Re: CPANTS Site Seems... Confused

2008-02-18 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Randy J. Ray a écrit :

I've only taken a cursory look at the internals of the
Module::CPANTS::Analyze code, but I noticed that if there is neither
Build.PL or Makefile.PL, you can still trigger an executable build  
flag-- line 101 of uses the same  
field to indicate this lack as is used to indicate that they're  
This, combined with the fact that most or all of the other red  
flags seem to
be centered around file issues, leads me to suspect that maybe  
whatever area

the distros are being un-tarred into is having disk issues?

If you have already installed Module::CPANTS::Analyse, then you can  
use the cpants_lint script to locally check the CPANTS metrics of  
your distribution before uploading. This makes the game *much*  
easier ;-)

For example:

 $ cpants_lint ../releases/Win32-Mock-0.04.tar.gz
Checked distWin32-Mock-0.04.tar.gz
Kwalitee rating 112.50% (27/24)

Failed optional Kwalitee tests and
what you can do to solve them:

* prereq_matches_use
List all used modules in META.yml requires

* build_prereq_matches_use
List all modules used in the test suite in META.yml build_requires

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: Smoking private dists?

2008-02-05 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Thomas Klausner wrote:

 And I presume that the various CPAN smoking tools don't fit my needs,
 because they are designed to either smoke the whole of CPAN, or to send
 back test results after installing a given CPAN dist.

Remember that you can always bind your own local view of the CPAN with
CPAN::Mini and CPAN::Mini::Inject

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: New proposed CPANTS metric: prereq_matches_use

2007-11-12 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Thomas Klausner wrote:

I'm currently thinking about a new CPANTS metric (and I even have a
half-finished implementation..), and I'd like to get some feedback on
it, before spending more time on it (or even releasing it..)

The metric will be called prereq_matches_use and shall check if all  

modules used in a dist are also listed as a prereq. (prereq is either
gatherd directly from Meta.YMLs 'requires', by parsing Build.PL or

As you might know this is quite tricky, because some modules live in
strange dists (e.g. HTTP::Request - libwww-perl)

There was already a module that does this, I can't remember it's  
name, and it insisted that each module after a use was listed in  
PREREQ_PM, which was quite bothersome because it wanted both LWP and  
HTTP::Request to be listed for example.

and some modules are in Core (I'll check this with Module::CoreList).

Each time I here checking with Module::CoreList, I wonder which  
version will be tested against.

What do you think?

+1 for the rest

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: Devel::CheckLib: Please try to break our code!

2007-10-21 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Hello David,

I should have answered your mail earlier, but I keep forgetting things..

David Cantrell wrote:

NB: this has been sent to several mailing lists.  Watch those replies!

Dave Golden and I have been hacking on Devel::CheckLib, which  
should be
on a CPAN mirror near you soon.  It's similar to Devel::CheckOS, in  
it will let module authors specify dependencies which aren't just  
perl modules - if they need, eg, libjpeg, then they can use this  
module in

Makefile.PL / Build.PL to make it a pre-req, and if it's missing then
the CPAN testers will SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT IT and not annoy the  

It's still in something of a state of flux so not ready for real- 
world use
yet, but we're at the stage where we need lots of people to beat it  
to hell
and back.  Please try to run the tests on as many platforms as  
with as many perls as possible, and in particular using perls built  

as many compilers and linkers as possible.

I had begun working on a module like this last year. It would have  
been part of the refactoring of the Makefile.PL of Net::Pcap, itself  
borrowed from XML::LibXML's, then improved. The first part is already  
on the CPAN as the module ExtUtils::FindFunctions, which tries to  
detect the functions present in a library. The second is is  
ExtUtils::FindLibrary, not yet released, which is mainly the  
have_library() function in Net::Pcap Makefile.PL. It's more  
heavyweight than the code current present in Devel::CheckLib, but it  
works nice on Unix, Win32 and Cygwin given that Net::Pcap only had  
PASSes for the last stable releases.

The more alert of you will have noticed that there is a bootstrapping
problem in using this from within a Makefile.PL - relax, it will come
with a script to bundle itself in an inc/ directory.

ExtUtils::FindFunctions and ExtUtils::FindLibrary do this as well  
with their included commands. The code is simple but you can copy it  
if you want.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: Test::Kwalitee

2007-05-12 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Nathan Haigh wrote:

I hope this is the correct place for this question!

I'm trying to use Test::Kwalitee with the following test script:

Note that the script can be simplified to

use strict;
use Test::More;
plan skip_all = Test::Kwalitee required for checking distribution  

unless eval use Test::Kwalitee; 1;

I use similar scripts for Test::Distribution, Test::Pod,  
Test::Pod::Coverage, Test::Portability::Files and the like.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: a safer way to use no_plan?

2007-03-04 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

David Golden wrote:

More often, I find myself creating some data structure to define test
cases and then:

 plan tests = $fixed + $tests_per_case * @cases;

Once I've defined the basic tests, I'm usually adding cases rather
than changing the per-case test count, so the total test count takes
care of itself.

I often use this solution, and, for the test scripts that don't fit  
this, I usually count tests by small blocs, letting Perl calculate  
the total:

use Test::More;

my $tests;
plan tests = $tests;

BEGIN { $tests += n }
# paragraph of code with n tests

BEGIN { $tests += m }
# paragraph of code with m tests

# etc

That's very simple and when adding new tests, I only have to update  
the number of tests in the BEGIN that immediately precedes the  
corresponding code.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: a safer way to use no_plan?

2007-03-04 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Dominique Quatravaux wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Andy Lester wrote:

Good Lord do I get frustrated at the handwringing over test
counting.  Look, it's simple.  You write your tests.  You run it
through prove.  You see how many tests it reports.  You add it at
the top of the file.  Voila!

And what if you are running a variable number of tests depending on
stuff such as compile-time options, maintainer mode enabled or not, or

So what? Just skip the tests you can't execute under these  
conditions, it's precisely here to address such issues.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: Module proposal: Syslog::DevKit

2007-03-01 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Brad Lhotsky wrote:

I'm in the process of implementing a large scale central syslog
architecture based on syslog-ng and POE.  syslog-ng buys me compliance
while I finish building my custom correlation engine with POE.

If you're trying to implement a syslog server in POE, did you take a  
look at POE::Component::Server::Syslog?


(And if the programs emitting syslog messages are in Perl, I strongly  
advice you to upgrade to the latest CPAN version.)

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: Module::Build and the Test Harness Report in the CPAN Testers

2007-01-12 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Shlomi Fish wrote:

Hi all!

Hello Shlomi,

Yuval Kogman claimed that Module::Build generates CPAN testers  
reports with no
output from the test harness. Now, I released Math::GrahamFunction,  
which is
based on Module::Build, a few days ago and today received this  
failure error


And indeed it does not contain the output of the test harness.

Is this a known problem with Module::Build? Is it intentional, or  
are people
otherwise working on resolving it? Is there anything I can do about  

This is a known issue. See ticket CPAN-RT#9793


Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: which modules can be used on an older version of perl?

2006-12-03 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Gabor Szabo wrote:

On 12/4/06, Michael G Schwern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
David Romano patched up Test-Simple to restore 5.4.5  
compatibility.  I'll see about releasing that as 0.66.  That might  
make a whole lot more of CPAN happy on 5.4.x.

PS  I don't see 5.4.5 in your list.

sqlite  select count(*) from reports where perl LIKE '5.4.5';

that's from the cpantesters database.

Maybe your database is incomplete because I know I've sent a few  
reports with 5.004_05


But I note that on the reports page, they incorrectly appear as 5.4.4.

(Also note that to make Test::Reporter work with old Perls, you need  
the patch from CPAN-RT#14148)

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: Modules dealing with data files

2006-11-13 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

David Landgren wrote:


Does that sound sane? Does anyone have some pointers on how to deal  
the placement of datafiles on the local system with one module, and  
having the other module know where to find them?

Or am I making this unnecessarily complicated? (I could just bundle  
the data file with the distribution, but the size of the data file,  
and the probability that the format is unlikely to change invites  
the above approach).

Adam Kennedy wrote Data::Package after discovering fake modules that  
actually are just data. Not sure if it solve your problem: http://

Preferring simple solutions, I'll tend to use the traditional way for  
this: put the data in raw form alongside the Perl module, and find it  
in %INC. And I would also include the data with the distribution in  
order to avoid the internet access problem.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: Modules dealing with data files

2006-11-13 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni wrote:


Er, sorry for mixing things up; my previous mail should have been  
sent to, not to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: todo tests in the TAP Plan

2006-09-06 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

  As one can see, the 1..5 plan is followed by the todo 3  2; directive.
  This is supposed to indicate something about plan ahead todo tests.
  I'd like to know what I should do about this feature, because right now I'm
  trying to convert Test-Run to use TAPX::Harness, and this is giving me

 Hmm, that's curious. However, if it's undocumented I would argue against
 supporting it right now.  What benefit does it gain us?

This comes from the Good Old module:

$ perl -MTest -e 'plan tests = 10, todo = [2,4];'
1..10 todo 2 4;

As there are quite some test scripts out there that use it, staying
compatible with it sounds like a prerequisite.

 We can only allow the todoList on a leading plan because one on a trailing
 plan means we can't know the test results until the test run has completed
 (which would suck in the case of infinite streams).

 However, even allowing this on a leading plan is still problematic because
 either the programmer needs to know the test numbers in advance to add that
 list or the code somehow would need to deduce them.  Then, we'd have to
 started defining the semantics of what happens if we have that leading
 todoList in case of one of those tests having a SKIP or TODO directive.  I'm
 guessing that means that leading todoList test numbers would be ignored in
 that case?  I would suggest that this is not a feature we want unless we can
 nail down its intent and semantics quite carefully. could only handle predefined test numbers (it doesn't have a
no_plan option like Test::More).

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: Devel::Cover hackathon

2006-08-04 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
James E Keenan wrote:

 The ex-typographer in me has to carp, however, at some of the changes in
 the HTML output.  The rules bordering boxes need more attention, as the
 mixture of light and heavy rules is not very pleasing and, IMHO, a step
 backward from 0.55.  I've posted two screenshots from different browsers
 to illustrate this:

I am the one to blame for this. I changed the CSS a bit in order to
lighten up the rendering for the main code view. I agree that with
the Html_minimal and Html_subtle reports, the CSS may need a little
more work.

Attached is a better patch for these reports.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Description: Binary data

Re: Module requirements (was: Module::Build and installing in non-standardlocations)

2006-04-04 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
demerphq wrote:

 On 4/4/06, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  (*) Yes, I know that the core Perl distribution includes many modules,
  but ask any P5Porter and he'll answer you that the core is over-crowed
  and that all core modules that can be made dual-life should be released
  on the CPAN.

 I dont agree with this. Or rather, I dont agree that the core is
 over-crowded. I do agree that as many modules should be dual-lifed as
 possible however, but that is just so you can upgrade without
 upgrading perl.

Yes, and if some of these modules can be made to work on older Perl as
well with one- or two-lines patches, isn't it even better? :-)

 Personally i think the core is too big argument is a red-herring
 given that bandwidth is as cheap as it is these days. Adding a couple
 of modules to core would increase the rsynch time by what a second or
 two? It would suck up a couple of extra K, something like 1% of what
 most of use for our web-browser cache. So the size argument IMO doesnt
 hold water.

I don't think that the problem of core is too big is a matter of disk
size, but more a matter of number of modules. P5Porters time is a scarce
ressource, and they already lack the time to do all the work they'd
like to do just on the interpreter. Making core modules dual-life is
a way to handle these to someone else who has spare time and who doesn't
need to have deep XS or Perl guts knowledge. At least I think that's
the reason, otherwise why was I accepted as the maintainer of two
such modules (XSLoader and Sys::Syslog)?

 Also, there is a tension in the community relating to this issue that
 i dont think we will see any resolution of soon.

 Many module authors set a design objective of making their modules
 dependent only on core modules.  This is a comment that I see on a
 regular basis.

When I hear or read that, I always wonder if the author realised that
core modules is something dependant on the Perl distribution version.
For example a module as important as Test::More was included in the
core in 5.7, which really means 5.8.

Maybe the problem is that, like Abigail pointed it in P5P, there were
fewer Perl releases in the past years, and more precisely we're at the
same branches (5.8 / 5.9) since a long time, therefore reducing the cycle
of potential inclusion of new modules.

 IMO this objecitve is in direct contradiction of the purported P5P
 objective of not adding stuff to the core and just makes omissions
 from the core even more critical.

 Anyway, i just wanted to add this because I dont think that you can
 take it for granted that all perl5porters believe the core module set
 should be as restricted as possible. I dont. I believe that the core
 should contain out of the box enough support for the various platforms
 that perl runs on that when people write code based only on core
 modules they can do a good job without reinventing wheels or code

In a sense, my opinion does not really matter here: the facts are that
many P5Porters in general, and the Pumpkings in particular, dislike
adding new modules to the core, on the basis that installing modules
from the CPAN is easy. You're more active on P5P than I am, so I don't
have to recall you all the discussions that preceded the inclusion of
CPANPLUS and Module::Build, and how making them work everywhere doesn't
look an easy task.

But note that I don't necessarily disagree with you: I would welcome
a Perl distribution that offer more modules, but when I need to write
a portable program, that must run on older Perl, the new features in
the core can't be used anyway.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: Where did I see this use of plan()?

2006-04-03 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:

I remember working with some module that had tests something like:

  use Test::More;
  plan tests = numtests();


  is($foo, $bar, 'foo is bar');

  sub numtests { 13 }

So that when you added a new test to the bottom, the number to modify
was right there also.  Ring a bell with anyone?

Didn't see that one, but if you want to simplify the count of the 
number of tests, a simple solution is to use BEGIN blocs:

use Test::More;
my $tests;
plan tests = $tests;

BEGIN { $tests += XX }
# bloc of tests
# ...

BEGIN { $tests += XX }
# bloc of tests
# ...

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
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Close the world, txEn eht nepO

Re: Module requirements (was: Module::Build and installing in non-standardlocations)

2006-04-03 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Tels wrote:


Hello Tels,

OTOH, who still runs pre-5.8.x code deserves what they get.

There are horrible bugs in older Perls, and I don't know why people 

insist using insecure, buggy and feature-lacking code like 5.6. or even
gasp 5.004. Just think Unicode support, hash randomization, memory

You forget that there's more than one way to use Perl :-)

When Perl is used for sysadmin tasks, most of the features you listed 
(and I could add threads support, new IO implementation, signals 
handling, subroutines attributes) are of no to little use because 
such Perl scripts are run for executing tasks that do not require 
advanced Perl features like those just listed. Remember that on Unix 
systems, Perl is like Bash, Sed and Awk, only more powerful (even if 
it's by one or two orders). Do you replace your /bin/sh on your Solaris 
with the latest Bash just because it has very new and cool features? 
Usually you can't. Mainly because it could break things, and has little 
to no added value.

Using these older Perls means you basically show the hard-working
Perl5-Porters that you don't care for their work in improving Perl.

But the Perl interpreter (which is what the P5Porters are working on) 
and the Perl modules are mostly disconnected (*). Where would be the 
interest to use an interpreted language if it were tied to a specific 
version of the interpreter? Most Perl code out there don't require 
recent features.

To continue with my previous analogy, there are also many people that 
work hard on the Linux kernel, the GNU system, and all the different 
parts that compose a GNU/Linux distribution, but when a server is in 
production, you can't upgrade it at your wish.

(*) Yes, I know that the core Perl distribution includes many modules, 
but ask any P5Porter and he'll answer you that the core is over-crowed 
and that all core modules that can be made dual-life should be released 
on the CPAN.

I know, now people will come out of the wood and say that they have 

old system, and no, they can't upgrade Perl etc, never touch a running
system etc yadda yadda. But what the heck do you then try to upgrade
modules on said system when you didn't want to touch the system?

My current $work is to write a Perl program that must execute on about 
1200 Linux servers, with Perl versions ranging from 5.004 to 5.8. I 
can't upgrade Perl on these because they have different kernel / glibc 
/ gcc versions. But that's not a problem because I don't need to 
upgrade Perl or the modules on said systems, just to put the modules I 
need in a directory and use lib /that/directory. Of course I need to 
use modules that work with 5.004, or patch them so they work with 
5.004, but you could be surprised to see how little some of the patches 
are. Can be as simple as removing require 5.6 (as for File::Temp). 
Most of the patches I've sent were less than 10 lines of differences.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
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Close the world, txEn eht nepO

Re: Request for Comments: Package testing results analysis, result codes

2006-02-20 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Barbie wrote:

  12. System is incompatible with the package.
  Linux::, Win32::, Mac:: modules. Irreconcilable differences.

 Not sure how you would cover this, but point 12 seems to possibly fit. is created for the platform it's installed on. A recent package
 I was testing, File::Flock (which is why I can't install PITA) attempted
 to use the macro EWOULDBLOCK. Windows doesn't support this, and there
 doesn't seem to be a suitable way to detect this properly.

 This is just one example, I've come across others during testing.

 Also note that the name alone does not signify it will not work on other
 platforms. There are some Linix:: distros that work on Windows.

Same with some Mac:: and Win32:: modules that perfectly work on other
platforms because they're pure Perl modules.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: Default tests, beta testing, etc.

2006-02-05 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Bryce Harrington wrote:

Default tests - Like probably a lot of perl module writers, I don't
  write tests nearly as often as I should, but I have collected a few
  simple default tests that I can toss into a new module and reuse
  without modification.  For example:

A similar one is created when creating a distribution with  
Module::Starter. 01_script_compile.t

  It would seem to be useful if CPAN were to have a couple really basic
  tests like this to run for perl modules that haven't created any  


Might be useful, but you can unfortunately assume very little as you  
don't know anything about the distribution. For example,  
Test::Distribution (as someone else mentioned it in another mail) is  
very useful, but doesn't work in every cases. I had to disable some of  
its tests for some of my modules because of the way the distribution  
are made.

Beta testing - CPAN tracks intra-module dependencies, and does  

  testing, but only on released modules.  It would seem useful to allow
  an author to upload a beta version of their module, and then run  
  tests of a dozen or so modules that depend on it.  This way, you  

  gain confidence that your next release won't break everyone else's
  code (or be able to explain why, if it must.)

Using CPANTS to know what modules depend upon yours and PITA for the  
testing subsystem will be a way to test such things.

  Obviously, this testing would mostly just benefit core modules, but
  you could argue that those are probably the ones most in need of  

  QA.  This could save worry time for the core module authors, allowing
  them to focus more of their energy into improvements.

For core modules, there's already a better system: we can send patches  
to P5P and ask for test on the smoke boxes. They cover more systems  
than CPAN Testers, including commercial Unix like Solaris, HP/UX and  
AIX, and even rare systems like OSF and VMS.

  I imagine this process could become extremely invaluable for doing
  large scale upgrades to bring modules forward into Perl 6.  For
  instance, if it is decided to switch MakeMaker or other low level
  modules, then the ability to programmatically generate patches to
  upgrade modules would probably help push authors to upgrade their
  modules much faster.

For core modules, there're only two words: backward compatibility.
Micheal Schwern has already expressed several times why he mostly  
couldn't add new feature in ExtUtils::MakeMaker: because all the  
Makefile.PL that currently exist must continue to work with any new  
version of EU::MM, and unfortunately, many use it in strange and  
twisted way that could easily be broken by new features.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
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Close the world, txEn eht nepO

Re: bug with Test::Exception? or imacat's autotest box?

2006-01-31 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Tyler MacDonald wrote:

Take a look at this output:

It looks like this particular system is not noticing that 
requires Sub::Uplevel, then gets confused thinking it was *my* module 
needed Sub::Uplevel. What's even more concerning is the presence of 
noise right after the make test FAILED... Any idea what can be going 


CPANPLUS sent the report to your module because its tests failed, 
because it uses Test::Exception which uses Sub::Uplevel which wasn't 
available during the test phase. The reason why Sub::Uplevel is missing 
may come from a problem in IMACAT's box, or maybe not. Details are 
missing because of the still present interaction problem between 
CPANPLUS and Module::Build. What you call line noise is most probably 
File not found in Chinese or Taiwanese.

The best thing is to ask IMACAT to send you a more detailed report.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
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Close the world, txEn eht nepO

Re: Kwalitee in your dependencies (was CPAN Upload: etc etc)

2006-01-29 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Adam Kennedy wrote:

  Module::Install... 1) I'm allergic to this module, 2) I want to keep
  the backward compatibility with Perl 5.004, and Module::Install is not
  compatible with that version.

 Are you absolutely sure about that? It says it wants to be (and perlver
 can't pick up anything obvious in it).

$ /usr/local/perl/5.4.5/bin/cpan

cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.83)
ReadLine support enabled

cpan install Module::Install
... Going to build A/AU/AUTRIJUS/Module-Install-0.54.tar.gz

Modification of a read-only value attempted at inc/Module/Install/ -
lib/Module/Install/ line 29.
Running make test
  Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't test
Running make install
  Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't install

This is the same problems that I already reported once, with the
strange effect (not visible in this case) that the printed path is
composed of two paths, the second being the one corresponding to
the author's system. In the case I reported, it was more obvious
because it printed a Darwin-type path following a Linux-type path.

And for the record, there are modules with incorrect Crequire
concerning the Perl version. For example, some ask a Perl 5.005
while they perfectly work on 5.004, like File::Temp and
Test::Reporter. That's how I can send CPAN Testers reports
under 5.004:

And there are several modules that works on 5.004, but not their
test suite (like Test-Simple IIRC), or modules which depend upon
modules that requires a higher version of Perl than themselve.

 But don't worry too much for now, conclusive version-dependency prooving
 is on the to-do as well, so I'll deal with it later on.

Yes, but I need Net::Pcap to work on 5.004 now, and as the code
itself (and its test suite) works on 5.004, it would be very
uninteresting for me to use something that require a higher
version of Perl.

Then there's the fact that I'm still allergic to this module :)

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

Re: Kwalitee in your dependencies (was CPAN Upload: etc etc)

2006-01-28 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Adam Kennedy wrote:

 That said, I'd also like I need libfoo 1.41 declarations and other
 similar things, so we can really make the auto-packagers work some
 hardcore magic.

/me takes the Net::Pcap maintainer hat
I'd really like to see something like that, this would allow for
a much simpler Makefile.PL (and maybe avoid rants on use.Perl or
elsewhere), but as I discovered with Net::Pcap and the need to
support 4 different versions (2 on Unix, and 2 on Windows) at the
same time it's not really easy to cope with every situation
(although I agree it wasn't that hard since it now somehow works).
But I currently see now simple way to allow for automated build
under Windows, because of manual interaction it requires.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: Binary distributions

2006-01-28 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Gabor Szabo wrote:

 I think I agree. That's what I would like to see solved. If I stick to
 the standard apt-get (or whatever) of my distribution I would like to be
 able to get all the CPAN modules by saying

 # apt-get install Module::Name

Did anybody here have played with CPANPLUS::Dist::Deb?

Believing its documentation, it should build a valid Debian package
and take care of its dependencies (dunno if that means just listing
or actually adding them in the package).

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: Kwalitee in your dependencies (was CPAN Upload: etc etc)

2006-01-28 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Adam Kennedy wrote:

  (*If* the author fixes the problem.  I still can't get my patches for
  Sub::Uplevel high enough in Schwern's queue.

 Have you considered offering to take it over, or just co-maint the
 module for one or two releases? He's given away modules before to people
 that have more time to give them love than he has.

And for some modules, he's even eager to give them away :)

  General question: Are failed prerequisite versions a FAIL or a Not
  Applicable if the smoke tester isn't set to automatically try to upgrade

 Well purely logically they aren't a FAIL... I think testers currently
 does email in a FAIL for the dep itself. Not sure what happens to the
 parent module.

 I haven't been able to find (although I haven't looked to hard) for a
 documented set of result codes. But either DEPFAIL or N/A makes sense.

N/A status is already available with Test::Reporter:

  grade meaning
  - ---
  pass  all tests passed
  fail  one or more tests failed
  nadistribution will not work on this platform
  unknown   distribution did not include tests

CPANPLUS only sends FAIL for the module that failed, not for the module
which depended upon the module that failed.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: Kwalitee in your dependencies (was CPAN Upload: etc etc)

2006-01-28 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Adam Kennedy wrote:

 Could you have a look at the COOKBOOK section of the Module::Install
 docs on CPAN, is that File::HomeDir example sort of what you would need?

Module::Install... 1) I'm allergic to this module, 2) I want to keep
the backward compatibility with Perl 5.004, and Module::Install is not
compatible with that version.

The COOKBOOK section is fine for pure Perl modules, but in the case of
XS modules that interface to a library with a varying API, it's of no
use. Take a look at Net::Pcap's Makefile.PL

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: how to detect that we're running under CPAN::Testers?

2006-01-11 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Tyler MacDonald wrote:


   Is there any way to tell if my package is being tested automatically
 under CPAN::Testers?

For CPAN smokers based on CPAN::YACSmoke, the answer is: test the
presence of the AUTOMATED_TESTING environment variable. See also
the following page for more details:

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: how to detect that we're running under CPAN::Testers?

2006-01-11 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Tyler MacDonald wrote:

 Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For CPAN smokers based on CPAN::YACSmoke, the answer is: test the
  presence of the AUTOMATED_TESTING environment variable. See also
  the following page for more details:

   Awesome, that's what I was after. :) Are there any other automated
 testing environments that post their results to I should
 worry about?

AFAICT, serious smokers (the ones that automatically and regularly
send CPAN Testers reports) all use CPAN::YACSmoke. The previously
used one was cpansmoke, included with previous versions of CPANPLUS:

I don't think it provided a hint for telling a module whether it was
automated testing or not, but I don't think that anybody still use it.
That's something not indicated in the CPAN Testers Statistics site,
which was finally made available (but very silently) by Barbie:

Other reports may be send by people like me when they interactively
install modules using CPANPLUS, or by hand using Test::Reporter.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: Problem with perl code - coverage during build

2005-11-22 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Selon Dharmesh Vyas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello Group,

 I am trying to test the perl component and find the code coverage for the
 same.I have wrote a parser that analyses the generated perl test log files.
 I am using the version 5.8.7 of perl. I am trying to do the code coverage
 using bullseye. But while I am trying to build the component I am getting
 the following error.
 Does any one have any idea on this. It would be great if someone can suggest
 me something.

If you're trying to calculate the code coverage of the Perl code itself
(as opposed to the code coverage of a module), you can take a look at
how it is done using gcov and maybe adapt it for Bullseye. The gcov way
is to add the -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage flags to Configure
ccflags and ldflags, -O0 -g to optimize, and then execute the perl.gcov

./Configure -Dusedevel -Doptimize='-O0 -g' \
-Accflags='-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage' \
-Aldflags='-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage'
make perl.gcov

Then, using Devel::Cover tools, you can generate something like this:

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: First (developers) Release of Test::Shlomif::Harness

2005-10-11 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Andy Lester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The real issue is that, if Shlomi had come to me and discussed the
 issues rather than I want to fork Test::Harness, we could have worked
 together.  Instead, it's I want color-coding of tests, and T::H doesn't
 do what I want, so I'm gonna go fork it, OK?

Maybe I'm overlooking something but if what Shlomi wants is a nice looking
output of Test::Harness, why not using something like Test::TAP::HTMLMatrix?

Or he could even build his own thing around Test::TAP::Model.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: New kwalitee test, has_changes

2005-09-21 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Selon Thomas Klausner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 11:58:36AM +0200, David Landgren wrote:

  To me, this is a mark of Quality. It would be good to have it as a
  Kwalitee metric, but I see no easy way. The simplest way I can see would
  be to have a META.yml key that contains a URI to the HTML D::C report. I
  would rule out adding a cover/ subdirectory to the distribution due to
  the impact it would have on CPAN repositories.

 CPANTS will never use Devel::Cover directly, because CPANTS doesn't run the
 code it's looking at.

 I think somebody once suggested a central server/service to collect
 Devel::Cover statistics. Maybe slightly parallel to how testers work, but
 I'm not sure and haven't got any time ATM to ask google..

I proposed a similar idea using the CPAN Testers infrastructure to collect
the statistics. The idea is to just add the cover information in the mail
sent by the smokers (which would have the corresponding option enabled).
Currently, CPANPLUS and CPAN::YACSmoke are running the test suite and
sending a PASS report if it successes, or a FAIL report with details if
it fails. The idea is to re-execute the test suite with Devel::Cover
once it already succeeded, pack up the cover information and then send
the PASS report with the coverage information. Or it can be sent in
another email. Then CPAN::WWW::Testers could be extended to gather the
statistics and present them.

I didn't provided the code yet because I got distracted by other modules
and other hacks I was trying to add to CPANPLUS. Something important is
to check whether it is possible to send coverage information without
taking too much space and bandwith. A quick test shows that the Storable
files used by Devel::Cover seem to compress quite well with gzip, so an
option may be to just send it this way.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: rantTesting module madness

2005-09-11 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
You wrote:

 This is a mini-rant on how complex the tesing world for Perl modules has
 become. It starts harmless, like you want to install some module. This
 time it was CPAN-Depency.

 Since for security reasons your Perl box is not connected to the net, you
 fetch it and all dependencies from CPAN and transfer them via sneaker net
 and USB stick. It includes some gems like:

   'Test::Deep' = 0,
 'Test::Warn' = 0,

 Huh? Never heard of them, but if it needs them, well, we get 'em.
 Presumable they are only needed for testing the module, but who knows?

 However, as you soon find out, Test::Deep needs these two:

 Test::Tester = '0.04',
 Test::NoWarnings = '0.02',

 Put on your high-speed sneakers, grumble shortly and fetch them.

Hey! Don't blame me on that! At least I listed the dependencies.
There are still many modules that even don't list the test modules
they are using. I think I have already changed them from required
to recommanded for the next, unreleased version, and skip gracefully
if they're not present.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: rantTesting module madness

2005-09-11 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

  Either they're valuable enough that you install their prerequisites or
  they're not.

 But how am I supposed to find this out? I dont even know whether the
 required modules are used for the tests only, without digging through the

Usually, Test::* modules are only used for the test phase.

  Maybe there could be some sort of bundle installer that grabs a module
  and all of its dependencies for people who do offline installations.
  That might be a great thing.

 But I'd still need to install all the testing modules just to run the
 tests prior to install the module itself. Hm. It should be possible to
 take the offline-prepared bundle and run the testsuite, and only then
 install the module and the absolute nec. dependencies.

What we also miss are the test_requires/test_recommands in Module::Build.
This was discussed at some time but I don't remember whether they were
added or not. This doesn't solve the problem when you're using Makefile.PL
but it can give you hints.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Test::Exception and XS code

2005-08-15 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Hello all,

I have posted this question on CPAN Forum but nobody answered, so I 
also post it here in case someone has an idea.

While rewriting Net::Pcap test suite, I quickly stumbled upon this 
problem: it looks like Test::Exception can't catch croak() or die() 
thrown from XS code. Here is an example:

use strict;
use Test::More tests = 1;
use Net::Pcap;

eval use Test::Exception;
my $has_test_exception = !$@;
skip Test::Exception not available, 1 unless 

dies_ok {
$dev = Net::Pcap::lookupdev(undef)
} '/^arg1 not a reference/',
  calling lookupdev() with no reference

When executed, this script gives the following:

$ perl 02-lookupdev.t
arg1 not a hash ref at 02-lookupdev.t line 15.
# Looks like your test died before it could output anything.

I checked that the exception can be caught using eval{} or eval:

$ perl -MNet::Pcap -le 'eval{Net::Pcap::lookupdev(undef)}; print 


But if I try to do the same thing with Test::Exception, wrapping the 
lookupdev() call within an eval{}, it throws me a new kind of error:

$ perl 02-lookupdev.t
Can't call method dies_ok without a package or object reference 
at 02-lookupdev.t line 14.

# Looks like your test died before it could output anything.

Using the parens form of dies_ok() resolves the syntax error but then 
the test always successes.

Am I doing something wrong?

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
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Re: Test::Exception and XS code

2005-08-15 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni wrote:

While rewriting Net::Pcap test suite, I quickly stumbled upon this 
problem: it looks like Test::Exception can't catch croak() or die() 
thrown from XS code.


Ok, I corrected a mistake (I was using dies_ok() instead of 
throws_ok()), and reduced the problem to this test case:

use strict;
use Test::More tests = 2;
use Test::Exception;
use Net::Pcap;

sub { Net::Pcap::lookupdev() },
'/^Usage: Net::Pcap::lookupdev\(err\)/',
calling lookupdev() with no argument

{ Net::Pcap::lookupdev() }
'/^Usage: Net::Pcap::lookupdev\(err\)/',
calling lookupdev() with no argument

Executing this script works as expected:

$ perl -W
ok 1 - calling lookupdev() with no argument
ok 2 - calling lookupdev() with no argument
# Looks like you planned 1 test but ran 1 extra.

Now, if I move the use Test::Exception inside an eval-string and 
execute the new script:

$ perl -W
ok 1 - calling lookupdev() with no argument
Usage: Net::Pcap::lookupdev(err) at line 13.
# Looks like you planned 2 tests but only ran 1.
# Looks like your test died just after 1.

Aha! The first test, which uses the normal form of throws_ok() passes, 
but the second one, which uses the grep-like form, fails.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
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Re: Test::Exception and XS code

2005-08-15 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:

The throw_ok { ... } syntax only works because the throw_ok sub exists
and has a prototype that specifies a subref is expected; if you don't
load Test::Exception by the time the throw_ok call is compiled, it
is parsed as an indirect object call of the throw_ok method on the
object or class returned by the {} block:

$ perl -MO=Deparse,-p -we'throws_ok {  Net::Pcap::lookupdev() } 
/^Usage: Net::Pcap::lookupdev\(err\)/, calling lookupdev() with no 

BEGIN { $^W = 1; }
do {
}-throws_ok('/^Usage: Net::Pcap::lookupdev(err)/', 'calling 
lookupdev() with no

-e syntax OK

which is perfectly valid perl, but unlikely to do what you want.

Understood. Thanks for the explanation.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
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Re: Need to talk to an EU patent attorney

2005-07-12 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Tels wrote:

On Tuesday 12 July 2005 23:00, Michael G Schwern wrote:
Barbie's journal, via Ovid, made me aware of patent EP1170667 

Package Verification granted last month in the EU.

It appears to patent basic software testing frameworks.

This entire patent system is becoming so silly. :-(

For what it is worth, this patent would be not legal/not enforcable in
Germany due to be software only. (It would also probably not quality 
grounds of being obvious, I fail to see what is so patent-worthy on 

patent. Even I could have come up with a testsystem.)

As for the rest of the EU, software-only patents are very probably not
enforcable, anyway. (Although I lost track over how the issue now 
is, the last thing I heard there was a victory for the 

crowd (yeah!), but then maybe it just cemented the status quo (namely,
everything under the sun gets patented left/right).

Indeed, there was a great victory for the no-software-patent side, as 
the EP massively voted against software patents (648 against, 14 for, 
18 nulls). See FFII press releases:

What this means is that, at the European level, we're back to the statu 
quo which is: software isn't a technology, therefore it is no 
patentable (Munich Convention of 1973, confirmed by article 27.1 of 

Consequence is that the currently 30,000 patents granted by EPO are not 
legal, hence not enforceable.

Of course, IANAL, but that's what MEP and people who actually reading 
the texts say.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
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Re: what slow could be in Compress::Zlib? (was RE: 5.004_xx in the wild?)

2005-07-04 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Paul Marquess wrote:

Whilst I'm here, when I do get around to posting a beta on CPAN, I'd 
it doesn't get used in anger until it has bedded-in. If I give the 
module a

version number like 2.000_00, will the CPAN shell ignore it?

Indeed, if a distribution is numbered with such a number, it is not 
indexed by PAUSE, and therefore can't be installed from CPAN/CPANPLUS

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
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Re: How to force tests to issue NA reports?

2005-04-08 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
David Cantrell wrote:

 Let's take my module File::Find::Rule::Permissions as an example.  I
 know it doesn't work on Windows, but not having access to a Windows
 machine, I have *no idea* what $^O should be on that platform,
 especially for any odd Windows environments like Cygwin or WinCE.  I
 also know it doesn't work on VMS.

perlport to the rescue:

 Oh, and to the list of fields at how about adding
 'requires_application'.  Mac::iTunes::Applescript has an obvious
 prerequisite.  The module Net::P0fq that I am slowly working on requires
 a running copy of p0f.

Maybe we should join our forces here :)

On a side note, the tests would just check for the availability of p0f.
If it's not present, just skip the tests that require it.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: Phalanx

2005-03-31 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Selon Gabor Szabo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  So I guess my question is, what exactly am I supposed to do to improve
  test coverage? Am I supposed to modify the existing scripts so they
  execute more functions exported by the module? Are any of the other
  modules currently being tested not using the t/ framework?

 I would start by replacing the file with test scripts in the
 t/ directory
 and start using Test::More. Then I would split it up to several scripts and
 start testing more functions just as you suggested.

Note that actually calls scripts in the examples/ directory
by running them throught backticks:

$res = `$perl examples/ $key_pem.e secret`;

So the code is already splitted, but in a quite twisted way :-/

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: [RFC] Test::CPANTS

2005-03-14 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Christopher H. Laco wrote:
I have an itch. It just came to me while surfing PerlMonks and CPAN.
I noticed the new Test::Strict module which keeps me honest by making 
sure I always 'use strict'. I'll be adding that to my modules this 
evening. [I wish is did use warnings too].

My second thought was wouldn't it be cool if there was something like 
Test::CPANTS in which I could always verify that my modules were at 
least at a kwalittee rating of x or more during make test?

Any thoughts? I've looked at the CPANTS modules and it looks possible, 
and I'm willing to take a crack at it it anyone thinks it will be of 
some use.
I don't know if that answer your needs but Test::Distribution already 
performs several kwalitee tests on the modules and other files of a 

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
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Re: [RFC] Test::CPANTS

2005-03-14 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Christopher H. Laco wrote:
Yeah, I had looked at that, but there are two things keeping me from 
using Test::Distribution:

Checks whether all use()d modules that aren't in the perl core 
are also mentioned in Makefile.PL's PREREQ_PM.
I have a few modules that are optional; not declared in PREREQ_PM. 
Probably not a problem since they're  evaled in. However, there are 
plenty of cases where I'm usin-ing one module that is a child of 
another parent, and the parent is in PRERQ, but the child wouldn't be.
Test::Prereq ? I don't know if it handle all those cases though.
Checks that all packages define $VERSION strings.
Onlt the main module package has a version; not all of the other 
packages. Maybe that's a bad thing?
That's a quite classic troll starter I think :-)
Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
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Re: CPAN modules coverage (was: Test::Output 0.05)

2005-03-07 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Selon Michael G Schwern [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Sun, Mar 06, 2005 at 09:54:44PM +0100, S?bastien Aperghis-Tramoni wrote:
  Instead of running the code on one server, where it's a problem, why
  not running on machines where all prereq modules are already installed,
  i.e. on machines where one *wants* to install the module ? Let's add an
  option to CPANPLUS so that it run Devel::Cover on any module that it
  has to install and include the coverage information in the test report.

 Not a bad idea.  Issues I can think of...

 * Devel::Cover is very slow, I don't know if you'd want it on all the time
   like test reporting.

Right, this is slow, but for someone that want to know if the module
is well tested, this information may help to gauge the quality (or
the kwalitee) of this module. And for cpansmokers, I'd say speed
has no importance.

If the speed really is an issue, it can be solved by running the test
suite with Devel::Cover in another CPANPLUS process.

 * As mentioned, Devel::Cover is not perfect and often screws up test
   results, threading particularly is a problem, so that it will give
   false negatives.  This is a common problem, one example is Test::More.

An interesting question would be: from all the CPAN Testers reports,
how many perl are built with thread support enabled? I know mine is
because it's the default perl included with the Mandrake distribution,
but RGS annouced that the next one won't have thread support, because
of the troubles it creates.

The next interesting question is: how many modules use/need threads?
If I believe CPANTS, not much.

sqlite SELECT, dist.dist,, prereq.requires
FROM dist, prereq WHERE prereq.requires like '%hread%'
AND prereq.requires not like '%ail%' AND;

returns 17 results, 16 of which are in the Thread::* namespace (and
are released by Elizabeth Mattijsen). The only one left is SNMP::Server.

I never dealed with thread problems, but from reading the Perl
documentation, I always had the feeling that Perl thread support
has never been considered very stable.

This is to say: ok, maybe Devel::Cover don't deal very well with
threads, but if there's so few modules on the CPAN that use threads,
maybe it can be considered as a low priority issue.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: CPAN modules coverage (was: Test::Output 0.05)

2005-03-06 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Michael G Schwern wrote:
I think it would be a powerful addition to CPAN.  If you go to the
distribution page for any module - say, for example, Class::DBI
Trouble right there.  Now has to run untrusted code so
a jail would have to be constructed.
Additionally it has to have all the optional modules necessary for
testing the module available else the coverage run will appear low due
to skipped tests.  CDBI is a perfect example of this.  Finally, any
external dependencies or platform specific code causing tests to be
skipped (libwin32, DBD::Pg, etc...) will produce inaccurately low
coverage reports.
Instead of running the code on one server, where it's a problem, why 
not running on machines where all prereq modules are already installed, 
i.e. on machines where one *wants* to install the module ? Let's add an 
option to CPANPLUS so that it run Devel::Cover on any module that it 
has to install and include the coverage information in the test report.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
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Re: Foreign modules in test scripts?

2005-02-21 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Selon Michael G Schwern [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Second, I know there is a build_requires option in Build.PL, but
  does the CPAN(PLUS).pm know about that option and really only download
  and use those build_requires temporarily during module build/test or
  does it fully install them?

 Something better answered by [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Note that I
 believe CPANPLUS currently defaults to favoring a Makefile.PL over a Build.PL
 if both are present so often it'll just be treated like a normal prereq

Current version of CPANPLUS (0.053) suggests by default to use Build.PL
over Makefile.PL.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

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Re: Phalanx update please!

2004-12-28 Thread Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Selon Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 Here are the final lists of the modules dependencies. This time I grouped
 the modules by their respective distribution name.

I forgot to say that these lists were made by reading the META.yml when
available, or by parsing Makefile.PL or Build.PL otherwise (borrowed the
code from Thomas Klausner's Module::CPANTS::Generator::Prereq). Therefore
they represent the dependencies of a large part of the CPAN.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.