Statement modifiers

2003-03-10 Thread Matthijs van Duin
Hi all, just dropping in with some thoughts I had while reading the 
archive of this list.  I've tried to search the list but it's difficult 
with perl keywords being common english words and google unable to search 
for punctuation; if the stuff below has already been fully resolved, I'd 
appreciate some pointers to the corresponding messages. :-)

Anyway, let me start by adding to the statistics: I very much like  
method ~ $obj  and  $arg ~ sub  and I like support of Unicode aliases 
for operators as long as plain ascii versions remain available too.

Now the real subject.. has the issue of multiple statement modifiers 
already been settled?  I saw some mention it wasn't going to be supported, 
but also mentions of how it would be useful;  I can think of such a 
situation myself:

.method when MyClass given $obj;
   as alternative to:
$obj.method if $obj.isa(MyClass);
except without duplicating $obj, which may be worthwhile if it's a longer 
expression.  If multiple modifiers are really a no-no, then I think at 
least the conditionals (if, unless, when) could be made lowest-precedence 
right-associative infix operators, and leave the status of statement 
modifier for loops and topicalizers.

This would mean that the above would be valid, and also things like:
.. if .. if .. for ..;  But that multiple nested loops would be illegal 
using modifiers and would require a real block.  (which makes some sense, 
since it's hard to think of a construction where multiple loop-modifiers 
would be useful: if you have  ... for @a for @b  then you'd be unable to 
use the @b-element since $_ would be the loop var of the inner loop)

I also think this gives a nice symmetry of various operators that only 
differ in L2R/R2L and precedence (plus the ability to overload ofcourse):

$x and $y   $y if $x
$x or $y$y unless $x
$x . $y $y ~ $x
$x ( $y )   $y ~ $x
Which I personally think is a Good Thing: I like to structure my code to 
put the most important part of a statement on the left and exceptional 
cases and details on the right.  Having multiple operators with different 
precedence (, and, if) also helps avoiding lots of parentheses, which I 
think is another Good Thing because they make code look cluttered.  When 
I want visual grouping I prefer to use extra whitespace.  Perhaps it's 
not as maintainable, but it is more readable imho.

Hmmm.. and I just realized.. is something like 'print while ;' still 
available in perl 6?  And if so, that means the while-loop would 
topicalize in this case?  What would the criterium be for this case? (I 
hope not the kludge it is right now in perl 5 ;-)

Matthijs van Duin  --  May the Forth be with you!

The Judy algorithm

2003-03-10 Thread Tim Bunce
I think this might be interesting to some of you...

  Judy is a general purpose dynamic array implemented as a C callable
  library. Judy's speed and memory usage are typically better than
  other data storage models and improves with very large data sets.

I've appended a few extracts from the 10minutes.htm url given above.


A (CPU) cache-line fill is additional time required to do a read
reference from RAM when a word is not found in cache. In today's
computers the time for a cache-line fill is in the range of 50..2000
machine instructions. Therefore a cache-line fill should be avoided
when fewer than 50 instructions can do the same job. (Modern machines
tend to pipeline writes to RAM. They often take no additional time
in the Judy design.)

Some of the reasons Judy outperforms binary trees, b-trees, and skip-lists:

* Judy rarely compromises speed/space performance for simplicity
  (Judy will never be called simple except at the API).

* Judy is designed to avoid cache-line fills wherever possible.
  (This is the main design criteria for Judy.)

* A b-tree requires a search of each node (branch), resulting
  in more cache-line fills.

* A binary-tree has many more levels (about 8X), resulting in
  more cache-line fills.

* A skip-list is roughly equivalent to a degree-4 (4-ary) tree,
  resulting in more cache-line fills

From a speed point of view Judy is chiefly a 256-ary digital tree
or trie (per D. Knuth Volume 3 definitions). A degree of 256-ary
is a somewhat magic N-ary for a variety of reasons -- but mostly
because a byte (the least addressable memory unit) is 8 bits. Also
a higher degree means reduced cache-line fills per access. You see
the theme here -- avoid cache-line fills like the plague.

The presence of a CPU cache in modern machines has changed many of
the ways to write a performance algorithm. To take advantage of a
cache, it is important to leverage as much as possible. In a Judy
tree, the presence of a cache results in 1..3 (or more) fewer
cache-line fills per lookup than would be possible without a cache.

Judy adapts efficiently to a wide range of populations and data set
densities. Since the Judy data structure is a tree of trees, each
sub-tree is a static expanse that is optimized to match the character
or density of the keys it contains.

Notice that to insert or delete a key is almost as simple as setting
or clearing a bit.

Re: Lua - ParrotVM, question on PMCs

2003-03-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
K Stol wrote:

PMCs are used to implement typeless languages 

... can be used. Coercing values is the way the Perl* classes work. OTOH 
you could have a PMC, that is a 128bit integer implementation.

Is it true, that typeless languages only use PMC for their data, or could an
integer in perl6 also be
stuffed in an integer register?

When the source code says so (my $i is int (or whatever the syntax now 
is)) - or when the optimizer is clever enough and recognices only simple 
integer usage of a var, it will be stuffed into an I-register.

Am I right about this stuff, or have I misunderstood something?

PMCs can/must do coercing, especially for typeless languages. They can 
implement a total different behaviour - its up to the lanugage.


Re: Parrot 0.0.10 feature freeze

2003-03-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Steve Fink wrote:

As for the code name -- I'm personally leaning towards the Juice
suggestion. I'm not sure why, but it just sounds kinda cool. And it
does fit well with the -Oj flag. Parrot -- now with extra juice! Or
something. Opinions?

Too much honor ;)

What about one of these:

Starting with
Anagram for parrot ten

Re: Parrot 0.0.10 feature freeze

2003-03-10 Thread David
Steve Fink wrote:

 As for the code name -- I'm personally leaning towards 
 the Juice suggestion. 

Given that Juice is already the name of an existing (but apparently defunct) 
virtual machine, you might want to consider another choice. The home page 
appears dead:

but you can find it in the wayback machine:*/

A brief citation can also be found at:

I wasn't paying attention when the original list got submitted, so sorry if 
these are redundant:

   Bereft (more Monty Python)
   Choir Invisible (ditto)
   Nailed to the Perch (is there an echo in here?)
   Boutique (ok, it stopped being funny already)
   Norwegian Blue (all right, I'll stop...)
   Mister Polly (oops, I did it again.)
   Lovely Plumage 
   Just Resting
   Notlob (ok, that's pretty much the end of the sketch...)
   Chimera (rejected name of Parrot)
   Pylon (see above)
   Perth (urm... see above the above)
   The Real Macaw (also the name of a bar)
   The Vaults of Madagascar (more from the O'Reilly book)
   Fractious Culture (O'Reilly - and would make a good band name, too)
   Gnope (again, O'Reilly)
   The Snake That Broke the Camel's Back (slashdot)
   Jarrot (yes, same book)
   Your Ad Here! (my favorite!)
   Pretty Bird (d'oh)

-- David Cuny

Re: Objects and classes, try 3

2003-03-10 Thread Graham Barr
On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 02:08:02PM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 At 1:52 PM -0500 3/9/03, Uri Guttman wrote:
DS == Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
DS * Objects have properties you can fetch and store by name
DS * Objects have methods you can call
DS * Objects have attributes you can fetch
 and store
 Well... I'm not sure about that. Classes can store data in object 
 attributes, but there isn't necessarily a public API through the PMC 
 to do this. Basically if you can get to it through a PMC's vtable, it 
 was on the Objects have list. I'm not sure that storing into an 
 attribute should be easily doable from the outside.
 Methods have access to an object's internal bits, so the class 
 methods can poke into slots in the attribute array directly, which is 
 probably how they'll work.

Surely thats a high-level restriction that Perl will impose. Why should Parrot
impose that restriction ? Other languages may want to access attributes from
outside the class.


Re: languages\BASIC reorg

2003-03-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Clinton A. Pierce wrote:

I re-organized the languages\BASIC tree into compiled and 
interpreted sub-trees.  

Please, update MANIFEST and s#\#/#g in (the backwards don't 
run). Also the quickstart section is misleading.
Could you please include a Makefile{,in}
And another one, did you try to run the PASM through imcc - it does 
speed things up drastically:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my $parpath='../../../languages/imcc/imcc'; # use config, $(EXE) ...
system($parpath @ARGV TARG_test.pasm);


Re: [perl #21520] [PATCH] Move print ops to PIO subsystem

2003-03-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Jürgen Bömmels (via RT) wrote:

# New Ticket Created by  Jürgen Bömmels 
# Please include the string:  [perl #21520]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 


here is something that sometime needs to be done:
Move the IO from mixed stdio/PIO to pure PIO.

Great, thanks.

All test pass on i386/linux except one:
hacks_2.pasm: This tests an open of an filediscriptor and a print to.
  To get this work open has to be ported from stdio to PIO. I will
  look into this when this patch is in.

Works for me(tm).

I had 3 different failing tests: nci_6 - 8. The problem was, that the 
tests print to stdio too, which get's now mixed up by the bufferd output 
of PIO_printf. I changed the tests and the shared lib to both print to 
stderr, so that the output is in sync again.

native_pbc/*: These are not really falling, but because of the change in 
  core.ops and io.ops the fingerprint changes and so it fails. So the
  pbc files need to be regenerated. What is the best way to submit 
  the new pbc-files?

I did post a script some time ago. Anyway: I'll commit it as:



Re: Parrot 0.0.10 feature freeze

2003-03-10 Thread Andy Wardley
Steve Fink wrote:
 [...] does fit well with the -Oj flag. Parrot -- now with extra juice! 

-Oj Simpson?

Parrot -- now get away with murder!   :-)


Re: Lua - ParrotVM, question on PMCs

2003-03-10 Thread K Stol

- Original Message -
From: Steve Fink [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 12:32 AM
Subject: Re: Lua - ParrotVM, question on PMCs

 [Arg. My outgoing mail  was messed up last week when I sent out a whole
 bunch of emails just before leaving for Hawaii, so this message was
 very delayed.]

 On Feb-24, K Stol wrote:
  As Lua is a typeless language, variables can take values of any
  type. This has to be checked during runtime, obviously. My guess is
  that variables should be implemented on parrot as PMC's. I have
  tried to read as much as possible on PMC's, but it's still a bit

  What I have understood is that PMC's are like C unions, but all
  fields are accessible (or something like that).

 Not really. PMCs are really anything other than an int, a float, or a
 string. They all implement a common set of operations in a way that
 makes sense for the datatype they represent -- so the add operation
 for a complex number PMC, for example, would add the real and
 imaginary parts together.

I studied some pasm examples more closely, and also I got some more
of all this. Now I think it's something like this:

PMCs are used to implement typeless languages (most obvious example is, of
course, Perl6)
So whenever a PerlInt is created to store some integer value, and this PMC
is used in some string
or something, this PerlInt PMC has some way (=method) to convert the Integer
to a String.

Also, when a string is assigned to a PerlInt, this PerlInt becomes a
PerlString (right?)
So for some typeless language L that has for example 3 datatypes (int,
float, string) ,
L's datatypes could be implemented as these PMCs: LInt, LFloat, LString (for
All coercion rules can be programmed into the PMC, for example, the rule how
to convert
the integer to a string, can be programmed literally into the
int_to_string() method of the LInt PMC.

Is it true, that typeless languages only use PMC for their data, or could an
integer in perl6 also be
stuffed in an integer register?

Am I right about this stuff, or have I misunderstood something?


  Are there any good tutorials on PMC's somewhere? I looked in the
  mailing lists, but I couldn't find much there.

 The most relevant documentation for PMCs is in docs/vtables.pod.
 Knowing to look there requires you to know what a PMC is and even
 something about how it's implemented, which isn't very nice. We really
 ought to have a pointer to it somewhere.

 You will want to implement variables and values with PMCs, but the
 names of the variables will be elsewhere, in a symbol table. The best
 pointer I can give you for that right now is the Symbol table ops
 section of docs/core_ops.pod. Although it's possible that you can
 manage your own compile-time symbol table and never need to look up
 names at runtime; I'm guessing Lua is too dynamic for that, but I
 don't know.

Re: Object spec [x-adr][x-bayes]

2003-03-10 Thread Christopher Armstrong
On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 03:46:39PM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 Presenting internal state in a rational form is a rather 
 significantly different thing than being able to serialize things, 
 and I don't think it's feasable, unfortunately. It'll require too 
 much consistency to be useful (as I don't think you'll get that 
 consistency) and you'll likely end up just dropping back and 
 grovelling over the internal nasty bits anyway.
 Serialization is a specific and very useful application, and one that 
 we need in general (otherwise we won't be able to have constant PMCs) 
 so it'll be there, but being able to expect to walk a pool of 
 heterogenous objects from a variety of different object systems is 
 more than I think you're likely to get.
 More to the point, it's a level of complexity I'm unwilling to commit 
 to, because it's not needed for our required functionality, useful 
 though it might be. (Even in the limited circumstances it's likely to 
 be available in)

Forgive me for jumping into the conversation late, but I'm not really
sure where this complexity is coming from. I've worked quite a bit
with serialization mechanisms in Python and other languages, but maybe
I'm missing something. In Python, we just have a method named
__getstate__ that must return one of the basic types: dict (hash),
list (vector), None, int, string. The marshaller must know how to
write these things to a file, send them across a socket via some
protocol, or whatever.  The dicts and lists can contain other objects,
of course, and those will be queried for their state, and so on. 

This isn't really that hard to implement, IME, and it's never been an
issue to put the state of an object into these datastructures. If a
method doesn't have a __getstate__, we just grab its attribute
__dict__. This bit is obviously not friendly to other languages, but
it's also unneccessary - Each language can implement a default
`get_state'-type method on its root object PMC that can either return
something useful or crash out (Python's would check for
self.__getstate__, and if not found, return self.__dict__).

Unserializing basically instantiates an object without initializing it
and calls __setstate__(data) on it where `data' is what was previously
returned from its __getstate__ call.

I'm not on a crusade to get a cross-language serialization mechanism,
but it would be very convenient and it doesn't seem it would require
that much hassle.

 Twisted | Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
  Radix  |  Release Manager,  Twisted Project

Re: Objects and classes, try 3

2003-03-10 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 10:22 AM -0500 3/10/03, Christopher Armstrong wrote:
On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 01:07:46PM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 * Objects have properties you can fetch and store by name
 * Objects have methods you can call
 * Objects have attributes you can fetch
 * You can fetch a hash of all the properties
 * When fetching or storing a generic property, you may call a method
 instead, as methods win
 * You can fetch a method PMC from the object
 * You can fetch the object's Class PMC
 All of these have vtable entries in the PMC: get_prop, set_prop,
 get_attrib, set_attrib, get_prop_hash, get_method, call_method,
 get_class. (Some already have names, I'm doing this from memory)
 No, you can't set a method or the property hash from an object PMC.
 Arguments with good reasons to do so will be cheerfully read and not
 implemented. :)
How about target languages allow you to do this? :) (Python!)
Nope! Python's attributes map to Parrot's properties. I'm going to 
add in a translation matrix/glossary to the PDD when I write it, as I 
keep getting confused as to who calls which thing what. :)

Still, I've given up on enforcing no-outsite-writing to attributes. 
I'm going to add in a set_attrib vtable method, and let 
alternate-object systems have at it.

(And you're right, I was getting interface and implementation sloppy 
before, which is a mistake I'm trying not to make in the actual spec)

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: The Judy algorithm

2003-03-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Tim Bunce wrote:

I think this might be interesting to some of you...

Indeed. Maybe someone can wrap up list.c and/or hash.c and compare 
performance for typical usage patterns - however they look like - but 
mainly linear in arrays I presume.
t/src/intlist and t/pmc/intlist have some stress tests.


Re: The Judy algorithm

2003-03-10 Thread Elizabeth Mattijsen
At 10:37 + 3/10/03, Tim Bunce wrote:
I think this might be interesting to some of you...
  Judy is a general purpose dynamic array implemented as a C callable
  library. Judy's speed and memory usage are typically better than
  other data storage models and improves with very large data sets.
I've appended a few extracts from the 10minutes.htm url given above.
This looks very interesting (particularly for a project I'm working 
on now, which was the reason I looked into this right now), but the 
project really seems quite silent if not dead.

Some more info:
Only HP-UX and Linux seem to be supported out of the box (only tried 
Linux and Mac OS X).

I adapted the indexSL program to just be a filter and piped 
/usr/share/dict/words through it.  Then let it run with Valgrind. 
That reports:

==11948== LEAK SUMMARY:
==11948==definitely lost: 11 bytes in 1 blocks.
==11948==possibly lost:   26 bytes in 2 blocks.
==11948==still reachable: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
Not a whole lot of leakage, but still.

I got the configure script into believing that MacOS X is really 
Linux.  Compilation then halts on
byteswap.h being missing.  I didn't look any further then.

The forum seems to be missing answers from the primary (only) 
developer.  Bug reports with patches have not been applied (such as 
trivial bashisms in the configure script).

The application directory contains some nice examples that might be 
applicable to Parrot: especially the best of both worlds approach 
in which Judy arrays are used to handle hash value collisions on a 
rather small (256 or 64K keys) hash.

Just my 2 eurocents worth (which appear to be worth more than 2.1 US$ 
cents nowadays ;-)


Re: Objects and classes, try 3

2003-03-10 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 8:25 AM + 3/10/03, Graham Barr wrote:
On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 02:08:02PM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 At 1:52 PM -0500 3/9/03, Uri Guttman wrote:
DS == Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
DS * Objects have properties you can fetch and store by name
DS * Objects have methods you can call
DS * Objects have attributes you can fetch
 and store
 Well... I'm not sure about that. Classes can store data in object
 attributes, but there isn't necessarily a public API through the PMC
 to do this. Basically if you can get to it through a PMC's vtable, it
 was on the Objects have list. I'm not sure that storing into an
 attribute should be easily doable from the outside.
 Methods have access to an object's internal bits, so the class
 methods can poke into slots in the attribute array directly, which is
 probably how they'll work.
Surely thats a high-level restriction that Perl will impose. Why should Parrot
impose that restriction ? Other languages may want to access attributes from
outside the class.
The big reason to impose it is because if I do, then parrot doesn't 
need to expose the details of attributes to user code. That seemed to 
make sense at the time, but since we're letting user code fetch 
attributes by name or slot number as it is, I'm not sure that one 
more vtable entry is a problem.

I'll add in update capabilities to the spec.
--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

[RfC] Yet another iterator proposal.

2003-03-10 Thread Leopold Toetsch
1) Aggregates and Strings implement the nextkey_keyed vtable
   method/function respectively.
  This gets one additional parameter:
  INTVAL what (e.g. 0=first, 1=next, 2=prev, 3=last)
  to reset the iterator and allow scan in both directions.
(Note Pxxx below should indicate the usage of the P-reg)

2) The iterator is a new PMC class which implements these vtables:

   new PIter, .PIter, PAggregate
   // create a new iterator and attach the aggregate to it
   set PIter, 0		// reset iterator, prepare from first

   shift PVal, PIter	// get first value from front

   This doesn't actually change the aggregate, but should simulate
   to to so, i.e. PVal is the first value, *and* PIter has the semantics
   of the aggregate, as if the first value has been shifted off.
   This should reflect a (car, cdr) which could be handy for
   functional programming stuff.
   shift PVal, PIter	// get second value

   set PIter, 3		// reset, prepare from last

   pop PVal, PIter	// pop last val

   Now, the iterator itself should have the same sematics as the
   aggregate it points to:
   assign PIter, PIntArray  // attach a different array to iter?
   set PIter, 0 // reset
   shift I0, Piter  // get PIntArrray[0]
   set I1, PIter[0] // == PIntArrary[1]
   set I2, PIter[1] // == PIntArrary[2]
   This is probably not very meaningful for hashes, but arrays can do
   it simply.
   So, the iterator also has all get_x_keyed_* methods implemented,
   which are passed on to the aggregate, but no set_x_keyed methods,
   iterators are readonly. This could also catch common errors, where
   the aggregate is changed during iteration. OTOH perl always gave you
   enough rope, to shoot yourself in the foot :)
3) The iterator PMC

It would need 2 pointers: a KEY * having the state of the current
index and the data * pointer to the aggregate. This ought to be enough
to implement this functionality.
4) Iterating over strings

Should work the same. The iterator holds the COWed substring and the
offset in the KEY, the COWed substring should be reused on iterations.
Comments welcome

Re: Objects and classes, try 3

2003-03-10 Thread Christopher Armstrong
On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 01:07:46PM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 * Objects have properties you can fetch and store by name
 * Objects have methods you can call
 * Objects have attributes you can fetch
 * You can fetch a hash of all the properties
 * When fetching or storing a generic property, you may call a method 
 instead, as methods win
 * You can fetch a method PMC from the object
 * You can fetch the object's Class PMC
 All of these have vtable entries in the PMC: get_prop, set_prop, 
 get_attrib, set_attrib, get_prop_hash, get_method, call_method, 
 get_class. (Some already have names, I'm doing this from memory)
 No, you can't set a method or the property hash from an object PMC. 
 Arguments with good reasons to do so will be cheerfully read and not 
 implemented. :)

How about target languages allow you to do this? :) (Python!)

But otherwise, I like this spec much more than your previous ones. It
seems more interface-oriented than implementation-oriented. That's
crucial for language compatibility, I think. If you stick to an
interface-oriented approach, then it should be no problem for Python,
Perl, Ruby, etc, to implement all of their wacky object semantics
while preventing incompatibility (or even special inter-language glue

 Twisted | Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
  Radix  |  Release Manager,  Twisted Project

Re: Statement modifiers

2003-03-10 Thread Paul
 I made a mistake in my original post, they definitely need to be
 left-associative.  Your example should obviously be interpreted as:
 (.method given $x) given $y;  # calls $x.method


 I think this is similar to how I mentioned that a duplicate 'for' is 
 pointless.  Just because pointless modifier combinations exist
 doesn't mean multiple modifiers in general are a problem.

Agreed. But is it worth putting them in if they would make a problem so
easily, and it can be so easily handled with blocks?
 since 'if' has a lower precedence than '=', this is:
   ($x = $y) if $z;
 or equivalently
   $z and ($x = $y)

duh. ok.

   print if $x if $y; # ??
 Are you saying test $y, and if it's true, test $x, and if it's true
 then print?

ok, but wouldn't it be clearer to say

  print if $y and $x; # ?
 It means the left side is not always evaluated; that's
 short-circuiting and has nothing to do with precedence. 
 Notice how in perl 5 the 'or' operator is in the lowest
 precedence class, but certainly short-circuits (think foo or die)

But that's easier on the brain, becausewe read left-to-right, and it
short-circuits left-to-right.  z() if $x if $y doesn't. 

   print $x,$y\n for $x - @x for $y - @y; # is that approximate?
 Syntax error.  The - operator doesn't make sense without a block.

But if() currently takes a block unless it's postfix.
I was just extrapolating, though as I said, I'd hate to try and write
the parser.
   print for @x for @y; # @y's topic masked
 would probably make no sense unless ...
 Note that I actually *said* it makes no sense.  I have to admit that 
 if the conditionals (if, unless, when) would be operators, I'd have 
 trouble to think of a situation where multiple modifiers are useful
 at all; which I why I said making the conditionals infix-operators
 would probably suffice.

I was just agreeing there. :)

 Then again, I just thought up (perl 5 style):

print for split while ;

 but I have to admit I can probably live without the ability to write 
 something like that ;-)

Dittobut I have *wanted* to do something vaguely like that on
*several* occasions! More often it is conditionals, though.

I'll leave it to better minds, and use whatever they give me. ;o]

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Re: Statement modifiers

2003-03-10 Thread Matthijs van Duin
On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 11:28:41AM -0800, Paul wrote:
Agreed. But is it worth putting them in if they would make a problem so
easily, and it can be so easily handled with blocks?
I don't think they can make a problem so easily, and I think it's worth 
putting them in because afaics it's not very complicated.  Just make 'em 
short-circuiting infix operators, like 'and' and 'or', except it's the 
left side that's conditionally evaluated rather than the right side.

  print if $x if $y; # ??

Are you saying test $y, and if it's true, test $x, and if it's true
then print?
ok, but wouldn't it be clearer to say

 print if $y and $x; # ?
I think so. Alternatively you can write
 $y and $x and print;
or if 'if' is an infix operator even:
 ($x if $y) and print;
Personally I think 'print if $y and $x' is the clearest indeed, but maybe 
otherwise have a different taste.

To be honest, I doubt it'd be useful to stack multiple R2L short-circuiting 
operators, but the ability to do so is obviously there.  The main reason I 
suggested it was because it means that support for multiple statement 
modifiers isn't needed to allow:

 .method when MyClass given $obj;

because 'when' would just be an operator here, and 'given' the only 
modifier.  Another reason to make this change is because 'if' and 'unless' 
are in fact just 'and' and 'or' with different precedence in behavior. 
Short-circuiting operators already exist, so the only new thing would be 
R2L short-circuiting instead of L2R, but I doubt that's a problem.

Thus it reserves the title 'statement modifier' for the heavier stuff: 
loops (for, while, until) and topicalizers (given).

But that's easier on the brain, becausewe read left-to-right, and it
short-circuits left-to-right.  z() if $x if $y doesn't. 
So don't stack multiple R2L short-circuiting operators if you think 
it's confusing; I'm definitely not going to force you to :-)

Seriously, the nice thing is that the behavior of existing use of the 
three modifiers remains exactly the same.  Sure, you can write a few 
new things that are unintelligable, but I think that perl offers rich 
opportunities anyway for people who want to write obfuscated code. If 
you don't want to obfuscate, then simply don't.

The when/given construction however is a clear example of a useful new 
construction that making if/unless/when operators would allow.

But if() currently takes a block unless it's postfix.
I was just extrapolating, though as I said, I'd hate to try and write
the parser.
I don't see the problem.

The 'if' function takes a block.  The 'if' infix operator works like 
the 'and' operator except it short-circuits the other way around.

There is no conflict here, think about unary '-' versus infix '-'.

To summarize:

 Replace the 'if', 'unless', 'when' statement modifiers by identically 
 named lowest-precedence left-associative operators that short-circuit 
 from right to left.

 This means 'FOO if BAR' is identical to 'BAR and FOO', except it has a 
 lower precedence, and 'FOO unless BAR' is identical to 'BAR or FOO', 
 except it has a lower precedence. FOO and BAR are arbitrary expressions.
 Because of left-associativity, 'FOO if BAR if BAZ' is identical to
 'BAZ and BAR and FOO'.

 'FOO when BAR' is similar to 'FOO if BAR' except BAR is matched magically 
 like the rhs of the ~~ operator and an implicit 'break' occurs if true.

 1. it doesn't hurt anything: existing use of the modifiers (now operators) 
remains functionally the same.
 2. it allows new useful expressions
 3. it's more consistent ('if' has no reason being more special than 'and')
 4. it shouldn't make parsing more difficult

Matthijs van Duin  --  May the Forth be with you!

Re: Statement modifiers

2003-03-10 Thread Matthijs van Duin
On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 01:14:05PM -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:
It is nice to see someone who puts as much thought into posting as you
do.  Unfortunately, your proposal is moot, as we have a definitive
No, still can't chain them from Larry.
Thanks for the reference

However, I'm pretty sure he's talking about disallowing multiple modifiers 
there.  My if/unless/when as operator proposal is exactly to avoid having 
to support multiple modifiers.  So I think discussion on this might still 
be fruitful.

I'm actually a bit surprised noone had the idea earlier; to me the if-
modifier is so similar to the 'and'-operator to have no reason being 
a modifier (it's actually implemented using 'and' internally in p5).

Contrast that to the 'for'-modifier, which really has an impact on the 
statement unlike any operator could achieve, and hence really needs to 
be a statement modifier.

Matthijs van Duin  --  May the Forth be with you!

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

2003-03-10 Thread Damian Conway
Like the fully-laden Australian swallow that heralds the first Apocalypse of 
springtime, I'm back.

I hope you're all off reading:

Special thanks to Simon for getting it on-line as quickly as he did.

I'll do my best to answer questions about it and respond to other comments, 
but I still only have the tuits to read specifically A6-related messages. So 
it would help me enormously if people could include something matching the 

	 m:wi/A[pocalypse ]?6/

in the subject line of any message they'd like me to read and respond to.

In other words, I'll be reading this list again, eagerly gathering grist for 
the forthcoming exegetical mill, but in self defence I'll be pre-filtering 
only for A6-related subjects.



Question for Damian about Apocalypse 6

2003-03-10 Thread Austin Hastings
Oh, goody.

In psiglet, is the 's' silent?


--- Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Like the fully-laden Australian swallow that heralds the first
 Apocalypse of 
 springtime, I'm back.
 I hope you're all off reading:
 Special thanks to Simon for getting it on-line as quickly as he did.
 I'll do my best to answer questions about it and respond to other
 but I still only have the tuits to read specifically A6-related
 messages. So 
 it would help me enormously if people could include something
 matching the 
m:wi/A[pocalypse ]?6/
 in the subject line of any message they'd like me to read and respond
 In other words, I'll be reading this list again, eagerly gathering
 grist for 
 the forthcoming exegetical mill, but in self defence I'll be
 only for A6-related subjects.

SM vs. BD (apoc6)

2003-03-10 Thread Uri Guttman

But mad or not, there are some good reasons to do just
that. First, it makes it possible to write interfaces to other
languages in Perl. Second, it gives the optimizer more
information to think about. Third, it allows the SM folks to
inflict strongly typed compile-time semantics on each
other. (Which is fine, as long as they don't inflict those
semantics on the rest of us.) Fourth, a type system can be
viewed as a pattern matching system for multi-method dispatch.

shouldn't that be BD and not SM?



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Stem and Perl Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding 
Search or Offer Perl Jobs
Damian Conway Perl Classes - January 2003 --

Re: Question for Damian about Apocalypse 6

2003-03-10 Thread Larry Wall
On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 01:20:24PM -0800, Austin Hastings wrote:
: In psiglet, is the 's' silent?

Of course not.  That is Greek, not English.


Re: SM vs. BD (apoc6)

2003-03-10 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Uri Guttman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But mad or not, there are some good reasons to do just
 that. First, it makes it possible to write interfaces to
 languages in Perl. Second, it gives the optimizer more
 information to think about. Third, it allows the SM folks to
 inflict strongly typed compile-time semantics on each
 other. (Which is fine, as long as they don't inflict those
 semantics on the rest of us.) Fourth, a type system can be
 viewed as a pattern matching system for multi-method
 shouldn't that be BD and not SM?

I believe that depends on whether you consider strongly typed
compile-time semantics as being restrictive or painful.

I also suspect that showing too much acumen about the classification
may come back to haunt you at a Perl Conference ... ;-


Apo 6: Typo in grammar

2003-03-10 Thread Piers Cawley
Larry says that 

   sub foo { ... }

is equivalent to 

   sub foo will do {...}

But then goes on to give the grammar for subroutine definitions as:

rule lexicalsub :w {
lexscope type?
subintro subname psignature?

rule packagesub :w {
subintro subname psignature?

rule anonsub :w {
subintro psignature?

which won't match C sub foo will do { ... } . I presume this is
another of those cases where the rules should be:

rule lexicalsub :w {
lexscope type?
subintro subname psignature?

rule packagesub :w {
subintro subname psignature?

rule anonsub :w {
subintro psignature?

and rely on semantic analysis to catch the error and throw a sensible


Question (#2) about Apocalypse 6 : Can is properties by specified indirectly?

2003-03-10 Thread Austin Hastings
Having just read through the declaration bits (not the calling bits,

It is explicitly stated that is rw on a slurpy parameter distributes
across all the components.

Is there some way of differentiating array of const vs. array of rw?

That is, creating a hash or array that can be extended without


--- Austin Hastings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- Uri Guttman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But mad or not, there are some good reasons to do just
  that. First, it makes it possible to write interfaces to
  languages in Perl. Second, it gives the optimizer more
  information to think about. Third, it allows the SM folks
  inflict strongly typed compile-time semantics on each
  other. (Which is fine, as long as they don't inflict those
  semantics on the rest of us.) Fourth, a type system can be
  viewed as a pattern matching system for multi-method
  shouldn't that be BD and not SM?
 I believe that depends on whether you consider strongly typed
 compile-time semantics as being restrictive or painful.
 I also suspect that showing too much acumen about the classification
 may come back to haunt you at a Perl Conference ... ;-

Apocalypse 6: Possible file-transfer glitch?

2003-03-10 Thread Austin Hastings
I see e-accent in te/en we can say, below, plus
dhow is ii\ the named-only zone below that.

It survived a few refreshes, so I wonder if it's a file-transfer


If instead we force new parameters to be in named notation, like this:

multi *push (@array, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +$how) {...}

tèen we can say:

push(@foo, how = rapidly, 1,2,3)and it's no longer ambiguous.  

Since dhow is iî the named-only zone,
it can never be set positionally, and the old calls to:

Re: A6: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-10 Thread Larry Wall
On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 01:25:41PM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
: 3) The edge point between explicitly typed and explicitly non-typed 
: variables:  If you pass an untyped array (or list?) to an explicitly 
: typed array parameter, is the untyped array considered a unique case, 
: or will it fail?
:   multi foo (@a is Array of int) {...}
:   my int @a = baz(); # is Array of int
:   my @b = baz(); # is Array of Scalar
:   foo(@a);# @a is typed correctly, so OK
:   foo(@b);# @b is not explicitly typed as Cint; OK or FAIL?
: Fails.
: Because:
:   not (Array of Scalar).isa(Array of int)
: Which in turn is because:
:   not Scalar.isa(int)

I dunno.  I can argue that it should coerce that.  It'll certainly be
able to coerce a random scalar to int for you, so it's not a big stretch
to coerce conformant arrays of them.  On the other hand, it's likely
to be expensive in some cases, which isn't so much of an issue for
single scalars/ints/strs.


Re: A6: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-10 Thread Dave Whipp
Larry Wall wrote:

I dunno.  I can argue that it should coerce that.  It'll certainly be
able to coerce a random scalar to int for you, so it's not a big stretch
to coerce conformant arrays of them.  On the other hand, it's likely
to be expensive in some cases, which isn't so much of an issue for
single scalars/ints/strs.
If the coercion is lazy, then its not really any more expensive than 
coercing individual scalars, as needed.


Re: Question (#2) about Apocalypse 6 : Can is properties by specified indirectly?

2003-03-10 Thread Luke Palmer
 I believe you'd have to create a class for such things, derived from Array:
   class AppOnlyArray is Array {
   method STORE(int $index, $value) {
   fail Can't modify existing element
   if 0 = $index  .length;
   .SUPER::STORE($index, $value);
   my @array is AppOnlyArray;

This seems wrong to me... simply because it's easier to do in C++ than
it is in Perl... which has never been the case.

class Object;
void add_stuff(listconst Object) {...}

(Disregarding the fact that listObject doesn't, in fact, convert to

I would imagine that you could just declare a sub as:

sub add_stuff(@arr of Object is constant) {...}

Where the is constant presumably refers to the Object, not the
Array.  Or does that go like this:

sub add_stuff(@arr of (Object is constant) {...}

Or does it go like something else?


Re: A6: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-10 Thread Damian Conway
Larry wrote:

:   multi foo (@a is Array of int) {...}
:   my int @a = baz(); # is Array of int
:   my @b = baz(); # is Array of Scalar
:   foo(@a);# @a is typed correctly, so OK
:   foo(@b);# @b is not explicitly typed as Cint; OK or FAIL?
: Fails.
: Because:
: 	not (Array of Scalar).isa(Array of int)
: Which in turn is because:
: 	not Scalar.isa(int)

I dunno.  I can argue that it should coerce that.  It'll certainly be
able to coerce a random scalar to int for you, so it's not a big stretch
to coerce conformant arrays of them.  On the other hand, it's likely
to be expensive in some cases, which isn't so much of an issue for
single scalars/ints/strs.
H. I guess it depends whether we treat type specifications as constraining 
the actual arguments, or restricting the interface of the formal parameters.

That is, does:

	multi foo (@a is Array of int) {...}

Don't let them pass anything but an
 Array of int-or-subclass-of-int
or does it mean:

Let them pass Array of (anything)
 and then treat the anythings as ints
For my money, the former (i.e. compile-time type strictness) makes more sense 
under pass-by-reference semantics, whereas the latter (i.e. run-time type 
coercion) is more appropriate under pass-by-copy.


A6: Signature zones and such

2003-03-10 Thread Brent Dax
method x ($me: $req, ?$opt, +$namedop, *%named, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) { ... }

Yikes.  And I thought we were trying to get *away* from line noise?  :^)

Seriously, can't we use something rather prettier, like this?

method x($me: $req, $opt is optional, $namedop is named,
*%named, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) { ... }

I can deal with one really funny character in a signature, but three is
a bit much.

In any case, it looks like it's time to re-work Perl6::Parameters...but
then I knew this was coming anyway.

@roles=map {Parrot $_} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

How do you test this 'God' to prove it is who it says it is?
If you're God, you know exactly what it would take to convince me. Do
--Marc Fleury on alt.atheism

Re: A6: Signature zones and such

2003-03-10 Thread Damian Conway
Brent Dax wrote:

	method x ($me: $req, ?$opt, +$namedop, *%named, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) { ... }

Yikes.  And I thought we were trying to get *away* from line noise?  :^)

Seriously, can't we use something rather prettier, like this?

method x($me: $req, $opt is optional, $namedop is named,
*%named, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) { ... }
It's quite possible that the following equivalences might hold:

?$xsame as$x is optional
+%ysame as%y is named
So that you could choose.

I can deal with one really funny character in a signature, but three is
a bit much.
The problem is that if you have multiple optional or named parameters, things 
start getting uncomfortably prolix, and default values end up a long way from 
their owners:

	multi substr(Str $str, $from is optional = $CALLER::_, $len is optional = 
Inf, $new is optional) {...}


	multi substr(Str $str, ?$from = $CALLER::_, ?$len = Inf, ?$new)  {...}


A6 and temp/let

2003-03-10 Thread Luke Palmer
First of all, I like where Appendix C is going.

My (small in comparison) problem is with Clet's definition of
failure.  The exception bit is neat, and provides for pretty much
out-of-the-box exception safety.  But failure based on return value
may not be such a hot idea.  Consider:

class DBHandle {
method fetch($key) {
return %.cache{$key} if %.cache.exists($key);
return let %.cache{$key} = .expensive_fetch($key);
has %.cache;

Presumably, if Cexpensive_fetch throws an exception, C%.cache will
be unchanged.  Additionally, if Cexpensive_fetch returns
Cundef... perhaps because the database says the associated value is
undefined (but exists nonetheless), C%.cache will Istill be
unchanged.  This results in an expensive fetch operation each time.

There's two solutions that I see.  The first is to only rollback
Clets on returning undef or () when Cuse fatal is not in effect.
If one wants to sucessfully return undef in these situations, one
returns Cundef but true or Cundef but defined (!).

Another solution may be to mark Cundefs that signify failure with a
Cfailed property.  That way you can return sucessful Cundefs
without fear of contradiction.

But this leads into something related that's been bugging me about
Cuse fatal.  What happens in this case?

package Foo {
  use fatal;
  sub oof() { 
try { bar;
  CATCH { ... } }
  sub bar() { baz; }
  sub baz() { fail; }

no fatal;
Foo::bar // die;

Obviously, Cbaz throws an exception to Cbar.  However, if Cbar
subsequently throws an exception, the main module won't be expecting
it.  However, Foo::oof will be expecting it, and won't settle for

So, in conclusion, Cuse fatal governs not what subs under its
control Ireturn, but rather what is returned Ito them.  This can
be trivially implemented with Ccaller or, if inlined, simple
transformations.  Does this idea have any merit?

And I've got lots of nifty ideas about Ccaller, Coming Soon to a
mailing list near you!


Re: Apocalypse 6: Possible file-transfer glitch?

2003-03-10 Thread Christian Renz
It survived a few refreshes, so I wonder if it's a file-transfer
No, Larry is just presenting additional proof that we need Unicode
operators in Perl 6 by using them in English, too. :)
The human mind has no more power of inventing a new value than of
imagining a new primary color, or, indeed, of creating a new sun and a
new sky for it to move in.  -- C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man

is constant eq pass by value (apoc6)

2003-03-10 Thread Uri Guttman

is constant (default)

Every formal parameter is constant by default, meaning primarily
that the compiler won't feel obligated to construct an lvalue
out the actual argument unless you specifically tell it to. It
also means that you may not modify the parameter variable in any
way. If the parameter is a reference, you may use it to modify
the referenced object (if the object lets you), but you can't
assign to it and change the original variable passed to the

this confuses me. sometimes i want a simple pass by value param which i
can modify locally in the sub. is this the same as the constant above?
if so the name is not the best (even if it is the default and won't be
explicitly used much).

editing suggestion for last sentence:

If the parameter is a reference, you may use it to modify the
referenced object (if the object lets you). If you assign to a
constant param, its value will change inside the sub (like any
other lexical variable would) but the original variable passed
to the routine is never modified. This behavior is well known as
pass by value.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Stem and Perl Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding 
Search or Offer Perl Jobs
Damian Conway Perl Classes - January 2003 --

Re: Apocalypse 6: Possible file-transfer glitch?

2003-03-10 Thread Austin Hastings

[A6, p7]
There will be two new operators, called pipe operators, that allow us
to hook list generators together with list consumers in either order.
So either of these works:

stuff @foo == 1,2,3
1,2,3 == stuff @foo
[/A6, p7]

I don't think that's going to be an issue -- there doesn't seem to be a
Unicode Glyph called LEFTWARD-POINTING-PHALLUS, nor correspondingly is
there a Unicode Glyph for RIGHTWARD-POINTING-PHALLUS, so I think we're
safe on the Unicode front...

my multi operator:== is size(bigger than yours);


--- Christian Renz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It survived a few refreshes, so I wonder if it's a file-transfer
 No, Larry is just presenting additional proof that we need Unicode
 operators in Perl 6 by using them in English, too. :)
 The human mind has no more power of inventing a new value than of
 imagining a new primary color, or, indeed, of creating a new sun and
 new sky for it to move in.  -- C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man

Re: is constant eq pass by value (apoc6)

2003-03-10 Thread Mark J. Reed
On 2003-03-10 at 18:03:12, Uri Guttman wrote:
 this confuses me. sometimes i want a simple pass by value param which i
 can modify locally in the sub. is this the same as the constant above?
No, that's the same as is copy.

Mark REED| CNN Internet Technology
1 CNN Center Rm SW0831G  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Atlanta, GA 30348  USA   | +1 404 827 4754

is copy (was Re: is constant eq pass by value (apoc6))

2003-03-10 Thread Uri Guttman

bah, the is copy is pass by value with local modification (my params in

this works as most params should be constant. the few that are copies
can be declared that or copied to my vars.

i have to wait on posting before i read the whole megilla.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Stem and Perl Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding 
Search or Offer Perl Jobs
Damian Conway Perl Classes - January 2003 --

Re: Question (#2) about Apocalypse 6 : Can is properties by specified indirectly?

2003-03-10 Thread Damian Conway
Austin Hastings wrote:

It is explicitly stated that is rw on a slurpy parameter distributes
across all the components.
Is there some way of differentiating array of const vs. array of rw?

That is, creating a hash or array that can be extended without
I'm not sure I follow what you're asking for. Can you give a
hypothetical example?

A6 page 6 formatting problem

2003-03-10 Thread Paul

Just in case anyone cares, page 6 is requiring that I scroll
horizontally. I'll live, but if it can be easily fixed, that's a Good
Thing. :)

Haven't read the rest yet -- still working on it.


--- Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Like the fully-laden Australian swallow that heralds the first
 Apocalypse of 
 springtime, I'm back.
 I hope you're all off reading:
 Special thanks to Simon for getting it on-line as quickly as he did.
 I'll do my best to answer questions about it and respond to other
 but I still only have the tuits to read specifically A6-related
 messages. So 
 it would help me enormously if people could include something
 matching the 
m:wi/A[pocalypse ]?6/
 in the subject line of any message they'd like me to read and respond
 In other words, I'll be reading this list again, eagerly gathering
 grist for 
 the forthcoming exegetical mill, but in self defence I'll be
 only for A6-related subjects.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more

Re: Question (#2) about Apocalypse 6 : Can is properties by specified indirectly?

2003-03-10 Thread Mark J. Reed

On 2003-03-11 at 10:12:17, Damian Conway wrote:
 Austin Hastings wrote:
 It is explicitly stated that is rw on a slurpy parameter distributes
 across all the components.
 Is there some way of differentiating array of const vs. array of rw?
 That is, creating a hash or array that can be extended without
 I'm not sure I follow what you're asking for. Can you give a
 hypothetical example?
I think he wants to write a subroutine that takes an array parameter,
in which the subroutine is allowed to add elements to the array, but
is not allowed to modify any of the elements that are already there
on entry to the sub.

Mark REED| CNN Internet Technology
1 CNN Center Rm SW0831G  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Atlanta, GA 30348  USA   | +1 404 827 4754

Re: Question (#2) about Apocalypse 6 : Can is properties by specified indirectly?

2003-03-10 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Austin Hastings wrote:
  It is explicitly stated that is rw on a slurpy parameter
  across all the components.
  Is there some way of differentiating array of const vs. array of
  That is, creating a hash or array that can be extended without
 I'm not sure I follow what you're asking for. Can you give a
 hypothetical example?


How do I specify an array which may be appended/pushed, but whose
values cannot change?

How do I specify a hash whose current keys/values are fixed, but which
can accept new keys/values?

Essentially, I'm distinguishing between change-to-object and


Re: Question (#2) about Apocalypse 6 : Can is properties by specified indirectly?

2003-03-10 Thread Damian Conway
Austin Hastings asked:

How do I specify an array which may be appended/pushed, but whose
values cannot change?
I believe you'd have to create a class for such things, derived from Array:

class AppOnlyArray is Array {
method STORE(int $index, $value) {
fail Can't modify existing element
if 0 = $index  .length;
.SUPER::STORE($index, $value);
	my @array is AppOnlyArray;

How do I specify a hash whose current keys/values are fixed, but which
can accept new keys/values?
Same story.


Re: Statement modifiers

2003-03-10 Thread Paul

--- Matthijs van Duin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now the real subject.. has the issue of multiple statement modifiers 
 already been settled?  I saw some mention it wasn't going to be
 supported, but also mentions of how it would be useful;  I can think
 of such a situation myself:
 .method when MyClass given $obj;
 as alternative to:
 $obj.method if $obj.isa(MyClass);

I think this is an unusually clear case, and even then has problems.
The real nightmare tends to show up when you duplicate a modifier.
What does

  .method given $x given $y; # which object's .method is called?

mean? It gets worse below

 except without duplicating $obj, which may be worthwhile if it's a
 longer expression.  If multiple modifiers are really a no-no, then
 I think at least the conditionals (if, unless, when) could be made
 lowest-precedence right-associative infix operators, and leave the
 status of statement modifier for loops and topicalizers.

lowest? why lowest? Careful with that If you make it a lowest
precedence operator,

  $x = $y if $z; # = is higher precedence

Does it get assigned if $z is undefined?
 This would mean that the above would be valid, and also things like:
 .. if .. if .. for ..;

I may be missing something, but

  print if $x if $y; # ??

Are you saying test $y, and if it's true, test $x, and if it's true
then print? I suppose that might workbut that still makes it high
priority, doesn't it?

 But that multiple nested loops would be illegal using modifiers and
 would require a real block.  (which makes some sense, since it's hard
 to think of a construction where multiple loop-modifiers would be
 useful: if you have  ... for @a for @b  then you'd be unable to 
 use the @b-element since $_ would be the loop var of the inner loop)

Maybe not in p6. 

  print $x,$y\n for $x - @x for $y - @y; # is that approximate?

Ok, this is hurting my head, and I think I might hurt someone who left
me to maintain it, but I could see how it could be useful, and I think
I see how it could be parsed It would be like

  for $y - @y {
for $x - @x {
print $x,$y\n;

My question is that, though TMTOWTDI is a Good Thing, and in general
dictating style is a Bad Thing, is this much flexibility a Good Thing
or a Bad Thing? And more importantly, will the people writing the
parser become homicidal if it is decided this should be implemented?


  print for @x for @y; # @y's topic masked

would probably make no sense unless it's a rather twisted form of
recursion, and for that I'd recommend writing a function rather than
setting up reference loops

 I also think this gives a nice symmetry of various operators that
 only differ in L2R/R2L and precedence (plus the ability to overload
 $x and $y   $y if $x
 $x or $y$y unless $x
 $x . $y $y ~ $x
 $x ( $y )   $y ~ $x

I have no idea what you mean by this.


Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more

Re: Statement modifiers

2003-03-10 Thread Matthijs van Duin
On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 08:20:39AM -0800, Paul wrote:
The real nightmare tends to show up when you duplicate a modifier.
What does
 .method given $x given $y; # which object's .method is called?

mean? It gets worse below
I made a mistake in my original post, they definitely need to be left-
associative.  Your example should obviously be interpreted as:
(.method given $x) given $y;  # calls $x.method

I think this is similar to how I mentioned that a duplicate 'for' is 
pointless.  Just because pointless modifier combinations exist doesn't 
mean multiple modifiers in general are a problem.

lowest? why lowest?
Ehm, because that is consistent with current behavior?

Careful with that If you make it a lowest
precedence operator,
 $x = $y if $z; # = is higher precedence

Does it get assigned if $z is undefined?
since 'if' has a lower precedence than '=', this is:
 ($x = $y) if $z;
or equivalently
 $z and ($x = $y)
In either case, the assignment is done if $z is true

I may be missing something, but

 print if $x if $y; # ??

Are you saying test $y, and if it's true, test $x, and if it's true
then print?

I suppose that might workbut that still makes it high
priority, doesn't it?
It means the left side is not always evaluated; that's short-circuiting 
and has nothing to do with precedence.  Notice how in perl 5 the 'or' 
operator is in the lowest precedence class, but certainly short-
circuits (think foo or die)

 print $x,$y\n for $x - @x for $y - @y; # is that approximate?
Syntax error.  The - operator doesn't make sense without a block.

 print for @x for @y; # @y's topic masked

would probably make no sense unless ...
Note that I actually *said* it makes no sense.  I have to admit that 
if the conditionals (if, unless, when) would be operators, I'd have 
trouble to think of a situation where multiple modifiers are useful at 
all; which I why I said making the conditionals infix-operators would 
probably suffice.

Then again, I just thought up (perl 5 style):

  print for split while ;

but I have to admit I can probably live without the ability to write 
something like that ;-)

Matthijs van Duin  --  May the Forth be with you!

A6: Pipes

2003-03-10 Thread Michael Lazzaro
Since noone else has said it yet -- This Apoc looks *great*.  The sig 
stuff is very, very nice.  (The wrapper stuff has interesting 
possibilities, too, especially with OO.)

Question on pipes: I like very much the concept of relating them only 
to the variadic list, that was the piece we were all missing in the P6L 
discussions.  After reading that appendix, I'm still a bit murky on the 
final decisions as to which of these edge cases will be allowed:

 my @out == (1,2,3);
 my @out == (my @in = foo());
 my @out == foo();
 (1,2,3) == my @out;
(my @in = foo()) == my @out;
   foo() == my @out;
Are these all valid, or do some of them have to be errors?  I got lost 
in the appendix explanation of what was confirmed, and what was 

FWIW, stylistically, I'd personally vote for

   @in == map  {...}
   == sort {...}
   == map  {...}
   == @out;
as better than:

   @in ==
   map  {...} ==
   sort {...} ==
   map  {...} ==
... if we care about such details.  :-)


Re: A6: Pipes

2003-03-10 Thread Damian Conway
Michael Lazzaro wrote:

After reading that appendix, I'm still a bit murky on the 
final decisions as to which of these edge cases will be allowed:

 my @out == (1,2,3);
 my @out == (my @in = foo());
 my @out == foo();
 (1,2,3) == my @out;
(my @in = foo()) == my @out;
   foo() == my @out;
These are basically all just two edge-cases. Namely:

@var == LIST
LIST == @var
Larry is still leery, but I suspect they will ultimately be allowed.
Mainly because these:
  @in == map  {...}
  == sort {...}
  == map  {...}
  == @out;
 @out == map  {...}
  == sort {...}
  == map  {...}
  == @in;
are much less annoying than:

  @in == map  {...}
  == sort {...}
  == map  {...}
  == push @out;
 push @out == map  {...}
   == sort {...}
   == map  {...}
   == @in;
And because, as I demonstrated, the necessary overloaded multimethods are so 
trivial to implement.


A6: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-10 Thread Michael Lazzaro
In A6, it is confirmed that you can have complex types such as:

  my %pet is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat;

It is also confirmed that you can indeed use such types in sub 
signatures, e.g.:

  sub foo (@a is Array of int) {...}


1) Complex types for sub parameters:  The above would imply that a sub 
can tell the difference between an CArray of int vs an CArray of 
str, thank goodness.  That also implies that you can use arbitrarily 
complex types, and still get the same type checking:

  sub foo ( %pet is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat ) 


2) Multimethod dispatch:  The text would seem to _IMPLY_ that you can 
perform multimethod dispatch based on complex types, but it isn't 
actually stated anywhere AFAICT.  e.g.

  multi foo (@a is Array of str) {...}
  multi foo (@a is Array of int) {...}
... is it legal, and DWYM?

3) The edge point between explicitly typed and explicitly non-typed 
variables:  If you pass an untyped array (or list?) to an explicitly 
typed array parameter, is the untyped array considered a unique case, 
or will it fail?

  multi foo (@a is Array of int) {...}

  my int @a = baz(); # is Array of int
  my @b = baz(); # is Array of Scalar
  foo(@a);# @a is typed correctly, so OK
  foo(@b);# @b is not explicitly typed as Cint; OK or FAIL?

Re: A6: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-10 Thread Damian Conway
Michael Lazzaro asked:

1) Complex types for sub parameters:  The above would imply that a sub 
can tell the difference between an CArray of int vs an CArray of 
str, thank goodness.  That also implies that you can use arbitrarily 
complex types, and still get the same type checking:

  sub foo ( %pet is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat ) {...}


2) Multimethod dispatch:  The text would seem to _IMPLY_ that you can 
perform multimethod dispatch based on complex types, but it isn't 
actually stated anywhere AFAICT.  e.g.

  multi foo (@a is Array of str) {...}
  multi foo (@a is Array of int) {...}
... is it legal, 

 and DWYM?

Depends WYM. ;-)

3) The edge point between explicitly typed and explicitly non-typed 
variables:  If you pass an untyped array (or list?) to an explicitly 
typed array parameter, is the untyped array considered a unique case, 
or will it fail?

  multi foo (@a is Array of int) {...}

  my int @a = baz(); # is Array of int
  my @b = baz(); # is Array of Scalar
  foo(@a);# @a is typed correctly, so OK
  foo(@b);# @b is not explicitly typed as Cint; OK or FAIL?


	not (Array of Scalar).isa(Array of int)

Which in turn is because:

	not Scalar.isa(int)

To extend the example a little further:

multi Aoi (int @a){...}
multi AoS (Scalar @a) {...}
multi AoI (Int @a){...}
my int @aoi;
my @aoS;
my Int @aoI;
Aoi(aoi);   # Okay  because  int.isa(int)
Aoi(aoS);   # Fails because !Scalar.isa(int)
Aoi(aoI);   # Fails because !Int.isa(int)
AoS(aoi);   # Fails because !int.isa(Scalar)
AoS(aoS);   # Okay  because  Scalar.isa(Scalar)
AoS(aoI);   # Okay  because  Int.isa(Scalar)
AoI(aoi);   # Fails because !int.isa(Int)
AoI(aoS);   # Fails because !Scalar.isa(Int)
AoI(aoI);   # Okay  because  Int.isa(Int)

Re: tinderbox all in flames

2003-03-10 Thread Joshua Hoblitt
 Slightly related, I think we could use some more tinderbox testers.
 Someone was running the tests on Compaq's test drive boxes, but that
 seems to have stopped?

I've restarted my Sparc/Solaris 8 tinderbox.  Defining a list of needed test platforms 
might be a good idea.  I have plenty of old sparc and x86 hardware that I'd be more 
then happy to drag out of mothballs.



Parrot for windows?

2003-03-10 Thread Benjamin Goldberg

Does anyone have a precompiled parrot binary for Win32, on an ftp or web
site somewhere?

I'm practicing writing parrot assembler, and I'd like to be able to test
my evil creations on my own machine, without having to go through the
rigmarole of uploading my file to my sourceforge account, then sshing in
to run the scripts.  whine(Plus, the long-term quota on my account is
too small to keep around a parrot binary there full time, so I have to
re-download and re-compile it when I want to use it, and erase it when
I'm done.  Bleh!)/whine

I suppose if there isn't a windows binary out there, I could try
downloading and installing a C compiler (gcc?  djgpp?) and then
compiling my own parrot... but I don't want to do that much work!

$a=24;split//,240513;s/\B/ = /for@@=qw(ac ab bc ba cb ca
);{push(@b,$a),($a-=6)^=1 for 2..$a/6x--$|;print [EMAIL PROTECTED]
]\n;((6=($a-=6))?$a+=$_[$a%6]-$a%6:($a=pop @b))redo;}# Non-recursive towers of hanoi solution.

# It does use a stack, of course, but with
# significantly fewer pushes and pops than
# a normal recursive subroutine would use.

   save 4 # number of disks.
   bsr HANOI

   restore I0
   le I0, 0, end_of_sub
   save 0 # Sentinel
   set S0, a
   set S1, b
   set S2, c
   eq I0, 1, doprint
   dec I0
   exchange S1, S2
   push S2
   push S1
   push S0
   push I0
   gt I0, 1, pushsome
   print Move from tower 
   print S0
   print  to tower 
   print S2
   print .\n
   dec I0
   if I0, justswitch
   restore I0
   eq I0, 0, end_of_sub # sentinel?
   restore S0
   restore S1
   restore S2
   branch doprint
   exchange S0, S1
   gt I0, 1, pushsome
   branch doprint

tinderbox all in flames

2003-03-10 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

The tinderbox is all in flames. (Link to

At least the miette, moof and rh80smoketest boxes should be
okay; and they are not.  :-) Sunday afternoon (PST) seems to be the
hour of the big arson.  However there are also indications that it
started Friday night.  :-)

Slightly related, I think we could use some more tinderbox testers.
Someone was running the tests on Compaq's test drive boxes, but that
seems to have stopped?

  - ask

ask bjoern hansen, !try; do();