[newbie] Random boot lockups - Mandrake 9.1

2003-07-07 Per discussione C/Z M/K
Hi!  Disclaimer - i'm a newbie who thinks he knows more than he probably 
does, and in advance really appreciate your assistance in tracking down this 
REALLY aggravating issue.  I'm also new to mailing lists - but i'm desperate 
and willing to try a new approach at support =)

I'm running:
Celeron 550 - 128Mb ram
Dell motherboard, (whatever's in the Optiplex GX100 prefab)
2 hardrives - a 7G running windows, and a 60G as slave... the first 9 are 
EXT2 for mandrake, the next 1 is linux swap, and the remaining 50 are 
storage for windows stuff, mostly MP3s and Evercrack =)
NVidia GForce 4 MX 64mb video card (always using generic NV driver for it 
during linux installs)
dsl connection to net, no firewall or router
dualing Windoze 98SE and Mandrake 9.1 via LILO

Heres what keeps happening:
I'll install 9.1, on the first partition of the 60g hard drive (see above) 
and it'll go through perfectly... i do a full install, including everything 
but firewall stuff and foriegn language stuff.  the system installs 
perfectly and loads, runs, all that good stuff... i can do anything i'd 

as soon as i reboot (using [bash$ reboot] or reboot in KDE) or shutdown 
(via [bash $ shutdown -h now] or shutdown in KDE) the boot will randomly 
lock up and stop.  I've tried 3 seperate installs, and they all do the same 
thing... since i've noticed the problem, i've kept a vague track of where, 
and i've noted this happening at these steps (and a few more)

Checking for new hardware   [OK] - lockup
SETTING SYSTEM TIME (..other time stuff..)  - lockup
every time this happens, i can still put in keystrokes, they just dont do 
anything but show up in the screen... usually i can also force a reboot by 
CTL+ALT+DEL (it switches to init runlevel 6 and reboots and does the same 
thing)  Sometimes it even makes it far enough into the boot process to load 
XWindows, and i can do things as my user... but since the boot never 
completes, i can never access a console, or use login or su commands 
from within KDE.

this happens both in Failsafe, Rescue and Normal modes of bootup.  I usually 
boot using LILO, but have tried booting off the CD as well with the same 

I had mandrake 7.22 working on this machine quite awhile back but had to 
remove it because i messed up the partition table (eventually got that fixed 
but lost access to the partition with mandrake on it so had to remake it and 
format it in the process =()

Thanks much for your time and help in getting windoze off this machine =)
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Re: [newbie] Random boot lockups - Mandrake 9.1

2003-07-07 Per discussione C/Z M/K
From: H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Random boot lockups - Mandrake 9.1
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 12:42:40 +0200
On Monday 07 July 2003 12:25, C/Z M/K wrote:
 Checking for new hardware   [OK] - lockup
 SETTING SYSTEM TIME (..other time stuff..)  - lockup

 every time this happens, i can still put in keystrokes, they just dont 
 anything but show up in the screen... usually i can also force a reboot 
 CTL+ALT+DEL (it switches to init runlevel 6 and reboots and does the 
 thing)  Sometimes it even makes it far enough into the boot process to 
 XWindows, and i can do things as my user... but since the boot never
 completes, i can never access a console, or use login or su commands
 from within KDE.

 On boot there is an instant where MDK offers interactive startup by 
i. Do that and you'll be able to take it step by step and know exactly
where it locks up.
Then next time up skip that step i.e don't activiate that particular 
A lot of services turned on by default by Mdk aren't really needed by stand
alone machines.
If for instance you don't have a LAN of some sort with other unix/linux
flavours you want to share files with, you wont be needing a NFS server
anyway. So might as well turn it off once you've got it booted properly.
There's more there;o)

Good luck,
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I tried the Interactive startup several times, and it locked up at: NTPD, 
Kernel Logger, Finding Module Dependancies, Starting YP Server, Starting NFS 
Dameon, and Starting Named.  I tried skipping the YP and NFS servers, and 
thats when it stopped at named.  Also, when I do the reboot, it -always- 
[FAILED] when it shuts down the YP stuff.

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Re: [newbie-it] Kylix 3

2002-11-20 Per discussione Fabio Z.
From: Andrea Celli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Kylix 3
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 10:20:41 +0100

On Mon, 18 Nov 2002 18:35:38 +0100
Benedetto Santarella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Salve a tutti,
  ho scaricato il seguente file dal sito della borland


 che dovrebbero essere i srogenti di Kyliz 3 (se non mi sbaglio),

Borland non rilascia i sorgenti!

 li ho decompressi, ma non ci ho capito niente sul come installarlo,
 c'e' qualche anima buona che mi vuole aiutare?

Quando scarichi dal sito Borland trovi la pagina che dice:

IMPORTANT: Installation and other troubleshooting issues are described in 
the files
PREINSTALL, INSTALL, and README, all of which are located in the 
kylix3_open directory.

To install the extracted Open Edition, run

sh setup.sh

from the kylix3_open directory, and follow the setup instructions.

ciao, Andrea

Scompatti il il file con il comando tar xvzf nomefile
entri nella directory e scrivi :
il programma si installerà automaticamente aggiornandoti anche il menù
ATTENZIONE! Quando hai scaricato il programma, avresti dovuto dare la tua 
e-mail. Nella casella di posta trovarai un file che, scaricato, lo devi 
mettere nella tua home per far partire il compilatore.
P.S. Anch'io uso Kylix 3, se ti serve qualcosa.
P.S.2 Il file che hai scaricato deve essere di qualche decina di Mega 
(adesso sono al lavoro con M$ e non a casa con il mio Linux :( )

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Re: [newbie-it] Re: update mdk9

2002-11-18 Per discussione Fabio Z.
 Qualcuno mi sa spiegare come mai non riesco a scaricare gli
 mandrake update?

 questo succede anche a me, li scarico a mano come rpm e quindi li
 istallo.ovviamente mi tocca istallare anche le dipendenze
grazie per la risposta!Io alla fine sono riuscito a scaricare gli
aggiornamenti...non so cosa è successo di nuovo..a forza di tentare
ad un certo punto me li ha fatti scaricare.Forse dipende dal trffico nei

Purtroppo ci vuole solo tempo, in modo particolare la prima volta: ho dovuto 
attendere qualche minuto per contattare il mirror (edisontel) e poi circa 25 
min per avere l'elenco degli rpm da aggiornare.
Per altri sistemi, ho adottato la vostra soluzione con l'ausilio di gFTP.

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Re: [newbie-it] MDK 9.0 nei negozi

2002-11-13 Per discussione Fabio Z.
scrivo per un rilevante problema tecnico... ;)
Qualcuno ha già trovato il PowerPack della nuova Mandrake in qualche 
di Roma? Io la sto cercando nei negozi di informatica e nelle librerie che
vendono software, ma ancora non ne ho trovato una copia... forse qualcuno è
stato più fortunato di me.
Grazie in anticipo per le eventuali risposte ed indicazioni!

Nelle riviste puoi trovare la versione in tre dischetti mentre per la PP è 
iniziata la distribuzione il 7 novembre con precedenza a chi l'aveva già 
prenotata tramite MandrakeStore (come me ;)  ).

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Re: [newbie-it] firewall firestarter porte e servizi.

2002-10-19 Per discussione Fabio Z.

From: paolo brusasco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] firewall firestarter porte e servizi.
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 19:07:05 +0200
grazie a tutti, mike e freefed.
perdonatemi l'ennesimo sfogo, con affetto a tutti, ciao, paolo brusasco.

Lo sfogo è comprensibile... Linux è certamente un OS complesso ma ciò che 
restituisce in termini di stabilità, sicurezza, velocità, risparmio di 
denaro ed anche soddisfazione personale (penso alle ORE perse per risolvere 
un problema cazz..) è pressochè inestimabile.
Se pensi poi che c'è qualcuno, come me, che cerca di far 'penetrare' il 
sistema anche nella pubblica amministrazione in cui lavoro, trovando tante 
barriere (e tanti interessi) allora davvero dovrei sfogarmi con degli URLI 
Va be', cosa posso dirti buon lavoro.

P.S.Come firewall, hai provato Guarddog o bastille ? (Se hai problemi con 
Guarddog c'è stato un bel articolo su Linux Pratico come configurarlo.

Chiacchiera con gli amici online, prova MSN Messenger! 

Re: [newbie-it] Tema Liquid di Mosfet

2002-09-20 Per discussione Fabio Z.

From: Milko Ferioli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie-it] Tema Liquid di Mosfet
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 00:09:09 -0400

Ciao sto cercando il tema Liquid di Mosfet ma ho dei preblemi a trovarlo,
qualcuno sa' indicarmi dove reperirlo.

Ciao   Milko

Per trovare i temi per KDE e le istruzioni per installarli, puoi andare al 
sito kde-look.org; lì c'è proprio di tutto e di più.

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Re: [newbie-it] rotellina del mouse

2002-06-07 Per discussione Fabio Z.

From: Riccio Filippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie-it] rotellina del mouse
Date: 07 Jun 2002 11:53:35 +0200

Salve a tutti, ho da poco installato Mdk 8.2, e mi trovo
molto bene, volevo però sapere se esiste un metodo per far
funzionare la rotellina del mouse.

Certmanete, in fase di installazione, quando ti viene richiesto il tipo di 
mouse, devi specificare ps2 con rotellina. Una volta installato il OS
( a memoria in quanto non sono a casa) usa il centro di controllo ed
alla voce periferiche riconfigura il tipo di mouse (l'operazione devi
farla come root).

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Re: [newbie-it] Blocco Numerico

2002-06-04 Per discussione Fabio Z.

From: Benedetto Santarella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie-it] Blocco Numerico
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 18:45:09 +0200

Scusate la domanda banale, ma come si imposta il
blocco numerico alla partenza di linux?

Nulla è mai banale Benedetto! PEr attivare il Blocco Numerico devi:
-attivare il Mandrake Centro di Controllo e nel menu' Periferiche -
tastiera, in alto appariranno le voci 'Aspetto' ed 'Avanzate'; attiva
avanzate e potrai impostare il valore di BlocNum come meglio preferisci.

Scarica GRATUITAMENTE MSN Explorer dall'indirizzo 

Re:Re: [newbie-it] konqueror

2002-06-03 Per discussione Fabio Z.

Subject: Re:Re: [newbie-it] konqueror
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 11:27:20 +0200

Che intendi per caricato bene: hai la possibilità di accedere con login e
password o, per lo meno, ci sono gli spazi appositi?

Ciao, Ge

Il 21:24, martedì 28 Maggio 2002, Gennaro Firemi hai scritto:

  Io ho installato la Suse 8.0 che include il kde3 e Netscape 6.2. Con
sono riuscito a caricare bene la pagina di Omnitel ma con il nuovo
  Konqueror non ci
sono riuscito .

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; name=Allegato: 1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Il problema potrebbe essere la configurazione di Konqueror di default 
all'uso di Java. Per modificare l'impostazione usa:
Impostazioni - configura Konqueror - Browser Konqueror - Java
Attiva la voce 'Abilita Java globalmente' e poi clicca su Applica ed Ok.
Chiudi Konqueror e riattivalo.
Dopo aver utilizzato il 'nuovo browser' riconfigurato, disattiva di nuovo la 
sopra indicata per motivi di sicurezza.

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Re: [newbie-it] Sicurezza internet.

2002-06-03 Per discussione Fabio Z.

Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Sicurezza internet.
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 19:43:05 +0200

Hash: SHA1

Alle 12:44, venerdì 17 maggio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Sicurezza
internet., ku68 ha scritto:

  Scusate ho letto che è possibile ricevere dei virus anche in linux.
non ci sono virus veri e propri, solo qualche worm...
ma, ipotizzando che qualcuno ti mandasse in allegato un bel virus, per
pernderlo dovresti:
- -salvarlo
- -loggarti come root
- -eseguirlo da consolle
diciamo che un infezione casuale è un po' improbabile...

  Voi come vi comportate? Avete qualche antivirus ad hoc?
No nulla, gli antivirus li uso solo sui sistemi M$

  Oggi mi è arrivato il classico file con klez che sembra non abbia 
  danni (almeno credo essendo sotto l'ombrello protettivo del 

  Seconda ed ultima domanda. Qualcuno ha da consigliarmi un buon firewall
  (per mdk 8.2) facile facile da installare e molto intuitivo da usare?
la mandrakkia te ne mette uno a disposizione di default...
- - Mandrake Control Center - Sicurezza


Chiedo scusa ma leggo solo ora il msg, magari qualcuno ti ha già risposto.
Per quanto attiene il firewall, Mandrake mette a disposizione Bastille.
Da root, digita BastilleChooser (con relative maiuscole) ed attivalo almeno
al livello 'Moderate Security' seguendo poi le istruzioni a video.
Questo è uno wizard di Bastille, se lo vuoi configurare direttamente puoi
utilizzare il comando InteractiveBastille, molto più completo.

Scarica GRATUITAMENTE MSN Explorer dall'indirizzo 

Re: [newbie-it] modem silenzioso

2002-04-24 Per discussione Fabio Z.

From: Loredana [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie-it] modem silenzioso
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 13:04:25 +0200 (CEST)

Ciao a tutti

ho la Mandrake 8.0 ed il modem esterno D-Link DFM 560E

La mia domanda è questa:

quando faccio la connessione, lanciando kppp, sia come
root che come utente il modem non emette alcun suono.

Preciso che la connessione viene effettuata e che non
ho rilevato problemi (per adesso)

Non ti devi preoccupare. Quando clicchi sull'icona di
collegamento ad internet, c'è l'opzione per le impostazioni,
e la voce modem. Vedrai che vi è una barra di scorrimento
orizzontale che ti permette di selezionare il volume
del modem.
ciao, Fabio

Conversa in chat con gli amici in linea, prova MSN Messenger: 

Re: [newbie] canon printers

2002-03-03 Per discussione Ryan Z

-Original Message-
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 21:49:56 +0930
Subject: Re: [newbie] canon printers

Re: On Wednesday 27 February 2002 09:39, you wrote:
Re:   Does anyone know of a print driver that applies to Canon bubble jet
Re:  printers?
Re:  More specifically, bjc 5100 and bjc 211o?
Re:  Thanks
Re:  Mike Garcia
Re: I have a BJC 2100 and use the cups drivers without a problem. Includes 
Re: drivers on Mandrake CDs
Re: David

I also use a Canon BJC 2100 and am running Mandrake 8.2 and most of the Canon Printer 
drivers are on the disk.


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Re: [newbie-it] Il computer si blocca!!!

2002-03-02 Per discussione Fabio Z.

Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Il computer si blocca!!!
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 21:19:05 +0100

  Direi che per una buona percentuale dipende dall'hardware. Io 
  le seguenti cose:
  Il sistema di ventilazione della cpu
  Il sistema di ventilazione del chip grafico sulla GeoForce
  Le RAM
  Anche io ho una GeoForce e sul processore ho montato una bella ventola
  supplementare (in passato ho avuto problemi - su un'altra macchina -
  addirittura con una 3dfx).

Il blocco casuale, senza apparenza del computer, con a volte dei riavvii 
improvvisi, è molto spesso dovuto alla tipologia della RAM. I banchi troppo 
obsoleti o di marca, spesso fanno 'a pugni' con una scheda madre soprattutto 
se di nuova emissione.
Dovresti provare, se ti è possibile, due percorsi:
1- sostituire la RAM con banchi affidabili e di marca (riconoscibili da 
etichette che ne specificano il produttere, le carateristiche teecniche ed 
elettrice, la velocità di lavoro)
2- testare la RAM con programmi altamente specializzati come MEMTEST.
Ciao, Fabio

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Re: [newbie-it] File giusto di installazione Seti@home

2002-03-02 Per discussione Fabio Z.

From: Di Fresco Marco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie-it] File giusto di installazione Seti@home
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 17:22:35 +0100

Salve a tutti,
volevo installare Seti@home sul mio computer, ma sul sito fra i vari file
dedicati ai vari sistemi, ne ho trovato quattro che potenzialmente
potrebbero andare bene:

1) setiathome-3.03.i386-pc-linux-gnu-gnulibc2.1.tar
2) setiathome-3.03.i386-pc-linux-gnulibc1-static.tar
3) setiathome-3.03.i686-pc-linux-gnu-gnulibc2.1.tar
4) setiathome-3.03.i686-pc-linux-gnulibc1-static.tar

Tenendo conto che ho un Pentium 200 MMX con 96 MB di RAM e uso KDE, qualè 
file giusto da insrallare?

Grazie mille.

Di Fresco Marco
ICQ #51985192

Innanzitutto benvenuto tra gli utilizzatori di Seti At Home!
A mio umile giudizio, vista la configurazione, ti converrebbe usare la 
versione 1, ovvero setiathome-3.03.i386-pc-linux-gnu-gnulibc2.1.tar.
Poi spacchettare il file con  il comando 'tar xvf nomefile' e lanciare il 
file 'setiathome'
Buon lavoro, Fabio.

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Re: [newbie-it] XMMS

2002-03-01 Per discussione Fabio Z.

Subject: [newbie-it] XMMS
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 19:10:06 +0100

Nessuno di voi ha mai avuto problemi con XMMS?
io ne ho due in particolare che mi stando dando qualche fastidio
  IL primo e piu fastidioso è..ogni tanto qundo riproduce 
gli mp3 nel passare ad una canzone all altra mi si pianta mandandomi come

couldn't open audio
please check that
1 you have the corect output plugin..
2 no other programs..
3 your soundcard.

all inizio credevo che fossere gli mp3 corrotti ma poi
l'unico modo per farlo ri funzionare è andare in preferences

pure a me XMMS si è bloccato ho optato per una alternativa: MUSICMATCH 
Jukebox, uguale alla versione per Window. PROVALO!!!
P.S. Scarica e segui passo passo le istruzioni per l'installazione e vedrai 
qualcosa di bello.

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Re: [newbie-it] installare stampante

2002-03-01 Per discussione Fabio Z.

Subject: [newbie-it] installare stampante
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 22:34:57 +0100

ho una hp deskjet 600, con redhat funzionava, con Mandrake 8.1 non
riesco a stampare.
ho seguito tutte le istruzioni, ho usato cups. Nulla.
Cosa mi sfugge.


Sempre dal Mandrake Control Center - Hardware - Printer - clicca su 
configura e poi su aggiungi stampante e ok (o fatto, adesso non ricordo), 
quindi installa la tua stampante...
ciao, Fabio

Prova MSN Messenger per conversare in linea con i tuoi amici: 

Re: [newbie-it] Linux.... violentato da Windows!!

2002-02-25 Per discussione Fabio Z.

From: Emma e Gigi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie-it] Linux violentato da Windows!!
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 13:58:44 +0100

Salve a tutti.
Dovendo essere ancora costretto ad utilizzare Windows in quanto utilizzo
programmi per scrivere musica, ed ancora non mi sono informato in giro per
sapere cosa offre Linuxi in questo campo, è capitato che al termine di una
seduta Windows, mi sia venuto in testa di fare la deframmentazione (lo 
lo so. qualunque cosa si faccia. rimane sempre Windows).
Beh!! magari per Windows il risultato è stato buono ma Linux non parte
più si impunta e si blocca il computer.
E' possibile, utilizzando il disco di Mand 8.1, fare in modo di non perdere
alcuni dati che mi interessano? Cioè, mi spiego meglio, si può fare in modo
di salvare la configurazione precedente, o per meglio dire ripristinarla,
senza reinstallare tutto da capo? (Mi interessano alcuni documenti

P.S.: Non ho il disco di ripristino... nel senso che l'ho smarrito!!!

Puoi creare il disco di ripristino anche con Mandrake Control Center

MSN Photos è il metodo più semplice per condividere e stampare le tue foto: 

[newbie] Which Services to Keep/Stop ?

2002-02-15 Per discussione Hanan Z. Shargi

Hi All,

Every once in a while somebody recommends that Services that aren't used 
should be stopped ... 
ever since I started using Linux, everytime I'm asked during the installation: 
should I start these services at startup? ... I say YES :-)

would someone please explicitly state WHICH services should run in a normal pc 
(notebook here ) one that is connected to the internet through DSL and doing 
usual games.., net browsing, text editing stuff ??

AND/OR  refer us to a good document to read about services and what they do.

Many thanks.

Hanan Z. Shargi
Registered Linux User# 259916

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[newbie] PCMCI external CD-RW

2002-02-12 Per discussione Hanan Z. Shargi

Hi again,

I am shopping for an external CD-RW drive for my notebook, one that I'd be 
able to use with my PC as well ( thats why I'm looking for ones with USB + 
pcmci interfaces ), I need some advise from you folks.

will any CDRW drive with a pcmci interface work with Mandrake ?? or do I have 
to look for one that states specifically that it works with linux ? I checked 
the Mandrake hardware database but it mostly showed internal ones, and wasnt 
of good help.
same thing for the USB interface...does it really need to secify that it works 
with linux ?

... Or shall I go for SCSI ?? ( if someone suggests that I go for SCSI please 
also advise with a good SCSI inteface card for notebooks ():-)

any advise will be highly appreciated :)

Hanan Z. Shargi
Registered Linux User# 259916

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[newbie] Re: Frontpage like application for Linux

2002-02-10 Per discussione Hanan Z. Shargi

Geee.. Thanks everyone :-)

I really liked blufish   boy this linux box is like a box of wonders .. 
u never know how FULL it is !!

one more thing... why do I have the feeling that everybody is trying to sned 
me the message: hey ... using a WYSIWYG app is not considered a good thing 

?? :-)

Hanan Z. Shargi
Registered Linux User# 259916

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RE: [newbie] New kernel .. tips?

2002-02-07 Per discussione Hanan Z. Shargi

If you need
additional help in this area I will tell you how I did it. It is very
easy to do. Also if you want to compile a kernel, I will explain how I
recompiled kernel-2.4.17-14mdk. I did not gain anything much by
recompiling it except knowledge. Let me know if you would like
additional help. HTH


I dont know if Damian needs help explaining how to upgrade the kernel, but 
some others DO ():-) 
So, please go ahead and explain, it sure would us gain some knowledge too .



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[newbie] External CD-Burner ??

2002-02-07 Per discussione Hanan Z. Shargi

Hi All,

Does anybody know of a good external CD-RW drive with (USB)/ PCMCI interface 
that works nicely with Mandrake ( 8.1) ? I'm considering the ACER USB/PCMCI 
are there any problems or special settings for the USB interface with Linux ( 
I'm using the original kernel that came with LM 8.1 do I need to tweak the 
kernel for USB to work ? )

Many thanks


Hanan Z. Shargi

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Kmail Signatures more...

2002-02-07 Per discussione Hanan Z. Shargi

Hi All,

Does anybody have an idea if Kmail can append .gif files as signature files ?
I'v been trying to make it use a tiny .gif file as the signature file to 
append with my outgoing mail, but instead it appends that GIF87aY thing you 
see as my signature here in this e-mail :-)

I browsed through the Kmail.kde.org but it didnt have an answer.
I tried turning the html on...same results. My guess is as long as there is an 
option to sleect a file for the signature, it should accept any kind of file ( 
not to take this too far though :-) )

any clues ? or maybe facts about this ?

BTW: I cant send any msgs to the list from Kmail !! I'v been sending messages 
and not see them appear in the list for like 3 days ?! when I was using the 
web interface to my .edu mail I found those messages laying in the 
Spamfolder with a  Fatl Error message not sent: undefined recepient  ?!?!?!

thats my sig :)


Hanan Z. Shargi

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Star Office as RPM ?

2002-02-01 Per discussione Hanan Z. AL-Shargi

Thank you Michel,

I downloaded star office in binary format from Sun's  website, and as you 
said installing it was as easy as clicking on a .exe  

But since this was brought up, would any of the list gurus please kindly post 
a short list clearifying how do u know how to install the diffirent types of 
files  ?

I mean something like a small list : 
- file.rpm   will be installed by the rpm - option  command  
- file.bin with  bla bla command
- when to use the ./ , when do u need to chmod the file before u install  

Many thanks in advance to any volunteer :-)

 But really, installing  either OpenOffice or StarOffice from the
 installation binary is about as hard as clicking on install.exe in a
 windows system. You should not need to install either from source.

 1. go to www.openoffice.org

 2. follow instructions there to download install641_linux_intel.tar.gz

 2a. Go make several cups of coffee - this is a big file!

 3. Open a terminal and use cd to go to the directory where you downloaded
 the file , for example
 cd /home/a_user/downloads ENTER

 4. untar and gunzip the file (use the winzip-like kab application if you
 like, otherwise just use
 tar -xvzf install641_linux_intel.tar.gz ENTER
 from the command line, without the quotes of course). A directory called
 install with lots of files in it will be formed. cd to it:
 cd install ENTER

 5 Now run the command
 ./setup ENTER

 6. Follow the on-screen instructions

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] What are the environment variables?

2001-12-10 Per discussione Carlos Jimenez Z.

Thanks for your explanation. 

El Dom 09 Dic 2001 08:39, escribiste:
 environment variables store certain settings/values that are needed by
 programs on your machine.  it allows you to specify the settings/values in
 a central location.  environment variables are usually stored in
 /etc/profile (for access by all users) or /home/user/.bashrc (for access by
 only user).

 for example, a lot of programs that use java need to know where your java
 virtual machine (jvm) is located.

 you can store the location of your jvm in the environment variable in one
 of the above files as:

 export JAVA_VM

 then, a program, which needs to know where you jvm is located, you can
 simply specify (in one that application's configuration files) $JAVA_VM.
 then you don't have to write out the entire path.

 also, when you change the path for your JAVA_VM, you won't have to update
 each configuration file.  just the JAVA_VM environment variable.

 in short, environment variables can be thought of as a type of alias...

 At 17:36 01/12/09 -0300, you wrote:
 These days i've read about the environment variables in this list but i
  don't know what they are
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Antivirus for Linux?

2001-11-02 Per discussione Carlos Jimenez Z.

I read that it's not necessary to install an antivirus for Linux. Is that 
true? And if it wasn't, what's the best antivirus?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] where is the c compiler for mandrake 7.1

2000-09-28 Per discussione Z

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, you wrote:

 please help me out?
 i could not locate gcc,g++ Gcc/G++ compilers at all
 in /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin.

man gcc...

If you don't see anything, then maybe the packages are not installed, try rpm
-q gcc...still nothing, install them


Re: [newbie] when I'm online no one can ping , telnet , ftp etc. it works only to localhost

2000-09-28 Per discussione Z

 On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, Ilian Zarov wrote:
 I have a mandrake 7.0 system with security level Medium . Have a problem -
  when I'm online no one can ping , telnet , ftp etc. I know this is good for
  security reasons but ... Security Level Medium is defined during the install ,
  now even if I change it to low or server nothing happens . If I start httpd
  port 80 is closed again . I'm not going to use this computer for server but I
  want to know that I can . If I ping , telnet , ftp , ssh , http to or
  localhost it works . Where's the problem ?

I think you ned to look into your /etc/resolv.conf filecheck that the
nameserver setup is correct in the file. It should look something like:

search foobar.com #where foobar.com is your ISP
nameserver aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd #nameserver 1
nameserver aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd #nameserver 2


Re: [newbie] Netscape browser...

2000-09-27 Per discussione Z

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, you wrote:
 Hi, can anybody tell me how i can get colour on the netscape browsers 
 interface, it's grey and the pic's on the buttons are black...if their's 
 supposed to be colour that is. Any help would be great, thank's in advance..

Netscape icons do not show colour in 24bpp resolutionit works fine at 32
and 16 bpp, edit XF86Config and enjoyfurther, look in


RE: [newbie] Free Internet

2000-02-20 Per discussione Foyah Z. Freeman, Jr.

I saw it posted somewhere that you can run I believe "ipconfig" under
windows to get your DNS once you are connected to your free ip.  Whether
this is legal and/or works for you I don't know.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Drake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2000 7:10 PM
Subject: [newbie] Free Internet

  Does anyone know of an ISP who provides free Internet AND supports Linux?
just tried Freewweb, but they don't support us!!

RE: [newbie] Supermount for MDK 7.0-2 ... How Do You Get It To Work?

2000-02-11 Per discussione Foyah Z. Freeman, Jr.

I have a CD-R and running MDK 7.0.  Please post what you did so I can try
setting my to work

Thank you


-Original Message-
From: Richard Yevchak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Supermount for MDK 7.0-2 ... How Do You Get It To

Do you have a CD-R?  If so, I can tell you what I did.  If not, maybe
else can help.


On Wed, 09 Feb 2000, you wrote:

 The Supermount for Mandrake 7.0-2 has never worked for me.  How do you get
it to work?


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RE: [newbie] Hi

2000-02-05 Per discussione Foyah Z. Freeman, Jr.


If you are
trying to boot from windows:

To boot
from a cd, go to your bios and make sure you have cd as a choice, try making it
your first choice. Then save your
changes and get out of your cmos. Place
the cd you want to boot from and restart your machine. That should do it. 


From: Christopher Sinclair
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2000
4:22 PM
Subject: [newbie] Hi

How do
I boot from a cd ?

FW: [newbie] How do I install Mandrake to a 2nd IDE hard drive?

2000-02-05 Per discussione Foyah Z. Freeman, Jr.

-Original Message-
From: Foyah Z. Freeman, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2000 12:12 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] How do I install Mandrake to a 2nd IDE hard drive?

Hello Greg,

I am a newbie also and have successfully installed Mandrake 7.0 on a second
ide drive.  Mandrake 7.0 will ask you during the installation where to
install.  I don't quite remember the step, but I believe it is the selection
for partitioning your drive, you will see selections that look like this:
Fat 32 [this actually refers to your c: drive, the 6gb or
the drive with Windows
Hdb1   [this is actually your d: drive]
This is the drive you want to install on; just check it first because it
shows you the size of the drive you select (something like 4100k).


I wouldn't worry much about this installation, it is very smooth.  I have
tried mandrake 6.0, 6.1, suse 6.3,
Caldera openlinux 2.3, red hat 6.0, and corel linux deluxe edition.  All of
my mandrake distributions have gone well except that this time, for the very
first time, I have been able to install fairly easily and also get my SBLive
sound card to work without me doing anything special.

The last step helps you install LILO so you can type linux or windows to
load the respective operating system.

This is good stuff man.  I hope you try installing and have fun doing so.
Let me know if it works.

Good Luck.


-Original Message-
From: Greg Bell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2000 3:13 AM
Subject: [newbie] How do I install Mandrake to a 2nd IDE hard drive?

I've been reading all the good reviews on Mandrake 7. I'm interested in
giving it a try due to its easy install feature. The last time I tried to
install Linux, I totally screwed up my system. However Mandrake 7 looks like
a fairly easy install with most of what I want already included in the
distribution. So I think I will give it another go.

I have one question:

I have two IDE hard drives in my computer (c: drive is a 6GB  d: drive is a
4GB). I have Windows 98 on the 6GB drive, and really nothing on the 4GB. For
my Mandrake 7 install, I would really like to keep Windows on my 6GB and
install Mandrake on the 4GB (and give Mandrake full access to the whole 4GB
drive), and use some sort of boot manager to toggle between the two at boot
up (I guess LILO, unless if there is something better). I've looked
everywhere on the Internet, and found that most pages that explain how to
have Windows and Linux installed on the same machine, all explain how to do
the install on the same drive. I haven't found any sites that explain how to
install Linux on a 2nd drive.

Do any of you know of any sites that would explain how to install Mandrake 7
to an empty 2nd drive in a very step-by-step way?

Thanks for you information!


RE: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0 Problem...

2000-02-05 Per discussione Foyah Z. Freeman, Jr.

I am a newbie also and face similar modem problem.  I solved my by
purchasing the 56K Internal Call Waiting Modem from Actiontec (I do not
remember the number), it has drivers for linux in there.  This is the actual
instructions I had to write as root to enable my modem:
Step A.  cat /proc/pci
This will produce lines of outcome that begin with 
something like:
Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0x000.
This may vary on your pc.
Medium devsel. Fast back-toback capable.  IRQ 11.
I/O at  0x6400.
I/O at  0x6800   The port and irq might be different on your pc.
I/O at  0x6c00

Step B.   Pay attention to the IRQ, and First I/O address and type in the
following command:
setserial /dev/modem uart 16550A port 0x6400 irq 11  my system required
/dev/ttyS0, you may try that also.

Step C.  In order for Linux to configure the modem at boot-up, head to I had
to head to /etc/rc.d/ directory and usuing a text editor, I edited
 the rc.local file and inserted: setserial /dev/modem uart 16550A port
0x6400 irq 11

This worked for my modem on my system.  I don't know how these things work
but if you want to try this, you can first post this info and see if anyone
would know if might help.

Good Luck.


-Original Message-
From: Hex Ru Unholy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2000 4:32 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.0 Problem...

Hello I recently downloaded mandrake 7.0 and installed it on my previous
windows 98 system and in mandrake when i am trying to install my modem it
wont detect it and i read from the FAQ's that the problem could be the fact
that it is a pci winmodem my question to you is is there any way around
this problem? if not when i go to purchase another modem how can i tell if
its not a winmodem??? i am really tired of windows in general and would like
to fully change over to linux but until i can figure this problem i am
unable to do what i would like to be doing on linux please help me in any
way possible... thank you for your time...

Dario Goddin
Valued Linux User

What are you N2?  Choose from 150 free e-mail addresses.

[newbie] new problem

1999-04-20 Per discussione M C Z.

I got everything installed (at least I think I did). Now I find out my video
card (S3 86C365 4MB AGP) is not supported by XFree86. Does anyone know of
anything I can do? I can't afford to buy Accelerated-X which does support my

Thanks in advance,