Re: [osg-users] Dramatic increase in event traversal time during mouse movement

2008-07-02 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Michael,

I was looking at the nice statshandler graphics in osgViewer.exe, and
noticed a dramatic increase in the time spent in the event traversal
stage when the mouse was moved (goes from 0.02ms to around 8ms).

I've seen that when running in debug version... In release the increase 
is negligible. Perhaps you were running in debug?

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Dramatic increase in event traversal time during mouse movement

2008-07-02 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Michael,

I've seen that when running in debug version... In release the increase 
is negligible. Perhaps you were running in debug?

Sorry, I saw your follow-up after hitting send. I don't know what could 
be up. On my machine it jumps to ~2.5ms but very very shortly, so it's 
not significant...

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 144 errors in gl.h (resend with clean text)

2008-07-02 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Bonjour Cédrik,

everythings is ok, but now I try to create my own class to manage scene 
ressources and visual studio dislike this.
It seems that I've not linked everythings correctly.

You need to add WIN32 to the defines in your project. In Visual Studio, 
right-click on your project, go to C/C++, Preprocessor, and in the 
Preprocessor Definitions field add WIN32 for both debug and release 
configurations. While you're at it, also add _DEBUG for the debug 
configuration and NDEBUG for the release configuration...

For some reason the default VS projects have no preprocessor 
definitions, even though these, at least, should almost always be used...

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problems with loading model in OSG 2.2

2008-07-02 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Ricky,

I still can't solve this problem:
Error: [screen #0] ChooseMatchingPixelFormat() - Unable to choose the
requested pixel format

Your message is missing some info we need in order to help you, and 
there are some things you could do to try and troubleshoot yourself.

What is your hardware, OS, compiler, etc? Are you using the OSG binaries 
from or did you compile OSG from source? Are you 
using the 3rdParty binaries from or did you 
compile them from source?

If you run osgviewer cow.osg, does it give the same error? Or rather, if 
you want an equivalent test, try:

osgviewer --window 32 32 512 512 cow.osg

If that works, your code should also work. If not, perhaps the info 
above will help us zero in on the problem.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] VPB and how it generates terrain

2008-07-02 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Robert,

We currently have a student doing a masters project at our company, and 
his job will be to improve the terrain algorithms in the Vortex toolkit 
(both for physical simulation and graphical representation). One aspect 
is generating terrain from a height field, which is what VPB does. 
Unfortunately, since we need to support dynamic terrain/height fields, 
and since we also need to do collision detection against it, we cannot 
use VPB directly and will have to re-do much of the work that is already 
in VPB.

I was wondering if you had any pointers to what strategies are used to 
generate the terrain. Any articles/papers? Both the actual geometry 
generation and the LOD strategies are of interest. The code is available 
for study but we're really looking for some high-level overviews of how 
it does its work and why those given tradeoffs were chosen.

Any information you provide would be helpful. Thanks in advance,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] VPB and how it generates terrain

2008-07-02 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

This is huge topic, not something I just quickly go over in a few
emails, and especially not when I'm busy.  Sorry.

Hehe, I know, I wasn't expecting an explanation, maybe just some links 
to articles you used as inspiration... We don't need to reproduce VPB 
(if that were the case we'd just use it). We just want to have an idea 
of the general direction it's taken.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgViewer 's' key Geometry information

2008-07-03 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Rick,

It would be handy.  Can we not have this toy anymore ?  ;D

It was in OSG 1.2 / osgProducer. The new StatsHandler in osgViewer does 
not support that 3rd display mode (drawable and geometry info).

There was a submission a while back that added that and much more (I 
remember seeing graphs and other nice things), but it was a bit heavy 
and didn't get integrated. Perhaps if someone has some time, that 
submission could be found, cleaned up and simplified, and then resubmitted.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Only intersecting certain nodes in the scene graph

2008-07-03 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Jason,

I created a node mask for the terrain, 0x1, and used setNodeMask to set 
it on the root node of the terrain database.

I am using the computeIntersections function of Viewer and passed along 
that traversal mask hoping that it would only intersect the paged 
database.  However, the computeIntersections function is computing 
intersections against all of the nodes in the scene graph instead of 
just the paged database.

The default node mask is 0x, and you don't mention if you set 
the node mask on your text items (or other objects) to something else. 
No matter what the traversal mask is you give to computeIntersections, 
it will return true when ANDed with 0x...

You can for example set your terrain's mask to 0x1, and your GUI 
elements or other things to 0x2, and then give 0x1 as the traversal mask 
in computeIntersections, and it will only intersect with the terrain.

I generally reserve one bit of the nodemask to items that are pickable, 
I find that makes comprehension simpler. Then I just have to make sure 
to set each object's nodemask appropriately at creation.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Current state of osgTDS

2008-07-07 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello all,

I'm directing these questions mainly at Paul Martz, but I'd be 
interested in hearing from anyone else who has relevant experience.

I've learned that I need to do terrain deformation to match new data in 
our current project, and it seems to fit exactly what osgTDS does. To be 
more precise, some structures will be lowered to the bottom of the 
ocean, and their final resting place might not match where the "ocean 
floor" was when the terrain data was taken (because of soil/rock 
movement, human activities, or low terrain data accuracy).

I have to evaluate some factors (time it would take to integrate, work 
needed to make it do what we want) before actually diving in, so I 
thought I'd ask here.

Regarding building osgTDS: I saw a few posts from 2007 in the archives 
regarding osgTDS, but there doesn't seem to be a definitive answer to 
whether it will build for OSG 2.x and on.

Regarding using it run-time: I understand osgTDS does its processing at 
load time. Would it be hard to modify it so that when we decide that an 
object is resting, it does the processing locally for that object and 
updates the terrain immediately? What kind of time does that processing 
take? (say for example on a 100,000 polygon terrain, just for the sake 
of discussion)

Thanks in advance,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] cessnafire.osg...

2008-07-07 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Shayne,

If it is possible to isolate the particle system out of the cessnafire.osg
file, I would like to see a code snippet that does this...

Anytime you want to find a node in the scene graph, you probably need to 
should make a node visitor. Looks like ParticleEffect is a subclass of 
osg::Group, so you'll have to override the accept(osg::Group& group) 
method and try to dynamic_cast(&group) and 
then do what you want with it.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Current state of osgTDS

2008-07-07 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Paul,

Thanks a lot for the info, it's really useful. I'll see what the project 
managers think.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] how to disable zbuffer

2008-07-08 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi David,

You just need to disable GL_DEPTH_TEST for the desired object(s).


  stateSet->setAttributeAndModes(new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::ALWAYS),

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] VPB generating terrain for multiple data files

2008-07-10 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay


I am generating a terrain database using osgdem. I have three source 
data files (GeoTiffs which have correct geospatial information), and I 
would like to generate a single terrain database from all three.

These three files define parts of the ocean floor which are separate, 
and which have some space between them. The heights in these files is 
around -365m. osgdem creates flat (blank) geometry between the tiles, 
which is what I want, but the problem is that it creates this geometry 
at Z=0. So the terrain database looks like:

(data)(no data)(data)
   ___Z = 0
  |   |
  |   |
__|   |_  Z = -365

(viewed from the side)

Are there any ways to fix this? I can think of two off the top of my head:

* Translate all the terrain heights up by about 365 meters, so that 
everything is near Z=0, then generate the terrain, and at run-time 
translate it back down by 365 meters.
* Use a "fake" tile of data that would encompass the whole terrain and 
would be at about -365 meters everywhere, and then the three data files 
I have would be additional data (higher-res overlays, as I have seen 
used in some terrain database).

Are there any other options? I think the second option is better, but I 
would appreciate others' points of view on this.


Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Fog problem

2008-07-10 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Eric,

Computers drive me crazy! good will be the retirment, I will breed rabits.

I don't have any input into your specific problem, but I just wanted to 
let you know you made my day with that line! My co-workers liked it too. :-)

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] The growing draw bar in the stats handler

2008-07-10 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Rick,

Now I do not have the growing Draw callback, but everything still shows 
the orange bar across the entire screen.  I am getting 60 fps ok, so I 
don't get the bar.  I am sure it is probably still a driver issue 
somewhere.  I still also have these long orange bars and big spaces in 
my stats display I do not understand, but atleast the performance does 
not degrade.

Do you have an ATI/AMD video card by any chance? I think the GPU stats
depend on an NVidia extension, so perhaps that's how they show up when
that extension is not present...

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] VPB generating terrain for multiple data files

2008-07-10 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

Ideally should have data throughout your model to define all the
heights you require, if you have holes then all you can come if with
is an acceptable fudge for what this missing data might be.

I know, I know... :-) I work with what our client provided, so I have to 
fill in the gaps myself.

the easist way to provide this fudge would be to create a single dummy
DEM that covers the entire region and matches the elevations of the
tiles you have.  The actual data would then act is a high res inserts
to this base level DEM.

Yes, that was the second option I mentioned.

Any hints as to how to do that? I have the FWTools distribution, which 
includes all gdal binaries, but if there's another tool that I could 
use, please point me in the right direction.

Ideally, I would like the base terrain to conform to the inserts at the 
edges of said inserts, instead of having "steps" around the inserts... 
So the tool used would probably need to interpolate between the tiles.

I tried using, currently waiting for the terrain to 
generate from the result of that (I can't use --TERRAIN, so it takes a 
while)... But it doesn't interpolate, it just puts either NODATA or a 
value you specify.

Anyways, thanks for confirming my intuition.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] VPB generating terrain for multiple data files

2008-07-10 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi all,

I have never tried to create a DEM so can't help you here.

Anybody else? I'm sure I'm not the first one to want to do this, I just 
can't find something in gdal that does this so I'd appreciate being 
pointed in the right direction.

Thanks in advance,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Weird driver problems?

2008-07-10 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Gordon,

A little note on automatic updates on Video drivers, they are typically
quite OLD, take the one for my 8800 the automatic  update wanted to place a
9/2007 on my machine yet I have a 4/2008 driver already installed...

No, no, I didn't mean automatic update to the graphics driver, I meant 
automatic update to Windows itself, possibly triggering a bug related to 
the graphics driver. It's just a theory of course.

We don't do any automatic updating of the graphics driver, of course, as 
 that's a bit more risky...


Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Weird driver problems?

2008-07-10 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Wojtek,

It looks bit like the issue I strrugled with. I am not sure if my
workaround - repeating makeCurrent - was added before 2.4 release or after
it. Certainly 2.2 is not safe.

I agree, it looks like that issue, I remember it now. But why would it 
have appeared now, when a few days ago all was well? That's the weird thing.

I think I'll keep an eye on gaming message boards and see if people 
start reporting something similar...

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Cygwin compiled version from Svn will only load and convert osg files and not gif files - any thoughts?

2008-07-10 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Brian,

It may be a 
far jump but my thoughts are this leads us down the path that it there is 
possibly something either in the osg plugin or more likely - the 3d 
functionality and the extra logic and threads needed to accomplish the 3d 

You seem to think that osgviewer with or without --image does radically 
different things... It doesn't. It's the same viewer, the same setup. It 
will detect and use the same thread config, etc. When you do

osgviewer --image bob.jpg

it creates a quad (in 3D space) and maps your image onto it as a 
texture. So it's still displaying a model in 3D. Yes, it may be the .osg 
loader, but it may be something totally unrelated. You just haven't 
presented enough information to be able to make that call at this point.

I think you just need to start with basics. Compile OSG and osgviewer in 
debug mode, start it in gdb and recreate your crash on exit. That will 
give you a stack trace. From that you can try to debug further or post 
the trace here to see if we can spot something. (note that getting a 
stack trace is the first step to debug any crash)

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] RE : Re: RE : multitexturing coordinates

2008-07-10 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Franclin,

But for shape drawable, geometry information is hidden to clients (and 
I don't know why but I suspect performance issues) that is why you need 
to use shaders for them.

Well actually the Shape / ShapeDrawable classes were originally designed 
as simple debugging tools, so little thought was put into their design. 
They're just implemented as simple display lists with little 
customization possible, and no access to the internals. If you want to 
do any serious geometry with any acceptable level of control, you'll 
want to use osg::Geometry and define the vertices yourself.

One side of the coin:
I had suggested to Robert that I could reimplement the Shape / 
ShapeDrawable classes using an underlying osg::Geometry, so that they 
would behave as they do now but offer more control if needed (probably 
as it should have been done right from the beginning). He was open to 
this, but I haven't had time to do it yet.

The other side of the coin:
Do you know how easy it is to download Blender, create a sphere, save it 
and load it up with OSG? And when you do, it will be a full-fledged 
osg::Geometry and you will have total control over it. If you use the 
osg exporter for Blender you can even edit the .osg file and make sure 
it's structured exactly how you want it.

I generally favor using data for everything (as much as possible / 
reasonable) as opposed to hard-coding things, since later it's much 
easier to replace the sphere model by something else if it's a model 
file than if I have to open the project, find the relevant code, change 
it, compile it, test it...

This is just my opinion though, and the Shape / ShapeDrawable classes 
still have uses, which is why I still want to do what I mentioned above, 
someday. :-)

Hope this clears things up.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Drawing to Texture2D

2008-07-11 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi James,

I was wondering if it is possible to draw on a Texture2D instance. I 
know this isn't possible, but I am wondering if you can do the 
equivalent of:


OSG does not do 2D drawing to images. You can do your own by getting the 
data pointer from an osg::Image and drawing pixels into that (if you 
feel the need to write your own line, circle, flood-filling etc. 
algorithms :-) ), or you can use an imaging library (ImageMagick, etc.) 
to make the image and then get the data from that library and copy it 
into an osg::Image (or perhaps even use the same pointer if it's a raw 
format). No need to save the image to disk and re-read it with OSG.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Cygwin compiled version from Svn will only load and convert osg files and not gif files - any thoughts?

2008-07-11 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Brian,

If I display an osg file (without the --image since it doesn't 
like that for an osg file) then I get the following output from gdb.

I still wonder why you would want --image for an osg file? You say "it 
doesn't like that for an osg file", but it's actually nonsensical. An 
osg file is not an image... It's a saved scene graph (3D model or whatever).

You need --image when you want osgviewer to load an image file (.gif, 
.jpg, .png, etc.) with osgDB::readImageFile() and map it onto a quad. 
When you don't use --image, OSG will just load the given file(s) (.osg, 
.3ds, .wrl, .dae, etc.) with osgDB::readNodeFiles() and add it as child 
to a group node and display that (if the load succeeds).

As for the crash, as I said I don't use cygwin and have no debugging 
experience there, and little debugging experience on Linux (with gdb) 
for that matter. So I can't really help. Others with more gdb experience 
might be able to suggest some further steps to take.

Good luck,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Please test SVN of OpenSceneGraph

2008-07-11 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

I'm winding up towards the OpenSceneGraph-2.5.4 developer release, all
the major changes are now checked in, so it's time to make sure that
things are compiling and running sensible across platforms.  If things
look good then I'll tag 2.5.4 tomorrow.

Building now, will let you know.

Once 2.5.4 is out the way my plan is to seriously look at osgWidget
inclusion in to SVN trunk, so testing osgWidget and feedback on it
would be very useful.

Regarding osgWidget, Jeremy hasn't yet merged the CMake change I 
submitted last week to make it build with CMake 2.6 as well as 2.4, not 
sure why... Maybe it just passed under his radar. Hopefully he'll see 
this post, if not I'll poke him directly :-)

Other than that, osgWidget runs great for me on Windows Vista/VS8 and 
Ubuntu Linux/gcc.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] KdTree support now checked in

2008-07-11 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

To wrap, all these changes on now in SVN trunk and will be part of
2.5.4 and hence the up coming 2.6.  If you enable the build of
automatic KdTrees of load and use
IntersectionVisitor/LineSegmentIntersector then you'll be able to go
straight ahead of use KdTree intersections without lifting a further
finger ;-)

This is all very cool! I'll definitely be testing this out in the next 
few days to try it out with my Masters project (which was very 
intersection-heavy). I'll be setting up a little competition between 
your KdTree and Adrian Egli's... Just kidding!

I think I may be able to help a bit regarding the higher-level setup and 
bookkeeping changes needed to speed things up on that regard. One thing 
I noticed before is that creating a new Intersector and 
IntersectionVisitor each time is costly, and instead keeping static or 
cached instances and using the reset() and setStart()/setEnd() methods 
is faster. There may be some other similar things that can be done too, 
we'll see what I can dig up.

Thanks a lot for this work, it's a great addition, and I expect that it 
will be useful in lots of different applications.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Please test SVN of OpenSceneGraph

2008-07-11 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

I'm winding up towards the OpenSceneGraph-2.5.4 developer release, all
the major changes are now checked in, so it's time to make sure that
things are compiling and running sensible across platforms.  If things
look good then I'll tag 2.5.4 tomorrow.

Building now, will let you know.

Done, all is fine. Windows Vista, VS8, CMake 2.6.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] KdTree support now checked in

2008-07-13 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

It's interesting how different bottlenecks pop up, in this case
creating objects on the heap is clearly showing itself as a bottleneck
whereas the old brute force intersection code was so slow that this
wasn't a significant factor.

Bear in mind that what I mentioned was with Adrian's implementation of a 
kd-tree. I haven't yet had time to test the one that's in OSG now.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] KdTree support now checked in

2008-07-13 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Rick,

So my first question is about how I should try to cache the intersect 
visitors?  Should I keep one around for each large ship (node passed in 
to the getIntersections() function), or should I just make a single one 
that is used over and over?

There's really no way I can answer this. You will have to try a few 
different possibilities, use a profiler and see if the bottleneck changes.

I have no idea what you do with your intersection tests. Do you need to 
do one test per frame per ship? Ten? As many as possible? In my case, my 
app needed to do shadow tests from the surface of every object, so I 
really needed to do as many intersections per second as possible. I 
profiled my app, and saw that creating a new Intersector and 
IntersectionVisitor each time was taking up significant time. So I used 
static instances that were reused, and that made the whole process faster.

If all you want to do is check intersections a few times per frame, you 
may not need to do that, because in your case the creation of the 
objects won't be significant. You have to profile and see.

Next, how often should I call reset()?  Once for each big ship, or once 
for each intersection check?  I do not see any setStart()/setEnd() 
functions.  Please forgive my ognorance, but where are they and what do 
they do?

If you re-use an Intersector or an InversectionVisitor, you need to call 
reset() on both before you do a new intersection test. This clears the 
results of the previous test.

osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::setStart() and setEnd() just change the 
start and end points of the line segment being used for the intersection 
test, without having to create a new LineSegmentIntersector. I submitted 
the change to add those methods around OSG 2.1.x time-frame, so if 
you're using 2.0 you won't have them, but if you're using 2.2+ you will.

Finally, I am doing a few checks before I try the line segments to see 
if they are even close to the node I am checking.  Is this worth the 
check or does the intersectVisitor do that all for me anyway?

The IntersectionVisitor checks with the graph nodes' bounding volumes 
before going into the geometry itself, so you can probably just let it 
do its work. Generally, traversing the graph and checking bounding 
volumes is pretty fast (except if you have a very large number of nodes 
or if your graph is poorly built), it's doing the actual tests against 
geometry (line segment to triangle intersection test) that's slow 
(except with the new kd-tree... :-) ).

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] KdTree support now checked in

2008-07-13 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

I was wondering, is there a way this new kd-tree can be leveraged to 
make other types of intersection tests (polytope) faster too? I will 
soon need to integrate polytope intersections for picking of lines and 
points into our framework, so it would be cool if those could be 
accelerated too.


Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] KdTree support now checked in

2008-07-13 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

To enable automatic generation of KdTree's I have extended osgDB so
that the Registry and DatabasePager are both KdTree aware, and if
KdTree build option is enabled it'll use the Registry's new
KdTreeBuilder object to build KdTree's on loaded models.  To enable
this building you simple set the env var OSG_BUILD_KDTREES to on, i.e.

  osgpick cow.osg

Or programatically you can enable building of KdTrees via:


You'll need to call this before you load any models that you wish to

This is all good, but do we need to do anything to get the kd-tree 
rebuilt if some geometry changes? Or is this all transparently handled 
by osg::Geometry::dirty() / dirtyDisplayList()?

In my Masters project one of the goals was to support totally dynamic 
geometry, so any object could both be moved (dynamic with respect to 
transform nodes) or deformed (dynamic with respect to actual geometry). 
So it was possible to modify vertices in the osg::Geometry's vertex 
array. But then, if there is a kd-tree for that geometry, it needs to be 


Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] KdTree support now checked in

2008-07-13 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

osg::KdTree could support osg::Polytope intersections, but I haven't
implemented this as it wasn't required for the client, and I want to
get 2.6 out the door sooner rather than later.  Feel free to pitch in,
but bare in mind I want to get 2.6 out in the next two weeks.

OK, I just wanted to know if you thought it was feasible (I don't know 
how polytope intersection is implemented in OSG right now). I don't 
require this right away, and I will of course do it if no one has before 
me :-)


Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] VPB generating terrain for multiple data files

2008-07-14 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello John,

Have you tried Ben Discoe's VTBuilder 
( It _might_ be 
what you are looking for.

Nice, looks like this does what I need!

Thanks for pointing thos tool out.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] StartingOpenSceneGraphinVisualStudio

2008-07-14 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Victor,

Thanks for the help so far. I have the following BUILDs set to off when I
run the CMake tool ( I am running OpenSceneGraph-2.4.0 and


For a new user, I highly recommend you set BUILD_OSG_EXAMPLES to on. 
Also, there's BUILD_OSG_WRAPPERS, is this on or off? You probably don't 
need the wrappers, and they'll take a long time to build, so disable 
them unless you really know you need them.

Several paths could not be found.


I tried putting some of the libraries and include files in the
OpenSceneGraph directory hoping CMake will pick them up but it couldn't. 

This is not the way to do it.

First of all, many of the libs listed are optional dependencies 
(COLLADA, QuickTime, OpenVRML, Jasper, SDL, FLTK, FOX, Inventor, GDAL, 
Performer, QT, Xine, Wx). You can start without them and just build 
those plugins if/when you find out you need them.

The others are pretty much needed to do anything useful. For those you 
need to get the 3rdParty dependencies (if you're using Visual Studio 
2005 then you can just use the precompiled dependencies at, otherwise you'll have to download the sources and 
compile them yourself). Put the dependencies in a directory called 
"3rdParty" parallel to your OSG sources directory. For example:


This will ensure that CMake finds them. (and please start with a fresh 
OSG source directory)

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.5.4 developer release tagged

2008-07-14 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Robert,

On Monday I'll look at integrating osgWidgets, 

BTW, what about Wojtek's new shadow algorithm(s)? Have you had a chance 
to review those? It would be really nice to include those in 2.6, as 
they both fix issues with the old osgShadow::ShadowMap and also add new 
shadow techniques.

Sorry for not mentioning it sooner, I didn't remember about it until I 
saw the source in my OSG directory today...

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Configure error on Sun Solaris machine

2008-07-14 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Leonard,

There is no FOREACH statement in my CMakeLists.txt file.  Where does 
this error come from?

I do not use Solaris, so I can only suggest a few paths for you to 
investigate. First of all, what version of CMake are you using?

The FOREACH statements are probably coming from the files included from 
the CMakeModules subdirectory. As to where the erroneous FOREACH 
statement is coming from, it would be useful if CMake would tell you 
which macro or function it was processing when it got the error... In 
any case, I haven't seen that error when generating build files for OSG 
(neither on Windows nor on Linux) which is why I suspect it's a CMake 
version problem.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Cygwin compiled version from Svn will only load and convert osg files and not gif files - any thoughts?

2008-07-14 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Brian,

Thanks and sorry for the confusion and I hope this helps explain my thought 

Yes, I understand your thought process much better now, but I still 
think that using an invalid option (i.e. --image with an .osg file) gets 
you nowhere. It will just exit with an error at the earliest possible 
time, so it does not test any significant code paths.

Instead, why not create an .osg file with a simple quad and a texture, 
and then try to load that. That will reproduce what 'osgviewer --image' 
does, but by loading an .osg file (without --image). You could create 
such an .osg file by modifying osgviewer.cpp so that it calls 
osgDB::writeNodeFile(...) right before calling, and then 
running the resulting executable with '--image someImage.jpg'.

Another test could be to try a very simple OSG file (axes.osg from 
OpenSceneGraph-Data, for example, has no texture and very simple geometry).

It does seem weird to me that you get problems with the osg plugin, but 
not the image plugins. The osg plugin has no external dependencies, and 
as long as it loads it should work fine. Other platforms use it without 

I'm almost inclined to suspect (gasp!) a compiler bug / other 
compiler-related problem. Perhaps cygwin's version of gcc/g++ has a bug 
that OSG is running into? Are there multiple versions you could try out?

Also, I don't understand why I'm the only one to respond to you in this 
thread. I have never compiled OSG in cygwin, nor do I use cygwin if I 
have the choice. Surely someone else on this list has more experience 
than me in this environment and could help you better?

Anyways, I hope I'm at least helping you go forward a bit...

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.5.4 developer release tagged

2008-07-14 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Robert,

BTW, what about Wojtek's new shadow algorithm(s)? Have you had a chance to
review those? It would be really nice to include those in 2.6, as they both
fix issues with the old osgShadow::ShadowMap and also add new shadow

If Wojtek is ready to submit them then I'm happy to review them.
Testing by others would be useful as I'll be rather stretched over the
next couple of weeks.

He posted the code and project to osg-users a while back, and I think I 
was the only one who tested it... Or maybe I'm remembering wrong. In any 
case, I didn't see any problems, though I only tested on Windows Vista. 
Not a very big sample size, I know. :-)

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.5.4 developer release tagged

2008-07-14 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi again Robert,

BTW, what about Wojtek's new shadow algorithm(s)? Have you had a 
chance to
review those? It would be really nice to include those in 2.6, as 
they both

fix issues with the old osgShadow::ShadowMap and also add new shadow

If Wojtek is ready to submit them then I'm happy to review them.
Testing by others would be useful as I'll be rather stretched over the
next couple of weeks.

He posted the code and project to osg-users a while back, and I think I 
was the only one who tested it... Or maybe I'm remembering wrong. In any 
case, I didn't see any problems, though I only tested on Windows Vista. 
Not a very big sample size, I know. :-)

I found the thread on gmane, just to convince myself that I didn't 
hallucinate... :-)

You can even download the code zip file from the gmane archive, pretty cool.

So yeah, I'd be very interested in getting this integrated, and it 
worked fine for me (see follow-up discussion in that thread for 
details). Perhaps Wojtek made some changes since then, so I'll be happy 
to re-test if that's the case.

Let me know if there is more I can do to help drive this forward.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgWidget Remaining Issues

2008-07-14 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Jeremy,

Some responses below, but you'll notice that my general opinion is 
biased in the "get it out soon, and perfect it gradually" camp. 
Especially if you're hitting roadblocks yourself, getting the code out 
there and into other people's hands will make things progress faster. 
And I don't think anyone will hold you personally responsible for any 
shortcomings, since it *is* a first official version... :-)

1. [ Font Clarity ]


# osgfont fonts/arial.ttf 10 11 12 13 14 15

You'll notice that at some sizes and locations, the text appears crisp
and sharp. You'll also notice that at other places the text is blurry
and smudged.

All I see is some very minor softness, mostly at the odd sizes (11, 13, 
15). 10, 12 and 14 look great, but 11, 13 and 15 still look very good 
(and nowhere near illegible). So I really don't think it's a major problem.

2. [ Low-level Font API ]

I can't help much here for now, but I think it's something that can be 
added afterwards. The existing functionality is good enough and of high 
enough quality that I really don't think anyone doubts that input will 
come soon. Plus, the community can help. If what is needed are some 
changes to osgText, it will be much easier to make the necessary changes 
if osgWidget and osgText coexist in the OSG core.

3. [ 3D Widgets ]

Again, I think this is something that can be worked on gradually. 
osgWidget can first be advertized as mostly for HUDs, and if someone 
wants to try doing totally 3D GUIs, they're free to do it and make any 
necessary improvements along the way.

> Given the popularity of WOW, I'm assuming

that 2D interface "solutions" for games aren't something that there is a
a superbly solid solution for, so I'm not that discouraged at some of my
own idiosyncrasies in osgWidget.

You're definitely right about that. From what I've seen in osgWidget, 
it's much more general and flexible than the game engine HUD/GUI 
frameworks I've seen.

I'm getting
some really great results, but introducing this into osgWidget would
mean introducing the Pango dependency chain (Pango, Cairo, and glib). Is
this an option worth exploring?

I can't speak for others, but I would advocate seeing if the current 
solutions work well for most uses and if the remaining issues can be 
worked out before trying to go a completely different route.

Again, I'd like to reiterate my support for your work. If you need 
testing (especially on Windows) and/or have questions, don't hesitate to 
ask. Also, we're likely to be one of your first clients (we wanted to do 
a HUD framework but instead chose to wait for osgWidget to be integrated 
into the OSG core) so you can expect to get more feedback from us once 
we start using it for real :-)

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgWidget now checked into OSG SVN trunk

2008-07-15 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

You have some mismatched parentheses in examples/CMakeLists.txt


should be


(note, first line has an extra paren and osgwidgetwindow is missing 
closing paren).

Building now.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
# this are setting used in SETUP_EXAMPLE macro




Re: [osg-users] osgWidget now checked into OSG SVN trunk

2008-07-15 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Robert,

Regarding osgWidget's examples, should their CMakeLists.txt files use 
the SETUP_EXAMPLE() macro as do all the other OSG examples? I would 
assume so since this will make things more consistent. If so I can help 
convert them to use this macro.

Also, do we want osgwidgetversion as an example? Since osgWidget is now 
part of core OSG, should it have its own version?

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgWidget now checked into OSG SVN trunk

2008-07-15 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

Regarding osgWidget's examples, should their CMakeLists.txt files use 
the SETUP_EXAMPLE() macro as do all the other OSG examples? I would 
assume so since this will make things more consistent. If so I can help 
convert them to use this macro.

Sorry for spamming... I've done the conversion to use SETUP_EXAMPLE in 
the osgWidget examples, and it's finishing up building now. All seems well.

I'll send the files to osg-submissions.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgWidget now checked into OSG SVN trunk

2008-07-15 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Robert, Jeremy,

Thanks in advance for you assistance on testing.  Once it looks like
things are building across all our main platforms I'll go ahead and
tag another dev release.

Builds on Windows Vista, VS8 here, with the previously posted fixes and 
the changed osgwidget example CMakeLists.txt files.

I'm getting some errors in the osgWidget examples which I didn't get 
when osgWidget was separate from OSG though:

osgwidgetbox doesn't display anything

osgwidgetshader can't find the shaders, even if I updated the 
OpenSceneGraph-Data from SVN and they're there...

In osgwidgetnotebook, when clicking on a tab, I get

osgWidget: Window [notebook] couldn't find the Widget [Tab_0] in it's 
object list.

but the behavior seems correct (i.e. the correct tab becomes active).

On startup, osgwidgetmenu gives

osgWidget: Window [Menu_Pick me!] can't call resizeAdd() with the values 
-72 and 0
osgWidget: Window [Menu_Pick me!] can't call resizeAdd() with the values 
-72 and 0
osgWidget: Window [Menu_Pick me!] can't call resizeAdd() with the values 
-72 and 0
osgWidget: Window [Menu_Pick me!] can't call resizeAdd() with the values 
-72 and 0
osgWidget: Window [Menu_Grarar!?!] can't call resizeAdd() with the 
values -64 and 0
osgWidget: Window [Menu_Pick me!] can't call resizeAdd() with the values 
-72 and 0
osgWidget: Window [Menu_Grarar!?!] can't call resizeAdd() with the 
values -64 and 0

(apart from the font not found messages) and there is no menu on screen.

Finally, and this is something that bugged me before but should probably 
be fixed now that osgWidget is part of core OSG: it seems like the 
osgWidget examples set some values for the window 
(viewer.setUpViewInWindow(0, 0, 1280, 1024);) whereas they should just 
use the normal viewer and let the user set OSG_WINDOW, or --window, or 
whatever themselves. On Windows, particularly, using 
setUpViewInWindow(0, 0, 1280, 1024) gives a window whose extents go out 
of the screen, so the top of the graphics window is chopped off...

Let me know if there is any more testing I can do. The next step once we 
fix these issues is probably to get a few screenshots to make sure the 
output is correct w.r.t. what you expect.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgWidget now checked into OSG SVN trunk

2008-07-15 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Jeremy,

Ah, interesting. I always figured I was doing folks a favor by
hard-coding a small size, but code can certainly be added to have it
behave as you suggest.

Well, I (and most people with 19 inch monitors) have 1280x1024 native 
resolution, so your window should fill the whole screen, but it's the 
0,0 that actually causes problems. On Windows, if you give (x,y) = 
(0,0), then the top of the window frame is outside the screen so you 
can't drag it to move it! I always found that weird.

In any case, an OSG example should just use the default and 
let the environment variables / command-line args determine how the 
window should look.

And it will actually be less code... Remove that setUpViewInWindow line :-)

The key is to make sure that the orthographic
camera is properly resized properly, which should be done by the
ResizeHandler object.

The ortho camera should be sized appropriately for the screen anyways, 
shouldn't it? I thought that was default OSG behavior...

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgWidget now checked into OSG SVN trunk

2008-07-15 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Jeremy,

It's all up to the ResizeHandler though; if you wanted to ALWAYS work in
some coordinate space like 1024x768, it should be possible just by using
(or perhaps not even using) a different ResizeHandler. The one I created
in ViewerEventHandler, however, tries to make sure the WindowManager
object always knows the exact pixel dimensions of the View.

The question is will it be automatic? If, for a HUD, you always want to 
have pixel-exact mapping, then it should be automatic and not depend on 
what size the user sets his window to.

I'll leave the details to you, as you're much better placed to 
understand what's involved. All I'm saying is that osgViewer supports 
users setting environment variables or passing command-line arguments to 
control how the window appears, and I think that in examples, these 
should not be overridden by hard-coding a window position/size.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Please test SVN of OpenSceneGraph in prep for 2.5.5 dev release

2008-07-16 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Robert,

I've been doing merges and bug fixes today, and now I'm ready to tag
the 2.5.5, but first I need feedback on how well things hang together
across platforms.  This is the first dev release with osgWidget as
part of the core OSG so this means that we really do need to test
across as many platforms as possible, as it's the code first wide

Builds fine on Vista, VS8.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Calling Wojciech Lewandowski - osgShadow improvements (LiSPSM)

2008-07-16 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay


I have asked in another thread (OpenSceneGraph-2.5.4 developer release 
tagged) if Wojtek's osgShadow additions/improvements could be integrated 
in time for 2.6. I'm talking about the additions mentioned in this post:

Wojtek has not yet replied, so I thought I'd send a message with a 
clearer title in case it just went under his radar...

Wojtek, I would really like to see this in 2.6, and am available to do 
any testing required. Would it be possible to submit the improvements to 
Robert for inclusion?


Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Calling Wojciech Lewandowski - osgShadow improvements(LiSPSM)

2008-07-17 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Wojtek,

Good to hear from you.

I have been quite busy recently but I am still open to do this. 

I understand, I just didn't want to miss the 2.6 "deadline", because I 
think this is an important addition.

Good to know you've discovered and fixed a few issues. I haven't used 
your code in production but I have tried it out with a few scenes and it 
seems to run well.

I think you should probably send your code in its current state to 
osg-submissions, that way Robert can keep track of it and it's "formally 
submitted", even if there are some issues to fix after Robert looks at it.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Freetype Plugin on Windows.

2008-07-17 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello James,

As Colin mentioned, the 3rdParty directory should be parallel to your 
OSG sources instead of being inside the build subdirectory as you have 
it now. For example:


Then delete the contents of your build directory and re-run cmake to 
generate the project files, then you should see the freetype plugin in 
the solution file.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Calling Wojciech Lewandowski - osgShadow improvements(LiSPSM)

2008-07-17 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Robert,

Might I suggest that you do the same for your screenshot event handler :-)

:-) Good suggestion... I had sent it to osg-users for people to test, 
but I agree, I'll send it in to osg-submissions.


Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Plugin Problem, osgDB doesn't find plugins

2008-07-18 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Ariasgore,

I am using VS2008 and OSG 2.5.2, compiled from source (included plugins) 

Did you also compile the 3rdParty dependencies from source? There is 
currently no package of precompiled dependencies for VS2008, and it 
could be that using the precompiled 3rdParty dependencies for VS2005 
with OSG compiled with VS2008 would cause this.

I copied the whole osgPlugins-2.5.2  folder content to my bin output 
folder directly into it and into a subfolder for testing. No effect.

The plugins should be in a subfolder called osgPlugins- under 
the directory where the OSG DLLs are found for your app. So if for 
example you are copying the OSG DLLs with your app, copy the 
osgPlugins- folder along with it (don't change the directory 

So I basically have the osgdb_jpegd.dll and have no idea if I am missing 

For another plugin like png for example, the plugin also needs the 
libpng DLLs to be found, which is often the problem when loading the png 
plugin fails. But for jpeg, that is not needed since the jpeg library is 
linked statically into the plugin.

So I suspect your problem is related to using VS2008 with 3rdParty 
dependencies compiled with VS2005. Note - I saw some reports that in 
release mode, it worked OK, but in debug it didn't. Regardless, it's 
much better to compile the dependencies properly to be sure you don't 
have problems with this in the future (plus, debugging is important!).

Good luck,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] question about custom shaders with osgShadow

2008-07-18 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Denis,

Is there a way to use custom shaders with osgShadow?

Yes, if you're using osgShadow::ShadowMap :


Check src/osgShadow/ShadowMap.cpp (static const char 
fragmentShaderSource_withBaseTexture) for the default shader that is 
used, and use that as a base for your shader that would combine shadows 
and whatever else you want to do.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Plugin Problem, osgDB doesn't find plugins

2008-07-18 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Ariasgore,

This is not a linking error that must be fixed in the project, am i 
right? This is a missing dll as i suppose...

You didn't say if you compiled the 3rdParty dependencies yourself or 
not. If you didn't do that, then stop trying other things and do that. 
It will eliminate the most likely reason that the plugins don't load. 
Re-read my previous message.

The problem is that when dynamically loading a plugin, the error message 
is the same if the plugin is *not found* and if the plugin *could not be 
loaded*. I suspect that in your case, the latter is what's happening. 
And this could be caused by (among other things) the fact that the 
plugins' dependencies (libjpegD.lib in your case) were compiled with a 
different compiler than the plugins themselves.

Good luck,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Node needs to render at least one pixel

2008-07-18 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Philip,

I have thought of artificially moving it closer, or scaling it larger,
but I was wondering if there is, instead, some attribute I can give it
that says, "render me even if I'm small."

I imagine you mean that you don't want your node culled even if it's 
very small. You can turn off small feature culling for a camera:

  camera->setCullingMode(camera->getCullingMode() &

Note that this will not change that it will be culled if it's outside 
the viewing frustum. It's possible to turn off all culling on a camera, 
but that would be a big no-no performance wise. You can also set a node 
not to be culled at all:


But again, this is pretty bad and should only be done in desperate 
cases... What are you trying to achieve?

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Plugin Problem, osgDB doesn't find plugins

2008-07-18 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Ariasgore,

Pretty akward to get the 3rd party libs.

Yes, that's true... I don't use VS2008 myself, nor does Mike Weiblen 
(who maintains the VS2005 3rdParty binaries). You have a few options:

* If you have access to it, you could install VS2005 and use that for 
your OSG-related development.
* You can ask on the libraries' forums / mailing lists to get help in 
compiling them (or get some binaries for VS2008 from some other source)
* You can wait until there's an official 3rdParty binaries package for 

I'm sorry I can't help more.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Node needs to render at least one pixel

2008-07-18 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Philip,

I've implemented Jean-Sébastien's last suggestion, 
"node->setCullingActive(false)" on the MatrixTransform whose child is the 
image, but with no noticeable change.  Does this setting affect a node's children as well?  
I've checked my viewing frustrum, and zFar is set to 3.0*(the scene node's getBound()).

Well, culling tests each node's bounding sphere. In the case of a group 
(or subclass), the bounding sphere contains the bounding spheres of the 
children. If a given node is not culled, then the children's bounding 
spheres are tested. If the node is culled, then its children are also 
culled (since their bounds were included in their parent's bound).

So if your laser is a group, you would need to setCullingActive(false) 
on the children too. Then, I don't know when the drawables are checked 
for culling too (they are culled with a bounding box). You might have to 
set a CullCallback on the Drawables that just returns false all the time.

Then again, I'm not quite sure that's your problem. If you say you're 
rendering a line, then because of sampling, even if the line is not 
culled it might not render onto any pixels. Not quite sure how I'd fix 
that. Perhaps unprojecting the line's endpoints so they're in screen 
space and then drawing a line in screen space would work?

Hope that gives you something to go with...

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg::Light Simple Question ?

2008-07-18 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Ümit,

I am trying to effect the components of scene with green light. Although 
green light could effected two of sphere,  couldn't get success on the 
terrain model. What can I do to effect the terrain with green light?

Your terrain's texture is probably being applied in GL_REPLACE mode, 
instead of in GL_MODULATE mode. In GL_MODULATE, the texture color is 
multiplied by the shading value at a pixel to give the final surface 
color, and in GL_REPLACE mode the texture color is used directly 
(replacing the shading).

Your options:
* Check the terrain model file (you can try osgconv model.whatever 
model.osg if it isn't an .osg file, and then open it in a text editor to 
check for the texture application mode) and change it in the model.
* Write a NodeVisitor that you will run on your terrain model after 
having loaded it to change any osg::TexEnv object from REPLACE mode to 
MODULATE mode (or just remove the TexEnv, since the default is MODULATE).

I recommend option 1, your life will be much easier if your models are 
correct in the first place and you don't have to hard-code any changes 
in your program.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg::Light Simple Question ?

2008-07-19 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Ümit,

I have tried "terrainScaleMAT->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode( 
GL_RESCALE_NORMAL, osg::StateAttribute::ON );" pattern but the result is 
same. There is no light effect on the terrain. I don't understand why?

As Gordon said, check if your terrain has normals in the first place... 
Rescaling non-existing normals won't do anything :-)

In your .osg file, check for normalArray under your Geometry, and check 
that normalBinding is set to PER_VERTEX. If the model has no normals, 
you can generate them with a modeling tool or use the 
osgUtil::SmoothingVisitor to create smooth normals across the surface.

And BTW, yes you're right that the two suggestions I gave before were 
mutually exclusive, i.e. if you checked your model and changed the 
TexEnv in it you don't need a NodeVisitor to do the same thing...

Oh, just another little thing, are you sure you're reloading the .osg 
model and not the original one without your changes?

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Node needs to render at least one pixel

2008-07-22 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Philip,

As this iamge shrinks into the distance, it (still) becomes invisible.
My coworker (who is knowledgeable of OpenGL, but not so much of 
OpenSceneGraph), suggests MIP-mapping.  I can move to that, it that's the next 

I don't think mipmapping will solve the problem, because that just 
changes how the texture is filtered when it is minified and magnified. 
If the quad covers 0 pixels, the filtering of the texture on the quad 
doesn't really matter, the quad still won't be visible.

I really don't know what to suggest as your usage is pretty uncommon... 
You could try using an osg::AutoTransform to keep the quad the same size 
(in image space) independently of its distance from the viewer. Not sure 
if that's what you want. Otherwise, attach a callback to the transform 
above your quad, which would change the transform's scale when the 
distance from the viewpoint gets larger than some threshold.

Sorry I can't help more.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] How to apply shadows to a scene with different shaders

2008-07-22 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Denis,

Is there a 
way to get Shadow texture from osg ShadowMap and pass it to another 
shader? Am I going in a right direction? Should I use osg ShadowMap to 
get shadow texture and pass it to different shaders or something else?

I definitely think you should use osgShadow::ShadowMap if that saves you 
having to reimplement the same thing yourself!

Check the top of the shader in src/osgShadow/ShadowMap.cpp, there is a 
bunch of uniforms with names that start with "osgShadow_". You can use 
those same variable names in other shaders, and you will then have 
access to the same data (as long as the shader is on a node in the 
subgraph under the ShadowedScene node). The sampler is the shadow map 
itself, and the others are parameters. So you can use the same code and 
just combine it with whatever else you want to do.

Remember that lighting in CG is just a product (multiplication) of 
different values, and so you can multiply the value you get from the 
shadow2DProj() function call with other colors to get the result you want.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Default vertex shader

2008-07-23 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Denis,

When I added vertex shader, the object was not shadowed properly 
(with the same exact fragment shader). I suspect I'm doing something 
wrong with the texture coordinates in a vertex shader. I looked in 
ShadowMap.cpp, it has only fragment shaders. Do you know where can I 
find default vertex shader?

When you start using a shader for one part of the pipeline (vertex or 
fragment) you need to do everything that that part of the pipeline used 
to do (and which is needed by your rendering). In the case of shadows, 
you'll notice that the code in ShadowMap.cpp adds an osg::TexGen that 
calculates some texture coordinates for texture unit 1. But that's the 
fixed pipeline, so you will need to calculate texture coordinates for 
unit 1 as glTexGen would in your vertex shader now that it has replaced 
the fixed-function vertex processing.

Something like this should work, though you should probably have finer 
control over when these are calculated or not:

gl_TexCoord[1].s = dot( ecPosition, gl_EyePlaneS[1] );
gl_TexCoord[1].t = dot( ecPosition, gl_EyePlaneT[1] );
gl_TexCoord[1].p = dot( ecPosition, gl_EyePlaneR[1] );
gl_TexCoord[1].q = dot( ecPosition, gl_EyePlaneQ[1] );

Note that ecPosition is:

vec4 ecPosition = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;

I also assume you're transforming your texture coordinates for texture 
unit 0 properly:

gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0;

Just assigning gl_MultiTexCoord0 to gl_TexCoord[0] will work until you 
try to use a texture matrix (osg::TexMat)...

I highly recommend you get/read the Orange Book, as this is all given 
there. You can also download the ShaderGen program from 3DLabs (now 
hosted on since 3DLabs removed it from their site) 
which can generate shaders that emulate the fixed pipeline. Note that 
for speed, you should probably only use the features you need in your 
shaders, so I am not recommending that you generate a shader that does 
*all* of what the fixed pipeline would do... Just use what ShaderGen 
produces as a guide.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] how to release loaded model

2008-07-24 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Robert,

ref_ptr::release() is a specialist helper method with does an
unref_noDelete on the referenced object - it deliberately doesn't
delete the object that it's unrefecing.  This functionality is
required for functions that use ref_ptr<> locally but then have to
pass a C* point of the object.

I have seen this confusion before from people used to Win32 
programming... In MFC (I believe), calling release() on something means 
you don't want to use it anymore, and you want it to release its 
resources (kind of like calling delete on a pointer, but it's a C API so 
there are no destructors, hence the release() function). So it means 
exactly the opposite of what it means in OSG.

Kind of ironic, but perhaps that just means that people need to read the 
API documentation a bit before using a method in their code, because it 
might not do what they assume it does.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Default vertex shader

2008-07-24 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Denis,

I followed your advice. Everything works well. Thanks a lot for 
clarifying those things and for your help.

Glad I could help,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Please test SVN of OpenSceneGraph in prep for 2.6 release candidate

2008-07-25 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Robert,

This evening I'll be making the OpenSceneGraph-2.6 branch, and tag
this as release candidate 1.  I'd greatly appreciate users testing out
the svn trunk to make sure everything is compiling correctly across

Builds fine for me. Vista 32bit, VC++ 8.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] vpb on cluster example

2008-07-28 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Greg,

I'm new and I'm a little fuzzy on the versioning between VPB and OSG.
It looks like for the example you have provided, we need an older
version (2.3.6) of OSG.  Do you know if there are plans to upgrade VPB
to work with the latest releases of OSG or am I totally missing

VPB is a bit of a moving target these days, but VPB from SVN should 
always work with OSG from SVN. Plus, you get the latest features too. 
Otherwise, check the VPB web page 
( at the 
bottom of the page for how the older versions correspond to the OSG 

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Shadow techniques status

2008-07-29 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Dan,

I'm looking at shadow techniques provided by the osgshadow nodekit for use
in a production project.  On the wiki it reads like only ShadowMap is production
ready and all the others have problems.  Is this the case?  Or have the others
been marked as experimental because they do not work across video cards?  

Here is my opinion on the current shadow techniques in osgShadow. Please 
take these with a grain of salt. And bare in mind that it's pretty easy 
to compare them yourself in your environment, because in most cases once 
you have one shadow technique running you can just swap out the 
ShadowTechnique that you give to your ShadowedScene for another one. 
Some tweaks are technique-specific but that will give you a good idea of 
what they look like in your context.

osgShadow::ShadowVolume is broken, I have never seen it work correctly 
even with simple test scenes. There are inverted shadows everywhere 
(which hints at a problem with the z-pass or z-fail implementation). If 
someone wants to fix it, it would be a nice alternative to other 
techniques in some situations.

osgShadow::ShadowTexture is the simplest technique. It works well for 
planar shadows, but for anything more complex you'll want at least 

osgShadow::ShadowMap is what I would call the main workforce of 
osgShadow at the moment. It works well, is well tested, and is flexible. 
The only downside is the heavy shadow map aliasing you get on medium to 
large environments, but this is to be expected from a simple technique 
like this. It's really just the basic shadow map, no bells or whistles.

osgShadow::SoftShadowMap is ShadowMap augmented with a simple filtering 
of shadows. The look is not too realistic (it smooths everywhere 
uniformly instead of considering distance of occluder for the width of 
the penumbra, which would be more complex of course) but it alleviates 
the aliasing problem somewhat. It can still only go so far if the 
environments are large.

osgShadow::ParallelSplitShadowMap is the first of the "next-gen" shadow 
mapping techniques integrated into OSG. Essentially, it uses several 
shadow maps and is view-dependent which reduces aliasing dramatically. 
It's less tested, and until recently was completely broken. It now 
should work on most machines, but I'm still not confident enough about 
it to use it in production (my personal opinion - try it out and see for 

A few more techniques will soon be added (shortly after 2.6, hopefully) 
which are also view dependent, and will give some more choices to users. 
Essentially a shadow technique is a tool, and you just have to find the 
right one for your needs.

If the wiki misrepresents this state of affairs, could you please update 
it or post the pages where there is outdated info here?

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Shadow techniques status

2008-07-29 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Adrian,

Parallel Split Shadow Map: it's still under *beta* release :-) i wait 
for a review by a specialist, ... please review, test this algorithme, 
for terrain, ... it's once of the most robust algorithm, but it has to 
be tested.

I knew any talk about PSSM would get a reply from you :-)

I was not criticizing your work. Please don't take it so personally. I 
only gave my opinion of the current state of things.

As for review, someone will need to have the knowledge of the algorithm 
to be able to review it, and that isn't my case personally... It's a 
very specialized and low-level thing to be able to review this kind of code.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Shadow techniques status

2008-07-30 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Jim,

ShadowMap does suffer from bad aliasing when the viewpoint is very
near the shadow.
The Orange book (GLSL shader) describes how to super-sample
the depth buffer to mitigate aliasing.

Indeed, aliasing is a big problem with "vanilla" shadow mapping in 
almost all real-world cases.

What you describe can easily be done by client code, using the 
osgShadow::ShadowMap::clearShaderList() and 
osgShadow::ShadowMap::addShader() methods with the appropriate shaders. 
One thing that you need to be careful about when replacing the default 
shaders is to use the same uniform names to access the shadow map 
sampler and other variables.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Win32 keyboard bug

2008-07-30 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Robert, all,

As for fixing this in an osg application one idea for Win32 could be
to add a WM_ACTIVATE handler in
GraphicWindowWin32::handleNativeWindowingEvent. Note that this method
is virtual so the message can be handled by just deriving a class from
GraphicWindowWin32 so you do not have to modify any code inside the
osg library for this fix.
When the application get focus some calls to GetAsyncKeyState can be
made to check the status of the modifier keys and calls can be made to
EventQueue::keyPress/keyRelease to update the osg modifier key mask
accordingly. If you need to keep track of other keys that might have
been released or pressed when your application did not have focus you
have to call GetAsyncKeyState for them as well.

I am currently testing out a pretty small patch to 
osgViewer::GraphicsWindowWin32 that will fix this issue. I decided to 
fix it in the core, because otherwise I'd have to construct all my 
GraphicsWindow objects myself (using a derived class) instead of using 
the factory methods (which create a GraphicsWindowWin32 directly). And 
fixing the problem at the root just seems like the right thing to do.

I'll submit the fix to osg-submissions once I'm done, hopefully this 
will be considered a bug fix and will be integrated into 2.6.

Just a heads up.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Win32 window resize mouse cursors

2008-07-30 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello all,

Along with another Win32 fix I'll be submitting soon (see the "Win32 
keyboard bug" message I just sent), I'd like to fix another issue that's 
been nagging me a bit, which is that when you move the mouse cursor to 
the edge of an osgViewer window, they don't change to the "resize" 
arrows. You can resize the window just fine, but the visual hint that 
you can is not present.

I'm not extremely familiar with low-level Win32 windowing, but I'm 
willing to code up the fix if someone can point me in the right 
direction. Where should this happen? Is there a check based on mouse 
position in which if the position is near an edge of the window I can 
make the cursor change?

Help from a Win32 guru would be appreciated, just to get me started. 
Thanks in advance,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg make error in mingw

2008-07-30 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Philip,

Yes, that page is out of date.  I will update it if I can figure out how 
to edit the darn wiki.

Pretty easy: go to

Click the Login link at the top-right of any page and use the username 
and password on the page linked above. Then, at the bottom of pages 
which that user is allowed to edit, you will have an "Edit this page" 

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Changes on the 2.6 branch

2008-07-31 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Paul,

Good work on keeping on top of submissions while Robert is away. I think 
it will go a long way in convincing him to delegate a bit more :-)

The 2.6 branch could definitely benefit from testing; please do so when you
get a chance.

I just realized that I needed to specifically check out the 2.6 branch 
since the latest fixes were checked in there. Just updating a working 
copy that points to the trunk will not get these. I just did that and 
started building, so I'll let you know how it goes.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] RE : Re: RE : Re: Converting a Drawable object to a Geometry object

2008-07-31 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Franclin,

 I don't think you get the trick, from what you said, the only thing 
wrong is the ShapeDrawable.

I think Ulrich gets the issue quite well, and is quite right. If the 
concrete type of the object is ShapeDrawable, you can't cast it to a 
Geometry. As he said, there's no parent-child relationship between those 
two classes, they're siblings in the hierarchy.

Check your favorite C++ book if you don't believe us. And in any case, 
the proof is in the pudding. Does the code work? No? Well then...

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Getting texture coordinates of loaded models

2008-07-31 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Franclin,

osg::Drawable* draw = geode.getDrawable(i);
//At this level, everything is ok since the Draw pointer contains at 
least one valid Drawable objects. If I use a TriangleFunctor, it will 
return all triangles of that Drawable :)
 // However I would like to get the texture coordinates as well.

const osg::Geometry* geometryd = dynamic_castosg::Geometry*> (draw);

   // geometryd is dangling !!!

Ok, two issues:

1. ShapeDrawable has special cases for when it gets a PrimitiveFunctor 
(which TriangleFunctor is a subclass of). See src/osg/ShapeDrawable.cpp, 
in particular PrimitiveShapeVisitor. It will calculate the vertices 
according to simple formulas that define the osg::Shape. That's how OSG 
does intersection testing with ShapeDrawables. It works because 
osg::Drawable defines the accept(PrimitiveFunctor&) method, and then 
osg::ShapeDrawable and osg::Geometry override it and implement it in 
different ways, using the data they have.

2. Is geometryd dangling but non-zero, or is it zero? If it's zero, then 
the draw pointer was not pointing to a Geometry instance (as was 
explained in the other thread) but probably to a ShapeDrawable. As 
explained, ShapeDrawable* cannot be cast to Geometry* because they are 
siblings in the class hierarchy. Seeing that TriangleFunctor gives you 
the triangles of the drawable proves nothing because of what I explained 
in 1.

If geometryd is non-zero, then you have another issue. Possibly 
somewhere you're keeping a raw C pointer to something, instead of a 
ref_ptr, and the object is being deleted from under you when it 
shouldn't be.

But to return to the ShapeDrawable and Geometry issue, they are 
fundamentally different. ShapeDrawable has no vertex / normal / color / 
texcoord arrays. It just builds a display list once to be able to draw 
the shape, that's all. It was designed to do quick debugging objects.

If Robert were here he would say that he again regrets ever having 
created ShapeDrawable :-)  There have always been questions sent to the 
mailing list of why something related to ShapeDrawable doesn't work, and 
it's always that the poster assumed ShapeDrawable to work like Geometry. 
Unfortunately, it doesn't, and unfortunately, this isn't made clear 
enough in the doxygen...

I have plans to change ShapeDrawable to work more like Geometry - either 
to be a subclass of Geometry or have an internal Geometry instance. This 
would remove a lot of the special cases for ShapeDrawable in the OSG 
code, and would remove some confusion as well. But for the mean time, 
you have to accept what you have.

You should probably do something like this:

const osg::Geometry* geometryd =
dynamic_cast (draw);
const osg::ShapeDrawable* shapedrawable =
dynamic_cast (draw);

if (geometryd)
// Process it as an osg::Geometry, so get the normals and
// texcoords from the arrays directly.
else if (shapedrawable)
// Process it as a ShapeDrawable. See the DrawShapeVisitor in
// ShapeDrawable.cpp for inspiration on how to calculate the
// normals and texcoords depending on the osg::Shape your
// ShapeDrawable has.

Or else call a method that has two versions, one that takes an 
osg::Geometry* as an argument, the other that takes an 
osg::ShapeDrawable*. Or define your own PrimitiveFunctor that would not 
only calculate the vertices but also the normals and texcoords and store 
them so you'd be able to retrieve them. There's a few ways to do what 
you want.

Hope this clears things up,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Changes on the 2.6 branch

2008-07-31 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Paul,

I just did that and  started building, so I'll let you know how it goes.

Builds fine on Vista, VC++ 2005, using CMake 2.6 to generate the build 
files, both in debug and release.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Changes on the 2.6 branch

2008-08-01 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Paul,

Just to let you know, I also tried a build on my Ubuntu VM and all went 
well. That's with CMake 2.4.7.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Saving an Image of the Viewer...?

2008-08-01 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Phil and Justin,

You can also look at the osgscreencapture example.

There is now another alternative in SVN (or OSG-2.6rc1), the 
osgViewer::ScreenCaptureHandler. This is an EventHandler that captures 
the screen (code based on the osgscreencapture example) and then calls a 
CaptureOperation which can do anything you want. You can thus make a 
subclass of CaptureOperation that does what you need in the operator() 
method, and add a ScreenCaptureHandler to your viewer passing your 
CaptureOperation subclass to the constructor:

  new osgViewer::ScreenCaptureHandler(
  new MyCaptureOperation(/* ... */) ) );

Now, the ScreenCaptureHandler responds to a keypress by default, but you 
could also make your own class based on the code there and respond to a 
button in a GUI or whatever.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenScenGraph-2.6.0-rc2 tagged

2008-08-04 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

I have now tagged the 2.6.0 release candidate 2, you can grab it from
the downloads page:

I compiled right before you tagged, both on Windows Vista + VC2005 and 
on Ubuntu 8.04 on VirtualBox. All fine.

I noticed though that Daniel Olivier is not in the AUTHORS.txt file, I 
specifically credited him for a fix to GraphicsWindowWin32.cpp (see svn 
log for revision 8706 on that file)... Any chance he can be added? It's 
only fair...


Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenScenGraph-2.6.0-rc2 tagged

2008-08-04 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

I have put together an initial draft of the press release (please

Forgot to mention, press release looks good.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenScenGraph-2.6.0-rc2 tagged

2008-08-04 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

Libs: -L${libdir} -losg -losgDB -losgFX -losgGA -losgParticle -losgSim
-losgText -losgUtil -losgTerrain -losgManipulator -losgViewer

Not that I use Linux that much, or even know what these files are, but 
wouldn't you want to add osgWidget in the above?

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] How can I use different shadow-map for different object.

2008-08-04 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi GammerMax?

How can I use different shadow-map for different object. 
	For example, I have a big plane and two trees on it. When I 
	put these 3 objects into one ShadowScene texture stretches too much.

Two ShadowScene doesn't work together, so I can't use more than one
texture by object.

I don't think the current shadow map implementation can support this. 
You're welcome to dive in and code it up, or you could use a more modern 
shadow technique like Parallel-Split Shadow Map (in OSG now, but a bit 
buggy) or the upcoming LiSPSM (after 2.6).

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenScenGraph-2.6.0-rc2 tagged

2008-08-05 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

I noticed though that Daniel Olivier is not in the AUTHORS.txt file, I
specifically credited him for a fix to GraphicsWindowWin32.cpp (see svn log
for revision 8706 on that file)... Any chance he can be added? It's only

I've recreated the AUTHORS.txt file directly from OpenSceneGraph-2.6
branch, and it now contains Daniel's name.  Also updated the
contributors page.

Excellent, thanks a lot.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenScenGraph-2.6.0-rc2 tagged

2008-08-05 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

I'm not expecting any cross platform build issues with the changes
that Paul and I have made, but you never know, so I'd appreciate
testing out the OpenSceneGraph-2.6 branch.

OpenSceneGraph-2.6 branch builds fine for me (Vista, VC2005, CMake 2.6, 

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenScenGraph-2.6.0-rc2 tagged

2008-08-05 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

I am now ready to tag 2.6.0, what feedback I have seen on the
OpenSceneGraph-2.6 branch has been positive, but the volume has been
rather light... so I guess you are all on holiday, preping for
Siggraph, down the pub, doing paid work and other gainful pastimes
rather than testing the OSG, or... far less plausibly that we're
actually got a 100% perfect release on hands :-)

Hey, that works for me :-)

I'll do a build of the branch on Windows, give me 15 minutes and I'll 
tell you how it went.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenScenGraph-2.6.0-rc2 tagged

2008-08-05 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

I'll do a build of the branch on Windows, give me 15 minutes and I'll 
tell you how it went.

Builds for me, usual config: Vista, VC2005, CMake 2.6, debug and release.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-2.6.0 release is available!

2008-08-06 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello all,

Congrats to all, and thanks to everyone who helped with submissions, 
testing, suggestions, discussion and comments.

Great release!

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] About sort geometry

2008-08-06 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Hesicong,

I use gDebugger and it should be a way to do so, but it's quite boring 
to see the OpenGL commands. I must find a way to see the rendering 
detail in order to debug my program. If there's really no simple way to 
do this, it will be a pity.

I think it's a real shame that NVPerfHUD is DirectX only. It looks like 
a really good tool for this kind of work.  (really cool!)

Maybe this community could put pressure on NVIDIA to port it to OpenGL too?

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] About sort geometry

2008-08-06 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Hesicong,

Hard to decide. My current choice is OSG, but what is the future?

I think your current choice is sound, and I think in the future the 
spotlight will come back towards OpenGL, so it's only a matter of time 
before we get such cool tools. (my opinion only of course)

In the mean time, you can do what you want but it might be a bit more work.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] About viewer.addEventHandler(new PickHandler())?

2008-08-07 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi ???,

First of all, a little mailing list etiquette:
1. could you please sign your posts, it's polite to let others know how 
to address you.
2. When asking a new question, you should start a new thread (start a 
new message and not reply to another message).

Now, to your question.

 scene->setUpdateCallback(new RotateCallBack());

My question is  when next  mouse PUSH , 
scene->setUpdateCallback(new RotateCallBack())  call  again and 
new a  RotateCallBack object.

But can last time RotateCallBack  object is auto-delete?

You think there may be a memory leak? Look at the code for osg::Node 
(header and cpp file).

osg::Node::setUpdateCallback(NodeCallback* nc) does some checking, but 
in the end, does this:

// set the app callback itself.
_updateCallback = nc;

and _updateCallback is declared thus:

ref_ptr _updateCallback;

So it's a ref_ptr. Reference pointers manage the reference count of the 
pointed objects, and if that count goes to 0, the object deletes itself. 
So when setUpdateCallback() assigns a new callback to _updateCallback, 
the old one's ref count decreases by 1, and the new one's ref count 
increases by 1. If the old one's ref count comes to 0, it will delete 

See osg::Referenced and osg::ref_ptr for details.

As a general tip, I find that generating the doxygen documentation for 
the OSG source tree with INLINE_SOURCES = YES helps a lot when learning 
about how OSG does things. It gives you a nice way to browse the 
doxygen, and then go down to the actual code directly, with 
cross-references everywhere.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Picking and Using Selection

2008-08-07 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Luc,

I am working at the moment on an university project and need some
advices concerning picking and using selections in osg. My job is to
generate and render a height number of polygons (+/- 12) and I
need to pick them. In an first instance I have used the
LineSegmentIntersector approach which was proposed by osg. But this
solution was to slow for a high amount of geometries.

In OSG 2.6 you can use the new kdtree to do your intersection. This will 
greatly speed up LineSegmentIntersections.

You just need to enable the building of kd-trees, and then they'll be 
built and used automatically. See these two messages for details:

As for GL_SELECTION, I don't know why it's not offered as an alternative 
in OSG, but I'm sure there's a good reason.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 回复: Re: About dEventHandler(new PickHandler())?

2008-08-08 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello YangXiao,

2. I  have another question, when viewer.frame()  which thread 
listening windows message(example mouse clicked,keyboard down ,up etc) 
,and when 
i update my scene node in updatecallback,How threads guarantee sequence?

To avoid threading problems I suggest you use an EventHandler to do this.

For example:

class MyEventHandler : public osgGA::GUIEventHandler

MyEventHandler() {}

~MyEventHandler() {}

bool handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea,
osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa)
// Mouse button press
// ... do what you want here
return false;
// Mouse button release
// ... do what you want here
return false;
return false;

Then add this handler to the viewer:

viewer.addEventHandler(new MyEventHandler);

See the osgpick example for an example of a mouse event handler, and the 
osgkeyboard example for a keyboard event handler - of course you can 
combine both if you want (the same handle() method can be used for mouse 
and keyboard events). See the docs for the return values of 

I suggest you read the OSG Quick Start Guide (free from and then go around the reference docs 
and the many included examples in the OSG source tree to get a feel for 
things. These are pretty basic questions that you could answer yourself 
by reading a bit (not that we don't want to answer them, but you'll wait 
longer for an answer).

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] CG for Simulation BOF at Siggraph

2008-08-08 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello John,

Lastly, I will bring chocolate to the BOF.

All that AND chocolate? :-)

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] light Callback

2008-08-08 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Vincent,

just one last question : my callback is a structure, and there is no 
traverse() method to call... is it a problem ?

It overrides a base class which has a traverse() method, so just call that.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Examples osgviewerMFC resize artefact

2008-08-08 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi all,

Here is what to do :
1) Launch osgviewerMFC sample
2) open a model
3) reduce window size (not maximised)
4) open an other different model
5) reduce second window size (not maximised)
6) close first window
7) try to resize second window

This is also reproducible with stock osgviewer on Win32 when using 2 

1. osgviewer cow.osg (make sure it starts on both screens, fullscreen)
2. press 'f' to go out of fullscreen mode. you will get 2 windows, one 
on each screen.

3. resize one of the windows (make it bigger), it works fine.
4. close one of the windows.
5. resize the remaining window (make it bigger), and you get the same 
artifact as in the attachment in the OP.

I'm not a win32 programming expert so I can't really see what would 
cause this. The cow still rotates if you try, so the update loop is 
still being executed... I can't see why the viewport would not be 
updated to the new window size if one of the windows was closed... 
Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than me can trace through the code.

And I can't test right now if the same happens on other platforms, but I 
suspect not.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Siggraph Web3D and related technologies BOFs at a glance

2008-08-08 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi John,

Open Scengraph is
sort of the Open Inventor functional clone that has a totally free 
license and is a Web3D technology

[hope this assessment is reasonably correct].

For that last part, I think I saw someone doing a web browser plugin 
that uses OSG to display objects/environments in a web page, streaming 
the content over the net. I can't remember who or find a link though. 
Perhaps someone else will be able to refresh my memory.

But other than that, OSG can read some Web3D formats, and perhaps more 
in the future (if the new OpenVRML library is integrated).

I do have a “pocket universe” with 29 hours per day 
for those that have to attend more BOF’s.

I like your sense of humor. :-) If only that were possible... When 
making my Siggraph schedule I had a massive 4-way conflict on Wednesday, 
and another smaller conflict on Thursday. It was a hard choice to make. 
So much to see, and I can't clone myself...

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Has something changed regarding some of the plugin builds (the net plugin in particular) that might affect a Cygwin/Windows build

2008-08-08 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Brian,

So to test a theory it was socket problem I put the 
line back and rebuilt - still no hang - examples terminate normal and 
still no net plugin - plus others.  So now I wonder if something else 
change in OSG that would keep these from building or what setting(s) 
might have something to do with why they would not build.

I believe the net plugin has been deprecated in favor of the curl 
plugin. Correct me if I'm wrong.

If you have libcurl, then you might just have built a curl plugin. In 
that case, try to load a file from the net 
( and see if that works.

Other than that, I don't know, since I don't use cygwin myself. What 
other plugins are missing?

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] X model files

2008-08-08 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Franclin,

But it doesn't work for X files, although the same program works very 
well if I want to create an OBJ file. So I suspect it has something to 
do with X files.

Some plugins only implement reading files in their respective format, 
not writing them. I suspect that's the case for the X plugin. In fact, I 
think the plugins that implement writing of models are the minority...

A tool like PolyTrans might be useful, though it's not free. Some other 
free/open-source tool might exist that may do what you want, but I don't 
know. Google is your friend.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 回复: Re: 鍥炲�?Re : About viewer.addEventHandler(new PickHandler()) ?

2008-08-08 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello YangXiao,

But this code sometimes success,sometimes fail! I means code run sequence:
1: PickHandler's pick() code;
2: draw scene code;
or they run parallel?

Yes indeed, they may run in parallel depending on your threading model. 
What you can do is set your node's datavariance to DYNAMIC. That will 
prevent that specific node's update/cull/draw to happen while another 
thread is doing things too.

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Siggraph Web3D and related technologies BOFs at a glance

2008-08-09 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Luigi,

We have also released our (alpha) release of osg4web that should do 
exactly that. 

Yes, I saw that last night and thought it was a nice coincidence 
(perhaps not with Siggraph coming up... :-)

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] please give your opinion on "plugins reading from a virtual file system"

2008-08-11 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hello Boto,

what do you think about this idea?

There is a zip plugin, I've never used it but I think it just gets one 
file from a zipped file. Not sure.

You could easily make a pseudoloader to do this I think, so that you 
could load files of the form


which would load mymodel.osg from a pak file called myarchivefile.pak 
(which could just be a renamed zip file). The loader would then have to 
convert the file names that mymodel.osg references to the 
.myarchivefile.pak form so that they're loaded correctly, for 
example if the osg file references textures which are also located in 
the pak file. But I don't think it's particularly hard, except for some 
corner cases such as where to split the filenames (because of course, 
they might have dots in them anywhere...)

It would indeed be an interesting plugin to have. Kind of a generalized 
form of .ive or .osga files (which I believe only contain one 

(note that some or all of what I say above might be wrong, I am not an 
expert on the OSG file formats, I just use them).

Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED]
osg-users mailing list

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