Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-15 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

 Original Message 

On 10/14/00, 6:02:27 AM, Larry Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: [newbie] Opera Beta:

 Is there anyone who's a Netscape fan (grin)?  It still holds the title as
 being the only application capable of crashing my Linux system and it
 kills itself on a regular basis.

 What are the smart people using?  While I haven't gotten Opera's rpms to
 open up, finding out that it's not an open source product has cooled my
 thoughts of using it.  Is there life without Nutscape?

 Cheers --- Larry

Just back from a mini-vacation and muddling through tons of email giggle 
and felt the need to answer this. I guess you could say that I am a Netscape 
fan -- I use Netscape 4.75 with Mandrake 7.1 on a DSL (yes I have an 
excellent firewall ;-) ) and only when I am doing about 10,000 things at once 
does it freeze up on me and not nearly as often as when I used it on Windoze. 
I work from home for a dot com company and having a good browser is essential 
-- unfortunately I can only use Netscape or IE when accessing them to enter 
my info so I am kind of stuck -- Mozilla didn't work with them and I haven't 
tried Opera yet but am certainly willing to give it a try. I also use the 
Star Office browser which is pretty good too -- not for work sigh but for 
my browsing needs.

Have a wonderful day :-)

Patti -- Registered Linux user #186411

Re: [newbie] Vacation - offtime

2000-10-15 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

 Original Message 

On 10/15/00, 10:18:39 AM, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: 
[newbie] Vacation - offtime:

 It was Oct 15, 2000, 09:54, when Greg Stewart keyboarded:

 Why come here? Aren't there better places to visit?  :-)

 I'm invited for a wedding :)


 Fast French food. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

THIS BEFORE YOU LEAVE, due to the time difference, BUT IF YOU DO WE CAN'T 


Re: [newbie] Printing in KDE

2000-10-15 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Knock on wood but I am not getting double messages from anyone!! Sure 
hope this doesn't change now that I've said this giggle

Patti -- Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 10/15/00, 10:59:59 AM, Larry Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: [newbie] Printing in KDE:

  Larry, I keep getting double messages from you.

 I keep getting double msgs of everything :-)  I was beginning to think,
 however, that this had to do with local filtering of inbound msgs but
 maybe not.  Are you not getting dupes from anyone else?  Lots of people
 have complained about that here.

 Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Kudzu

2000-09-30 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

 Original Message 

On 9/30/00, 9:28:12 AM, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: 
[newbie] Kudzu:

 Since I don't have a previous harddrake anymore (one is enough) I am not
 sure if this works in every harddrake.

Went to my DrakConf icon and it is in Startup Services -- just make sure 
that Kudzu is turned on and it will detect it at bootup :-)

Patti -- Registered Linux User #184611

 Good luck!


 A file that big?
 It might be very useful.
 But now it is gone. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] who answers?

2000-09-30 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

 Original Message 

On 9/30/00, 8:43:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: [newbie] 
who answers?:

 Now if I knew more of the abbreviations like TIA   -Gary-

TIA = Thanks In Advance :-)

Patti Registered Linux User 184611

Re: OT [newbie] Off-topic posts.

2000-09-30 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

My parents taught me at a young age that there are two subjects that are 
not talked about -- Politics and Religion. :-)

Everyone keeps saying to drop the subject so PLEASE CAN WE NOW DROP IT?

TIA -- Patti -- Registered Linux User #184611
 Original Message 

On 9/30/00, 12:19:19 PM, "Austin L. Denyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: OT [newbie] Off-topic posts.:

   be moderated. If not then anything that even vaugely relates
   should be fine. When people start telling others what they can
   or can't talk about then things just go to hell w/ flame wars
   etc. A new list is great but
minor snip
  Maybe I'm missing the obvious here, but what the fsck is it about US
  Politics that "even vaguely relates" to Linux?  Please, humor me, this
  bemused Linux user is eager to learn...
  As you've noticed, politics is a very unusual topic.  Everybody seems
  to have something to say.  It is much tollerated, except when you
  disagree.  And it's sad that anybody has to suffer exposure to it if
  they don't want to, let alone on this Linux group.And it has
  nothing to do with Linux, just with the survival of the human race.

 I agree.  To me, politics has no place in a Linux list.  This is where we
 learn the tricks of the trade for a computer operating system.  The users
 are generally not interested in 'my politician is better than your
 politician', any more than they are interested in 'my God is better than
 your God', or 'my color is better than your color', or "my sex is better
 than your sex', or any other such bigotry.  The closest we have here are 
 'techie wars' of (for example) vi/pico/emacs, Windoze/Linux, etc., and 
 they tend to suck, as the ferocity of the argument is generally inversely
 proportional to the amount of hard evidence to back either side...

  I was flamed for posting something about the history of computing and
  how situations at that time influenced the development of GNU and
  eventually Linux.  It's amused me at how long this political discussion
  has gone on and the turns it has taken, from funny to screaming curses.

 I for one was saddened by the flames you received for your 'history
 lessons'.  Why?  Because I believe that Linux and the history of 
 are inextricably linked.  It is a lot easier to understand Linux, and why
 Linux is the way it is, if you have a good basic understanding of the
 history of computing.

 It also helps for programming.  Those of us who can remember programming 
 raw hex using a 25-key keypad with a 7-segment LED display on a machine 
 only a few kilobytes of RAM know the importance of tight code.  A lot of
 today's programmers wouldn't believe the applications we could write in a
 few kilobytes.  Also, the tight code ran so much faster than today's

 Oh well.


Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-27 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Okay I have been watching this thread and I just can't resist :-) Let's all 
join forces (and I do believe that there is a sufficient number of us) and 
everyone vote (write-in ballot) for the Gov of Minnesota -- Jesse "The 
Body" Ventura giggle Trust me, no one thought he was going to win the 
governorship 2 years ago but he did just like the masses do not believe 
that Linux will be a "viable" O/S against Winblows and I guess all I can 
say is Only Time Will Tell. :-)

Patti - Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/27/00, 10:28:54 AM, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush:

 I'd rather pick a random name from the phone book rather than vote for
 either Bush or Gore. I'll probably end up picking a name from the EFF or
 something like that. It's better to choose someone I'd really want 
 my canidate has no chance of winning than to throw my vote in behind
 someone I wouldn't trust to run my Quake server and become just another
 zombie. Does anyone have any favorites for who we should vote for as the
 Geek platform? If you wanted to get serious you might pick something like
 Richard Stallman and Eric Raymond (I probably killed their names but oh
 well.. I misspell my own name too) but I can't imagine the two of them
 working together if they could avoid it. So this election day vote for 
 losser. :)

 Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sungod robes
  on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little
 pickles at you? -- Real Genius

 On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

  "F. E. Schaper" wrote:
   I'll leave the Presidential debate open for others to discuss as I think
   that is too far off topic for this list, but I will ask you this:
   Do you want a President who, up until this point is most famous for
   approving the execution of 2 women, and for picking his nose on national
   I may have to move to Canada next year.
  I agree that this is better left somewhere else...but I can't help 
  never vote for a potential president whose agenda includes destroying the 
  amendment in order to achieve the (dubious) honor of removing firearms 
  I say again...never.

Re: [newbie] 7.1 Post-install problem - re-post!

2000-09-26 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

If I recall correctly when you install it says that it is NOT a good idea 
to set the hard drive optimisation function. I do not know if you can 
"undo" that or if you need to reinstall and not use that function.

I don't know if this helps but at least I answered giggle

Patti - Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/26/00, 3:47:31 PM, Lance Dow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
[newbie] 7.1 Post-install problem - re-post!:

 Hi There

 I posted the message below to the list on Saturday. So far, I've had only
 one response which, unfortunatly, didn't take me forward in any 
 way (thanks anyway Paul). I can't believe no one else knows the answer.

 Can sombody help me out... please?


 Hi Guys

 Finally got 7.1 installed on my new system - Athlon 700, 128MB, 13.6G HDD 
 Linux only, no Windows. It all seemed to be going smoothly until it came 
 the first re-boot. It reached the point where it says;

 Starting hard drive optimisation for hda  [OK]

 then it goes no further. I left it in that state for over an hour and it
 never moved. I could hear what sounds like disk accessing at round one
 minute intervals but  don't see any activity on the HDD light to confirm

 Any ideas where I go from here? How do I go about tracking down what the
 problem might be? I created a boot disk during the install and, I 
 I could use this to start the system. But I have absolutely no Idea what
 I'm looking for!

 One more thing. This message is part of the Interactive Startup (or Setup 
 not sure). Is this anything like the setup on Windows where you can step
 through the entries in autoexec.bat and config.sys at boot-up, choosing
 which drivers etc are loaded? If so, how do I do it under Linux?

 Is there a troubleshooting HOWTO that covers this sort of thing?

 All help gratefully received.


 Lance Dow

Re: [newbie] Help, Netscape 4.75 install problem

2000-09-23 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

 Original Message 

On 9/22/00, 2:22:21 PM, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding [newbie] 
Help, Netscape 4.75 install problem:

 Hi all,

 I am running into strangeness here...
 I want to install netscape 4.75. As per indication, I removed the old
 netscape stuff (meaning the communicator 4.73, and also netscape-common

Exactly what I did -- removed the 4.73 stuff...

 Now I am ready to install 4.75 and this happens:

 [root@internet paul]# rpm -iv netscape-common-4.75-7mdk.i586.rpm
 error: failed dependencies:
 XFree86 = 4.0 is needed by netscape-common-4.75-7mdk
 rpmlib(VersionedDependencies) = 3.0.3-1 is needed by

Paul -- I am clueless as to why this happened as I didn't have any 
problems when I upgraded to Netscape 4.75 -- BUT I just checked to see 
which version of netscape I installed it was netscape-common-4.75-3mdk. I 
got that from gFTP the Mandrake updates. Just checked on Big Bertha and 
it is still at 3mdk for downloading so you might want to check that? 
Where did you get the 7mdk? (just curious) Good luck and let me know how 
it goes.

Patti - Registered Linux User #184611
Look at a day when you were supremely satisfied at its end. It's not a 
day when you lounge around doing nothing. It's when you've had everything 
to do and you've done it. 

 I do not have, nor want (for now) Xfree 4. And what on earth does it
 complain about wanting RPMlib less than 3.0.3-1 (I have 3.0.4. running)??

 Would I be better off getting the source-rpms and compile them myself?

 If anyone knows, please let me know...


 Do they ever shut up on your planet? - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] fetchmail + wheelmouse

2000-09-23 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

 Original Message 

On 9/23/00, 1:50:14 AM, Andrew W Rounds 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding [newbie] fetchmail + 

 I've just installed Mandrake 7.1 and am having a few teething problems 
which I
 hope someone can give me guidance on.

 1. Fetchmail
I have setup fetchmail (via fetchmailconf) and it all works ok. 
 when I put a symbolic link to fetchmail in my KDE autostart folder, it 
 seem to work. But, if I kill the autostarted fetchmail, and run fetchmail 
 an xterm window, it works. Am I doing something wrong?

I don't use Fetchmail so I can't help you there :-( but as far as the 
Wheelmouse goes (see below)

 2. Wheelmouse
IS there any documentation on getting the Logitech wheelmouse to work 
? I
 have installed the imwheel rpm, and told Drakconf that I have a PS2 
 but the wheel scrolling doesn't work. I am running imwheel when I login.

The best documentation I have found for the wheelmouse is at this site has loads of information :-)  Good luck 
and have a great day.

Patti - Registered Linux User #184611
Focus on remedies, not faults.  - Jack Nicklaus, Professional Golfer

 Thanks in anticipation for any advice.

Re: [newbie] Iomega

2000-09-23 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Try instead 
of linuxnewgie -- typo I would guess

Patti -- Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/23/00, 6:40:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: [newbie] 

 no such address denis???

 In a message dated 23-Sep-00 20:38:32 Central Daylight Time,

  For the zip drive go to "  "  The set
  up there works very well. All done in root btw. Good luck, Dennis

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.1 ....too many bugs

2000-09-22 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Larry wrote ---

 Did you have any problems with volumn on your SB Live card?  I was
 talking to a neophyte Linux buddy of mine yesterday and when we
 installed 7.1 for him it recognized his SB Live card just fine.  But
 he reported to me yesterday that he has no control over volume and
 that it's LOUD!  He's tried kdemixer and tried turning the volume down
 in xmms.  Neither seem to affect the volume?  Any ideas?

Fortunately I had no problems with the volume either -- when Xwindows 
fired up it was VERY loud, I proceeded to go the kdemixer, turned it down 
and it was fine. :-) Needless to say I didn't have to go to xmms so I 
can't say anything about that. 

Keep Smiling,
Patti - Registered Linux User #184611

Look at a day when you were supremely satisfied at its end. It's not a 
day when you lounge around doing nothing. It's when you've had everything 
to do and you've done it. 
Margaret Thatcher 
Former British prime minister 

Re: [newbie] Gaim problems

2000-09-22 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Actually I use the gaim from and they have the 
newest version out 0.10.1 and it is wonderful (imho) they also have it on 
an RPM.

Keep smiling,
Patti -- Registered Linux User #184611
(G)AIM screenname -- Moonbrrz 

 Original Message 

On 9/22/00, 4:25:05 AM, Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: 
[newbie] Gaim problems:

 Go to the AOL site and download their Linux port of AIM. You will be much
 happier with that one. Operates just like the windows version. Easy to
 install also.

 **  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed | ICQ#27816299
 ** _||_ in the making of this   |
 **  =\/=  message...  | Registered Linux user #182496

 On Thu, 21 Sep 2000, John Michael Rice wrote:

  ok im a windows convert
  and i am trying to set up gain the one that came with mandrake 7.1
  well its give me some error saying thta there is no configuration file
  can someone help me with this

Re: [newbie] Is it my imagination or------

2000-09-22 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Vic -- I tend to agree with you that the hand-built seems to run better. 
Ours are hand-built and perhaps that is one reason that I am not 
experiencing the problems that others are :-)

And in answer to Mark's email earlier -- I didn't say that Netscape never 
bombed out on me, just that it doesn't as much as others have mentioned. 
I use Linux and Netscape for my work and yes it will crash -- usually 
when I have several things going at one time -- of course it crashed when 
I was using Winblows too so I don't see it being the fault of Linux or 
Mandrake in particular but with Netscape itself.

Patti -- Registered Linux User #184611

The most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at the goal 
itself, but at some ambitious goal beyond it. 

 Original Message 

On 9/22/00, 4:26:12 AM, Vic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
[newbie] Is it my imagination or--:

 Hello Linuxers.

 I just wondered, am I imagining it or do hand-built
 systems tend to run better than a pre-built
 PC bought at like either "?triangle" or
 "?Best Buy" or something of that ilk?

 I noticed for myself that my hand-built system
 seems to run better than my roommate's
 pre-built system.

Re: [newbie] Mandrakes download site: where are the netscape rpms gone?

2000-09-19 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Hi -- I used gFTP (Menu ---Networking --- File Transfer) and then went to 
bookmarks ---Mandrake (this brings up and went to updates --- 
7.1  RPMS and scrolled down and got the Netscape Common 4.75 Netscape 
Communicator 4.75 and Netscape Navigator 4.75 and installed them through 
Konsole su.

I sure hope this helps you.

Registered Linux User #184611
 Original Message 

On 9/19/00, 11:08:22 AM, burlington john [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding [newbie] Mandrakes download site: where are the netscape rpms gone ?:


 I tried to update netscape. I checked several mirrors of
 the mandrake ftp server, in the update/6.1 dir there
 are netscape-com...rpms with 0 byte size.

 Where can I find the netscape 4.75 rpms for mandrake ?

 This mail was sent to you by using 100% pure Java technology.

Re: [newbie] vmware

2000-09-18 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

There is a 30 day evaluation program on VMWare in the LM 7.1 Deluxe 
package -- I believe that it is disk #3 (but don't quote me giggle"

Registered Linux User #186411

 Original Message 

On 9/18/00, 7:55:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding [newbie] 

 First off I would like to say to all that I appreciate the responce from 
my posting in regards to the windows program porting.  The general 
concesses was that vmware is the best.

 anyway I was just wondering if there was a eval version included on the 
mandrake 7.1 cd or do I have to buy to try.  Secondly I was wondering if it 
was difficult to configure.  I have tried wine and it tells me I don't have 
a standard keyboard and will not work ???(I have a standard Win9X keyboard) 
any feedback would be great. Thanx in advance.



 Get your own free email account from

Re: [newbie] RPM destination

2000-09-15 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Bring up Konsole -- type in "whereis java" (without the quotes) and it 
will tell you where it is. Mine is at /usr/bin/java 

Good luck,
Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/15/00, 1:22:33 PM, "Robert \"JTBob\" Holland" 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding [newbie] RPM destination:


 I was installing StarOffice 5.2 when it got to the point
 of not finding a Java environment. So I go to the Java
 site and download JRE 1.3 from Sun. It has a .rpm
 file and I run rpm to install the file.

 Ok, so I try the StarOffice installation again, but it
 still can't find the Java. I can browse, but I don't
 know where the files were placed when rpm installed

 How do I find out where the Java Run-time Environment
 was placed? Is there a way to see where rpm put the


Re: [newbie] RE: seti

2000-09-15 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Ozz -- No need to hide your face :-) the first time I went into linuxapps 
it took me forever to figure it out. In the box that explains the 
application, etc look in the lower left corner...there is a little 
picture of a house with an N after that on. It is a redirect 
to the homepage of the originator and that where you will find the 
download. :-)

Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/15/00, 2:34:00 PM, "Austin L. Denyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: [newbie] RE: seti:

  The script I use is something I downloaded at www.linuxapps.
  Just search for multiseti and it is bound to show up. If not, let me
  and I will send it over to you.

 Ok, I went to and could only find something called
 mseti - a tcl script.  The other thing is, how the blazes do I download
 from there?  I didn't see anything obviously saying 'download', and I'm
 sure I clicked on just about everything...

 (getting ready to hide his face forever if he's missed something

Re: [newbie] RPM destination

2000-09-15 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Thanks Larry -- I appreciate the info -- I apologize for giving the wrong 

Patti hanging her head in shame ;-)
Registered Linux user #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/15/00, 5:16:46 PM, Larry Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: [newbie] RPM destination:

  Bring up Konsole -- type in "whereis java" (without the quotes) and it
  will tell you where it is. Mine is at /usr/bin/java

 Patti, I haven't tested this extensively with Linux but with most
 flavors of Unix, whereis is principally used to find system-related
 files and searches only a specified set of paths.  Thus, any specific
 paths created by an rpm install aren't searched.

 Generally using "locate" (after you've run it to set up a database of
 your files) is a good way to find stuff.  In Linux it seems there is
 slocate from the GNU folks.

 Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Canon BJC-6000

2000-09-13 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

We have 2 Canon BJC-6000 and LM 7.1 automatically found it on setup. It 
uses BJC-610 and up and postscript!! It works quite nicely I might add 

Don't be TOO hard on Canon -- all three of our computers use some sort of 
Canon printer (even an old BJC-620) ;-)

Registered Linux User #184611
 Original Message 

On 9/12/00, 9:39:16 PM, Digital Wokan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
[newbie] Canon BJC-6000:

 Just got one.  Set your flamethrowers on high because I didn't look
 until afterward to see if Canon supported Linux.  I know that the 600
 and the 4000 series printers were supported.  Anyone out there running a
 BJC-6000, or am I going to have to hook this thing up to a winblows box
 and print to it whenever it isn't busy crashing?

 P.S.:  Any Canon people out there reading this, please direct your
 flamethrowers at your marketing department.  I'm sure your techs are
 smart enough to create the drivers, but marketing hasn't told management
 there's profit in Linux yet it seems.
 Digital Wokan
 Tribal mage of the electronics age
 Guerilla Linux Warrior

Re: [newbie] More C++ problems

2000-09-13 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Here is something that was on the Cooker list regarding iostream.h and 
thought I would send this along -- I don't know if this is your problem 
or not :-)

 libstdc++-devel installed yet?

Woohoo! That was it! Oddly enough that package isn't even on the main
CD. Doesn't that seem important enough to get installed with the base
install??? How does one compile C++ apps without it?

Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/12/00, 10:24:25 PM, Mark Thurston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: [newbie] More C++ problems:

 Alright, I was finally able to install the developer version of Linux, I
 just used the one CD and it worked.  Anyway, now I use g++ (part of the 
 at school.  What happens now is that none of the libraries are there.  I
 checked using whereis iostream.h  -- nothing.  I know that I can download 
 from the internet, any ideas on where to find it?  Is it in an RPM file 
 will I have to use a tar?  Anyway, hopefully by tomorrow this will be


 - Original Message -
 From: "Mark Thurston" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 6:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] More C++ problems

  That being the case, I have a ABIT motherboard that is about 10 months 
  and it is made for a PIII.  How can I change the installation so that it
  uses Grub or change the bios settings so that it supports Large
  I had previously installed the automated version and it worked just fine,
  why is there a difference when I install the development version?
  - Original Message -
  From: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 8:11 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] More C++ problems
  The LBA is causing your problem NOT the # of CDs you install from.
  I did the Dev. install on 2 machines and on both used all 4 Cds with
  If your BIOS does not support LBA(Large Block Address) which is a
   way of saying Large Harddrives then the bootloader you choose to use and
   were you install it are critical.
   Grub has no problem with it but the LILO as shipped with 7.1 does.
  Charles  (-:
   - Original Message -
   From: "Mark Thurston" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 9:50 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] More C++ problems
That sounds like a good idea,  I am using the Complete 7.1
what packages are on the applications CD?  I know that Star Office is
what else is on it?
Thanks again.
- Original Message -
From: "Patti Wavinak" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] More C++ problems
Mark -- which distro are you using? Mandrake 7.1 Deluxe? ISO images?
the errors you are getting I am guessing the Deluxe package and using
4 CD's (install, ext, application 1 and application 2) It has been my
experience when you use all 4 CD's you will get this exact error. Try
installing the developer version with only the install CD and the Ext
-- NOT any of the application CD's and you shouldn't have any problem.
That is what I had to do anyhow on all 3 of our computers. :-)
Let me know how it works out.
Patti -- Registered Linux User #184611
Original Message dated 9/12/00, 6:06:08 AM
Author: Mark Thurston [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [newbie] More C++ problems:
This is Mark again, I tried to install the developer version of
Mandrake-Linux so that I could get the developer utilities.
went smoothly until I tried to make a bootdisk, it said that the
program had failed.  I thought, well I will just make one later then.
on I go to the Bootloader... I tried every possible combination, and I
tried installing it twice, the same problem came up,  at the
main options screen I got the following error: "LBA (doesn't work on
BIOSse)"   Now this is rather perplexing to me, because I installed
"Automated" version before and I had no such problem.  What am I doing
wrong?   I have to get this working as soon as possible.

RE: [[newbie] Athlon thunderbird ka7-100]

2000-09-13 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

I hate to disappoint you or maybe I am just lucky -- I have Star Office 
5.2 in Linux with 2.2.16 kernel a PII 450 processor and 256M of memory. I 
just timed how long it took to bring it up -- less than 3 seconds after I 
clicked on the icon. I'll stick with Star Office but that's jmho. ;-)

Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/13/00, 2:18:01 PM, Abe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding RE: [[newbie] Athlon thunderbird  ka7-100]:

 your friend was exaggerating.  Star office still crawls on 256M.  It 
crawls on
 384!  Click on the icon, get up, get a beer, have a smoke, read the 
 cook some dinner, Hey!  the splash screen is up on the screen!



 = Original Message From "Austin L. Denyer" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  What in the world would one do with all that RAM? I can half
  having that much processor, but on a machine that you're not using as
  server I can't figure what all that RAM would be good for other than
  sitting there and being ALOT of RAM. Poor little programs would get
  in all that room!  :(
 I was talking to someone a while ago who said that Star Office likes
 250Mb RAM to run properly - it CRAWLS on less.
 NutScrape takes a fair bit too.  Add VWMare to the package, with a
 couple of clients, and a gig goes in no time #;-(

 Jesus saves,
 Allah forgives,
 Chthulu thinks you'd make a nice sandwich.

Re: [newbie] More C++ problems

2000-09-12 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

What packages? The extras such as Real Player, Acroreader and others.  
Your best bet is to stick the CD in and look at it -- it will tell you 
which packages are on each application CD. :-)


 Original Message 

On 9/12/00, 6:50:37 AM, Mark Thurston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: [newbie] More C++ problems:

 That sounds like a good idea,  I am using the Complete 7.1 installation.  
 what packages are on the applications CD?  I know that Star Office is 
 what else is on it?
 Thanks again.


 - Original Message -
 From: "Patti Wavinak" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 7:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] More C++ problems

 Mark -- which distro are you using? Mandrake 7.1 Deluxe? ISO images? With
 the errors you are getting I am guessing the Deluxe package and using all
 4 CD's (install, ext, application 1 and application 2) It has been my
 experience when you use all 4 CD's you will get this exact error. Try
 installing the developer version with only the install CD and the Ext CD
 -- NOT any of the application CD's and you shouldn't have any problem.
 That is what I had to do anyhow on all 3 of our computers. :-)
 Let me know how it works out.
 Patti -- Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message dated 9/12/00, 6:06:08 AM
 Author: Mark Thurston [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Re: [newbie] More C++ problems:

 This is Mark again, I tried to install the developer version of
 Mandrake-Linux so that I could get the developer utilities.  Everything
 went smoothly until I tried to make a bootdisk, it said that the bootdisk
 program had failed.  I thought, well I will just make one later then.  So
 on I go to the Bootloader... I tried every possible combination, and I
 tried installing it twice, the same problem came up,  at the Bootloader
 main options screen I got the following error: "LBA (doesn't work on old
 BIOSse)"   Now this is rather perplexing to me, because I installed the
 "Automated" version before and I had no such problem.  What am I doing
 wrong?   I have to get this working as soon as possible.


Re: [newbie] how to updating the kernel

2000-09-10 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

The way I did it was I went to my favorite ftp site -- Mandrake --- updates 
--- 7.1--- and downloaded the kernel 2.2.16 and kernel-docs 2.2.16. I then 
brought up the terminal and su'd into root and entered "rpm -ivh {the rpm name 
complete}" enter (without the quotes). If you have an IDE hd it will 
automatically put the information into grub if you have a SCSI drive you need 
to add additional information. 

Go to and enter kernel into the search and you 
will find invaluable information on upgrading your kernel.

Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/10/00, 11:41:35 AM, syhim77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
[newbie] how to updating the kernel:

 syhim77 wrote

 how to updating the kernel ? i 've installed linux mandrake 7.1 with 
 can anybody help me

Re: [newbie] RAM Detection

2000-09-09 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

We have identical motherboards and the mobo detects all of my ram -- go 
figure ;-)

Registered Linux User 184611

 Original Message 

On 9/9/00, 7:55:45 PM, Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: 
[newbie] RAM Detection:

 Hi Dennis,

 I didn't have any trouble when I installed Mandrake on my machine at
 work. It too has 128MB RAM. I think though it's got something to do with
 the mobo that's being used. I guess some do and some don't.

 **  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed | ICQ#27816299
 ** _||_ in the making of this   |
 **  =\/=  message...  | Registered Linux user #182496

 On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:

  I just checked on my install of 7.0 to double boot with Win98 and found
  that the installation detected my 128M of ram. Why would it work on my
  machine when I read that so many others must do the append mem= thing to
  get their RAM recognized? Not complaining, just curious, cause maybe
  there is something in autodetect that happens during config. Has anyone
  else seen the correct ram detected during installation?

Re: [newbie] Cable Modem.

2000-09-08 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Personally I would go with DSL if it is available in your area. My reason 
for this is the main reason a person gets cable or DSL is because of the 
fast connection and being on 24/7.  The more subscribers on a cable line 
the slower it will access (and download) depending on the amount of 
people that are "on" at that time. 

We have our DSL line through Pacbell and they do not support Linux (if 
you should have a problem) and I believe that most of them will say that 
they don't support Linux. I have figured out the reasoning for this and 
that is because Linux has a much faster bandwidth than Windows does. I 
tested this out when downloading the 7.2 Beta -- on Linux it downloaded 
at an average of 148 K/sec when doing it on Windows it was 52K/sec BIG 

Just throwing in my $.02 worth (add California tax 8.5%) giggle

Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/8/00, 4:15:35 AM, Greg Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
Re: [newbie] Cable Modem.:

 Setting up a cable modem to work in linux is usually as easy as setting 
up a
 network card.

 However, apparently depending on your local provider's implementation, 
 are a couple things to keep in mind:

 Most cable providers use DHCP to assign the IPs to attached hosts, but 
 use Static assignments.If they use DHCP make sure you have the latest 
 or pumpd, whichever you plan to use.

 Most cable companies seem use the MAC address of the cable modem itself 
 LAN identification, but a few are actually using the MAC address of your
 internal network card. This will cause problems if you need to change the
 network card in your computer.

 Check with your cable provider, and try to get as much information out of
 them as possible. It may not be easy...the support techs I've had to 
 with at optonline don't seem to have a clue about networking issues. The 
 solution is to turn off the computer, turn off the modem, and then turn 
 back on. Oh, and then try using WinIPConfig.exe in windows (they hardly 
 undestand the output of the command line "ipconfig /all".


 - Original Message -
 From: "Robin Regennitter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I am thinking about getting cable modem as my internet connection and I
  wonder if there would be any problem with getting connected with Linux.
  anyone got cable modem that would like to share with me.  Problems or 
  Like some advice before getting it.


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Re: [newbie] scroll button on mouse

2000-09-08 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

This was a hot topic of conversation when I first joined the newbie list 
:-) One of the best things that a new newbie giggle can do is go to the 
archives and check and see if the problem you are having has been discussed 
and probably solved.

With that said -- another excellent source of information for the newbie 
is something that I refer to as "My Bible" and that is It has a WEALTH of information and has not failed 
me yet. Here is the info on the your wheel mouse -- 

 First you have to edit '/etc/X11/XF86Config'. Go to the 'Pointer 
Section' of this file and add
this line: 

  ZAxisMapping 4 5

This tells the X server to treat the wheel-up and the wheel-down 
movements as mouse   buttons (and that's 
what they actually are). If you own a PS/2 mouse, change the line 

  Protocol "PS/2"


  Protocol "imps/2".

Next look for the line


Make sure that there's a hash sign (#) in front of this line (which 
disables the emulation). 

Now all that's left to do is to copy the file '/etc/X11/imwheelrc' to 
your home directory and
rename it to '.imwheelrc': 

  cp /etc/X11/imwheelrc ~/.imwheelrc

Restart X, run imwheel -k and everything should work fine now. If it 
does, you should add this
command to your '.xinitrc' or '.xsessionrc' to have it executed 
automatically on every X

Have a wonderful day!!!

Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/13/00, 1:36:14 PM, Mikael Bergsten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding [newbie] scroll button on mouse:

 I wondering if someone knows how to install my scroll button on my mouse. 
 uses an USB mouse...

Re: [newbie] netscape segmentation fault

2000-09-08 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

I guess it's time for me to chirp in giggle.  I use Star Office for 
both mail and browser and have found it extremely is more 
like a mini-operating system than a office suite. I need to use Netscape 
for my work (and knock on wood haven't had too many problems with it)but 
all in all I prefer Star Office.

Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/8/00, 6:36:55 PM, Larry Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
Re: [newbie] netscape segmentation fault:

  I don't mean to sound like a luddite but I really like
  communicator.  I use it for my personal email and my
  work email.  I like the mail reader portion of it too.

 I haven't found the mail reading stuff to be bad but geez...the
 addressbook is little more than scrawling the addresses on the wall.
 I do a lot of email and have several hundred email addresses in my
 Eudora addressbook.  Right now it's easier for me to work with a text
 version of that in an editor window than to deal with the Communicator
 addressbook.  The fact that Netscape is the only app I run under Linux
 that crashes regularly, I'd rather use is less than more.

 Cheers --- Larry

RE: [newbie] nic card

2000-09-07 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Larry has a 3Com out of the box works great using 7.1 -- Same with Big 
Bertha (our test box)and I have a Soho out of the box using 7.1DSL 
and everything is wonderful for us :-)

Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/7/00, 8:05:35 AM, "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding RE: [newbie] nic card:

 I use a 3Com and it worked out of the box. I also run 7.1.

 Chris Kelly
 Registered Linux user 185775

 -Original Message-
 From: mark willenbring [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 11:02 AM
 Subject: [newbie] nic card

 I am Running 7.1.  Do you guys know of a good nic card
 ISA or PCI that is reasonable and works well with
 Mandrake?  Thanks for your help

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: [newbie] Linmodems

2000-09-07 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

I went to their homepage and about ½ way 
down on the right hand side is a heading that says forum and Join the 
Forum Mailing list.

See ya there Paul giggle

Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/7/00, 12:53:13 PM, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: 
[newbie] Linmodems:

 On Tue, 5 Sep 2000, Denis Havlik wrote:

 On Tue, 5 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BTW: If you want to receive ALL forum headlines in your INBOX, subscribe
 to "forum" mailing list. This means ca 3-5 mails a day, and it is quite

 I have tried to find this mailing list, but I can only find the
 website. Where did you hide the list?


 I'm not into working out.
 My philosophy: No pain, no pain.
 -Carol Leifer - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Downloading newer kernel and header file

2000-09-04 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Roman -- What type of hard drive do you have? Is is IDE or SCSI? If it is 
SCSI then you need to append additional information into Lilo or Grub and 
you also have to make an initrd file for the new kernel. I just upgraded my 
kernel to 2.2.16 -- the first time I did it I couldn't bring Linux up, the 
kernel panicked giggle Go to and follow his instructions, 
it works like a charm.

I hope this is what you were looking for and that it helps you.

Patti - Registered Linux User #184611
AIM - Moonbrrz
ICQ - #64659723

 Original Message 

On 9/4/00, 2:01:37 PM, Romanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding [newbie] 
Downloading newer kernel and header file:

 Hi everybody,

 I had the developer installation with lilo and Linux mdk7.1b Hydrogen.
 After running it for some time,
 I downloaded the kernel update and header files separately(as per update
 instructions). However, when I rebooted my computer, I got the lilo
 prompt. I typed in linux, and it appeared to start but it stalled or
 The weird thing is lilo worked pass the 1024 cylinder barrier. I have
 assigned about 4 Gig. for the entire Linux partition. Lilo worked until
 the kernel update. I would still prefer the development installation.

 Any ideas?

 Registered Linux User #179292

Re: [newbie] Browser Fonts...

2000-09-03 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Robert -- If you are using Netscape (or as some affectionately call it 
"Nutscrape" giggle) go to edit --- preferences  appearance  fonts. 
You can then change the font face and/or the font size to what you would like. 
I also check the "Use my default fonts, overriding"

Hope this helps :-)

Registered Linux User #184611

 Original Message 

On 9/3/00, 8:07:50 AM, Robert Griffiths [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
[newbie] Browser Fonts...:

 Hi, when i'm surfing on the net all the fonts on web page's are tiny and 
 horrible font type, i can put up with it but if anybody knows how to 
 them, i would be grateful, there kinda hard to read on certain pages. 
 in advance...

 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

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Re: [newbie] checking e-mail with Netscape

2000-08-30 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Re: [newbie] Is it Linux or Linux?

2000-08-30 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Re: [newbie] Problems with printer and modem install in Mandrake 7.1

2000-08-29 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

[newbie] OS Sucks-Rules-o-Meter

2000-08-29 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Re: [newbie] RPM problem thanx

2000-08-29 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Re: [newbie] Netscape instant messenger?

2000-08-25 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Re: [newbie] Internet configuration for Mandrake 7.0

2000-08-21 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Re: [newbie] BSOD (fwd, fun)

2000-08-18 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Paul!! That was absolutely FANTASTIC.

Also, in reply to all the others in the Windoze vs Linux and tires and hardware
etc I just have to add my $1.00 (inflation you know) To all of you who say how
easy Windoze is and fast -- are you taking into account all the time it takes
for rebooting EVERY time you add a new program? How often are you rebooting
when you add a new RPM or upgrade one?

Just food for thought :-)

Registered Linux User 184611

Paul wrote:

 The problem with learning experience:
 you never graduate...

 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403
 -=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-
 -- Forwarded message --
 Microsoft To Allow Changing Of Blue Screen Of Death

 In a surprise announcement today, Microsoft President Steve Ballmer revealed
 that the Redmond-based company will allow computer resellers and end-users
 to customize the appearance of the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), the screen
 that displays when the Windows operating system crashes. The move comes as
 the result of numerous focus groups and customer surveys done by Microsoft.
 Thousands of Microsoft customers were asked, "What do you spend the most
 time doing on your computer?" A surprising number of respondents said,
 "Staring at a Blue Screen of Death." At 54 percent, it was the top answer,
 beating the second place answer "Downloading XXXScans" by an easy 12 points.
 "We immediately recognized this as a great opportunity for ourselves, our
 channel partners, and especially our customers," explained the excited
 Ballmer to a room full of reporters. Immense video displays were used to
 show images of the new customizable BSOD screen side-by-side with the older
 static version. Users can select from a collection of "BSOD Themes,"
 allowing them to instead have a Mauve Screen of Death or even a Paisley
 Screen of Death. Graphics and multimedia content can now be incorporated
 into the screen, making the BSOD the perfect conduit for delivering product
 information and entertainment to Windows users. The BSOD is by far the most
 recognized feature of the Windows operating system, and as a result,
 Microsoft has historically insisted on total control over its look and feel.
 This recent departure from that policy reflects Microsoft's recognition of
 the Windows desktop itself as the "ultimate information portal." By default,
 the new BSOD will be configured to show a random selection of Microsoft
 product information whenever the system crashes. Microsoft channel partners
 can negotiate with Microsoft for the right to customize the BSOD on systems
 they ship. Major computer resellers such as Compaq, Gateway, and Dell are
 already lining up for premier placement on the new and improved BSOD.
 Ballmer concluded by getting a dig in against the Open Source community.
 "This just goes to show that Microsoft continues to innovate at a much
 faster pace than open source. I have yet to see any evidence that Linux even
 has a BSOD, let alone a customizable one."

Re: [newbie] Boot failure

2000-08-18 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Re: [newbie] two copies

2000-08-18 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Re: [newbie] Problems w/Netscape 4.73 Mandrake Updater

2000-08-14 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Hi Cindy -- When you go into the ftp site looking for updates make sure
that you go to the update folder in Mandrake 7.1 -- you will find the
Netscape 4.74 there (and yes, it does exist grin). I personally use -- but that is because I am on the
West Coast.

As far as a better browser in Linux, so far Netscape seems the most stable
to me. Again, personally, I never cared for IE even when I was a windoze
user -- always used Netscape there too.

Good luck,
Registered Linux User #184611

Cindy Bartorillo wrote:

 Netscape 4.73 seems unable to load several java pages that are favorites
 around my house, such as a couple of the games at Yahoo. The Mandrake
 Update feature gives me a list of all the things it can get for me,
 among which is Netscape 4.74, but every time I try to get it I get an
 error ('error fetching').

 The weird part is that I ftp'ed to half a dozen mirror sites, including
 ones listed by the Updater, and can't find any 4.74 at all. All the
 Netscapes available for download are 4.73.

 Does anyone know if this 4.74 really exists? Is the Mandrake Updater
 generally kinda flaky, or is it a local problem?

 While I'm at it, does anyone know of a better browser? As someone who's
 accustomed to IE, Netscape is a real disappointment.


Re: Undeliverable: Re: [newbie] New install (fwd)

2000-08-14 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

I got one of these at about the same time that you did Paul sigh

Paul wrote:


 Exceptions confirm the rule
 and ruin the budget.

 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403
 -=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 19:46:12 +0100
 From: System Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Undeliverable: Re: [newbie] New install

 Your message

   Subject: Re: [newbie] New install
   Sent:Mon, 14 Aug 2000 19:47:24 +0100

 did not reach the following recipient(s):

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon, 14 Aug 2000 19:46:04 +0100
 The recipient name is not recognized
 The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=US;a=

Re: [newbie] GAIM L-M 7.1

2000-08-13 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

The GAIM that came with 7.1 does NOT work as it is not configured properly. Also,
I believe it is 0.9.19 and there is a newer version out on their website. Go to  Click on their "Official FTP Site" and go to the
0.9.20 RPM -- download it and install it. It no longer comes up on your menu but
if you Alt F2 and type in gaim you get it.

Registered Linux User 184611
GAIM screenname - Moonbrrz

Paul wrote:

 On 13 Aug 2000, Michael Scottaline wrote:

 Anyone know if the GAIM that comes with 7.1 works, or has AOL sabotage the
 configuration?  My sons use AIM in W98 and it's about the only thing they log
 into windows for.  If I can get GAIM working they'd probably stick to linux
 exclusively.  When I enter one their login names and password, it comes back
 "no configuration".  If I use the wrong password, I get the error message
 "Login failed"  or something to that effect.  I don't see anything that would
 allow me to make special configuration arrangements w/i GAIM itself.

 Hi Mike,

 I have GAIM running, but I have not used it yet, since I have no 'buddies'
 yet. In case you want to give it a try, my Gaim-Name (gaim-naim? ;-) is
 paulnl1960. Perhaps it is running when you get online with it (I am not
 online 24/7) so we can check if it does work!


 The person who is never wrong
 is totally wrong
 - Tennyson

 )0([[EMAIL PROTECTED]])0( -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403
 -=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Updating kernel w/ Mandrake Updater

2000-08-11 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

I personally cannot thank Tom enough for mentioning (btw there is no
www first). It has a wealth of information in it. I plan on utilizing this resource so
frequently that I even filed it on my personal toolbar in Netscape so I wouldn't have
to hunt for it in my bookmarks. :-)

I would urge every newbie to take a look at this site.

Registered Linux user #184611

Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, you wrote:
  Mark Hillary wrote:
   Come on updating the kernel is not has hard as everyone makes out. (I find it
   easyier that installing programs). There are several resons to. The kernel that
   comes with mandrake haas about everything turned on, so you can have a faster
   system by compling only what you need to. Also  because every thing is turned on
   all of the moduals take up space. RECOMPLIE to get a faster machine and save
   space. (not to mention the bug fixes, in newer versions)
  Well, it may not be a problem to you, but it is the cause of many
  headaches to me.  The last few times I've tried upgrading from 2.2.14 to
  2.4.0-test5 I've hit the black screen of death straight after the
  "loading" bit.

 Mark's on track, updating a Mdk kernel is one of the easier
 things involved with Mdk administration. It shouldn't be any
 problem at all for any user, even the newest of newbies if they
 first take a few minutes to visit with MOU (
 and read the section on changing kernels. The whole site is
 available as a download (.tar.gz, updated monthly) so it's easy to
 keep it as a help guide to refer to while you're actually tryin to
 follow it's instructions.

"-test5" Should be a glaring warning, among the many warnings
 that only 2.2.xx kernels are stable, that a successful swap to a
 2.4.xx kernel is froth with risk.  Getting back to 2.2.xx kernels,
 about the only reason to change the default Mandrake config is if
 you have special, difficult, or newest of new hardware that isn't
 supported normally. Most stuff in the 'stock Mandrake' kernel is
 included as a module if it's not fairly standard, so eliminating it
 will not make your system faster in all but the rarest of cases,
 and then usually old or substandard hardware would be the reason.

 ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Cannot download with Netscape?

2000-08-02 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

[newbie] testing

2000-07-29 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

[newbie] Memory detection problem - using Grub

2000-07-28 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

I have installed Mandrake 7.1 on a Pentium II 450Mhz with 256 MB of RAM.
It is only showing 65 MB of ram being detected, even though I entered
256 during install. In looking over the archives I notice there was
discussion and how to fix this in the /etc/lilo.conf BUT I am using
Grub. I am hoping that someone out there can help me with this problem.

I am a real newbie -- my first install of Linux was 2 weeks ago on July
8th and I love it!!!

Patti Wavinak

[newbie] Memory detection problem using GRUB

2000-07-27 Per discussione Patti Wavinak