Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-12-04 Thread raglencross

Vote number 2 from a big fan of the Alexa Show. The more touch
functionality the better to complement voice control, as we all have
become very touch oriented when presented with a screen.  Do you intend
to make listing possible for other categories such as genre, year, album
artist, etc.?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-11-04 Thread raglencross

Well, I'll be damned, I never noticed that you could set the random
mixes as favourites! The people who originated LMS and those who now
maintain it have thought of everything. Probably why it continues to be
my favourite music server for the last 20 years

Just checked the audio vs screen listing and they are both now in sync
with the LMS GUI.

My high praise for LMS not withstanding, it does have a flaw in that you
can't move items around in the favourites editor and instead have to
resort to editing the OPML file to do so, as you say.

As always, thanks for the great skill and your prompt and knowledgeable
support of it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-11-04 Thread raglencross

I have not tried "play some..." and "play something by..." (Overlooked
in a such a feature rich command set:confused:). They will do the trick,
save for by year and all genres.  The former is not particularly
important to me, but I sure like to play my entire library (i.e. all
genres) when using it for background music. Is there any way of doing
this? Currently, I use Plex and Mymedia to do this with the Echo.

Yes, the last folder is item No. 24 in the list not counting the first 2
folders. As requested, I have ask for a favourites listing twice in the
last few minutes and now see why I am confused. I am using an echo show
and what appears on the screen is not what Alexa is saying. Since we
humans are very visual, I have been ignoring what is spoken and going
with what is shown. Alexa lists all items in order in and out of folders
and concludes with naming the folders. The show's screen lists the top 2
folders then all the items in and out of folders and, in my case, the
third folder at the end of my LMS GUI list shows up as No. 24. If I had
my "druthers", I would like the spoken list to be the same as what is on
the screen, as well as folders listed together to keep the DOT notation
simple(e.g. 0.1, 0.2,...0.x), if possible. It is much easier to remember
that I have folders "1, 2, and 3" rather than "1, 2, and 24".

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-11-04 Thread raglencross

philchillbill wrote: 
> Sure. It would of course require a new Intent to be created and
> therefore certification by Amazon. How do you envisage asking for it and
> what exactly would it do under the hood?
> By the way, are you having issues with playing favorites by DOT
> notation? I thought I saw some misfires in the logs. Just checking that
> my re-factoring hasn't changed anything there accidentally...

It would be great to have the same random mix functionality as the LMS
GUI, so I would expect asking would take the form:

"Play/stream -song/album/artist/year- random mix"
This would randomly play/stream your entire library.

"Play/stream -song/album/artist/year- random mix by -genre-".
This would randomly play/stream only the specified genre for your entire

Yeah, the "misfires" were probably me experimenting with how favourites
are now handled per your No. 990 post and reorganizing my list (which
includes folders) to conform to your "levels" approach.  I was missing
the point that there is a "zero" level, but once I got my head around
that and with some reorganization of my favourites list, I was able to
get the "dot" notation working predictably. However, there is one
anomaly I have noted. My favourites list, as shown in the LMS GUI,
starts with 2 folders, then a number of URL's with the final item in the
list being another folder. I would have expected the 3 folders to be
"0.1, 0.2 and 0.3", respectively, but in fact, the third folder at the
end of the list shows up as No. 24 when Mediaserver is ask to list
favourites. The contents of this folder can be access by using the dot
notation (i.e. "24.x"), so no big problem, but I would be interested in
hearing your thoughts on why a folder not at the beginning of the list
shows up apparently randomly somewhere in Mediaserver different from
it's location in the LMS GUI.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-11-03 Thread raglencross

Would it be possible to implement play/stream random
song/album/artist/year mixes from your entire library, as you can do in
the LMS GUI by selecting all genres?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-10-06 Thread raglencross

slartibartfast wrote: 
> My Show 1st gen is 670680920 which is higher than shown on the list.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Same here...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-10-06 Thread raglencross

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Just FYI but one of my Dot devices (always connected) is at version
> 94320 but that is not listed at
Yes, that page is what I looked at to determine the up to date software
versions and, like you, I noticed discrepancies. What can you do, if
even Amazon can’t keep the versions straight, probably because of the
torrent of new product revisions and releases?!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-10-06 Thread raglencross

philchillbill wrote: 
> Interesting that it is the stereo pair that does not stream. I'll bet
> they will stream individually if you unpair. 
> From this post requesting that Amazon add a feature, it would seem that
> it is a known problem that stereo pairs are not supported.
> But I thought it had been working for you until recently?

The stereo pair AND a Gen 1 echo don’t stream while an echo show and a
Gen 2 echo dot do. Yes, as I previously posted, the stereo pair
magically started working a while back (including Mediaserver
streaming), not just for Mediaserver, but for Plex and Mymedia. Nice,
but nobody knows why! I will try the unpairing, but will revert to the
paired configuration because it sounds so good. As you suggested, I
tried a factory reset on the Gen 1 echo which did not resolve the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-10-06 Thread raglencross

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Might be worth checking the device firmware versions to see if there is
> a match between failure and old/new version.
> One way to see it is via Alexa app/devices/device/settings (top right
> cog)/About

Thanks, Paul, for your suggestion. Per post 1006, the firmware on all 4
Alexa’s are up to date. Two stream, an Echo Show and a Dot, and a Gen 1
Echo and two Gen 2 Echoes in a stereo pair do not.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-10-06 Thread raglencross

philchillbill wrote: 
> I can see the retries in the logs and also see the successful attempts
> to stream to your other Echos. Pity the retries don't help.
> I saw somebody somewhere on the Amazon dev forums saying that a start
> offset other than zero milliseconds sometimes helps, so I've just modded
> the code to retry a failed stream at 100ms into the stream. Maybe try
> again and see if that helped at all?
> If you haven't already done so, try a factory reset of the offending
> Echo. Some people say that this helped them (for a while at least).

No joy on the 100ms change

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-10-06 Thread raglencross

Yeah, according to that link and others it leads to this problem has
been around for a while and is definitely an Alexa firmware issue, as
you have always suspected. The changes you have made there have not
solved the problem, so it looks like we will have to wait for firmware
updates to possibly rectify the situation (or take down the 2 working
Alexa’s ). It would be interesting to hear if other Mediaserver
users have this streaming problem; anyone?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-10-05 Thread raglencross

"http://raspberrypi:9000/stream.mp3?player=Alexa-OSP4A; results in
playback in the Chrome browser on a W10 PC with Alexa-OSP4A shown as a
player in the LMS GUI. With some Googling, I was able to determine that
the two offending Alexa's have up to date software (as do the 2 working
ones), but there is no way to determine when the updates occurred.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-10-04 Thread raglencross

Thanks, Phil, for checking your logs and suggestions. Short of a
complete reinstall of LMS, I have tried all the usual restarts/power
off-on for the problematic Alexa's and LMS, even updating and restarting
the Raspberry Pi hosting LMS with no success.  The devices in question
behave normally in all other respects except there is no sound when
streaming with Mediaserver. Unfortunately, I am unable to confirm
playback using "http://:9000/stream.mp3?player=Alexa-X"
because no "Alexa-X" shows up in the GUI even though Alexa has
confirmed streaming. "Alexa-X" is shown for the several devices that
do stream.  Anyway, it's a problem I can live with until I have more
time to look into it.  Thanks again for your help

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-10-03 Thread raglencross

Around 16:10 UTC, I tried streaming from 4 alexa devices. The first 2,
an echo and an echo stereo pair, would say they were streaming, but
there was no sound. The second 2, a show 10 and a dot, streamed
normally. All devices listed the players correctly when asked. Would you
look at your logs there at the indicated time and see if you can figure
out what is the problem? Thanks...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-09-03 Thread raglencross

Phil, my initial testing of your revised approach has worked flawlessly
with the added bonus that items appear to fetch and playback much more
quickly.  Keep up the good work!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-09-02 Thread raglencross

philchillbill wrote: 
> The base-ID is not an end-user's concern, it's mine. Favorites in LMS
> are more like a plugin-thing than a built-in. They have to be
> queried/controlled via LMS' XML Browser which is basically like parsing
> the UI's menu structure and figuring out which sub-item to select. Very
> unlike control for e.g. songs/albums/genres/playlists. Every time I call
> up XML Browser, it uses a different set of ephemeral IDs for
> -everything-, but the dotted sub-parts remains the same. The base ID
> changes on every call so it has to be figured out each time
> (unfortunately). It's like SeaSide-FM is 1fbd2fed.2.3 now but
> e2b431ac.2.3 next time. Etc. Without the base-ID I cannot apply the
> correct dotted sub-ID to play it. 
> Playing via dot notation used to first request all the favorites (which
> was fine if your internet and LMS server are fast). Then the whole ID is
> just there every time and nothing has to be fudged. I decided to change
> it because lots of people have problems with nested favorites due to
> slow internet or LMS. By just requesting the top level favorites and not
> recursing, I can figure out what the ID of a sub-favorite would be by
> fudging. And so the theory goes :rolleyes:
> I have not yet figured out why your LMS is not returning a base-ID that
> I can discern. In my testing (with v8.3) it always worked just fine.
> What LMS version are you on? I've added some debug lines to the code so
> if you could please try a few more commands that result in the base-ID
> error I can take a deeper look.
> The dotted notation indeed used to include the position of folder names
> in the hierarchy but I took that out. If you want to figure out the new
> dotted notation, just skip folders when counting at each level. If
> that's a pain I can put the folders back in. Having them in makes
> listing favorites longer than needed but probably would not be a
> negative thing for playing/streaming. Would it be confusing if they were
> not mentioned during listing but needed to be counted when playing?
> Thoughts?
> EDIT: In retrospect, the folder names -should- still be counted when
> using the dot notation, so nothing has actually changed in that respect.
> The issue seems to be that sometimes, LMS is returning a very different
> structure to the initial ["favorites", "items", 0, 1000,
> "menu:favorites", "menu:1"] request, which is odd to say the least

Thanks, Phil, for looking into this. I am using LMS v8.2 on a RPi 4 the
Raspian OS.

At approximately 11:20 am ADT, I attempted to play/stream a few items
using the dot notation, as you requested, and got the base-ID error. 
Hopefully, you can now catch this with your additional debug code.

I get what you are trying to do with the changes, but with 84 favourites
organized in 4 folders (one with subfolders), and a middling internet
speed (20-30 Mbps), I was having no problems retrieving content. I
especially liked using the dot method based on the folder and subfolder
numbers, probably because of years of conditioning using this file
structure on OS's from DOS through to Linux.

Just to clarify, previously the top level folders were listed first and
then their contents. Next, the subfolders were listed, followed by their
contents. Folders, subfolders and contents were all numbered. In the new
system, only the contents are numbered with a folder header shown on the
echo show where appropriate. I do like this approach, as it is a more
logical way of presenting the information in a folder structure. My vote
is to stick with this approach, but reinstate the folder dot notation,
if possible. I favour this over using names/sequential numbers because
to my mind it is easier to access "Meisterwerke der Oper" in folder 4,
subfolder 1, item 5  by saying "4 dot 1 dot 5" then remembering that it
is No. "42" or, God forbid, trying to get Alexa to understand the German
words :confused:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-09-01 Thread raglencross

philchillbill wrote: 
> MediaServer's handling of favorites has been extensively re-written to
> improve the user-experience with nested hierarchies. The call-out of
> ordinal numbering while listing favorite names was removed as it adds
> little value. Folder names are likewise no longer called-out, as they
> are not in themselves playable audio items.
> In the past, MediaServer always retrieved -all- your favorites
> recursively from LMS before processing anything further. From now on, a
> fuzzy-match is attempted at each retrieved level and further retrieval
> stops upon a match. Top-level items therefore play/stream much quicker.
> To assist with handling very deep nesting levels, the DOT notation now
> fudges a favorite ID for XMLbrowser after retrieving the base-item ID
> from the top level of the hierarchy. This makes it possible to play
> favorites at -any- depth without timeouts, provided you can figure out
> from looking at the LMS GUI (default skin!) what the numbers between the
> dots should actually be :cool: It's better than failure!
> Here's a summary of the 4 ways to play/stream favorites:
> *[NAME]* 'Play favorite "Jazz FM"' — looks for a (fuzzy) match by name.
> Although all hierarchical levels will be traversed if necessary, an
> early match now stops unnecessary further recursion.
> *[NUMBER]* 'Play favorite number 6' / 'Play my sixth favorite' — plays a
> favorite from any hierarchical level, based on its position in the
> overall flattened hierarchy. Useful if the favorite-name is
> long/unwieldy or Alexa regularly misunderstands it.
> *[ITEM]* 'Play favorite: folder "Podcasts", item 4' — plays a favorite
> within a named folder, denoted by the favorite's numbered position
> within that folder. Useful for targeting e.g. episodes by number when
> you cannot remember their names.
> *[DOT]* 'Play favorite 5 dot 1 dot 6' — if you have a -lot- of favorites
> and Alexa always times out before your hierarchy is traversed, this
> notation can be used as a fallback to successfully play deeply-nested
> favorites. It does not request the whole hierarchy from LMS, just the
> base level (for the volatile ID #) and then the favorite itself
> directly.
> When it comes to *listing* favorites, there are 3 approaches:
> 'List my favorites' — lists all playable audio favorites at any depth,
> skipping folder names found along the way. The whole nested
> favorites-hierarchy is effectively flattened to mention only
> playable-audio entries.
> List level 2 favorites' / 'List second level favorites' — mentions all
> favorites at that level of hierarchy, even if in different parent
> folders along the way. Level is level!
> 'List favorites in folder "Radio"' — list playable entries in that named
> folder, no matter how deep 'Radio' lies in the overall hierarchy.
> Enjoy!

My favourites consist of 4 folders with the 4th folder containing 4
subfolders. When I ask MS on an echo show to list level 2 favourites, it
correctly lists the contents of the first 3 folders by showing each
folder and its contents in succession.  A level 3 request results in the
contents of the the 4th folder's subfolders and contents being listed as
expected. My problem is when I request an item using the "dot" notation
[e.g. Stream favourite 2 (level No.)dot 3 (level item No.)], I get an
error that says the device can't determine the base ID to apply to the
dotted notation. In the quoted post you also talk about a base ID which
I don't understand what this is in my file structure.  Just to note, the
dot notation did work for me when the folders were part of the listings
e.g. "Stream favourite 4 dot 2 dot 5" played the 5th item in the 2nd
subfolder of folder No. 4. That 4th folder has a lot of German names and
the dot notion was a neat way of getting around me trying to murder
the German language ;-) I can of course access all items using their
item number alone, but I would like to figure out the dot level

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-06-04 Thread raglencross

Yeah, like about a year or so ago only a few of the big services would
stream in stereo then without anyone doing anything apps like yours,
Plex and Mymedia started to work in stereo. Perhaps we will be as lucky
with lossless streams in due course...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-06-03 Thread raglencross

philchillbill wrote: 
> Does any other audio from MediaServer (e.g. from LMS or a lossy stream)
> play on that setup? My guess is that the combo-Echo has a different
> deviceID to where I'm directing the stream.

The stereo pair stream everything except lossless streams.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-05-31 Thread raglencross

Has anyone successfully direct streamed FLAC URL's (e.g. Radio Paradise)
to 2 echoes plus a bass unit paired for stereo play back? The echoes
announce that they are direct streaming, but no audio ensues.  FLAC
streams work fine on a variety of other echo devices (Thanks, Phil!) and
MP3 streams also proceed normally on the stereo echoes. Any thoughts?...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-05-15 Thread raglencross

philchillbill wrote: 
> How do the new visuals in the skill look on the Echo Show 10 (I haven't
> tried one of those myself yet)? Is the artwork loading quickly enough
> for you for the experience to be fluid?

The Show 10 has a very high resolution screen so the skill visuals look
really good with artwork being promptly displayed. It's a pity that it
only displays momentarily, but as you explain in your previous post,
that is on Amazon, not you. It is probably their way of getting more
eyes on what they want you to see, possibly increasing their sales ;-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-05-14 Thread raglencross

I have a US Amazon account and sign in using DNS/VPN’s.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-05-13 Thread raglencross

Thanks, for the effort, but I am still not able to get the Naim FLAC
streams to play on an Echo Show 10 using any of the URL's listed in These URL's clearly meet your
criterion of having FLAC in their names, so should work like the Radio
Paradise ones. The Naim FLAC URL's correctly stream using SqueezePlay, a
SB3 and in a web browser, so are OK URL's for Naim.  What URL's are you
using for the 3 FLAC streams? It may help you to know that the Show says
the stream is playing, but there is no sound and the screen is the one
for MP3 playback.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-05-12 Thread raglencross

I have the Radio Paradise FLAC streams working per your instructions on
a Show 2 with the noted limitations of no player shown in the GUI and no
metadata on the Show, both of which are acceptable tradeoffs for the
better sound quality. Interestingly, the Naim FLAC streams shown on do not play through an Echo
device, but the MP3 ones of course do. I would assume that all FLAC
streams should now play?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Easy ngrok-setup for MediaServer & LMS-lite Alexa skills

2021-02-17 Thread raglencross

This setup is a great improvement over the original one.  Just one
thing, could you please provide a link to the previous instructions to
jog the memories of us who already have ngrok installed so that we can
clean up the previous files and changes to files before doing the new
setup, if and when required.  Thanks...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-12-15 Thread raglencross

Now works like a BOMB for all local and online content!  Thanks...

Also, appreciate your looking into the skill sign in error.  Your
explanation makes perfect sense.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-12-15 Thread raglencross

I now have audio on local playlists!  I don't know whether it's because
of the code changes you have made there or that I disabled/re-enabled
the skill which like for apps/programs can sometimes magically clear up
baffling problems. From your post, I see that you are working on a
solution for online playlists, so I'll await your go ahead before
turning on Spotify integration.

FYI, when attempting to sign in to the alexa skill on an ipad, I was
getting the errors " Updating uuids for multiple skills will go wrong
without tunnel names" and "Other smart skills linked with tunnel [name].
You must also include it for this skill".  When I switched to in a browser on a PC sign in to the skill
proceeded normally.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-12-14 Thread raglencross

Still no audio from local playlists after turning off online integration
and doing a clear and complete rescan of my library.  I know you have
asked already, but it's worth asking again, is anyone else experiencing
a problem with no audio from local playlists?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-12-13 Thread raglencross

Thanks for continuing to look into this.  I see Spotify is offering a
free 3 month trial for their "Premium" tier as opposed to their free ad
supported one. I don't think the latter will work with Spotty, but I'm
not sure of that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-12-13 Thread raglencross

I will see what I can do about getting the SB3 to work.  It was recently
"recapped", but I think I may now have a power supply problem that will
need investigation.  I can still use the clock feature requiring that it
be networked which is why it shows up in "list players".

I understand completely the naming requirements from your setup
instructions and now even better from your post.  When I first
subscribed to your skill, I experimented with renaming a few of my
players and "assuming" them and found that everything worked perfectly.
However, with LMS server and plugin updates, I have reverted to the
names more meaningful to me because I rarely used your skill to stream
to devices other than the Alexa ones themselves.  I only use the "list"
command to check the ngrok info that it gives at the end of the device

Yes, the Daily Mix 1 and Release Radar playlists are on Spotify. When
the skill was working properly, I found that I could evoke the Spotify
playlists without specifying their origin because Alexa apparently knew
where they were because she said, "Blah, blah, blah  from Spotify."  You
may not know because you said you do not have Spotify, but in LMS8 when
you turn on Spotify integration your online playlists are displayed
along with your local ones, only differentiated as "Spotify: Playlist".
And, yes, the Folk playlist is local.  Just to reiterate, until recently
everything would stream fine whether local or from Spotify.  Now, only
the playlists from either source will not work, except occasionally
several minutes after they have been evoked.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-12-12 Thread raglencross

Thanks for the reply.

1. No audio from a local non-Spotty playlist.

2. Unfortunately, my only normal Squeezebox player, a SB3, is not
working right now. As well as Echoes, I am using chromecast and airplay
devices instead.

3. "Alexa resume" still does not produce any audio.

As I said in my OP, audio from playlists (Spotty and local) sometimes
starts playing after several minutes delay. FYI, I am using LMS 8.0.0 -

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-12-12 Thread raglencross

I can no longer get playlists from my library or Spotify to stream
without a long delay on any of my Alex devices. Alexa confirms that it
is playing them, but there is no audio and "axios from Alexa" does not
show as a player in the web interface until several minutes later. If I
ask for an album, song, favourite, etc. to stream everything proceeds
normally as it does with another server, "My Media", on the same RPi4
using the Raspbian OS.  I can't say for certain, but this problem seems
to have arisen with the "mediaserver" to "axios" change in player name
several days back.  Thoughts/suggestions?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2020-10-08 Thread raglencross

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I just leave mine with DASH as first choice. Does HLS have any benefits?
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

I don’t know, but that would be something bpa could answer. My file
order was set to the default value which did not include DASH at all.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2020-10-08 Thread raglencross

slartibartfast wrote: 
> There is a setting in Extras to disable DASH. You wouldn't have ticked
> that box would you?
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

No, I didn't, but per the UPDATE in my above post, adding DASH to the
file order in the iPlayer settings solved the problem with no adverse
affects noticed so far in either plugin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2020-10-08 Thread raglencross

My info:
Logitech Media Server Version: 8.0.0 - 1601590552 @ Fri Oct 2 01:04:56
CEST 2020
Hostname: raspberrypi
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
Perl Version: 5.28.1 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
Audio::Scan: 1.02
IO::Socket::SSL: 2.060
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)
Total Players Recognized: 6

The only difference in our setups is the LMS version which could be the
problem.  Interestingly, the log shows the following when I attempt to
play an Xtras program:
[20-10-08 15:09:59.6709] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::iPlayer::scanUrl (148)
Can't find a suitable media URL within the iPlayer URL that matches one
of the preferred playback types: hls,mp3,flashaac,flashmp3

It looks like Xtras uses the iPlayer settings to work, so I will play
around with the file type order in those settings to see if that solves
the problem.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2020-10-08 Thread raglencross

Thanks, ronnie, for the reply.  That command did install several
additional packages, but did not get "Xtras" to play.  Are you running
LMS on a RPi under Rasbpian and getting "Xtras" to work?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2020-10-08 Thread raglencross

I am running LMS 8 (current version) on a RPi 4 under the updated
Raspbian OS and cannot get the Xtras plugin (v3.4.0) to play on a SB3 or
chromecast devices using Phillipe's Chromecast Bridge.  When I click on
a program link, I get the metadata, but no audio.  Live and archived
programming work fine with the iPlayer (v1.6.10).  I thought this might
be a Http/Https issue per recent discussions in this thread, but LMS
Status shows "IO::Socket::SSL: 2.060".  Before switching to Raspbian,
Xtras was working with PiCorePlayer which leads me to believe that I am
perhaps missing a package that is not part of the standard Raspbian

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-09-18 Thread raglencross

>From my experience, that may very well be the case.  The first time I
installed ngrok on a Pi4 months ago, I was able to complete Part 2 with
no problems and no requirement for an authtoken until Part 3.  The
second time I installed ngrok after reinstalling the Raspbian OS, I
couldn't get past Part 2 because I was getting the error shown in my
post yesterday.  The part of the error message I underlined led me to
install the authtoken per Part 3 and all went well after that through
Part 4.  I have no idea why ngrok required an authtoken in Part 2 the
second time around particularly after an OS reinstall.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-09-17 Thread raglencross

Running "ngrok http -auth "XX:XX" 9000" resulted in:

HTTP auth is only available after you sign up.
Failed to bind a tunnel with HTTP authentication for an unauthenticated
Sign up at:

Your authtoken is available on your dashboard:

It looks to me like the the Setup Instructions assumes that you have not
signed up with ngrok and have no authtoken. As I already have a free
account and a token, I had to create the "ngrok.yml" file to get things
working while still in Part 2 of the Setup Instructions. Thanks, Paul,
for the tip that got me on the right path.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-09-17 Thread raglencross

I've had reason to reload Raspbian on a Pi4 necessitating that I redo
ngrok which was previously working. I get the following when I attempt
to install ngrok per the Setup Instructions (personal info "X'd" out):

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd /home/pi/Downloads
pi@raspberrypi:~/Downloads $ sudo mv ngrok /usr/local/bin
pi@raspberrypi:~/Downloads $ cd
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ngrok http -auth "XX:XX" 9000 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
[1] 19258
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ curl -s http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels | grep -Po
[1]+  Exit 1  ngrok http -auth "XX:XX" 9000 > /dev/null
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

Note that the "curl" command does not give a URL and there is no ngrok
online dashboard. It looks like ngrok is on the "$Path" because running
"ngrok help" from the home directory works. I am using ngrokARM which
is, I think, the correct one for the Pi4.  Thoughts?...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-09-10 Thread raglencross

Phil, your ruminations on network availability after rebooting as the
problem with Pi's lead me to finding a solution. You are able to delay
the reboot until the Pi (at least on a wired Pi4 ) determines that the
network is available in the Raspbian GUI settings under "Preferences -
Raspberry Pi Configuration - System - Network at Boot - Wait for
network". You can do the same thing using the command "sudo
raspi-config". With "Wait for reboot" enabled the updater works
_without_ any changes to your instructions such as adding "
ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 90" before running the updater script.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-09-09 Thread raglencross

I have tried running  "ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 90" before the updater
script with no success.  Interestingly, if I increase the sleep time to
anything beyond 90s (e.g. 2m), the ngrok web gui is not accessible.  I
understand your "EDIT", but is it possible there is some interaction
between the "sleep" and the "Restartsec" times that results in the
behavior I am seeing? Regardless, I am still able to get things working
by manually running the updater script several minutes after rebooting.
Not as elegant as having the updater do its thing, but certainly faster
than using the Alexa app.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-09-08 Thread raglencross

Thanks for the replies, Guys.

Yes, running the updater script a few minutes after the pi has booted
DOES work!  My question now is how to incorporate this delay in the
files/script, perhaps by increasing "ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 5"? I
assume "5" equals five seconds?

FYI, I get the following with "ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 5" which did not
solve the problem:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl status ngrok:
* ngrok.service - ngrok autostart
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ngrok.service; enabled; vendor
preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2020-09-08 17:27:13 ADT; 3min 55s
Process: 462 ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 5 (code=exited,
Process: 571 ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 5 (code=exited,
Process: 684 ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/
(code=exited, status=0/S
Main PID: 570 (ngrok)
Tasks: 14 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/ngrok.service
`-570 /usr/local/bin/ngrok start
-config=/home/pi/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml mediaserver

Sep 08 17:26:59 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting ngrok autostart...
Sep 08 17:27:12 raspberrypi ngrok[684]: []
Sep 08 17:27:12 raspberrypi ngrok[684]: Fail 12 [No match between
current and update data
Sep 08 17:27:12 raspberrypi ngrok[684]: Finished
Sep 08 17:27:13 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started ngrok autostart.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-09-08 Thread raglencross

I am running LMS on a Pi4 using Raspbian OS.  I have been trying on and
off for several weeks now to get the updater to work with no success,
probably because I am very much a Linux novice!

1.My ngork.yml file (Autostart works.) looks like this with personal
info "X'd" out ( Command: nano ~/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml):

authtoken: X...
inspect: false
region: us
proto: http
bind_tls: true
inspect: false
auth: "XX:XX"

2. This is the service file  ( Command:sudo nano

Description=ngrok autostart

ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 5
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ngrok start
-config=/home/pi/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml media$
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/
RestartSec=30 (NOTE: I have tried increasing this to 90.)


3. This is the script with personal info "X'd":


# (c) 2020, all rights reserved
# This script updates the ngrok tunnel details used by your LMS

import requests
import json
import urllib.parse

# Change these 3 parameters to match your setup
myNgrok = ''
myTunnels = ['mediaservertunnel']
myUuid = ['XXX...']

# No changes after this line

def getTunnel():
subdomains = []
res = requests.get(myNgrok)
res_unicode = res.content.decode("utf-8")
res_json = json.loads(res_unicode)
for tunnel in res_json["tunnels"]:
if tunnel["proto"] != "https":
if not tunnel["name"] in myTunnels:
publicURL = tunnel["public_url"]
name = tunnel["name"]
subdomains.append({"name": name, "url": publicURL})
except Exception as err:
print('ngrok inspection error: ', err)
return subdomains

def performUpdate(subdomains, uuid):
url = '' + \
uuid + '=' + urllib.parse.quote(json.dumps(subdomains,
separators=(',', ':')))
response = requests.get(url)
return response

subdomains = getTunnel()
for uuid in myUuid:
res = performUpdate(subdomains, uuid)


4. It appears that the script is executable (using "chmod +x) because
running "/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/" yields:

[{"name": "mediaservertunnel", "url": "https://XXX..."}]
OK 1

The "url" agrees with the one shown on the Alexa app link page.

Any suggestions on where I am going wrong would be appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-08-17 Thread raglencross

This looks useful to me as long as I can continue to use single commands
(e.g. Ask mediaserver to play "album")  along with "Open mediaserver",
if it is my intention to issue multiple commands. You might want to run
a poll to see what people think.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce - Song info plugin for CBC/Radio-Canada (English and French services)

2020-06-01 Thread raglencross

I would guess that these plugins go along with the CBC app which hasn't
worked for me for years.  Please confirm this and, if so, I'll have to
look into why the CBC app is not working for me.  I just assumed in was
another case of changing URL's and/or lack of developer support.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-05-17 Thread raglencross

I can't "stream favorite" Radio Paradise Flack streams to my echoes, but
I am able to "play" the FLAC streams to LMS players such as a SB3 and
various chromcast devices which handle FLAC natively. I am able to
stream FLAC albums to the echoes which are shown in the web GUI to be
transcoded to MP3 by LMS because it is set up to do so (LAME installed).
It appears that LMS is not transcoding the Radio Paradise FLAC streams
to MP3 for the echoes, but is doing so for music files in my library.  I
can of course switch to the Radio Paridise MP3 streams, but the FLAC
ones do sound better. Has anyone else experienced this problem and
perhaps have come up with a solution?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-05-15 Thread raglencross

When I use an echo show as a music sink for LMS, there is no album art
or song info displayed. If this is normal, do you expect to be able to
display these in a future release?  Otherwise, your alexa skill is a
very nice addition to the LMS ecosystem.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2019-12-29 Thread raglencross

Does this skill work with chromecast and airplay players with Philippe's
bridge plugins installed on LMS?  I have your skill working on a
Raspberry Pi4 and it does list the chromecast/airplay devices, but I
want to make sure they will work before I subscribe.  I ask because I
have only one squeezebox player which is malfunctioning and has pretty
much fallen into disuse since Philippe introduced his plugins.  I do
have a number of Alexa devices which I see you do support as players so
i suppose I could go with those.  With that in mind, does you skill
provide stereo output on a 2 echo plus subwoofer configuration, as
allowed by Amazon for some streaming services?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-08-14 Thread raglencross

Back in the early stages of this plugin (and thread), it wouldn't work
for me with a "Soundmate" and an Apple TV4 until Dev-5. I don't know
what you did, Philippe, but keep up the great work and support (also, on
the chromecast plugin).  It is much appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-18 Thread raglencross

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Thanks - so for the soundmate, to identify the "non-connection" cause,
> log should be set with "raopdebugging"

Phillipe, I am holding off on sending you the requested debug file for
the Soundmate because I have just found out that if I enable encryption,
as you suggested to US95, I end up with exactly the same symptoms as him
i.e. sound that cuts in and out and is garbled.  Per your instruction to
US95, I have tried setting the Radio Station Buffer to 6 seconds with no
success on a local flack file and a MP3 stream. This of course is
progress over having no sound at all.  Do you still need a raop debug
run from me to help you trouble shoot the problem?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-14 Thread raglencross

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Crap - that works w/o any problem on my config which has nothing exotic.
> You're using Windows, right ? Which version ? Normally, all transcoding
> are done by my plugin, unless you want to force something different in
> LMS but as AirPlay only accept raw PCM or AAC (and I send raw PCM),
> everything is transcoded to PCM by squeeze2raop.
> [edit]: at that point, a log with ATV and Soundmate would help. Make
> sure you're starting from a fresh config file

I am using Windows 7.  Which debug settings to you need for the log

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-13 Thread raglencross

philippe_44 wrote: 
> I've found the problem for AppleTV, it is a change from the "unofficial
> spec" with regard to synchronization initialization. AppleTV (and I hope
> this is the same for your other device) expect the time synchronizaton
> message to be sent just before the SETUP message is sent, where
> previously, they where supposed to be just before the RECORD message was
> sent. Which was making sense as the response to the SETUP message was
> including the port number to be used for time synchronization. Now you
> have to deduct it from the UDP layer - anyway, it works on my AppleTV of
> which I have no use :)

My AT4 now has sound (still nothing from the Soundmate) using Dev-8, but
it is very garbled - probably a codec problem.  I have tried playing MP3
streams and FLAC files with the same "Donald Duck" like output from the
ATV which should handle MP3 natively and FLAC should be transcoded to
MP3 by LMS using the installed LAME encoder, if I understand the process
and the file type table correctly.
Any suggestions?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-12 Thread raglencross

philippe_44 wrote: 
> I've found the problem for AppleTV, it is a change from the "unofficial
> spec" with regard to synchronization initialization. AppleTV (and I hope
> this is the same for your other device) expect the time synchronizaton
> message to be sent just before the SETUP message is sent, where
> previously, they where supposed to be just before the RECORD message was
> sent. Which was making sense as the response to the SETUP message was
> including the port number to be used for time synchronization. Now you
> have to deduct it from the UDP layer - anyway, it works on my AppleTV of
> which I have no use :)

Sounds promising...I presume that this change requires an updated dev
version, as I see nothing in the player or plugin settings that allow me
to make the changes you propose?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-11 Thread raglencross

philippe_44 wrote: 
> I've done a 1.0.3-dev-5 that removes a parameter that is not needed when
> encryption is not used. I would be very surprised that if it is the
> cause of the ATV4 problem, but it's worth a quick test - can you try
> that with a clean config file ? If it still does not work, I'll get me a
> ATV4 during the weekend
> @epoch: this will not solve the ATV1,1 issue

I gave 1.0.3-dev-5 a try with no success i.e. still no audio from the
ATV4 (or the Soundmate).  Hopefully, you will be able to put your new
AT4 to good use other than troubleshooting this problem;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-08 Thread raglencross

You will note from my post #37 that I am testing an AT4 with this
plugin, also with audio problems like your ATV1 except that I have no
audio O/P at all.  I am sure Phillipe will sort this out in due course! 
In the meantime, I highly recommend the AT4, particularly because it has
its own app store and the ability to sideload non app store applications
using a mac computer and the Xcode developer program.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-07 Thread raglencross

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Yes but I can't know in advance if the player as multiple identities or
> not, so I always choose the random Mac 
> [edit]: The AppleTV rejects my 'announce' request, I've not seen that
> before, let me investigate
> [edit2]: Anybody with an AppleTV wanting to give that a try ?
> [edit3]: Not sure if I asked before, but what is the computer you use to
> run the AirPlay bridge ?
> Envoyé de mon iPad en utilisant Tapatalk

I am testing the Airplay bridge on 2 PC's, a Foxconn nt-i1200 (Windows
7) and a HP Mediasmart Server (Windows Server 2011).  The debug logs are
from the Foxconn.  Neither PC results in any audio output from the
Soundmate or the Apple TV ( the "new" one, unofficially called the ATV

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-05 Thread raglencross


As you explain it, I do understand the need to assign a unique (bogus?)
mac address to a device such as the Soundmate that has multiple renderer
capabilities, but the Apple TV can only do airplay so I would expect it
to be identified by its proper mac.  If you check the config file from
my previous post, you will see that it is assigned a bogus mac just like
the Soundmate.  Regardless, as I said in my OP the AppleTV, like the
Soundmate, has no sound output.  Both work with an iPad as the source. 
I did at one point edit the config file to try to force the use of the
real mac addresses for one and/or both devices with no success.  The
config file I attached previously was not the edited file, but a newly
generated one.

I have attached the raop debug file as requested. Thanks for the help.

|Filename: raop debug file.txt  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: AirPlay Bridge = integrate AirPlay devices with LMS (squeeze2raop)

2016-03-04 Thread raglencross


I can't get any sound from an Apple TV or a Soundmate using the current
1.0.2. or any previous versions. I have allowed squeeze2raop through the
LMS server firewall and have even turned off the firewall with no
success.  Castbridge works fine as did UPnPbridge (now not installed) on
the Soundmate which is capable of handling several protocols including
airplay and DLNA.  The one thing I note that is different about
Airplaybridge is that it assigns bogus mac addresses to the Apple TV and
Soundmate while the other bridges use the actual mac addresses.  I have
tried forcing the real Mac's through the settings and editing the config
file to no avail.  I have attached the debug and config files. Let me
know if you need additional options set for the debug file. Thanks in
advance for your help and also for this marvelous suite of "bridges".
They have given the squeezebox ecosystem a new lease on life!

|Filename: Debug file.txt   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CastBridge = integrate Chromecast players with LMS (squeeze2cast)

2015-11-23 Thread raglencross

When I use the link from the 1st post for the stable version, I get
"Phillippe's LMS Plugins" with "Pluzz" and "Youtube" options, but no
"Cast to LMS" Dev 2 plugin.  The "Dev" link shows a "Phillipe's
Squeezecenter Plugins" header, but no entries.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CastBridge = integrate Chromecast players with LMS (squeeze2cast)

2015-11-17 Thread raglencross

I can't get the link to the repository to work.  After pasting the Post
1 link in the Plugins section and hitting apply, the box goes blank and
no plugin is available.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CastBridge = integrate Chromecast players with LMS (squeeze2cast)

2015-11-17 Thread raglencross

I did try dropping the "s" a few iterations ago with no success, but, at
you prompting, gave it a go again.  This time it worked!  The plugin
picked up my chromecast audio device OK, but I get no audio output. 
Probably a Squeeze2cast issue - a problem for another day!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] no sound with prairie home companion

2010-07-28 Thread raglencross

Sorry for the delay on getting back to you, but business called me
The command line resulted in the following:

Macmini:~ raglencross$ ls -l /Applications/MPlayer
total 41976
-rwxr-xr-x  1 raglencross  admin  21490476 Jan 12  2008 mplayer

In anticipation of what next you might suggest to do, I tried the same
command on the directory which contains (or which I think contains)
squeezebox.exe.  I just got an error message about an invalid
directory.  I suspect that the squeezebox file is not the correct one
as it is only 115KB or so in size which seems too small to be the whole


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] no sound with prairie home companion

2010-07-19 Thread raglencross

The ls -l command gave the following results:

Macmini:~ raglencross$ ls -l
total 0
drwx--+  6 raglencross  staff   204 Jul 19 14:45 Desktop
drwx--+  4 raglencross  staff   136 Jul  7 20:53 Documents
drwx--+ 13 raglencross  staff   442 Jul 13 15:35 Downloads
drwx--+ 33 raglencross  staff  1122 Jul 11 00:22 Library
drwx--+  3 raglencross  staff   102 Jul  7 20:53 Movies
drwx--+  5 raglencross  staff   170 Jul  8 22:54 Music
drwx--+  4 raglencross  staff   136 Jul  7 20:53 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x+  6 raglencross  staff   204 Jul 16 10:51 Public
drwxr-xr-x+  5 raglencross  staff   170 Jul  7 20:53 Sites

Presumably drwx means delete/read/write/execute permission for me,
raglencross, (and the group staff?) for the specified folders i.e.
Desktop, Documents, etc. Don't have a clue what the number and date
columns or -xr-x+ mean!

You are right that the SBS and mplayer executables are installed with
different ownerships.  SBS's owner is unknown and mplayer is owned by
me.  Changing SBS to my ownership does not solve the problem, probably
because, as you suggest, said ownership has to be extended to the
containing folders and directories.

Anyway, as a new Mac user, it looks like I will have to dig in to the
whole matter of sharing, ownership and permissions as done by Apple. 
It seems to be every bit as complicated as for Windows, despite the
hype about Mac's simplicity!  In the interim, I can listen to PHC using
one of my Windows servers ;)

Thanks for your help in steering me in the right direction, Bpa.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] no sound with prairie home companion

2010-07-17 Thread raglencross

The mplayer executable and the directory and sub-directories which
contain it show me to have read and write permission which is expected
as my account is an administrative one.  Other users for mplayer.exe
namely admin and everyone, are read only.  I changed these to read
and write, but this had no effect.

I don't know how to determine ownership.  If I install an application
as an administrator does that not make me the owner?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] no sound with prairie home companion

2010-07-16 Thread raglencross

Thanks for the reply, Bpa.

The command line produces the following:

MPlayer dev-SVN-r25648-4.0.1 (C) 2000-2008 MPlayer Team
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8600  @ 2.40GHz (Family: 6, Model:
23, Stepping: 10)
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 SSE SSE2
Usage:   mplayer [options] [url|path/]filename

Basic options: (complete list in the man page)
-vo drvselect video output driver ('-vo help' for a list)
-ao drvselect audio output driver ('-ao help' for a list)
vcd://trackno  play (S)VCD (Super Video CD) track (raw device, no
dvd://titleno  play DVD title from device instead of plain file
-alang/-slangselect DVD audio/subtitle language (by 2-char country
-ss position   seek to given (seconds or hh:mm:ss) position
-nosound do not play sound
-fs  fullscreen playback (or -vm, -zoom, details in the
man page)
-x x -y yset display resolution (for use with -vm or -zoom)
-sub file  specify subtitle file to use (also see -subfps,
-playlist file specify playlist file
-vid x -aid yselect video (x) and audio (y) stream to play
-fps x -srate y  change video (x fps) and audio (y Hz) rate
-pp qualityenable postprocessing filter (details in the man
-framedrop   enable frame dropping (for slow machines)

Basic keys: (complete list in the man page, also check input.conf)
-  or  -   seek backward/forward 10 seconds
down or up   seek backward/forward  1 minute
pgdown or pgup   seek backward/forward 10 minutes
 orstep backward/forward in playlist
p or SPACE   pause movie (press any key to continue)
q or ESC stop playing and quit program
+ or -   adjust audio delay by +/- 0.1 second
ocycle OSD mode:  none / seekbar / seekbar + timer
* or /   increase or decrease PCM volume
x or z   adjust subtitle delay by +/- 0.1 second
r or t   adjust subtitle position up/down, also see -vf

KEYS * * *

This all looks pretty normal to me i.e. no error messages.  Just
something else to consider while you mull this over, under the settings
for the RTSP files, PCM and WAV are, FLAC is and MP3 is disabled. Should the setting not be just mplayer, like it is on a Windows


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] no sound with prairie home companion

2010-07-14 Thread raglencross

bpa;554631 Wrote: 
 From the Mplayer Extended site
 Since this is not the standard Mplayer - it is not installed where the
 shell script expected.  The Plugin settings page info just checks that
 an mplayer is installed - it does not verify location or version.  
 I don't have an OSX system so I can only make gueeses as to get it
 You have a choice - either
 1. Uninstall current mplayer and then install an official (and probably
 older) build of mplayer. However the mplayer developers were very bad at
 building OSX builds so this may be difficult. This may be an alternative
 2. Change the file to look for the mplayer executable on
 your system.
 I suggest doing 2 since the mplayer you have seems to be able to play
 RealAudio from a Terminal window.
 First - determine the full path of the mplayer executable (not the
 folder) - In a Terminal window you could try the following commands
 (these are guesses).
 which mplayer
 where mplayer

Bpa, I am having the same problem as the OP on a Mac mini using OSX
10.6 with an Intel processor. The only difference is that I installed
the older version of mplayer that you recommended.  It is installed in
the path expected by for an Intel CPU, namely: i386

The playreal plugin settings show mplayer to be installed and the
correct file types are activated, but when I try to stream the PHC URL
you gave in an earlier post via Tune in URL, I get no audio.  The SB3
shows as connecting although the web UI looks to be streaming normally. 
The URL plays with no problem through the mplayer GUI. I have not tried
to stream the URL via a command line as you request the OP to do
because, like him, I am confused whether you mean a SBS or OSX one. 
Regardless, I don't know the command structure for either method. 

I agree with your assessment that playreal can't find mplayer despite,
in my case, it being exactly where it should be.  I notice in the
preamble to the else/if construct that the uname is set to Darwin
which is not my user name or the name of my computer.  Could this be
the problem?

Anyway, in option 2 of the above quote it looks like you were going to
tell the OP how to alter once you determined where his
mplayer application was located. Since mine is known, I would
appreciate your help in doing this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] XM radio plugin with 7.4?

2009-11-18 Thread raglencross

erland;486685 Wrote: 
 I've added this repository to the official list, so in the future XM
 Radio plugin will appear in the list of available plugins after the user
 has checked the Show all 3rd party plugins option in the Plugins tab.
 So starting now there is no reason to setup this repository manually in
 Squeezebox Server settings.

The XM plugin does not yet show up under 3rd party plugins.  When do
you expect it will?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] XM radio plugin with 7.4?

2009-11-14 Thread raglencross

Working with SBS 7.4 on a Vista PC and a SB3 .  Thanks, Neil.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Wave Input plugin v1.00

2009-10-05 Thread raglencross

I changed maxversion in Install to 7.4, but still can't get
Waveinput to work on a Vista PC since upgrading to SBS 7.4.  It shows up
correctly as a plugin, but is not displayed under Favourites.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-10-05 Thread raglencross

Since upgrading to SBS 7.4 on a Vista and XP PC's, only the World
Service, Radio Wales and Local Radio links populate with days and
programs.  Of these, only the Local Radio entries will play.  The links
that don't populate give only a play option that when clicked results in
nothing happening.  All the live links appear to play.  I am located in
Canada and everything worked with this plugin under SS 7.3.4.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Wave Input plugin v1.00

2009-10-05 Thread raglencross

Yes, it is set to 7.4.*.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Wave Input plugin v1.00

2009-10-05 Thread raglencross

Yikes, I forgot that I had to create wavin:0 in Favorites!  Having
done that, I see the plugin starts to count off time in the web UI, but
not on the SB3, and there is no audio out from the SB3.  I think I will
need to go back through the thread and refresh my memory on the
intricacies of how this plugin works before I trouble you further.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-09-20 Thread raglencross

Just a note: on my Vista PC running SC 7.3.3, no notice is given in
Extension Downloader that an updated version of iPlayer is available. It
is necessary to uninstall the old version before the latest one is
displayed under Third Party PLugins. Great plugin by the way.  Much
faster than Alien BBC and the icons are great.  Even at 48Kbps here in
Canada, it seems to sound better than Alien [R.I.P. ;)]


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer 0.9 - with UK and Non UK Support

2009-08-28 Thread raglencross

I get File format unknown when I try to play a live stream or an
archive on a Vista PC using SC 7.3.2 and a SB3. I am outside the UK. 
The increase in the speed with which the menus are displayed as compared
to AlienBBC is very noticeable.  I'm looking forward to getting this
plugin working.  Your help in resolving my file problem would be


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Alien BBC WikiRadio not working

2009-06-24 Thread raglencross

Thanks for the heads up.  I brought the matter up with Logitech Support
ten days or so ago.  I assume Wikiradio reappearing is a result of
something they did there.  However, in an email from them today they
said they were in effect still trying to figure out what Wikiradio was,
so I am not very confident that the problem will stay fixed!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] WikiRadio dumped!

2009-06-22 Thread raglencross

Ah, good, the link works again!  It ceased to do so some weeks ago,
along with the corresponding Alien BBC Wiki, which prompted me and
another user to post on the forum with no resolution which lead me to
contact Support.  It appears that they were convinced to reinstate the
wikiradio page which, according to them, was dropped in the recent
server migration.  They seemed to have overlooked that the wikiradio
plugin has being rolled into the very popular Alien BBC.  I quite agree
that if the current list of files is not tidied up and kept updated,
Logitech can only conclude that there is insufficient interest to
warrant the continued hosting of the service and it will be dropped
again. A case of use it or lose it, guys!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] WikiRadio dumped!

2009-06-21 Thread raglencross

The very point I made to Support in the following exchange:

Brief Summary 
Link to WikiRadio broken! 

Discussion Thread 
Response (Julius D.) 06/19/2009 12:48 PM 

I've reported this to our development team and they are looking into it
. I will let you know when the issue has been fixed.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Customer (RA Glencross) 06/18/2009 08:28 PM 
I have posted part of your reply on the Squeezebox 3rd party Plugins
forum under Wikiradio dumped in the hope that you receive sufficient
complaints about dropping this service to warrant reinstating it on your
servers. By the way, Wikiradio has a use other than being a part of a
3rd party plugin (i.e. the very popular Alien BBC). It can be used as an
internet URL containing OPML files for customising station lists on
Squeezenetwork and Squeezecenter, a feature that sets you apart from
your competition.
I would ask that you reconsider your decision and continue to host

The reps use of fixed is ambiguous so it wouldn't hurt if a few more
wikiradio users chimed up in support of the wikiradio page while the
development team ... are looking into it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC - broken link to Wiki Radio

2009-06-18 Thread raglencross

The following is a partial quote from an email I received from Logitech
Support that explains the broken Wikiradio link:

At this time, this is not something we are providing anymore for the
following reasons.

1. In our migration process to the Logitech servers, we did not move
the Wikiradio page to the new servers.

2. This was to support a third party plugin, which support doesn't
actually provide support for.

Unfortunately, I am sorry to say, this is something we are just phasing

The question is are there enough of us using Wikiradio to warrant the
server space? If Logitech receives a flood of trouble tickets on the
loss of Wikiradio, maybe they will reinstate the service.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] WikiRadio dumped!

2009-06-18 Thread raglencross

The following is a partial quote from an email I received from Logitech
Support that explains the broken Wikiradio link:

At this time, this is not something we are providing anymore for the
following reasons.

1. In our migration process to the Logitech servers, we did not move
the Wikiradio page to the new servers.

2. This was to support a third party plugin, which support doesn't
actually provide support for.

Unfortunately, I am sorry to say, this is something we are just phasing

The question is are there enough of us using Wikiradio to warrant the
server space? If Logitech receives a flood of trouble tickets on the
loss of Wikiradio, maybe they will reinstate the service.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Alien BBC WikiRadio not working

2009-06-08 Thread raglencross

WikiRadio appears to be broken in Alien BBC. Nothing happens when Wiki
is clicked.  This is probably because the link no longer works.  Has the WikiRadio
service been discontinued or changed?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Sirius no longer working

2009-05-19 Thread raglencross

This is starting to look like an interface problem with the Canadian
website.  Are any Americans successfully using this plugin?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Sirius no longer working

2009-05-17 Thread raglencross

I also am a Canadian subscriber.  Is this plugin working right now for
anyone?   If it is, it would be helpful to knowm what versions of the
plugin and SC you are using and on what operating system and in which
country you subscribe.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.3 and XM radio

2009-05-11 Thread raglencross

wharfrat;422218 Wrote: 
 The artist /track data comes from two sources:
 1. In the now playing window /controller screen - this comes from the
 feed metadata. I've seen this stop occasionally, but I can only
 attribute this to XM.
 2. Now playing data for all channels - comes from a 60 second poll
 /refresh while any station is playing. There's a bug in 3.0 that keeps
 this data around after the poll has stopped.
 Not sure the channels are getting crossed, though.

It looks like you have addressed most issues in the update which I have
just down loaded.  I'll install it shortly and get back to you.

Thanks again for your efforts on this plugin.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Sirius no longer working

2009-05-11 Thread raglencross

paulisded;421821 Wrote: 
 Works fine for me.

It looks from this thread and the original one announcing the plugin
that this plugin is no longer working for many people. Paulisded, what
version of the plugin and SC are you using and what type of server are
they running on?  Also, do you subscribe to the Canadian or US service?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.3 and XM radio

2009-05-08 Thread raglencross

I have had the opportunity to play around with the revised XM plugin
over the last few days.  Other than the lack of a XM button on the SB3
as previously noted, I see there is a problem with displaying correct
track information in the web UI and on the SB3.  The display of this
info is slow to start and when it does, it alternates between the
correct track particulars and apparently those from other channels. FYI,
I am also having problems with track info on the latest versions of
Squeezeplay and bpa's beta update to Softsqueeze, but that is a matter
for another time.

Some other points:
As for Now Playing on the right side of the web UI,track info is slow
to display or doesn't show up at all for the categories on the left side
of the web UI, such as Presets and Browse Stations.

Track info on the left side of the web UI does not update. If I
remember correctly, this was also the case with earlier versions of the
plugin.  It would be a nice touch to have the tracks constantly
refreshed, if that is possible.

I of course don't know if these glitches are particular to me, so would
be interested to hear your observations.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.3 and XM radio

2009-05-04 Thread raglencross

pippin;420564 Wrote: 
 Err... Much off topic, but one question since it looks like here are
 some people who know about Sirius and XM a bit:
 I understand the two merged, will they maintain both Sat
It is my understanding that one of the conditions imposed by the
government regulators who allowed the merger was that the new company
was to maintain both satellite systems so that one set of users or the
other didn't have to replace their receivers.  Given that SiriusXM is
still losing money big time, I expect it wil not be long before they
will be asking the regulators to ditch one of the systems, probably the
XM one.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.3 and XM radio

2009-05-01 Thread raglencross

Neil, I have your plugin working on XP and Vista 64 machines through a
SB3, Softsqueeze 3.9b1 and the beta Squeezeplay.  I will give you a full
report after I have had more time to put the plugin through its paces.
The only thing of significance I note so far is the lack of a XMradio
menu entry for the SB3 and Softsqueeze, although it is shown on the web
UI.  I expect that is what you meant by menu on boom and SB3 in your
last post. Like the Duet, XM is a selectable menu option in Squeezeplay,
but does not show up in the menu settings for the other devices.

Great first effort which is much appreciated!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Wave Input plugin v1.00

2009-03-31 Thread raglencross

Thanks for the very informative reply, Thelastman.  As you suggest, I
think I will have to abandon the on board sound chip and go with a
discrete sound card if I am to get the wave input plugin working.  Like
you, I have concluded that it is probably a Vista DRM issue that keeps
the stereo mixer from acting as a recording device.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Wave Input plugin v1.00

2009-03-28 Thread raglencross

I don't know if you are still out there Lastman, but I would like to
know if you finally got wave input to work under Vista with your
Soundmax card.  I have the same card and following your instructions, I
too was able to get a stereo mixer under recording devices.  Selecting
it still does not give me an output via the wave input plugin except
when I loop the PC's headphone output to the line input with a cable
which I was able to do anyway without the mixer using headphones and
line input.  I am beginning to suspect that one the reason the mixer is
disabled on full duplex cards is that the same thing can be accomplished
by a physical loop back, although with a loss of sound quality due to
analogue/digital conversions.  Comments anyone?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: TunerPlay for Windows plugin - FM radio from analog TV/FM Tuner card.

2009-03-09 Thread raglencross

Not a problem!  I can see from your other posts on this forum that you
are a busy man.

I take it that all inputs under the automatic/manual approach will be
done in the settings for Tunerplay and not require going to the VLC GUI
to select the required device every time the plugin is used?  If so,
that looks good to me.  It might be advisable to put a few lines of
instruction in Tunerplay settings explaining how to determine from VLC
which device to manually input.

I look forward to trying out the changes when you make them available.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: TunerPlay for Windows plugin - FM radio from analog TV/FM Tuner card.

2009-03-08 Thread raglencross

bpa;398098 Wrote: 
 Need to check further but in the recent logs it looks like
 dshow-amtuner-mode is set to 1 whereas in TunerPlay I set it to 2
 according to VLC help

  --dshow-amtuner-mode={0 (Default), 1 (TV), 2 (FM radio), 4 (AM radio), 
8 (DSS)}
   AM Tuner mode. Can be one of Default (0), TV (1),AM Radio (2), FM Radio (3) 
or DSS (4).

 If you want to test - edit the custom-convert.conf file and change
 Then restart SC.  It may not work as I still need to enable you to
 choose the audio capture ([23 device.

Any progress on getting ([23 as an audio capture choice?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.3 and XM radio

2009-03-04 Thread raglencross

Yeah, it hardly makes any sense since one of the main reasons Sirius and
XM gave for merging was to save money by eliminating the duplication of
services.  They were only saved from Chapter 11 a few weeks ago by the
infusion of $500M by the group that owns DirecTV.  Good luck in finding
anyone at XM who knows much of anything!!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: TunerPlay for Windows plugin - FM radio from analog TV/FM Tuner card.

2009-02-18 Thread raglencross

Glad to hear that you are interested in pursuing this.  I gathered from
your last post that we may have reached a dead end, but obviously not. 
Don't to worry about the pace!  I would love to get this plugin working
on my kit. To that end, please find attached two zipped files
containing the info you requested.
Also FYI, I do the following to get a FM station to play through my PC
speakers using the VLC GUI:
-Select Media, Open Capture Device
-Select Audio device name Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II ([23
-Select Advance options, check Tuner properties, set Audio input pin to
1 (because in Tunerplay settings Audio Source pin 1 = Audio Tuner In)
-Select OK
-Select Play and get TVTuner Property Page
-Key in a FM frequency, hit OK

And voila, the VLC player window pops up playing the FM station through
the PC speakers.  There is of course no video, but I can get this also
for a TV station if I select Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture as
the video device name and the appropriate pins in the Advanced options.
It is worth noting that if Tunerplay is running in SC, the audio can be
heard through the SB3, as well as through the PC speakers.

|Filename: |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: TunerPlay for Windows plugin - FM radio from analog TV/FM Tuner card.

2009-02-18 Thread raglencross

Changed all three instances of :dshow-amtuner-mode=2 to
:dshow-amtuner-mode=1 and still had no audio.  I will leave them as
=1 unless instructed otherwise.
Please confirm if the next entry (dshow-audio-channels) after
:dshow-amtuner-mode equals 1 or 3.
Also, just a reminder to insure that our versions of Tunerplay are in
sync, I am still using the revised versions of and
that you provided in an earlier post.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: TunerPlay for Windows plugin - FM radio from analog TV/FM Tuner card.

2009-02-17 Thread raglencross

Please find attached the requested zipped files. Unfortunately (or not),
the 2 MP3 files (700 to 800kb's ea.) contain only lead in thunks and
no other audio from 90.5. That is a valid FM frequency here.

|Filename:  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: TunerPlay for Windows plugin - FM radio from analog TV/FM Tuner card.

2009-02-17 Thread raglencross

I can't find any evidence that the card is the problem plagued 150
referred to in the links you provided.  Further evidence that it is
not, is that I can use the VLC GUI to play video and audio from the
Hauppauge card, unlike the posters to the VLC forum.  Interestingly, in
searching the cards nomoclature, I have discovered where the ([23
comes from.  In Windows Device Manger under Properties for the
Hauppauge card, it is listed as an Audio Device called Hauppauge WinTV
PVR PCI II ([23\25\26]xxx) Audio Capture.  Elsewhere, it is shown only
as Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II (26xxx) which I expect is the correct
name stripped of the 23 and 25 options.  If this is indeed the
case, I am at at loss to explain why the VLC GUI works when Hauppauge
WinTV PVR PCI II ([23 is selected as the audio capture device. 
Probably the options box is truncating the whole name, but is using it
correctly in the VLC S/W.

Anyway, bpa, I appreciate very much your efforts to get my tuner card
working with your plugin, but I think we have to conclude that it is
its oddities, not your plugin, that is at fault and not worth putting
any more effort into it.  I probably will explore the matter a bit more
on the VLC forum and perhaps revisit your plugin armed with more
information.  Thanks again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: TunerPlay for Windows plugin - FM radio from analog TV/FM Tuner card.

2009-02-13 Thread raglencross

bpa;395802 Wrote: 
 I got confused - the muting audio happened on a Linux version of
 TunerPlay - VLC unmutes the devices.  
 The fact that you get Windows sounds implies that VLC is using the
 wrong capture device - it is behaving like WaveInput and using the PC
 audio  Stereo Mix source rather than Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II
 Capture source.   There are posts in 2007/8 about VLC having problem
 with capture on the PVR 150 and WinTV PVR cards.  It is not clear if
 the bug has been fixed or just ignored.  I'll to do a bit more
 Can you confirm that you did get an actual FM Radio stream at some
 point ? If so it implies the bug was fixed.

As I have said in earlier posts, I can get a FM station to stream to my
SB3 if I first start up Tunerplay, open the VLC GUI, select the
Hauppauge card as the capture device and then hit play.  If I just use
the VLC GUI without evoking Tunerplay, I can get FM through my PC
speakers.  This strongly suggests that any problem VLC had with
Hauppauge cards has been fixed.

It also occurred to me that VLC is behaving like WaveInput.  With this
in mind, in the Windows audio settings I tried deselecting Stereo Mix
as well as manually selecting the Hauppauge card as the source with no

I notice that when the plugin is active, the player section of the SC
GUI shows 0,TunerFM.  Since the settings for the plugin show the
audio to be on the 1 pins and video on the 0's, shouldn't it be
1,TunerFM?  It looks to me like the plugin is hooked to a video pin,
not an audio one.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: TunerPlay for Windows plugin - FM radio from analog TV/FM Tuner card.

2009-02-13 Thread raglencross

bpa;396022 Wrote: 
 0, TunerFM - is the player info and I haven't returna bit rate so 0 is
 Please be more precise as Select Hauppauge  card - there will be two
 selection boxes Video and Audio capture - which one did you use and
 what the is the precise name of the device selected.
 I am working on a batch file which will output vlc debug log so .  I
 get the symptoms you have if the wrong capture device is selected.
 However rather than stop and do nothing, VLC goes off and tries to
 figure out for itself what stream to use so the command line options do
 not reflect what VLC is actually doing - only the debug log will provide
 this info.

I think you may have nailed it!  There is a slight difference in the
sound source designation between the VLC GUI and the Tunerplayer
settings as shown below.

Tunerplay settings:
Name of source to use = Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture

VLC Capture Device settings:
Video device name = Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture
Audio device name = Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II ([23

Notice the substitution of ([23 for Capture in the Audio device
name.  It is this option that I select when using the VLC GUI to get
FM to stream to my SB3. Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II ([23 is not an
option in the Tunerplay settings, only Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II

Worth noting is that I can use the VLC GUI to play audio and Video on
my PC from the Hauppauge card by selecting the above VLC names for the
capture devices.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: TunerPlay for Windows plugin - FM radio from analog TV/FM Tuner card.

2009-02-13 Thread raglencross

Yes, all indications are that the Video Capture device gives the video
and audio from the TV section of the Hauppauge card while the audio
from the FM tuner is output via the Audio capture device Hauppauge
WinTV PVR PCI II ([23.  Make that an option in the Tunerplay settings
and I think you will have solved the problem.


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