as one) why are you
posting problems that you're having with a Red Hat distro to a Mandrake
list? Yes, mandrake is based off of RedHat, but it's compiled for Pentium
machines (both causing new problems and alleviating RH problems) and
contains many newer versions of various packages than Red Hat does.  Yes,
from the command line the two distros look almost the same. you get into
admin tools and mandrake is quite a bit different. You may have better luck
getting your various issues solved in a RedHat forum of some kind.

Good luck getting your problem fixed, if I know I'd help ya out.

-David Talbot

At 04:33 PM 6/14/00 -0400, you wrote:
As I indicated in another reply, I'll admit to running RH 6.0, not a
Mandrake distro.  My xpm is 3.4k-1, which is a RH6.1 i386 rpm.  libstdc++ is
2.95-1_2.10.0-3, the latest contrib rpm for a RH6.1 distro.  Wine should
compile for RH60.  Yes?

   -Original Message-
   From:   Necrotica [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:   Wednesday, June 14, 2000 4:19 PM
   Subject:Re: Compiling source, was RE: [newbie] Make

   First, upgrade your version of libstdc++. Also, I would
upgrade your
   version of xpm (I just checked and I'm running at
xpm-3.4k-8mdk). With any
   luck that will help. The main thing is upgrading libstdc++ -
thats what is
   causing your compiler to tell you that it cannot compile an


   On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Kaplan, Paul wrote:

You seem quite knowledgeable about the rebuilding process
so I will put to
you a question that I asked on one of the redhat lists and
has yet to be

I am trying to re-compile a recent wine release from a
src.rpm file.  The
./configure script trips when it tries to find the file
X11/xpm.h, insisting
that I should install xpm and xpm-devel packages, and then
quits.  The
packages xpm-3.4k-1 and xpm-devel-3.4k-1 are both
installed on my system and
the file /usr/X11R6/inlcude/X11/xpm.h exists.

On someone else's suggestion, I tried to CFLAGS
/usr/X11R6/include".  Then ./configure returns:

checking whether the C compiler (gcc /usr/X11R6/include )
works... no
configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C
compiler cannot
create executables

I also tried to CFLAGS ="$CFLAGS
/usr/X11R6/include"...(without the -I) and
ended up with the same response I initially had.

Any thoughts?
Paul Kaplan

Re: [newbie] Swat

2000-06-09 Per discussione David Talbot

You might try or at the prompt type in:
ping myMachine
(replace myMachine with the name you gave the machine, possibly localhost)
then use the IP address that ping gives you for SWAT with the :901 appended.

-David Talbot

At 11:13 PM 6/7/00 +, you wrote:
hey everybody,
i'm trying to set up swat, to use with samba.  on, it tells 
me to use my favorite browser, and type in, which 
should prompt for a username and password to access swat.  but it doesn't.  
i get an error say that the connection was reset by peer.  anyone know what 
this is about??  thanks.


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