[ob] Re: FW: UBS Investment Research - Indonesia Property Sector: Eyeing mispricing opportunity

2009-03-29 Terurut Topik Vic
news n riset cc:

Bakrieland: FY08 net income overpasses ours and consensus estimates (ELTY, Rp85 
Buy, TP: 200)

Bakrieland posted FY08 revenues of Rp1.05tn, which came in 4% higher than our 
estimates but fell short of consensus by 9%. Meanwhile due to rising costs, 
operating income of Rp226bn, came short of ours and consensus estimates 
accounting for some 81% of our and consensus full year estimates. The lower 
than expected results at operating level was compensated by the rise in net 
income to Rp272bn (+102%yoy), largely boosted by a net forex gain of Rp109bn 
(vs 0.09bn in 08), which came 48% and 46% above ours and consensus estimates.

The company has some Rp1.2bn worth of sales backlog up for realization within 
the next 24 months, which should keep our FY09F EPS growth forecast intact at 
21% yoy based on our previous forecast. We maintain buy as the stock trades at 
a 83% discount to our NAV09F.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Sanjaya mysanjaya...@... wrote:

 CTRA TP Rp. 505.
 ELTY TP Rp. 125.
 SMRA TP Rp. 400.
 Di Amrik data properti naik diluar perkiraan, apa ini saatnya properti 
 Indonesia juga ikut bergerak? 
 Eyeing mispricing opportunity
 􀂄 Lower mortgage rates could reignite demand appetite
 There has been government pressure to lower lending rates on the ground 
 Our checks suggest mortgage rates have only declined around 100bps from
 January to average 14% pa by end-February 2009. We believe only rates near 10%
 pa will lift demand close to sales levels in 2007-08.
 􀂄 Landed residential segment sales to relatively outperform
 The property segment that benefits the most from lower mortgage rates is 
 especially for mid-to-lower income earners. High-rise residentials earn
 lower margins than landed and are hence less attractive for developers 
 demand in the mid-low segment can persist reasonably, in our view. We are
 negative on investment properties this year. We believe a meaningful increase 
 rental rates is unlikely.
 􀂄 50% discount to our calculated RNAV is attractive
 We believe that over 50% discount to our property sector universe RNAV has 
 an attractive entry level. However, the length and intensity of RNAV recovery 
 vary. Our property stock universe is currently trading at average 4% discount.
 􀂄 Top pick is SMRA on a relative basis
 We maintain our Buy ratings for Bakrieland, Ciputra Development, and
 Summarecon given discount to target RNAV at 38%, 37% and 58%, respectively.
 We maintain our Sell rating on Lippo Karawaci and Jababeka. Rolling over our
 RNAV target to year 2010 and adjusting for 2008 figures, we raise our price
 targets by 14-26%. Our RNAV-derived price targets assume 16.1-16.9% WACC
 for development properties and 13.1-13.9% single cap-rate for investment

[ob] Fixed Rate KPR Kembali Marak

2009-03-29 Terurut Topik Vic
JAKARTA. Bagi Anda yang ingin membeli rumah, ini saat yang pas untuk berburu 
kredit kepemilikan rumah (KPR). Sejak Februari kemarin, banyak bank kembali 
menawarkan produk KPR yang memasang bunga tetap.

Maraknya KPR fixed rate tak lepas dari tren bunga acuan BI Rate yang merosot 
sepanjang lima bulan terakhir. Bank Indonesia telah menggunting BI Rate 1,75%, 
dari 9,5% per November 2008 menjadi 7,75% per Maret 2009.

Penurunan bunga sebesar itu mendorong para bankir berani menawarkan kembali KPR 
berbunga tetap yang sempat ngetop di tahun 2007-2008. Banyak bank sempat 
menyetop KPR berbunga tetap ketika BI Rate menanjak 1,5% basis poin selama Mei 
hingga Oktober 2008.

Tapi, untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan perubahan bunga, bank kini menawarkan 
KPR berbunga tetap dalam periode terbatas. Ambil contoh, Bank Central Asia 
(BCA) hanya menawarkan produknya yang bernama Fix and Cap dari 6 Februari 2009 
hingga 6 April 2009.

KPR Fix and Cap memungut bunga efektif 12,5% selama tiga tahun pertama. Di dua 
tahun berikutnya, BCA memberlakukan floating rate yang besarnya tidak lebih 14%.

Bank Permata, Bank CIMB Niaga dan Bank Danamon juga menawarkan produk KPR 
serupa. Bank Permata menawarkan KPR Bijak yang mengenakan bunga efektif 6,75% 
per tahun. Bunga ini hanya berlaku enam bulan, ujar Rosalia Abadi, Head 
Mortgage Bank Permata.

Sedangkan Bank CIMB Niaga mematok bunga KPR tetap sebesar 13,5% sepanjang tahun 
2009. Besaran bunga akan berubah sesuai BI Rate di tahun berikutnya, ujar 
Direktur Bisnis Bank CIMB Niaga Handoyo Soebali.

Bank Danamon mengenakan bunga tetap sebesar 13,75% selama enam bulan pertama. 
Di semester berikutnya, bunga menjadi 14,5%.
Wakil Direktur Utama BCA Jahja Setiaatmadja yakin, produk KPR berbunga tetap 
akan laris manis. Kami tak akan merugi karena cost kami di bawah 4%, tambah 

Namun, Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) yang merupakan pemain besar di bisnis KPR, 
tak tergiur menawarkan fixed rate. Kami tetap menawarkan floating rate yang 
menyesuaikan dengan perubahan BI Rate setiap bulannya, ujar Evi Firmansyah, 
Wakil Dirut BTN.

Dalam hitungan Evi, sistem floating rate justru menguntungkan nasabah karena 
tren bunga sedang rontok, bukannya mekar. Tak lupa, Evi berjanji, bunga KPR BTN 
akan segera turun 0,5% menjadi 14% per tahun. 


Re: [ob] Parah ...................

2009-03-30 Terurut Topik Vic
berarti yg pake ipot di sini dikit banget hehehe.
there's no such thing as free lunch.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Asep IG asepi...@... wrote:

 ini milis obrolan bandar bro...
 ada tuh 5x postingan tentang ipot  ngaco k
 peace :)
 2009/3/30 harrywijaya81 harrywijay...@...:
  mau posting di millis tanya soal para pengguna IPOT aza susah amat
  apa tulisan saya ini salah ???
  d ada 5x tulis , tp gak ada 1 pun yg di posting
  millis apa2an ini ???
  chart IPOT ngaco
  tolong teman2 sekalian cross cek ulang
  di chart IPOT
  candle tgl 25/03/09 ( rabu ) HILANG
  keknya volume jg ngaco
  tolong teman2 sekalian cross cek ulang
  thx :)

[ob] Re: [Milis-AATI] Ketika Saham Jatuh, Kemanakah Uangnya?

2009-03-30 Terurut Topik Vic
uang terus diciptakan. tapi gak bisa dihancurkan, kecuali duit lecek hehe. jadi 
uang terus mengalir, mencari peluang2. sementara peluang belum muncul, sekarang 
uang banyak ngendon di bank. mungkin  $ 1 trilyun yg idle. di domestik aja ada 
bank punya duit nganggur  $ 1 milyar.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@... 

 *Jadi, jika Anda membeli saham seharga $10 dan kemudian menjualnya dengan
 hanya $5, Anda akan jelas kehilangan $5. Ini dapat dirasakan bahwa uang Anda
 pergi ke orang lain, tetapi hal tersebut tidak benar. Ia tidak pergi ke
 orang yang membeli saham dari Anda dan perusahaan yang mengeluarkan saham
 itu juga tidak mendapatkan uang Anda. Broker yang juga mendapat tangan
 kosong, karena anda hanya dibayar untuk melakukan transaksi atas nama Anda.
 Jadi pertanyaannya, kemana uang pergi?*
 *Jawaban susahnya:*
 uangnya ada pada bedebah yang menjual saham ke saya seharga $10, bukan?
 Harga dari $10 ke $5 adalah kerugian buat yang pegang BARANG, tapi
 keuntungan buat calon pembeli yang pegang CASH (atau posisi short) karena
 bisa memiliki barang yang sama di harga yang lebih rendah.
 Jadi kalau dibilang pasar global menderita kerugian (penurunan nilai)
 sebesar 6 triliun dollar, artinya ada pihak yang untung sebesar jumlah
 yang sama. Contohnya misal saya beli obligasi 10bio, ternyata default,
 bangkrut. Artinya saya rugi 10bio, sedangkan si penerbit obligasi untung
 (ngemplang) 10 bio.
 Bisa saja wartawan menulis Dow Jones rontok minus 1000 poin, investor rugi
 1T dollar, pertanyaanya investor yang mana? yang take profit waktu DJ 14000
 mah cuma nyengir kuda baca berita ini.
 Ada jawaban lain sebetulnya, yang disebut dengan bunga atau interest, atau
 komisi, pajak, atau apalah yang membuat suatu *asset dihargai lebih tinggi
 dari nilai wajarnya*. Inilah yang membuat nilai asset menggelembung, dari
 tangan ketangan, sehingga nilai asset menjadi sangat tinggi, dipoles sana
 sini, dipaket jadi produk derivatif, hingga akhirnya BOOM!.. asset bubble
 crash. Kredit menjadi macet.
 Seandainya konsumen bisa langsung KPR ke BI, pasti kita bisa dapet bunga
 sesuai BI-Rate, tapi itu engga mungkin. Bank-bank konsumer bisa bangkrut,
 makanya BI menyalurkan ke Bank, baru disalurkan ke konsumen, tentunya dengan
 harga yang lebih tinggi. Ini dinamakan cost of fund, karena bank perlu
 bayar bunga ke BI, bayar pegawai, sewa gedung, marketing, dsb dsb. Semakin
 panjang mata rantainya, semakin mahal biaya fund yang harus dibayar.
 Ini juga yang membuat harga baju di Metro jauh lebih mahal dibanding di
 mangga dua, karena cost di Metro lebih tinggi. Biaya sewa tempat, iklan,
 spg,  dsb. Mau dibeli dari manapun, setiap baju engga mungkin dipake lebih
 dari dua hari, atau dipakai lebih dari satu orang sekaligus, dengan kata
 lain nilai intrisik dari baju ini adalah sama.* Price is not value. Price
 is what you pay, value is what you get (siapa yang bilang ya, WB kalo engga
 *Jawaban gampangnya:*
 ya ilang soalnya engga hokie aja hehe.
 Pada 30 Maret 2009 20:19, Pengamat Market
  An Interesting article by: Andre Pamungkas
  Pernahkah Anda ingin mengetahui apa yang terjadi dengan kaus kaki Anda
  ketika Anda meletakkan mereka ke dalam dryer kemudian mereka tidak pernah
  terlihat lagi? Ini adalah misteri yang tidak dapat dijelaskan karena mungkin
  tidak ada jawaban. Banyak orang merasakan hal yang sama ketika tiba-tiba
  menemukan bahwa saldo account mereka telah menurun banyak. Jadi, kemana uang
  itu pergi? Untungnya, uang yang diperoleh atau kalah pada saham tidak hanya
  hilang. Membaca untuk mencari tahu apa yang terjadi dan apa yang
  *Uang Yang Menghilang *
  Sebelum kita mengetahui bagaimana uang hilang, ini sangat penting untuk
  dipahami bahwa meskipun pasar bull (appreciating) atau bear (depreciating),
  penawaran dan permintaan mengendalikan harga saham, dan fluktuasi harga
  saham menentukan apakah Anda akan membuat keuntungan atau kerugian.
  Jadi, jika Anda membeli saham seharga $10 dan kemudian menjualnya dengan
  hanya $5, Anda akan jelas kehilangan $5. Ini dapat dirasakan bahwa uang Anda
  pergi ke orang lain, tetapi hal tersebut tidak benar. Ia tidak pergi ke
  orang yang membeli saham dari Anda dan perusahaan yang mengeluarkan saham
  itu juga tidak mendapatkan uang Anda. Broker yang juga mendapat tangan
  kosong, karena anda hanya dibayar untuk melakukan transaksi atas nama Anda.
  Jadi pertanyaannya, kemana uang pergi?
  *Nilai Implicit dan Explicit*
  Yang paling mudah untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini adalah bahwa uang itu
  benar-benar hilang dalam udara, seiring dengan penurunan permintaan saham,
  atau khususnya dengan penurunan persepsi investor. Tetapi kapasitas uang ini
  larut ke dalam pertunjukan yang rumit dan kontradiktif. Uang adalah penggoda
  yang sulit dimengerti, mengoda dalam mimpi dan fantasi, dan kenyataan ini
  kita peroleh sehari-hari. 

[ob] Mark-to-Market Lobby Buoys Bank Profits 20% as FASB May Say Yes

2009-03-30 Terurut Topik Vic
Mark-to-Market Lobby Buoys Bank Profits 20% as FASB May Say Yes
By Ian Katz and Jesse Westbroo

March 30 (Bloomberg) -- Four days after U.S. lawmakers berated Financial 
Accounting Standards Board Chairman Robert Herz and threatened to take 
rulemaking out of his hands, FASB proposed an overhaul of fair-value accounting 
that may improve profits at banks such as Citigroup Inc. by more than 20 

The changes proposed on March 16 to fair-value, also known as mark-to-market 
accounting, would allow companies to use significant judgment in valuing 
assets and reduce the amount of writedowns they must take on so-called impaired 
investments, including mortgage-backed securities. A final vote on the 
resolutions, which would apply to first-quarter financial statements, is 
scheduled for April 2.

FASB's acquiescence followed lobbying efforts by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 
the American Bankers Association and companies ranging from Bank of New York 
Mellon Corp., the world's largest custodian of financial assets, to community 
lender Brentwood Bank in Pennsylvania. Former regulators and accounting 
analysts say the new rules would hurt investors who need more transparency, not 
less, in financial statements.

Officials at Norwalk, Connecticut-based FASB were under tremendous pressure 
and more or less eviscerated mark-to- market accounting, said Robert Willens, 
a former managing director at Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. who runs his own 
tax and accounting advisory firm in New York. I'd say there was a pretty close 
cause and effect.

Willens, investor-advocate groups including the CFA Institute in 
Charlottesville, Virginia, and former U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 
Chairman Arthur Levitt oppose changes that would enable banks to put off 
reporting losses.

`Outrageous Threats'

What disturbs me most about the FASB action is they appear to be bowing to 
outrageous threats from members of Congress who are beholden to corporate 
supporters, said Levitt, now a senior adviser at buyout firm Carlyle Group and 
a board member at Bloomberg LP, the parent of Bloomberg News.

FASB spokesman Neal McGarity said the proposal allowing significant judgment 
was in the works prior to the Washington hearing and was merely accelerated 
for the first quarter, instead of the second quarter. The plan on impaired 
investments was an attempt to address an important financial reporting issue 
that has emerged from the financial crisis, he said.

Mary Schapiro, sworn in as SEC chairman in January, testified to Congress on 
March 11 that the agency recommends more judgment in the application, so that 
assets are not being written down to fire-sale prices.

Unrealized Losses

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. investment strategist Abby Joseph Cohen and Nouriel 
Roubini, the New York University professor who predicted last year's economic 
crisis, made bearish forecasts last week about the outlook for the banking 
industry. Cohen says banks aren't yet in the clear, and Roubini expects the 
government to nationalize more lenders as the economy contracts. The 24-member 
KBW Bank Index rose 21 percent in March, after slumping 75 percent during the 
prior 12 months.

By letting banks use internal models instead of market prices and allowing them 
to take into account the cash flow of securities, FASB's change could boost 
bank industry earnings by 20 percent, Willens said. Companies weighed down by 
mortgage- backed securities, such as New York-based Citigroup, could cut their 
losses by 50 percent to 70 percent, said Richard Dietrich, an accounting 
professor at Ohio State University in Columbus.

This could turn net losses into significant net gains, Dietrich said. It may 
well swing the difference as to whether bank earnings are strong this quarter, 
or flat to negative.

`Unintended Consequences'

Citigroup had $1.6 billion of losses last year for so- called Alt-A mortgages, 
according to the company's annual report. That loss would be erased with the 
new FASB rules, Dietrich said.

Bank of America Corp. in Charlotte, North Carolina, reported income before 
income taxes last year of $4.4 billion. The FASB proposal on impaired 
securities would increase that figure by about $3.5 billion, or the amount of 
other- than-temporary losses that the company recognized, Dietrich said. The 
new rule would mean the loss would be stripped out of net income, boosting 
earnings, though it would still be reported in financial statements.

We're studying the proposals, Bank of America spokesman Scott Silvestri said. 
Citigroup spokesman Michael Hanretta declined to comment.

While helping lenders report higher earnings, FASB's changes may hurt Treasury 
Secretary Timothy Geithner's plan to remove distressed assets from bank balance 
sheets, Dietrich said. Allowing companies to hold on to assets without writing 
them down could discourage them from selling the securities, which would work 
against Treasury's objective to resuscitate 

[ob] Global Economic Slide May Be Subsiding as G-20 Leaders Gather

2009-04-01 Terurut Topik Vic
Global Economic Slide May Be Subsiding as G-20 Leaders Gather
By Simon Kennedy

April 2 (Bloomberg) -- Leaders of the most powerful nations meet today amid 
signs that the world economy is stabilizing after months of freefall.

The Group of 20 summit convenes in London as some reports suggest the pace of 
decline is easing. U.S. durable-goods orders and home sales rose in February, 
Chinese urban investment surged 26.5 percent in the first two months of the 
year, and German investor confidence in March reached its highest level since 
July 2007. The Standard  Poor's 500 Index last month rallied the most in seven 

Policy makers must still contend with plenty of bad news: The World Bank is 
warning of an unemployment crisis, and the U.S. Labor Department is forecast 
to report tomorrow that the jobless rate is now the highest in a 
quarter-century. The challenge for the G-20 is to turn the early indications 
that the worst is over into a fully fledged recovery.

If you look at history, equity markets rally before the economy does, said 
Alastair Newton, a political analyst at Nomura International and a former U.K. 
government official. With the worst in unemployment to come, there's still 
pressure on the leaders to act.

U.S. President Barack Obama, U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown and their G-20 
counterparts -- responsible for 85 percent of the world economy -- are 
gathering to push along an agenda aimed at ending the slump and avoiding a 
repeat of the financial crisis that caused it. They are scheduled to release a 
statement and hold press conferences about 3 p.m.

More Cash

As the leaders meet to hasten the recovery, they are signaling they will 
endorse more cash for the International Monetary Fund, seek to revive trade 
finance and reject protectionism. Initiatives to rein in toxic assets, hedge 
funds, derivatives trading, executive pay, tax havens and excessive risk-taking 
by financial firms are also in the works.

This meeting will reflect enormous consensus about the need to work in concert 
to deal with these problems, Obama said yesterday.

With police braced for more protests on the streets of the U.K. capital today, 
there are signs of discord among the policy makers, too. French President 
Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said an agreement to 
tighten regulation is still some way off, while Japanese Prime Minister Taro 
Aso criticized Germany's unwillingness to boost spending.

We must stand united in our determination to do whatever is necessary, Brown 
said yesterday. Merkel said she and Sarkozy want results, but we don't want 
results that have no effect in practice.

Impact of Stimulus

Evidence is building that the deepest global recession since World War II may 
be easing -- giving comfort to those who say the G-20's $2 trillion of fiscal 
stimulus is working, as well as those who argue that enough has been provided. 
An index compiled by UBS AG economists to show when economic data is stronger 
than markets expect logged its biggest jump last month since August.

Among what economists call the possible green shoots of recovery: In the 
U.S., sales of new homes rose unexpectedly in February by 4.7 percent, and 
factory inventories are falling. The rate of contraction in European 
manufacturing and services industries is slowing. New bank lending quadrupled 
in China in February and vehicle sales rose 25 percent, while Japanese 
companies including automaker Nissan Motor Co. say they will increase 
production in coming months.

`Significant Improvement'

Our bet is that the global economy is poised for significant improvement, 
said David Hensley, JPMorgan Chase  Co.'s New York-based director of global 
economic coordination.

Investors may already be tuning in. The SP 500 climbed 8.5 percent last month; 
according to data compiled by the National Bureau of Economic Research and 
Bloomberg, the index began rising on average five months before recessions 
ended in 1975, 1982 and 1991.

You're seeing encouraging signs of improvement in our markets; we want to 
reinforce that, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said yesterday in an 

Even so, bad news still pervades. Data released yesterday showed that Japanese 
business confidence plunged to a record low, Chinese manufacturing is shrinking 
and German retail sales unexpectedly fell. Companies in the U.S. cut an 
estimated 742,000 workers in March, the most since records began in 2001, 
according to ADP Employer Services.

`In Danger'

The global economy is still in danger, said Stephen King, chief economist at 
HSBC Holdings Plc. He identifies deflation, falling corporate profits and 
financial protectionism as the biggest threats. As for financial institutions, 
Deutsche Bank AG Chief Risk Officer Hugo Banziger said March 30 that the credit 
crisis is far from over.

For the G-20 leaders, who already face declining popularity at home, the 
biggest concern may be slumping payrolls, as 

Re: Bls: [ob] OOT : Pemilu 2009

2009-04-05 Terurut Topik Vic
dari detik.com, bukan prediksi atau kampanye tapi sekedar info boleh donk.

Fenomena Facebook
Mega dan Prabowo Dihujat, SBY Disanjung
Laurencius Simanjuntak - detikPemilu

Jakarta - Jejaring sosial Facebook tidak hanya dijadikan sebagai sarana 
membangun pertemanan, tetapi juga bisa digunakan sebagai tempat mendukung dan 
menghujat Capres 2009. Selain kelompok 'Say No To Megawati', kini muncul 'Say 
No To Prabowo, dan 'Say Yes To SBY'.

Hujatan dan cercaan dilancarkan kepada Prabowo Subianto. Foto yang dipampangkan 
pun seolah ingin mengembalikan kesan 'ngeri' mantan Pangkostrad yang namanya 
sering disebut-sebut dalam sejarah hitam tragedi 1998 ini.

Dalam foto tersebut Prabowo mengenakan seragam Kopassus lengkap dengan baret 
merahnya. Tak hanya itu, foto Soeharto muda juga menjadi latar foto yang dibuat 
tangan-tangan tak bertanggung jawab itu.

Prabowo Soeharto Jilid II, demikian yang tertulis di foto tersebut.

Pada Senin (6/4/2009) pukul 08.45 WIB pendukung 'Say No To Prabowo' mencapai 
618 anggota. Sedangkan Megawati sudah menembus 61.000 anggota.

Berbeda dengan Prabowo dan Megawati, capres Partai Demokrat Susilo Bambang 
Yudhoyono (SBY) justru mendapat pujian dengan munculnya kelompok 'Say Yes To 

LANJUTKAN.!! tulis seorang pendukung.

Lain lagi, entah kesengesem dengan kegantengan capres pujaan hatinya atau 
gimana, seorang anggota wanita berkomentar Kalo gue...sampai mimpi2 segala 
tidur bareng ma beliauhahahahaha.

Dalam jam yang sama, anggota 'Say Yes To SBY' sudah mencapai 4.058 anggota.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, dario kurniawan darioamran1...@... 

 Mudah2an cara pencontrengan nanti tidak dijadikan alasan ribut2 mengingat ini 
 pertama kali contreng setelah sebelumnya coblos mencoblos...
 Semoga masalah contrengan gak menjadi masalah krusial mengingat bisa 
 dijadikan alasan macam2..
 Dario Amran
 --- Pada Ming, 5/4/09, A Moeis Ibrahim ami_4...@... menulis:
 Dari: A Moeis Ibrahim ami_4...@...
 Topik: [ob] OOT : Pemilu 2009
 Kepada: obrolan-bandar obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Tanggal: Minggu, 5 April, 2009, 5:23 PM
 Allah empat hari lagi, bangsa kita akan menyelenggarakan acara besar yaitu
 PEMILU 2009. 
 kita mulai hari ini sama2 memanjatkan doa ke
 hadlirat YMK sesuai dengan agama kita masing2,
 memohon semoga acara tersebut terlaksana dengan baik dan aman. Semoga YMK
 melindungi bangsa ini, terhindar dari aksi2 anarkis yang menuju kepada
 perpecahan pasca Pemilu.  Amin ya
 Rabbal Alamin. 
 Moeis Ibrahim 

   Pemerintahan yang jujur  bersih? Mungkin nggak ya? Temukan jawabannya 
 di Yahoo! Answers! http://id.answers.yahoo.com

Re: [ob] ASK: to technical traders (about correction)

2009-04-06 Terurut Topik Vic
April 7 (Bloomberg) -- Marc Faber, the investor who recommended buying U.S. 
stocks before the steepest rally in more than 70 years, said the Standard  
Poor's 500 Index may drop as much as 10 percent before resuming gains.

The index may decline to about 750 and rebound after July, Faber, 63, said in a 
Bloomberg Television interview in Singapore. Global stock markets are unlikely 
to fall below their October and November lows, he said.

We need some kind of correction, maybe around 5 to 10 percent, and after that 
we can maybe rally more into July, said Faber, the publisher of the Gloom, 
Boom  Doom report. The economic news, while it won't be good, the rate of 
getting worse will slow down.

The SP has rallied 25 percent from a 12-year low since March 9, when Faber 
advised investors to buy U.S. stocks, saying government actions will boost 
shares. Asian equities are among the best bets for global investors because 
they are attractively valued and will benefit the most from a global economic 

Faber told investors to abandon U.S. stocks a week before 1987's so-called 
Black Monday crash and said in August 2007 that U.S. shares were entering a 
bear market. The SP 500 peaked two months later before retreating as much as 
57 percent.

Commodities, Banks

Faber said he bought some commodity producers in November and is now less 
interested in these companies after some stocks more than doubled. He is also 
buying some bank stocks and predicted that Citigroup Inc. shares could easily 
rebound to around $5 from $2.72 currently.

The rebound potential for some of these banks and financial institutions is 
quite high, Faber said.

In Asia, stocks offer much better value than U.S. shares, and investors 
should seize the opportunity to buy the region's equities on every setback, 
the investor said. Japanese stocks also look interesting, he added.

If you buy Asian equities in the next three months, over the next five to 10 
years, for sure you will make money, Faber said. Asian exporting countries 
will benefit the most from an expansion when it happens.

Faber is less favorable on bonds, saying they are entering a long-term bear 
market that can last for the next 15 years to 20 years.

Investors should also diversify into the currencies of Canada, Australia and 
Singapore because in the U.S. dollar may weaken somewhat, he added. The 
dollar has strengthened against all of the so-called Group of 10 currencies 
except the yen in the last 12 months, according to data tracked by Bloomberg.

Faber still advises investors to buy gold even though the precious metal is 
going to be dead money in the next three to six months. He plans to buy more 
gold if prices drop to between $750 and $800 an ounce, he added. Prices 
retreated yesterday to $872.8, the lowest in more than two months. 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, JsxTrader™ jsxtra...@... wrote:

 Entry lah.., ini koreksi biasa aja.., namanya juga di resistant area, memang 
 kita expect bakal ada penolakan di area skrn ini, tapi so far belum ada 
 signal yg mengkhawatirkan..., kalau bertahan diatas 1510 for few days, we are 
 heading to 1600'an soon..., ane dah pecahin celengan, dan siap trading dgn 
 frame weekly to monthly..., konfirmasi jika close diatas 1650'an lah..., 
 otherwise, masih cipet sana-cipet sini.., hehe.
 Sent from my BullBerry® smartphone
 -Original Message-
 From: Elaine Sui elainesu...@...
 Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 10:21:03 
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [ob] ASK: to technical traders (about correction)
 *You mean entry plan...?
 On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 10:06 AM, jsx_consultant 
 jsx-consult...@... wrote:
  IHSG -25
  Don't concetrate on index NOW
  Index can be engineered, concentrate on each STOCK's technical dan
  Your trade exit plan...
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Rully rullymainsaham@ wrote:
   I'll take it.
   Here's the bet:
   If I lose, I will treat you a nice dinner
   If you lose, You will treat me a lunch
   place: Pacific Place
   How is that sounds?
 - Original Message -
 From: Elaine Sui
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 11:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [ob] ASK: to technical traders (about correction)
 Would you take it?
 On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 8:52 AM, Rei highwaystar91@ wrote:
   EL, you mentioned 7:0...
   Till yesterday, it's only 4:0...3 more to go!
   Are you planning to take any bet again with OBer? :-))
   On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:
 From your technical perspective, can we expect a correction for
  today or tomorrow, and how deep? Thanks.
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +

[ob] World Bank: China's recovery could start this year

2009-04-07 Terurut Topik Vic
World Bank: China's recovery could start this year
World Bank says China recovery could start this year, possibly helping the rest 
of Asia
* Joe Mcdonald, AP Business Writer
* Tuesday April 7, 2009, 4:53 am EDT

BEIJING (AP) -- China is likely to emerge from its economic slump this year, 
helping the rest of Asia stabilize and possibly rebound, the World Bank said 

A ray of hope may be emerging with signs of China's economy bottoming out by 
mid-2009, the bank said in a statement. A recovery in China -- fueled largely 
by the country's huge economic stimulus package -- is likely to begin this year 
and take full hold in 2010, potentially contributing to the region's 
stabilization, and perhaps recovery.

China's economy, the world's third-largest, should expand by 6.5 percent this 
year, though exports will shrink as Western markets contract, the bank said in 
a report on Asian economies.

That's slower than China's 9 percent growth last year, but still the strongest 
of any major economy in the world. Many Asian economies are already contracting 
and expected to shrink further in 2009.

Beijing is trying to reduce reliance on trade with a 4 trillion yuan ($586 
billion) plan to pump money into the economy through higher public works 
spending in hopes of boosting domestic consumption.

The Chinese authorities have done an incredible amount, said Vikram Nehru, 
the World Bank's chief East Asia economist, in a video conference from Tokyo. 
What we're seeing in China is a willingness to take all the necessary action 
to make sure the economy continues to grow at a relatively rapid pace.

Premier Wen Jiabao, China's top economic official, said last month the 
government was ready to expand its stimulus if the impact of the global crisis 
worsens. He said Beijing has reserved adequate ammunition, though he gave no 

China's central bank said last week that data pointed toward a recovery, though 
it gave no details or a timeframe.

Some private sector economists already were forecasting that China would pull 
out of its slump by late 2009. They pointed to higher bank lending and demand 
for steel and power as tenative signs of economic activity.

It's not a question of whether it will get better. It's already getting 
better, said Frank F.X. Gong, chief China economist for J.P. Morgan. The 
question is whether something would happen to disrupt that kind of recovery.

Gong said he expects China to grow 7.2 percent this year. But he said potential 
problems include public expectations of a fall in prices, which can discourage 
spending and investment, a fall in demand for housing or further declines in 

We are not sure China's exports have seen the bottom yet, so that sector will 
still be tough, Gong said. If the U.S. economy fails to recover in the second 
half, China's export slump could last longer.

The Washington-based World Bank said pressure for Chinese prices to rise is 
still low, leaving room for the government to cut interest rates or take other 
steps to fuel growth.

China's growth has plunged as global demand weakened, with exports falling 25.7 
percent in February from a year earlier. Private sector analysts are 
forecasting growth as low as 5 percent this year, down from 2007's 13 percent 
-- though still the fastest of any major country. The government's official 
target is 8 percent.

Taimur Baig, Deutsche Bank's director of Asia Economics, cautioned that Beijing 
might have to launch a new stimulus package to maintain growth.

We believe that the stimulus package will have a very short-term impact on 
China's growth trajectory and by the middle of this year we'll actually see a 
loss of momentum yet again, Baig said in Singapore. We expect the Chinese 
authorities to counteract this incipient slowdown with another stimulus package 
by the middle of this year.

China is a key customer for other Asian nations that supply raw materials and 
components for manufacturing and other industries, making its economic health a 
factor in their ability to emerge from the regional slump.

A government-authorized business group reported last week that manufacturing 
expanded slightly in March following a months-long decline that has thrown at 
least 20 million people out of work.

The World Bank cautioned that Chinese industry will have large unused capacity, 
possibly leading to weaker investment, slower job growth and downward pressure 
on prices, which can cut into company profits and investment.

China cannot escape the external weakness, it said, and government spending 
alone cannot offset losses in trade.

[ob] [OOT] Yudhoyono’s Popularity May Boost Party Gains in Indonesia Vote

2009-04-07 Terurut Topik Vic
Yudhoyono's Popularity May Boost Party Gains in Indonesia Vote 
By Leony Aurora and Arijit Ghosh

April 8 (Bloomberg) -- Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's 70 
percent personal approval rating is his Democrat Party's strongest asset as it 
enters the election season seeking to boost its rank as the fifth-largest party 
in parliament.

Polls show the Democrats may more than double their seats in tomorrow's 
legislative election, building momentum for the presidential contest in July. 
Since taking power in 2004, Yudhoyono has helped stabilize the economy and 
reduce terrorism in Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim population.

Parliamentary gains would lessen Yudhoyono's need for coalition partners, who 
have blocked some of his moves to combat prevent an economic slowdown. They 
would also strengthen his hand against opposition leader Megawati 
Soekarnoputri, whom he defeated in 2004, and against another potential 
opponent, Vice President Jusuf Kalla, head of the Golkar party in the governing 

Yudhoyono would be by far the dominant figure, which he was not when he won 
the elections in 2004, said R. William Liddle, a professor of politics at Ohio 
State University in Columbus, Ohio, who has written on Indonesian politics for 
four decades. He will have to pay a lot less attention to coalition-building.

The president's handling of security issues and the economy has helped his 
popularity. Indonesia has been free of terrorism for 3 1/2 years, following 
attacks in the previous five years that killed 280 people.

National Security

The number of Indonesians who consider national security bad declined to 10 
percent in December 2008 from 18 percent in September 2005, according to a poll 
taken by the Indonesian Survey Institute and published in January.

A February poll by the Jakarta-based institute showed about half of the 2,455 
respondents wanted Yudhoyono, 59, back as president after he reduced gasoline 
prices three times in three months. That was up from 25 percent in June, a 
month after the government had increased fuel prices by about 30 percent.

Indonesia's economy expanded 6.3 percent in 2007, the fastest pace in 11 years. 
The number of poor in Asia's third- most populous nation fell to 15.4 percent 
of the population in March 2008 from 16.7 percent five years ago. Still, the 
Asian Development Bank forecasts that Indonesia's $433 billion economy will 
grow by only 3.6 percent in 2009.

The eight-year-old Democrat Party, formed to give Yudhoyono a base, was favored 
by 24 percent of respondents in the institute's survey. Kalla's Golkar party 
was ranked third with 14.3 percent.

Young Party

The Democrats fielded candidates for parliament for the first time in 2004 and 
won about 10 percent of the seats. Kalla's Golkar party, which got 23 percent, 
is 45 years old.

Yudhoyono and his coalition partners, including Golkar, haven't always agreed 
on policy.

In December, Golkar's opposition kept Indonesia's parliament from ratifying a 
regulation giving the government more power to use state funds to rescue banks, 
insurers and other financial institutions. The party said the bill gave the 
central bank and the government too much authority.

I, as head of the government, feel this kind of coalition is a bit troubling, 
Yudhoyono said in an interview with Jurnal Nasional on Feb. 19 that was also 
published on Yudhoyono's Web site. Coalition ethics as I understand it means 
the political parties that have representatives in the cabinet shouldn't cause 
government policies to fail.

Candidates Rejected

In March 2008, the parliament rejected two candidates proposed by Yudhoyono to 
replace then-central bank Governor Burhanuddin Abdullah.

The government has said it may add to its 71.3 trillion rupiah ($6.2 billion) 
stimulus package to help the economy expand. Parliamentary approval for the 
package will be needed.

The Democrat party would need an additional 55 seats in addition to its current 
57 lawmakers to be able to independently nominate Yudhoyono for re-election. 
The party is fielding 671 candidates, the most among the 38 parties.

Yudhoyono's popularity hasn't fallen below that of opposition leader Megawati 
since September 2006 and remains higher than Kalla's, according to the survey 

James Castle, president of CastleAsia, a business advisory services company, 
cited the surveys for his confidence in Yudhoyono's re-election later this year 
even if Kalla opposed rather than accompanies him.

I think he will win no matter who is vice president, said Jakarta-based 
Castle, who has lived in Indonesia for 32 years. In a tight race the vice 
president might make a difference, but I don't see it in this one. 


2009-04-07 Terurut Topik Vic
tapi harga timah masih disitu2 aja. margin masih tipis. q4 malah rugi karena 
beli inventory di harga tinggi dan jual pas harga jatuh. tunggu tins akumulasi 
inventory di harga rendah, terus jual di harga tingi saat ekonomi recover.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Bumi T t_b...@... wrote:

   Wajib militer di Indonesia? Temukan jawabannya di Yahoo! Answers! 

[ob] Re: BTEL Naik beneran atau pura2 sih....

2009-04-07 Terurut Topik Vic
efek rumor diakuisisi tlkm?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, FromBuitenzorg frombuitenz...@... 

 Nggak memperhatikan BTEL, tau2 udah 57, 58, 59 hehehe...cuma ragu itu naiknya 
 beneran atau gimana ? Kalo dibeli balik lagi ke GOCAP nyesel, kalo gak dibeli 
 tau2 udah CEPEK-an juga nyesel :p

[ob] Re: FW: UBS Investment Research - Indonesia Property Sector: Eyeing mispricing opportunity

2009-04-07 Terurut Topik Vic
properti gerak lagi. bahkan asri n bksl.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Sanjaya mysanjaya...@... wrote:

 CTRA TP Rp. 505.
 ELTY TP Rp. 125.
 SMRA TP Rp. 400.
 Di Amrik data properti naik diluar perkiraan, apa ini saatnya properti 
 Indonesia juga ikut bergerak? 
 Eyeing mispricing opportunity
 􀂄 Lower mortgage rates could reignite demand appetite
 There has been government pressure to lower lending rates on the ground 
 Our checks suggest mortgage rates have only declined around 100bps from
 January to average 14% pa by end-February 2009. We believe only rates near 10%
 pa will lift demand close to sales levels in 2007-08.
 􀂄 Landed residential segment sales to relatively outperform
 The property segment that benefits the most from lower mortgage rates is 
 especially for mid-to-lower income earners. High-rise residentials earn
 lower margins than landed and are hence less attractive for developers 
 demand in the mid-low segment can persist reasonably, in our view. We are
 negative on investment properties this year. We believe a meaningful increase 
 rental rates is unlikely.
 􀂄 50% discount to our calculated RNAV is attractive
 We believe that over 50% discount to our property sector universe RNAV has 
 an attractive entry level. However, the length and intensity of RNAV recovery 
 vary. Our property stock universe is currently trading at average 4% discount.
 􀂄 Top pick is SMRA on a relative basis
 We maintain our Buy ratings for Bakrieland, Ciputra Development, and
 Summarecon given discount to target RNAV at 38%, 37% and 58%, respectively.
 We maintain our Sell rating on Lippo Karawaci and Jababeka. Rolling over our
 RNAV target to year 2010 and adjusting for 2008 figures, we raise our price
 targets by 14-26%. Our RNAV-derived price targets assume 16.1-16.9% WACC
 for development properties and 13.1-13.9% single cap-rate for investment

[ob] Re: jangan jual bumi anda..!

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik Vic
kalau pemilu sukses, mestinya mestakung buat bumi.
lagipula masalah bumi bukan di fundamental, tapi corporate governance.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, artomoro9 artomo...@... wrote:

 dear obers,
 apakah setelah pemilu bumi akan jadi ke 1100...?
 Mulai hari ini, MARI TAMBAH BUMI ANDA...
 artomoro penggemar bumi.

[ob] Re: Pion benteng BUMI mulai beraksi

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik Vic
apa abis pemilu bisa ke 1100 sesuai target jend show me the money (artomoro)???

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 BUMI OFFER 950 lagi dihabisin , ini baru INFLOW ke BEI
 meskipun IHSG -21...
 Ini menunjukan commitment Bozz untuk menambah dana di BEI meksipun
 BBRI -9%
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ 
  Pion benteng BUMI mulai beraksi
  Perkiraan embah bahwa ada 2 pion benteng yaitu TLKM dan BUMI mulai
  - BUMI mulai BERAKSI +2,7% disaat IHSG -22
  Ternyata advis embah didenger Bozz... hehehe...

Re: [ob] UNSP kebukti

2009-04-08 Terurut Topik Vic
bakrie group kan yg paling kena crash landing. recovery gak mungkin bareng2, 
satu2 dulu lah mulai dari bumi. anggap aja gem in the mud. asal bukan germ 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, welly_oct88 welly_oc...@... wrote:

 two thumbps up for being stupid stock hehehe
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Kabu Nusi megashoken@ 
  two thumbps up   
  --- On Wed, 4/8/09, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:
  From: Elaine Sui elainesui83@
  Subject: Re: [ob] UNSP kebukti
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 8:18 AM
  BUY Bakrie Plantation!
  On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:59 PM, welly_oct88 welly_oct88@ wrote:
  TErbukti Saham Bakrie yg paling dodol yang laen pada naek ni doang yang 
  dodolnya kaga ketolongan
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links
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Re: [ob] Dow tertolong morgage home builder merger

2009-04-09 Terurut Topik Vic
Wall Street is poised for a sharply higher open after Wells Fargo forecast a 
record $3 billion profit for the first quarter.
The news from Wells is a welcome sign for investors who have been looking for 
signs o whether the credit and lending markets have improved in recent months.

New jobless claims fall more than expected to 654K.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

 *Well, that's even better! Anyway hows the election process? Is it smooth?
 2009/4/9 efendi elias eliasefe...@...
  --- On *Thu, 4/9/09, Kidod25 kido...@...* wrote:
  From: Kidod25 kido...@...
  Subject: [ob] Dow tertolong morgage  home builder merger
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 10:36 AM
   Nanti malam masih yakin dow akan hijau?

[ob] Re: Pemilu 2004 dan ihsg

2009-04-11 Terurut Topik Vic
v-shape recovery?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Kidod25 kido...@... wrote:

 Melihat pemilu 2004 dan ihsg, setelah nyoblos tgl 5 apr 04 indeks rebound 
 dari 750 hingga 815 di 19 apr 04, kemudian turun ke 697 di 31 may 04. Dan 
 diakhir tahun jebol 1000. Kondisi agak beda, amrik udah pulih dari resesi, 
 kalau sekarang???

[ob] Re: Investing in property sector using PBV (Sorry koreksi lagi)

2009-04-12 Terurut Topik Vic
nambahin data 52-week high n life-time high
- CTRP = 420 n 650 (11 des 07)
- CTRS = 610 n 1860 (21 mar 05)
- CTRA = 560 n 1040 (20 apr 07)
- ELTY = 460 n 680 (27 feb 08)

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 Investing in property sector using PBV
 Ini adalah data PBV tgl 21/11/08:
 Saat itu saham property yg PBVnya rendah berikut Harga sahamnya:
 - CTRP = 0,2 dan 132
 - CTRS = 0,2 dan 160
 - CTRA = 0,3 dan 200
 - ELTY = 0,3 dan 62
 Sekarang harganya naik menjadi:
 - CTRP = 183 naik 39% dan PBV sekarang = 0,3
 - CTRS = 305 naik 91% dan PBV = 0,5
 - CTRA = 390 naik 95% dan PBV = 0,6
 - ELTY = 95 naik 53% dan PBV = 0,3
 PBV baru CTRP dan ELTY masih 0,3 jadi untuk Invest masih menarik,
 untuk trading pake TA saja

Re: [ob] UNSP kebukti

2009-04-12 Terurut Topik Vic
saham2 bakrie seperti gems in the mud. kecuali bnbr yg germ in the mud hehehe.

di tv iklannya bumi resources gencar banget. tag linenya memperkaya...bla 
bla, yg keinget cuma kata memperkaya hehe. tanda2 alamkah?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, JsxTrader jsxtra...@... wrote:

 I knew it.., again, you get the credit, EL !! 
 Cakep., Cakep.Cakep.., remember, 330 is the trigger., now it is 355., let's
 ride... wuss.
 From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of JsxTraderT
 Sent: 08 April 2009 19:09
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [ob] UNSP kebukti
 Looks like you'll get another credit, my dear...hehe..,
 kita tunggu 330 break.., wushhh...
 Powered by TLKM BullBerryR
 From: Elaine Sui 
 Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 15:18:48 +0700
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [ob] UNSP kebukti
 BUY Bakrie Plantation!
 On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:59 PM, welly_oct88 welly_oc...@... wrote:
 TErbukti Saham Bakrie yg paling dodol yang laen pada naek ni doang yang
 dodolnya kaga ketolongan

[ob] Bank BUMN Ingin Pangkas Bunga Kredit

2009-04-13 Terurut Topik Vic
JAKARTA. Silahkan berharap bunga kredit bakal rontok. Seorang bankir 
mengungkapkan, bank-bank BUMN secara bersamaan akan menurunkan bunga kreditnya 
pada 20 April nanti. Rencananya sih, begitu, ujar Sofyan Basir, Direktur 
Utama PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI).

Sofyan menyebut, pemangkasan bunga kredit itu sebesar 1%. Namun ia tidak 
menjelaskan apakah bunga baru itu hanya berlaku bagi kredit baru atau berlaku 
pula untuk kredit lama.

Kendati tidak menyebutkan waktu pastinya, Direktur Korporasi PT Bank Mandiri 
Tbk Abdul Rachman juga mengakui, bunga kredit berpeluang sangat besar untuk 
turun. Maklumlah, sejak Desember 2008 lalu, saban bulan Bank Indonesia rutin 
memangkas bunga acuan alias BI Rate, mengikuti penurunan inflasi.

Rachman mengakui, penurunan bunga kredit memang tak secepat yang diharapkan 
masyarakat. Sebab, kata Rahman, para bankir masih perlu waktu menghitung biaya 
pendanaan. Masih kami rapatkan berapa besar bunga kredit yang sesuai. Apalagi, 
Lembaga Penjaminan Simpanan baru saja menurunkan bunga penjaminan, ujar 
Rachman, Rabu (8/4).

Menurut Rachman, bunga kredit baru bisa turun bila bunga deposito sudah makin 
rontok. Hingga saat ini, kata Rachman, rata-rata bunga kredit di Bank Mandiri 
sudah lumayan rendah, yakni 13,5%.

Tergantung likuiditas

Sependapat dengan Rachman, Direktur Konsumer PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI) 
Darwin Suzandi bilang, bunga kredit akan turun mengikuti tren penurunan BI Rate 
dan inflasi. Secara independen, bank bisa saja menurunkan bunga kredit. Yang 
pasti masing-masing bank harus menghitung dahulu bunga dananya sebelum 
menurunkan bunga kredit, imbuh Darwin.

Wakil Direktur Utama PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. Jahja Setiaatmadja termasuk yang 
ragu jika bank-bank BUMN bisa melakukan pemangkasan bunga kredit secara 

Ia mengingatkan, masing-masing bank BUMN itu memiliki likuiditas yang 
berbeda-beda. Tapi, jika itu sudah menjadi kesepakatan di antara bank BUMN, 
saya tidak tahu, ujar Jahja.

Sampai saat ini, posisi likuiditas agaknya memang masih menjadi titik berat 
pertimbangan para bankir untuk memangkas bunga. Harus melihat posisi 
likuiditas bank dahulu. Bank yang punya likuiditas berlebih, yang paling 
berpeluang segera menurunkan bunga, ujar Darwin.

Namun ada kesan, bank-bank memang ingin segera menciutkan bunga deposito 
sehingga bunga kredit pun bisa turun. Bunga (deposito) yang tinggi justru akan 
membebani kami, ujar Parwati Surjaudaja, Direktur Utama PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk.

Menurut Parwati, OCBC NISP berencana menurunkan bunga depositonya sebesar 0,5% 
dari 10% menjadi 9,5%. Mudah-mudahan saja, penurunan bunga kredit tersebut akan 
dibarengi dengan penyaluran kredit. Jika tidak, ya percuma saja.


[ob] BNI Securities Beri Outlook Positif untuk ELTY

2009-04-13 Terurut Topik Vic
JAKARTA. Dalam hasil risetnya yang dirilis hari ini, BNI Securities membahas 
mengenai kinerja PT Bakrieland Development Tbk (ELTY). Pada tahun 2008, ELTY 
berhasil membukukan kenaikan pendapatan sebesar 34,7% menjadi Rp 1,05 triliun. 
Data ini menunjukkan adanya perbaikan dalam kinerja ELTY.

Menurut Maxi Liesyaputra, Analis BNI Securities, kenaikan tersebut berkorelasi 
dengan transaksi divestasi saham ELTY di Bakrie Swasakti Utama. Kedua, pada 
tahun 2008, ELTY berhasil membukukan kenaikan penjualan investasi subsidi 
senilai Rp 21 miliar. Terakhir, ELTY berhasil membukukan rekor kenaikan laba 
bersih sebesar 102,8% menjadi Rp 272 miliar. Angka tersebut sesuai dengan 
prediksi kami yang mematok laba bersih senilai Rp 288 miliar, jelas Maxi.

Saat ini, perusahaan tengah berupaya menyelesaikan beberapa proyek, seperti 
Rasuna Epicentrum, Bogor Nirwana Residence dan Legian Nirwana Suites  
Residence. Sebagai upaya melakukan ekspansi, ELTY juga tengah membangun jalan 
tol Kanci-Pejagan sepanjang 35 kilometer. Rencananya, tol ini akan dioperasikan 
pada Juli 2009 mendatang. Manajemen ELTY berpikir, mengoperasikan jalan tol 
lebih aman dibanding dengan penjualan produk properti lainnya, jelasnya.

Maxi menjelaskan, BNI Securities memiliki outlook positif terhadap kinerja ELTY 
dalam jangka panjang. Pertimbangannya, perusahaan memiliki strategi yang fokus 
pada pasar menengah hingga menengah atas. Pasar ini merupakan komunitas yang 
tidak terpengaruh oleh perlambatan ekonomi secara signifikan, ujar Maxi.

Meski demikian, BNI Securities masih melihat adanya ganjalan utama yang akan 
dihadapi ELTY ke depannya. Hal itu berhubungan dengan keringnya likuiditas 
perbankan nasional. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, ELTY mendanai proyeknya 
dengan menggunakan kas internal dan sumber lainnya.

Untuk kinerja, BNI Securities meramalkan pendapatan ELTY dan laba bersih akan 
mencapai Rp 1,55 triliun dan Rp 240 miliar di 2009 ini. Hal ini akan didukung 
dengan adanya peningkatan permintaan terhadap produk-produk properti kelas 
menengah dan menengah atas, imbuhnya.

Berdasarkan faktor-faktor tersebut, Maxi memberikan rekomendasi buy dengan 
harga saham Rp 730 per saham.


[ob] Rencana Divestasi ELTY di Bakrie Toll Road Dinilai Positif

2009-04-13 Terurut Topik Vic
JAKARTA. PT Bakrieland Development Tbk (ELTY) saat ini tengah menyiapkan opsi 
untuk mendivestasi 49% kepemilikan sahamnya di Bakrie Toll Road. Divestasi akan 
dilakukan setelah ruas Kanci - Pejagang yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan tol 
tersebut beroperasi pada Juli 2009 mendatang. Oleh karenanya, saat ini ELTY 
tengah mencari pemodal strategis yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengembangkan 
infrastruktur. Catatan saja, saat ini ELTY memiliki 100% saham di Bakrie Toll 

Kami menilai langkah yang dilakukan oleh ELTY untuk mencari investor strategis 
cukup positif, mengingat keberadaan jalan tol diharapkan dapat mengembangkan 
wilayah di daerah yang dilaluinya, papar Maxi Liesyaputra, Analis BNI 
Securities dalam hasil risetnya yang dirilis hari ini.

Pengembangan tersebut, lanjutnya, antara lain berupa kawasan perumahan dan 
perdagangan yang baru. Sehingga niat ELTY untuk mencari investor strategis 
dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan infrastruktur pendukungnya akan memberikan 
daya tarik yang lebih besar bagi masyarakat pada umumnya dan bagi calon 
konsumen pada khususnya. Selain itu, dengan keberadaan jalan tol akan menambah 
porsi pendapatan berulang (recurring income) bagi ELTY yang lebih stabil, 

Mengenai kinerjanya, untuk tahun 2009, BNI Securities memperkirakan ELTY akan 
membukukan pendapatan Rp 1,55 triliun dengan laba bersih Rp 240 miliar. Oleh 
sebab itu, BNI Securities memberikan rekomendasi buy dengan target harga Rp 730.


[ob] Goldman 1Q earnings surpass Wall Street estimates

2009-04-13 Terurut Topik Vic
Goldman 1Q earnings surpass Wall Street estimates
Goldman Sachs earns $1.66B in 1st-quarter, surpassing Wall Street's estimates
Sara Lepro, AP Business Writer
Monday April 13, 2009, 6:53 pm EDT

NEW YORK (AP) -- Goldman Sachs, in another sign that banks may be turning 
around, beat Wall Street's earnings expectations as it reported a profit of 
$1.66 billion for the first three months of this year. The bank also said it 
planned to raise $5 billion in stock to help it pay back government bailout 

The New York-based bank said it earned $3.39 per share, easily surpassing 
analysts' forecasts for profit of $1.64 per share. This compares with earnings 
of $1.47 billion, or $3.23 per share, in the quarter ended Feb. 29 of last 
year, and is a huge improvement over the $2.29 billion Goldman lost in the 
fourth quarter.

Goldman's news, released a day earlier than anticipated, came days after 
another top-performing bank, Wells Fargo  Co., said it expected to report 
record first-quarter earnings of $3 billion, well above Wall Street's 
estimates. That news fed a huge stock market rally Thursday, but with companies 
including Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp. still to report their 
first-quarter results, it's too soon to say the banking industry is indeed 
finally recovering from the devastating losses caused by the credit crisis and 
the recession.

Investors showed some caution after Goldman's announcement, which followed the 
close of regular trading on Wall Street. Goldman shares initially rose in 
response to its report but then slipped 1.5 percent. Citigroup, which surged 25 
percent during regular trading, rose a more modest 1 percent in after-hours 
activity while Bank of America rose 0.7 percent after jumping 15 percent during 
regular trading. Morgan Stanley fell 3.3 percent in late trading after jumping 
6 percent during regular hours.

Morningstar Inc. equity analyst Michael Wong said Goldman benefited from the 
fact that it has more traditional investment banking and trading operations 
than more retail-focused banks like Citi and Bank of America.

What allowed Goldman to outperform is solely tied to their brokerage 
operations, he said.

Still, Goldman's first-quarter performance put it in a strong enough position 
to plan the public stock offering of $5 billion which it said would be used, 
with additional resources, to pay back its government debt. Goldman received 
$10 billion in government funds during the downturn last fall as part of the 
U.S. Treasury Department's program to invest directly in hundreds of banks and 
try and help alleviate the nearly frozen credit markets.

Goldman executives have said for months that the company wanted to repay 
bailout funds this year, and last month, company spokesman Lucas Van Praag said 
the main reason Goldman wanted to return the money is that it doesn't need the 

Many banks have chafed under restrictions, including limits on executive 
compensation, imposed by the government as it dispensed the bailout money. The 
banks have also come under sharp criticism from lawmakers and the public for a 
variety of business practices.

Goldman said its first-quarter profit was bolstered by strong revenue growth in 
its fixed income and currency businesses. The Treasury market and the dollar 
were beneficiaries of investor uncertainty during the first two months of the 
year; in March, the stock market began a five-week rally that lifted the major 
indexes off 12-year lows.

Goldman's total revenue was $11.88 billion during the quarter, compared with 
$18.63 billion in the prior-year quarter. Analysts forecast revenue of $7.19 

Goldman's fourth-quarter loss was its first since becoming a public company in 
1999. The company, like other financial firms, was hurt by the plunging value 
of its investments as the credit crisis eroded the value of mortgage-backed 
securities, stocks and many other assets.

When Goldman became a bank holding company last fall amid the mushrooming 
credit crisis, it switched its reporting cycle so its fiscal quarters were in 
line with calendar quarters beginning Jan. 1. To adjust its reporting schedule, 
Goldman began fiscal 2009 on Jan. 1 instead of Dec. 1 of last year. The bank 
said for the month of December, which fell between the change in reporting 
cycles, it lost $1 billion, or $2.15 per share.

Shifting the start of its fiscal year certainly helped the bank's overall 
results, said Denise Valentine, senior analyst at Aite Group, a Boston-based 
research firm.

It's a little bit of fancy footwork, but for the market as a whole it's good 
news and it was needed, she said. When your star does well or does what is 
expected, you breathe a little easier.

Valentine was quick to note that other areas outside of Goldman's fixed income 
and currency businesses showed some pain during the quarter.

Investment banking revenue totaled $823 million, down 30 percent year-over-year 
as far fewer merger deals 

[ob] Re: Aturan Main Short Sell di BEI

2009-04-13 Terurut Topik Vic
hati2 short squeeze hehehe.

Did Goldman Goose Oil?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Mas Soemringah soemrin...@... wrote:

 Embah  Para Senior di milis OB, mohon informasi  petunjuk mengenai aturan 
 main short sell di BEI yg menurut kabar akan diberlakukan pada Mei 2009.
 Sent from my SoemringahBerry¢ç

Re: [ob] UNSP kebukti

2009-04-14 Terurut Topik Vic
hari ini bakrie's gemstones muncul dari lumpur. kecuali bnbr hehe.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Vic victor_speran...@... wrote:

 saham2 bakrie seperti gems in the mud. kecuali bnbr yg germ in the mud hehehe.
 di tv iklannya bumi resources gencar banget. tag linenya memperkaya...bla 
 bla, yg keinget cuma kata memperkaya hehe. tanda2 alamkah?
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, JsxTrader jsxtrader@ wrote:
  I knew it.., again, you get the credit, EL !! 
  Cakep., Cakep.Cakep.., remember, 330 is the trigger., now it is 355., let's
  ride... wuss.
  From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
  On Behalf Of JsxTraderT
  Sent: 08 April 2009 19:09
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [ob] UNSP kebukti
  Looks like you'll get another credit, my dear...hehe..,
  kita tunggu 330 break.., wushhh...
  Powered by TLKM BullBerryR
  From: Elaine Sui 
  Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 15:18:48 +0700
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [ob] UNSP kebukti
  BUY Bakrie Plantation!
  On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:59 PM, welly_oct88 welly_oct88@ wrote:
  TErbukti Saham Bakrie yg paling dodol yang laen pada naek ni doang yang
  dodolnya kaga ketolongan

[ob] Economists See a Rebound in September

2009-04-14 Terurut Topik Vic
Economists in the latest Wall Street Journal forecasting survey expect the 
recession to end in September, though most say it won't be until the second 
half of 2010 that the economy recovers enough to bring down unemployment.

Gross domestic product was predicted to contract in the first and second 
quarters of this year by 5.0% and 1.8%, respectively, on a seasonally adjusted 
annualized rate. A return to growth -- a modest 0.4% -- isn't expected until 
the third quarter. In the fourth quarter of 2008, the most recent period for 
which data are available, the economy contracted 6.3%.

The end of the decline isn't the beginning of the recovery, said David Resler 
of Nomura Securities Inc. It's like a boxing match. Even if you win the fight, 
it's not going to feel as good when you get out of the ring as when you went 

Indeed, economists' prospects for the labor market remain bleak. Just 12% of 
the economists expect the unemployment rate to fall some time this year. More 
than a third of respondents expect the jobless rate to peak in the first half 
of 2010, while about half don't see unemployment declining until the second 
half of 2010. By December of this year, the economists on average expect the 
unemployment rate to reach 9.5%, up from the 8.5% reported for March. They do 
see the rate of decline slowing, forecasting 2.6 million job losses in the next 
12 months, compared with the 4.8 million jobs lost in the previous period.

The economists' forecasts indicate that the peak in the unemployment rate is 
likely to coincide with the midterm elections -- possibly bad news for 
Democrats. Even if the economy is growing, Americans still will be feeling the 
effects of the recession and could blame the incumbent. For example, when 
George H.W. Bush lost the presidency in 1992, the economy had been out of a 
recession for more than a year, but the unemployment rate didn't peak until 
June, and there was slow growth through the election.

Even when the economy stops shedding jobs, the unemployment rate is likely to 
remain elevated for some time. The unemployment rate isn't going to recover, 
because you have to get back everything you lost and then some, said Joseph 
Lavorgna of Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. He estimated that the economy would 
have to grow an average of about 4% for six years to get back to the sub-5% 
unemployment rates seen in 2007.

Despite the grim news for jobs, economists are seeing more signs of a recovery 
in the broader economy this year. On average, the 53 economists surveyed expect 
the recession to end in September, compared with the October forecast last 
month. It marked the first time since the recession began that the economists 
didn't push the date of recovery further into the future. The survey was 
conducted April 3-6, before the release of trade data this week that led some 
forecasters to revise upward their outlook for the first quarter.

Several factors are raising hopes, chief among them businesses' sharp cuts in 
production and inventory late last year. The economy may be reaching a point 
where even meeting subsistence demand requires an increase in output. Empty 
shelves need to be restocked, even if at lower levels than before.

The economy also is set to get the benefits of monetary and fiscal policy, as 
the stimulus begins to hit and Treasury and Federal Reserve programs to prop up 
the financial sector ramp up. Nine out of 10 economists surveyed expect help 
from the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, which is aimed at boosting 
consumer and small-business loans. Meanwhile, 72% of respondents say the 
Treasury's plan to purchase toxic assets will help the economy.

The combination of an explicit Treasury plan and signals that the economy has 
stopped its free-fall boosted the opinions of policy makers. Fed Chairman Ben 
Bernanke continued to fare best, with an average grade of 76 out of 100. 
President Barack Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner are less 
popular, but their average grades are no longer in failing territory. A 
majority of economists gave them both grades in a range of 'C' or better.

Meanwhile, asked to name the biggest risk to their forecasts, economists 
singled out problems in the credit markets. Once the virtuous cycle starts, 
the chief headwind will be credit availability, said Kurt Karl of Swiss Re. 
The possibilities of a failure of a major financial institution and persistent 
reluctance of consumers to spend, both related to the credit markets, were tied 
for second place in the list of concerns.

[ob] BI Rate Berpeluang Turun Lagi

2009-04-15 Terurut Topik Vic
BI Rate Berpeluang Turun Lagi
Herdaru Purnomo - detikFinance

Jakarta - Suku bunga acuan Bank Indonesia (BI Rate) masih berpeluang turun jika 
inlfasi pada bulan April ini juga menunjukan penurunan.
Demikian disampaikan Deputi Gubernur BI Hartadi A Sarwono di Gedung Departemen 
Keuangan, Jakarta, Rabu (15/4/2009).

Kita masih tunggu Rapat Dewan Gubernur awal bulan depan, namun saat ini secara 
umum memang tren inflasi turun, ujarnya.
Ia mengatakan, meskipun Produk Domestik Bruto pada kuartal pertama 
pertumbuhannya melambat, tapi perlambatannya tidak terlalu besar. Hal ini juga 
yang menyebabkan inflasi naik karena PDB yang tumbuh tersebut.

Ini artinya ekonomi captivity masih cukup besar, kita lihat secara keseluruhan 
dan apakah hal ini dapat menurunkan inflasi, jelasnya.

Hartadi juga mengatakan, saat ini pihaknya masih evaluasi BI Rate lebih jauh 
lagi. Untuk acuan BI Rate, BI menggunakan real interset rate, yang merupakan 
beda antara BI Rate dengan inflasi. Real interest rate yang baik bekisar antara 
satu sampai dua persen.

Sebagai tambahan, BI memprediksi inflasi tahun 2009 pada angka 5-7 persen.

BI sebelumnya memutuskan untuk menurunkan BI Rate lagi sebesar 25 basis poin 
menjadi 7,5%. Keputusan itu diambil di setelah mencermati dan mengevaluasi 
perkembangan sektor keuangan.

[ob] New signs emerge that recession may be easing

2009-04-16 Terurut Topik Vic
New signs emerge that recession may be easing as housing nears a bottom
Christopher S. Rugaber, AP Economics Writer
Thursday April 16, 2009, 5:00 pm EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Housing construction unexpectedly plunged, the number of 
people receiving jobless benefits grew and JPMorgan Chase  Co. said its 
first-quarter profit dropped compared with last year.

That was the bad news. But those same reports Thursday included some silver 
linings suggesting the recession may be easing.

The pace of new-home construction seems to be nearing a bottom. First-time 
jobless benefit claims fell more than expected for the second straight week. 
And JPMorgan's profits were larger than analysts had expected. In the past 
week, two other banks, Wells Fargo  Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., issued 
positive earnings reports, too.

All told, growing evidence indicates the economy may be stabilizing.

The economy is still very weak, but there are some encouraging signs that 
support cautious optimism, Dennis Lockhart, president of the Federal Reserve 
Bank of Atlanta, said in a speech Thursday.

The Commerce Department said construction of new homes and apartments fell 11 
percent in March. But economists noted that the drop was driven by a steep fall 
in new apartment building. The construction of new single-family homes matched 
February's level and remained above January's record low.

The consistency in home construction, even as the economy shrank, signals that 
single-family home building is now at or near a bottom, Robert Dye, senior 
economist at PNC Financial Services Group, wrote in a note to clients.

Economists cautioned that the figures largely reflect a slowing of the pace of 
economic decline compared with even worse conditions earlier this year. 
Recovery is still at least months away, they said.

What would have been bad news last September is good news today, said Diane 
Swonk, chief economist at Chicago-based Mesirow Financial.

On Wall Street, stocks rose, partly in response to the economic news. The Dow 
Jones industrial average closed up 95 points, while broader indices also rose 
more than 1 percent.

Both President Barack Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke have 
mentioned some recent signs of progress this week, while adding that the 
recession is far from over.

The Commerce Department said construction of new homes and apartments fell to a 
seasonally adjusted annual rate of 510,000 units in March. It was the second 
lowest pace on records that go back 50 years.

Applications for building permits, considered a good barometer of future 
activity, also fell in March to an annual rate of 513,000 units. But that 
suggests housing starts will remain stable at around 500,000 in April, 
economists said, albeit near record low levels.

Right now, stable looks good, Dye said.

Low housing prices and record-low mortgage rates may finally be spurring 
sustained interest in home buying. The Federal Reserve reported Wednesday that 
the number of people shopping for homes is beginning to rise, leading to a 
scattered pickup in sales.

Separately, the Labor Department said its tally of initial unemployment claims 
dropped to a seasonally adjusted 610,000 from a revised 663,000 the previous 
week. That was far below analysts' expectations of 655,000 and the lowest level 
since late January.

Initial unemployment claims reflect the pace of layoffs by companies and are 
considered a timely, if volatile, measure of the economy. While declining, they 
remain much higher than a year ago, when claims stood at 369,000.

Economists are watching the jobless claims figures for signs of recovery. 
Goldman Sachs said in a report this week that claims normally peak six to ten 
weeks before the end of recession.

The four week average of claims, which smooths out fluctuations, fell by 8,500 
to 651,000, the department said. That's still far short of the 30,000 to 40,000 
drop that Goldman Sachs said would be needed before it would conclude that 
claims have peaked.

Finding a new job is increasingly difficult for those who have been laid off. 
Typically, hiring doesn't pick up until well after an economic recovery is 
under way.

The total number of people remaining on the jobless benefit rolls rose 172,000, 
topping 6 million for the first time, the Labor Department said. That's the 
highest on records dating from 1967. The figures for continuing claims lag 
behind initial claims by one week.

An additional 2.1 million people were receiving benefits under an extended 
unemployment compensation program enacted by Congress last year, the department 
said, as of March 28, the latest data available. That provides an additional 20 
to 33 weeks, on top of the 26 weeks typically provided by the states.

The Labor Department said earlier this month that companies cut a net total of 
663,000 jobs in March, sending the unemployment rate up to 8.5 percent, the 
highest in 25 years.

The Federal Reserve expects the 

[ob] Re: news for long term investor trader

2009-04-16 Terurut Topik Vic
inventory copper memang turun. berdasarkan data dari basemetals.com, copper 
warehouse stock turun dari high 550 ribu mt ke 475 ribu mt.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Boys n Girls boysngi...@... wrote:

 News from hmin
 only for long term investor
 sorry I can not give you the chart (just in my memory..I forget the site
 1. Japan property market price index form rounding bottom (after 80% drop
 from 1990)
 2. Significant drop in copper investory
 for Trader
 - Seems stock have some difficulty with Simple Moving Average 200

[ob] China Economy to Rebound as Stimulus Spurs Investment

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik Vic
China Economy to Rebound as Stimulus Spurs Investment

By Kevin Hamlin

April 17 (Bloomberg) -- China's economy, the world's third largest, may rebound 
this quarter as Premier Wen Jiabao's 4 trillion yuan ($585 billion) stimulus 
package cushions the effects of the global recession.

Urban fixed-asset investment surged by almost a third in March and 
industrial-output growth accelerated, reports accompanying China's gross 
domestic product figures showed yesterday. First-quarter GDP grew 6.1 percent, 
the slowest pace in almost a decade, as exports slumped.

The economy has gained significant momentum since February, said Sun 
Mingchun, an economist at Nomura Holdings Inc. in Hong Kong, who predicts the 
economy will expand 8 percent this year. We still expect a V-shaped recovery.

A pickup in China will contribute strongly to growth in the rest of Asia by 
increasing demand for commodities and products from around the region, 
according to the World Bank. Wen has cautioned that while the economy is in 
better-than- expected shape, China is yet to establish a solid foundation for a 

China has bounced and I think it's very important, Barclays Plc President 
Robert Diamond said in an interview yesterday in New York. The impact that 
that can have, if we're right and we see this continuation in stronger Asian 
countries, is pretty phenomenal.

UBS AG yesterday raised its estimate for economic growth this year to as much 
as 7.5 percent from 6.5 percent previously and Royal Bank of Scotland increased 
its estimate to 7 percent from 5 percent. Merrill Lynch expects second-quarter 
growth of 7.2 percent, climbing to 8 percent for 2009.

Newman's Optimism

China got its stimulus plan started months ahead of the U.S. and it's really 
working, said Frank Newman, chairman of Shenzhen Development Bank, who served 
as a deputy secretary at the U.S. Treasury from 1994 to 1995. We see a lot of 
it in action because we are financing it.

Economists have been increasing their forecasts since February. The median 
estimate of 15 surveyed by Bloomberg News before the release of yesterday's 
data was for 7.7 percent growth this year, up from 7.2 percent in February.

Nissan Motor Co. said its sales of passenger cars in China rose 36 percent in 
March from a year earlier as stimulus measures boosted confidence and attracted 
more buyers into showrooms. Anhui Conch Cement Co., China's biggest maker of 
the building material, said this month that sales volume jumped 15 percent in 
the first quarter from a year earlier.

Wen's Target

The government has targeted 8 percent economic growth for the year, a level 
deemed necessary to create enough jobs for its growing population.

The closure of thousands of factories has cost the jobs of millions of migrant 
workers, raising the risk of social unrest as China approaches the anniversary 
of the anti-government protests and crackdown in Tiananmen Square in June 1989.

While stimulus measures have started to produce results, China faces faltering 
export demand, industrial overcapacity, unemployment and weak private 
investment sentiment, Wen said yesterday. A rebound in industrial-output growth 
lacks momentum, the premier said.

Growth may have bottomed out in the first quarter but with private sector and 
overseas demand still weak, China will not emerge from this downturn as rapidly 
as it went in, said Mark Williams, an economist with Capital Economics Ltd. in 

Profits Decline

Profits earned by industrial companies fell 37 percent in the first two months 
of the year. Those earnings contributed four times as much to investment as 
bank lending and government spending combined last year, according to Williams.

It seems wishful thinking to conclude, as many are, that China is on the cusp 
of a rapid rebound, he said.

China's expansion contrasts with recessions around the world. The Organization 
for Economic Cooperation and Development predicts 6.3 percent growth for China 
this year, compared with a 4 percent contraction in the U.S. and a 6.6 percent 
decline in Japan.

Wen's stimulus, plus a decision by the central bank to remove lending caps in 
November, helped new loans jump more than six times to 1.89 trillion yuan in 
March from a year earlier. The value of new investment projects started in the 
first quarter increased by 87 percent.

March activity reports and bank-loan data show that the economy is gaining 
speed heading into the current quarter, said Frank Gong, head of China 
research at JPMorgan Chase  Co. in Hong Kong. Fixed investment is 
accelerating as major infrastructure projects break ground.

The Shanghai Composite Index of stocks has climbed 39 percent this year.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: BUY BUMI : TP.1.200

2009-02-17 Terurut Topik Vic
jadi ke 1200 gak?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Vaulstrad vaulst...@... wrote:

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, \::Pak_AA:\:
 abdul.rahman.rahim@ wrote:
  Mba, Yang nyangkut boleh dishort di 1200 gak?
  Atau bulan depan masih naik lagi?
  2009/2/16 Jack Cowok jackcowok2@:
   BUY BUMI.(Now Rp.740)
   Target Rp.1.200,- This month.
 hehe itu dari deutch bank cuman 500 1 tahun kedepan

[obrolan-bandar] Re: BUY BUMI : TP.1.200

2009-02-19 Terurut Topik Vic
Step by step ooh baby
Gonna get to you girl

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Tommy Yu tradersej...@... wrote:

 Tahun depan kali haha
 On 2/18/09, Vic victor_speran...@... wrote:
  jadi ke 1200 gak?
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Vaulstrad vaulstrad@ wrote:
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, \::Pak_AA:\:
  abdul.rahman.rahim@ wrote:
   Mba, Yang nyangkut boleh dishort di 1200 gak?
   Atau bulan depan masih naik lagi?
   2009/2/16 Jack Cowok jackcowok2@:
BUY BUMI.(Now Rp.740)
Target Rp.1.200,- This month.
  hehe itu dari deutch bank cuman 500 1 tahun kedepan
 Sent from my 8830 CDMA - BlackBerry

[obrolan-bandar] Re: BUY BUMI : TP.1.200

2009-02-19 Terurut Topik Vic
CLSA Beli 81 Juta Saham BUMI

Jakarta - PT CLSA Indonesia, perusahaan sekuritas berkode KZ telah
memborong 81.801.000 (0,42%) saham PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI)
senilai Rp 61,569 miliar.

Pembelian masif di harga rata-rata Rp 752,68 per saham pada
perdagangan hari ini, Kamis (19/2/2009), telah mendongkrak harga BUMI
ke level Rp 800.

Nilai transaksi BUMI hari ini mencapai Rp 430,75 miliar atau sekitar
31,29% dari total nilai transaksi Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) hari ini
sebesar Rp 1,376 triliun. CLSA (KZ) menjadi perantara pembelian
terbesar dengan memborong 163.602 lot sebanyak 847 kali transaksi
senilai Rp 61,569 miliar.

Pembelian ini dilakukan tanpa diiringi aksi jual sama sekali atas
saham BUMI.

Posisi kedua diduduki oleh PT Sinarmas Sekuritas yang melakukan
pembelian sebanyak 93.697 lot dengan frekuensi transaksi sebanyak 796
kali di harga rata-rata Rp 786,27 per saham. Namun pembelian Sinarmas
diiringi dengan aksi jual sebanyak 64.409 lot dengan frekuensi 345
kali di harga rata-rata Rp 786,12 per saham.

BUMI ditransaksikan sebanyak 1.120.211 lot atau sebanyak 560.105.500
saham (2,88%) dengan frekuensi transaksi senilai Rp 430,75 milliar.

Dengan penguasaan BUMI terhadap IHSG hari ini sebesar 31,29%, kenaikan
harga BUMI sebesar Rp 60 (8,1%) ke level Rp 800, berhasil menahan
kejatuhan IHSG hingga ditutup di level 1.323,696, turun 6,914 poin
(0,51%) dari penutupan kemarin di level 1.330,610.

Titik terendah IHSG hari ini berada di level 1.313,725. Meski ditutup
turun, namun kenaikan volume dan nilai transaksi BUMI akibat pembelian
CLSA secara masif pada perdagangan Sesi II menahan laju penurunan IHSG.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Vic victor_speran...@... wrote:

 Step by step ooh baby
 Gonna get to you girl

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Tommy Yu tradersejati@ wrote:
  Tahun depan kali haha
  On 2/18/09, Vic victor_sperandeo@ wrote:
   jadi ke 1200 gak?
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Vaulstrad vaulstrad@
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, \::Pak_AA:\:
   abdul.rahman.rahim@ wrote:
Mba, Yang nyangkut boleh dishort di 1200 gak?
Atau bulan depan masih naik lagi?
2009/2/16 Jack Cowok jackcowok2@:

 BUY BUMI.(Now Rp.740)

 Target Rp.1.200,- This month.

   hehe itu dari deutch bank cuman 500 1 tahun kedepan
  Sent from my 8830 CDMA - BlackBerry

[obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI = 10 x ELTY

2009-02-22 Terurut Topik Vic
mudah2an kalau bunga turun elty = 1/5 bumi hehehe.
mau gak mau bi harus agresif turunin bi rate (jadwal 4 maret). soal
kurs rupiah, udah ada bumper berupa issue samurai bond $1,5 milyar n
bilateral swap $12 milyar.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Vic victor_speran...@... wrote:

 tp bumi: 550 (daisy ml) s.d 1000 (lupa siapa)
 tp elt: 158 (mega cap), 200 (mandiri sec), 230 (samuel sec)
 jadi potential gain (menurut riset) lebih bagusan elty. lagipula riset
 saham properti dibikin dgn asumsi bi rate akhir tahun ke 8%. padahal
 dgn inflasi yg diprediksi 5-6%, bi rate bisa ke 7%, artinya bunga kpr
 bisa ke 11-12%.
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, ruzli indeksbei3000@ wrote:
  Lets see who's got the last laugh
  Pada 12 Februari 2009 18:43, Vaulstrad vaulstrad@ menulis:
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, simon bolenang
   simon_bolenang@ wrote:
   Harga BUMI Rp 730
   Harga ELTY Rp 73,- Mana yg lebih menarik ?
   waduh yang jelasss besok merahhh heauheuaheuaheuaehau :P

[obrolan-bandar] S.Korea sees around $2.5 bln trade surplus in Feb

2009-02-22 Terurut Topik Vic
Thomson Financial News
S.Korea sees around $2.5 bln trade surplus in Feb
02.22.09, 01:12 AM EST

SEOUL, Feb 22 (Reuters) - South Korea expects the trade balance to
swing to a surplus of around $2.5 billion in February from a deficit
of $3.36 billion in January, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy said on

Exports by Asia's fourth-largest economy are expected to drop by less
than 20 percent in February from a year ago and after posting a record
33.8 percent loss in January, the ministry said in a statement,
without giving an expected growth rate for imports. 

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Saya kaya? masa sih?

2009-02-22 Terurut Topik Vic
If You Can Actually Count Your Money, then You Are Not Really a Rich
Man (J. Paul Getty).

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Boys n Girls boysngi...@...

 REMEMBER:  The first rule of wealth is Have no debt.  Wealth is
not wealth
 if you owe it to someone else.
 comment :
 tidak juga lho... debt kalau bisa ngemplang.. tentunya bisa jadi wealth
 On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 9:26 PM, Dean Earwicker
Artikel yang bagus dari milis sebelah, mengenai konsep kekayaan
   Original Message 
  I've re-worked an earlier essay of mine on wealth, taking into
account the
  last six months and my thoughts on future prospects:
  When people think of wealth, they typically get it backwards. 
They think
  of luxuries like huge mansions and expensive sports cars.  They
think of
  treasures like fine jewelry, collector cars and paintings by the Old
  Masters.  But these things are the least important aspects of wealth.
  So what is wealth?  I will list the *fourteen *categories of
wealth, along
  with some comments on each.  The list is generally in order of
  with category one being the most important, and category thirteen
the least
  important.  If you want to achieve true wealth and the freedom and
  that wealth provides, then you need to concentrate your efforts on
the lower
  numbered categories.  If you do this, the higher numbered
categories will
  eventually move into your life of their own accord.
  *REMEMBER:  The first rule of wealth is Have no debt.  Wealth is not
  wealth if you owe it to someone else.*
  *Health – *Without your health, all is for naught. You will be
unable to
  enjoy any of the other categories.  There is a reason the airlines
  parents to take care of themselves first, not their children, in an
  emergency.  The parents have to stay calm and alive if they are
going to be
  of any help to their children.
  *Relationships –* Having strong healthy relationships is critical for
  future wealth.  Be a relationship builder.  Build healthy
relationships with
  family, friends, neighbors, co-workers.  For the spiritual minded,
build a
  strong healthy relationship with your God and/or with nature.
  *Clean Water, Food  Clothing - * We are talking the basics here.
  clothing, not designer labels or the fad-of-the-day.
  *Knowledge, Skills,  Abilities –* Material possessions come and
go.  They
  can be lost, damaged, used up, stolen or taken from you.  Your
  skills and abilities are yours forever (as long as you stay
healthy).  Be a
  life long learner.
  *Land  Basic Shelter –* Not city apartments or mansions in the
  Instead this category is a small home on a plot of land.  Land is
  because it can produce food and water, wood for fuel and lumber, and
  opportunities for exercise and recreation.  Healthy soil is
important to
  grow food.
  *Tools, Equipment, Seeds  Weapons –* Items used to produce or repair
  things, or are useful for protection.
  *Cash – *Finally we come to the first category that fits what most
  think of as wealth.  This category includes money in hand and in
  and savings accounts, CDs, money market accounts, and savings
bonds.  Note:
  Not all cash is created equal.  You need to consider the stability
of the
  institution holding your cash, as well as the currency your cash
is in.
  *Hard Assets – *Physical assets that you can touch – gold  silver,
  industrial metals, land, timber, agricultural commodities.  This
  also includes tools, seeds, and equipment beyond your own needs
(for barter
  or selling at a later time).
  *Your Own Business –* Being your own boss puts you in charge of
your life,
  instead of someone else.  Industries to consider: sustainable
  sustainable forestry, renewable energy, water systems, as well as
  dealing with energy  resource efficiency.
  * The above nine categories are the most important for
building wealth.
  * The below five categories are of low importance for building
  *High Quality Mutual Funds/ETFs –* Historically, a fairly safe
  over the very long-term.  Provides professional money management,
  oversight, and broad diversification.  However, in a market crash this
  category will fall sharply.  Do not invest money you cannot afford
to lose
  in this category.
  * Blue Chip Stocks  Bonds –* Individual stocks and bonds are more
  because they lack the diversification of mutual funds, but also
offer more
  potential upside.  However, in a market crash, this category will
fall very
  sharply.  Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose in this
  *Treasure *– Gemstones, jewelry, antiques, true works of art and other
  tangible and lasting luxuries.  Since these are real items, they
will always

[obrolan-bandar] Pengembang Bersuka Cita Sambut Draft Kepemilikan Asing

2009-02-24 Terurut Topik Vic
Pengembang Bersuka Cita Sambut Draft Kepemilikan Asing

JAKARTA. Pemerintah saat ini sedang menyiapkan draft kepemilikan
properti asing selama 90 tahun sekaligus baik itu untuk landed house
maupun apartemen.

Tentu saja ini merupakan langkah maju yang dilakukan oleh Badan
Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) dan Menteri Perumahan Rakyat (Menpera) yang
saat ini sedang menggodok rancangan tersebut. Selama ini kepemilikan
asing untuk property itu dibatasi selama 70 tahun. Itu pun
diperpanjang selama tiga kali dengan skema kepemilikan 25 tahun-20
tahun dan 25 tahun, tandas Ketua REI, Teguh Satria, Selasa 24/2 di

Teguh sendiri terkejut. Pasalnya selama ini usulan dari REI dan
pengembang itu hanya minta kepemilikan asing itu 70 tahun sekaligus.
Apalagi pada saat menghadap Presiden SBY di Istana pada 17 Februari
lalu, usulan itu juga belum beranjak. Kalau sekarang menjadi 90 tahun
maka kami akan sangat berterima kasih sekali, ungkapnya.

Apabila draft itu bisa gol, maka tentu sektor properti akan semakin
melambung. Pengembang pun bisa menjual unit properti yang mereka
miliki kepada asing tanpa perlu merasa sembunyi-sembunyi. Sudah
begitu, transaksi pun bisa terjadi secara langsung. Penjualan untuk
ekspatriat akan melonjak 100 %, tandasnya.

Akibat kemudahan ini penjualan properti untuk asing bisa sekitar
10.000 unit per tahun. Kalau selama ini penjualan properti untuk asing
itu Cuma sekitar 5.000 unit per tahun. Dan ini kebanyakan untuk
properti yang berada di Bali saja.

Bukan tidak mungkin pula dengan kemudahan itu membuat harga jual
properti akan melonjak cukup tajam. Tapi harganya masih jauh lebih
murah bila dibandingkan dengan negara tetangga seperti Singapura,
Malaysia dan Thailand. Sebagai gambaran saja, harga jual satu meter
persegi apartemen di Singapura itu sekitar Rp 170 juta sampai Rp 300
juta. Sementara di Indonesia harga per meter perseginya sekitar Rp 10
juta sampai Rp 25 juta, ujarnya.


[obrolan-bandar] Bakrie Capital, PNM, dan Jaksa Berunding Masalah Repo

2009-02-24 Terurut Topik Vic
Bakrie Capital, PNM, dan Jaksa Berunding Masalah Repo

JAKARTA. Kelanjutan proses penyelesaian utang repurchase agreement
(repo) Bakrie Capital Indonesia masih remang-remang. PT PNM Investment
sebagai penerima repo itu dan Bakrie Capital bakal berunding lagi guna
menyelesaikan utang repo Bakrie Capital yang tertunggak dan yang akan
jatuh tempo.

Rencananya, perundingan itu akan berlangsung pada hari ini. Kali ini,
pertemuan ini juga akan melibatkan Jaksa Agung Muda Perdata dan Tata
Usaha Negara (Jamdatun).

PNM Investment mendapatkan bantuan tersebut karena berstatus Badan
Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Jamdatun akan membantu kami membuat
kesepakatan, terang M.Q. Gunadi, Direktur Utama PNM Investment, kemarin.

Sejauh ini, kata Gunadi, Bakrie Capital menawarkan skema baru untuk
mencicil kewajiban pokok dan bunga repo tersebut. Menurut catatan PNM
Investment, sejak Oktober 2008, Bakrie Capital tidak membayar sama
sekali pokok dan bunga repo yang telah jatuh tempo.

Hitungan total, nilai tagihan Bakrie Capital yang macet sampai dengan
kemarin telah mencapai Rp 700 miliar. Adapun total nilai repo Bakrie
Capital kepada PNM Investment mencapai Rp 1,2 triliun.

Duit sebanyak itu sejatinya adalah milik nasabah PNM Investment.
Nasabah membiakkan dananya pada Kontrak Pengelolaan Dana (KPD) atau
lazim dikenal dengan discretionary fund keluaran PNM. Dari sekitar 74
kontrak KPD yang tersangkut masalah repo Bakrie, masih tersisa sekitar
50 kontrak KPD lagi yang masih menunggu kejelasan nasibnya.

Gunadi menyatakan, ia telah berkeliling ke sejumlah daerah hingga
keluar Pulau Jawa, untuk menjelaskan masalah ini kepada nasabah. Pada
intinya, mereka masih mau menunggu penyelesaian yang akan diambil,

Proses penyelesaian repo ini memang berbuntut panjang. PNM Investment
mengaku telah mencoba semua cara, termasuk meminta penambahan jaminan
dari pihak Bakrie Capital. Namun, hasilnya nihil. Padahal, nilai
jaminan telah susut hingga tinggal bernilai 40%-50% saja.

Sekadar catatan, PNM tak hanya terbelit repo Bakrie Capital. PNM
Investment juga punya tagihan repo kepada PT Bakrie  Brothers Tbk
(BNBR). Tapi, BNBR berjanji akan melunasi repo yang masih tersisa
sekitar Rp 203 miliar hingga Mei 2009.


[obrolan-bandar] Perubahan APBN 2009, DPR Setujui Anggaran Stimulus

2009-02-24 Terurut Topik Vic
Perubahan APBN 2009, DPR Setujui Anggaran Stimulus

JAKARTA. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) menyetujui perubahan struktur
anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara (APBN) 2009. Salah satunya,
pengalokasian dana untuk stimulus fiskal senilai Rp 73, 1 triliun.

Wakil Ketua Panitia Anggaran DPR Suharso Monoarfa mengatakan,
berdasarkan hasil rapat panitia kerja (panja) dengan pemerintah tadi
malam dan pagi tadi, DPR menyetujui membengkaknya defisit APBN 2009
menjadi 2,6% atau sebesar Rp 136,9 triliun. Karena defisit disetujui,
maka tadi pagi juga disepakati anggaran untuk stimulus, ujar Suharso
disela rapat panja, Selasa (24/2).

Dengan demikian, seluruh program pembelian stimulus fiskal yang
diusulkan pemerintah bakal bisa dieksekusi dalam waktu dekat. Stimulus
yang dimaksud antara lain adalah belanja subsidi pajak sebesar Rp12,3
triliun dan subsidi non pajak Rp 4,1 triliun.

Ada pula anggaran untuk stimulus fiskal untuk peningkatan
infrastruktur padat karya sebesar Rp 8,4 triliun, di mana sebagian
besar Rp 7,8 triliun digunakan untuk belanja infrastruktur dan
tambahan dana untuk program nasional pemberdayaan masyarakat (PNPM) Rp
600 miliar.

Suharso mengatakan, DPR berharap stimulus dapat benar-benar berjalan
dengan baik dan tidak membeku menjadi sisa lebih pembiayaan anggaran

Persetujuan perubahan struktur anggaran APBN 2009 juga disertai
catatan. Yakni, DPR meminta pemerintah untuk menyusun laporan tentang
penggunaan anggaran itu dalam bentuk Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat
(LKPP) 2009. Pokoknya jangan sampai ada stimulus tidak terpakai,

DPR mengkalkulasikan, dengan adanya anggaran untuk stimulus
infratruktur tersebut, diharapkan bisa menyerap setidaknya Rp 2,4 juta
lapangan kerja.


[obrolan-bandar] Obama tells nation: 'We are not quitters'

2009-02-25 Terurut Topik Vic
Wednesday February 25, 3:18 am ET
By David Espo, AP Special Correspondent
Obama sketches ambitious agenda, beginning with jobs, tells nation:
'We are not quitters'

WASHINGTON (AP) -- To a nation reeling from recession and facing
long-festering problems, President Barack Obama has a simple reminder:
We are not quitters.

Whatever the problems, the new president promised in the first
prime-time speech of his term, We will rebuild, we will recover and
the United States of America will emerge stronger than before.

Standing before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night, Obama
optimistically sketched an agenda that began with jobs, then broadened
quickly to include a stable credit system, better schools, health care
reform, reliable domestic sources of energy and an end to the war in
Iraq. Specifics will follow, he said, although he conceded more
billions may be necessary to stabilize the banking system.

The president drew loud cheers as he made his way down the center
aisle, again when he stood, alone, at the podium to speak, and several
more times in an address delivered in a hall packed with lawmakers,
members of his administration, Supreme Court justices and diplomats.

Humorous and poignant moments took their turns on a night when
virtually the entire government gathered under one heavily secured roof.

As when Obama explained his decision to have Vice President Joe Biden
oversee implementation of his stimulus plan by saying, Nobody messes
with Joe.

Or when he urged lawmakers to pass education legislation named in part
for Massachusetts' Democratic Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, battling brain
cancer. The 77-year-old lawmaker has never stopped asking what he can
do for his country, Obama said, rephrasing an enduring line from
President John F. Kennedy's 1960 inaugural address.

Little more than one month into the president's term, the speech
followed congressional passage of an $787 billion stimulus bill,
coincided with pending proposals to stem an epidemic of mortgage
foreclosures and served as prelude to a budget Obama pledged will cut
projected deficits in half by the end of his term.

The new president submits his tax and spending plans to Congress on

With solid Democratic majorities in both houses, Obama can count on a
reliable base of support as he pushes his agenda. But his drive for
bipartisanship depends in part on his standing in the polls -- strong
so far -- and his speech was aimed at lawmakers as well as the viewing

What is required now is for this country to pull together, confront
boldly the challenges we face, and take responsibility for our future
once more, he said.

Republicans said they were ready to work with Obama and his Democratic
allies in Congress -- up to a point.

Where we agree, Republicans must be the president's strongest
partners. And where we disagree, Republicans have a responsibility to
be candid and offer better ideas for a path forward, said Louisiana
Gov. Bobby Jindal, tapped by party leaders to deliver the GOP response.

Jindal, the first Indian-American governor in history, also took the
opportunity to pledge to voters his party would try to regain their
trust after an election in which Democrats not only won, elevating the
first African-American to the White House, but strengthened their
majorities in Congress.

We will do so by standing up for the principles that we share, he said.

The president seemed to do a little political positioning of his own.

He said the recently passed stimulus legislation was designed to put
people back to work and put money in their pockets. Not because I
believe in bigger government -- I don't. And despite what his critics
claim, he said, no family with an income of less than $250,000 would
face higher taxes because of his plan.

While Obama's speech was short on specifics, his remarks hinted at
legislative battles ahead with Democrats as well as Republicans in

He said he had already identified $2 trillion in savings to be
achieved over the next decade, adding: We will end education programs
that don't work and end direct payments to large agribusinesses that
don't need them. We'll eliminate no-bid contracts that have wasted
billions in Iraq.

He also pledged to root out the waste, fraud and abuse in our
Medicare program that doesn't make our seniors any healthier, an
apparent reference to the subsidies the government pays to private
insurance companies offering an alternative to traditional Medicare
under a program long nourished by Republicans.

While Obama's speech had the trappings of a State of the Union
address, it technically wasn't.

And unlike most such speeches, which mark the beginning of legislative
action, this one came after a spurt of activity by Democrats eager to
get to work with a new president of their own party.

Already, Obama has signed stimulus legislation, as well as a bill
expanding health care for lower-income children and a separate measure
giving workers a longer window in 

[obrolan-bandar] Indonesia to Sell 5- and 10-Year Dollar Bonds Today

2009-02-26 Terurut Topik Vic
By Lester Pimentel and Lilian Karunungan

 Feb. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Indonesia plans to sell dollar- denominated
bonds due in 2014 and 2019 in international markets today, testing
demand for emerging-market debt as a deepening global recession curbs
investors' risk appetite.

The notes will be priced early today in New York, according to an
e-mail sent to investors by Barclays Plc, which along with UBS AG is
arranging the sale. The issue will be a benchmark offering, which
typically means at least $500 million, according to a person familiar
with the transaction, who declined to be identified because terms
aren't set.

Indonesia joins other emerging-market countries including Brazil,
Mexico and the Philippines that have tapped international credit
markets to fill budget shortfalls as the global recession hurts
exports. Singapore today announced its economy shrank an annualized 16
percent in the last quarter, the most in at least 33 years, as
overseas sales tumbled.

Countries are trying to tap debt markets as quickly as possible in
case the situation deteriorates further in the second half, said Paul
Biszko, a senior emerging-markets strategist with RBC Capital Markets
in Toronto. It doesn't surprise me that Indonesia is trying to issue.

Indonesia's parliament yesterday approved a 73.3 trillion rupiah ($6.1
billion) stimulus package and endorsed the 2009 budget, paving the way
for the country to sell as much as $4 billion of dollar-denominated
debt to finance a budget deficit of 139.5 trillion rupiah, or 2.5
percent of gross domestic product.

Yield Spreads

Indonesian officials met with investors starting on Feb. 2 to drum up
interest for the latest debt sale.

The extra yield investors demand to own the nation's dollar bonds
instead of U.S. Treasuries has narrowed 83 basis points, or 0.83
percentage point, to 7.58 percentage points since reaching this year's
high on Jan. 15, according to JPMorgan Chase  Co. The spread averaged
1.69 percentage points in the first half of 2007, before a global
credit crisis began.

Indonesia's 6.75 percent dollar bond due March 2014 yielded 9.27
percent yesterday, or 7.26 percentage points more than
similar-maturity U.S. Treasuries, according to data compiled by
Bloomberg. It's 6.875 percent note due January 2018, the note with the
closest maturity to the 10-year mark, yielded 10.69 percent, a premium
of 7.97 percentage points over U.S. debt.

Shrinking Premium

Southeast Asia's largest economy last raised $2.2 billion in June via
a sale of six-year, 10-year and 30-year debt. The government sold $300
million of bonds maturing in March 2014 with a 6.75 percent coupon. It
sold $900 million of notes due in January 2018, paying 6.875 percent.
The remaining $1 billion of debt maturing in January 2038 paid 7.75

Investors now demand 6.5 percentage points in additional yield to buy
emerging-market dollar-denominated bonds instead of Treasuries,
according to JPMorgan Chase  Co.'s EMBI+ index. The premium reached a
six-year high of 8.65 points on Oct. 24 as risk aversion mounted after
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. declared bankruptcy in September.

Debt from Indonesia, which raised $4.2 billion from dollar-
denominated bond sales last year, is rated BB- by Standard  Poor's
and Ba3 by Moody's Investors Service. Both ratings are three levels
below investment grade and on a par with Turkey.

Rahmat Waluyanto, director general of Indonesia's debt management
office, and Timothy Cuffe, a spokesman for Barclays Capital in Hong
Kong, declined to comment on today's sale.

Boost Spending

The government plans to boost spending to sustain Indonesia's economic
growth. Analysts forecast expansion will slow to 4.8 percent this year
from 6.1 percent in 2008, according to a Bloomberg survey.

ING Financial Bank NV forecasts dollar debt sales by developing
nations will rise as much as 68 percent this year to a four-year high
of $65 billion as a tumble in commodity exports drains foreign
reserves and drives down currencies.

Commodities, as measured by the UBS Bloomberg CMCI Index, plunged 52
percent from a July record as the global recession crimped demand for
raw materials. Crude oil in New York recently traded at $42.72 a
barrel, 71 percent less than last year's all- time high of $147.27. 

[obrolan-bandar] Source: Citi-gov't aid deal may come this week

2009-02-26 Terurut Topik Vic
Thursday February 26, 4:14 am ET
By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer
AP Source: Citigroup deal to boost goverment's stake to as much as 40
pct could come this week

NEW YORK (AP) -- Citigroup Inc.'s bid to boost its equity capital
could result in the federal government raising its stake in the
troubled bank this week to as much as 40 percent, a person familiar
with the talks said.

Citigroup already has received $45 billion in U.S. bailout money made
up primarily of debt-like preferred shares, plus federal guarantees to
cover losses on some $300 billion in risky investments. It also has
transferred control of its Smith Barney brokerage to Morgan Stanley in
return for $2.7 billion, and has prepared itself for more asset sales
by splitting in two -- effectively undoing the merger that created
Citigroup a decade ago.

But the New York-based bank has been involved in talks with regulators
over ways the government could help strengthen the bank still further.
While a deal is unlikely to be announced early Thursday, it could be
hammered out within days, the person said late Wednesday, asking not
to be named because the discussions are still ongoing.

While the exact details of the talks aren't known, they could center
on the terms of converting the government's $45 billion in preferred
shares into common equity. The preferred shares carry a high interest
rate, requiring a yearly payout of billions in coupon payments. But if
converted to common stock, Citi's annual dividend payout would be
minimal since it's been cut to just 4 cents per share.

The price of that conversion would have to be negotiated, but for
example, converting part of the preferred shares at a strike price
near to Wednesday's closing stock price of $2.52 would add billions of
new shares, taking the government's stake to 40 percent of the
enlarged equity share count. While that would dilute current
shareholders' investments, a wider equity base could calm investors
since there would be more reserves in place to guard against further
losses as the economy sours.

Citigroup's talks continue as the Obama administration prepares to
administer stress tests to 19 of the nation's largest banks to gauge
whether each institution has adequate capital to survive a severe

U.S. officials haven't specifically said which banks will be subject
to the tests, but under the government's criteria they would include
large nationwide banks such as Citigroup, Bank of America Corp.,
JPMorgan Chase  Co. and Wells Fargo  Co. The 19 largest banks hold
two-thirds of the banking industry's assets.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke on Wednesday again spurned speculation that
the government may nationalize Citigroup. But the Fed chief said it is
possible the government could end up with a much bigger ownership
stake in Citigroup or other banks.

In the case of Citigroup, Bernanke said, we'll see how their test
works out and what evolves.

Citigroup has not been the only financial institution to crumble under
the growing avalanche of loan defaults. Last year, Bear Stearns Cos.
collapsed, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. went bankrupt, and American
International Group Inc., Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac got bailed out
and taken over by the government. As an insurer of the toxic assets
plaguing the credit markets, AIG has hemorrhaged far more money than

But having been the largest U.S. financial institution and a highly
recognizable brand around the world, Citigroup has embodied for many
people what went wrong with the global banking system: It grew too big
and complicated, and veered too far away from its primary goal of
serving the public's financial needs.

Citigroup started falling apart in 2007, when sliding home prices led
to a surge in loan defaults and in turn, a plunge in the value of
bonds backed by loans. In the fourth quarter -- as Citigroup's board
shuffled out Prince and replaced him with Vikram Pandit -- the bank
posted a nearly $10 billion loss. It hasn't turned a profit since.

The company's stock price has suffered massive losses in recent
months, sending Citi's market capitalization into precipitous decline.
Opening 2008 near $30, the stock had already lost 30 percent of its
value by Oct. 1. As the market meltdown intensified, Citi shares
dropped near $3 in November then doubled their value to end 2008 at
$6.71, down 77 percent for the year.

The first two months of 2009 have seen Citi shares slide another 64
percent, giving the bank a market cap below $14 billion, a far cry
from the more than $100 billion market cap it held a year ago.

[obrolan-bandar] Berkshire has worst year, Buffett still optimistic

2009-02-28 Terurut Topik Vic
Saturday February 28, 6:07 pm ET
By Josh Funk, AP Business Writer
Buffett optimistic despite Berkshire's worst year, prospects for more
economic turmoil

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -- Warren Buffett remains optimistic about the
prospects for his company and the nation even though Berkshire
Hathaway Inc. turned in its worst performance in 2008 and the
widely-followed investor says the economy will likely remain a mess
beyond this year.

Buffett used his annual letter Saturday to reassure shareholders that
the Omaha-based insurance and investment company has the financial
strength needed to withstand the current turmoil and improve after the
worst showing of Buffett's 44 years as chairman and CEO.

Buffett wrote he's certain the economy will be in shambles throughout
2009 -- and, for that matter, probably well beyond -- but that
conclusion does not tell us whether the stock market will rise or fall.

In between the news of Berkshire's sharply lower profit and a thorough
explanation of its largely unrealized $7.5 billion investment and
derivative losses, Buffett offered a hopeful view of the nation's future.

He said America has faced bigger economic challenges in the past,
including two World Wars and the Great Depression.

Though the path has not been smooth, our economic system has worked
extraordinarily well over time, Buffett wrote. It has unleashed
human potential as no other system has, and it will continue to do so.
America's best days lie ahead.

Buffett's letter appeared to mollify the concerns of many who follow
the company, but it's not yet clear whether that will help Berkshire's
Class A stock extend its rebound from the new five-year low it set
last Monday at $73,500. On Friday, it closed up $250 at $78,600.

If anything, I feel better than I did before I read it, Morningstar
analyst Bill Bergman said. Berkshire's results could have easily been
worse, he said.

But Buffett estimates Berkshire's book value -- assets minus
liabilities -- declined 9.6 percent to $70,530 per share in 2008 --
the biggest drop since he took control of the company in 1965.
Berkshire's book value declined only one other time under Buffett, and
that was a 6.2 percent drop in 2001 when insurance losses related to
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks hurt results.

Berkshire's Class A shares remain the most expensive U.S. stock, but
they fell nearly 32 percent in 2008 and have declined 48 percent since
setting a high of $151,650 in December 2007. That high came after an
exceptionally profitable quarter that was helped by a $2 billion
investment gain.

The SP 500 fell 37 percent in 2008.

Within Berkshire, Buffett said the company's retail businesses,
including furniture and jewelry stores, and those tied to residential
construction, such as Shaw carpet and Acme Brick, were hit hard last
year. Net income for those businesses slipped 3 percent to $2.28
billion, and Buffett said they will likely continue to perform below
their potential in 2009.

But he said Berkshire's utility and insurance businesses, which
includes Geico, both delivered outstanding results in 2008 that helped
balance out the other businesses.

The Des Moines, Iowa-based utility division, MidAmerican Energy
Holdings, contributed $1.7 billion to Berkshire's net income in 2008
thanks to more than $1 billion in proceeds from MidAmerican's failed
takeover of Constellation Energy. That's up from the $1.1 billion
utility profit that Berkshire recorded in 2007.

The insurance division, which also includes reinsurance giant General
Re, contributed $1.8 billion in earnings from underwriting -- a drop
of 17 percent from 2007. Buffett praised Geico CEO Tony Nicely's
efficiency and his ability to increase Geico's market share to 7.7
percent of the auto insurance market last year.

As we view Geico's current opportunities, Tony and I feel like two
hungry mosquitoes in a nudist camp. Juicy targets are everywhere,
Buffett wrote.

Overall, Berkshire's 2008 profit of $4.99 billion, or $3,224 per Class
A share, was down 62 percent from $13.21 billion, or $8,548 per share,
in 2007.

Berkshire's fourth-quarter numbers were even worse. Buffett's company
reported net income of $117 million, or $76 per share, down 96 percent
from $2.95 billion, or $1,904 per share, a year earlier.

Buffett devoted nearly five pages of his letter to shareholders to
explaining the role derivatives played in the company's investment
losses last year.

The derivatives Berkshire offers operate similar to insurance
policies. Some of them cover whether certain stock market indexes --
the SP 500, the FTSE 100 in the United Kingdom, the Euro Stoxx 50 in
Europe and the Nikkei 225 in Japan -- will be lower 15 or 20 years in
the future. Others cover credit losses at groups of 100 companies, and
some cover credit risks of individual companies.

Buffett said he initiated all of Berkshire's 251 different derivative
contracts because he believes they were mispriced in Berkshire's favor.

Analyst Justin Fuller, who works with 

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Pengumuman

2009-03-02 Terurut Topik Vic
banyak pemerintah bikin program bail out n stimulus. mungkin big boss
n the gank bisa bikin program bail out bursa, mumpung harga di bawah
bv. jangan cuma mikir profit jangka pendek donk, think long term boss.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Jack jack_sparro...@... wrote:

 Untuk semua Mr.BD di seluruh jagad raya, jangan suka membakar 
 dikarenakan ancaman global warming. jika market dibakar, maka akan 
 terjadi global warming.

Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] China: Ekonomi diperkirakan akan pulih dalam pertengahan tahun pertama

2009-03-03 Terurut Topik Vic
ekonomi china cuma 40% tergantung sama ekspor. ekonomi kita 35%. jadi ekonomi 
domestik yg akan lebih berperan.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, dario kurniawan darioamran1...@... 

 soon 10-15 tahun lagi strongest ekonomi akan ke china, amerika  no 2, jepang 
 no 3...
 kita ketiban rejeki dari china dan india hehehe...
 crash lebih besar dari great depresi 1929 sedang kita jalani, tapi china cuma 
 merana +/- 1 tahun aja..ck ck ck salut dah..
 Dario Amran
 --- Pada Rab, 4/3/09, simon bolenang simon_bolen...@... menulis:
 Dari: simon bolenang simon_bolen...@...
 Topik: [obrolan-bandar] China: Ekonomi diperkirakan akan pulih dalam 
 pertengahan tahun pertama
 Kepada: obrolan-bandar yahoogroups obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, saham 
 yahoogroups sa...@yahoogroups.com
 Tanggal: Rabu, 4 Maret, 2009, 1:39 AM
 China: Ekonomi diperkirakan akan pulih dalam pertengahan tahun 
 Menurut wakil gubernur bank sentral Cina, Su 
 Ning, ekonomi Cina akan pulih dalam 1H2009. 
 Pemerintah kemungkinan akan 
 mendobel paket stimulus 4 triliun yuan ($585 milyar) sampai 2010. 

   Terhubung langsung dengan banyak teman di blog dan situs pribadi Anda? 
 Buat Pingbox terbaru Anda sekarang! http://id.messenger.yahoo.com/pingbox/

[obrolan-bandar] China says 8 percent growth possible in 2009

2009-03-04 Terurut Topik Vic
Thursday March 5, 12:31 am ET
By Joe Mcdonald, AP Business Writer
China says 8 percent growth possible in 2009; record budget deficit forecast 
amid stimulus

BEIJING (AP) -- China's premier said Thursday the country can achieve 8 percent 
growth this year despite a worsening global economic crisis and promised more 
efforts to boost exports and create jobs.

We face unprecedented difficulties and challenges, Premier Wen Jiabao warned 
in an nationally televised speech to China's legislature. However, he said, We 
will be able to achieve this target of 8 percent growth.

Wen promised to dramatically increase spending to counter the impact of the 
global slowdown that has thrown at least 20 million Chinese migrants out of 

But he made no mention of possible new stimulus measures on top of a 4 trillion 
yuan ($586 billion) package unveiled in November. That was likely to disappoint 
Chinese financial markets, which rose Wednesday on hopes he might announce a 
new round of spending worth up to 10 trillion yuan ($1.5 trillion).

Private sector economists are forecasting 2009 growth as low as 5.6 percent -- 
the weakest in nearly two decades -- after economic expansion plunged to a 
seven-year low of 6.8 percent in the final quarter of 2008.

Beijing's stimulus is aimed at reducing reliance on exports, which plunged by 
17.5 percent in January, by pumping money into the economy through higher 
spending on public works to boost domestic consumption. The government points 
to rising bank lending and power consumption as signs its slump might already 
be bottoming out.

Some analysts say growth could rebound as early as the quarter beginning in 
April. But others say China cannot recover until its key U.S. and European 
export markets do, which might not happen until next year.

The stimulus package is certainly a big one, but we don't think that alone is 
going to change the direction of the economy. The downward momentum is clear, 
said Fitch Ratings analyst James McCormack. He said he expected this year's 
growth to fall to 5.6 percent.

It's not a catastrophe but it's a hard landing, McCormack said. We just 
don't think the Chinese economy can recover until the global economy recovers.

Chinese manufacturing contracted in February for a fifth month, though at a 
slower rate than previously, according to surveys released this week.

Wen promised more help to restructure and modernize industry, a streamlining of 
tax collection and other steps to make the economy more efficient. He also said 
Beijing would take more steps to boost exports, a move that might strain 
relations with trading partners that are trying to keep up foreign sales of 
their own goods.

Wen said the politically sensitive exchange rate for China's currency, the 
yuan, will be kept basically stable. Exporters want the yuan devalued to make 
their goods less expensive abroad. But any move to weaken the yuan could 
aggravate strains with the United States and other governments that complain 
about China's huge trade surplus.

Government spending will rise by about 25 percent this year, pushing its 
deficit to 950 billion yuan ($138 billion), Wen said. The official Xinhua News 
Agency said that was the highest in six decades of communist rule but equal to 
less than 3 percent of gross domestic product -- well below the 12 percent 
forecast for the United States.

Despite the increased spending, the total is small compared with China's 26 
trillion yuan-a-year ($3.5 trillion-a-year) economy.

Beijing faces a challenge in maintaining consumer and investor confidence later 
this year once the boost from its first round of stimulus fades, said Citigroup 
economist Ken Peng.

We could be in a `W' situation where there is a double dip, perhaps early next 
year, or if things continue to get bad, maybe late this year, Peng said. When 
it comes to next year, you have less to spend and you'll be working with more 
difficult comparisons. At that time there will be more difficulty to lift 
market sentiment.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: BI Rate - Suku bunga acuan untuk apa ?

2009-03-05 Terurut Topik Vic
minggu depan bank2 bumn akan turunkan bunga deposito lagi. bunga kredit akan 
dipaksa turun, krn ada tekanan dari bi n meneg bumn.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, indeksbei3...@... wrote:

 Dear HMIN
 Bisakah membandingkan Chart BI Rate dengan Chart Inflasi ?Karena itu 
 sebenarnya Tujuan utama BI Rate.
 MTN dan Bond dikeluarkan Pemerintah, Bukan BI.
 Bandingkan Global Bond dengan Bond yg dikeluarkan dengan Bond Negara lain 
 terutama US Bond.
 Bank Swasta sedang kesulitan Likuiditas sehingga Suku bunga simpanan Bank 
 Swasta masih tinggi. Masyarakat lebih memilih Bank Pemerintah. Bank masih 
 selektif dalam memberikan Pinjaman PUAB.Cost Of Fund masih tinggi (kalau di 
 PT Manufactur, COF=COGS)
 HMIN belum uraikan Bunga Pinjaman/Bunga Kredit, apakah sdh turun/ belum?
 Pasti ada Lag antara penurunan BI Rate dan Suku Bunga Bank.Tunggu 1-2 bulan 
 BI Rate tdk ditujukan untuk IHSG.
 Paling-paling pengaruh Sentimen saja.
 Satu lagi, Mungkin HMIN bisa uraikan Chart BI Rate dengan Chart Loan to 
 Deposit Ratio dan Trend Loan kepada Masyarakat.
 Senang ada orang teknik yg mau analisa BI Rate.
 Note: Disclaimer 
 Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung 
 -Original Message-
 From: Boys n Girls boysngi...@...
 Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 07:16:42 
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] BI Rate - Suku bunga acuan untuk apa ?
 Penurunan BI rate sejak januari hingga maret 2009 praktis tidak direspon
 pelaku pasar keuangan. Pelaku pasar lebih berpikiran resiko IDR daripada
 merespon penurunan suku bunga Acuan.
 Fakta-fakta membingungkan dibalik penurunan BI-rate
 - MTN RI dalam bentuk USD dihargai dengan yield 11-11.75% (di atas BI rate)
 - Yield 10 year bond RI sejak januari naik dari 12% menjadi 14.5% di bulan
 maret (padahal BI rate turun di atas 1%)
 - Suku bunga deposito 1 bulan bank swasta praktis tidak bergerak (BDMN masih
 12%, BNGA 12%, Maspion 11.5%). Sedangkan bank pemerintah seperti BMRI
 rata-rata turun 1% dari tertinggi sekitar 12.5% menjadi 11-11.5%
 - IHSG malah terkoresi dari 1472 menjadi 1288
 hmin bukan seorang ekonom.. dan tidak pernah sekolah ekonomi. Hmin cuman
 lulusan teknik komputer yang menyukai matematika. Dasar logika hmin
 mengatakan.. BI-rate tidak lebih dari kesanggupan pemerintah menjamin
 simpanan Rupiah anda. Bagaimana bisa dikatakan suku bunga acuan.. kalau yang
 mengeluarkan acuan ( BI ) malah melanggar dengan mengeluarkan product dengan
 bunga jauh di atas acuan (gov bond)
 Bahkan pemerintah sendiri terkesan bingung dalam mengatur suku bunga. Baru
 saja buy back SUN (dengan alasan mengatrol harga).. langsung mengeluarkan
 SUN lagi. Kalau mau diteliti.. SUN yang di buy back pemerintah adalah SUN
 yang jatuh tempo kurang dari 12 bulan. Sedangkan SUN yang dikeluarkan
 berdurasi di atas 5 tahun. Bolehkan saya mengatakan.. seandainya RI adalah
 swasta.. maka yang dilakukan hanyalah memperpanjang hutang sendiri
 (rescheduling) ??
  Mungkin ada sesama member OB yang bisa memberikan penjelasan lebih rinci
 soal BI-rate ?
 Terus terang saya bingung dengan kenyataan di atas  maklum tidak pernah
 sekolah ekonomi

[obrolan-bandar] Re: there is something about accounting : CNBC = Stocks Could Skyrocket After March 12th

2009-03-09 Terurut Topik Vic
masuk akal sih. gara2 mtm maka write down bisa 80-90% dari bv, padahal 
maksudnya held-to-maturity.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, kusumo k kusu...@... wrote:

 Bean counter on the move ??? Is it possible ? or just another cnbc's hip hip

[obrolan-bandar] Re: What is The Most Undervalued JCI Stock?

2009-03-09 Terurut Topik Vic
properti rata2  nav bahkan bv.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, kusumo k kusu...@... wrote:

 Mbah, switch ke financial kalee ya belanjanya.
 2009/3/8 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
Pak DE,
  Bentuk grafik harga coal mulai menghawatirkan
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
  Dean Earwicker dean.earwicker@ wrote:
   Kalau JCI, sudah pasti BUMI lah (sekali lagi dengan syarat KPC masih ada)
   Kalau US, coba buka:
   Google Stock Screener
   Yahoo Stock Screener http://screen.yahoo.com/stocks.html
   2009/3/8 ::Pak_AA:: abdul.rahman.rahim@

[obrolan-bandar] Re: DJ future +91 jam 15:39

2009-03-10 Terurut Topik Vic
Oil rises to near $48 as OPEC signals another supply cut likely at Sunday's 


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 DJ future +91 jam 15:39

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Dow ends up nearly 380 on Citigroup profit news - Stocks rally after Citi says operating at profit, Bernanke calls for bank reform...

2009-03-10 Terurut Topik Vic
gile, up 5,80%. bisa gak ihsg ngikut hehe.
n225 + 3,7%, aord +2%
bbca n bmri bisa jadi lokomotif??
atau malah bumi??

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Aria Bela Nusa ariab...@... wrote:

 ttp%3A/biz.yahoo.com/top.html Top Stories
 ap/090310/wall_street.html Dow ends up nearly 380 on Citigroup profit news-
 Wall Street has had its best day of the year, storming higher after some
 good news from Citigroup. Citigroup Inc. says it operated at a profit during
 the first two months of the year.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI

2009-03-10 Terurut Topik Vic
semesta mendukung = regional ijo?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Kabu Nusi megasho...@... wrote:

 Biasanya BUMI 'bisa' rally kalau metaskung   
 --- On Wed, 3/11/09, h...@... h...@... wrote:
 From: h...@... h...@...
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] BUMI
 To: milis-a...@yahoogroups.com, metastock...@yahoogroups.com, 
 amibroker...@yahoogroups.com, obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, 
 sa...@yahoogroups.com, my_...@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 1:33 AM
 Hallo Pak Prima
 maaf baru balas. soalnya kemarin jadwal rapat penuh.
 yg sy kirim saham BOC / BOA yang list di NYSE
 terkati bumi berikut sy kirimkan saham BUMI
 BUMI masih dalam priode konsolidasi. terlihat pola ascending triangle.
 masih menunggu breakout.
 resistance 800 - 810
 support 760 - 700
 tgl 3 maret saham ini menerima signal rally dari sistem swing 2
 Tulisan di atas bukanlah suatu rekomendasi beli atau jual, melainkan suatu
 petunjuk untuk menginterpretasikan sebuah pola atau indikator tertentu.
 Informasi di atas seharusnya digunakan hanya oleh investor yang memahami
 resiko dalam trading saham, komoditi mau pun forex. Kami tidak
 bertanggung jawab atas kerugian apa pun yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan
 tulisan di atas.
 Boleh sy tahu Pak Hans,maksudnya gmn?tlalu murah atau tlalu mahal?soal BUMI?
 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
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 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
 + +Yahoo! Groups Links

[obrolan-bandar] SBY Urges Banks to Cut Loan Rates

2009-03-10 Terurut Topik Vic
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked Indonesian banks to cut borrowing 
costs immediately to help sustain growth, as the central bank said it had 
held talks with financial-service companies to encourage cheaper loans.

I know that banks need to improve their businesses, but I ask banks to also 
see other sectors, such as the manufacturing sector, because that too is 
important for our nation's economic progress, Yudhoyono said on Tuesday. 

Yudhoyono, who will seek re-election this year, is counting on local demand to 
sustain growth at 4.5 percent in Southeast Asia's biggest economy in 2009, 
after 6.1 percent growth last year. 

Bank Indonesia, the central bank, has encouraged lenders to cut borrowing costs 
in a prudent manner, said BI Senior Deputy Governor Miranda Goeltom.

Banks are playing it safe. They have been refraining from lending and that is 
stalling the economy, said Syafrien Anwar, head of research at PT Lautandhana 
Securindo. BI may need to provide other incentives.

BI has cut the policy rate to 7.75 percent, lowering it for four straight 
months to support growth. The base lending rate, an indicator for banks to set 
their lending rates, fell to 16.19 percent on Tuesday, from 16.62 percent on 
Dec. 31, according to BI data.

Lending is about confidence, Goeltom said. We are actively talking to 
bankers now and giving inputs needed by the bankers. Banks should start 

BI has room to cut its policy rate further as inflation eases, Goeltom said. 
Still, the lower rates may not encourage banks to boost lending, economists 
have said.

Monetary policy is now a relatively less effective signaling tool as market 
rates and policy rates stay diverged, Morgan Stanley economists Chetan Ahya, 
Deyi Tan and Shweta Singh said in a client note on Monday. 

The central bank's intervention to curtail currency vulnerability could 
aggravate liquidity conditions.

BI in February forecast credit expansion of 15.6 percent this year, about half 
the pace of lending growth in 2008. 



[obrolan-bandar] Re: Wave 5 is running

2009-03-11 Terurut Topik Vic
Dana Rp 30 Triliun Beredar Sepanjang Pemilu

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, cipto_jh cipto...@... wrote:

 Maaf sebelumnya mbah..
 Sektor perbankan ke depannya memang didukung oleh trend penurunan suku bunga, 
 namun di sisi yg lain menghadapi juga ancaman penurunan kualitas aktiva 
 produktif-nya (kenaikan NPL) seiring dengan perlambatan roda perekonomian 
 saat ini yg berdampak pada sektor riil.
 Seperti berita yg dirilis ini:
 Apakah saat ini (kenaikan sektor perbankan) hy moment sesaat saja?
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ 
  Wave 5 is running
  - Wave 5 is RUNNING
  - Wave 5 is an Uptrend Wave
similar to Wave 3 with impulse
and corection internal wave pattern
  - Wave 5 is dominated by Banking
sector movement.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: New poll for obrolan-bandar

2009-03-12 Terurut Topik Vic
faktor presiden menentukan. dan di tengah ketidakpastian (ekonomi), 
kecenderungan pilih yg pasti2 aja.
it's the economy, stupid! (courtesy bill clinton)

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, \::Pak_AA:\: 
abdul.rahman.ra...@... wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 9:24 AM,  obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com wrote:
  Enter your vote today!  A new poll has been created for the
  obrolan-bandar group:
  Partai mana yang anda pilih nanti ketika PEMILU?
   o PDIP
   o Golkar
   o Demokrat
   o PKS
   o PPP
   o PDS
   o PKB
   o PAN
   o Gerindra
   o Hanura

[obrolan-bandar] Re: TINS

2009-03-12 Terurut Topik Vic
riset sekuritas rata2 tp di 750-900. lagi ngumpulin barang kali.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Tasrul Tanar tasru...@... wrote:

 Sedikit tambahan dengan simulasi saya pakai W%R terlihat support kuat saat 
 ini antara 1,010-1,020 sama halnya kalau saya patok risk sekitar 25 % s/d 30 
 % dari range antara 988.101 s/d 1,111.99. Big Picture cukup bagus, sayang 
 belum ada trigger yang terbaca dari volume yang masih relatif kecil.
 From: JsxTrader jsxtra...@...
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Cc: my_...@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 9:14:44 PM
 Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] TINS
 Sesuai Janji, berikut chartnya Tins…, 
 Harga pas di support level tuh.., 1030 cukup solid…, resikonya
 ke 910.., tapi saya perkirakan kalau digebuk, bakal mental di 980…, 
 lumayan…, good level to entry, masalahnya apakah langsung jalan apa masih 
 mau diem
 kita ngga tau…., takutnya kelamaan nyimpen…,  so far belum ada pergerakan 
 significant…, mungkin tunggu sentiment bagus dulu baru bisa gerak.
 For more info, coba Kontak JH…, die specialist TINS tuh..,  Good
 Luck !!
 From:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 [mailto:obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou ps.com] On Behalf Of Alexander Halim
 Sent: 12 Maret 2009 16:43
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] TINS
 Pak JT, review utk TINS gmn yah,,thx

[obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI roadshow

2009-03-12 Terurut Topik Vic
roadshow buat apaan sih? private placement?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Henry orga...@... wrote:

 BUMI sedang roadshow tgl 1213 maret ini di singapore. Kira2 ada yg tahu 
 minat investor bagaimana di hari pertama..?

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Fact or Fiction?

2009-03-14 Terurut Topik Vic
wib lah. di ob sini kan lokalan semua, cuma belagak inggris aja.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Cumi Cabe Ijo cumie...@... wrote:

 Monday Indonesia time or NY time?
 WARNING: Cumi-cumi mengandung 1,170mg kolesterol per 10 gr, sedangkan daging
 ayam tanpa kulit hanya 50mg saja.
 On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 1:33 PM, Ratu Sima ratus...@... wrote:
   Good afternoon Indonesia  good evening NY time...
  I'm pre-informing U that this Monday I'm goin' to post a bit important
  And it's goin' to be different. It's simply based on facts in the field.
  Please stay tune...
  From NY
  C updates Ratu Sima ... @facebook.com

[obrolan-bandar] Re: TATA JUAL KPC-ARUTMIN KE BUMI ?

2009-03-15 Terurut Topik Vic
$ 1,2 milyar.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, D Hendarman freaker2...@... wrote:

 Tata gak pernah beli BUMI, mereka thn 2007 beli 25% saham KPC dari BUMI.  
 Berapa nilai transaksinya bisa check dari LK BUMI 2007, download dari website 
 -Original Message-
 From: Prima Soerjono prima_soerj...@...
 Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 10:22:35 
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Cc: _b...@...
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] TATA JUAL KPC-ARUTMIN KE BUMI ?
 Masih ingat tidak..dulu Tata beli BUMI di hrg berapa ya?
 --- On Fri, 3/13/09, Bumi T t_b...@... wrote:
 From: Bumi T t_b...@...
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] TATA JUAL KPC-ARUTMIN KE BUMI ?
 To: obrolan bandar obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, March 13, 2009, 11:41 PM
 Edisi 14-Maret-2009, halaman 4-5
 http://kontan. realviewusa. com/
 Berbagi video sambil chatting dengan teman di Messenger.
 Sekarang bisa dengan Yahoo! Messenger baru.

[obrolan-bandar] Bernanke: recession could end in '09

2009-03-15 Terurut Topik Vic
Sunday March 15, 9:07 pm ET
By Jeannine Aversa, AP Economics Writer
Bernanke: recession 'probably' will end this year if government stabilizes 
banking system

WASHINGTON (AP) -- America's recession probably will end this year if the 
government succeeds in bolstering the banking system, Federal Reserve Chairman 
Ben Bernanke said Sunday in a rare television interview.

In carefully hedged remarks in a taped interview with CBS' 60 Minutes, 
Bernanke seemed to express a bit more optimism that this could be done.

Still, Bernanke stressed -- as he did to Congress last month -- that the 
prospects for the recession ending this year and a recovery taking root next 
year hinge on a difficult task: getting banks to lend more freely again and 
getting the financial markets to work more normally.

We've seen some progress in the financial markets, absolutely, Bernanke said. 
But until we get that stabilized and working normally, we're not going to see 

But we do have a plan. We're working on it. And, I do think that we will get 
it stabilized, and we'll see the recession coming to an end probably this year.

Even if the recession, which began in December 2007, ends this year, the 
unemployment rate will keep climbing past the current quarter-century high of 
8.1 percent, Bernanke said.

A growing number of economists think the jobless rate will hit 10 percent by 
the end of this year.

Asked about the biggest potential dangers now, Bernanke suggested a lack of 
political will to solve the financial crisis.

He said, though, that the United States has averted the risk of plunging into a 

I think we've gotten past that, he said.

It's rare for a sitting Fed chief to grant an interview, whether for broadcast 
or print. Bernanke said he chose to do so because it's an extraordinary time 
for the country, and it gave him a chance to speak directly to the American 
public. (A transcript of the interview was provided in advance of the 

Bernanke spoke at a time of rising public anger over financial bailouts using 
taxpayer money. Battling the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, the 
government has put hundreds of billions of those dollars at risk to prop up 
troubled institutions and stabilize the banking system.

Institutions that have been thrown lifelines include American International 
Group Inc., Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp., mortgage giants Fannie Mae 
and Freddie Mac and others.

Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill have questioned the effectiveness of 
the rescue efforts and have demanded more information about how taxpayers' 
money is being used.

Bernanke's TV interview seemed to be part of a government public relations 
offensive. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner appeared on PBS' The Charlie 
Rose Show last week, discussing the financial crisis and the Obama's 
administration's relief efforts.

The Fed chief on Sunday's broadcast repeated his ire over the AIG bailout, 
saying that over the past 18 months, that was the case that angered him the 
most. He says he slammed the phone more than a few times on discussing AIG.

The government's four efforts to save the troubled insurance giant total more 
than $170 billion. A collapse of AIG would have wreaked havoc on the global 
economy, the Fed has said.

AIG ignited fresh outrage over the weekend with news that it's making $165 
million in bonus payments to executives on Sunday, most of them in the unit 
that sold risky financial contracts that caused huge losses for AIG.

When the financial crisis intensified last fall, Bernanke and President George 
W. Bush's Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson rushed to Capitol Hill for help. 
That led to the swift enactment of a $700 billion bailout package in October. 
Since then, banks have received billions in capital injections in return for 
government ownership stakes in them.

Looking back, Bernanke said the world came close to a financial meltdown. Asked 
how close, Bernanke responded: It was very close.

Bernanke admitted that the Fed could have done a better job of overseeing 
banks. Critics say lax regulatory oversight contributed to the crisis.

Bernanke said he believes all the big banks the Fed regulates are solvent. Big 
banks won't fail under his watch, Bernanke said -- though, if necessary, the 
government should try to wind it down in a safe way.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: MISTERI LEMBU SEKILAN

2009-03-15 Terurut Topik Vic
c7. kalau memang rally berarti periodenya lebih panjang dari sekedar technical 
rebound. artinya butuh lebih dari sekedar ta. harus ada ca. dan bumi adalah 
jawaranya ca.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Tjen Hartono thartono_...@... wrote:

 Satu lagi MBAH,
 BUMI akan naik mengiringi ASTRA selama BEAR RALLY ini. 
 --- On Sun, 3/15/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... wrote:
 From: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: MISTERI LEMBU SEKILAN
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, March 15, 2009, 9:19 PM
 Prof Jsx mengartikan tulisan yg BERBOBOT ini menjadi ajakan Swing
 Trading. Kusumo dan Erick juga menyimpulkannya kurang lebih
 trading tek tok.
 Pak Rei mengambil kesimpulan anda rekomend group Astra.
 Is this what are you trying to communicate to us, Aimee ?
 Any other conclusion from other member ?.
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, kusumo k kusumok@ wrote:
   Laskar Cakrabirawa 30% (Selatan) bertahan : 70% (Utara)
 dukung bear
  jadi ngajak jagain indeks, nebeng rally ampe ntar dia takut sendiri, terus
  balik lagi jadi kabur...kluarin cerita nakutin lagi...
  yah bener tektok doang dong...
  On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 11:09 AM, jsx_consultant 
  jsx-consultant@ wrote:
 Ibu Tani,
   Conclusion ?, Executive Summary ? atau Trader and Investor Summary ?
   Ini ibu Tani lagi jagoin agri (CPO) ?
   Embah pengen tahu:
   - Apakah member OB bisa mengambil kesimpulan dari analisa
   seperti ini ?.
   - Jika bisa, apakah kesimpulan tulisan yg didapatkan itu
   SAMA, BERBEDA atau malah MELENCENG dari yg dimaksudkan si Aimee ?.
   Coba masing masing bikin Summary tulisan Si Aimee tentang Market
   BEI lalu kita bandingkan apakah APA YG DIMAKSUDKAN/DIKOMUNIKASIKAN
   oleh Aimeee mencapai SASARAN ke pembacanya atau malah DIARTIKAN
   LAIN LAIN oleh pembacanya...
   Nanti Aimee menilai Summary mana yg cocok dengan yg dia maksud
   dalam tulisannya ...
   Ini sebenarnya TOPIC OOT tentang PUBLIC RELATION/Written
   sebaiknya sih Aimee langsung aja bikin SUMMARY yg
   JELAS... hehehe...
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
   Ratu Sima RATUSIMA@ wrote:
LEMBU SEKILAN, jurus sakti Bandar di balik kenaikan index ke
Namun Lembu belum berkenan membajak dan menyuburkan sawah.
Ini karena iklim dan cuaca belum mendukung.
Ibu Tani memandang tanah yang masih tandus dan gersang.
Dia menyibak sebongkah tanah dan meneliti komposisinya:
* GDP US masih kontraksi.
* GDP dan ekspor Jepang anjlok.
* Kasus Subprime di Eropa Timur dan Barat makin dominan.
* Para Bandar Tani menggunakan Option Expiry Limit sbg ajang
* Para Bandar Minyak belum mencapai konsensus serangan jurus
* Potensi bobot lapkeu Q1 yang masih merah.
Ibu Tani termenung, Belum saatnya ajian LEMBU SEKILAN
dikerahkan. Dalam dunia parbandaran pertanian dia memahami
adalah `short bear rally' yang memanfaatkan momentum pasar
sudah sangat oversold dan mengejar batas option expiry.
 Short bear
rally ini wajar dan bak setetes embun di pagi hari.
Ibu Tani tentu cermat dalam perhitungan. Dengan peta
 sekarang ini,
DJI berpotensi menembus 7780 (FR 50% + 50 MA), kalo mestakung
tidaklah mustahil. Tentu berjangka menengah. Sektor finansial
perlu didukung sektor lain. Di petak BEI, tanaman BBRI dan
tidaklah cukup, perlu dibantu yang lain. Harga gas yang masih
mungkin mensiratkan bahwa energi masih labil. Trio Macan? ANTM?
(Bukankah Para Jedi belum menggeber Jurus Oil Contango) Lantas
Astra grup! Iya!. Si anak malang anak tersayang BUMI maju
Ibu Tani duduk dan berpikir, Pun jika target 8100
 tertembus, LEMBU
SEKILAN sebenarnya belum dikerahkan. Short bear rally ini
dibutuhkan untuk menggerakkan pasar modal. Tentunya disiplin
stop sangat mutlak biar aku dapat memetik bunganya.
 Akankah short
bear rally melebihi periode bear rally Nov †Dec? Yang jelas
bear rally tersembunyi lower low yang lebih dalam lagi. Hmm…
memang masih bearish. Pemenangnya bukanlah bear atau bull; tapi
lihai berselancar mengikuti hempasan ombak, petir dan badai…..
Laskar Cakrabirawa 30% (Selatan) bertahan : 70% (Utara) dukung
Ibu Tani
C updates Ratu Sima @facebook.com

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 Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus 
 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
 + +Yahoo! Groups Links

[obrolan-bandar] Re: FW: MacQ Research - BUMI Resources

2009-03-17 Terurut Topik Vic
fair value 2350 tapi tp 500 (cuma) gara2 corporate governance. oh, ini sih 
tergantung mood ab aja. kalau lagi pingin jadi orang terkaya di indo lagi nanti 
juga price  fv.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Sanjaya mysanjaya...@... wrote:

 Red or black?
 ?? We reiterate our Underperform recommendation on Bumi and our target price
 of Rp500. However, we are cutting our fair value to Rp2,350 from Rp2,450 on
 the back of our global coal price forecast cuts.
 ?? Trimming short-term forecast. Our global commodities team has fine tuned
 its forecast for the 2009/10 annual contract settlement to US$ 70 and US$65
 from US$75 and US$70, respectively. The 2009 revision is to reflect the
 recent Japanese settlement. In 2010 the downside risk is around the expected
 spot price weakness, combined with the depreciation of the rouble, which has
 shifted down the top end of the cost curve from US$70â€75/t to US$60â€65/t.
 ?? A world-class asset ex-BHP/Rio. This is evidenced by its strong production
 track record, low transportation distance leading to low production cost, huge
 and reasonable reserves and resources quality. Hence, we continue to
 believe that the company is well positioned to increase its production to 60mt
 in 2009 and 100mt longer term.
 ?? High pricing risk in 2009. As of currently, the company has only priced in 
 30% of its 2009 production (as part of the last year legacy contracts). This 
 likely lead to significant earnings risk given the potential for coal price 
 ?? Corporate governance concerns. We continue to express our concern over
 the controlling shareholders not acting in the best interest of the company or
 minorities, especially given the three recent acquisitions, which we believe
 were overpriced. We highlight the risks if expensive acquisition sprees
 continue, which may lead to a deterioration of future FCF.
 ?? Face-value valuation appears attractive. On face value, excluding the
 corporate governance concerns, the shares are trading at a 3.3x PER, 2.7x
 EV/EBITDA and 9% dividend yield on our 2009 forecasts. However, should
 the corporate governance issues remain an overhang, we highlight the risk
 that the company could re-rate downward to a 2x multiple.
 Earnings revision
 ?? We have downgraded our 2009/10 earnings forecast by 6% and 18%,
 respectively, to reflect our lower coal price assumptions.
 Price catalyst
 ?? 12-month price target: Rp500.00 based on a DCF methodology.
 ?? Catalyst: Increasing production, coal price recovery and cancellation of
 related party transactions.
 Action and recommendation
 ?? We reiterate our Underperform recommendation on the stock with a Rp500
 target price due to corporate governance issues.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Dow +2.48%

2009-03-17 Terurut Topik Vic
A surprise government report that home construction picked up in February 
caught traders off guard and injected a week-old stock market rally with new 
energy Tuesday.

Stocks of homebuilders and banks jumped as bullish investors saw yet another 
sign that the deeply troubled economy was beginning to show signs of 


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, adjies2000 ad2...@... wrote:

 Komentar amatir yang pasti salah ;
 - di pasar yang nerves, berita kenaikan construction bisa membawa Dow naik 
 +2.48%=ini cuma euphoria atau suntikan penguat jantung bagi pasien 
 yang menjelang EOreal economy berkata lain---Alcao
 PS. VSA amatir : volume menurun---tanda2 sebagian SM tidak ikut, theori 
 T. william--harga naik dibarengi volume menurun..hehehe...coba tebak 
 manggis---Ini bukan bullish volume (Volume meningkat dibarengi volume 
 meningkat atau volume menurun dibarengi dengan harga menurun-ibarat 
 pedal mobil, saat kita naik bukit dan turun dari tanjakan)
 disclaimer : pasti salah, maka jangan tanya
 +178.73 (2.48%)
 Mar 17 - Close
   Open:   7,218.00
   Mkt Cap:
 - P/E:-   
   Dividend:   -
   High:   7,396.81
   52Wk High:  13,191.49 
   F P/E:  - 
   Yield:  -
   52Wk Low:   6,469.95
   Beta:   -   
 Shares:   -
   EPS:-   Inst. Own:  -

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ELTY-- layak dikoleksi buat investasi

2009-03-17 Terurut Topik Vic
rata2 saham property masih deep undervalued,  nav bahkan  bv.
cuma elty kebanyakan saham publik ya, 62%. yg pegang publik kira2 siapa ya yg 
besar? apa ada hedge fund?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, nyari duit nyariduit...@... wrote:

 Benar Pak..
 Saya rajin koleksi nih..( dari harga 56 sampai 78 )
 Ntar aja jual 3-5 tahun lagi..
 Hitung-hitung beli apartment.. :D..
 2009/3/17 Tasrul tas...@...
 Makanya ditekan dulu ya biar bisa dapat banyak hehehehe
  *From:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
  obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com] *On Behalf Of *nyari duit
  *Sent:* Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2:42 PM
  *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] ELTY-- layak dikoleksi buat investasi
  ELTY layak dikoleksi untuk investasi.. banyak proyek, apalagi masuk ke
  infrastruktur juga.. Terlampir ada materi public expose.
  Mumpung murah..

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ELTY-- layak dikoleksi buat investasi

2009-03-17 Terurut Topik Vic
dari pt nasional 27%, yg 7% punya bakrie capital. sisanya group bakrie yg 
dari pt asing 40%, yg 30% punya avenue capital. sisanya hedge fund?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, nyari duit nyariduit...@... wrote:

 Reksadana punya 12.21 %
 PT nasional punya 27.71 %
 PT asing punya 40.07 %
 Selengkapnya ada di lampiran..
 Punya rencana buy back maksimal 20 %..
 BV 216
 P/E 9 x
 Pendapatan tahun 2008 diperkirakan lebih dari 1T.
 Tapi sayang volume kecil ya, masa kalah sama LPKR..
 LPKR bandar apa yang ngumpulin ya..?
 Ndak bisa monitor nih.. di kantor ndak bisa lihat running trade, he he..
 Tapi yang jelas 78 dicoba ELTY tuh hari ini..
 2009/3/18 Vic victor_speran...@...
rata2 saham property masih deep undervalued,  nav bahkan  bv.
  cuma elty kebanyakan saham publik ya, 62%. yg pegang publik kira2 siapa ya
  yg besar? apa ada hedge fund?
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
  nyari duit nyariduit153@ wrote:
   Benar Pak..
   Saya rajin koleksi nih..( dari harga 56 sampai 78 )
   Ntar aja jual 3-5 tahun lagi..
   Hitung-hitung beli apartment.. :D..
   2009/3/17 Tasrul Tasrul@
Makanya ditekan dulu ya biar bisa dapat banyak hehehehe
obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com] *On
  Behalf Of *nyari duit
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2:42 PM
*To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.comobrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
*Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] ELTY-- layak dikoleksi buat investasi
ELTY layak dikoleksi untuk investasi.. banyak proyek, apalagi masuk ke
infrastruktur juga.. Terlampir ada materi public expose.
Mumpung murah..

Jawaban BUMI Re: [obrolan-bandar] BUMI: Technical Analysis Challenge

2009-01-15 Terurut Topik Vic
gara2 beli 3 coal company dgn harga super premium, bumi turun dari 940
ke 470. masih ada rencana beli lagi 2 coal company, dgn harga mahal
juga kayaknya.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Dean Earwicker
dean.earwic...@... wrote:

 Supportnya ada di hari rabu di 470. Kemarin dan hari ini, overshoot.
 ada orang yang mau beli 900miliar dari orang yang panik. 900M itu duit
 retail? ngga percaya.. paling juga bos Oen.. hehe..
 Pada 16 Januari 2009 00:18, jsx_consultant
  Anda benar, TA sebagai ilmu seharusnya:
  - Objective tidak Subjective.
  - Hasilnya harus sama dijika dianalisa oleh orang yg berbeda
   pada tempat dan waktu berbeda.
  Belum lagi komplikasi yg diakibatkan oleh Harga ada variabel yg non
  linear sehingga model model yg ada adalah sebuah penyederhanaan.
  Disamping itu prediksi harga bersifat probabilistik sehingga
  jika besok besok ternyata si A yg menebak SUPPORT BUMI benar,
  maka tidak otomatis metode yg digunakan si A adalah yg benar.
  Kalo bingung embah kasih analogi:
  - Anak kecil menebak besok hujan sedangkan seorang prof meteorologi
   dengan alat yg canggih memprediksikan besok tidak hujan.
  - Jika tebakan sianak benar, ini tidak membuktikan bahwa metoda
   peramalana si anak itu benar, cuman kebetulan saja.
  - Tapi jika dalam seratus prediksi, si anak bisa memprediksi
   cuaca dengan 95% benar, maka secara ilmiah bisa dikatakan
   anak tsb mempunyai metoda peramalan cuaca SECARA ILMIAH.
  Apa yg dikatakan pak Tasrul bahwa sisi seni merupakah kelemahan
  TA adalah benar.
  TA yg sudah baku dan ilmiahpun bisa menjadi kehilangan keilmiahan
  nya karena penggunanya tidak ahli atau tidak punya sertifikasi.
  Susahnya TA saat ini merupakah ilmu yg dipakai banyak orang awam
  sehingga mutunya bisa berkurang karena penggunaan yg ASAL ASALAN.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Tasrul Tanar tasrul70@
   Tapi saya kurang sependapat jika TA adalah  technical art Mbah,
  knapa ? justru itu titik lemah dari TA itu sendiri ...
   From: jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:42:56 PM
   Subject: Jawaban BUMI Re: [obrolan-bandar] BUMI: Technical Analysis
   Jawaban yg sudah masuk:
   290 Vincent Chase
   315 ihsg88
   410 Yudizz
   360 Marcello Djunaidy
   383 Nova Putra
   260 Jko
   350 Don Qicot
   300 Tasrul
   Angka support BUMI terendah = 260
   Angka support BUMI tertinggi = 410
   Rata rata support BUMI = 333
   Median = 335
   Jumlah data = 8
   Menarik juga melihat VARIASI tarikan2 tarikan garis untuk
   memprediksi support BUMI.
   TA memang sebuah Technical Art...
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links

Jawaban BUMI Re: [obrolan-bandar] BUMI: Technical Analysis Challenge

2009-01-15 Terurut Topik Vic
jebakan batman returns hehehe.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:

 +9%...bandar gocek lagi nih hehe
 2009/1/16 JsxTrader jsxtra...@...
Mental di 385 Mbah... come on !!!
  -Original Message-
  From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com]
  On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
  Sent: 16 Januari 2009 9:19
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Jawaban BUMI Re: [obrolan-bandar] BUMI: Technical Analysis
  pak Profesor, embah ikutin ngeramaian...
  Biar salah juga engga apa apa, kan wasit ... heheheh...
  Jam 9:15
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  JsxTrader jsxtrader@
   Yes.., Agree with you Sir !! that's why saya masuk disitu dan
   From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  ban...@yahoogroups.com bandar%40yahoogroups.com]
   On Behalf Of Dean Earwicker
   Sent: 16 Januari 2009 7:32
   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: Re: Jawaban BUMI Re: [obrolan-bandar] BUMI: Technical
   Supportnya ada di hari rabu di 470. Kemarin dan hari ini, overshoot.
   ada orang yang mau beli 900miliar dari orang yang panik. 900M itu
   retail? ngga percaya.. paling juga bos Oen.. hehe..
   Pada 16 Januari 2009 00:18, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
   Anda benar, TA sebagai ilmu seharusnya:
   - Objective tidak Subjective.
   - Hasilnya harus sama dijika dianalisa oleh orang yg berbeda
   pada tempat dan waktu berbeda.
   Belum lagi komplikasi yg diakibatkan oleh Harga ada variabel yg non
   linear sehingga model model yg ada adalah sebuah penyederhanaan.
   Disamping itu prediksi harga bersifat probabilistik sehingga
   jika besok besok ternyata si A yg menebak SUPPORT BUMI benar,
   maka tidak otomatis metode yg digunakan si A adalah yg benar.
   Kalo bingung embah kasih analogi:
   - Anak kecil menebak besok hujan sedangkan seorang prof meteorologi
   dengan alat yg canggih memprediksikan besok tidak hujan.
   - Jika tebakan sianak benar, ini tidak membuktikan bahwa metoda
   peramalana si anak itu benar, cuman kebetulan saja.
   - Tapi jika dalam seratus prediksi, si anak bisa memprediksi
   cuaca dengan 95% benar, maka secara ilmiah bisa dikatakan
   anak tsb mempunyai metoda peramalan cuaca SECARA ILMIAH.
   Apa yg dikatakan pak Tasrul bahwa sisi seni merupakah kelemahan
   TA adalah benar.
   TA yg sudah baku dan ilmiahpun bisa menjadi kehilangan keilmiahan
   nya karena penggunanya tidak ahli atau tidak punya sertifikasi.
   Susahnya TA saat ini merupakah ilmu yg dipakai banyak orang awam
   sehingga mutunya bisa berkurang karena penggunaan yg ASAL ASALAN.
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Tasrul Tanar tasrul70@
Tapi saya kurang sependapat jika TA adalah technical art Mbah,
   knapa ? justru itu titik lemah dari TA itu sendiri ...

From: jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:42:56 PM
Subject: Jawaban BUMI Re: [obrolan-bandar] BUMI: Technical
Jawaban yg sudah masuk:
290 Vincent Chase
315 ihsg88
410 Yudizz
360 Marcello Djunaidy
383 Nova Putra
260 Jko
350 Don Qicot
300 Tasrul
Angka support BUMI terendah = 260
Angka support BUMI tertinggi = 410
Rata rata support BUMI = 333
Median = 335
Jumlah data = 8
Menarik juga melihat VARIASI tarikan2 tarikan garis untuk
memprediksi support BUMI.
TA memang sebuah Technical Art...
   + +
   + + + + +
   Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
   kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
   + + + + +
   + +Yahoo! Groups Links
   No virus found in this incoming message.
   Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com
   Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.7/1894 - Release Date:
   7:10 PM
  + +
  + + + + +
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  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
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  7:10 PM

[obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI: Technical Analysis Challenge

2009-01-15 Terurut Topik Vic
jadi analisisnya simple: batas ar kiri.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant
jsx-consult...@... wrote:

 LOW terendah BUMI = 385
 HIGH = 470
 Rebound 470-385 = 85 (+22%) ini sudah diatas 10% rebound
 yg disaratkan.
 Jadi jawaban yg benar adalah = 385
 Siapa yg menjawab 385 sebelum jam 09:30 ?.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Rumor ; BUMI batalkan 3 akuisisi, Nordstar gandeng Investor dari China

2009-01-15 Terurut Topik Vic
kemarin juga ada yg niup2in rumor sejenis, tapi gak bisa klarifikasi.
kalau kantong kiri bisa cuan segajah dari kantong kanan kenapa harus

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, adjies2000 ad2...@... wrote:

 Ada yang bisa confirmed berita ini,

[obrolan-bandar] Re: [saham] detikcom: BUMI Batalkan RUPSLB, Investor Ritel Tetap Galang Kekuatan

2009-01-16 Terurut Topik Vic
itu di us. di sini lain lagi ceritanya, bakrie koq dilawan hehehe.
coba berhitung, di 2004 siapa yg berhutang budi sama bakrie, n
sekarang ternyata sudah mau pemilu lagi.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, simon bolenang
simon_bolen...@... wrote:

 Seperti kasus Yahoo, pemilik tidak mau jual saham ke Microsoft,
 akhirnya investor publik yg siqnifikan bersatu untuk merubah manegement.
 Kalau investor publik yg lebih banyak bisa kita depak pemilik lama
 di jajaran management BUMI.
 --- On Fri, 1/16/09, suherlan sunarto suherlan_suna...@... wrote:
 From: suherlan sunarto suherlan_suna...@...
 Subject: Re: [saham] detikcom: BUMI Batalkan RUPSLB, Investor Ritel
Tetap Galang Kekuatan
 To: sa...@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 5:37 AM
 Maju terus boss Save The EARTH... .
 Demi Sejuta umat...
 --- On Fri, 16/1/09, felixmanurung@ yahoo.com felixmanurung@
yahoo.com wrote:
 From: felixmanurung@ yahoo.com felixmanurung@ yahoo.com
 Subject: Re: [saham] detikcom: BUMI Batalkan RUPSLB, Investor Ritel
Tetap Galang Kekuatan
 To: sa...@yahoogroups. com
 Date: Friday, 16 January, 2009, 5:34 PM
 Bravo. Maju terus. Tapi nanti kalau sdh masuk di jajaran managemen,
jangan tergoda oleh fulus, yg bisa saja ditawarkan besar sekali, utk
meluluhkan kejujuran anda.
 Sekali lagi MAJU TERUS 
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
 From: Irwan Ariston Napitupulu 
 Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 17:22:37 +0700
 To: sa...@yahoogroups. com
 Subject: [saham] detikcom: BUMI Batalkan RUPSLB, Investor Ritel
Tetap Galang Kekuatan
 http://www.detikfin ance.com/ read/2009/ 01/16/170200/ 1069728/6/
bumi-batalkan- rupslb-investor- ritel-tetap- galang-kekuatan
 Jumat, 16/01/2009 17:02 WIB
 BUMI Batalkan RUPSLB, Investor Ritel Tetap Galang Kekuatan
 Irna Gustia - detikFinance
 (Foto: dok BUMI)
 Jakarta - PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) mengumumkan pembatalan rapat
 umum pemegang saham luar biasa (RUPSLB) yang semula akan dilakukan
 pada 26 Februari 2009.
 Meski dibatalkan, Kelompok Investor Publik Saham Bumi (KIPS-BUMI)
 tetap akan berusaha untuk mendudukkan wakil pemegang saham publik di
 jajaran direksi atau komisaris BUMI.
 KIPS-BUMI rencananya akan memanfaatkan skedul yang sudah ada itu
 dengan hanya menambahkan agenda RUPSLB dengan agenda usulan melakukan
 perubahan atau penambahan
  susunan komisari dan direksi BUMI.
 Investor publik merasa selama ini dirugikan dengan aksi korporasi
 saham BUMI yang kurang transaparan yang ujungnya menggerus harga
 Dalam laporannya ke Bursa Efek Indonesia, Senior Vice President
 Investor Relation - Corporate Secretary BUMI, Dileep Srivastava tidak
 menjelaskan alasan pembatalan tersebut.
 RUPSLB ditunda hingga waktu yang akan diinformasikan kemudian,
kata Dileep.
 Perwakilan KIPS-BUMI, Irwan Ariston Napitupulu mengatakan pembatalan
 RUPSLB BUMI 26 Februari 2009 tidak akan menyurutkan rencana KIPS-BUMI
 untuk maju terus memperjuangkan adanya wakil pemegang saham publik di
 jajaran direksi atau komisaris BUMI.
 Karena tanggal 26 Februari 2009 itu dibatalkan, maka KIPS-BUMI akan
 maju terus dengan rencana semula dengan berusaha mengumpulkan suara
 pemegang saham publik sampai mencapai jumlah yang mencukupi dan
 memenuhi syarat untuk
  melakukan inisiasi mengusulkan diadakannya
 RUPSLB dengan agenda perubahan atau penambahan susunan komisaris dan
 atau direksi, jelas Irwan dalam pejelasannya ke detikFinance, Jumat
 Irwan mengaku tidak tahu persis alasan pembatalan RUPSLB tersebut
 karena yang paling tahu adalah pihak manajemen. Kita tidak ingin
 berspekulasi apa yang menjadi alasan di balik pembatalan tersebut
 walau kalau dilihat dari sisi waktu pengumumannya sangat dekat dengan
 mulai menguatnya dan terpublikasinya perjuangan dari KIPS-BUMI,
 Tindakan yang akan dilakukan oleh KIPS-BUMI adalah memperkuat barisan
 untuk menyatukan suara agar visi dan tujuan pemegang saham BUMI dari
 publik bisa disuarakan dan direalisasikan dengan baik. Data terakhir
 per tanggal 14 Januari 2009, jumlah investor yang ikut dalam KIPS-BUMI
 mencapai 25 juta lembar saham.
 Saat ini KIPS-BUMI masih dalam tahap awal dan konsolidasi
 KIPS-BUMI sudah berencana akan melakukan kerjasama dengan SRO yang ada
 baik itu Bapepam maupun BEI agar kepentingan investor publik bisa
 dilindungi. KIPS-BUMI yakin Bapepam dan BEI akan memberikan perhatian
 dan bantuannya karena semua ini demi kebaikan pasar modal Indonesia
 dalam jangka panjang serta menumbuhkan kepercayaan investor kepada
 pasar modal kita, tutur Irwan.
 Sebenarnya kata Irwan, permasalahannya tidak semata-mata soal BUMI
 lagi, tapi sudah melebar dan menyentuh sendi-sendi dasar dari aturan
 pasar modal yang kelak bisa menjadi pijakan dan acuan otoritas bursa
 agar bisa lebih melindungi kepentingan investor publik.
 Sehingga kelak tidak ada lagi manajemen dari emiten yang bisa

[obrolan-bandar] Masalah PROVOKASI...... Re: OEN ....BUMI Rp 200

2009-01-18 Terurut Topik Vic
ob banyak tipu2, karena itu jangan gampang percaya email yg namanya
jadi2an hehehe.
only paranoid survives.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:

 Wah saya gak ada apa2nya lah Pak Yudizz...di sini banyak yg hebat2
 saya cinta OB [?]
 Memang saya sadar dunia saham itu penuh dgn ups  downs, provokasi,
 tipu muslihat, dll dan satu2nya cara kita utk survive adalah dgn
 dan sadar dgn apa yg terjadi. Dgn tetap tenang kita bisa membuat
 dgn tenang juga.
 Thank you pak atas perhatiannya...
 2009/1/17 y_dizz y_d...@...
Nambahin juga, Pak Rei. Investor kita yang paling TENANG.
  Liat aja, waktu crash lalu dia nggak pernah ikutan panik atau maki2
  kaya saya. Hehehe... Waktu market rally dia juga nggak ikut jingkrak2
  kegirangan kaya yang lain.
  Salut, masih ada investor kaya gini. Very good emotion control.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  alan Feihung dfaj21@
   Barangkali bisa nambah
   - Pak Odink yang sudah lama gak muncul Bidangnya angkat beban
   dan ketawamologi he.. he
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
   jsx-consultant@ wrote:
--- In
  Tasrul Tanar tasrul70@

 Setuju, jangan sampai ada korban lagi atas provokasi yang tidak
betanggung jawab...

Pak Tasrul,
Embah sebagai moderator milis OB sudah berusaha MENGURANGI
masalah provokasi INI.
Milis OB pertama kali memang diciptakan untuk diskusi PERBANDARAN,
jadi wajar kalo banyak PROVOKASI.
Pak Alfatih bilang, milis OB itu menariknya karena LIARnya, tapi
saat ini dengan member mencapai 8000 dengan variasi INVESTOR dan
TRADER yg BERMACAM MACAM, maka memang sangat RISKAN masalah
posting PROVOKASI ini. Tapi TANPA posting provokasi maka milis
OB menjadi SAMA dengan milis saham yang lain.
Semenjak Anggota baru OB masuk HARUS melalui PENDFATARAN, embah
mendapatkan DATA sbb:
- Provokasi turun dibawah 60%-70%
- Milis OB menjadi lebih NYAMAN dan kwalitasnya posting meningkat.
- Rasa kekeluargaan/persaudaran dimilis OB membaik.
- Provokator2 tsb pindah kemilis tetangga.
- Jumlah anggota milis OB STAGNAN di angka sekitar 8000 padahal
sebelumnya meningkat sekitar 200 orang perbulan.
Jadi embah TERUS memonitor keadaan ini, jika memang diperlukan
policy bisa dirubah atau diperbaiki.
Dan untuk menghindarkan AKIBAT BURUK dari PROVOKASI, embah
membuat DAFTAR member OB yg bisa dijadikan GUIDANCE bagi
member yg lain:
Macro Economy:
- Sirait Phd
- Ekonom Beling
- Dean Earwicker
- Elaine
- Armando
- Hendra Bujang
- Ocoy
- Halim
- Irwan Ariston
- Yudizz
- Meizal
- Boyz
- Desmon
- Adjies
- Alfatih
- Jsxtrader
- Tasrul
- Angelo
- Hans
- Adit
- Ihsg88
- Alx trader
- Tirta
- Embah
- Oentoeng
- Rita Pardede
- Felix Liem
- Tbumi
- Rully
- Fify
- Edwin
- Bullquote
- Daftar ini masih harus DIPERBAIKI dengan bantuan input dari
member. Jadi pasti ada yg terlewat.
Daftar para senior ini merupakan TEMPAT untuk bertanya dan
minta BIMBINGAN, tentu engga boleh MEMAKSA..

[obrolan-bandar] Bye-Bye Bakrie?

2009-01-18 Terurut Topik Vic
Bye-Bye Bakrie?
Eric Ellis, 12.04.08, 05:00 PM EST
Forbes Magazine dated December 22, 2008

Most of his wealth has disappeared, and he'll be gone from the cabinet
next year, but in Indonesia, never count out Aburizal Bakrie.

His business empire teeters, and his political capital seems to be
fading fast. But history, and an Indonesian proverb, suggests that
though Aburizal Bakrie is down, it's premature to write him off just
yet. Broadly translated, the proverb says that even though an elephant
might look skinny, there's still lots of fat under that thick hide.

Indonesians have watched the Bakrie family stampede across their
national stage for decades, always finding a way to flourish whatever
the shade of government: Sukarno's eccentric authoritarianism, the
Suharto kleptocracy and the wobbly succession of democrats that
followed. But now, with a presidential vote next year and the global
financial crunch slimming down this debt-laden elephant by the day,
Bakrie says he won't stay on as minister for people's welfare past the
election. That's not to save his ailing business, the wily 62-year-old
patriarch insists, but to run charities and play with his
grandchildren. Indonesians are not so sure about that. As the
government considers whether to rescue the Bakries for a second time,
it may be that Aburizal Bakrie's greatest skill is to make his family
interests national concerns.

Have you ever ???  FORBES ASIA asks Bakrie in his only interview
since the financial crisis began three months ago,  ??? advanced your
personal business interests while you have been a cabinet minister?

The question is at the heart of the corporate calamity that has
engulfed Bakrie. The global banking meltdown, collapsing commodity
prices and investors' flight from emerging markets have gathered to
bring Bakrie's 66-year-old empire perilously close to collapse. Shares
in his family's companies have fallen by 90% as nervous bankers,
worried about a rerun of Asia's 1997--98 financial crisis, threaten
foreclosure on the billions they've risked on him. Politicians lock
horns, testing cabinet loyalties over whether to bail him out.
Increasingly the Bakrie question is framed as a governance test for an
Indonesia that's trying to overcome its shadowy past and emerge as a
self-confident Asian powerhouse.

Me? he asks, sinking deep into an easy chair in his ministry's
Dutch-colonial-era offices in central Jakarta. I have never done
that. Never! Never! I am no longer a businessman. I know what [my
family] is doing, but I'm not a businessman at all. I have devoted
four years of my life to this job [in the cabinet]. I have never been
involved in any business discussion. But then, glancing at a tv in
the corner of his office showing cnbc, he clarifies his statement: I
go to the company office to pray, yes. And if in the evening my
brothers would like to report, yes, we discuss, that's all.

With interests from palm oil and coal mining to telecommunications and
construction, the Bakrie Group may be the country's biggest private
enterprise, but is it too big to fail? Aburizal Bakrie is a born
dealmaker who knows how to influence a government his critics say he
bought his way into. He's been bailed out before--in 1998 during the
financial crisis, when he demanded that as a rare pribumi (an
indigenous, Muslim business group), his family deserved saving. A
bailout this time would most likely involve a state-owned mining
company taking a stake in Bakrie's coal-mining giant, Bumi Resources.

But in Indonesia, more than most nations, money means power, and by
that measure, Bakrie's influence is waning. Last year FORBES ASIA
estimated his family's wealth at $5.4 billion, putting it atop the
list of Indonesia's richest. This year the family's fortune has been
cut to only $850 million, dropping it to No. 9 on our list. I was the
richest man in Indonesia, he says with a wry smile. But not anymore.
The shares have collapsed.

Critics say he used his wealth to finance President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono's 2004 presidential campaign and got a cabinet slot as the
dividend. It is only envy that mentions that, Bakrie says, adding
that it's not true he helped finance Yudhoyono's presidential tilt.
(The presidential palace declined to comment.) There is a lot of envy
in the world. The press does not believe there are rich people who are
not corrupt who want to contribute to the country ??? that we rich
people, who don't want corruption, think it's time to contribute to
the country, through the cabinet.

Bakrie continues. It is not usual that a big businessman would want
to be a minister with a very small salary. (His ministerial salary is
$1,600 a month.)

Come on, pak, FORBES ASIA implores, employing the Indonesian
vernacular for sir, or uncle, with the approachable Bakrie. The
people say you are a reminder of the old Indonesian ways, how business
was done in Suharto's Indonesia. (The late dictator stole $30 billion
during his 32-year rule, the World Bank 

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Gerakan Mendukung Mr. OenToeNG!!!!!

2009-01-18 Terurut Topik Vic
lha, email addressnya lucu2 koq bisa dipercaya 100%. don't take them
for granted.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, SamrocK syamsu...@... wrote:

 Sempet kaget juga melihat ketidak dewasaan para member milist OB. Segala
 informasi disini sudah pasti tidak harus anda telan mentah-mentah
dan harus
 anda saring. Justru dengan adanya MR. OENTOENG seharusnya anda berterima
 kasih, kerena beliau bisa mengingatkan semua member ketika sedang
 euforia., ketika over confidence, ketika semua orang bullish minded.
 Mr.OENTONG dapat mengingatkan kita.
 Terlepas dari beliau BULSHIT, asal CEPLOS, dan tidak MENGGUNAKAN
DATA. ya
 itu hak beliau.. yang harus anda lakukan adalah mengcroscheck
apa yang
 beliau sampaikan. Kalau anda tidak percaya tinggal tutup mata.
 Yang terjadi disini justru ketidak dewasaan para member OB dengan
 personal Attack kepada MR. OENTONG dan tidak mengambil esensi yang
 Hanya karena BELIAU MENJADI BEARISH MESSENGER maka beliau terlihat
 menyebalkan dimata member OB*
 SEHINGGA MEMBUAT ANDA NYANGKUT??* ada ketidak fair-an disini
 kita lihat..! Ketika orang menyampaikan informasi yang berbau
 perlakuannya tidak seperti yang diterima para bearsih messenger.
 BANGUN* anda masuk milist ini tujuan akhirnya hanya satu
kan??!??!! make
 PROFIT! jadi ngapain juga berantem2 menghabiskan energi kalian.
 mendingan bersatu dan saling membantu bagaimana caranya biar sama2 bisa
 DENGAN e-MAil ini saya menghimbau kepada temen2 milist disini untuk STOP
 personal ATTACK!!
 best regards,
 2009/1/18 G-MAN germantan...@...:
  Setuju dan akurr sekali bapak2…
  Dari dulu saya sering sekali ngeblok ngomongan dia, apalagi ketika dia
  ngomong tahu pemilik DEWA…
  Itu langsung bullshitnya bocor tuh..  langsung ngumpet dan nimbul
lagi dng
  nama provokator saham (dolo pake oen qq)
  Pertamanya orang aslinya pake nama oentoeng, Cuma dibajak sama
orang ini.
  Nama hampir sama, Cuma si palsu lebih sering nongol,
  Jadi yang asli menghilang.  Postingan orang asli ini sangat berbobot.
  Sekarang dia cuap2 lagi, untung sekarang makanan mahal, jadi saya
  muntahinnya kalo lagi baca mail dia.
  Saya Cuma mau liatin aja, sampe dimana bullshitnya dia.
  Eh Bapak2 sekalian sekarang juga kasih comment… rupanya saya ngga
  By the way, ada 1 lagi master bullshit yang masih berkeliaran mencari
  Sebagai 'hedge fund' super besar, katanya…. Yang masih sempet2nya
baca OB
  ini… dan kasih info lagi. Amal kali yaa?
  Ngomongnya seakan2 gentleman gitu looo, sopan dan kemrintil rada2
  Kalo Bapak2 yg lain saya percaya, karena saya rasa banyak
diantaranya yang
  berprofesi sbg analis.
  Jadi sekali dayung 2 pulau lewat.  Ada juga yg murni Bandar, Cuma suka
  penulis, kita tau sendirilah masing2 sapa.
  Jadi keliatannya secara jelas sebenarnya newbie powernya masih sulit
  dan sangat diharapkan bozz untuk membantu
  Gerakannya, dengan memberikan untung lewat saham favorit kita semua ….
  Sedang para old timer seperti saya dkk antara sdh KO, atau takut
KO.  Ada
  yang beberapa masih kuat.  Tapi sangat jauh dibandingkan
  Jaman dulu.  Jadi Bandar sekarang keliatannya berusaha memulihkan
  kepercayaan market sehingga pelan tapi pasti market akan pulih.
  Old timer sangat waspada, jadi sangat sulit Bandar bergerak, walau
  modal yang besar.  Old timer bisa2 ngga ikut main saham2
  Yg aneh2 walau sdh ditarik begitu rupa shg Bandar rugi.  Harapan
kini pada
  newbie yg masih 'full loaded'.
  Saran saya untuk para newbie … selalu curious, never let your defense
  Honeymoon can end at anytime, you can bet on it.
  Perhatikan daftar mbah utk org2 terpercaya.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI : Untuk Ibu Yang Nyangkut

2009-01-18 Terurut Topik Vic
intinya: masih banyak yg nyangkut di bumi.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, rofik efendi fiplan1...@...

 Sebelumnya saya ikut prihatin atas musibah yang menimpa ibu,
meskipun saya yakin tidak hanya ibu yang mengalami, banyak sekali dan
mkn lebih parah dari ibu. Tetapi saya tertarik untuk sharing dengan
ibu, karena saya jg pernah mengalami kejadian seperti ibu dan dengan
latar belakang yang sama karyawan rendahan. Saya mengawali trading 2
tahun yang lalu bu, dengan modal Rp. 20 jt. Modal yang besar menurut
saya, karena harus menggadaikan SK saya sebagai modal awal. Saya
adalah seorang PNS yang tiap hari bertugas mengajar bu. Mengawali
trading saya, 2 minggu saya loss Rp. 7 Jt. Saya sempat shock dan tidak
berani cerita ke istri saya, karena pasti akan shock juga. Tapi saya
punya semangat. Saya yakin Tuhan tidak akan mengambil harta saya
secepat itu kalau saya mendapatkan nya dengan benar.
 Karena saya tinggal di desa, belajar yang paling memungkinkan ada
melalui media internet. Setidaknya ada 4 milis yang saya ikuti, dan
milis OB ini yang sering saya baca. Alhamdulillah bu, sampai saat ini
saya masih tetap eksis dengan hasil yang lumayan. Setidaknya saya
sudah berhasil membangun rumah yang mayoritas dari pasar modal ini.
Ibu bisa sharing dengan saya, karena saya setiap hari (pada saat gak
ada jam ngajar) saya membina temen2x di desa, trading bersama setiap
hari melaui room di ym. Semua pemula bu, dan mereka dari latar
belakang yang berbeda-beda. Ada pensiunan sopir gudang garam, ada
mantan tukang cangkul di sawah, ada guru dsb. Saya membina mereka
mulai dari gerakkan mouse komputer, sampai skr pegangannya laptop
semua. Anda jangan sampai berhenti trading bu, karena hanya dengan
partisipasi kita saja, bursa kita tidak dijajah oleh asing. Kita
harus bisa mewarnai, meskipun blm bisa dominan. 
 Demikian ibu, pengalaman saya dan maaf untuk semua senior OB, kalau
postingan saya ini mengganggu. Saya 2 tahun ikutan milis OB, baru
sekali ini saja posting panjang lebar, karena saya menyadari masih
pemula banget. Tapi terdorong rasa kasihan kepada ibu, saya tertarik
untuk menceritakan pengalaman saya. Sekali lagi maaf kalau ada yang
merasa terganggu. Sekali lagi, bukan saya ingin menunjukkan apa yang
telah saya dapat, tapi semata-mata ingin memberi semangat bagi temen2x
yang belum sukses. Partisipasi kita sangat penting bagi kelangsungan BEI.
 Lewat tulisan ini pula saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada temen2x yang
telah membantu belajar trading ke saya (fansCNKO, Bang Apit, Fery
Susanto, Frans Antony).  Makasih juga untuk milis OB ya.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Take a break with NACHOS

2009-01-18 Terurut Topik Vic
she said: take a break.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Juragan Cumi cumie...@...

 NACHOS dibuat dari JAGUNG.
 Posting ini adalah pernyataan tersirat neng EL mau masak BISI.
 On 1/17/09, JT jsxtra...@... wrote:
  Husss, Boyz masih around !!. kekeke
  -Original Message-
  From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  On Behalf Of anru dadaq
  Sent: 17 Januari 2009 9:34
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Take a break with NACHOS
  Jatuh cinta ama Pa JT ;)
  On 1/17/09, y_dizz y_d...@... wrote:
  Ada apa ya EL tiba2 jadi hobi masak. Persiapan jadi ibu rumah tangga
  yang baik..?!?
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Elaine Sui elainesui83@
   *We were watching ever-changing numbers after numbers for five
  days in a
  row. Take a break.
  Nachos anyone? [?]
  1 1/2 tbsp. butter
  1 tbsp. corn starch
  1/2 cup milk
  1 oz. cream cheese, cubed
  1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
  1/8 cup monterey jack, shredded
  1/2 tsp. chili powder
  1/4 tsp. paprika
  In a small saucepan over low-medium heat, melt butter and stir in
  Pour in the milk, add cream cheese, and continue to stir until
  mixture is
  fully incorporated.
  While stirring mix in cheddar and jack cheeses, chili powder,
  paprika, and
  hot pepper sauce.
  Continue to stir until cheese has melted and all ingredients are
  Pour over tortilla chips.
  Sent from my mobile device
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 Cumi, Cuma Mimpi

[obrolan-bandar] Apakah Properti akan AR kanan?

2009-01-18 Terurut Topik Vic
kabarnya minggu ini bank2 bumn akan nurunin bunga kredit.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Vic victor_speran...@... wrote:

 lps turun 50bps jadi 9,50%.

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, David Hartanto adhartanto@
  Betul Pak Vic, yang baru turun kan BI Rate, sedang LPS belum.
 Apalagi yang berlaku sekarang max rate LPS Plus, bagaimana suku bunga
 kredit bisa turun. Moga2 benar bahwa suku bunga simpanan akan mulai
 diturunkan oleh bank BUMN, asal jangan sampe malah orang jadi ga mau
 taruh dananya karena kalah dengan inflasi yang 11%an (LPS 10% ?).
  --- Pada Sen, 12/1/09, Vic victor_sperandeo@ menulis:
  Dari: Vic victor_sperandeo@
  Topik: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Apakah ELTY akan AR kanan?
  Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Tanggal: Senin, 12 Januari, 2009, 7:14 AM
  beberapa bulan terakhir bank2 gak pakai lagi lps. banyak
 yg kasih
  special rate depo  lps (danamon bisa kasih 14%, sedangkan lps cuma
  10%). akibatnya bunga kredit juga ikutan naik. minggu ini kabarnya
  bank2 bumn akan mulai turunin bunga deposito, bertahap bakal balik
  lagi ke max lps.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, David Hartanto adhartanto@
   Barangkali yang menjadi real bench mark untuk kemungkinan turunnya
  suku bunga kredit adalah rate dari lembaga penjaminan (LPS). Selama
  pasar dari pada orang berduit (Deposan) masih minta maksimum rate LPS
  + premi, maka suku bunga kredit akan sulit turun. Kecuali seperti BCA
  yang mampu untuk menggalang sumber dana dengan jumlah yang significan
  dan dengan rate yang sangat kecil.
   --- Pada Sab, 10/1/09, Vic victor_sperandeo@ ... menulis:
   Dari: Vic victor_sperandeo@ ...
   Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Apakah ELTY akan AR kanan?
   Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
   Tanggal: Sabtu, 10 Januari, 2009, 9:59 PM
   minggu depan bank2 bumn positif nurunin bunga deposito n
   lain. berikutnya bunga kredit bakal diturunin. kalau bunga
kredit gak
   turun maka para banker2 gak ada bedanya sama supir angkot/taksi yg
   udah diturunin bbm 2x tapi gak mau turun tarif.
   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Yohan Gunawan 
 yohangun@ .
Lho.. Bukanya penurunan BI rate belom diikuti penurunan bunga di
   bank (baik kredit/KPR/simpanan )
-Original Message-
From: Dadi Resmawan dadiresmawan02@ ...

Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 00:40:30 
To: danielsr11@ ...
Cc: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] Apakah ELTY akan AR kanan?


Penyebabnya: Trend penurunan BI RATE dan penurunan bunga KPR,
   semakin mendorong bergairahnya kembali dunia properti.
 Berita baiknya lagi, BI RATE akan turun 25 bps lagi, BBM
   dijadwalkan turun lg pekan depan masing-masing Rp500-1000
 IHSG sudah rebound dari 1200, 1300, skr 1400-an. Kita, harusnya
   semakin optimis..
 Daniel SR wrote: 
  Dengan adanya Corporate Action ini, apakah ELTY akan AR kanan? 
  http://web.bisnis. http://web.bisnis.  com/edisi-
   harian/sup- properti/ 1id96420. html 
  ELTY Incar Pembeli Asal Timur Tengah 
  Submitted by Redaksi on Fri, 01/09/2009 - 06:30. 
  PT Bakrieland Development Tbk mengandalkan jaringan Dubai World
  untuk menarik pembeli asal Timur Tengah, menyusul masuknya
  investor asal Uni Emirat Arab itu di jajaran direksi anak usaha
  Bakrie tersebut. 
  Dirut Bakrieland Development Hiramsyah S. Thaib mengatakan
  untuk menggaet pasar dari Timur Tengah cukup besar karena
  oleh keberadaan Limitless LLC, anak usaha Dubai World sebagai
  satu pemilik perusahaan. 
  Dubai World adalah perusahaan besar di sana. Mereka bisa
  pintu bagi kami untuk menarik pasar Timur Tengah yang
selama ini
  digarap Malaysia, ungkapnya kepada Bisnis, kemarin. 
  Menurut dia, semua proyek yang dikembangkan berpotensi untuk 
  dipasarkan ke jaringan yang dikelola mitranya itu. 
  Namun, lanjutnya, yang paling potensial adalah produk hunian

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Ciputra Development (CTRA IJ, Rp240 BUY, TP Rp 500) The Growth Out Of Java Continues

2009-01-18 Terurut Topik Vic
hebat. ayo properti. bunga kredit turun.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Hilman Kamaludin
hilm...@... wrote:

 Hilman Kamaludin
 Account Executive
 PT Danareksa Sekuritas
 Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 14
 Jakarta Pusat 10110
 Telp.   021 350 9777,  021 350 9888 ext. 2836  
 Fax. 021 350 6076
 Mobile.  0812 98 32179, 021 95 399 499 
 e-mail. hilm...@...
 The information contained in or attached to this e-mail is confidential
 and may be legally privileged. It is intended for the named 
 recipient(s) only. If you are not the named recipient, you are hereby
 notified that any distribution, copying, review, retransmission, 
 dissemination or other use of this electronic transmission or the
 information contained in it is strictly prohibited. The information 
 expressed herein may contain the private views and opinions of the
 sender that does not constitute the formal views and opinions 
 of PT. Danareksa (Persero) and its subsidiaries, and should not in any
 ways be construed as the views, offers, or acceptances of 
 these entities, unless specifically stated. PT. Danareksa (Persero) and
 its subsidiaries does not take any responsibilities nor accepts 
 any claims of liabilities and/or damages for statements which are
 clearly the sender's own and not made on behalf of the entities 
 Ciputra Development
 The Growth Out Of Java Continues
 12M08 Marketing Sales 
 The total marketing sales grew by 29.1% yoy in 2008 to Rp1,429bn.  This
 number is 94.3% of our full year forecast of Rp1,515bn.  Specifically,
 the biggest disappointment came from the apartment sales as they only
 reached 83.8% of our full year forecast of Rp250bn. In contrast, landed
 residential sales remained strong and grew a brisk 29.1% yoy on the back
 of residential developments out of Java (Citra Bukitindah Balikpapan and
 Citragrand City Palembang) in 2008. 
 Areas Out Of Java will Continue To Drive Growth
 The company's residential sales in areas out of Java contributed 30% of
 December 08 sales, an increase from 25% in June 08. This reflects the
 soft launch of the company's new estate in Palembang (Citragrand City
 Palembang) for which it managed to record Rp 100bn of sales, or about
 2.5 times the company's target of Rp 40bn.  This suggests growth
 opportunities out of Java still exist.  In 2009, the company plans to
 launch two new residential projects out of Java. This focus on out of
 Java areas is the right one, we believe.
 Updates on Ciputra World Jakarta
 MyHome apartment sales in 2008 were lower than expected since the
 company hasn't recorded any sales in the last couple of months. The
 management stated that the slower sales is due to unfavorable economic
 conditions. As such, it is adopting a prudent sales strategy to better
 manage the construction costs. Currently, the substructure is still
 being built and the main contractor for the project has yet to be
 decided. Nonetheless, the company is adamant that the construction will
 be completed according to schedule and that the units will start to be
 handed over to the buyers in March 2011.
 Maintain buy, TP of 500, implied PE 09-10F of 27.8-20.3x
 Slower growth is expected in 2009 for a number of reasons. First of all,
 the looming presidential elections may discourage property purchases due
 to the heightened political uncertainty. Secondly, banks will be
 cautious in extending property loans on fears that the loans will turn
 sour due to the downturn in the economy.  Nonetheless, there is still
 room for growth - especially at the company's out of Java developments.
 In terms of the valuation, the stock is still attractive, trading at a
 large 76% discount to the NAV/share of Rp 932 (assuming a post new final
 sales tax of 5%). The PBV 09-10F is 0.4-0.4x, or the second lowest in
 our property universe. BUY
 Lydia Suwandi
 (62-21) 3509888 ext. 3508
 CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in or attached to this
electronic transmission 
 is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended for
the named recipient(s) only.
 If you are not the named recipient, you are hereby notified that any
distribution, copying, 
 review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this
electronic transmission or 
 the information contained in it is strictly prohibited.
 The information expressed herein may contain the private views and
opinions of the sender 
 that does not constitute the formal views and opinions of PT.
Danareksa (Persero) and its 
 subsidiaries, and should not in any ways be construed as the views,
offers, or acceptances 
 of these entities, unless specifically stated. PT. Danareksa
(Persero) and its 

[obrolan-bandar] BNI-Mandiri Pangkas Bunga Kredit

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Vic
Jakarta - Dua bank pemerintah, PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI) dan
PT Bank Mandiri Tbk secara bersamaan memangkas suku bunga kreditnya
mulai 20 Januari 2009 sebesar 0,5% hingga 1% per tahun.

Direktur Utama BNI Gatot M Suwondo mengatakan penurunan bunga kredit
BNI dilakukan selain tindak lanjut dari penurunan BI Rate pada awal
tahun ini, juga yang terpenting adalah upaya untuk lebih mempercepat
pertumbuhan sektor riil.

BNI per 20 Januari akan menurunkan suku bunga kredit 0,5% - 1% per
tahun untuk semua segmen. Saat ini suku bunga kredit BNI di kisaran
13% - 17%. Langkah ini dilakukan setelah BNI melakukan review secara
menyeluruh dan komperehensif.

Tingkat suku bunga ini akan terus dipantau, dimonitor secara cermat
dengan mempertimbangkan faktor risiko. Selain itu, BNI juga akan
menurunkan suku bunga DPK rata-rata 0,5%, katanya dalam pernyataan
tertulis, Senin (19/1/2009).


Sementara Corporate Secretary Bank Mandiri, Sukoriyanto Saputro
menjelaskan penurunan suku bunga kredit Bank Mandiri juga sebagai
tindak lanjut dari penurunan BI Rate pada awal Januari ini.

Dan untuk lebih mempercepat pertumbuhan sektor riil, Bank Mandiri per
20 Januari akan menurunkan suku bunga kredit sampai dengan 0,5% per
tahun, kata Sukoriyanto.

Bank Mandiri sudah mengkaji penurunan BI Rate dengan mereview ulang
dan menurunkan suku bunga dana pihak ketiga.

Sebagai tindak lanjut dari upaya tersebut, Mandiri telah selesai
mereview suku bunga kredit secara keseluruhan dan memutuskan untuk
menurunkan suku bunga kredit rupiah di semua segmen sampai dengan 50
basis points terhitung sejak 20 Januari.

Ke depannya suku bunga kredit akan disesuaikan sejalan dengan
perkembangan tingkat suku bunga dana dan risiko kredit, katanya.

Kondisi ini jelas berbeda dengan triwulan IV-2008, saat BI Rate
bertahan di level 9,25% dan di tengah likuiditas yang sangat ketat.

Survei Perbankan untuk periode triwulan IV-2008 yang dirilis BI
menyebutkan bahwa selama triwulan IV-2008, suku bunga kredit dan dana
memang meningkat. Suku bunga kredit selama triwulan IV-2008
menunjukkan terjadinya kenaikan pada semua jenis kredit.

Kenaikan suku bunga kredit rupiah tertinggi terjadi pada kredit
investasi dari 13,81% pada triwulan III-2008 menjadi 15,85% pada
triwulan IV-2008. Pada suku bunga kredit valas, kenaikan tertinggi
pada kredit konsumsi yang naik dari 7,64% menjadi 8,73%.(ir/ir)


[obrolan-bandar] Re: Fw: BUMI (TP Rp500) - Macquarie: Can't touch this

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Vic
ini baru cara nakut2in yg cerdas hehehe.
overshootnya ke berapa? 200?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Hendra Bujang
hendra_buj...@... wrote:

 --- On Tue, 1/20/09, patricia.sumamp...@... patricia.sumamp...@...
 From: patricia.sumamp...@... patricia.sumamp...@...
 Subject: BUMI (TP Rp500) - Macquarie: Can't touch this
 Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 9:07 AM
 Subject: f BUMI (TP Rp500) - Macquarie: Can't touch this 
 Bumi Resources 
 Monday 19 January 2009 
 Stock price as of 16 Jan 09 
 12-month target 
 - DCF (WACC 13.0%) 
 GICS sector 
 Market cap 
 Rp bn
 30-day avg turnover 
 Rp m
 Market cap 
 Number shares on issue 
 Investment fundamentals 
 Year end 31 Dec 
 Total revenue 
 EBIT Growth 
 Reported profit 
 Adjusted profit 
 EPS rep 
 EPS rep growth 
 EPS adj 
 EPS adj growth 
 PE rep 
 PE adj 
 Total DPS 
 Total div yield 
 Net debt/equity 
 BUMI IJ rel Jakarta Composite Index performance,  rec history 
 Source: Datastream, Macquarie Research, January 2009 (all figures in
USD unless noted) 
 Adam Worthington 
 +62 21 515 7338 
 Albert Saputro 
 +62 21 515 7340 
 Can't touch this 
 §                           We reiterate our Underperform
recommendation on Bumi and our target price of Rp500. However, we cut
our fair value from Rp3,630 down to Rp2,450 on the back of our global
coal price forecast cuts. 
 §                          Forecast now closer to the cost curve and
the end of the downgrade cycle (hopefully). Our global commodities
team have significantly cut their thermal coal price forecast for JFY
2009–11 from US$100–105 to US$70–75, on the back of a drastic global
growth slowdown. 
 §                          Only 25–30% of production priced in 2009,
leading to significant earnings risk given potential for coal price
 §                          Recent acquisitions appear expensive …
The DEWA deal was concluded at an 8x premium to the prevailing market
price. Further, FBS was purchased at US$20 EV/Reserves (vs current
regional multiples of US$4 EV/Reserves) and the PEB was purchased at
US$120m (which is a non-producing mine with low CV coal of 4,800–5,200). 
 §                          … and significant questions are raised
over transparency. The FBS and   PEB deals, in particular, appear to
lack transparency as the FBS's office is registered in Bakrie's
building, and Bumi's President Director has only recently resigned as
a Director of FBS. Further, according to the Indonesian Coal Book, PEB
is 90% owned by Bakrie Capital Indonesia. 
 §                          Risk of future acquisitions to impact
free cashflow generation? We highlight the risk of expensive and
non-transparent transactions continuing, which could lead to a
deterioration of Bumi's future free cashflow (FCF). 
 §                          DCF valuation does not account for
leakages of FCF. Previously, our price target was predominantly based
on the NPV of future cashflows from Bumi's world class coal mining
assets, KPC and Arutmin. However, we now see the risk of leakages of
FCF via acquisitions.  We arrive at our target price by applying an
80% discount to an NPV valuation. We acknowledge that this discount is
somewhat arbitrary, but this it is appropriate given uncertainty. 
 Earnings revision 
 §                          We downgrade our earnings by 33% and 65%
for 2009/10. 
 Price catalyst 
 §                          12-month price target: Rp500.00 based on
a DCF methodology. 
 §                          Catalyst: Change in corporate governance;
locking in prices for 2009 production. 
 Action and recommendation 
 §                          We 

[obrolan-bandar] Mobius to Invest More in China, Emerging Markets

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Vic
By Soraya Permatasari

Jan. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Mark Mobius, who oversees about $26 billion in
emerging-market stocks at Templeton Asset Management Ltd., said he
plans to buy more shares of consumer and commodities companies in
emerging markets.

Valuations are attractive, Mobius, Templeton's executive chairman,
said at a briefing in Kuala Lumpur today. We feel that this year
would be a year of recovery of the stock markets in the emerging markets.

Mobius said rising income in China, India and other parts of Asia will
spur spending on consumer goods, while commodity prices are now too
low. The two nations, Brazil, South Africa and Turkey offer best
investment opportunities, he said.

There is an incredible build-up of foreign reserves in the emerging
markets, and the increase in money supply is quite dramatic, the
executive chairman said. We've seen a very big increase of money
coming into markets.

The MSCI Emerging Markets Index dropped 54 percent in 2008, the worst
performance since the measure was created in 1987, as global credit
markets froze. The index has gained 18 percent since reaching a
four-year low on Oct. 27 as governments worldwide unveiled spending
plans to bolster economies.

The emerging-markets gauge trades at 8.2 times its companies' reported
earnings, 36 percent cheaper than its average valuation last year,
according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The developed measure trades
for 10.8 times profit.

The U.S. economy and other economies will rebound in 2010, said
Mobius, whose biggest holdings are in Asia.

Rate Cuts

Central banks from the U.S. to Japan to China cut interest rates last
year to revive economies and spur lending after financial companies
worldwide reported more than $1 trillion of asset writedowns and
credit losses.

The International Monetary Fund said Nov. 6 emerging and developing
countries will expand 5.1 percent in 2009, surpassing global economic
growth of 2.2 percent. The IMF has said growth of 3 percent or less is
equivalent to a global recession.

Mobius said he's interested in producers of nickel, gold, iron ore,
palladium and platinum.

Templeton is less likely to invest in palm oil companies because there
aren't many companies focusing on the business, making it difficut to
get a good pure exposure, he said.

It will continue to invest in India even after a terrorist attack and
fraud allegations against Satyam Computer Services Ltd., Mobius said.

The investment manager has sold all its shares in Satyam and didn't
lose money because it got out early, he said. Templeton will no
longer invest in Satyam, India's fourth-largest software-services
provider, and has bought more shares in the Tata group of companies,
Mobius said.

Satyam's stock has tumbled 86 percent since founder Ramalinga Raju
said Jan. 7 that he fabricated $1 billion in cash and assets.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: IM2 Lelet, OLT Reconnect Terus

2009-01-20 Terurut Topik Vic
yup. im2 sekarang bikin kuciwa. lelet, sering switch ke edge/gprs (yg
chargenya lebih mahal). konon yg ngambil paket im2 yg paling murah
speednya lebih lambat dibanding paket yg lebih mahal. speed bisa
dimainin isp ya?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsxtrader jsxtra...@... wrote:

 Hahaha.., baru gw mau ngomong apa perlu kita bikin model kaya KIPS-
 BUMI.. kekeke..
 BTW, index mulai nanjak tuh ...
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, y_dizz y_dizz@ wrote:
  Berarti bukan saya saja yang mengalami.
  Saya di Surabaya, udah 2 minggu ini nggak karu2an. Biasanya cuma 
  malam saja lambat. Sekarang pagi, siang, malam lelet terus. Liat 
  running tau2 aja berhenti, pas udah reconnect eh harga udah ngacir.
  Saya sudah kirim email ke CSnya sampai sekarang nggak ditanggapi. 
  Akhirnya saya kirim ke surat pembaca, itupun IM2 masih diam aja.
  Member OB yang lain yang pake IM2 mengalami nggak? Apa kita perlu 
  bikin seperti KIPS-BUMI buat mendemo IM2?
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsxtrader jsxtrader@ 
   sorry Pak, saya lagi dikantor, dan pake koneksi IM2 yg lueeeleeet 
   banget... (dulu the best).., jadi ngga bisa buka MS realtime.., 
   support BMRI sekitar 1890'an.., antm  smgr saya lupa..., ntar 
   BTW, IM2 belakangan ini jelek amat ya, cuma dapet sekitar 
   speedy juga begitu, yg lain mengalami hal yg sama ngga? apa cuma 
   daerah saya aja? (kebayoran baru)
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Alexander Halim 
   alex_xander7289@ wrote:
klo seblm join milis ini, gw andalin info tmn yg udah join 
   ini, biasa gw beli shm paling cepat dijual dlm bbrp mggu an,,ga 
   daytrade gt dx,,antm, tlkm, bmri, smgr level supportnya diangka 
   boss JT?? thx

  Lebih bergaul dan terhubung dengan lebih baik. Tambah 
   banyak teman ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang! 

[obrolan-bandar] Re: CTRA atau Elty ?

2009-01-20 Terurut Topik Vic
kenapa gak dua2nya? properti masih prospektif. bunga kredit udah
turun. awal feb bunga deposito bakal turun lagi, n selanjutnya bunga
kredit akan turun lagi.

target price:
elty: 200 (cc)
ctra: 500 (od), 390 (cc)

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Darmawan dadiresmawa...@...

 Menurut para rekan-rekan,
 property/develop yg bagus, mending ambil CTRA atau ELTY yg lg drop... ?
 mohon pendapatnya... !!!
 --- On Tue, 1/20/09, Huan Sheng huan_sh...@... wrote:
 From: Huan Sheng huan_sh...@...
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Sekuritas Yang AMAN
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 7:38 PM
 Sejak saya menggunakan HOTS 2, minimun fee sudah 
 tidak dikenakan lagi, fee hanya saat transaksi saja.
   - Original Message - 
   To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
   Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 6:59 
   Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: 
   Sekuritas Yang AMAN
   Ada minimum fee 20rb per hari kalo ada transaksi saja. Kalo gak ada 
   transaksi sih ya nggak kena charge. 
 Tapi denger2 sekarang udah ga 
   diterapkan lagi
   Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
   From: y_dizz 
 Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 11:35:43 
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
   [obrolan-bandar] Re: Sekuritas Yang AMAN
   eTrading bukannya ada minimum fee per hari. Amit2 aja, kalo kita lagi 
 gak mau trading, dicharge fee terus tiap 
 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, 
   Agus Harimurti 
 agus.harimurti@ ... wrote:
   Sekuritas apa ya yang fee nya murah, on line dan aman.
   ini saya jadi nasabah SP tapi untunglah sebelum puasa 
 sudah pindah semua 
   ke HOTS. Alasannya sederhana karena feenya murah 
 dan online, tapi 
   menghubungi CS-nya susah banget, apa memang kalau 
 yang online sudah tidak 
   ada manusia yang mengurusnya?
  Sekarang ada perasaan takut 
   setelah muncul kasus Sarijaya, Dinar, 
 DBS, Trimegah (meski ini sepertinya 
   isu)Mau pindah ke Danarexa, 
 Mansex, BNI Sex, semua feenya mahal dan 
   tidak online...
  Kemaren lihat di koran ada peresmian HOTS2 
   (di tempat saya awal 
 tahun masalah meski sekarang lancar)...Ada foto 
   Sembiring, Boss dari 
 Daewoo dan orang E-trading... Sepertinya ini 
   iklan gratis dan 
 menunjukkan e-trading didukung BEI...Tapi biasanya 
   pengusaha yang 
 sering foto sama pejabat malah bikin masalah...
  Saya sudah test HOTS dengan cara menarik uang dalam jumlah 
 lumayan...ternyata. ...settle. ...
   - - ---
   chatting dengan teman di Yahoo! Pingbox baru sekarang!! 
   tempat chat pribadi di blog Anda sekarang sangatlah 

[obrolan-bandar] Pemerintah dan BI Giat Kucurkan KPR

2009-02-12 Terurut Topik Vic
JAKARTA. Industri properti mendapat angin surga. Pemerintah dan Bank
Indonesia (BI) sepakat mendorong perbankan agar makin giat mengucurkan
Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR). Dan ada Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB)
untuk kebijakan itu.

Penandatanganan SKB itu berlangsung Kamis (12/2), kemarin, oleh
Gubernur Bank Indonesia Boediono, Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani
Indrawati dan Menteri Negara Perumahan Rakyat (Menpera) Mohammad Yusuf
Asya'ari. Intinya, ketiga pejabat akan membentuk Tim Koordinasi
Kebijakan Pengembangan Pembiayaan Perumahan.

Yusuf Asya'ari ingin BI melonggarkan formula penghitungan Aktiva
Tertimbang Menurut Risiko (ATMR) untuk KPR bersubsidi. Kalau sekarang
itu masih 40%, dia meminta turun menjadi 20%.

Pertimbangannya, KPR bersubsidi adalah program pemerintah seperti
Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) karena itu tingkat risikonya lebih kecil.
Kalau BI setuju, bank bisa lebih giat menyalurkan KPR bersubsidi,
karena rasio kecukupan modal atawa Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) bank
tak cepat tergerus.

Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani yakin, kelonggaran kebijakan BI di sektor
perumahan akan membawa dampak positif ke sektor lain. Bisa membuka
lapangan kerja lebih banyak, ungkapnya.

Deputi Gubernur BI Muliaman D. Hadad mengaku BI tak berkeberatan.
Saat ini kredit bermasalah atau non performing loan (NPL) KPR sudah
relatif kecil, ungkap Muliaman. Tapi, akan lebih baik jika ada
penanganan risiko secara khusus bagi KPR, seperti halnya keberadaan
lembaga penjaminan kredit dalam penyaluran KUR.

Lagipula, BI melihat persoalan KPR bukan semata pada ATMR saja,
melainkan juga pada struktur pendanaan bank. Saat ini, sebagian besar
dana yang terkumpul di tabungan, giro, dan deposito bank berjangka
pendek. Bank bisa mengalami kesulitan likuiditas kalau harus mendanai
KPR yang berjangka waktu antara 5 hingga 15 tahun.

Karena itu, Boediono akan lebih fokus mempermudah bank agar mau
melakukan sekuritisasi aset, alias menggadaikan aset KPR mereka. Ini
bisa menambah kapasitas sumber pembiayaan bagi industri perbankan,

Boediono melihat saat ini nilai KPR di bank yang bisa dijadikan sumber
dana cukup besar. Hingga Desember 2008 KPR mencapai Rp 122 triliun
sedang kredit untuk pengembang mencapai Rp 28 triliun.

Persoalan lain yang tak kalah pelik, perbankan kita masih belum
efisien sehingga bunga masih mahal. Saat ini nasabah KPR harus
membayar bunga antara 13%-19% setahun. Bahkan, Bank BTN, penyalur 95%
KPR bersubsidi, juga sempat menaikan bunga bagi nasabah lama dari
14,75% jadi 15% per Januari 2009 di tengah tren menurunnya bunga.
Jadi? Semoga kesepakatan itu bukan cuma sekadar angin surga.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI = 10 x ELTY

2009-02-12 Terurut Topik Vic
tp bumi: 550 (daisy ml) s.d 1000 (lupa siapa)
tp elt: 158 (mega cap), 200 (mandiri sec), 230 (samuel sec)

jadi potential gain (menurut riset) lebih bagusan elty. lagipula riset
saham properti dibikin dgn asumsi bi rate akhir tahun ke 8%. padahal
dgn inflasi yg diprediksi 5-6%, bi rate bisa ke 7%, artinya bunga kpr
bisa ke 11-12%.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, ruzli indeksbei3...@... wrote:

 Lets see who's got the last laugh
 Pada 12 Februari 2009 18:43, Vaulstrad vaulst...@... menulis:
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, simon bolenang
  simon_bolenang@ wrote:
  Harga BUMI Rp 730
  Harga ELTY Rp 73,- Mana yg lebih menarik ?
  waduh yang jelasss besok merahhh heauheuaheuaheuaehau :P

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ctra

2009-02-12 Terurut Topik Vic
tp ctra: 390 (cc), 500 (od)

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, swan silo swan_gro...@... wrote:

 ctra break darvas box
   Pemanasan global? Apa sih itu? Temukan jawabannya di Yahoo!
Answers! http://id.answers.yahoo.com

[obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI = 10 x ELTY

2009-02-12 Terurut Topik Vic
gak punya risetnya pak, mungkin yg lain punya.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, fuyi anip...@... wrote:

 kalau enrg pak?
 Pada 13 Februari 2009 09:59, Vic victor_speran...@... menulis:
tp bumi: 550 (daisy ml) s.d 1000 (lupa siapa)
  tp elt: 158 (mega cap), 200 (mandiri sec), 230 (samuel sec)
  jadi potential gain (menurut riset) lebih bagusan elty. lagipula riset
  saham properti dibikin dgn asumsi bi rate akhir tahun ke 8%. padahal
  dgn inflasi yg diprediksi 5-6%, bi rate bisa ke 7%, artinya bunga kpr
  bisa ke 11-12%.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  ruzli indeksbei3000@ wrote:
   Lets see who's got the last laugh
   Pada 12 Februari 2009 18:43, Vaulstrad vaulstrad@ menulis:
--- In
  simon bolenang
simon_bolenang@ wrote:
Harga BUMI Rp 730
Harga ELTY Rp 73,- Mana yg lebih menarik ?
waduh yang jelasss besok merahhh heauheuaheuaheuaehau :P

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Pemerintah dan BI Giat Kucurkan KPR

2009-02-12 Terurut Topik Vic
secara umum begitu ya kelihatannya. tapi bankir bumn ditekan govt buat
turunin bunga. minggu depan kabarnya bank bumn bakal turunin lagi
bunga deposito.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Cumi Goreng Tepung
cumie...@... wrote:

 Bank sama Organda sama aja kelakuannya. BI Rate dan bensin naik,
 bunga kredit dan tarif angkot langsung naik. BI rate atau bensin
turun, enam
 bulan kemudian bunga kredit atau tarif angkot baru mau ditinjau untuk
 2009/2/13 Vic victor_speran...@...
  JAKARTA. Industri properti mendapat angin surga. Pemerintah dan Bank
  Indonesia (BI) sepakat mendorong perbankan agar makin giat mengucurkan
  Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR). Dan ada Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB)
  untuk kebijakan itu.
  Penandatanganan SKB itu berlangsung Kamis (12/2), kemarin, oleh
  Gubernur Bank Indonesia Boediono, Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani
  Indrawati dan Menteri Negara Perumahan Rakyat (Menpera) Mohammad Yusuf
  Asya'ari. Intinya, ketiga pejabat akan membentuk Tim Koordinasi
  Kebijakan Pengembangan Pembiayaan Perumahan.
  Yusuf Asya'ari ingin BI melonggarkan formula penghitungan Aktiva
  Tertimbang Menurut Risiko (ATMR) untuk KPR bersubsidi. Kalau sekarang
  itu masih 40%, dia meminta turun menjadi 20%.
  Pertimbangannya, KPR bersubsidi adalah program pemerintah seperti
  Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) karena itu tingkat risikonya lebih kecil.
  Kalau BI setuju, bank bisa lebih giat menyalurkan KPR bersubsidi,
  karena rasio kecukupan modal atawa Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) bank
  tak cepat tergerus.
  Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani yakin, kelonggaran kebijakan BI di sektor
  perumahan akan membawa dampak positif ke sektor lain. Bisa membuka
  lapangan kerja lebih banyak, ungkapnya.
  Deputi Gubernur BI Muliaman D. Hadad mengaku BI tak berkeberatan.
  Saat ini kredit bermasalah atau non performing loan (NPL) KPR sudah
  relatif kecil, ungkap Muliaman. Tapi, akan lebih baik jika ada
  penanganan risiko secara khusus bagi KPR, seperti halnya keberadaan
  lembaga penjaminan kredit dalam penyaluran KUR.
  Lagipula, BI melihat persoalan KPR bukan semata pada ATMR saja,
  melainkan juga pada struktur pendanaan bank. Saat ini, sebagian besar
  dana yang terkumpul di tabungan, giro, dan deposito bank berjangka
  pendek. Bank bisa mengalami kesulitan likuiditas kalau harus mendanai
  KPR yang berjangka waktu antara 5 hingga 15 tahun.
  Karena itu, Boediono akan lebih fokus mempermudah bank agar mau
  melakukan sekuritisasi aset, alias menggadaikan aset KPR mereka. Ini
  bisa menambah kapasitas sumber pembiayaan bagi industri perbankan,
  Boediono melihat saat ini nilai KPR di bank yang bisa dijadikan sumber
  dana cukup besar. Hingga Desember 2008 KPR mencapai Rp 122 triliun
  sedang kredit untuk pengembang mencapai Rp 28 triliun.
  Persoalan lain yang tak kalah pelik, perbankan kita masih belum
  efisien sehingga bunga masih mahal. Saat ini nasabah KPR harus
  membayar bunga antara 13%-19% setahun. Bahkan, Bank BTN, penyalur 95%
  KPR bersubsidi, juga sempat menaikan bunga bagi nasabah lama dari
  14,75% jadi 15% per Januari 2009 di tengah tren menurunnya bunga.
  Jadi? Semoga kesepakatan itu bukan cuma sekadar angin surga.
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links
 Korban BUMI? Makan cumi saja!

[obrolan-bandar] Anticipate the V

2009-02-12 Terurut Topik Vic
Anticipate the V
Ken Fisher, 01.22.09, 06:00 PM EST
Forbes Magazine dated February 16, 2009

The stocks that got clobbered most late in a bear market are the most
likely to do well in the early stages of the next bull market.

This year has gotten off to a bad start, with the SP 500 (as of Jan.
20) down 10.7% to 805. This just makes me more determined in my
bullishness. I like stocks for 2009 precisely because they did so
badly in 2008.

Did we hit absolute bottom Nov. 20? Maybe, but I can't be sure; no one
can be sure when a bear market is really over. Those who think they
have some formula for precisely calling bottoms are fools. What I am
pretty sure of is this: When the market rebounds, a lot of its gains
will take place in a very short span (like two months or less), and
people who are too cautious will miss most of these gains.

Bear markets have been typically followed by bull markets in a
V-shaped pattern. The steeper and bigger the decline, the sharper and
bigger the subsequent bull move. The few exceptions to this pattern in
the past century have involved the emergence of completely different
bad forces than the ones that created and contributed to the bear market.

For example, stocks rallied 324% from July 1932 to March 1937. After a
recession-induced big bear market and partial recovery over the next
21 months, stocks encountered an entirely new kind of trouble in 1939.
War in Europe sent the market down even lower than the recessionary
low of early 1938.

That could happen again, with the economic equivalent of an asteroid
coming out of the blue. But, absent such a surprise, we should get the
normal V pattern. Its upward swing will swamp any late-stage bear
market vicissitudes as they always do.

How were my results last year? In line with the market's--which is to
say, not good. Starting with 1996, forbes' statistics department has
prepared an annual accounting of each stock-picking columnist's picks
versus the SP 500. Over those 13 years my column has lagged the SP
500 three times, and 2008 was one of them. The others were 1997 and 2002.

During 2008 I recommended 57 stocks. Equal money in each of my picks
when first published less a 1% haircut for transaction costs would
have lagged equal amounts in the SP 500 by 1.1 percentage points
(without a commission haircut).

That lag came from the first column (Jan. 28), which had my two worst
stocks. AIG collapsed 97% because of losses on credit default swaps at
a time when accounting standards demanded quicker recognition of such
losses. Brazil's Aracruz Cellulose lost 84% as demand for its pulp
shrank in the face of recession.

My picks were a hair ahead of the SP until Dec. 29, when Rohm  Haas
shriveled amid fears (unfounded, it now seems) that Dow Chemical 
(nyse: DOW -  news  -  people ) might not complete its takeover of
this company. Despite this setback, Rohm  Haas was my best pick, up
36%. Other double-digit winners for me last year were NTT Docomo, the
Japanese phone company; Logitech International  (nasdaq: LOGI -  news
 -  people ), a maker of cordless pc devices in Switzerland; Repsol,
the Spanish oil company; and Travelers, Wal-Mart  (nyse: WMT -  news 
-  people ) and John Wiley  Sons.

What stocks from last year's picks are still worth holding? An almost
universal stock market fact that few know and you will likely not have
read anywhere, ever, is that categories of stocks that fared better
than the market in a bear market's first half but lagged badly in its
later stages tend to lead the next bull market bounce and for a long
time. History holds almost no exceptions to this. This group now
includes energy, materials, industrials and consumer discretionary.

So for this year I recommend carrying over eight of my 2008 picks.
Four are in basic resources: Cameron International (otcbb: CMRN.OB -
news - people )(21, CAM), Royal Dutch Shell (nyse: RDSA - news -
people ) (47, RDS.A), Dow Chemical (14, DOW) and Arcelor Mittal (23,
MT). There are two in industrial products: CNH Global (14, CNH), a
Dutch firm that makes earthmoving equipment, and Textron (nyse: TXT -
news - people ) (12, TXT), a diversified company that makes everything
from golf carts to Cessna jets.

Despite the recession, I recommend you stick with two of the consumer
stocks from my 2008 roster. Mohawk Industries (nyse: MHK - news -
people ) (35, MHK) makes carpets and Daimler (29, DAI) makes Mercedes
cars. These two should do well on the right side of the V, which will
begin for stocks a good 6 to 12 months before the economy hits bottom.
Remember that the stock market is anticipatory. If you wait until the
economic recovery is here, you'll miss most of the action on Wall Street.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: OOT Koneksi Im2 lemot lagi

2009-02-13 Terurut Topik Vic
ini ada excuse dari indosat. mereka pake istilah aneh2 seperti lokasi
favorit sebagai alasan ketidakbecusan mereka melayani pelanggan.

Bapak/Ibu pelanggan IM2 Broadband Internet yang terhormat,

Kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas kepercayaan Bapak/Ibu terhadap
layanan IM2 Broadband Internet. Dengan antusiasme yang sangat positif,
saat ini jumlah pengguna layanan IM2 meningkat secara sangat signifikan.

Seiring dengan peningkatan tersebut diatas, telah mengakibatkan
lonjakan pada utilitas jaringan kami, dan menyebabkan menurunnya
kualitas layanan di beberapa lokasi favorit. Pada lokasi favorit
tersebut, Bapak/Ibu akan mengalami kendala dalam melakukan koneksi

   1. Kesulitan koneksi walau kualitas signal yang di terima baik
   2. Dapat melakukan koneksi dengan penerimaan signal yang baik,
namun tidak dapat melakukan aktivitas internet
   3. Penurunan kecepatan koneksi / low throughput

Perlu kami sampaikan bahwa prosentase atas kondisi tersebut diatas
relatif rendah, kurang lebih berkisar 5% dari seluruh kapasitas yang
kami miliki di kawasan Jabodetabek.

Untuk kepentingan bersama, kami merekomendasikan Bapak/Ibu untuk tidak
menggunakan aplikasi download manager seperti Torent dan Morpheus,
serta senantiasa melakukan pengecekan lokasi favorit terkini melalui
link www.indosatm2.com/zoneinfo. Selain itu, mohon Bapak/Ibu dapat
menghindari pemakaian di lokasi favorit tersebut antara pukul 08:00
s.d 12:00 WIB dan 19:00 s.d 22:00 WIB.

Kami menyampaikan permohonan maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang harus
Bapak/Ibu alami. Sebagai informasi bahwa upaya perbaikan melalui
penambahan jaringan saat ini tengah kami lakukan, agar layanan dapat
dinikmati kembali dengan nyaman di seluruh area tanpa gangguan.

Atas perhatian yang diberikan, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Salam hormat,
Customer Service Manager
Nanan D. Machdi

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, y_dizz y_d...@... wrote:

 Namanya juga ISAT = Internet bangSAT.
 Masa IM2 yang bayar tiap bulan kalah kenceng sama wifi di kampus gue 
 yang gratisan. Capee deh...
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Meiliany Halim phzone@ 
  Bp JT,
  Iya pak, gara2 IM2 ngadat, mau beli BUMI ga kekejar, harga sudah 
  terbang :).
  Sekarang bapak, pakai intenet provider apa?
  2009/2/12 jsxtrader jsxtrader@
 Iya Bu, ganti aja lah.., balikin IM2nya, rugi2 dikit gak apa, 
   dipaksain pake IM2 malah MENGGANGU aktifitas trading kita, 
   menggangu EMOSI, akibatnya jelek buat trading..., hehe.
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar
   Meiliany Halim phzone@
Ada yang sudah pakai Mobi dari Mobile 8/Fren? Mohon input, 
 karena ada
rencana mau ganti ke situ.


[obrolan-bandar] Re: ctra

2009-02-15 Terurut Topik Vic
hebat bener ciputra group. ctra chartnya v-shape recovery antisipasi
penurunan bunga kredit.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Vic victor_speran...@... wrote:

 tp ctra: 390 (cc), 500 (od)
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, swan silo swan_groups@ wrote:
  ctra break darvas box
Pemanasan global? Apa sih itu? Temukan jawabannya di Yahoo!
 Answers! http://id.answers.yahoo.com

[obrolan-bandar] Re: TINS (TP Rp770) - CIMB: Riposte of illegal mining

2009-02-16 Terurut Topik Vic
dividen 150 kale, kan eps 280.
btw, di kondisi market kayak gini banyak riset yg nakut2in ya.
analisnya gak takut dosa/karma ya hehehe.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, tjetjun asias...@... wrote:

 mungkin harga sesudah bagi deviden 250
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, simon bolenang 
 simon_bolenang@ wrote:
  16 Feb 2009 
  Company update - Riposte of illegal mining - by Rania Rahmundita 
  (TINS IJ / TINS.JK, UNDERPERFORM - Downgraded, Rp1,100 - Tgt. 
 Rp770, Basic Resources) 
  Timah's FY08 net profit could be well below market and our 
 expectations largely on high costs of inventory. We see double risks 
 to its profitability in FY09-10 from: 1) softer demand (cutting sales 
 volume expectations by 5-12.5% for FY09-10) and tin prices (cut by 9% 
 for FY09-10 as illegal mining in Bangka-Belitung returns and China's 
 net import position further narrows); and 2) high inventory costs 
 (raising cost assumptions by 5% for FY09-10). We cut our FY08-10 EPS 
 estimates by 11-66% and our DCF target price by 40% to Rp770 (WACC 
 17%, LTG 0%). More downside for the share price remains, in our view. 
 Downgrade to Underperform from Neutral. 
  Full-report including important disclosures:   [ PDF ] 
  PS: if you wish to Opt-Out or Change your Mailing Details, please 
 send an email message to sg.resenquiries@ . Otherwise call your 
 respective Salesperson. 
  For any other queries, please contact our Call Centre at 1800 538 
 9889, +65 6538 9889 (overseas) or email  clientservices.sg@ . 
  Disclaimer: No part of this report may be reproduced or distributed 
 in any manner without the written permission of CIMB and its 
 affiliates. CIMB and its affiliates specifically prohibits the 
 redistribution of this report, electronically or otherwise, and 
 accepts no liability whatsoever for the actions of third parties in 
 this respect. This email may contain privileged and/or confidential 
 information. If you are not the named recipient or addressee, you are 
 hereby notified that any use, review, disclosure or copying of the 
 contents herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this 
 email by mistake, please notify the sender immediately by reply email 
 and discard/destroy all its contents. This email is for informational 
 purposes and should not be construed as a solicitation or offer to 
 buy or sell securities or related financial instruments. 
  This email may contain privileged and/or confidential information 
 intended only for the use of the addressee. If you are not the 
 addressee, or the person responsible for delivering it to the 
 addressee, you may not use, copy or deliver this to anyone else. If 
 you receive this email by mistake, please immediately notify us.
  Opinions contained herein may be the personal opinion of the sender 
 and do not necessarily represent the views of the Company. If you are 
 in any doubt as to whether the opinions are officially endorsed by 
 the Company, please contact our Compliance Dept at (+65) 6225 1228 
 for clarification.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Mbah kemana ya...

2009-02-16 Terurut Topik Vic
lagi akumulasi.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, icchanks iccha...@... wrote:

 Tenang aja, selama warung OB masih buka berarti Mbah masih monitor kok..
 Kalau sekarang Mbah masih diam mungkin cuman memang gak ada yang perlu
 diomongin apalagi kalau sideways gini, dulu Mbah juga biasa menghilang
 kok kemudian tiba2 muncul dengan komandonya!! 
 Salam Mbah... 
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, ARRAY27 ARRAY27@ wrote:
  Tenang saja. Embah sedang susun strategi. Jangan2 Hot BF yang
sudah main
  itu, tayangan ulang dari bunkernya. Masa ini lebih baik pasang
  dulu. www.obrolanbandar.com sd 2009-02-16 sudah diupdate, berarti
  masih terkirim.
  Pada 17 Februari 2009 01:07, fifi young fifiyoung03@ menulis:
   Coba introspeksi diri kita sendiri, adakah kita berbuat salah
   atau berbuat sesuatu sehingga Mbah merasa unhappy...?
   Mbah tiba-tiba menghilang cukup lama tanpa pemberitahuan apapun
   ini sudah menunjukan ada sesuatu yang tidak beres...
   saya pribadi sih kira-kira sudah bisa nebak...
   tapi bagaimana dengan anda...?
   Saya mohon anda sebagai OB-ers bisa memberikan masukan...
   2009/2/16 kelvin Chang kelvin.chang70@
   mbah lg ke jombang kalee. cari dukun ponari buat sembuhin indeks,
   *From:* Rinoa BC penjual.sprei@
   *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
   *Sent:* Monday, February 16, 2009 1:42:27 PM
   *Subject:* Re: [obrolan-bandar] Mbah kemana ya...
   Kalo sampai besok embah ngga nongol juga saya mau ikutan
 menghilang saja,
   nerusin usaha orang tua jualan sprei dan bed cover.


[obrolan-bandar] Re: ONE more chance

2007-10-22 Terurut Topik Vic
kalau indek dinaikin pasti banyak yg tp n cuci piring. pusing nih
bandar heheheh. ati2 harga metal turun mayan banyak.

pagi hajar kanan n siang hajar kiri kale heheh

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, oentoeng_qq [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dear guys...
 Supaya LEBIH FAIR mari kita hadapi CHANCE dari Ms. EL dengan CLUE 
 seperti ini.
 Penurunan INDEKS masih akan TERUS BERLANGSUNG hingga akhir bulan.
 TAPI...untuk penurunan TERDALAM sudah terjadi yaitu KEMARIN. 
 Sekarang TANTANGAN kita mengikuti SEKTORAL (saham2) yg akan 
 dikerjain ama BOZZ secara BERGILIRAN.
 Bisa jadi ada sector yg masih akan meneruskan PENURUNAN, tapi sector 
 yg LAIN sudah REBOUND...
 Silahkan BARGAIN HUNTING dipimpin oleh Embah...
 Note: Buat Ms. EL...saya tunggu BOM anda (-100 atau lebih) hingga 
   Ini bukan tantangan...'cause everything HAPPENED as PLANNED 
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-
 consultant@ wrote:
  Kalo besok pagi DJI ijo and there is HUGE GAP, embah akan
  mimpin NYERBU BELANJA di BEJ lagi !!!
  I am not afraid with my EGO, i am only afraid with DJI because
  US economy is NOT GOOD...
  IHSG is in a  very HEALTHY condition.  Capital outflow is still 
  TOLERABLE. And the BIG BOZZ has a lot of equity in stock ...
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Pedagang Kentang 
  orkaybgt@ wrote:
   I'll give you ONE more CHANCE to GET OUT, tomorrow.
   That if I am in a good mood like LCY.
   Please get up early. You will see a huge GAP.
   This time a NUKE BOMB is about to come. Prepare yourself.
   Don't be afraid with the bear. Be afraid with your EGO.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ONE more chance

2007-10-23 Terurut Topik Vic
jemuran bandar dah pada kering blom heheheheh. udah gatel mo tp neh

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, oentoeng_qq [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Kalau ngomong jangan kenceng2.
 Karena pertandingan belon selesai...
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, siaw_hwe siaw_hwe@ 
  Nunggu apa lagi? Hati2 Nuke-nya ketaun Uncle Sam.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Pedagang Kentang
  orkaybgt@ wrote:
   I'll give you ONE more CHANCE to GET OUT, tomorrow.
   That if I am in a good mood like LCY.
   Please get up early. You will see a huge GAP.
   This time a NUKE BOMB is about to come. Prepare yourself.
   Don't be afraid with the bear. Be afraid with your EGO.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: HIJAU LAGI hari ini

2007-10-23 Terurut Topik Vic
hajar kanan lagi. termasuk zombi2 heheheh

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Sriwisnu-gmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Dow 13,676.23 +109.26 +0.81% 
   Nasdaq 2,799.26 +45.33 +1.65% 
   SP 500 1,519.59 +13.26 +0.88% 
   10 Yr Bond(%) 4.4050% +0.0120

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Ramalan cuaca BUMI buat besok

2007-10-24 Terurut Topik Vic
berarti hari ini tins n untr lagi distribusi donk

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant

 BUMI sedang dalam periode DISTRIBUSI. 
 Tapi meskipun ada DISTRIBUSI, harganya NAEK, kenapa:
 - Pertama karena bandarnya HEBAT.
 - BUMI dan ENRG adalah satu PAKET, ENRG diangkat sambil
   BUMI dibagiin. Jadi meskipun ada distribusi, BUMI tetap
   naek sinkron ama kenaekan ENRG.
 - Adanya momen kenaikan minyak.
 - IHSG yg bullish.
 - Harga BUMI sudah JAUH TINGGI dibanding modal bandar. Jadi
   bagi bagi duit ama pak Budi juga ENGGA MASALAH, yg penting
   mereka BISA DISTRIBUSI. TOH yg penting buat mereka adalah
   NGUMPULIN DANA and masih bisa untung GEDE lagi. Jadi disini
   trader ama bandar KERJA SAMA, SAMA SAMA UNTUNG. Jadi engga
   ada istilah NYANGKUT disini.
 TAPI ketika BUMI udah engga bisa naek lagi karena kehabisan
 Trader Cutloss, harga BUMI dibikin naek lagi dan DISTRIBUSI lagi,
 DANA MASUK lagi kekantong. Ini akan diulang2...
 Embah perkirakan masih BANYAK SCENARIO tambahan untuk bikin
 orang mau beli BUMI disamping DITURUNIN lalu DINAEKIN lagi.
 Keuntungan bandar diBUMI sangat GEDE, cukup untuk BAYAR
 Fund Manager YG PALING MAHAL !!! dan seperti embah bilang
 mereka RELA bagi bagi duit buat TRADER, toh untung mereka
 udah gede dan yang penting kan NGUMPULIN DANA. 
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, earwicker_dean 
 dean.earwicker@ wrote:
  Mbah, jadi BUMI sudah boleh dijual nih..?

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ANTM = Ayo Naik Teruss... Mang....

2007-10-24 Terurut Topik Vic
harga metal drop lagi

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Lkmn S [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bagi yang pegang ANTM jangan takut...kekepin ajah tuh ANTM untuk
pensiun nanti...apalagi kebutuhan nikel cina diprediksi akan meningkat
dan harga nikel saat ini sudah rebound dari bottom price

 anto cibubur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Cuma nebak dan berharap saja sih.
 Bergabunglah dengan orang-orang yang berwawasan, di di bidang Anda!
Kunjungi Yahoo! Answers saat ini juga di http://id.answers.yahoo.com/
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 kecuali memang diperlukan.
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[obrolan-bandar] Re: DJI Future and ML loss

2007-10-24 Terurut Topik Vic
kemarin dow ijo ternyata bej merah. semalam dow merah harusnya bej ijo
donk heheheh

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant

 Dari pagi index Asia yg lagi bagus bagusnya harus jatuh karena
 diperkirakan Kerugian ML akan lebih besar dari expektasi analis.
 DJ future juga minus dalam tadi siang karena takut MENGKALE...
 Tapi sesudah pengumuman Lossnya ternyata DJI future malah NAEK...
 Jadi mudah mudahan DJI plus lagi malem ini... HOPEFULLY...
 Saat ini baru opening DJI -43 ...

[obrolan-bandar] Re: IHSG: The RED and the GREEN area

2007-10-28 Terurut Topik Vic
regional ijo, hajar kanan bleh !!!

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, oentoeng_qq [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Embah jsx-consultant@ 
  IHSG: The RED and the GREEN area
  Saat ini berita kenaikan harga minyak dunia menjadi HEADLINE,
  pagi ini masuk sebagai HEADLINE Kompas. Tapi index TETAP bisa
  naik lagi. Keadaan ini membuat investor bingung
 Terus terang Mbah kemarin ini saya berpikir kenapa Mr. LCY ama Ms. 
 EL terlalu Edy Tansil...ini lebih karena mereka bicara suatu 
 Yaitu sesuatu yg bisa berubah setiap saat...
 Artinya koreksi yg mereka harapkan kemarin BUKANLAH dampak krisis 
 S.prime maupun kebijakan suku bunga FED tapi lebih menekankan pd 
 Walaupun secara short term memang benar, yaitu setelah adanya 
 warning muncul KOREKSI...tapi secara medium...buktinya ASII, TINS 
 dsb masih bisa  membuat NEW HIGH...
 Menurut saya, mereka melakukan ANTISIPASI harga oil menyentuh level 
 100 bahkan LEBIH.
 Disitulah muncul prediksi akan terjadi KEPANIKAN di DUNIA...karena 
 dimana2 akan berteriak...RESESI 100x
 Seperti Embah bilang saat ini sudah jadi HEADLINE di mass media.
 Ini akan semakin MENGGELORA saat itu terjadi.
 Akankah kejadian itu BENER2 akan terjadi minggu ini?
 Kalau ngikuti TEMA FILM di tv swasta adalah HELLOWEN week...
 Dimana banyak setan kluyuran saat perayaan hari HOROR tsb...
 Kalau di bursa, dimungkinkan banyak trader/investor akan KESETANAN 
 Kalau KOREKSI tersebut dikaitkan dengan pergerakan harga oil, 
 jawaban dari saya kapan datangnya BOM ATOM/KOREKSI BESAR...ONLY GOD 
 Yg jelas Mbah...
 Skenarionya kalau BOM itu jatuh? Akan jatuh BERDENTUMAN.
 Buat yg masih di medan perang, laripun kalau SELAMAT pasti dengan 
 Always HOPE the BEST and PREPARE the WORST

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