New OrionSupport article: Create custom user-authentication

2001-05-17 Thread Joe Walnes

Ok, (finally) got an article up on OrionSupport about implementing a custom 
UserManager that authenticates user from your own database (Relational DB, 
XML, LDAP, NT Domains, proprietary app, etc).

Provides you with a SimpleUserManager allowing you to hook it up to your 
own system by just implementing 3 methods.

Hope it's useful.

-Joe Walnes

Re: Orion with tomcat!!!

2001-03-01 Thread Joe Walnes

At 16:54 28/02/2001 -0500, JangHo Ki wrote:

I know it has been mentioned in serveral times.
However, I could not make Orion as EJB server work with Apache  Tomcat.
A servlet is placed to access ejb at tomcat's WEB-INF/classes directory,
along with application-client.xml under META-INF directory.

The servlet looks as follows:


 Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
 env.put("", "admin");
 env.put("", "admin");

You should set the java.naming.factory.initial property to 
'com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory', otherwise the web-app 
behaves like a J2EE client (which requires application-client.xml).

-Joe Walnes

[New article on OrionSupport] Using PostgreSQL with Orion

2001-01-19 Thread Joe Walnes

Tim Drury has written a very nice step by step for configuring PostgreSQL 
and Orion for use with each other.

-Joe Walnes

Re: Cocobase integration

2000-12-15 Thread Joe Walnes

I would be interested if the cocobase O/R mapping tool could be used to
create BMP beans for orion. I`m very interested in orion and I would be glad
if I could use cocobase to generate my BMP beans.


It is possible to use Cocobase for O/R mapping from BMP entity beans using 
it's standard persitence mechanisms (I've never done it, but see no reason 
why it shouldn't).

However you may save yourself a lot of time by using Orion's built in O/R 
mapping support for CMP entity beans.

-Joe Walnes

RE: weird Orion 1.4.4 JSP bug

2000-12-15 Thread Joe Walnes

As well as what Scott pointed out,

This is invalid:

webwork:param name="name" value=webwork:property name="$user"/ /

... as custom tags cannot contain other custom tags within attributes.

Try something like:

webwork:param name="name" value="%= something %" /

(Scriptlets are allowed inside attributes - also, remember quotes).


You may have problems with this:

 !-- webwork:include page="/request.jsp" -- JSP will still interpret the tag... the result will just be in HTML 
comments. In order to stop JSP ignoring this tag, try:

     %-- webwork:include page="/request.jsp" --%

-Joe Walnes

At 17:03 15/12/2000 +1100, you wrote:
AFAIK you cannot close a tag with parameters:

/webwork:isnotnull name="$name"

Try without the parameter
-Original Message-
From: Hristo Stoyanov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 15 December 2000 11:51
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: weird Orion 1.4.4 JSP bug

It looks like The Orion 1.4.4 code generator
for jsps has an error. First, here is the JSP itsel
and below is the error message
=JSP page=
%@ taglib uri="webwork" prefix="webwork" %

!-- webwork:include page="/request.jsp" --

webwork:notexists name="$name"
 webwork:isnotnull name="$name"
 webwork:include page="/template/standard/text.jsp"
 webwork:param name="label" value="User
 webwork:param name="name"
value=webwork:property name="$user"/ /

 webwork:param name="label"
 webwork:param name="name"  value=""/
 webwork:param name="size"  value="10"/
 webwork:param name="maxlength" value="15"/
 /webwork:isnotnull name="$name"

Error message==
Error parsing JSP page /webapp/login.jsp

Syntax error in source/
'while' expected.
/ 'catch' without 'try'.
 catch(Exception __jspE2)
/ 'try' without 'catch' or
/ '}' expected.
4 errors

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Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: SV: Orionserver php

2000-12-13 Thread Joe Walnes

what exactly do you mean by "compile PHP as a servlet"? Isnt PHP written in

It's written in C and comes with different wrappers for executing it, the 
most common being a standalone CGI process or compiled into Apache as a module.

However, there is also a Servlet wrapper, which uses JNI to bind to the 
native code. The advantages of using this over the standalone CGI 
executable are:

- Speed (a new process does not need to be forked for each request, and the 
engine is reused)
- Access to Java objects - PHP can construct objects, access attributes, 
methods and properties.
- Request, Response, Session, RequestDispatcher, etc objects available to 
PHP page
- Runs in same context. Calls to EJBs do not have to be passed over RMI

The downside to running PHP as a Servlet is that it's tricky to install, 
and because it uses JNI it's not protected by the VM.

There will be a howto for setting this up appearing on 
within the next few days if you're interested.

-Joe Walnes

Re: Orionserver php

2000-12-12 Thread Joe Walnes

Yes it does, and very well indeed. Nice thing is that PHP can interact with 
Java objects (such as EJB's) so it makes for a nice presentation layer.

I await the flames.

-Joe Walnes

At 10:19 12/12/2000 +0200, you wrote:
Hello folks,

has anyone mixed orionserver and php?

If you don't want to install Apache,
but enable php, will it run over orionserver?

Regards, Jukka

Re: SV: Orionserver php

2000-12-12 Thread Joe Walnes

Or, if you're feeling daring...

Compile PHP as a servlet and then place the classes and necessary 
servlet-mappings in your web-app.

Then from your PHP, you can do stuff like:

$ctx = new Java("javax.naming.InitialContext");
$myHome = $ctx-lookup("ejb/MyBean");
$me = $myHome-findByPrimaryKey($id);

Name: %= $me-name %
Age: %= $me-age %

(hypothetical example).

It's nice because servlet/JSP controllers can forward to or include PHP 
pages as if they are normal servlet/JSP pages, and PHP can access EJB's, 
ServletRequest, etc etc. Useful when Java is too scarey for web-developers.


At 13:35 12/12/2000 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This is actually VERY easy to do, just compile a normal php cgi executable
without apache integration and install it in your path...

Dont touch anything in orion, but restart it... Then make a file in your
default webapp or something containing the following to test if it works:

info.php - filename

If this shows a nice page with php information youre off and running :)

Klaus Myrseth

-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Joe Walnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 12. desember 2000 13:07
Til: Orion-Interest
Emne: Re: Orionserver  php

Yes it does, and very well indeed. Nice thing is that PHP can interact with
Java objects (such as EJB's) so it makes for a nice presentation layer.

I await the flames.

-Joe Walnes

At 10:19 12/12/2000 +0200, you wrote:
 Hello folks,
 has anyone mixed orionserver and php?
 If you don't want to install Apache,
 but enable php, will it run over orionserver?
 Regards, Jukka

RE: Off topic: development tools

2000-12-11 Thread Joe Walnes

While we're in the mood for 'me too'

Together Control Center is my main IDE/Modeller. I 
use it for initial analysis (use-cases, class-diagrams), through to design 
of system (db design, objects, patterns, frameworks, EJBs, interactions), 
then to actualy develop code, and finally through to deploying on Orion and 
debugging. Keeps me happy. I like it because it focuses on real enterprise 
app design.

Alongside it I use:
  ant - to aid in the build process
  jikes - to save time
  cvs - to control my code
  textpad/vi - because sometimes I just need to jump to the source without 
consuming 100mb memory :)
  homesite - for JSP development

-Joe Walnes

   -Original Message-
  From: Jarek Skreta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Lunes, 11 de Diciembre de 2000 8:03
  To:   Orion-Interest
  Subject:  Off topic: development tools
  Hello everybody,
  I am in the process of selecting an IDE for developing J2EE applications
  on Orion. I would appreciate any advice on the subject. I've noticed from
  emails that JBuilder is quite popular. Other contenders that I know off
  are: Visual Café, JDeveloper (Oracle flavour of JBuilder), public domain
  tools like Ant, etc.
  The features I am mainly interested in are: ability to develop for
  different Apps Servers, visual debugging, validation of conformance with
  specifications (e.g. for EJBs).
  I will be grateful for your comments and recommendations.
  Jarek Skreta

New howto on orionsupport: Configuring Cocoon

2000-12-08 Thread Joe Walnes

Article explaining how to use Cocoon on Orion.

- advantages of using it
- wrapper to allow XSP to work
- add-on package to allow Cocoon to function as a Filter
- how to use Cocoon to process JSP, Servlets, and virtually anything else.

Hope it is useful.

-Joe Walnes

Re: Running two instances of Orion on the same IP and port

2000-11-29 Thread Joe Walnes

Setup the first instance of Orion as usual.
Setup the 2nd instance of Orion on a different port.
Use TunnelServlet in Orion 1 to forward requests to Orion 2 for necessary 

-Joe Walnes

At 21:46 28/11/2000, you wrote:


Has anyone ever tried to run two instances of Orion on the same machine, 
IP and port.  What I am trying to do is have a second instance of Orion 
listen to only certain virtual hosts (headers) and the first pick up any 
unknown or blank headers.

The reason for us doing it this way is to have a test installation of 
Orion that will be restarted often and a second 'stable 'installation that 
will run some ancillary sites for our internal network.

I know that binding a second IP to the box and having the second Orion 
listen on that IP would probably work.  Is there an obvious reason that 
the way I am attempting always gives me an "Error starting HTTP server: 
Address already in use" error on the second instance?



New article: Running Orion on FreeBSD

2000-11-19 Thread Joe Walnes

Justen Stepka has kindly written this how-to about running Orion on FreeBSD.

-Joe Walnes

New app/tools how-tos required for OrionSupport

2000-11-16 Thread Joe Walnes

I'm going to start collating a new bunch of how-to's for, describing how to run popular applications and tools 
with Orion.

My current list of apps and tools consists of (with specific subjects to 
address or add-ons in brackets):

- Cocoon (getting xsp to work, allowing to process
   servlets/jsp/cgi using a custom
   Producer and servlet 2.3 filters)
- Struts
- JetSpeed
- Jive (integrating with orion's user-management
   and using orion's db pooling)
- PHP (running as cgi and as servlet, and
   accessing ejbs from php code)
- Cold-Fusion
- Macromedia Generator
- Velocity
- LDAP (using OpenLDAP, Netscape Directory
MS Active Directory as orion user-manager)
- Together (configuring control-center to
   deploy applications directly to orion)

I'd be interested to know of any success or failure stories people have had 
with these so far (I have my own interesting tales), or any other things 
you would like to see addressed.

As usual, all contributions welcomed :)


-Joe Walnes

Re: Does Orion support CMP using user defined types?

2000-11-10 Thread Joe Walnes

  Does Orion support CMP using user defined types?
  e.g. oracle objects?
You can set the percistance-type in the orion-ejb.jar

You can also use custom mappings such as storing one type of bean in a 
distinct oracle object.

To do this you can implement your own FieldPersistenceManager.


-Joe Walnes

Re: Running multiple application instances with Orion

2000-10-31 Thread Joe Walnes


Thank you for this article - it has been published on OrionSupport.

A comment I have, is that instead of specifying a data-source for *every* 
entity-deployment in orion-ejb-jar.xml, you can specify a 
default-data-source in orion-application.xml which will automatically be 
used by every cmp entity in the entire application.

Likewise, orion-application.xml also allows you to specify a 
data-sources.xml file to be used for the specific application - this allows 
you to separate configuration of data-sources in each applications.

-Joe Walnes

At 16:07 31/10/2000, Kurt Hoyt wrote:
I've put together a how-to on running the same J2EE application, but with
each instance using a different data source, using Orion. It would be nice
if there was a simpler way to do this (particularly in associating data
sources with applications, which causes the bulk of the work).

If the folks are listening, you have my permission to add
this to your site (just be sure to give credit where due).

Kurt in Atlanta

Re: DataSourceUserManager caches table with users and passwords

2000-10-27 Thread Joe Walnes

The preferred way of changing the password is to use the RoleManager.

Example (change bob's password to cheese):

RoleManager roleManager = 
User user = (User)roleManager.getPrincipal("bob");

See for docs on RoleManager. Briefly, 
it's job is to provide an interface to the current UserManager for the 
developer to work with.

-Joe Walnes

At 10:47 27/10/2000, you wrote:

I use the DataSourceUserManager to check usernames and passwords on my
site. I have a jsp page on my site that allows the users to change their
password in the database. The problem is this: it seems that Orion
caches the table, so when a user changes his password the old one stays
active until I restart the orion server.

Is there a way to do one of the following:
- disable the caching
- set an expiration date on the cache
- make the DataSourceUserManager do an extra lookup if the given
password seems to be wrong.


Jurgen Schepers
Koning Albertlaan 165
B-9000 Gent

Re: Internal Orion requests vs External Requests?

2000-10-25 Thread Joe Walnes

How I've tackled it is by setting a request scope attribute in the filter. 
Before the filter is applied, a check is performed to see if this attribute 
has been set or not.. if it has then the request is an internal request.

In doFilter()

// Check if filter has been marked as applied
if ( request.getAttribute( "filterapplied" ) != null ) {
 // Been done already - jump to next filter
 getFilterConfig().getNext().doFilter( request, response );
else {
 // Hasn't been applied yet, mark it as applied and do
 request.setAttribute( "filterapplied", Boolean.TRUE );
 //  do filter stuff

-Joe Walnes

At 10:27 25/10/2000, you wrote:
I'm implementing a clickstream analysis application, and I've run into a

Using servlet filter to intercept requests and add to the streams, I
intercept all of the Orion internal requests as well! (ee jsp:include

Is there anyway to tell from looking at a request object or it's headers,
whether the request came from Orion as an include, or from an external user?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Schnitzer
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 5:52 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: TheServerSide forgot Orion

The latest newsletter from includes this little
snippet, included in a discussion of "What makes an application server

  * Being compliant with the latest specs. Again, BEA has
  shined here. They were 6 months ahead of the pack with
  their EJB 1.0 product, which positioned them extremely well.
  And they pulled it off again, recently releasing their EJB 2.0
  beta server far sooner than any other vendor. History, it
  seems, has repeated itself, and other vendors are playing

I think those of us who have been using the EJB2.0 support in Orion to
develop our beans for the last several months can see the error in that
statement :-)  WebLogic doesn't even have support yet for
container-managed relationships.  Geez.

I sent TheServerSide a little note urging them to issue a correction.
It's more likely to happen if they get many more comments.

Jeff Schnitzer

New howto on OrionSupport: Virtual Hosts

2000-10-24 Thread Joe Walnes

Setting up Virtual Hosts on Orion

Step by step guide to deploying 2 web-sites with different virtual hosts on 
the same server.

Thanks to Damian Van Dooren for contributing this.

-Joe Walnes

New howto on OrionSupport: Using JDBC from Servlets

2000-10-24 Thread Joe Walnes

How to setup a JDBC data-source in Orion and access it using JNDI from 

-Joe Walnes 

New howto on OrionSupport: Virtual Hosts

2000-10-24 Thread Joe Walnes

Setting up Virtual Hosts on Orion

Step by step guide to deploying 2 web-sites with different virtual hosts on 
the same server.

Thanks to Damian Van Dooren for contributing this.

-Joe Walnes 

New howto on OrionSupport: Using Apache as a front-end to Orion

2000-10-24 Thread Joe Walnes

How to use Orion in an environment where you have to use Apache as the 
front-line web-server.

Thanks to Joshua Goodall for this little gem.

-Joe Walnes

Re: Idea for Orion Support - post changes.txt

2000-10-24 Thread Joe Walnes


Thanks for the idea, (and the others you have posted). We have had an 
overwhelming response to our documentation cry, and are hard at work making 
things happen - thank you to everyone who has suggested subjects or written 

Anyway, it may be helpful to know that at is an unpacked version of the latest 
Orion distribution. You can view changes.txt at the URL:

This site is useful in situations where you have messed up the 
configuration for something and you want to look at the original version in 
the distribution.

-Joe Walnes

At 14:59 24/10/2000, you wrote:
Just an idea for you guys running

It would be handy to be able to see the changes in the latest version of 
Orion before I run the auto update tool, so I can decide if I need 
anything in the new release and so want to risk an upgrade.

So, is it possible to keep the latest changes.txt file posted?

Just an idea... You guys are doing a great job and we all appreciate it!


Re: get reference to UserTransaction fails

2000-10-24 Thread Joe Walnes

now i'm trying this from an ordinary app-client but it
caught an exception:
"java:comp/UserTransaction not found"

In the JNDI properties, are you specifying the application name as well as 
the server? e.g.

java.naming.provider.url=ormi://localhost/myapp (Correct)
java.naming.provider.url=ormi://localhost   (Wrong)

-Joe Walnes

Re: Orion doesn't interpret Javascript correctly

2000-10-24 Thread Joe Walnes


The reason this is happening, is that when JSPs are compiled, Orion 
recreates them slightly to insert code for url-rewriting for 
session-tracking. Obviously it is always recreating the tag with attributes 
enclosed in "".

The short term solution to your problem is to switch around your '' with 
your "". e.g.

from: onmouseout='csne_button.src="/images/lv1-off_04.gif"'
to  : onmouseout="csne_button.src='/images/lv1-off_04.gif'"

The long term solution is to register a bug report with Orion (they do not 
have time to read all messages on this list). You can do this by using the 
bug-tracking system at, or mailing 

-Joe Walnes

At 16:20 24/10/2000, you wrote:

I have a fully functional webapp that runs perfectly under Tomcat (albeit 
a little slow). The main menu bar consists of rollovers that utilize the 
onmouseover and onmouseout routines of Javascript.  For example, one of 
the tags looks like this:

a href="/news/" onmouseout='csne_button.src="/images/lv1-off_04.gif"' 
 img src="/images/lv1-off_04.gif" alt="" border=0 height=18 
 name=csne_button width=117

which, of course basically changes the image when the mouse pointer 
crosses it.  Anyway, any time I try to view the pages in any browser that 
are served by Orion, I get tons of javascript errors, complaining about 
various aspects of the onmouseout and onmouseover calls, most notably of 
which seems to be a replacement of the single quote delimiters (') with 
double quotes, such as

a href="/news/" onmouseout="csne_button.src="/images/lv1-off_04.gif"" 
 img src="/images/lv1-off_04.gif" alt="" border=0 height=18 
 name=csne_button width=117

which is obviously wrong, and which was obtained by examining the source 
of the returned page. It looks like Orion is not keeping the single-quote 
delimiters properly. Is anyone else having this problem?  Better yet, is 
there some solution?

Andrew Kidder
L3 SW/Support Engineer, IBU
Tivoli Systems


RE: Orion in production - new howto

2000-10-22 Thread Joe Walnes

I've just added a new HowTo to Details one approach to 
running Orion securely on UNIX/Linux. Also includes a useful shell script 
for administering Orion with.

This is just one way of securing Orion... as Mike said, we'd love to hear 
how others approached the problem.

-Joe Walnes

-- At 05:28 22/10/2000, Mike Cannon-Brookes wrote --
This sounds fascinating - I'd love to know more about *ix permissions,
securing Orion properly etc.

You sound like you've got it all down pat, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love to
learn more about your setup - as I'm sure other Orion users would. How about
writing a quick how to doc about securing Orion on *ix?

The OrionSupport team will love you for it ;)

Re: customize finder method

2000-10-19 Thread Joe Walnes

Actually it makes more sense to place the % in the finder method as it
abstracts the SQL from the underlying code. A developer working with entity
beans should never need to use any SQL (even if it only is one character).

The reason the attempted finder method isn't working is to do with how JDBC
prepared statements work.

To fix the problem, in your finder-method tag in the deployment
descriptor, replace:

like '%$1%'

... with ...

like '%' + $1 + '%'

-Joe Walnes

- Original Message -
From: "DeVincentiis Giustino" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 11:59 AM
Subject: R: customize finder method

Hi Leung,
You should'nt use the '%' symbols in the finder definition, instead you
should attach them to the parameter you pass to the finder method.
finder definition:
finder-method query="select catname,description from cat_ejb_Category
where $description like $1"
finder calling:
findBy...("%" + description + "%");

Hope this help
Giustino De Vincentiis

-Messaggio originale-
Da: Yeung Man Leung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: giovedì 19 ottobre 2000 9.57
A: Orion-Interest
Oggetto: customize finder method

Hi all,
I have try to customize the a findBy method in one of my Bean in the
finder-method query="select catname,description
from cat_ejb_Category where $description like '%$1%'" partial="false"
!-- Generated SQL: "select
catname,description from cat_ejb_Category where
cat_ejb_Category.description like '%?%'" --




   However when I try to execute the findBy method,
I got the following exception:
com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Database error:
ORA-01006: bind variable does not exist

Did anyone know what went wrong in my sql, thx


Re: customize finder method

2000-10-19 Thread Joe Walnes

I agree Joe, but can you tell me how did you find out about this? I had the
same problem long time ago and I end up with Giustino's solution! Just want
to learn how to find the best answer to my questions.

Figured it out :-)

If $1 is a String, it is escaped and quoted before putting it in the SQL
statement. So if $1 = "Joe's Test", it gets interpolated as 'Joe\'s Test'.

like '%$1%'  --  like '%'Joe\'s Test'%'   (invalid SQL)

like '%' + $1 + '%'  --  like '%' + 'Joe\'s Test' + '%'  (valid SQL)

-Joe Walnes

Re: Does Orion have an FTP service?

2000-10-02 Thread Joe Walnes


-Joe Walnes
- Original Message - 
From: "Neville Burnell" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 7:14 AM
Subject: Does Orion have an FTP service?

 Does orion have an FTP service?
 If not does anyone know of a good Java FTP server that might be used
 with orion?
 We are looking at uploading the latest .EAR etc via FTP to an NT Server
 running Orion, and IIS is not loaded at all right now.
 Neville Burnell
 Business Manager Software

Re: JUnit with Orion, source included

2000-09-29 Thread Joe Walnes

RE: JUnit with Orion, source included[going off topic slightly]

A problem that JUnit does not handle particularly well is Web-App testing.
For any users of JUnit who want to test Servlet/JSP/etc output, have a look
at HttpUnit, and addon for JUnit that simulates web-requests to the server
and parses the results into a DOM tree that can be easily tested.

-Joe Walnes

 From: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: den 28 september 2000 20:08
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: JUnit with Orion, source included

 I wrote an extension to JUnit for testing EJB/server-side code that I
 think others might find useful.  I've recently been bitten by
 the XP bug
 so this is the first thing I had to do :-)  Basically it's a servlet
 that will execute test cases and spit back the results as HTML.

 It includes a small Ant buildfile for anyone that is interested.

 You can find it at

 Enjoy :-)

 Jeff Schnitzer

 I apologize if anyone is receiving this twice.  It looks like the
 mailing list, including the archive, was sporadically losing
 traffic for
 a day or two.  The most recent message in the archive is dated three
 days ago.  Anyone know what's up?  I seem to be receiving traffic fine
 at the moment.

Re: Servlet Filters - Apache Mod_Rewrite

2000-09-28 Thread Joe Walnes

 Has anyone thought of writing a Mod_Rewrite clone using Servlet Filters?
 Using something like the Jakarta ORO regex package this should be quite

 Any reason that wouldn't work? (I've never actually used Mod_Rewrite, just
 read about it).

I've done something similar, but filters are not required. Simply create a
servlet that sends appropriate redirects then use servlet-mappings to
assign it to URL's.

-Joe Walnes

RE: Deploying Servlet for EJB access, PLLLSS Help

2000-09-15 Thread Joe Walnes

 In the init() method of the servlet, I had...
   context = new InitialContext(env);


The factory you've specified as a parameter is
com.evermind.server.ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory, which is
designed for application-clients. From within a servlet, a
com.evermind.server.ApplicationInitialContextFactory should be used instead.
By default, all the required properties for the InitialContext will be
already set in the system properties by Orion.

Short answer, use : context = new InitialContext();   // no properties

-Joe Walnes

RE: EJB 2.0's Message Driven Beans in Orion 1.2.9 ?

2000-09-13 Thread Joe Walnes

 Is there any example or documentation about message driven EJB's (which
 should be in Orion 1.2.9)?
 Or is Sun's documentation about EJB 2.0 all there is to it?

Have a look at messagelogger in the demo directory.

In a peanutshell, a message bean...

- is similar to a session bean.

- has no home or remote interface.

- has a main class that implements javax.ejb.MessageDrivenBean.

- has a method that handles in coming messages: void

- has a corresponding message-driven entry within

- is bound to a JMS topic. Messages sent to this topic from a client will be
handled by the onMessage() method.

-Joe Walnes

RE: Specifying finder-methods (full query)

2000-09-13 Thread Joe Walnes

Ok, here's some methods to allow slightly more flexible queries.

There is rarely more than a few fields to query, but the permutations of
different combinations can make this a bit of a headache.

If you have name, age and score, you may end up with finder methods like:

findByName(String name)
findByAge(int age)
findByScore(int score)
findByNameAndAge(String name, int age)
findByNameAndScore(String name, int score)
. etc

This could be merged into one finder statement

findByCriteria(String name, int age, int score)

Where the SQL query supplied to the finder-method is:

($name LIKE $1 OR $1 IS NULL) AND ($age = $2 OR $2 = 0) AND ($score = $3 OR
$3 = 0)

This way, if 0 (or null) is supplied as a parameter to the finder method the
result set will not be filtered with that criteria.

You can also pass across parameters that aren't necessarily fields, but
useful for the query:

findByAge(int age, int allowedRange)
($age = $1 -  $allowedRange) OR ($age = $1 + $allowedRange)

findByAge(int age, boolean older) // if true, returns all people older than
  // otherwise all people younger
($2 = 1 AND age = $1) OR ($2 = 0 AND age = $1)

Also (if your database supports it), sub-selects are your friend
(particularly when using OR mapping)

$blah IN (SELECT id FROM xxx WHERE yy = $1)

If you still can't achieve what you're attempting, the session bean to query
the database for the keys will work - it may not be clean but sometimes you
do have to resort to methods like this. If it's any consellation, I have
done this because the query that needed to be generated was way too
complicated for CMP,  and it did work. The problem is that you then have
nasty SQL inside your beans - where it shouldn't be.

-Joe Walnes

 Thanks for the reaction (also Nick). I realize now the potential
 security problems by allowing full
 specification of SQL on the client.

 Unfortunately the "Bob" example does not solve my problem. I
 managed to implement that example.
 That is where I came from. From there I tried to continue to
 implement a Query By Example frame and
 that's where I got stuck.

 Something like this:
 Say you have a table with products and you would like to create a
 flexible query frame for those
 products to run queries like all products for which the stock is
 low and which are purchased from comp
 xyz, or all products from categorie abc with names like %nic%.

 With specifying the query in orion-ejb-jar I came as far as
 either specifying a fixed name / number or
 you can use another fixed operator, e.g. '' or LIKE. Due to
 generated the quotes I could not let the client
 generate the selection part of the where clause. You get roughly
 the same error as when generating the
 whole statement.

 Probably you can write some ?Session? Bean that will query direct
 on the database returning a collection
 of primary keys, but for some reason that does not sound like music to me.


 On Tuesday, September 12, 2000 6:16 PM, Joe Walnes
  The actual SQL for query should be within the deployment
 descriptor and not
  the client code.
  So, if you wanted to find all MyProducts by a particular name,
  orion-ejb-jar.xml would contain:
  finder-method query="$name = $1" partial="false"
  And the client code would contain:
  It is not possible to pass SQL statements from the client to the finder
  method at runtime when using CMP as PreparedStatements are created in
  advance. Allowing this would impact performance, breach
 security and allow
  all havoc to break out.
  -Joe Walnes
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Frank Eggink
   Sent: 12 September 2000 16:06
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Specifying finder-methods (full query)
   I'm running into trouble specifying finder queries in
   orion-ejb-jar. As far
   as I can make sense of it the cause is in the quotes. Is that
 correct and
   does anyone know how the get around that?
   I've changed the default finder method to:
 finder-method query="$1" partial="false"
 !-- Generated SQL: "?" --
   I call the method in my client with:
   ...findByName("select id, name, description, price from MyProduct");
   The following is the resulting output:
   Printing a list of all products: System/communication error: Database
   error: Unexpected token: 'select id, name, 

RE: Why!?.... NoClassDefFoundError

2000-09-13 Thread Joe Walnes

Make sure the files orion.jar, ejb.jar and naming.jar (in the orion dir) are
in your classpath.

-Joe Walnes

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Carl Troedsson
Sent: 13 September 2000 17:26
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Why!? NoClassDefFoundError

I have installed Orion server. The example JSP-pages and servlets works
fine, but when I try the EJB examples (ProductClient etc) I recieve a
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.
javax/ejb/CreateException I have also tried to compile these classes and
then recieved  package javax.ejb does not exist. This is strange since I
think that I have followed the instructions for running the examples. I have
also tried to add the all the needed jar files to my path and classpath
variables and still have the same problem.

I am running the Orion server on win2000 advanced server with SQLserver7

I would really appriciate if someone could help me out so that I can try the


RE: Help with OR-Mapping

2000-09-11 Thread Joe Walnes

 Does anyone know how to map a CMP field with type byte [] to a column in
 Oracle 8i DB. Particulary what would the tag for this type look like in
 the oracle.xml file under database-schemas directory. I see that a byte
 type maps to number(10,0) as shown below.
 type-mapping type="byte" name="number(10,0)" /.
 but what would a byte array map to is the question. Your response would
 be highly appreciated.

 type-mapping type="byte[]" name="blob" / 
 (or whatever you want the type to be)

-Joe Walnes

RE: 3rd post, no answer

2000-09-11 Thread Joe Walnes


Can you confirm that you are using JNDI to lookup the MailSession with the
location "java:comp/env/mail/MailSession"? If you are not, you may be using
a MailSession you're not expecting. That's my only suggestion anyway - if
you are already using this location, ignore me :)

-Joe Walnes

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dale Bronk
Sent: 09 September 2000 04:12
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: 3rd post, no answer

Sorry to keep posting this, but I really need an answer.

I have a problem that I hope isn't not normal behavior and something I have
configured incorrectly.

Snip of my sever.xml:
 global-application name="MyDomain"
path="c:\webapps\mydomain-web-app\config\mydomain-application.xml" /--
 application name="Client1Domain"
 application name="Client2Domain"
 application name="Client3Domain"
 application name="Client4Domain"
 application name="Client5Domain"

In mydomain-application.xml, I have: (note that this is my global
   mail-session location="mail/MailSession" smtp-host=""
  property name="mail.transport.protocol" value="smtp" /
  property name="mail.smtp.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" /
  property name="mail.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" /

Now I want to also place the same mail session entries in each of my clients
application.xml files except specifying their domain:
   mail-session location="mail/MailSession"
  property name="mail.transport.protocol" value="smtp" /
  property name="mail.smtp.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" /
  property name="mail.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" /

I have a FormMailServlet that I install on all my clients web.xml files
which uses mail.jar classes send the email.  My problem is it doesn't matter
which one I go to, Orion always uses my mail-session entries from the global
application.  It doesn't seem to get over written for each other
application.  I also tried to explicitly set the mail server in my
FormMailServet to what is passed in.  I pass in and
inside my class I do the following:
  properties.put( "", "");
  properties.put( "smtp-host", "");   // Not
needed as far as I know

I also turn verbose on so I can see what is happening.  It always uses!  If I comment out the mail-session entries from my global
application xml then it works fine as long as I pass in the value and
explicitly set the as above.  In other words, it seems to
ignore the mail-session in the Clientxxx-application.xml files as I pointed
the smtp-host entry in one of the application.xml files to an existing
server, but a different one.  When I explicitly set the entries it uses the
entries I set, not the mail-session entries.

Seems to only use the mail-session entries only if in the global application
xml file and no where else.  When in the global application xml file, it
seems you can only use that one even if I explicitly set it to a different

What gives?  Sorry for the long email, but I wanted to be sure to give all
the data.

Dale Bronk

Dale Bronk
Windscape Consulting, Inc.

RE: Orion Log file analyser

2000-09-01 Thread Joe Walnes

You can use any analyser really as you can configure the output log format
to be however you want. I use NetTracker - it costs a bit really, but it can
generate virtually any kind of report you can think of. (

-Joe Walnes

-Original Message-

I've read in this  list about log file analysers that can Analyse Orion Logs
( somehow changed via web-site.xml /web-site/access_log )
But i've lost this information. :(

What analyzers i can use with Orion ( and how )

RE: Inheritance

2000-09-01 Thread Joe Walnes

 I know the EJB 1.1 and 2.0 specs avoid (finesse?) the issue of bean
 inheritance, but has anyone tried doing anything that mimics inheritance
 using Orion? If so, can you share how you accomplished it?

EJB does not directly support inheritance - the main reason being that the
Home interface for a bean could not fit into an inheritance model.

There are however some alternatives.

Firstly, suppose you have a Person EJB and want to extend it to become an
Employee. You would create (and deploy) your Person EJB as normal, then have
the remote interface and EJB implementation of Employee extend those of the

The home interface for EmployeeHome cannot extend PersonHome as it has a
different return type for findByPrimaryKey() etc.

Upon deployment, the EJB must be treated as a seperate entity, with a
seperate JNDI lookup and all the appropriate fields redefined.

This solution allows behaviours of beans to be reused, and once a entity has
been found it is seen to the client as a 'is a' relationship and exhibits
polymorphism. The problem lies in that find the EJB two seperate home
interfaces need to be looked up. A solution to this is to create a session
EJB that has reference to both beans and can use the finder methods of both
entities and return an appropriate one.

Another solution is to use the State (or Strategy) design pattern (see the
GoF Design Patterns book - or just trawl the web for what it is). The
advantage of this is that an object can change it's state at any time
without having to be recreated and all the different states can be used in
one entity. The best way to do implement this is to determine
behaviours/fields that are common across all implementations of the
inheritance model and place them in the main EJB, then place
behaviours/fields that vary in your ConcreteState/Strategy classes.

The problem with this approach is how to map keep a reference to the which
state/strategy is being used and how to store the individual fields.

Solution 1 is to simply serialize the class and store it as a field in the
main EJB. This solves both problems but may not be ideal, particularly
because the data is just stored as a bunch of binary data only recognizable
to java (useless for finder methods). If you happen to be using an Java
Object database you can perform write finder methods that use these
objects - but most people aren't.

Solution 2 to this is to create your own way of serializing/deserializing
the objects. For example, the ejbStore() method could convert the state into
an XML representation which could be stored in a normal text field, and the
ejbLoad() could recreate it again. Another idea is to store the various
properties for the state/strategy in a Map on ejbStore() - Orion can easily
map a Map to a database with it's sophisticated OR features, and the table
is easily queryable.

If all else fails, use bean managed persistance.

I'm sure there are many other methods and I would be interested to hear
them. Inheritance is one of the draw-backs to EJB and if you are using it
purely for object-relational (OR) mapping purposes, EJB may not necessarily
be your best answer - but EJB will probably solve every other problem you
have, so don't stray :)

Relevant info: - Advanced OR mapping with Orion - Tips for OR mapping and
creating own persistance layer - Diagram of state
pattern - blah

-Joe Walnes

RE: datasource user manager

2000-08-30 Thread Joe Walnes

 I can't seem to find which xml file I should put my init-params for
 DataSourceUserManager. Does anybody know this?


-Joe Walnes

RE: v1.2 Admin crashes Win2000 SP1 JDK1.3

2000-08-15 Thread Joe Walnes

I have 
exactly the same version of java, win2000 and orion and am having no problems at 


  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
  hanasakiSent: 15 August 2000 14:17To: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: v1.2 Admin crashes Win2000 SP1 
  JDK1.3C:\java -version java version 
  "1.3.0" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 
  1.3.0-C) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0-C, mixed 
  Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195] 
  Run the updater... as of 8/14/2000 
  start java -jar orion.jar start java -jar 
  Watch the fireworks. 

RE: Entity bean creation

2000-07-17 Thread Joe Walnes

   Is there a tool for creating an entity EJB ( Home, Remote and EJB)
   a JDBC database table ?

Together 4 Enterprise can analyse a JDBC database and create all the
necessary beans for you. An expensive package but well worth it for its

-Joe Walnes

RE: Servlet handling both *.html and /

2000-07-10 Thread Joe Walnes

 I have a servlet that I want to handle all the URLs. It acts as a super
 servlet and allows us to parse the URLs we receive and act accordingly.
 Right now I have it set up to handle .html. However, when someone makes
 a request to a directory such as:

You need to set up a servlet-chain for mime-type text/html. This will allow
orion to process all pages as normal, and then pass the final output to your
servlet if the mime-type is text/html,however the page is produced (static
html file, servlet, jsp, cgi, etc).

Have a look at the docs for orion-web.xml to see how to do this.

-Joe Walnes

RE: Deployment time for lots of beans

2000-06-29 Thread Joe Walnes

 It seems that Orion is regenerating all my beans whenever I even a small
 change in the orion-ejb-jar.xml (even though as my last email said, it's
 just ignoring the changes). Is there a way around this? It's quite a
 nuisance to have to wait for several minutes while it's regenerating all
 the beans after making one simple change.

Joel, I'm not sure of a way around this, but I found the majority of the
time spent was on the ejb wrappers being compiled. Switching from javac to
jikes got my deployment time down from over 8 minutes to 15 seconds (and a
massive increase in time it takes to compile jsp's).


To get orion to use it for compiling, add to config/server.xml:

compiler executable="/path-to/jikes"
classpath="/path-to-real-jdk/jre/lib/rt.jar" /

-Joe Walnes

RE: Help, with HypersonicSQL/ Orion

2000-06-28 Thread Joe Walnes

 Anyone knows what I'm not doing right, I want to
 connect to a HypersonicSQL database using the
 webserver connection. But when I use the following

Try changing the driver to org.hsql.jdbcDriver (which was recently updated
in the hsql distribution).

-Joe Walnes

RE: Error initializing userManager

2000-06-16 Thread Joe Walnes

 Trying to install EJBUserManager:

 error message:  Error instantiating application 'xx' at file:xx.ear: Error
 initializing userManager 'com.evermind.ejb.EJBUserManager' :
 NamingException: com.evermind.ejb.EJBUser not found

You also need to deploy the actual EJB package which is located in
(Read section 4 of install.txt for info)

-Joe Walnes


2000-06-16 Thread Joe Walnes

 I have an enity bean but I want that I field of that entity to be a
 complex object. Is this possible from the point of view of the
 specification??? , and from the point of view of Orion?

Yes and yes. So long as the object (and all contained objects) implement

 ¨What is the influence of having lots of entity beans in my application?
 ¨Is negative?

Not really. In general, it's better to have lots of very simple coarse
grained entities than a few complex ones, but then ofcourse each situation

-Joe Walnes

RE: find by Set

2000-06-14 Thread Joe Walnes

 I would like to make a finder method like this:
 Collection findByIds( Set idSet )
 which should make a query like:

 Is anything like this possible in Orion?

I posted a similar question last week, and it turns out... no.

Oh well, I'm sure it won't be long until the trusty Orion lot let us do it

-Joe Walnes

RE: Can't deploy example atm with datasource db2

2000-06-14 Thread Joe Walnes

 How can I change the type-mapping from longvarbinary to
 longvarchar for the LogEntries ?

If you look in [orion-dir]/config/database-schemas you will find a bunch of
xml files with type-mappings for various databases. Copy one of these files
to db2.xml and edit it to reflect the appropriate type mappings. (see )

In config/data-sources.xml, edit the data-source being used by the
application so it has the parameter schema="database-schemas/db2xml".

-Joe Walnes

RE: Can't deploy example atm with datasource db2

2000-06-14 Thread Joe Walnes

 In the database-schemes the "type" is the Java-Class and the "name" is the
 Column-Type in the database.
 So the entry for name should be name="long varchar", but what is the entry
 for type ?

-Joe Walnes

RE: EJB under Orion/Windows-98

2000-06-13 Thread Joe Walnes

 Is it possible to run EJB's under Orion/Windows-98 or does it need to be
 Windows-NT ?

Orion is written in pure Java and will run on any platform that has a Java2
VM available. In order to use EJB's, you will require a transactional JDBC
compliant database, however there are many available for win98 which may not
scale well but provide enough functionality for development. There are also
many pure java ones too (HypersonicSQL, Pointbase, Cloudscape, jDatastore).

-Joe Walnes

RE: jsp:plugin generates wrong for params

2000-06-13 Thread Joe Walnes

 Instead of name
 it sets null. Have anybody seen this before or have a solution ?

 jsp:param name"cache_option" value="Plugin" / 
You forgot the = sign. :)

-Joe Walnes

Passing Collections or arrays to finder methods.

2000-06-06 Thread Joe Walnes

Say I have 2 cmp entities with properties:

- int id
- String tel
- String fax
- String address

- int id
- String name
- Office office

I have 2 finders in EmployeeHome that finds all employees in a particular
public Collection findByOffice(int officeId) throws...
public Collection findByOffice(Office office) throws...
and they both have the following entries in orion-ejb-jar.xml:
finder-method query="$office = $1" ...

All's good and working fine, but I need to pass across to the Employee
finder method a group of Offices (either in a Collection or an array).

I have tried adding the following methods:
public Collection findByOffice(int[] officeIds) throws...
public Collection findByOffice(Office[] offices) throws...
public Collection findByOffice(Collection offices) throws...
finder-method query="$office IN ($1)" /

But I get the following errors:

- When using int[], upon deploying the ejb-jar file:
Bean-type 'int' used in or-mapping not found

- When using Office[], upon deployment:
at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.e2.aad(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ejb.compilation.ew.o6(JAX)
  ... very long stack trace.

- When using Collection, the ejb deploys fine, but upon calling the finder
method, an SQL error msg is thrown by the db (Sybase 11.9.2):
Operand type clash: IMAGE is incompatible with INT
This suggests that orion is simply passing across the serialized Collection
as a blob of data. (IMAGE is Sybase's equivalent of BLOB).

Does anyone know if it's possible to pass across Collections or arrays to
finder methods, and if so what I'm doing wrong.

I'm convinced it's possible because in the orion documention for
-params/method-param, it uses int[] as the example.

Thanks in advance.

-Joe Walnes

RE: taglib processing

2000-05-26 Thread Joe Walnes

  foo:mytag value="view.%= bar %"/
  receives the literal string "view.%= bar %" instead of having the
  contents of bar stuck in there.

 In taglib.tld, set the value of the rtexprvalue to "true" for the
 "value" attribute.

Also, try changing your tag to foo:mytag value="%= "view." + bar %"/.

I'm unsure as to where this is in the spec, but I find taglibs only seem to
recognise dynamic expressions if the entire attribute is in %= %.

-Joe Walnes


2000-05-19 Thread Joe Walnes

 On the page it states that Orion does XML/XLS ... 
 how? Can I
 find examples anywhere or help based on this?

Look in the examples/xsl directory of the default-web-app. 

-Joe Walnes

Re: Persisting Entity Beans to Hard-Disk

2000-04-27 Thread Joe Walnes

I need to find out how one persists an Entity Bean to Disk as opposed to a
Database.  The J2EE developer docs suggest that no use can be made of the package within an Entity Bean.  This indicates to me that I should
be using services provided by the Orion container in order to do this.  I
can't find these services however and would appreciate some information
regarding how I should go about this.

It is feasible to do this, by rolling your own persistance daemon which can 
do something like run in another VM (or thread with appropriate privileges) 
and handle all file writing/reading and be available via RMI (or another 
transport layer). The main reason this is not advised is that the 
data-stores need to exhibit transactional features - the application server 
can not utilise these if they do not exist.

-Joe Walnes

Re: Java Mail with POP3

2000-04-25 Thread Joe Walnes

And when I execute the servlet, next error apear:
javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: No provider for pop3

I put the pop3 jar in the orion/lib and /orion ... but nothing.

Cosmin, this is a shot in the dark, but try putting the jar file in 
path-to-jdk/jre/lib/ext. If you don't want to do that, try editing the 
MANIFEST file in orion.jar and append the path to pop3.jar on the line that 
starts with "Classpath:".

-Joe Walnes

Re: Generating primary keys in CMP?

2000-04-25 Thread Joe Walnes

For bean managed persistance you would simply use the functions that
your DBMS provides, like sequences or auto-increased columns. But how do
I do this with CMP beans? In books and example code everyone avoids the
subject entirely, with
create(int id)
as the creation method.

Annoyingly enough, most EJB resources tend to avoid this subject. Wish they 

A solution I've seen suggested is to use a separate session bean to
generate unique integers, but they are generally a mess to implement and
use. So what I'm looking for is something better than that.

There are 2 main approaches 2 generating IDs. Firstly you could use the 
internal features of your database - many db's support SEQUENCES. This 
solution seems fairly simple and elegant but using a db specific approach 
can cause problems if you later decide to switch databases.

The preferred way to generate ID's is using a session bean and an entity 
bean. The entity uses a reference to the table or bean name as a primary 
key, and has a second field which stores the next id to use for that table. 
The session bean is used as a wrapper around the entity to easily request 
the next id per table.

In fact, updating the entity every time a new id is needed can be quite a 
cumbersome and inefficient process, so a HIGH/LOW strategy is more 
appropriate. Briefly, this is where the session bean is stateful and 
instead of requesting and incrementing the entity each time an id is 
required, a block of id's (eg: 20) are requested from the entity (which 
then increments the count by that number) and the session counts out each 
id until the block runs out, at which point it requests another block. 
Multiple sessions can be used and each session will count with a seperate 
block. Concurrent access can be handled by catching transaction exceptions 
and trying again.

The drawbacks to this is that the id's in the db table are not guaranteed 
to be in order and there may be some gaps if a session is destroyed before 
it uses all of it's block of ids. The main advantage is that you will not 
be tied in to any particular db.

There's a nice little paper that may be of use that describes this method 
(although it has nothing to do with Java or EJB's):

-Joe Walnes

Re: Orion and Visibroker 4: ClassLoader probs(?)

2000-03-24 Thread Joe Walnes

Thanks to Magnus for solving this one.

If anyone else runs into this problem, the problem is solved by copying the 
appropriate VisiBroker jar files to /path-to-jdk/jre/lib/ext/. Weird 
behaviour by the VM classloader.

-Joe Walnes

At 04:49 PM 3/22/00 +, Joe Walnes wrote:
I'm trying to use Orion as a client for some CORBA based objects that are 
accessible via Visibroker.

The following code works as a standalone client, providing the correct 
jars are in the classpath and the appropriate system properties are set, 
and the ORB is running on the localhost:


// Get context
Properties p = new Properties();
Context context = new InitialContext(p);

// Lookup CustomerHome
Object ref = context.lookup("customer");
CustomerHome home =
 (CustomerHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,CustomerHome.class);


However, I'm trying to allow servlets/jsps access to the objects from 
within Orion. All the appropriate system properties (-Dxx=yy) where set on 
the command line when starting orion, the appropriate jars where placed in 
orion/lib and the orb was running on localhost.

In a Servlet running in Orion, when the code got as far as creating the 
new InitialContext, a NoClassDefFoundError for 
com.inprise.j2ee.jndi.CtxFactory was thrown, however, 
Class.forName("com.inprise.j2ee.jndi.CtxFactory") did not throw an error.

The problem appeared to be a ClassLoader problem, where InitialContext was 
using a different method for loading classes that the servlet was using, 
and only seemed to be looking in the base jars in the orion dir. I added 
the appropriate jndi/corba/iiop/orb classes to orion/jndi.jar and the code 
succesfully managed to lookup the required object. Hurrah!

However, the object returned by context.lookup() is of type 
org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl which needs to be narrowed to 
appropriate type before casting. This always throws a ClassCastException, 
even though the ObjectImpl says it is the correct type. I'm stuck!

I've been trying to get round this problem for days now unsuccesfully. I 
can access the corba objects as standalone java apps, and from within Sun 
Web Server, mod_jserv and jRun with no problem, just not Orion.

Can anyone help, or shed some light on what the problem may be. I suspect 
the problem is related to ClassLoader.

Could one of the Orion team explain how the ClassLoader works in the 
server please.

Note, in this case Orion is simply being used as a web-server for serving 
jsp/servlets. EJB/JTS/etc is not required, and the JNDI service is 
replaced by that that Visibroker supplies.

Thanks in advance

-Joe Walnes


2000-03-24 Thread Joe Walnes

The Orion-server is supposed to be able to run PHP-script isn't it? Well, I
can't seem to enable the CGIServlet that is mapped to handle PHP. Anyone
done this? What to do?

Repeat post.

-Joe Walnes

Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 10:46:14 +
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Joe Walnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: CGI, PHP, etc...

 Has anyone successfully managed to get PHP workingwith Orion?  Their is some
 mention of "com.evermind.server.http.CGIServlet", but that doesn't seem to
 come with the Orion package, and the evermind site is in German - or
 something - and I can't find the classes. (I only speak english!:p)

The CGI Servlet is a wrapper to a fork a native CGI. If you install PHP as 
a CGI and ensure the php executable is in your PATH before starting orion, 
it should work.

Briefly, Orion has the following Servlet called php setup:

servlet auto-reload="false"

This calls the CGIServlet telling it to use 'php' as the interpreter for 
the page. This param-value can easily be switched for any other 
interpreter such as Python, Perl, Bash, Cold-Fusion, Q-Basic(!) etc. If the 
executable is not in the PATH environment variable, use the full path to 
the interpreter in the param-value.

A mapping is then set to map all files that end in .php to the php servlet.


That's it really.

On another note, the PHP4 beta's 3 and 4 contain some Java mappings which 
allow java objects to be used directly in php. On top of that, a servlet 
wrapper has evolved allowing PHP to be invoked from a servlet without 
having to start a new process each time and have persistent resources (such 
as db connections and session variables) - greatly improving performance. 
Have a look in /ext/java/ and /sapi/servlet/ of the PHP distribution for 
information on this.

-Joe Walnes

Orion and Visibroker 4: ClassLoader probs(?)

2000-03-22 Thread Joe Walnes

I'm trying to use Orion as a client for some CORBA based objects that are 
accessible via Visibroker.

The following code works as a standalone client, providing the correct jars 
are in the classpath and the appropriate system properties are set, and the 
ORB is running on the localhost:


// Get context
Properties p = new Properties();
Context context = new InitialContext(p);

// Lookup CustomerHome
Object ref = context.lookup("customer");
CustomerHome home =
(CustomerHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,CustomerHome.class);


However, I'm trying to allow servlets/jsps access to the objects from 
within Orion. All the appropriate system properties (-Dxx=yy) where set on 
the command line when starting orion, the appropriate jars where placed in 
orion/lib and the orb was running on localhost.

In a Servlet running in Orion, when the code got as far as creating the new 
InitialContext, a NoClassDefFoundError for com.inprise.j2ee.jndi.CtxFactory 
was thrown, however, Class.forName("com.inprise.j2ee.jndi.CtxFactory") did 
not throw an error.

The problem appeared to be a ClassLoader problem, where InitialContext was 
using a different method for loading classes that the servlet was using, 
and only seemed to be looking in the base jars in the orion dir. I added 
the appropriate jndi/corba/iiop/orb classes to orion/jndi.jar and the code 
succesfully managed to lookup the required object. Hurrah!

However, the object returned by context.lookup() is of type 
org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl which needs to be narrowed to appropriate 
type before casting. This always throws a ClassCastException, even though 
the ObjectImpl says it is the correct type. I'm stuck!

I've been trying to get round this problem for days now unsuccesfully. I 
can access the corba objects as standalone java apps, and from within Sun 
Web Server, mod_jserv and jRun with no problem, just not Orion.

Can anyone help, or shed some light on what the problem may be. I suspect 
the problem is related to ClassLoader.

Could one of the Orion team explain how the ClassLoader works in the server 

Note, in this case Orion is simply being used as a web-server for serving 
jsp/servlets. EJB/JTS/etc is not required, and the JNDI service is replaced 
by that that Visibroker supplies.

Thanks in advance

-Joe Walnes

Re: CGI, PHP, etc...

2000-02-22 Thread Joe Walnes

Has anyone successfully managed to get PHP workingwith Orion?  Their is some
mention of "com.evermind.server.http.CGIServlet", but that doesn't seem to
come with the Orion package, and the evermind site is in German - or
something - and I can't find the classes. (I only speak english!:p)

The CGI Servlet is a wrapper to a fork a native CGI. If you install PHP as 
a CGI and ensure the php executable is in your PATH before starting orion, 
it should work.

Briefly, Orion has the following Servlet called php setup:

servlet auto-reload="false"

This calls the CGIServlet telling it to use 'php' as the interpreter for 
the page. This param-value can easily be switched for any other 
interpreter such as Python, Perl, Bash, Cold-Fusion, Q-Basic(!) etc. If the 
executable is not in the PATH environment variable, use the full path to 
the interpreter in the param-value.

A mapping is then set to map all files that end in .php to the php servlet.


That's it really.

On another note, the PHP4 beta's 3 and 4 contain some Java mappings which 
allow java objects to be used directly in php. On top of that, a servlet 
wrapper has evolved allowing PHP to be invoked from a servlet without 
having to start a new process each time and have persistent resources (such 
as db connections and session variables) - greatly improving performance. 
Have a look in /ext/java/ and /sapi/servlet/ of the PHP distribution for 
information on this.

-Joe Walnes

Re: Wrong content-type for JSP

2000-02-09 Thread Joe Walnes

I have found some sort of bug with the content-type of JSPs in Orion

When I reloaded a JSP-generated page a few times in Netscape I was
suddenly prompted with a "save file" dialog.
I checked with telnet to port 80 on the server machine, and it turned
out that Orion _sometimes_ sends "application/jsp" instead of
"text/html" as the content-type for JSP pages.

I have a similar problem involving XML files (both static and dynamic) that 
have been passed through the XSL servlet. The wrong content-type seems to 
be returned about 4 out of 5 times (it's the 1 in 5 times that it works 
that bugs me). Anyone else had this problem?

Try the examples in the examples/xsl directory and reloading them a few times.

Using 0.9.1g

-Joe Walnes

Re: Support of WAR files.

2000-01-21 Thread Joe Walnes

Does anyone know if or when OrionServer will support .war files?

Orion currently supports .war files and the latest version supports .ear 
files as well (the first server I've seen that does).

-Joe Walnes

[Slightly-OT] Linux VM and Threading

2000-01-05 Thread Joe Walnes

I developed a project java about 4 months involving hundreds of people 
connected concurrently to a server. In development (on an NT machine) 
everything ran smoothly, but upon deployment to a Linux server the VM would 
often cause a segmentation fault. Further investigation showed that these 
would always happen when 256 threads were running. Unfortunately as java 
tcp sockets currently have no select() method (yet) each socket needed it's 
own thread so I was stumped.

Over the course of a month, I tried many different linux distributions, 
kernels, and VMs (including virtually every IBM, Blackdown and Kaffe one) 
with no joy and even tried playing around with the sourcecode to the kernel 
to increase the threads - with no joy. Eventually the application was moved 
to a box running Solaris7 and the SunVM and it ran with no problems.

I am now faced with a project to be produced by the middle of February, and 
would really prefer to go with Linux over Solaris (for a variety of 
non-orion-related reasons) but am concerned about the linux threading 
problem. The site in question will be very heavily hit and it is feasible 
that hundreds of people could be requesting information at the same time. I 
really need advice on whether it's sensible to go with Orion on Linux.

Also, can someone advise me on which VM to use. I believe the only two 1.2 
VM's available for Linux are the BlackDown and the Sun ones. The sun VM has 
very good reports so far, but I believe it's based on an earlier version of 
the Blackdown one, which is now far better.

Thanks in advance

-Joe Walnes